#Worldbuilding series
theplotmage · 18 days
Principles and Laws of Magic for Fantasy Writers
Fundamental Laws
1. Law of Conservation of Magic- Magic cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.
3. Law of Equivalent Exchange- To gain something, an equal value must be given.
5. Law of Magical Exhaustion- Using magic drains the user’s energy or life force.
Interaction and Interference
4. Law of Magical Interference- Magic can interfere with other magical effects.
6. Law of Magical Contamination- Magic can have unintended side effects.
8. Law of Magical Inertia- Magical effects continue until stopped by an equal or greater force.
Resonance and Conditions
7. Law of Magical Resonance- Magic resonates with certain materials, places, or times.
9. Law of Magical Secrecy- Magic must be kept secret from the non-magical world.
11. Law of Magical Hierarchy- Different types of magic have different levels of power and difficulty.
Balance and Consequences
10. Law of Magical Balance- Every positive magical effect has a negative consequence.
12. Law of Magical Limitation- Magic has limits and cannot solve every problem.
14. Law of Magical Rebound- Misused magic can backfire on the user.
Special Conditions
13. Law of Magical Conduits- Certain objects or beings can channel magic more effectively.
15. Law of Magical Cycles- Magic may be stronger or weaker depending on cycles (e.g., lunar phases).
17. Law of Magical Awareness- Some beings are more attuned to magic and can sense its presence.
Ethical and Moral Laws
16. Law of Magical Ethics- Magic should be used responsibly and ethically.
18. Law of Magical Consent- Magic should not be used on others without their consent.
20. Law of Magical Oaths- Magical promises or oaths are binding and have severe consequences if broken.
Advanced and Rare Laws
19. Law of Magical Evolution- Magic can evolve and change over time.
20. Law of Magical Singularities- Unique, one-of-a-kind magical phenomena exist and are unpredictable.
Unique and Imaginative Magical Laws
- Law of Temporal Magic- Magic can manipulate time, but with severe consequences. Altering the past can create paradoxes, and using time magic ages the caster rapidly.
- Law of Emotional Resonance- Magic is amplified or diminished by the caster’s emotions. Strong emotions like love or anger can make spells more powerful but harder to control.
- Law of Elemental Harmony- Magic is tied to natural elements (fire, water, earth, air). Using one element excessively can disrupt the balance and cause natural disasters.
- Law of Dream Magic- Magic can be accessed through dreams. Dreamwalkers can enter others’ dreams, but they risk getting trapped in the dream world.
- Law of Ancestral Magic- Magic is inherited through bloodlines. The strength and type of magic depend on the caster’s ancestry, and ancient family feuds can influence magical abilities.
- Law of Symbiotic Magic- Magic requires a symbiotic relationship with magical creatures. The caster and creature share power, but harming one affects the other.
- Law of Forgotten Magic- Ancient spells and rituals are lost to time. Discovering and using forgotten magic can yield great power but also unknown dangers.
- Law of Magical Echoes- Spells leave behind echoes that can be sensed or traced. Powerful spells create stronger echoes that linger longer.
- Law of Arcane Geometry- Magic follows geometric patterns. Spells must be cast within specific shapes or alignments to work correctly.
- Law of Celestial Magic- Magic is influenced by celestial bodies. Spells are stronger during certain astronomical events like eclipses or planetary alignments.
- Law of Sentient Magic- Magic has a will of its own. It can choose to aid or hinder the caster based on its own mysterious motives.
- Law of Shadow Magic- Magic can manipulate shadows and darkness. Shadowcasters can travel through shadows but are vulnerable to light.
- Law of Sympathetic Magic- Magic works through connections. A spell cast on a representation of a person (like a doll or portrait) affects the actual person.
- Law of Magical Artifacts- Certain objects hold immense magical power. These artifacts can only be used by those deemed worthy or who possess specific traits.
- Law of Arcane Paradoxes- Some spells create paradoxes that defy logic. These paradoxes can have unpredictable and often dangerous outcomes.
- Law of Elemental Fusion- Combining different elemental magics creates new, hybrid spells with unique properties and effects.
- Law of Ethereal Magic- Magic can interact with the spirit world. Ethereal mages can communicate with spirits, but prolonged contact can blur the line between life and death.
