#a drawing recorded in case i change my mind
myrmica · 5 months
doing lineart in mspaint is the perfect middle ground between the problems that arise from the infinite maleability of digital art (stressful) and the permanence of traditional art (stressful). the simple act of doing my lines in ms paint has made art faster, more fun, & way less daunting. i kind of wish more complex art programs had a custom layer cap you could set for a file or something
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
average shower experience
ok. its been 2 days since you last showered its shower time. okay so we cant stall you have things to do. we are going to get into the shower. then we are gonna wash hair and condition hair and allat. okay. we are not gonna get distracted. no getting distracted. okay time to get in okay okay stay on track rinse hair rinse hair rinse hair rinse hair rins- ooo sponge
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gotham-daydreams · 4 months
Hello!, Im going to respectfully ask this question that has plagued my mind but, may i ask how does tim,damian,steph,and barbara's part on becoming yanderes?
You have said that you will be making a separate part about it, kiss me if im wrong though.
Heya! I give a very platonic kiss as I did talk about it a bit in this post, but I'll go into it a bit here!
Tim and Damian essentially become yanderes by latching onto something the reader did and becoming obsessed with them and the idea of them through that instead. With both of them finding the thing they latch onto in the reader's room- which isn't exactly written (Tim sort of is but not really in Chapter 2), hence the post. Nevertheless- Tim basically finds an mp3 player with demos of songs the reader wrote and recorded when they were younger and latches onto their music, while Damian finds unfinished artwork and a notebook of the reader practicing art — and latches onto that instead.
So basically, Tim and Damian become yanderes by becoming attached to ideas. With Tim wanting to hear the reader's music, and Damian wanting to draw with the reader.
Stephanie and Barbara, as you can imagine, are a much different case seeing how they end up getting wrapped into the whole situation.
Stephanie, similar to most of the family, essentially becomes a yandere out of guilt. While Barbara will become a yandere thanks to how the reader is as a person. Barbara, similar to Dick as Chapter 3 goes on, (platonically) falls for the reader's personality and everything she notices about them.
As of Chapter 3 they are not yanderes just yet, but I can promise that by Chapter 4 that will very much change :]! Especially considering what I have planned for that!
I may not make a part about it, but if people really want it, I'll write something for it :]
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jen-with-a-pen · 10 months
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Previous ⊹ Series
summary: Steve already feels like a fish out of water at the gym. An encounter with a girl and Bucky leaves him gasping for air and grasping for what the hell is going on behind Bucky's frat boy facade. At least he gets some sweet relief, some coffee, and some courage, when he see his favorite barista.
pairings: Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!Reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: implied misogyny (Bucky and Sam really are Frat Bros™), gym gains + weight mention, Steve's just trying his best, fake crying, possessiveness + demanding obedience, Steve should try to listen to his gut more, successful attempts at flirting
a/n: i'm pleased to be able to finally introduce our reader from steve's pov! i can't wait until i can share her side of the story with you all ♥ enjoy! also a just-in-case thank you to those who have been patient with my posting. i know my masterlist currently has a schedule, but after an abrupt work trip and conference following, i got thrown off by a week. shoulda known better 😅
The most specialest of special thanks to two of my loves @vonalyn and @lunarbuck for helping me flesh out this idea and enable me in my destruction ♥ i owe you both a beefy alpha soon
gif by @/paliaphrodite | additional graphics + dividers by me ♥
my ao3 | my masterlist | all tied up masterlist Read this fic HERE on ao3! ♥Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated as always♥
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Last Tuesday.
Sweat drips down Steve’s neck as he finishes out his bench presses. Endorphins and dopamine ooze into his bloodstream as his face flushes, driving him to push one more time to beat his personal record. His heart races from excitement as his arms extend, biceps bulging under the 210-pound barbell, pushing it up for the final rep of his set. At last, he reracks the weights and a proud smile spreads easily across his lips.
Going from 175 lbs to 225 lbs in the span of only a month was the last thing Steve expected upon coming to Richards. He wasn’t scrawny by any means before– in fact, as his mother consistently had to remind him, puberty had been exceptionally kind to him, going from five-foot-eight to a cool six-foot-two in just the last two years of high school– but, thanks to the daily regimens Bucky and Sam personalized for each of the brothers, Steve began to see real gains. Real changes. For the better, even he would admit. His jaw became sharper. His chest grew broader. His arms were now just a tad too tight for his own t-shirts. 
“‘s all thanks to those prime Sigma genes!” Sam once told Steve while spotting him during one of the first sessions of the semester. Steve couldn’t tell if he was joking about their greek letters or not, so he shook the comment off and chalked it up to ‘Sam being Sam.’ Him and Bucky constantly preached the superiority of ‘Sigma Males,’ regardless if anyone was listening. 
Steve never believed in that bullshit. His Ma would keel over if he ever even thought  about that kind of concept. 
Steve sits up, grabbing his sweat rag and water bottle next to the bench. Taking a long drink, his mind flips through through the schedule for the day: Drawing, then Astronomy and Art History back to back; a mandatory check in with his advisor; lunch or dinner somewhere in between; finally, some sports event-party-thing that Bucky and Sam were adamant the entire house hosts. On a Tuesday. 
Steve huffs, rising from the bench and mopping the beads of hot sweat trailing down his temples. He needs to shower quickly in order to make it to class on time, especially if he wants to stop for coffee in the quad. 
Not that the coffee is worth the detour on the way to class, in all honesty, but the comforting sight of the usual barista behind the counter is. 
Since his first day on campus, something about her has drawn him to the cafe as often as possible. Eventually, they began small talk– well, she started the small talk. Gradually, they started chatting about more than just the weather. Then it became ‘what’d you get on the calc test?’ or ‘hey are you going to the football game?’. Her voice, her laugh, her quiet humming as she prepares orders regularly echoes in Steve’s mind. Her soft, kind eyes and warm smile is burned so deeply into his memory that he’s started drawing her. He doodles in the corner of his notes, sketches on napkins and newspapers, paints watercolor daydreams covering certain pages of his sketchbooks. All of them are her. 
He can’t recall for the life of him how it came to be this way. It all happened so suddenly, so gradually.
Over the last few weeks, Steve found himself walking just a touch faster, leaving just a couple minutes earlier, to make sure he can stop by and see her before class. To him, she’s a breath of fresh air, a break from the cloud of testosterone and stress the frat house always keeps him in.
No matter what, she always makes his day just a little bit brighter.
She knows his order before he even makes it to the counter. She knows which classes to ask him about and on what days. She knows writing his name with a smiley face on his cup will make him tip just a little extra, just because she drew it. 
She knows him.
Yet, he can’t exactly say the same about her.
Steve bites his lip, so incredibly caught up in thoughts of his coffee shop crush, he doesn’t realize where he’s walking until he runs smack into another body. Hard.
The girl in front of him falls to the floor, dropping her phone, rag, and water bottle. Her headphones slip off her head, landing amongst the scattered remains of what she’d been holding. 
“What the fuck–!”
“Oh, shit! I-I’m so sorry, lemme–” Steve bends down, offering her a free hand and genuine concern on his face. The girl’s eyes widen and she freezes when she looks up at him. The next thing Steve knows, she’s opening her mouth and getting ready to scream. Panic surges through him and he, too, becomes frozen in place, unsure of what else to do when there’s a soon-to-be-screaming girl in the middle of a crowded gym of frat bros.
