#Still sleep deprived. I'm at a point in which I should just stay awake until night comes then sleep normally hshdjs
ferris-the-wheel · 6 months
"Do you remember when we first met?"
gn!reader x Vil Schoenheit
: ̗̀➛ Scenario: You and your boyfriend reminisce about the past.
ೃ⁀➷ 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Established relationship
ೃ⁀➷ I tried my best to proofread but I'm a tad bit sleep deprived so bear with me. Ignore any blaringly obvious mistakes please :'D
TW: None
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You settled further under the covers next to Vil, snuggling up against him. In his room, with all the lights off, the only light was from the TV screen. You were sitting in bed watching sappy romance movies. Though you couldn't see it, Vil smiled as you shifted closer to him. "I never thought that you'd be into romance movies." He said. You turned and laughed. Oh, how he loves the sound of your laugh. "I'm branching out, I guess." Vil simply nodded and you turned your attention back to the TV screen.
Vil, however, couldn't bring himself to do the same. To him, you were better than some fictional movie, where everything was staged. Everything you were represented the real love that he never thought he'd experience. As though it had a mind of its own, his hand moved to the top of your head and he let his fingers carefully comb through your hair. You giggled and he saw a faint blush tinge your cheeks as you leaned up against his chest, your eyes temporarily closing. He gently twirled a small strand of hair until it curled around his finger before letting it unravel and fall loose once more.
"Y/N?" He suddenly asked. You gave a hm? to show that you were listening. Vil continued. "Do you remember when we first met?" The question surprised Vil himself, as he didn't know where it had come from. Had it been some subconscious thought? Your eyes left the TV screen, the movie still playing. Snippets of the co-stars' conversation could be heard.
"I'm so tired..."
"Then come and lay your head on my chest."
"Do I remember where we first met? Of course. We met when we were both freshmen. We were in Professor Crewel's class and he partnered us up." You recalled with a thoughtful look on your face, then grinned. "I also happen to remember that you nearly failed us on that particular project."
"You'll never let me live that down, will you? The book clearly stated that the potion should have been stirred counterclockwise." Vil protested, putting on a mildly accusatory look which turned into a smile a moment later. "But yes, I remember that our potion turned out perfectly after you deliberately stirred is clockwise."
"I think at that point, I had just wanted to annoy you a little. Though I guess I achieved the opposite." You admitted. Then...
"What brought that question up?" You inquired, your eyes finally meeting his. He took a moment to take in your confused expression and he smiled softly. "I don't know. The thought just came to me." You playfully rolled your eyes and cuddled up against him once more. Vil wrapped his arm around you and gave you a little kiss on the cheek. Laying next to you, in his darkened room and movie noise in the background, he felt himself drift off.
He was woken by you gently shaking him awake. He woke to your face mere inches from his. "Oh, did I fall asleep?" He asked drowsily. He was still sitting upright, but you were no longer sitting next to him. "I was going to get us a snack to finish the movie, since it's longer than I expected. Do you want anything?" You asked. Vil shook his head.
"Okay. I'll be right back then." You said, then you hopped off the bed and left the room. Vil took the chance to get up and stretch his body after sleeping in such an awkward position. His eyes glanced to his phone, so he picked it up. He looked at the time: 12:47 am. While he didn't normally stay up so late, he knew how eager you were to spend time with him, so he had relented to watch some movies with you. He also had a few "urgent" messages and some missed phone calls from larger businesses he'd partnered with, but those could wait. Quite frankly, who called someone at such odd times anyways?
"Vil, I'm back— oh, are you busy?" He set his phone down as you entered the room, closing the door behind you. "No, it's nothing that can't wait until tomorrow. Don't worry about it." He said, waving off your concerns. You nodded and jumped onto the bed, having put the snacks on the bedside table next to you. Vil gladly joined you and you started the movie again.
He noted that you'd bought a lot of snacks. "You're going to eat all that tonight? You could upset your stomach." He asked worriedly. You shook your head. "Nope! I'll probably save most of them for tomorrow." That eased his concern and he replied, "Alright."
You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Then he felt your hand wrap around his and your fingers linked. Your face changed from light blue to a red color as the scene of the movie changed. You turned, probably to ask him a question or to make a comment about the movie, but you didn't get to say anything. He leaned in and kissed you. It was on impulse, admittedly, and he had no idea where the idea came from.
It was a short kiss as you separated a few moments later, but you laughed and wrapped your arms around Vil's neck and kissed him again. Vil caught a glimpse of the TV screen before he closed his eyes: the co-stars were kissing on a balcony, outlined by the sunset. How cliché... but I suppose it's fitting, Vil thought as he kissed you back.
Give me a moment while I <insert barfing noises> this is like the sappiest thing I've ever writting and- help, why do I kind of like it? I took a stab at writing from Vil's POV rather than the reader's, which I haven't done before. Let me know if you liked it! <3
Taglist: @edith-is-a-cat @twst-om-lover @officialdaydreamer00 @haruhar-u @lyle-my-beloved @lu-lul @xen-blank @cookiesandbiscuits @b-floyd-o-leech-b @mermaidfanficlibrary
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softguarnere · 3 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 37: Shifty Igaluhga
Summary: Back in Bastogne, she had imagined that getting out of her childhood home would look like a scene out of an old fairytale. A handsome man would burst onto the scene, slay the dragon, free the maiden. But it didn’t turn out that way at all. The maiden fled with nothing but a hope in her heart. The prince ran into her along the way. A/N: I uploaded this to AO3 forever ago but apparently just never bothered to update on here?? My bad 😔Considering that I'm about to post the epilogue, this seemed like a good time to get my act together lol Chapter title translates to "Shifty's return" or "Shifty is returning" Warnings: brief mention of period typical racism, symptoms of PTSD Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @dcyllom @ithinkabouttzu @mads-weasley @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs
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Virginia, 1945
To say that Zenie is tired would be an understatement.
Too hyped up on adrenaline, she fidgeted for the entirety of the ride in Bobby’s truck. He insisted on waiting with her for her train, and they sat on a bench together, Zenie’s leg bouncing with every passing second, marking the clock ticking closer to the uncertain future. If only she could be as resigned to her fate as she had been on D-Day.
Bobby holds her hand to still her. They ignore the looks that some people throw them when they spot his moonbeam hands intwined with hers. He hugs her goodbye when the train rumbles into the station and the doors hiss open, and there is so much care and friendship in the action that she no longer cares what anyone watching thinks.
She stays awake, alert, vigilant the entire train ride. Fields roll by in waves of wintery beige. There would be more to look at if she was making this trip in the spring or summer. But she won’t let herself fall asleep when she’s alone in a place like this, so she makes the most of the scenery.
When the train rolls into Clinchco, she’s reached that point of tiredness that makes a person feel like they’re moving through molasses – slow and hazy. She fumbles with her bags and then stumbles to the bus station, not bothering to count her change after she pays for her ticket. By the time she’s boarded the bus with her belongings, she collapses into the seat. The only thing that keeps her from risking a nap is the fact that she needs to know when to get off at her stop.
And the daydream.
Zenie doesn’t question it at first. Anything could happen and she would assume that it was a figment of her sleep-deprived imagination. But as she distracts herself by preparing a script for what to say to Mr. and Mrs. Powers when she shows up on their doorstep, thoughts of Shifty himself distract her.
With every person who boards the bus, she swears that she recognizes his familiar footsteps. She hears his voice in every person who greets the driver.
The combination of exhaustion and being in his hometown is overwhelming. So many months passed with Zenie trying to content herself with the knowledge that Shifty would rescue her any day that now it’s like she’s only just realizing how much she’s missed him.
He’s out there, somewhere. He’s hurt. The fabric of her heart slowly unravels itself until a hole rests where her husband should be, and it grows bigger and bigger with every passing second. She thought she had cried all her tears while on the phone will Bill and Babe. Zenie has to bite her lip and stare out the window to keep herself from crying in this place. She’s a paratrooper, goddamnit – she will not let people see her break down.
Breaks squeal and the bus lurches forward, finally whisking her away to the next step in her journey. A new challenge awaits her. She’s made it this far, but seeing Shifty’s parents could go well or poorly, and she’ll need to be prepared for both possibilities. First, though, she’ll have to get there, which means getting off the bus at the right stop. She holds her gaze steady, moving it between the window and the front of the bus, trying to find familiar landmarks. She knows the Powers’ address, but it’s been years since she’s been to Virginia.
Near the front of the bus, someone else appears to be doing the same. Zenie watches the back of a man’s head as he turns ever so slightly, looking between the windows in both directions. From his hair color and his attentiveness, he reminds her of Shifty. The thought makes her eyes prickle with heat, and she almost wishes the man would turn around so she could assure herself that it’s not him.
Fortunately or otherwise, the bus ride does not last long. Familiar landmarks soon begin appearing on the other side of the windows, and Zenie begins to arrange her luggage so that she can gather it and go as soon as the bus stops.
She stands just as soon as the vehicle lurches to a stop. Several other people do as well. Ahead of her, the man she had been watching grabs his bag and steps into the aisle – only to freeze.
Zenie does the same, her breath hitching in her throat. Because now that he has turned, Zenie can see his face for the first time.
He looks exactly like Shifty, too, she thinks, using her exhaustion to write off what seems too good to be true. But when the man’s eyes go wide, she realizes that that last part is not quite true. It is Shifty.
“Shifty?” Amid the hubbub of noise as people try to disembark, she can’t be sure if her voice carries, or if she even speaks the thought aloud.
Shifty drops his bag at the sight of her. One of the people between them jumps back, trying to avoid having her feet crushed. Scarlet tinges Shifty’s cheeks when he realizes what he’s done. Apologizing profusely, he picks up his bag and makes his way off the bus, looking behind him the entire time, never letting Zenie out of his sight.
Zenie will never be able to remember if the people in front of her were annoyed, but she can’t blame them if they are, because she presses up against them with all her luggage in her haste to follow Shifty off the bus, in her desperation to not lose sight of him. Because after losing him for months, losing sight of him now for even a few seconds would crush her.
He’s waiting for her – actually waiting for her! – when she steps off the bus. He drops his bag on the sidewalk as Zenie rushes forward, tossing her own aside. She falls into his arms the way a notch on a puzzle piece fits into the slot on its match.
It really is him. Even though they’ve been parted for months, she still recognizes his familiar scent of army distributed soap and that cool smell of pine that never seems to leave him. She inhales it as deeply as she can, the way people cling to hazy memories that they’re at risk of forgetting with the passage of time.
Neither of them seem sure of what to say when they finally break their embrace. If words weren’t required, Zenie might just bask in his warmth until the end of time, lost in the galaxies of his dark eyes.
Shifty, for his part, looks like he feels the same way. His smile is wide and he brings a hand up to cup her cheek, running a calloused thumb across it.
“Zena,” he breathes.
“Shifty!” She hugs him again, clinging to him when she says, “What happened? How did you get here? I only heard about your accident the other day, and no one knew where you were – “
Shifty pulls away so that he can look at her. He keeps his hands on her waist, never letting her go, even in his confusion. “Oh, forget about me. No one knew where you were! I wrote you so many letters from the hospital, but you never replied.”
Once again, memories of disheartening trips to the mailbox at the end of the day flash through her memory. Everyone keeps telling her that they’ve been writing to her. And they all got her letters, so why didn’t she get any of theirs?
“I didn’t get any letters from you – “
I’m fixing things, her father had said with a pile of ashes on the kitchen floor . . . He had moved his chair to the front window just as soon as Zenie got home. She had assumed that it was to keep her from slipping out the door again. But now she realizes the truth: he was intercepting her letters and destroying them. If not for her father, she would never have thought that her friends had forgotten about her, that her own husband had abandoned her. She would have known about Shifty, and she would have left much sooner.
“Oh my God!” she realizes aloud. “My father . . . he was destroying my mail.”
“What? So you really never knew where I was, or what happened to me?” Shifty’s eyes are wide. He looks stunned.
Zenie reaches down and entangles her hand with one of his. “I had no idea. If I did, I would have come to find you.”
A beat of silence passes as they take it all in. They could have been reunited so much sooner. None of this uncertainty, none of this loneliness. The cold feeling of anticipation and dread that has encased Zenie’s heart begins to thaw, leaving something fiery in its wake. After all that’s happened to her –
Even after all their time apart, Shifty seems to be able to read the look on Zenie’s face. He squeezes her hand, his forehead scrunching as his brow furrows.
“We’re together now,” he reminds her. “That’s what’s important: that we found each other after all this time.”
The fire within her chest dampers down slightly. Her father is not here. She should be focusing on reuniting with her husband, not smoldering with hatred over what’s in the past.
“You’re right,” she says, resolving herself to stow away the past few months and enjoy the present moment. “This is what matters.”
Shifty smiles, leans forward, and plants a kiss on her forehead. Then, he reaches for their bags and says something similar to what he once said to her all those years ago. “Well, adageyudi, are you ready to head home to the holler?”
Beloved. Heat rushes to her cheeks. She shoulders her bags. “Vv.”
The Powers’ house isn’t far, but it’s slow going. Shifty moves stiffly and he limps a bit. It’s so different from that of his usual stride of the confident soldier. Zenie offers to carry his bags for him, but he waves her off, assuring her that he’s fine.
There isn’t much time to think on it, either, because the house soon looms in front of them. Shifty pauses when he sees it, his breath hitching in his throat. In the dimming evening, light pours from the windows, golden and welcoming, the color of butter melting in a pan. Zenie knows exactly how he feels – she also froze at the sight of her childhood home after all those years away.
“I . . . don’t know what to do,” he confesses after a quiet moment. He considers his options before shrugging. “Shoot, everybody’ll be home by now. I suppose we can just walk right in.”
Looking at his face as he approaches the house, Shifty so resembles the young man he was when Zenie first met him – no furrowed brow, no fractured bones. Just a happy boy with so much boundless energy that it’s contagious.
They bound into the house without certain considerations, which Zenie doesn’t realize until they’re already through the threshold.
Papers rustle as a man in a chair looks up from his newspaper. Realization dawns on Mr. Powers face as he recognizes his son. His paper flutters to the floor, forgotten, as he rises and rushes forward. “Shifty?”
“Shifty?” A voice from the kitchen repeats. “Barnum, what – “ Shifty’s mother freezes when she steps around the corner and takes in the sight before her. “Shifty!”
Mrs. Powers has her son wrapped up in a hug and is laughing in delight when two more voices join the chorus, calling out from the other rooms.
“What’s going – Shifty!”
His younger brother and sister appear on the scene, clamoring forward to join in on giving their older brother a hug. The Powerses all look so happy to be (almost completely) reunited that Zenie’s heart melts as she watches the scene unfold. This is a family; they all look so happy to see each other.
At some point between all the tears and the laughing and the cheers and the hugs, Shifty’s sister takes notice of Zenie, who still stands by the door with her bags.
“Shifty!” Gaynell gasps. “You brought home a girl?!”
All the attention turns to Zenie as the others notice her for the first time. She offers them a small wave in return, realizing now that they never planned out what to say to Shifty’s family.
Mr. Powers starts forward, hand extended for a shake. It’s not until he’s pumping Zenie’s hand that he squints, tilts his head. “It’s nice to meet you . . . But say, you look familiar. Have we met before?”
Zenie and Shifty share a knowing glance. This is a serious matter, to explain everything to his family and then spring the news of their marriage on them. But for some reason, as soon as they look at each other, the two of them burst into giggles.
“It’s something of an unbelievable story,” Zenie says by way of explanation.
Mrs. Powers claps her hands. “Well, we were just about to have supper. We’ve got all the time in the world!”
So it’s over a good homecooked meal and well into the dessert of Mrs. Powers’ famous banana pudding that Shifty’s family learns that they have met Zenie before – but realize that she and Shifty’s old army buddy Tommy are not so different.
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Late that night, after Zenie and Shifty have reintroduced themselves to each other and are lying together in the moonlight, it dawns on her that it was years ago, in this same house, in a room just down the hallway, that she first realized that she was in love with him.
And, she remembers, where she thought that there was no chance for them whatsoever.
 It makes her laugh now. If only the Zenie she was back then could see her now . . .
“What’s so funny?” Shifty’s voice is soft. It’s always soft, but this is as gentle as the pale winter moonlight that sneaks in through the curtains. It’s late, and he’s trying not to wake anyone. Most of the power in his words comes from the rumble in his chest as he speaks. With Zenie’s head on his chest, it’s a comforting sensation.
Zenie bites her lip to suppress another laugh before she tries to explain. “I was thinking about the last time we were here.”
“Hmm. That was a long time ago.”
“That was when I realized I had feelings for you,” Zenie admits. Beneath her head, she can feel Shifty chuckle.