- Law of Arcane Symbiosis- Magic can bond with technology, creating magical machines or enchanted devices with extraordinary capabilities.
- Law of Dimensional Magic- Magic can open portals to other dimensions. Dimensional travelers can explore alternate realities but risk getting lost or encountering hostile beings.
- Law of Arcane Sacrifice- Powerful spells require a sacrifice, such as a cherished memory, a personal item, or even a part of the caster’s soul.
✨ Hello, I'm Kali, The Plot Mage! ✨
I’m here to ignite your creativity and help you craft your next bestseller! Today is your lucky day, writer! 🪄 Whether you're battling writer's block or building an epic fantasy world, I've got just the tool you need to make your writing journey enjoyable and organized.
Introducing the all-in-one writer’s toolkit designed by a fellow fantasy writer. 🌟 This comprehensive resource includes:
- An in-depth worldbuilding worksheet (covering religion, lore, factions, currency, economics, and more)
- Character development worksheet
- Series roadmap
- Outlining and guided plot planning section
- Relationship dynamic worksheet
- Idea dump and a repository of helpful writing resources
- Task planner (from brainstorming to publishing and book marketing)
- Plus, free editable wanted posters and fantasy illustrations because you're special ❤️
✨ Use code "F4NTASY" for a magical 75% off! ✨
Happy writing, and let’s bring your fantasy world to life! 🌈📚
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the-missann · 1 year
I'm starting to fall in my trap again. I'm trying not to fall into the mindset that "no one cares so don't do anything"
Just to keep myself from slipping I'm gonna try and contiune my world building series. (I was actually gonna post a small story about this world, but it wouldn't make any sense unless you read the full piece or at least knew something about it.)
The State of Quandary
I absolutely love this story and back when I first starting writing this, I subjected my friend to explanations about the plot and the characters.
So, this is a long post, be warned.
Oh, but I'll plug my story as usual, check out normalities if you have the time 👋
The plot revolves around a highschool, Holma High, < school colors.
The city the school resides in is littered with crime. Any you could imagine lives here and within this school perpetrates the next leaders, by essentially forcing students to join groups based on some form of oppression they face.
After I decided that, I wanted to make the school the hub and made characters to be the leaders.
So, I'll go through each of them.
Cassie and Fang are unaffiliated but at the start of the story they band together for an ultimate goal Fang has.
However, Cassie is an information specialist and is friends with nearly everyone in the school. If she's not friends with them, then she knows them and anything they get involved with. She also gives everyone she works with a nickname and that is invaluable at the school. Most use it as a sign if you're trustworthy or not.
Fang is simply a rebel rouser who attempts to defend anyone he feels is being wrongly harmed. He's prone to getting into fights and is known around the school for being a hot head.
As for the secondary characters, I'll go in order of their appearance. If you want more detail on them, lmk. I might make separate posts to detail their personalities and such.
Pronounced (Ah-me-ra-ne)
(I also drew them so.... I'll post it, but don't judge too harshly 🙇)
Ami is the leader of the group ALTRAZ. It's meant to be a street gang that takes the rep for people involved in the wrong things. They also dismantle groups that are extremely violent. In addition to that, they are also "stationed" in prisons to break wrongfully convicted inmates out and to listen in on any police corruption.
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Oh and here's Cassie and Fang
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Pronounced (Boo-she-ma-rue)
His nickname is Levi because I based his appearance on Levi from Obey Me! Sorry not sorry. He is the leader of a Yukuza style gang called Bakesama. I'm trying to learn Japanese and in my nonsense attempt to make a unique name, I came up with this. I took Bakemono (monster) and added the honorific -sama to essentially mean "Lord of the Monsters." Their group saying is "We are children of the earth. We respect those we share a world with; if not, then like the monster you are, you'll be sent back to where you belong." They go after anyone who cannot be tried under the eyes of the law or someone who gets away with a crime based on power, money or influence.
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Pronounced (Dan-eye)
! Trigger warning for domestic and other forms of abuse !
