#also yes more people please draw them together. ship or not they are so fun together
cozylittleartblog · 9 months
I absolutely LOVE your art of swatch and queen :> I barely see content of them together thank you for feeding the swatchqueen fandom (which has about 3 members). also ur art in general is just so pretty. pls draw more /nf
more people should appreciate swatch and queen, platonic or otherwise. she is dangerously sillygoofy and they enable her completely. they will Further her sillygoofy, actually. they might be tired of writing and bitcrushing rap anthems for her and smashing fruit for her amusement but will they stop? haha naww. they think the fruit barrels should have glitter in them actually-
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We all know Quackity, fattest ass in the cabinet, quadruple engagey, and “Are we in character? I’m in love with Wilbur” HQ
So, how about we hold a little friendly competition between the different ships in the dsmp fandom?
Aim of the game is to get your ship the most points, through creating content for that ship. Here’s the spreadsheet to track points.
Creations may come in the form of art or writing, each of which is worth 1 point
People are allowed to submit more than one piece, actually it’s encouraged :3
The ship must be tagged
You must @ this blog
If you’re being genuinely mean you are getting blocked and anything you make will not count, Ls to all assholes
There is no sign up, just @ this blog and have fun!
How long will this event last?
All of September
What if I want to do multiple ships in the same piece?
Be sure to tag all the ships and they’ll count as a point to each ship! (So the Karlnapity shippers don’t lose only bc of half points)
Does the ship have to be canon? Only dsmp?
Nahhhhh have fun do whatever you want. If you do Foolish x Quackity or Roier x Quackity, for example, they’d get their own rows and get a point
What about comics? Poems?
For the sake of my sanity, a comic only counts as 1 piece, even if it has 100 panels. Same for a collection of poems.
How will we know points?
I’ll have a little spreadsheet you’ll be able to see here in the pinned post
What about nsfw stuff?
it’s allowed as long as it’s tagged with community labels or #nsft, if you don’t tag it you are getting blocked
My friend really likes this Quackity ship. Can I give them this as a gift and also have it counted for a point?
Yes! But do not mix giving events together with this competition, to make it easier on me. I do not know if the event organizer of whatever your event you’re doing is comfortable with that, so best not to do it at all. You can still participate in other events, obviously, but please do not tag me to get it counted when it’s for a different event
Are sketches half points?
nope, every drawing is one full point! No matter how detailed or how simple. This keeps the competition a little more silly goofy, like I’d like it to stay. This is very much intended for fun, not a serious competition
You’re welcome to send asks to ask more questions!
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meraki-yao · 7 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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thee-rat-king · 1 year
Suits fans, I have not seen much of your show, however the draw appears to be morally ambiguous lawyers, interpersonal office drama, and homoerotic subtext. If this is the case, may I present
It ran from 2004-2008 (5 seasons) it’s technically a spin off of The Practice but you do not need to know ANYTHING about that show to watch Boston Legal.
The revolving cast of Main Lawyers are varying degrees of morally ambiguous, many of them commit crimes at some point. There’s so much fucking office drama and 90% of it is actually engaging. And while there is A Lot of homoerotic subtext, there’s also a decent amount of homoerotic text. “I love you” and “you’re the most important person in my life” and “we’re sleeping together” and “will you marry me?” type homoerotic text.
^^ these quotes are all canon, and are between the Main Character and his best friend/mentor/life partner/the man who hired him when no one else would/the proposal is not a joke they get married in the season 5 finale.
I’m not kidding Boston Legal is like. THE best rep of a QPR I’ve even seen on television.
It’s also fun and goofy, has some great dialogue on living and aging and how people respond to terminal diagnoses, and a really interesting time capsule into early 2000’s American politics.
It also has NO CURRENT FANDOM! (other than me). And since Suits appears to be its closest cousin in television that does have fandom i’m very politely beseeching that some of you jump ship to one of the other deranged lawyer shows.
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This is Alan! Main character. Main lawyer guy. He’s funny and irreverent, does whatever he can to protect the disenfranchised and at one point he beats up a man for committing elder abuse.
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This is Denny! Denny Crane. He’s a named partner at the firm (Crane, Poole and Schmitt). He’s also Alan’s soulmate, and a republican which is so that the more liberal Alan can debate him, usually on The Issue Of The Episode. He also has early stage alzheimers, which develops over the course of the show. And yes, him and Alan are the most important relationship of the show. And they do get married in the finale. (Yes that’s William Shatner).
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This is Shirley!!! In Crane Poole and Schmitt, she’s Schmitt. She’s one of the most competent lawyers at the firm, and some of the best “women over 25 are hot and desirable” writing I’ve ever seen. (Most of the other main characters on the show are legitimately attracted to her, and it’s never treated as a joke. And she’s dated a lot of different men over her life and the narrative doesn’t slut shame her for it - the characters that occasionally do are always framed as In The Wrong.) she is very much The Voice of Reason to a lot of Alan and Denny’s antics.
There’s also a vibrant cast of partners, associates, assistants, clients, judges, exes, and cameos.
(Content Warning for This Was Written In 2004 And Some Things May Have Aged Poorly.)
Please dear god someone take the bait and watch this the cases are interesting the characters are funny I need the fandom to be more than Just Me.
Is there anything else I can add?
Alan tells the Supreme Court to go fuck itself in two seperate episodes. (There’s a lot of other stuff send me an ask if you want more Boston Legal is the best propaganda I fucking love this show)
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Happy viewing! (It’s on Disney+. Or wherever you get your shows.)
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ryuichirou · 15 days
Hi again! More short replies. The majority is related to our latest posts, but not all of them…
About Azul/Jamil comic from yesterday:
Anonymous asked:
"Long live the king or whatever..." *sounds of an octopus tumbling down a flight of stairs*
Awww poor octopus~  I wonder if Azul’s octopus form suffers too if his human form breaks a couple of limbs 😭
thestarlightfae asked:
Rip Azul. What did Jamil do to him to make him sulk?
F in the chat for our boy Azul
To answer your question: not sure! I’d say that he just refused him for 1000th time, but Azul is surprisingly good at handling rejection from Jamil (it’s his “sure sure, keep playing hard to get” mentality). But then again, maybe Jamil really was too harsh this time…
About Ruggie and leonut:
thestarlightfae asked:
Omg! Ruggie is adorable with his leonut!!!!!
Anonymous asked:
Thank you so much!! <3 I am very happy you like him.
Ruggie is such a rare guest in our blog, but he really is adorable and deserves nothing but good things.
About the Jade/Vil massage comic:
Anonymous asked:
JADEVIL?! truly blessed to live in a time where I can see JadeVil
HHEHE YES I can’t believe we haven’t posted anything proper with them yet and didn’t even have a tag for them… this is a good ship 💪
Anonymous asked:
OMG, Ryu, you gave me a heart attack as soon I saw Jadevil on your feed!! I'm so happy you guys ship, too 🫶🏼 I love it, thanks for the food 🙏🏻
Please enjoy your food, Anon! Thank you so much for liking it!! <3
Both of the tweels have interesting dynamics with Vil, both separately and together, so I’m happy to explore Jade and Vil together hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for the women. They have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
(related to stuff from our 🔑🔞 acc)
You are very welcome, Anon, and thank you so much for enjoying them!!! 😭 I feel a bit weird when I post nothing but girl smut for a long period of time, so it’s very encouraging and frankly amazing to see you getting feral over them lol
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, were any of your other drawings inspired by asks you received?
To be honest, I can’t remember anything major… But I am very bad at remembering my own drawings, so maybe it’s just my memory thing.
Sometimes I get carried away when I write a reply and start thinking “damn this sounds fun” and then months later end up drawing it, completely forgetting that it was a hc from a list or something like that…
But also sometimes I draw a new ship and start remembering how Anon asked about this ship ages ago and I replied “nah don’t ship them” or “nothing against it but we don’t care much” back then lol I think it happened with Ace/Riddle and Trey/Vil, for example.
Anonymous asked:
[shroudswap anon] of course it's fine with me, if anything i'm honored! i would love to hear any ideas you have on it!! :] one aspect of it that i think about: do you think ortho would receive a subtle sort of... disdain from STYX? because idia is this once-in-a-lifetime genius, and ortho is just... above average. so who knows what idia would've made and been capable of if he hadnt died, and this whole thing WAS orthos idea.... this subtle air of "it should've been you" to rub it in. thots?
I’m happy to hear that, Anon! <3 I’ll definitely come back to this idea again once I figure out how I want to draw it.
Also oof, good question. I feel like Ortho would definitely feel like this is how people feel about him, like they would be nice to him and all, but him being worse than Idia is such a huge elephant in the room that no one could realistically ignore. There could probably be some people in S.T.Y.X. who genuinely blame Ortho for what’s happened with their precious prodigy, but the overall consensus would probably be that this was an accident, Ortho was still very young, and that they shouldn’t blame him. This is partially because Ortho is seemingly everyone’s little sunshine, and people would probably feel bad for him.
