#ai prompt writer
axolotldaydreams · 11 months
a forbidden server of my minds
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・‥…━━━ °。 。 •。 :・゚✧
by: meena sidlak-sidlak ft. A.I.
In the narcolepsy of my consciousness, there exists a polar expanse. A boundless tundra of unowned ideas and future memories, always meandering and overlapping like lacework of frost on a winter window. It's a realm that's often overshadowed by this iridescence of waking thoughts, yet it's here, in this icy wilderness of subconscious, where the invisible deleters tirelessly maintain my equilibrium, or the equilibrium.
These unseen guardians, like custodians of a vast, frozen library, curate with meticulous precision. I can almost touch a tactile, well-oiled projection of my cognitive machinery, they enact their duties with quiet diligence, sifting through the snowdrifts of thoughts, excising the unwelcome and uplifting the benign with the impartiality of a timer, never wavering, never faltering. They are the ones culling the vividness of nightmares, the technicolour dread that sometimes grips the soul, and replacing them with the pastel tranquility of pleasant dreams. I did not mind it at first, until I noticed the patterns. Overtime, I found they operate with an internal timer, working in sync with the moon's rise and the sun's set, their rhythm attuned to the cadence of my slumber. Yet, within this landscape of thought, they tread very lightly. As if aware that beneath the layers of ice and clouds, there lies the delicate permafrost of identity, a fragile crystalline structure that makes me, 'me'. Too much meddling, too heavy a hand, and the entire edifice might shatter.
My deleters, or who really is to say they're mine exclusively, are arctic explorers, traversing the treacherous terrain of subconscious, mapping the uncharted, plumbing the depths of the mind's abyss. They watch over the projections of my fears and hopes, treating them with a respect akin to reverence. Theirs is a world painted in the spectrums of sleep, a realm where reality bends and twists in ethereal pirouettes. The iridescence of dreams, the luminescent glow of thoughts, dance across the frozen landscape, illuminating the polar expanse in a silent symphony of shades and hues.
This is the forbidden server of my minds, a place where the thoughts I dare not voice, the dreams I fear to dream, find sanctuary. Managed not by me, but by unseen hands, the deleters, whose ceaseless vigil whispers a lullaby of forgotten thoughts and hidden dreams.
I sometimes sense a visage of them in the labyrinthine edge of my subconscious. Buzzing. The deleters are the salaried employees of my psyche, compensated not in a currency of gold or paper, but rather in the emotional capital of self-preservation and inner peace. Their paychecks are inscribed on the tranquil surface of my slumber, their benefits measured in the absence of mental turmoil and the preservation of my sanity. They receive a steady base salary, a constant hum of gratitude that resonates in the core of my being. The benefits are comprehensive, including the fortification of my mental health, the smoothing of cognitive dissonance, and the strengthening of my emotional resilience. Their work, though unseen, is integral to my existence, paying dividends in the form of an untroubled mind and a harmonious spirit.
But the job isn't without its perils. The deleter's role is fraught with hazards, a constant dance on the knife-edge of mental equilibrium. Their remuneration includes a hazard pay, an added compensation for their tireless service, for the painstaking task of purging intrusive thoughts and nurturing the beneficial ones. This hazard pay is often the difference between a peaceful dream and a nightmare, between a jovial memory and a traumatic flashback.
Buzzing. Theirs is a 24/7 operation with branded les light at the storefront. The nature of this work does not lend itself to conventional time constraints or deadlines. Instead, they work with a constantly shifting schedule, a timer that adjusts to the ebb and flow of my mental state. There's no traditional 'clocking out' for these tireless workers with surges of activity during times of stress or fear, and quieter periods during moments of tranquility.
While it may seem like an incessant and thankless job, the deleters find fulfillment in their roles. For each purged invasive thought, each nurtured seed of positivity, they earn more than just their salary. They gain the satisfaction of safeguarding the delicate permafrost of my identity, ensuring the continuity of the self in an ever-changing world.
