#also i'm sorry that even my newest answers are so late!!!!
juuheizou · 7 months
yo we know that juuzou doesn't really talk about his feelings but do you think w a significant other like mutsuki he would perhaps be more open?🤔 do you imagine they having late night deep conversations and moments of emotional vulnerability? if so, how does that go? like with all development he's got, how does juuzou talk about his feelings/vent and is open to emotional comfort? how do these moments happen?tysmm in advanceee💘
I don't think it will ever be his first instinct-- he just reads to me as someone who tends to try and pick apart his problems and figure out what to do about them on his own, on the occasion that he realizes he has a problem, and more than being particularly reserved, he just doesn't think to share and involve other people unless there is something practical he knows he needs from them. But I can see that being a skill he gets better at, specifically with Mutsuki as his partner in practicing it more.
Mutsuki, as we know with other characters, can not just read people who do everything in their power not to be read, but has the kindness and the empathy-used-for-good to engage with them in a way that can literally calm the savage beast. Suzuya might be another hard read, though in a different way than Urie, but especially once they grow close, Mutsuki can tell when he's upset behind the nonchalant smile and when a simple 'do you want to talk about it?' can dramatically alter the course of how Suzuya was going to handle whatever is bothering him. And it's not like he actively avoids sharing with people he trusts, so a lot of the time all Suzuya needs to open up in that way is for someone to put the thought in his head.
When Suzuya does talk about his feelings, he is a fun mixture of open and direct while also experiencing legit alexithymia and just not having the same emotional reaction to some things that his peers do. He might struggle to label his feelings as happy, sad, angry, and sometimes all he knows is what he wants to do about them. So I can see Mutsuki gently insinuating the idea into his head that maybe they should talk about something, then Suzuya just drops a bomb like 'this other senior investigator I'm stuck sharing this case with has been barring all my ideas. Sometimes things were easier when other people were just something to stab hundred times and watch them die,” or “I put down this cat I had for three years, and Shinohara probably isn't gonna make it just like my cat, so maybe I would like curling up and dying too,” as casual as someone says they've been feeling a little down lately.
Mutsuki is just as kind and (even if he doesn't really understand, he will fake it until he does) understanding as ever and will follow whatever lead Suzuya gives him deeper and deeper. Sometimes Suzuya's way of articulating his feelings can be hard to hear, but he still musters up a calm 'that must be so sad to go through all at the same time. For what it's worth, I would really miss you if you curled up and died.' And they just keep going back and forth talking until Suzuya feels better or gets worked up enough to beat up one of his pillows or throw a stuffed animal or something cathartic he needed to do to start feeling better. His arms are open when Suzuya gets all his thoughts out and needs a hug.
Suzuya is a smart cookie in his own way and can usually figure out solutions to things he can in fact solve (and work himself up into meltdown-level frustration trying to solve things he can't) on his own or with just an opportunity to talk himself through his thoughts with someone who will listen, but if he is really stuck enough to seek out an answer, which is REALLY stuck because underneath his outer appearance of indifference he is REALLY stubborn about things that actually matter to him, sometimes what he needs is a more Mutsuki-like idea for what to do. He always has a solution, sometimes unsolicited and unwanted, when Mutsuki has something to cry on his shoulder about, and in turn Mutsukki does his best to offer suggestions.
The first time he comes to Mutsuki on his own just to talk, Mutsuki definitely noticed it more than Suzuya did and really took it to heart that talking to him is on Suzuya's list of ways he can fix his problems. And, at that point in their relationship, that he actually has things of value to help Suzuya with, rather than Suzuya always coming to his rescue for nothing in return. I can see them occasionally having deep talks late at night or at the dinner table. Not super often, but I can see it happening when a situation at work or in life demands it.
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fishsticksloser · 11 months
Crush Pt 2
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Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: angst (once again just Donnie's feelings), comfort, fluff, human!reader inferred, swearing, NO TCEST
A/N: The requested part 2. I have so many Donnie requests right now, trying to space them out... I'm gonna go watch the FNAF movie today!!!
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Donnie sits in his lab, fingers strumming against the desk. He stares at the pile of parts you'd managed to find for him. The newest one made his head spin, it could only be found in the Hidden City, this meant you went down to find it for him. You probably had to go to a bunch of places to get one in such good condition.
But you couldn't possibly have a crush on him. His brothers were imagining it.
Leo pointed out that you started wearing purple. Which of course Donnie noticed, but he tried to say that maybe you just liked it. Raph followed up with saying that you hardly ever wore purple before now.
"Its a sign" So Mikey and Leo said.
Donnie wasn't buying it.
Mikey pointed out that you were wearing lighter purples which are associated with with light-hearted, romantic feelings. He also brought attention to the fact that Donnie also started wearing lighter purples. Which Donnie quickly turned attention away from.
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
"Why won't you even consider that they might actually have a crush on you?" Leo asks as he lounges in Donnie's lab while he works.
"It's simply out of the question." Donnie answers, as it that was a good enough answer. He looked at his twin for a moment, seeing the look on Leo's face. "I have hardly any redeeming qualities. The ones I do... Probably shouldn't be considered."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Leo sits up and frowns at Donnie. He rolls his chair over to Donnie, ready to give him a talking to. "You realize that you're actually likeable, right? We just joke around about each other."
"Sure, sure." Donnie rolls his eyes and turns back to his work. Unfortunately, Leo managed to keep him from turning, making Donnie face him. Donnie huffs and glares at Leo. "Just like the time you made sure I was taken by bats so I 'didn't ruin another mission'? Or reprogramming Shelldon to prove that my inventions suck?"
"Okay, that last one I admit was a bit far..." Leo sighs, looking at his twin with pleading eyes. "But you're my best friend, my twin. I wouldn't be sitting silently in your lab if I didn't like you, you know how hard it is for me to sit still and be quiet." Donnie smiles a little at Leo's last statement, letting out a weak snort, which makes Leo continue more passionately. "You're the opposite of me. In almost every way, but that's what makes us work. Sure I'm charismatic and insanely attractive... But you're mysterious, stoic, and fucking genius."
"And those are redeeming qualities?" Donnie asks, genuinely wanting to know. Did those things pull you to be attracted to him? Were those qualities really attractive?
"Absolutely!" Leo says, shaking Donnie a little. But then Leo stops to think for a second. "Well... They might think you hate them now."
"What?" Donnie replies, eyes wide. "Why? Did I do something?" He's panicking now. He had to fix this. He had to finally admit that you might maybe have a crush on him.
"You have been pretty... Guarded lately. You've been kind of blunt and mean to them, we've-"
Donnie stands up and rushes out of the lab quickly to resolve the issue. He quickly went to your place, not even knocking. He slipped in through the window, seeing you cooking dinner.
"You think I hate you?" Donnie asks softly, making you jump.
"I should really put a lock on the window..." You laugh anxiously. Donnie frowns at you for avoiding his question. "I didn't think it was out of the question."
"I'm sorry, that was never my intention." He murmurs, moving closer to you. You stare at him, a little shocked. He's apologizing? And sounds sincere? "I've been... Fighting my emotions. I guess I didn't realize I was taking it out on you."
"I don't understand..." You reply, brows furrowed as you look up at him. The look in his eyes is much different, softer than they had been recently.
"My brothers say you have a crush on me?" Donnie asks like he's wanting reassurance, wanting confirmation that these rumors where in fact true. You nod, even more confused. "I've been... Fighting with believing that... And with understanding how I feel about you."
You stare at him still, finally the pieces click. "Oh..." You whisper in realization, adverting your gaze for a moment to collect yourself. "So that's what Leo's text meant..." Donnie cocked his head a little before you showed the text.
Mayday! Donnie is about to explode emotionally!
Donnie rolls his eyes at his brother's text, but then looks at you. "So... What does this mean for us?" He questions quietly.
"I would like to... Figure this out with you, if that's something you'd be interested in."
"Sounds intriguing... I'm in."
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Uuhh can I request a Natasha x Sick!Reader. R is sorta new to the Avengers and doesn't really talk to anyone but Nat, R gets sick on a mission and no one seems to notice except Nat. R tries to take care of themselves back at the compound but can't so Natasha steps in? You can make it romantic or platonic I'm cool with either. Thanks in advance! And if you already have a fic like this my b just ignore 😅
Sickness and Secrets
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〖Notes: Hey, sorry this was so late! Also I might accidentally be reusing pictures but its like 2am so I'll care about that later. I hope you enjoy it!〗
〖Summary: Being the newest member of the Avengers you really have no place to take a sick day.〗
〖Word Count: 1.4k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader
You coughed quietly into your shoulder and cleared your throat, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed. They were all focused on Cap who was yelling about how poorly everyone had done in that last mission. He was particularly focused on “communication” which was definitely pointed at you although he was too polite to say it. Tony wasn’t. Eventually, he’d strengthen the link to you, and you’d be chewed out in front of everyone.
