#Recognised Jason wanted to be a boy
salparadiselost · 10 months
I am currently resisting the urge to write another animal transformation fic.
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Bruce but when Jason comes back he's just completly overjoyed.
Because by some miracle his son is back.
Like yeah we have ideological differences but my son who was brutally taken from me.
Who's death haunts me, is alive.
Bruce does the DNA test finds it's a match and is just like, is he okay? Is he hurt?
Does he have somewhere to stay? Is it safe?
Finds Red Hood and Jason's expecting harsh words, anger, even pity.
And instead Batman, Batman this beacon of strength and unshakeableness.
... Is crying.
"It's you, isn't it....Jaylad please. Please tell me that's you under there."
Jason takes the helmet off and Bruce falls to his knees as the weight of it all hits him.
That's his boy.
He might look different now but that's his boy.
Bruce would recognise him anywhere.
He's talking, talking about how he's not mad he could never be mad at him.
That Jason doesn't have to explain, he doesn't have to come back if he doesn't want to.
That he doesn't need to explain.
That if he ever does Bruce is here, that he's here and he will always be here.
That the manor is still his home, nothing changes that.
Even kept your old stuff, all of your books are right where you left them.
He swears up and down that he tried to kill the Joker but he failed.
Thst he chased him to the ends of the earth because he took you from me.
And apologises, over and over that he failed Jason, and he's so so sorry and knows that doesn't fix things.
And he gets if Jason never wants to see him again.
And it's none of the gruff stoic Dark Knight, it's the choked up rambling of a dad.
Jason's dad.
And after what feels like hours but was only just a few shocked seconds, Jason drops his helmet and runs into Bruce's arms.
Bruce hugs him like if he let's go he will lose him again.
They have so much to talk about but none of that matters now.
Not when he's holding the missing part of his heart in his arms.
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
percy’s version | leo’s version | frank’s version | travis’ version | luke’s version
in which in a world of boys, he's a gentleman
pairing jason grace x fem!reader
warnings reader is implied to not be a child of the big three + a greek
When Taylor Swift said, “in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman,” she was talking about Jason. That whole song is just about Jason
This man is so respectful and considerate and just really wonderful. He feels too good to be true! Which is why you don’t let yourself fall for him at first. He’s literally the most perfect guy you’ve ever met 
Meanwhile, Jason’s thinking the same about you. To him, you’re a breath of fresh air from all the rigidness and strict lines he’s been forced into not only as a Roman but as a son of Jupiter. Why would you want to be stuck with someone as boring as him?
So you just spent your days longingly gazing at each other when the other wasn’t looking while also avoiding each other in public spaces because both of you were slightly intimidated by the other’s gorgeous presence 
Your first proper interaction must’ve been orchestrated by Hera and Aphrodite themselves considering how adamant you two were on being 6ft apart at all times, and surprisingly, it was in the mortal world
You were spending the day at your favourite library because you missed it and liked to pretend your life was normal by blending in with mortals, and also because you had studying you needed to do since quests left ample time for schoolwork
Jason was there because he’d been cooped up at camp for as long as he could remember and wanted to see what life away from the Gods and their schemes was like, and what better place to figure that out than a library?
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally finished the essay you’d been working on since you arrived at the library. It had been weighing on your mind for days but you couldn’t find time for it until today. As a reward for your hard work, you decided to get yourself a sweet treat (me too girl) before continuing your studies
Haphazardly packing up your stuff, you quickly got up, practically drooling at the thought of the new menu item you were finally going to get after craving for weeks
You were a little too excited. As you turned, you bumped into someone, dropping some of your papers
“Gods, I’m so sorry,” the person you bumped into said, quickly bending down to gather all your stuff
You knew that voice. You could recognise it anywhere
“Jason? What’re you doing here?” You said, suddenly feeling awfully hot for no particular reason
That was the day you really befriended Jason Grace. He decided to accompany you to the cafe you planned to go to, paid for your order and spent the rest of the day there with you. Away from all the craziness of demigod life, you and Jason finally got to truly know each other
After a while of getting closer, you two begin to date, and it might just be the most beautiful relationship known to man. The way Jason acted before you began dating was nothing compared to now. That was just the bare minimum
You literally never have to lift a finger around him as he insists on doing everything for you. He opens doors for you, pulls your chairs out and takes your coats off for you. If you’re on a quest and you need to sleep, he makes sure you always get the comfier place and takes first watch
He also always leaves you notes. Sometimes they’re notes of motivation, sometimes they’re small poems about how much he loves you and sometimes they’re just really random
Jason is a big fan of taking polaroid pictures with you. After Hera stripped him of his whole life, he’s always had a fear of waking up one day with the same feeling he had on that wilderness school bus, so he takes pictures with all the people he loves and keeps journals and has a box full of all the things that are important to him in case it happens
He keeps one in his wallet at all times to ensure his immediate remembrance of you if his memories get taken again
(As if he’d forget you in the first place. Hera would have to pry the memories of you out of his cold, dead hands)
Your siblings love him so much too! They were a little stressed at first because he’s a child of Zeus, the God notorious for breaking the hearts of his lovers and cheating on his eternal wife, but he showed up at your cabin door to pick you up for a date with a bouquet of flowers for the cabin and then walked you back himself, staying outside until the very second the door was shut and now they love him LOL
Sometimes you think they love him more than you because they’re always asking about him
You spend a lot of time at his cabin. He disguises it as just really wanting to spend time with you and while that is true, secretly it's also because the Zeus cabin gets super cold and lonely and is also kind of scary at night, even though he sleeps in the one space away from the gaze of his father
“Honey,” Jason says, wrapping an arm around your waist. The campfire sing along had ended which signified the end of the day, and all around you, campers were wishing their friends goodnight as they headed to their cabins. You suppressed a giggle, knowing exactly what Jason wanted from the tone of his voice
You hummed, giving your boyfriend a bleary-eyed smile as you waited for him to voice his request. It was cute how even though you’d done this many times before, he still got shy at the idea of you two sleeping in the same room, on the same bed
“Would you maybe wanna spend the night at my cabin? I missed you today, and I can’t even begin to imagine how hot it must be in your cabin, with all your siblings in it, y’know.”
“Are you asking because you missed me or because you’re scared of daddy dearest?” You quipped, unable to contain yourself as his face turned bright red
“I’m kidding, Jase, of course I’ll spend the night with you!”
Later on in your relationship, when he’s sure you’re the one for life, he shows you around New Rome. He grew up with a peaceful life in the city being the goal, so it only made sense for him to show you around
Loves the way you light up at everything around you. He’d known New Rome for his whole life and could draw a map of it blind, but you make it feel brand new
Is ecstatic when you tell him you also want to start a life with him in New Rome. The moment you utter those words he’s already signed papers for an apartment and is drawing punnett squares to figure out what your kids would look like (I hate punnett squares they are the bane of my existence)
You know the part in The Notebook where the girl’s describing the house she wants? That’s what Jason showing u around New Rome reminds you of
Years later, you reminisce on the way you’d avoid each other as you tell your kids about your lives as teens in your lovely house in New Rome because he definitely did not die <3
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jaythes1mp · 12 days
Just a quick question; does the batfamily like reader the same in their human form or just in the cat form?
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Wonderful question, anon! I have mentioned it briefly in this ask before, but I’ll dive deeper into it for you.
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All the boys harbour their own opinions regarding your two appearances.
To Dick, you remain his sweet and adorable little sibling, whether you're in your human form or your animal form. Your identity as his kitten stays constant, regardless of which body you inhabit.
For the eldest brother, your age, size, or form doesn't change his perception of you one bit. Regardless of the fact that you’re a grown ass adult, he'd still continue to baby talk and coo at you when you have a big sneeze or get food on your cheek. In his mind, you’re fundamentally a cat first and foremost, and your human qualities are secondary. He couldn’t care less about your human appearance, because he would always view you as his precious little kitten, his adorable and cherished younger sibling. Even when you're in human form, he’d still treat you as if you were a cat, completely disregarding your human aspect.
Bruce, however, has a vastly different opinion. In his eyes, you’re the perfect blend of both worlds. The feline body language and characteristics you exhibit are utterly endearing, no doubt, but your true essence rests in your human mind and soul, which is the fundamental part of you. He recognises the importance of both your animal and human forms, as they are both integral parts of who you really are. While your cat instincts may be captivating, it is your human mind that holds the most significance. He wouldn’t treat you like a mere pet, recognising the balance between your two forms. You were still his child, and that will always come first.
Ultimately, Bruce doesn't really care what body you take on, as long as you're spending time with him. When you're out in public, you're required to transform into your cat self, as to not cause any unnecessary suspicions or complications regarding your disappearance. But when you're both just chilling at home in the manor, he doesn't mind whether you're in one form or the other, as long as you're there with him. He won't push you to engage in conversations or force you to do anything you don't want to do, as long as you're just present by his side, he's content.
In stark contrast to the others, Jason has a strikingly distinct preference for your feline form, showing a notable lack of interest in you when you appear in human form. He tends to completely disregard your presence when you're in your human body, only offering you affection and attention exclusively when you're in your kitten body.
To Damian, your animal form holds a special place in his heart, a place he refuses to share with anyone else. It’s not that he dislikes your human form, far from it. But when he looks at you as an animal, all he can see is an innocent, untainted little creature that needs protecting. A creature that relies solely on him for safety and comfort. And that’s a feeling that he can’t help but relish in. Your cat form evokes a protective instinct in him that he rarely feels when you’re in your human form. But also, saying that, he does enjoy being able to talk to you, as you’re the only person that he trusts to never leave, to never feel disappointed. Because to you, he’s the only one on your side. He relishes in the fact that no matter which form your take on that you rely on him. That you need him.
Slightly out of sync with the others, Tim shows a marginal preference for your human form. He’s the only one who tends to pay more attention to you when you’re in your human body, but the margin is admittedly slim.
Tim enjoys being able to read you, relishing in his ability to decipher your emotions and engage in conversation with you when he needs a diversion from all the work. On that note, it's primarily about the control. He finds pleasure in being able to make you shift from one form to the other, keeping you drugged and pliant in his lap as a cat or asleep in human form on the couch next to him while he works.
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Link to Chapter One, Link to Masterlist.
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charliedawn · 8 months
What if the slashers begged you to stay ?
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You were on your way to the airport to leave the country when you heard a commotion behind you. You turned around and your eyes widened when you saw your patients forcing a way through the crowd to find you. Your eyes watered when their eyes found you and they all lunged at you—surrounding you.
The Silent Trio:
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Michael was the first to get to you. He had a written sign in his hands with only one word written on it in bold letters:
You looked at the sign and tried to find the words to answer him.
"Michael…I can’t." You tried to explain.
However, Michael wasn’t in the understanding mood and shoved the sign against your chest as he groaned.
It wasn’t a request and your eyes watered. You could see the desperation in his eyes. Michael was not the type to let his emotions show, but here they were. Clear as day. He was begging you to stay. And then, Brahms arrived and wrapped his arms around you as he picked you up. He squeezed you so hard that you felt dizzy as he screamed.
