#So good news Dream isn't going insane!
ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAu - On the other side
:3 :3 :3
Guess who is back already?!
Not with the normal cast though :3
No I had an idea for the another person in this AU.
Anyone wondering how Dream is going? :D
So this one is a bit different then all the other installments and don't expect these often as the main focus is on the gang and their now babybones boss. But this one I thought would be fun.
Welcome. To Dream dealing with this (the sometiny changes to the multiverse. A God can't lose his status without it affecting those around him after all :3)
First: here Prev: here Next: here
We good? We good. We are unedited and unbeta'ed as always.
oh shit @spotaus I actually forgot you that time. sorry fam (they gave me the original prompt which is why they keep getting added every update. They are stuck with me now)
The sun feels so warm on his bones. Dream lays by the roots of his mother. Enjoying the warm light of the never ending late spring sun which warms his bones. His mother's voice, always loving and so proud of him.
The only thing that would make this moment better would be his brother near him. But he went to wash up a while ago.
Which is okay It isn't. where is nightmare? He will just wait right here for when he comes back.
Nightmare always joins him again. except that one time. The time when it mattered.
Dream loves his brother so much, and Nightmare loves him! Not anymore, not after everything
Dream sighs in the warm light and looks to the side. The village lays in the distance. Beautiful and lively and so so welcome of him!
Rememver your duty my son. You are meant for great things. Never forget that.
Dream hums happily as he looks back up at the branches "I know mom! I will be like you and be a great warrior and bringer of hope!" he smiles up.
A laugh in the air that sounds like a bell A bringer of balance my dear son. Remeber. Too much of one will always spell the end for one.
Dream hums as he enjoys the soft sunlight and happiness he feels in his soul.
He just wishes his brother was here. he wants his brother back, that is all he wants.
oh. I think Nightmare is back from washing himself
Dream blinks his sockets open and looks over. Near the forest edge stands Nightmare. In his purple clothes and with a small silver crown on his skull. Dream smiles and waves from his spot "Nighty! Over here!"
But Nightmare doens't move. He just watches him.
Dream frowns as he sits up "Nighty?"
The sunlight is gone as an ominious rumble is heard overhead. The light feeling in him disappears as he looks back at Nightmare "Nighty! i know it is scary but you need to get over here!" Normal trees can't protect them from thunder and lightning! Their mother can.
Nightmare just continues to stare at him from a distance. Even now Dream thinks he looks tired.
Drema raises to his feet.
His mother's voice fills his skull Dream don't go. It isn't worth the risk.
Dream shakes his skull and leaves the save shadow and cover of his mother. Running towards his brother. He needs to get to him. He can't be too late again. Not when he has this chance to reach him in time.
Dream watches as Nightmare remains rooted in place. Lightning flashes overhead and loud thunder follows right away. Drema flinches but keeps running "Nighty!" his voice lost in the loud rumble and thunder.
Dream is right by him and reaches for him. But another flash of lightning and Dream is blinded. Once he opens his sockets he is no longer by the forest. No, he is in the village. People are screaming. He searches for Nightmare only to see his mother burning in the distance. Her branches ablaze in bright orange light.
Dream rushes towards her. Panic. Why can't he stop this? Why did it happen?
He reaches her but it is already too late. His mother is gone. HIs friends are gone. His brother...
His brother...
Staring at him with betrayal. Dream can feel the hurt and betrayal in the other and Dream realises his has his hand out.
He had hit him. He had attacked him.
Dream reaches for his brother but Nightmare flinches back, away from him.
Because he had hurt him.
Dream can't speak. He can't move.
Nightmare glares at him "Nothing to say for yourself?"
Dream tries but no words leave him. Please Nighty. He is sorry.
Nightmare just continues to glare at him "After everything?! You only came because of those stupid villagers?!"
Dream shakes and tries to shake his skull. tries to deny it. But he can't. His body isn't moving. Nightmare is right, dream had always only cared about the village and what they wanted.
Nightmare turns and walks away. Away from him. Away from their ruined home.
Dream wants to follow but can't move. He is locked in place. just like he had been when he had been turned to stone.
He tries to reach for Nightmare but he is already gone and everything goes dark. Just dark dark dark dark-
Dream gasps as he sits up and checks himself. He can move! He is fine! he... he...
He looks around and sees that he fell asleep on his couch again... in his own living room... again...
He sighs as he sits normally on the couch and puts his skull between his hands. That same dream again. it had been haunting him ever since he had first faced Nightmare. But the dream kept coming back more often lately, for almost two months now...
He is so tired. He can't deal with everyone needing his help today. He can't deal with everyone demanding his attention and support today...
Dream glances at his phone and grabs it. So many numbers in there and many many texts and missed calls already. He ignores them all and finds the right number. He calls it and waits.
"Hey Dream! How are you?"
Drema feels apart of him relax "Blue..."
"... What is wrong?"
Dream feels bad for asking this off him "... can... can i please come over?" he is suposed to be strong. a bringer of hope and light. Yet he keeps failing. He tries so hard but keeps messing up or not being enough.
"Of course. I will clear my own schedule. Can you get here okay?"
Dream smiles and nods "yeah... be there in a bit." Honestly thank everything for Blue.
Dream sits on the couch in a different living room. Still feelign exhausted but a bit better. He had told Blue all about the dream he had had... The way it had been bothering him more and more lately and just how exhausting he had been lately.
Blue sits by him as he eats his bowl of cereal, Dream's own bowl untouched. Blue hums as he takes a bite "Seems to me that you are getting burned out." and he eats another bite.
Dream frowns "no? That is for people who do stuff they don't like. I like helping people!" generally... sometimes...
He is the guardian of positivity! He is suposed to like helping others! That is hiw whole purpose!
He wishes he could ask his mother... He wishes he could ask Nightmare, Nightmare had always been better at listening and hearing what their mother said.
Blue hums as he eats more of his breakfast "Everyone can get burned out by everything. It is why Ink can get an artblock. It is why Sci can get overwhelmed and annoyed with his own work. Jsut because you like soemthing doesn't mean you can't get stressed or overwhelmed by it."
Dream blinks confused at Blue and Blue smiles "My bro has it more often than me. Said it like that too much of one thing is always bad, no matter what it is."
Dream... Dream suddenly has a strong sense of dejavu.
Blue nods "Even stuff you like! Say... I love taco's. It is my favourite! But... if i had to cook it everyday and only eat taco's? I would get sick of it. It doesn't mean i don't like them any less. Just, even too much of a good thing is bad. you know?"
Dream gives a slow nod as he stares at Blue "what... what should i do?"
Blue shrugs as he finishes his meal "Take a break? Don't do the guardian stuff for a bit?"
Dream frowns "I can't take a day off!"
Blue tilts hsi skull "Why not? Having a good work ethic is important, I myself have one too, but i know i need breaks. Obviously not as much as some people!" Blue looks over his shoulder with a glare.
Stretch chuckles in the distance "guilty as charged!"
Blue huffs but turns back "But breaks are important. It is why there are rules nad laws about days off and having breaks every so many hours. It sounds to me that you have not been using your vacation days and you should at this point." he puts his empty bowl away and quickly washes it before joining his said again.
Dream already feels anxious. PEople like and listen to him because he helps them. If he stops doing that they may dislike him or not listen and then what does he do?!
Blue sits next to him and keeps waiting for a reply.
Dream rubs his arm "what.. what about... work? What about spreading positivity?"
Blue thinks it over "I mean... It should be fine right? The gang and your brother have been very quiet for the last... what... month? two months?"
Dream nods as he looks at his hands. the anxiety returns "He must be planning somethign big..." something gigantic. And dream has no idea and doesn't even know where to start with getting information or anything-
Blue snaps his fingers and Drema blinks out of his own thoguhts before shooting Blue a confused look.Blue grins at him "I honestly didn't expect that to work. Stop worrying about stuff that hasn't happened yet. Think about the here and now. Your friends are doing okay. The omega timeline doesn't need your help with anything they cna't do themselves. The gang hasn't done anything yet and Errir and Ink still have their third cease fire."
Blue pokes Dream "What will help you right now."
Dream stares at Blue for a moment before looking away. He thinks before he speaks "I think... I think I would like to go... home..." Blue frowns so Dream tries to explain "YOu know... home home... I haven't been there in ages... my... my magic has been... shifting... it is strange... I don't bring as much positivity to others as i used to anymore. Me just being there doesn't make others happy anymore. I... I was hoping... maybe i can find answers there?"
Blue blinks before smiling "That sounds like a wonderful idea! If you give me ten minutes I can get ready to join you."
Dream blinsk confused "You will join me?"
Blue grins and nods "Of course! what are friends for?"
Dream feels lighter and smiles "Thank you blue."
not even fifteen minutes later and they had arrived in Dreamtale. Dream... Dream isn't sure what he had been expecting. but it was the same as he remembered. no colours. everythign is grey and frozen. lacking anytype of magic.
It hurt.
They had arrived at the village and blue looks around "oh.. i... i am sorry..." he holds his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
They walk around the village together and that same bittersweet feeling returns to Dream. He remembers playing games here. the little marktes he would visit. How everyone would always be happy to see him.
It had been a beautiful place.
And now it is gone and-
Dream freezes. Blue doens't notice as he keeps walking but dream can't look away. because there in the distance... in another building... that... that looks like...
The mirage, or vision, or hallucination looks up in shock. before pure fear overtakes the expression.
He looks so young... had they been that young?
Dream feels himself take a step closer. his soul is pulsing madly and his sockets starts to itch with tears. is he going insane?
The tiny form disappears from view as it disappears behind a wall and out of the view of the window.
Dream doesn't think and starts sprinting.
"Dream?! What is wrong?!"
Dream doesn't stop to explain. He runs through the empty streets. please. please. just a moment longer. just bring that vision back. He just wants to see his brother one more time.
A crack much like a thunder fills the air and Dream rushes into the house he had originally seen the vision in.
Dream sobs as he falls to his knees.
He was too late again.
Blue joins his side a moment later but Dream can't even begin to explain.
Why did it feel like he lost his brother all over again?
Why did his soul hurt this badly?
Blue holds him and continues to hold him until Drema calms down again.
Dream sobs "Maybe... maybe this was a mistake..." he can't admit he jsut saw a vision of his own brother but as a child... He can't admit he is actually going insane.
Blue just continues his hug "Or maybe this is exactly what you needed. You have been holding in this grieve for a long time Dream. Maybe it needs to be released?"
Maybe he has a point. Dream leans heavily into the hug.
Blue holds them both up easily "Any place you want to visit?"
Dream holds it tightly before looking around "Maybe... maybe my friend is still here? It has only been about two years since a left." she had given him tea and let him sleep on her couch... Later she had broken him out of his stone prison and helped him as he grew up to be who he is today.
He wants to be sure she is okay.
Blue nods as he looks around the village "where to?"
Dream points in a direction "Her house should be over there..." They walk together in silence and Dream finally spots the old house. But it looks old and broken. As if no one had lived there for centuries.
Dream feels himself shake "That can't be right." he rushes inside and freezes as he finds a pile of dust.
oh... how?
Dream sits next to the pile and sobs. Blue joins his side and hugs him.
Time passes and Dream ends up carefully collecting the dust and putting it in a jar. He will have to figure out what her favourite things were and-
"euh... Dream? What is this?"
Dream blinks and looks over to see Blue holding an old beautiful book. Dream frowns as he walks over and reads the title.
Dream feels himself freeze "I... I don't know... where did you find it?"
Blue points towards the room. Dream frowns "I... i was told to never enter that as that had been her personal room. I didn't want to breka the trust..."
Blue hums before just opening the book. Dream hisses "Blue!"
Blue doesn't even look apologetic "Dream. If i have learned one thing about the multiverse, is having an universe named after one person spells trouble for everyone else in that universe. Why would she hide this from you?"
Dream can't help but agree and the two sit together at the table and start reading the story.
Dream wants to throw up. He is going to throw up. He just sits with his skull in his hands.
How... how often had nightmare asked him not to leave... to leave him alone? How often had Nightmare told him that the villagers didn't like him.
Dream... Dream never listened.
Dream sobs as he lays fully on the table.
The person he thought had been his friend... the person who gave him tea and a place to sit and rest. drugged him... all to make sure he couldn't interfere when they went to... when they had planned to murder... to murder...
all those years again.. Nightmare had accused him of not even caring that he had been dying. dream had thought it had been the corruption somehow talking to him, mocking him. Trying to make him feel horrible...
It had been Nightmare himself... accusing him of leaving him to be hurt and die alone.
And he had been right.
Dream sobs as tears leave his sockets. His sight finds the jar with dust of that... that... woman! That! Rage burns through him but two arms keep him in place.
"It is okay Dream. Let it all out."
Dream shakes his skull as he pushes closer to Blue "It isn't okay!! I am a fucking idiot! I was too fucking blind and now! Now I-" more sobs.
Blue jsut holds him tighter "You were a kid dream"
Dream sobs as he tightens his hold on blue "So was nighty..."
His dreams... his dreams and even that hallucination must have been trying to tell him all along there was more than he saw. That something had been going on. But dream was too busy. Always too busy. Before he had been too busy wiht the village and villagers... and now he was too busy with the multiverse.
eventually the tears dry as Blue just keeps holding him.
Dream sniffs "How do i fix this?"
Blue pauses his movement and clearly thinks for a while. Dream feels worse the longer Blue doesn't answer.
Blue sighs as he leans his own skull against Dream "I don't know. I would say you could try to talk with Nightmare but... well..."
Dream tightens his hold on Blue. every time him and Nightmare met they never spoke. Dream had for a while tried to tell Ngihtmare he could do better nad make up for the wrongs he did...
No wonder Nightmare doesn't want to speak to him anymore. Dream pretty much said that Nightmare should feel bad for fighting for his own survival... that he should feel bad for killing those who tried to kill him.
Dream feels sick all over again as he pushes closer to Blue. Being near blue helps.