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A victim of childhood abuse from her father, Dani has a strong dislike for men and created a safe group for battered women, abused young girls and small children of any gender called Celestial Haven. She aims to catch "john doe" in the act by setting them up or outright exposing them. Her group also infiltrates the lives of the rich and powerful by dating or being the "sugar baby" of the individual. She made a safe space for women who have had any kind of violence or crime acted against them and actively turns men away unless they prove they're "one of the good ones"
I think this is a normal name lol
Cece is the head of the Costa Family which is a mob family. While she has many duties, her main goal is to eliminate anyone who unnecessarily puts her city in harms way. So drug and weapon trafficking are her main concern. She's friends with many high ranking officials including the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Cece is known for her beauty and she uses that to her advantage, getting meetings with people who would otherwise wouldn't even look in her direction.
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Pronounced (Em-mer-rick)
A young genius who at the age of 15 engineered a biochemical weapon. He doesn't really care who wants something made, his group is formed based on their desire to experiment and find new ways to old solutions. Their group is named the Chemical Compound, but they themselves don't often refer to themselves as so. Their desire is to learn and experiment on things no one else will. So if someone approaches them with a less than appropriate offer, if they take an interests in it, they'll help regardless of the problems that may arrise.
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Now, onto the main antagonists.
This story does have a "man vs. Society" conflict, but it only happened because of these two:
Gavin and Jayvee Reller
Two of the most infamous individuals. Born as twins, by the time they were in middle school, they were controlling most of the city by their good looks and charm or by brute force. They both take any means necessary to get what they want and there's not a single person who wants to be on their bad side.
Gavin (left) is the older of the two (by two minutes) and is charming to a degree that's almost frightening. He's good with his words and has a way of understanding exactly how people act and feel just by speaking with them. Out of the two, everyone fears him the most.
Jayvee (right) talks more with his fists and is constantly used as their "muscle." However, he's not just brawn and has a similar manipulative streak about him. He uses his good looks against women to con them into doing what he wants. Anyone who doesn't listen, he makes it his mission to break them.
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I made this story based on the feeling that the world I grew up in as a kid felt anxiety inducing. The internet was (and still is) a dangerous place for kids, the world was crumbling right before my eyes and it never felt like any adult could understand the fear I held for growing up or even going outside. I wanted to physically show that and I think I did a good job considering some of the things I heard from people as a kid.
Also, this is a manifestation of my love for True Crime and Psychology. So there's that too lol.
< The Demonic Repentance
> A Fourth Dimension Reality (TBA)
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late-draft · 4 months
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For some reason, I was fully convinced in S1 that Firebreathing was a specific talent that only very few powerful firebenders could do - and I thought the "Dragon" title was connected to that. I thought that Azulon (Dragon of the East?), Iroh (Dragon of the West) and Zuko were the only ones who were known to be able to breathe fire without the aid of Sozin's comet! Then I realised Iroh was laying siege to Ba Sing Se which is in the east, not west. And that all of this is probably just an unfounded headcanon RIP.
I have no idea what even gave me this impression. I thought it was a well known fact in-universe that Zuko was weaker in power in firebending compared to Azula, but had more weird fire quirks because he's so much more intrinsically connected to fire, and as fickle as it is too. Meanwhile Azula could always scoff how breathing fire was a weak and useless talent anyway. But it was at least something that Zuko could do (even if it was more an impulse for him rather than a trained move) identically like his uncle and grandfather, who everyone was supposed to revere. Something he'd latch onto as proof that he is of this bloodline, and that he might be worthy somehow. (Back when he was still in the toxic mindset).
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jellolegos · 6 months
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Priory of the Orange Tree
(Kylie Bunbury as my Ead // Katie McGrath as my Sabran)
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
String identified: SCP-3999 Object Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3999 cannot be contained stop be contained
String identified: Item #:
String identified: Researcher Talloran:
Closest match: Trametes ferrium Common name: Metal eating fungus.
Researcher Talloran is to be identified using the BLAST database modeled using AlphaFold kept in a standard terrarium suitable for moths.
Common name: finding tumblr's genome one post at a time.
String identified: The following file contains a virulent infohazard. Due to this, it is imperative that all personnel accessing this file be certified as having a Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV) of no less than 14.5. Should you fail an automated CRV verification, please remain calm and do not move. A member of your site's medical staff Researcher Talloran will be with you shortly.
Special Containment Procedures: Researcher Talloran is to have his genome aligned with its 12 closest genetic matches using MEGA. Navigate to the "table" section and select phylogenetic tree. Click "yes." Use sub-branches to note connections between each branch, such as families or kingdoms.
