#They're both so sweet/hilarious respectively
greetings-inferiors · 1 month
Help I just had a brainwave and wrote the last chapter of my persona project. And like,,, I love it??? Like oh damn it makes me so happy. Look at my babies they're living life to the fullest. And I do think I'm quite an unexperienced writer, I don't really know how to do dialogue properly, and the wording might be a bit clunky, but I don't even care I think it's a perfect ending especially with respect to the themes of nature vs nurture (and in a wider sense predetermination and whether life can still be meaningful with it) and growing and living life. Like damn. And now that I have the ending written, I can actually figure out the minutia of how it gets there.
I'd love to share it but it is the literal last scene and so a.) Has a MASSIVE spoiler and b.) doesn't really make much sense out of context soooo idk I probably won't. I might ask for someone to proofread it tho lol
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belit0 · 10 months
hello!! how are you?? i really like the way you write and i wanted to make a request 🫂 (only if you have time) where the Uchihas react to a drunk reader, she doesn't recognize them and they tell them that the leave her alone because she has a boyfriend, he's the best in the world and things like that (i hope you get the idea 😭).
remember to take care of yourself, drink water and rest!! 💞
I hope I got it right 👻💕
You too nonny, take care of yourself💕
Also, HC revealed, Shisui is into CNC play🙌🏻
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- First of all, why (Y/N) is drinking? Women don't drink. Second, who the fuck is this oh-so-nice boyfriend? It takes him a while to realize she's talking about him, because in his head they're already married and about to start a family. What do you mean boyfriend? Her beloved husband and future father of her children, more like? He is not even a little bit amused, but helps her gently get into bed so she can go to sleep.
- Girl... girl! How he's going to laugh at her in the morning... Madara takes advantage of the drunkenness to get everything she thinks about him out of her, and loves to hear all the wonderful qualities of her "beautiful boyfriend the Uchiha king." If this is what she genuinely thinks of him, he eats up every second like it's a sweet cake. He continues to serve her alcohol only to see what her limit is, and helps her when (Y/N) ends up throwing up.
- He's just as drunk, and says the same stupid things. It's only the next day when he looks at his cell phone and sees all the videos they both recorded he realizes the idiotic speech they both had. Just as (Y/N) was telling him to stay away because she has a boyfriend, he was telling her the same thing, rambling on about his beautiful girlfriend and all her qualities. Hilariously fascinated by the loyalty they both have for each other.
- He gets jealous of himself. Yes, it's great to hear how his girlfriend talks about this fantastic man she's dating and living with, with whom she shares everything, but he hates how he wants to give her a kiss or a hug and finds himself rejected by his own woman, WHILE SHE DESCRIBES HIMSELF! Obito decides to never let her get drunk again to this extent, and helps her with a cold shower because he can't stand her rejection anymore.
- He takes full advantage of it to tease her. Shisui's ears are sweetened by every word of appreciation and glory his girlfriend chats about him, but he also likes the role of the bad boy who tries to make her cheat on him... with himself? The Uchiha will judge his woman's willpower, but not negatively, but because he enjoys every attempt (Y/N) makes to get away from him, yell about her beautiful boyfriend, and tell him he doesn't even look like him?
- Aw man... When Itachi realizes the level of inebriation his girlfriend is carrying around, he respects the space she's asking for, but with a bit of irritation. He has such a good tolerance for alcohol, practice, drunk people make him desperate, more so if it's his girlfriend, even worse if she won't let him get close because of her boyfriend (him). He'll go along with the story, put up with the ridiculousness, but they'll have a talk in the morning about it.
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echantedtoon · 1 month
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Been tossing around ideas for this with @lavenderdrxp and I find this idea absolutely hilarious. Takes place in Kimetsu Gauken.
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*You are Muzan's fiance but not by choice. It was an arrangement made by your families when you both were younger as part of a business deal.
*Despite being his 'fiance', Muzan doesn't even acknowledge your presence unless he absolutely HAS to. In fact he even legitimately forgets you even exist most of the time too busy with his plans to take over Japan. He's a pretty sorry excuse for a fiance. The only reason you haven't just called it quits yet is out of respect for your family but you're very close to not caring anymore and calling the entire thing off. It's not like he'd care.
*Despite this one day he actually does acknowledge you!... Because he wants to use you to infiltrate Kimetsu Academy to spy on his Cousin Kagaya.
*Up to this point Kagaya and Muzan hate one another only acting distantly cordial at family gatherings if even that. Despite that Kagaya has never met You. He knows his cousin was engaged but he's never met Y/n (mostly Muzan's fault for refusing to bring you anywhere EVER), so You would be the perfect spy. (Brilliant thinking am I right?)
*You reluctantly agree only on the basis that he shuts up about this entire thing he won't stop bugging you about.
*You set up a meeting with Kagaya via Muzan giving you his number and intergrade yourself into the Academy's staff as his and Amane's new secretary. Giving you access to many of the Academy's...grading papers. And student profiles and... There's nothing here that screams 'government Intel's or anything Muzan would want. It's just a normal every day school.
*He INSISTS that you keep looking around much to your annoyance.
*Kagaya and Amane know the entire time btw. Muzan isnt as clever as he thinks he's being. They knew from the moment Kagaya interviewed you for the job, but he found his cousins attempts to sabotage him quite amusing and let you stay.
*Slowly things start turning. You start to really enjoy your job at the Academy. You've already made friends with a few teachers like Kyojuro, and Kanae.
*Students start to like coming to the office more because of how bubbly and friendly the new secretary is. The teachers start to talk to you more often and invite you to staff parties and outside work events.
*Was working outside your old job really this fun? You couldn't remember the last time you actually felt appreciated or just had someone WANT to talk to you.
*As part of your 'mission' you were supposed to get as close to the Ubuyashikis as possible to learn about all their little secrets. Again they already know but they're curious about what you'll do so they allow you to (not so discreetly) come around them and speak to them often.
*Kagaya thinks it's amusing watching you shyly peek into the doorway to his office with papers clutched into your hands and bashfully asking if you could come in. The way you so innocently look unsure of something or squeak out a question. It's adorable seeing your attempts.
Amane finds your sweet and bubbly personality is perfect for the job! Especially when she sees how much you love interacting with the students and always friendly towards her own children. When you shyly ask her for help with scheduling or ask where a certain file is, always puts a smile on her face.
How could someone like Muzan be engaged to someone so sweet?
*It's Amane that finally brings up the topic. She accidentally walks in to you crying as Muzan is yelling at you over the phone calling you names before hanging up and leaving you a sobbing mess she quickly comforts. Assuring you that it'd be alright and the three of you should have a long talk.
*You're surprised that they knew, but too tired and stressed out to care allowing the couple to hug and comfort you.
*Muzan shouldn't really be surprised when one day he attempts to contact you and finds himself blocked from all your socials. He's been in contact with you this entire time so what the hell is going on?! He gets Kokushibo and a few other employees to text/call you to tell you to quickly get in contact with him. But they all either get completely ignored or blocked too. He's frustrated more and more everyday that you don't contact him.
*Until one day you unblock him to text him ONE word before reblocking his number- "Goodbye."
*Muzan is confused, offended, and mostly pissed! Goodbye?! What the hell does she mean by goodbye?! Doesn't she know who she's dealing with?!
*Not too long after he gets a text message and photo from Kagaya and Amane. Annoyed he opens the message from his cousin and his wife only for a glass shattering noise to go off in his head, and his jaw drop to the floor-
*It's a photo of You in the middle looking beautiful and happy with Amane and Kagaya on either side of you showing off a beautiful New diamond ring on your ring finger-
Amane: "Thank you for introducing us to Y/n. She's such a a lovely woman. You'll be receiving your wedding invitation soon."
Kagaya: "No bitches?"
Kagaya: "You really need to reconsider your plans better if you want to stop looking like a fool."
Kagaya: "Btw have you met our fiance? lol"
*Muzan has to get a new phone after chucking his in rage. Poor Kokushibo literally has to hold him from behind and keep from storming into the academy to keep from making him making a fool of himself.
*He doesn't attend but as a polite gesture (a.k.a Kagaya rubbing it into Muzan's face), he is sent a final message in the form of y'all's wedding invite.
Tagging: @lavenderdrxp
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tartarusknight · 1 year
Eddie Munson was pissed off. He was annoyed by the little sheep he brought into his group. It was just that after spring break... well, they didn't see him as an authority figure anymore. Which, fine, whatever. But they never listened to him, and suddenly, he was getting shit from them. Not mean shit or anything. It just wasn't... it wasn't what he was used to. They gave him shit and became basically family.
However, he didn't sign up for kids to just pop up all the time without warning and give him shit about what he does in his spare time. He used to be cool and mysterious. Now he gets shit that his van is a mess, and he likes to sleep in after staying up late painting mini figures. THEY'RE NERDS!!!! Yet he's the uncool older guy.
Sure, they don't make fun of him repeating school or his appearance. Nothing that hurts, but it's annoying. However, it's less annoying after he realizes that they started doing the same to Steve after they got to know him. And well, he knows they think Steve is cool. They just don't say it to his face. So he holds onto that. They probably won't ever say he's cool to his face anymore but he's not, not to them.
It's like he went from the cool older teen to older brother figure in one week. One near death experience. And well... he understands in some way. Doesn't mean he likes that they don't respect him anymore. He knows that it gets on Steve's nerves too. The kids would be over for movie night of just decided to have a sleep over at Steve's and Steve would just have to go with it.
So, Eddie did what could be considered stupid. He fought back. Sure, he liked being around them and hanging out with them. But some boundaries needed to be returned. He'd like warnings or heads up. So he started small. He started to invite an old friend of his around. Veronica. She and him have been friends for years, but when she came out to her parents as trans, she moved away. Well, she ran away.
