#This is just the rambling of someone procrastinating on studying for finals
ziggyandleo · 8 months
Speaking as a writer...
I have mixed feelings about Izzy's death. I think if it was narratively necessary, it could have been done better. But I don't think it was narratively necessary personally because there were better options to resolve the character arch. (Even with the 40% reduced budget). A "death" beat doesn't always have to be a physical death. I've seen several valid explanations for why Izzy's death made the most narrative sense, but I'm not really convinced by any of them.
That ALL said. I'm not the writer of OFMD. My opinion is basically "eh. I would have done it differently." I personally only kill characters off if I think the character's death would serve the story in the best way. I don't really kill off characters based on what that character means to one of the main characters unless a character's death is the only way to incite a character into action. It's still a valid writing choice. I just don't like it personally. And what I've mainly seen as justification for killing Izzy off is what he meant to Ed's story.
Again, I don't normally like that reasoning, but it's not bad reasoning. Some sort of "death" needed to happen that cut Izzy and Ed's arch off. Did it need to be actual character death? I don't think so. But also, this is said without knowing what s3 has planned. I may change my opinion after that.
Character death isn't necessarily bad. And it doesn't mean the writers wanted to get rid of the character. Different writers have different preferences.
The point of a story isn't to give the audience what they want. It's to make the audience care. Writers don't always care about what the audience wants. We care about what the characters want and how we are going to make it difficult to get that. We like making audiences happy, but at the end of the day, we just want to tell a story that keeps you occupied and enthralled. If you're feeling emotions towards the characters--happy, sad--GOOD. It means we did our job.
Not every character death is problematic, and I'm quite sick of the discourse calling every character death problematic. (This isn't to say that I don't think there's a problematic angle to Izzy's death, but if anything, I'm more worried about the "killing your disabled characters" trope more than "killing your gays." But I can see an argument for how it doesn't fit into that trope as well. I just haven't been entirely convinced it doesn't).
Writing sucks. I've written scenes where I cried over killing a character because while I loved them, I knew it was what was best for the story and the best way to make the audience care. (Granted, I'm too busy with law school now to really write and I'm procrastinating by writing this as we speak).
Writing is hard. It means making hard decisions and we don't think of everything from every angle (and trust me. We overthink quite a bit).
Part of writing often involves killing off characters. Writers need to think about the implications of killing off certain characters, of course. But sometimes we still need to kill off characters knowing the readers might be sad. That's not necessarily problematic. It's writing, and it sucks sometimes.
It is okay to be sad that a character you like dies. But that doesn't mean the writers screwed the character over. Character deaths can be problematic, and it's important to have discourse over it, but character deaths aren't inherently problematic. It's okay to be sad and disappointed. But ffs don't be mean to people for disagreeing with you on something like if a character should have died or not.
It's just a story at the end of the day. And stories mean a lot to people, and that's good. But it's just a story. The characters feel real to us and touch our hearts, but they aren't so real we can touch their shoulders. We can't respect fictional characters more than the real people we are talking to on the internet or in person. It's a line that needs to be drawn.
They had a 40% budget cut and had to make do. I like Izzy and Con. I was sad at the end of s2. I don't agree with the decision as a writer, but I respect the decision as a writer. It's important to critique. It's important to question things. It's also important to listen to others and respect where they are coming from (with some exceptions).
Tl;dr. It's okay to be sad a character died. It's okay to disagree with a character being killed off and talk about the problems with it. But be nice to writers and other people.
If you're going to be mean to someone for disagreeing with you, at least be mean to someone who is disagreeing with you about something like whether all humans should have rights.
Something. Something. I have to get back to studying for torts. Please don't be mean to me.
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lowcallyfruity · 2 months
Sebepel headcanons 💞
😈 finally posting them after like 5000 months of procrastinating ☝️☝️ ummm they are long because well, I love them.
(about 1k words 😨😨😨)
Headcanons are like in chronological order I guess, from before they were dating to during dating basically 👍
I also changed my writing style/point of view (?) near the end, idk just wanted to give a heads up
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Sebek being confused why he thinks of Epel so much. He’s just a human after all. I mean he is really cool and talented but still!! He’s a human. It’s strange to him.
Sebek treasures the squirrel plushie he got from Epels hometown
Sebek occasionally thinking about Epels hometown and wanting go there again.
Sebek getting frustrated and eventually decides to hang out with Epel more.
Sebek calls Epel by his name often instead of human. He calls him human sometimes but not as much as the others. People start noticing this and go “huh. Strange”
Sebek being nice to Epel and Epel being like “huh.”
Sebek hanging out with Epel often and giving him gifts and Epel being confused. Epel being like “this is….weird? I can’t believe SEBEK is doing this? Especially knowing what people say about him??”
Epel getting used to Sebek after a while and gladly accepting his gifts hanging out with him.
Epel eventually thinking its cute and endearing.
Sebek thinking Epel is really cool and strong and thinking he’s a very capable human. So much that he invites Epel to workout/train with him and occasionally to Diasomnia training sessions.
Epel really appreciating what Sebek does for him. Epel getting happy that Sebek invites him to train with him.
Sebek and Epel hanging out/training/studying in Sebeks room.
Epel visiting Diasomnia so much that he knows it’s layout and where stuff is.
Epel getting close Sebek and the Diasomnia gang.
Epel inviting Sebek to the Pomfeiore dorm and Sebek being nervous internally
Sebek becoming more nervous and self conscious about his actions and behaviors.
He doesn’t want to lose his beloved friend.
He doesn’t want him to this he’s annoying.
Sebek eventually getting over his hatred for humans and loving Epel to the fullest extent.
Epel being one of the reasons Sebeks hatred for humans starts chipping away.
Sebek loosening up with Epel and being much softer with him. He feels he can be more vulnerable with Epel.
Same with Epel, he feels like he can really be himself with Sebek.
Epel teasing Sebek a lot and vice versa.
Them sitting in silence doing their own thing <333 (huehuehuehuehue parallel play….)
Sebek hugging Epel tightly, baisically squishing him/crushing his bones
Epel getting used to Sebeks hugs and hugging him back the same
Sebek is so pathetic and such a loser. He tries to impress Epel but he struggles.
Lilia catching onto Sebeks crush on Epel and teasing him about it.
Sebek swears it’s not a crush.
Sebek talking about Malleus to Epel and Epel just listening quietly. :]
Sebek slowly talking about Epel more and more. The students can’t believe it! Sebek talking about someone other than Malleus or Lilia?! That’s insane
Sebek sends letters to Epel… because Lilia says that’s the old fashioned way to court someone! And it definitely works! So he should try it
The letters are a bit awkward and silly at first but Epel doesn’t mind…eventually they get really sweet,, and Epel thinks it’s cute but he’s still confused why he’s sending letters instead of texting, they have each others number after all.
Sebek starts texting Epel a lot, telling him all about malleus, things he did that day, and showing him things that remind him of Epel.
I like to think Sebek is a bit uncomfortable talking on the phone but Epel helps him get used to it.
Sebek learns how to play guitar for Epel. Lilia said it would be so cute to play him a Song
It’s night time when Sebek confesses, They’re sitting outside of Pomefiore just sitting there and laughing. It starts with “I think I love you” and from there Sebek starts rambling about how much he appreciates Epel. And the whole time Epel is just looking at him like “wow.”
Sebek talking about his lovely boyfriend who is the coolest guy to ever exist!!! (He might even surpass Malleus. Sebek is very conflicted) boasting about how amazing and strong he is for a human!!! How he’s very talented and skillfull.
Epel taking Sebek to his hometown to visit. Sebek being happy he can go back. He loves Epel’s hometown
Sebek going to Epel’s hometown often that he has now seen it in all of its seasons.
Epel speaking less formally with Sebek and occasionally going full blown with his Dialect.
Sebek wanting to learn more of Epel’s dialect and culture
Epel gladly teaching him
Sebek loves Epel’s accent so much.
Sebek genuinely being so happy and proud to have Epel as his boyfriend.
Sebek holding Epel’s hand tight because he loves him dearly.
When they held hands for the first time Sebek was so nervous he didn’t know what to do. (Internally he was screaming crying throwing up)
Epel wanting to take Sebek on rides on his motorbike
Sebek would definitely accept if Epel asked but he would be so nervous to do it
Epel wanting to do more stuff to show Sebek how much he means to him because Sebek does so much for him.
Epel asking Vil and and Rook for advice on gifts.
Vil not fully understanding why Epel is dating Sebek, but supports it anyway.
Sebek is just happy that Epel is his boyfriend and hangs out him.
Sebek introducing Epel to his family and Epel just being like “wow.” (/pos)
Sebek picks up Epel just so he can kiss him better.
Though sometimes, Epel will pull Sebek down to kiss him.
Sebek only kisses Epel on his cheek or hands because he’s too embarrassed to do it on the mouth.
Epel being awkward and rarely kissing Sebek, and if he does it’s on the cheek. Sebek is okay with it and wants to make sure Epel is comfortable
Sebek kissing Epel often. Sometimes in public. Epel starts finding it cute.
Epel getting more used to being affectionate and doing the same with Sebek!!!
Idk man they just love wholesome kisses and holding each other 😭😭😭😭
They probably had their first kiss on the lips in their junior or senior year. They were too embarrassed to try it before.
Sebek happy stims SO MUCH when he’s with Epel.
Epel loves it SO much because he’s just so glad Sebek feel comfortable enough around him…..
Epel giving Sebek apple carvings is a tradition.
Sebek started to put preserving spells on the apples so they wouldn’t rot
Epel is Sebeks number one supporter frfr 🙏🙏🙏
Epel made Sebek want to do handcrafted things again…. They started doing woodworking together
Epel compliments Sebek a lot and it makes Sebek feel like the specialest guy in the world. He loves it so much. But they also leave him a mess
Epel goes to Sebek for compliments because he thinks they’re cute, and he feels very validated around Sebek
Epel and Sebek are the biggest hypemen for eachother. “If you guys don’t cheer for my boyfriend I’m going to blow this place up” type shit
Sebek gives Epel his jacket often because Epel loves wearing big jackets. He also likes how he looks :3
Sebek will go to Epel’s games and sometimes even practices and cheer for him like crazy. Probably the loudest guy there. (Leona finds it annoying, but whatever)
But a lot of times he will stand and stare in awe of Epel’s skill. He’s so talented.
When Epel is done with a game or practice most of the time Sebek runs up to hug him or grabs him by the shoulders and tells him how amazing he was!!!
Epel will also go and see Sebek in the equestrian club!!! He thinks Sebek looks really cute (and stupid) and is just so endeared by him
Sebek walks Epel to class as often as he can,,, he thinks it’s sooo cool of him
When Epel saw Sebek with his hair down, he freaked out. He looked SO handsome. He couldn’t function for like a week, he would just keep thinking of Sebek.
Sebek was SO embarrassed, he couldn’t believe his boyfriend saw him like that. Epel assured him it was fine.
Epel wants Sebek to keep his hair down more often,,,, Sebek says that maybe one day he’ll do it more.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Exhale (Jaehyun x reader)
Hello, I am finally able to write something
tw: panic, short of breath, stress and slight desperation
pairing : jaehyun
Your smile behind the mask doesn’t reach your eyes. A long day to start the week. You realize how unmotivated you are despite knowing that you need to finish a lot of tasks. No, it’s not that you are procrastinating, it’s just that there’s so many things going on happening at the same time and your body screams that you need a break. The ring of the phone on the desk makes you stand up and walk over to take it. “Good afternoon, Kim Corp, this is (y/n) how can I help you?” your voice sounds cheery like how the procedure of training taught you. Your hand automatically takes down notes to be passed down to the higher ups and after answering the best you could, you close the phone and let out a big exhale.
That is tiring, you force another smile despite having very tired looking eyes. Your face looks like someone with a blank mind, but actually your head keeps repairing stuff you need to finish by tonight in order to still see the sunrise tomorrow.
Thirty more minutes, you whisper to yourself. Your eyes looking empty to the laptop screen, waiting for any new project from your manager.
“You good?” a fellow worker, Johnny, asks you and you just nod “Yes, just there’s many things to finish tonight.”
He smiles and pats your back “Take it slow, one by one. You got this.”
You grin “Thank you.”
“You want to join us tonight? We’ll have some beers.” Johnny stretches his long arms and leans back on the chair.
You glance to the notification from your boyfriend waiting for you at home and shake your head “In my sober state I already cannot juggle my school works, and you expect me to be drunk?”
Johnny giggles “Maybe you need to be drunk or high and you can read all those stories you have to read.”
You sigh “I wish it works that way, but no. Two readings to be done tonight or tomorrow I’m failing the pop quiz.”
Time runs quick when Mark comes out to greet both of you and suddenly you’re already in your overcoat, walking through the busy street. Your ears plugged in and you just put a random playlist on repeat. Your boyfriend tells you he makes it home first and already cooks dinner. You’re thankful for that, at least one more thing is out of your way.
The sway of your legs finally bring you home, ten minutes later than usual. Maybe it’s because of the melancholic playlist that makes you walk slower, or it’s just your energy draining.
