#also if you are in need of a supportive parent naps will adopt you
soulrph · 2 years
as requested by a powerfully patient and endlessly lovely nonnie!! there will be more lists like this, because frankly, parenthood is a whole theme park of roller coasters with unique challenges and milestones in each of them! but these are for parents who have recently become parents to a newborn! i also have requests for prompts based on foster families and adopted children, but i'd like to do my own research before i dive too deeply into those, because obviously the rules vary from country to country, but i digress! i sincerely hope you all enjoy these! unclench your jaw, drink some water, roll back your shoulders! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST PLEASE!!
" if you waken that baby, so help me god, there won't be a corner of the universe that will protect you from my wrath. "
" do you wanna hold him/her/them? here, it's okay! just support the neck like... yeah, there you go! you got it! "
" no, no, it's okay, i'm not going anywhere. the baby spit up on everything i own except this sparkly little number, so i'm waiting for the washing cycle to end until i can change out of this! come on in. "
" i don't think i've had a full night's sleep since the baby came along. "
" i'm gonna train this kid, night and day, until they say my name before yours. that's my goal. my name is gonna be their first word. "
" i love my baby. more than i ever dreamed possible! but they've kept me awake since the second they were born! i seriously need a nap... could you keep an eye on them until i wake up? just twenty minutes, i promise you! "
" it kinda feels like every single person in the world suddenly has a PhD in parenting to make me feel incompetent with. "
" i think our sweet angel's gonna be a rock star with that set of lungs! "
" we need a new babysitter. preferably one who won't read rosemary's baby to our newborn. "
" god, they're so precious when they're asleep... can you believe we're that kid's parents?! "
" how can something so tiny go through a billion diapers every single day?! "
" they smiled at me today! actually smiled, i swear! that baby is a genius! and no, it wasn't trapped gas, before you say it. "
" that darling child ripped a fistful of my hair out today, so if you see a bald spot, now you know why it's there. "
" shh... shh, honey, it's okay. the baby woke up, but i'm handling it. you just go back to sleep now, okay? "
" i was thinking... if, for whatever reason, i'm not able to take care of the baby, i was wondering if you might be okay with being their legal guardian? "
" so pre-schools aren't only super competitive, they've also got some insanely high standards now, too! one of them won't even let me bring my car in unless it's completely emission-free! "
" the baby has a remarkably dark sense of humour. they only seem to laugh when i stub my damn toe on the crib at 4 in the morning. "
" we had a somewhat violent reaction at the diaper station this morning. so that meant i had to bathe and change the little cherub twice in ten minutes, and then go take another shower and find new clothes unscathed by infant vandals again. "
" he/she/they have your eyes. and your batshit insane sleep schedule. "
" you know what really pisses me off? when people act as though new parents have it easy. like a newborn is the easiest thing in the world to handle. i'd like to see them make coffee, change a diaper and fold a onesie one-handed! "
" isn't it so crazy that this tiny little human, who can't even hold their own head up yet, might be like, a president or something one day? "
" i'm really sorry, i know we had plans tonight, but i literally just got the baby to sleep and all i wanna do is lie down and eat the leftovers of a bag of potato chips until i fall asleep. i haven't showered all week, i can't remember the last time i wore clean clothes, and... it's just not gonna work out tonight. "
" i figured you wouldn't have much time to cook, what with the baby and all. so i decided i'd bring a lasagna and some groceries over to you, and i can keep an eye on the little one while you take a nice hot shower and eat your dinner in peace! "
" hey... relax. i promise you, the babysitter can handle it for a few hours! and if they need you, they've got your phone number, right? so just... take a night off. sit back. enjoy yourself. the baby is fine, i promise you! "
" you know, if you guys wanted a date night, i could mind the baby for you? "
" i swear, this baby is the freaking jackpot of excuses to not attend all those events! all the times i wanted to throw sharon's awful hummus at her face during those dinner parties, and now i don't even have to go anymore, all because of this beautiful, wonderful little baby! "
" i mean, sure, sometimes i'm crying 24/7 and i don't know what the hell i'm doing! but then i'll tickle the baby's little foot and they'll laugh for thirty minutes, and it just makes me so insanely, immeasurably happy! "
" what do you think? will we try for baby number two? make this little angel a big brother/sister/sibling? "
" i need a night out. please. i'm begging you. i cannot sing another single note of baby shark! please, even a trip to the grocery store would do! "
" god, couldn't you just sit and watch them sleep forever? "
" oh god, he/she/they're crying! the baby's crying! oh man, is that a hungry cry or a diaper cry?! talk to me, little baby! "
" i cannot believe we just paid four figures for a cradle when the baby won't even sleep unless they're in our arms... "
" you know, that little baby is so freaking lucky to have you as their mom/dad/parent. "
" a-actually, maybe you better keep holding them. i mean, what if i hurt them by accident? or what if i scare them? babies don't like me, they never have! "
" you know, i always thought newborn babies looked like potatoes. but this kid is pretty darn cute! "
" i believe congratulations are in order. where's the new addition? "
" i never realized how expensive diapers were until now... "
" mm... honey, the baby... the baby's crying. wake up, baby, go help the baby... "
" nice try, but i got the baby the last time. it's your turn now. probably a diaper change, too, by the sound of it. "
" how can someone so tiny drink so much freaking milk?! "
" i wish people would quit acting like parenting experts every single time they see me. believe it or not, i do know what i'm doing! "
" some stranger on the bus decided to let me know i was a terrible mother/father/parent for not choosing to raise the baby on a vegan diet. "
" did you think of any baby names yet? or is this sweet little angel still anonymous? "
" i'm thinking we should decorate the nursery while the baby's still napping. i got the paint in my car; what do you think? "
" this baby is officially more extroverted than me! every single person we met in the park, this socializing star was waving and smiling at them like crazy! "
" oh my god, remember that little blanket you gave us when the baby was born? yeah! they refuse to go to sleep without it now, it's the cutest thing ever! "
" oh, i took the most adorable photo of the baby yesterday while they were sleeping! wanna see? "
" i don't think you need to worry about your parenting skills. 'cause that little baby in there is the happiest, luckiest kid in the whole world just by having you in their life. they might not know it yet. but they are. "
" well, according to the principal at the last pre-school, we should have been booking placements before the baby was even conceived. "
" i wonder what kind of life this baby will grow up to live? "
" you're such a natural with the baby! he/she/they love you so much already; look how they're gazing up at you! "
" i'm so sorry, but we're gonna have to leave early; the bottle leaked all over my bag, and it's feeding time now, so it's either leave early or unleash a screaming infant on you! "
" would you mind holding the baby for a minute while i go grab my stuff? "
" don't judge, but we were out of clean onesies, so i dressed the baby in that huge old t-shirt you got at that concert five years ago. if i'm being honest, it suits them! "
" listen. i know i complain and i struggle. i honestly think my mistakes outnumber my triumphs, as far as parenting is concerned. but i have never loved anything nor anyone nearly as much as i love this baby. never. "
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thecraftymagician · 2 years
Asra as a Parent:
Warnings: Spoilers for Asra's Route and the Travel At Night story
As if you didn't already fill their life with so much joy, as if you didn't already seemingly give them the world. Just absolutely so ecstatic. Cried if/when finding out MC is pregnant and/or if they mention wanting to start a family or adopting.
They aren't as nervous about being parents with MC. Sure they want to learn and research but know that mistakes might happen and what matters most is caring and love for the little bundle. There is a little insecurity as they don't remember a whole lot of their childhood with their parents but are so so happy that the duo are there now to help. (They can't wait to be grandparents!)
Baby is not leaving their arms hardly ever. They are obsessed with this tiny bean. Every yawn, coo, or even cry is pure magic. Absolutely wears a baby sling (the swaddle scarf wrap thing?) and takes them out for fresh air often, even if just for short trips to the market or to visit friends/family.
Sometimes Faust likes to sleep next to or wrapped around the baby which would scare most people, especially when she gets close like that in public, but she's absolutely just gentle and loves bean. They play peek-a-boo together alot.
Will try their best to stay up with the baby but they'll likely fall asleep. Asra absolutely naps with the baby daily and loves skin to skin contact.
Definitely let's them crawl around and explore whatever they want (though anything breakable or dangerous is far out of reach). They'll always keep an eye out but won't really hover too much while the bean is toddling around. He wants them to have plenty of space to be themselves and learn/grow but are always there when they need him.
Gentle. Parenting. Royalty.
Loves to show off little magic tricks when they're upset or just for fun. They love to make little galaxies on the ceiling and other slow moving ASMR stuff to help the baby sleep. Best healing kisses for ouchies ever (besides MC)!
Maybe even before they can walk, baby is already included in travels. At first it's nowhere too far but eventually when they're old enough they'll go with to Nopal's Painted Daisy Festival and other things of the like. Going foraging together in the forest with Muriel is a regular occurrence.
