#Sorry for the ton of links haha
space-blue · 1 year
Hey, I saw you reblogging that post about normalizing sending people random asks and can only assume that you'd like some. So here some random questions (in no order) that you can answer in whatever length and degree of seriousness that you're comfortable with:
Favourite dinosaur/prehistoric animal?
Dead historical person that you'd like to resurrect for a chat or a chance to yell at them?
Most/least favourite story trope in fiction?
A country that you'd like to visit some day?
Something funny that happend to you (If you want^^)?
A nature fact that you find fascinating?
Food that you'd like to try?
Favourite artist/artistic inspiration/art style?
Last song that you listened to?
The prettiest insect/arthropod that you can find online?
I think that list is long enough, skip whatever you want if it's too invasive or weird :))
Damn, now that's an ask!! O_O Thank you! Sat down to try and think it through. I don't mind being serious :3
Favourite dinosaur/prehistoric animal?
I love a lot of them, especially now that we have such a greater understanding of what they looked like. Floofy dinos are just extra excellent. But I think I'll have to crown Spinosaurus. It's a bit of a meme dinosaur by now. Every discovery changes our perception of what it looked like, and people still debate if it was aquatic or not. (I'm team aquatic all the way) I mean look at it. It's fucking iconic.
I once started a short story set in a future in which humans had long since reengineered some dinosaurs, and a pirate crew had a raft-style boat that was powered by a Spinosaurus. They'd pierced grommets in the sail to clip ropes to her back. They also had pet Troodons on the crew. Sadly I lost steam and inspiration and never went anywhere with the story. I still adore Spinosaurus.
Dead historical person that you'd like to resurrect for a chat or a chance to yell at them?
If I could just indulge myself, Francois Renee de Chateaubriand. Absolutely crazy guy. Lived through the French revolution, Napoleon, went to the Americas, wrote early romantic works, mostly known for his autobiography memoirs from beyond the grave. He's truly a blorbo from my history. Look at this :
“A moral character is attached to autumnal scenes; the leaves falling like our years, the flowers fading like our hours, the clouds fleeting like our illusions, the light diminishing like our intelligence, the sun growing colder like our affections, the rivers becoming frozen like our lives—all bear secret relations to our destinies.”
BUT if I had a perfect translator and could quizz to my heart's content, and had actual intentions of being useful, I'd talk to a Gaulois. Probably Vercingetorix or an earlier leader from Celtic France.
We know SO little about these people. They're my ancestors, and we have almost no knowledge of their beliefs and practices. We have some (most likely wrong and slanderous) accounts from (the invading) romans. And archeological finds. But stuff like Cernunos/Karnonos (for who I wrote one of my fav short stories ever) is known from one pillar, one cauldron, and nothing else! We don't even know what he was the god of!
It's so infuriating to me. If I could quizz a Gaulois, I'd write the most detailed and comprehensive guide to their belief, their knowledge of others tribes, and their everyday life. I'd want to know about their gods, their myths, and their superstitions.
Most/least favourite story trope in fiction?
A/B/O and mpreg
A country that you'd like to visit some day?
Japan... Sad hours... I live in the UK, right. Scotland. And I had managed to get a work holiday visa to Japan! It's free to get, you just have an age limit. So I saved money (excruciatingly slowly, the UK being what it is), and finally planned it all. Got the visa (in Paris), got 400£ worth of shots (encephalitis, japanese encephalitis, rabies...), and was ready to apply for a Mongolian visa and start buying train tickets.
You see, I was going to do Scotland > London > Paris > Berlin > Warsaw > Vilnius > Tallinn > St Petersburg > Moscow > Irkutsk (on the transsiberian!!) > Ulaanbaatar > Beijing > Shanghai > Osaka
All train and bus, except for the last leg, which is a ferry.
When I was getting my second of three injections (always rabies + another and rabies turned me into a shivering plank of wood omg) the doctor was like... 'are you sure you want the last round done? There's this worrying cough developing in China at the moment...'
January 2020, RIP.
And then I aged out of the Japanese visa. And then Russia went to war and ruined its reputation forever. I spent a lot of time trying to make myself see that COVID had far worse repercussions for countless people, and I got off easily. But this was the culminations of a decade of dreaming and many years of planning and saving. It was a major bummer.
Something funny that happened to you (If you want^^)?
Weirdly enough this one stumps me. IDK why. I have weird, crazy, bad... but funny?
OH. Actually I think I told it once here. I'm sorry, it's not even funny either, just wild...
A nature fact that you find fascinating?
This entire video.
Food that you'd like to try?
A real family style chinese hot pot. The sort you eat on a tiny plastic stool in someone's backyard.
Favourite artist/artistic inspiration/art style?
That's definitely too hard. I don't have a favourite. Maybe it's because I studied art. Not a matter of taste, but a matter of exposure. I've seen a lot of styles and a lot of artists and there is no one work I can point to and say "this is it". The inspiration art folder I keep is extremely varied itself. Variety is the spice of life.
Last song that you listened to?
I'm currently listening to the IXION soundtrack as I write! It absolutely SLAPS.
The prettiest insect/arthropod that you can find online?
Definitely has to be a moth. Also I really love the colour scheme of this wasp :
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I think moths are just so gorgeous. Butterflies too of course, but the moths are SO fluffy and some of them have insanely clean aesthetics.
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Milionia moth
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Look at this Pompelon Marginata! Literally the Louboutin of moths.
Also they can have really fun caterpillars:
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Little beasts... And I think it fucks that they make themselves a cocoon and basically liquify into some primordial goo to remake themselves. And often remake themselves as their best dressed sex party tiiiime!!
