#Reversed Shattering AU
sky-sogira · 2 years
In case anyone was wondering why my skykid ocs Ishuxel, Straize and Unnamed-kid-who-is-now-called-Selerus are the only ones I posted help sometimes carry weapons, well, here's the reversed shattering AU
There's another post I made a while back about this AU here. In short, the Sun became 6 shards and fell across the 6 Kingdoms.
During this time, with no strong ambient Light to hold Darkness back and heal Light, Darkness festers and is stronger than ever. Light creatures become drained more quickly and drained Light creatures are easy targets for Darkness to corrupt. Corruption makes Light creatures go through rebirth forcefully, or become Dark creatures.
Generally, Isle, Prairie and Valley are starlit and are about the same brightness as Starlight Desert. The moon and stars shine brightly and more blooming trees are planted to provide light. These areas are the safest from Darkness, but Darkness still grows and Dark creatures are still around.
Forest is lit by bioluminescent fungus, but the rains have become heavier and there are as many Dark plants as there are fungus. Dark plants can consume Light, and burning them takes more time and effort, and risks the Skykid's flame of being consumed by a plant. It floods regularly so the corruption doesn't get too bad but it is still avoided by Skykids.
Valley is well protected from Wasteland's Darkness. Valley was treated as a capital city by the Ancestors, and they protected Valley with spells and enchantments to keep it safe. The spells are not yet broken and Dark Creatures shy away from it. Most of the Skykid settlements are in Valley.
Wasteland is almost completely abandoned by most Skykids. Not only do crabs and krill live there, the whale that lives between Valley and Wasteland has been corrupted into a Dark Creature and dwells in Wasteland, away from Valley's many ancient enchantments.
The Vault, like Valley, is protected by various enchantments in order to keep the memory cubes and lanterns safe. The Vault's unreal nature itself is a protection against the world outside. It is not yet touched by the disappearance of the sun, but some areas are reported to be flickering in and out of existence.
Eden has not changed much. Darkness does not grow much since there is almost no light to fester on. Megabird's beam is too bright to corrupt. The lighting doesn't change much either because Megabird's beam is still there. However, going to orbit is impossible, and skykids are forced to be reborn through the 'dark room'.
(part 2 coming soon)
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b0nelessdoodles · 4 months
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fellas, is it gay to get flustered when your colleague wraps his magic around you to keep you out of trouble? 🤔
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chunkofchaos · 2 months
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SG mephone if he knew what the FUCK he was doing:
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hammerbonk · 4 months
If you're still keeping the scene where Vertin shoots Schneider but now it's Matilda and Sonetto, you could have a little Matilda having Sonetto help her find and collect pretty stones so she can make "jewelry" with them instead of collecting oranges
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Messere del Pietà || Role Reversal Sg AU
And it all breaks down at the role reversal- Got the muse in my head- she’s universal~
The sacrament was left unholy- burning and broken in ruins and aged in darkness and deceit until it was uncovered by a young man made steady by anger and hellfire.
His betrayer stood just out of sight, just out of mind- a wicked Iago, a Macbeth in actions as yet to be done... until the pistol fires.
Brainstorm lays sprawled in blood and flaw like a paraded messiah; a sacrificial lamb to the war machine once again and Quark shows nothing on his face as he turns on his heel to leave.
“Close it off.”, he says as he walks back, whispering into his comm, “I’ve got what I need- sadly my... fellow scientist met with an unfortunate accident.”
An oversized heart beats out of rhythm and Brainstorm curls up with a gag, clutching his chest as the pain radiates from the bullet wound in his back. The aged and broken altar, to one called Adaptus he thinks (translation is hard, and he taught himself the glyphics alone in the shuttle to the research site) and he reaches a hand out; trembling in the face of a forgotten god.
Something reaches back- writhing down a carving in a lattice of toxicity and for a sick moment before the flare goes fully dark it looks as those the relief is weeping; in anguish or joy, who can say.
The tomb closes down a winding hewn hall, and Quark smiles to himself as he inspects the samples, glancing to the prick to his wrist where he had hurriedly made the decision to become god.
“If anyone is worth the power ascribed in those old carvings...”, he muses to himself, “It’s me.”
His regret will scrawl itself on every vein wall a few days later, as he travels back to Kimia taken by a brutal fever and violent hallucinations- and a terrible, unkillable thirst he can’t seem to name. One that makes his eyes blow wide and hungry at the smell of blood.
In the darkness, someone sleeps.
He cried his tears, feeling over the ruins of an altar before climbing up onto it; getting himself off a damp and mildewy stone floor in what he knew (deep down) was a futile attempt at keeping his wound from lying in the dirt. The living fibers along the reliefs in the walls seem to glimmer to life- bioluminescence of some kind, the glow lets him see just enough to process his new grave. He closes his eyes.
“I don’t. I don’t want to d-die.”, he rasps weakly, “At l-least. Not until I wipe that piece of shit from existence. Traitorous bastard.”
He drapes half on, half off the old destroyed altar- just trying to breathe even as his sight wavers before he gets his knees steady.
He laughs briefly, choking on the sound, at the sight this must be. A scientist kneeling at a forgotten altar and whispering his final words in the presence of a God who’s name was lost to time itself.
He can feel himself moving through the stages of grief like molasses, he moves his head to look once more upon the strange discovery he had been assigned to inspect... And then he looks down.
The lines that had been creeping slowly can coalesced into a winding umbilical cord- the end of which writhed in the puddle of his blood left behind from when he moved to his current position. And the puddle seemed to grow more shallow with each second.
The idea was. Foolish. Imbecillic. Outrageous.
....Necessity is the mother of invention. Adaptation is the key to survival.
The eroded statues of old Adaptus watch as Brainstorm pushes away from the altar only to drop- back and gunshot wound first- onto what Brainstorm would later learns was mycelium.
A mycomutagen. A fungal parasite that worms it’s way into Brainstorm’s very veins, his heart made too big for his lithe body; pooling gently behind eyes developed in a hurry with no care for the ability to last, only to last just long enough.
The pain is excruciating. He howls his anguish- the sound echoing through fractures and the very stones surrounding him and chasing researchers away for hours or even days at a time and it lasts for weeks. Some days the darkness is alive; grasping at him with false hands and cold whispers in voices he swears he should recognize. The fever burns him from the inside out, he swears his saliva is scorching his very mouth.
His hands and spine ache. Every joint in his body feels like it is burning and breaking all once until one day they feel heavy, hardened. He slams a fist against the stone when he swears his back is sizzling like it lays on old iron and he stares in shock as the stone itself clicks and cracks and chips from the hit.
Quark grows thin. Sickly. Hungry. He haunts the halls, a ghoul of his own making. But above all- he avoids.
Blue eyes built now of violence follow his every move from behind shining glasses and the malicious intent behind them nearly screams itself into existence.
‘He’s dead.’
‘Yes, Perceptor- I am... truly sorry for your loss, it was a freak accident, couldn’t have been predicted. If you need. Comfort. During this trying time I-’
‘Would you like to die, Quark.’
‘You are a very bad liar. You smile when you are lying- a smug and sleazy expression. He is dead, yes, I believe that. But it was no accident.’
‘What are you saying, Perceptor?’
‘I’m saying, as someone who has been developing weapons just as long if not longer than you... I can tell when someone has fired a gun.’
The threat is unspoken, the promise unnamed. Perceptor cools like a lavaflow; hiding the unbridled hell beneath a stone stoic exterior when he turns on his heel and stomps away with fists curled so tight his palms bleed.
Brainstorm sleeps.
He awakes in darkness- he knows it is darkness. He sees the black coils racing under his skin, pulsing in time with the heartbeat he hears slowing so gradually before his chest begins to ache like it’s collapsing. His jaw clicks and creaks as he opens and closes it and wonders how long he’s been out. Wonders how long he’s been stuck in this oubliette of forgotten relics- a reliquary for the blessed and damned.
And then there is light.
Brainstorm holds up a hand, each finger tipped in a dewclaw and squints with a hissed exhale.
He feels his chest aching, feels his heart slowing and knows it’s being overtaken by something. And then, the smell.
“Shit, racked my goddamn hand AGAIN. This shitty jagged ass stone... They should’ve given up better gear, we’re RESEARCHERS not spelun..kers... Holy shit, Drop. Droptop, look! Is that a fucking person?!”
“Wh- Holy shit. They said an MTO died down here like a year ago... Lash, you don’t think. Whiplash is that a ghost?!”
“No, idiot, look- he’s breathing and shit. Hey, hey man! You alright, how’d you get down here?!”
Brainstorm looks up, smiling with lidded eyes and running a tongue over the teeth he can feel are sharper than a hypodermic needle.
“My coworker robbed me and ditched me. I’m hurt bad- I’ve been shot.”, he says, his voice smooth and soft and drizzled in honey amaretto as he reaches a hand out, “Please, I’m very weak.”
He watches their pupils go blank as his words worm into their minds in a foldover of so many tones- a hypnotist’s bell, a fae curse.
They never leave the ruins.
But Brainstorm does. His clothes are dirtied and worn from months of writhing in his own sickness, of opening his heart and soul to the charity of infection and infestation- he licks the still warm crimson smears from his lips and cheeks and laughs as he steps out into the night.
He adjusts the clothing he stole and trudges off to the shuttlepad, his face suddenly grim.
His sclera are darkened; the surface of the eye patterned strangely and a thousand thousand images fold down into one as he looks around and sees every minutiae of the world he never noticed before. His belly is full, his heart is silent and heavy and it becomes the core of a network.
He puts a hand on the shuttle receptionist’s desk.
He smiles, he gives his name, his identification number. They stare at him in shock and rasp out “One moment.”
He watches them vanish behind a door, and he smiles without it being honest.
Perceptor is working the security shift when the comm comes in, rapid and rushed and he answers with a deadpan tone.
“...He says his name is what.”, he whispers at the hurried flow of information sputtered into his comm, “...I can be there in three hours. Tell him to wait for an escort.”
Brainstorm opens his eyes, feeling hair grown long and ragged from his rebirth shift against his skin. He can.. hear them. He knows that voice, it’s Perceptor but something is wrong. No doubt Quark returned to the colony with lies already prepared.
Brainstorm’s back burns.
“Ah, yes? Are my numbers no longer active?”, he asked innocently, letting unnerving and jewel-like eyes widen just so.
“N-No, it’s not that. However, I contacted a supervisor on your home colony. They’ll be here in roughly three hours, they insisted you wait. I can put you in temp quarters for now, a sanitation cubicle and a bed and not much else but...”
“That would be delightful. I’ve been through... quite the ringer, precious.”
His voice feels foreign. Sounds foreign. The fawning cloud that passes over his newest target’s eyes fills him with giddy joy at the sheer control he has.
Three hours. Plenty of time.
The shower he takes is heavenly after so long. He moans weakly at the hot water, only nicking himself a few times with his new claws and grumbling at the sting it left behind. The water runs dark before it runs clear- pulling away the muck and dust of months dying and living and dying again and he’s unused to his hair being this length. The waves are wild, untamed, he uses his fingers to comb shampoo through them and sighs as he feels his scalp lighten from being clean.
Borrowed clothing- a familiar colony uniform but it will do for now; it will do for now, to be sure.
He inspects his body as he dries himself off; noting how the strange black lines like mycelial roots had already fades, how the scars from corrective and reparative surgeries innumerable had lessened so quickly.
He inspected his teeth- how they have gained a slight curve, how the needlepoint tips now show. Sticks out his tongue at the mirror and raises his eyebrows at the increased length.
He still tastes copper from his first frenzy.
He brushes his new teeth.
He turns down the offer of a meal, citing a ‘nervous stomach’ and winking slyly when he jokes about his ‘particular tastes’ and preens internally at the blush on the other person’s face as they stammer and avoid his direct gaze.
He hears the distant sound of a shuttle door- his hearing is preternatural and so finely tuned now, he swears he hears the heartbeats of the people around him and smells their circulatory system working- and glances to the door of the temp housing and waits a full minute before letting himself ease into a smile as it opens.
“Hello Percy.”
The hug is spine-breaking. Brainstorm squawks, almost angry but mostly relaxed as he shoves halfheartedly at the scientist clinging so tight to him he wouldn’t be able to breathe if he needed to.
He doesn’t think he does, anymore.
“He told us it was a freak accident. That you died and he couldn’t retrieve the body. What happened.”, says Perceptor, his voice wavering and Brainstorm feels pinpoints of too warm and knows he is crying and trying desperately to hide it.
“I survived. That’s all that matters right?”, muses the weaponsmaker, “Now if you’re done emoting, I’d like to get home and get into some clothes that fit right.”
“Fuck, right- come along; I used a private shuttle. I figured you’d prefer the privacy.”
“Mm. Yes I’d prefer it. Sure.”, teases Brainstorm and Perceptor meets his eyes for the first time since the reports of his death were so greatly exaggerated- and Perceptor gasps.
“Your... your eyes.”
“...Yes. A side effect of. Survival.”, is the soft answer, “I’ll tell you more later. When we’re safe. And alone.”
Brainstorm will never admit the purr that rumbled in his chest was caused by the depth of the blush over Perceptor’s face as he reacted to the hypnotic tone of Brainstorm’s new and warmer voice.
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alteredphoenix · 2 years
Now that it’s over, maybe I should go and check out the Transformers IDW run.
(Or, well. The first one, because I never understood why it needed to reboot a storyline that had a clear beginning and end? Also because the second run suffered the fate as the Dreamwave run a’la got cut off midway so, uh, yeah. I don’t think that was worth taking the gamble.
At least there’s the Drift run and Last Bot Standing to look into.)
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papiliotao · 1 year
꒰ 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 ✩࿐
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pairings: alhaitham, kaveh, kazuha, lyney, scaramouche, and xiao x gn!reader (separate)
content: fluff, modern au, college au, the reader is a sleep-deprived student, correction: everyone in this fic is a sleep-deprived student, cuddling, reader is sick in scara’s, venti makes a cameo in kazuha’s part, reverse comfort in kaveh’s
summary: small scenarios with the genshin boys as your roommates! ♡
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so i decided to finally finish it up. i hope you enjoy!
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Tonight, it feels like endless night ebbs and flows into the very core of your being, chilling you with fragments of a glacial atmosphere.
It’s cold.
Even with multiple blankets wrapped around you, you can’t help but shiver, shake like a vibrant autumn leaf in a passing zephyr. Winter is approaching, and unfortunately for you, you may have relished a little too much in the gilded threads of summer warmth that had graced the world a few months prior. For now, you’re unable to stand the gradual freeze that’s beginning to spread throughout your city.
Slumber is tempting. It lures you in, wrapping you in a blanket weaved of starlight and dreams. However, it’s all an illusion. In reality, you’re far from sleep. You know that there’s no way you’ll be able to pass the gateway into the oneiric realm. Not with the sensation of frostbite threatening to consume you whole.
Eventually, you decide to get up. You’re certain that you won’t be able to fall asleep, at least, not without more blankets, so you decide to make your way to Alhaitham’s room to ask if he has any spares.
Although you’d normally feel guilty for rousing someone from slumber, it’s not that late as of right now. Either way, you’re quite certain that your roommate is still wide awake, most likely losing himself amongst the yellowed pages of a verbose book. After all, he always seems to have his nose buried in a complex tome, filled with words that make your brain hurt.
Slowly, you drag yourself out from under the plush covers of your bed. The floorboards groan slightly as you stand, exhaling under the pressure of your footsteps. You make your way down a hallway drowned in shades of midnight, making your way towards the golden light seeping out into the corridor from under the cracks of a closed door.
The door to Alhaitham’s room.
You knock, the sound seemingly echoing down the walls of the hall, repeating in a chorus of onomatopoeia.