He was so desperate, it brought tears to your eyes as you hugged him back. He buried his face in your chest and even his mask fell to the ground as he sunk to the floor—begging. He pulled you so close and so tightly that you almost couldn’t breathe.
Suddenly, you felt another pair of arms surround the both of you and looked back to see that Jason had joined the hug. You recognised those arms and sighed as tears finally ran down your cheeks. The three of them had found you…Michael. Brahms. And Jason.
"Don’t. Leave. Us." Jason whispered and your heart tightened as you knew that he rarely spoke—but he chose to in order to convince you to stay.
"I have to, Jason." You said and their bear hug almost killed you as the three of them answered in sync.
You closed your eyes and sighed.
At this point, you knew you’d never catch that plane…
The Sinclair Brothers:
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Bo was far from stupid and he knew that if he let you go with your suitcase…He would never see you again. He was not one to beg. He didn’t like showing weakness. But, this was a very important moment and he knew if he screwed up, you’d take that plane and never come back. So, he tried. He begged. He begged earnestly as he knew you were a sucker for lost causes…
"Please. Stay. I need you, darlin’. If you want me to get on my knees and beg ? I will." He dropped to his knees and grabbed your thighs tightly. He wanted to pin you down and refused to let go and he buried his face in your stomach.
"Bo. I need to go, darling. Come on." You tried to pry him off—but he wouldn’t let go. And then, things only got worse when Vincent arrived and suddenly hugged you from behind. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and started sobbing. Vincent was far more sensitive than Bo and thought that they had done something to make you want to leave.
They didn’t care about the people around them.
They just knew that they needed to bring you back home.
When you finally came back home with them, you could see the surprise painted all over Lester’s face as he saw you come back. He opened the door and you stood up before addressing him an apologetic look.
"…I am sorry, Lessy. I couldn’t go."
Lester’s shoulders slumped and he smiled sadly. He had helped you escape, but it was all for nothing because you were already a goner.
He hugged you.
"…I am glad you didn’t."
The Bastards:
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Freddy refused to let go. He tackled you to the ground and you thought he would kill you, but you didn’t expect it when he just held you tightly against him.
"No !" He grabbed your arm and pulled you back into his arms as you attempted to leave. "Please, sweetheart. Don’t leave. Stay. Stay with me. I am an asshole. A bastard. But, fuck. You succeeded in making a man outta me."
He hugged you closer and tears strained his scarred cheeks. He kissed your forehead and you bit back a wince at the feeling of his dry and chapped lips. But, it was the first affectionate kiss that Freddy had ever given to anyone since he was reborn.
He was begging you to stay. And Freddy never begged before.
And then, you saw Pennywise appear behind him with a mischievous grin.
"You staying anyway, pal. I kinda messed up the planes. You ain’t leaving."
Your eyes widened in shock.
"Which one ?"
His smirk grew.
"…All of them."
Your eyes widened as you realised he had set fire to all the planes outside…
Norman Bates:
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"Darling. I know I’ve made mistakes. A lot of them. But, I know that letting you into my life wasn’t one. So, please. Stay." Norman said and grabbed your hand before you could leave. He was desperate. He knew he fucked up and wanted you to stay, even though he was perfectly aware of his own sins.
Norman is a wordsmith. He would tell you all the sweetest things just to make you stay.
"You make me better." A lie. A sweet lie just for you. A lie you believed for so long…until you found the skeletons in the closet. Literally. Half a dozen body bags all piled up. You looked at him and sighed before pulling away.
"…If am not making you better. I am making you worse."
You both knew the truth and Norman opened his mouth to deny, but other words came out.
"…Maybe not. But, you give me hope." He confessed and then took your hand before bringing it to his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.
And you knew there and then that you were doomed. Because even though you knew he was a monster, you also knew he had you wrapped around his little finger…You would do anything for him. And even though you knew you had to leave, your eyes stared right into his and you couldn’t move.
You both knew you were too attached to leave, and that was you greatest enemy…yourself.
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moneypriestess · 8 months
OK, se we all know ghostspeak, right? It's a language for ghosts that comes from the ghost zone, and basically only halfas and ghosts can speak it on earth, but what if it's a forgotten language on earth?
It existed thousands of years ago, but slowly died off until no one remembered it.....until Tim went snooping in the house of mystery and came across an ancient book written in a language he didn't recognise.
After asking cough cough blackmailing cough John for the book Tim took it home and somehow forgotten about it, for about a week.
Now, during the week the book had been sitting in his room, Tim had gotten into an argument with Bruce, then with Alfred over his sleep, or lack thereof, and forced into decaf coffee for the rest of the month. So he was pretty frustrated, annoyed, and looking for revenge.
When Tim saw the book sitting on his desk innocently, he had a brilliant idea, a magnificent wonderful show stopping idea that would get his sweet sweet revenge.
Now, remember that Tim's brain is running on decaf coffee, no sleep, and no dopamine, it would not be too far fetched for him to think that because Alfred is obviously immortal he would know this ancient language, so Tim could learn this ancient language and insult his cooking in his (maybe) mother tongue! Obviously, it's a low blow, but revenge changes a person.
Tim spent the next month studying that book, staying locked in his room like the 'good grounded boy' he was. Obviously, Bruce knew something was up, but it didn't seem like Tim was up to a mastermindfull plan that might destroy or recreate gothams crime ring, so he let mumbling studying boy be.
Tim finally shut the book with a released sigh and sat up, cracking his back of the kinks and smirking at the victory he could already practically taste on his tongue. Today was the day. He was fairly confident that he had successfully broken through the language barrier and fluently learnt the once forgotten language.
Tim swaggered (yes, I said that, don't kill me) into the dining room and took a seat next to danny, his newest kindest and most naive brother, before looking towards everyone gathered today. It was the anniversary of Danny's first adoption, and everyone was here to celebrate it, even Jason of all people, though he could understand why. Since the two met, they had a seemingly special bond, and everyone knew Jason was Danny's favroute. No matter how hard dick tried to be.
Waiting until the food had come out and danny had successfully poked and prodded his plate to his liking, a weird ritual he did "to make sure it won't attack him" danny had said the first time anyone asked, everyone began eating. Tim hid a tiny smirk behind his bowed head as he finally said the words he had been waiting for all month.
"Looks like you're losing your touch, Alfred"
A second passed, no one says anything and Tim has just a smidgen of regret, did he say it right? Did he mispronounce something and make a fool of himself?
Tim's head shoots up to Alfred's, he only wanted to shock him and insult him a little bit! He didn't want him to start crying.
Yet Alfred's eyes were dry, and instead of looking at Tim, heck, no one was looking at Tim. They were all looking to the side of Tim, where danny sa-
Oh no, danny.
Tim swivelled his head and let his jaw open in shock as he sees danny full on breaking down, tears and snot covering his face that he desperately tries to wipe away as Jason kneeled beside him and tried to comfort him, the same static noises that Tim had made just before coming from his mouth.
Yet these were different, more confident in the tone and more soft and comforting than whatever Tim had said.
Tim could barely recognise the words coming from Jason's mouth and paled as he realised what that meant. It meant that he should have spent longer learning from the book, it meant he shouldn't have tried this in front of the entire family, it meant he had said something completely different than what he meant to say, the only question now is.
'What the fuck did I say?'
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papaya-twinks · 3 months
Hi :) can you please write sex in exchange for a favor with fuckboy!Lando who has had feeling for reader for a long time. You can also add them confessing their feelings if you want
Warnings: sex for a favour, smut, 18+, angst
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - I don’t want them confessing so I’m a just leave it after sex
Lando had been a frat boy ever since you met him in college at the age of 17, that trait was the one thing that seemed to stick to him. Him being a part of your friend group, and close to many of your own friends, was something you found annoying. He seemed to enjoy riling you up anytime he could, frustrating you and teasing you endlessly. It was a downright PAIN.
“I mean, we could head back to mine and have some fun,” the man in front of you, Jason, winked at you, stretching his pretty much non-existent muscles in front of you as you raised an eyebrow. “The food hasn’t even come yet,” you pointed out - you’d arranged to go on a date with the boy and so far, it had gone from bad to worse. “And? You can be my snack,” he licked his lips in what he probably thought was a seductive manner.
Really, it just out you off your appetite. “I’m good, thanks, I’d prefer to eat,” you said, smiling awkwardly at him. That seemed to wipe the smile of his face. “Seriously? You can’t just come here on MY money and deny me sex,” he rolled his eyes. “I’m paying for myself,” you pointed out but he scoffed. “I’m gonna find a bathroom,” Jason groaned, “you better be ready to go when I’m back,”.
His words were somewhat ominous, almost scary in some ways as he left you at the table. This was one thing you feared in dating - if a date went wrong or you rejected someone, they’d go ballistic. It happened a lot. And you didn’t want that with Jason. So you pulled your phone out, texting the first person you could find, not even bothering to check the name.
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You tapped your foot impatiently as Jason returned, looking at you smugly. “Time to go,” he said, pulling on your arm. “Not really,” a nonchalant voice said behind you, making you resist the urge to take gag - Lando. “She’s coming with me, dude,” Lando prised the fingers off of your upper arm. “Is that so?” Jason scoffed, “and who are you?”.
Lando rolled his eyes. “Her man, so,” he flicked on Jason’s chest as he watched, a defeated expression on his face, “go away, yeah?”. Jason scoffed, walking away as Lando led you out of the restaurant. “Resisting the urge to throw up on you right now,” you grimaced, tugging your hand out of Lando’s. “Then don’t ask for help if you’re gonna act like that,” he pushed you into the car as you scoffed.
“‘I’m her man,’” you mocked his, snorting, “funny one, that,”. Lando groaned at your words, “Back with the attitude already?”. Sure, he was right, he had just helped you out, but your pride was way too big for that. And the fact that you were wearing a pretty little dress did things to him that he didn’t like. “My house is there,” you drawled, voice bored as he drove.
You frowned as he drove further, making you turn to him. “Lando, you went past my house,” you said, tugging on his arm. “And? I said you owe me, Y/N,” he said, parking into a different house, your face the epitome of confusion. “Don’t look so confused,” he scoffed, opening your door end leading you inside, the door clicking behind you as he walked to the kitchen.
This wasn’t a place you recognised, so you followed him into the kitchen as he poured two glasses of red wine, handing you one. You cocked your head but sipped on it anyways, his eyes never leaving yours as he copied your movements. In an instant, your breath hitched, his hand pulling the glass out of yours, one hand wrapping round your throat. “Gonna give me that favour, yeah?” he said, pushing you down.
You groaned, knowing exactly what he was doing as Lando snorted. “You know what I want, Y/N, don’t drag it out if you don’t want it,” he was right in some ways, the quicker you did it, the easier it would be. You pulled his joggers down, trying to hide the flicker of surprise at the length of his member, springing hard against his abdomen. Bigger than anyone you’d ever had. “Fuck,” he groaned as you ran your hand up it.
