#Swords and Magic Evolution
vestestafantasy · 5 months
Exploring The Evolution of Sword and Sorcery Genre
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rexmatical · 9 months
just realised i forgot to post these anywhere. i'm really proud of how some of them turned out, and i haven't shown off much of my work lately, so enjoy some more mtg proxies!
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vandalblast and blasphemous act; two cards that aren't too expensive, but owning 5 copies of each for 5 different commander decks seems redundant. really proud of how these two look
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swords to plowshares and counterspell; the former much the same as the red spells, while the latter i had a neat idea for a drawing for it so i figured why not :P
ignore the spelling error
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branching evolution and crucible of worlds; both are a bit expensive for me to buy more than 1 copy of. not as satisfied with these two, but at least i have them now
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tokens for mono-green elves. i just like making my own tokens when i can :)
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waspdefender · 2 years
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Character designs for a game idea from 2017 that I occasionally remember, formatted in the worst possible way for most websites for height comparison purposes. Basically here's this fantasy setting with orcs (1, 10, 12), trolls (2), goblins (5, 6, 9) elves (8, 11) and various magical entities (3, 4) and a UFO crashes in the middle of it, hence the robot.
Here's some slightly less poorly optimised images:
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And here's a 2017 v 2022 side-by-side comparison because I'm very proud of how hard I owned 16-year-old me:
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Slightly regretful about losing the badger but his replacement is still a badger in spirit.
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writers-potion · 5 months
List of Fantasy Subgenres
High Fantasy/Epic Fantasy
Low Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
Historical Fantasy
Sword and Sorcery
Dark Fantasy/Grimdark
Portal Fantasy
Magical Realism
Fairytale Retellings
Steampunk Fantasy
Gaslamp Fantasy
Mythological Fantasy
Fantasy Romance
Magical Academy/Institution
Mythic Fantasy
Alien/Extraterrestrial Fantasy
Environmental/Ecological Fantasy
Cultural Fantasy
Dystopian Fantasy
Interactive/Transmedia Fantasy
Grimdark Evolution
Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
Character-Driven Stories
Intersectional Fantasy
Multigenre Fusion
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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felassan · 3 months
Game Informer:
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"A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Combat, Abilities, Skill Tree, And More by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 18, 2024 at 02:10 PM If you're at all familiar with the Dragon Age series, you likely already know BioWare has experimented quite a lot with its gameplay. From Dragon Age: Origins' real-time strategy RPG approach to Dragon Age II's mostly-set-within-one-city action experience to Dragon Age: Inquisition's strategy-action mix, BioWare hasn't quite defined the franchise's combat. However, a through-line is apparent from Origins to Inquisition: BioWare seemingly wants this franchise to be action but has attempted to shift to that without abandoning its longtime fans.  With Dragon Age: The Veilguard, BioWare has completed its transition from strategy to real-time action, but thanks to an optional tactical pause-and-play combat wheel that harkens back to the series' origins, I feel it's found a great (battle)ground for Dragon Age combat. Of course, it's hard to tell how Veilguard's action will hold up over what is sure to be a dozens-of-hours-long RPG, but if what I've seen so far is any indication, the studio is on to something. A Shift In Strategy"
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""I think the first thing to keep in mind is that combat [...] in the franchise has been an evolution," game director Corinne Busche tells me within BioWare's Edmonton office. "Every single entry reimagines what combat is like and I would say our goal was to make sure we had a system that allowed players to feel like they actually were able to step into the world of Thedas. They're not a player observing from afar – they are inside of this world. Being this authentic world that's brought to life, the combat system needs to support that, so you are in control of every single action, every block, every dodge, every swing of your sword." Busche says players complete every swing in real-time, with particular attention paid to animation swing-through and canceling. On the topic of canceling, I watch Busche "bookmark" combos with a quick dash. With this mechanic, players can pause a combo's status with a dash to safety and continue the combo where they left off afterward. Alongside the dash, there's a parry for some classes, the ability to charge moves, and a revamped healing system that allows players to quickly use potions by pressing right on the d-pad.  Busche says each character will play the same in a way, regardless of class, in that you execute light and heavy attacks with the same buttons, use abilities with the same buttons, and interact with the combo wheel in the same way. During my demo at one point, we use a sword-and-shield Warrior Qunari that hip-fires and aims their shield to throw it like Captain America while hammering down big damage with a sword. Pressing the same buttons as a mage might throw out magical ranged attacks instead of a shield. [embedded link to DA:TV gameplay reveal video] Abilities, like a Spartan-like kick from a Warrior or a Mage's firewall that deals continuous damage, add to the player's repertoire of combat options. Warriors can parry incoming attacks, staggering enemies in the process. Rogues have a larger parry window, and Mages can't parry at all but instead throw up a shield that blocks all incoming damage so long as they have the mana to sustain the shield.  "That is just the baseline that allows us to get that level of immersion of, 'I'm actually in this world; I'm a part of it,'" Busche says. "But again, the abilities, the strategy, linking my companions' abilities together to perform devastating combos, that is really where the depth and the complexity comes into play." Abilities And The Skill Tree"
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"[caption for image above] Warrior Rook Skill Tree This extends to companions, who, at your choosing, bring three abilities (of their five total) into combat, executed either with quick select buttons or the pause-and-play combat wheel. Every time you rank up a companion's Relationship Level, you unlock a skill point to spend specifically on that companion – this is how you unlock new combat abilities.  Though companion skill trees pale in comparison to Rook's expansive tree, which features passive abilities, combat abilities, and more, as well as paths to three unique class specializations, there's still some customization here.  You can find the skill tree for Rook and companions within Veilguard's start or pause menu. This menu contains pages for Veilguard's map, journal, character sheets, and a library for lore information, too. Here, you can cross-compare equipment and equip new gear for Rook and companions, build weapon loadouts, and customize your abilities and builds via the aforementioned skill tree, which looks relatively easy to understand."
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"- Large circle: Class - Diamonds: Abilities - Medium circle: Major Passives and Ability Upgrades - Small hexagon: Traits - Small circle: Minor Passives and Stat Boosts You won't find minutiae here, "just real numbers," Busche says. In other words, a new unlocked trait might increase damage by 25% against armor, but that's as in-depth as the numbers get. Passive abilities unlock jump attacks and guarantee critical hit opportunities, while abilities add moves like firewall and spartan kicks to your arsenal. As you spec out this skill tree, which is 100% bespoke to each class, you'll work closer to unlocking a specialization (which doesn't take reaching the max level of 50). Every class has three specializations, each with a unique ultimate ability. Busche says BioWare's philosophy with the skill tree is "about changing the way you play, not the statistical minutiae."  Companions In Combat"
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"If you completely ignore companions in combat, they will attack targets, use abilities, and defeat enemies all on their own. "[Companions] are their own people, "Busche says. "They have their own behaviors, they have their own autonomy on the battlefield, they'll pick their own targets. As their plots progress, they'll learn how to use their abilities more competently, and it really feels like you're fighting alongside these realized characters in battle." Speaking to companion synergy, Busche adds, "I see all the abilities Harding has, and I see everything that Bellara is capable of. And sometimes, I'm using vulnerabilities synergistically. Maybe I'm pausing or slowing time with Bellara so that I can unleash devastating attacks with Harding, knocking down the enemy, and then me, as Rook, I'm rushing in and capitalizing on this setup they've created for me. It is a game about creating this organic sense of teamwork." Busche says there are more explicit synergies, with intentional combos where specific companions can play off each other, and you can queue up their abilities to do just that. That’s what the pause-and-play combat wheel is for in Veilguard.  In this screen, which pauses the camera and pulls up a flashy combat wheel that highlights you and your companions' skills, you can choose abilities, queue them up, and strategize with synergies and combos the game recognizes, all while targeting specific enemies. Select what you want and release the wheel to watch your selections play out. Putting It All Together"
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During a mission within Arlathan Forest after Veilguard's prologue, Busche utilizes Veilguard's dual-loadout mechanic. As Rook, you can create two weapon loadouts for quick switch-ups mid-combat. As a mage Rook, she uses magical attacks to add three stacks of arcane build-up to make an Arcane Bomb on a Sentinel, a mechanical set of armor possessed by a demon. If you hit the Sentinel's Arcane Bomb with a heavy attack, the enemy will take devastating damage. Once the Sentinel has an Arcane Bomb on it, Busche begins charging a heavy attack on her magical staff, then switches to magical daggers in Rook's second loadout, accessed with a quick tap of down on the d-pad to unleash some quick light attacks, then back to the staff to finish charging its attack. She then unleashes the heavy attack, and the Arcane Bomb explodes in a liquidy whirl of green magic.  "I've seen [Veilguard's combat] refined over time [and] I love it," BioWare general manager Gary McKay tells me. "I love that balance of real-time fluid action, but also the ability to have the depth in the RPG, not just in terms of pause-and-play, but the depth in terms of how you bring your companions into the battlefield. What are you going to do with their skill points? What's the loadout you're going to use? Everything is about bringing Rook to the center of the battlefield, and I love it."  Former Dragon Age executive producer and Veilguard consultant Mark Darrah feels Veilguard is the first game where the combat is legitimately fun. "What I see in Veilguard is a game that finally bridges the gap," he says. "Uncharitably, previous Dragon Age games got to the realm of 'combat wasn't too bad.' In this game, the combat's actually fun, but it does keep that thread that's always been there. You have the focus on Rook, on your character, but still have that control and character coming into the combat experience from the other people in your party."  I get the sense from watching Busche play several hours of Veilguard that BioWare has designed a combat system that relies heavily on players extracting what they want out of it. If you want to button mash and use abilities freely when their cooldowns expire, you can probably progress fine (although on the game's easier difficulties). But if you want to strategize your combos, take advantage of elemental vulnerabilities, and min-max companions and Rook loadouts, you can do that, too, and I think you'll find Veilguard rewards that with a more enriching experience.  For more about the game, including exclusive details, interviews, video features, and more, click the Dragon Age: The Veilguard hub button below."