But! Once again, Ortho would absolutely feel like they just don’t truthfully express how they really feel about him. To him it’s 100% objective truth: it should’ve been him, and everyone knows that even if they act like they don’t agree. He doesn’t have as much to offer as Idia did and he can’t achieve half of the things Idia could have…
The angst just keeps getting more and more potent huh
Anonymous asked:
politely hands you the idea of the tweels nonconing epel…i’m also curious if you think azul would ever join in on the twins…playing…with someone in any way
Anonymous asked:
tweel x epel anon, i hope i’m not coming across as requesting anything i just want to share the idea sharing is caring
No worries, Anon, it does feel like you’re sharing, and I appreciate you sharing~ ;3
Epel is a very good victim for such a scenario; even know he knows that he shouldn’t do it, somehow he ends up fucking around and finding out… so the tweels could definitely play with him.  He would be a delightful little toy~
But when it comes to Azul, I feel like he would only be present if the whole thing was his idea initially + he is very interested in the victim. Otherwise to him it’s just his rabid hounds terrorizing a piece of meat to keep themselves entertained. It’s mostly their own business I think 🤔
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case-of-traxits · 9 months
for the ask meme: Reeve
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but functionally gay. Because I write Reeve as being Cetra (I feel the need to link this every time I mention it because it's such a wild-ass take that any time I don't, I have confused people messaging me), he's basically extremely paranoid about sexual situations that could end in children. Especially since his mother is always trying to set him up on dates (and he's half-wondering if she's trying to arrange for him to produce more little part-Cetran babies) and the President is always setting him up on blind dates (I have a whole headcanon about this, but basically, Reeve's concerned that President knows).
So with him being so paranoid about it, he just... doesn't have sex with women. Ever. It's much safer that way.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man. Although, that said, I used to RP as girl!Reeve, and that was fun as hell.
A ship I have with said character: HAHAHAHAHA. All of them.
No, but seriously, there's very few people I haven't written/read/shipped Reeve with.
Reeve/Tseng? Delicious.
Reeve/Lazard? Omg, yes, please.
Reeve/Genesis? Don't mind if I do (ship of my soul, currently).
Reeve/Reno? Talk about fucking up my heart okay.
Reeve/Rude? They're wonderful together.
Reeve/Sephiroth? Yep. I could do that.
Reeve/Veld? I can get behind that.
Reeve/Vincent? Mm. So wonderful.
Reeve/Barret? I expect some angst in there, but that's delicious too.
Like, not all of these work with all of my HCs, but I am happy to jettison/rework HCs to make things happen.
A BROTP I have with said character: No matter what I'm doing, if Reeve and Tseng aren't an active couple, then they're best friends. I just. I love the two of them together, especially with all the potential angst between them with their secrets and everything. It's just wonderful.
A NOTP I have with said character: I think the closest thing I really have to a NOTP is probably Reeve/Hojo, but that's a holdover from an old RP partner who uh... we did some pretty dark stuff with that. Like, I can see it, but man, it is fucked up. Especially with my Reeve in particular.
A random headcanon: Hm... I've already talked about Reeve being a Cetra and Reeve being an Inspire... Here, since I went light on the ship descriptions this time, have a small handful of random headcanons instead:
I would say my biggest "obscure" headcanon is that Reeve lives in a 3,000 sq foot custom-built penthouse in Upper Eight.  And yes, I have a floorplan.  One day, I'll do some drawings of the rooms.
Reeve’s blood type is type O negative.
Reeve requires every single Urban Dev employee to wear a carbon bangle with Restore, Ice, and Lightning materia equipped.  They’re also required to annually attend a training known as “Materia Camp,” to ensure they’re comfortable with the basic use.  This is because Urban Dev employees are, statistically speaking, the most likely to be first-on-the-scene of any sort of emergency situation.
Reeve has three small tattoos along his spine.  They’re three Wutaian characters in a straight line, each character a few inches from the previous one, and from top to bottom, they read: Courage, Inspiration, and Resilience.  They’re the same characters his father wrote in the front of each of his sketchbooks.
General Opinion over said character: My babygirl. Look. Reeve is my angel and ... yeah, I'd say he is probably my favorite character in the game.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one jump or one leap Just quiet steps away from you lead I'm holding my heart out but clutching it, too Feeling this sort of a love that we once knew Calling this a home when it's not even close I'm playing the role with nerves left exposed
-- "Reasons Why," by Nickel Creek.
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reallyhardydraws · 1 year
hi !!!! i have been a huge fan of ur art for a long time, esp since i found it via x-men fanart, and it's what introduced me to evo which is now like one of my fave shows ever. i've always LOVED all your kurt/wanda stuff, but since i only rlly have access to the movies & tv shows, and wanda isn't even in the xmcu (💔), i've always wondered if they're involved in the comics or if it's just something you'd wanna see? obvs your earth-number-i-forgot au is yours, but the other stuff? i guess if ur willing i just wanna know what makes you like them so much, since everything you draw for them is so cute, and i don't get to see any of the source material!!
a lot of my interest in kurtwanda came from my old days of writing as kurt in the xmcu RP fandom here on tumblr :') i had some of my best times writing with my friend who wrote as wanda, we had loads of headcanons and just yeah haha. i think there's something about their visual contrast that's fun obvs the red and blue and then their similar sort of romani upbringings give them common ground, they're both sort of goth too lol.
but there IS also the cartoon wolverine & the x-men. they go on a date and wanda gives him a kiss, and i think this is all sort of a nod to the fact that kurt & wanda are married in the universe that gave us TJ wagner/nocturne
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and so yes they ARE in involved in the comics, but it's all entirely offscreen RIP!!! earth-2182 is their home universe - we only learn a little about their relationship via TJ, but she implies that her parents are a) married and b) very much in love:
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(click through to view these properly, please excuse the antiromani slur used in the 2nd screenshot) there is also like... one extra panel where we see old man kurt watching wanda saving people on TV and he's like 'atta girl that's my wife' but i can't find it and you're not missing much b/c for whatever reason they said 'this version of wanda is as hot as always but this kurt is decrepitly old, bald, rocking a white goatee, and has an eyepatch.' really a weird turn for our favourite elf.)
but yeah i would recommend the wolverine & the x-men scenes: they appear together in episode 10 - greetings from genosha and episode 15 - hunting grounds i think they may appear in other episodes but it's been a while since i've watched the series, these are the only 2 where they are both main characters and their storylines interact.
anyway tysm for asking! i'm glad u enjoy my drawings of them and tbh i miss them!!! need some more free time to be drawing my faves they're honestly a ship for the ages!!!❤️💙❤️💙
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stargazer0001 · 1 year
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(art from above is by @/sleepinginmute.)
Hello everyone! I’m Stargazer0001! But you can just call me Star :3
my pronouns are she/they/he/it/astro in no particular order. I like em all so use them interchangeably
I'm your local lil space critter, who has declared themself the CEO of the rainworld ship Stargazer (spearmaster x rivulet x nightcat)
I'm a silly littol spacegender fellar :3 How can I be lesbian and spacegender at the same time you ask? Fuck you thats how!/j Im also asexual so no NSFW please! This blog is meant to be at least a bit more kid friendly, even if there are more mature topics
I am also a furry so if you do not like them then please leave here
I am also questioning if I am a therian and fictionkin. I have done research on both and I am now taking them into consideration. Im not gonna label myself yet because I still might not be, but if anyone has helpful info on them then please do share :)
I have a secret draw box! if you wanna draw for me anonymously, you can go here to do it! I check every couple days.
Ask box: Open
Ship requests: closed. Uhhh i frogor to update this for a while so uh yeagh.
Ask me stuff: Always open unless the ask box is closed
Tell me silly things: Yes I want to talk to people!! Please give me silly asks i need them....
art requests: not open sorry :( artblock is blocking my art so
I wanna make my blog more organized now so I am going to start tagging stuff
#my art Art that is made by me
#Art request anytime my art requests are open I will tag it with this
#ask An ask that I have answered, this also applies to anon asks
#Star.TXT document this is for anytime I am just talking
#vent this if for anytime I just need to talk and vent about stuff
#lil starz art this is for my really old art, such as the ones near the beginning of my Tumblr journey
#Silly chat this is me and my mutuals little chats! Like if they send a lighthearted friend ask I will tag it with silly chat
I rarely block people but I still will on occasion. Please don't take any hard feelings if I do block you.
