#So he whispers instead and only shouts when singing.
lightseoul · 1 year
you and me? really?
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synopsis. mina and kirishima invite you to a night out. they conveniently forget to tell you it’s a double date. (part 2)
cw. gn!reader, gradstudent!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (~23 yrs old), mina ashido x kirishima eijirou, fluff
word count. 1.7k words
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Mina whines as you drag her into the bathroom of Kozue—the first red flag you should’ve noticed (who hosts a massive group hangout at an expensive ass restaurant?!)—but you’re far too angry to pay her any mind. She winces in disdain as you finally let her wrist go.
“Where’s everyone else?!” You whisper-shout.
“Uhh.. I might’ve left out a few details about this hangout.”
You can’t believe this girl. “No shit, Sherlock,” you sigh in exasperation. “Mina, you lied to me?”
Her eyes bug out in alarm, “I didn’t! I would never lie to you, you know that. As I said, I just omitted a few details.”
“Let me guess, like the fact that aside from you, me, and Eiji, the only other person attending is Bakugou?”
She lets out a squeak. Of guilt or excitement, you can’t tell.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, “Wipe that grin off your face. And you know he and I don’t really get along! And people can recognize you guys and think we’re on a double date. I barely even know the guy and his PR Team will be coming for my head tomorrow morning.”
“You don’t know that! You only met him once during the end of our patrol. He just gets extra snappy when he’s tired,” she giggles. “Oh, and don’t worry about the press. The chef owes Bakugou one—he offered to clear the restaurant just for tonight.”
You can’t believe your ears. Oh, to have the power and influence of a Pro Hero.
You shake your head in (another form of) disbelief, “So you’re not gonna say anything about you roping me into a double date?”
“Nope!” she exclaims cheerfully, turning her back to exit the bathroom. You follow suit, though unlike her, you’re not done with the conversation.
“How’d you guys manage to rope him into this, anyway?” You’d keep your voice down as you weave through the exquisitely prepped tables, but true to Mina’s word, there’s no one else around except Kirishima and Bakugou, who are seated at the far corner overlooking the city.
“Eiji used the same tactic,” she sing-songs. “He got annoyed earlier when he realized his predicament, but Eiji managed to talk him into staying. Said it would be cruel to leave you as our third wheel, or something.”
You chuckle despite yourself. Mina turns to grin at you.
“Right on.”
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Turns out, dinner’s not half as bad as you thought it would be.
And regarding Bakugou? Well, the jury’s still out.
You can tell he’s barely fitting into the small chair beside you—which is actually regular-sized but dwarfs in comparison to his hulking figure—visibly uncomfortable.
He’s sporting a black long-sleeve, rolled up to his forearms, and slacks in light of the semi-formal dress code—the very code you panicked over earlier upon realizing that you didn’t have anything to wear. Luckily enough, you managed to dig out a good enough LBD, and opted to dress it up with some gold accessories you’ve had since college. And now you look even more like you’re on a date: matching colors and all. Great.
Kirishima, ever trusty Kirishima, just had to talk about your awkward situation among the group. (Which was incredibly unnecessary. Why not just ignore the elephant in the room?)
“We just missed the both of you!” he exclaims, while Mina, to his left, nods vigorously in agreement. “We haven’t caught up in a while. And, we figured we could be efficient and host a hangout instead—the four of us!”
Bakugou scoffs, looking away, “You guys are such a fuckin’ married couple already, with all that ‘we’ shit ya got going on. Makes me wanna gag.”
Your eyes widen in shock at his brazenness, but you can’t help but let out a stunned laugh.
His eyes flicker to yours at the sound. You could’ve sworn you saw the corners of his lips turn upward for a second before his infamous scowl took over his face again. Could’ve been amusement, but what’s that to you, right?
Mina pouts at his comment, while Kirishima only laughs wholeheartedly. Both brush it off, though, and you chalk it up to how they’ve gotten used to Bakugou’s bluntness after almost 10 years of seeing each other grow up.
“Anyway,” Mina interjects, “as we were saying, we missed you guys and also, thought both of you could use the company!”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You turn to address Bakugou, whose eyebrows are so furrowed deep into a scowl you’ve half a mind to press a finger against it so he wouldn’t wrinkle so early. “I think they think we’re lonely.”
You look at the lovebirds, “But thanks, though. I appreciate the thought and your inviting us out. It’s been a while since I took the time off of grad school and working part-time at Manual’s. Though,” you spare Bakugou a glance, who eyes you curiously, “I’m pretty sure he can get all sorts of company if he wanted to.”
What’s meant to be a factual observation turned into a flirtatious comment the second Mina and Kirishima lit up, both piqued with interest. Suddenly, you’re regretting all the life decisions that led you to this moment.
“Oooh, what’s that supposed to mean?!” Mina exclaims, clearly delighted, while Kirishima’s eyes flicker between the both of you, wearing a shit-eating grin.
You can’t bring yourself to look at Bakugou.
“What?” you’re exasperated at this point, “I’m just saying,” you gesture vaguely to the guy in question, “Bakugou’s objectively attractive. The three of you are!”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious!” you spring to your feet, “Hell, your entire UA class is! Well, except for Mineta, I guess.”
You hear a suppressed bark of laughter to your left. Mina and Kirishima are cracking up now, too. Suddenly feeling self-conscious about getting all riled up over their teasing, you sat back down.
“I’m sure all of you have experience and can score just about anyone.” You finish your rant, glad you got to wrap it up nicely before the two could get even further with teasing you about Bakugou in front of Bakugou.
You hear him grunt in response and see him, through your periphery, look down at his fancy plate of Porcini Mushroom Velouté. Finally, someone who agrees. Though, weirdly enough, it didn’t feel as good as you thought it would..
“Sorry for teasing you, Y/N!” Kirishima laughs, albeit quite sheepishly.
Mina nods, “But really, though, we’re glad you could come. Both of you.”
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“Has he texted you yet?!”
You look back at the course syllabus and mountains of textbooks stacked on your desk, and you can’t help but heave a heavy sigh, “Really? This is what you called and dragged me out of my deep work for?”
“Come on!” Mina always sounds so cheerful and perky, talking to her makes you feel like you’re not 5 seconds away from crashing and sleeping through what’s supposed to be a serious study night. “He hasn’t, has he?”
“Well,” you decide to indulge her, “No other man has texted me in the last 24 hours except my Uber driver, so I guess my answer to that is no?”
“Very funny, Y/N. Ha ha.”
You grin in amusement. Two can play at this game.
You can hear her mutter a soft curse at the other end of the line, “Damn that Bakugou! He’s sure taking his sweet old time. After all that trouble of getting him to accept your number.”
“Cut it off, Mina. You should’ve tricked someone else who could actually be a good match for him instead of me.”
“What?!” she actually sounded shocked, “I didn’t choose you because you were convenient!”
“Thanks,” you deadpanned.
“Y/N! Sure, tricking you into joining was convenient, because you are both my and Eiji’s best friend, though I don’t think I need to explain that.”
“Sure, go on.”
You can practically hear Mina roll her eyes, “FY fricken I, both Eiji and I think you and Bakugou are a great match. You’re both driven, smart, and no-nonsense individuals who think they’re too busy and grown for romance.”
“That honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster, Mina.”
“People like you think that! But trust me, once you find the one, romance doesn’t seem so bad after all!”
“It doesn’t matter,” you mumble. “The lack of texts says enough. He probably just doesn’t think I’m interesting. So cut it off, please?”
You should’ve known better than to expect Mina to let things go just like that.
“Didn’t you see how he reacted when you called him attractive? He got so embarrassed, all red in the neck and ears. Eiji and I couldn’t stop talking about it last night—we’ve rarely seen him like that.”
You huff in slight irritation (and embarrassment), “It’s because you guys wouldn’t stop teasing us. I’d be flustered too if my friends kept tormenting me like that.”
Mina cackles, “Well, you were the one that gave us classic material to work with.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“No, wait!”
You sigh for the nth time in this conversation, “I was busy trying to hype you up and convince all of you of your attractiveness, thank you very much. So no, I didn’t see his reaction.”
“Yeah, that was very kind of you,” Mina exhales wistfully. “Anyway, I’d dare say he even got disappointed when you started complimenting me and Eiji too!”
You could only hear a second of her high-pitched laugh before clicking the End Call button.
Normally, hanging up on your best friend would make you feel bad, no matter how angry or annoyed you were at her.
But this? This is an emergency.
You clutch your heart, which is now hammering at an alarmingly faster pace than normal.
Fuck, you think to yourself. You cannot be crushing on Bakugou Katsuki.
Before you can spiral and go into an I-can’t-have-a-crush-much-less-on-a-pro-hero-named-Bakugou-induced panic, your phone chimes, indicating a new text message.
You bring it up to eye level, and you can’t help but gawk when you finally see the message content.
Hey, it's Bakugou.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
No but imagine being at like an event or dinner with your boyfriend and you've got history with Rafe the whole night you guys are just giving each other bedroom eyes and when yiu guys taje a seat at the dinner table he finger fs yiu under the table
your boyfriend sits across from you. he’s supposed to be your focus for the night, already sitting directly in your line of sight.
and you have been focusing on him. mostly.
there was only so much you could do when jokes dried up just as drinks did and your seat partner, also your ex situationship, started to become more entertaining then anyone else at the table had.
dessert was backed up in the kitchen, leaving you to swirl the steadily melting ice cubes in your drink as you waited for cake for the birthday boy and an assortment of sugary sweets for the rest of the table.
“don’t tell me i’m boring you.” rafe’s voice startled you, the deep timbre of it plus the proximity making you jump in your seat.
if your boyfriend noticed, he didn’t comment on it, instead engrossed in conversation with his childhood best friend who had driven up to the island for the weekend.
you shrugged, turning your head just a little to speak to rafe. when your nose almost bumped into his, you turned back to your drink instead.
“not you. just this entire thing.” your pointer finger circled in the air as you spoke.
you felt selfish, your words a whisper in an attempt at privacy. but you could yell and the rest of the table would still not be guaranteed to hear, the sheer volume of the rest of the bustling restaurant loud enough to drown out anything below a shout.
which is why you’re not that worried about the gasp you let out when you feel rafe’s hand slide along your inner thigh. his trail is slow, perhaps teasing or maybe just to give you an out if wanted.
you want the opposite, your legs spreading instead of closing to welcome rafe’s touch. you’d worn a small skirt tonight, intended to rile up your boyfriend into excitedly lifting it up at the end of the night for another birthday gift.
but your skirt ends up lifted earlier than you’d expected, rafe’s fingers pushing your thin panties aside just after he slides the digits along the wet patch you’ve created.
“who’s this for, sweetheart? huh?” two fingertips play in the arousal situated between your lips, his voice low as he questions you.
you look at him this time, distantly astonished at the way he’s able to keep his eyes platonic and rid of any hints that could alert anyone of your under table endeavors.
you grit your teeth, tilting your head. “it’s for him,” your head jerks towards your boyfriend.
rafe’s eyebrows lift in a teasing jerk. “really?” you nod. “none of it for me?” another nod.
rafe shrugs and his fingers disappear from your entrance where they’d been probing. “then i guess you should let him fuck you instead then.”
you let the front you’ve been putting up drop completely, eyes widening as you trap rafe’s wrist in your hand. “wait.” it’s said a little more pathetic than you intended, your pitch a little too high to play off.
rafe grins, aware that he’s gotten you where he wants you. he nods, lips turning down in an upside down smile just before he pushes two fingers into you, giving you no time to adjust before he’s fucking you.
just then, the waiters come out with a cake lit with a ring of candles, all of your friends starting to sing happy birthday to the boy across from you who grins and stares lovingly at you. even when cheerful faces and phones are pointed towards him. even when you're being finger fucked by his friend under the white clothed table.
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kittyball23 · 6 months
Chewed (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Poppy confronts her father and her boyfriend on a matter that’s been bugging her
A/N: Requested by @webslingerofthegalaxy :)
“Alright, folks, what'll it be tonight?”
While Poppy, Branch, and Viva were quick to reply to Bruce’s query with their orders of fricassee squid, jellyfish sliders, and nachos, Peppy took a minute for himself, humming thoughtfully at the menu in his hands.
