#also gn i hope you all have sweet dreams <3
ssahotchnerr · 2 months
quick question and would loveee some feedback — should i refrain from the all lowercase fic format and switch to more proper? or should i keep as is
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cozage · 9 months
It's me again, feel free to ignore this if you're only taking 1 request per person
Congrats on 2k followers ♡
I would like to request, option 1, the reader asking "can I give you a kiss? If you don't like it, you can can return it" with Zoro, Sanji and Luffy (if you can also with Law, Ace and/or Kid)
Thank you in advance, hope you have a lovely day ♡
Nonsense! If you send it in and I like it, I'll write it! This was a fun request too :) I would've done them all if I had the time <3
Characters: gn reader x Zoro, Sanji, Luffy Total word count: 740
Returned Kisses
“Zoro!” you sang, skipping across the deck. “I have a question.”
Zoro groaned. Your questions were never as simple as you initially made them out to be. 
“Can I give you a kiss?” you asked, your cheeks turning a cute rose color. “If you don’t like it, I can return it!”
Zoro scowled at you, trying to decipher your strange slew of words. “How do you return a kiss?” he asked. He set down the weights he had been using, trying not to sound too interested. 
“I guess you’ll just have to see!”
His eyes scanned the ship. There was nobody else around. And he had to admit, he was curious how your lips tasted. 
“Make it quick, then.” He sighed, trying to act as if he were apathetic to the whole idea, but his pinkened cheeks did not go overlooked. 
Your lips pressed against his, and he could taste a distinct sugary sweetness Normally he hated sweets, but he found it quite enjoyable upon your lips. 
When you finally pulled away, he quickly wetted his own lips with his tongue, desperate to get another taste. 
“I think I’ll return it,” he said, looking at you. 
“Oh.” Your shoulders slumped in defeat. “Not very good then, was-?”
He pushed his lips back against yours with a sort of desperation and hunger that you weren’t expecting, and your mouth fell open in surprise against his. He quickly pushed his tongue past your lips, hungry  for more of your sweetness. 
When he finally pulled away, he shot you a cocky smirk. “Maybe you should try again later. I might not return it next time.”
“Sanji!” You opened the swinging door to the kitchen, searching for him. 
“Do you need something, my love?” he asked. “Whatever you want, I will gladly give you.”
“Great!” you smiled. “I was thinking I could give you something, though.”
“Me?” He looked around the room, trying to figure out what you meant. 
“Yeah! I was thinking I could give you a kiss,” you offered. “If you didn’t like it-Sanji!”
The poor cook had collapsed to the ground, sent into shock by your offer. He seemed to be mumbling and babbling words, but you couldn’t make them out. 
You knelt down next to him, pulling his head into your lap to make sure he was okay. 
“Oh, Y/N love,” he whispered, finally coming back to his senses. “I had this strange dream where you offered to kiss me.”
You laughed. “I did offer to kiss you.”
His eyes were suddenly clear now, and very focused on your lips. So you bent down and pressed them against his own. You could hear his breathing become shallow, but you steeled your nerves and stayed there for a moment before you pulled away. 
“If you don’t like it, you can return it,” you whispered. 
Sanji’s eyes were practically hearts as he stared up at you. “Can I still return it even if I did like it?”
You giggled, crinkling your nose as you laughed. “I suppose so.”
“Good!” He reached up and pulled you back down to him, keeping his lips pressed into yours until Luffy ran into the kitchen looking for more food. 
“Luffy! Come here!” you called up to the captain. He was in his seat on the figurehead, like always. 
“You come here!” he yelled back. Rubber arms extended towards you and whipped you up next to him. “What’s up?”
“Can I give you a kiss?” you asked. “You can return it if-”
His lips smashed against yours, and you could feel his mouth stretching into a smile. You couldn’t help but smile too, your head foggy with giddiness at his willingness to say yes. 
He finally pulled away from you, his laugh filling the air around you. “That was nice.”
“I was supposed to give you a kiss, Luffy!” You were trying to scold him, but you couldnt wipe that stupid smile off your face. 
“Do you want to give me one?” he asked, his eyes lighting up. “You can give me another one!”
You leaned back into another kiss, his arms already wrapped around your neck. He was trying not to be too eager, but once your fingers tangled into his raven locks, he abandoned all common sense and worked to devour as much of you as he could get.
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writingmeraki · 1 year
you're no good for me.
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a min ho oneshot !
summary : five times you thought he didn't care and the one time he showed you he did.
( or five times you were oblivious to how much he truly cared and the one time he made it obvious. )
genre : angst ( a bit? ) fluff, comedy ( attempts )
pairing : minho x gn!reader, e2l, frenemies to lovers! idiots to lovers!
warnings : cussing, descriptions of blood,injuries and bruises, reader is pretty oblivious, mentions of underage drinking, kissing, kinda messy :/// ( lmk if i missed anything pls. )
author's note : i don't even know what to say tbh ? this is so much longer than I thought to the point where I think I may have rushed the ending lmfaoooooooo welp I hope u enjoy this still haha <3 sorry for the wait 🤕🤕🤕 ( my own lovers to enemies arc with this fic bcoz I overthought as usual ) let me know what you think !!! also anon pls the angst was less but like it was a v lighthearted fic from the beginning asdfgh- i still hope u like it 😔<3 also also i kinda have a little drabble as a continuation for this but I'll see if i wanna post it based on your feedback hehe so let me know! ( barely proofread <3 )
word count : 11.6K ( longest oneshot i've ever written omll )
based on this request !
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"Fuck why do I feel like someone just pounded my head with a hammer?!"
You groaned as you woke up from your sleep or rather lack of sleep. You'd only been able to get barely 2 hours of sleep when you'd gotten back from the party last night
A party that you didn't even want to go to but were emotionally blackmailed to and even worse it was fucking Minho's party.
Technically, it's his fault you're in this state of crankiness.
You were sitting up on your bed, hair in all directions as you nursed the headache you'd gotten. Lack of sleep really gave you the worst of headaches and it didn't help you'd drunk a little, not more than a few sips, but the after-effect was definitely there.
You hissed as your bare feet touched the cold floor before you finally found your fuzzy bunny slippers you'd gotten as a gift from Kitty.
You dragged yourself out of your room, now being able to make out people talking on the other side.
"Well look who we have here looking like an absolute angel."
"Shut it Minho."
The retort came out like second nature as Minho smirked at your state despite the tiny concern that flashed across his face when he saw you holding your head as you sat on the floor between Kitty and Q who only shared a look when they definitely didn't miss that flash of concern.
You looked at Q, questioning "So why are we having a family meeting here?"
"We were just having a discussion about weird dreams." Kitty answered you and you looked at her, humming and suddenly a light bulb lit up from your only two alive braincells.
"You had a sex dream." Both Q and you said at the same time, him sitting up while a smirk just formed on your face.
"Was it about Dae?" Q asked holding his coffee in his hand. Kitty's eyes widened and shook her head immediately.
"So it wasn't about Dae, huh." You said as you wondered, your slightly swollen eyes blinking in thought.
"No! No I didn't say I had a sex dream." Kitty tried defending herself.
You lightly snorted, yawning a bit, "You didn't have to though."
"Exactly now spill." Q continued and you noticed movement from behind and saw Minho coming, with three mugs in his hand, handing one to Kitty and one to you.
He was oddly quiet and stiff, now wondering what made him like that because he'd definitely would have said something snarky by now.
"-dreams don't mean anything!" Kitty's voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you sipped your coffee skeptically hoping it's not poisoined, but you hummed in satisfaction at the sweetness that contrasted the bitterness.
It was exactly how you liked it. Not too bitter like how people would usually drink it, you preferred it sweet because you had a huge sweet tooth.
Minho's gaze shifted towards you, recalling something as he swallowed nervously when he saw the small grin on your face.
"She's right! They don't mean anything." He suddenly looked towards Q who was already looking at him with his eyebrows raised, sipping his own cup.
Your eyes opened and you lazily looked at Minho, whose body language seemed even more stiff now.
"You could have a sex dream about someone you've repulsed your whole life." You looked in confusion at his words, one eyebrow raised.
Kitty agreed "Yes, yes exactly thank you Minho."
"He could have a sex dream about someone like…Y/N!"
You almost choked on your coffee before you spat out what was in your mouth, as Minho had a similar reaction.
"So you had a sex dream about Y/N." Q said as if it was the most obvious thing and you looked at him in horror.
"Hello?? Why are you talking about me as if I'm literally not here?" You were ignored as Minho quickly defended himself,
"No I didn't." He said, avoiding looking at you as you continued to stare at him with your eyes widened.
"And if I did have a sex dream about Y/N, it'd be a sex nightmare." You scoffed at his words while Kitty whispered Oh my God.
"Please, you'd be lucky to even have me in your dreams let alone real life." You spoke before you could think about it.
"So you still had sex?" Q piped up and Minho quickly blurted,
"Dreams don't mean anything! Besides I hate Y/N!" He said sparing a glance at you who just seemed confused at where this conversation had led up to.
"Wait a minute-"
"We're getting late! I still uh need to get ready!" Minho said turning around before you could even question anything, not being able to see how red his face had gotten as he ran to his room and slammed the door shut.
Blinking once and twice, you looked at Kitty and Q,
"So can someone just tell me what happened?"
They indeed didn't tell you anything, or rather didn't get a chance to before the door was knocked on and in came in your advisor, telling you about how you all had gotten Saturday detention and hoped last night was worth it.
You groaned as he left, holding the cup of coffee mumbling curse words. The same cup of coffee, that was exactly how you liked it, that was made by Minho. Something you didn't even realize how he knew your perfect order.
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You'd rather be watching paint dry than be in this boring detention.
Saturday flew in and in no time, were you already sitting in the library for your eight hour detention.
You groaned as you leaned forward, wanting to drop your head on the table before a hand placed itself between it and the hard surface of the table, making you hit it softly and for a second you thought about how warm it felt.
"You'll damage the tiny amount of brain cells you have in there." Minho's voice mocked you, as you looked up, your chin laying on his hand.
Glaring, you didn't even realise how he gulped at how you'd still maintain physical contact by not lifting your head up.
"Screw you." You scoffed, sitting straight up,
"Why am I even sitting with you?" You questioned crossing your arms and the scowl didn't leave your face.
"Maybe you finally realized how obsessed you are with me and felt like you had to be closer to me." He said with that annoying smirk plastered on his face.
You snorted, "Please it's only because it was the only seat available!"
The smirk didn't leave his face, only growing wider as he leaned in to whisper in your ear,
"All I'm hearing is excuses." His voice rang in your ears, noticing the rasp and how deep it sounded, swallowing nervously, you didn't know why you felt like your heart would jump out of your chest.
You leaned away from him, rolling your eyes, brushing away what you felt as irritation from being around Minho too much.
You shivered due to the temperature in the library being too low for your liking, the air conditioning being colder than you would have kept it.
You internally cussed at yourself for wearing a crop top instead of bringing an extra sweater with you,forgetting it's usually chilly in there.
Minho noticed the shiver, rolling his eyes, he suddenly began taking off his own bomber jacket. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but they relaxed when you felt a sudden warmth engulf you.
"You'll catch a cold and it'll end up infecting everyone." He scolded you before you could even say anything, words dying down before you could even question his actions, too stunned.
You just blinked at him, mumbling a small thanks to which he just sent you a curt nod, his attention back to the doodling he'd been doing in his book.
"Did he just-"
"Yes. Yeah he did."
Kitty questioned to which Yuri answered both stunned at what they'd just seen.
"Don't they, I don't know, hate each other?" Yuri asks, confused looking back at Kitty.
"Guess hate and love are two sides of the same coin, afterall huh?" Kitty spoke up.
They both paused and looked at each other, bursting out in giggles.
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You stared at the clock, your eyes fixated on the minute hand that moved agonizingly slow, your head resting on the palm of your chin that was using your right arm as a stand.
You sighed mumbling to yourself about how time seemed to be against you.
“Instead of boring your eyes into the clock, maybe if you paid attention to what was being taught, your tiny brain could finally excel in this.”
You rolled your eyes and turned your head towards the boy who sat beside you.
Pausing a bit when you realised how the sunlight from the window literally made it seem like he glowed, his cheekbones highlighted by it and his lips seemingly more plump and pinker as he spoke.
Minho’s attentions wasn’t on you though, at least it would seem like that because he was staring ahead, his focus on his notes as he wrote what was being taught, his hands splayed across his notebooks.
Even when he sat, you noticed he still seemed taller than you. Sometimes you even wonder how you always end up next to him.
“I’d say take a photo and it would last longer but I’m pretty sure you already have enough of those with you, stalker.” He said, taking a peak at you from the corner of his eyes, a smirk forming on his face when he saw you scoffing.
“As if, besides since when did you care about me paying attention or not.” Minho stopped for a second at your words, hand freezing mid way from his note taking and it was now his turn to roll his eyes at you.
“Because you’re a distraction.” He spoke lowly, making sure you were the only one who heard, and only now you noticed you’d both been murmuring amongst each other as if you were friends just gossiping.
Not wanting to argue more, you just sighed and looked ahead,
“Ugh, whatever.”
You looked down at your own notebook, narrowing your eyes when you saw you’d only written half a page and stealing a glance at Minho’s, your eyes now widening when you counted that he was already on what seemed like his third page.
Damn I really must have zoned out.
Now you just thought of your options, either you skip some pages and just write what was being taught at the moment, finishing what you missed afterwards.
Clicking your tongue, you just closed your notebook, slightly pushing it away. Knowing being at the way back in a crowded classroom was helpful at times like this but having Alex as your professor being another advantage, you folded your arms on the table and plopped your head onto it sideways.
You sighed, relieved at the position, even though it may seem uncomfortable, but at the time, it felt just right.
You shut your eyes, the last thing you saw being Mingo from the way you had positioned your head, with you facing towards him and let yourself be surrounded by the temporary darkness.
“So you’re just going to sleep during the lecture?”
“Yep.” You said still with your eyes closed.
“I barely got any, considering the Vampire Diaries marathon Kitty and I had last night.”
You mumbled, feeling yourself give in to your dreamland.
“You both are terrible roommates because who even has a series marathon in the middle of a school week?” Minho asked you scoffing, turning his head to his left so he could look down at you.
You opened one eye and put your tongue out childishly to mock him,
“Only the fun kind of roommates, now shut up and do your work, let me sleep.”
“You seriously need to be more responsible, I mean come on, you have dark circles right now.” He whisper yelled as he scanned your face.
“Okay mum. I’ll make sure of it.” You murmured to him, the last of your words being softer as you finally gave in to your dreams.
Minho sighed when he heard you exhale softly, seeing the way the sun reflected on your face.
He wondered how you could just fall asleep but then again he knew you’d probably stayed awake just to give company because he knew you didn’t even like The Vampire Diaries.
You’d once told how lame you found it that the only relevant plot was two brothers fighting for a girl, and how it was ridiculously stupid.
He moved his body a bit forward, so that the sunlight could not fall on your face, and upon that the scrunch in your brows relieved unconsciously. He reached his hand forward to tuck away the hair piece that seemed to bother you. His fingertips lingering on your cheek and you leaned into the touch unknowingly.
Pulling his hand away, he gently smiled at you, shaking his head fondly as he brought back his attention to what was being taught.
[ a few moments later ]
“Wake up sleeping beauty, it’s time.” You heard as you felt someone flick your forehead.
Groaning you swatted away the hand, as you slowly rose up, rubbing your eyes, and blinking a few times as you tried recalling who you were and where you were.
“Seems like someone’s nap time was well.” Minho smirked at you, packing his books away to which you turned to him and glared.
“Hope you dreamt of me well!” He said a grin on his face now as your lips pulled into a thin line.
“Yeah it’d be more of a nightmare if you showed up in my dreams.” You said rolling your eyes, and gathering your own notebook, realising it was pretty pointless to have even removed it today as you basically barely wrote anything.
You pulled your bag up to the desk and tucked away your book.
Minho slid a book towards you, making you pause your movements as you glanced at him in question.
“Here, today’s class work and homework as well, if you don’t get something, considering you probably won’t, come to the library after school is over.” He said standing up, to which you still looked between him and the book in question, skeptical of his sudden act of…kindness?
“Stop staring idiot, you’ll get late.” He said as he slowly walked away, you thought about it and grabbed his notebook, putting it in between your own and standing up, sliding one strap on your shoulder.
“Thank…you?” You said turning around noticing he was already gone.
Huh, weird. Well that was nice of him…for once.
You shook your head, walking out as well, realizing you indeed learn something new about him every time.
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It was another outing of the nature club you'd join in support of Kitty's new venture of wanting to do new things.
Although initially, you'd reluctantly agreed but you'd learn to enjoy it once you spent more times with nature.
Though sometimes you wish you could just jump off the cliff because lo and behold, Minho had also spontaneously joined it as well.
Over time, you'd just learnt to ignore his shit, just paying attention to your surroundings and focusing all your energy on that.
You didn't even notice how he'd always be trailing beside you though, since the beginning of it actually.
But of course those around you did.
Q and Dae looked at their best friend, both wondering the same thing.
"Do you think he notices?" Dae asked as they hiked up, Q looked at him in question and followed his gaze, perceiving what he meant.
“He is still in denial as to why he even joined this club in the first place, remember how much I tried convincing him to join but he always refused with bullshit excuses but suddenly when Y/N joins, he’s apparently thought about it well and understood it was good to be one with nature, hence why he would be joining.”
Dae shook his head, chuckling as he recalled the denial on his face from when they confronted him about it.
“I don’t even think he realizes that Q, let alone how he always seems to be beside them when he gets the chance.” Dae said, staring at the pair of you, you seemed more than happy to be there as Minho skeptically walked beside you.
Suddenly an arm was placed in front of you, making you suddenly freeze in your place and your gaze followed it to the owner, confusion flooding your mind as you looked at Minho in question.
He moved in front of you and knelt down on one knee, to which your eyes widened and you looked around to see if anyone else was seeing this.
Hissing at him, more so in confusion, "What the hell are you doing?"
He scoffed and pointed down at your shoes, more so your shoe laces.
"You'll literally trip on them and fall on your face resulting in you getting hurt and you'll end up causing problems."
Once again, your mouth gaped at him as he went back to his task which was tying your shoelaces.
At times, he truly did confuse the ever living fuck out of you. Because for one he'd be doing the nicest things but then the gesture would be contradicting with what he would have to say afterwards.
You noticed how strands of his hair moved out of place as a result of him looking down to focus on tying your laces.
You bit your lip to control the smile from spreading on your face and he got up, dusting his hands.
"You know you should be grateful that I decided to be with you right now otherwise your clumsy ass would have probably broken a foot by now."
There it was. The contradicting words to his gestures.
Not wanting to start an argument, you just sighed and shook your head, mumbling a thanks as you walked ahead, having been left behind by a few paces.
Minho glared at you, taking a few steps to catch up with you,
"That was mean of you." He said and you took a side glance at him to see a frown on his face and you sighed once again,
"Thank you so much Minho, whatever would I have done if it weren't for your presence."
You grinned widely, blinking your eyes forcefully as you fluttered your eyelashes.
Before he could speak again, you turned forward and rolled your eyes, continuing your hike.
When you reached the top view, you could see the entire city of Seoul and just how mesmerizing it looked.
As a whole it looked breathtaking, the tall buildings and the miniature figures doing about their own things, the sky's colours contrasting the shades, the sun setting slowly as the last warmth of it bled on your face.
You didn't even notice Minho was right beside you, admiring the city view as well. Though his eyes naturally drifted towards you, even if he never wanted them to but it seemed like second nature to him now, his eyes finding you anytime you were around.
Your own sparked as you took in the little details of the view, unknowingly a smile forming on your face making the tiny depths form on your cheeks. Your hair slightly moving from the soft breeze and you'd laugh at the timing but you didn't notice that as you were too in your own world.
Blinking, he felt his own heart flutter as he whispered so tenderly, you probably wouldn't have heard him if he weren't next to you,
"Beautiful, you really are beautiful."
Looking beside you, you were once again left speechless when you saw who it was, and pretended you didn't hear, asking
"Sorry what was that?"
That seemed to snap him out of his gaze as he looked in front, coughing into his hand, sounding more fake than real,
"Uh, I meant that the view is really beautiful! Yeah the view…" He looked to the other side to make sure you wouldn't see the redness forming on his face.
