#Regulus is a cat
yourgalgremlin · 6 days
Regulus Black’s lil black cat animagus gets the zoomies.
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ducky-sav · 6 months
James dressing up the random cat he found in the corridors
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(It’s Reggie!!)
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fox-marauder · 5 months
i love the fact that Sirius Black is a black dog and Regulus Black is a black cat
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The survivor and his protector, a jegulus story :)
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mo0ns-and-stars · 2 months
If Sirius is Padfoot then Regulus is Pawprint.
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menacetosociety1408 · 7 months
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monachopsis7209 · 1 year
A Sleepy Cat and a Stunned Stag
15th july prompt: bath by @jegulus-microfic
somewhat connected to ‘unintended confessions’. suggested to read that first
271 words
an evening after a particularly tough quidditch session, james found the little black kitten he’d been meeting around the castle. he picked up the kitten and carried it all the way back to his dorm. on the way back, he told the kitten all about the quidditch training he just finished.
when they reached the dorm, james put the feline on his bed and went to take a bath. while he was in the bathroom, the kitten transformed into the future heir to the black fortune, regulus. the boy couldn’t be any happier. he was in his crush’s room, who also happened to have a massive crush on him.
reggie relished in the cinnamon-like smell that wafted from james’ bed. he could also hear the older boy singing in the bathroom as the smell of honey seemed to float around the room. the heat he felt from his surroundings and the woody scents of the dorm were making him sleepy.
james actually took really long showers. 15 minutes was the fastest, and that didn’t include the time he spent changing and taming his hair. he usually took close to 30 minutes. considering he’s now showering after a training session, it’s likely to last about 45 minutes, which led to regulus falling asleep.
so when james finally came out, fully clothed, and saw little reggie sleeping where he put the kitten down, well, his face was the same shade of maroon as the gryffindor sweater he was wearing. regulus would joke in the future that james could have camouflaged into the deep red wallpaper that was found all over the gryffindor tower.
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sunny-prongs · 6 months
Reg' doesn't know how to ask for attention so when he want it he just stand close to the person he want attention from until they give it to him
Also when the say person start to give a bit too much affection he panic and run away while acting like he never wanted affection at all which everyone know is false
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fucktheworld37 · 1 year
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This is literally the black brothers
I will not take any criticism
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acanadianmuggle · 1 year
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Rated G - 1670 words
Regulus Black becomes an animagus specifically to spend more time with Sirius.
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yourgalgremlin · 23 days
Regulus’ animagus form is a black serval cat (medium-sized wild cat with long legs, big ears, & a cunty resting bitch face.) The Slytherins call him “Grim” because he looked like:
A “pocket sized Grim” (big black spectral dog & omen of death) - Evan
“If the Grim Reaper had a cat” - Barty
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🔝Look @ the serval cat’s cunty lil face! That’s RAB’s RBF, 100%. It’s giving “aloof, cold, judgey rich kid” vibes.
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How Regulus Knew That He Inherited The Black Family Madness
  He always thought he would be the one to end up insane, Sirius was too not like the family to inherit its madness...he just never really thought it would present itself like this, this sickening unhealthy obsession with one of his brother’s friends. 
   He had a long while to just think, contemplate his life choices as he held that mandrake leaf in his mouth, well he contemplated when he wasn’t searching the world for the necessary weather condition that he needed, and then he was ready and he internally scoffed at what he was. He was a small black kitten, but at the very least he’d be stealthy.
   He followed Remus Lupin to where he disappeared every full moon, ignored Remus begging him to leave and forced himself to watch the transformation from man to werewolf and then he ran with the werewolf and admittedly it was fun, he’d never had this much fun ever before, Quidditch comes close but not close enough, they ran the entire night and then Remus collapsed and transformed back, weary and almost completely out of it so Regulus chanced climbing on his chest and he felt so much happiness and pride at what he achieved that he couldn’t stop the purrs, even if he wanted to. He didn’t know how long it took Remus to stir but when he did he pet Regulus under the chin while asking 
   “Can I call you Leo? You’re so proud of yourself my little friend.” and calling Regulus his friend! The feeling of happiness grew to such a great level that Regulus thought he would burst from it and he really wished he could show Remus just how happy he was.  “Come on little Leo, I have to get to the healing wing.” Remus said as he carefully stood up and Regulus purred the entire way, trying to keep somewhat quiet so he could hear the tune that Remus was humming. He was content to stay in his arms until they were almost to Hogwarts then he jumped down, knowing that he had to leave, to return to his dorms and to the distance between them...but every full moon, he glanced back at Remus and saw how sad he looked and bounded back towards him, 
   “Mreow,” It slipped out, the sound of concern and of trying to tell Remus that he absolutely would be back, he rubbed against Remus’ legs, looked up at him and then bound off again, knowing that as often as possible he’d sneak over and steal cuddles from the Gryffindor. He purred as he thought about it, he couldn’t wait!
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fiasco95 · 5 months
James: Look what I caught!
Sirius: What?
James: A stray cat!
Sirius: That’s Regulus.
James: Stray cat!
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the-original-gays · 4 months
*Potter mansion*
James, to Regulus: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Monty, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!
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marlsswrites · 16 days
James: Hey, you were in my dream last night!
Regulus: Really? You were in mine too.
James beaming: In mine we lived on a farm with six kids and a pet unicorn.
James: What about yours?
Regulus: …You died in a fire
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Reg sneaking into his dorm at 2am, uniform a little dishevelled
Barty, turning the light on and stroking a cat like a bond villain: why hello, you're out awfully late
Reg: ...uhm-
Evan, appearing in the shadows next to Barty: it's dreadfully strange how the light affects the colours of ties
Reg: merde
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