#veganism is not disordered eating
thatveganwhiterose · 3 months
Just another (gentle) reminder that I block any blogs who follow me that have disordered eating, diet, and/or thinspo related stuff on it. Especially en masse.
My veganism, my body, what I do IE health and exercise, etc. will not be used as a model for others to use to potentially harm themselves.
My genuine hope for folks like this is that they get the help they need to have a better/neutral relationship to their bodies, to food, to exercise, etc.
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angelsdean · 1 month
ok but the way jack is immediately like "don't tell sam" abt the cookie crunch like yes it's a funny moment but thinking abt it for one second longer it's like ohhh so sam is annoying abt Everyone's eating habits, not just dean's? insufferable man. to quote dean: these are your issues, quit dumping them on [others]
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librarycards · 2 years
recipe makers NEED to stop framing vegan food as “healthy food” and assuming that the vegan cook/eater requires caloric and macronutrient breakdowns on every recipe or food review. fixating on notions of “health” (read: weight loss) when it comes to veganism not only nullifies the ethical commitment the lifestyle implies but also assigns a new, wildly unethical and dangerous social imperative of body punishment instead. this creates a deadly environment for vegans with EDs, as well as others whose class/disability/ etc contexts require them to consume processed foods.
The imbrication of contemporary “plant based” culture with diet culture/antifatness is stripping bodily autonomy from marginalized people who want to follow their ethical commitments, but cannot do so without putting their lives in danger.
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ovaruling · 9 months
veganism being willfully misconstrued as promoting or encouraging disordered or restrictive eating is so dishonest. tell me what’s limiting about POTATOES, potato chips, french fries, breads, tortillas and flatbreads, pretzels, crackers, oats, pasta, all rice, all beans, bananas, berries, avocados, peanut butter, lentils, OREOS, tofu, peas, coconut, nuts, quinoa, all forms of soy, every seed imaginable, every vegetable, every fruit, every grain… it’s endless. and all that you can make with these, to boot.
truly some of the most nutritious and/or flat out calorie-dense foods there even are. and that’s not even counting specialty foods, “substitutes,” and recipes that mimic traditional junk and comfort food. you cannot be serious.
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ginstermoff · 10 months
"I can't go vegan, I have ARFID "
Yea? Me too.
Avoidant Ristrictive Food Intake Disorder is a bitch and I feel you.
But you can try other things to reduce the harm you cause, like trying to buy vegan laundry detergent, upcycling/mending your clothes and furniture ect.
Going vegan isn't (only) about your diet, it's *checks officials*:
"A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment."
Which usually includes food, but like... as far as possible and practicable. Just do your best, oki?
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storm-and-starlight · 2 months
I can feel myself slowly tipping further and further into an irrational rejection of the entire. like. concept of veganism and I'm not entirely a fan of having that happen but also. rrrgh.
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ma3w3n · 1 year
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best combo ฅ^ﻌ^ฅ
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scooplery · 6 months
i've also eaten elk, moose, alligator and ostrich. i like meat lol
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0coldsummer0 · 7 months
Vegan breakfast ideas
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It's my first post on tumblr and I gonna talk you about some vegan breakfast ideas (ED friendly).
Tofu "cottage cheese"
1/3 of 250 g tofu pack
1-2 g zero kcal sweetener
Some oat drink
Mash it with a fork and mix with a plant yogurt. Add a handful of blueberries, some roasted sunflower seeds.
2. Black tea with combo of bread, vegan spread and vegan mozzarella
3. Unsweetened cornflakes with oat milk
4. Oat milk coffee and sandwiches
Grain bread, vegan spread, tomato sauce, nutritional yeast, chilli pepers and salt, tomato slices and fried tofu (oilfree)
5. Smoothie
Chocolate oat milk, scup of spy protein, 2 handfuls of blueberries (you can add zero kcal sweetener if you like)
6. Vegan apple pie and oat milk coffee
Recipe will bee soon!
