#al sherman
Hi :3
So someone said Kamala is the female Obama and I've been thinking about it....
And then did some internet sleuthing about it.
Hear me out
Didn't Dems use Obama to win Black voters after losing the previous election to Bush cuz Al Gore (like Clinton) lost?
And didn't they blame the 3rd party candidate Ralph Nader for Al Gore's loss?? Much like they blamed Bernie Bros?? Even tho the truth was that al Gore was hardly better and lacked the charisma Bush had? (Again, like Trump?)
So are we sure this is actually democrats conceding anything at all?? Are we not sure they put Kamala in the WH just to adjust voters to the idea of her being president anyway? That maybe they do realize the need for change but have chosen to err on the side of token progress that keeps them in power...again?
Article from Dec 2010:
At first glance, the president and Harris have much in common: Both are mixed-race children of immigrants raised by a single mother; both are eloquent, telegenic big-city lawyers with strong liberal credentials who catapulted from relative obscurity to the national stage. And like the first African-American president, Harris has broken a long-standing barrier — she’s California’s first African-American attorney general and the first woman to hold the office.
[...]“She’s a rare talent who will be a national figure shortly,” said Chris Lehane, a former Clinton aide who is now a consultant in California. “People call her the female Obama. It’s more apt to say she is the female Obama that progressives thought they were voting for.”
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Are we absolutely positive that we have been learning lessons from history; like even recent history even? Because she isn't actually much different from Obama at all and this was Obama's legacy:
People were then reassured by Obama and rather than voting for 3rd parties in 2012 like they said, they elected Obama again. Just like y'all tried to do with Biden. And definitely like what will happen under Kamala.
He even got people to vote for him cuz of his promise to secure abortion rights and he did this right:
But tell me how that stopped the supreme court from stripping it???
Don't fall for this again
Cuz people were fucking pissed after Obama weren't they. Progressives wouldn't put up with a moderate like Clinton even compared to Trump. And that was unexpected wasn't it, progress that they couldn't come back from. So they lost to Trump, but what a convenient reset! Suddenly settling wasn't so bad for the American people, huh? And y'all elected Biden.
Who, outside the homoerotic Biden/Obama memes, people didn't like (and I'd argue those memes are what made him likeable to the younger generations to begin with).
But things have been tense, haven't they? The displeasure of voters didn't completely go away when Biden remained a centrist. It wasn't enough, especially when he supported genocide. And now they give us Kamala after we wanted Biden to step down for supporting Israel?
....But she still supports Israel?
Nobody knows how/if progressives will show up for Kamala because we can all feel how much Kamala isn't pleasing anyone. The tension is still palpable. Democrats have made an awful bet.
And I am DONE.
Dems have been manipulating voters away from 3rd parties every single election while making promises they never keep good on, while doing NOTHING to actually protect any of us or make anything better. While killing people, deporting them, and justifying war crimes! While liberals promise to push them left and never do and ALSO tell everyone not to vote 3rd party "right now"
All they do is perpetuate the systems that serve each other. I mean we're in 2000 & 2008 again, politically. Already.
They will never ever systematically support progress the way that 3rd parties do. And they don't care to listen or change cuz they know they can Force you to vote for less by making sure that a centrist Democrat is always on the ticket with ballot access in every state and nobody else is.
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They make sure if it in fact
If progress is what you want it's time to Genuinely start listening to people who tell you a vote for democrats is worthless for your goals.
I'm just fed up mexi-ojibwe american adult who grew up with shitty presidents and grew up with full access of the internet to educate myself about what led to this mess.
So are a LOT of other adults who feel this way!!!
And what we know led to this situation is the two party system. And how the system has been enabled by scared liberals who listen to fear-mongerering Democrats every election.
Democrats want history to repeat because it keeps them in power. Because what they do and how they treat you keeps them in power.
Is that what you want? To be treated like this in perpetuity for almost nothing in return?
Me neither.
So unless you have a better idea or plan to start burning shit down yourself then your most realistic option to break out of this abusive cycle is to vote 3rd party.
