#also you dont actually have to do it if yoy dont want to
arom-antix · 6 months
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That new Gearous Yuuri birthday art, huh?
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Ok so apparently it's not normal that whenever someone goes to a restaurant and I'm with them, I expect them to get just themselves food and then we leave. Like if you get me food or ask if I want anything I will in fact look at you like you're a stranger who just walked up and offered me a 100 dollar bill
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You dont have to answer ofc but: what are kuron's feelings towards the Black Lion? Cause it(she? they?? i never know how to refer to em) saved him, then ignored him, then let him pilot, and after that kinda. allowed Allura to take Shiro's soul and put him in kuron's body sooo..... i feel like its complicated
That is an excellent question. And you are right it would feel incredibly complicated but also i think Kuron would feel just really used by Black. Like to him Black had to have known that he was a clone, it had to have known that Haggar was in his mind and can control him, it had to have known that Shiro was "dead", it had to have known and yet it did nothing. For all he knows Black didnt even see him as a person but a replacement which is why he "saved" him and let him pilot when Keith flunked on them. So yeah Kuron does NOT trust Black's intentions, he does not trust Black, he lowkey hates Black for letting this happen, and if it were here he would have yelled at it for hours. Unfortunately Black and the other lions are not here and galavanting across the multiverse so this also goes to the backburner.
I am not saying that that is how Black saw him like a replacement. I am saying that Kuron believes Black saw him as a replacement
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bingusbongu · 3 months
you write for so many characters that I absolutely adore oml.
Could you write some kind of Alastor x new-to-hell reader? (I feel like this would be really interesting :3)
Also since I'm likely gonna be putting in a lot of reqs I'm claiming an Emoji (🖋 <- this one) so you know which anon this is teehee
♡A/N: RAAAAAAA HELLO I KNOW YOU GFYFGG im glad you found my blog!!! I also made sure to make this on this specific day for you,,, ♡
Alastor x New Sinner Reader!
Tw: mentions of death and murder, and of stalking
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• okay, the fact you manage to catch the eye of NONE OTHER than the famous and feared Radio Demon is beyond believable
• your new, you must have done something to become his intrest. I dont think he will just pluck you out of the streets as soon as you spawned because he wanted to
• maybe you found yourself in the middle of a turf war or spawned while he and some other demon were in a battle. Maybe you killed another demon on pure accident. And maybe, due to him working with Charlie, maybe he decided not to kill you instantly and offered you the hotel. Since you are new, perhapse you wanted redemption? Hell knows that charlie would be ecstatic to have a new member!
• so, you go with Alastor to the hotel! Meeting an overjoyed Charlie and the rest of the crew!
• though, Alastor kept his eyes on you. Your new, he couldnt have a new member of the hotel accidently step into a war of some sorts and have yourself killed the moment he looks away.
• so, you being as clueless as you are, Alastor reluctantly decided he was going to teach you what to do and not to do in hell! Charlie thought it was a wonderful idea, finding it unbelievable that Alastor was the one to come up with the idea AND go along with it
• so, Alastor would take you out of the hotel and teach you certain things, like how to categorize lower level demons and higher ranking demons, how to protect yourself while walking the street from others who want to harm you
• "no no, you go for the heart, thats the liver"
• after you manage to learn alot from Alastor! Suprisingly, he is quiet a good teacher! But, instead of leaving you to yourself, he would be found occasionally hanging around you
• others would take notice how they always were able to find Alastor wherever you are, and when confronted about it, he would completely shoot down their question and change the subject
• Alastor thought you needed more protection. Though he did teach yoi how to take care of yourself, he still found a need to watch over you, to protect you. A worm of worry that wiggled in his chest when he cant spot you in the hotel.
• Alastor dosnt bring you along to his meetings, to keep his reputation and to protect you from certain eyes. If you are with the Radio Demon, then you have a bigger target on your head
• though, he does sometimes take you to his visits with Rosie!
• she adores you, finding you the cutest little thing. She sure was suprise to find a new sinner with Alastor, and one Alastor was so protective over, but she left it be, finding you precious and telling you stores from her time while sharing tea.
• though, a few of the staff of the hotel were,,, concerned for you. Husk especially. Having the Radio Demon on your back was certainly something new and worrying to him. Maybe he got you under contract, too. When he asked you about it, you shrugged it off and smiled like you hadnt even noticed! It baffled him, and how your mood didnt seem to dim when Alastor came around to check up on you.
• Vox, well, lets just say he may or may not have been the first overlord to actually notice you and your presence with Alastor. He has camaras everywhere, especially hidden outside of the hotel, he dosnt miss anything. So when he realized that the Radio demon was being friendly with a someone new he was not a happy camper
• he ended up confronting Alastor about it during their next meeting. And the way he quickly shut up apon noticing Alastors mood shift when you were mentioned had him traumatized. Velvet had to help him fix his screen after that
• Alastor is quite protective over you, even if you dont realize it, he has one of his little weird minions keeping an eye on you at all times when he isnt there, just to make sure you dont do something stupid.
• if you, instead of being a weak newcomer, started making a name for yourself withoit wasting any time, maybe killing off demons left and right or taking down a few overlords, you definitely have his attention
• you remind him of his old new sinner self, so he happily makes his presence known to you, and openly offers to guide you to make a name for yourself like he did
• he would show you how to take down even the most powerful overlords, collect souls to feed your power, and even how to keep your clothes from getting messy after killing so many!
• you are much like his apprentice. Following him wherever he goes and listening to him teach you about something.
• if you become powerful like him, you two become a quick and good duo! Both pf you being feared!