A few seconds pass before the door opens to reveal Alhaitham. Strands of silver hair messily frame his face, and yet as the aquamarine hues of his irises meet your gaze, you find that he’s just as dazzling as ever.
“Do you need something?” he asks, his voice as flat and monotonous as always. As usual, your roommate’s front doesn’t betray a single hint of emotion. Not even irritation.
You pause for a moment, still a little intimidated by Alhaitham. Although you’ve been living together for a while now, his apathetic demeanour can be slightly off-putting at times. Nonetheless, you eventually manage to steel your nerves.
“Yeah,” you say. The word comes tumbling out of your mouth like the iridescent droplets of a waterfall. “Do you happen to have any extra blankets?”
Alhaitham pauses for a moment, seemingly deep in thought.
You hold your breath, hoping that he’ll say yes, and you’ll be able to get this over with.
However, he shakes his head, and you feel your heart drop, shattering into a thousand shards of fragmented ruby.
“Oh,” you sigh, trying your best to hide the dejected expression overtaking your features. “That’s okay. Sorry for bothering you.” 
You turn away, ready to head back to your room, but Alhaitham’s voice stops you.
“I think it’s safe to presume you wanted a blanket because you were cold, right?”
It’s a rhetorical question, so you don’t bother to answer it. Instead, you freeze, becoming akin to a stunning statue carved of pale blue ice.
“Then allow me to propose an alternate solution.”
You turn around, meeting Alhaitham’s eyes once more. Lakes of turquoise, typically devoid of emotion, are now filled with a particular spark. You can’t quite determine what it is, but there’s a subtle glimmer — barely visible, but it’s there.
“Why don’t you stay in my room for the night?”
Your eyes widen, and you feel your jaw drop. For a moment, you just stand there, absolutely still and dumbfounded.
Perhaps you had heard Alhaitham wrong. Or maybe your mind is playing tricks on you, making mirages materialize out of nothing. The blank expression painted over your roommate’s features certainly makes you think so.
“Excuse me?” you blink languidly, staring at Alhaitham as if he’ll disappear into thin air if you take your eyes off him.
“I said why don’t you stay in my room for the night?” he repeats nonchalantly, the evening chill seemingly intertwining itself into his tone. His gaze remains fixated on you.
Your mind blanks for a second, each intricate acrylic line of a composition painted over, leaving you with nothing but an empty canvas. As you stand still, a thousand scenarios seem to flash through your head, filling up the blank space with a myriad of thoughts — some pleasant and some unpleasant. However, you soon realize that you don’t have time to weigh all the pros and cons of your decision, as Alhaitham is staring at you intently, awaiting your answer.
“Sure,” you blurt out.
You’re not sure what compels you to accept his proposal. Perhaps it’s your longing for the comfort of shared warmth. Perhaps it’s a result of your inability to say no to others due to a fear of disappointing them. Or perhaps it’s because you’ve grown a lot closer to Alhaitham than you’d care to admit.
Although you’re still slightly intimidated by him, you’re certain that he’d never do anything to harm you. And there are even times where he shows he has your best interests in mind (despite the fact that you were initially under the impression that he cared little for others).
You’re snapped out of your trance of reminiscence as Alhaitham speaks once more.
“Alright,” he says, taking your hand and leading you over to his bed. His grip is firm — not suffocating, but at the same time, not so soft that the connection between the two of you would be easily severed.
Alhaitham’s touch sends butterflies, tinted a colour reminiscent of spring blossoms, dancing within the pit of your stomach. It’s enchanting, and at this rate, you’re not sure how you’ll be able to handle sleeping in the same bed as him.
He allows you to climb into bed first, tucking you in with an unexpected amount of care. You know Alhaitham’s not exactly the cold-hearted jerk many make him out to be, but you didn’t anticipate that he’d be this gentle, his touch akin to the caress of sunlight on a spring day.
After the man ensures that you’re cozy, he lies down beside you, embracing you. As he does so, you feel a wave of heat overwhelm you. To your relief, the frigidness that had once gnawed at your very soul is now gone, but unfortunately, you’re faced with a new problem.
Alhaitham’s actions have flustered you, and to your misfortune, it feels as though crimson embers of embarrassment are transforming into flames far too quickly for your liking.
You’ve solved one issue, but in turn, you’ve accidentally created another.
This is going to be a long night.
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It’s no secret that your roommate is a perfectionist.
Whenever his eyebrows knit up in a jumble of discontent and pools of liquid ruby tinged with sunsets glint with hints of frustration, it becomes obvious what’s going on. He’s spent too long trying to perfect yet another assignment. The bags that seem to perpetually line the undersides of his eyes are dark shadows — serving as an eternal reminder to the man’s exhaustion.
There are times where you find him hunched over his desk, teetering on a thin tightrope, walking a line between the waking world and a wonderland of dreams. Of course, he refuses to succumb to the temptations of a golden slumber time and time again, forcing himself to fixate on his projects until he’s finished and happy with the final product.
Today is one of those days. The cold light that leaks through the cracks beneath the door to Kaveh’s room seeps into the hallway, serving as a warning written in a display of molten opalescence.
Stark white. Cutting through the darkness of deep midnights with ease.
It’s jarring, and when you press your ear to the door and listen carefully, you manage to make out the sound of Kaveh muttering underneath his breath.
You know you have to do something. Now. Before your roommate decides to work himself half to death again.
You take a deep breath, inhaling night air reminiscent of the crystalline waters. It’s refreshing, and as you breathe out, a sense of tranquility washes over you.
Steeling yourself, you knock on Kaveh’s door, the sound seemingly reverberating through the corridor in a myriad of echoes.
“[Name]? Is that you?” he asks, his voice ringing out loudly, fragmenting and shattering the quiet ambience. 
You hear the sounds of drawers opening and closing, papers rustling, and footsteps falling.
“There’s no point in hiding anything,” you tell your roommate, picturing the distress swirling like nebulae in his vibrant crimson eyes. “I know you’ve been working late again.”
The noises come to a halt, and peace returns to the late night atmosphere once more. Soon, the sound of soft footsteps fill your senses, gradually growing louder in a crescendo until you’re sure that Kaveh is right in front of the door.
And then it swings open to reveal a sleep-looking Kaveh clad in pyjamas.
“Alright, I’ll admit it,” he sighs. “You caught me red-handed.”
Silence permeates your senses for a few seconds, but the illusion of stillness is quickly shattered as Kaveh breathes out a sigh.
“I just can’t seem to figure out this one last thing,” he groans, burying his head in his hands. “I seriously can’t take it anymore. It’s driving me insane.”
For a few seconds, his gaze remains averted, staring down at the wooden finish of his desk, tinted a subtle peach under the topaz shades of light spilling from Kaveh’s lamp. If you didn’t know any better, you would have sworn that he had fallen asleep. However, your eyes eventually meet hues of dulled rose, glittering with a faint spark concealed by exhaustion.
“You should rest,” you tell your roommate, cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder. To your relief, he doesn’t flinch or pull away when you touch him. He simply slumps and begins to stand up.
“I suppose you’re right,” he speaks slowly, his voice laced with resignation. “Perhaps a short break will help me clear my mind.”
Kaveh walks over to his bed, brushing locks of sunshine that threaten to obscure his vision away from his eyes. The mattress sinks like quicksand as he lies down and tucks himself under the covers, enveloping him in layers upon layers of plush comfort.
You turn away, switching Kaveh’s lamp off before you head back to the door. However, just as you’re about to leave, Kaveh calls your name.
“[Name],” Kaveh starts, his voice seemingly amplified by the abyssal midnight overtaking your surroundings.
You spin around, only to be met with the sight of Kaveh’s silhouette outlined against backdrops of navy and black, enveloping the world in curtains of phantasmagoric silk.
“Can you stay with me?” he asks. His voice trembles slightly, and he sounds sheepish — almost shy. “It’s just that, if I don’t have you around, I might convince myself to start working again.”
You freeze.
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
It takes three seconds for you to fully process Kaveh’s request, and when you do, you feel your heart skip a beat.
“I would be happy to.”
And with Kaveh’s permission, you climb under the covers of his bed with him. He wraps an arm around you. The position feels far too intimate for two roommates who harbour nothing more than platonic feelings for each other, but you decide that that’s a problem for future you to address.
For now, you decide to close your eyes and seek solace in a realm of breathtaking dreamscapes. Finding joy in each cotton candy cloud, each droplet of crystal rain, and each gilded leaf within a fantastical world found far away from reality.
And yet as you drift off to sleep, you find that there’s one thing in the waking world that has become far more tantalizing than anything your imagination could ever conjure: the warmth of Kaveh’s embrace.
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Golden ribbons of warmth caress your face as you open your eyes to find yourself awake again. A wave of tranquility washes over you, weighing down your eyelids with a serene lullaby — an ode to quiet mornings spent in the solace of your home. You want nothing more than to stay in bed for a few more minutes, but you have classes.
Groggily, you stretch and then pick your phone up from where it’s sitting on your nightstand in order to check the time. The screen lights up with a cold radiance, a stark contrast to the gilded rays of the sun, as you turn it on.
And that’s when all hell breaks loose.
It’s 9:30 a.m., and you’ve already missed the start of your first class. You grimace internally, but you can’t dwell on your feelings for too long. After all, the longer you delay, the more you’ll miss.
You change in record time, pulling on a comfortable hoodie and jeans, grab a few of your belongings, and rush out the door.
The chilly autumn air brushes against your skin as you make your way to class, and the enticing fragrance of sap hits your nose, tantalizing you with a perfume that carries nostalgic memories. In the corners of your vision, you watch as leaves coloured shades of vivid crimson, marigold, and amber swirl in a waltz signaling the end of summer and the beginnings of harsher days. The scenery is beautiful, and if you weren’t in a panic, you would have stopped to admire it. However, you force yourself to ignore the scenes around you, continuing to focus on your primary objective.
When you arrive at the lecture hall, you’re panting. Simple oxygen feels like ambrosia to you, sweet and satisfying, refreshing in a way that it’s never been before. For a few moments, you stand outside the room and catch your breath. With each inhale and exhale, you get closer and closer to finding a rhythm until finally, you’re no longer gasping for air.
Quietly, you walk into class, trying your best to avoid disturbing anyone. Thankfully, nobody seems to notice as you take a seat near the back of the hall, settling down in your seat. Time passes slowly as class continues on, and it almost feels like universal laws operate differently within the small bubble of the room you’re currently sitting in. Everything seems to take an eternity, and you can’t do anything except watch the minutes tick by, each addition of one moving you closer and closer to the end of a mundane lecture.
It feels like the moment will never arrive, but eventually, you’re dismissed. Thankfully, there’s quite a while until you have to go to your next class, so you decide to wander around for a while.
For a while, you stroll aimlessly, eventually finding yourself back outdoors once more. Now, you can truly savour the beauty of your surroundings, relish in the splendor of each flaming leaf that drifts by and each rivulet of tepid light that pierces through the crystalline coolness of the autumn air.
You stand there for a while, simply enjoying a break after a hectic morning.
Until something else — or rather, someone else — catches your eye.
Under the shade of a maple tree stands your roommate, basking in the glory of a crimson waterfall composed entirely of maple leaves dancing gracefully until they hit the ground. His platinum hair is tied back in its usual ponytail, each strand of silken moonlight swaying as a gentle zephyr blows by, and his eyes are a shade of ruby that flawlessly mimics the autumnal landscape.
He’s as breathtaking as ever.
But before you can admire him for long, hues of starglitter and rose petals meet your gaze, and a small smile dances across his lips. Without a word, he walks over to you.
“Running into you here is certainly a pleasant surprise,” he says, his grin widening.
“You say that as if we don’t already live together,” you remark, laughing a little.
He chuckles, the sound as light and airy as autumn winds swirling leaves around in a waltz of farewells. The lighthearted atmosphere is truly euphoric, especially after such a stressful morning.
Of course, good things never last for long.
“Good morning, Kazuha. Good morning, [name]. How’s my favourite couple?” a cheery voice asks. In the edges of your vision, you see a figure donning twin braids of sapphire and turquoise approaching. It’s Venti — one of Kazuha’s friends.
Both you and Kazuha freeze, a frigidity crystallizing the ambience into icy fractals. And yet at the same time, you can feel your face beginning to heat up.
Before you can clear up the misunderstanding, Kazuha speaks.
“Good morning to you too, Venti,” he says. “We’re doing well, but I’m afraid you’re mistaken.” Kazuha subtly averts his gaze, staring at the ground, but you swear you can see a blush dawning on his cheeks in shades of sunset. “[Name] and I aren’t a couple.”
“Oh really?” Venti asks teasingly, giggling in a manner that sounds almost maniacal, “then why are they wearing your hoodie?”
You look down, and sure enough, the top you chose to wear today was Kazuha’s. He had allowed you to borrow it a few days ago when you complained about the chilly autumn weather, and you had forgotten to return it. Apparently you were in such a rush this morning that you pulled it on without a second thought.
“It was an accident,” you blurt out, wanting to clear up the misconception as soon as possible. “I woke up late, and I was in a hurry.”
“Uh huh,” Venti nods, his tone laced with sarcasm. “Sure. I believe you.”
“No, seriously. We’re not a couple,” you reiterate, sighing as Venti laughs quietly.
“Whatever you say,” he says. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.”
Without another word, Venti skips off, jubilantly humming to himself. And now, you’re alone with Kazuha, left to deal with the awkward aftermath of Venti’s assumptions.
“That was… interesting,” you remark.
Kazuha nods.
“I hope you didn’t feel too uncomfortable,” he says, smiling at you gently, a light blush still coating his cheeks. Although you’ll never admit it out loud, you find him quite cute when he’s flustered. Venti would have a field day if he knew you found your roommate so adorable.
“I’m fine,” you reassure Kazuha, “and I’ll return your hoodie to you as soon as possible,” you add.
However, to your surprise, Kazuha shakes his head.
“You can keep it if you want,” he tells you.
Kazuha chuckles.
“Really,” he assures you. “As long as you don’t mind being mistaken for a couple, that is. I know I certainly don’t.”
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“Lyney, if I remember correctly, you told me you perform magic as a sort of side hustle, right?” you ask your roommate.
The question is out of the blue, but you want nothing more than to learn about the man you’ve recently grown to be infatuated with. Besides, he’ll probably think nothing of it. After all, it’s only natural for someone to want to get to know their roommate anyway.
“Yeah, I guess you’d be right,” he responds, averting his gaze from his phone and glancing at you. “Although I’d say it’s more about putting on a good show than the money.”
Lilac hues make your mind go blank as you make eye contact, enchanting you with oceans full of stardust and sunshine alike. Lilac. It’s a colour you’ve come to adore. Before meeting Lyney, it was a shade known to you as the border between night and day, mixed into compositions of dawning sunrises and fading sunsets. But now, it’s synonymous with magic and mystery, and it’s all thanks to your charming roommate.
“Oh, I see,” you mutter.
You’re surprised that your voice doesn’t end up shaking. Simply looking into Lyney’s eyes is causing your heart to beat rapidly, igniting crimson sparks of giddiness and glee with each thump.
Perhaps this is what it feels like to be in love.
“Why do you ask?” Lyney inquires, tilting his head slightly. “Are you interested in seeing a trick?”
Lyney flashes a charming smile at you — a smile embodying the enigmatic charms of various twilight hues. He reaches his hand up to brush the few strands of dusky hair that had fallen in front of his eyes away, and somehow, the subtle action makes you find him all the more attractive.
“I would love to,” you say, “if it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
You wait with bated breath, feeling the whole world still as you await Lyney’s response. The carefree atmosphere solidifies into something denser, heavier, as tension begins to build.
“Well, I usually don’t do private shows like this, especially not out of the blue,” he remarks.
For a second, you feel your smile fall.