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botanicalsword · 4 months
Pick a card Reading ✧ What you need to know right now ?
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Pile A - Left
Pile B - Middle
Pile C - Right
What you need to know right now ? Career? Relationship? What’s coming? Who’s coming?
the extended version of this PAC reading will be attached after this reading
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✧ Pile A
In general, you may feel like you're falling, but at the same time, some opportunities can lift you up like a hot air balloon. Breaking down is a sign that you're ready for a change, like an evolution. It might seem like gravity is pulling you into a bottomless hole with no way out, but remember that there is always a door and you will find a string that can gradually lift you higher and higher until you soar upwards. Just be patient. There's a change coming in your career, a change that seems almost magical and hidden. At first, it may seem impressive and overwhelmed, but eventually, you'll discover what's really happening and why. Be cautious about the energy and signals you receive from others, as some may try to manipulate you for their reasons. Be careful and strategic in your approach to work. Focus on one thing at a time.
>> extended version on What's coming? Who's coming?
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
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✧ Pile B
You have a clear direction, being detail-oriented and ambitious in pursuing what you want. This is a positive quality for your work, but be mindful of your words as they can unintentionally hurt others while you're too focused on your own dreams. Maintaining your reputation and status is challenging, but respecting those who work for you is a proud and shining aspect of being a leader. Stay respectful, and you will be rewarded. At work, you're not satisfied with your current situation in terms of money, networking, status, and learning experiences. The income you're earning is not meeting your expectations, and the hardships you face are taking their toll. Remain open-minded when it comes to travel, seeking out warmer locations instead of colder ones. The temperature may not be conducive to your work, but the scenery and environment can be a great source of inspiration. Connect with nature to replenish your creative energy.
>> extended version on What's coming? Who's coming?
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
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✧ Pile C
Authority holds great importance for you. You admire powerful people and appreciate their working style and way of speaking. However, be cautious as high status can often lead to delusions. Understand the power you possess and utilize it wisely, ensuring that it has a meaningful impact. At work, you constantly strive for higher positions because you know that if you remain at a lower level, people will underestimate and undermine your efforts. You experience frequent emotional fluctuations, but you choose to conceal this when in social settings and meeting friends. A broken heart has left you speechless, and trust is no longer easily given. Take care of your emotions and be gentle to yourself, keep the vulnerable side of you, as not all friends who come to you seek personal benefits.
>> extended version on What's coming? Who's coming?
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ganondoodle · 1 year
more thoughts
big part of why i loathe what totk did with its story and lore is that it tremendously hurts botw in retrospect
i said that before and mentioned all of these points before as well but i just have to mention it again; how totk did away with all the little mysteries in botw, like the ancient hero looking kinda strange leading to lots of interesting theories- WHOOP its a sonau mix guy revealed through a collectable and its straight up said by purah/impa that that is the ancient hero .. like it was an always known fact ......
the sonau ruins in botw of a long gone group of people that lived in the forest of phirone - WHOOP those are just monuments built by hylians in memory of the sonau and actually their real architecure isnt rare and few but everywhere en masse and doesnt resemble the ones from botw at all, aside from some vague dragon motive; theres more stuff of the oh so sadly gone and not at all mysterious anymore sonau left than there was of the ancient shiekah in botw (and now it doesnt exist at all anymore, who cares about them, how important they were, or this worlds history, especially zelda, she never cared about shiekah or history that wasnt about sonau :)))) )
one of the biggest crimes, to me, personally, is what totk did with the dragons not actively mind you, but still changed my view of them and i hate it; i always saw them as these ethereal otherwordly spirits older than time itself (i liked the idea of them being like a final evolution of the dragons from skyward sword, tho of course i dont need that to be canon lol) and then totk comes along and .. the newly revealed -always been there super cool- race of people from the sky is heavily based on their designs ... and they have armor sets imitating the dragons ... and have ... magical never heard of before stones that turn people into .... dragons .... i get how that can be an interesting thing for people to connect but for me personally ... its a mystery that REALLY shouldnt have been solved, at all, or even touched, the fact that you knew nothing about the dragons other than they are here was what made them feel so much more divine and awe inspiring (i know you could try to think of it being the other way around, the sonau worshipping the dragons so much they dedicated all of their cultur around them ((but then again were is that anywhere, if they worshipped them so much then they sure didnt matter in any of what we say of them in memories..)) ... but the sonau designs, the armor ... the stones ... its all such an obvious connection ...) and its really hard for me to ignore it, i actively have to work now to keep seeing the dragons as these untouchable ethereal spirits instead of some sonau guy eating a fucking stone
and yet again its like .. can you really blame me for feeling weird about the sonau/dislike them when ... theres nothing that WASNT touched by the sonau, they already had tech way above the level of the shiekah, they were in the sky, the surface AND the underground all along, theirs is the actually important influence on the history of the world, they have been in every place that was once important, hell they were in every place were a settlement of people is EVEN THE FEW YEARS OLD TABURASA (tarrey town), their buildings look like they were abandoned 10 years ago, all their shit is still working, they founded (this) hyrule, they are the royals, they are the gods, they are the dragons, the ancient hero was a sonau mix clad in waht totk made out to be their signature design elements-
we had recordings from that time (tapestry) and even PEOPLE (the monks) and yet the sonau were a total mystery? even though their culture was literally still there when the shiekah built their tech?
what gets me escpeially is how .. they didnt NEED to erase anything shiekah, they didnt need to act like they never existed, they didnt need to make the sonau be the coolest guys ever and were so desperate to get that into your thinking everyone in the game is obsessed with them and tells you why you should be obsessed too
like am i just insane or is it a rather .. obvious connection to make that the shiekah found the tech of the sonau and built theirs inspired by what they could find, it was so old at that point that its non functional or even recognizable in the present, but when the shiekah found it they could still research it; given how the shiekah built multiple shrines and puzzles to them WITHTIN ruins that, in botw, were sonau ruins, i thought that was the logical line to draw and a good way to connect them while still leaving the sonau to be a mysterious ... mystery (this is what im going for in my rewrite btw)
also another thought, if the ancient shiekah could see the future to a degree they built stuff to prepare the next hero for the next calamity that would happen in thousands of years .. how did they never find out about gan? i know they were more about the future than the past but like ... were they really so stupid to see that the calamity will come back just the same from the same place and NOT investigate?? ESPECIALLY considering that the weird half sonau ancient hero was literally THERE when they saw the furture and built all of that for it???? the sonau werent gone gone in any sense and you CANNOT tell me that the shiekah jsut ignored this weird half whatever looking guy outfitted in an aesthetic and culture that wasnt obviously present anymore and clearly connected to somethign else, with probably clear scars were whatever buildings were lifted into the skies- SOMEHOW- and monoments LITERALLY STILL READABLE IN THE PRESENT that tells you about all theshit that went down?? even if you hid them with some weird mechanisms, are you realyl not gonen investigate?? also why hide it anyway?? if its supposed to be a monument to the sonau why the fuck would you built stuff to HIDE the information from it?? gan cant reach it anyway bc hes KINDA STUCK you are telling me the group of people with a vision of the future and high tech stuff that are famously obsessed with the stars and sky didnt see any of the sonau shit floating around there?? ohoho but it was hidden by magic uwu WHY bc you wanted to wait thousands of years for the "right" link to come around?? so you let thousands of people suffer and die just bc you wanted a specific guy? why not the ancient hero instead?? and solve the problem right then and there?? or would that mess too much with the history all of the sudden, you didnt care about messing anythign else up before either
its all just so messy if you start to think even a little bit about whatever the fuck happened in totk and i ahte it, it solves stuff that didnt need solving, ignores or even erases stuff that didnt need erasing and was all ready to go and be more explored, its infuriating
(also additional thought about the previous rant where i mentioned how characters, esepcially zelda, regress HARD in chaarcter development) someone mentioend this about link and ... YEAH, in botw the main thing was the connection between link and zelda, how they didnt like each other at first and at the end were THE brotp; in totk, aside from zelda mentioning how strong link is, theres nothing, the link that was revealed in botw to only be so silent and expressionless (not fully but like supressing everythign rly) bc of the immense pressure that was put on him is now just the most importanest sword guy who didnt even shed a tear when you get the memories of zelda basically killing herself; or did he know she will just be returned to normal with no harm or memory done no problemo in the end?? i dont WANT link to talk mind you, i never want to hear him talk tbh, i like him being mostly silent aside from his grunts when he climbs a cliff or soothes a horse (i go non verbal in high stress situations too) but you could have shown him be affected by it at all, or idk DO ANYTHIGN WITH THEIR RELATIONSHIP they are best friends whod die for each other but that doesnt actually matter in anything bc he just do what sword man does-
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thydungeongal · 2 months
Okay so as I posted earlier, I picked up Holveja & Hirviöitä, a Finnish retroclone/OSR game at the con last night. I do want to write about it in a bit more depth. This post is probably not going to be useful to any of you unless you can read Finnish, because there's probably no way this game will get translated: it specifically exists because the author saw a demand for an old-school D&D clone written in Finnish, inspired by the existence of Legendoja & Lohikäärmeitä (an unofficial Finnish translation and evolution of D&D 5e).