Hope that answers your questions appropriately :3
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manasurge · 11 months
for the otp asks: 4, 8, and 17 for ya girl? 🥺💕
OHH HI SARAH!!! ;v; <3 (sorry this was so late, I was waiting for a day where I had more energy to write laskjfd). Original Post My only current OTP: Mourynn x Caithe (I still need to figure out a proper ship name for tags lksjdfdlf)
4. How did they first meet? In the Dream ;w; While the circumstances beforehand are a bit different (being trapped in the Dream for a year), and her portion of the Dream was cut off/bubbled (visualized with a giant closed Physalis flower), sort of in the same concept as like.. the Reboot™ game cubes that isolate a certain area), and as that began to weaken and Mourynn got closer to waking up, the Shadow of the Dragon was finally able to attack the weakened Physalis barrier to try and break through it. In a similar vein to the in game personal story, Caithe is sent in via the Pale Tree's help to help fight the Dragon and to get Mourynn out (and bc they had the same Wyld Hunt Dream, which TECHNICALLY it was supposed to be that they shared the same Dream too, but due to scion attachment issues, Mourynn's involvement got delayed and cut off, hence the Dragon attacking again even though Caithe had already experienced her part of the dream). So she met Caithe when she was able to intercept her Dream at the right time so they could fight the Shadow of the Dragon to help and get her out (which was mostly just Caithe saving her more than anything as at this time, Mourynn was physically very weak after all the changes going on in her body, so Caithe was essentially her hero AND the first person she ever met after being alone for so long alsdkjfldf). 8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? They both share similar Nightbloom personalities (loners, secretive, socially distant, introverted, etc), so they more easily compliment each other in this way since they're more or less on the same level, and they can be avoidant of large groups of people together. Individually, Mourynn never suspects anything suspicious of Caithe's flighty or cryptic behaviour (since she's probably overly-trusting of her lol), and Caithe is one of the few who can easily understand/decipher Mourynn's weird quirks and eccentricities (it took a little while at first, but after seeing some things from her PoV, she kind of caught on to her train of thought and how she processes things. Ex; most of the time she's very literal). I think on some level, Caithe finds her entertaining too. They're both also very patient, and while Caithe is trying so hard to bring everyone together (as she keeps losing everyone she's close to), Mourynn is also desperate for a connection with someone who understands her (and thus they kind of keep leaning on each other, to possibly unhealthy degrees lol. Co-dependency at it's worst best). They both get to be angsty neurodivergent weird-girl™ disaster lesbians together.
17. Who fell in love first? Definitely Mourynn. As stated above with the abridged awakening/meeting story, the fact that Caithe was like a hero of sorts to her was the first spark. After that, it was simply other reasons, such as knowing they have a shared Wyld Hunt and are connected in that way, as well as both of them sharing some similar personality traits. But also Caithe was already with Faolain at this time (as Mourynn was again, a year late with awakening), so in that sense it would have to be Mourynn first regardless lksjdf. There's also the toxic throuple era with all 3 of them together that's indulgently delicious to myself.
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
PLEASE tell me more about the indie sleaze era i beseech you
I’ve put off answering this cuz it’s a really hard time period to distill down to a tumblr answer, but I’ll tell you a few nuggets that hopefully will paint a clearer picture for you.
1. The entire point was looking and acting like you didn’t care, which was easiest to do if you were rich. If you look at photos of participants, you might say oh god, the style was AWFUL. Who wears caked on glitter eye shadow with sweaty bangs and glasses with no lenses and a stained polyester neon green American apparel dress? It was intentionally awful, and intentionally cheap and sweaty looking. The idea was you were hot not cuz you were conventionally pretty, but cuz you were fun! And fun people were relaxed people who didn’t give a shit about looking put together. Fun people are also people who party a lot, and if you wear shitty clothes that look thrown together, with a drop of irony cuz you again, don’t give a shit, and are always sweaty with lazily applied makeup, you look like you’re a good time. So most visible figures of the indie sleaze scene were two kinds of people who could achieve this: rich people who could afford to look sweaty and rumpled and trashy and party all the time (Alexa Chung, Chloe Sevigny, Olsen twins, lots of It Girl models), and young musicians who were happy being broke at a basement party in Brooklyn, cuz they genuinely didn’t give a shit and genuinely liked to party. It also coincided with the 2008 recession so affordability for almost everything went out the window.
2. The music at the time can be characterized similarly. It was messy and clanging and sloppy and unpolished. Due to everyone being broke, a lot of musicians leaned heavily on Synthesizers because of how cheap they were compared to how infinite their sound output could be. So you’ll find a lot of electro-punk sounding stuff, which to a young person now wouldn’t sound that groundbreaking but it was back then. The more rough and ready it was, like you made it yourself in your apartment, the more indie sleaze it was. And this sounds counterintuitive, but it was meant to also sound unpleasant. Singing slightly off beat or pace with the melody, or over processing your voice so it sounds almost like you blew the mic, distorting your voice, bad harmonies or just bad singing lol, sounds that were jarring like cow bells and harsh snares and other odd instruments that make for a syncopated sound. Like the aesthetic, intentionally “bad” to push the boundaries of what is actually important when it comes to making music and to push back against the glossy elitist pop of the 2000s. (also funny to see all the glitch haters pop up recently cuz if you can’t handle anything that isn’t glossy clean pop, you’d have HATED indie sleaze lmaoooooooo)
3. I think in general it also helps to contextualize it with the platforms it was “performed” on, if you will. Facebook was the primary place, albums in particular. Not sure of your age, anon, but in the late 2000s/early2010s, people would run around with digital cameras like a Nikon Coolpix, dump the memory card onto their computer, via iPhoto usually, and upload an album of those photos. Typically a party, a weekend, a trip, what have you. (It’s funny cuz people are doing that now with the “photo dump” on IG but time is a flat circle and humanity always gravitate towards the same habits if allowed lmao) This timeline of performance is important because it’s what made indie sleaze, and all pre-social media movements, so ephemeral and very much “you had to be there.” At the indie sleaze party or concert, in whatever basement or Brooklyn warehouse or whatever you were in, you took photos yes. But due to the memory card upload process, those photos could only be seen days later. So if you weren’t hanging out with the right people, in the right places, you couldn’t access the movement because by the time you knew about the events, they were over. That ephemeral nature also made it exclusive. Truly, in a literal sense, if you knew you knew, and if you didn’t, you didn’t.
4. The term indie sleaze actually didn’t exist until like last year. At the time, there was little delineation between “indie sleeze” and “twee” and whatever else. It was all just called “hipster” style. Only recently, as always is the case with documenting recent histories, have we had enough distance to pull from references and create a name for it. And start to separate the twee from the punk from the indie sleaze. i can do it now but I couldn’t do it back then.
For a visual, the indie sleaze Instagram is a good recourse, as well as indie sleaze playlists on Spotify. Some of them are, like, wrong lol, but if you see a lot of sleigh bells, yeah yeah yeahs, LCD soundsystem, metric, Beth ditto, the kills, bloc party, MIA, Los campesinos, MGMT, Santigold, Grizzly Bear, early grimes, crystal castles, ratatat, justice, and Girltalk (I’m sorry in advance) then you’re in the right place.