Won't push or force magic on them but really encourages it as, well, it's a whole family thing really. Will always support whatever they want to do and who they want to be/are. If they want to learn he will be right there with them guiding their journey and will of course have MC join too.
Has Muriel make protective charms for the little bean and always has protective spells on them just in case.
Probably have multiple instances such as Asra's teapot one with their parents. Either passes on the Arcana book his parents made or helps make a new one special for the bean to learn with. Also just carries them around the shop sometimes and points out different things and what they do.
This one doesn't really have a specific order and is a bit jumbled but I tried to fit things together.
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kittensartswriting · 1 year
Happy Storyteller Saturday! What about your story is currently plaguing your thoughts right this moment? A certain character? A plot point? A particular scene? A concept for something new? Be as vague or as detailed as you like!
Happy STS! Thank you for the question!!
Right now Faerathos and Marcus from BCC are living rent free in my mind. They have somewhat codependent and dysfunctional adoptive father-son relationship. Faerathos is one of the main siblings and after their clan got killed in a civil war 15 years prior, he was taken as a hostage to the court, to deter his uncle, who managed to escape, from coming back from exile to cause trouble. Marcus is his aunt's widow (she died years before the civil war) and the commander of their house guard, though there's barely anyone alive from their house, so now he is more just Faerathos' bodyguard.
Faerathos was pretty traumatized by the civil war at age 13 and after that he's been 15 years in the court under constant surveillance and control, so it's safe to say he's mentally not great. He does a lot of self-sabotaging by getting into bad and dangerous situation and fucking over his life and relationships by being shitty to people. He craves affection, but also doesn't think he deserves it, which leads him to do things like that. More than anything he wants affection from Marcus, who is very emotionally unavailable. He has also internalized having his every move scrutinized, so he's compulsively acting like he's totally fine, and therefore also unable to just ask help or support. So Marcus, who already has trouble reading people's emotions, doesn't even know what he needs.
Marcus was Faerathos' father's (Julius) lover for several years before he died (Faerathos' parents were platonically married), which Faerathos doesn't know. So when Julius died in the civil war, Marcus also took it pretty badly, but he couldn't ever really properly grieve, because he could not show weakness being constantly under the enemy's nose, and no one knew about it. He could not save Julius, so his life mission since has been to protect Julius' son, and he barely has any life outside Faerathos. He also believes he is cursed, because tragedies seems to follow him, and he is constantly afraid something will happen to Faerathos. This is partly an internal justification to be so emotionally distant (because he's like "maybe the curse won't work if I don't talk about my feelings" - Sure, Jan), because he really just fears emotional intimacy, which would require him to actually face his grief. So he deeply loves Faerathos as a son, but is unable to express it, which is the one thing Faerathos really needs from him. It's also painful for him to watch by as Faerathos for seemingly no reason just fuck over his life over and over again without being able to do anything. So sometimes he has to emotionally check out from their relationship and just keep Faerathos alive.
Despite all that they can also be affectionate. Marcus doesn't usually like to be touched, but Faerathos likes platonic physical intimacy, so the way Marcus shows his love (since emotional intimacy is off the table) is by affectionately touching Faerathos' hair or something or letting Faerathos nap against him. (To paint you the picture, Faerathos is 195 cm and Marcus 169 cm. His son is very overgrown.) When Faerathos was younger, they didn't have this tension, since a naturally parent-child relationship is not balanced, and Marcus could be there for Faerathos without having to be that open himself. But as Faerathos grew up, their relationship should have become more reciprocal, but with the combined effort of Marcus' emotional unavailability and Faerathos' self-destructive behavior, their relationship just become more dysfunctional. So on one hand they are very close, but on the other hand they can be very hurtful to each other, because they are so close.
To show you how rent free they live in my head here's a little sketch I made of baby Faerathos and Marcus having an "I'm guess I'm a father now" moment after they have become hostages because I could not stop thinking about them.
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Sorry for the long answer, I have just endless amount to say about them :'D
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crazedlunatic · 1 year
Ryan Officially Meets Kurt
 I know Ryan was at the wedding so he’s technically has met Kurt but I think he is a…
What did Brady say?
A fangirl.
But he’s a boy, so I’m confused.
Is that slang?
Blaine, who was holding a 4-month-old Zach in one arm, saw the texts from Bob on his watch and laughed.
It’s okay.
This sucks. I’m the cute one. It’s not fair.
I’ve met my texting quote for the day. See you soon.
No potato candy for you.
Where can I return your adoption papers?
Blaine handed Zach off to Kurt who had finally gotten Nick’s ‘shoes’ on him. He then scooped Nick up, who immediately gave a toothless grin.
Both Kurt and Blaine were startled when Nick suddenly let out his first—that had to be a laugh, right?
“Was he imitating your laugh?!” Kurt exclaimed.
“Oh my God! He imitated me!” Blaine gasped. He then asked, “When is he supposed to do that? Also, I really don’t want to go back to work next week.”
“I know.” Kurt sighed. “I don’t want to go back to work either… even if I’m out longer than you.”
Blaine kicked the screen door out, caught it with his foot once he was out, and let Kurt and Zach out. He didn’t even bother to pull it closed.
“Just because your dad’s locked up doesn’t mean we should just leave the front door open.” Kurt said going into Bob’s house.
“We didn’t bring the baby bag…. Bags. Bag. We decided it was easier to do one bag, right?”
“We have a bag there already.”
“Why did we bring one then?”
“I don’t know. Where is my brain? Will it ever come back?”
“Nope. Welcome to being a parent” Jamie, Ryan’s husband, who happened to be in the entrance of the house alone waved. “Can I get the bag?”
“That’d be great—” Blaine looked confused.
“Don’t worry. Only another four years and they’ll look like that.” Jamie pointed out towards Bob’s backyard where their son and daughter were playing with Emily and Miles. “Oh, also. Hi. I was at your wedding. My husband is obsessed with you… he says he just really, really likes all of your clothes.”
“Oh, thanks.” Kurt yawned. He then tilted his head, “He’s not like… obsessed?”
“Oh. No. Not really. But he’s always liked Marc and his adopted dogs or something? Also the charities he supports. I can’t find the time to find obsessions.”
An adorable toddler toddled in and sat down right on Jamie’s shoes. She then pointed up and said, “Daddy, bay-bee. Bay-bee.”
“Yeah. It’s a baby.” Jamie lifted her so she could see but wasn’t too close to the babies. “She recently turned two. She’s a little behind on her words but he was too and now he never stops talking now.”
Ryan came in quickly, clearly trying to find her.
This time Zach spontaneously laughed. The twins then looked at each other, confused.
“Oh, Bob will be mad he missed that. That was so cute.” Ryan said and then asked sweetly, “She’s genetically yours. I can play that game too. He gets into more trouble than my perfect child. Your mom agrees.” He then gasped, “They are so cute! Oh my God.”
Both Kurt and Blaine gave the same exhausted smiles. If only they got a nap per time they heard it, they’d never need it.
“I don’t want to be a stalker or a weird person but I really love the design elements that you’ve added to the line.” Ryan said. “It’s needed an overhaul. I can’t believe I’ve known Blaine since he was in law school and he’s married to you.”
Kurt readjusted the baby and gave a real, unforced smile. “Thank you. I actually had to, uhm, drop a class due to a family emergency—” He glanced at Blaine and continued. “But it ended up working really well for me in the end.”
“We met in college. Well… sort of. Kind of.” Jamie said.
“Yeah and he corrupted me.”
Jamie rolled his eyes and asked, “Can you hold her? I’m starting to think the pull up did leak on me.”
Ryan maintained a neutral face until Jamie was out of earshot and said to Blaine, “I’m always right and he never listens to me… it’s okay. He’s brought home much worse stuff. Like some kind of plague thing? I don’t know.”
“Is that an exaggeration?” Kurt tilted his head.
“I hope he was exaggerating. Sometimes I don’t ask because I’m afraid it’s true.” Ryan confided. “How is it working in fashion? Like legitimately working with Marc? Do you actually see him every day?”
“Most of the time, yeah… but I get to make my own decisions a lot of the time. I got a better job offer a rank up somewhere else but… Marc. Blaine and I are still debating if it’s a good move but it would mean Blaine’s hours would be a little wonky. How do you like being a lawyer?”
“I liked it a lot better before I was promoted.” Ryan purposefully joked as Bob walked past the room.
“Same here.” Bob said without stopping.
“You could retire for 20 lifetimes.” Ryan called after him. Maybe 50.”
“I wonder how much of his money isn’t even CMJ related but work injuries from psychotic people.” Jamie asked out loud.
“Asked. He doesn’t even know.” Ryan looked confused. “I would much rather talk about fashion.”
They all went quiet as Ryan and Jamie’s daughter went and sat between where the twins were looking amazed.