First of all, the full title of the book isn't just Holveja & Hirviöitä. It's Holveja & Hirviöitä: Pelaajan opas, the subtitle roughly translating to "Player's Guide." The book thus contains just the player-facing rules: character creation, combat, adventuring, spells, advancement, and so on. You won't find rules for monsters or designing adventures in this book. The author, Tuomas J. Salo, has spoken elsewhere about the fact that the game is likely not going to find purchase among anyone but people already invested in the OSR, and those people likely already have more GM's books than they need. I understand that rationale, but honestly I do hope he puts out a separate Game Master's Guide, because even in its current state there is a lot to love about H&H and I would love to see it expanded into a wholly standalone game. Also, I want to support Finnish language gaming. Even though I mostly hang out on the anglophone side of the RPG internet, I also happen to think that my first language is pretty cool and it'd be cool to play RPGs in Finnish with my homies.
H&H isn't a direct retroclone of any particular version of D&D nor is it a Finnish translation of any previously established OSR game. It is more like a best-of of the author's favorite elements of the OSR, picked from multiple different games and blog posts. It is most recognizably based on B/X, but it differs from that one too.
Here are some features of the game:
Four classes, corresponding to Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric, and Thief. No demihumans classes, and in fact no rules for playing demihumans at all.
Characters get a class and level-based attack bonus. Fighters get a full +1 per level, other classes varying slower rates.
No class-based restrictions on weapons and armor, but there are limitations on the use of magic and skills when unencumbered.
To make Fighters (Soturi, warrior) still stand out as the best weapon users, besides their higher attack bonus they also increase all weapon damage dice by one type (a sword that deals 1d8 damage becomes a 1d10 and so on).
Magic-Users (Velho, wizard) are vancian casters, nothing surprising there.
Clerics (Pyhimys, saint) use a spell-casting system based on expending a resource called Suosio (Favor). After casting a spell a player rolls a number of d6 equal to their character's current Favor, and if at least a number of dice equal to the spell's level come up 4+ their Favor stays the same. Otherwise it drops by one. I have no idea how well it works in practice but I like the idea of differentiating between Magic-Users and Clerics mechanically.
Thieves (Taituri, master, expert) are clearly more in line with LotFP's Experts than B/X Thieves. Skills are a 1 of 6 chance by default and unlike other characters they get 4 extra points to divide between "pips" in various skills to increase their chance of success, with more skill points unlocked at each level.
Characters have a single saving throw number (16-level) which is further modified by the highest of two stat modifiers for a total of three different saving throws. If I'm not entirely mistaken, this is also how Sine Nomine's more recent games handle saving throws.
Besides just rules for adventuring and combat there are very specific rules for owning property and investing in business venture to gamble with your character's resources between sessions. These also seem pretty much lifted wholesale from LotFP.
The three alignments are as they always have been, but renamed to work better in Finnish. Specifically, Law isn't Laki which would sound dumb as hell, it's Kohtalo, or Fate. I think Fate vs Chaos is much more evocative, and it also reinforces how alignment in this game is cosmic and not just a shorthand for "is your character good or bad."
All in all there's very little here that I don't like. I mean, except for the fact that unarmored AC is 12 and AC goes up which is just bullshit. Again, there is nothing remarkable about this game in the context of other OSR games, as most of its rules have appeared elsewhere, but the translation of often clumsy gaming terms into Finnish is solid. (I especially love that Hit Points are just called Sisu, a word that would roughly translate into English as "guts, moxie, pep.")
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arkus-rhapsode · 27 days
Gachi-Bachi: A Tale of Two Roads to Success (A Discussion)
Back again with another think piece on this blog. And while the last two came from an inspiration of topics that I had floating around in my head for awhile, this one came about from me scrolling on twitter (I'm not calling it X) recently and noticing the in real time evolution of two of the arguably biggest battle shonen releases of the 2020s. That would be Gachiakuta and Kagurabachi.
However, this isn't gonna be a simple compare and contrast of the series as works of fiction as I personally feel each one has different qualities that really distinguish them from each other in a way that doing a comparison wouldn't be too interesting. Rather what intrigues me is how they are a fascinating study in how series become big so to speak and despite the overlap in fans, there's actually some pretty key differences in their success stories that highlight greater things in the manga industry in particular. So let's ask ourselves: how did we get here, what role has fanbases played in it, what role has their respective magazines played in this, and just how truly successful are these series?
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Background and Rise
Now for those who are just not initiated, I'll briefly explain the premise of these two series.
Gachiakuta by Kei Urana is a series set in a dark fantasy world where an orphan named Rudo is banished to the trash filled abyss after being framed for the murder of his adoptive father. In the Abyss Rudo discovers he has the power to use his magic gloves to turn objects into weapons, which he uses as a member of the Cleaners. He fights trash monsters and criminals in a journey to get back home and take revenge on the one who framed him.
Kagurabachi by Takeru Hokazono is an urban fantasy series set in contemporary Japan that deal with Chihiro, the son of a mystical blacksmith who had forged six magic swords. Chihiro's father is killed by a group of magical mobsters and his swords taken from him. Chihiro, armed with a secret seventh magic sword, will cut a blood path through Japan's criminal underbelly and take revenge on those responsible for his father's death.
I know Im grossly summarizing both works because I'm focusing not on the series themselves but rather the things surrounding each of them. So if you wish to know more, please check them out yourselves and see if you enjoy them. And just for transparency's sake, I have made multiple posts on this blog about Gachiakuta so I think its safe to say I enjoy it quite a bit. While my relationship with Kagurabachi is not that intimate as I actually don't read much Weekly Shonen Jump anymore, I did at least read the first volume just so I can say, I totally see why this got a following. Also just for clarity as I know the internet can flatten time in many instances, I want to point out that while I'd call these series contemporary, its worth noting that they're not exactly same time rising stars. Kagurabachi came out this year, in 2024, while Gachiakuta came out in 2022. A whooping two year lead. Hot did Kagurabachi get so hot? How?
Well if you're familiar with Kagurabachi in even a tertiary form you probably remember this meme.
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This was a piece of promo art used by Jump along with a brief summary of the series before it was publishized. Now for a little context, at this time, two of Shonen Jump's biggest action staple series, My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen, were in their twilight stages. And at the time the shonen jump magazine had an interesting assortment of genres probably more than the last two decades. However, while One Piece would still be evergreen and their were action series such as Sakamoto Days and Undead Unluck, there was a hunger for a new battle series. And not just a new battle series, a long term investment battle series.
So when the news came down that WSJ would be releasing a "urban fantasy revenge sword battle series" with an accompanying art that definitely would fit alongside the heroes of the 2000s like Ichigo Kurosaki or Death the Kid, there was a reasonable excitement. Course there was also a bit of an over enthusiasm. Now like I said in my 2000s anime nostalgia post, I don't think this definitively means anything deep that there are just people who got into anime around the 2000s who just enjoy that types of series they were introduced to and were excited for more of that. However, over enthusiasm on the internet, is always prime material for ribbing.
So a lot of people on Ani/manga twitter saw slews of people posting this, and I mean this with no disrespect, kinda bored looking guy drawing his sword and being excited for a series that hadn't come out. This lead to of course memes. Lots of memes.
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That this was the best jump manga of all time before a single chapter came out. It even lead to a bunch of people redrawing this promo image several times with different characters each with the same kind of expression. Now of course, this did ignore the fact that there was at least a translated one-shot released by Hokazono that people could at least check out to see if they enjoy his work. As well as the fact this kinda happens everytime there's a new jump rotation. Its just kinda in fan nature to get hyped for something even if all they have is a simple description. But lots of memes tend to flatten out context.
