#Severus Snape the death eaters problem child
wellpresseddaisy · 2 years
9 January, 1978
Lucius stood courteously at the head of the dining room table as the ladies filed out with Cissa. When the door shut behind the last rustling skirt, the gentlemen sat, relaxed now they were alone. The candles burned low in the candelabra down the great length of the table, the flame occasionally picking out the tawny gleam of decanted port. 
Velvet curtains of the deepest silver were closed against the chill of the winter night. Snow lay thick across the park, though the waxing moon and cloudless sky they'd been promised meant travel wouldn't prove too treacherous later. 
"Excellent dinner, Lucius, as always." Yaxley smiled thinly. "If you'll excuse me, though, I should find my wife. Had something I wanted to ask her."
"I'll pass on the compliment to Narcissa." Lucius nodded at the man as he left the room, ignoring the wafer thin excuse.
"Now, Lucius, there's something more important than dinner to discuss." Avery slapped the table. "An' I'm going to be indelicate, but it's Snape. High time you found someone for him. He's eighteen! Not gettin' any younger."
Lucius stared at the man. Avery and Mulciber had taken Severus under their dubious protection when he left Hogwarts. He really hadn't known what Severus saw in either of them, but the boy took to the pair like a puppy. They must have seemed glamorous, somehow, two years older than him.
"Wanted Mulciber and the Mudblood." Rowle, deep in his cups and thankfully at the far end of the table, chortled. "At's 'is problem. 'E wanned both."
Everyone stared as he thumped forward onto the table. 
"Thankfully, I had warned the footmen." Lucius drawled. 
A guilty snicker ran around the table. 
"No one ever knew what he wanted, was the problem. Except potions and he's doin' a Mastery already. Could sponsor him to Oxford, I suppose. S'what you do with brainboxes, isn't it?" Mulciber sighed. "Always had too much brain, Severus did. Brain and nerves."
"Why, if we're being indelicate, is it my responsibility to find our problem child a match?" Lucius asked lightly. 
"You and Narcissa know everyone, Lucius. Simply everyone. Surely you know someone who'd…well…take him in hand. As it were." Avery insisted. "He needs a nice…er…husband, maybe?"
"I have suggested no less than seventeen suitable matches, to date. He doesn't want a husband." Lucius sighed.
"Not want a husband?" Avery repeated. He tended to do that, as if he could only understand a concept from his own mouth. "Why the devil not? He doesn't want a wife, does he? Never been that wrong about a chap before."
"He does not." Lucius assured him. "Your reputation is safe, Waltham. Druella Heathcote was interested until he spent an entire dinner explaining the best way to gut rats."
"Rats?" Mulciber's voice had a strained quality. "The poor gel. Cathcart's given him a look or two. Good chap, Cathcart."
"He'd rather purposefully spring a were trap on his leg and then chew himself free. He's willing to leave the leg."
"Gibson?" Avery tried.
"I believe he felt drowning in flobberworm mucus preferable."
"Witherwaite? He isn't gettin' any younger, but he's always wanted a sharp one."
"Boiled in his own cauldron."
"Hallowfield? He's a bit like old Withers but a bit more biddable. As they go."
"Trampled to death by toads."
"The trouble is, we've spoilt him." Mulciber growled. "What about one of those Russians you know? They seem the imperious type. He likes that, y'know."
"He threatened to move to…where was it? Ah, yes, Outer Mongolia. Or possibly Newfoundland."
"What about you and Narcissa? She seems to like him well enough? You'd keep him out of trouble." Avery grasped at straws.
"The Malfoy contracts are strictly bi-partite. The only one coming to my marriage bed is Narcissa. Regrettably for both of us." Lucius winked at the pair. 
Was he a bit foxed? He hoped not, but the port was particularly nice. How did one measure one's level of foxedness?
"Damn!" Avery muttered. "There's got to be someone he'll take."
"He told me that husbands stopped you doing anything really interesting and he likes what he's doing now." Mulciber admitted it mournfully. "He especially said anyone with, well, our ideals, wouldn't let him do anything remotely fun."
"Of course they wouldn't!" Avery slapped the table again. "He'd be…he'd be taken care of. Properly. His blood line's good enough if you ignore the father and his manners are…there…if you ignore his habit of hissing at people he doesn't like. But he shouldn't be running about loose like he is."
"He's too bloody independent. And spoiled." Mulciber declared. "We should have been…well I don't know. He bit you if you tried to tell him what to do. Not you, though, Lucius. Or Narcissa."
"He knew much better than to bite Narcissa." Lucius agreed. 
"I just want to see him…cared for." Avery spoke quietly. "And…and out of this damned mess. If he had a husband like you he wouldn't be in it." He gestured at Lucius.
"I've suggested everyone like me I could with a clear conscience. Unfortunately, I'm not head of his family. I can't really make him do anything." And he'd certainly looked for any connection at all. 
The Princes had a habit of marrying outside England. The sods. The one time he wished for a family connection and the magical community's marriage habits let him down completely.
"We looked, as well. They marry out. Always have. Suppose that's why his mother…well, the less said the better." Mulciber traced patterns in the damask tablecloth.
"Surely he'd take Hadley? Absolute sport, Hadley." Avery tried one last time.
"He would rather snuggle a hippogryph."
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
au where when a Death Eater is killed, they can actually not die, on one condition:
Their heart must be pure.
This doesn't mean they never ever did anything wrong. That's impossible if you're human. No, this means that whatever they've done, it's for a selfless reason. That whatever bad they've done for selfish reasons, they've fully regretted, repented, and set out for redemption. That in their heart of hearts, they are no true Death Eater, because true Death Eater have no compassion, or selfless love. Selfless Love is a pure thing, and if that exists in the heart, then they may survive being killed.
And there's another thing: they return to the physical state they were in before taking the Dark Mark. It's all effectively "wiped clean", as it were. Of course, the actions remain, as do the mental scars, but the physical body is now back to when it was still pure of this evil as a little nod to the purity of their heart.
During the second war, then, there are a few Death Eaters who do not die. But only the fewest:
The most famous example? Severus Snape, who is all but a mere child, barely touching adulthood. Who's small and underweight, whose body is still riddled with scars from the Good Guys. Who's so young it's frightening to think he became a death eater at this age because there's something so broken and fragile about him. How did he manage to survive through that?
And then... And then there's Bellatrix. Bellatrix Black.
Who... Who's a literal child.
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licorice-and-rum · 3 months
Snape's Full Character Analysis
Okay, so I’ve already made this kind of post in my previous account (licorice-lips) but since it got deleted, here I go again because I think the world should hear more about this.
I do hate Severus Snape — and I have little to no patience for those who do and try to justify his actions with whatever. But unlike many people, my dislike for Snape doesn’t stem from “oh, he’s a child abuser” or “oh, he didn’t love Lily” but from a mix of many factors involving among other things, the way R*wling portrays supremacist ideology and its followers, the way the fandom often downplays supremacist ideology and its followers, and Snape as a character himself.
Now, I’m going to extend this essay into a full character analysis instead of just commenting on how Snape’s redemption arc sucks like I did previously because I’m feeling like it. To begin, I need you to understand how… biased R*wling’s portray of supremacist ideology really is:
J.K. Rowling is European and English (duh), which means she descends from a people who benefited (a lot and still do) from colonialism and imperialism, and both things are the basis for modern day fascism. As an author myself, it’s painfully clear to me how intrinsically close my characters and works are from myself and my own personal values. As such, it’s not such a hardship — especially if we remember how the elves and goblins are portrayed in HP — to understand how Rowling views political issues such as colonialism, imperialism and fascism.
She may not realize it but the way she does talk about the matter is such a right-wing way of tolerance to fascist thinking: as it’s very clear in Harry Potter just because of the story, the problem for the author isn’t a system of prejudice and bigotry, it’s those very few people who have become corrupted. Rowling does not identify the problem as the tree being bad when most apples — save one of two — have turn out bad. And that’s the core problem of so many things in Harry Potter but it also shows in the core problem I have with Snape’s portrayal: the way she absolutely downplays the fact that the man was a death eater for years of his life by pure and absolute conviction.
As someone who lived through a fascistic government, I’ll say it with all certainty: even the slightest support to fascistic views will propel further an agenda that will end up killing innocent people by the dozens. The truth is, even with all the undeniable good Snape did as he worked as a spy, he was a Death Eater for his conviction and at the end of the day it doesn’t matter why he chose to become one.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that he was neglected and abused by his parents, or that he was bullied in school, or that his crush didn’t reciprocated his feelings: he still became a Death Eater, he chose to become one. And that is unforgivable. It unforgivable because it means he supported and actively worked for a system of thinking that ridiculed, persecuted, tortured and murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people. He advocated for a political view that has no regard for human life, that perpetuates the abuse he suffered firsthand — just in a slightly different direction. He didn’t just not break his cycle of abuse, he actively perpetuated it. Advocated for it.
And don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying here that the abuse Snape went through isn’t important at all: there is definitely something to be said about the preying of supremacist groups for young isolated men who feel left out and emasculated. But that doesn’t mean Snape gets to be absolved for his own choices because that’s what they were: his choices. He chose to become a Death Eater, he chose to uphold the cycles of abuse he had been a victim to not long before, he chose to protect it even in the face of people — good people — telling him that it wasn’t a good thing.
That’s my point, actually: Snape may have been preyed upon by the blood supremacy ideology as a teen but at some point, he chose to be influenced by it more than by millions of other influences around him. He wasn’t completely isolated or ignorant of the world to the point that the only influence he could possibly choose was the blood supremacy one, no: he had people telling him the contrary and still chose to follow blood supremacy. So, no, it’s not forgivable that he chose to become a Death Eater because he did know better than that, his very friendship with Lily proved it.
But because Rowling sees the system — a system whose very roots are prejudice and bigotry — as not actually the problem, we see these problems sliding down the hill of “oh, he was just a misguided boy” even if that’s not what she herself says: it’s what her work says.
The truth is, as much as some supremacist’s core reason for their beliefs are a deep feeling of inadequacy, that’s not enough simply because they’ll cause as much damage with their actions than any other supremacist that’ll become a supremacist for the hatred alone. Snape, who (for some) was propelled into supremacy for his isolation in his teenage years, persecuted and tortured and killed as many people as Lucius or Bellatrix did, the result is the same. And at the end of the day, the reason why you did something doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you did do something.
We can cry a river about how our intentions were good but that doesn’t mean that what we did was. Between our intentions and our actions, there’s an abyss, and it’s not until we crossed it that we can see whether or not they are alike. In Snape’s case, considering he genuinely believed the supremacist ideology he upheld would turn the wizarding world better, it doesn’t really matter: he still caused damage.
And he has never been redeemed because for a redemption arc to work properly, you need to
Acknowledge what happened — there’s not much Snape is liable to deny it happened because, of course, he’s always caught on the scenes we are privy to.
Take accountability for what you’ve done — which Snape doesn’t do, as it’s exemplified perfectly many times throughout The Prince’s Tale in Deathly Hollows. He deflects, he lies, he declares he had no intentions of doing what he did, but he never, not once, takes accountability for what he has done and what ended up hurting other people:
“There was a crack. A branch over Petunia’s head had fallen. Lily screamed. The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears.
“Tuney!” But Petunia was running away. Lily rounded on Snape. “Did you make that happen?” “No.” He looked both defiant and scared. “You did!” She was backing away from him. “You did! You hurt her!” “No – no, I didn’t!” But the lie did not convince Lily.”
““…thought we were supposed to be friends?” Snape was saying, “Best friends?” “We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging round with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?” Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing,” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all –” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny –” “What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?” demanded Snape.”
“It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. “I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.” “I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just –” “Slipped out?” There was no pity in Lily’s voice.”
To make amends for what you did — I’m not even going to deepen my argument on this one, it’s clear he didn’t. Not when he hurt Petunia, not when he hurt Lily, not when he hurt anyone really, the only exception being him protection Harry after telling Voldemort about the prophecy, but that’s not overcoming any patterns here, which brings me to my next point:
To accept the boundaries that you put in place as they’re on the path to earn forgiveness — which Snape also doesn’t, as exemplified in this excerpt of The Prince’s Tale:
The scene changed… “I’m sorry.” “I’m not interested.” “I’m sorry!” “Save your breath” It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. “I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.” “I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just –”
It’s very important to understand here that Snape doesn’t respect Lily’s boundaries of not wanting to talk to him after he called her a slur, which is also a sign of not being in a path to earn forgiveness. And forgiveness must be earned: no amount of trauma explaining our actions actually counts as an excuse for our behavior. It can explain it and thus, making forgiveness easier to achieve, but trauma doesn’t change the fact that we are responsible for our own choices and acts throughout our lives, and if we hurt someone, we have a responsibility to be accountable and make amends.
So okay, we’ve stablished that Snape has some heavy trauma to work through but that doesn’t mean he’s not liable for his own actions. Now, what we need to understand is his relationship with the Marauders. That’s a much more complicated theme, which will bring me back to Rowling and her point of view of things and how they impact her narrative and the way things are portrayed in the books.
The first thing we need to notice is that Rowling doesn’t seem much preoccupied with portraying bullying in a responsible way throughout the series. It’s clear that many of the comedic reliefs we have — especially in the form of Fred and George — are bullies in the modern, more “strict” way of seeing children’s behavior: their acts not only can be considered humiliating for some (such as Neville and other side characters in the books) but also downright cruel or dangerous. So it’s clear by her account on other similar relationships portrayed in the books that Rowling didn’t consider what Snape and the Marauders had as a bully/victim relationship.
That can be because of her age, or because of the character’s age even (they were in the 90s after all), or even a mix of both reasons, but the fact remains that she didn’t view it as bullying, so anything she writes about it will be a gross exaggeration of what she considers child rivalry. It’s one of the reasons I have the icks when anyone starts asking her for a book on the Marauders because I just know she’d butcher her way into their stories, to be completely honest.
Unfortunately, this also means it’s how Snape views it all — as something that happens between children (not saying that it didn’t cause trauma, just that he doesn’t see it as a trauma) which makes him even back up the people who do the same when he becomes a teacher, such as Malfoy and his friends. My point is that, in the building of Snape’s character, his problem with what the Marauders used to do to him wasn’t what they did but rather that they did it with him, someone Snape viewed as undeserving of it, as opposed to when someone who did deserve — such as muggleborns — were the target of said treatment:
“We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging round with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?” Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing,” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all –” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny –”
So the problem in the end wasn’t the Marauder’s behavior but their target — which, of course, was him.
But the origin of the Marauder’s dislike for Snape at that point ran deep and very intricately: there was a lot of reason why we could attribute to their hatred for each other, such as house rivalry, Snape’s fixation on Remus’ secret, James’ jealousy for Lily and Snape’s friendship, Snape’s inclination for dark magic and supremacist views, Sirius overcompensation for being raised in such a prejudiced environment and as such becoming a little too aggressive about it, and many other reasons. The point is, there was a meddle of everything by the time we reach SWM.
So their relationship is just as intricate and difficult to entangle. I’m not saying here that any of my analysis exempts the Marauders from what they did — it was serious and bad and something that shouldn’t have happened at all regardless of how I feel about Snape. But as I try to analyze Snape’s character in the books, I need to be very careful on how to approach this: my morals and interpretations of what happened shouldn’t come first to what Snape’s viewed at the moment and what he took from this. So at last, what I’m saying is: as much as I know that was some hard bullying going on there, Snape didn’t see it that way, either because Rowling herself couldn’t see it that way and because the time and the time’s belief’s system wouldn’t allow him to.
