#This will join my finished projects folder
worriedvision · 9 months
He ignores you after an argument - Dr Ratio
Gender neutral reader, angst with an ending that can be viewed as happy. Dr Ratio shows his immaturity, and he only realises how close he is to losing you when Argenti makes an appearance.
"What do you mean, 'can you try to be more considerate'? If you cannot comprehend a genius' words, you are not worthy of my time!" Your boyfriend huffs, turning around to place his mask on.
He always did that when you had arguments, but the words that were paired with his actions were what worried you. You had really stepped in it, trying to tell him that you weren't finished with your sentence. You were getting frustrated that he wouldn't stop interrupting you and, sometimes, filling in the statements incorrectly. You ignored your frustration in the past, but it boiled into this argument you just had with him. You were doubtful that he would think about your feelings even after he calmed down, so you mentally prepared yourself for the silent treatment.
Days became weeks, and weeks became months. He still wasn't talking to you, and you were heartbroken. You dive yourself into your work, the astral express themselves commissioning you because of Dr Ratio's words of praise of your intellect. Swallowing the temptation to explain he was likely exaggerating to help you with getting work, you go along with it. Your boyfriend, despite no longer talking to you after the argument, tags along. You both get separate rooms - something you are thankful for, considering how awkward you felt around your partner. You didn't even know if he was considering himself as your boyfriend or if he mentally checked out since the argument.
Now, Argenti decided to make an appearance. Turns out, he had an issue with his ship, so he had to request some resources from the astral express. You had tried to speak to your boyfriend, who was still playing chess by himself as he ignored your pleads for forgiveness - apologising for failing to communicate effectively. Struggling to keep yourself together, you walk to the other side of the room before taking a seat. Pulling out your folders, you get to work on other projects. Hearing someone walking towards you, you assume they'll just be taking a seat somewhere close, only for them to sit right next to you.
"A beauty as precious as one you possess shall not be under-appreciated by an unrequited love." He begins, Dr Ratio halfway through playing a knight, freezing up at this man hitting on you. "With brains to accompany your radiant and decadent beauty, I shall request that you consider flourishing under someone to cherish you."
Dr Ratio gets up from his seat, his mask literally starting to crack as he begins to storm over to you. He realised, through Argenti's speech, that he ought to treat you better since he truly loves you. He had to show you that he has been thinking of you, about how to apologise - he simply kept his mask on because he thought he didn't deserve to show his face until he thought about how to apologise to you for interrupting you. By the time he knows what to say, his mask breaks entirely, falling to the floor to Pom-Pom's distain.
In the middle of Argenti clearly scouting for you to join him on his ship, Dr Ratio walks behind the couch and wraps his arms around you, side glaring at Argenti.
"Apologies, but this is a prize I won." Dr Ratio growls, Argenti chuckling as he gives Dr Ratio a light warning that you were likely going to get snatched up by another man if he screwed up again.
Your boyfriend comes to take Argenti's place on the couch, pulling you in for a hug, he begins his apology.
"You didn't talk to me for months, you know?" You pout, your boyfriend scolding himself inwardly for being immature.
"You are the one who's more empathetic than myself. I need to put more effort into understanding your feelings, I'm lucky that you're still alright with me hugging you despite the argument." Dr Ratio sighs, squeezing you as he looks over your shoulder to read your work.
"...I almost forgot how amazing and intelligent my partner is." Dr Ratio smirks, you turning your head to look at him. "If I have to wait a year for compensation of my neglect to remain yours, I would gladly do so."
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3archangelsaints · 4 months
you said you were bored so i hope this idea gets rid of that
there are not enough childhood best friend!simon fic’s out there and i’ve been desperate lately. i don’t have much of an idea so write whatever comes to mind if you choose this req.
Childhood bestfriends who met just before you went to secondary school, you went to an all girls school and he went to an all boys and yet you were always together, everyday after school, you'd be out late, avoiding your horrible home lives. He'd stay out late with you, when you'd had an argument that left you shaking and crying from anxiety and adrenaline. You never skipped school, your mum was strict about that and you'd preferred to not cause problems, Simon always said that to you, "Don't cause problems for yourself, yeah?" He holds you to him, kissing your temple. "You too, Si." You hug him, giggling as he lifts you up.
"Sit down." He huffs, pulling you onto the grass as the two of you study outside for GSCE mocks. Books and folders sprawled on the grass, and you stand up and start explaining the Weimar government to him for your GSCE history. He listens intently, he took the same GSCE's as you, except art, he wasn't good at that, he told you. He would stay up with you when you'd finish last minute art projects and when it came to portraits, you'd photograph Simon. He only allowed you to do it his eyes, the rest of his face covered by his hand. You loved studying, mainly because you were allowed to visit Simon's house, his dad begrudgingly allowing it. He didn't hit Simon when you were there. Simon didn't care though, his hands were always scabbed with broken skin from fighting with his dad, as he was about the same height as him, despite only being 16. You'd often fall asleep against Simon, his natural musk lulling you to sleep. You waited to open your results together. You ran to him when you saw him, jumping onto him, squealing with joy. He lifted you in air with ease. "Simon!" You squeal again. He puts you down, pressing his lips to your forehead. "Have you opened your results?" You shake your head, he can tell you're nervous, he takes it from you. "May I?" You nod. He opens it. Eyes scanning it. "So?" "So you're fuckin amazing and are so smart." He shows your results. You jump up with glee. He throws you in the air, before pretending to drop you just to hear you scream. "So fuckin' proud of you." "What'd you get?" You take it from him, he passed his core, everything he passed with average grades. Neither here nor there. "What're you gonna do?" "Butcher's apprentice." He says gruffly. You smile, nodding and hugging him. "You mean my butcher's apprentice." You tease. He nods, kissing your temple again. ---
He comes with you to see what 6th form you're going to, he drops you off the first day and does his best to be there for you whenever. He holds your hand and pressing kisses to your face as your freak out, chucking clothes from your wardrobe. "Simon!" You all but cry, trembling. "I don't know what to wear." You huff, he knows how you get social anxiety and he huffs before grabbing a black shirt you stole from him, and a pair of ripped loose jeans. "Here." He hands it to you, he grabs your brush whilst you get changed and brushes your hair gently, expertly starting from the ends. He grabs a scrunchie and ties your hair into a loose bun. ---
When you get your A-level results and find out that you got into your uni, you're ecstatic except you have to move cities and its so far from Simon. He cups your cheek and kisses you, "I'm joining the military." Your heart breaks, you didn't expect him to move with you, but not join the military. "You could die." Your voice trembles. ---
The goodbye is hard, you're babbling and crying as you see him leave for bootcamp, but when he visits you after, clearly bulkier, your heart aches for him. Once again you're in his embrace. His heartbeat against your ear. But just like that, he's gone again. And you move on, focus on yourself, you get your degree, then go for a master's in the states, before returning for your PhD in the UK. When you're leaving after a long day at university, walking to your car, you freak out when you see a bulky massive figure leaning against the hood. He calls out your name, in a deep voice. "Simon?" You ask, dropping to your knees. "I'm here Lovie." You sob. He gingerly picks you up, and just like that your Simon is in your arms again. Breathing. Alive. Living. "Don't leave me again." He nods. Kissing your cheek.