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helloliriels · 4 months
✍️ May Masterpost 2024
Saving a MASTERPOST for returning to these delicious fics, ficlets, limericks, and more inspired by @calaisreno 's prompt list. Most have made it to the AO3 collection (linked), but also (more ... much, much, more!!!) findable on their Tumblr pages:
✨ Open Your Eyes by @jrow : John fell and Sherlock's about to fall apart.
✨ Come What May by @weeesi : Ficlets, 221Bs, no particular theme or timeline, mostly johnlock.
✨ Ravelling by @calaisreno : Sherlock ruins John's favourite jumper. To make amends, he secretly learns to knit and replaces it.
✨ Trifles 3 by @calaisreno : A 3rd series of drabbles, 221Bs, flashfics, mini-epics, written in response to one-word prompts.
✨ Screw Spring, May is for Limericks by @ghostofnuggetspast
✨ 2024 May Prompts from @ Calais_Reno by @thegildedbee
✨ May Has 31 Days by @bs2sjh : What if one day everything changed? 31 - 221Bs shorts 
✨ MayPrompts2024 by @starkraivennemad : All 31 of them in list order.
✨ Sandbox by @copperplatebeech : Playing in the Johnlock sandbox for May.
✨ The Perfect Place by @meetinginsamarra : Bed shop boys, actually ... 😏😎 Sherlock needs a flatmate and already has the perfect person in mind.
✨ White Pony Tattoo by @meetinginsamarra : John Watson needs a tattoo covered up. Sherlock Holmes is one of the best artists in London.
✨ May Prompts 2024 Ficlets by @raina-at : A collection of stand-alone ficlets I wrote for the Tumblr May challenge.
✨ There Once Was a Man Lived in London by @friday411 : A limerick for each of the 31 daily prompts for the challenge + 1. plus Sherlockian Limericks of Dubious Memory to be ongoing ...
✨ The Luckiest Girl in the World by @lisbeth-kk : Rosie thinks back to the day her and John's life changed because of Sherlock Holmes.
✨ You're Not Designed to be Alone by @thalialunacy : A journey from friends to more, told in bite-sized pieces.
✨ May is for Limericks by @helloliriels : Johnlocked angst. Sorry!
✨ One More Time (with Feeling) by helloliriels for @totallysilvergirl : Sherlock gets help with a do-over ... from another doctor!
✨ Home by @actually-a-girls-name : ficlets for May Prompts 2024 
✨ May Prompts by @peanitbear : Sherlock's past closed his heart. Will it ever open again?
✨ Plant's May Prompts 2024 by @solarmama-plantsareneat
✨ Penitence by @naefelldaurk : John and Sherlock find a way forward.
✨ + 26 Ficlets posted to the collection by @amypihcs !!!
✨ Updates! to The Private Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson by @deelaundry and;
✨ Sharing is Caring and Choice by @dragonnan : John takes care of a sick Sherlock. And when Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson first met.
✨ Hungerford Bride by @jolieblack : "We're chained to a boat?"
✨ Love Over Gold by @rudbeckiasunflower : 221B format ficlets
✨ Whatever Remains by @ snowy_firewind : A series of drabbles
✨ Kaiju AU for May Prompts so far posted, here by @keirgreeneyes : with links to the prior posts!
✨ Calm (Andante, andante) by @ohwhataniight : It finally happens on their holiday. 
And I know a ton of you haven't added yours to the collection yet (looking at you @totallysilvergirl ...) cause I don't see 'em here!! haha 💕feel free to link/reblog with! - Liri
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wayfayrr · 3 months
do you think the self-aware boys could be aware of other games you play on the console? this is kind of a silly thought but i got age of calamity when it came out and didn't play much because i was really bad at it. i've been playing totk recently but some self-aware au posts reminded me that i have age of calamity so i popped it back in to try out again (i'm still not great at it). and i just imagined tears getting jealous haha sorry hon i swear i didn't mean anything by it
(not me who plays a ton of indie games on my switch - guys I'm so sorry I just like the silly sushi game)
So as for them being aware of other games, they start off as not knowing much, just knowing that they're there. but after a while they can see the hours played! think the switch timer that shows how much you've played or maybe steam library style, I'm not entirely sure yet
as for your other point - I think their jealousy really depends on what game you're playing, how long you're playing for kinda a mix on the two!
other zelda games could have little/no jealousy or they could actually end up causing a literal fight if those two links met. I actually really need to draw out a relationship chart! cause I've been planning a self aware links meet and I've been stewing over this for a good while <3
say for legend? yeah, he's not going to be jealous of himself - that would be a waste of energy Sky would be a little petty if your totk playtime is higher than his but he gets along well with tears - to the point he'd be willing to share you with him (the same goes for wild/ possibly wars) Twilight wants to work with others - not all of them mind you but time, wild and wind? given the chance he will go out of his way to work with them rather than not and he is the ONLY one who does this - this is not 100% reciprocated with all of those links. (and his allies depend on what console you're on) the others are opportunistic with allies but they don't go out of their way like he does.
other series games? yeah no get them OUT of here they aren't sharing you with them.
in your case though anon?
I think tears would be more than fine with you playing aoc!! he's a little bitter over the fact (in his head) you might prefer the version of him that didn't die but no don't worry he's not that offended Calamity on the other hand? he's going to be a smug little shit. He had more than a bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to the others - aoc kinda flopped compared to other games (4mil copies to totks 20mil (totk sold half of aocs total sales in japan in THREE DAYS)) if you have more hours with him than with wild/tears then he will become more of an ass and get whiny about having your attention on him when he gets out. I also like to hc him as having really bad anxiety which leads to a really clingy yan
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sehodreams · 3 months
hi hi ! idk if you’ve been asked/answered this already but do u have any recs for blogs/works like yours?? i love your works!! but its so hard for me to find other ones like them, thanks !!
