hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Nessy 💚🌺💝 (@masquerade-of-misery)
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To the people of Briar Valley, you were an anomaly. A mere human, and yet you had enthralled two of their strongest on the land.
Their Future King and the well known Right General of Briar Valley.
There were whispers of you using magic to lure them into your trap, but that was soon cast aside because how could a mere human beat one of their own?
To Malleus and Lilia such rumors were naught but idle chatter that would soon die down, but even so they made sure it would never reach your ears.
They wished for you to be happy and any who sought to destroy that smile? Would meet their end, such is the way of the fae court, especially when one’s mate was insulted.
During your time at NRC, all fae from all dorms knew who you are. To say you were treated with the highest respect would be putting it mildly, you had to step in and ask for them to treat you the same as fellow classmates. You reasoned that you were a human and a normal student at the end of the day, and despite being their lover, you just wanted to be treated the same.
Your wish was heeded, granted it took some time for the situation to become normal once again. It was difficult with Sebek initially, but even he did not stand a chance against you.
Majority of the of the people of Briar Valley accepted the idea of you, that is not to say there weren’t those who protested. All of whom, were quieted as swiftly as a blade.
But the thought was always there, in the recess of many of the fae’s minds. Who were you? They wondered.
You who spent your time at the side of the fearsome King and the Right General of Briar Valley.
You who did not hold yourself back, but freely gave. And them, who took without hesitation.
It was no secret how much they adored you. The hand at your waist. The kiss on your cheek. The earrings made of the finest emerald gems. The ring with the deepest crimson garnet.
Maybe you were more than what you seemed. More stronger than anyone gave you enough credit for.
For the looks you receive from them are yours only.
No other received these looks.
Any who dared to look your way would fear for their lives.
Truly, you are loved by them.
In terms of the fae, it would mean you would be loved by them for all eternally.
Your soul forever entwined with theirs and theirs with yours.
The fae of Briar Valley had no reason to not accept you.
To accept such fierce devotion without hesitation called for great respect and fealty.
For no other could do what you have done.
Bring happiness and warmth to their Future King and the Right General of Briar Valley.
You, the Future Queen of Briar Valley.
May the Night Bless You.
Wished all the night fae across the lands.
The one loved the most in Twisted Wonderland.
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Happy Birthday to one of my most cherished friends 💞🌺🩵💚
I hope you loved this Nessy and have a wonderful birthday ☺️💚🌷🌹
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wip · 1 year
Hello! A quick question: it used to be possible to skip through our Likes by adding something like / page / 10 after the Likes' URL. Is there a new shortcut for jumping through our Likes? I found the old system really useful for setting up queues and organising my blog; unfortunately, the grids on the Likes page take a long time to go through and therefore aren't quite as effective. Thank you!
Answer: Hey, @kittykittyhunter!
Good(ish) news here. If you disable Endless Scrolling in your dashboard preferences, you will see that the URL to your Likes list updates every time you go to the next page.
The “before” value there is a number, specifically a Unix timestamp. For example, 1688242570 is July 1st, 2023, at 20:16:10 GMT.
You can use a tool like this to pick a date and time you want to go back to in your likes. This is the closest thing we have available right now to what you’re asking for, but we hope this helps.
Thanks for your question, and have a great day!
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mapsontheweb · 9 months
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Complained about tourist queues
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Tumblr Queues into oblivion.
I love queuing posts well into the months and even year.
When I see them later come to surface again, it's like seeing a message from myself from the past. like an old friend or warm hug. saying I was there.
Or I was here.
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
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As a final goodbye, I wanna thank a list of mutuals and followers that have been the highlight of my time in writing and on this app overall; @roostersrooster @bussyslayer333 @whoreforseresin @blue-aconite @finelinevogue @lovinglyeternal @birdy-bat-writes @roosterforme@startrekfangirl2233 @t-nd-rfoot@dhwanishah09@potato-girl99981 @roosterbruiser @tongue-like-a-razor@rooster-84 @arson-tm @pepperonijem@apparentlywandering @harrysfolklore @bradshawsweetheartand anyone else that I missed! Thank you so so much for everything, I’m literally tearing up while writing this 🥺🥺
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archerestarcher · 1 year
I've noticed three main casual Tumblr user types.
