#also the thing that makes me most mad/annoyed or most just straight up pissed off
waayfo · 6 months
i said, “do u think u’ll kill for me one day?” (yes, of course i will, my darling)
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dottore x gn!reader. lyric from national anthem (demo). mentions of killing or murder / possessiveness / mentions of dottore’s real name / pet names / cursing / slight ?? yandere / ooc ( kinda soft dottore ). english is not my first language !
You know that Dottore, or your boss is a mad man who does as he pleases—at least that's what people think. But he always acts a little differently to you, which clearly shows favoritism. An act of favoritism that is certainly not left to some other people.
Other people try to take advantage, by asking you to make dottore do something. The most common thing that happens is when they ask you to beg dottore to release their newest prisoner (?) that became the subject of Dottore's experiments who is either their family or friend or partner.
And of course, you’re not happy with it.
You are not a tool to fulfill their wishes. And they were merely just strangers who suddenly came to ask for help, without repaying.
You are pissed.
But also scared at the same time.
Just now you came out of the room called the ‘sacred’ dottore's office. But a stranger who you guess is a new worker just by looking at his impolite behavior, suddenly grabs your arm and takes you somewhere.
“What the heck?!” You yelp. Ignoring the fact that the stranger's hands were shaking violently.
The stranger is now facing you. While his hand was still gripping yours tightly, to the point where you were in pain. "P- please help me!"
You let out a harsh sigh. "No, i won't help you. Thanks to your very impolite behavior.”
“W- w- wait! What do you mean?! This is urgent, and you must help me!” The audacity, you curse him in your mind.
“I said no!” Those three words managed to make him angry instantly.
“You—you should know your place! Is it because you managed to tempt The Doctor with your body and face means you can do whatever you want?!” You winced at his words, it felt like you were being stabbed by a knife, even though you know that it's all not true.
“If you will not tell that crazy man to free my friend—I will cut off your head, and present it to him.” You just looked at him in disgust thinking that he was a strange man. A disgusting strange man.
“Fuck off!” You yell at him.
Long story short, you managed to release his grip. But you couldn't help but notice the bruise on your wrist. You are increasingly annoyed and decide to end all this in an ‘inelegant’ way; using your heels, you stomp on his feet full of revenge. It should hurt a lot, you think.
And when you saw his reaction of pain and screaming, you immediately ran as fast as you could. Your body feels like it's on autopilot when you subconsciously search for someone you know too well— A tall and pale skin man, with light blue and slightly wavy hair, which makes anyone know his identity. And makes anyone afraid and even begs for mercy.
And there he was, standing straight with his hands behind his back like always.
“—tore,” Your breath hitches but tries to reach for his name.
“Dottore!” The man— Dottore looked at you quickly, as if he had been looking for you all along. He opened his arms, making room for you to fall into his embrace again. And you (will) happily return to his arms.
“Zandik!” You call his name once again, as if it were a spell that could make you happy for eternity. “Yes, dear?”
He lifted your chin, making you look up at him. His hand moved to wipe away a few tears that had fallen. Ah, since when have i cried? Why did i cry?
“What happened?” His calm voice made you shudder. You tightened your grip on his white lab jacket. And you know it won't cause him any pain.
You shake your head. "Nothing happened."
“Something happened,” His other hand, covered in a glove made especially for him, is now cupping your cheek. And his other hand, stroking your hair. “Am i right?”
The words are reluctant to come out and get stuck in your throat. You were too afraid to answer, too afraid to imagine what would happen to that stranger.
Silence enveloped the room. You only feel warmth, whether because of the heater in the room or because of Dottore's touch.
Knowing there would be no answer from you, dottore sighed. He placed you to sit on his desk. The desk was a little messy because of the papers, but there was still a place for you to sit.
Dottore's head lifted so he could see your face and what expression you were wearing right now— scared, with traces of tears.
His hand again rose to cup your cheek, then traced every curve on your face that he thought was beautiful. The touch felt strangely soft. Knowing that it was a touch from The Doctor— someone who had killed many people in order to achieve perfect experimental results.
And when he was about to hold your hand, he noticed something. A bruise on your wrist, a fucking bruise. That somewhat pissed him off.
“Who did this to you?” You can easily tell that he is angry, by the way he talks and the questions he asks.
“It’s— it’s just a random bruise i got—” “Stop lying.”
You were silenced quickly.
“You’re always been patient when other people try to take advantage of you,” Dottore's calm voice was whispery. If he knew about it all along, why did he continue to comply with your request?
Dottore closed his eyes for a moment, trying to connect the dots. “Someone asked you for help again? And you refuse, then they gets angry?” You nod.
“Is it a new employee?” You nod again.
“Tell me about them.” You told him straight away.
Dottore nodded. He noted it in his mind.
Out of sudden, you cupped Dottore's face. Cold, is the first thing that comes to your mind. Everything about him was cold, and so was his skin. You saw his pale face, but you couldn't guess what expression he had behind his mask.
As if he could read your mind, he took off the mask that covered part of his face. He put the mask right next to you.
“You’re not angry?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“Because i touch you– i touch your face.”
“Foolish question. Absolutely no.”
Dottore's hand covered yours that was touching his face. Maybe dottore can see your cheeks are a little red right now. Maybe now that stranger is scared right now that you managed run away.
You kissed Dottore's forehead as a thank you.
“I'll take care of it quickly.” And you can't imagine what experiments Dottore would do to the stranger.
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kinkandkreep · 6 months
Yandere Alphabet: Shuji Hanma (Tokyo Revengers)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
When it comes to love and affection, Hanma would…rather not. He’s not the most naturally romantic person, and he shirks the thought of being, as he would call it, “mushy.” 
Now, that’s not to say that he just absolutely can’t express the way he feels about his desire, which is decidedly, pretty fuckin’ intense.
When Shuji puts his mind to it, he can be the most obnoxiously lovey-dovey, obsessed boyfriend you could imagine. 
He will drape himself all over you, bring you back “souvenirs” from his bloodier delinquent encounters, smother you in kisses (whether you want them or not) and drag you along on “dates” that he orchestrates solely based on his own desires. 
Going back to the intensity thing, Hanma either feels very, as he would say, “dull” about everything, or very, very intensely. 
For you, he feels the latter. 
You excite him, though the type of excitement you provide may vary depending on your personality. 
A more calm demeanor excites him because you’re so fun to tease different reactions out of.
If you’re more wild like him, he’s frankly just excited to have found someone he can share in his madness with.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Do you even have to ask? 🤨
Hanma gets bloody just for the hell of it, for you, he would kill. 
Like don’t push it or nun, but trust me, dude is insane over you. 🙃
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I honestly don’t think Hanma would abduct you just on a whim, but on the off chance that he did, he would definitely be a little mocking at the least. 
He just finds you so intriguing, observing how you would react to suddenly waking up in an unfamiliar environment might just be motivation enough for him to make that a reality. 
Afterwards, if you fought him and were persnickety about the situation, he would more so tease you rather than mock you. 
“Your confusion is so cute. Make more of those fearful faces for me please.”
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Hanma likes to pretend to be a gentleman, he thinks it’s funny to watch you roll your eyes at his antics 
The most he’ll most likely do is pull you along to different fights and dangerous places to watch him while he handles bidness
He’ll also probably demand cuddles (not often, but somewhat infrequently) and he expects you to give them to him whether you’re in the mood for them or not, since he so rarely asks for them in the first place
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
This may come as a surprise, but Shuji actually feels comfortable enough with his Desire to bare a fair amount of his heart to them
I feel like, aside from the obvious times, Shuji is a surprisingly honest person
He’s honest about what he feels and what he wants, and he’s really straight up with the people around him if they piss him off
This is especially true for the object of his desires
You’ll probably at some point wish he wasn’t so honest and open with you, as he really doesn’t have a filter
Vulnerable is probably not a word I would use to describe ole Shuj, but I could sort of see where he might come off as such when in conversation, however one-sided, with his Desire
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Positively delighted
Shuji just finds everything you do to be so cute and endearing, and amusing 
For you to think that you could defeat him, or even outsmart him makes his heart do funny things in his chest
Now, not to mistake, he may get a little annoyed further down the line if you just refuse to ever cooperate, but starting out, he thinks it’s all fun and games
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Initially, Shuji may enjoy watching you try to escape his clutches
Mostly because he knows you’re going to fail 🙃
It’s sort of a game to him in the sense that he wants to see how long it’s going to take you to figure out that you’re never leaving him
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
This may come as surprise to some, but your worst experience with Hanma is probably something comparatively mild 
Now, well actually, that kind of depends on your constitution, and definition of mild
I am, for some reason, really taken with the idea that Shuji’s Desire’s most hellish experience with him is a prolonged game of cat and mouse that he orchestrates in an abandoned building somewhere in a dangerous part of town
He knows that your chances of actually escaping him are next to zero, and even if you did manage to make it out of the maze that is the building he’s forcefully transported you to, you’d end up right in the midst of shady men and even shadier dealings
This would only push you back into his arms, as he would be the only one who could protect you
He would also take into account the humiliation aspect of it on your part, given that you’d have tried so hard to get away from him only to end up needing him for your literal survival
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
While I think it would be cute if Shuji was all into the old fashioned “married with kids” situation, I can’t help but feel like he’s not 🙃
He wouldn’t mind marrying you, even if only to say that you’re officially his wifey, but other than that he doesn’t really care for customs and traditions in that way
So, as for his intended future with you, marriage is definitely an option, and havin’ a couple little rugrats runnin’ around wouldn’t be so terrible either in his opinion, especially if it means you’re even further bound to him
But for the most part, he just wants to keep you with him forever as his little doll to love on and occasionally drag around to the different brawls he gets into
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Shuji doesn’t really have a reason to get jealous
He knows he’s good looking and a good lay, skilled with his hands and tongue and everything in between
Now, I say he doesn’t really have a reason to get jealous, but that’s not to say he doesn’t
He may become be consumed by the most minute amount of jealousy should he catch you interacting with other people who are considered strong fighters
Namely, someone like Mikey or Izana
Shuji may not be super skilled (he’s just got really stand out stamina and eyesight) but he knows he’s a better fighter than average, it’s just that fighting is a huge part of his identity
If you ever took notice of someone else’s brawling prowess or, God forbid, complemented them on it, he’d feel this burning sensation in his chest that he’d be very reluctant to put a name to at first
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Shuji is such a sporadic person, it’s lowkey kind of hard to pinpoint exactly how he’d act with his Desire at any given time
I will say though that he likes to be all up on you and doesn’t have a really good grasping of personal space
At least not towards the people he likes
He’ll smother you in kisses and unnecessarily tight hugs and maybe even pick you up and swing you around til you’re dizzy if he feels so inclined
He’s pretty much his usual excitable self, though Shuji can be calm, he just prefers not to be, because that’s boring, and we all know how Shuji Hanma despises boredom 🙃
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Shuji doesn’t court you
Like at all
He may on occasion send letters and hand deliver flowers ‘cus he thinks cliche shit like that is funny, but don’t mistake, the letters aren’t really romantic in nature and he’s likely to accidentally on purpose give you wilted flowers instead of fresh ones
He approaches you in a very confident, slick manner, expressing his desire for you and fully expecting that you’ll reject him because of…well, any number of things (i.e his reputation, his somewhat disconcerting appearance, etc.)