Blue keeps a tighter hold on him "For now... you can take the book with you at least... keep your story with you you know? And maybe try and approach the subject if you see him again?"
Dream nods before anxiety reaches him "How will i tell everyone this?"
Blue pulls back and stares him in the socket "Stop. YOu dont have to tell them."
Dream looks away "They deserve an explanation and-"
Blue shakes his skull and looks at Dream "They don't. Just because they think they do deosn't mean they actually do. You don't have to hurt yourself to please them. You don't have to share this just opened hurt with those who won't support you dream."
Dream still feels sick "won't that be selfish?"
Blue shakes his skull "people demanding you share your trauma with them are entitled. You don't have to tell anything if you aren't comfortable."
Dream sniffs before nodding.
Blue nods and slowly helps him too his feet "Now. We came here with a mission and that was to find out what was up with your magic... the book didn't hold the answer so i am going to assume it may have to do with adult you. is there any other place you could learn more of yourself?"
Dream frowns. his head still a bit foggy "maybe... mom would know... but she never told us much... and she is gone... and i haven't been there since... well. i turned to stone." even after he got broken out he hadn't been brave enough to return.
Blue nods "How about.... we walk around first... see if we find anymore... clues" he eyes the book before looking back at him "And once you are ready go see your mom?"
Dream thinks for a moment before nodding.
Dream and Blue end up going to the hill after a quick walk around the village. All the good memories that Dream had had had already turned bittersweet after them dying. Now? They just burned him. Made Dream angry in a way he couldn't put into words. He had helped those unthankful assholes! He helped them day after day after day! Adn they hurt... they hurt... They killer his mother! They tried to kill Nightmare!
They walk up the hill silently and dream is dragging is feet.
Dream didn't think he could feel worse but he was wrong.
Because right by the dead stump of his mother.
Are two old graves.
One saying Nim. One saying Dream.
The worst part is that they looked well maintained and there are fresh flowers on them.
After that Blue calls it a day and helps him home. Saying that they will ask other people in the multiuniverse about gods changing powers later. and with a crack like thunder they teleport away and out of that universe again.
... *coughs* did someone say brother complex? Also this ended up a lot longer than planned? Woops? Look it was just suposed to be about Dream seeing tiny NIghtmare in their old AU but then a lot happened and I figured Dream also had a lot of trauma and well... tada?
Look. I never said Dream was dealing well with the changes... If i am being honest Nightmare took his own slight body horror better than Dream took the slight changes around him and the vision of his younger brother :3
First: here Prev: here Next: here
anyway. Love you all. You are fun and nice to hang out with! See you next drabble. also i can't believe this account that i just had to give little extra information abut my main AU just... has a second AU living here now.... guess that happened...
51 notes · View notes
lunavrse · 7 months
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summary ★ : charles decides to take a page out of justin bieber's book. let's see how that works out for him.
category ★ : smau.
notes ★ : disregard all times and dates, they don't matter. all spelling mistakes are intentional. everything is fake and unrealistic but thank you delusion. terrible flirting and the usual type of jokes/language you see on the internet.
me basically:
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tagged: yourbestfriend
Liked by yourbestfriend, yourfriend, user61 and 147 272 others
youruser so proud of ﹫yourbestfriend, she absolutely killed it and even took some cool pictures of me💚🥂 new video coming 🔜
View all 534 comments
yourbestfriend thank you for coming my love💚
youruser always😘
yourbestfriend it's not hard when you have such a gorgeous subject
youruser thank yewww
user6 stunning 😍
user12 you look amazing and ﹫yourbestfriend did fantastic!
user89 THE DRESS🤩
youruser i knowww, it's from meshki
user3 you're a beauty
user62 i need to know where the dress is from 🙏
youruser it's from meshki !
user56 can't wait to stare at the screen for the next few hours
user47 isn't her videos usually like 20~45 minutes?
user56 i know what i said
user1 oh !
user9 she did her big one😌
user11 pretty!
yourfriend serving face and body
youruser 🤍🤍🤍
user24 face card is lethal
user61 ﹫charles_leclerc
user60 ❤️🔥
user77 can we get a little commotion for the dress🗣️🗣️
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Liked by pierregasly, user61, landonorris and 516 382 others
charles_leclerc who is she? if anyone knows, please tag her.
View all 3 272 comments
user4 nah, this guy
user26 this is crazy.
user92 WHAT IS GOING ON ?!!?!!
user5 is this real? like am i actually seeing this?
user15 he's got to have been hacked
user25 ain't no way
user13 actively going insane thanks to this actually.
user8 giving me flashbacks to december 8th, 2015
user14 i've got ptsd 😭
user10 from what? the war?
user49 bros acting like they were in a war💀
user8 it was a tough time to be a jb fan 😭
maxverstappen1 is this who we are, is this what we represent??
user3 max is done💀💀
charles_leclerc i said i had a plan, not that it was a good one mate
user1 wish it was me he's looking for
user45 that's me!
user86 in your dreams maybe
user58 get over yourself<3
user20 ﹫youruser
user67 She's so pretty, I want to cry
user76 she's so pretty, i want her
user48 ^^two types of people
user93 my brother in christ, stand up!!!
user07 he's just like me fr
user84 mans is moving mad📢
user100 this is embarrassing
user34 think im gonna be sick
user30 don't be so dramatic
user51 i don't blame her
user70 she's obviously the prettiest girl ever🙄
user68 ﹫youruser !
user97 that's me !
user59 I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now
user31 side eye
user29 who is she? she's stunning
user40 why is my fav youtuber in this picture
user46 iconic actually
user17 I know we can't see her face clearly, but she's serving
user21 i know her!
user37 what's her ﹫
user21 it's ﹫youruser, i follow her
user101 i want harry styles to do this but with me
user88 me too lol
user65 this is down bad behaviour
user201 thanks for ruining my day 👍
user248 it's giving wattpad vibes
user119 charles, look at me, this isn't you, think about the kids
user996 i was genuinely scared this was a hard launch
user123 alexa play that should be me
user8 how ironic
user147 ﹫youruser
user313 that's my girlfriend ﹫youruser
user05 praying for this girl cause the toxic charles fans, yikes😬
user000 gonna be delusional and pretend it's me 😁
user128 see i was so excited when i saw the notif and now i'm just 😐
user01 i cried when i saw this post btw
user306 imagine he posted a pic of asking who u are ﹫user43
user43 pls i would cry
user61 ﹫youruser
user007 idk and idc
user400 this is me if you even care
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Liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, user4 and 253 953 others
youruser hello new people, where'd y'all come from?
View all 1 753 comments
yourbestfriend do you not check your notifications or...
youruser you know i don't
user245 girl...
user4 im in love with you lol
user500 just came from ur yt video, i'm so glad you had fun at the event!
user16 so this is the girl my husband is leaving me for🥲
user04 charles leclerc in her likes😭😭😭 ooh i'm sick
user287 then you're not gonna like this... he's flirting w her
user04 just fell to my knees in despair
user61 so real for that last slide
user56 pretty😍
youruser tysm pretty girl🤎
user791 charles mfing leclerc posted you!?!!!
user792 charles mfing leclerc liked!!
user793 charles mfing leclerc commented!!!
friend3 let's kiss 💋
youruser 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
user005 i too wish to kiss all the pretty girls
user800 idk what's going on rn but i loved your latest video, you and yourbestfriend were so cute and seeing you guys backstage together was sooo wholesome
user494 the part where they saw each other and started hyping each other up was my favourite
use712 her looking up a makeup tutorial 2 hours before she had to leave was so me
user55 he's in her likes y'all!
user942 thanks bud, i would never had noticed without u
user039 oh so she's dumb and ugly 😒
user44 and you're bitter and jealous...
use222 I wanna kiss you too 😞
user777 personally, i came from yt
user420 hi *louder than everybody else*
user311 what lip liner are you wearing babes?
youruser ﹫makeupbymario brown lip liner : )
user42 need a makeup tutorial!!!
charles_lerclerc my fault 🧍‍♂️
youruser i'll let it slide cause you're cute
charles_leclerc you think i'm cute? giggling, kicking my feet
youruser and blushing?
charles_leclerc mhmm, yeah
user456 deffo flerting
user942 YEAH?!???!!!!
user011 you guys know dms exist right???
user0 damn, i wanted to see this play out more 😭
user811 chill, my man is on this app
user35 she a baddie she know she a ten
user555 face card is never declining 😍
user411 do i want to date you or be you?
user87 so real!
user05 so we all saw them flirt right?
user942 yes😭
user69 GET A JOB (directed to you user28)
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, user12 and 443 854 others
youruser day(s) n night(s)
View all 2 748 comments
user103 nottt her trying to be sneaky👀
yourbestfriend am i seriously losing you to a MAN???
youruser 'm always urs pooks💚
yourbestfriend tell loverboy that
user656 charles' new nickname is 🔥
user48 the way charles was here in the first few minutes of her posting💀
charles_leclerc et le prix de la plus belle fille te revient [and the award for the most beautiful girl goes to you]
youruser merci beau garçon
user12 Them speaking French to each other is all that I'm thinking about rn.
user707 A YT MAN?!?!?! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!!
user349 wish she was calling me a beautiful boy 😭
use117 i see you 4th slide, studious queen🤧
user824 charles try not to be a simp challenge
user107 level : IMPOSSIBLE
user41 ﹫user23 50 quid that's charles
user23 do you think i'm stupid?
user41 do you want an honest answer or?
user23 do you want to tell me your lastest test score or?
user41 ...
user23 yeah that's what i thought
user662 noooo pls don't be who i think it is
user35 she a baddie with her baddie friend(s)
user723 okay but the lashes ate💅🏾
user991 this is so weird, why are you posting him?
user75 you don't even know if that's him and you're already being defensive over a man who don't want you or even know you exist? don't pmo. get off her page!!!
user940 me when😔
user129 what about us?
user130 what about everything we've been through
user329 who is that man girl
user477 so are we just gonna ignore charles' comment or...
user452 just made me even more sure that it's him
user02 pretty girl<3
user170 if my future boyfriend don't bring me flowers on the first date, i don't want him🙅🏽‍♀️
user244 we get it, for some reason charles leclerc wants you😒
user311 ugh,,, the lip look always eats
user710 real, I'm obsessed
user536 is that charles?
user537 be serious, that is not happening
user539 ok 😐👍
user536 i actually can't be sirius, he's dead. hope this helps👍
user863 imagine that's not him and we're all just being crazy
user37 if that's not him, he's probably crying
user11 shittt, I would too, look at her
user29 he's probably the guy in the photos
user163 we all saw that interview right? it's definitely him
user288 yass, he looked so cute
user565 enough about charles, can we focus on how pretty she and her friends are??
user479 10s across the board fr
user504 I thought you were for the girls 😭
user716 i'm calling it now, that's a date w leclerc
user231 you look stunning 😍
user406 anyone noticed how he liked? he wouldn't do that if she went out on a date with someone else right?
user410 only everybody with eyes?
alex_albon yeah, no, he would be sobbing in a corner if that wasn't him
use535 so he couldn't have fumbled, right....
user534 well...
user210 alex is just here to create chaos and honestly, i respect that
user73 please don't post your man again😒
user66 real!!! i come here to see you not him🥲
user711 love to see women getting treated right 😌
user385 slide 6 made me sick to my stomach
user858 he brought her flowers😫
user705 that HAS to be him
user701 you never know, sometimes he is his own worst enemy
user898 did NOT 🚫❌ like this
user999 what if this was my last straw
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tagged: charles_leclerc, youruser
Liked by user, pierregasly, user0 and others
allthingsleclerc local (monégasque) man seen out with mystery woman who sources claim is yn
View all 843 comments
user624 why is she still serving while blurred
user210 liked by pierregasly 🫣
user833 charles' friends are exposing him 💀
user0 that's definitely ﹫youruser
user04 serving cunt and he's there ig
user547 just becoz it's blurred doesn't mean you can't tell that it's her
user622 he looks miserable, he doesn't like her😭
user595 what? are you of sound mind?
lunavrse pls don't look too closely at the picture 😴
user923 What's the square root of 64?💅🏾
user700 they're just minding their business, why can't y'all do the same?
user674 it's a public place
user700 ☝️🤓 it's a pUbLIc PLaCe
user103 no bc they're lowk matching 😭
user933 it's so over😭😭
user72 that's so cute🥰 who wants to have a sleepover on the highway with me?
user33 that could just be a coincidence?
user172 i actually don't care but THAT DRESS, i need to know where she got it from
user32 oh ! i didn't realise that she was actually his type
user79 ... i wish there was a side eye emoji
user18 oh that's not-
user32 nonono in a sense that he usually dates like brunettes
use499 wdym, 'm pretty sure she is brunette?
user03 we know what you meant lol
user270 wish i could live in delusion
user320 he's probably paying for everything 🙄
user419 and? he's literally a millionaire, if he wants to spend his money on his (alleged) girlfriend let him. it's not your money
user232 girl, pipe down
user890 I don't see the problem?
user52 why do you assume that? do you know her financial situation? or you a close friend of either of theirs who knows what's going on? if the answer to these questions are no, shut the fuck up, thanks<3 peace and light to you.
user562 try not to say mother
user587 [failed]
user612 Why can't she stay away from him?
user258 why can't you mind yr business?
user718 first picture of them out together and they look great
user106 her rn: damn i'm the only bitch serving cunt here😭😭 omg😭 i'm so embarrassedd😭😭😭
user211 she should be at the club, not on gossip pages😭
user261 fuck she looks too good, i wanna kms
user211 real
user586 took a social media break and came back to this😃 great !
user404 i wanna say parents🤭
user648 this actually made my day
user446 Gonna sleep on the tracks tonight🥰
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youruser and you're kenough for me❤️
charles_leclerc thank you barbie !