Anyway, if we take any only the facts, we have — James attacked Snape sometime after Snape tried to catch Remus in the Shrieking Shack, Snape also instigated fights with James, Snape and his friends also bullied muggleborns and blood traitor — it becomes very clear that we need to balance power relations very carefully here:
On the very top, we have supremacist purebloods, which are the most privileged social group at the time, which would include people like Lucius, Bellatrix, the Lestrange brothers, most of the Blacks, and others. Then, right below, we’d have purebloods who didn’t believe in blood purity, such as Sirius, the Potters (James specially), the Weasleys, the Prewetts, the Longbottoms and others. Plus, the more I consider the wizarding world of that time, the more I realize how close halfbloods who adhered to the purist cause had a place in society that rivaled the same importance with purebloods who were considered blood traitors, sometimes ranking even higher depending on the environment or situation.
Just to be entirely clear: when I say halfbloods, I’m not only talking about those whose heritage are certain (children of muggleborns or muggles with purebloods) but also to those whose heritage couldn’t be drawn back. For example, the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the account of all pureblooded families in Great Britain, is admittedly an incomplete and slightly biased and unreliable source. They didn’t list the Potters as purebloods, for example, solely on the account of, whilst the family didn’t have any muggle relatives, there were enough muggles with the last name Potter that they weren’t sure about the family’s heritage. So it’s fair to assume a lot of people we’d been presented to as halfbloods could be pureblood familys whose heritage was slightly questioned. So yes, I’d put halfbloods who stood with blood supremacy as just as privileged as a pureblood who sided against it because of all this background. Then, we have halfbloods who didn’t approve of pureblood supremacy, muggleborns, then muggles.
It’s quite understandable by the books that, while in SWM, Snape was in a clear place of power imbalance in relation to the Marauders, the truth wasn’t always this. Mulciber and Avery are quoted as the closest to Snape (and we know very well what they’ve become after school), and although I found nothing in regards to the Mulciber family, the Averys were purebloods, so I have to place Snape as being just as privileged as the Marauders within normal (normal, not exceptional) school social dynamics in relation to blood. Of course that wasn’t truth to every power dynamic presented within the Harry Potter world, such as the Slytherin conundrum for example.
Okay, I’ll be honest with you guys here: I feel like the imbalance people accuse the adults of Harry Potter of having is grossly exaggerated sometimes. Yes, Slytherin was in disadvantage in relation to other houses, and it was looked upon by them, but the point is: ancient pureblooded families, especially the ones who were knee deep in supremacist ideology, often favored Slytherin, that is a fact.
Regardless of it been productive or not, the most blood supremacists within the house, the more we’d get comments and actions against muggleborns within school grounds that would inevitably be punished by the taking of points (and by the way, Snape was not helping congratulating Draco for his own bigotry instead of rewarding Slytherins who were actually interested in studying and working hard on their grades).
Plus, Gryffindor is the house of the protagonist — of course it’ll gain some privileges for that. If it was Ravenclawn, we’d be discussing this issue with Slytherin versus Ravenclawn points. It makes no sense accusing other of having biases like that because it’s obvious we’d have this kind of biases exactly for the plain reason it’s the protagonist’s house.
Anyway, I digress: because of the points I just made about it, the Slytherin versus Gryffindor rivalry is not enough to grant James and the others such a significative upper hand on their privilege in relation to Snape, although I would argue that Snape’s pre-existing bigotry did him no favors in the adults’ eyes on that matter, so it may have.
Now, why am I focusing on that? Because it’s clear to me that, while James and the others had a clear upper hand on their treatment of Snape in Snape’s Worst Memory, it’s not so clear as people seem to believe what the picture looked like the rest of the time. And of course, I do understand that it seems very much cemented on everyone’s minds that the configuration of the Marauders and Snape relationship was always the one we see in Snape’s Worst Memory, but that’s not completely truth and there are hints of it since the fifth book:
When Sirius said James wasn’t the only one to initiate fights, when he said Snape was always trying to sneak up on James, when we learn of the spells Snape had invented as a teenager (we can half-confidently say they were for the Marauders considering Snape’s trying to use Sectumsempra on James, but not limited to them, of course), when we get to know that Snape was “always trying” to prove that Remus was a werewolf to get him expelled, among other moments.  The truth is, as much as I would like to point out the Marauders were not so bad, I can’t say this with certainty, but Snape apologists can’t say for certain they know fully the dynamics of their relationship either because even when the Marauders weren’t good people, they can’t say Snape was only a victim as well.
Or at least, they can’t say that he was the kind of victim who didn’t victimized people just like he was victimized too. And that’s probably even more reason why I dislike him, but I’ll get there. What I do know is that Snape, for his supremacist views alone, was doing a lot worse than what the Marauders were doing as teens. I’m sorry, it’s true: as much as I despise bullying, I can’t get over the fact that Snape was the equivalent of a Hitler youth child soldier in the wizarding world when he was a teenager. I’d punch him myself if I was his classmate, to be honest. Hatred aside, however, I do understand that what the Marauders did had little to nothing to do with supremacist views and all to do with being idiots, so yeah, fuck them. I’m not here to defend the Marauders anyway, just to condemn Snape (which, surprise, surprise, it’s actually possible).
Now, I dread having to go there, to be honest, but I want to talk to you guys about Snapes’ feelings for Lily. I’ve read the most grotesque and misogynistic things I’ve ever read in my life scrolling through Snape stans posts and let’s be honest here: Lily and Snape’s relationship was so toxic I would come back healthier if I went to Chernobyl than going anywhere near them together — because of Severus — and it’s actually appalling that some people doesn’t seem to think so. I’m sorry, but all the signs of classical emotional abuse signs are right there, just in the Prince’s Tale:
Belittling and constant criticism — I’m sorry, but his behavior alone says everything: you can’t treat muggleborns like they’re trash and then try to convince your muggleborn best-friend they she’s not. The belittling is in his actions. And then there’s the fact that Snape brings up accusations of Lily liking James more than once as a form of criticism as well (because neither have a good opinion of James, which is fair, but it’s still veiled criticism of Lily). Plus, his belittling of Lily’s feeling over Petunia’s hatred of her is obvious:
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she said in a constricted voice. “Why not?” “Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore.” “So what?” She threw him a look of deep dislike. “So she’s my sister!” “She’s only a – ” He caught himself quickly; Lily, too busy trying to wipe her eyes without being noticed, did not hear him.”
Gaslighting and controlling tendencies — when he tries to convince Lily he didn’t use magic to hurt Petunia with the tree branch, or when he questions their friendship because she’s trying to make a constructive critic of his life choices (“I thought we’re supposed to be friends?... Best friends?”), or when he tries to dictate who she’ll be friends with (when they’re discussing his own friends by the way). Even if Lily doesn’t let him, doesn’t mean it’s not abusive.
Isolation of loved ones — Constantly belittling Petunia, setting Lily and himself as above her because of their magic, convincing Lily to invade Petunia’s privacy thus isolating her further, causing rifts between Lily’s friends in Gryffindor and her because of his supremacist tendencies…
Jealousy and Possessiveness — I do think this one is self-explanatory.
Humiliation and Shaming — I also believe this one is also self-explanatory.
Unpredictable or Inconsistent Behavior — This is perfectly exemplified by their conversation when Lily is pointing out about his friends’ bad influence on him. We can see perfectly how inconsistent Snape’s behavior is, jumping from deflecting his accountability, downplaying his own bad deeds, to possessiveness and jealousy over absolutely nothing Lily has ever referenced to (try not to read what they’re saying but instead just concentrate at how abruptly Snape goes from one to the other):
“…thought we were supposed to be friends?” Snape was saying, “Best friends?” “We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging round with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, ’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?” Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing,” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all – ” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny – ” “What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?” demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment. “What’s Potter got to do with anything?” said Lily. “They sneak out at night. There’s something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?” “He’s ill,” said Lily. “They say he’s ill – ” “Every month at the full moon?” said Snape. “I know your theory,” said Lily, and she sounded cold. “Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they’re doing at night?” “I’m just trying to show you they’re not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are.” The intensity of his gaze made her blush. “They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” She dropped her voice. “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there – ” Snape’s whole face contorted and he spluttered, “Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends’ too! You’re not going to – I won’t let you – ” “Let me? Let me?” Lily’s bright green eyes were slits. Snape backtracked at once. “I didn’t m ean – I just don’t want to see you made a fool of – He fancies you, James Potter fancies you!” The words seemed wrenched from him against his will. “And he’s not…everyone thinks…big Quidditch hero – ” Snape’s bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent, and Lily’s eyebrows were traveling farther and farther up her forehead. “I know James Potter’s an arrogant toerag,” she said, cutting across Snape. “I don’t need you to tell me that. But Mulciber’s and Avery’s idea of humor is just evil. Evil, Sev. I don’t understand how you can be friends with them.” Harry doubted that Snape had even heard her strictures on Mulciber and Avery. The moment she had insulted James Potter, his whole body had relaxed, and as they walked away there was a new spring in Snape’s step…
There’s also the fact that their friendship began in a relation of power that met its inevitable demise once those specific conditions tumbled down: when Snape met Lily, he was all the source she had about the wizarding world, he was her only link to that part of herself she felt was so different from anyone else. Once Lily arrived at Hogwarts, this dependance quickly came to an end with Lily spreading her wings, which probably also took a heavy tool on their relationship because its foundation was already fragile to begin with.
However, I’m not saying here that Snape was this evil mastermind at nine years old he managed to consciously ensnare Lily into this emotionally abusive relationship all by his astute manipulation. Snape was a child of abuse and neglect and, as such, he never learned how to properly bond and stablish healthy relationships. Much like the child starved by love he was, Snape probably saw every and any other relationship Lily had as a threat to their own relationship, because he doesn’t know love is not finite — he doesn’t know love stretches to accommodate other people with the time. It’s not unreasonable for me to read their relationship as such, although I’m sure that wasn’t JK Rowling’s intentions when she wrote HP, in fact it’s more than possible to admit their friendship sucked even when Snape remembered it so fondly.
As a person who actually went through an emotionally abusive relationship, I can tell how exhausting it is to carry this person along and make up excuses for everyone around you who can clearly see that this friendship sucks but doesn’t want to tell you because it might make things worse. Specially if I’m talking about someone who believes the way you were born makes you inferior in some way, that shit really hurts even when they say you’re different because deep down, you know you’re not. Deep down, you know that you’re the exception over some crooked perception you somehow beat the odds of an inferior condition and that’s what makes you “special”. And it’s gross just to think about it.
Okay, so now I think I analyzed everything about Snape I’ve wanted to analyze, so I’ll end here my enormous rant about him and if there’s anything else I want to talk about when this starts to get hate, I’ll probably post a part two.
Bye, guys!
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A Rose By Any Other Name - George Weasley X Female (Slytherin/Sirius Black's Daughter) Reader
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Title: A Rose By Any Other Name
George Weasley X Female (Slytherin/Sirius Black's Daughter) Reader
Additional Characters: Fred, Reader's mom (Mentioned), Sirius Black (Mentioned), Severus Snape, Dumbledore (Mentioned), James Potter (Mentioned), Lily Potter (Mentioned), Remus Lupin (Mentioned), Peter Pettigrew (Mentioned), Death Eaters (Mentioned), Malfoy (Mentioned), and Filch (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 4,851
Warnings: Torture mentioned, murder mentioned, death eaters mentioned, bullying mentioned, some HP terms, teasing, taunting, Slytherin/Gryffindor prejudice, nervousness, awkwardness, embarrassment, anxiety, Amortentia, based on George's sixth year, Snape would still be the Potion's Professor, crying, pranks mentioned, Shakespeare reference, slight angst, and fluff
The wind whipped through your hair as you flew through the air on your broom. You swirled and zipped around the Quidditch Pitch, enjoying the cool breeze as it washed across your skin. Flying was so peaceful, it always put you at ease. It helps your mind forget your worries of the day or week, and about life in general really. You were the daughter of Sirius Black, and with that title and family namesake, made you a target. So, when you were but a child, you were taught to go by your mother's maiden name, and when you joined Hogwarts, you did the same. No one knew of your real name, except a few of the professors and of course, Dumbledore. You told no one because if you did and the wrong person heard, you could be hunted, tortured, or worse, killed. As your father was a Black, who was in Gryffindor, who also was framed for the murder of twelve muggles, Peter Pettigrew, and Lily and James Potter; your father, to most people, was not a swell guy. If anyone knew, you’d probably have both Death Eaters and your Hogwarts peers after you.
Unlike your father being sorted into Gryffindor, you were sorted into Slytherin. You wore the green and silver proudly, but you had a small problem; you weren't really like your Slytherin peers. Yes, you were sarcastic and a bit mischievous at times, but you were not rude or stuck-up as many of your Slytherin peers were. Many of your fellow Slytherins like poking and prodding at you, especially for being friends with people from other houses. For some reason, if you were a Slytherin, there was this dumb rule that you could only be friends with other "pure-blood" Slytherins. But you didn't care. Not at all really. You didn't care if they wore yellow or blue, you liked your friends. And that was all that really mattered to you.
But, in the air, you didn't have to worry about any of that. You could just be free. Not a care in the world. In the sky was where you were safe, free, and alone.
"Oi!" You suddenly heard, opening your eyes to look down, pausing in mid-air, "Yeah! You up there! This is our pitch!" 
You rolled your eyes, spotting two people down below, from just their red hair, you knew they were the Weasleys. So you zoomed back around, this time lower to the ground, before zipping to a stop before them. Staring down at the two, you realized that they were the twins, Fred and George. You had heard about them, mostly about their little pranks; sometimes you thought they were funny, depending on who they were pranking. Funnily enough, you were actually pretty fond of the youngest twin, George. You thought he was pretty cute, and that meant a lot since he was a twin, but you weren't going to tell him that. You were in Slytherin, he wouldn't like you. Even though you were friends with people from other houses, no one from Gryffindor trusted you one bit.
Glancing at the two, you crossed your arms, watching as they just stared back. You weren't more than six feet in the air, so you were almost at eye level with them. "I don't see your names on it." You answered, raising an eyebrow, noticing they had their brooms, and a small trunk behind them. "And Gryffindor isn't practicing today."
The oldest twin then spoke, "We know," 
"We want to practice." The youngest, George, then finished. “Please.” He then added.
Uncrossing your arms, you leaned back against your broom with one hand, leaning back slightly as you continued to look at them. "So, you two think you can kick me out because you two want some extra practice in?" You questioned, glancing back and forth between the two. You hardly had any free time to fly, so you weren't going to let them have the patch so easily. 
The two twins looked at each other briefly before turning back to you, "Yeah." The eldest answered.
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head, "Nope, not gonna happen. Sorry."
"I don't see your name on it." George then spoke and you looked at him, feeling a few butterflies flutter in your stomach as you let your eyes wander across his features; his remarkable brown eyes, gorgeous red hair, and just his stunning face in general before you smirked lightly, glancing over at the Gryffindor stands. You really adored his freckles. 
"I do." You answered simply, before dropping your smirk, "Now, how about you practice after I'm done, since I never get time to do any flying around here? Hmm? Sharing is caring." You spoke, before raising an eyebrow, your smirk returning. "You boys did learn how to share as kids, right?" But before you could fly off, George spoke up after.