Firstly, my type: Hehe Reblog Go Brr. Basically likes and reblogs like 80-90% of the posts I see whenever I scroll, and will probably fill all my mutuals dashboards whenever I'm online, but doesn't use the queue or schedule features much so when I'm not online I'm usually not in my mutuals dashboards at all.
Secondly: Queuing For Hours. I mainly know about you from your tags, as you usually declare this within them with some queue tag, but you queue everything you reblog instead of just reblogging it. You end up with a similar amount of posts, but far more stretched out and appear on your mutual's dashboards even when offline. I do enjoy your queue tags though, a lot of you have some very fun puns for them.
Finally: Picky Posters. The people who are... Actually selective with what they reblog. How do y'all scroll through and reblog so little. I only know y'all exist because my boyfriend is one of you. I don't understand how he can see so many fun posts and only reblog like... 1% of them.
(Reblog for more people to see, I'm curious as to the ratios on this)
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distort1xn · 7 months
i will never hate waiting in line at the home affairs office. i get some of my best writing done here. living my best life. picking up my passport. writing gay smut.
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whiterosechrista · 4 months
I got prescribed muscle relaxants for my back pain and they make me really groggy, hence why I haven't posted anything for the past two days. Sorry about that.
(Also, I stayed up til like 5 AM and got maybe six hours of sleep max, then had to go to my first therapy session with groggy brain and bad back. Thankfully Mom was there with me.)
(Then we had to stand in line for like an hour to get back our towed car that's not even ours- we're borrowing it from a friend while she's on vacation. So yeah. Fun times.)
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I have queued 50 posts in 24 hours for about two years now, maybe more. Because there are so many pretty pictures to share. But I don't know if I might be spamming my followers.
I will not know who voted for what, so please be honest.
Please, please, reblog this poll so that I can get a wider range of answers. Also. I don't know if any of my followers were bothered and blocked me, if so, I want to try to reach them.
Thanks so much everyone!
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hanafubukki · 8 months
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What has Lilia Vanrouge known before his family? A world of endless darkness.
But a hand always reached out to him, first it was Queen Maleficia.
Then it was Meleanor and Levan.
Someone was always reaching out to him.
Malleus and Silver with their cry and need of him.
Sebek and Baul.
And you.
People who are home to him.
Always reaching out and loving, and in return he reached out his hand as well, but what was stopping him this time?
That’s right.
It was his own cowardice. His denial of his vulnerability.
His need to be strong, but has that ever mattered to his loved ones?
When all they ever wanted was to love him and for him to return that love?
What a fool he was.
“Come back to us!”
Yes, it was time to stop running.
It was time to return home.
Lilia Vanrouge opened his eyes, his family surrounding him.
Tears fell, his loves.
Surrounding him, waking him up.
His family.
“I’m home.”
The hug that enveloped him was the warmest he has ever felt.
This love could last him until the end of eternity.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
Wait why does using the queue require planning? O.0
i mean i guess it doesn't HAVE to require planning but i would have to edit my posts to add it to queue and actually set up some sort of queue and pay attention to how many posts are in there and i just don't WANNA i prefer my method of disappearing for 17 hours and then sharing 400 posts in 40 minutes and then disappearing again
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
Did I just put a bunch of stuff from my drafts over the past year into my queue? Yes. Yes I did.
Its gonna be weird on my dashboard for like a week — but queueing is often a function I forget about entirely, then I spam it to the nines, and then I forget about it again, so… oops.
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consultingblogger · 1 year
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Currently in Disneyland. Really enjoying it but I’ve definitely reached my ‘standing in lines queuing for rides’ limit
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rosewind2007 · 10 months
I realise I am sort of hyper social (like bonobos would look at me and go: she’s a bit sort of touchy feeely isn’t she?)
Anyway, today I had a woman in her sixties tell me she loved me whilst we were queuing for tea
We discussed the British love of queuing
I ❤️ THIS universe because of this…
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