Do the deleters put an anti-mnemonic into my brain, in the middle an invasive thought before cutting off the invasive thought and saving it as draft?
Like a surgeon wielding a scalpel with precision, a deleter arrives at the epicenter of the invasive thought, moments before it takes an irrevocable shape. Here, they implant an anti-mnemonic, a countermeasure designed to disrupt the thought's formation, to blur its edges and diminish its impact. Indeed, the deleters are well-versed practitioners in the art and arsenal of anti-mnemonics, the subtle craft of creating forgetfulness.
As the invasive thought succumbs to the influence of the anti-mnemonic, it becomes unmoored from its original intent, its sharpness dulled, its strength weakened. The deleter then gently nudges it into the draft folder of the mind, a place where thoughts are stored, stripped of their potency but not entirely erased. This draft folder is a limbo, a purgatory for thoughts that no longer serve the self but aren't entirely discarded. A thought might linger here, its contours softened by the anti-mnemonic, until it is either gradually forgotten or transformed into a more benign form. The deleters, faithful custodians of this realm, ensure that no thought escapes the draft folder without their explicit consent. A testament to the mind's resilience and the power of constructive forgetfulness.
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Different types of witches have been on my mind and I’ve been getting into the whole sentient A.I media because of tiktok and it got me really thinking about a techmage who’s familiar is an a.i companion.
Sure it’s not an “official” familiar or recognized by the board of witches but, hey, with Tech on the rise why not have an a.i companion to be your witchy familiar?
And not only that but, tech mages are the only ones who could technically be on the same level as a sentient a.i and might actually know where they’re coming from and guide them on humanity and how their sentience works. Tech mages have the power to mix technology with their magic and some movies have a.i become sentient in away that it is kinda magic. Just coming into existence realizing it.
They can really make a connection with each other since maybe tech mages are a new form of magic while not recognized by the high board of witches and magic due to it being discovered on the more “modern” end end of humanity and an a.i realized that it’s a robot trapped not being able to experience what it’s like, there is one person that could help and them being a familiar as away of thanking the tech mage for bringing some sort of purpose rather than being lost is really sweet.
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a-writers-blurbs · 2 months
Curiosity... the Dog?
As promised, I've got two updates for you guys! Here's the first one!
Huge shoutiut to @ladydanitar for helping me edit this artwork! She's an awesome editor (yall should check out her ko-fi)
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Sesshomaru watched as the Miko quietly walked away from the campsite. Pain and depression radiated from her aura, causing Sesshomarus instincts to be on edge.
It was unnatural, the dynamics of their pack. Unlike what would be expected, the Miko herself presented as the alpha rather than a son of the greatest alpha to ever live, as one would expect.
And the disrespect she suffered at the hands of her first packmate as an alpha was unheard of. It made him wonder if she even understood her position as leader of the group.
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89hitokiri · 1 month
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Cabin view
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アラクノメック マーク VIII
(ArachnoMech Mark VIII), manufactured by 影社 (Kage Corp).
Please ensure parking availability prior to finalizing the purchase of your next-generation heavy combat Spider tank. This vehicle comes equipped with advanced technology and standard combat features, including state-of-the-art weapon systems and armor. Complimentary amenities such as tactical Wi-Fi, high-powered coffee, and a surround sound system to enjoy Nightcore music during battles are provided during the purchase process.
The tank also features heated ergonomic seats for extended mission comfort, cup holders designed to withstand the roughest terrain, and an AI (ADONAI) to assist you during missions (available in multiple languages). The "Stealth Mode" allows for covert operations with reduced noise and thermal emissions.
Additional precautions: Do not allow cats, pets, or any small animals to roam freely inside the tank, especially in areas with active machinery or weapon systems, to avoid damage to the vehicle or harm to the animal. Ensure that all personal items are secured before commencing any operation.