"Why don't you join the Slytherin team?" You paused, frowning slightly. 
You tilted your head down, your hair covering your face, "They won't let me join."
Both Fred and George tilted their heads, like confused puppies, "Won't let you join?" Fred then asked. 
"Why?" George asked, as you just smiled sadly.
"Because I'm not like them." Your smile then turned into a disappointed frown once more, as you softly landed your broom on the ground. "But it's not like your guys would trust my word anyway. I am a Slytherin after all." You said bitterly, kicking the dirt with your foot, before giving the twins one last smile, "You can have the pitch. Have fun."
"Wait!" You paused, turning back around, and looking back at the twins, "What's your name?" Fred asked, and you answered.
"Y/N L/N." And then, you left the pitch.
Fred and George watched as you left the field, holding your broom tight in your hand as you turned around the corner. Fred watched intensely, making sure you were gone and out of hearing range before turning to his twin, and slapping George on the arm. George just watched where you had left with an almost dream-like smile.
“She’s so perfect…” He muttered before Fred continued to try and gain his attention by slapping and nudging his arm.
"George, mate! Her name is Y/N!" Fred exclaimed as George felt his face flush, pushing his brother back in retaliation, glancing to where you had gone and back. "Now you don't have to call her 'the girl I fancy' anymore. No more, ‘Fred, the girl I fancy has the prettiest eyes.’ And no more, ‘Fred, the girl I fancy has the sweetest laugh.’” Fred teased, clasping his hands together and fluttering his eyelashes as he let out a faux dreamy sigh.
"And you spoke to her! I'm so proud of you." Fred continued, nudging George again.
George huffed, getting slightly annoyed, "Fred, it's not a big deal."
Fred sputtered a laugh, looking at George as if he was crazy, "Not a big deal? We just ran into your crush!"
"Shh!" George covered Fred's mouth, "Let the whole bloody school hear you."
Fred rolled his eyes, pushing George's hand away, "I'm just sayin’. She seems pretty nice." He paused before nodding, "For a Slytherin." He shrugged his shoulders. “But I think she might like you, Georgie.” Fred wiggled his eyebrows, smirking, “Did you see the way she was eyeing you? Probably thinking about her future with you… marriage, kids, how cute your kids would be-”
“Eyeing me? Kids? No, no… No, she doesn’t like me like that.” George narrowed his eyes, feeling his cheeks burn, unbelieving of his brother; he shook his head, only for Fred to shake his back in return.
“No, really. George, I know when girls fancy you, and she fancies you.” He continued to tease, only for George to frown.
"Let's just practice." George sighed, trying to hide his red cheeks before he and Fred flew up in the air on their brooms.
George did have a crush on you. A massive one. Ever since the third year. George remembered when he first saw you. You were walking down the hall, some old books in hand, and once his eyes landed on you... It was like the world had stopped, except for you. In slow-motion, George watched as you walked down the hall and past him, hair bouncing with each step, your Slytherin scarf flying in the non-existent wind behind you. The sun shining through the windows, casting you in an angelic light. It was like one of those Muggle films his dad spoke so much about. ‘Gorgeous. Stunning.’ Was all George could think. From that moment, he wanted to know everything about you. From your favorite color to your favorite time of the year. 
George was in love. But, George regretfully told his brother about you, about how stunning you were and how smart you were when you occasionally shared classes. He was able to keep Fred off the topic for a while, focusing on pranks and whatnot, but soon Fred almost became obsessed with finding out your name for George. Since, in Fred's own words, he was 'too bloody shy to ask you himself.' It was a bit true, he was a bit shy, you were so pretty, intimidating, and just so… Perfect. He didn’t want to mess anything up. But it seemed fate took pity on him later on in the week when he'd soon bump into you again.
You were on your way to class, almost forgetting your books and having to turn back around and get them, so you were only a bit late. You knew it wasn’t much of a problem, having Potions next; Snape wouldn’t be too harsh on you, he somehow had a soft spot for you since you were practically a genius at Potion making.
Turning the corner, you immediately smashed your face against something hard, falling backwards. You shut your eyes, waiting to hit the cobbled floor below, before you stopped, mid-air. Slowly opening your eyes, you found your eyes staring right into a pair of chocolate brown eyes. 
George held you in his arms, stopping you from falling, which surprised both of you, “Are you okay?” He questioned, his eyebrows high in concern.
“Yeah…” You murmured quietly, in awe, “Thank you.” ‘Look at all those freckles,’ You thought to yourself as George held you, ‘I wish I could kiss them all.’ With that last thought, you felt your face burning up. George’s hand held your lower back, the warmth of his hand seeped into you, warming you; if only he could hold you forever.
You both stayed in that position for a couple of seconds, before you felt George slowly pull you back up on your feet, grabbing your books from the floor and handing them to you hastily. George ran a hand through his hair, clearing his throat, and glancing at the ground awkwardly as you stood there, doing the same.
"Uh, I'm sorry for bumping into you." You apologized quickly.
He shook his head, looking up before taking his hand out of his hair to wave it, dismissing your words, "No, no, it was my fault. I wasn't looking at where I was going."
You smiled, "Well, thank you for catching me, George."
At the sound of his name from your lips, his eyes widened a bit in disbelief, "You know my name? And you can tell Fred and I apart?" He asked, making you giggle lightly.
"Oh yes, I know who you are. Hard to not when both your names are spoken almost daily from the pranks you two pull. And, yes, I can tell you two apart. Quite easily actually."
George felt like his heart was going to explode, "Wow," He muttered, "That's brilliant." His gaze dropped to the floor for a second as he tried to stop smiling. “Even my own mother can’t tell us apart.”
After a few seconds of slightly awkward silence, you spoke up, "Well," You began, rocking on your heels, "I have to get to class. I'm already a bit late." You bit your lip, glancing up at George.
"Oh," George spoke up, feeling a bit jittery, "I could walk you... If you like?"
Your cheeks flushed lightly, and you nodded, a smile forming on your face. Before you began walking to the Potions classroom was located. And that was the beginning of your relationship with George Weasley.
In class, a month later, you were in Potions, learning about Amortentia with your Slytherin peers alongside Gryffindor. Professor Snape was going on about the potion, slowly and pretty monotone before asking everyone to begin making their own batch. It was a bit hard to do, and it took a very long time, but in the end, you could smell something… Something that made your stomach flip. 
You immediately paused, your senses becoming overwhelmed with the scent. You hadn’t even realized Professor Snape was talking until he said your name. 
“Miss L/N,” He began, gaining your attention, “It seems that you have correctly made the potion. Congratulations.” He spoke slowly, bringing everyone else’s attention on you in the process. “Would you mind listing off what you smell?” He asked, as if it was a question.
You gulped, knowing exactly what you were smelling, what your entire being and soul was obsessed with, the mere idea and thought of the person made your heart race. You knew everyone was looking at you, staring, judging. You’d usually feel pretty nervous, worried about what people would think of you and yet, all you could smell was him. All you could think about was him. And what felt like hours, was only seconds as you finally answered. 
“I smell… Ceder, Earl gray tea, fireworks…” You paused, feeling your mind fog as you leaned a bit closer to the faint orange swirling wisps of aroma, unknowing that a certain ginger was sitting across the room, holding on to every word you said; his eyes wide as his mouth was slightly agape. His twin, beside him, nudges him once more, a smirk on his lips. “And… Warm wool sweaters.”
It was quiet, as you snapped out of your daze, blinking rapidly as you ducked your head, feeling your face flush as Snape just nodded before asking a student on the Gryffindor side. You held your breath, shutting your eyes tight, feeling your mouth become incredibly dry. You tried to pay attention to the rest of the class, but all you could think about was how embarrassed you felt, and what possibly George thought of you. You, a Slytherin infatuated by a Gryffindor. You felt sick. Before you could try and excuse yourself from the class, feigning a headache, but Professor Snape spoke up.
“Mr. Weasley,” You felt yourself freeze up, fifty-fifty chance here. “What do you smell?” He then asked, and you sat there, quietly, listening; your ears felt like they were going to explode from how much you were trying to listen; pay attention. It felt like a million years had passed before one of the twins spoke up.
“Well,” You heard, breaking the cold silence, “I smell apples, cinnamon, warm blankets, and… lilac bushes.” You felt relieved, that was Fred, not George. But, you also felt saddened; you really wanted to know what George smelled.
“Thank you, Mr. Weasely. Well, that’s all for today, clean up.” Snape commanded, before going to his desk to grade. 
You quickly cleaned up your space, not looking up unless you had to. Speeding through cleaning, you finished swiftly, grabbed your messenger bag, and left the classroom. You speedwalked down the hall, maneuvering past a few fellow peers before making your way to the Black Lake. You finally let out a breath, your chest rising up and down as your heart raced inside your chest. You ran a hand through your hair, feeling like you were going to have a panic attack, but luckily you didn’t. Shutting your eyes, you took in a deep breath, letting the cold air encase and fill your lungs. 
“You’re pretty fast.” You heard, and you opened your eyes, your body tensing up. George. 
“Just needed some air.” You said simply, not turning around, as you crossed your arms, trying to warm yourself.
George watched you, digging the back of his heel in the grass as he awkwardly stuffed his hands in his cloak pockets. “Uh, yeah, it was pretty stuffy in there.” You didn’t reply, and George hastily cleared his throat before walking forward, standing beside you, but giving you enough space so that you were comfortable. He gave you a side-glance, noticing your sheepish expression. “Uh, why’d you leave the class so quickly?” He then asked, “And don’t tell me you needed air.”
You pursed your lips, looking at your shoes, “You don’t have to beat around the bush, you know.” You kicked the grass below you, sending specks of dirt into the air. “I can handle it.”
George furrowed his eyebrows, frowning. “Well, I know you smelled me in that Amortentia if that’s what you’re wanting me to say.” He spoke up, before looking out at the lake himself. A small smile drew itself on his lips as he continued. “I’ll… I’ll admit that I am pretty happy about it.”
You turned to look up at him, furrowing your own eyebrows as you stared at him, confused, bewildered. “What… What are you saying, George?”
George gave you a breathtaking smile, tilting his head to the side like a cute puppy before answering, “Do you want to know what I smelled?” He then asked, not even answering your question, confusing you even more, and really, filling you with dread. Anticipation. It’s terrible. Engulfing you and your senses until you felt like your mind was going crazy, crazy for George’s answer. Did he smell you? Or some other person? He took your hand, hesitant in his movements, but he took your cold hand in his. “I smelled peppermint, old books, a fresh breeze, and cherry pie.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, “What?” You felt like you were repeating yourself at this point. “Huh?”
“Well,” George began, “They all remind me of you.�� He finished, your mind racing from the words you had just heard to the way he softly stroked your knuckles with the soft pad of his thumb.
“So… What you’re putting down here… Is that you like me, and I like you?” You asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Mhmm.” George nodded, “I, uh, I really like you, Y/N.”
“Good.” You spoke up, feeling a bit giddy as you took a step closer, a smile gracing your face, “I really like you too, George.”
George took your other hands, warming both of them in his, he looked down at his hands, feeling his stomach swarm with butterflies, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. “Are you sure you didn’t smell Fred?” He asked, feeling a bit more confident to joke around, watching as you rolled your eyes and nodded.
“Yes, I am sure.” You spoke out with a laugh, “You’re the only Weasley that I know of that likes earl gray tea.”
It had been two years since that day, and you couldn't be happier. That Amortentia was what finally got George to get the guts to ask you out. And George, he was an angel. He had asked you the moment class ended, yes it was a bit nerve-racking, on both ends. But, it was perfect. He asked you out to Hogsmeade, where the two of you ate lunch and bought candy, before just walking with each other and talking about everything and anything. By the end of the day, when he was walking you back to the Slytherin Common Room, you were both hand in hand. 
Everything he does makes you fall deeper and deeper in love with him. You just loved everything about him. From the softness of his voice to the kindness in his eyes, and just the way he looked at you in general. It was all so pure and beautiful. Spending hours together, cuddling in front of the Gryffindor Common Room fire. Walking hand in hand through the halls, not caring about the looks you both got. Going to Hogsmeade together and George asking you to the Yule Ball. Pranking Fred together and just having a good time, not a care in the world. The past two years had been the best years of your entire life, you wouldn’t trade it for anything, but you were feeling guilty. 
You hadn't told George about your true last name. You were beyond worried. You didn't know what would happen if you did tell him. You didn't want to lose him. He was your best friend. Your boyfriend. You could only imagine how broken he would be if you told him that you were the child of a "murderer." Even though he wasn't, you knew everyone at Hogwarts thought he was. But, that was beside the point.
The point was that you were scared out of your mind. You were scared that George was going to realize how messed up your family was and break up with you. You didn't want that to happen. You never wanted to lose him. Half your mind was thinking the worst of everything, while the other side was being hopeful. You had hoped that George would understand and love you unconditionally. He was the light in your darkest hours. You knew you had to tell him eventually. He was the person that mattered most to you. And you knew it was time. So, you asked him to meet you at the Quidditch Pitch.
It was cold, the wind blowing a bit too harshly as you waited in the pitch, near one of the Gryffindor stands. As you stared into the distance, waiting for George to come, you heard footsteps approaching beside you. Turning your head, your smile widened as you spotted a familiar figure walking over at the edge of the pitch. You swallowed nervously when he made his way to you, you turning, sprinting, and jumping into his arms. He laughed happily, swinging you around in a few circles before putting you down on the green grass below. George kissed your forehead and then wrapped his arms around your waist, making sure his long black cloak was wrapped around you, keeping you warm. He pulled back slightly, gazing into your eyes as he smiled widely.
"Hi, Georgie." You blushed deeply, biting your lower lip as you looked back at him. 
"Hello, love," George muttered, bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks, leaning down to nuzzle his nose with yours.
You closed your eyes, smiling widely, your hand coming up to rest on the side of his neck, your freezing skin not bothering him. You opened your eyes to look into George's and, despite the cold weather, you were starting to feel warm again. Leaning up on the tip of your toes, you gently brushed your lips against his. You heard him hum happily, as he pressed forward, kissing you softly. When you broke apart, you rested your forehead against his, closing your eyes as a small chuckle left your lips. After another moment, he pulled back, smiling down at you.
"So," He breathed out, "Why did you want me to meet you here, instead of a nice, warm Common Room?"
Your smile faltered slightly as you intertwined George's fingers with yours. "I want to... Show you something." You spoke up nervously, before leading George to one of the Gryffindor stands of the Quidditch Pitch. 
George watched, his smile slowly fading and the more confused he got as he followed behind. He watched as you pushed the red and yellow fabric of the stand out of the way, walking under and in it. It was pretty dark and at this point, George was a bit worried, he could hardly see anything. Before he could say anything though, a bright light appeared from the tip of your wand, shining and lighting up the old rickety wood of the stand. He looked at you as you pursed your lips, staring at the old beams.
"I need to show you something." You finally spoke, repeating your words from before, pointing the light to a beam right in front of you. 
George took a closer look, seeing four names carved into it. 'James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black.' all in different handwriting, but next to their names were the words, 'The Marauders.'
"That's on the map Fred and I have." He spoke up, pointing to the ‘The Marauders’ carving, before looking over at you; watching as you traced over the last name, before pointing at it. 