Basic DNI such as NSFW blogs, homophobes, transphobes, fatphobes, racists, antifurries and antitherians, and zionists
Cool moots who you should go check out if you like my blog:
@critter2: My IRL bestie that ive been with for a long time. We've been together through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The bestie ever :3
@cookieeevee: An amazing friend! The first person to ever really DM me on here and I'd like to say that we've grown to be good friends. We have amazing little chats and she's an amazing person! Their art is also so soft and squishable! Go check em out
@sleepinginmute: one of my first moots! Such an amazing and silly creature. Its art is amazing, and even though im unsure if it considers me a friend, I know that I do. I really do wish the best for it and I hope that it can be truly happy someday
@cumulusbrume: we dont interact very often anymore, but I still find him a great moot to this day
@athofear: I fun lil fello!! Always a fun time interacting with em. Their art is also superrr shaped and silly!! Always a treat to see them on my dash
@meowyncherry: we dont interact much but he gave me the kinitopet brainrot and their art is also super blorbo so :3
@suburbandrifts: once again, we dont interact very often but they seem very cool and silly/pos and their art is incredibly good! mm the colors are coloring/pos @weeeeblr:!!! The art ever actually!!! Idk how we're mutuals cause hes super cool actually. Great art, and his designs for basically everything is peak/srs
@bananacat76: the bestie does indeed make art!!! And said art is amazing!! Such a cool person and fren :3 their style is also incredibly interesting I need to study it under a microscope/aff
@keeper-of-magic:!!! Cool person alert!!! Their art is amazing and their worldbuiding skills are super awesome!!! I also gotta try and play DND with them sometime.... I have no idea how to but it seems fun, just like them!
@badgerfrost: the silly ever!!! Its art is very well colored and its basically eye candy at this point, and ever time we interact I KNOW its gonna be a goood time
@draagu: ohhhh the silly!!! We dont interact much but shes a super cool moot and idk how we're mutuals like. ??? awesome person with awesome art FOLLOWED ME????? Awesome
@dazzoot: we have interacted a total of like 1 time but cool mutual deserves an honorary tag
GO CHECK ALL OF THESE SILLY PPL OUT!!! THEY'RE AWESOME :333 (if I forgor anyone i am so sorry. Also if you want me to untag you just ask. I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy)
Talking to people spooks me
I have anxiety so please be patient with me, I usually overthink what I am going to say and then end up saying something either really stupid, kinda weird, or I just don't respond.
I am mentally a 5 year old so please inform me if I did something wrong, I usually wont notice or I will think its not an issue. Please be patient with me.
if you sat through all of that, congrats! You get rw gifs now :)
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zorilleerrant · 2 months
for the ask game 1 6 and 7 please!
1. the character everyone gets wrong
I mean, I'm all about old Batman, but I can see why people are doing all different kinds of mix and match with his personality. There are so many different canons to choose from. So while a lot of the time I go no he wouldn't! I still get where they're coming from. (I just ignore all the stuff where people claim he's an abusive dad and I'm good.) But that's true of a lot of characters! And usually I'm even more okay than with Batman, because I'm not so protective of them! So like... it's weird that I get really >:( about Harley Quinn.
The kinds of Harleys I'm willing to accept cover a broad range, but they've got to have a handful of really specific traits, or I just don't buy it. The most important is that she has to genuinely want, or have genuinely wanted in the past, to hurt people for fun, and think it's funny to attack people and destroy things. It's cool if she reforms! I like a good redemption arc! But if she was forced into those things, or tricked, or thought it was for the greater good somehow, I don't know, that's just not Harley to me.
Another thing is that (highly controversial) she and the Joker had to genuinely be in love, and she had to be the one pushing the relationship, especially the sexual aspects which Mr. J's just really not into, and only doing for her benefit. Toxic, yes, kind of an asshole, sure if you want, not aware of other people's feelings, absolutely, but intentionally abusive, no, that undercuts their whole villain dynamic. He has to be a good mentor or she's not a real sidekick, and she has to be a real sidekick or her arc makes no sense. They're mirrors to Batman and Robin, and so they have to have the trust, devotion, caring, and intimacy that Batman and Robin have. It's great if she gets mad at him after! But there have to be lots of good parts in there with the bad, not just Ivy covering for him or whatever.
People also have a tendency to write her dumb. And that's probably wrapped up in a whole bunch of structural bigotry and related narrative conventions, but we should remember that she was already a practicing doctor and a trained acrobat by the time she started her supervillain career. Three careers already! Ones that take a lot of study! She was an expert in not only medicine (multiple kinds, if people's inability to keep track of her degrees is any indication), kinesiology, aerodynamics, etc. but she also became an expert in explosives and various kinds of chemistry, as well as expanding her understanding of biology to create e.g. Joker Fish. She's a mastermind! She's either running the plans or letting Mr. J take point so that there's more give and take in their relationship, and neither of them keep talking over each other. She's just, you know, one of those high int low wis characters.
Because will Harley say dumbassery? You bet she will. She does not believe in reindeer. She will say 'no one could live underwater' to Aquaman's face, and then if someone repeats it back to her later, she'll say 'that's dumb, what about Aquaman?' She's thought to herself that she could bake cookies way faster if she just blasted them with a flame rifle, and then tried it, and then tried it again three months later. She'll correct your entire complicated math equation and only at the end ask what the completely imaginary element you made up is, and what does it look like, what does it even do? And also she thinks hyenas are good pets, like, generally.
She needs to love hyenas soooooo much.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
TimKon hands down. They're SO mean to TimBer, even though they could just... not look at those fics and drawings and stuff. I mean it's a much smaller ship, canon or not! We're exactly competing with them. And the ones who do like TimBer are constantly trying to convert you to the other one being like 'oh you can ship them all together! you can ship both!' and like. I do not want to ship them all together. I do not want to ship both. I just want to have my one ship and not have other people constantly try to make it about the other ship. The TimSteph shippers aren't doing this to me!
However, I think if you're an actual professional in the comics world, it's probably DamiJon, because they legit go on social media and threaten people about their ship, so.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Two Face, I think. People want to flatten his personality so much, and then they only read him in relation to another character, and it's all about how he's Bruce's bf or Jason's dad or whatever, and it just... he's such a complex character and there's so much good canon about him and everyone wants to just be like 'let's kill the bad alter and then he'll just be nice Harvey again!' and like... leave Twoey alone, he's just doing his best in a world that's dangerous to both of them. So now whenever he appears I roll my eyes and I'm like, great, this is going to start a whole thing isn't it.
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
Hiya! For the writers truth & dare ask game, I'd love to know about..
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I'm btw planning on reading more Righting Reflex in the evening, I just really need to get at least one and a half more tasks done today for my portfolio. Sending you much love 💚🦎
Thank you, love!! This is way too long, so I will put it under a 'read more'
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
Maybe a 3? Like, I don't hate it but I'm not too fond of it either. I enjoy reading what I have written more often than not and I like putting [GERMAN WORD] or [TBD - WRITE SMTH ABOUT XY] ever so often while writing, but I don't enjoy changing the story afterwards much. I rarely change big things, usually only a scene or two and a few expressions. That said, I have to read every scene like 15 times before posting to scour for errors - and I am certain I am missing so many anyway.
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay, let's go with fugitive Doctor/River. (Did you expect this by any chance? ;) )
You know this bit:
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[ID: two gifs from The Husbands of River Song of River saying "Do you know who you remind me of? My second wife!". end ID]
People have been speculating that she is talking about 13, which I get, definitely. But I want to argue that it is the superior interpretation that she would be talking about the fugitive Doctor (or another incarnation the Doctor has forgotten about but where would be the fun in that?). For the following reasons:
Vibes. This is the important point. River says 12 reminds her of the wife, so they have to be alike-ish. And I feel like 12 and the fugitive Doctor have a certain similarity in their demeanour. I think a big thing is how they hold themselves upright, actually, but also the whole Danny calling 12 an officer when the fugitive Doctor actually is one. Also the underlying kindness both of them possess and the end-life-crisis. They both lose all of their companions (Clara, Bill and Nardole vs Karvanista, Gat and Lee - one lives on but they can never see them again/forget about them, the other two die (or that's what they believe at least) and it is their fault) and I would argue they both are thinking about not regenerating this time. (I reckon the fugitive Doctor does not have a choice though.)
Loss. See the last point. The Doctor loses everything in fotj. Give her her wife, at least, please. Let River bring her some love and companionship <3 13 loses a lot as well but she's got Yaz. Which also leads us to:
Thasmin. Like, you know, if River had been tangibly in the 13th Doctor's life in any way, thasmin would have kissed. 100%. They didn't, so River didn't marry 13, simple as that.
Timelines. River does not know about more faces of the Doctor and well, 13 is older than 12. Of course, she could lie to her and yes, River gets married a little carelessly, so she might have married some John Smith!13. But if she met the fugitive Doctor - who seems very different from the timelord she knows and has no recollection of the Doctor's life, it would be easy for her to draw the conclusion that the Doctor is just some other person going by that name. And the fugitive Doctor would forget about her, of course. There's also a good possibility, River isn't actually married to the Doctor but to Ruth.
Time, Doctor's side. Honestly, 13 just doesn't have enough time to get married to River. Am I still hoping we will get those two on screen (or audio) together? Of course! But 13 is kinda busy, most of the time we either see her with the fam (who don't know River, see lotsd) or very occupied with stuff (like apocalypses or prison).
So, yeah, headcanon: The fugitive Doctor is River's second wife.
(The first is Cleopatra, right? Like Idk if there is canon confirmation but it feels true.)
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
Okay, when I read this question, I thought I wouldn't have any idea. But I have. Several. Lets start. Fics I would will into existence if I could:
Full-length Little VVomen.