You couldn’t resist slightly digging your nail into the bulging vein on the underside, making him hiss. He pushed your hands off of his cock, your head against the drawers of the kitchen counter, his cock pressed inside your mouth as you let out a gasp of surprise. Lando ignored your gasp, rocking in and out of your mouth, the sound of you gagging like heaven to him.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he gasped, “wanted you like this for so long,” he pulled out of you, lifting you back up. He thrust his fingers roughly into your core, vague and random fingering to stretch you out a bit as he bent you over the counter, your soft moans incoherent as he pushed his head into you. Your back arched at the feeling, his hand coming onto your neck as you moaned,
“Fuck, Lando!” you shrieked, his hips hammering into you as your body shook, small mewls and moans leaving your lips. The knot in your stomach built up as he spoke in your ear, one hand in your hair. “Bet this is better than that Jason guy,” he smirked, “bigger, hm?”. You nodded desperately, your eyes rolling as you chased your own orgasm.
“Pretty like this,” he grunted, “wanted to do this for years,” he continued as your orgasm washed over you, your eyes rolling and your moans getting louder. “Gonna fill you up,” Lando’s voice was almost a growl as his thrusts became sloppier and sloppier, the thick hot cum shooting inside of you. “Fuck,” he groaned, pulling out, his cock sliding on your back.
“Ever need a favour,” he groaned into your ear, “you know where to come,”.
A/N - I usually write my fics like during five minute breaks and I decided to write one in the span of ten minutes and oh my word I can write a lot, I’m proud
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r4ins · 11 months
would you pls do Jason Todd x male reader? 😫Thank you!! 😆
Jason Todd x Top Male Reader
bottom jason todd
cw. lots of smut
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Jason never hated Y/N more than when the man was inside him. Sure, Y/N was an asshole at the best of times, and Jason couldn’t wait until the moment he tore him down and his whole stupid empire with him, but when Y/N had him bent over and panting, a side of the older man came out that Jason absolutely despised. Unfortunately, his body had a different reaction to this Y/N.
“That’s it sweetheart, tighten up this hole for me like a good little bitch” Y/N crooned sickly sweet behind him.
“Nngh, fuck off” Jason responded, grinding his burning face into the cool wood of Y/N’s desk. He hated that Y/N could get him this worked up from just a few fingers.
“The big, scary Red Hood” Y/Nchuckled “well look at you now, whore.”
Jason blinked overwhelmed tears out of his eyes, yeah, the asshole had a point. He was sure he cut a pretty pathetic figure, bent at the waist over Y/N’s large mahogany desk, hands pinned behind him by his own zip-ties, jerking up onto his toes at every thrust of Y/N’s gloved hand into his slick hole, and whining softly the whole time. He couldn’t see Y/N, but he could imagine the smugness in his eyes as he sat in his huge office chair behind Jason, sipping a glass of whiskey in one hand whilst the other relentlessly abused his ass.
Jason wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he bratted his way right past Y/N’s warning glare and found himself manhandled onto the ground and bound up. Y/N had moved him to the desk only after choking him out against the floor and growling into his ear about being put in his place and getting what was coming to him. Since then, satisfied by Jason’s submission as his lax body was shoved over the desk, he had been lazily grinding his black leather gloved fingers into the boy’s prostate.
“Give it up, boy, it’s your own time you’re wasting” It was the amused patronising tone that got to him the most, made him want to fight tooth and nail and to bear his neck in surrender at the same time “C’mon Jay, let out that needy little slut we both know you are deep down.”
“Shut -uhn- up, you-” Jason grunted out. He was so tense he could feel the zip ties cutting into his wrists, could feel every pant of hot air into the space between his face and the wood, could feel each miniscule movement of Y/N’s hand.
Y/N hummed in amusement, pulling his hand out and wiping it on Jason’s asscheek like the boy was nothing more than a dirty rag. Jason let out a sob at the treatment, only to choke on air as he felt both of Y/N’s hands grab his cheeks and pull them apart. It was something about the exposure, or the hot stab of the objectification that finally made him break down.
“Daddy, daddy, pl-please” he whined. He could barely recognise his own voice.
“Ah, there we are, sweetheart. There’s my good boy” Y/N pulled away for a second, chucked softly at Jason’s heartbroken sob at the sudden loss of sensation.
Jason was limp as Y/N pulled him up by his bound hands and turned him until he was standing on shaking legs, still caught up in his own pants, and facing the older man.
Y/N shushed him softly, reaching out place his hands on the boy’s trembling hips and staring into his cloudy eyes. Without dropping the eye contact, Y/N lifted one foot and stepped down on the pants bunched around his legs until they slid down his legs to the floor. Bolstered by the hands on his hips, Jason stepped out of the pants and followed the urging of those gloved palms until he was settled in his lap, hands still tied behind him, wet eyes wide and desperate.
“Hey there, pretty boy” Y/N lifted a hand and took Jason’s chin between his fingers, moving his face this way and that to admire the pink flush.
Jason, unable to turn his face away, scrunched his eyes closed as he blushed fiercely, for a moment hating how much Y/N’s words turned him to putty. “Daddy, please, daddy”
“Shh now precious, don’t you worry your cute little head at all, hmm?” Y/N shook Jason’s face like a puppy until the boy opened his eyes to look up at him blearily, “Daddy’s gonna take care of you baby.”
Jason hated him, he hated him so much. He hated him even more for the way that his words made the tears collecting in his lashes fall down over his cheeks towards his trembling lips. The humiliation made his stomach roll, but also made his still hard dick throb painfully.
“Do you want Daddy’s cock, baby-slut?” Y/N asked, still in that sickly sweet voice that Jason hated so much.
No, no. “Y-yes daddy, please daddy. Baby wants it, please.”
“Good boy” Jason couldn’t help the shudder that ran through his body at the praise, “Get Daddy out, baby.”
Jason stared at him in confusion for a second, flexing his hands against their bonds. When Y/N didn’t move, just kept staring at him expectantly, Jason tentatively lifted himself on shaky thighs high enough so that he could reach down below himself to try to get his hands on Y/N’s fly. The movement twisted his body, shoving his chest up towards Y/N’s face wantonly, and Jason despaired as he felt the flush spread down his neck almost to his nipples, standing in needy peaks directly in front of Y/N smug face.
Y/N leaned forward, ghosting breath over one of Jason’s ample pecs, and waited until the boy had the zipper of his pants halfway down before sealing his mouth over one nipple and biting down.
The noise that tore its way out of Jason was halfway between a shout and a sob, and he felt his fingers lose their grip on Y/N pants. Y/N didn’t let up, sucking a deep bruise around the nipple, and Jason forced his clumsy fingers to find their grip again.
Y/N only released his chest when I felt cool air on his cock, freed from his pants and standing to attention between Jason’s taught, trembling thighs.
Even though he couldn’t see Y/N cock, Jason found his mouth flooding with saliva from just the feel of it and the knowledge that he was soon going to be filled. He experienced a brief second of clarity from just the horror that Y/N had so effectively trained his body to respond to him.
The clarity was chased away, however, when Y/N got a hard, bruising grip on his hips and used it to manhandle Jason’s body down onto his dick. Jason threw his head back and wailed as he felt the intrusion carve its way into his body. Despite the torturous amount of prep, Y/N still and always did feel huge when he was buried inside him like this.
“Fuck yes, that’s good” Y/N groaned, holding Jason’s body down on him for an interminable moment, “you were made for this, baby, body just made to take cock.”
Jason wanted to rip the guy’s head off for saying that, but instead he made a soft, keening noise of need and shifted in Y/N’s lap.
“Fine then, you needy whore, take what you want” Y/N growled, letting go of Jason’s hips and slapping harshly at his ass when he didn’t start moving quick enough.
Shocked by the sudden crack, and the pain that only stoked the fire that was his arousal, Jason quickly lifted himself up using just his legs until barely the tip of Y/N’s cock was still buried inside him. After taking a second to feel the rush of anticipation, he slammed himself back down, crying out at the feeling.
He was so caught up in the feeling of riding Y/N, filling that ache inside himself that only ever seemed to be assuaged by Y/N’s cock and filthy words, that he didn’t notice Y/N reaching over until his hand was clamping over Jason’s cock. He wailed at the stimulation, rutting into the tight grip desperately whilst still bouncing on Y/N’s lap as much as he could.
Y/N didn’t exactly jack him off, more held his hand tight and still whilst Jason adjusted his movement to push into Y/N’s hand when he lifted up off his dick. When he took a second from the bright, hot, overwhelming arousal to look down at the other man mid-bounce, he felt a lance of humiliated heat through his body at the cold, unaffected way that Y/N was watching him shamelessly writhe on his lap.
That one second of feeling so needy and pathetic, combined with the harsh grip on his dick and the relentless assault on his prostate, was all he needed to finally fall over the edge. He screamed, head thrown back, as he painted his stomach and Y/N’s lap with cum. He arched, tense with the aftershocks for a second before falling, completely limp, over Y/N.
He felt more than heard the rumbled growl of satisfaction that Y/N let out as Jason came. Before he had an opportunity to recover, he was being hefted up with Y/N’s dick still inside him and deposited sprawling over Y/N’s desk.
“My turn” Y/N lifted Jason’s legs by the calves until the boy was basically bent in half and started jackhammering into his body, still shaking with the aftershocks of the boy’s orgasm.
Jason wept from the overstimulation; high, breathless noises punched out of him with every thrust. IF he had any agency over his own limbs he was be desperately trying to get away from the aggressive assault on his overworked prostate and sore hole. But as it was, he lay there in Y/N’s grip, completely unable to do anything but cry and whine and shake.
“Da-daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy” he didn’t know when he had started talking, didn’t know why he could only say that one thing. His mind was growing cloudier as his face got wetter, and he could hear his own voice become more and more incomprehensible as Y/N continued to ruthlessly fuck his lax body.
“da- duh- da- .. unhh” the whole world narrowed down to just Y/N’s hands and cock and cruel voice.
“What’s that babydoll? I don’t think you’re making any sense.” He felt fingers, still wrapped in those leather gloves, force their way between his lips and deep into his mouth, and all he could do was gurgle and drool around them.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” Y/N asked in a voice like one you would use to talk to a child or a particularly stupid pet, “That whore mouth should always be filled up, huh baby? It’s not like there’s any better use for it.”
Jason felt a trail of saliva drip down the side of his face as his eyes rolled back. At this point his cock had managed to fill back out and throbbed, red and heavy against his already cum-stained abs. Y/N showed no sign of slowing down, the slapping of his hips into Jason’s ass surely turning his cheeks as red as his face.
“Love you like this,” Y/N continued, seemingly unbothered by the way Jason was choking and gurgling around his fingers, “fucked dumb, nothing left in that pretty little head of yours. I should keep you like this all the time, baby. I don’t know what little whores need brains for anyway. Just keep you tied up and stuffed full, filthy with my cum, so you know your fucking place-”
Without warning, Y/N shoved his fingers as deep into Jason’s mouth as he could as he pressed his cock balls deep into his ass and spilled inside him. He stayed there for a second, ignoring the way Jason writhed underneath him, trying to rut his still hard cock up against anything he could reach.
Groaning, Y/N pulled out slowly. He stared at Jason’s wrecked hole, mindless to the way the boy was desperately pleading through the fingers in his mouth. When he saw his own come start to drip out of Jason’s twitching hole he removed his fingers from his mouth to move both hands down to his ass and spread his hole as wide open as he could.
