#also you're not meant to eat the cream and i don't but it is all over my face and some ends up close to my mouth so i have tasted it
The problem with taking public transport for me, or being in cafés or restaurants or pretty much anywhere there are lots of people is that I am surrounded by many people wearing many different clothes and some of those clothes I may be allergic to but I have no knowledge of which and they don't know I'm allergic. And sometimes with allergies when it gets up my nose probably according to the paramedic I saw one time is that it isn't an immediate reaction, it's just there when I wake up the next morning, which means I don't know exactly when it happened or what caused it outside of I know what I'm allergic to and what always causes it, and it means I didn't take a piriton right after it happened so now it is doing the thing where it lasts ages and my face feels bad and hot and horrible and the cream helps in the long run but actually doesn't feel that great to smother all over my face so all in all great fun.
The good news is that while the itchiness is all the way down to my shoulders I'm not that puffy or red this time so my eyes are fine this time except I think I just put cream in one of them.
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
thinking about konig asking to eat you out and you being like “lol no i’m on my period.” and he’s all “ohhhh idc idc i wanna eat it so bad 🥺” and you need to be like no. buddy. you clearly do not get it. i am not a 2-3 day period, “who needs pads i’ll just freebleed” girlie. i am a 7-8 day, heavy flow, bleed through the pad girlie, lmfao.
and then he eats it anyways because not only has he been around so much more blood than you could ever imagine but also he’s lowkey highkey into it teeeheeeeeeee ;P
"Schatzen, I kill people for money. You really think I'm scared of a little blood?" You wasn't nervous of the fact he wasn't scared of a bit of blood - even though it was not, in fact, just a little. Even though it was, in fact, a lot and made you ask him to bring you newer pads. You didn't really think he would be scared of a bit of period blood - but you were fucking terrified at the fact that he seemed to adore it. To cherish every drop, till the last one - to press his face between your thighs and look at you like a kitten who wants a bit of cream. The thing is, Konig missed you. Returning from a two month contract only meant he was ready to destroy your pelvis and fuck you for every hour he is on leave - unfortunately, he can't quite do that, you're too fragile to take his cock four times per day...but you can take his tongue. Even if that means having the metallic taste cling to his tongue for days on end, he would gladly spend the whole week buried in your cunt, relishing in your taste. It's a nice way to deal with cramps, he might think. Konig literally read one article about how orgasms can sometimes help some people with their cramps, and he'd use this for the rest of his life. Oh, your stomach is hurting and you feel like your womb is trying to eat you from the inside? Just let him eat you out! No matter how many times you push him away and beg for him to stop, he'd still laugh and push his tongue deeper, over and over. He is a mercenary, he is getting paid tons of money to cover himself in blood of his victims - having his pretty girlfriend cry and cum on his tongue is a nice addition. You don't even question it when he starts to track your periods, knowing you'd have it even when you forget - you don't question the dates he literally keeps posted on your shared calendar, don't care that the amount of heating pads in the house had largely diminished - and he won't buy you a new one because he is much better at being a heating pad anyway!
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aeruia · 3 months
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how would the wbk boys impress you to catch your attention or they want you to praise them?
character/s : sakura haruka , suo hayato , togame jo , kaji ren , umemiya hajime , kiryu mitsuki .
warning/s : suo’s part is like 50/50 so uhm !! you can decide if it’s part of it or not ! , ooc characters ( im sorry sighs )
word count : 100+ each
note : i have motivation to write so might as well make the best of it !! i’m also planning to make suo’s part a separate fic uhm..
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sakura haruka — 119 words
i don't know but i think sakura would try to impress you by showing how he’s good at fighting but when you praise him for that or he got your attention because of that he gets flustered easily and tries to brush it off saying he’s not doing it to impress you when it’s clearly written on his face.
you can only laugh when he says that you’ll probably won't even believe anything he says and just look at his face to see if he meant it or not.
“ where have you been all these years my knight in shining armor? ” you teased him, your hands clasped together in return he looked away with a blush on his face.
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suo hayato — 165 words
bro doesn't even need to impress you because you’re already impressed by him !! he’s a gentleman everyone knows and that’s also how you're already impressed because why is he so gentle? so whenever you two are together people will mistake that you and suo are dating because of how considerate suo whenever he’s with you.
you’ll never even catch him irritated whenever you let him carry your school bag or the things you bought, he’s just there following you with a smile on his face.
“ why are you doing this every time we are together? ” you asked as you take a spoonful of ice cream in your cup and eat it. “ i’m close to falling for you, you know. ” you said half jokingly when he chuckled as he wiped the ice cream from the side of your mouth. “ i’ll wait for the day you fall for me. ” he replied making you speechless and a blushing mess as you just continue to eat your ice cream.
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togame jo — 118 words
did a bit of research and seems like he plays go and shogi so uh he would probably invite you to watch him play with shogi with someone.
he knew he would win it and obviously you are in awe saying how good he was at shogi so you invite him to play with you after he plays a couple of rounds. you weren't good at playing shogi but you wanna test out your skills.
he beat you once or twice then after that then lets you win every round. “ wow, togame i didn't know i’m the only one who can beat you! ” you quip making him chuckle as he nodded. ” guess you're too good at this game. ”
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kaji ren — 166 words
you heard that the music playing in his headphones are something that can damage his eardrums but it seems like his ears don't even hurt so you would let him try one of your favorite music to see if he likes it.
when you two were taking a walk around the town, you were rambling about your favorite band and how cool and good their music are. kaji didn't let that slip in his mind and listened to their music when he got home.
the next day, you suggested one of their songs and his response was he had listen to it and taking a liking to the song and it was now on his playlist. your eyes widen and smiled. “ really? its a good music isn’t? you got a good taste in music! ” you praise as you pat his back as if he’s choking on something. it just made you more even happy that he has one of your very favorite song in his playlist.
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umemiya hajime — 195 words
you helped him plant some seeds in the rooftop since you don’t have anything to do and everybody knows that umemiya is a man that cares for everyone. let’s imagine umemiya has like one of those portable stove hidden in the rooftop 😭😭 so you were flabbergasted when you just saw him casually take out a portable stove. he remembers that he doesn't have enough ingredients to cook something so he apologizes for that and quickly run into kotoha’s cafè to get a few ingredients. when he got the ingredients you just watched him.
you watch the white haired man cook something in front of you — you didn't even know he has the skills to cook! clearly you’re impressed since you can’t cook to save your life. ( if you would even cook it’s burnt. ) he probably learned it with kotoha. when he finished cooking he gave you a portion of food he had cooked for you two. you gave it a ten out of ten. it was delicious as you thanked him for it.
“ never knew you could cook, maybe i’ll hire you as my personal chef in the future. ” you said jokingly making umemiya snort.
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kiryu mitsuki — 145 words
if you invite him to play a game with him he will accept it without hesitation even if you're bad at it or you just started playing he would help you and will still play with you even if you’re the worst player in the game.
would probably try to impress you to fish out some compliments from you and it works like a charm. “ damn, didn’t knew you’re so good at this! ” you would say as he just laughed wholeheartedly.
he probably won’t even try to hide that he’s trying to impress you. “ i should be good at all these games so i can carry you and impress you, y’know. ” he says that with a smile plastered on his face.
if you two are not talking about games or anything you’re gonna comment about how good he smells because of the perfume he uses.
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cuubism · 10 months
work is driving me fucking insane this week, so here's this silly self-indulgent thing i wrote to distract myself.
the spirit of this post is here as well XD
coffee shop au, meet cute, literally falling for your crush
In retrospect, forgetting to eat for three meals in a row wasn't Dream's best move. Not that he'd done it on purpose. Hence the forgetting. But taking time to cook always felt so wasteful when he was finally making progress on his novel. He could eat later, whenever the hyperfocus burned itself out.
The only thing that eventually got him out of the house was caffeine. He'd run out of both coffee and tea in the dysfunction of this week, and thus was forced to venture out to the cafe a few blocks away from his flat in search of enough energy to keep him awake for a few more hours.
Technically, there was a place that was closer. There was also a grocery store, where he could have bought coffee grounds. But Dream took the excuse to go a bit further, and not for the quality of the coffee.
He and Johanna, on the occasion she could convince Dream to leave the house and attempt to be part of society, had first started coming to this particular coffee shop because Johanna's girlfriend Rachel worked there. But Dream had to admit that what really kept him coming back, including at times when he wasn't being dragged along by Johanna, was another employee entirely.
Hob was, in Rachel's words, "a perfectly nice guy but I don't know why you're so obsessed with him." In Johanna's words, Hob was, "quite fit, I can't lie, but I really thought you'd have gone for someone who's a bit more of an arts gremlin like you."
In Dream's words, Hob was perfect. He always had a smile for Dream, and a kind word or compliment, and he had kind eyes, and nice hands, and was terribly handsome. Dream had never been particularly attracted to masculinity before but Hob was proving him wrong over and over. He looked like he was strong enough to pick Dream up, and that did all sorts of exciting things to Dream's insides. Dream may or may not have had an actual dream about Hob holding his hand.
Hob also made terrible coffee. But Dream didn't care. He took whatever coffee Hob made him, whether the grounds were burnt, or it had way too much cream, or was vastly overbrewed, and drank it quite happily, sneaking looks at Hob all the while. Because Hob's coffee might be awful, but he always smiled at Dream as he gave it to him, and sometimes their hands brushed and it sent a thrilling little shock up Dream's arms. And anything Hob made for him felt made with love, he could tell, it was like a homemade birthday cake with uneven frosting and an undercooked part in the middle.
It was possible Dream should care more about the quality of the coffee and less about the symbolism of it.
In any case, he went to the coffee shop, underfed and undercaffeinated, hoping that Hob would be there, even if it meant he would have to down another cup of extremely bad coffee. Hob should be there, he did usually work Tuesday afternoons, not that Dream had memorized his schedule like a stalker or anything.
He stepped inside, the little bell over the door jingling, and found that he was right, Hob was there. A thrill of delight ran through him. Dream did not often feel anything as carefree or joyous as delight, but he was very sleep-deprived, and Hob was there, so there it was. Rachel was also working, and waved to him as he stepped up to the counter. As she and Johanna were both very aware of his embarrassing crush on Hob--much to Dream's chagrin--she didn't come over to take his order, instead leaving him to Hob.
"Hey, it's Dream, right?" said Hob, wiping off his hands on a towel and leaning on the counter, looking at Dream with a smile. He knows my name, Dream thought with a heady rush, then remembered that Hob was obligated to write it on his coffee cup, and that Dream came here often, and it didn't have to mean anything. "Dark roast with almond milk and caramel?"
How Hob could be so diligent about remembering his order and so terrible at making it, Dream didn't know. "That's correct," he said.
Behind Hob, Rachel mouthed keep going, which Dream took to mean that if he wanted to get anywhere he had to attempt to engage Hob in slightly more conversation than his usual coffee-ordering script. This was unfortunately true, particularly since Hob had already nullified half the sentences Dream would usually say by predicting his order.
"You remembered my order," he said, which felt like a reasonably normal response, definitely better than do you want to see if you can pick me up? which would probably be creepy. Rachel gave him a thumbs up.
"Of course. You're quite memorable," said Hob, and winked at him. Was he flirting? Dream would like to think so, but he wasn't usually very good at picking up on that sort of thing. Why would Hob be interested in him anyway? Perhaps he meant that Dream was memorable in a bad way, that he was annoying or weird, or--
Dream still hadn't responded.
"I am not trying to be," he said, and behind Hob, Rachel sighed. It was true, though. In most areas of life Dream preferred to go unnoticed. It was only Hob's attention that made him feel all bubbly inside.
"Task failed successfully," said Hob, "because I can't stop noticing you."
Was Dream... still succeeding at the conversation? That was truly unexpected, that he hadn't already turned Hob off by being utterly unsuitable for human society.
"Is that a good thing?" Dream asked.
"Is it?" asked Hob.
Undoubtedly it was. Dream liked the thought of Hob noticing him. He liked the thought of Hob remembering his name, and his coffee order, and when he came into the cafe, with as much detail as Dream had memorized his schedule. He did not normally like having people's eyes on him but he liked the thought of Hob looking. Of Hob caring about what he saw. It made him feel interesting and worthy, and sort of giddy and lightheaded--
Oh. No. That wasn't Hob's attention. That was the fact that the last meal he'd eaten had been a sleeve of biscuits for breakfast two days ago, and that he'd been on his feet for a long time, or what constituted a long time when one had only had a sleeve of biscuits two days ago to eat. And he hadn't slept, and he'd had quite an exciting few minutes just now, and apparently this all meant that his body had decided it needed to check out for a moment, thanks, goodbye.
Inconvenient timing, Dream thought, as everything went sort of spinny and blurry. He was making such progress! He really thought Hob might even like him, and falling on the ground was not going to help his case.
Inevitable now, though. The last thing he saw before he passed out was Hob's face, expression shifting from amusement to concern, and really, there were worse ways to go out.
He woke up not much later, or at least it felt like little time had passed, to find himself lying down on a couch in what seemed to be the cafe's back office, as best as his overtaxed mind could gather. And Hob was crouched beside him, looking at him worriedly, Rachel leaning over his shoulder, face likewise creased in concern.
Dream wondered how he had gotten to the couch. Had Hob carried him there? It was a pleasant thought, though he wished he could have experienced it in person.
"You know," said Hob, "there are easier ways to get out of talking to me than blacking out." The words were light, but he sounded genuinely stressed out about it.
Dream immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry."
Hob chucked him on the cheek, a light touch that felt fond. "Not what I meant. Are you okay?"
Dream carefully pushed himself up to sitting, Hob watching all the while, hands hovering over him but not touching. Dream sat up. His head didn't spin. "I am okay," he said.
"Probably didn't eat anything today, huh?" said Rachel. She didn't look quite as concerned as Hob did, she was used to Dream's habits. Meanwhile, for all Hob knew, Dream had a brain tumor and would imminently die.
"No," Dream admitted. "I was... occupied."
"Will you be okay here for a sec?" Hob asked, brow scrunching as if he truly thought Dream might just collapse again onto the floor without him. "I'll get you some water. Something to eat, too."
It was worth fainting in a public place, Dream thought, just to have Hob look at him with such care.
When Dream nodded, Hob hurried away to do just that.
Only now his crush was going to be one million times worse, and certainly not reciprocated, not after the scene he'd caused.
Beside him, Rachel was laughing, hiding it behind her hand.
"Is my suffering humorous to you?" Dream asked, but there was no heat in it, he was too busy looking after where Hob had disappeared.
"You should have seen it," she said. "He launched himself over the counter to catch you. Oh my god, I wish you could have witnessed it."
"Surely Hob would aid any customer in distress," Dream sniffed. But something turned over in his stomach, a little flutter of hope.
"Yeah but not literally vault the counter. It was terrific. I was worried he'd break a hip."
"I'm not that old," said Hob, coming back around the corner and crouching beside Dream again, water bottle and what looked like a chocolate muffin clasped in his hands.
Rachel was unrepentant. "You're lucky you didn't wind up on the floor, too."
"You caught me," said Dream, staring into Hob's eyes. He had such pretty eyes. Rich brown, like coffee with a dash of cream.
Dream might still be a bit lightheaded.
"Of course," said Hob, and uncapped the water, handing it to him. Dream took slow sips, realizing as he did that he hadn't drank any water all day. "I'm fond of you, you know. Can't let you hit your head on the floor."
Fond. Dream might faint again.
"Should I take you to hospital or something?" Hob asked, still so concerned it was making that floaty feeling bubble up again in Dream's chest.
"I will be fine here," he said.
"He just fell for you, that's all," said Rachel, and Dream glared at her. She just smiled back. "Swooned and everything."
"I did not swoon," Dream protested.
"You kind of did, actually," said Hob. "I've never seen someone just crumple so dramatically."
"Oh, have you seen many people faint, then?"
"No, but--"
"I'm going to man the till," said Rachel, patting Dream on the arm. "I don't think I want to be in the middle of this. Let me know if you want me to take you home, Dream." She winked at him. "Unless you'd rather Hob do it."
Johanna was never this meddlesome, Dream thought bitterly. She just made fun of him and left it at that.
Then he was alone with Hob, which was both an exciting and anxiety-inducing state of affairs. He clutched his water bottle for balance.
"Um. I got you this," said Hob, and handed him the muffin. "Made them this morning."
Dream was really quite hungry, so despite Hob's poor coffee record, he took a bite of the muffin.
And this was how he learned that Hob was utterly lacking in coffee-making skills because all his talent was in baking.
The chocolate was so rich, it tasted more like cake than a muffin. the chocolate chips melted on his tongue, and he had to force himself not to just immediately take another huge bite. He really was so hungry. Perhaps, now that he knew he could get such things here, he would have a reason to visit the cafe other than just Hob -- and a reason to eat breakfast, too.