The rattle of your keys makes your boyfriend jump from his seat and runs to open the door for you.He beats you in inserting the key, he almost screams “welcome home baby!” but seeing your long face, he directly frowns and pulls you into a tight hug.
“What's the matter with peaches?” your boyfriend, Jaehyun, rubs your cheek and you just dissolve into his warm arms.
“I’m just tired and overwhelmed, there’s a lot to do tonight.” you push yourself inside the room and Jaehyun manages to still keep you in his arms. Both of you walk together trotting to the sofa and he makes you sit down by clearing the stack of pillows down to the floor.
“Did something bad happen?” His voice is soft like a whisper but the distance between you makes it noticeable.
You shake your head and just take off your mask, taking a long deep breath and when Jaehyun opens his arms, you do not need a second word to make you dive into him. His fresh smell of soap and your cotton scented softener makes you feel calmer.
“Shh calm down baby, I know there’s a lot to do, but let’s do it slowly one by one. Little by little, I am here okay. I will wake up until you are finished and we can go to bed together.”
You ramble on how many readings you have to do, how many lectures to take note about but Jehyun just offers you a soft smile and pulls you closer into his embrace. He plants a soft kiss on your forehead and rubs your hair “(y/n), I told you I am here. I will help you read them, and I will help you study. Now, let’s shower and eat dinner then we can slowly start with your assignments.”
You just nod your head in defeat, but the assurance Jaehyun gives was enough to make your heart beat slower. It was thumping like a man running a marathon earlier, but now with Jaehyun just holding you tight and rubbing circles on your arm, you feel better. Your lungs can expand to its maximum capacity and your chest doesn't hurt anymore.
“Thank you Jaehyun,” you look up to your man from your blurry eyes. He kisses you quick and pulls you closer “I know you got this princess, just don’t freak out and know that I am here for you.” He once again gives you a sympathetical look and buries you into his chest.
“You can cry on my shoulder tonight, if you feel like it.” He knows you hate crying in the middle of the day. You believe that things must be sorted out first and when you have no other responsibilities can you finally cry.
This is what Jaehyun has been trying to fix. He wants you to know crying is legal and your feelings are important. He has to slowly let you get used to crying is okay, but that takes lots of patience and effort. And Jaehyun? This young gentleman has no plan on leaving you.
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 2 years
Rambling thoughts/analyses on each of the stills bc I’m procrastinating:
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1. This is episode 4, so we might already be at Aubrey hall at this point (or maybe not I don’t think Violet would decorate with pinks???) He looks kind of angry and very horny so maybe this dance is right before or after a first kiss? Definitely not the first time they’ve danced though, just from body language. Also she doesnt have a dance card again! What does it all meannnn?  Anyway I’m obsessed with the hands. Obsessed with his thumbs and her hair and how close his chest is to her back. The other hand looks like its hooking into her dress almost. Literally don’t know how just a picture can have that much tension. This picture is getting tattooed on my heart along with being pasted up on all my apartment walls.
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2. Great possibilities with this one, especially since its episode 2. I assume theyre probably talking about Anthony’s courtship but I love the idea of this being connected to the Deadmund flashbacks. Maybe he taught each of them to fence? Maybe they’ll teach gregory and get emo that Deadmund couldn’t teach him? This shot really captures fun and nostalgia but maybe its just anthony huffing about miss sharma and taking it out on colin. 
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3. This one is...interesting? Like the wigs and outfits but I am interested in the location. Is this Eloise’s room? Pen has a reticule and she wouldnt have that in her own home right? It gives bluestocking or professor-y vibes, and it looks like they’re talking about something important. I know there’s a LW plotline, but maybe this is about Eloise’s subplot! In the books she refuses marriage three times her first season so they could be discussing that, or maybe it’s about Eloise’s involvement in a social movement. From what we have seen about extras and new characters it seems like a possibility. There are literally so many things it could be I’ll just stop rambling.
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4. From the first episode! My guess is they are discussing “rakes” at the beginning of the episode, have guests, or are talking with Mary. Maybe discussing attending the Danbury ball. Kate seems casual but Edwina is very attentive and upright. Also NEWTON IS JUST FUCKING HUGE JESUS CHRIST. No doubts he could knock someone into a body of water with all that weight on him. Other thoughts: Kate’s wig looks weird but fucking whatever I don’t care. Charitha looks gorgeous and so Edwina. Kate has a lot of that dark teal color in her wardrobe and is giving much older vibes. 
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5. From episode three! CVD said something on twitter that made it seem like this was the Aubrey Hall study. Interested by their facial expressions. Daphne’s concerned and he looks weirdly chipper. Probably talking about matchmaking or Kate. Maybe she’s upset he doesn’t want a love match and is telling everyone, or saying  that Edwina and him won’t suit. Hopefully Daphne won’t find out about the premarital kiss. regardless she must be most heavily involved in the courtship, more than colin or benedict or even violet.
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6. Episode...er I forget. This will be vague but I wonder what they’ll do with the queen this season? Obviously she’s still concerned with LW and maybe even the activism subplot that will be prevalent. Hopefully more with her and the king, bc she wont be invested in the romance like she was with Daphne and Simon. Whatever it is they’ll have to keep her on screen bc they have a whole show to promote about her soon!
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7. Episode 1! I would think they’re lookin bejeweled for the debut in front of the queen? If not then for a ball, but that would mean they got their hands on some money. Either from the Featherington heir or maybe Pen used some whistledown $$$ like she did in the books. Anyway they lookin fly makes me wonder why Pen is still in her old yellow clothes in the still with Eloise. In other news if Mr finch and Phillipa dont get more screen time I’ll commit some netflix HQ arson. 
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8. Final pic is from ep 4! (Same as the dancing one hmm). They’d probably be at Aubrey Hall for shooting at least, and it’s interesting that Jack is there but not Colin! Love that we’ll get Kate/Ben content and Kate’s jaunty Danbury-like cap is immaculate. She’s wearing that teal-ish color again, going along with Anthony’s dark blues. It seems like the show is going hard on them being competitive what with Pall Mall, horse racing/riding, and now shooting. We know Anthony is kinda bad at shooting and I’m sure this will just be anther silly opportunity for Kate to show him up but I’m not like, that mad at it. I don’t think she’d actually be comfortable killing a real animal though. Maybe they’ll be clay. Anyway, I love the Kate is a jock content bc we know she doesnt like to read lol. It kind of makes more sense than Eloise being randomly great with guns.
All in all I’m so excited looking at these stills! I think at least some of my predictions will end up being right, and whether some of the topics, subplots, romances, whatever are tackled well or poorly remains to be seen until it’s in front of our faces. In the meantime it feels good to be excited and be overly analytical as I often like to be!
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andromedasstarship · 3 years
are you free tomorrow?
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pairing - spencer reid x gn!reader
warnings - nothing! just a sweet & cliche ‘first meeting’ story  :)
summary - midterms are coming up and all the good cafes on campus are filled, maybe the sweet looking curly haired guy in the back will share his table with you?
a/n - for my valentines day oneshot series! 'every table is full, but i really need to study, is there any way we could share?'
Stressed, was a simple way to explain the current state you were in. The semester had snuck up on you, moving faster than you had ever expected. As the fifth week was coming to a close, you were getting dangerously close to the storm of midterms you had waiting for you in the sixth week. And you desperately needed to study. The only thing stopping you- surprisingly not your own procrastination-, was that it seemed as if the rest of campus was also in the same predicament as you. 
This was the third cafe on campus that you had entered that was absolutely filled. 
Your eyes scanned around the room, hoping to catch someone in the middle of packing their things. Nope. You considered circling back through the other two cafes you’d just been in or maybe even just going off campus. Except you couldn’t justify wasting more time by circling the same few cafes over and over, nor could your college student budget justify paying for coffee when you could just use your allotted campus cash. 
Just as you were about to give up and leave- begrudgingly deciding that studying in your room would have to be good enough-, you spotted a man sitting alone towards the back of the cafe. He sat at a large table with plenty of space; even though he had one of the largest stacks of papers you’d ever seen one individual possess. 
You weighed your options, internally debating if it’d be worth potentially hurting your pride by asking him to share the table and getting rejected. Seeing as the other option was definitely hurting your pride by hovering the same cafes like a hungry park bird, you tightened your grip on your tote bag and started walking towards him.  
Whatever he was reading must’ve been exciting, as his focus didn’t stray even for a moment nor did he notice you at all until you were right up against the chair across from him. You awkwardly cleared your throat to catch his attention, giving him a tiny wave when he looked up at you. 
“I’m really sorry to bother you, just every table is full and I really need to study and I know it’s not the best, but could I share this table with you?” You asked anxiously, holding your breath as you waited for his answer. 
As he opened his mouth to respond, you quickly added. “I swear it’ll be like I’m not even here!”  
He gave you a ‘please calm down’ look and you felt some of the weight dissolve from your shoulders as he nodded his head. “Take a seat, no worry at all.” He told you, adding a kind smile as he looked back down at his stack of papers and pulled them closer; giving you more room at the table. 
You let your bag fall off your shoulder and hit the ground with a thunk, relieved to no longer be carrying the physical weight around. You clasped the top of the chair in front of you, leaning towards him just so. “Thank you,” you said, giving your best gracious smile, “let me get you a coffee or something?” 
He looked almost shocked- or was he flustered? you weren’t sure-, quickly shaking his head in response. “No! You don’t need to do that at all.” He assured you, but you weren’t so quick to back down. 
“It’s the least I can do, please?” You pressed, giving him a very exaggerated pleaaaase look, “with all those papers you must need some serious caffeine.” 
You thought he was going to continue this little back-and-forth with you, but you watched as his body relaxed ever so slightly, signs of what you hoped was him conceding. “Just a black coffee.” 
"Just black?" You countered, raising your eyebrow, leaving it unsaid that he was just choosing the cheapest drink they had.
"Room for cream? I'll fix it up myself." He replied.
From the line, you had your first opportunity to really give this guy a look. The papers in front of him had sucked him back in as soon as you stepped away from the table; meaning you weren’t too worried about him catching you in your little…, creeping moment. The student population was large, but it was still small enough that you found yourself repeatedly seeing the same strangers. Yet, you’d never seen this man before. And you were sure you would’ve remembered this man, had you seen him before. What? He was undeniably attractive. There was something about the way his hair just perfectly curled around his face that made you just want to reach out and ruff- that’s weird. Even his little sweater-tie-button up outfit was doing it for you. Maybe today won’t be so bad. 
The line moved quickly and you found yourself carrying the two drinks back over to the table in under five minutes. You set his cup by him, taking care to put it away from the massive stack of papers. You set your cup down next, sliding in the chair diagonal from him. 
“You know,” you started, hefting your bag up into the chair next to you, “I never got your name?”
“Thank you,” he quickly got out, holding up his coffee as he did so. “I’m Spencer, uh…, Spencer Reid.” He told you, a faint red creeping up from under his collar. 
You gave him your name in return, a bit distracted as you pulled more of your things from your bag. From the corner of your eye, you saw him hold his coffee up again, nodding his head towards the cream and sugar station before walking off to fix his drink up properly. 
In his absence, you pulled out the rest of your books, debating which subject you should tackle first. You were glad you were finally towards the end of your college career, meaning the majority of your classes were specific to your interests rather than a four hundred student gen-ed; not that it made you any more excited to study for this exam. 
When Spencer came back he set his coffee down with a slightly shaky hand. “Did you know coffee is actually classified as a fruit?” He asked, as he slid back into his seat against the wall. 
“I didn’t know that.” You replied, shaking your head. 
“The coffee bean itself grows on a bush and they’re actually the pit of a berry, which is what makes them a fruit. They come in two main varieties, green and red.” He rambled, as if reciting from some magic book stored in his brain. As soon as he was done he clamped his mouth shut, remembering how most people reacted to his ramblings. 
You raised an eyebrow at him, but your face didn’t show any signs of annoyance. “Big coffee fan Spencer?” 
“Big fan of facts.” He corrected, giving you a sheepish smile.
“Oh yeah? Well you seem pretty smart then, which class should I study for first?” You asked, holding up two of your textbooks.
He looked at both books curiously, trying to take a guess at what your major might’ve been. He pointed at the one in your left hand. God’s, Monsters and Mortals. 
“Are you an…, English major?” He guessed, wondering if the book was some supplement for a unit on the Iliad. Not to mention the other book you held up was quite literally called ‘Literature Through The Ages’. 
You shook your head, putting the book he chose down on the table while you returned the other one to your bag. “Close! Classics,” you said, giving him a sheepish grin, “I know, it’s a bit niche, kinda ridiculous, but there’s something about how we immortalized memories of ancient times through literature that are just fascinating. There’s something about the lessons of the past that I think a lot of people are ignoring today, ya know?” You replied, quickly closing your mouth before you’d go on some incredibly long tangent about your interests and studies. Didn’t you say it’d be like you weren’t even here?  
“No, no!” He hurriedly said, shaking his head. “Understanding the lessons and patterns of the past and how they’ve morphed humanity today? That’s cool!” He assured you. 
“Well what about you, Spencer Reid? What’s your major, you must have some horrible professors, if that stack of papers is the norm.” You joked, liking the way the corner of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. 