And so it seemed like that was that, the set up for the ultimate punchline. People had some genuine excitement, a bunch of guys on twitter made a mountain of ironic excitement, and now all the series had to come out and not live up to that hype. But then Kagurabachi did come out and the chapter was good. Sure it wasn't change your life spectacular or anything, but for a first chapter of a brand new series, it did exactly what it needed to do: Clearly introduce the stakes of the world, who the main character is, what their motivation is, mixing in some action set pieces, and leaving a little room for intrigue to watch the series grow. It hit the emotional points it wanted and hit the action beats it wanted. The end. That wasn't bad at all. Quite the opposite.
So here we are, left with what was essentially a free marketing campaign for people who probably expected it to get the shonen jump axe like a lot of new action series tended to get and instead they got something pretty okay. If there was ever a group of people vindicated it was those guys excited for Kagurabachi for the start.
Yes I know, meme popularity can be dumb or annoying. And some super fans and hype beasts who want to be there on the ground floor can be kinda cringe, but there is no doubt this was one of the most successful social media campaigns ever for a series that actually was managing to justify it. And for the next few weeks it would keep going and irony was almost completely replaced with sincerity.
The fact this was actually getting Shueisha's social media to acknowledge twitter hashtags and release a promotional trailer for it in English was such a first. Even if you don't like Kagurabachi or are indifferent to it, there is no denying this was unique.
But I've spent all this time reminiscing about Kagurabachi's social media rise. What about Gachiakuta hmm?
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Well Gachiakuta was a series made by Kei Urana who had served as an assistant to Atsushi Okubo on the Weekly Shonen Magazine series, Fire Force. Fire Force itself is an odd beast we don't have the time to fully get into, but it was pretty popular for a non jump series and featured Okubo, a creator who has possibly one of the most devout fanbases ever, striking it big with many people's formative anime, Soul Eater. Urana herself was a massive fan of the series and if you've read Gachiakuta you can see the inspiration. However, when it was time for Fire Force to come to a close, WSM had announced that a new series by Okubo's assistant would be starting just before its end. And people were excited right? Well not exactly. Cause you had to be looking in the right places to even notice this announcement.
At the time, WSM series were mostly readable on Azuki. However, there seemed to be a weirdly non commutable relationship with Azuki and WSM's publisher Kodansha. As such it was kinda a gamble if a new WSM series would even show up on Azuki let alone simelpubbed. So it seemed like whatever Gachiakuta was would be Japan exclusive. But as if by miracle, the translation group, Pair of 2+ came in and dropped an English version of the chapter on release. The first chapter of Gachiakuta was pretty strong though mostly for Urana's incredibly striking artstyle. Made even better by the fact that the world of Gachiakuta was a fantasy world. And not fantasy in the way a stereotypical isekai is borrowing from romanticized European fantasy. But rather this sorta grudge world that was capable of having what looked like modern convinces, but there was things like a mysterious trash pit, a bunch of soldiers who dressed in ostentatious uniforms and a ginormous and intimidating trash creature.
I know it might seem kinda like a broken record now, but a big thing in the 2010s era of action manga and anime was a move towards more grounded and contemporary setting with stories. Juxtaposing supernatural or spectacular elements with the modern day Japan structure and order. Plenty of series were popular with this such as My Hero, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, hell even Demon Slayer does the same though set in a turn of the century version of Japan. These certainly have an appeal and obviously they're not going anywhere, but there was a growing perception that fantasy worlds in manga were kinda fading. We weren't really getting a bunch of One Pieces. Were were getting stuff closer to Bleach. So of course, deny someone something long enough and they become enthusiastic for the tiniest taste of it.
So with all this, how was Gachiakuta's first few weeks. Well outside of some territory nods and the obvious "This manga is trash" jokes. It kinda stayed low key. With people relying on scan groups to handle it, there was really no guarantee of consistent momentum. Sometimes it'd take two weeks to get a chapter out in English while the Spanish versions were available. sometimes another scan group may come in a drop a chapter, making it harder to find the series in one place. However, all of this really did end up benefitting Gachiakuta. Because when you remove convenience you end up creating your strongest soldiers. If you were actively looking for Gachiakuta and not just waiting for an app update, that meant you were committed. And committed people had to use word of mouth to get this out there. If there was a moment of big promotion it would be when AniTuber Gigguk's Trash Taste podcast had well know Vtuber (Full disclaimer I know almost nothing about Vtubers or Hololive. I'm sorry in advance if I'm not going into greater detail on their significance) Mori Calliope discuss the Next Manga award winners and give Gachiakuta a shout out.
So, we had Bachibros and the twitter take over, while we had Gachibros and their slowly growing cult classic. Both methods ended up creating some real die hard fans, but the visibility and promotion of both series is very different. And ties into...
How Each Series Respective Company Has Handled Them
So before I start this section, I know I've made social media a big reference point for the success of these series. I want to make it clear that social media popularity isn't a full story. Something may be popular on twitter or YouTube but not necessarily be successful. I think social media can be a good barometer of the actual interest of a series, but not its end all be all for its results. And I think no series really knew this better than Hunters Guild: Red Hood.
For those unaware, Hunters Guild: Red Hood was a series that released in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2021 and was a big darling with Animanga twitter. Its art style, its premise on western fairytales, going for a more traditional dark fable vibe, and of course attractive characters. It was easily the series a bunch of people were calling the next big thing. And then it flopped. It was regularly last place in the popularity polls and its Japanese volume sales were really unimpressive. So it got axed by Jump.
To say this caused an outrage with people would be an understatement. This caused a trend of people really trying to find "the answer." Try and make this seemingly senseless action make sense. Well tragically if you are a manga industry watcher like me you know that this isn't actually all that unique.
For a lot of non Japanese fans, particularly Americans, we never had the accessibility of the Shonen Jump app or the Manga+ app in the 2000s-2010s. If you wanted manga, you were using MangaStream and MangaPanda which had focused on basically the biggest series in the industry. While countless series that have run in jump and other magazines have just been ended after 20 chapters. But that information wasn't available to us in real time the way it is now.
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If you're around my age range and know about the shonen jump ranking system, you were probably introduced to the concept through the series Bakuman, manga about manga that was really the first popularized look at how the sausage was made in the Shuiesha offices. A big thing that was a point of tension was the rankings. If a series fell low consistently in the ranks of readership surveys filled up by the ones who purchased a copy of shonen jump and submitted it, then it would be cancelled by jump. Now its important to remember, Bakuman was a dramatized recreation of how Shueisha operated. Things were exaggerated in the name of making an entertaining and tension filled series. In reality, the ranking system is important, however the editorial department of Jump weights multiple factors when making this judgement: what is in the magazine at the time? Is something ending so we can risk having this run longer? Is there a new batch we want to role out soon so we need to free up space? How are the volume sales doing? And has this carved out a viable niche for itself?
While yes its a good rule of thumb to say something in last place is generally in danger for not maintaining interest to keep it around, its not a simple yes no.
Thanks to Shueisha's Shonen Jump App we now get everything as it comes out. We get the future best and the future failures and there really isn't a way to control it. So to see Red Hood a series with some very vocal fans, it was always at the whims of Japanese customers who seemed neither interested in voting for it over other series in the magazine or purchasing its volumes as they came out. It is a hard pill for people to swallow, to have something that they like, that they want to be invested in and tell its story to be cut short.
But I would say that in this day and age while it is hard to witness this, the benefits of the SJ app are phenomenal. The SJ app is a convent subscription service at a reasonable price that offers the first chapter of a series free as well as the latest three chapters free. So even if you want to not subscribe you can still keep up on an official platform. And Manga+ being similar and not region locked. Thanks to this any new series debuting in Shonen will have the eyes of the world audience on it. When there is a new batch of manga that enter the series, it feels like an event. It really is a high risk high reward situation-you run in WSJ and you have the opportunity for everyone even beyond Japan see your work simultaneously, however you will still have to fight and maintain interest and hype for your series on a weekly basis.
As previously stated, Kagurabachi absolutely benefitted from this. And while yes some it was ironic, the fact that the promise of a new battle series was going to be on everyone's screens and have the biggest reach to find an audience is good. Now of course, we have to remember that WSJ still doesn't let non Japanese voters participate in polls, so while you can find a foreign audience it might not be what gets people excited in Japan (Although there have been instances of foreign fans purchasing Japanese volumes). Well jump may have gone an extra mile with this one. Kagurabachi would actually really early into its run cycle be given a recommendation by Gege Akutani author of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Now for those who actually don't know, in Japan, some manga are printed and packaged with a recommendation band that acts as an extra form of promotion. Siting a famous or well liked author giving a series a recommendation and a little image of the series they worked and sometimes a quote.
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Obviously getting an on the cover cosign is a bit more prestigious than say, going to your Barnes and Noble and an employee has written why you may enjoy this series. And not just any mangaka, Kagurabachi was getting props from one the biggest mangaka in the magazine with a pretty ravenous fanbase. But for me a big thing that got my attention that showed how much jump was investing was the previously mention Kagurabachi PV trailer. A simple YouTube animation to get people to check out the work, plenty of series get this. But Kagurabachi's was the first to have it in English. A Japanese company acknowledging the server of the global audience is huge and I'd say this already seemed like it was hyped up enough, but then you have an editor of Jump+ openly acknowledging the "#BachiFlex" in an official statement. There's no doubt there is a fanbase and Jump is absolutely aware of that fact. And of course you can't forget those color pages.
