loremaster · 1 month
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i went crazy (as i am known to do) and drew BOTH of each daily prompt for @raincodeshipweek! nothing past PG-13 here. double check the tags for ships below - or if you want to be surprised, jump in and see them all here:
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Hurt/Comfort - Clockmare - I remember a while ago @pixelatedraindrops did a poll over which of the two to draw sick in bed… Halara's cat allergies won out, but I thought the opposite scenario of Fubuki needing recovery from overusing her rewind powers was cute too! This is a very cute ship that needs more love!
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Healing - Kokolight - This is *THE* ship that's all about healing. (Emotional healing at least.) Yuma learns a lot from Vivia about how to embrace the uncomfortable parts of life… and Vivia learns a lot from Yuma about how not to let that diminish your spark. Plus, by the end, they understand what each other’s been through more than any other characters... almost. Also, dat height difference. Good shit.
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Dancing - Aetheria trio - Similar bonding over shared grief here! But this time there's three of them! Big 3 of Cups energy. It's a shame we never really got to see much genuine interaction between Yoshiko, Waruna, and Kurane during the game's story… but sometimes the most fun parts are what we get to imagine for ourselves, hmm? Anyway, yeah. These three are bonded for life. (Too bad it wasn't a very long one...)
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Domesticity - Viviakou - There's nothing funnier than two guys with opposite behaviors. Vivia wedges himself into the crack between the bed and the wall as far as he can. Yakou spreads out and takes up more room than the bed even has. Plus, he snores. Disasters, both of them. …I was going to try and come up with another ship for this prompt, since - spoilers - there'll be more Viviakou later on... but I thought of this image and laughed hard enough I couldn't not draw it!
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Sun/Rain - Yakou/Amaterasu Researcher. - One of the happiest moments of Yakou's life was when his wife got him a boat for his birthday. A whole boat!!! A portable office! Never had he felt so loved before. …Never has the sun shone that brightly again. He hates the rain.
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Stars - Clockbolt - Fubuki is staring out wistfully at the rain clouds, lamenting that she cannot see her star - the one her parents bought for her. But luckily - “Don't worry, Princess, I'll be your star…!” says Desuhiko. Bolder, brighter, and much, much closer than her faraway prize…Yeah, I think Fubuki would eat that up. This is a fun ship. I like that Desuhiko - against all odds - treats Fubuki like a person. And ironically I think that would make her like him more!!
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Flowers - Furroughs - What else could I have drawn for 'flowers,' honestly? It's a cheap bouquet of Black-Eyed Susans! I can't see this as a healthy relationship, honestly, but that's what makes it fun! Imagining them as childhood friends who used to be really close but grew apart in adulthood strikes just the right chord of melancholy with me. Even more heartbreaking if you see them both as trans - imagine Yakou's so excited to have a friend like him, and then as soon as Seth transitions he's like "you don't know me. never speak to me again." Mmm, I do so love to put Yakou through the wringer.
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Memories - Yumagami - Sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I imagine Yuma goes through phantom pains after their pact gets broken, not knowing whose laughter keeps ringing through his ears, what's up with that tingly spot on his cheek, or why he can't look at a barrel without his face feeling hot. (Though, he's probably astute enough to put together the clues...)
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First Times - Viviakou - The first time Yakou heard Vivia say that catchphrase, it didn't feel very good.
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Final Moments - Viviakou - ...The last time didn't feel very good either.
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Swap - Vivia/Amaterasu Researcher - Okay, hear me out. If Yakou had managed to run up that hill, make a deal with Kodaka, and get him to swap their places - that is, he dies while his wife survives and becomes Chief of the Nocturnal Detective Agency - I think Vivia would think the same of Mrs. Furio that he did of Mr. Furio (that is, helplessly smitten). EXTREMELY underrated. Please ship this with me.
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Alternate Universe - Zilara - My personal pet rarepair!!! Alas, our two confident creature-lovers have been kept from each other by the cruel hands of fate. So, I cope by drawing them getting fancy little drinks together. This is an homage to Boba AU, of course, but honestly, while drawing this, I was picturing them as students at the local prestigious college campus. Maybe they're members of frat Alpha Beta Omega or something.
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Past/Future - Makoyuma - This one's more of a concept/pitch than a fully explored scene, but hear me out: time travel AU. What if Yuma meets a mysterious masked stranger who turns out to be a tech-savvy time traveler from a destroyed future... but then also turns out to be himself, somehow? How is there someone who looks exactly like him, 5000 years from now? What's the connection between Yuma and Makoto? And why are they so drawn to each other?
...The last prompt for the official Ship Week is a free day - so I'm going to take the day off! Though, there are a lot of other ships I lament not shouting out here - Kokobolt, Kokomare, Twimare, Fubugami, just to name a few!!! But I'm gonna give myself a break for now. Don't worry, you'll see more art from me soon - maybe even print versions of this, and some of my other Rain Code fanart. And if there's a specific ship or scenario you really can't wait to see... my commissions are open! ;D
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lyinginbedmon · 2 years
Oh lordy is there bad things going down across the VTuber space right now so I’m gonna try and unpack them for ease of comprehension.
Real quick: A VTuber is essentially just a regular livestreamer but instead of a facecam they have a custom model (usually made of layered images but also often a full 3D object) that tracks their face and such. Big tiddy anime girl representation to say the least but it’s a very creative space.
Next: Silvervale, Silver for short. Silver is one such big tiddy anime (wolf) girl, who is part of a corporate group of VTubers called VShojo. I probably don’t need to describe much more for the purposes of this post.
Hogwarts Legacy is a video game based in the bigotry-entrenched universe of the Harry Potter franchise by notorious face-of-transphobia Joanne K. Rowling. Since its announcement in 2018, trans individuals and groups have quite rightly highlighted numerous ethical and moral problems with the game ranging from the inherent bigotry of the setting, to the involvement of literal far-right YouTubers in its development, to just the basic stuff like its success greenlighting further instalments all while Rowling pockets royalties to (expressly) further fund her anti-trans projects (which includes her writing Literally being read into record to quash things like the Equality Act).
The general advice, which would be true regardless of your actual thoughts on the game or franchise, was to just not play it. That way Rowling makes less money, fewer future games are made, and nobody gets hurt as a result. You end your day $60 better off that you can spend on some other big game that isn’t basically radioactive.
To say the Video Gamers did not take that advice well would be an understatement, but things get really ugly when a streamer who otherwise professes to creating a calm and friendly atmosphere, who makes claims to being an ally, gives in and plays the Wizard Game. I’m not going to say that people haven’t been harassed for playing it, almost certainly someone has, but I just don’t have the data to be certain that it goes much further than just posting “trans rights” in chat.
Enter Silvervale. Despite half a decade of advance warning that she shouldn’t play this game, she played it anyway. Live on camera. The community she’d fostered for years didn’t take this well either, and the stream ended early amid purported harassment from the chat. Silver wasn’t the first VTuber to play the Wizard Game, but she was one of the first English-speaking ones.
Things could have just quietly ended there, but Silver then returned to streaming with more of the game and a statement that she had been “harassed” by “freaks and degenerates” on Twitter. Not her best choice of words, but the damage was done.
Because of the 5-year leadup to the Wizard Game releasing, the right-wing mob had already noticed the controversy around it and had made Huge investments into buying and promoting the game as well as spewing vitriol against anyone who even slightly suggested that doing so was in poor taste. They naturally then flocked to Silver’s defense and, following her unfortunate description of “marginalised people making their discomfort known as they had declared they would Years in advance” using language straight from 1930s Germany, started directly attacking any streamer who voiced their intent not to play the game however detailed their reasoning.
As a brief aside, there’s some confusion over how Silver’s chat moderation is set up, seemingly blocking such phrases as “trans rights are human rights”. Some say it’s an overzealous automod, others that her moderators are actually blocking the phrases, it’s unclear and not hugely worth focusing on here. But I mention it because it’s one of the common points made as people state their side on this issue.
This has essentially made Silver the face of transphobic bigotry in the VTuber community, whether or not she actually considers herself aligned with such bigots. Multiple smaller and independent trans VTubers have completely stopped streaming because of the bile being spewed at them by people with the likes of #IStandWithSilver in their bios. The overlaps between accounts on social media posting in her defense and numerous far-right hate movements is as undeniable as it is unpleasant to catalogue.
And boy that’s just the foundation of this whole sorry affair.
Another VTuber who is part of the same company as Silver, VShojo, is Apricot (more commonly called Froot). Froot not only decided to vocally not play the Wizard Game, but to post a tweet saying that she would personally donate to UK trans children’s charity Mermaids for every like the tweet received. She added that her brother is trans and she supports him immensely.
So the bigots that leapt to Silver’s defense very predictably started calling Froot a paedophile and child groomer, which is more or less what they label every pro-trans individual ever these days. Froot had to lock replies on her charity post and her post about her brother as a result, though the tweets remain up.
Most recently, a third peer in VShojo called Ironmouse came to Silver’s defense specifically in opposition to the alleged harassment she received which, again, anyone could have seen coming in the last 5 years by googling the Steam page for this game.
And honestly, at this point, whatever actually happened to Silver in that first stream is completely irrelevant because she’s become the rallying cry of people who actively want to exterminate the entire trans community from cradle to grave and literally beyond. And so much of it could be resolved or at least get the wind out of its sails if she took 5 minutes to just apologise for and disavow everything that happened in her name after she decided to keep playing the Wizard Game.
But, and I say this with no disrespect to Silver, I’m not holding my breath.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
“I did assault her and I will do it again,” he said. “And if I need to be 10 years in prison I’m happy to be 10 years in prison.” Says a man fled anyway.
The trans activist who threw tomato juice on a women’s rights campaigner during a free speech event in Auckland has been charged with common assault and appears to be fleeing from New Zealand authorities as a result.