“I’m uh…, a professor here.” He responded, his face cringing ever so slightly as he watched your mouth drop open simultaneously as your eyes nearly fell out of your head. 
“You’re a…, professor?” You repeated, extremely confused as to how someone who looked only a few years older than you was somehow employed to such a degree. 
“Just a visiting one!” He clarified, clearing his throat. “I’m on a sort of, uh, sabbatical from work.” 
“Isn’t a sabbatical when someone gets away from academia?” You countered, smiling to show you meant no actual aggression. 
“Big fan of facts, remember?” He repeated plainly, but you caught the joke in it and you smiled wider at that. 
“No offense Professor, but you look a bit young to ya know, be one.” You said, hoping he’d give his age in response. 
“I’m 29.” Ah, only four years older than you. 
“29 and already a professor at a university like this? What, do you have like 20 Phds. or something?” You asked jokingly, laughing a bit as you said so. 
“Three actually.” He replied, a mix of shyness and pride across his face.
Your mouth dropped back open again, trying to wrap your mind around the man in front of you. “What are you? A genius then?” 
“By some standards, yes.”  
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence after that. Him paying special attention to each paper he graded- you wished all your professors cared about student work the way he seemed to-, while you were busy deciding which parts of the taught units were the most important. 
After what you imagined was nothing short of four hours you felt your head begin to throb and your eyes were starting to go fuzzy. In that time, the two of you had downed at least five coffees each, going back and forth over who paid for them. You had managed to create an individual study guide for nearly all your upcoming exams and a quick glance told you that Spencer still had a few papers left. Unbeknownst to you he could have finished those papers hours ago, even with the in depth comments he entered into the computer for each one; there was just something about you that drew him in.  
He wasn’t sure whether it was the funny unfiltered comments you’d make sporadically while you worked or the way you actually seemed to be interested in every little tangent he had gone on whenever one of his students brought up a particularly good or amusing point in their papers’. His therapist had recently recommended that he engage in conversations with those not already well acquainted with him and it seemed like the world had lined up perfectly to put you in front of him so soon after. 
You loudly slammed your textbook shut with a groan and let your head fall against the table. “Why does academia have to be so boring?” You asked rhetorically, bringing one hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Is it some requirement to get published? Your work needs to put college kids to sleep?”  
“The works that you’re reading are quite literally ancient, in their defense. The term ‘academia’ itself comes from the school of thought taught by Plato himself in ancient Athens.” Spencer explained, putting down the paper he had been grading. 
“And now, all these years later I have to suffer because Plato was such a bore.” You sighed dramatically, rolling your eyes. 
“You said you were studying the downfall of Icarus weren’t you?” He asked, once again unbeknownst to you, he remembered everything you had said today. “It’s one of my favorites of ancient Greek mythology. The power of the mind of man, yet how quickly that very power could be taken away if man oversteps. Really makes us wonder if we’ve overstepped as humans yet, if we use Icarus’s fall, quite literally from grace, as a lens for other devastations we’ve seen across history then-” 
“Spencer, are you free tomorrow?” You asked, effectively cutting him off. 
He looked a bit like a fish, the way you had stopped him mid sentence and his mouth hadn’t yet closed. His eyebrows turned up, head tilting with them. “Tomorrow? The 14th?” 
“Yeah, are you free tomorrow?” You repeated, holding back your nerves. 
“Oh.” He said, eyes going wide as you assumed he finally connected the dots, “Oh!” 
You were about to speak again, retract your question completely before he could reject you, suddenly wondering why you decided to go out on whim like that at all. But he beat you to it. 
“Yes, yes I am.” 
happy valentines day (almost) i love yall!!
tagging a few people who asked + a few mutuals i think might like this (no pressure!!) - @hqtchner @ssahoodrathotchner @kylorendrip @feverdreamreid @homoose 
permanent taglist - @sunflowersandotherthings
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Never Stop Loving You - Draco Malfoy x muggleborn!reader
A/N:  I wrote this out of boredome because ummmm we love procrastinating and I was too tired to read for psychology but not too tired to write this haha I clearly have amazing priorities(I promise I’m a good student though, so do you studies guys).  Anywho, I totally didn’t google what Draco Malfoy would smell like because I suddenly had the curiosity while writing this.  So, besides my rambling enjoy!!
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You were staring at silver tresses of Draco Malfoy, your boyfriend.  He was chatting with his friends, well more like they were chatting and he was half listening.  He had been avoiding you for the past week, cancelling dates, making excuses to get out of conversations with you, and so on.  Your heart was sinking as you continued to watch him, Was he getting ready to break up with you?  
You questioned to yourself, as you heard Harry comment, “If you keep staring at him like that you might seriously drill a hole into his head.”  They laughed as Ron stated, “Well, I’d rather him gone than sitting here all the time.”  Hermione nudged him roughly, almost pushing him off his chair as she patted your shoulder, “Why don’t you go talk to him?”  “Well, I’ve tried, but it’s kind of hard to have a conversation with someone when they do a 180 every time they see you.”  you snapped, before sighing loudly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”  She cut you off smiling softly, “It’s alright I know you’re worried and stressed to say the least.”  You nodded, signalling the end of that conversation as you changed the topic, “So, did anyone actually pay attention to the herbology lesson because I forgot to take notes.”  Ron and Harry chimed in, “Yeah, us too.”  Collective looking at Hermione, she sighed heavily as she pulled out her notes, “This is seriously the last time, I’m talking to you two, Harry and Ron...you can’t always expect me to have everything.”  Soft whines came from them as they took the notes, “Oh, seriously, what on earth would we do without you.” you said, hugging her side.  She smiled, snatching the notes from the boys, “She gets it first because she asked nicely and she does her work on time.”  They whined even louder as you stuck your tongue out at them, waving the notes in their faces before standing up, “I’m gonna go early then so I can study these...then I’ll hand them over to dumb and dumber over there.”  Ron and Harry made faces at you as you walked to the doors, Hermione chuckling softly at your comment as she waved.  
Lost in your thoughts you studied the notes as you walked down the hallways before noticing a silver headed boy walking quickly down.  You questioned to yourself, “When did he get here?” before following him, deciding that you were going to finally confront him.  He walked into a bathroom, the one that no one usually used.  Quickening your footsteps you listened outside the door, hearing quiet sniffles, as you walked in seeing him crying. 
 “Draco?” you called out softly, heart aching at the sight of him crying.  His head turned swiftly as his body stiffened, questioning, “What are you doing here?”  You stepped closer, “Well, I-I...Nevermind that, are you okay?”  
You reached over to him, to comfort him, as he pulled away as if your touch would burn him, he stared at the ground morosely, as if he was reprimanded for taking one too many cookies from the cookie jar.  He seemed to be shrinking into himself, the proud, confident boy you knew gone.  
You stepped closer but keeping your hands away you pressed, “Are you okay, Draco?”  His eyes stayed connected to the floor as if he was admiring the flooring of the bathroom, “You’ll hate me.” he whispered, so quietly you wouldn’t have heard it if you weren’t standing so close.  Stepping even closer, almost feeling the air between the two of you answered, “Darling, what’d you do?”  
He seemed to shrink even further if that was possible as he pulled his sleeve up, revealing the dark mark of he-who-shall-not-be-named.  You flinched at the mark, suppressing a gasp as you reached over to him, sitting on the floor as if waiting for you to start screaming at him.  You knew why he thought you’d hate him, you were muggleborn after all, you knew how he used to treat muggleborns in first year, especially Hermione, but even that stopped once you two started dating.  
You knelt next to him on the floor, slowly reaching over as if not to scare him, you pulled his head into your lap and smoothed his hair down.  Cradling him you shushed his cries as he whispered softly, trying to suppress his tears, “I had to...They were going to hurt my family and...and they were going to hurt you.”  Tears started flowing down his porcelain skin, as you swallow trying to calm your breathing, you needed to comfort him not cry too.  
Breathing out slowly, you ran your finger down his jaw, caressing his chin to make him look up at you, “I still love you, Draco.  This-This...mark it doesn’t make you mean any less to me...It doesn’t make the moments we’ve spent together less important.  I know you’ve changed and I know you did what you had to...I’d never stop loving you for that.”  You pulled him up gently, sitting next to you as you pulled him into a hug, whispering “I love you”s into his ear as his trembling hands reached up to hold you, hands gripping your shirt so tight as if you’d disappear if he let go.  His knuckles were turning white as he was trying to calm his breathing, “I would do the same for you Draco, in a heartbeat...I just wish...that I could take your pain away, I love you always, Draco Malfoy.”  He sniffled softly as you held him in your arms, pressing a kiss to his cheek, smelling the soft scent of his cologne mixed with the soft scent of vanilla and lavender from his shampoo.  He smiled softly, listening to your heart beating as he replied, “I love you too, y/n. Always and forever.”  Tears clouded your eyes softly as you agreed, “Forever and always.” before leaning over to press your lips against his, softly smiling as his hands trailed it’s way to your hair.  
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sillyroyalty · 3 years
Here I am ! Finally I have risen from my bottomless pit of procrastination. As expected I am here to grace you with a new Haru fic because I refuse to let this tag die
I’m begging you please I need more people to write more fics of him I can’t be pulling this entire tag by myself help (lol)
I hope you guys like this one, please let me know in the comments. Feedback would be great 💓
“HE DID WHAT ?!” your voice shrieked through to the other end of the phone line causing Suzae to hold out the phone a little away from her ear.
“It seems to be fine though” Suzae reasoned “ an ambulance has already came to his aid, the injury is not fatal-" she spoke trying to reassure you only to be met with more panicked sobs and incoherent crying on the other end of the call. You were well aware of Haru’s whereabouts and decided to trust Daisuke, Suzae and Haru with the case they were pursuing. Haru had filled you in earlier letting you know the overall jist of the situation. As dangerous as it sounded and left you in shock he pleaded you to understand and let him carry on with his work.
“I know it’s a lot to take in at once but trust me, it’s going to be fine you’ll see,” he assured you handing you his dirty jacket that was drenched from falling into the ocean.
“Please go home immediately after work, no driving around the city looking for me !” He ordered, brushing away the stray hairs that that fallen on your face from your ponytail, he kissed your forehead and hurried off to a car. “ Bye ! I’ll see you soon” he waved and gave a small smile. You watched as the car sped off with a flurry of emotions running through you, most of which was worry and fear accompanied by the stupid upbeat positivity Haru gave you before he left. You gripped the wet jacket in you hands and decided to cling onto that blind hope and positivity.
Cut back to where you were now, on the phone frantically running out of your office to your car.
Shot. He got shot ! Your mind went into a state of panic unable to comprehend Suzae’s rambling on the other end of the car.
“W-where is he ? Can I come see him ?” You choked out swallowing hard, navigating out of the car park into the road, “P-Please?”
“Of course you can see him” Suzae replied ,“I believe you are already aware of our location, he’s at the closest hospital right now”
Haru awoke feeling heavy and tired. Looking around once he regained his bearings, he was hooked to some medical equipment. He blinked as his eyes tried to adjust to the hospital’s bright lights, letting out a groan as he registered the pain from the gunshot on his leg. Laying there staring into space he thought back at everything that reached at its conclusion. Lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice someone being paged into his hospital room until a he was met with a short figure collapse into his chest crying.
Sitting up slightly in bewilderment he realized it was you. Your eyes glassy with tears pouring down your red cheeks. You looked absolutely shaken and were a total mess. He couldn’t help but feel a pang if sympathy for you in this situation. He braced himself to hear you yelling, fussing over and scolding him for getting injured but instead to his surprise none of that came. Instead you regained your posture and sat the edge of the hospital bed. After trying wipe the unending tears streaming down your face, your smaller hand trembled and held his own. Instead you brought it up and kissed it softly, muttering a constant stream of thanking the heavens for him being alive.
Patting your head to soothe your crying he took a look around the room. The hospital room assigned to him was pretty big and private probably booked by the Kambe family. You guys seemed to be alone in this white, sterile, slightly eerie place, no sign staff in sight excluding the small call button.
You caught Haru’s gaze as it drifted across the room, immediately starting to fuss over him.
“Oh my gosh Haru ! Are you okay ? What’s the matter ? Should I call the doctor “ you erupted in a questioning frenzy looking around for any potential problem you could make sense of.
Haru was quick to shake his head and smile grabbing your hands in his,
“No no...I’m fine don’t worry...,” he reassured you. He was relieved that a predicted rage rant from you about his recklessness was showing no signs of taking place for now.
Taking in a deep breath shakingly, you pulled a chair out to sit at the beside after convincing Haru to lie back down to get more rest. You sat there running your fingers through his hair as he tried to recount to you on all that had happened. You stayed fully engaged till the end of the story. After telling you about how he dealt with the butler and then staggered to get help before passing out, he cautiously turned his head to meet and study your gaze. You stared down at your feet processing the entire story before confessing to Haru.
“Wow....I mean... I never knew Daisuke’s family would be in such a complex situation...”