"This is my dad." You muttered, tears welling up in your eyes as anxiety wormed its way into you.
George furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step toward you, "What… What do you mean?" He questioned, "Sirius Black is your dad?"
You nodded, letting out a shaky breath, "Yes. He is." You turned to look at George, "My real name is Y/N Black." George stayed silent, worrying you, so you continued, "Because of the accusations my father's dealing with, it is dangerous for me to go about with my true last name, so I go by my mother's. But... We've been together so long, and I love you so much... I couldn't keep this from you anymore." You felt the tears roll down your cheeks, "I'm sorry." 
George looked at you, completely shocked at your confession. You’ve kept this secret for so long, bottling it up inside you. George could see how worried you were, as the tears fell down your cheeks and you stared up at him with such desperation. Without even thinking, he brought you into his arms. Hugging you tightly to his chest, burying his nose into the crown of your hair, he tightened his grip on you, hoping that you could feel his love pouring out to you; holding you close as if you were going to disappear any minute.
You had confessed something so personal, something that could end you up in danger. George could see how relieved you were, sobbing in his arms, he knew how hard this must have been for you. He never could hate you, or change his mind about you. Never. You were his life, his little ball of sunshine on his gloomy days. You were his everything. After several moments, you both pulled away, looking at each other again. 
"Y/N..." George trailed off, looking you over once more. "My love, I don't care who your father is. I don’t care if you were a Malfoy or even a Filch for crying out loud. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." He quoted before continuing, “This doesn't change anything between us. I still love you. I always will." You let out a small sob, wrapping your arms back around his neck and burying your face into his chest once more. 
"Thank you." You mumbled, pulling away slightly to wipe your tear-stained cheeks. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
George smiled softly, tilting your chin up with his thumb before leaning down to press multiple kisses on your face; tear-stained cheeks, chin, forehead, nose, and lips. He held onto your face in his large hands, pressing his forehead against yours, “No, thank you. Thank you for loving me. I love you, Y/N Black." He whispered, nuzzling his nose with yours.
You smiled, placing your hands over his face, "I love you, George Weasley.” You then paused, furrowing your eyebrows as you thought back to George’s sweet words, “Wait, was that a Shakespeare quote?”
George chuckled lightly, feeling slightly embarrassed as he gazed down lovingly at you, "Yeah, my dad likes to read that stuff. But that’s besides the point. How about you and I go and prank Fred, and then after that, we can go flying, look at the stars?" You nodded eagerly, giggling slightly, wiping away the remaining tears on your face.
"Yeah. That would be perfect." You grinned brightly, "I'd love to go flying again with you." You reached up, grabbed the lapels of his robes, pulled him down to you, and planted a kiss on his cheek. You leaned against him as you walked, your head resting on his shoulder. Looking up at him as he glanced down at you, smiling softly, you saw your future right in front of you. Your heart fluttered, and your stomach flipped. George was perfect, he was the one. The one you were meant to be with. 
Taking your hand, George led you back to the school where you and he would plan out a funny prank on Fred. You walked through the deserted halls with him; a sense of peace surrounded you. Being with George was always so peaceful, he always put you at ease. You glanced up at George one last time, your smile growing as you swung your intertwined hands together, yes, life was sweet. 
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snamioneasks · 26 days
Hi, are there any fics where Snape and Hermione are both professors at hogwarts after the war. Or fics where snape is a known spy during the wars and him and Hermione have to work together? TIA
fics where snape is a known spy during the wars and him and Hermione have to work together
There are several - I actually love this trope! There is a subset of them that rewrite the last two or three books. I have listed the ones I know in these two posts: here and here.
Other fics that have them working together, but don't necessarily rewrite the books:
Memento Amori by Olethros - M, 17 chapters - COMPLETE. SSHG. A vicious attack leaves Hermione Granger unable to form new memories. Now she and Severus Snape must work together on a weapon that could destroy Voldemort. Yet how can she trust him when her past is unknown and her present uncertain?
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy - M, 49 chapters - In her seventh year, a latenight discovery changes Hermione Granger’s view on a great many things. Severus Snape is just one of them. Complete.
The Problem with Purity by Phoenix.Writing - M, 62 chapters - As Hermione, Harry, and Ron are about to begin their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, they learn some surprising and dangerous information regarding what it means to be Pure in the wizarding world. HG/SS with H/D. AU after OotP. When A Lioness Fights by kayly silverstorm - M, 80 chapters - Hermione Granger, master spy, and Severus Snape, spymaster to the Order. An unlikely partnership, forged to defeat the Dark Lord on his own ground. But to do so, they must confront their own darkness within. Spying, torture, angst and love. AU after fifth
The Professor’s Discretion by Twelve Years in Azkaban - T, 22 chapters - The only thing keeping Hermione out of trouble and Harry Potter alive is... the Professor's Discretion. AU.
fics where Snape and Hermione are both professors at hogwarts after the war
This isn't a trope that I read a lot (I love A Light in the Fog, though), but I'll list some fics I've seen recommended over the years. Also, check out our Hermione Granger: Professor tag.
A Light in the Fog by turtlewexler - M, 29 chapters - The last thing Severus remembers is overhearing a prophecy in a dingy, goat-scented pub. Now there’s a James Potter clone with Lily’s eyes, a much aged McGonagall, and an infuriatingly familiar woman with wild hair all saying he is not a loyal Death Eater. Looking in a mirror proves that he is, indeed, suddenly pushing fifty. All in all, not his best day. AU, EWE. *COMPLETE*
A Murder of Crows by Hogwarts 91 - M, 33 chapters - 14 yrs post-war: Hermione’s teaching at Hogwarts when an un-aged Snape awakens from stasis and returns to the school. Sparks fly when they meet. Can they learn to trust and love in time to defeat an evil plot bent on changing the wizarding world forever?
The sound of silence by Ellemphriem - M, 36 chapters - When Professor Granger appeared at Hogwarts as the new Potion Mistress, she wasn’t expecting to be the temporary guardian of a beautiful and highly charismatic child. Neither was she expecting that child to draw close to her a lonely man who was encased in forced silence. This man slowly showed her that silence had a deafening sound, if you listened close enough.
The Fine Art of Fine Print by Mundungus42 - M, 8 chapters - Hogwarts’ headmistress threatens the integrity of the school with her reforms, so the Minister sends his most talented Unspeakable undercover to bring her down from within. What Hermione finds will change her life forever. SSHG
The Charms of Hermione Granger by SallySlytherin - M, 19 chapters - Hermione returns to Hogwarts as the new Charms Professor. She’s determined to befriend Severus Snape, whether he likes it or not.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
I just discovered your blog and let me tell you : You're a breath of fresh air. I needed a break from the madness of the marauders stans. I hate how they stripped Snape of all his layers, all his complexity, and either gave it to Regulus or erase it. They reduced him to a one-dimensional bully. But the worst, is when they say that James and co. did nothing wrong, that they were just funny pranksters, that it was a RiValRY ( because 4 or 2 against 1 is clearly fair ). As someone who has been bullied as a child, that chapter made me want to vomit. How can anyone excuse that bs ?
Just to be clear, I will not excuse Snape's mistakes. He did fuck up many times, no excuses. But I truly believe that if he had a HEALTHY support system, and if there was therapy in the wizarding world, he would've never become a death eater. That guy joined Voldemort because he thought he had no choice, he pretended to be racist because he wanted to fit in. How can anyone be blind to that? And that's coming from someone who's had a crush on Sirius Black ( the adult one, the younger one can die ) before they turned him into a woke sissy.
That’s one of the biggest compliments I could ever receive, thank you so much 🥰
I completely agree, I don’t really have much of a problem if they think Severus is a bad person (he certainly was morally grey, so it isn’t that big of a reach), but there’s a difference between thinking a character is a bad person and stripping them of all their complexity and painting them to be a villain with zero redeeming qualities. Over the years, Severus has become a symbol of grey characters, and he is genuinely one of the most brilliantly-written characters I’ve ever seen or read. It’s so unfair of them to strip all that away and disregard his whole arc.
And the fact that they do all that while pretending like the most irrelevant characters ever (James and Reginald Regulus) had his best traits and were more canonically interesting than he is and then acting superior to Snape fans is insanely ridiculous. They do it with so much confidence too 💀 as if we were the ones who had to give the Character We Hate Whose Character We’ve Purposefully Simplified’s best traits to our non-existent faves.
As someone who has been bullied as a child, that chapter made me want to vomit. How can anyone excuse that bs ?
Ikr?? I read OoTP a few years before the same thing happened to me. And honestly, when I was a kid, every time I reread SWM after it happened I would get panic attacks. (It usually doesn’t happen now, but I still get filled with hatred whenever I read James physically immobilising and stripping Severus.)
I will not excuse Snape's mistakes. He did fuck up many times, no excuses. But I truly believe that if he had a HEALTHY support system, and if there was therapy in the wizarding world, he would've never become a death eater.
Absolutely. His trauma was left unattended and he was a 18/19 year old who was recruited by a charismatic man who promised his young followers power and respect. So many of the DEs we see in Harry’s time were recruited in their late teens/early twenties, and I think it really says a lot. Those are actual methods used in real life cults in order to groom, manipulate, and sometimes even emotionally blackmail people into joining. Severus was clearly a victim, and even if he had the worst intentions when joining, he eventually defected (and by eventually I mean literally less than two years) and fought for the light side 10 times longer than the amount he followed Voldy for, and he was vital to his demise. That more than makes up for it, and seeing people saying shit like “you’re not a hero for cleaning up milk you spilt” makes it clear that his haters have zero reading comprehension or critical thinking skills.
And that's coming from someone who's had a crush on Sirius Black ( the adult one, the younger one can die ) before they turned him into a woke sissy.
lol I’m still obsessed with both the adult and younger one
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Peace-weaver - freothwebbe
Severus is furious with Dumbledore when he realizes the man has just been raising Harry to die. 
Yes, Severus can admit he made mistakes with Potter (those things he saw in the boys mind during occlumency “lessons”, partly because if he only looked for James in the boy he wouldn’t have to see Lily in him. Lily who he got killed.
The thing is, Dumbledore in his dying rush and his belief that Severus will do precisely what he says gives out to much information. 
A horcrux. The boy is a horcrux and therefore is very, very valuable, if not precious to the Dark Lord.
So he goes to Voldemort, speaks of Dumbledore’s plans and the truth about Potter. 
Within a week, Voldemort, now that the Light has something he wants, is suing for peace. His main price being Harry Potter as his spouse.
Severus does what he can, and wrangles himself as part of the marriage by virtue of his vow to Lily’s child. He’s not excited. Really one spouse will be Voldemort the other Harry Potter...he’d never really imagined himself marrying but in a few fancies he’d thought his marriage partner/s would at least hopefully like him a bit. 
The Order of the Phoenix, representing Harry, the Light, and the Ministry, agrees with an odd add on of one Luna Lovegood as another spouse.
Severus was there at the meeting, having brought the proposal, ignoring Dumbledore’s glaring, and Luna Lovegood, permission to be in the meeting granted to her by her father, declared she’d be marrying with Harry. As, she said with a wry smile “a representative of lightside purebloods. (Severus knows the girl, who once insisted his hair was so greasy do to the amount of wrackspurts muddling his brain. Could care less about pureblood interests in general, but was quite loyal and the gratefulness on Potter’s face, realizing he wouldn't be marrying two adult men all by himself is telling about where Miss Lovegood’s loyalty lays.)
The perplexed look on Voldemort’s face when Severus shares memories of their future bride with him is... amusing to say the least, though he quickly stuffs that emotion back behind his occlumency shields.
Harry does not, under any circumstances want to marry Voldemort or Snape. In many ways two of the men responsible for his parents death. 
 He’d never even though of marrying Luna (but he is so very very happy that he will be now). 
But the pain he felt over Sirius’s death and the information Snape had given him (making Dumbledore also responsible in a way for his parents death and certainly for his miserable life up ‘til now.)
He knows why Snape did this, thinks that in a few years, he may even be grateful for Snape including himself in the situation. The man couldn’t have predicted Luna of course. (Who could?)
He doesn’t want others to loose their loved ones like he has, he doesn’t want more war orphans like himself and Neville. Part of the peace agreement his marriage will seal is a cessation of hostilities on Muggleborns and Muggles alike. Along with Some of Voldemort’s more violent Death Eaters remanded back to Azkaban. (Bellatrix, the lestranges, a few others.) The ones who can’t function in “real” life (not killing/torturing) at all. 
Their side, lead now by Amelia Bones, will see to a lessening of restrictions on certain of the Dark Arts.
There are protection clauses in the document as well. No torture for any of the spouses, no imprisonment disguised as protection.
It’s all very good, if one wasn’t you know a sixteen year old boy essentially being sold for peace. 
Amelia insists on meeting with him and Luna privately to have a straight forward conversation about it. She, being a rational and reasonable adult and politician was not happy having to have politics resolved by archaic marriage practice's and even less by one involving a sixteen year old boy and fifteen year old girl.
Harry is grateful that at least one adult seems to find this an actual problem. Molly had unfortunately just been crying about how she’d always hoped Ginny and Harry would marry, instead of realizing that maybe doing that right in his hearing wasn't very nice. 
As many discussion are had, eventually betrothal documents are signed and both dark and light side come together to plan the wedding of the century. 
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estimebongu98 · 2 years
Top 5 worst and best fathers in Harry Potter
Worst fathers:
Marvolo Gaunt: People who only watched the movies probably have no idea who Marvolo Gaunt is. He gets skipped over there but is prominent in flashbacks we get in the books. For those unaware, he was Tom Riddle's (aka Voldemort) maternal grandfather. Marvolo had two children of his own, Morfin and Merope. Marvolo believed pure-blood wizards were better than everyone else. He was cruel, vile, and evil. That was especially true to his daughter Merope. He abused her to the point where she couldn't even use her magic anymore. Marvolo was one of the few characters in the series with zero redeeming qualities.
Tobias Snape: Although we don’t know much about Severus Snape's father, we have a bad feeling about him based on one remark from a young Severus to a young Lily: ‘he doesn’t like anything, much’. There is also the insinuation that Tobias Snape, a Muggle, was not a fan of magic despite having a child with a witch. Again, as Snape says, he doesn’t like anything much. We also know that Snape’s parents had frequent arguments – and when a young Lily asks Snape how ‘things are at your house’ – Snape simply responds with a ‘little crease’ between the eyes. Tobias had a very poor relationship with both his wife and his son. When Severus was younger, Tobias frequently shouted at Eileen, and would often hit her, whilst their son crouched in a corner, crying. Severus too was also physical abuse by Tobias. Tobias's treatment towards his son and wide caused the former to despise Muggles in general, given his contempt towards Petunia. The unhappy memories of the Snape home would haunt Severus into adulthood and it is what made Snape a bitter, contemptuous, cruel, and resentful person (the bullying only just added to this).
Barty Crouch Sr: This was a tough one to include because we don't know a ton about his time as a father. We do know that Barty Crouch was a decorated official, spoke hundreds of languages, and was an important member of the magical society. His son, Barty Crouch Jr., was a different story. His being a Death Eater might not be his dad's fault but it could have had an effect. We read about his poor treatment of his house elf and he might have been similar to his son. When Barty Crouch Jr. got in trouble, his dad didn't even try to hear him out. His reputation came before his child.