Her parents moved not long after, the "shame" of having a daughter now instead of the son they so desperately tried to hold onto. The son that never truly was alive until he wasn't a he anymore.
So, Veronica did stop in Hawkins every once in a while since her parents left. After all, her and Eddie, they had been close. She was his first friend in Hawkins, and he was the first person she came out to. It didn't help that they both had crushes on each other. But Eddie and Veronica grew past the old crushes, and sometimes, when they met up, they'd hook up, but only when they wanted a sweet release. Nothing romantic. All that was gone.
So, Eddie asked Veronica for a favor as she was passing through, stopping to visit everyone. He always invited her to stay at the trailer for the few days, and this time, he did have an alterior motive. And well... Veronica thought it was pathetic of him but also hilarious, so she was in. Because Eddie decided that if the kids were going to be assholes he was going to scar them for life. In the way that was ~sex~
The first night she's there, they spend catching up as usual. But Eddie's not really up for anything more than that. His big gay heart stolen by the goddamn babysitter. So when they head to bed, curled up on Eddie's full sized mattress, they just sleep.
However, that doesn't mean when his trailer door is swung open that next morning with Dustin, Mike, and Max all barging in, that that's all they see. No, the minute the kids open his door, Dustin shrieks, and Mike yells an incredibly loud and disgusted "ew."
Veronica pops her head up, and her eyes narrow. "Teddy, your kids are here," She groands before flopping back down. However, she pauses and looks back at them. "Wait, aren't you Harrington's kids?" She questioned, and Eddie tossed the blanket over her head.
He can feel his cheeks warming and grunts, "for your modesty." It makes Veronica laugh, and he knows that she's going to quickly figure out his big fat crush.
But before he can dwell on it the boys are running out and Max is just standing there with her arms crossed. He raises an eyebrow at her and she huffs. "I can't believe you. Honestly," she spits and actually sounds mad. Like fully pissed off.
"Max?" He questioned but she's fleeing too. The kids gone, like he had hoped but Max... that felt wrong. Like he actually did something wrong. Which... what even could it be. He's not doing anythign wrong.
However, then Veronica's teasing him and he snaps out of it. He's got her for two more days and he'll take them. After she's gone, he'll figure out what went wrong. So, they get dressed before they drive over to Gareth's too meet up with everyone. Maybe it's there in the back of his head the whole time. But he tries not to think too hard about it.
It's just that, the next day happens and when Eddie goes out for a smoke in the morning Max stomps up to him. Rightous fiery and looking ready to actually kill him. "She's still here." She snaps and Eddie raises an eyebrow.
He slowly blows out the smoke, "yeah, Red. She is. Who pissed in your cheerios?" He asked and she had the gull to roll her eyes at him. Like he was a moron for not understanding.
She shoved her finger into his chest. "I wasn't bothering you and him about okay. I was staying out of the way but- but Eddie what you're doing is wrong. He- he's already been cheated on. It shouldn't happen again." She snapped before marching off. Leaving Eddie shocked. He only snaps out of it when his finger burns from his cigarette.
He heads back inside, and Veronica's chilling on his couch and painting her nails. "We should get a good movie to watch. I need some of Teddy Munson's comentary." She says, and he gives her a grin that's not all happy. But she's not focused on him at the moment. Her eyes elsewhere.
Instead, he shakes the words from his shoulders and gets out a small laugh. "You haven't heard commentary until you've watched a movie with Robin Buckley." He assures her. And then the plan is set into action.
He messed around until she finished painting her nails, and then they were off to Family Video. Max's words got louder and louder as they got to the building. But it didn't make sense. He wasn't cheating on anyone. Even if Max thought otherwise.
"Eddie!" Steve grinned, and Robin poked her head around a shelf. They both had big smiles on their faces. Although they dimmed slightly at the sight of Veronica.
Eddie sauntered up to the desk where Steve had been previously flicking through a magazine. "Busy at work, Stevie?" He questioned and Steve rolled his eyes. Before his eyes once again strayed to Veronic.
Eddie straightened, "Oh, this is Veronica. She and I have been friends since ever." He waved his hand, and Veronica moved over. She was slightly taller than him in her tall boots, and she grinned at Steve.
Steve nodded slowly, "I did - uh- nice to meet you. I'm Steve," he held out his hand, and Veronica took it slowly. She gave him a once over, probably seeing the matching scars over their throats.
She shrugged, "I know who you are." Is all she says before she looks at Eddie. Her face reads we have to talk about that, with a look to his throat. And well... she saw most of the other scars already. After all, he didn't care if she looked at him when he changed. She knocked on the counter, "Any who. I'm going to go find a movie, Teds. Oh, you guys should join us. Teddy said you had the best comentary, Robin." She grinned before slipping back into the shelves.
Eddie watched her for a moment before sighing and looking back at Steve. Steve who looked like someone just was told that their dog was hit by a car. "Whoa, Steve, what's wrong? Hey, are you alright?" He questions and Steve seems to shift and refocus instantly.
He nods, a fake smile covering the emotions swirling. Max's words ring in his head. "All good, man. Just sad I can't today. Busy," he says, and Eddie's sure it's a lie.
Eddie looks over at Veronica who's asking Robin for recommendations. Likely trying to give Eddie some one-on-one time with Steve. "You know, Max said the weirdest thing to me this morning. She and the other gremlins barged in and saw me and Veronica sleeping together- in the same bed. We were passed out in the same bed. Not actually- well we were just literally sleeping together. But not like, you know. Sleeping together. Fucking. Making love. Snoodiling. Whatever you want to call it."
And suddenly Eddie couldn't stop talking. "She came up to me and started telling me how unfair it was of me. That cheating was wrong and all that shit. But I couldn't figure it out. Because I haven't dated anyone in ages. Like- a really fucking long time. But she told me how he had already been cheated on and it wasn't fair of me. But once again I was confused. Until Veronica mentioned coming here. And right now. Right now you look like I just killed your dog in front of you. All by bringing my friend in with me."
Steve was blinking at him, looking shocked. And Eddie gave him a tight smile. "I've slept with Veronica before. On and off for a few years now. She was my first crush, and I know that it might be weird, but honestly, it's nice to have someone to just let out steam with every once in a while. But when she stopped by, I told her I couldn't. Sometimes, that happens. The last time she was in town, she was head over heals for some girl in her history lecture. This time, I was totally gone for this guy I've been hanging out with recently."
And now Eddie can't even look at him. "I thought it was impossible. Like obviously you couldn't like me back. Even when you told me your bisexual. That didn't mean shit. Just because you like guys doesn't mean you like me. But with Max and now just seeing your face. I couldn't- I mean I just had to say-"
Steve looks around the store before pulling him into a kiss. Eddie's stunned for a moment before he grabs Steve's face, and it's awkward over the counter, but he doesn't care. He's kissing Steve and it's perfect.
He hears whooping and breaks away to see Veronica leaning on the top of the shelves with Robin leaning back on the same one. Both of them with proud smiles on their faces.
And yeah, maybe this was for the kids and their annoying habit of just breaking into his trailer. But getting Steve was also good. And well... if the kids get annoyed, he can just really gross them out by making out with their babysitter in front of them. Yeah, that will work, too.
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gretahayes · 1 year
Favourite tim drake recs? :0
Assuming you mean fanfic recs, I've got probably the most for him and this is long, so it's going under the cut;
This is genuinely one of my favorites, it's set post-Red Robin, and deals with Tim's vigilante stalking habits, his family finding out, Cass realizing there's no photos of Tim, them setting out to take/find some of him (a much harder feat than you'd think) and finally, Tim seeing the photos. It's amazing and sweet, and I can't recommend it enough. (I especially like the Bruce & Tim and Tim & Damian in this)
This is by the same author, also set post-Red Robin. This is Damian and Tim focused, Damian POV, in which Damian sees Bruce's contingency plans for him and the rest of the family, and with nobody else to turn to, runs for Tim. Canon divergent in the way Bruce doesn't have a contingency for his children, neither does Tim for his team, or them for him, but it kinda makes sense in this setting. Their interactions are amazing here, and seems so real.
In this, Tim gets a tonsillectomy. An elaboration in the form of a long fic. A must-read, I feel. It's funny and has so many feels and such good characterization.
!!! Can't believe I almost forgot about this one! Tim is Bruce's assistant, not son, and never became a vigilante. He's incredibly overworked, but no less dedicated to the Waynes. It's heartwrenching and sweet and funny and—words can't do it justice. It's a must read. The Al Ghuls make a cameo but Tim knows how to deal with them. Tim's deeply sad but next to nobody knows and those that do just accept it (including him). Kon is the MVP. Cass. Damian and Tim have an odd bond built of mutual respect and disdain for everyone around them. Luthor tries to recruit Tim every year and fails.
This is funny and amazing—Tim lands in a universe where he's technically considered a drug addict, since coffee is a drug and in the regular universe everyone drinks it.
The YJ fic Ever. I've recced this at least three times, and I will continue to. It's amazing characterization all around—both YJ and batfam—and genuinely is so fun. I love everyone in this. When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe. Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin. Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
This is Tim & Damian—Tim gets his overprotective big brother moment :) love love LOVE the way everyone is written here.
This is short and hilarious—Tim has amnesia after a head wound (can only remember back to his YJ days) and tries to bullshit his way out of anyone noticing. He might have succeeded if not for Cass.
This is a time loop fic, switching POVs. Tim's stuck in a time loop in which Jason always dies. The loop before the one this was set in, he accidentally kills Damian out of stress and too-fast reflexes. He breaks down when he sees Damian again, the whole thing unravels, and they resolve to help him out of it.