• though, he still makes sure you dont hurt yourself. No matter how powerful you have become, he makes sure you dont slip up and hurt yourself, or let someone hurt you. <3
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tiyoin · 2 months
Tiyoin the voices got to me again. I was scrolling tho tik tok and came across a video ,and it reminded me that you mentioned reader doing a sport before attending twst in the singing au. Wanna give a guess what sport I saw??
It was ✨figure skating✨. Just imagine it for a sec. Do I know anything about skating?? No. But the idea of anxiety reader being one is beautiful. Especially since skating isnt a confrontation sports like soccer and, reader doesn't have to be in contact with someone while performing their act.
I see reader starting the sport when they were young. They may have seen it as a way to put themselves out there while doing something they enjoy and find relaxing. They didn't compete in big contests with thousands of people watching (girlie would not make it). They would only get to county or district level of the contest B4 the nerves got to them. Most likely self sabotages at the end so they wouldn't have to seen and judged by so many. Reader does has a few gold medals tho. Yuu has been their personal cheerleader for a few years now. Going to as many contests as he can to just support reader and know they're not alone.
What if there is a different competition (w/o a overblot hopefully) which a sport is picked randomly. Whether you want it to be a school vs school, dorm vs dorm or maybe grade vs grade you can decide. I think it could work with any of them. Like they pick a few people to represent their side and to complete. The ones that physically compete get prizes (💰) and the others get bragging rights and a 🍕 pizza party or smth like that idk.
Anyways, Yuu is like *puppy eyes* pls reader 👉👈we poor. And reader knows Yuu is only asking cuz they they really need the money and he would never make them do smth that would harm them. Yuus real motive is maybe this will help reader make friends or less be less anxious around their classmates. And he knows Reader is gonna win cuz none of the others skate.
The only ones in NRC that I can see being able to skate to a degree is Rook, Jade or Ortho maybe Epel too. He probably hated it till his grandma said only strong people could skate cuz it's hard. I think his home town is gets snow right? Can't recall rn.
Depending on which VS is picked the outfit and preforment is gonna be a easy choice or the hardest thing in the whole contest. Maybe a duet gets thrown in there. ➖👄👁️
Overall reader is ✨stressed✨ rightfully so. The creeps are recording, admirers admirering, rivals showing up left and right. Reader gonna need a nap after everything that's happened.
Another 3-5 am ask woooo. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. Why do the best ideas always come when I'm tired 😩. I can send u a tik tok I saw that inspired me if u want. Also I don't mean to mention Rook in every ask he just shows up w/o asking. Like my fav is Malleus and I haven't send a single idea with him.
Maybe it's cuz Rooks a Sagittarius and I'm a Gemini. They are sister signs. That's probably why he lives in my head rent free. I hope a good night.
especially with the death of YOI: adolescence... a sad day for anime lovers' everywhere (im on desktop so i can't do any emojis </3)
I actually had a really big skating phase. still do and would love to have prof. lessons. i wanted to do it so. badly. my parents said 'no' and that it was too late for me, so i mourn that. believe it or not, i was in soccer and almost did it in college.
but the ice feeling so freeing whenever reader steps onto it. they're not worried about sweating because of ice, and they can move how the want when they want.
reader would 100 PERCENT self sabotage themselves. filling their head with nonsense and because of all those thoughts (especially) 'dont miss this spin, dont miss this spin' only to miss it because they were focusing on whether they would 'miss the spin or not')
but in their home world, reader is phenomenal!! they're amazing! they got scouted by amazing coaches who wanted to tap into their raw potential, who were impressed by reader's hard work and drive... but reader always finds a away to miss things up for themselves.
ITS LIKE THEIR OWN MINI OLYMPICS HAHAHA (reader: wdym you guys dont have olympics?)
ofc there's a pre sign up and auditions. reader is thinking and mulling it over. because trying out for the boys team is very different than the girl's team, is co-ed even allowed?? this is an all boys school after all!
(yuu brings crowley to their audition to convince him to give them student-ship so they can compete and WRECK those snot-nosed princes.)
maybe there's a partner skate? and you know that the admirers of reader that can skate and sign. the. fuck. up.
I WANT SKATER JADE!! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!! but home boy would probably not be able to skate at the level of reader just because he's og a fish and if he started skating when he turned human then he'd only have a year of experience </3
but lets just say there's a sports thing they have... not club but dedicated for this event... then i can see jade being somewhat on reader's level. but there's still a difference unfortunately
ROOK HUNT SKATED OUT OF THE WOMB!! ortho could professionally skate sine... 5 minutes ago? like c'mon guys get on his level.
though i can see rook rather being an observer. he also called it 'ice dancing' because that's what it is to him. but if rook trying out for this instead of his usual sweep of archery, all to stop some... he doesn't have a word for the level of disgust he'd have if he saw you dancing with a slimy no name.
plus he will be able to experience your growth! not just as a skater but as a person! he can also get closer to you!
vil. vil can! ice dance. he needed to learn it for a film and he's always liked the feeling of being on the ice. which makes pomefiore the contenders for being on the team / being reader's partner during partner categories.
epel would want ot learn hockey but was forced into ice skating by his grandma HAHAH she'd say that he can learn to play hockey after he's mastered the ice or something. it's something he's NOT proud of- but (if this is the point where him and reader are on good terms) then he'll happily play up him being a skating pro.