Blogs like mine? 🫠 Uhm I have no idea hahaha, I don't feel my work has the same vibes of the masterpieces I like here, I could give recommendations of blogs/works I like here tho! I don't feel comfortable tagging them because they might not like it, sorry but after one situation I went through I prefer to just mention them like this or perhaps putting the link, just to make sure I don't bother anyone 🫥👌
1. @/muntitled has a ton of fanfics I love, her Sungchan fics are top tier, and the possessive! jealous!Sungchan is like a blueprint here in the community ❤️‍🔥 (darkish content)
3. @/riizeblr I enjoy all their work a lot! Like I'm sure I'm one of her biggest fans, I always have my notifications for her on and everything she writes is a masterpiece (I have a ton of respect for her too because she writes mostly drabbles and how the hell do people do that and put plots too??? She's fucking awesome!). Also, pretty sure you know her already because she's got a steady place in the community (she was the first dark!riize writer if I'm not wrong) but I'll still mention her haha (dark content)
4. @/snoopyana is taking a bit of a break after an accident, and she's also known so you probably know her (damn riize Tumblr writers are all pretty known I fear 😫), but I like her Anton fics a lot! Maybe so you can repeat them hahaha (dark/darkish content)
5. @/tonisbabydoll is still fairly new, she just started a Wonbin series! But I'll be honest, I'm sure she's mostly known as the riize Twitter link girl too 😂, I have a lot of respect because she can come with things so fast???? Like I have no idea how her brain works but she has a ton of ideas for her asks. Also, she's mostly into hard hours. (Sometimes darkish but she's more into tame stuff)
6. @/b1mbodoll writes for many groups (no riize) and it might not be your taste since she has a lot of hybrid!aus but I ADORE HER WORK. She's one of the few blogs I've seen write for &team and I'm a big Nicholas fan so she saved me 😭😭😭 (dark)
7. @/dr0wnme0ut has great fics too! However she's not a riize writer (she writes for Enhypen). Lately I've been reading more stuff from other fandoms because I've also been having problems finding riize fics my taste 😫 but Enhypen is a great option! I love them so much just because of their fanfiction lol, it has that little weirdness I adore 😍❤️‍🩹 (dark blog too)
8. @/teasteeper writes for wayv and I adore her loser!yangyang, it gave me reason to live too and I tried to write for him but I'm afraid I don't know them that well and the fic got abandoned 😫 (darkish content)
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hey y'all!
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you can call me Mouse! i'm a nerdy, artsy-craftsy, music-loving, socially awkward, incredibly enthusiastic GEEK.
i love chatting with people and making new friends, always feel free to shoot me an ask/dm :)
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about me
☼ she/her pronouns are great! ☼ i'm a minor ☼ lesbian (or something like that) ☼ i'm a dancer! (ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, tap, and hip-hop) ☼ i play the piano, flute, and ukulele, and i'm learning trumpet ☼ i love hugs and physical touch ☼ i use a ton of pet names-lmk what you're comfortable with! ☼ pisces sun/moon, scorpio rising ☼ infp-t 2w3 (explanations linked, if you're curious) ☼ one (1) beach completed, on my way to becoming an Official Certified Ken (credit: my very dear @green-binder) ☼ i tend to forget things-please don't take anything i do/don't do personally! chances are it just slipped my mind. ☼ i love interacting with people, but i do sometimes burn out. sometimes i just don't have the energy to reply to something or continue a conversation, please don't take it personally!
not rlly doing chain mail atm, sorry!
i've got a funky lil tma sideblog @consumedbywhatlovesme if you're interested, hyperfixation still going STRONG 💪
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things i love...
☼ cavetown!! ☼ the magnus archives ☼ coraline ☼ hozier ☼ plants/gardening ☼ ancient greek mythology and culture ☼ microbiology ☼ slime molds! ☼ mushrooms and other fungi ☼ stranger things ☼ pjo ☼ cats! ☼ good omens ☼ baking ☼ crochet/knitting ☼ long bike rides ☼ sketching and painting ☼ rainy days
... and people i love!
@15millionfireflies, @bleep-bloop-boo, @brains-out-rn, @ch3rry-t0mat0, @currently-becoming-potatoes, @dormienscattus,
@fairyycoffin, @forever-bi-panic, @galaxys-universe, @green-binder, @hugallurfriends,
@i-eat-so-much-grass, @joespookyregardinghappenenings, @margaret-the-duck, @marisolebio, @mossy-stormcloud,
@remithegayshoebill, @sad-girl-shit11, @sagaofa-dying-star, @scatteredraysofhope,
@small-giggle, @that-dam-heartstopper-fan, @the-chaotic-snek, @theladyofpaintedstars, @thestrawberryapologist,
@totheidiot, @trans-lobotomy, @urlocalsadkid-l, @wistfulenchantress, @yelenapines
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comfort books...
☼ a psalm for the wild built, a prayer for the crown-shy, coraline, the electric kingdom, the song of achilles, truly devious, a wrinkle in time, inward, heartstopper, the secret garden, severance, they
... movies, tv, and podcasts...
☼ coraline, the magnus archives, heartstopper, spirited away, stranger things, good omens, various concert films, over the garden wall, gravity falls
... and foods
☼ hot cocoa, peach tea, lemon cookies, asparagus, fresh sourdough, grapefruit, chocolate chip cookie dough, berries of any kind
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currently listening to
favorite artists
☼ cavetown, hozier, lizzy mcalpine, luz, wallows, girl in red, taylor swift, mother mother, billie eilish, david kushner, madilyn mei, coin, tv girl, fuvk, gregory alan isakov, mxmtoon, boygenius (+ solo work), hayd, maya hawke, pomme, the paper kites, novo amor
songs i try to live by
☼ talk to you (cavetown) ☼ hug all ur friends (cavetown) ☼ carry you (novo amor) ☼ words (gregory alan isakov) ☼ pancakes for dinner (lizzy mcalpine) ☼ let light be light (lizzy mcalpine) ☼ cold (novo amor) ☼ crooked the road (mon rovia)
please send me music recs!! i usually listen to indie pop, indie folk, and indie rock/modern rock, but i'm always happy to listen to something new :)
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moodboard by my darling @wistfulenchantress <33
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congrats on making it all the way to the end haha!!
have a beautiful day/night sweetheart, love ya :)
(dividers by @/saradika-graphics, their stuff is absolutely gorgeous)
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journen · 5 months
Okay @chaos-vulpix asked me for Simon & 141 encountering Koroks thoughts and so here is my little ramble
Was discussing this with some others too, so also some brainstorm credit / idea credit is owed to Govan, Kells and Goblin!! xD I'm not sure if you guys have tumblrs but I appreciate you all in also indulging in this fun silly idea with me. XD
So this is all inspired by this recent art I did of Simon with a korok lol.
I think he'd hate these little fuckers. They are small and supposed to be cute, and he is confused. Simon would encounter it and be like what the actual fuck is this thing and call Johnny for backup. Johnny thinks they're cute, and tries to convince his LT they are harmless but Ghost doesn't trust them. "These fuckers aren't in the field manual Johnny".