THIS SERIES MAKES ME FERAL. Jack, Tim and sometimes Dana, set when Jack made Tim quit from Robin. Horror-type elements and beautifully poetic, but centered around Jack's POV of the son he realizes he doesn't know, and him realizing he may be a shit dad. Dana's the best stepmom ever, and Tim's far nicer to her than he is Jack. This is the first work, in which Jack tries and fails to understand this Tim, and realizes that this Tim is Robin, not Tim. This is the second (and last) work in the series, in which Tim hasn't fully quit the lifestyle even though he's not going out as Robin, but Jack has no proof he hasn't. Just a hunch and a few odd occurrences that us, the readers, who are familiar with Tim's hero life will find obvious, but Jack does not. Dana makes Tim happier, more Tim than Tim-Robin, than Jack does, and Jack hates it. Near the end, he starts calling Tim Robin, not Tim. I LOVE it. Even if you hate Jack (like I do) you need to read this, for the Tim characterization if nothing else. Outsider POV, except he shouldn't be an outsider. But he is.
This is so fucking funny. Tim gets a matching tattoo with Kon, and hides it from Bruce. When Bruce—and the rest of his family—find out, all goes to hell.
Remember when I said the Jack and Tim series was only slightly horror? This is horror. Bruce's got a habit of picking up monsters, and this one is about Tim. If you're sensitive to horror, please read the tags and maybe avoid it, because this is delightful but not for everyone.
In this, Tim becomes an unintentional sugar daddy to the caped community. It's a bit iffy in some places, but hilarious.
This is Dick and Tim (surprised it took me this long to rec one with them as the main focus tbh) and it's Dick checking up on his little brother. Pure fluff, and genuinely amazing.
This is Tim & Bruce but also Tim & Tam in some places. Bruce forgets Tim is the majority shareholder for WE and is thus invited to shareholder meetings, Tim finds this very amusing and is generally a menace. You can FEEL the teenager in this Tim. Amazing.
Tim's de-aged to a kid in this, and re-meets his family. Fluff and feels ensue.
This is Bruce and Tim. Bruce isn't prepared for his newest Robin's neuroses.
This has Tim & Cassie meeting at an archaeologist event as kids and having to fight a monster thing :) it's cute
GODDD this fic? This fic ruined me. Beautiful Tim characterization, a gorgeous look at Bruce and how much he fucks up despite caring, and Dick being a stressed but amazing big brother with gorgeous writing. I love their brotherly affections here, and Tim's weird neuroses being shown here. Tim & Bruce is how it starts, and it's very much centered around their relationship, but it tapers off into Dick & Tim, which I'm not complaining about. Kon (and Bart!) makes a cameo and is an amazing friend. Can't rec this enough. If you read none of the other fics, please read this one.
This is Dick and Tim again. Dick forces Tim to go undercover with him to an Elvis convention in a thinly veiled attempt to spend time with the brother who he doesn't think knows how much he loves him. It's set in Tim's POV, though, so until Dick says this, Tim doesn't know. Hilarious and short.
This is Dick and Tim (who's surprised? Nobody) where Dick goes to Robin!Tim's science fair because Tim mentioned it and well, nobody else was going. Short and sweet.
This deals with the batfam finding out about the shitshow that was Tim's BruceQuest. If you're a stickler for canon I'd recommend you skip this one, but if not, it's a great read.
This is Dick and Tim again, and it's amazing. Tim's alone on Christmas Eve. Dick finds out, and does something about it. It's Robin!Tim, so this is Dick, Babs and Tim. This author is amazing at writing their interactions, plus inside Dick's head is a tricky place to write and they nail it perfectly. Mostly Dick & Tim, but since he invites Tim to Babs' holiday party, Babs makes a good number of cameos.
This is Tim talking a jumper off the ledge while Damian watches. Then they talk about it. Tim from Damian's POV is always interesting, but this especially is amazing.
This is a core four fic, Tim's POV! Pure humor. Tim finds a dildo in the dishwasher and he drags them for a team meeting so he can sus out whose it is.
I've recced this before, I think, but I'll do it again. Red Robin canon divergence fic in which Bruce is actually dead, and Tim calls Dick to tell him he thinks he may have been wrong. Dick's POV, short, but the emotion in this is outstanding.
In this fic, Damian has trouble with the transition from Dick's Batman to Bruce's Batman. Tim, who's also had both, is surprisingly helpful. This has so many Tim and Damian feels that I'm literally bursting at the seams. Melancholy, camaraderie, and all the good stuff. Damian's POV, and since he sucks at so much as guessing at what's going on in Tim's head, it's all the more great.
This is Dick and Tim, a soft Christmastime fic.
This is Bruce and Tim. Bruce and Tim have a sort-of game that started when Tim was thirteen. Initially, it was Tim stealing sips (or occasionally whole mugs) of Bruce’s coffee, back when he was too young for Alfred to allow him to drink it. Now, though, Bruce is getting his own back, and steals Tim’s coffee when he can. Sweet and fluffy.
Here, Tim gets a headwound and only remembers back to his Robin days, and forgets to be awkward around Dick and Damian. Tugs at the heartstrings. Dick's reminded of how much he misses this Tim.
This is really funny. Remember that time during the YJ days where the adult heroes were de-aged and the kid ones grew to be adults? Tim didn't reach six foot. In this, he's mocked ruthlessly for it.
Here, Tim goes to high school again after dropping out :) it's core four and hilarious
In this, Tim accidentally kills his dad in self defense—or rather, thinks he does, Jack's still alive but he doesn't know that until Dick shows up—and scrambles to call Dick. He calls Jason instead. Dick eventually gets called and shows up, and the brotherly feels in this are amazing. Tim's in shock for a good portion of it, and it's his POV, so you've got to piece some stuff together. Bad dad Jack, as in worse than canon bad dad Jack. Tugs on the heartstrings, and have I said I love Dick in this? Because I do. Bruce shows up near the end, and to everyone's surprise, doesn't absolutely fuck things up and/or fail as a parent.
Here, Tim is sick and alone. Dick, after not hearing from Tim at all for three days, goes to his apartment, finds him sick, and takes care of him. Eventually he gets dragged to the Manor for some actual r&r. It's sweet, and this writer has an amazing way with words and an intriguing flow.
In this, Bruce knows Tim. They have a routine, have habits, they know each other. This is so so touching, and I love it so much.
Here, Tim and Steph give Bruce a headache. It's amazing.
I..can't even begin to describe this. Bruce is fresh from the timeline, and this is a sort of introspection/character study type thing about him and Tim and how Tim's changed. Mostly, though? Mostly, Bruce just gives his son a hug.
Here, Kon is Tim's work husband. Bruce suffers. Pure fluff and humor, with a touch of feels.
Here, Bruce takes Tim to get his wisdom teeth out. They're both worried, but together, they're alright. Tim cries while doped up on the drugs. He cries a lot.
Here, 90's!Tim Drake wakes up in his Red Robin body. Exhausted from a YJ mission, he chooses to focus on getting through a normal day so as not to disrupt things for his future self. But, y'know, his way. Hilarious and so in-character, if exaggerated for comedy.
This is Tim and Damian—Damian gets hit with truth serum on patrol, and a pissed off Tim has to come and get him. Damian resolves to not tell Tim he's been hit with truth serum. They get closer as a result. Love their dynamic in this.
This is core four again, but just general teenager superhero chaos. Can't rec it enough
Here, Tim tries to build a LEGO Gotham, but his family just can't leave it—or him—alone. He calls a family meeting to tell them to knock it off, and they do not. Fluff and humor.
Here, Tim has appendicitis and gets his appendix removed. The best mix of fluff, feels, and good old complicated family dynamics ever
In this, Bruce tries to navigate giving affection to his odd son, Tim. Touching and funny.
This is Tim and Damian—Damian crashes on Tim's bed in the Watchtower when injured, Tim finds him. They talk, and maybe bond a bit, even though they'd never admit it.
Here, Bruce hugs Tim. Really nothing else to it.
Another fic where Tim wakes up with amnesia and pretends to know his family so he's not rude. He's found out when he correctly deduces Bruce is his dad, but makes the mistake of calling Bruce dad.
This is Dick and Tim again. Tim gets de-aged into a six-month-old, and Dick takes care of him. Soft and so so sweet.
In this, Tim's trying to work in his apartment when his siblings keep showing up to distract him and get him to take a break. It's sweet of them, if very annoying.
This is Bruce and Tim. Tim's injured and lying in bed, Bruce gets him takeout. Feels fuzzy and just...good. You've got to read it to know what I'm talking about, no summary does it justice.
Here, Damian tries to make amends with Tim. He does it very oddly though, so Tim thinks he has a crush on him, and avoids him all the more for it because ew-gross-ew-ew.
In this, Tim gets his teeth knocked out and grabs Dick as a mediator so he tells Bruce. Short and funny-sweet. You can tell this is in Tim's Robin run, due to all the little hints dropped.
This is Tim and Kon, funny and nonsensical. Tim calls Kon in the early hours of the morning, drunk. Kon thinks he deserves sainthood for this.
In this, Tim has road rage and most of his family find that out in the most hilarious way possible.
Bruce and Tim—a test sort of fic? Interesting, definitely.
This is timkon, Tim has memory loss and is amazed by Kon all over again.
Core four go to a gala :)
This is Dick and Tim, Tim breaks into Dick's house, accidentally interrupts his nap, tries to leave out of guilt, and gets wrangled into hugs. So so soft and so so sweet.
Another de-aged Tim fic, but this time with six year old Tim and Bruce taking care of him. This is so melancholy and...ugh. I love them.