He doesn’t care that you’ll most likely turn him down though, as by that point he’s already decided he wants you and is determined to insert himself so firmly into your life that you have to choice but to entertain him
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Shuji is very straightforward and wild with you just like he is everywhere else
Now, I will say, he can and does have his “soft” moments, and again, he can be calm and behave what most people would consider normally on occasion
But for the most part, Shuji, similar to Mikey, keeps it trill wit you and everyone around him
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A/N: Hey hey y'all! 👋🏾 I decided to split Shuji's alphabet in half since it was getting pretty lengthy. Stay tuned for part two! ✌🏾
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sunglassesmish · 10 days
@ annoyed anon. sorry i answered this late, i’ve had a busy day today and i wanted to write a good response.
i’m so sorry someone would do that, someone did it to me and it genuinely pissed me off because i already knew my thing wasn’t the best i could have done and it made me feel worse. i’m not saying you did badly, but it’s shitty for people to say things like that for no reason. you’re right people don’t need to criticise. if people don’t have something nice to say, they shouldn’t say it!!! it’s literally one of the most basic things.
anyways. you asked how do i deal with it? i get angry at the person mostly. i vent to someone, and i try to move on. i remember multiple people tagged something i made saying ‘this should have included this’ and i felt so MAD. who the fuck are you to tell me what i should do??? why can’t you keep your opinions to yourself?
and yeah, i’m clearly still pissed. so i guess i don’t have sound advice. ☹️ but for the one person who criticises you, there’s always more people that praise you. that are happy with whatever you’ve made, who it brings joy when they see it, when they see it is by you. those are the people i make my things for, and of course, me. i make what i make because it makes me happy.
it’s easy to say ‘ignore them, ignore what they say, and just be happy with what you made’ but the negative comments do get you down. they make you doubt yourself and your talent and your abilities. they are annoying and give their unwanted negative opinions to ruin your whole perception of what you’ve made. but they aren’t worth anything. they don’t take away from the beauty of your creation.
also, the ignoring your humour thing- some people either don’t get it, or are just straight up annoying. that’s literally it. i totally get wanting to avoid confrontation, the internet is a place people can say whatever they want and be anonymous, but it does feel like a clique sometimes.
whoever this is about, if i were you, i’d consider blocking them, muting their url, something. maybe not actually do it, but the idea of it is nice sometimes.
and just remember, make what you make for YOU. and make sure you cherish all the people who reblog and leave nice comments and make you feel good. live in those feelings. that’s how i deal with it.
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Yooo good food good food!!
May I add to this God tickle agenda? These are a lot of my own headcanons since I'm working on a Ler! Hermes fic that I'm about 2k into because Dangerous wouldn't leave my head for a straight week and the animatics made me see Ler potential 🫣
The main ones are that the Gods can gain energy from Human emotions suited to their paths- hence why Athena and Odysseus clicked so well given his cleverness and strategic mind. Hermes prefers those who are easily flustered and prone to fun emotions like embarrassment and enjoyment. The Gods can also give some of their energy to their disciples in exchange to heal/comfort them, but a Human may pick up some of their core traits into their personality for a while (like a disciple of Hermes being more daring, for example); a symbiotic relationship.
The other is his Godly power is just being able to use his mischievous essence to make people/Gods feel sensations. So anything from scaring someone by making them feel like a bug is crawling on them, they're being watched or anything like that, to being tickled, however he feels like or whatever is most effective. Still brainstorming a name for it 😅
Hope that makes sense; it's much better explained in the fic I promise-
Anyway! ❤️
Hermes is an absolute MENACE
He's constantly starting tickle fights with the others and is the one who knows the others spots.
If someone annoys him enough; he'll get them in their dreams but if someone actually pisses him off- he'll embarrass them at a God meeting, dinner, in front of a Human disciple of theirs etc. He'll do so regularly till he feels like they've learned their lesson and play dumb if anyone above him comes to him about it.
Every God has their own way of keeping their disciples in line and Hermes just immediately will tickle his disciples if they do something that'll come back to bite him- since he's responsible for them.
The other Gods tend to let things build up- but Hermes thinks that's a surefire way to disaster. He of course makes note of how many times his Human is causing trouble, and his tickle punishments may get meaner the more they build up but it's super rare to see him actually mad.
The big Gods he's too scared to mess with but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't working his way up to getting Hades one day. He just wants to know!
As for who he messes with as far as the other Gods?
Athena and Apollo probably get it a lot. I think with Athena he'd love to see her put-together persona crack- much like how Odysseus and Polites are with Eurylochus. They'll be sparring the usual way, and Hermes will flick his fingers if she gets too cocky about beating him, or just because it's funny. He tends to let up pretty quickly though. He doesn't want to make her too mad and end up getting wrecked himself. She kind of scares him deep down; not that he'd ever admit as much.
Apollo though? He gets no such mercy. He adores messing with his half-brother at every opportunity and he's cripplingly ticklish, unfortunately for him. Hermes always jokes about his laughter and squeals being his best piece yet, and how he should share it with others.
I feel like he'd tickle Calypso too, when he stops by if she seems lonely. He imagines she must be touch-starved and tries to make her feel at least a little better.
Circe is fun to mess with- though I think eventually she grows wise and may start trying to look at ways to get him back or numb her own ticklishness.
Hermes is actually quite ticklish himself; but you'll have to catch him first and good luck with that given how quick he is. He only lets others have the opportunity if he feels it’s earned by truly upsetting someone. Every now and then he actually quite enjoys a good old-fashioned tickle fight or other tickle game like tickle hide and seek; typically with Apollo or his disciples!
THIS IS AMAZING OMGGGG I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT! Hermes is literally so ler coded &
I got carried away with this, but you brought up such good points!
I’ve gotta stop looking at the actors because every time I just fall head over heels in love wtf they’re all SO HOT! Thank you so much for this, there’s a huge lack of love for Hermes & he is such a mischievous lil shit, & he’s just so FUN! I can’t wait for your fic.
You’d think by how giggly he is he’d be more lee, but this man lives for drama & causing trouble. & yeah he laughs all the time but have you fucking heard it? That’s a shitty, up to no good kinda laugh, that’s a laugh you don’t trust, sorry not sorry
But I’m fucking OBSESSED with the thought of him going around bothering the other gods for sport, & he gets sooo cocky about it, going from spot to spot before flying out of reach. Sometimes he’s a little too full of himself & ends up getting caught & they teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget (he just doesn’t care about the consequences, he’ll make sure to be faster next time)
He loves to mess with Athena because to him she’s good practice for when he’s ready to go bother the big 3. But she’s also just soooo fun to piss off. & I had no idea Apollo was his half brother, that makes everything so much more fun for him! & he uses it as an excuse to hang out with him, like he just wants some bro time & next thing Apollo knows is he’s laughing his ass off
Ok but back to Athena, she probably said some bitchy snide remark at the last god meetup & it embarrassed him & hurt his feewings so he decides to embarrass her in front of her pet human. So he just kinda secretly hangs out until she decides to show up again, whether to train him or talk strategy, & all of a sudden she’s all confused like “can I help you?” & Odysseus turns around thinking someone walked into his cabin but lo & behold it’s fucking Hermes floating in his room! & suddenly he’s feeling very uncomfy thinking there’s about to be some god fight in his room that he’s in the middle of & he’s like “uh I feel like I should go” inching closer to the door but Hermes blocks his way with a chuckle like “& miss all the fun? No, I want you to see this” & so he’s just standing there like 🧍‍♂️& Athena demands to know what it’s about
& Hermes is like “I’m SO GLAD you asked! Remember what you said about me?” & it’s honestly pretty insignificant to her so no, she really doesn’t & that just pisses him off so he doesn’t wait around to knock her down a few pegs. & all the while he’s casually talking with Odysseus & commenting on all her worst spots. Meanwhile Odysseus is barely able to hide his amused grin behind his hand but he can barely even speak because he keeps thinking what the hell is happening right now?