“Hmmm… those fried clams sound delicious!” he said finally, with a nod to confirm his order.
But Bruce grimaced. “Oof, yeah, sorry I forgot to mention it, but you're not gonna wanna order those, trust me.” Then, with a dramatic lowering of his voice to a hushed whisper, he added, “Don't ask why.”
The former Pop King looked confused for a moment, but then shrugged it off. “Ah well, alright. I guess I'll take the menudo instead.”
Bruce beamed as he grabbed the menus. “Ah, much better! You'll love it. Be right back with everything, alright!”
The four watched as the purple-haired Troll scurried back to the kitchen to assist his wife with the meals, and then they turned to each other.
“Huh… I wonder what the deal is with those clams?” Viva wondered aloud.
Poppy shrugged. “Don't know! But, hopefully he won't keep it a secret for long.” The Pop Queen ensured to put emphasis on the word secret, shooting a glance at her boyfriend and her father and hoping that they caught her drift. There was something she had been meaning to address with the two of them, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring it up.
But, as it was, neither one of them had taken notice. Branch and King Peppy’s gazes had drifted towards the karaoke stage, where their attention was taken by a performer's rendition of “Vacation.”
Viva’s face lit. “Ooo, I love this song!” she exclaimed. Then, getting an idea, she turned to Peppy. “Daddy, we should all go on there next!”
King Peppy, however, kindly declined, waving a hand. “Oho, no dear, I couldn't.”
“Sure you could!” Viva encouraged. “Poppy, Branch, and I did just the other day! Right?”
“Uh-huh!” the pink Troll agreed, while the blue nodded.
“And you all were wonderful,” Peppy complimented. “But, I'm afraid I can't sing and dance the way you and your band do,” he explained. “And besides… I've already thrown my back out one too many times in the morning songs as it is!” He admitted it with a sheepish grin, rubbing where the ache still lingered.
Viva pouted a little, but Peppy offered her reassurance. “But don't worry - I'll be right in the front row, cheering you on. I wouldn't miss one of your performances for the world!”
Viva grinned and nudged her sister. “Remember how excited you got when Branch asked you to join the band?” she giggled.
“Uh, yeah! How can I forget!” Poppy exclaimed, shooting a grateful glance at her boyfriend.
Branch chuckled. “Yeah, neither can I.” 
“And me neither!” Peppy pitched in, putting one of his hands on his heart, and the other on Branch’s shoulder. “My boy, you nearly startled me out of my wits! If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought your ‘proposal’ would have ended differently.”
“You mean like my sis and Branch getting married?” Viva blurted gleefully. Her words caused the pink and blue Trolls to grow bashful, and Peppy's eyes to widen. Viva rolled her eyes. “Come on, guys, is it really that weird now? I've already planned out the flower colors for your bouquet, you know!”
Poppy gasped. “Viva!”
“Sis, you know it's gonna happen one day! Don't act so surprised!”
Poppy did little more than blush, and Branch cleared his throat, noticing how awkward King Peppy was looking. “Well, only if you will approve, sir,” Branch said respectfully.
King Peppy suddenly looked guilty and sighed. “Of course I do, my boy. And I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. I guess it's just… I can't believe my little girl has already grown up so fast!”
“Tell me about it!” Viva shouted. “The last time I saw her she was so teeny weeny!” she giggled, showcasing the size with her hands.
“Yes,” King Peppy laughed, smiling at both his daughters. He then continued, addressing Branch. “You’ll make a fine partner for my Poppy. And an excellent king, too!”
Branch cocked his head, pleasantly surprised to hear this. “Really?”
“Indeed,” Peppy replied without hesitation. “Why, you remind me much of myself!”
The blue Troll glowed. “Um… how?” he asked curiously.
“Maybe how you both like to keep secrets from me?”
This time, Poppy’s statement did not go unnoticed by Peppy or Branch. Both Trolls turned to her, coming face-to-face with the sudden stern expression she wore on her face.
“Huh?” Branch practically squeaked.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know!” she chided. “You said nothing about being in not just one, but TWO super amazing boybands! I have every single record of BroZone and Kismet!”
Branch tried to stammer a response. “Well, I, um… you see, it’s just that - “
“And then, to top it off, you don’t tell me that you had FOUR brothers? Oh no, not one, not, two, not even three - but FOUR?!”
“Well, um…” Branch tried again, “Yooouu… didn’t tell me you had a sister!” he defended, gesturing at Viva.
“I didn’t know!” Poppy exclaimed. “Wanna know why I didn’t know?!” She crossed her arms at her father, who wished he could pull a hocus-pocus and disappear right then and there.
Viva cast Peppy nearly the same identical look Poppy was giving him. “She’s got a point, Dad. Poppy had no clue who I was when we met up again!”
“Yeah! That's just like when you didn’t tell me about all the other music tribes!”
Peppy put his hands up and waved them in a calming motion. “Poppy, darling, you know I'm incredibly regretful for not having told you either one of those things. I was just trying - “
“To protect me,” Poppy finished at the same time he did. She let the initial disappointment in her Dad fizzle away so she could give him a sincere look. “Dad, I love you… and, as a family, I want us to be honest with each other, no matter how scary or painful or downright shocking the truth might be! We can work through it… okay?” She opened her arms for him, and he leaned towards her so they could share a hug.
“Yes, Poppy. I'm so sorry…”
This time, Poppy giggled. “You don't have to keep apologizing, Dad. I've forgiven you, like, a dozen times!”
“Right, yes,” he mumbled rather meekly, and then straightened himself out. They smiled at each other, and then Poppy glared at Branch.
“Now. As for you…”
Branch sighed. “You're right, Poppy. As a friend, and girlfriend, I trust you. I'll open up to you more, I promise… is there anything I can do to make up for the secrets I did keep?”
Poppy liked this question, and pretended to tap her chin and give it deep thought. “Hmmm… well, you could let me have a couple bites of the sliders you ordered…” she said.
But Branch could tell there was more she wanted to add to that. “And?” he prompted.
She batted her lashes and whispered. “...And also maybe give me a kiss?”
Her boyfriend’s eyes widened. “In front of your Dad?”
Having been in earshot, Peppy chuckled. “Branch, there's nothing to worry about. You two are in love.” He gestured his hand out, as if saying, “Now, go on with it!”
So Branch did. He kissed Poppy sweetly, Peppy looking on proudly and Viva tucking her hands under her chin while gushing.
“Awwww, that’s exactly how I imagine your wedding smooch to be!” the golden-curled Troll squealed.
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Drunk 141 & friends headcanons:
Price : complains a lot : "Nik is way too romantic, can you believe I'm gonna have to learn how to waltz to surprise him for our anniversary? How fucked up is that?" or "These two assholes are so annoying, like they think I'm blind or something, do they know how much effort it takes to not tell them to get their heads out of their arses?" or "Did you know Nik forced me to confess when we were young? He kept looking at me with his eyes, so I told him to stop or I'll kiss him and he blushed so I did. Asshole. … I'm gonna ask him to marry me."
Laswell : falls asleep where she is. Price can keep talking to her for hours, doesn't actually care if she listens or not. Gushes about her wife when she's awake.
Ghost : likes to drink but rarely gets drunk, doesn't like the loss of control. When he does, he gets anxious and cuddly but won't ask for it, will just stare at Soap in silence (Roach moves too much, too overwhelming). Is happy even if just Soap's or Roach's thigh is touching his own, but prefers when Soap is using him as a pillow or backrest, or Roach is climbing on him. Tears up when Price pats him on the head.
Roach : takes any bet anyone is telling him, climbs on any surface available just to see if he can. They once found him asleep on top of a pub's cabinet.
Gaz : rambles and forgets how to talk. "Yeah, I was head down in uh that green shit, y'know, uuuh grass! And there were… they… fuck. Whazzit called… Lullabies. No. Butterflies? Mmmno. Like little choppers, y'knoooow… I don't like choppers. They're mean to me."
Soap : forgets what 'inside voice' means, aggressively whispers for thirty seconds when people tell him to be quieter before going back to shouting instead of talking, giggles at everything, his accent in English gets thicker and he'll also just start speaking Scots.
Rodolfo : looks at Alejandro with hearts in his eyes, never stops smiling. Ale could be telling the dumbest story ever, he'll still look absolutely enamoured. (doesn't change much from sober lol)
Alejandro : tells all his friends he loves them, gets very emotional in Spanish, randomly starts to sing songs going through his head.
Nik : needs a lot more than what they generally have to get drunk, will get tipsy at best, keeps an eye on all of them and pretends to not remember what Price says, especially when it's supposed to be a surprise.
Alex : either laughs about absolutely nothing, starts crying in the middle of a sentence, or stares unblinkingly at the wall, nothing else. Might say afterwards that it reminded him of frat parties when he was young, that's a lie, he's never been to one, he was a shy nerd before the army, he only looks like a jock.
Farah : probably doesn't drink tbh, religion and all that, but she keeps an eye on them with Nik. Gets second hand embarrassment about them sometimes, but will get angry if anyone else makes a remark.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
Hello! Could you write something with Kylian where, him and the reader are assumed to be dating because she comes to some of his games and sits with his family but they’ve never been see together other than that. After a match he goes up to his family and her and they kiss and he takes her onto the field. 🤍I like your writing it’s very sweet🤍
Hi 👋
Thank you for requesting! I really hope you like this⭐️
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Not a secret anymore
Kylian and I, we’ve been dating for over a year now, but no one knew except our family and close friends.
We decided to keep it private mostly for my sanity, I didn’t want crazy fans insulting me because I was dating their favorite football player. Unfortunately these kind of things happen, especially if you’re dating a very famous person.
Second of all, Kylian is a very private person. We kept our relationship hidden from the media for over a year so I think we’ve been doing a great job.
Like every PSG match I attend I always sit with his family.
That made fans speculate.
Some of them think Kylian and I are dating, some of them think we’re just good friends.
The only times we’ve been seen together were when I was at the Stadium.
Just in the first half of the game Kylian scored and, of course, as a PSG supporter and as Kylian’s girlfriend I couldn’t help but celebrate along with his family. His mum hugged me so he did his brother. Some fans saw this interaction between the three of us and decided to film it and post it on instagram.
That’s the main reason I wanted to keep our relationship private.
The first 45 minutes of the game passed and PSG was winning.
I couldn’t be happier.
While I was waiting for the game to start again I decided to open Instagram to kill time.
I saw my notifications blowing up because some fan pages reposted the video.
I was reading through the comments and some of them were nice, others weren’t.
“Typical” I whispered so low no one could heard me.
A lot of people were trying to understand if Kylian and I were truly dating. Honestly I didn’t care, they had no proofs but I was worried something might came up. I don’t want his fans thinking I’m using him for fame and I also want to respect his privacy.
I decided to put down my phone and watched the game since I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t see the match has restarted.
Kylian scored.
The fans were going crazy.
I was going crazy.
I couldn’t contain my happiness.
The moment he scored he waved to where I was sitting. Some people assumed he was waving to his brother but I know it was directed at me.
Just 10 minutes after the game ends and PSG has won.
Everyone was celebrating.
Fans were screaming and singing and shouting and some of them were even crying too.
Kylian and his teammates were celebrating.
That’s when I saw him coming directly towards us.
I thought he wanted to celebrate with his family so I didn’t say anything.
Oh boy I was wrong.
He came up straight towards me and hugged me.
“Kylian what are you doing?” I whispered trying to maintain a straight face.
He didn’t respond.
Instead he kissed me.
In front of 60.000 people.
And more watching from home.
“Kylian stop what are you doing?” I asked a bit worried.
Maybe it was the adrenaline.
Maybe not.
“I’m kissing my girlfriend” he said kissing me again.
I couldn’t contain my excitement but I was a bit worried too.
“What about keeping it private Kyky?” I asked him using his favorite nickname.
“I don’t care, I don’t wanna hide it anymore…” he said between taking breaths “I want the world to know that I have the most unique girlfriend by my side” he said kissing my cheek.
“They are filming…” I whispered to him almost laughing.
“Let them film” he simply said back.
Then he took my hand.
I knew what he wanted to do.
But I tried to stop him.
“Kylian are you sure?”
He looked at me and nodded with his beautiful smile that made me fall in love.