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tonyspank · 1 year
"Here in this dimension, you and I are meant to be..."
Summary:  In the year of 2075, in a futuristic world where soulmates are determined by their markings, you serve as a police officer in a high-tech city. However, there's more to your identity than meets the eye, and your superior, Hannah, has secrets to reveal.
Warnings: death, bit of angst, philosophy, rushed ending
A/N: had mixed emotions abt posting this, might delete bc idk how to feel, hope u guys enjoy
also wanted to post this bc i’ll be going in a little “writing vacay” basically not gonna be posting anything until i finish majority of my fics
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In the year 2075, technology has advanced to unimaginable heights. Everything was futuristic, from self-driving cars and flying drones to holographic displays and virtual reality. There were some parts that still remained untouched by technology: the lower-class side of the city.
The side you passed to get home from work, was a stark contrast to the high-tech world that existed just a few blocks away. Brick buildings a few years away from crumbling away, littered streets, and dimly lit alleyways were the norm in the forgotten part of town.
The lower-class side of the city seemed frozen in time, trapped in an era that had long been left behind.
You felt similar, feeling as if you were frozen in time. Or even as if time had been in a loop, every day is the same, repeating the same routine over and over again. You had joined the police force when you turned 19.
You can't remember anything before that; it felt as if your childhood life was a blur. You had always wondered about your past, but there were no answers to be found.
There were barely any crimes due to the fact that cameras were everywhere, along with drones that could identify you in less than a second. The constant surveillance made it nearly impossible for anyone to get away with anything.
You still found a way to rank up, taking on additional responsibilities and becoming a respected member of the force. Your dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed, and you were eventually promoted to a leadership position within the police force.
"Y/LN." You raise your eyebrow, twisting your chair around toward the familiar voice. Standing in the doorway is your higher-up, Hannah, the Chief of Police. She has a stern expression on her face, waiting for you to address her.
You quickly stand up, walking over to her to see what the matter is. Hannah always had a stern expression on her face, even when she was in a good mood.
But this time, it felt different.
Hannah motions for you to follow her, leading you down the hallway towards the conference room. You follow behind Hannah with ease, dodging and weaving between the mix of androids and human officers bustling about the police station.
Entering the conference room, Hannah slaps the folder against the desk, causing a loud thud that echoes in the room. Her eyes bore into yours as she starts explaining the details of a confidential mission having to deal with the president and his late daughter.
"The sons of bitches actually made the serum..." Hannah mutters, taking a photo out of the folder and sliding it across the table towards you. The photo reveals a vial filled with a glowing blue liquid, labeled "Project Seraphim."
Project Seraphim, a top-secret government initiative, was aimed at resurrecting the president's daughter, who had tragically passed away. Ashely Redfield, the president's daughter and a young girl who never got to experience the fullness of life, was the inspiration behind Project Seraphim. The serum was meant to bring her back to life, offering a glimmer of hope to her grieving father.
"...years ago." Hannah finishes, clenching her jaw. "Dr. Murphy finished Project Seraphim and never informed anyone about its success. He kept it hidden, for what reason? I don't know. All I know is that you need to find him and get the serum. This came directly from the president, and you're the only one I trust to carry out this mission."
You eye the file on the desk, which contains all the information about Project Seraphim and Dr. Murphy's whereabouts. With a nod of your head, you agree, "Understood."
It was nighttime when you left the station, rain falling from the dark sky, the only thing lighting up the city being the neon signs and holograms flickering in the distance.
For the first time in years, you felt...overwhelmed. The weight of the mission and the responsibility entrusted to you by the president seemed to bear down on your shoulders. You continued to stroll through the rain-soaked streets, rolling up your sleeve slightly, revealing the mark on your forearm.
The mark was a symbol to show you had a soulmate out there. Your soulmate was supposed to have the same marking as your own, connecting the two of you in a deep and unbreakable bond.
It had always been a source of comfort and hope, knowing that somewhere in this vast city, your soulmate was waiting for you.
You run your hand over your marking, feeling the raised texture and tracing the intricate design. The feeling was soothing, even more so than the raindrops cascading down your skin, which seemed to echo the rhythm of your heartbeat, as if nature itself were in tune with the anticipation in your chest.
With a deep and long sigh, you cover up your marking, carrying on with your walk home.
Your routine has been broken. A figure stood at the edge of the bridge, which separated the two halves of your town. The figure's silhouette was illuminated by the dim streetlights, casting a shadow on the bridge's worn-out wooden planks.
You furrowed your eyebrows, breaking the cycle, and walking toward the figure, who seemed to not care about the rain that fell on them. Only a few feet away, you stood beside the now-revealed woman, who stared ahead, watching the small ripples forming in the river below.
She was gorgeous; more than gorgeous, she was enchanting, captivating even in the gloomy night. Her eyes held a hint of sadness, reflecting the weight of her thoughts. You couldn't help but be drawn to her mysterious aura, wondering what had brought her to this desolate bridge on such a rainy night.
Her lips began to curve in a small smile, and you had nearly missed the soft chuckle that escaped her lips. She turns to you, smiling softly, her eyes pouring into yours—eye contact that felt both intimate and unsettling. It was as if she could see right through you, unraveling the depths of your soul with just a glance.
You found yourself captivated by her gaze, unable to break free from the magnetic pull of her eyes. Then you heard her for the first time, your heartbeat racing more than it ever has before. Was this healthy?
"The rain can be quite therapeutic, wouldn't you agree?" Her voice was like a gentle melody, soothing yet mysterious. You feel the raindrops on your skin, cooling and cleansing, as if washing away the weight of the world. It's as if her words have a magical power, bringing a sense of calm and clarity to your troubled mind.
"Yes, it is," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, unable to tear your eyes away from her. The way she spoke and the way she looked at you made you feel like she could understand every hidden part of your being. She gives you another smile before turning her attention back to the river. "I'm Jenna if you were wondering."
"I like watching the rain hit the water—seeing the ripples in the water as each raindrop creates its own unique pattern." Your eyes don't drift away from the woman, watching her side profile as she gazes out at the rain-soaked scenery.
"Even watching the raindrops that hit the dock is mesmerizing," she adds. "There are more than 200,000 raindrops that fall a minute, yet each one has its own individual impact on the world around us. People take rain for granted, complaining about how it ruins their plans or makes them wet, but they fail to appreciate the beauty and significance of each raindrop."
She continues, "Rain is essential for life, nourishing plants and hell even replenishing our water sources. It's a reminder of nature's power and the interconnectedness of all living things."