Eliana Rubashkyn, also known as Eliana Golberstein and Eliana Rubinstein, is a male who identifies as transgender and intersex and uses “they/them” pronouns. On March 25, Rubashkyn attacked women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen during what was supposed to be a peaceful women’s rights demonstration. 
Keen, also known by her moniker Posie Parker, had arranged for a speaking tour of New Zealand centered around giving women the platform to express their thoughts on gender ideology. But she was forced to cut the tour short after being met with extreme aggression at her first stop in Auckland at Albert Park.
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As Keen approached the bandstand in the park, where she was set to speak to a crowd of approximately 200 supporters, Rubashkyn dumped a liter of tomato juice onto her and her security detail. Videos of the incident have since circulated on social media, and Rubashkyn told a local news station that he was able to approach Keen because he lied about his identity and pretended to be a supporter of hers.
Following the event, Rubashkyn gave an interview where he claimed that he targeted Keen because “her words are blood because they are killing our people.” He continued: “That tomato juice represents the blood of the people she is trying to kill.”
Rubashkyn also addressed the crowd after Keen was escorted away from the park by police, and stated that he wanted Keen to be “full of blood … because she’s advocating for our genocide.”
Information on Rubashkyn’s charge was first reported by Newsable, which received a statement from Rubashkyn where he again claimed the assault and suggested he was comfortable facing justice.
“I did assault her and I will do it again,” he said. “And if I need to be 10 years in prison I’m happy to be 10 years in prison.”
But despite his words, Rubashkyn fled New Zealand shortly after being made aware that police were planning on issuing a warrant for his arrest on charges of assault.
His latest travel-related post suggests he has now left Australia and is en route to the United States.
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A fundraiser has been launched to support Rubashkyn, citing support for a legal defense fund as well as “personal security needs.” It has since raised just over $1,300 as of the writing of this article. The fundraising campaign is currently under review by GiveALittle, and some on social media have noted it is likely against the platform’s terms of service to be fundraising for a known fugitive.
Rubashkyn is originally Jewish-Ukrainian from Colombia, but currently lives in New Zealand. He has worked with the UN and as a Program Officer at ILGA World (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association). Much of his origin story and gender identity has come into question after a March 28 Twitter space wherein Rubashkyn appeared incoherent at times while addressing a live audience for almost 8 continuous hours.
During the space, Rubashkyn made a number of anti-lesbian, racist, sexist, and violent remarks, including that trans-identified males were the “first victims” of the Holocaust.
“Trans women were the first victims of Nazism. Trans women were killed before the Jews were sent to concentration camps,” he said, continuing: “In the 1930s, Nazis relied on TERFs to promote hate… TERFs became holders of concentration camps for females. TERFs were quite instrumental in the system that the Nazis built for making more babies… to keep Nazi Germany growing.”
Rubashkyn claims to be Jewish and says he can speak fluent Hebrew, but seemed to be unable to understand a Hebrew speaker who challenged him on his assertion.
In addition to the marathon space, Rubashkyn also uploaded a video to his Twitter account in which he was seen sobbing while claiming there was a “trans genocide” occurring, and that “Nazis” were trying to murder him.
“I am so full of joy because I am trans, but I am so scared because they want to kill me. The Nazis, they are– they just really want to get you.”
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The March 25 event was part of an international Let Women Speak tour hosted by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen. Keen has hosted rallies across the UK, USA, and Australia encouraging women to use her platform to speak about how gender ideology has impacted their lives.
While Keen’s events are often met with hostility, the New Zealand rally descended into violence so rapidly that it had to be cancelled before it could even begin. 
As she arrived at the Albert Park venue, Keen went live on her YouTube channel as she usually does to provide her supporters updates from the event. 
Immediately, the scene was chaotic as police did not appear to be present. Those watching from a distance through the YouTube stream were able to see Keen being led by her security though a braying crowd of trans activists. Once she managed to make it to the stage, Keen could immediately be heard expressing concerns about the lack of police presence. 
Keen and her supporters were quickly surrounded by an increasingly aggressive mob of trans protestors. The activists broke through established barriers, and didn’t take long before the decision was made to cancel the event and leave for the safety of all involved.
In addition to Keen having been assaulted by Rubashkyn, an elderly woman who had attended the demonstration in support of Keen was battered in the face by a male trans activist.
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The woman, who is said to be in her 70s, was left with a darkly blackened eye after being both head-butted and punched in the face. Videos of the assault went viral on Twitter as multiple angles of the altercation between the elderly woman and the male trans activist began to leak in the aftermath of the rally.
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nyrasbloodyclover · 1 year
speak now (daemon targaryen x reader)
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cw: ?
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I hated the man I was supposed to marry. Despised him. The way he spoke, the way he used his hands while explaining something he thought I didn't understand, the way he behaved around other Lords and Knights. Disgusting.
Thank Gods for The Rogue Prince. When I first saw him, it was during a tournament King Viserys organized. Daemon's armor was the only thing that occupied me during the whole tournament. Specifically, how he looked underneath all that metal. And besides that, he saw me, and something in his gaze was telling me that he wanted to do many things with me. To me.
I found out not long after that, in one of the rooms, somewhere in the labyrinth of the castle's hallways. He pinned me against the wall and I spread my legs for him like a common whore. His fingers felt like magic against my swollen cunt as I tried to keep quiet. He was rough and fast and I was clenching around his hand soon enough, while gripping his shoulder for support. Both of us almost ran away from that place, not looking at each other, but unspoken words were still there.
This was not the last time.
Days after that, my family made me marry some lesser known Lord and I was furious. But that was the natural order of things. Anyway, people I knew and the people I didn't all gathered to witness my death as I looked at that ugly imbecile I will soon call husband.
Daemon was watching too. He had a smug expression on his face, standing like the true Prince he was. Dear Gods, why couldn't I be someone important so they could marry me off to that deranged bastard. We locked eyes and his violet ones seemed to be hiding something.
Of course, my husband said he didn't like Prince Daemon because he had to be the center of attention wherever he was, even if he went to someone's wedding. Which was the case right now. But, fortunately for me, Princes are always invited.
Vows were exchanged and my husband smiled like he won a prize. What a man.
Food was tasteless, I was tired and my head hurt. Where was Daemon now?
Then I saw him in the crowd again and smiled for myself. If I could just get to him...We would need minutes and nobody would even suspect that we were gone. He probably read my thoughts when met his gaze over the crowded room and just shook his head, as if saying Not yet.
The wedding was over, Daemon left and I felt like someone beat me up. It was time for a beddibg ceremony and it wasn't that bad, since I imagined it was Daemon inside of me the whole time, touching and biting me. That made my husband think he was doing a good job.
Days after that were monotone and I drank moon tea that Daemon regularly sent without my husband knowing. If I got pregnant with that mans baby, I might just kill myself.
So, not a word from Daemon—Until one night.
I found a note on my side of the bed. It was from him. He gave me no information about where he was or what his next move might be. Just to get off of my husband's property.
So I did. I went to my aunt for a couple of days, I was meaning to visit her anyway, so this was a perfect opportunity.
But when I got back, my husband was nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere, but it was pointless. Not even the guards or the servants knew where he was. I was called to court the next day. Not even the king knew where my husband was.
Then Daemon Targaryen slipped a note in my palm and brushed past me like nothing happened.
It was a map. A map leading to the place where we were the last time together, alone. I waited in the small room and when he finally opened the doors I started asking him questions.
"What is the meaning of this, Daemon?"
"I thought I maybe deserve one 'Thank you' for everything that led to this moment? No?"
Then it went to my head. I whispered hysterically, "What did you do to him?"
"Me? Nothing. But two very loyal spies were quite useful."
"My gods, you killed him!"
His face transformed once a smug smile spread across his face. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You look absolutely ravishing when you're excited."
"I'm not excited," she lied, "What is going be with me now?"
"Well, you're going to spend some time with us, meaning me,of course, and when you find a proper suitor, you'll marry him and I'll pay him a visit. And when I do that, you're going to return to the court and so on." He looked very proud of his plan. Daemon was insane.
Whatever, she had a couple of months with him and they aren't going to go to waste.
She kissed the prince, pulling his head down so she could reach his lips, and his mouth immediately opened, pushing his tongue inside of hers. He gripped her waist and slammed her against the wall, making something fall down and break. She flinched, but they never separated.
Then there was a knock. "My prince, is everything all right?" A loud voice. Probably a maid. "Prince Daemon?" She knocked again. He smiled, but said nothing.
"Make her leave!" I whispered to him.
He just kept smiling like a fool. "You are unbelievable! You have to say something! Daemon, speak. Now." If he doesn't say something, she's going to open the door and see them, see her, a lady whose husband went missing, doing gods know what with the prince.
I am going to regret this. I started faking my moans and whimpers, making Daemon's eyes grow wide in shock, then his lips curved in a daring smile. She smiled back at him as she continued to fake her moaning.
The maid was traumatized. "I am so sorry, my prince!" And she left running, probably embarrassed.
I started laughing, my head falling back as Daemon's hand gripped my jaw and pulled me in for another kiss that led to him taking off my dress and pulling my hair. He covered my mouth with his palm as he thrusted mercilessly inside me.
That is also how the couple of next moths looked for me, until I got married again and he sent his spies again.
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gor3sigil · 1 month
Hi ! I’m a 29 year old trans man from France, and I really like reading your blog. You write very eloquently and what you have to share is important. It’s bittersweet for me to finally encounter people talking about transandrophobia. I’ve been trying to talk about it for years. My heart breaks when I think about all the young trans men and transmasculine people who grow up hating themselves because of both the societal transphobia and the transandrophobia of queer spaces. I detransitioned for 4 years, partly because I felt so alienated. A woman I loved and looked up to, who calls herself a feminist, told me that after my first testosterone injection I could not talk about feminism anymore. She said I was now on the side of the oppressor. She stated that she would support me as an individual but that her fight was for women, cis or trans, and I had to stay quiet and let women speak. She, in fact, did not support me as an individual either. When I was an androgynous non binary person she would compliment me all the time. When I transitioned, she started to grow colder and patronizing with me. She blocked me after I made a general post to talk about my experiences and explain, in a very gentle way, how trans men experience misogyny in a lot of spaces, misandry in queer and feminist spaces, and transphobia everywhere, and how our fights are intertwined with feminist fights.