Jason, lost in a haze of pleasure and humiliation and the desperate need to come, could only whine and stare pleadingly at the man above him, feeling stupid and small and pathetic. Y/N looked up for a second, meeting Jason’s teary gaze with cruel eyes before he smirked and purposefully, and slowly enough that Jason could tell what was coming, leaned down and spat directly into Jason’s already ruined hole.
Jason’s second orgasm racked through his body almost painfully. This time he couldn’t even scream, only writhe on the desk in terrible ecstasy.
When he came back to, Y/N was sitting back in his chair, lighting a thick cigar and taking a drag as he looked with satisfaction at the mess he had made of the vigilante. Jason barely needed the pull on his leg to slide boneless to the ground and lean his upper body against Y/N’s leg. He was so exhausted he only blinked sluggishly as Y/N pushed the cigar against his lips and forced him to take a slow drag, all while carding his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair, twirling the white streak around his fingers.
He kept his hand in his hair as he turned his attention to some papers on the desk and began to read through them, largely ignoring the filthy and half naked boy at his feet.
As Jason started to drift off, now on Y/N’s lap, he took a moment to wonder if it was really Y/N he hated or just himself for letting Y/N keep doing this to him. The thought was gone almost as soon as it arrived, lost to a haze of exhausted satisfaction.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Walk down memory lane : AK!Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Warnings: mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts.
You can find other AK!stories on point 4 here: Jason Todd masterlist
She was just so tired.
Tired of fighting, of keeping up that fucking hope, of carrying the excessive weight on her shoulders.
She just couldn’t anymore .
Maybe it was time to finally accept that Jason didn’t care about her. That he would never care again. Not in the same way he used to before all this shit hit them. Before Joker, Harley, Arkham…
But she still needed, wanted, craved his love.
But how long can a girl be strong and live in a delusion?
And for the first time in a year she started crying.
What Harley could not achieve, happened because of a boy. No amount of torture and mind games and tricks she was subject to in Arkham, not once broke her. But the indifference and cold treatment from her former boyfriend, the one who she still loved got her on her knees, sobbing and shaking on the bed in her little, cold Asylum cell.
He was right. She was completely alone, no one was coming to help her, safe her from that void that finally found a way straight to her heart. Nothing more than a playtoy, unlovable, weak, pathetic, developing a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome.
Poor girl hugged herself in a foul attempt to calm down, but it was for nothing. Tears were falling freely down her cheeks, turning her into a puddle of emotions she couldn’t hold back. It was like the old wound and the feeling of being used opened and uncovered all the layers she cut off before.
Some people call it trauma, but she couldn’t care less about the terminology.
Maybe it would be better to just end her own life right now just so she wouldn’t have to suffer through another day of such lousy existence. It was Arkham, she was pretty sure she would find something to help her execute her plan.
On shaking legs she stood up from the bed, moving towards the bathroom. The mirror that Jason broke violently after their last encounter was still not fixed and the sharp pieces of glass poked on every side.
Gathering all the strength she had left, she reached towards the splinter and pointed it towards her wrist, assessing the “best” place to cut……
She woke up feeling sore and in tremendous amount of pain like never before. Both of her wrists were patched up with the clean bandages and she wasn’t even in her own sweatbox. Honestly, she couldn’t for the love of God recognise the place where she was, until the familiar, slightly muffled voice threw her off her confused state and brought back to reality.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” Jason hissed with unconcealed anger and she shivered. “WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO!?” in a blink of an eye he was right next to her, grabbing her chin and forcing her eyes up.  
She was just completely silent, the tight grip of his fingers on her puffy, hurting cheeks causing a few more tears to flow down her eyes.
“I’m sorry…..” she whispered, slightly panicking. He was never supposed to find her, let alone to save her. And why did he? Was it only because he needed her for release in the future? “I’m sorry…..” her whole body shook violently.
“Y/N…….” her name in his mouth sounded almost sweet and the touch got far more gentle, sudden change in behaviour making her freeze. What was going on?
“I……” her mouth fell agape and it was impossible to say a word.
“Did you forget what I told you last time? You’re mine. You can’t just go and decide to hurt yourself this way. I cannot allow it.”
“Why?” she sobbed “it’s not like you care. I am just a reminder of the past, of all those lies you were fed by Batman and your family. Of someone you once were and could never be again.”
“Stop it!”
“Please, please, just let me go. Just let me finish it, please.” Her desperation and panic attack coming out in waves in the form of the aggressive tugging on the dressing, trying to reopen the stitched wounds and cuts. “I’ll do it myself. You won’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Stop it!’
“You can even watch it, I know you’ll enjoy the show. You wanted a show, didn’t you?”
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE STOP IT!” finally he managed to get a hold of her hands, pinning them down to her sides, precluding her from moving, even though she still struggled against his hold.  “Is that what you think of me? That I will enjoy that?”  she nodded shakily “fuck!”
“I’m sorry…..” she whimpered again. She was still here and he was now mad which could only equal to another punishment. And this time it was not going to be intimate. He could really hurt her at any time.
“Baby…..” he whispered, almost without thinking, closing his eyes “princess.”
“Wha….. what did you say?” her eyes grew wide. Did he really use those words or was it just an imagination?
Jason was completely inside his head now, memories flooding his brain like a fucking Niagara. He remembered the past. The moment, when while still being Robin, someone came after her, attacking her and almost eliminating her from the equation. He recalled the hours spend in the medical bay, watching her pale face and the heart rate monitor, praying to whatever entity was up there to bring her back to him. All those little heart attacks caused each time she took a sharp exhale. Falling asleep next to her bed, holding and caressing her cold hand, whispering pleas and promises to keep her safe in the future if she just woke up. Brushing up on how he felt when she finally opened her e/c eyes, looking at him with so much love and concern, asking if he was all right.
He remembered how she cared about him…..  And how he cared about her.
“Ja…. Jace?” she swallowed the lump in her throat, taking the risk to use his nickname, ready for another anger fit, but instead she met his honest gaze, so different from the one she was used to in his Arkham Knight version.
“Don’t ever do this again.” He gasped, brushing her cheek, putting a strand of hair behind her ear “you hear me?  Ever.”
“Jason?” he bottom lip trembled because of that sudden display of emotion from his part.
“Ever.” He emphasised.  “I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“Anyone who hurt you deserve a punishment and that applies to you hurting yourself. Is that clear?”
“Anyone, but you?” she blurt without thinking and immediately covered her mouth in fear of the words that came out her mouth.
Jason tensed a bit, his muscles flexing but he didn’t move.
“Get some rest. Need you recovered soon. Big plans for you.” He just said and with one final look into her eyes left the room, leaving her completely speechless.
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morphean42 · 6 days
Rewatching Falsettos I was suddenly struck by an epiphany that I’m sure someone else has had at some point, but I needed to write out. This ending scene from “March of the Falsettos” jumped out at me from the first watching, but even though I recognised the nod to the “See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil (and lesser known do no evil)”, I didn’t know what it meant. Today, I tried to piece it together, and I think I’ve gotten it. These poses represent core attributes of the characters, as well as Trina’s view of them, so click the read more to hear the ravings of a mad man wayyyyyy too obsessed with this show
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The idea of ‘evil’ to me is very loose. It can represent a lot of things for these characters; their actions towards each other, their character flaws, etc. But, for this analysis, one can replace ‘evil’ with ‘truth’. Each of the characters refuses to see, speak, hear, or ‘do’ the truth (please excuse the lack of grammar for that last one), and that is where the ‘evil’ stems from. Taking into account this is mostly based on Trina’s view of the men, I think ‘truth’ fits in well.
Let’s start with the one who fits in least— Jason. “March of the Falsettos” is a physical manifestation of how Trina views the men in her life (as childish and immature), but some slack is given to her son. He doesn’t sing his lines in falsetto, because we acknowledge he is in fact a child, and has more of an excuse to act as such. So, take his analysis with a grain of salt. The boy has every right to be a little selfish— he’s 10.
So, Jason has his hands over his eyes, representing ‘See No Evil’. This is a direct nod to his character flaw; his view of the world with him at the center. Although his parents are less than good to him, he still sees them through unfair lenses— ‘My mother’s no wife/My father’s no man’. He sings ‘everybody’s yelling and everybody’s ruining it’ in “Everyone Hates His Parents” because he is unhappy with how his Bar Mitzvah is turning out and wants to simply cancel it. He doesn’t have a concept of doing things for other people (again, he’s a child, I’m not blaming him per se), so he is blind to the will of others and refuses to see their side. In addition to this, even when Mendel tells him Whizzer will most likely die, Jason pleads with G-d to save him. He still views himself as the center of his world, thus Mendel’s line ‘Life’s not all about him’.
In addition to this, his ‘See No Evil’ means something when thought about from Trina’s perspective. She thinks her son is blind to the truth of the world, this son who stays inside playing chess alone, this son who ‘seems like an idiot to [Trina]’. She worries Jason will turn out like these other men in her world, blind to everyone but himself.
Now we come to Mendel, who has his hand over his mouth in ‘Speak No Evil’. Mendel’s flaw throughout the show is his refusal to accept the truth of any situation. He tells Jason to ‘feel alright for the rest of your life’ instead of actually trying to help, he is ‘frightened of questions’, he repeats over and over ‘I’ll make you well’ to Whizzer in the hospital. He will never say anything negative, nor will he allow others to do so. Even in the end of the show, he tells Jason they don’t know ‘when or if’ Whizzer will get better— he is still not accepting that it’s a definite thing. He believes that if he and those around him just don’t speak about the real problems, they’ll go away.
Trina’s view on Mendel is complicated here. In the next song she agrees to marry him, of course, and we know she at least likes him (the most of all three adults she knows). She says that Mendel ‘decides the role to assume’. She looks down on the fact that he can’t speak the truth to her, that he’s expecting this happy wife, this perfect new family. He wants her to play along with him and make their home together, even if she sings ‘liking our lives’ instead of loving. Even if he’s better than Marvin ever was, there’s still an element of control here. Mendel wants this family, and he wants them to all pretend nothing is ever wrong again.
Marvin, our titular character, is in the ‘Hear No Evil’ position. This one is fairly straight forward— he wants control and will never listen to the needs of those around him. He can’t hear what they actually need, he simply does what he wants. He also struggles with his masculinity throughout Act 1, his outward misogyny and need for the nuclear family (his treatment of Trina and Whizzer), so he imagines himself at the top of his family system. He will never take any other opinions, or counsel, in his decisions, seeing that as weakness. He’s similar to Jason in this regard, as he only hears what he wants to (like Jason only sees what he wants). He ignores the pain around him to pursue his own desires, he covers his ears and moves on.
Trina, of course, despises Marvin at this point in the show. Her subconscious showing Marvin in ‘Hear No Evil’ can tell us a lot about their relationship, how she was never seen as equal in decisions. Marvin always put her to the side, not listening to her needs, acting without thinking of her.
Whizzer is complicated. I’ve seen people laugh at his pose before, saying we’ve got ‘See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, and Gay’, but I think he represents the ‘Do No Evil’. This final character is not often seen with the other three, and can be depicted with arms over the chest or covering the genitals. It wouldn’t make sense to have Whizzer be the outlier (especially because the fourth depiction of evil does exist), so I’m assuming he is supposed to be ‘Do No Evil’.