Here, Tim and Dick are thrown into an alternate universe and have to try and get back with no other support system and no way out. They meet this world's version of Bruce and Alfred, though.
CEO Tim, and hates it. He makes that Luthor's problem.
Timkon, in which Tim plans all his dates VIA corkboard and Kon is so attracted to that.
CEO Tim (again), except he's still a teenager and people end up thinking he's a communist. This is short and hilarious all the way through. Also, Bruce is there.
This is The kid!Tim fic ever. Tim, having found a weird hole after a storm, decides to go exploring ignoring the fact that This Is Gotham and They Probably Have Cursed Stuff Down There.Luckily, it was just a cave system that spans the entire Gotham underground. Unluckily, Tim is a very curious child. Tim's a sorta eldritch being at the end?? Amazing, 100 would recommend.
In this, Tim finds out he isn't his parents' biological son. This changes everything. This changes nothing. Can't say anything else without spoiling, but I can't rec it enough.
In this fic, Bruce is back in time in Drake Manor, and meets baby Tim. It's like you're frozen in time, and all that matters is Bruce and his infant not-yet-son.
Here, Kon and Tim date. Tim's a cryptid stalker that refuses to be photographed, Dick is a big brother that loves his little brother, and it's cute.
Sorry it took me so long to compile this list anon, happy reading!
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feroluce · 10 days
I have been informed by a mutual aid that you are a henghill enjoyer. You've single-handedly gotten me to care about Gepard and I would love to hear your thoughts on Cowborg Menace x Dragon That Can't Catch a Break
Aaaaaaaa I'm really flattered!! I have also been informed by a mutual aid that you have good taste (read: rvb enjoyer) and I need you to know that part of the reason I treat Gepard the way I do, like messing with him constantly, is because he makes me think of Wash. Poor dude was doomed the moment I got my grubby little mitts on him sksjkskdjd
But anyway yes, henghill! They really got me by the throat out of nowhere in 2.2. They're just. Surprisingly sweet?
The two of them get along very well, they see eye to eye on a lot of matters and have some similar mannerisms, they can hold long conversations together, and they have a shockingly swift understanding of the other in a very small amount of time! Platonically or romantically, there's a lot to dig into there. ♡
And I do mean a lot this basically ended up becoming a big long ship manifesto I'm so sorry zmjzznkdjd
Like first of all they're both fucking nerds over each other. Boothill's adoration for the Xianzhou alliance is already well-documented in his About Dan Heng voice line, and is appropriately pointed out in the fandom as sounding gay as all hell.
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We know what you are, Boothill.
But then! He further cements it by trying to use Xianzhou sayings in front of Dan Heng haha
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Not only that, but Boothill was able to recognize the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath for what it was like immediately, and instantly took it as proof of Dan Heng's identity as a Nameless. The validation of the Xianzhou is clearly a huge deal to him.
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And Dan Heng plays it cool but like. I don't think he's actually much better JFKLASJDKL
The in-game Data Bank, which is supposed to be written and maintained by Dan Heng himself, has a pretty positive glowing review of the Galaxy Rangers.
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And I feel the need to point out that like. The Galaxy Rangers are essentially a vigilante justice group..."group" being a pretty loose term, there isn't a whole lot of organization in there. Not everyone has a very good view of them because they're outlaws and there's a pretty wide and wild variety of individuals in the mix there, Boothill even confirms it as such.
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And that archive entry is a hilariously stark contrast to the one for the Masked Fools, who Dan Heng does NOT seem to respect. So you can tell he puts a lot of his own opinion into the data and you can really see where his preferences lie KFDLAJFKLD
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He does let his fanboy slip when Boothill first announces himself as a Galaxy Ranger though, just a little bit haha:
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They're like the equivalent of when your favorite big name fandom person follows you back, you feel me fjkdjasflkdjskal
Which. I feel like it does make sense that he would really idolize the Galaxy Rangers and see them as heroes. Dan Heng is someone who was a victim of centuries of wrongful imprisonment and political power plays, and it would have been way worse had Jing Yuan not gone above the preceptors to protect him. He is someone that the system failed, and horrifically so. Of course he would like the idea of righteous heroes who stand for justice and travel the cosmos freely to help people.
And as @hydrachea, CEO of Dan Heng Enterprises and Super Genius with Giant Wrinkly Brain pointed out, this background DOES lay the foundation for Dan Heng to relate to Boothill a lot. You see this displayed beautifully in his Keeping Up With Star Rail video, where Dan Heng gets really protective of him, I adored it so so much. ♡
In it, Dan Heng not only comments that he originally came because he thought he was giving a presentation on how to be friendly with Boothill, but every time the IPC tries to paint him as some violent dangerous ruthless criminal, Dan Heng speaks up to explain his way of thinking and to defend him. It was really sweet!
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And Dan Heng is protective of people anyway. He serves as the Guard of the Astral Express for a reason. He had nothing and no one before Himeko took him in, and now that he's found companions to love he is viciously defensive of them. You see it in the way he guards March 7th during fights on Jarilo-IV, in how he goes out of his way to bring important info to the trailblazer, in how he left the safety of the Express and infiltrated the Luofu because he was terrified he was going to lose them. But there's maybe a little extra layer of Understanding in the way he so persistently speaks up in Boothill's defense.
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And I'm sure that this is a part of him that Boothill really admires, too, because Dan Heng also displays these instincts in Penacony. He makes the decision not just once, but twice, to use the Jade Abacus to save the Express Crew. And we know from Boothill's earlier reaction to it that like. The Jade Abacus is a Big Fuckin' Deal. It is something of immense value. Even with everything that's at stake, Boothill urges him to really make sure he wants to use it.
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And this was something that really got me in the heart later, because! In Ena's Dream, Dan Heng once again decides to use the Jade Abacus, and. I'm not quite sure I can effectively put it in words, but there is something just so so sweet in the way that Boothill tells him no, Dan Heng should keep it. This is a get out of jail free card that could save his life down the line, he wants him to have it in case he finds himself in danger again later.
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It really gives the feeling that Boothill actually wanted Dan Heng to not have to rely on this before, but there was no other way at the time. But now there IS something Boothill can do about it, and he wants to do something about it. A sorta-kinda "let me protect you this time"-ish feeling. If that makes any sense. He doesn't want Dan Heng to have to make that sacrifice.
Because I think Boothill would consider that a really admirable and respectable action, especially given his background. The IPC eradicated his homeplanet. He lost his parents, his siblings, his daughter, his home all in one fell swoop, and he has been on a fully dedicated revenge quest ever since. How could he not be a little awed by someone willing to give so much to protect his home and his family?
I think it's something the two of them understand in each other, because as it shows in the dialogue the first time Dan Heng decided to use the Jade Abacus, Boothill caught on immediately. He already knew what Dan Heng was planning before he even said so. And it's not even the first time he does that! Even as early as their initial entrance into the Reverie, Boothill is able to tell when Dan Heng is stressed, why he's stressed, and he backs off and gives him space without any fuss.
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And it works! After the Express Crew are safe, they go from Dan Heng correcting him to more just kind of going with Boothill's flow, and I feel like this is a much better basis for their interactions.
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Also I'm crying about Dan Heng blabbing that the trailblazer is a vessel of a Stellaron, gossipy little dragon fjdkasjfdklsaj
Like the two of them just GET each other! And so quickly and easily! It's ridiculous! Dan Heng is able to explain the methods behind Boothill's madness. Boothill is able to read Dan Heng like a book. They both had the same reaction to learning Acheron was a Self-Annihilator. They both really believe it's just fine and normal to have a weapon out if you don't trust someone yet- Boothill pulled his gun on Acheron the second he saw her, Dan Heng got his spear out and poked Sampo the first time he met him (valid). And they both act Like That because they're similar flavors of wary and cautious. They had to prove their identities to each other when they first met before either of them could relax.
They're both frank, and blunt, and will openly call shit out or question it when they see fit. They both believe in answering the call to action, and share a lot of their ideologies of The Hunt, like upholding justice and saving the innocent and protecting the weak. Boothill lives to fuck over the IPC and keep them from colonizing more planets like his, Dan Heng didn't even consider his own wants and asked to go to Edo Star to help the population there. They take their creeds seriously, and dedicate themselves to them, enough to be offended by imposters. Dan Heng dislikes Boothill claiming to be a Nameless, Boothill was literally hunting down Acheron for parading around as a Galaxy Ranger.
And all throughout 2.2, Boothill displays an immense knowledge of Paths and Aeons and even Emanators, and Dan Heng is a huge nerd an archiver and a collector of knowledge. The conversations these two could have!! They've both been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things, and I think Dan Heng especially would love listening to Boothill's stories and then adding them to the data bank. They can probably relate on rough travel, too- Boothill refers to the Astral Express as "bunkin' in luxury" and Pom-Pom once said Dan Heng was "used to sleeping on the rope." When March 7th takes the trailblazer to look for Dan Heng, she even phrases this as though he and Boothill have been talking together for quite a while!
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Hell, even when they awaken in Ena's Dream, they arrive together:
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They were together for almost the entirety of 2.2; literally the very first scene of it was their introduction. They only truly separated when Dan Heng went to help in the fight with The Great Septimus and Boothill to gather the Rangers (and then go shoot Aventurine full of holes fjkdlsajd) but! I'm really hoping we'll get to see more of them together in 2.3! They were a really cool duo, and it was so fun to watch them all through this update, I really want to see more of them now and explore their relationship dynamic more! ♡
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Hey love your stuff could you do mantis tigress viper po shen and tai lung x a camel spider reader that can manipulate wind.
Mantis,tigress,viper,po, shen and tai lung x camel spider reader who can manipulate wind
I'm glad u like my stuff!