After he’s had his fun he helps her up & she slugs him in the arm & yeah, rightfully so. But he turns to her & goes “I hope we’ve learned to hold our tongue the next time we think about insulting someone” & now that I’m thinking about it, it probably wasn’t even that bad. Something like “you gotta wonder how he ties his sandals” in reference to the ankle wings & he was looking for any excuse to do this. & as fast as he appeared he’s gone & neither of them really know what to say. But Odysseus smirks & goes “so that was… something” & she’s like don’t
& of course he’s like “uh you’re never gonna believe what just happened” but Polites cuts him off like “oh we know” & he’s like “you know?” Because wtf how? Apparently when a goddess laughs it’s loud enough to be heard across the ship & Eurylochus just thought Odysseus was getting Polites, but then he walks right by him & makes him do a double take because if that’s not Polites, then who the hell is that? No one else on the ship really sounds like that so he went down to see just what the hell their captain was doing & he opened the door & immediately closed it. Looked through the keyhole to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating & immediately went looking for Polites
Ok but when Odysseus brought it up Eurylochus is like oh yeah why were you just standing there watching??? & he’s like “Hermes wouldn’t let me leave, he said something about wanting me to watch? I don’t know, it was some revenge thing” & Polites giggles because how else are you supposed to react & goes “the gods are weird”
“Funny, we say the same about you” & Hermes is floating behind them & they all scream & he’s fucking gone again. Literally just did that to jump scare them
But I’m circling back to what you said about how he’d visit someone in their dreams & proceed to wreck their shit. Because omg that is so damn funny & downright mean to do, like that’s the most flustering thing ever! Cause then they’re left thinking they’re own subconscious came up with that & wondering why it came up with that & basically send them into a downward spiral
But one day while he was crossing over the ship on his way to deliver a message, he caught sight of Eurylochus & Polites tickling their captain & he stuck around for the show before continuing on his merry way, tucking that information in his back pocket to use for a rainy day
He’s impatient tho so he only waits a few days before he decides to pay him a visit. Odysseus rarely gets good enough sleep to dream, so the fact he is dreaming is already a lil sus. But that’s what it is, it’s just a dream, right? Maybe he’s lost in a forest, or walking through the clouds in his dream but either way he’s lost & disoriented until he stumbles in Hermes who has fun toying with him, making him more lost until the real fun begins. & Hermes pulls some magic shit so Odysseus can’t wake up until he’s done with him, but once he leaves Odysseus jolts awake with a laugh. He’s in a cold sweat & he was literally blushing in his sleep, his heart is racing & his mind is still trying to catch up with itself. He tries to go back to sleep, but he can’t stop thinking about it & he’s only able to get to that fitful half asleep half awake state
The next day he’s all flustered & jumpy & his friends definitely pick up on it but don’t want to pry. Polites asks if he’s ok tho & he says he’s fine, it was just a weird dream, & now they’re a little curious. He tries to describe it in the vaguest of terms “Hermes showed up & made me get lost in a cloud maze” ok but why’re you so weird about it? Like it’s so obvious he’s omitting stuff & then a voice from above laughs & goes “too embarrassed to tell them what really happened, are we?” & it dawns on him that it actually was Hermes in his dream & now he’s even more embarrassed. But yeah, Hermes goes ahead & tells all about how he tickled Odysseus to pieces & how he couldn’t do anything about it & how cute & helpless their captain is. I’m telling you, Hermes may not be the most powerful, & yes he’s one of the more friendly gods, but he is literally the woooooorst
Sneasler rant voice: that’s not like, a thing that gods do. Circe didn’t tickle me. Poseidon didn’t fuckin’ tickle me. But this bitch, this B-I-T-C-H tickled meeee
Idk what it is about him, but Hermes reminds me a lot of Michael Distortion from tma & therefore he’s a bit of a bully & uses magic to his advantage to fuck with mortals for his own amusement & that’s 100% my type
Ok I’m done for now
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Alright so this is might be a bit of a long request, so what if overhaul and shigaraki ( separate) had s/o who is really sweet and calm and honestly never gets mad at them, what if they find out the reader aka angel aka player two has a twin brother that annoys the shit out of the reader ( it’s there first time seeing the reader so worked up)
Alright this might be a true story 👀 so like my boyfriend ig was feeling a bit u know 😼 and went to “grope me” but in turns out it was my twin let’s just say my boyfriend was traumatized and my brother was laughing his ass off and told me to get my boyfriend under control. I was wondering if I could something like this lmaooo
( btw my brother was bending down to get something and I think my boyfriend thought it was me-) 
So yeah it’s two requests-
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Ok. So.... Shigaraki wasn't lucky.
Really, poor guy.
Since you have your own life, he went to your apartments and just saw a very familiar figure bending over with baggy clothes.. he just smirked... because ele thought those clothes were his because they were very similar to his own style.
So he just went there and grabbed the butt like any man would while.muttering how a naughty thief you were.
"What the fuck?"
He immediately freaked out and almost killed the guy right there because he was the one screaming What the fuck now.
To make matters worst the dude was laughing his ass off as his fCe went as red as his pupils and was about to kill the fella until he heard your screaming.
"(B/n) YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT NOW?!" Tomura actually froze because Ethan was the first time he saw his player two screaming like and then when you saw him you were all smile "Hey honey!"
Shigaraki Tomura.exe has stopped working.
It was only after the poor guy understood the laughing maniac was your twin brother... whose was trying to get a snack on your kitchen until he felt Shigaraki's hands on his bottom.
"What a nice way to know you man! Big fan by the way." He just smiled like fucking nothing happened as he stood there wanting to both kill your brother but also crawl back to the hideout in shame.
To make matters worse when your brother left he could hear the sentence that left him sinking on the sofa.
"Control your boyfriend eh? Kinda weird knowing he does these things to ya." "SHUT UP and get out asshole."
When you were back you just saw Shigaraki staring at the ceiling and when you asked if he was okay he just looked at you with the most embarrassment and pissed off expression you ever saw.
"I hate that guy."
Pls just play some game with him to take his mind of what just happened.
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Actually met your brother before.
Is... a bit complicated. The dude is always poking fun at you and him but he can't do much about it since... well, is your twin brother.
The dude always like to torment him whenever he visits the Hassaikai, but for his lucky he just hangs around you more... he finds a bit strange your relationship to be honest.
Always widened his eyes whenever you just gets pissed off with your brother because where is his angel???
He isn't much bothered, more annoyed.
Until one day...
Chisaki rarely had moods to do intimate stuff outside of the bedroom, but in his defense, he thought you guys were alone in the house.
He saw a bending figurine and my guy had just woken up so he wasn't thinking straight and just.... ya know.
Chisaki could feel the hives appearing seconds after.
"Damn dude, at least pay me dinner first."
Poor man almost overhauled the guy right there.
You were very confused to hear your brother's hyena laughter and watch your boyfriend run in speed of thunder towards the bathroom.
"What did you do?" You growled when you watched your brother wheezing on the kitchen counter
"G-get your boyfriend under control okay? He seemed like a horny dog!"
You were shocked.
For the rest of your brother's visits Kai just refuses to meet eyes with him even when your brother says goodbye to him.
"Love? You're okay?"
"... no." The hives appeared once again.
Chisaki is traumatized.
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
if one of the members hit u up on social media somehow n y’all get serious, would u drop everything and move to korea to be with them?