“Well maybe it’s expected of crazy rich families like that” Haru contemplated, “it probably turned out just fine though, I mean I’m here now so-“ Haru broke off mentally cursing himself for bringing up the event of him getting injured. He watched as your mind traced back and recalled the reason you both were sitting in the hospital now, your face turning pale as you thought of the worst case scenario that could have happened.
He watched helplessly as your hands flew up to your face to try to wipe away the tears that once again resurfaced. He sat up immediately again bringing you into his arms as you cried.
“Hey...no...don’t cry please...I’m sorry” he consoled, “ the gun was only shot at my leg, it wasn’t that bad of a wound. There’s a ton of worse-“ Haru once again cut himself off before he accidentally said something that would surely not help his case. Inhaling he spoke again, “ listen...it’s okay now... everything is fine, I’m not in any danger...I’m still here with you, not going anywhere where...” he mumbled. Moving his hands to cup your face to make you eyes meet his, he wiped away some of the tears with the edge of his thumbs, smiling as he observed your eyes blink and the look in them soften.
Guilt slowly seeping in him on observing your state. You looked spent and absolutely exhausted, the fear of Haru being seriously injured had drained all the energy out you.
He scooted further onto the bed patting on the space him to him gesturing you to join him. You hesitated but he was quick to say it was fine.
“Honestly I don’t know what kind of first class hospital dorm this is...” snuggling against you as you lied down next to him,
“ this bed and room is way bigger than any normal hospital ward I’ve ever seen, but guess I’ll have Daisuke to thank for that” he huffed earning a smile from you. Wrapping his arms around you he played with your hair until you had drifted into slumber with him joining you soon after.
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dameferre · 3 years
can we see a snippet from the "penpals!" courferre one :0
of course! i will warn you this will. most likely never see the light of day BUT it’s based off of ‘the year of secret assignments’ by jaclyn moriarty, a... kind of ridiculous book i bought at a charity shop at like. age 10? or something
basically these three sets of teenagers are assigned pen pals at a neighboring school, and hijinks ensue, with one set of penpals giving each other secret assignments (hence the title), the other set of penpals being a girl who writes to a guy who uses a fake name (that plotline ends horribly, it would not have done so in my fic lmao)
one finally one set of penpals (a boy and a girl) decide to start having practice dates, so the guy can hone his skills and ask out a girl he likes, and the girl can critique his form, and... i mean i think we all know how this goes.
anyway, it’s half in letter format, half actual writing the story. here’s a snip! (under the cut because i. couldn’t help myself)
Official Assessment of the Second Meeting By Chance executed by The Lord of Flowers, Combeferre, henceforth referred to as the Subject, as reviewed by Courfeyrac the Ravishing, henceforth referred to as The Operative.
When the Operative (and Guest) approached, the Subject smiled very nicely. It was a sort of surprised, warm smile that lit up his face. Did the Subject practice his ‘oh I was hoping to see you and I’m so glad I have’ smile in the mirror?
The Subject did a very good job of consoling the Guest, and as it turns out, the Subject’s height is not as offensive as previously thought, as he holds an umbrella perfectly.
The Subject was much more relaxed this time, and funny, and his hair fluffed a little in the humidity which was adorable. He had a great way of explaining things to the Operative without being patronising, and teased admirably. The Operative spent a good 80% of the walk laughing, but upon writing report can’t remember a specific instance of hilarity. The Subject should have more memorable jokes next time.
Overall, great work Combeferre. You’ll have Feuilly falling over himself to get to you in no time.
Courfeyrac the Ravishing
You seem to be losing your touch; that last review lacked the mildly insulting bluntness I’ve grown so accustomed to. Does this mean we’re becoming friends?
Anyway, I’m now, as you would say, ‘balls-deep in tech week’ and halfway through my descent into the deepest pit of hell. The entire production is an original script written by a friend of mine, named Jehan Prouvaire, who decided to rewrite the final scene this weekend. They’re my friend, have been for years, but even I wanted to murder them slowly. The cast is hard at work trying to learn the scene, while I had to stay late last night redoing all the cues.
The worst part of it is, the new ending is fucking fantastic, so we can’t even stay mad at them.
It’s exhausting. Literally exhausting; I got three hours of sleep last night.
Anyway, I’m writing this as a way of avoiding calculus homework. Not that I wouldn’t write to you if I didn’t have calculus homework, but it is harder to just ramble on about my life now that we’ve met in person. I don’t think I ever would have told you about Feuilly if we had met before we started writing. There was something in the anonymity that made it easier, like writing into a diary. I hope you don’t take this as an insult- what I mean to say is that now that I know you, I want you to like me. And by extension, I want you to know a lot less about exactly how lame I am.
Anyway, I wanted to say I won’t be able to make a meeting by chance this week, though I know telling you that ruins some of the fun. If I’m around next week, which is really looking less and less likely every time an actor misplaces a prop or mic pack and I am forced, once again, to weigh the pros and cons of murder, I’d be happy to accidentally run into you on my way home from school.
Side note- Avi(my brother) comes home next week, which lines up nicely with Mom’s birthday and means he’ll be able to see the show. It’ll be nice to have him back. I think you’d like him; he’s the attractive one in the family, and the extrovert. He’s also a mechanical engineer who medal-ed in track when he was my age. Basically, he got all the good genes, but he’s too nice to admit it.
Anyway, calculus beckons.
See you on the other side, Combeferre
p.s. Only you would practice a smile. Mine was genuine, I swear.
My Dearest Combeferre,
I mean, yes, technically the other guys on my team have been practicing for two weeks but I have sadly been out of commission. BUT NOT ANYMORE BABY THE BITCH IS BACK
This will help distract me from the pain and yearning as I wait a whole week to see you again. I’ll be wistfully wandering the moors before Saturday, mark my words.
I’m also fascinated by the idea of a brother who’s you, but more attractive. Does it hurt to look at him directly? Do strangers fall in love on the spot? Is he officially considered a menace to society because he’s caused traffic accidents and ruined weddings by walking past at the wrong moment?
Someone should put a stop to him before things get out of control! No man should wield such power.
The idea that you, of gorgeous cheekbones, perfect hair, jawline, and eyes and face in general, notorious multi-tasker, valedictorian and walking encyclopedia, not to mention polyglot, could think someone else got the good genes means either you are humble to the point of actively lying to yourself or your brother is a minor deity.
Courfeyrac, I can hear you saying, flattery really isn’t necessary.
But it is! Enjolras, who I’ve mentioned before and is my best friend in the whole world, is gorgeous to the point of being inconvenient to look at. I’m a notorious flirt, I know this, and I’m good at it, but we’re not even in the same league when it comes to making people question their sexualities. He walks into a room and you can see half the people inside mentally decide they’re bi-curious. He’s also a raving lunatic and antagonistic asshole, which he openly accepts and takes pride in, but try to tell him he’s attractive and he looks at you like you’ve just suggested he’s got wings or a tail. So what I’m trying to say, I think, is that I’m used to people not realising how good looking they are. And bludgeoning them with compliments is my way of dealing with this.
Anyway. Getting sidetracked.
I’m flattered you use me as a method of procrastination! I’m gonna make myself a button that says ‘more interesting than calculus’ and wear it with pride. Also, is writing to pen pals not mandatory at the Academy? We’re given a half hour block during the study period. When we first started, Enjolras said the whole thing was “infantile and outdated and a waste of time”, but at this very moment he is on page six (6) of his latest aggressive correspondence to his mystery R, even though I saw what R sent him last time and it was, I shit you not, an envelope that was empty except for a tiny (approx. 3 centimeters long) rubber chicken. For context, the one before was a thorough analysis of wage inequality written entirely in pig latin.
I hope one day I meet this person, even if immediately afterwards they steal my kidney or turn me into a newt or whatever minor trickster gods do these days to pass the time when they’re not torturing my best friend.
Anyway, gotta go, stay sane, don’t kill anyone unless you really have to, and if so lemme know and I’ll help you get rid of the body. I know a guy.
p.s. I already like you, idiot.
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beauregardlionett · 4 years
all the stars your eyes could hold
AO3 Link
The circumstances under which the Mighty Nein found themselves invited to yet another party in Nicodranas were unclear. Beau was fairly certain it involved someone wanting Marion to perform, but had placed it under the guise of requesting the Nein’s attendance.
Ever since they assisted in the tentative peace treaty between the Empire and the Dynasty, word had been getting around about them. It was mildly unsettling for someone like Beau, who meant to operate in shadow. Thankfully, her more exuberant and colorful party members tended to garner the spotlight.
Leaning against an obnoxiously ostentatious marble column, nursing a drink far too fruity for her taste, Beau scanned the crowd. Caduceus had offered to gift her with True Sight again, but Beau had turned him down. While she appreciated the gesture, she wanted to be present this time.
Nobles in all states of fancy dress swept across the dance floor before her. Women with billowing skirts as they twirled through the ballroom, offering tittering laughter behind fans or hands adorned in silk gloves. Men with ornate suit coats sporting flushed cheeks as they drank away their decorum. Individuals dressed in pristine costume somewhere between a full skirt and fitted breeches flit between the food and drink and the dance floor. It was the sort of contained, upright chaos that Beau grew up around in Kamordah. It was a breed of debauchery that masqueraded as a proper party only nobles could attend and achieve.
With a heavy sigh, Beau took a long drag of her overly sweet drink and prayed the night would end soon.
As much as she loved wearing her slate grey suit, catching many approving, hungry stares from the women here, Beau was tired. Parties like these were far too pompous for her, pointless entertainment for nobles who had nothing better to do with their time.
She was considering slipping out to the garden for some quiet when a soft voice spoke up behind her.
Twisting to peer over her shoulder, Beau worked hard to maintain her hold on her drink.
Yasha strode toward her, all but glowing in the sensual party lighting.
Jester insisted on splurging for a new dress for Yasha the day before. Something about wanting to amend the height of the slit because she knew Yasha was a little uncomfortable with it. Whatever the real reason was, Beau had no arguments because Yasha’s new dress was stunning. Made of a similar dark velvet as the previous one, this new garment draped over Yasha’s physique enticingly.
The dress was one-shouldered, a long cape of soft fabric cascading down Yasha’s back from the sleeveless strap. Her neckline was trimmed with silver flower embroidery, and a simple off-white belt cinched the length of the skirt into an empire waist. Veth had gently bullied the Aasimar into letting the Halfling style Yasha’s hair. So her now almost entirely white hair was pinned to drape down one side, the braids re-done and ancient tangles brushed smooth.
Simple, elegant, and extremely attractive.
Beau reminded herself to thank Jester for remembering to put the cape on the arm Yasha didn’t have a tattoo on. The jade ink was shimmering in the party’s dim lighting, and Beau had to make sure she wasn’t drooling.
“Hey,” Beau finally remembered to answer, eloquent as always.
Yasha’s lips twitched as she chuckled, coming to stand beside Beau. The monk watched as Yasha’s eyes swept over the crowd, a bit of unease flickering across the woman’s expression.
“You okay, Yasha?” Beau murmured, shifting closer to where their shoulders brushed.
“Yeah,” the Aasimar said, aiming a smile Beau’s way that did anything but convince her that Yasha was okay. “I just don’t really know what to do at parties. And people keep staring at me.”
Beau could hardly blame them. But it seemed to be a reoccurring theme with Yasha that wherever she went, both the best and the worst seemed to be drawn toward the Aasimar’s aura. Beau often failed at reigning in her jealousy born of protective instinct.
“Well then,” Beau pushed off the pillar, downed her drink against the burn of alcohol in her throat, and beamed at Yasha. “Shall we wander, then?”
Yasha blinked at Beau, giving the human a slow, shy smile and a nod, a quiet, “sure.”
Making their way around the perimeter of the ballroom, Beau caught sight of Jester swirling Fjord around the floor. The little Tiefling was grinning ear to ear and Beau could see her giggling giddily as her pink chiffon swirled around her and Fjord’s legs. The half-Orc was smiling with fond amusement down at whatever Jester was saying, looking rather smitten. Their second lap around the ballroom, deep in discussion about what the Elf wearing a bright green ball gown might do for a living, Beau scanned again. This time she spotted Veth and Caleb sitting at a table with Caduceus, the Halfling talking with rapid intent and animated hand-gestures. Caleb seemed fixated on whatever she was talking about, nodding every few seconds. Caduceus, smiling indulgently, caught Beau’s eye after a second. The Firbolg raised a brow her way and made a slight shooing gesture.
Waving Caduceus off, Beau continued her conversation with Yasha. But she did subtly steer them towards the exit, remembering the small side garden she had spotted on the way in. Part of her hoped it would offer some quiet, the other part hoped to see that adorable grin Yasha got on her face whenever she saw flowers.
Sure enough, the second they stepped out of the side hall and into the moonlit garden, Yasha’s lips curled into a wider smile. Beau trailed off from her description of a very crude occupation the Elf back in the ballroom could have to watch Yasha smile. The Aasimar’s profile all but glowed in the silver night, Beau transfixed with the way Yasha’s smile pushed her cheeks to round and scrunched her nose just a little. Her eyes crinkled at the corners just so, and Beau studied the temporary crow’s feet that nestled there.
Yasha looked her way and Beau blinked back at her, smiling in return on instinct.