Before her scream spills out of her throat, Steve hears a familiar voice behind him.
“Shay? What the hell happened?” Bucky appears, jogging from a machine around the corner. The moment he sees Steve bent over her– Shay, apparently– there’s a darkness that falls over his face as he approaches them. 
“He–he–!” Shay hiccups from the ground, bottom lip stuck out in a pout and trembling ever so slightly. Her jacket hangs off her shoulder, half-zipped and barely covering her tanned and toned stomach, and her neat, platinum blonde hair remains in tidy braids plaited down to her shoulders. It’s as if she merely tripped on a rogue water bottle or an untied shoelace. Steve’s throat tightens.  
“Bucky, I-I bumped into her, it was an accident, I was just helpin’ her up, I–”
Bucky stops. His shoulders are heaving, chest puffed out, and hands balled into tight fists at his sides. His dark expression makes him look terrifying. Steve’s never seen him like this before. 
Steve swears he hears Bucky growl. 
It takes a moment, but upon finally realizing it’s only Steve, Bucky backs down and calms almost instantly. His expression neutralizes into his usual suave smirk as he runs a hand through his cropped hair. 
“Shay,” Bucky turns his focus to the girl still splayed on the floor. There’s a commanding undertone in his voice, something more dominant, more forceful, than Steve’s ever heard.
“B-but h-he,” Shay babbles on, “he pushed me!” Her cheeks are dry, eyes white without bloodshot or fresh tears. Her lip stays pouting, mimicking a stubborn toddler as she blubbers to Bucky. 
“No, he didn’t. He didn’t do anything other than bump into you.” Bucky takes a step forward. “Right, Stevie?” His hand clamps onto Steve’s shoulder. His grip digs deep, tighter than usual. Steve nods quickly.
“Y-yeah, I, uh, wasn’t lookin’ where I was goin’ and I-I just didn’t, uh, see her.” 
Bucky gives him a once over, his vice-like grip weighing on Steve like a two-ton barbell. He slowly nods to himself and takes his eyes off Steve, turning to Shay. Steve holds his gaze on Bucky, however, studying him for a second more. He notices the extremely subtle way Bucky is almost looking down on her. Something about Bucky’s eyes, the shift in his jaw, sends a phantom chill up Steve’s spine.
“C’mon, Shay. Get up.”
“But! But, Bucky! He–!”
“You heard me. Get. Up.”
Shay sucks her lip back in and reluctantly obeys as she collects her things and stands. Even with his eyes closed, Steve realizes he wouldn’t have been able to notice Shay’s petite, five-foot-something frame standing in front of him. She barely came up to the middle of his chest. How had he not seen her in his way? 
“Now,” Bucky continues, “apologize to Steve.” 
Shay scoffs, breaking her show of obedience. She gives Steve a not-so-subtle once-over. Her nose ring wrinkles in the crevice of her nostril as her lips curl into a snarl. She crosses her arms, cocking a hip and copping an attitude.
“Why should I–”
Bucky abruptly lets go of Steve’s shoulder and moves swiftly to stand directly behind Shay. His large hands snake around her waist and Steve can tell he squeezes her, hard, by the sudden, sharp inhale she takes. Her smug, bratty expression disappears immediately as Bucky leans down to the cusp of her ear, lips brushing against the silver rings and studs of piercings littering her cartilage.
“Steve is a brother, Shay. Now, apologize so we can let him leave and we can start your workout.” Bucky’s hands dig tighter into her waist. Steve’s stomach churns. 
“I,” Shay sucks in another sharp breath and plasters on a forced smile. “I’m sorry, Steve.” 
Bucky releases Shay and steps in front of her. Her hands fold around her stomach to cover the fingerprint marks bruising the sides of her stomach, gaze turning down to the floor at Bucky’s feet. Steve can see over Bucky’s shoulder that her lip is trembling. Genuinely, this time.
Bucky’s tone snaps Steve’s focus back to him. Steve feels like a deer caught in front of a stopped car as Bucky studies him. The corners of his tight smile twitch into a smirk.
“I’ll see ya tonight, right, Stevie? Don’t forget, it’s baseball night.”
“Erm, yeah. Right. I’ll be there, Buck.”
Bucky winks at him, confirming some undisclosed agreement between them. Steve’s stomach backflips again.
Steve turns to finally leave, quickly making his way to the locker rooms, desperately wanting to shower off the uncomfortable ick clinging to him after whatever the hell that interaction was.
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ 
The door to the café chimes as Steve swings it open. The short line of customers turn to face him along with the barista at the counter. Steve stops mid-stride, panting from his sprint over from the gym. Sure, he’s got class in ten minutes, and it’s a fifteen minute walk to the art school, but he’s convinced himself he needs coffee and his daily dose of sunshine before continuing on with his day– especially after the whole ordeal in the gym earlier. 
The barista grins at Steve. She mouths a ‘hi’ as she scribbles down the name for the current customer’s cup. Steve sighs, waving back and taking his place in line.
Admittedly, he was more worried than he thought about catching his favorite barista today. He chalks the anxiety up to the weird encounter with Bucky and Shay– the whole thing felt so wrong, so off. Everything about the way Bucky treated her, talked to her, how she acted before versus after Bucky got behind her– it rubbed Steve wrong in so many ways. He’s never seen or heard Bucky talk like that to anyone before. Not to Sam, not to Tony, or Clint, or even any of the random girls that show face at parties. He doesn’t know if he’s ever seen Shay around before, either. Something about the way she stood after, the stark contrast in her behavior, the way she tried to blame Steve for something he didn’t do. 
“Can I help ya, stranger?” 
The familiar voice brings Steve back from his clouded thoughts. She smiles warmly at him and he melts on the spot. 
“I, uh–”
She giggles. 
“I know your order already, silly. Is there anything else you’d like today?”
“N-no, uh, I’m good,” he stammers, sliding his card into the chip reader. “I just, uh–”
She cocks a brow, looking up at him from writing his name on the cup. Steve clears his throat, unsure why he’s suddenly stuttering at someone he sees everyday.
“Just, ah, needed to see you, honestly.”
He feels his cheeks automatically burn as he fumbles to put his card back in his wallet. He pulls out a couple ones and drops them in the tip jar for extra brownie points. 
The barista’s eyes sparkle, holding her gaze on Steve. It’s a nice change, to see warmth instead of ulterior motives behind someone else’s gaze. He can tell she’s biting back a smile of her own as she finishes writing on his cup. 
“Well, the feeling is mutual,” she says. “I honestly was beginning to think you weren’t comin’ in today.”
A fake pout crosses her lips before returning to a soft smile. She moves to the espresso machine and begins to make him a double shot. Steve scoffs a laugh, cheeks still burning. He shoves his hands in his pockets. 
His heart skips, flips, in his chest.
“Ha, I, uh, got caught up at the gym.”
“Ah, so you’re one of those meathead gym bros, huh?”
Steve places a hand over his heart, jokingly wounded.
“Ouch! Wow, you’re really hittin’ where it hurts this mornin’, huh?”