She turns back toward you, her eyes flickering with a sense of wonder. "Don't you kind of think we're like raindrops? Each of us may seem small and insignificant on our own, but together we have the power to create a ripple effect and make a difference in the world." She smiles as you stare at her, confused and intrigued by her analogy.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get too philosophical there. It's just something I've been thinking about lately. But hey, maybe it's something worth pondering, right?" She chuckles, breaking the momentary silence between you two.
You break into a smile. "No, don't apologize. I actually love that analogy. It's a beautiful way to look at things." Jenna's smile increases, her eyes lighting up with appreciation. "I'm glad you think so," she replies.
"Sometimes, it's easy to feel like our actions don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But if we can believe that even the smallest acts of kindness or positive change can create a ripple effect, then maybe we can find the motivation to keep making a difference. Like you taking the time out of your night to listen to me," she whispers the last part, breaking the eye contact she's been holding and looking down at her hands.
You open your mouth to speak, but you're cut off by the angelic voice. "Thank you; it was really nice talking to you, but I have to go now."
Jenna walks away in a hurry, leaving you standing on the wooden bridge alone, feeling a mixture of confusion and gratitude. You watch her disappear into the distance, wondering what impact your conversation had on her.
It's been days since your mission and days since your conversation with Jenna. You find yourself replaying the conversation in your mind, trying to decipher any hidden meaning behind her words. The memory of her angelic voice and the intensity of the moment still linger, leaving you with a sense of longing to know if she's okay.
A knock is heard at your door, interrupting your thoughts. John, a fellow officer in your field, hands you a file with a frown on his face. "Homicide," he says, scratching his beard. "We've got a new case, and it's a messy one. I thought you should take a look."
You quickly skim through the file while John briefs you on the details. "A young girl in her 20s was found dead three days ago, but there's no sign of a fight nor any obvious cause of death. We have her body in the laboratory for further examination, but so far, the autopsy results have been inconclusive. It's like she just... died. No witnesses, no suspects, nothing. Her names—"
"—Jenna." Your heart drops, flipping back and forth between shock and disbelief. Jenna. The same Jenna you met on the bridge that night, and the same Jenna that is supposedly your soulmate.
The marking on her back is the same as the marking on your arm. You feel a chill run down your spine as you realize you met your soulmate that night. Only once you find out do you realize that she is now gone forever.
What could have happened to Jenna, and why did fate bring you together only to tear you apart so suddenly?
"Y/LN? You alright?" John mutters, snapping you out of your thoughts. You eye the officer, still lost in your own world.
No, you weren't going to let the only person who brought you happiness after such a long time slip away without a fight.
Without a word, you jump up from your chair, pushing past your co-workers and rushing out of the office. You were going to use that serum on Jenna, not the president's daughter.
You burst through the doors of the laboratory, Hannah standing there with a puzzled expression on her face. "Y/LN, what's going on?" she asks, you were the last person she expected to see bursting into the lab.
Ignoring her question, you turn to a worker at the lab and urgently ask, "Where is Jenna Ortega's body? I need to see her immediately." The worker looks taken aback by your sudden request but quickly directs you to the morgue.
You remember the room number, then return back to Hannah, bumping past her and into the room she had just exited, the serum had been held here until the president was able to make his way down to your city, fortunately, he had been too busy to visit the lab earlier.
The four-digit code that you set and remember with ease is punched into the safe, unlocking with a loud beep. You grab the blue serum, turning around, only to be met with a gun pointed at your face. The person holding the gun is none other than Hannah; her expression cold and determined.
"Damnit, Y/LN. Don't make me do this," she mumbles, taking the safety off her gun. "Who told you about Jenna, huh?" You freeze, your mind racing to figure out how Hannah found out about Jenna.
"You knew? You knew Jenna was my soulmate?" Your voice trembles as you try to comprehend the situation. Hannah pauses for a moment, her grip on the gun tightening. "I've known for a while now," she admits. "There's some things you don't understand. You have an old soul, and I like that about you."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" You grit, confusion, and anger bubbling up inside you. Hannah's eyes narrow, a flicker of sadness crossing her face.
"You're not human, Y/N. You're something more, something special. You were created by SynthoTech, a company that specializes in advanced artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. They designed you to possess enhanced abilities and a unique consciousness, and it was either to terminate you or let you work for the government.
You're unlike any other Android that's been created before. Your thoughts and emotions are not just programmed responses but rather a genuine experiences. You have the capacity to feel joy, love, and even pain.
It's both a gift and a burden as you navigate a world that may not fully understand or accept you. I don't know why Jenna was your soulmate; I really don't get it, but we couldn't let you get off your program. So I had to eliminate her."
Hannah lets out a sigh. "Fucking hell, Y/N. Just set down the serum and let's figure out a way to keep you safe. No one has to know about this, okay? I can reset your program--"
"No!" You interrupt, "I'm not going to let you erase my memories and reset me like some kind of...fuck...no. You killed Jenna, and now you want to erase her from my existence too? This is so fucked up."
"The world is a fucked up place, Y/LN. What do expect to happen if you inject Jenna with that serum? You think the president is gonna let an android and human have a happily ever after with the cure that was made for his daughter?"
You shake your head, anger and frustration coursing through you. "I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be part of some twisted experiment or to be caught in the middle of political agendas. Jenna deserved better than this, and so do I."
"And so did Ashely; Jenna got to live her life, but Ashely was robbed of that opportunity." You take a step closer to Hannah, your eyebrows furrowed together tightly.
"Do you fucking hear yourself? You also robbed Jenna of the opportunity to live her life. You killed her for something she couldn't control! You're a hypocrite."
Hannah's face pales as your words sink in. She takes a step back, her eyes filled with guilt and remorse. The weight of her actions finally dawns on her, leaving her speechless and unable to defend herself.
Hannah lowers her gun and says, "Hurry." You hesitate for a moment, conflicted by the sudden change in Hannah's demeanor. "What?"
"Hurry up before I change my mind," Hannah says, her voice trembling. "I don't want to be responsible for any more pain and suffering."
Taking your chance, you run out of the room and toward Jenna with the serum in your hand.
You unlock the door to the morgue and step inside, the cold air hitting you as you scan the room for Jenna Ortega's body. She lies on a stainless steel table, pale and lifeless. You rush to her side, praying that it's not too late. Injecting the serum into your soulmate, you watch anxiously as her body stirs and color returns to her cheeks.
You whisper words of encouragement, urging Jenna to fight for her life.
Relief washes over you as Jenna's eyes flutter open, and she takes a deep breath. "Y/N," she whispers weakly, her voice barely audible. You hold her hand tightly, grateful that you were able to save her from the brink of death.
You roll up your sleeve, revealing the marking on your forearm, silently explaining that you're her soulmate. Jenna's gaze shifts to your forearm, her eyes widening with recognition as she traces her finger over the marking.