Lucius Malfoy: In a lot of ways, Lucius Malfoy is very similar to Vernon Dursley. Both men believe their kind is better than everyone else, both show disdain for Harry Potter, and both love their sons. Lucius spoiled Draco to the same level that Vernon did Dudley. He was motivated only by his desire to see his son succeed - only since he did this by means of hardness, we’re rather less inclined to let his behavior slide. Lucius was proud of Draco, certainly, but rarely displayed it with affection, and if he’d turn his tongue to sweetness even sometimes, his son might have grown up less obsessed with status and power. It was Lucius who set Draco against Harry, and Lucius who led his son under the wing of the Dark Lord, and Lucius who, until the very last minute, prioritized power over his family. A bad dad, if ever there was one.
Vernon Dursley: Here's a case of a dad being on the "worst" list and still being a loving father. From everything we see, Vernon Dursley adores his son Dudley. He is especially nasty to Harry and it is made clearer by how much he dotes on his son. But therein lies the problem. In reality – Vernon gave Dudley way too much leeway and he was feeding Dudley with the same flaws he had within himself, and by (alongside Petunia) spoiling Dudley with everything he ever wanted, he created a materialistic monster: an arrogant, petulant bully. The kid becames too overweight for his own health, demanded gifts from his parents, and showed nobody respect. That's because Vernon never did anything to stop it. He just believed his son was a "little tyke" and played off every issue Dudley had like it wasn't serious. How could he possibly have predicted that? Thankfully, it did turn out that Dudley had a thoughtful streak in him somewhere, as discovered when he shook Harry's hand upon his departure from Privet Drive – so his father-taught morals can’t have been 100-per-cent poor.
Honorable mentions for worst fathers: Tom Riddle Sr, Phineas Nigellus Black, Cygnus Black II, Arcturus Black II, Cygnus Black III, Orion Black.
Best fathers:
Arthur Weasley: Considering how many children Arthur Weasley has, it's a good thing he's such a great father. Arthur is pure in more than just his magical blood. He's a genuinely nice guy with a lovable affinity for all things muggle related. But his most endearing quality is how good of a dad he is. Arthur is always there for all seven of his kids and he takes Harry in like a member of the family. You can count on Arthur to give a pep talk, stand up and fight Lucius Malfoy, or crack a dad joke. He is the ideal father figure of the entire story and showed it to many of the characters. It’s testament to his fantastic fathering that he managed to lend his likeness to no fewer than seven siblings – and that none of them turned out terrible.
Amos Diggory: We first met Amos Diggory in the early stages of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He greeted the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione on the way to the Quidditch World Cup. There, he bragged and boasted about his son Cedric. It was kind-hearted and just a case of being a proud papa. From everything that we see, Amos Diggory is a great dad. He has a close relationship with Cedric and he raised a tremendous kid. Cedric was smart, respectful, and humble. When Cedric was murdered by Lord Voldemort, Amos' reaction is one of the saddest moments in the entire series. He was devastated by the loss of the son he loved more than anything else.
James Potter: It can be difficult to place James Potter here because he was deprived of his chance to be a proper father to Harry, dying at the hands of Voldemort as he attempted to defend his wife and infant son. But from what we learn about James, he was a fantastic father to his infant son. Especially when you consider how he handled Harry being in danger. James chose to stay back and fight against Lord Voldemort to protect his son, and that's a fight he knew he would lose, yet he took it on anyway for his child. The mere fact of his self-sacrifice would have been enough to get him on this list, but even after death he proved himself to be a devoted guardian to Harry. He appeared to him in the Mirror of Erised, the manifestation of Harry’s heart’s desire; he emerged from the tip of Voldemort’s wand and even as a shadow attempted to help his only offspring survive; and the Resurrection Stone brought him back for a final time, when he gave Harry the strength he needed to survive his last, terrible battle. Even Harry would roll his eyes at the idea that James lived on in him – but it’s true, and we need only look to Snape's unabated loathing as proof. Harry later avenged his father when he killed Voldemort at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts. It's also seen that James calls Harry by a name of affection, he has on different occasions referred to him as "son". Harry eventually named is eldest son in honour of his father and godfather, James Sirius Potter.
Xenophilius Lovegood: His parenting techniques might have been somewhat ad hoc, but there is no denying that Xenophilius did all he could to be a good father to Luna. He raised her, mostly, alone, he guarded her from Wrackspurts, and even if he did bring paraphernalia into their home that could have blown them both apart, he didn’t mean to, and that’s the main thing. Betrayal of the Chosen One isn’t something we’d usually highlight as a laudable quality in a wizard (it’s actually largely frowned upon, except by certain Slytherins) but the depth of his devotion to his unusual daughter was highlighted in Deathly Hallows, where he orchestrated the near capture of Harry in a desperate attempt to save Luna.
Lyall Lupin: Yes, you may be surprised to see Lyall here, seeing as it was due to his unfortunate run-ins with Fenrir Greyback that Remus Lupin first became a werewolf. But this kind man, who married a Muggle, spent his entire life looking for a cure for his son – and loving him, despite his lycanthropic little problem that he inadvertently caused. Suffice to say, Lyall made a mistake getting on the wrong side of Fenrir, but never stopped seeking redemption.
Honorable mentions for best fathers: Ted Tonks, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter (no Cursed Child), Frank Longbottom, Remus Lupin.
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Hello, I’d like to request a oneshot, please.
being snapes favorite student and lord voldemort having interest in the student. It all started at a death eater meeting. Voldemort x Fem reader. Thank you <3🖤
Hello dear💖, here's your request.
Voldemort x death eater reader 🖤Two black souls✨
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Slithering, hissing and momentarily staring, the snake favored the dark lord. A pet I would call it, but the dark lord favored another kind of kindred spirit, the kind that would be loyal and amusing. That person was me and no I was certainly not Bellatrix, she lost her chance. I attended Hogwarts a school full of Mud bloods and half-bloods, I would be under the protection of Severus Snape thanks to someone’s persuasion. Sitting in class wasn’t a problem, of course Malfoy feared me, Potter loathed me.
It was hard trying to coordinate the meetings and classes, but Snape would use an excuse that would have Dumbledore fooled. I would never cross that man in honesty he was quite powerful. I would act natural although I was given house points thanks to Snape. I would talk to the man often; it would be about the next potions class or meeting. I grew to sympathise with him even if it were very little.
Voldemort would allow me to sit by him, I could see Bellatrix’s glares, if it were up to the woman, she would kill me. I had no care; I was all that mattered, and no one can say a word. The dark lord couldn’t feel any affections for anyone and yet he favoured me the most.
I remembered the day he nearly ended up having a moment with me, I was sitting outside the meeting spot.
“How very despicable child, your fellow ally had failed me to retrieve the prophecy” he sneered “hm indeed, Malfoy was always pathetic”. I could tell the dark lord smiled; he would punish the man by killing him if he had to. “I would kill him off, although Draco may be useful, I may use the boy as a ploy for his torture”.
I smiled, his fingers brushed against my cheek “quite loyal, you’re the only one whom won’t betray me”. “Indeed” my eyes reached into the dark lord’s red ones “I thought Draco should join us, he’s missing out on our fun”.
We both sat on the edge of the meeting yard, discussing ways to punish Malfoy.
The dark lord shall forever be the one I truly love; I won’t allow anyone else to tell me otherwise. Just before the battle of Hogwarts hit, I did something forbidden.
“My child, so loyal and obtainable” I could feel the man press his lips against my skin “Indeed my master”. I placed my lips upon his “I shall win for you” I could only hope once he wins potter shall be out of the picture and I’ll forever be his.
Anyway's that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta✨
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axxnniee · 3 years
i swear, nothing will ever irritate me more in this fandom than people saying harry should have became a professor. it's my most hated headcanon and it literally makes no sense.
harry was made for being an auror.
harry loves adventures and that's something easy to spot. he thought that meeting fluffy for the first time was a great adventure and was keen on having another one. he felt quite exited to break into damn ministry to steal the horcrux from umbridge for fuck's sake. y'all really think he would sit all day in a castle teaching children? it's noticeable even in such thing as quidditch, this guy just has to move and do something. he would waste himself, his youth and his potential as a teacher.
he has everything a great auror (which he is) needs. he's very observant and notices little details; he always noticed all the little movements someone did and was able to connect it with situation (vernon pretending to read the newspaper cause his eyes weren't moving, hagrid clutching his umbrella tighter at mention of his wand, hermione having book upside down and way more). even right after waking up in gof he was able to say something bad was happening only by the sounds. he is also able to connect the dots: he was the one who had put all the facts together and realize why no one died from basilisk while basing it only on paper left by hermione, he realized bellatrix had horcrux in her vault by her reaction and he realized voldemort was after elder wand only basing on xenophilius' story about deahtly hallows (and that he's ignotus' descendant).
he's great at dada, good at transfiguration, charms, herbology, and even potions. at everything needed to be an auror. he's very powerful; his accidental magic was powerful, he casted a full patronus that drove away hundreds of dementors at age of 13, was able to stand up to imperius, even the one casted by voldemort himself. he was really good at duelling and managed to do it even with death eaters.
not to mention that he's really good at working under stress. and even though his plans don't always work, his intuition never fails. intuition told him to touch quirrell's face, to put on sorting hat, to destroy diary and way more.
he's brave, he's tough and works hard when the matter is really important.
harry WANTED to be an auror ever since crouch jr told him he'd make a good one. he mentioned this position during his career advice. he didn't even want to teach his classmates at first and you think he'd want to teach hundreds of students same things all over again and later having to check their essays? harry isn't the most socialising person and teacher works requires socialising more than auror's one. he would get tired.
and most important; auror's job is to defeat the dark wizards. to prevent them from killing anyone. you know how many babies lose their parents because of such actions? and you know who exactly knows how it feels like? auror harry potter. he would never let any more child lose their parents and any dark wizard to kill someone again. he wants to help people, he wants to reduce the evilness in this world. and after war, he would never sit back and relax knowing that death eaters are still around.
and the argument that ministry did so many bad things is one of the shittiest things i've ever heard. yes, ministry treated him shitty. and you know who else? quirinus quirrell, gilderoy lockhart, bartemius crouch junior, dolores umbridge, severus snape. what they have in common? they are defence against the dark arts teachers. almost everyone treated him like a piece of shit and that consists also of both ministry and hogwarts. but let's notice that the main problems at the ministry were fudge, umbridge, lucius malfoy and later scrimgeour (not counting corrupted ministry). all of them left by the time harry joined ministry.
besides, y'all really believe mcgonagall would let him teach when she literally argued with umbridge promising to make him an auror?
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syndromealice-blog · 3 years
Why Lily was a bad friend
I always read something like: Lily was a good girl, the best friend, but Snape was a Death Eater and he was obsessed.
I didn’t notice her like a character at all, she was more a neutral to me, because everyone said, that she was so good and so beautiful and so awesome. She was Harry’s mother and I understood that she is an important for Harry and to some people. But then I read The prince’s tale. Oh, well. How can I start? The first thing, that I didn’t like: she used Severus even they were a children. He told everything about Hogwarts and Wizarding World. I think that was a reason why she wanted to be his “friend”. Lily lived with her sister, who hated her and when Lily realized that she is a witch, she was happy, because now Lily has some privileges.
When Lily came to Hogwarts Express, there was a scene:
"You didn't think it was such a freak's school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you."
Petunia turned scarlet.
"Beg? I didn't beg!"
"I saw his reply. It was very kind."
"You shouldn't have read " whispered Petunia, "that was my private ¨how could you ?"
Lily gave herself away by half-glancing toward where Snape stood nearby. Petunia gasped.
"That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!"
"No" Now Lily was on the defensive. "Severus saw the envelope, and he couldn't believe a Muggle could have contacted Hogwarts, that's all!
Okay, now it seems, like she actually defense Severus, but no. She said, that Severus did that. Severus saw, Severus found... why? She defense herself, not Severus. I had the same situation in childhood and I defended my friend and said it was my fault. Lily literally enjoyed this moment, when she can show to her sister who is a muggle and who is a witch.
Then in Hogwarts:
"...thought we were supposed to be friends?" Snape was saying, "Best friends?"
"We are, Sev, but I don't like some of the people you're hanging round with! I'm sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he's creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?"
Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face.
"That was nothing," said Snape. "It was a laugh, that's all"
"It was Dark Magic, and if you think that's funny "
Yeah, Lily, it was a dark magic, but why you wasn’t terrifying, what James and Sirius did to your “best friend”? Or you are so good and so kind only to rich boys? Or maybe you just didn’t care.
Severus asked a logical question:
"What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?" demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment.
"What's Potter got to do with anything?" said Lily.
Oh, my God. Of course, you don’t know.
"They sneak out at night. There's something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?"
"He's ill," said Lily. "They say he's ill "
"Every month at the full moon?" said Snape.
"I know your theory," said Lily, and she sounded cold. "Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they're doing at night?"
He is obsessed? No, Lily, you are obsessed with defense. They bullied him all years in Hogwarts. Of course Severus hate them, it’s a normal reaction. I know, people can say, that Lily was a child, but when I was a fifteen years old, I wasn’t so stupid.
"I'm just trying to show you they're not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are."
The intensity of his gaze made her blush.
"They don't use Dark Magic, though." She dropped her voice. "And you're being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever's down there.
They don’t use Dark Magic though
He don’t use Dark Magic though
"I know James Potter's an arrogant toerag," she said, cutting across Snape. "I don't need you to tell me that. But Mulciber's and Avery's idea of humor is just evil. Evil, Sev. I don't understand how you can be friends with them."
A boy, who bully others not a bad, he is just a toerag. Mmmmmnmmmm
Then was a mudblood scene. She literally smiled, she didn’t help, she said: LeAvE hIm aLoNe. What? If my friend was hung upside down, I certainly wouldn't say leave him alone. I would curse the bully properly and go straight to the headmaster or at least to the teacher. Why Lily didn’t go to the headmaster or to the teachers earlier? She just didn’t care about Severus at all. Because I can’t explain, why fifteen years old girl, who sees every day, that James Potter bully her “best friend” and she does nothing. Then Severus called her a mudblood. I have one theory and I believe that’s a canon. Levicorpus was Severus’s spell. He created it. And why Lily had a successes in potions? I am sure, that Severus gave own book to her and she saw all spells. Levicorpus is non-verbal spell and no one can learn it just by hearing. So, Lily gave book to James. He read this spell and used it. If this is true (at least it seems logical), so Lily is a fucking piece of shit. She gave best friend’s book where were a hints to his bully.
Then Lily was angry and said:
Fine,' she said coolly. 'I won't bother in future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus.'
Later, when Severus try to apologize, she said:
To call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?"
Yeah, girl. Like YOU, rich and beautiful human, said to poor, ugly friend wash your pants. It was a classism.
"It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends ¨ you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?"
Okay, if you already saw that he is so bad and awful, why you continued this “friendship” Why? Nobody actually forced you. Why? If he wasn’t good enough, just say: Sorry, but I think, I don’t want to be your friend anymore. That’s it. You literally can do this.
Three years later Lily was married with James, who was “ an arrogant toerag”. Hmmm, okay. Sirius and Remus said, that James didn’t bully anyone but Severus. Lily didn’t know about it. Sorry, I don’t believe.