“It’s gorgeous out here, Beau. How did you know this was here?”
“I just...saw it on the way in. Figured you might like it better than inside.”
“It’s very beautiful,” Yasha agreed, sweeping a look over the flowers as she walked through the neatly planted flora. Beau followed, drawn toward her like a moon caught in orbit with no choice but to gravitate.
As they strolled through the garden together, Beau’s hands shoved in her pockets, she tipped her head back to stare at the stars and the low-hanging moon. Maybe it was the nearby ocean, but she swore the night sky always shone brighter in Nicodranas. Yasha’s hair caught Beau’s attention out of the corner of her eye, all but glowing in the silver moonlight.
Everything about the Aasimar beside her beckoned like a lure, and Beau wondered not for the first time how she could have ever lived without Yasha. It was one of those moments where she found herself hard pressed to remember a time before Yasha, before the Nein. There was always an unfortunate set of memories that never failed to surface, but the more mundane memories were harder to access. Everything she did with the Nein felt like they had always been together, had always understood her. Beau knew it wasn’t the truth, but she didn’t care.
They were with her now, that was what mattered.
Time, Beau thought, was such a fickle and inconsistent mistress. She always lingered, but she didn’t serve everyone kindly or evenly.
Some got less - like Mollymauk. Some got more - like Caduceus brought back from death. And some like Lucien got multiple chances, while others like Yasha couldn’t even recall what Time had already given them.
Beau, uncertain where she fell on that sliding scale, knew one thing for sure.
“Yasha,” Beau said in a voice that sounded steadier than she felt. Back near the building where they started, Beau spotted an alcove with a small pristine marble fountain tucked into it. The Aasimar looked over at Beau curiously as the monk grabbed Yasha’s elbow and huddled them into the corner.
Yasha looked surprised as Beau put her own back against the wall and drew Yasha in closer. Even in the half light from the moon, Beau saw the blush on Yasha’s cheeks turning darker, her sturdy hands finding purchase on Beau’s hips.
“I’ll be honest,” Beau sighed, emboldened by the simple action. “This isn’t quite how I pictured doing this. I had, like, this whole thing planned with the tower, but I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
Yasha’s eyes seemed entirely transfixed on Beau’s lips, as if watching the monk craft every syllable she spoke.
“I read your letter,” Beau confessed in a rush. “I actually read it like...weeks ago. And at first I uh...I didn’t know what to do. I had told myself that I wouldn’t make a move, that the ball was in your court because of all the shit you’ve gone through. But then you did make a move, and I haven’t ever really had someone look at me and understand me in the way you do. So I kind of panicked and procrastinated and told myself I’d figure something out. But then all this shit kept happening, and it never felt like the right time to breach the topic, y’know? But then I realized...we’re never promised tomorrow. Especially people like us. So uh...in an effort to spend as much time with you as possible, because I really want to spend a lot of time with you...”
Beau had to pause for a breath, her own cheeks now warm with the emotions swirling messily in her chest.
“I really like you, Yasha,” Beau whispered, feeling short of breath. “In a way that’s kind of terrifying, but that I’m also super into. I like you in a way that makes me nervous, the same feeling I get when we do something fun and dangerous. My heart races and there’s this thrill in my veins. I get stuck in this five-foot world that’s composed of everything and everyone I can see in the moment.”
Biting down on her tongue to stop her rambling and catch her breath, Beau looked up at Yasha. The Aasimar’s fingers curled a little tighter around Beau’s hips, and her lips parted with surprise. Wide eyes and flushed cheeks greeted Beau’s frantic search for emotion, and the monk was acutely aware of her own heart pounding behind her ribs. The moonlight back-lit Yasha, outlining her in silver, and Beau swore for a moment that it crafted a halo above the barbarian’s head.
“Beau,” Yasha whispered. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yeah,” Beau rushed out breathlessly. “Please.”
Yasha ducked her head down so quickly that the press of her lips against Beau’s ended up gently knocking the monk’s head against the wall behind her. Beau didn’t mind at all, too busy smiling against Yasha’s lips and reaching to wrap her arms around the Aasimar’s neck.
It felt like all the air fled from Beau’s lungs for a moment, leaving her breathless and dizzy. The wall at her back and Yasha’s hands on her hips seemed like the only things keeping her upright at the moment. She had wanted to kiss Yasha for a while, but had never put much thought into it beyond that. Beau never imagined what it would feel like to kiss Yasha.
It was like melting and solidifying in the same instance. Beau had never felt more bodily present than she did at that moment, every place Yasha connected with her a physical anchor for her soul. But in the same breath, every fiber of her insides turned to contented mush under the searing, moonlit heat of the Aasimar’s attention.
Their kiss could have lasted seconds or minutes, and Beau wouldn’t have cared either way. Yasha pulled back enough for their noses to brush as they caught their breath.
“Fuck,” Beau managed eventually, sounding strangled with giddy pleasure.
Yasha smirked and offered a quiet, “maybe later, yeah?”
Beau’s brain promptly short-circuited and she stuttered what one might consider an enthusiastic agreement. Yasha took amused mercy on her after a moment and stepped back to let Beau breathe.
“We should uhm...” Yasha started, then stopped, glancing over her shoulder.
“Head back in?” Beau squeaked, recovered enough to speak once more.
“Probably,” Yasha nodded. The Aasimar hesitated, holding out her arm in an awkward, wordless invitation. Beau stared at her for a moment before recognizing the gesture for what it was. Straightening out her jacket with a firm tug and brisk pat down, the monk wound her arm through Yasha’s elbow and shot a giddy grin her way.
Beau decided, as they made their way back into the ballroom, that this was definitely one of the best parties she had ever been to.
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going-full-shmoo · 4 years
Can you do a Kevin Hayes friends you lover blurb when he was in college?
Here you go anon! I had to do some research, but thanks to one lovely @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky I was able to do it! Hope you like it.
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it was year three of your college career at Boston College, and you were getting very close to murdering your roommate
any other time, the two of you got along swimmingly, and you had formed a pretty tight bond
however, they had recently gotten a new boyfriend, and since then, they have literally not spent a single moment apart
like, they were practically attached
this was at least the 20th time that you walked in on the two of them making out on your roommates bed, literally looking like they were about to suck each other’s faces off
the first time you walked in, you screamed and ran away
now, you just walked in and started going about your business
you were sitting on your own bed, working on an assignment, when they finally separated thirty minutes later
“Oh hey, you’re back” your roommate spoke, still breathless from the face-sucking they had been doing moments earlier
“Yep. I’ve been working on my analysis for abnormal psych, and I’ve actually gotten quite a bit done” you murmured in reply, barely taking your focus off the laptop in front of you
“You know”, the boyfriend finally addresses you, “I have a friend who would be perfect for you”
“Huh, is that so” you mumble, once again not focusing on them
“Yeah, we play on the school’s hockey team together. Nice guy. I think you’d really like him”
“Oh my god, we should do a double date!” your friend added “(Y/N) what do you think?”
“Yeah sure whatever” you responded, once again more focused on your analysis than the conversation that was happening
“Great! Friday night! Let’s go out for dinner and a movie!”
you hummed in agreement not fully realizing what you just agreed to until Friday arrived
you were once again sitting on your bed just scrolling through twitter because procrastination, when your roommate comes back in
“Why aren’t you ready? We’re meeting with the boys in like, fifteen minutes!” they yelled at you
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“You agreed to do a double date with my boyfriend and one of his friends tonight!”
you spent the next five minutes arguing before they forced an outfit into your hands, doing their best to quickly make your face and hair look presentable
“You are not going to spoil this night for us,” you heard your roommate utter “Plus, boo told me that his friend is like, totally perfect for you”
you just mutter under your breath because you cannot believe that you ended up in this situation
cut to you and your roommate waiting outside the movie theater, with the tickets to see the newest movie that just came out, About Time
obviously a rom com, and very obviously your roommates choice
you see your roommates boyfriend walking up, a very tall, sweet looking guy following behind him
as soon as he gets a look at your roommate, the boyfriend runs up and scoops them up in his arms, spinning them around and covering them with kisses
you internally gag because once again, they literally cannot keep their hands off each other
“So while they are sucking face, I guess I should introduce myself, I’m (Y/N), the roommate I’m sure you were told about”
“Kevin. It’s nice to meet you. And yeah he mentioned you. All good things, I promise”
“Well I’m glad he notices somethings because honestly I feel like they are always so engrossed with each other its hard for them to focus on anything else” you joke
and thankfully, Kevin laughs with you
eventually your roommate and their boyfriend separate for long enough for the four of you to go into the theater and find your seats
you and Kevin end up sitting in the row behind your roommate and the boyfriend because they wanted to “be alone” and “let you too get to know each other”
this, you had learned, was code for “we are going to grossly make out for the entire movie without stopping”
you and Kevin just sat behind them, uncomfortable at first, before you ended up bursting into a fit of giggles
“We are only two minutes into this movie and I swear they are already attached” he leaned over and whispered to you
“You should see them in our dorm” you whispered back, leading to more giggles
“You wanna get out of here” Kevin managed to get out after cooling off for a moment
you nodded at him, and the two of you quietly crept out of the theater
once you were outside, the two of you burst out into laughter
“Well that was awkward” you laughed
“I know, right? Like, what was the point of bringing us along if they were just gonna make out the entire time”
“I have no idea either,” you responded. “Wanna get some ice cream or something?”
“Yeah, lets do it”
the two of you made your way over to the ice cream shop, the bell ringing as you walked in
the two of you ordered, and Kevin insisted on paying no matter how hard you fought him on it
he made sure to wait and grab both of your orders for you so you could go and sit and relax
you had no idea how long the two of you sat inside that place, just talking and eating your ice cream
you were there long after you had both finished, and even up until the manager kicked the two of you out
you were sure that your roommate and their boyfriend were long gone at this point
you hated to say it, but they were right - Kevin was amazing
he was sweet, a bit dorky, kind, and made you laugh like no one you had met before
and the fact that he was just as interested in you and didn’t complain when you started to ramble on about your studies?
you could see yourself with someone like him
as he walked you back to your dorm, you wrapped your arm around his, bringing him close so you could get warm
he didn’t budge or complain, just smiled at you like it was the most normal thing in the world
“You know we should make this a normal thing”
“Make what a normal thing, Kevin”
“Ditching our friends so they can go swallow each other while we go and have fun”
you laugh, but nod
“I agree, we should make this a normal thing”
“What do you say, double date dinner Sunday night?”
“You sure your boy Tom Brady won’t mind you skipping a game?” you joked with him knowing that he would do anything to make sure that he saw his favorite (and your least favorite) team play
“For you, it would be worth it” he smiled shyly as the two of you got up to your door
“Then…its a date” you smiled bashfully back
he started to bring you in for a hug, which you gladly accepted
his embrace was warm, and you wished that something more went along with it, but you weren’t ready for that yet
the two of you said your goodbyes after getting each other’s numbers
that night you dreamed about the next time you would see him
little did you know that it was going to be the start of something even more than that
but you would never give your roommate the satisfaction of telling them they were right…that was for later
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
Do you do intrulogical? If so, so you think you could write a small thing with them? I'm thinking that maybe Remus finds out about Logan's love for astrology and makes him something in the stars in his part of the imagination? Or something like that?
Hey you guys guess who took up the challenge to write in Remus's pov for the first time? Sorry for taking so long, I wanted to make something nice and I ended up procrastinating, so I did something slightly longer than planned as an apology~ Thank you for the prompt! I hope this can satisfy you, in case it doesn't I apologize hdbdhd this is the first time I write this ship
Word count: 1,326
The other sides are all only mentioned
He had spent too long on this.
Sure, passing time in the imagination wasn't that big of a deal itself for Remus, but having to clear out of the path a multitude of threatening animals that could've attempted anyone's life if they weren't prepared as he was, was pretty much dirty work.
Now, don't get him wrong, he liked dirty, but making sure his place didn't attempt to murder intruders at first sight required dedication and a strong willpower.
Nevertheless, he was going to accomplish this mission for Logan.
Of course, he could have kept all the wild creatures of the forests and the lakes, ready to pounce of their preys at any given moment, only to show off the amazing fighting skills he had mastered back when he and Roman still hung out together in the dreamscape.
But that would've been just pretentious, wouldn't it?
No, he had to do this right.
Wait, was he stressing too much over it? Why all these questions and overthinking? Damn it, that was Virgil's job. Remus considered the possibility he might have been messing with his head in the past few days.
Which was also the amount of time in which he had started working on his project.
Everything started a week prior, when he had casually learnt an interesting curiosity about the logical side.
Remus had been gathering some stuff from the kitchen to- actually, scratch that, we do not want to know what Remus eats, now, do we? He had been rummaging through the cupboards for whatever totally valid reason he had, while he heard Logan talking quietly to himself.
He had mentioned something about the stars ... a particular set of stars which was brought to his attention thanks to a certain tv series Thomas had recently watched.
He had repeated the name all over again, so much that it got stuck in his head and that was the only thing he thought until a new idea formed in his mind.
« Huh. Wouldn't it be nice to have that in my room's ceiling? » he mused, withdrawing almost immediately: that would have taken too much work and all the sides were all busy anyway.