“It was for me, too, I think,” he confesses. When Zenie maneuvers so that she can see his face, his brow is furrowed as he thinks it over. “Yeah. When we climbed to the top of Frying Pan.”
“Things felt impossible then.” Back when she was Tommy. Back when her biggest concern was making sure that she wasn’t caught with stolen rolls of bandages. “Hell, it felt impossible this summer, worrying about what had happened to you.”
“Zena.” Shifty rolls onto his side so that they’re facing each other head-on. Their faces are mere inches apart. “I can’t tell you how worried I was about you. Bein’ all alone, somewhere out there. I still feel plumb guilty – “
Zenie reaches up, runs a hand through his hair. “It’s not your fault, Shifty. No one could have known what was going to happen.”
“No, I know, but – “ Shifty bites his lip. “There wasn’t much to do in that hospital bed. Just had to lay around and think. And I kept thinkin’ about you, which led to worryin’ about you. I didn’t want you to think that I had abandoned you. Especially because – “
A pause.
“What is it, Shifty?”
He pushes a sigh through his nose. “I worried myself sick, thinkin’ that maybe after our wedding I had left you in a family way. And then you would be all alone, not knowin’ what happened to me.”
A chill runs through her. All those months alone, that was never a worry that had crossed her mind. Thinking that her friends and her own husband had forgotten about her was bad enough. But being pregnant and thinking that she had been abandoned? That would have been a special kind of hell.
Someone is watching over you, Reneé had said to her back in France. Perhaps God is real. Or maybe Granny really is always with her, still watching out for her. Either way, they got lucky with that one.
For lack of anything better to do, she shakes her head and states the obvious. “Don’t worry. There’s no baby.”
“Not yet.” Shifty props himself up on his arm, studying her. “Would you ever want to? Have a baby, I mean.”
Would she?
There was a time in her life when she would have confidently said no without stopping to really consider her answer. What lies at the heart of it is obvious: she would never want anyone else to have the sort of childhood that she did – lonely and mistreated. She would have said no because she was worried about being like her father.
Matthew’s words from their reunion come back to her then. Neither are you, he had assured her when she told him that he didn’t have to worry about being like their father, because they were nothing alike.
And Shifty is nothing like him, either. He had a good childhood, a good role model for a father. He’s kind and he’s good.
“Yes,” Zenie whispers tentatively, as if raising her voice might somehow ruin the whole thing.
Shifty smiles, his eyebrows raising in curiosity. “Yes?”
“Yes.” She nods this time, making it feel more official. “With the war over, and things quieting down, I think we could start a good family.”
A warm kiss is pressed to her knuckles as Shifty takes her hand, smiling into the gesture. They bask in warm silence for a minute, continuously intwining and interlocking their fingers in different ways. I’m right here, you’re right here, we’re right here together, the gesture seems to say.
“What do we do in the meantime?” Zenie ventures. After all, now that they’re here together, now that there are no more delays, they have to start their lives, somehow. Something that they only mentioned in hopeful passing during the war is here; decisions will have to be made.
Shifty sighs, sinks into his pillow. “We can worry about all that tomorrow. Or in the next few days. We deserve some time to just be together. We’re owed that much.”
They’ve got to make up for lost time. Everyone else will have come home from the war a hero by now. They’ve had months to enjoy themselves, to make plans, to move on. Zenie and Shifty have spent months in an uncertain purgatory. Finalities can wait a little longer.
“I’m just glad we found each other again,” Zenie whispers. “You saved me once again, Shifty.”
A frown crosses Shifty’s sunshine face. He sits up, his brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
She would have thought it was obvious, but she explains anyway. “I got out of my father’s house because of you. I get to start over with you. If I hadn’t been waiting for you, and if I hadn’t heard about the accident and come up here, I would still be in North Carolina, trapped in that house . . .” Her voice, if it’s possible, becomes even more quiet as she confesses something that she has never told anyone before. “You know, after Granny died, before I ran away, I didn’t think I mattered to anyone. I thought no one would notice if anything happened to me. And I thought about – about going . . .”
He seems to pick up on her veiled meaning. “Oh, Zena.”
Zenie blinks, trying, in vain, to banish the hot pinpricks that have appeared in her eyes. “I know that’s not true now. I’m glad that I stuck around, because I would have missed so much if I were gone.”
The mattress groans as Shifty surges forward, plants a soft kiss on her cheek, and lingers there. “I’m glad you stuck around, Zena.” He says when he pulls away. “I’ll never be able to tell you how glad.”
Back in Bastogne, she had imagined that getting out of her childhood home would look like a scene out of an old fairytale. A handsome man would burst onto the scene, slay the dragon, free the maiden. But it didn’t turn out that way at all. The maiden fled with nothing but a hope in her heart. The prince ran into her along the way.
“You saved me, Shifty.”
Shifty smiles sadly. “Zena, you saved yourself.”
“You didn’t know me when you ran away to join the Airborne,” Shifty reminds her. “That was all you. And you made the decision to leave and come find me.” His eyes look very serious when he repeats, “You saved yourself. I just happened to meet you along the way, and got to be a part of your adventure.”
Zenie sinks into her pillow, mulling it over. It doesn’t fit with the narrative that she’s been piecing together in the back of her mind all these months. She’ll have to think on it more to really understand it. But not right now.
Just like on their wedding day, Shifty reaches out and traces delicate shapes on her arm with a calloused finger. “You have more power than you think. Don’t give it away.”
“I’ll try not to.”
“Good.” It’s as good a conclusion as they can hope to reach now, with their sleepy minds and their overexcited hearts. As if to prove a point, Shifty’s eyes slip closed. “Gvgeyui.”
Zenie smiles, watching him slide into sleep. “Gvlvgwodi.”
I love you – I adore you.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || fan service scene: resting with you
series masterlist characters: diluc, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: the creators of genshin impact have graciously gifted the players with a fan service scene featuring you! notes: i know dill's doesn't contain sleeping in your lap,,, i'm sorry but i hope you like what i provided :))
diluc -
diluc isn't one to have many sleep issues.
until the nightmares kick in.
whenever he can't sleep, he tends to just sit in his house.
it's always quiet.
not something you'd want after a nightmare, but he deals with it.
it's better than trying to expose himself to thousands or even millions of people.
but one night, after a particularly harsh nightmare, he remembers that the next day was supposed to be when he streams the newest genshin update.
but, he's already up...
he probably will try to take a nap later today anyway...
"i know it's a bit of an early, or late, stream but i was already awake."
his stream is definitely worried because this is the first time he streams at like 2:00 am.
he won't address it, though.
they don't need to know, anyway.
he pretty much tries to ignore any questions about his sleeping habits and opts to answer them very vaguely.
he is excited to play the update because he knows there's some more (name) content :))
he'll get everything done that he needs to do like commissions and events from them nice nice primogems.
and then here he is, ready to start the newest feature.
go to the angel's share.
ah yes, the place his character officially met you for the first time.
(he definitely has issues with interacting with patton before going inside)
the quest basically has diluc go around to collect more things needed for the winery.
pretty simple quest.
canonically, the quest takes the mc a few hours to complete because the materials are everywhere.
so a cutscene plays when he gets back to the dawn winery, which is where charles told him to bring the materials.
he walks inside and there you are.
greeting him with a brief nod and a wave of your hand.
mc drops the items on the table, ready to turn around and leave for another commission.
until you call out to him.
"ah, traveler."
mc turns back around and walks back to stand next to you.
you stand up from your chair and place a hand on their shoulder.
you stare at them for a moment.
"...i apologize. you must have been traveling for a long while to get the materials."
mc tries to wave you off.
"no, no. you'll hurt yourself. hm... come with me."
you literally CARRY MC TO A SPARE ROOM.
anyway, you pull up a chair next to the bed before placing the mc on the bed.
you simply sit in the chair, quietly stroking your thumb along the mc's arm.
"take a break. i'm sure the adventurer's guild will do just fine for now."
diluc is trying his hardest to hold back tears.
he just... really needed this.
xiao -
it's widely known amongst xiao's community that he has insomnia.
he talks about it a lot on how he has trouble sleeping and he even streams on the nights where it gets so bad he doesn't like being alone with his thoughts.
such is the case here where a new update drops and he's up and ready to play.
he greets everyone briefly as they enter the stream, rubbing his eyes and letting out small yawns every once in a while.
they always know when it's an especially hard night for him, so they come prepared with (name) emotes to try and cheer him up.
they don't have the heart to spoil him about the new update and what it includes.
of course, there will always be that one person who tries to spoil something.
the chat sees that and just spams (name) emotes to hide it.
and since xiao is pretty sleep deprived at this point, he doesn't notice.
now he's ready to actually play.
he'll complete his daily commissions and anything else he needs to get done before checking out the newest features.
he does know that there's a part in the update that features you :0
he doesn't know what the actual update is but he just knows that he'll be able to see you again :))
so he's going through the update, right?
just admiring you even if he's half asleep.
and here comes the part that actually almost put him to sleep right there.
his mc and you are walking down the streets of liyue and it's all dark.
there's a few lights here and there.
you two are walking down to the inn he had first met you at.
passing by the boss lady at the front counter.
walking up the stairs.
and there you two are, on the very balcony he ad first seen you on.
"...you seem tired."
his character doesn't say anything (as expected) but just rubs their eyes and nods.
pain is floating beside you two before going off towards the kitchen downstairs.
now it's just you two.
"you should take a rest."
your voice was so soft :))
you look around the balcony before sighing, taking a seat on the ground.
his character stares at you for a bit before you pat your legs.
"i told you to rest, didn't i?"
his character takes a bit before finally letting their head rest in your lap.
he's thanking whoever animated this part because it's a POV shot from the mc.
he's just staring up at you.
you're looking down at him with the softest expression he's ever seen.
"...rest now. i won't let anything harm you."
his chat is freaking out.
he's almost asleep at this point.
life is good.
zhongli -
zhongli doesn't have a lot of sleep issues either...
if he did, he'd probably just drink some tea and try to sleep again.
he isn't the type of stream late at night/early in the morning.
because of this, he plays the newest update for genshin at his scheduled time.
some people who watch him are going to bed though, so it's late at night/early in the morning for them :)
he knows this and tries to tell his viewers to get proper rest.
"it isn't good for you to stay up so late."
he really cares about them :))
he's happy to talk to them though.
(he definitely knows people like his voice so he's happy to help them sleep by talking to them)
his daily objectives take longer considering he's taking the time to read to his viewers.
of course, all of the things he's reading are genshin based.
more specifically you, but they don't mind.
anyway, he FINALLY gets his stuff done.
now he's finally ready to start the new (name) quest.
he's like... one or two hours into the stream already.
but he doesn't mind longer stream, especially when it concerns you.
go to third round knockout
ah yes, the little restaurant you go to for stories about yourself.
and, of course, there you are sitting at your usual chair and drinking tea.
you invite him over to sit down, which causes another cutscene to play, talking more about your adventures as a god/dess.
and, to zhongli's delight, the quest fully begins.
the quest follows you and mc going around lie, exploring different areas while you talk about what you've done there in the years you've been alive.
it's a more chill quest that features lore and character building :))
and then you get to a more secluded spot in lieu.
just the two of you.
the sun has already set and the stars are shining down on the two of you.
zhongli isn't saying anything, reveling in the silence as if he were actually there, standing next to you.
and then your character takes a seat in the grass.
and mc follows suit, sitting beside you.
it isn't long before zhongli's character begins to drift off to sleep.
and that's when it happens.
you reach over and pull mc into your lap, your storytelling continuing as if nothing happened.
"this may be awkward, but i noticed you were falling asleep. go on ahead. i'll be happy to share my stories to help you rest."
zhongli, once again, isn't saying anything. he simply lets the cutscene play.
you're still recalling tales of your past, calmly telling them to whoever was listening.
it's calm and quiet.
and zhongli now knows why people love hearing him tell stories as they sleep.
because he is definitely getting that same sensation hearing you recall your past.
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vbee-miya · 3 years
[The Katsu Special]
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✥︎ josuke bros x gn! reader || m.list
type: short story
synopsis: ah yes the morioh trio {josuke, okuyasu, and koichi} are all back at it again roaming around their neighborhood city. however, they want to convince a certain someone to join them.
w/c: 1k (1020)
a/n: yes hello i'm back and yes more jjba content <3. as far as warnings food is mentioned.
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You’re laying flat on the ground skimming through one of your school textbooks. The fan blowing hot air from the opened window towards your direction; causing pages to turn only for you to block them when you had stretched your arms out.
It was nice to stretch them like that after a few minutes of having them as pillars to hold you up. Your arms stretched outwards on top of the open textbook, you laid your head on one of your arms just staying like that until you could feel yourself almost floating away.
Closing your eyes you could hear nothing, but the humming sound of the floor fan. You stayed like this until you drifted to a nice slumber.
A boy with a finely shaped pompadour hairstyle walked around the neighborhood talking to a boy much smaller than him.
“You sure about this Koichi?”
“I’m pretty sure Josuke, besides where else would they be?”
The two continued walking the houses around Morioh until your humble home was to be seen. Just around the corner of the street lied a two-story house. White low-leveled wooden fencing surrounded the front of the home leaving the driveway with no fencing of any sort.
A more overview of the house; it had three widows, the window nearest the garage had the kitchen window, and then the house entrance to the right of it. However, towards the middle of the fenced area was the open window of your bedroom.
The two boys stepped over the fence basically trespassing the property and went towards the window. There Koichi pointed out that you were lying there knocked out and should call you instead of waking you up like so. However, Josuke was steps ahead of another plan. Already having climbed over the window he gestured Koichi to come in to which he refused. Just standing there worried what you might do or how you’d react to the situation.
I mean it’s not like this was the first time Josuke has done this, it’s just that the last incident didn’t go too well. To be fair it’s not like it’s nighttime anyways.
Squatting down he poked your sleeping figure with a rolled-up homework paper that was scattered around your room haphazardly. He kept doing this until you budged flaring your wrist as if you were swatting a fly away.
“Oi! Wake up.” He poked the rolled-up paper again but this time moving to the side where your head was facing.
You still didn’t budge until you heard a textbook banging shut. You could’ve sworn you had only heard Josuke’s voice, but when you tried to make out who was in front of you, you saw Okuyasu instead. Laughing to himself as he held one of your textbooks loosely in his arm.
Pushing yourself up you looked around the room and only Okuyasu and Josuke were staring down at you. Clearly, they were waiting for you to wake up.
“Okay now that you’re awake, I planned for us to stop by St.Gentlemans. Heard there’s a new katsu sandwich.”
Coming back to your senses you yawned in clear disinterest and fatigue, “all this for a chicken sandwich? Count me out.” You left your haphazard mess and the boys in your room. Heading to the kitchen you grabbed yourself a drink of water.
Then suddenly the sound of the doorbell echoed around the hallways. The two boys following behind you still trying to convince you to join them. Opening the door you were met faced to face with Koichi, you usually weren’t the type to shut doors in front of his face, but you did. Of course, assuming that he too was also part of the objective on getting that chicken sandwich special.
You were tired and clearly deprived of sleep.
“Listen your eye bags are showing and I heard there’s a new ingredient they tried with the fried katsu chicken. [name] YOU HAVE TO JOIN!”
“Yeah what he said, you’ll regret if you don’t [name].” The Elvis-haired boy said, trying to look cool propping himself on the wall.
“And if I say no?”
The door opens slightly, “Um, I didn’t want to be mean. But could I enter? It’s getting cold out here.”
The three of you just stared at the silver-haired boy who was just standing there eyes soft looking for an answer to his question. Afraid that you’d yell him no.
“Gasp [name]! Look at him.” Josuke lowered his posture tilting the boy’s body towards your direction. He placed one hand on his shoulder and the other almost cuffing his chin. Okuyasu caught on the act and joined in. Directing and pointing his arms at Koichi.
“Come on, you can’t do this on Koichi’s birthday.”
“My bir-?” The muffled voice from the boy was covered by Josuke.
“Really [name] on his birthday?” Josuke gave you a puppy dog look which he knew you hated because it never suited him.
At this point, they were just fussing around your mind and you eventually gave in. The four of you walked to St.Gentlemans and fortunately enough the last batch was just being sold out to and the four of you were able to get a hold of one of the special fried katsu chicken sandwiches. Which tasted a bit different than what you had last time. The three guys had left the building thinking you were right behind them. You were quick to notice their disappearance and headed for the entrance where you had accidentally bumped into a blonde man fitting an odd purple suit. You’ve never seen him before, then again you barely knew anyone in Morioh.
“Hey [name]! What happened?” The shaved head asked in a clear response to why you didn’t exit as the same time as them.