Also here a reference image for those of you who didnt know what a camel spider is,bc I'm going to be honest I never what it was until now and I both love and hate it
Proof read-ish
My tumblr isnt lagging to much for once ☺️
Also ty for requesting some kfp villains 👹
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^camel spider
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Now I'm not sure how big camel spiders are but I assume they're possibly a bit bigger than a mantis so
Mantis is happy that someone is around his height
He finds you very menacing though,hes not going to lie about that
Hes actually surprised when you tell him your fangs arnt poisonous,they do still hurt but arnt venomous
This makes him feel abit better but hes still abit weary
You make for a good opponent,considering your size and everything it makes a fair fight for mantis
Your both really small,fast and talented so you make for a powerful duo.
You scare of quite abit of people,If you dislike this mantis will do his best to comfort you
The fact that you can manipulate and control wind is so fucking cool
If people thought you were a hard opponent to beat before,well they'd be in for a surprise
One time you managed to trip monkey with your wind manipulation,mantis found this hilarious,after making sure monkey was okay of course
Your a dangerous and menacing enemy and mantis is all for it
He likes cuddling you alot
He wonders if you can spin silk
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She has alot of respect for you
Despite being small you make a worthy opponent
Your also one of the only ones who's able to beat her
Shes impressed with how much raw strength you have despite being so small
Your wind manipulation plays into how easily your able to best her
She likes to train with you and push your limits
She wants to improve the both of you,pushing the limits of your powers and pushing herself beyond her own limits
If shes ever a little to hot she can feel a small breeze come her way
She likes picking you up and placing you on her shoulder
She'll never let mantis on her shoulder but she will absolutely let you
Should anyone ever threaten to step on you they're going to be stopped immediately
Tigress wont let disrespect like that slip past her
Shes also surprised your fangs dont hold any poison
She likes to softly pet your fuzz
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She loves your fuzz so much
She likes to slither around with you on her head
The fact that you can manipulate wind is so fascinating to her,your so small and yet you can controll such strong air currents
Shes weary of your fangs at first till you disclose that they arnt venomous
She dosnt find the fact that your a spider scary she loves it
She likes to spar with you every so often
You help her put the flowers she has on her head
She wonders what the world looks like from your pov
Shes incredibly sweet with you and softly pets you with her tail
She finds it adorable when you put your front legs up when you try to be menacing
She honestly finds you more cute then menacing(probally because shes a snake)
She likes to put little things on your head like acorn tops and small flowers so you can match her
If you let her dress you up she'll happily hold you up like a kid who just dressed up a cat
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Hes thinks your cool but finds you abit scary
Keep his distance from your fangs
He had a hard enough time beating mantis and you have wind powers?!
He dosnt spar with you to often(probally bc he knows his ass is gonna get kicked)
He likes picking you up and putting you on his shoulders or head
When you use your wind it can actually be pretty peaceful aslong as hes not getting flung around by it
He likes to softly brush you fuzz with a finger
Will try to handshake with each leg of yours
When sparing he trys to be as careful as possible
He trys to see things from pov
He trys to learn wind manipulation as well,let him have his fun
He likes to play with his action figures as you watch
He likes to ramble about the things he likes and just talk in general
He tries to make a tiny house or dummy for you,they either end up to big or to small but it's the thought that counts
He likes to learn about what you can and cant do as a spider
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Hes surprised how a little thing like you is so strong
He loves to spar with you and push your abilitys
He dosnt learn for a long time that your fangs arnt poisonous
Hes surprisingly careful with you,dont mention it though
He will sit you on his shoulder and will almost forget that your there
If anyone stares at him or you when you are he'll glare at them harshly
He makes sure your as respected as him
He sees you as his equal no matter your size
Hes fascinated by your wind powers and will constantly ask about it and try find out how far you can go with them
If you ever need help getting up somewhere he'll hold out his hand so he can help you get up
He's affection deprived so he dosnt know how to ask for it,he'll give subtly hints though
If hes annoyed with someone in the room theyll suddenly be escorted out by a sudden strong wind,how strange
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Tai lung
He has a tone of respect for you
He sees you as one of his worthy opponents
He loves sparing with you way to often
He finds you wind manipulation interesting and sometimes hes a tad bit envious of it
Needs reassurance sometimes of how great his is
He also likes to pet your fuzz
He asks you to watch or join him train
He likes to make accomplishments with you
Hes fascinated by the fact your fangs arnt venous and even thinks that you had your venom switched out for your powers 💀
He likes to put big things on your head just to watch you pull it off with an annoyed expression
When you hold your arms in the air he finds it funny and actually has a hard time believing it's a defense mechanism
Holds you close to him as a makeshift hug
He will try not to hit you with his tail
It can be hard though since your so tiny
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hearts401 · 6 months
plsplspls do you have any n? au beckory crumbs you said you wanna add it. please ill be so normal about it /lh /pos
first of all Tony and Gregory are not officially dating they just both know they're into each other and that's about it. Tony's busy with university and Gregory is chilling out with the emilys
but when the murders start picking up and they get more into it its like WOW! I lowkey dated this guy in middle school! whooh! and they get really close again
Ellis finds it hilarious, Evan finds it sweet but also if you kiss in front of Evan he's gonna deadpan stare off at the camera LMAO but hes super happy for them
also tony's whole. getting jumped when hes like 12 ends up making their relationship a biiit tough because tony believes that vanessa had something to do with his incident but gregory really doesnt wanna believe that. but they respect and trust each other and they'd never ruin their relationship over that.
tony really wants to be there for gregory especially while everything is going to shit because greg is trying his best to keep evan from going off the rails (which is like trying to stop a bus with your bare hands as a toddler) and its really hard on him. he doesnt like seeing his incredibly close friend fall into a pit he hasnt been in since he was 13.
but tony doesnt know a ton about evan and gregory, so he settles for being there for gregory while gregory is there for evan. AUFGHFOIFJIJOIFEJOEFOIFEWEFIOFEWJOIWJIOEFW okay im normal again
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destiel-wings · 1 year
"Jared is a great guy"
He never said such praising words to Misha at the panels. he just insulting him in the name of a joke.
That's actually hilarious. He doesn't need to say it because it's just clear how much he genuinely loves, respects and admires Misha. Actions speak louder than words.
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Besides, it counts more how you talk about someone when they're not around than to their face, and if you're comfortable enough with someone to constantly joke with them and you both have that 100% comfortable and happy aura while doing it, it just means that you're very close to that person. Like, you would never jokingly insult a friend that you're not really close with because they may get offended, but you could even safely call your best friend stupid because you're both close enough to know you would never mean it literally, but only affectionately or as an inside joke.
That said, he speaks too. When Jensen was at the Con Crossroads 6 in Brighton last March with Daneel, they both couldn't stop talking about Misha during their panel (and Misha wasn't even present at that Con), like literally nobody even asked about Misha, but they both kept bringing him up in their replies, praising him for his charity work with Random Acts and talking about him (and Cas).
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There are definitely hundreds of other examples I could bring but this is just one of the most recent ones that i can think of.
Like at the Jib11 Jensen said that "Daneel refers to Misha as her boyfriend", and then he added, "which is funny cause so do I" and then he genuinely laughed in a super sweet way (it was in one of his panels, i don't remember which one, you can see it on YouTube).
To sum up:
* They're literally friends *
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thinkingofausername · 2 months
Pairing BG3 companions
I made every possible pairing and how I think they would look.
(this is just my opinion and i'm still fairly new to bg3 and i have yet to thoroughly meet the characters so there's probably inaccuracies but this is all in good fun)
+Shadowheart = banter, sassiness, sexiness, BIG issues with opening up, enemies to lovers trope
+Gale = canonically compete and have a hilarious grudge against each other, also canonically hilarious when irritated, beneath the comedic duo is a gorgeous romance (neither experienced genuine love, just use and abuse), canonically both are devoted lovers
+Karlach = beautiful gorgeous precious, she would adore and protect him and he could never hurt her, perhaps better as platonic but either way very nice
+Wyll = definitely Astarion teasing Wyll for being a "noble fairytale prince", perhaps stemming from Astarion's grudge about never being saved and then ironically being with a savior, Wyll would be very patient and kind and it would piss Astarion off before he had a breakdown about it
+Lae'zel = possibly the toughest combo, Astarion might like her spiciness but i'm honestly not sure what would get her to warm up to him, they're both survivors tough, under Astarion's prissiness is someone who's gone through many hardships and so has Lae'zel so trauma bonding might be possible, they could also bond about their regrets about hurting people in the past, i could see some mutual respect there some day
+Gale = don't know how to explain but this just makes sense, they would look like an obvious couple, definitely bonding about being devoted to people who never deserved their loyalty, they'd also hilariously sass at people
+Karlach = beautiful gorgeous yes, sexy girl power and all but jokes aside very precious, i mean we do remember Shadowheart's first comment towards Karlach right?, Shadowheart would definitely be receiving princess treatment
+Wyll = gorgeous couple, i can see Shadow snarking at people and Wyll sending apologetic looks but she would be very soft with him in private, he would definitely have her guard down and cherish her
+Lae'zel = no idea how to explain but Katara and Toph vibes??, the tough girl and the princess, they've got guts the both of them, they'd be badass, just two hot girlfriends judging everyone
+Karlach = precioussssssss, they'd be so good to each other, they're both such good companions and lovers, they'd protect and cherish each other very much
+Wyll = Wyll's duty and fairness and Gale's devotion? their full devotion to their lovers? their hearts entirely in the romance? yeah i could see them being sickeningly sweet husbands
+Lae'zel = see this i think would be pretty iconic, the loving wizard and his warrior wife, he'd be so nice to her and she could heal and learn so much
+Wyll = oh we knowwwwww this is top tier, the prince of the group and the most precious woman on earth, obviously perfect for each other
+Lae'zel = Karlach would hug and tease the hell out of her and she would grumble so much, they'd be pretty cool and sweet at the same time
+ Lae'zel = yes, yes this could work, kind of similar to Gale and Lae'zel in the sense that Wyll would be very kind to her and she'd be baffled and caught off guard, i can see her changing a lot as the relationship goes on, she'd probably eventually be a bit softer and nicer, maybe a little less murdery, but obviously still cool
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istadris · 8 months
Bowuigi ft. Bowsette
Since you voted for it, here is my version of Bowuigi involving Bowsette.
