#am i putting hashtags correctly?
sparklyoutsider · 1 year
Heyy! Helloo!
[Gif with sound!]
𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩~!
This blog is about some things about me and what you'll find in my posts So let's start, shall we?
「About me」
My name is Momo, I also go by many other names & nicknames [as long it's not NSFW, full irl name, mocking, etc]
I am 16 years old !
I am ace, Non-binary flux, Questioning and Xenogender
my main interests are Yo-kai watch, Stray, Homestuck, Madness combat
spanish-german speaker <|o)
I'm an ambiviert who's up to chatting but might get awkard at times !
「About my account」
In this account you will find;
⌑ Art
⌑ Animations
⌑Personal life
⌑ Blinkies & Favicons
⌑ Custom emojis
⌑ Stimboards
⌑ many other silly stuff
[i do not really do requests, I just suddenly do it for fun, I might do some though!]
「DNI and INT?」
Do-not-interact is limited because of I, creator, not really liking to say it, but basic DNI criteria/problematic things
My account might contain gore art, swearing, and sometimes identity crisis vents, so i do NOT consider it a fully safe account, if you're okay with these few things, thank you <3!
[A few other warnings may include; typing quirks without translation !!]
That's all for now, I hope this post is atleast Okay-ish, cya~!☆
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arecaceae175 · 4 months
Hello! I noticed that some of your fics on Ao3 are tagged "Screen Reader Friendly," and I wondered what makes a fic screen reader friendly. Is it just about formatting, or does content matter too?
Hi, thank you so much for asking this question!!! Disclaimer I am not visually impaired so all of this information I have learned by seeing blind or visually impaired people talk about this issue.
It’s primarily formatting! I’ll list everything I do to try to make my fics accessible here.
Line breaks!!! Use the ao3 line break code instead of adding a bunch of symbols. This is the biggest thing I had to change once I realized my fics were not screen reader friendly.
HOWEVER some screen readers won’t pick up on the horizontal line, either. Another good option is to use a short series of symbols, for example: “~~” or “- - -“
Basically, just don’t use more than three symbols in a row. I used to use “~~~/\~~~” with a delta symbol in the middle to look like the triforce, but a screen reader would see that and say “asterisk asterisk asterisk delta asterisk asterisk asterisk” which is pretty annoying lol
Most screen readers don’t differentiate between regular text and bold/italics. It’s fine to have those in your story, but if the bold/italics significantly changes the plot or the implications of a sentence then it is not screen reader friendly
Screen readers can’t describe a line break that is just an empty space. For example, in one of my fics I have a character reading a note, and I have an extra ‘return button’ space before and after the note to make the note distinct from the rest of the text. To make that fic more screen reader friendly, instead of just an empty space, I wrote “[Line Break]”. That way, a screen reader can say “line break”, and readers still recognize it as a line break
If you have any sort of chat fic (AND this goes for hashtags on tumblr too!) with screen names, be sure to distinguish the separate words in the screen name. You can do this with by capitalizing the first letter of each word like this “ScreenNameHere” or with dashes in between each word “screen-name-here”. That helps screen readers and also people with things like dyslexia who have trouble distinguishing words if they aren’t capitalized or separated in some way.
Screen readers can read image emojis like this smiley face 😁 because they have embedded alt text, but they can’t read text emojis as an emoji, like this one “:D”. If you use any of those in your fic, add a description like this: “ :D [Image description: text emoji of a smiley face with a big, open mouthed smile. End description].”
Also, this one doesn’t have to do with a screen reader, but if you have an image embedded in your story, keep these things in mind:
Be sure to describe the image so anyone who is blind or visually impaired can still experience the image. I don’t think it’s possible to add alt text to the actual image, so I usually put this below the image: “[Image ID: description of the image. Note the important details, but be as concise as you can. /End ID]”. Including the image description instead of some sort of alt text is good for DeafBlind people who can’t see the image well enough but don’t use a screen reader.
Some blind or visually impaired people don’t use a screen reader and instead zoom in on the text. If an image is embedded in the story, be sure it is sized correctly. If it isn’t, it can make scrolling sideways to read zoomed in text more difficult because it makes the webpage much wider than the text itself.
Not all my fics have the screen reader friendly tag because 1. There might be a few I haven’t updated yet, and 2. I didn’t include the tag on fics that have weird formatting or are accent heavy. For example, in Kinship I wrote Twilight’s dialogue to represent his strong accent, and those kinds of things with apostrophes and half-words don’t come through well with a screen reader.
I personally don’t think it’s good practice to include a ton of apostrophes or shortened words to distinguish an accent. Even for people not using screen readers, it’s hard to read. For me, if I see a fic with things like that, I won’t read it. Maybe try having a few words that the character’s accent comes through on, or write something about their heavy accent outside of the dialogue.
The “Screen Reader Friendly” tag isn’t an officially recognized AO3 tag yet, but the more people who use it, the sooner it will be!