So that's how Kagurabachi was doing, how was Gachiakuta doing? Well first we need to talk about Weekly Shonen Magazine and get something out of the way, they do not have a ranking system like shonen jump. Weekly Shonen Magazine actually seems to operate more along the lines of volume sales. waiting for a manga to hit print and see that actual tangible interest of the people who buy it. Because of this, you can see that WSM has actually a much lower turn over rate than WSJ. And that when there is a new series its usually only one or two at a time in a year. So if the series hinges on sales, it should love having a massive reach?
Well sadly, WSM and Kodansha have been pretty poor when dealing with the global market. I mentioned earlier its relationship with Azuki getting official scans out but there was also the deals it had made with Crunchyroll to have a reader for their work. Both services were not the best received, so wouldn't it be nice if Kodansha had a web service like Jump? A simeulpub on the international market. Well enter K Manga and possibly one of the biggest fumbles ever.
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I mentioned before that the SJ app was made with the mind as a subscription service, this was done with awareness of what western audience were willing to financially invest in. Well, Kodansha instead responded with a resigned version of their Magazine Pocket app that included a frankly confusing points and ticket system with just straight up micro-transactions. If you're keyed into the Webtoon scene you probably know this type of weird gamification of a service is done in Asia.
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Im sure you've heard the famous quote about how piracy is a service problem and not a pricing problem. People would be perfectly happy to spend money on an official release if the way to access it was ultra convenient. And making Americans learn things like 24 hour tickets, and daily prizes, and just having you pay for each individual chapter. Its just really cumbersome and I'd rather get back to reading scans instead. Also to add some insult to injury it is region locked so even if you wanted to purchase this in countries like Europe, you can't.
I will at least say some positives, I think K manga has a much wider range of series available than the SJ or Manga+ apps. As it takes from Kodansha's many different manga magazines like Weekly Shonen Magazine, Weekly Young Magazine, Monthly Afternoon, Monthly Morning, Bessatsu Shonen Magazine, and Magazine Pocket originals. And Gachiakuta was part of the first few titles at launch and it was some good promotion as later that Fall, Kodansha USA would release the English print copies. But promotion through an app a lot of people weren't really happy with.
Speaking of the print side wasn't doing so hot either. As this may be a surprise to some, WSJ is rare in the fact that it makes manga a real center focus of why you should purchase the magazine, meanwhile many other mags use covergirls.
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Look Im not gonna say Shueisha doesn't do this, their Weekly Young Jump covers are really raunchier than this with their cover girls. But yeah not exactly the most bright thing for a series when its being paired against glamor girls and quite literally pushed into a corner.
But it wasn't all bad as Urana would actually end up promoting the series through other means. As mentioned before, a pretty popular Vtuber had already devoted time to promote it of her own free will, Urana herself would even be commissioned to draw cover art for them. Urana would do the same for Jpop band cvlte. We'd even have Kodansha ambassador and professional skateboarder Yuto Horigome have Urana in for a session to talk about art and just recently, British rock band Bring Me The Horizon was promoting the series.
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Now its my opinion that no series deserves success or deserves failure. It needs to stand on it own merits and the ones interested will come to it. However, I do find it interesting how Kodansha as a company has chosen to promote their work. Even when its going harder (especially post anime announcement) it feels weirdly word of mouth. Getting all these guys from different subgeneres to talk about it while internationally having such a mixed roll out. But maybe that close inter-personality is what makes the Gachiakuta rise story more unique. Sure it doesn't have the same all eyes on me as Kagurabachi has gotten, but in a way its kinda made this more intimate whether once again cultivating fans who are really really faithful to Gachiakuta's success. This comes to a head in the 101st chapter of Gachiakuta with a color page, Urana thanks her friends in it fitting several graffiti names of people who have supported her and the studio that will be making this a reality.
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And hey, while I've definitely been critical of Kodansha, there's no denying that, but hey they agreed to give this series an anime so that must mean its a success. Right?
So I've been mostly talking about aspects of Gachiakuta and Kagurabachi's more social and industrial significance. How they became popular and how they're been treated by their respective companies. But what about results? Why bore you all with all this hot air when I can just give you cold hard facts? Well by sales-yeah Kagurabachi is a hit. Like there's no other interpretation. It is a hit. It debuted at number 4 on the manga sales chart, by two volume on the market it had hit 100K copies in circulation, and is receiving reprint after reprint.
Also this is a bit tacked on because this happened while I was editing, Kagurabachi just overwhelming won the Next Manga Awards print category. By a huge margin and being the second highest number of votes submitted for a series after Oshi no Ko. Like I don't really have much to say but like... Congrats to Takeru Hokazono. Like there's not denying this is a hit. Like I read the acceptance tweet, he knows. He knows people have been gasing him up as "the next big thing" like. I have nothing else to say this is a success.
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The Kagurabachi train is a rolling and knowing how hotly people are anticipating it to fill the shoes of success like MHA or JJK, its showing the results to back up those expectations. In fact, this has actually been one of the few times I've seen a lot of anticipation for a series that doesn't have and anime and that anime is probably off for quite a bit. As of the time I'm writing this Kagurabachi sits at 46 chapters.
As for Gachiakuta this was actually the most surprising for me to actually see the Japanese sales figures.
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So for all the anticipation its final result is... okay. Like yeah these sales are fine. There's no way it be in danger of being cancelled and like any business would look at this and say its steady. But that's kinda all it it, steady. I always kinda hate talking about sales that are kinda just doing okay. Cause no one ever wants to be told that its not exceeding expectations, but there's no like rubbernecker cratering that can be entertaining. Its doing just fine. And that's really all there is for a series that's manga only for now.
Obviously the anime is announced. Its coming and it will likely get a boost in audiences interested in it (Know if it doesn't get stuck on like Disney+ or Amazon), but that's kinda why I wanted to get this blog post out before hand. Cause I wanted to compare these series as manga. Now of course you have to remember these sales charts are accounting for Japanese sales on debut. So its likely that there is longer tails than we know of for each series. However, its kinda funny seeing Gachiakuta's figures and remember how it won a Next Manga Award in the category of "Global Special Prize." So its not too much of a stretch to say in Japan Gachiakuta is still pretty punk and underground and the value is definitely in that global market. Though I have to have a bit of laugh now a how much that's been a pretty hit or miss effort.
So Gachiakuta is a success story, but its that sort of "A first party Nintendo switch game sold over a million units" type of success. That's good, but its not like making those Mario numbers.
So I'm sure you're asking what was the point of all of this? Why did you spend so much time of comparing the rises of two shonen action series that outside of probably their hardcore cheering section don't really think about their success stories?
Well to me, I'm of the belief that the ultimate goal for a mangaka (And really any creative professional) at the end of the day is to be able to tell their story, entertain people, and make a comfortable living while doing so. The end goal may be the same for many, but the paths to how we get there can vary greatly. If you made it there by blockbuster success or by underground hit. And the fact that those paths can be so varied by factors ranging from independent social media movements and the actions of making a piece of media even available for an audience you want to reach.
When writing this piece, I really got the sense of just how much bigger manga in particular is effecting the more broader ani/manga subgenre. Its not just that thing where only the best of the best we're getting English translation posted on scan sites, we've reached a point where now a global audience can have a series in their reach. Yet their reach varies.
We still don't have the chance to submit surveys in jump and we still don't have physical volumes of manga printed around the same time so we can take into account global sales, but we can hashtag. We can share these on live streams. We can have our own grassroots efforts that are actually having something resembling an effects on the choices of Japan. All of this change in practically a decade.
Will Gachiakuta and Kagurabachi go onto to be pillers of the anime and manga community? Mmm maybe. Their fans are super passionate and the great thing about fans is even though they can be loud, they are the ones helping make new fans. They're the ones making the fan art and fan fictions and reddit posts. For all we know when they get anime they'll pop off harder than before. Or maybe they'll get a bunch of normies who don't get or like them and will tell you how its secretly never good.
Still its interesting to see how despite these two series having so much of the same ground, both of their roads were so different. And that maybe you can't control how things will turn out in the world of social media and corporate management. Sometimes all you can do is your best and stand on your own merits and the people will find you.
Whether they run for 200 chapters each or 700 chapters each or anything down the middle. Gachiakuta and Kagurabachi, here's to you're accomplishments now and here's to many more successful years down your respective roads.
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Anyway folks that's my time. I hope you enjoyed this think piece. If you do please drop a like or reblog. It'll really tell me if you're interested in seeing more content like this. And maybe I can share more and more about this industry that I'm passionate about.
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skylark325 · 2 months
Omniscient Readers View Point Read Through
Ch 53-73
Beginning: Ch 1-10
They knew the prophets would gather here and decided to use this opportunity to wipe out those who stopped reading early.
>thats… dark
[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is looking at the black flame dragon.]
>…dude stop looking at his black flame dragon
"I really thought you were dead!" "But I survived."