He took me out in the field where all of his teammates were celebrating. Of course they already knew about us but they also knew about our privacy so most of them were shocked too.
The moment I was in the field I saw hundreds of photographers trying to come up to me and Kylian but his protective arms shielded me from them.
“You know we’re gonna be on every magazine tomorrow right?” I asked him smiling.
“I just hope they’re gonna post nice pictures” he winked at me and I couldn’t contain my laugh.
After the game we came straight home. He was so tired and I was so sweaty that I needed at least three showers.
“Can i join you?” he asked entering the bathroom while I was already in the shower.
“What if I say no?” I asked laughing
“I’ll join you anyway”
“Exactly” I already knew the answer.
He got in the shower with me and we spent the next 20 minutes just showering each other and showing us affection and love.
We got out and we went straight to bed. Both of us already tired from the long day we had.
I fell asleep with my head on his chest and his arms around me, like every single night.
When I woke up I decided to check my phone.
“Shit…” I whispered trying to not wake up Kylian.
He heard me tho.
“Bonjour” he said hugging me.
He was so clingy in the morning it made me thing I was taking care of a baby sometimes.
“What are you watching?” he asked still half asleep.
“My Instagram followers just went up from 200 to a million” I say to him looking weirdly at my phone “and they keep going up”
“That happens when you’re dating Kylian Mbappè” he said proudly.
I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“Just put your phone down and come back to sleep, it’s early” he said putting his head on my chest.
“It’s 10 am Kyky”
“Exactly, it’s early”
I smiled looking at him and went back to sleep.
Sometimes I couldn’t believe I had the most perfect guy on my side.
I just love him too much.
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soapyghost · 2 years
i need to give könig a smooch RIGHT NOW or i will DIE. he deserves THE WORLD. i need to HOLD HIM and SMOOCH HIS FOREHEAD and TELL HIM HE IS LOVED (may i have könig x gender neutral reader fluff blease??? i just know that he is so sweet and so adorable. he is my sweet cheese, my babygirl and there is so little content for him)
ABSOLUTELY! König makes my whole life better. UGH I love him.
Pure fluff coming up-
It’s been a week since you found that crumpled note under your pillow. You could tell instantly by the terrible, yet somewhat cute, handwriting that it was Königs penmanship.
Will you go to the mall with me on Saturday to buy me civvy clothes?
The sound of your blood rushes to your ears. Is this him asking you on a date? Or was this just an invitation because he was to nervous to go on his own? Your heart flutters at the thought of walking around the mall with König by your side. You fold the note and tuck it safely into your breast pocket, smiling to yourself.
Saturday seems to take eons. You’re mind wanders during every meeting and debrief. The only thing in your mind during every moment of every day is your date with König. When Saturday finally rolls around you can’t get to the parking lot fast enough to meet him. You see him far before he sees you, and you’re surprised that he isn’t in his mask. Instead opting for a black baseball cap and a surgical mask, which with the ongoing pandemic made it look normal. His clothes on the other hand look liked they had been picked out of the trash from a Goodwill. His cargo pants were much too large and his black t-shirt was way too small, but it did show off his muscles.
“Hey big guy! You ready?” You shout to him across the parking lot. The sound of your voice puts him at ease almost immediately. His eyes light up and he rushes over to you. He’s different with you, softer, which you would never expect from a 6’9” German man. “You all ready to go?” He asks with such excitement he can barely contain himself. The entire ride to the mall you and König don’t stop talking, laughing and singing terribly to the songs on the radio.
But the moment you two step out of the car he freezes, car door still open. You can see the terror in his face as he sees the people lingering outside the mall. You rush over to the other side and put an arm on his bicep, “hey hey. It’s ok. I’m right here” you whisper as you look into his eyes. “It’s gonna be ok, I promise.” You grab onto his hand and that finally softens him. He comes back to you and to earth. “Ok. I believe you” he murmurs, looking back into your eyes and squeezes your hand.
As the two of you walk through the sliding glass doors into the noisy mall you can feel Königs grip tighten on yours. People begin to turn and see this hulking giant of a man and whisper to each other. You know König has some pretty severe anxiety, “hey. Anytime you need to leave we can leave” you say. He simply shakes his head, “No. I want to do this. With you” he whispers, eyes sinking to the floor. You cup his chin and raise his eyes back to yours “I want to do this with you too” you smile, “how about this, anytime you feel anxious you squeeze my hand and we’ll stop whatever it is we’re doing and I’ll tell you a joke?” “I don’t want to hurt you” he replies, gesturing at how his hand dwarfs yours. “Dont worry about it big guy, I can handle it”
You make your way through the stores, laughing at the outfits he tries to pick out for himself. König may be one of the best soldiers out there but he has the fashion sense of a dead snail. You help him choose some basic clothes, jeans, T-shirts that actually fit, and a new pair of sneakers. Surprisingly, he only squeezes your hand a few times the whole time you’re in the mall with him. You’re so proud. Once your shopping trip is over you take him to the food court to treat him to a soft pretzel and some boba.
As he bites into the pretzel his face twists into disgust. “This is your idea of a pretzel?” He mutters, spitting it out into a napkin. You can help but burst out laughing at the look of horror on his face. “Mother would be so dissapointed in this… abomination”. “Oh I am so sorry our food does not live up to your expectations my King” you retort. He laughs. A big hearty laugh you only hear when you’re alone, never ever in public. He takes a sip of the boba tea, fully expecting to hate it, but it takes him by surprise how much he loves it. “We should get this back on base” he says inbetween sips. “Indeed” you agree, seeing him so happy and worry free stirs something inside you. You want him to feel like this every day, all day. You promise yourself then and there that you would do everything possible to make sure that becomes reality. “I really had a great time today, König. Thank you for taking me” you declare.
“I would like to take you on more dates in the future” he responds. Eyes full of hope that you will agree.
“Nothing in this world would make me happier.” You smile, taking his hand in both of yours.
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His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x FemReader|
Part Two
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, nor how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: OMG, OMG, OMG, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE! I hope I tagged everyone that wanted it. I thought few people would be interested in this story, so THANK YOU.
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Chapter Warnings: Literal fucking grooming like IDK what else there is.
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A pounding on your bedroom door woke you. You didn't want to listen as they shouted at you to get up, curling further into your scratchy wool blankets.
Thump, thump, thump, it sounded again. You groaned, slinking off the bed and down the straw mattress, hugging yourself against the cold.
"Yes," you answered the door in a sing-song voice, leaning on the frame. Lyra quickly ran inside your room, shutting the door and locking it from the inside. You looked at her, puzzled, as she ran around, closing the curtains and going into your small wardrobe. "What are you doing?" You asked, following her with your eyes as she scurried like a mouse.
"We must hurry. It will not be long until he is here." Her hair was wild as she found your satchel, shoving as many clothes as she could into it.
You were on her heels in an instant. "What? Who is coming, Lyra?" You attempted to put your hand on her shoulder, but she brushed it off, your panic slowly beginning to match hers.
"Make haste, sweet girl. Get your shoes," she pointed at the two lumps of worn brown leather, throwing them when you didn't move.
"Lyra, please speak plainly. You are frightening me," you said softly, fiddling with your thumbs.
At the sound of your timid voice, Lyra finally stopped, turning to you quickly as she saw the expression on your face.
In her panic, she ignored you, forgetting what Madam had told her. Her words had been grave, trusting Lyra with the news that had reached them from the Red Keep. Lyra couldn't tell you the truth; that was made clear to her by Madam. It could make things so much worse, but seeing you standing there, with glassy eyes and a girlish demeanor, so kind and innocent, made her heart melt.
"We-we have to..."
Lyra couldn't do it. She couldn't lie to you. She trusted Madam's judgment to keep this as vague as possible, but she didn't have to speak face-to-face with you. Lyra wished she had been there instead.
"Oh Gods, please forgive me Madam," Lyra begged, cursing herself for what she was about to do, looking up at the ceiling. "Your father is coming. He means to take you away from us."
Your mouth fell open, a dreadful yet excited feeling churning in your stomach. "My father?" You asked, unsure if your sleepy ears deceived you.
"Yes, he is coming here. Please hurry." Lyra shoved as many items as she could fit into the bag, handing you a dark cloak as she unlocked the door and stepped into the hall.
Too much time had passed with the whisper game everyone connected to the royal family played. Lyra knew what it would mean for him to come here, but whether it was to kill you or have you be with your blood relatives, she did not know. Either outcome was not something she wanted you to experience.
You were frightened by Lyra's body language as she led you through the candle-lit hallways and down the creaky, wooden stairs. The only way to either exit was through the main floor or down into the cellar, and even then, you would still have to navigate through the working women and their customers. Your father had not made his appearance yet, and Lyra was relieved as you reached the last step that everything seemed normal.
You had never met him, your father, or anyone related to you by blood. Your mother had left her family long before you were conceived. A land that was far to the North, Madam had once told you, but other than that, you had yet to learn where they could be.
It made you feel guilty how flustered Lyra was as she yanked you to the back exit, that you were thrilled with the possibility of meeting a relative. You couldn't understand why they would be so scared of him. He stayed away this long without so much as a letter, so who was to say that he would show?
You were sure he only wanted to see you as a parent would for a child they hadn't known existed. If he genuinely cared about your mother enough to commit such actions with her, why hadn't he come sooner? Indeed he would have seen your mother pregnant. There was no way she could hide something like that forever. That part always needed clarification for you. Ma refused to give you the full details no matter how much you bugged her, and all of the other girls would glace quickly to the side and excuse themselves when you asked.
"Lyra, why is my father coming for me now, after all these years? Madam said he did not want me. Did Ma lie to me?" Lyra froze, looking around the dim hallway that led to the back door.
She was taken aback by how plainly you asked these tough questions, by how you would stare up at her with wide eyes, curiosity being the only emotion in them. You did not beat around the bush. Even at a young age, you knew what you wanted and would not dance around it. It was a trait few adults possessed, and Lyra admired it.
"No, no. The Madam would not lie to you," she brushed the strands of hair tussled by sleep as she stared her blue eyes into yours. "She would never lie to you, dearest." You narrowed your eyes at her before you spoke.
"Then why is she so afraid of him?"
Lyra made a noise in the back of her throat, unable to answer. She knew she couldn't tell you of your father's status. As a girl with an investigative mind, she realized that you would want to be with him if you found out. What child wouldn't?
"Lyra, I want to stay and meet him." You crossed your arms and planted your feet, stating your final position.
"No, you cannot," she protested quickly, grabbing your bicep and attempting to lead you to the exit. You stood firm, unwavering with your decision as she tugged again.
"Stop this foolishness! You do not wish to meet your father," she said, frustrated.
"Yes, I do!" You pulled your arm out of her grip, backing up and few paces. "I have been good, Auntie! I haven't asked Ma about my father in a very long time. I have never asked her to see him, or have attempted to run away to meet him!"
Your voice was more complex. You were pouring out all the questions you had kept bottled since you could think.
"Why has Ma not let me see him? Why has she kept me hidden since I was born?" Lyra pursed her thin lips in sympathy, feeling for you as she saw tears well in your exotic eyes. She knew of the apparent reasons Madam treated you the way she did, but Lyra could not speak for Madam, and no explanation was able to form.
"Tell me, Lyra, tell me," you shouted.
She began to plead with you, attempting to grab your hands as you kept retreating further and further away from her until both of you were no longer near the back exit. "I cannot speak for Madam, but you know she loves you. You know that everything she has ever done has solely been in your best interest, to protect you!"
"To protect me from what? My father? To save me from being with my own blood?" Your hands gestured wildly, tears now flowing freely down your plump cheeks.
"We are your blood, not your father!" Lyra clutched her chest, her voice and face mirroring yours. "We raised you! Ma raised you, not him! We taught you to walk, led you to speak, made you who you are now! We cleaned your scraped knees and picked the rocks out of your hands when you fell! I helped you through your first bleed! Does that mean nothing? Does the parent you have never met mean more to you that that?"
You hiccuped, rubbing vigorously at your snot and tear-covered skin as Lyra approached you as if you were a frightened animal. Perhaps you were; you certainly felt like one.
"Let her go then," Madam's voice startled the both of you as she entered the brothel. "Let our daughter leave us to be with the man who will never care for her. Not like we have." Lyra looked between you, eyes flickering rapidly as she tried to understand Madam's reasoning.