most beautiful barbie ever❤️
landonorris this ken's job is simp
charles_leclerc you'd be a simp too if you could actually date such a stunning woman but you can't 🫶
landonorris you're a cruel, cruel man
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 749 365 others
youruser me gusta la mar🏖️
View all 2 836 comments
yourbestfriend wish i was on a boat right now😔
youruser i literally invited you and you said no?
yourbestfriend i have to face unimaginable horror (work)
user12 that boat looks familiar
yourbestfriend you look stunning babes💚
youruser tysm, means the most coming from uuu pookie 💚
use501 forget about charles and give me one(1) chance pls
charles_leclerc me gustas tú
user784 chill, it's a song lyric
user779 yeah but have you heard the song???
charles_leclerc gorgeous view, and the sea looks good too i suppose
youruser my view was much better but thank you<3
charles_leclerc i doubt that. je pourrais te regarder pendant des heures sans jamais me lasser. [i could look at you for hours and never get bored]
user055 someone is coming for your smooth operator title ﹫carlossainz55
user964 Charles Rizzclerc???
yourbestfriend she's screaming btw
youruser no i'm not
yourbestfriend then why do i have a vn of you screaming?
charles_leclerc 😊
user96 it's quiet🤐... no back talk
user71 stay focused my brothers, we must stay focused
user53 i am looking respectfully, i promise
user131 when will someone tell me the things he says to her🙃
user677 everytime you post a picture my jaw drops
yourfriend oh my gorgeous coco butter melanated caramel skinned goddess, please notice me🙏🏾
youruser oh you've got jokes🤨
yourbestfriend GOODBYE😭 im showing this to ur man
yourfriend you really thought you did suttin🤣 he knows who he's dating😋
user22 I would sacrifice my favourite duck plushie for just one chance to be in your presence 🙇‍♀️
youruser that's so sweet yet so disturbing pls keep your plush safe
user22 Yes queen, whatever you say 🫡
user803 if you look close enough, you can see me drowning myself in the ocean 🤗
user70 forget vroom vroom boy n give a g(ay)irl a chance😫
user312 charles in his simp era
use314 love to sea it
user312 that's a terrible pun and i hate that i laughed
user2 you know who has a boat??? charles
user057 the way that you're actually glowing in these🫠
user717 i love the hat, it just kinda brings the whole thing together
lilymhe you look amazing! and i love the bikini!
youruser tysm🫶🏾 i love u!!!
user742 a friendship i never knew i needed
user335 Since when did Lily and Yn know each other??
user386 since they're both wags, it only makes sense
user360 but yn's not a wag
user386 yet
user109 hi lol
user634 her body is teaaa
user7 did someone say body-ody-ody-ody
user19 he can do so much better than you
user482 I know you want him but I can be so much better than him in so many ways, I swear, please please please please *begs excessively*
user888 Does Charles have her post notifications on or what?
user938 i'd say yes cause how else would he like her posts so fast
user064 the swimsuit is everythinggg
user229 it's giving hot girl summer ⛱️
user177 i could start a whole new ocean with the amount of tears i've cried
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Liked by user621, youruser, pierregasly and 927 375 others
charles_leclerc me gusta el viento
View all 3 276 comments
user905 he knows exactly what he's doing
user200 Not him having the exact same meal picture as her
user080 let's talk about the matching captions
user621 most beautiful man I've ever seen
youruser me gustas tú
user331 in fact, you're both so sick for playing with us like this
user774 we know you like the wind, we've seen your hair
user405 jajajaja
user607 okay, you might have nibbled with this a little
user775 jail!!! do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars
user379 what she said wasn't even that bad nor untrue
youruser now THIS is a view. tu as ta place au louvre avec toutes les autres grandes œuvres d'art. (you belong in the louvre with all the other great works of art)
charles_leclerc oh ! thank you, i am so normal about you and this comment
pierregasly great, now he's glitching and going crazy in the group chat again
user2 AGAIN?!?
alex_albon spoiler alert ⚠️ he was not normal about this
user125 who blames him? not me. instead, i am insanely jealous
user508 oh he's so fine🤤
user933 the matching captions and matching replies,,, god I'm NOT your strongest soldier
user36 yesss king, give us beach!!!!
user078 well, boat but yes!!!
user649 he said im speeding up the soft launch
user573 by 0.25x speed
user649 at least it's something?
user378 honestly i will take these crumbs instead of absolutely nothing
user269 i LOVE crumbs 🤤 mmhmm😋
user120 is really considered a soft launch when they make comments like THAT?
user801 someone sedate me, im unwell🤒
user903 he's trying to thirst trap us into ignoring the 4th slide
user754 well it's working😫
user028 charles!!! te amo 😘
user753 gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure like a rat/mouse with a giant block of cheese
user136 One like and I'll drown myself.
user112 why did you like it🤨
user136 Damn Nessa, mind ur business😐, why did YOU🫵🏽 like it?
user388 them posting sea/boat pics on the same day? THEY'RE TOGETHER
user33 hear me out, it could be a coincidence
user388 *shakes you violently* HOW MANY COINCIDENCES DO YOU NEED
user770 i think we're focusing a little too much on the wrong thing here
user911 if i said what i was thinking, i'd be banned from this app.
user762 can't wait to see you at the next race! praying for a podium finish🙏!
user63 Who are you taking pictures of Charles???
user894 Gee that's a tough one/s
user720 he didn't really think we'd ignore the 4th slide
user402 i am here to do some good ole fashion SLUT shaming🗣️📢
user309 Love them trying to out-compliment each other
user61 he has such a gorgeous smile
user7 actual post of you and ﹫youruser when?
user633 nobody wants to see that
use105 speak for yourself
user708 😍😍
user808 i don't know who's luckier, her or him
user809 both, both is good
user007 hope you're having fun destroying my heart😭😭
user169 charles please, please, do you need a dog because i swear i can bark. in fact i am barking and drooling violently rn
user196 you really get me
user45 he's taking pictures of me y'all 🫶🏼
user502 🥵🔥
user19 you can do so much better than her, i promise
user67 i cried a little when i saw your post of her was still up
user64 I feel like a Victorian man™ seeing a woman's ankle for the first time 😵‍💫
user664 feeling like how teachers think boys feel when seeing a girl's shoulders
user325 don't forget to keep applying sunscreen!
user04 he's so pretty, i'm sick to my stomach.
user758 he tryna kill people i swear
user99 honestly, i think he looks so at peace/happy and i'm grateful for that
user74 you're honestly ruining my life by not being mine 😭😭😭
user981 that looks like too much food for 1 person
user523 that's because im with him🤗
user296 screaming, crying, throwing up, banging my head against the wall, wailing like a banshee.
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tagged: youruser
Liked by youruser, user291, landonorris and 973 638 others
charles_leclerc play all mine by brent faiyaz
View all 4 726 comments
user39 just fell to my knees in a Walmart
youruser this is not the soft launch we agreed on mon bijou
charles_leclerc just wanted to show you off mon ange
youruser oh !
user505 ALL MINE BY BRENT FAIYAZ!??!! oh it's really over 😭
landonorris can't even get picture creds for the 4th slide
user444 you didn't even get a reply 💀 everybody point 🫵🏼 and laugh
landonorris just looked at your bio and it says ln4, i really is your own fans😞
user528 can't believe she invented green 😮‍💨
user553 them in the photobooth, fuck, is it hot🥵🥵 in here orrr
youruser who is she???
charles_leclerc oh you know, just the love of my life
youruser kicking my feet, smiling SO hard right now. je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime.
charles_leclerc je t'aime encore plus mon ange❤️ (i love you even more my angel)
user378 The launch we've been waiting for
user957 the way they're looking at each other, parting my hair with a knife 🤪
youruser you're obsessed with me
charles_leclerc well, yes! am i not supposed to be??
user39 no shame in admitting it, i respect that🤷🏽‍♂️
user291 serving cunt like she got a master's degree in cuntology from servington universitea
user239 charles, can you fight because i feel like i'm gonna steal your girl
charles_leclerc ... you have five seconds to delete this🙂
user805 If I speak...
user806 charles would probably block you
user575 charlessss i can make you happier, trust me
youruser no, i don't think i will
user575 my bad girl, didn't think you'd see this.
maxverstappen1 you guys are so sickening, please get a room
charles_leclerc who even invited you???
youruser wow max, i thought you liked us
maxverstappen1 YOU DID
maxverstappen1 not enough to watch you both be so touchy sorry
yourbestfriend my stunning girl💚
charles_leclerc i think you mean, MY girl
yourbestfriend i'm not arguing with you, ﹫youruser please come get your man
youruser i think 'm gonna stay out of this...
user332 when will someone post me to my fav brent faiyaz song🫤
user333 manifesting getting posted to stay down 🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾
user334 my wedding song frfr😩
user018 why did daddy's home start playing 🛐
user12 FINALLY
user618 is your girlfriend single?
charles_leclerc read that first part again for me
user540 not one word spelt correctly, open the schools!!!
user843 who is cutting onions😭😭???
charles_leclerc feeling really blessed 🙏🏻
user912 this is so unserious 💀
user440 love love love 😘
user54 love a black woman from infinity to infinity!!!
user113 in the words of dove cameron, i could be a better boyfriend than him. trust🙏🏾
user53 NOOOO YN come back to meeee!!!
charles_leclerc i think she's good here, next to me
user17 can't breathe!!!
user17 hottest gf alive
user17 she looks too good i can't breathe 🫠
user27 showed this to my therapist and she's finally gonna let me kill myself
user065 to be shown off like this,,, i beg
pierregasly the fact that we were together in the last slide...
charles_leclerc but is this a friend group hard launch?
user513 call this hard launch an ugly twink the way it cannot be topped
user83 the wording is CRAZY
user48 not Charles beefing with everyone in love w his girl💀💀
user259 just bought a whole house with the 1st pic. her face card is insane
user613 kissin the screen😙
charles_leclerc kissing her👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
youruser ok that's enough
user613 oooohhhh you got scolded 🫵
user084 the audacity to use that emoji, ijbol
user40 i hate you
user40 i'm sorry that was jealousy speaking, so happy for you❤️
user069 i - no words
user675 charles, I heard she throws rocks at orphans
charles_leclerc i'm not an orphan but she can hit me😊
arthur_leclerc NO SHAME😭
youruser i do not throw rocks at children, ﹫charles_leclerc hi
user675 yeah, i lied but he's something...
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Liked by charles_leclerc, user61, yourbestfriend and 985 732 others
youruser think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else...
View all 4 662 comments
user73 didn't i say don't post your man 🥲
charles_leclerc who is that guy?
youruser he's just this guy i'm hopelessly in love with
charles_leclerc he's very lucky❤️
youruser we both are❤️
user23 we all know who it is girl🤣🤣🤣
charles_leclerc i can't believe you didn't post a single picture of me where my face is visible 😪
youruser i hate you, you know we agreed on the soft launch
charles_leclerc you hate me? so enemies to lovers😏
youruser 🤦🏾‍♀️
user704 she's so mean to him, what does he even see in her
user202 you know there's this thing called banter and he's a grown man who can make his own decisions?
user525 can't wait for the future videos of her at any of the grand prix races
user4 he's got a grip on you in every picture i've seen of y'all together so far, like chill lil bro, she's not gon run away🤣🤣🤣
user206 he's actually just like me bc if she was my girl...
yourbestfriend the best launch because we don't have to see his face
user180 ur so real ily
yourbestfriend jokes, but I'm happy for you both💚
youruser love you💚
user16 i'm so😭 happy😭 for you😭 both😭
user444 lover gyal era!
user407 must be nice to young, sexy and in love
youruser it really is🥰
user350 do y'all need a third, a dog, a maid, or anything really because i can do it all!
user110 shattered.
user12 feeling giddy asf like i'm the one who got posted😵‍💫
user61 you two look great together😊
youruser thank you aoife🤎
user08 lord, i see what you've done for others 🙏🏼
user940 when will it be me.(with you)
charles_leclerc never, not even in the next thousand lifetimes 🤣
user838 CHARLES???
user839 OHMYDAYS?!?!
user516 the rope in my backyard looks so tempting
user133 I love k. so much
user48 feet? for free? in this economy?
lilymhe leave him for me, let's run away together💒
youruser packing my bags 🛍️
charles_leclerc ﹫alex_albon please come get your girlfriend
alex_albon lily... what is this
lilymhe as the saying goes, never let your boyfriend stop you from finding your wife
charles_leclerc NOT MY GIRLFRIEND THO
youruser boooo tomato tomato tomato i'm throwing tomatoes🍅🍅🍅
charles_leclerc mon ange???
user909 lily was cooking ♨️🍳
user102 remember everyone, he is NOT a mountain, he CAN be moved!
user00 Donatella VERSACE💜
user6 i love the eiffel tower
user315 because you're parisian, right????
user57 i don't think that's the reason💀💀
user510 do you want another boyfriend?
user204 i just think it really weird that you're not posting his face when he literally posted multiple pictures of you on his account, like what are you hiding?
user832 i think it's weird that you don't know how to mind your own business? like it's crazy that you think you're entitled to a reason. this is her account to do what she wants with it, even if she posted him, you'd complain. so please, just shut up.
user278 not my boyfriend having the audacity to steal my girlfriend from me🫤
user98 honestly if I looked like her, i would not know how to act
user122 facts
landonorris what is with you and your boyfriend not giving credit for pictures i take???
youruser this isn't about you right now🫶🏾
user444 at least you got a response this time
landonorris again, for someone who has ln4 in their bio, you sure like to bully me
user444 you think this is bullying? i can actually bully you if you want
landonorris no, i'm good👋🏻
user303 that one girl was right about you liking the wind a lil too much
user926 yeah this is cute and all but can i land this backflip off a cliff?
user376 those flowers are so pretty 🤍🎀
user401 driving home in the wrong lane tonight🤣
user527 the way i was right the whole time and now my friend owes me money 🥰
user830 you guys are such a cute couple
user010 this would have been such a good soft launch dump of we didn't see his hard launch 😅
youruser added to their story.