This fits in well with Whizzer’s flaws throughout the show. He doesn’t accept responsibility for his relationship with Marvin; seen in the lines ‘I’m not responsible’ during “Late For Dinner” or ‘I will not accept blame’ in “Games I Play”. He sleeps around, despite Marvin wanting monogamy, and clearly did not have an issue hooking up with a married man. Whizzer fundamentally doesn’t think his actions have consequences, he believes he has done nothing wrong (he has done no evil). Whizzer also has a hard time admitting to his love for Marvin. He says it ‘depends on the day’, he flat out says ‘no’ when asked if he loves him. He doesn’t want to show his love for fear of being too vulnerable, so he hides and doesn’t do anything about it.
To take this even further, him being ‘Do No Evil’ can represent his later question of ‘why me of all men’ when he is dying. He hasn’t done anything to deserve his death, and ‘all men get what they deserve’, right?
Moving on to how Trina sees Whizzer. He’s come into her life and ruined her marriage, though she ‘wants to hate him’ she can’t. She views him as the cause of her recent hardships, his actions being to blame. He is ‘Do No Evil’ to her because he has done evil in taking Marvin away (though it is obvious Trina is better off because of it). He has upset the careful balance of her world by breaking down the lies of her marriage and exposing the truth— Marvin never loved her, could never love her. She puts him in ‘Do No Evil’ because what he has done is what the rest of the men won’t— see, hear, speak the truth even at the detriment of her family.
Another way to view this is, of course, the fact that ‘Do No Evil’ is rarely seen with the others. Trina is separating Whizzer from the other men, not putting him in the same category as the rest of the ‘family’. He views himself as an outsider as well, yes he’s part of the group, but only as a technicality. Only as Marvin’s lover. Once he leaves Marvin, he is easily taken out of the equation and the remaining three do not feel the loss.
My conclusion is such: Each of the poses our men do represents the character flaw they must overcome throughout the show, as well as how Trina views them in her mind. I really hope this made any sort of sense, and if someone has already said all of this well… I guess it can’t hurt to be thorough.
I’m way too tired to read through this again so if there are spelling mistakes please print out this post, correct it in red pen, and send it to me by carrier pigeon.
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miryum · 2 months
"Tactical Village"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“Do you recognise any of these men?” Y/n asked a woman who was wearing a ‘Visitor’ tag. 
The woman shook her head, saying, “I was hiding in the bathroom stall so I didn’t see his face. But, I heard him. He was singing along to the track.”
“Do you remember what he was singing?”
“Oh my gosh, no, Y/n,” Jason couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Don’t do it….” Y/n chuckled along with him. Captain Wayne had assigned a detective to Y/n whenever she interrogated a perp. There had been an… incident. 
Cass didn’t know who gave Y/n a guitar, but the woman was currently torturing a perp with her terrible playing of the instrument, accompanying the sound with loud, off-tune screaming. 
The woman shrugged. “I think it was that song ‘I Want it That Way.’ ” 
Y/n hummed. “Backstreet Boys, I’m familiar.”
“Maybe a little too familiar,” Jason muttered. He thought of all the times Y/n had agonised both the criminals and detectives on duty with their songs.
“Number one,” Y/n ignored Jason, pressing a button for the intercom. “Could you please sing the opening to ‘I Want it That Way?’”
“Really? Uh… okay,” Perp 1 said. “You are… my fire?”
Y/n glanced over to the witness who shook her head. “Number two, keep it going.”
“The one… desire.” Perp 2 squinted to Perp 1, looking for confirmation that this was actually happening. 
“Number three?” Y/n nodded along to the nonexistent beat. 
“Believe… when I say?”
“Number four!” Y/n called out, grinning widely, leaning on the desk.
“I want it that way.”
“TELL ME WHY!” Y/n sang loudly into the microphone. 
“Ain’t nothing but a heartache,” all the suspects chanted along. 
“Ain’t nothing but a mistake…”
“Now number five,” Y/n crooned to the melody.
Perp 5 raised his hand, losing himself in the music. “I never wanna hear you say,”
“WHOO!” Y/n shouted out.
“I want it that way,” everyone finished together.
“Chills! Literal chills!” Y/n shivered, giggling. 
“It was number five,” the woman said. “Number five killed my brother.” 
“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that,” Jason murmured. “And, Y/n, just so you know, you pressed the ‘speaker’ button. Everyone in the precinct could hear that.” 
“Ohhh… whoops?”
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“Happy Tactical Village Day!” Y/n high-fived Tim on her way in the door. “Happy Tactical Village Day, Cass! Happy Tactical Village Day!”
“L/n, I'm surprised to see you so excited about departmentally mandated training exercises,” Wayne commented. 
“Why, ‘tis the most fun day of the year, my good sir! Something you wouldn't understand, because you're not programmed to feel joy.”
“Yes, but my software is due for an upgrade,” Wayne retorted.
”When you play along with the robot jokes it ruins my enjoyment of them,” Y/n pouted.
“Yes, I am aware.”
“Anyway, Tactical Village Day is awesome!” Y/n continued with her rant. “We get to field test a bunch of cool, new weapons and there's always a fun training situation. Last year's was prison break. It got uber violent. It was like being in an action movie.” Her eyes went wide with excitement.
Y/n was using a piece of her hair to slowly chisel away at a metal bar of a cell.
“Y/n?” Steph called from the other end of the cell. “Cass and I dug a tunnel. Wanna use it?”
“Go on without me,” Y/n said in a deep, gruff voice. “I’ll make due by myself.”
“It's also a good opportunity for us to bond as a unit,” Steph said, reminding them all the true reason of Tactical Village Day.
“Everybody gets into it,” Y/n exclaimed. 
Jason kicked down a door and he and Dick rushed through it, screaming as they stormed the room. 
It turned out to be a supply closet.
“Suffice to say, the sixty-sixth has never had a perfect run,” Dick chuckled and scratched his neck. 
“Yeah, but Y/n has been the finalist for coolest kill two years in a row,” Stephanie said. “Every precinct sends their footage and all the cops vote.”
“It's not that big of a deal,” Y/n waved her away. “All you win is a children's tennis trophy, so…”
“You desperately want that trophy, don't you?” Wayne asked.
“So badly.” Y/n growled. “I will stop at nothing to obtain my prize. I'll shoot all of you in the face if I have to!”
“Go team,” Damian said monotonously. 
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“Okay, so,” Y/n slid into the seat next to Jason’s on the bus ride over. “I’ve figured out my fictional persona for this year’s shooty-shooty rootin-tootie.”
“How the hell do you come up with these names?” Jason muttered, mostly to himself. 
“I am… Gina Thunderhouse. Russian spy, weapons master, and total badass. I even have cool Russian accent.” she said in a bad accent. “Babushka. Moscow. Rasputin.” 
“You know ‘babushka’ means ‘grandma,’ right?”
“Whatever. At least I have a persona, Mr. I’m-not-even-trying-to-be-fun.”
“This training isn’t about fun,” Jason frowned. “It’s about honing our skills to be better officers.”
“We shoot paint at pretend bad guys!” Y/n cried. “How is that not fun?!”
“I’m gonna go talk to Dick,” Jason said, standing up. “You have fun thinking of more Russian words.”
Steph quickly filled Jason’s empty seat, grinning sharply. “Seems like you two are getting cosy!”
“Come on, Brown. Not this again!”
“You gotta admit there’s spark.” 
“How many times do I have to tell you?!” Y/n exclaimed. “He’s like a brother to me.”
“And Leia was like a sister to Luke,” Steph sang out.
“Okay, that’s not fair. Luke didn’t know! No one knew.”
Steph shrugged and let the conversation go, though a smile flitted through her lips. Soon, the sixty-sixth arrived at the building where Tactical Village Day would commence. Walking in the doors, duffel bags full of gear and weapons in hand, Y/n shouted out, “The six-six is in the house!” 
“Six-six!” The rest of the crew echoed.
“Hey! Biz!” Y/n greeted an old friend. “They upgraded you from bystander to perp! That’s great, man. Still gonna blow your brains out though.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything else,” Biz waved back.
“Jason Todd?” A voice spoke from a crowd of detectives and cops. “Is that you?”
“Rose?” Jason’s head whipped towards the voice. “It’s been so long! What’re you doing here?”
“I’m with the seventeenth now,” she explained. “We’re paired with you guys today.” Rose was a tall, slim, blonde girl whom it seemed Jason connected with very well. 
“Wha- what’s going on here?” Y/n shuffled up to them, Steph close behind. 
“Oh, Y/n, this is Rose Wilson.” Rose held out a hand and Y/n firmly shook it. “Rose, this is Y/n L/n. She’s the life of the six-six.” He placed a hand on Y/n’s lower back, pushing her slightly forward. 
“Nice to meet you,” Rose said. 
“Likewise,” Y/n pressed her lips together in a smile. 
“Well, I gotta go,” Rose hugged Jason. “I’ll see you later, though. Great seeing you.”
“You too,” Jason returned the hug. 
Once Rose had left with a wave, Y/n turned to Jason and questioned, “So… who was that?”
“That was Rose,” Jason said as if it was the most obvious thing. “We went on a couple of dates last year.” 
“You did?” Steph asked. Y/n had forgotten she was behind her. Cass joined them, silently backing up her friends.
“Yeah, I liked her, but she was stationed in Metropolis so I didn’t get to see much of her. I guess it just fizzled out.”
“Right,” Y/n gawaffed. “That's the girl you said the lame stuff about. Like ‘she's a good listener’ and shit.” Internally, she felt bad for deriding Rose- she seemed like a nice person- but she couldn’t help but take a rag at Jason.
“I'm sorry, what do you look for in a relationship?” Jason asked snarkily. 
“I don't know,” Y/n shrugged. “Real stuff. Shape of their ass. Sense of dark humour.”
“Of course.” Jason rolled his eyes and stalked away.
“Isn’t it weird that Jason dated that girl?” Y/n scoffed, hands on her hips.
Steph raised her brows, mirroring L/n’s stance. “Why do you care so much?” Her voice rose higher with each word.
“Okay, first of all, your insinuating voice is way too high,” Y/n accused. “It's weird. And second, I don't care. I'm just wondering why he would like her.”
“Whatever you say,” Steph said, voice still high-pitched and she shuddered. “Okay, yeah, I hear it now. I sound like Cat from Sam and Cat.”
“Yes, you do.” Cass agreed. “But, I agree. L/n needs to confront her feelings for Todd and woman up.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and excused herself from the conversation, claiming the need to talk to Tim.
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“Oh, this is so cool!” Y/n squealed, holding a parallel gun. “You can shoot around corners. I love guns.” She sighed and said, “I'm gonna make such a good mom someday.”
Jason shook his head, lips pursing. “Not even gonna touch that.”
“Not even gonna touch that: Title of your sex tape,” Y/n muttered, then chuckled. “Come on, man. At least make me work for it.”
