#also google what their fucking flag says
the-best-bagel · 5 months
unironically it feels like online leftists would support hitler if he said he was resisting american hegemony
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svgvru · 8 months
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'𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒!' you laughed slightly at the memory of a year ago that google had shown you. there plenty of memes of your husband—now president, doing silly faces with a bandana of the american flag. it was quite amusing at the time, multiple memes and art was saved to your phone. even the victim of it all enjoyed it. then he became president and he was unstoppable. it made you smile how confident and cocky he could be at times. he was a master strategist, level-headed, and funny—you couldn't think of anyone better to suit the job. but, that also means that's it's quite hard to defy him.
you normally stayed at home. you took care of the chores of the house—cleaning, cooking, anything to keep the house how he wanted. you were a househusband, and if you had kids . . . you'd be taking care of them too. at times you think he really does want children, he never voices it though. nevertheless, it has been pretty busy at the white house recently, so he hasn't been home as much. that didn't mean he wouldn't find a way to have fun.
like the obedient husband you were, you were cooking dinner for him upon his return. he had just visited you on his break, using you—"making sure you were still pliant."
a sniff and a nod left your lips. you have zero idea what you did, perhaps not having something done at the time he wanted it, but a loud yell left your lips when he pushed that urethra plug in your cock. tears were streaming down your face as you sat bare and obedient in his lap. "i expect this pretty hole down here . . . " he teases your ass with his finger. " . . . to be ready along with dinner when i get home, yes?" you nod, sniffling softly. although, that was a mistake as a hand strikes the tip your cock. "be a good boy, now. words." you gulp. "yes, sir . . . " he chuckles, setting you off of his lap. "excellent! i'll be done in a few hours. let's see how long you can take it."
there was that look. that look like you were simply a lab rat to be experimented on for his larger goal. you felt extremely small and insecure when he stared at you like that. it was like he was animal looking at the food he was to pounce on . . . regardless, you listen to him.
with a whine and moans leaving your lips, you finish cleaning the house—starting dinner immediately. you were patiently stirring the pot, legs wiggling and rubbing against eachother as it became harder to keep still. after a while, you simply let the food to simmer and took out your lube—pouring it onto your fingers. a breathy moan left your lips when the cold liquid touched your rim. slipping a finger in there was semi-easy, after all—he would fuck you anywhere at anytime. it was a kink, free use? you believe, perhaps you were into it. but it was hard to not feel embarrassed when his cock is burried inches deep in you while he's having a meeting.
your finger slips inside, stroking your walls carefully. it was painful, not being able to cum. yet—he made you stretch yourself after inserting that stupid plug. it always made you cry. you could tell when he was going to use it, he had a certain face. you'd bring yourself to tears, begging not to be punished . . . "especially with that." though, you learned, he didn't care. "big boys take their punishments," he'd say, "ah, look at that pathetic cock—cumming even with the plug!"
but you took it, because that's what you're supposed to do. you're his good boy, you need to stay that way.
you desperately think about that as you vigorously finger yourself. strings of moans and whines leave your lips. your fingers weren't nearly as effective as his, but you could find your prostate just fine. however, you couldn't cum. it burned, but it felt good. you desperately needed release, but you could take it. you could take it! you are his good boy. so you took it. and now your finishing up dinner.
the sound of the door unlocking and opening fills your ears as you ready his plate. you turn and smile, "welcome home, dear!" when he didn't respond to your words, you followed his movements with confusion. "i . . . made your plate. i—"
his hands creep into your pants. he glances over to the fixed plate of his dinner. "did you now? well, good job for listening," he chuckles as if expecting that you wouldn't do what he said. he tugs down your pants, smiling at your hard cock that bobs when it's free from the fabric. your thighs tense at the sudden air. you bite your bottom lip, pushing your ass out for him to see easier. when his hands spread your cheeks, a whine leaves your lips. "'jaku . . . " you pout looking back him. "look at you! so intelligent and good at following orders . . . why would i need such incompetent soilders when i have you, hm?" he smiles, his thumbs pulling lightly at the rim to open you up a bit. "stretched out and lube dripping from you . . . "
he leans forward, his lips pressed to the shell of your ear. "such a slutty little househusband i have . . . " he whispers, " . . . you've been so good. perhaps i should give you a reward, hm?" you nod feverishly. "y-yes, sir!" he chuckles and lets go of you, the sound of a zipper and the ruffling of pants comes from behind you.
a gasp leaves your lips at the feeling of his warm cock pressed against your ass. he postions you with your chest, head, and arms on the counter. your back is put in a pretty arch. his eyes rake your body, snickering at your full and heavy balls, tight and ready to finally release. you close your eyes in anticipation when you feel the head of his cock press against you.
a surprise yelp leaves your lips when he suddenly slams in to the hilt. "what type of sound was that?" he chuckles. "does your pussy feel that good from one thrust?" you turn your head to face him, eyes wide and teary when you called his hole a "pussy." you have to admit, the thought of him continuing to say that felt pleasureable, but that wasn't something you'd focus on right now. "i . . . i don't have—!" kenjaku chuckles. "i'm aware, just wanted to see how you'd react . . . "
his hips retract, and then slam right back against you. "ahh, such a nice 'welcome home' present. don't you think?" he grins. you nod. "y-yes!"
you feel his cock fuck into you. his pace is always rough, he's never gentle. his cock rams into you, as if trying to get you to remember its shape. "a-AH! 'j-jaku—anngh!" you whimper and moan, call out his name, but he'll continue to fuck you roughly into the counter. in fact, your moans are music to his ears! it's an invitation to fuck you harder—rougher. a wet, squelching sound as he fucks you. the lube spurts from your hole, coating his cock in a pretty cloudy color. your ass was warm and wet, that was all he could ask for.
"'jaku! gunna cum! ngh—! gotta . . . please!" tears are starting to fall. your face is being roughly rubbed on the counter as you rock from his thrusts. your cock hurts. oh fuck it hurts. all you want is to cum, all he needs to do is say the word 'yes.'
"hm, do you think you deserve it?" he asks you. you sob, gripping tightly at the counters to ground yourself. "yes! yes—i've been a . . . been a really good boy," you sob, choking your spit. "really?" he asks cruelly, knowing very well you deserve to cum, but he's going to wait. "let's wait for a moment." a broken whine leaves your lips. "what? don't you want to cum with me? this is a fantastic privilege!" you can hear the sarcasm and fake pout in his voice. "you will wait until i cum." you sob, nodding reluctantly. your chest rapidly rises and falls. "yes, sir."
"ah! fuck—mmph!" your moans were positively adorable! "ngh—ah! yes, yesyesyes! a-AH!" his cock would mercilessly jam at your prostate. you feared he would never let you cum at this point. then relief flooding through you when you felt his hand. it dipped under you, his finger hooking in the little ring the urethra plug had. "you ready?" yesyesyesyesyes! a string of one singular word left your lips as you nodded.
he chuckles and thrusts roughly, pushing your back in a rough arch as he yanks the plug from you. a scream leaves your lips. you desprately suck in air, watery cum spurts onto the innocent white cabinets. your poor cock couldn't stop leaking, you couldn't stop cumming, you couldn't stop shaking.
kenjaku's chuckles sounded muffled as you stiffly came, feeling your insides be filled from his cock. "still cumming, hm? adorable . . . " a gasp left your lips when you finally stopped, falling weakly to your knees when kenjaku slips his cock from you. you wheeze and whimper, laying pathetically on the cold tile. "you obedient little thing . . . " he laughs at the mess you've made, embarassment flooding you at the sight as well. he puts his cock back in his pants. that same unsettled smirk is given to you. perhaps the long horizontal scar on his forehead made him scarier? nevertheless, you could do a thing. you'd babble and suck in his cock as he needed, he's such a powerful man . . . there's no way you'd stand up to him.