i can also see vil forcing epel into skating for the school. like wdym ice skating is for girls? get your ass on the ice NOW
SILVER AND LILIA WOULD ALSO BE ICE SKATERS AHHH. but it's a bit dangerous for silver to be on the ice but if it means helping support his friend then he's gung ho about it! just... please keep an eye on him in case he starts falling (he's usually good about that. making it to the sides before he was able to face plant on the ice. but lilia is always present in case of such emergencies (and if the designated watchers arent able to get to him in time))
lilia has dabbled in a bit of everything. so if you see him whip out a quad (with only a little bit of stumbling, as he complains about his bones again) he'll act like it's not hard (it's not- for him)
BUT IF MALLEUS WANTS TO GET INTO THAT ICE SKATING ACTION THEN HE'LL SPEND HOURS AT IT. the prince bale to do things a bit differently than everyone since he's.. ya knw, thee malleus draconia.
crowley ; you can barly even skate! why are you at the try outs!
malleus :... give me a week (and the mofo MEANS IT)
and dw i get random spouts of 'rook hunter-itis too. I DONT MIND YOU BRINGING HIM UP CAUSE I LOVE HIM- AND MALLEUS AHHHH)
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
HII ur aesthetic is just so pretty and the way you write is so shekehsjjdkd fell in love when I read the first sentence, I'm not even joking😕
BUT ANYWAYY could I req diasomnia, heartslabyul, and/or octavinelle with a gn!reader who has a habit of squishing peoples cheeks whenever they hold eye contact 4 too long? /*flutters eyelashes cutely*/
THANKYOU PO IF YOY ACTUALLY DO THIS HOPE U DONT DROWN IN REQS OR SMTH HAVE A GREAT DAY MWAMWAA also i don't even know which characters are good with this kinda prompt so honestly im dependin on u 2 choose whoevee u want 🙇‍♀️ bye sissymars 🥺🥺🤭🤭🤗🤗
      TWST x gn reader
    『 malleus ,, sebek ,, riddle ,, cater ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> reader who squishes cheeks when ppl stare too much
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — TYSM 😭♥️♥️ this made my day omg ,, so glad you like my writing ,, i kinda did a few from each dorm you asked for except for octavinelle bc character limit is 5 for me 😭💔 but youre more than welcome to request for others ! :D hope you enjoy this 🙏❤️
    - malleus
| • he usually doesnt mean to stare for too long ,, always knowing it was rude and how it feels to be stared at by others
| • though he was focused on talking about the gargoyles at the gates and hadnt tore his gaze away for a moment
| • he shut up immediately the moment you reached out and squished his cheeks ,, eyes wide in astonishment
| • how fearless you are ,, child of man
| • he does ask about it ,, wondering what the reason was for ,, and when he learns why he apologizes and promises not to do it again
    - sebek
| • bro was on another rant abt his master ,, how courageous and how kind he is for putting up with these stupid humans everyday
| • oh how he adored his master ,, how pure and wonderful he was
| • it got to the point he was shaking your shoulders and making direct ,, intense ,, eye contact
| • annoyed with how long he was staring ,, you reached up and squeezed his cheeks
| • he jumps back ,, so confused and offended
| • why would you do that !?? explain now human !!
| • he huffs and puffs about the reasoning ,, but listens and respects your boundaries
    - riddle
| • he was probably ranting about another reckless first year making a mess of the kitchen or some students ignoring the queen’s rules
| • he didnt mean to stare for too long ,, most likely already knowing about how you get about it
| • when you squish his cheeks ,, he may or may not have let out an embarrassing squeak
| • he’ll puff his cheeks and apologize ,, telling you not to talk abt the squeak to anyone
| • his face is so red by the end ,, embarrassed he let himself stare too long and let out a squeak
    - cater
| • knowing how observant he is ,, he’d know about it immediately when he sees you do it to ace and deuce
| • he’ll be quick to discard his eyes when he realizes hes been looking too long
| • though he sort of stared a little too long once ,, trying to take a selfie with you
| • when you squish his cheeks outta nowhere ,, he’ll jump back a little and almost drop his phone
| • he apologizes and says he was adoring you for the moment ,, before taking the selfie and moving on to focus on that
    - floyd
| • he probably stares on purpose when he gets ahold of this information
| • its only so you can squish his cheeks ,, hes a bit weird abt it ,, craving your touch and if staring at you long enough grants him that then he will gladly do so
| • but if you get rlly bothered by it than he will stop
| • this time he just happened to do it accidentally ,, trying to memorize your smile as much as he could while it was there
| • he didnt realize what he was doing until you squeezed his cheeks with a huff
| • he blinked a few times before giggling and pulling you into his lap ,, wrapping his arms around you
| • “ ahhh sorry shrimpy ~ i didnt mean to stare too much ,,” he purred before pressing a kiss to your head
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chenlizard · 4 months
Hiii !! Do you think you could make some smutty Ten hcs help😭 Bro i need more ten content on here im deprived😔 Also if yoy don't want to thats perfectly fine !! I dont want you to feel pressured :))
YESS!!!! i love ten and i totally agree, also this is my second time writing this, it didnt save bc my phone is fucking me over.
warningg smut after tbe cut
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okay, starting off by saying hes a switch, but thats obvious LMAO.
girls guy, he knows what you want, BEST at head actually hes the best at EVERYTHING. like cmon.
gets all the right spots first try
so whiny and bratty, honestly he loves to be put in his place
sometimes he'll put you in youuuurr place though. if you get lippy he'll pull you away. wont let you come until you say sorry
loves mirror sex
LINGERIE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ if you wear lingerie under your pajamas you wont have them on much longer.
mix of degradation and praise, stuff like "my pretty slut" "so pretty and dirty for me yeah?" "you were wishing i would fuck your pretty pussy all day huh? such a slut."
best at aftercare ever, you will immediately have a bath, food, wine, and a warm bed
overall i think hes the best in bed ever
fight me
THANKS FOR REQUESTING!!!! REQUESTS ARE IN BIO PLS GIMME MORE!!!! also i have 2 outstanding rn, one is a hc so ill try to have that sooner, but the other is a ff and im SOOOOOO EXCITED TO WRITE IT BRO. thanks for all the requests. love all the support im getting so far!!