"Good?" said Hob, and Dream nodded, licking the melted chocolate from his lips, and he didn't fail to notice Hob watching the movement of his tongue. Perhaps Johanna and Rachel were right, and it wasn't hopeless, even if Dream's best attempt at flirting back was collapsing onto the floor.
He did not know what possessed him then. Perhaps it was the chocolate. Perhaps it was the worry still lingering in Hob's warm eyes, or maybe he had just hit his head and forgotten about it. Either way, he leaned forward in his seat, and kissed Hob on the lips.
His lips were so soft. Just as Dream had dreamt they would be. Hob made a sound of surprise against Dream's mouth, and caught him by the arms so he wouldn't fall out of his chair. Which was a definite possibility, though now the lightheadedness was not caused by a calorie deficit but rather because he was kissing Hob.
Hob who was kissing him back, too. Softening against his mouth, licking the remaining chocolate from Dream's lips. Would Hob hug him, too? If he had already caught him? Dream had fantasized so much about being hugged by Hob.
Only one way to find out. He leaned into Hob's arms, and Hob caught him again, wrapping his arms around Dream's back. He was so warm, and strong. He was wonderful.
"It is a good thing," he said into Hob's shoulder.
"What is?"
"You noticing me."
Hob chuckled. The sound rumbled through Dream's chest. "It's not hard to do. I've been eyeing you for a while, you know. I always hoped you'd talk to me more."
"I am not very good at talking more," said Dream.
"I think I've got that now." Hob pulled back to look at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Falling over is more your style."
"I only faint on occasion," Dream protested, which only seemed to amuse Hob more.
"Well. If talking is a bit tough, maybe we can go for a walk sometime?" He tucked a strand of Dream's hair behind his ear, and Dream shivered. Hob clocked it, too, and let his hand rest on the back of Dream's head, fingers curled in his hair as his gaze flicked to Dream's lips and back up. "Or. Something else?"
Dream thought something else might make him spontaneously combust. That might have to wait a bit, at least until he could cope with Hob looking at him like that without feeling like he was about to explode in a flurry of butterflies.
"A walk, if you will hold my hand," he said, and Hob smiled, and took his hand, and Dream learned that all dreams really could come true at once.
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leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 cw : they're in love your honor!! porn with so many feelings and a plot, p in v, foreplay, oral (reader rec.), petnames, angst if you squint, so much fluff, no clear dynamics but Minho is on top, realistic smut (a rarity on my page), slightly jealous!Minho if you squint, reader is Han's younger cousin and is one of the skz managers!! (read part 1 if you want more context!!!), drinking (nothing crazy but still felt like I should give a warning for it just in case), so many kisses,
𝝑𝝔 part two of "Kiss it Better"
𝝑𝝔 a/n : guys I love Mimo, he's so sweetieful I'm gonna fucking vomit
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It was harder to sneak around than either of you thought it would be. Concealed kisses in empty practice rooms, his hand grazing your thigh under the table during dinner with the group, him sneaking out of the dorms to come over to your apartment in the darkest hours of the night. Being an idol meant he had no privacy, and being his manager meant at times you also had no privacy.
"You know," your older cousin, Jisung, starts from his seat on your couch, "I think Minho is starting to warm up to you, he's been acting different since you two went to Japan together to film his vlog."
"Really? I don't see it," you lie.
If only Jisung knew just how differently Minho had treated you since then. How Minho's once cold touches became gentle kisses to your face, how his glares became lingering gazes from soft eyes, or how his sour words became the sweetest of compliments. Jisung couldn't know that though, he couldn't know about how Minho had fallen for his younger cousin.
"I'm telling you, something is different," Jisung hums, "maybe it's because hyung is seeing someone?"
"H-he's seeing someone?" you can't help but stutter, "I didn't notice."
"Well, he's always sneaking out at night, he thinks we don't notice, but we do, I just am wondering who it is," Jisung confesses, "I hope he'll introduce them to us soon."
"Mhm," you hum, "I'm sure he will soon," even though you hope for the opposite.
"So what about you? Are there any boys who are trying to get with you?" Jisung changes the subject.
You shake your head, "no, no, you know this Ji, guys just aren't very interested in me."
"Well, you didn't hear this from me, but I think one of the guys in our film crew has a little thing for you," Jisung wiggles his eyebrows, "maybe you should give him a chance, he sounds nice."
"M-maybe?" you speak only so he'll be quiet.
Later that night your doorknob is turning, Minho stepping into your apartment, "jagi," he calls out to you.
"Hey Min," you say from your spot on the couch.
You hear him shuffling around in the kitchen for a moment, "I brought you some ice cream and other goodies," Minho announces, "also you have some mail."
"Mhm," you groan, you sit up and get a good look at the man who is standing in your kitchen, scooping your favorite ice cream into a bowl for you, and you can't help the warmth that runs all throughout your body at his gentleness.
"Did you have a rough day?" Minho inquires as he puts the tub of ice cream back into the fridge, finally turning to face you.
"Kinda," you inform him through a shrug, "just swamped with school and work and Ji came over earlier today as if I didn't just see him yesterday and my cat has a cold and yeah... today is just not my day," you ramble.
Minho is bringing the bowl of ice cream to you and wrapping you in his arms, rubbing soothing circles on your back, "I'm sorry, jagi," Minho muses, gently cupping your face in his hands, "I brought some wine, and I was at the store a few days ago and I noticed they had a sale on your favorite bath bombs so I grabbed a few of those for you," he informs.
"You're the best," you mumble, bringing Minho in for a tender kiss.
"I know," he hums against your lips, "let's take a nice bath together," he proposes.
He leaves one last kiss on your lips before he is standing up and walking into your bathroom, "eat your ice cream, jagi, I'll take care of everything else," Minho reassures.
You begin eating your ice cream and you hear the water for the bath turn on. You had just finished your bowl of ice cream when Minho is calling you into the bathroom.
You stand up and put your bowl in the sink before joining Minho in the bathroom. The only part of your apartment that you genuinely had no problems with was your jacuzzi style bathtub, it was large and perfect for relaxing in. The bath was full of warm water with bubbles floating on top, "I'm gonna go pour you a glass of wine," Minho announces before he steps out of the room.
You practically tear off your clothes and slowly sink into the warm water, letting the feeling of warmth and comfort completely consume you. "Jagi," Minho hums, opening the door to your bathroom carrying two wine glasses and a bottle of your favorite red wine in the other hand.
You can't help the smile that breaks across your face when you see him, he puts the glasses down on the counter, popping open the bottle before he pours you a glass of wine and hands it to you. "You always know just how to make me feel better, Min," you say while taking a sip of your drink.
"I try my best, jagi," he muses, beginning to take off his clothes so he can join you in the bath.
He eventually sinks into the tub across from you, sitting there with his own glass of wine that he poured. "So, I didn't know your cat was sick," he says after a moment.
"Yeah," you chuckle, "she woke me up getting sick on my bed this morning, so I took her to the vet, the poor thing has a stomach bug," you explain to him, "they are giving her some medicine and treating her overnight at the clinic."
"Ah," he nods, "I was wondering why she didn't greet me when I walked in," he takes another sip of wine.
"Yeah, I just hope she starts feeling better," you mumble, taking another sip of your drink, "but, enough about me, how have you been?"
"Y'know how work is, hell, you probably know more about my job then I do," he chuckles and you can't help the smile that spreads across your face, "it's well, work," he sighs, taking another sip from his glass, "honestly I'm excited for our break that's coming up soon, speaking of which, I was going to go camping and well I-I wanted you to go with me."
"Oh?" you raise your eyebrows, "me?"
"Well who else would I be talking to?" he deadpans.
You playfully roll your eyes, "I mean - why me?"
"I- you're my girlfriend," he tells you like you don't already know it.
You scoff, "well I know that- I-I just I'm not one for the woods."
"Well then we don't have to go camping, we should just take a trip, wherever you want," he rubs his face.
"W-wherever?" you can't fathom what he is telling you, "are you being serious?"
"Why would I lie to you, jagi?" he counters, "of course I'm being serious, is there anywhere you want to go?"
"I-I don't care, m-maybe Okinawa, I heard it's really pretty this time of the year," you comment.
"We can definitely do that," Minho's voice is like honey, the sweetest you've ever heard.
No one has ever spoken to you quite as sweetly as Minho has, it threw you for a loop everytime he would speak to you gently like this.
"I can't believe I used to find you intimidating," you mumble, talking about the man across from you in your tub.
"Most people find me intimidating, jagi, I think you're in the small minority of people who don't see me that way," he whispered in response.
"I can see why people think you are, but now whatever they find intimidating I just find endearing," you quietly confess.
You look into his eyes, his gaze soft, it was always soft when he was staring at you, like it was a privilege only you had, him looking at you that way. "I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," he breaks into a grin.
You take one last sip of wine before you're reaching up and placing the empty wine glass on the sink counter.
You dip your head into the water, wetting your hair before rising out of the water. You grab a bottle of shampoo, pouring it on your head, before massaging it into your scalp.
Minho repeats what you do, wetting his hair before shampooing it. You're putting your head back in the water, rinsing the shampoo out before grabbing your conditioner and putting it in your hair.
Once Minho rinses out the shampoo from his own hair you pass him the conditioner, letting him apply it.
While waiting for the conditioner to set in your hair you're moving over to Minho and straddling his lap, he takes a sip of wine before he's putting the glass back on the edge of the tub, his hands moving to your thighs under the water, gently squeezing the skin in his hands.
"You know, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you," you whisper before leaning down to kiss him gently.
You kiss him gently, hoping that your kiss will be as gentle as the way he speaks to you. A passionate kiss that he happily returns, it reminds you of the first kiss you two shared, the one that is a secret kept only between the two of you.
Each kiss you two share is a secret, almost like a language only the two of you know, one so tender and full of emotions. So rare and cherished because you both know you're the only two who will understand the words. As if every sentence spoken in the language was punctuated with a kiss.
Your chest went tight at your sudden realization, you love Lee Minho.
"You okay, jagi?" the man you love's voice snapping you out of your trance, "you went all still for a moment there," he chuckles.
"Y-yeah," you insist.
His right hand comes up to cup your face, pulling you back down for another kiss, "m'kay," he mouths against your lips.
Your lips move together in an almost hypnotic way against each other, in a way that leaves you dizzy and wanting more and more and more. You want as much as he'll give to you.
"Jagi," he hoarsely whispers against your lips, "y-you're perfect, y'know?"
Your arms link around the back of his neck, placing a peck on his lips before leaning back to get a good look at him, his eyes were glistening, wet hair slightly disheveled, and his lips are kiss bitten.
He breaks out into a toothy smile when he notices how you're looking at him, "you know, Ji thinks you're seeing someone," you inform him.
"Yeah?" Minho lowly chuckles, his eyebrows raising, "if only he knew I'm seeing the prettiest girl in the world, who just happens to share the same last name as him."
You can't help the blush that creeps onto your face from his sugary sweet words, "yeah, well, only if he knew I was seeing the handsomest guy in the world, who happens to be his best friend," you counter.
Minho's hands are tracing your sides now, tracing the stretch marks on your hips in the softest way imaginable, "they look kind of like lightning," he hinted at your stretch marks, "they're sexy, is that weird that I find every part of you sexy?" he ponders outloud.
"Just a bit, but I can't say much, I find every part of you sexy," you confide with a light blush on your cheeks.
You watch as the tips of his ears turn red and a shy smile breaks across his face, "every part?" he questions.
"Every part," you affirm, "even the parts you don't like," you whisper the last part.
You lean in and place a tender kiss on the underside of his jaw, while he leaves a kiss on your collarbone. Ripples of electricity flow through you when he gently bites down on your sweet spot and you can't help but gyrate your hips.
"J-jagi," Minho groans against your neck, "y-you're so fucking perfect."
"Make love t'me?" you request.
You can feel Minho's smile against your collarbone before he speaks, "let's rinse the conditioner out first," he suggests through a small chuckle.
You're quick to move off of him, dunking your head under the water, rinsing out the conditioner from your hair before watching him do the same. "You're eager," he teases, standing up from the tub before he's stepping out onto the bath mat.
You get a good look at him like this, a body so beautiful it looks like it was sculpted by the ancient Greeks. You can't help the way your eyes trail down his naked form, taking all of him in, from his beautiful face down to his strong calves and every piece of him in between.
"Like what you see?" Minho teases, grabbing a towel before drying himself off.
You can't help but rub your thighs together when you stare at his cock, semi-hard and quickly chubbing up.
You're standing up quickly, stepping out onto the bath mat, water dripping down every curve of your body, Minho is wrapping you in a towel of your own, helping dry you off.
He sinks to his knees without shame before he is drying off the lower half of your body. You can't help the whine that escapes your throat when he kisses your inner thigh, mere inches away from your cunt.
"And you say I'm eager?" you can't help but retort as you push the hair out of his face, his brown eyes staring up at you.
He smirks before kissing above the mound of your cunt. "I have the most beautiful woman in front of me, obviously I'm going to be eager," he compliments.
You're going to say something back to him but before you can you're moaning at the feeling of him gently sucking your clit into his mouth. "M-Minho-" a whimper tears itself from your throat.
"Just relax, jagi," he rasps before giving your clit a long, drawn out lick.
Your hands are grabbing at the sink counter for support because your legs are shaking so much you feel like they may give out on you. Minho's mouth working wonders on your clit, alternating between sloppy kitten licks, harsh sucks, and long drawn out movements of his tongue.
Your mind is turning into static and with every ministration of Minho's tongue you just fall deeper and deeper into the comfort of pleasure. Your hands are in his hair while his hands are wrapped around your thighs, keeping you still for him.
Time slows down like this, the only thing that matters in this world is the way your body shakes with every time Minho sucks on your clit. "My sweet jagi," Minho growls against your cunt, the vibrations of it sending you leaps and bounds closer to your orgasm, "are you enjoying yourself?"
He's not trying to tease you when he says this rather looking for genuine feedback and wanting to make sure he's doing a good job, "Minho d-don't you d-dare stop," you command, hands tugging on his locks.
And he is in no spot to deny your commands, returning to kitten licking your sloppy clit.
With a particularly hard suck on your clit you're squeezing your eyes shut and all that can be heard is white noise as you ride through the shockwaves of your orgasm, Minho's tongue gently licking over your clit, drawing out the fire pooling in your lower abdomen.
Your thighs shake in his grasp and your breathing becomes jagged while the bliss of your orgasm begins to fade away. "F-fuck," you cry out.
Minho gives your clit one last kiss, a gesture that makes tingles run up your spine, before he is standing up.
He is quick to bring you in for a passionate kiss and you can taste your essence on his tongue and it feels oh-so good to be this close to him. His tongue in your mouth and the taste of your own cum filling your taste buds. His hands resting on your hips before slowly moving up to your breasts, tweaking your pebbled nipples with his fingers.
When he pulls away from your lips he is breathless as he stares down at you, "you're so beautiful," he whispers, his chest heaving.
"Min," you choke, "p-please," is all you can manage to say.
But Minho knows what you want, almost like he can read your mind.
"I don't have a condom, jagi," he informs you.
"I'm on birth control, just please fuck me, Minho," you beg, "I think I'll go crazy if you don't."
He laughs at your remark, "okay," he whispers, pressing one last kiss on your lips before he's gently flipping you around, bending you over the sink counter.
You can't help but squeal as your body is pressed against the cold surface of the counter. A strangled moan tearing itself out of your throat when you feel Minho's cock rubbing against your entrance.
You look up into the mirror above the counter, watching Minho's face as he slowly pushes his cock into your awaiting cunt. Relishing in the way his eyes shut tightly and how his mouth falls open, a guttural groan ripping from his throat as he sinks into your pussy.
You can feel every vein of his pretty cock like this, questioning why you hadn't let him fuck you raw before. But you don't have much energy to think, not with the way Minho stills inside you, waiting for you to tell him to move, letting you adjust to his cock. Gentle with you even when you can tell he wants nothing more than to fuck your brains out.
"My perfect j-jagi, God i-it's so fucking warm 'n tight-" he groans, leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on your back, you can't help but clench at his words which pulls an immediate reaction out of him, "g-god jagi, I-I c-can I move pl-please?"
You're nodding more frantically then you hoped you would, but you don't have time to be embarrassed when Minho's cock starts slowly thrusting into you. You watch as his brows knit together in the mirror, the look of pure bliss on his face.
And when his pace picks up and the head of his cock finally hits that spongy spot inside of you, the one that has you seeing stars, you lose all your composure.
You turn into a moaning, whimpering mess, letting out little 'ah,ah,ah's each time his mushroom tip kisses your cervix. Your head falls and you do your best to completely drown yourself in the pleasure of the moment.
The only sound you can hear in the room is the sound of skin slapping against skin accompanied by you and Minho's groans.