“Oh. I saved his life once.” Jamie said suddenly. “Well, I helped. It was the first time I’d ever seen an organ removed.”
“Clothing. Not organs.” Ryan sounded impatient.
“Daddy, can we get McDonalds?” Their oldest, the son, asked.
“No.” Ryan and Jamie responded together, making the toddler giggle.
Bob came into the room, immediately scooping Nick up.
“Hey, Bob.” Ryan said sweetly. “How much do you want to bet Kurt will make more than you by the time he’s 48?”
“I think you’re forgetting he turns 50 soon.” Sarah singsonged from another room.
“And yet I still have the same birthday as you.” Bob singsonged back, leaving the room.
“Wait. Wait. Really?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah. I came out twenty minutes before her, though.” Bob came back into the room. “Birth certificate was wrong.”
“Shut up.” Ryan said. “Legitimately? Why am I talking to you right now? Kurt Hummel is here—oh, wait. Are you changing your last name legally?”
“It’s been filed.” Kurt said excitedly. “And then we have to do the second parent adoption?”
“Honestly Millie could probably speed that up for you. She helped facilitate ours. It maybe took 3 days. I’m sounding like a lawyer again.” Ryan sighed. “But in all seriousness, Kurt, have you been paying attention to social media?”
“I avoid it like the plague.” Kurt said. “I have a private account from undergrad that I still have open and check on it. My PR person does a lot of the work on that, though. I mostly stay in my office and sketch until I get a concrete idea. Then I send it off.”
“To Marc to approve?”
Kurt looked a bit embarrassed and said, “I don’t have to have approval anymore.”
“What?!” Blaine, who had been chatting with Jamie, looked up.
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almostnineteen · 2 years
unpopular opinion: i missed reading books but i’m also glad i stopped
TL;DR: i lost a part of myself when i went into a reading slump but i found a new version of me that finally learned to live
a week ago i found out that Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between - a book i read when i was in tenth grade - has been made into a netflix film (that i totally plan to watch soon). honestly, it makes me extremely happy that the books i grew up with, or at least read towards the end of junior high, are now getting made into films that should definitely give these stories and their authors the extended recognition they deserve. and i’m talking about the likes of The School for Good and Evil, which i am also much excited about, and not the To All The Boys series (no offense). the shy high school girl in me would have been thrilled to see the books she enjoyed so much come to life.
i remember when i was in middle school and junior high. i think about how much of a book nerd i was and how i’ve changed from then. you could say reading and writing was my whole personality. books were my whole world... or, worlds, i guess, since i lived in so many of them and not enough of my own. one Christmas i even asked my family to install another bookshelf in my room above my bed just so i could have space for all the books i haven’t read yet (it was just a long plank of wood we had lying around held up by supports). i live in the Philippines so Fully Booked was my absolute favorite place, especially the BGC branch. i was always happiest when i was reading, and the same could be said for writing.
then the pandemic hit, and i stopped reading and writing altogether. well, technically, my reading slump started when i was in tenth grade, but the pandemic really was something else. my mental health was down and i was also starting at a new school after studying at the same one for 11 years. i drowned myself in work and burnt myself out more times than i could count. for whatever reason, reading and writing, unless they were for academic purposes, just didn’t fit into my schedule anymore. but i guess, at the time, they didn’t fit into my personality either.
the reason why i never had time to pick up a book or a pen (or even type stuff down) was because i was busy discovering other things. over the past few years, i have:
transferred into my dream senior high school
experienced the pains of adjusting to online classes + being in a co-ed school for the first time
made A LOT of new friends (we’re at least 20 people in the friend group)
gotten a netflix account and binge watched so many shows and movies (Jane the Virgin, HIMYM, B99, Lucifer, and The Good Place now have special places in my heart)
gotten into a relationship (i was very busy discovering a lot about my boyfriend. hi, hun!)
engaged in typical teenage shenaniganry (hehe)
redecorated my room
adopted a cat
rearranged my room again for said cat (the bookshelf is now bookless and has since become a cat nap area)
gone to places i could otherwise never afford if it weren’t for my friends and their parents sponsoring the events
been through more ups and downs than i could keep track of
drowned myself in work then proceeded to pull myself back out
and essentially a lot of other stuff i never thought would happen to me at all. i focused more on myself and the people around me rather than fictional characters living fictional lives (who, i will admit, are amazing and unique in their own right, but real-life drama about real-life people just hits different y’know, especially when you can get in the middle of it lmao).
when i was a new student at the start of grade 11, i realized that in order to make friends i needed to be an interesting enough person on my own, with a personality beyond the things i’ve read or wanted to write about. that, and i learned that it’s easier for people to talk about real people, whether it’s me or themselves or others we know. granted, i have friends right now who are suckers for fictional characters (especially fictional men written by women), but i found that the easiest way to connect with new people is to start by talking about what’s in front of you instead of something that you both need to have read or watched in order to understand.
even if i’m sad that i lost a part of myself that probably had a fire in her heart and a sparkle in her eyes, i’m also glad i got to transition into the person i am now. she isn’t terrible, she’s just different (and much more tired). she went through hell and matured a lot. now that i’m trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle and mental state, i guess now’s a good time to go back to what made me happiest when i was younger.
this year, i’ve only read The President Is Missing and Be More Chill so far (started both after school ended in may). as part of my college rebranding, i’ve decided to read more books about Filipino culture and history, or books by Filipino authors. i already started when i was in tenth grade, so i’m continuing by currently reading AA Patawaran’s Manila Was A Long Time Ago. i’d definitely love to get recommendations though !! Filipino genre or not, if it’s a good book recommended by someone on this site i’d be happy to give it a shot.
additionally, i’ll try my best to keep this blog for random thoughts and essays. i will not be reviving my old tumblr blog, but i won’t delete it either because that’s still a part of who i am. still, i want to keep this separate from all the fangirling i did back in 2019, when i only used tumblr for a bit then dipped for 3 years (lmao i still don’t really know how to use this site). i’m hoping this blog could serve as some kind of brain dump therapy for when i’m feeling like twitter isn’t a big enough rant space for my thoughts.
so there. i’m back on tumblr. don’t know how long i’ll be here, and i don’t know if this will reach anyone (or if anyone will care to reach the end of this post). still, i’m pretty glad to be back.
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kabbur28 · 7 months
Sofa cum Bed Fittings
According to reports, the average apartment size in the top 7 Indian cities has shrunk by 17% between 2014–2018.  This makes the urban dwellers now reside in an average house sized between 950 square feet to 1400 square feet. Although the average size of the house has reduced, people’s needs and comforts are still on the rise.
The current pandemic has played a catalyst too when more space had to be crafted out to accommodate work-from-home options, which also include home stations and schooling corners for the kids.  To have all this be accommodated along with furniture under one roof, was quite a challenge for everyone, with space being the biggest limiting constraint.
This pressing concern has reinforced the need to have multipurpose furniture in every home.  Although sofa cum beds have existed even in the past, we have still seen an increased adoption for it due to its multipurpose feature.
Multipurpose, modular, and minimalistic sofa cum bed fittings serve as a space saver in a lot of homes all over.  Several insights from various customers have shown us how such an inconspicuous piece of furniture has become an integral part of their lives.
The use of the sofa cum bed fittings has exploded beyond what was initially assumed and has proved how they have become the go-to solution for 
✔ parents with young children, 
 ✔ people relocating to new cities, 
 ✔guests coming over and arranging accommodation for them
 ✔bachelor pad furniture
 ✔night duty beds for doctors, nurses, and other medical staff
 ✔office/factory/warehouse power nap beds
The benefits of having a sofa cum bed fittings are:
✔Sturdy and easy to operate with a simple clicking mechanism for positive locking in a sitting position.
✔This furniture could be used 24/7.  It could be used as a sofa all through the day, as a lounger when you want to catch up on TV, and serves as a bed at night.
✔It simplifies your job and eliminates your need to drag the heavy mattress, place it, and lay it down every night.  Later, in the morning you end up clearing it out, finding a storage place where you store it elsewhere all through the day.
✔The sofa cum bed is so well fitted that you can use it as it is. Although a bedsheet is recommended to maintain it clean and for hygiene purposes.
✔The super lightweight yet sturdy furniture is used to give you the optimum support while both sitting and sleeping.
✔ The exciting colours and designs ensure to enhance the aesthetics of your home or room.
✔Multiple size availability; for the single, double, or triple seater/sleeper is highly suitable for everyone’s needs.
The sofa cum bed fitting from South India Agencies (SIA) can be used as a sofa, a recliner, and bed.  The sofa cum bed fitting from South India Agencies (SIA) features include:
Specially designed Sofa cum bed fitting click 2 are used to convert your sofa into a recliner sofa or bed.
2-Position Reclining Angle
Maximum backrest size of 600 mm x 1830 mm and a maximum seat size  of 600 mm x 1830 mm
Finish: Zinc plated yellow.