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moyokeansimblr · 8 months
Not feeling so hot and I'm not going to do anything impulsive at 8PM on a Friday evening but
here is a link to a sfs folder with ALL of my content that's currently only hosted on patreon.
I want to add individual sfs links to the tumblr posts but that's a lot and I'm now regretting never adding alt dl links this whole time... and sorry I don't think the downloads in the sfs folder are in order... it also might be some other things, like fixed meshes or stuff. tbh I just added everything I've made after April 3rd 2023 since that was the last time I uploaded anything to sfs.
I guess while I'm here... I was going to wait until after I finish up the last of my active requests (probably by Monday, I'm almost done) but I desperately need a break from CC. I sent a group message on the 17th to my $4 and $6 patrons encouraging them to cancel, but I know not everybody knows patreon even has dms so maybe you'll see this post and I'll reach out again in the coming days so nobody is wasting their money. I am so immensely burnt out and I need to not create for a while. This is completely my own fault, nobody made me work on CC for 8-10 hours 5 days a week for the last several months and I fully knew it wasn't sustainable ages ago but I kept doing it because it made me feel good, until it didn't. Quite honestly, even before I sent the group message the instant wave of relief I felt just having made the decision to take a break... that caught me off guard but just confirmed I need this. I do feel really awful about it because I feel like I'm letting people down but at the same time I don't want to hate creating which was already happening. That being said, I don't know how long the lull in CC is going to be, and if you're only following me strictly for CC I apologize. As said I am still finishing up one request I still had, I'm about 75% done with that as of this post. But that's gonna be it for a while.
There is a part of me that wants to stop using patreon completely and unpublish my creator page (which is what I'm not going to impulsively do tonight without properly thinking it through...since there are positives like how easy it is to download files and whatnot) but I'd again encourage not only those who joined the $4 and $6 tiers but also the $2 tier to cancel so that you aren't wasting your money. If I did do this I would definitely do the individual sfs links on everything first. I'd not just leave you guys unable to download my stuff.
So, what does that mean for this blog? I'll spare ye, impatient readers, who have already read a lot because I ramble⬇️
Well, as of posting this I still have THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR Strangetown posts in my queue. And I'm not tired of playing that.
I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to do all of the things I've been neglecting. I'm finally going to go through the subfolder within my downloads of everything I'm downloaded the last few months and decide if I wanna keep it in my game or not. And finish default replacing everything. And all my other various little projects I haven't been doing.
Also, I want to start playing Veronaville 😮I've already started downloading lots from kattaty to replace the in-game ones, and I found a cool replacement for the neighborhood map. I am leaning towards making a new sub-blog for this so that you don't have to try and follow Strangetown/LFT posts and Veronaville/ALT posts at the same time. I've only ever played the Veronaville sims for like one day as part of a super failed megahood years ago so I'd like to get to know them.
So basically, I guess I'm a gameplay blog for now? Until I want to create anything again anyways, but I don't know when that will be.
I don't know how to end this post... I'm sorry for the disappointment, but thank you so much for enjoying my stuff 💛💛
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sleepis4theweak · 6 months
WIP game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
*note: my asks are currently off, so you can just comment on this post and I'll respond to it as if it were an ask :)
tagged by @midwinterhunt (I love that you could just tell that I was drowning in wips.... you were so right)
ART - Flashbacks AU next chapter... I've made no progress <3 -Angsty comic on anger with the 2012 boys -Drawing for moot -Small comic with baby Rottmnt Donnie -Small comic with child rottmnt April and Raph -3 more of the drawing moots challenge thing -Looooong comic with 2012 April and Mikey -Comic with rottmnt Leo and Usagi -Short comic with 2012 Mikey and Donnie -Short comic with 2012 Mikey and Raph -Longer comic with 2012 boys about ADHD -THAT FUCKING OC PROJECT THAT I CAN NEVER FINISH GODDAMN IT -Rottmnt Leo and Raph long comic about stranger danger -Trauma and processing comic with 2012 April and the brothers -Milkshake animation... that I will likely never finish -A Lego Monkey animation... that I will also likely never finish -Mikey 2012 and Peepaw Mikey tiktok that... might get finished? -Waffles comic that I keep on abandoning whoops
There is definitely more... but this is all the stuff I have currently started on my iPad... haha....
(Save me I'm drowning in WIPs)
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bookish-bogwitch · 6 months
an ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
thanks for tagging me @wellbelesbian!
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s): Basil Pitch's Diary. It's literally my only WIP.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___” Bridget Jones's Diary + Carry On = We Love Baz, Just As He Is
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it? Internalized homophobia, gaslighting, self-hatred. 😬
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)? I never considered an alternative title to BPD, but the one that comes to mind now would be a huge spoiler. The alternative title to the next chapter is "I Fortunately Know a Little Magic," which is sassy and snappy (R.I.P. Howard Ashman) but less thematically relevant than the title I chose.
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next? Basil Pitch's Diary. Literally every other fic I've ever posted has been while "taking a break" from BPD, which could go on indefinitely if I let it, so I am bound and determined to finish this fucker before starting something else.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as) I have a list for BPD called "Chapter Checklist." It contains subtle insights "Baz is an UNRELIABLE narrator."
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP. Here's Baz and Dev in ch. 7:
“Will you stay for dinner?” 
“Can’t. Dev and I…”
As Niall told me about their plans I grabbed one of the football’s nylon loops and let Rusty tug on it as we walked. It seemed too late for Niall to have a date all the way in London, but what do I know about dates.
“Come with us,” said Niall. 
I grimaced. “No thanks. I’ll catch up with Dev when he’s not on molly and climbing down your throat.”
“You don’t ‘catch up’ at Beast Night. You dance.”
“With whom?”
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP. I just looked in the trash folder of the BPD Scrivener project and found this note I don't remember writing:
Renée Zellweger would play Baz. People would be skeptical but she’d fucking nail it. Gaining weight for a role? How about growing eight inches, sprouting a happy trail, and joining the legions of undead. (Might as well cast Oscar bait.)
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet? A Watford-era get-together magickal mishap involving animal transformation and beloved children's literature. So, you know. The usual.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on? Just the one. @facewithoutheart and I have a secret side project going that involves back-and-forth writing and it's stalled out on me. It's very fun and silly and I plan to return to it when I need a break from some of the angstier parts of BPD.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now? I'm not working on any one BPD scene right now, but trying to map out the rest of the fic in greater detail so that I can roll from one chapter to the next. I was struggling for a couple of weeks with how to make an unavoidable canon plot point emotionally relevant to Baz's arc, but I think I figured it out last night. Phew.