Another trans man from France hooray !! I'm very glad you shared your experience, partly because I relate to it a lot (idk if you've seen the post I made about how I detransitioned for a year and it was partly due to the mistreatment I've been getting because I was a trans dude), and also because it's so important to spread the word. I'm really sorry you went through that. I had the same type of shit from women that I considered my sisters before transitioning, who ditched me like crap when I started using he/him pronouns. Since you're french too, I'd like to point something that I noticed in the french trans community (maybe you'll disagree and that's totally fair), is that anti transmasculinity and radfem ideologies are VERY LOUD in queer spaces and that trans men often play a part in it. I saw 2 separate videos recently from two trans men youtuber (who I will not name publicly for obvious reasons but you can ask me in DMs if you want) who both made videos asking if "Men are trash" included trans men, and both I found... Well, wrong, in a lot of ways. Because the main argument is that trans men who medically transition, do so with the intent of being treated and perceived in society AS men (or if this wasn't the intent, this is what happens anyways), and so basically take the role of men in the patriarchy, so the role of the oppressor. The second video was a bit more nuanced with the idea that not all trans men do transition medically, some don't pass etc but still, I find it appalling to see that almost every transmasc creator I see, who makes content in french at least, talk about transmasculinity in a way that is almost exclusively "AFAB perisex person who wants to be a Neo Cis Man". Which is, at least from all the people I've talked to since coming out in 2017, not the case for a vast majority of people, and even when it IS the case, trans men don't, and I say that with my whole chest, they DON'T have cis men privileges and they ARE NOT in a position of power over women, ESPECIALLY cis women. Well, that's my way of seeing things anyways. I really hope our local activists will stick their heads out of their white, skinny, cis passing trans men asses and start taking a look at the actual experiences of the many more of us. It'd be a nice change of pace. Thank you for your comment and sorry for the rant lmao
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thiccowlladylife · 1 year
So, I lied about soon. Sorry!
Anyways thoughts on Unhappy Campers...
Nurse at the beginning being a decent plus-sized design and not taking Blitzø's shit? Chef's kiss (She looks like a Rebecca. I'mma call her Rebecca from now on)
Little aquatic sinner dude design is cool. Plus, he seems chill!
What's this??? Millie finally gets some character development? Holy shit!
Barbie Wire debut! And she still hates Blitzø by the end of the episode, justifiably so!
No real Loona scenes and/or Stolas.
Why is that sinner dude in hell? What did this guy do to end up in hell? Unless the whole shtick is that heaven is way too strict that almost no one gets in (and that's why hell as an overpopulation problem in HH, which leads to a whole other issue I'm not gonna start on here)
Also, I don't think the sinner dude specified he wanted his killer killed? He just wanted to know who did it? So why is Moxxie/Millie so determined to kill him? (Also, we never see the prices that IMP sets for their hits)
The entire premise of the camp guise. Why is Moxxie so petty about doing this whole routine when he's always been the efficient one before? (Although, I'm certain the only reason they "solved" the identity of the killer immediately instead of making the whole episode a who-dunnit has to deal with my next point...)
Speaking of the guise, the hired assassins doing drag to infiltrate a kid/preteen camp and harassing the campers the entire episode (with really gross sexual undertones the entire time)... really underscores bad stereotypes and paranoia bigots espouse about drag performers and trans people, too, to a lesser extent. They only barely saved their asses by making it obvious early on that the target wasn't a camper so they wouldn't have the implication that these "drag performers" were possibly going to kill a child on top of grossly harassing them for a week.
And... Barbie is a p*d*philic groomer... god dammit (bUt hE'S nINEteEn... then make it obvious in the actual episode dipshits and don't cover your asses in a twitter post viewers might never see)!
And... Vivzie is really leaning into incest jokes now... god fucking dammit... Combining it with drag too... Fan-fucking-tastic!
Also, RIP Millie's character development. Completely destroyed as soon as it was built up in the slightest.
All that's left is Fizzarolli/Asmodeus and Mammon episodes... then I think I'm tapping out. I can't deal with this series anymore...
And I swear the Fizzarolli/Asmodeus episode review is coming soon... for real this time!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
who hugged me tightly
only you
who protected me
who only protected me
who held my hand
who held my hand tightly
who reached out to me
who reached out to me
who held out his hand
To you who looked at me greatly
🔗 https://twitter.com/jaksal_5813/status/1639683901571620865?s=46&t=6h2FRfv41Qg9RyUk25oCZQ
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Such a beautiful song. I hate that it's only on CD. JIMIN YOU SAID ITS FOR FANS, GIVE IT TO ME SO I CAN STREAM IT THEN PLEASE?!
Here is my original post over Letter too, that I'll stick by what I said there and just add onto it in this post for now too:
During his live stream for FACE, he breifly mentions Letter, which the trans for that is here
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The way I'm side eyeing the heck out of the way JKs involvement in this song is being completely ignored by BOTH OF THEM. LOL don't gatekeep please. Share with us!
Honestly the fact that it's named letter because he sat down and wrote his feelings out into a letter and then roughly transformed that into lyrics for a song and it turned out so beautifully. It's because Jimin is a GENIUS and he emotes so sweetly and his EQ is insane and translates so well. And so him just pouring his emotions into paper would of course turn into such a softly stunning song like Letter. 😭 he repeated many times that he emphasized honesty in this album, including letter. And that comes off so sincerely every time you listen.
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It's a fan song, yes. It's also... more in my opinion. Because things can be more than just one thing. It's also interesting that the majority of Letter lyric wise is written in a more formal tone/language and uses honorifics. But when the bridge hits, aka when JK joins in for the more heavy backing vocals, the lyrics drop the honorifics and use more informal language from what I've heard. And with the call and receive way the backing vocals answer Jimins main ones, it almost sounds like they are talking to each other there, rather than the fans. Jimin is always so formal and polite and kind when he speaks to us. And jikook often over do the formalities when they talk, or they drop them totally. Which is a consistent habit of theirs. So could the last part of the song be more for themselves? Maybe. Could it still just be for ARMY? Maybe. Could it be for both? Maybe. Regardless, Jimin said it's a song for the fans and JK made it very clear that everyone had always known that he is hyungs biggest fan
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Letter IS a love letter. To multiple people I believe. JK being one of them. And I think it was a really really amazing and sweet way to end the album. Hidden in the ending of Like Crazy, after all the emotions and pain and hurt and confusion he went through over the last few years dealing with everything the world went through and they themselves adjusting to a new future.... things like having to quarantine alone for 2 weeks everytime they returned to Korea... getting covid and then having emergency surgery at the same time and having to recover in a quarantined hospital room alone. Facing the upcoming changes for the band in chapter 2 and the uncertainty that came with it. And more. Yet there is still this uplifting and positive emotion that we find ourselves in at the end. Letter feels like love and safety and that feeling of coming home after a really long hard day. It feels like peace. And I like to think that Jimin is expressing those emotions through that song. He finds peace, love and safety in the end. He feels the happiness of being home and embraced. He feels that love from ARMY. And with his choice to include JK in that song, it's like he is saying he feels that peace and love in Jungkook too. That's his home.
LMAO and I have to end with the way he scolded us for uploading Letter everywhere anyway lmfao so cutely. He literally wagged his finger at us!
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But the way he said it he saw it ALL. Man if he typed letter in either English or Hangul into the search engine, half the videos that pop up are jikook edits to the song. I know he saw those! 🤣 HE KNOWS YALL, I KNOW HE KNOWS 😅
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Anyways, amazing song. I shared it with my non army friends and they were also obsessed. Jimin sounds heavenly on it. I will never stop asking for an official streamable verison of this song. We waited so long for Promise. I'll wait for Letter too!
Editing super quickly to add this clip of Jimin singing a snippet of Letter live to an ARMY on the FaceTime fan meeting calls 😭😭😭
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faebug-underscore · 1 year
I need to stop thinking about the game with the sword wielding magic bugs in terms of real life biology. It is slowly breaking my brain
So for context, this quarter I’m taking a class on honey bee (Apis mellifera) biology & ecology. Which prompted. So many thoughts.
(I’m also gonna talk about non-bees in this later but a lot of it is bees). Without further ado:
an Entomology student rambles about Hollow Knight’s Biology. Some spoilers ahead.
Now, about 10 minutes ago I got out of a lecture specifically focusing on the waggle dance. To summarize, when a foraging bee finds a particularly good food source, she’ll return to the hive and perform the waggle dance. The dance is a figure 8 movement, with the “waggle run” down the center—which communicates the angle and distance of the food source’s location. Here’s a gif for reference:
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Keep in mind, bee hives are built vertically. So how do they communicate the angle of the food source?
They use the sun, or at the very least a patch of sky (and the angle they communicate is directly proportional to the sun’s current position!)
Now, if we take a look at Hollow Knight’s map…
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The hive is in the BOTTOM CORNER of a map that’s already underground.
My professor did mention that in the absence of sunlight, the bees can use landmarks to navigate, but even still, in my opinion it would’ve made more sense for the bees to have built their hive towards an area like the Howling Cliffs, as it’s near the top of the map, and more importantly, the closest area to Greenpath and the Queen’s Gardens—the 2 locations in the game that actually have flowers.
Now, the reason for this might be that the Hive’s queen is literally a WASP.
