infectedpaul · 8 months
i could never believe in the 'paul is just faking in Inevitable' theory because like. how. bro she blew up how is she here if she hasnt just been glued back together via infection
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wraith-t0wn · 4 months
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I drew the bg3 cast as ponies. Apparently the only autism I got was the gay pastel pony and the gay high fantasy rpg autism and not the math and science autism I GUESS.
Oh and bonus bloodweave bc I’m obsessed with them
Will be updating with Jaheira and Minsc + alt designs for Astarion and Halsin whenever I get to them!!! :3
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diosapate · 3 months
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mercy killed john cleanly. he did not die in pain, she did not disrespect his body; she killed him quickly and efficiently and that was it. john killed her brutally!! he mutilated her and covered someone else with her gore and only then killed her with a tap to the back of the head. he ripped a dead woman’s cloak from her body and touched her corpse with his bare foot to prove a point!!
all this to say: necromancy is disrespect for the dead under the guise of reverence, and john isn’t even bullshitting respect for the dead anymore in Thee most obvious way. god’s mercy is finite and he has none left; i suspect that his “i’m just a little guy :)” act is at its end and we are about to see more of the man who claims that guys like him don’t make mistakes.
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lesbianspeedy · 7 months
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Danny is Diana's Big Brother (and annoys the hell out of her)
Danny decided to reveal himself to his Parents one day, and it didn't go well. Thankfully, Jazz managed to get him out of the Lab and they fled into the Ghost Zone, destroying the Portal behind them.
They seek refuge with some of their friends, and after a while they find a permanent home with Pandora in the Ancient Greek Sector. She found them while they were wandering the Zone in search of a place to sleep and happily took them in.
Danny also finds out that he is the new Ghost Prince after an incident where Fright Knight almost kills Skulker for "Daring to attack the Prince!"
So life is getting better for Danny. But he soon finds out that as the Ghost Prince, he needs a Parent to take over until he comes of Age. And he doesn't really have parents anymore.
He tries to set up Jazz as his Legal Guardian, but since she is his sister (and a newly forming Halfa, therefore also too young) she doesn't count.
Thankfully, he had the perfect candidate right there with Pandora! And she happily adopted them, she was basically already acting like their new Mom anyways, do it wasn't that much of a change. All she needs to do is keep the peace for a few decades until Danny reaches the Legal Ghost Age. (100 yrs old)
And of course, since he was adopted by Pandora he wants to learn about her Culture! So he asks her to take him on a trip to her Home Dimension and Home Country to learn about it.
So they head off to Themyscira.
And since Danny is technically Royalty, Not a Human Man, and the adopted son of Pandora (one of their greatest heroes of the past) he is tentatively allowed to visit the Island.
(Also, Danny can shapeshift, so it wouldn't be too big of a problem if he wanted to)
While there he meets Pandora's sister, Hippolyta, and her newly born Daughter, Diana.
Danny instantly decides that Diana is his new Little Sister.
And he also decides to indulge in all of the Big Brother Urges he has never been able to get away with with Ellie, and annoys the hell out of her in a way only big brothers can manage.
He teases her in front of her friends, pranks her occasionally, has play fights with her that end with a Forest being wiped off the map, and generally annoys the hell out of her.
But he also does all the good brother things like protect her from bullies, gives her wise advice, comfort her when she feels sad, and even helps comb her hair (she realized that he thrives on domestic stuff, since he never got to appreciate it when he was a kid)
He also introduces Diana to Jazz, and they get on like a house on fire! Unfortunately, Diana found out that Jazz can actually reign in Danny whenever he gets too overbearing and weaponizes this to great effect.
Ellie too, although they are hence banned from ever hanging out without supervision ever again (the observants couldn't walk right for a decade after that incident)
They go on like this for a few centuries, even after Danny takes up the Throne and has less time to hang out with her.
But Diana still loves her big brother, annoyances and all. Still, she will absolutely never let him know about the League. She wouldn't survive the embarrassment.
Wait, who did this Cult just say they were summoning?
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crustum-magica · 6 months
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Art of the day!
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swftlore · 2 years
stranger things 5:
byler: *starts flirting in the hospital*
max, immediately waking up from her coma: thats gay
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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You know what, Araj might be tied with Orin for "people I wish I didn't have to see again"
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spacedace · 11 months
I almost forgot, her have these memes I made for Foundling at the Door:
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This one’s not quite relevant yet but I just couldn’t get it out of my head lol:
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dead-bouquet · 2 years
DP x DC thoughts
Every fanfic and prompt I read has danny either pretending to be older than he is or just outright telling people he is a child.
I’d love to see actual thousands of years old danny who lost his family and has been in his castle for so many years that he’s become a shell of himself. He’s super knowledgeable, super powerful, but he’s just  t i r e d. 
Not to mention he can change his form like clockwork if he wanted to but most of the time he stays in his 14 yr old form cuz that’s the most comfortable.
Now imagine the JL come in. They summon the Ghost King because they need help and omg that is a child on the throne with a dead eye stare but he’s super powerful and helps them for no fee and and bruce is already pulling out the adoption papers.
Dick gaining an older brother figure and learning not everything has to be on his shoulders.
Jason and Danny bonding over being forced to adapt to a world that’s mourned and moved on from them and the struggle to learn to fit in again (because jason is technologically illiterate with all the advancements he missed and you can pry that head cannon out of my cold dead hands).
Tim gaining an older brother who actually listens to his rants and pushes him towards new info cuz danny has lived for so long and duh he knows stuff.
Damian just being a language nerd with danny and learning some languages that have been lost to time (because now he can shit talk about drake without anyone knowing)
Duke just vibin with this bright ass creature but hey? at least there’s another meta in the fam.
Danny spoils the girls cuz they remind him of dani and jazz.
all the while danny slowly gains his spark back and becomes more and more like his old self.
Just... let me have millennia old danny being a shit disturber.
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taiyami · 7 months
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Stupid man-thing, I'm fucking DUELING !!
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eemiejab · 5 months
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💥💥 pure unadulterated fun 💥💥💥
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conceptofjoy · 2 months
crazy how roxy and vriska have such similar personality types and behaviors but people shit on vriska and put roxy on a pedestal (while both totally falling for their facades and misunderstanding their deals)
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thoumpingground · 8 months
Okay, obviously I get why Emma gets to be the resident Disaster Matchmaker TM, but really John Thorpe gives her several runs for her money. He beats her in numbers of matches, execution, and production value accidentaly. Emma only managed to get Harriet's heart broken - twice. Thorpe's got it down to the details: he got Cathy the guy and a swoon worthy proposal. Cause if left to his own devices, Henry would have put together something sweet and heartfelt but simple, and Cathy would have been very happy of course, but she clearly doesn't mind a little bit of ✨romance✨. Thanks to Thorpe, she gets to brag forever that her husband loved her so much he bore being disowned and rode 70 miles on a horse to propose against his father's will.
Thorpe might be shooting in the dark, and aiming for the complete opposite goal, but d-mn it, he gets results, and I think he deserves to be the Austen Extended Universe Hipercompetent Matchmaking Menace TM. Not the least because, unlike Emma and every other Austen romantic rival, he has nothing else going for him.
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fishandshesmygills · 10 months
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the social network (2010)
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assiraphales · 1 year
the ninth doctor was so effortlessly funny he just went strutting around the galaxy in his leather duster with his plucky blonde companion insulting people & getting away w it bc he was charming as hell
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