You just nodded at him, turning your attention back in front of you,
"It is, isn't it? It was definitely worth the hike!"
You beamed as you put your hands on your hips, happy with the end result of the exhausting hike.
"Anyways we should be heading down now, if we were to reach before nightfall."
You paused looking around and found Q and Dae already looking at you both, you waved them over.
"Q! Dae! Why didn't I see both during the hike up?"
"Maybe cause someone wouldn't leave you and your attention was on him mostly." Q murmured to which, luckily you didn't seem to catch what he said as you raised an eyebrow.
Dae nudged Q with his elbow on his stomach, to which Q hissed in a little pain.
"That was so unnecessary!" Dae still kept his smile,
"What he meant was, you seem preoccupied but really we were trailing behind too." He told, his eyes shifting to Minho's for one second when he said preoccupied and you noticed this.
"Well let's all go together for the hike down?"
Minho wanted to protest but he realised it'd probably seem suspicious and knowing how his best friends were, they'd figure it and look into this more than he would like them too.
Plus he wasn't entirely sure why he detested the idea of not being able to be with you only for the hike down.
He hated your guts didn't he? He only just…taught you were too clumsy and stupid, as well as unserious.
At least that was what he kept convincing himself, yet it was far more obvious to everyone around you except yourselves that there was definitely more than just animosity.
And as you began going down the steps, you almost tripped as your leg got caught in a root but lucky for you, there was Minho by your other side, who'd pulled your arm to make sure you didn't fall right on your face.
"Seriously if it weren't for me, you'd probably end up dead by now."
His hand still on your arm, the contact making you feel warmer than you should and for a second your eyes drifted towards his lips as you thought about just how close you were to him.
You pulled away your arm and gulped, nodding at his words nonchalantly as you couldn't get the image of his lips out of your mind, as much as you hated it.
Q and Dae again, shared a look as if silently communicating,
Yep, there's more to this than just animosity.
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Frowning at the big red F on your Korean Literature test, you felt like bursting into tears.
Really it wasn't your fault you were bad at adjusting to the language, after all it'd only been a few months since you were taught about it afresh.
Kitty sighed at your frowny face, texting your shared group chat about canceling today's movie night for the time being, your phone on silent since you'd gotten the test.
kitty loml 💗 : guys no movie night today, y/n's not feeling too well :((((
You didn't even notice it but Minho immediately texted in the group chat when he read the message.
minhoe 👹 : what happened????
dae my bae 🥳 : wow look who spawned in this "lame gc" 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
👑 : ohhh he's right tho but srsly what happened? are they alright???
kitty loml 💗 : Korean Lit happened 😶
👑 : Ohhhh yikes.
Kitty set aside her phone and looked back at you before you spoke,
"What am I doing wrong? I'm trying my best and it just seems pointless now." You feel tears of frustration forming as you yanked the paper away because it just seemed like the red mark was taunting you.
"Y/N, you know it's not your fault, Korean is really hard to learn afresh and see your Korean is way better than mine already!"
She tried cheering you up and you just shook your head.
"No Kitty, I've been learning this longer than you have and it's not even helping me at all if this is the end result!" You wiped harshly at the tears that poured out, your voice snapping at the end.
You sighed as you saw Kitty flinch, not in fear but more so in surprise because she didn't expect you to snap, yet she knew everyone had their own days.
Exhaling softy, you spoke "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap, I'll just…I'm going to take a shower to cool down."
Before she could reply, you turned away, walking to your room, before you slammed your door shut harsher than you wished.
👑 : how's the situation?
kitty loml 💗 : wellll they've gone to take a shower now, but they are pretty upset.
👑 : oh that's not great.
minhoe 👹 : wait guys, what flavour of Pocky was their favourite again? Cookies and cream or chocolate?
kitty loml 💗 : y r u asking this out of nowhere and I'm pretty sure it's just plain chocolate.
dae my bae 🥳 : oh wait didn't you read the previous messages? anyways it was a pretty long thing but in short Minho went to the grocery store to get some snacks for Y/N cause he's "sure" they haven't eaten yet because of how 'forgetful" they are
👑 : code for comfort snacks for an upset y/n to make them feel better because i care but won't admit it.
minhoe 👹 : gosh you all are do fuckinf annoying
kitty loml 💗 : and you are so fucking whipped
👑 : oop pretty sure i can see him blushing all the way from here
dae my bae 🥳 : he just cussed out loud and now we're getting glared at by some grandma, good going minHOE 👹
slayest of the slayers 🙏 : lol
kitty loml 💗 : i thought the giggles were me going insane but it was you okay.
slayest of the slayers 🙏 : one way to say i live in ur mind 😈😈 and yes Q, i am fine for now at least, I'll figure out how to conqure this stupid subject somehow.
minhoe 👹 : plzzz it'd be like having a demon in ur head
👑 : YOU shouldn't say that when y/n is probably in ur mind all day and also feel free to message any of us for help when u need it!
You turned off your phone, laughing as you heard the notifications in your group chat blow up.
You'd gotten out of the shower, feeling way better than you had but still just choosing to lay in your bed when you noticed your notifications were piling up.
You giggled when you read through the chats, intervening and feeling your heart at ease when you thought about your friends worrying over you and checking up on you.
You were grateful to have found them, especially considering you were so new and awkward when you joined KISS, thinking you'd never make friends but now you could proudly say you loved them with all you had.
Though as you laid, gazing up at the celing lit up with lights from outside, you thought of one particular person whose actions nowadays made you more confused than anything.
It was Minho, of course.
Lately it seemed he'd taken a place in your mind, ironically having flashbacks to your conversation in the group chat about you occupying his mind but it was more of the opposite on your side.
At least that was what you thought.
You thought over every gesture of his, everytime he seemed to show he cared but then you recalled his harsh words those times and stepped back a bit from your fantasies.
He was too different anyways, a star out of your reach, a boundary you feared to cross, a line that was the more blatant.
So why did your heart feel heavier at the idea of him being out of league?
You gulped when you mentally weighed your options, closing your eyes and thinking of his annoying smirk but even more his annoyingly pretty smile that was rare but when you did see it, it did something to you that made you feel all fuzzy. His annoying hair that always had strands misplaced which you always itched the urged to tuck them back gently, his soft lips, his eyes-
A knock on your door woke you up and you got up putting your hand on your chest.
The pattering in it making it feel like you just ran a whole marathon.
You rose up and quietly walked to your door.
You think you almost puked your guts out of nervousness when you saw who was on the other end.
"You need to check on your messaging skills." You stayed frozen as Minho pushed you aside and entered your room as though he owned the place. It was like something he had that once he entered a room, it naturally became his place.
You noticed he had a bag of something in his hands and you remembered the texts in the group chats.
"Oh wait, did you really?" You asked pointing towards the bag,as he plopped down on your bed, looking at you while rolling his eyes.
"Of course, I know you'd probably starve yourself if you could, that's why I bought something for you." He said and you made your way towards him, a little skeptical and your nerves didn't seem to have calmed.
You sat down beside him, a bit of distance between you two yet you still felt a bit dizzy considering this was probably the first time he'd been in your room.
He pushed the bag towards you, looking at you expectantly.
"Here, it's mostly what you like, as far as I know." You looked through the assortment and indeed, it was like all of your favourites in one.
Your mind couldn't wrap around the fact that it was Minho out of everyone that remembered all your favorite snacks. A little detail but you found it fluttering when someone would remember the smallest things about you. Only this time it felt like your heart would jump out of your chest as you thought about this.
"Well, are you feeling better now?" You snapped your head towards him, nodding absentmindedly.
"Look. Since I am feeling nice, I'll help you out. I can tutor you between 5-7 every Wednesday and Friday at the library. I checked your schedule and saw you were also free those days-"
"Wait what? Where did you even get my schedule???" You genuinely asked confused trying to comprehend his words.
"Out of all that, that's what you want to know?" Rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms "I saw it during the start of the year, to see which classes I'd have to tolerate you in and mentally prepare myself for."
"..." You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
"Oh…Kay?" You said more so questionably, wondering if you'd ever invest your time in someone like that, especially if it were someone you don't like.
He got up to leave, not wanting to embarrass himself more than he thought he did.
"Well uh…I am gonna go now, don't be late! Or I swear I'm never doing anything nice for your dumbass ever again!Don't forget to eat those, seriously I spent money and my precious time in those." He rushed to your door, turning back one last time to you.
"...Just…just next time, ask for help when you need it alright? And it's okay to not do well at times even if you do your best, sometimes it's not your fault." He looked at you expectantly to which you just nodded, still flabbergasted by his actions since he arrived.
He gave one last nod and turned around, slamming the door closed.
What the fuck just happened ?
You asked more so to yourself as you looked the bag in your hands, Minho's words ringing in your head, him offering to tutor you, actually telling you he'd be tutoring you.
Just him. Him and his…kind gestures?
You groaned, setting the bag down beside your bed and falling flat on your bed.
You stared at the ceiling looking for answers for questions you didn't even know about.
And suddenly a sentence rang through your mind.
Gasping loudly as you sat up, wide eyed as an epiphany hit you,
I think I like him.
I like Minho.
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As a normal person would when they come to be able to identify the confusion and chaos their mind was in and why they were in that state, you did one thing.
Avoid it and the cause of it.
In other words, as a way to deal with the realization of your liking, you decided to just avoid Minho at all costs, at least until it would come to bite you eventually.
You knew your friends noticed your behavior, how you'd basically changed routes and even certain classes, pouring excuses like you couldn't study during that time and it was better to change.
The new revelation caused a lot of changes in the way you saw of his actions. It definitely didn't help when you would recall at the times he'd done them late in the night and it would leave you with a hope that was only growing higher.
Only to come crashing down when you would think about how he might not even see you in the same way, maybe it was just as a friend.
A term you learnt and as much as you felt like it certainly fit your dynamic, it still left a bitter afterthought that you hated because you knew you wanted more.
Much more.
As you sat down in a cafeteria in Seoul to study, yes you'd gone that far as to avoid studying at the campus just to avoid bumping into Minho.
And to your misfortune,Minho did notice though, how you didn't show up to the library for your planned study session that you'd confirmed but cancelled last minute, how you didn't even reply to messages in the group chat, excuses like you were busy with work and assignments.
He'd scoff when you pulled that excuse, as if you weren't in the same grade and didn't have the same workload. When he would ask Kitty or Q or anyone actually, they'd also have similar answers, not knowing where you were or you were locked in your room most of the time when Kitty would come to ask you for anything.
You felt guilty for avoiding your friends like that, even Minho didn't deserve that especially considering he'd even offered to help you.
With a sigh, you opened your books and tried to study at least until it was near time to go back to your dorms.
[ a few hours later ]
After a somewhat successful study session of you attempting to finish your Korea Lit assignment that'd been eating your brains quite literally as you felt a headache forming when you realized you didn't understand anything, you decided you had enough.
Groaning exhaustedly, you winded up your books and packed them, deciding it was time to just head back, frankly there'd been so much on your mind you were pretty sure that was probably one of the major reasons you didn't understand anything academic related.
Or you were just terrible at Korean Literature and really should have just stepped in your ego and crushed it when Minho offered to help you and gone to his tutoring lessons.
But noo you just had to have an epiphany that you really liked him, in a romantic way that same day he offered.
Deciding you deserved some kind of reward for tolerating and trying at least, you took a little detour to the grocery store that was along the way.
Purchasing a lychee moju moju along with some small snacks to eat, you quickly rushed to head back to campus before Kitty came back to your dorms from the library.
Memorizing her schedule so as to know when to avoid her became a part of your routine, a benefit was it was quite similar to the rest of them so you could also avoid them all at once. At least until you were ready.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't even notice something in front of you until it was too late.
And when you took a step and a loud hiss followed that scared you so bad,you literally tripped on your own feet and fell straight to the hard concrete, face first.
Luckily you'd been able to divert your face sideways so to make sure there'd be less of an impact on your precious nose.
Now it was your turn to hiss as you groaned, rising on your hands to get up slowly.
The right side of your face was the one that had contact with the ground so it hurt like a fucking bitch when you tried to move.
As you rose up to your feet, you caressed the side of your injured face and winced when you felt something warm and wet.
Sighing exhaustedly when you indeed saw it was blood.
You're such a clumsy ass.
Words unknowingly flashed in your mind, words that a certain someone once told you and back then you were annoyed but now you felt that they really were right.
As much as it hurts your ego to admit that.
Suddenly you saw something small moving in the corner of your eye, the street being lit up only by street lights placed around five meters apart.
As you moved closer, you hoped this wasn't a grave mistake and you were not walking to your own death.
As you removed your phone from your left pocket to flash your flashlight because it had been in an area where the streetlight did not cover the range hence it was sort of dark.
You braced yourself for the worse,
Okay calm down, you can run for it and you'll save your—
You deadpanned once you saw what was hidden in the dark.
It was a cat.
A brown and black one and it was caressing its tail, hissing at you once you flashed your phone at it.
You connected the dots and sighed in relief, knowing it wasn't a murderer and it wasn't a trap; rather you had likely stepped on its tail when you didn't notice it in front of you due to its color being less visible in the dark spot.
A sense of guilt crept up on you when you thought about how you must have hurt it, even if it was unintentionally.
Deciding you'd help it, at least by giving it something to eat, you grabbed your grocery bag that sadly laid out splayed out.
Knowing you didn't have anything cat friendly to feed, you pointed at it as if talking to it.
"I'll be back! Stay here."
Turning around and making a second round trip to the grocery store, not even realizing it was nearing dangerously close to your curfew.
You didn't even notice the look of pure concern on the cashier's face, having forgotten your injuries both as a result of adrenaline basically numbing the pain and also you being in a hurry when you noted the time.
Surprisingly the cat was still in its spot, eyes closed and sitting with its head tilted who you knelt down to it.
You opened the can of tuna and your nose scrunched in disgust at the smell, but someone else was delighted as it leaned forward immediately.
Chuckling at the cat's eagerness, you placed it on the ground and it dived right in, devouring the tuna.
"You probably haven't eaten in a while huh?"
Gazing at the cat with sympathy and speaking as if the cat would understand you, you sighed sadly.
As one would when seeing a cat, you moved your hand to pet its head, but just as you were about to touch it, it decided you were the enemy.
Hissing at you, you didn't even get to avoid it when it swiped it's paw at your hand.
It wasn't too deep, but it definitely left a mark and oh it also definitely hurt, burned as well.
You pulled your hand, seeing the scratch mark deep enough to draw blood and once again groaned in pain.
The swipe was right on your fingers, moving across from your index to your pinky.
And it was beginning to bleed fast.
"Wow so you definitely aren't fond of physical affection." Wincing in pain as now it began to burn even more, you moved behind, pushing the can with your uninjured hand.
"Fine fine I'll leave you be." You told it gently, noticing it had retreated behind.
You got up while pressing your palm to the scratched fingers, making sure it wouldn't just began bleeding badly out of nowhere.
Shit I probably don't even have a first aid kit.
Today could not get any worse.
And you probably jinxed that as you looked the wristwatch in your left hand for the time.
8:45 pm
A whole twenty minutes passed curfew.
Fuck, you were so screwed now.
You facepalmed yourself only to almost scream in pain as you accidentally hit the right side of your injured forehead.
Great I probably look like I got beat up.
You began walking as fast as you could, your bag seeming heavier as you'd stuff everything including your grocery into it.
Please please please let the advisor not be there right now for checking.
As you reached the gates, you sighed in relief seeing they were still open but slowed down to see if there were any guards around.
It felt like you were suddenly thrown into a secret mission, one to avoid getting caught and possibly getting a suspension for being out so late.
Your wound had stopped bleeding profusely when you'd pulled the sleeve of your sweater over it, engulfing your hand completely.
It pained you to ruin that sweater but you could just buy a new one, hopefully.
Hiding behind a streetlight that was a few meters away from the gatez you scanned your surroundings ahead.
You could almost hear the James Bond theme music playing in your head.
You didn't spot any guards around and the gate was open, so you did the one thing only a true spy could possibly dare to do.
Make a run for it.
Ducking your head down and using the sleeve of your sweater to cover your face, you ran as fast as you could inside, trying to make as minimal noise as you could.
That was not the case when the grovel beneath crunched as you made a run for it and you cussed at yourself internally, praying no one was around.
Lucky for you, your dorm was nearer to the entrance and you felt like bursting out in tears of joy when you neared the building.
Running up the steps, you paid no mind to anyone around you.
"Wait, is anyone still out?! It's almost nine come on guys!"
Eyes widening when you realized you made a grave mistake assuming no one was in the hallways, you turned the opposite direction of your room as footsteps began nearing.
Shit, I need to hide.
Being in this crisis was possibly the worst rotten cherry on top of your nightmarish sundae.
Suddenly, you registered this wasn't your hallway, heck you'd entered the wrong building in a moment of stupidity.
This was the boys dorm building when you noticed the familiar numbers.
Wait a minute.
Your eyes scanned for a number you'd seen countless times by now as you slowly but quickly moved ahead. The footsteps had gotten slow and you knew Alex was in the other hallway, probably looking for who was around.
Grinning when the familiar number was on the door, you didn't think much and just knocked harshly.
"Q! It's Y/N, I'll explain everything but please I'll get caught if you don't open right now!"
Whispering harshly into the door in a panicky tone, you knocked rapidly making sure it wasn't too loud.
You were sure your heart almost dropped out of your chest when you heard the footsteps approaching your direction again.
Your hand dropped to your side as you looked in the direction of Alex heading and you didn't even realize the door had already opened.
You almost yelped so loudly when you felt a tug on your arm pulling you inside. The grip on your arm was strong enough to just drag you inside and you closed your eyes out of fear.
You were pinned behind the door, your back pressing into it as a large hand covered your hand to prevent the yelp out of your mouth. The person's other hand was on your waist to prevent you from falling straight to the ground.
You listened closely to the footsteps and sighed in temporary relief when they passed the dorm.
Only now did you grimace in pain,the hand on your mouth unknowingly hurting the injuries on your face,you reached your hand to tug it out of your face.
The person immediately backed away the moment you grimaced, it was so quick as if they'd been burnt by you. You almost fell over as you'd lean your entire weight on them.
"What the actual fuck happened to you?"
A familiar voice asked in both astonishment and even a hint of anger.
Your eyes were still shut, collecting yourself before you opened them as you relaxed briefly.
You had to blink twice when you noticed who was in front of you.
"Oh…it's you." You murmured, looking anywhere else but at Minho the moment you perceived it was him the whole time.
He scanned your entire face, obviously noticing the blood as well as the bruise, as his eyes lowered, he also saw the blood on your sweater sleeve, your hand now free and the visible marks bleeding once again from being exposed to sudden movement.
When he first heard you, he'd been laying on the couch scrolling on his phone, bored because Q had chosen to spend the night at Florian's, having the place to himself for tonight.
He swore he felt his heart drop when he heard you panicking tone on the other side and didn't even care if it was the first time he'd seen in two weeks of nothing, he pulled you in and when he heard you almost yell, he just placed his palm to shut you up as he heard the footsteps pass by.
He didn't mean to scare you but at the moment, all he could really think about was who even or what even happened to you.
"Who did this to you?" His tone seemed aggressive as he questioned in a deeper voice than usual. Well usual was also deep but it was something you got used to.
You'd become frozen the moment he spoke, not knowing what to say, a little embarrassed at how you ended up in this situation. He stepped forward, straightening up instinctively in alarm.
His eyebrows furrowed in question as he pushed his tongue to the side, lowering his head to your level, now near eye level with you, your eyes following his every movement.
You tried not to flinch too harshly when he grazed his fingertips on your cheek and lip, where you'd gotten hurt as well as the place near you eye and eyebrow.
"Uh, so like you see, it looks worse than what actually happened so really it isn't too big of a deal—"
Stepping back a bit, he looked at you ridiculously
"Not too big of a deal ?!" He questioned as if daring you to say it again,
"You must be kidding me right now." He laughed humorlessly as he ran his hand through his hair and you tried not to stare like an idiot.
And as cliche as it could be getting, you felt light headed as you tried to keep your balance. Blinking harshly to keep your eyes open, you almost fell forward when you took a step but this time Minho was able to catch you in time.
"Hey, hey, don't faint on me right now okay? Let's just get you seated first."