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"vote blue in the primary, it's our only realistic option!" -> "if you don't vote blue you deserve trump" -> "can't you just be happy republican/trump lost?" -> quietly not doing much between elections-> "vote blue in the-" etc
Cycles don't end on their own, that's the thing about cycles in fact.
So vote 3rd party. Yeah it's scary. Yeah it might not work. But again, do you have a better idea? Because what we're doing and have been doing for the last 30 years, this "lesser evil" & "vbnmw" thing was the liberals' idea and that isn't working for any of us At All. Its keeping us here in this cycle where nothing gets better but it can Always get worse.
If you can't vote 3rd party in your state ask yourself why that is then do something about it.
Quit expecting democrats to give a shit about the equality you need when you've been protesting genocide for nearly a year and they still welcomed the war criminal for a conversation in the white house.
Any right you've won under democrats is as superficial as Obama's executive order and that's been proven.
⭐ Tldr ⭐
According to all available history: FUCK DEMOCRATS; You NEED to be supporting 3rd parties if you support progress and you need to do the work of getting their names out. Democrats DO fight and suppress 3rd parties. So its more work to support a 3rd party than a democrat, yeah.
But if progress is worth anything at all it should be worth at least trying to do the work it takes to get a viable 3rd party on the ballot.
Thank you
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weirdlookindog · 7 months
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lionmythflower · 20 days
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In hindsight, maybe Annabeth should have known that dragging the Titan army *general* along with her after the battle was over may have some consequences. Oh well, that's a problem for future her.
Alabaster is doing not so well and is also making it everybody else's problem
Aka Camper Al au 2 and Al antagonising every person with an orange shirt as much as he can.
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marvelousmrm · 2 months
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Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #3 (Kraft/Sherman & Weiss, Sept 1981). John Jameson’s long curse seems to come to a definitive conclusion. We’ll see if it lasts... It’s comics, after all! I’ve been pretty confused about Man-Wolf’s recent timeline — I think there was a little hiccup in my bespoke reading order. As he’s getting cured, John recounts a clearer summary of events. But Marvel Unlimited uploaded the pages of this issue out of order, so it was still a confusing experience!
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shoku-and-awe · 11 months
OBSESSED with the dishes at this place. Especially this autumnal sake cup.
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Ordered hot sake which meant I could make the bunny go to the onsen :) Filled it up VERY CAREFULLY to just under his nose so he wouldn't drown. Also so he didn't have enough depth to swim and cause a Jimmy Carter situation. Anyway. This was so cute it was amazing I left the restaurant at all.
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dcbinges · 8 months
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All-Star Comics #3 (1940) by Gardner Fox & Howard Sherman
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Conceptual design of Jay Sherman from The Critic as a Muppet-style puppet, complete with hand rods to control the arms.
The Muppets were originated by Jim Henson and is property of Disney.
The Critic is property of Al Jean and Mike Reiss/Gracie Films/Sony Pictures Television
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork, Davy Jones, and Micky Dolenz with Ben Savage, Rider Strong, Jeff Sherman, Danielle Fishel, and Rhino managing director Harold Bronson on the set of the Boy Meets World episode “Rave On” (aired on November 17, 1995). Photos by ABC Photo Archives/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images, and unknown.
“‘I’ve sung Monkees songs all my life,’ quips Tork, 53, between chomps of a candy bar on the ‘Boy Meets World’ set in Hollywood. ‘I had almost forgotten how [to sing other songs]. I have never sung anything else in 30 years. In the shower, I sing nothing but Monkees songs. The same songs over and over. I sing all the parts. That’s all I ever sing.’
Well, not really. In fact, Tork released his own album this year, ‘Stranger Things Have Happened.’ ‘It’s kind of middle-of-the-road, up pop,’ he says. ‘Micky and [ex-Monkee] Mike Nesmith sing backup on a couple of songs. If it isn’t available in your local record store, you can get it by calling 1-800-Not-Ribs-0!’
In the ‘Rave On’ episode, Cory (Ben Savage) and Eric (Will Fredel) enlist the help of three of their parents’ friends (guess who?) after their plans to combine an underground party and a surprise wedding anniversary party backfire.