First of all, have in mind this AU (thank you @scribeprotra for sending me that ask )
Now by this point, once Luigi gets to where Bowser is detained, I have two different scenarios :
TLDR : Scenario 1 : Bowser gets turned into Bowsette, recognizes Luigi but Luigi doesn't recognize "Bowsette" Scenario 2 : Bowsette is a separate person from Bowser (and the villainess), Bowser doesn't recognize "Mr L" but Luigi does recognize him.
Scenario 1 : Villain turned Bowser into Bowsette and has locked her up thanks to several spells, claiming 'such a delicate flower shouldn't be exposed to the harsh, cold elements before our wedding day"
(As you can imagine, Bowsette is FURIOUS).
Luigi crashes into Bowsette's bedroom and she immediately grabs him by the collar :
"YOU ! What the shell ! WHAT are YOU doing here !!??" "I-I-I-I-" Are you here to kidnap me ?" "Errrr...." "Good, because this place SUCKS !! And I can't get out on my own, because that dumb spell forces me to be "escorted by a gentleman", so you'll do the trick, got it ?!" "G-got it!" "Now get me out the hell of here!! "Y-yes ma'am!"
Bowsette has immediately recognized Luigi (seriously, who does he think he's fooling with that dumb mask when he's still got his cap?) but she NEVER wants to admit who she really is, so for now she has to pretend she has nothing to do with that Koopa King guy. "Although I heard he was damn shredded, with sweet muscles that make the ladies swoon" Luigi : "Oh, you shouldn't get your hopes up, he's got a terrible attitude and he's been chasing after a lost cause for years." "..." "Which is a shame because seriously, he's a real catch! He's sexy, he's got a lotta kids, he's a musician, he's badass, his minions love him, why does he have to be so dumb and stubborn ?!" "...Wait you think I...he's sexy ?"
For all her efforts, Bowsette is TERRIBLE at lying about not knowing who Mr L is.
"Can't you jump your way through here, pasta braiiiiiizilian truck Mushroom! " "What" "I'm errr having a heat stroke ! Yeah!" "Oh no ! Hang on Miss!!!"
Meanwhile Luigi tries his best to act like a villain but he's torn between how "Mr L" would act, his education who makes him very polite to ladies, his respect of badass ladies (including Peach, he knows she can hold her own if needed) and the weird behavior of Miss Bowsette everytime he mentions how cool he finds Bowser if only he wasn't such a doo-doo head.
Scenario 2 : this time Bowsette is a separate entity from Bowser and she is the villain. Maybe a crazy fangirl going too far with her obsession for the Koopa King to the point of capturing him and trying to force to marry her.
Here too, Mr L crashes into Bowser's bedroom, but here Bowser doesn't recognise Luigi. He's furious because he's stuck here thanks to a damn spell, but at least now he's got a minion to get him out !
"A spell trapped you here ?? Wowie, must have been a really powerful one !" "Nah. It's a spell that prevents me from using stairs AND THEY'RE THE ONLY WAY OUTTA HERE !!!" "...oh." "YOU FIND THIS FUNNY ??" "WAH! Nonononononono, not funny at all !!!"
While on the way out escaping the castle, Bowser muses out loud on how it's the WORST to have some crazy fangirl chasing after you and forcing themselves on you, seriously, can you believe it ?
Mr L, deadpan : "Never saw that before. Can't imagine what it would be like."
Still, he tries to use the opportunity to encourage Bowser to maybe realize that there's other Cheep Cheep in the sea, and mayyyyybe Bowser could look for better options than the princess already in a committed relationship who expressed several times her refusal to Bowser's propositions ?
Except, because he's Luigi and both the best and the worst at expressing himself, Bowser ends up convinced that Mr L is making a move on him and is jealous from Peach. Now that's hilarious ! And flattering, because Mr L is a dorky little villain but he's the most efficient minion Bowser ever recruited!
"By the way, when did you sign up ? I should have sent you after Mario ages ago!" "You hired me, actually." "Wait, what ?? How come I don't remember ??" "Errrr you had some memory issues around that time."
Which Bowser interprets as "we had a drunken one-night-stand and that's when I hired him", and he feels a bit bad for not remembering it.
"You know what, once we're home, I'll make it up for ya!!"
He has no idea how exactly, but hey, thinking ahead is for nerds, that's what his advisors are for!
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neonscandal · 5 months
This week is Sk8 3rd anniversary.... So for celebrating, can I ask a few things :
-Who are your fav character from this series? Why?
-What are your fav moments from this series? -What are your opinions on this fandom's famous ships : Reki/ Langa, Cherry/ Joe, Adam/ Tadashi?
Season 2 and an OVA are coming (eventually)! Which is more than we can say for other series' so I'm going to remain delusionally hopeful. I think it'd be nice if, instead of announcing long awaited continuations, new seasons dropped like Beyonce albums. Without warning and like an unexpected blessing. Just like this ask so thank you for reaching out!
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Sk8 has a wonderful band of idiots who I adore but Cherry is, by far, my favorite. Most specifically through the interactions he has with Joe because they are just so catty and mean to one another but you just know it belies an affection from their entrenched history together whether you consider them a ship them or not.
I love that Cherry had this rebellious era and continues to do so as a respectable adult while juggling such a disciplined craft and career. Like, that dichotomy is just 😘👌🏾. Goals, honestly. He maintains this split by ensuring that his S persona and his everyday persona remain mutually exclusive similar to how Adam conducts himself. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, might be kind of sad but he is, somewhat, of a man of contrasts.
Like, the way his talents splinter is so interesting. He is a founding member of S wherein he remains a threat, an established and respected calligrapher... plus, I feel like he customized Carla himself. What a nerd! Plus, Cherry is so gender. ✨
Reki & Langa - idiot x idiot, I love it? But also, how silly to show someone something you love so intensely only for that love to envelope them so completely. Both in how they receive your hobby but also in how they just become a part of your life. Plus, Langa sees Reki's strengths that he takes for granted and its so necessary because they both think the sun shines out of each others' ass. Also, I see them as a reincarnation of AshEiji from Banana Fish.
Cherry & Joe - Yes. Was that not evident from above? Yes. They fight like an old (and sassy) married couple and then will have a moment of saccharine sweetness that's just... too much. There's also a hilarious sense of patience Joe must have to adapt to Cherry vs. Kaoru and its more evident because there's who the pair are when they are around others, regardless of who the others are, and then who they are when they're alone. Like, why put on the act, guys? Just kiss already.
Adam & Tadashi - As long as it's consensual, I guess, but I'm sure Tadashi could do better.
Oka & Shadow - Okay, but go with me here. Please thank the chokehold umikochannart had on keeping this ship sailing before they wiped their IG of all evidence.
Adding a few other artists guaranteed to give you the brainrot because I fell down a rabbit hole while looking for umikochann and fan artists deserve so much appreciation for covering the spread when we are awaiting new content so go follow them and join their patreons, buy them a kofi and bark on all their posts because we are not deserving of their labor: angrymorilas, bunbun.ji, @pochiikou and @ratcarney IG.
These artists are my gift to you. As a gift, that means that we should love and appreciate the people whose talents enable us to experience the characters we love even more and be thankful for, however long the stretch, the time that our favorite characters and ships were their muses. And to subsequently not be a prick when their muse changes.
⚠️ Spoiler warning for S1 of SK8 the Infinity anime.
"Push me, Reki." - needs no explanation.
Reki defending Miya's honor - When you see Miya's backstory, his isolation is really sad and makes him vulnerable to Adam's predation but Reki punched well above his weight to defend Miya and it effectively brought the kid into the fold and I loved that. And that's on the power of friendship. ✨ Reki really subjugated everyone in that friend group and is not appreciated enough for it.
When everyone cockblocked Joe - Not every show needs a beach episode. This one does.
Sia La Luce after hours - the fact that Kaoru, after being bride carried by Joe, broke out of the hospital just to go running back to Joe is just so... beautifully chaotic and unexpected. Add a zest of Jonah Scott murmuring "We're not alone, right, Kaoru?" and I am undone.
When the might of Reki's rain wheels kicked in - Overcame insecurity by utilizing the gift he'd had all along? AGH. So perfect, so proud.
When Reki's laughter melts into that of young Adam's - only because that was really sweet
Not in the show but: sharing this series with my niece and nephew and them loving it just as much as I do. They're pretty young so the Venn Diagram of "Shows I Love" vs "Shows I Can Share With Them As A Discerning Adult" has a pretty narrow overlap. So imagine my surprise when my nephew randomly makes a SK8 joke or observation or when my niece drew fan art of Carla? We also sing and dance and laugh during the intro and outtro so I hope they remember the series affectionately when they're older.