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Which are NOT honey bees. Plus real life hives have guard bees that can sense differences in pheromones, so I’m not even sure how she got IN there let alone become their queen; it also doesn’t make sense that there’s as many bees as there are, considering the queen is a hive’s only reproductive female, and again: a wasp. Cannot. Lay honey bee eggs. Physiologically. (I say this fully aware of the canon fact that a worm and a tree had millions of children, who have a third parent that is literally sentient darkness. And that said worm also had a kid with a spider.)
The aforementioned guard bees are a group of worker bees as well, and all worker bees are female. Male bees, or drones, essentially exist to fond a new hive, mate with a new queen, and die. Hive Knight is trans!!
Anyways though, it’s not like they could do the waggle dance even if the wanted to, because
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They are almost completely round
There is no abdomen to waggle
And they probably wouldn’t need to anyways! Because the bugs in this game can speak! And there are voice lines! THEY HAVE VOCAL CHORDS! Which real life bugs simply do not have.
That’s not to say that bugs don’t make noises, because they do! Crickets have little tines on their wings that they rub together quickly, making a chirping noise to attract mates; Hissing cockroaches can rapidly force the air out of their spiracles (entrances/exits to their tracheal respiratory system) to deter predators. I personally don’t know much on how cicadas make their sounds, but they make them! And not with vocal chords! Insect mouths are built for feeding; speaking? Not so much.
We also have eusocial mantises (well, pretty much ALL bugs in this game are eusocial, but mantises are known for being incredibly solitary and WILL kill each other if given the opportunity. Including in mating. After mating the female eats the male, and sometimes eats his head BEFORE mating. Also, based on their designs, all 4 mantis lords are trans!)
Lastly, it’s never explicitly confirmed what species Quirrel is, but he’s frequently portrayed as an isopod in the fandom.
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In nature, there is only one instance in which blue pillbugs exist: Isopod Iridovirus.
The last 2 times we see Quirrel, after giving up Monomon’s mask, he mentions “feeling his age”, and generally seems a lot weaker and more tired. Isopod Iridovirus is fatal, killing the affected individual within a few weeks. So he probably would’ve been gone soon anyways, as upsetting as the implications of Blue Lake are.
Anyways, that’s all I got for now. Bug biology is incredibly fascinating, and considering Hollow Knight is one of my favorite games figured I’d share some thoughts :)
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warmcoals · 6 months
any yuri recommendations??
aw jeez, manga or anime? i mean frankly im not even the person to ask but heres two:
sound euphonium (s1 at least): i recently learned bloom into you was literally inspired by this all time top tier yuribait series. it's an (almost) all girls cast abt band, but like, concert band, the real thing. it's abt group dynamics, the different types of girls and the different types of love and hate relationships they hold, a bit of comphet/old-man crush criticism, how far you go for the person you love. one main character OTP, then several other ships (some polyesque) and flirts. it's completely realistic and grounded, in a specific high school setting that genuinely Feels like high school, but i think the themes of identity formation/entering the next phase of yr life which that setting enables rly speaks to trans girls at many ages n stages. the designs are very fluffy and high-effort animated and slightly buglike and varied, so cute. even the noname girls are cute. they even made that spinoff explicit yuri movie. anyway it got me and my dog gf together so thats as much testimonial as u need.
teppu: i love me some toxic competitive girls and honey, teppu's got it. girls mma manga with amazing art and love of the sport, sort of breakneck pacing, abt one nasty brand new serious girl who wants to kill, a genki short girl who is unkillable, and a spurned ex who changes sports just to get revenge (and her simp gf). old masc lesbian mentor, pretty side characters (catgirl OL who's a bad loser), genuinely quick read, lots of gloomy and chuuni stuff going on under the surface that spurs irl passion to move and compete. i did a whole post reviewing it in my teppu tag u can check that out. it's not so bad to train and fight and finally fall to the person you love.
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melancholicheart · 1 year
All This Time- Chapter 6
cw: trans male pregnancy (past, mentioned), angst, miscommunication, fluff and happy ending
Two weeks have passed and they have been- hectic, for want of a better word.
Simon got in touch with Price, using a mobile of all things, and Johnny fumed at the fact they’re using mobiles now after all he went through trying to contact base.
Regardless, Price- and subsequently Gaz- were informed of everything. From Elizabeth, to the General, to Johnny himself and how he’s doing and it’s safe to say, Price was incredibly pissed too. So pissed, in fact, that he and Gaz have put work aside momentarily to launch an internal investigation with the help of Laswell.
They said they would keep in touch but these two weeks have passed without a peep from the 141 so Simon and Johnny are making assumptions that they’re busy working on it, scrounging up as much info as possible.
As morning rolls around, Johnny finds himself coming around at a distinctly later time that usual, which is all thanks to Simon. Johnny was used to the 5:30AM starts, working on breakfast and cleaning before Elizabeth would wake but now, it’s 8AM and Johnny’s never felt as well-rested.
He wakes to an empty bed, suddenly an unusual feat, as he feels around for Simon.
That’s another change. Somehow Simon has ended up sharing a bed with Johnny again and neither of them are complaining about it. There were brief words of ‘the couch isn’t that comfy, y’know, and the bed’s big enough’ and that’s all it took.
So lying in an empty bed feels strange despite the last five years being spent in an oversized empty bed. He’s quick to his feet, running quickly through his morning routine, before going to find his daughter and Simon.
He knows the second he steps out of his room to use the bathroom that they’re in Elizabeth’s room. The door is slightly ajar, light on and voices bouncing off the walls as they speak in relatively hushed whispers. Johnny is quick to join them.
Johnny pokes his head around the door, not disturbing the two but watching as they play. They have their backs to the door and Elizabeth is sat on Simon’s knee. His arm is draped over her legs as she doodles all over his arm.
There’s little creatures, ants and butterflies namely, scattered over his wrist. Up towards his elbow there’s little dinosaur looking things and just below the crease of his elbow, there’s a pretty good drawing of a flower (for an almost 5 year old, anyway).
“You’re just like your Papa,” Simon mumbles. His other arm is round her back, holding her still on his leg so she doesn’t topple backwards, “Always doodling. Your Dad used to colour in my tattoos when he was bored.”
“Papa always lets me doodle! I like it.”
“You’re very good at it sweetheart. The flower is excellent.” Simon says.
“It’s a daisy!”
“So it is.” Simon chuckles, staring at his arm that looks more like an abstract art piece than a limb at that point.
Johnny makes himself known then, stepping into the room and perching on the edge of Elizabeth’s bed. He takes a closer look at the drawings and smiles, “My, my! Who drew all these masterpieces?”
Elizabeth beams, “I did it, Papa!”
“I would pay millions for them, put them up in a gallery if I could!” Johnny exaggerates, making Lizzie giggle.
“You can’t put my arm in a gallery,” Simon argues, “I need it!”
Johnny almost makes a crude joke before remembering little ears are around, “Yeah, I’m sure you do. Should we go and get some breakfast?”
Johnny picks Elizabeth up and sits her on his hip, giving her a cuddle like he does every morning. Simon makes his way to the kitchen and starts poking around for food, “Not got so much in,” Simon says. He opens the fridge and gets the milk out. He sniffs it and grimaces before slamming the lid back on, “Can’t even have a brew.”
“I suppose we’ll have to go food shopping then,” Johnny sighs. A groan tumbles from his lips, “Again!”
Simon shakes his head, “Don’t worry, I’ll sort it. You and Lizzie stay here, I know you said you’ve got some things to talk about with her.”
Johnny ponders for a moment. He’s been wondering what to do about the entire ‘Simon’ thing and he spoke to him about what he wants to do. Simon said he’s more than willing to leave the army, move nearby and be a parent but Johnny wants to hear with Elizabeth has to say. He doesn’t expect much, not from a 4 year old, but he wants to give her a chance to ask questions either way.
“Alright. I’ll make you a list. We need more soap but you have to get the sensitive one because she gets rashes really easily.” Johnny says, picking Elizabeth up and sitting her on the counter in front of him.
Simon already knows the one, he uses it on his own skin since he is prone to outbreaks of his eczema. He lets Johnny make the list regardless. He lets him leave with a promise of sending him the money but Simon shrugs him off and says, “I think it’s about time I helped out.”
Once he is gone, Johnny manages to scrounge a small breakfast together, just apples and yoghurt for him and Elizabeth but he hardly touches it whilst he talks to her.
“Lizzie, darling, can me and you have a big grown up talk?” He asks.
She nods, dipping her apples into the yoghurt and kicking her feet about whilst she eats them.
“Now Daddy is here, I want to know how you’re feeling?” Johnny asks.
“Wha’ you mean?” She mumbles around a mouthful of food.
“I mean are you happy? I know you missed him before but I want to make sure you’re happy he’s here, and that you like him.”
Now her nods are more vigorous, “Yeah Papa! I like him, he’s nice! He tells silly jokes, like you.”
Johnny chuckles a little, “That’s what happens when you become a Dad, they give you a book on the silliest jokes to tell your babies.”
“You’re lyin’!”
“Okay, maybe a little, but it is a thing! The best jokes come to you when you’re a Dad.” Johnny says.
“So, is Daddy gonna go back fightin’ again?” She asks. Johnny takes a moment to eat some of his own breakfast as he thinks of a response.
“I don’t know yet, there’s a lot of grown up stuff to sort out but I know Daddy wants to be here with you, he told me himself.” Johnny explains.
“I wan’ him to stay. I loves having him here!” She exclaims and Johnny smiles.
“I do too sweetheart.”
Simon takes a long time getting back. Johnny wonders if something’s happened, if he got lost or he skipped town. He would be so pissed that he would storm onto his old base and beat the shit out of him if he skipped out on his daughter.
He manages to work himself into such a worry that he becomes angry and starts furiously cleaning the house whilst Eliza plays with her dolls and her dinosaurs. By the time Simon comes back, Johnny breathes such a sigh of relief that a few tears slip from his eyes and he wipes them away swiftly.
“Hey,” Simon says, placing the few bags on the counter, “Everything okay?”