Those are all the things I can think of right now. If anyone has any other tips to add, please do so!!
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My Experience with Wilbur Soot
So, the Wilbur Soot situation. This is mostly going to be me ranting abt the whole situation, so don't keep reading if you don't care.
I mostly just had to type this out and post it so I can vent and (hopefully) get over Wilbur Soot.
Wilbur supporters DNI
I've been a fan of Wilbur's for a long time, I believe the first time I watched him was in January 2021. Initially, I just knew him from Technoblade's (Rest in Power, king) videos, but after a while, he kinda grew into his own thing for me.
I wasn't huge into Dream Smp as it came out, as most of the time I couldn't tune in for personal reasons.
I started seriously watching it in September of 2021 if I remember correctly. It soon became a hyperfixation of mine. I knew basically every crumb of lore like the back of my hand, and I loved what Wilbur did for both the server and its stories. I still do, to an extent, as the Dream SMP is still really near and dear to my heart.
Then, Lovejoy’s Pebble Brain album came out. Previously, I had no idea Wilbur had started a band, so it was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. So when I tell you that that album had been my single favorite album of all time up until this point, you better believe it. I spent hours listening to the songs, over and over again, whether it was on a good day or a bad one, I always had a small comfort.
After about a year or so, I fell out of MCYT again. I still kept up with it occasionally, mostly just watching Tommy and Wilbur.
Frankly, before Tuesday, I hadn't even thought about Wilbur Soot since about 2 months ago. So, when all of a sudden, I saw he was trending on here, I was somewhat excited. I thought he had announced a new project or something. So, I clicked on the hashtag.
I am truly disgusted by Wilbur Soot's actions. To think, someone who I personally looked up to, did such horrendous actions is horrifying to me.
A part of me feels almost ashamed that I didn’t see it, that any signs in the past of Will being a bad person I swept under the rug, choosing to ignore it because “He was young'' or “He said he was sorry”. However, I have since realized that I COULDN’T know what was going on behind the scenes. I only saw his persona, the mask he put on when he streamed or was recording. TBH, this situation has really affected me, if me writing such a long post about the situation didn't tip you off already.
And worst of all was his "apology”. I first learned about this situation on Tuesday, about 3 hours before he made his public “apology”. When I read it, at first I was semi-satisfied, because he claimed he was/had gone to therapy and felt his previous actions were “slobish, disrespectful, and selfish”. I felt like he had downplayed his actions, but that overall he had felt bad and was seeking help.
Then, I realized a ton of things were wrong with it. Not only did he downplay his actions, he completely skipped over like 75% of it, he also JUST DIDN'T SAY SORRY. He somewhat vaguely apologized, if you turn your head and squint, but the words “I'm sorry” never appear in the text.
With all these things coming together, plus all the reactions by creators that have met him IRL/talked to him in private, I can't in good conscience support Wilbur Soot. Whether it be in music, youtube, twitch, whatever, I just can’t. I have removed all of both his and Lovejoy’s songs from my streaming playlists, and have pirated a small few that I’ve used as comfort music. I plan on eventually fully cutting him and his work out entirely, but I need a little time to adjust. I feel bad for not supporting Lovejoy, as there are other members than Will, but I feel it is the best course of action unless they fully remove him from both the band and the cash flow.
Hopefully reading through my experience has helped anybody else who has felt a familiar experience to me. I truly hope Wilbur gets the help he needs, he is a messed up individual, and needs psychological help.
Small note: Please, don't tell Wilbur to kill himself, while his actions were bad, that's not an excuse to tell somebody to end their own life. His actions were horrible, but verbally assaulting someone online is not a reasonable reaction to this situation.
Go support Shubble. She's very brave to talk about her experiences. Support SA victims. Go support both Tommy and Phil, Tommy has most likely been a victim of his manipulation and abuse and Phil is a close friend of his that most likely feels betrayed and hurt by his close friend’s actions.
I don't really have anything else to say, so bye everyone, stay safe and vigilant.
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devilshills · 1 month
“everyone go report this post for suicidal idealization right now so that the police can find their IP address and go to their house . you have no excuse not to reblog this and if you ignore it you are a bad person” do you actually know how messed up that wording is ?? I know you are trying to help , but you are both making people with OCD heavily uncomfortable and you could potentially be putting someone’s life at risk . some of us need to vent online because we cannot afford a therapist and we live in abusive households . our abusers would act all sad in front of the police to us dealing with suicidal thoughts , but you don’t want to know how our abusers would react once the police left . it can be heavily dangerous for both minors and even adults . the fact that we can’t even trust people online to keep us and our secrets safe due to a vent post is disheartening . don’t make our safe place into an unsafe place .
