#Resilience Development
Competing at the collegiate level demands more than physical prowess—it requires mental toughness. Developing resilience and a strong mindset can significantly enhance an athlete’s performance and overall well-being.
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adviceformefromme · 8 months
How to win this month…
Speaking life into yourself daily, no more judging yourself because you didn’t go for a run, or wake up at 5am. Choosing to love yourself unconditionally. Choosing to write those affirmations and stick them on the bathroom mirror, choosing to infuse your mind with loving, kindness, gratitude and all that yummy stuff on an hourly basis.
Focus on move the needle tasks. You want to write that book, loose 100 lbs, compete in the Olympics - whatever is your PRIMARY goal in life (and choose the primary one only), focus 100% on that task. Creating momentum around this one thing each and every day. Your primary goal should be your only focus. Secondary goals, are irrelevant. Nothing comes above your PRIMARY GOAL, and doing small little tasks each day to support this is how you make progress.
Organised days. As much as the feminine loves, flow, ease, loose unstructured days this truly does not bag you the life of your dreams. Break your day into 4 hour blocks, setting tasks in each block from when you wake up to the evening. This allows organised, focused, and productive days.
Using your resources wisely, if you’re still recovering financially from xmas, or on some kind of budget, ensure you spend wisely. Choosing health over aesthetic, choosing the Pilates membership over the designer trainers. The intolerance test over the sculpting facial. Investing in the inside before the outside is a priority. Making smarter financial decisions from a place of inner love.
Main character energy. Putting yourself first on a whole new level. No more thinking about the guy who you’re not even dating, no more putting mental energy into anything other than becoming your very best self. Period. If it’s taking mental energy from your purpose , from those move the needle tasks, from your organised days, from spending wisely. RE-ALIGN, create space and re-centre and get back on the track. We're winning the race this year.
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Enhancing agriculture productivity and food systems in general requires appropriate and affordable technology and innovations.
Enhancing agriculture productivity and food systems in general requires appropriate and affordable technology and innovations supported by sound policies and functioning institutions. Use of modern irrigation systems, mechanization of farming and reduction of post-harvest losses are high priorities for the continent.
Description: Policy formulation to integrate clean energy technology in agricultural development should be a key priority for a sound food system, and resilience development in Africa. In this context, the following streams are worth considering.
- Strengthen policies and institutions
- Enhance agricultural skills, education, and R&D
- Dissemination and adoption of technologies and innovations, including indigenous knowledge
- Promote investment in cost-effective and quality agricultural inputs
- Application of post-harvest loss management technologies
- Promote natural resource management and practices appropriate for African agricultural
- Disaster risk mitigation
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mecachrome · 10 months
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Alex Albon for High Performance
It was this weird thing, because — for example with Yuki, I wanted to take his seat! He was a potential candidate that I could replace. And I remember having that chat with Helmut Marko, and he told me at the time, "You need to driver-coach this guy." And I was like, "I'm not going to. That's a potential seat." And he said, "No, he's already signed. He's guaranteed." So I was like (throws hands), "Okay, fine. Then I'll help him."
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yakobssonarthall · 17 days
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The Son of Man by René Magritte (1964)
This iconic painting immediately draws attention to two powerful symbols: the apple and the man’s formal attire. The apple, suspended in front of the figure’s face, evokes the story of Eden and ties into the Oedipal Complex. In the biblical narrative, Adam consumes the forbidden fruit handed to him by Eve, ushering in the knowledge of self, shame, and guilt. This is crucial in psychoanalytic terms, as it mirrors the child’s desire for the mother and the inevitable transgression of the father’s laws.
Before Adam’s consumption of the apple, he was innocent and unaware of his nakedness. In Magritte’s interpretation, the man is not only hiding his body but also masking his identity behind the apple.
In the painting, the man is fully dressed, his body covered by a suit, emphasizing the overcompensation for his earlier transgression. The suit itself becomes a form of defense, but it’s the apple that holds the deepest symbolism—hiding the face, the core of identity and expression, leaving a profound psychological tension.
Core Theme: Transgression and Guilt
This work is steeped in themes of transgression, particularly relating to the desire to break societal rules and rebel against authority (often the father figure) which leaves a lasting guilt. The apple symbolizes that guilt, as well as the individual’s desire to remain hidden. Magritte plays with this paradox—while the subject wishes to hide, we, the viewer, are irresistibly drawn to what is concealed.
The hat in the painting serves as a symbol of social status and conformity, suggesting that the figure still operates within societal structures while carrying the hidden burden of guilt beneath the surface.
The Personality of the Buyer
A person who is drawn to this painting may experience a deep sense of guilt or inner conflict. Their guilt may be rooted in personal transgressions, such as unresolved conflicts with authority figures or a sense of betrayal in relationships. They may also feel ambivalence toward wealth and power, having achieved success that leaves them morally conflicted.
Personality Type: Likely highly introspective and prone to self-blame. They may grapple with the tension between their public image and private struggles, overcompensating for their vulnerabilities with external success.
Relationships: This individual may have difficulty with trust and maintaining deep emotional connections. Fear of being exposed leads them to keep their true selves hidden, resulting in relationships that feel shallow or superficial.
Occupation: They are likely in a high-status profession, such as finance, business, or law—fields where appearances and control are paramount, yet they may feel disconnected from their inner emotions.