She giggles, prepping the milk for his drink. “I kid, I kid. I respect the grind! Especially when steroids are in such high demand these days.” She flashes him a knowing smirk as she continues to move about the coffee bar. 
Steve grins, shaking his head. He can’t believe her. He can’t get enough of her– her laugh, her voice, the way she looks at him. He stares at her for a moment, admiring the focus in her eyes as she meticulously finishes his drink, the curve of her lips when she’s satisfied with her work. 
Steve is still staring when she appears at the counter to give him his drink. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
Steve flushes again and presses his lips together, muttering an embarrassed apologizing. Before she turns to go, before he’s forced to continue on with his day until he sees her again tomorrow, a thought pops into the forefront of his mind. Before he knows it, his voice is working faster than his brain can. 
“Hey, my-my frat is throwing a party this weekend at, uh, our house,” he starts, mouth instantly going dry. “Would, um, you like to maybe come?” 
She stops. Her brow arches, mouth opening and closing without a word. She looks at Steve, really looks at him, studying him as an answer brews on her tongue. 
Steve panics. “I-if not that’s totally fine, I, um, I just thought that–”
Steve’s train of thought instantaneously derails.
“You–you… yes?” He repeats. She scoffs a laugh and nods. 
“No promises, but yes. I’ll try to be there.”
Steve’s face hurts from smiling. 
“Awesome! Great! I, uh, yes!” Steve confirms again. 
Before he can say ‘yes’ for the tenth time, she pulls a marker out of her apron pocket and grabs his cup again, scribbling something on the backside. As she turns back to the coffee bar, Steve picks up his cup and turns it over. His eyes land on a smudged phone number followed by a tiny, smudged heart. He looks up, finding her gaze again, and melts as she bites her lip.
“Text me, meathead.”
Steve beams. Any and all words he’s ever known disappear from his mind. 
“I can do that.”
As Steve leaves the cafe, he doesn’t care about being late to class as he enters her number into his phone. He doesn’t care about what the brothers will say come Friday when he introduces the first girl– the first person– he’s ever brought to a party. 
He sips his drink, smiling to himself, knowing it’s the best damn cup of coffee he’s ever had. 
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rikeijo · 21 days
Today’s translation #746
Febri vol. 40, Hiramatsu Tadashi's interview
Part 9.
-- What about shots of a skater falling, for example - were those also recorded beforehand?
Hiramatsu: No. The scenes, in which a skater fails, were drawn using footage from actual international competitions or the Olympics as a reference. Such scenes would be very difficult to drawn based only on your own imagination. The scenes, in which we see a competitor receiving less points for an element or failing to land a jump are actually more difficult to draw compared to the scenes, in which an element is executed perfectly. Also, this time, we were really mindful of the fact that the skaters wear skating shoes. They wear those boots, so the lower part and the front of their calves are a bit wider. It's a very interesting characteristic, so in a sense, we were exaggerating it to some degree. Without that protruding elements, you wouldn't know that the characters are wearing skating shoes.
-- Post-episode 1., you were supervising the animation as the Chief Animation Director - were there any scenes that were particularly interesting or memorable to work on?
Hiramatsu: It was interesting that working on every one episode, twelve episodes in total, you could observe the changes that were happening in the story. In case of Yuuri, in the beginning, he lacks self-confidence but gradually, he understands what he needs to do and it ends with him overcoming Victor. On the other hand, Victor sees the unexpected parts of Yuuri and his motivation grows. I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to draw those changes in their state of mind, continuously over a period of time. That was my first job as Chief Animation Director!
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rileythelonelyalien · 2 years
Dottore x GN! reader: Medical ordeals
A/N: Hello! it's been a hot minute since my last post apologies for that, I've been quite held up with all my courses but I have some time off now so hopefully I'll be writing up all the idea I have saved up but for now I do hope you enjoy this fan fiction . This one is in fact based around an experience I've actually been through .
cw: description of a bad medical experience , mentions of blood.
You and Dottore had only become an item a short while ago , although feelings had blossomed much further back it had only become an official thing as of late. 
Dottore being a man of science and arguably medicine (albeit the medicine and ‘cures’ he provides are not orthodox to what a morally sound doctor would prescribe) over the time that he has known you he has done his best to collect medical records of yours so that he was aware what either ails you or what you would be prone too. However, try as he might he could never manage to find or secure your dental records and so he had to turn to his last option, asking you himself. Of course, he had asked you to bring anything concerning the matter to him under the premises that he needed more data for a statistic table that he was drawing up , although this was not the case.
You enter his lab the lights just as blindingly bright as always as you walk further into the sterile environment making sure to not touch anything as you wouldn't want to compromise your boyfriends work because of something so trivial. Tightly clutching you proceeded further into the laboratory. As you make your way to the back which is where your lover is most likely is, you notice a few of his clones working some of them were already acquainted with you and in your presence sent you a small wave before continuing their assigned tasks. However, some of the others who were still in the process of warming up to you snarled at you some even hissing , quote the amusing sight yet still very threatening. Doing your best to pay this unusual behaviour no mind , you quicken your pace once his desk come into view with his back facing you. Cautious to not startle the man you walk around the desk so that he is able to see your figure and alert him that you have arrived. Gently setting down the papers you give him a gentle smile. He brings his head up from the paper filled with many equations and diagrams scrawled on with seeming quick haste , he brings his face to look at yours. Somehow he claims he can see perfectly even with his mask on that looks like it covers his eyes , you struggle to comprehend just how he has managed to do this but knowing his genius this was entirely probable. Beneath his mask you watch his features soften and a sharp toothed smile take over the previous frown that was etched onto his face. Yet before you could point anything out or begin to say anything he quickly picks up the papers you had brought him flicking though them reading them at an incredible pace , although this may have been an adaptation in order for him to reduce time wasted on reading so that he can progress even faster with his projects none the less it was still immensely impressive. 
You decide to sit down on one of the few chairs by his desk and wait patiently until he finishes. A loud slamming of papers sounds thought the lab , Dottore has quickly set down the papers you had brought to him , the abruptness of the sudden sound making you jump slightly. You tilt your head slightly as you gently ask your lover ‘ Is everything okay ?’ you watch his features change from annoyance to a much softer expression at the mere sound of your voice. After a few moments of silence, he offers you a reply ‘ There seems to be some missing parts to your documents , do you happen to know what happened ?’ at the mention of this your expression changes ,your mouth in resemblances of an ‘o’ as you realise what he was talking about ‘Ah, that….’ you hesitate. Dottore leans in closer so that his face is closer to your own and places his hand on top of yours as if to provide some comfort and as a way of reassurance that what ever you say to him will be safe. With this gesture from him you feel much more comfortable in explaining everything to him. 
You take a small breath before conveying what happened in that one undocumented appointment:
You were young and were taken to the dentists in order to get a check up however this ended up with the need of tooth extraction… Unfortunately for you this was not going to be a straight forward as they promised it would be. You were sat in that chair a clear liquid being put onto your gums they were meant to stop any pain form affecting you , yet it wasn't taking effect. Despite knowing this they did not look to find a solution to this and proceeded with the extraction. Metal tools clamping down on your tooth steadying themselves in order to rip it out. Within moments the tooth is pulled out with immense force you could hear your own screams echo through the halls as your mouth began to pool with blood. The throbbing pain echoed thought your mouth and face with tears spilling over and running down your cheeks. This was a moment in your youth you would never forget. The emotionless faces that inflicted such pain on you the lights shining into your face and eyes , the throbbing pain. Everything was etched into your mind. Yet despite this entire ordeal the clinic that you had went to wanted to keep their pristine record of always satisfied patients and so they wiped this appointment and the results clean from any records that would exist. Of course, they are not able to erase someone's memory.
