#also I headcanon that he's trans
guiltyidealist · 1 year
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I was immediately smitten with Hayabusa when I first played Okami.
I considered him my husband and shipped myself (Ammy) with him.
It blew my MIND when he wound up being more than just another dog... He was a whole dude and I had to fight him and he used his digging techniques because of course he would have digging combat moves!!!! He had an entire PRECIOUS backstory, and I actually teared up the moment he saved Mushi from Orochi's arrow.
Here I'm pictured carrying him (side note: I wish you could still carry him after you find out he's a canine warrior ): ), fucking him????????? jumping with him, digging shenanigans, and cracking open a cold one with the boys
He's a Kai Ken apparently, which is 1/6 Japanese breeds alongside the Shiba Inu. I've only ever seen one kai ken plushie and it's fuckin $50 😭😭😭
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nerdpoe · 5 months
Danny, upon realizing that ecto can be used to shape his body per how he perceives it, is very quick to invent a small handheld device that can manipulate that and turn it on others.
Then he opens up shop on the internet.
If someone puts in their info and name, and a place to meet them, he'll use his powers and tour the world to visit them.
And then use modified ecto to help them shapeshift their body to their desired gender.
That's right.
For the small price of like, whatever is in someone's pocket (gum, a weird penny, maybe a fastfood run on the way to the meet location), the hero Phantom is offering free transition shapeshifting. No surgery, no pain, no drugs.
Possible side effects include levitation, seeing the dead, hiccup(ing fire), speaking Ghostspeak, possible claws and fangs, glowing eyes, super strength, super speed, sonic blasts from mouth, pointed ears, electronic interference, and being hunted by a government entity.
All side effects except the claws, fangs, pointed ears, glowing eyes, and being hunted by a government entity will disappear after two weeks.
Everyone but Danny is surprised by how many Trans people find this a steal of a deal.
Hunted by the government? Pffffff. Just a fuckin Tuesday then.
Tim Drake-Wayne, Alysia Yeoh, and Cullen Row agree to meet up with this guy to see if he's legitimate. No other reason. No sir. Not at all.
(They all get their gender affirming Shapeshift and are very fucking pleased that there will be no more shots in the future for any of them)
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seryotonin · 17 days
Idunno I like being multi headcanon
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houseswife · 6 months
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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ratcandy · 5 months
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putting my entomology lessons to good use
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wrylu · 3 days
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have some old gays for pride month !! 🤲
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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mini-minish · 10 months
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quit ur politics job join our garage band!!!!!!!!!
(note: essek is canonly gay + demi, the jacket with the bi pin belongs to caleb)
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calware · 8 months
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i love how they're all so mean to each other
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ninjautistic · 4 months
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I found out some stuff about Oni's and I have a whole bunch of new headcanons for Lloyd and Garmadon..
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horse-head-farms · 6 months
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Cleo and her various t4t relationships
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clownsuu · 1 year
I.. did you-.. did you just... did you give a puppet top surgery scars or am i trippin
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the-ultimate-junkyard · 8 months
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes except it's a modern college au. John Watson is a medical student. Sherlock is a forensics major, but occasionally sneaks up to the cryonics facility to beat corpses. They used to share a dorm room but the college kicked them out because Sherlock kept conducting explosive experiments in the room. They now share a flat, begrudgingly. Watson keeps having to tiptoe around the flat because Sherlock has a million-dollar worth Stradivarius lying around under hordes of paper on the floor. John tries to stray Sherlock away from his caffeine addiction, and fails. Sherlock once tempted John to steal the local resident skull from the lab in order to help him get over breaking up with Mary Morstan. The professor who owned the skull is still trying to find it. Sherlock usually bribes Lestrade (police-in-training) so he can sneak into crime scenes to conduct research in forensics. Sometimes he solves the crimes. The FBI finds out about the bribery and tells him, "hey. 20-something young man over there. you don't need to bribe Lestrade anymore, we can come over to you if we find some cases difficult to solve. adiós". Sherlock drags John to every single case he's worked on, despite John complaining because 'I HAVE A THESIS DUE AT 2 AM'.
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marasschino · 1 year
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It's Mr. Nocturne
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seawing-vibes · 10 months
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Some sillay doodles!! Qinterwatcher + trans jade-winglet doodles <3 I tend to do these silly (very off model & probably real out of character) jade winglet doodles as warm ups & cool downs after bigger drawings !! They’re fun to do
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light found misa’s bra (wip that i’m not going to finish)
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