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Growth isn’t always constant. Relapses happen. It doesn’t erase all your success.
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storytellerslense · 3 months
JJ Maybank character analysis
The meaning of the gun
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"I got this thing, you know, to protect us" (JJ Maybank, Season 1, Episode 3)
At the start of the Pilot we see JJ Maybank as a funny, imaginative, rebellious guy who, although doesn't really think through the consequences of his actions, seems quite harmless.
However, his personality becomes a bit darker and erratic after he steals a loaded gun. He gets literally obsessed with always carrying it around and, to the dismay of the Pogues, does not hesitate to show it off for intimidation.
The possession of the gun holds a deep symbolic meaning for JJ Maybank, which goes far beyond the simple necessity of self-defense. Psychologically it can be described as "compensation" and a "defense mechanism." These terms describe how individuals use symbolic objects or behaviors to cope with inner conflicts or to make up for a lack of control in their lives.
The gun as a symbol for power and control
For JJ, who grows up in an environment where he has little control over his own life and safety, the gun symbolizes the opportunity to regain control. The gun gives him the feeling that he can protect himself and his friends.
Also, JJ is the one who faces the most oppression from many sides—whether it's from his abusive father, societal stigmas, or conflicts with the Kooks. Owning a gun represents a form of power that he otherwise lacks. It serves as a means for him to defend himself against those who oppress him.
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In a powerful scene in Season 1, JJ points the gun at his abusive father and later breaks down crying to his friends: "I can't take it anymore... I was gonna kill him!"
The gun as an expression of JJ's inner conflicts
JJ's decision to possess a gun is an expression of his inner anger and desperation. The weapon represents his deep-seated frustration and his drive to combat the feelings of helplessness that overwhelm him due to his familial and social circumstances. It also expresses JJ's self-destructive tendencies. His willingness to take extreme measures highlights the depth of his emotional pain and despair.
The gun as a proof of coming of age
For JJ, forced to grow up early due to parentification, the gun also symbolizes his claim to independence and maturity. It is a means through which he can prove himself as capable and adult, someone who can protect himself and others.
Because he is often not taking seriously, JJ believes that possessing a gun will earn him more respect. It is an attempt to strengthen his position in the social hierarchy and assert his autonomy.
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"(...) Remind you that I am the only one who can properly defend us." (JJ Maybank, Season 1)
The key moment of JJ losing his weapon
In "Outer Banks" Season 2, Episode 4 JJ Maybank finally gives up his weapon. It happens when the Pogues are about to get cornered by the police. JJ brandishes his gun in order to assert control over the situation. Recognizing this, John B steps in by assertively taking the gun out of JJ's hand, letting it fall to the ground, gently reassuring him, that he is going to be ok.
This message was extremely important for JJ, lifting the heavy weight of responsibility finally off his shoulders. JJ, being usually prepared to constantly put his own life on the line for the well-being of his father or his friends in order to "earn" their love and respect, was now protected and guided himself by his best friend.
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"It's gonna be alright." (John B., Season 2, Episode 4)
After a short moment of indecisiveness and shock, JJ gives in and completes the act by quickly kicking dirt over the gun, so it stays hidden before the police can find it.
This is one of the most powerful, though underrated scenes in Outer Banks, because it really marks a key moment of JJ's personal development. It signifies his willingness to confront his inner demons: giving up control- for once not relying on himself but really trusting someone else's judgement. He is also accepted and cared for without having to proof himself or fulfill someone else's needs beforehand.
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conscious-love · 1 year
Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.
Robin S. Sharma
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 9 months
Put yourself first . You will never leave you. You will always have yourself . Self care and self love will save you. Always remember you are a 👑QUEENCARD👑
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Remember, Boundaries
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Amen To That. 💙🙏🏼
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riptidekissesblog · 16 days
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✧hey girlies,
today while i was tanning i came up with this quote. if you enjoy the present moment, your focus will be where it really matters. if you're not enjoying the present moment, what a waste of time!! make little changes to make life more fun! I'll have to make a post soon listing ways to start living in the moment.
love you babe, follow for more༺♥༻∞
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mrkmciver · 1 year
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#Change Habits
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northnodal · 5 months
i had a revelation that i’ve been trying to protect myself from heartbreak by 1. approaching relationships with cold logic and 2. distancing myself from “passionate” romantic feelings. overall, i’ve been subconsciously keeping my guard up.
i realized that there’s always a risk when dating, but that shouldn’t stop me from leaning into intimacy. i’m more mature now; i possess discernment and self-respect. that’s the best i can do for myself in a relationship—the rest is out of my control.
loving is scary, but it’s better than never loving at all.
and so i am opening myself up.
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akugumi · 28 days
“i’m you” “you’re me” yuji you have moved mountains.. this truly is yuji kaisen
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remyfire · 1 year
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I cannot express to you the emotions that flood me every time we get an episode where Hawkeye is passing out where he sits, but BJ is still managing to truck along.
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freckliedan · 20 days
hi im glad to hear your not doing that badly but sending you best wishes regardless <3
i know i'm belated on this but i wanted to let you know the well wishes mean the world 😭 the kindness of folks here has been making a big difference.
but i am doing that badly, actually. just because i am good at making it through does not mean it is not extremely bad and hard. and being good at it is something that i have been working hard on for over a decade, not a skill i was born with.
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