A strong knot begins forming in your lower abdomen, one that grows tighter and tighter with every hypnotizing thrust of Minho's cock.
Honestly, you don't think it can get any better until Minho's fingers trail down your side, moving to softly rub rub rub your clit.
And that is what sends you over the edge of another orgasm, the band in your abdomen snapping as you cum around Minho's cock.
Moans escape your throat to no avail as you clench on his cock, every thrust into you more delicious than the last.
"G-gonna cum," Minho announces with a low growl, "gonna cum in this perfect little cunt."
"P-please," you plead, chanting the word like a mantra as you feel hot ropes of Minho's cum spilling into you.
He rides out his orgasm thrusting into you erratically before his hips eventually stop their movements and now the only sound that can be heard is the two of you's labored breaths.
"My perfect girl," Minho leans back down, placing kisses along your spine, you whine when his cock slips out of you, "thank you."
You can't help the dazed, almost drunken-like grin that spreads across your face as you feel his cum dribbling out of your cunt.
Minho cleans the two of you up after that, helping dress you in one of his baggy shirts and a pair of your underwear while he wears a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tank top. He grabs the wine and the wine glasses and brings them into the kitchen, putting them in their respective places before joining you on the couch.
The two of you sit on your couch, your legs thrown across Minho's lap while you watch the show that the two of you had been binging for the past few weeks. Minho's hands tenderly massaging your calves, rubbing away any remaining stress before gently tracing shapes on your shins.
When he gets up to grab water he returns with a glass of water in his hands and a letter in the other hand, giving it to you, "it's from Hannie's brother," he informs you, placing your feet back on his lap.
You tear open the letter, a wedding invitation for you and a plus one of your choice. "Ji's older brother is getting married," you inform him, "it's a wedding invitation."
"Ah," Minho nods, you pass the letter to him letting him read it over, "a plus one?"
"Yeah," you shrug, "I would take you but, y'know..." you trail off.
"Yeah, I get it," he hums, placing the letter on the coffee table.
Two weeks before the wedding and Jisung was accompanying you while you went dress shopping. "Ooh, that one's nice, fits the theme," he comments when you come out of the dressing room with a nudish-pink frilly dress on.
"Yeah, I guess, what are you wearing?" you question.
"I'm wearing a grey tux, y'know being the best man and all," he informs, "but my date is wearing black."
"You have a date?"
"Well he's not a date, more like a friend, it's your favorite person," he wiggles his eye brows, sarcasm dripping from his voice, and obviously he was hinting at Minho.
Little did Jisung know, Minho was your actual favorite person, but he couldn't know that yet. "Are you bringing a date?" he interrogates you.
"No," you chuckle, "who would even be my date?"
"I'm telling you, y/nnie, that guy on our camera crew!" he gaffs like it's obvious, "I'm positive he'd love to go with you! And he seems nice! And I promise I won't embarrass you in front of him!"
"I dunno Ji," you sigh, just hoping Jisung will be quiet.
Later that week you were at the filming of one of the SKZCODE episodes, organizing the boy's schedule whilst waiting for the boys to get done with their hair and makeup the camera and set crew setting up, "y/nnie!" Han muses, you snap your head up, looking up at your cousin, next to him was a man you had seen at other recordings, one of the cameramen.
"Did I ever introduce you to Jang Siwoo-ssi?" he motions to the man next to him, obviously hoping to start off a conversation between you and the man next to him.
"N-no?" you stamper.
"Ah! Well he is the guy I was telling you about," he reminds you of the cameraman that he said had a thing for you, "and you two just sound like a good pair, so I wanted to introduce the two of you," he was straight to the point with his words.
"H-hi," the man - Siwoo - greets, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"Hi," you return, "I'm Han y/n, I'm Han's younger cousin, and one of the managers."
"Well you two are already hitting it off! Oh look at the time! I need to get dressed!" Jisung is quick to run off.
"Uhm Han was telling me that you needed a plus one to a-a wedding," Siwoo informs.
"O-oh, yeah-"
"-well I think you're really pretty a-and if you still don't have a date I-I would r-really like to go with you?" he cuts you off.
"Oh," your tone falls, you can't not accept, if you refuse, Jisung will interrogate you to no end, "y-yeah sure, I-I'll give you my number."
You pull your phone out of your pocket and hand it to him, letting him type his phone number into your phone before he hands it back to you. "Siwoo! We need your help!" another cameraman calls.
"Coming!" the man in front of you responds, "I'll uh text you."
"Y-yeah okay," you agree.
Later that night you texted him the details for the wedding. The wedding that came sooner rather than later.
Your doorbell rang and you knew it was Siwoo, the two of you deciding to ride to the wedding with Han and Minho. You let the man into your apartment, the two of you making mindless chit chat until the door is being opened by Han, Minho behind him. "Who's this?" Minho asks, motioning to Siwoo.
"He's her date," Han informs Minho whilst grabbing a water out of your fridge.
"Ah," Minho's eyes find yours and you give him an apologetic glance, trying to convey your thoughts with your eyes.
The wedding ceremony itself was rather short, followed soon after by the reception, a reception where you were seated between Minho and Siwoo, Han on Minho's right.
You curse whatever God put you in this position, having to ignore Minho for so long, especially when he looked oh so good.
"I'm going to grab a drink, do you want anything?" Siwoo asks as he stands up.
"I'll join you," Han stands up, joining Siwoo.
You shake your head and let out a shaky breath, turning to Minho, his hand is quick to rest on your thigh, "you look nice, jagi," he leans in to whisper in your ear, "that color looks good on you."
"Minho," your voice trembles, "at times like this I wish I didn't have to pretend to hate you."
"Me too," he hums, "maybe we could sneak off? I could tell Han you're not feeling well, call a cab, and we could go back to your place," he suggests.
To say it's tempting is an understatement, Siwoo sliding back into the chair on the other side of you makes you almost jump up into the air. Minho's hand flying off your thigh and settling back onto his own leg.
Siwoo didn't seem to notice, though, which you were thankful for. "H-hey I had fun today, b-but I don't feel too good, I think I'm gonna head home," you announce to Siwoo.
"O-oh I'll take you back home," he offers.
"Oh, uhm, Minho was going to take me."
Siwoo looks between you and Minho for a moment. "Oh you two are-" you can see the gears turning in his head, "a-a couple?"
"Who are you talking about?" Jisung asks, standing behind his chair.
"Y/n and Minho!" Siwoo gaffs like it's obvious.
"What!?" Han's jaw practically falls to the floor in shock, "the-there's no way! I mean guys he's just talking out of his ass right now right?"
"I-I me-mean yeah!" you try to lie.
"Minho! You've been bumping uglies with my cousin!" Han can see through your lies, turning the blame onto Minho.
Now it is Minho's time to stammer and try to act oblivious, "w-what n-n-no!"
"Oh my God!" Han groans, "I'm so mad at the two of you I can't even look at you!"
Han is soon stomping away, leaving in a huff, you turn your attention back to Siwoo, "I-I honestly have no words, uhm, I- I'm gonna go," he announces his departure.
You glance at Minho, feeling so embarrassed you could cry. "M-Minho," you whimper, biting your tongue so you don't cry.
"Jagi," Minho coos, his hand resting on your thigh yet again, "c'mon let's go home," he insists.
He is swift to order an Uber. You can't help the lump welling in your throat the one that spills over with salty tears running down your face, "oh, jagi," Minho is quick to pull you up, across the reception venue and out into the hall.
He has you trapped between his body and the wall, "sweet girl, hey, look at me," he tilts your chin up so you're looking up at him.
His brown eyes lovingly gaze at you when he speaks, "everything is gonna be okay," he tries to reassure you.
"But it isn't!" you sob.
"It will," he promises, "I love Jisung, but not in the way I love you and not more than I love you. Are you hearing me, jagi? I love you."
The world could be hit by a meteor and you wouldn't care, not in this moment. Because all that matters is the man standing in front of you, cradling your face.
The man who has you as his cat's emergency contact, the one who knows every uninteresting thing about you, the man who loves you. He's in front of you, and he is unwavering in his love.
"Y-you love me?" you choke through a sob.
"I love you more than the tides love the moon," he confesses, "you don't have to say it back, I want you to mean it when you say it, don't just say it because I did," he insists.
"M-Minho," you pull him in for a hug, "I do love you," you confide.
"Y-you're being serious?" his breath hitches in anticipation.
"As serious as a heart attack," you try to joke through your tears.
You pull apart from the hug and look into his brown eyes, his gaze is tender, like always, but it's not just his usual tender gaze. The way he looks at you now is different, it's the look of love.
"Can't believe you love me," he whispers, "in no world am I deserving of your love."
You can't help but smile ear to ear, "are you trying to make me cry more?" you chuckle.
"No," he leans down and presses the softest kiss on your lips like if he kisses you too harshly you'll fall apart, he kisses you like you're made of the most fragile china, "I never wanna make you cry."
"I love you," you say it again for whatever reason, but Minho doesn't mind.
"I love you more," he insists, wiping the tears from your face, "don't worry about Han, he'll come around, he can't stay mad at me and you forever."
"Minho-hyung," Han's voice rings in your ear, both you and Minho's gaze snapping to the man, who looks like he walked in on the two of you, "y/n, I-I," he sighs, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten mad at you two," he apologizes, "so how long have the two of you been a thing?"
"Since that trip to Japan," Minho informs him, his hand moving down to interlink with your own.
"Well, you hurt her I hurt you," Han shrugs, "b-but I'm happy for the two of you."
"See? Told you he'd come around," Minho whispers to you.
Han is quick to return back to the wedding without another word, "so are we still going back to my place?" you mumble.
"Yeah, let's go," he agrees.
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mxkyu--x9e · 10 days
hiiii!!!!!!!! could I request best friend chan who confesses his feelings for reader on live not realizing they're watching? Hopefully this makes sense lol
|:: The chat's view on love
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Author's note: Hii!!!! Thank you for much for this request!! I hope I wrote this to your expectations!! Thank you so much,I'm sorry if it's not to your expectations because it definitely did not make me happy!! But I hope it's good enough.
Synopsis: With Bang Chan's live, Stays swarm in, asking questions and such..and one slip of his tongue revealed a big detail on his life...poor boy's crush.
Warnings: Idol! Bang Chan|| fem! Reader|| nothing really, sorry if it's pretty short.
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"No, Berry is actually doing good!! She's with Hannah in Australia, what are you talking about???" Chan asked the live with confused laughter, as he continued to talk with Stays on his chat. Almost a good few millions, actually.
As he answered questions, laughing softly it wasn't too big on his thoughts to really think everything through and see if Stays psycho-analyze everything he said or did. As he read out questions for himself, while playing random videos of his own entertainment.
"Chocolate or cookies and cream? I'm sorry...I gotta say cookies and cream, it's too bitter for me to eat chocolate in ice-cream." he said, shaking his head as he laughed. "How is your best-friend doing??" he read, and god was he delighted to talk about you!
He also took the time to check your texts from earlier this day, telling him to eat something, as he felt butterflies in his stomach and warmth in his chest, it was just adorable at how much you cared for him.
It felt delightful to get your texts, he didn't know why, it gave him some sort of joy...sure it meant he loved you, you're his best-friend after all, since his trainee years , but this just felt different...
Different from last month...He had no idea when it began, was it when you broke up with your stupid situationship type of boyfriend? Or was it when you personally came to see him after his group won and treated them all to dinner that night...
Maybe it was the fact that you cared for him so deeply, you got along well with Hannah and Berry and his entire family, the fact you always got a good morning and good night text for him in a weird way, how you're always ready to comfort him or others, how you're always the first to support him...It came naturally for him to fall in love with you, how couldn't he??
"They're actually doing pretty great. They recently got me a brand new rice cooker after my old one broke and I was crying to them about it...And god, was it so sweet!! It has bears drawn on it." Chan told the viewers, most commenting about "how cute!" they visualized it to be, how they'd like him to "show it!", and others as he laughed and nodded,
"I will, I will...when I can...But yeah, they've been good. I was texting them today about the new beats I was making and they told me very gently and sweetly, "go eat, la!!" and it's so cute! They're so adorable!!" he said, laughing, as he pressed his lips together to stop the biggest, giddy smile reaching his lips...
"I seriously adore them, they're such an important person in my life and I don't think I ever want to...I don't think I ever want them to leave me..or be apart and I don't want us to drift apart..I might not be making sense, but it's tr-true." he said,
"I ADORE them..." he said, before his eyes glanced up to catch the camera, and he quickly added, "Like a friend, of-course" His heart skipping a beat, as he thought of you again..perfect in his eyes, almost perfect.
He might have not noticed, but Stays definitely did. Speaking from the heart, his irises slightly growing large as he thought of you, an uncontrollable smile on his lips, the one smile where his tiny dimples start showing up as he smiles... That's love...not just admiration for a friend...
And you definitely knew it was love as you stared at the live with bright eyes, feeling flustered already, your stomach cramping in as if on a roller-coaster, you couldn't control your own smile after hearing his honey-dipped words...
The Stays watching knew the warmth those words spread, even in them...Like blankets on a particularly hard day when you simply want to cry, like the warm soup after feeling bad about yourself in the past few days, like the productivity you feel proud of after not living up to your standards, like that one friend's text after you feel left out...
It was warm and it spread to Chan's veins as he glanced at his phone, smiling down, seeing it was yours as he opened, his eyes widening as he scanned the words...
Trying to hide his urge to scream in happiness...But he heard a ping, and he quickly turned back up at camera, eyes widening a bit more that he was still Live..as he reached and looked at his phone, before hurriedly smiling towards the live and Stays,
"I-uh-I gotta go, Stays, a little-...Uh. A littl-emergency, I'm late-late to practice!!" he said, hurriedly shutting off the camera and picking up his phone, his bag and running out to see you as he struggled to put on some shoes, rushing down his apartment...tripping over his own feet slightly as he ran, smiling down at your text.
"I love you too. More than a friend though :)"
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© Mxkyu--e9e. I do not give permission to modify, translate, copy or repost ANY of my works. Reblogs are very much beloved!
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goquokka00 · 6 months
Want So Bad
This was requested by @mamnaimiefrankie, and so I really hope you enjoy!
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Summary: Jisung, Minho, and Hyunjin were hanging out. Upon getting some munchies, Jisung found some gummies that seemed to look appetizing enough. However, someone forgot to read a label...
Pairings: Han Jisung X Reader (F!)
Genre: Humor (I mean come on, Paboracha is involved, of COURSE there's gonna be humor), Smut (MDNI), fluff at the end
Warnings: Use of aphrodisiacs, mention of cunnilingus, grinding, pet names, Switch! Jisung (man is whiny, needy, and begs a LOT), Switch! Reader, dirty talk, oral (m! receiving), overstimulation, unprotected penetrative sex, cream pie, bunny fucking, scratching, 100% 18+ (seriously like if you're a minor don't read pls and thank you <3)
Word Count: 4.1K
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Saturdays were always something that Jisung looked forward to. Sure, he loved being with you, as you two had been together for almost 2 years now, but he also loved spending time with his friends. Specifically, Minho and Hyunjin. And every Saturday, while you worked your shift at the nearby bakery, Jisung would hang out with Minho and Hyunjin.
These hang outs could be anything from watching movies, to playing board games or video games, to having deep conversations about the stresses of work and being idols, to being on the floor laughing about literally anything. It was fun for them, and they always looked forward to it.
Today wasn't any different.
The three men decided to meet at Minho's house, as his girlfriend was gonna be gone for the day at work. That meant they had access to the Nintendo Switch. And that meant they could play Mario Kart. A game they all liked, but only one was good at.
"JISUNG, NO FAIR!" Hyunjin whined, watching as Shy Guy passed the finish line in first. Jisung could only laugh as he watched Hyunjin and Minho struggle through the computers they were playing against, constantly running into bananas or being hit by shells. "You really can't take it easy on us ONE time?!"
"Where's the fun in taking it easy when I can wipe the floor with both of you?" Jisung laughed, watching Minho finally pass the finish line in fourth with Tanuki Mario. Hyunjin finished soon after in seventh with Princess Peach, practically throwing his controller down on the sofa.
"I think you play this game too much." Minho said, crossing his arms. Jisung could only shrug, standing up and stretching as the final results played. Jisung got first in the Grand Prix, while Minho got 5th and Hyunjin got 8th. "Find another hobby."
"No can do, sorry." Jisung said, watching Minho roll his eyes.
"Whatever." Minho said, looking to Hyunjin. "Let's do a round with just you and I, Hyunjin."
"Okay. I'm down for that." And with that, Hyunjin and Minho started a two-player race. And as they did that, Jisung walked over to the kitchen, looking for something to snack on. After all, he hadn't eaten much that day, and he knew that he should eat something. Otherwise, he'd get an earful from you.
