#Source Mean Girls
verysadlesbian · 2 years
Louis: Where's Claudia?
Lestat: She went out.
Louis: She's grounded!
Lestat: ... are they not allowed out when they're grounded?
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Horizon: Forbidden West #066
Source: Mean Girls
Tekotteh: Nice wig, Aloy. What's it made of? Aloy: Your Mom's chest hair!
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yelenabemylova · 27 days
say no more, my queen - regina george x reader
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summary: regina taking care of her girlfriend on her period
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“What are you doing here, baby?” Regina sat down at her vanity table to take off her rings after she noticed you curled up in her bed after school. She received no response, so she decided to gently pull back the thick duvet covering you.
Snatching it back quickly, you huffed and scowled at her, “leave me alone.” Regina scoffed, “you're in my bed.” You only buried yourself deeper into her sheets, not caring about how your girlfriend could potentially be mad at you for ignoring her.
Regina began to frantically wrack her brain for what could make you feel and act in such a way. She didn't recall you feeling ill recently nor did she think she'd done anything to upset you.
Her mother came upstairs and saw Regina leaning over your figure in bed, quietly leaving a tray of snacks for the both of you. She had let you in before your girlfriend had gotten home and told you to make yourself comfortable upstairs.
The assortment of food that June had left was entirely different to what Regina had been eating before she met you. Ever since you had started to get closer to her, slowly her incessant thoughts about being conscious of her body were replaced by your consistent compliments about how perfect she looked.
Carefully, she rustled a bag of crisps, hoping it would get you to emerge from your cocoon of safety. Wordlessly, your arm reached out from under the blanket, your hand open. Regina placed the bag in your hand and you were quick to begin eating it under the blankets.
Suddenly, it clicked for Regina. She remembered you complaining about PMS a few days prior and how terrible it was making you feel.
Going into full protective girlfriend mode, she quickly ordered pizza and took off her makeup before getting into some comfy pyjamas. She went downstairs to collect the food and a hot water bottle with painkillers, bringing them up to you in a hurry.
She knew that you were always especially hungry when you were on your period but your cramps made it too hard to move to get anything to eat. As she climbed into bed, she set up her laptop with a new reality show playing quietly in the background.
“Baby, food’s here!” she gently shook your arm, which got you to uncover yourself. A small smile was evident on your features as you saw the box of pizza on Regina's bed. “All for you, sweetie,” she opened the box and fed you a slice.
As she continued to feed you, you became more like your normal self, chatting away to your girlfriend as she held the hot water bottle to your lower stomach. After you had eaten, she handed you some ibuprofen and a glass of water, encouraging you to take it so you could nap in peace.
“Is there anything else I can get for you, m’lady?” Regina teased. “You know those chocolate strawberries we made last night?” you sheepishly grinned. “Say no more, my queen,” Regina bowed, making you giggle.
She ran downstairs and retrieved them quickly, “nothing but the best for my perfect, beautiful girl.” You blushed, “thank you Gigi.”
Regina put her arm around you as she got comfortable with you tucked into her side, “so, are you gonna share those?” The expression on your face was priceless, “I am bleeding out of my uterus Regina George and you have the audacity to ask me-”
She chucked quietly as she silently regretted even asking as she listened to your rant.
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violent138 · 19 days
*Dick trying to deal with his brothers from Blüdhaven*
Dick: It’s Tim, he wants to hang out with me tonight but he told me not to tell you.
Damian: Do not hang out with him.
Dick: Why?
Damian: You don’t want me to tell you.
Dick: Ugh, you can tell me, hold on… [thinks he's switched back to Tim]
Dick: Oh my God he’s so annoying.
Damian: Who is?
Dick: Who’s this?
Damian: Damian.
Dick: Right, hold on.. [switches over]
Dick: Oh my God, he’s so annoying.
Tim: I know, just get rid of him.
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stargirlies · 10 months
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writer-room · 7 months
Dragons Rising is too dangerous for us, cause now the writers have proved they care about their characters. Pixal still existing, Kai having screen time again, and finally acknowledging Lloyd is the grandson of God? This is too much power. One has not ever dared get their hopes up in Ninjago, not for anything.
And they're gonna be the death of me specifically, because now the chances that they'll acknowledge Lloyd's dragon heritage aren't at zero anymore.
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redadidassneakers · 8 months
James: *writing in his diary* on October 3rd, Regulus asked me what the date was
Regulus: what’s the date?
James: October 3rd
James: *writing* it was the best day of my week
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m0th-g0th0 · 2 months
I have another piece of translation trivia for you pathologic nutsos
In English, on the night of day 3, Artemy can mention to Lara that he "Served as a medic for a while", refering to his brief military service.
*extremely incorrect loud buzzer*
He doesn't say "medic", or even "combat medic" in Russian. He uses the word Фельдшер, or Feldsher, which is a very specific thing.
A Feldsher is (or rather was) a mid-level (that is, without university education) medical practitioner. They don't have the same authority as doctors, but can perform certain operations or diagnostics. Historically, it was a non-combative position in the Russian Army and fleet. They even made a labor union in 1905!
It gives historical context to the entire setting, because Feldshers are mostly assossiated with the late 19th to early 20th century - the term is anachronistic (I guess that's why it was omitted in English) Edit: The term is still generally used in Russia, as pointed out in the comments, though the current and historical meaning are slightly different. We still have some Feldshers in Poland, as the only country in the EU where that position is legally recognized.
It also makes so much sense, given Artemy's situation - he never finished university but did have some prior knowlegde, so it would be reasonable for him to serve, as it was a common practice back then.
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ammdakin · 2 months
Draw silly OFMD fan arts until it is saved challenge 😆
OFMD Incorrect Quotes 1/??
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"I'm sorry I called you a gap toothed bitch. It's not your fault you're so gap toothed."
— Raph, to Donnie
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incorrecttwsted · 1 year
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Submitted by Anonymous
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fansiesmemes · 2 months
Katherine: Do you have a pink shirt I could borrow?
Smalls: No.
Race: Yeah, what shade?
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Lady Featherington: Strictly hypothetical, let’s say a man wants to take you out on a date-
Penelope: Why is that hypothetical?
Lady Featherington: Check your calendar, dear.
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zootopiathingz · 21 days
Charlie and Alastor: *making out*
Niffty: hey! Do you guys need anything? Snacks? A condom?
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dhmis-autism · 1 month
The only time I can tolerate inaccurate flapper fashion is when Duck is the one wearing said fashion and specifically when You 🫵🏼 are the one drawing him.
Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say!!
However, will NOT stand for the slander here, both b/c I love 1920s fashion and bc a LOT of the outfits I gave him are directly ripped from comics/illustrations from the 20s >:P
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crybabycunt · 6 months
Kate: And they have this book, this Burn Book, where they write mean things about the Avengers.
Yelena: What does it say about me?
Kate: You’re not in it.
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