Lily didn’t care about Severus and their “friendship”. She gaslighted him all the time. She saw how difficult was his childhood, she saw his abusive father and their life before school. She didn’t help when James bullied him. And no, saying LEAVE HIM ALONE is not a help. If she wanted to help, she did it. Lily used Severus in Potions, before school, when he told everything about Wizarding World and then she gave his book to his bully. She is not a friend. She is just a girl, who wanted something from Severus. And yes, everyone say: IT’S NOT HER JOB, HE BECAME TO A DEATH EATER AND USED DARK MAGIC. She knew that all the time. If this was a problem, she could leave. If she was terrified about death eaters shit, she could talk with him. She knew how difficult life he has. It’s not her job, that’s right. Or maybe she is just a shitty friend?
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I’m Trying to be Serious, I Swear
Severus Snape x Reader
You take your seat next to your father as the Death Eaters file in. They all sit in their assigned seats. There is a tense silence before the last seat is filled and the Dark Lord calls the meeting to order.
"As you all know, the Triwizard Tournament's Maze is happening soon. Or for you incompetent idiots, I'm going to have my body back soon. For that to happen, I have tasks that will be done. Crabbe, you'll be making sure the Ministry is occupied with the Tournament. Barty, you'll get the cup and make it a Portkey. Oh, and keep up the charade of Moody for that waste of space also known as Potter. Y/N darling, you'll accompany Severus to get the required Potion ingredients for in the graveyard. Do I make myself clear?"
Severus clears his throat.
"My Lord, with all due respect, I don't think it necessary-"
"Y/N will assist you Severus. They are very competent and resourceful."
"I wasn't saying otherwise."
"Smart boy. Y/N, do you have a problem with this arrangement?"
"No, my Lord."
"Very good. You are dismissed."
You sigh as everyone stands and leaves. Snape takes one look at you before he turns and walks out of the room, his robes billowing behind him. You quickly stand and follow his retreating form.
"Look Snape, I realize you don't want to be forced into this arrangement with me, so-"
He turns so suddenly, causing you to shut up.
"Yes, why would I possibly want Father's pet, the Dark Lord's darling, to accompany me on a task that I could easily accomplish on my own? Just because you have his blood in your veins doesn't mean you're going to be getting special treatment from me. I don't know what you're expecting from this 'arrangement', but don't expect me to worship the ground you walk on just because you're the Dark Lord's child."
"Listen here. You might think that I got my position on that seating chart because of the blood in my veins, but that is far from true. Those morons seated around that table believe that,  but I expected you to be smarter than that. My father is the most evil wizard of all time. Do you really think he'd give up the most coveted position just to satisfy his child's wishes? He made me earn that spot and I'll be damned if you don't give me credit just because you think I'm a daddy's bitch."
He scoffs.
"How could you possibly earn that position if it wasn't just became of your parentage?"
"How about successfully taking the Crucatious Curse ten times in a row? How about successfully casting the Imperious on a grown adult at the age of 8? How about being made to use the Killing Curse on the House Elf that was your childhood friend?"
He blinks at you in surprise.
"Oh, I didn't know..."
"Yeah, you didn't exactly ask, now did you? Now I'm willing to work with you if you agree to stop being a bigot."
You start walking again, leaving him no choice but to follow.
"We need Moonlily root. The best place to find this is in the forest on the Full Moon."
"Wrong, but nice try."
He turns and looks at you incredulously.
"Excuse me?"
"You may be excused for your idiotic mistake."
He chuckles lowly.
"Then how do you get a Moonlily root, Oh Wise One?"
"Moondaisy root is found on the Full Moon. Moonlily root is found the day after the Full Moon. The two are similar and commonly get mixed up."
He raises an eyebrow.
"I'm pretty sure you're wrong."
You cock your head to the side and just look at him.
"What?" He asks.
"I was just wondering if your ass is jealous of how much shit comes out of your mouth."
He growls.
"I'm trying to be the mature one here Y/N. But you're making it very hard."
"And your point is....?"
He runs his hand down his face in exasperation.
"Is there a problem Sev?" you ask sweetly.
"You're the problem."
"Aw, save the compliments for the second date."
He drops his hand and sighs.
"You know, you're quite attractive when you're frustrated."
"Yes. Hmmm, I wonder how'd you look flustered."
"Let's not find out."
"Why not?"
You jut out your lip and pout at him.
"How in the hell is Voldemort's child so immature?"
"Maybe I'm acting so immature because I'm in the presence of a sexy man."
He blushes.
"Well, I, uhm.."
"I'm guessing that you don't get hit on often?"
"Frankly, no."
"That's a pity."
"How so?"
"It's a pity that almost everyone has such bad taste. But I'm not complaining. That means I get you to myself."
"Considering we are acquaintances at best, it's a little early to be claiming me."
"Nah. You'll be mine. Good things come to those who wait."
You wink at him.
"Well, uhm."
He clears his throat.
"We should research where to find the Moonlily root since we have conflicting views."
You step over to him and lock arms with him.
"Yes, let us."
You start walking and he doesn't disconnect your arms.
"I told you it was the day after the Full Moon Sev."
"Okay, fine. I was wrong. You were right. Would you please stop rubbing it in?"
"Only if you take me on a date to make up for you arguing with me."  
He looks at you oddly.
"You want to go on a date with me?"
"Yes, I'll be ready at 8. I'll see you then. Don't be late."
You kiss his cheek and walk away, leaving a blushing, grinning Severus Snape behind you.  
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justhinako · 3 years
What's your "There I said it" about Harry Potter.
posting this here because I'm a coward who can't answer the question in quora.
1. James is an ego-centric prick, who can't accept a no for an answer. He's a creep who can't stop chasing after a girl who repeatedly said no to him. He's a bully, not a prankster. He never changed, he went behind Lily's back despite promising her to never bully Snape again. It showed how manipulative he can be. He only respects people who he thinks deserves it and isn't genuinely good. He's not even a feminist icon. He reminds me of the tiktoker who thought it'll be funny to repeatedly ask a girl out until she exploded.
2. POA Severus Snape is not in the wrong for telling the students about Remus wolfy issue. It also wasn't his fault Remus wasn't able to drink his potion, it's not his job to babysit Remus and make sure he drinks his potion. Remus is an adult he should know when to drink his potion without Severus watching over him.
3. Remus Lupin is a coward, and doesn't deserve Tonks or Teddy. He choose to not tell Dumbledore how Sirius is going around because he's a coward, who think that how Dumbledore sees him is way more important and a child-- than children's lives inside the castle.
4. Harry doesn't have a saving people thing. Remember that the first thing he does whenever there's a problem that arise. He tells a teacher. He asks other people to handle it, Hermione projected her "saving people thing" to Harry.
5. Ginny's only purpose was to be Harry's girl. I hate that she wasn't well developed, and became the female version of Harry Potter instead of being herself or the fact that she was only there so JKR can have her shitty parallels.
6. Hermione is way too harsh(that's no the word I want to use but too many will come after me if used the word) The birds, the scar on Marietta, and what she did to Skeeter. Some will say that they deserved it, Rita did. Ron and Marietta? Ron absolutely did not deserve a bunch of birds to peck him. Marietta is a more complicated case, Hermione is dubbed as the smartest witch of her age and her fans are always glorifying that. She should've been able to find any other spell that won't ruin someone's self-esteem/confidence and should've had follow up plans after they discovered who the traitor was. She did it to protect her friends, yes and I respect her for that. But it was confirmed that there were scars on Marietta's face right after, its Hermione's magic at work remember that. And also she could've told them the repercussions on signing at the paper, it didn't even need to be right before they sign it.
7. One does not and will never equate to four. Yes, Severus wasn't defenseless. He can protect himself but using "they're rivals" as an excuse or "they were pranksters and Snape was already a death eater." Does not justify the sexual assault, and constant bullying. His hate towards the marauders is justifiable, and is okay.
8. Snape had no business to be cruel, and harsh to his students. Given he didn't choose to be a teacher, but the way he insulted Hermione's physical appearance, always calling her a know-it-all, just generally is bad towards Neville, and is mad to a whole house of children who didn't know, and wasn't connected towards his issues. Except for the fact that they're in the same house as his bullies. They had no connections whatsoever with the Marauders who admittedly were horrible . Harry I'd understand, but at the end of the day. Snape is a 30 year old man who should've known better. He shouldn't have taken out pent up anger towards his students.
9. Hagrid should never have been a professor. "Danger" to him is different than other people's "danger".
10. I hate the ending of Harry Potter.
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believinghurts · 4 years
Their Daughter
Relationship: Regulus Black x niece!Reader, Remus Lupin x Black!reader, Severus Snape x Black!reader, Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Warnings: Insecurities 
Summary: What would have happened if Regulus hadn’t died and Sirius had a daughter whose the same age as Harry? What if Regulus raised her with the help of some friends? What when Sirius comes back from Azkaban and Harry shows up to live at Grimmuald Place? This is the story of Alianova Jane Black.  Voices coming from downstairs stirred Ali from her peaceful sleep. Glancing at the clock on her nightstand she saw that it was only 9am which was pretty early for her and everyone else that lived in her house. Normally her Uncle Reg would be awake, but would be quietly reading till she came down later in the morning since she didn’t have school due to it being summer. Summers were Ali’s favorite time of the year; she got to spend time with her Uncles Regulus, Remus, and Severus. They had raised her since her father was shipped off to Azkaban for the murder of his best friends. They normally didn’t talk about her father in the house since her grandmother hated him and Regulus and him didn’t get along. Uncle Remus didn’t say a lot about him either. She knew that at one point they were best friends in school. 
Although they didn’t talk about him a lot Aunt Cissa often said that Ali looked a lot like him with her dark brown hair and grey eyes. No one knew who her mother was since she left Ali at her fathers doorstep when she was six months old. According to Grandmother she was the product of a one night stand, she never said Ali was an accident unlike how she had heard some of the other parents call their children. She often said she was a blessing when she was alive. Grandfather died before her dad went to Azkaban, and Uncle Reg almost died from an Inferi attack caused by the Dark Lord. She went to live with her Uncle when she was one and a half. Her Godparents oblivious couldn’t take her seeing as they were dead. And Remus needed help with her due to his monthly problem which was how she ended up here. Grandmother died when Ali was five, but we weren’t around her a lot to begin with. Regulus didn’t want my views on life tainted by hers, so he often kept Ali out of the house we shared with her or just with him in general. Her portrait still hung in the hall, constantly talking to whoever would listen. 
Unbeknownst to anyone else Ali knew that her father had escaped his prison last year. She also knew that he came to Hogwarts and sought out her Godbrother Harry instead of her. She knew her Uncle Remus, who was working at Hogwarts during the time, tried his hardest to make sure she didn’t know. Ali had not only overheard the Golden Trio talking about it as well as Regulus and Remus’s conversation about it during one of his visits. No one had mentioned it, but if they did she wouldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt. Why wouldn’t he seek her out? She was his daughter, not Harry. Wasn’t I what he wanted? She thought time and time again. She heard a few stories from Remus, the few times he talked about Sirius, that he loved her a lot when she was a baby. Constantly doting on her and playing with her, she even slept with him as a baby. So why not me? She couldn’t help but wonder.
Shaking herself from her thoughts, she hopped out of bed slipping her feet into her fluffy socks to rid the chill of Grimmauld Place floor. Athena was bouncing around in her cage begging to be let out. The commotion downstairs seemed to be getting louder the longer it went on. She quickly opened the cage and window letting Athena be free knowing she would probably be back with a letter from her best friends Draco, and Theo at some point in the day. Once she opened her door she realized that all of her Uncles were downstairs as well as someone else whose voice she didn’t recognize. The talking didn’t stop once she got the door opened so she decided to tiptoe down the stairs in hopes of catching what was being said. Her plans were ruined once Grandmothers portrait caught sight of her; she just had to talk. 
“Good morning, my darling girl. How did you sleep last night? You’re Uncle has been making such a ruckus, and in my house of all things.” 
She rolled my eyes, praying that the people downstairs were too busy yelling at one another to notice the noise coming from the hall. But Ali was wrong. 
“Alianova, I know you are not trying to eavesdrop are you?,” Remus said causing the others to fall silent. 
She pasted the most innocent smile on her face that she could muster up before continuing down the stairs. “Me? Eavesdropping? Of course not, Uncle Rem. I was just- just talking with Grandmother.” 
She moved to him as he rolled his eyes at her oblivious lie before pulling her to his chest in a hug. “I missed you, Ali.” He whispered into her ear. Remus and Ali had always been close. Grandmother didn’t like him coming to the house much, though she allowed once in a while if Ali asked nicely enough, but Regulus always made sure that Ali would get to see him at least once a week. After Grandmother passed Remus started to come over more often taking her to the book stores in Muggle London. She knew that as children there had been a tension between Regulus and Remus, but over the years it seemed to have vanished leaving the two to have a friendship of sorts that was even present while Ali was at Hogwarts. “I missed you, too. Why haven’t you been coming around? I’ve been out of school for three weeks and this is the first time I’ve seen you…” 
After everything that happened with her father it deeply hurt that Remus hadn’t come to see her. She frequently wondered if he had decided that Harry was better than her as well. She saw his eyes glance up to the third man in the room before answering, “I had a few things to take care of. I’ll be around a lot more, promise Ali.” 
He gave her one more squeeze before passing her off to Severus who was looking rather annoyed by the fact that he was being ignored by the only child he could stand. Like Remus, she was also close to Severus. She knew that most people saw him as cold and mean, but that was only the front he put up to the outside world. Around her he was talkative, and another father figure. Since he worked at Hogwarts she could be found in his office in some of her free time working on homework or helping him with potions for Madam Pompfrey. He was there for her when she came to Hogwarts nervous to be around some many people at once. He watched her get sorted into Ravenclaw and cry when she thought that she was going to be a disappointment to Remus for not getting Gryffindor, and Regulus for not getting Slytherin. He was in no way the “fun” Uncle, but he was a big support in her life. 
Severus patted the top of her head as she hugged his torso. He wasn’t a touchy feely person though he made exceptions for Ali. “Good morning, Alianova.” 
He was the only person who called her by her full first name. Most called her Nova with the exclusion of Remus who called me Ali, and Regulus who called me A, Al, or Ali Jane when she was in trouble. Ali rolled her eyes up to Sev’s face with her nose scrunched up to show that she still despised being called that. She saw his lips quirk a little on the sides in response knowing that if it was just him and Ali he would have smiled some. Deciding to play dirty right back Ali uttered a  “Good morning Uncle Sevvy.” 
His normal scowl fell back into place upon hearing his hated nickname she had given him as a child. Remus chuckled hearing it while the other man in the room stared at them with what appeared to be disbelief etched on his features. She cocked her head looking in his directions trying to think of where she had seen his face before. It wasn’t hard to place it. It was Sirius Black. His face was plastered all over The Daily Profit last year, and she had also seen a few photos of him in the attic. His eyes took in all the features on her face as if he was analyzing her. She shifted uncomfortably on her feet from the attention. Behind her Remus and Severus shared a look while Regulus stepped back into the room. 
Noticing the tension that had fallen he decided to speak, “What, princess? Everyone gets a good morning but me? And to think I had Kretcher make you pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast.” 