You leaned your weight on him as he held you with one arm, he'd move beside you to make you comfortable as he slowly walked you to the couch. Before he laid you down, he removed your bag from your shoulders and put it aside, to make sure you'd be able to lay more properly.
You sighed in both relief and exhaustion when you finally sat down.
"Wait I'll be back."
He recalled the first aid kit he had in his drawer and went to get it as soon as he could.
You shut your eyes, tiredness overwhelming you, not only from the adrenaline high getting over but also from the mental exhaustion that'd you'd been having since the whole mess.
You opened your eyes when you felt a weight beside you, Minho sitting down with a first aid kit in his hand.
He opened it to remove a bottle of hydrogen peroxide that made you scrunch your nose a little in disgust at the color and some cotton pads, band-aids, and a roll of bandage.
You noticed they were hello kitty ones, the same ones you used and that thought made you smile even for a brief moment.
"You really got this ones too?" You asked softly and Minho turned to look at you, looking at the band aids in awe and snorted at your expression.
"You are here, almost on the verge of passing out but you are questioning whether I have the same hello kitty band aids you have? And to answer your question, yes."
"Gotta keep those priorities in check."
He rolled his eyes as he soaked the cotton pad with the hydrogen peroxide, the familiar deep brown color showing.
He gently took your hand and began to clean the wound.
Hissing loudly, you sat more straight about to pull away but he still kept the grip on your arm.
"It's okay, it'll hurt a bit, just hold on for a sec." Minho gently said to you as he focused on cleaning it, laying your hand on your lap and taking another cotton pad when the current one got used enough.
As much as you wanted to cuss out loud, you decided to put your focus elsewhere, choosing his face was the perfect place for that.
His eyes were as soft as his touch, you didn't think he'd be this gentle with you but here you were, him tending to your wounds, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his jaw was unknowingly clenched in the same focus.
"Sorry." You blurted out of nowhere, the guilt from everything piling up one by one, from the fact that you'd been ignoring him for two weeks only to show up after and him having to tend to your injuries when he could have just kicked you out.
He briefly made eye contact with you, wiping the now cleaner cuts with a dry cotton pad, and opening the kit again to remove a tube of antibiotic ointment.
The coolness of the ointment made you almost breath out of relief but you were still tense because Minho hadn't said anything yet.
"I get that you must be…angry with me. It's reasonable but I have my own reasons, I think they are pretty valid if you want to hear them out?" 
You finished, your throat closing up afterwards and you felt like you'd pass out from how fast your heart began beating.
"How did you get injured like this? First, tell me that." He finally spoke, wrapping a sterile white bandage around your fingers after the ointment.
He carefully finished wrapping and tied a knot, making sure it wasn't too tight as he looked at you questionably, to which you shook your head.
"It's stupid. Really." 
"I know you're stupid but—"
"I fell." You let the cat out of the bag and diverted your gaze, his movements pausing to process your words as if he heard wrong.
"Don't lie to me. Did someone bully you and beat you up—"
"I was coming to the dorms from my "study" session at the cafe that's like twenty minutes away from here, when I went to the grocery store for…stuff. And after I got what I needed, I was heading here and I was uh…preoccupied with something that I didn't see what was infront of me, so I stepped on it and then I tripped on my own feet and next thing I know my face was kissing the ground, then when—"
"You're telling me this was all because of your clu—"
Minho shut up after that and pressed his lips into a thin line while you continued,
"As I was saying, I couldn't see what it was and it already hid in the dark when I flashed my phone's light, I saw it was a cat and then I felt bad for stepping on its tail, I went back and got some tuna for it at the store, I gave it to her but I think she was still upset so when I went to pet her, she scratched my fingers, which is why my hand is also injured."
"And oh, I ended up here by accident because I entered your dorm building while I was making a run for it and realized it too late, I didn't want to get caught so I thought of just asking whether I could hide in your dorm until the advisors stopped their rounds."
You breathed out heavily, your chest hurting from the lack of oxygen for saying all that in one go but you didn't want to embarrass yourself by thinking too much about it and just wanted to let it all out in go.
You moved your gaze back to Minho's when you noticed how quiet he'd gotten afterwards, having been looking somewhere else when telling how you got in this situation.
Narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously, he averted his gaze elsewhere while you scanned his expression.
"You can laugh if you want to." Sighing you finally said and that seemed to work as Minho laughed at you.
You deadpanned him as he spoke in between his laughing "You are really the biggest klutz I have known, I mean all this all because of a cat?!"
Rolling your eyes, you lightly frowned and Minho noticing this, began calming down,
"Okay, Okay I won't laugh, I'm sorry." He breathed out as he cleared his throat and looked at you, biting his bottom lip to stop the giggles as he saw your expressions.
"Are we done here? I have to go back to my room too—"
"I haven't even treated your face yet!" 
Now it was your turn to shut up and you slightly pouted at his scolding tone, 
"As hilarious as your little story is…you need to be more careful. Like this is kinda crazy to get hurt like this by just falling."
"Okay, mum got it." You mocked him and he glared at you, pressing the soaked cotton pad onto your cheek out of nowhere.
"You should have already known—"
He ignored you as he continued to clean up your wound, your words being replaced with quite literally having to bite your tongue to control the hisses of pain.
"Now, now please shut up and stay still." 
You wanted to cuss at him again, claiming this was abuse but the look on his face challenged you to dare to pipe up again.
Instead, you just sighed in exhaustion, letting him finish his unnecessary kind act that was again questionable if it were out of his supposed kindness or convenience.
"Now there, all done." He placed the final hello kitty band-aid on your lip corner gently and you wished you could smile but that felt like a terrible idea as you remembered that even lifting up the corner of your right side made a sharp pain shoot up your lip.
"Thank you…I guess." You murmured softly to which a smug smile formed on his face, 
"I didn't hear you, could you please repeat that for me?" He pretended to be in thought of what you said when he clearly heard you due to your proximity.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and swallowing down the bitter taste on your tongue, having to put your ego down a little at this point.
"I said." 
"Thank you for this. Thank you for…helping me. Even when you didn't need to." 
Even if you couldn't see it because you'd been looking elsewhere but him, he had a tiny smile on his face as he watched you.
"Anytime clumsy idiot, if it weren't me to handle your clumsy ass, then who?" 
It was probably meant as a joke, maybe a taunt even but your heart took it in a different way as you felt the familiar butterflies flutter.
"Minho seriously stop it, you shouldn't just say things like that." 
He'd begun winding up the first aid kit and the extra stuff that was there, when he heard you say that under your breath, which made him stop his task.
"Things like what?" He faced you now, his body in your direction as you froze up.
"Oh you know what I mean…stuff that can be taken into….a different context by…people." You awkwardly said, trying to dodge your way out of what you actually meant.
"Do enlightenment me, you know about the context of this." He leaned in closer to you, a smirk forming on his face and you frowned, gulping thinking of what to say next.
"Uhm…well." Biting your lip in thought, the floor seemed like a better place to focus at.
Minho's eyes softened at that, deciding he'd rather not tease you more.
"You know, I still don't get why you have been ignoring me for two weeks. Actually, everyone for two weeks." He blurted out what he really wanted to ask since he'd been able to talk to you properly after this long.
"At first, I thought that maybe you were busy but after the first 4-5 days, I figured you'd been purposefully avoiding me." He said as he looked down and you could feel the guilt creeping up all over again.
"Look. What is something I did?" He asked you with a tone of regret looking at you to see if your expression would reveal anything and as you held eye contact, what made you snap was the sincerity in them.
"No! No, it's not you…well, it is about you but not because of you? It's me though! I am the problem here." Staring at him got too much so you just decided to stand up and avoid looking at him when you spoke. The proximity was also getting to your head and the musky yet expensive smell he wore was suddenly so strong it made you dizzy.
You began racing back and forth in that small space, as you thought of how to explain and you didn't even grasp you'd been rambling the whole time, your hands moving in gestures as actions to your words.
"I sort of just noticed something about me and it got a lot since I never really felt like that way and it's crazy because it is also unexpected—"
Minho stood up and stood in front of you, holding you by your shoulders, genuine concern on his face when he scanned your distressed look.
"Okay calm down, if you don't feel comfortable explaining anything right now, you can just rest and you can tell when you do feel like it."
He raised an eyebrow at your answer and you continued,
"I think… I want to say it." 
He dropped his hands from your shoulders, letting them rest by his sides as you looked into his eyes.
For that moment, you just now perceived how close you were to him, taking in how handsome he truly was, you never admitted it but it was very obvious.
Your eyes momentarily paused on his lips, maybe looking at them for longer than one should and before you could trail your gaze lower to the dip of his throat in his hoodie, you paused at his Adam's apple that bobbed up and down as he swallowed.
Even though he'd been the one who got close to you like this, Minho still felt a little nervous when you looked up at him like the way you were right now.
"Turn around." You ordered before you could even think about it and confusion flooded his face.
"I won't be able to say it while looking at you so please."
Pausing for a brief second, he turned on his heel now facing the greenish bluish wall.
"You know if you want to confess to a murder, you don't need to be afraid, I'll help you hide—"
"I think I'm in love with you." You exclaimed, ignoring his words as you stared at the back of his head.
He was not that taller than you, just by a few inches or so but it was just the right height.
Immediately, you noticed him shut up and tense up as his shoulders straightened.
"I personally never thought it'd be you out of all people but fuck, it's not like your heart lets you decide who you should fall in love with." You tugged at the uninjured hand's sleeve while you used your other to brush your hair behind your ear.
"As cheesy as that sounds. I don't know when it happened or how it happened but I do know when I knew. It was when you bought food for me when I was upset and it was everything I liked. Or maybe it was when despite being cold yourself, you'd offered me your sweater and gosh you just know how to pull at one's strings don't you?"
"I'll admit though, I was annoyed by you and your…attitude and I still will be but it's just that, crazily enough I think that's just one of the reasons I fell for you."
"You're many things Minho, stupid, annoying as fuck, bitchy at times as well, but you're also sweet and caring when you want to be. And now I am just rambling at this point so I'll just shut up."
You pressed your lips into a thin line, the ground a great place to put your attention, your cheeks warming up and you swore you felt like you'd faint then and there.
It was like the atmosphere took a change after your confession and momentary rant. A lingering silence that felt loud and you really didn't know what to think.
Can I die at this moment right now? Dropping dead sounds so tempting.
"...can I uh…turn around now? To you know…talk?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously your eyes snapped to him, widening when you recalled that he was still facing the wall.
Groaning at the fact that you forgot he was not facing you, you coughed out awkwardly,
"Yeah! Of course…you can."
You held your breath as you waited for him to turn around, and when he did, you couldn’t even look at him.
Minho honestly didn’t know what to think, say or do.
Because what can you say after the person you’ve been pining over since the past few months suddenly confessed their apparently reciprocated love to you?
He thought he’d been doing a decent job hiding his feelings so he doesn’t need to face the brutal rejection fear we all get when we have a crush on our supposed ‘enemy’. But it got harder for him as time went by, and soon enough he found himself completely head over heels for you.
Taking his obvious silence as your answer, your heart grew heavier at the lack of response and you spoke up, breaking the blanket of quietness.
“I suppose you don’t feel the same way so I should probably just go anyways it’s getting late, just…forget I said anything-”
You began to slowly take a few steps back, making sure you wouldn’t fall and injure yourself again,
Minho’s head sharply turned towards you as his eyes widened in alarm, “Wait! You didn’t even let me say anything!”
Pausing in your steps before you could swiftly turn for the door and exit as quick as you could, now a sheepish look on your face as you saw his slightly annoyed and alarmed look.
“Well, I just assumed your silence was an answer?”
He crossed his arms now a few feet away from you as he was already making his way towards you.
“There you go again with you and your assumptions! You really should let someone speak at least.” He sighed rubbing the gap between his brows with his index finger.
He moved closer to you, now only an arm's length away from you, “Look at me, please?”
You had to raise your head a little to look him in the eyes and you felt like you could get lost in them, one hand was on your side, clenched in a fist out of nervousness.
“Who said I didn’t feel the same?” He asked so casually as if asking for your name and you could only gape at him at the implications.
“Because I definitely know that,” He gulped as he looked down at you, feeling like his heart might just jump out of his chest at what he was about to say.
“I am in love with you, maybe a little or by a whole lot. A whole lot I swear I can feel my heart jump just at your presence. I didn’t say anything because honestly, I thought this was another dream I was having, I had to pinch myself to make sure. But I do feel the same, possibly more than you ever will.” 
Your jaw might as well have been on the floor at his unexpected confession, frankly, yours was also something you didn’t think you were going to say, but you said it because you couldn’t keep it in you anymore.
“Hold on, what do you mean by another dream?” You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously, deciding to mess around with him but in reality, you were soaring and your heart probably long leaped out of you in pure euphoria.
“Out of all that, you picked up on only that?!? Did you just- just completely dismiss the fact that I am in love with you as well?!”
Giggling at his expression, you couldn’t contain your happiness as he fell for your joke and once he realised that he glared at you half-heartedly,
“You think you’re so funny huh? Do you even know how hard it was for me to say that? I almost fainted for fucks sake!”
You laughed even more at that, having to hold your stomach with one hand as you leaned forward and at the sound of your laughter, his own smile he’d been trying to control showed as he rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head.
“You seriously know how to make a guy have a heart attack.” 
At this, you looked up at him stepping even closer as you bopped his nose,
“But you literally just confessed to being in love with me and you can’t take back what you said now.”
A comical squeak arose from you as he wrapped his arms around your waist out of nowhere pulling you closer, gently moving your injured hand on his shoulder to make sure you didn’t get hurt and you moved your other one around his neck.
It wasn’t like he’d never touched you, but still, the spark of electricity shooting through your entire body didn’t change one bit and it felt the same for him as the warmth radiating from you seemed to engulf him as well.
Staring at him, your eyes trailed to his lips and you moved closer, wanting to just,
Before you could even close the distance, you felt a finger on your lips and heard him whisper to you,
“No, no, you can’t kiss me right now, as much as I want to, you first need to let this heal.” He tenderly poked the right corner of your lip where you’d forgotten you were hurt at the moment.
Pouting slightly at that, Minho chuckled and before you could whine, he swiftly leaned forward and pecked your lips, lingering for a second before pulling back,
“That’s all you get, for now.” Sighing you just nodded, knowing it was for the best.
“You know you still have to make up to me for ignoring me for two weeks, I mean not only me but I’m sure Kitty’s ready to kick your ass as well, I heard she was planning to threaten to burn  your giraffe socks if you didn’t talk to her.”
Suddenly a realisation hit you when you remembered something,
“...I suppose she’s already executed her plan.”
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
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mayhemories · 1 year
Neteyam x reader dealing with the change between the forest and the reef. Fluff plssssssss but also kinda smutty.
I don't know how to describe it but can the reader want to mate with Neteyam bc they haven't yet and the reader doesn't know how to bring it up. and she is like worried about being a virgin
idk i cant stop thinking about Neteyam x reader sex on the beach
(doesn't have to be like actual smut if you are uncomfy)
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What A Blessing
Oh, thank you so much for the request! I really enjoyed writing it. I hope I did it some kind of justice. I didn't commit to the smut in this part, but I was kinda envisioning a smutty pt 2. to this fic, so let me know if you'd want that <3
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: Spicy Fluff? Straight Fluff. Neteyam has 1 (one) dirty thought, god forbid, let him live. Reader has a chat about sex and mating. 
Words: 2.6k
Author’s Notes: 
Minors DNI (no smut explicitly but still not for you guys, okay?) 
Listened to How Can I Make It OK? - Wolf Alice, nonstop writing this. So if you want the vibe, there it is.
Neteyam is 19, reader is 18/19, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tsireya are 17. Lil Tuk girl queen is the same age as the movie because I will protect her childhood. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read below the cut:
Having Neteyam as your promised mate was a blessing. Having the security of someone so beautiful, strong and kind was priceless. A blessing. Having the Sully family as your fortress: Jake as your father-in-law and the Olo'eyktan, Neytiri as the mother you only ever dreamed of, Mo’at and all her teachings, the wisdom of the T’sahik that she instilled in you, for the future. Lo’ak as the annoying thorn in your side, but a thorn that opened your eyes to new sides of Pandora, nonetheless. Kiri as your sister in spirit, someone who felt Eywa like you did, someone who did not forget the power of her strength during hardships. And little Tuk, someone who made you laugh, and play and sparked the power of your imagination like it had been when you were little. 
And of course, your beloved Neteyam. With his broad chest, and broader smile. Honey eyes that could spring from docile to alert and tracking in seconds. With his sweet laugh and sweeter, protective nature of his siblings and his clan members. Being Neteyam Sully’s love was a blessing, was a strong fortress. Being in love with him was simple and easy. As was loving his family. Everything was perfect. 
Until it just wasn’t anymore. 
“No, Neteyam” you sighed. Sitting on the side of your shared bed, Neteyam kneeling in front of you, your hands weaved together. “I don’t understand.” your voice was soft, the tears streaking down your face were softer still. 
“My love, my father has decided,” Neteyam spoke softly, as if not to frighten you. “I must leave, my family must leave for the safety of the clan, for their longevity.” You loosed a sad chuckle, shaking your head sending rouge braids that Tuk has made flying around the perimeter of your face. 
“No, Neteyam, I don’t understand why you are talking like I am not coming with you.” You felt something fierce awaken in your small, beating heart. You were rarely like this, but when you were, Neteyam knew there was no point. 
“My love you know you can go anywhere, do anything you choose, I will never be able to stop you.” A sweet smile graced his lips, sighing he continued, “you know my only wish in this life is to keep you safe.” 
Gently, you wiped your face clean of salty tears, bending down to meet him on the floor of your sleeping quarters. You held Neteyam’s eyes with your own. And he knew in that moment, that he could never be parted from you. In this life and the next, he would always be with you. 
“I will always be safe when I am with you, Neteyam.” 
Finally landing the Ikran on the sand was instant relief to you. Your thighs were chaffed and your skin felt so dry like you had been whipped, skin peeling, ripped from the constant barrage of the coastal wind. Dismounting, your legs felt wobbly, like a baby taking its first steps. Neteyam kept his hands on your waist, stabilising you. You were no hunter, no rider really. That was all Neteyam. But, a keen herbalist, forager, spiritualist. You were his balance, or rather, you were supposed to be his T’sahik. 
The sun was so warm on your skin as you waited for the leaders of the Metkayina to accept your plea for refuge. You did not know if it was the delirium from the long flight, or whether the anxiety of being turned away caught up with you, but you felt like you were floating in and out of existence. One moment you were standing, the next walking with all your belongings to your new home, the next you were sitting in the intricately woven marui pod, unpacking everything and anything that meant something to you. 
Neteyam’s hands, calloused from the Ikran’s reigns and the grooves of his bow, found your slumping shoulders. Small circles being rubbed into your mistreated skin. 
“My love, are you happy?” Neteyam whispered over the sensitive curl of your ear. 
“Can I be honest with you, Neteyam?” You asked, turning to face him. He scanned your face for any signs of anxiety, happiness, indifference. Tightening his brows, as well as the grip on your shoulders. 
“Of course, always.” 
You smiled at that, he was still the same, despite it all. 
“I am worried I will not thrive here, that I will be dead weight.” You wrung your hands and wrists, head cast down, to escape his gaze, but also in shame, admitting your fear to him. To Neteyam. Your perfect Neteyam who could do no wrong. 
“I’m too worried, that I will be dead weight.” Neteyam sighed. Your head sprung up, confused. Your hands found either side of his face.
“Are you stupid or something?” Neteyam smirked slightly, his hands snaking up to rest on yours. “Neteyam, everything you touch turns to gold, you can’t really fail at anything.” He laughed at you, a proper stomach laugh.
“Care to share that tidbit with my father when you get a chance-” Rolling your eyes, you cut him off. 
“Neteyam, I’m serious.” You felt yourself starting to pout. 
“Take some of your own advice, huh.” Neteyam captured your eyes again. With a small peck on your pursed lips, he whispered: “You have medical training, you have intelligence and a strong heart.” One of his hands rested on your chest, roughly where you knew your heart would be. “You are connected to Eywa, you are connected to me. Forever.” You couldn’t help but smile. Oh Jesus, Neteyam he always knew exactly what to say. “My love Eywa will never turn her back on you, and I will always protect you from anything that might come.” 