“But since it’s you, I can try,” Lyney says.
A grins dances upon your lips once more, and the elation from before comes back in full force. Unbridled adoration swirls through your heart, taking down each and every glacial barrier in a roaring tempest of rose and vermillion. With every day that passes, you feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into the clutches of romantic fantasies.
“Thank you.”
With that, Lyney rushes to his room. A few seconds later, he returns with some props and a top hat, midnight black adorned with velvety scarlet and magenta detailing, perched upon his head.
He performs for you, and it’s absolutely enamouring. His prowess is incredible, and it’s clear he’s enjoying putting on a show for you. The entire performance is interesting, captivating. However, it’s Lyney’s last act that stands out to you most of all.
“I’m sure you’re wondering what my grand finale will be,” Lyney announces with a fiery sort of flamboyance. It’s amusing because you’re the only audience member, but at the same time, slightly endearing.
He takes his hat off, reaching his hand into the void within. Slowly, he pulls something out.
The verdant green of a stem lined with thorns appears first. Then you catch sight of luscious leaves. And lastly, the delicate petals of a rose enter your line of vision. They’re tinted a vibrant purple, reminiscent of sparkling amethysts.
“For you,” Lyney says, handing you the flower.
Upon closer examination, you note that the rose is unblemished. It’s perfect. You wonder if Lyney put any thought into picking out this particular flower, but you brush the thought off. Embers of newly-kindled feelings of romance brush against your skin.
You’re flustered.
Flustered beyond measure.
Awkwardly, you take the rose from Lyney, your heart fluttering as your fingers accidentally bump against his. His skin is soft, and his touch is tantalizing. You wouldn’t mind feeling his hand in yours.
“Thank you,” you manage to whisper, averting your gaze and looking anywhere but into the very lavender irises that will never fail to enchant you. “It’s stunning.”
“A stunning flower for a stunning person,” Lyney says. The sincerity lacing his tone doesn’t go unnoticed, and you have to stop yourself from melting on the spot. “Do you know what the purple rose represents?”
You shake your head as sudden curiosity and cupid’s final arrow strike simultaneously.
He leans in, moving so close that you can feel strands of silken platinum tickle your skin. A soft breath lightly brushes against your ear as he opens his mouth to speak.
“Love at first sight.”
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Weak beams of winter light filter through the curtains of the window beside your bed, illuminating your room with a radiance tinted pale blue. With a foggy mind, you make your way over to the window, leaving the warmth and comfort of your covers to do so. The chill pokes at your skin like a thousand miniature needles of ice, and yet you continue on.
As soon as velvety veils of fabric fall away from glass panes, glacial sunshine spills through. The panoramic scenery that welcomes you is a glazed-over landscape, thick blankets of pure white sprinkled with glimmers of stardust. Even the branches of the tall evergreen trees surrounding your home are dusted with powdered opal. Nothing is free from the frigid caress of winter, and you’re suddenly reminded of this fact as you start coughing.
Oh. You’re sick.
You blink slowly, an unbearable headache making itself known by jumbling your thoughts into nothing more than incoherence. Begrudgingly, you decide to lie back down, pulling a few blankets over you in order to stay warm. However, the layer of plush protection isn’t enough to shield you, as shivers continue to wrack your body.
For a while, you just lie there, huddled and trying to cling onto any remaining heat, any remaining comfort. You close your eyes, feeling absolutely helpless against the coolness that threatens to permeate the very essence of your being. The world around you begins to become distant as grogginess and discomfort plague you, but soon enough, you’re snapped out of your haze.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The last thing you want to do is answer the door.
“[Name]? Are you in there?” your roommate, Scaramouche, calls. As usual, irritation laces his tone, but there’s something new this time. Maybe you’re delusional, but it almost sounds like concern.
“Yeah. Come in,” you manage to respond.
Your voice is unsurprisingly hoarse, and you have to strain in order to be heard. However, in the end, it seems that you were just loud enough because seconds later, the door opens with a click. In its wake, a man with hair reminiscent of desolate midnights walks in. Soon enough, you find your gaze meeting hues of deep twilight fading into a paler shade of periwinkle akin to the colour of forget-me-nots.
“Wow, you look awful,” Scaramouche remarks bluntly, examining you.
You feel yourself shrink under his gaze.
“Can you not?” you shoot back, mustering the strength to glare at him between coughs and sniffles. “I'm kind of dying here.”
Scaramouche scoffs.
“Fine. I’ll leave you alone,” he says, turning away and walking out the door.
Once again, silence envelops the atmosphere, ebbing and flowing throughout the greys and blues of an early winter morning in soundless waves. Although you’re thankful for the serene ambience, you also feel awfully lonely now that your roommate is gone. All you can do now is stare blankly at the wall in front of you and entertain yourself with your own thoughts.
Time becomes a blur, and yet it stretches on as well. It feels like you’re trapped in a sort of limbo — suspended in a mundane reality without any sort of respite or the slightest idea of when you’ll finally find your refuge.
That is, until you hear the hinges of the door creak once more.
Scaramouche is back.
You look up. To your surprise, the glints of starlight that dance within his indigo eyes show a rare sort of softness, and he’s carrying a bowl of soup.
Without a word, he sets the bowl on your bedside table, staring at you expectantly.
“Is that for me?” you ask.
Scaramouche groans, rolling his eyes.
“Who did you think it was for?” he says, averting his gaze.
A small smile dances across your lips. Although your roommate doesn’t want to show that he cares for you, you’re beginning to realize that he’s looking out for you in his own way.
“Thank you,” you respond. However, just as you’re about to reach for the soup, you’re attacked by another fit of coughs.
Scaramouche’s eyes fixate on you once more, and he sighs.
“Do you need me to spoon feed you or something?” Although it sounds like he’s mocking you, you can tell he’s serious to some extent.
“Do you want to feed me?” you say, trying to muster a playful tone. Even though you’re sick, teasing Scaramouche is as fun as ever.
“I will if it means you’ll shut up,” he mutters, taking the bowl carefully and scooping up a spoon of the soup.
With caution and a shocking amount of attentiveness, he lifts the spoon to your lips, and you open your mouth. To your surprise, the soup is actually quite tasty. You didn't expect your roommate to be such a good cook.
“How was it?” Scaramouche asks after you swallow. Not a hint of emotion shows through the veils of apathy he’s crafted as he awaits your response.
“It was amazing,” you remark genuinely. “I’d love to try some more of your cooking, and… thanks for taking care of me.”
Scaramouche looks away, but as he does, you notice a colour reminiscent of delicate rose petals rising to his cheeks, tinting porcelain akin to the snow outside a vivid shade.
“Don’t mention it.”
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₊˚ପ XIAO
Procrastination is every student’s worst enemy, and you’re no different.
You had spent the past few days putting off your latest assignments and neglecting your studies more than you’d care to admit. It’s not that you didn’t want to work and study, but every time you tried to start on something, you’d feel put off by the copious amounts of labour you’d have to put in. And unfortunately, now you’re reaping the consequences of the seeds you had previously sowed.
It’s currently 1 a.m., and all you can see outside the window is ebony fragmented by the occasional streetlight or polychromatic star. Your eyelids are beginning to droop of their own volition, but you force yourself to stay awake. You have something important due later today, and unfortunately, you’ve barely even started on it.
So you have no choice but to continue on, allowing yourself to fall into the treacherous grasp of sleep-deprivation all because of your poor decision-making skills.
The minutes seem to count down all too quickly as you toil, yet at the same time, the mundane assignment makes every second feel like an eon. It’s a paradoxical distortion of the universe’s concepts, but it’s something you’ve grown far too accustomed to in your time as a student. Panic and hopelessness set in more and more with every tick of the clock, and eventually, you lose all sense of time, burying yourself in a pile of work.
The next time you look up, you notice that it’s well past your first scheduled break time, and you’re absolutely exhausted.
You stand up, stretching and relishing the sensation of being able to move your aching limbs after hours of sitting in the same position, mulling over boring assignments. However, your momentary respite is ruined, as it isn’t long before the creaking of a door pulls you out from the temporary euphoria that had taken over your mind.
“Hey,” a calm voice utters. It’s melodic like a beautiful song you wouldn’t mind hearing on repeat. “Are you alright?”
You turn around, and as expected you’re met with the sight of your roommate. Honeyed eyes filled with a dandelion warmth shimmer when met with the dim incandescent glow of your desk lamp, and locks of seafoam frame his pale face. Even though his hair is messy, and there are visible bags under his eyes, Xiao looks as stunning as ever.
“I’m fine,” you say, miraculously stringing together a couple of words despite your exhaustion.
“You’ve been up all night,” Xiao observes, glancing at your messy desk — a testament to the few hours you had been chipping away at your work. Somehow in that time, you’ve managed to make it look as though some sort of wild tempest had ravaged your room.
“You’re saying that as if you don’t stay up all the time,” you shoot back.
You flinch. Your tone is harsh and dripping with venom, but you hadn’t meant your words in that way. They were from a place of concern, but it seems that Xiao understands.
“That’s true,” he remarks, “but I’m not as keen on working myself to death as you are.”
A second passes.
Then you realized that you may have gotten a little bit carried away due to your momentary burst of energy — a rush of exhilaration prompted by a sense of urgency.
Xiao sighs.
“You need a break,” he says, hesitantly walking over to you and intertwining your fingers with his.
His actions surprise you. Most of the time, Xiao avoids touch, but now, he’s holding your hand. The tepidness of Xiao’s skin on yours causes lucidity to wash over you. Suddenly, you feel more aware of your surroundings.
Your roommate pulls you out the door, exiting your dorm swiftly before you can refuse. Truthfully, you wouldn’t have denied him his demand anyway. Although Xiao seems like a tough person on the outside, his heart is forged of silvery moonbeams — glittering lights that illuminate the world with a subtle phosphorescence, not quite as glaring as rays of sunlight, but equally as bright, nonetheless. As a result, you’ve grown to develop a soft spot for him.
When you exit the building, the first thing you notice is the crisp, fresh air. After staying cooped up in your room for so long, it’s relieving to breathe in the liquified stardrops dissolved within the night atmosphere. Your head clears up nearly instantaneously, and finally, you feel a sense of peace wash over you.
“Feeling better?” Xiao asks, noticing the change in your expression immediately.
He’s usually not the brightest when it comes to interpreting emotions, so your prior distress must have been extremely obvious. Nonetheless, you brush off your embarrassment and swallow your pride, nodding to reassure Xiao that yes, this is helping, and yes, you’d like to stay here with him for a while longer.
Xiao seems to get what you’re trying to convey, so he continues walking, leading you under the gold-lacquered light of the lamps lining the path before you. Right now, it feels as though your hearts are connected, and for once, you’re under the impression that Xiao’s let down his walls.
You know that once your midnight escapades cease, you’ll have to face a world of pain, but perhaps it’s worth it.
After all, exhaustion is temporary, but maybe, just maybe, this lavender haze will endure forevermore.
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thank you for reading!! if you liked this, i’d really appreciate it if you reblogged this fic.
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1800titz · 24 days
THE THRILL | Phone sex operator AU
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“God— I feel good, too. I’m so wet for you,” you hum. 
The confession is syrup on embers— a simmering, wet heat in the trench of his underbelly, and feels like liquified nirvana across his fibrils. 
It pries another grunt from the asunder seam of his teeth— gravelly, husking— the rasping growl of a faceless stranger on the verge of splintering. 
(Hunk of a man, precarious footing like the lip of a mountainside, toying at the sutures of pseudo-phone-sex— an automated script of moans and coaxes— and crooning please with your fingers dug under the cotton of your underwear and sweat on your brow.)
And maybe that’s the thrill of it. 
Chasing the dirty bliss on borrowed time— costly minutes— painting the monolithic bulk of an innominate outlander behind your eyelids when you pour your work ethic into doing the very best job, giving it your all, heel of your palm pressed tight to your clit and your fingers tucked deep. 
(Because, maybe, you both feed off the kick. Chasing the same buzz that’s molded off an intricately carved proxy of intimacy.) 
There’s something marginally less vulnerable (marginally more— parceled up in the seedy filth along the grooves of your fingerprints, saturated on the crumbling bulwark of melding scripts and vices), in evading the tangibility of sex through a phone. In pretending—
“Yeah,” Harry grunts, hips flexing into the nook of his fist. His shoulders quake with the shudder that rolls up his nape. The swivel chair creaks under the pressure of the motion. “Can hear it, dirty fuckin’ girl—“
And in the knurled grimace that graces his pink mouth (the guttural hiss shattering in his windpipe) you nearly taste euphoria off his bared teeth. The way you know they glint white. Soak in the scorching deluge of the same ecstasy when he ruts into his own hand at the way you moan. 
Your favorite regular. 
He was different. Chipped his way under your skin and sinew to make home in the hollow he carved from the moment he dialed. Heady timbre flowing like smoke; sultry, kerosene-soaked, rough-hewn in hedonistic pursuit. 
So unlike the other regulars or the one-timers rolling onto the line, scuffing their speakers against their clothes when they shuffle, voices low and brittle when they beg you to tell them how you’re going to step on them and call them filthy names. 
(You moan and purr how you’re so close, how bad you want them to cum inside, phone tucked to your cheek, sprawled with your legs kicked up over the arm of the couch, scrolling through Pinterest meal prep recipes on your laptop.) 
You should feel ashamed, maybe, at the startling ease it took for him to thaw you away and reverse the roles (leave you hankering for the sweet warmth of a gray haze— thick, smoggy, petrichor with your tummy buzzing and your breath caught in your throat— when he bid you goodnight with the murmur of we’ll do this again, sweetheart before the line clicked). The way it left you feeling like you were on the line with an operator on the other end, milking you for more. 
(“And what name should I have in my mouth when you make me cum for you, hm?”)
(Borrowed time, costly minutes; you soak in every cent he spills into your wallet.)
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
[Violence, Murder, Hints of Past Abuse but nothing mentioned in heavy detail]
AU with Human Rascal and Bunny Hybrid Creep Reader where Rascal is some freaky slasher dude who stalks and later kills Bunny Reader's previous, abusive owner. The violence enlivens the hopeless Bunny as they believed they'd always be under the watchful eye of their owner even if they escaped. Seeing their blood spill into the carpet and their fur gives them more of a rush than the treats their owner fed them to adapt better to their situation.
They ask Rascal politely if it will let them join him. Rascal doesn't really need a partner, but they have always wanted to pet. Bunny is cute enough, adorableness magnified by their red stained coat and the shine in their eyes when Rascal leaves them their knife. It isn't even a week until their new lives together before Rascal is developing a crush- Bunny is supposed to be their pet, they can't feel this way about them!
Since this is sorta a reversal of their roles, I'm kinda leaning towards Rascal having a more dominant role in their relationship - but Human or Rabbit Monster - Rascal is absolutely whipped for their darling and I can see Bunny gaining the upper hand simply because of how cute they are which fries Rascal's brain because it has never been admired by a cute person, but also the fact Reader might not want to be someone's pet after everything they've been through... So Rascal will just have to be theirs.
The gimp mask is a vital part of their character because I say so, so human Rascal is just a weird guy in bondage gear.
Is it really over?....
Crimson dye seeps into the curly fur of your bent legs, trickling through the bars of your enclosure. It all happened so fast- A broken window. Earth shattering footsteps thundering through the house. You think it came from the kitchen. Your owner had promised to bring you a snack not long before they ran into the bedroom, covered in small cuts with a busted lip to match. The light in their eyes as the knife shredded through their jugular faded so swiftly... As swift as the fear eating away at what's left of you vanished from your body.
It's over... Isn't it?
"Give it to me....."
