#That game rules
tugey · 1 year
I beat it!! I liked it a lot but I don't think as much as the first one. The light and dark world mechanic is really neat when I was stuck and couldn't find out where to go I kept forgetting that there was a whole other version of the map I could be checking.
the powerups in this one were really cool. I love getting a whole arsenal of stuff and then by the time the final boss comes you have a whole slew of stuff to try out to figure out how to damage it. I like how they brought the screw attack into 3D but it does feel a lil clunky sometimes. like sometimes I would try multiple times to activate it and it wouldn't work for some reason (and walljumping with it took some getting used to also.)
I found myself not using the light and dark ammo as much as I probably would have if it didn't have limited ammo. when I only have a limited amount of something I hoard it like a dragon in case I need it later, like to open a door or something (but then I learned you can still open light and dark doors when you're out of ammo by charging the beam whoops.)
Exploring is so much fun in these games and this one in particular had really interesting areas. the bog with the underwater bit where you get the gravity boost. the entire sanctuary fortress is so unique and cool and I loved it so much! the mechs are such a different enemy type than what I'm used to in Metroid. I also love the lore of how the luminoth built them to fight the ing but they ended up losing them to it instead. poor guys really had a tough go of it, they lost a lot of good men in the fight o7
there were some really cool and unique boss fights! quadraxis and spider guardian come to mind. and dark samus!!! what a cool thing. she looks so damn dope the last time you fight her when she's all blasted out with phazon. the timer on your back makes the whole thing so tense too. big dark samus fan. damn grapple guardian took me a million years tho, did not enjoy that one.
Some things I feel like could have been done a little better tho. the fact that the safe areas in dark aether heal you encouraged me to sit there with the game on for long periods of time while I look at my phone or something and wait for Samus to heal when I was low on health. I feel like a game shouldn't encourage you to actively not play it lol. speaking of not playing, I relied on the hunt system a lot in this game. I rarely looked stuff up, but I waited around for hints to drop a lot more than I would have liked. that's definitely partially on me too tho lol
another thing is the damn key quest at the end of the game. I wish it was something they let me know about sooner so I could keep my eye out for them over the course of the game rather than springing it on me at the end. at least the hint system in the first metroid prime was pretty straightforward in how it led you to the artifacts but in this one the hints are tied to whether or not you thought to scan all the dead keybearers (by the time I was given the quest I had scanned four out of the nine of them) and I do not like that. I just wish there was some way for me to have known those were more important than just lore info. I ultimately had to use a guide for all but one of them which I'm not proud of, but if it's between that or me not finishing the game I'll do it everytime.
all in all I really enjoyed my time with Metroid Prime 2. I like that the story was a little more involved in this one and that the world was interesting to explore, the powerups were cool and different, and that there were some neat boss fights. I'll probably play Metroid Prime 3 next as it's the only one I haven't beaten yet, but I think I'm gonna take a break and play something a little lighter first. I just got a Wii U and it really feels like high time to mod the thing.
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judgeanon · 2 years
Plastic Skies - Prologue
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Figured I should try to give this old place some new material, and since a friend suggested I start a journal of my latest obsessionhobby, what better place than tumblr? So here’s a needlessly long and overly indulgent history of how I got into model aircrafts, with a record of each project, their individual challenges and the tools I learned to use to overcome them.
Or at least, the prologue to that:
The year is 199X, and I say that not out of privacy but because I can’t remember the exact year I built my first model. My brother and I had gotten into war toys at a young age, ably aided and abetted by our ex-military dad, who made sure we were always well-stocked on little plastic soldiers and tanks and ships and, of course, planes. Our budding fascination with that last one received a big boost thanks to PC games like Jane’s US Navy Fighters ‘97 and F22 Raptor (the Novalogic one), with their digitized English voices we barely understood and their amazing two-dimensional trees dotting the barely textured landscapes. And at some point, model kits entered the scene.
My memory’s pretty hazy on how exactly that happened. It’s possible that we just saw a couple of boxes sitting at the toy aisle next to GI Joe Extreme and Spider-Man TAS toys, and dad or mom indulged us. Another alternative is this models catalogue we ran into at our dad’s one time, a thick full-color volume absolutely brimming with cars and tanks and, yes, planes of every year, model and size. I remember that catalogue fondly. My brother and I divided it up in our imaginations, each one picking and choosing which models were theirs, even if we never actually held them in our hands. Good times, but again, hard to say if that was the catalyst.
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What I do remember are the models themselves. My brother built a Saab Draken, an F-16, a big fat F-15 and a few others. I remember building a Concorde, an F-18 (one of those glueless snap-tite models), a Spitfire and a P-51 Mustang. I think there may have been an F-4 Phantom in there as well. Point is, we were fiending. Our fingers glued together so many times, it’s a small miracle that I still have fingerprints. But there was a not small wrinkle in our approach to the hobby: for whatever reason, neither my brother nor I ever actually painted the models.
Memory fails me again on the whys of this decision. It’s possible that we just didn’t know where to buy paints, since we got all our models at toy shops or supermarkets. It’s also possible that we simply figured out paints were too expensive, and were more than willing to settle for just gluing the models and calling it a day instead of bugging mom or dad for a surefire mess-creator. It’s even possible that we were simply intimidated by the herculean task of painting. I know I tried doing decals once and swore to never do it again. But for whatever reason, our room was slowly littered with gray plastic airplanes haphazardly put together with cheap glue, treated more like puzzles than models, toyed with until tailfins snapped and Sidewinder missiles were lost.