"Madam," Lyra protested weakly, "I do not understand..."
Ma had an expression on her face you had never seen directed at you before, only at patrons who had disrespected her in some way before she kicked them out.
The conflict raged within you. Your chest tightened, a string suffocating your heart until it could not beat. Your mind knew it wanted Madam, the woman who had loved you unconditionally, it seemed, up until this moment, but the young, selfish, reckless part of you wished for the man they kept you from. That could be something you and your father had in common. A trait that could be passed on even without his presence.
"Ma..." you said, voice soft and quiet like the kid you were.
"If it is your father you want, it is your father you will see."
The pain in your chest was replaced with fear as Ma walked towards you, grabbing you by the scalp. You yelped and shouted in protest, trying to break free without hurting yourself even more as she dragged you to the front door, stopping and positioning your face to hers.
"Lyra. The bag." She mentioned with her head as Lyra handed it to her, staring at it for a moment before shoving it into your torso and opening the door. You stumbled backward into the busy street. The loud sounds of people chattering with drunken slurs were the only thing you could hear. A woman you had never seen stood in Madam's place, years of love and memories all wiped from her mind.
"Do not return here. Be with your father."
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You hated the streets of Flea Bottom. It was always crowded, and now, in the heat of high summer, that was the last thing you wanted. It wasn't so bad from your place under a fabric awning, but the stink of bodies, all perspiring from the morning work, was enough to make even the freshest milk curdle. The air shined with humidity and heat. The puddles from yesterday's storm were warm as you washed the sweat and tears from your face.
The market deflated slightly, everyone closing their stalls for a midday meal as you sauntered from your hiding spot. The merchants were distracted and careless, and you quickly grabbed whatever you wanted from their stocks, indulging your childish desires. Your satchel bulged with trinkets and an apple by the time you were satisfied. As the throng of people moved, you let yourself be swept by the current. Your nimble fingers darted in and out, always fleeting touches—a coin purse off a man's hip, a bracelet from a woman's wrist. The villagers were too busy shuffling along to notice a five-foot-something pickpocket next to them in the crowd.
A gang of children, little thieves in training, you thought, slinking through the people with sticky, searching fingers. They're too young to be good at it, and the City Watchmen is quick to intervene. The kids would be sent to the stocks, or worse, have their tiny fingers sliced off, ensuring they would never steal again. No mercies were given for the scum of Flea Bottom.
A sharp pull on the hood of your cloak nearly makes you tumble backward. You turn, grabbing at the hand and squeezing tight, so they won't be able to run away. Instead of a skinny kid, you find yourself staring at a smirking face.
"You." Prince Aegon chuckles, shaking off your grip.
"Me," he responds, still with that dumb smirk. You grimace, crossing your arms as you catch the way he eyes your body.
"What are you doing here, my Prince," you mock the title, bowing as an added effect. "I would expect you to be knee-deep in whores at Madam's place by now." Aegon chortled, clapping your shoulder as he urged you forward along with the crowd.
"That was my plan, little one, but I would rather keep your company." He linked his arm with yours, placing his large hand over your smaller one. You scoffed but didn't protest as he led you in the opposite direction of the brothel. "If I may ask," he started, stroking the top of your fist, "what are you doing here, so far away from your home? It is not safe for a girl like you to be wandering the streets alone. You might encounter some unsavory individuals."
"I can handle myself, your grace. I have fared these sandstone streets and alleyways my whole life. I did not get the luxury of feather tick mattresses to dream on and goblets of wine to warm my throat." Aegon bellowed at your dig into his pampered life, nearly doubling over as he held his stomach. His breath smelled like he hadn't drunk water in days, which was probably true.
His laughter continued as you walked hand in hand. It was a loud, boisterous noise that seemed to stretch on for far too long. The villagers began to give both of you looks. You shifted uncomfortably, attempting to remove your hand from Aegon's arm, but he refused to let go, gripping your fingers until they turned white, still snickering.
"I am glad my impoverished upbringing entertains you, my Prince," you snapped, yanking your arm with enough force to be free finally.
He loved how you spoke his title like poison in your wet, pink mouth. It brought satisfaction that no Dornish wine or untouched virgin pussy could get him. Your words flowed through his ears and into his bones, sinking into the marrow and becoming the blood he needed to survive.
Aegon tucked a strand of hair that came to lose from the braided style you wore, staring as he traced his grimy fingertip through the patterns, disarming you with gentleness. You were beautiful, enchantingly dark eyes with purple staring back at him with parted lips. A soft, curious expression is painted on your face.
"You speak so eloquently for a girl of your station," he confessed, not thinking as your beauty mesmerized him. Your gentle face soon morphed back into a hardened one, insulted at his comment.
"I also seem to have all my teeth and keep my legs closed too. There are many things a girl of my station can possess," you said harshly.
Aegon felt his cock thump in his trousers, begging to spring free and find its place between your lips. He wondered what words you would say then-- what sounds you would make. He wanted to snuff out that fire within you but also stoke it. See how wild he could make the inferno until every single land of the Seven Kingdoms was ashes. Only then would he dampen it, place the cover over the yellow-orange flames with simple touches or sweet words, and then start the process once more.
"I meant no offense, my lady," he apologized, holding his hands up in surrender. You didn't give the dignity of a response, only humming as you turned your eyes forward.
Judging by the position of the sun setting in the west of Kings Landing, it was around seven in the evening, curfew only three hours into the future. Without realizing it, Aegon had led you back to Ma's place, stopping at the front entrance littered with giggling women and slurring men.
You had wandered the road and alleyways to the Streets of Silk, the different shopping districts, and back to Flea Bottom, talking mindlessly about anything and everything that slipped past your lips. 
Your image of Prince Aegon in your head was completely different than how he was. He was still a drunk, pampered palace boy who got whatever he wanted when he wanted, but there was something else there, too, behind the thick veil of impulsiveness he used as a disguise. To your surprise, he was thoughtful, polite, and observant. It was easy for the drunken prince to be written off as someone that wouldn't remember what you said moments prior, too self-absorbed in his cup to care. But they were wrong. It was unwise for people to believe that, which is why he knew so much about the people in court.
He knew that Lady Tyrell had taken on a female lover. That Cregan Stark hated the Hightowers with a burning passion rivaling Daemon Targaryen himself and that Lord Beesbury was allergic to bees. (The irony was not lost on you as you laughed until tears were in your eyes.) Aegon's affinity for making people feel like he wasn't significant enough to keep their secrets from him was astounding. You would think that the eldest-born son of King Viserys would be seen as more important than that. You wondered what his reputation was inside the Red Keep. His being a drunk was not a reason to have loose lips around him.
"This is our final destination, my lady. I wouldn't want your mother to cut my ear off, she seemed moments from it when I first met you a fortnight ago." He could only recall the streak of white in your hair as you hugged yourself to Madam at the time. You giggled, remembering the rage on Ma's face when she saw him talking to you, then remembering that same rage was directed at you not too long ago. 
Aegon smiled down at you, his breath no longer stinking of alcohol but of the sweet citrus blend of juice he had bought for the both of you. The pain was still fresh in your mind, the happy memories of today overshadowed by it. He took notice and gently turned you to face him, your eyes downcast in shame. 
You were beginning to cry and did not want him to see it-- see you so weak. You may have portrayed yourself as a strong, independent, blossoming young woman who could take care of her own needs, and to a point, you were, but you were still a girl. You needed Ma.
You sniffled, trying to move away from Aegon, but he held you firm, gripping your chin with his thumb and pointer finger.
"What is wrong, little one?" He asked sweetly, only making the salty tears spill more. "My pretty girl, please speak to me. Is it because you do not want our fun to end," he jested, though still concerned.
"No," you mumbled softly, shaking your head as your saliva turned to globs in your mouth. It took everything inside him not to kiss you right there.
"Then tell me, so I can mend it." Aegon sounded so sure of himself that he almost convinced you. He was so kind to you that you believed he would do anything you asked. Perhaps you could ask him to run in there and demand Ma to take you back. You probably could.
"I made a mistake," you said before collapsing into his body, hands clutching at his brown tunic.
Aegon felt his heart skip a beat when your short arms wrapped around his torso; his reaction was delayed as he did the same for you. He wanted to do so many things to you. He wanted to carry you to his quarters in the Red Keep and bed you. He wanted to steal that precious maidenhood of yours, watch the same tears flowing under him, but he could not.
For the first time in years, Aegon Targaryen showed restraint.
His arms were crushing you, but you didn't care. You welcomed the physical pain, focusing on that rather than the emotional.
"Ma hates me," the words began to leak from your mouth before you realized it. "She-she told me never to come back because... because..." A sob ripped from your chest, and you pressed into Aegon further, so you could feel him squeeze you tighter.
"Why does she hate you?" He questioned into your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of your sweat.
"Because I am a terrible daughter! Because I am a horrible person! Because I want to know my father! I am the child of a whore and a deadbeat." The people lining the entrance began to turn their heads at the pair of you, seeing the white-haired prince holding a young girl crying. They knew what that meant and kept to themselves. "I have lost the only people in the world who care about me." You knew you sounded childish, but you were too upset to care.
"You are not a bad person or terrible daughter. I do not believe that at all. Your intelligence and beauty are far more superior than any woman or man at court." His comforting words made you feel slightly better, happy to hear the affirmations you desperately needed finally. "Our time together, though it has been brief, has been the happiest moments of my life, and I have attended a New Year celebration with the Dothraki," Aegon boasted as he pinched your arse. You squealed, swatting at him as you tried to get away, chuckling.
Aegen let go of you, his arms trembling from how hard he squeezed you as he looked into those beautiful eyes again. He was still in a lust-filled drunken haze when he met you. The memory of you from a fortnight ago was very muddy. The more minor details of your body were forgotten. Oh, how the purple in them reminded him of his own, and the white streak woven into your hair was similar to his.
How had he not seen this sooner when it was staring at him right in the face? It finally made sense, the sudden arrival of his Uncle. Aegon had thought it weird for Daemon to arrive without Rhaenyra and the rest of them unannounced and even more strange that he wanted to speak with his mother and Larys Strong. But now, it all made sense why his mother had looked so interested in his drunk rambling one dinner. Daemon had sired a bastard, and that was you.
He smiled to himself. It explained why you had that fire, why Aegon felt so drawn to you. You had the blood of the dragon coursing through your veins.
"Do not laugh at me, Aegon. It is not funny." You push him away, embarrassed that you have let yourself become so exposed in front of him.
"I am not laughing at you, little one," he said kindly, "I just thought of something that might make this all better." You snorted in disbelief and rubbed the tears away.
"What could possibly make this better?" You questioned skeptically as he grinned. His sweet words at done a great deal to help, but the pain was so raw and fresh that you needed a distraction.
"Accompany me tonight, my fair maiden," Aegon bowed deeply at the waist, extending his palm out, "and you shall find out." 
Smut? NO! Only fluff! Don't worry, we'll get to the debauchery in the next part. ;)
You let out a shakey breath, almost laughing as you took his hand. He kissed your knuckles, brushing them with his thumb as he led you into the humid darkness.
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Thank you for reading!
Master List of Series
Tagged peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @buckysmainhxe, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @minttea07, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle
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jamdoughnutmagician · 9 months
A Cut Above The Rest
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Mechanic!Eddie x Hairdresser!Fem!Reader
Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns (Part 3)
Summary:It's a Friday night and instead of being sad moping over your ex, your friend decides that you need a night out of drinking and good company
Word Count:1, 896
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Masterlist Series Masterlist
The floor of The Hideout is just as sticky underfoot as you remember it ten years ago. Back when you were trying to sneak in with Robin, cautiously showing your fake IDs to the bar staff in the hopes of sharing a few beers with a friend.
The place is dimly lit, save for a few colourful twinkling fairy lights and bright neon signs that brighten up the otherwise dingy bar.
There’s the faint sound of a live band playing some blues-y folk-country music, that gets overshadowed by the chatter of the bar's regulars, and the sound of balls knocking against one another on the green of the pool table.
"Didn't you say something about a live band?" You ask Robin as you take a sip from your bottle, pointing towards the band already on stage. 