"clean up your mess and heat my food," he orders, "i'll be waiting at the table."
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i thank my pookie (@/sensvis) who gave me the idea. og prompt: "The reader is the ""wo(man)" of the house and like since kenjaku is the president and he can do whatever he wants to his spouse he decides to fuck him so rough and so harsh that thereader is left shivering and gasping for air at the end and no one can do anything abt it cs Kenny is the president." ty bae 🙏🏾 send me more Kenny prompts, top or bottom reader.
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motheatenscarf · 6 months
Amidst all the James Somerton fallout, I think it's important to remember not to moralize whether or not you or others fell for his grift.
Obviously, if you were rallied into being one of his attack dogs on social media when he put some pretty heinous hits out on people, uh. You might have other problems and should probably evaluate how you spend your time online and how you treat other people before you start caring about the rest of the points I'm about to make. Priorities, etc.
But for the rest of us, it's surprisingly easy to miss just how awful a creator can be.
If you only watched his videos that caught your interest, if you don't really follow creators on social media, if you skip livestreams because watching Some Guy talk unfiltered into a bad camera angle with shitty lighting for hours on end sounds like a fucking nightmare to you, you're not really gonna catch most of this shit. At least, you're not gonna catch most of it from any perspective but the one he tries to spin.
This is a reminder to be skeptical and to trust your gut and check sources if something sounds wrong, but also. Uh. That's still the creator's responsibility not to plagiarize and to fact check their work. You're not morally obligated to be as thorough in curating your experience as someone who is making sure they take every ethical precaution before absolutely destroying a "creator's" credibility in a video like H-Bomb's or Todd in the Shadows'. You're literally just some guy. Most people, myself included, watch these videos as background noise while doing at minimum one other task, you're not gonna google every damn thing he says, especially not on media analysis, where the POINT is to have one's own opinion. THEY'RE the ones trying to be "influencers," or, laughably, "creators." The standards are on them.
And for the isms, phobias, and misogyny, well. Frankly, for my own perspective, I gaslight myself all the damn time when I see red flags. Good Allyship™ has been telling me for years to ignore my own discomfort when someone criticizes a privileged group, especially one I'm a part of. I'm a cis asexual white-passing and probably neuroatypical woman, I am constantly trying to be aware of my own relative privilege while simultaneously doubting my own reaction to things. Despite this, I'd still liked to think I'm a skeptical person, but nobody's immune to everything. Everybody has weak spots.
If you got duped or fell for James' scam, that sucks. I feel ya. I fell for it too, I've seen probably 40% of his catalog over the last couple years and really liked what I'd seen. I recommended his channel and videos to people even if I didn't always agree with every point he made, but it felt important to at least consider what to me seemed like a unique perspective that had value or added to a conversation. There are red flags within his content, his analysis, his rate of publishing, his weird diatribes, that in retrospect, really all added up into things I should have known better than to ignore. But, for reasons I'm interrogating and am adding to my list of things to be aware of about myself, I didn't ignore them, and got grifted. I donated to his patreon a few times, probably gave him like $20 grand total over the years, about as much as I've given H Bomb. The important take away here isn't to be ashamed of the fact that you were fooled, it's to remember that you're fallible.
And it's good to recognize that about yourself. Everyone is, and the ones who say they aren't are lying. They're either gonna be the next person to feel really stupid and foolish when they fall for a scam, or are themselves the grifter.
No one is immune.
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cator99 · 2 months
Massive fuck you to the sole blue hair retard in the crowd who managed to get picked for Fran Lebowitz Q&A time (a time which, for those who are observant, the audience is given the opportunity to suggest a topic for her to riff on) and asked how she would solve the Israel Palestine conflict. This of course garnered a collective groan of utter disdain and succeeded in clearing her off the stage in less than a minute after she refused to touch that question. I know its topical but it's not like other serious subjects where she can weave her way through it using funny anecdotes with the goal of landing on some punchlines. Do they not grasp that she only uses politics as a conduit for humor? Theres a reason she states upfront that she is not an activist. The thing that really set an uneasy tone amongst the room is the awareness of the unlikelihood that this person would have asked this of any random celebrity. We all know why they asked her. Same reason that my unemployed ftm housemate, as I told him where I was going while putting my shoes on, proceeded to google her and immediately say "I cant find anything about her stance on palestine :///....." Yup. She's A Humorist. I didn't know what else to say. But these types truly seem to believe that anything and everything should be presented alongside an eyesore collage of flags and a series of infographics and anything falling short of that should be understood as an inherent affront to morality– displayed in how they sort of complain-brag about spending all day arguing with Whatever-Phobes on Instagram and getting worked up over rage bait twitter posts in the name of Activism. Before I could finish collecting my thoughts, he continues: "...but I did find this drawing someone did of her in an IDF uniform. With a kid in a chokehold!" Yes. Thank you. I'm aware of the prevalence of antisemitism. Case in point. He continued on to say that while he Likes Comedy, that here aren't enough Leftist Comedians for him to feel Safe trying to Engage with it. Why are these types incapable of so much as looking in the direction of anything that isn't an exact mirror of their experiences or beliefs without shitting themselves? It's scrupulosity OCD to a fucking T. And jesus christ if you're going to a comedian for their political beliefs you're not only exposing yourself as someone without much in terms of a serious investment in actual politics to begin with but also a tragically humorless person– ie the type to show up to see Fran Lebowitz and clear the room with your inability to read it. One of the many pitfalls of illiteracy is that its impacts aren't restricted to the confines of a piece of paper.
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magicalrocketships · 10 months
hi! are you planning to write more of de-aged max bc he is just so cute it’s giving me a heart attack. saw a tiktok the other day w photos of baby max and all i could think about was this verse!!!!! ahhh lysm
Thank you!!! Here is a little bit more, in honour of grown up Max's adventures with colouring in.
(Hopefully this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order. But anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.)
It has been five full days since a seven year old Max showed up at Daniel's door in too-big clothes and holding out a little card with Daniel's name carefully printed on it in grown up Max's blocky handwriting. Baby Max shows no signs of going big again. He follows Daniel around his apartment, looks at his flag book, and plays with the Jimmy or Sassy cats — no further narrowing down of cat identity has occurred, due to Daniel having little to no interest in identifying cat penises, and grown up Max's complete fucking inability to put his fucking cat names on a fucking collar, or, indeed, to have informed Daniel of his Go Small plans at any point in the past three fucking years, but that's fine, Daniel is fine with this responsibility. Max has wet the bed every night and Daniel is just having to cross his fingers that he's not making everything worse by each and every decision he makes.
Anyway: if grown up Max doesn't show up again extremely soon, Daniel's going to have to bite the bullet and call Christian and tell him Max isn't going to be able to race. Max will hate that when he's back, if Daniel brakes too soon and makes the call, and more than that, it's going to turn baby Max into a Thing, and if there's one thing Daniel has learned in the last five days, it's that Max one hundred percent does not want to be a thing of any kind.
So, it's time for Emergency Measures. Maybe what will kickstart baby Max back into adulthood in time for his next race will be a race track, and go-karting. Daniel takes advantage of Max being distracted by his coloured pencils in the living room to google nearby karting tracks, and sends the nearest one a message to see if he could book out the whole track for a private session. The answer comes back with an immediate yes, which is probably in some part due to the figure Daniel had dropped in his message about how much he's willing to pay for the privilege.