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send. Kudos and tags to @cutestkilla, @thewholelemon, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @monbons, @onepintobean, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @skeedelvee, @im-gettingby, @imagineacoolusername, @iamamythologicalcreature, @youre-an-apocryphal-concept-223, @rimeswithpurple, @goblindad-emoshit, @facewithoutheart, @artsyunderstudy, @alleycat0306, @erzbethluna, @ebbpettier, @emeryhall, @f-ing-ruthless-baz, @hushed-chorus, @hertragedyconnoisseur, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @ic3-que3n.
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023 🥳
Words and Fics
222,730 words published to AO3
1 fandom (9-1-1)
Most recent drop: sugar and spice and all that smells nice (Buddie | 6.3k | E)
Longest fic: Buck's Baby (By Accident) (Buddie | 119k | G)
Top Fics By Kudos
Buck's Baby By Accident (Buddie | 119k | G)
Fucking Finally (Finally Fucking) (Buddie | 3.9k | E)
Burning with Need (Buddie | 3.8k | E)
First Words (Buddie | 2k | G)
In sickness and in health (but mostly in sickness) (Buddie | 3.7k | G)
My Fandom Events in 2023
Didn't do any! I joined the fandom in June and didn't write anything until July 🙃
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
This all depends on how many babies need delivering next year ngl, and how much of the year I spend on call but here's the WIPs I have so far!
To finish/publish:
With you I'm home - I quoted 20 chapters for this because Buck's Baby was also 20 chapters but I am 100% playing this by air. In this fic, we see Buck and Eddie embarking on their first year of marriage. They have a 2 year old son (Aidan) and Christopher, who is 14. This fic will show them navigating parenting a boisterous toddler and a sassy teenager while they begin their journey to having a new baby.
Cat Fic!! - this has been sitting in my WIPs folder for months now and I haven't had the beans to write it recently! Buck has adopted a cat with a curious name that brings a whole load of feelings to the forefront of his brain (is he saying I love you to the wrong Eddie?) and also provides some excellent material to fuck with his friends.
AUs that live in my head rent free
GTA AU - Listen I know this sounds weird, BUT, Buck and Eddie are heads of rival motorcycle gangs and constantly engage in turf wars. They realise they have the same product dealer for their cocaine lockups, who has been selling them dodgy product, resulting in loss of revenue for both men. They come together to confront the man realise they work extremely well together and who knows, maybe rival MC gang members can fall in love!
Piano Teacher!Buck, Parent!Eddie and Student!Chris - this was inspired by my Musician AU Play me like a fiddle, and was vaguely encouraged on Ao3 by @theotherbuckley, and will be a oneshot of Eddie coming to Buck after being referred to him by Christopher's physical therapy. Buck is more than happy to take Christopher on as a student is fast delighted by his constant, bubbly optimism. Eddie watches as Buck teaches his son and watches Christopher's confidence in himself build and realises, fuck, he's slowly falling in love with his son's teacher.
His Dark Materials AU - Buck finds himself in possession of an alethiometer and the more questions he asks of it, trying to figure out it's true meaning, the more he finds himself being drawn towards a dark, mysterious man he's noticed hanging around the college lately. Buck's daemon is instantly drawn to Eddie's daemon and the two find themselves unlikely friends, embarking on a quest to discover what it is the alethiometer is trying to warn them about.
Single Parents AU - Buck is the single father of two daughters and has just joined the 118 and is struggling to find his place. He meets another single father at his daughter's school in the pick up line one day and Eddie reveals he's training at the LAFD but struggling with childcare while he does it. Buck suggests they combine childcare and offers to help Eddie train, and even gets him a position in the 118 when Eddie graduates. How long will they coparent their three kids before they realise they've got it bad for each other?
Misc. ideas that haven't quite developed into fics yet but exist!
Magic Au - Buck and Eddie both have the power to control their auras (which have a colour and scent specific only to them) and go through rigorous training to enable them to save the earth from the Elder Race threatening to take over (inspired by Michael Scott's Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)
Detectives AU - I've been watching too many Scandinavian crime shows and want to write Buddie solving a grisly murder
Chances are I'll come up with more over the summer!
Tags and rules under the cut
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tagged by @jesuisici33 and @hippolotamus thank you my loves!
(no pressure) tagging @malewifediaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @theotherbuckley @disasterbuckdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @callmenewbie @cal-daisies-and-briars @daffi-990 @monsterrae1 @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @rainbow-nerdss @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings @spagheddiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @smilingbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @spotsandsocks (ignore if you've already done it!)
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purplewitch156 · 8 months
WIP tag game:
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger! Here are some of the recent additions to my list.
Deimos (main project; please god let me finish it this year 😭)
Dredge AU
Prince Hat AU
Along Came a Spider
White Road AU
Strange Horticulture AU
The Last Unicorn AU (thanks toast 😘)
Running from the Dark
Demon Lord Cat Tom
Vampire Rock Band Harry
Tagging: @being-luminous, @hiredhorse, and anyone else who'd like to join in!
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writingdotcoffee · 1 year
New in Writing Analytics: The Draft Library
I haven't posted much recently, and this is why. I've been working on a massive new feature for Writing Analytics. It took way longer than I expected, but it's ready now. And I'm so happy with how it turned out.
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Previously, the app only had a chronological list of all your writing sessions. This works fine when you work on a single project, mostly first drafting. However, when you write a lot of stuff, it's easy to lose track of what you did when.
The thing is, people write a lot of stuff in WA. This feature was badly needed for a long time — my first sketches date back to August 2022. I'm glad I didn't build it back then because the idea wasn't fully formed yet. I found the right solution a few months ago and started working on it.
Introducing the Draft Library
One great thing about the library is that it's pretty self-explanatory. It's where your projects and drafts live. Projects behave like folders. You can drag them around to rearrange them. Click on a project to see the drafts inside.
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When you open a draft, you'll see its text and some basic stats. Figures like the word count and how much time you spent working on it across all your writing sessions.
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Creating new sessions has also changed. I broke the form down into a few steps. It's now way easier to select a project and join a challenge.
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This brings me to my favourite new feature: colour coding! You could always set colours for projects, but this is mainly to distinguish them on your dashboard.
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Now, you can colour-code drafts in the library as well. Make published drafts green and drafts that still need work red?
Or, when working on a more complex story, you could colour-code different chapters based on the PoV characters or track interweaving threads of the narrative. The possibilities there are endless!
If you'd like to give this a go, you can sign up here (it's free for two weeks).
Coming Up Next
I'm always working on new features for the app. Right now, I'm updating the version history. Every time you create a session, Writing Analytics makes a copy of your draft. You can go back in time and see all the previous versions.
I'm also working on an export feature to the docx format so you can move your work to Google Docs and send it to your editor when you finish drafting.