And so, into the snack closet he went. He always knew Minho was stocked and really didn't care about what he ate from his stash, so long as it wasn't any of his girlfriend's food (which had all been labelled after the Changbin incident 3 years ago). And sure enough, when Jisung opened the door, the closet was filled.
Candies, chips, pretzels...you name the snack, it was in there. But the thing that caught Jisung's eye was the gummy hearts up on the top shelf. They didn't have Minho's girlfriend's sticker on them, which meant free grabs. And so, Jisung took a good handful from the bag, before closing the closet and going back to the couch.
"Jisung, how do you drift again?" Hyunjin called out. Jisung quickly threw some of the gummies into his mouth, chewing and swallowing as he sat back down onto the couch.
"It's the right trigger." Jisung said, watching Hyunjin do so. And then he spun out of control. Jisung laughed as Hyunjin freaked out.
"You liar!"
Finally, after a nice hang out with the boys, Jisung had said his goodbyes and made his way back to the apartment. He loved hanging out with them, but he also wanted to actually be home when you got home. He always felt bad that he'd return so late after you've gone to bed, and tonight he wanted to see you awake.
But...it was when he stepped inside of the apartment when he noticed how weird he felt.
The first thing he noticed was how hot it was. At first, he thought it was the apartment, which would've been weird since the both of you loved keeping the apartment cool for wearing hoodies. But when he went to the thermostat, it read 68°. Right where it always was.
And upon walking back to the living room, he noticed how fuzzy his head was. He wasn't dizzy, just...he couldn't focus on anything. His body felt like it was in the clouds, too. Not just his mind. That's when he noticed that it was him that was also feeling hot.
Okay...weird, but whatever. He could ride it out, and he'd be fine. Right? R-Right?
Well, that's when he noticed just how much his shirt was grazing his nipples. He...never noticed that before. Every movement caused the shirt to graze oh, so lightly against them, and it made Jisung's breath hitch. That wasn't the only thing. He felt like his pants were really tight. Really, really tight. And that never happened unless...
He had a boner. A really, really bad boner. He could see it through his jeans, and he could never see his boners from his jeans before. And that made him concerned. Not to mention how much it just...hurt.
He was hot, sensitive, hard...he couldn't think straight... what the hell was going on with him?
His first thought wasn't about figuring this out, though. No, it was about getting his damn pants off. They were just too tight, his dick was so sensitive and hard that if he kept those jeans on any longer, he might cry. And so, he did exactly that. And the sight afterwards of the hard-on in his boxers?
Oh, it was just worse.
Jisung just groaned, leaning back against the sofa as he ran a hand through his hair, squirming. This was so bad, he needed to fix this issue before you got home, he'd die if you saw him this hard and horny. It would just be straight up embarrassing--
But all of his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.
Jisung's head whipped around to the door, his face flushed as you walked into the apartment, setting your bag down. And the second you looked over at him in your outfit you decided to wear to work? Oh, it just made him whine. God, this was so embarrassing...He didn't even know what to say. Thankfully, you spoke up first, still not noticing the issue at hand here.
"Oh, you're home? I thought you were planning on staying over at Minho's for a lot longer." Just the sound of your sweet and smooth voice washed over Jisung, making his cock twitch. God, you sounded so heavenly, he just wanted to hear you moaning his name, screaming out from how good his cock felt when he--
Immediately, he got that thought out of his head.
"I-I just wanted to surprise you, my baby..." Fuck, why did he have to stutter? He never stuttered; you knew he never stuttered. And so, he winced as you walked over to him with an eyebrow raised.
"Oh? And you wanna tell me why you just stuttered?" You asked. You didn't sound mad, just curious. But Jisung didn't have to say anything to you, because it didn't take your eyes long to notice the large tent in his pants. And immediately, your eyes widened. "Oh, Jisung, what--"
"I-I don't know, okay? I've been feeling really, really weird and-and I don't know why, I just walked through the door and immediately I just got horny, and hot, and hard, and I don't know what to do or why I'm like this, and-"
"Hey, hey, hey, slow down." You said, kneeling down to look at him. Your eyes were so warm and comforting, they always felt like home to Jisung. It was nice, and always got him to calm down no matter what.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? Do you want me to call Minho and see what's going on?" You offered. "Knowing him and Yejin, they'd know what's up with you."
"Ye-Yeah, okay..." Jisung said. It made sense. After all, he knew that Minho and Yejin were a freaky couple. They've tried everything under the sun, and had sex all the time. So if anyone would know, it'd be them.
And so, that's what you did. You dialed Minho's number, waiting for him to answer. And he picked up after the third ring.
"Minho." You greeted, hearing his audible sigh on the other end of the line, as well as a moan.
"Okay, what did I do this time? And can it please hurry, I'm in the middle of something." Minho grumbled.
"I'm sure you can spare getting your dick wet for 5 seconds so you can tell me what's wrong with my significant other."
"What do you mean? Is he dying or something?"
"No, but he's hornier than a dog in heat."
"Well, that's probably because he thinks you're hot. Can I get back to going down on my girlfriend now--"
"No, because he doesn't get that horny when it's just me. He's literally panting and is non-stop squirming."
"Oh. OOOHHH--"
"What, oh?"
"Shit, I knew we didn't use that many!" Minho waited a second, getting a question from Yejin. You couldn't quite make it out, but you definitely heard the response. "Well duh, we literally just bought those gummies a few days ago!"
"The gummies? What gummies?" You asked.
"The gummies?" Jisung also asked, feeling his heart drop.
"Yeah, so, Yejin and I invested in some aphrodisiac gummies a few days ago. They look like hearts, kinda coated in some sugar, they're actually pretty damn good. But you shouldn't eat like, more than 5, I think."
"Did you eat heart shaped gummies covered in sugar?" You asked Jisung, watching him go pale at the question. And his lack of an answer gave you all of the information you needed to know. "Jisung!"
"I was hungry, okay! And they were in the snack closet, so I thought they were good!" Jisung whined.
"Why the hell would aphrodisiac gummies be kept in a fucking snack closet?!"
"I didn't know where else to put them, so I put them in the top of the shelf." And that resulted in Minho getting an earful from Yejin. You could only roll your eyes, hanging the call up.
"Okay, so you ate a few laced gummies that will make you horny. That's fine." You said, going back over to Jisung, giving him a small smile.
"I-I'm sorry, my baby, I-I should've read the packaging, I-"
"Jisung, it's fine. Really, it's not like we haven't fucked before, right?" You asked him, going to straddle his lap. Jisung immediately blushed, seeing you on top of him. It was a beautiful sight, one of his favorites. But in this situation?
"Wa-Wait, I don't know about this...I don't think I can control myself, baby." Jisung told you. "I-I don't wanna end up hurting you or anything..."
"Then let me be the one to help you, okay?" You told him, kissing his cheek. That's when you lowered yourself over his boxers, your shorts grazing against his boner deliciously. Jisung let out a pathetic moan, throwing his head back at the feeling. "Can I help you out, Sungie?"
"God...please, baby..." As Jisung spoke, he bucked his hips up against yours, moaning at the feeling of grinding up against you. And with that, you smiled, pulling him into a kiss.
The two of you grinded against each other as you made out, Jisung moaning out like he hadn't been touched in his life. The kiss you both shared was messy and sloppy, but Jisung loved it like that. And so did you. And his tongue immediately went to exploring your mouth, only making the kiss sloppier.
But before long, Jisung pulled away, getting louder. It was an indicator that he was getting close already. You immediately slowed down, watching his brow furrow and his jaw hang open. You knew that look. But when you heard the displeased whine of you slowing down, you were shocked.
"N-No, gunna--please, baby, lemme cum..." Jisung whined, looking up at you. God, his pouty lips, the way his eyes begged you for that sweet release...You couldn't help it.
"Fuck, baby..." You groaned, sliding off of Jisung. You immediately took your shirt off, as well as your bra before slipping his boxers down, seeing his angry cock spring up and slap his stomach, leaking precum.
You didn't even stop to admire him like you usually did, you immediately gripped him and put his tip into your mouth, sucking. You let your spit leak from the sides of your mouth, making it as wet as possible. And Jisung immediately wailed, bucking his hips up at the feeling.
"Hoooly fucking shit! Oh, please, just like that baby...I...I'm gonna fucking blow, oh my god! Keep--Keep going, please!" Jisung moaned out, closing his eyes and clenching his thighs. God, your mouth always felt so damn good to him, he could never get enough of it.
And sure enough, he came a few seconds later.
"Cu-Cumming! I'm cumming, oh...fuck, keep--keep me in, baby!" Jisung cried out, holding your head down on him. You did as told, staying put as he shot his seed into your mouth. And once you were sure he was finished, you slowly lifted up and off of him, swallowing his load. And that got a low groan out of him. "Holy shit, baby...you're so hot..."
You just giggled, moving back up to him and pecking his lips. Jisung could only whine though, still feeling weird. And you were quick to notice. Your eyes immediately grew concerned, looking down to see that he was still hard.
"How...what?" You questioned. His cock was practically inflating like a balloon, ready to go again within a few seconds. Your gaze went back to Jisung, who was already starting to softly whine again. "How many of those gummies did you eat?"
"I-I don't know, maybe like, 13?" Jisung guessed, making your eyes widen.
"Minho said that the recommended dosage was only 5..." You trailed, looking back down at Jisung's cock. Once again, it was leaking precum with an angry red tip. And once you heard Jisung whine again, you let out a huff. And upon seeing your determined face, Jisung immediately whined again, his cock twitching. He knew that look.
"Baby, y-you've done enough, you don't have to--"
"No, I do." You said, standing up. And once your gaze hit Jisung, that determined and frustrated glint in your eyes, he immediately whimpered. "Lay down."
"B-But I don't wanna lose it and hurt--"
"Lay. Down. And don't make me repeat myself, Jisung." You told him.
Your voice was stern, and God, Jisung loved when you got like this with him. When you took charge in the bedroom, it was the hottest thing. The way your face would get so determined, so confident...shit, Jisung could get a boner just thinking about it if he didn't already have one.
And so, Jisung did as told, going and laying down on the couch. As he did that, you pulled your shorts and panties down before walking back over to Jisung and straddling him again, bringing a hand up to your face and spitting in it before grabbing Jisung's dick and covering it. And then, you lined it up with your entrance while Jisung waited in anticipation.
And the feeling of you sinking down on his cock as slow as you were taking it make Jisung let out the filthiest, most scrumptious moan. And once he was fully sheathed, you rolled your hips, Jisung's jaw opening in a silent moan, his breath stopping. Before he knew it, you were bouncing on him, doing your best to get a nice pace for the both of you.
"Holy...baby, you-you're so tight, this is...I-I don't--this is too much!" Jisung whined, his hands going to your hips. Moans left the both of you as you rode him, your eyes focused on his, as well as where the two of you were connected. You were bound and determined to get him to cum again. You wanted him to feel relief.
"Feel good, baby?"
"Fuck, yes! Baby, please, more, can-can you move more?" Jisung looked up at you, panting as you tried your best to move quicker. However, there was the single inevitable fact both of you knew.
You weren't the best with riding Jisung.
Sure, Jisung loved when you were on top of him, and you loved it too. However, you could only bounce so fast before it felt like your legs were gonna give out. And so, when Jisung was in the right mindset, he'd brace you before fucking up into you, which always felt incredible. But that sadly wasn't the case.
"Ji, I can only move so-fuck...so much, baby...I can hit deeper, but--"
"Do that! Please, just give me anything, m'close!" Jisung whined. And so, that's what you did.
You slowed your pace by a lot, but you lifted yourself almost completely off of him before letting yourself drop back down on him, causing both of you to cry out. After a small grind on his hips, you repeated, doing the same thing, except going a little faster.
"Fuck, just like that, baby...holy-m'gonna cum! Keep going, don't-don't stop!" Jisung wailed, gripping your hips tightly. And so, you did exactly that, moaning out as you continued to lift yourself up and drop down. And before you knew it, Jisung let out a sob, slamming his hips up into you, causing you both to cum at the same time.
"Shit shit shit, Jisung!" You cried, your front collapsing a bit. You were able to catch yourself on his chest, feeling his hips jut up into you as you ground yourself down onto him. You were panting now, trying to collect yourself as Jisung tried to calm himself down as well.
But you missed the fact that Jisung's cock wasn't softening inside of you. And you also missed the dark, lustful glint in Jisung's eyes.
"Holy...wow, that was something-ELSE!" You squealed.
You didn't even have time to realize what had happened, as Jisung had managed to muster up the strength to pick you up and flip both of you around. Now he was on top of you, both of your legs on his shoulders as he practically folded you in half. His face was inches from yours, his mouth hanging open as he slipped inside of you again, somehow hitting deeper.
And the second he managed to just kiss your cervix, he began to thrust mercilessly into you. He fucked into you so fast, his mouth near your ear as panting moans left Jisung as you let out cries. Both of his elbows were on either side of your head, his hands cradling you and holding you close to him as he pounded you.
"Fuck fuck fuck, you feel so fuckin' good, so tight and wet, I-I can't take it, baby...god, you're pussy's talkin' to me, I can hear it while you suck my cock back into you..." Jisung growled, before humming so lowly it practically shook your core. Every time his hips slammed into yours, his pitch would bump up for a second, before going back down. And that low hum was what got you to cum for a second time.
"Jisung, I'm cumming!" You cried out, gripping onto him. Your nails dug into his skin as you clung onto him for dear life. His pace never slowed as your body trembled, hell, he probably went faster at that.
"Hell yeah, you are...fuck, you're creamin' me, baby...god!" Jisung growled. He could feel your juices dripping onto his cock and down his leg as well as yours. And he could hear your cunt squelching. "Cum again--cream on my cock, make it messy...just how I like it, baby..."
And that's exactly what you did. You moaned out at his words, feeling your third orgasm rip through your soul. If there was anything that was gonna do you in, it was the combination of Jisung practically fucking into you like a rabbit, his hips unfaltering, and his fucking voice.
"Good girl, such a good girl for me..." Jisung growled into your ear. Of course, he continued his merciless pace. And due to you having gone through your third orgasm, you were sent right into overstimulation, meaning it wouldn't take you long to hit your fourth.
"J-Jisung, I-I can't...s'too much, I can't--"
"You can, baby...do it for me, you're takin' me so well, just a bit longer..." Jisung wasn't gonna take no for an answer. To make things even worse (not really), he quickly brought his hand up to his face, licked his fingers, and slipped it in between your bodies, only to start rubbing tight circles around your clit, which sent you reeling. You practically let out a sob, scratching Jisung's back harshly.
"JISUNG!" And without any warning, your fourth orgasm shot through you, making you wail. Feeling you hit your fourth orgasm is also what did Jisung in.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby...m'gonna fill you so much, m'gonna stuff you so full..." Jisung mumbled, his rhythm getting sloppier. You just wailed, just getting over that fourth orgasm, feeling that fifth one approaching quickly. "Fuck! I'm cumming!"
And with that, Jisung slammed his hips into you one last time, painting your walls white with his seed as you also hit your last orgasm of the night, your entire body shaking viciously from it. You felt like you had practically ascended, seeing god for the nth time.
Jisung slowly pulled out after that, finally feeling satisfied after that, and went to grab the cum towel you both kept in the bedroom. As he left, you continued to tremble, feeling aftershocks from your orgasms. And once Jisung came back, already cleaned up and in sweatpants, he immediately went over to you, kneeling next to your head and peppered your face in kisses.
"Good job, baby...you took me like a champ, you did so well, my baby..." Jisung said gently. His small kisses didn't stop once, making sure that you actually came down from your high before cleaning you up. And once you did, you let out a small giggle, letting Jisung know that you were back. "There she is..."
"Stop it, it's not like I blacked out." You said. Jisung pecked your lips, caressing your face for a second, just admiring you and your features.
"I know, but you definitely weren't here." Jisung told you, going over and wiping you down. He was nice and gentle, making sure he didn't accidentally make you uncomfortable.
"I scratched you, didn't I?" You asked, giving him a slightly concerned look as he continued to clean you up.
"Yeah, but don't worry about it." Jisung told you, giving you a smile as he kissed your thigh.
"You sure?"
"Mhm. Trust me, it didn't hurt, and if they stay, then it means that I get to show off how good I can make my baby feel, right?" Jisung asked, making you blush. Of course he'd wear those scratch marks around like a trophy. He'd do that with any marks you left on his body.
"Do you have to put it like that?"
"Of course I do!" And with that, he got back to work. Once you were clean, he left once more to put the towel away.
When he came back again, he had a pair of clean clothes for you. Kind of. It was a shirt of his that would be way too big (not that either of you minded) and a pair of panties.
He sat you up, kissing your cheek three more times before sliding his shirt over your head. And then, he slipped the pair of panties on your legs, getting them as high as possible before stopping and setting your arms around his neck.