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user09 posting a man to MITSKI?! oh it's serious, ur actually down horrendous
yourbestfriend hard launching on ur story when you soft launched in a post is crazyyyy🤣🤣
youruser hard launching when i see a ring 🤗
nah, im kidding but if they want to see him, go to his profile🤷🏾‍♀️
yourbestfriend IKTR 💅🏾
user215 now my man's gonna expect me to post him on my story like this😑 but i forgive you queen 🙄
landonorris finally made it in a post!
youruser finally you can stop complaining 🫶🏾
landonorris why are you and charles so mean to me
youruser because you deserve it, hope this helps🙌🏾
francisca.cgomez double dating with you was so fun! can't wait to do it again 💞
youruser yes! gonna go bother charles to make plans for another one soon 😁
user121 the sun drawing around ur eyes🥲 crying, that's so effin cute
yourfriend not you being all sentimental with the daniel caesar song AND the puzzle pieces
youruser damn, can't even do something nice🧍🏾‍♀️ see if i post you again
yourfriend you're so dramatic pookie
user531 the bear and the flowerss, please where can i get man like that😖
user479 so many gorgeous girls🥰
user06 glad you're surrounding yourself with people who make you happy and bring out this lovely light 🤎
yourfriend2 when the plans finally make it out the group chat🙌🏾🎉
youruser love that for us🤧 but i swear getting stuck in that elevator made me reconsider all my decisions leading up to that moment
yourfriend2 the 1st hour wasn't that bad tho
yourfriend3 we will never be free🙁
youruser please shut up😭😭
yourfriend3 no bc you didn't listen when dr umar said "SNOW BUNNIES NEVA🙅🏾‍♀️❌"
youruser i do not see it🧘🏾‍♀️
𖦹 𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𓂃 𖦹
⤷ end note ‧ ★ : halfway through making this i went "hmm, this should be a lando smau" but then i continued doing this. it posted like 5 times which freaked me out and was supposed to be done ages ago but yeah. also french is from deepl. enjoy.
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surielstea · 19 days
Ensnaring Marks
Eris week day one: Bargains
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Rhys’ sister!Reader
Summary: Reader and Azriel decide to take part in Eris’s coronation, only to end up in one of the new High Lords traps.
Warnings: Mentions of UTM | petnames (bunny, love) | reader is lonely
A.Note: I wrote this last year as a one off so it might be a bit… well, not good, but I promise the rest of the week will be better 🙏😭
4.3k words.
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I sat on the hardwood floors, leaning against the base of the couch, Azriel seated behind me as he flitted through a chapter book. I had my head back on the cushion, waiting for his chapter to end so he could finally give me attention, this silence was beginning to grow deafening.
I stared at the elegant panes of his face, his sharp nose and his hazel eyes scanning the words on the pages rapidly. My eyes trail down to his hands that clutched the book, sickening scars trailing from his wrist down to his fingertips. The white marring was a pattern I've memorized, trailing my hands along the grooves when I got too anxious and occasionally a small kiss to his knuckles to remind him that he shouldn't be ashamed of them.
"You're staring." He grumbled and a small grin formed on my face as shadows curled through my hair.
"You make it hard not to, Shadowsinger." I tease, it was no secret that Azriel was the most attractive of the three Illyrian brothers, no matter what your type was— Azriel was quite the stunner. He closed his book and put it on the armrest beside him.
"What is it that you want then?" He arched a manicured brow and my grin widened as I pulled myself up onto the couch, swinging my legs over his lap as I lounged back.
"I'd like you to tell me something," I ask as shadows come to swirl around my ankles. "Tell you what?" He mutters confused.
"Anything you want, what's on your mind?" I tilt my head and he closes his eyes like he needs to sift through his thoughts before he can answer.
"Beron died." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.
"Old news." I wave him off, the event happening weeks ago.
"Eris's coronation is tomorrow. He asked me to come." Azriel crosses his arms over his chest like the invitation was a threat of some sort. My smile dropped.
"Will you?" My brows knot together and he gives me an incredulous look.
"He invited everyone from the inner circle, but it felt more like a mockery than anything," Azriel grumbled. He knew that talking bad about the people of the Court of Dreams got under my skin more than anything and I had a newfound urge to choke out a certain redhead.
"We should go." My eyes light up and he looks at me like I'm insane, but stays silent, looking down at my feet in his lap. "If he invited us as a joke, we should go." I snort and he shakes his head in protest. "It'll be funny! Not to mention the drama it'd stir." I giggle mischievously and Azriel gives me eyes that were a full lecture on their own. "Oh don't act like you're not a total gossip, shadows tell you every secret you want to know." I kick his thigh playfully and he grumbles under his breath as I remember the nights we would share wine and converse over whoever's tittle-tattle that shadows informed him on.
"I don't gossip, I tell the truth." He states and I snort at the ridiculous claim.
"You need a refresher on the definition then because you've just proven yourself to be a pot stirrer Az." I pat his shoulder and he shrugs me off. We stay quiet for a moment, my hum of laughter filling the silence as he mulls over my ludicrous idea.
"Okay." He nods and I raise a brow.
"Okay?" I ask.
"Okay, we can go to his coronation." Azriel hummed and I blinked, confused as to why in the hell he'd ever agree to such things.
As if he'd seen the shock on my face he supplied a reason, "I have to go there to talk about contracts and alliances the day after so why not just arrive a day early?" Azriel poses and I smile excitedly. "This isn't just some ploy to get me out of the house?" I ask with a chuckle but there is some truth to it.
Ever since Rhys left for Under The Mountain I haven't quite been the same. I didn't leave the house unless I was with another, the whispers on the street about the High Princess. Those long hours spent with Keir in the court of nightmares, hosting it while my brother was away. Hating who I was then, cold and distant, both inside the court of nightmares and dreams. It was rare I got out, much less left courts. I didn't like the rumors, the talk on the streets, the theories. Most of it was idle talk, some of it had truth— and it was that minuscule portion that scared me the most.
"Yeah, I'd like that." I nod and he offers me a gentle smile, slightly forced but comforting nonetheless.
"Do you want to invite the others?" He asks and I take a moment to think about it, but decided that if Mor knew she'd be pissed, Rhys wouldn't go, Amren doesn't care, and I'm pretty sure Cassian would rather chop his own hand off. "No," I shake my head. "Just you and I could burn that court to rubble." I intone, crossing my arms like we'll need to do such things. and he raises a brow— that apparently intrigues him. "Joking." I smack his shoulder and a warm grin came to his face, genuine.
"Are you?" He narrows his gaze on me and I look away mischievously.
"I wouldn't mind seeing the prince's face if I took his court." I give him a gleeful smile, something like pride shines in his eyes. "I wouldn't mind seeing the prince's face in general," I grumble afterward, and the pride he held swapped for something of the opposite. "It's not my fault he's hot!" I throw a decorative pillow at him which he swerves with an ease I envied.
"It's your fault you find him attractive." He pushes my feet from his lap dramatically and I giggle at his childish behavior.
"You have to admit, he could turn you." I tease with a smirk and he glares at me. "If he didn't open his loud mouth he'd be perfect." I sigh dreamily, leaning back into the couch, utilizing the entire space as he gets up to put his book away.
"That's always the problem with the men I date. So pretty, until they start speaking." I huff, standing up and following him to the bookcase like one of his own shadows. "Maybe I should go for the quiet ones." I hum. "I ought to practice on you." I wrap my arms around his bicep and he bristles, lightly shoving me off as I cackle.
"You're not funny." He mumbles, walking over to his desk where he has unfinished work to complete.
"Don't act like I'm some sort of monster for teasing. That's all you and Cass do to me." I roll my eyes as I watch him sit on his stool. "You actually get the ladies, it's easier to joke about when it isn't true." I sling an arm around his shoulder and this time he doesn't shove me away.
"You would get males if you left the house." He grumbled in retort and an idea blooms in my head. "That's the idea for going to the coronation." I grin and he grants me a sidelong glance. "Is that why we're going?" He asks and I shake my head. "No!" I squeeze his bicep. "We're good allies, meaning we're there to support him," I argue and he huffs. He could never say no to me, never has. "And also admire his perfect face." I quietly mutter but it's nothing the Shadowsinger wouldn't notice.
"Go pack your bag." He shakes me off of his arm. "Just for one night. We'll find a hotel on the border." He hums and I nod, following his instructions with a new task rather than talking his ear off like usual.
It was the first Friday of the month, meaning that family dinner was afoot. Morrigan had spilled her glass of wine all over the Shadowsinger in a dramatic movement of her hands so he had gone to go change, meaning I was subject to sit in the center of the dining room surrounded by couples ogling at each other, they were practically drooling down their chins— and adding wine into the mix, gods it reeked of arousal.
"Horny bastards," I mutter, standing up and throwing my napkin down onto my plate. I bunch my skirts in my hands and make my way toward the hallway.
"Sister! C'mon!" Rhys races after me, following me all the way to the foyer of the large house.
"What?" I look at him confused.
"Won't you stay for dessert?" He says hopefully and I twist my lips to the side.
"I don't know Rhys, I'm tired." I sigh out and his eyes soften.
"You're always tired." His voice was a whisper his words had my feet bolted to where they stood.
"I trained with Cass this morning, I'm actually tired," I stress and he nods in understanding.
"Let me at least take you home." He reaches his hand out.
"I'm fine." I shake my head.
"Please." He pushes his hand toward me further and I look down at it. "Alright." I accept, sliding my hand into his, mostly out of pity.
He doesn't waste time in winnowing us straight to the house of wind, my feet planted solidly on the marble tiling. "I miss you." He uttered and I looked up at him, detaching our hands.
"I miss you too." I offer him a small smile but it doesn't quite reach my eyes the way he wanted it to.
"I wish you'd come by more often." Something in his violet eyes glazed over and my heart cracked.
"It's hard." I rub my hands together anxiously before deciding it best to just cross my arms. "I should be happy." A frown forms on my face and I don't have it in myself to maintain eye contact. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Something's just, missing." I shrug when he doesn't say anything.
"Something or someone?" He prods and I glare up at him.
"My love life isn't our biggest problem." I shake my head.
"But it is bringing you trouble, therefore it's bringing me grief." He mirrors my stance and crosses his own arms.
"Well that's not something we can just fix, it's an internal problem." I muster the courage to look into his familiar violet eyes. The same color as our father's own but held all the love of his mother's gaze.
"I want to be there for Nyx, for you and Feyre too. But I'm selfish and It's difficult for me to be surrounded by something I want for myself." I confess and he releases a soft sigh, then pulls me in for another hug.
"We'll figure it out, promise." He reassured. I allow myself to sink into the warmth of his hug, how similar it was to our mothers. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he wraps his wings around us and cocooning the both of us in our own little world of darkness.
"Thank you, Rhys," I whisper. "Feels good to talk again." We haven't really said anything to each other beyond small talk after Nyx's birth, and that's nearly a year ago now. I haven't been the same since the war and found it hard to open up since. It's been a long while since he even hugged me.
"I'll see you again soon, okay?" I back away from the embrace and he nods. "Sooner than next month's dinner?" He hopes with an easy grin coming to his face and I nod confidently.
"Sooner than next month's dinner," I assure.
"Good." He smiles before walking towards the edge of the opening where he winnowed us.
"Night, Sister." He flares his wings outward. "Goodnight brother!" I wave him off and he dives off the side of the house, I'd be worried about him if I didn't hear the steady beats of his wings a moment later.
I release a long sigh and retreat to my room.
I stood in front of my body-length mirror, gazing at the gown I wore. It was a deep blue as an ode to my court, I always wore colors of the night when visiting other courts, and today was no exception. The gown itself was beautiful, soft silk material that moved like water. It had a dipping neckline with curtaining sleeves that hung off my shoulders, the excess fabric draping from my back in two long pieces all the way to the floor where the rest of the dress dragged. The skirt was one long piece but had a cone-like figure, excess material swooping along the sides and attaching to my waist, forming a flattering silhouette. The dress was modest in cleavage though had a long slit ripping up all the way to my hip, the toe of my heel peaking out at the base.
I was putting in a pair of silver dangling earrings when Azriel made his appearance known at my doorway. He released a low whistle and I smiled, turning around to face him. "How do I look?" I ask him. "Like the princess you are." He hums, pushing off the frame and extending his scarred hand towards me. "Do they know we're leaving?" I ask, grabbing my bag. "I don't think they'll notice." He shrugs and I slip my hand into his. Shadows twine up our connected arms and I smile at the temporary binding. "Ready?" He asks and I nod with a grin.
He steps into the shadows and pulls me along with him. I squeeze his hand tighter as we walk through the abyss of darkness. It takes a moment to know if I was even awake or not, but by the time I regain consciousness of where I was we were already back in the real world and now in the autumn court.
"I still don't understand how you do that." A shiver runs down my spine and I let go of his hand. "Here," He takes my overnight bag then it disappears into the shadows. Apart of me wonders where it's gone but I know he wouldn't tell if I asked. "Come on." His hand slips back into mine as he pulls me towards the venue of the autumn lords coronation.
At the entrance, we were greeted by two guards with bright red hair and faces that were nearly identical. Eris was a fool to think these two men could hold off Azriel alone. "Court and name?" The guard with a clipboard asked and I rolled my eyes at the extravagance of it, this isn't a wedding. "Night Court. I'm probably titled the Shadowsinger." Azriel hums, his hand squeezing mine a little tighter as the guard flips through the list, going all the way to the bottom where our section resided. "You're here, and the girl?" He glances at me carelessly. "I'm the princess of night, I don't know what the lord would put me down as." I crease my brows and lean over to peer down at the clipboard. Spotting the names put down as high lord of night, high lady, lord of bloodshed— and "Bunny." He glances up at me and my stomach twists. "Section B, seats four and five. Proceed." The two guards step aside. "Enjoy, Bunny." The other guard teases me with a malicious smile and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes.