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starjunkyard · 7 months
House thinking that he has cuddy and wilson wrapped around his finger is so funny bc ...like Yeag .He kinda does but also House will smugly smirk to himself like "Tch........ They have no idea that i just manipulated them into letting me do (Insert insane thing)............. Im like kira from Hit anime death note....... tch.......... Hah..........." When in reality wilson and cuddy have put up with house for so long They know exactly how his fucked up ratmaze of a mind works so they exploit it to make him . U know. actually Do his job butHOUSE THINKS HES WINNING
Like they know house so well they Have him on a leash . They have him so whipped But House thinks hes soooooooooooooo smart he doesnt even realise it Its so
Its like when yr trying to get your fucking . Dog to eat some medicine but yoy cant let him know you WANT him to eat the medicine because then he FUCKIG N WONT So u have tolike . Pretend u dont even want him to eat the medicine like Whatever . I dont even want u to eat the medicine actually . This medicine is sooooooo good waow so delicious i want it all for myself If u eat it i will be soooo sad .I'll be so upset Dont eat it.......... Omg stop dont eat it................. And then yr dog will eat it out of spite and youll be like "NOOOOOOOOOOO.... OMG I CANT BELIEV E U ATE IT U ARE SO CRAZY.... WTF...." And he will feel so smug and proud of himself Like hes some evil little creature rebelling against nature and law when really he i s just. so Stupid
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hellfire-wren · 2 years
Hiiii lovely☺️ I was wondering if yoy could write an Eddie Munson x reader where reader is dustins big sister and she's also dating eddie and reader and eddie find out they're gonna have a baby. Soo they tell dustin and he get so excited about it and it's all so cute and happy🤣 I'm sorry if that was a lot 💜 I understand if you can't get to it 💜
please i love this request sm! i hope you enjoy <3
part two
part three 
i am adding more to this dad!eddie series, if you’d like to be in the tag list, let me know !
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“eddie, (y/n), you guys want a beer?” steve called from across the room. it was friday night and steve and robin finally had a night off, so the whole gang was at yours and dustins house. you all piled into the living room, some having to sit on the floor, getting ready to watch whatever movie steve had gotten the night before. this one happened to be the goonies. it seemed to fit a little too well.
“just me,” eddie called out, secretly smirking at you. no one else knew as of this moment, but you and eddie had just found out you were pregnant a few days ago. he was ecstatic, jumping around like a child when you’d told him. he originally thought you were joking, but when realization set in, he couldn’t be happier. he reached his hand out to steve, smirking again “thanks, big boy”
“hey, dont start, munson” steve pointed a finger at eddie, handing a beer to him with the other hand. “how could you turn down a drink, though, (y/n)?” he quizzed you. your eyes flicked to eddie, not sure what to say.
thankfully, robin and dustin burst through the door, arms full of snacks. for a moment, the attention is off you, as everyone finds their snack of choice. dustin calls eddie over to help set the tv up, and you laugh at the boys arguing over which cable goes where. moments after you open your candy, robin plops down next to you and smiles, a large bowl of fresh popcorn in hand.
“so, what’d i miss? ooh, (y/n), you look great. you know, you’re so naturally pretty, but it’s like you’re just glowing,” robin rambles on more, but you’ve learned to just listen and smile until she’s done talking. she’s on about how you must being using a new face wash because of your new found glow. oh, robin, if only you knew.
“we were actually wondering who this is and what they did with our (y/n) because apparently she doesn’t want a drink tonight.” steve interrupted. robin instantly dropped her face wash rant, giving you a ‘who are you?’ look.
“not even a beer?” robin scanned your face, trying to tell if you were joking or not. when you simply shook your head, robin’s eyes widened. “are you dying? are you sick? are you pregn- OH MY GOD.” robin’s hands clasped over her mouth. she quickly looked around to see if anyone besides you and steve had heard her. luckily not, she uncovered her mouth and whispered “does dustin know?”
you shook your head and giggled at her excitement, written plain as day on her face. the two of you had grown close and she’d been calling it that you would get pregnant before nancy. i guess she’s won that bet. before you could say anything more, another voice chimed in.
“does who know what?” mike called from his spot in the floor with lucas. dammit, wheeler. all heads were turned to you, robin, and steven on the couch. well, here goes nothing. you pushed yourself up from the couch and walked to where eddie was. taking a deep breath, you looked at dustin.
“so, i want everyone to know we totally had a better way to do this, but since little wheeler had to say something,” eddie jokingly glared at mike, pulling an arm around you. “this seems like a good time.” you glanced at robin, who was looking right back at you, thumbs up, with her best ‘you got this’ face on.
“i’m pregnant.” you said, just above a whisper. your eyes were shut, almost as if you were scared of the reactions. eddie rubbed your side to comfort you and your eyes finally opened. you looked to your younger brother, half expecting him to want to tackle eddie for getting his sister pregnant. dustin was mouth to the floor, dumbfounded.
everyone looked at dustin before they reacted, waiting to see what he would do. the shock wore away into a smile within seconds of processing what you’d said. his arms raised up over his head and he turned to everyone else in the room, and in the most dustin way ever, he shouts
you died laughing as soon as the words came out of his mouth and he turned back towards you. you stepped away from eddie and opened your arms to dustin. he immediately did the same and you made sure to squeeze him extra tight. he was going to be so good. you already couldn’t wait to see him as a dad.