without a moment of hesitation as soon as they say "do u want -" i'm already 6 hours into the plane ride like for any member the answer is yes i'm madly in love wit da whole crew but now i wanna play this scenario out
also i'm doing this under the assumption that this is post enlistment like i'm not moving to korea just for my man to be gone for 2 years 😭 like i'd wait for them no DOUBT but i'll wait in america with my family in the comfort of my own home 😌
okay so for jk i'd move but we could NOT live together like we got to learn to love each other in person bc lemme tell u he'd piss me off and i'd annoy him so bad if we lived together off the jump like i have a morning job so being up at 1-5 in the morning singing and cooking and is not the move and then look i'm a fan of ambience i am but a bad bith got depression i got to have the lights on or else i'd never do anything skskksdk so since i'd be living alone i'd def need to have a job so idk what energy i'd have left for him LOL like it'd require a lot of adjustments on both our parts bc we is both weird and oddly particular all in all either he'd have to love me a whole lot to make us work or i think the sex would keep us together for a good 3-4 months before he realizes it's not worth it but i would stay in korea for at least a year like i could nOt show my face back in america any sooner than that. (side note: i think if i let him provide for me we'd be super compatible tbh but then we'd be more like besties instead of bf gf) approximate success rate: 46%
oh lawd wit tae i'd have to battle with the dog like i think we could live together but me and tannie would be mortal enemies he’d be my sworn nemesis like straight up dr doofenshmirtz and perry the platypus the way we’d be at each other’s throats bc all he gotta do is turn his neck backwards and hit me wit dat judgmental glare one time and i’m ready to square up but tae seems like the type fall in love very hard so if he’s asking me to move to korea for him he’s willing to make it work and frfr all i gotta do is take yeontan out on a walk one good time he gon get tired bout halfway through and then look for me to hold him and that'll settle most of our differences we may not be best friends but we'll have come to an understanding then all that's left to do is work on tae like get him to get the dog off his mouth off the table and out the kitchen and it's smooth sailing fr i feel like he'd alternate between being super clingy and kinda distant which would be a little frustrating a little irritating but we could cope like if we could just get through that adjustment period it'd be fine. approximate success rate: 72%
if i was with joonie i think the most source of contention would be over decoration like y'all know me and u know them ugly little couch pillows would have to be the first thing to go LOL but after that like okay i wouldn't try to take over but i would just need a space for me that feels like my own that i belong there not just be amongst one of his hyperfixations y'know? like he just has so much art in his place we would need to edit it down so i wouldn't feel like i'm constantly living in an exhibition paint the walls get some more plants bring some life into the place but other than that i think me and joonie would get along really well like we would probably nag at each other about little habits that irritate us but i can't foresee anything being too serious approximate success rate: 84%
hobi's another one i feel like i couldn't live with immediately LOL like i would 100% irk his nerves jfslsls he'd be nagging me to put my clothes in the hamper, put them away, stop leaving stuff around, etc. bc like i'm soooo good at keeping common areas clean not a problem but my room? i'm just always in such a mad dash to get to the bed that i just be leaving stuff anywhere be rushing like my bed gon get up and run away if i'm not in it within 30 seconds of entering the room so it do be junky and also i'm a go with the flow person and imma be ready to take a nap and hobi gonna pop up with some furniture polish and a swiffer talking about it's dusting day and imma lose it like we just need some time before we take that step sklfksd but other than that our relationship would be perfect?? like he's end game for sure we would eventually move in together and live happily after approximate success rate: 87%
my precious baby seokjin lawd i love and miss him so much need him expeditiously oh god missing seokjin hours just hit bc i'm thinking about how perfect he would be for me 😭 like moving in general is a lot but moving to a whole nother country is something else entirely and i think he'd just be so kind and thoughtful about the whole thing like i feel like he'd already have me a room in his place cleared out??? and would just give me a whole lot of space to just exist like helping me unpack and decorate however i like however long it takes not crowding around me when i'm overwhelmed letting me invade his space when i'm feeling clingy cooking me meals like he just seems like he'd try his very very best to make sure i'm comfortable and having fun the entire time like i'm sorry this is just my man and we're meant to be <333 approximate success rate: 95%
jimin is so caring and so sweet and i love that about him but that might be the thing that drive me up the wall like his care might just be a little overbearing for me and like i’d be his girl he tryna make sure i’m straight but if i say i’m good i’m good even if i’m not like imma need a minute and he not gonna wanna give it to me gonna wanna talk about everything all the time but imma need time to process everything before talking about anything and he might not get that at first so there would be some tension but after we’re able to align my introversion with his extroversion everything would be great and i think he’d accept my mess and i’d accept his and then we would get tired of being messy and push each other to be better i also can see a lot of cuddling and watching youtube on tv approximate success rate: 78%
finally there’s yoongi my twin flame <333 with him we'd probably already have a discussion about living together simply bc it's more convenient and economical to do so but the relationship...... it's like we might as well have not met online LOL like it'll be soooo awkward at first like it's gon take 3-4 weeks to really warm up to each other in person like he'll cook me breakfast and then when i sit down to eat with him he just not gonna look me in the eyes and i'll just be trying my best to be quiet and out of the way trying not to be seen or heard so he won't throw me away and then literally just one day it'll click we'll be like what are we doing and why and then all of a sudden we kissing cuddling he's taking me to his studio arm wrapped around my waist like we gonna go from being acquaintances to having old married couple vibes overnight and honestly i'm here for that comfort and familiarity the only thing i can see being a problem is that ion like to initiate conflict like if u start it imma finish but i ain't throwing the first punch but he seems to be more mature than me in that aspect so as long as he helps me to keep a line of communication open i can't see a reason why we would ever break up approximate success rate: 93%
sorry for using ur question as a catalyst for my delusion
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abyssalstrike · 2 years
please god i need to hear you talk about farmhouse raph i love him So Mucj.
OK OK i saw this a while ago but i took the time to rewatch the farmhouse episodes to refresh my memory and i took NOTES. So here we go Let me just start this off by saying that the farmhouse arc is genuinely one of my favorite segments of the entire series, and Raph is one of the main reasons why. When you really sit down and watch what Raph does throughout these episodes, you begin to realize that he's actually a really reliable figure- he tries to cheer up Donnie when he's bummed out about April rejecting him, and he's always keeping an eye out on Leo and is constantly encouraging his recovery, and he's also a little more indulgent to Mikey's antics. And yeah yeah I know "The Croaking" exists (the episode where Mikey runs away), but that entire episode, and the fandom's perception of it, is so wack that I'll have to speak on it in a later post or something because damn it just pisses me off a little . a LITTLE bit! just a lil. I will pretend it doesn't exist until then. For some examples, let's start with Episode One, Within the Woods. Of course, Raph watched over Leo while he was recovering in the bathtub for months. The dedication. The loyalty. When April brings it up, he brushes it off as no big deal. He just cared that much to take care of him all of that time. It's so sweet. And it's even sweeter when, at the end of the episode, Leo reciprocates that sentiment by never leaving his side when he was recovering from being turned into a plant. Love them. Episode 2, A Foot too Big. One of my favorite episodes because despite all of the second-hand embarrassment I get from cringe king Donnie (and the scene at the end ugh), it's actually hilarious. So Donnie makes this music box with his picture in it, and he gives it to April, who, of course, rejects his advances by leaving in the most awkward manner one possibly can. Raph witnesses this entire thing, tells him straight up that it will never work between him and April, and then enthusiastically suggests that they go forest training to help cheer him up. This is the EXACT same thing he did with Leo when he just woke up from the bathtub. Exact Method.
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Pictured: Brotherly Affection (Donnie and Raph are SUCH an underrated duo it is a SHAME they didn't get paired off more often) It's also really cute how Leo and Raph are co-leading the training in the following scene. He's still a little playfully mean but he gives actual constructive advice to Donnie and Mikey. It's also interesting to note that when the duo is running away from Bigfoot, they only turn back to fight when they find Raph in the woods again. Here's another thing I noted. There's a montage of Bigfoot generally being difficult to live with, and at some point, she takes a fucking shit in the bathtub. Raph brings her, Donnie, and Mikey outside so that bigfoot can teach them Forest Stealth while he goes to clean it up. I am 100% certain that if this was the Raph from season 1, he would not have done that. I am so serious. Raph from season 1 OR hell, SEASON 2, would have reasoned that since Donnie and Mikey wanted to bring Bigfoot home, they should be the ones to take full care of her. He doesn't even get mad- annoyed or frustrated, sure, but he doesn't yell at anyone, he doesn't place unfair blame on one person- none of that. Later on in the episode, Donnie vents to him about how Bigfoot is following him around and smothering him etc. To which Raph remarks something like, "Now you know how April feels." He's so real. There's just so much I can bring up. The fact that Raph not once ever goes too easy on Leo when they train together because he knows Leo would hate that. Raph enabling Mikey to draw on Leo's face while he sleeps. Raph somehow being the only one to bring his grappling hook when they were all (minus April and Leo) kidnapped by the Chimera Turducken thingy. Raph and Leo playing video games together. And overall, I noticed his anger-fueled outbursts aren't really that common anymore either. He's just trying his best to make sure his brothers are okay in the ways he knows how to. My sweet angel
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thelovelybitten · 2 years
tw: anti-amuto, mentions of pedophilia, mentions of child abuse
so I watched episode 77 and sobbed, it’s the episode where Amu gets caught with Ikuto by Tadase since he got stood up by Amu hiding Ikuto while he’s taking a shower.
the ACTUAL RAGE I HAVE AT SOME OF THESE CLOWNS IN THE CRUNCHYROLL COMMENTS… I have never felt this much rage for a ship since JACKUNZEL circa 2014 but more on that later
so first of all, I’m so confused on why Amu’s mom is so lax after finding the two of them in the bathroom. BROTHER IN CHRIST I WOULD BE FUCKING ANGRY IF I FOUND MY OWN 13 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WITH SOME 18 YEAR BOY IN THE SHOWER ??!?!?!? like WHAT ?!??!?! I understand Amu’s mom was trying to be considerate and give the two of them the benefit of the doubt, but GIRLBOSS WHAT!?!?! HOW DO U KNOW HE HASNT DONE SHIT TO YOUR DAUGHTER !?!?! HES AN ADULT ?!?!? I would be CALLING THE POLICE IDC…. I’d be that psycho mom iDC that’s my GOD DAMN DAUGHTER. Anyways that part had me so FUCKED UP it doesn’t make sense at all.
Second of all, the FACT THAT TADASE IS LET IN AND AMU CLEARLY TELLS IKUTO TO NOT COME OUT OF HER ROOM AND HE DOES ?!?!?! REVEALING TO TADASE HE’S BEEN THERE THE WHOLE TIME ?!?!? some of the CLOWNS and Tadase antis in the comments being like,,, Tadase is so annoying, we have to laugh at him crying, Ikuto is so much better suited for Amu — LIKE DO ANY OF U HEAR YOURSELVES ?!?!?!? Tadase reacted the way most kids react at that age. He was furious— especially since he was already pissed off at ikuto for family reasons and finds him in his girlfriends’ room ?!?!? Of course he was mad, she kept this a secret from him and the only thing going through his mind at that moment was rage and betrayal. He couldn’t let Amu speak obviously because he was too in his head to make conversation, he just needed out of what he was seeing. It’s FUCKING VALID ?!?!?
Now ikuto opening the door and then DEGRADING TADASE FOR SOMETHING THAT TADASE WAS SO FUCKING INSECURE ABOUT SINCE HE DOESNT KNOW HIS OWN DAMN FEELINGS YET AND SHARED IT WITH THE ONE PERSON HE TRUSTED, ONLY TO GET CRITICIZED BY HIM was probably the reason I hate ikuto’s character in this part SO DAMN MUCH. U KNEW HE WAS THERE AND OPENED IT ANYWAY. I know Yoru says that he got them to hate them to not get involved but BROTHER ?!?!?? You could have just straight up left and that would be the end of it but NO. DIG YOU A GRAVE I GUESS???
I just cant see how Ikuto doing this to protect the family makes any sense since if he had just left it would have been completely fine since it’s normal for him and his personality being the ‘stray cat boy’. No one would have blinked an eye ?!?!? Anyways. SO DUMB
Also Amu screaming at Ikuto has never felt so good go AWF queen
The infuriating part about all this is everyone thinks Ikuto is in the right while Tadase is in the wrong for the way he acted when he found out.
I will never be able to wrap my head around it.
Y’all can ship what you wanna ship, but it’s definitely not for me at all. Gosh.