"Oh that's just the warm up act. The real band will be on in a minute"
It's not that the music that they were playing was bad, but judging by the way the patrons largely ignored them, you'd guess that they weren't really warming up the crowd as much as they had hoped. Your only hope is that the next band to go on would be more engaging.
The warm up act graciously say their thank you's to the less-than enthusiastic audience and start to leave the stage.
"Here they come! Corroded Coffin always put on a show" Robin declares as she nudges her elbow into your side.
Corroded Coffin? Why did that sound so familiar?
You watch as the group file onto the stage, the drummer sitting behind the drum kit, and all three of the guitarists, one bassist and two electric guitars, each hoisting their instrument's strap over their head.
In the sparkling glow of the strung up fairy lights the band's lead guitarist's features are illuminated. 
Waves of long dark curls fall around his shoulders, as he looks down to connect his amplifier's cord to his guitar.
The overhead spotlight hits him, and he looks up and out to his crowd
And..hang on a moment…That's Eddie! 
It was all flooding back to you now! Memories of him and the rest of the band at the middle school's talent show! Performing a very solid version of Paranoid that only served to further your crush on the boy.
"You didn't tell me Eddie was playing tonight!" You whisper-shout to Robin.
Robin only smiles at you, as if this was her plan all along. 
“shh..They’re starting. Just sit back and enjoy the show.” Robin shushed you as the band begins to play the opening notes of Ride The Lightning. 
You watch as his fingers dance up and down the neck of his red and black guitar, whilst his other hand is skillfully plucking and strumming the strings to perfection. He almost looks lost in the music, so completely in his element performing up on stage.
The song finishes and Eddie leans close to the microphone, his voice is raspy from singing. 
“I hope everyone’s having a rockin’ Friday night!” a few cheers, and two very distinct ‘whoops’  from you and Robin sound out in the audience. “We're Corroded Coffin, and this is a little song called ‘Master of Puppets’”
There’s a 4 count beat from the drummer before Eddie and the other guitarist launch into the song’s very familiar intro. 
The rest of the band's performance is electric. The beat of the drum thrums in your chest, the sting of the guitar's strings resonate in your heart. You try your best not to focus too much on Eddie up on the stage, his loose-fitting tank top hangs on his lean frame, showcasing the array of crawling tattoos up his defined muscles, but you can’t help the way your eyes are drawn to him every single time.
His long, frizzy, dark hair falls down around his shoulders as he leans into the microphone once more. His dark brown eyes sparkle under the lights and as he looks out to the small crowd he spots you. His eyes meeting yours as his raspy voice sings out the last note of the final song in their set-list .
“Thanks for being such a great audience, enjoy the rest of your night, and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do” he teases with a wink and a cheeky smile, before making his way off the stage.
Robin leans over to you, letting you know she's off to the bar to get another drink.
"You want another one?" She offers.
"No, I'm good, thanks." You smile back at her, watching as she goes over to the bar.
You sit with yourself for a moment before you hear a voice come from over your shoulder.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, or people are gonna start talking about us.” 
You follow the voice to see Eddie once more. Fresh off the stage after his performance. His long hair is now tied up in a little bun at the nape of his neck, although a few loose curls manage to fall free, falling down around his face.  
“This seat taken?” he asks, gesturing to the empty seat beside you.
You look over Eddie’s shoulder to see Robin laughing, joking and leaning into the touch of a freckled red-head girl. You smile, glad that she’s finally moving on from her unrequited crush on Tammy Thompson. You figure she’s not going to need her seat for a while by the looks of things.
“Sure, go ahead. ” you nod.
He sits down in the chair next to yours and sitting as close to him as you are right now, you can see how his big brown eyes are lined with a smudge of black eyeliner. 
“I loved your set, by the way, the whole band sounded amazing!”
“Aw, thanks! That’s very kind of you to say.” he smiles, and you can swear that there is a faint dusting of a pink blush rising to his cheeks.
“You were like a total rockstar up there!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that, I mean we really only ever play to small crowds in here anyway.” he chuckles.
“You’ve gotta start somewhere, right? You never know! One day you could be playing here and some big, important talent scout might wanna sign you!” 
“Well that would be something, wouldn’t it?” he smiles with a laugh.
“Then when you’re a world-famous rockstar, I’ll be telling people about how I was there at the beginning, when they were playing small gigs in The Hideout!”
Eddie finds himself smiling at your excitable nature, and the way you laugh with a slight scrunch of your nose is down-right fucking adorable. His uncle Wayne was right, as usual, he did have a crush on you. Eddie was well and truly screwed. 
Suddenly an idea struck him, it might be a long-shot, but it might just work.
“Hey this might seem, like, really forward, but can I give you my number? We’ve bumped into each other enough times by now anyway.” He says, trying his best to hide the slight nervous stutter in his voice.
“Sure!” you smile as you reach into your bag for your phone. “You can give me your number, and then I can text you so you have my number too! You know, just in case something else goes wrong with my car." You laugh. The conversation between you flows so easily that part of you wonders if he wouldn't mind if you called him as more than a desperate plea for help to fix your car. Talking with Eddie felt like the most easy and natural thing in the world. Even in the few moments you'd spoken to him he'd put you at ease in a way that Jacob never did throughout the entire time you were with him.
He gives you his number and you tap it into your phone.
"Well, it was nice seeing you again, hopefully I'll see you around. Enjoy the rest of your evening." With that he bids you goodbye with a two fingered salute as he walks off.
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Robin and you stumble back into the apartment in a fit of hushed giggles as you clinged to one another, the effect of the alcohol hitting you both all too quickly.
You both slump down next to each other on the couch for a moment.
"You looked real cozy with that red-head at the bar? You finally getting over Tammy once and for all?" You ask, leaning your head into her shoulder.
“Who? Vickie?” she asks, a faint blush dusting across her freckled cheeks.
“Oh on a first name basis with her already are we? 
“Well we were only talking for a little while.”
“I thought you lesbians moved fast in relationships” you joked with her.
“First of all, that is a stereotype, but yeah I kinda maybe do like her a little bit.” she admits, with the flush on her face deepening by the second. “Anyway, enough about my love-life! What about you, huh?”
“What about me?” you parrot back to her, not following what she was getting at.
“Don’t play all innocent with me, I saw you! You also looked ‘real cozy’ hanging out with Eddie! So what’s the deal there?”
“There is no deal, we just got to chatting about his music, that’s all..” you trail off, not daring to mention to Robin that you had swapped numbers with him.
She raised her eyebrows at you, almost as if she didn’t believe a word of what you were saying. 
“I feel like there’s something else you’re not telling me.”
Under her suspicious gaze you squirm in your seat. Damnit Robin. Why did she have to be so good at sniffing out the truth? 
“..And we maybe exchanged numbers..” you mumble out quickly out of embarrassment of having your little secret pulled out of you by your best friend.
“What on earth are we doing just sitting here! Go get your phone right now!” Robin screeches, jumping up excitedly.
“No, no, it’s late and he’s probably tired. I don’t want to bother him”
"Well maybe you're not bothering him…"
You turn around to see Robin holding your phone in her hands as her fingers work quickly to send a text.
You try to jump up and stop her, but Robin holds your phone just out of your reach.
"..Aaaand send." Robin smirks proudly.
"Oh my god, Robin! What did you do?" You panic, your mind racing at a hundred miles an hour.
"Relax.." She assures you. "I just sent him a friendly little message. I figured since you were too much of a chicken-shit to do anything about your crush, I'd just give you the little push that you so clearly needed" 
She hands over your phone and sure enough there the text, as plain as anything proudly displayed on the screen of your phone.
"It was nice seeing you again, I had a great time chatting with you, perhaps we could meet up again sometime? -y/n "
It doesn't take long before your phone buzzes back to life once more, notifying you of a new, unread message.
"I had a great time talking to you too, I'd love to see you again! How does Sunday sound? Hopefully this doesn’t sound too forward, but there’s an fall festival going on over the weekend, perhaps we could go together?”
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@sunflowerdaydreamer @xxhellfiregirlxx @penguinsandpotterheads @munsonology @seatnights @avalon-wolf @jesssssmaybankk
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xcherrypie · 5 months
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Wanted tension
Summary: after years of playing games with each other, things get a bit too much for you and Sam.
Words: 1.1k
Having lived down the road from Sam and gone to school with him all your life it was only natural you ended up in the same friendship group since your early teens. As close as the whole group was, yourself and Sam was different. Different, but never anything more than good friends and you’d never expect that to change, until one drunken kiss when you was 17 at a house party. It was nothing meaningful, and as far as you was aware it was no different to any other kiss you exchanged with friends after drinking too much on a Saturday night. However after that night, the kiss was always playing in the back of your mind, part of you wishing it never happened and part of you wishing it could happen again.
However life went on and both you and Sam carried on your own separate lives as normal. Sam had girlfriends over the years, as did you have boyfriends, although Sam never seemed to warm to any of your boyfriends telling you they were never good enough or that he just simply couldn’t stand them. None of Sam’s girlfriends really likes you either, always telling him to stop talking to you or not see you as much. Despite this you and Sam stayed really close, however as the years went on there seemed to be this growing cloud of tension hanging over the both of you, a tension you can’t deny you enjoyed.
So no surprise your stomach filled with butterflies when Sam walked into your bedroom as you was finishing straightening the last strand of hair. You looked stunning, in a little black dress and heels, with your makeup sitting perfectly on your skin, even you could tell that Sam wasn’t able to take his eyes off you. “Who’s all this for ay?” He smirked, moving himself to stand behind you while you sit on the floor in-front of your mirror, applying your lipgloss. “Can’t a girl make herself look pretty for her friends birthday?” You replied, looking up at him smiling. “Well you’ve certainly done that” he grinned looking back down at you. For a moment there was silence, probably lasting 2 seconds but felt like forever. “Oh shut up Fender, now get out” you jokingly laughed in response. “I’m nearly finished getting ready, give me five and I’ll meet you all downstairs” you continued, hoping he’d stop distracting you and let you finish getting ready.
It was your friends birthday and to celebrate you agreed to host a get together at your house in which everyone could dress up, have a laugh and see your friends birthday in with lots of drinking and games. You finally finished getting ready and made your way downstairs to meet the others. The night was a huge success, everyone having a good time, dancing and chatting. However one of your friends, Rory, was progressively getting quite handsy with you throughout the night. You didn’t mind however, part of you just wished it was Sam instead, but by now you felt all his flirty comments were just part of his personality and that there was no meaning behind them. Sam however did mind, the thought of Rory touching you and being so close to you was winding him up and he did not like it one bit.
As the night continued you carried on having a laugh with everyone, singing and dancing, although you started to feel Sam’s eyes on you at all times. He was sat on the sofa beer in hand, eyes locked on you and he didn’t look impressed. Seeing as you’d had a bit to drink, part of you was telling yourself to take advantage of this, you wanted a reaction, something to spark between you and Sam. That being said you continued to dance with Rory, trying to make Sam jealous, or even wish it was himself in Rory’s position, just like you did. And your plan worked, before you could even respond Sam had stood up and grabbed your wrist, dragging you into the kitchen, leaving no distance between your bodies.
“What the fuck are you playing at y/n” he whisper shouted, making sure he didn’t draw attention to the fact you two were alone in the kitchen. “I’m not doing anything Sam” you replied innocently, looking up at him through your lashes, you had him exactly where you wanted him. “I’m just having a good time with my friends Sam, why are you so bothered” you continued. “Not with him your not y/n and not right under my nose” you smirked to yourself. “Are you joking Sam? So you don’t want to give me the time of day, but other lads aren’t aloud to either” you replied adding fuel to the fire. You could feel him pushing you back with his body, by the second pushing you closer to the kitchen counter. “Oh, give it a rest y/n. Stop playing fucking games, you know I want you” them words right there made you burn up, it’s what you’ve wanted to hear for years. “Do you really, becau-“ before you could finish Sam had pushed you against the worktop and crashed his lips to yours. You pull away in shock, unsure with how to respond, however a smile takes over both your lips, shortly followed by another passionate kiss, you moan into the kiss, knowing you’ve been waiting forever for this moment.