I know we won't get the movie, but I'll gladly take it as a novel fic. Just for an explanation: Little VVomen is a parody trailer for a crossover of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and the horror movie VVitch (I assume, I don't actually know VVitch). And it is glorious. Just -
- If it's about a girl, make sure she's married by the end. - Does it have to be to a man?
lives in my head rent free. I want a full story of Jo March saying gay rights, writing spells and sacrificing innocent men, pretty please <3 And I really, really want to know what's up with the Sean!devil.
This is the trailer btw:
Anyone write this please? (If I could choose, I'd ask Sean and Sinead who wrote the trailer, but I fear, I am already stretching the definition of fic here and using the authors of the og trailer probably defeats the purpose of this question.)
2. Strax fairytale!! written by you :)
Strax as a fairytale protagonist is SUCH an inspired idea and I am hoping very much that you will get round to it some day. But I can't really tell you anything about that that you don't know better yourself.
Or, maybe, I can: I have become kinda enarmoured with the 'Strax as the faithful Johannes' idea, I have always adored that tale, mainly for the tragedy and extremely strong friendship theme. Like, it is so clear that the king's most important relationship is his friendship to his servant. The princess is lovely but they barely know each other, yet. And I think there is SO much potential to improve the abduction scene and the ending. So, yeah, I have been turning that around in my head a bit.
But no matter which tale you will pick, if you ever write a fic for him, I am sure I will absolutely love it!
(also, like, I could mention any of the fairytale ideas you have told me about, here)
3. Heather is an integral part of s10 by @marvellouspinecone
You remember that genius powerpoint Pine made, I assume? Wouldn't it be spectacular if someone wrote that as a fic for me to read? I would choose Pine as the author because she understands the vision best, of course. But, like, I am so grateful already that the powerpoint exists for me to read and dream about :)
(Hi, Pine, not sure you want to read the whole post, but you might see the tag. This is not a request, please don't understand it as such, because that would be incredibly impudent on my part. This is just fancy ideas of mine and a praise to your vision <3)
4. Tenteen is played by Jo Martin by DiscipleOfBrad
So, I actually enjoyed the 60th anniversary (at least wild blue yonder, that much very much had a premise of my type of dw ep) but I still believe we could have done better than bringing back dt for the umpteenth time. (Listen, he is lovely, don't get me wrong, and I liked '14' too, but just - )
I have written a post about why I think making the fugitive Doctor's face return would have been a more interesting choice and I would still love to read it as a fic.
I don't really care whether it would be a simple retelling of the three eps with her instead of tenteen or a completely different tale. I WOULD like to see Donna though (because can you imagine?? Also that scene where Donna just acts like she knows the Doctor all of a sudden? When the Doctor doesn't even really know herself but feels like she should?) and if we could spring for some Karvanista on top, that'd be ace <3
I would give this one to DiscipleOfBrad because I trust them to write a convincing fugitive Doctor. I really enjoyed her in The Cul-de-Sac (which btw I can highly recommend if you'd like some soft thasmin and an intriguing premise. There is a heavy side of whouffaldi, though, I'm not sure whether that is your thing?).
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
I feel like it always helps me to get myself into a 'I can't do anything else now anyway' situation? That's why trainrides are so good for writing. I just need to be in a situation where I can't take care of more pressing matters, so it won't feel overwhelming if I don't take care of them?
Like, I will rather scroll tumblr than work on my thesis but I won't write. But if I am away from wifi, I might not be able to work on the thesis anyway, so I will easier find the peace of mind (and hence energy and creativity) to write?
Idk maybe that's just me. Maybe it's not working at all either. Honestly, I don't quite know where energy, creativity or motivation to write come from. They just knock and then they're there.
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Well, obviously, I adore long comments, who doesn't? But just saying 'long' feels both greedy and like cheating, so let's talk content.
I think, what excites me most in a comment is when I can sense the enthousiasm? It doesn't necessarily have to be for the content of my fic, I had someone write 'YOU MADE A CROSSOVER FOR THESE TWO FANDOMS?? THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE!!" and it made me smile for a day. Just, I write those things because I love the characters and themes and if someone shows that they share this passion? That's community, that's what we're searching for, isn't it?
But also I got a comment today that was just a bunch of predictions about the next chapter of my current fic and that felt amazing! Generally, when people notice things or I feel they have been paying attention, that is SO GOOD. That's probably also why we love long comments. I mean, generally, every second you spend reading the comment is gold, so the longer the comment the more seconds there are, but also a long comment will usually go into detail. Make predictions. Notice things. Talk about how they perceive the characters and why something made sense/surprised them. Quote your fic back to you. And like, all of that is so much fun. It's like reading your story again, remembering why you wrote it. It's the best feeling in the world.
I very dearly love comments.
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I don't 😭 The place where I live doesn't allow pets and besides, I am away a lot and not planning on staying in this town much longer anyway. So, yeah, it'd be difficult to have a pet. I really, really want to though. Preferably a cat but I'd be so happy with a dog as well. Or a turtle? Or bunny? Or a lizard? I think you could make me happy with almost any mammal and many types of reptiles <3 (not much into insects or fish though. And I feel weird about birds in cages.)
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 years
Grieving please! Sounds angsty so I’m instantly interested
WELL- You see. It is angsty, my sadeek (arabic for friend), BUT. Idk if i still wanna write it or not. So why dont i just post everything here? (Also, tysm so much for the ask, i dont have a mirror rn but im blushing, thank you)
Everyone in this family (except Damian) have lost their parents. So write about each of them going to the graves of their parents and describing what they’ve done with the family and how everyone is behaving. 
Bruce talks to Martha and Thomas Wayne.
Dick talks to John and Mary Grayson.
Jason talks to Willis Todd and Catherine Todd (also Sheila Haywood)
Tim talks to Jack and Janet Drake.
Cass talks to David Cain and Lady Shiva (idk if they’re dead or alive, but if they’re alive then she can just be sending a message to them while at her ballet recital or something. And she sees the Waynes in the front row, some with tears, some with not, but all of them with admiration and she smiles, knowing that they feel more family and home than her parents.)
Damian doesn’t talk to Bruce and Talia. He gets an assignment from school to write about his family in an English essay. He scoffs saying that this is child’s work. Jon reminds him that he is a child and suggests he just act as if he’s writing a diary then submit it since that’s what he does. So Damian, at night, writes about how annoying everyone is. Then he hovers and adds a ‘But…’ After that, he writes about Dick and the things he taught him and the times they spent together, he writes about Jason and how they bond and make fun of people and the different ways they can die and how Jason tells him stories about his time as a street kid cuz he knows that Damian secretly loves hearing them, he writes about Tim and how annoying he is, but that he sometimes sticks up for Damian. He pretends he isn’t doing any favors, but Damian once heard him confronting one of the bullies’ in his class and their parents about how he can completely wreck their business and send them shipped off to Madagascar. He writes about how Tim always defends him and blocks bullets and knives from hitting his back (he writes it like a metaphor, but little does the teacher know…) and how he got his brothers to come to dinner more often after he saw him eating alone. He knows it was Tim cuz everyone except him was sending secret glances at him the whole dinner. He writes about how he and Cass playfully fight and spend time together drawing and how she sometimes teaches some of her ballet moves. He writes about Bruce and how he thinks he failed as a father, but the fact that he’s alive and functioning, especially as someone like him (a vigilante) deserves more credit than given. He writes about Alfred and how he feels like he’s his real grandfather. 
Finally, it’s Alfred. This part is really short. But he’s in the kitchen, pretending to prepare the roasted chicken, but secretly listening to the dinner bickering. He smiles, glad that he stayed in this family. 
Ik ur not in the fandom, but im not sure if u know the characters, but i hope u get at least the gist of it. I legit ranted about this (as all of my fics start), but then later when i came back i was like "hmmm, eh, idk" so. Ye.
Thanks again for the ask, amigo.
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windandheartbeat · 5 months
Hello there!!
You've reached AXYER's SFW "weird stuff" blog. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here's my SFW vore and SFW tickling account! Obviously, you can block this account should you desire to and wholly dismiss that you ever saw this account, that's totally fine! I wouldn't even judge you!
HOWEVER, I do humbly request you don't post me anywhere or laugh at me with your friends on a voice-call! I know it probably seems really fun, but it really, really hurts! I promise you there's better things to laugh at, I'm not trying to hurt anyone and I'm just doing this for comfort! We can be friends, even if we don't agree on everything, alright?
Now, DNIs are famous for literally not working whatsoever in most cases, but I'm going to try anyway, just so if you're blocked you know why:
-Racist, homophobic, transphobic (including believing there's only two genders/TERFs), radfems, radqueers, "MAP"/"NOMAP", ableist, sanist, sexist, conservative/alt-right/Republican
-Religious extremist (NOT just Christians or Muslims)
-Zionists 🇵🇸
-If you love arguing with people/brag about how you "take no shit" and love hurting people/committing crimes
-Obviously, if you think being "cringy" and being "bad" are the same thing!