I’m going to BED.
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scoupsahoy · 2 years
it's 5am and im up for no reason time for everyones favorite segment: ryan's bad opinion corner
todays episode: stranger things fandom and ficdom pet peeves and things i find silly
disclaimer: it's 5am i'm grumpy and none of these things are worth getting angry about. i don't actually get mad at people who do this stuff or write these things. in fact i love torturing myself but more than that i like to read and sometimes people take these things and make it fun or dramatic and i love drama. most of these are just silly little things. we all have them snd i know for a fact that some people's pet peeve is just like. everything ive ever written
people who can't talk about mike wheeler without making it obvious how much they hate him irrationally. especially in fic. why are you making him so antagonistic towards everyone he is so desperate to be liked. have u seen that kid. have u watched the last four seasons of stranger things
people who can't be normal about billy. real bad opinion corner type shit but like. i wish people could write or talk about him without either excusing how shitty he is OR absolving him of all that. if you make him a cartoon villain you're kind of diminishing how fucked up and racist he was in canon, like that isn't enough to make him a shitty guy and an antagonist on his own. let people explore his character without forcing them to pick between "needs to be tortured to death for his crimes on screen Or Else you're a billy apologist" and "needs to be forgiven by everyone and kiss steve at the end"
not a pet peeve just kind of a thing that makes me tilt my head a bit bc i think it's kind of silly. future fics where dustin and suzie get married... like they met before high school i love suzie so bad but like what is the chance that every single one of the kids in the show is going to be with their middle school sweetheart their entire lives. this opinion does not extend to lucas and max i hope they get married.
when people imply that eddie or robin are biphobic. biphobia exists and is complicated and can be explored in fic or whatever but when i see gay characters who are massively biphobic and only the gay characters who are massively biphobic it sure rubs me the wrong way. gay people are not biphobic by default. ESPECIALLY IF ITS LIKE
fic where steve is literally fucking eddie and eddie's like "man i cant believe hes fucking me and he's straight and doesn't like men at all" like thats not even biphobic at that point like eddie you need to be punched in the head with a blunt object you are just stupid and not in a cute way. i can't read several thousand words of that. no one would act like that even if they were biphobic
when nancy isn't annoying. make her annoying. make her abrasive and judgmental and kind of mean. but also like. don't forget that she's like very smart and helpful and caring and full of guilt and love. you think she can't be good and amazing and also a bitch? god forbid women do anything.
******* just in general but i don't want to be crucified ive already made two deeply inflammatory statements
when people don't love lucas enough. love him more. you are silly.
when you're mad about popular fanon and write an angry fic basically using the characters to make your point for you. and i totally get it. if u hate that trope u can also say hit da bricks. but i can tell how pissed off u were about this while writing and it does not make me agree with u more. in fact it's an interesting enough thought experiment that it can stand on its own and having the argument in the fic where you're basically mad at the fandom makes me less inclined to agree with you or want to keep reading. this is mainly because fic is something that is enjoyable to me when it's written out of love for an idea rather than frustration. you can always tell when the writer is annoyed and it makes it wayyy less enjoyable to read
i feel like that last one was kinda mean (or it was before i took out the particular context bc even though it's unlikely anyone will read this i dont want the person who wrote the thing im talking about to catch wind of it) so im going back to sleep i love you
last one
people who go out of their way to tell an author that their headcanon is unrealistic or their writing pisses them off or they didn't like how something played out or how someone was characterized. get over it please if you didn't like it, it wasn't for you. complain to your friends if you must, not the artist. don't make people feel like shit i'll cut off the roof of your house like wile e coyote and i AM serious about this one
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shiongenkai · 10 minutes
TD Captain Swap
I have crafted a captain swap so hilarious to me I need to talk about it so here's the stupidest thing ever.
Frostheim: Yuri
Vagastrom: Jin
Jabberwock: Ed
Sinostra: Alan
Hotarubi: Taiga
Obscuary: Haru
Mortkranken: Subaru
My insane ramblings below the cut.
My basic premise is that one day Darkwick is like. In order to promote harmony across the houses and establish rapport with one another we will be assigning captains to a new house for the next month. And then they do that. And it all falls apart immediately.
Yuri voice ill never go back. And then Darkwick is like okay you're too biased against them go make up!! And Yuri seethes so hard something in his body pops.
First off, nooo way he gets along with Tohma or feels comfortable in Jin's room. Secondly, Kaito? Kaito. Literally no way that guy won't scream every other day. It's not even that he dislikes Yuri, it's just that the rumors are too Big for Kaito not to freak out every single time. And Luca of course will not help this concern ever, and will ask for Yuri's history and why he seems so familiar with Frostheim stuff, and Yuri will have to decide how far morals can carry him.
Somehow someway everyone in this scenario comes out appreciating Jin just like. A smidge more. His Frostheim runs as smoothly as Yuri's Frostheim but there's something slightly more dignified about it.
I really just need a Jin Leo bitch off. Leo trying to get info from Jin except he soundproofed his room again, Jin not giving a shit about what the two of them do which makes it considerably less fun despite neither Sho nor Leo being willing to admit that, Jin using his stigma when MC is around to force Leo to do things. It's technically functional, like Vagastrom doesn't fall to chaos after Jin asserts his dominance on day one, but it's like. Everyone misses Alan so bad. So bad. Sho and Leo would never admit it to his face but they prefer their captain over Jin even if most things haven't really changed.
Also I think the only reasons Jin would leave his room is if Leo was bothering him too much and even then it would take a bit. I think Sho's life wouldn't be changed a whole lot but he'd miss the sparring and also find Jin's philosophy like.... not strange or bad but too different???? Like yeah it's annoying to spar every day but it's also fun. That's his enrichment...
This is what inspired it all. The exact sequence of events was that I thought to myself, wouldn't it be funny if Ed was in Jabberwock since it's usually pretty sunny and it requires a lot of work? And then I thought, and also Towa is there. And then I remembered Towa hates Ed and I laughed so hard I cried trying to envision Ed announcing that he's replacing Haru for the time being and Towa trying to electrocute him.
Ren and Ed would also be funny because as long as Ed leaves Ren alone I'm sure he'd be fine. And doubly so if he draws Towa's attention away from him. But I can't tell if after that it'd be funnier if Ren gets annoyed because Ed is actually high maintenance and if Towa isn't doing it then Ren definitely has to. And he'd hate that. OR Ed has seen all his movies and knows all his games and keeps trying to talk to him about it but in a way that pisses him off about it and he's like mad about that. Either way I can't imagine anyone in this house is happy about this arrangement and it's killing me to imagine.
You'll have to stick with me for this one because it's a very specific dynamic in my mind that I'm not very good at articulating but basically. Romeo is at first glad Taiga can't mess things up anymore (even though deep down he misses him) and glad Alan is capable of scaring people straight just by Looking but then Alan is like hey this operation isn't very honorable. It's a low blow to threaten and intimidate and cheat. And then they butt heads about it endlessly.
Which is why Ritsu has to come in and be the equalizer but Alan can't take him seriously because he's like you're way too skinny you have no muscle what is your diet what's your trianing like. Spar with me. And Ritsu, embarrassed and offended, is like ILL HAVE YOU KNOW IM WORKING ON IT. And Alan genuinely offers to help but Ritsu is too used to Taiga and lowkey assumes Alan is making fun of him. And Alan is sincere. So he keeps going.
PLEASEEEE PICTURE IT. THINK ABOUT IT. Think about the Haku Taiga prologue dynamic and make that daily life. Now add in the fact that Hotarubi is meant to be traditional Japanese themes with grace and tranquility and then imagine Taiga is there and try to tell me that's not the funniest shit ever.
And then add in Zenji. We already know Taiga can see or sense more than others so I would bet everything he could probably sense Zenji in some way, which he honestly probably wouldn't care about but I think he'd care a lot about the doll or the biwa. Basically I think he'd try to eat it. I think he'd try to eat something and it would be chaos and hilarious and please just imagine the three of them together. Please. Please. Please.
House Simulator. This is the only truly fully functioning house with no problems outside of Lyca complaining about noise and annoyances and so on so forth. And that is because Rui and Haru are so used to doing like 100% of the work all the time that they both try to do it and end up finishing all the work in half the time since they've split it and now they randomly have free time??? And it's so strange??
Haru helps with breakfast and cleaning and taking care of the animals and chores and so forth and Rui helps with Peekaboo and relieving Haru's exhaustion and it's basically such a functioning pair that it's almost scary. Like Lyca is scared. But also Haru smells bad and is too high energy and LOUDDD so he's in his rebellious teenage phase atm.
Only downside is that Haru has too much bar access and has to be cut off but it's a small price to pay for a house that isn't up in flames by day one. Unfortunately it can't last bc Haru would miss his animals and Rui would feel too worried about hurting Haru so when they swap back both have made peace with it. And Lyca will still kick rocks they couldn't have Subaru.
I think Subaru would become a legend very quickly but not because he's this secret medical genius but because he seems to have this uncanny ability to guess things. And the secret is that he is using his stigma fully on accident and seeing what they were up to and then Jiro is figuring it out from there. And he keeps trying to give Jiro credit but nobody will listen.
He's also squeamish. Like he can't handle blood so when Jiro is like 'Move that to the other table please' Subaru is happy to and moves this weird lump under a sheet and the sheet falls off and its a severed arm and Subaru faints. and Jiro laughs for a second before putting Subaru on the table and making sure he's like actually okay. And they are both very patient with one another and very cordial. But it's so so awkward. And Subaru honest to god does not know how to take care of Jiro and is constantly having to ask Yuri how to do things except Yuri is always occupied by Frostheim so Subaru has to follow Jiro's instructions and they are both praying Every Day.