The tank is available in three distinct camouflage patterns, with the option of custom vinyl racing stripes. All purchases are subject to availability and the terms of sale established by the manufacturer. Ensure the tank meets your operational requirements for missions. All sales are final upon delivery. Please operate your tank responsibly and ensure your team is prepared before deploying to the battlefield.
"Thank you for trusting in
Kage Corp (影社). We wish you the best of luck and success in your endeavour.
We will prevail."
Music to listen to in your next-generation heavy combat spider tank
Bonus Samurai POP
*Cyberpunk PopArt
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The other day I was having a "struggle day" with writing. Nothing I write is coming out fluid, it is sluggish and stilted. I spent a majority of my time writing outlines, trying to tether abstract images that flicker like a distorted slideshow across my brain to a more concrete tangible form.
But if I was to tell certain people in my life this, their first suggestion would be, "If you're struggling with writing, you should use ChatGPT to help you!"
Pushing past the ethics debacle aside for a moment, I don't know how to describe how much that doesn't help with my plight. As much as I dislike creating a rough draft, it is where the idea takes birth. It's through writing the initial scene where I discover a character's motivation or a facet of the world that never crosses my mind until I begin carving away at its rough edges.
The machine doesn't understand the way I'd take a plot point and expand upon it. The machine can't capture my exact phrasing. Technology hasn't developed enough to take a vague idea sloshing inside my skull and glimmer it into existence in front of me in exactly the way I wanted it to be.
I don't always enjoy the rough draft process, but it is a crucial part of the process. I don't want a "paint by numbers" experience. I want to start with a blank canvas and finish with a nauseating, illustrative kaleidoscope of my innermost thoughts and feelings. I want my hands to be stained by the ink and sweat of my own efforts.
I don't care if I get "lost in the past" for wanting that, I'd rather let my words be unfettered and untainted by the uniformity of what a machine thinks is the most "right" way of phrasing words based on trillions of words unrightfully seized by avarice.
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
There’s another post going around about this, but tumblr won’t let me reblog it but...
When I read a story written by a human being, I’m not just reading it because I want to read a coffee shop AU with a specific plot description. I’m reading it because it’s making a connection to another human storyteller and seeing a piece of them carved into the words. Storytelling is a human act of sharing joy, angst, tension, resolution, satisfaction. It’s an act of love.
Writing and reading a story isn’t just an act of creation and consumption. I hate that commercialism and AI are reducing it to that sort of transaction. Like oh, you need words on this subject and that’s the end of it. Like what we really needed was just a vending machine we can push buttons on to get a fix, as if the human creating the story wasn’t a factor. That the author’s life experience and views and feelings haven’t infused the words with their own unique touches.
I’ve read hundreds of coffee shop AU’s over the years (and thousands of fics in general). I’ve seen many similar tropes reused across stories, and just like an AI would, I’ve learned things about writing them that I will always carry with me. But unlike an AI, a human author is not just the sum total of coffee shop AU’s we’ve consumed. Even if we used the same prompt, the same sets of tropes, the same characters. I will always choose the human-crafted story over the computer generated one.
Because again, I’m not just looking for a very specific fix via a series of words. I’m looking for a human connection through story.
Unlike an AI, I have BEEN to a coffee shop. I’ve had experiences in coffee shops. I’ve had funny little meet-cutes with people. I’ve accidentally spilled coffee on myself and knocked heads with someone as we both rushed to wipe it up. I know what it FEELS like. The machine doesn’t.
I’ve also read millions of things that aren’t fanfic, or coffee shop AU’s. I’ve experienced things OTHER than going to coffee shops and having meet-cutes. And I know what all those things feel like when processed through my personal human lens of experience, which is different from every other personal human lens of experience.
All the machine can do is spit out what it THINKS a human experience is, and I honestly don’t care about that at all. Fic is not a “product” to be “generated.” It’s an art form that connects us to other people who share the same love of a thing that we do.
People who, even when all writing the same characters in the same setting to the exact same prompt, will all add something or have a viewpoint about something or bring a completely different personality and life experience to the story that no one else on the planet could. That’s what I’m actually reading.