> sigh
"In some cases, people need to be killed…" "Don't worry. I'll kill them for you."
>i need a Heewon in my life 😭
The head rolling like a toy was covered with a cloak with '1' on it. It was the 1st Apostle.
You have to hold hands with me to defeat Anna Croft and the Zarathustra!"
'I am different! Yoo Joonghyuk, hold hands with me.
>hsy REALLY wants to hold yjh’s hand huh
"He was a mouthy bastard."
This jerk, he must think he was so cool. …Honestly, he was a bit cool.
>Dokja you fucking simp he just squashed a head like it was grape
"Then try it. Is your sword faster or my tongue faster?"
"Writing is so difficult… writers are great…"
>couldn’t agree more
>the way the story distinguishes between characters and ‘real’ people is so interesting. And kind of tragic when you’re the only one who will likely stay aware until the end
The quality was so bad that if it was serialized in Textpia, it would've bombed. But that didn't matter right now.
>lmao this is why y’all need ao3
–I see. I feel an unknown wall with hyung. I can't explain it well but I like the feeling.
>like…the fourth wall or a tsundere wall?
He says that any beautiful or handsome man and woman will become concubines, while any ugly people will be killed or become slaves."
Jung Heewon frowned. "If Dokja-ssi is caught, you will become a slave."
>Lmao i adore their friendship
The character and I needed to be thinking about each other at the same time.
>does that mean yjh was thinking about kdj back when kdj was using the skill to be in his body?
…that sounds wrong
"Yoo Sangah-ssi. You will be disruptive if you keep acting like this."
>Oof why did that hurt me
>ok see this is what i meant in my post about kdj’s difference when describing the other characters and when describing yjh. he’s literally talking the king of beauty that leaves everyone spellbound and the best he could manage was ‘outstanding beauty but not his type’ and ‘objectively as beautiful as Sangah’? dokja you gay ass
However, the future that Lee Sungkook knew was only near the prologue. The evolution of the current scenario surpassed the information he knew.
>how long was that prologue for this guy to have his memories till CHAPTER 62?
[The character 'Min Jiwon' shows a weak liking towards you.]
…All my thoughts collapsed at this absurd message.
>honestly relatable
[…There is a lingering attachment, please understand.]
"Gyebaek, let's meet in the next world."
>what is this old man yaoi.
"…Won't it happen one day? If I give birth to a child, I will surely tell them what happened today."
>is…is dokja embracing the mpreg
What was this? I looked up and found that my limbs were tied up with magic power. It was a chrysalis-like appearance. Yoo Sangah's face was completely red.
> …right. Not gonna ask what’s currently going through Sangah’s head.
Everyone is the book is either kinky or gay like damn
[The character 'Cha Sangkyung' has discovered that you are a demonic enemy that shouldn't be touched.]
>Damn the foreshadowing
"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Han Sooyoung. I am Cha Sangkyung's assistant."
"There is someone. Someone is killing the kings!"
>my little murderous bean i missed you
A furious voice rang through the battlefield.
"Kim Dokja…"
I smiled and waved towards him. A large black flag flew behind the person heading towards me.
"You came…"
"…Kim Dokja!"
Yoo Joonghyuk was chasing after me at a scary speed.
>YJH: i just had such a cool entry, PAY ATTENTION TO ME
> yjh really loves saying kdj’s name huh going KIM DOKJA! every three sentences
>god the little sister is just as grumpy as her brother
It was because there wasn't any king in Seoul who had more coins than me right now.
>kdj: you may be op but you forgot the power of INVESTMENT MUHAHAHAHA
The flying Yoo Joonghyuk hit a barrier, bounced in the opposite direction and hit another barrier and landed on the ground after repeating this ping-pong action five or six times.
>I…dokja what the fuck 💀
Next- Ch 73-92
Prev: Ch 32-52
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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tezuze · 4 months
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A hero Hiro and his party
My cringe rambles below the cut- because I can never be short winded!
Hi welcome to the cringe rambles
Okay okay, stupid things I headcannoned:
Class: Paladin
Weapon: Gamma sword
Stats: Balanced
Magic: Fire, wind, electric, light, dark (mid level spells)
I want some cool way to incorporate the whole Gammamon thing. Was thinking his sword at least would be cursed and be something only he can control. Maybe the sword can have different modes like the Monado to represent the other evolutions? There's some clever way to incorporate the Gamma gimmick, I just can't fully think of it....
Class: Theif/Assassin if that's not too dark
Weapon: Dual daggers
Stats: High attack and speed, low sp. attack and HP
Magic: Wind (low level spells)
The mysterious masked Lirurun!
I know typically the theif class has terrible defense but while I was making these designs I kept going between if she should be a berserker tank like Lamortmon or be a speed type attacker like SymbareAngoramon and Diarbbitmon. Ultimately, I think it'd be cool if she was kind of a blend between the two classes
Class: Cleric
Weapon: Staff (not pictured)
Stats: High sp. attack and HP, low attack and defense
Magic: Healing, electric (high level spells)
Church of Thetis' youngest priest!
Yes this is a fantasy setting, but his wrapped hand still has to hold no significance
His silly little integer overflow/limit break is perfect for an rpg gimmick, but I wouldn't want him to have a special gauge or anything if the others don't. Maybe he can have high healing/low spells initially and then flip to low healing/high spells if his HP is half or less to represent that? Oh that'd be so annoying.... (Also Ruli needs a gimmick)
Digimon-wise, I initially liked the idea of the partners also joining the party for a full team of 6 but I think they'd be too similar to the humans, plus I borrowed too much of the digimon's design for the overall aesthetic of the party not to look boring with digimon included.
My friend came up with the idea that the Digimon could be like spirits, that only certain humans have the ability to perceive, kinda like....
Anyway, if I go with that idea, the digimon could either bless their human with power or they could just be silly little guys that accompany the party.
Wouldn't it be funny if the digimon were the ones that sit back while the humans fight? Okay moving on...
I think Airdramon would be the first form of travel, then Ginryumon to get to other locations. (Then, maybe possibly HoverEspimon for the final form of travel, if I must incorporate them)
Also, clearly Blacktailmon Uver. Acts as a traveling merchant for items and such
And there's gotta be sidequests to add more members of the digimon gang (which means Labramon sidequest!!)
I'm sorry to put you through that ^^" would love to hear if others have any neat ideas of incorporating stuff from the show into an rpg setting, I am  s u c h a sucker for that kinda thing
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
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Twisted Wonderland Sightseeing and Travel Centre - Homepage
Travel FAQ || Accommodations || NRC Homepage || RSA Homepage
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Is it your first time visiting Twisted Wonderland? If so, please allow us the honour to introduce our beautiful region to you! Whether you are planning your trip as a relaxing getaway or are looking to feel the thrill of watching our nation’s best battling it out, you are sure to find this region worth your time.
From the lush forests of Briar Valley over the impressive dunes of the Scalding Sands all the way to the azure depths of the Coral Sea, the region boasts not only awe-inspiring flora, but also various species of pokémon. You might recognise some of their names from your Pokédex, yet their appearance is guaranteed to surprise you. Yes, much like other regions, Twisted Wonderland is home to a few regional variants that we call ‘Twisted Forms’. 
After a day’s worth of exploring everything the region has to offer, you can immerse yourself in the exciting atmosphere of a professional pokémon battle. Whether it is in the stands of one of our many stadiums or from the comfort of your temporary home through televised and online streams, watching the nation’s best give it their all is guaranteed to get your heart racing!
What sets the battles in Twisted Wonderland apart from those in other regions is the ability of strong trainers to use their Unique Magic to directly influence a battle. It’s a trainer’s innate talent that cannot be copied by anyone else and marks those who are able to use it as truly strong. It goes without saying that these abilities have the potential to change the flow of any battle and keep a match interesting until the very end!
Given the popularity of Pokémon battles as a sport, it should come as no surprise that many aspire to go professional and climb the League’s ranks. However, only a select few have what it takes. Sage Island is the epicentre of developing all things Pokémon-related. Not only is it home to the Pokémon League, the most prestigious academic institutions for aspiring young adults are located there as well.
Both Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy, run by leading professors Dire Crowley and Ambrose LXIII, have the reputation of fostering a learning environment that consistently produces the strongest trainers of a generation. Furthermore, their students are also recognised in various other fields, such as the development and manufacturing of gadgets or the studies of types, attacks, abilities, evolutions and the like. Therefore it is not surprising many of them receive offers to go abroad for their internship to study under renowned professors and entrepreneurs from all over the world.
In fact, these institutions are so accomplished, they host the local Gym Challenge, which enables trainers outside the Top 10 to challenge the Elite Four in order to potentially qualify for the annual Champion’s Tournament. To determine which school gets the prestigious honour of putting forward the Gym Leaders, an exclusive tournament is held at the beginning of the season. For the past few decades, RSA has been able to clutch the win on the privilege of hosting the Gym Challenge.
Has your curiosity been piqued and your wanderlust set in? If so, the Twisted Wonderland Services and Tourism Centre eagerly awaits your timely arrival and looks forward to welcoming you to our beautiful region in person! 