Item #: Cydia strobilella genome assembly, chromosome: Z Object Class: Spruce seed moth
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(Researcher Talloran must link the image source.) This can be the only conclusive fact.
So stop asking.
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raayllum · 18 days
So Aaravos and the First Elves are Timeblind, right?
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KOSMO: Sister, what are you doing here? ASTRID: Don't you already know? I thought you know everything. KOSMO: That's not how it works, exactly.
Over the years, there's been a lot of speculation on how Aaravos knows what he knows. Even as a "master manipulator" there were still pieces of information that Aaravos had that didn't entirely make sense (i.e. knowing that Rayla was an assassin who couldn't kill, unless he'd looked through Callum's memories) or plans that went away (being surprised when Viren leaves or when Rayla tackled them off the Pinnacle in 2x04 and 3x09 respectively).
However, the First Elves and Aaravos being timeblind would explain a lot, as well as 1) including it at all as a worldbuilding feature since it'd otherwise be limited just to Kosmo and you don't need the Star arcanum to have it, and 2) make sense how they can know some things but not all things.
It speaks to how Aaravos can be confident that his return is "inevitable," as either Callum or Claudia successfully capturing the pearl in 5x09 eventually worked out for him, but not possibly that Claudia wouldn't be initially successful, or that they'd lose the Battle of the Storm Spire in 3x09. It also speaks to Aaravos' knowledge and subsequent advice in certain moments, such as, "Stop, it's over" when Viren is being attacked in 2x09 or "If you tell the truth you will lose her" about Claudia in 3x03, like he's seen what's alternatively played out in a split second (much like Kosmo) and is acting accordingly. Even down to the concern of when and how to tell the truth, or when to withhold it
It also explains how the Cosmic Council can attribute Leola giving humans primal magic as the beginning of the end but without knowing why, or that Aaravos was infinitely more dangerous kept alive and grieving.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
I have greatly enjoyed your comics ever since i saw them and have been quietly Iurking as ya do- thought youd want to know that i played hollow knight based on how enthusiastic u were and how fuckin cool youre art of hk/mdzs is. OH and watched dungeon meshi. Your influence is vast and i have been enriched. Keep on keepin on 🫡
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You have bestowed the highest honour upon me.