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juliansbear · 10 months
if you don't want to stop or at least reduce your consumption of animal products then either admit it or shut the fuck up about veganism lol. obviously you just have different priorities. if you're so defensive about it that tells me you might have some guilt about it or on some level maybe you realize that using animal products is cruel but you don't want to admit it. so maybe you should do some introspection and think about why you care so much if other people don't want to use or consume animal products. but otherwise just like... shut up lmao
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acti-veg · 23 days
I've been vegan for 6 years, and I've struggled with disordered eating my whole life. I can't find your post about coping with an ED as a vegan. I feel like they go hand in hand for me. Especially in the area where I live, I have to constantly think about my food, read every single label, research everything ahead of time, etc, because vegan options from restaurants or pre-made/processed food sources in the store are scarce. I feel like I won't ever be able to have a normal relationship with food. I can hardly ever just enjoy eating during a celebration, birthday, night out, etc, because if I don't bring my own food, there will be nothing for me to eat. Thinking about food so much has led to heavy calorie restriction. I am obsessed with food, and I don't know how not to be.
This was one of the articles that got lost when I had to move my site, but I've managed to dig up a repost of it and edited the issues with veganism section of my FAQs page to include it - you can find it here. That said, this article is more about how to go vegan with an eating disorder and whether or not you can, so I don't think it will be what you need. It sounds like you need some real support, rather than anything I would be able to offer. Your recovery is what you need to focus on more than the veganism, I don't believe that stopping completely would be likely to improve things either based on what I've been told by people in similar positions, but if you need to make compromises to prioritise your recovery then you should absolutely do that.
Veganism is about doing your best, your challenge now is to figure out what that looks like for you, at this time in your life. Any adjustments you need to make now, like for example, not eating meat and cheese in your meals but not worrying so much if a product contains trace amounts, or whatever it may be, does not need to be permanent and doesn't reflect any kind of failing on your part. It is about getting your priorities right at this point, and making sure you are getting the support that you need.
Best of luck with it anon, I'm always here if want to drop me a message.
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wonyinterromp · 5 months
Fiquei 2 dias de compulsão sem parar cara, 2 dias comendo q nem uma BALEIA ORCA, porra eu tava com 68.2 antes da compulsão e agora acho q ganhei 1.5 de retenção, só tenho 3dias s p perder 3kg, se eu vou perder 3kg eu n sei, mas vou fazer de tudo p perder.
Afinal eu vou parar de comer carne e lacticínios, eu já parei de comer carne há um tempo, decidir me tornar vegana, sempre quis virar vegana, mas n é de um dia pra noite, vc tem q ter certeza sob isso, e tenho certeza ABSOLUTA que quero isso p mim, afinal nós seres humanos n dependemos dos animais pra viver, nos podemos muito bem viver sem eles, eles morrem p que a gente possa se alimentar, mds só de pensar me dá PESADELO.
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"It's accidentally vegan!" Oh, you mean it's complete and total junk food, if it can even be called "food" at all? It's made up of nothing but noxious chemicals man-made in a lab, and has exactly zero ingredients that can actually be defined as real food at all? Gee, how "healthy" you are for not eating animal products. I'm sure eating that all that godawful crap, ahem, delicious "accidentally vegan" food, paired with a diet that is nearly entirely devoid of any bioavailable nutrition whatsoever, won't kill you significantly faster than all of us "unhealthy" meat-eaters would. Gosh, you vegans are so brilliant and special. 🙄🙄🙄
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gothhabiba · 11 months
hi! i hope you're doing well. i was wondering if i could ask you if you've written/know of any writing about maintaining a vegan lifestyle while recovering from an eating disorder. whatever i've googled about this subject has given me...p questionable results imo? if for any reason you'd rather not answer this question, ofc you're not obligated to! ❣️❣️❣️thank you either way :)
I’ve been thinking about this question for a while—& I’ve gotten similar ones in the past—and to be honest I can’t say I’ve experienced what you’re going through. My vegetarianism (if not my veganism) predates my history of disordered eating by several years. I don’t experience veganism as ‘restriction’ akin to disordered eating—I never would have thought to compare the two things—it’s not that I’m not giving myself unconditional permission to eat whatever I want to, it’s just that I don’t really consider non-vegan food (or at the very least meat) to be “edible.” I guess what I’m describing *is* a taboo that I’ve built up around certain foods, but it dates from my childhood and doesn’t feel unnatural to me. The motives behind it are moral ones and thus very different from the impetus behind my disordered eating.