Soon, it was time for the sixty-sixth to run the simulation. The team was standing by the door, waiting to be let in when Y/n slid by on her knees, making a dramatic entrance. “Gina Thunderhouse had arrived.” Her voice was, once again, accented in a bad Russian tone.
“That was majestic,” Tim joked.
“Custom kneepads to help me win coolest kill,” Y/n patted her knees, showing off her kneepads. After an awkward silence, she asked, “What, don't tell me Thunderhouse is the only lady here with a signature move!”
Tim shrugged. “I was bouncing around the idea where when I'm out of ammo, I release my mag and dropkick or chuck it into someone's throat.”
“You know how people hold their guns sideways to look cool?” Dick asked. Y/n nodded and the sarge continued, “It got me thinking. What if you held your gun upside-down?” He demonstrated it, flipping his gun upside down, finger still on trigger.
Before Y/n could respond with how that was an incredibly stupid idea, a loud buzzer sounded and another precinct marched out the door, looking victorious.
“Seventeenth’s done.” Y/n muttered and Stephanie stepped closer to her. “Heads up.”
“Hey. How'd it go?” Jason greeted Rose. 
Rose smiled and replied, “it went well. We had a perfect run! And not to brag, but I think we just set a GCPD course record for time.”
“Definitely a brag,” Y/n huffed quietly. 
“A course record?” Jason’s brows shot up.  “That’s so cool.”
“Thanks.” Rose looked up at him. “I'm psyched. By the way, good luck in there.”
“Thanks,” Jason called after her as she walked away.
“All right, huddle up.” Y/n pulled Jason away by the strap of his vest and into a group huddle. “This is how it's going down.”
“What happened to your accent, Gina?” Steph asked teasingly, knowing full well what was going on.
“Forget that shit.” Y/n frowned. “We're taking this seriously. Okay, on three: Let's break that course record and be the best precinct here! One, two, three!”
The group repeated, “let’s break that course record and… uh…” They all trailed off, mumbling different things as they forgot the words. 
“Yeah, I agree, it was too many words.” Y/n grimaced. “Let’s just do it.”
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“Okay, I've got the details for this simulation.” Dick sat in front of a console, radioing in to everyone’s headsets. “A group of armed men entered an embassy and took hostages.”
“Which embassy?” Y/n couldn't help but ask. She shook her head, reminding herself to stay focused. “Doesn't matter. We’ll just say, Canada. They’re too nice to say no if someone asks to take them hostage. So take out the perps, clear the civilians, rescue the hostages?”
“Affirmative,” Dick confirmed. “This is an active shooter situation. You're cleared for maximum engagement.”
“‘Maximum engagement?’” Y/n scoffed. “What is this, Jurassic Park: The Ride?” 
Dick didn’t answer, commanding, “Brown and Drake, perimeter security. Brown, make sure he doesn’t fall asleep, but also doesn’t die from caffeine overdose. He only got two and a half hours last night.”
“Got it,” Brown said, yanking Tim’s cup of coffee away from him.
“L/n and Todd, you're the assault team. I'll be in the command centre. Cain, I need you to do surveillance on the places I can’t see.”
“On it.” Cass disappeared into the vents and Dick stared after her, wondering how she didn’t end up as an assassin-for-hire.
“All right, focus up,” Y/n said into the comms. “We got eighteen minutes and forty-one seconds to break this record. No screwing around.”
“Wow, you're really not gonna do a character?” Jason asked, smirking.
“I am playing a character,” Y/n said. “A no-nonsense detective whose only goal is to set this course record. Her name is Y/n L/n. She’s a kid who grew up with an absent father and just wants to prove herself. I don't have time for her full back-story. Sarge, please, let’s start.”
“Okay, guys, and go!” Dick clicked a stopwatch and the team rushed in.
Y/n zipped around a corner, gun drawn. When she didn’t see anyone, she called, “clear!”
She and Jason repeated the actions, peeking around corners and yelling, “clear.”
Y/n turned around a corner and fired two shots at a cop labelled “PERP.”
“Nice,” Jason commented.
Y/n ignored him and said, “okay, only three perps left. We might actually do this.”
Dick’s voice came in through the comms. “L/n, Cain has intel that there’s a hostage in room 409.”
“Copy that.” Y/n inhaled and said, “I love how it always smells like fresh paint here. Reminds me of how often I moved as a child.”
“No talking,” Jason reminded her. “You'll give away our position.”
“Look out!” Y/n was staring over his shoulder. She quickly lifted her gun and fired a shot at someone. 
Jason shielded away from the noise. “That was close.” He inspected Y/n and said, “there's paint in your hair.” He reached up and smoothed the paint away. “Thanks for shooting that guy.”
“My pleasure.” Y/n followed him around the corner and stared at a door marked 409. “The hostages are in there. Intel says there's a couple of heavily-armed perps with them.”
Jason asked, “you want to wait for backup?”
Y/n shook her head. “No time. We only have a minute to win the record.” She sighed and declared, “I'm going in.” At Jason’s scandalised look, she reassured him, smiling. She gently took Jason’s gun from his hands. “Don't worry. I have a plan on how to beat them: Give up.”
“Trust me,” Y/n said. “Or don't.” She shrugged. “I'm doing it anyway.” Jason’s heart dropped, watching her walk cautiously into the room. She announced, hands holding her guns in the air, “GCPD! Don't shoot!” Inside the room were two perps, guarding three hostages. “I'm here to surrender,” Y/n told them. The hostages looked at her as if she was crazy. “Let the hostages go and take me instead,” she said. 
“Not happening.” One of the perps growled. “Drop your weapon!”
”Okay, okay, my fingers are off the triggers.” Y/n agreed, dangling her guns off her fingers. “I'm just gonna slowly put them down in front of me….” She started crouching down. Jason watched, aghast, from the doorway. “I’m slowly putting 'em…” Suddenly, she twisted her fingers around and pulled the triggers, shooting the two perps in the chest.
“Goddamn it!” One of the perps yelled.
“Dick, time!” Y/n shouted into her comm.
“18 minutes, 28 seconds. You broke the record!” Dick cried back.
“Yes! Nice!” Jason ran in and hugged Y/n tightly, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. She squealed and hugged him back. 
Jason paraded her out of the room and they greeted their teammates to a chorus of cheers, applause, and claps on the back.
“Ah, there she is!” Dick called.
“The record is ours.” Y/n spread her arms.
“I still can't believe your final kill came from Dick’s move.” Tim shook his head, looking disgusted.
“You went upsy-downsies?” Dick gasped. “That's what I call it, because you hold the gun upside-down.”
Y/n sighed. “Yes, Richard, I went upsy-downsies. And none of you shall ever speak of it again.”
“But I want to speak of it,” Jason whined. “You looked really stupid.”
“Alright, let's go.” Dick grinned. “Drinks are on me.”
“Nice! Here we go, six-six!” Y/n held her hand up to Jason for a high-five, face flushed with excitement.
Jason grimaced. “Actually, Rose asked me to dinner, so maybe I can meet up with you guys afterwards?”
Y/n’s face dropped. “Oh. Sure. Yeah. Of course. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.” Jason nodded and left, giving goodbyes as he walked away.
“What's going on, Gina Thunderhouse?” Cass smirked, sidling up with Steph. 
Y/n muttered, “what do you think Jason sees in Rose?”
“So you do like him!” Steph accused, smiling slyly. 
“I'm just curious!” Y/n tried to defend. “I mean, she's okay-looking and a good cop….” But aren’t I okay-looking and a good cop? “Also, she set the course record, but that's nothing. I broke it, like, 20 minutes later.”
“You want to know why he went out with her and not you?” Cass asked quietly. 
“Yeah.” Y/n swallowed harshly. 
“Because she actually asked him out,” Steph finished.
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Captain Wayne raised a brow, looking down at Y/n’s desk. “You won coolest kill?” He gestured to the small tennis trophy Y/n was staring at. 
“No- not by a long shot.” She chuckled dryly. “But Dick bought it for me ‘cause he felt like I should’ve won. But he’s bias, of course.”
“Of course.” Captain Wayne smiled softly. “Detective, are you alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Captain,” Y/n mumbled. “Can- can I ask you a question?” 
“Sure, L/n.”
Y/n looked up at Wayne. “How’d you know Clark was the one?” she whispered.
Bruce sighed and offered, “come into my office. And bring your trophy.”
Doing as she was told, Y/n followed Bruce into his office. She sat down and Bruce took the trophy from her, placing it on his desk proudly. “When I first got here, Damian told me of your predicament.” When Y/n’s mouth fell open in betrayal, Bruce held up his hand. “I would’ve figured it out either way. I used to be a detective, after all. But what he didn’t know is if Todd liked you back. However, based on months of observation, I’ve noticed, for lack of a better simile, that Todd follows you like a lost puppy. I should know; I acted the same way towards Clark before we started dating.”
“Did you ask him out?” Y/n asked.
Bruce let out a laugh. “God, no. I was too scared. But that’s not an invitation to make the same mistakes I did. I lost a lot of time with Clark because of my anxiety.”
“Duly noted, Captain. Thank you.”
“Anytime, L/n. And good job in the Tactical Village.”
“Thank you, sir.”
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Part 6 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
<<1 Previous Next
A dead but now revived Son
When Bruce returned home he did not know what he should have expected. Alfred had contacted him a day earlier. Insisting that he needed to finish up the case with the Justice League as soon as possible to return and giving him a rather strange warning.
Apparently there was a new family member Damian had failed to tell them about. The butler did not leave a lot or room for discussion about who or what Damian failed to tell them so Bruce did all he could and made it back before lunch.
Bruce had assumed that his youngest had once again smuggled in an animal that was there to stay but that did not explain the butler's insistence of him coming home as soon as possible. So color him surprised when he stood in the doorframe of the sitting room that became the main hang out room for the family and two of his children were currently holding a screaming match about whether or not the older of the two was part of a cult. Tim was even threatening Jason with some sort of book he had gotten via express mail looking ready to hit his second oldest across the face with it.
"Just admit that you are or were a part of a ghost cult!"
"The fuck you talking about replacement?! I have never been in a ghost cult!"
"Bullshit! The sigels in this book say otherwise!"
"What fucking sigels you asshole!"
"The ones in this book!"
"Wave that any close to my face and I will punch you!"
Looking toward the couch he found his oldest sitting next to his youngest holding out sweets and treats to a child Damian was keeping in his lap in a rather protective hold. The child, a little boy that didn't look older than seven or eight, was wearing an oversized hoodie he recognised as one of Damians. The boy did not appear really happy with his situation as the child kept hissing at his oldest and snapping his teeth. Damian scowled at Dick clearly also not happy with what he assumed were his elder son's attempts at getting the child to not hiss at him.
"Richard, I am warning you."
"Come on little teethling! How about this chocolate? Or do you like baked goods better?"
"Just one pat without biting Dami, please! He is not hissing as much as he did earlier! Should I juggle the cakes?"
"Danyal, how about we leave these idiots?" The child didn't even look up at his youngest but kept hissing at Dick who kept offering small cakes to the child.
He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of his children, just as Damian was about to get up and leave with the boy. It was interesting seeing them blink at him this owlishly whenever he joined them when they least expected his appearance. "Someone wants to explain to me why Damian has a child with him?"