-If you think talking shit about people is a likeable personality trait (sorry I hate these people so much)
-Com-shippers, ESPECIALLY if you ship characters with abusive dynamics (I had to resist saying so many mean things but I will refrain, I will refrain…)
-If you're a fan/kin/identify as/with WHATSOEVER anyone/anything from a certain webcomic where a white stick figure with a tie is tormented by a black stick figure with bat wings + red tendrils (I am extremely uncomfortable with anyone who applies to this. DNI. I mean it, please.)
-If you're unable to agree to disagree/accept differing opinions
Otherwise, here's a bit about myself!
Hi!! I'm an aspiring child psychologist from Long Island! I love to write, draw, maladaptive daydream horrifically (/hj) and walk!! A LOT!! I LOVE WALKING!!
I'm also a Heart (C/C/C/C) fictionkin!! Technically also a G/r/i/m/m/c/h/i/l/d and stick figure fictionkin, but those are less important!!
I promise you that I do not bite and unless your ask scares me I will respond as kindly as I possibly can!! And if it does scare me, dw! I probably just won't respond, but feel free to clarify! I LOVE clarification!!
I am ABSOLUTELY willing to make friends!! Let's be little /pos freaks together!! <3333
My taste in vore/tickling depends on the current hyperfixation, but Soul is a pred/ler whilst Heart (me yk yk me) is a prey/lee!! Sometimes I throw in Mid as a switch for both 👀
My preferences in vore are:
-No fluids! Everything is cushiony but dry, saliva actually REALLY icks me out!!
-Food and prey go in different areas!!
-I most like same-size + half-size but I'm A-ok with G/T!! HOWEVER I always prefer the bigger one to be the pred!!
-I like only a small belly, enough that the people around them go "hey, have you gained weight recently?" but no more than that!! Less than that's good too!!
-Fearplay is my FAVORITE!! No foodplay tho!!
-I prefer humanoids (not humans) but anthros and taurs work too!!
-I'm uncomfy with children being involved as well as animals but siblings is cool with me simply because I like to imagine it similar to how bickering siblings will do crazy things to piss one another off!!
-Vore used as timeout is EXCELLENT and probably my fav trope!!
Tickling preferences!!
-No tongue!! Again I don't like saliva!!
-I really like it when they're held down!!
-Cuddling afterwards when they're all sleepy mhm mhm yessssssss
-When the belly and sides are the most ticklish 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
-Ticking with MORE than two arms YESSSSSS MHM MHM MHM MHM MHM
-Tickling as revenge :)))))))))
#vore moment - Vore stuff!!
#tickle moment - Tickle stuff!!
#*receives food* - Reblog!!
#hearb spelling bee (vore) - Vore fic!!
#hearb spelling bee (tickle) - Tickle fic!!
#fellow freaks slash pos - Friend reblogs + discussion!!
#sad times - Angsty stuff!!
#owa goodness!! - Happy/fluffy stuff!!
#the blues and greens - Fav posts!!
#realising through glazed eyes - ALL TIME fav posts!!
What I censor:
#cw profanity - Post has curse words!!
#cw all caps - Post has all capital letters stuff in it!! (Might forget I apologize!!)
#tw digestion - Post has digestion!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide - Post has suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide attempt - Post has a failed suicide attempt!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw panic attack - Post contains a panic attack! (Would only be used in fictional content) (well, hopefully!)
#tw s/h - Post contains self-harm!! (Would only be used in fictional content) (will also be tagged as #tw self harm + #tw self-harm!!)
#tw homicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of homicide/murder! (Would only be used in fictional content)
I think that's all… anyways, have fun here!!
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69misato69 · 2 years
A Severe Lack of Father Figures? (Diluc x Childe) ✦ 800 words, smut and crack
archive of our own ✦ twitter
masterlist pinned on my profile !
crack idea we came up with on discord at 4 in the morning kae and childe are close friends with a doctorate in pranking diluc, diluc and kaeya are siblings, childe and diluc are boyfriends. please dont bring weird ass ship discourse on here, this is the most unserious thing i have ever written + i love chiluc you do you !! enjoy !!
cw: smut in the beginning, mention of a daddy kink that goes HORRIBLY wrong in a very funny way
Top Diluc x Bottom Childe
writer's note: explicit +18 content, please view at your own risk. thank you, have fun !
Diluc brushes the sweaty ginger strands away from Childe's face, panting and grunting while he thrusts in and out with harsh, merciless movements.
Childe lays under him, he clings onto Diluc with his arms and legs like a koala and melts away everytime the redhead pushes into his prostate. 
Diluc notices him tremble and grind up, attempting to get more friction with needy moans.
“Faster?” he groans, feeling himself drawing near as much as Childe does. 
But what Diluc hears next makes him freeze in bewilderment.
Childe’s back arches as he moans, consumed by lust, “Hah—yes. Please, Daddy.”
Diluc stops moving, glaring down at Childe in utter shock.
“What the fuck did you just call me?” 
His red locks cage their faces like a curtain pulled over. 
Childe whines at the loss of movement, “I said uhh—Please, Diluc.”
“No you didn’t.” 
Diluc's brows furrow, after getting over the initial shock and picking his jaw off the floor, he pulls out entirely and stands up beside the bed, searching for the clothes that Childe almost ripped off of his body a while ago. 
“Put your clothes back on and meet me in the living room.” he heads for the door, leaving Childe sweaty and painfully hard with reddened cheeks on the mattress.
"What?" he gasps.
Diluc seems firm and unyielding, he puts on his shirt and shakily pulls up his boxers, "Did I stutter?" he scoffs with his back turned, leaving the bedroom. 
Childe lowers his legs to the bed, pushing them together as he can't help but moan at how his sensitive tip gets squeezed between them, “Hey! Come on, I was so close.” 
“You should’ve thought of that before calling me daddy.” 
Childe chuckles, “Sounds funny when you say it.”
It does. It sounds hilarious and out of place, a word that Diluc would never utter under normal circumstances. 
“Am I laughing?” he turns around with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Well you surely do sound like a dad now." 
Childe looks adorable, yet daring. Diluc hates leaving him like this as well, tempted to slither inside the bed and finish what he started, especially with the way Childe cheekily eyes him up and down. 
On the other hand, he also knows that Childe is like a puppy. He goes after whatever it is that he finds entertaining. Due to his playful and experimental nature, Diluc has also discovered a lot more about himself over the years. 
Most of the sick and twisted things he now enjoys have started out as jokes between them, but this one was too much. 
Diluc was planning to marry him one day, maybe even adopt kids and buy a big house for their family. And if that day ever comes, their children should be the only people that call Diluc, well…that. 
So he has to disregard how the word made his heart skip a beat. 
“Ajax.” he says firmly. 
Childe pouts and sits on the edge of the bed, admitting defeat, “Okay, okay fine.” 
Diluc disappears into the corridor and Childe dresses himself, holding back a laugh and eventually wiping it off his face before stepping in the living room. 
He settles over the couch as Diluc sits across on the armchair. His elbows rest on the arms of it with fingers intertwined below his chin.
They sit in silence, until Diluc parts it with a serious tone.
“What would your father think if he knew you were calling your boyfriend daddy, Ajax?”
Childe ruffles the back of his hair with a giggle, “Well his first problem would be the ‘boyfriend’ part if I’m being honest.” 
Diluc rubs his temples. 
Childe leans forward, eyes darkening slightly with a teasing smirk.
"But… you turned red all over. Was it anger or embarrassment, Diluc?" 
Diluc feels his cheeks heat up again, at the worst possible time.
"Oh my god, you like it!" 
"I don't." Diluc stands up, sinking into a state of rage and confusion while even his ears match the color of his hair.
“Think about what you’ve done, reflect upon your actions and then you can come inside.” he points his finger at the ginger.
“Oh, I sure will.” 
Diluc already regrets using the word come in a sentence. He shoots Childe a deathly glare, causing the sly grin on his face to replace itself with an apologetic look. 
“I sure will—think about what I have done and reflect upon my actions.” 
At least he sticks the landing. Diluc hums, when he’s out of range, Childe reaches for the phone on the coffee table. 
lmk how it goes
Received at 03:31 p.m.
he hates it lmao
Sent at 06:09 p.m.
good lol
he asked me what my dad would think of me calling my bf daddy
did he give you a couch speech
yea he always does it for the dumbest shit lmfao
k i gotta reflect upon my actions now catch u later kae
10 notes · View notes
Yuu can do it!
Part 25
Listen. Was it funny that Deuce didn’t know the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs? Yes. Was it also concerning? Yes. Things, like people, can be multifaceted.
However. Kuroki and Enma were both most interested in one thing: avoiding Ito’s ire.
It wasn’t serious, not really, but that didn’t stop them from being wary. Imagine your mom (or dad, or perhaps your favorite teacher if neither of those apply), now imagine them being ticked off at you. You know they won’t do anything, probably, but man does it suck to be glared at.
Why were they so pissed off? After all, all they had done was educate their dear friend. Ignore the fact that, upon realizing that they had made a mistake in telling Deuce the truth and shattering his worldview, they had both immediately put Ito on ‘comforting someone who had been lied to for their entire lives’ duty. Just ignore it. Ito was being irrational.
