#a good weight loss diet
deadrottengirl111 · 4 months
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If you really love me you would help my build little forts and patch me up when I get hurt.
Buy me cute little clutter and read me books ♡♡
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aimesgrey · 2 months
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My face has changed in a year 😭😔 My nose used to be smaller.
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naomiknight-17 · 1 month
I have a pair of track pants that I stopped wearing because they kept sliding down my ass and falling off
I wore them to physio today. No problem at all. Never slipped or slid once. They were too tight before and I couldn't pull them high enough over my hips for them to stay up. Now they're fine
Which is great because my other workout pants are getting so baggy they come up almost to my bra band when I pull them up now
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iweardrmartens · 10 days
is this a real account? or a spam?
I’m a real account, I promise!🙃
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musubiki · 11 days
hi! so limochi idea
so you know how at concerts, sometimes people will sit on their tall friend's shoulders to see better? what if that but lime and mochi? would lime die. is his brain screaming incoherently or is it just tv static? who's to say?
anyway have a lovely day!
god limes head being sandwhiched between her thighs like that...i dont trust his knees not to give out...
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hoeforbillieeilish · 18 days
hi yall so im sick again and had to go home from the college on wednesday so i couldnt keep up with my mealplan. but its ok, bc im home alone tomorrow, you know what that means: starving and exercising even tho i had a high fever a few hours ago. idc im delusional enough to gaslight myself into being well so im gonna go for a run, and then do a workout at home.
ps. school (i go to a dance school) has been a real hell, bc we have been just exercising and getting back on track, so my muscles are so sore i cant even walk im not kidding. but otherwise its great, bc i burn a looot of cals
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nuturejournal · 2 months
DESPERTE SEU BRILHO: Guia Para Um Estilo de Vida Radiante!
Olá, Nuture Club! Se preparem para começar uma jornada incrível rumo a uma vida mais saudável e cheia de estilo com a Nuture Journal. Aqui estão algumas dicas encantadoras para fazer você se sentir maravilhosa de dentro para fora.
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Transforme Suas Refeições!
Que tal tornar suas refeições momentos de pura magia? Aqui estão algumas dicas para transformar sua alimentação em uma experiência deliciosa e vibrante:
Smoothie Rosa Fabuloso: Comece o dia com um smoothie rosa, feito com frutas vermelhas e chia. Não só é delicioso, mas também é lindo e nutritivo! Experimente adicionar um pouco de espinafre para um boost extra de nutrientes. 🌸🍓
Alimentos Arco-Íris: Encha seu prato com frutas e vegetais coloridos. Cada cor representa um conjunto único de vitaminas e minerais que beneficiam seu corpo de maneiras diferentes. 🌈🥗
Receitas Divertidas: Explore novas receitas que sejam tanto nutritivas quanto visivelmente atraentes. Tente preparar bolos de arroz com coberturas coloridas de frutas ou fazer muffins de aveia e banana que são ótimos para um lanche saudável.
Alimentação Consciente!
Vamos elevar o simples ato de comer a um novo nível! Aqui estão algumas dicas para tornar suas refeições momentos de prazer e autocuidado:
Crie um Ambiente Aconchegante: Transforme suas refeições em momentos especiais criando um ambiente agradável. Coloque uma mesa bonita, use uma toalha charmosa e adicione velas para criar uma atmosfera acolhedora. 🌟🕯️
Preste Atenção ao Comer: Saboreie cada mordida e preste atenção às texturas e sabores dos alimentos. Evite distrações como o celular e a TV para aproveitar cada refeição de maneira mais consciente. Isso não só melhora a digestão, mas também torna a refeição mais satisfatória. 🍴🧘‍♀️
Experimente a Mindful Eating: Pratique a alimentação consciente, onde você se concentra completamente em sua comida e aprecia cada detalhe. Faça uma pausa entre as mordidas para refletir sobre os sabores e a experiência.
Cuide De Si Mesma!
Vamos deixar o autocuidado ainda mais fabuloso! Aqui estão algumas dicas para transformar sua rotina de cuidados em momentos de brilho e glamour:
Spa em Casa: Dedique um tempo para criar uma experiência de spa em casa. Prepare um banho relaxante com sais de banho e óleos essenciais e faça uma máscara facial enquanto escuta sua música favorita. Esses momentos de cuidado são uma forma deliciosa de mimar-se e relaxar. 🛁💆‍♀️
Movimente-se com Alegria: Encontre formas de se exercitar que sejam divertidas e prazerosas. Dance, pratique yoga ou experimente uma nova atividade física que traga felicidade e leveza ao seu dia. A ideia é que o exercício seja um momento de alegria e não uma tarefa. 💃🧘‍♂️
Criar Rituais de Autoamor: Estabeleça rituais diários que celebrem o amor próprio. Inclua afirmações positivas em sua rotina matinal ou escreva em um diário de gratidão para começar o dia com uma mentalidade positiva e empoderada. 💖🌟
Pronta para transformar sua vida com essas dicas fofas e inspiradoras? Comente abaixo qual dica você mais amou e compartilhe com suas amigas que também merecem um pouco de glamour e bem-estar. Seja a estrela da sua própria história e viva com muito brilho e amor próprio! 💖✨
Não se esqueça de nos seguir no nosso instagram para ficar mais pertinho da gente!