He leans against the doorframe into the living room. Max is concentrating very closely on his colouring book, his coloured pencils all out on the coffee table. A little something in Daniel's chest shifts a bit.
"Maxy-Max," Daniel says, half way through his email response to the karting track. "Would you like to go karting tomorrow?"
There is a pause. "No, thank you, Daniel." Max does not look up from his colouring book, nor does he stop colouring.
Daniel also pauses. Max's little fingers hold onto his pencil tighter. He's pressing down hard on the picture.
"Okay," Daniel says. "Would you like to go another day, if we don't go tomorrow?"
"No, thank you, Daniel," Max says again. He still doesn't look up. His pencil might tear through the paper soon.
Daniel's been reading up on Going Small. Well, googling randomly when he can't sleep. Most people tend to think about Going Small as a way of connecting with your kid self, like… remembering who you once were in case maybe you wanted to stop being such a cunt or that you always wanted to sew clothes or build bridges and maybe your hedge fund job isn't as fulfilling as you maybe thought it was. Some people say it's as much for the people around you as it is about you, but whatever. Daniel had had a great fucking time in the pit lane six years ago, he remembers that much, although the detail has always been fuzzy. Like it happened a very long time ago. But there's another school of thought, one about the kids that don't age back up after a day or a couple of days, the kids who maybe lost a part of their childhood the first time around. Daniel's never met anyone who stayed small longer than a couple of days though, and it's so rare that the theory could be complete bollocks, and no one would ever know anyway. You can't battle data against the universe, it's not like race strategy. There's no science to it.
Max continues not to look at him. He's colouring the same line over and over again.
Daniel closes his email app, and slips his phone into his pocket. "Can I come and colour with you?"
Max nods, but doesn't look up. His fingertips are white around his pencil. He's used it down to the nub so that it's almost too blunt to colour with.
Daniel tries to sit down on Max's right side, but Max shakes his head and makes him come and sit on his left. Daniel positions himself cross-legged by the coffee table and it becomes clear just why Max wanted him this side when, a moment later, Max's little hand slips into Daniel's bigger one. Daniel does not now have a hand to colour with, but maybe it doesn't matter, because Max is colouring with enough concentration for the two of them, a big picture of a train with a cat sitting in the window next to the driver. He's being very careful. He still doesn't look up.
One of the Jimmy or Sassys wanders over to curl up by Max's little Pikachu-socked foot. The other one, the one who doesn't like being petted as much and prefers to watch you in a creepy and furry way while you're doing perfectly normal things sitting on the toilet or in the shower, perches on top of Daniel's shelves and stares at them.
Max's grip on his pencil loosens a little. Daniel leans over and kisses the top of his head. "You're very good at colouring," he tells Max. "We can cut out ones you've finished and put them up on the wall, if you'd like."
Max looks at him then, his eyes big and wide. "My pictures?"
"Your pictures," Daniel agrees. He reaches for the Pikachu pencil sharpener in the middle of the table. "Can I sharpen your pencil for you?"
Max dutifully hands him his blue pencil. His eyes are still shining, even though Daniel's had to stop holding his hand so that he can sharpen it for him. When he hands it back, all sharp, Max tucks his hand into Daniel's again.
"You've done some good colouring in of this train," Daniel says. "Have you been on a train, Maxy-Max?"
Max shakes his head.
"Would you like to go on one?"
Max's eyes widen. "A train?"
"Yeah," Daniel nods. "If you'd like, we can go and find a train to go on tomorrow. If you want to. We can take Pikachu."
"But not the Jimmy or Sassys," Max says, frowning. "They would not like the train and they might get lost."
"No," Daniel agrees. "The Jimmy or Sassy cats can stay here."
"There is a cat in my train picture but it is not our cats."
"No," Daniel says. "So, should we go on a train tomorrow?"
"Yes, please, Daniel," Max says, in satisfaction.
Daniel watches him colour even as he's avoiding texting Christian to let him know Max has gone small and isn't getting big again. He follows up on his avoidance by ordering a night light for Max's bedroom and one for the bathroom, in case his little boy is frightened of the dark and is too scared to say. He pays extra for same-day delivery.
He'll call Christian later, when Max is in bed. Instead, he googles train stations, and train timetables, and puts together a plan for the morning.
Max keeps his hand tucked into Daniel's, carries on colouring, and doesn't let go.
Thank you so much to Zoe @flawlessassholes for giving this a pre-post read through, and for consistently being interested in all baby Max lore!
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your-local-baguette · 5 months
Rather be, rather be
Warnings: not proofread, angst, swearing, may contain dark subjects, proceed at your own risk. Body dismorphia?? Sh and more. Manga spoilers
Info: micheal kaiser x reader angst.(Platonic) This will be separated in multiple smaller parts and also the german used is from google translate so german people pls don't attack me. Yea that's pretty much it..
Part 2
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You walked in blue lock after the two week break, spotting multiple familiar faces. Some from the U-20 team, but most from blue lock, you had a small backpack with you hanging off one of your shoulder. You spotted Isagi, walking towards him "hey" you said and turned to you with a smile. "Hi y/n!" He said, you both hadn't seen eachother during the break and you were inseparable during the blue lock 6 month program. You gave him a friendly hug which he returned, you were about to start a conversation but Ego interrupted you, he appeared in front of everyone, still the same as ever. He started his speech, still that creepy smirk attached to his face. You weren't very focused but he gave you ninety minutes to choose between 5 different teams from different countries. You looked down at your phone, looking at the five flags on your screen. You looked at isagi, he seemed to be hesitant, he talked with others. For you, the choice was obvious, aim to be around the bests, pressing the german flag on your screen. "You already chose y/n ?" Isagi asked, curious, you nodded" for me, the choice is obvious" and, i wanna catch up to you, isagi, you aren't leaving me behind. A smirk tugged on both you and isagi faces "try to keep up" he said, accepting your challenge. There was still time, so you decided to go around and greet some people and especially go see rin. You easily found him, when you put your hand on his shoulder, he looked back, the cold glare softening a bit. He turned to face you, waiting for you to state what you wanted. "Hey! How are you, Rin?" You asked "fine" he said, not bothering to ask you back, you had a disappointed look "wow, i'm doing great too, thanks" he didn't say anything" what team did you choose ?" Rin staged silent before opening his mouth "PxG" you raised your eyebrows "guess i'll have to improve if i wanna beat you, huh?" He hummed at your statement "you can try to keep up but i doubt you will" he said coldly before walking away. You sighted and walked back towards Isagi, hands in your pockets, looking at him and the people he was standing next to. You recognized them, but Rin, isagi and bachira were the only you actually talked to, so you didn't really care. A loud sound was heard thorough the room as the timer had ended, you saw who isagi chose and walked with him. He walked in first and you followed behind, the german team stood there, eyeing you all down. Well let's say a few pair of eyes eyed you down a little more.