“why don’t you contact any of your irl friends or an association that can help you ?” I did . for years in a row . and you know what ? I only wasted my time and energy because a lot of people love to pretend they care , but they won’t even check in your direction when you are hanging between life or death . “just get a job to afford your own house” well , what do you think I am trying to do ? as if getting my own place will actively stop abusers anyway . even if people like me do manage to leave , a whole bunch of us is currently dealing with trauma bonding , which will most likely make us regret leaving and we may go back to our source of pain because the abuse is familiar and our brain doesn’t know what to do or who we are if we are not actively being abused . for the record , most of us are not allowed to go away in the first place .
may I mention , a lot of people will suicide bait you , so please be careful who you put your energy into . there’s people who enjoy themselves when they see you suffering for them , and they will keep the act for as long as you allow them to . if you genuinely feel that someone is lying about suicide , take care of yourself first . I am begging you .
also , tag your stuff correctly . I sometimes forget to tag triggers when reposting something , but I always check later if it’s necessary to tag anything that I might have missed . if I have missed an important tag in a post , let me know . anyway , if you wouldn’t like to accidentally get triggered , well , then don’t do something you know will trigger others on purpose just because you didn’t bother taking five seconds of your time to add a couple of hashtags . I am tired of seeing posts about suicide when I am not in the mood .
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cursed-princess-club · 7 months
my apologies if this is out of place on your blog- it's one of the few CPC blogs I know- but am I the only one who feels weird about the whitewashing Frederick's character is going through in fandom right now? like demonizing the CPC (a place literally made of the oppressed) in favor the white, cis, het, oh-so-innocent-and-pure boy? and making it seem like he was completely in the right to be racist to Gwen (unintentional racism is still racism!) and that everything he did was 100% justified and explained.
Again, sorry if I sound like an SJW (can't believe I'm using that term in 2024) but this just really rubs me the wrong way.
NOOOOO I get where you're coming from, you're valid in feeling that way. (also it's totally okay to send me asks! i enjoy talking about cpc :D and i'll do my best to answer them!)
white boy favoritism is definitely a Thing in fandom and. yowch. generally we've seen characters ignorant towards how people on the braided island look where even the cpc thought that gwen was cursed at first (shoutout to molly for being normal about leelathae!). if i remember correctly leelathae's implied that she's human which makes me wonder about the lore... plus I don't really know how defined witches are with their stances in Hashtag Society but i feel like there's probably a social stigma or something there too... are all of them "evil"? are they born witches? do they all have similar traits? Who knows.... and yeahh the braided island inhabitants are a fictional race, but also the coding! the other pastel kids resemble their white father more, and they're technically mixed, while gwen is visibly more like her mother. like being more visibly indigenous or latina but if you were gwen in cpc. which makes me think yk
by definition the cpc is a disabled support group!!. (club my beloved) personally i also like to add queer in there too heh... and also majority of them being women! so they are meant to be representative of the oppressed,, Even if they're all rich princesses. (but i think that's just more because of the setting lol, since they're treated/treat each other like... well... normal people... so i feel like them being rich isn't a point trying to be made. slightly off topic but this is something ive thought of haha) I DO understand what you mean tho and why it rubs you the wrong way. frederick a flawed character that shouldn't be put on a pedestal. same with the others, they're flawed! and i like em. i like frederick! they all grow and change and i like watching their progress! (it does really suck how ignorant the people in universe are though about other races... may be a worldbuilding thing again. i wonder about the other fantasy races in cpc! how different are the wizards and witches seen? and fantasy racism is a whole other topic i don't know if i can bring justice to in a discussion gadiufnhdam)there's a lot that can be argued about how they function and the name and how they treated frederick and tori's argument too but i digress </3 (i'm open to opinions though!) i gotta think more about the worldbuilding and stuff kek
OVERALL!! frederick isn't perfect, the club isn't perfect, but i don't think any of them should be demonized for it because to me that's the whole point!! that nobody's perfect! lol lmao xd welcome to the club yk. imperfect people are just people n stuff
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
Replying to your hashtag of the last post, we will love anything that you put out for us <3
Personally I have no expectations, I’m simply enjoying trying to correctly predict what you have planned and fail at attempting to pull out hints from you. The only expectation I have it that it’ll make me giddy and believe me non of your works have failed at making me do the classic excited wiggle in bed, so far the Catbi fic has made me do it 7x, in 15k words which is a feat in itself I am not easy to please lol.
Please don’t feel like your going to fail us, because trust me you won’t :)
And I hope that you have fun doing what you love in your writing without external pressure :)
Thank you!
It's just good to keep in mind that I may place very different value on specific story beats than you all might be speculating about, by focusing so heavily on things like "the dick reveal" or Dabi being discovered it can be easy to feel that the narrative is lacking if they aren't handled in a particular way, even if I never said they would be. I hope you all have fun joking, but that you're able to ultimately enjoy the story as I have it play out! ☺️
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beggars-opera · 2 years
how do I use tags correctly? like, whats the propper tag etiquette? I'm pretty new here and don't wanna screw this up haha
Tags serve three main purposes: they help others find your posts, they help you find your posts at a later date, and they serve as a way to add metatextual commentary to a post.