"Alright, and... up!" Jisung said, standing up. Since your arms were around him, you stood up too, and he quickly slid the panties the rest of the way up. And finally, once you were fully dressed, he readjusted the two of you slightly before picking you up, making you squeal.
"Jisung!" You held onto him tightly as Jisung walked you to the bedroom, laughing at your reaction.
"What? I'm just taking care of my baby." Jisung told you, pressing yet another kiss to your cheek.
"But I can walk myself!"
"See, you say that, but we both know you're legs are gonna be the equivalent of Jello."
"You know I'm right!"
And with that, he gently set you on the bed, getting you underneath the covers. And after he quickly turned off the lights, he went to join you, pulling you close to him and holding you in his arms. Every here and there, he'd place gentle kisses on your head, admiring you with him. Neither of you could stop smiling either, just enjoying everything in this moment.
"I really love you; you know that. Right?" Jisung finally said, watching you nod.
"Mhm." You replied, tilting your head up before kissing his lips gently.
"And I love you."
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
I need to get this out of my head cause it's been plaguing the shit out of me but
I think woozi calls his partner "lover"
that being said, what do you think the other members call their s/o?
ok wait i kinda love this question...
so i know for a FACT that seungcheol calls his s/o baby. it's always, "can i help you with this, baby?" "baby, did you eat today?" "hey, baby did you see the flowers i sent you?" he's so doting. he lives to take care of you. physically, mentally, (monetarily 👀) .
i feel like it's only fitting that jeonghan calls his s/o angel. it was first a nickname meant to tease you. to poke fun at your gentle nature, but it quickly turned into a term of endearment. he certainly treats you like an angel too, don't worry.
jisoo would 1000% call his s/o sweetheart. it's a classic, but, hey, he's a pretty classic guy. i can just imagine walking hand in hand in a park with him on a sunny day and you come across a ice cream stand. he pulls you toward it, "come on sweetheart, i'll buy us a cone to share."
sweetheart also fits junhui, too. but in a slightly different way than jisoo. it's less of a classic approach and more of him just genuinely thinking his s/o is so sweet. it's also a reflection of his attitude towards you. "hey, sweetheart how was your day?" "sweetheart i bought you this new jacket to keep you warm since it's gotten colder" etc.
soonyoung tells it like it is. he calls you pretty because you are. in fact, he doesn't think he's ever met anyone as pretty as you. he uses it to help raise your spirits, too, on days that he notices that maybe you're not feeling pretty. he uses it extra on those days. peppering your face with kisses at every opportunity.
he's a classic guy. for wonwoo, babe is perfect. he uses your name more often than not, but in moments he's feeling more affectionate. he'll kiss the top of your head and call you babe squeezing you into his chest. every night before you fall asleep he kisses you "goodnight babe, i love you." rahhhh.
anon, i fully agree that jihoon would call his s/o love or lover. like he'd refer to them as his lover and he'd call them love, if that makes sense. he may not be the most physically affectionate person, but, when it comes to his words, he's the most affectionate person you've ever met. you are his love. the only one (other than his job ofc).
lee seokmin has used every pet name under the sun. sweetheart, love, babe etc. but nothing has ever felt as right as angel. because that’s what you are to him. his angel. nothing will ever compare to the halo he imagines over your head every morning when you wake up beside him. it’s a match made in heaven, a ray of sunshine and his angel.
mingyu would definitely call his s/o, baby. he'd be super clingy about it too (in the most endearing way possible). like "babyyy, can you come here real quick?" he always needs your attention. like constantly, and that's how he gonna get it from you.
no doubt, minghao would call his s/o beautiful. all the time. at every waking hour. he's just so endeared by your beauty that he can help but call you that. his favorite moments are when you wake up next to him. he's already awake and carefully watching you. "good morning, beautiful."
similar to jihoon, seungkwan also calls his s/o love, but on most occasions, it's my love. it's not about him being possessive. it's like a constant reminder to himself that you chose him. you are his love. he hopes he can call you my love until the end of time because it feels like a privilege he has yet to earn.
i honestly feel like hansol doesn’t use any pet names for his s/o. just your name is enough for him. it feels more personal than anything he could come up with himself. maybe a shortened version of your name for efficiency, but he perfers to call you by the name he’s used since the moment he heard it first leave your mouth when you introduced yourself to him.
you're channie's princess. growing up with twelve doting/nightmarish older brothers, chan is well-versed in what it means to take care of someone. you're his passenger princess, too. in every way, he will take care of you and treat you like royalty. especially in bed.
this has been in my inbox for a minute 😅 sorry anon, thank you for your patience 💗
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nsharks · 2 years
candied ginger | simon “ghost” riley
words: 2715
plot: on the way home from getting groceries, simon starts touching you.
tags: fingering, vaginal sex, some fluff, “situationship” but he’s warming up to you, a line of breeding kink, fem!reader
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Simon likes the strangest flavors of ice cream.
The ones that always took a few stores to find.
"No, no," he grumbles when he looks over the refrigerated selection. "They don't have it. It's not here."
You nibble at your cheek. "Babe, maybe you could just pick something else?"
He's already giving you a deadpanned look, hands slung deep in the pockets of his jacket. "I could die next month, pet. I'm gettin' that bloody ice cream."
Face twisting in a wince, you sigh, "Okay, we'll find it. Can you not say things like that? About you dying."
"Just a fact," he states gruffly, as if he really couldn't see how the statement might bother you. Sometimes Simon said things like that so casually that it made your stomach tie into a knot.
You find the ice cream he's looking for at the third store you try. Candied ginger. It's bizarrely specific, but the way he groans in relief and his eyes manage to light up, even for a moment, is enough to make the hunt worth it. You know in a month, he will be stuck with military ready-to-eat's.
Having Simon home for only a few months at a time meant you really cherished the small things. Like grocery shopping with him. He'd always push the cart, mask on and hoodie up, and you'd tease him about all the little kids he was scaring with his attire. The two of you always wrote the grocery list together, but you'd be the one to decide the route through the store and he'd follow behind right you. Of course, when you got home, he always insisted on carrying everything. All at once. Somehow managing to hold five or six bags of groceries at a time.
"Let me carry that," he would tut at you if you ever tried to grab one. "Before you drop it all."
You also cherished the drives with him.
So, when you're on the way back to his place, groceries and ginger ice cream in the trunk, you find yourself watching him intently. Simon's scent is heavy due to the close proximity- a natural musk mixed with bourbon and an ever-present hint of gunpowder. His hand rests on your thigh while he drives, somewhat possessively, with the pad of his thumb rubbing thoughtless circles.
He's got his hoodie on, but as he holds the wheel, the sleeve falls just enough for you to catch a glimpse of the swirls of ink and the veins running beneath them.
You'd never seen his face or his body fully, and yet you'd never been so attracted to someone.
"You're staring, pet."
He gives a small squeeze to your thigh.
Blushing, you place a hand over his.
He glances over at you briefly before looking back at the road.
"Christ, I love when that happens to ya," he says, his voice just a tad lower.
You blink. "What?"
"Your cheeks," he elaborates, "They get all red sometimes."
"They do?" you ask, and you're certain you can feel them getting redder, especially when he steals another slow, lidded look at you.
Simon hums out a yes. "Whenever you're embarrassed," he says, thinking to himself. "But also whenever you've been properly fucked."
Your cheeks turn into flames now and you don't have to peel off his mask to know that underneath, his face is impassive and unfazed. Meanwhile, your abdomen clenches and the car suddenly feels stuffy. His hand, warm and rough, rubs against your thigh and you shift around in the seat.
He shoots you a look. "Don't tell me..." His hand inches down between your legs, slipping under the waistband of your sweats just so he can quickly touch your underwear. "No way, pet. You got wet just from that?"
Simon is mocking you. Teasing you. He huffs out an unimpressed breath and slips his hand back out.
He is fully aware of the effect his words have on you, and he revels in it.
"Got to work on your self-control," he drawls out, giving a few taps to your thigh.
The flare from your cheeks seems to travel to where his hand had just grazed over your underwear. Even though his touch only lasted a second, it was enough to make you hold your breath and press your hips against the seat, looking for some sort of friction down there.
Simon still isn't looking at you, focusing his gaze completely on the road, but his hand is still on your thigh and it seems to have its own mind. It grips and prods around your thigh, playing with the flesh of you like you're a stress ball of sorts, before he moves to cup you over your sweatpants.
The palm of his hand is big enough to cover the entirety of your cunt. He applies minimal pressure just to frustrate you, like toying a string in front of a cat, and you can't help but rock your hips into his hand to seek more.
"Fuck, Y/N, do you even listen?" he scolds instantly, and you imagine that's the voice he uses when he's speaking with his subordinates. "What did I just say about self-control?"
"M'sorry," you mumble. His hand pulls away from you for a long moment as a punishment. You let out the breath you were holding and wait for him to press it against you once more. This time, he applies more pressure, digging the heel of his hand into the spot where he knows your clit is hiding under the layers of fabric.
"Rock yourself against it," he orders quietly, never looking away from the road even when he hits a red light. "Use my hand, go on."
You are grateful for the permission. You begin to drag your hips slowly, rocking them so that your bud of nerves presses into the heel of his hands with each movement, the friction causing you to grow damper. It's such a familiar feeling. Your cunt lengthening within you, growing its own heartbeat, just to make you feel frustratingly empty all of the sudden. It's a feeling Simon manages to incite effortlessly.
"Good girl," he offers you a piece of praise, but it arrives in a thick and taunting voice.
You know that he knows you're starting to ache for him.
But he doesn't offer any comfort through your frustration other than leaving his hand in place for you.
"C'mon," he growls at the road, as if not paying any mind to the girl riding into his palm. "Bunch of slow fucks."
You want to yell at the cars yourself. The drive home takes longer than it normally does, and it feels like the universe is mocking you. As if to make matters worse, Simon finally slips his hand into your sweats, past your underwear, and glides a long finger slowly between your folds.
“Oh,” you breathe, screwing your eyes shut. You know he feels it. How terribly slick you are.
His fingers rub over your clit with the pressure he knows you like. You’ve been together (in this “situationship” of yours) for over a year now, and Simon has used each time you fucked as an opportunity to concentrate on what exactly makes you tick. He’s studied you like an enemy. Like a building he was preparing to stakeout. He knows now that, as much as you love your clit played with, you prefer to be filled and touched at the same time.
It’s when you grab your own breast over your shirt, imagining that it was his hand, that Simon concedes into giving you more.
“Greedy,” he says under his breath, finally looking at you for a moment because the sight of you touching your breast and palming it, your eyes fluttered shut, is driving him crazy.
He replaces the fingers on your clit with his thumb so he can ease two digits into you. He doesn’t bother giving you the time to stretch around them, knowing how slick and eager you already are. Rather, Simon shoves two of his fingers and elicits a throaty moan from you that makes his cock twitch.
“You like to have it all, don’t you?” He fucks his fingers into you, and you meet each movement with a buck of your hips.
You nod, eyes closed. “Are we… almost home?”
And by home, you meant his place, which you found yourself residing in whenever he was here.
Fingers still pushing into you, the squelching sounds of your approaching orgasm fill the car. Your hand is still touching your breast because it adds to the intensity of it all. If it wouldn’t compromise your lives, given the fact he was still driving, you might have asked him to reach over and play with it for you. Your small fingers and gentle touch didn’t compare to his rough hands.
“I’m not fuckin’ you when we’re home unless you cum on my fingers first,” he informs you. The words are enough to make your hips buck wildly, his thumb flicking over your clit. Simon is drowning in the sounds of it all. He thinks he is obsessed with making you writhe and squirm.
Your orgasm reaches you just when he pulls into the driveway. Your walls tighten then relax, a flood of warmth and wetness coating his fingers as you clamp a hand over your mouth and whimper into it.
“Good girl.”
Simon turns of the ignition. He presses his fingers into you slowly a few more times, helping you ride out the pleasure, before he draws them out and gives a proud tap to your cunt.
“Made a mess all over the seat,” he shakes his head, noticing how you’d soaked through your sweatpants.
He’s a bit gentler with you now. Instead of teasing and ordering you around, he gives a squeeze to your thigh before getting out of the car. You want to ask what he’s doing but your answer arrives in him coming around to your side, opening your door and picking you up. Limbs weak from your orgasm, you melt into his arms and press your head into his chest.
The gentleness ends when he pads into the house, kicking the door behind him, and takes you to his room. He tosses you on the bed, quite literally, and only stops to kick off his boots.
He’s feeling impatient himself. A whole car ride spent with his cock suffocating in his jeans.
“Take off your clothes. On all fours,” he tells you, and it’s an order you are quick to follow. Whenever he orders you around outside of the bedroom, you can’t stand it. You tell him he’s not your lieutenant, he can’t make you do everything he wants. But in here, when you’ve got your ass perched up for him, you are nothing but obedient.
You hear the clink of Simon’s belt and the shuffling of his jeans and briefs before he is inside you with one swift motion. You are filled to the brim and past it, your hands gripping the blanket. His hands first hold your hips in place, keeping your squirming to a minimum as he pounds into you. Your head squishes against the bed and you’re just barely able to steal a glimpse at him. He’s still clothed, as he usually prefers it, and his eyes are lidded and dark.
Simon had had sex before you. A few times, here and there. But he never actively sought it out, even when he was at a pub with his team and they’d try to encourage him into getting laid because “it’s so much better than your hand, Ghost”. He never agreed with them. Especially when he had such negative memories associated with it. Sex used to feel like a bit of a chore. A means to letting out his pent-up frustration and forcing himself to relax for the few seconds after he’d finish.
But with you, Simon finally realized what they’d all been talking about.
He’s able to relax with you, more and more each time. He’s able to enjoy every little reaction he gets from you. He’s obsessed with how he can just mention fucking you, and you’ll get all hot and needy for him. And although he’s never taken off all his clothes with you, because he’s not ready for you to see all the scars and faded bruises and ugly left-over wounds, he loves the little bit of skin-to-skin contact he does get.
Right now, it’s just his hips thrusting against yours ass. Cock surrounded by your warmth.
Simon finds himself marveling the way your soft ass fits into the shape of his hips. Fuck, were you made to fit right there? He moves his hands from your hips to your bum, palming and grabbing like he can’t touch you enough, before he moves to grab your hair with one hand and lift your head up from the pillow.
His mind had been sent into a frenzy during the car ride. Though he was good at hiding it with impassive eyes, Simon was just consumed by you as you were him.
He decides, as he runs his free hand up and down the length of your back, tummy, and thighs, that he really wants to feel more of you. Feel you in ways he doesn’t normally let himself feel you.
Maybe he’s getting more comfortable around you ever since telling you he cares about you.
Uncharacteristically, you feel his hands leave your body for a brief moment, making your feel cold in their absence. “What-“ you almost question him, but when you glance back, you realize that he is tugging off his hoodie.
He’s still got his cock in you. His thrusting doesn’t relent even as he surprises you by tossing his hoodie to the floor and moving to peel off the grey shirt he’d had on underneath. He’s undressing? You nearly moan out loud from the realization of it, not just because his newly revealed chest is thick and toned and inked with tattoos, but because this is a little glimpse in the trust you have built with him. Slowly, but consistently, Simon trusted you more and more.
Once his shirt is off, Simon reaches for you again. He wraps one burly, veiny arm around your body and lifts you up so you’re sitting on your knees. Now, his chest pressed into your backside and the warmth from his skin is instantly shared with you. This is the most skin of you’ve ever felt, bare and warm and surprisingly smooth despite the littering of scars.
“I’m going to cum inside you,” he murmurs in your ear. His arm holds you tight against his body, squeezing your breasts. The other arm of his wraps around to play with your clit. You’re close, too. The muscles of you tightening around him.
Simon finishes just before you do. He buries his masked face in your neck while the flood of his release fills you up and pushes you over the edge. You sigh pleasurably, sweat-tainted skin causing your hair to stick to your forehead and cheeks.
Moments pass before Simon is carefully laying both of you down, still not pulling out. His cock acts as a plug, keeping his seed inside you even as your bodies move to spoon each other on top of the blanket. He lifts up his mask just to plant a small kiss to your shoulder blade before he finally slips out of you, tucking his dick back in his briefs and zipping his jeans. He’s not completely naked. Still has his pants on, but you finally think maybe that could change soon.
“Don’t want to waste this,” Simon says, pressing his fingers to your cunt to keep the warmth from leaking out. It makes your cheeks flush and you melt into his bare chest.
You’re almost about to comment on his body. You want to tell him you think he looks beautiful, scars and all, but instead another thought enters your mind.
“Simon,” you gasp quietly. “The groceries. The ice cream.”
“Fuck.” He gives a little smack to your used cunt and sighs. “Well, I got it. You stay here… keep my cum in you, yeah?”