To which you responded with a shrugged shoulder feeling a shot of cold eyes piercing your back. You turned and there was no one.
Josuke went over to you wrapping a hand around your shoulder. “Well come on, eat up. We’re almost done with ours.” The boy said gesturing his half-eaten sandwich to your non-eaten one.
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lalahbug · 3 years
Guidance - Zuko x Reader Chapter 6
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender Word Count: 3,232 My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: General 18+ Angst
Author’s Note: under story ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut, 6 of 8, Guidance Masterlist
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        A few weeks had passed, ___ was healed and quickly became the new mother figure of the group. Teaching about survival, chi blocking, and helping with most of the chores. Of course, she also played with the group and lectured them like a mother as well.
        ___ and Aang were meditating together, during a sunrise, which Aang wasn’t too happy about after being up most of the night traveling. Aang peaked at her as she exhaled deeply, relaxing further, still keeping her posture. 
        “Staring at me isn’t going to help your mediating, Avatar.”
        “You didn’t even open your eyes; how did you know?” He pouted but started meditating again.
        “Your breathing went normal instead of trained.”
        “How do you do that?”
        “Do what?”
        “Hear so well, know when I’m doing something I’m not supposed to do.”
        “I’ve had heightened senses for a long time. But as for knowing when you’re doing something, we’ll chalk it up to Mother Instinct.” She chuckled softly. “You’re really not in the mood to meditate, are you?”
        “No!” Aang groaned before falling backward.
        “Okay, practice your breathing with me for a bit then I’ll let you go.”
        “Okay!” Aang agreed with a smile while sitting up. 
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        Aang and Katara were practicing some waterbending, while ___ watched their movements.
        “Why don’t you come join us? Aang could use the opportunity to fend off two waterbending foes.” Katara smiled and splashed some water at Aang.
        “Thank you, but I don’t know many waterbending moves, I’d be an easy target. I can only whip water and create waves.”
        “That’s right, being from the North Pole, they never taught you. But didn’t you learn on your own?”
        “I only got the water whip and the wave, that’s all I learned on my own.”
        “Why didn’t you say anything? We could have taught you.” Aang urged.
        “I’ve never been a good waterbender, there’s no point in teaching me. I’m an average healer and I can do pretty movements with a full moon, but that’s it. My strength is chi blocking and fast reflexes.”
        “Well, I think you could be a good waterbender. Why don’t you practice with us? You can learn some new moves and there is no pressure if you can’t do it well. Because like you said, your strength is chi blocking.” Katara urged, ___ shrugged before disrobing a bit, and getting into the water with the two masters.
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        One day before the invasion, The Day of Black Sun, and Aang wasn’t able to sleep. ___ was up with him, just after sunset.
        “You can’t stay awake before the invasion. You need to be rested. But I think if you’re alone, it’ll be worse. So, would you like to go over the chakras to help you with the Avatar State?”
        “I think I know them; I just can’t do the last one.”
        “Ah, you mean the Thought Chakra? Is it because of Katara?”
        Aang blushed a bit before sighing. “Yes, but also, I don’t know how to let go of Earthly attachments when I have to protect them.”
        “The Avatar is bound to this earth to protect it. You must learn to balance these or they will be your downfall. You let Katara go completely at Ba Sing Se, you were then attached to cosmic, too attached to cosmic energy. As the Avatar, you must find balance with your cosmic energy and your Earthly attachments. You can open the Thought Chakra, by learning to balance your attachments. Earthly, Avatar, cosmic, love, spirit, and even your nomad teachings.”
        “What about my nomad teachings?”
        “There will be a day where you might have to sacrifice your beliefs for the greater good, to keep balance in the world. But because of your teachings, I know you’ll find a way to balance the good with your morals.”
        “You’re talking about the Fire Lord, aren’t you?” Aang curled up and placed his weary head on his knees.
        ___ smiled at him gently, examining the bags under his eyes. “You can face him, you can beat him, we all believe in you, especially as he is powerless during the eclipse. But, what if, you can’t get to him in time. Don’t get me wrong, Sokka’s plan is amazing. Things don’t always go as planned. If you can’t get to him in time, you will have to fight him someday. How will you restrain him? Or will you have to take his life? I worry about the outcome of this plan a lot. From my talks with Roku to how devious the Fire Nation is. I just hope you know, if this fails. It’s not your fault. There will be some other factor that makes it so you can’t get to him in time. I have no doubt about you facing him, just our timing.”
        “It’s terrifying to even think of facing Ozai, but hearing the faith you have in me helps. Hearing that you don’t expect me to defeat him tomorrow, really helps. But your question haunts me. How will I restrain him?”
        She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I believe in you Aang, the world does. But in the end, you are just one kid, and you will need to listen to words of wisdom from your past lives. From ancient sources, and learn to bend life and energy itself if you are to defeat Ozai without taking his life.”
        “Bend life and energy? How do I do that?”
        “I’m not sure, I only read about it in the spirit library. You will have to hope that an ancient source shows you.”
        “Well, with you and the Spirit World to access, I think I’ll be able to find it if needed.”
        She smiled at him before meditating with him. She knew of the group's plan to make a bed for Aang so he could finally sleep, she was just keeping him company in the meantime.
        “___?” She hummed softly in reply, still meditating. “What if we see Zuko during the invasion? What will you do?” She opened her eyes, a sorrowful smile formed as their eyes met.
        “Depending on where he is in his journey, I’ll either have to disable him or listen to him.”
        “What do you mean?”
        “My first night in the Spirit World with Roku. He let me know of my future, to help me mentally prepare for it. He told me a beautiful tale of me falling in love, with his great-grandson. But he warned me, his great-grandson has the ability to be good or bad. As Roku and Sozin are both his great grandfathers.”
        Aang gasped, “Zuko’s mom is the granddaughter of Roku?”
        “Yes, that’s why he is at war within himself. Between his two natures. He also didn’t have the healthiest of families to help him cope with it either. His uncle, although wonderful, found his path in life a bit late. I hope Zuko will find that path one day too, but I can no longer be the one to guide him, he must find it himself. But only time will tell if he will find it soon or if he will live a long life trying to find it.”
        “Do you still love him?”
        Her eyes fell to her stomach and the bump there. “I do, but when he took another woman because I was unconscious for weeks, I feel as though maybe my love might have been blinded by the fairy tale Ruko told me. For he never mentioned a child. He only mentioned I would have to choose to forgive Zuko or not, and that it would be very difficult for me. I love him, but I'm not sure if I can forgive him just yet."
        "It must be hard, not knowing if he loves you or not, yet still having this child."
        "It hurts not knowing, but it's not too hard. I'm not worried for some reason, not when it comes to this baby."
        Aang had a flash of the small baby named Hope that Katara had helped deliver a few months back. "Babies are a beautiful thing, especially when you have someone to share it with."
        "Katara asked me to stay until the baby is born at the very minimum, so in a way I will, you guys are the closest thing I have to family right now. So, I'll share that experience with you."
        "So, I get to be an uncle?" He smiled.
        "You'll be the best uncle!" They giggled softly and she smiled at him fondly as the group approached them, ready to help Aang finally sleep. 
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        After the invasion, Aang wanted nothing to do with the planning for the next steps, next attack. ___ shut herself away from the group and the others with them now. She should have been left behind with the other adults, but they wouldn’t hear her protest, since she was pregnant. 
        Walking along one of the many corridors of the Western Air Temple, she hummed softly to herself, enjoying her solitude, wanting to fix her mental state before joining everyone. No one needed a pouty pregnant woman around, all because they didn’t listen to her. They had her and the baby’s health in mind, they weren’t trying to make her feel more useless or weak. So; she needed to be alone to fix the brewing thoughts before they burnt anyone needlessly.
        She walked until she felt lost and sighed and started to head back to the group, for dinner. But when she arrived everyone was sulking and arguing about something.
        “What’s wrong?” ___ asked while getting some food after Sokka said something about not adding animal cruelty to the list.
        “I’ll tell you-” Katara started, ready to vent to someone else.
        “Wait,” Toph cut off Katara. "___ how would you feel, if Zuko came here asking for forgiveness and to teach Aang firebending?”
        She understood what had happened just from Toph’s question, her heart sped up, the broken pieces throbbing, she took a breath to reply. “Aang needs a firebending teacher, and Zuko, well he’s a good firebender. I don’t know how I feel about him asking for forgiveness, but if you thought he was sincere, Toph, I would let him stay. Because if you think he was sincere the whole time, it hopefully means he’s finally found the correct path.” She looked to Aang with a sad smile, reminding him of their conversation when he was so sleep-deprived.
        “How?” Katara asked softly. “How can you just allow him here? Forgive him and trust him? Especially after what he’s done to you?”
        “I don’t forgive him; I don’t trust him. But the options of firebending teachers are pretty limited to Aang. Only time can tell if he can earn trust and forgiveness from any of us. We have to look past ourselves. The world needs the Avatar, the world needs Aang to learn firebending. If we still can’t trust him after he’s with us and he’s taught Aang, then you can give him the boot and send him packing.”
        “I hate when mother is right,” Sokka grumbled.
        “I am not your mother,” ___ snapped. “I’m a friend. I’m tired of being treated like some soft pregnant woman with motherly love. I’m a fighter. My pregnancy doesn’t change that. I will only let motherly change take me when the world is no longer at war. I can’t soften and hold everyone’s hand through this. You’re all kids to me, but the world can’t have the Avatar, a master of waterbending, master of earthbending, and a sword master, be kids. You have to keep the goal in your mind.”
        “You’re still mad at us for making you come with us? Instead of letting you stay with the other adults, aren’t you?” Aang asked softly.
        “Yes.” She exhaled sharply before taking a deep breath. “But I know you did it because you care about me,” she rested a hand on her stomach. “About the baby. But you wanted me here, so I’m here. And I think you should listen to what Zuko has to say without emotion.”
        “All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere. Maybe you’re all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly.” Toph said in agreement with ___.
        “Easy for you to say, you weren’t there when he had us attacked by pirates.” Katara spat.
        “Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island,” Sokka added.
        “Or when he tried to capture me at the fire temple.” Aang finished.
        “Why would you two even try to defend him?” Katara said so frustratedly she was shaking.
        “Because, Katara, you’re all ignoring one crucial fact. One ___ has already told you!” Toph stomped up to Aang and poked him in the chest. “Aang needs a firebending teacher! We can’t think of a single person in the world to do the job. Now one shows up on a silver platter and you won’t even think about it?” She shook the ground with a couple more stomps.
        “I’m not having Zuko as my teacher!” Aang walked away from ___ and Toph.
        “Aang-” ___ started before Sokka cut her off.
        “You’re darn right, you’re not buddy.” Sokka stood tall, finalizing his backup with Aang.
        “Well, I guess that’s settled,” Katara said smugly. ___ sighed before looking at Toph.
        “I’m beginning to wonder who’s really the blind one around here.” Toph stormed off, ___ followed behind her.
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        Toph and ___ were walking through the forest, to find Zuko.
        “You didn’t have to come with me,” Toph sighed.
        “I know, but I would like to talk to Zuko too. I think I know him well enough to tell when he’s lying, whether you can detect it or not.”
        Toph giggled pointing to ___’s stomach, “I would hope you knew him well enough.”
        “Oh shush,” she pushed Toph playfully, but it was clear she was a bit exasperated by the comment.
        “Do you think Zuko would try to trick us all; like he did to you and Katara?”
        “Zuko didn’t trick me. I don’t think he meant to trick Katara either. I think he loved me in his own way. He was good in Ba Sing Se. But the allure of home was stronger than the good.”
        “But now that he’s here, you think the good called him back?”
        “I’m hoping that. I’m hoping he found his true destiny.”
        “I’m hoping you’re right,” Toph said with a sigh.
        While moving through the brush the women alerted Zuko.
        “Who’s there?” His voice was groggy, the sound of it stung ___’s heart. As they got closer, he yelled. “Stay back.”
        “It’s me!” Toph shouted back, but it was too late, Zuko had already lashed out fire in his fear, Toph even tried to make herself an earth shield. She fell as the flames licked the soles of her feet “Ow! You burned my feet!”
        Zuko was up and running towards her as she started to crawl away. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake!” He cried while chasing after Toph, but sudden strikes to his body made him collapse.
        “Get away, Zuko!” ___ shouted while scooping up Toph.
        “___?” He gasped, trying to sit up, she only chi blocked his right side. As she started to walk away, he called out to them. “No, please, come back! I’m sorry!” He tried to get up, but the weight of his right side would not shift and he fell back. He groaned along with his heart ache seeing ___ walk away and ignore his plea, his apology. “Why am I so bad at being good!” He cried to the sky, wishing to be able to rewind time.
        He’d go back so far if he could, but he pleaded now silently inside his head. “Please let me go back, even just 5 minutes.” He exhaled in defeat, wondering what the girls had wanted to say, but now he’d never know.
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          Days passed and the threat of Combustion Man was gone, Hokada and Suki back. While sitting around the fire with everyone, Zuko served tea again, while he did so, he noticed ___ left the group. Excusing herself to go lie down. And the night where he burned Toph’s feet came to mind. She came with Toph, what did she want to say?
        After his failed joke and everyone had settled their laughter. “Does ___ leave the group often after dinner or is that because of me?” Zuko asked softly, silence rang afterward. Katara and Aang shared a soft look.
        “Before the invasion, I was restless, ___ was meditating with me. I asked how she would react if we were to run into you since, at the time, you were still an enemy, a threat.” Aang sipped his tea before continuing. “She simply said she'd either disable you or listen to you. She believed in you even then, she just wasn’t sure when you'd find your correct path in life.”
        “But when she thinks about you, hears your name, or even just briefly has a polite encounter with you. Her heart beats sickeningly. Like the broken pieces are trying to pull together.” Toph added since she was able to hear and feel ___’s heartbeat.
        “I want to explain myself, talk to her. But I want to do it alone.”
        “You should be thankful she even acknowledges you exist,” Katara spat, still angry.
        “I am, she’s always been forgiving. But I don’t know how forgiving she’ll be with me.”
        “___ still loves you,” Toph encouraged him.
        “But before we allowed you in the group, she did say only time would show if you deserved trust and forgiveness,” Sokka added, Suki elbowed him. “What? He should know the truth, the good and the bad.”
        “Thank you, that helps. Maybe she’s not ready to hear my apology, because she doesn’t forgive me or trust me yet.”
        “Make sense, you engaged her, impregnated her, broke your promise then left her for another woman because she was basically in a coma,” Katara stated with venom.
        “I never left her, but I was too cowardly to tell my father no to the arranged marriage. Scared to not be his perfect son again.”
        “Mai still seems to love you, since she helped with the prison break,” Sokka said.
        “Another heart I broke, by being a misleading person. She loves someone within me that I’m not. She doesn’t understand that I’m trying to save my country, my kingdom. The world fears and hates the Fire Nation. I need to try and heal that and help the Avatar bring balance back into the world.”
        “I think ___ just needs a little time, she was for having you here from the get-go with me,” Toph popped some more food in her mouth. “She’s just not ready to deal with you. Since she’s been having some health issues with the baby, every time we have stress, she gets sick.” Toph said sadly.
        “Well with the invasion being over, Combustion Man gone. Hopefully, things will calm down.” Katara said before standing up. “I should go check on her and the baby before we sleep.” She stood and left towards the way ___ had left earlier.
        Zuko sighed and sipped his tea. He would need to be patient a bit, wait for some alone time with his love, and keep an eye on her troubled health with the baby.
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Author’s Note:
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for awhile, but I’m getting better mentally and personally. I can’t promise when the next chapter will come out, but I’m hoping by the end of May. 
I’d like to thank everyone that’s liked previous chapters and stayed with me on this. This is still my indulgence, anime fanfics, but after this series. I might go into show/movie fanfics (like Marvel and Supernatural), make a list of who I’d be willing to write for and open a for request for a bit. 
Also, for the one lovely who wanted to be added/tagged for new chapters, here you go; thank you for your love on this <3
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lovee-infected · 4 years
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Macaroon anon I love you and how can I resist writing for such a great idea? I really wanted this piece to take place as Ciel was stuck in twst in my previous au but since I mentioned dorm leaders there it couldn't be really done...Rip
A twisted path ✨
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~ Black butler x twisted wonderland ~
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Feat : Mey-Rin , Bard & Finnian
Poor trio stay away in shock of not only his unexpectedly loud shout but also...eh...his appearance .  Are they wrong or does this guy really look similar to master Ciel...?