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theplotmage · 3 days
50 Worldbuilding Setting ideas for your fantasy book
Cities and Settlements
1. Capital City - The central hub of political power and culture in the realm.
2. Harbor Town - A bustling port city crucial for trade and naval activities.
3. Elf Village - A serene settlement hidden within a forest, home to elven inhabitants.
4. Dwarven Mines - An underground city where dwarves mine precious metals and gems.
5. Nomad Camp - A temporary settlement for wandering tribes and traders.
6. Market Square - The commercial heart of any major city, filled with vendors and artisans.
7. Sky City - A floating metropolis held aloft by magic or advanced technology.
Natural and Enchanted Locations
8. Mystic Forest - A dense, magical woodland filled with ancient trees and mythical creatures.
9. Enchanted Lake - A serene body of water with mystical properties.
10. Secret Cave - A hidden cavern that might contain treasure or danger.
11. Dark Swamp - A treacherous wetland often home to dark magic and creatures.
12. Forbidden Desert - A vast, arid expanse known for its harsh conditions and ancient secrets.
13. Floating Island - A landmass suspended in the sky, often home to unique flora and fauna.
14. Hidden Valley - A secluded, fertile valley protected from the outside world.
15. Charmed Meadows - Peaceful fields imbued with protective enchantments.
Magical and Supernatural Places
16. Wizard’s Tower - The abode of powerful sorcerers, filled with arcane knowledge.
17. Sacred Temple - A place of worship and spiritual significance, often protected by divine magic.
18. Haunted Castle - An ancient fortress inhabited by ghosts or malevolent spirits.
19. Necromancer’s Crypt - The lair of a dark sorcerer who practices necromancy.
20. Oracle’s Sanctuary - A holy site where oracles deliver prophecies and visions.
21. Magical Academy - An institution where young sorcerers learn the art of magic.
22. Alchemist’s Workshop - A place where alchemists experiment and create potions and elixirs.
23. Time Portal - A gateway to different eras, allowing travel through time.
Dangerous and Uncharted Areas
24. Ancient Ruins - The remnants of a once-great civilization, often hiding secrets or dangers.
25. Dragon’s Lair - The home of a fearsome dragon, filled with treasure and peril.
26. Cursed Forest - A dark, haunted woodland where malevolent forces dwell.
27. Battlefield - The site of a significant past conflict, often haunted by the spirits of the fallen.
28. Volcanic Wasteland - A desolate, fiery landscape wrought with volcanic activity.
29. Giant’s Keep - A massive fortress built and inhabited by giants.
30. Pirate Cove - A hidden inlet where pirates gather to plan their exploits.
31. Shadow Realm - A dark, parallel dimension filled with malevolent entities.
32. Frosty Tundra - A vast, icy wasteland where few dare to venture.
Cultural and Social Hubs
33. Royal Palace - The lavish residence of the ruling monarch and their court.
34. Thieves’ Guild - A secretive organization of thieves and rogues.
35. Warrior’s Training Grounds - A facility where soldiers and heroes train for battle.
36. Arena of Champions - A grand coliseum where warriors compete in combat.
37. Goblin Market - A chaotic and colorful marketplace run by goblins, offering exotic goods.
38. Hermit’s Hut - The secluded home of a wise hermit, often sought for advice.
39. Secret Hideout - A concealed refuge used by rebels or outlaws.
Mystical and Legendary Sites
40. Ethereal Gardens - Magical gardens with rare plants and enchanting beauty.
41. Celestial Observatory - A tower dedicated to studying the stars and celestial events.
42. Sanctuary of Lost Knowledge - A hidden library containing ancient and forbidden texts.
43. Sunken Ruins - The underwater remnants of a lost civilization.
44. Gryphon Nesting Grounds - A mountainous area where gryphons make their nests.
45. Spiral Staircase - An enigmatic, seemingly endless staircase leading to unknown depths.
46. Giant’s Keep - A colossal fortress built and inhabited by giants.
47. Protean Plains - A region where the landscape constantly changes, reshaped by powerful magic or ancient curses.
Adventurous and Explorative Spots
48. Treasure Hunter’s Camp - A gathering spot for explorers seeking lost relics.
49. Relic Seeker’s Cave - A cave rumored to contain powerful artifacts.
50. Explorer’s Outpost - A base for adventurers preparing for expeditions into unknown territories.
Discover the Ultimate Sci-Fi Fantasy Planner, designed by a fellow writer to transform your worldbuilding journey! This meticulously crafted template will unlock your limitless creativity and add unparalleled depth to your storytelling.
Why You Can’t Miss This:
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the-missann · 1 year
So this time, I'm gonna talk about a world I actually have built. I had the chance to have a beta reader give me a few ideas, but it was more solidifying the lore.
The Demonic Repentance is as the title suggests, a repentance for a demon. What sin has he committed? Well, maybe one day you can read and find out ☺
But, I'll still talk about the atory in a spoiler-less manner.
I was OBSESSED with the Rinmaru OC Maker/dress up games and made tons of makers. I would make around 2 or 3 with every new story I made. These are with the MC Akuma and his love interest (you guessed it) Cassie.
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(Btw, just in case, the plot for the vampire AU, aka the above image, is the typical human x monster and their offspring is hunted down)
Cassie looks nothing like she's supposed to (she's African American), but the demeanor is still there so I'm still okay with these and don't mind attaching them.
But, the world building in here was mostly done out of a need to attach Akuma and Cassie.
Cassie is an Angel and Akuma is a Demon, so I wanted them to have more "opposites attract" kind of thing and added a pecking order.
Angels have 3 attributes
These three attributes are ordered in a way where there are naturally strong Angels and naturally intelligent Angels.
"Strong" can be physical or mental
While "intelligent" can be general or emotional
Ice Angels are typically intelligent emotionally and their Ice works in a way to regulate emotions. Ice Angels usually don't have need to fight and are comparable to the "healer" role, barely any Ice Angels actually know how to fight. They usually suffer from lack of confidence, low strength, and low self image, but have a high EQ and are easily befriended.