When their footsteps finally approached, Ace tipped his head back and gave a sound that was a strange combination of a sigh of relief and a groan. “Sevens, you guys took forev –... errrrrr?”
His eyes landed on Deuce, and he made a face that screamed of pure confusion. He looked at the Yuus for an explanation, but they could give him none. For even they weren’t completely sure why this had broken Deuce’s mind like it had. They were just dealing with the consequences.
Or, at least, Ito was.
Kuroki, Enma, and Grim immediately abandoned ship.
“Trey-senpai, can we help with anything?” Kuroki said, almost pleading.
Trey hesitantly raised a hand as if to point at Deuce, who was staring at the bags in Enma’s hands with an expression of pure, unadulterated grief.
Grim clapped his paws together, loud and sudden enough to make Trey jolt and draw his hand back toward himself. “C’monc’monc’mon! The food won’t make itself, y’know!”
If Kuroki didn’t know any better, he’d say Grim was just a good actor. Instead, he would guess that Grim had just decided to kill two birds with one stone.
Do monsters eat birds? That would make the saying even more apt. Kuroki was deciding that they did.
Regardless, the rest of the baking process was pretty easy (long, but easy) and went off without a hitch. If you ignored Ito taking Deuce into a corner so he could cry into a juice box. He did not seem to understand that the juice box did not cover his face while he drank like a cup might, but it was fine because everyone was pointedly pretending they couldn’t see him anyways.
Ace slumped against the table. “Ugh. Done,” he said, glaring halfheartedly at the tart. It was nice, and the tower of lightly-toasted cream atop it made it a fun thing to look at, but making it had been boring for everyone except for Trey, as it wasn’t really an activity they could do as a group. They had basically been waiting around, doing nothing, for about an hour now.
“Done,” Deuce parroted, though his mind was clearly somewhere else.
Ace gave the boy one more, long look, before turning to look at the Yuus. “Seriously, guys, what happened –?”
“Hey everyone!” Cater cut in, swinging around the doorframe with a brilliant smile. His eyes landed on the tart and he gave a little gasp. “Oh, are you guys done already? You totally should be. Those decorations look so cute!”
Kuroki sputtered. Not because he was scared (though he had jumped a little at the redhead’s sudden appearance), for once, but instead in indignation. “How long have you been waiting outside for us to say we were done?”
“Hi, senpai!” said Enma, waving politely.
“Nice to see you again, Enma-chan,” Cater greeted, waving.
Kuroki raised his hands in mild frustration when he realized he was being ignored. The people feared him because he spoke the truth. What a bummer.
Enma also seemed less than pleased, if the way his eye twitched at the -chan honorific meant anything, but he didn’t say a word in protest.
“You’re always so nice to our senpais,” Ito huffed, dragging a slouching Deuce over by the wrist. “But never to us.”
Enma stepped on their foot.
Ito grinned despite the fact that they were now hopping on one foot. “Proving my point.”
“I never disagreed, did I?”
“Guuuuys,” Ace complained. “Stop bantering so we can all dogpile on Cater, because he only came now that the tart is finished, if you’ve forgotten.”
Cater looked like he was very much trying to suppress a smile. “I just wanted to see my cute little underclassmen. You guys look beat, though.”
“Motherfucker –!”
Ace made a move as if to try and tackle Cater, only to be caught by Enma.
He lifted Ace from the ground and the boy immediately slumped like a disgruntled cat.
“Do I even weigh anything to you?”
Enma shrugged.
Ace scowled. “Let me down.”
“You’re just mad you didn’t come up with it first,” Enma pointed out.
“He looks more energetic now,” Cater commented.
“Oh, I’m going to kill you,” Ace promised.
“Bold thing to say when you can’t even get out of Enma’s arms,” Ito said without looking up from where they and Trey were cutting the extra tart they had made into equal pieces. To be fair, if they looked up they would risk the cut being uneven, and god knows that wouldn’t go over well with this group.
“You wouldn’t be able to, either!”
“Well, I’m not trying to kill people.” They plated a slice and held it up. “Does anyone want –?”
The plate dematerialized. A weight settled itself on one of Kuroki’s shoulder, and something cold was placed atop his head. Great. He was both seat and table for a tiny monster.
Ito looked at their now-empty hand for a moment before rolling their eyes. “Right, anyone else?”
Every hand shot into the air instantly.
Deuce got the next slice. Damn him and his mental break down giving him special privileges.
But whatever, everyone got a slice soon enough, and holy fuck was it good. So good, in fact, that it pulled Deuce out of his funk instantly.
“This is insane. How are you so good at this?”
“Trey-kun’s family owns a bakery back in the Queendom,” Cater said, smiling around his phone. He had yet to take a single bite, too busy snapping picture after picture of his meal. Ah, the life of an influencer. Truly, it must be terrible. Doomed to endure cold food for the rest of time.
“Where is it?” Ace asked around a mouthful of food, like a heathen. “I might drop by sometime.”
“... for the tart?” Trey asked warily.
Ace did not answer.
“Can we go for the tart?” Asked Grim, giving Kuroki a pleading look. “If this is just one tart, we have to try everything.”
Kuroki hesitated.
Enma’s eyes lit up. “Oh, we should definitely go to the Queendom over winter break. For the tarts.”
Kuroki scoffed. “Why are you lying? No one believes you.”
“I’ll have you know that this is very tasty,” Enma sniffed.
“Note how he didn’t say that he wasn’t lying,” Ito ‘whispered’ conspiratorially.
Cater grinned, finally setting down his phone to take a bite, only to grimace. “Ah. It’s… cold,” he said. He looked down at his plate for a long minute, contemplating, and then he lit up once again, his gaze turning onto Trey. “Ohohoh, Trey-kun, do the thing!”
Trey gave a sigh, his lips quicking upwards at the corner in the beginnings of a fond smile, and then pulled out his wand. “Fine, fine.”
“The thing?” Enma repeated.
Trey smiled and decidedly did not answer: “I guess it wouldn’t be fair to just do it for Cater. Can everyone tell me their favorite foods?”
There was an exchange of confused looks.
“Cherry pie,” Ace said, slowly.
“Canned tuna!” Grim said instantly, and then he hummed thoughtfully. “Actually, maybe, cheese omelets. No, wait, grilled meat! Or is it pudding…?”
“Coke,” Ito cut Grim off before he could list every food to exist.
Deuce shrugged. “Omurice, I guess?”
Enma tipped his head back thoughtfully. “Orange-flavored gum.”
(“Isn’t that just orange-flavored anything?” Kuroki mumbled. Enma retaliated by punching him in the arm.)
“Grilled lamb with diavolo sauce.”
Ito’s head perked up just slightly. They narrowed their eyes at Cater, but only got a confused expression in return.
But Kuroki’s attention was pulled away when he realized that everyone else was looking at him expectedly. “Uh – I – chicken tenders?” He said, mildly panicked.
“Ah, you’re one of those people,” Ace said with clear distaste.
Kuroki flipped him off.
Enma nodded his agreement, solemnly. “Shameful, right?”
Thank god Kuroki had two hands.
But then Trey pointed his wand at all of their half-eaten tarts, mumbled “Painting the Roses,” and their food was showered in white light. Never what you want to see.
Or maybe it was. Cater lit up almost as much as the wand had, and immediately dug in.
Everyone else stared at him, trying to get anything out of his expression, but he just waved for them all to eat as well.
Which they did, however hesitantly.
It became readily apparent why Trey had asked for their favorite foods.
“This is Mont Blanc,” Ace said. “But it tastes exactly like cherry pie. This is so cool!”
“Weird,” Kuroki mumbled, his teeth clicking forcefully with every bite, his mouth not quite getting that this only tasted like chicken.
Ito must have been struggling, too, because they were chewing slowly, their eyes on their plate, lost in thought.
Enma, in contrast, was almost completely uninterested in the tart itself. “You can do illusion magic?!”
“Fun, right?” said Cater.
Trey chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s not that cool…”
“Shut up!” said Grim, unfortunately not taking the time to swallow between sentences, unable to fathom not eating the delicacy in front of him for even the few seconds it would take to praise Trey. “The flavor changes with every bite. Do you know what I would do with this kind of power?! This is everything I could have ever dreamed of and more!”
Grim’s fork clinked and the monster was horrified to find he was out of food. But then his eyes, gleaming hungrily (literally), found their way to everyone else’s plates. Everyone immediately went into the classic prison stance, their arms guarding their food against the terrible monster who was set on stealing it.
Except for Kuroki, who offered up his food to the monster without hesitation. It was a cool power, don’t get him wrong, but he couldn’t quite get used to eating a tart and instead tasting something else. It put him off.
(Also, he wasn’t that into chicken tenders.)
Forks clinked against plates as everyone finished their food, and Deuce was the first one to speak, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. “So, is that your Unique Magic, Trey?”
He nodded obligingly. “My UM is a little more general than that, it’s not just for food. I can overwrite taste, smell, colors…”
“Overpowered,” Kuroki mumbled.
Trey snickered. “Not really. It only lasts for a little while, really. Like painting the roses – the paint washes off after a rain. That’s why I named it that.”