Ali moved to the man who had been her father for as long as she could remember. She never called him Dad, but it was what he was. He was only twenty when she was thrown into his life, but even then he didn’t let Grandmother do a lot for her. She learned as she got older that he was part of the Death Eaters as well as Severus. They didn’t hide it from her explaining what it was and how they came to be them. According to her Uncles and Aunts, Regulus changed when she came into his life. He was static, showed little emotion, and never smiled. That was the side to Regulus Black that she had never seen. He smiled, was often goofy, and openly expressed his love for her multiple times throughout the day. She knew that this was because he didn’t want her to grow up how he and his brother had, with no love shown. Which was why he was the only to get up with her when she was a baby and let her sleep in his bed after nightmares. Some said that Grandmother raised her till she died and she just had nowhere else to go which couldn’t be further from the truth. Regulus had raised her from a young age of twenty giving his life to make sure hers was perfect, often going against what Grandmother wanted of Ali. He fed her, taught her to read and play piano, let her cuddle in his bed and watched Muggle telly on Sundays, called Narcissa when she had girl problems, and altogether just loved her, often not caring who saw that side of him. 
Ali kept her eyes trained on the man who was supposed to be her father while tucking herself under Regulus’s arm. Sensing that she knew who Sirius was, Regulus pulled her tight, pressing a kiss to her head before speaking, “If I’m correct you know who this is right, Al?” 
She nodded her head, unable to speak, afraid that the tears she was holding would come through. At her nod Sirius stepped forward slowly as if she would be frightened like an animal. “Hi there, sweetheart. You really do look like me, uh?” 
Gulping slightly she nodded once again. She wasn’t sure what to do. Does she introduce herself? Does she say hi? She looked up at Remus and Severus who were both watching the exchange, the latter more like glaring at Sirius whereas the former was ready to step in at a second notice. She turned her head to look at Regulus next, hoping he would give her directions on what to do. He tilted his head to the side letting her know that it was okay to speak. “H-hi. I’m Alianova. Alianova Jane Black.” 
The man before her smiled brightly. “Hi, love. I’m Sirius, your dad. But I think you already knew that.” She nodded again. Tears were swimming in her eyes again because she knew that this shouldn't have been the first time she met him. She should have met him months ago when he came for her instead of Harry. Harry; the golden boy with his golden friends; who had enough family issues that he gets pity while her family who was also torn apart that night gets nothing but looks of disgust all for being a Black. She caught herself wondering at times if her life would have been different if she was a Lupin or a Snape or maybe even a Malfoy. And it made her angry standing in front of the man who not only brought her into the world as a Black, but also left her that fateful night in order to pursue revenge without even thinking about what would happen to her. 
Her sniffle caught the attention of the room, “Why?” Ali needed to know. She needed to know why he left her that night and why he didn’t come for her when he escaped. Panicked by her question Sirius glanced at Remus then Regulus, not sure what to do. 
Regulus took the intuitive to figure it out, “Why what, princess?” 
Her eyes flickered to my Uncles tall figure, “Why did he leave me that night? But more importantly why didn’t he come for me like he did for Harry when he escaped? I was in Hogwarts too. He knew I existed and he knew that I more than likely went to school there. So why Harry?” Ali turned to look back at Sirius who was shocked by the sudden confidence in her voice, but she was a Black, a short temper was to be expected. “Was I not enough? Did you not want me in the first place? I mean I know you didn't. I was the product of a one night stand, so it’s not like I was planned or anything. So why? Why couldn’t you come to me? Why couldn’t you stay for me?” By the time she was done tears were coming down her cheeks and Sirius’s mouth was opening and closing like a fish. 
“I-I” Sirius stuttered trying to find the right words to explain all his actions. Ali could tell by his actions that he thought she didn’t know that he came to Hogwarts for Harry. It wasn’t public knowledge, and according to the other men in the room faces they didn’t know she knew either. She never believed that he did the crime. From the few stories she was told she knew that he loved James and Lily like family and wouldn’t have turned on them which was why she wasn't afraid of him in the first place. She just wanted to know if they were more important than her, if Harry was more important than her. “I know that you probably don’t remember much from that night if anything at all, but when my best friends, your God parents, were taken from me I was angry. So angry that I couldn’t think straight so I left. I took you to the neighbor who watched you a few times for me and went to go take down the man who did it. It was stupid. I should have waited for Remus, but I didn’t. I wanted nothing more the past twelve years, but to get Harry and for us to be a family. As for not seeing you at Hogwarts, I didn’t know you were there. I wasn’t sure who you were staying with so I knew you could have been there or Dumstrang or Beauxbatons. I didn’t have a lot of time to hunt for people. Once I knew where Pettigrew was I had to get to him. I’m sorry, Alianova. For everything.” 
One thing that often got her in trouble was that she was a very forgiving person. She often forgives anyone who apologized for whatever wrong they did. But this was the one time she wasn’t sure. He apologized, but it didn’t feel authentic. It was like he didn’t even believe some of the words he was saying. She looked around the room again trying to read everyone's faces. Remus looked like he was slightly mad, but when he caught her looking at him his features soften like the times she was hurt and needed him. Severus was still glaring at Sirius, and didn’t notice my scrutiny, and Regulus had now joined Severus in glaring at Sirius which concerned her. He smiled down at her a little when his eyes moved to her face. She looked back at Sirius who was looking at her with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. Ali took in all his features noting how his brow furrowed, his lips turned down lightly, his eyes big and pleading into hers.
“I-I understand.” Ali couldn’t forgive him yet. She needed to trust him first. She understood what he was saying, and that he was sorry, but it wasn’t okay. And he needed to know that. His face fell slightly at her words, turning his handsome features into a small frown. 
Before he could say anything Regulus intervened, “Alright how about breakfast, love? I know you’re hungry.” Ali giggled as her stomach grumbled in response. “It’s on the table. Muggle way just the way you like it. Go on and we’ll be in shortly.” 
Ali kissed his cheek in thanks, sparing a look around the room before heading down to the kitchen. Knowing that the reason they weren’t joining her right then was to talk about something Regulus obviously didn’t want her hearing she came back up the stairs after opening and shutting the door to the kitchen making it seem like she was in there. Carefully avoiding the squeaky stairs she crouched down to peer around the corner to see the men still standing in the same spots all looking rather annoyed with one another. 
“She understands? That’s all she had to say?” Sirius seemed frustrated and slightly angry if the look on his face said anything. “How is that all she had to say? I apologized. I’m her father. She wouldn’t even hug me.” He threw his hands up while plopping down on the chair before running his hands through his hand, something Ali noted her Uncle Regulus did as well when he was upset. 
“Sirius, you have to understand that she doesn’t know you. She has maybe three photos of you, and has rarely heard stories. Mother loved her, but didn’t like to talk about you very much even when Ali asked. It hasn’t been easy on her. She is ridiculed for her last name constantly; people often judge that before getting to know her. She has no friends in her house really; choosing to spend her free time with Severus, and Remus when he worked at Hogwarts. You can’t just expect her to welcome you with open arms especially after knowing that you went for Harry and not her. Which for the record I did not tell her.” 
“Oh cut the bullshit, Regulus. You told her you know you did. You can’t stand me. You wanted her to hate me. I may have been locked up, but I know that Mother controlled you and probably my daughter till the day she died. She probably filled Alianova’s head with lies about me from the beginning. Bloody hell, you probably did the same!” Sirius exclaimed while getting in younger brother faces. Remus and Severus looked ready to pull the duo apart at a moment's notice. 
Ali could tell from the twitch in her Uncle's eye that he was trying to hold his temper. She had seen it before when someone had made a snide remark about her in Diagon Ally when they went for ice cream her second year. She didn’t want to be the cause of a fight, but she knew better than to intervene. All she could do was sit and watch wide eyed as the potential fight stirred. 
“No. No, Sirius. I have never told that little girl, my little girl mind you, a single lie about you or me or anyone for that matter. After the Inferi incident I never went back to my Dark Mark ways. I acted as a spy for the Order. Dumbledore knew which is part of the reason why I have Ali. He knew I would protect her when he told me what happened. I didn’t know what to believe when he told me that, and she knows that. I never told her you did or didn’t do it. None of us did. Mother rarely mentioned you, and when she did it was because Ali brought it up first. She was five when Mum died, she doesn’t even remember her very much. Mum may have been horrible to us, but the moment I brought Ali here she changed. She loved Ali more than anything. She treated her nothing like how she treated us.” Ali saw her Uncle take a deep breath before continuing. “Ali may be your daughter, but she's mine too. You left HER to go pursue revenge for James. YOU weren’t there all the night she woke up crying wanting to know why not only her Mum left her, but you did too. You weren’t there when she questioned everything about herself when she was ten because she felt inadequate due to someone at school bringing up the fact that she didn’t have parents. You weren’t there when she skinned her knees falling off a broom at Andromedas, and Remus and I had to talk her into getting back on it. You left her; she owes you nothing. And as for me not being able to stand you; I wouldn’t let you in this house if I couldn’t stand you.” Regulus ran his hand through his hair before looking at Remus and Severus who nodded. “Now, she is probably wondering where we are. If you want to join us for breakfast you can. Maybe it will give you a chance to get to know her.” 
Sirius was speechless. Remus thought it was hilarious as the man who couldn’t keep his mouth shut before was just schooled by his younger brother. 
If he can’t handle Regulus he won’t survive Ali, Remus thought. Although Remus wouldn’t admit it out loud Ali acted a lot like Regulus in her wits, sarcasm and charisma. As everyone turned to go towards the stairs Remus stayed back to say something to Sirius. “I know this isn’t easy on you. But Ali is different then you. She takes a while to warm up, and trust people. Keep that in mind. No matter what you think everyone in this room loves her. We’ve watched her grow into who she is today. Just keep a level head about it.” Remus patted his shoulder before heading down the stairs. Yes, Ali was Sirius’s child, but whereas he was loud and outgoing she was more quiet and reserved. Remus knew Ali liked to watch and learn rather than doing which was why she was such good friends with Draco. More times than not Ali was the one who thought out the plans while Draco executed. Remus could only hope that Sirius didn’t shove Ali away when it came down to Harry. Remus was mad when he found out that Sirius hadn’t contacted Ali knowing that it would hurt her if she ever found. 
Ali scurried down the stairs as quietly as possible before sitting in her seat to hopefully looking like she had been here the whole time. She opened the first book she saw on the table right as everyone else entered. Severus gave her a skeptical look when he saw her smile at him, and she knew that she had been caught. Always the observant her Uncle Sev. “Not eating yet, Alianova?” 
“Oh, um no. I was just waiting for all of you of course.” Everyone filed to the table; Remus sitting to one side with Sirius while Regulus and Severus sat on either side of Ali. An awkward silence ensued while everyone piled food onto their plates. Ali kept her eyes firmly on the table, but she felt at least two gazes on her. Risking it she looked up to see Sirius and Remus looking at her. 
Remus cleared his throat breaking the silence, something that Ali was incredibly grateful for, “Ali, how was the rest of your school year?” 
“Oh um, it was fine. I actually hung out with Cho Chang towards the end. It was nice. We helped each other study for Transfiguration, then went to Hogsmeade for Butterbeers with Theo, Blaise, and Daphne.” Ali knew that those at the table who knew her well knew that she didn’t have a lot of friends besides those that Draco hung out with. Being a Black meant a lot of people didn’t trust her unless they were a Slytherin, which was something Ali was not. “I got pretty good scores on my OWLs. I got the highest score out of my whole year in Potions.” 
“I’m so proud of you Ali! I knew you could do it! What about Transfiguration and DADA? I know you struggled some when I was still there.” Remus had turned his attention fully on Ali, but he could see Sirius watching with peak interest wanting to ask questions and he could only hope that Sirius did so. It would make Ali trust him a little more if he showed interest in her life and Remus knew that. 
Ali beamed up at her Uncle, glad to know that he still cared about her life even after Sirius came back, “I got an Acceptable in Transfiguration and a Exceeds Exceptions in DADA. Honestly though if it wasn’t for Draco I wouldn’t have gotten that good in DADA. I swear on Merlin I lived in his dorm the whole two weeks before exams.” 
Her over exaggeration caused Remus and Regulus to chuckle while Severus scowled, “I am going to pretend that I did not hear that since you know you are not supposed to be in there.” 
“Oh calm down, Sev. She wasn’t in there alone I’m sure, and besides it got her a good grade.” Regulus exclaimed wrapping an arm around Ali hugging her while she stuck her tongue out at Severus. 
“I wasn’t in there alone. Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Daphne were with us and besides that's my cousin, practically my brother gross. I know we’re purebloods, but yuck.” Her comment made everyone at the table break out in a smile. Finally Sirius decided to quit staring and talk to his daughter. He couldn’t hold his tongue any longer after the word cousin left her mouth. He could only hope to be Andromeda's child. 
“Cousin? Which cousin?” Sirius asked before taking a bite. Ali felt Regulus tense slightly at her father's question. Was she not supposed to answer? 
“Draco. Draco Malfoy. He’s Narcissa’s son,” She answered honestly. Ali didn’t see the point in lying. Draco was her best friend, they did almost everything together. 
Sirius was stunned to know that not only had Regulus, who claimed not to be a Death Eater, hang out with a Malfoy, but also Remus who knew better then anyone that is was a stupid thing to do. The Malfoy’s were nothing but Pureblood supremacists with a breeding problem. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed when Remus kicked him under the table. Sirius knew that Remus didn’t want him to say anything about it and from the look on Regulus’s face he didn’t either. He decided that it could wait till the adults were alone, or just Sirius and Remus were fine with him, so he could get some answers because any child of his was not going to spend time with Lucius Malfoy's child. The silence filled the room again making Ali squirm in her seat til Sirius spoke again, “Um, what- what house are you in, Ali?”
 This question caused Ali to tense up. She knew her father was in Gryffindor and she assumed her mother was as well. Her father was known for bashing Slytherins which was what most of her friends were. Even the Sorting Hat debated for five minutes over whether she was a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. 
Gulping she answered, “I’m a - a Ravenclaw.” 
“Really?” Ali nodded. “Do you like it? I mean I didn’t know a lot of Ravenclaws when I was in school.” 
“Oh um yeah, I guess. I like to read so the common room is always quiet which is nice.” 
“You must have gotten that from your mum. I wasn’t much of a reader, preferred Quidditch,” Sirius let out a laugh. He was trying but it was hard to talk to a fifteen year old who you didn’t know a lot about, but was also your daughter. “Do you play?” 
That caused Ali to laugh. She was a lot of things, but talented at Quidditch was not one of them. She knew that her dad was a player back in the day, a beater if she remembered correctly, but there was honestly no point in her even trying she could barely fly a broom; that alone took a lot of practice and help from her Uncles and friends. “No. Honestly it would be easier for a Niffler to play then me.” 
“Godric, Ali is horrible at flying. I think it might be her downfall one day, literally she's falling off the broom more than flying usually,” Remus chimed in. 
Laughter was heard around the table then, and even if it was at her expense Ali was glad for it. The tension that was surrounding everyone seemed to leave the air and easy conversation flowed after that. Sirius asked Ali more about her interest and school while Remus and Regulus cleaned the kitchen up; something that shook Sirius to his core was seeing his little brother clean things the Muggle way. Severus had to leave to pick up a few things for some potions he was working on which led to Ali hugging her Uncle goodbye and him actually smiling, and judging by the look on Sirius’s face that was something he was not prepared for. 
“Did he just smile? Like openly? And HUG her?” He practically shouted after Severus had left, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile even in school.” 