And that's also why they're both happy when its over. Not because it was bad or they dislike each other but bc they're both glad Yuri will come back and it won't be Does Jiro Die Today Roulette. and then Subaru goes to Haku and grabs his shoulders and is likep lease do not start dying ill cry right in front of you forever. and Haku just nods slowly.
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smokesandsonatas · 1 year
malleus and idia 🌽 please! (also leona or floyd for the banger pls like have you seen those teef)
- Sure. One soft corn coming right up. -
Blowjob. Face fucking driven by jealousy.
Leona, Malleus, Idia, and Floyd x Reader.
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Leona Kingscholar
Oh no, herbivore. You’re not a lion tamer so do not ever try to anger the King of the Jungle.
Leona is not one to easily get jealous. Envious, perhaps? Sure, though not so much. You see, everything is handed to him since he was born. If not for his older brother, Farena, he would be the future King.
He’s a Prince, for fucks’ sake.
But why does it seem like he always gets the end of the stick?
Leona growled, it pisses him off.
Tears stream down your face. Snot is coming out of your nose, your cheeks feels so stuffed as your throat feels raw. Yet the man you’re serving on your knees couldn’t give a fuck.
Leona looked down on your kneeling form, his gaze predatory. Beneath his long lashes are desire driven by blood and lust.
“Isn’t this the same fucking mouth, talking to others, hmm?” He growled as he yanked your hair up like you’re a mere ragdoll, “you damn near kiss that Octanivelle boy, if not for me catching you in the act.”
You cried, fat glob of tears streaming down your face, “No! No! I’m not going to kiss him, he’s just asking me questions, going near in my face. L - Leona, please… Uwah, I - I’m sorry…!”
Then you’re back on choking on his cock, his balls slapping against your chin, as your lips consciously parted.
Leona laughs, his taut upper body glistening with sweat. “So you really want this do you,” He huffs, his breath hot on your face.
Your eyes nearly rolled back inside your head. You can only feel Leona, his scent intoxicating you. His smell is so primal, his musk mixed with his natural aroma and sweat. It's driving you crazy. Especially since Leona had been fucking your mouth for the last hour or so.
You nodded your head pathetically as Leona brushed a stray hair away from your face, his thumb brushing away your dried tears.
“Swallow,” He commands, groaning as the sound deep beneath his belly grumbles. A choked cry tore from your throat as he thrust hard, your nose almost touching his belly button.
“Don’t waste a drop, or else you might regret it.”
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, no. You poor little child of man.
Malleus is as stoic as the rock. His emotions are not worn on his sleeves.
We’re talking about a literal fae in here, one of the most powerful mages in the whole land. He's the future king of Briar Valley. Long may he live.
Malleus had his fair share of pleasures of the flesh. Fae Courtesans were brought to him by Lilia years ago. As evident by his long, lonely life. It is for experience, Lilia said. And Malleus just went with it.
But with you, things are much more different. So different in fact, that Malleus can feel himself turning crazy. The hot feeling of jealousy raging through his veins, his anger silently raging inside. It rattles him and annoys his very existence.
As such, the crowned Prince of the Briar Valley will not hesitate to make it known just how mad and jealous he is of what you’ve done. You see, dragons like him do not take kindly for anyone that's trying to take what is theirs.
For a straight week, Malleus had been ignoring you. That's what he did, lest he accidentally kill the Noble Bell College boy that's visiting you in pure rage. Purposely leaving when he’s sensing your presence. Making you realize how much you crave his presence and how much you missed him.
And so here you are, pathetically whimpering as you stroke his fat cock. Your tongue giving kitten licks to the thickest girth you've ever seen in your life.
But Malleus’ face is as blank as ever.
“Tsunotarou,” you sniffed, voice shaking as you continue to plant kisses on his throbbing length, “M - Malleus, I’m sorry…” tears started streaming down on your face, “I won’t hang out with those Noble Bell students anymore..”
“…” Malleus continues ignoring you.
“I’m sorry -” You whispered, cradling his cock as if its the most precious thing, and in one motion, swallowing him whole. But how foolish you are.
You started choking, spit drooling in the side of your mouth coating his cock thickly.
Finally. You’re rewarded with a groan from your draconian admirer, soon to be lover.
You started choking, shit. He’s much bigger than you imagine. The real thing is heavier, thicker, and bigger. Your eyes looks up at him through tears lazily.
Your heart dropped when you look at his expression.
Malleus’ emerald - eyes are blown wide. Dragon - slit of his irises boring into your face, his fangs glistening under the dim light of green fire. His tongue darts his lips as if you're his meal.
… Ah. He’s really a dragon.
With a buck of his hips, you choked once more, saliva dribbling down on you chin. The back of your throat, feels so stuffed so full. His balls are big, almost a quarter of your face. Malleus cupped your cheeks.
“Don’t stop, or I might not be as forgiving next time, little human.”
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Idia Shroud
Your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when Idia roughly shoved himself inside your mouth. Your nose hitting his navel.
“ S - Shit, I’m so sorry…! But - but you shouldn’t pick normies over me…” Idia grumbles as he clumsily thrust back into you mouth. Your hands gripping his waist for support. You have no fucking idea just how big Idia, and your eyes for hazy when you smell him. His masculine musk mix with sweat. It's filthy, it's arousing.
You saw the way his eyes widen, “No, no, no. You’re not going to NTR me are you?” Idia whined, “I-I don’t like those plot…! Its much better when it’s just us together… No boys from Savanaclaw... They're filthy beasts!”
“I-Idia, wait..!” you stuttered, you don’t have room to breathe as to how much he’s frantically thrusting. You can only choke, spit wetting his heavy cock.
Idia looks down on you, his almost lifeless eyes, staring passively at your face, eyebrows drawn together. The gentle blue glow of his hair illuminates his eerie expression.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, of course, whatever he says, Idia is still possibly a descendant of Hades, the god of the underworld. Chills and goosebumps run along your spine as you saw the way he bared his pointy teeth.
“Don’t you ever try to choose someone over me."
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Floyd Leech
"Shrimpy you don't happen to like that boring RSA merman, do you?"
By merman he meant the red haired merman prince that helped you once when you got lost near the Coral Sea. It just so happened that he was there and he saved you before a strong wave could take you away.
Floyd hovers over your lithe frame. With his height he towers above you. In this tiny cubicle, they call restroom, you can't feel anything but him.
You're supposed to answer, you're supposed to give a response. But when Floyd's cock stuffing your mouth you can't even form a proper reply.
Suddenly Floyd yanks your head down, making you take him deeper and you had to choke back on the tears and spit. Trying to take Floyd as deep as you can, to not irritate his bad mood further.
"Ah, fuck. Look at you Shrimpy! So full! Hahaha!" He laughs maniacally, then suddenly he leaned closer to you, whispering. His sharp teeth scraping your earlobe.
"Don't piss me off Shrimpy, or I'm gonna squeeze you till your human bones break, ok?"
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ih8me2ash · 2 years
My Journal Entries (post #27)
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I’m just going to put this here, finding friends who actually care is so super hard for some reason. 
To the point that I think it’s just me, maybe I’m not a people person. I mean, I’ve always been a person to avoid others and keeps my walls up pretty high. But this is just stupid, I don’t talk to anyone besides the people in this house, I’m so alone all day, especially when my boyfriend goes to work. Since I work from home I don’t get out much. Most people think I’m very timid or I just look annoyed because of not knowing how to control my resting bitch face. Thanks, mom for that gene.
Also, close friends are getting on my nerves, I feel like none of them listen to me like I just had a conversation with an old buddy of mine that has heard this story more times than I could count about my kidney issues. Told me he had no idea, and just gave stupid comments about it, saying I should just do the surgery since I’m a borderline alcoholic. Funny enough I’ve told him I don’t have insurance multiple times too. Talk about not listening. Met two new people, but damn these bitches be dumb, because I’m back to being told all these issues on their side, and then when I open my mouth about being the littlest sad they just drop me, and then go do some other shit on social media like are ya'll for real? I literally told one of them about the other about that problem then they told me: “They were too drunk to do this conversation.” When they asked me in the first place how I was doing. So I’ve been ignoring both of them.
Lost full connection with everyone from Oklahoma, which is good. But still, before I moved here I lived with a friend beforehand because my adopted family life was getting to the point where I was thinking about killing myself, I was already starving myself and still cutting but I kept that to myself, for the most part, OH and my door were taken because of that, I was 19 and my door was taken from me. But back to her, so the thing about me losing contact with her was that it shouldn’t have happened. 
She slowly started to show red flags for the last couple of months before I had enough, and I was back to thinking about killing myself. Funny how my brain does that after a while of being somewhere. But, she still has a lot of my stuff, figures that cost over 4k, and a lot of clothes. ((which I saw her wearing in a Facebook profile picture and I got extremely pissed off about.)) But the whole thing is she mostly stopped talking to me because my adopted mother was trying to get a hold of her because I blocked my whole adopted family just a few weeks after moving in with my friend because I had enough issues because my car was repossessed and I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to handle it on my own. Didn’t work out that way, my adopted mom opened one of my letters and found out, flipped her shit and started questioning me, and then started trying to make me vote, and telling me that she fully believed in super straight. And then when I moved here, my friend was getting “harassed” and I told my friend to tell her I moved out and I wanted nothing to do with that family ever again. But then my friend was trying to force me to make things better with my adopted family and try to work things out?? Like, YOU SEE HOW CRAZY THOSE PEOPLE ARE?! I was so mad, but I kept it myself and I kept telling her I wasn’t going even to try. 
Then I asked for her to mail me my W2, She said she would, few weeks passed and I asked her if she did it, and no reply. A couple more weeks later, I asked again trying really not to be bossy with her, no reply, and then she blocked me on Snapchat and Facebook Like?? You can’t just not give someone their tax forms? I think she wants me to rot in jail. 