“Still overpowered,” Kuroki shrugged. “I mean, you could tell the perfect lie. Honestly, that might even be better than Rosehearts-senpai’s unique magic.”
Trey shook his head, the tiny smile that had been on his face dissipating instantly. “No, mine is nothing compared to Riddle’s.”
A strange chill washed over the room.
But then Trey pulled his smile right back into place. “Okay, well, it’s probably getting late…” he pulled out his phone to check the time, and shook his head. “Way too late. Riddle has a strict bedtime that he adheres to, there’s no way you’ll be able to get him in a good mood even if you do happen to catch him to give him the tart. How about you do it tomorrow? The Unbirthday Party is tomorrow, anyways, so it’s pretty much the perfect time to give him a dessert.”
Cater gasped and turned to the Yuus. “Oh, you guys should totally come too. I’ll make you, like, little formal outfits – it’ll be so fun.”
“Free food!” Grim cheered. And that was that.
Ace turned to Kuroki. “Hey, am I still allowed to stay at your dorm? I don’t think that these assholes are going to let me back into Heartslabyul.”
“Ace, stop begging them for things,” Deuce groaned. “It’s impolite. At least say please.”
“And pay us ten cans of tuna!” Grim said.
Kuroki, ever the businessman, recognized that this could only be good for them when it came to paying for Grim’s unfortunate tuna addiction and nodded firmly.
Ace scoffed. “Are you serious? What, do all of you just want me to sleep outside or something?”
“It’d be funny,” Enma said, nodding seriously. “You look like the type to pick a fight with a raccoon and then lose.”
Everyone else in the room agreed instantly. Truly, that was the vibe the redhead gave off.
Trey smiled, holding up his hands placatingly before Ace could try and kill Enma for the slight. “How about this: I’ll tell Riddle to let Deuce stay with you guys. That way, he can watch over Ace.”
Ito raised an eyebrow. “I thought Rosehearts wo – senpai – wouldn’t be awake.”
“I’ll tell him in the morning. When he wakes up and notices that Deuce isn’t there to mess up his spade a hundred times.”
Deuce looked offended. Which was understandable. That had been completely unprovoked.
Cater groaned. “I don’t wanna be there when he blows up over that. Hey, Trey, can you cover for me, too?”
Cater groaned and leaned heavily against Ito, bringing his hand to his forehead like a poor orphan waif that was about to faint from the plague. “The world hates me.”
Ito nodded along absently, patting the top of Cater’s hair comfortingly.
“Sorry about forcing these two onto you,” Trey said, giving them all a faint smile. “It’ll just be until tomorrow, though.”
“It won’t be any problem,” Enma said. You know, like a liar.
Deuce smiled as Trey passed him a duffel bag’s worth of supplies for the night.
“I’ve got everything you should need. Clothes, your charger, a suit for the party tomorrow, your toothbrushes, a hair brush, and your 3-in-1.”
“Ugh, you use a 3-in-1?” Ito asked as they all started off towards the store (for they would need more food to accommodate people’s late dinner and breakfast). “No wonder your hair looks blue. Your dye is fading.”
Deuce frowned and opened his mouth to question them further.
“Did he just say toothbrushes? Like, plural?” Kuroki questioned.
“Yep. Walk faster,” Ace said. “Before he realizes I only brought one.”
Ito swung the grocery basket in their hand back and forth as they eyed the food section of the shop, eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “What should I make for dinner?”
“Isn’t the kitchen still a mess?” Deuce asked, looking somewhat guilty.
Kuroki almost reminded him that Deuce had only created the cauldrons to put out a fire, but then he remembered that he and Ace were the ones that had started the fire, which kind of reduced the sympathy he felt for the boy.
“I extorted Crowley to get rid of the cauldrons.”
Enma raised an eyebrow. “How did you figure out how to extort him already?”
“I’m his assistant now, and I have never seen someone commit tax fraud so… blatantly. I don’t even know the law here and I could tell that everything was fucky.”
“... can we extort him more?” Kuroki asked.
“Probably not for major things. He does still provide us with a place to live, so it's best to limit things to minor inconveniences –.”
Ito cut themselves off. Mostly because Ace and Deuce were staring at them in abject terror.
“What is wrong with you people?”
“We’re trying not to die of starvation!” Grim defended them. Because none of them seemed all that interested in defending themselves, honestly, already back to shopping.
Kuroki glanced at the last few tuna cans that had been left after Enma’s raid. You know, because it’s only polite to leave some in case anyone else wanted them.
He swept them off the shelf.
Because he owed Grim, remember? And the monster insisted on being annoying about it.
Yeah, yeah, shut up.
“Rice?” said Enma.
“Rice,” Ito agreed.
Kuroki nodded. World peace achieved. Rice. Truly, the only thing every culture could agree on.
Ace slapped a bag of rice as he passed. As you must do.
Ito picked up an inhaler and met Enma’s eyes, tilting their head in a silent question.
Enma’s gaze slid to Kuroki, for just a moment, thinking, and then nodded firmly.
Ito dropped it into the basket.
Kuroki tapped his chin thoughtfully, eyeing up the child leashes. Maybe he could get one of the ones with the little animals that you strap to your ‘misbehaving kid’s’ back. Surely, that would make it less morally wrong.
Grim tossed a pack of orange-flavored gum into the basket.
Ito glanced down at the new weight and smiled faintly. They quirked an eyebrow at Grim, who pointedly pretended as if it had spontaneously appeared there without any help.
Ito, ever the responsible one, tossed some vegetables into the basket. Much to everyone else’s absolute dismay.
“Can’t you let us die of scurvy in peace?” Ace whined.
“Scurvy is real?!” said Deuce.
Kuroki raised an eyebrow when he saw Enma heft a box of cokes over his shoulder. “I thought you already bought some earlier?”
“Well, I mean, at the rate they drink them we’re going to run out soon, anyways.”
Kuroki hummed, a tiny grin starting to make its way across his face. “Awwww, Enma, do you like us –?”
“I’m just not sure I want to see Ito uncaffeinated.”
Kuroki’s eyes widened in horror. He looked at the last box of coke on the shelf, wondering if they should get it just in case.
Ito glanced up, the use of their name calling their attention away from where they had been trying to break up a brewing fight between Ace and Grim. Not even God knows what they were fighting about this time.
“What’re you two talking about?”
“Nothing!” They both chirped, wide smiles in place, eyelashes batting innocently.
Ito looked unconvinced. Luckily, Grim chose that exact moment to try and tear Ace’s throat out with his teeth, and they were forced to pay attention to that instead.
“Why must food cost?” Enma said, frowning at the receipt in his hands. Their bosses had been kind enough to give them advance paychecks so they didn’t die, but fuck did things cost so much money.
“Capitalism,” Ito said, shaking their head sadly.
Kuroki pressed his face into his hands, devastated. “Capitalism is the root of all problems.”
“So true,” said Enma.
“You guys know you got a discount, right?” Ace said.
“And that we paid for some of this?” Deuce added.
“Catidalism,” said Grim, shaking his head solemnly.
Kuroki and Enma broke character at the mistake, turning their faces away to snicker into their hands.
This, of course, caused Ito to catch a case of giggles themself.
This is why you can’t have friends. Hard to commit to your dumb bits.
It turns out Ito was a pretty good cook.
Not good at giving directions, though.
Kuroki looked up from cutting tomatoes to give them a small frown. “You said you wanted how much cayenne on this?”
“A pinch.”
“... like a large pinch or a baby pinch?”
“The ancestors will guide you.”
“You don’t have ancestors,” said Enma, narrowing his eyes at them.
They grinned. “True. But you guys do. Let them guide you. Or just guess. You can never spice things too much.”
Kuroki glanced at the peppers that lay next to his cutting board, washed and prepped for dicing. “I disagree.”
“Gasp. White,” Enma said.
“Bold thing to say when I have a knife in my hand.”
“Do it, coward.”
Ito sighed. “Please don’t make me be the voice of reason.”
“You couldn’t do that if you tried,” Grim spoke up.
“Yeah –! Wait.”
Everyone whirled on the monster.
Grim scurried out, a can of tuna clutched between his paws.
“We have got to find a place to hide the tuna,” Enma said, frowning at the stack of cans that was far smaller than it had been even ten minutes prior.
Kuroki and Ito both nodded their agreement.
Food eaten (it was too spicy, ignore that no one else had had any problems with it, Kuroki was not white), they headed up to the bedroom. It was too late to clean up a room, let alone two, so they had all just agreed to have a sleepover on the floor.
But they were all teens, so it should surprise no one that they weren’t getting to sleep anytime soon.
Besides, one of the ghosts had found a board game for them to play.
Namely, Monopoly.
Deuce frowned suspiciously. “I know what you’re trying to do.”
The ghost merely smiled and disappeared through the floor.
The group of teens squinted down at the game board for just a moment longer, and then decided that it couldn’t be that bad.
Ito was the only one wise enough not to play, instead deciding that they were going to take a very long shower.
Enma soon regretted not trying to find an excuse of his own. He was first to go bankrupt. Apparently, his luck was terrible.