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If you have any further questions, please visit our Travel FAQ or contact the staff of the TWSTC directly.
For more information on the local Pokémon, please visit the website of Twisted Wonderland’s Bellwether Institute.
For more information on internships and studies abroad, please visit the homepages of Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy.
To book your flight, we recommend Albatross Airlines; to book your accommodation, please visit Neverland Housing Agency.
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howlingday · 10 months
(can't remember if I sent this one before so sorry if I did) jaune Arc is a proud member of the arc sword lords a combination of a noble family and knight order devoted to mastering the sword. Though he's the odd one out of his family. Instead of relying on twitch reflex and aura and charisma jaune devoted himself to the basics and a strong body with full plate. Between the family's sword style ( the steel net) which focused on the seven strikes and how to block dodge counter and parry them and crane style a martial art all about balance footwork and defence leading to a brutal counter and jaune's own mastery of the disarming and armor sundering. Well the end result is that jaune's basically impossible to touch in combat and every mistake ends in a counter that either takes away your weapon your armor or your life. A style so perfect jaune's armor shines like new because he's never even taken a scratch. But is a tank enough in this world of bloody evolution? Or is the shining knight of remnant due for a greater fall when his skills fail to match up to the power of the soul?
(tldr: jaune's a super tanky build that lacks any magic or aura from a family that are either spell swords or monks what's life like for the black sheep of the arcs?)
"When I was growing up," Jaune said, leaning his head on his partner's, "I was kind of the odd one out."
Pyrrha remained silent as he spoke. The two had grown closer as of late, and though it wasn't the level of intimacy she'd desired from him, it was still nice to be this close to him. In the corner of her eye, she saw Nora and Ren turn the corner, only for the former to guide the latter back the other direction. She'd have to thank her later somehow.
"Dad was the best guy with a sword in town. And all I ever wanted to do was to be him." Jaune gestured with his arm out. "That tree? Split in half. These marble columns? Well, you wouldn't be able to tell from a distance, but he could slice them so finely, you'd have to use your finger to tell the difference." He chuckled. "And then there's Mom, and she was the best with magic. She could make anything happen with spells. The two of them made the perfect daughters." His hand fell to his knee. "And then there's me."
"You're good, too, Jaune." Pyrrha said, resting her hand on his. Neither could tell, because they refused to look each other in their faces, but both could feel heat rushing into their cheeks. "And you've always been good to us, too."
"But not good enough for my family." Jaune said softly. "To them, I was 'Big Jaune,' or 'Jaune the Jock'. Every time I tried to help out with something other than grace, or something smart, or anything that wasn't 'lift big heavy thing,' I was useless."
"But you're not useless, Jaune." Pyrrha found her courage to look him in the face. "You're smarter than you think, and you're more than just the muscle of the team." Pyrrha chuckled. "And to be honest, I thought Nora was more of the muscle anyways."
The two shared the chuckle while Nora giggled next to the quiet, yet smiling Ren.
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exilology · 10 months
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announced in JANUARY 2020, the original X-LIGHT is referred to as one that is as unique as its artist. many ATINY complained about how different the soloist's lightstick looked compared to label mate, ATEEZ's, lightstick that had been revealed a month later. despite the semi-backlash KQ received from the design, the lightstick still managed to sell over 300,000 units within the first day.
one random postcard out of three + one random photocard out of five + exile her logo stickers designed by the idol + wrist strap
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announced in JUNE 2021, the X-BONG is a limited edition lightstick that was released in order to promote EXILE HER's upcoming collaboration with SAILOR MOON. the lightstick was only sold between June and August of 2021 and sold around 500,000 units within the first day. when pre-orders for the lightstick were announced, KQ's website actually crashed because of how much traffic there was. this lightstick is now seen as a collector's item along with the merchandise that came with it. reseller prices bounce anywhere between $500 - $1,500 depending on where you look and the condition the lightstick is in. Exile Her can also been seen with this lightstick, switching between it and her official lightstick.
one random postcard out of three + one random photocard out of five + sailor her logo stickers designed by naoko takeuchi + fifteen decorative gems ( see picture above for gems ) + wrist strap + mini sailor her photobook + magical girl inspired cradle
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announced in OCTOBER 2022, X-LIGHT Ver. 2 was seen as an extreme upgrade from the original version. many IXLUVS and netizens praised KQ for the lightstick's sword design. along with a promotional photo, a teaser video featuring EXILE HER and the new lightstick was released that depicted exile her as a king arthur like figure with the video ending with the lightstick "sword" getting stuck in a stone. the design did manage to shock many fans, saying that the new redesign makes it look like a completely different lightstick from the original. and while the original is still cherished, Ver. 2 was extremely more well received with it selling around 500,000 units alone in pre-orders.
one random postcard out of three + two random photocards out of six + exile her logo stickers designed by the idol + wrist strap + stone designed cradle + mini exile her photobook with behind-the-scenes photos from the trailer
ib : @/venusvity
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 6 months
Some miscellaneous worldbuilding brainrambles I had.
Saw some art from the Rainworld universe and it got me wondering - what if like, some Shoggoth level eldritch being, all tentacles and stuff, found humans freaking adorable. Like "OMGGGGG HONEEYYY COME LOOK AT THISSSSS" while reaching a slimy appendage to pet Mark the Cashier at the Gas Station on the head as he's frozen in fear.
What if dragons are always angry because they feel the pain of constantly growing. The older the dragon, the bigger they are. The growth rate stays the same their whole life, from egg to titan, which means their bones just ache all the time, every joint, their teeth fall out and regrow constantly like those of sharks. Imagine being stuck in puberty forever. What if gold presence eases their pains?
I like the take on prophecies where they aren't a script to follow but a ticket with restricted permissions. It's not that "the one who takes the sword from the stone will be king" but "anyone who takes the sword from the stone will be king", if they want to. It all boils down to roles in a prophecy and the amount of specification. The less specific, the less significant the prophecy. Any black-haired man can pull help a farmer to pull a donkey out of a pit, but the seventh son of a seventh son, born under an eclipsed sun surrounded by fire? That's some world-changing potential prophecy there.
"Perfection... For thousands of years we tried to achieve perfection without really understanding what it is. We might be incapable to achieve it, but we can make something that will achieve it for us. First were the automaton who were designing each other by being a couple generations where the youngest disassemble the oldest to create a new wave. Who analyze themselves for weaknesses and think like a true hivemind. Then there were the chimerae. Beings of two bloodlines, noble and drone, like ants they lived in colonies yet each member was so drastically different from others you couldn't tell they are the same species. Splicing genes of all animals in the world, all fishes, all insects and even plants. With their own queens, princes and princesses who are the closest to the Perfection. And what else? Others not so lucky, drones, experiments out of which survive only the strongest, and who can challenge the noble bloodlines. If they live they get to reproduce. Die - and become genetic food for the nobles to grow stronger. Everytime we tried to pump animals with the Evolution agents, they turned into crabs. No damn idea why. And everytime we tried to use magic for the idea, slime were created in one way or another, slime that changes state of matter between liquid and solid, quicksilvers who simply outskill everything alive in survival, shapeshifting into cogs of a grand machine they are now building. We never knew what perfection was, yet tried to achieve it nevertheless."
Thinking of those scenes in movies when something paranormal is happening and things start to float upwards, or like, completely switch gravity directions. Say, a pendant starts dangling upwards rather than down, water flowing uphill, and all that. One possible way could be to say that there is a gravity anomaly affecting items below certain weight. If such anomaly could be harnessed in mechanisms, it be so dope. You know the ancient Greek Hero's automaton? Imagine the complexity if you include opposite gravity in that equation.
Could be a spell, could be some superconductor stuff like on Pandora.
Skin tones of a metal-based species.
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Takes on elven youth:
Baby-looking elves. Elves just always looking like they are about seventeen, looking like that type of youngster you'd see in a supermarket asking for some random ass beer and looking too young to be allowed alcohol. Elves looking not in this "etereal beauty" kind like the "stock photos model" Looking young, yes, but. Not. Like those celebrities and richmen who spend a fortune on looking like they are forever 20. The only part of an elf that ages is the hair, turning white with age.
Runes are channels of energy, imperfections in metals, veins in your body, cracks and ores in stone, smallest anomalies in the crystals. Runes could be smithed, yes, but naturally occurring ones are stronger, better. Greater. So making a sword out of a metal chunk with a potent rune in it while preserving the rune itself yields greater results than trying to fabricate it.
Anatomic: Brain in the chest, heart in the head.
The summoning sigils for demons (and other beings for that matter) are like calling a person's name and the only reason the demon shows up is because they grow tired and annoyed of being called like that so they are ready to do anything to stop that shit.
Imagine someone repeating your name a dozen times without elaborating what they want. Of course you will come over and ask "WHAT?"
Oooh I just got an interesting idea.
So, like, a language/culture where people's names are secondary, going after the pronoun they use.
It's like. He-John, She-Harrada, Ey-Nullée, et cetera.