Loving him was so easy, especially when he said things like that. 
He held your hands as you both stood up. 
“Now, let’s get some fresh water into you.” You chuckled, you knew you were dehydrated beyond belief. “And maybe some salve for that chafe too, huh.” He chuckled at you, pinching your side as you giggled, leaning into his safe arms. 
A blessing. 
The days quickly burned into weeks, the weeks into months. Your training with Tsireya and Ao’nung went well, to your surprise. You found breathing easy, as you could imagine the lungs filling and deflating. Though, Kiri teased you that Eywa decided you must be good at everything. Yet, all you saw was how naturally it came to Kiri and Tuk, themselves. You’d never admit it to Neteyam, but you preferred riding the Ilu. 
It came a bit harder for Neteyam and Lo’ak, but they were dedicated. Neteyam wanted to uphold the promise he made to Jake, that he would pull his weight, stay out of trouble, and bring no shame to the family. Lo’ak was driven by holding Tsireya’s attention. Which, you decided, wasn’t the worst idea Lo’ak had ever had. 
You liked Tsireya, Ao’nung… not so much, though after his big fight with Lo’ak and Neteyam, he had been more tolerable to be around. 
Tsireya and you sat side by side on the sand. You talked about anything and everything. She would often help you with your hair, and you would often help her with Lo’ak. You both had been trained as Tsakarem and loved the Sully boys. As different as they were, you knew better than anyone else, all Sully boys were the same breed.
Her fingers were in your hair, trying to get Tuk’s random braids and beads out before she properly weaved your hair into some kind of intricate braid pattern. 
“How did you know Neteyam was the one?” Tsireya asked, though you knew she sat right with you, you knew her mind was thousands of miles away, with a certain Sully. You giggled, knowing that you were like this once. Maybe, you still were like this, though your love for Neteyam was not so young and fresh and scary, all at once, like Tsireya and Lo’ak. 
Neteyam was running down the beach with Tuk, he felt sorry that he had not spent as much time with her as he used to. They collected every shell that she deemed pretty enough, placing them into a makeshift bucket Neteyam had fashioned out of a palm husk. 
“Look!” Shouted Tuk, Neteyam expected another pretty shell, but he looked up to where his little sister was pointing. “It’s (y/n) and Tsireya.” Neteyam smiled at her happiness, but also at how happy and content you looked. 
Giggling with your newfound friend, talking animatedly, using your hands, as you so often did when you were passionate about something. You looked so carefree in the late afternoon light, the pale pink hue stretching out across the sand. Neteyam realised, you finally looked your age. So young and full of life. 
The inappropriate edges of his mind could not help but think about mating you on the sand, then and there. All the mewling sounds that he knew he could coax from you, if only he was given the chance. 
He quickly shook his head, as if to throw the image out of his brain and onto the sand. He refocused on Tuk again. 
“Hey, don’t bother them yeah?” Neteyam said softly, holding a shell out for Tuk to take. “They look like they’re having fun.” Tuk twisted her nose up, but eventually agreed, digging her little fingers back in the sand, sifting to find the prettiest shell, just for you. 
“So,” Tsireya started again, still doing your hair. You watched Neteyam and Tuk, further down the beach. Your heart was warm, blooming in adoration for him all over again. “You love Neteyam that much, but you two are yet to mate” all the blood pooled into your cheeks, across your nose and the tips of your ears. Talking about your virginity with Tsireya was new, but not unwanted, you supposed. “How come?” She finished your hair, sitting across from you, cross-legged like children in lessons. 
“We haven’t spoken about it really.” You started, playing with your new braids shyly. “Neteyam was very sought after back home, I am not entirely sure what he did and did not do with others.”
Tsireya covered her mouth while she giggled softly, you mirrored her actions, still shy to be broaching the topic at all. 
“And you?” She asked. You quirked your eyebrows in confusion, not really sure what she was asking. “Have you ever done anything? With Neteyam or otherwise?” 
You knew you must be almost purple in the face, the blood pooling behind your deep blue skin. 
“We kiss of course, but that is all.” You kept your eyes on Neteyam further down the beach, worried the ocean breeze would carry your conversation. “so far.” you added, hastily, in case the wind did betray you. 
Tsireya looked behind her, at Neteyam and Tuk, and then back at you and your eyes, full of longing for the elder Sully boy. 
“Neteyam! Tuk!” Tsireya called out, you hissed. 
“Ah! What are you doing?” You still felt nervous after admitting these things aloud to Tsireya. 
“Come join us!” Tsireya ignored you, but beckoned the two Sully’s over. Tuk came bounding, a bright smile on her little face, braids bouncing as she ran. 
“We collected shells for you! And for mommy too.” She said proudly. Showing off her palm husk full of shells, some stunning, truthfully. Others were broken or chipped. But to Tuk, they were beautiful all the same. 
Neteyam sat next to you quietly, thighs brushing. You felt like you were going to pass out, still embarrassed from the conversation with Tsireya, which Neteyam knew nothing about. But his presence, though usually a blessing, was too much. 
“Oh wow!” Tsireya exclaimed, causing Tuk to smile wider. “Shall we take them to show your mommy? I feel like she would want to see them!” Tsireya asked Tuk in a sing-song voice. They stood up so quickly, Tsireya holding hands with Tuk, Tuk leading the charge back to the village. 
You were lost for words. Tsireya had set you up, alone, with Neteyam, just before eclipse. She confirmed this with a sly wink thrown over her shoulder. You couldn’t help but stare at their retreating figures.
It was stupid really. Neteyam was your promised mate, your love, your everything. And a few words exchanged in confidence with your best friend regarding your lack of sex life has caused you to be in shambles. 
Neteyam could see the remnants of blush resting upon your high cheekbones. And, he’s not stupid, he saw Tsireya’s pointed wink. Putting a braid behind your tinted ear, he started:
“So, what did you two talk about? You seemed like you were having fun.” Neteyam smiled, elbowing you in the side. 
Loving him was so easy, why couldn’t mating be easy too? Why couldn’t having sex with him be the easiest thing to do? 
“Neteyam,” You released a breath you weren’t even aware that you were holding. “Have we not mated yet because of my lack of knowledge in pleasure?” It was a stupid question, you knew that. But you couldn’t get the seed of the thought out of your mind, now that it had been sown. 
Neteyam felt all the blood in his body rush to his face, it was his turn to blush he supposed. 
“How could you even think that?” He chuckled, holding your face in his hands. The heat of your face radiating outwards. “Do you think I have so much experience? Of course not.” 
You felt foolish now, so you leaned into it for once. 
“So you do want to mate with me then?” You asked, your voice only slightly louder than a whisper. 
Neteyam laughed. 
Not a sweet chuckle, or a nervous giggle, a full-blown laugh. 
You instantly retreated into yourself, not expecting him to laugh at you, despite the foolishness. 
“Oh Eywa, help me,” Neteyam started, seeing your embarrassed figure pulling your knees to your chest. “My love,” Neteyam grabbed your chin in his strong fingers, forcing you to look him in his amber eyes, now lust-blown and heavy-lidded. “I think about mating with you every day. It’s the first thing I think of in the morning, the last thing I think about at night, I dream of it, of you my darling.” His genuine confession set your heart racing, your blush fighting tooth and nail to be at the forefront of your face. “My (y/n) I couldn’t even witness you sitting on the beach with a friend without thinking about it.”
He always knew what to say. Loving him was easy. What a blessing. 
That mantra ran circles around your mind as you listened to him. 
“If I’m being honest, we have not yet mated because I am scared,” Neteyam spoke softly again as if his admission was going to float away in the breeze. “I am scared that one day you will wake up and want to leave me.” His voice broke slightly. 
You audibly gasped, this boy. 
“Neteyam, you know I would never leave you,” your fingers found their home in his hair, despite his grip on your chin. “I love you, I see you.” 
Neteyam smiled. The eclipse rapidly approached behind him, and in the moonlight, his skin glowed, he radiated such pureness, you never wanted to let it go. 
Never wanted to let him go. 
“I see you too, my love. Always” He kissed all over your face, making sure to get every freckle, every smile line, every inch. “We can mate whenever you want my love, whenever you want.” 
“Eywa has blessed me with you, Neteyam.” You giggled. 
You couldn’t wait much longer, you needed to mate with him. Entwine your bodies and souls for life.
As he kissed your lips with his soft, plump pair, all you could think of was, 
Loving Neteyam was easy, so easy, like breathing. It was natural, it was right, it was forever. It was a blessing, it was a fortress. 
You will never know what you did to be so blessed with the gift of Neteyam. 
Additionally, you also couldn’t wait to tell Tsireya.
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yanderambling · 1 year
Ahhh love your writing!! Can we get something for yan!ruler and their willing darling who's also their knight? Reader is pining towards their totally sweet and kind ruler and when the ball comes they're very sad cause now their Highness will dance with some noble and ofc fall in love and reader have never had a chance with the royalty anyway :((
But they didn't know those concerns were in vain🙂🙂
i'm so happy to hear that! and what a wonderful idea, thanks so much for sending it!! i may have taken it in a slightly different direction, but i hope you enjoy <3
concept: Submissive Monarch!Yandere(gn) x Pining Knight!Reader(gn)
words: ~1.1k
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, slight manipulation, this one's actually p tame lol
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You hadn't been working for Aschanti very long when they promoted you to their personal guard.
You were honored by the trust your noble ruler had in you, and you still work tirelessly to ensure that trust was not misplaced; the last thing you'd want to do is disappoint your dear sovereign.
Aschanti is a righteous and just power, they're clever and virtuous and surprisingly kind, to boot. You admire them immensely, and you're grateful every day for the privilege of being in their royal majesty's presence while you keep them safe and secure.
You couldn't be happier to be by your ruler's side all the time now.
Well... almost all the time.
You struggle at times like these, these high-class social gatherings where you have to watch them dazzle and charm (more so than usual), where they play nice and rub shoulders with the elites.
It just makes the divide between you two so much more prominent in your mind; you feel terribly out of place as a working hand among all these elegant nobles- and watching half of them squabble for Aschanti's attention is just the icing on the bitter cake.
They could have anyone they want, any of those beautiful scions that look so natural in all their fineries, that move with unfaltering grace and poise, that hold high status and social connections.
Why would they ever choose you?
You were meant for the sidelines, a lowborn made to stand in the shadows and keep your divine ruler safe while they live out their life before you.
You’ve known this for ages, and remind yourself often. But, unfortunately, this knowledge cannot seem to stop you from dreaming.
If only you stood a chance with them…
Aschanti has desired you since the first day you reported for duty.
You were so earnest, so absolute in your dedication to the crown, to them. And they could tell, they've seen countless knights pull the "happy hardworking hero" act to get in their good graces, but not you. You were real. You truly just wanted to protect them, to pledge your life to their rule, to defend their body and name alike based on only your ideals and instinct (you seem to rely on those for most decisions, and you’re very often right).
They put you on their personal guard almost immediately (which is lodged within the castle, naturally), terrified now at the idea of being so far from you after having been blessed by your glorious presence.
They always feel so comforted when they see your silhouette standing in their periphery, they lose their breath when they watch you scrutinize new persons for potential threats, their chest sets alight when they hear you shifting outside their bedroom door on your night guard (how they long for you to just come in one night and sweep them away...).
You make them feel safe, down in their very bones, until their head gets fuzzy and they just want to collapse into you and let you move and manipulate them however you desire.
They want nothing more than to be with you, to let you protect and take care of them forever, to let you have them, utterly and completely.
But they could never lay themself bare like that, especially not in front of you.
How disgraceful, for a monarch to want such perverted things from their guard, to yearn to be dominated by their own knight. They can't begin to imagine what the world might think- the council, their allies, the social elite- but that's absolutely nothing compared to their fears about you.
God, they wouldn’t be able to look you in the eye if you knew what they thought every time they see your muscles flex while you train, or when you place a gentle hand on the shoulder before walking ahead, or when your eyes get that thrilling, stony look when you focus on a task- they would cede their entire empire for you to look at them like that for just a minute while they knelt at your feet.
But then you would never look at them the same. You'd never respect them again. You’d likely be so disgusted that you would resign, and then where would they be?
They’d have to detain you somehow, of course, make up a collusion or the like; they know they would simply waste away in your absence, so leaving is just not an option.
But then still, you would never again gaze at them with those sparkling, idolizing eyes. You would never again toss them that encouraging grin that near blinds them every time they see it. You would never again see them as the honorable ruler you've looked up to since the beginning.
You would never love them.
No, it’s too risky.
At least they can still be with you like this, choking on their desire to melt into you at any given moment, desperately trying to maintain the illusion of respectability when all they can think about is your fingers around their throat.
It gets especially hard during the balls and what all; how can they even pretend to care about any of these highborn frivolities when you're standing mere feet away, watching them with those sharp, intoxicating eyes?
Funnily enough, you’re also the only thing that gets them through these circus acts.
Aschanti is always subtly watching you during these social events; they’ve perfected the art of staring as soon as your gaze shifts and looking away right before they're caught, it's kind of thrilling.
They entertain petty conversation as they recall the water that dripped down your neck when you chugged it after training yesterday, they laugh at bland jokes and picture your enchanting smile, they allow the occasional noble’s heir to place a flirtatious hand on their shoulder and imagine it’s your calloused fingers stroking their collar (they notice how you stiffen at the sight, how your lips purse and your hand tightens around your staff- it makes their blood pound just thinking you might be… oh, god, jealous over them. Maybe they lean into it a little, just to see your gaze harden. Oh, to think of all the ways you could punish them for their impertinence!)
It's still incredibly difficult for them, though.
They yearn for you every waking second.
They curse the inches between you when you stand in your place at their shoulder, they bask in the heat of your hand when you place it on their back to guide them, they imagine falling into your reassuring arms at the end of the day and try their best not to lose their composure each time.
Being with you is such sweet torture, one that they could never relinquish, because being without you would be closer akin to death.
If only you knew what they'd have you do to them...
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post ~
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hungharrington · 10 months
Please send help im PLAGUED by thoughts of giving Steve the sloppy blowie of his life like him sitting on the sofa and being between his legs looking up at him with all the love of the world bc he deserves it!! he deserves to be loved!! and yes ofc i wanna get facefucked but yk it's about the sweetness!!! like looking up at him with teary eyes, smiling with ribbons of spit still connecting us, resting my cheek against his cock even though it's messy or precisely because it's messy, and just adoring him. Ik he'd have the orgasm of his life!! so overwhelmed by love and sweetness but also the intimacy and how hot he is <333
plagued fucking inDEED my god sorry this took absolute months my love so i hope u enjoy this! hoping 2 write a little more in next couple weeks so feel free 2 pop in my inbox! gn!reader, oral (steve receiving), luv <3 as always, MDNI this entire blog is 18+
There’s a tremble in his thighs.
Steve can’t help it, the muscles pulled taut as he tries his best to keep his hips from rolling forward. Your mouth is hot and glossy, lips stretched his cock, and Steve is in fucking heaven.
He can feel his chest flushing hot at the mere on sight of you on your knees before him. You look a dream, down to just your panties and bra in that colour that suits you so fucking well.
But it’s not that that has him feeling so unraveled so quickly. It’s the adoring look in your eye— peering up at him through your lashes, the faint teary eyed look, while his cock weighs heavy on your tongue.
You’ve been working him up for god knows how long, stroking and licking, aiming for that state you go crazy for; all whimpers and whines. He’s almost there, the buzzing lust the lingers under his skin dialling up and up.
“S-Shit, baby.” Steve curses, fingers in your hair tightening as you take him back down, your spit drooling down the length of him. Fire flares hot in his tummy. His hips buck up, searching for more heat to bury into and you take him gratefully. Steve groans, low and jaggedly.
“F-Fuck,” He says, the beginning of a whine sinking into his voice. “Oh, fuck— ngh— I can’t-”
His grip in your hair gets that little bit tighter and you can see the quiver in his thighs increase as he holds himself back from fucking into your mouth. It takes effort. You reward him with a soothing stroke up his thigh, a hand coming up to play with his balls.
It makes him whimper, sharp and high, and you can tell the thrust up of his hips is involuntary — Steve’s hushed and hurried murmured apologies as his hand strokes sweetly over your hair.
You pull off, your hand taking the place of your mouth quickly. You pump it quickly, slicking your thumb over the slit, spreading the precum the beads there over and over.
“S’okay, baby,” You say, voice low and sultry. “Didn’t mean it, I know. You know this is lovin’ time.”
You kiss down his cock between your words til you reach the base, giving one or two to the crease of his tan thigh. You nuzzle in, enjoying the way it makes him quiver. His tummy has tightened up and his cock twitches, his beautiful eyes hidden away from you as his scrunches his face up.
“Stevie,” You coo. You lick up the length of him and tease the tip of his cock with your tongue, your free hand soothing along his hairy thigh again. “Open your eyes f’me, please.”
He does as you ask, brown eyes peeking up. He’s positively flushed, cheeks scarlet and chest bearing that very shade. It rises and falls with his breath and his tummy rolls, clenching and unclenching as you see him hold back from fucking his hips up into your slow moving hand. You think you could watch him like this for hours.
“Good boy,” You praise, delighted in how a whine scrapes out his throat without warning.
“Just wanna say I love you,” You pout, hand on his cock increasing in speed, twisting and squeezing. Steve keens, his cock twitching violently in your hand and you have to push his hips back into the sofa with your spare hand to keep him still.
You lap at the head of his cock for a moment, kitten licks that drive him closer and closer to his edge. Whimpers fall freely from his lips.
“Love your cock,” you whisper, knowing he can hear you when you’re this close. The amount he’s leaking over your hand makes your motions loud and lewd, wet squelches as you pull him off. “Love making you feel good.”
“You do— christ, fuck, you make me f-feel so fucking good.” His breathes are all stuttering now, an indication of his rising climax.
You stretch your mouth around him again and moan at the feel of him, the salty precum dribbling from the head and the hardness that pulses against your tongue. His cock twitches in your mouth at the same time Steve cries out and throws his head back. His fingers flex tightly in your hair and a string of words fall out his mouth.
“I’m gonna— I’m gonna- oh fuck, aw fuck, baby— baby- mmfm, love you- I’m gonna—”
His hand flies to his mouth and he sinks his teeth into his knuckles, muffling the throaty groan he makes as his cum hits your tongue. You keep moving, suckling while your hand jerks him hard and fast, warm pulsating at your core as his moans melt into those whimpers and whines you adore. Poor baby, you think, because he always cums so much. You take it all, milking his orgasm and pulling every whimper and whine out as he shakes beneath you.
It takes another minute before he’s easing you off with a tug of your hair, breathless and looking fucking beautiful. You pull off and spit into your hand, wiping it on your thigh, just as out of breath as he. Still, you nuzzle closer and press a kiss to the inside of his thighs, then another, then another— til Steve’s urging you up as he leans down, his lips capturing your own.
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yuusishi · 1 year
Hiiii :D
Can I request Leona, Malleus, and either Lilia or Idia(I love them both and I cannot choose) with an s/o who frequently has nightmares and so they're constantly tired from the lack of proper sleep?
pairings : Leona Kingscholar , Malleus Draconia , Idia Shroud x gn!reader
genre : fluff , established relationships
cws/tws : none
a/n : I hope this got through well, I rarely have dreams but I have frequent sleep paralysis which feels nightmarish enough 💀 also new divider <3 this one is so cute
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Leona Kingscholar !!
He didn't really care until both of you became close, he knew college students were tired all the time so he thought you were just one of them.
He always noticed how your eyes were always drooping in every class except PE, shoulders always relaxed and your head tilting and then snapping up.
But when you two became friends and eventually partners, that's when the concern and curiosity started.
He would be blunt, "Oi Herbivore, you're starting to look like a racoon with those bags under your eyes, anything going on?"
He's mean, but that's just how he shows he's worried for you.
You were nervous telling Leona, thinking that he might find your reason for lack of sleep childish.
He blinked a few times, then asked if you wanted to sleep in his room in hopes it can relax you.
If he feels the space next to him shift harshly he'd wake up in a heartbeat, he won't say anything, instead slowly dragging you back down to lay down next to him again, this time his arms protectively around you.
He'd try to attend your classes to keep an eye on you since half the time you're in class you look like you're on the verge of passing out.