You pull away again, looking Sam directly in the eye, another smug smirk forming on your lips. “You want me, ay?” You said cheekily causing Sam to chuckle, he starts peppering kisses across your cheek down to your neck, making you throw your head back, never wanting this moment to end. “Seriously, You don’t know how how long I’ve been waiting for this y/n” he says huskily in-between kisses. You smile to yourself, your body not only filling with more need for Sam but relief that he needs you just as bad.
Notes: apologies again if the writing is a bit rubbish, still getting used to writing but really enjoying it! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
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areislol · 1 year
Hi ^^! I'm here to send a request! Could you write for Neteyam, Lo'ak and Ao'nung x gn!Navi reader who has the most beautiful voice in the clan and sings a song about them?
ft. neteyam, lo'ak, ao'nung
warnings. nothing!! just fluff <3 romantic!! kinda short im sorry :(
a/n. trying out a new-ish layout, not really layout but i never really add gifs when writing for avatar but i guess i will for this one.. // headcanons (bullet points)
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neteyam sully
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oooooo he's in love!!
you were well known for your enchanting and captivating voice in your clan.
so of course neteyam knows about you! the whole clan practically knows you and your family.
you were close friends with the sully family, mostly neteyam although everybody notices that you always spend so much time around tuk... but that's besides the point!
on some occasions where he can't sleep he would ask if you could sing to sleep and you do, with your silky and soft voice.
he mentally takes in your voice, whenever you spoke, sang and even your shouts.. (yeah i dont know what's up..)
the tsahìk would request for you and a few other singers in the clan to sing whenever a ceremony/celebration was coming up.
but everybody knows that no singer (that they know of) could ever compare to your voice.
it was angelic, what this father jake had said, it carried emotions when you sang, your tone and the way you sand was like no other and neteyam loved it.
but on one (ceremony) night everybody in the clan sat, ate and danced as the musicians played the music
you and some other singers were called up to the front by the tsahìk. everybody all sat down and their whispers faltered.
all of you all sang and your voice stood out the most. it was louder then the rest but not too loud.
everybody enjoyed the song, but only deep in the song did they notice the lyrics.
"mighty", "strong", "caring", "handsome", "a warrior."
all of these lyrics described a special person.. neteyam.
when his mother, neytiri, heard the lyrics she have the most biggest grin of all towards neteyam.
he didn't even notice anything!! just staring at you in awe and listening to your voice.
that was when lo'ak nudged him slightly, just to get him out of his trance.
"sorry for interrupting you, but i think someone up there is talking about you" he smirked
neteyam is caught off guard and ignores his brother, instead he just listens to your lyric and bam, he understood right there and then.
his whole family is just teasing him it's embarrassing, everybody was looking as well!! which made you smile because he finally understand now.
they all listen to your song till the very end where you get off stage and talk to your friends who were teasing you about being such a love-bird
once everybody got up and went about to other places to eat, neteyam went a bit deeper into the forest where he knew where you were.
blushing madly when he's going there like damn
when he questions you about what that was about !!all!!you!!did!!was!!smirk!!!
his knees feel like jelly now.. all thanks to you.
neytiri and jake are spying on you two, totally not creepy
"ahh, young love"
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lo'ak sully
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omfg boy is blushing!!
lo'ak is known for his troublesome behaviour, he was never that special, always in his brothers shadows, waiting for the day where people will notice him
and you do, you see him.
so everybody is appalled when they all take in the lyrics you sang, not so much of his siblings since they know what's up but neytiri and jake? they are more than shocked.
"troublesome", "curious", "impulsive", "misunderstood boy" to "sweet", "brave", and so on.
as soon as all the boys that liked you heard the lyrics and understood who you were singing about they lost all hope.
lo'ak is blushing like a mad man ;( unable to keep back his growing smile as he makes eye contact with you as you sang
you? the best singer of the clan who was absolutely breathtaking? was singing about him? him? lo'ak?
he's in denial at first, but the sinking feeling that you were actually singing about him?? oh he's so in love with you.
lo'ak is turning his head around and telling everybody within his view and vicinity about how you're singing about him!! boasting, really.
his crossed legs bouncing as he speaks about you.
"oh yeah, guys, they're singing about me!! me, can you believe? well... i can, i am brave and sweet after all."
once the song ends and you're walking away he's quick to get up and speed walk towards you.
he grabs you by your arm and he expects you to flinch or something but you don't, you already heard his breathless laughs and loud steps coming towards you.
he's begging for you to tell him why you sang about him, out of all people, him.
"really, lo'ak? i expect you to know"
now don't get his hopes up too high... but that stupid cheeky grin of his now spreads widely on his face, "oh.. im sorry but i don't, please tell me"
"no, figure it out yourself, it's soooo simple"
lo'ak hates guessing.
you roll your eyes when he asks if you could sing him to sleep with that song.
this precious baby <33
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he's not surprised honestly, yeah we all know his ego is big af
but like.. EVERYBODY in the clan (including his parents and his sister) knows that he has a big crush on you
smirking as everybody gives both you and him looks, as his friend rotxo shakes his shoulder and give him a big smile
the lyrics at first scare him, "big ego", "rude", "misunderstood", and such but he relaxes when he hears the last few lyrics.
"kind", "caring", "brave", "stupid."
he ignores the 'stupid' anyways
his mother and father are giving each other looks and are smiling, their boy is growing so fast *sniffles*
but they agree with everything you say, brave and stupid, and how he has a big ego.
he makes sure to keep eye contact with you as you sang, grinning as soon as both of your eyes lock
if you decide to maintain eye contact then good on you!! you're making him blush 100x harder
if you're too shy and look away it'll only make him grin wider and harder.
a warm knotty feeling grows in his abdomen to which he places his hand over it, it's an uncomfortable yet comforting feeling.
he thinks it's sweet of you to sing about him when you had everybody else to sing about yet you chose him
wait.. you chose him? did that mean...
oh wait no, don't tear up now
ao'nung memories all the lyrics, the beats and rhythm
his tail even taps to the beats.
once you finish singing you walk into the crows and bow, saying your "thank you"s and so on as you passed, clapping the hands of the small children and waving at them.
ao'nung eventually lost sight of you as you disappeared into the crowd.
later on, once the ceremony had finished and everybody had walked back home, he decided to stay back to talk to you
he was quite nervous at first but then he remembered, "brave" yes, he had to be brave.
he sees you packing away some things and surprisingly you were alone. he walks up to you and gives you a small smile
"why'd you sing about me?"
"who said i was singing about you?"
his heart drops. and you smile.
"just kidding, why not? just wanted to i guess" you say as you shrug your shoulders
he spends the next few hours chasing you around and questioning you, ignoring the looks he was getting as he passed by their marui, trying to catch up with your speed walking.
"wait- slow down y/n!! ugh"
(he sings your song when you're away/before sleeping, it's comforting)
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy
taglist: @tomansimp, @howlandhaku, @luciphyls, @vizkiz869, @aonungobsession, @pandorainmymind, @luvlykrispy, idk if there was more so if i forgot you im sorry!!​​
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: . . . . . . not me procrastinating and rushing this in like 2 hours lol, anyways.. can't wait for next sunday!! going to see if there any ferrets up for adoption, mwa mwa
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hairmetal666 · 6 months
Bing Crosby's voice warbles from a portable stereo propped up near the sink, singing about a white Christmas; red-ribboned garland lines the windows and door frame; small wreathes bedeck the cabinet doors; and Steve Harrington stands at the kitchen island.
He turns when he hears the slip of Eddie's socks on the tile, grin already blossoming across his face, and they're hugging before he really processes it happening. Steve mumbles, "it's good to see you, Ed," in his ear.
The hug is too tight and too long for what they are to each other now.
They break apart, Steve immediately turning back to the baked sugar cookies spread out on the island.
"Wanna help?" He asks.
Eddie sticks his hands in his back pocket, walks to stand next to his ex, his best friend, his--everything in the world that matters. "What are we making, Stevie?"
"Frosting sugar cookies. Think you can handle it?" He wiggles a pipping bag in Eddie's face.
"No way," Eddie says.
"Yeah, c'mon, you're a good artist."
"With like, pencils and shit. Not icing."
"You'll do great."
"You sure about that? Remember when--"
Steve snorts. "Oh, you mean the last time you tried to bake, and I had to mop chocolate batter off my ceiling? And I found dried splatters of it for months? Yeah. I remember."
Eddie hides his laugh in a cough. "Sorry?"
He wanted to bake a cake for Steve's birthday, back when they were together, made a mess instead. Steve had just laughed and kissed him, started cleaning.
Their relationship started out hot and heavy in the months after Vecna. They got caught up in it, threw themselves headfirst into the kind of love that sucks you under, turns you inside out, leaves you with nothing. It ended, like it was always going to, when Eddie couldn't get out from under the shadow of his own self-loathing. Terrified he was fucking everything up, he packed his bags and left in the dead of night.
They're older now, though. More settled. The trauma softened by time.
"Coffee?" Steve asks.
Steve gets it brewing, pours a couple mugs, adds the cream and sugar just like Eddie likes. Of course.
They ice cookies--and okay, Eddie's not so bad at it--and they chat and it's good. Nice. Two old friends catching up.
"Hey," Steve says.
Eddie looks over, would never not when it's Steve asking. The man in questions smiles at him, big and guileless, which is all the warning Eddie needs. He doesn't quite manage to duck in time, and Steve swipes frosting covered fingers across his face. He makes a pained noise, an injured little squeak, that has Steve in hysterics.
"Steve!" He shrieks.
The culprit is doubled-over, clinging to the countertop to stay on his feet, shaking with laughter.
"You--you," Steve half-sobs. "The look on your face!"
Eddie grabs a mostly fully piping bag. "You're gonna get it, Harrington."
"No--no," Steve darts sideways. "This sweater is dry clean only!"
"Should have thought of that." Eddie manages to smear frosting across Steve's wrist. "No one actually uses the dry cleaner, anyway."
They tussle around the island, giggling and shouting. He finally manages to catch Steve, drawing lines of icing over his face to the sounds of spasming giggles.
"Okay, okay," Steve says. His chest visibly heaves from exertion. "We should clean up."
Eddie shrugs. "You brought it on yourself."
"Yeah, yeah. Here." Steve hands him a wet towel and they spend the next few minutes smearing frosting off their faces.
He tosses his red and green smeared towel into the sink. "Happy with yourself?"
"Uh-huh, yeah--Oh, you've got a little--" Steve points towards Eddie's chin.
"Here?" Eddie wipes haphazardly at his face.
"No, it's--Can I?"
Eddie nods and then Steve is pressing his index finger to the corner of Eddie's bottom lip, gently swiping. Their eyes lock and there's nothing else in the room.
"Got it," Steve whispers. He doesn't pull his finger away.
"Thank you." Eddie's not sure anything but air comes out.
Steve's eyes dip down, fixing on Eddie's mouth and the spot his own fingers rest.
Eddie thinks he might die.
On the other side of the house, there's the sound of a door closing, the thud of approaching feet.
Steve pushes away, grabs a cookie and a piping bag.
Eddie has a few seconds to settle himself, figure out how to breathe. He's barely calm when Mark's deep voice rumbles through the kitchen, "Hey, babe. How's the baking?"
"Good," Steve says. "Work okay?"
He can't be rude, has toacknowledge that Mark is here, in the room, co-owner of the house.
"The usual." Steve and Mark smile at each other, soft and intimate.
When they kiss, Eddie drops his eyes.
"Eddie! Good to see you, my man!" Mark says, wrapping him in a loose hug.
Eddie pats his back, says, "Been awhile."
"Yeah, you should come around more often. Know Steve here would love to see you. Guess LA is keeping you busy."
"Guess so," Eddie agrees.
He's desperate to get out of here, dying for a break, to blot their easy intimacy out of his brain. "I--uh, think I need a cigarette break. I'll be back in a minute."
"Don't take too long," Steve says. He doesn't look away from Mark, so Eddie doesn't bother answering.
He steps out the back, cigarette and Bic already in his hands, lights it before the door is back in the frame.
Hours later, he slips out to the front porch, this time for a second to breathe. Even outside, he can hear Mike and Dustin yelling, the girls chiming in, Joyce and Hopper and Wayne laughing, "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" blasting.
He walks to the side of the house, steps stuttering in the snow when he sees the glowing ember of a lit cigarette.