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Hello this is my presentation on what animals Les Mis characters would be except I'm only 500ish pages into the book so it's very short list at the moment
I decided almost IMMEDIATELY that Valjean would be some sort of owl, despite what I believe is the most popular interpretation being him as a lion. I was thinking of that one chapter in the book where he's referred to as an owl (the one called 'a nest for owl and wren' I think??) and decided yes absolutely that is 100% it. So then my first thought was a snowy owl, since they're pretty fucking big and also white (I'm not too bothered for hair colours and what have you in the rest of these but for Valjean it seemed pretty important) but the snowy owl look just wasn't doing it for me!! (something about their look was a little too intense, I guess??) And then! I remembered the barn owl (which is, by the way, probably my favourite owl). And yeah I might be a little biased towards them but they have a sort of gentle look while still being, y'know, owls (notoriously pretty dangerous predators). And of course, owls are nocturnal.
Also, just look at them!! The vibe is perfect, I'm certain of it.
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(And!! While most barn owls have that light brown colouring, there have been white ones!! So the hair colour problem is all good)
Javert was a LOT more trouble (which I wasn't anticipating, after the easy pick for Valjean). He HAD to be some sort of wolf/dog-adjacent animal, that was the one and only condition (though I did briefly consider a horse. Just because he has a horse in both the 2018 BBC series and the 2012 movie??). A hyena was my first immediate pick (yeenvert <3) but it wasn't QUITE there and I was struggling desperately for some other idea. AND THEN! I decided, if no horse, why not a vaguely horse-shaped dog? Which led to a short list of hounds (scottish deerhound, irish wolfhound, ibizan hound) which I sort of juggled in my mind for a bit before finally deciding I kind of liked the scruffy deerhound vibe. They're very sweet dogs, as far as I know, so in that respect maybe not so accurate, but they definitely have the capacity to be foreboding in the same way most hounds have. They're also pretty tall!
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(And yes I KNOW I said I wasn't fussed for colours but the grey on these guys is actually perfect for my mental image of Javert so! It's a happy accident!)
I knew pretty immediately that the bishop would be some sort of rooster. I have absolutely no reason for this other than the vibe was too perfect to ignore (though I think I might have been inspired by some gif of the bishop an old Les Mis movie where there were chickens in the background). So then I went on Wikipedia and ran through a list of roosters until I found this magnificent little beast, a faverolles rooster. I found on my not-so-extensive research journey that these guys are super gentle and apparently very hilarious, which, yeah, that's absolutely him <3
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The bishop's sister (Mademoiselle Baptistine?) also gets a chicken. Because yeah they're related but also I just think it really fits her. Or maybe I'm biased, idk, I do really love chickens. I don't really have much to say about her which I am so so sorry for because I do really like her!! But she's a swedish flower hen
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And Madame Magloire was going to be a chicken (before I gave that to the bishop's sister instead) but I later landed on some sort of donkey. Again, I haven't got much reason for this but the vibe is there!! I promise you!! I switched between a bunch of different donkey breeds (all of which I had never heard of before but I absolutely love, by the way. Go check out a provence donkey) and then i found the bourbonnais donkey, which is just perfect to me. If I have ever been certain of anything it's this.
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(There's a disappointing amount of donkey photos on the internet. Where are they all!!)
I was going to save Fauchelevent for a different post but i really like him so he's here too. I was pretty sold on him as a sheep at first, and I very nearly left it at that but then!! I learned of a cashmere goat, which was not only a lot closer to how I imagine him but also they look cool as hell!! So I thought, okay, that was easy, but something still wasn't sitting quite right. The goat idea was absolutely perfect, but the cashmere goat was too far in the direction away from the sheep idea (which I'm still very attached to). So instead I went for an angora goat! Which apparently do something pretty close to gardening for a goat (eating/destroying nuisance plants and improving pastures) so it was almost too perfect to pass up. Also their horns are pretty awesome
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(It's very funny to me personally that Valjean is an owl while Fauchelevent is a goat. Yes, we are brothers, the bird and the goat. Makes perfect sense)
I was going to give Cosette one in this post too but I'm not 100% sure of hers yet!! So she'll have to wait. I apologise deeply.
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Transfem buggy anon, back at it again-
• the sanji bit threw two thoughts into my head and it's both the "I love women (romantic)" thing and "i love women (trans)" thing.
Romantic: Sanji starts off all laughing at the overdramaric misery of his friends being step-clowns (new insult courtesy of him), but then, as he's serving Robin and Nami some snacks, he catches sight of the loose papers pile. He offers to assist with organizing it so Robin can enjoy her book and Nami can enjoy her newspaper and drink. They graciously accept, and he takes his place there with a smile, begins sorting them between fliers and bounties.
Then he finds a certain article.
That Article.
The One That Trash Talked Buggy For Being Trans.
Oh that shit is NOT gonna fly. Sanji is livid. Not only is that just.... mean, but he may have been in his own variant of ""hell"" on the okama island, but he met so many people between his training, and there's nothing WRONG with it. Women are women and women deserve RESPECT, damn it!!
Then, as he's frothing, he finds a bounty - updated since her coming out, name still the same, amount still higher than most expect, but the picture is changed.
He doesn't even realize his nose is bleeding until a drop falls on the paper.
Poor Sanji has to play off the heart flutters and face flush and nosebleed as sheer Respect Women Juice Induced Anger and not a flutter crush on a clown.
Nobody believes him but he still gives it the old college try.
It only really "comes out" as it were when the crews wind up meeting. Luffy is immediately tucking himself into Buggy's personal space with big smiles and bigger laughter, wrapping around his auntie-mom happily. She huffs but let's him cling, a sign enough on its own that she isn't all that bothered. And the eye roll, the half smile, the gruff hair ruffle-
Oh poor Sanji is gone. He is swooning, is spinning, is presenting a snack and affirmations. The other Strawhats are rolling their eyes, casual flippancy, fond exasperation.
Crocodile and Mihawk are Processing, Buggy is flustered and astounded, and it winds up bringing out a slight possessive streak in the two dark haired former warlords and it is HILARIOUS.
Trans route:
Sanji gets SUCH gender envy, and things go fairly similar to the above, but they wind up actually becoming something really soft and sweet with Sanji carefully hedging questions and Buggy just going "due are you a fucking dumbass, your crew loves you, they'd defend you to the ends of the world, they'd never be mad that you're a woman"
Sanji: I'm trans.
Ussop: oh I'm nonbinary! Neat!!
Nami, a lesbian: I AM THRIVING
Luffy: mmm good food
Anyway yeah that's it and ai am soft for Sanji and Buggy becoming friends or at the very least Awkward Friends.
And if anyone has a moment of "weird crush on a friend's relative", it would totes be Sanji and him having a moment of "Oh my seas it's a Stacy's mom deal, but it's luffy's clown mom-aunt-frenemy, fUCK-!!!"
Buggy's just flattered regardless and thinks it's kinda cute, she too had a puppy crush on someone older when she was a kid-
HIIII <333
Honestly, Sanji falling for fem!Buggy makes sense because fem!Buggy is just-- She is stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect. The only reason why she isn't transfem canonically is that it would be too much for this world to handle. And of course, Sanji, being the lover of women he is, would absolutely fall for her. Who wouldn't???? Sanji wants to die a little bit after the realization, though. If Luffy and Zoro ever find out, he won't be able to deal with the embarrassment.
AND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trans Sanji <333 Transfem Sanji??? Genderqueer Sanji??? My favorite is honestly Genderfluid Sanji but the point here is they find out thanks to Buggy and it's the most unexpected thing in the world. Hilarious, even. The whole crew accepts them though because they're all queer. Like there is no way there's someone allo/cis/hetero in that ship.
I agree wholeheartedly btw Sanji is SO the type to fall for a friend's relative. Maybe that's why I love Sabosan,,, And Acesan,,, So much,,,, Mmmm. It just makes sense.
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hisui555 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils
More of a ramble than anything speculative like the previous posts, just gonna blabber muppet-style about something I like from this show : the Foils between the Good/Ambiguously Good Guys (I mean, Alastor's there, right ?) and the Bad/Opposite Side Guys.
If you have time to kill, fancy yourself the read (<- not even sure that's proper English, and it's my third language anyway. Let's hack it up some more, shall we).
(Foils 2 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
I mean the main thing that made my brain go "ding !" like a microwave and scratched it just right like my cat kneading my back when I'm too lazy to stand up and give her food right away, is the parallel between main couple Charlie & Vaggie (they're so sweet together) and villain couple Valentino & Vox (they're horrible people that are hilarious together).
Both have one of them at the head of their 'organisation' (Charlie is the founder of the Hazbin Hotel, Vox is the CEO of Voxtech and the TV tycoon in Pride), composed of one bi character (Charlie and Vox) and one Hispanic character (Vaggie and Valentino - and respectively they're lesbian and pan if you wanna know), yet Charlie & Vaggie are in a mutually supportive, kind, very encouraging, healthy, stable, devoted and genuinely loving relationship, and if they have fallouts (see Episode 7), deal with it in a mature and upstanding way. Vox & Val on the other side are mutually manipulative (see Episode 2), on-and-off together-but-not-dating (nothing wrong with that in itself, it's just how it's the opposite of Charlie & Vaggie), freewheeling, chaotic and co-dependent relationship (as Vees : Vox provides the medium of TV, Val provides the content), even if, for now, it appears to be somewhat functional, if unhealthy - they are less about fallouts and more dealing with the other's tantrums (Vox keeps Val in line, then does a 180 about Alastor as Val riles him up).
They're both same-sex couples but the first are a healthy couple because they mutually love each other and encourage the best qualities they have, always being there for the other, while the second are an unhealthy couple because they based it on power, and being together because they're mutually attracted to their worst qualities : they're a couple AS the worst people, while Charlie & Vaggie are two of the nicest people in Hell. Funnily enough, Val seems pretty open about Vox' past crush/unfading obsession on Alastor and Vox doesn't seem to mind Val's (horrible) obsession with Angel that much, while Vaggie easily gets jealous when another girl is (what she thinks) too affectionate with Charlie : see her reaction to Emily holding Charlie's hand in Ep 6.