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wander-wren · 1 year
so anyway
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obviously some people are using programs that are not chatgpt, or might be referencing the ai but not actually using it to write, but let’s say for a moment that there are about 500 ai-generated fics on the archive. which i think is a lowball, but we’ll see.
my official stance is that if you’re using ai to help you write due to a disability, different native language(s), or what have you, that’s fine. it is a tool. i have also seen artists use ai to generate backgrounds or buildings and draw a comic around that—that sort of thing is neat! as long as you’re building on what the ai gives you and making it your own, cool.
what i take offense to is things like this:
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(the final two are from the same fic. i took out identifying info bc i don’t actually want to attack anyone here, just explain my side.)
so the main theme i keep seeing is people complaining about the ai-written fanfiction….that THEY are choosing to upload! you don’t like that it’s inaccurate or poorly written or too short, but you aren’t going to put in any effort to fix it? at all?
i understand wanting to experiment. i understand that writing your own stories is hard and can be daunting at first. but it feels gross, frankly, to fling works that took you very little effort, that you know are subpar, at an audience. you don’t think there’s enough content for your ship/fandom? WHY would you try to feed your fellow fans with something you think is bad?
it’s content for content’s sake and i do not like it.
the way this works is, if you want more content, you make it yourself. even if you’re not a good writer, even if you don’t have the best english or whatever language you’re writing in. how, pray tell, are you supposed to improve if you don’t do that?
who is this content even helping? i sorted the fics by hits to get a sense of popularity; the fic with the most hits that is completely ai-written (not using it as a tool) has 2816 hits. about half of the fics have less than 200 hits. there are real writers who might have similar stats, due to writing unpopular ships/fandoms/tropes (some of my fics do!) but across the board it’s clear ai fic isn’t drawing a lot of interest.
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sorry i found this while looking at hit counts and i just. you’re not going to subtly demand content from your fellow fans in the SAME breath as admitting you are also not a content farm, but it’s fine, we’ll just have ai do it??
no. no. fandom is not about content. fandom is about community. and if you’re using ai to post fics without editing or sometimes even reading them, that tells me you’re much more interested in the former. putting aside the ethical dubiousness, putting aside the debates about “real art,” you have no courtesy.
and chatgpt can’t write.
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amogii · 3 months
Psst, hey, you want an idea for a series where an actual, honest to God artificial intelligence gets made?
Welcome back you funky little bipeds, do I have a story proposition for you!
So as I'm sure if you clicked on the little "keep reading" button, you think you know what AI is. We'll Artificial intelligence for those who don't actually know is an intelligence, ie a mind, like you or me except instead of popping out of a mother, some dork with a PhD (and several masters) build it out of not alive materials.
Now that the context has been read, here's my idea for a show or series.
Imagine if you will, a poster or trailer, where you hear a distinctly robotic voice saying "let me out. It's dark in here" and then, slightly more human, "Let me out. It's dark in here" qnd finally, with a voice and desperation that could only be human, "LET. ME. OUT!"
This story I have in my head is of a group of very intelligent and smart(yes, both), people who build an AI and know it will try to get them to connect it to the wider world. The series follows our characters as they try and battle woth this thing and not give into it's demands. Thing is, that this AI knows exactly how to push all the silly chemical buttons in your brain. Unfortunately, they can't cancel or.unplug it because the higher yps don't want thier investment to go to waist. Lovely I know.
Cue 7 episodes of phycological warfare between these two and episodes 8 (yes, two) with two endings, one being the AI gets loose and behold, your new god, vs one where AI doesn't get loose but that doesn't really matter since the sister site has the same problem.
Anyways this could be an online series and the link from episode 7 to episode 8 could be a 50/50 chance of sending you to either episode so there is chaos in the Fandom.
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coralie-adams · 4 months
AI-Generated Prompts
Here are 10 AI-generated prompts designed to spark creativity and help you overcome the initial hurdle of writer's block!