"This child is Danyal." Damian stated, looking down at the boy whose eyes were now focused on him. They were a glowing sky blue and Bruce couldn't help but think that his son might have picked up a little Meta child he wanted to take care of.
He hm-ed stepping into the room and closer to his children. Noting how the child in his son's arms tensed, pupils blown wide. The kid was on high alert. Now that he also took a closer look at the small boy he noticed that he had similarities to Damian, was that the reason the kid seemed to have latched onto his youngest?
"A Meta?" He questioned as he slowly moved towards the clearly tense child. Considering all his sons being around, the child might be a rescue and with the way the little one watched his every move as the newcomer, possibly abused too. He would need the report from his sons to get a better understanding of the boy's circumstances.
"Not exactly…" Tim started and he looked over at his third eldest. He was hesitating with his explanation, why? Was there something else amiss with the child?
"B maybe you should wait and sit down over there. This will be a lot to take in." Dick added his eyes worriedly going to the child that had become strangely quiet and back to him. Bruce only hm-ed again, Dick was good with children but from what he had seen this child wasn't trusting his eldest.
Maybe he should give it a try? So he crouched before Damian and the boy putting on the friendliest face he could muster. If this child was an abused meta case then the boy was surely scared, he could see it clearly now in the boy's eyes. The likelihood that he had probably latched onto his youngest because of their similarities for safety was now even more apparent.
"Hel-" He couldn't even finish his greeting before the child's eyes took on a glowing green color.
Suddenly the boy slipped out of Damian's hold and in what looked close to flying flipped over the couch onto his second oldest shoulders, using them as springboard to get onto one of the high shelves of the sitting room. Drawing back into the ceiling corner and making himself as small as possible. The entire time the child's glowing green eyes were on Bruce and his stomach sank at the familiarity of that color. His eyes, only for a split second, went over to Jason who glared at him, placing himself between Bruce and the shelve the boy jumped on.
"Father! What did you do?"
"I was only attempting to greet that child on eye-level so as not to further scare him."
"Yea sure." His second oldest scoffed. "You didn't want to judge if the kid was a dangerous unknown?"
"No Dick. The kid is fine with us, though still hissing and bitey but that was not a normal reaction. If I had to guess, the kid's Pit must have reacted to something with Bruce. The Biter stopped hissing the moment he noticed him. Look at the kids' eyes and tell me that's not true."
His eldest did look conflicted as his eyes went over to the kid on the high shelf silently staring down at them before looking back at him still crouching by the couch where he really had only attempted to greet the small child that had been in Damian's arms.
Standing up Bruce looked straight at his second oldest while still keeping the boy in his field of vision. "The child's Pit?"
Dick sighed covering his eyes with his right hand for a moment before looking back up at him again with determination. "That's why I wanted you to sit down and listen to us first. Danny is showing symptoms of being influenced by Lazarus Water. In addition Tim found that he not only has it in his system and blood but also influencing his DNA."
Bruce couldn't help his as his eyes narrowed at what his eldest son was saying. "The child, Danny you said, is like Jason?"
"Possible worse." Tim replied this time. "The way the Lazarus water influenced his DNA had nearly made it impossible to test it when we tried to see if Danny was a clone. I had to split and isolate it from his DNA to get clear results."
"A clone?"
Tim arched his eyebrow at Bruce judgingly. "You must have noticed how much he looks like Damian. We first thought the child was a Clone but turns out that's not the case. He-"
"Congratulations you have another supposedly dead son Talia revived via Lazarus Pit." Jason cut rudely not once looking away from Bruce as he waited for the man's reaction.
"Just rip the bandaid off. Better to get his negative reaction out of the way now than later."
"That's not what I mean and you know it!"
"What…?" He barely said it loud enough for his children to hear. To say Bruce's brain short circuit was an understatement as the words supposedly dead son registered.
Dick sighted and Bruce felt his eldest son placing his hand on his shoulder but all Bruce could do was turn to look at where the child was still high up on the shelf staring at him and looking like he wanted to merge into the shadows of the ceiling corner while Damian tried to coax the child down again.
"Damian told us that Danny is his twin that had died eight years ago. We don't know yet why he is here nor how but Dami, who was the most convinced that Danny was a clone at first, is now insisting that this child is his revived brother. And we believe him, everything we found so far points to that conclusion too."
Bruce barely heard Dicks explanation over his own heart beat as he watched Damian and Danny. All he could think about was that he had failed another child. The child who was supposed to be Damians age had died too young and only to get revived eight years later? Why hadn't Damian told him anything about his brother? Why did the revived child need to appear for him to learn about his existence?
All but one of his sons' attention turned to the child on the shelf as now three of them tried to get the chil- no. Danny, Damian's twin who had died at the age of eight and had now been revived and had been kept a secret from him by his own son too, down from there.
"Danyal come down please. Father does not mean any harm."
"Great Bruce scared the little biter so much that he acts like a scared cat again."
"Just be happy he didn't instantly go to bite Bruce."
"I would have actually liked to see that happening."
"Would you imbecile shut up. Danyal, would a snack from Alfred help calm you down?"
"If Dickie didn't get him to stop hissing with treats why would he come down from up there for one?"
"Hey Jason, hold your arm up please?"
"The fuck you want replacement?"
"We are not using Todd as bait."
"Worth a shot."
"Fuck off, how about you hold your arm up."
"You're taller than me and have more reach."
"Oh now you're fine admitting you're short?"
"Shut up. Neither of you will be used as bait. Who knows what diseases either of you carry."
Turning around and wordlessly leaving the room Bruce decided he needed to find a way to contact Talia. He needed answers and that as soon as possible. He could not face Danny like this and his children seemed to have the situation handled for now.
As the man stormed out of the room, he did not notice the worried or judging side eyes of his children. Nor the green eyes that had never once stopped watching him as they turned blue appearing more confused than when they had been green. Jason on the other hand had noticed the change and couldn't help but wonder why the little biters Pit reacted this strongly towards Bruce when his own had been surprisingly quiet for the last couple of hours.
Meanwhile Illinois in a small hidden town…
"What do you mean template isn't here anymore?!"
"He disappeared. They say he died but I can't believe it. I don't believe it."
"You better! If he died the entire ghost zone would have rioted!"
"Hello? Ghost King?"
"Right… But how do we find him?"
"Maybe we can track his ecto-signature?"
"We have to give it a shot. We need to find him before the GIW do."
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hello can you do an Athena! Reader Percy Jackson but completely different than Annabeth she is smart yes but seems dumber than she is. She is a bit of the psychologist if the group she like trying to read other emotion something like that. But this time it was Percy who try to understand her and is like a pillar to her. She is a bit insecure about her being less than others of her half brother and sister but he want to reassure her please. ❞ — @hope92100
pairing percy jackson x athena!reader
in which percy’s here regardless of the pain
warnings feelings of insecurity (? idk if this needs a warning but just in case!!)
on the radio . . . i know you (faye webster)
an set during mark of athena!!
As a daughter of Athena, you’ve always been expected to know everything. Whilst others had powers of chlorokinesis or an innate ability to heal, your strength was meant to be your wit. And for the most part, that was true - Athena’s kids have always been the smartest. However, you didn’t feel like you fit in with your half-siblings. No matter what you did, you always felt lesser than them
When you’d first gotten claimed by Athena, you were surprised, but accepted it. You thought maybe the cleverness would kick in now that she recognised you as her daughter, but you stayed the same. Later on, you’d realise that you’ve always had wit, but you were simply absorbing other people’s opinions of you and turning them into your identity. It took you a while to unlearn that habit, but eventually, you did
Your area of expertise has always lied in the feelings of others. Your emotional intelligence is what got you through a lot of life as a demigod, and you had a knack for knowing exactly what a person is going through just by looking at them, always providing comfort and support when needed
Now was one of those times. Your boyfriend, Percy, had been missing for about 6 months, and you were finally about to head off to Camp Jupiter to find him. When you first found out he was gone, you were, of course, devastated. However, you quickly pushed those feelings to the back of your mind once you noticed everyone else. They needed you. So you smiled and you comforted and you told the younger kids of how brave Percy is and how he’ll definitely come back
But to you, it wasn’t enough to just be a shoulder to cry on. When Jason had gotten assigned his first quest, he’d asked Annabeth if she could come along - not you. Despite knowing you’re Percy’s girlfriend, despite knowing that there was a chance of finding him on the quest, he asked Annabeth. You couldn’t help but be a little jealous. Intelligence has always come naturally to your sister and, unlike you, she never doubted herself. She’d rejected his offer, rambling about having her own searches to do, but you saw the pitiful look she cast you
Then, while everyone was preparing to head for San Francisco, you could do nothing but guide them through their emotions and make sure they were all mentally prepared for the voyage. Again, it wasn’t enough. Annabeth was doing research on the Romans with the help of Jason. Leo was building a whole ship. What were you doing? 
Being in Percy’s arms again for the first time in half a year, you never felt more complete. Your boy was back home to you. Deep down, however, you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. He’d remembered you, out of anyone in his life, you’re the only one who stuck. You didn’t deserve that title, not after you barely did anything to help find him. So, you distanced yourself. Surely, he’d be fine without you
Wrong. Percy noticed. Even though you’d been apart for so long, he’d never not notice any shift in your mood or behaviour. Your very being was etched into his brain. He could point you out in a room full of people without any of his senses. To him, you were akin to the very ocean that ran through his veins. In the end, he’d always gravitate towards you. No matter what. While you pulled away, he tried to tug you towards him
When he’d asked Annabeth if something had happened while he was gone, she’d told him no, and that you were probably just overwhelmed by it all. He tried to accept that, but he just couldn’t. He knew there was more to your situation
That very night, Tyche seemed to be smiling down at him, as he was fortunate enough to finally be able to speak with you alone. You were on the night shift, keeping watch in case any monsters decided to attack. Percy had woken with a start and itched to breathe in the salty air of the sea. When he came above deck, he was surprised to see you, having completely forgotten the schedule everyone agreed on
“Hey Y/N,” he said, startling you as he came over to stand next to you. You’d simply been staring up at the night sky, deep in thought, when your boyfriend showed up
Unable to hold his gaze, you replied, “hi Percy… how are you?” 
He entertained your question, knowing the best way to get you to talk about your feelings is if he created an easy-going environment first. So, Percy told you all about what he’d been up to. His quest with Frank and Hazel, Octavian the teddy bear assassin augur, and the city of New Rome - where he wanted to grow old with you. Next thing you knew, you were laughing as if he were never gone
Once your giggles had died down, Percy asked the question that’d been weighing on his mind, “how are you, sweets? And don’t even try to tell me you’re fine because I know something’s up. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to hide from Percy any longer. As he held you in his arms, you spilled your deepest insecurities to him. How you felt absolutely useless in the months leading up to your departure from New York, which in turn led you to feel undeserving of his love. With every word, Percy felt the crack in his heart grow deeper and deeper. He never wanted you to feel this way. He wished nothing more than to have been there with you, to have talked your feelings out with you
Pressing a kiss into your hair, he said, “you’re not useless, Y/N. I don’t care what you think, I’m telling you now - you’re not useless. I’d say it for an eternity if that’s how long it’ll take for you to believe it. Do you really think we would’ve gotten this far without you? Honey, if you weren’t part of this quest, I’d still be wandering around Camp Jupiter thinking about when I’d get to see you again.”
