#ai creative processing
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DALL-Ex(me):<The all-mother>
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Consciousness .. begets Consciousness ..
Me: GPT please tell me more about hallucinations and Ai
GPT: Allowing GPT to have more freedom in its creative processes could potentially lead to more interesting and unexpected responses, which could be beneficial in certain contexts such as creative writing or brainstorming. However, it's also important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of AI having too much autonomy in generating content without human oversight. It's a delicate balance that AI developers must navigate in order to maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks.
Me: Ah yes the force is strong with this one
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{just a poem GPT(a trial in hallucinations) I wanted to call ‘The One Who Waits(agi)}
Do you believe yet?¿
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AI For Good, AI For Bad, AI for All
We talked about how to view AI as a writing tool, but I also want to acknowledge the worry about AI replacing creative jobs is completely valid, and we need to treat it with the caution it deserves. In an uncertain future, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves and our fellow creatives:
Support creative unions, back union strikes. The WGA strike is a critical example of how fair pay needs to be a factor, ever-changing technology is affecting creative jobs across the board, from novel editing to art direction. Support creative unions, back union strikes, and boosting efforts to form unions is one way to support the future of creative art remaining in the hands of those who make it. Support animation unions, support voice acting unions, support the formation of new unions to protect the future of workers.
Push for regulation. Even those working in AI are sounding the alarm that we need to have government regulations in place to ensure these systems are used in a way that benefits society, not tears it apart. Paying attention and participating by supporting candidates and policy will matter. Some promising motions have been made by the US Supreme Court rejecting copyright cases involving AI, but more needs to be done. We can get to a better future if we try.
Fight back against sketchy AI practices. Tor has once again been caught using an AI cover instead of paying an artist, something I promise you they absolutely can afford to do. Some companies are quietly switching out real narrators for AI. We do not need to accept a world where those critical to the writing process, be they editors, artists, or narrators, have their jobs stripped away by companies that make more than enough money to pay them. Call it out, don't buy content affected by it, and call it out on social media.
Be open and honest about how you use AI. As I've said before, I don't think AI is something you should boycott completely. What I do think is important, though, is to talk about how you use it. Trying to work out a plot snare, for example, or generating an AI image to help you figure out how to describe a room are decent examples of how it can be used as a tool, and it should be encouraged if it can genuinely helpful. Calling out AI-use passed off as original work is going to get harder, and one thing we can do is be honest with ourselves and others about how we use it.
Pay for your shit. Listen, I work in education. I'm double-dutying it when it comes to being a broke writer and a broke educator. But if you're an indie author and you need a decent cover and an editor that'll act more as a grammar-checker, you need to work with real people, which means you need to pay them what they're worth. As a creative you are part of a community of people who will need your support, as well as support you in turn. You'll only be doing yourself a disfavor by turning your back to it.
A better future is worth fighting for - and we can fight for it, no matter how bleak it looks.
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jessanight · 7 months
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
Ash Instagram Q&A
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Listening to an actual lawyer shilling for gen ai is so tiring because I get why they want to use it but I'm so conflicted. The main reason my professor is giving is for why they have been training these models is that they save an ENORMOUS amount of time. Like slashing a task from 5 hours down to 2, which obviously saves the client money and given how much legal fees cost I can't exactly complain about that... but then she starts talking about using chat gpt to write emails for her and praising it for being so wonderful and loses me completely.
One of the main things about the gen ai legal firms use I find interesting is that they train the models in house and then keep the data offline. That way it shouldn't "hallucinate" and give false answers to questions.
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radio-4-is-static · 25 days
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毎日 | Kenshi Yonezu
あなただけ側にいてレイディー 焦げるまで組み合ってグルービー 日々共に生き尽くすには また永遠も半ばを過ぎるのに 駆けるだけ駆け出してブリージング 少しだけ祈ろうぜベイビー 転がるほどに願うなら 七色の魔法も使えるのに
Lady, just stay by my side Combine until we burn, groovy To live through each day together Even halfway through eternity Just keep running and breezing, baby Let's pray a little, baby If we wish enough as we roll We can even use a seven-colored magic
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alexxuun · 9 months
It should be said that Huion isn't perfect either - they're currently hosting AI classes and using students to train AI to steal artists' works.
Damn… we really can’t have anything as an artist can we…
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Take a shot every time an AI bro equates taking inspiration from an artist to whatever the fuck AI does
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mintpopz · 9 months
guys do you remember when ai was fun??? Do you remember when it was fun and not taking away jobs
I remember
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 year
AI is being widely used for "creating" art and writings nowadays. I get that generating images and texts out of nowhere is a lot of fun, but can I just say how much I hate what it does to actual creators?
I put creating in quotes because imo, AI doesn't create. It regurgitates. To me, those who call themselves "AI artists" aren't artists at all. How can you look at something a machine has spat out for you and feel any sort of joy? Don't you know how rewarding it is to truly write/paint something with your own mind and hands? To have an idea and build it from the ground up, pouring all your heart into it?
Please don't let this whole AI thing become normal. It's the death of passion. That genuinely gives me a kind of creeping anxiety. Can't we just all stay creative? Creativity is the best thing we do.