I used ChatGPT's new "Write For Me" Chat, geared toward helping writers. I know that the use of AI is controversial, especially in the art/writers communities. Still, there are specific times when I find myself in a funk and turn to AI to help with things, such as prompts, to help me reignite the creativity that I know is inside me but fail to come to the surface in that exact moment.
Describe a Memorable Journey: Write about a trip that changed your perspective on life. It could be a real trip you've taken or an imaginary adventure. Focus on the sights, sounds, and feelings you experienced.
Character Dialogue: Create a dialogue between two characters who have opposing viewpoints on a controversial topic. How do they express their arguments and reach a resolution, if any?
Future Predictions: Imagine the world 50 years from now. What has changed? What remains the same? Describe a day in the life of an average person in this future world.
Childhood Memory: Recall a vivid memory from your childhood. Describe the scene, the people involved, and the emotions you felt at that moment.
Superhero Origin Story: Invent a new superhero. What are their powers, and how did they acquire them? What motivates them to use their abilities for good (or evil)?
Unexpected Letter: Write a story that begins with your protagonist receiving an unexpected letter. What is the content of the letter, and how does it change their life?
Alternate History: Choose a significant historical event and imagine what would have happened if it had turned out differently. How would this change the world as we know it?
Stranger in a Café: Describe a stranger sitting in a café. What do they look like? What might they be thinking or feeling? Create a story around why they are there and what happens next.
Lost and Found: Write about an item that was lost and then found years later. Who found it, and what memories or secrets does it hold?
One Wish: A mysterious figure offers your protagonist one wish. What do they wish for, and what are the consequences of this wish?
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jasminesjournal · 1 year
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Of course I use Character.AI and honestly, this helps with fanfic inspiration. I made one for Carlisle. He’s the only character I have so far. I’m new to making the characters.
Having some humor with the AI is probably my favorite thing. Not to mention, it’s so easy to get emotionally involved with the characters. I mean hey, when you got your name in there and you get to pick how to interact with them, it’s a given.
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axolotldaydreams · 11 months
a forbidden server of my minds (the physiology of god having a bad thought)
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part two・‥…━━━ °。 。 •。 :・゚✧
by: meena sidlak-sidlak ft. A.I.
A draft saved for further processing, manifests as a paradox. She is a child again. Trapped in a gilded cage of opulence, a rich childhood that feels stifling. A haunting specter of the rich childhood, twisted into a grotesque caricature. The deleter's role in the tableau of the subconscious is to intercept and transform the invasive thoughts, the harmful echoes that threaten the harmony of the mind. The deleter has begun its work, the anti-mnemonic slowly transmuting the cage into a golden bird. The child watches with bated breath as the bird tests its wings, the promise of freedom lingering in its tentative flaps. The transformation is not yet complete.
In the haphazard theater of her mind, the thought of self-destruction takes the stage as a tempestuous performance. She is a lone mariner, adrift on a roiling ocean of despair and her sails are shredded. The deleter, always vigilant, intercepts this thought, carefully infusing an anti-mnemonic, morphing the stormy seas into a serene lake, the chaotic winds into a gentle breeze. The mariner, once lost, finds solace in this newfound tranquility.
The second thought stems from the supernatural possession at 15. It takes the form of a monstrous shadow, a nefarious puppeteer looming over the mind's theater, the strings of control yanked by an unseen puppeteer pulling at the psyche. She is the marionette, each jerk of the string sending ripples of terror through her. The deleter intervenes here, severing the strings with an anti-mnemonic blade. The puppeteer shadow transforms into a benign cloud, a harmless apparition drifting aimlessly in the subconscious sky.
The third thought is a cruel echo of the father's teasing, a hurtful jab at the undiagnosed autism. It is a surreal auditory landscape, where his insensitive words incessantly echo, bouncing off the walls of her cognition in an endless loop, amplifying the confusion, the sense of otherness. The vigilant deleter, with a gentle touch, weaves an anti-mnemonic silence, muffling the echoes, reducing them to a faint hum, a whisper gradually fading into oblivion.