Regulus scoffed lightly at that, “Well you would have seen him smile in school if you wouldn’t have tormented him all those years. But yes, he did and does hug Ali. She is probably the only one he will ever hug, but it is something.” 
“Sirius, something that you don't know is that Alianova was, and frankly is, the light of a lot of people's lives.” Ali blushed at the comments being made about her from Remus. “She was brought into Regulus, and your mothers lives when she was still trying to get over the loss of your father and Regulus almost being killed. I know your mum was a mean old bat.” Ali let out a string of giggles at that, making Regulus look at her with his eyebrow raised; she quickly looked back down at the table while her Uncle shook his head amused. “But she wasn’t mean to Ali. She loved her to pieces. Yes, some of her views were wrong still they were never shoved down Ali’s throat. Not only did she bring light to their lives, but also to mine and Severus’s. After everything that happened I didn’t even want to stay in London. I had lost everything. Then one morning there is a knock at my door. I debated opening it, but I am immensely glad that I did. I’m gonna be truthful here and this is stuff that Ali and Regulus haven’t heard, but I was scared when he showed up with her. I didn’t know what had happened to her. Harry was shipped off to the Dursleys, and her Godparents were dead and no one would give me much information about her. I had simply given up on the Magical world. Then I watched them play on the floor of my living room and I knew that no one could raise her better than Regulus. He asked me to help of course, and the same goes for Severus. He had lost the one he thought he loved and needed a new outlook on things. He got that from Ali.” Remus placed his hands on the girls shoulders when he noticed she had tears in her eyes. “And I can guarantee that she will be your light too if you let her, Sirius.” 
No one said anything for a few minutes. All were taking in the words Remus had just said. Ali wasn’t used to being talked about like that. Yes, she got praise for school or piano, but no one called her their light before. Regulus stood thinking about the things Remus had said knowing that it was nothing but the truth. He isn’t sure what would have happened if Ali hadn’t come to him, but the outcome would not have been a good one. His self destructive actions stopped the day that baby was placed in his arms. He loved Ali like his own and would protect her from the world. He could only hope that Sirius wouldn’t make the same mistake that he did with him and push her away.
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
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JUNE 20TH, 1984.
Theodosia Selwyn reports to the Order that there was a leak in the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters have the Ministry’s list of magical births. Because of the corruption within the Ministry, no one is all that surprised. However, they also know that the Death Eaters will do anything in order to prevent the pre-Hogwarts Muggleborn children on that list from ever setting foot in the magical word.
Theo is able to tell the Order the names of the four Muggleborns slated for the next school year, along with the location of their households. She reports that the Death Eaters have planned a four-pronged raid against the Muggleborns for Saturday, June 24th. The Order decides they will be waiting for them.
Organized and overseen by Hestia Jones and Alastor Moody, the Order members spend six hours coming up with a strategy of attack. They will be broken up into four teams to scout these locations and, if/when Death Eaters arrive, do whatever they can in order to protect the Muggleborn children. The problem: these are Muggle areas and they must abide by the Statue of Secrecy.
For those not out in the field, their goal will be to make sure things are running smoothly back at headquarters, any injuries are healed, and that everything goes according to plan, which they know is likely to become chaotic as soon as the Death Eaters (who are much less concerned with limiting Muggle discovery and casualties alike) appear.
Teams should meet at least once prior to the mission on June 24th to go over details and be prepared. 
Team Lead: Frank Longbottom
Lily Evans Edgar Bones
Location: London
Child target: Wilma Pierce
Team Lead: Gideon Prewett
Remus Lupin Theodosia Selwyn
Location: Liverpool
Child target: Spencer Davis
Team Lead: Peter Pettigrew
James Potter Gwendolyn Lockhart
Location: York
Child target: Aidan Grant
Team Lead: Alice Longbottom
Sirius Black Emma Vanity  Mundungus Fletcher
Location: Wiltshire
Child target: Sidney Burns
Strategy and Field Leads: Hestia Jones & Alastor Moody
Dirk Cresswell Severus Snape
Healing Lead: Evan Rosier
Emmeline Vance Regulus Black
Players should have one planning thread within their team set between June 21st-June 23rd. For groups of four, this can be broken up into two 1x1 paras as long as the full group has discussed details together. 
This plot drop will trigger an event that will happen at a later date (to be voted on in the discord). This event will take place on June 24th in game time and will be the actual Order mission, so please do not begin new threads past June 23rd.
You may want to have threads set in reaction to this meeting with other characters outside “their team.” Consider if they’re happy about their placement - or with their other team members.
For those at HQ, there is still much to be done - characters should make sure plans are set into place, supplies are plentiful, and decisions are finalized. Team leads are in charge of their groups, but those leads at HQ (Alastor, Hestia, and Evan) are in charge of the team leads.
Reminder to plot things out together prior to threading!
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
Chapter One: The New House
Pairing: Snape x OC
Word Count: 2,472
Rating: E
Plot:  Severus, forced to live with his parents once again, moves into a new house with them… except the house itself isn’t new. Its old, very old indeed.
Warnings: none
A/N: Snapetober! I will be posting chapters often to this slice-of-life gothic slow-burn romance I have in my head :D Not following any prompts but I hope the general atmosphere of these chapters are spooky? Mixed with some gothic… maybe some supernatural elements ahead ;) Enjoy :D
Posted: 10/1/21
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~*~*~ = time skip
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Severus Snape hated his life. His parents were awful, his family had no money, no support from anyone, and everyone he'd ever known hated him. The majority of his 20 years of life had been like that, except for a small bit of it where it wasn't, where it had been alright. For a few quick years, he had one friend who understood him, although it was now as he sat in the backseat of his father's car, looking up at the clouds, that he wondered if she ever did.
The clouds coated the sky, covering every sliver of sunshine with thick grey. No light broke through and as a result, everything looked as miserable as his life felt. The droning of the car engine and tires on concrete grated his ears as he tried for peace of mind.
His father's suitcase - sandwiched above Severus' trunk and his mother's large bag - dug into his side, poking at him deeper with every turn the car took. They'd been driving for almost an hour but he knew they weren't even close to their destination; they were still inside the city, still inside its limits. He didn't need to know where they were going, even if he'd like to, he knew his father couldn't afford to move to any city nor any country home close by.
His mother sat quietly in the passenger seat, watching classy houses with nice, white picket fences and short little rose hedges pass by as they drove. She looked away from the window when they stopped at lights or when his father needed to look at the map for directions; Severus suspected she didn't want to know if any of the four-member families out on their daily evening walk around their block looked in to see who owned the beat-up little pile of scrap metal driving by their house.
He didn't care though. He hardly cared about anything lately. The last time he could remember caring was the scroll parchment he'd received for graduating Hogwarts. That was all he'd wanted for two years. After he'd lost his only friend - his only best friend - he focused on school and school alone. He thought everything about his life would change the second he got hold of that certificate. For a few long days it had felt like a first-place trophy, but it wasn't. It was what it was: A certificate, of completion, of participation. Nothing more.
Maybe he could have been something. If he'd gotten a job, saved up while living with his parents, and finally moved out, leaving them behind forever... But he didn't do that. He spent two years wasting time meddling in a bigoted cult working, selling potions for scrap. Hardly making enough to stay off the streets pretending like it was better than living at home just because the new sinking ship he'd found himself in was with his friends. Maybe eventually he could have made it work if it hadn't been for the Aurors who busted their small section of Death Eaters dedicated to making money selling illegal potions.
He supposed they threw themselves a party, thinking themselves big-shots, catching a handful of young adults making money out the back of a shady pub. He remembered the headline in the Daily Prophet: "Fourteen Death Eaters caught and awaiting sentencing". He supposed his mother thought herself a saint now too, bailing him out, saving him from days of "possible abuse" as if it were any worse than the prison he'd lived in all his life.
At first, he couldn't figure why - not for the life of him - she'd even care what happened to him. He wasn't a child and he wasn't her problem anymore. He knew she derived some sick pleasure knowing he not only owed his existence to her but now his freedom as well... and then it all came out. They bought a new house and it wasn't built to be kept up by two people, hell not even three but he was sure his extra pair of hands would come very handy to them.
They didn't even need to pay him. Not only was he their child, but that bail money was something he couldn't even attempt at paying back, and not because it had been a lot. She'd paid it in wizarding money left over from her witch days and she knew his wand had been broken as part of his sentencing. He'd have to beg some stuck-up department deep in the government for a wand permit which cost money. Then he'd have to buy himself a new wand, then work to pay her back all while "bumming" it at home while his father yelled about getting a "real job", one that didn't involve "devil magic" in the "devil society" that was the wizarding world. And he was sure he wouldn't be able to show up for work with a bruised eye or swollen jaw, even if by some miracle his employer could look past his new criminal record.
He held in a wince as the car turned again and the top luggage fell onto his head. He was back to old habits trying to pretend he didn't exist.
"Hey," Tobias said, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "Fix that."
Without a word, Severus shoved the luggage back onto the pile behind the driver's seat and sat back. They were on the outskirts of society now. The scenery had turned to country, and the smog of the city had cleared, though the skies were still dark.
His father stopped for a few moments and refolded the map on his lap. His mother carried on watching the world outside, unresponsive to either of them or the happenings inside the car.
"What's that say," Tobias handed Severus the map and lit a cigarette while he waited, not bothering to open the window.
Severus brought the map up to his eyes and squinted. His eyesight was poor and worsened by the approaching dark. "S-starts with 'c'..."
"S'got a double 't' or 'h'?"
"'H'." Severus handed it back and Tobias started driving again.  He took several turns and headed onto a rougher road.
Within minutes the tame country became wild and morphed into a long stretch of woods. For the first few minutes, he hadn't even noticed despite being completely focused on the environment that passed them, like his mother still was. The first few trees seemed to go on, and just when he thought they'd clear them and continue driving past open fields, the trees persisted until he realized they were deep inside a forest now.
A few more minutes passed and they finally did exit the forest into a wide field of dead chopped trees cleared to the side on either edge of the steep hill the car was climbing. Severus sat up finally, hearing his spine crack and snap into place after being hunched over for the better part of the day. He liked the colorful mushrooms and bright green moss growing on the black logs of the discarded trees.
"Here," Tobias grumbled, rolling down the window. He flicked his cigarette butt and rolled it back up.
Severus sat forward and looked out the windshield up at the house they were approaching. It was large and clearly abandoned, probably for a good decade. The shingles were covered in dead leaves, the paint was chipping, the windows were gray and smeared with dirt likely blown during wind storms. The porch was missing a step and the columns holding up the covering were slanted. It was more yellow at the top and browner at the bottom - rot on the foundation most likely.
He slumped back in his seat. At least, if it turned out horrible, if it came down the second they stepped inside, or the walls melted from mold before their eyes, their old home was still waiting for them, the cursed thing. Almost all houses back home on Spinners End were abandoned. No one to sell to, no one to buy decrepit eyesores in the shadow of rundown factories. But at least he still had the option if it all went wrong.
Severus stuffed his suitcase into the closet, kicked it in, and shut the door. Unpacking could wait. He turned around and looked at his room as a whole. It was small, located up the stairs in a corner. It had a slanted roof which was odd, considering there was a third floor above him. It would do though, it was on the opposite side of the house as his parent's room, so it would certainly do quite nicely.
He moved to the window and looked out to watch the mist settle below. His father was gone to town to purchase things they'd need: a lighter apparently for the fireplaces since this house was built before furnaces and never renovated. He felt like a poor house servant to a rich Lord, but it was better than feeling like a roach in his old home. They needed coal too, or maybe wood, whatever old metal kitchen stoves and ovens used.
Severus walked out of his room to look down the hall again. It was a larger house than he was used to - it practically felt like a palace - and was sure it would take a few days to memorize how to find the correct corridor places.  It wasn't Like Hogwarts, which typically took several years to memorize the right paths.
He walked down the opposite way he came and observed the way the dust clung to the walls giving the blue wallpaper a very muted look. The original owners liked their colors, practically every room had a different color to it. Corridors were blue, bedrooms green, dining room orange, library red, kitchen white, bathrooms pink... At least none of the colors were very offensive to the eyes, even without the dust they were all very muted and earthy.
He had explored the bottom floor, the second floor had all the bedrooms, and the third-floor stairs must be around somewhere, hidden. As he walked a new corridor he noticed there were spaces on the wall which had, at one time or another, held frames or mirrors but they were long gone. He turned the corner to a long hallway with very tall windows on one side. He could see the mist again and possibly behind it was more to the forest surrounding the house. He mentally noted which turn brought him to the back wall of the house. He walked on and at the center were the stairs to the third floor tucked into a gap in the wall opposite the windows.
The handrails were covered in dust and between the wood pillars were cobwebs that swayed as he crept up. There was an open floor filled with ghostly sheet-covered furniture. A chandelier holding half-used candles lay on the floor with a long chain still connected to the ceiling. Its crystals refracted light from the large windows on either side of the room.
He sat on a couch - not bothering with the cloth - and sighed. Eventually, they'd put him up to getting all this old stuff down so that his father could sell it, although, they'd already been inside once before and said they couldn't find the stairs to this floor - or large room.
He got up and walked back down the stairs peering into the small crevice between the handrail and wall. When he reached the bottom step he noticed the indent on the edge of the left-hand wall and pulled on it. A little ring popped out and when he pulled on that, the wall rolled out. No, it was a door. He pulled it further and closed it behind him. He stepped back against the windows. The wallpaper blended seamlessly and would have been hard for him to tell that it was a door at all. He pressed the blue-colored ring back against the wall and walked back to his room.
Severus heard a car door slam and sat up in bed. His father was finally back with the supplies to hopefully get dinner started. His nap must have been a few hours because the sun had already dipped below the tree lines.
"Severus," his father called out to him, his echoes from one side of the house bounced off every wall to reach Severus' ears. "Now."
He swung his legs over the bed and left his room, stumbling down the dark hallway towards the front of the house. He stopped at the foot of the stairs looking down. His father was smoking again and had dropped several grocery bags on the floor. He blew the smoke out of his mouth and looked up at Severus, then motioned for the bags and pointed in the general direction of the kitchen.
Severus obeyed and carried them in, placing them on the counter - which had been dusted - and started taking out the contents. The only modern appliance in the house was the fridge, tall silver and brand new; it must have been the real major cost of the house.
His father had bought a large head of cabbage and a pack of sausages. There were matches but no coal which means they might be having cold soup for dinner again. He put everything away and came back to stand at the door.
He stepped aside as Tobias entered the house again. Severus thought about stepping out and walking around for a bit, not wanting to be in the same house as his parents, but felt the distance between his room and theirs was enough for today.
He turned to the stairs and saw his mother holding the banister looking down at him.
"Tomorrow there'll be a list of chores for you in the kitchen," she said. Her stiff voice echoed throughout the house and she kept her eyes on him waiting for a response.
He gave none and she left, unbothered. It was the way of their relationship. She'd ignore everything he said, and he'd do the same. He walked up the stairs, hearing how they creaked and groaned under his weight, echoing off walls and resonating down the hall. He headed to his room and closed the door. It was only around nine, fully dark, but he was done with the day. Dinner wasn't worth facing them and staying awake any longer wasn't worth the boredom and loneliness.
He took his pillow out of his trunk and fell onto the bed, almost disappointed it didn't break and send any amount of adrenaline or chemical of any kind to his brain. He moved his pillow, slid his arm under it, and closed his eyes.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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