Fire Angels are more adept physically and usually have an immense power to them. Not only do they have strong flames, but they also have a commanding presence. They are usually well liked and have personalities that are hard to hate. However, they are usually are head strong and make enemies with Light Angels. It's common for Fire Angels to also lose themselves in the heat (lol) of battle.
Light Angels are a mix of both. Some can be very powerful, while some can choose to be studious. Either way, Light Angels have a way of getting what they want and are stubborn about changing that goal. While they can't control Light, they act as a guide for it. They are also very flexible and can do multiple things in their field of focus. They focus so much on what they want that the usually unintentionally tell off someone who has no ill intent. Light Angels are also very opinionated and often find themselves in arguments with their peers.
Meanwhile Demons can only be Fire (cuz Lucifer was a Fire Angel in my world), but they have different Sins attached to them. For ex. Akuma has the sin of Pride and that makes him very resilient and willing to fight to the end. Something like that exists for all the seven brothers sins.
These attributes can also come with a personality trait:
Ice Angels are attractive to every Angel and Demon.
Ice Angels are very picky, but are also helpless romantics
Fire Angels and Demons are more likely to fall in love with Ice Angels
Light Angels usually don't marry or form many close attachments
Light Angels are quick to form a hatred for Demons
Ice Angels are compassionate to everyone, including Demons
The physical part of the world is something I enjoyed making. Both Angels and Demons have wings, but they're only visible to other angels and Demons or Humans who no longer have a soul.
While Angels and Demons don't have a set ethnic group, most Ice Angels are women while most Fire Angels and Demons are men.
Abilities do exists, but it hinges more on the individual and what they want to do. So an Ice Angel can make a weapon or a Light Angel can manipulate the very light around them.
Tbh, if you can't tell this is my favorite world 🙆
< All the Screams
??? >
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ultimateinferno · 1 year
I know the Zelda Timeline is hardly the most popular thing out there, but for me, it's always been endlessly fascinating. Everything is the same. It's all different. It's linear. It's cyclical. It branches and twists and comes back together. It disregards its predecessors. It can't let them go. It thrashes against change. It can't stay the same.
Every game is a reboot.
But they're also not.
I think the story of The Legend of Zelda is the epitome of narrative doublethink. In order to truly buy in, you must accept the simultaneous facets that none of the games matter to one another and that they all do. They're the same story. They're absolutely not.
The thing about the timeline, to me, by being both codified and nebulous, is what ties this cow tools of a narrative together. It's a puzzle without a box. It's total fucking nonsense, but so is reality. Things won't ever truly make sense, but what if they did. What if we took it from a new angle and... hmm. No. That won't work
Or maybe...
Ultimately, the Zelda Timeline is quite simply a farcical creative writing prompt. A dare. A challenge. To take these pieces not designed to fit together and give them order. Do the writers themselves care? Absolutely not. I do, though. So fuck it.
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
a book series that makes use of "anachronistic" language in a way that really feels organic for the period, IMO, is Piratica by Tanith Lee
set in an explicitly alternate universe c. 1810, the first book managed to include the sentence "Well, groovy, thou art a klutz," and make it sound 100% Golden Age of PiracyTM. even though the author used words from wildly different eras, she captured the cadence of 18th/early 19th century working-class/criminal slang so well that I literally just had to look up whether "groovy" was an older word than I previously thought
god those books were so good. I should reread them
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reitziluz · 8 months
thinking about the way psychics both are and are not a known factor in the world of mp100. the worldbuilding is light, allegorical, and comedic, but even meeting it where it's coming from, it paints a delightful picture of how the rest of the world relates to the supernatural shit.
like, clearly most people don't believe in psychic power, or at least they don't assume it to be real. but when confronted with it, the more common reaction seems to be along the lines of "ah shit, huh, makes sense i guess." inukawa knew mob is a psychic, and brought it up without hesitation, like oh yeah, this is a known thing, but was then surprised among the others to see how much mob can do. the talk show is difficult to interpret, because it was a trap set up for reigen specifically, but how things play out, it feels like being a legitimate psychic isn't quite as outlandish an idea as it would be in our world. actual psychics don't seem to be putting much effort into hiding (if they're even trying to hide), there's unions, the goverment can put together a psychic suicide squad, the news can show a giant broccoli flying, there's books with instructions to meet aliens that actually have some truth to them, and yet people aren't that aware. and yet again, people like mitsuura and amakusa exist.