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Ice cream date with fami
A/n:An anon requested fami relationship headcanons, and I will get to that as soon as I finish the other requests, but that made me realize how little x reader content there is of her so I wanna fix that also I guess this counts as a summer post.
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Summer had arrived and seeing your girlfriend's love for food your first thought was to bring her to an ice cream parlor for a date.
"I'll take a bowl with every flavor you have"
"A-are you sure miss? That's a lot of ice cream"
"Did I stutter?"
You sighed and looked at the worker
"Just give her what she wants I'd like a [favorite ice cream flavor] cone"
After paying and taking your ice cream you two sat down on a nearby table and started eating.
"I don't get humans. If a food is this good, then why do you only eat it in one specific season"
"I guess you could have ice cream whenever you want, but since it's so cold, it's better to have it when it's hot, don't you think?"
"I suppose the heat is annoying"
You chuckled slightly
"Really? And I thought that you were used to heat being a devil and all"
"Hell is not actually that hot it's a misconception humans have"
"I see"
After fami answered you, she continued eating spoonfuls of ice cream one after another.
"I think you should slow down babe If you eat too fast you'll...."
Your girlfriend's interrupted you by grunting slightly and putting a hand on her head
".....Get brain freeze"
"What is this?"
"It's what happens when you eat ice cream too fast"
"Hm. This is the first time I have experienced a downsides to eating. Nevertheless, that won't stop me"
She continued to eat somehow faster, ignoring the pain in her head. You simply chuckled at this sight and continued to lick your own ice cream until you were interrupted by her monotone voice.
"Hey do you mind if I.....?"
You nodded, thinking she wanted a bit of your ice cream and used to her stealing your food
What you didn't expect was her getting closer to your face and kissing you deeply on the lips, licking every bit of ice cream while making sure you were enjoying the kiss.
You melted into the kiss, and after a few seconds, she pulled back, leaving a trail of saliva connecting your two mouths.
"You chose quite a good flavor, I might get that next time"
"If you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked for one"
"Very well then, could I get another one?"
"Of course"
She pressed her lips into yours again, even without any ice cream on them they still tasted amazing to her.
"We should probably finish the ice cream and go home before starting to make out"
"You're right"
You continued eating as a comfortable silence set in between the two of you, you looked at fami, even with bits of ice cream on her face and a few who fell on her shirt, she still looked beautiful.
"I love you"
She looked at you slightly surprised, quickly gulped down what she was eating, and answered.
"I love you too"
Even with her emotionless voice and expression you could tell she meant what she said.
"Even more than pizza?"
A small rare smile appeared on fami's ice cream covered lips
"Yes even more than pizza"
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ryker-writes · 2 years
TWST characters as siblings (Diasomnia)
Sorry but there's no Lilia as sibling. I really don't know that much about him and we don't know anything about his family, childhood, or even details about his regular life. Plus he's like Silver's father.
yet another royal
and not just from any royal family but the Draconia family
being royalty meant that there weren't a lot of people you could hang out with as a child
most of those you could hang out with were guards
but then there was your brother Malleus who you could always hang out with
you two spent a lot of time with each other growing up
naturally you two are close
Lilia was also with you two a lot growing up but more as a caretaker
occasionally Lilia would travel somewhere and bring the two of you gifts
the three of you would do everything together in the giant castle
throughout your days the two of you played, ate ice cream, learned magic, and studied together
Malleus is super happy when you end up in NRC together
he's even more happy if you end up in Diasomnia with him
you're someone he really cares about so of course he wants you to be near him
and all the knights are in Diasomnia anyway
if you end up in a different dorm, he will be annoyed
travelling to another dorm just to hang out with you would be inconvenient
he's extremely annoyed if you end up in Savanaclaw
only then would he try to see if you could transfer dorms
probably would have a hard time understanding why you wouldn't want to switch so good luck
Malleus is a protective brother
he won't stop you from making friends or talking to people, he'll even encourage it
but he worries when you start to spend less and less time with him
there's a small part of him that thinks you're going to stop being around him all together and that thought scares him
but he won't act on his worries
if you tell him about a romantic relationship, he's even more worried
he will try to get to know your partner to see what type of person his dear sibling treasures
he may also be slightly passive aggressive to your partner
there's also the other person who is protective of you...Sebek
since you are part of the royal family and Sebek is a knight meant to guard you and Malleus, he treats you the same way he treats Malleus
basically no one is allowed within 6 feet of you and they must watch what they say
Silver and Lilia are much more relaxed about others being around you
you probably have endured some of Malleus' gargoyle speeches in the past, so don't be surprised when he starts telling you about the gargoyles at NRC
he also invites you on some of his late night walks
most students will treat you similarly to Malleus, and they avoid you sooooo good luck
father Lilia has two children???
you grew up with Silver
Lilia had you both living in a cabin in the woods
and Lilia wasn't there half the time so...
you and Silver spent a lot of time together and were very close
Silver spent a lot of time training to be a knight and Lilia helped him
if you wanted to train with them and become a knight yourself, they would both be thrilled
Lilia would be such a proud dad and Silver would love to have someone he can train with
if you didn't want to they would respect your decision and just let you watch the training
though Lilia would insist he teach you how to defend yourself at least
Lilia would take care of you two while he was there
this means you get told all sorts of stories, getting to play together, and he teaches you things
you also have to eat his food so good luck
when Lilia isn't there, Silver helps take care of you
he's a pretty decent cook (much better than Lilia anyway)
when big animals came near the house Silver would go out and handle them
Silver is glad that you two get to go to NRC together
he would be happy if you got into Diasomnia with him but won't really be upset if you get assigned elsewhere
Silver is not a protective brother at all
he doesn't mind when you make new friends and will even encourage you to make new friends and spend time with them
he would like to know who they are but won't get too involved beyond that
similar situation if you were in a romantic relationship but he would like to know more than just who they are
he would try to get to know them a little more
he's happy for you
Silver falls asleep often around the school so maybe help him
like if he falls asleep in an inconvenient place or in the middle of doing something
he's pretty relaxed most of the time so he's perfect if you need someone to talk to or to get something off your chest
he's a great listener and will fight off any drowsy spell for as long as he can to listen to what you're saying
are your eardrums okay?
there's a chance he got that loud voice from one of his parents
even if he didn't you still live with him and grew up with him
aside from Sebek you have two other siblings
both of your parents were often busy working at their dental clinic so you and Sebek would go visit your grandpa
he would teach the two of you how to fish and you and you two would often play in the water, sometimes with your other siblings too
Sebek would often talk about becoming a knight and serving Lord Malleus
sometimes he would even go off to train with Lilia
he would be so happy if you wanted to become a knight with him
if not that's okay too
your other siblings are a quite a bit older than you and Sebek so you and Sebek were somewhat close
he's happy that you two get to go to NRC
even happier if you get into Diasomnia with him
he wishes for you to witness Malleus' glorious presence too
if you don't get into Diasomnia he may be upset, but won't even think about you changing dorms
not that he wouldn't want to, but more because that idea doesn't come to him
Sebek is a little protective
he won't stop you from making friends or anything but if feels someone said something offensive to you he will start shouting
even if it wasn't offensive or you don't take offense
he does for you
you are family so in his mind a insult to you means an insult to him too
if you get into a romantic relationship, he's internally conflicted
on one hand he wants you to be happy and hates the idea of ruining your happiness
but he also worries about them hurting you
so conflicted that he's strangely quiet when your partner is around or gets brought up
like I said: he want's you to witness the perfection that is Malleus Draconia
so he'll try to bring you around Diasomnia often
he just wants you to see him and if you're lucky you can talk to him
but if you say something that Sebek thinks is wrong he's so sad
immediately falls to the floor apologizing to Malleus
his family is a part of him so anything you do reflects on him too
you also get daily updates on what amazing thing Malleus has said or done
most students assume you're going to be really loud at first and yell at them over small things
some may also come to you when Sebek is yelling at them and ask for help
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hi! firstly i wanted to say i love your tangerine fics! like they're my favorite! you are keeping my obsession alive lmao! secondly, i have no clue if this has been asked for before but could you write something with anxious!reader and tan? like a reader that tends to bite her nails when she gets nervous (guilty 🤧). i feel like he'd be so annoyed with the habit (in a gentle way) and would try anything to break it for her.
no rush to do this (if at all) i just love your work 💕
hii!! arfggh omg, ur so sweet thank you!! I did this as hcs, hope that’s okay!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
I feel like tan & anxious reader go together like🤞 like bread and butter, like eating chocolate and drinking ice cold water, like freshly shaved legs and clean bedding. thats how well they go together in my mind
I do believe that he is someone who may have been an anxious teen, or someone who had moments of heavy anxiety in the past. and now that he's more of a composed, confident man - I do think that he uses his past and prior knowledge to his advantage
also, just something about him screams 'you will feel safe and protected in my arms' which is ironic considering he's a professional killer. there's just SOMETHING about him that is comforting???? like he will make you feel secure???? and safe??? are we okay?? 
so for those reasons, I do think he is something that is great with someone who is anxious, and I don't think he really even has to do anything. I imagine him as someone who uses physical contact/ comfort to ground you, whether that be on your fidgety hands, jittering legs, or when you're fiddling with hair or clothes - one hand on you will almost IMMEDIATELY settle or calm you. the simple warmth and contact of his hand is enough to refocus you
maybe you have an anxious habit that he finds a little grating at times ??? like nail biting, nail tapping, knuckle cracking, hair pulling?? I feel like he has moments where the sounds really bother him, but he'll try not to let that be known. maybe depending on the habit he'll try getting you things, ie, gloves, gum, special creams that are meant to stop itching/ scratching, squidgy things/ toys to distract you from feeling anxious, multipurpose hair bands that you can play with. he knows how uncomfortable and heavy anxiety is and hates to think of you feeling like that (all the time) so definitely tries to find ways to help
he likes the idea of protecting you, or you feeling protected when with him. he's like your own personal inhaler for when you get anxious and can't breathe 
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peterparkouryo · 2 years
rebound ii | ✧.*
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prompt; After Peter ends your relationship after admitting to being in love with someone else, you're a mess and very very miserable.
warnings: semi heavy angst, fluff if you squint
word count: 4.7k
part one part three
It's been four days since your birthday, and your break up with Peter. 
You were sad, no you were miserable since that day and you cried every chance you got. It's not because it was on your birthday, if it was any other day you'd probably be just as worst.
Today was Monday, which meant today was also another dreadful, long and dragging, boring day of school. You'd rather be in your bed, eating ice cream as you cried watching a rom-com that was just as bad as your life.
When you got to school, you went straight to your locker, put your things inside and got all needed accessories for your upcoming class. The first class you needed to be at was social studies, which thankfully didn't have him in it, just your friend Betty and his friend Ned.
"Hey, Happy belated birthday!" Betty quickly exclaims the moment you walk into the class room, a couple students glancing at you or her in curiosity.
You send a grateful and albeit, weak smile as you slowly but surely make your way to your assigned seat which just so happens to be right next to her.
"Thanks." You softly mumble just as you sit next to her, the blonde haired girl excitedly turning towards you with too much anticipation.
"So, how was your birthday?" She asked.
"Also, sorry I couldn't be there." Betty quickly added before you could answer.
You wanted to tell her that it was fine, that you enjoyed your birthday with just you and your mom but the last final hour of your birthday was truly the worst part of that whole 24 hour day.
"It's fine, umm, I guess it was okay." You tell her, leaving out the very heartbreaking details you so badly wanted to tell her.
"Did Peter shower you in presents? Did he take you on a date!?" Ohh, did he give you that necklace that you've been ogling for the past few months?" Betty asked, question after question.
Now, you had no other choice but to tell her, and quite frankly, you did not want that to be the agenda for the day, but curse Betty and her curious, bubbly personality.
"Actually, we broke up." You tell it how it is, not sparing to glance at her bewildered expression.
"Broke up?" She repeated in disbelief. 
You hum in response, digging into your backpack next to you and pulling out your notebook to jot down the notes on the board, completely trying to block out Betty and her confusion.
"When?" Betty quizzed, her eyes switching back and fourth from your notebook and your side profile.
"He broke up with me, on my birthday." You tell her, looking back down to your notebook, now scribbling nonsense.
Before she could even respond, you continue.
"Apparently, he was in love with Michelle, you know the girl from our math class? The whole entire time. Well, I don't exactly know when he fell in love with her, but it certainly was during our relationship." You rambled, holding back the frustration and tears that threatened to break through.
days you've been going through for the past few days. You still think it's your fault for why Peter broke up with you, he probably found you boring and you didn't give him the attention he needed, which is why you strongly believe he fell for someone much better than you.
You didn't hate Michelle, you actually genuinely liked the brown curly haired girl, she was quiet and observant and super smart, so you can see why Peter liked her a lot. She could also be dark at times from what you remember, and sure it confused you of how and why Peter liked that but maybe you didn't know your ex as well as you thought.
"Y/N, I am so sorry." Betty said, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder, which you didn't shrug off because you honestly needed some sort of comfort from the past few days.
"It's nothing, I'll be fine." You lied, turning your attention away from her to look at the board once again as the teacher finally decided to teach the class.
It was finally lunch time, and normally you'd sit with Peter and Ned, but that was a no go. Well, it would've been a no go if the other tables weren't full and if Ned hadn't invited you to sit next to him. And who were you to decline an invitation from the nicest boy ever?
So, you made your way to the table that was made for awkward moments, only seeing Ned sit there happily eating his lunch.
"Oh, hi Y/N." Ned greeted you just as you sat directly across from him with your lunch tray in hand.
"Hey." You greeted back, showing a smile.
You knew you were going to regret sitting here, given the fact that Peter is bound to sit here as well and there's no doubt that Michelle would be sitting here also, but you tried to ignore that initiated gut feeling and focus on anything and everything else.
Maybe if Peter saw that you were trying to move on, he'd believe that you did, though all of that is complete and utter bullshit.
"So, you know how in our science class we have that upcoming project about disparities?" You hear Ned's voice ask, glancing at him just in time as he shoves a salty fry into his mouth.
You nod, playing with your food instead, the anxiety slowly creeping into your body.
"Well, I was thinking since you and uhh...you know what never mind. Do you want to be my partner?" Ned questioned quickly, eyes filled with hope.
"Are you only asking me because I'm the smartest in that class?" You tease, narrowing your eyes at him in amusement.
Ned lets out a whole-heartedly chuckle, but before he could joke back a voice you very much expected interrupts you both.
"Sorry, the lunch line was really long..." Peter says defeatedly, tossing his friend a bag of chips  as he sat down next to him.
Okay, so maybe you should've declined Ned's offer, but he was sort of your friend and you didn't have lunch with Betty anymore, plus sitting alone would probably be just as miserable as sitting here with your ex, who was in love with someone else.
You're sure you hear Ned respond to Peter's apology, but you're not quite too sure since your brain and ears are filled with anxiety, your head feeling fuzzy at Peter's presence. You could sometimes occasionally feel Peter's glances, probably curious as to why you're sitting here, but you wanted to make a point that you're over him and you didn't sit here because you cared about him still (which was a lie), but because Ned invited you and he was your sort of friend.
"Michelle's in the library today, since she's not really a people's person." Peter informed Ned after his question as of where the brown curly haired girl was.
You were thankful for that, you didn't think you could handle much more of misery.
You're not one hundred precent sure if they're dating now, but if they are you failed to notice, and maybe Peter is just deciding to take things slow since the boy did just get out of a relationship, with you.
The boys continue to make small talk, you ate in silence, or played with your food in silence until the lunch period was over.
And as soon as the bell rung, you hurriedly got up from the table, threw away your lunch and made a bee-line for the cafeteria doors, shoving and squeezing your way through the herd of students.
You sighed in relief as you made it into the hallway, holding a hand to your chest, almost, just almost crying right then and there but you remembered that you were in public, and at school too.
Just as the students that once littered the busy hallway made their ways to the next class that they had, you heard your name being called in the now shallow hallway.
You turn around hesitantly since you already know that voice all too well.
It wasn't Peter, but Michelle, coming from the library doors.
You always knew somehow god wasn't on your side.
"Hey, uh..." The girl started as soon as she approached you, a clad of books stuffed in her right arm.
"Hey.." You mumbled awkwardly, sparing glances at a few students who walked by to get to their next class.
Michelle was as awkward as you were, it was very obvious in the way that the tension around you surfaced rather quickly. You both knew why, it was an unsaid understanding.
"I think I owe you an apology." Michelle states, her eyes never leaving your face as you slowly trailed yours to look into hers.
"For what?" You dumbly ask.
You knew why, you just needed to hear her say it.
"I never meant for Peter to fall in love with me, and to hurt you. I honestly didn't think you two were a thing until a week ago." She admitted, and you could sense how nervous her voice was with that confession.