Johnny nods, drying his hands on a tea towel after doing the dishes. He takes a deep breath, smiles and turns around to Simon, “Yeah.”
Simon looks straight through Johnny’s facade, just like he always did, and goes to question him when Elizabeth comes over and clings to Simon's leg, “Daddy you were gone ages!”
“I wasn’t gone too long sweetie, I needed to get a few extra things.”
“Like what?” Johnny suddenly snaps and he turns away before either of them can see the tears in his eyes again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap- I just- yeah.”
“Johnny, what’s going on?” Simon asks, stepping closer to him and pressing a hand to the small of his back. Johnny takes a deep breath and sighs.
He looks down at his daughter who sees he looks upset and rushes to him, clinging to his leg instead and he reaches a hand down to play with her hair. He looks up at Simon and his heart clenches, “I- you were gone so long and I got worried. I thought- I thought you left.” He whispers, quiet enough so Elizabeth doesn’t hear.
“Left? Oh shit, Johnny I’m so sorry, I should’ve told you where I was going-”
Johnny shakes his head, “No I should’ve just trusted you, you’re a grown man, you don’t have to tell me where you are 24/7.”
“Well, you’re right I guess but I should’ve told you either way. We’re a team, right? Can’t be a team if I’m off sneaking around, can we?” He asks and Johnny shakes his head.
“Can we know where you were?” He asks and Simon nods, suddenly looking less guilty and more enthusiastic.
“Of course! I actually had a little surprise planned but I needed to go to multiple places to execute it,” Simon explains. He reaches to one of the bags, not a supermarket one and pulls out two beautiful bouquets. One is smaller than the other, a mix of beautifully colourful flowers with little decorations accompanying the flowers, dinosaurs of all things.
The other bouquet is full of purple, blue and white flowers, very deep but very pretty nonetheless and the decorations in there are full of bees and butterflies, Johnny’s favourites. He hands them both a bouquet each, corresponding to the decor within them.
“I suppose this is a sorry, a thankyou and a everything all together bouquet,” Simon explains to Johnny, before turning to Elizabeth, “And I couldn’t get Papa flowers without giving some to my beautiful girl, could I?”
Elizabeth smiles and begs to be picked up. She cuddles into Simon and plays with the little dinosaur decor in the flowers, “Daddy, I love it!”
“I’m so glad baby,” He mumbles, looking to Johnny who is staring at the bouquet with a bright smile, “I have another little surprise too.”
“Another?” Johnny asks as Simon sits Elizabeth on the counter, rolling his sleeve up.
On his arm, below his elbow crease, is a tattoo of the flower Elizabeth drew that morning. Perfectly imperfect, just like the original drawing, and just below it, there’s Elizabeth’s birthdate.
“Papa! Daddy got the drawing!” Elizabeth squeals. She kicks her legs in delight and Johnny places his bouquet down to look at the tattoo on Simon’s arm.
Johnny looks up at Simon, words escaping him and he just hugs him. Simon seems shocked before he melts into it and hugs Johnny back.
“Thankyou,” Johnny mumbles, “Thankyou Si.”
“I’m sorry.” Simon mumbles and Johnny knows what he means and that he means it.
“I know. It’s okay.” Johnny holds him close and Elizabeth begs to be invited into the hug, the two of them squishing her between them to cuddle her as she yells in laughter at them both.
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
Slenderman x Zackary
Zackary is a trans man, also a longtime Proxy of the Slenderman.. So what happens when stress relieving favours bloom into something more between Zack and the Slenderman?
What happens when other Proxies start eying Zack, and make the Slenderman angry?
What happens when the Slenderman does something about it?
TWs; blood is very much described and talked abt in a portion of this fic:: i dont think there are any others, lmk if you think any more should be added
It was a bad idea, running into the closed school. Too many windows. And they were big. Too big, big enough for it to see where he ran. But, he ran in there anyway.
He was very out of breath. His throat stung when he inhaled. And his legs felt like numb jelly.
He was gasping so hard he was wheezing, his chest hurt as it expanded, and his lungs burned.
He ran into what looked to be the shop classroom.
He ran into the teacher's office, finding what appeared to be a secondary storage room. There were plenty of shelves that would suffice in hiding him.
So he hobbled in, his legs so numb after running for so long. He leaned against one of the shelves, clutching his aching chest in a tight hug around himself, in an attempt to help himself stabilize his breathing.
It wasn't long before he froze, suddenly breathing quietly. Listening.
N..no.. He couldn't be here already could he?
He heard loud echoing clacks of heeled shoes against the hard laminate floor of the school. The longer pauses between each clack bringing a tense feeling to his body.
They were getting closer, and louder.
Sweat was dripping of the man's forehead.
He tried to steady his breathing, but after running for as long and hard as he did, it didn't do much. His heart was still pounding, and with the added apprehension of the clacking footsteps, it was almost unbearably loud, beating in his ears.
Maybe he didnt see where I went in the school.
Maybe he didnt see which direction I chose to run.
Maybe he didnt see which classroom I chose.
His thoughts were interrupted by the crash of the door being ripped off its hinges and thrown across the 30ft wide room. The door made an impression on the wall.
There was silence.
Then muffled footsteps.
Someone was walking around the room.
The panicking man could hear pauses as the other roamed the space.
But that panic only multiplied when he heard the others footsteps come closer and closer to the teacher's office.
And closer and closer to his hiding spot.
The floor in the storage area was not carpeted, so to the tired man's horror, the clacks began again, only this time they were very, very loud.
And very, very close.
The shelf behind him was suddenly yanked away, startling him, making him spin around and back himself against the wall.
He shrunk.
He had been found.
The tall, pale man stood there. Stiff. He was tense.
The tinier man was grabbed and yanked away from the wall, whimpering pathetically as he tried fighting the iron grip the Eldritch had on his wrists, only to be harshly manhandled and slammed onto a desk, a groan of pain audible as he seemingly gave up.
All the running he did completely drained him, he didn't have the energy to fight.
However, he did have the energy to speak.
"F..ck... Please- B..boss-"
He was cut off.
"The recent advancements of your relationship with Jeff are unacceptable, Zack.."
Zack's crotch was grabbed, the Pale Man's rough palm rubbing against Zack's cunt through his pants roughly, causing a moan to interrupt himself.
The Man leaned down till his blank, hollow face was against Zack's ear; "This is Mine, Zack. Not Jeff's, not Masky's... Not Toby's.. And not.. Hoodie's..... Mine..."
Zack whined at the feeling of the Pale Man's hand palming him, hand dragging along his hot cunt, pressing the rough texture of his boxers against it.
"There are some... Wayward students here.. Zack.. Would be a shame if they heard you.. No?"
Zack loudly moaned, leaning his head back at the Tall Man's touch.
"Jeez... Barely touching you much and you're already moaning like a pornstar.... What a little slut you are..."
Zack's body trembled. He squeaked a small whimper, and the Slenderman saw the way his throat quivered.
Zack blushed darker, his lips drawing into a pout, and eyes trembling as he heard the sound of the Slenderman's mouth ripping open, soon followed by a seethe through his teeth and a whimper, a reaction to feeling a long, wet, smooth tongue gliding over his skin.
The Slenderman's tongue, and mouth, traveled up to Zack's chin, the Pale Creature drawing his tongue back into his mouth enough to close his jagged lips around an area of Zack's neck to suck on, leaving behind a dark bruise and saliva.
Zack let out a staggered moan, his arms giving out, completely pinned to that desk by the Slenderman's much bigger body.
Zack shuddered, his thighs now shaking and body growing hot feeling the Slenderman grind roughly against him, rubbing its rock hard boner against his clothed sex.
Zack's hands were now weakly holding onto the Slenderman's arms, his hands trembling, showing how weak he was currently.
Zack quickly arched his back feeling the Slenderman rub against his clit, squeaking at the sudden spike in pleasure.
A pale hand covered Zack's mouth.
"Ah, ah, ah. My name... Zack.. Use My name..", the Slenderman growled huskily into Zack's ear, finding joy at Zack's reaction to his heated dominance.
"Js... Jst please be gentle.... Pleeease..."
"Aahh...", the Slendermam chuckled, "That's were you are getting the wroooong idea Zack... This is a punishment for you, not a reward.."
Zack shuddered, inwardly cursing at his predicament.
"Did.. Didn't do nuthinnn..", Zack whimpered.
The Slenderman's pulsing tentacles found their way to hold Zack's limbs, pinning his arms above his head loosely, and holding his thighs apart.
Zack whined, the touch of the Slenderman's rough hands against him felt like fire against his skin, the Slenderman using his bigger hands to easily slide Zack's clothes off of his body, his smooth hands hovering over two of the biggest of many scars covering Zack's body, tracing their jagged shapes delicately.
"Ooohhhh, but you did do something.... You don't think I haven't noticed how you behave with Jeff? Masky? Hoodie? Toby...??"
"DidnNn't mean nUthinn!", Zack's body was being gripped and held in all the right ways. Damn Him...
"Oh hush, you know who you belong to.. At least I'd think you would..."
"I-I dooo!"
"Prove it then, sing My name with your pretty voice of pleasure.."
Zack yelped a moan feeling the tips of the Slenderman's two slick cocks slip easily into his pulsing, begging sex and clenched asshole.
"W-wait! 'M-m not read-", Zack gasped, arching his back, his breathe catching in his throat as the Slenderman slid both all the way in, only stopping till he couldn't push them in any further.
The Slenderman was holding Zack's thighs, keeping his legs spread and wrapped around his waist, perfectly exposing Zack's satisfying sex.
The Tall Being shuddered, his grip on Zack's thighs momentarily tightening, a deep groan vibrating his throat, his hard shafts pulsing. Zack was so tight, and he squeezed even tighter at the intrusions.
Zack was breathing fast and hard, breathlessly pleading for mercy.
The Slenderman was not giving him any.