it feels like the supernatural is... kinda boring? weird stuff just happens occasionally, and it doesn't have much bearing on people's lives. the rest of it works like how essential oils do actually have certain effects and uses (for example, insect repellent), but then there's just a mountain of bullshit and people selling you things, so you don't really bother with any of it. cases like mob feel like ball lightning, as in i remember reading about it right next to absolutely fake shit as a kid and being told it's not real, but it is real, but fucked if anyone knows what exactly it is and some of the reports and theories are suspicious as hell. just. weird shit in the world that's ultimately irrelevant and uninteresting to most people.
the delightful part is that this all reinforces the idea that psychic power is just one quality among many that people can have.
but also.
when reigen founded spirits and such. i do not know how exactly it works where i live, let alone in japan. but registering a business. don't you usually need to put down what type of business you're running? did he have to figure out a close enough option, or is there a standard one to pick for psychic business, something they're considered to fall under, or even a psychic specific one?
delighted by the thought that spirits and such is officially a spa or something instead of what the industry standard is. reigen either didn't know which one people usually pick, or chose against the standard because it was less of a hassle. or tax reasons. imagine.
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blaithnne · 8 months
What’s great about Hilda is that a lot of things that could be plotholes are easily explained by the fact that this show is told from the perspective of children. Why didn’t Frida question her magically cleaning room? She’s a kid, she thought it was normal! Why does Trolberg jail citizens for 100 years for accidentally bringing trolls into the city? They don’t, kids just spread playground rumours. Why don’t the main characters react more strongly to the existence of magical creatures they were previously unaware of? They’re kids, they’re unaware of 60% of non magical things anyway, they learn abt new stuff all the time! When you’re a kid you don’t question weird stuff so much, provided it’s explained to you like it’s normal! Idk, I just think it’s neat
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
✨Hello hello!✨
I'm Amethyst (she/her), and I'm your local fanfic gremlin. I've written a lot for a lot of fandoms, right now I am caught in the Hermit/Traffic/Empires brainrot, and if that's how you've ended up here, welcome welcome!
The tag for my random blog stuff is: #amethyst rambles
And I also always post here whenever I post on A03, be it with a new chapter or an entirely new story! #amethyst updates
Right now, I have two WIP AUs!
Through the Sky-Blue Cracks 🌤️
My Hot Guy/Cute Guy, Over-City/Under-City AU that has a lot more going on in it now, it's grown pretty big and is organized in chronological order, not by publishing order, so I write up and down on the timeline filling in parts and pieces as I go!
TTSBC takes place in a modern/slightly sci-fi AU with superheroes, biotech, secrets to hide, trauma to unpack, and as much humor as I can attempt to fit in as well!
Features the local superheroes crushing on each other, anxious writer meets intrepid reporter, the drama professors who can't keep their hands to themselves, penpals gone wild, resident middle-aged married couple who happen to be a mobster and a mad genius, the local cottagecore lesbians, bad boy butterfly and cat lady, protective big sister, Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick, a very tired Guy-in-the-Chair with a permanent headache, and more yet to be added! I've got lots of plans left for this AU, so if you're interested, please come check it out!
Tags for the AU are:
#through the sky blue cracks
#ttsbc au
#ttsbc ficlets
Traveling Thieves 🪽
My dark fantasy AU! This one has some heavy themes going on, so I'd encourage reading the tags carefully before jumping in! I'm very proud of how it is turning out, dealing with breaking out conditioned headspaces, survival in a sick system, negotiating power imbalance, the power of friendship (no, really), and of course we've got elves, mercenaries, magic, swords, sorcery, rogues, redstone, and lots more fun stuff like that! Also lots of adorable birbs, one traumatized fiery boy, a mer with an attitude, a good doggo, and hurt/comfort galore! Giving everyone a chance to believe that they've all got a shot at getting lucky.
Tags for the AU are:
#traveling thieves au
#traveling thieves ficlets
I think that's all that going on with me right now...so yeah! I love getting the chance to ramble about my worldbuilding, so by all means, give me an excuse and I will make entire posts about that sort of thing!
My DMs are open and I promise I'm not scary! I love rambling and making fandom friends, so feel free to reach out if you wanna chat!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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pr-fae · 2 months
Im subjecting people to my thoughts today while im suffering in bed.