As you finish relating this story to him you noticed how his hand now gripped yours , tight but not tight enough to cause you any harm his face now contorted into a scowl. This was not what he was expecting to hear not in the slightest , although he has witnessed much worse when he conducts his experiments but when it came to you it was … different. You were worthy of being treated like the most precious jewels , so gracefully without bringing you any harm and yet some had the audacity to do such a sloppy job and dare to cover their tracks? Not on his watch. ‘Dottore? I hope this hasn't upset you dear’ You try to bring Dottore back from his thoughts yet as soon as you utter out those few words Dottore quickly proceeds to grab both of your hands with his own. ‘What a bunch of preposterous fools , treating you so poorly have no shame to act in such a way in the name of medicine?!?’ The hypocrisy from him was intense yet you were oblivious to his medical ‘ordeals’ and such his statement seemed comforting. He brings a gloved hand up to touch your cheek staring into your eyes through his mask ‘ My love in my hands you will only be treated with the upmost of care I can assure you with that!’ he vows to you. Being so infatuated with him all you can do it lean into his touch and hum in approval ‘I know my doctor will take good care of me’ you state before kissing his palm. 
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voldrinofthenorth · 1 month
@vexwerewolf So we played In Golden Flame and. What. The Buddah. Was that. I mean, of course we fight an eldritch space wurm on a desert planet. I was expecting the wurm, but it was... Wrong. It was real, and yet it was not. It teleported and regrew limbs. Horus tech? In any case, enough bullets and missiles did the trick regardless. We took that monster down. It felt like when I used to pilot my old Calendula back in the Grammaton. I know Aunic magic when I see it. I haven't used Spice in years, but I could feel it on the other side. It could move through the Firmament.
The witch... We visted her house. Did we? What did the house look like? Well, we spoke with her at least. She seemed to know who we were. She knew too much. How could she know those things? Something is wrong. She gave us some useful information about enemy tactics and weapons. Apparently Steele doesn't have anything to do with those Firebird cultists, but he has hired celebrity pilots. Great, more scumbags. Cracks in the ground. I can see the mist on the other side. But... I don't have my mantle anymore. How can this be? She also confirmed what we suspected. This "Golden Flame" thing is that rogue PROMETHEUS-Class NHP from the future. It's clearly unshackled. Could it already be an Eidolon? Draw your blaster draw your blaster draw your blaster draw your blaster Redline got fed up with all this hocus pocus and stormed out. Jessie called after him Jessie? She's one of my cousin's squadmates. She's all the way on Hercynia. We've never met. I've only ever seen recordings of her in Voldrin's combat data. Something is wrong. Your blaster. Stop this before it's too late. Lamplight felt a little uncomfortable, so they left too. The witch was redecent about us asking how she knew all of this. She mentioned two "entities" she had a bargain with. Apparently they kept arguing with each other. Redline seemed to have changed his mind, because he burst back in, pistol drawn, demanding she tell us who she really was. Two entities? Wait... Ra and Aun. The Monists! Your blaster! Use it— I remember drawing my side arm, but the next thing I knew, we were all back in our mechs. That was an odd encounter... At least we got some information out of it. And tea. We stayed too long. Something is wrong. I can feel it. On the other side. In the Firmament. It's in the others, too. Everyone except Lamplight. I can see things now. It's like when I used to use Spice. Whatever is happening, we can't let it progress. Something bad will happen. I can feel it. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is— What a nice lady.
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etrosgate · 4 months
a death note chapter 1 vs episode 1 comparison
I think people tend to be under the assumption that the death note manga and anime are basically the same besides their endings and the foot washing scene, and thus generally interchangeable. Personally, i don’t believe this is the case. Though many of the changes are small things a casual viewer might not notice, to me these small changes add up to such a degree that despite being so similar, reading the manga and watching the anime are two very different experiences (not even getting into how the anime butchers the second half lmao)
For the record, im not against significant changes in adaptations. On the contrary, i find the oft-hated 2015 tv drama to be a compelling alternate take on the narrative (even if it often struggles in the execution of its concepts). Rather, this whole Thing is more of a documentation of the big and small changes made in adaptation, through the lens of my own extremely subjective interpretation of both versions.
the anime naturally makes many structural changes to the narrative so for the sake of consistency, i will generally be going through things according to the anime’s chronology. If i believe one of these changes has a notable effect on how the narrative comes across, i’ll mention it. I’ll try not to repeat things that are identical between versions, so naturally some existing familiarity with either version would be preferable
Let's Begin
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Light: this world… Ryuk: …is rotten
The anime takes the opening lines of the manga (which are spoken separately by light and ryuk, respectively) and gives light ryuk’s line, while light’s is then shared between both of them.
Though they are very obviously visually drawing parallels between the two characters in the manga, i think the actual sentiment expressed in their respective lines isn’t meant to be quite as connected as the anime portrays it. the role “boredom” and “morality” play in their respective motivations is pretty important later on in the chapter, so just keep this in the back of your mind for now.
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After light picks up the note for the first time, he puts it back down and starts to leave, dismissing it as a stupid chain letter. But once he thinks about the fact that it’ll supposedly kill people, he turns back (and goes back for it). This choice to go back is not present in the manga, he simply picks it up, laughs, and puts it in his bag without a second thought.
Though light laughs at it in both, in the manga the sequence in general feels lighter in tone compared to the anime (where light only takes interest in it Because it claims to kill). 
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In general, light comes across as more mature in the anime, in his facial features and behavior. Tragically, there is no “fwaah” 🥺
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It’s minor but Anime light entirely skips manga light’s rationalization of finding someone it’s “okay to kill”, though he does immediately rebuke himself for taking this so seriously
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This may just be up to translation differences but anime light seems almost eager for the death note to be real, while manga light seems to just want confirmation, and is much more distressed over the circumstances. Again, the anime leaves out light determining who to kill specifically in terms of who it would be “okay to kill”. And here he then doubles down to someone who “ought to die”, as the situation has gotten more serious
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It’s a small thing, but the anime completely removes this scene (the teacher is knocking him out of his thoughts of killing one of his classmates). It’s only notable to me in how it connects with the wider tonal differences between the versions of the story, and of how much less willing the anime is to portray light’s more mundane immature/human aspects
I'm not including pics but this sequence where light comes across a woman being harassed by a group of bikers is a lot more graphic, showing the preamble to sexual assault where the manga just implied it to be a possibility.
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This one is probably more subjective, but when light pulls out the note to stare at it and laugh a little eagerly, the anime’s delivery is really like. Obvious overt Supervillain laugh (even if it is fairly quiet). The manga comes across a little more….. Idc, childish? Immature? Not to mention the sweat on his face
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A small change, but in the anime there’s no disbelieving “a…[bold text] shinigami?”