The teachers are thanking the stars that Leona’s finally attending class, but they notice that if you’re not there then he isn’t either…
You sleep in his room 99% of the time now, even if your nightmares have lessened already.
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Malleus Draconia !!
Before you explained to him your predicament he often thought you were deathly sick. He tried to get the specialist doctor for the royal family to go to NRC just to take care of you 💀
After you told him that nightmares are causing your lack of sleep, he put down his quill that was about to call the doctor over.
Now you have a new sleeping buddy!
Malleus decided that he will now be sleeping in your room until you both figure out how to solve your nightmare problem.
At first Malleus was confused how nightmares are able to affect a person this much, but chalked it up to the mentality of humans being weaker than faes.
While you sleep he secretly uses magic on you, nothing that can permanently change your state of mind but one that can hopefully give you a pleasant sleep.
He wants to use a spell on you to dispel all the thoughts that cause your nightmares, he really does, but the dangers of using a spell like that on a mere human scares him. He'd never be able to forgive himself if it harmed you instead.
He tries to get you to have small power naps between classes to give you more energy, the only exception is during lunch breaks since you need to use that for eating.
He's surprisingly strict with you getting sleep between classes, if you have to do homework he'll sit next to you to make sure you focus and finish it within the break.
Once you're done expect to be gently pulled down for your little morning/afternoon nap.
You remind him of Silver sometimes when he sees you've fallen asleep in the classroom or under a tree in the botanical garden.
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Idia Shroud !!
Thought you were kind of dead when you were having a particularly more sleep deprived day than usual.
After you told him of your current condition, he secretly went to work on a device.
A device that can release soothing soundwaves that you can't even hear from a naked ear! It's small too so you can carry it with you if you're going out of town.
Tries to say that it wasn't much trouble when you thank him, he definitely didn't spend the entire week trying to figure out how to make it quiet enough and how to make it tiny and lightweight.
Poor boy's hair is completely pink and flaming when you tell him you finally got a semi-good night's sleep thanks to his invention.
If you tell him that you want to sleep next to him to relax and be more comfortable, he actually died and ascended on the spot, that's why he's staring at you like he just saw a ghost.
"Idia...? Are you okay?" he realizes that he was staring and holding his breath "YES! I'm o-okay...and! You can sleep in my room..."
Usually people would sleep next to their partners at night, but Idia needed some more time to ready himself and that was time you were willing to give.
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yourangel137 · 1 year
Genshin characters having a crush on an oblivious reader
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Thank you so much for your sweet patience and kind words <3 I truly hope you like this @kana-dayo ! Have a very lonely day.
Pairing: Diluc, Kaveh, Thoma X GN!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1549 words
Type: headcanon drabbles
Summary: What would happen if these boys fall for an oblivious reader? How would he make them know he likes them?
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Despite how Diluc doesn’t always know how to show his love for you, never in his wildest dreams would he expect you to be this dense. Not only are you ignoring his small gestures and gifts, you’re even ignoring his very obvious compliments. He’s not the type to just compliment anyone about how gorgeous they look, or how their new clothes make them look pretty, how are you so blind to see he only gives you those compliments and nobody else?
Then the day finally came, today is the day he’s going to make it as obvious as he possibly can. Is he actually going to confess? Not really.. What if you don’t like him back? He first has to be sure you like him back before he can confess to you fully.
Just like usual he’s working behind the bar waiting for you to show up like you usually do, just so you can have a nice daily talk with the red head. Once he sees you entering the Tavern, he straightens his back and clears his throat. “Good day to you again, Y/N.” He calls out the usual daily greeting. Your smile widens, sparkles of happiness already visible in your eyes and you let yourself sit down at the bar. “Hi Diluc~”
He shows you his usual smile and nod before he proceeds to get you your daily drink. “Ah Diluc, I didn’t bring any money with me right now I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you back tomorrow if that’s okay?”
“Someone as gorgeous as you doesn’t have to pay me back for anything. It’s from me, drink it and just enjoy.” He shows you one of his gentle smiles again, a smile he rarely shows anyone, yet to you he seems to smile a lot more.
“Aww! Thanks Diluc, I appreciate that!”
Diluc sighs but shakes it off real quick as well, his compliment didn’t work again this time but he expected that already. “What do you have planned this weekend?” He randomly asked out loud(not really but he somehow gets shy at the thought of making it too obvious).
“I don’t have any plans actually, do you?” You take a sip from your drink and watch Diluc do his usual things. “Would you like to go out with me?”
You thought for a hot second before smiling brightly. “sounds like fun!! Shall I bring someo-.”
“Just you and me... It’ll be like a date, is that clear enough?” Diluc can’t help but turn around to hide his flushed cheeks, but now he also misses how flustered yours became.
Okay yes, he’s not the best at making it extremely obvious he likes you but.. to be so oblivious? Kaveh never knew it would be that hard to understand he’s trying to flirt with you. The way he holds your hand and presses a gentle kiss on the top of it, isn’t that flirting? Do you think he does that with everyone? He knew he had to think of some sort of plan to make you realize, yet the nerves in his body made it so hard to simply let it all out in front of you.
Today again he tries so hard to make you realize his feelings for you. The way he walks you around the town and shows you the prettiest places, once in a while compliments you for a random detail he simply adores about you and the way his hand ‘accidentally’ touches yours. Yet, you don’t seem to notice any of it, you’re too busy looking at the pretty places he’s showing you. “Do you like it here?” He asks, his nerves almost betraying him with a stutter.
“It’s super pretty here! Thank you for inviting me and showing me around these places!” Your bright smile seems to make his heart skip a beat, making him feel weak to his knees. But he knows, he can’t back off now.
With a slight blush painting his cheeks, he grabs your hand and pulls it up to his lips. Those soft lips of his, tinted with the slightest of pinks, presses a soft tender kiss on top of your hand. “Don’t thank me, I’d do it all over again if I could see you smile like that.”
“Aww! That’s very sweet~ Thank you!”
Immediately he lets go of your hand and shows you a look of pure shock and offense. Did you really not take such a huge hint that took him such a long time to think about??? “What’s wrong Kaveh..?”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve been trying over and over again to show you I like you and you’re over here ignoring all of it and still seeing me as a friend?”
“You like me...?”
Without a second thought, his palm slaps his forehead and a loud sigh leaves those pink tinted lips. “Yes! Would a friend kiss your hand like that?”
Your cheeks flush upon hearing his confession, you never thought he would like you back but knowing how blind you’ve been also makes you feel extremely embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I never thought you’d like me so I didn’t think about it like that.”
Kaveh bites his lip, slightly scared he made you sad after his explosive confession. Truthfully he never meant to confess this way but it ended up like this. “No, don’t say sorry. I’m sorry for confessing like that.. Truth is Y/N, I like you and I would really like to go on a date with you. Would you,,, like that?”
He knows he might not be the best at showing his interest in you, too shy to fully try out flirting with you. Yet deep inside he always hoped you took his small hints and realized he has a crush on you. However,, you don’t seem to take any of it at all. His shy compliments just seem to get in one ear and out the other as if you think it’s normal to be called such pretty names. Are you really that oblivious? This seems to be harder than he had expected...
With a bright smile on his face, he finishes preparing the tea for you both. It wasn’t every day that he could invite you to drink tea with him with homemade lunch as well. He worked his ass off this morning to make all your favourite snacks for lunch and to figure out the best plan to make you feel loved again. He knows he’s not the best yet at showing you affection without confessing but he’s still quite hesitant upon the idea of confessing to you. What if you don’t like him back? Would you feel awkward around him afterwards? Would it ruin everything you both already have? The long friendship between you both is not worth breaking over something as silly as a crush... Despite how in love he is with you. Yet, maybe if plan A doesn’t work, plan B could..
You enter the teahouse with a smile on your face. The place smells so good, you can’t help but get excited because you know for a fact Thoma made food for the two of you. “Oh honey! You’re early! Please sit down while I finish preparing our lunch, okay?”
You can’t help but send him a bright smile and a happy nod before you end up sitting at the table where he already put some snacks on. “It smells absolutely amazing here, Thoma!”
“Thank you~ I worked on it since morning so I hope you enjoy it.” He says, finally putting the last plate down on the table before sitting down as well.
You two have the usual small talk, but Thoma tries his best to call you nicknames (specifically for couples) in between there. You don’t seem to take the small hints again though and although Thoma is slightly sad about it, he won’t let this ruin his day with you. So he just tries something new instead, maybe it’ll work this time?
“You know.. You look gorgeous today, love.” He shows you one of his signature happy smiles. Still he doesn’t understand why it’s so hard flirting with you while it’s so easy flirting with others. Is it simply because he actually likes you?
You two end up enjoying your lunch together, Thoma tries his best to flirt with you in some way but you seem to be too blind to notice. In the end he just goes for plan B: giving you the letter he wrote for you. He grabs the letter from his pocket and hands it out to you. The envelope shows your name on it with small pink hearts surrounding it. He knows it’s cheesy, but he also knows it’s cute and that’s the exact reason he kept the hearts there. “Read it whenever you want to.. but I can’t seem to speak out these words to you in person..” The blush on his cheek is clearly visible by now.
“Oh! How cute~ Thank you! But why did you give me a letter?”
He looks away for a second, fiddling with his fingers a bit before looking back at it and saying: “It’s a love letter..” Well that surely did the job. You should know now that he likes you,, right?
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Thank you for reading <3
Much love,
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lilywastaken · 1 year
CC!DreamWasTaken, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!Wilbur Soot x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: CCs and their love languages <3.
WARNINGS: SFW! Fluff, Fluff, Fluff and fluff.
A/N: I'm alive!! Very late valentine's post, but classes and homeworks have been crazy :(( anyways, I hope these are good!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you for reading! <333 If you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to let me know, please!!!
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Physical touch — Dream thrives on your touch, whether it be a quick caress to his hand or one of his long required cuddle sessions. He loves the feeling of your skin on his (he's a bit touch starved, a global pandemic and being a faceless YouTuber will do that to you.), and will take any opportunity given to hold your hand when he walks along with you or sneak up behind you to press your body against his.
Due to him not using a cam on his streams, he sometimes asks (more like demands) you to pull up a chair next to him just so he can just feel you next to him, your hands playing absentmindedly with his free one, playing with his rings and slowly making your way onto his lap, where you have a better view of his monitors and an easier way to press kisses onto his freckled cheeks.
Words of affirmation — Much like any other person, Dream enjoys the simple reassurance that his partner appreciates him, a small "I love you." will cause him to shut down immediately. He as well is very vocal when it comes to his love for you, complimenting you on the daily and expressing how much you mean to him even when you've just woken up and you're pretty sure you're comparable to the girl from The Ring, but to him, you're breathtaking whenever and however.
He also likes the small moments you both spend at night in bed just whispering how much you love each other, soft giggles and the wet sounds of kisses resonating around the bedroom.
Dream's very fond of sending you short and sweet messages at random times of the day, even when you're a few inches away from him, he'll start giggling like a schoolgirl as he watches you read over his sappy message.
Quality time — He has a lot of free time on his hands when he's not working on content, and he prefers to spend it with you and his friends, going out to restaurants and just walking around, enjoying the time he can now spend outside without worrying about anyone recognising him.
Dream likes eating out with you a lot, before his face reveal dates consisted of whatever take out was available and some shitty movie Sapnap had chosen before falling asleep on the sofa. But now they consist of some fancy restaurant of his choosing and holding your hand over the table, thumb rubbing over your knuckles and talking about whatever.
Receiving/giving gifts — Dream LOVES spoiling you. I mean, have you seen how he acts with George? He's an unofficial sugar daddy for you both. He sees your eyes linger on some piece of jewellery or an item of clothing he thinks would look amazing on you, expect for it to appear in a little box or a bag on your bed the next day. He also goes all out on Valentine's Day, booking a table for two at a fancy restaurant and gets you a single rose, since he knows it's more meaningful than an extravagant bouquet of flowers (Don't let him fool you, he's given you many bouquets before.), and some small present he knows you'll love.
Like any other person, he likes receiving gifts, and can always count on you to get him something he will love, like a little teddy bear with a Sooners jersey one with his name on the back.
Acts of service — Although he's not very good at it, Dream does enjoy cooking for you at times, and although he does try and make the end product look fancy, you can always tell that it's box Mac and cheese or some fancy ramen he got out of a packet, but it's the thought that counts. He also is very keen on cleaning for you when he's over at your flat, he likes helping on mundane chores like washing and drying the dishes or lifting up furniture so you can reach those pesky corners full of dust.
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Physical touch — Sap is very big on physical touch, he enjoys being close to you in any way he can, brushing his hand against the small of your back when he walks past you in the hallway, melting in your arms when you come behind him while he's on his computer and hugging him from behind, he lives for your affection.
He's also very cuddly during your down time together, needing to have you in his arms whenever he's sitting or lying down on the sofa and subconsciously gravitating towards your own body during nighttime, hands grabbing at your waist to pull you into his warmth.
Words of affirmation — I don't see Sapnap really being in touch with his emotions until further into your relationship, so at the beginning, you'd have to be the one to initiate that type of communication with him, but he won't actively confirm his feelings until a few months into your relationship.
Once he's comfortable, he will spend hours at a time just lying in bed with you murmuring about how much he cares for you, loves you, appreciates you being with him.
He's the kind of person to ignore any previous texts you've sent him just to send out an "I love you" text and go back to ignoring you.
He does really enjoy being reassured about your love for him as well, please cup his face in your hands and tell him how much you love him.
Quality time — Sapnap spends a lot of his time playing video games, we know that, so he doesn't really get much one on one time with you that isn't hanging out on a discord call together or having you perched up on his lap doing your own thing while he shouts obscenities at the other players.
So when you two get your time together, he makes the best of it, taking you to ridiculous places you'd never have gone to before, fancy restaurants that would inevitably end up giving you food poisoning, or just lying with you on the sofa watching a movie until George comes in and ruins it.
He honestly doesn't really care what you two do in your spare time, having your hand in his and listening to your ramble on about anything is enough for him, no matter the place or time.
Receiving/giving gifts — Sometimes, just for shits and giggles, Sapnap just buys your entire wishlist and watches your reaction when tons of boxes arrive at your porch, laughing and snickering as you run after him to chastise him for using up so much money on you.
But he doesn't care, he has money for a reason, and he likes the sparkle in your eye whenever he gives you something or he accepts some gift from you, he just enjoys spoiling you AND being spoiled.
Acts of service — When it comes to him, it's the little things. Standing in the corner of the kitchen waiting for you to ask him to cut or peel something, holding the Christmas decoration box while another hand lays on your back making sure you don't fall as you hang baubles on the tree, washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen after you make a meal for the both of you, brining you snacks or a proper meal when you're working… Just small things that show his affection towards you.
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Physical touch — George is not that big on physical touch, but he won't actively run away from it when presented with a hug or a kiss from you. He's not the type of person to initiate touch out of the blue, he's the type to take it slow and move towards a nice cuddle session while taking it easy.
But when you finally get him to yourself, know that he will be putty in your hands almost immediately, head slotted in your chest and eyes drooping closed, your warm touch and soft kisses and reassurance enough to send this man to sleep.
He's also the type to roll his eyes or groan out in disgust whenever you kiss him in public or in front of his friends, but secretly gets nervous and giddy whenever he sees you lean in to press your lips to his or move your hand to grasp his.
Words of affirmation — George isn't really good at expressing his emotions, but he does show them through other ways like his actions. That doesn't mean he won't ever say "I love you" or tell you how much he appreciates you, it's just very rare for him to actually find the words and way to express them to you.
He finds it easier to communicate those kinds of things through text, so expect a few messages written in such a way that are able to rival those 16th century love letters randomly sent throughout the day.
Quality time — George doesn't spend much time streaming (as we all know) so he's got quite a lot of time on his hands to spend with his friends and you, whether it's just sitting next to you while you work doing his own thing or actively going out on a date or staying inside to play a game together ( he always loses but makes you think that he did on purpose ).
Also please be the one to organise dates, because although George does reservate date nights at nice restaurants or clear his schedule to take you somewhere, he will forget. You'll be in the middle of a cuddle session with him, half watching the movie, half focusing on your boyfriend's pretty face when he suddenly jumps in place, eyes wide as he shouts about a reservation he just remembered. But he tries, at least. He won't always forget your reservations, but there will be a few moments where he does act like a dumbass.
Receiving/giving gifts — This man likes being spoiled, that's a given. See how happy he gets when Dream just takes out his credit card unasked? He's a prince who loves to be spoiled by his partner. So don't hesitate to get him something, even if it's a small thing like a scarf or a piece of jewellery you think would look good on him, he will take it and appreciate it a whole lot, even if it's the most useless thing in the world, he'll love it. It came from you, one of the people he loves the most and will treasure it as if it's the crown jewels themselves.
Acts of service — He's quite lazy sometimes, but that doesn't mean he won't do anything for you. As stated before, he doesn't really show his love through words, so his actions are the way to show his appreciation for you. He does chores for you around the house, the dishes, cleaning up any dirty laundry he can find strewn across the floor, cooking any random shit he can find and trying his best to make it look appetising for you, etc.
But apart from those mundane chores, he also does more little things like Sapnap: helping you with your makeup or hair or clothes, trailing after you while you cook waiting to help, instantly taking over whatever task you're working on whenever you need a break, making sure you're week hydrated and rested when you spend more time than usual in front of a screen.
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Physical touch — Wilburs a very touchy person as he's confirmed himself, always finding his hand wrapping around yours or resting on your shoulders, pulling your back to his chest so he can rest his chin on the crown of your head, enjoying how flustered you get whenever he pulls that kind of shit in public or around your friends.
He immediately gravitates towards you whenever you're both in the same place/room, his eyes finding yours and sending you a flashing smile before scurrying towards you just to press himself to your side, hand running over your back and busying himself with drawing on your skin; or if you're facing away from him when he finds you, he'll grab your waist from behind and watch you scream out of shock before hitting his chest, snickering as he pulls you into his arms.
Words of affirmation — Wilbur is a fucking poet when it comes to his love for you, spending hours at a time at his desk writing sickengly sweet verses in his little notebook about you and how fucking in love he is, leaving his notes around the house just so you'll pick them up and read through them, smiling brightly whenever you bring them back to him and ask him about it. He's very open with his love, whispering soft "I love you"s into your ear at random times of the day, strumming idly in his guitar and trying to find some type of melody that fits in with all the beautiful words he's written about you. Also expect lots of compliments through text as well, a "you look breathtaking today" sent when he's across the room from you, a goofy smile on his face as he watches you read it.
Quality time — It's the little things for Wil, like the feeling of lifting you in his arms and peppering kisses across your face the moment after a concert ends, adrenaline rushing through his veins making him more brave than usual; taking you out to bars and pubs with your friends just so you both can curl into one of the leather sofas and sip your drinks together; sitting on your bed while you scroll through your laptop as he strums on his guitar, singing softly to you or asking for your opinion on whatever riff he just came up with.
You don't really get much one-on-one dates. Let me explain. Wilbur tries his best to get a nice restaurant reservation, and when he finally gets a table, he's waiting for you to show up with a bright smile and a positive outlook on the evening, only for you to end up arriving with Tommy or James somehow tagging along with Wilbur when he leaves the office. Doesn't mean you don't have a nice time, though.
Receiving/giving gifts — Wilburs not a big gift giver, so he doesn't really mind if you don't either, but he will appreciate it massively if you do. Get him a new guitar and his old one will be out of the window (not actually, he'd probably give it to Tommy or just mount it on the wall), or some new sweaters that look amazing on him and he'll just burn every other item of clothing he owns. He isn't one to never buy stuff for his s/o, though, you see something you like and don't think you have enough for it? He's waving his card in front of your face. Tommy comments on something he heard you say you wanted? It's showing up a few days later. Also does his best to go all out on holidays/birthdays.
Acts of service — Wil enjoys showering with you a lot. Like just rubbing in the shampoo into your hair and playing with your locks, then leaning down so you can do the same to him? Peak acts of service for him. Also making tea for you (or coffee, but his specialty is tea) and bringing it to you on a cold night, cooking some recipe he saw online and making sure it's perfectly done so you're able to stomach it, and just doing chores around the house while you work or are busy.
Also will melt if you do small things like change his guitar strings or clean his desk while you're at his office.
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lovedrruunk · 16 days
'Mango Letters ♡⸝⸝💌⊹˖➴
Venture (Overwatch) x GN Reader
[Established Relationship!]