Your fingertips itch- palms heavy yet empty at the same time. The knife... Yes, the knife! The intruder dropped it when they saw you cowering in your cage. It's impossible to make out their expression with that strange mask their wearing. You don't care. About them. About what happens next. Even if they kill you after- you have to make sure.
"Let me out. I need to make sure.. Make sure that they're gone. They'll never let me alone if I don't... The keys.. They should be in their pocket."
You'll rip them apart with your teeth if you have to. Your nail have been filed too short to use though. If you have the strength left, you'll make this stranger pay for taking this away from you. It should have been you who got the first stab- and the last. They didn't deserve to be the one who got to do them in. Hurry up. While that rotten excuse of a human being still has a pulse. So much has been taken from you already. They can't have this-
"Let me out! Let me out! LET. ME."
The knife hits the bottom of your cage, cold blood splashing against your face as it lands. The allure is magnetic - your hands welded to its handle as the door of the metal prison creaks open. You wait no time, crawling out on your hands and knees into the light of their bedroom. The joints in your legs ache as though you've been stabbed with pins as you rise to your feet - body uplifted by a pair of arms before you collapse. A gentle squeeze steels your grip on the knife. The intruder guides your steps towards the limp husk of your owner, gingerly lowering you to your knees at their side.
They lift their hand to pat your ear, recoiling like a snake in the grass as you wince from the freshness of your stitches. You like to believe if they tried that again they'd be at the end of the knife, but you know they met well.
"Thank you....."
Blinking back tears, you face your former owner - silently praying for a just a little fight left in them as you raise the knife over your head.
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shadowkoo · 1 year
Ten out of Ten
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→ Summary: For the past three years, Kim Taehyung has made it his mission to annoy you relentlessly on campus, finding every possible way to drive you up the wall during your shared classes. However, as you both enter your senior year, something strange happens. Taehyung begins to sense a shift in his energy, realizing he might just have some secret feelings for you. What unfolds when you make this earth-shattering discovery too?
↠ taehyung x f.reader | 8.6k words | 18+ ↠ genre: smut, humor, college au, enemies to lovers, fratboy!bangtan
→ Warnings: explicit & unprotected sex, consensual drunk sex, shower sex, ‘revenge’ sex (all fun and games), alcohol consumption, party crashed by police, dirty talk, soft kissing, rough kissing, hard dom!taehyung, soft dom!taehyung, grinding, fingering, sloppy oral sex, cock swallowing, choking on tae’s cock, throat fucking, slight praising, begging, sense of ownership, size kink, taehyung has a huge dong, belly bulge, reader gets dicked down almost too good (if that’s a thing), breast & nipple play, riding, reversal, biting, teasing, cockwarming, creampie, cum play, cum eating, cum stuffing, spanking, choking ft. tae’s beautiful hands, pussy slapping, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, multiple sex scenes
→ Author note: Inspired by this popular post!! If you’d like to read this on ao3 instead it’s been crossposted here! As always, all likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated <3
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“This is wrong. This is so wrong.” He moans after pushing you up against his closed bedroom door, “Are you sure? Are you drunk?” You roll your eyes.
“Stop trying to talk me out of this,” you whisper while leaving wet kisses along his jawline. You’ve waited too long. There’s no way in hell you’re stopping now. Lifting your head up and looking into his eyes, you continue, “I didn’t drink that much. I want this. I want you.”
He groans and presses his lips into yours yet again. “I swear this wasn’t my intention,” he says after pulling back.
You kiss him hard, but your quick attempt to shut him up doesn’t work.
“I promise it wasn’t,” he blurts, “I was just being honest, you know the rules of the game.” He pulls you close again as his lips flutter around your neck, causing an airy sigh to escape from your parted ones.
“No more talking. Please.” You pull his face back up and let his lips harshly reattach to yours. He proceeds to kiss you, slowing down when you try to speed things up.
“I just need you to know that I didn’t plan for this to happen,” he repeats.
“Taehyung!” You whine as your eyes tell him to stop worrying about it, “Shut up and kiss me.”
“I need to hear you say it. I need to make sure I’m not dreaming.”
You pull back slightly from his embrace to tug your shirt off, “Tae please,“ you beg between kisses, the slick from your heat seeping through your thin underwear, "Just fuck me already.”
Earlier that day…
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“Taehyung! You asshole!” you holler while chasing after the guy who’s currently running along the sidewalk with your history paper in hand.
You finally catch up to him by the fountain that sits at the campus’s center, watching him nervously as he jokes around, holding the most important five thousand words you’ve ever written.
“I will kill you if you get a single drop of water on that! It’s due in ten minutes!” you threaten as he tosses the stapled paper between his hands. “Taehyung, please. I was up all night writing this. It’s worth forty percent of my grade,” you beg, really hoping he’ll take a step down before anything bad happens.
“Quit freaking out, I’m not going-” his words are short-lived as a gust of wind steals the paper from his loose grip. You both watch, completely horrified, as it flutters through the air in slow motion and falls directly down into the clear water.
“Oh no. No no no. Oh my god. I swear to god that wasn’t supposed to happen! I was just teasing!” Taehyung panics as he jumps through the fountain, slipping and thoroughly soaking himself further as rushes over to your sunken assignment. He wipes away the water on his face and retrieves the soggy paper lying on the vibrant tile below. Drops of ink run off the paper, smearing the barely legible words even more.
You feel as though you've momentarily forgotten how to breathe.
“Okay. It’s okay,” you say to yourself, trying to calm down, “Everything’s fine. It’s fine. I can just head back to the library and reprint it, I’d rather be a few minutes late for class than get a zero on this.”
“Uh, hmmm, yeah…” Taehyung clears his throat nervously, scratching the back of his neck while doing so. “About that…”
“Don’t say it,” you threaten anxiously. You internally beg that what you assume he’s going to say next is not true. It can’t be. You will it not to be.
“The library closed twenty minutes ago. It always closes early on Thursdays and Fridays,” He says sheepishly with a face full of remorse, though you doubt he actually feels it.
“Great,” you huff, “That’s just fucking great.” The calmness dissipates as rage takes over your body. “I honestly cannot believe you sometimes. Will you ever grow the fuck up? We’re not freshmen anymore! You can’t just dick around like this. Wrecking each others’ projects was funny three years ago when our grades didn’t matter but we can’t keep doing this. Just-” you take a deep breath to regain some of your calmness, “Get. The fuck. Away from me.” You rip your destroyed paper out of his hands and storm off in the direction of the building where your class is held.
Maybe that was a little rude. Actually, no, it wasn’t. He deserved it. He ruined your history paper. Intentionally, too.
“I’m coming with you, I’ll explain what happened,” Taehyung persists, somehow keeping up with your angry stomps as you head to class.
“Quit following me, I’m screwed enough as it is,” you grumble, knowing that he’s trudging along behind you even without turning around to confirm it.
His footsteps slow once you reach the outside of the history department.
Maybe he finally got the message.
“Ahhh, Miss Y/N. You’re late,” your professor says as you enter the quiet classroom and try to make your way to your empty assigned seat. He stops you before you can sit, “Do you have your paper ready to turn in?”
You shamefully drop what’s left of your paper into your professors’ hands.
“Is this your submission?” he asks, holding it up with his fingers, watching as the remaining water droplets fall to the floor. Your classmates snicker as they watch the scene in front of them unfold.
Yet, just as you're about to respond, the classroom door violently swings open, instantly capturing everyone's attention in unison.
“It’s my fault,” Taehyung pants after barging in.
“Excuse me, sir, who are you? And why are you dripping in my lecture?”
“What the hell are you doing here?” you quietly seethe.
“I considered heading to my class but I just felt too bad,” he says to you before turning to your professor. “It’s my fault her paper is soaked, I mean look at me. I am too. After an unfortunate turn of events - events that neither of us anticipated - it fell in the fountain and so did I. But you can see that…because I’m wet. Wet like water wet, not like the other kind of wet. That would be weird, considering… But probably more awkward than anything though. If I’m being honest. You know, my mother taught me that honesty is the best policy. So that’s what I’m doing here. Being honest…about me…and her paper, being, uh, you know, wet…”
It's unclear who is more astonished, you or your professor. Is this really happening right now? You’ve never heard Taehyung ramble like this. If you weren’t so stunned or feeling secondhand embarrassment for him, you would’ve probably laughed hysterically.
The older man gives Taehyung a once over, his eyes peering over his reading glasses as they travel up and down the damp clothes stuck to the twenty-something’s figure. Displeased, he turns to look at the disintegrating mess of your so-called paper that’s stuck between his fingers.
“Haha, yeah…so uh, I’m gonna go now,” Taehyung says as he finger guns to the door before anyone else can get a word in, “I hope this is resolved. And um, I’m going to make sure I never sign up for one of your classes, Mr. uh, I don’t know your name. But that doesn’t matter. Trust me when I say you won’t ever have to see me again.” And with that, he exits the class with the same amount of speed as he entered.
Your professor shakes his head in disbelief. “Email me your paper once you get seated and I’ll only dock you ten percent off from your original grade, as long as you promise that won’t ever happen again.”
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“He did what?” your roommate’s voice echoes from inside her bedroom as she makes her way into the kitchen where you’re reheating leftovers for dinner.
“I know! I could’ve killed him. I don’t know what it is lately, but he’s been irritating me more than usual. The way he just went on and on, rambling like a complete idiot. Ugh!” you mutter while waiting for the microwave to beep. The whole situation still has you mildly irate.
Sana gives you a pointed look.
“What?” you squint your eyes at her, “What does that face mean?”
“When are you two going to realize that you’re like, in love with each other? It’s always Taehyung did this or you did that. FYI, we’re all tired of hearing about it. Girl, I adore you and your little rants most of the time, but it’s exhausting listening to you two complain about each other literally all the time. We’re in the same friend group and it’s just so obvious to us all that you guys like each other, but are just stubbornly ignoring the facts that are so obviously right in front of you.”
“I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that. Dinner is done,” you say, brushing aside what you just heard. It’s too crazy to even think about.
You liking Taehyung? Taehyung liking you? Absolutely not. No way! That’s ridiculous, that’s just…almost crazy enough to be true.
The thought surprises you.
Sure, Taehyung is nice to look at. You’ve never questioned his attractiveness. But you drew the line a long time ago, knowing better than to allow yourself to grow any form of attachment to the guy who prefers to drive you batshit crazy.
It’s just easier that way. Yeah, sure, playing around and pissing each other off gives you some kind of satisfaction, but you don’t need him in your life. He isn’t that significant.
Or is he?
The more you think about it, the harder a time you have imagining your life without the messy-haired asshole who you’ve somehow grown to…love?
“Whatever, give me a bowl,” Sana says, pulling you from your thoughts before you’re able to dwell on the ‘L’ word very much. “I’m starving. And we need to eat quickly so we have enough time to get ready.”
“Oh, fuck me sideways,” you moan, annoyed with yourself for forgetting, “It’s Thursday.”
Sana’s boyfriend’s fraternity hosts a party every other Thursday night. There’s no way you’re getting out of it either, seeing as you promised her two weekends ago you’d go to the next since you bailed.
“Uh-uh! Don’t even start,” Sana warns. “You’re coming tonight whether you want to or not!”
A frat party is the worst kind of party in your opinion. Memories of the last one you attended float around your mind; wannabee rappers holding their phones by your ear so you can hear their ‘latest diss track’, girls arguing over a guy who doesn’t deserve either in your opinion, drunk couples practically fucking on the couch.
Oh, don’t forget about the pick me girl begging for attention or that guy who gets so fucking obnoxious and is willing to start a fistfight with anyone within an arm's distance. And lastly, the typical fuckboy that will say anything to get you into his bed. Yeah, frat parties are so not your thing.
But you promised Sana, and she’d hold it against you until the end of time if you didn’t go tonight.
You made a plan anyway. Show up, say hi to a few friends, have a few drinks, and disappear before anyone can notice you’ve made a run for it. Fingers crossed that you can pull it off.
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The party is in full swing when you arrive, or so you are assuming since you had to step over someone passed out on the lawn on your way toward the front steps. The door is wide open, and Sana immediately spots her boyfriend Joon from across the room. His face lights up when he notices her waving dramatically and makes his way over to you two.
“She actually came? In the flesh? Y/N, is that really you?” Namjoon teases, obviously not expecting you to make an appearance.
“Hi, Joon. Good to see you too.”
“I was surprised, she didn’t even put up a fight about it tonight.” Sana giggles as soon as Joon pulls her into his arms for a sloppy kiss. You look away and scan the room, searching through the crowd of familiar yet vague faces.
“Sana! Get a room, girl!” one of them hollers, cheering her on as she shoves her tongue down her boyfriend’s throat.
She pulls back and flips off Yoongi, the culprit and one of Joon’s frat brothers, and walks further into the house, scanning the audience for tonight.
“Hey, think you could bring some of your single friends over? Preferably a random group of them with one specific person we all have in our mind. She needs to go home with a guy tonight,” she says to Yoongi as he walks over with drinks in hand for you and Sana.
Everyone seems to understand what she’s saying, other than you, who of course is oblivious yet again as to who they’re referencing.
“I heard you had a rough day,” Yoongi says, handing you one of the plastic cups with a sideways grin as you give Sana an agitated look after smacking her on the arm. But she doesn’t seem to acknowledge either and instead, smirks at Yoongi’s remark. “I have a certain person in mind. Let me see if I can find where he ran off too.”
Joon laughs knowing all too well what happened, "We’ll do our best, see you in a few.”
"Oh my god, Sana! I can’t believe you sometimes,” you whine after the guys are out of earshot.
"What? It’s not like I’m wrong! You need a good time tonight just to relax. You don’t have any Friday classes anyway so have some fun.” She shrugs her shoulders and walks away to say hi to some of her other girlfriends.
While she’s gone and the guys are hunting, you spot Taehyung leaning up against a bookshelf filled with novels you bet haven’t been touched in decades. You try your hardest to weave your way through the crowded area before he can notice you, but unfortunately, your eyes lock with his just as you’re squeezing through a group of girls you’ve never seen before. Freshmen, probably.
“What are you doing here?” you question, not even attempting to hide the annoyed tone in your voice when you feel his presence behind you.
“What do you mean, ’What am I doing here?’ I live here. What are you doing here? I thought you hated these sorts of things.”
"You live here?” you ask, ignoring his question as your head whips around. “I didn’t know you were in the same fraternity as Namjoon.”
“I didn’t know you didn’t know. Sorry?” He laughs as you take the last sip of your mystery drink. “Need another? I’m heading to the kitchen.”
“Uh, whatever you’re having,” you say. Alcohol is alcohol.
“Sure thing. Oh hey, Sana! Where’s Joon?” Taehyung asks, acknowledging that your sidekick returned, but without her significant other.
“Hey Tae, he’s in the Blue Room. Which is where I must drag you to,” she smiles devilishly, grabbing your arm to pull you away. Though unbeknownst to her, you would gladly go anywhere that’s away from Taehyung right now.
“Ahhh, is it already time?” he wonders out loud. “I’ll meet you there,” he says and leaves for the kitchen to grab drinks.
As you’re being pulled away, the only thought parading through your mind is how much you want to rip his head off for the stunt he pulled earlier, but also the multiple ways you can get your revenge on him for costing you ten percent on a paper that would have otherwise been an A+.
Sana pulls you into the second living room, the Blue Room as it’s ‘famously’ known for its somewhat derogatory, yet exclusive, activities. If you could call them that.
Only those invited are allowed to enter. You’re not sure why, but the guys take their rule pretty seriously.
You recognize nearly all of the people already in here, the majority being Namjoon’s frat brothers;
Seokjin; the one that’s always surrounded by both girls and guys. His presence easily fills the room and even without saying a single word he demands their attention.
Yoongi; the one that loves to start shit and can smell drama and sexual tension from a mile away. He knows how to push the right buttons to hear precisely what he wants.