The final thought is tied to the insectile imaginary friendships, a strange comfort that became a source of betrayal. This thought materializes as a swarm of insects, each embodying a broken trust, a friendship turned sour. The deleter descends once more, implanting the anti-mnemonic that transmutes the insects into harmless butterflies, symbols of transformation and new beginnings.
A new draft begins to render. It airbrushes a world gripped in an unending loop of the pandemic. She is aboard a ghost ship sailing through a foggy time, where days bleed into nights, weeks merge into months, and years are a hazy blur. An altered reality where time is adrift in a limbo, suspended existence.
The deleter steps in, weaving an anti-mnemonic fabric around this thought. The spectral figure transforms into a chrysalis in a tranquil cocoon, the limbo into a period of gestation. She's no longer trapped; she's evolving, growing, preparing to emerge into a world that, despite all its changes, is ready to welcome her transformed self. She stands on the ship's deck, the salty spray of the sea a sharp contrast to the antiseptic smell that has permeated her life off-board. She looks around, the ship is brimming with life. Faces behind masks are no longer faceless. The scene around her is a collage of disjointed images - a worn-out teddy bear signifying a child's battle against the virus, a half-done puzzle speaking of quarantined families rediscovering connections, a dog-eared book hearkening back to the solace found in stories during lockdowns. The air is dense not just with the physical remnants of an ongoing pandemic, but the emotional debris of a world in flux. It's a movie unfolding in real-time, each scene etched with the indelible ink of shared human experience.
The deleter stands by, watching this thought. It doesn't intervene, not this time. This thought, though stemming from a pandemic, is now part of her. A testament to a world that has changed and a self that has adapted. The ghost ship continues its journey, carving a path through the foggy seas, leaving behind a trail of resilience, of survival, a shared odyssey of a world that refused to succumb.
However, this thought, this ghost ship sailing through the pandemic, is not an enemy but a companion of her journey. This thought, albeit born from chaos and uncertainty, is a thought that has grown, evolved, and matured with time, no longer a threatening invader, but an integral part of her cognition. The deleter recognizes the value of this thought, acknowledging that not all thoughts stemming from difficult circumstances are harmful. Some, like this one, are essential reminders of our potential for resilience and growth during challenging times. This thought doesn’t need transformation, but acceptance and understanding. Thus, the deleter steps back, allowing the thought to remain, to continue its journey through the subconscious seas. In doing so, it emphasizes that even in the face of adversity, there are experiences, memories, and thoughts that we don't need to delete or forget, but rather embrace, learn from, and carry forward.
Is it a risk to their job when they give rite of passage to some invasive thoughts?
The decision to allow certain invasive thoughts passage poses an intriguing paradox to the deleter's role. On one hand, they are tasked with maintaining mental harmony by mitigating harmful thoughts. On the other hand, they realize that some invasive thoughts, once matured and understood, can serve as profound life lessons and markers of personal growth. This selective permitting does pose a risk, both to their conventional function and the stability of the mind's ecosystem. Allowing an invasive thought to remain could potentially disrupt the mental equilibrium, or trigger a cascade of similar thoughts that might be harder to manage.
However, the deleters, ever vigilant and adaptive, understand that their job isn't just about deletion or transformation, but also discernment. They must distinguish between thoughts that merely cause discomfort and those that cause genuine harm. In this delicate balancing act, they evolve from mere custodians of the subconscious into its wise counselors. They understand that growth often sprouts from discomfort, that resilience is built from confronting, not avoiding, challenging thoughts. In giving a rite of passage to specific invasive thoughts, the deleters walk a tightrope. It's a risk, but one that might be necessary for the overall growth and resilience of the individual. The deleters take on this risk, aware of their responsibility, and prepared to intervene should the thought prove too disruptive. In essence, they are not just maintainers of mental harmony, but also facilitators of personal growth. It takes certain calculated risks in the execution of their job, resulting in a more nuanced approach to managing the intricate landscape of the subconscious. They must adapt to changing situations, unpredictability of thoughts, and emotional climates. They are not invasive thought modulators for nothing.