Coming conscious still with his eyes closed , he hears some sounds around him:" He dead ?-""No I don't think he is, his chest is still moving" "Anyway what's this body doing hear at Phantomhive's mansion? If he's been stabbed or something it's going to be troublesome," "Na I guess this dude's just been really drunk y'all. Also...what's with the clothes ? Could it be that he's somewhat of an actor from nearby theaters ?" "Aye? Since when are the designs this messed up...- I guess we'd better get rid of it before mister Sebastian returns, maybe burry hi-"
Riddle freaks out as he hears this idiots wanting to burry him alive and immediately wakes up screaming at them to stay away.
Riddle on the other hand gazes upon what he just faced: a red haired haired maiden wearing a pair of glasses, a yellow haired boy with green pupils and a rather buff man with a toothpick in his mouth staring at him. " Ah- He a'live ! Man ya gotcha be more careful with drinking," the buff man chuckles. Riddle suddenly feels highly unsafe: Who are these people? And where am I? He's read NRC's maps enough to know that such a building is surely not a part of it , come along it's weird people. Was he kidnapped while asleep...?He pulls up his staff and starts threatening them with it , wanting them to immediately introduce themselves and explain what he was doing here- wherever it was-
Finnian tries to calm him down with a soft smile and a friendly attitude, but Riddle is strong at his point: He wants answers.
When he sees them all trying to calm him down with no explanations he gets mad : "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"
...What ? Wait-maybe try again:"Off with your-Heads!" ...Why isn't it working? Riddle stays still, the magic collars have to be around their neck but- they are not...?? There must've been a mistake: " Off with your heads - Off with your HEADS - OFF WITH YOUR HEADS DAMN IT-"
Mey-Rin, Finnian and Bard stare at their angry guest shouting nonsense and getting as red as a tomato, what is wrong with this guy..?
Riddle is furious and confused , what's the matter ? Is his magic blocked the same as that time Beans day?  He doesn't know , and he doesn't like it
Riddle starts shouting at them asking what they've done to his magic and the poor guys just go...Huh ? Riddle keeps on getting redder and redder as if he's about to explode . He starts threatening them from reporting them to the head master to giving them to the official policies for kidnapping and neglecting his picture 
Finnian then decides that maybe it's better to leave him to mister Sebastian and so : Picking up a huge branch and a striking it to his head , savage
Riddle passes out immediately whoops- maybe Finnian should have been softer-
They stay there gazing upon their... masterpiece . Finnian might have even broken his skull - Good god , what should they do now ? They must wait until mister Sebastian arrives ; But where is he now ?
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Feat : Suma & Agni
"Pssssssst- Agniii...I guess he finally woke u-" " M- my prince , y-you sure that it was a good idea too bring a total stranger out of nowhere to our home ? I'd greatly appreciate it if you be more ca-"
Argh...what is with all noises around him ? He's told Ruggie a million times not to let anyone in his room whole he's taking a nap even if it's gonna be the grim reaper ; what are these brats doing here?
Leona rambles under lips and with a push he's awake : " Oi , you'd better know that I don't like having my naps ruined,"
Suma gasps at the sight of him being finally awake and tries to offer his unwanted guest a welcome hug which Leona rejects- Poor Suma
Leona isn't yet realizing what actually is going on , from not knowing that this isn't his room to the fact that he's now at more than 100 years ago in a whole different world ; ironic
Leona orders them to take this annoying conversation out of his room just to face Agni's locked expression : "Your room...?"
Taking a better look , Leona finally gets that this probably isn't his room and these people surely aren't from NRC
Sounds get echoed through his brain and he feels a small ache inside it . He rubs his head ...why does everything feel so strange ? Something is different ... could it be that he's still sleepy or..? Wait a second - Why can't he shake his tail ?
He immediately looks back to see if he's sit on his own tail but faces a terrifying scene : There is no tail . Is it cut off ????
and a newer fact flashes his brain : There are no ears either . But then how can he still here the sounds ? "P-please don't be", he begs . His hands shake as he brings them up to touch both sides of his head ; wishing not to find what he is looking for . And they are ! Human ears !A mild shiver is sent down his neck and he rushes to the mirror on the other side of the room just to face this nightmare with his own two eyes
He stares at the mirror with his eyes wide open and mouth as if he is going to shout . No...
Oh...nevermind . He has to calm down ; it's nothing but another fancy dream . He'll soon wake up and these will be all gone . Leona tries closing his eyes and cursing , wanting to wake up to sanity when he opens them again
Surprise : Nothing's changes . Two crappy brats still staring at him . Agni is now a bit suspicious but Suma on the other hand is really motivated : " Ahh~! Sorry if it's strange to sleep in the streets and wake up in bed- I just saw you laying there in a death like slumber and couldn't help but to bring you along ! Also , haven't we met before ? I'm pretty sure that I've seen your face somewhere before... Don't you happen to be from India ? "
Agni is really stressed out and keeps warning the young boy : " My prince ! He's now all conscious and fine , then I'd lead him out of he-"
"Prince , huh ?" Leona wasn't ever really interested in visiting ally kingdoms back at his home town so he barely got to meet any other princes , hm but to think that this cherishing child is actually a prince...man , the world has really changed
But he has no time for such games now , he has to find Ruggie or anyone else who may lead him out this insanity and return him his ears and tail
He asks for where he is - else than Suma's mansion - and the answer doesn't really do any help either . Where on the bloody hell is London ? And if these people found him laying in the streets when the heck did he even get here ? Well , doesn't really matter now , but where is NRC ?
Suma and Agni probably don't know where NRC is and Dire Crowley ? Suma wonders if this guy was the one who fooled him to buy a sick elephant which died a week after in india , but Agni is sure that neither him nor his prince have ever met a single soul named this
Leona is getting more and more pissed off wasting time chatting with these idiots so he takes his way out , ignoring Suma's begs for him to stay for lunch at least
He freezes just at the second he opens the exit doors and gazes upon the streets : Horses? carriages ? 19th century's clothing ? How long have these people been stuck in this lack of technology?
He feels like he now really needs to make a phone call but searching his pockets he finds both of them empty...those brats stole my-
He was close to getting hit by a carriage when someone shouts at him with a : " OUT OF WAY YOU SON OF A-"
He is now ready to get in a fight but a sound cuts him off : " LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!" , this extremely annoying sound...what the heck is he doing here and : WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAS HE DONE NOW !!!????
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Feat : Lau & Ran-Mao
Business tip nu 1 : Always keep calm , even if you end up losing all your magic powers in the surface without the possibility of returning to your original form or knowing where in the damn world you are : K-e-e-p-c-a-l-m
Thankfully , Azul's dope nature avoids him from going crazy during his stay in this...non-Twisted wonderland world
He had heard of theories explaining the possibility of other world's existence ; countless ones indeed . But to end up in one of them without any preparations ? He wasn't planning on that
Well nevermind , that cannot be helped now . let's look for a better way
Lack of facility , cultural deprivation and severe corruption ; is this how humans are ? No wonder the sea witch called them Poor unfortunate souls...
Enough with these people , he must now ignore all other disadvantages and take a look into beneficial sides of it...If he has ended up here , in this world and into this spot of the city there must be something linked to magic nearby ; even if he's surrounded by all these foolish people who haven't ever even seen real magic by their own eyes
Just as he's looking around , something catches his attention : a strange smell . Thanks to his family he's pretty good at following smells to their source and knowing what exactly they are : it's the pungent smell of Opium
He follows the smoke to its source and arrives to a bunch of stares going underground . A board is place next to the stares with something written on it :  Opium Den
Azul isn't one to believe in superstitions but he is sometimes interested to take ambitious  steps ; life sometimes brings you worthy surprises
Entering the shop , someone slightly grabs his arm . He turns his head to face a young, beautiful lady pulling his sleeve softly , eyes empty of any emotions . Without saying a word , Ran-Mao grabs his hat and coat and Azul thanks her , seems like he took the right path
His vision got a bit blurred as must of the air is filled with smoke , not that he isn't used to such atmospheres
" Why welcome to my place , sir . How may we service you today~ ? " a sound says from other side of the room . Azul turns back to face the source of all these smoke holding that young lady from before close , could she be her right arm woman or something ? She seems pretty obedient for one , which is nice
Azul introduces himself and takes a seat . He isn't going to get to his main point at the very first seconds ; he needs to make sure that he's come to the right person . He introduces himself as a businessman from a far away city , came to explore more of business tactics here in London . He offers Lau a small chat toward that , wanting him to give him more information on business if possible and return , he'd be given similar information about Azul's home town
While being considerably great at it , Lau isn't really interested in wasting time talking about business , all he ever cares in some sort of entertainment in whatever he does . Still , he agrees of playing this fake role for a short time . Although he knows that Azul isn't here for this either...
A few minutes pass and they both know that Azul doesn't really care to know how much a pork costs and either is Lau , so takes a serious step himself : " I see you're a man of business , Mr . Azul . I wonder what I you may be able to offer me in return ," Azul clarifies that he would get interesting information if he gives Azul good ones ; everything is clear and equal . "Then , I'm afraid that I've got not much to offer ," Lau sighs , but a small smirks appears of his lips : "But what would you say about some tea ? And maybe a small talk ? "
Lau isn't like others out there and that's pretty recognizable to Azul , but it doesn't make him the right person to trust either . He is continuing this conversation in hope of Lau leading him to the right person he is looking for , someone worthy of a greater contract . Lau lets out a sad sigh feeling sorry that he can't do much help , but he knows that who may do : A well-known friend , serving years working as a right arm man . Talented , well cultured , big on all issues including business : "I'm sure that you'll like him ,"
Well perhaps this thing's starting to work out for him : " Then by all means , lead me to this mister you speak of , Mr. Lau~" "With all pleasure . Bring him his coat and hat , sister " , Lau orders . Pleasure is always his first priority , but nothing would ever break rules of a contract ; He gives , he receives . Even taking him to Sebastian is counted but , he's already thought of that . This young man seems quite entertaining and when he first stepped into his shop Lau was expecting him , a spacial guest
Lau doesn't really care about superstitions , but still enjoys his ambitious steps  . This guy had came to him just as expected and now , something about him tells Lau that getting him to Sebastian will bring him as well newer faces to meet...what an entertaining day it would be
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Feat : Tanaka
Jamil is... about to lose his mind . Caught in a whole other world without a meaningful explanation of how he ended up here or why . Magic doesn't work and there is no certain way to scape this situation and make a return to NRC . But the worst thing about it remained certain : He is caught with Kalim
Why in the bloody hell does he always have to be hooked up with Kalim ? Parents forced him into it at childhood , headmaster orders to it at school and now , the world suddenly decides to abandon him together with Kalim ? If it's joke , that's a pretty lame one . Why does he have to live in the shadows of Kalim being the unworthy dorm leader ?
Now lost in the streets , not knowing where to go or who to contact , what a wonderful way to start a day
Kalim isn't liking it at all : dirty streets , loud and short tempered people , street fight and drunk men everywhere , the smell of death filling the air , this is horrible . Kalim is well aware of poverty and deprivation lasting for so long and even remaining until the very present day , but traveling back in time and space to face one of the most terrifying levels of it just isn't his thing . He feels sorry and odd at the same time : Is this how life behind of the walls of his royal castle looked like ? He wishes he could help it . He probably could if he was any linked to NRC right now
He keeps on telling Jamil how poor they look and wonder if there is a way to help...The world Kalim knows has elegant and colorful nights and days but this world...was all caught in a dead gray mist
Jamil doesn't say a word because he doesn't want to listen , Kalim can keep on daydreaming but he has to find a way back a.s.a.p . They can't leave Scarabia just on their own and everyone (including Kalim's Dad) must be really stressed out by now . He continues to look , but there isn't really anything helpful around them . People yelling at each other and smoking the shit out of themselves . Young ladies flirting as young men offer them a carriage ride and tourists staring at each and every building like they hadn't ever seen a place to live inside as if they've been living in a cave so far , huh
Jamil can no longer take it next to Kalim and eventually goes feral : " WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP !!?" He has no control over his words now , he's nervous , furious and freaked out . If he were to compare his mood to something similar he'd say the time he overblotted , just that he had his magic back then
Now Kalim as well gets into a fight with him . What the hell does this have to do with him ? Jamil has to calm down and be realistic unless they'll never find a way out ! Jamil states that if he grew up just enough to realize how terrible their current situation is , he would've had something better to do than showing mercy over some bunches of street rats
The two of them keep on arguing until someone cuts them of : " Hohoho young men ! What's with all these loud sounds ?"
They stop and turn back to face the source of this old , chill voice . Facing a tall , old man dressed in all black clothes which high-leveled servants would wear and a monocle , giving them a soft , calm smile
" Aa- nevermind grandps ! It wasn't like it seemed we were just talking ! Right Jamily ? " he says , putting a hand on Jamil's shoulder and giving a big , wide smile . "H-hey... don't call me that..." , Jamil doesn't like Kalim acting this chill ; but it is embarrassing to see that they actually called attention
"Hoho , better . Now tell me young men , could it be that you have a trouble ? You look awfully down ," Tanaka asks ; sounding just like a grandfather guiding his grandchildren
Kalim takes a look at Jamil , wondering if it's right to do what he's thinking of and Jamil in return , nods as a yes " Well sir , there you see we actually don't belong here yet to another-" Jamil cuts him off before he could mess the whole thing up : " -Another state , indeed ! We came here for some sort of a business trip and were supposed to be on our way back home by now but sadly , ran into thieves . Our families must be really worried for now and I doubt them being sure of us being hooked up here . We lost everything and have no way to contact anyone we know... only if someone nice enough could be found to help us with it right now ," Jamil dropped his head , trying to act as natural as possible . Kalim wants to remind him that this isn't right to lie someone who is trying to help them yet he wonders if he should let Jamil take care of this now , after all he was much of a worthier leader than him to be honest...
" That's so sad to hear dear boy , I'm sure that young master as well would've been really frustrated if he were here ," Tanaka replies . Oh ? Young master ?  Jamil is now interested . Wherever this man came from , it can't be somewhere cheap , Jamil could tell . Leading them to a mightier source would be a better thing than just laying in the streets waiting for some miracle to save them right ? " Young master , you say ? " Kalim asks . " On the second thought , how about me introducing you to my master ? You're not much older than him I suppose , he as well needs to have more friends like you good men  ," Tanaka says with a sweet smile . " That'll be so nice of you um , Mr...? " Jamil asks " Tanaka is fine young boys . And you? "  " Jamil Viper ," " Kalim al Asim ! Glad to meet you Tanaka sir ! " Kalim says , bringing his hand for Tanaka to shake . Tanaka shakes hands with both of them and Jamil decides to make the process a bit faster : " I look forward to meeting this young master you say , Mr. Tanaka . It's always great to meet more men of culture ," Jamil sneakers . " Then by all means , follow me young men ," Tanaka says . With a sound of pop and some smoke , the tall man shrinks into a chibi version : " Ho , ho , ho ," " What the-!!!" Kalim panicks , no magic and yet this dude can shrink all of a sudden huh ?
" Ho ho," chibi Tanaka says before turning back and going to another direction . " I guess we should follow him," Jamil says . Kalim agrees and then , they're both following the chibi old man to the Phantomhive's mansion . Unaware of the two eyes watching them all this time : " Hihihi ~ they're quite interesting ,"
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Feat : Grell Sutcliff & Ronald Knox
"Come oooon Ronald~ Shake your lazy ass and bring her along already..." " Oi senpai , that's mean ! This one's quite heavy-" "JUST SHUT UP AND DO THAT ! Don't you know it's rude to question ladies too much ? " " F-fine then , but at least give me a hand ! Have you even checked if she's dead !? " Heavy ? Dead ? She...? Vil isn't born to be disrespected like this . AND NOT A SINGLE SOUL GETS TO PULL HIM BY LEG WHEN HE'S ASLEEP
Vil immediately starts shouting at the Blondie , threating him that he'll regret it if he doesn't let go of him now . Ronald and Grell almost have a heart attack at Vil's chicken like screech which makes them jump
Vil snads up and glares at the two shinigamis : A really ugly female like one all dressed in red and a small blondie brat which looks like...eh..Azul ? Well nevermind ; doesn't matter now
What should he begin with ? Where he is ? Who these potatoes are and how they didn't recognize him being the leader of Pomefiore ? How perky they were to move him while asleep like this and ruin fabric of his overly expensive unforms ? Too many things to do
" Ah you're too loud ! My ears...Such an unexpected shout to hear from a man this hot I'd say..." Grell giggles . Vil's eyes widen , well of course he is beautiful but to be praised like that ? Ew , this is more of a insult ...