The discussion were kept short before a small door opened revealing the last person you expected to be here. Kunigami rensuke, you looked at him nervously while he stared back, let's just say you only got along after the teams part. You looked away at the german team and another one of these big ass door opened. You judged them real hard as an obstacle course appeared before you and everyone ran towards it. You got out your earphones, plugging some music before, stretching, isagi looked back for a second but you kinda...flipped him off. You started walking before running, you were pretty fit. You actually managed to catch up, making it pass a few blue lockers although your late departure. After arriving at the top, you dribbled around the cones, shooting at the middle target, a loud bang echoing through the room when it did. There was a little dint in the wall 'fucking shit' you thought to yourself. You just got out the way and waited for isagi who made it up, dribbling around the cones and shooting aswell at the target. Although, his shot got interrupted by another ball, since you had watched your eyes followed the previous ball trajectory to one of the bastard munchen member. You stood next to Isagi while the german player walked towards both of you, you handed isagi one of your earphone, which he gladly took. The man had blond hair with blue shades, he was fairly tall with quite a charming appearance. You looked him up and down. He and his german friend you supposed, were talking but honestly you didn't want to understand shit and decided not to give one either. "The fuck with his bangs ?" You said to isagi and snickered, "freshen them up at least, geez" the friend the dude had handed you guys some kind of earpiece, you took out your earphones "my music...." You said pouting a bit, isagi handed you your earphone and you placed them in your bag. Putting the earpiece on and suddenly the blond guy started speaking. "Better ?" He questioned with a smirk "i already wanna take these off" he chuckled "i could understand you all along, maybe you got lost along the way, pretty girl?" You raised an eyebrow "i know i'm so pretty, unlike you" isagi started laughing "s-stop insulting him i'm already laughing too much!" You giggled and the other dude with purple kind of hair eye twitched. You looked straight in his eyes "that one kinda cute, looks fun to play with" his sarcastic expression disappeared, replaced with a blush "c-cute?" "Was, wirst du schüchtern, Süße?" ( This google translate ok please pardon me also it was : what, getting shy cutie ? ) you said directly in german, surprising them both, his face flushed even more, you smirked at him " Ich denke, mit dir, Süße, werde ich es genießen" ( i think with you around cutie, i'll enjoy myself) you looked at the blond guy " maybe you can have your own use aswell, i prefer the cute ones though" you winked at the purple haired guy " N-ness alexis" he said turning his head away, you smirked" i'll stick with cutie, mkay ?" Not like he had a choice. Finally the master of the team arrived, everyone gathered around him, he explained everything and all the boring stuff. You winked at Ness and kaiser while he kind of struggled to pronounce your name and he looked up at you " just y/n" you said with a half fake, half genuine smile. He nodded and went along the list....
Part.2 coming up soon ( hopefully)
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trykefag · 3 months
Hi.... :] before we get into this I wanna say one (1) thing: I'm pro-Palestine AND (shocker) pro-Israel. I'm hitting a hornets nest tagging this with pro-Palestine when how I view being for Palestine is so drastic to others' views.
Any sort of harassment or antisemitism will be reported and you will be blocked. We don't hate Jews or Israelis here. Also, if you tag this post with "to the river to the sea Palestine will be free" you're ignorant and dunno what the fuck you're saying.
This post is lengthy (imo) and just my personal spew on stuff, it's nothing like...revolutionary lol. I just need to get shit out somehow.
I don't get the anti-Israel crowed like....they know nothing and its so baffling they'll just say shit they don't understand the concept or history of. You can be pro-Israel and hate the Israeli government, you can be pro-Palestine while also realizing that the history is very convoluted and if you did a simple YouTube search about history on Palestine and Israel you'd be more educated. You can be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine...shocker I know!
I've learned more from YouTube than in history class. I've also learned that antisemitism is very easy to fall into, which is something I knew but didn't understand. Pro-Palestinians I don't doubt actually care, I'd love to think most Pro-Palestinians actually give a fuck about the murders that're happening! The downside is that they're falling and repeating shit the fucking Nazis would say in the name of activism and see NO ISSUE. (Saying "gas the Jews" and holding up Nazi flags is, even in the name of activism, antisemetic.)
I try and not be cynical, but like there's literal dog whistles and antisemetic shit being spoken about and there's signs being put up that says "No Jews" and there's even fucking Tumblr blogs with "Jews DNI" on them. (I've seen them, they're very much real. Most of them have "Zionists DNI" which is usually just a dog whistle to Jews, but I digress.)
Don't get me started on fucking Zionism actually, no one knows what the fuck that is and they claim they do when they don't. It's so brain numbing!
"Go back to where you came from!" that'd be Israel....which you wanna get rid of. That's also what Zionism is btw. Jews are from Israel...please Google things before you open your yapper.
I can only find solace in the Jumblr tag (& similar ones) because they have knowledge about what the fuck is going on and I won't get called a "Zionist Nazi"!
In the face of chaos I will say that studying and my plans to convert one day is the best decision I've ever made; you can't get rid of Jews, no matter how much you want us gone. Reading the Torah, researching about Israel, learning the culture, the food, the language, etc. It's healing and I'm glad to be coming home slowly but surely. Am yisrael chai.
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
This is the process‼️
the actual final thing is here 😺
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this fucKing bass
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All this text is made with the tool that transforms your voice and whatever you're saying into text so don't expect this to have sense in too many ways okay?
Okay so this is part of the process that I end up making cuz there was a bunch of trial and error in this process because whenever I was doing like the front the front the front and the thing I was getting a little bit confused cuz I was having too many ideas at once and it didn't work out as you think it will but at the end I end up like merging some of those ideas into one and end up looking pretty good that this is the stupidest sketch of how it was looking at the beginning in the terms of the title and stuff
Now the bass that instrument took so long to get it right cuz listen I end up studying technical draw in architecture and if I see something that doesn't have the right perspective I'm killing myself
So of course I was going to get into technical details with creating or drawing the bass
And also in the first parts you can kind of see how it was at the beginning like the colors and stuff trial and error yada yada yada
And I end up making some color arrangements cuz I want this to be bright and stuff and I didn't want this to be pale or look a little bit weird I wanted to have the right contrast
And also talking about contrast you can see the pictures in black and white that's because I wanted to get rid of the contrast and I didn't want something to not pop up right using the wrong colors so that's why there's black and white pictures yes
And also as I know that @aziraphalesbookkeeper favorite color is green cuz I asked that in the ask box I end up placing a bunch of green and several places in the complete piece or the complete render
And also yes the thing that Google was wearing it was going to have some pins with like some flags or whatever and that didn't make up to the end because I was tired and I was lazy and I didn't want to do more things in the jacket
In for the boots I end up searching on Pinterest several things regarding I don't know ehhh Punk boots or something like that and at the end of the day I end up just getting in genshin to look at my wriottesley and admire or have a treaty view of some boots that are similar to the things that I wanted to draw
And also talking about the boots yeah there is not that many things on the boots and I end up getting lazy and tired of drawing details on the boots but it wasn't worth it at the end of the day
And also in the part of Hugo's pants I was thinking into creating like this patches that punk pants end up having with some band names or something embroidered into them cuz that looks cool and I think it matches his personality in some sort of way and I kind of did that it doesn't look that much in contrast with they're saying something his pants but they're there and that's what it matters
I tried okay I tried
Also another little detail in the part of the front I was just searching for several inspiration on rock or metal covers for albums and stuff and I didn't find much of inspiration into that but then I look into some posters and stuff like that and that was just a boost of inspiration and that's why the fronts in the thing end up going from whatever you see on that thing that has like pngs of a scrap of papers and something is already in some kind of text of a chat cuz I remember that in the story both of them end up talking on chat and stuff
On my head it was looking right but then I put it into the actual canvas and it was looking like shit to me so that idea was a scratched and he didn't make it up to the end hehe
And I think that settled it and that's it basically for all maybe I will read all this shit later and find out something that I missed but that's it
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shinidamachu · 2 years
What did Neymar did? Sorry im not aware
Neymar is one of those stars who became very big, very young and very fast. The amount of fame and money he was exposed to as a teen made him believe he's some kind of God and it didn't help that his father – who is also his manager – is a greedy piece of shit and that Brazilian media naturalized Neymar's behavior at the beginning of his career because he was only a boy.
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"We're creating a monster" said Atlético-GO's coach about Neymar in 2010, after the player refused to follow orders from his coach at the time, Dorival Jr.