“you’re going to be the best uncle, dustin. i just know it.” your voice cracked and you started to tear up. he pulled away from you after a second and held you to where he could look you dead in the eyes.
“you’re going to be the best mom, (y/n).” he said. he was definitely crying, but his back was now to everyone, so he wouldn’t admit it to the guys. his eyes shifted past you, “and you! absolutely disgusting to think that you did… that, but you’re going to be the best dad.”
you turned around to look at eddie, who was already stepping towards you.
“can’t wait to teach the little one how to kick ass in D&D!” he pulled you and dustin into his arms. “OH, and we’re gonna have THE most metal kid ever. he’s gonna be such a badass!” his eyes were practically twinkling when he imagined it.
“HE?” robin shouted. “YOU KNEW THE SEX AND DIDNT TELL ME?” dustin pulled away to look at you.
“how does sh-“ “i guessed it before any of you losers!” robin interrupted dustin’s question.
“we don’t know yet, eddie’s just very hopeful.” you laughed and pulled away, going to take your seat back by robin.
“oh, i’m definitely team boy.” robin muttered to you, shoving popcorn into her mouth. “what about you? what are you hoping for?”
“i’m not sure. i mean, a mini eddie?” you laughed “i can’t decide if that’s good or bad, yet.” eddie took a seat on the opposite side of you and dustin beside steve on the other sofa.
“okay, so now that we know eddie and (y/n) are gettin’ it, can we please watch the movie?” mike called from the floor. you all laughed as dustin rushed up to the tv to press play. you were glad you had this room full of people. you knew that boy or girl, your child would grow up to be so loved and have a big family. this family.
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coelii · 6 months
ok so hi! sorry! im bigender and uh. what made you realize yoi wanted hrt? because i don't know. i want to be more masculine but i dont want ot be less feminine?? but?? aaa???
If this anon is who I think it is take everything below with a healthy grain of salt. This is my story and how I feel about things. Your story is, by definition, different from mine. And your feelings are no less valid if they don’t involve the suicidal shit I’m going to talk about. Dysphoria comes in all shades of fucked. If you feel it though, no matter how intense, there are steps to take to remedy it and HRT is only one possible step - not everyone needs it or wants it. For me though it’s been exactly what I was missing.
So I felt I was supposed to be a girl around age 8. That was when I first started experiencing what I now know is dysphoria. It involved me wearing a pair of my cousin’s socks that she’d left behind after staying in my room and reading a Babysitter’s Club book she’d also forgotten. I would act as girly as my 8-year old brain thought girls acted and I had the most intense rush of warmth cover my whole both while I did it. I now know that feeling was euphoria.
I chased that euphoria for the next 25 years of my life. I thought for many different reasons at many different times of my life that the feelings I had about being a girl were wrong, they were sinful, they were a fetish, and I did my best try at being the best “man” I knew how to be. And I was miserable. Not always of course, I have a lot of good memories from being a man, some of my best in fact. That said, there was always something missing in my life.
I thought about suicide just about every day. Then I started making plans to kill myself, but moving those goal posts at every major life event.
“I’ll kill myself when I finish college and still feel this way”
“I’ll kill myself if I get a real job and still feel this way”
After my son was born it became “I’ll kill myself after he becomes an adult and can take care of himself”
And then I finally woke up and realized that all the gender fuckery feelings I’d felt almost my entire life were because I was transgender. And when I found out that not only could I transition but by reading others people’s stories I realized I could look good and I could be happy? I knew I had to give myself the chance to be happy.
I knew HRT was for me because I wanted all of the benefits: I wanted the softer skin and nails, I wanted the sleeker hair, I wanted the fat retribution, I wanted breasts. I didn’t know if the hype surrounding emotional changes was real but I thought it couldn’t hurt anything.
And so far HRT has saved my life. Those suicide goalposts are gone - now I’m sad when I get intrusive thoughts about killing myself. My mood, even being all fucking over the place, has improved dramatically over the “dead inside” shell of a man I used to be. And when I look in the mirror I see someone smiling back at me who I finally feel, for the first time in my life, is Me.
On the whole I don’t think I minded being a man. I actually think he looked halfway decent, he made people laugh, and people liked to be around him. But in my opinion he wasn’t a good friend, he wasn’t a good husband, and he wasn’t a good father - because he wasn’t fully committed to being here. He was staving off ending his own life on a daily basis and he was never fully present. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of “what if I had been born a woman” or “I wish life had a character creator so I could just look however I wanted”. He had gender dysphoria, he had body dysmorphia, he had depression stemming from both those things and he negatively impacted the people who loved him because of it.
HRT isn’t for everyone by any means. It’s an intensely personal choice, but for me it has (so far) done everything I wanted it to do and more. It has helped me see and feel like the woman who was always there all along. The woman who was sending threatening messages in my subconscious that I interpreted as suicidal and dysphoric thoughts. She’s out now and I’ve never been happier. I finally feel like the good friend, the good wife, and the good parent I always wanted to be. And I’m incredibly happy with my choice. :)
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jaiistg · 1 year
Chapter 8
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While walking to the cafe,you were really nervous.Its not that you didn't wanna meet Yoimiya's friend,but because you have social anxiety.People often mistake you as a extrovert and outgoing but really,your not.You find it hard to befriends with people,but when you are close to the person,you show them your true self.
Now at the door of the cafe you were met by Hu-tao.Your bestfriend and is also the reason why you met all these wonderful people and your no.1 supporter on doing streams.Sometimes you think that you wouldn't know what to do without her.
"Hey Y/n !! Follow me to our table" she said happily.As I followed her to our table I noticed that the only people on the table was Yoimiya, Kazuha,And Aether.I asked "Yoi where is this person you wanted us to meet?"