We also joked that Ghost, not knowing what the hell these koroks are at first, would just unload a whole mag in one but little does he know they're immune to bullets and tank the whole mag and are just like YA HA HA 😭😭😂
But maybe Ghost is actually a korok magnet lol. These little fuckers like him for some reason, against his will, and follow him everywhere. They are like lost puppies who follow Ghost around and show up when he least expects it. Disney princess Ghost with koroks. He hates it and wants them to leave him alone. One grabs his leg to give him a hug and he trips and injures himself trying to fucking kick it off and Soap just stands there laughing his ass off at him xD Simon is having a day.
I think Price would be confused by these little guys too and would tell Simon to get rid of them and Simon, exhausted, eye twitching, "I CAN'T!!" One would definitely spook the shit out of Gaz too, Gaz doesn't know what to think of the little guys xD
The koroks also leave little seeds and berries out for Ghost to find and he is so annoyed. He also thinks he has gotten rid of them all at some point only to make up in the middle of the night with one staring at him and he literally screams and it wakes up Soap.
Soap likes the little koroks but they just don't give him as much attention as they do Ghost. But he is very amused by his LT's frustration with these little beings and gets a ton of joy out of it 🤣
I have a few more drawing ideas from this too haha like Simon being cornered and scared by a bunch of koroks. Him walking and just a line of them following behind him. Soap holding a korok going "they're not so bad, LT!". Price smoking a cigar and having an intense stare down with a korok. A korok with a bunch of bullet holes 😭 just going YA HA HA and Simon having a mental breakdown.
And the thing that inspired all this was this fic I wrote that's an AU if Simon left the military to raise his young nephew Joseph, and Soap Is visiting them when he is sent on medical leave. Soap gets really into playing Zelda and when he's away Simon takes the controller to try out the game, he goes on a whole tirade of why he hates koroks xD I had totally forgotten i'd written all that and so it also inspired that artwork I linked earlier ahaha.
I definitely also think he and Soap could be a force to be reckoned with if they team up to play totk because they would absolutely engineer the most elaborate creative korok torture devices xD
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Okay sorry for the long ramble ahaha. I hope some of this is kind of funny! Hope to maybe do a couple other sketches for this idea too.
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entertext · 8 months
HGSN 24-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: ...Haha
Yoshiki: ...So it was a clichéd human-sacrificing village huh?
Yoshiki: Of course...you'd hide that...
Hikaru: But I don't need heads or anything to grant wishes
Hikaru: Why?
Yoshiki: In the end, the "sin of the Indous"...
Hikaru: I can't remember...That part's still all fuzzy.
Yoshiki: Ugh, there's no one else who was close to Hikaru's dad and seems to know some stuff...
Yoshiki: ...No, there...is one...,but...
Principal: And now let us sing the school song
Chorus: Over the blue~~mountain range~~♪
Chorus: Soars Tenbanzan―♪
Hikaru: (It seems like a ton of people's lives have been offered to me.)
Hikaru: (But it kinda makes sense)
Hikaru: (Honestly, if anything, it feels right...)
Hikaru: (If we continue to understand more about Nounuki-sama like this)
Hikaru: (Will we find a way to reduce the impurities?)
Hikaru: (If that happens, will I be able to stay like this for good?)
Hikaru: (The thing that poses the most danger to Yoshiki isn't the impurities, but...)
(sfx: gulp)
(sfx: rattles open)
Asako: How sneaky of you, skipping out on the ceremony
Hikaru: If I say I was taking a dump, they won't get mad
Asako: Summer break starts tomorrow
Hikaru: Yeah, you gonna do the homework?
Asako: I always finish it in the first week, but Yuu-chan always does it in tears on the very last day, haha.
Hikaru: Haha, I'll make sure to do it too. Studying's fun
Asako: Hey, y'know.
Hikaru: Yeah?
Asako: You really aren't Hikaru, are you?
Hikaru: ...
Asako: I saw you on the second floor staircase landing a while back.
(sfx: head scratch)
Hikaru: .... Ah
Hikaru: Asako, y'know...even before...that kind of thing
Hikaru: You really shouldn't say it to me directly...It's stupid
Asako: Yeah
Hikaru: You gonna tell?
Asako: I won't
Asako: Not a soul.
Asako: Hikaru not being Hikaru is scary and weird. Yoshiki knowing that and acting the same as usual is weird, too.
Asako: There's no way I could do that...It's like...everything's weird
Asako: But, y'know...for some reason, I can't bring myself to completely hate the current you, 'Hikaru'.
Hikaru: Even though I messed up your right ear?
Asako: Oh, right, that was you...
Hikaru: I'm sorry about that, Asako. I already promised Yoshiki that I wouldn't do anything to you anymore.
Hikaru: And that I wouldn't kill anyone else...
Asako: Ahaha....you really aren't human.
Asako: Hey...Is Hikaru still alive somewhere?
Hikaru: No.... This body is already a corpse
Asako: Oh
Asako: *sniffles* I kinda already...
Asako: thought that was the case...
Asako: Uugh...
Asako: Uuuuu
(sfx: rubs)
Asako: Uu...uwaaaaah...
Hikaru: (Ah...that's right)
Hikaru: Sorry
Hikaru: (Hikaru should have had everyone be sad over him like this)
Hikaru: (Because I'm here, no one will be sad like this)
Hikaru: (That may be what Hikaru wished for)
Hikaru: (But if I wasn't here, maybe Yoshiki would have been sad with everyone else, and it might not have been as painful as it is now)
Hikaru: (And then maybe everyone would have been able to look forward)
Hikaru: (And think about college and stuff)
Hikaru: (And have fun...)
Next chapter: 2024/02/13
Twitter Extra (link):
After becoming 'Hikaru', he has a bit of a tendency to get up close and personal regardless of gender. It's the same as the tendency of humans to quickly pet cats.
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roxtron · 1 year
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I've gotten an absolute spike of motivation lately so I've been drawing a ton lol. I figured it might be nice to draw fanart based on the more recent events since they're pretty fresh in my mind, and others. This post might have a bit more words than I try to put on my art posts so I'll just start it off by showing the panel of @somerandomdudelmao 's comic I redrew.