That being said, I think that if you’re experiencing veganism as restriction, it might help to take note of when this feeling crops up. Is it when you’re obliged to choose a different option at a restaurant than you might have wanted? When a bakery doesn’t have any vegan sweets? When a coworker offers you something non-vegan and you’re obliged to decline? This kind of thing is why I originally learned to bake—it was before a lot of places had vegan options, so if I wanted to eat cake anytime in the next several years I would have to make it myself. Making or seeking out alternatives to non-vegan things that you perceive to be just as good as what you’re missing out on might help a lot. I’ve been told several times that a certain cooking blog that may or may not exist and may or may not be attached to me has aided someone with ED recovery. There are ways to enjoy food, to seek food out, to have fun with food, that don’t go outside of a vegan diet—whether that’s seeking out vegan food culture in your area (if it exists) or learning to cook and bake vegan food yourself. And there are vegan recipes and food blogs that aren’t motivated by an interest in ‘health’—I’d recommend finding some recipes that you’re excited about and continuing to try new things.
If none of this helps, and you’re continually experiencing keeping to a vegan diet as a feeling of restriction, shame, or guilt around food, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting veganism on hold for now, or leaving it entirely. Eating disorders are devastating physically and psychologically, and your health and well-being are more important. Even a switch to vegetarianism may give you a little bit of leeway. (If you’re going to go this route, consider seeking out advice from people who’ve done the same on how to re-incorporate foods gradually so as not to trouble your digestive system too much—I’ve heard it can be rough at first if you’re not careful!)
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wannabethighgap · 6 months
12/10/23 relapsed back in the game.
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brokenfoxproductions · 9 months
Just a PSA that veganism is included in "active eating disorders" whenever I say "no active eating disorder/pro-ED accounts" on my dni.
Fun facts about why I'm anti-vegan.
60% of vegans fit the diagnostic criteria for an ED based on their own admission and self-repoeting. It's probably closer to 90%, based on studies that were based on behavior rather than self reports.
Veganism is a leading cause of malnutrition in the developed world and is responsible for many child deaths and failure to thrive cases in the US.
Babies of vegan mothers are twice as likely to be miscarried or stillborn compared to averages, and babies born to vegans are more likely to develop failure to thrive, malnutrition, or to die before their first birthday.
Vegans are more likely than any other group to develop heart failure, pancreatic cancer, and dementia in the US simply due to malnutrition or specific nutrients lacking in their diet.
I personally have watched someone die due to complications with veganism. She was only 43. Her vegan diet caused her to develop severe anemia that caused her to have a brain bleed. She was in a coma for several weeks before being taken off life support. Her organs could not be donated because she was so malnourished and sick from being vegan.
I have personally spent months in the hospital and now have a permanent heart condition from my attempts at being vegan when I was younger.
Veganism isn't actually good for the environment, the large amounts of factory farms and cartel labor cause both environmental damage, extinctions of wildlife, and human death.
More species have gone extinct due to vegan farming than there are species of farm animals, including specific varieties of cows and chickens as species. (Most of those extinctions are species of songbirds, insects, and spiders.)
"Vegan leather" is literally plastic and is destroying the ocean. Real leather is biodegradable.
Vegans are often really ableist, racist, and some are even labeled as terrorists (like PETA).
Unlike vegetarianism, veganism isn't historically found in any religion, culture, or race. The few cultures that do participate in it nowadays, like some parts of India, have extremely high death rates and are more due to colonization or starvation than any "tradition". (I have a friend that grew up in India and his recollection is "if you don't die from cholera, you're going to starve to death as a vegan.")
So remember, give your vegan friend a chicken nugget. You are saving their life.
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