Ace’s was not. Or, at least, he was cheating enough to counteract any bad luck he might have had. No one could figure out how he was cheating in a dice game, but he was cheating. They would bet money on it.
But not Monopoly money. God knows they didn’t have enough of that to do any bets.
“Jailjailjailjailjail, I will stab a child in front of a cop if I must,” said Deuce, rolling the dice. Apparently the cop was blind, because he did not succeed in going to jail. Instead, he landed on Ace’s property. Damn. Of all the people to go bankrupt to. It was the most inevitable, but it still had to have hurt.
Ace smirked, holding out a hand.
Deuce socked him.
Ace went down.
All of them stared in horror at their fallen friend.
Their gazes flicked to the bathroom door. Ito could come out at any minute and see what they had done. Or, what Deuce had done and Kuroki and Enma had not stopped.
“We all fell asleep,” Kuroki said.
There was a collective, conspiratorial nod. Deuce dragged a blanket over Ace. Kuroki and Enma curled up by the bed. Deuce collapsed across the monopoly board to try and hide the evidence. Grim shut off the lights and took the bed because he was a drama queen who couldn’t stand sleeping on the floor like the rest of them plebs.
The bathroom door slid open not much later, and Ito stepped out. Kuroki squeezed his eyes shut tight.
Ito was quiet for just a few moments before snickering and gently shoving Enma and Kuroki to crawl between them as usual.
It was silent for just a minute more. Just long enough that they actually began to think that they had succeeded in getting away with it.
“You guys are telling me what you did in the morning,” Ito whispered.
Kuroki mumbled a curse.
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marukuroshima · 1 year
/!\ This post is about a silly story I imagine for MYSELF, and contains an OC x Canon ship. If you think it’s cringe, please respectfully scroll, thank you ! All the characters used that aren’t mine are alternate, fanon versions of course! /!\
I’m actually very anxious about posting this but I’ll do it anyway. Just know that this is just a story I imagine in my head and draw sometimes, nothing serious, just something for fun.
The story is about Helios (He was named this way because he looked like a tiny sun when he was a baby lol), the son of Dream and my OC named Misty, who was a kindhearted and brave monster who had the ability to take another form, closer to a human, because she hated her original from. Misty was pretty much a mix between many animals, including chameleon, which is why she has this ability. Misty wears a mask on her human form because the spots on her face don’t disappear, and unfortunately, she can’t have normal ears because her real ears are way too long. Misty will eventually learn self love later.
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Misty had in her body a magic butterfly, who « fixed » her, because, since she was a mix between many species, her body was painful and unstable, and the ability of the chameleon was pretty much the only ability she had, which is why she started to learn how to fight with a sword. She was good at it and pretty fast too, which was sometimes useful.
Misty was also a poet of her/their (Misty uses both She/Her and They/Them pronouns without preference and usually lets people decide which one they prefer to use.) free time, and enjoyed to sing, even though… They weren’t the best singer.
At some point of the story, I didn’t really think how exactly yet since it’s more about Helios, Misty and Dream will eventually fall in love and manage to make it work. Their relationship was seen by others as « pure, healthy, soft » while in private it was more silly, Misty enjoyed to sing silly love songs to Dream who seemed to actually like it. There was a lot of laughter between them.
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But someday, there was, as usual, a huge fight between Dream and Nightmare. It was in another universe, a universe different from others. It was described as beautiful, almost unreal, which was initially a world where Monsters and Humans could learn a special kind of magic by only working together. It was purely based on harmony… But this harmony was fragile, and there was a lot of arguments. And arguments lead to negative feelings, I don’t think I need to tell you what happened next.
This time, Dream decided to use a final plan, a cliché plan, I know, this story is made for fun, it’s not made to make sense lmao
And Misty was a part of this plan and knew about it since they had a lot of discussion and thinking about it.
This time, they used both of their magic, which means that Misty used of « fixing butterfly » (YES, IT’S REALLY CLICHÉ I KNOW HAHAHAHA) in order to bring back old Nightmare. It was risky, but since the battle was tough, it was pretty much their last chance.
The plan eventually succeeded BUT, after using that much of magic and energy, Misty and Dream lost their physical forms. They didn’t die though, they just got turned into little gems shaped like a yellow sun and a reddish orange butterfly. Before disappearing, Dream left a little reddish orange flame behind him. It was Helios.
This version of Nightmare, who was saved, went back to his passive form but was different, he had a lot of injuries, of course, and had to learn of to live properly again (such as learning how to walk again for exemple), and when he was ready, and with some help of Dream’s friends, he started to raise Helios (He’s also the one who chose his name.)
Helios was an hyperactive kid, who always damaged his own clothes while playing. He also had difficulties focusing. Nightmare did his best to raise him and love him, and actually did a good job ! But this little guy wanted more than anything to meet his parents. I’m still developing him so I can’t tell much about him. For example, the kind of magic he uses is still unknown. Since it’s a story I imagine only in my head and for fun, it was a lot of flaws but I’ll try to develop it better later. The only think I know is that I think it would be awesome if he had magic circles, pretty much like in Jewelpet twinkle !
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But I can tell you he has a beautiful cousin. Nightmare created her because he feared Helios would feel lonely. Her name is Diana. She may look cold and distant, she’s actually very gentle and strong. She treats Helios like her younger brother despite being younger than him. Diana, just like Nightmare in his passive form, loves roses and books.
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They’re pretty much like siblings since they were raised by the same person and grew up together.
I have some scenarios for the in my head, such as Helios putting himself in danger while trying to bring back his parents and Diana trying to stop him, and some other more simple interactions since Nightmare wanted to give them a simple life.
I also like to imagine Helios bonding with little creatures, so I brought back an old OC. Meet Jaster (Jester + Water), Helios’s friend ! Yes, it’s cringe but he’s adorable I love him.
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I also have other ideas ! For exemple, alternate versions of Cross and Swap as Nightmare, Diana and Helios’s personal guards ? It would make fun interactions ! Or even with Ink ? Why not ?
Since they live in the universe with the magic based on the harmony between humans and monsters I also imagined Nightmare as the principal of a school where both humans and monsters could go and learn to work together to learn this special magic!
I’m not going to lie, I also imagine the characters of my AU living in that world too, such as my Toriel also working in that school, Philomena working in the school’s library, Grillby and Muffet working together in the Town’s Café, Mettaton and Mad mew mew as local celebrities and other silly stuff like this…Even Frisk, Chara, Asriel, Felix, Alphys, Undyne , Sans and Papyrus are there!
Basically anyone could join and live in happiness and harmony, after two lovers sacrificed themselves to make it possible.
Like some kind of « happily ever after » but not actually because who knows what Helios could try to bring back his parents…
That’s it ! That’s the story I imagine for fun, and also because it comforts me! I hope you enjoyed it and, I’m gonna say that once again since I’m sensitive, please do not hate on my story of me in general, if you don’t like it, scroll, thank you ! I actually think this story is bad and cringe but I’m still having fun with it lmao-
Have a nice day/night, everyone !❤️
Credits :
Original Dream and Nightmare by Joku
Cross (mentioned) by Jakei95
Ink!Sans (mentioned) by Comyet
Swap!Sans by AU community
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crafengoverse · 1 year
I will clean this up better later but HELLO YES this is a blog by @nnugatoryextravagance dedicated to my insane OC ramblings
All characters unless specified otherwise exist in the same coalesced mass of the work in progress @crafengoverse-journals but this will be updated much more often and make way less sense I promise
Usual blanket "darker themes" warning here because none of my characters are doing ok in the head or in life lets be real, ill tag things though dontchu worry
If you wanna ask me things or flip on the roleplay oc ask blog switch in my brain my inbox is open wider than your mom please ask me about my ocs please p
Link to my toyhouse if you wanna go snooping too its a complete ass mess right now but yeauh
Ive got some artistic requests for how I want my work to be treated too under the cut as a bonus too I suppose, have fun im gonna go get a drink
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- I'm 100% okay with people shipping my characters together, in fact I actively encourage it, so long as you're not erasing their canon identities (since almost everyone is queer) or making shit thats straight up illegal/dangerously towing the line then go ham I love gay people
- Im also more than okay with fanart ofc, no need to ask first, I will die for you point blank
- Please god behave yourselves, I don't mind too much if I get tags about my oc's boobs or something- but I STRONGLY draw the line at strangers making and posting sexually explicit content with them under ANY circumstance... even if saying this has never worked for any artist ever, egh
- Not to sound like a pissy little baby but each one of my characters are very very dear to me so please go easy on me with any negative feedback I beg god bless (I assure you I already know how ugly they are that was on purpose and part of why I love them)
- Please do NOT commission other artists to draw my characters unless you have my direct say-so, I absolutely love art of my boys and im flattered, but I really dont want the risk of... certain people I used to know getting their grubby hands back on my stuff, if this makes any sense
- If you cishet-ify or white-ify any of my characters who are obviously depicted as/stated as/heavily implied as not that I'm killing us both
might add more later if i feel the need to but i think this is good 4 now
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