Said mission had been in Russia during the winter and you had not done very well. You’d then try your best to remedy your mistake, which of course made everything worse. You knew that you were sick before the team left, but being so new you couldn’t just say that you wouldn’t be able to go. None of the Avengers would skip a mission for a stupid little cold.
Then that stupid little cold had turned into something bigger. The fever had started the first night in that cold drafty cabin and had spiked by early that morning. Natasha, who you were sharing that tiny room with, had checked on you once when she’d heard your teeth clattering from the shivering. She had tried to order you to tell her, but you had been far too out of it for her words to have mattered.
You couldn’t entirely remember the conversation, but you were like 80% sure that she’d offered you a place in her bed if you couldn’t get warm. That had been a weird offer, but you were tempted to take her up on it. From what you remembered she had kissed your forehead but that was very likely a dream. No way she had actually done that, she barely knew you.
Regardless of your fever, the mission continued. And with it, you gained a chesty cough, aching limbs, and a seemingly permanently runny nose. You had done the best you could, but it admittedly wasn’t very good. You’d forgotten to say anything when you were attacking and apparently had your comms off the whole time so even when people were speaking to you your answers weren’t going through.
You did not do well and now Tony was very much making sure that you knew it. His words were a low buzz in your ears, and it was really all that you could do to keep your eyes trained on him as he paced around yelling at you.
Now everyone was looking between the two of you, a few smirks coming from Clint and Thor who were both amused by your proverbial ass-whooping. Natasha and Cap seemed annoyed while the others were just not listening, too tired to care. It had been a long week and you had screwed it up. All you did was mess up.
Hot tears welled up in your eyes and you stared down at your shoes, sniffling quietly as you tried to keep yourself under control. This wasn’t professional and you needed to keep yourself professional. It would’ve been easier if he wasn’t yelling, but he was, and you were losing control.
“Hey, we get it. Y/n fucked up. She’ll do better next time, let it go.” Natasha snapped, pulling you out of your stupor. You glanced over at her and found her leaning forward defensively with one hand drifting over to your side of the table.
Completely overwhelmed now you shoved the chair back from the table and stumbled out of the conference room, mumbling slurred apologies as you practically ran from the room. You’d made it about halfway to the elevator when your legs gave out and you slammed into the wall, bashing your cheek against the hardwood. It hurt, but not as much as the rest of you.
You let out what was probably the most pathetic sound you’d ever made as you slid down the wall, the stupid tears beginning to fall from your eyes. You were miserable, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and maybe die a little bit. That sounded okay, as long as you didn’t have to feel anything.
You weren’t sure how long you were laying there before you heard muffled footsteps, but you simply didn’t have the energy to look up. It didn’t really matter anyway; you could feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness. It would only be a few more seconds before you faded away completely.
“Let’s get you off the floor Y/n.” Natasha whispered, taking your hands in hers. You tried to listen, you tried to let her pull you to your feet, but you were too weak. You felt her arms slip around you and your feet left the floor, leaving you hanging in the air with only her to support you.
“Try to stay awake, okay?” Her voice was fading fast and as you’d guessed, you were out less than two seconds after she’d hoisted you into her arms. At least you didn’t have to be alone.
“I’m here, I’m here. It’s okay beautiful, I’m here.” Natasha soothed, pushing your hair back away from your forehead, her eyes full of concern. Her hands, which were typically consumed by acts of violence, were so gentle, her movements so slow and caring. She traced your cheekbone with a thumb, studying your face with a furrowed brow.
“m’sorry, m’so sorry. Go, please go, ‘m fine.” You insisted, shoving her off of you in a blind attempt to scramble away from her. You found yourself pressed up into a corner between your bed and the wall, utterly confused as to how the hell you had gotten into your bedroom or why Natasha was there, but you didn’t like it.
You didn’t want to see her so weak it was humiliating, and you were new. She would tell, she would get you booted from the Avengers. You needed this job, you needed to be here, you’d worked so hard and couldn’t go back to your apartment. Literally, you had been evicted. You had nowhere else to go.
Your panicky breaths quickly turned to a fit of aggressive coughs, you sounded like you’d smoke a pack a day for twenty years. This did nothing to help your anxiety as one of Natasha’s warm hands fell on your back and she took yours with the other, running her thumb across your knuckles.
“Y/n, hey, you’ve gotta breathe. Try for me, okay? Big slow breath.” She encouraged, her voice calm even while you were actively freaking out. You let out a loud sob and tried to pull away, subconsciously still holding tightly to her hand.
With her quiet encouragement, you managed to calm yourself down, turning back into the shivering, feverish husk of a person that you’d become. Your nose was running onto your sleeve, but you were too exhausted to do anything about it, eventually, you’d fall asleep again and it would all go away.
“Come here,” she said softly, lifting one arm as she gestured for you to hug her. You whimpered, lower lip quivering as your body threatened to start crying again.
“It’s okay honey, you don’t need to be alone. When I’m as sick as you are I sometimes make Clint come read to me.” You smiled a little at the thought of that as you inched toward the woman, the idea of Natasha wanting a story read to her sort of amusing. You hadn’t known the woman very long, but it was long enough to know that she wasn’t that type of person.
With very slow, cautious movements you inched into the redhead’s arms, leaning stiffly against her as she pulled you into a loose embrace.
“I can’t give you any more medicine for a few hours, so for now let’s just try to sleep. Does that sound okay?” The highly skilled assassin murmured, pressing a very soft kiss to your damp forehead. You knew that it had to be gross, you were very sweaty, but she didn’t seem to mind. Not out loud at least.
“P-please don’t tell.” You pleaded, that same exhaustion looming again. It was unlikely that you would be able to stay awake for much longer, but you had to make sure that she wouldn’t tell anyone how weak you were. Natasha chuckled quietly and rubbed your upper arm in a comforting way.
“It’s okay dorogaya, your secret’s safe with me.”  Maybe if you were feeling better, you would’ve made her promise a second or third time, but for now, that would do. You barely knew her, but you already trusted Natasha Romanoff with your life.
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Star-Crossed | Hangman A.P.
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Summary: A fic about the time two star-crossed lovers didn't make it and the one time they did.
Author's Note: Bored? Play my newest escape room found here. Also, fair warning, this is sad.
Hangman Adam Page Masterlist
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps @hotgirlgraps
The year was 1865. Despite vowing to never return, Adam Page found himself walking through the fields of Gettysburg. The wind blew through his blonde hair. Despite the calm scenery, he still saw the bodies of comrades scattered amongst the fields.
His boots carried him as memories continued to pour in. Lost in the thoughts of his mind, he didn't notice he was in front of her house until it was too late. His green eyes filled with tears.
Y/N was his first love, his only love. Her family moved to Gettysburg when she was a little girl. When he sent her an urgent letter that war was coming to her, she wouldn't leave. He took a shaky breath and blinked.
Papers after the Battle of Gettysburg reported that their was only one civilian casualty. A girl by the name of Jennie Wade, who was shot by a stray bullet. There was no recollection of his Y/N. It was as if she never existed.
Adam walked into the house. Long abandoned after the owner died, nature was starting to reclaim the house and land. His eyes played tricks on him. All the times they spent in the house together. Adam dropped to his knees and cried.
The year was 1875. "Hangman" Adam Page was now sheriff in the Wild West. He used the skills picked up in the military to bring lawlessness down in his little town. He was favored heavily by his governor, Tony Khan.
Despite the fact that he was doing good, he made a lot of enemies. Men who would love to hurt him at any cost. He had a group of men to protect him, though. Friends such as the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega to keep things in order.
Adam managed to fall in love again. A dead ringer of his lost Y/N, she made her loss seem almost bearable. She knew all about his lost love. Long and countless nights, he would wake up whimpering. The image of her slain body appeared so real before him.
One night, he came home to the wooden door left open. His friends looked at each other nervously. One of his numerous enemies must have found the hideout. He cursed and jumped off his horse. Revolver in hand, Adam ran inside and stopped. He started to yell no.
Adam dropped to his knees and scooped her in his arms. Tears poured down to her face. There was no surviving this. Even if a doctor was to burst it at any moment. She looked at him as the light left her eyes.
"At least I got to see you one last time,"
Adam Page made his way through the busy city that was hosting AEW that night. Lost in his phone, he managed to bump into a woman. Their phones dropped on the floor.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," Y/N sighed and picked up their phones.
"It's on me, darling. I didn't mean to," he stopped when their eyes finally met. The woman had a familiarity with her. Maybe she went to a previous show of his. "Do I know you?"
"Not yet, but I wouldn't mind knowing you," she answered.
Adam smiled, and the two of them started to walk together. Behind them, the ghosts of their past smiled at one another. Maybe this time, they would finally be together.