"I forgot how much I hate Eris." I huff.
"I forgot he calls you that." Azriel chuckles and I playfully bumped his shoulder. "He clearly doesn't know that bunnies are animals of Spring not Night," I grumble, picking apart the idiocracy of it.
"What sort of a nickname is owl though?" He defends and I roll my eyes, continuing my march down the long corridor, chairs passing each side of me.
"We're awfully close to the front," I mutter as Azriel sits down in the seat we were told to. Second front row and nearly center.
"Eris's motives are always a mystery." He sighed as I sat next to him.
"Maybe we shouldn't have come," I mutter. "I mean, is this rude of us?" I whisper.
"He's the one that invited us." He shrugs.
"And it was funny at the time, maybe we should go." I offer but before he can reply the music is starting and people immediately settle. Theres nobody to the right side of me, but people sit beside Azriel. Meaning the rest of my family was supposed to be lined along my right.
Royal coronations aren't nearly as fun as mating ceremonies. The best part of them was admiring the venue and all the dresses others came in. I was nearly asleep until Eris finally came out, on the dais with a priestess.
He wore a dark green tunic, nearly black. His dark red hair was stark against the cream-colored background of the manor walls. His golden eyes were practically glowing with power and I was intent on staring right at them as the ceremony went. The golden irises trailed over the crowd, across his mother, Lucien, and his other brothers who were some distance apart, a group of advisors who used to work under Beron huddled in the back, and then finally me. Our eyes locked right when the golden leaf crown was placed atop of his head and I swore it was pure power that shone in his eyes as he became High Lord. Finally high lord.
He didn't tear his gaze from mine. Not when he accepted the crown and definitely not when he sat on that throne, the one that looked as if it could swallow me whole but when he sat in it he was the one to dominate it, an absurd amount of manspreading at play as he lounged back in it. The flawless picture of a careless king.
A smile curved his lips as everyone stood to cheer. Azriel and I stood, but we did not clap, and he didn't look away even for a second as everyone bowed, and I kept my chin held high.
The chairs were cleared out and something like a party began, an extravagant ball morphed from a coronation. A long line of men women and children alike filed down the side of the wall, all leading up to the dais where Eris sat and answered any questions the civilians might have had. Who knew the next time they'd get the chance to speak with a high lord?
"We should probably go," I say, sipping from my wine glass. "I wanted to say something to him but there's not a chance I'm waiting in that line." I huff and Azriel hums in reply, sipping from his own whiskey. The autumn court had the best liquor and the best food. The court was always in harvest and the vineyards were always in fresh bloom. I would visit all the time if it weren't for the male that now ruled this place.
"We can go to the inn if you're feeling tired, if not I'd like to eat more." He plucks a grape from a bowl and pops it into his mouth. "I'm going to find a bathroom or whatever place I can be alone in for a moment." I excuse myself and he nods, bidding me a goodbye.
I failed at finding a bathroom but after trying a few doors I managed to find an empty room, the one for holding the guests' coats, but it was quiet nonetheless.
I release a deep sigh and shuffle through the coats, curiously passing time until the Shadowsinger is ready to go. The door of the closet swings open and I freeze as someone enters, getting caught for stealing when I was actually just hiding would be mighty embarrassing.
But I wasn't met with a guard I was met with a worn-out high lord, his head back against the door with the top of his shirt buttons unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up to his forearms. "Running from your own party?" I scoffed and he startled, whipping his head to me.
"Hello, Bunny." He gave a foxlike grin.
"Don't call me that." I cross my arms but his smirk only broadens.
"It's fitting," He leans closer and flicks my nose. I flinch back but there's a lot less room in this closet with both of us in here. "Is that why you call me it then?" I stumble back as he comes closer.
"Do you know what a fox's favorite thing to hunt is?" He questions and I take another step back, my body pressing flush against the cold wall.
"I don't know, mice?" I raise a brow.
"Hm, would you like me to call you mouse instead?" His long legs close the distance between us in one stride and I'm looking right up at him. He reaches towards me and brushes his hand along the column of my throat, his thumb coming to my bottom lip.
"No," I swat his hand away but it comes right back to where it was.
"Because you're a bunny, and you're all alone with me in here, caught in my snare." His smile is malicious if not a little seductive. "I want a bargain with you." He hummed, his eyes flashing something like mischief in his eyes.
"You have nothing I want." I cross my arms in front of me.
"I have plenty of what you want." His thumb caresses against my jaw. "Your little family needs my alliance to succeed in their peace treaty," He hums knowingly. "Tamlin will go down in a feeble attempt at a fight but he'll give in. But me? With my army and skill set, it'd be war." He purrs and my skin alights with his warm touch. We would win, with the Night Courts allies we would win. But war means death no matter what, and that's the last thing we need. If I can avoid that and make sure he stays true to his word with a bargain I was willing to risk anything.
"What do you want from me?" Bargaining with Eris is tricky. He's beyond smart so any loophole he could find in whatever I make him do must be eliminated.
"I want you," His long finger trails from my ear to my lips where his thumb swipes over the bottom one.
"Me?" I scoff with a raised brow.
"Yes, you." He nods.
"Specify," I command him.
"I want you at my side for three days a week, and I'll sign your brother's little peace treaty." He nods, and my stomach drops to the floor. To give up half my freedom to ensure war won't break out— if he even would. I debate my options. I need Rhys or Amren to make this decision for me. I try to think of what they would do, and how they would approach the situation.
I know deep down they'd both sacrifice themselves and a lot more to ensure the safety of our family. So I think about my terms. "Why?" I ask.
"Does it matter?" He hums with a smile. "It's a yes or no." He shrugs.
"So if I agree to this, you'll never call out a war against my court?" I ask. He nods. "You'll sign the peace treaty and stay true to it?" My brow raises and he dips his head again. "You won't hurt any of them?" My voice is a little more soft. His nod repeats. I go quiet, thinking it over.
"Three days a week, whatever days you want." He hums like that gives me any sort of flexibility. "But you have to be by my side." He crosses his muscular arms that strained beneath his tunic.
"Deal," I mutter and his eyes glow in the dark of the closet. I gasp as ink begins to carve up my thigh. I move it out from my skirt where the slit is, revealing a deep maroon color swirling from the back of my knee all the way up and along to my inner thigh. I've never seen a bargain's ink another color than black, I suppose the cauldron liked the high lord. His pale hand came to my golden skin and brushed over the new tattoo, right along my bare thigh. When I realized what he was doing I moved my leg back under my skirt. He looks back up to me with a smirk curving his lips.
"Your neck," I reach up and brush the back of my hand along the new ink forming there, disappearing beneath his shirt. "Mine is a lot easier to hide." I hum.
"Who said I was going to hide it?" He arches a perfectly manicured brow. "I want yours on display when you're in my court," He grabs my wrist before I can pull my hand away from his neck.
"You're a fool if you think I'm ever letting it show." I snarl.
He smirks. "When your brother asks about where you got it, what you bargained to earn it, what will you tell him?"
I swallow thickly, keeping eye contact with his golden irises.
His smile widens when I don't reply. "I'll see you tomorrow, Princess," He mocks a bow and I narrow my eyes on him, about to retort but— cauldron-willed, bargains were unbreakable. I had no other choice. "Tomorrow," I whisper softly, mostly to myself but I know he heard it. How in the hell was I ever going to explain this mark to Rhys?
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Eris Week tag list: @adharanotfound @mp-littlebit @its-me-meg @olive-main @bookwormysblog @inurus @iwishiwasaprincess @randomgurl2326 @tigerlily00 @i-know-i-can @bubybubsters @booklover0318 @lalaluch @hallabongy @weirdo-fun @cognitoergosum41 @adventure-awaits13
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daisynik7 · 10 months
to all the boys who live next door - masterlist
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Hello friends! Wanted to do a fun little anthology series imagining some of our faves as our next-door neighbors. All fics will contain smut, therefore are rated explicit. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Specific content warnings will be listed per fic.
If you'd like to be tagged on any of the upcoming fics below, please let me know in the comments or in my inbox! Thanks in advanced for reading! Divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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Extra Smooth - Suguru Geto
Your next-door neighbor is loud, inconsiderate, and unfortunately, very hot. No matter how many times you bang on his door with another new noise complaint, he’ll continue to repeat his offenses nearly every weekend. You’re too timid to submit a formal complaint to the landlord, so you shrug it off, hoping that one day, he’ll suddenly become nice. That day comes sooner than you think, when he unexpectedly makes a visit to your apartment, discovering the real reason you need your peace and quiet.
2. A Helping Hand - Kento Nanami
You’re so completely insatiable that you’re going a tad bit insane. You enlist the aid of your next-door neighbor Nanami, who you know is more than willing to help. It's almost too good to be true.
3. Cure for a Hangover - Kishibe
Kishibe is your mysterious, brooding, and significantly older next-door neighbor. You’ve lived beside him for a while now, only exchanging basic pleasantries out of politeness, never anything more. One night, he comes home drunk, or so he thinks. It’s not his door he’s slumped against; it’s yours.
4. Double the Fun - Eren + Reiner
You’ve been having a bit of a dry spell recently with how busy you’ve been at work. When you finally manage to snag a date through one of your matches on a dating app, you’re unfortunately stood up, leaving you in a worse mood than before. Lucky for you, your two hot himbo neighbors are more than willing to cheer you up.  
5. What Are Friends For? - Takuma Ino
Ino is the cute guy next door that you’ve befriended ever since you moved in. He’s been nothing but kind to you, and sure, there’s attraction there, but you’ve never acted on it considering you’re already taken. When you find out your long-distance boyfriend has been cheating on you, you turn to your friend for comfort, and maybe something more.
6. Make Me Sweat - Aoi Todo
With the start of the new year, you make it one of your main resolutions to become more active. You begin at your apartment's fitness center, where you run into your musclehead, loud-mouth next-door neighbor, Aoi Todo. He offers his gratuitous advice, annoying you at first. But when he suggests a particular kind of workout, it piques your interest enough that you can't refuse.
7. Rub You the Right Way - Choso Kamo
You've always been cordial with your shy next-door neighbor Choso Kamo. One day, you receive the package you've been expecting, finding out a little too late that it isn't your package at all; it's his. What you find inside makes you think that maybe he has a wild side, one you want to see for yourself.
8. A Helping Hand Part 2 - Kento Nanami (coming soon)
After being caught calling out his name during a sex-filled dream involving your neighbor, you try your best to do some damage control to save face from utter humiliation. Nanami, on the other hand, isn't going to let you off the hook so easily.
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Do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission!
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
Llama, could you share any datemate Fae!Dream you may have please 🥺
What a lovely, silly, complicated guy.
We know he's got... issues. His whole life he's been surrounded by yes-men and people who think the sun shines out of his ass. He really, genuinely believes that his worth as a person is directly tied to how 'good' of a King he is; hence his habit of hyper-focusing on a new partner, then gradually drifting away from them as his need to continually prove his 'goodness' begins to rear its head again.
I think Dream, deep down, really wants someone who doesn't think he's all that. Someone who doesn't admire him, or get swept up in his power and prestige. Someone who actually sees him.
He would really like someone blunt. Someone who sees through him. Someone who will say "Dream, I feel really abandoned, you're being a shitty partner." or "I'm hurt that you keep sending gifts as apologies for not spending time with me, it feels like you don't care enough to actually come apologise."
He wants someone who'll talk with him for hours. But if not more, he wants someone who will stay even when he's silent. Someone who'll sit with him by the lakeside, his head in their lap, doing nothing. Saying nothing. Reading together is one of his favourite activities.
He wants someone who won't rush to 'fix' that he isn't happy.
Someone who doesn't need a performance.
Being with Dream means understanding that he's the King of a massive, sprawling realm. He will be busy. You won't always have his time.
He's much more perceptive than he lets on. He'll remember if you expressed interest in something.
He has taken many lovers to the most beautiful areas of the Summer realm. But he has a place that's 'his', where no one else is allowed to go. It has a small pond, not as pretty as the big lakes. A tree, old and wizened but still bearing fruit. A tiny garden with flowers he planted himself.
He'll take you there. He wants you to see it.
You'd probably constantly be surprised that he keeps coming back to you. Everyone else in his life says exactly what he wants to hear, why does he always refuse to dismiss you from his side, even though you're the only one who dares to tell him what you really think? All the other fae look at you like you're insane when you plainly tell him your thoughts. Yet he still brings you everywhere.
He deeply craves that kind of reality check. You're always calling him out, but never in a malicious way. It's just honesty. And even when you do tell him he'd being a (pardon my British coming through) massive git, you still treat him with kindness and stay by his side. You see his flaws but remain anyway.
He's surprisingly not overly physically affectionate. He shows physical love in more restrained ways - taking off his gloves to help you down from a horse, seeing you for the first time in a while and spinning you when you jump into his arms, quietly resting his head on your shoulder when he's so tired but the day isn't over yet, letting the kiss on your hand linger that fraction longer.
When it's just the two of you, he doesn't smile as much. You come to realise just how much that means he loves you.
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nthee · 8 months
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summary: a slight, or well, not-so-slight blunder led to the unfortunate events of him losing his memory — his memory of you and anything related to you.
characters: riddle roseherts, silver, lilia vanrouge
contains: angst with a bit of fluff, gender-neutral mc (uses second person view aka "you"), the reader blushes (described to be flushed)
notes: title is from see you again hehe :) i just thought it kind of had amnesia trope vibes idkkk dont ask me why atp, inspo comes from anywhere fr. also SURPRISE IM BACK let's ignore the fact that it's been 5 months tho i was so burnt out :(
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“Let me help you with that. [...] What? You're staring.”
“Ah, it's... it's nothing, sorry.”
The close proximity is enough to make you go insane. Perhaps it's better if you just took the time to actually fix your tie this morning. That way, he wouldn't be so close! So close that...