Hoseok; the one who is always smirking about something that no one else seems to know. Not really a gossiper, but definitely knows everything about everyone.
Namjoon; the guy who everyone respects but still teases for being totally whipped for Sana. He’s a softie but can still kick anyone’s ass in mere seconds.
Jimin; the sweet one with a dark side you never want to get on. You’ve heard stories that will haunt you for a while.
And finally, Jungkook; the one who never knows what’s going on but is having a great time regardless. A happy dork who can make you laugh no matter what.
Somehow Taehyung fits into this group too, but you don’t know exactly where he stands yet.
The rest of the room consists of girls you’ve seen around campus and guys attempting to gain Seokjin’s total attention but would probably never get it. Although there are a handful of faces you haven’t seen before, which is refreshing.
It looks like everyone is getting ready to play Ten out of Ten, which is basically a drinking game to initiate party hookups, a ‘how much do you like me’ sort of thing.
To play, everyone in the room writes their name on a little piece of paper and it gets thrown into a bowl. The bowl then gets passed around and each person draws a name out of the bowl, but can’t look at the name until it’s their turn. One person starts and says the name on the paper they pulled and then rates the person a number out of ten if they would sleep with them or not. So then the person whose name was called would go next, and say who they have and rate them. Like a chain game, and you just have to say a number out of ten if you would bang them or not. It’s not really supposed to be a drinking game but somehow it’s become a tradition to take a shot after you say your rating, and especially if someone says ten out of ten - then everyone takes a shot.
Sana grabs two slips of paper and hands one to you. You write your name and hand the pen to her. ‘So much for a couple of drinks and dipping,’ you say internally, realizing that the game will last a while with this many participants. Hopefully, Taehyung remembers your drink. You’re going to need it.
You sigh and sit on the arm of the chair Sana is in as you wait for the game to start.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Taehyung walking towards you with, thank god, a rather large cup in his hand.
“I hope this satisfies your alcoholic needs,” he jokes, “I made it the same way as mine, but with a little less alcohol since I didn’t want to fuck you up a lot."
You take it from him and raise the cup to your mouth. The scent is strong, and your eyes twitch after taking a small sip. He laughs at your quiet sputtering.
“I’ll be good after it hits me. Thanks.”
"Yeah, sure. No problem. And sorry about earlier, again. I know you’ll get me back soon enough and it will be well deserved,” He grins before walking over to sit next to Jungkook.
“Alright, alright.” Jimin starts as he walks around the room with the bowl in his hands, letting everyone grab a piece of paper while he goes over the rules for the newbies invited. The bowl makes its way around the room, and everyone tosses in theirs before Jimin shakes it up and starts letting people pull out a folded piece of paper.
Once everyone has one, he sets the bowl aside, “Everyone ready?”
“Wait, I didn’t get one,” Taehyung says looking around, somewhat confused and a little suspicious. Something’s going on. He just doesn’t know what exactly.
“Oh I didn’t know you were back already, this is the last one,” Jimin says, handing him a name slip, failing to hide the evil grin on his face. “Okay, let’s get this started!”
About ten minutes into the game, you are already feeling the buzz. Whatever Taehyung gave you is pretty damn good now that you’re drunk enough to not taste the alcohol. Meaning, you’re drinking more than you’re paying attention to the game.
Needless to say, you’re a little spaced out until you hear someone say your name. You look up and make eye contact with Taehyung from across the room.
He chuckles awkwardly and sits up. “Of course,” he mutters under his breath, not-so-silently cursing Jimin at the same time.
Taehyung has my name?
“Oh, please go on. We can’t wait to hear what you have to share,” Joon grins as Taehyung responds with a death glare.
The room goes silent in anticipation of what he’s going to say, especially your shared friends. They’re watching very intently as Taehyung takes a swig of his drink and curses again.
“Ten out of ten would bang,” he announces, pausing for a quick moment to take a shot along with everyone else, but you. You’re too awe and unable to do anything but gawk at him as he continues.
“But also ten out of ten would care for you afterward, ten out of ten would let you stay over, ten out of ten would tuck you in, ten out of ten would cuddle the shit outta you in bed, ten out of ten would make sure you fall asleep okay, and ten out of ten would make you breakfast in the morning.”
You’re sure you look crazy with your eyes popping out and your jaw nearly on the floor. Everyone else’s reaction pretty much mirrors yours. Everyone except Sana who is squealing like crazy next to you. A few of the girls glare at you as the guys whoop and holler.
You’re unsure how you feel about what just happened. If it even happened. Or if you somehow hallucinated the whole thing.
Did Taehyung just confess? Does that even count as a confession? Or was he just playing along with the game? Did the room get smaller? Why the hell is it so hot in here?
You take a deep breath, remembering that everyone’s eyes are still on you since it’s your turn, and yet you’re frozen in your spot.
Do they expect you to say something before you take your turn? Do you even want to say anything? Maybe he was joking, maybe you could laugh it off. Or maybe he meant it… What if he meant it?
You fiddle with the piece of paper between your fingers before deciding to unfold it and get on with it so you can get the hell out of this small room.
“Um. Woojin, six out of ten,” you spit out as quickly as you can and immediately get up to leave. You don’t even know where you are going, just following where your feet are taking you.
You have two options; you can either leave and face the wrath of Sana when she comes home - if she comes home - or you can hide somewhere until you can come up with a better plan while you attempt to sober up. The latter is what your subconscious goes with as your body stumbles upstairs to find an unoccupied bedroom to hide out in.
The first one was not locked but definitely should have been. Thankfully you didn’t see too much of the two who you found in a compromising position, and thankfully they probably won’t remember the incident in the morning either.
Fortunately, the next room you barge into is free. After shutting the door, you lean up against it and close your eyes while you focus on your breathing. Your heart is still racing as you try to not think about what happened downstairs.
Feeling calmed down enough, you open your eyes and look around. The first thing that catches your eye is the band posters that cover the wall. Everything from Sinatra and Dean Martin, to The Doors and The Rolling Stones, to Bad Omens and Bring Me The Horizon.
Whoever this room belongs to has good taste. For being a boy's room, it’s pretty clean too. Yeah, there are clothes spewn here and there, but it isn’t any worse than the state that you left your own room in.
Sighing, you sit on the edge of the bed and cover your face with your hands.
What now?
"Yeah, sorry to ruin your moment or whatever, but my room is off-limits. If you’re gonna puke or pass out I’d rather you find somewhere else to do it.”
You lift your head to see the one and only person you did not expect to see in your current confused state standing in the doorway. “Taehyung.”
“Oh,” he says, “It’s you. How did you know this was my room?”
“I didn’t. I was hiding.” Shit, you weren’t supposed to say that.
“Oh…” he says again, shutting his door so the noise of the party lessens. He walks over to sit next to you on the bed, "I was looking for you. After you, uh, ran out.” He hesitates to see if you say anything. You don’t.
“Look,” he begins, “I don’t want to make things awkward. I know we’re friends. Sort of. When we’re not trying to murder each other and all that. But I’ve been into you for a while now and I just can’t hide it any longer. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to take you out sometime."
Once again, you’re gawking.
"Oh god, are you gonna puke or something?” His eyes are panicky as he looks around the room for something you can use in case you do.
“No! No, I just, ahh…” It’s now or never, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I am.”
"And did you mean what you said earlier?” You say, referring to his confession in The Blue Room. You try to hide how hard your heart is pounding inside your chest. Just as you would have to hide how hurt you’re going to be when he says the inevitable.
“Well…” He trails off, and you prepare for the worst.
He wasn’t serious, it was some kind of joke, you misheard him, there was another person with your name in the room-
“Hello? Are you sure you’re not going to puke? You look a little pale.”
“I’m fine, was it a lie, just for the game?” you say leaning towards his body, his inevitably doing the same. “Or were you being honest?”
“I was being one hundred percent honest. And I still am. I like you, a lot. As hard as that is for me to admit.” His hand grazes yours and rests on top of it. He was half expecting you to pull away and run out of the room but is more than happy to realize that isn’t the case. Maybe you feel something too. His eyes burn into yours as he awaits your response.
It’s hard for you to admit your feelings as well. If you weren’t both so perfectly stubborn and bull-headed, you might have made this conclusion a long time ago.
You hate to admit that. You hate being wrong.
But Taehyung doesn’t feel wrong to you. His hand on yours feels so…right.
"Good,” you sigh in relief, finally giving in to your heart. You lean in closer and lightly brush your lips against his, pulling back to gauge his reaction.
Taehyung’s breath hitches. The moment you pull away he hastily stands up and moves to his door, his back pressed flat against the wooden surface while the angel and devil on his shoulders argue.
Fuck, he wants you. But he knows you’ve been drinking. And he would never put you in this position and knows how much he would hate himself if you woke up the next day regretting your drunk self’s impulsive decision.
“Don’t do that to me, fuck. I won’t be able to resist. I want to take you out first. You deserve to be taken out on a date first,” he says, running his hands through his hair. You get up and walk towards him. “Several dates. Shit.”
“You still can. But, you know, after you fuck me*.*” Feeling confident, you take another step closer to him. And then another. Until you are pressed up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as your lips hover over his neck. Finally, his hand grabs the side of your face, pulling you in before he unleashes his lips onto yours. Teeth, tongue, and all.
“This is wrong. This is so wrong.” He moans after pushing you up against his closed bedroom door, “Are you sure? Are you drunk?” You roll your eyes.
“Stop trying to talk me out of this,” you whisper while leaving wet kisses along his jawline. You’ve waited too long. There’s no way in hell you’re stopping now. Lifting your head and looking into his eyes, you continue, “I didn’t drink that much. I want this. I want you.”
He groans and presses his lips into yours yet again. “I swear this wasn’t my intention,” he says after pulling back.
You kiss him hard, but your quick attempt to shut him up doesn’t work.
“I promise it wasn’t,” he blurts, “I was just being honest, you know the rules of the game.” He pulls you close again as his lips flutter around your neck, causing an airy sigh to escape from your parted ones.
“No more talking. Please.” You pull his face back up and let his lips harshly reattach to yours. He proceeds to kiss you, slowing down when you try to speed things up.
“I just need you to know that I didn’t plan for this to happen,” he repeats.
“Taehyung!” You whine as your eyes tell him to stop worrying about it, “Shut up and kiss me.”
“I need to hear you say it. I need to make sure I’m not dreaming.”
You pull back slightly from his embrace to tug your shirt off, “Tae please,“ you beg between kisses, the slick from your heat seeping through your thin underwear, "Just fuck me already.”
And just like that, the switch in his mind flips.
Taehyung wastes no time lifting you, bringing your clothed center up against his. You moan into his mouth feeling his hardness pressing into you through his jeans.
Your senses tingle, from the way his hands are holding your jaw, how his scent encompasses you, the roughness of hips grinding against yours, and finally - from the way his kisses deepen with urgency as he carries you back over to his unmade bed.
Once there, he leans you down gently before hovering over your body, letting his hands run along your hips as they make their way to the front of your pants. His fingers tease the skin alongside the waistline of your checkered jeans as he frantically works to undo them, pulling them and your panties off simultaneously.
Your eyes meet as his hand slides slowly up the inside of your legs, right up to your center. One of your hands covers your mouth as his fingers weave their way through your dewy folds, and dive deep into your core.
He grins wolfishly as they curl with each small thrust into you, and soft mewls pour out from your parted mouth. “That’s it, let me hear you,” he praises as his fingers continue their divine torture.
“Oh my god, Tae,” you cry out, reaching for him as his fingers quicken. “Closer. I need you closer to me,” you pant, grabbing his shirt in the process and ripping it open, giggling unapologetically as you hear the small buttons hit the floor.
His lips close around your earlobe, sucking slightly as his fingers continue gliding in and out of you, “You owe me a new shirt.”
“Consider it payback for the fountain.”
“Payback, shmayback,” he grins while pressing his thumb up against your clit, pulling a gasp from you.
“Oh shut up already and put your mouth somewhere it matters,” you say slyly while non-so-subtly pushing his head down your torso until he understands your intention.
“Yes, ma’am,” he breathes before tasting you. His tongue sliding between your folds is nearly enough to send you spiraling. And as if it isn’t enough already, Taehyung reinserts two fingers into your heat as he laps at your delicate clit, bringing you closer and closer with each lick.
The taste of your sweet center has his rock-hard member twitching in anticipation, but he refuses to rush this. He wants nothing more than for you to come all over his face.
He deserves it.
You deserve it.
Soon enough you’re shaking from your very core as the waves rip through your body. Taehyung presses your hips down as he takes all your body has to offer him.
“Holy shit,” you pant, that was undeniably one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had.
He releases your center with a loud smacking sound and leaves delicate kisses on the inside of each of your thighs, admiring the goosebumps he causes on your velvety soft skin, before moving upward to reattach his lips to yours in a sweet, yet needy, embrace.
Taehyung wraps his arms around you to unclasp your bra while you catch your breath, giving special attention to the soft mounds now held in his hands. Your fingers twist through his hair as his tongue decides to flick one of your nipples before covering it entirely with his mouth. He swirls his tongue around them slowly and gently biting down just enough to hold the hardened nub between his teeth.
“Mmm, I want you,” he whispers, working to undo his own pants this time.
You breathe heavily, “I want-,” the rest of the words caught in your throat as you take in his length. You never expected him to be lacking in that area, but he definitely is larger than what you had anticipated.
“Like what you see?” he smirks, rather enjoying how you gape at him.
Taehyung swallows hard; your honesty turns him on even more, if that’s possible.
“First things first,” he says, pulling away to grab a condom from his nightstand. You stop him.
“No, I want to feel you. All of you.”
He looks at you quizzically.
“I have an IUD, there’s nothing to worry about. Unless this is your way of telling me you’ve got…something?”
His eyes burn into yours, and he growls “No condom then,” quickly shutting down your question.
Grabbing your hips and holding them in place, Taehyung runs the head of his cock through your damp folds, then slaps your center with his throbbing tip, teasing you once more before he sinks deep into you without another thought.
Watching the way your lower stomach fills out as he pushes all the way into you only adds fuel to his fire. Right now, in this single instant, he owns you. And he’s going to make sure you know it.
Your fingernails dig into his biceps while he stretches you out in the most perfect way, gasping when he quickly removes himself and slams back into you.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, “You feel so good baby, so much better than I could have ever dreamed.”
You wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper if it’s even possible. Taehyung shifts his weights and thrusts into you at a new angle, one that practically makes you see stars.
“Right there, yes. Yes!”
Biting into his shoulder when it becomes almost too much, you use your legs and push on his chest to flip him over so you’re on top, riding him at your own naughty pace.
Taehyung’s hands rest on your hips as you glide on top of him. His thrown-back head and mouthful of colorful words should be enough to prove how much he’s loving this, how much he’s loving you.
But as much as he adores watching your beautiful face twisting and turning with pleasure from below, and your perfect tits bouncing with each swift movement of your hips, he needs to be in charge right now before he loses his mind this early into the long night that awaits you both.
Whipping you around, he hovers over top of your backside and pulls your ass up against him. “Tell me you’ve never had better,” he demands while wrapping an arm around your waist as he pounds into you again from the new position. “Tell me how much you’ve needed me and my cock,” he growls into your ear with one hand moving up towards your neck.
Words are impossible at this point, your head is spinning with too many thoughts of how wonderful you feel and how hot he is in bed.
“Tell me!” he says again, gripping your neck tighter, his long fingers wrapping around your jawline.
“N-no one’s cock is better than yours,” you gasp, his pace picking with your obedience to answer just how he wanted. “No one’s,” you repeat, your eyes rolling back into your head as your insides start to coil.