SIA’s range of hardware products also includes door locks, soft closers for doors, sliding door fittings, glass fitting, stainless steel fittings, door hinges, auto hinges, hydraulic hinges, door locks, and shower cubicles; etc.
Do visit South India Agencies (SIA) 
Call:  9901615115.
Website:  https://southindiaagencies.com/
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safeenaposts · 2 years
Sofa cum Bed Fittings
According to reports, the average apartment size in the top 7 Indian cities has shrunk by 17% between 2014–2018. This makes the urban dwellers now reside in an average house sized between 950 square feet to 1400 square feet. Although the average size of the house has reduced, people’s needs and comforts are still on the rise.
The current pandemic has played a catalyst too when more space had to be crafted out to accommodate work-from-home options, which also include home stations and schooling corners for the kids. To have all this be accommodated along with furniture under one roof, was quite a challenge for everyone, with space being the biggest limiting constraint.
This pressing concern has reinforced the need to have multipurpose furniture in every home. Although sofa cum beds have existed even in the past, we have still seen an increased adoption for it due to its multipurpose feature.
Multipurpose, modular, and minimalistic sofa cum bed fittings serve as a space saver in a lot of homes all over. Several insights from various customers have shown us how such an inconspicuous piece of furniture has become an integral part of their lives.
The use of the sofa cum bed fittings has exploded beyond what was initially assumed and has proved how they have become the go-to solution for
✔ parents with young children,
✔ people relocating to new cities,
✔guests coming over and arranging accommodation for them
✔bachelor pad furniture
✔night duty beds for doctors, nurses, and other medical staff
✔office/factory/warehouse power nap beds
The benefits of having a sofa cum bed fittings are:
✔Sturdy and easy to operate with a simple clicking mechanism for positive locking in a sitting position.
✔This furniture could be used 24/7. It could be used as a sofa all through the day, as a lounger when you want to catch up on TV, and serves as a bed at night.
✔It simplifies your job and eliminates your need to drag the heavy mattress, place it, and lay it down every night. Later, in the morning you end up clearing it out, finding a storage place where you store it elsewhere all through the day.
✔The sofa cum bed is so well fitted that you can use it as it is. Although a bedsheet is recommended to maintain it clean and for hygiene purposes.
✔The super lightweight yet sturdy furniture is used to give you the optimum support while both sitting and sleeping.
✔ The exciting colours and designs ensure to enhance the aesthetics of your home or room.
✔Multiple size availability; for the single, double, or triple seater/sleeper is highly suitable for everyone’s needs.
The sofa cum bed fitting from South India Agencies (SIA) can be used as a sofa, a recliner, and bed. The sofa cum bed fitting from South India Agencies (SIA) features include:
Specially designed Sofa cum bed fitting click 2 are     used to convert your sofa into a recliner sofa or bed.
2-Position Reclining Angle
Maximum backrest size of 600 mm x 1830 mm and a maximum     seat size of 600 mm x 1830 mm
Finish: Zinc plated yellow.
SIA’s range of hardware products also includes door locks, soft closers for doors, sliding door fittings, glass fitting, stainless steel fittings, door hinges, auto hinges, hydraulic hinges, door locks, and shower cubicles; etc.
Do visit South India Agencies (SIA)
Call: 9901615115.
Website: https://southindiaagencies.com/
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dailymarshtomp · 4 years
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support trans people to scare religious bigots
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
Marriage Life
Summary: Marriage Life with Leona, Lilia, and Floyd.
A/N: Did you guys see what I did in Lilia’s part ;D Also thank you to my mutual @iaintnobish​ for help with all parts! Also thank you to everyone who replied to this ask!
Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons + Prompt
Requested by anon ➳
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Lilia ➳
➪ How’s life like with them:
Not high maintenance but definitely not low maintenance. Living an elegant but lifestyle with a sense of modesty. He'd try to cook every now and then because he thinks that’s what a good husband would do for their partner.
➪ How they treat you:
Lilia would be an affectionate and attentive husband, who would attend to your needs but that doesn’t mean his endless teasing has stopped! It’s one of his charms after all! 
➪ Opinion on Kids/Adoption:
He wants kids right after marriage to be honest! Though he’ll wait till you're ready. He’d probably want a lot of kids but it’s your choice really. He seems like the type to enjoy parenting a lot.
➪ Dates with them:
Up for anything, your dates could range from anything at home to fancy outings. It really depends on both your moods and decisions! Though when he does take initiative he’d probably take you out on a picnic date if not a carnival for a date!
➪ Would They let you work? How supportive are they:
Supportive but doesn’t see why you would need a job. He might ask you or take it to your grave. Depends on your understanding level.
Simple Prompt:
‘What’s that burning smell’ you thought to yourself as you awoke from your slumber only to have your senses filled to the brim with the harsh scent of burning food and smoke. 
‘Oh no!’...’Not this early in the morning!’ was your immediate thinking process as you realized what was going on.
Lilia was busy being the best husband he could be, in the kitchen….. And that translates to cooking for you. Which translates to burning food.
Leona ➳
➪ How’s life like with them:
High maintenance lifestyle with a domestic touch! 
➪ How they treat you:
Leona loves you dearly, though it’s rare for him to out rightly he’ll show his affection a lot. Though he’ll tease you if you do get flustered. He will never admit it but he’s extremely grateful to have you in his life.
➪ Opinion on Kids/Adoption:
Doesn’t have that huge of an opinion on having kids. He’d want them in the future but right now he wants to spend time with just the two of you. Though he wouldn’t mind having any kids as long as its both of yours be it adopted or biological.
➪ Dates with them:
Napping together, watching movies together while cuddling, etc! Though he does count cuddling together and falling asleep together a date. There are quite rare chances where you both would go out for dates, unless of course the garden counts…
➪ Would They let you work? How supportive are they:
Someone else who I don't think understands the appeal of getting a job or why you would want to, but would encourage and help you nonetheless.
Simple Prompt:
Leona’s head rested at the crook of your neck as he cuddled into you a bit more. You were huddled into his embrace, while the both of you talked about the day and or things you both did, your opinions on things, etc!
Though the conversation was main initiated by you, it was easy to tell that Leona was listening attentively to everything that you were saying.
Floyd ➳
➪ How’s life like with them:
Domestic and free-living lifestyle.  Super sweet and comfortable, probably won't leave the honeymoon phase for quite a while!
➪ How they treat you:
He would still remain as clingy as when you both were dating, if not more now that you're married. He’d want your affection and time! He’s still lenient about showing affection in public, would and will kiss you in public...
➪ Opinion on Kids/Adoption:
In all honesty he probably never thought of kids that much. He might consider later in your marriage. He seems like the type to have either one kid or three kids. It really depends.
➪ Dates with them:
Aquarium dates, seashell collecting together at the beach, and more! He seems very open to date suggestions! Movie nights and game nights together is common for you both.
➪ Would They let you work? How supportive are they:
Supportive of your choices. I don't see him being annoyed by you trying to make a living for yourself! Though he might get a tad bit angry if it starts leaking into your free time and the time you spent with him.
Simple Prompt:
“It’s so warm...” you complained about how warm the beach was today. Floyd looked up at you and suggested getting something cold to help with the heat, which you agreed to! 
You continued your sandcastle building like a little kid, decorating the walls in shells you and Floyd had found, whilst you waited for your partner to return with a cold drink or ice cream.
You were halfway finished by the time Floyd came back. You thanked him cheerfully as he handed you the drink and then before you knew it both of you were making the sandcastle together.
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sunny-day-dream · 2 years
Omgg i've been thinking about sun and moon as actual parents a lot and the idea is soooo cuteee!!! 😭
may i have some headcanons about them being dads if it's ok with you? They're just so sweet and make everything so wholesome ❤
Sun/Moon as a father (...and your husband because I couldn't help myself)
🌗 You're heavily pregnant and not feeling great? Expect foot rubs, massages, and pretty flowers every time that smile falls from your face!
🌗You want a very specific food combo that they can't get at the Pizzaplex? There are now staff stationed outside the daycare to keep an eye out for when Sun or Moon try to make a break for it during work hours- after another week of unsuccessful escape attempts, there were a second set of staff stationed at the Pizzaplex entrance for the same reason. (One of them finally took pity on the poor animatronic and went to the store to get what you were craving, Sun tried to make them one of the babys godparents afterwards.)
🌗 When the baby is finally born, you won't have to lift a finger until you're feeling up to it! Please don't push yourself-you've already done so much... they have everything covered, just relax!
🌗Their favourite thing to do at night now is to slip into the nursery and watch their child sleep, quietly keeping the baby entertained if it's having trouble settling down to nap.