So, at a base level, if you want other people to find your post, or want a way to find the post more easily yourself at a later date, you would add purely descriptive tags like on any other social media site so people looking in those tags will see your post. For example, a post of someone baking bread might have #food #baking #cottagecore etc. Fandom tags often utilize abbreviations (tagging #OFMD instead of #OurFlagMeansDeath for example) and these are best found by searching around yourself and seeing which tags are the most active.
A few pointers here:
Don't tag hate. It's fine if you dislike something, but going on a rant about how much you hate a thing and then tagging it so that everyone who loves the thing will have to look at it is considered aggressive and rude.
People will often tag for common triggers like gore and rape as a courtesy to those using extensions to erase posts containing those tags from their dash. The exact format of these tags has never been formalized, but most use the #cwtrigger, #twtrigger, or just #trigger format.
Tags on original posts mean that post will show up when you search for that tag. Tags on reblogs do not make it show up in the tag page a second time and are only useful for internal blog searching.
You can also choose to use tags that are just for you, like #mythoughts or #myart, which allows you to search your own blog more easily. If you are an artist of any sort, using a tag denoting what is an original work is highly recommended.
Some people also use a tag specifically for posts that are in their queue, to let people know that the post is automatic and that they are not necessarily online at that particular moment. Getting creative with puns gets you brownie points. #scoobydoobyqueue
Tags specifically go into the tag section at the bottom of the post editor. Adding hashtags to the body of a post does absolutely nothing. You can, however, @ another user in the body of the post.
Tags are also often used for commentary purposes. They are sort of like whispering under your breath after you've publicly stated whatever is in your post. This can include musings, jokes, and other information that didn't quite seem important enough to put in the main body of the post. Every post of a beautiful woman does not need five hundred people writing "as I lesbian I am looking respectfully *googly eyes emoji*" in the post but you can 100% put that in the tags.
Pointers with this:
Eventually everyone gets the hang of what thoughts are important enough to put in the body of a post or reblog and what should be relegated to the tags. You can ask yourself "is this adding something useful to the conversation, or is it just me rambling or keysmashing?"
If your tags are witty enough, other users may deem them worthy of being included in the main post, screenshot them, and put the screenshot in their reblog. We consider this a peer review process of sorts and it is a badge of honor.
Again, being kind is a common courtesy. When you add tag commentary, the original poster and person you reblogged from are notified, and everyone can see it. So if you write in the tags that the post is stupid and that the OP is a cunt, congrats, you've just made the OP cry and you should probably not be on the internet.
Tags are comma delineated so if you are typing a thought in the tag long enough to need a comma, use a semicolon instead, otherwise the tag will be split in two. Likewise, quotation marks will not show up in a tag.
I hope this helps!
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isan0rt · 6 months
Getting so intensely tired of seeing takes trying to be progressive that boil down to "boys don't have real feelings or care about other people or need validation or enjoy creative hobbies, all that is girl shit, so this male character who doesn't perfectly embody toxic masculinity is really a woman actually, hashtag egg waiting to crack, you go girl." Like lmao it's not fucking progressive to be like "caring about people and needing emotional support makes you less of a man" just because you put a little gay hat on it.
This is the flip side of "stop calling X/ion non-binary because she is physically tough and has short hair and wears combat boots and people think that makes her less of a woman," she's a girl [ETA: since this immediately got misinterpreted, I am saying Xion is textually not cis, she is textually transfem and calling her not a girl is transphobic] because she says she is, like weren't we all in agreement that gender roles are fake. Were we not trying to deconstruct the idea that certain behaviors and interests are inherently gendered. Was that not the goal. Why are we doing Conservative Gender Roles are Inescapable 2: This Time It's Progressive.
Before you say I am pissing on the poor I'm not saying "don't have headcanons that a character is queer or trans" I'm just saying there's a huge difference between "I would enjoy thinking about if this character I like was queer or trans" (great) or "it seems like there's subtext that supports a read of this character as queer or trans" (also great) and "this character doesn't perform their gender correctly according to an extremely prescriptive, rigid, and 1950s-level regressive idea of what performing that gender is supposed to look like, therefore, I'm revoking their [gender] card" (BAD. STOP THAT.).
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Wdym Claude was doomed by the writing and not narrative I'm curious to see how that differe
From: (x)
You seem nice enough, so I assume you’re not here to tell me that I’m shit at using words, and for that I’m grateful. 😅
(After posting this I’m going to go back to posts which I reference/would give further explanation to my ramblings, so if by chance you read this before all the links are added, I’d recommend coming back.)
Actually, what I mean by that is that Claude’s character (general consensus thereof aside, being: flat, unreactive, dispassionate, etc., especially in contrast to Alois and, especially, Sebastian) is quite inconsistent.
In fact, from what I remember, episode one and six appear to have the most consistent Claude in comparison to the rest of the season (oh god, including ��the derailment” in episode nine but that’s to be expected—but more on that in a minute).