‘I was in the show last year playing the same character,’ says Tork, who plays Jedidiah, the father of Cory’s love interest, Topanga (Danielle Fishel). Dolenz also has previously been on the series as family friend Gordy.
‘My thing is I am, like, some guy who shows up [that] the parents had met 20 years ago,’ offers Jones, 49. ‘I sort of, like, house crash.’
The reason?
‘I’m here to protect you,’ he says wryly.
‘He’s the eldest, you see,’ pipes in Jones. ‘You probably figured that out.’
Yes, your birth dates were printed on the back of your first album, ‘The Monkees.’
‘They lied [about my age],’ Tork confesses. ‘They lied because they didn’t want anybody 24 [in the group].’
‘I didn’t realize that,’ says Jones, the youngest. ‘What’s your name again?’
‘George Harrison,’ Tork deadpans.
[...] The trio still seem to exude the goofy chemistry that endeared them to millions of teeny-boppers in 1966. Sitting in the empty bleacher area of the darkened sound stage, the group jokes and banters around. Though Tork has already chatted with the set visitor, he’s decided to sit in with Dolenz and Jones.
So what’s it like to be performing together and not playing the Monkees?
‘That’s all I have ever done in my life is to play a character,’ replies Dolenz, 50, who sports a tiny ponytail. ‘The Monkees was a character I played.’
‘No! No!,’ Tork retorts. ‘You were that character.’
Dolenz looks up at Tork. ‘Are you going to do this interview for me?,’ he says with mock disdain. ‘Thank you.’
‘I am here to keep the record straight,’ Tork says with a smile.
‘I always approached [the Monkees] as a part I was playing,’ Dolenz says. ‘I remember Bob Rafelson, the director and creator, talking about it and the original brief on my part was Jerry Lewis. They wanted a Jerry Lewis-type. They wanted a Huntz Hall-type. They wanted a Will Rogers-type.’
‘And,’ Jones interrupts, ‘a Peter Tork-type.’
‘You’ve got to remember, the reality was that the Monkees was not a band,’ Dolenz continues. ‘But a TV show about a band. We became a band in every sense of the word. But we do a lot of acting. Peter just did a thing on “Wings,” didn’t you?’
‘Yep,’ Tork replies. (Tork’s appearance as himself on ‘Wings’ airs Tuesday.)
‘I just did “The Love Bug” for a movie-of-the-week,’ Dolenz says. ‘I’m doing a series for USA called “Pacific Blue” where I play the mayor of Santa Monica. I’m also directing.’
Though Jones isn’t a big fan of sitcoms, doing ‘Boy Meets World’ is ‘a fabulous way of getting exposure’ for their upcoming 30th-anniversary tour.
‘What I find so incredible,’ Dolenz concludes, ‘is the entire project only lasted two years. I have had dinner parties that were longer than the original project. And here we are!’” - Los Angeles Times, November 12, 1995
“The networks and studio then (stupidly) told me the Monkees appearance was not be ‘an event’ for them unless I could get all four. Did I mention networks can be stupid? They ordered me to enlist Mike Nesmith, too. Micky had warned me this would never happen, but I valiantly tried; called Mike Nesmith at home. He listened to my pitch and, after a rather long moment of silence, in his slow Texan drawl, he flatly told me, ‘I'd really rather not.’ Micky explained that, for years, Mike was not very anxious to appear as a Monkee -- he'd moved on. [...]
Maybe a half-hour before our evening taping, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall, lanky fellow with dark glasses and big sideburns slip by me and into the dressing room area. Michael Nesmith had shown up! All four of the Monkees were here in the same place -- for the very first time in years and years. I could see them through the little window to the area, shaking hands, hugging, laughing. Unbelievable!
As a major Monkees nut from when the show originally aired on NBC, this was dreamlike. I couldn't figure it out. Mike told me there was no way he wanted any part of this. My friend, Harold Bronson, who co-founded and was running Rhino Records (and arguably the biggest Monkees fan in the world, next to me), explained to me that Rhino had recently re-released all the Monkees albums on CD and they had all gone multi platinum. Because the guys were all going to be gathered, he invited Mike down to take photos with Davy, Micky and Peter backstage on our set with their platinum records!