Today, at 30 years old, Neymar's ego is way bigger than his football. Barca fans hate the blunt way in which he left the club and PSG fans still can't stand his entitled ass. He is criticized and made fun of world wide for falling all the time and for having the emotional intelligence of a 15 years old. He was recently tried for fraud and corruption surrounding his transfer to Barcelona – although found not guilty.
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But what really did it for me was what happened last October. As you know, Brazilians just had the elections of our fucking lives. Neymar's political alignment has always been shady – most football players' are –, but he mostly just keeps quiet. And since 2022 is also a year of World Cup, the Brazilian players had an agreement not to talk about political stuff and focus solely on the competition.
Neymar broke the agreement by posting a TikTok dance openly supporting Bolsonaro's re-election. If you don't know who Bolsonaro is, I strongly suggest a quick Google search or BBC's documentary The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros and you'll understand why Brazilians got so pissed. Especially because we're certain Neymar is only supporting him because he's a tax evader and Bolsonaro is more than ready to let it slide.
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It's also important to point out that Bolsonaro supporters kidnapped national symbols like the Brazilian flag and our signature yellow jersey. Those things became deeply associated with them in a way that is almost irrevocable, so many of us have opted for using the blue, the white or the black jersey in a herculean effort to differentiate ourselves from them and still root for and support our national team.
Neymar was well aware of that during the campaign but still decided to participate in Bolsonaro's live, even saying that he'd dedicate the first goal he scores in the World Cup to Bolsonaro. I don't know if he's still going to do that, now that Bolsonaro lost, but it was still a shitty thing to say.
It's like he always wants to be the center of attention. Like he wants us to hate him. And honestly? He got his wish. It's really a shame, because he had the potential to be a truly Brazilian icon someday, but now all he'll ever be is an ass, even if he does bring us the cup somehow.
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The Illymation and Think Before You Sleep drama:
What exactly is criticism and what is the difference between criticism and bullying?
If you guys haven’t heard the latest internet drama, apparently Illymation decided to straight up false flag TBYS’s vid for “bullying” her…
Which is kinda stupid and pathetic all together.
So to answer the first question, according to Google’s dictionary of what Criticism is:
“The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.”
Essentially, it is the term used to describe the calling out of mistakes people make (saying people what NOT to do basically).
For example-Critcism towards a fanfiction:
“I like this chapter but it has a few problems you gotta work on. First, the way the paragraphs are layered is not perfect and it is hard to read. There are also some grammar issues and the way it goes from past tense to present tense.”
THAT is criticism.
Criticism is honestly pretty much scary and upsetting, but criticism is here JUST to improve you and your work, not to emotionally hurt you at ALL. It is here to remind you what NOT to do. It isn’t scary at all once you use it to help you out on yourself and your work.
Now to answer the second question…
What is the actual difference between criticism and bullying?
Criticism is ADVISE for you and your work to improve and change and NOT make the same mistakes in the future!!
Bullying on the other hand is verbal and physical abuse from another person that may be or may not be related to you.
Example of bullying:
“You’re worthless!”
“You’re very fat like a pig!”
“The way you just do those things are so stupid!”
These are INSULTS. Not criticism.
So now you all know what exactly criticism is and what is the difference between it and bullying. It may be hard to know it, but it ISN’T really hard!
People gotta understand about it. They gotta expect some opinions and judgements from others who are LIKELY gonna give criticism. And they should UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CRITICISM AND BULLYING!!!!!!
Especially Illymation!!
Just the audacity of saying that TBYS’s video is straight up hurting her mentally and thinking it is bullying is pathetic.
She gotta grow up…
So as far as you all know..
Please just don’t be like Illymation (a man child who apparently can’t tell the difference between criticism and bullying).
Criticism is an important thing to have. Don’t abandon it and don’t take advantage of it. Use it for your own benefit. Again, it may be scary, but it isn’t once you look into it and use it as it can improve you and change your work/content.
Kay that’s all! Byyyyyeeeeeee~ :DD
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
How is Blackwell even a school?
Blackwell is insanely weird.
It has dorms but also lockers.
A barely functioning staff. We have two teachers, a principal, a custodian and a head of security. There is Mrs Hoida, but we never see her in LIS or BTS. Mr Keaton exists in BTS, but we never hear about him in LIS. There’s a nurse, but we never see her. There’s a coach for the Otters and Bigfoots, but neither Max nor Chloe are athletic, so we never see them. According to Chloe’s report card. There is an Art teacher, Phy Ed teacher, Practical Math and Life Skills Teacher, Social Sciences teacher and Personal Health Teacher. But we never see any of them.
Only two whole classrooms in the whole game.
It’s apparently the only school the town has and also is a super expensive exclusive private school.
It’s a high school that recruits world renowned artists and scientists to teach basic high school level classes.
It’s graduates supposedly go on to become famous successful people yet the school itself resides in a tiny rundown coastal Oregon town.
It costs a fortune to attend and yet it looks like it hasn’t been seriously repaired or renovated since the 1970’s.
Hell it doesn’t even have security cameras on campus.
According to google
"According to a student survey from the National Center for Education Statistics, 86 percent of middle school and high school students have security cameras installed in their schools."
Despite David being an asshole, it's standard procedure to have cameras up in the first place. David is wrong to put cameras in his home to spy on Chloe, but not wrong to have cameras in the school. If there were cameras already placed in Blackwell.
Frank Bowers would never be able to sell on school grounds
Frank never would've been close to Rachel
Nathan never would've gotten away with bringing so many illegal drugs to the Vortex Club
Kate never would've been dosed
Speaking of David. Why is he just a security officer? Why isn't he a cop? Wouldn't it make sense for David to work two jobs since the Prices are in debt? As a cop and as a security officer? The most unrealistic thing about LIS. David was too unstable to be a Arcadia Bay cop. The police have no standards and I'm shocked that David wasn't an instant recruit considering how the police in America wants people with low IQs and doesn’t care for obvious red flags.
Also, School Resource Officers exist.
Then there is the fact that Max…BARELY uses the school of her dreams. We get one or two classes at best. Going to Ms Grant’s class does not count cause Max only went there to help Warren.
Chloe not using Blackwell makes sense. She hates the damn place and would rather learn about Rachel’s anatomy break the rules and chill in the junkyard.
But with Max, shouldn’t she actually be attending classes? I mean if I were attending a big private school at Blackwell, but didn’t attend classes. I think my ass would’ve been suspended within weeks and my tuition set on fire.
What kind of school, a HIGH school lets their students freely roam the halls, leave school grounds or chill in the dorms instead of doing class work?
For that matter. Why the fuck is Blackwell Academy a fucking High School? Why not a college? Art Colleges exists. I'd rather Blackwell be a college and for everyone to be of age, it'd explain a lot of stuff such as the drugs, parties, guns, and just a lot of stuff. Not to mention going through college you are still figuring out stuff, what you want to do with your life, and still figuring out who you are. Would've imo a lot better and explained why half the shit that was happening was.
I get this is an episodic game and there are more pressing concerns, but honestly Blackwell should’ve been like say Bully. We do the day’s worth of classes and then progress to the story. Hell, you could even implement a sort of friendship system. Maybe you pick who you sit next to and that raises Max’s friendship with them. Anything would’ve been better than Max skipping school altogether and just focusing on Chloe. Like we have an entire school, we should not have our focus be on Chloe. There could’ve been ways to work classes into the main story, but no. Blackwell is just background noise and it shows.
But the lack of a full faculty staff or an actual care that anyone actually attends class? What kind of fucking school is this?