He releases his hand from your neck and you forget about its whereabouts until there’s a sharp sting on your ass, that’s when you realize the sound that echoes through the room is from his hand cracking against your cheeks. “Mmm, again,” you beg, loving the after effects his spanks have on your body.
Taehyung doesn’t have to be told twice and marks you again, softly massaging the area where his red handprint remains afterward.
Your heated breaths blend as your bodies dance together on the edge, waiting to fall into perfect bliss. He flips you over one last time, wanting to face you as you come undone around him.
Taehyung leans over and nuzzles into your neck, letting his senses take over his body as he pulls you closer and closer toward white, hot pleasure.
“Oh my god!” you scream as the coil deep inside you finally snaps, sending electric sparks through your body.
Taehyung could have died and gone to heaven feeling your insides spasm and clench around him. He grits his teeth as he pumps his seed deep inside you.
His body weight falls on top of yours, energy totally spent.
You find yourself drifting off to the sound of his breathing that matches yours, and fall into a light slumber with your bodies still entwined.
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The sound of sirens abruptly awakens you. Rubbing your heavy eyelids, the room flashes between red and blue as the police car lights shine through Taehyung’s second-story windows. You try to sit up but are pulled down by a heavy arm.
“Mmmm,” Taehyung mutters beside you, “Party’s crashed, it’ll quiet down again in a sec once everyone’s out.” His raspy voice tickles your neck and his hand slides down your side, resting on your hip.
A loud crashing sound followed by mumbling voices and footsteps moving outside his door wakes Taehyung up more.
“Everyone out besides residents. Time to go home!” an officer yells in the distance, and more footsteps echo as the house empties.
He sits up and listens, falling back down into bed next to you when he hears the familiar sound of the squad car door closing and driving off to find the next college party to bust.
Thinking it’s probably time to leave yourself, you reach for your shirt that’s hanging from the desk chair near his bed.
“What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it time for me to go?”
“No.” He leans on a bent arm, the other reaching for you to pull you back into his warm embrace. “Do you want to go?”
“No,” you breathe.
“Then stay,” he whispers before kissing you again.
The rest of your late night together is soft and sensual, filled with loving gazes, slow movements, and shallow panting as you lay together as one.
You find yourself getting lost in his touch, every nerve in your body blazes with pure passion this time.
Taehyung whispers your name and wraps your hands in his, pulling them up above your head.
Each roll of his hips draws silky moans from your parted lips. Heat radiates from where hands gently grip your thighs as you writhe beneath him.
You claw at his back, completely and utterly lost in the pleasure as you take the plunge into another mind-blowing orgasm.
He loves how your body reacts to his touch. He loves how you squeeze around his cock, quivering uncontrollably around him as he finds his own wonderful release.
He pushes into you once more before letting himself go. Your head swirls as he fills you with his seed, while your heart pounds to the same rhythm as his.
Taehyung’s pace slows as you tremble around him, he finds it hard to quit thrusting. He doesn’t want to forget this, doesn’t want to waste a moment where he’s not buried deep inside you.
You feel the same way, feeling full in more ways than one, and your heart flutters when you make this realization. Taehyung completes you.
Once his breath returns to its normal rate, he pulls out slowly and watches in admiration as his seed leaks out from your center, dripping between your folds.
He freezes with his eyes glued to the mess he created inside of you, wanting to burn this image into his memory forever.
Taehyung gives in to his sudden urge and uses the pad of his thumb to massage your sensitive heat. Sensually, he pushes the remaining cream back into you, wanting it to stay inside you forever.
He eventually lays back down and pulls you on top of him, the exhaustion starting to set in. His lips leave precious kisses along your cheeks, jawline, and neck before attaching to yours. He sighs contently and rests his hands on the curve of your lower back, satisfied with the way your body conforms perfectly against his.
You lay there, enjoying the blissful moment until you take in what just happened. You have no regrets, Taehyung was everything. But your head is still spinning as thoughts like ‘what does this mean’ and ‘where do we stand now’ float through your brain.
Your heart rate picks up as you start to feel a small sense of panic take over. You need to clear your head and clean yourself properly. A shower. That’ll help.
You’re sweaty, sticky, and still covered in a combination of yours and his cum, yet Taehyung refused to let you roll off of him, "Stay, you’re warm.”
“I’m gross, and I could use a shower,” you say, glancing at him, “if that’s okay…”
“Yeah, absolutely,” he nods as you move off of him. He gets up, presumably grabbing you some clothes. He digs around in his dresser before pulling out a pair of clean sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Here, and there’s the bathroom.” He says pointing to the door that’s to the left of the bed, “Make sure you lock the other door, it’s attached to Yoongi’s room. I’ll join you in a few.” There’s a sudden skip in your heart as you watch him slip his jeans back on and lean down to kiss your cheek. Biting down a creeping smile, you give him one final wave before leaving his room.
Taehyung heads downstairs to grab a glass of water. The party is long over now after the bust and he steps around empty cups scattered down the steps.
As he makes the turn into the kitchen and reaches for a glass, to say that he was surprised to be greeted by Jimin and his know-it-all face would be a straight-faced lie. Exhaling, he closes the cabinet door.
“Don’t even say it,” Taehyung warns. He has more important things to listen to than Jimin’s ‘I told you so’s’.
"Say what? I have no idea what you mean…” he smirks. “Okay I lied, I told you! I totally told you she was into you. You’re welcome by the way.”
It takes Taehyung a few seconds to comprehend where his friend is going with that.
“Oh my god! I should have known. You purposely gave me her piece of paper during the game!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t you have someone waiting?”
“You think you’re so sneaky, don’t you?”
He grins coyly, “Maybe just a little bit.”
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Feeling the sunshine’s warmth on your skin wakes you up at daybreak. You stretch and snuggle back into the cozy bed. Taehyung is still snoring softly beside you, unbothered by the sound of the birds awakening.
You admire his face as he sleeps, while memories of your steamy shower late last night drift through your mind. He took extra care of you, washing your body head to toe, massaging your scalp as he shampooed your hair, and leaving warm kissing on your skin after drying you off. Of course, that was all after he held you against the glass wall of his shower and did more sinful things to your writhing body. Shuddering as you remember the filthy things he whispered to you while doing those things.
You ignore the heat pooling between your legs from the recollections of Taehyung’s long fingers and where he put them, among other things, and internally groan instead realizing you need to make your escape now before the rest of the house wakes. Before you’re caught.
And if Sana stayed over too, you’ll never hear the end of it.
The walk of shame is not something people typically look forward to, especially when you’re leaving a frat house of all places. It’s a double-shame kind of moment.
You have one leg over him and are almost able to touch the floor to make your great escape.
Taehyung peeks between his barely parted eyelashes and smiles slyly at how unaware you are. His arms close around you quickly just as your foot skims the floor, immediately pulling you against him so your face is only a mere couple of inches away from his.
“And where, pray tell, do you think you’re going?” he says with a gruff morning voice that sends another wave of heat to your center. Your cheeks flush pink as you squirm, feeling his morning wood along your thigh.
"Oh, um. Hi-”
“Oh don’t do that.”
“Do what?” you ask as you try to wiggle out of his arms, but his iron grip doesn’t allow for that.
“Acting all shy. Nuh-uh. Not allowed. Not after last night,” he announces, tugging you in for a quick kiss while his fingers tickle your side, which causes you to wriggle against him even more.
He lets out a groan and his hips involuntarily buck up into yours. That’s when you really feel him.
It’s your turn to grin wolfishly. “Oh, sorry about that,” you taunt as you press your center down onto him again and circle slowly before sitting up on your knees, leaving him between your legs wanting more contact, needing more of you.
“Fuck, you can’t just grind on me and then stop, baby. Please keep going,” he begs as he juts his hips up looking for some kind of friction.
Taehyung stills and moans uncontrollably as you palm his hardening length through the fabric of his sweatpants, and it’s nearly enough to make him see stars when you reach inside to feel him.
His voice shudders when you pull him out from the waistband of his pants. Your pointer finger glides along his satiny skin, across the vein popped out from your touch, and up to his tip to wipe the small, white dribble away.
“Ready so soon? Thought you’d be spent after last night,” you tease, knowing very well he’ll pounce on you at any moment once given the okay. He watches in awe as you bring your finger up to your lips to lick it clean.
“Mmmm,” you hum, “maybe I should take another taste first…” You bend down to lick along his length this time.
“Oh god,” he grunts, his husky voice full of desire.
Taehyung thanks the universe for not coming undone the second your sweet mouth encompasses his length. He pushes the hair out of your face so he can watch you bob up and down, your hands covering the lower part of his shaft that won’t fit in your mouth.
You press down into him as far as your body lets you, swallowing his hugeness with pride.
His hand grips your hair to your head still as he moves inside you. Slowly at first, not wanting to hurt you, but picking up the pace nonetheless, loving how you choke around him.
He pulls out of your mouth and you gasp for air, drool dripping uncontrollably from your swollen lips.
“Open,” he rasps, holding back until he’s able to place his throbbing head on your tongue and shoots his release into your throat with a loud moan.
His body trembles as the tip of your tongue dances along the underside of his head. He gasps when your lips close around him and you work to suck the rest out of him.
His whole body shudders when you release him, the pain of being overstimulated mixing deliciously with the pleasure you make him feel. He lets out one last breath before collapsing beside you, totally drained.
You lay in bed as the sun rises up high in the sky, holding each other as you talk quietly about whatever crosses your minds, laughing every so often when one of you disagrees with the other, all while you wait to regain the energy to start your day officially.
Meaning it’s nearly noon by the time you crawl out of bed.
“C’mon, I’ll make us something to eat. You like french toast?”
The boys on the sofa ignore you as you walk behind them on your way to the kitchen with Taehyung, or so you think they do.
“Oh yeah, just like that Tae. Oooh,” Yoongi teases once you’re out of the living room, using a girly voice that is supposed to mock yours.
“Fuck, keep going, baby.” Jimin tries to imitate Taehyung but does so very poorly. Still, the overly smug look on his face taunts you childishly.
Taehyung grabs something out of the fruit bowl and whips it at them. “Go fuck yourself with that damn banana Jimin,” he hollers, muttering curses under his breath.
Awkwardly, Jimin picks up the banana that hits him in the back of the head and frowns, “Way to ruin bananas for me. Thanks.”
“As if that’s gonna stop you,” Seokjin laughs as he comes down the steps, joining the conversation. Jimin scowls. Namjoon loses it on the recliner, laughing so hard he’s not making a single sound, which in turn causes everyone to laugh with him.
“Don’t mind them, they’ve clearly lost too many brain cells,” he tells you after lifting you onto the counter next to his workstation. He turns to grab the ingredients he needs out of the fridge, and you realize with a sense of adoration, you could get used to this.
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©shadowkoo 2023. All rights reserved.
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
What's the Best Way to Start a Story? Ah, yes. Death.
Part 1 of the Reverse lsekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(That I made on a whim)
Warning: Lots of Curse Words and a bit OOC
In a series of unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on how you view things) events, your eccentric rich bitch of an employer had just died.
Sad, I know. But they had it coming. Sorta.
Nobody really liked them. They were, to put it bluntly, an asshole of the highest degree, and they didn't have any living relatives or descendants.
As such, with you being the only person in existence who still stuck by them, gave a shit about them, and had the balls to deal with all of their bullshit, they decided to leave you with their inheritance.
From their large plot of land to their unrealistically big ass mansion with a private beach close by, along with everything inside of it. Money included.
It was all yours for the taking, and you were all too eager to accept.
At this point, you had everything you needed to live the life of your dreams. A large plot of land, a mansion, a near infinite amount of money.
Now, all you needed left in this big and lonely mansion...
Was companionship...
Yea, no. We'll skip that for now.
So, with that in mind, after setting down the remaining boxes of your belongings that you had just brought in, you decided to stroll through the halls of the place, eager to familiarize yourself with your new home.
Your eyes perking in interest as you spot a door that you had never seen before, curiously entering it with a new wave of excitement as to what you could find (or possibly sell) on the other side.
Nothing could ruin this day for you!
Something has just ruined this day for you.
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face as 12 of the most iconic Disney Villains settled on the set of couches before you with crossed arms, disgruntled expressions, and glares aimed your way.
Maleficent sat on the lone couch to your left, while Grimhilde, the evil queen, sat on the other couch to your right, both looking at you with displeased glares.
On the main couch sat Ursula, Cruela De Vil, Dr. Facilier and Jafar. All sharing the same disgruntled expression, like they have better things to do than be in this predicament.
And those who decided to stand behind the couch were Hades, Captain Hook, Shan Yu, and Gaston. All of them with their arm crossed.
Finally, seated on the carpeted floor before the couches are Scar and Oogie Boogie. Who looked bored out of their minds.
You let out yet another groan.
How did you end up in this situation again??
Ah, right. The mysterious room.
For those of you who are wondering, here's what went down literal hours ago.
You had entered what looked like an old storage room, flicked the light switch on, and discovered that it was filled to the brim with various antiques and junk.
Looking around, you felt like a kid in a candy store, discovering the various curious objects that your former employer collected, lining each shelf.
Everything was so interesting (and sellable) to you.
But what stood out to you the most, though, was an assortment of random items set up on a row of pedestals.
A staff broken in half, a shattered mirror, an unlit greek looking torch lying on its side, a dusty lamp, a tarnished silver hook, a vintage hunting rifle, an old scattered deck of tarot cards, a weird wavy looking sword (a quick google search informed you that it was a serrated jagged jian), a lion skull (not even gonna question how your employer got their hands on these ethically), a gold nautilus shell necklace, an exotic black and white fur coat of some animal (again, not gonna question how they were ethically acquired), and finally a set of red hand carved dices.
With a wide shit eating grin and dollar signs in your eyes, you decided on the spot that these would definitely sell for a large amount of money and decided to take a picture of them to post online.
However, before you could take the shot, you realized something.
No one would buy any of this junk if you sell them as they looked now, like junk!
So, with a new goal in mind, you quickly set out to grab whatever cleaning materials you could find.
And when you came back, you glued together the two broken parts of the staff, put back the pieces of the shattered mirror back in place, set the unlit greek torch up, rubbed the dust off of the lamp, polished the silver hook, cleaned the vintage hunting rifle, stacked and rearanged the deck of tarot cards, sharpened the weird wavy sword, dusted the lion skull, washed the gold nautilus shell pendant in soapy water, and brushed the exotic fur coat.
When all was done, you stood back with your hands on your hips, a prideful grin stretching across your face at having cleaned all of the useless junk before you.
If only you had the same amount of energy and enthusiasm when it comes to cleaning the rest of your house.
You were about to take a picture again when you realized you weren't completely done. There was still one item left.
The pair of red dice.
You stared down at the dices in contemplation. For some reason, something about them didn't seem to sit right with you.
One dice had a six facing up, while the other had a five. Making it an eleven in total.
You grabbed the dices, shaking them around in the palm of your hand and without much of a thought, threw them onto its pedestal. Watching as it rolled on the surface before stopping, both dices landed on a one.
Snake eyes.
All of a sudden, the lights in the room started to flicker and turn off completely, leaving you in the dark.
You cursed under your breath as you were about to turn the flashlight on your phone when you noticed that the dices were glowing green, like one of those shitty glow in the dark star stickers you had as a kid.
Suddenly, the dices weren't the only thing glowing as the fur coat was glowing white, followed by the shell pendant glowing gold, the lion skull glowing green, the sword glowing a dull blue, the tarot deck glowing purple, the hunting rifle glowing red, the hook glowing gold as well, the lamp glowing red too, the torch glowing blue which also lit up in blue flames on it's own, the mirror glowing purple, and finally the staff glowing green.
Each of the items slowly hovered in the air, wind seeming to pick up around you despite the lack of windows, and then suddenly a burst of green smoke spread throughout the room, temporarily blinding you as you coughed into your fist.