 You knew you had a reason not to hate her, she was just as confused as you.
"It's fine, really." You lie, showing a rather obvious fake smile.
"No, no, it's not. I know he broke up with you on your birthday which is a really shitty thing to do, and I also know that it's not fine. If I could take back his feelings for me and give them to you, I would." Michelle concluded, her aura anything but foulness.
It was really reassuring knowing that the girl felt guilty for your now ex's feelings for her, her showing you the unexpected sympathy, something you thought would be the last thing you would receive from her.
But it was always really confusing how if she has feelings for Peter as well, why feel sorry for you? You did want him to be happy, and if it wasn't with you, so be it. You didn't want to be the reason Peter's unhappiness wasn't fulfilled.
"Michelle, listen." You started, standing up straight to look at her.
"I may be going through a lot with this, but I don't want to be the reason Peter is unhappy. That's the last thing I ever want for him. So, if he wants to be with you..." You trailed off with a shrug, hoping she understood where you were going with this.
Instead of answering the girl just stares at you, her eyes confused, as well as her facial expression, the features slowly falling into a more understanding expression, something you wanted her to see.
"Are you sure? I didn't want to get in the way of any unsaid closure..." She says, pressing her lips into a straight line.
Closure. The word only used to resolve problems. You didn't think breaking up with Peter needed closure.
"Oh, right...closure. I guess we do need to talk." You sigh.
"I would before he decides anything else. I mean that is if you're ready, it's only been four days." Michelle tells you, pushing up her books more into her arm as they were slipping.
You knew she was right, you did say yourself you wanted Peter to be happy, even if it was in a short amount of time.
"I'll just text him and ask him to meet me in the library after school." You tell her, hearing the bell ring, signalling the final warning to get to class.
"Good idea, tell me what he says." Michelle says with a nod before walking past you, mumbling a soft 'bye', and you too decide to make your way to your next period.
You unfortunately kept true to your word to Michelle, and as soon as your last period was over you texted the last person you wanted to see, asking him if you two could talk and to meet in the library after school.
It only took him maybe five or six minutes to respond, saying a quick 'okay'.
So here you were, really nervous, scared, maybe even sad for obvious reasons, waiting at a table that was way in the back of the library, not wanting to be disturbed by any teachers or students that lingered around in the book filled room.
You silently played with your fingers, your entire body on fire with anxiety. You sort of wished he would hurry up so it can get over and done with.
To be quite honest, it reminds you of the time he admitted to having a crush on you. You both were nervous for two totally different reasons. You, being nervous because you thought he was going to tell you he didn't want to be your friend anymore (and rightfully so because of how he was acting during that time), and him, because he of course liked you.
Any oncoming thoughts were caught short as your gaze was met with a familiar head set of curls, and compelling brown eyes coming your way, in a dazed state.
"Sorry, I uh...was busy." Peter mumbled, setting his backpack (the third one you saw that week), onto the library floor next to the seat he pulled out to sit down at.
"It's fine." You shrugged off, your hands now in your lap, keeping your distance, something you hope he didn't notice.
"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" He asked, looking at you expectingly.
It took a lot of will power to keep your composure.
"Well, I talked to Michelle.." You trailed off, watching his every movement, seeing his pupils dilate just tiny bit.
"Oh?" Peter questioned, slightly biting his lip nervously.
"Yeah, she said we needed some sort of closure before you decide to get into a relationship to her." You told him, looking down at your fiddling hands in your lap.
Peter took notice of how truly nervous you were, and he couldn't help but feel bad, knowing he was the main reason for this.
He also noticed the lack of sleep, due to the much obvious under bags in your eyes, something he had a feeling also had to do with him.
"Right, closure." Peter nodded, clearing his throat.
There were a load of questions you had for him, many that probably would help you better understand how, when and why he fell out of love with you the moment he spent more time with Michelle.
His distance from you during the upcoming end of your relationship put you in a spiral of thoughts, the kind of thoughts that kept you up at night. It also didn't help that you were already an over thinker and the thought of messing up your relationship with Peter always scared you.
Most people would say that dreams come true not nightmares. It wounded you more than anything that you biggest fear did in fact come true.
You didn't really care if he was going to end up dating Michelle, it was bound to happen anyway. You just wanted to know the when and why. You wanted to know what you lacked during that time so in future relationships, you'd be able to avoid it.
"Before we talk, I, um, bought you this." You hear Peter say, the boy reaching inside of his backpack, digging in it before retreating it with an item, holding it toward you.
You reluctantly look up from where your eyes were practically trained on your lap, your hands still shyly there.
It was a small box decorated in your favourite colour, purple.
"What's this?" You curiously asked, taking it from his expecting hand.
"Just a late birthday gift." Peter shrugged, obviously not aware of just how inappropriate and inconvenient his timing was.
"Oh." Was all you said before stuffing it in your pocket.
You'd open it later.
As the day went on, the awkward tension build up, rarely anyone now was in the library, a few ongoing studiers, parents with their kids, or just advocate readers. You wanted some sort of miracle to happen so you wouldn't have to go through this uncomfortable situation.
It was clear neither of you knew how to start this conversation. You had no idea what to say or how to approach the topic of the closure you needed.
You couldn't tell if Peter noticed how miserable your appearance was, both mentally and physically, but you knew he must have known somehow.
"I'm really sorry I broke up with you on your birthday, had I known...I'd probably would've waited." Peter finally speaks up, with a heavy lump down his throat.
Your hands bare on the table as you shuffle in your seat, preparing on a proper response.
The thought of Peter going to break up with your regardless if it was your birthday or not makes your heart feel heavy with a forlorn weight.
"It's, I, it's okay, I guess." You murmur, blinking rapidly for effect.
Another silence settled, and this time you did nothing (like you were before) to speak up and stop it. You thought the more quiet, the less talking and you wouldn't get hurt anymore if either one of you even tried to utter a word.
"I know I hurt you," The boy started, and you look up, waiting for him to continue. "But, I can't say that I, you know what, never mind." Peter waves off, struggling to find the write words.
"And you're barely saying anything makes this a lot harder than it should be Y/N." He says in defeat, reaching out to clasp his hands onto yours.
There was nothing on your end, nothing to be said, nothing you wanted to say. Though you needed closure, you really had no idea what to say. How do you tell someone that you clearly still had feelings for that you love him?
Peter of course, had no idea you even loved him, he of course knew you probably still harboured feelings for him, but he didn't know you had stronger deeper feelings for him. Had the boy not broken up with you on your birthday, you probably would slipped the L word, which probably wouldn't make anything better if you're being honest.
"I'm sorry, I just....don't know what to say." You admit, the warmth of his skin on top of yours sending a wave of shivers from your arms through your entire body.
"Start by telling me how you feel." Peter suggested, and that might not had been the brightest of ideas.
You felt like shit. There hadn't been a day that went by after your dreadful birthday where you didn't.
You squint your eyes at him, slowly removing your hands from his grasp.
"I feel like shit." You tell him, giving the boy a timid look, watching him nod slowly in understanding.
"Right, probably should've guessed that." Peter said shyly, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Sorry." He adds on.
"You say that a lot, but do you actually mean it?" You ask him quietly, watching his pupils dilate at your request.
"'Course I do!" Peter almost exclaims, his eyes now wide.
"I-, listen I know I hurt you bad, but the last thing I want is for you to hate me." He stated, pouting slightly.
You didn't hate him, and you think that's even worse.
"I don't hate you, don't think I ever can." You say, pressing your lips together.
It'd probably be a good thing to tell him you loved him, but you were in public and it would hurt even worst if he neglected your love (which would most likely happen) in such a public area.
Maybe you should wait till later, or just honestly get it over and done with, the sooner the better, you thought.
"If I'm being honest Peter, I think-" You begin, your heart pounding wildly against your chest. Your head screaming at you not to do it, but when have you ever listened to your head instead of your heart?
"I think I love you." You whisper at your quietest volume, and hopefully god was on your side,. Hoping maybe Peter didn't hear it, but you lacked the knowledge of knowing Peter's secret abilities.
Either time froze or Peter was stuck in place for whatever reason (you were sure you knew) it was. Things seemed to have frozen around you, the people you were once aware of now gone, just you and your ex in this moment. And was it such a vulnerable one.
You watch as the boy's mouth fell open and closed, trying to conjure up something, anything to say at your sudden confession.
Your heart fell deeper into your stomach as the silence grew, you wished this time it wasn't so evident, the lack of ventilate from him bothering your head.
After a two minutes of silence Peter quickly gets up from his seat, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder almost clumsily.
"I-, I havetogo, sorry." The boy swiftly says, stumbling over his words before nearly tripping over a few chairs.
You figured this wouldn't happen, which might have been ten times worst than him actually saying something in return.
You had wiped the falling tears from your face, the mirror in front of you mocking your actions, but no matter what, the wet substance from your eyes would still fall down a lot heavier.
You sniffled before exiting the bathroom, making a beeline to your bedroom, closing the door and cuddling up into the bed.
After your conversation (if you'd even call it that) with Peter at the library, the minute you got home, you were hit with a wave of saddness. You cried more than you did on your birthday, and now you wish you hadn't told your ex boyfriend you loved him, didn't matter anyway.
You were grateful your mom had a late shift tonight, you couldn't bare the thought of her seeing you at your worst, questioning why you were the way you were. You lacked to even tell the woman you and Peter were no longer dating. You figured you'd wait a few weeks then drop the bomb on her, hopefully she'd spare Peter, but given her personality, you truly doubt it.
The crying hadn't really stopped, so when your face hit your soft pillows and more tears that got more intense as the night went on, you weren't all that surprised.
What did surprised you was the obsessive knocking at your bedroom window.
You didn't bother to wipe your tears when you sat up from your bed, aiming your direction at the window, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion when you saw your neighbourhood superhero instead of some sort of bird.
"Spider-Man?" You questioned bewilderedly as you approach your bedroom window, opening it from its handle.
You knew of him from the news, and it was really shocking to you that him of all people were here at your window at something at night for whatever the reason was.
"What are you doing here?" You ask him again, watching the hero crouch on the railing of your fire escape.
"Believe it or not but I heard you..." He says steadily, and you rose an eyebrow at him.
"Not that I was you know listening or anything, but I was near by and my senses can pick up things from far away." Spider-Man quickly says, holding out a hand in defence.
"Oh." You say, tilting your head as you wiped your tears.
"Seemed like a damsel in distress sort of thing..." He trailed off, expectingly waiting for your response.
You had no reason to tell this stranger your secrets, you both knew that, but something inside of you wanted to. You hadn't even known the hero for five seconds and yet you were ready to tell him your deepest darkest confessions.
"It's nothing." You settled for, having some moral ground.
"Sad movie?" Spider-Man suggested.
"Yeah." You nod, sniffling a bit.
Maybe he thought you were in some sort of trouble, but the more you thought about it the less sense it made to to tell a stranger about your conversation with your ex at a public library. 
What advice could he possible give that would make you feel better? You don't know if he's ever even gone through something like that.
"Oh, well hope you feel better." Spider-Man offered. "Just doing my part of the 'friendly neighbourhood' motto." He adds, making you chuckle.
"Thanks." You smile.
You couldn't pin point it, but he seemed oddly familiar, maybe it was because he was so nice to you after your horrible day, week even, but you really appreciated his kind gesture.
"I-" He started, unravelling himself from his crouching position to stand on your fire escape.
"Y/N." Spider-Man says, and your eyes widen marginally.
Had you told him your name? You couldn't remember, but never the less even if you didn't, you wondered how he knew in the first place. Maybe you slipped it out from habit or he was some stalker type of hero.
The hero seemed to have noticed your confused state, the vigilante quickly ripping off his mask to try and calm your nerves, but you recognize his face all too well, instinctively going to shut the window, but unfortunately for your his senses way too quick for yours, his strength inhumane.
"Wait!" Peter cried out as you still tried to close the window but to no avail. 
Peter easily slides the window up, causing you to let go repulsively, backing up from it as he slowly climbed in.
Every bone in your body was telling you to run, but where would you go, who would you tell? Now you never would tell anyone about your ex being the Queens superhero, but you don't think you can bare having this secret known to you so suddenly.
Peter being Spider-Man is a surprise, of course, and him using his alter ego just to talk to you in some sense after quite literally running away from your confession was making your mind fuzzy to say the least.
You started to shake your head for no particular reason, watching the boy close your window before turning back to you, his hair wild most likely from the mask, and a evident pout on his face.
"You-, you love me?" Peter asked, his voice cracking.
You couldn't conjure up the right words, your mind blank with empty thoughts. It was still shocking to you that Peter of all people was the spiderling you only ever seen on the news.
You never paid much attention to Spider-Man, and if you did, you'd probably would have figured out that Peter was him if you connected the dots properly.
"Y/N, please answer me." He pleaded, breaking you from your train of thoughts. You were sure you looked like a deer caught in headlights at this point.
"I don't know..." You whispered, fiddling with with your fingers as sweat trickled down your forehead.
"But at the library you said-" Peter starts.
"I know what I said." You tell him, meeting his brown eyed gaze.
You blinked back tears, Peter approaching your figure, and you would had backed up to get away from him but you were stuck in-between him and the bed. Fortunately he placed his mask on top of your bed, releasing it from his brutal grip, you two now in close distance.
You were getting deja vu, the boy staring at your face, perfecting every angle he could before closing his eyes and exhaling a breath he had been holding in.
"You really shouldn't had told me that." He whispered, and you bit your bottom lip, nervously nibbling on it.
Peter reopens his eyes, greeting you with the honey colour you were familiar with, his pupils getting smaller as it adjusted to the light, you felt bad for the sad expression that was held on his face.
He slowly brings a hand up to your face, wiping a tear that had unknowingly fallen down your face before pushing some of your hair behind your right ear.
It's been a long time since he's showed you this kind of affirmation, the last time he ever did something remotely similar was the time he had broken up with you. You had no clue what he was thinking, was he going to kiss you, or scold at you for expressing your love for him when he clearly loved another? The possibilities were endless like the ocean, and so you wished he'd only say his motive so your anxiety wasn't so obvious.
Peter's eyes dip to your lips before glancing back to your eyes, him silently asking for permission. You give the boy a nod as your answer, mirroring his actions when he closes his eyes and leans in.
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
omg i love the way u write jjk characters! i was reading ur work and had a scenario that i thought would be so fun to read from you if you like the idea! i was thinking abt if you got drunk with them at the school (like maybe all the students sneak to one persons dorm or something), how they would act drunk, how they would treat u, what would happen etc. my favs are toge and yuji but you could do whoever ofc!
ok idk if this is exactly what you were looking for but since i've wrtten a few fics now where drinking/partying was the theme, i'm gonna assign the jjk crews their party night roles lolol so enjoy
ITADORI YUUJI is the life of the party, obviously. he's the type to bring jello shots to the function and if no one wants them, he'll eat em all himself. he's the guy that you dare to do stuff as the night goes on. he's the guy that somehow, at the end of each party, is missing a shirt. did he go swimming? did someone spill on it? did he spill on it? (most likely) everyone laughs but no one really complains about it. he's always got a fun plan or game in mind to keep the night going, and everyone's happy to have him there.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI is the shy-at-first guest. he's slow when he first gets there, and always claims he doesn't want to get too fucked up. he's got a never ending amount of excuses up his sleeve as to why he can't take that shot with you, or be your partner for beer pong. but give him an hour to warm up. he'll spend that time lining up a fire playlist and semi-mingling. the trick to getting him to loosen up? just a quick smoke first. don't jump on him with it, but if he sees a joint being passed around, he can't resist just a couple puffs. what's the harm, right? a couple puffs and he's giving in to whatever other party shenanigans come his way.
KUGISAKI NOBARA is in charge of the photography for the evening. everyone's instagrams and snapchat stories are well taken care of when she's around. in the early parts of the evening they're casual photos, fit checks, some candids of the laughing group as they play games or eat pizza. she's quite good with lighting and angles, and no one complains when she shoves her phone in their face. as the night goes on, she probably documents more than she should- toge drawing on yuuta's face while he's passed out, yuuji shirtless and covering himself in whipped cream on a dare- but it's always too funny to go through them the next day and delete half the evidence.
PANDA is the dancer. if he's drinking, he's dancing. it doesn't matter how many drinks are in his system. it doesn't matter if the music is particularly fun- or even playing. he's got too much excitement from hanging out with his friends and is down for a good time. he's also easy to coerce into pranking someone.
INUMAKI TOGE is the coercer of pranks. if someone passes out, he's always got a marker on him. he always has the best dares for truth or dare, and isn't afraid when others want to get their revenge. he's that class-clown energy at the party. sometimes it's annoying, but it's always undeniably funny. he definitely likes those tacky party favors from spencers. especially the big dick shaped syringes for taking shots. he's got a lot of sus 'party decorations'. but let's be real it's really fucking funny when he breaks out the newest one. also if he gets too drunk he will use his cursed speech for the sake of humor.