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Ok so the main thing I wanted to talk about more in this post is- I'm not great with backgrounds and stuff, working off the gray is hard for me, which is why the last fanart I posted didn't have a background lol. I thought about making the lighting more inspired by one of the screenshots of the Hidden City. (Since I assume that's where this scene takes place. Funny enough I tried to find screenshots of any trees for the leaves blowing but I could only find glowing mushrooms haha.) At the end of the day while I was getting ready to start working on the redraw, I clicked the link for the post that helped inspire the next update, too. And oh boy I was absolutely inspired as well. https://www.tumblr.com/tapakah0/722593112900403200/somerandomdudelmao-cass-sensei-this-is-the @tapakah0 Mayybe this type of ramble is better saved for a reblog but I absolutely fell in love with the environment she created in this scene, and that's why I chose to go with that color palette for the environment. Considering my initial plan was the bright yellows, oranges and greens typically used for the hidden city- I gotta say I don't think it would've come across with the same vibe it intended to. With the post I was heavily inspired by, it's just such amazing art, really. I struggle to put it into words but the bright blues really just help give it the calming atmosphere while also keeping the uplifted/hopeful nature of the environment I feel in the recent updates. If you can't tell from some of my votes I really like to work with glows and dramatic lighting lol, and the lighting in this was just amazing, I feel like it worked so well. Wished I could've worded my praise better but unfortunately I am not the best at describing things, especially when they get technical.. If you haven't already I highly encourage checking out Cass' AU and Tapakah's post I linked to especially. I plan to check out her AU too but I haven't gotten around to it yet, but the work I have seen from her is amazing as well. Sorry for getting really rambly on this one. I had a lot to say I guess lol.
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jackalproject · 5 months
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Good afternoon everyone! It is time once again for another update post. Are you excited? I hope so. Sorry for dropping it so late, I forgot to download my files and. Yeah. So there’s not much here, other than the once’s I needed. Oopsie.
I’d like to open this post by introducing my new collaborator, @bat-luun He has been helping me a TON with the backgrounds, and is a complete life saver, as well as an extremely talented artist. I’m so happy to have him, both as a friend and as an artist. He has done the Bonus Content banner for the post, when it goes up tomorrow. Go show him some love!!
On a somewhat related note, we now have a twitter account for the project! I personally have not used twitter in heaven knows how long, so I’m realering the ropes haha. The @ is jcklproject, in case you want to give it a follow there.
Before I get into the juicy details, I’d like to thank you all for your patience with me, and request that you hang on just a liiiitle longer. I am participating in the Sonic Big Bang, which I have just entered crunch time in. The project is SIGNIFICANTLY longer than I anticipated, and I have until the 25th to get it done. I am working hard on it, and if it comes to it, I may have to put this project on a little bit of a hold to finish it. Only until the 25th, though, and I will still be working on it! Keep an eye open on my main account for the project in June, when all of the works go up. I’m very excited, and while its not jackal related, I think it will be a ton of fun ;)
Anyway, lets get on to the good stuff.
TEST COMICS: Scripts complete, Issues in progress
PART ONE: Script complete, final concept art in progress
PART TWO: Scripts begun
PART THREE: Storyboard in progress
SCHEDULED RELEASES: Test Comic Issue Two, late May.
This coming test comic is a little beefier than the previous one, rounding out at about 7 pages total, and with a whole two pages worth of scripting! I once again remind you all that progress will go much quicker in the summer, as I will have my own computer at that point, more free time, and my portion of the Big Bang will be over with! Thanks for your patience <3
(Also, this issue ain’t SHIT compared to what’s coming down the line. Weeps.)
Here, have a frame! And a link to a silly post I made that you may have missed!
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Sorry for the brief update, again, so heres a bit of a cut concept! In part two, Finn was supposed to break into Gadget’s house later in the story to request assistance with… something :). And this is how that was supposed to play out.
Your honor they’re really funny. But it was cut in favor of something arguably even funnier, and you’ll all know it when you see it, as it takes place right after the introductory issues lol
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Niko out <3
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
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moon9931 · 6 months
hi hi hi hi HI!!!!!!!!
new intro post!! me!
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more details about my blog and me, and a fun link
IF you want me to draw smth for u it can NOT be NSFW (I'm still a minor and I just don't wanna) or like HEAVY heavy gore. (its too hard 4 me)
I sometimes post suggestive content!! they will always have a warning if I do post something suggestive!! but no dih or puh is shown!!!
Sometimes, I'm in the mood to draw WOMEN!!!!!! Like....LOTS OF THEM!!!! (mainly peppina and Noisette) please do not get mad at me for it!!!!!! I'm fucking gay!!! and I like GIRLS!! (I mean what haha no I don't (lie))
Hey!!! hey hey hey hey hey!!! problematic people!!! leave me alone!!!!!!!!
Do not get mad if I don't post much!!!!!!!!!! I have school and I have tons of shi going on at home!! be patient!!!
if i don't respond to a comment/message/etc, that means I'm either too shy to say anything else, or I'm unsure of what to say!! sorry!!
there are some characters in pt that are a little hard for me to draw!!!! so sorry if your faves aren't seen on here much!!! I'm trying, I really am!!!!!!!!!!!
about my scrimbles Noisette is from Pizza Tower
Yoshi is from Nintendo
And the purple lady (Evelyn) is from @noodletime !!!!!!!!
also!!! thanks to my followers!!!!!!!! they help me keep going!!!! AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I love all of you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /plat
btw, "scrimbles" is just my goofy way of saying "comfort characters" oh- oh!!!!!!!! and here's a thing!! maybe u can add to it,,maybe, you dont gotta tho!!!!!!!! eeeek!!!!!
okay bye now!!!!!!!! take some bats!!! cuz I love them!!!!!!!
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powerful-niya · 7 months
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Hello everyone! 👋🏽
How's life treating you? Been looking after yourselves? Missed me at all?
I'm sorry that I just ghosted you all. I just had to take a little break from social media, is all. Sometimes you just gotta step back and recharge, you know?
Anyway, let me just cut to the chase. I just posted a new Naruhina fanfic. Yes you heard me right. A New. Naruhina. Fanfic.
More specifically, a dark Naruhina fanfic.
Come check it out (link is here)
Like seriously haha.
Also, let me tell you briefly about what's going on with me during my hiatus.
Spring semester of college has started up for me, and let me tell you, it's been a real grind.
I've got fewer classes left before I graduate, but the workload hasn't lightened up one bit.
On top of that, I'm still involved in a bunch of clubs and working part-time, all while dealing with some personal and health issues. I've gotten sick two times already this year, and I even had to deal with a dental surgery not too long ago.
Life's been throwing a lot my way lately, but I haven't forgotten about you guys or my writing plans. Now that I'm back, I've got tons of stuff lined up, hot and ready to go!