Authors note!!!; DID U MISS MEEE??? also...IM SO SORRYYY!!!! BUT I THINK IM JUST GONNA START WRITING WHAT I WANT :((( i realized im sososo bad with requests like genuinely ughhhh!! Ill def do some every now and then tho! Anyways im just clearing out my drafts cuz I’ve come to the realization that this is literally tumblr and my posts don’t have to be perfect lmao, enjoy!!
75 days 18 hours 46 minutes and 3 seconds. That's how long it had been since you've seen your partner Sloan. Being with them you knew how devoted they were to their work and how much it required them to travel but on pretty days like this one when the weathers just right and the flowers are in full bloom and the sunset is the perfect hue of orange, you couldn't help but wish they were by your side.
And although they were thousands of miles away they always made sure to send you physical manifestations of their love.
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Through love letters of course!!!
It had been a tradition ever since they had started going on longer expeditions for them to send you things in the mail. So there in your shared closet in a cute little shoebox on the top shelf, laid all their feelings on coffee stained papers. Little crystals the same color as your eyes, maps with all the places they wanted to take you, polaroids of them doing silly faces, and your favorite part, the sweet scent of mango that came with it all.
And so although they weren't by your side, their feelings were. Their longing, their excitement, their thoughts, all in the palm of your hands covered in all types stickers and doodles.
Sitting outside on the porch of your shared home enjoying the calm breeze you smile holding the most recent letter delivered. Inhaling deeply catching the hints of mango as you carefully open it.
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Dear Beloved,
It's been so looong!!! I can feel myself aging without you! Hope this letter finds you well! Notice how I used "beloved"? Fancy huh? Arn't I just the most romantic partner ever? (don't answer that.) This is my fifth time trying to write this and it's annoying the crew so this is my last chance before they jump me... It's just so hard y'know!? It has to be perfect. Perfect for you. Is that cringe? That was cringe sorry! I miss you lots and I think about you all the time... You'd love Petra! A camel ate my shemagh... but It's whatever. I'll buy a new one tomorrow, I'll get one for you too so don't worry! Now that I'm thinking about it the days seem to be going by pretty slow and I'm not sure if I like it much. Like I said I miss you a lot and it stinks being away from you for this long. Can't you just book a flight over here? Can't you do that for me pretty pleaseee? That's ridiculous? Okay just say you hate me and never want me to come back, just say you don't love me at all and want me to get stuck in a cave foreva. Just kidding! or am I?... (I am! >ᴗ<)
I like to imagine you’re missing me really bad counting down the seconds till I get back, which by the way I am too so don’t feel the need to deny it! I can see it now… You all shriveled up like a raisin crawling on the floor going “sloannn… sloannnn…” because of how bad you miss me hehe. Just kidding again! It’s probably the opposite let’s be real… I’m going insane without you seriously, I started talking to the hieroglyphics yesterday and the crew even caught me tasting some rocks earlier (sos!!!!)
But speaking of, they’re rushing me to “turn the lights off already” what a bunch of buzzkills ammarite? Promise to show up in my dreams okay? Who am I kidding, you’re always there regardless. Sweet dreams ᥫ᭡ᥫ᭡
p.s they really wanna meet you!
p.p.s take care okay? I’ll be home before you know it!!!
Yours truly,
(so romantic!!!)
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
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ask — Can I ask you that the reader 💋 them while they are 😥 and 💙 in order to 😇 them, (I really hope this makes sense) Characters: Scaramouche & Xiao (This is my first time requesting something, hopefully I did it right ☠️) - requested by @oddshroom
a/n — this took me so unbelievably long to write but I'm working on my emoji asks now! okay so apparently I have no self control when it comes to writing scara so this ended up being 3k instead of 500≤1k so I'm making this separate from the xiao's. also dw love, you did it absolutely right so it was clear and concise <3
pairing — [ scaramouche x gn!reader + 💋 kissing them while they're 😥 having a nightmare and 💙 playing with their hair in order to 😇 comfort them]
edited by: my homegirl @xiao6ao
masterlist / xiao post / emoji prompt list
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Since when was the melody of screams this unpleasant? Or perhaps, maybe it was never a sweet tune to begin with.
The crackling of fire howled and filled his ears, yet he watched silently as the flames ate away at the wooden structure, devouring the joyous memories he created there. Ashes sprinkled the blazing air, scurrying around like fire flies and filling his lungs.
His breathing was shallow, huffs of air spilling from his chest and reminding him of how human he seemed. But he could never be human, not when his chest was but a hollow cavern, overflowing with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. His fingers trembled beside him, and subconsciously, he backed away from the dazzling light.
Why was he afraid? How could he be afraid? After all, he was the one who’d started the fire.
"N-No..." Scaramouche whispered, his eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the scene before him. "This... this already happened. Why am I seeing this again?" He looked to his palms— a desperate attempt at gathering his sense of self— but upon seeing his old attire, he found himself inarticulate.
This can't be. It was like he was back to being—
"Kunikuzushi," That voice... that was- "Why did you do this?" The child cried, clutching a familiar doll to his chest. It was threaded with such precision and care, casting in his mind a fond memory of the weeks he spent learning how to sew such a thing with his past friend.
Then the sight of the child’s charred skin hit him, and the endearing thought was discarded. He looked just as he did so long ago— sick, fragile.
But his eyes, oh his eyes told another story.
Scaramouche remembered his eyes, always full of wonder and curiosity, much like his own when he was just a fledgling. Those eyes that would beam up at him as the child tugged him away to a new discovery. Those eyes that would melt close as a smile formed on the child's lips. Those eyes, that were now boring holes into his own, absent of life and that childlike glee he was once accustomed to. Those eyes that were now swirling with fear, fear that was now directed at him.
"I didn't—!!" Scaramouche found himself choking, misery seeping into the depths of his chest and pouring out into his voice. He felt utterly nauseous at the sight before him, heaving breaths of uncertainty as hot tears began to spill from his indigo hues.
Shakily, he brought a hand to his mouth, searching for the words he wanted to say. "I didn't mean to... you- you broke your promise..."
The child took a step back, "Promise? What promise?" The puppet’s brows furrowed at the confusion on the child’s face, the air getting all the more jeering— threatening to strangle him— the longer they spoke.
"You said we were family. You said you would never abandon me," Scaramouche recalled. Abandon. Just the word sizzled and left a bitter taste on his tongue.
It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair at all.
“I didn’t abandon you,” the boy managed to retort, his voice scarcely a rasp. “I died!” He choked on a fit of coughs as he succumbed to the illness both his parents fell to.
Abandon… die…
Those were two completely different words, were they not? Yet, somehow, the discarded creation had found the two synonymous. The concept of death was still foreign to him all those years ago, and the timing was impeccable, as if someone were pulling the strings to all his misfortune. One betrayal after another. It was a deadly recipe of disaster that bubbled over into impulsive decisions and, finally, the roaring flames before him.
And now, he could only witness this village burn all over again— brick by brick, plank by plank— and watch the terror in the eyes of the one he called his friend, of the people he held close to where his heart should be, resurface from ashes long gone.
Damn it. It's not fair. It's not fair at all.
Another staggering step, and the flames began clawing at the child’s leg, searing deeper into his already charred skin. "Wait! Please!" Scaramouche shouted, lunging forward towards the kid now set ablaze and embraced in the wild, untamed fire. “Don’t leave me—" No, not “—again.”
But it was all in vain. He pleaded. He cried. He called, yet no one came.
His fingers crossed the child's, the doll slipping from the child's grasp and into the desperate puppet's hands. And without skipping a beat, the child burst into cinders before his eyes.
The ground kissed his knees as he collapsed, trembling hands digging into the veil that did little to shield him from the raging light. Within seconds, it was torn to shreds and soaked in the tears that he bled.
He wept, voice barely above a whisper. "Why couldn't it have been me…" Those tears, those pathetic emotions he harbored, why couldn't they stop? Why did it hurt so bad? Why did everyone leave him?
A dry, forced chuckle passed his lips that were drenched with the downpour from his eyes. He wiped them.
"Maybe I am just some faulty being." He looked up at the stars that watched in silence above him, ignoring his pleas for help. Gods… humans… even the stars were nothing but lies.
It was only then that a sensation ran down his neck, causing him to flinch from the sudden sense of touch. He whimpered despite trying his best not to, yet what he felt wasn't in the slightest unpleasant.
He leaned into it, eyes growing heavy with whatever was circling his skin, the pain that drenched him before growing numb as the flow of his tears drew softly to a stop. He felt small, yet safe under this eerie yet familiar touch, like an angel was embracing him and shielding him away from the tragedies that plagued the world.
A trickle of hope poured into him, flooding a soothing warmth through the chest that had been poisoned by a twisting ache. His fist unraveled the tattered veil, his hands now clinging onto something more plush and soft, though he couldn't see.
It told him he was fine. He was safe. He was sound.
The air caught his mind, now devoid of the screams that smothered him just moments before. Even the crazed laments of the fire ceased, replaced by the quiet pitter patter of falling droplets— none of which he felt.
What he did feel was something soft showering his face, warm and featherlike, and another delicate touch swaying back and forth over his cheek, creating a peaceful harmony within his settling mind.
Despite the heaviness in his limbs, he pulled himself closer, his legs rubbing against silky fabric instead of the ashened ground of what had once been his home. His arms drew himself closer against whatever was bringing him comfort, the sound of something beating surprisingly washing away the rest of his worries. He drifted far away from the panic that once overcame him, the raging storm in his head now reduced to calm waves of water, carrying him safely back to reality into the arms of an angel.
His eyes, tired and spent, fought to open. His vision made out from blurring colors the sight of another person laying beside him. They leaned into him, and he felt the same featherlike sensation on his forehead. A voice he recognized— he had yet to decipher the words— filled his ears.
It was…
Before his eyes could fully adjust, he was already curling against your chest, fingers softly grabbing your shirt and tugging like his life depended on it. In an instant, the world came rushing in, his lungs breathing in the calming air of the small apartment you shared.
He was fine. He was safe. He was with you.
He called your name, his voice cracking as a groan slipped past him, muffled by his face pressing into you. Memories of his nightmare crashed back in restless waves, threatening to drown him once again. He coughed, attempting to speak through labored breaths.
"I s-saw… my, I-'' Scaramouche hiccuped, his body starting to shake like the harsh winters of Snezhnaya was biting through his porcelain skin.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, take your time.” You were quick to silence him, whispering affirmations in the mist of night for only his ears to hear. He clutched onto you tighter. “It’s okay love, I’m here.”
After the countless years of suffering the puppet endured, he wasn’t fond of being touched by any living being— at least, not after all the torturous poking and prodding he was subjected to during Dottore’s experiments, whilst promises of “making him stronger” or “unlocking his true divinity” fell on deaf ears as he withered in pain.
But you? He couldn’t help but melt under your irenic touch, something that was foreign to him for decades. It took awhile for him to adjust to your displays of affection, but eventually your arms became his new safe haven, something that was all apparent now as you rubbed gentle strokes against his back, the sobs that were born from his horrid dream now dying down to soft sniffles and hums.
The moon glowed in all its glory in the blanket of night, illuminating the two lovers cuddled closely together like birds in a nest. Its silver glow became sparkles in the stray tears that spilled over his cheeks, your hands calmly wiping them as they fell. He came to realize over some time that the featherlike touches he felt prior were you pressing kisses to his face.
The moon came and fled as the sun put it to rest, painting the darkened skies in shades of blue and red. Its rays glimmered, peaking through the window and shedding its warmth on the both of you. By then, the wandering puppet’s tear stained cheeks were dried, his breathing leveled, and eyes half lidded, swirling with bouts of serenity.
Your hand was idly playing with his hair, gently combing through and dividing pieces that fell across his face. A comfortable silence filled the air, only penetrated by the whisper that flew past your lover’s lips, calling your name. You hummed as his hand slowly crept from under the covers, reaching out to grab yours from his strands and bringing it to his chest. His warm breath tickled your skin when he sighed, the feeling being overthrown when his lips kissed the back of your palm, lingering for nearly a minute.
“Do you…” He spoke softly, still firmly holding onto you, yet his voice sounded far off, eyes distant and hazy. “Do you think I’m evil?”
The question dripped from his lips like dew to a leaf, dropping into your ears for your brain to soak it in. Melancholy sprouted from it, growing vines that entangled your heart.
The word evil ran through your head, such a harsh term to describe someone, you scrutinized. Could you really compare the word to the former harbinger lying across from you? Perhaps his past actions, but…
Do evil people cry genuine tears? Do evil people feel remorse for their wicked deeds? What truly defines evil anyway?
The fluttering of wings fanned your clouded thoughts, your answer becoming clear along with the sound of birds chirping. You tugged at the vines clenching your heart, ripping them with ease as you looked at the man in question.
“Doing good things doesn’t make you a good person,” you imparted, staring honestly into his alluring eyes. He listened intently as you spoke, hanging off of every word like a puppet to a string. “And doing bad things doesn’t make you a bad person either.”
The foggy look in his eyes finally cleared.
“I think you experienced the worst parts of the world before you could understand the beauty of it, which led to your notorious doings.” You adjusted your hand to hold his, and he gave you a gentle squeeze as your thumb caressed circles into his. “But if we look back to your ‘previous incarnation’ without your memories, or your titles before Balladeer, would you call them evil as well? Would the people who knew you then describe you in such a way?”
The question floated in the air. A quizzical frown assuming the puppet’s features. For a second, he was back in his dream again— images of fire and ash tainting his mind. He remembered those eyes that were swirling with fear, anxiety threatening to crawl up his spine again.
He was fine. He was safe. He was…
“I didn’t abandon you,” The child's voice played back in his head, oddly sounding more soft compared to the voice he heard in his dream. Another recollection filled his thoughts— it was the sight of the child pulling him eagerly, a wide grin adorning his chubby cheeks, a giggle followed by his own filling the air as he allowed the kid to guide him to some growing lavender melons.
"I- I can't reach it. Awhh," The child pouted, looking away from the tree dejectedly.
"They are pretty high up," Scara- no, Kunikuzushi observed, bringing a hand to his chin. "You'll be able to reach them if I give you a lift though."
"Really? Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! You're really the best ya know, and d-don't forget it either!" The child cheered, jumping up and down in his small burst of excitement before calming down. He tired easily, no matter what he did.
"I'm the best? But I'm just a mere—"
The small mortal coughed weakly, balling his fist right after and shouting a heartfelt declaration. "Puppet this, puppet that. You're a good person and you're a good friend. There's no if, ands, or buts about it,"
He couldn't help but reciprocate the child's smile.
"I- I guess you have a point," Kunikuzushi hummed, his face blooming a pretty pink as he tried to hide under his veil. "You know… you sound a lot like an old friend of mine.”
The memory faded as quick as it came, his shoulders now relaxed and expression thoughtful. You assumed he reached the same answer as you.
They wouldn't call him evil. Never in a million years.
“I couldn’t either," You answered his thoughts, bringing your hand back to card through his hair. "Which is why I don't think you're the monster you make yourself out to be."
He wanted to laugh, but he found himself without a voice. All those questions he aimlessly sought answers to. He’d even asked the God of Wisdom the same thing, yet her answer was quite different from yours. But could he really take your words to heart— or hold it above the words of a god? Would her answer change if he asked her again? Would your answer change if he wronged you?
He was fine. He was safe. He was good.
The sounds of rain dwindled as the critters of light rustled away, chirping and hollering to the sun’s presence. By now, its light blanketed you both, whisking off the drowsiness as you rubbed your eyes. You were in the midst of calling your lover’s name when his fingers wrapped around your leg, pulling it over his hip to bring you close once again.
He cupped your face, your eyes instinctively closing as his lips embraced yours, the warmth of his touch enough to rival the sun and the shine of the moon. No celestial body could reap what the two of you had sown beautifully together.
You held his past, present, and future, carried his vices and virtues, wiped his tears and tore down his walls even when he built them up too high.
You stayed, even when he couldn't give you his heart.
He was enough, you reminded him proudly each day. He was safe. He was fine. He was loved.
"I love you," Scaramouche found himself mumbling against your lips, breathing out a content sigh when the two of you finally parted.
It was the first time he initiated such a declaration, and while he'd never admit how much it affected him, the shy smile carved into his face spoke it well enough. His passionate gaze lit a thousand flames in your soul and it was your turn to fall into the rabbit hole of his beauty.
With another quick kiss, you touched your foreheads together, your voice a lullaby to his ears as you chimed the words that always made him feel something skip a beat in his chest.
"I love every part of you, and never forget that," you huffed, feigning a pouty expression to entice a smile— which he effortlessly gave.
"Don't worry, I won't," he laughed heartily this time, making an effort to find your hand and intertwining your pinkies. He brought them to his chin, pecking the side of your hand once more. "I promise."
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TAGLIST — @sonder-paradise @96jnie @scaramouchenumber1fan @linn-a-a @wisteriaflowersss @ineriris @yesntforno @serramii @shadowmist0706 @jmgrule @imeanwatever @c00kie-cat @xtodorokismistressx @ieathairs @endlessmari @strawberryclumsy @serenity-ren-bliss
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reblogs appreciated (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
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Hello and welcome to my contribution to Dincember!
Following NaNoWriMo (which I used to complete a draft of a modern AU!Din x reader fic that I aim to start posting in January) I wanted to attempt another writing project to maintain my sanity during this festive period! I'm aiming to complete all 25 days but life can sometimes be unpredictable, especially at this time of year.
I really hope you enjoy my interpretations of each prompt and best of luck if you're also participating, can't wait to see what everyone creates. Thanks @dindjarindiaries for putting these prompts together, celebrating all things Din is a wonderful way to close out the year!
All my fics are GN!reader and I don't include physical descriptions. Nothing more mature than a bit of smooching either :)
Happy Dincember, tumblr!
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Link to read on AO3 | Link to read in Chronological Order
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Day 1 - Snow: After a busy few months, Din surprises you and Grogu with a well-earned retreat to a snowy paradise in the run up to Life Day. Snow-filled chaotic fun ensues!
Day 2 - Fire: During a trip to a peaceful cabin with Din and Grogu, you awake one morning and discover that Grogu is poorly. You and Din are extremely worried but after a visit from a healer and the warmth of the fire you light, his condition soon improves.
Day 3 - Gloves: As you sit watching Grogu play by the fire while holding hands with Din, you reflect on how a simple part of his body says so much about the complex man that you are so privileged to love. A simple pleasure that you would have been denied, if he had never removed his gloves.
Day 4 - Lights: You introduce Din to a favourite Life Day tradition of yours: hanging up lights. It's a tradition that he finds slightly bemusing but after a slight hiccup which is soon resolved, thanks to the abilities possessed by Grogu, the two of you set about making a cheesy new Life Day tradition all of your own.
Day 5 - Cold: After your favourite Mandalorian's latest assignment with the New Republic means that his return to your cabin is delayed, you head to bed, thoroughly miserable. But when Din finally arrives home the reunion does not go entirely smoothly, as you find yourself needing to warm him up, with adorable consequences.
Day 6 - Gifts: It's Life Day and time for you and Din exchange gifts. You love sharing in the joy of seeing others surprised with your gifts, but nothing surprises you more than the incredibly thoughtful gift Din gives to you.
Day 7 - Star: As you lie on Din's strong chest, looking at the stars and reflecting how grateful you are that your paths crossed, you discover once again, that the man with the fearsome reputation is incredibly soft underneath his hard Beskar shell.
Day 8 - Flame: A fire pit outside your little cabin on Nevarro has always been a dream of yours. So, when Din finally agrees to build one, you are delighted, especially when he secures your favourite sweet treats too. But it's Din's first time roasting candy on a campfire and things don't exactly go to plan...
Day 9 - Boots: Raising a Force-sensitive child is not an easy task, especially one as mischievous as Grogu. When the little guy decides to play a game of hide and seek without telling you and Din first, you find him in a place that you would never have expected.
Day 10 - Sweater: After his latest job with the New Republic takes him away from your home, you find yourself missing Din terribly. But, despite how sappy and lame as you feel for doing so, you find wearing his sweater brings you a great deal of comfort when you need it most.
Day 11 - Icicle: An innocent icicle causes Din to reminisce on a moment he shared with Grogu on the Razor Crest shortly after rescuing The Child from the Imps on Nevarro.