🌗Moon has a lullaby that he made specifically for the baby (who is the only one to ever hear it. You can pout as much as you want, the song is for your baby only~)
🌗When your child is old enough to attend the daycare?? All bets are off. King/Queen/Ruler of the playcentre right here! Shows them the best spots for hide and seek, or where all the best toys are kept. Sun tries to keep things fair and pay attention to ALL the children that attend the daycare, so no one mentions when your child gets the best seats for the puppet shows or performances.
🌗Sun and Moon are both a little (a LOT. PLEASEOMG) distraught when your child starts school and is out of the house for so long each day. There's an adjustment period here, and it takes weeks for them to stop panicking during the day, thinking your kid has gone missing.
🌗They're just. The best dads. They're so understanding and comforting, and they're not scared to sit down and have difficult conversations. They're so accepting/approachable that by the time your child is in high school- you have about 5 other sort of adopted kids that your child befriended and Sun/Moon got too attached to. Like 'Oh HELLO! You're my kids best friends? No no no, you're family now- (Y/N) WE HAVE MORE CHILDREN!'
(You're too used to it to do more than laugh by now)
🌗 Moon's the one that helps with schoolwork, and he's also the one to sit down and just listen if your child needs to vent or have a good cry (He'll absolutely hold them and play that lullaby he made just for them, and they'll calm right down and laugh because they'd had it stuck in their head for forever but have never been able to find out what it was)
🌗Once, a teacher tried to fail your child due to rather bias reasons. Sun went and had a 'conversation' with them about it. They quit the next day, looking over their shoulder the entire time.
🌗 Your child comes out to you all as lgbtq+ ? Sun and Moon are just. SO proud of them, and so happy that they felt comfortable enough to start this conversation. Will do everything they can to become informed on how to support their child the best they can- and they'll sit down with them regularly to check in and make sure your child wasn't having any issues outside of their home. (Be prepared for hell to rain down on anyone harassing/bullying/excluding your child, vengeance looks like a 9ft tall animatronic with a nightcap and a sharp grin.)
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awkwardpaulie · 3 years
The Pregnancy (Part 2)
• You're going into labor
• Malcolm isn't there, the Midwife is napping, Brahms is playing with ya milkers.
• Contractions or cramps?
• You don't know but Brahms notices when you wince and struggle to breath from the pain
• He kinda freaks out, calls over the Midwife.
• They confirm you're in labor
• You want to do a home birth, in water, but there are complications that needs a doctor.
• Paramedics are called... You're about to be wheeled away, but yell for Brahms. You can't do it without him.
• He's hiding from the new people but can hear you calling for him.
• Medics are trying to wheel you away, but you're literally holding the stair rails, refusing to leave without Brahms.
• As you're being forced away, Brahms watches you leave while he stands in the hallway.
• He stays in the manor while you're taken to the hospital.
• But, Malcolm goes to the hospital to support you. The midwife is there! Malcolm also brought the doll for you
• the doll helps a little, but during labor you accidentally break Doll Brahms hand.
• you finally get the spawn out.
1. Give The Baby Away
• you refuse to know if the baby is male or female.
• you just want to return home, but write a letter to your child.
• You explain that you and Brahms love them deeply, and they were given up to allow them a chance at a fulfilling life.
• you explain that both you and Brahms aren't ready to care for a child. You're scared of being a bad mother and Brahms isn't ready to share his life with others.
• you explain that they will be welcomed with open arms at Heelshire Estate, when they're ready to return. Until then, you want them to learn everything they want and can. You want them to travel the world, meet new people, and live a life beyond your own wildest dreams.
• Both you and Brahms will be waiting at Heelshire Estate in England.
• You give the letter to the Midwife and have them give the letter to the adoptive parents. The child is only to open the letter when they're serious about knowing their biological parents.
• You stay in the hospital for a few days and when you return home, Brahms is a mess.
• He's destroyed many rooms. Thrown things about, tables and chairs are broken.
• But, when he sees you... he breaks down.
• He hugs you, kisses you, begs you to never leave again.
• you promise to never leave him... and make him promise to use condoms from here on out 💀
2. Keep The Baby
• you immediately ask if the baby is male or female.
• Male??? Bach Heelshire?
• Female??? Clara Heelshire? Shelley Heelshire??
• It's a few days until you & the baby return home, but when you do... the house is a mess.
• Brahms wants the baby gone. He doesn't want to share you. You are his and only his.
• Of course, you argue back. You want to keep the baby. It's not only your baby, but his as well.
• He thinks about that. The baby is his, like you are his, but not in the same way.
• you are his gift... his person... his love...
• the baby is a stranger... but also made from you... made by you... and him, too...
• He can be the baby's friend, at least?
• He let's the baby stay.
• Brahms stays by your side 24/7. He wants your attention, too.
• Even if the baby cries at 2 am, Brahms is awake, too. He doesn't know it, but it does help - kinda - bc he also holds the baby and rocks them while you sit on Brahms lap and fall back to sleep.
• He does find the baby annoying though. They're always crying or sleeping or stinky. He hates it when the baby is stinky.
• There are days when you want a break from both Brahms and the baby, but privacy is almost nonexistent.
• So, you decide to slowly have Brahms take care of the baby more often.
• He kinda knows what you're doing, but also sees how exhausted you are.
• So, he just plays with the baby while they're awake. He naps with the baby. He tries to feed the baby - which was good but he didn't know he had to burp the baby.
•He refuses to change the nappy.
• But, you enjoyed the privacy, even if it lasted only the morning.
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Headcanon for Dadzawa adopting everyone
Remember that one time Aizawa went like:
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And decided to start adopting a bunch of kids?
Yeah, please let's remember he's around 31 years old. Of course he's not the most experienced guy but he's not a young adult anymore. He has his flaws and amazing points, respectively.
Now that we know that: I blame his adoptive tendencies on Shirakumo Oboro.
Aizawa always liked kids and I can imagine him being that type of man that dreams of having a big family and a bunch of kids.
So he was always close to his students, right? And then the legendary class 1-A came along.
Those kids have mostly good parents, but oh boy oh boy, it takes a look to notice they need another parental figure in their lives.
The rise of Dadzawa.
He's like "I hate them all" out loud and them proceeds to risk his life for them because no on is touching my children while I'm here.
Mic is secretly falling deeper and deeper in love with his husband because come on, watching his parental side makes him so happy. Who doesn't love a man who's willing to go against anything to protect his kids from harm? And oh boy, if Mic doesn't tease him from it, even when Aizawa pretends it's not like that.
A child from class 1-A: *has a minor inconvenience*, Aizawa: "Nothing can be done. I'm you're dad now. I'll have to support you and protect you for the rest of our lives. This is what it is."
He loves to be a dad. Don't pity him, he's having the time of his life. Every time someone looks at him like being a dad is a burden, he gets ready to fight them.
Still he needs to improve many many things. Like any parent, he can do things without fully thinking them or he can do things and then realize he was wrong.
But what makes him such a great dad is that he keeps trying, changing, improving.
To celebrate the class 1-A getting to their third year, he buys a bunch of sleeping bags and stipulates an hour to take a nap two days a week. No more sleep deprived kids if he can avoid it.
He keeps vitamins and meds and other stuff on his desk. He keeps record of their allergies and health issues. Also he has special files with their preferences on many things.
Once he gets his prosthesis, after what happened in the war arc, he lets them sign it. It's dumb but he loves seeing their marks on it.
Even after graduating, you can see class 1-A, now all pro-heroes, asking to see Aizawa sensei. They love talking with him and asking him for advice and catching up with how he's been— they never leave him alone. They send a bunch of free merch of them and gifts, all the time.
Aizawa is always wearing merch from his kids. Proud Dad™.
He's also always scolding them after watching them doing reckless stuff on TV.
He cries when Eri starts studying at UA.
People make the mistake of thinking he's less fast or strong now that he has a prosthesis. If anything, a kick of him feels like you're gonna lose a lung. His kids are always there to make fun of villains for making that mistake.
He gets to fight alongside his students once they are pro-heroes several times and he always end up with bright eyes and a big smile, because he is in awe of how much his kids have grown.
Which is funny because they're still idiots.
Aizawa is like the official advisor.
Mic is the one they call when they need relationship advice.
Aizawa is the one they call when they follow Mic's advice and things go wrong.
The first to call Aizawa "Dadzawa" is Denki. After that, the name catches and you have the UA staff using it a lot.
And then the pro-heroes.
EraserHead becomes a symbol of good parenting. Which actually means A LOT.
After class 1-A, trouble kids keep finding his way to him, hoping he can helps them too. It breaks his heart to see so many kids with heavy burdens and great traumas.
We all know that he is like an uncle to Tomura after his redemption, right? Because there's no way Shirakumo would allow his bestie to reject his precious but a chaotic son.
Believe me when I tell you that Kurogiri is the equivalent of Aizawa to villain-kids or kids that don't follow the social spectations.
You don't know how much I need this.
The tower is full of friendly cats that help the kids and the teenagers relax once they are in.