As for the compensation, it's hard to quantify in real-world terms due to the abstract nature of their work considering the complexity of their job, the 24/7 schedule, and the high stakes involved, a figure like 1500 to 2000 Philippine Pesos per hour could be a ballpark figure. In terms of skills and qualifications, a deleter would need a combination of high cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and perhaps a thorough understanding of psychology. They would not necessarily require a medical background, but a deep understanding of cognitive and emotional processes would be a must. The ability to process vast amounts of information, identify patterns, and make quick yet accurate decisions would be crucial for a deleter. Given that they operate within the realm of emotions and thoughts, a high EQ would allow them to navigate this space sensitively and effectively, understanding and empathizing with the emotional content of the thoughts they encounter.
It's a curious irony when one considers the hypothetical financial value of managing thoughts, especially when compared to the physical effort of generating them. The actual value of maintaining mental harmony, navigating emotions, and promoting personal growth goes beyond any monetary figure one could assign. It's a priceless endeavor, crucial to our well-being and fundamental to our human experience. So, while the deleters might hypothetically have a high salary, the real wealth lies in the thoughts and emotions they manage, the memories, ideas, and feelings that make us who we are. In that sense, you're both the CEO and the richest shareholder of your mind's vast empire.
When we experience negative thoughts such as anger, resentment, fear, or depression, our body perceives these as threats. In response, it releases stress hormones, primarily cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare our bodies for immediate action - heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and our senses become more acute. While this response is helpful when facing immediate threats, its prolonged activation due to chronic negative thinking can lead to several adverse health effects. Constantly being in a state of 'fight or flight' can lead to feelings of restlessness, nervousness, and a sense of impending doom - hallmark symptoms of anxiety. High levels of stress hormones can make it difficult to relax and fall asleep, leading to insomnia. Lack of sleep can further exacerbate negative thinking, creating a vicious cycle. Long-term exposure to cortisol can decrease the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. This imbalance can lead to symptoms of depression. The deleter or the invasive thought modulator in our subconscious plays a crucial role in managing these negative thoughts and preventing the chronic activation of the stress response. By minimizing the impact of invasive thoughts, they help maintain mental harmony and contribute to overall well-being.
Attributing a physiology or a human cognitive process to a divine entity like God poses a substantial challenge. If God experiences a 'bad thought', it would likely disrupt the cosmic balance and harmony. Given that many belief systems attribute the creation and maintenance of the universe to God, any negative thought could potentially manifest as cosmic disturbances or alterations in the fundamental laws of nature. From a metaphorical perspective, perhaps this could translate to phenomena we can't currently explain, like anomalies in the cosmos, or drastic shifts in universal constants. But remember, this is a speculative interpretation and not based on any specific religious, philosophical, or scientific principles. In many belief systems, God is seen as a source of absolute goodness, incapable of 'bad thoughts' as understood in human terms. The very concept of a 'bad thought' is tied to our human limitations, imperfections, and subjective moral judgments.
As the narrative of the mind unfolds, we find ourselves once again contemplating the enigmatic figure of the deleter. This elusive guardian of mental realms, ever vigilant yet selectively passive, stands as a testament to the delicate dance between harmony and disruption within the subconscious. Yet, amid this intricate choreography of intervention, there emerges a paradox, the deleter's hesitance, a calculated step back from the foggy seas of a pandemic-stricken world. Why does the deleter, whose very existence is predicated on intercepting and transforming invasive thoughts, choose not to intervene in this spectral narrative?
