#The Green Whisper
I know it's been quiet on my writing social media, and that's because I finally broke free of my long writer's block and have been writing! 😃✍️ Of the many things I have written lately, I want to share this short little story with you all:
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Dani loves traveling, but she loves the sea the most.
It's just so wild, so untamable. She loves it!
In fact, when she takes a trip into the Zone, she seeks out Youngblood to reminisce about the sea. But Youngblood's never actually been to it.
He thinks it sounds super cool though!
In fact, his old ship, The Caleuche, still works beautifully as a Ghost Ship and a Proper Ship! Since it used to be his, he should be able to visit if she uses it! She just has to figure out how to get it out of the Zone.
So she tests a theory. Is The Caleuche ghost enough to get souped?
Yes. Yes it is.
She soups The Caleuche, leaves the Zone, and heads to the Pacific.
The Caleuche is great; she steers herself when it gets rough but follows orders, she can submerge but the interior is still dry and doesn't appear to run out of air, and whenever she surfaces she's so brightly lit and fun looking that recently deceased sailors like to come aboard and party before deciding to move onto the Ghost Zone through the natural portal in the Brig.
Dani thinks she may be making Youngblood's crew larger, but that's Danny's problem.
Not all ghosts go. Some stay on the ship. There's a doctor in a really old uniform, Mikhail, who can only speak Ghostspeak and Russian. There's a lady pirate, Jacquotte, who would rather spend her afterlife partying on the seas than going with the rest of the Ghosts to the Zone. There's a chef that wears some modern sort of chef uniform that only speaks Ghostspeak and Korean, Eun-Woo, who insists on making sure she eats a balanced diet. A big, growly sailor dressed like he's from the mob like in the movies, Frankie, but he just sits around and whittles wood or intimidates the meaner Ghosts into backing down so she doesn't have to fight.
They're her crew! Sure, it's way less than Youngbloods, but she likes it that way.
Sometimes she comes across humans doing stupid stuff, or getting in trouble, or even Atlanteans getting in trouble, and she saves them from their own mess.
One time she found a man with tattered green and black suit, with a very pretty ring, unconscious and floating on some weird metal wreckage.
So she hauled him aboard and let the doctor treat him, ordered The Caleuche to submerge, and dropped him off at a busy port.
What Dani doesn't realize is that she's getting Deified by sailors across the world.
A laughing child that saves those who can be saved, and reaps the ones who can't. A benevolent Goddess of the Sea.
That when she dropped off that Green Lantern at The Metropolis Harbor, videos caught a brightly lit, vaguely see through ghost ship rise from the waters. Recordings of laughter and music aboard, with the people on it very clearly dead and wearing uniforms from all walks of life would make the rounds.
That she herself, decked out in her new pirate gear, flickered into existence from nothing and gently laid the Green Lantern on the ground before disappearing.
Then the ship went back underwater.
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elainiisms · 1 year
need a constant steady flow of yuri content or i will wither up and die
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sonasi · 7 months
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goals lately 🤍
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maskofnova · 2 months
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(Actually really proud of how these turned out)
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oblivionsdream · 1 year
I am obsessed with the way that 'home' has such a heavy emphasis in TJ Klune's books. It's finding a home or creating a home and having that home be your found family.
The House in the Cerulean Sea had that titular house in the sea but it became Linus's home with his magical family.
Under the Whispering Door had its tea shop where Wallace found a place to be.
In the Lives of Puppets has literal tree houses and an odd little family of robots and their human.
Green Creek found home in a pack and I could go on.
Each book is just so full of home and family and I love it.
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lainaabee · 2 months
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todays outfit! (i forgot to take a pic so i js saved a shot from a vid i sent my friend lmao)
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secret-spirit · 18 days
Crackpot crossover what if Raine Whispers and Alex Williams met?
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angelforever · 1 month
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xiaoswrld · 10 months
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˗ˏˋ𝗻𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼, 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲'𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱.
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themadghiblilover · 11 months
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my favorite <3
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ghoulgeists · 11 months
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an npc is someone who can be so babygirl. agree?
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oifaaa · 2 years
The lazarus pit actually does effect Jason and whispers at him just not how people think it does it actually tells him he needs to calm the fuck down and drink some water and maybe stop cutting off people's heads bc that's kinda gross
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sonasi · 7 months
Getting out of a rut
Time to get out of our sad girl era ・゜ʚɞ゜・゜
Don’t indulge in depressive behavior. it’s hard, I know. But I promise you will feel so much better the second you force yourself to get up.
Take little steps. Don’t force yourself to do a 20 step skin care routine. Instead, take small steps. Cleanse your face, drink some water, or stretch for 10 mins.
Get outside. Sitting outside for a few minutes can help clear your mind and wake you up! It’ll make you 10x more motivated to get your day going.
Shower. I know it seems obvious, but a simple shower goes a long way when getting out of a depressive state. Clean all that negativity off!
Dress up! Been in the same PJs for 3 days straight? It’s okay. Try something new! Even if it’s sweatpants, it’ll make you feel much more refreshed.
Movement is key. Get your blood pumping. Stretch, walk, exercise, dance, anything works! You’ll feel the energy coming right back to you.
Make plans. Being around loved ones always makes a difference. Friends, family, pets even! Go see them and appreciate the happiness it brings you.
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itgirlblogger · 10 months
Claiming Board💞
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elizabugz · 7 months
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