A bunch of cats have names based on pro-heroes and that's funny as hell.
The agency also helps pets and animals in need.
Aizawa has two addictions: adopting kids and adopting cats.
Shinso is the big brother of all the kids and cats.
Which means Shinso is taking after his dad, so he's kinda already wanting to adopt. But since he's so young, he only adopts cats.
I'm gonna end this post here because I'm losing my mind.
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Hi! Idk what came over me but I thought an AU where Sander’s kid is anti-Bowie was the most hilarious thing thanks to @hidden-joy @kylesbishops and @sanderijzermans so I wrote it skdjdj
Disclaimer: it’s all fun and chaos and I don’t really know anything about how to write kids
x, x, x, x, credit to the chaos 🤪
The day Sander Driesen hears the words come out of his child’s mouth is the day he wonders if this is his child at all.
He’s standing there, leather jacket, white t-shirt and all, bleached hair icy even in the summer sun, and he looks down at the small stature in front of him. Grey-green eyes, dark locks and an air of confidence that could only be learned from a certain music-loving individual fill his sight. There’s so much innocence standing before him but a driven insistence breaks through the words spoken.
“Dad,” he hears. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but...I don’t really like David Bowie all that much.”
Sander thinks he’s lost his senses. He is definitely not hearing right. Hell, he’s only a man in his early thirties, he could not be this hard of hearing already. He tries to brace himself on the couch from falling over. Shit, he’s also too young to feel this frail.
“Wh-what do you mean you don’t like David Bowie all that much?”
The question comes out in gasps of air, ragged and winded, like he can’t believe what’s happening. He feels like his world’s spinning, like he’s entered another dimension, like there was no way, absolutely no way, his child doesn’t like David Bowie.
Denial is a pretty powerful thing, though...
See, when Alexandra Driesen was born, she brought light and life to Sander and Robbe’s eyes. She had a chubby face and squishy cheeks and eyes the colour of a summer storm. Her dark hair had been a blessing to match Robbe’s. Everything about her was as perfect as it could get. And then came the perpetual frustrations of parenthood with the screaming and the crying.
Sleep was something to be cherished at the Driesen-Ijzermans household. A few day-naps here and a doze-off there. But God, oh God, did Alexandra know how to cry in the middle of the night. Robbe and Sander spent hours upon hours holding her and swaying her and rocking her on a chair. Sander had read that sometimes music helps so he’d even done all that. Bowie usually floated in the shriek-filled room during these times and yet, Alexandra just wept.
“Come on, baby, just a little bit of sleep. Don’t you get tired of screaming all night?” Sander asked in that exhausted tone of parentese. He held her against the crook of his neck and walked around in sweats until he saw Robbe enter the room with blood-shot eyes and curls disarrayed.
“She’s still crying?” he asked with a rasp in his voice.
“She literally won’t stop and I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried everything. I’ve even got Bowie on for her,” he said.
Robbe took her from his arms and swayed her a little, cooing and kissing her tiny head.
“It’s kind of loud, though,” Robbe said to him as he then stepped over to turn off the music.
And in an instant miracle, the house was all quiet.
It seems that’s what’s always happened and Sander just hadn’t noticed it. Alexandra settled into Robbe’s chest and stretched her mouth in a heavy yawn. Her warmth radiated and glowed through Robbe, but Sander was stunned. He’s completely shocked.
“You-she-“ he stuttered clumsily for a bit. “But it was Bowie,” he said weakly.
How could his own daughter not feel at peace with Bowie? It was a connection he held with him, something connecting him and Robbe and what he hoped would connect their child to them in this little family.
“Hmmm,” Robbe hums pensively. “Maybe Bowie’s not her thing.”
“Not her thing?” Sander just about exploded. Then he suddenly remembered Alexandra’s finally gone to sleep and whispered, seething. “That is not our child!”
“Biologically, no. Legally and emotionally, yes,” smirked Robbe. “Calm down, babe, she’ll learn to like him soon enough. For now, how about we hold off on Bowie for a bit, yeah?”
He swayed her just a little more, just to really make sure she’s easing into sleep and then set her gently back down in her crib.
“How long?” Sander muttered and Robbe gave him a confused look. “How long without Bowie?”
Robbe contemplated.
“Maybe we give it six months or so,” he said.
And now it was Sander who wanted to weep. -
As the months and years went on, Alexandra had gone on without her Bowie-loving phase, only mildly being interested in the lightning bolt plushies and the songs blasting on road trips and the shirts Sander would get for her. Robbe says it just takes time for kids to get into stuff. That it’s better to leave it there in the open for them than to shove it down their throats.
“It’s barely any shoving,” Sander had grumbled.
“I know, babe. But I know how you can get sometimes,” Robbe had placed a soothing kiss upon his lips.
Still, Sander’s worries were increasingly growing.
Then a few years later, they’d adopted another beautiful girl. Mia was a radiant vision of blonde curls and brown eyes. They held a similar warmth that Robbe’s eyes held and Sander couldn’t be happier to lose himself in pools of coffee or dark, earthy soils or any other sort of metaphor for his favourite kind of brown.
To his relief, though, Mia loved listening to Bowie. She loved playing with the lightning bolt plushy and wearing all the shirts and as she grew, she and Sander had lots of music jam sessions blasting Bowie throughout the house. Alexandra was enticed into joining for a bit in the beginning but as time went on, Sander found it that she was making more and more excuses to not be in the same room when Bowie was mentioned.
“Uh, I got homework, Dad,” she’d nervously run her fingers through her hair.
“Uh, Papa needs help with dinner I think,” she’d run out with a tight smile.
“Group project due soon. Léon’s being a piece of shit and not pulling his weight at all.”
“Language,” Robbe would chastise coming around the corner.
“He’s being a dick?” she suggested.
“Fuck him.”
Her interests lay instead in skateboarding with her friends, headphones in her ears listening to rap: BROCKHAMPTON and Stormzy with even a little Ed Sheeran in the mix, and keeping her hair as short as possible. She’d had a bit of a habit wearing overgrown shirts like Robbe did. But Sander found that endearing and he didn’t really think it was a case of ‘not-like-other-girls’ syndrome. He and Robbe just let her wear whatever she wanted.
And in fact, it was at thirteen years of age that Alexandra came out to the family as a boy. Sander remembers it clearly with them all huddled on the couch looking at the person in front of them with beady eyes, waiting.
“Dad, Papa, Mia. I think I’m a boy. I think I’m trans and I’d like to formally introduce myself to you all. I’m Alexander, or just Alex. And I use he/they pronouns.”
Sander had wanted to tear up, emotions flooding inside his rib cage. Happy tears, though, a joyous occasion where his son felt comfortable enough to tell them about this part of himself. That he and Robbe had created a space where he felt safe enough. Loved enough.
“I kept Alexander ‘cause, Sander,” he gestured to Sander. “But really, Alex is fine.”
And Sander wanted to cry all over again.
They’d all been encased in a huge family hug with Mia chirping that she’d ‘always wanted a big brother.’
Robbe and Sander had been quite supportive of it all, calling the school to change both the name and preferred name and asking if Alex was considering wearing a binder or getting a proper haircut. “Yes” to the haircut. “Hold off for a bit” on the binder. He’d whined a “Daaaaaad” when Sander ruffled the short brown locks. Most of Alex’s friends were cool with it, too and while it wasn’t all smooth sailing, he’d never run out of love from his family.
It was a big change and everything, but Sander thought, well...as long as he had his Bowie-loving children, it was all fine. -
It’s his worst nightmare. It’s the stuff that haunts you from the depths of the worst kind of hell, making your limbs feel like jelly. He’s cursing every name and divine entity and he’s really hoping Robbe’s right about those parallel universes because he’d love to hop over to the one where this wasn’t happening right now.
Sander’s having a hard time even looking at Alex in the eye.
“Dad?” he hears his concerned voice.
“I think I need to sit down,” says Sander, grabbing the armrest of the couch, lowering himself onto the cushion.
“It’s really not a big deal,” says Alex.
“Not a big deal?” Sander looks at him with wide eyes. “My own son hates David Bowie.”
“I never said I-“
“The man who infinitely changed my life. Space Oddity, Life on Mars, Ziggy Stardust, Ashes to Ashes. None of them?” Sander waves his arms. “You’re telling me you like none of them?”
“They’re...fine, I guess,” Alex shrugs innocently with a cringe to his face.
“Fine?” Sander squeaks.
“What’s fine?” Robbe trudges to them overhearing the conversation.
“Your son hates Bowie,” Sander squints his eyes at him.
“I do not,” says Alex. “I’m just pretty indifferent to him. He’s not exactly my style,” he shrugs, his hoodie moving with the movement.
“And what is your style?” Robbe laughs as he comes up behind him to rub his shoulders. He looks up at Sander with long lashes and a questioning smile stretching across his face. They share one of those ‘parenting looks.’ The ones where they know it’s not all that serious. But Sander thinks it is.