That being said, episode six then had a minutely different Alois/undertone to episode one (episode one being the “set up” episode that I refer back to for my darling, darling sliver of the endangered “Soft Claude”), with Alois referencing “punishing Claude” when prior to and even after this it’s never brought up at all, and the esteem in which Alois holds Claude anyway disallows him from ever “punishing” him, anyway, so it feels quite out of character in that regard.
Episode nine is the blood tasting episode, if I recall correctly (or, perhaps that is at the very end of episode eight?) is, what I call, “the derailment”, for the whole series and plot completely shifts tonally and so does the characterisation of Claude.
Claude was eventually the scapegoat for the writers trying to get back on track from the “set up of recurring characters” they’d had in practice to the “season exclusive arc” they had on paper. For that, Claude’s characterisation suffered.
Hashtag Flanderisation, am I right, gamers? (Please don’t sue me.)
It wasn’t even flanderisation, technically, either! Because most of the attributes inflated (ie. “creepiness” and “perverseness”) post-blood tasting weren’t present let alone even hinted to in prior episodes, inconsistent characterisation of all season-exclusive parties aside!
I’m a big advocate for “Claude’s characterisation deserved better” (then with the immediate clarification of “not his character—just his characterisation”).
In fact, it was @indigoipsum that brought to light the popular hypothesis that each episode was written by a different writing team, hence the inconsistencies (some of which were exclusive to an episode each, like Claude’s “soft moment” in episode one or Alois’ mentions of punishing Claude in episode six, to name some, but there are more). An idea which none of us have gone back to check the season’s credits to prove, and so it just floats in the air, unproven, and we’re okay with that.
(It’s also an idea that made me a bit upset, for whatever reason, because I’d become quite attached to the “Soft Claude” scene in episode one, as I’d rewatched the episode to analyse Claude and Alois for a fic. For the record I’d pumped out like a billion bullet points after going frame by frame analysing anything I could.)
I go into further detail of it here, a post that was prompted by Indigo telling me the aforementioned theory.
As far as season two goes, someone with a better recollection than me would be @nullb1rdbones, who tends to rewatch it all on the near-daily, it seems, so off I send you for further in-detail questions about the season, and not Claude / ramblings about the writing (of which you are more than welcome to come back to me whenever you feel you must).
So I guess, what I mean by what you’re asking, is that the “narrative” would be the perspective of which he’d been put into the story (I don’t doubt he was always meant to be the season villain, but in the beginning it certainly wasn’t delivered as thoroughly as what it was later on), but the writing was… the writing made it worse, I guess is what I’m trying to say.
Hopefully, that clears some of the confusion (explaining myself is hard).
And, hopefully, I do these characters more justice than the canon ever did (and what they deserve because not believing that good writing is what they deserve makes me sad. Fuck you, estrogen 🖕) in my upcoming fic, Claudetails.
I doubt it will be hard, though. The badness of writing makes it so easy to trump it. (And yet so, so difficult.)
Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope you come again soon.
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aquavierra · 10 months
or you can just tag correctly and dodge the whole situation.
you KNOW people are disgusted by thorki, and you know people love lokius. youre either stupid or looking for drama for fun.
Yeah, I acknowledge it's also my fault, but what? Sending death threat in first place is extreme enough. Just tell me as it is. Also, my acknowledgement towards Lokius fans being so freakin aggressive is NONE, and I think my lack of knowledge of this type of behaviour is can't be considered as stupid since stupid has meaning of: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. A.k.a have trouble learning or understanding/learning something.
Which btw, kind of different from not knowing something in the first place.
I've been in MCU fandom for a long time now and I always thought Lokius' fans are chill (or so I thought). No one likes to open Tumblr for fun and got this type of mail. Certainly people on internet have some manners and conscience when they reach out to someone telling me to not put this hashtag because it has nothing to do with the tag.
I usually tag my stuff randomly when I type 4 letters and see what they give me and just pick it because I'm lazy. Again, not my best behaviour and I am sorry to make a disgusting type of media to be shown on your phone. No one likes that.
But regardless of that. Sending me message that can be considered death threat is beyond me. I am not offended, or I feel threatened or even I feel down after that because I don't take anonymous stranger's on internet's words to the heart but what if someone who wants to have fun on Tumblr. A bit careless and made minor mistake like this, have a bad day that day and saw that someone on the internet send them death threat? I can't imagine how hurtful it is for them.
If you see my response as "I like drama" or searching for drama. At this point of my life, if I got myself into some sort of drama in my life. I can only just smile and enjoy the flow, I got so much shits in my life that is more important than death threat and this type of threat certainly just put me into thinking about "butterfly meme". I accidentally delve myself into some shit now I have to face the consequences. And that's my response, with meme, because I am emotionally constipated.
Again, on my behalf, it's not fun darling. The message (death threat one, not yours) that I got is already messed up, maybe they need to fix their manner first when they want to complain.