The Slenderman pulled himself out till only the tips remained, pausing for a moment to watch Zack's holes clench around them, then pushing back in, relishing in the loud, lewd, staggered moan Zack gave.
The Slenderman repeated the slow motion, his prehensile shafts shuddering within Zack's warm tunnels; one gummy and velvety soft, stretching to accomadate his comparatively large size, and the other quivering and tight, but both sucking him back in.
The Slenderman chuckled.
"Aww, you're sucking me back in Zack.. How cute"
"Bu-haAaa, pl-pleaAse, nuhh.."
The Slenderman leaned down, his dicks pressing down into Zack's tunnels, earning a sultry moan. His blank and hollow face pressed into Zack's neck, Zack shivering at the exposure to such a tender peice of himself to the Slenderman's teeth, "Say My name.. Zack."
As Zack spoke it, the Slenderman pulled out and thrust hard back inside Zack's heated and warm sex.
"S..SlendermAaAAAAaaNNnn... Nn-nnnhhhh!!"
The Pale Man's breath shuddered, "That's more like it Zackary.."
The Slenderman rolled his hips against Zack's, his large hands gripping the smaller's thighs tighter.
Zack moaned deeply at the softer intrusion.
"Even after all these moments like this.... You are still so, so tight. So wet... So good...", the Slenderman's deep, baritone voice seemed to echo to Zack.
"Pl.. please-"
Zack gasped, arching his back, grimacing, feeling the Slenderman's cocks slide out then back inside him again.
Zack exhaled shakily, shaking, tears of pleasure fell from his eyes. He struggled in the hold of the Slenderman's tentacles to free a hand, grabbing one of the Slenderman's roaming hands by the wrist, weakily holding it. His hold was shakey, and he whined at the places the Slenderman touched, and squeezed, and rubbed.
The Slenderman traced his long, clawed fingers along Zack's shapely body. He had muscles, visible, but not overly so, and he had curves, curves that outlined the best parts of his body, from his built pecs to his plush ass.
The Slenderman never once had its mind empty of dark thoughts of breaking Zack's soft, soft skin with his sharp, sharp teeth; thoughts of him gliding a hand up Zack's thigh, teasing his entrances with his fingers, biting the soft, tender flesh of Zack's inner thigh, relishing the pop of sweet copper as his teeth broke Zack's flesh.
Maybe now wouldn't be such a bad time to satiate those thoughts.
The Slenderman leaned down again, rolling his hips against Zack's as he did, driving his twitching cocks deeper into Zack, relishing in the punished moan Zack eminated, and pressed his face to Zack's neck again.
The rush of blood the Slenderman could smell coursing through Zack's neck made him groan, rolling his hips rougher into Zack.
"EAhhh-AhHhh.. S.. slendermaAan... pl..pleasssee..."
The Slenderman loved hearing Zack plead. He loved making Zack break down into a babbling mess of tears, sweat, and cum. He's done it before. He loved the sight.
The Slenderman cat-licked Zack's neck, sucking on the spot his tongue lapped over. He sucked a deep bruise there, his cocks twitching at such a mark on Zack.
Zack whimpered at the movement inside him.
Zack was breathing fast, his breathes short and quick, his chest rising and falling in sync with his rushed breathes. Zack's tunnels suddenly squeezed, hard.
Zack threw his head back, his back arching up into the Slenderman's chest, moaning at the blinding pleasure of his small sex and tight ass squeezing such big fillers, the feeling made his vision darken and white spots appear to blind him.
The Slenderman groaned, shivering at Zack's warm insides sudden squeeze.
The Slenderman tenderly kissed Zack's neck, then pressed his jagged lips deeper against Zack's skin, his hands and tentacles twitching in reaction to Zack's whiney whimpers.
The Slenderman nuzzled his mouth harder against Zack's neck, pushing his head to the side, exposing his tender, juicy neck further.
The Slenderman couldn't help itself any longer.
Its mouth ripped open again, sharp, jagged teeth exposed, and sunk them in.
The taste of Zack's skin against his tongue was phenomenal, tasting of a juicy tender meat fat, soft, so soft, his skin was fair, easy to break.
And his blood.
Ohhhh, his blood.
It was sweet. So sweet. But savory.
The Slenderman groaned as he withdrew his teeth from Zack's neck, the deep growly sound filling the room, making Zack shudder and whine, more tears covered his precious face from the searing pain of the bite.
The Slenderman lached its mouth onto the seeping wound, sucking the smeared blood from Zack's skin, sucking more out of the broken holes in his skin.
Zack's blood was flavorful, sweet, hints of copper. It tasted like heaven.
The Slenderman growled, needing more, and he bit more wounds into Zack's neck, sucking out more and more of his delicious red ichor.
Zack was squirming, whimpering and crying, pleading underneath the Pale Man, his arms and hands now weakly folded in between their bodies, feebily pushing at the Tall Man's shoulders.
His back went limp, a long, drawly moan escaping Zack's open mouth, arms growing suddenly numb as the Slenderman rolled its hips against him again, and this time, it didn't stop.
"W...wait.. b-bo... slendermaAAnn.. Pl.. PleEease.. Please..."
Zack's plead being interrupted by pitched gasps and sultry moans only spurred the Tall Man to not stop.
The Slenderman's hands traveled back down, one grabbing Zack's thigh, keeping that leg wrapped around its waist, and the other traveled further down, down.
The Slenderman gently rubbed Zack's clit, Zack flinching his back into an arch, again pressing himself harder against the Slenderman, a loud moan filling the room.
Through his sex-numbed state, Zack felt the Slenderman glance to the door.... Shit..
The Pale Being chuckled.
"Seems you drew attention to our room, Zackary..."
The Slenderman grabbed Zack's chin, making his cheeks bunch, and forced his head to turn towards the door, a group of four horrified junior-high students, mainly trained on the Slenderman, gawking at the door.
It wasn't long before they all turned tail and fled.
The Being chuckled again.
"Imagine if they were your little sex friends.. Hmm?"
"Th... tThe-eIR n..noOOoot.. M-mmy se-ex... Budd-dies... p-pleEease... slEndeerrrmaaaaann.. please..."
The Slenderman hadn't halted his rythmic movements, rolling his hips against Zack's in perfect, languid stokes, his long girths pulsing with each squeeze and saultry moan.
The Slenderman's snowy face was now smeared with Zack's blood, his tongue and mouth eagerly sucking up any droplets that dare stray.
After placing a few more marks of greed onto Zack, the Tall Being straightened itself, still not halting its movements against Zack, looming over his work so far.
And oh, what a sight Zackary was.
He was crying. Fat, wet tears streamed down his cheeks, his mouth, a neverending stream of moans and whines fled from his lips, his head was angled to show the red and angry bite marks and dark hickeys, he was sweaty, and his pinned arms framed his face perfectly.
His cunt was red and puffy, probably getting sore from the Pale Man's abuse, and his ass was gaping around the Slenderman's longer shaft.
The titanium grip it had on Zack's thigh would certainly leave bruises. Deep ones too.
The Tall Man groaned lowly. The sight of Zack so lewd, it made the breath catch in its throat.
The Pale Being grabbed Zack's other thigh, again gripping it with an almost bone-shattering strength, making Zack yelp, before wrapping it too around its waist.
Zack felt the Slenderman start to thrust harder, still keeping the pace it had.
Zack startled, moany whimpers and pitched gasps flying from his lips. His back arched, only prompting his mushy, gushy, sensitive spot to be rammed into, prompting louder moan. The Slenderman's dicks were subsequently pounding into both good spots inside Zack, causing him to squirm.
More tears fell from his eyes, experiencing too much all at once to use his words, he tried using his lidded eyes to tell the Slenderman it was too much, way too much; the Slenderman was thrusting into Zack at such depths that his tip rubbing against Zack's cervix, demanding to enter a sacred part of him.
The Being chuckled, "Aww.... So adorable... So cute.."
The Tall Man wrapped a tentacle around Zack's thigh, replacing his hand so he could use it to stroke Zack's face, smearing tears and sweat over his cheek.
"You've taken much more from me, Zackary.. Why is this time any different, hmm?"
The Slenderman started speeding up, now adopting a consistently brutal pace, fast and hard, as he continued giving Zack his punishment.
Zack's voiced cracked, his throat growing sore from just how taxing it all was on his body.
"You know this us your punishment, Zackary. Why did you think I would be easy on you?"
The Tall Man grabbed Zack's waist, twisting Zack against him, allowing his ribbed shafts to rub and slam against sensitive, sensitive areas, resulting in Zack practically screaming from how grueling the pleasure was, the pleasure erupting into flames across his body as the Slenderman bred him dumb.
The Slenderman watched how their bodies connected; Zack's cunt throbbing and pulsing whenever its entrance was met with the base of his cock, his ass quivering and repeatedly clamped around his other one. Zack's ass would shake with every impact.
And his face, oh how entrancing his face was.
Zack's eyes were closed, his brows furrowed, and mouth constantly open as moans and whines left him, tears still streamed from his eyes, trailing down his cheeks, framing them, and his neck trembled as the muscles worked his beautiful song of pleasure.
Zack had gone way past the ability to speak, trying to ended up in him nonsensically babbling, even trying to say the Slenderman's name proved futile.
Zack was gasping, his hands had been let go, a hand weakily reaching to grab the wrist of the hand that was splayed on his chest, the subtle mounds of the connections of the fingers to the rest rubbing against his nipples.
Zack's eyes flutered open, his back arching again, slowly, as he felt his first orgasm of the night form.
The Slenderman groaned, his body tingled, as Zack's cunt fluttered around him. The velvety walls squeezing his length felt like heaven, his breath turned shakey as he exhaled.
"Awww, is cute lil Zackary gonna cum? Hmm?"
His other hand was replaced by another strong, thick tentacles to hold Zack's other thigh, and he used his now free hand to play with Zack's clit.