ZEN'IN MAKI is the bartender and general caretaker of the group. she's the best at mixed drinks and knows everyone's favorite, but always has something new to try. as the designated bartender she's also the one subtly making sure everyone is on a good track for the night. most of the time it just meant keeping an eye on yuuji and toge, reminding them to have some water every once in a while went a long way. and she's not afraid to cut you off if you're getting sloppy. i also think she'd roll the fattest, cleanest joints when she's not mixing drinks.
OKKOTSU YUUTA is the first to fall asleep. he's a good time, don't get me wrong. he loves the games and the dancing and the goofing around, but he's an overworked boy and... a bit of a lightweight. motherfucker takes two hits and is shaking his head the rest of the rotation. it's kinda cute that his eyes get all red after so little before he raids the snack table. maki knows he has a five drink limit before he either needs to drink water or rally or... as usual, he's slumped into the couch and snoozing away. it's a miracle that he can sleep so hard when the music is blasting and everyone has to yell to be heard- especially when it's itadori yelling. by the end of the night, someone's thrown a blanket over him, and toge's vandalized his face with permanent marker.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
From Exes to Lovers
Request: Hi ☺️ Could i request a Connor Rhodes imagine for my bday tomorrow? Maybe where the reader is his ex and also a nurse at the med. One time you get in a terrible car crash and get to the ER where Connor gets called to save you. You nearly die during the surgery but he saves you and stays with you all the time till you wake up. Then he keeps caring for you during your whole recovery and you slowly start getting your old feelings back, so you decide on a second chance for your love. Hope this is ok ❤️
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, car crash, inaccurate medical talk, implied cheating but not really
A/N: Happy birthday to the anon who sent this request in!
Frist Installment: Exes to Lovers
Second Installment: Lovers Forever
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You don't know how it happened. You had the right of way. The light was green. Some drunk person had run their red light and t-boned you as you were crossing the intersection. They had hit you hard enough that your car flipped 4 times until it landed thankfully upright but in the other lane. Glass was everywhere. You're pretty sure you had a concussion from hitting your head on the steering wheel and the window. You for sure had broken bones. But then the pain came especially around your abdominal area. The other driver had died on impact. How did this happen you ask? Well, this is how.
You had just gotten back from visiting your friend, Hailey Upton, and her husband, Jay Halstead, you were ranting about Connor Rhodes, your now ex-boyfriend, and that you had caught another woman texting. You had dated for 3 years. He was also coming home later than normal. So once you stormed out you went straight to their house crying. It was a huge fight. Luckily for you, you had kept your apartment.
It was getting late and you just wanted to go home and eat a pint of ice cream and watch some cheesy sappy movie. You didn't have to work that night or the next day which was great. That also meant you didn't have to see Connor tonight or tomorrow, you were a nurse at Med. You loved him you really did but you couldn't stand a cheater and weren't going to tolerate it. As you were driving you came to a stop at a red light, while stopped you answered some texts and then put your phone down. As you started to drive you noticed headlights coming to you on your left and they were coming fast. The next thing you knew metal was hitting metal and then your car was flipping. Your head hit the steering wheel and then the window. The airbag deployed hitting you and breaking your nose and throwing your head into the headrest.
Your adrenaline was wearing off and then all the pain hit you and you moaned in pain. There was glass everywhere. You felt blood running down your face and into your eye. You felt the most pain in your abdominal area. You carefully looked down and saw glass puncturing you. You tentatively touched it but knew better than to yank it out. You couldn't hardly breathe. All of sudden you felt another impact and you were being pushed into a telephone pole wrapping your car on the passenger side. You blacked out.
You only came to when you heard your name being called by a voice but didn't open your eyes. It sounded underwater. You wanted to answer but couldn't you just wanted to sleep.
"Y/N it's Kelly. Can you hear me?" Kelly, your other best friend asked but you didn't respond. "Y/N I really need you to open your eyes." He said and you tried oh you tried. You slowly started to crack them open. "There we go." He said once he saw them open.
"Kelly?" You asked slurred.
"Yea it's me. You were in an accident. We're going to get you out and to Med. Ok?" He asked and you groaned and your eyes begin to shut again. "Hey hey no no keep those eyes open." He said but your eyes were already closed. "Y/N, hey. Open those eyes for me, please." You actually complied this time. "There we go. How are you and Connor?" He asked not knowing of the situation.
"'Roke up." You said slurring your words that shocked him.
"Why did you two break up?" Kelly asked as he shouted orders to his team.
"Cheated." You said slurring your words again and then your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your head lulled to the side and Kelly caught you. This freaked Jim out but he had to keep calm.
Everyone worked with ease and carefulness but quickly to get you out. They all saw the damage and knew you would be critical. When they got you out they put you on a backboard and a gurney and loaded you up and you were on your way to Med.
When you got to Med you were unconscious and couldn't hear anything. You were breathing but barely and it was labored. You went to your little paradise where Connor and you never broke up instead you got married and started a family one boy and one girl, it was perfect.
Connor was having a good night, well as good as one can have when one breaks up with another. He had been heartbroken when you pulled away from his kisses and started to pull away from him. The fight kept playing in his head. You had been the one to break up with him. You had seen a text from another girl on his phone but what you didn't know was that the other girl was a married woman jeweler who was setting his grandma's diamond in a set so he could propose to you. The reason why he was coming home early was because he was making details on how to propose and where making sure it was perfect.
Connor was in the ED when the ambulance came rolling in. He didn't look up considering it was a normal part of ED but when Maggie gasped he looked up and his face drained. "Maggie please tell me that is not Y/N." He said almost pleading.
"I'm sorry Connor. Take her to Trauma 2 and make it fast." She yelled and she turned to Connor.
"Let me go." Connor said and Maggie looked hesitant. "There are no other available doctors at the moment. Let me do it." He pleaded.
"Fine." She said and he rushed in and started giving orders.
Connor was supposed to be getting off shift when you rolled around but now he just couldn't make himself leave. Not with knowing you were in major surgery to fix your abdominal aorta that glass had found itself embedded in.
They wheeled you into surgery where he scrubbed in. "Ok guys, she is one of us. We have to save her but we handle it just like every other surgery." Connor said and they nodded. They got to work. Everything was going smoothly until one of the surgery techs noticed a drop in stats.
"Dr. Rhodes. Her O2 is dropping and he looked up.
"Ok start bagging her and get those stats back up." He said and they nodded. Once they got your stats back up. But then your heart rate started to drop. The machine alerted them. He looked up and then looked down. It started lowering when he took the glass out and he started to move faster.
"Heart rate is dropping." The tech said and before anyone could say anything you started to flatline "She's flatlining." The tech said.
"Start compressions. I'm holding this aorta off so she doesn't bleed out." Connor said and that's what they did. "Give me a clamp." He demanded and they did and clamped off the aorta and had his go at compressions he was about to have them shock you but then your heart rate came back up. "Ok let's finish this quickly and get her into recovery." He demanded again and they did just that. "Just hold on, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here." He quietly told you and everybody else pretended not to hear him. "When she gets out of recovery and into a room let me know." He said and they nodded.
4 hrs is how long it took to repair the aorta. He was an absolute wreck. But he had stayed calm while doing the surgery. He had gotten changed and then went to the doctor's lounge and waited when one of the surgery techs came in to let him know you were out of recovery in a room. He asked what number and when they told him he was up and going to you. When he got there he looked at you and regretted everything. He pulled the uncomfortable blue plastic chair by your bedside and sat down. He grabbed your hand and stroked your knuckles, and every now and then kissed them. He just had to wait for you to wake up.
A consistent beeping is what woke you up. You had slowly opened your eyes but quickly slammed them shut when they met with harsh light. You then felt a weight on your hand and looked over to find the black haired, blued eyed man that you once called your boyfriend. He was sleeping and looked so peaceful but you needed to wake him up. "'Onnor." You said sleepily and he stirred until he woke up and at first he looked confused but then saw you were awake.
"Baby." He sighed out in relief. Your scrunched your nose up.
"I'm not your baby anymore, Connor. We broke up." You said and rolled your eyes which hurt. He sighed he wasn't going to fight with you, especially since you just got out of surgery. "What's the damage?" You asked moving due to uncomfortableness. He sighed.
"You have 4 broken ribs, a concussion, your abdominal aorta was torn but I was able to fix it. You have a hairline fracture on your right ankle. A sprained left wrist. Multiple cuts from the glass and a lot of bruising." He listed what was wrong and you stayed silent.
"What about the other driver?" You asked
"He was drunk and died on impact." He told you and you nodded.
"What about my car?" You asked again, you loved your car.
"I'm sorry. It's totaled. You'll have to get a new one." He said and you nodded and let a tear slip. "Are you ok?" He asked truly worried.
"Yea. I'm just going to miss that car." You said and he chuckled and smiled both of which you loved.
"We'll get you a new and better car." He said.
Dr. Goodwin came into your room and you looked up and smiled "Hi, Nurse Y/L/N. How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Sore. Just found out my beloved car was totaled." You said and everyone chuckled and smiled.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm came here to let you know you're going to have the next few weeks off to recover with pay and Connor is going to be allowed a few days off." She said and you looked confused.
"Why is that?" You asked her.
"Since you have nobody here he decided to be the one to look after you." She said
"That's not necessary. I can look after myself." You tried to defend yourself.
"You had a major surgery and will need someone to look after you. Connor volunteered." She said and you may not have liked it but agreed.
You spent a week in the hospital making sure everything was then you were released in Connor's care.
When you got to his apartment that night after your release it was slow going but he was ok with that. He was and has always been so patient with you. You hated that you broke up with him but you couldn't stand a cheater. You both got into the apartment and he had to settle down on the couch while he pampered you and got the bed ready and made you something to eat. He truly was the sweetest man ever. "If you need me for anything during the night wake me up, and I mean anything." He said and you nodded.
"You got it." You said. The two of you stayed up and watched some TV and you ate what was allowed. When and if you wanted to get up he was there helping you. You knew now why you first fell in love with this man.
This went on for a few weeks and your old feelings started to come back and you started to fall in love with him again. When he went back to work was the hardest but you managed and if you need something he said to call him, Hailey, Jay, or Kelly. You didn't call anybody because you were perfectly fine. You and Connor had been texted throughout the day. Most of your wounds, sprain, and fracture had healed. You still had stitches but they were due to come out soon.
One thing was on your mind and you couldn't get it off of your mind. That was why did he cheat. When you didn't text him back one day it was when he was finishing his shift and it was worrying him but stayed calm. Once out of the hospital he got into his car and drove home. He found you sitting outside on the terrace. You didn't hear him come in so you jumped when you touched you. "I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't mean to startle you." He said and you hadn't been correcting him when he said it. "What's wrong? You didn't text me back." He said and you sighed as he bent down looking at you.
"Why did you cheat?" You said just coming out and saying it.
"Baby, I didn't cheat on you." He said and you glared at him.
"Don't lie to me." You said and he sighed and hung his head.
"I'm not. Just hold on. Don't move." He said and you did what you were told, to be honest you were still sore and you didn't feel like moving.
"Don't walk away from me. Who the fuck is Samantha?" You yelled out after him but he returned with a black velvet box.
"I didn't cheat on you. Samantha is a married woman-" He started but you cut him off and threw your hands up which pulled on your stitches but you didn't care.
"So you cheated on me with a married woman? Why were you coming home so late? I loved you and still do." You said you hadn't noticed the black velvet box.
"You didn't let me finish. Samantha is married woman jeweler that was helping me set my grandmother's diamond into a ring. I was coming home late because Hailey and Ava were helping me pick out a perfect spot to propose that night you stormed out. Also you still love me?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"Yes. I still love you." You said and he kissed you. You gladly kissed him back.
"I love you too. I was going to make this special but with how you look under these lights and the sunset now is as good time as any. So, here it goes. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I have loved you since the beginning. I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you. It was love at first sight for me. I knew you were the one right then and there. You are so special to me and when we broke up it broke me and when I saw you come into ED I was petrified. I don't want to lose you again. I want to grow old with you and have a family with you. So, will you make my dreams come true and make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He finished and was already kneeling on one knee as he pulled out the ring, it was a cut cornered princess cut with one diamond on each side, it was perfect. The way it glimmered under the light made it all more beautiful. You were crying and then you nodded your head.
"Absolutely, I will marry you. It'll make me the happiest woman in the world." He smiled and put the ring on your finger and gently grabbed your face and crashed his lips into yours. Everything was perfect.
When you were allowed to back to work you went with Connor and you were holding hands, everyone took notice of that. You both got changed and started your shift. You were told if you needed a break than you take it. The stitches had been removed but you didn't have your normal energy back just yet.
As the two of you walked out he left you at the desk and kissed you. "I'll see you later, fiancé." He said with a smile.
"Yes you will my soon to be husband." You smiled and he left. Everyone came up to you.
"So I take it you're back together." April said and you nodded and showed them the ring.
"More than back together. Engaged." You said and everyone squealed in excitement, the same way Hailey had done when you told her. They asked for details and you gave them. As they were talking to you, you saw Connor walk by with Will and Ethan and he smiled at you and winked which you returned.
Yea, everything was going to be ok. You had the man of your dreams and were about to start a life with him. It was perfect. You were finally in paradise.
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resowrites · 1 year
Jurassic Park - drabble request (scheduled upload).
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Summary: Henry’s parenting skills get a brush up…
Pairings: AU!Dad!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC/Reader
Warnings: fluff, parenting/family life, banter/British humour, pet names, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: <600
A/N: Got a request for more dad!Henry fluff, not sure if it’s supposed to be based on my previous series or not but either way, thanks and please enjoy. **This is a scheduled upload, while all interactions continue to be appreciated, they can’t be responded too at this time.**
Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting.
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Jurassic Park - drabble request.
She'd just come down to fetch the new novel she'd hoped to read in the bath, when a commotion sounded from the other room. "MUMMMMMMMY!!!" She sighed, tucked the book under her arm, and headed for the kitchen.
"What? What's going on?" Their son Hal was sitting at the table with his arms crossed and a thoroughly annoyed look on his face. Henry's eyes batted from him, to her, and back again.
"Mummy, I let Daddy have little bite of To… to… cerpops," both adults bit back a smile, "cos you say it good to share. But Daddy ate the wing! How it sposed to fly now?!"
"It can still fly! Just in a circle--"
"Daddy, shush--"
"But it's not like I ate the head! If I did it wouldn't have been able to fly at all--"
"Daddy, be quiet! Then what happened, Hal?"
"I say 'naughty Daddy,' and he laugh!" Henry quickly looked down, only just disguising a giggle.
"How did that make you feel, darling?"
"And Daddy, how do you feel?"
"Honestly? Still a bit hungry--"
"What?! Besides, I shared half my peas--"
"Did Daddy apologise, Hal?"
"I was about to!" But she looked straight into his eyes and he immediately fell silent. Henry turned towards their boy. "I'm really sorry, Hal. Sometimes Daddy gets greedy and eats what he's not supposed to. Can you forgive me?" Their son smiled and patted him on the arm.
"That's okay Daddy, sometimes I greedy too." Hal stood on his chair so he could lean in for a cuddle. She couldn't help but smile.
"Right, Henry One, Henry Two, can I go back upstairs now?!"
"No! Mummy stay and have ice cream!" She struggled to know how to respond when Henry got up from the table.
"Not tonight Hal, Mummy needs some time out--"
"But she no in trouble!" Both adults laughed.
"Of course, not! Mummy's just tired, she's been very busy and taken care of us all day." Hal thought for a moment.
"But who take care of Mummy?" Henry smiled as he lifted him onto the breakfast counter.
"We do! And that also means giving her a break when she needs one. Now, what flavour would you like?" He opened the freezer drawer and pulled out a tub of Neapolitan ice cream.
"Silly Daddy! Want them all!" She quickly took the tub from his hands.
"You can both have two scoops each--"
"That's not fair!" They chimed. She shot Henry an exasperated look.
"Hal, clear your plate for Daddy then go play with Copper and Kal. I'll be in with your ice cream in a minute." He sighed but did as he was told, getting kisses on the head from both of them as he plodded off to the living room.
"Don't think you're getting an extra scoop just for that…"
"As if that was my intention!" They smirked at each other. "And why am I always Henry Two if I'm your husband?!"
"Because Henry One happens to be our son! And just how many dinosaurs did you eat off his plate?"
"Just half a Tocerpops!" She gave him a knowing look. "… As well as a rogue Pterodactyl and a couple of T-Rexs." She rolled her eyes.
"God help me. And if you eat any of his ice cream as well, God help you." She put the lid back on the tub and made for the stairs.
"Hey, there's no need to take it with you--"
"Course there is, otherwise I'd get none!"
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