I don’t know, she got a boyfriend, after claiming she was completely into girls and I even bought her a lesbian pride flag, but she started to act more sneaky, was leaving a lot at night, would have her boyfriend over when we had no food, and he would eat it all. She hadn’t messaged me for two days when she went to hang out with him, when I asked for a ride to work ((ended up walking)) and then tried to have a serious conversation with him right there, and I cried in front of him when I hardly even spoken to this man, Would go to work herself with him still in the house like? Other people live here too. It made my boyfriend and me super uncomfortable. Anyways, that friendship was mostly ruined because of that man. She was never home. Her boyfriend was always claiming he was broke but then not even a few minutes later they would go out to eat, go to the movies or the mall. The lying was non-stop, She was treating me like I was her parents, and she also claimed she disliked her family a lot but spend every other day there too. She was just all over the place. I felt like I already lost her. Which really hurt because I and my boyfriend would never make her feel left out at all, but she was basically avoiding us. She even had the gall to say my boyfriend was toxic. My boyfriend has bipolar, but he smokes weed, or THC to help that, and sometimes couples get into arguments, which I and my boyfriend hardly do, and the day she was referring to was when I was upset because my therapy wasn’t going to continue and I was out of smokes so I got upset with my boyfriend so we got into it. But that was mostly it, but now he was toxic.
I don’t know, I felt misplaced with her and replaced. We made plans if we were single by 30 we were going to marry each other at one point, I helped her a lot after too big breakups. I spent a lot of time trying to get her out of the house. Helped her love herself again, we laughed, we cried, and we had good times, she was my rock and I was hers. I was even making plans with her more than my own ex-partner and I. That’s one of the reasons why I broke it off with my ex. I for real lost a partner because of her. And this is what I get? To be forgotten like a childhood toy, did I fulfill my purpose? She made me feel like a nobody like I was just another bystander. That we weren't even friends anymore, and she hardly even acted like she cared when she dropped us off at the airport, which I and my boyfriend were surprised she did because she came home around 3 in the morning when we had to be there at 8ish in the morning.
I  don’t know what to do about friendships. I think that at the end of the day, I’m the problem? Maybe I am, I’m too much maybe.. I’m not saying I’m a saint but I have a lot of baggage. Maybe I’m just meant to keep this shit to myself, I only really talk to Dom about these thoughts, if any. Actually, I don’t want him to worry all that much. But that's why I was trying to find those friends. People to help me through that bad times, like they said they would help. They never did. So now I’m here confused and hurt because I just wanted a shoulder to cry on because I feel like if it’s always going to be my boyfriend he's going to leave me. Why do I think like that? I think everyone here secretly hates me, I feel like my boyfriend can do so much better. Then the thoughts, Jesus the thoughts are so loud and always in my head no matter what I do to make them go away.  As I was writing my boyfriend came in, and said: oh you writing again hell yeah! I leave you to it then. And remember his toxic 
- ashto n  ♡
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ikyw-t · 3 years
y'know most days i feel ive moved on from my hs bf but every once in a while i'll remember some random thing he did and only now, a full three years later, realize how fucked up or just straight up mean it was. & and realize that three years of dating the wrong person rly set me back like. years. emotionally and mentally. most days it's fine and i don't even think about it tho lmao
#im normal but actually yknow what i can directly trace back many of my problems. directly to this one asshole#i just remembered yesterday while i was taking off my shoes apropos of absolutely nothing at all like out of Nowhere#i remembered how around when we first started dating he'd joke to me all the time#asking me if i was actually real or trying to make me seem like i wasnt real?? like as a joke??#which ig isn't all that deep or whatever#but good god like he would literally make up tall tales all the time and for weeks i believed them#like i realized that all his stories were bullshit and called it out and he was like oh that? im just embellishing#or something but he would literally tell ppl stories all the time and when i would ask more questions#like thsre was always some element that was exaggerated or just made up entirely#like just lying all the time ?? for no reason?? and then trying to convince me im not even real. like#idk man it's kinda crazy to realize like. just how fucking manipulative and mean-spirited he was. all the time.#but anyway that's neither here nor there lmaooo im doing my tax returns today! so hopefully ill get back some money :)#also the thing that makes me most mad/annoyed or most just straight up pissed off#is how after we finally fucking broke up he sent me several long rambling emails#telling me life updates?? like i gave a single fuck??#literally just the most emotionally manipulative email telling me all sorts of stupid shit#and then at the end he had the audacity to tell me his cat was on his deathbed and i should say goodbye.#literally that cat is alive and well today and he was never even close to death.#that's just the kind of person he was lmao!#anyway im normal and mostly fine blah blah blah i rly don't think about him often at all#like whatever im just glad it's over more than anything lmaoo 😂#p
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arodabi · 3 years
I kno all this ship talk is getting annoying but i just wanted to make a post explaining why the way alloros treat aro characters bugs me specifically. And then I’ll shut up, maybe
I want to make it clear that i do not care if a couple assholes online write fanfic where aro character kisses ppl or is in romantic relationships. Y’all are right, some fanfics here and headcanons there don’t matter. I’ve been in fandoms where small groups of fans got mad that a character was a lesbian and started blogs just to post about how actually she was 100% straight. That’s still bad and I’m not here excusing those ppls homophobia, but it was also like a small drop in the bucket compared to how much fan content existed portraying her as a lesbian and canon enforcing it as well. At the end of the day it didn’t change her identity.
And i haven’t seen this as much but i have seen some ppl declare Todd bojackhorseman (one of the most prominent asexual characters) to actually be allosexual bc they hate ace ppl or something. I also honestly don’t give a shit about that. Not only do most people know that Todd is canonically ace, he has multiple plot lines in the show about being ace. Saying he’s not is just factually untrue.
But when a character doesn’t have those plotlines, when they never say asexual or aromantic, when all the in canon confirmation we have is “it’s just not my thing” or “I’d rather have a dog than children” or “I’m not x identity I’m nothing” or even just an external tweet from the creative team confirming it, it’s a lot easier to erase their identity. Fuck, I’ve seen a character say “i am incapable of feeling romantic attraction, i never have and i never will” and ppl still not only deny that they’re aro, it’s not even questioned that they’re alloromantic. Every time i post offhandedly about peridot from Steven universe being canonically aroace, i still have aspec ppl every time comment about how they never knew she was canonically aro bc the entire fandom continues to deny and erase her canon identity.
Ppl say “uhhh one fanfic isn’t gonna change a characters canon identity sweaty :)” “one persons headcanons don’t negate canon :))))” but when Everyone does that it does erase their identity! When nobody acknowledges it then a bunch of aspec ppl don’t even know they’re being represented! Fandoms will take scraps of tweets or one line references to enforce and prove their ship or head canon is actually canon, but when writers say “this character has never been in love” or “this character cares deeply about others but would never dream of dating or marrying anyone” then it’s “uwu but that doesn’t prove anything! U don’t have to be a heartless aro to not be a fan of dating uwu”
When the only confirmation we have is a line or two and everyone wants to steamroll over that bc their ship is more important to the point where PEOPLE LITERALLY DONT EVEN KNOW THAT CHARACTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE AROMANTIC then i have a problem! That is erasure! You are taking away our representation! You literally are doing that! And not to get into speculation but if a bunch of creators see that people fucking hate when a character is canonically aspec, they might not want to give us rep if the whole fandom turns and says “fuck you for doing that, you’re ruining my experience” i’ve seen at least one creator say “I’m not gonna confirm this characters identity because it will piss people off” when that character was previously known to be aromantic. So thanks for that i guess. I’m glad at least that there was backlash to ppl erasing yelenas identity, enough backlash to get aromantic to #2 trending which i have never seen before. At least now people are aware of her identity, at least aspec people know that she shares our identity, and when it inevitably gets erased in the MCU, at least we’ll know to be pissed about it. But for many others, ppl just don’t know, because everyone chooses knowingly or unknowingly to cut that characters identity away from them, bc idk they think someone being aspec is boring or smthn
My final conclusion i suppose is just, if a aspec representation falls in the forest and nobody ever acknowledges it, does it benefit the people it’s representing
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rnisa · 2 years
Hello! I hope youre doing well. Can I please request Wammy boys + Light on how likely you are to trust them to watch your drink at the bar Thank you
I - N-NANI?! Also thank you, I am doing very well, yes! This request threw me for a loop LOL, took me a second to compose myself, very funny. I hope I answered this correctly! If you meant something else and I misunderstood, I apologize! Please feel free to let me know if I did this wrong asdfhjk;;;;
a/n: all memes aside, in my city there have legitimately been a lot of druggings lately, specifically at bars. please don't leave your drink unattended for even a second - if you look away from your drink, just chuck it.
˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦˖ ⁺ .
How Trustworthy Wammy Boys and Light Are to Watch Your Drink at the Bar
Mello - very trustworthy ★ Despite being an actual gangster, Mello drinks respecting women juice first thing in the morning.
★ He would be the one vigilantly keeping an eye on you, staring down any person giving you unwanted glances, and draping his arm around you - even if you aren't romantically involved - just as a warning to anyone who might have ill intentions.
★ Would straight up just shoot a bitch in the skull if they attempted to spike your drink.
L Lawliet - no 'cause he's gonna add weird shit to my drink ★ L is the one to actually spike your drink ... with sugar.
★ Think of Buddy the Elf.
★ He's adding tons of sugar to your already fruity drink, honey, syrup...you name it.
★ The only thing you're at risk for here is getting a sugar high and then crashing. Or throwing up. Or just being really, really mad at him for ruining your $14 drink.
★ As for watching your drink in general from others, expect him to intimidate the fuck and make a fool out of whatever sorry idiot tried.
★ Wouldn't want to stir a scene, but if it got physical he would kick the hell out of'em and get the both of you out of there as soon as possible.