Well, what do you know about that?
He could do more.
Remus had swiftly gone back to his room after that, without being acknowledged at all by a Logan who was too lost in his own thoughts to be able to even recognize what laid in front of his eyes.
And so he worked, he spent days elaborating a detailed and painfully accurate constellation in the night sky of his side of the imagination; sometimes, the creatures from Roman's side crossed over and lied down in admiration of his magnum opus.
Was it a bad moment for Remus to realize he had hopelessly fallen for the glasses nerdy guy under the light of a myriad of starry flickers?
Certainly, he was too tired to even notice his own brother occasionally coming over and leaving snacks in a sleepy silence both of them could understand better than a normal conversation.
It was in times like these that they remembered how much they were still alike, plus Roman had not seen him this dedicated for a long time by then.
Remus may or may not have slept for an entire day when he finally felt satisfied enough with what he had created (cue to Deceit having to drag him back in their part of the mindscape): he had passed the latest hours perfectioning his work, even checking the right position and orientation on the internet, or stealthily stealing books from Logan's own shelf. 
What? It was for a good cause, he would have returned them. 
Covered in mud, But he would have regardless. 
To be sincere, he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to convince Logan to get there without spoiling his true intention beforehand.
That was why he decided to go for the shock value way and randomly sink in his room only to immediately go back to the imagination after having grabbed his arm. 
They stumbled for the sudden movement and, when they were both steady, Remus let go. 
Logan sighed. « You now have my attention. »
« I have a surprise! » was all he was able to let out, excitement buzzing in his chest. 
Logan tilted his gorgeous head to the side with a suspecting expression. « If this is another one of those times you try to stab me- »
« You're supposed to stab back. »
« Why on earth would I do that? »
« On earth? Would you do it somewhere else? »
« Oh my stars, did you make friends with Patton? »
Stars! Gosh, he was so clever, did he already know where he was taking him?
« Right! » Remus took a hold of his arm again and began leading him towards their destination. 
He expected weirded out comments, or displeased ones, but none came. Not when they went through a forest of leafless trees or when they crossed paths with some innocuous but scary looking creatures. 
Instead, Logan only studied his surroundings, occasionally humming when he recognized specific species.
That was weird, and he was the one to talk. 
They reached a clearing in the woods with probably the best vision of the night sky above. 
« Lie down. » Remus demanded, after clasping his hands. 
« Excuse me? » Logan raised an eyebrow, didn't he say he had a surprise? Why would it involve lying down? Was it a trap he wanted to test on him? How many times did he have to explain he wasn't going to respond when he threw pointy objects at him? 
His train of thought got cut off when Remus pushed him down by the shoulders. « Just do it. »
He decided to trust him at that point, why not? 
Why not? There are a lot of reasons why there, Logan.
Ultimately, that part of his mind got silenced.
Especially when he looked up at the dark blue sky hovering above them.
His pure and utter pleasant disbelief caused him not to notice Remus lying down at his side, too.
Right then and there, depicted in the starry night aether, was the constellation of the Centaur and, more beautiful than ever, Alpha Centauri blinked at them in a vivid glowing.
There was only one word that could have described him: speechless. As for the moment, breathtaking.
He couldn't even fathom how much it could have taken for Remus to be that precise, so much that, for a moment, he thought he wouldn't have been able to do that, had he been in his place.
« How ...? » was everything he was able to formulate, as his eyes traveled down every single and minimum detail of every star he could reach with his sight. 
« Heard you rambling, I guess? » there was no way Remus could hide the grin forming in his lips and the pride upon seeing Logan marveling at his work.
« You ...actually paid attention to that? »
« Why wouldn't I? »
That half whispered line lingered in the air which was cold enough to let the breeze run chills down their bodies but warm enough to let them enjoy the outside nature.
It was an artificial idyllic space in a deserted nightmare.
« I, well ... I don't know. » was that the first time he didn't? Was it the first time he felt flustered like that? The first time someone had done something so great for him? 
The conversation's topic shifted back to Alpha Centauri and they both discovered they knew more about it than they actually realized. 
Eventually, they found out how simple and nice it was to talk like that. 
Eventually, they realized they were holding hands.
And, just like the constellation, that was surprisingly exactly how it was supposed to be. 
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3norachas · 5 years
wrong send • bang chan (I)
pair: bang chan x reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers, fake dating, fluff, suggestive no smut tho uwu, a little angst, bullet point scenario
warnings: suggestive it’s just making out sjabdka
“In which Y/n was supposed to send her best friend, Lee Minho, a porn link for scientific purposes but accidentally sent it to her neighbor, Bang Chan.”
masterlist     (a/n: sike ya bitch I’m too excited to wait for 6 pm so here you go hnng gotta cut it halfway bc tumblr can’t handle this masterpiece hnnghgn anyway sorry this took too long ive been procrastinating and i still had irremediable and unforeseen to deal with hhnghgn but pls don’t be afraid to request huehuehue and im sorry if my style of writing in bullet point format is similar to some writers hgnfhgng i’ve read some of these types of writing and it stuck with me so im very sorry :((( )
taglist: @cahtastrophie @anxietyishell
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you and minho were close
you grew up together
learned to walk together
bath together when you were babies of course :))
bully and judge people together
basically everything
you studied in the same school and were inseparable since birth
it was like two puzzle together
when you need help with love minho is there to watch over you he scares all of them but u dont need to know that oof
when minho’s in trouble you’re there for him even if it’s bailing him out of jail dont ask why
you even watch porn together  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
but that’s all platonic!!!
the two of you tried dating and were each other’s first kiss
but it didn’t really work out for the both of you
it was too awkward
so you decided that you were better off as friends
but that didn’t stop the two of you to be close huehuehue
y’all still cuddle like kids and personal space never existed between the two of you
that stayed until college
everyone legit thought the two of you were dating but—
“me and minho??”, “me and y/n??”
and you’d both send each other a playful glare
“ew no”
so when minho asked you to send him some link to a gay porn website
you didn’t even bat an eye
so here you are
about to send some porn link for minho’s entertainment and prob for his minho junior ;)))
“here’s the link you bitch”
and there you go
but what weirded u out tho is when minho didn’t reply immediately
he’s always fast when it comes to your texts or calls
but then you thought maybe he couldn’t wait anymore and is busy fucking or whatever
so imagine your shock when u received a text with multiple question marks 
“hello to you too but what is this for?”
it was bang chan
bang motherfucking chan
The Bang Chan™
the one with grades higher than your height
the athlete who joins a lot of sports but eats like he hasn’t for weeks
the one who sits in front of you and asks for pencils every now and then
and has more girls than you have friends
“is this porn?”
“oh wait”
“it is porn”
you threw your phone away from you, burying your face on the pillow to sulk in embarrassment
out of all people it just had to be him ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
your phone rang with the ring tone minho had set for himself let’s all assume it’s a sexy song
“hoe where’s the link”
“i think i did something terrible”
“wouldn’t be your first time lmao but what is it??”
“i accidentally sent it to someone else….”
“how and who the hell did u sent it to?”
“bang chan…”
you whine while he wheezes at your misery
“just tell him it’s not for him and apologize u big baby”
“but that’s just embarrassing” o(╥﹏╥)o
“do you really want him to think that it’s for him and you’re trying to make him hard and seduce him?? what makes it worse is that it’s gay porn”
so that’s how you find yourself standing in front of the door of the apartment across yours
with shaky hands you knock on the door
it opens to reveal bang chan himself in his shirtless glory- Σ(゜ロ゜;)
(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾) !!!!!!!
suddenly, you don’t know how to breathe don’t we all tho
hngkdb mfucking bitch has defined abs how can you function normally
how is this man comfortable with showing his abs to random people???
it doesn’t help that he still has little droplets of water on his body 
you yelp, literally, and that caused a small chuckle from chan at your cute reaction but!!!
HiS cHuCKle sOuNdED !!!!
you pinch your wrist to wake yourself up and maybe stop yourself from staring at his torso
now is not the time y/n!! ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
“um- I’m- hi….”
“hi there” he smiles his dimpled smile and —*inhales*
your heart went !!!!
it took you a lot to compose yourself before you squish his cheeks in your hands
nO Y/N !!!
cOnTRol YOuRSeLf !!!
“come inside for a bit” he grins at your confused look and opened his door wider
reluctantly, you follow him inside his apartment. you weren’t surprised when u saw the mess inside, it was a small space but it wasn’t too small
what surprised you tho
there were pieces of female clothes on the floor and bed
you were confused for a moment before you finally undersstood the situation and that those clothes where female clothing
“channie who was that?”
your head whip to the bathroom door to stare at the girl is your neck ok y/n?
her eyes were wide
like this O - O
and she looks scared :00
“a-are you chan’s s/o?” she gulps before scurrying to gather her things and run pass you muttering apologies and out the door she went
you didn’t even have time to explain that you weren’t !!!
she just ran pass you !!!!
and wasn’t that mina?!?!
like The Mina™ who gets all boys huehue
“I’m sorry about her”
you hear chan sigh, now wearing a shirt
which was great bc if he stayed shirtless you might not be able to speak normally bold of u to assume that you can speak even if he’s fully clothed hhghghng
“she really think that these hook ups we have has a meaning”
you shook your head, mumbling about how it doesn’t really mind you which is a big fucking lie
if anything she may already have broadcasted it to the whole campus
“sooo why did you came here??”
chan settled on his bed with a cute curious look on his face
just then did you remembered
suddenly you’re back to phase one
you keep opening and shutting your mouth from nervousness lIKE HELLO??? HOW??? ARE YOU??? SUPPOSED TO BE CALM???
DON’T!!! BLAME!!! Y/N!!!
“i-t’s about t-the… link-”
chan chuckles and nods his head ”yeah i saw it”
sAW IT?!?!
aS iN hE wATcHeD tHe vIdEO!?!?!
chan must’ve noticed the look on your face and laughed his beautiful laugh and you felt your heart is being crushed !!!!
“no not like that! i meant that i received it yes”
stupid you
why would chan even watch it if he knows that it’s porn hhnghg maybe he did watched it ;)))
you played with the hem of your shirt. eyes casted down from embarrassment smh how many times are you going to embarrass yourself y/n hhhnghn
“p-please forget about the link”
“oh??” chan tilted his head in confusion still with his mfuckin smile
“i-it wasn’t supposed to be sent for you!!! i’m really sorry for calling you bitch too…”
chan was shookt when you bowed 360 degrees and repeatedly apologizing
so being the kind person he is he took a hold of your shoulders with a cute smile
“it’s alright, i don’t mind but…”
“does your boyfriend know???”
“boyfriend?? i’m sorry but i don’t-”
“isn’t minho your boyfriend? y’know the dance major? i’m pretty sure the link is for him, right?”
he thought you and minho??? are??? dating???
“um n-no we’re not! i mean we’re close but that’s it!”
chan released a relieved sigh and his smile came back
“that’s good, I really thought I was going to have to face him”
he lets out a breathy laugh before letting go you secretly miss his touch and heading for his kitchen
“do you want to eat before going ahead? i mean you’re literally just across my front door so??”
well who are you to say no to that :’)) 
even if it’s possible that he can murder you rn but chan?? hurt someone??
yeah keep telling that to yourself :’))
what you didn’t expect tho was for the two of you to hit it off ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
the two of you have so many things to talk about and it was never awkward and chan was literally listening to whatever bs you were rambling about
and he has such a soft look on his face when he listens to you uwu ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ
but it wasn’t long before you have to get going bc it’s a school day tomorrow
y’all walk to college together with small talks and he walk you to your first class uwu (▰˘v˘▰)
when lunch arrived you and minho sat at the same table like usual
“soooo how did it went with chan??” minho asked with his mouth stuffed with pasta
minho deadpanned and threw one of his garlic bread at you
“i was asking about chan u dumbo”
from the grin on your face minho knew he was going to hear some good tea and drama although he insulted you for being a coward at first
“he’s hooking up with mina :000″
“is that the only thing you heard from what i just said :’<”
he was about to say something else when your junior best friend jisung came running to your table
“why didn’t you tell me!?!? i thought we were friends!?!?” (▰˘︹˘▰)
“tell you what??”
you can tell jisung was clearly offended but you didn’t know why tho 
“that you and chan are dating you traitor!" 
you and minho shared a look
"i was expecting that”
jisung look confused so you ended up explaining what happened yesterday with chan
“how did you managed to send him the porn link tho” jisung to a sad y/n, 
“and what the hell did you need the porn link for?” jisung to a flustered minho
“that’s not the point!!” (●o≧д≦)
you slump on your seat with a defeated look and just then did u noticed the look that people are sending you
automatically you hid yourself by snuggling into minho uwu u cute y/n
“oi, you can’t just snuggle into me when everyone thinks you have a boyfriend” — “but i don’t”
u look up from minho’s shoulder to see chan
"chan!!!" Σ(゜ロ゜;)
"can we talk for a moment??”
minho nudge you on the elbow, nodding as if to tell you to go ahead so you stood up and followed chan outside the cafeteria
when you’re outside chan faces you with a bothered look
“I’m so sorry for what people are saying about us I’m pretty sure it was mina she usually gossips a lot to her friends but I didn’t expect her to tell them that we’re dating just bc you came yesterday-”
chan was now rambling his apologies just like you did last night he looked cute like that btw
“it’s ok chan!! I’m sure you didn’t mean for that to happen”
chan was relieved when he heard that but he looked like he was still bothered by something
so being the sweetheart you are you asked him what it is ^~^
“can I ask you a favor??” he look uncertain so normally you were concerned
so you nod because !!!!
chan is worried !!!!
so it has to be something big !!!!