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Blog/Game Update! 12.27
Hey all (o´・ε・`o)
Hope your holiday was great spent with your loved ones, yourself, furbabies, etc. <3 With the new year coming up I just want to give some highlights of what's to come with this blog!
-tumblr staff STILL has not answered me about my previous blog jazeswhbvault...and what's weird about it is that they flagged my Bimet event post which had 0 nudity in it....and I put in an appeal and it was fixed within a couple hours. And yet...crickets on my visibility for the fucking blog itself lol So it's safe to say this one will be my permanent one. I'm still keeping the old one up as none of the posts have been delted. I also downloaded all of the content in a backup zip file in case it does get deleted so I can repost them here.
-after I finish posting the last react posts for the past event, I will dedicate the rest of the week/year to responding to all of the requests/asks I've received including the ones on the old blog. I'll have them post on a time-based schedule so you won't see a huge influx all at once
-now for the game itself the admin of the WHB updates twitter sent in a long email for PB to answer and it sounds like there's some promise to look forward to in regards of Solomon seals, and other concerns players have had. for now, they have addressed that they are looking into giving us 500 seals per month without paying for them and looking for other ways for us to earn them. Now, for the lesser keys being used for a limited banner pull they mentioned the game's design makes it difficult for this to be possible and could take some time due to manpower/other factors. to me, that's understandable so I'm cool with the free seals per month because honestly I'd probably just save up on those anyway. There's more to be addressed, so I'll be tuning into that once the admin posts it. Source -> Boom, click here
-i also would like to thank all players who are being generous in sharing content they've unlocked in the cards, chats, just anything. for someone who is a f2p,budget gacha person who just loves writing content and headcanons this is very helpful and keeps me in the know so I won't have outdated info for my requests/fics to go off of.
-so i checked my google form on audio reacts and it looks like a good chunk of the responses just want me to go for it! ^^ thank you all who participated, i'll make sure that the react is a good one That's it for now lovelies <3 please continue to be awesome, I will get to your requests, and thank you for all interactions -your lovely admin (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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lippiethehoe · 10 days
Well hi tumblr queers again :D.
Okay so for starters CONTENT WARNING I'll be talking about sexuality sex and overall sexual stuff so if that's not something you wanna look at then don't read thanks :).
I kinda feel like starting a little conversation and also hopefully getting some answers from lgbts from tumblr which hmmm... idk if this is the best place for this, especially since I don't particularly have a big following, nor do I think I have the means to make this be more visible to randos on tumblr so hmm, if this amounts to nothing know I'll be embarassed about it but that's okay, but also I fucking hate reddit and all my google research efforts have resulted in either basically nothing or people asking similar questions to mine but having very deeply different prespectives of both gender in general and sexuality in general than me so google research didn't slay at all, and so I'll lend my trust to the tumblers ig.
Ok so hello, I'm lilly I'm a demiromantic trans woman and I've struggled for kind of a while with my sexuality, not because I don't know what it is, but because I'm actually a huge labels person. Having a word to describe the way i feel about things has always helped me feel as though I know myself better and can make others know me better aswell. Even if putting labels on complex human feelings and emotions is essentialy pointless, it's still something that means alot to me, and I hate that for the longest time I have been perfectly capable of knowing what my sexuality is, but can't simple it down to one word and use it on my day to day life and that makes me sad. It also makes me feel kinda alone in my feelings? cause I'm basically the only person i know with this prespective on my sexuality at least for now so I'm a bit confused, obviously I don't think I'm the only person like this cause that's basically impossible but it still feels that way ig?
Also I remembered this recently only because it's pride month, happy pride month btw :3, and I was doing a thing on discord where everyday I'd add a flag that I indetify with on my profile picture, problem is I've ran out of flags, because no sexual orientation feels right and from my knowledge of it there isn't a sexuality nor a flag for what I feel, and now not only does my discord pfp not look full of colors and pretty it also re-awakened a little identity crisis I've had for a while.
This is definetly gonna be a very long post but I won't feel like I explained myself correctly if it isn't a big post so bear with me, but let's start.
So I'm gonna start explaining how I personally view sexuality and gender so you, reader, can have all the means available to understand my prespective on this. Sexuality to me is kinda simple, simply means whatever a person is attracted to, what makes them sexually interested in someone, whatever other way you wanna put it, and gender is simply the way a person identifies themselves with, the eyes they navigate the world through, the way they percieve themselves and the way they want to be percieved as by others etcetera, I won't explain my prespective on romanticism cause that's essentially useless to my question, but yeah simple stuff right?
So here's where I don't believe I fit in with most sexualities, here's the question I've had for quite a while but never thought to express it in a place where more than just a few friends could hear, I am not sexuality attracted to genders, ok now is when someone screams at me and says pansexual, I don't agree, but moving on, I'm not sexually attracted to people much, I am sexually attracted to penis tho, and here's where someone screams heterosexual at me AND IF YOU DID I FUCKING HATE YOU FYI NOT CAUSE I HATE HETEROS BUT BECAUSE THAT AS AN ANSWER TO WHAT I SAID IS FUCKING TRANSPHOBIC, YEAH I SAID IT, BITCH!!!
But here's the thing, what is a gender, ok I wrote alot after i said that but deleted it all cause this could fall into a very long rabbit hole, but gender's a construct blah blah, can you tell I probably have some neurodivergencies going on in the head anyways continuing. Genuinely, I don't know what it feels like to be a sexuality that includes gender in it, not because I don't think it to be true obviously i know people are heterosexual bisexual homosexual lesbians any other sexual orientation that implies gender being a part of the equation. But to me I can't be sexually attracted to men because a man can be anything to me, I can't be sexually attracted to women because a woman can be anything to me, i can't be sexually attracted to enbys cause being non-binary can be anything to me and the list goes on. Nothing is set in gender because to me gender can look like, feel like, and be like anything, if I labeled myself heterosexual, sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender of me, what would I mean by it? cause think about it, there're big men small men skinny fat muscular men hairy shaved brown eyed dark skinned pussy having dick having blah blah blah and the list goes on again, and even in there I'm not specifically attracted to any of the traits on that list anyways, none of those traits sexually arouse me, men don't sexually arouse me, women don't sexually arouse me, but you know what does? penis. So therein lies the issue, cause surprise, there's a bunch of dicks in the world, what? that's crazy? Yeah penis is everywhere, there're men with penises women with penises nonbinaries with penises intersex people with penises dildos people with strap-ons and the list goes on and in that entire list, the only thing that sexualy arouses me personally, is penis, not who has it, not wether or not it was there from birth, not wether or not it's made of plastic or human skin, not wether or not I'm specifically sexually attracted to any other aspect of said person, but simply the thing that sexually arrouses me and makes me feel pleasure is the thing that sexually attracts me, which in my head is so fucking obvious? Like it's a conclusion so natural to me, but it seems I'm the only person in a 50 km radius that feels this way? It's also possible that I'm actually wrong and view the current existing sexualities in the wrong way and if that's what's up please tell me.
Also i feel the rising tension of someone saying stuff like "people can sexually stimulate others with fingers are u FiNgErSeXuAl?" and the truth is not really but I still find it sexually arousing when it happens, but the last thing I'm gonna do is look at fingers and blush I think. WOAH THAT JUST OPENED A NEW DOOR FUCKK OH NO THIS IS GONNA BE TOO LONG MAYBE I SHOULDN'T POST THIS IDK. I am also sexually attracted to certain actions, but at this point I feel I'm leaving sexuality and going into kink territory and that isn't really where I wanted to go. EITHER WAY my overall conclusion is I don't understand most sexualities and feel as though my view of my sexuality should have a label so I feel more comfortable, maybe I should be the catalyst who knows maybe someone's already been the catalyst and I'm simply unaware of that, either way I'd like a sexuality flag to add to my discord pfp so maybe I'll just make a flag up, who fucking knows, that's it tho. So yeah if anyone who sees this post experiences anything similar to this and wants to share about it please do I'd be really thankful.