Oh Seven, what if he hears my heartbeat?! Ack, calm down, calm down! I don't want to scare him of, what if he thinks it's — I'm creepy?!
“You seem flushed, [Name]. Are you alright?” his movement stills while holding onto your tie, and you mentally facepalm.
Riddle's hand makes its way to your forehead, the back of his hand pressing onto your skin, before realizing he's wearing gloves. He clears his throat at the mistake, opting to feel your temperature using the back of his wrist — the exposed skin between his sleeve and glove.
“Temperature is normal... a little bit warm, but nothing serious.”
“I'm alright! It's nothing, really.”
Too close, too close, too close!
Riddle retracts back, almost as if he could hear your pleas. He sighed, clearing his throat as his eyes wander around — look everywhere, anywhere but them, Riddle.
“I should — ah, we should get to class...” you reminded. You mirror his actions, averting your gaze.
“Right. Class.”
He offers an arm, one that you graciously take without a second thought. “Let me escort you there. I did hold you off for several minutes.”
Excuses! Riddle's mind yells. You're falling for them!
He doesn't care in the slightest — just as long as you're there to catch him. Though he knew you for a grand total of five days, he knows you'll be there.
“Have I... met you before? I have, haven't I?”
A bittersweet laugh escapes your lips, startling Silver in front of you. You pull yourself together, smiling as you gaze into his eyes — the same eyes you'd lose yourself in, letting the time pass doing just that.
“Once upon a dream, right? That's what you were going to say?” you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, thankful you laughed first before the waterworks arrived. Thank goodness, he can't see me sad.
Silver's eyes brightened, his eyelashes fluttering in disbelief. “It's... it's you. I meet you in my dreams! Everytime I close my eyes, I... I see you.”
His hands are softly holding yours as he speaks, his thumb tracing your skin delicately — like you were glass, or a treasure. It's enough to make you swoon, just as he's always done before.
“Don't leave my side.”
He thinks it's selfish to ask that from a stranger. But you are no stranger. You know the truth, but he suspects it's destiny — that you've actually met, talked, danced before, only well, it was in his very own dreamland.
You can feel the tears again. Maybe this isn't so bad? Or, at the very least, this isn't the end.
“I wouldn't even think of it.”
“Are you a friend of Silver's? I don't think I've seen you around before.”
Those words were uttered before you could even process the initial news of Lilia's predicament — before your heart could even let it sink in.
You could only choke back the words threatening to slip off your tongue, lest it sound like utter crap to someone who just lost his memories.
You and I are more than friends. You play— well, played lighthearted tricks on me. I fell for them. I fell for you.
“You... could say that,” was all you could muster up. There was no point in explaining more, he wouldn't understand them.
There was understanding to his nod, a subconscious feeling of something nestled deep in his heart.
“Are you troubled? You seem to be.” his tone is soft, yet firm. Lilia had always been that way; a mentor, father (or, father-like to ones who don't know he was actually one), shoulder to cry on, wise fae to depend on...
A lover. Was a lover.
Now, all was left was Lilia before he even got to know you.
Lilia Vanrouge, a schoolmate of yours, once again.
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← | © nthee, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, adapt, and use my work in anything that associates directly with ai.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Yay! Your requests are open again!
Eddie + Reader are divorced, but parted on good terms. One day they are at a b-day of one of their mutual friends and get a little tipsy. They start talking and eventually hook up that night.
Reader finds out she is pregnant and decides to keep the baby with Eddie's full support. Throughout the pregnancy, they fall back in love.
<3 Thank you.
This is so cute. A happy ending!!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Oh, Baby
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Falling in love young is always an unexpected journey. Y/N and Eddie felt unstoppable as they fell in love. Young teens that dove into something bigger than they thought they could handle. Fire and full of passion, speeding through too fast for either of them to see when it started to fall apart. They got married right after high school, hitched off to Vegas and she took his last name. Everyone thought they were crazy and dumb. But isn't the saying only fools go rushing in?
The start of their marriage was a fairytale. It was everything they dreamed of and knew they would prove everyone wrong. Because they knew they were meant to be and there was no one else they would ever be with. They fit perfectly together.
As hard as it was, they discovered people change as they grow up. And sometimes can't change together. Eddie and her wanted too many different things, which led them to realize they were meant to be together young, and not to grow old with.
They ended on good terms, both wishing the best for each other. They didn't keep much in contact, knowing it was easier to move on if they went their separate ways. They didn't have anything tying them together so they let go.
Steve decided to throw himself a huge birthday party for turning thirty. And since he was a friend of Eddie's and Y/N's they both knew there was a chance they'd run into each other.
Y/N may have gotten a new dress and tried extra hard with her makeup. She may have sprayed on Eddie's favorite perfume she used to wear during their marriage. She might have been eyeing the door, dying to see him again.
Eddie may have rolled up his sleeves in the way Y/N always liked. He may have dosed his neck in the cologne that made her legs weak. He might have tied up his hair in a lower bun, knowing his loose curls drove her insane. He might have smoked a cigarette on the way as he calmed his nerves.
Once he walked in, the magnetic connection between them yanked them together instantly. His eyes latched on her as she walked over to him. His nose inhaled her sweet perfume as she wrapped her arms around him. He bit his lip when he pulled away, no shame in checking her out.
She could smell the cologne on his skin, craving to taste him again. She blushed under his stare, the dress doing what she wanted. She couldn't help but check him out as well. She bit her lip as she noticed his thick arms underneath his tight button-up, his sleeves rolled so his tattoos showed. The fancy watch on his wrist and rings on his fingers. Yet, the only finger that remained empty was his ring finger.
"You look incredible." He complimented, his voice deep and raspy. It reminded her of his morning voice, how he'd roll over and whisper right against her ear.
"Thanks, Eds. You do too." Eddie felt like he got lost in her smile all over again.
"Eddie! You made it!" Steve cheered, dragging Eddie out of the room. His brown eyes looked back at her until she was out of his sight.
The last few people were starting to head out. Y/N had her feet in the pool as she sipped her drink. Steve was picking things up in the backyard, keeping a close eye on her.
"Sure you don't want me to bring you home?" He asked, but she shook off his offer.
"No, I think I'm good to drive." Steve accepted her answer and walked inside. He gave a small smile to Eddie as he passed him. Eddie had his hands in his pockets as he walked up to her. She smiled as he sat next to her, his back to the pool as he stretched out his legs. His shoulder rested against hers as he looked at her.
Neither knew how long they were out there, talking for hours. But they got the cue to leave once Steve was ready for bed.
Just like old times, she held his hand as they walked to his car. His hand was on her thigh as she hummed to the radio. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, but the smile on her face never left. The same feelings she felt on their first date were happening again.
"You still haven't fixed that front step!" Eddie laughed, following behind Y/N as she unlocked the front door. The same house they lived in together before Eddie moved out. Eddie remembered breaking that step when they moved in, carrying way too many boxes.
"It's our first memory in this house, I never want to fix it." She shrugged, taking off her shoes as he walked in behind her. He looked around, not much had changed. The pictures of them were taken off the walls, and replaced with their friends. All the things he took with him kept the place empty, he realized she never replaced his things with anything new.
"I kinda figured you'd make this place into your own," Eddie admitted, walking further into the small house. He didn't hear her behind him, and she didn't say a word.
She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine, and poured two glasses. She let Eddie look around the house as she grabbed the glasses and headed to the couch.
After a second, Eddie joined her. Both filled up the silence with random conversations as they sipped glass after glass.
As time went on, she found herself and Eddie moving closer to closer. Then she felt his lips on hers, his hands eagerly touching her. She felt like he took all her breath away, his hands touching her the same way they used to. His kiss felt the same.
It's been a week since she and Eddie had sex. She felt relieved that he was still there when she woke up. It was awkward at first, neither knowing what to say or what the next step was.
But they were divorced, and they had to remind themselves of that.
She didn't plan on seeing Eddie much after that, just a little backslide but she's back on the path of moving forward.
That was until she found out she was pregnant. She knew it was Eddie's since she hadn't been with anyone lately. She was worried Eddie might not want to be brought back together again. But the excitement that was on his face washed all her worries away. He cheered and spun her around.
He always wanted a family and he always wanted it with her.
He didn't let her do a single thing alone. He went to every appointment, holding her hand as they stared at the screen. They went to every baby store, and he insisted on buying everything she wanted. Together they worked on the nursery at her house, Eddie painted the room and cleaned up the floors. She couldn't help but feel so much love for him as he worked to put the nursery together. His touch all around the room.
Some nights he stayed on the couch, the more she grew the more nervous he got leaving her alone. If there was ever an issue, no matter the time, he'd show up at her door.
She couldn't help but wish the divorce never happened, that Eddie was still hers. But in a way, she felt like they needed the divorce to grow on their own. And be better for each other.
"I still can't believe I did that!" Eddie groaned, Y/N laughed at his embarrassment, rubbing her stomach as she retold the story of when Eddie got drunk and met her parents for the first time.
They found themselves traveling down their memories every time they hung out. Digging up old feelings and showing them on their arms.
"Why are you laughing? You met Wayne right after you sucked me off!" Eddie said, laughing as she covered her face in horror.
"We were so crazy back then." Y/N sighed after their laughter died. Her hand was on her bump as she looked at him. "We were so in love and inseparable. What happened to us?"
Eddie looked over at her, his hand reaching to rub her stomach. His eyes were soft as he looked into her eyes.
"We grew up. I was nowhere near a good husband for you. I wanted to be, but we were too young to try to save a love like that. But there was never a day I didn't think about you." He admitted, dropping to his knees as he rested his chin on her bump.
She leaned down and rubbed his cheek, melting at his brown eyes.
"I always thought about you too. I know we were young and neither of us knew how to fight for each other, just against each other. But do you ever think about us if we did make it through? If we kept trying instead of giving up?"
"Sometimes," Eddie admitted, leaning into her touch. "But look where we are now. I think we needed to grow up on our own. Without the fear of disappointing each other. It helped us truly focus on just ourselves. And now? We are having a baby. Exactly where I always wanted to be with you." He kissed her stomach softly, resting his head against her as she played with his hair.
Before she could say something, she felt something. A harsh cramp in her stomach. She gasped and gripped Eddie's shoulders. His worried eyes looked at her as he felt something in her stomach.
"Was that?"
"Did he?"
Then another cramp, Y/N smiled when she realized their baby was kicking.
"Eddie! He's kicking!" She announced, Eddie quickly placed his hands on her stomach.
"Kick for daddy." He said, a smile on his face as he felt a hit against his palm.
Y/N felt tears in her eyes as she watched Eddie excitedly talk to the baby and wait for kicks. The excitement in his bright eyes and the love.
"I love you." She whispered, sniffling.
He looked up, hand on her stomach and the other hand on her cheek. He rubbed her tears away.
"I love you too."
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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unabashegirl · 5 months
Bella Hadid || Instagram Blurb
Author's note: Hello everyone! Here is a new instagram blurb. I hope all of you enjoy it. Also let me be clear my inbox is open so leave your request!
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liked by harrysfan98, yourbestfriend and 70,496 others
yourinstagram I really wish we could have been everything I dreamed we would be
view all 5039 comments
harryfan304 did they break up?
harrysfa928 why does she look like she has been crying?
yourfan20 he doesn't deserve you! You are too good for you.
yourbestfriend I'm coming over.
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liked by harryfan398, harryfan294 and 50,083 others
tmz_tv Harry Styles seen with a mystery woman only days after alleged breakup with super model Y/N Y/L/N. Multiple sources close to the couple say that the breakup ended in good terms and that it was Y/N who ended things with Harry. What do you think?
view all 10,487 comments
harrysfan20 I doubt it. She is nothing without him
yourfan12 she was a model before him.
yourfan376 good for her. we all know that he would enventually cheat. Look how quickly he moved on. and he was in love with her?
harryfan194 he is allowed to move on
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liked by jacobelordi, neymar and 15,285 others
yourinstagram back at Vogue's headquarters 📍
view all 2958 comments
jacobelordi 👀
yourfan48 stop cause they would be the hottest couple ever
yourbestfriend how the hell can you manage to look like that? 🙄
sabrinacarpenter hott 🔥
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liked by harrystyles, harrysfan56 and 8948 others
yourbestfriend wish I could take your place and give you a second without pain. I love you. 💕
view all 2406 comments
yourinstagram having you here gives me enough strength💜
yourfan48 so worried abt her
yourfan295 pls tell her that we are here for her
harryfan395 what's going on with her? is she sick?
yourfan184 she suffers from a cronic disease
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liked by yourbestfriend, harrys948 and 40,294 others
enews Harry Styles has been seen flying back from England to New York. Close sources have reported that he is in New York to see Y/N Y/L/N due to the delicate state that she is currently on. The model has been fighting with a rare chronic disease that hasn't been disclosed to the public. Last week, her best friend posted a picture of her state which concerned the majority of her fans. We hope the model recovers soon and send our best wishes.
view all 20,857 comments
harryfan398 pls leave them alone.
y/nismyfavorite stop following him. only you people would take advantage of the situation.
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liked by harrystyles, ariannagrande and 70,396 others
yourinstagram There has been of speculation about my health online lately. I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know that I am doing well and slowly recovering. I also wanted to clarify that I won't be disclosing any details about my disease and I would appreciate some privacy in the matter. Please stop calling my family and interrogating them. Thank you for all your messages. I will hopefully be back soon. 💖
view all 30,582 comments
ariannagrande love you! I can't wait to see you 💜
niallhoran stay strong 🥹
kendalljenner we miss you terribly ✨
harrystyles ❤️
yourfan he is definitely checking up on her and with her.