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chrisis-averted · 5 months
“I have no intention of dying, Tim.” Jon gave him a reassuring light pat on his shoulder. “And,” he looked at the box now containing their plan and the pertinent statements, “I have no intention of letting any of you die either.” He was doing everything in his power to avoid a repeat of the events he remembered. Tim nodded, but didn’t move, meaning there was something else on his mind. “We didn’t really have a chance to talk privately, after… you know…” “Your statement.” “Right," Tim stared at the shelves with a stern look of concentration. “Look, I’m sorry—” Jon frowned, confused, putting down all the folders in his hands. “What for?” Tim rubbed the back of his neck. “Martin said Elias found out about—” he gestured at Jon. “That.” Jon looked away, gritting his teeth and letting out an annoyed chittering growl. "And that." Tim gave him a worried look. “...and I can’t help but think it was my fault, you know?! We even said he might be listening in but I had to run my mouth—” “Tim,” Jon shook his head. “It’s not your fault that Elias is a nosy prick, plus I don't think he actually listened to our conversation. It would have been much worse if he had,” he repressed a shudder. “Besides, apologies don’t suit you.” Tim blinked and instantly relaxed his shoulders. “Right. Then, apologies taken back!” He grinned, walking towards Jon and slinging an arm around his shoulders. “Tim, I need to finish putting these in—” “Take a break! Look,” he gestured in the vague direction of the break room. “It’s going to be alright,” he said in a reassuring tone, “look how many capable people you’ve surrounded yourself with!” Jon Looked. He saw Melanie trying to convince Basira to wear one of her custom t-shirts, Daisy teaching Sasha how to reload a gun, Martin serving a cuppa to everyone and looking around until he met Jon’s gaze and smiled, nodding at him to join them. “See?”
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ensemble-news · 1 year
This week on Ensemble News
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The newest Crazy:B event has the community busted. Several theories, notes and analyses have appeared as a consequence.
Last week's catastrophy regarding the Enstars assets Drive appears to have settled down, however, the future of the drive is still unknown.
Ensemble News, our account, is finally running! Round of applause, we hope you support us through our journey.
Want to know more? Stay with us
▶ Fandom Section
Crazy Anthem and its landmarks
The newest Crazy:B music video for their song "Crazy Anthem" has been released. Because of this, the fandom has been making speculations about the possible landmarks that the video may feature, alongside theories and other writings.
A user on Twitter ¹ has deciphered many of the possible locations in which Crazy:B appears through the video and, possible, during their event story.
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The video happens in California, as the event synopsis explains, but it looks like their route starts in San Francisco and finishes in Baja California, Mexico.
Curious about the locations? Here are some of the ones the fandom was able to find;
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— Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
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"Venus Beach" — Venice Beach, California
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— Walk of Fame, Hollywood
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— Los Cabos, Baja California, Mexico
1. Lisaw (@.mafucchu) via Twitter. 28/05/2023. Link
The Enstars assets Drive and its future
The past May 18th, the Enstars wiki Twitter account made an important post ¹ spreading awareness about the current state of the assets drive held by the account @.gradualcolors. The Twitter thread written explained that the assets drive — in which all cards, art, chibis, gifs, voice packs, and etc. are hosted, was going to be taken down due to multiple DMCA violations.
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A week later, @.gradualcolors mod replies:
"All I want to say is that I want to stick with my belief of "assets = fandom creativity" and I'll try my best to maintain the new drive when I put it out again. I want to keep seeing how ppl decorate their social media with those files or do fun things like reading guides!!
Tldr; drive gone, will be re-hosted because I want to, rip my wallet tho. - H.E. had precedent to nuke the drive for reposting reasons so pls be careful posting fan created edits - Lemme see the cool edits and cute carrds you guys use these files for when drive comes back" (Rai via twt) ²
We don't know how much time it'll take them to make the proper accomodations to restore the folders, but we sure hope the struggles seize sooner than later.
1. Enstars wiki (@.enstarsENG) via Twitter. 18/05/2023. Link
2. Rai (@.sakasakitty) via Twitter. 21/05/2023. Link
Inauguration! Ensemble News is finally up
To conclude with this fandom section, we'd like to express our excitement for this passion project. Ensemble News is a little blog that was constructed with pure love, with the objective of informing others and bonding with the community further. We hope you give this blog a chance, we encourage you to interact with us and to enjoy your time here. ♡
▶ Game Section
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The first Climax event has been announced. It's time for Crazy:b and their newest event "Sugoroku* Journey! Number Eight is Our BGM" to shine. Synopsis:
"Rinne and co. are invited to appear on "Number Eight", a show that was popular once upon a time, and so they head overseas. From Crazy:B's dice result begins their road trip where everything is left up to fate--" (Iridescent via twt) ¹
This event will feature 5* Rinne Amagi, 4* HiMERU and 3* Niki Shiina and Kohaku Oukawa.
Feature Scout
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Feature Scout 2: Koga, has been announced. Synopsis:
"Koga isn't quite able to figure out what casual shots should be like, causing him to struggle in his photoshoot. He wants to show a cool side of himself while still looking natural." (Iridescent via twt) ²
This scout features 5* Koga Oogami, 4* Mika Kagehira and 3* Tsumugi Aoba.
Event Scout
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Scout: Biblion, has been announced. Synopsis:
"Tsukasa isn't entirely sure about joining Biblion yet, but he joins as a temporary member. He finds a book that interests him in the bestseller section, and is engrossed in the book's universe." (Iridescent via twt) ³
This scout features 5* Tsukasa Suou, 4* Kaoru Hakaze and 3* Nagisa Ran, Hajime Shino and Tsumugi Aoba.
1. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 27/05/2023. Link
2. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 24/05/2023. Link
3. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 28/05/2023. Link
May 2023 Tsukisuta notes:
Main story 1.5 is currently being voiced, part 3 will come out on June 26th. Summer voicelines will be added in-game on June 1st. New stamps were added to the Ensemble Live shop. Outfits for the 8th anniversary are now in the dia shop. Element (animation) prints are out and currently being sold at 7-Eleven JP. The next round of Starry Symphony tickets will start being sold on Jun 8th.
▶ Thank you for using Ensemble News.
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fizzigigsimmer · 11 months
I wish I had more time to write. I have so many fic ideas that live in folders that I am afraid will never see the light. After I finish my Big Bang fic I still have to finish To B With Love & All The Kings Men (oof poor baby has gone so neglected). So this brain bunny will sadly probably not see life until next years big bang honestly. But I love the idea so much and want to share it. All my love to @dream-about-dancing who helped me with my initial brainstorming and encouraged me that this wasn't too dark of an idea lol.
That said. Warnings ahead for some dark!romance as in, this is fucked up with purpose.
The idea came to me after the massive disappointment that was Don't Worry Darling. I just feel like the film missed a lot of the horror and emotional beats that make the original Stepford Wives so twisted and compelling.
So my idea for a Harringrove Stepford!Wives Au was born.
A secret government organization has given Martin Brenner funding for "The Eden project". The goal of Eden is to create an actionable community model that would end poverty, wealth inequality, crime, war etc in the western world. Their slogan is " take the first step to world peace. Choose Eden."