My boss, Michael Jacobs, found me gawking through the window, slapped my back and said, ‘Sherm? Go get him!’ He said that Mike Nesmith was physically here in this building and, as a producer, it was my duty to go get him to appear with the other guys. I explained, again, that Nesmith had turned us down. He repeated, ‘Get! Him!’ He literally pushed me through the door.
Sort of awestruck and scared at the same time, I paced up to the four guys. Micky saw me and said, ‘Hey Jeff, come meet Mike!’ I came over, shook his hand and introduced myself as the fellow who'd called him a couple of weeks ago. He stared at me a beat, then half nodded. Mike went back to talking to Micky and the guys. It was very warm between all of them. It was truly beautiful. I heard them talking about maybe going into a rehearsal hall together, ‘See what we sound like,’ Mike said.
My mouth dropped open. This was rock 'n roll history and I was standing right there witnessing it. All the guys were really into it, started making plans of when and where. I didn't want to interrupt this, sort of backed away. Turning, I saw my boss staring at me through the window, insistently pointing at Mike. I took a deep breath, walked back up. Mike slowly turned to me. I said something like, ‘So, Mike, you know we're shooting the show in a couple of minutes. Since you're here and since it would be such an incredible --’
‘I'd really rather not,’ he twanged. He stared me down, then returned to chatting with Davy, Micky and Peter about an out of the way rehearsal hall he knew about where no one would bother them. I backed out of the room, through the swinging door and Michael Jacobs said, ‘Well?!’ I explained that Nesmith did not want to be on our show. Michael explained that no one ever wants to do these things, but it was my job as a producer to get back in there and convince him. Two network people walked up and seconded that.
Fearing my job was on the line, I took a deep breath and went back in. Covering my abject fear and loathing with a nervous grin, I slowly walked back up to the guys who were all excitedly talking about meeting up and jamming. Micky, then Davy, then Peter saw me nearing again. I never got a word out. The last one to turn, very slowly and deliberately, was Mike Nesmith. Laser beams were shooting from his eyes through my soul. He slapped his knees, slowly stood WAY up and said one last time, definitively, slowly and with a deeper tone -- ‘I'd... really... rather... not.’ I think I maybe whimpered ‘'K,’ gave a wimpy finger salute and somehow escaped from the room.
Emerging again, my boss, the network folks and now our entire staff moved back from watching me through the portal. ‘Well!?’
‘He'd... really rather not,’ I sighed, and hurried off to look for something to drink and update my resume.
The rest of the night was dreamlike. The whole week was, in fact. It was electric rock 'n roll literally and emotionally in that t.v. studio. Great laughs, great energy. Everyone there knew this was a rare and special night. Even the moments with actor Dave Madden (Manager ‘Reuben Kincaid’ from The Partridge Family) were huge laughs. Everything was perfect.
Nesmith never did appear on the episode, but it was incredibly thrilling to see Micky, Davy and Peter perform live together. They sang live to playback tracks they'd recorded together earlier in the week -- and YES -- they really played and sang and REALLY PLAYED AND SANG amazingly at the session. I was there. What great musicians and vocalists they were together. What classic interplay and rhythm in their acting, as well! The episode was incredible and got huge, huge ratings. [...] I hope people will go back and watch the ‘Rave On!’ episode -- and think -- Mike Nesmith was just maybe 50 feet away!” - Art Brodsky, Huffington Post, March 4, 2012
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thedaily-beer · 1 month
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Sherman Street This is Only a Test Hazy Double IPA on tap at Local Tap in Lansdale, PA. A 3 of 4. Plenty of tropical fruit in the nose, some fruitiness up front, and a nice creamy body. Incredibly sticky lacing and some lingering bitterness in the finish. The hop profile on this isn't the most complex thing ever, but it has some great tropical fruit and is quite nice on the palate.
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ewzzy · 1 year
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topshelf2112-blog · 1 year
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How can he *not* love him??