(c) the images used in this post were found on pinterest and belong to their respective owners
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rainyfestivalsweets · 4 months
Taking a moment to dump some thoughts in the quiet.
I did CBD last night and added at least 500 calories to an otherwise great day.
I had 3 mini quest bars. 240 cals there. 2 of those were eaten in the middle of the night.
Those are my last quest bars. I am not buying protein bars for a bit. I have a brand called nugo left. They are good but not as hyperpalatable as these other ones [my favorites are quest choc chip cookie dough & gnc lean bar Samoa cookie]. The plan is just to not buy this shit anymore. If I want one, I have to go out and buy one. One. Bahahaha.
Why? Why am I bent on self sabotage?
It took about 110-120 pounds lost for people to notice ANYTHING. And once they did, my results slowed to a fucking crawl. I am so pissed about that and have been trying to get things going again.
I am ready to change my header to 130 pounds down.
What is the deal with People noticing that makes me self-sabotage?
By most charts, a healthy weight for me would be 120. So my goal isn't set too low. I am not dangerously skinny but... idk.... people and their fucking comments. It is like once I just noticed I freak out internally and stepped up the self sabotage game.
So shit.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to level up when you are mid weight loss? Especially with night eating?
Things I have recently changed:
-trying to sit in the living room instead of the dining room. [Longer walk for snacks]
-more tea, especially green & oolong, yerva mate.
-trying to peddle on the recumbent bike during cbd time
-more games/scrabble (trying to keep busy since I can't always leave the house)
-listening to some subliminals
Things I am focusing on continuing:
- hydration
-konjac jelly, sf popsicles, sf jolly ranchers & werther's
-regular exercise
-cardio AND resistance
-Coffee. I love coffee.
Things I am procrastinating on:
-books. My reading list is ever long and ever growing. I have a million books, including diet books.
-getting rid of clothes I spent real money one. The recent shopping trips have helped nudge that in the right direction.
-cleaning my office
-rearranging my bookshelves
-setting up the new TV
-getting a strapless bra
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mymiro-006 · 1 year
Motivation to lose weight? Yes please!
We’ve got a Group-Chat where we help each other to lose weight!
The group is on WhatsApp and don’t worry, it is save! We look out for each other and we will help you achieve your goal weight, no matter what!
You might think now:“But what if it’s too strict?“ Or “What if it’s dangerous?“ you don’t need to worry at all! Diets and workouts will be decided by yourself except you want the group to decide, but you can say „No“ whenever you want!
Your safety and comfort is the most important during your journey. As soon as you don’t want to be in the group anymore you can leave.
You needn’t worry about anything!
Did I awaken your interest? Just dm me and I will send you the rules! :D
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deadrottengirl111 · 5 months
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I want to be a living dead! Someone gut me! I need to be empty! !Σ(×_×;)!
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skinreflectsthesun · 10 months
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aimesgrey · 2 months
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Good mornting. I wanna sew a pair of pants but I don't have the right fabric.
These selfies r random but it is 6am. I'm so pretty no makeup. Also I thinned my hair and it feels so much better.
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thatveganwhiterose · 6 months
Just another (gentle) reminder that I block any blogs who follow me that have disordered eating, diet, and/or thinspo related stuff on it. Especially en masse.
My veganism, my body, what I do IE health and exercise, etc. will not be used as a model for others to use to potentially harm themselves.
My genuine hope for folks like this is that they get the help they need to have a better/neutral relationship to their bodies, to food, to exercise, etc.
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chipped-chimera · 11 months
So uh does anyone have any high-calorie-but-small-size food tips? My ADHD meds has put my appetite through the floor and after tracking my intake uhhh ... it's ... bad. So I definitely can't add in any more exercise/resistance training until I fix that.
I'm changing up my morning protein drink to be one with a much higher protein content but idk what to do from there. It takes me 45 minutes to eat a peanut butter sandwich for lunch the appetite is just not there 😭
Bonus points if it's simple/few steps. Or healthy-ish.
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hoeforbillieeilish · 20 days
so school has started, and starving is going pretty well. i mean, not starving. im trying to get rid of the binge eating, so currently im eating 3 small and clean meals a day for a few days/weeks, its going well. then ill start actually skipping them.
- breakfast: ¼ cucumber, 1 medium carrot, 1 hard boiled egg, (1 apple if necessary)
- lunch: about ¼ air fryed tofu, 100g bulgur, 1 tomato, ½ bell pepper
- dinner: 1 cup of greek yogurt, a few almonds and cranberries, chia seeds
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tadpal · 9 months
crazy to experience tangential fatphobia like yeah my parents are fat. what does that have to do with me??? also yeah of course im going to kill you with nails now like i literally love those people???
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