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shuttershocky · 10 months
Do you have a dislike for media universes that "rewards" people for watching/reading all of it in general?
Or do you think there is one that executes that idea well?
I'm answering this 5 months late, but I'm pretty sure I still remember this ask being prompted by a post making fun of the MCU.
Do I dislike story universes that reward people for reading all of it? Not at all. I mean, I'm a fan of both Middle Earth and Star Wars, I fucking love big, big universes with plenty of stories in them. When they intersect in some small way it's a delight to me, I love those little personal winks from the author for having read their other works or recognizing the most obscure names only a nerd would know.
However, there's a difference between a little reference in a story meant for people who can connect the dots, and making something almost required reading for your enjoyment. It's the difference between an acknowledgement from the creators that you liked the setting enough to come back for a new yet familiar ride, and a company realizing they've found their cash cow and can't wait to milk it for all its got until it's dead.
And dead the cash cow will be, eventually. It's been said before that the reason why the Big Two of western comics have ceded more and more ground to manga over the years is that Spider-Man has 10 different starting points while Naruto starts with Volume#1. That's not just a funny joke. Onboarding new readers has genuinely been Marvel and DC's problem for decades, which is why it was both incredibly predictable yet shocking all the same that this is what the MCU turned itself into.
Sure, early on you could ask the audience to watch a couple movies before the big Avengers crossover, but now they've got all these TV shows on top of the movies that you have to watch in order to "catch up", and it's not even about the cool characters anymore. More and more of their fanbase is going to stop caring once the barrier of entry gets too high, and it's ridiculous to me that Marvel went this road with their movies when they know this is what happened to their comics first.
I mean, are you serious, their next big bad is Kang? I am not watching several TV shows and an Ant-Man movie that's somehow worse than the second one all to see how the currently left Avengers meet goddamn Kang the Conqueror. He's in both the TV shows and the movies, which means they're somehow giving Kang more buildup screentime than Thanos. Why? Either I've been extremely out of touch with Marvel comics or the MCU picked a wild choice to headline their next billion dollar franchise when Doctor Doom is actually available to them now and barely needs an introduction.
Sorry, got lost for a bit. Back on topic, yeah I know I know, all art right now exists under capitalism which means every setting that becomes a wider story universe is an author trying to milk their existing fanbase. Whenever a creator makes a thing that I like, and then announces they have a new thing set in the same setting as their first thing but isn't a direct sequel so they can keep gaining a new audience while keeping their existing one, I know I'm being suckered in.
Just, don't make it so blatant. And don't make it so hard. I am the exact target audience for these shenanigans and even I'm starting to feel like it's homework because it's all fucking required now.
If I, a lifelong Star Wars fan, want to watch the newest Star Wars thing, I have to see a hundred hours of other Star Wars media first. If I want to watch The Mandalorian Season 3, I can't just have seen Season 1 and 2, oh no, I have to also see The Book of Boba Fett too, because halfway through that show became The Mandalorian Season 2.5. Well I did see Boba Fett, and the combination of my dislike for turning it into required homework AND the show itself just being kinda dogshit meant I never touched season 3 of the Mandalorian. That show used to be so great because it wasn't tied down to any existing story arcs or characters, so it stood on its own and made for an amazing watch no matter how much Star Wars you've actually seen. And then it succeeded and so had to become the new spine for the entirety of Disney Star Wars afterward. Fuck. Now if I want to watch their latest show Ahsoka, I have to have seen the Clone Wars animated series AND Rebels, because the Rebels cast are in it too! I mean I did see Clone Wars and Rebels, but that still sucks!
That makes me worried now! Andor was also really fucking good and it stood on its own so hard you didn't even need to see Rogue One, the movie that introduced Cassian Andor in the first place. But now that season 1 was a success and everyone sang its praises, it certainly means season 2 is suddenly going to get real cramped with Ahsoka and Luke Skywalker and whatever guys are currently alive in its timeframe. Shit, they're probably gonna add Cal Kestis in season 2 of Andor. The Respawn Star Wars games are still doing their own thing which means it's time to connect to something else.
I hate what all this has become. It was fun to read the Silmarillion and see what kind of fuckery one family of elves got up to that eventually turned Sauron from minion to big evil eye parked next to evil mountain, but you didn't need to read all that before The Lord of the Rings. LOTR didn't assume you knew anything at all (and oh boy did Tolkien never miss an opportunity to explain shit).
Let me repeat. I am the target audience. I live for the ridiculously nerdy habit of reading things set in the same universe as other things and connecting all the dots. If /I/ feel like it's become homework, I can't imagine what the average person thinks of all this. Make it stop. Stop running everything I once loved into the ground in the name of endless profit. Star Wars was already doing this to itself before the Disney acquisition and yet it didn't feel this bad.
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s1eep-o · 3 months
Hey! Hope your having a good day!! I was wondering if you could do something with a Dave Grohl (early foo fighters) x sunshine fem reader who’s also the lead singer of a band? Like they meet and she doesn’t realize who his is but he’s freaking out inside? Just some cute fluff. Sorry if that’s too much!!
AHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA *smooches your head*
A/N: OMG i am so sorry this came out so late! i have been so lazy and i didn't know what i should write, but hopefully this checks your boxes on you list!
warnings: cursing, smoking (brief mention), and drinking (brief mention). inform me if there are more.
pairing: earlyff!dave grohl x leadsinger!sunshine!fem!reader. ( i don’t rlly like the y/n thing so i gave her a name if ya don’t mind)
It was 1998 and the Foo Fighters were attending a music festival to promote their newest album, The Colour and the Shape. All the bands and their tour buses have just arrived at the festival grounds and a young Dave Grohl was exploring the place when he saw her, “Oh my god..” but before he could get a chance to say hi, you were gone. He practically ran back to the bus, “Oh my god, T. You will not believe who I just saw.” Taylor was lounging on the couch, “Huh?” He answered groggily, “Aurora fucking Sparks, the lead singer from Velvet Ecstasy!” He was basically jumping up and down like a little child.
Taylor jumped from his spot on the couch, “You’re fucking joking Dave.” Taylor said in disbelief, “T you gotta believe me, man. Let’s go look for her dude!” He grabbed Taylor’s shoulders and started shaking him. “Who knows, maybe you could even get her number. I heard they’re rehearsing right now.” Taylor smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at his friend while they exited the bus.
“Okay good work, I think we should just turn up Donny’s mic up a little and it’ll be perfect.” Aurora said to the band, she looked off to the side looking for a stage tech but instead saw a brunette and a blonde watching the band. She walked over to the pair and noticed how they were completely starstruck, “Hey, I’m Aurora. Are you guys the stage techs?” She asked with a soft smile. “No we’re uhm actually in a band.. we just came to watch- we’re huge fans.” Dave said nervously, basically stumbling over all his words. “Oh! Well thank you, what’s your band name?” Dave was so shocked about having a conversation with her that he was silent so Taylor had so speak up, “What he’s trying to say is that we’re in a band called Foo Fighters, we’re actually promoting our second album!” Taylor told her enthusiastically, “Wow, Foo Fighters? I think you guys are actually opening for us!” She replied.
Later that night.
“Calm down Dave, we’ve done this a bunch of times.” Pat told him, putting a hand on his shoulder as an attempt to calm his nerves. "It's not his performance that's making him nervous," Chris piped up "It's who's watching." This earned a laugh from the rest of the boys except for Dave. "You guys are up." A stage tech came by and informed the group, they all got up and came together in a small circle and all mumbled a little goodluck prayer.
"We are Foo Fighters and this is a song from our new album!" All the nerves Dave previously had dissipated, being on the stage made him feel amazing. Little did he know he also had that same effect on those who watched. From the side of the stage Aurora watched in awe, "Rory, what are ya doin man- we're doing our pre-concert ritual!" Her bandmate, Hannah yelled at her over the music. "Sorry Han, I got a little distracted. I'll be right there!."
"Hey guys!" Aurora said, out of breath standing in the doorway of the green room. "Look who decided to show up!" Donny said from the leather couch, "Someone was a little distracted by the opening band, eh?" Ricky chuckled. "To be fair, they are really good! I'm surprised I've never heard of them before.." Aurora said as she picked up her guitar and plopped down onto the couch. Strumming some chords on the guitar as the band was having a normal conversation, "So Aurora, you and Grohl, huh?" Ricky asked, "Me and Grohl? What do ya mean Ricky?” Aurora asked curiously, “Oh cmon Rory, I saw how you were ogling him just now!” Hannah exasperated. “Hey man, if ya ever get close you should hook me up with one of his bandmates.” she joked as she got close to Auroras face, “No way man!” Aurora replied, sticking her tongue out.