“A bit of rap, a bit of hip hop, some pop, some mainstream,” Alex lists off. “Not exactly the ‘80s vibes in me,” he laughs.
Robbe cheers as their tastes in music are quite similar and he proceeds to carry out their very own handshake they’d created when Alex was nine. There’s a different one with Sander. Sander, who’s getting more and more agitated by this revelation.
“Oh, okay,” he pats his knees and stands up. “Well, if you two are having such a grand time hating Bowie and bonding over your own music, I’ll just take myself and leave. No child of mine doesn’t like David Bowie,” he says dramatically.
“Sander…” Robbe looks at him.
“Dad…” says Alex.
“No, no. It’s fine. Really,” he begrudgingly walks out of the living room, almost knocking into Mia on the way.
“What’s with him?” she blinks twice and points a finger back.
Robbe sighs as he looks back at Alex.
“Your father, he…” Robbe puts a hand on his shoulder. “Bowie’s practically his life and so are the two of you, so I guess it’s really important to him that you like him, too. He’s just gonna need some time with all this.”
His eyes are apologetic and he gives him a half-smile, hand leaving his shoulder.
Alex takes in the words while Mia wiggles herself onto the couch and finds the tv remote beside her.
“You finally told him about Bowie, huh?” she gives him a gravely sad look. One that says he’s about to be doomed.
Alex just lets out a stressed breath as Robbe follows to go find Sander.
What’s so special about David Bowie anyway?
Part 2 is coming! IM SO SORRY SKDJJF I just need sleep and rest
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Haikyuu Characters as Husbands/Dads [Meian, Osamu]
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Semi will be released at a later date (because I lost his and don’t know where it went 😥)
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Meian - 2 sons
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> I'd love for this man to be my husband, no lie. He's supportive and so attractive, like there is no downside. Plus, he's funny, but can be strict when he needs to be so kids actually like him.
> Husband Meian is one of the best because while he has his own responsibilities, he always makes time to spend with you. He takes care of you (so you don't have to work) and he's a great support system. Also, you visiting him at practice? You're like the team mom because everyone loves you.
> This man, oh my gosh. His dick is big, I know it is. He's one of the few who has to prep you heavily before he gets on with the main course, but it is so delicious when he does. Sex can sometimes be spontaneous, but he usually saves some energy to get back home and please you before bath time and then bed. On his days off, morning sex is common and sometimes he just gets so horny. It's like everything you do is so unbelievably hot.
> Now, children. Children, for him, is not something he necessarily needs in his life. If you don't want kids because you don't like them or you can't, that's fine. He won't push the issue. If you want kids and can't have them, he'll look into adoption places. You want him to get you pregnant? Congratulations, you unlocked the Breeding Kink badge. Collect it once you can walk again! But for real, with the consent to finish inside you, he is in heaven.
> The pregnancy process is a normal one, surprisingly. Once more your pillar, he is there when you feel sick or are in pain. He also promises to share in the responsibilities once the child is born, since he hears you getting up constantly because of the baby. He doesn't go to every doctor visit, but he does try to go to the ones that matter. Also, MSBY loves when you come around because they can fawn over you.
> Bokuto probably fawns over you the most, but Hinata's right there with him. Sometimes, Meian has to tell them to skedaddle because they forgot they're volleyball players and not daycare workers. Atsumu also fawns over you, but he doesn't do it as much. Sakusa.. he doesn't like babies that much. They're kind of gross, in his opinion, but he seems to understand the fuss once he feels the baby moving (after he's gotten used to it).
> The due date arrives and Meian is completely calm. He is aware that it would happen today and is prepared. He seems calm, but is actually panicking. He worries about any complications, but he tries to stay positive for you. When you're squeezing his hand and cursing him for putting a baby in you, he is actually sorry. He feels so guilty, but he kisses your hand and your forehead, telling you how proud he is and how much he loves you. Once the screams of a small child fill the room, you're both crying from happiness.
> You deal with the child most of the time, but you do take your kid to practices and matches. Once the kid can be taken to practices, it's over for organized practices. Everyone's cooing and looking at the baby, telling you how proud you must be and how they're so cute. Of course, Inunaki jokes that the only reason it's cute is because you're the mother, because Meian has no good features. Anyways, everyone does extra work that day.
> Meian can't be there as much as he wants to be, so he often makes up for it by holding his promise of helping out at night. He may be exhausted from the day, but he knows you'd be even more exhausted after dealing with his spawn after the day is over. It also helps the kid get used to him, seeing dad takes care of him as much as mom, you know?
> Meian is also not against a second child, as long as you're okay with it. You might get pregnant again on accident, but he can't say he's upset about the positive pregnancy test. He'll be there with you through thick and thin, no matter what.
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Osamu - Twins, 1 boy and 1 girl
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> This man is a godsend. I love him, you love him, it all works out. He is also one of the best husbands to have because of his fantastic cooking ability. 
> The wedding was almost as chaotic as Tendo’s, not gonna lie. With his brother there, it was chaos. Suna recorded the whole thing, so get togethers involve the wedding tape being displayed. Watching Atsumu shove an entire cake slice into Osamu’s face is funny, sure, but watching Osamu practically hurl the entire cake at Atsumu is even funnier. Aran picking up Kita before he gets trampled by cake-covered twins is so sweet, it’s the sweeter than the cake (Osamu had a spare in case).
> Now this man, this man will never let you starve. Oh, you're kind of hungry? Food. He's making you Onigiri. Oh, you want something new for dinner? He's whipping out three different cookbooks and his laptop to look up new recipes. Oh, need a midnight snack? He prepared something before bed, so you'd have a midnight snack. The best husband to marry.. if you love food.
> If you are not as crazy about food as him, that's okay, but he will bring food into the bedroom. Maybe once a week if you're okay with it, but if not then once a month. He loves licking things off your body, so food play. I also feel like he loves to feed you, so feederism, but he just enjoys seeing you in the sea of pleasure and enjoying his food. It fills him with so much love.
> Speaking of love, the children. He's gonna have twins if he pops a baby into you. If there is a bun in the oven, some baby batter in the baby factory, you're gonna be seeing double. However, children are not a necessity. He doesn't find joy in raising children like some people, but he isn't heavily against it, either. If you cannot have children or simply don't want to get pregnant, but want them, he will also be okay with that. Looking through options and settling on a decision together brings you guys closer, after all.
> If you choose to get pregnant, he is one of the best to be with you. While there's Kuroo, with big bucks, Osamu can make anything to sate cravings. He's willing to take time off from the shop and focus on you, and he's good at dealing with mood swings. He's lived this long after being around Atsumu, Suna, and Kita. He can handle mood swings. He is also always with you when you go to the doctor, with questions of what he can and cannot feed you. It's his love language, after all!
> The babies, aww. You guys get a set of twins, a boy and girl, who look a lot like Osamu and Atsumu from their baby pictures. Atsumu is there and he jokes that maybe they're his kids, but one look from Kita has him apologizing almost immediately. Yes, Inarizaki alumni have gathered in the hospital to look upon the children. Well, not the hospital, they visit Osamu and you at home, where you're well rested and recovering.
> Osamu is The Man. He is waking up in the middle of the night, either with or without you. If you wake up, he'll heat up some baby formula/milk for the children and also make some food for the two of you. Since it's double the trouble, he makes sure to not leave you to take care of them by yourself. If you don't wanna get up or don't wake up, he doesn't mind. This just means he can spend more time with the kids, since he's busy during the day.
> Atsumu babysits! He babysits with Kita and Aran, but he babysits! He loves being an uncle and loves to play with the twins. He also brings/buys them little toys to chew and drool over because he enjoys them enjoying things. Aran also helps Kita make food/milk for the babies, acting like an actual married couple as they feed the small spawns. Atsumu naps around this time, eventually joined by napping babies.
> When the kids get older, they'll never feel unloved. Between you and Osamu, they have two very loving parents. But then you add in Uncle 'Tsumu, Uncle Aran, Uncle Kita, Uncle Sakusa, Uncle Bokuto, Uncle Akaashi- the list never ends. Everyone that knows you guys is an uncle. Inarizaki alumnis are uncles. MSBY Black Jackals are uncles. Akaashi is always visiting Onigiri Miya and loves to interact with the kids, to the point you've asked if he plans on ever having children because he's so good with them. (He's good at taking care of kids because he's used to taking care of Bokuto).
> I have a feeling one of the kids is going to go into the culinary business. Maybe own a bakery when they're older, showing an interest for baking at such as young age. One of them is of course going to be loving volleyball, with all the volleyball "family" members around them, it's bound to happen. Both of them probably get into volleyball, becoming the new Infamous Miya Twins Duo.