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Anime light sweats at his initial meeting of ryuk, but it’s gone as he resolves himself. Manga light sweats and sweats and keeps on sweating through most of the rest of the conversation, the closed eye expression being one of frustration before he opens his eyes and resolves himself.
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In the manga, light’s hand trembles as he grabs the chair while getting up.
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With the context of the rest of this chapter/episode, these lines come off very differently to me. Anime light feels like he was only surprised by the sight of ryuk+jumpscare, and is wayyy more confident in this situation. That he has been waiting for ryuk feels like a true statement. But in the manga, it really comes off like he is pissing himself scared right now and is desperately pretending to be cool and lies about it to try and have some control over the situation
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The anime omits this hilariously awkward line, which really adds to the “light’s absolutely freaking out” of the manga
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Ugh, for such a little thing im genuinely kinda devastated that the anime just doesn’t have that look between ryuk and light. It makes the “most people would be too scared” feel so much less pointed. Light later says that there’s “some power that makes you want to use the death note” and i think this bit really drives in how truly abnormal light’s behavior is, even for people who willingly use the death note. 
Off topic but I Hate those “the death note has supernatural powers that makes you evil” theories i really do, it gets rid of everything interesting about the narrative, i’ll fight you. anyways.
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Again, the difference in composure. Anime light is still sweating over this, but overall way more “cool” than manga light’s heavily shadowed, serious expression and hunched shoulders
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Im so sad at how they’ve removed so much of this lowkey humor in the anime. Light’s awkward laughter is so funny and characterful to me, he is sooo internally freaking out…
i think the juxtaposition of dark shit with humor to be one of the big appeals of the manga, and one of the main reasons i find the anime pretty boring tonally. 
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They need to stop getting rid of light’s awkward bits, it really humanizes him
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Light has resolved himself to his mission, he proclaims it with a smile on his face, in both versions. (Manga light finally doesn’t have sweat on his face anymore)
But why is he doing all this? Ryuk even asks flat out in the anime. And what does light say?
Well this is where it gets really interesting… It is here where what i believe to be the single most significant adaptation change occurs. 
Light has two RADICALLY different answers.
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A childish, wide eyed smiling proclamation that “nobody will commit crimes anymore. the world will start to become a better place,” versus a serious “i was bored…too.”
once you strip away the cat and mouse games to reach the thematic and emotional bones of death note (the manga), i find it to be a story that is fundamentally a character study of our beloved beloathed protagonist light yagami. As such, i find Altering something so critical to who he is like this irrevocably changes the entire narrative. 
And the thing is, both sentiments are expressed in both versions, but come across very differently due to their contexts. 
←- right to left
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This first chapter has had some fairly major structural changes done in the process of adaptation. While the anime goes from light seeing the death note fall from his classroom window to meeting ryuk for the first time in chronological order, the manga has a timeskip in the middle of it. What did they skip? Light’s first time actually using the death note. So when ryuk later tells light that he dropped the death note for a human to pick up out of boredom, light responds that he was bored too… leading directly into a flashback of when he first used the note. 
In the manga, the juxtaposition of events leads us to read “i was bored too” as: 
“Light used the death note for the first time because he was bored” 
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In the anime, the same line is instead a direct answer to ryuk asking his motivation for becoming kira. Reinforced by following it up with a flashback to the immediate aftermath of light discovering that the death note truly works (+ his decision to become kira).
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Though not significantly different, i do find it interesting how the anime has omitted light considering getting rid of the death note and thinking that the second victim didn’t deserve death (then talking himself into accepting it). As a result, anime light’s rationalization of his behavior feels less personal, and has much less doubt.
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Again, the manga goes way harder into light’s emotional state, and doubts about this whole thing. “Just two, and look at me…” Also, no guilt blanket burrito in the anime ☹️
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Now back to the conversation with ryuk, the anime is very notably missing this line from light. Ryuk has never seen someone write as many names in the notebook in 5 days as light has, and light is not dealing with it well. He’s being flippant about it, but this little line is some of the most damning evidence that the guilt of killing people is actively eating away at him, and to a pretty severe degree.
Though anime light does bring up the same/similar lines about making the world a better place and having doubts about his mission, their place in his motivations has been significantly de-emphasized. The general change in light’s characterization seems to make him look much colder, cooler and more capable, at the expense of removing most of his humanity and a lot of the dimension to his character, particularly regarding his personal feelings re: being kira.
This wouldn’t be so much of an issue to me if (ironically) the anime had changed More in order to support its new direction (the shift in light’s characterization+increased emphasis on L as well as L and Light’s dynamic), but i don’t think it executed it very well. I honestly think the musical actually delivers on these specific goals much more successfully, but we’re leaving that for another post.
can you believe i wrote all that for one chapter/episode. Christ.
Anyways look at this loser who deep down knows he’s doing the wrong thing but chooses to just keep doing it.
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vaunteir · 2 months
"let me ask you; what if i offered you something that could change your life forever?"
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read before following
call me will ! (i also go by forte, but vaun's alright too). i am a digital artist, and here, i post silly art of silly stuff i enjoy lots.
a little bit more about me:
- i am a transgender aroace gay man (who uses he/him prns).
- i'm filipino 🇵🇭 though english is my main language n my tagalog vocabulary is a bit limited ,,
- i've been an artist for 10 years, & a digital artist for 8.
- i really love will wood. the album "in case i make it" holds a very special place in my heart + i am totally up there on top 10 cicada days fans (source: you'll just have to trust me on that). i also enjoy other music such as vane lily, jack stauber, metric, frank sinatra, strawberry switchblade, tv girl, etc.
- i use the word 'silly' more times than i make properly-rendered art.
my main interests at the very moment are twisted wonderland and slay the princess. i may also talk about witch's heart, the hatchetfield universe and studio investigrave games here from time to time.
i'm in a lot of other fandoms that i'm not as active in but there are just way too many to mention 💧
this art blog is twst-centric, meaning yes, i draw a lot of twst here. so if you followed bc i drew something for a different fandom, i apologize if i post very little of it.
tags directory:
#vaunteir's art thangz : art posts, drawn by me
#vaunteir's non-art thangz : memes, non-art shitposts, whatever posts i made where i don't draw (which are mostly shitposts)
#vaunteir's headcanon posting : self-explanatory, will occasionally be paired with one of the first two tags above.
#vaunteir's asks : ask box responses
#vaunteir - off the record : doesn't fit with the other categories
do not follow if you :
fit the basic dni, enjoy ships involving incest or p*dophilia, are under 14, are pro-isr**l, think ai art is real art
additionally, please refrain from bringing up any of the following around me as these topics make me very uncomfortable:
alfred's playhouse, your boyfriend (game), the coffin of andy and leyley, soushin (shin tsukimi x midori/sou hiyori) or any midori (yttd) ship
- i reblog more than i post lol (sorry).
- i don't mind spam likes, but reblogs are also very appreciated.
- usage of my artworks for headers, pfps, etc. or reposting them elsewhere are fine as long as i'm credited properly (aka no "ctto" or "credits to the real artist").