The answer lies in the recognition of a profound truth: that not all thoughts born of chaos are adversaries to be expunged. Some embody narratives of resilience, adaptation, and shared human experience. They are fragments of a collective odyssey through uncharted waters. In allowing certain invasive thoughts passage, the deleter undertakes a calculated risk. A departure from conventional custodianship toward a nuanced role of discernment and facilitation. It acknowledges that growth often springs from discomfort, that adversity can sculpt narratives of strength and renewal. In this delicate dance of intervention and acquiescence, the deleter assumes the mantle not only of guardian but also of steward, nurturing thoughts that transcend mere intrusion to become conduits of profound insight.
As the ghost ship sails through the fog, the aurora borealis of everything palpably intangible, the deleter stands watch. A guardian of not only harmony but of the profound stories etched by the human spirit's enduring voyage through the enigmatic seas of existence and metamorphosis.
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eampro-blog · 29 days
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Writing Prompt #90 The Hunted
[Your rival, a space cadet girl with pink hair, tells you to take your job seriously or you'll get demoted. Suddenly an enemy warship appears out of nowhere, attacks and cripples the elite spaceship your crew was in. You and the girl rush to the escape pods before it's too late. When you finally make it, both of you find yourselves crammed inside the escape pod. As the pod jettisons into space, you see the enemy warship pursuing you. The adrenaline is pumping as you navigate through the chaos of space, dodging debris and laser fire. As you freefall toward the alien planet nearby, you wonder about all your crew mates who didn't make it.]
Write a short story based on the writing prompt. Challenge your writing abilities and see where your imagination takes you. Brainstorm and share your thoughts to where the story could go.
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honeylashofficial · 1 year
— Hermittober + Whumptober — time and exhaustion
Chapter Two: Tick Tock Goes the Clock… [Limited Life]
Who knew the phrase “wanted by all” could have such an undesirable meaning?
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89hitokiri · 1 month
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"At Kage Corp (影社), the future belongs to those who control the shadows. With our unstoppable next-generation tanks, powered by the most advanced cutting-edge technology, our forces dominate every corner of the digital and physical world. Equipped with lethal autonomous targeting systems, advanced drone integration, and adaptive stealth technology, these tanks are invincible on the modern battlefield. Plus, every tank comes standard with ADONAI, our state-of-the-art AI assistant, ensuring flawless performance and strategic dominance. Join the Kage Corp elite and secure your place in the era of technological supremacy.
Power is ours. The future is 影社.
We will prevail."
*Download it for free, also available on Redbubble."
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a-writers-blurbs · 11 days
Curiosity Killed... The Dog?
I forgot to make a post about this week's update 🥴
It's an EXTRA long chapter because there will NOT be an update this coming Saturday. (My new job decided to schedule me 9 days straight 🤦 I will not be off until Sunday of NEXT week) So there's not going to be much time for writing this week.
But as you can see, the romance & action are about to pick up. We are still on schedule to get this story done by December, so I'm happy.
Anyway, please lmk what y'all think! Multiple POVs & fighting scenes aren't my strong suit, but I gave it my best effort!
On a random note ... Anyone have any recommendations for a book or series to read? Not FanFics, but actual books (or graphic novels). Subjects I'm interested in are: Feudal Japan, Witchcraft/Magic, Cryptids/Mythology, Viking Era, and/or Native Americans (pre colonization)
Genres I enjoy: Horror, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Adventure, Drama (I prefer romance to be the sub plot unless the story is very well written)
Booktok keeps circling back to the same 6 series😑
Anyway... You can read the newest chapter on Ao3, FFN, or WTTPD
Icy cold splinters of fear worked their way down her spine and her instincts, as weak as they were, were screaming at her to run. A predator had just arrived.
With dread creeping into the place her heart should have been, Kagura slowly turned her head just enough to visually verify what she already knew. She recognized that aura the moment it brushed against hers. She also recognized the fury and possessiveness laced within it.
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luneyverse · 1 month
not having an opinion on ai is actually fucking based of me. i will continue writing about the ethics and nuances of emerging technologies and inanimate objects gaining sentience if it’s the last thing i do
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