You swatted your hands around to clear the smoke, rubbing your teary eyes when a sound caught your attention. Not just any sound, it was the sound of a person, no, people! It was the sound of people!
When the smoke finally cleared, you were greeted by the sight of a dogpile of people, all groaning and moaning in pain, some muttering curses under their breaths as they struggled to get up from their current positions.
"Get off of me, you fools!"
A comanding feminine voice exclaimed.
"Ugh, you first, I can feel you stepping on my tail."
Another masculine voice grumbled.
"Ugh, get your slimey apendeges off of me, woman!"
Another masculine voice exclaimed in disgust.
"For the last time. It's not slime, you narcissistic oaf, it's mucus!"
Yet another feminine voice retorted.
"She's actually right, ya know? It's mucus, not slime. Had to learn that the hard way."
Yet another masculine voice says, agreeing with the person who spoke before them.
Whilst they were still arguing with one another, you figured now would be a great time to escape, slowly backing away, careful not to make a sound when you flinch as your back hits something sturdy and warm.
With a nervous gulp, you slowly crained your neck up only to see a tall gray skinned man with shark like teeth and blue flames for hair, looking down at you with a wide toothy grin.
"Hey there, nice to meet cha', you goin' somewhere, babes?"
The gray man asked in a casual tone, a hint of a threat hidden beneath it. Before you could respond, you yelped in surprise as you were suddenly grabbed by the back collar of your shirt and lifted a few feet away from the ground.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?~"
You froze as you were suddenly face to face with a big talking sack, your face growing pale when you noticed a centipede crawling out of its open stitched mouth.
The thing before you seemed to notice this, grinning even wider as they brought you closer to its face.
"What's wrong, little one? You feeling ssscaareeddd?~"
A snake had just slithered out of its mouth like a tongue and hissed at you as it trailed off the word 'scared'. Which made you scream as you kicked at his face in response, causing the thing to drop you as it held its face in pain.
The commotion seemed to finally catch the others' attention, finally registering your presence.
Before you could run off and escape, though, a tendril of black smoke wrapped around you, restricting your movement as it pulled you closer to the blue flame headed guy who merely chuckled as you thrashed around in his grip, successfully getting your arms out before trying to tug and yank the rest of the smokey tendrils off of you.
"Hey, fellas, I think I found the culprit to our little... Heh, predicament..."
The blue flame haired guy announced as he pulled you closer to him and grabbed ahold of your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to face the rest of the group.
The rest of them then approached, crowding around and glaring down at you.
"So you're the reason why we're in this mess... Speak. Why have you brought us here?"
The beautiful woman before you asked, no, commanded. Her pose is regal and sophisticated even as she looks down on you. She wore a golden crown atop her head, with a purple velvet dress and a black cape.
Your face morphed in confusion as you stared up at her, practically scanning her features.
For some reason, you feel like you've met her before.
You turn to the others as well, scanning them from head to toe.
A tall mean looking lady with greenish skin and black horns, a grumpy arabian guy dressed in red and black, a big intimidating asian dude, a woman with melanie martinez's hair but if she were emo, a guy that looks like a himbo, a fat drag queen with tentacles and light purplish skin, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat dressed in all red, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat no. 2 dressed in all purple, and a literal fucking lion.
After staring at the crowd before you, you turned your head back to properly look at the other three you had just met. The fat sack of creepy crawlies, the shark teethed flame head, and the literal fucking queen.
Stupid. That's what you currently felt. Not scared, not happy. Stupid.
How could you not recognize the people before you?? They were your literal childhood before you grew out of them. Gods, you felt so dumb for not realizing it sooner!
They were all Disney Villains!
Noticing that you seemed disappointed about something rather than fearful of their presence, the villains turned to one another with looks of confusion. Not used to this kind of reaction.
Hades, who still held you hostage decided to shake you out of whatever it is you were so hung up about.
"Oy, kid. You still with us? Kinda rude to just space out on people ya know?"
He asked, successfully snapping you out of your momentary internal berating.
"I... I know you guys..."
You muttered out loud, still in disbelief of the situation.
This caused the villains to smirk and perk up a little smugly, their ego rising at the thought of being recognized by someone they deemed lesser than then. Especially a certain muscle head.
"Ah yes, of course you've heard about the great Gasto-"
"You're all disney villains!"
You unintentionally cut off him off, your eyes widening as you clamped your mouth shut with your hands in realization of your mistake.
The villains were also caught off guard, not by your interruption, but by your statement.
"Disney... Villains?..."
Shan Yu slowly repeated, confusion evident in his tone.
You kept your mouth clamped shut, refusing to respond until a silver hook was pressed against your neck.
"You better spill, little one, or I'll slice through that pretty little neck of yours, and you don't want that now, do you?"
Captain Hook threatened, pressing his hook closer to your neck, nearly breaking the skin.
That was what led to all of you gathered in the living room, after begging asking to be released so you could explain to them, glancing at each disney villain from Maleficent to Oogie Boogie.
When Oogie Boogie noticed that you had glanced down at him, he sent you an eerie grin that made shivers crawl down your spine.
Out of all the Disney Villains present, He unsettled you the most.
The other's existence was reasonable and made sense to you.
Evil human beings of higher power and capabilities? Fine. A literal dark fae, an octupus lady, and a greek god? Good. A talking lion? Amazing. But a literal walking, talking, sack of bugs?
Burn it to the ground.
You take in a deep breath, exhaling through your nose in an effort to stay calm (spoiler alert it is not working) as you face the group of animated evil doers come to life with an uneasy smile.
"So... What would you like to know first?"
End of Part 1
Next Part
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eliciana · 8 months
Reverse SAGAU: The Weird Door At My Café
-> Chapter 1(Here)| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | ...
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Hello everyone, pls don't expect much from this chapter,which is going to be part of a series, will be that good. I may have grammatical errors and wrong spellings so please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments about it. English is not my main language. Also, I write some very descriptive and long scenes about what the reader does because i got used to writing descriptive essays so please bear with the long paragraphs and sentences. Thank you.
And yes, I'm back. Also the Misunderstanding series will be updated after my exams this is just in my drafts and I wanted to just upload it.
Tw: Reverse!Isekai!Sagau, Normal Au, Café Au, a bit of cussing like this bit 🤏.
Reader: Gn!Reader, Adult!Reader, Café Owner!Reader
Characters: Reader
Note: Restaurant to Another World animanga inspired au. You can slide into my dms (😝 im joking bro) if you ever want to be tagged in my works just tell me what series you want to be tagged in or all of them. thank you <3.
You close your eyes and think back to that very fateful day — the day that entirely altered your life's course and shatter any semblance of normalcy you once knew. The memory is etched in your mind, clear and vivid. The secret your café had.
You had always dreamed of owning your very own café when you get older. It had always consumed your thoughts and fueled your ambitions. Doing everything you can to be able to make your dream come true. It was a dream that guided you through your highs and lows, the setbacks and triumphs, and now, your very own cafe is now right infront of your eyes. You stand awe, gazing upon your newly built dream café that represents your years of hard work and dedication. It almost feels surreal. The weight of such an accomplishment settles in your shoulders, filling with a sense of pride that it threatens to burst out of your chest.
The obstacles and challenges you faced along the way have not gone unnoticed. The countless hours of planning, the sacrifices made, the hurdles overcome—each scar and battle wound a testament to your unwavering determination. They have shaped you into the person you are today, a person who is standing on the precipice of their own extraordinary creation. In this moment, you can't help but reflect on how far you have come. You just want to curl up into a ball and cry for how proud you are for yourself.
As you approach the door to your café, your hand trembles with anticipation. You grasp the smooth handle, feeling the coolness of the metal against your palm, and slowly turn it. The door swung open, emitting a soft creak that pierced the silence. Above it, a small, quaint bell dangled delicately, waiting to be disturbed. The cascade of delicate notes wove together seamlessly, announcing your presence, like a whispered greeting to anyone who would listen.
You stare in awe and wonder at the interior design of your cafe , captivated by it's beauty. The space exceeds your imagination and sketches, each detail meticulously brought to life. You explore every corner, your eyes eager to take in every detail. The plants you selected with great care breathe life into the space, their vibrant green leaves adding a touch of freshness and enhancing the cozy, warm aura you envisioned. Sunlight steams through the windows, casting a golden glow that illuminates upon your carefully handpicked furniture, adding a touch of charm. Every detail, from the placement of tables and chairs to the color palette and textures and to the shelf placed at the wall behind the counter with small sized standees of genshin impact, comes together harmoniously, painting a reality that is more beautiful than it was in your imagination.
You took one last look at your own café, only to catch sight of a door that had seemingly materialized out of thin air. It wasn't in your sketches, nor was it part of the layout you had memorized. How could something so out of place suddenly appear in your beloved café? How weird. You were sure that when you went inside this café it was never there. It was on the opposite side of the front entrance door of your café. It had a very different kind of design from the doors you had. How weird . Were you perhaps hallucinating? Was your stress and sleep deprivation finally getting to you? You resort to pinching and slapping your cheeks in an attempt to jolt yourself back to reality. Nope. You can still see it. You rushed to go outside of your café. As you step out into the open, your eyes scanning the exterior, you're met with a surprising revelation—the door you saw inside your café is nowhere to be found. It's as if it had vanished into thin air, leaving you bewildered and questioning your senses.
Nonetheless, you breathed a heavy sigh of relief and once again went inside of your café, blaming your hallucination to your stress. However, as your eyes scanned the interior again, you saw the door still there.
'Oh, hell no.' You thought and quickly opened the front door again, took a look at the exterior, look at the door inside, and continued doing that action for a minute. Yup, you're officialy hallucinating.
You looked at the strange door and felt a nagging feeling of curiousity wanting to try and open that door. Maybe it was actually a big ass sticker that one of the builders placed as a prank. You never know. Steeling yourself, you went closer to the door on your tippy toes. Carefully trying to be quiet. Why? You don't know. You just knew you had to. Maybe it was an instinct of yours. You were now infront of the door and you tried reaching for the door knob still thinking it was a sticker but the coolness feeling in your hands said uno reverse. You abruptly took back your hand in shock. You stared down at the atrocity in front of you. You quickly raised your foot and took off your shoes/heel/slipper and held onto it tightly. Preparing yourself to open the door, you took in a deep breath and reached for the door knob once more. Twisting it open, a ray of sunlight shone through the small crack as you pushed the door open gently.
Your eyes widen at the sight infront of you as you had fully opened the door. The grip your hand had on your lethal weapon widened and it slipped from your hands. The sight infront of you was so surreal. 'This can't be true, right?' your head was going to so many places, unable to comprehend what was going on. You felt kinda dizzy.
You would be a fool not to recognize this place that you had seen so many times throughout your life. A few kilometers infront of you was the City of Mondstadt in view. You could even see the knights guarding the gate and Timmie with his pigeons at the bridge.
The weird door from your cafe was actually a door to the Genshin Impact world. Wow... wtf.
also pls take a look at my poorly drawn drawing of what your view looks like cause for the love of god I can't seem to explain it:
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Also you're in a cliff or something. so yeah
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Do you have any fic recs where dicks relationship with the batfam is the focus?
Yes! These are all fics I've adored
FAVORITE!! I place this fic on a pedestal. It's one of the best fics of all time - The primacy of personal conscience
Favorite! Another one of my all time favorites. Dick, Jason, Tim are deaged to their robin eras and Damian and Bruce are in their current ages - Just, How
Dick gets split into three personalities - The choice to be seen
FAVORITE!! - Dick's buried. But like hell is the batfamily going to let it stay that way - The unnecessary requiem
ALL of CamsthiSky's fics focus of Dick's batfam relations and are good reads - Link
Small moments with Dick and the family - Snippets
Dick, Damian, and Tim. Absent parent Bruce and needy Bruce are the same person as always- prodigal
Favorite! Dick and Damian's relationship and evolution - Snapshots
Sad fic if Dick's reaction after Ric was darker - Strength in a Lack of Continuity
Batfamily's reaction to Dick's sexual objectification - I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Good fic about something I don't remember (sorry! It's been years but I saved it so it must be good) with young justice and batfamily reactions that were accurate - End Days
If Bruce was a lot darker and acted on his overprotective tendencies collection. It's centered around Dick - Darkish Batfamily
How the batfamily reacts to Dick getting shot in the head - Fallen
Dick buys a bunch of plants and bonds with all of them - let your love grow tall
All of Danishsweethearts works are good - Danishsweethearts
Sad fic about Dick being batman again and batfamily's reaction. I think Tim would react differently. Maybe. But it's a fantastic angst fic - My life's going by but it's just begun
Dick, Damian, and Dick's massive group of friend and allies - Missed a spot
Dick's a civilian but he's still their big brother - Those times that Dick Grayson got tangled up with the batfamily
Dick, Peter Parker, Cat Noir, Danny Fenton and their fathers. PS they're all socialite friends. This has to be canon - The Black Tux Gang
Angst story about Dick if he had mental illness. No happy ending - Shattered Tea Cups
Dick is a changed man after spyral and batfamily's reaction - Downward spyral
Someone planning a hit on Nightwing? Not if Nightwing does it on himself first (fun) - Money for daffodils
Favorite! Dick has retrograde amnesia and Bruce struggles to cope - Harbor
Dick died seven years ago. And then woke up - Faith and fate
Dick's secret abilities the batfamily doesn't notice - Unusual skills and habits
The truth of Dick's death and everyone's reaction - Code B
Favorite! Dick is Talon, Tim is Red Hood, and Jason is Red Robin - A New Adversary
Favorite! Jason and Dick are close. Told through the eyes of everyone else - proximity
Soft fic. ABO but Dick acting as Tim and Damian's mother - Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Dick's gone but the rape of him is not. The batfamily will avenge their brother. The whole world will - Take the night back
ABO robin reversal collection - Robin Reversal ABO
Werewolf au where Dick meets Jason and Bruce comes along - Den and Pack
If Dick got deaged to renegade era - Pause in the Pendulum
Sweet fic about the Batbros seeking comfort in Dick - Haven
Favorite! Duke time! The Batfamily teasing Dick lovingly - Shenanigans
Dark batfam fic around Dick - Gaslight Manor
Dick will do anything to protect his family (Has Constantine/Dick) - Time (to protect you)
If Dick was Terry McGinnis' biological father - Beyond the Night Collection
Talon!Dick in the Teen Titans universe with batfamily - Just a dead kid
Angst, sad fic about Dick getting tired of being the mediator - Please just get along (I can't do this anymore)
One of my all time favorites - Everyday one headcanon about Nightwing
Batfamily mourning the loss of Dick's hair - He's shorn, we're torn
Jason tries stealing in Bludhaven rather than Gotham. He meets Nightwing instead of Batman and his life gets a whole lot better - Hot wheels
Stephanie time travels and meets Robin Dick! - Oops
Favorite! ALL of iloveyourwords' fics - iloveyourwords
Favorite! ALL of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - ScarlettSwordMoon
Angst fic. So much angst. Sometimes Jason's anger gets the worst of him but it's not because he doesn't care - not even rain has such small hands
Favorite! The heroes are forced to forget Dick. And they regret (has constantine/dick/zatanna) - Love that burned green against skin
Favorite! ALL of Kuroaki's works - Kuroaki
Dick, Tim, and Jason watch Encanto and, well, Surface Pressure was made for Dick - Who am I if I don't have what it takes
Pre-robin Dick. Dick's only fault is his over-competence - lightning is the shine (but I've been working on the thunder)
Favorite! Dick's name comes out of the Hogwart's cup. This changes everything and nothing - heavy is the crown
The batkids are unhinged. Poor jason - The AU noone asked for
Dick falls. And so does everyone else (iloveyourwords' fic) - icarus
FAVORITE!! Dick, Jason, Damian undercover on a cruise. Everything goes wrong - Like those foreign stars
YJ where Dick joins Deathstroke and Bruce breaks inside - Fallen son
Favorite! ALL of miss_aphelion's works - miss_aphelion
Here's a starter for miss_aphelion's works - Dick of Troy
Dick and Bruce in the eyes of the JL - Boy on the couch
Favorite! Dick is stuck in his dreamworld and his family just want him back - Happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Hunger Games Au! Dick volunteers as a tribute - To get a dream of life again
Dick and Bruce and Dick's graceful manipulation of people - Some men fall from grace. Some are pushed
Dick takes time away from Bruce and finds himself again - Local oldest child takes time away from family
FAVORITE!! One of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - shipping rivalries
FAVORITE!! Dick reveals his trauma through singing - A robin's song
FAVORITE!! Dick's personality gets split in three - Three is a party
Dick runs away to Bludhaven but the batfamily won't let things rest - What stalks in my shadows
FAVORITE!! The batfamily is stuck in a timeloop where they can't save Dick - One thousand, Three hundred, and Nine Hours
Tim being a cute menace and feral Dick - little menace
FAVORITE!! Damian has a few choice words to say about Bruce's treatment of Dick - The threat
Slade saves Dick from the Court of Owls and Rose's view of him - Quiet now, you're going to wake the beast
FAVORITE!! Bruce is gone and Dick is seeing ghosts. The batfamily just wants to protect him - The haunting of Wayne house
FAVORITE!! Deaged Dick and Damian collection - you've always loved the strange birds
Dick's been deaged wakes up in a world with 5 robins no thanks to Slade - persephone's in hell
FAVORITE!! The batfamily's in a time loop trying to save Dick - rewind, remix, retry, redo
Funny fics I'm in love with!