- feel free to send art ideas/requests through my ask box! (no nsfw requests though, thank you vm). my commissions are closed atm but they should be back up in the near future.
and that's a wrap 🫀
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Behold, the true monarch of the ocean: RMS Queen Mary! She may well be the world’s most beloved ocean liner barring, of course, Titanic; her existence has touched lives the world over and she continues to be a cultural staple today. She’s high up on my list of favorite ships, and as such I decided to draw her not as a gijinka, not in her current hotel-slash-attraction form, but as the record-breaking liner she was built to be. Here she is, thundering across the waves, racing the sky itself as she sets a new speed record for Britain and Cunard.
And, of course, here are the notes:
I started this drawing more than a year and a half ago, in the spring of my first year at college. For context, as of posting this it’s the fall semester of my third year, so quite a bit of time has passed. The piece was stalled for so long because coloring the hull was so daunting - I didn’t want to mess anything up, and I knew it would require a lot of graphite!
Originally, this was going to be a fully inked and colored piece. However, the way I shaded the hawsepipe and the top of the funnel just looked too nice to erase or color over, so I switched to making it a pencil-only piece instead.
Despite how realistic I made the drawing, there are some elements that are missing or otherwise incorrect. The horizonal poles (which I believe are cargo booms) attached to the foremast are absent; you should be able to see one of them from this angle, but I left it out because, when I first started the drawing, I wanted to simplify things slightly. I ultimately changed my mind, but by then it was too late in the process to add that in. That’s also the case with the simplified instruments on top of the bridge.
The rigging is simplified, but I tried to be accurate with the stuff I did add.
I made the smoke and water look like that by coloring them in normally and then smudging the pencil with my fingers. Then I added darker areas in the smoke for shading, and finally I used an eraser to make the lighter parts in both the smoke and water. Realistically, Queen Mary wouldn’t have actually produced such a dramatic smoke plume, as she was an oil-fired ship rather than a coal-fired one, but the bigger cloud looked cooler and more dynamic. Also, the smoke should be blowing backward, but it isn’t for similar artistic-license reasons; this, at least, can be explained by saying she must be sailing in some pretty strong wind!
I was originally planning to smudge the hull too in order to smooth out the coloring, but I changed my mind.
I based the drawing on this photograph!
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emberfrostlovesloki · 3 months
Criminal Minds August Prompt List - Back to School
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All photo credits at the end
Good evening loves! We made it to July! To Celebrate, here are some August prompts. This prompt list is inspired by the always amazing, @imagining-in-the-margins, who always make the best prompt lists. I won’t write for all of my prompts, but I might for a few. I decided to go with a theme for these August Promts and it is Back to School, and there are a few in here that I am very excited about. Many of these I imagine that team in high school or college, but you can write these however you like! I realize that many of these are more specific than some of my other prompt lists, so feel free to expand or change the prompts if you like, or make up your own! 
The rules for using these prompts are that there are no rules! You could use any Criminal Minds characters, OCs, reader inserts, etc. You could draw, write, make mood boards, or imagine anything else. I have included 31 prompts for each day of the month. I also get inspiration from plain old words, so I’ve included 10 Back to School words that might inspire something. Lastly, I’ve included a few dialog and art prompts too. If any of these prompts inspire you to create, I’d love to be tagged to see what you have made. This is all just for fun. I wish everyone a great start to the month. Please know I’m proud of you wherever you are right now - Love Levi ❤️
❣️ Special shoutout to my moots who helped me with this mood board: @ssahotchnerr @cumulo-stratus @egdropsoop
Y'all should all check out their blogs!
You can find all the prompts below the cut
General Prompts
Characters A and B meet each other for the first time when they share a dorm room. 
Character A and Character B are in biology together and Character A agrees to tutor Character B. 
The BAU faces an Unsub that’s targeting kids walking home from school. 
Characters A and B are rivals on the speech and debate team, when they are put on the same team, they have to work out their differences. 
A case that deals with a drug dealer dealing to college kids, but ends in murder. 
Character A goes to a college party for the first time and sees the cutest person ever, Character B. 
A member of the BAU gets obsessed with a J-Drama and starts packing the team bento boxes with their favorite foods. 
Character A wants to rush for a sorority and talks to Character B about it. 
Character A wants to rush for a fraternity and talks to Character B about it. 
The BAU works a case at a school in lockdown. 
Character A is working on a second degree and Character B helps them study or looks after their kid(s) so they can get school work done. 
In a case dealing with Character A’s past, Character B finds Character A’s school records and finds something surprising. 
When a CM kid gets caught in a cheating scandal, Characters A and B give them a harsh look at the importance of honesty. 
Character A makes Character B cookies with milk after a long day and reminds Character B of their childhood. 
A BAU kid suspects an Unsub in a video game server that they play once they finish homework. 
A major shake-up in the BAU has the whole team feeling like new agents again. 
Characters A and B take their child Back to School shopping. 
A BAU case takes the team to an expensive private school.   
Character A gets the flu from their child, and Character B forces them home. 
Character A thought bullying would be only for their teens, but it seems to have followed them to the BAU. When Character B finds out about it, they take the issue personally. 
Character A is running late for a team meeting and feels like they are running late to school. 
The BAU takes silly photos like picture day at school.
Character A is attending the FBI academy and finds their lecturer, Character B attractive. 
A friend and old classmate of Character A becomes an Unsub, pulling Character A and the team into their past. 
Character A thought they’d have sex in high school, then college, and now that Character B is going there, they have to tell the truth. Character B is very understanding, as they’re in the same situation.  
After losing a bet, Character A has to take the ACT as a punishment. 
The red string of fate trope with Characters A and B. 
C’s get degrees, but not in the FBI. That was until Character A came along. 
High school sweethearts meet up again unexpectedly as adults. 
Characters A is a film student directing a horror film, but the murders in their script start happening in real life. 
Characters A and B help chaperone a field trip when disaster strikes. 
Word Prompts
Eye Strain 
Dress Code 
Dialog Prompts 
“So is the FBI Qualification test like the SAT?” 
“Sweetheart, I know it’s hard to let (our/your child) go to kindergarten, but I promise they’ll do amazing?” 
“Listen _______, I can decorate my desk like a high school locker if I want!” 
“This headache won’t go away, it's like when I failed that physics test with a 23.” 
“______ you’re going to do great. I know high school is daunting, but I support you 100%. You’re going to do amazing!” 
“_______ what year did you graduate college, the first time?” 
Art Prompts
A picture of any BAU character on their first day of school. 
A picture of any BAU kid on their first day of school. 
Any CM character studying.
Any CM character playing a sport. 
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
Tag list: @silk-spun @geminitapestry @alicewonderao3 @potatovoyager
Want to be added to my tag list? Please check out this post (linked) 
Want to send in a request? Please check out this post, CM Request Post (linked)
Top: Left (@callsignred) Center (@darkmacademia) Right (@juliaxyn)
Middle: Left (@shakespearesdaughters) Center (@deepcreekvulture) Right (@midnightripping)
Bottom: Left (@peacefulandcozy) Center (@sorokastudy) Right (@themoontaxi)
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divine-crows · 6 months
Grimoire/BoS Ideas for the Witch that Doesn't Know What to do Next
(Part 3/4)
By the time I added enough content for this part to be "post worthy" a lot of time has passed and I've kinda...grown? Changed? So some things may be a little different vibe wise from this point onwards. (In my "don't give a fuck about what goes in my grimoire" era /j)
- Everyday things that are magic. I'm sure we've all had that moment where we realize something that's normal could be also considered magic. You can also add superstitions or things you believe in due to something you experienced.