“Hey you guys are up.” said one of the stage directors. The band all stood in a small circle and put their hands into the center of the circle, letting out a little holler before leaving the room. Everyone was on stage, Aurora began to walk up the steps to join them, but someone grabbed her arm. "Uh- hey Rory, is that okay if I call you Rory?" Dave stammered out, Aurora just smiled sweetly and gave him a curt nod. "Well, Rory- good luch out there! You probably don't need it but, yeah." He replied, trying to seem as chill as possible. "Thank you, Dave!" Rory shouted out over the cheers and made her way up the stairs to join the band.
"That was hil-ar-i-ous, dude!" Taylor said to Dave the second he walked back over to the band, "Man. I never seen you like that with a girl before." he continued, playfully slapping Daves shoulder. "Shut up, Hawkins." Dave muttered, plopping down onto a nearby couch. "Alright dude," Taylor said, raising his hands in mock surrender, "All I'm gonna say is that you should so ask her out tonight." he said plopping down next to Dave.
"Thank you so much everyone, it was amazing to perform for you all. Till next time, see ya!" Aurora shouted through the mic and began to walk off the stage, followed by the rest of the band, heading straight to the snack bar. "Hell yeah, they made us sandwiches!" Hannah pumped her fist in the air and went to grab a sandwich from the table. "Pace yourself Han, don't want a stomach ache tonight." Donny joked, also grabbing a sandwich. Rory just grabbed a water bottle and some chips, heading to the seating area with Ricky.
"Hey Aurora, over here!" someone shouts her name and she turns to look towards the voice to see the Foos sitting at a couch and drinking, "I'm gonna go head over there, you think you can goback to the snack bar and bring the rest of the band over here, please?" She turned back to her side and asked her bandmate Ricky, who gave her a quick thumbs up before turning back to the snack bar.
"Howdy guys!" Rory walked over to the couches and plopped down to sit next to Dave, "Hey Dave!" she says, smiling at the nervous boy. "Hi Rory. You did really great up there, you looked very pretty, too." He said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at his shoes. Pat snickered from where he stood with Taylor, "Aw, thank you Dave. I really appreciate it, and if we're throwing out compliments.. you looked very handsome earlier." Dave immediately began to burn up, "Thank you.." He replied, finally looking into her eyes, "I've been meaning to ask-" he quickly gets cut off by Donny, "Heyo! The party has officially arrived lame-os!." He shouted, putting his arm around Nates shoudler. Ricky and Hannah came from behind him, arm in arm, "Let's bounce ya'll, we're hitting up the karaoke bar!"
A bunch of shots later, at the karaoke bar
Taylor and Donny we're screaming out the lyrics of the song Don't Stop Believin very drunkinly, causing the both the bands to double over in laughter. Rory grabbed her drink and finished off what little remained, "Hey Dave?" she called out to him who sat at the other end of the table of her, "You wanna go for a smoke with me?" She asked, her dreamy smile and glimmering eyes catching the tipsy Dave off guard, almost sobering him up completely. "Sure!" he replied, getting up from his end of the table and walking over to the still sitting Aurora. Standing up from her seat she linked her arms with Dave, resting her head on his shoulder and slowly walking outside. The loud singing coming from Donny and Taylor dying down as the pair walked out into the crisp air.
Quickly unlinking their arms to grab a smoke and a lighter, Rory lights it and looks at a mesmerized Dave, smiling sweetly at him when the two make eye contact. "You were asking me something earlier?" she questioned him, "before Donny cut you off." she added, giggling lightly. "Oh! Yeah.. well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out tonight, but seeing as we all ended up at a karaoke bar, I don't think that's possible anymore.." he replied quietly. Rory was a little taken aback, her face dropping, but she quickly smiled again and walked over to Dave, throwing her cigarette to the ground. "Who says we can't ditch these losers and go on our own date?" she suggests, grabbing his hand and holding it in hers.
The pair ended up on the swings of an old playground, talking about everything and nothing. Rory was rambling on about something, when she noticed she wasn't recieving any quips from Dave she turned to look at him, noticing how he was admiring her in the pale moonlight. "S-sorry.. you just look so beautiful." he says quietly, glancing down to her lips, "Can I?" he whispers, Rory nods and leans just a bit closer to Dave, he reciprocates her actions and slowly he closes the gap and kisses her softly, holding her face. Kissing him back, Rory places her hand on the back of his neck, the kiss is quickly broken when there is a loud snap of a twig. "Damn it, Donny!" Taylor shouts at him and smacks him, "Ow! What the heck, Tay!" Donny shouts back, the pair ended up on the ground wrestling each other. Rory and Dave just look at each other and burst out in laughter.
A/N: hey ya'll i tried to get this out as quickly as i could so there may be a few mistakes, or a lot.. anyways!!
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tainoidiot · 2 years
Rogues x Rogue!Reader headcanons
Maybe the reader was friends with them ( and also had a crush of course) when they were sane, and stuff happened and now they're a new rogue and met each other again at Arkham asylum!
I love how this took me forever to fucking post. (Also look I learned how to add color ooOoooOo)
Rogues x Rogue!reader finding eachother in Arkham.
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Jervis Tetch
You used to work alongside him before he went.. mad.
You both were pretty close, friends even. Took lunches together, laughed at inside jokes, Hell it was a real Jim and Pam relationship!
Of course, you hadn't told your friend everything about your life. By day you were a secretly pining coworker of his, but as soon as you clocked out..? You turned to a life of crime.
It was thrilling! It was a revolt from society! (Because we do live in one) It was you having the time of your life. Still, you wished you could've told your friend.
When the news broke out about his crimes, you were only half shocked. The city does fucked shit to its citizens.
Time passed, you never really saw him. Besides a warning on the tv, that's about as close as you guys got... till the GCPD fucked your shit up.
Because of your latest stint, GCPD thought it'd be best to get you some help. Hoping to change your ways.. jk they sent your ass to the Arkham Asylum.
After finally getting settled in, you made your way to the common area. You were bored out of your mind, unsure how to deal with being here. Should you read? Color? Craft? Sit there and look pretty?
Last one sounds good. You took a seat, the lunch table seating wasn't too uncomfortable. It's not like you'd be here for a while anyway. Remembering this, you decided to take in the various characters of the Asylum. Killer Croc playing chess with the Riddler, Harley Quinn learning how to embroider her clothes, The Mad Hatter reading a-
Holy shit, it's him. Jervis!
"My my, look what the gcpd dragged in." You laughed, walking toward him. His eyes glance up, not recognizing you. "Please go away, I'm reading right now." He grumbled, turning a page. "Wow, I would've figured you'd be more excited to see your old coworker." You teased. Jervis placed the book down, looking at you fully now. He got up and laughed, holding you tight in his arms. "You're here! Oh my goodness.. wait how are you in here? You must tell me everything!" Jervis dragged you to sit on his lap, telling him about your adventures as gothams newest villain. With every time he looked at you, your heart grew more and more. You never wanted him to look at you any different again. Perhaps he'd like a sidekick?
Johnathan Crane
Your relationship with him was.. complicated.
University work was tough, but so were you. Him not so much. You often found him in his office squeezing the shit out of a stress ball.
Being that John was a nerd man of intelligence, you could only imagine how many migraines he got grading tests and preparing assignments for his students.
You made his life easier though, buying him lunch and talking about the students.
"I'm sorry, he asked what?" You laughed, almost spitting out your food. "He genuinely asked me why he couldn't pick up the specimen tube with TONGS. As in the utensil for grabbing salads!" His laugh was infectious, you had to admit it. You could listen to him for hours, God this crush was unbearable.
One night you were awoken to your phone buzzing, a call from Johnathan? This late? Nothing good happens after 2 am.. maybe you should leave it.
Besides, if it was so important he'd call again.. which he did.
The call consisted of breathy rambles which were kinda hot, to which you asked what was happening. "Listen. You probably won't hear from me again, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I hope we see eachother again." And then he hung up. No answers, and you were left with more questions.
You became a gotham Rogue, looking for your lost friend in any possible scenario. It wasn't till you saw a broadcast on TV about the Batman finally putting the Scarecrow in handcuffs, charting him off to Arkham. Horrible as it was, he was finally in one place. Time to get arrested!
Fairly quick, they scoop you up and shove you into a cell. That was easy, All you had to do was blow up an apartment complex. What? They're rich, they'll be fine! You take a quick look at the people around you in cells. Poison Ivy, some dude, Johnathan Crane WAIT-
Wow.. it's him. After all these years, he looks different. His hair is longer and unruly, and the dark circles under his eyes have gotten bigger. What a cutie. "Professor Crane!" You yell, hoping to get a laugh out of him. His eyes shot up, looked around, then saw you. Johnathans eyes got as wider than saucers, and you swore you saw his lip curl into a smile if only for a second. Did he miss you? Was he happy to see you? God, all you wanted was to run into him and hold him close. You'll have to wait for recreation time.