Your response made me realise how some of you perceive "this type of death threat mail" as something normal and it's really really questionable.
Sincerely, your mom.
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nyteklovn · 1 year
Updates? 16/08/2023
Hello! So Tumblr is going to become my primary posting website, and I wished to inform those who follow me here of what my posts will entail. First and foremost I am a variety creator who will post and create things from many different genres and video games I enjoy, here is a decent example of what you will find in my corner of things: - Art ranging from spooky, to cute, to slightly horrific (I shall put warnings on the posts and in the tags). - FFXIV Characters / Fan art / OC Art / Screenshots. - Misc Game screenshots (ranging from MMOs - Chill games - Older games) . - Mayhaps spontaneous short stories since this website does allow me to do that :Eyes:? - Original art pieces not tied to any fandoms. - Twitch streaming / art commission / shop opening announcements. - I would absolutely LOVE to answer ask box things and do little doodles to them, so please feel free to send such in! Things I plan to make good use of since if I recall correctly, Tumblr has a very good archive system: - Personalized hashtags for my characters, commission works, short stories, update posts, etc! All so everything is much easier to find and navigate. Truthfully I'm very excited to re-learn this website, I have not properly used it since 2019 so I imagine much has changed in various degrees.
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herrscherofmemories · 4 months
hai so I used ur # for the event & for some reason it didn’t put me there when I go to the hashtags? It looks like I entered it correctly, I’m not sure if it’s just my error since I am new to tumblr
I checked and I only zee the poztz that I already reblogged zo maybe itz an error/bug from tumblr ,, I didn't get a @ notification zo feel free to re-@ me and I'll reblog it with the # !! ^^
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hipstergnome · 5 months
Invisible Artist
I never really wanted to make this to be a blog-blog, like write anything other than describe my art and put hashtags to the pieces. Yet, here I am, midnight, nearly 1 am; and I just couldn't wait to write this out.
I am afraid. I am lost and afraid, yet this feeling drives me more. I don't feel like an artist. Maybe it is because I never was formally trained, my skill has always been self taught mostly with guidance from other artists and my father. Maybe the lack of formal training is why I never pursued a career with my art? I have always regretted that and nearing 40, who knows if that will ever happen. This thought causes dread, depression and anxiety. I don't know if I should continue to draw, I feel lost. I am afraid to pursue my art even as a freelance, I don't take judgement well or criticism. Yet I know if I do not, I wont grow or gain more skill. I digress.
I write this because I post my art on various social medias and get nowhere. I don't know if I am doing this correctly. Should I network more? It's ok to ask for help. I see my posts get very few clicks, likes, etc. and others seem to explode with popularity. I have tried fan art, OCs, progress art, revisit old drawings. I haven't tried the DTIYS stuff, but I want to because it looks fun.
To those that read this, to the artists who feel invisible because you don't get the traffic you deserve, comment below so we see you. I will follow. It's ok to feel invisible, we all have to start somewhere. Even if you are near 40 like myself. There are so many artists out there who have been rejected or never found their style, medium etc. until later in life.
Carmen Herrera Rose Hilton Mark Rothko Phyllida Barlow Wassily Kandinsky Betty Tompkins Claude Monet Vincent Van Gogh Johannes Vermeer El Greco Paul Cezanne Georges-Pierre Seurat Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Edouard Manet Paul Gauguin Alfred Sisley
Don't give up and don't draw for the likes, the fame or the notoriety. Draw because you want to create. Create because it is worth doing. In a world of destruction, chaos, hate; we need beauty. Things that inspire, drive us, give us awe and make us feel. Keep drawing. I see you, because I am you.
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unnursvanablog · 2 years
ESC250: my top 10.
For those who don't know, ESC250 is an annual countdown of the top 250 best Eurovision songs as voted by Eurovision fans and takes place on the last day of the year by the Belgian radio station ESCradio (that radio also only plays Eurovision songs and songs related to the contest 24 hours a day).
Starting in November, Eurovision fans who are interested in participating (or know about the event) vote for their top 10 songs via the escradio website and rate them from 1 to 12 points (just like in Eurovision). That's all compiled and ranked from 250th up to 1st place (which has been Loreen for the past 10 years) by how the points each song got. Rather simple, really. And you get to listen to so many hours of (mostly) top nocte eurovision songs. But then again, I love eurovision so there truly aren’t that many songs on the list that I truly don’t enjoy.
ESC250 lasts about 12 hours, if I remember correctly, while ESCradio plays all the songs that made that chart that year, while eurovision fans tweet their reactions and stuff to the results under the hashtag #ESC250, and most of them have a pretty good time. At least I do. This is one of Eurovision fandom's joyest moments on Twitter.
The Eurovision fandom may be quite dramatic and argumentative on twitter (and other places) most days of the year... but   I find most, if not all fandoms, on most parts of the internet to be dramatic and argumentative so 🤷 and I've been a kpop fan for over 15 years so I'm used to things. And I know, after many years on twitter and tumblr, to create my own little bubble and just stay there.