Vil decides to ignore Grell and get to the main point : Who they were and what they wanted . Grell smirks before preparing to give a 5 hour long opera show of shinigamis' romance but Ronald locks him on that point : They are shinigamis , they collect souls of the death , they had grabbed Vil because he looked a bit like the woman they were just going to collect yet didn't pay enough of attention to notice that they made a mistake , so they can all leave since they've got nothing to do with each other
Just before Ronald could get away Vil grabs him by collar , asking where they've brought him to . Grell clears that they just moved him by 30-40 meters from where they found him so it can't be really counted as bringing him to somewhere . Vil refuses to believe , wherever he is , it's way further than Pomefiore dorm or even NRC's accessable area ; that can't be . Vil threatens them one more time : " You refuse to tell , you'll end up dealing with the headmaster ," Grell and Ronald probably don't know who the headmaster is but Grell tries to take advantage : "Aaa? Is he one into punishing type ?" Vil is slowly getting annoyed by how weird this red one sounds to him ; To be honest he acts like an impatient porn star or something...
That's it , he's calling Crowley but uh , where is his phone ? Did he lose it ? Impossible . He'll never forget such an important thing to bring along ... Did these brats dare to steal his pockets....!? Vil asks them to give his phone and wallet back : now " Sir , you may like to know that human money brings no good for us and also , I'm afraid that I don't really know what you may mean by phone? " Ronald mumbles (Remember that phone isn't yet invited at their time ). Why don't this guy just let them go take care of their business ?
Vil hates it when people dare opposing him and doesn't ever take that lightly...who do these two think they are ? " Where is Night Raven College , answer or you'll face unpleasant consequences..." Is Vil challenging Grell ? Then Grell's more than ready to see what this human may have up his slave to speak to a shinigami like this : " And what may the consequences be...?" Vil gets tired , a small spell and this red ass bitch would be nothing but a toad , " I tried to warn you , you should've listened..."
Ahem , hello ? Magic ? Why isn't it working ? " Pffffffftttt- Lmao are you high or something man ? You just woke up !You'll be a great actor though I swear- You can drown in all that nonsense ," Grell laughs . " Well then hottie , I'm afraid we've got to go , see you when it's your time ~ " Grell turns to leave but Vil grabs him by collar . No one is leaving until they explain what the actual heck is going on : this place , the magic , everything
Grell on the other hand enjoyed flirting , but can't take being acted to like this . He pushes Vil back and gives him a psychotic smile , bringing up his chainsaw : " Wouldn't it be amazing if I cut those rushy tongue of yours at once ? fewer words , more of a male charm ," "Oh ?" magic may not work here , but they're not all Vil has got , he can still give this bitch guy a lesson without them : " Oi you two , this isn't really gonna workout-" Ronald mumbles but it's too late now -
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Feat : Undertaker
At least he wakes up to a more suitable scene , or it seems so - His body couldn't move freely inside of this cage-like space . Is this a cuffin...? He has experience with them from his freshman year but to end up in one of them again ? Could it be that Crowley is planning on another fancy event like their first time ? Boy , he didn't like it anyway . He knocks the door trying to open it but if seems too heavy to be moved . Damnit- , he hears footsteps from the outside : " Someone there ? Why can't I open this ??" A sudden screech from out and the door slides open : " Ah thank yoUWAHAAAA- !!" Idia screams at the sight of the creepy stranger's smile at him ; he wasn't expecting this . Also , this place doesn't look like the mirror hall ? Who is this guy and where is this place ??
" Hihihi you weren't that dead I see , why waking up so soon though~ ?" , Undertaker giggles in his playful tone . Idia needs too many things to be explained to him but he just doesn't have the time , Crewel will burn him in acid if he gets any late for his class again and he doesn't care how weird his current situation is , he has to go
He gets out of the coffin and rushes to the door but Undertaker stops him there telling him not to show up out there so carelessly , which clearly confuses Idia . " Your hair...It is quite fascinating that curses remain strong even as magic gets blocked..." Undertaker adds . Idia is used to people judging him for his family misfortune but this one seemed quite...odd . He decides to ignore it and leave
" ~ Okies then I warned you , but you'll end up needing a real cuffin in a few minutes pwahahaaa-" , Undertaker burts into laughter and Idia leaves
" creepy ass old ma-" , Idia nags slowly before freezing as someone screams really-loudly right into his ears " HAIR ON FIRE , HIS HAIR IS ON FIRE !!" Before Idia can notice what is going on he's gained tens of gazes to himself , why are these guys all dressed so strangely...
" M-mummy is that a monster ? I'm scared..." " Stay away from our children you hellish creature ! " Idia freezes , critiques coming one after one : Demon , monster , Satan , Death . One option left : Run
Idia now has to run for his life , this world just isn't his thing : not at all . Even if it weren't because of being chased by a group of angry humans , do you think that he could last for even one day in this old fashioned zone ? No technology , no phones , no robots , no gummy bears , no wifi- He'd read about how different the world was before the invention of media and couldn't explain how thankful he was to never have to handle a second in the past world because he wouldn't last there for more than an hour- well he wasn't right about never ending up there but , he was 100% right about not lasting for more than an hour
Now there , he is running like he never has , begging his feet to help him this time out of any other time . Angry people screaming and bringing fire and weapons to destroy the evil
He tries to contact any possible source for help but : No magic - no internet . RIP Idia
Meanwhile Undertaker is chilling at his shop , his mind running over the cursed boy and now listening to the sound of the frightened people because of him , how pathetic , If only he had agreed to hide his hair through a safer way...sigh he should have listened to advises coming from someone who has been living within humans for years by hiding his identity as a shinigami as as his eyes... " My my , humans aren't the only fragile creatures I see..." creation can seem disturbing to him sometimes , and that's the best part with it
Back to Idia , he is slowly running out of breath . Well maybe this is the point where he has to give up ? He has long lived as a loser , bastard , procrastinator and wasted almost each and every second of his life ; well perhaps except Ortho , that was a nice work of him . Wish he was here too say goodbye .  He isn't sure if his prayers would be accepted or not but it won't hurt trying : " Good gods who're told to be somewhere up there , I know that I wasn't best that I could be and I won't try to excuse my sins ; just please let it end fast, Ame- " he forgets his prayers as his guardian angel is standing just a few meters away from him ; oh have gods sent an identical twin - human version of Leona for him to be saved ? Well whatever now , he has no time if he's the original furry or not : "LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!"
And yes , he is the original one ! He curses as he sees the population after Idia , what the hell is wrong with this world ? Idia hides behind his back and Leona tries to take control before they end up burning the two of them together : " You people , chill ," " Why you defending that creature ? He a a misfortune ! A demon !" others shout at this words in agreement . Leona laughs it off . He says that Idia is way too dumb for a demon and even if he is one , he's the type to scream his ass off when someone says "hi" . Idia doesn't know if Leona's defending him or not but he doesn't dare saying a word . Leona seems too busy dealing with the crowd and slowly , the argument topic switches from Idia to Leona ; who isn't afraid of punching some faces . The argument slowly takes over and no one (even Leona) realizes Idia sneaking into an alley saving his life . He feels a bit guilty for leaving Leona on his own but he'll be fine , hopefully
Thankfully the alley is deserted and he finally lays down to catch his breath , still panting heavily . He almost got killed today and can't get over it , but things were getting a bit comforting : "Meow~" several cats show up from the corners and Idia puts on a small smile . A white kittens comes closer and allows Idia to touch and comfort him . Idia wonders , how does their lives as a cat here feels ? do they as well get as scared as he was just now?  . A few minutes later when Idia -and his cats- were chilling someone steps closer to them  . Before Idia gets to run away , a tall , black and familiar face shows up and gives him a pretty calm smirk : " My my , I see you as well adore cats, could it be some part of our hellish natures ?"
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Feat : Ciel Phantomhive & Sebastian Michaelis
Let us be honest , it isn't going to be that bad for him , is it ? His current lifestyle at Valley of the thorns is nothing less than London's late 19th century , just maybe it had more of a natural theme . Well , no technology can be good news since he never really get used to it after all . London's atmosphere as well seem to be just his thing : Sometimes savage but calm , filled with tea parties and great ceremonies , an interesting back ground toward the royal family and in summary , Malleus's ideal theme
Well maybe except some things : 1) HORNS-ARE-GONE . His family treasure , the great heritage that proved him coming from the all great and respected Draconia family , now is gone 2) No need to mention that there is no sight of his fairy ears either- 3) Having his magic lost in this unknown world , he is now nothing different from a fragile human being , just as weak , just as empty , just as disgusting . Oh but our prince isn't totally left on his own here...
Unexpectedly , Phantomhive's mansion is serving a mysterious guest today , even though Ciel was against letting strangers inside the house . Sebastian insisted on being aware of the importance of hospitality as the Queen's watch dog , specially with special guests
Everything seems odd to Malleus , this world , this time , this people and...this master and butler . He is no fool , not even the foolishest of these humans would treat and cater strangers without wanting something in return , therefore he needs to keep his guard up . They shouldn't be aware of his actual identity even if they look deprived of any magic
Ciel is feeling awfully uncomfortable , who is this man ? And what the heck about him might have caught Sebastian's eyes ? This greedy demon wouldn't easily be impressed , so what could it be ?
Sebastian insists that it's how he should learn to treat everyone else if he's willing to be well remembered after death ; he pronounces the last word in a pretty deep , dark tone . Making it clear that how he'll finally die in a sarcastic way which teased Ciel
He decides not to have any argues with Sebastian on that point since he can act pretty cocky with stuff he gets stubborn over , so let's see what he's hiding up in sleeve this time . Though Ciel is suspicious of other stuff as well , this Mr... -whatever he is since he doesn't give them a name- looks like a pale - greenish version of Sebastian . Could he be another demon..?
Malleus refuses to give them a name due to possible risks , yet he has to admit that he's being taken care of properly . The room he's given isn't as big as the one in his castle , but is still considerable for something a stranger would be given . Other than that , anyone else he's met here so far seemed to be pretty chill , oh except this tiny child with a blindfold and he gets to be called young master ? He has to admit that he's impressed . To be in control of all this property when you aren't yet even tall enough to pick your favorite book from the shelf on your own
And there is another guy who is really...how to explain , is it some feeling of deja Vu or he really does look like Silver ? The guy is always talking to the snakes just as Silver talks to the birds and animals . If it weren't because of difference in eye color , perhaps Malleus wouldn't believe that he wasn't Sliver himself . " Your stay won't last much longer master , your friends are on their way here , says Donne ," Snake tells him . Malleus doesn't really know how to feel about him but his words comfort him for some reason...
Ciel says that he needs to check on the trio since they've been calling him all day so he heads to the front yard , leaving Sebastian and Malleus alone
Sebastian offers him some tea and Malleus of course sees no reason to refuse . Sebastian doesn't sit beside him because it's arrogant of servants to sit beside the guests , so he remains stood up . He doesn't bother starting a conversation with Malleus and he does know how to get him to speak . Malleus doesn't mind answering to...some of his questions . How he likes it here in London , if he needs anything else during his stay , but the last question made his eyes widen : Does he do feel any uncomfortable under the terms of not being able to use his powers ?
Malleus doesn't answer , he pretends that he didn't hear him and stares at the window . He is hoping it to help him ignore Sebastian , but what he sees isn't any better :  Isn't that... Rosehearts laying there...??
Malleus has to go , not only because of getting rid of Sebastian at this point but to also check on his ally if he's alright or not :  Did the butler know he too was here all the time ?
Sebastian just knows what was going on in his mind and wants  better answers . Malleus stands up to leave but Sebastian takes grabs his arm before he could do anything : " No need to rush . We still have a lot to talk about , Mr. Draconia ,"
Note for Idia's part : I was actually planning on Idea having his hair as well gone because , well , no magic no hair ? But that seemed too unfair for him lol
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yzkhr · 4 years
Love Language miniseries for Shinran!
I dedicate this corny and cringe worthy miniseries to @meitanteisachi for giving me inspiration through her gifset and her wonderful fanfictions.
Acts of Service- a language that can best be described as doing something for your partner that you know they would like, such as filling up their gas, watering their plants, or cooking them a meal.
"Not sick, huh?"
Shinichi glared as Ran leaned back from the table, unamused. He was working on a difficult case in their—now only his— mansion, when she showed up unannounced after he forgot to attend school. He was wearing his school uniform but lost sense of time being too absorbed at the new case Inspector Megure gave him.
"I told you I'm fine." he avoided her scrutinizing gaze, being stubborn. Ran wouldn't have any of it however, bringing her left hand to her waist like a stressed mother.
"Fine? You're burning hot and your face is even redder than a traffic light!" she argued and his face produced an even darker shade, acknowledged.
He wanted to protest and retaliate how can it not be when she literally put her face in front of his without any sort of warning, brushing his unruly bangs upwards with her soft hand and letting their foreheads touch as he froze while she remained unbothered.
The detective restrained himself however, not wanting any further embarrassment to occur.
He heard a sigh from Ran, forcing him to turn around. She was now arranging the stack of messy papers and documents, bringing them to side.
"Oi, what are you doing?" he frowned as he stood up from the swivel chair and held Ran's hand to stop her. It didn't go unnoticed how Shinichi flinched at the coldness of her skin.
Ran eyed their physical contact before giving him a stern gaze.
"I'm fixing all of these so you can rest. You won't be touching files until your fever's gone." she effortlessly shook his hand away, continuing.
"Ran, I told you I'm fine. I have to end this case cause if I don't---"
"Then you can let Megure-keibu and the other officers to handle it until you're well again." she was consistent at putting all the paperwork aside, not even sparing a glance.
"I told you I'm fine didn't I? It's just a fever."
Finally done with her task, Ran faced him with an expression that resembled his mother way too much for his own comfort.
"You're not fine. You have a horrible fever and along with it is a terrible headache. You didn't actually expect to read all of these with those blurry eyes of yours, did you?"
She squinted, gesturing at more than fifty papers on the side. He opened his mouth to deny her claims but retreated seeing her eyes squint even more, as if challenging him to lie. Ran was right. He'd been trying to ignore the throbbing of his head and the haze in his vision while reading through the entire case.
He sighed as his misty eyes finally having the time to observe her. She was still wearing their uniform, which means she went here as soon as classes were over. He suddenly remembered an important thing.
"Wait, don't you have an upcoming Karate competition? You have training everyday after school right?" he smirked internally, finding out a plot hole.
But instead of seeing a look of panic and rushing out the of the doorway like Shinichi expected her to do, Ran simply grabbed his hand towards the door making his cheeks turn red out of surprise and something he would never dare name of.
"I'll just skip it for today. Besides, I have something more important to take care of." she squeezed his warm hand, hinting what—or who— important thing she meant.
Blushing even more at the implication certainly did not make his illness any better.
After a few stumble here and there, they finally got to the bedroom in one piece. Minutes seemed like an eternity, with his headache feeling like he was being hammered. He was freezing and sweating at the same time not knowing if he should undress or add more layers. It was good thing that Ran immediately slumped Shinichi down the bed, and started removing his blazer.
Wait, what?
"Umm..." he spoke weakly, but still complying and accepting her help. He thought that she was done but she suddenly kneeled in front of him and leaned in, making Shinichi hyper aware of everything around him. Her hands went straight to his uniform which he did not predict. She was now untying his neck tie, making their faces inches apart. She was so close that he could feel her breathing at the open part of his longsleeve. Despite his mind telling him not to, Shinichi's eyes went directly to her face, which seemed too focused at her task, with her slightly furrowed eyebrows and violet orbs concentrated at undoing the knots. He would never admit it, but Ran looked too innocent and pure that it was killing him.
It didn't help that her scent was literally intoxicating him. A combination of honey and lemon, Shinichi noticed. Flustered and a bit shameful, he looked up,having butterflies in his stomach with his childhood friends' soft and nimble hands slowly removing the fabric from his neck.
He jolted awake when she begins unbuttoning his polo however. On instinct, Shinichi took a hold of her hands before they can go further. Shocked and confused, Ran looked up.
"I," he breathed heavily. "I think I can do this myself, Ran."
As if broken by a spell. Her face instantaneously turned crimson red at the realization that Shinichi might have thought she was the one with the fever. She stood up straight away, turning around and making a beeline to the door. She had been uptight all day that he was a bit glad the usual Ran came back.
He wanted to laugh at her reaction but was too tired to do so. Even slightly moving drained him, but it didn't mean he wasn't capable of undressing himself.
"I-I'm sorry! I got lost in my thoughts! I'm going downstairs!" she squeaked and left in an instant, closing the door with a loud thud.
Now alone, Shinichi struggled to move his shaking hands to undo the buttons. After a few more attempts, he was finally able to fully strip and drag himself to the closet. Nauseated and feeling like the world weighed on his shoulders, he randomly put on a white pajama and went straight to his bed, curling a bit like a kitten. His eyelids getting heavier and heavier, Shinichi closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep.