Edward Nygma
You had met him at a support group for individuals with trauma. No matter what it was, if you had to get it off your chest and couldn't afford a therapist you went there.
Was it the shit coffee? The stale donuts? The odd smell in the air you're pretty sure was from the carpets? You weren't really comfortable here.
It wasn't until you had a group activity had you actually said something to him. He was fiddling around with a pen and paper, nervously bouncing his leg.
You sat next to him, sipping your water as he wrote. Curious, you tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump. "Sorry! Looks like you were deep in that.. whatever it is you're writing." For some reason, Ed didn't snap at you. He didn't tell you to leave, or fuck off. "It's a puzzle I'm designing."
As Ed explained the ins and outs of the puzzle, you couldn't help but notice how cute it was. You had never met a man so focused.
So you kept in touch with him. A text now and then, meeting up for dinner or lunches, a shoulder to cry on. You were there, it didn't bother you.
However, things changed after he had not texted or called after an entire week has passed. You were scared, so you rushed to his place as quickly as possible.
You slammed your fist onto the door, panicking as you could almost feel the echo it gave off. "Ed? It's me.. Please open the door, I'm worried!" No answer.
"Was it something I said..?" Just like that, you noticed a green glow coming from the door. That's odd.. you grabbed the doorknob and turned, surprised at how easily it opened for you.
From the walls to the floor were papers upon papers of different symbols and mechanical equations. "What the fuck?" You whispered, going further and further into the studio. The green glow, as it turns out, was a large neon sign in the shape of a question mark.
What Ed didn't realize was long before he changed career paths, as did you. So this entire change, though surprising, wasn't beyond you.
There's no telling where he was now, so maybe that chapter of your life closed.
Except that wasn't totally true. The cops thought you were a part of this, as your fingerprints had been found in the area. Dammit, into the Asylum you go..
A few days into your stay, you hear some commotion in the common area. Yelling, no, ARGUING. "I am the smartest man in this room! You fucking idiots wouldn't know what I'm trying to get through your thick skulls!" That voice..
Oh my God it's Edward. And he's changed. Once the crowd dies down, you hop over to his side and tap his shoulder. "I'm WORKING." Ed growled, looking at you as he prepares an insult. But he doesn't. His gaze softens "Its.. you?"
"Yeah.. can we talk?"
Harleen Quinzel
You and Harleen were the best of friends.
Inseparable, and that's the way you liked it.
All you wanted to do was spend time with her. Needless to say, you had a massive crush on her.
How could you tell her about your life of crime though? Would she understand? Would she pull away? It scared you, you didn't ever want to lose her.
However, your worst fear would come true in the form of a clown.
It wasn't long till she'd stop answering your texts, which broke your heart even further.
It was late. 2 A.M to be exact. You couldn't sleep due to the sirens, but you swore there were more than usual.
Nothing good happens after 2 AM. You should just go to bed and sleep it off.. okay a peek outside the window wouldn't hurt. As you stared out the window, you realized it was much more than sirens. It was so much worse. The Joker had invaded your neighborhood, and was doing his usual shit. What an amateur, smiley faces everywhere. We get it, you're a clown.. wait a second. Under the sirens and blaring weapons, you swore you heard a familiar voice. But it couldn't be, could it? You get your gear on and decide to investigate, sneaking around behind the shadows.
It's confirmed. Harleen, now going under the name Harley, was partnered up with the Joker.
And by partnered up, He was frenching her right then and there.
You held back hot tears as you tried to run, but alas, you're a known criminal in a crime scene.
Of course you're taken into custody and eventually thrown into the local Asylum.
While everyone is supposed to be asleep, you found a way to escape your cell and roam around. God this place is dilapidated, we really need more funding.
As you walked the cold empty halls, you could hear two things. Guards playing poker and.. was that sniffling? Crying? Hm.. wouldn't hurt to see who it was. Further investigation led you to a bright blonde wailing into a pillow, occasionally snotting up her tissues. Poor thing. "Psst, hey." You whispered, the blonde stopping to wipe her eyes and look around. "Over here." You replied, waving at her.
The blonde gasps, as do you. She's covered in bruises and cuts, most looking man-made. "Oh my god.. You're here." She cried. Wait a second.. "Harley? Holy shit what happened to you?" You asked, attempting to break the lock as quietly as possible to comfort her. Harley just shrugs, not sure how to answer "Oh you know.. Puddin' got a little mad one day." She attempted to get out, but this just made her cry harder.
After successfully breaking in, you rush to her side. Holding her close and wiping tears away. "Hey its okay.. I got you now. You're safe.." you whispered into her ear.
Pamela Isley
Ah, STEM classes. The ones that tests a students will to live, with the right professor of course.
Why anyone takes this major is beyond me, but hey you didn't mind. The exams were awful, but you had a friend at least.
Pamela Isley. Pammy. Always has her nose in a flower and her head in an equation. A brilliant woman. God you adored this woman.
Pam was quiet, sure. But when she was with you she want on and on about everything.
"You know, when I'm with you.. it's like I can tell you anything." Pam told you as you both sat next to eachother in the campus rec room. You blushed, taking her hand as you smiled. "I feel the same way." You both came to an understanding. But you hadn't told her everything, like what you did after 7 pm.
After she had told you she would be meeting with a professor on who knows what, you just brushed it off as help with a certain question or maybe an upcoming assignment. But afterward, she stopped texting. Completely. You were upset, sure. But if something happened to her? You could never forgive yourself.
You were getting ready for your night on the town, when you noticed something odd growing on your windowsill. Is that.. a Lily? You gently take the petals into your hand, it reminded you of your old.. ahem.. friend.
"It's almost as beautiful as you." You heard from behind you, causing you to jump and turn in fear. The voice came from a young woman, smiling at you with admiration and a bit of fear. "Oh, what? Don't you recognize your old friend?" She cooed into your ear.
"Pam?" You whispered, taking her hand. Before she could get a reply in, GCPD bust down your door and arrest you both on the spot. Apparently just before, Pam had murdered a local businessman because of the harm his buildings construction did to the native plant life in the city.
"How long have you been in crime?" She asked you, sitting across from you in the dining hall.
"I could ask the same for you, Ivy." You teased, taking her hand.
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Undisclosed Desires- Part 8
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 1000
I waited a while to ask you on a second date. I did that on purpose. For one, I knew you were busy and I didn't want you to have to say no to me. But also, I was busy myself. A new Stephen King book came out last week, and Mooney's has been a never ending parade of idiots who don't even read, but want to own the newest King, anyway.
It's three weeks later. We're in the back of a cab.
You're nervous, which is understandable.
I kept a book to the side, just for you. I was going to give it to you when we met up earlier, but then I realized you'd have to carry it around all day, so I decided to give it to you later.
We never ended up walking through New York together. We got too distracted just talking to each other. So when I texted you last weekend, my plan was to ask you to go on a walk with me. I had it all planned out. I know which routes you've walked, mostly, and was pretty confident I’d come up with a route you'd never think to follow on your own. But before I could bring up this plan, you said:
YOU: i kinda have a work thing soon
YOU: we're allowed +1s tho
YOU: wanna come?
ME: …Well, what kind of work thing?
A music festival, is what kind of thing. Apparently, your boss is one of the main sponsors.
Festivals aren't your kind of crowd, and you don't want to go, and I think you're regretting inviting me along.
It's not even your kind of music, this festival. It's not Guns ‘n Roses or Muse or Prince, which is what you put on at the café when the crowd finally started to thin. You smiled at me meekly and told me you're a poser - “I kind of only know Purple Rain, I'm that kind of Prince fan” - and I told you I consider Prince to be one of the great poets of our generation.
“Prince was born in 1958,” you'd said to me. I was surprised you knew that. “I wouldn't say he's ‘of our generation’.”
A poser wouldn't know that, (Y/n). You give yourself far too little credit.
Anyway, the music at this festival is mostly new pop, which I hate and which I know you hate. You're fiddling with your beanie (not black this time but mustard yellow) like it's your armor and you're wearing black jeans and a red knitted top (no bra, I can tell, and you want me to notice this) and red converse. Your nails are painted black, but the polish is already chipped because you keep picking at it.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“I hate that this is happening on a Sunday,” you tell me. “Like, hello? We all have to work tomorrow.”
I nod.
“I'm sorry. I promise I'll be more fun, later,” you say. “I'm just not great with this stuff. I don't exactly go out to parties or anything.”
Which is the truth. I know this about you. You spend your weekends at home, reading or watching Netflix. Last night, you stayed up until three am and watched the old Planet of the Apes movies on your laptop. I could hear the sound from across the street, because you had your windows all the way open again.
“Was going to this thing mandatory?” I ask.