- How you connect with different elements. Maybe you have trouble connecting with fire, but have an affinity for light which can be considered a part of fire. Look at all of those connections and explore it. You might find out that you do connect to an element really well, but through different associations!
- On-hand resources. Look at things in your immediate area. Do clovers grow copiously in your yard? Maybe a pine tree is near your house. Look up the properties and associations of these things, or list down some of your own. If you do this NEVER eat or touch something you're unsure of the toxicity of.
- Pictures/info of your favorite plants and animals. Sometimes, you need to say "fuck the informational blob of text" and add fun stuff. I love illustrating my favorite plants and animals and sometimes I find that it pushes me to research information about them that furthers my practice.
- "Taboo" topics/things you wouldn't personally use in your practice. It may sound weird to write down stuff that makes you uncomfortable, but I find it's a good way to stock up on information in case you need a counter to that exact thing ("know thy enemy"). It also can be cool to look back and see if your opinions have changed on certain topics.
- Drawings/Pictures/etc. of places you've been to. There's something magical about traveling, especially since it can "cleanse" your mind so-to-speak. Capture those feelings! It just might reignite your spark!
- Song Lyrics, Book Quotes, Etc. Including media you love that reminds you of your practice is a great way to make your BoS/Grimoire feel more personal. I kinda treat it as if I'm "charging" it with my intent and it makes it feel less intimidating to write in.
- "Mundane" knowledge. I believe that if you're really passionate about something, it might mean it belongs in your practice. Maybe it's a collection of maps, or an embroidered piece you made, or even recorded information about something you learned that just feels magical to you. It's your book, why not make it your own?
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throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
Director’s Cut!
"It's a rare edition these days. Keep this between us, but with Whiterun's neutrality, my buyer can't exactly come marching up the city steps."  "Stormcloaks?" Wyndrelis murmured, stepping closer. Belethor shook his head. "I'll give you a hint, if you're so keen to know." He made a sweeping motion with his index finger along his ear, bringing it up high along the side of his head. Emeros' blood ran cold. "Thalmor," he whispered. He'd recognize the Breton sign that indicated standard Thalmor earcuffs anywhere, the shape of an eagles wing that would arch out from the ear of whatever Justiciar wore them.  Belethor nodded gravely. "And if he doesn't get what he wants, well..." Belethor trailed off. Eventually, he turned on his heel, murmuring about writing a letter, something about a delay in the shipment, no problem, he'd miraculously get his hands on another edition, leaving the three to watch him as he shut the door to his shop. Athenath looked from Emeros to Wyndrelis, then back again. Wordlessly, the trio split to wander separate parts of the city, the conversation repeating in their minds like a stanza in a particularly cruel poem.
OOOOOOOOOHOHOHO okay there is a lot in that scene and i love it, thank you for sending this! >:3c
alright. with this scene, my main goal was to show that, well, there are consequences to not getting enough information and just grabbing whatever was wanted (whether to themselves or to others). athenath's actions in the previous chapter - stealing the Book of the Dragonborn - was done with good intent at the end of the day (hey, you and your new friends were just told you're dragonborn? okay, cool, get information on what that means), but… well, it was impulsive. and dangerously so.
this scene is like a warning, in a way. athenath stole something that was being sold to a thalmor justiciar (ondolemar, actually), but had no idea that was the case because they didn't even bother to search for information, didn't think this through, just went "i need this, he has it, i'll take it". if athenath had more foresight, they would have thought to check records in the shop, and while this wouldn't have changed their mind right now in the story, it would make him think this over a bit more. he would have hesitated.
it also acts to prop up the next chapter's conflict between emeros and athenath, two people who despise the thalmor for different reasons. some personal, some moral, and gives me a great way to show their perspectives. and it shows that while athenath is a damned good thief, that doesn't mean he always makes the best decisions. in my notes on this chapter, i have the sentence: "With how severe the consequences for Belethor could be, Athenath's impulsivity has the potential to cause genuine harm to others."
also it gave me a chance to give a nod to my headcanon thalmor jewelry >:3 which i need to draw more art of, bc it's very fun.
thank you again for sending this ask!!!! <33333333333
director's commentary
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shainachantake2 · 9 months
More shenanigans.
My sister announced to me in December that she's trying to have a baby. She went off the pill in September. Finally she took a pregnancy test on Xmas eve and got a blazing positive because she is already 7 weeks. Meaning it only took her 2 cycles to get pregnant, and she already likely knew she was pregnant when she told me she had started trying. Which, fine. But did it have to be shown to me in a cutesy selfie way posing with the bfp? No. Also, again, this is the first time she's contacted me directly except to tell me in September that she mistakenly sent a present for Z to the wrong address.
She then promptly ignored the newsletter with pictures I make every year to send to everyone to shut them up. Until a week and a half later, when she could make it about herself I guess?
She announced in the reply that she's going to come to the family reunion. We're not going because honestly I'm tired of these things, it also is the first week of school after Pesach. So she said she'd like to come visit us as well for a day or 2. 😨 Let's review.... She's 28 weeks pregnant at that point, flying 6 hours to our country, spending 2 nights here, then flying out to Holland, spending 4 nights there, then flying back to the US or taking a 5 hour roadtrip to my parents house? Whaaat??
Anyway I told her no because it's too disruptive and complicated having her come on the Monday night after Z starts school again. At which point she says oh, why don't I come the week before that, and then go to Germany and then the reunion? 😰 Yeah because having a 6 months pregnant goy come stay at our house 2 days after Pesach is totally not unreasonable.
Also I really wonder if she's thought this through... Does she have travel insurance for when she changes her mind? Like, people often don't feel up for these huge trips during pregnancy. Or they have complications that don't allow them to travel. And does she realise she needs health insurance for all of these countries she's visiting?
Anyway thankfully she took my second "no" at face value. But still freaking tired of it all.
On the other hand, I don't want to point this out to her, because I'm sick and tired of being the "know-it-all big sister". If she wants to take this risk, whatever. I don't even really want to see her to begin with, because best case scenario we're pregnant again via IVF, or worst case scenario [I'm not even going to say it], and she has a terrible track record when it comes to miscarriages so I'm not willing to disclose anything to her. She also sometimes treats me like utter dog crap. She's actually apologised for it when we were both at university, and she said she didn't know why she does it but she just feels like pressing all my buttons and thinks it's fun to make me angry/upset. ??? Did she stop doing it after that? Noooope.
Also let's not forget she never calls my daughters and Z barely remembers who she is, she really hurt her a few times when she was little by not answering when Z wanted to send her drawings. Like no. How much abuse are we meant to take?
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tenebris-lux · 1 year
Warning: this post talks about abuse related to ableism.
(Also, please note that as much as I like Jack Seward as a character, I’m about to rip into him. Strictly Seward stans, you may want to skip this.)
Today’s entry has the subtext: “Just in case ANYONE was in ANY doubt at all, let me spell it out: Dr. Jack Seward, Head of Carfax Asylum, is a complete and absolute, raging and abusive DICKHEAD to the patient R. M. Renfield.”