"Eddie?" Steve asks. "Need a smoke?"
"Nope, just wanted to clear my head." His heart thuds loud enough he's sure Steve can hear.
There's a beat, only a second or two, before the cigarette falls to the snow with a soft sizzle and Steve's hands are bunched in his shirt.
The kiss is hot, hard, desperate. His fingers dig into Steve's hair, pulling tight.
"Baby, baby," Steve murmurs, their mouths not even parted. "I missed you so much."
Eddie whimpers, clings tighter. "I know, sweetheart. I know, but we promised--"
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I just--"
"Stevie." His thumbs caress the planes of Steve's face. "I can't do this anymore. We said--"
"I know, I know. But I can't stop thinking about you. It's all the time. I miss you so bad that it hurts. Right here in my chest. And fuck--I lo--"
"You don't," Eddie says. Vision obscured with tears.
"I do," Steve's fingers grip around him tighter. "I always have. I never stopped. I thought you--I thought--"
"Steve?" Robin's voice calls into the night.
They let their hands drop away from each other, step apart so they're no longer entwined.
"Be right there, Rob," Steve says.
Eddie lights another cigarette. "You should go in," he says.
"Yeah." Steve nods, won't look in Eddie's direction. "Merry Christmas," he says, walks back toward the house.
He thunks his head against the red-brick of the house, staring up at the gleaming white lights lining the edge of the roof, finally letting the tears fall.
"Merry-fucking-Christmas," he echoes.
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
whats your all time favourite larry moment? or multiple if you cant narrow it down :) looks/mirrorings/hushed words?
anon thank you so much for this, you sent me on a journey through my tags and my cheeks are actually hurting from smiling <3
this is in no particular order ok (because I can't pick just one moment nor even rank them) but here it is:
I'm starting with this kind of dumb moment. this VIOS interview is just awful and awkward but this part right here always gets me!!!!!! the interviewer asks what makes them want to go to a talent show and louis being his incredible self whispers jokingly "the VIOS" and both harry and louis burst out laughing, it's so adorableeeee, I even looked for the video and exact minute so you can watch for yourself, and also have this gif:
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there's also this small moment that I simply adore because it just screams intimacy - harry goes to grab the phone case in between louis' legs and louis doesn't even flinch!!!!!! seriously!!!!
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this moment!!!!!! they! were! falling! in! love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*
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can't believe they were mortal enemies here, imagine being forced to laugh with your enemy because of an inside joke you both have (that you were also forced to create):
look the FOND!!!!! (and the nose scrunch) on harry's face listening to louis talk about how they met:
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BOTH TIMES HARRY SANG STILL THE ONE!!!!!! the first time he sang it holds a special place in my heart because the boy was fonding hard!!!! and louis was obviously there BUT he sang this fucking sappy song only four months ago!!!! in the year of 2022 harry was out there singing about the one and people think they ever broke up like... tumblr won't let me upload more than one video per post but here, watch this:
this embarassing moment. louis was having water fights with liam every show but when he was supposed to throw water at harry this is what he did instead. EMBARASSING:
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this actually needs its own post but I have to mention it, of course:
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this interview where louis said he finally had a good night of sleep and coincidentally, coincidentally!!! harry had returned to london the day before. louis looked so well rested and the fond (and something more) was, yes, you guessed, showing:
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I'm gonna give a shout out to these moments because it's too much to ignore it:
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and I'm going to finish with this one because what were the odds of zane lowe mentioning people that've broken their bones during tour when louis just happened to have broken his own elbow!!!!! harry's reaction is priceless. I'll forever be in debt with zane lowe for giving us this moment:
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so yeah, there you have it anon. I could go on and on but I think this is a good summary.
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Alright part 3 because I needed to finish this one actually! (And because @starman-o7 gave me the best compliments!)
Burning Desires (3/3) (rosekiller)
Barty didn't think before he acted. He never did so why would his be any different. He was on a mission now to find Evan and nothing was going to stop him.
He must've gone down the lake because he wasn't with the girls or the common room, and he clearly left without any of his school work so why would he go to the library? It was still early enough that the sun was peaking over the horizon and Evan loved to sit on the rocky shore when he needed to think.
Barty actually found him rather quickly, but realized as soon as he got a few feet from Evan that he hadn't quite planned what he was going to say or do. Instead he just acted on heart, "Evan!" He called, and his long time friend turned to look at him.
"Barty I don't want to hear it," Evan replied turning back to the lake.
"I'm not here to make fun of you, I'm here because I think you meant to burn a note and I found it instead," Barty said, the truth spilling out before he could decide if it was a good idea or not.
He watched Evan's eyes go wide, and felt him tense all around him but kept looking out at the lake. He clench led his teeth, "I don't know what you think you're about say but just don't," Evan finally replied.
"Ev," Barty started. His soft voice made Evan look at him, he expected pity or anger maybe, not the shining want that showed all over Barty's face.
"It's okay," Barty said. Evan just continued to stared at him. "It's what I want too," Barty confessed.
"Barty I'm not like anyone you've dated," Evan said, shocked to honesty. Vulnerability be damned between them.
"I've been trying to get over you for years, there is no one like you no one else is want," Barty pleaded now. He felt like this moment was so crucial, so important. He didn't want to lose Evan, he couldn't.
Evan opened his mouth and closed it, no words able to find their way out. Barty reached for his hand, "can I?" He asked.
Evan nodded. As Barty took Evan's hand, Evan felt the courage he had earlier when he was writing. He looked away from Barty to make it easier for him though, "I'm ace Barty, I'm not sure you understand what that means..." he was clinging now to Barty's hand, as if he let go it would end.
"It means no sexual attraction, yeah? That's okay Evan. I want you, just as you are, because of who you are." Barty replied, his voice full of hope now.
"I want you too," Evan whispered looking back into Barty's eyes.
"That's all that matters, Evan. You and me," Barty said squeezing his hand.
And right there by the lake, Evan leaned in to kiss Barty and who nearly lost it when he finally felt a kiss that made his heart sing. It was everything he had been looking for and he knew it could only come from Evan now.
They parted after a moment, smiling widely at one another, and then because they are Evan and Barty, Evan pushed Barty with both his hands shoving him away.
"I can't believe you did that!" Evan shouted as he started back toward the castle.
Barty was still frozen in happiness and shock, and when he shook his head back into reality, he chased after Evan like a puppy dog. "You wanted it!" Barty called, laughing now.
When he caught up to Evan they walked side by side. Evan linked their pinkies because he could and because it was small and hidden just for them. "Yeah I wanted it, Barty. Yeah I did," he said and they head back to the dorm before they got caught out after hours.
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
"You made it!!" Jinsik smiles widely, running towards you and engulfing you into a big hug.
"I told you I was going to come silly goose!" You giggle, hugging him back before letting go. "I brung my clarinet too!" You wave around your case with a proud smile.
"Great let's go!" He smiles again, placing his hand on yours and giving it a squeeze, before dragging you deeper into the park.
Saying that he missed you was an understatement, he was practically longing for your presence. Exam season had just started up and suddenly you lost time for each other, he needed  to see you.
So why not arrange a little dat– I mean hanging out time? You loved classical music and jinsik so happened to play the violin. You two were perfect for each other.
At least that's what he thought. He always wondered if he was being too obvious about liking you but he was also starting to get impatient. So just like that he started smiling at you more, staring at you, touching you.. flirty. He wanted to show you how much he adored you, and if you were uncomfortable he could always stop right now, instead of ruining a life long relationship.
"Here we are~" he let's go of your hand, letting you wonder around for a little bit, before sitting in your usual spot. You seemed to fail notice on how jinsik was staring at you so lovingly, his eyes studying your features so carefully, a small smile never leaving his lips.
It was a habit you two did, bringing your musical instruments and traveling deep into the park. It was how you met after all, you had the same special place. It was another coincidence.
"Well are you coming to sit down?" You chuckle at his flustered state, patting the space beside you and opening up your case.
He shyly smiles before inching closer to your warmth, watching you put your clarinet together. "I missed you so much.." he whispers, breaking the calm silence and squeezing your hand again.
"Aww sikie I did too." He blushes at your words, his head dropping as he tries to hide his smile. But you already noticed, and now your smiling too, a small laugh escaping out your lips.
"So how was your day?" You ask, the same smile still painted on your lips. "Just you know.. studying.." he tilts his head as you nod in response, bring the mouth piece to your mouth and blowing a note.
"Wahh!!" He claps his hands as you giggle.
"Hey I thought you were going to bring your violen! What happened to that?"
"Oh yeah.. I might of ran out of the house when I texted you.."
"Jinsik!" You hit his shoulders as he laughs loudly.
"I just really missed you okay?!" He shouts playfully.
"But how when I look like a mess?" You voice was not as loud as before, if not quieter than a mouse as you feel embarrassment wash over you. You were only wearing a white tee, ripped up shorts and a messy bun. How could he miss this?
But that's not what he saw, no. He saw a beautiful girl with the most doe eyes and the prettiest smile. He saw himself swooning head over heals for the girl he gets along so well with.
"Darling you look perfect tonight." He whispers under his breath but you had already heard it, the tip of your ears getting red.
There was always something about him. How everything just felt so right and natural, like how everything was just meant to happen. You were meant to fall for each other, to feel that since of belonging. You were meant to become one.
"You didnt bring your violin so.."
"I was thinking about singing." He finishes your sentence, a soft smile appearing as he stares deep into your eyes. "Okay.." you nod again.
"Is there any song we should do?" He asks, swishing some water in his mouth as he warms up his throat.
"Uh.. Oh!" You eyes widen, a finger pointing up.
"Yeah?" He laughs, finding you cute. "I've been listening to this one song.. perfect by Ed Sheeran.. wait it's called that right?"
"I-isnt that a love song?"
"Yeah.. should we do a different song..?" You look up from your phone, watching his scratch the back of his neck nervously.
"Nono w-we can do that.."
"Wanna start us off?"
"Well I found a woman.." he sings, his eyes catching yours as they lock. The way he stares at you with such a soft gaze sends shivers down your spine, you heart doing backflips as you freeze. But wait, aren't you supposed to be playing?
"She shares my dreams, I hope that someday, I'll share her home." Your mind flashes back to your very first times together. How he was so nice and so much of a gentleman, and how he still is. And all the things he does for you, even when he doesnt have to.
"Darling just hold my hand." Darling. It was a nickname he gave you when you were getting to know each other better. It always made you flustered, and it always made him laugh. That's something you did a lot around each other, laugh.
"When I saw you in this dress, looking so beautiful." He was starting to inch closer to you, his eyes looking at no one else but you, only you. You remembered when you went to a little cafe together to celebrate you getting an A on your test. You were wearing a long, light red dress, with little white dots covering it. It was a beautiful spring time dress, something he couldnt keep his eyes off of.
"Now I know I have met an angel in person." He comes closer, his voice getting softer.
"And she looks perfect." He was staring at your lips, quickly glancing at your eyes before unknowingly leaning closer.
"I dont deserve this.." he mumbles. You can tell that he was trying his hardest not to close the gasp. So you lean closer, his breath hitches as he accidentally pecks your lips. His eyes widen as he backs up quickly.
"O-oh my god I am so sor-" his sentence was cut off from the softness of your lips. He freezes completely as his eyes flutter shut, feeling your lips move again his. It wakes him up as his hand runs under your chin and cups your cheek, pulling you impossibly closer.
His lips mound on your perfectly as you feel little tingly sensations throughout your being. That's when you realized how much he loved you, how much he adored you. You started smile and you can feel him smile too, softly breaking the kiss as his eyes flutter open, his hand that was on your cheek now running over your lips. He chuckles softly, his eyes staring at you with so much love that you can feel yourself beginning to melt.
"You look perfect tonight."
(Request on wattpad)
And PLEASE, can we all say thank you to the greatest idea thinker ever?? Like no- bestie how the HELL did you come up with this AND the song for the FEELS. Yeah no, everyone say thank you to lilia 👏💖
OH AND BTW THE WAY (I'm flexing pls ignore this) I play clarinet irl🤭
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
Boys in Bed with Books (19)- Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word Count: 941
Summary: Eddie has to prepare for his next D n D campaign but you’re a distraction. 