“I guess not, but I'm still sort of new and I feel bad saying no.”
“That's understandable.”
“Are you into festivals?”
“Not at all.”
“We don't have to stay very late, if we don't want to.”
NADIA: Omg good luck 😭
You take out your phone. You're texting someone and laughing and I don't like it, but then you lean over to show me and it's just Nadia. She's sent you a photo of a T-shirt that says ‘Sorry, I'm overstimulated’. I love that you are involving me.
You answer back: me and joe have to survive loud music today wish us luck
I like Nadia. She doesn't even hesitate to reply to your English message in English, because she knows I'm reading along.
“She seems like a good friend,” I say.
“Best friend in the world,” you answer. “We basically grew up together.”
“How does that work? Isn't she from Belgium?”
A pause. You're trying to remember if you told me that. You haven't, but I don't say anything and eventually you come to the conclusion that you must have.
“So, we lived in a border town,” you explain to me. “When we were kids, she lived on the Belgian side and I lived on the Dutch side, but we also lived on the same street.”
“Huh,” is all I say.
You shoot off another text and then you put your phone away. You turn your body to me to show me I have your full attention, and you take my hand.
I could kiss you right now. You'd let me.
“My coworkers can be a bit much,” you say.
“They're all very opinionated. Especially when they've been drinking. It's best to just agree with them.”
“Okay,” you say.
You fiddle with your hat again. I put my hand on top of yours to stop you, then fiddle with your hat for you.
“You look great,” I say.
You're flattered. You're blushing.
“Thank you. So do you.”
I'm wearing jeans and a white shirt, and an old belt I got from a thrift shop. Nothing special. Yet you really mean it. You put your hand on my arm and you look at me and it's not just that I could kiss you. I want to. I really do. I want to say fuck this festival and take you home and watch old movies with you and fuck you until you forget your name.
The cab stops. We're here.
“Here goes nothing,” you say.
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ashc-from-ao3 · 2 months
You don't know what you've got till it's gone Tony stark x reader
Based off an Avengers click and drag I got where Tony was my lover but he also killed me. Warning ANGST goes from just after the first Iron Man movie until Civil War.
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The last sound I expected to be my last was the sound of a repulser beam firing and two screams, my own filled with agony and Tony's filled with aguish and pain.
I should probably fill in the blanks here. My name is (Y/n) and I'm just a normal regular human being, I meet my boyfriend of two years ,Tony Stark, at a convention and he had tried to get a one night stand, when I had refused I apparently had caught his attention. Two days later he had sent me one hundred gold and red roses. They didn't last long. A week after that it was sweets. I had a dentist appointment the next week and threw them out. Two weeks after it was a 6-foot tall teddy bear, I admired the fact that the man kept trying and I love teddies so I kept that. Then started the cute messages he would leave on my answering machine when I would be gone at work. Then came the rent being payed for me. At this point I figured it was less about sex and more about the fact I had turned down the great Tony Stark.
The day I finally agreed to a date was a late December evening, I was at work when a spam email was sent to literally every computer in the office, now I knew it was spam and probably contained a virus so I didn't click on it. But the newest employee was a stupid bint and didn't listen to anyone and hated me so when I warned her she just glared at me and opened.the.FUCKING.EMAIL! When the suspected virus took over the company's server and started draining funds into an over seas account my stupid co-worker decided to blame it on me. Resulting in me not having a job, honestly I wasn't too worried, with Tony.....Mr.Stark still trying to win me over by paying for my rent and my saving I had enough to tide me over until I got a new job. I was okay with this turn of events until I got him and instead of the one or two cuties messages from Stark I had three messages from my mother. My father had passed away, I broke down crying, my family was from Canada and while I was only in New York I didn't know if I had the money in my savings to leave, tide me over on crappy food for a while yeah but not get to Canada.
A knock on my door became my saviour. I was still crying when the first one sounded. The second and third where more demanding until finally the fourth and fifth sets where down right frantic.
"(Y/N)? ARE YOU IN THERE?" The banging continued along with the yells from Tony of my name. Finally a repulser beam sounded and my door was blown to smitherines. I barley had the air or energy to scream, I just cried. A half second later I was wrapped in a comforting embrace.
"Oh god, I'm sorry if I scared you. I wanted to surprise you so I went to your work.....I know it's weird that I know where you work, live and what your number is but when I saw you at the convention I just really wanted to get to know you, you seemed like such an interesting person. When you turned me down I realized you thought I just wanted sex.....it was an idea but only after I had properly won you over, and let me tell you that is something I have NEVER done. I tried everything and I'm rambling." Tony looked so dustrught at the thought he was the reason for my break down. I sniffled and patted his arm.
"It's okay, you're not the reason I'm crying, please continue your story, distract me from the real reason I'm crying" Tony nodded and took a breath.
"I went to your work with reservations to a fancy new place and a nice dress and I thought it was a nice way to actually ask you out, when you weren't there I asked your boss and he told me you had gotten fired. By the way this one lady tried to get me to take her out in OUR date....she looked like a fucking banshee. I came over to look In on you,my heard you crying and I got worried. Maybe blasting your door apart wasent the best way to do it but I panicked." I sniffled again and sat up.
"I wasn't worried about losing my job, with you so graciously paying my rent I had enough to tide me over on ramen noodles until I had a new job......but my mother called my father was in car acdedent and died, my family lives in Canada and I don't have enough money to go to the funeral." Tony scowled for a second.
"Babe, I'll take you to see your family, I'll pay for the door and I'll do what ever you need me to until you are feeling better." I smiled shakily and hugged him.
"You don't just want sex or to claim a conquest do you? You actually want a relationship?" Tony nodded and I smiled a little, looks like things might just work out for me.
"In that case I would love to go out tonight, if the reservations are still good, and if you want to send me to see my family I should take you with me, I want them to know who helped me get there." Tony smiled brilliantly and dragged me down the hall asking me where my bathroom was, I pointed it out and he pushed me in gently.
"Put on the dress then open the door" I shrugged but did what he asked, as soon as I opened the door he was practically attacking me with makeup brushes.
"Tada! You look beautiful.....not that you don't always but now you look just wow" Tony was right, somehow this billionaire knew more about makeup than half the women I knew. He had expertly blended and shaded the makeup and it gave me back my glow, you would never know just moments before I was balling my eyes out. With a small giggle I threw my arms around Tony and gave him a peck on the cheek. Half an hour later we had finished our meal and where out dancing, Tony had requested one of my favourites can't help falling in love the Andrea bocellie version. After we had taken a walk along the beach just chatting and telling each other about ourselves, I agreed to more dates he had walked me home. Half a week later Tony had taken me to my parent's....my mom's house, the look of surprise on her face was enough to make me laugh just a little, throughout the entire thing Tony was very supporting and caring.
After my fathers funeral we had gone on several more dates and I quickly fell in love with the billionaire. One day ,after about a year, Tony asked me something huge he had asked me to move in with him. I had agreed in half a heartbeat and moved in. Tony had introduced me to the avengers, Steve was always a gentleman and it seemed to irk Tony, I made sure to reassure him that I loved him and while Steve was hot, he had clenched his jaw at that, he was smokin', sexy, absolutely perfect. That had cheered him up immediately. After a while of living with him Tony had set up a romantic scene on the roof of what was now called Avenger's tower, there where candles everywhere and roses to. Tony was in the middle of it all in my favorite tuxedo, when I approached him he had taken my hand and sunk down to one knee.
"(Y/n) at first you where a pretty face in the crowd, then you became a smart mind and pretty face, then you became someone I wanted to have with me forever, then you became my girlfriend, and then the most important person in my life. Sweetheart I would die for you,I would kill for you. Anything you want is yours, the only thing I can't offer is my heart....but that's because you stole it. (Y/n) (Y/last/n). Would you do me the honour of being mine for ever and marrying me?" With tears in my eyes and a happy smile I nodded and choked in a sob, I fanned my eyes and bent down to Tony and gave him a very salty kiss. Tony wrapped his arms around me and lifted me in the air, I could hear the sound of fireworks and I opened my eyes only to pull away from Tony and smack him in the chest with a grin. Red and gold fireworks had been shot into the night sky to spell out
She said yes
Underneath the Mark 40 suit was holding hand with a similar suit that looked more femanine
Our wedding was scheduled for the spring, Tony was going to take everyone invited to a beautiful island he had bought for our honeymoon. I was frantically planning, I couldn't decided between Wanda or Natasha for my maid of honour so I decided both of them would be, the wedding wasn't going to be very tradional anyway. Three months before the big day and the government had to come and ruin it.
They had decided the Tony and every other superhero needed to be under supervision, Tony had agreed and Steve had rebelled, it probably also had something to do with his old friend from the 40's being back, while Steve hadn't trusted Tony to tell him about Bucky but I had accidentally stumbled on the information and confronted him about it. After he had explained everything I had agreed to keep it a secret. The government was now tearing my family apart, Tony the love of my life, and all of my friend. People I now concerned family where fighting.