Zack flinched in the Tall Being's grasp, the next few moans staggering and breathy as his clit too was being toyed with now.
Zack tried meakly begging, begging for mercy, but his voice couldn't form the words, them being lost in the sea of moans and whines that instead spilled from his mouth.
The Slenderman groaned, leaning down to try and thrust deeper into Zack, to see a bigger bulge in the poor man's belly, his primal urges to breed Zack full taking their hold.
"Fuuuck... Look at you.."
The hand splayed out on Zack's chest moved to ruffle his hair, dragging the long fingers along his scalp, making shivers shake him.
"So, so fucked out... Nhh... Fuck..."
It felt so good when Zack squeezed him. But it felt even better when Zack fluttered around him, his back arching more and his body spasming as an orgasm racked his body with such warm pleasure.
Zack moaned high and loud through his orgasm, the noise possibly being heard past the commons area.
The desk was groaning now, being pushed and shoved in ways it shouldn't be, the hinges squealing as the table leaned and shook.
Whatever was on it when the Pale Man started his punishing exchange of love with Zack has now called the floor its new temporary home.
Despite Zack squirming and trying to lessen the onslaught, the Pale Being continued his breathtaking rythm and did not falter in his strength, continuously drilling his long and girthy ribbed shafts into Zack's velevety and tight walls, both of his holes red and puffy, sore and abused beyond their limit.
The Slenderman so punishing and animalistic in his movements it made Zack's slick mess leak out of himself.
Zack's moans were dying down into whimpers, his sobs and chokes as breath caught in his throat where more noticeable, those now filling the room more than his moans.
Zack let out a shakey moan, his head swiveled, his body cringing as a second orgasm snapped, his back arching again, this time, the Slenderman trailed a hand along Zack's arched stomach and chest, shuddering at the large bulge he made as he thrust in, the clawed fingers on his hands twitching as they wrapped loosely around Zack's neck.
The Slenderman shuddered, head bowed as he got rougher, his thrusts only just beginning to get sloppy.
He shuddered at the sloshing squelches their bodies made when they connected, his dicks covered in Zack's cum, so much more of it trapped inside as the Slenderman's dicks both swelled bigger, not hugely so, making Zack absolutely loose it.
Despite his hurting, burning, dry throat Zack made such loud moans they seemed to echo into the commons, his voice strained and shakey, his body just given up and gone limp from the Pale Man's brutal punishment.
The Slenderman grunted, a growl making Zack flinch before he started yanking Zack's hips back to meet with his as he neared his own high.
Zack, choked and sobbed through a fourth orgasm, the blinding white stars still there as he felt both of the Slenderman's alien dicks twitch and throb.
"Uugh... Take them..."
The Slenderman released, his hot, thick, silky gray cum filling Zack in long, thick ropes, so much it started spilling before he was done.
Zack strangled a whine as a lump traveled along the Slenderman's swelled dicks still drilling into him to prevent anymore spillage.
The lump being eggs, now being released with the Pale Being's seed.
"Take them all." The Pale Man growled.
The Slenderman savagely rode out his high, only slowing when he felt his load lighten.
The Pale Being heaved, one last large load spilling into Zack before he stopped, his grip tightening ever more for a moment, his hold on Zack shaking.
He sighed, staring down at the abused man below him. The crying, gasping, sweaty, bruised, bitten man below him.
Zack's eyes fluttered open as he felt the Tall Being's hand stroke his cheek, rubbing it with his thumb before flitting through his messy, sweaty hair.
"You were a very good boy, Zackary.."
Zack whimpered.
"Very, very good boy.."
The Slenderman kissed Zack's cheek, Zack moving his head to look into the Pale Being's hollow sockets.
They shared a passionate kiss, their rubbing movements against each other making Zack moan meekly and gasp, pained whimpers shaking his throat, feeling the Slenderman's cocks move inside him, leaving his mouth open.
The Pale Man took the opportunity to shove his thick, wide tongues into Zack's mouth, their kiss deepening.
The Tall Man's large, powerful hands held Zack's shoulders, occasionally rubbing along his arms and sliding down his sides, tracing his hips when they traveled down, one finally resting on Zack's head so the kiss could be deepened further.
When they unconnected, both were out of breath, Zack moreso than the Pale Man.
"Now," the Slenderman pulled himself out, slowly, lining up plugs to keep anything from spilling.
Zack let out a heavy breath feeling the plugs being inserted, feeling his sore holes flutter around the specially made plugs as they shifted to better fit Zack.
"you better do something about Those Four, or I will.."
Zack tiredly whimpered, as they shared another kiss.
"Or I will."
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Statistics time!
So, I was procastrinating on finishing up the word descriptions (only 14 left!) and decided to do some statistics on the submitted words instead. I was expecting a lot of Indo-European languages and languages spoken in Europe, which was true. This is a bit sad, since most people on tumblr have the most exposure to Indo-European languages and I wanted to show more diversity. There is diversity, don't get me wrong, it's just heavily skewed. Let's look at some statistics! Image ID:s are in alt text.
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As you see, over half of the languages are Indo-European, and three more are creoles where vocabulary is based mostly on Indo-European languages. LSF-ish is a sign language family! There are still 12 language families in 64 words, that's pretty good work!
This chart only showed languages, so let's look at the distribution of words over languages instead. The staples are colour coded with the same key as the last diagram to show language family. The order is different because I had sorted them by area instead of family
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Based on this the distribution looks a little bit better: many of the Indo-European ones only have one submission while several languages from other families have more submissions. Six of the seven languages with four submissions are still Indo-European though.
Let's take a closer look at the Indo-European ones!
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Only two of them are from the Indo-Aryan branch which makes up the majority of the Indo-Iranian branch, aka the Indo-European languages outside of Europe. Fun fact: Out of the 582 Indo-European languages, 320 of them belong to the Indo-Iranian branch. That is the majority. Why don't we talk about them more? (The answer is eurocentrism. Seriously, I knew they existed but not that they were this many until I started studying linguistics. The MAJORITY of the language family presented as the European one are spoken outside of Europe).
There are 8 Germanic languages in the tournament. This isn't that weird since they apparently make up 18% of Indo-European languages. I didn't know that until I made the maths right now, that's wild.
The Slavic branch is number two, but since they barely make up 4% of Indo-European languages it's a massive overrepresentation. I did not think there was such a big difference between Germanic and Slavic languages. For comparison, Romance languages make up 13%.
While still speaking of the Indo-European languages, is it a big family comparatively? According to Glottolog it's the third largest after Atlantic-Congo languages (1406 languages) and Austronesian languages (1271 languages). Notice how 587 is a much lower number? Anyway, most language families are much smaller so it's a big one.
Ethnologue on the other hand, says that Indo-European languages are number five on the list with 448 languages, after Niger-Congo languages (same as Atlantic Congo), Austronesian languages, Trans-New Guinea languages and Sino-Tibetan languages. Remember that post on what's a language and what's a dialect? This is an example of that, except that it also begs the question of how much proof you need to say a language belongs to a certain family. For example, the Trans-New Guinea family has many languages/language groups that might belong to it but linguists disagree or have too little proof. It's complicated. Honestly, I trust Glottologue more on this, it has sources and a focus on family classification.
Onto other subjects, namely geographical areas: We have established that there are lots of Indo-European languages here. But how about geographical distribution?
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54% of languages in the tournament are spoken in Europe. Note that I've classified Portugese as spoken in America in this case, since the words were in the Brazilian Portugese dialect. Almost half the languages aren't spoken in Europe though, so that's still pretty good.
Unless? Let's compare this to data on the distribution of all languages and the distribution of population, data blatantly stolen from my professor's powerpoint:
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Yeah. 4% of languages are spoken in Europe, yet 54% of languages in this tournament are from there. I miss African languages in particular, they make up 30% and yet there's only one in the poll (which is extra sad because many are very interesting linguistically speaking). There are also fewer Asian languages than one would suspect based on both number of languages and people. The American number needs comment too: only one of the languages in question is native american (Would that still be a correct term for a language in today's Mexico?).
Another interesting thing about the later two diagrams is Oceania: 1% of the population and 19% of the languages. At least half of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea, the Indonesian half might count as Asia?) should be included in that number, which can be part of why it skyrockets. 1050 of the world's 6500-7500 languages one one island (and the smaller islands surrounding it), most of the languages small. It's a fascinating place.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the statistical analysis! This was not meant as an attack on anyone who submitted Indo-European or European words since many of them are banger words, it was merely an observation of an expected outcome, based on the fact that the tumblr userbase is largely Western, so of course European languages will be the native language of many and overrepresented in submissions. Procastrination done, please tell me what you thought
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melonteee · 1 year
Did Sanji ever find out that Kiku was trans? :o I remember dreading it every week while reading Wano that there would be a scene where he finds out and he would be REALLY weird about it but thank god it never came, I love how Oda handled her character and Sanji! tbh it always felt kind of... ooc for Sanji to be so hateful towards the okamas??? Like especially the gag on FMI where he's terrified when he finds out okamas are the ones donating their blood and I was like bro fr 😬 he's supposed to be kind almost to a fault so to make him have weird scenes where he's just a complete asshole, like towards the okamas, his reactions to Kokoro and Shinobu, like how DARE women be old and not fit his beauty standards (they're too good for him anyway), he still treats them well in the end but man, and especially the scene in Punk Hazard where he was ready to just leave the kids and was like "we can't save everybody" and I was just like ???? WHO is this idk sometimes his character really contradicts itself, I know some of these are supposed to be gags and not taken seriously but ugghhhh
I'll be real anon the notion of "but did he KNOW?" when referring to someone being transgender or not is kind of something uhhh not great? Like it would speak more on Oda's part for there to be a scene where someone goes "Did you know THIS WOMAN was born a MAN" in that weird, negative way. And while there was a tiny scene regarding that, the whole point is it ultimately did not matter who Kiku was in the past and wasn't negative at all. It speaks a LOT more volume that Sanji just accepts Kiku and loves her straight up than there being a whole kind of weird "Does he know?" scene which is inherently transphobic in itself. I believe it was extremely purposefully done for Kiku to be fully accepted and loved as she presents herself - and any and all transphobic ideas or jokes regarding her have ALL come from a disgusting side of the fandom and doesn't exist at ALL in the canon material. I understand a lot of people do not like Sanji in regards to past behaviour and jokes, but there has been significant growth in both his character and Oda's writing regarding these topics.