I personally love to make list and blog about them, so since I had a list of the songs I was going to vote for in ESC250, I decided to blog about it as well. As usual, I usually just go by which songs I have listened to the most this year; with the top 2 songs from this Eurovision year and then the older Eurovision favs that I kept returning to this year. There are always some changes from year to year to my list, but there are songs that haven't left the list since I started voting in 2020.
1 point -  Forogj Világ! 
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This is the sort of sound that I enjoy probably the most in eurovision. That and anything remotly disco or upbeat fun nonsense. The energy of the performance, the atmosphere, the beat, the dancing is just all *chef's kiss* it's showing your culture and traditions through a song. This is one of the many reasons why I love eurovision. Idk where else I would find this sort of song.
2 point - Dancing Lasha Tumbai
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At certain point I almost replaced this song with Under the Ladder or Solovey... but Dancing Lasha Tumbai is both so iconic and I wanted to have more songs that weren't from 2017 and up on the list, so I decided to choose that instead of Under the Ladder. The opening line alone; 'Hello everybody, my name is Verka Serduchka, Me English, Nicht versteht, Let's speak dance!' is just enough to put me in a good mood. Which is what I have surely needed this year. 
(Also... Russia goodbye!)
3 points - Minn Hinsti Dans
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I wouldn't say that try to be a little patriotic and vote for at least one Icelandic song, but somehow it does tend to happen. and I mean, hey! Minn Hinsti Dans is undoubtedly one of the most iconic songs we have ever sent to Eurovision. It changed the history of Eurovision a bit, according to a whole bunch of people, and is just a very good popsong in all sense of the world. And probably my favorite Icelandic Eurovision song. Or one of them. I am so freaking proud of this entry in the contest and the fact that we did that. This tiny little island sent this to eurovision.
4 points - Occidental's Karma
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I think I've voted this song every year that I've voted in ESC250 and there's a very simple reason for that; This is one of my all time favorite Eurovision songs. There is something so pleasant and cheerful about Gabbani's performance, especially on the Sanremo stage (there was something lackluster about the whole thing at eurovision for some reason) and I really just enjoy the energy of it and just the vibes. It makes me so happy just listening to it.
5 points  - Stripper
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Europe didn't appreciate him, the eurofandom didn't appreciate him, but I have to help my man get high in the list, because even though he didn't make it to the finals this year despite bringing the best performance of Eurovision 2022. He deserves to be at least in the top 100 in ESC250. I was having so much fun with him just doing Eurovision and just the whole process of it. I regularly watch his performance on youtube and just kind of giggle to myself 'omg, I can't believe Achille Lauro actually went to Eurovision.' And damn, it was enjoyable ride. Truly the highlight of the 2022 eurovision season, and therefor he is on that list.
6 points - øve os på hinanden
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This is the second year in a row that this song has made it onto my list and something tells me it will undoubtedly be there next year too because I just love it. For me, this song just gives me an extra serotnin boost every time I listen to it. I think it's wonderful. This song is just ✨ good vibes ✨ and it's also just what I'm looking for in music. Especially with my anxiety the way it has been. I'm here to have fun, find something new, that makes me smile and just to get exited baout. And in general I think that's what music is supposed to do. Make yourself feel something. That's what Eurovision is all about. Not streaming numbers or if my favorite is doing better in the odds or whatever. It's about having fun and finding new music that you like.
7 points - Fulenn
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I know it's just eurovision and not that serious... but Fulenn deserved better than 17 points in the final this year. This song gradually became my favorite song of the year, sort of around on the Eurovision week. I just think that a folky-rave song in a minority language is just something that just captures the spirit of Eurovision so well. This is what I want to see in Eurovision. This was my fav song out of all the songs in eurovision 2022. And even if it didn't place high in the final, I shall try to let it be high on the ESC250.
8 points - Hajde da Ludujemo
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This is a song that I remember listening to a lot on back in the day, on one of those 'best of eurovision' CDs I had as a child and then I forgot about it when I wasn't so much using those CDs anymore. And then it came on #EurovisionAgain (which is also a twitter thing... sort of) and it was almost love at first listen again. Love this song, love the performance, love everything about it. For the three minutes you're about to listen to, or watch, it's just so camp and fun. This song is just pure joy to me.
10 points -  Spirit in the Sky
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Keiino is a gift that keeps on giving. Is Spirit in the Sky become one of my all time favorite Eurovision songs? Yeah, it is. How could it not be. This song, like Shum, is what Eurovision is about. It captures the Eurovision essance so well, I think and just the Eurovision joy so well. It's just so lovely. I can't listen to Spirit in the Sky and not smile and feel happy.