I've put in the hours during my downtime, just writing a helluva lot. So get ready for some awesome content in the coming weeks!
I've missed interacting with all of you, so be sure to drop a comment and vibe with me.
Can't wait to catch up!
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Hiiii!!! How're you doing? Good I hope!! ahh I'm seeing these amazing reblogs on your page and with College and my F1 brainrot I haven't been able to read Irondad fics 😭😭😭 is it okay if I ask you to give me some recommendations? preferable whump or sickfics (with fluff, lots of fluff) 👉🏼👈🏼 or like which fics did you enjoy the most this year/past 6 months 💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🩵
Sorry for the delay in answering! I just needed to find the right time to really sit down and make a *good* list. Haha. Here is a list of what I've read recently and enjoyed a lot. Some of it fits better into your criteria than others, and some of them are still in progress, but here's the list! Don't forget to kudos and comment!!
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[fic list with links below the cut!]
Paradigm shift by Bergen (T) In Progress (I love where this one is going! Lot's of fun surprises)
Peter got a Stark phone when he was ten. Adrian took him to a big store with lots of TV screens that all played the same video of Tony Stark declaring to the world that he was Iron Man. They ducked behind the microwaves, both of them giggling as Adrian stuffed the phone under Peter’s sweater.
They walked right out the door without tripping the alarm, and Adrian bought him ice cream to celebrate
After his parents die, Peter is taken in by the Toomes’ family. Things slowly, then quickly spiral out of control. All Adrian wants is to take revenge on Tony Stark. All Peter wants is to do the right thing. Why is that so much harder than expected?
Spaghetti and Red Wine by arthropodwithapen (M) In Progress (Lots of good whump moments but also some fluff and angst!)
After Peter's precarious position goes from bad to worse time and time again, he is left all alone with nothing but his anger and resentment at the world to keep him company. He wonders how much more he can take and whether the growing grudge between him and the Avengers will be enough to finish him off for good. Will he be able to complete his mission in time? Does he even want to anymore?
Of course. He is Spider-Man and he has a job to do. And he'll do it even if it kills him. For everyone else's sake.
Strands in the Rope series by Sara (ctrsara) @ctrsara (T) Complete (this whole series and its follow-up are super great. Lots of angst, misunderstandings, and of course, a whole ton of fluff)
A collection of insights starting after the events of Homecoming, mostly from Tony's perspective. The relationship that Tony and Peter had built by the time Infinity War happened (or not - I'm not a big fan) wasn't built on any big world-ending events, but on countless lab sessions, movie nights, smaller emergencies, and conversations. All of these combined to form a bond between them just as strong as blood ties, and just as unbreakable. I feel like we missed out on all that on-screen, so I can never read enough stories that would maybe cover that period. There is a follow-up series called, Unbroken Strands.
Please, Help Me by Muikelle (Not Rated) In Progress (So. Much. Whump.)
Mj watched as they pride apart the car. Her car. The only car she had, the one Tony had gifted her as a graduation gift. The car she and Peter first- well. Anyways. Then Peter was being moved out of it, and slow motion had taken over once more. She was standing to go get to him, he needed her. She needed him. But a man stopped her, told her to sit down, or something of the likes. She was pissed off when they closed the ambulance door and finally took off with her inside, she didn't need to be in there, she needed to be with Peter.
Or Mj and Peter get into a car crash when coming home from spring break.
Iron Dad: Coming Home by JAWorley (T) Complete (I just started reading this but so far it's really great!)
Cold, tired, hungry, and homeless, 14 year old Peter Parker gets taken in by Adrian Toomes and his crew. Mr. Toomes is a great guy who teaches Peter how to survive on the streets, and Peter loves him for it, despite that Mr. Toomes hates Peter’s hero Iron Man and says Tony Stark is out to line his own pockets by stepping on the little guy. When Iron Man appears one day and presents Spider Man with an opportunity too good to pass up, Peter finds himself having to make up his mind about what ‘helping the little guy’ really means. Peter also begins to find out some ugly truths about the things Adrian Toomes and his crew are making, and has to decide if the safety Toomes offers is worth throwing Spider Man’s mission and morals out the window. Can he find that same safety with Mr. Stark? So much of Peter’s future hangs in the balance and depends on the choices he makes. An anti-hero and an anti-villain are just one step over the same line in a different direction.
Double-sided Coin by kingdomfaraway @asyouleft (G) Complete (I have never read anything like this before and it was so so good!)
The Iron Man rarely had assignments that weren’t direct kill orders.
Usually he was given a weapon and a target, with the strict instructions of leaving no one alive, target and witness alike. They didn’t expect him to make too much conversation, to integrate himself into the person’s life, to find a way to gain the target’s trust. He was not a spy. He was a machine made to kill, to take down threats to HYDRA, and to preserve the Greater Good.
When the assignment came from high up to kidnap, not kill, a young boy, Peter Parker, he was a little baffled.
(or How to Make a Deadly Assassin Adopt You: A HYDRA!Tony fic)
How to Get Banned from Monaco (again) by niniblack @niniblack (T) Complete (This is so funny and so perfectly in character. I love it.)
Tony texts Rhodey before they leave for Monaco:
two rules for this trip
don’t let Peter out of your sight
don’t let him do anything Pepper would get mad about
Rhodey: that second one doesn’t leave many options
will you make me a lot of pancakes (when we meet again?) by Peng_Peng (G) Complete (This is some great Ironfam whump, right here!)
Five times hurting you + Five times receiving your kindness.
Peter knew from the first time they met that the kid wasn't going to like him. But Peter could do that. She was his first and only sister after all.
A New Point of View by waitingondaisies (T) Complete (This one is si so fun with lots of funny and serious moments. It's a good balance)
Peter rushes out of school to join Tony in fighting the aliens that appear over New York, leaving behind the problems that plague his life.
He ends up leaving them behind for far longer than expected when an alien substance causes him to swap bodies with Tony. They agree to live each other’s lives to keep the mishap under wraps, giving each of them an up-close and personal view of the other’s hidden problems.
Peter will come to learn that Tony’s life isn’t as glamorous as it appears, and Tony will come face to face with all of the things that Peter never told him about: bullies, unfair teachers, and economic struggles.