Author’s Note: Well. It happened. I couldn’t stop it. I love Eddie and I regret nothing. There are NO SPOILERS for the show in this. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for reading and much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by my love Daisy @firefly-graphics thank you so much sweets! 🥰
PS: Just some DnD lingo for anyone who isn’t familiar :) PC stands for Player Character and Handle Animal is a skill that allows the player to command an animal to perform a task or trick it knows. And the DM is the dungeon master who controls everything and everyone that isn’t a PC. 
Warnings: soft sweetness, lots of fun and fluff, teasing, implied smut (18 + ONLY PLEASE!!!)
GIF NOT MINE: Credit goes to @psychecreations thank you so much! 🥰
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Boys in Bed with Books Masterlist
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You can still hear Metallica over the rush of the water in the shower and it makes you smile, the image of Eddie playing air guitar at the forefront of your mind. Once you’re clean and dressed in Eddie’s Iron Maiden shirt you exit the small bathroom and head into his room.
Just as you thought, he’s spread out on his bed, his fingers flying in the air while he stares down at the “Official Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide” book. Every so often he whips his head around and his curls bounce this way and that.
“Eddie,” you shout.
He definitely can’t hear you.
You chew on your bottom lip, fighting a smile as you watch his long fingers glide over the invisible guitar strings and his eyes scrunch up when he sings.
“EDDIE!” This time, louder.
Still nothing.
You look around his room and find one of his dice, grabbing it and chucking it at his bopping head. You hit him right in the cheek and he looks up, big brown eyes round with surprise. His lips lift into a smirk.
“Hey baby girl,” he yells, throwing you a wink. “That was a quick shower.”
He leans over to lower the music before holding his hands out for you. With a smile you walk into his outstretched arms and seat yourself next to him.
“Are you preparing for your new campaign?” you ask when you look down at the book.
“Yep!” he says, popping the p. “I promised Henderson I’d make this one better than the last.”
He waggles his eyebrows and you giggle, tucking yourself under his arm. He mindlessly twirls a finger through his hair before pulling the soft strand over his lips, his brow furrowed as he concentrates. He drops his hand and taps it against the book in rhythm with the music and when turns the page and hits a specific paragraph he starts to feel around the bed for his pencil. You reach under his butt and pull it out, handing it to him.
“Thanks baby,” he murmurs with a quick kiss.
Your fingertips trace over his bat tattoo as he jots something down in his notebook, laughing and talking to himself before he starts to look around the bed again.
“What are you missing now Eddie?”
“My monsters guide,” he trails off, gently sitting you up so he can lean forward and look under the mess of sheets.
You spot the book hiding under his leather jacket that’s lying at the foot of the bed. Carefully, you sneak over and grab it, sitting back on your heels and holding it up.
“Is this what you need?” you ask, waving the book temptingly.
He looks up and instantly smirks.
“Nice shirt,” he croons as he moves toward you.
You lift the book over your head, making his shirt ride up to reveal your naked skin.
“You’re just noticing now?” you ask with an arched brow.
His eyes fall between your legs and he whispers, “what?”
“Eddie, I’m up here,” you purr.
“Yea but what I want is down there,” he breathes out, crawling across the bed.
“But what about the monsters?” you pout playfully, setting the book between your knees to block his view.
“Right…monsters,” he swallows as he moves closer. “Not important. Move that!”
You don’t and instead, hold it tightly in place even as he makes grabby hands for the book.
“I’m the Dungeon Master and you have to do as I say,” he states in a deep voice.
You hold up a finger and wiggle it back and forth. “Nuh uh. Don’t PC’s have control over their own destinies?”
His eyebrows shoot up. “Are you really gonna argue D n D with me right now baby girl?”
You shrug a shoulder as your tongue darts out to wet your lips, his eyes following the motion and he licks his own.
When he reaches you he easily pries the book from your hands and throws it over his shoulder. He grabs your waist and slides your body under his, pressing you into the mattress and spreading your legs.
The chain of his guitar pick necklace dangles just over your chest and you grab it, tugging him down to your lips.
“I guess arguing with the best DM ever would be pointless, huh?”
He nods and his curls hang loosely around his face, the soft strands lightly brushing your cheek.
“Damn right baby. Luckily for you I’m the best at everything,” he whispers, pressing his lips to yours.
“Is that so?” you start, your eyelashes fluttering closed when he rocks his hips into you.
“Mm hm…it is.”
“But what if you need to protect me from one of the monsters?” you go on, playing coy. “I’m going to need my hero.”
“I’m your Dungeon Master baby girl. I’ll take care of everything.”
His knuckles graze the soft skin of your inner thigh and his cold rings make you gasp. He hums and drags his bottom lip between his teeth, watching as your mouth falls open when his fingers tease between your legs.
“Eddie,” you whine.
He hooks the thumb of his free hand under your chin and tilts your head back, leaving a trail of soft kisses down your neck, his nose following the same path and breathing you in.
“I hope you have some ranks in animal handle baby because it’s about to get wild,” he whispers into your skin.
You can feel his smile but before your giggle or sassy retort can slip passed your lips he covers them with his and finally puts his fingering to good use.
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@book-dragon-13 @christywantspizza @dreamlessinparis @nerdypinupcrystal @strangerduchess @goldylions @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @loricamebackyetagain @lookiamtrying @loki-laufeyson-1054 @peaches1958 @weekendgothgirl @breakablebarnes @seitmai @randomfandompenguin @nano--raptor @rebel-stardust​ 
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
something something southern boy eddie being jealous of nancy and steve growing closer (even though there's nothing going on between them and it's all in eddie's head) and going to an open-mic night in country bar a couple of towns over to sing jolene.
that's it. that's all i got. i just want more eddie singing dolly parton songs and he'll be such a petty lil jealous bitch that jolene fits him perfectly. okay, hope you're having a lovely day friend!
oh my lord do NOT get me started on Dolly Parton loving steddie. I believe and will promote it!! Southern boy Eddie just feels right somehow, I love everything you said.
Now you are going to have to forgive me for all inaccuracies because I am not American but here's some thoughts.
Eddie thinking Steve and Nancy are getting closer, they've been spending more and more time together, heads bent close and talking in whispers. Every time he sees them it feels like a fist around his heart and windpipe a hot, uncomfortable thing that makes him want to turn on his heel but finds himself staring and hurting instead.
He deals with it the only way he knows how, through music and who better than miss Dolly? He spends nights in his room blaring out Jolene, and I will always love you. Sometimes he mixes it up, adds new artists in Willie Nelson with 'Always on my mind', patsy cline 'crazy' and whatever else he can torture himself with.
Wayne handles it as best he can before he's knocking on Eddie's door shouting to turn it down when the soundsytem starts to rattle the mugs on the shelf. He loves Eddie like a son but if he loses another mug to Tammy Wynette's laments he's going to start hiding his record collection from that boy.
Without an outlet for his heartbreak Eddie gets restless so one day after he sees Steve and Nancy whispering and smiling again he jumps in his van and drives, speakers turned up and when he stops he finds himself a couple of towns away outside a bar with some pretty interesting clientele that, while keeping a low profile, are clearly having a good time. He gets curious and Eddie has never been somebody to shy away from his own curiosity so he goes in and what he finds changes his life.
There is such an amazing mix of people, couples and non-couples and most of all, a complete lack of stares or judgement. He keeps looking around, a smile on his face grows when he sees the stage when the barman is at his elbow
'You here for the open mic night? You look the type anyway'
Eddie turns to face the man, certain that this is a place he is coming back to
'Not this time, but sign me up for the next one'
It’s a few months down the line and Eddie is a regular, carved himself a spot on the stage in this evidently accepting and thriving gay bar.
He is gearing up to go out, ready to pour his heart out after seeing Steve pick Nancy up and spin her around, his whole mood souring and the overwhelming pain and sadness sitting low in his stomach. It had been manageable up until then, difficult sure, but manageable. So tonight is the night.
He walks up to the mic to familiar cheers and heckles; he always has such a varied set but never a bad word said about him. Eddie gets himself settled on the stool, acoustic guitar in hand and without giving himself a chance to look at the crowd he starts with the opening notes to Jolene and silence spreads across the audience. Eddie gives it everything, holding nothing back and the bar patrons join him in the chorus. He puts all his sadness into his performance, catharsis in its purest form. He aches and the audience aches with him, it finally feels good.
He looks up then and makes eye contact with the girl that has broken him. Nancy Wheeler stares at him across the bar, she stands in a gap in Eddie's eye line, somehow with nobody in front of her. Sad eyes seeing something in Eddie he never planned on sharing with her. He looks down immediately, not wanting to completely self-destruct in the middle of his set. But that's when he catches Nancy's hand, Nancy's occupied hand holding another hand. A distinctly non-masculine hand. He looks back up. Robin Buckley? Holding hands with Nancy Wheeler? Eddie has to park that thought, can’t let it into his mind when he has his set to finish but it finds a place to sit, to be addressed later, he's curious, not hopeful but definitely interested in this turn of events.
He finishes his set to applause and takes an ostentatious bow, packs up his stuff and shuffles off to the bar, hoping to get a drink and think about what he saw. Eddie manages to get to the bar when Nancy intercepts him, Robin in tow. He should have known she wouldn't ignore him, not when Eddie has actually been in her house, made small talk during the summers when the school couldn't be used for Hellfire and Mike's house was the only available spot.
'Hi Eddie, I just wanted to say, WE both wanted to say, that was great. Really great. Right Robin?'
Robin swings forward, hand still attached to Nancy's and starts to talk, going over Eddie's playing, song choices and then the cover of Jolene. Both her and Nancy change their body language at that lean close, soften their eyes, seem to pick up on something Eddie was showing but not telling.
The thing is, Eddie knew about Robin, they'd had talks in the band room cupboard, tentative at the start but then more open as time went on. They had a trust between each other that neither took lightly. And because of that, Eddie felt protective of Robin, doesn't want to see her hurt when she has clearly opened herself up to somebody new.
Just then Robin shoots off, says something about the bathroom which leaves Eddie and Nancy together. Eddie doesn't really know what to do with himself, doesn't want to talk to the girl that is responsible for his heartache but also doesn't want to let the opportunity to protect his friend go. So he doesn't think, just throws himself in at the deep end and hopes for the best
'You know Ms Wheeler, never thought I'd see you in the kind of place. Taking a walk on the wild side before returning to your castle?' It's not nice but it’s not overly hostile, he hopes
'Yeah, well Robin wanted to come and I thought it might be fun. Let her show me the ropes a bit'
Eddie raises an eyebrow at this
'Wouldn't it be better to come here with your boyfriend? Does he even know you are here or you just here to get some kick from Buckley where nobody can see you? Go back to you 'normal' life in the morning?'
To her credit, Nancy doesn't get angry, raises her head to look Eddie directly in the eye and begins to speak but is interrupted by Robin making a reappearance next to Nancy and then, much to Eddie's horror, a voice comes from behind him
'Ah the love bird reunited at last, don't know how you survived without breathing the same air quite honestly'
'Oh, shut up dingus, I know for a fact that you are disgustingly co-dependent so don't even start'
And that's when Steve fucking Harrington comes up to Eddie's side, places an arm on his bicep and squeezes
'Hey man, you were amazing. That Dolly cover? Goosebumps dude! I'd love to hear more if you know any of her others?'
Steve is leaning in close to Eddie, he is smiling at Eddie, he has his hand ON Eddie's arm. Eddie...may have misinterpreted some things.
It's another few months down the line and Eddie is about to step on stage at his familiar open mic night. He walks up on stage, electric guitar this time, plugs it in and tunes up, not giving the crowd any attention. Then, when he feels ready, his eyes are up and he finds the familiar pair in the crowd. Steve.
Turns out the time he and Nancy had been spending together was to plan romancing Robin and the spinning? That was when Nancy had finally secured a date. He feels silly for it now but hey, worked out in the end, right?
Eddie smiles wide, gets close to the mic so it’s almost muffled
'Stevie darlin', this ones for you'
And Eddie starts Dolly Parton's 'Baby I'm burning' as the audience gets up on their feet and Nancy pulls Robin and Steve onto the dance floor. It's loud and it's fun and Eddie doesn't stop grinning the whole time, smile evident in his voice as he sings and he sends his thanks out to Dolly.
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