Years passed. Interests shifted. We got a PlayStation 1 to replace our venerable Sega Genesis, and since this was at the peak of games piracy in our country, we could buy four or five games with the money of a single plane kit. So after I was done with that P-51 (which I remember was the first time I’d tried doing the landing gears, a massive feat of courage for the time), I quietly hung up my glues and never built a model again for over two decades. I’d still walk past the occasional hobby shop along the way to school and looked at the flawless shiny Sabres on display, but I never felt an urge to jump back in.
And then Ace Combat happened.
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My first contact with long-running arcade dogfight series Ace Combat had been watching my brother play AC3 on the PS1 ages ago. Years later, I bought him Ace Combat: Assault Horizon on the PS3 for his birthday. Plane games, I’d decided, were one of His Things, and just like with the models on the shop windows, I never felt the desire to intrude on his territory.
That all changed dramatically in August of this year. I’d been living alone for a good couple of years now and managed to upgrade my PC far beyond anything either of us had ever owned. I was (and still am) living large, buying games on a whim with no fear of system requirements or even price. Having long gotten everything I wanted, now I was happy to just grab things on sale whenever they popped up, curious new gems or old classics I’d never given a chance before. Then, on August 8th, Steam took me to a sale on Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, the latest entry in the series. It’d come out back in 2019 but had recently received a Top Gun-themed DLC pack. And funny enough, I’d just seen Top Gun: Maverick that week and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I figured, sure, why not?
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I enjoyed Ace Combat 7 a lot more than Top Gun: Maverick. In fact, I enjoyed it a lot more than pretty much any other game I’d played so far in 2022. Call it a happy surprise, a revelation, a blast, whatever word you can think of, I promise it’s understating how deeply I vibed with this game. Everything from the gameplay to the story to the cool ass missions (Stealth infiltration ON A JET FIGHTER!) to the characters to the music, I was feeling it. I finished that game twice, then a third time to get all the hidden Aces, then a fourth time using a bright red MiG-21 armed only with machineguns because I was having THAT much fun.
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And while I was playing through the campaign over and over, gleefully splashing bandits and dog-fighting thirty drones at the same time, something happened. One at a time, I found myself back in the cockpit of all those old planes from our creaky PC games and unpainted model kits. Falcons, Hornets, Raptors, they were all there, like old buddies I’d lost contact with, each one filled with hazy yet warm memories of sticky fingers and clicky keyboards. It felt like a reunion of sorts.
As I machine-gunned my way through giant airships like a time-displaced WWII fighter, a thought reached my head all the way up in the clouds it now lived in. A sudden desire to complete the circle.
I wanted to build models again. But this time, I wanted to do it right.
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axziom13 · 1 year
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
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TBH that might even thiner they avrage
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skyberia · 11 months
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workarounds to having a vampire as your partner in crime
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ashes2caches · 5 months
chaser who keeps impatiently looking down at his wristwatch as he follows a cis guy with long hair through a fighting games convention
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tomreacts · 2 months
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TFW you need emergency services to escape a SITUATION at the game table.
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sofy-tofy · 2 months
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Playstation 2 Horror Games Advertising
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meliarcu-seventy-too · 8 months
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Ya'll.. hear me out-
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tsukii0002 · 7 months
I've been thinking that growing up surrounded by luxuries and being a prince, Diavolo, as the future heir of Devildom has all in his hands. And everyone around him has been reminding him of it all his life and praising him always in an ostentatious and tiresome way. Always comparing him to the greatest things, the most powerful creatures and the most valuable treasures. Feeling that the flattery is nothing more than an act of pure interest towards his person, empty words.
And then one day Mc arrives, a human who doesn't seem to understand that they are in hell, and stares at him.
Mc: Your eyes are beautifull.
Diavolo: Ha, ha, people usually say to me the look like gold-
Mc: They have the color of sun-kissed honey… Feels like home.
And then, leaves quietly, as if nothing, after dropping the bombshell, leaving Diavolo a blushing mess unable to process what just happened.
That day Barbatos found in his young lord's search history "how to marry a human, being the future king of hell?"
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prokopetz · 2 months
To be completely fair to the Dungeons & Dragons fandom, groups actively making themselves miserable by adopting house rules that emphasise aspects of play they dislike, then blaming it on the game isn't something that's specific to Dungeons & Dragons, nor even to tabletop RPGs. Think of all the casual board-gaming groups who play Monopoly with a bunch of house rules that are practically calculated to make the game take three times as long to finish (e.g., removing property auctions, cash on Free Parking, etc.), then constantly complain that it takes forever to play.
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belfry-ghost · 1 month
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finally finished jason so i can post the hades art i mentioned here lmaoo
i'm more of a silly doodle kind of guy so fully lined/rendered stuff.... aigh
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Qui-Gon: Remember padawan, what's rule number one?
Obi-Wan: Deny. Deny. Deny.
Qui-Gon: Ah no, the other one.
Obi-Wan: No matter what, commit to the bit.
Qui-Gon, handing Obi-Wan a fake mustache and a harpoon: Exactly! Now let's go.
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ashes2caches · 7 months
guy talking to a polycule: so which one of you is the tank and which one is the healer and which is the DPS?
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geezmarty · 5 months
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I'be been watching a danganronpa 2 LP as I work I'm on the final chapter and I'd like to state I'd die for them
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