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weirdlookindog · 7 months
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
Another Fun Novelty Song (this one was animated by a fan of it, so that's why I'm sharing it. Well, that and it's a clever song parody):
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magnificentsapcaddy · 2 months
Imagine this. It is March of 2001. The Supreme Court has struck down Al Gore's presidency, saying that he did NOT win Florida. You are the guy who runs the big Bass Pro Shop pyramid in Tennessee.
Former would-be Vice President Joe Lieberman arrives at your shop in a Sherman tank. He comes out with a machete and says "I DEMAND the support of the big Bass Pro Shop pyramid". You say "okay man, sure, whatever" because you don't want to die. He starts lurking around there. He makes you call him President Lieberman. He is having night terrors and disturbing the janitorial staff. You think you saw a witch feed him a malfeasant elixir of some variety??? One day, he pulls a knife on you and threatens to kill you, saying that it's YOU, YOU'RE the one who's been fucking with his head, YOU'RE the reason he isn't sitting at the Oval Office right now, and then he starts laughing like the Joker and then starts crying a bit and runs off. AND MOST CRUCIALLY: in this scenario, Joe Lieberman IS fucking Al Gore.
You are Lord Simon Strong, Castellan of Harrenhal.
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
So you've heard about the DC Absolute Universe and you're wondering what it is all about.
While details about Absolute DC is still coming out, I decided it might be useful to make a breakdown of what we know so far (mostly from SDCC).
DC Absolute Universe Breakdown:
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The Absolute universe is a new alternate universe influenced by Darkseid energy. It is a 'darker' universe where all the heroes have lost something key to their Earth 0 selves which leaves them as underdogs. While separate to the main universe it will link in through the events of the All In initiative. There doesn't seem to be many superhero teams yet, but a lot of iconic heroes have had their own solo series' announced:
Absolute Batman (By Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta):
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The series brave enough to ask...what if Batman was an absolute unit. This is a Batman with no money and no status as the Prince of Gotham. Instead he is a construction worker and city engineer who has turned himself and his costume into an absolute weapon. He has an adorable French Bulldog and is also apparently blonde.
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This Bruce Wayne never had a butler but there still is an Alfred in the Absolute Universe: Alfred "Penny", the grizzled and tired MI-6 spy. They seemingly meet for the first time when Bruce has already began his caped crusade against crime (and the series' confirmed big bad Black Mask)
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Bonus: The Jim Lee variant cover gives us a better look at his costume's armoured texture and one of his weapons. He's seemingly more of a heavy hitter than the Batman we know.
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Absolute Wonder Woman (By Kelley Thompson and Hayden Sherman):
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This Wonder Woman was raised not in Paradise Island but rather in The Underworld. She has no sisters and no quest for peace. Instead she is the last of the Amazons who becomes a warrior and a witch, and eventually the Absolute Universe's first superhero. She is more heavily armed, carries a massive sword, and flies around on a skeletal pegasus made of iron.
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Unlike her Earth counterpart who is notable for not wearing a mask, this Wonder Woman seemingly has two, including a rather demonic looking helmet. Also, her colour scheme is based less on the American flag and more on the idea of lava under rocks.
She also has a Jim Lee variant cover which suggests she also will have a lasso.
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Absolute Superman (By Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval):
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Superman is the member of the trinity we know the least about. He is supposed to be more alien (suggested by his glowing red arms and the fact the cape seems to be made of pure energy) and according to the solicitation is "Without the fortress... without the family... without a home" but honestly we don't know much more.
We do have some cool art though (including another Jim Lee Variant):
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Absolute Green Lantern (By Al Ewing and Jahnoy Linsday)
Absolute Green Lantern is a "first contact" story and "reimagining" of the Green Lantern mythos featuring Jo Mullein, Hal Jordan, and John Stewart. We have some cool concept art of it including a redesign of Jo that suggests the lanterns might be in civilian clothing illuminated green.
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Absolute Flash (By Jeff Lemire and Nick Robles)
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This is the book we know the least about. All we really can infer apart from the creative team is that the Flash is presumably Wally West and that he appears to be more tortured character than in most other iterations.
(Shout out to Bleeding Cool for posting photos of the SDCC slides for people who weren't there)
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