Saving the World Does Not a Hero Make by Azure_K_Mello (M) Complete (This isn't an Irondad fic so much as it's an older MCU/X-Men Crossover but I read it again recently because I love it so much)
Years ago, Tony Stark created a brutal weapon. Even when he was the Merchant of Death, he couldn’t bring himself to put it on the market. But, when S.H.I.E.L.D. learned of its existence, they wanted it. Deciding Spider-Man was the weakest link in Iron Man’s armor, Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon were sent to apprehend him — hoping he either knew where the weapon was or that they could trade him to Tony for it.
But, apprehending a fifteen-year-old is more correctly be termed as kidnapping. And what S.H.I.E.L.D. called interrogation was, in actuality, torture. And, when push came to shove, Peter had to save himself when no one else was going to help.
And my shameless self-promotion...
Threenager by happyaspie (G) Incomplete
While on patrol, Peter is struck by a spell that turns him into a toddler. Or mostly into a toddler. His memories, intellect, and experiences are still intact. Unfortunately, that makes being trapped in a toddler's body, with a toddler's motor skills that much harder. His legs are too short, and his fingers are too uncooperative. He can’t ride in the car without a super claustrophobic car seat. He can’t even wash his hands without help and it's all very frustrating. Between the teasing, Tony does his absolute best to help.
I could add so much more to this list, but I think I'll stop here. Haha. As far as sickfics go, @sicktember is coming up soon and I know *I* will have plenty to add to the genera during that event!! So be on the lookout for that, my friend! And Thank you so much for asking me to compile this list!!
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idiotmf · 2 months
Do you have a master list?
Hey, Anon!
Ironically I was already making one, I just didn't believe it was necessary yet.
Welp, but we shall have one now:
Sadly, you can apparently only pin one thing on Tumblr (which makes sense now that I think about it) so I linked it in the overview too, for good measure.
I'm also going to abuse your ask to ramble a little (sorry).
First of all, thank you all for 150+ followers. ❤️❤️❤️
I started posting a while ago to get an outlet for this thing that seemed so taboo and that I was actually really ashamed about, and now my phone won't stop buzzing because people keep liking or reblogging, haha.
Secondly, I'm not very satisfied with my writing, partly because English isn't my first language and partly because I have aphantasia, so imagining scenes and characters is actually really hard for me. That in turn makes it hard to find accurate descriptions for more immersion. My vocabulary is something that I can and am working on though.
I learned English in a very formal way, so my creative writing feels like a work email sometimes, I think. 😂
I also have about a metric crap ton of ideas. To the point I really can't decide what to do. If anyone actually reads this and is interested in any of these, shoot me an ask, it makes me feel forced to write something on it (in a good way, I work better under stress xD).
Here's an overview of some for little stories:
- Reader seriously misunderstood the offer of a "pie eating" contest
- All-you-can-breed (a world where humans are free to use)
- A thing about Oryllion, the not so nice shadow demon from the "House infested by shadow demons" post
- A thing about Xyon (problem with him is he's very slow burn because that's just kinda his character haha)
- A world where humans are folklore creatures that can see your future but you must nut inside them to activate the power (don't ask, I don't know)
- That one thing about finding an abandoned alien spaceship but it turns out it's not abandoned
- Something, something, deer centaur
- A story about a merman who was exiled to a lake and really hates humans (and may or may not attempt to drown them to scare them away) but he's also very horny because of course
- Ent who is seriously pissed off with the werewolf running around his forest
This... Is not all but the ones I have started collecting more ideas for, so they're more than just random prompts.
Anyways, yes, thank you again and sorry anon.
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protectingtulpas · 8 months
Hey there! Apologies if the start of this ask sounds familiar. We're not comfortable with using Tumblr yet, and might have accidentally sent an incomplete ask.
Anyways, you seem pretty cool! Asking for some advice...
So, back in September, I found out about tulpamancy and decided to try my hand at this stuff. And it worked, so now I have an amazing bestie who i'll be calling Star (they/them) for privacy, and we're working on getting them to the front.
And so here comes my main conundrum. After a while of me and Star just hanging around, I notice another presence in the head. I tried ignoring it for a bit, but eventually I tried calling out to them and they replied. After a little bit of talking, we figured out that they were called Hero (they/them), and that i'd accidentally made them by thinking about having another "brain friend", as we like to call ourselves.
Any advice for avoiding this kind of thing happening? As much as I love Hero and Star, it would get very full very quickly if this kind of accidental creation thingy keeps happening. And to clarify, i'm not mad at this "incident". We've all worked it out pretty quickly, and nobody is to blame. Sorry for the wall of text ask haha, but this is something we're curious about!
Hey! You came to the right place, cuz this is something we sort of experienced ourselves! It was super weird at first, and it took a while to convince my host that the newbie was actually there. So basically, this is a combination of two things- for one, roughly a third of tulpas (that're aware they're tulpas, ahdhsf I'll find the statistic link later) are unintentional, which means you go through the process of tulpa creation without actually realizing you're doing it. (This is kinda common in writers!) So it's definitely not an unheard of thing! The second part is that once you've made your first tulpa, you've already gone through a lot of the initial mental training it takes to make the jump to being polyconscious. It's a *lot* easier to make a second tulpa than the first. You spent so long thinking about them and wanting them around that they ended up here!
RE: getting a lot of people eventually, we don't exactly have a lotta control over that cuz we're also disordered, but we definitely have some tips if you're not comfortable expanding your system that shhoouuulldd work better if you don't have big dissociation and memory issues.
One, try to focus on what you have and avoid daydreaming about having new headmates. Try not to let yourself have consistent "characters" you imagine in situations, or what it might be like to have x fictive, or whatever- there's a saying that goes something like, "people are gonna think about a red truck if you tell em not to think about a red truck, but if you tell em to think about a purple bear instead of a red truck they're gonna have more success" or something like that. Focus on doing other things with the headmates you have instead.
Two, and this helps more with fictives for us, but if you feel a certain identity or set of emotions or perspectives or whatever is starting to get a bit intense and might gain autonomy, try associating those feelings or identity with yourself or another (consenting) headmate in the system as much as possible. Like oh that's so relatable or this character is so me, etc etc. Connect em with an identity that already exists if u can. Like for example, my host's trying to avoid a fictive coming from their past life lately by confronting and associating themselves with it as much as possible. That way the separation is eliminated before it can really take hold.
Three, if you feel the need to still ""do tulpamancy"" that isn't just living regular life with ur tulpas, try expanding your range of skills! Imposition is an awesome skill with practice, as well as things like headspace immersion, holding onto front as a non-host for a long time, and more. There're tons more heights you can reach!
Good luck, anon!
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