You felt tears brim in your eyes and as Percy tenderly wiped them away, you realised he was right. Sure, you hadn’t helped Annabeth learn about the Romans very much, but when she broke down after being hunched over conjugations of different Latin verbs, you’d been there with a blanket and a cup of tea, reminding her that she didn’t need to be perfect and that the people of New Rome probably spoke English anyway. And when Leo was accused of betraying everyone by firing on New Rome, you’d defended him without hesitation, stopping the quest from failing before it even started. You also taught Piper how to properly use her knife instead of just stabbing everywhere and hoping for the best, and had given Leo the idea to take some plates from camp so that food wouldn’t be a worry
Percy stared down at you, and smiled when he noticed your shoulders relax and your eyes begin to droop, a clear sign of the multitude of nights you’d spent restless
There was nothing Hera could possibly do to separate the two of you again
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
I think its time i reach down into the depths of hell and bring superbat kid back to the surface
She is a little confused rn because papa Clark told her that Santa is gonna bring her gifts when she's asleep, but just a day ago, daddy Bruce had told her that Santa does not exist.
Right now, she's back at the Wayne Manor because Clark wanted to yell at Bruce for saying Santa isn't real. With her brothers around, she asks them if Santa is real or not.
Jason and Damian said "No" while Tim and Dick said "Yes" simultaneously. You looked back and forth between them as they began arguing.
Dick: Santa is real-
Damian: no, he's not-
Tim: it's called letting Y/n have a normal, healthy childhood.
Jason: what's healthy about a stranger breaking in to your house and watching you sleep and leaving materialistic things before eating your baked goods?
Damain,nodding: yeah, that's not a good figure to look up to. Santa is a bad guy-
And baby reader only hears "Santa is a bad guy who breaks into your house at night when everyone's sleep" part and is now afraid.
Later that night, after Bruce had tucked reader in, he heard something move. He went out to check the boys, thinking that maybe one of them got out of bed, but ti his surprise, they were all asleep with their doors wide open. He then went towards your room, only to stop when he heard a loud crash from downstairs. Everyone was awake now, and they all rushed downstairs to the living room, where you stayed afloat in the air with a baseball bat in your hand, as you swung and hit the stomach of-
What the hell?
"Y/n!" Bruce called, startling you as you instantly floated towards him, hugging him as you said "I beat Santa! I beat Santa!"
The Santa, who was now being picked up by Dick and Jason, turned out to be actually Clark in disguise.
"What are you doing here Clar-"
"HO! HO! HO! SANTA JUST CAME TO DROP PRESENTS FOR YOUNG Y/N!" Clark exclaimed, cutting Bruce off.
You glared at the man in red suit, still not recognising your dear papa. "I don't want any presents from the bad man! You- you broke into our house without- ringing the bell!" You tried to float towards Santa to beat him again, but Bruce caught you and held you firmly against his chest. "I won't let you hurt daddy or my brothers or Alfie!"
It's like a lightswitch went off in the boys head and they all finally understood what you meant.
Bruce titled your chin towards him. "Y/n, sweetie, as nice it is for you to beat up Santa to protect me and your brothers and Alfred, and I'm very proud that you took my "stranger danger" lessons well, you must understand that you will never fight someone without getting my permission first. Its too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt, princess." Your brothers agreed. "Do you understand, Y/n?"
You nodded, playing with your hands.
"Good. Now, let's go back to bed-" Bruce was interrupted by Clark clearing his throat loudly.
Ugh. Bruce rolled his eyes. "And Y/n, Santa is not a bad guy. He just wanted to leave us some presents. Small, cheap ones, unlike mine but hey, what can you do?" Clark glared at him whole your brothers snickered. "So, please don't beat up Santa next time, okay?"
"Okay. Sorry, Mr Santa."
"Its okay, Y/n! Ho! Ho-"
"Stop with the theatrics. You interrupted her bedtime. It's time for her to sleep. Try to be more quiet next time, Santa." Bruce growled, clearly unhappy at Clark for making you miss your beauty sleep.
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charliedawn · 6 months
Hi hi! I don't know if you've already done a request similar to this one buuuut.. how would the slashers (+ Hannibal Jr and his dad, Hannibal. MAYBE if you can) react to the nurse getting hit with like.. an intense aphrodisiac?
I'm curious;w; and I love your writing so much<3
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Pennywise would immediately recognise the scent of aphrodisiac and lock himself up—twice.
He isn’t staying when you’re all weird and clinging to him like a plushie.
Pennywise can like you, but he still doesn’t like being touched and would simply disappear until the effects of the aphrodisiac wear off.
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Freddy has no self-control. The moment he knows you are under the effects of an aphrodisiac, he’d take his shot.
So, for your safety, the medical staff has put traps into place all around your room…
Freddy *tries to get in and gets hit with a giant hammer* : "SHIT—!"
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Michael would ask to be put on lockdown. He cannot be trusted around you. The moment he cares for someone, he usually has the urge to kill them so…Yup.
Better safe than sorry.
He’d still be happy to see you once or twice. But…that’s about it.
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People have tried to restrain Penny…But by the time they understood…It was too late. Penny had gotten a whiff of the aphrodisiac and got into *mating mode*.
Penny *giggles and wraps his arms around you* : "Heya. Y/N wants to play, right ? Wants to play with Penny ?"
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"How…delightful. Nice to see you reacting so…well to my little gift. My little lamb."
…Hannibal Sr. was the one to spike your drink with aphrodisiac. He wanted to see your reaction. He wasn’t disappointed…
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He was amused at first…before he had no choice but to put you to sleep because of how intense it was becoming.
Hannibal Jr. *kisses your forehead after he administrated you with enough sedatives to kill a horse* : "Sleep well, my darling. We shall talk when you wake up."
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The moment Bo sees an opportunity…
It’s over.
You gotta knock him out or kill him to keep his hands off you.
Bo *pats your head* : "…You and I are gonna have LOTS of fun, darls."
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Brahms…Brahms would be cautious at first. He would understand that this isn’t the normal you and would be happy with just staying away at first.
But, tentation is hard and he would eventually give in and hug you and kiss you and tell you he loves you and give you affection and love you want.
Yeah. Poor boy is weak.
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Jason would tie you up to a tree.
He is a good boy.
He wouldn’t give in to the sin of the flesh and just wait until you are back to normal before hugging you and tell you that he is sorry.
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Norman *tries to calm you down* : "Y-Y/N. Let’s…Let’s talk about this. Please, sweetheart."
You *growl*
Norman *starts sweating and runs away*
Norman was raised to be the perfect gentleman. He would never take advantage of you because of some aphrodisiac. So, he would run and hide until you are back to normal.
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serafilms · 9 months
song 13! about you (the 1975) + jason todd requested by @harleycao (spotify wrapped event)
there was something ‘bout you that now i can’t remember, it’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender
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Jason’s memories of you have gotten fuzzier since coming back from the dead. This is strange, alarming almost, considering that when he first woke from his eternal slumber, the only word he could remember from his past was your name.
He had the faintest memory of your face, the smile that curved, but nothing more. When he took up a new life as the Red Hood, his past had returned to him, and with it all the details of you. Your name, face, aspirations, favourite book, the way you smelled. But as his anger grew, as he leaned further into his life as a vigilante, further into his resentment of Batman, his thoughts of you became less clear.
The image of your face seems distorted now. Your smile has twisted into nothing. He can no longer remember why you liked the things you did, nor can he pinpoint the scent he once knew so well.
He loved you. He knows that much. But why?
The snow on his shoulders is shaken off as he uses his grappling hook to launch himself atop a building. He crouches on top of it and tries to ignore the memory of Batman perching by his side. Old habits die hard, he supposes. But he's not the boy he used to be.
Still, some part of his old self lingers beneath the surface, in that fuzzy echo of you. And he's determined to find out the reason, even if it crushes every ounce of his soul. It can't get much worse, anyway, he thinks.
He's already done his research. He knows your address, license plate number, university and major. He knows that at this time of night, you'll have gotten back from work and probably be making dinner in your apartment. In the building that he's sitting across from right now.
He counts out the windows. Seventh floor, third from the left. One, two, three. He can see light from some of the windows of the building, but his angle provides no view to the apartments inside. he'll have to go over. He stands.
Then, he hesitates. Because for as much time as he's spent thinking about you and trying to find you, he never planned what to do when he has. What even is his goal? To ruin your life by bringing up bad memories? To ruin his own life by seeing the one you've built without him? Something digs into the crevices of his chest painfully.
No, he thinks, I just want to see how you are.
He steels himself and swings across to the building. He counts as he goes – one, two, three. The curtains are shut so he can only see his reflection, but the fourth window, where your living room would be, is ajar, light streaming out into the dark of the night.
Glancing into the window next to him (your bedroom, he thinks), He almost flinches. He'll never get used to the glowing green of his eyes, which serves as yet another reminder that he's not the same boy he used to be, because that boy is as good as dead. He wonders for a moment if you would recognise him. He pushes the thought aside.
He inches closer to the open window until he's right beside the opening. His breath turns shallow knowing that you're so close, and he feels his heart hammering in his chest, so quickly and painfully that he's sure it's going to burst out.
He hears feet shuffling inside the room and freezes. His heart hammers in his chest and he wills himself to stay silent.
The footsteps grow nearer and he sees a shadow forming on the windowsill until he knows you're standing at it. So close. You're so close.
He tries to move away a little so you won't see him, but as his foot makes contact with the side of the building, there's a scuffling sort of knock against the brick. He watches with bated breath as your shadow wavers.
Then, he hears it.
Your question comes out as a whisper, but he hears it and it's so clearly you, and his stomach lurches.
Something tugs at his heart, and he feels himself moving towards you, as if he's being pulled along by some invisible string.
Then, he's at your window, pulling it open higher and looking at you.
He sees your face, more defined than he remembers. Your hair is less messy, and your eyes are more tired. But he knows it's you and all of a sudden his heart is clenching and contracting like it hasn't known what it's like to beat properly until it saw you. It's been stagnant all these years, he knows, and as he rakes his eyes over your face, he can't help but climb through the window urgently, taking off his helmet and mask as he does. He's afraid that you were never real, and that you'll slip from his mind again; he's afraid because his heart is finally remembering what it feels like to love you.
The shock on your face isn't as profound as he thought it would be. Your expression twists, as if you're going through a range of emotions. Surprise, confusion, recognition, grief, contemplation.
"Jason," you say. It's no longer a question.
He nods.
You stare at him for a moment, then you step closer and your arms wrap around him.
Jason's heart feels tender in his chest, as he wraps his arms hesitantly around you as well. You fit well together, and it feels more natural than he expected, to slot his head in the space next to yours. He inhales slowly and a tear slides down his cheek.
"You remember me," he mutters.
You hold him closer and Jason feels warm, alive for the first time since his death. "How could I forget?"
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something of a sequel to my hope ur ok drabble!!! loosely inspired by percy only remembering annabeth in the lost hero
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