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recurringwriter · 3 years
Hanneman teaches the BL by default, if Byleth doesn't chose them. Give me Dad!Hanneman headcanons (especially Annette).
so you're saying that Hanneman is an honorary Kingdom Dad, i'm sure people will find that interesting!
so Hanneman, or Daddeman (let's not), well, we know he's actually really thoughtful based on how he talks to Byleth after That Sad Chapter. so probably he sees all the Lions in his class are totally struggling and grits his teeth and says 'i can't believe i'm a parent at my age'
okay here we go i'm just going to make up a bunch of stuff while drinking more coffee than i should:
Annette clearly wants approval. she wants to be good at everything, she wants to be helpful, she wants to find her dad and be good enough that he decides to come back, which backfires because gilbert is Punishing Himself so the better Annette is the less he feels he deserves to be in her life. anyway. I can't remember Hanneman and Annette's supports but he definitely takes her under his wing and tells her that what she is doing is not only Enough, but Plenty, and that she needs to take care of herself. gives her advice on reason and tells her that her methods and ideas are good and that he's impressed. asks her about her friendships because she's always so busy?? does she not get along with the rest of the class? takes an interest when she tells him about reading with Ashe and gardening with Felix and baking with Mercedes. when she shares some of those snacks he realizes that he has a daughter now. when he goes out of his way to find a book she's interested in she realizes that she has a father. oh my god what if she accidentally calls him father one time when she's overtired from studying for an exam and she has this moment of pure terror but hanneman doesn't make it into anything he just smiles and tells her to get some rest. when she's left, he sort of leans into his fist and is so weirdly happy and embarrassed at the same time. never brings it up and neither does annette.
when he asks mercedes about her crest (as he would) he hears some of her story and is extremely kind and sympathetic to her. says that she deserved better and still does, and that she should take a break from looking after her classmates to care for herself. she's a little surprised and does not do that
speaking of rest though i think that hanneman would enforce breaks during class when he sees any of the students are looking a little vague and zoned-out. none of the lions are sleeping well. if someone needs a nap he calls it 'independent reading time' and lets them sleep for like twenty minutes before resuming the lecture. brings food to class because are they eating? they're all so pale. everyone appreciates snack time even though they feel like kids.
oh and also he rolls his eyes about sylvain's antics and when he finds out why, he tries to make sure not to bother asking about sylvain's crest, and instead tries to prove that he has merits that aren't because of his crest. assigns him to help tutor/do assignments with the other students because he recognizes sylvain's charisma and ability to figure out where the others are stuck
ingrid and mercedes both would have had really interesting supports with hanneman. i don't care enough about the crest system to write them but i'm sure they'd be fascinating
hanneman would also be very curious about Duscur culture and try hard to connect with dedue and watch him open up. would point out how many of the other students like him and want to be his friend. would offer his help in trying to make sure dimitri takes care of himself. not sure how to proceed sometimes but always willing to listen.
i'm not forgetting ashe i just don't think that there's much to add. we all want to adopt or be an uncle to ashe.
felix is tricky because i'm you know. i do like rodrigue so we can't have hanneman go and just steal felix from under his nose. but i'm sure at parent-teacher interview night (or that chapter where rodrigue shows up at the monastery) he remarks that felix doesn't get along well with the other students and rodrigue says 'yes and?' and hanneman is taken aback and hears the story about the 'horrible thing' rodrigue said and blah blah 'i don't understand him' and hanneman is like 'well have you tried?' and rodrigue is like '???' hanneman: 'if you don't understand something right away you can learn to understand it that's called science' and rodrigue says 'interesting! i will make a note of that' and hanneman realizes that felix's entire family is also insane. gives felix space and respect. goes to the training ground and will be like 'are ya winning, felix?' and felix will scoff and say 'obviously' and that's their c-support.
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bluelancelion · 3 years
Here's some characters info about the Pirate/Assassin/Princess AU klance-Voltron fanfic that I'm writing!
(Lance is a pirate and Captain of a ship, Keith is an assassin with a mission and Allura is a runaway princess. They all end up in Lance's ship for a long, disastrous journey. What could possibly go wrong?)
- Pirate
- Captain (we believe in Lance's leadership)
- homesick boy
- free spirit
- loverboy with a broken heart
- found family in the sea
- protective
- funny
- obnoxious
- touchy
- carefree
- kind
- stubborn
- very competitive
- looks ultra confident, he's actually insecure (his friends know it and they're here to support him)
- Actually a fucking human tank
- He's like??? Insanely strong???
- Worked all his life with his family, decided to take his life in his hands and parted ways
- Knows Lance from childhood, he decided to go with him
- OR he didn't know him at first and he stumbled across him and became best friends ever since
- Best Cook ever
- Worst Pirate ever
- He got used to it though
- GOOD at shooting with cannons
- Actually the Fucking BEST
- Still gets scared about everything else and can you really blame him?
- Can and will repair every single piece of the ship
- Gifted boy with lots of pressure on him, but now he can live freely and do whatever he wants
- the mom friend half of the time
- shares his last two braincells with Pidge and Lance the other half
- a fucking savage
- Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you
- Too fed up with the good girl stays at home sewing socks for nasty babies bullshit
- So she took her tools and left
- Stumbled across Hunk and Lance and found the family she never though she needed
- At some point they collect the other Holt too
- Can do phenomenal tricks with weapons
- Like, she can build from scratch cool things or modify already existent guns and swords and SHE LIKES TO BUILD BOMBS out of FUCKING NOWHERE???
- Blind like a mole
- her only weakness is her sight. No glasses? Sayonara.
- Which is funny because she's the look-out/sentry of the ship
- Social Anxiety
- Kills people off as a job but turns out to be a soft bean???
- Yeah Lance still has a hard time believing that
- fucking competitive
- loves knives more than people
- Actually love deprived
- "I push them away before they reject me"
- doesn't have a hair/skincare routine but still looks flawless and pretty
- perfect sight 100% perfect muscles super agile like a feline but WILL Stumble down a staircase if looking directly at a cute boy's ass eyes
- Cool in the streets, awkward in the sheets
- But that's cool cause Lance loves everything about him anyway
- Nah he's probably fine in bed, he's just so awkward in the courtship part?
- Which explains why he never had a stable relationship
- other than the fact that he slices people's throats off
- loves his brother
- a free spirit who's long been refrained by his own living style
- things that will change thanks to some cuban boy
- now he slices off people's throats IN THE SEA :D
- really fucking gay
- emo edge lord
- Let the man rest in peace
- Wanted to have a normal life, work, get married, make a family and such
- Ends up armless in the middle of the fucking ocean adopting three underage pirates and one depressed boy under the jurisdiction of a runaway royalty.
- Honestly just let him die
- Decided to take a nap, got kidnapped instead
- Decided to get a vacation, got chased by bloody murderers instead
- Just wanted to chill from the start but I guess that's not gonna happen lol
- Actually pretty funny
- Bad dad jokes
- "Oh well since we're already at this point of the situation, might as well roll with it"
- His patience is a mask, he keeps going on by sipping tequila when nobody watches
- Can be awkward. Like, a parent level awkward
- the dad friend half feeling responsible about everything half not giving a shit anymore at some point
- tiddies
- a fucking badass
- "I can like cute things and can also kick you ass"
- feels bad about 80% of the time but the squad makes her feel worse
- just kidding they actually make her feel inlcuded
- which means they don't care about what she does or doesn't do
- which is new for her cause being a princess means being perfect and have etiquette and such
- but there she can be herself without standing up to any expectations
- so at some point she just lets go and starts living the way she wants
- old like Shiro but childish like Lance
- she and Shiro could be great leaders but here it's Lance supremacy, let the seniors be still and chill
- Even though she's free now, it's a good thing that Lance cares about beauty. They become skin product buddies
- Allura learns the way of a true living and becomes aware of how people live outside the castle (not that she never went out but those occasions became more rare as the enemy slowly rised, that's why Alfor took precautions.)
- God is a woman and her name is Allura
- the most gorgeous man you'll ever see
- The doctor of the crew!
- Very interested in science and medicine
- Can fix you up in no time, make awful jokes (very appreciated) and can make lotion to make moustaches grow faster
- Professional adviser in the castle becomes a very enthusiast pirate in 0.67 seconds because he's adventurous and lively and honestly everyone needs a Coran in their life
- "Coran, how can you get used to this life this quickly? It took me months to get used to it"
- "Well, you see Princess, it's all about the TONE of the speech and the GESTURE. If you want to be a pirate, you have to act like one" *puts on pirate blindfold and starts making weird noises to assert dominance*
- He's the man with a parrot on his shoulder
- generally enthusiast about everything
- just really loves learning things
- At some point becomes a drug dealer for a short time
- looks like he adopted everyone, is actually still aware of them
- it takes some time but he ends up adopting everyone
- other pirates make him compliments about his mustache
I'm being possessed by the inspirational demon and now I can't stop writing. Should I post the fic somewhere once I finish it?
Let me know in the comments :3
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