Day 12 - Warmth: After you find yourself caught up in a rainstorm that drenches you to the bone on the forest planet you call home, an unexpectedly kind Mandalorian helps you to get warm again.
Day 13 - Family: Din Djarin is a complex man, with many walls you have not yet successfully broken down. You have been slowly building a life with the man who has a traumatic past he has alluded to, but never discussed in detail. One night, Din wakes up from a nightmare and finally lets you in. You comfort him, reminding him of your love for him and how much he deserves his unlikely family.
Day 14 - Home: During a moment cuddling with Din underneath the festive lights in your cabin, Din confides in you what home means to him.
Day 15 - Candle: Despite planning a special evening to mark your final night in the cabin that you, Din and Grogu have enjoyed a relaxing vacation in, your plans are soon thwarted by an unexpected power cut. However, the sudden loss of light ends up having very romantic consequences.
Day 16 - Sweet: After a tiring day of yard work, you decide to introduce Din and Grogu to one of your favourite festive drinks: hot chocolate. Although the sweetness proves a little too much for one of your Clan.
Day 17 - Joy: Despite you and Din having plans to go to a special festive market with Grogu, you wake up feeling awful, as though all festive cheer has been sucked out of you. Fortunately, you have a loving and caring Mandalorian who helps you regain your joy.
Day 18 - Snowflake: As Din stands by the window, watching the snow fall outside your cabin in the mountain paradise he brought you to for a vacation, he reveals a hilarious memory of his first encounter with snow to you. One that you are keen not to let him forget in a hurry.
Day 19 - Coat: You and Din arrive for a vacation in a picturesque snowy mountain town. There's just one problem: you brought the wrong coat. You head into town in search of the perfect coat but after a long day of fruitless searching, fortunately you have an incredibly patient and attentive Mandalorian to help you through the shopping stress.
Day 20 - Celebration: To show Din how much he means to you, you decide to make a special gesture in celebration of him by cooking him a traditional Mandalorian feast. Despite having your heart set on a perfect evening, a certain green child has other ideas...
Day 21 - Love: Despite how much time you have been spending with Din and getting to know him, you are still none the wiser as to whether your feelings for him are reciprocated. But an impromptu night of stargazing leads to a confession that may just change everything for the two of you...
Day 22 - Cozy: When Grogu wakes up upset in the middle of the night, both you and Din are concerned for him. But getting cozy and cuddling with his Clan soon brightens the little boy's mood.
Day 23 - Frost: You and Din wake up one morning to discover the volcanic planet you call home has been plunged into a deep frost. You are awestruck by the gleaming ground and the icy crystals that cling to every surface. You and Din decide to head out for a walk with Grogu, who is fascinated by the way his favourite pond has frozen over.
Day 24 - Ice: The unseasonably weather on Nevarro causes a pond to freeze and thanks to a stroke of good luck, a passing vendor is able to offer the opportunity to skate on it. You expect that Din will be a natural, but things do not go entirely to plan.
Day 25 - Holiday Waking up before Din on Life Day gives you the opportunity to admire all the little details and features of the man you love so much.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
"Tell me the truth." (sfw) For Solomon, in lieu of the 1k event? Glad to see your blog grow, I hope it only continues to grow even bigger in the coming future and you continue to enjoy what you love! You have a great talent for writing and I hope you enjoy these days joyously <3
Hello, anon! Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this sweet message! I am truly enjoying myself and I'm so happy to know that others are enjoying my writing as well!
Okay, listen. This one... I kinda got carried away. I really love Solomon and I think about him a lot, but especially what it must be like to be immortal. So this one kinda ended up being about that. I made myself incredibly sad writing and editing it, though. So be prepared for that, I suppose. I think it turned out good for all that, but just be prepared for ~feelings~!
Thank you for participating!
1,000 Followers Event!
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt "Tell me the truth."
Warnings: Angst. Like I kinda think this one's sad all the way through, even though things are good between Solomon and MC.
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Experience will always alter the perception of time. Life can seem to slowly crawl by, long days and longer nights, alone and empty without anything but dreams. It might also rush past, a frantic whirlwind of activity, barely a moment to breathe let alone think. It is a constant ebb and flow, the continual flux of the present and the past, a liquid temperament that causes life to shape and reshape itself like quicksilver.
Solomon had been alive for a long time before you ever made an appearance. His understanding of time was vastly different from any human with a normal life span. He couldn’t possibly remember what it was like to know his own mortality, that he had a finite number of years, that he would eventually meet his end. He couldn’t remember that feeling because it simply wasn’t true for him anymore.
He had times when things ran by, when the days careened past like a runaway train car. They were more likely to creep through his consciousness, though, especially when he was lonely, which was often.
That was why he noticed immediately how his own experience changed after you showed up. At first, it was nothing. You were always busy and he didn’t exactly spend a lot of time with you. But then he found himself more involved, starting with the danger that almost destroyed the three worlds, that almost ended your life. After that he was more aware of you, choosing to watch you from afar. The occupation of it caused time to move by just a little quicker than it used to.
And then you became his apprentice and he found himself spending even more time with you. Every moment seemed important now. He treasured every second he spent by your side, hating the way they tumbled like sand through his fingers while he was powerless to stop them or slow them down.
Solomon had plenty of time, but you didn’t.
He was aware of mortality in a way he hadn’t been since before he became immortal - aware of your mortality.
So of course he noticed when you started spending more time at Purgatory Hall than you normally did. He was hyper aware of every scrap of time he was able to spend with you. Your increased presence was more than obvious to him. It wasn’t just that you were around more, either. He saw it in the way you lingered longer, the way you suddenly chose to walk home with him, the way you asked him about spells that he knew you had already mastered, as if you needed to hear his voice even if it was just to explain something you already knew.
Solomon noticed how you called him more frequently, too. It became a nightly ritual. One day you called after dinner, saying you just felt like talking to him. And then you did it again the next day and the day after that. Solomon began to anticipate your calls. And if you couldn't call, you would text him.
Solomon clung to every word. Everything you said or wrote to him, every time he found you waiting for him, every time he saw your smile. He knew that you had obligations, loyalties to the demon brothers that he wouldn’t be able to penetrate. But even more than that he knew that you simply had a limit on time. And he cherished everything, locking away the memories of you for the inevitable future when they would be all he had left.
Night in the Devildom was dark, despite the stars and the occasional full moon. Existing in this darkness was something he had gotten used to. It was late, but Solomon had insisted on walking you back to the House of Lamentation. Once again you had spent more time at Purgatory Hall than you should have, giving excuse after excuse about why you needed to stay longer, just one more question about magic, a recipe you wanted to share with Luke, a book Satan wanted you to give Simeon. It was like you collected these little things so you could use them to your advantage when you seemed unwilling to go home.
It had been going on for quite some time and Solomon had been content to let it.
But there was something about walking with you in the dark of this Devildom night that caused his heart to stir. You likely couldn’t see much other than his silhouette and to him you were like a shadow, a living breathing shadow walking beside him, but one he couldn’t read. And there was something safe about this state of partial invisibility.
“You really didn’t want to go home tonight, did you?” Solomon asked, keeping his tone light.
You laughed softly. “Yeah, I guess not.”
“That seems to have been happening a lot lately,” Solomon said. “Is everything all right?”
Solomon felt you shift beside him in the darkness as the two of you walked slowly toward the House of Lamentation. As though you had a slight misstep.
“Everything’s fine,” you said, but the tone of your voice indicated that this was a lie.
Solomon stopped walking. After a few more steps you realized he had stopped and turned to look at him. He couldn’t see your expression in the dark.
“MC,” he said. “You can trust me. Tell me the truth.”
Solomon watched as you looked down at your hands, seemingly unable to meet his eyes even though you could barely see them. Your reluctance to speak made him realize he wanted - needed - to see you clearly.
Solomon took your hand and gently pulled you into the light of a nearby street lamp. Your face became fully visible to him and the fear in your eyes stabbed through his heart.
He took your other hand and held them both close. “It’s okay, MC,” he said. “Whatever is going on, I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help you. You’re safe with me.”
The way this made you frown hard, as though you might be fighting back your emotions, made Solomon want to pull you into his embrace, but he waited. Waited to see what you would say, if you would confide in him.
A soft wind kicked up, rustling your hair and clothes, tossing the edges of Solomon’s silver hair into his eyes. He kept his gaze on you, waiting.
Solomon had a lot of time, but you did not. He could wait forever if he had to, but you didn’t have that kind of luxury. He couldn’t begrudge you some moments of reflection, a brief amount of seconds to consider your response, but he knew you couldn’t really know how precious each one of those seconds was to him.
You moved finally, squeezing his hands before looking down at them. He watched the blush that painted your face as you quietly said, “I just want to be with you. I’m happiest when I’m by your side, so I find it hard to leave.”
Solomon felt like his chest was rupturing, filled with a force of feeling he could never hope to articulate. He closed his eyes and pulled you into his arms, unable to resist holding you. “This is what you were afraid to tell me?”
You gripped him hard, pressing your face into his shoulder. “I thought…” but you seemed unable to say what you thought.
Solomon leaned back and made you look at him. “You thought I wouldn’t want you? That I wasn’t already completely lost to you? That I don’t measure the minutes you’re with me like the precious commodity they are? MC, all I could ever want is to be with you.”
Solomon watched the tears brimming in your eyes. He reached out to brush away the one that fell down your cheek.
Solomon moved in and you met him halfway and the feeling of your lips against his was so soft and sweet he almost started crying, too.
Time would inevitably take you away from him. Solomon knew that. And yet for once he was willing to deal with that grief when it happened if it meant he could spend what precious years you had making you as happy as he possibly could. The memory of your face might fade from his mind, but the strength of your love would never fade from his heart. He could hold you there for the rest of eternity, keeping him company through long nights when he would find himself alone and missing you.
For now, Solomon would hold you and kiss you and spend every minute he possibly could in your presence. He would celebrate your life for the fleeting thing it was because despite its brevity, it had forever changed his own endless existence. And in this way, held forever in Solomon’s memory and heart, you would become immortal, too.
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luvvvivii · 7 months
"i love you" — l.fl
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pairing - idol!felix x gn!reader
genre - fluff, imagine
wc - 705
warnings - not proofread (surprise surprise), a bunch of pet names used (my love, angel, dear), lmk if more
a/n - I'm back suckas!!! 😋 enjoy this small felix post whilst I start to get back into the groove of writing (also abt the writing, times next to the date is in readers time zone)
synopsis - in which your idol boyfriend sends you voice notes whilst he's away
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02.16.23 — 1:05 am
"good morning dear. actually, I think it's night for you right now? you better be asleep, alright? haha, it feels odd not being able to speak to each other how we usually would, doesn't it? but I guess this is what idol life is like? *chuckle* anyways, how was your day? did you do anything fun today? I hope you're eating good as well…I might head out for a bit with chan, so I'll talk with you later? sweet dreams angel. I love you!"
02.17.23 — 6:37 pm
"hey yn, you're asleep right? this is usually when you have your evening naps. don't be taking an all nighter again after this, though. I know you really like that show but sleep is important too you know? *chuckle*...today is day one of our concert in melbourne. I'm back in australia after so long, and I'm super excited! it's a shame I can't be here with you right now, but at least I can still update you and stuff. I can't wait to meet even more stays—oh, that's minho calling. sorry yn, got to go. I'll update you all about it after! enjoy the rest of your night, I love you."
02.18.23 — 12:53 pm
"hey dear, have you eaten yet? sorry I couldn't send any voice notes this morning, I woke up late and had to rush. day two of our concert was amazing! oh gosh, I wish you were here. hey, I don't think I told you about the dream I had last night, did I? well, we were just about to head to sydney for our tour there, and then suddenly you gave us a surprise visit! that's pretty much it, I woke up after that. haha, it seemed so real I even looked around for you whilst I was still half awake! *sigh* well, I think I'm going to go to sleep now, sorry for such a boring voice note today. have a good day, I love you angel."
02.20.23 — 3:31 pm
"yn, I'm so tired. but I can't go to sleep. *laugh* I was on my phone and got completely carried away, and now it's two am!...I think I might just start yapping about something with you, like how we always do when neither of us can sleep. that's what always helps me get tired…not that I'm saying you're boring! *chuckle* what I'm trying to say is…I just feel so at ease when I know that you're listening to me talk…let's not get depressed now, haha. how is your day going dear? doing anything fun today? make sure to send pictures, I haven't been able to see your pretty face in a while. you know, I think I might head off now, starting to feel a bit drowsy. we've got day one in sydney tomorrow, so I'll probably talk to you about it all later. goodnight my love, I love you to the moon and back."
02.21.23 — 2:01 am
"yn! it's finally day one in sydney! ah, I really wish you were here right now. you'll be cheering me on from back at home, right? I know you'll be looking for videos after the concert haha. make sure to have fun today angel! and I'll make sure to pour my heart and soul into the performances for you, like I always do. sorry for this voice note being so short, but I've got to go. I love you!"
02.22.23 — 3:19am
"sydney day 2! ah, you really don't understand how overwhelming this experience is, yn. this is absolutely crazy, but I've probably already said this a ton, right? *laugh*...you know, I hope one day we can travel to australia together, and I could show you all my favourite places to go and things to do from when I was a kid. but that's saved for the future! just wait a bit longer, my love, I'll be back home faster than you can believe. and cheer me on today as well, alright! I'll do the same for you dear. I've got to go now, an exciting concert ahead. I love you."
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©@luvvvivii all rights reserved | do not repost or translate
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httpsbearily · 22 days
18+ request!!
Would you be able to do something with Niru from AFK Journey, please? Maybe some body inspection, Niru completely fascinated by the Readers anatomy, finding out all the "sweet spots" that make the Reader go completely insane before eventually giving the Reader exactly what it needs?
Hope you can do something with that, thank you!! <3
☆*: Doctor’s Diagnosis
[Tags]: smut | niru x reader | GN reader
Minors Do Not Interact!
[Author’s Note]: my very first request yippiee!!! I was super excited to write this omg you have no idea. Just one thing: if Niru appears in the story then I have yet to meet him so Im soooo sorry if he's OOC. Also, I hope this is what you meant by body inspection because I got a little carried away with the graveborn x human trope mmm yummy
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Exhaustion weighed down your body, seeming to anchor every step you took and making you fight to your life’s end just to raise them. You didn’t even know where you were or were you were going—your conscious abilities had shut down some time ago and your body was relying solely on its instinct to survive. Despite the fact that the deep wound on your shoulder hadn’t stopped bleeding since it was struck on you, your hazy mind had accepted the warmth the blood had provided as it soaked your clothes…it almost felt peaceful, like an embrace.
In full honesty, your current state was the consequence of your own brash actions. All your life you had dreamt of holding a title of a knight in the Heroic Order; With blood, sweat, and tears you had trained devotedly. You had braved dark nights out in nature to hone your perceptive skilled, you had braved each season for the sake of sharpening your archery skills, you had even braved the loneliness that came with a life’s dedication to nothing but the bow. You thought you were ready. You thought you all but had an official H.O. title ranking. You thought you dreams would finally become a reality.
But you thought wrong.
“You excel at the bow,” the overseer of the campaign had told you, “but without a sword you’re as good as dead in a war. Even master archers rely on a blade to defend themselves in a breach of defense.”
And just like that your world had came crashing down. You had spent all your life perfecting the art of the bow-and-arrow that the thought of swordsmanship had never even crossed your mind. To think that a piece of metal would be your downfall….you wouldn’t let it.
With Dura as my witness, you had sworn to yourself, I will become a knight.
So [stupidly] you had left the campaign grounds, went home, packed a backpack full of essentials, and left Holistone. On your way out of the city you purchased a black iron sword from some blacksmith; It took you some time to adjust to the weight of it. It was much different from the bow, especially with its weight distributed in a way that was a complete opposite to what you were used to. Without so much as a goodbye to family and friends—sending Dura a prayer in askance that she keep them safe —you marched down the dirt paths of Espiria and willed yourself not to turn around. You would be back soon, you were determined to grasp the sword art faster than you had a bow.
With this misplaced confidence you thrust yourself into battles blindly, starting off with one of the lower threat hypofiends and slowly leveling up once your ability increased. All things considered, your situation was going fine. You hadn’t suffered any major injuries in the weeks you had been gone, and you had picked up a sword trick or two. Really, you had progressed just as you’d hoped. The problem now was fighting real threats.
Of course all this time you wandered the lands you had kept your bow and quiver securely attached to you back just in case, but you had not used them once—you didn’t let yourself. Perhaps that was the tipping point of your downfall. When you had stumbled into a gurgling camp, you hadn’t noticed the massive leader resting in the shadows with its barbed club. You didn’t notice it until it was too late. In the midst of fending off the hoard of smaller gurgling, the leader had roared and swung its weapon into you. Because it was dramatically large, you had [miraculously] managed to avoid a killing strike with a last second dodge, but at the same time, one of the barbs had caught your shoulder. The metal point tore into your skin, ripping a deep gash from your collar bone to the end of your shoulder blade. Immediately you had cried out in agony, but the adrenaline coursing through your body had allowed you to switch your sword to your other hand and swing the blade at the hand of the leader. Although you had missed a critical strike, you had deferred the leader enough for it to pull its club away and step back in a dodge. Within that split second you had turned and sprinted away.
For a short while you heard the gruglin gang chasing after you, but once you had successfully escaped you slowed to a walk. At first, the searing heat of your wound had you nauseous with pain, but you could only heave out hoarse gasps and trudge forward to find a safe place to tend to yourself. After what felt like hours though, you seemed to forget the pain. In fact, you had begun feeling like you were out on a casual stroll back in Holistone. If it weren’t for the intense tiredness that wracked your body, your dizzy mind trick you entirely.
Rest, your body screamed at you, rest rest rest.
Keep moving, you willed back.
But it came to a point where you could no longer hold yourself up and collapsed on the ground. You lay motionless, panting shallowly and staring blankly up into the night sky. The stars were quite beautiful tonight, you wondered if your family thought so too.
Minutes passed with you simply admiring the constellations like this, you had even reached your arm up to trace some out with your fingers. The sound of leaves crunching under soft footsteps almost escaped your awareness—almost. With a start you jumped to your feet and held your iron sword in front of you in a defensive position.
“Who’s there?” You demanded in question, straining your eyes to see in the night.
“How peculiar,” a grave voice said, “you hold a sword in front of you, but your body is not designed for it.”
It felt like the voice was coming from all directions and you felt you heart rate pickup. With darting eyes, you began to slowly spin around in search of the intruder.
“My body design is of no matter to you. Leave, now. I don’t wish to harm you.” You spoke, but you didn’t know to who and it was raising your stress levels, making you dramatize the threat the longer this went on.
“It matters more than you think. Let me have a closer look.”
Before you could think about their words, you felt cold hands grasp your forearms. You let out a noise of surprise, dropping your sword as you moved in attempt to escape—however, the hands were like an iron grip. It was like your thrashing was futile as the hands stretched your arms out away from your body, moving them like this was some sort of skeletal examination.
“Hey, get off of me!” You exclaimed.
“Hmm…yes, I see. Your arms hold strength here,” as the voice spoke, the cold hands massaged with pressure the muscle connecting your forearm to your inner elbow before moving to your tricep in emphasis to his words, “and here. These are not the points of a swordsman.”
“What are you, some kind of doctor?” You sneered.
“Yes, my life’s work. I can tell your design is quite perfect, even your soul is quintessential. Yes. You’ll be exemplar.” The hands finally let you go so you swiveled around. Before you stood a tall—extremely tall—man. From a glowing green lantern he held you could see that he was…otherworldly to be quite frank. He had long gray hair that reached his waist and he was dressed in some kind of black skirt that was so long it dragged on floor, covering even his feet. His shirt—top…armor…?— was black as well and matching to his skirt, both of which appeared to have ghoulish green accents. To his left stood a large scythe that he seemed to plant in the ground so that it could stand on its own. Even that weapon showed a pattern sporting the same glowing green color. On his head he wore a black crown with, surprise, green stones. What shocked you the most, however, were his magnificently green eyes which were quite literally glowing.
A quick and fleeting thought crossed your mind, transcendent, but you shooed it away by narrowing your eyes at the self-proclaimed doctor.
“What are you talking about? My soul? Who are you?” You interrogated, willing yourself to not get too carried away with your admiring.