Thank you so much if you sticked with me all the way to the end, and if you feel like you might have some insight on what I'm saying or simply wanna say something relevant to this topic please do, it's pride month and I'm incredibly proud of all queers and gender fuckers :3 happy pride month!
Ps: I just wanna say something, this isn't an invitation to flirt with me send me unsolicited dick pics or respond to things I clearly showed not to be questions, I want this topic to be taken in more of a discussion way than a sexual one, if that could be possible I'd be thankful, ok that's it bie bie.
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themessengervevo · 6 months
Hello my followers. Today I'm posting something that's not a piece of art I made or a responce to an ask, because I need your help. Several days ago, with the help of my very supportful art teacher, I made a Google account and a Youtube channel as well. She wanted me to post my music on there because she liked it alot and wanted other people to discover it as well. I shared those thoughts too. I also wanted to have a Google account as well because I had one up until 2019 where a phone number being removed caused it to instantly remove my access to the Google account, and thus the Youtube channels I had, which included an earlier instance of a channel dedicated to my music. My most succesful channel only had a slight big over a hundred subscribers.
So I got the Google account, and the Channel set up to where I wanted it and started work on the first upload. It was supposed to a full upload of my album "Suffering Embedded in Logic" with a remastering done by me. I completed the full upload, and even gone through the effort of verifying my account for the purpose of being able to upload a one hour video without hassle. I uploaded it, the copyright checks went through fine, and I uploaded it to the channel. I, obviously considering the big steps I took to getting here, advertised it everywhere, and I wanted to advertise it on this account as well. But then, after a total of three days since creating the account, and not even a day after uploading the video, I was greated to a screen.
It said my video was removed because my account has been terminated. I was obviously very much distressed by this. What could've caused this termination? Why? Was it the full album I posted? Was it something completely different? Did I spent all this time wishing to have a channel again to then be euthanized like that? So I sent an appeal to Youtube regarding my channel.
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I got an email confirming that they were looking into the appeal, and that I would get it in around 2 business days.
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All well and good, right? Well, I woke up today to this lovely message in my Inbox:
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This was obviously shocking to me. In the email regarding my termination, Youtube said my channel had "severe or repeated violations of [their] Community Guidelines". I believe that I wasn't doing anything that could break their Guidelines. What part of the Guidelines I was apparently breaking was not detailed in any way, so in my appeal I said for them to atleast guide me to where in the Guidelines I was breaking these rules, but in their reply not only did they not tell what I was apparently breaking, but doubled down on their decision and are keeping me terminated. Fun little fact, you can only make ONE appeal to them, and no more.
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This was infuriating to say the least. Not only did they banned someone who didn't do anything, they didn't even include a reason or anything so at to why they did this. So in their Feedback form thing, I wrote them this:
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Please, PLEASE read this fully if you want to see my thoughts on this, but if you really can't, here is a "tl;dr" on my thoughts.
I have 2 working theories that might explain why I was inexplicably banned from this platform. And both arent the brightest in their image.
The first theory I have is that this is all a work of a Bot that just so decided to screw over a person for some false reasoning that it sticked to. This theory is confirmed by several support threads on Google's own support forums regarding this exact issue (which are still being made to this day), the one linked as an example. From there, I saw many a person talk about their channels being unfairly banned for unexplained reasons, including a small martial arts group that were only uploading clips of them. that martial arts group got the reasoning of "spam, deceptive practices, and misleading material" for their ban. I believe their network of bots sometimes falsely flag people and terminate them, and that human support doesn't come to correct these bots for many of the smaller people, resulting in an unfair permanent banning. As such, I proposed for them to give reasons as to why they ban people, as well as up the amount of appeals you can do, as well as for them to make their bots better.
The second theory though has more serious allegations. I don't usually talk about where I live, mostly for privacy concerns and also that I believe you shouldn't give out all your information for strangers online, but I have to talk about it for this part. I live in Russia. I have been living in Russia for my whole life. It isn't the best place to live in my opinion, but I've been stuck on this patch of land since I was born. Ever since the Russo-Ukranian War started, the already somewhat negative outlook of people outside of Russia has dropped significantly, many people from there who catered to people outside of Russia received many threats. One of my best friends, who I like to call Reggie, that is working in a store dedicated to people with Autism, had to stop working in Global markets because there was so much hate for Russians at the time that the Dollar-to-Ruble ratio dropped massively, and it was just too much. Many sites put sanctions on Russian sectors, including PayPal, which led to many Russians who used it to basically be poor. Which leads me to believe this: The reason why Youtube terminated my account with no explanation is because either it's human support is xenophobic, or that Youtube itself is xenophobic. I do not like this though, but I'm more and more convinced that this is the case.
Which leads me to a wider discussion of how Youtube is fundamentally broken. From letting big youtubers to stay on the platform despite them breaking their own rules, to many spam comments and scam accounts that exist solely to harvest subscribers and unsuspecting victims, to the whole ElsaGate debocle an how it returned in BIG amounts with Youtube doing nothing, to innocent channels getting silenced and punished for just existing, I believe that what Youtube meant in "making sure that Youtube is a safe place to all" is that they would make sure that Youtube is a safe place to all the big channels that are making money for them, which include scammers, botted accounts, hacks, and big television networks. I say NO to that. I say
Youtube has shown to be late to things that should've been resolved way earlier, that they do not care about serious violations of their rules unless it is explicitly called out on Twitter, that they are inherently racist, homophobic, and xenophobic as was shown in many cases prior to this one (CoryXKenshin immediately brings to my mind), and that they will let their biggest cashcows to continue thriving on their platform and giving them money, even if they are the most scummiest creatures of this earth. This should NOT be how Youtube is. It should be a safe community for many people to go about their lives posting things they want to do, knowing they are safe from the threats of people who would gladfully steal their work knowing they are bigger than you and can get away with it or the system not banning them for arbitrary things they dont know. It should be safe for all, but its only safe for the biggest. So I again say
Please spread my story everywhere you can. Reblog this, crosspost this, blaze it, share it anywhere (but especially on Twitter) you can to let my story be known. Please let everyone know how broken Youtube is, and keep fighting. Even when my Youtube account gets restored, keep. fighting. Keep fighting for the hope that Youtube will FINALLY listen to their cries, and that they will start fixing their shit, because any win we have is one step towards a truly safe place for all. If you have/had any experiences like this, or you live in Russia as well, tell me your thoughts and your story! Hopefully, this will lead to more stories of Youtube being in the wrong, and this will lead to a better future.
Hope you read and understood all of this.
So now that you have read of my channel's unfortunate sudden end, you might be wondering this:
"Well that was sad to hear, but how can I help YOU specifically?"
Glad you're asking that! I would love to have your support in any way. So here are places where you can help!
Obviously, considering you where you're currently are, you can support me here on Tumblr by reblogging and following this blog, as well my side blog @mailyftw! Here I post the art I make, as well as any serious announcements, while on the side blog I like reposting various things and showing whatever doodles I made today. It would be very helpful for me. You can also support me on Newgrounds, it's basically my side art archive, and also a music archive! Speaking of music,
This is where I primarily upload my music on. I've been making Caretaker-like music since 2020, and I would love for you lot to hear it, espcially since I improved from that time. I may upload the remastered version of the album I mentioned earlier with some new tracks added, since I was planning to do this for a while now. I also host on there my supergroup The Haggstrom's albums. We've had some stuff out for a while to enjoy, infact we're making an album ABOUT the problems Youtube has! We have a dedicated server where you can talk about them and even make a submission for our projects, so if you want to support not only my work but the collective works of many people, you can do so by clicking this sentence! It would be very much appreciated, since work has exponentially slowed down there.