Ultimately, I understand why people gritted their teeth at Sanji being around Kiku, but I feel it's nothing short of fantastic to have Sanji just call her beautiful and powerful and NOTHING else is said or done there. And while he also was AWOOGA with Yamato, he didn't question nor be repulsed at Yamato calling himself Kaido's son, just happily accepted it along with everyone else lmao.
Punk Hazard was also previously weird with his character for me, but upon re-watching the scenes and him discussing with Nami about how they don't actually KNOW what's happening and they didn't HAVE a safe place to help these kids get to, I understand why he was hesitant to help them. He was putting mind over emotion there, but ofc Sanji is still ultimately swayed by emotions of wanting to help Nami and also helping the kids lol.
Also lest I remind you EVERYONE was repulsed at Kokoro in a really negative way lmao, that wasn't just a Sanji bit which was overall urghh in itself. But again it feels as if the writing has matured as Sanji was taken in by conventionally unattractive women in Wano, which BROOK called monsters/ghosts, and Sanji was CRAZY about them HHH.
This is all a big discussion to have and I've had it again and again, especially in my LGBT video. But the tldr is yes, Sanji has done questionable things by Oda's hand, but there's a very clear growth in his writing that I feel is unfair to ignore at the current time.
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gagfadget · 7 months
So this post is kind of a sequel to this post. I wanted to go more in depth as to why I said that but also talk about why I feel like ther term anti and proshipper are both fundamentally broken. Again, I’m speaking from the experience of being an ex-proshipper. I’m neither of the two. I think both sides are bad and reductive. I’ve been on both sides and I’ve seen the toxicity of both sides. Do NOT call me anti and do NOT call me a proshipper.
Anyways even when I still considered myself to be part of that group, the trend with them calling conservatives and right-wingers “antis” started to come about. At first it wasn’t like that. On a surface level an anti was someone who was just an opposite of a proshipper, someone who harassed people in fandoms over ships or characters that they deemed problematic and harmful. Over time I started to notice proshippers calling people antis over minor disagreements and eventually they started calling actual bigots antis. By that point I started to become frustrated because this word that had a set definition already and actually did have a lot of right wing anti-sjw types in it, started to expand and expand until it became almost like an umbrella term for anything that was of the left.
Is an anti someone that harasses people over ships?
Is an anti a conservative/right winger/puritan?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like proshippers?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like a certain ship or character?
Is an anti someone who disagrees with a proshipper during a discussion?
And this isn’t stuff that I just pulled out of my ass, these are all different groups of people that ive seen proshippers call antis. If it’s all of the above then you’re grouping in actual dangerous political groups or people who want those groups to thrive with someone like me. Which is fucked up because conservatives/ right wingers/ puritans wants to eradicate me. That’s why I tell proshippers to not call me that (they do it anyways) because the term anti is too broad and encompasses too many things, just like the term proshipper.
Proship started off as “people who don’t harass others over ships and believe that fiction doesn’t affect reality in a 1:1 way.”
But now? I’ve seen proshippers say that proshipping is pro freedom of expression, pro-free speech, anti harassment, anti censorship, anti racism, pro lgbtq+ etc. Basically it is everything that is left leaning and everything that I also stand for. BUT. I’ve had them come to me over and over and tell me that it doesn’t matter that I’m left leaning, that I’m black, that I’m queer, that Im against harassment or hate speech or pro free speech or whatever. The mere fact that I think that shipping drama shouldn’t come up in discussions about real world topics and that complaining about “antis” when a post is talking about trans issues is tone deaf, was enough for them to label me an anti and much MUCH worse.
Things that are actually bad and actually dangerous are sharing the same label with things that aren’t. In the eyes of proshippers Iam on the same level as a person who wants me dead and has killed, tortured and attacked my people for decades and decades. When people genuinely believe that, it creates an all or nothing mentality. You’re either a proshipper or you’re a person who is a fascist or at the very least, supports fascism and im not using fascist randomly, it’s because I was called a fascist and a nazi for the same post that I mentioned above.
That “either your for us or against us” mentality is how you get absolutely insane coo coo takes like this
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Where people insinuate that being a proshipper/supporting proshippers is somehow intrinsic to being queer and that setting up boundaries for them to not interact with you is seen as you forgetting your own people’s history…
Mind you, the proshipping community is mostly made up of white people and there is a racism problem in it that I’ve had to witness, ended up taking part in and was the victim of MULTIPLE times. And some of it is because they will slap the anti label onto anyone.
You know what happens when you’re labeled an anti by a proshipper? They show no sympathy towards you because they believe that antis are/ support oppressors. When you are labeled as an anti they don’t take the time to differentiate if you are Anti: Genuine Bigot Flavored™️ or Anti: Minor Disagreement Flavored™️. They just come at you as if you are actively trying to take away their rights.
This causes someone to go through harassment and this includes racist harassment.
And when a person who had to endure harassment from them says “hey I got fucking harassed, dog pilled and got slurs spammed in my inbox by y’all only for saying that I don’t like proshippers” they counteract it by saying “Woah! Sorry you went through that but those weren’t proshippers. We don’t stand for that, only antis harass people. So those were really antis!”
I’ve seen this happen and said over and over and over and it’s even been said to me after I was harassed.
Telling people that they have to let proshippers engage with them even if it is triggering to do or else you are an anti (everything they deem as oppressive) is almost cult-like.
“Anti” is a label that encompasses too many things which include acts of actual oppression with benign disagreements on ships and characters and because of this, it often groups in oppressors with the groups they seek out to oppress.
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garden-variety-jumo · 5 months
Someone asked me about it but they were a TERF so I had to block them. But I wanna ramble about it anyway so voila my post:
Alien Cultural Differences I Love (in Doctor Who, anyway)* :
Disclaimer: forgive my knowledge of Doctor Who being a little spotty, a lot of it I learned purely through the fandom
(Skipping over regeneration because that is a huge one)
NAMES: I cannot emphasise enough how much I adore their naming conventions/them not revealing their "real" names. Like, naturally, there's the inherent trans-ness of choosing your own name, but I also love the idea of choosing it after what you want to emulate. (And if I may mention, the outright insanity that the Master, who HATES humans, used a human term. Which. Hmm. Yeah. The implications. (To me))
There are also academy names, which I think are Super interesting, because from what I can see, they still aren't their real names, but they're never mentioned supposedly after their academy days. So, they have an element of the superstition that their real names have, But they are still like,, placeholder names.
I think I once read a fic where there was a superstition/fairytale about speaking your real name out loud and being stolen by toclofane because of it- which I think is Brilliant!!
Language: First of all. We must applaud whoever designed Gallifreyan writing because it Fucks Severely. What an absolutely beautiful form of writing. Additionally, I don't Believe we've ever heard it in the show, which means it's fully up to interpretation. Something that makes me deeply sad to think about is, at least in RTD's initial era, how the Doctor is the only one left to speak a dead language. I like the headcannons that it's very difficult for other species to learn (while they would never be able to properly re-create it, that doesn't mean they can't learn a form or version to it  though!!) This could be due to vocal differences or even, potentially, psychic elements to it- which leads onto my next point:
Psychic Abilities: I'm going insane what do you MEAN Gallifreyans are a psychic race I'm going to loose my mind. If you take that into consideration, it has to have influenced their society or how they socialise somewhat. What must their perception of the world feel like? What are the social conventions/ethics of it all? I feel like they only scratch the surface of this topic in the show and long story short I would like a handbook that explains all of this in depth.
Imagine, then, going from a society that Could, if they wanted, connect to each other psychically, then having it all taken away. How empty that must feel??
The society: While my memory on Gallifreyan culture is a little muddied, it's been made Pretty clear the culture and socialisation is very different to, at the very least, humans. For one, the hubris Time Lords are taught to believe in. (At the very least, Time Lords being Gallifreyan but Gallifreyans not necessarily being Time Lords)
What other subtle differences might there be from there? I imagine they would be taught cultural norms/habits of other species in order to blend in or better communicate ((for example, the story the Doctor was telling about aliens who communicated largely with their eyebrows)). Time Lords in the show are vaguely "human" with certain landmarks to prove them as a different species, two hearts as the most prominent example. They are also implied to have three brainstems, and I'm sure, other internal differences (isn't it mentioned they have orange/rust coloured blood?) Therefore, what forms of socialising did they evolve differently, that they must adjust for speaking to humans? It's just cool to think about!!!
Biology: Largely touched upon in the previous point but their Blood is Orange. That's pretty neat!!!!!! WOAH ALSO. Their body temperatures being naturally lower!!!! That's an absolutely fascinating detail. I wonder if the Doctor ever discloses these medical details to their companions in case of emergency? Almost definitely not...
Aspirin: It's fatal to Gallifreyans? Insane. And has the Doctor ever mentioned this to their companions, just in case? Probably not.
THE GOD DAMN FOBWATCHES: Insane to me that they can just. Do that. As a lover of Tensimm, I regularly think about the set up of series 3 and how insane fans must have felt watching it live. Fobwatched Ten largely sucks though, my love goes out to Martha always. (But also... does that imply Ten's memories and experiences made the Doctor kind? Or being a Time Lord in itself, though that seems to align less with what we know)
Aaaand that's all I can think of for now!!
*((Special shout out to Mandolorian culture also, though. I am entranced and fascinated by it))
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ohnoitsjetster · 7 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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