“i know this is probably going to be weird bc we just met last night and we’re not that close but-” chan look at your eyes to see if you still want him to continue so you nod at him
“c-can we please date?? but like fake dating and all?? i thought about it and it would really help me avoid those girls who wanted me in their bed and don’t worry i’ll pay you back! i swear-”
you yelped, cheeks burning bright from chan’s offer
and it didn’t help that he said please insert sad uwu :((
"i-it’s ok if you don’t want to though!! I won’t force you!!”
“i-im fine with it but why me tho??” bc you’re cute and awesome y/n (゚ヮ゚)
your cheeks became even more red than possible when chan gave you cute smile
"well, I really want to get to know you since last night and you weren’t like any girl to be honest”
you can feel your heart fluttering from his confession definitely not because he was looking at you with a fond smile and soft caring eyes hnghn
“so, are you in?" 
with your trembling weak heart you nodded, knees weakening when he beamed at you and his mother fucking cute dimples showed
you’re doomed :’))
"great! I’ll see you later then”
later?? o-O??
“um what for??”
he chuckled at your confused lil face and patted your head
“for our first date dummy”
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zayndrivesmeinvain · 5 years
The One Where He Sleeps Over for the First Time
It’s been a few weeks now since you’ve run into Harry at the supermarket and you’ve been talking/texting non-stop. He’s aware that you’re taking summer classes, however, he’ll text you all throughout the day just to see what you’re doing and what you’re occupied with. You definitely have caught some feelings for him and you’re pretty sure that he’s caught on to your ways.
You’ve just never met someone like him before, he’s… different.
He pays attention to the small details that you mention, he takes the time out of his day to text you, even if it’s the smallest thing as good morning, he stays up with you all night even if his eyes are starting to get tired, just so he can watch you in your element of studying. The conversation of is he’s ever thought about going to school has come up quite a few times and he said if his career ever slowed down, he would love to go back and get a degree for himself. He’s often shares his life long goals and ambitions with you when he was tired because he often would just ramble on any information on the top of his head. There was really something beautiful about the way he talked about his goals, it made your heart swell and almost turned you on?
Even though there was some sort of attraction between the two of you, he’s a famous popstar and there’s no possible way that he would want to be with someone like you. You’re plain to him, merely just a college student that ran into him while you were buying ice-cream on a weekend night. Even though you’re very aware that there would never be anything sexual or intimate between the two of you, you would love to have him around as a friend. He makes you laugh when you want to cry, keeps you company while you clean around your apartment and often sends you food when he knows you haven’t gone food shopping, which has been a real big help.
Harry has become your best friend and even though you’ve known each other for a short few weeks, he’s become a lot closer of a friend then most people you’ve known your whole life. You often joke with him about his super start friends and how he should hook you up with them, but he often declines and states that you’re too good for them.
You haven’t really seen Harry much in person since the first time you ran into each other, he’s been busy in the studio or in meetings or even just sleeping. He would never tell you this, but, staying up all night isn’t his perfect cup of tea, however he does it so you’re not lonely or ever feel alone. He admires that you’re independent but he hates that you live alone, it often worries him that something will happen to you late at night, which has led the daily FaceTime calls that start from 9 P.M. and that last up until you finish studying or fall asleep, and then some.
If someone were to ask Harry, he wouldn’t even know what you two have become so he just states you as his friend. He has mentioned you to the few people that he surrounds himself with because they noticed a pattern of the same contact number texting him all day, and he would ignore all the others. He wouldn’t do it on purpose, he was focused on checking up on you or seeing how your day was that he forgot about the other twenty people that texted him around the same time.
It’s a Saturday night and you’ve just been cleaning around your apartment, laundry has piled up from the week before, dishes haven’t been done which led to paper plates that you had in a corner of your pantry to be used, and your floor needed to be mopped.
After a long 4 hours of procrastinating and sing-a-longs your last load of laundry is in the wash and you’re currently folding some towels that you washed. You notice your phone is going off like crazy and messages keep flooding in, instantly your phone starts buzzing again but this time with a call.
“ Hello Harry!” a giggle escapes your lips because you can only wonder what he has on his mind and what’s about to come out of his mouth.
“ Hey babe, what are you doing tonight?” your heart just melts when he calls you pet names but you would never express that to him, not because you’re shamed but because he’ll literally laugh his ass off and think it’s the funniest thing in the world.
“ M’nothing, jus’ been cleaning around here, it started to look like a barn and I wasn’t haven’it anymore. Don’t you have any celebrity plans tonight? Maybe a Met Gala or Music Award or Concert to perform at, Mister Styles?” You can just see the smirk on his face now, dimples showing and his eyes are barely visible because he’s squinting so hard.
“ That’s what I was calling for, was gonna see if I could come by and we could hang out. I have some free time, and thought you could use some company.” This is the first time that Harry’s actually asked you to hang out and you’re taken back, you’re at a loss for words. The phone goes silent for a few seconds but then you hear him calling your name, “ Uh, yeah… you can. I just have to finish cleaning but you can come over in the meantime. The line goes silent again but then your curly friend starts talking again, “ I was hoping you would say that because I’m downstairs, let me in, Bubs.” Panic instantly filled your body, he was coming over to your apartment and you looked like a literal mess, you have an oversized t-shirt on with some old shorts and no bra, the mop on-top of your head could only be characterized as a rats nest and on top of everything you’re a sweaty mess but you have no time because he’s literally waiting for you downstairs to open the door to your apartment building.
You put on a pair of flip flops, cross your arms over your chest and hope for the best. Harry has seen you in the late hours of 3 A.M. before and it’s never bothered you, but he’s never seen you like this. You run into the elderly couple two doors down from you, you exchange a friendly smile and continue your journey downstairs. You make it down to the lobby and there he is, signing himself in at the receptionist's desk. He has a black t-shirt on, with some lounge shorts and a pair of sneakers on, even when he doesn’t try he looks perfect. You notice a few grocery bags in his hands, and spot a tub of ice-cream in one of them.
He looks over to you after politely excusing himself from the receptionist, “M’ looks like some one’s cold, we better get upstairs.” You completely forgot you had no bra on, and in fact you were cold. You shoot him a glare and he throws you his keys because his hands are quite full. The whole 5 flights of stairs he kept making cheeky or puny remarks and you were just getting nervous by the second. He’s only seen your apartment through FaceTime and he’s never actually seen the whole thing, what if he thinks it’s ugly or cheap looking? His apartment is probably beautiful and lavished, and here you are living in a place that you can barely afford and it’s not even close to perfect but you’ve learned to call it home. Right as you get to your door, you turn around before you unlock it, and look at your friend in the eyes, “ Look, but no touching. I just cleaned up and I don’t need any more messes.” He pulls his pinky out from all the bags he has as best as he can and looks right back at you, “ I promise.”
As soon as you walk in, he instantly breaks his promise. He’s already placed the bags down onto your counter and loading items into your fridge, “ Bubs, you barely have anything in here. You must be starved!”
“Harry! I told you not to touch anything!” You instantly run over and shut the fridge behind you and start poking through the bags. He literally went grocery shopping for you, he bought all your favorite foods and snacks and plus more. “ Harry, thank you, but you really didn’t have to do any of this.” You look back at him and you can only wonder how much he spent. “ How much do I owe you?” a chuckle instantly comes out from his lips. He walks toward you and pulls the receipt out from his pocket and rips it apart. “ I guess we’ll never know, so I guess nothing.” As much as you loved when he jokes around with you, this wasn’t a joke. He did not have to do this at all, you’re more taken back because he actually listened on the phone when you were ranting that you ran out of food, but you never expected this.
“ How’bout you go take a shower and get cleaned up and I’ll order us a pizza? We’ll have a movie night.” Your friend wiggles his eyebrows up and down and pushes you down a hallway, even though he’s not sure if it’s the right way. After he’s gone back to your open floor plan apartment, you pick some clothes out and walk to your bathroom. While getting undressed, you can faintly hear him on the phone ordering pizza and making sure to specifically ask for extra cheese “ because that's how she likes it.”
After 20 minutes of waiting for you, Harry hears your footsteps coming from your short hallway as you make your way back into the space that he’s in. Before you walked in he was checking his phone for any emails that may have come in or any text messages that may have been important. However, his attention is quickly taken off his phone when you’re full emerged back into the room. Your long damp hair, messy and all, is laying down your back, your sporting a pair of cleaner shorts from the ones before, and a baggy long sleeve t-shirt on. The outfit was so plain but he thought you looked beautiful in it. The fresh scent of vanilla hits his nose, he assumes it’s the body wash you used.
“ I see you’re all clean now” a smirk is planted on your face face as she walks by you  and instantly rolls her eyes.  “ Ya know when the pizza’s gonna be here? I’m actually really hungry.”, He watches you as you rummage through your pantry and discover all your new found snacks, “ It should be here any minute, they said they weren't that busy when I called.”
Another ten minutes pass by and your food has finally arrived, he went ahead and ordered two extra-large extra cheesy buffalo chicken pizzas because he knows it your favorite, even though he’s not crazy about them. You guys are now sitting on your sofa, two pizza boxes sat on your coffee table and a two, 2 liter of sodas are popped open. You let Harry decide on what movie to watch because you weren’t really interested in anything that’s out right now, even though you would never tell him that because you enjoy his company and he made more effort than any other friends of yours have made recently.
“ ye’full yet, Bubs?” You pull your attention back to your friend and nod your head. You managed to eat 3 full slices of pizza, 4 garlic knots and a chicken wing and you couldn’t possibly manage another single bite of food. You noticed throughout the night Harry’s phone go off a few times, and even though you instructed him to take any calls or answer any emails he declines and states that when he’s out with friends he likes for them to have his full attention.
The movie just ended and you’re pretty sure that you wouldn’t be able to tell one major detail about the movie. You tried getting into it, but you just couldn’t. You had a lot on your mind: bills, school, Harry, your parents and it was all just too much. Any time Harry would nudge you, you acted as if you were paying attention and would make small commentary to reassure him that you were just as focused as he was. You noticed a few yawns have escaped your plump pink lips, but you tried to hide it because you didn’t want Harry to hear.
You grabbed the pizza boxes and any other empty box that was left on the table and made your way to the kitchen to discard of the trash, a loud bang was heard and it started to downpour. A small yelp, followed by a gulp escaped your scared frame and Harry instantly started to laugh. “ Ye’ get startled there? Just a little rain, the boogeyman ain’t gonna get ye.” He shuffles his way into your kitchen while you’re standing, and shakes you up a bit. “ I thought when ye’ told me you were scared of thunder you were joking.”  He playful nudge his shoulder and walk past him, making a smart remark as you walk to your sofa and plop yourself down and you can hear Harry following you, “ If you’re that scared, I can sleep over and make sure no one gets ye’.”  Without hesitation the statement “please” runs out of your mouth quicker than you could process it.
“ How bout we camp out here, we’ll make a fort and watch movies till we both fall asleep? I don’t want to leave ya alone since you’re oh so scared.” Again, another eye roll and glance is thrown his way but he follows you down the hall where you had just placed freshly washed blankets and pillows in your hallway closet.
The clock currently reads 2 A.M. and you’re passed out, leaning on the edge of the couch. Your body is curled up in a ball but goosebumps have risen all over your body. Harry takes notice, and without hesitation pulls your blanket back on your body as it made its way onto the floor and kisses your forehead. Sleep was starting to over take his too, and he laid on the floor next to the couch just in case you got scared.
Around 2:30 you started shifting in your sleep, and again without hesitation your friend sat up and started to draw circles on your back and played with your hair until you fell back asleep.
Throughout the night Harry would wake up just to make sure you were still in the same spot and not dangling off of your couch. He thought a few times now about moving you to your bed, but he never invited you in their and he didn’t think it was right to go in without asking.
Harry couldn’t sleep at all that night, he didn’t know what was going on but he knew that you were more than just a friend in his eyes and he cares about you. This was your first official sleepover with Harry and it for sure won’t be your last.
This idea came from an old request that I just discovered again today, “   How it feels to sleep side by side for the first time” but I made it my own, so I hope I didn’t disappoint!!! 
Thank you to everyone that has been reading my writing, and I hope you all enjoy. If you guys have any requests or suggestions my asks are always open! You guys can always stop by even just to say hi!! 
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spicykiwiis · 5 years
The Injury
Summary: Peter ran into trouble during his typical spider-man nightly patrol, and decided to sneak into your room to ask for help
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: None. Minor injuries maybe?
A/N: I only have three final exams left, and I’m procrastinating instead of studying so I wrote this to feel like I’ve been doing something productive. Hope you enjoy!