We see it all in action this time, the thing he alluded to in his very first entry:
“I questioned him more fully than I had ever done, with a view to making myself master of the facts of his hallucination. In my manner of doing it there was, I now see, something of cruelty. I seemed to wish to keep him to the point of his madness—a thing which I avoid with the patients as I would the mouth of hell.”
What that entry back then implied was that he didn’t even pick up on his own cruelty until he turned on his phonograph. Since then we’d seen separate instances of cruelty, suggesting the cat probably being the first instance of the questions meant “to keep him to the point of his madness.” But today, he wrenched and twisted that knife as brutally as he could, completely fucking Renfield up. He KNOWS it’s cruelty at this point and is doing it anyway. The useful information he obtained at the end wasn’t even what he was trying for.
Renfield is not a professional study to him, as much as Jack tells himself so—he’s a hobby.
“Later in the day he sent for me. Ordinarily I would not have come without special reason, but just at present I am so interested in him that I would gladly make an effort. Besides, I am glad to have anything to help pass the time. Harker is out, following up clues; and so are Lord Godalming and Quincey. Van Helsing sits in my study poring over the record prepared by the Harkers…”
And they’ve all agreed not to talk to Mina, so she’s out. So, he’s bored. Got nothing better to do than see what Renfield wants and maybe mess with him.
We had a break from that unpleasant side of him when he was focused on Lucy and Van Helsing, and when he met Mina. But did all that good stuff change anything about him? Not at all. Why would it? He sees a social gap between himself/his friends and a mentally ill inmate of his asylum. They’re two separate, unrelated things in his mind.
Again, I believe he would not think so well of Jonathan Harker if he had met him while Jonathan was still recovering. Even if he read the diary afterwards, there’s a strong chance he’d draw his own “professional” conclusions about Harker. Remember, he had said—
“After reading his account of it I was prepared to meet a good specimen of manhood, but hardly the quiet, business-like gentleman who came here to-day.”
He’s very judgmental. So if he had met “the quiet, business-like gentleman” before reading the diary or knowing anything of his past… the gentleman with the thousand-yard-stare who keeps getting shaken up by nightmares and possibly jumping at shadows … do you think Jack would’ve had the same respect we’ve seen him show Harker currently? If he read the diary afterwards, he’d most definitely think it all a hallucination. Which he might then rethink if he witnesses Vampire Lucy, but most likely not as an equal.
…….. Now THAT’S a frightening timeline….
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mareenavee · 1 year
WIP Whenever~
So no, I haven't been tagged in this at the moment~ (unless I have and tumblr notifs are being a large pain in the butt by not informing me -- if so! My bad) In that case, I'll start the train (: Share some fun stuff, friends!
Tagging the most esteemed and unparalleled @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @rhiannon1199, @friend-of-giants, @thequeenofthewinter, @snippetsrus, @saltymaplesyrup, @archangelsunited, @tallmatcha, @airiat, @thelightofmorning, @thana-topsy and @the-storytellers-seer! Leaving some amazing TES writers for the others to tag into the game this week, or else I'd just post a huge long list of tags of people whose work I love to see. (: Maybe I ought. But for now, to the words!!
Below the cut, some of my AU one-shot in which Nyenna and her brother, Eris actually make it to Solstheim first, and miss the Helgen nonsense entirely. Oh, but have they? Have they really?
“Ah, so, that’s why Morrowind, then,” Teldryn said. She nodded. “We all have our troubles, outlander. No need to apologize.” He reached out and squeezed her shoulder. She turned her gaze on him then, all the pain she’d tried to keep inside right there in her eyes. She closed them and tilted her head back, as if to prevent the tears from falling. Ash floated lazily down, collecting in the stray strands of her hair like snow.
“Yes. For a second today, I felt free for the first time in years. Every day I’d question if it’d be our last. If we were careful enough. They were everywhere. It felt like such a weight was lifted to cross the border to somewhere safe after such struggle. You’ve no idea, and I likely couldn’t convey it if I tried,” Nyenna said with a small sigh. “And Y'ffre knows I’ve tried.”
“I know a thing or two about trying to keep a low profile,” Teldryn said with a snort. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Hence the helmet, even indoors?” Nyenna ventured. “Oh, but I’m sorry to say, it’s not very, ehm…inconspicuous, is it?” He chortled and she smiled warmly. “I noticed you right away, for the record.”
“Ah. Well. Hence the helmet, especially indoors, in that case,” Teldryn drawled. She couldn’t see it through his scarf but he was grinning. Astute, this one. She had a point about the chitin. “Can’t do with not drawing the attention of an…interesting outlander.” She laughed then, stress melting from her shoulders like so much ice.
“It’s been quite a long time since I was able to tell anyone anything of my struggles. Thank you for…well, for all of this. I’m just a stranger. You couldn’t have known how much it would mean,” Nyenna said. Her fingers brushed against his hand briefly, probably on purpose. There was another shock, gone again before he could register what the hell it could be. Magicka, maybe. Something strange. Did she even know how loud she was? The sensation wasn’t a sound, exactly, but something beyond. He glanced at her and felt his face flush. Thank Azura for the helmet, then. It was useful, after all. He cleared his throat and scratched under the edge of his scarf.
“As I said, we all have our troubles,” he said carefully. “Think nothing of it.” He shifted a little and faced her again. “Say, if you’re going to Tel Mithryn after all, I wouldn’t mind the company, by the way. I was headed out that way later this week in any case.”
“Oh, so I’m that interesting, am I?” Nyenna said with another laugh. “You would change your plans just to tag along?”
“Well, that and it’s not exactly a safe passage. Reavers and all in the crossing,” Teldryn mumbled. Normally he’d have tried to turn this into some kind of job, but he was finding, inexplicably, that he did not really want to be parted from her after all. Strange. They’d barely exchanged a handful of words.
“It wouldn’t be wise to refuse such a chivalrous offer,” Nyenna said with a small smile. “But I think Eris and I will be just fine. We probably can’t afford the fee, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Oh, but I wasn’t angling to be hired or anything,” Teldryn said, though he wasn’t sure why such words were falling out of his mouth at the moment. Was he ever a s'wit. He held out his palms in a gesture of peace and sighed. “It’s no imposition, outlander. Promise. What do you say?” Nyenna laughed then, which was unexpected.
“Just so you know, we don’t really need protecting. Eris might not look like much, but he’s kept us both alive so far,” she said. “He’s a good mage, actually. Better than a lot of people I’ve seen in my time.” Teldryn crossed his arms over his chest again.
“It’s a difficult trip, I think, for mages on their own. Swords still pierce wherever armor isn’t,” Teldryn observed with distaste. “What about you? Are you a mage, too?” He was grateful for the opening to talk about the Magicka observation without seeming strange or too nosy. She smiled wistfully and shook her head.
“When I was younger, I was strictly forbidden from learning anything of the sort. No fighting, no magic. I accepted it, but lately I’ve been reading over Eris’s shoulder. He pulled a spell out of nowhere this morning,” she said casually. Teldryn knit his eyebrows.
“What does that mean?” he asked before he could caution himself. So much for not seeming nosy.
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