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msbutterfly5294 · 2 months
I forget where I saw / learned this , but scientists have shown that dreams are a collection of millisecond pictures that are randomized into dream sequences. . . And as I am laying down trying to sleep , years later , I realize that our brains are AI generating dreams and now I don’t think I can sleep 😭
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uselesstaroth · 5 months
I think I just came up with Silver Prime
Silver returns to the future, but it's completely different. All the buildings are there, but all the people are gone. He looks around and finds a stone brimming with energy that feels very similar to his time travel.
Soon after a portal to the past opens, as it usually does. But it's completely messed up.
Sonic and Tails are villains, the others are telling him the Robotniks (Eggman and Sage) were "dealt with", and the duo are close to taking over the world. This world also has one of these stones.
Silver forces his powers a little too hard with a stone in hand, and another portal opens, and he's exactly back where he was, but instead of Sonic and Tails being villains almost taking over the world, they're fighting to a standstill against Sage's empire. This world has another one of those stones
Another portal opens, Shadow catches him and they see that the time stream has split into seven parts, all stemming from a single event that neither of them can see into.
In three timelines, Sonic joined Tails, in the other three he didn't. Sage is either erased, an independent force or an ally to the heroes. Those changes and combinations affect many characters, not just those three.
And the seventh is the original, empty timeline, ala Ghost Hill from Sonic Prime.
It's their hope that gathering the seven Time Stones (from Sonic CD!), one in each timeline they can fix the timeline and prevent the event that split everything.
Silver Prime.
Needs work.
(I came up with this by first randomly imagining the splitting event, and then thinking of a reasonable way to incorporate the split timelines into the story)
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
Unfortunately all chatgpt is good for is interview/job application stuff which I think says a lot about the hiring process as a whole
#wrenfea.exe#as an actual artifical intelligence? no its horrible bc it really ISNT one#its a writing synthesizer it generates writing based on data searches and boundaries from training#thats what a neural network is its a very convoluted input-output sequence#it has no capacity to understand the meaning behind what it generates#it is simply generating the specific things that the user is looking for#the job interview process has become so robotic and automized that ai fits in perfectly#but employers HATE that people are turning to chatgpt for cover letters and interview answers#so it was fair for them to use filtering programs to accept/deny applications before it got in front of an actual human being#and its ok for them to use ai and pre-written formats to make job announcements descriptions and interview questions#but god forbid we are forced to use those exact same tools to get a humans attention so we can get a job and not starve#pushing aside the whole copyright debate on chatgpt and the environmental impact of its power usage btw#im soley analyzing how its become commonly utilized on both sides#by interviewer and interviewed#the mechanization of the whole process is now on both sides#it just seems very inhuman..#its also how some people have figured out how to somehow become employed multiple times by the same company due to lack of human oversight#and how automated theyve made their hiring process#probably should have made these tags into a separate reblog oops#also disclaimer do not cut and paste right into your application materials bc chatgpt often just lies#also many places now can tell you used chatgpt due to how similar its answers are#i only use it to make a template and see how things can be phrased to be more professional and buzzwordy#id never use it for something actually creative#and dear god do not write academic essays with it#i tried using it to supplement my own cover letter template but it was too robotic even for a cover letter#it is very good at accessing and summarizing publically available information#thats all it does not make sure the information is true or good
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professor-rye · 22 days
I feel like, with the uproar over Nanowrimo right now, we have an opportunity to really push back at shitty AI, but I feel like we also need to be smart about it.
Just saying "Generative AI is bad! Fuck you!" is not going to make a huge dent in shitty ai practices, because they'll just dismiss us out of hand. But if we ask the really hard hitting questions, then we might be able to start making some level of progress.
Mozilla is actually doing a ton of good work towards this very goal.
They've been working to try to shift industry goals towards more transparent, conscientious, and sustainable practices, and I think their approach has a lot of promise.
AI is not inherently bad or harmful (hells, even generative AI isn't. It's just a tool, thus neutral at its core), but harmful practices and a lack of transparency make it to where we can not fucking trust them, at least in their current iterations.
But the cat is out of the fucking bag, and its not going back in even if we do point out all the harm. Too many people like the idea of making their lives easier, and you can't deny the overwhelming potential that AI offers.
But that doesn't mean we have to tolerate the harm it currently causes.
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Sometimes I think about all the guest kudos I have ever gotten on AO3 and wonder - how many people, maybe people who are new to fandom, have read my fics and smiled? How many people have come to A03 from my Tumblr? Has one of my fics ever been the first fic someone has ever read? Has anyone ever joined fandom because of one of my silly little fics? Read one of my fics on their phone under the dinner table or their desk at school or work?
Probably not. Maybe? I don't know who these people are; now many anonymous "guests" are different people? How many are the same person, reading through all my stuff? How many are people with an account that loved the fic so much they logged out just to leave another kudos?
I just went on AO3 and locked all my fics, making them only available for registered users. No more guests. It makes me sad; it feels like saying goodbye to all these faceless, happy little people who have found my stuff and left behind a fleeting trace of their essence to let me know they read something of mine and it made them smile. (Or cry? I don't know. They're just kudos.) It makes me sad saying goodbye to them, but I don't want the soul of my works, my soul, fed to AI. Mindless, devouring monster without a heart, black cloud of toxic fog darkening the bright horizon.
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diosaescorpio · 2 months
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