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Sleeping was always something that was easy for you. If you were tired, there was no way of stopping you from lying down, or sitting down, or finding any comfortable position and immediately falling asleep. Tony called it a talent, but of course he would. As someone who barely got any sleep it was fascinating to see you fall asleep so easily and so quickly, sometimes in positions that looked so uncomfortable it left him wondering how you would wake without feeling sore at all. And you were grateful for it, truly, but the moment you fall asleep there is no waking you up. Steve would tell you multiple times, especially during those missions that ended up lasting multiple days, that you needed to be more alert. What if there’s a surprise attack? What if someone sneaks into your place? With your line of work you can never be too careful.
You tried, you really tried to be more alert. But there’s really no way of controlling your body once you’re asleep is there? It’s not your fault if you completely shut down when your asleep. So after all these years of never waking up for any sound or any disruption, it came as a surprise the moment you were woken up by the sound of a soft thud and a quiet groan of pain came from your window. You quickly sat up, sliding out of your bed and turning on the light.
“Peter?” You looked down at him, dressed in his spider man suit and lying down on the floor beneath the window. He was clearly in pain, he had tried to sit up and ended up lying down again, groaning.
“Hey, I- I’m sorry I’ve been knocking on your window for about ten minutes now and you weren’t waking up” He attempted to sit up again, and you ran over to help him, throwing his arm over your shoulders and grabbing his waist. You led him to sit down at the edge of your bed, and once he was finally comfortable he took of his mask.
“Holy shit Peter, what did you get yourself into this time?” There was a cut on his forehead that was now covered with dried blood, and his left cheek had a dark bruise that looked pretty nasty. He was going to have a hard time trying to explain this one to May.
“There was a robbery and I got distracted for a second, but I’m fine.” You raised an eyebrow at him, knowing that was a complete lie. “W-well maybe not fine fine, but I’m still here right? Sorry for sneaking in but the compound was the closest thing and I didn’t want to bother Mr Stark because he would probably murder me himself if he saw me like this, or- or take away the suit again, and you were the only one I could think of. I can leave if-”
“Peter, stop. You’re rambling. I don’t care that you woke me up. Here, let me go get some things to patch you up.” You placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly and he looked at you, with a blush covering his cheeks.
You came back a few minutes later with an ice pack and a first-aid kit. Luckily no one had seen you sneaking out of the infirmary of the compound, so Peter wouldn’t have to worry about Tony finding out he was hurt, at least not for now. He looked up at you with a small smile, and thanked you handed him over the ice pack, placing it on his cheek.
“You really should be more careful Pete. You should know by now that getting distracted during a fight is a big no no.” He flinched as you started cleaning up the cut on his forehead, and with the dried-up blood gone you could see it was mostly superficial. “Don’t worry though, I’m not going to give you the whole ‘what were you thinking talk’, Tony will probably do that tomorrow” You chuckled as you said this, and Peter groaned once more.
“I know, I know. Thank you for helping me, really. I owe you one”
“You owe me many”
You smiled as you said this, remembering all of the times you’ve helped Peter out. It’s not a one-way street though. Peter has always been there for you, and you were glad to have met him. You liked him a lot, and the fact that he had sneaked into your room for help really warmed your heart.
A comfortable silence had covered the room as you cleaned Peter’s wound as softly as possible trying not to hurt him. You were so concentrated on the task you hadn’t noticed Peter looking at you with admiration, and a blush covering his cheeks because of how close you two were. You hadn’t noticed the short distance either, not until Peter raised his hand and grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“Y/n listen, there’s – there’s a reason why I came to you for help. It – it’s not just – um – how do I say this – I think – well I don’t think, I know –”
“Spit it out Pete, what is it?” Your heart was starting to beat faster now, finally noticing the closeness between you two. And he was still holding your wrist, which only caused you to start blushing too.
“Okay, Okay. I just – Fine. I don’t want to be your friend. Well I do. What I mean is, I don’t want to be just friends. I really like you. But it’s okay if you don’t like me back, I swear. I just wanted you to know.”
He looked to the side when he finished talking, shifting nervously in his sitting position. For a second, you didn’t know how to react, so you stood still looking down at him. But once you processed it all, you grinned, carefully placing a palm on his bruised cheek. It was really cold and slightly wet because of the ice that had previously been held against it, but you ignored it. You turned his head so that he would look at you and slowly leaned down towards him. He was looking right at you, and you closed your eyes as you softly placed your lips on his. He leaned into you, closing his eyes too, and you felt him smile into the kiss. It was short and it was sweet, and when you pulled apart you placed your forehead against his, grinning once again.
“I really like you too Peter Parker.”
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araneanox · 4 years
Maybe tumblr isn't the best place for senseless rambling, but I am just in that kind of mood rn
A lot of people with anxiety, depression and ADHD have trouble being productive. Contrary to the popular belief - no, we aren't lazy, and it's not because we don't want to do things. Mental disorders are these awful things, parasites that feed on our energy, will, happiness...
For years I have been incapable of doing things I enjoy. That includes learning how to draw, making music, writing angsty smuts... all because staying in bed curled up, immobile, while listening to whatever pops up in my youtube recommendations feels safer than getting up and doing things. The energy to get up, take my laptop, turn on my piano, or take a pencil and a notebook is just not there. I am angry. I am miserable. I am useless. I am struggling and afraid that this cycle of procrastinating, stressing and giving up is not going to stop even when I'm old and grey. And I am human too. I might be sick but I still have goals and ambitions. Honestly, therapy helps. Meds do too. And this past few days, studying for all the grades that I missed since September because going to school felt like too much of a chore doesn't feel that frightening anymore. One thing I know for sure - I am an artist to the marrow of my bones. And lately, the urge to make things, to bring so many characters that are parts of me to life has been stronger than ever. In a foreign but strangely familiar way, it makes me feel alive. I am writing this because I know for a fact that there are lots of us here. Maybe someone will take their time to read it and feel understood. I have a lot of work to do, both mentally and academically. But once I am done with it I am willing to try and make something, wether it be a drawing, a fic, a song... I want it. Perhaps more desperately than I realize. I want to show the world a piece of me that I've crafted myself. In a sense, I know that it most likely won't happen, because I'll turn to sleeping for 15 hours and doing nothing again. But for once I don't care. Maybe I'll finally save up for a drawing pad I've wanted for so long... I want to try.
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For the writer's ask game, All Odd numbers 😁 no need to answer all if too many. Just wanna hear ur ideas on somee 😁imiss your fanficssss
omg idk if i love you or hating for asking so many questions in one goXD Aww i’m still writing, just veeery slowly... and i’ve had a few very rough weeks (mostly bc of work) so i haven’t had much energy or motivation at all - trying to get back into it so i can write the whole weekend!
1.  Do you listen to music when you write?
Sometimes. It depends! Sometimes it helps get into the mood or avoid distraction, but sometimes the music makes me think of other plot ideas which is highly distracting *sweats* Lately, i’ve listened a lot to imagine dragons while writing!
3.  Computer or pen and paper?
computer. i have some notebooks with old stuff written down, barely readable. why did i write plotlines in pink?? can’t read it at all lol
5.  How much writing do you get done on an average day?
haha.. on average it’s like, nothing. but if i actually have time to write that day, it can be anything from 200 words to 4,000. usually i don’t get to more than 4K in one day for some reason (unless i switch fics to write on lol). maybe 1,000 words is a fairly accurate average!
7.  Standalone or series?
usually standalones. i’ve only written one sequel in my life and it’s not even finished (Missing pieces)
9.  Current WIP
The sun within me, Lessons in love, For You My Sun, Sugar Star are the ones waiting for new chapters. i’ve got a couple unpublished/unfinished WIPs in my folder... we’ll see if i manage to finish them at some point but i don’t really dare to describe them in case someone would actually want to read them
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
hmm tough question. i grew up reading authors like David Eddings, Eoin Colfer, Tamora Pierce, i went down and checked my bookcase and those three are actually the ones still on display haha. of course i read books like harry potter and narnia etc. too. lots of fantasy basically - and lots and lots of horse books, but i don’t think you can tell in my writing lol. Ender’s game by Orson Scott Card is a favorite, as well as the hobbit and The name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss. when i studied Finnish in university i had to branch out and read books i would never choose myself, and that really influenced me to broaden my perspective so to say. last book i read was probably Wayward son by Rainbow Rowell (i’m a sucker for sad gay vampires apparently). i also read a ton of murder mysteries like agatha christie when i was younger.
plus, all the manga i read - dragon ball and naruto and love hina and yaoi and god knows what
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
oh dear. i usually get an idea that goes sth like “wouldn’t it be hilarious if...” and then it spirals out of control. like, my first long fanfic, Results of a shitty day, was literally me saying “you know what? i want to write a long drama fic like all those other cool authors do” and there was no plan besides at all at first.
i tend to just write a first chapter and then have a general idea of what i want to explore - a certain character growing a certain way, or a certain trope, or just the one scene that won’t go away. For The sun within me, it was literally “hey what if i wrote naruto and sasuke in the road to ninja universe” and for Lessons in love it was “man i really want a fic where Yurio is Viktor’s son and they’re fanboys of Yuuri’s skating”, and me rambling to a friend in the car about it until i was forced to sit down and write it. i definitely make up the plot as i go. every time i decide the plot in advance i end up changing it anyway (yes, this happens even for oneshots sometimes). i love planning though - so much that i constantly re-plan the stories and plan the chapter while writing it too. 
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
badly. i’m a procrastinator. usually i switch between stories, if that doesn’t work, i try to write sth new, usually that doesn’t work and i end up reading fics until i’m convinced i can never write as well as other people can. and then i just have to take a break until my brain goes ping! and i can write again.
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
i think the only habit i have is getting easily distracted. *cough*
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
i’m constantly writing in my head - daydreaming if you want to call it that. typing is very difficult, but i’m usually motivated by the fact that there’s nothing better than to sit down after a long day and just enjoy a really good fic about your OTP, and since people enjoy my writing i can’t just quit and rob them of this. i can’t just enjoy fandom without paying back when i actually have the possibility to do so. it usually works!! also, when i type, the story takes shape in a way it doesn’t in my head, which is actually really cool so i read my own stuff now and then just to remind me of this. 
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
23.  Favourite author
hmm i don’t have just one. or do they mean fanfic author? well i wouldn’t be able to choose either way!
25.  Favourite part of writing
when i manage to type a scene the way i pictured it in my head. and when i just write without a plan and things start to make sense!
27.  Favourite line/scene
actually, every single scene in The sun within me is my favorite lol
29.  Favourite villain
does Sasuke count? no? i’ll say Baz in the Carry On series
31.  Least favourite part of writing
the first sentence of a fic or chapter. getting started is the hardest!!
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
i wrote a drabble with naruto and sasuke in the afterlife once. i don’t think i’ve actually killed anyone???
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
the next chapter for Lessons in love is giving me a lot of trouble currently :(
37.  First sentence or your current WIP
This is the first sentence of chapter 16, Lessons in love: Their last full day in Hasetsu passes in a blur.
And this is the first sentence if a yoi smut fic i’ll post when i finally finish ch 16 for LiL:  The metro is always crowded at this time, and Yuuri hates it.
Don’t tell anyone i’m working on yet another smut fic for yoi.
Aaaand this is the first sentence of a sasnar fic i’m writing on when i’m too tired to actually write anything seriously:  Sasuke was surprised to find that he was not the only one to be summoned to the Hokage’s office.
I know it was an earlier question, but i actually have something like 17 WIPs in my WIP folder that are not posted in any part yet, of which most will probably never see the light of day. 
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
hmm i don’t know
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
i have much advice. but i don’t think any of it is very original. the most important thing - there’s no such thing as failure when you’re writing fanfic. write what you want and when you want, the only way to get better is to keep writing! i just re-read an old story to see if it was worth editing and copying over onto ao3, and realized i had used the word “pinkette” to describe sakura. we all start somewhere... and if you ever look back on old fics, focus on how much you enjoyed writing the fic, not if it’s good or not!!
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
if they don’t, it’s generally because they’re right and i’m not. forcing them back into the outline only makes for awkward writing. i always go along with it to see where it goes - sometimes it ends up somewhere much better than planned, sometimes you realize you’ve made mistakes way back in the fic and now you’re stuck with the choice of changing the plot or going back to rewrite. 
45.  How much world building do you do?
i actually hate world building. and describing things like scenery and places and clothes. i’ve had to really force myself to work on it. but i also make sure that i only give the absolute necessary information and then slip in the rest in bits and pieces where it fits. but since i mostly write in already set worlds, it’s usually not that necessary. 
47.   Best way to procrastinate
look at fics and put them in my marked for later and then procrastinate reading them by working on WIPs that are not my published WIPs and then procrastinate those WIPs by finding new fics to read and then maybe re-read my own fics. oh, and scrolling through social media
(i don’t actually have a lot of time to procrastinate bc it’s usually work-take care of horse-shower and dinner-sleep)
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Phichit. so much fun!!!
Wow, that was a lot of questions and a lot of fun!! Sorry for the super long post you have to scroll by lol
Thank you for asking!!!
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