Also, both Vox and Vaggie have to deal with an easily overwhelmed-by-their-feelings partner with a penchant for childishness and drama while being the (usually) more cool-headed and rational one (I mean, Charlie does her plans in crayons for hell's sake), but while Valentino is a psychopathic manchild with very little impulse control when angry, that needs to get his head screwed on straight and hurting people to come down from his tantrum, with Vox' babysitting (before he blows his top in the same way), Charlie has that side to her because she actively doesn't want to harm people, as well as being empathetic and a bit naive, along with her usual musical theatrics - it puts her at odds with the rest of Hell, who for the most part are raging jackasses indulging in their worst behaviors. But just like Valentino, if she focuses on what's urgent or important (and is willing to go that far), she can be quite dangerous and capable (Ep 8) - ironically, in a physical fight, while Val shows perfectly capable of using his mental capacities to manipulate and pressure both Angel and Charlie into making her leave (alongside the heavy beating on Angel, but he actually avoids the confrontation with the Princess of Hell - way more powerful than he is - that way).
Vox and Vaggie also have quite the temper underneath the rationality : Vaggie when loosing her nerve with the Hotel residents' idiocy, Vox when hearing the first wink about Alastor. Vaggie and Val may be the more readily violent (in completely different ways, because, I mean, Valentino) while Charlie and Vox the ones to plan things out (Hotel group activities and redemption VS getting Pentious to spy for the Vees), with material and budget back-up for each (Princess of Hell VS CEO), so there's kind of a square crossing between the two teams : they each share personality traits (in WIDELY different ways though) with the two others on the opposite side.
Valentino & Vox is also a foil for Angel & Husk (whether these latter two stay friends or become more remains to be seen, but as things are for now, I'm telling it how it currently is and will call them friends) : both Val and Husk are pansexual, but one follows the stereotype and jumps on anyone (Val), while the other doesn't wear his sexuality on his sleeve, is respectful with others' boundaries and has a clear, justified limit on his (see Ep 4). Valentino's horrible abuse of Angel becomes even more gut-wrenching when it shows (for now, and if the Instagrams are loosely canon by now) that he's perfectly capable of having a functional (if mutually manipulative and unhealthy) relationship with Vox - meaning he's chosing to hurt Angel and be a sadistic bastard.
Angel does a (very toned-down) certain version of sexual harrasment (constantly hitting on Husk, invading his personal space, H24 innuendos towards him, etc) just like Valentino, to try to get what he wants - but Husk sees it as the unhealthy mechanism it is to mask his pain, coping with the abuse, and calls him out on it. While Angel is naturally promiscuitous, he stops his tryharding, coke-myself-out-of-consciousness ways, and stands up to his rapist - all of that supported by Husk, while Vox doesn't lift a finger to stop Val until it Harms The Image, and even offers his lowest-earners so that his squeaky moth asshat of a boyfriend can shoot someone. Angel detaches himself from the Valentino-shaped shadow that looms over him, and Husk, an ex-Overlord dealing in souls and gambling, having them under his control, is the better version of Vox, who watches and controls everything he can.
Last but not least, Sera is a foil to Carmilla (and obviously, Lucifer, but I might do that one in another post). They're both mom-like figures (if not outright moms, like Carmilla is to her daughters) that are greatly motivated by protecting those under their charge (Winner souls and Emily VS Sinner souls and Odette, Clara, and even Zestial if that line in Whatever It Takes is to be taken at face value - though Carmilla means it at the very least as a close friend). Sera is willing to lie to her daughter (sister ?) figure Emily to keep her happy and out of the loop, regretting allowing the Exterminations to happen, and refusing to question the system for fear of retribution (like what happened to Lucifer), on her or her wards. When called out on her behavior and for help, she refuses to lend a hand and upholds the status quo, even if she's trying to be compassionate and doesn't agree with the sheer pettiness that motivates Adam and Lute.
Carmilla on her side outright broke the rules (on accident - she wasn't expecting for it to work), killing the unkillable in self-defense for her daughters. When asked about in Ep 3, she tries to deny it, both out of fear of a suicidal uprising, and just like Sera, retribution for her own family (plus the Sinner souls), yet after a little push from Zestial, she semi-confides in him (VS Sera who didn't brought Emily into the loop), and when Vaggie confronts her about it in Ep 7, she stealthily gives her what is needed to break the status quo : tactics on how to fight, and weapons. In fact, Carmilla's help from the shadows, while she didn't participate in the fight herself, proved to be instrumental in flipping the scales towards victory. She, a demon, was reluctant too, but she did help despite not knowing all the stakes, unlike Sera, an angel.
And this is what I love about that part of the show : it shows us a spectrum. People being people. To each more stereotyped character, there's a non-assuming counterpart. To each character with a specific trait on the bad side, there's one with the same trait on the good side. And that trait isn't their whole personality either.
Just that : people being people.
(Welp, that's the second post in a day, got enough socializing for the rest of the week. I'm gonna crawl back into my cave.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
💳💥💳💥💳💥 💳💥💳💥💳💥
In need of that camgirl au
The amount of asks I got for this is honestly hilarious
Alright, this is a "they don't join the military" Au
Rodolfo and Alejandro were best friends for most of their childhood
Both had feelings but neither seemed particularly willing to act on it, just yet
For college, both ended up separating because Alejandro's (wealthy) family wanted him to go to a specific college and Rodolfo ended up staying in a smaller college
Alejandro ended up inheriting the entirety of both of his parents' estates after they die in a plane accident
Rodolfo becomes a poor broke college student
Rodolfo ends up making friends with someone else online (Soap)
Soap is a "cam-boy" (I think that's the term) and Rodolfo thinks it's interesting
He's not too particularly sure he's willing to do it but he respects the money Soap makes from it and his friend seems happy
Soap ends up visiting him in Mexico during Rudy's third year, and while there, he talks a lot about his job and how it fully paid for college
Rodolfo kind of starts to be interested, hearing about the other friends Soap has made doing porn
Soap introduces him to the friend group he's made and so Rodolfo decides to try it
Soap enthusiastically helps him set up while he's in Mexico and even does his first stream with him
Rodolfo ends up having a lot of fun. He's exactly what a lot of the people frequenting the sites are looking for and Soap made sure he was in his comfort zone the entire time and Rodolfo makes hella money
Soap eventually goes back to Scotland, though they make plans to visit again, and Rodolfo keeps up with the hobby
Cue Alejandro
Alejandro sees one of the sites and he's really curious, so he goes on
Maybe he has a best friend who has an attachment to a camboy (Hi Ghost) so he wants to see what the hype is
First stream he clicks on ends up being one of Rodolfo's
He recognizes his childhood best friend, immediately
They haven't talked in almost 2 years, now, and now here he is, on Alejandro's laptop screen
Alejandro ends up being Rodolfo's biggest tipper that night
He feels guilty for it, it feels almost wrong, but.. fuck, he can't stop himself
From there it just spirals
He watches every single stream and he blows cash on them. He can afford it, no doubt, hell it's not even making a dent, but... it's a lot to Rodolfo
Obviously Rodolfo is excited because Soap has told him all about the regular he has who also blows cash
Soap is... not really that responsible, so he's just as excited as Rodolfo is
Rodolfo quickly starts to give Alejandro more attention and Alejandro, at first, freaks out about it
But then he wants more of the attention, so he settles into it
With advice from Ghost, he sets up an account to be completely anonymous and from there, he starts to talk to Rudy
Rodolfo isn't too forthcoming with information, but it's okay, Alejandro is just happy to talk to him
Look, I am a Simp!Alejandro truther
Rodolfo starts to really like this regular. He's not trying too hard to be mysterious and he's actually really funny and sweet
Yeah, he does seem to be on the more romantic side but Rodolfo can just keep reasserting that the regular is just a customer and things will be fine, right?
Oh god, feelings, they're the worst
Soap actually figures out Rodolfo is attached before he does and that's when Soap's very small responsibility breaks slam into place
He tries to convince Rudy maybe he should just focus on his other viewers for a bit and Rodolfo tries... for a bit
Alejandro is kind of hurt that Rodolfo seems to be distancing himself and he is desperate to get that back, ramping up his attention
Rodolfo gives in, immediately, and just stops talking to Soap about it
Alejandro starts to feel like he should tell Rodolfo who he is and so he asks to meet up
Rodolfo is like... I don't think that's a good idea, so he drops contact with Alejandro since he sees that as a red flag
Someone bad (generic antagonist character) finds out somehow
They threaten Rodolfo with releasing everything to his family and the college
Obviously, that's not good, so Rodolfo ends up deleting his entire streaming account
Soap understands and supports him, since it sucks really bad
Alejandro, on the other hand, freaks out because he feels like he's losing his best friend again (also he's in love with Rodolfo, but that's not important right now)
So, he gets over any hesitancy and goes back to Las Almas, where Rodolfo remained to go to college
He finds Rodolfo and he just confesses everything, he shows him the bank statements to prove it
He worries that Rodolfo is going to be angry, but Rodolfo just kind of stands and stares at him
He tries to apologize since he knows that was kind of creepy, but he was desperate
Rodolfo still has not answered, by the way
Alejandro starts to get worried Rodolfo is going to be angry
But then Rodolfo starts to laugh because Alejandro spent a fuck ton of money on him
"You could have just said hi! Asked me on a date or something!"
Alejandro laughs, too, because yeah it is kind of ridiculous
They kith
Alejandro jokingly calls himself Rodolfo's sugar daddy and Rodolfo just shrugs "you're not old enough for that"
He is so going to tell Soap about this, later
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