"Shinichi? Shinichi?"
Hearing a faint voice from behind, Shinichi turned around languidly and opened his eyes, meeting a concerned Ran.
"Hmm?" he hummed, still sleep deprived.
She brought up a steaming hot bowl of food, smiling.
"I cooked you chicken soup. Sit up, you have to eat." she ordered gently.
Despite feeling pain all over his body, he obeyed, knowing that he needed energy. Sitting up groggily, Shinichi faced his caretaker.
Ran sat beside the empty space of his bed, chicken soup in her hand. He frowned at the sight of the food.
"You still cooked my favorite style? Even though you know I won't be able to taste it anyway?" she shrugged as a response, bringing a spoonful near her and blowing weakly.
"Well, you might not be able to taste it but your stomach will surely enjoy it, so why not?" something in his chest swelled after hearing such words. Still, he kept it to himself.
After a few more blows, Ran brought the spoon near his mouth, gesturing for him to eat it. Face flushing and coughing slightly, Shinichi took a bite at the soup. Albeit tasteless, he couldn't help but smile mildy, knowing the effort put in.
Ran laughed a little looking at him as well, but said nothing and continued feeding him.
After five minutes or so, the bowl was finally empty. She told him that he could have just ate half but Shinichi argued that he was hungry(he really wasn't but he would never stand having a food Ran cooked for him go to waste but he'll die before she even find that out).
He was now inclining back to the comfort of his own bed when Ran spoke.
"Seriously, don't overwork yourself Shinichi." she berated, masking her worry with exaggeration as she arranged the plate and the soup, slowly making her way outside.
"I wasn't, I just got a little busy that's all." her saw how Ran rolled her eyes at his excuse as she replied.
"A little busy? You rarely get sick. I was so close to believing you were invincible to fevers." he scoffed at her remark, being defeated with yet another fact. Maybe the pain he felt was a lot worse than he expected.
"Look, I'm glad that you're trying to save as many people as you can but you also can't forget about yourself." he winced at the obvious disappointment and seriousness of her scolding. Instead of meeting her gaze that bore holes into him, he averted his stare into the lamp.
"I'm fine."
"No you're not. And besides, if you don't take care of you, think of all the people that will need you but won't have you." he stayed quiet, getting her point. Shinichi knew it was irrational being stubborn and pushing himself to the limits but he just couldn't help it. He may be a cocky bastard as a lot of people call him, but he wasn't someone that can stand not being able to help when he clearly can.
He sighed, giving in.
"Fine. I promise I'll take better care of myself." his answer seemed to satisfy Ran as she smiled contently.
"Good." as he heard the creaking of the doorframe, Shinichi instinctively flipped his head towards the sound.
"You're leaving?"
He didn't know why, but an infallible amount of upset coursed through him at the thought of Ran leaving. She paused by the door and looked back, inclining her head to the side.
"You want me to stay?" she teased in a light-hearted manner, making Shinichi's cheeks flushed.
"N-no, just wondering.." he played it cool by keeping his voice even, now being reminded how pathetic he must have sounded like asking her if she was leaving.
"I'll stay. After all, someone has to make sure a certain mystery otaku doesn't go back to the library just because he's feeling a little better."
He glared at her jesting and turned to the other side, lying down.
"Barou, it's not like I can do that with my entire body in pain."
Ran laughed, knowing she annoyed him enough.
"Then that's more reason for me to stay right?"
Before he can even think of a reply, she already closed the door and all Shinichi could hear were the sound of her shoes walking downstairs and the erratical beating of his heart he hoped was a side effect of the fever and not..... entirely something else.
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ace-oreos · 3 years
Aaaah! Thank you!!!
(However, I'm afraid I'm not here to help, I'm here to make it worse!)
I've got a prompt if you're still taking them : Alpha and Fordo being assholes to each other but always having each other's backs // or some good old fashioned Jango guilt in his POV when Baby Alpha shows that he's not just some flesh droid
♡♡♡♡ Thanks ♡♡♡♡
Of course!  😄
I mean, I really can’t complain, can I? XD
Okay so I absolutely love both ideas. I went with some Fordo and Alpha snippets this time around, but I am definitely going to do something with that Jango prompt, too. 
Alpha hoped to make a discreet return to barracks - which isn’t all unusual, given that he isn’t one of the GAR’s conversationalists - and thinks he might just have gotten away with it until he enters the code for the quarters he shares with Fordo. 
Fordo refrains from an overt reaction, but the slight raise of his eyebrow says enough.
“It isn’t polite to stare,” Alpha informs his brother tartly. 
“Would you rather I let you bleed out?” 
“I’d rather you left me alone, actually,” Alpha grumbles, peeling back the sleeve of his bodysuit to examine the damage.
“What kind of brother would I be if I did that?”
Alpha is too busy cursing the Separatists and their shabla commando droids to bother answering. If he hadn’t been caught up fending off a squad of B2s while the Jedi in command was off playing hearts and minds with the unwilling locals, he might have noticed the greater threat sooner. He’s trained to deal with melee weapons, of course, but it would have been an awful lot easier had he been able to engage them without worrying about the B2s. 
“Hey,” Fordo says, nudging him gently. “I know what you’re doing.”
“Trying to keep my arm from falling off?” Alpha says through gritted teeth. 
His brother doggedly continues. “The fight’s over. Stop replaying it.”
“Thanks, vod. I’ll remember that next time I’m seconds away from a bloody death.”
Fordo patiently hands him a wad of bandages he stores under his bunk for these exact situations. Alpha, now wishing his brother didn’t know him so well, accepts with a sigh. 
“You really should get a medic to take a look at that,” Fordo advises. 
Alpha bites the inside of his cheek to hold back a hiss of pain. The gash is deep, running the length of his forearm and curling over his wrist. Blocking a vibrosword with his gauntlet was admittedly a poor decision, but it was that or be ripped open by the blade. 
Fordo still doesn’t seem content that Alpha is capable of attending to his own wounds. “I never thought you of all people would act like this.”
“Like what?” Alpha snaps, finally at the end of his patience. 
“Like Jango,” Fordo says sharply. 
The deafening silence stretches between them. If Alpha wasn’t thinking that collapsing from blood loss is a real threat at this point - if Fordo had let him alone in the first place - if his brother hadn’t felt the need to dredge up memories and emotions Alpha thought he’d long since moved past - 
“Usen’ye,” he snarls. “Don’t ever say that again. Tayli’bac?”
“Whatever you say,” Fordo bites back, “Lieutenant.”
In the end, Alpha is left to deal with his wounds himself. The first set of bandages are useless by now, but he’s less than eager to be fussed over by a medic. So he cleans and dresses it sloppily, shoving away the first twinges of remorse that creep up on him as he works. 
Fordo returns some time later. Alpha is already curled on his bunk, cradling his bad arm. He hears Fordo place something next to him but doesn’t open his eyes until he hears his brother’s breathing even out in sleep. 
Alpha gropes around until his hand makes contact with something on the floor. It takes him a few seconds, but he eventually realizes Fordo must have made a visit to the medbay. There’s a pile of fresh bandages and some bacta waiting beside his bunk.
“Are you planning on staying awake until Kamino dries out?” Alpha demands. Fordo has been working through a mountain of mission reports for the past six hours like he didn’t just return from a months-long deployment. 
“Duty calls, vod’ika,” Fordo answers without looking up.
“First, quit calling me that. Second, you’re about as useful as osik when you’re exhausted.”
“Someone has to do it, and you don’t have the security clearance to see these,” Fordo says before breaking off in a yawn. 
“Security clearance my shebs. I got promoted, remember?”
“Hard to forget when you won’t shut up about it.”
“I wouldn’t bring it up if I wasn’t concerned you won’t ever get through those,” Alpha says indignantly. “Look, there’s nothing saying you have to have those sorted immediately.”
“You know Maze - he’ll get that disappointed look, and I’d hate to deprive him of what little excitement he can come by on Triple Zero.”
Alpha allows himself a long-suffering sigh. “Maybe you should stop on Coruscant for a spell. Then you could get some rest.”
“Aww, are you worried, ver’alor?”
“Worried that you’re going to screw up and give a regiment orders to take out the chain of command,” Alpha retorts, and snatches the datapad from Fordo’s hands. 
His brother yawns again before commenting, “You’re too stubborn for your own good.”
“You’re too tired to be passing judgement,” Alpha returns. “Get some rest.”
Fordo sighs. “Fine.”
“Good to go,” Alpha says, but his satisfication is short-lived when Fordo follows up with, “As soon as I’m done with the next lot.”
There’s no changing his brother’s mind once it’s made up. Fordo takes the datapad from Alpha unprompted and returns to his work. 
He refrains from commenting when Alpha sets a cup of caf down on his desk with more force than is strictly necessary two hours later. 
Alpha can’t for the life of him figure out when Fordo had time to become something of a social butterfly. His brother is dedicated, disciplined, everything Alpha remembers him to be - but he also has a way of applying those very traits to just about anything, regardless of whether it’s relevant to the war effort. 
“Don’t be a killjoy,” Fordo says, like this phrasing of their ongoing argument will somehow change Alpha’s mind.
“I’d be more of a killjoy if I let you drag me all over Coruscant, trust me.”
“I refuse to believe that until I have firsthand evidence.”
“You do that,” Alpha says, fully uninterested in the prospect of spending the night exploring Coruscant’s social scene. 
Fordo appraises him. “Scared, Seventeen?”
“I’m not scared,” Alpha snaps, because while they might be the GAR’s finest he still can’t let something like that go unrefuted. 
“Half of my squad is going,” Fordo says coaxingly. 
“Fordo. No.”
“I’ll just have to tell Mereel you’re too shy.” Fordo sighs theatrically. It’s not much of a strategy, but it certainly gets Alpha’s attention. 
“Wait, what does Mereel have to do with this?” he asks, frowning. 
“You two seem to get along so well, it’s only fair that I tell him his vod’ika is too coward to step outside his comfort zone for a little while.” 
“I’m not - it’s not like - don’t bring him into this!”
Fordo grins. “Then you’ll come?” 
“Do I have a choice?” Alpha grumbles.
“It’s me or Mereel, ner vod.”
Put up with his brother’s incessant nagging or Mereel and everything that comes with him. Alpha doesn’t have to spend long weighing his options.
He even starts to enjoy himself a few hours in. Fordo’s men are lively, eager to experience Coruscant for themselves, but they make space for Alpha, too. 
Fordo sends Alpha a knowing smirk every so often. Alpha doesn’t let it get to him - but he resolves to take Fordo to the mats sometime soon.
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sylvies-chen · 4 years
Welp, I loved your the last response to my ask, so here goes again! You’re totally welcome to ignore or hold off if you’re exhausted or not in the mood... but chenford prompt #2:
“You don't even know me, it's only a feeling
You gotta believe me
Darling, I'm just saying, there ain't no shame in
Admitting you're lonely.”
- “Pieces” by Declan J. Donovan
Thank you, I’m glad you guys are liking these! I’ve gotten a swarm of requests but they’ve been super fun to write for so I’m definitely not complaining lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one, I went for one of my favourite tropes!
Lucy knows better than to cross professional boundaries. 
At least she thinks she does until one night when she has to go on an overnight stakeout with Tim. 
In a hotel. 
Normally they just wait for the suspect out in their designated undercover car, drinking coffee to stay awake and alert. But there aren’t any good vantage points from a safe distance and the deal is going down in the hotel anyway, at a time during the weekend that they aren’t yet sure of. It’s an important meeting from some hotshot criminal named Miles Lerner, allegedly happening at the hotel, so Grey sends them there overnight to take pictures and gather intel first during their stakeout before making the bust. 
They arrive at the hotel late into the night, check in under false names, make sure they’re in their plain clothes. The receptionist seems disinterested, hardly looking up from her computer as she asks, “Would you like to book a room?” 
“Yes, please,” Lucy starts but Tim taps her on the shoulder and draws her attention to the hotel room that their suspect is walking into. He gives her a look, which she picks up on and asks in an innocent tone, “Do you possibly have a room down that hallway? I like to stay close to the vending machines, we never pack enough food.” She pats Tim’s shoulder and Tim goes with it. If they’re going to keep their cover, they might as well make it believable. 
“Yeah… babe,” he stutters. He looks nervous as he wraps his arm around her waist and puts on a smile that looks way too forced. Lucy finds it kind of adorable, has to actively stop herself from picturing their life together as a married couple. 
It’s not that she wants to. She doesn’t have feelings for Tim. At least, she doesn’t think she does. But Emmett had broken up with her mere weeks ago and Tim had been there to comfort her. The only logical explanation is that she feels emotional and lonely after a breakup and Tim was the first person she’s seen. She chalks it up to that, tries to brush off whatever residual feelings she thinks might be there, and smiles back at the hotel receptionist. 
“That can be arranged.” The receptionist types into her computer, squints at the screen and then passes them a set of room key cards. “There you go. Your room will be right down that hall, first one on the left.” 
“Thank you,” Lucy smiles. She and Tim make their way to their room, luckily right across from their suspect’s room. 
Tim fidgets with the key, the door only unlocking after the third try. They walk in and throughout all of the beautiful things about the room, the big window, the clean sheets, the cute vintage pictures on the wall, Lucy and Tim’s eyes are both drawn to the one thing they can’t ignore. 
The one bed sitting in the middle of their room. 
“Shit,” Tim curses, “You didn’t think to mention that we needed two beds?” 
“Well, it was a little hard to concentrate with your hand around my waist. How is this even my fault? You were there too, you know.” she whacks his chest with the back of her hand, dropping her bags on the table in their room.
“Okay. Well… I can take the couch then.” 
“No no, I should take it,” she argues sympathetically. “I’m shorter, I have an actual chance of fitting on the couch.” 
“Okay, if you insist,” he caves in after a while. He puts his own bags on the bed, unpacks the duffle bag with their work gear. His phone starts ringing, so he takes the call. Lucy doesn’t know who it is but figures it’s Grey from the fact that Tim uses his professional voice as he works his way through a series of the regular “yes, I understand” and “got it” and “okay, thanks”. He hangs up after a few minutes, turns to Lucy who’s waiting in anticipation. 
“That was Grey,” he explains. “He says there’s new intel saying the drop isn’t happening until tomorrow morning but we have a good view of their room from here so he’s not pulling us out. We can relax for now, get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be busy.” 
Lucy nods, looking around the room nervously. Tim goes into the bathroom first to change, and then Lucy goes after him. It’s weird, seeing each other in such casual clothing. Lucy’s pyjamas consist solely of an oversized graphic tee of Jimin from BTS and a pair of shorts that are much shorter than what is considered professional. Tim tosses her one of the blankets from the bed and she spreads it out on the couch, slithering into it as she settles into the couch that has now become her bed. 
“This guy we’re after, Lerner. He’s married, has a wife and kids. You think they know that he’s a major drug dealer?” She asks him from her couch, stares up at the ceiling as he gets into his own bed. 
“I doubt he brings his shady business back home with him but I’m sure his wife suspects something. We tried bringing her in for questioning years ago without telling her why but that just scared this guy off. Went off the radar for months.” 
“Still, it must be nice to have someone worried for you, wondering if you’re going to be there when you get home…” She drifts off, thinks of how nice it would be. Of how much she misses that, how much she wants to find the one. 
“You’re really taking this breakup with Emmett to heart, aren’t you?” He sits up in his bed momentarily, rolls over and props himself up with his elbow to face her while looking at her sympathetically. “Listen, Chen, he didn’t deserve you. You’re… you’re good. And smart. And if he doesn’t see that, then you’re better off without him.” 
“Thanks,” she replies shyly. “It’s not about Emmett, really. I just… Dating is fun, sure. But I want the one, you know? That guy who you feel so lucky just to wake up next to. The smiling like an idiot and the fun banter and the exciting stuff. I want the whole package, you know? It just gets… lonely, sometimes.” She’s still staring up at the ceiling and so is he now, the two of them sitting in silence. “Whatever. It’s just stupid pipe dream,” she brushes it off with a weak laugh, “We should get some sleep.” 
He opens his mouth to say something but shuts it again. “Goodnight, Lucy,” he settles on eventually, his voice low and raspy, soothing to her soul. 
“Goodnight,” she replies in almost a whisper. The word feels so intimate, so sensitive coming out of her lips. And it does while coming out of his mouth well. She doesn’t know what to think of these feelings stirring in her stomach, so she turns the lamp next to the couch and the whole room goes dark as she rests her head against the pillows of the couch. 
An hour later, Lucy’s still awake, and just. 
The pillows are really hard. 