"She's late because of her brother.Her brother is really overprotective of her and wants to make sure that she's safe.Dont worry tho shes almost here!" I sat down next to Kazuha and Hu-tao.
A few hours have passed by and a girl went up to us.She had a ponytail and look really elegant and pretty.She sat down to the empty seat which is next to Kazuha.
"Everyone,meet my friend Ayaka!" Everyone welcomed her and said Hi to her.Ayaka was really quiet and I can tell that she is like me.When I was new to this friendgroup I was exactly like that.Quiet and afraid if I might say something wrong.While me and Kazuha talked,I included her into our Convo as I didn't want her to feel left out.
As we were talking,I saw a guy.He had purple hair,kinda short,and most importantly,looked like the guy on Childe's stream.I knew I had to talk with him to ask him questions.I had alot of questions that are still unanswered like "how do you know o/n?" "Whats your name?",ect.
"Guys I have to go,I just need to go to the bathroom" I walked up to him.
Ayaka noticed that Kazuha was slightly sad, "Anything wrong?" She said. "No im fine,just remembered something" "he smiled sadly.
"Kazuha.I know when someone isn't fine and I can tell you aren't.I know we aren't close but feel free to let out what your feeling to me.If you don't tell anyone what your feeling its gonna be heavy to carry.Your feelings are valid." Kazuha was shocked.This was the first time someone actually cared about what he's feeling.
He sighed and told Ayaka about his problem. "Kazu,I can tell that your an amazing and respectful person.You dont deserve what your feeling and most importantly,someone who won't even return back your feelings.Im not telling you to uncrush them.But you'll just get hurt in the end.I don't want you to get hurt."
Kazu..? He thought,someone made him a nickname...? This was the first time someone made him a nickname and he promised to cherish the nickname Kazu.
"Thankyou Ayaka.Im happy that you listened to what I felt.Im grateful to have a friend like you" Ayaka smiled "Anytime Kazu."
A few hours went by and Ayaka and Kazuha were having a convo that felt like seconds. "I feel like Y/n ditched us" Lumine said "I might know the reason,I saw Childe's friendgroup including the redflag guy she had been crushing on". "We should make an nickname for him! How about Redflag?" Everyone laughed.
It was now time to go home because the Cafe was about to close.Everyone said bye to eachother.
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+new friend unlocked.
It is my first time writing something like this,did I do well? :))
Taglist: @inferisk0 @yukiipc @lxkeeeee
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Can I vent one thing? I kind hate the hipocrisy of some (a big number here) fans on regards Izu and Endeavour.
Like it goes more or less like this:
Fans:😒look at Izu defending Endeavour even through Dabi told how abusive he is.
Me: what you want Izu to do punch Endeavour and praise Dabi? A fucking villain who killed and has no remorse?
The hipocrisy here is how they blame Izu for "siding with an abuser" but Shot befriend BK is cute.
Following that logic, they should hate Shoto too as he is Bk's friends...somehow. BK for all his many flaws, I say this, he is honest in his hate for Izu. Never tried to mask.
As for the other ask I sent and yoy answer. Look, Hori just hates Izu and at this point is just easier to say he is a bad writer (feels lazy but I swear this is the easiest and real explanation here) we dont know why Izu wants to be a hero or anything about his family. His complex of martyr makes no sense (does AM have the same thing? It also makes no sense ....bc we know 0 about AM)
There is so much cognitive dissonance baked into Bakugou and how much people love him, there really is; he hits Izuku and there are Bakugou fans that basiclly say Izuku should thank him for the privilege.
Relatedly, a lot of people apparently find him attractive which... I don't get. But hot people do get away with a lot more than unattractive people, so I could see some unconscious biases on the fact that they think he looks hot, and is therefore more tolerable than if he looked like Mineta but acted like he does in canon.
To be fair, a lot of it is ultimately on Hori himself and the writing; no matter how bad I find his character arc at times, Endeavour's abuse and behaviour was never treated like a joke. Brushed over, sure, but it was never funny. Meanwhile, we passed a point in the story, long before Endeavour's redemption kicked in, and suddenly every abusive thing that Bakugou had been doing, bad things which were Serious Problems he was supposed to deal with, was nothing but a joke, even while Endeavour was still on and off being given shit for being an abuser; it's annoying, but I don't find it surprising people don't take Bakugou's behavior seriously if the story itself doesn't.
Meanwhile, while people's interest in Izuku has died to some extent because of how bad his writing got, I've seen people saying (and I'm not completely disagreeing with them) that Dabi has been carrying a lot of Post War, with all the focus on him and his tragic backstory being something that's actually interesting, and how much character he's allowed to have compared to everyone else, which, ironically enough, is probably enough to make him a more sympathetic victim to a lot of people over Izuku, who isn't even allowed to think about his past abuse with how much his traumatic backstory is being suppressed by the writing.
Granted, it feels like a lot of that was altered to make Endeavour (and Dabi) more tolerable to the readers, and while Dabi is supposed to be a villain with sympathetic origins, some people forget he's very much an unsympathetic person at this point, by his own design, and that would probably be insulted by some of the nicer takes on him.
Ultimately, what Endeavour did was worse than Bakugou, yeah, and I see people say that for why Bakugou is more defensible, but it's not a matter of degree; Endeavour doing shitty things doesn't excuse Bakugou doing shitty things, though there's also the fact that abusive fathers are more universally loathed than bullies, especially with all the extra stuff going on with Bakugou to try and mitigate him.
On the other thing....
Izuku is easy. Izuku wants to be a hero because: societal brainwashing about the heroic system as a whole making the system popular to the people, wanting to help people, and wanting acceptance from others. Being a hero, for him, is wrapped up with all three of those causes.