I had to stop this. Tony had ordered F.R.I.D.A.Y to lock me down but in a flash I had used the repulser beams in my "Iron Woman" suit, when Tony proposed he had given it to me, he had insisted I be safe when he was on missions, this was the first time I needed to use it and it felt strange. I landed just a few hundred meters from where I could see a fight about to start, with a burst of adrenalin I started racing towards it. I had just arrive when Tony lifted his hand and shit a repulser beam at Steve, the supersoldier had lifted his shield to deflect it but it hadn't even reached him, instead I was thrown backwards with a scream. A half second later I was surrounded. Tony had my head in his lap and was crying, the tears dropped on my face and I gasped, the rest, of the avengers had surrounded me I could see horror in all their eyes, I grinned a little, at least my death would bring them back together, even if it was just to mourn me.
"(Y/nn) baby, look at me. Listen you can't leave okay? I still haven't seen you walk down the aisle I still have had a heart attack when you announced you're pregnant, I still haven't had my hand broken when you're bringing our son or daughter into this world. I still haven't woken up at three in the morning to take care of him or her, I still haven't cried at their first day at school, I still have to beat boys off my daughter or encourage my son to ask that girl out, I have a future planned out for us, almost down to the second.....and you know how bad I am at planning. I have almost every detail planned for us so you can't leave me.....okay?" I smiled and sniffed, the actions though small caused me immense pain.
"I'm sorry baby, but I don't I-I-" I paused for a cough that brought up a large quantity of blood.
"I don't think I'm making it, I'm s-so-sorry I'm so sorry"
"NO! YOU CANT LEAVE ME, I WONT LET YOU! IF YOU LEAVE YOU VANT STOP ME FROM FOLLOWING" Tony's voice became softer after his outburst, his tears started interfering with his ability to talk and he choked on a sob.
"(Y/n) pl-please don't leave me, you can't leave me, you make me a better human than I actually am, you can't leave. You have to stay strong for me. I'll do what eve you want just stay with me, I'll even say that the government can go screw themselves, I'll do what ever you want just stay with me." Tony went to brush away a tear and he turned sharply towards Wanda and Pietro, for a second I thought I saw a flash of red in his eyes but I was dying, what did I know.
"Maximoff! Get her to a hospital, please, don't let her die because I'm stupid."
"To-Tony, there is nothing you can do, I'm dying babe. I'm so- I'm so-orry p, I'm so-"
the world went black around me and the last sound I heard on this earth was the hear wrenching scream of my fiancée as I left him.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Okay, so last night I was in the mood for an Alpha Clarke fic and was blown away by the search.
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137??? And most aren't completed (which I think we can agree is thanks to the troll). 😔 Like I finally feel your pain, cos I'm more in the likes to switch things up/open minded in regards to their roles. But damn. Seriously , that 1% of Clexa fics!!
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And I've read damned near all of them. 😭 Do you have any recs? Because though I've decided to write an Alpha Clarke fic (because we obviously need more), I need something to read until I finish my current WIP!!
Sorry this is a bit of a late answer!!! But oh yeah, it is a very small percentage. And in those are included one-shot compilations that have both presentations tagged. And there is also a small share of prologue type fics there so even that number isn't 100% individual fics. It is scarse over here on the alpha!clarke/omega!Lexa side. Some alpha!clarke fics would sometimes pop up and then be deleted soon after because of hate (and this was before the newest troll popped up) and I've seen authors justifying themselves in comments over and over as to why they chose to write alpha!clarke. Combined with the decline in comments it doesnt really breed a place for writers to write for what is a smaller niche in the fandom, especially if they aren't a little more established in the fandom :/
So while I doubt I'll be giving you any new recs because you've mentioned you've read nearly them all, here are some of my faves:
Head vs Heart Series - i mean, this is the OG really
Yours series by @owl127
Let's Go Burn Down Your House
The Royal Consort (Unfinished)
How Can I Get Back to You (Also unfinished but oh its totally worth the read)
Send Me Away with the Words of a Love Song
Halley's Comet
Oops by @bottom-lexa
For my Heda
We Need to Talk - now this one is alpha x alpha but its so well written that if you havent i totally recommend the read!
I cant really recommend you your own fic but if anyone hasnt read @vmplvr1977 alpha clarke / omega Lexa fic, Echoes of You (Within me) i highly recommended it too! ✨️
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celamoon · 2 years
Hi! New anon here! I know I should be sleeping rn, but like…y/n confessing thier love for the tot boys in the rain? 👀 I know it’s cheesy but I love cheesy 😭 (I would like either a fic or hc, you can choose :) ) -G (come to think of it, there isn’t much Tot content 😀)
There was a lot for a little bit and then it all died off 😭. Ofc! (Oh my god anon I'm so sorry this has been in my drafts for over a year I'm so sorry)
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Warnings: None
It's been so long since I've written for tot ngl (even longer now oops)
It's raining
It's pouring
the old man is snoring
You've just finished arguing with him over the newest case, and the both of you are in a flurry of emotions
You're wet from the rain, and you blurt it out
Artem is like *shocked pikachu face*
and he immediately rushes to apologize
1. because he's also in love with you
2. because he made you worry
and you're like blinking because you haven't registered that you even blurted it out
and when you do, you're a mess
Don't worry, Artem will take care of you 😭
You're out in the rain playing with him
idk I peg him to be a rain person
it's light rain
you two are dancing in the rain
all cozy
You know that one tiktok trend of ppl dancing to snowman in the snow? Yeah, that except you two are in the rain
There's classical music playing in the background
You two are waltzing outside
you lean in to rest your head on his chest after the dancing, and Luke runs his fingers through your hair
You mumble something against his chest
"God, I love you so much..."
You don't realize it was loud enough for Luke to hear
Luke mumbles into your hair.
"I love you too."
Now both of you are a blushing mess in the rain
You catch a cold the next day and Luke stays to take care of you
He's escorting you home in the rain because his chauffeur can't come
it's not pouring but it's not like sprinkling either
and he doesn't have his car-
He's like joking about you clinging onto his arm to stay out of the rain
"Jiejie, if you get any closer I'll assume you're in love with me~"
You're like
"Yeah, I'm in love with you, you man child. Get closer, I'm getting wet."
Marius like stops walking
and you're like
You good?
Then you see his face and you're like laughing
his face is so red
He looks like he just left the sauna
"MARIUS??? ARE YOU OK???" - you in tears
He's fine
And he manages to recover relatively quickly
He takes you to the only cafe open at the ungodly hour that the two of you are out for your first date
okok for Vyn the two of you probably stay late at his office bc of work
and you're like oh wow it's raining cats and dogs
and Vyn's like "I can call a cab for you"
and you're like oh it's fine dw I can walk home
Vyn won't let you do that btw
He calls a cab for you and while you're out waiting you're like
hey Vyn?
the car is approaching
You go quiet until the car's here and you open the car door
"I like you a lot."
slam the door closed and literally speed off
Vyn's like wait I didn't even answer your confession and you're like blushing a violent red in the back of the car
He goes back upstairs and resorts to texting you instead
he asks you on a date :)
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bloodiedrogue · 11 months
*puts on a very vampirey outfit before tapping the microphone*
I'm your host Annie and today I'm once again here with out beloved and spooky Summer!!!
First and foremost! Last Saturday we had the newest update to A Lover's Folly, one that we were waiting with bathed breath after the heartstopping cliffhanger of the previous one! Finally, our hearts can rest in peace, even though many have been broken even more by this chapter...
#i am devastated - @lynnlovesthestars
Summer, how do you feel about this most visceral reactions? Are you flattered, sorry or joyous that you've caused us even more pain despite also the great joy that you brought on us?
Moreover, you did share the list of your current wips which, I must say, are quite many. But the real question is: which are you most excited to write, as of right now? which do you think will be most challenging above the others? and which, do you think, will break our heart even more?
Now, to the important things, HALLOWEEN IS HERE!