World peace is the surface goal, but we all know Brenner is a closeted sociopath - so naturally he's using Eden and the technology behind it to create a weapon that can control/erase/change the will of others on a mass scale. World peace through mind control in other words. Everyone in Eden is essentially a test subject.
Brenner finds volunteers by preying on fringe groups and people who are ostracized in society, because they can more easily disappear without being missed. Nobody cares if the guy dealing drugs out of his van stops showing up to the corner, or some "tranny" quits their job and moves without telling anyone.
Billy and Steve are college roommates, it's the 80s, and they're both deep in the closet. Billy struggles with his childhood trauma and Steve is there for him like no one else ever has been. Steve is exploring his own sexuality and trying to live independently of his overbearing parents for the first time and they form a very codependent relationship.
Steve's parents start to suspect somethings up with him and his roommate and start to put pressure on him to live up to his responsibilities (Aka join his father's firm and get married to a nice girl). It doesn't help that Billy is fearful and possessive of their relationship and generally just a giant redflag. Steve just wants to be with Billy, but he knows they don't have a future and he doesn't want to be the son who fucks up and ruins his family over something he shouldn't even want - so he breaks up with Billy.
Billy spirals. He completely ignores the part about Steve breaking up with him because he's an unstable mess lol and fixates on Steve's parents and the world telling them it's wrong to be together. He knows Steve was happy with him and that Steve loves him and is desperate to get him back.
He meets someone at a bar who introduces him to Project Eden and indoctrinates him into Brenner's circle. At first Billy thinks this sounds like some weird geek novel bullshit, but the idea of a safe world where he's not wrong for being the way that he is, and where Steve still loves him and he's powerful and successful and nothing can touch him? Appealing as fuck. Sign him up. He'll be a warrior for world peace.
Cue him literally abducting Steve on his wedding day and bringing him into Eden, where they become The Hargroves. They have the perfect life and the perfect marriage that the outside world tells them they can't have. Billy's the provider and each day he gets to come home to his blissfully happy and submissive husband.
He was afraid at first that Brenner's technology would take away what he loves most about Steve, but no he's still the same dork with the same fire. The only downside is Billy knows deep down that Steve didn't choose this and he lives in fear of Steve waking up one day and truly hating him.
The first crack comes when Steve starts to have upsetting dreams about the past, including the time his dad called him a slur and accused him of ruining the family and breaking his mother's heart. Billy tells him these are just nightmares but he knows they are really Steve's memories popping up where they shouldn't. He starts to panic and does everything he can to "fix" Steve, gaslighting him the entire way.
Meanwhile poor Steve is on a reluctant heroes journey slowly regaining his memories and his own mind. He starts unraveling the mysteries behind Eden with the help of Eleven and his friends, who are also fellow residents of Eden. Eleven is Brenner's "daughter" and unknowingly is a big part of how the technology works. Max and Lucas came to Eden together so they could be together without persecution. Heather and Robin were lesbians who didn't know each other and wanted a chance to experience being in love. Jason was a closeted man escaping religious trauma, but in Eden he's the perfect husband to Chrissy who isn't sick or being abused by her mother anymore, and Eddie was a poor social outcast who wanted the world to hear his music. In Eden he's a rock star and has a budding romance with Jason & Chrissy.
Steve agrees that they can't allow Brenner to use El and the Eden technology for what he's planning, but the more of the truth he discovers the more he wishes he'd never woken up. Because despite everything, he loves Billy and the life they have. Billy's very sorry of course. It was never his intention to hurt Steve. He just wanted to make things right for them. And it can all be right again if they all just take this little pill and go to sleep.
Decisions decisions.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
fresh out of hell || jjk (teaser)
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↠ title: Fresh Out Of Hell ↠ pairing: monster/inmate!jungkook x warden!reader ↠ genre: angst | dark fantasy | death race au | dystopian au | horror | supernatural | smut ↠ summary: The Terminal Island Penitentiary houses the world’s most dangerous convicted inmates—some human, others not so human. Regardless of their DNA, the warden does not lay her head down at night until she is confident every one of them has used their “skills” to earn her some more money in her pocket.
With bored viewers on her ass about releasing new material, she feels the best way to satisfy their thirst for bloodshed is something old. The oldest prisoner she owns. ↠ rating: R and only intended for mature audiences ↠ teaser word count: 0.2k ↠ teaser warnings: language | uhh this takes place in a prison | an unedited mess by yours truly, please forgive me lol | tentacles(well, one tentacle) | i think that’s it
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author’s note: So, I totally forgot about posting this and this is last minute. The release date is postponed. Special thanks to @jamaisjoons for making this beautiful banner and hosting this awesome collab.
* To join the taglist, please fill out this form. (no emails will be collected)
mail box | my masterlist | happy hentaiween masterlist
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“I have lots of strings…”
One of the guards behind you grasps your attention with his scoff. A look over your shoulder reveals no explanation for his abrupt response, so you pay it no mind, and neither does the creature pressed against the other side of the cell door as it finishes its sentence.
“But baby, I am no puppet.”
Something black slithers out of the tiny slit located in the center of the steel structure. It travels far enough to cause alarm in your trusted security, but you know there’s no breaking the strength of steel and magic combined.
You raise your hand, and your men are at ease.
Your eyes focus on whatever sort of extension it is crawling out of the dark hole the monster is confined in. The grimace plastered on your face grows when it travels within your space, smearing your cheek with whatever oozes from its exterior.
The folder is snatched and disappears with a swift motion, sending your hair flying in every way possible.
Seconds turn into minutes as the three of you wait outside of the cell for the shredded paper to be spat in your faces. However, that moment never arrives.
“Let’s say I decide to play your game, boss lady.”
You’re certain the entire block heard the sigh that floated into the air. You give each guard the same look, assuring them that they won’t need to assist you in gaining the monster’s participation in your latest project.
“Let us,” is your response.
You can’t see what’s hidden in the abyss, but you can hear just how sinister its intentions are by the evil that seeps through the amusement in its voice.
“Would you play mine?”
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lorifragolina · 1 year
The last campaign
My contribution for @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up: Fall. Rating: G Tags: established relationshim, memories WC: 999 I felt inspired by the bittersweet last Mugrove Summer bingo by @jad3w1ngs, I hope this don’t bother you!
Fall has always been their favorite season.
Eddie sat on the porch, looking at the garden. The sun was slowly going down, painting the sky with warm yellow and pink. 
Steve joined him with two cups of tea, smelling of apple and cinnamon. He put the blanket again on Eddie’s shoulders, pressing a kiss on his head, wearing a black bandana.
“Thank you, honey,” smiled Eddie, blowing on his cup. He looked for a moment around the garden, while Steve sat in the rattan armchair at his side. A gray dog was lying at Eddie’s feet, and he raised his big brown eyes on Steve.
He saw the book, closed with a notebook and a pen in the middle in the coffee table.