Hilarious and all-around fun - Batbros Wreck Havoc
Favorite! ALL of pupeez4eva's fics but here's a starter for fun - That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel
More fun fic (can you tell I like the humorous ones?) - A Bunch of Ridiculousness
Don't mess with Dick from Jason's perspective. Jason, Dick, and Bruce - Dig Down Deep
Accurate fic about batfamily's reaction to Dick dating Joey - Families Ever Changing
AU: Justice League meeting Nightwing focusing on Dick, Bruce, and Barry - Starry eyed
(Sorry had to slip another one in) JL's reaction to Dick - Your call may be interrupted
The batfamily will not let anyone take cover pictures of Dick - The annual Bludhaven firefighter's calander for charity
Another JLA story. Dick was a wild child nightmare robin - Adventures in batsitting
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muggy-b · 9 hours
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This image is just another reason as to why I swapped Mabel with Ford. Not because I wanted to place five uno reverses in a row.
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I imagine she’d discover some sort of transition medal. And with Mabel + Dipper being born roughly in 1951… this is a scientific breakthrough!!
Anyways. In this au it pretty much goes the same way. Mabel discovers an element, shows it off, she’s up to win a Nobel prize and go to East Coast Tech… the night before Dipper accidentally breaks the beaker and shatters the Mabellium!! Oh no!!
One chewed/exploded pen later, Dipper cleans it up, replaces the beaker, and puts rock candy inside. No one will notice!
SOILERS!! They noticed. Because the ants got to it first so it was seen as a mockery to the scientific community. Mabel sunk to her knees, no clue how it happened.. then she noticed there’s ink on her new skirt?? How did that get there?… and what is Dipper’s favorite Pen Brand doing broken?
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phantobats · 11 days
Hear me out: What about a reverse storyline AU in which it's not Jason that dies in the explosion, but Bruce.
In a moment of pure sacrifice, Bruce throws himself in front of Jason, taking the brunt of the explosion and thus protecting him. Batman dies in Jason's arms, his last words are a plea for Jason to forgive himself and not be consumed by vengeance.
Bruce’s death devastates Gotham. The Batfamily is shattered, and the loss of Batman sends ripples through both the hero and villain communities. Dick steps up reluctantly to protect Gotham, trying to fill his mentor’s shoes, while Jason, wracked with guilt, disappears. Gotham’s criminal underworld senses weakness in the Batfamily and begins to rise, with crime escalating to unprecedented levels.
Tim senses the new Batman's struggles and steps in to help him as a new Robin.
Jason still becomes the Red Hood, but his mission is different. He reclaims the moniker of Red Hood in a desperate attempt to help clean up Gotham and avenge Bruce whilst trying to overcome his guilt, driving him to increasingly brutal methods. Dick and Tim try to pull him from his spiral, yet all of their attempts remain unsuccessful.
And then, Bruce comes back.
But Jason doesn't know. He's effectively shut himself off from the family so well that he doesn't even realize the Batman standing before him in shock at the sight of the criminal he has just killed off isn't Dick, but Bruce.
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whalesforhands · 1 year
endure your pain pt.6 (poly satosugu x reader)
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warnings: spoilers of Hidden Inventory arc, but at the same time i changed it, so it’s spoilers but not spoilers, special man special gun, there’s a reason i call them third year aus
You always hoped things will work out for you in the end. You always hoped for the best. Always, always saw the hope within the endless void of darkness.
You felt it before you had even seen it. Your intuition ringing alarms in your head, your technique, mere seconds away from being broken through. The pounding of your heart increases with the flare of your cursed energy.
A quarter of a second passes, your body having teleported itself right next to the Star Plasma Vessel.
A breakthrough of your cursed technique. You would’ve been proudly showing it off if it weren’t for the situation at hand.
Your hands reaching through your shattering shield, the bullet easily bursting itself through your cursed technique, your biggest mistake yet.
You don’t hesitate.
Your hands wrapping themselves around the young girl, throwing her down just as the bullet passes through your own head, a swallowing pain enveloping your entire being as you feel your senses begin to shut off near instantaneously.
A quick death, you suppose. Fushiguro Toji’s final act of mercy for you.
Not even spared the last few seconds for you to even say your last words. Pathetic, even in your final moments. Truly deserved, no?
Your love was always going to break you.
The world goes black as you hear a ringing scream.
Amanai Riko lives.
“Suguru.” Cold. Emotionless. An overwhelming anger that shook his entire being.
A warm hand trails over your cold face, even colder body propped up in his arm as he softly stroked your cheek. Blood is seeping out of your head, dripping onto the floor as his fingers covered the bullet wound.
He’ll ask Shoko to put your body back together. So you’ll be whole. So that he could at the very least, hold ‘you’ once more. The ‘you’ who still had a physical manifestation.
He doesn't want to believe you're gone.
“Let’s kill them.” He pauses momentarily, bringing your head to his chest. Right over his still beating heart. “All of them.”
The higher-ups. Those disgusting followers who jeered at them and chased them out upon the failure of Riko’s demise. The ones who sent you on this mission, the ones who didn’t even care about your death.
Who else is there to blame, now that Toji Fushiguro is dead?
Riko shudders at the frigid torment that haunted his voice, her hands trembling as she held your own, tears flowing again and again and again as she hoped, prayed to the skies that you’re alive. That you’re fine. That you’ll come back, just like Gojo did.
But you’re no talented sorcerer. You’re not the chosen one. You do not possess talents alike those of Ieiri Shoko or even come close to the honoured one, Gojo Satoru.
There’s no way you can be alive.
Suguru’s silent. Breaths labored and eyes tired as he tries and tries and tries to not fall apart. You wouldn’t want him to.
He can’t fall here.
“No.” He steels himself, resolute. He has to be the pillar. The one with reason. The one who’s got it together.
For Satoru. For you.
Ieiri Shoko can't move. Not when she saw the sorcerer duo coming back, a body held within Gojo Satoru's hold as he walked back. Eyes empty as he looked forth, walking side by side with Geto Suguru.
Their steps are slow, precise. Hands clutching your body tight.
They don’t dare to even look at your corpse.
It’s Suguru who gently tugs the sheet off your face, revealing your bandaged head and your grim fate.
The milk carton clatters to the ground.
You’re cold. Unbearably so.
“Shoko.” She hears through the ringing in her ears. “Her injuries.” It’s a command, steady and direct. A tone she never heard Gojo use.
She does it with no hesitation, her reverse cursed energy flowing through her body and traversing to her hands as she concentrated and focused and allowed her hands to shake, pouring every bit of everything she had into you.
She knows. She knows, yet, she wants to try.
Because it’s you. It hurts. It hurts to see you in this state.
“Shoko…” You blush, watching her as she licks the paper-cut on your finger.
It disappears in an instant, like magic, like a miracle. Your eyes glittering as you stare at her so awestruck, so lovingly.
She gasps, falling to the ground in exhaustion, spent and now useless after using every last bit of strength. She wants to scream. To cry.
Cold, merciless realization dawns upon her, the pain gushing through her entire body when you don’t even open your eyes. ——
Lessons were cancelled for the next 2 weeks.
The air is solemn. The door to your dorm room is constantly left open. Late nights were spent here, huddled in what was left of your presence, of you.
No longer did Geto Suguru escape to the lounge room to escape from his nightmares. He was always found within the small confines of your room, sitting on the floor and leaning his head against your bed as he used your favourite mug.
His hair is constantly left down, the brush you’ve gifted him in his hand as he combs through his own locks, closing his eyes and pretending that it was you.
Gojo watches him when Suguru shudders on your bed, twisting and turning before he relaxes when Satoru holds his hand, fingers intimately threaded together, assuring the writhing cursed spirit user that he’s here, that he needs to rest, that he needs to finally close his eyes; so that he can finally pass out from the exhaustion of staying up day after day after day.
It’s not over. The pain doesn’t stop there, doesn’t ever give them even the slightest moment to breathe.
Gojo Satoru would then settle himself by your closet door, clutching your uniform jacket in his hands on the nights Geto had finally fallen asleep, passed out upon your sheets as he grips your pillow with bone white knuckles, dreams of you plaguing his sleep.
Your closet is slowly emptying. Clothing that is slowly depleting. Clothing that he only ever takes out one by one, for he fears that the more he does, the faster they would lose your scent.
The snacks you often ate are bought often, ripped apart haphazardly with only a single bite taken out of them before he inevitably hurls, barely able to keep it down.
It doesn’t taste the same without you beside him.
Ieiri Shoko runs your toothbrush under the water every morning before putting it back to its usual place, watching the wet brush drip with water as if it was just recently used. She pretends that you’re just running late, that you’re in your room trying to fix your hair or find your stationary.
That when she steps out of the bathroom, she’ll see you run to a stop before her, asking her why she’s still in her pajamas when class starts in 15 minutes on a weekend.
Suffocating suffocating suffocating suffocating-
She remembers to breathe when all she sees is your open door, lights off, void of your presence as she sees the duo asleep together atop your bed.
The only moments Gojo allowed himself sleep.
Your chair is constantly pulled out, your textbooks strewn over your table and stationary set up in a manner abnormally similar to the way you used to do it.
As if someone wanted to emulate what once was.
As if you weren’t gone.
“Non-sorcerers… Are disgusting.” His hands were trembling, fingers gripping the desk as the tears welled up in his eyes.
“Protect the weak, protect the humans, protect the non-sorcerers…!” He cried out, his hands clenched into fists as he knuckles began to turn white. “Cause we’re the stronger ones, right?! Cause we’re the superior ones!”
“Those higher-ups, those fucking trash…!” Suguru’s bloody hands start to thrash against the table. “I can’t take this! I can’t fucking take this!” He’s desperate, tears and snot mixing with the sheer agony and vexation in his words as the table cracks and chips and takes the brunt of his blows.
Suguru heaved, anger and violence flashing in his eyes as he slammed his hands onto the wooden table, splinters flying about as it gets crushed, broken under the pressure.
112 villagers are about to be the output of his anger. 112 villagers who caged and treated 2 innocent little girls like monsters, like freaks of nature. The 112 monkeys who were useless in every form.
Gojo Satoru is holding a weeping, broken man. His arms are wrapped around his shoulders, hugging him as he cried and sobbed and begged for answers that Satoru himself couldn’t answer.
It was painful.
“What kind of ‘strongest’ are we, if we can’t even protect her?! That we let her get into this fucking state…” Suguru is thrashing in his hold, bloody fingers dragging across the black uniform of the school, marring it in his blood. His voice is dying out, scratched and dry from overuse.
He is no longer talking about the twins.
Gojo grit his teeth, slamming his fist into Geto’s face, watching as his beloved stumbled back from the sheer force. He didn’t stop there.
"Shut up...!"
The white haired shaman gripped Geto’s uniform shirt, tightening his grip, dragging his limp, boneless body to look him in the eye. He can’t lose him too.
“And fucking pull yourself together!” His scream was hoarse, throat dry, tears starting to form.
He’s held himself together for Suguru.
“It’s gonna be okay…” Satoru’s voice begins to crack, much like his will, his pride. “She’s gonna be okay…” It didn’t sound confident. Didn’t sound assuring. He doesn’t know.
Suguru is bawling.
“We’re the strongest, aren’t we?”
There’s a limit to how much pain one can take.
It came out as a whisper, a silent confirmation of hope. An assuage of the overpowering fear.
Gojo’s eyes glint.
“What kind of guys are you into?”
Your eyes nearly bulge out of their head at that question. Suguru’s eyes are on you now as well.
“I-I suppose…” Your fingers nervously twiddle in your lap as you think about a suitable answer.
Your head thinks, scours and scavenges for an answer. Was this your chance? Your shot to finally tell them how you feel?
“I like those… Who are kind?”
Gojo deadpans. “Lame.”
“I think she’s got a point, Satoru.” Suguru nods. “Kind people are hard to come by.” You agree. That’s why you’re sitting inbetween two of them right now. You’ve lucked out.
"Alright, I’ve made a decision for you!" Gojo jumps to his feet. His arms behind his head before he abruptly turns around, fingers pointed at you.
"If you're still single by 20, you have to marry us!"
Geto cringes beside you. "What are you, 5?" His elbow now resting on your shoulder as he watches his boyfriend, nearly getting second-hand embarrassment from his words as he watches with an almost disgusted stare.
“Hey, don’t act like you’re above me in this!”
“I’m not.”
“That stare of yours says something else!”
“Can’t help that I was born with this face.”
You’re zoning out, your eyes absolutely sparkling. Confusion, disbelief, joy and something else.
Marriage. The physical manifestation of being loved. You certainly loved them, but… Why are they asking you to join them? For tax benefits?
“Ooh, looks like someone liked my idea!” Satoru elbows his counterpart, laughing when Suguru jokingly shoved at him back.
"Is... Is that a promise? B-both of you are okay with that?”
It goes silent, Suguru’s arm now wrapping around your shoulders as Satoru’s grin grows ever wider.
"Have I ever lied to you?" Gojo is tilting his sunglasses down, bending his back to be eye level with you.
Geto chuckles, other hand clasping over yours that was settled on your lap.
“Promise.” He hooks your pinky with his, lifting it up as he grins at you. A third pinky soon curls around the both of yours.
“Then it’s settled!”
masterlist next
Gojo kept buying the same chocolate milk from the same vending machine everyday. Till the point he would buy out the entire stock.
He never drank any of it.
Geto reread the shoujo manga in your room over and over and over again. Fingers curling against the well-worn pages as he felt them against his hands.
It almost felt like you were right beside him.
Ieiri started smoking more. It releases her tension, her sadness. Helps her forget. She never smokes at the bench you would frequent. Never sits in the spot you always would.
She can nearly hear you chiding her for her habits.
No one dared to hold a funeral for you. No one wanted to believe you were gone.
Geto was the one setting your desk up everyday.
Gojo places a fresh carton of milk on your desk every lunch hour.
The only time Gojo ever let go of your corpse once the whole way back. The only time he ever did was when Geto brought a sheet to cover you with.
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