On All Might... Well. It's been awhile, but back when All Might was allowed to be a character, it was pointed out multiple times that Izuku is, in fact, exactly like All Might (seriously, if we look at what we know about Young!All Might, and it sounds like he's basically taller, more muscular, and to some degree more confident Izuku from the start of the story. He's basiclly Izuku if Izuku never had Bakugou in his life, constantly knocking him down, and maybe had an extra foot or two in height), and while Izuku liked being like his idol, everyone else in the know was worried because All Might went exactly down this road Izuku's going down.
That is to say, All Might is now a lonely old man, scarred and broken, without a life of his own, and the fact he's still alive means this is the good ending for him, compared to him getting himself killed.
(looks at the newer manga chapters meaningfully)
The Izuku and All Might self-destruction parallels is something that came up within the first couple of chapters; it was a very deliberate choice, and it seemed clear, at some point, that All Might was supposed to help Izuku be better than him, temper his natural martyr tendencies, and not get himself killed or horribly maimed, a process that would help the both of them grow past these tendencies.
And yes, we know little about All Might, but after a certain point his development stopped and... in all honesty, as much as Hori seems to hate Izuku, he seems to hate All Might just as much, if not more (or at least All Might isn't mandated to be strong and victorious, anyways, in ways that give Izuku some protections). All Might took this scrawny little boy to the beach and over the course of a summer bulked him up to the point where he could host OFA; he's not this horribly incompetent person that the later parts of the story seem to want us to see him as.
And yet, the more he's developed the more Hori just adds flaw upon flaw to the poor man, starting with being completely incapable of helping Izuku in pretty much any way all of a sudden ('clench your butt' my ass) and turning more and more pathetic over time as his powers waned, and he never got to grow as a character to filled the void in his characterization.
Presumably, mixed with the part where he was meant to teach Izuku... literally anything, All Might's backstory (beyond being basiclly tall Izuku, anyways) was probably going to be organically expanded on over time as their mentor and mentee based relationship developed, but that never happened, and so we have a character whose defining traits are largely having super powers, who no longer has those super powers.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 11 months
hello! (if u havent answered this already) since its almost valentines day, whatd the mercs do for valentines day? nsfw/sfw verison if u want pls,, ty ^^
For once in this blogs lifetime ill keep it sfw
(Mentions of drogas)
scOut : he has core memories of making valentine carda in school for his momma and girls who he liked (he never actually game them , he pretended it was for his aunt), so he prolly will try to make a card for his s/o. He wont go all the way the tictoc card guy, but its pretty sweet and he knows the basic art of card making with lots of wuv.
Soldier: he is a closeted romantic but in his own way, so hell make something with honey ( healthy way to get your daily sugar intake cupcake) and assure you you can tottaly rocketjump waltz (he has medic on stand by)
Pyro: they have a very loose idea of time most of the time, but if yoy inquire about it theyll make some bomb ass salvia tea and kickoff the day with irl baloonicorns
Heavy: stoic man who thinks valentines is just sad capitalism move for making cards and roses. Also the type of man who oh so happens to bring you breakfast in bed said day and oh so also happens to gift you your favourite book, he is a hypocrite.
Demo: he is a party animal so yall will go to town and get kicked out a rave for being too awesome
Engie: he is a sentimental sap so hell act like a typical alpha male and act like he has forgot it and suprise you with your favourite activity that can be managed in a room (etc arts and crafts, pottery, bathing together etc)
Spy: actually a pretty non valentine person and he knows that sentimental saps dont really make him look genuine so hell just make sure yall are free the whole afternoon so you can take a breather and relax together.
Medic: please, please, please make this man stop working for once in his lifetime. Prob him slowly with vague questions about valentines, how valentines is celebrated in germany and hell get the idea that mayhaps he has to do something in his life other than the not to do list of the hyppocratic oath.
Sniper: small boi, precious will bring you flowers and let you roam his van without a peep. He loves it when you both make for the both of you a dinner and just live the domestic fluff
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
yknow as much as the (deserved) inazuma backlash has clearly changed hoyos writing for the better i do think there v much is one completely wrong lesson theyve taken from it and thats incorporating story quests into the AQ sequence (and specifically how theyve never attempted it again)
the concept itself was Never inherently bad. in fact it unironically has a ton of potential bc you could lessen the need for sudden character specific exposition in the AQ AND pull off way more high-stakes and timeline-specific plotlines in the SQs by ensuring players will experience it at the intended place and time.
the issue was that they introduced a bleak depressing inazuma in the middle of a fucking civil war and then went omg AQ on pause!!! lets go to a festival with ayaka and u will be her first friend ever OwO yoimiyas is at least vastly better written and actually involves the VH and sakoku decrees so its always been a favorite of mine but even then im sure theres things worth criticism in there its just been 2 years so i cant analyze it off the top of my head. but the greatest offender has always been the way ayakas comes with such a complete tonal dissonance it just takes you out of the atmosphere they spent the entire act I building up.