“How's it going?” asked Steve. Eddie sighed and looked him in the face.
“I was just resting my eyes”
Steve nodded and smiled, grabbing Eddie’s hand. 
“Days are going shorter” It was Eddie’s turn to nod. He leaned his hand to the notebook and Steve took it for him. 
“It’s almost finished. They will come… next week?”
“Next weekend. Are you sure you can…”
“Of course” Eddie interrupted him with a gesture. “I have to start the Halloween campaign soon,” he smiled, opening the notebook and taking some notes. Steve glances at him and for a moment he couldn’t hide the sadness in his expression, but he rapidly canceled it. 
“Some request for dinner?” 
Eddie chewed the pen a little. “Pumpkin cream?” He looked at the sunset. “It’s almost fall”.
Steve nodded. He patted gently his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, petted the dog and went inside to cook Eddie's favorite fall dish.
While the pumpkin was cooking gently with onion and spices, he went to tidy up a little the living room; he took in his hand the phone he just used to call Robin, and the folder with the hospital documentation that Eddie left there when he returned home that morning. He read the new sheets they gave him and sighed again. 
The phone rang and he answered immediately. His mom called every evening at 7 pm to talk a little with him and have the daily updates, and then she asked to talk with Eddie. Steve gave him the phone. “Mom” he said, and returned to the house while Eddie happily greeted his mother in law. 
They tie the knot on a warm September in Indiana.
At their wedding Steve’s father insisted on giving them the Hawkins house, but they didn’t stay there for long. Eddie had a certain success in music and Steve came to terms with his father and his business, he enrolled in business school and entered to work with him. He was pretty good, and he never disliked the job. They returned to Indiana ten years later, when Wayne’s health rapidly deteriorated and he peacefully died with his son and his son in law at his side on a March sunny morning. They bought a new van to go to Kentucky to spread Wayne’s ashes in his homeland, but they ended crossing the country during six months. They returned to Kentucky in October, fell in love with the landscape, and decided to stay there for a while. Fifteen years had passed from that moment. 
The phone rang again, and Steve noticed that Eddie answered with some delay. 
It was heartwarming, at that hour the phone rang non stop, all their friends called just to say hello. All the foster kids and teens they sheltered in the farm during the last fifteen years were calling to give them their love and good wishes, although they tried to avoid too many visits. Eddie hosted a campaign every six weeks and friends gathered there for a weekend: it was exhausting, but Eddie would never give it up.
“Who was that?” asked Steve, taking outside the ashtray. 
“Dustin” smiled Eddie, breathing loudly. “He wanted to know if he can bring the kids”
“Of course he can. Unless…?”
“Yes, I said he can, obviously. And he gave me a couple suggestion to end the campaign. Finally it’s done”. Eddie shivered a little, and Steve arranged the blanket better on him. 
“Are you ok?” Eddie nodded. “Do you want to eat outside or do you prefer inside?”
“It’s a little cold,” he answered, shivering again. “But I’ll have it before” he pointed at the joints Steve brang outside, and smiled. He lighted them and passed one to Eddie. They smoked in silence.
“Do you feel a little better?” 
“I always feel better with this,” Eddie smiled. Who said, back in highschool, that weed would help him in that way. He was even hungrier after the smoke. 
He pressed the butt in the ashtray and rested his head on the chair. Steve opened the backdoor. “Come on, Strider” he called the dog that tottled inside. 
Steve gently caressed Eddie’s head, the bald skin under the bandana, and offered him his arm to stand up. Eddie leaned on him and they entered the house, then Steve moved the wheelchair inside too. 
He casually looked at Wayne’s urn. Geneticity does not forgive, indeed. Eddie did all the screening and the prevention but they could just delay the inevitable that took Wayne away. 
He sat Eddie at the dinner table, and he rested his hands on the chair, those long, gracious hands that now seemed so skinny and transparent. He was almost transparent and weak, he could walk just with weed help, but Eddie was strong, although he seemed to fade every day. They didn’t know if he could make it until the Halloween campaign, but Eddie was still full of surprises. 
While Steve closed the backdoor, he could feel, for the first time, the autumn chill blowing on his shoulders. 
Eddie looked at him and mimicked “I love you” with shiny eyes.
It was too early, thought Steve, but then he shook his head.
No, they had nothing to blame or to regret. 
Fall was always their favorite season.
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two-reflections · 2 days
Writing Audit ✨
It's been a while since I've done one of these. Let's see what's on the docket.
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[Freelance copy editing project.] - #1 Priority. Good for money, but it slows down all my other writing.
Of Steel and Flesh - August ended up too busy, but I finally have time to focus on this one again. I'd like to finish it before the Imperium Maledictum campaign I've just joined gets in full swing. Maybe I can do it over October for @finishwhatyoustarted-event? It would be a bit of an optimistic attempt since there's still a lot to go, but the story is fully outlined through to the end.
Salamander Slice of Life/Romance - This has stalled in the same place for half a year due to other commitments, but once I finish Of Steel and Flesh, I hope to pick it up again. I may need a long hiatus when this one is done.
Techmarine university story - I haven’t worked on this in ages. I may reconfigure it into a oneshot and post it, or it may languish in the WIP folder. Not sure which yet.
MMM September fic - The ship may have sailed on Marine Meat Monday fic for this month. I'm just not feeling particularly inspired right now.
Alpha Legion disguised as Iron Hands - This is a cracky omophagea story I came up with back in May or June, but I've been thinking about it again recently. I may do it as a oneshot in November, or three short chapters if I want to get into the gambit pileup.
That one Kingdom Hearts fic - I left it with one chapter to go in 2019. The chapter is almost done, it just needs like 500 more words. I only want to finish it as a matter of principle, but I keep putting it off. My writing has changed so much since then...
Despite the meme, my docket is a LOT shorter than it was back in August. Lots of projects that are already underway, and no competitions or exchanges to focus on yet. Also, some of my pregnancy fatigue has lightened up. However, I have actual work now, so goodness knows how much I'll be able to get done.
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fiprobsreblogsalot · 10 months
Adding myself to @jemgirl86's WIP game tagees before I get too lazy to finish all the WIPs I have in my folders
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs (I'm tagging anyone who wants to join)
and it's not what we remember that hurts (Doctor Dad and Spider-Son)
Project Sparrow (Sambucky)
Carving (Sambucky)
Broken things (Sambucky)
Jsksk (Sambucky)
chắp bút đôi ba câu thơ ngọt ngào (muốn em đặt tên) (Sambucky)
all roads lead to new hanoi (Spider-Verse OC)
the wind rises (Sambucky)
all the names we never got to give (838-StrangePalmer)
be my green tea in the morning (be my sugar honey) (Sambucky)
wishes and dreams and something called crazy (Sambucky)
Have fun asking! And as always, my askbox is open if you have interesting questions or just want to chat normally :D
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