WeVidi and BitView
These two Youtube alternatives is where I currently upload my work to. On WeVidi, I upload content related to my music, particularly my albums. And on BitView I upload everything else basically, including memes and animation (hopefully soon). If you want to support me on there, please make an account on these platform and subscribe and share my videos, it will not only help me to be seen, but also help these revivals to thrive as more people see them. Hopefully, they won't lead to a Vidlii situation! Hopefully.
Socials, also known as "Other"
If you want to support me somewhere else, here are some other places I frequent: - SpaceHey! It's a revival of MySpace, and it's really great. I'm always on there, and I sometimes make bulletins or blogs. Friend me if you want! I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. - Discord! Message me at the___messenger and maybe friend me too! Again, I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. If you're one of the "big people", and you want to interview me, go ahead! Though please, link this blog post and the big places I'm in, and be mindful that I don't have the best camera in the world so I'll most likely be doing this in text or on phone. - Reddit! I'm active on there under Spot_Mark, you can message me if you want. Again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. - Escargot! If you are particularly privy, you can message at [email protected]. Once again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. Note that you'll need an escargot account and a copy of Windows Live Messenger, preferably 8.5, to even begin messaging. - Anywhere else! I'm on many platforms and places, usually on the smaller side. You can find me under "TheMessengerVEVO" or a similar name on a place. Any support will be thankful. - I'm considering getting a Boosty account for people to help me monetarily, since we here are basically scraping by, plus the wole PayPal nonsense. Hopefully yall could help when it comes out, if at all.
If you supported me because of this, I have nothing but the biggest thanks for you! I'll try updating you on this situation as it goes on, and hopefully it will result in things actually being done. I'm very scared of whatever might come, and also relieved now that I revealed the whole Russia thing. I wanted to reveal that anyway for the past couple of months. Anyway, I hope this gets big and gets the attention of Youtube!
- May our strength guide us forwards, The Messenger.
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zukotheartist · 7 months
My last post on this (tho ill keep reblogging others' posts) but a few days ago I actually wanted to complain about this and then never did so ill do it now.
I unfollowed Noah a few weeks ago? On insta. And completly forgot that he also has tiktok and that i followed him there so one of his newer videos popped up on my page and it was smth like Eleven dancing in Fortnite and i checked the comments, hoping to see some palestenian flags🇵🇸 or anyone calling him out, but it was FILLED with support for him and "youre back baby🥺" "noah online era again!" "omg ily! Pls say hi to me🥺" and then i opened his full acc and noticed that That recent video was also more viewed and liked than some of his previous videos... all he had to do for so many people to switch up was... post a stupid fucking tiktok about Stranger Things... and just like that he was being idolised again, all it took...
Fucking pathetic and sad.
Love Will Byers all u want (he'll probably always be one of my alltime favourite characters too) but do not hide behind that to support Noah or Brett or Levy or whatever. Theyre awful human beings and they dont care about anyone but themselves. You can love the character and hate the actor. Fanarts and ao3 are free, you dont need to support ST. Pirate the show, make your own merch, only interact with free fanmade content. There's no need to show support for official Stranger Things stuff. Actually, take it a step further and boycott what the bds movement is asking to boycott!
These are the main ones!
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But the people, on their own, also started these specific boycotts! (Starbucks too! I was obsessed with pumpkin spice latte but im never stepping foot inside a Starbucks again).
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Again, the MAIN TARGETS are the ones inside the first box. The second and third box are about putting PRESSURE on them (ofc we cant boycott google but we Can put pressure) and the last box is the "the people started it on their own without the bds asking" boycotts! Disney and Starbucks (although both missing from the 4th box) are actually part of the "people started/led" boycotts too!
There are also people out there sharing FREE books (online) about Palestine! It's easy to look up but I can send you some if you don't find anything, I'm reading one myself.
There are also essays made by others that summarise specific books!
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(Apparently this one also has a voiceover? Not sure bc I still havent checked it out but I saw Multiple people reccomend it and will hopefully get to it soon!)
Last thing: depending on where you live (im not from the US, nor live there, and that's the main genocide supporter) you can also call your representatives, send emails (you can find premade speeches) and go to protests! And most of all, you can share the videos from Palestine! By journalists such as Motaz, Bisam and Plestia.
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momo-de-avis · 9 months
Saw this on TikTok, thought you'd find it mildly interesting. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJvpDMqN/
A few things:
Sangria is 17€ everywhere in downtown Lisbon. 5€ is the glass. A jar of sangria is not going to be much cheaper than 17€ anywhere in Lisbon. I don't know who the fuck sees "sangria 5€" and expects that to be the price of a full one litre jar
I'm very positive I've seen those guys every other day. I walk that street almost every day, I have a stop there on the food tour and also there's a café there I often go to. It's a pretty chill street overall, but those dudes, if they are who I am remembering, they're those guys who are usually standing there trying to sell drugs that aren't really drugs. Now Imma be honest with you. I've dealt with them very often, for several years. Never, not once, had a problem. Yeah they're loud and a little annoying with the hustle, but when I was working near that street selling touristic services and they were next to me selling fake weed lmao they even defended us at some point.
I'm not saying everything described in the video did not happen. Likely it did. I said that street is very chill, but if you watch the vid you'll see in the background a building with flags and then a purple light. that building with flags is the Coliseum, the local concert hall. Which means this couple is officially on the wrong part of the street. Portas de Santo Antão, the street in question, is fine right before you get to that part, overall.
When travelling nobody has the mindset to just google every restaurant and check reviews, but keep in mind this is going to be a possibility. Lisbon is very, very popular right now as a tourist destination, and we Lisboners have known FOR YEARS about a lot of these restaurants functioning on the basis of scams. Portas de Santo Antão, again, is usually chill, but not always. Personally the way I deal with it is just pay for my shit and move along, cause you're in a foreign country and it's not worth the shitshow. You don't know what's going to happen, you don't know the country's laws, so just accept that you made a mistake. It happens often.
What this means is that Lisbon has become a city that requires thorough research before you sit your ass in a restaurant. Even for me, bro.
If the restaurant has people aggressively trying to get you to come inside and sit, avoid it. Granted that not all are going to be like this, and I can tell a couple ones in downtown that are chill, it's just the dudes are paid to do that ungrateful job. But there's Critical Zones
With that in mind, when eating lunch or dinner stay away from:
The upper part of Portas de Santo Antão
Rua dos Correeiros, for the love of god stay tf away from this one. The chances here of paying 500€ for a salmon are not zero. Loads of restaurants here are actually run by the biggest pickpocketer in Lisbon. THis is not a joke, it was on fucking TV
Rua Augusta although this one is fine for breakfast and sweets to be honest.
Rua dos Sapateiros (some of the oldest and most trustworthy and iconic restaurants in downtown are here)
Rua do Ouro for quick snakcs but nothing too traditional
Lower part of Portas de Santo Antão, namely Casa do Alentejo
Rua do Jardim do Regedor, namely, Bonjardim which is one of the oldest places and most trustworthy for piri piri chicken
Rua da Madalena. 100% nothing there is bad. Literally nothing I am not exagerating, best bifanas in Lisbon and some of the coollest wine bars too.
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