and it rly makes me sad bc i Know hoyo took the backlash about interrupted pacing and disjointed tone as "ok story quests bad as AQ requirements" when its like. no the one you wrote just sucked
AQ incorporated story quests need to have a damn good reason to be mandatory at that specific point and while its far from perfect i DO think yoimiyas fulfills that! but ayakas doesnt! at all! and like im realizing the issue is also in how genshins made it a standard that a character must receive a story quest Instantly on release. so i guess ayakas had to be in between acts I and II for plot reasons but like. that being the case then the story quest itself shouldve focused on a completely different theme as opposed to her very predictable tropey personal problems that werent even explored properly imo. like im sure plenty of depth and nuance in her characterization was lost in translation but i almost cry laughed the first time the restaurant vendor went "oh ayaka is lonely because she is so perfect that no one sees her as a friend but instead an aspiration" like what in the 3rd grader writing mary sue self insert fic tarnation 💀 you couldve worded that exact same concept in 12 different ways to make it actually sound poignant and you did That SHAHSKSJSKDLJH
(and a quick addition before i get accused of being a blind hater hater lmao. here goes: "the burdens of miss ayakas position as the public face of the kamisato make it difficult for her to shed the mask of practiced perfection. i think people struggle to see her as a person whod enjoy simple things in life like friendship just like everyone else when theyre so used to viewing her as an unreachable figurehead." there. now its way more clearly nuanced. this took me 3 minutes and is far from any fluid writing yet. the difference is staggering)
but like. as a result this ambiguous timeline limbo most story quests end up falling into is genuinely a shame bc i do think theres potential in attempting the ayaka n yoi thing again but with characters for whom it makes sense and actually enhances the AQ experience by necessitating it. and yeah yeah ik genshin wants to be casual friendly so they dont want to force ppl to do quests they dont like for AQ so its unrealistic to expect them to ever try it out again but man
as long as they pick the right place and time and characters for it they could massively alleviate the issue of some story quests contents ending up feeling like somewhat empty fluff bc they cant assume what point a player will be in the main plot could be so they lack actually impactful lore and or character beats.
obviously im not a writer at hoyo and idk how much backlash the ayaya/yoi situation got them but like. idk. taking the lesson "never do anything like inazuma again" isnt rly what id consider the full picture. inazuma does suck and has clunky moments throughout but like in 2.0 people were still hype! inazuma had good ideas and concepts and attempted sth that couldve been great the issue isnt inazuma bad on all levels its that they never delivered its potential and 2.1 was an incredible letdown.
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1eos · 2 years
Sorry im bringing back people who dont understand nope byt like. Another thing i thiught of-...Its jordan peele. Like. Tge man is straightforward in all of his movies what is there Not to get?? Do yoy also not understand how Us is abut class?? How get out is about Racism?? Like he never does anything unesscery everything is on Theme (sorry for the rant!)
please y'all don't ever stop talking to me abt this bc its really bothering me!!!!!!!! like we have ppl reading into every single detail of them stupid ass marvel movies and the ppl begging for something original but somehow are too stupid to put together the CLEAR pieces of nope?
like you're so right jordan peele is very transparent. he isn't condescending with his message he WANTS you to get it.
oj literally brings up the topic of a 'bad miracle' which ties directly into the 'miracle' of the shoe at the attack and the 'miracle' of jean jacket even existing
otis sr literally appears in a vision and says 'some animals cannot be trained just broken' which ties directly into how we're supposed to view jean jacket
jupe literally has flashbacks to gordy before he's abt to make a spectacle out of jean jacket which fucking explains everything abt his motivations
emerald literally has a WHOLE SPEECH about how her ancestor was the first black jockey to be on moving film but was lost to history which ties DIRECTLY INTO THEIR DESIRE TO CATCH JEAN JACKET ON FILM.
everything is so fucking obvious???????? and im just listing basic plot threads/character motivations off the top of my head we can go thru this movie bit by bit and draw very obvious parallels to everything like all the eye contact? lucky being spooked by eye contact/oj avoiding eye contact/lack of eye contact saving jupe's life/lack of eye contact saving OJ'S life/direct eye contact being what COSTS jupe his life.
it is all so obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think. a lot of ppl have forgotten what it means to actually need to engage a piece of media for maximum understanding if its not all bland flashy nothingness then its just 'confusing and pointless' when jordan peele couldnt be more obvious with his themes if he dumped horse shit in our laps falflalf
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dragonkeeper19600 · 1 year
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dont forget that ur show included a whole episode about well, a human zoo. Which is pretty gnarly when yoy look up the actual meaning on google, not only that one of the artists said in a interview i kid you not that they took inspiration from the fantasia sequence with the centaurs because they wanted to make a world of attractive hippies! And guess what the fantasia sequence with the centaurs had! Still have yet to see an apology for that but alas, nowhere to be found
First of all, it's not my show. Nothing about the show is mine. I didn't work on it, I have no stock in it, it's just a show I really like. I'm not familiar with the history of human zoos, but, just like with your earlier Nazi comparison, I think comparing the human zoos in Steven Universe to real life human zoos is misleading in a lot of ways.
For starters, humans are once again a totally different species from gems and come from a totally different planet, so the power dynamics at play with the Diamonds' human zoo are totally different from reality. The Diamonds believe that the only lifeforms that really have individuality worth speaking of are Diamonds. They don't view humans as people of an inferior class but as a species of animal that has no practical use. Steven Universe isn't the first animated series to do this either. In Transformers: Animated, which ran from 2007 to 2009, the Autobots on Cybertron are so repulsed by organic life that their reaction to seeing a human is on parr with how a human would react to seeing a bug. ("Ew, an organic! Step on it!")
So, with this context of the Diamonds as aliens in mind, we can't really condemn them the same way we condemn human colonists. While I don't blame you for making the association with our own history, I also don't think the human zoos in the show are worth getting outaged over.
As for the inspiration from Fantasia, I haven't watched Fantasia since I was a small child, but I was under the impression that all modern copies of that movie have the racial caricatures scrubbed out. Like, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you'll see them if you watch this movie on VHS or Disney+ or whatever, so I think we can assume that they took inspiration from the version of the sequence that doesn't have those caricatures because there aren't any such figures present in the human zoo scenes in Steven Universe.
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