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So, our dear Summer, what would be your perfect Halloween costume and party and day? I'm sure everyone is curious to know! (and even if they aren't, I am and I would like to know)
HI I'M FINALLY ANSWERING THIS <3 sorry i'm so bad at tuesday interview lately i promise i'll do better.
to answer your questions, i'm very happy that chapter of lover's folly is done. not because i didn't like it but because i definitely felt bad for that cliffhanger. it was evil and totally not my intention to take a hiatus immediately after but unfortunately that's just how the timing worked. :') honestly, i'm just glad it's hurting people's feelings enough to get a reaction. i'm such a slut for readers yelling at me in the comments for the things i've put them through. (as you know hehe)
for the wips, i uh, yeah. i have a lot. i wrote a more in-depth list today to kind of solidify the ones that are coming sooner but i think the one i'm most excited for is rage is a quiet thing which is more of a character study on astarion than a fic. it'll follow kind of his psyche throughout the events of the cazador confrontation with perhaps a little bit of flashback action depending on the layout but overall it'll definitely be heartbreaking because i feel like it's been forever since i've written some really good angst.
and uh, i think my perfection halloween costume would probably be nadja from wwdits? i was going to be her this year but then all my plans fell through (my dream halloween plans are just a small house party, love those) and i was just too broke after my trip to buy anything worth just sitting around at home for. so, maybe next year? :)
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broomsick · 1 year
do you have a favorite myth/story? mine is the volsungasaga, especially the speech-of-birds scene.
Hi there! Sorry for the late repy. This is a good question, though one which I could never really answer. I was always quite obsessed with legends and stories, so it would be complicated for me to only choose one. Plus, I’m not certain whether you meant specifically within norse mythology, or if there was no such limit! In any case, thank you so much for sharing this! I’m also a huge fan of the Völsunga Saga, it’s definitely one of the Scandinavian texts I’ve re-read the most. It’s full of twists and turns, isn’t it? It has quite the rich history, and it really was very influential in the areas where it was told, which is why it’s as well preserved as it is today, even within oral tradition and not just in the shape of a text.
Now, since we're on the topic of sagas, my favorites just might be either the Eiríks saga rauða, because I'm quite fond of journey tales and this one has a substantial amount of mystery to it, the Hrólfs saga kraka, because of its mystical aspects, or the Jómsvíkinga saga, because I love a good tale of courage and battles. I've looked into different translations for each of these, but I have to say that the newest, Jóhannesdóttir edition of the Jómsvíking's saga with its remarkable introduction was a happy surprise for me. The themes of the saga were well highlighted and it was a pleasure for me to read again.
When it comes to the myths, I was always fond of the Völundarkviða. That might just be because I love to see folk heroes that are full of cunning and skill! Despite its arguably gruesome ending, it's still quite enjoyable to me.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 6 months
nattie my darling!!! 💍💍 here's your writing game today:
put the first sentence of your last 5 fics (and/or the wips you're working on if you want!!) here. are there any consistencies between them?
also write 5 sentences on your newest wip hehehehe >:)
sorry im finally answering this now!! ily gi darling 💍💍thank you so so much for sending this to me and im sorry it's late, been a busy few days but it's i've realized that there is definitely a trend in how I open fics, like it's a monologue kinda opener and it kinda feels like those 4th wall breaks in fleabag (idk if that's even right but i think that's the vibe)
okay i'm going off ao3 and some little wips or 6ss ideas i got on here, so first sentences from 5 fics/wips lets go!!
so this is from my christmas camsco fic, Snowed in on ao3 as a gift to @puppywritesthings
Bosco sat on the couch in the apartment, watching the snowfall before sighing, getting up from the couch and checking her phone.
2. this one is from a halloween spisey special fic, Movie night, on ao3
Loosey always loved Halloween, like loved loved Halloween, especially the scary parts of it.
3. this is a mirinami vampire wip i have, not sure if i'll get back to it but we'll see 🤷‍♀️
Mirage groaned, her head pound and eye unfocused as she blinked.
4. another mirinami fic i wrote when i was sleep deprived at awake a 7am after falling asleep at 3am after writing a paper lol, im surprised this is even coherent
Another day, another paycheck, Mirage thinks as she makes it to her makeup station.
5. this is one of my favs! it's the first sentence from the sashnetra breakup au (ithink it was a lil duo but not sure??) and i really really enjoyed this cause you know how much i love kidfics <33
Kerri was curled up in Sasha’s lap under a heavy blanket, staring intently at the screen while her mother gently ran her nails through her brown hair.
and nowww here's my big labor of love for like the past MONTH cause i have had this idea for sooo long and i finally decided to but my money where my mouth is so here is the last 5 sentences of my newest wip
Jasmine stirred, her arms reaching out in the bed but she was met with the covers, cold and unwelcoming to her hands. She blinked awake, seeing the empty spot next to her and it sent a wave of cold down her spine. She sat up, looking around the room. Her dress was still on the floor and the place was a mess from their stumbling in the dark, but Daya’s were missing, not even crumpled up onto a chair like how she remembered from last night. She pulled the sheets around her body, hugging them close as her eyes started to water, her mind spiraling out of control as all the thoughts in her head began to scream at her.
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libraryleopard · 1 year
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
Tagged by @violaeade, thanks Sabrina!
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year
Aaaahh that's so hard, I've had a really good reading year. I finally read She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan and it really blew me away–the characters! the tension! the narrative foils! the revenge! the ambition! the complicated queerness! I absolutely tore through it even though I was busy with school and walked around thinking about the ending for weeks. I can't wait for the sequel this August and also I am terrified to see what will come.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
THE THOUSAND EYES BY A.K. LARKWOOD!! Fucking fantastic sequel, took some incredible risks that really paid off and did some amazing things with the characters. Caused me exquisite agony in the best ways possible. Shuthmili's character arc in that book lives in my head RENT free.
3. New release you haven’t read yet
I'm hoping to read A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon this summer (it is so long but I am so excited for more dragons and lesbians). Also, When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb because I love their short fiction!
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid (gothic YA fantasy about Welsh mythology and a creepy seaside manor) sounds exactly like my kind of book and I'm quite excited for it.
5. Biggest disappointment
Probably The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas. I've gotten really into gothic literature lately and I was super excited at the idea of a postcolonial gothic set in 1800s Mexico but it just felt kind of like a middling mash-up of Rebecca and Mexican Gothic. Subpar gothic atmosphere, some nonsensical plot points, boring romance, standard prose. Alas!
6. Biggest surprise
I read Little Blue Encyclopedia (For Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plante on kind of a whim because the idea of a novel told in the form of an encyclopedia entry for a fictional TV show sounded interesting (I love stories that experiment with form) and it turned out to be an incredible exploration of grief and friendship and trans community that packed a lot of nuance and emotion into a very short work.
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
Ava Reid! Her debut novel, The Wolf and the Woodsman, was a personally kinda underwhelming to me, but their second novel, Juniper and Thorn, was an incredible gothic fantasy exploration of abuse and I think she really found her authorial voice through it. Super excited for their YA debut coming out this fall, it sounds very up my alley. Also, having read Andrew Joseph White's debut novel Hell Followed With Us, I am absolutely keeping an eye out for his future works.
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
I'm reading Spindrift by Anna Burke right now and Morgan Donovan I am free to hang out on Thursday when I am free to hang out…
Also, Heather After from G. Willow Wilson's Sandman spin-off comic The Dreaming: The Waking Hours is incredible (trans anarchist sorceress) and I love her.
9. Book that made you cry
I don't really cry over books, but Among Others by Jo Walton made me so unbearably sad as someone who has a twin sister (though I do have some problems with that novel).
10. Book that made you happy
 I read Highly Suspicious & Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert because I enjoyed her adult romance novels and thought it was adorable, absolutely top-notch YA rom-com. (Also, I relate to Brad so much considering he is a teenage boy jock named Brad.)
Tagging uhhhh oh god @kazz-brekker @acewizard @shirleyjacksons @displayheartcode and any other book-inclined people who see this and want to answer? (i'm very bad at remembering mutuals off the top of my head, sorry!)
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girl-with-goats · 2 years
Wednesday snippet
I was tagged by @felixantares and it was supposed to be a Sunday snippet, but I'm running late, so–a Wednesday snippet is it. Sorry not sorry.
It's also a shameless self-promotion for my newest WIP, Season of Gold, a soft and silly dramione nonsense – the snippet comes from chapter two that I'm currently editing. (I'll yeet it out later tonight).
Pansy yawned, “Can’t we just find a boyfriend for Hermione, then?”
When Harry wasn’t answering for a suspiciously long time, she raised her head to look at him. Only then, did she register the words produced by her sleepy brain. 
“It’s actually a brilliant idea,” Harry said slowly. “Pansy, you’re a genius! We’ll find a boyfriend for her and then she’ll remove the hex herself!” 
“Yes, well—” Pansy yawned for the second time, desperately wishing for another coffee. “Does she have a crush on someone or something?” 
“Uh—no. As far as I know, no.”
“A type, then?” 
“No, not since R—well, I thought she had a type, but then we made this pact and we swore off dating, so I don’t think she has a type now.”
Pansy brushed her eyes, trying to regain some shreds of her sanity. It was definitely too late for her to be able to function properly and process information, not even mentioning an elaborated dating plan for Hermione Granger. 
“Well, I guess that we have to look for someone fit for her, then.” She finished the sentence with another yawn. “It might take a while, though.”
Tagging anyone who wants to do it 😂
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