It’s very noticeable, combined with the weird, grainy texture of the fabric and the tacky tassels dangling in her face. She tries to fall asleep, tries to ignore all of the factors contributing to her discomfort. But then, she’s glancing over subtly at Tim’s bed, and just. Ok. She’s not the type of person to be bold and make a move. And that’s not what she’s doing here at all. But it’s a really, really uncomfortable couch, and she just wants to get some shuteye. “Tim? Are you awake?” She whispers quietly in case he isn’t. 
“... Yes,” he mumbles back in the dark. “I can’t fall asleep. Lucy sits up on the couch, sees him staring at the ceiling as he talks and then moving his gaze to her. 
“Me neither,” she replies. Silence falls over the room again. After a moment, Lucy gets up off the couch, tiptoes her way to the bed and leans over the side of the bed that Tim isn’t occupying. 
It’s just a bed, she tells herself. Figures it’s for professional purposes, that she needs sleep to perform at her best. She knows she’s lying to herself, but at this point, she’s too tired and, quite frankly, too lonely to care. 
Tim turns on his side, faces her now and watches her with confusion as she crawls into the bed. “Lucy—”
“Just… shut up, okay?” She pulls the blankets over her, turns on her side so that her back is facing Tim. She leaves a big gap between them, making sure to just focus on getting a good night’s sleep. 
“Okay,” he whispers. Then, as if he purposely tries to put a wrench in Lucy’s plans, Tim closes the gap between them and wraps an arm around her side from behind her. His head is snuggled into the crook of her neck, his breathing slow and steady, and just. Lucy doesn’t even know if she’s breathing, has to remind herself to inhale and exhale. Her heart’s racing fast just from his touch. 
Maybe it’s that she’s lonely. Maybe she’s just that she’s sleep-deprived and out of her mind. She doesn’t know. But as Lucy feels his breathing on her neck and shoulders, melts under his tight, steady embrace, she feels more with him than she had with Emmett, or with Nolan, or with any other guy, really. 
She learns that falling asleep is a lot easier when you’re wrapping up in Tim Bradford’s arms.
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scripttorture · 6 years
I'm working on something set in the Star Wars universe. The charcter I'm writing with is being stalked by someone using the Force to induce nightmares, soon after he first hits REM sleep, leaving my character with about 90 to 120 minutes of anxiety spiked sleep a night for over six months. I know short term what this does to a person's body and mind, but long term, less so. Can you help me out with sleep deprivation as torture?
Iam very glad I invested in those new books on sleep. :)
Partof why this one (and the other ask focused on sleep deprivation) tookso long is because I felt I needed to do more reading in order toaddress them properly. And having done at least some of that extrareading- I think this is a good idea in terms of story potential butI think this scenario might be too extreme for the time frame you'reproposing.
BothNREM and REM sleep are necessary for continued health and well being.As well as, well life.
Bycutting off sleep at 90-120 minutes the body is being deprived ofhuge chunks of both.It’salso worth noting that the patterns of NREM and REM sleep atdifferent times of the night might well be doing different things.Experiments where researchers have interrupted particular chunks ofsleep at particular times seem to suggest different effects.
Allthe experiments I’m aware of that do that with people have beenpretty short term (the longest I’ve seen was a few days) andtorture/abuse scenarios don’t generally tend to focus on oneparticular type of sleep.  
Therearesome experiments on rats from uh- the days before ethics committeescared about rats. Researchers deprived rats of sleep until they died.Then they tried depriving rats of particular kinds of sleep to see ifthat makes a difference. Deprived of REM sleep rats die as quickly asthey do from total sleep deprivation. Deprived of NREM sleep ratsstill die, but it takes three times longer. Around 15 days and around45 days if you’re interested, (please be kind to rats).
Forhopefully obvious ethical reasons I’ve got no idea how this maps onto humans.
Myinstinct here is that the 6 month time frame is probably going to bemore important to the story then where exactly in the sleep cycle thecharacter wakes. I can see exactly where you’ve got the 90-120minutes from, it’s the first cycle of REM sleep. It’s alsotypically one of the shorter periods of REM sleep.
ButI’m not sure how survivable 6 months on 2 hours of sleep is.
Unlessthe character was already ill, injured or immuno-compromised then I'mnot sure it would be directly fatal. By which I mean- I don't thinkthey'd be dying from the kind of gut bacteria rapidly infecting theentire body in a lethal way that killed those experimental rats. Butthere's still a lot of ways that this extreme state of sleepdeprivation could more indirectly lead to death.
Forinstance it massively increases the chances of a heart attack orstroke in adults. And that chance rises still further the longer aperson is sleep deprived. The drop in reaction speed, processinginformation, working memory and coordination can all lead to seriousaccidents. Combined over the long term accidents are almostguaranteed.
I'vefound individual cases of real people surviving periods similar toyour character on similar amounts of sleep. But every case I've foundseemed to involve someone who was hospitalised for most of that time.
Youcouldplausibly have the character live but he’d need some prettyintensive care. Because of how agitated and emotionally volatilesleep deprived people can be (coupled with the memory loss it causes)I think he’d need to be watched round the clock. He’d need peoplethere to tell him where he was and why occasionally. He’d needpeople who could persuade him not to leave the sick room, not to dodangerous things or to just calm him down.
Thislevel of sleep deprivation for this time would effectively take himout of the story. If that’s what you want and the story is centredon other characters saving him, that’s absolutely fine. But if youwant this character playing a more active role then I thinkincreasing the length of time he’s sleeping nightly is going to benecessary.
I’vegot some suggestions for that I think could fit with the story idea,first I think I should talk about the likely effects of what you’vegot.
Ithink the first thing to really grasp is that there isn’t really aleveling out effect with sleep deprivation. There isn’t a pointwhen any of these factors stop getting worse. Not until the charactergets some sleep. In that sense it’s very much like starvation:there’s only one way to treat the problem and even then there’s arisk the damage already caused is too great for total recovery.
Inthe long term, ie after he’s able to sleep normally again and pastimmediate recovery, this character will still have a hugely increasedrisk of a whole host of problems. Cancer, virtually every sort, seemsto become more likely with sleep deprivation. Heart attacks, strokes,diabetes. Vaccines become less effective (sometimes ineffective) ifthey’re administered when someone is sleep deprived. Which can leadto problems later. There’s a decrease in fertility for both men andwomen. Increased risk of Alzheimer’s. There are also effects on theDNA some of which may be permanent. Most of the effects I’ve readabout are effectively ‘ageing’ the DNA, shortening the protectivetelomere caps on chromosomes. This means that changes may not bepassed on to children but I’ve not seen an epigenetic study on thesubject.
Theremight well be generational effects.
He’dcertainly be looking at a shorter life span generally.
Interms of when he’s actually being deprived of sleep. Well over thistime frame with this extent of sleep deprivation it would be prettycatastrophic.
Hismemory would… probably pretty much fail from a functionalstandpoint. He’d very quickly reach a point where he’s forgettingmost of the time he’s awake.
He'dbecome extremely emotionally unbalanced. Depressive symptoms, extremeagitation, aggression and anxiety are all common. Highs of positiveemotions are possible too, technically. But I've only ever seen thatdescribed in cases where sleep deprivation was voluntary. Sleepdeprived people don't tend to stay in one of these moods but havepretty severe mood swings between them. Unless they're alreadysuffering from a condition effecting mood.
Ifthe character has a pre-existing mental health problem this willprobably set it off. Sleep deprivation for one night has been shownto knock people with manic depression from a 'stable' emotional stateinto either a depressive episode or a manic episode. Sleepdeprivation has also been linked with increased suicide attemptsacross a variety of mental health problems.
Thelack of REM sleep in particular would effect his ability to processemotions. It stops us from...decoupling intense emotion from memory.That doesn’t just mean that negative experiences feel moreintensely negative for longer. It more broadly effects emotions and aperson’s ability to navigate them.
Italso interferes with our ability to accurately recognise otherpeople’s emotions. And when sleep deprived we tend to err towardsseeing other people as threatening.So we don’t just misread their emotions but we tend to read theworst possible intent.
Lackof REM sleep also effects creativity and problem solving. Buthonestly, given the extent of sleep deprivation here generally Idon’t think that would be distinguishable from the character’sother symptoms. His memory would likely be so bad that creativeproblem solving would be impossible anyway.
He’dprobably talk nonsense pretty regularly and he’d hallucinate. Mostsleep deprivation hallucinations I’ve heard of have been eitherneutral or negative. A lot of them sound pretty threatening andfrightening. And they’re likely to further feed into negativeemotional states.
Physicallyspeaking he’d have extremely slow reaction times. He’d sometimesfail to react completely. Within the first week I think he’dstruggle with fine motor control, things like doing up buttons. He’dget shakes. By the first month I’m not sure he’d be able to walk.
He’dget sick much more easily and even simple colds would have a muchbigger impact on him. He’d take longer to recover. Wounds wouldtake longer to heal and infections would be more likely.
He’dfeel more hungry and a lot of the food he’d crave would be fattyand sugary.
Ontop of all this sleep deprived people have been consistently shown tounderestimate the effect of not having enough sleep. Like drunks whoinsist they’re sober sleep deprived people thinktheyare capable of doing things they’re in no state to attempt.
AndI feel like it’s worth stressing that this ispainful. It’s a kind of pain that’s difficult to describe becauseit’s not really associated with anything other than lack of sleep.But it is pain. It is the marked lack of something essential to oursurvival.
Maybe this is exactly what you’re going for; it would be a good way totake a character out of the plot for a while. However if you want thecharacter playing a more active role then I think allowing him moresleep is essential.
Obviouslyyou want to keep the connection to REM sleep and dreaming (it’sgenius, you want to keep it). So I’d suggest rather than cuttingoff sleep at 90-120 minutes during the first short period of REMsleep at ‘cycle 1’, do so during the longer period of REM sleepat around 5-5 ½ hours in ‘cycle 4’.
Theselater cycles of REM sleep are longer and may be more intense. Easilydouble the length of time of the first REM sleep cycle. They’realso the periods of REM sleep that currently seem to be judged asmost significant.
Andthis would stillleave your character on death’s door in the time frame you’vegot, he’d just have a longer period where he could play a moreactive role in the plot.
Fivehours sleep a night, rather like some of the crazily extreme dietsout there, is incredibly damaging and very much normalised.
Forinstance, sleeping about 6 hours a night rather than about 8 raisesthe risk of serious injury in professional athletes from about 35% (8hours) to about 75% (six hours). That’s not ‘over a prolongedperiod’. That’s one night of missed sleep.
Aftersix nights the response time of someone who is regularly sleeping forabout 4 hours is at the same level as someone who didn’t sleep atall for a night. That’s an average drop of 400%. (From separatetests, someone driving on 4-5 hours sleep is almost four and a halftimes more likely to crash).
There’sa delightfulexperiment where a scientist squirted live cold viruses up the nosesof volunteers. Which showed that if someone slept an average of fivehours over the week before their infection rate was around 50%,whereas at seven hours or more the infection rate is around 18%. Asimilar level of sleep restriction (4-6 hours a night for a week)leads to a 50% drop in immune response to vaccines. And a singlenight on four hours sleep leads to a 70% drop in natural killercells.
Ander- testosterone levels fall to a degree that effectively ‘ages’men by 10-15 years.  
Practicallyspeaking what this wall of statistics means for your character isthat he’d be able to functionfor a good period of that six months. Perhaps as long as 3-4 months.But he’d show a noticeable drop in ability across- basicallyeverything.
It’sa drop that he’d gradually become acclimatised too. He’d probablyclaim that he’s ‘used to it’ and can do things again. Eventhough his actual performance would say otherwise. He’d also besubject to the same intense emotions and mood swings and significantmemory problems.  
Andas with the more extreme scenario every aspect would be getting worseevery day. Neither scenario has a 'leveling out' affect where he'sat a steady physical/mental performance. A long term sleepdeprivation story is about decline. What I'm suggesting here ismaking the decline less steep. Because the original scenario wouldvery quickly rob the character of his ability to remember, physicallyperform tasks, think coherently, communicate and survive.
Someoneon five hours of sleep for six months is probably also going to behallucinating, occasionally incoherent, unable to concentrate andparanoid by the end. But I think someone who was only sleeping fortwo hours a night could get to that stage in the first or secondmonth. One of the sleep scientists I've been reading compares theemotional and mental effects of sleep deprivation to severe mentalillness and from everything I can see he isn't wrong. The paranoiaand hallucinations are reminiscent of psychosis, the extreme moodswings are reminiscent of manic-depression. The upswing in suicideattempts is frankly terrifying, especially when put into the largersocial context encouraging long term lack of sleep. Sleepdeprivation, even in the relatively short term, causes structuralchanges in the brain.
Iwant to leave you with both options because I think that the'appropriate' level of sleep for this character is really dependenton your story and what you want the character to do. If you want thecharacter to be active in fixing the problem and able to communicatehis situation with any coherency beyond the first few days then Ithink you need to change how long he's asleep for. If on the otherhand you need him out of the story for a period of time and you wantother characters to fix the situation for him then the first scenarioworks perfectly well.
Ofall the books I've read on sleep and the lack of it recently, I thinkthe one most relevant to this ask (and most readable) is M Walker'sWhyWe Sleep(Penguin 2017). He doesn't explicitly reference every study he quotesbut he does give credit to the scientists who conducted the work andfurther details can be found by looking up their universities in mostcases. I think you'd also benefit from taking a look at some survivoraccounts of sleep deprivation. So far as I can tell none of thesurvivors in Monroe's book were sleep deprived and Alleg doesn'treally describe it in 'TheQuestion'.
Ithink the best book you could get hold of is an old Russian one byMenachem Begin called WhiteNights.I haven’t gotten hold of a decent copy yet but it’s one of thesurvivor accounts of sleep deprivation everyone references. For aninside view of what it feels like I think you should give it a look.
Ihope this helps. :)
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rainforestgeek · 5 years
If you lose your strength to stand (I'm gonna reach for your hand) pt. 8 “Shelter”
Here’s chapter 8 of my long-ass Plance/Katt fic. Enjoy!
Read it on AO3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 9
Keith spotted Matt a couple dozen meters down the hall and felt his heartbeat immediately pick up speed. He called out his name without thinking.
Matt looked up, then practically ran towards him. “Keith! I was looking for you. Are you doing okay after – ”
He couldn’t have this conversation out here. He grasped Matt’s elbow and pulled him into his old room. He shut the door but didn’t bother with the lights. The darkness felt comforting.
Keith’s eyes adjusted quickly. Antok had told him that was a galra thing – he’d always been able to see better in the dark than other humans.
Long minutes of silence, while Matt waited patiently, passed. Keith searched for words. “This is the third time I’ve lost him.”
“You’re really close, right?”
“He’s the only family I have. My dad died years ago.” Then there was his mom. Matt shifted his feet, which Keith learned meant he was debating whether he should say something. Keith sighed. “I guess my mom too, now.”
Matt stepped closer. “She can be your family now, too. If you’re ready to talk to her.”
Every one of Keith’s muscles seized up at the thought. He hoped he wasn’t shaking.
“Are you? Ready?”
Keith’s head thumped against the wall. He said hoarsely, “I don’t know.”
“Would it help if I hugged you right now?”
In lieu of answering Keith launched himself into Matt’s arms. For several moments they just held each other. Keith felt safer here, standing in his dark bedroom, wrapped up in Matt’s arms, than he had in months.
Matt’s warm skin felt so wonderful on his cheek that Keith impulsively grabbed his face and crashed their mouths together.
The rebel in his arms rolled with it, didn’t miss a beat, and kissed him back. Hot, forceful, their bodies pressed together, Keith thanked God he’d apparently read the signs right. Their armor clashed and scraped so they got to work removing each piece of armor and then clothing, stubbornly refusing to break the kiss whenever possible.
Keith impatiently dragged Matt to his bed.
Lance hated insomnia with a burning passion. He hated being dead tired but wide awake because of all the thoughts spinning around his head. He hated that he couldn’t control those thoughts, could make them shut up long enough to get to sleep.
So he paced the castle hallways, trying to let music drown out his thoughts. All that did was make his brain even louder. He put the headphones around his neck and listened to the little building noises that even magic alien castles seemed to make.
Yesterday (earlier today?) Allura and the other Coalition leaders agreed that no one outside that room could know about what happened to Shiro.