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liked by jeffzoffs, pillowpersonpp and 2,583, 958 others
harrystyles Your blue-green eyes are driving me insane.
view all 30,583 comments
yourinstagram ♥️
harryfan937 finally 🙏🏼
harrys092 so she isn't sick anymore?
pillowpersonpp cute 🥰
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liked by niallhoran, yourbestfriend and 108,485 others
yourinstagram educating this man. spicing up that dresscode 💁🏻‍♀️
view all 6980 comments
harrystyles i'll admit they are comfortable…
yourbestfriend spicing up? ugly. 👎🏼
yourinstagram shut up. i've seen you wear them.
yourbestfriend aren’t they the same ones that make the Jesus chanclas?
niallhoran you are late to the trend mate 🤦🏻‍♂️
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liked by yourinstagram, mitchrowland and 4,693,385 others
harrystyles educating her. zero sense of fashion. I am the model.
view all 20,857 comments
yourinstagram get off the internet dofus! 🛑
harrystyles no. make me.
yourinstagram i dressed you last night
harryfan20 isn't she the model?
yourfan38 cute shoesss
adidas we love you both 🥹
mitchrowland harry doesn't know how to dress himself. he always calls y/n for her opinion.
harrystyles shut up mitch! 😡
yourinstagram I told you!
152 notes · View notes
pinksatinsashes · 9 months
The Dream Girl's Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals
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If there's one thing that I am insanely good at, it's planning and setting goals.
However I have not always been great at achieving them.
Call it laziness, lack of self discipline or being over ambitious, you can take your pick. But every year I would set goals and every year I would never achieve them.
This year I was, and am determined to transform. I'm tired of putting it off. I've tried a completely different method (read about that here) and it's finally working out, I cant't wait to share it with you.
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Why is Setting and Achieving Goals Important?
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Setting and achieving goals will forever be important, no matter what stage of life you're in if you don't want time to pass while you stay in the same place.
If you're happy staying exactly as you are, looking the same way, doing the same thing everyday, making the same money, dating the same guy or having the same conversations, year after year after year. Then this post simply isn't for you.
But for the rest of us, who want more, who understand that wanting something different means that you have to do something different, who want to grow, learn and develop and that who understand that time is the most valuable thing that we have; setting and achieving things, day after day, month after month and year after year is insanely important.
If you are one of us, I'm sure you already knew that, the issue might be actually following through.
You're good at setting goals, not so much with actually achieving them?
Maybe it's not your fault, maybe you're just doing it wrong.
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------------- How To Set Goals -------------
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How many of us start the new year, or the random day that we decide we need to be better by writing a list of Goals?
Maybe that list looks something like this.
Lose 10lbs
Grow Hair Longer
Dress Better
Save Money
Get 1000 followers on X platform
Can you see the problem here? My STEM girlies are yelling at the screen saying that the goals aren't SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Timely).
The real problem?
All of these goals are end products.
And to eliminate this problem, and make these goals better, we have to turn them into habits.
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-------- How to turn Goals into Habits --------
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Let's go through our list again.
Lose 10lbs -> Workout 4 times a week, do one form of excerise a day and eat at a caloric deficit.
Grow Hair Longer -> Keep hair in protective styles, use hair growth oils daily, only brush hair when in conditioner
Dress Better -> Sell the clothes I don't like to buy clothes I do like, do a closet clear out once a month, only buy things that are high quality
Save Money -> Budget all money once a month, unsubscribe from things I no longer use, declutter and sell things I no longer need once a month.
Get 1000 followers on X platform -> Post 3 times a week, create meaningful content, reply to all comments left on posts daily, interact with posts from others in the sam niche every day
Can you see the difference?
By changing your goals from the end product to the process these goals suddenly mean more. They're more helpful and seem much more achievable.
End goals cannot always be controlled, you can do everything right, post 3 times a week, reply to all your comments and your following count may still not change for months... then all of a sudden something goes viral and they'll call you an overnight success.
By shifting your focus to the things you can control, rather than the end product, your sense of achievement comes from your consistency and hard work, allowing you to keep going even when you don't see any changes.
This prevents you from giving up when success could be just around the corner.
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-------- How To Achieve Your Goals --------
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Now that we've gone through how to set Goals, lets talk about how to achieve them.
A lot of people just stop at the first part and never think about the things that they can do to ensure that their goals are met.
Never stop at the list.
You have no initiative to ever look at this list again so you'll most likely forget you even wrote them down in a few weeks
You haven't factored how your life may make achieving these goals a priority.
The answer to this problem?
Turning your Habits into Routines.
It's all well and good setting goals, even setting good goals. But you also need to make sure that you're creating an environment that's conducive to the goals you want to achieve, the habits you want to keep, and the life you want to create.
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------- How to turn Habits into Routines ------
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We've written down all our goals, turned them into habits and now it's time of the most important part, turning them into routines.
This is important because consistency is key, always. Instead of saying that you'll do something 3 times a week and leaving at that, let's go deeper.
Which days of the week will you do it? What time? For how long?
Leaving it up to chance is risky. What if you forget?
We need to create consistent routines.
Pick which days to do your habits
Pick what time you'll do your habits
Pick how long you'll do them for
Pick what you'll do before and after.
Try to make this as consistent as possible, for example, same time every day, same day every week.
Make sure that every single hour is accounted for, even if it's just set as free time.
Its easy to convince yourself you don't have enough time to do things, let's put all the things you have to do into a spreadsheet with how long it'll take and when you'll do it. Better yet we can use a calendar app or website.
See all the free time you've got?
Now creating routine is so much more than writing it down and doing it everyday or every week. At first you may have to check the app every five seconds to see what you're meant to be doing but if you stay consistent, after a few weeks it'll become second nature.
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------------ Removing Distractions ----------
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Organising your time and creating a routine is really eye-opening because it gives you a chance to wonder what the f*** you've been spending your time doing.
Nothing productive probably. Take a look at your screentime, what apps are you spending your time on? How long are you spending? Is this part of the life you'd like to build for yourself?
It might be time for a break.
I am being so honest when I said that getting rid of every single distraction that could be keeping me from my goal was the single most important decision I could've made when planning 2024.
I went full on, no Netflix, no YouTube, no music, no games, no social media. No distractions. For at least the first month of my new routine and I plan on only adding everything back slowly.
I advise you do the same.
Remove the things that you can see could distract you from your goals. What's keeping you from going to bed early? What would you rather do than going to the gym?
I'm telling you, I haven't stopped working on myself, because I genuinely have nothing better to do. I've cut all the distractions out. Going on my one hour walk is now what I look forward to all day. The gym is the best part of my day.
My days currently consist of self improvement, wellness podcasts, reading Jane Austen, being active, cleaning my spaces, skincare and early nights.
But it feels like I'm living my dream life? Whenever I think of my ideal day it's never included 4 hours of mindless scrolling or spending 2 hours down a YouTube rabbit hole.
When I think of my dream life it's always been home cooked meals, reading and fancy skincare routines. I couldn't be happier and I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
This is probably the most important step because the power that distractions have on us is so real.
You can do all the planning and have the best intentions but if your want to play games, scroll mindlessly on social media, text a guy that doesn't care about you or engage in celebrity drama is greater than your want to be better? Good Luck Charlie.
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---- Making Your Goal Your Obsession ----
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This is actually the fun part.
All I do is listen to podcasts about my goal, read books about my goals, make pinterest boards about my goals and talk to myself about my goals. I'm so obsessed.
Make a reading list, find some podcasts that align with your goals, follow blogs with the same mindset, talk to those of your friends that will get it.
This makes sure that nothing can distract you, and you can't just 'forget' to work towards your goal.
However, you must not let your time obsessing over your goal be more than your time actually working on your goal. Do not forget that.
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------------- Books that could help ------------
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Atomic Habits by James Clear
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
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----- May the odds be ever in your favour.. -----
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sexydreamgirl · 1 year
I’m sorry to ask this repetitive question but I am autistic and struggle to understand many basic concepts within the Law of Assumption it's especially harder since most people speak in riddles and I'm not good with those things. I need clarification on a few things; What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine? Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts? How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life? For example, if I have a test on Thursday and I want to manifest that I don't, should I not study and pretend that I don't have a test? If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life? There's too much information about what to do and what not to and I'm so confused because I don't understand it and it makes me insane!
Ma vie, it's much simpler than you think it is. Allow me to break it down little by little:
What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine?
Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
To imagine simply means to devise an idea. Ideas owe their origin to imagination. Before it became reality, everything around you was once merely an idea: the internet, social media apps, technology, electronics, the model of your home, cars, freeways, haircut trends, the design of the clothes you are currently wearing, the very idea of even wearing clothes, art as a whole, it doesn't matter what you point at; EVERYTHING was born from imagination.
Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts?
You make acknowledging your state sound like something you have to be constantly monitoring. You don't have to be monitoring anything. As I'm sure you know, you're always in a state because you are always conscious of being something. Regarding micromanaging your thoughts: NO! Your thoughts indicate your state so if you're thinking against your desired state of consciousness then that means you are not conscious of being who you desire to be, and so you change that via I AM and you persist in it.
How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life?
Ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. It is about not letting it have the last word.
Pretend? NO! Pretend implies that it isn't real, when imagination IS REAL. IMAGINATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU!
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8
When you live in imagination, you contemplate what you would like to experience and then immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Accept that invisible state (your dream life) as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours.
If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life?
Do what you have to do in your day-to-day life, just remember to bring yourself back to that which you desire to be. Walk as though you were and persist in it. As I said, ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. Attending it for a moment will not kill your imaginal act. So you take care of what needs to be taken care of and remember to bring yourself back to your idea if you waver. Accept what you want in imagination. Remember that imagination is the cause and the 3D is the effect.
I hope this cleared up your confusion. As always, if you have further questions you're welcome to send them over <3
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monzaaasharl · 9 months
Who Do You Think You Are?
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Pairings:: F1 drivers x Female driver! Reader, Christian Horner x Daughter! Reader, Geri Halliwell x Daughter! Reader
Summary:: Y/n Horner is officially announced as a 2024 f1 driver
Author note:: This is set during July 2023 just so the time frame makes sense
Here it was.
This is all she had ever worked for. And now she had it. Becoming a Formula One driver was all she ever dreamed of, and now that it became true she didn't know how to act.
She knew it wouldn't be easy, hell, everyone around her knew that. Especially her parents, Redbull Racing Team Principal Christian Horner and 90s Popstar Geri Halliwell. They knew better than anyone that Y/n becoming an F1 driver would spark controversy, but that's exactly why they didn't hold her back.
Y/n's parents wanted her to have everything she ever wanted. And if helping her with her journey into motorsports was what she wanted, they would do anything in their power to make it easier for her.
Contrary to popular belief her father wasn't as involved with her career as many people thought. I mean of course he gave her advice that the other drivers in F4, F3 and F2 wouldn't get, but they would just have to find it out for themselves. The main part Christian played in her motorsports career was being the person to introduce it to her, and get her her first ever go-kart.
They always tried to keep their father-daughter relationship away from the world of motorsport, because as Christian knew, and y/n would later find out, the media can destroy relationships with information that isn't even true.
Y/n practically grew up at the race track. She was always begging her mother to let her go karting after school and Geri almost always let her with the conditions that she had to do all her homework, and if it wasn't done she couldn't go until it was.
It was almost inevitable that Y/n became a driver, she was meeting new drivers every time she came to a race with her parents. And they could all tell that the way she spoke about karting and her dreams, she was going to go far.
The moment Y/n got off the phone with the Team Principal from Porsche she sprinted down the stairs of her childhood home, as she was staying with her parents at the time, and ran to find her parents.
"Spider in your room or something?" Her father teased, knowing her fear of spiders.
"Much better than that" Trying to hide the smile on her face, however it was growing bigger by the second.
"Go on then, what's happened?" Her mother asked her, confused by her behaviour.
"Oh my goodness, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you" There were tears forming in Geri's eyes as she spoke. "Come here", she widened her arm's for Y/n.
"That's definitely not what I thought you were about to say", Christian joked, and joined in the group hug.
They all took a few moments to comprehend what was going on. As soon as they let go from their hug Christian spoke up.
"I'm sure you'll be good competition"
"I hope so", Y/n joked. "I'm so excited" She squealed, "but I'm also terrified"
Geri laughed at her statement, Y/n always had conflicting emotions. "I'm sure you'll be brilliant, my love" She reassured her daughter, "Who's your teammate going to be?"
"Mick Schumacher" She replied, "I mean, he's been in F1 before, what if he's much better than I am?"
"Nonsense", Christian answered, "They wouldn't have signed you if they didn't think you would good enough." He tried to soothe her worries, it always upset him when she would second guess herself, she was his baby girl, and he wanted whatever was best for her. "You're going to be fantastic, and I know that"
Y/n hugged her father tightly, she knew her parents would always be her biggest fans. "Thank you, Dad"
"So, how long have you been keeping your signing a secret?" He pondered.
"Since September last year...", She quietly admitted.
"That long?"
"Well, it wasn't certain until about 15 minutes ago" She admitted, "They want me to go sign the papers next week"
"My little girl is all grown up", Geri spoke up.
Herself and her father laughed and rolled their eyes.
After a few conversations, and a few more tears, mostly from Geri's eyes, but Y/n could've sworn she saw Christian's eyes become glossy at one point, Y/n went to her bedroom and decided to pack her suitcase, to go back to her own home and then to Germany to officially sign her contract.
It was now 6th July 2023 and Y/n was about to sign her contract.
"Are you ready, Miss?"
"I suppose so"
She didn't even have enough time to take in all her surroundings, the pen was in and out of her hand in seconds.
"You are officially a Formula One driver for Porsche now, congratulations" The team principal of the team said whilst they shared a handshake after her signing.
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This was it.
It was now official.
This is Y/n Horner, and this was her story.
...Introducing Speedy Spice...
@treehouse-mouse @champomiel @honkyscats
Please let me know if you would like to be added or taken off of the taglist by my comments, messages or asks.
Feel free to send requests.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Hob arranges for the Prince of Stories to entertain Robyn's birthday party. It's some form of story telling and magic and kid interactive that all the moms are gaga over.