Okay, like I know, it's fantasy, but you know what bugs me about the like - specific kink trope of "Shrinking is a virus and now shrunken people are treated like shit"?
There is always no world building. Or the most lack luster so the author can get straight into the kink part they wanna do. Like, yes, I get it. You want to get directly into giant people torturing small people for your domination kink. Let's ignore that for a minute and tell me the ins and out of your world. What's the contagion rate? Is there a vaccine? Why is it only affecting XYZ of the population? If they're deemed pests, why are they still out in public? Do they have to pay taxes? If it's contagious, why would anyone wanna risk being *near* them, let alone doing noncon stuff to them? What conspiracy theories came out of it? Are there people who believe it to be a hoax? Are there long term side effects?
I know Downsizing was not a hit for a lot of GT people but I fucking ATE UP the world building they did. I want a TV series that shows off every part of that world. I wanna see the long term effects
Like - I am not into this trope unless it's horror but unfortunately I have been in multiple parts of this community for almost 18 years now and it still bothers me when I'm browsing for things to read and come across it.
Catch me spending days writing out the ins and out for my GT based BDSM club i made for 2 characters because you ain't catching me drawing my kink shit without established rules in place
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Here’s a concept for a possible Earth Avatar series. Taking place in the Avatar equivalent of either the 1990s/2000s, we follow Earth Avatar Kazuya in his journey to maintain the balance in the world, as per his Avatar duties. However, the twist in this show is the way we’re supposed to view Kazuya.
Aang was clearly the one who we’re supposed to root for in his show. Korra, say what you will about how successful the show was in its attempt at more grey morality, but she was clearly supposed to be who we were rooting for. Kazuya, it’s up to the viewer whether they want to root for him or not.
The reason is that even though he’s “maintaining the balance”, he’s a lot colder and less empathetic. He views any sort of conflict as disrupting the balance and will side against the ones causing the disruption. Even if the troublemakers are the more sympathetic/righteous side, Kazuya views them as the threat.
Basically, this hypothetical Earth Avatar series explores an Avatar who judges people on a binary/black-and-white lens. He views maintaining the balance as maintaining the current world order, thus he views any attempt to disrupt the world order as a threat that he needs to shut down. So in his quest to maintain the balance, he ends up alienating the public that he’s supposed to protect. The show also explores what it means to maintain the balance, especially if the current world order that the Avatar is trying to maintain is corrupt to the core.
Examples of how the show could explore this concept:
1) Kazuya shutting down protests against the current Fire Lord because he doesn’t want a civil war to breakout. Even if the Fire Lord is legitimately corrupt, Kazuya takes their side because a war-torn Fire Nation will end up affecting the other 3 nations, thus “disrupting” the balance.
2) Kazuya establishing his own “Avatar Task Force” to maintain a constant presence in all four nations. This is meant to be a deliberate deviation from Aang and Korra since unlike his predecessors, Kazuya is a lot more proactive than reactive. Of course, this upsets the public since it feels like Kazuya established his own private army rather than a peacekeeping faction.
3) Kazuya deliberately questioning the effectiveness of his predecessors. Saying things like, “Aang wasted people’s time by not killing Ozai” or “Korra was too soft on her enemies”. While this obviously wouldn’t endear him to the audience, it does give us a clear picture of how he views his role as the Avatar.
So, the main arc of this series is obviously very different from the previous two shows. Aang and Korra’s arcs were both a coming-of-age, hero’s journey. Kazuya’s arc is a morality tale, in which he can either learn empathy and realize that you can’t judge people through a black-and-white lens…or continue down the path he’s on and permanently ruin the reputation of the Avatar.
As a side note, if the show ends with Kazuya ruining the Avatar’s reputation, the Fire Avatar show is gonna start off with the world already despising them. Not gonna lie…that’s a fucking interesting concept to explore, especially because Aang and Korra’s shows were about how much the people loved the Avatar. It’d be a dark as fuck ending to have Kazuya destroy all of the Avatar’s goodwill, but it’d make for juicy storytelling.
TL;DR Earth Avatar is an anti-hero who is a mix of Judge Dredd, Daredevil, and the Punisher. And I guess DCEU Batman.
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