Lance was shocked but relieved that the man who’d been cold and harsh wasn’t Shiro, on the one hand. He knew something wasn’t right. On the other hand, there were so many problems now. Was Shiro alive? Could they ever find him? Who would fly the Black Lion? Was Keith ready to lead Voltron again? Being the Black Paladin had nearly drained Keith dry. Lance had been hurt but not shocked when he ran away to do some Assassin’s Creed soul-searching. Keith became a good leader, honest – but it cost him big time, hurtling towards a burnout, and he’d leaned heavily on Lance to stay upright. So not only was he worried about Voltron and Keith, but he suddenly missed Shiro all over again like a baseball to the stomach.
The best part? This was all dumped on Lance while he was already having a crisis. Could the war just not throw another curveball at him until he fixed his personal problems, please?
Of all things, the source of his internal world-spinning was Pidge. And the sudden, confusing crash of feelings he had surrounding her.
It’s not like anything changed in the last…what the heck, only the last two days? It felt like a week. All he knew was that he couldn’t breathe seeing Pidge beat up and pale and unconscious, and this morning the weight of the entire universe had fallen off his chest when she’d stumbled out of the healing pod and into his arms. He knew his heart freaked out when she’d hugged him back, and he knew that it freaked out even worse when she’d pushed him away.
In the storm of worrying and anxiety about Shiro and Keith and the whole damn universe, Pidge kept entering his thoughts: the warmth that filled his chest whenever she laughed, her face lighting up when she dissected a new piece of tech, and the bone deep fear of losing her. For the few minutes when he didn’t know if she were alive or dead, Lance had felt everything around him crumble because a universe without Pidge…was unthinkable.
The universe followed certain rules, Lance knew. Objects fell towards bigger objects, light bounced off of mirrors, sisters were annoying, and Pidge stayed alive.
Lance had taken that for granted. He’d known but never noticed how beautiful, clever, and impressive Pidge was until she’d almost –
Lance knew that he was incredibly stupid to only just now be realizing all this. He also knew that yesterday was the first time he’d been able to talk to Allura again, but she still made his gut tie itself up in knots.
Was it too much to ask to only have one girl problem at a time? Especially when said girls were BOTH unattainable? Now was not the time to get another crush!
Rubbing his eyes with a groan, Lance passed his room to make another circuit, maybe get something to drink. Or visit the cow.
He vaguely registered the swish of a door opening, but his name in Matt’s voice startled him. Just for the record, Lance did NOT scream, or jump, or flail, or press a hand to his heart. He could deal with surprise like a man.
Okay, he flailed a little.
Matt regarded him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you okay?”
No! “I’m fine. Just can’t sleep.” Lance scratched the back of his head and looked away, like if he made eye contact Matt would know exactly who he was thinking about and why. He realized exactly which door he’d just walked out of. “Were you in Keith’s room?”
“Maybe,” Matt said, sounding entirely too cocky. Lance looked back at him to see his cheeks were pink, but behind his coy and friendly smile his expression was completely shuttered. If there was anything Lance knew it was hiding behind a smile.
But what was with that smug…?
“Oh, oh! Oh gross, I’m never getting that image out of my head, thanks,” Lance grumbled. He made a point to rub at his eyes like he could erase it that way.
Matt said suddenly, “Are those my sister’s headphones?”
“Uh, yeah? She’s the only one who brought anything from Earth, so.” Lance shrugged.
“Pidge lets you borrow her stuff?”
Instant regret.
If his siblings were here they’d be smacking him upside the head and demanding to know if he had a death wish.
Matt’s expression morphed from disbelief to something completely unreadable. Lance scrambled back to his room as fast as his slippers allowed with a hasty “goodnight” over his shoulder.
Pidge recognized her brother’s footsteps. Even two years in space didn’t change his gait. She didn’t look away from the data on Shiro – the clone’s nervous system littering the screen in front of her.
“You should be sleeping.”
Huh? Pidge checked the time. The night cycle had started vargas ago. “I would’ve been awake thinking about this anyway. At least now I’m sleep-deprived and productive.”
She felt Matt look over her shoulder at large data pad in her lap. “How is he?”
“Not Shiro.”
Matt slumped down onto the floor next to her. “I guess this means I really haven’t seen him since the gladiator ring.”
Pidge didn’t know what to say. She’d rarely been in a position to comfort her brother before, not when he was the better part of a decade older. He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on his knees while he stared at the clone in cryogenic stasis. His hair was rumpled and he wore ragged sleep clothes with his boots.
“He saved my life.” Matt saved her from having to speak. “I guess I owe him for that. Before, when he was really here, was he okay?”
Pidge shut off the pad. “Not exactly? He’d been an enslaved cage fighter for a year and lost his arm and his hair was turning gray…” Matt gave her a look. Half exasperated, half amused. Pidge tapped her fingers. “He was good. Strong. He was like a… surrogate big brother. I think we all would’ve lost our minds without Shiro.”
Matt laughed to himself softly. “He was great for morale on the Kerberos mission.”
Pidge waited for him to keep talking but was met only with several minutes of silence. She looked at him to see shiny tear tracks on his face. Alarmed, Pidge climbed into her big brother’s lap and hugged him. He cried quietly into her shoulder, his back shaking, letting out ragged little gasps. He clutched her like a lifeline and she let herself cry, too.
The bed was cold. The door hissed open. Keith rolled over and Matt climbed back under the covers with him. The coiled hardness in Keith’s chest loosened when, in the dim light, he saw Matt’s eyes were bloodshot. The latter dropped a kiss on his temple. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Keith touched Matt’s jawline gently and tried to say something. Before he could find the words or his voice, Matt pressed forward so Keith’s face was buried in his chest and he had strong arms around his waist. Their legs tangled together.
The warmth and pressure lulled Keith back to sleep.
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seladorie · 7 years
Congrats on the 400 followers! I'm really excited about the prompt thingy (I actually wrote Prompto... oh sweet child.) So, I'm still kinda sad about the start promnis had during ARS, so, maybe happy promnis set during high school years? I just want cuddles and Ignis being so good to Prompto and Prompto loving Ignis a lot. Not being scared of him. :') Pretty please?
thank you! and lol, i feel. my autocorrect on my phone immediately changes prompt to prompto at this point
this isn’t high school, but it’s cuddly promnis all the same. enjoy!
Prompto wakes up with a start, eyes adjusting poorly at first to the change of lighting in the room. He’s groggy and confused, not quite understanding why the sun’s not out and why he feels so terrible, when he remembers what night is, and realizes he fell asleep on the couch.
Small amendment–he fell asleep on top of Ignis on top of the couch.
He jerks in his attempt to stay still, which means he ends up flailing, and not only does he wake Iggy up, but he wakes him up with a foot to the gut. Ignis grunts and grabs his foot in an iron grip hold.
“Sorry!” Prompto says, squeakier than he would like. “It’s just me!”
Ignis doesn’t quite let go of his foot, but his grip becomes less inescapable. “Ah. Well, that’s one way to wake up.”
“Yeah,” Prompto says, sitting on the edge of the couch, not quite sure if he should get up or not. “Sorry. I was surprised.”
“No need to apologize,” Ignis says, settling back down on the couch, and Prompto follows his lead. His hands are still on Prompto’s foot, and Ignis soothingly rubs his ankle.  “It’s understandable.”
“How come you didn’t wake me up?” Prompto asks, after a beat when Ignis doesn’t say anything else.
“You looked so peaceful,” Ignis says. “I know your Crownsguard training has been quite stressful. I didn’t want to deprive you of your sleep by waking you up.”
“Oh,” Prompto says, leaning up until he’s pretty much on Iggy’s lap. He kisses the corner of his mouth, and says, “I’m awake now, though. We can go to bed.”
“Yes,” Ignis says, smiling. “That sounds lovely.”
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voguewoozi · 7 years
College au? I'll let your creativity run free from there ;D (also what the heck, I'm planning on my major/minor to be English too?)
College Freshmen Are Loud
Read it on ao3!  & send in a prompt!
Summary: The noise in Dan’s dorm hall is cutting into his sleep. Phil provides a solution
Word Count: 1.9k
Notes: thank u, ryanne. I love college aus :(( (we should talk majors)
Dan wakes up to the sound of a chair hitting a wall at 2:47 am, and he’s fine until he hears giggles that eventually grow louder. This is the fourth time this week that people on his floor have come back drunk, and honestly, it was annoying the first time. Now it’s cutting into his sleep and he has early morning classes that he wants to be conscious for. He breathes out exasperatedly and clenches his bed sheets for a second before rolling onto his side and covering his ears with his pillow.                It’s pretty effective, but he has to hold it in place and his arms start cramping after a minute and a half. He doesn’t sleep for the rest of the night.—“Are you alright? You look terrible,” is the first thing Dan hears when he enters his 7:40 lecture. If it were anyone but Phil, he’d say it put him in an even worse mood. He manages a smile, despite his brain feeling ten times slower than usual, and slumps down into the chair beside Phil.“Thanks. I got no sleep last night because the assholes on my floor think it’s funny to be extremely loud during all hours of the fucking night,” Dan says, sighing a bit melodramatically. He can’t help it. It sucks and there’s nothing he can do. He’s already tried moving, but there’s no empty singles, and he doesn’t want to even briefly entertain the thought of moving in with someone else. He gets it, he totally does. The idea of having a roommate is exciting for a lot of people; it’s just not for him. At all. He’s having a difficult enough time dealing with having people rooms away from him.“What do they do? Is it really that bad?” Phil asks. He’s smirking but Dan literally doesn’t have enough energy to roll his eyes.“I’m pretty sure one of them broke a window last night,” Phil laughs at that, and the sound makes him smile for the first time that morning. He kinda hates the effect Phil has on him, but he usually just elects to ignore it. There’s no chance Phil likes him. And he’s graduating this year. Surely the age difference would be weird. Does Phil even like guys?He’s broken out of his thoughts by a nudge to his side and he jumps slightly, remembering where he is.“You might wanna start taking notes,” Phil whispers, lines of words already covering his page. Dan can’t stop himself from blushing, but Phil’s attention is back on the professor.Dan sits there for an hour and fifteen minutes, sporadically taking notes and daydreaming before he finally gets to pack up his stuff. He’s thinking about grabbing something to eat before his next class, when a hand comes down on his shoulder.“Hey, if your hall is too loud again tonight, you’re always welcome to stay in my room. My roommate’s never around.” Dan is taken aback by Phil’s offer; for a second he thinks his sleep-deprived brain made it up. He’s silent and slack-jawed for a few seconds too long, and Phil’s face begins to look unsure.“You don’t have to or anything, I was just-”“No, I want to!” Dan says quickly, awkwardly grabbing Phil’s wrist in the process. They both look down and Dan lets go immediately, bringing his hand to the back of his own neck.“I mean, yeah, if I can’t sleep, right, I’ll do that,” he does a vague finger gun motion and hates himself.“Okay, so I’ll see you later, maybe?” Phil asks, and his smile is back but Dan’s heart is still beating a mile a minute.“Yeah, I’ll text you,” Dan sounds breathless and that’s because he is, he just hopes Phil doesn’t notice. He wouldn’t point it out if he did.“Cool,” it’s the last thing Phil says before he turns with a small wave and walks in the opposite direction Dan’s going. Dan feels like his skin is burning off, but he can’t stop smiling.—                He listens closely. It’s a little after 11, and for once he can’t hear anyone screaming, and he thinks that it’s probably because the world hates him. The cutest guy Dan’s ever seen in his life invites him to his room and for the first time since he moved in, these assholes are what? Asleep at a decent hour?                He rolls over in his bed, and closes his eyes for exactly six seconds before he makes his decision. He stands up and packs a set of clothes, and the books he needs for class tomorrow, and steps outside into the cold air.                For as much determination that he had on the walk to Phil’s dorm, when he’s actually outside his door, he hesitates. He brings his hand up to knock a few times, even thinking about going back to his room and just going to sleep because it’s getting late and he needs a few hours, at least.                He finally does it, three quick taps and his heart rate accelerates as he waits for it to open.                “Hey,” Phil says, calmly, stepping out of the doorway and gesturing for Dan to enter. Dan has only been in Phil’s room once for a minute, so he’s never had the opportunity to really look around. His eyes roam over the insignificant details, and he doesn’t realize Phil’s talking to him until he’s halfway through his sentence.                “-never around, like I said. So, that’s a plus, I guess,” Dan blinks, but when he doesn’t respond, Phil turns to face him.                “Uh, sorry, I wasn’t listening,” Dan says, stuttering and blushing. He should probably just lie down and try to forget any of this happening.                “It’s so quiet here,” he says instead, putting his backpack down and attempting to relax. He has nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.                “This must be a completely new experience for you. How’s it feel?” Phil asks. It seems like it doesn’t matter what Phil does, Dan finds himself completely enamored, which is putting him at a slight disadvantage. He doesn’t think that’s really fair.                “It’s… weird. I think it’s almost too quiet.” Dan had gotten so used the ambient noise of talking and laughing that the quiet was a bit confounding.                “Well that won’t be a problem for long. I’ve been told that I talk in my sleep.” Dan’s eyes widen at the admission and Phil continues, “Not that I would know for sure. It’s not like I’m there when it happens.” Dan laughs, and he has to stop doing that, it wasn’t that funny. But Phil smiles, and Dan forgets his impulses all at once.                “Speaking of sleep, you probably want to do that now. That’s why you’re here.” Phil’s cheeks go pink for a change, and for a moment, Dan thinks it’s refreshing, but then he’s smiling. He can’t seem to catch a break.                “So… what are the…” Dan searches for an appropriate term, but the best he can come up with in under three seconds is “sleeping arrangements”. He hadn’t thought about the implications of the night before going over, and what did he think would happen? Phil only has one bed. Mathematically, only one thing works.                “Sleeping on the floor is no big deal to me, really. It’s fine,” Dan fills in quickly before Phil can get a word.                “What? No, I invited you over so you could finally get a good night’s sleep. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor,” Phil says, strongly, not leaving any room for argument.                “Well, it’s your room, so I can’t make you sleep on the floor,” Dan counters. As the last word falls off of his tongue, he understands what he said, what it could be construed to mean.                “Are you suggesting that we share the bed?” Despite his earlier embarrassment and uncertainty, Phil says this with a hint of a smirk on his lips. Dan wants to stop existing, but he also really wants to sleep in the same tiny twin-sized bed as Phil Lester. He’s almost certain that he’s never wanted anything more in his life.                “I mean… what I meant to say was, I wouldn’t have a problem with it seeing as we both just want to sleep, and you know, back support is an important thing. Can’t get that from the floor…” Dan feels more self-conscious with every passing second as Phil’s smug grin reaches more parts of his face. Like his eyes.                “Yeah, I agree. Should we go to sleep then?” Without waiting for a reply, Phil hops into his bed and pats the space next to him. It’s not a very big space, and that makes Dan simultaneously excited and terrified. How were they supposed to negotiate this? There weren’t very many comfortable positions they could find this way. After a moment of fidgeting limbs and rustling bed sheets, Phil’s arm comes to rest around Dan’s waist. His fingers trace a small pattern, and then he tenses.                “Is this okay? It’s the only comfortable place for my arm.” Dan smiles at the concern in Phil’s voice but his heart beat is erratic, and he’s worried Phil can feel it.                “Yeah, it’s fine,” Dan manages, nearly choking on the first syllable. He can’t believe this is actually happening.                “Goodnight, Dan.”                “Yeah, goodnight…”—                When Dan’s alarm goes off in the morning, he attempts to turn over but is stopped. His eyes shoot open and he remembers that he’s not in his room. Phil’s arm is still draped over him, slightly tighter now that he’s tried to move. He wonders how to go about this without it being too awkward, grabbing Phil’s hand and attempting to move him carefully so he doesn’t wake up. But then Phil’s hand squeezes and he breathes in, stretches and freezes. His grip loosens and his breathing stops for a moment.                Maybe he doesn’t know Dan is awake yet. He can play it off like he’s just waking up now. He’s a pretty good actor, he could pull it off.                “You’re gonna be late to class,” Phil says. His sleep-muddled voice startles Dan, and Phil definitely knows he’s awake now.                “Well, maybe I wouldn’t if you let go of me.” Dan has no idea what made him so bold all of a sudden, but he bites his tongue and holds his breath, waiting for a response.                “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Phil says, moving his arm back to his side. Dan feels relieved and disappointed all at once, but he sits up anyway. He’s about to get up to change and then leave when Phil grabs his hand again. He looks back at Phil and his messy hair and his perfect lips.                “You should come back when your class is over. We could get lunch or something.” Dan smiles softly and Phil’ thumb traces nervous circles onto the back of his hand.                “Yeah, sure, that’d be great,” Dan can’t stop his smile from growing and he probably looks stupid, but he doesn’t care.                “I’ll see you later then,” Phil says, bringing Dan’s hand to his lips for a brief second and then letting him go.                Dan never sleeps in his own bed again.
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