“I don’t particularly like it when my patients incessantly chatter. It disrupts my examination.”
You crossed your arms, “Some doctor you are. I’d call it a quack.”
The man only grinned—at least you thought so, he seemed to have a permanent wicked smile on his face—and brought his hands together in a shape that looked like he held an invisible orb. As if directing some kind of energy to the center of them, the space in between illuminated a soft white color. “Souls are the most vital organ of a body. Most burn yellow, but yours is white. Why is that? I must find out.”
Then the soft glow went out, and it felt to go pitch black for a split second before you felt those cold hands around you once again. Soft wisps of green hue flowed around you but for some strange reason you weren’t nervous. If anything, you had never felt more relaxed. Because of this you had allowed the hands to feel your skin, simply watching as the man moved your joints and felt along where your veins would trail.
“Why are you so interested in my soul?” You quietly asked, not wanting to disturb the focused man.
“Souls are life.”
You didn’t understand, only raising and eyebrow in curiosity as you gazed on, “You want life?”
“No. To be mortal is to be weak. My purpose is to understand the strength that comes from mortality,” he told you. “The brighter the soul the stronger the bond to life, and yours is blinding. Do you not wish to have power?”
“What are you on about? I don’t see anything.”
“You will. Once I complete my work. Where is your bow?”
“My bow—how did you know I wield a bow?!”
You looked up at the man with surprise only to find him interested in your shoulder. He pressed his fingers into the joints of them and you shuddered.
“After so many years spent on a battle field, you learn to recognize traits. Strongpoints. How fascinating, you can mark death with an arrow yet stab with a blade. What is it? Passion? Duty? Your design is mixed, impure. There’s not many I’ve seen like this,” The more the man spoke, the more his voice dropped until he had begun to mumble to himself more than speak to you. He released his pressure on your shoulder joints and instead trailed his hands down to your back following the edge of your shoulder blades. As their path lowered, his fingertips pressed certain points into the skin and each one caused your breath to skip.
One particular spot had you flinch away with a gasp, to which the doctor hummed, “how interesting…”, while pressing into it again it again.
“Hey!” You yelped, moving to escape the surprisingly sensitive feeling. But the man put one hand on your waist to keep you locked in place, not even giving you a sign that he had paid attention to your feelings. As he stood behind you, his hands roaming along your back, you couldn’t help but heighten your senses. Only being able to see him if you turned your head, you switched to rely on your hearing and feeling—not your best move. Not when you’d always felt particularly ticklish on your back.
You continued to squirm in his grasp, your heart rate beginning to pick up the more he massaged into the sensitive points on your back. When he spoke up again, finally, his voice was near your ear, “Show me your aim position.”
“W-what?” You stuttered, “I…don’t have my bow. It broke during battle.”
“Your body remembers the pose, even without it. Show me,” he instructed you, growing more cold as he did so.
So you did. When his hand released your waist, you adjusted yourself in a way that looked like you were pulling back the string of your bow. He made a noise of approval and quickly went back to checking you out. You still weren’t sure what he was doing but you were at least thankful that he seemed less and less like a threat to your safety.
“What do you feel here,” he asked, not giving you a second to process his question before he dug his fingers into your rib cage. Immediately you had faltered in pose, and he tusked.
“Stay still and hold your position.” But he repeated the movement and you bit your lip to give yourself strength.
“It feels,” you searched for a word, “tender.”
“…I don’t feel affected.”
He made a noise of discontent, pulling back his hands altogether as considering you with thoughtful eyes still standing behind you. It stayed like this for a few seconds, making your curiosity grow. You wanted to ask again, but his expression seemed like he wanted nothing but to be concentrated. How long would this go on for exactly? You weren’t sure what time it was, but it wouldn’t be night forever and you had to be on your way.
Just as you were about to voice your concerns, his hands shot out to hold your neck while his thumbs pressed into a highly vulnerable spot. A sensation shot through you and you accidentally let out a whimper—to which your face flushed but you didn’t dare move to cover it with your hands. Chancing a look at the mysterious doctor, you realized that he had a satisfied grin on his face.
Without warning, he flitted his mouth over the spot he had found, replacing his hands for his teeth as he bit into it lightly. A shudder wracked your body and you were almost sure that you had whined. The doctor didn’t seem to mind your behavior though because he continued to graze your skin, his right hand still holding the side of your neck as he kept you still with it. His left hand slithered under your shoulder and over your chest so that he could grasp your jaw with it and tilt it upwards to expose more of your neck.
A strange feeling had began to curl up inside you, it felt like a mixture of warm pleasure and cool emptiness. You didn’t really understand it, but with your growing fuddled mind, you only pushed it away.
“There,” the doctor said when he finally pulled away, “A crack in the surface. But I’ll need more. Tell me, where else are you so sweet?”
He dropped his hands to your wrists, holding one in each to feel the pulse. You didn’t offer any words, still trying to keep up with the turn of events—but it wasn’t as if he was expecting you to. Nothing deterred the man as he dragged his fingertip fairly up your arms, not stopping even when he reached your shoulder and began moving downwards. Tickled by his light touch on your waist, you had tensed your muscles, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of him pressing into the inner softness of your pelvic bone. Never before had you realized how fragile the nerves there would be with someone else’s touch against them. Although it hadn’t been as significant as your neck, the doctor still seemed pleased with the elicited response. He crawled his fingers across the lowest expanse of your abdomen with an interested hum.
“Getting colder it appears,” he murmured into your ear from behind and you could faintly feel his lips against the tip.
You gnawed your lip—wether in anticipation or overstimulation you couldn’t tell, you only knew that you were turned on and had the increasingly soaking wetness in your pants as obvious evidence.
The man held confidence in all his actions as if he was so sure of his behavior with you and how to map you out. Through his trial and error, he found his hands creeping underneath the fabric of your bottoms. With a smile full of intentions that could feel against your skin, he lowered his mouth to lick against the nap of your neck. He knew where one weak point was that would have your soul leaking out, but he wondered if there were more—and if so, where? As a researcher, he would only have his answers through one method: experimentation.
With his large scythe still situated in the ground somewhere nearby it provided a low glow that somewhat helped you to see. The light of it allowed you to look down to watch as the doctor’s hands disappeared beneath your clothes. It was electrifying to feel his hands nimble around the perimeter of your groin without actually being able to see it, and with the [surprising] warmth of his tongue dragging across the back of your neck you had began to let out sighs.
You squirmed against the man, only now realizing how cages in you were trapped within his arms and held close to his front. A small voice in the furtherest shadow of your brain had told you that you didn’t even know who this man was, but it was easily overwhelmed by said man’s presence. Was it so wrong to indulge in spontaneous? It’s not like you were defenseless, you were sure you still had your sword around…somewhere. Not like it mattered, it must have been your luck that brought the wickedly good-looking doctor your way.
“Tell me,” the man’s gravely voice said against your neck. “How does this feel?”
He fingers pressed into the grooves of your inner pelvic where a dip lie between the hip and the leg. You tried to adjust yourself—his hands were so near. So near yet so far. If you could only shift just a little then you would be able to—
“Focus on me, my dear. I need answers.”
You felt frustration well up inside you, “Not good”. Furrowing your eyebrows a little you moved your own hands to grasp his forearms. “Not enough.”
“No? Then how about here?” As he spoke, he moved his hands even further away from where you wanted him most to, instead, grip your thighs. His action made you huff out in protest.
“You say you’re a doctor, but you make your patients suffer. How does that work,” you told him.
“A good doctor must throughly know his patient’s body. Only then could he fully understand,” he countered.
You let your head fall back against his chest, tightening your grip on his arms slightly in signal for him to get serious. He didn’t take it. Instead he chose to move to the fullest part of your hips so that his hands could hold onto them lightly. This far, you couldn’t tell if he was messing with you or not; With his quest for understanding having been obvious since the first few seconds of your encounter, you also noted that the more reactions he pulled from you the more he diverted from that path. Sure you could always take initiative and use your own hands to please yourself, but something about his cool, sharp, and large-in-comparison hands just seemed like you would get off more with them guiding you. Just the thought alone had you press wing your legs together.
The ends would justify the means, so you endured his explorations. Even if it meant becoming pent up.
“Speak up, I’d like to know the results of my efforts,” he told you.
“Results? Your efforts are not paying off. Perhaps you should try harder.”
He chuckled with a raspy tone and pressed his hands into your hips tightly. “I am not shy to failure. But I won’t accept it.”
To show the truth of his words he moved his hands back down to your heat, pausing for a second to say, “Silence will not benefit you. Tell me how it feels”, before he suddenly pinched the skin of your most sensitive area. You cried out at the feeling, caught off guard by the unexpected pleasure; Your hands gripped tightly on his forearms as you steadied yourself. When he didn’t let go, you remembered his words and quickly spoke through heavy breaths, “it hurts…in…a good way…”
“Good.” And then he released you. He gave you a moment to breathe before he began to suckle on that sweet spot on your neck in tandem to his hands beginning to rub your leakage up and down your slit. You gasped out in pleasure, moaning out softly to finally have some relief; Not forgetting the rules, you tried your best to speak through the stimulation. “It feels good….”
“Hm, that much I could tell. Be a little more descriptive with your words,” he told you.
If you could, you would have given him a threatening look that—hopefully—would have told him to let you revel in your satisfaction, but you couldn’t. You could only do as he said lest you find out what he meant when he said being silent wouldn’t help you. Closing your eyes, you said, “Pleasurable…hot…satisfying.”
No one had told you before how hard it would be to try to summon a dictionary in your head during these moments. There was only so many ways you could describe “good” without needing to stop and think about it. You’d prayed it was enough for the man because you didn’t want him to stop.
“Yes, that’s good. It matches to the behavior of your soul. Still, you are a stubborn one. Why won’t you let go?”
You arched your back against his front, your hips bucking against his hands as you chased the warm feeling. His words didn’t register with you and you didn’t offer a response to him. Luckily for you, he’s question was rhetorical, and instead of punishing you for your lack of words, he moved to that one of his hands continued its assault on your nerves while the other began to prod a finger into your hole. A louder moan fell from your lips when you felt the intrusion. You could help it. Your body was being worked on from three different spots, all of them as pleasurable as the next which made the tension in your core coil tighter.
“What do you hide inside that makes you clench so tightly around my finger? Could it be the sweetest spot of them all? Is it the button to your undoing?” His words were murmured against your skin, making his voice sounds so much closer to your ear which only made you shiver. With your eyes closed, your hearing had become sharper and your perception to his touch was intensified. It only served to push you further to the edge as you squirmed to try to get his fingers inside you. You were sure you looked wrecked; Panting and moaning like you had been born for it, your lips swollen and red from your teeth biting down onto them, even sweat had begun to form on your forehead. It was a reflection of how you felt.
Searing pleasure was coursing through your veins and you all but rode his fingertip as your hips humped against his hands. “Find out,” you breathed, “aren’t you the doctor?”
“A path to answers wouldn’t be so obvious. Perhaps I was mistaken.” He said, behaving as if he had been dissuaded by your eagerness and beginning to pull his hands away.
“No!” You interjected, clutching his arms even tighter as you worked to keep him in place. “Don’t. Please.”
If you could see him behind you then you would see the way his eyes glowed a brilliant green, his grin downright sinful as he peered down your neck to the bottom of your front where his hands hid beneath your clothes. He could hear his scythe thrumming with energy as you squirmed in his grasp—your soul glowing more intensely in his vision. Never one to admit it to any other but his own mind, the man had reveled in your reactions. Making a noise of consideration, he trailed his sharp nails against the skin of your sensitive area half in part to continue his “research” and half in part to make you beg. He was sure it would be the cherry on-top. Not only had he found a soul like none other, it turns out the human attached to it was quite not bad…it wasn’t often a well-rounded existence fell into his grasp. The man wondered about all the possibilities on which this would end, how he would end it. If he wanted to at all that is. After all, time was nothing he was short of; It was almost disappointing the same couldn’t be applied to you.
“Shall we see?” He finally responded, his voice almost gruff in mixture of his gravely tone and low volume. Finally settling his mind, the man bent to your pleading and immediately knew it was the right decision.
You had sucked in a breath, one arm reaching up to throw itself around his shoulder and clutching onto one of the spikes on his shoulder armor. Unaccounted for, the length of his fingers alone was enough to fill you up, the inconspicuous danger of his nails against your walls only fueling the fire that raged inside you. Not even seconds passed before the doctor was moving inside, unabashedly searching for the most sensitive bundle of nerves for whatever reason only he knew. Whimpered fell from your lips, and when he reattached his lips to your neck, they transformed into heavy moans. After all his assaults on your sweet spots before, you were already on edge. You didn’t know how much time had passed but it had felt like hours. Conflicted between not wanting this feeling to end and wanting that delicious release, you shifted your weight to start lifting and dropping yourself in rhythm to his fingers.
The man had spoken to you, saying something about the taste of your soul, but you couldn’t focus on his words. Instead, you could only focus on the way his long hair tickled your face as it had fell over your shoulder all the way to the peak of your chest. You wanted to hold it, to pull on it, but worried that it would make the man stop. Fighting the urge, you bit your lip and instead dug your nails into his skin.
“How lovely, look at it. What a simple press of my fingers does to you. A fascinating design indeed. I almost want to keep you.”
Sobs of pleasure prevented you from replying to his nonsensical words but neither of you could have cared less in the moment. You were too busy feeling the knot in your core tighten to impossible tension and the doctor was otherwise preoccupied by his interest in your body.
“‘M close,” you had whispered.
“Release it. Show me what you are.”
To punctuate his words, the man pressed harshly against the spot inside you that had your toes curling and back arching. Moaning loudly enough for nearby cities to hear, you felt yourself crash over the edge. Tears brimmed your lashes as pleasure disrupted all other function of your body making you go stiff against the ghostly man, already too overwhelmed to try to ride out your high. Your juices soaked your pants that you had forgotten you still wore despite knowing they were never off to begin with.
“Yes,” The doctor hissed with satisfaction, pulling his hands out of you and your bottoms you examine them in the night light. Glistening with his essence, his fingers rubbed together to feel the slick. “This will do.”
Before releasing you, the man had helped lower you to the ground as exhaustion overtook you. Laying on the ground situated in your back, you hazily gazed up at the tall individual noticing that he held his scythe in one hand already.
“You’ve persuaded me. It’s not your time yet, your soul is still unripe. I will come back for you later so remember my name, Niru. Remember it—your mine to take.”
You didn’t realize that the world around you was slowly getting dark as he spoke, and you only just barley caught his name.
Blackness surrounded you for what felt like eternity but milliseconds at the same time. When you regained consciousness, you were still laying on the ground. All the pains of your body before losing consciousness hit you like a meteor and you hissed. On instinct you cupped the wound on your shoulder which had finally stopped bleeding but still thrummed with a stinging pain. Faintly, you could still feel the fingers in your wounded arm move and you sighed in relief.
After the passing inspection of your arm, you swiveled your head around the surrounding area. Not even the ground you sat on showed signs of another presence. There were no footprints, not glowing light, not even the cool atmosphere. In fact, after looking back at your body, you noticed that not even your clothes were different than how they were from before.
A dream, you slowly realized and you couldn’t tell why so much disappointment filled your heart. For someone who was at death’s door some time ago, you didn’t seem to appreciate your miraculous survival. A dream…how foolish.
Berating yourself you struggled to stand, putting as little stress on your shoulder as possible when you bent down to pick up your forgotten sword and broken bow. It took your shifting to make you realize that your pants were soaked.
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linawritestwst · 1 year
ooo, requests? dont mind if i do x) if i may, i'd like to request smth for this scenario with octavinelle(seperately), established relationship; its the dorm sorting ceremony and you are sorted into the same dorm as 'em! Once you are free to go, you run up to them and hug them because you're happy you'll get to stay close together <3 ideally fem reader but i'm okay with GN too, of course! i doubt you're surprised i requested fluff www feel free to add a boy of your choosing too if you'd like ofc
being sorted into octavinelle headcanons (fem!reader)
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hehe, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with fluff <3 i hope you like these!
azul ashengrotto.
♡ it's your dorm sorting ceremony! finally! you're so excited, but a little bit nervous too, of course. and you're not gonna lie, you would love to end up in the same dorm as your boyfriend. though it is a little hard to imagine yourself as an octavinelle student. but hey, a girl can dream! you notice azul in the crowd and wave at him, smiling. he tries very hard to stay serious, but he just can't ignore you and he smiles right back at you and nods. you know that he also wants you to be sorted into his dorm, even if he doesn't talk much about it. no matter how much azul tries to hide it, he always misses you a lot and he feels extremely lonely when you're not around, even when he has tweels by his side.
♡ when it's your turn, you can feel azul looking at you even when you can't turn around and check it. you know that he's just as nervous as you. you can hear jade and floyd teasing him about how he looks even more anxious than you and you try really hard not to laugh. you take a deep breath and let the dark mirror make its decision. when it finally announces that you are now an octavinelle student, you immediately turn to azul and show him your brightest smile. it takes some time for azul to process what just happened, but when he realizes that now his beloved and precious girlfriend will be in the same dorm as him, he can't help but smile too.
♡ you're so happy, right after everything is over, you run to azul and hug him. this is so sudden for him, but you know well that he actually wanted you to do this. maybe you actually should kiss him- oh, okay, fine, mr.dorm leader, you can't do that in front of everyone, got it. but wouldn't it be nice to show everyone just how sweet and loving azul's girlfriend is? you know that azul actually wants everyone to see it. but oh well, guess you'll have to wait until the ceremony is over.
jade leech.
♡ you're a bit scared. what if you get sorted into your least favorite dorm? what if your dormmates won't like you or you won't like them? you also wish you could get sorted into the same dorm as your boyfriend. wouldn't it be so nice? hehe, you'll get to see each other and talk to each other every day.. of course, you're sure that you and jade would stay close even if you end up being in different dorms, but still.. it would be so much easier to just be in the same dorm as him.
♡ jade notices you looking nervous and walks up to you. it's okay, it's not your turn yet and he's sure that crowley won't mind. he helps you calm down and tells you that this dorm sorting ceremony is not as important as you think it is. sure, maybe you will end up in a different dorm, but it doesn't mean that jade will love you less or he will forget about you. he jokingly asks if you're afraid of him falling for one of the new octavinelle students and you make him take these words back while he just laughs though that thought does scare you a little. when it's almost your turn, jade tells you that everything is going to be fine and goes back to azul and floyd. you feel like he was about to kiss you on the cheek before leaving, but he either remembered that there's too many people.. or he's just playing with you again.
♡ when you're finally sorted into octavinelle, you forget about all your worries and run to jade, giving him the tightest hug that you could possibly give. you're just so happy, you hope that jade is just as happy as you. his face expression stays the same, but he hugs you back and you know that he's happy to welcome you into his dorm. ah, you should take your revenge, by the way. you kiss him right on the lips, not caring what others might think. congratulations, you've managed to surprise even someone like jade. it's not like he's against this though. floyd whines and says that you two will never stop being this gross now that you two are in the same dorm.
floyd leech.
♡ it's your dorm sorting ceremony, wow!! you really hope that the dark mirror will sort you into octavinelle, you want to be in the same dorm as your boyfriend so much.. also you're just afraid that floyd will break the dark mirror for sorting his girlfriend into a different dorm or something. you've already noticed him staring at it for quite a while. is he already planning something? you wonder if floyd can feel how nervous you are right now. what would he say to you in this situation? probably something like "you're gonna be fine, shrimpy, don't worry~"
♡ when it's your turn to be sorted, you turn around and see floyd looking right at you. when he notices you looking back at him, he smiles and it's very hard for him to control his excitement. his girlfriend is finally getting sorted!! it better be octavinelle. you walk to the dark mirror and pray that floyd doesn't get too sad or disappointed. of course, you know that you will still see each other often even if you get sent to a different dorm, but still, it would be so nice to see and talk to floyd anytime you want. you're sure he feels the same way.
♡ .. you're an octavinelle student now! you can exhale now. before you even do or say anything, floyd runs up to you and hugs you, making you both fall on the ground. you know that you should get up, you're not the last student to be sorted, but it feels so nice to just lie in floyd's arms like this. even if you two are lying on the floor right now and crowley is telling you to get up. come on, can't you get at least one cute moment with your boyfriend? oh well, now you know that your life in nrc will be full of cute moments like that.
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