Near - relatively useless in this situation but does his best ★ Let's face it, Near wouldn't be far without Rester or Lidner in the first place.
★ So that's three (3) tough p-
★ I mean two (2) tough people watching over you, and protecting you. And there's also Near but physically he's pretty useless.
★ However, if there were an instance of someone even thinking of spiking your drink, he would know. He is already concocting a plan of how to get them arrested.
★ Will catch their ass in 4k and likely trick the perpetrator into giving it away, then happily watch as the cops come to arrest'em.
Light - absolutely not ★ Okay sorry not sorry but Kira!Light would probably actually spike your drink himself. But not in this context? ★ He wouldn't hurt you but if you were close to finding out who he was and he liked you, he'd drug you so you're knocked out and then play off whatever conversation was happening prior to this as you having a dream, or being irresponsible and drinking too much.
★ Aka, gatekeep, girlboss, gaslighting you.
★ HOWEVER, as far as watching your drink at the bar, I can honestly say it depends on how he feels about you.
★ If he doesn't give the slightest care about you, or if he finds you annoying or worthless in some way, he doesn't care what happens to you - but he still would not let anything happen to you in his presence, and he most certainly would not let the criminal get away.
★ I can see him being sick enough to actually allow you to become drugged for his own amusement, but after witnessing that he would make sure to find a way to get their name and write their name in his death note.
★ Afterwards - if Light actually likes you, he would take you home and make sure you're alright. Again, I do think he's pretty fucked up and over time as Kira, as more and more of his humanity is lost, he would kind of be amused by this.
★ However, if Light loved you (where very few people of course fit into this category, and being "loved" by Light really isn't a whole lot) he would be absolutely pissed if somebody tried this. He wouldn't let it slide, of course - consider that person dead. However, Light's toxic in that he would be mad at you for "putting yourself in that situation". He would be even more protective, and constantly remind you of what could have happened, if he wasn't there, and guilt trip you into not going out to bars further.
★ If Light doesn't really care for you, I can see him doing the bare minimum and contacting someone who actually cares about you explaining the situation so they could go and get you. Still, he wouldn't allow a crime to take place so aside from being drugged, you would remain unharmed, and the person who tried to hurt you would die regardless. Either way, you're safe.
Sorry these were a bit short except for Light's! I don't force myself to write a certain amount for each, I kind of just go with the flow. Overall, none of them would let anything happen to you - aside from Light - but you would come out of this unharmed. All are trustworthy because, their differences aside, all abhor crime in some way.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
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Yandere! Danganronpa OCs ✧PART 3✧
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Hello and I'm back at it again with dangan ocs! This group is a little different from the last one but they do have a connection to the first group.
In my opinion, these guys, in terms of yandere traits, are more... Intense. This is only the first few of them, so expect the others at another time.
Warning(s): Obsessive Behavior/Thinking, Manipulation, Abuse of Power, Invasion of Privacy, Controlling Behavior, Heavy Self Deprecation, Unhealthy Lifestyle (on Jason and Ruth's part), Guilt Tripping, Mentions of Hysterics, Mentioned Killing, Delusional Behavior/Thinking, Mentioned Poisoning (guess who the two assassins are from these guys :))
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✧Baishō, Kōsuke (Ultimate Rental Boyfriend)✧
Kōsuke knows how to adapt to situations, so that in itself makes it difficult to pick up on any yandere traits. He reads emotions more easily than others which makes it simple for him to accommodate to your tastes. Because of this, he's categorized as an obsessive yandere as he takes the time to pick up any detail about you. He's always been deemed perfect boyfriend material by many so there shouldn't be any reason why you would reject him. If you show signs of such, Kōsuke will begrudgingly use manipulation tactics. He has been examining your actions/emotions so much; it won't be difficult to know what will pull at your heartstrings. You'd have to hold him at gunpoint for Kōsuke to admit this, but he is incredibly touch starved. He holds back from acting too clingy but you make it so hard when you're giving so much attention to others. He wants to respect your boundaries but... he'd honestly prefer you only pay attention to him. Give him all your love, affection, dedication.
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✧Emmerich Bausch (Ultimate Prosecutor)✧
You are intimidated by this man... and that greatly pisses him off. He hates that he feels this way; it's wrong. It's a tainted type of love. You the hell do you think you are? Eventually, Emmerich comes to terms with it, probably deluding himself through making excuses. He does not want to admit that he, of all people,  has grown an unhealthy obsession. That'd destroy his image. In the process of trying to court you, he comes off too strong and the worst part about all this is the fact that he's a bit of a tsundere. Everything about him is an intense game of tug of war within himself. So in short, you assume he hates you. I mean, he's always glaring straight at you, without saying anything. Whenever you attempt to approach him, he leaves. He stops talking when you enter the room. It gets... confusing. Emmerich is a very controlling yandere and whatever you do is immediately judged by him. You're kind of hopeless, aren't you? Thing is, he does care but his methods of such are just so intense. Oh, and don't get me started on how this guy reacts to others trying to get with you. His immediate response is to destroy their reputation. How arrogant of them to even think of being with you. Oh and he does keep track of your schedule (and much more) without your knowledge.
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✧Jason Soleil (Ultimate Caregiver)✧
It's an immediate attachment, but also filled with self doubt/deprecation. If you so much as give Jason a glance of kindness, it leaves him awake at night. He doesn't want to be extremely attached but it just happened. So, he goes the extra mile for you. Jason always assists you in any task you're doing and even sacrifices his sleep, hunger, and well-being just so you can be happy. At some point in time he'll pass out from exhaustion, but he doesn't care. It just annoys him how pathetic he is to let that happen. In the case that you do confront him about this, it'll greatly upset him. Oh, he's not mad at you. Jason is disappointed in himself for making you worry this much. Please, don't bother. This is what he is made for. He would gladly let himself be destroyed for your sake. Your disappointment is the most despairing experience he'll ever have. Trying to stop him from assisting you will do nothing, he won't budge. That is why he can be deemed a smothering yandere despite how... detached he looks. If you won't understand that you need him, he will have to force you to see eye to eye with him. It's easy to for him to tamper with things in order to make you weaker; more reliable on him. If you don't need him, what is he good for? He would go in a state of hysterics if he ever noticed he's failing you. So please, stay with him. Don't leave him.
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✧Ruth Darnell (Ultimate Plushie Maker)✧
Ruth is another clingy yandere but she's also extremely delusional. She's closed herself off from any social situations due to how anxiety inducing they are. She never shows her face in public (always hiding behind a plushie) due to how she believes her face is hideous. When she gains an obsession with you, she's attached by the hip to you. There's no prying her off and if you make any attempt to move away, she'll assume you are growing tired of her. It sends her in an intense panic as she unintentionally guilt trips you, crying how you must hate her or think she's a disgusting human being. Giving her affirmation slightly lessens the self deprecation but it does fuel her delusions even further. Since you chose to continue hanging around her, you must love her, right? You won't leave, right? So if anyone tries to flirt with you, it sends so much panic into her as she curses their name under her breath. You can't be with them! You chose her! A-Are you sick of her? Does she need to change in order for you to stay? She'll do anything to keep you with her! But oh... if the day comes where you forcibly take the plushie hiding her face so she can confront you comes... be prepared for even more guilt trip fuel and the judgement eyes of others glaring at you for making her cry hysterically.
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✧Himura, Enoki (Ultimate Mycologist)✧
Oh dear... So Enoki is a handful in some cases. She is definitely a highly obsessive yandere who takes any moment to stalk you. It's just what she does when someone interests her. You'd find her extremely odd due to her mannerisms and how she just,,, always has a smile on her face. Happy all the time. Enoki seems to want to talk to you every moment you're not busy, telling you that the two you can talk about anything you want. It doesn't matter, she'll listen either way. Sometimes she gets really touchy as she holds your hand, hugs you, pokes you, and just any form of physical affection. There are other times where her behavior and words concern you. Enoki can have sudden impulses yes, but it just becomes a danger when she's a yandere. Any person who takes too much of an interest in you is suddenly a target in her eyes, as her mind reverts to back when she was "back there". She isn't above killing someone if her delusions take her too far. That is why Enoki grows very dependent on you to keep her grounded and anything that threatens you will be eliminated. Those people will have to watch what they eat. Not all mushrooms are good for you. Don't try to leave, or else one of her throwing needles laced with a temporary paralysis concoction will be found stabbed into the back of your leg.
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✧Adam Loman (Ultimate Waiter)✧
ꉓꍏꌗ꓄ꂦꋪ ꎭꍏ꒒꒒ꂦꋪꌩ (ꀎ꒒꓄ꀤꎭꍏ꓄ꍟ ꀤꎭᖘꍟꋪꌗꂦꈤꍏ꓄ꂦꋪ)
What a lovely individual Adam is, which makes him one of the least suspected yanderes. He becomes someone you can rely on due to his down to earth attitude and how he always gives such a charming exterior. It's hard to determine what sort of yandere Adam is, given how good he hides his traits but sometimes he just  picks up every detail about you. Though, it's only because he's a professional waiter, right? But wow, you don't know why, but Adam really gets you. Every time you talk to him, it's amazing. He knows what to say and do to make you feel happy. He... truly understands you. How come he feels more than a friend than anyone you've ever met? Adam is so humble about it too. Your conversations with him are always targeted on your interests... because he likes them too. All your flaws are something he enjoys as well. He never ridicules you for them; telling you that they are more reasons you're extraordinary. Then it escalates. You find that some things are missing. Bits of clothes, accessories, products, etc of yours are somehow misplaced. Though Adam is just a great guy when he offers to assist you. With everything just being so pleasant, you often think to yourself how much talking to Adam feels like talking in a mirror. Like he's directly speaking to you from your own perspective.
Huh... He smells like (your favorite scent) today as he's wearing a (your favorite color) dress shirt.
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