And honestly, Hob thought the enthusiasm was because the entertainment was good,,,,,for the kiddies. Yeah, ah, nope Story Prince is hot. So hot and his voice is sex -- Hob didn't think much of it when the other single parents RSVP'ed to stay and "help" once he told the story guy was coming, but he gets it now.
Hob hopes that the sex eyes they're making at each other isn't super obvious (because Hob doesn't know if he can fight off that one weekend rugby playing dad or that mom that throws knives), but Hob knows that he and story guy are doing it at some point, like they're still teenagers, behind a shed.
Is it bad form to fuck the kiddie entertainment while the kids are eating cake?!? Hob's asking for a friend.
Ananshdhahama. Listen. Hob is a horny single dad. He hasn't had sex in an inadvisable amount of time. Of course he's going insane about the gorgeous specimen of gothic delight who is currently weaving a tale of dragons for the enraptured children. What he doesn't expect is for the guy to (apparently) be equally insane about him!
They gaze at each other on and off through the story, and Hob is even dragged up by Dream as a "volunteer" to be gently humiliated in front of the children during a magic trick. Hob’s heart is bursting, firstly because Robyn looks SO happy and secondly because Dream’s hand rested on his arse for the entirety of the trick.
They do end up convening behind the shed while Robyn and his friends are busy murdering a party piñata. Hob finds himself crowded against the wood being kissed within an inch of his life. Dream’s hands scrabble under Hob’s nice white shirt, groping all over his chest, and Hob manages to get a grip on Dream’s thighs to just... haul him off the ground. The kissing is unhinged, Dream’s star-lined costume cape ends up lost in the dirt... only the sound of the piñata finally succumbing to death manages to tear them apart.
Dream has never offered to "clean up" after a party in his LIFE. He's not getting paid for that! But the guests have reluctantly departed, little Robyn is all tuckered out (bless him), and Hob looks more delicious than ever. So, once Robyn is put to bed, surrounded by his new toys... Dream will finally get what he wanted when he first set eyes on Hob.
Hob gets rewarded for being a good dad... and birthday cake gets smeared into interesting places. He eats Dream out until his jaw aches, fucks him until neither of them can move any more, lets Dream lick every inch of his thickly furred chest until he's horny enough to let Dream fuck him in return.
And in the morning, Dream tells Robyn a story over a breakfast of pancakes. Everyone starts the new day very happily indeed - except the other parents, who didn't even get a passing glance from Dream!!!
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loving-family-poll · 8 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 4
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Propaganda under the cut:
Vocalist and bassist respectively of my chemical romance. they are insanely codependent (describing themselves as the same person just different heights etc). gerard has also licked mikeys nipple onstage. good times
Gerard is decidedly super abnormal about mikey. he has written many songs about him that are always adjacent to straight up love songs. he has also been explicitly sexual with him (giving him a pantomime handjob, caressing his chest, saying he looks like a hooker etc etc) while also constantly babying him. theyre codependent and they finish each others sentences and theyre in ickydisgusting brotherlove❤️❤️❤️❤️
Grew up together as the outsiders in their New Jersey town and spent their teenhoods together in a musty basement. Mikey learned to walk by running after Gerard and face-planting. Gerard drew comics for Mikey and told him stories. They went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert together and decided that being in a band is what they wanted out of life. Mikey learned the bass because Gerard was in bands and he wanted to join. Gerard called up Mikey after witnessing 9/11 and told him they're gonna start a band. Everything they do is together, they love each other. And isn't it so much fun to turn that incest?
Mikey Way wrote a comic where the main character, who looks like him from the black parade era, gets a woman pregnant. Which isn't incestuous on its own, but she looks like the female version of Gerard Way from the black parade era. Love is love or something
Daverose blondetwin sweep because they were codependent without ever meeting from growing up seeing each other in their dreams
What does it mean to be an abused teenage boy growing up alone and seeing a girl in your dreams every night who is also your best friend. and when you finally meet her you go on a suicide mission together even though nobody was asking you to die with her. and then you are the only two human beings left in the recognizable universe on a cold meteor surrounded by aliens but you’re glad it’s with her. and when you finally touch the girl from your childhood dreams she looks exactly like you. because she’s your sister
I don't have words for how good these snarky assholes are together. DaveRose is brain chemistry changing. They both put up so many fronts, and engage in so much snarky wordplay, and are constantly trying to get under each other's facade. They play off each other so well, witty and sharp, I need them to be together always
We all die & we all die alone are the two cold truths of the universe but dave and rose broke both simultaneously by ascending to godhood together
Their twincest wins because it is just so confusingly tragic? profound? dave leaving rose behind in a doomed world, dave following her to the bomb. they are both so closed & cut off & curt its hard to imagine the depth of these things. but that is their love language: giving up their lives for each other over and over, in a confusing and fumbling and heartfelt love song. i can’t say i love you but i know we’ll die together anyway. because we’re made of the exact same stuff. i’ll find you again at the last moment. that’s love.
Confirmed canon by the author, (something happened) between them. Parallels of dying by each other's sides in EVERY timeline. They are THE womb-to-tomb. There is nothing platonic about winking at your brother while talking about crushes, that shit is incestuous. Seer/Knight archetype. They will die protecting each other.
do you realize love someone if you don’t follow them on a suicide mission into the gaping maw of a literal fucking sun after they knock you out and psychoanalyze you in your dreams? the blueprint of the “ethereal androgynous blonde boygirl twins” trope. witch/knight dynamics. they find each other to die together in every timeline no matter what (but they’re still emotionally constipated teenagers who bicker and make fun of each other in pesterchum). kids with grown-up powers. perfect little freaks of nature. what if we looked exactly like each other’s eyes
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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tleeaves · 6 months
Folks going "WHAT they made a show about the Fallout franchise?? I've been hearing people say Bethesda messed it up, but I haven't watched it myself, so I'm going to trust the word of other people -- some of which also haven't finished watching it" is driving me insane.
Being a hard core fan of something obviously brings with it a lot of passionate feelings when adaptations come into play. Of course, there's going to be people going "but in 8 episodes of the first ever season they made, they didn't explore Theme C or D, didn't introduce factions E and F and G, and because the source company is notorious for its scams, we and everyone else who's a TRUE fan should hate it".
The Amazon Original series Fallout follows the videogame franchise of the same name. It is a labour of love and you can tell by the attention to detail, the writing, the sets, and YES THE THEMES ARGUE WITH THE WALL. It's clearly fan service. I mean, the very characterisation of Lucy is a deadringer for someone playing a Fallout game for the first time. She embodies the innocent player whose expectations drastically change in a game that breaks your heart over and over again. Of course, she's also the vessel through which we explore a lot of themes, but I'll get to that.
There're some folks arguing that the show retcons the games, and I gotta say... for a website practically built on fandom culture, why are we so violently against the idea of someone basing an adaptation on a franchise that so easily lends itself to new and interesting interpretations? But to be frank, a lot of what AO's Fallout is not that new. We have: naive Vault dweller, sexy traumatised ghoul that people who aren't cowards will thirst over, and pathetic guy from a militaristic faction. We also have: total atomic annihilation, and literally in-world references to the games' lore and worldbuilding constantly (the way I was shaking my sister over seeing Grognark the Barbarian, Sugar Bombs, Cram, Stimpaks, and bags of RadAway was ridiculous). Oh, and the Red Rocket?? Best pal Dogmeat? I'm definitely outing myself as specifically a Fallout 4 player, but that's not the point you should be taking away from this.
The details, the references, and the new characters -- this show is practically SCREAMING "hey look, we did this for the fans, we hope you love it as much as we do". Who cares that the characters are new, they still hold the essence of ones we used to know! And they're still interesting, so goddamn bloody interesting. Their arcs mean so much to the story, and they're told in a genuinely intriguing way. This isn't just any videogame adaptation, this was gold. This sits near Netflix's Arcane: League of Legends level in videogame adaptation. Both series create new plots out of familiar worlds.
Of course, those who've done the work have already figured out AO's Fallout is not a retcon anyway. But even if it was, that shouldn't take away from the fact that this show is actually good. Not even just good, it's great.
Were some references a little shoe-horned in to the themes by the end of the show, such as with "War never changes"? Yes, I thought so. But I love how even with a new plot and characters, they're actually still exploring the same themes and staying true to the games. I've seen folks argue otherwise, but I truly disagree. The way capitalism poisons our world, represented primarily through The American Dream and the atomic age of the 45-50s that promoted the nuclear family dynamic -- it's there. If you think it's glorifying it by leaning so heavily into in the adaptation, I feel like you're not seeing it from the right angle. It's like saying Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck glorifies the American Dream, when both this book and the Fallout franchise are criticisms of it. If you think about it, the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout is a graveyard to the American Dream. This criticism comes from the plots that are built into every Fallout story that I know of. The Vaults are literally constructed to be their own horror story just by their mere existence, what they stand for, what happens in each of them. The whole entire show is about the preservation of the wrong things leading to fucked up worlds and people. The missions of the Vaults are time and again proven to be fruitless, unethical, plain wrong. Lucy is our brainwashed character who believed in the veritable cult she lived in before she found out the truth.
So then consider the Brotherhood of Steel. I really don't think it exists in the story to glorify the military. We see just how much the Brotherhood has brainwashed people like Max (also, anything ominously named something like "the Brotherhood" should raise eyebrows). Personally, I don't like Max, but I am intrigued by his characterisation. I thought the end of his arc was rushed the way he "came good" basically, but [SPOILERS] having him embraced as a knight in the Brotherhood at the end against his will -- finally getting something he always wanted -- and him grimly accepting it from all that we can tell? Him having that destiny forced upon him now that he's swaying? After he defected? If his storyline is meant to be a tragedy, it wouldn't surprise me, because Fallout is rife with tragedies anyway. And a tragedy would also be a criticism of the military. That's what Max's entire arc is. It goes from the microcosm focusing on the cycle of bullying between soldiers to the macro-environment where Max is being forced to continue a cycle of violence against humanity he doesn't want to anymore because a world driven to extremes forces him to choose it to survive (not to mention what a cult and no family would do to his psyche). Let's not forget what the Brotherhood's rules are: humankind is supreme. Mutants, ghouls, synths, and robots are abominations to be hated and destroyed. If you can't draw the parallels to the real world, you need to retake history and literature classes. The Brotherhood is also about preserving the wrong things, like the Vaults (like the Enclave, really). They just came about through different method. The Enclave is capitalism and twisted greed in a world where money barely exists anymore. The Brotherhood is, well, fascism plain and simple.
Are these the only factions in the Fallout franchise? Hell no. But if you're mad about that -- that they're the main ones explored, apart from the NCR -- I think you're missing the point. These themes, these reminders, are highly relevant in the current climate. In fact, I almost think they always will be relevant unless we undergo drastic change. On the surface-level, Fallout seems like the American ideal complete with guns blazing that guys in their basements jerk off to. Under that surface, is a mind-fuck story about almost the entire opposite: it's a deconstruction of American ideals that are held so closely by some, and the way that key notion of freedom gets twisted, and you're shooting a guy in-game because it's more merciful than what the world had in store for him.
I mean, the ghoul's a fucking cowboy from the wild west character he used to play in Hollywood glam and his wife was one of the people who helped blow up America in the name of capitalism and "peace". There are so many layers of this to explore, I'd need several days to try and keep track and go through it all.
The Amazon Prime show is a testament to the Fallout franchise. The message, the themes? They were not messed up or muddled or anything of the sort, in my opinion.
As for Todd Howard, that Bethesda guy, I'm sure there's perfectly valid reasons to hate him. I mean, I've hated people for a lot less valid reasons, and that's valid. We all got our feelings. But the show is about more than just him. My advice is to keep that in mind when you're judging it.
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chaosandstardust · 7 months
so there's a lot, A LOT, I could say about James Somerton's apology, such as his avoiding discussing things like misinformation and his misogyny, his insane justification for his plagiarism (as a person who makes history content I often copy-paste things over into a word doc because I get tired of switching between tabs, and I have NEVER mistaken something for mine because the FONT is often different but also, even if the font is the same, I know my own writing style well enough to know when something isn't mine), the mentioning of his poor family background ("my dad is illiterate because he had to drop out when he was 7...you know, which is usually around the time that kids have already been taught how to read, RIGHT! I'M GOING WITH THAT!"), etc, etc, etc.
The thing I do want to talk about is his "filmmaking dreams". Mostly because as another Canadian filmmaker, his excuses are bullshit. If James Somerton actually wanted to be a filmmaker, to just make movies, he already would've made at least several shorts. And yes, it is completely possible. It would be difficult, and they probably wouldn't have been masterpieces, but it is absolutely possible. If his support system was as good as he says it was in Nova Scotia, if he had as many other creative minds around him, he would've been out shooting stuff. Hell, I've spent the last few months mapping out a new script, that I'm literally starting to shoot NEXT WEEK. If he wanted to make something, HE WOULD.
And even so, his justifications for continuing to change projects are also batshit. Let's say that I write a script in November, and I want to shoot in June, which is apparently the situation that he found himself in. That is about 7 - 8 months. That is plenty, PLENTY, of time to finish a script, find a crew, nail down some locations, secure some more funding, and cast. Plenty. This idea that he had to change because his film required a summer element and he had to change because of the weather is crazy to me.
Not only that, but there are plenty of film support groups in Canada, focused on producing Canadian content. For example, there's Telefilm, which will give you money, even match your crowdfunding up to a certain number, as well as plenty of other groups. If he had actually wanted to make movies, he would've been asking them for money. You know, groups who will LEGALLY hold you accountable if a film isn't made.
All of this to say is that James Somerton doesn't want to make movies. I doubt he gets any actual joy out of the process of creation at all. He wants to be admired. He wants the glitz and glam of being a filmmaker without doing any of the hard work. He's a lazy creator at the end of the day, and he will find any justification, ANY, to not do the work, whether it's stealing from other creators to "raise their voice" or switching projects again and again and again in an attempt to justify keeping the money that his fans gave him.
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