But then that pronoun part is used as a third-person signifier. He, she, ey, all that, while the name is the second person pronoun (which it is in some cases). But then the part comes about verbs/adjectives getting those "genders" applied to them, as well as nouns (like "she-wolf" but, for example, "xe-smith apprentice").
There's this conversation I had with myself (typical neurodivergent queer going insane from having no reliable friends in a homophobic country that doesn't believe ADHD can exist in adults) about inflating a whole setting out of a minor detail, a smallest thing.
First it's one concept, then there's two, until the whole thing snowballs into a huge fictional world with lots of lore and stuff.
Say, concept: "Undead gods". Already amazing - sets up the assumption that A) Gods were once resurrected and B) Gods were once dead. Say if this happened to the Greek mythology, Hades - the god of the dead (but not death) himself dies and there's nobody to tend for the dead, and the Gods fight each other over the responsibility of tending over the most shitty job in the pantheon, resulting in mass bloodshed and death. Gods are dead, and only Thanatos is here to collect their souls. So he devises a plan, with ulterior motives: To give them and many dead a second chance in life. So in undeath, he lets them live as revenants, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, all devoted to different undead gods.
Undead being zapped with lightning from the blessing of Zeus. Undead breathing like a living forge of fire, blessed by Hephaestus. Chaos-bringing warriors in armor, followers of Ares. So much more.
And all from a simple ass concept, two words: Undead gods. Just that I am sometimes amazed how people who get into worldbuilding think that you must have a grand idea, a lot of things to connect together when in reality, it's just one stone, then two, then three, all together forming the building of your world(build). .
Or another, even smaller concept - "Alexandrithium is a metal that boils water on touch".
What tech will it inspire? What usage, how will it revolutionize the world? Boiling turns into steam, steam is punk (ba dum tsss). Some freaks make weapons out of this metal to cause Extra Suffering and the equivalent of the Geneva convention bans such weapons, may they be blades or bullets.
You can make an analogy of a snow ball, rolling down a mountain and sticking more and more snow to itself, or you can say that you have a balloon - the original first concept - that you inflate with ideas from within, filling in the bag, stuffing it up with all that other stuff while under the hood of the First Concept. Like.
Worldbuilding is neat.
I had a similar idea which could be called "procedural conlangs" (proclangs?)
In all technicality it is just a relex with words assigned via some algorithm, say, there's 3000 possible syllables that could be generated through some given algorithm, and to these 3000 syllables we assign the 3000 of the most frequent English words. Afterwards we can either continue assigning words their relex variants via randomly combining the 3000 syllables into bisyllabic words, or could try and piece together new translations for them.
E.g. the word for "toaster" isn't in the 3000, so we either use a random bisyllabic word without connected meaning, "ab-resh" (which would literally mean "bone-green"), or try to piece it together from the syllables already present in the 3000, like "thran-mil" (meaning something like "bread grill").
Sooo Hm.
My idea for "oriental elvish" was to base it on Japanese (the modern dialects at least) with the phonetic mutations and stuff (like "hu" being pronounced as "fu" and et.c.) But with added sounds like the English eth and thorn, + the /l/, and allowing three codas - /n, r, l/ thus (with a possible mutation coda /m/ when /n/ is before a bilabial stop).
Then once I have it I will reverse-engineer the protolang based on Chinese with added in tones and stuff, probably, and a more strict collection of phonotactic rules. And from all that a third possible dialect could be made, based on Korean.
Also sounds like me before I invented cryptolangs and thus a new brainworm that'd gnaw on my gray matter til' this very date.
Just naming stuff what sounds I fit best.
I didn't knew English that well back then, so like. One of the cities in a setting of mine was called "Meth". (I renamed it since, making it "Mett" - meant to be derived from "meeting", since the port city is one of the largest and richest, where many cultures and races meet, indeed.)
A way to count to 625 on fingers:Thumb is the index pointer in this case. Each finger is separated into phalanx and joints - 6 units per finger thus - plus the middle of the palm for one extra. Thus, on one hand you can count to 25. Now, once you count to 25, you count one unit on the other hand. Basically, an abacus of sorts.
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Video Games Turning 20 Years Old in 2024
Alien Hominid (started off life as a Flash game and graduated to a real game.)
Army Men: Sarge's War (the sequel to the Sarge’s Heroes games, but this one was rated T for Teen and used realistic guns instead of plastic ones)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor (seriously, if you have a chance to play this, take it. This game is AMAZING)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
The Bard's Tale (the 2004 version with the guy who played Wesley in The Princess Bride)
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings & the Lost Ocean (hey! That collection with this game and it's follow-up is out on the Switch now! Go get it!)
Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu's Dororo
BloodRayne 2
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (this GBA game had a special cartridge that required you to go outside into the sunlight to power up your character in game)
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (the game where you play as Gackt)
Burnout 3: Takedown
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (a side story to the original Call of Duty, which came out the year before)
Capcom Fighting Evolution (the darkest of the dark age of fighting games)
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums (a full-on adventure game where you play as the mascot of a series of edutainment games)
Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (the rare movie-in game that's not only really good, but is actually better than the movie it's based on)
Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage + Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy
Crash Twinsanity (a childhood favorite)
Crimson Tears
Crusader Kings
Custom Robo (the first one in the series to release in North America)
Cy Girls
Dead Man's Hand
Dead or Alive Ultimate (remakes of Dead or Alive 1 and Dead or Alive 2)
Def Jam: Fight for NY (the vastly superior sequel to Vendetta)
Dog's Life
Doom 3 (the original version. Hope you've got a flashlight on you...)
Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury (the final game in the Legacy of Goku series)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Drakengard (Yoko Taro's debut as a game director)
Driver 3
Evil Genius
Fable (another childhood favorite)
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (the last Fallout game made by Interplay before Bethesda acquired the IP.)
Far Cry (the very first one.)
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (a launch title for the Nintendo DS)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the only Final Fantasy game to release for the GameCube)
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (remakes of the first two mainline Final Fantasy games)
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Front Mission 4
F-Zero: GP Legend (the last F-Zero game to release for almost 2 decades, until F-Zero 99 released in 2023.)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (the PS2 one. There was another version of SAC that released for the PSP a year later that is completely different.)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
Godzilla: Save the World
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
Gradius V (the last mainline Gradius game)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto Advance (yes, there was a GTA game on the GBA.)
Growlanser Generations
Guilty Gear Isuka
Half-Life 2
Halo 2
Hitman: Contracts (the third one)
Hot Shots Golf Fore! (yet another childhood favorite)
It's Mr. Pants (Rareware made this for the GBA after being acquired by Microsoft)
Jak 3
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Katamari Damacy (the very first Katamari game)
Killzone (PlayStation's supposed "Halo killer".)
KOF: Maximum Impact
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Lifeline (a microphone-based survival horror game for the PS2 by Konami.)
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (a turn-based RPG that uses the exact same battle system as Final Fantasy X.)
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth
Mario Golf: Advance Tour
Mario Party 6
Mario Pinball Land
Mario Power Tennis (not to be confused with "Mario Golf: Power Tour" for the GBA.)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (the first one, which is getting a remake for the Switch in February!)
Maximo vs. Army of Zin
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Mega Man: Battle Chip Challenge
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun/Blue Moon
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man X8 (yeah, there was a lot of Mega Man stuff in 2004.)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube)
Metroid: Zero Mission (a remake of the original Metroid for the GBA.)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Monster Hunter (the very first one)
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Mushihimesama ((a bullet hell that you’ve probably seen a lot of if you search for “HARDEST GAME OF ALL TIME?????” on YouTube)
Myst IV: Revelation
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Ninja Gaiden (the reboot from the Dead or Alive devs)
The Nintendo DS
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (an action-adventure hack & slash made by FromSoftware)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (can you believe this is getting a remake this year??)
Phantom Brave
Pikmin 2
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (the last game in an series that started all the back in 1982 on the Atari 2600)
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (the 3rd one)
Red Dead Revolver (the predecessor to Red Dead Redemption.)
Resident Evil Outbreak
R-Type Final
Samurai Warriors
American McGee Presents: Scrapland
Second Sight
Serious Sam: Next Encounter
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (you know that “Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series” meme you guys love so much? This is where that came from.)
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Siren (a spirital successor to Silent Hill from the same creative director)
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Battle (an arena fighter for the GBA.)
Sonic Advance 3
Spider-Man 2 ((based on the movie of the same name. The one with the really good web-slinging)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (the 2nd one)
Spyro: A Hero's Tail (the 5th one)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (the 3rd one)
Star Wars: Battlefront (the one that everyone liked)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact ((this, and the original Steel Battalion two years prior, used a special controller called the Mega-Jockey 9000, which had 44 buttons, two joysticks, a throttle handle, a radio channel dial, five switches, an eject button, and three foot pedals.)
The Suffering
Super Mario 64 DS
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (the 4th one)
Tales of Symphonia
Thief: Deadly Shadows (the 3rd one)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Total War: Rome
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Viewtiful Joe 2
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
X-Men Legends
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