12 points - Shum
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Now, Shum was in my second place on this year, until about two days ago when I saw Go_A live at Airwaves and damn, they were excellent. It may only been about a year and Shum has already sort of become one of those Eurovision classics, I think, which will survive the passage of time as one of those songs that people will always associate with Eurovision, just like Dancing Lasha Tumbai and other songs such as it. It's energetic, it's folky, it's immaculately well staged and everything about the song and performance makes it a A+ Eurovision song. And is well on its way to being one of my favorite Eurovision songs ever. If this doesn’t get top 10 ESC250 finish then I will be shocked.
In comparison to how I voted last year:
12 points - øve os på hinanden (got 127th place)
10 points - Shum (got 3rd place)
8 points - Forogj Világ! (got 152nd place)
7 points - Spirit in the Sky (got 7th place)
6 points - Hajde da Ludujemo (got 110th place)
5 points - My Heart Goes Boom (did not make the list)
4 points - Zitti E Buoni (got 2nd place)
3 points - Historyja majho Zycci (did not make the list)
2 points - Think About Things (got 33th place)
1 points - Occidentali's Karma (got 51st place)
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since my emotions are so dulled/flat emotional range, I don’t really experience “mood swings” (or strong ‘moods’ ever in general), but every once in a while I will notice a strange flip in my psyche where suddenly my internal thought processes are like “i’m EVIL i’m INSANE i’m POWERFUL i’m going to learn every HObby in the WORLD i’m going to create my destiny i’m going to reconnect with my past and the transient nostalgia of dreamlike inspiration, i’m going to THINK i’m going to CREATE i will succeed, i will go to bed EARLY and stay up ALL NIGHT, i can picture myself in the COOL winter AIR content and complete, i will finish ALL my projects, and EVERYTHING and ALL SO MUCH” and then 2 seconds later it’s back to normal like “okay.. well.. I don’t know about all that but I’m going to eat some soup.”
#all while just sitting in a chair staring at a wall#maybe that's what normal functioning feels like.. once every 3 months for a total of 5 minutes at a time my neurotransmitters#function properly for a moment and I have a Normal Person amount of energy and executive function and inspiration to do things#then my brain is like 'OOPS remember the gods put that curse on us because this being would be too powerful if they functioned#correctly all the time - we're supposed to be limiting that!!!'#and the other part of the brain is like 'WHoop yea my bad i wasn't watching for a second. i'll dial those down a notch so they#struggle with basic everyday tasks'#also though i AM evil and insane and going to learn every hobby in the world#my fleeting thoughts are RIGHT about that but. it'll be a slower more tedious process#i wish there was a way to recreate this feeling in a subtle way like drinking coffee or something but coffee just makes me nausous#and tummy hurty#I think this also sometimes precedes my '''moods''' where I feel like I have energy so i want to use it and do something but#I have 100 different things to do so instead of actually choosing something to do I just sit and think about all the different things I#COULD theoretically do and how they would work until i no longer have energy to do anything and also got nothing done lol#the moods are another part of the curse trap#you can HAVE energy sometimes but you're not allowed to UTILIZE it effectively#god always stifles his most powerful evil wizards hashtag bible quotes hashtag sad hashtag wizardfeels
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notjustsmutficfest · 2 years
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not just smut fic fest round 1 :)
this fest was inspired by a wonderful fic i read, "them butterflies" by the talented @gaycousinlarry and the fest is based on the concept of "smut as a means to character development".
what does that mean?
overall, however you interpret it is absolutely valid! but for the sake of this post: essentially, it means that smut is used as a plot device to help one or more characters grow as a person/as people. whether that means discovering their sexuality, becoming more confident, learning how to let go of control, etc. the story you create is entirely up to you, so i encourage you to use this as an opportunity to get creative & have as much fun as you want with it!
this is a nsfw fest, therefore you must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
any fics submitted this round will not be moderated content wise, so please use common sense & best judgment when it comes to things like tagging your fic correctly/appropriately. whether or not the next round's fic content will be moderated is completely dependent on how participants do these things.
there is no minimum word count for this fest.
this will not be an anonymous fest; you can absolutely post snippets of your fic as you're writing. be sure to tag this blog & use the hashtag to be reposted as well!
fics are allowed to have more than one author - if you want to write with one or more friends, go for it!
this is a one direction fic fest, so you can write about any pairing - or ot3/ot4/ot5 - you'd like!
you can write about any & all forms and variations of one direction; this fest thrives on inclusivity, variation & exploration!
prompt submissions are open until september 15th
sign ups begin september 16th and will end october 14th.
deadline: february 6th
posting begins: february 8th
you can find the list of fic examples i made: here
you can submit prompts for the fest: here
you can see all prompt submissions: here
i will put a link to the sign up form here when it begins:
if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message either here or on my main blog, @alwaysxlarrie!
this is my first fic fest and i'm running it alone (and with the amazing guidance of some friends - thank you to @lh-home for helping come up with the fest name, @thedevilinmybrain, @polaroidlouis, @hershelsue and everyone else in the @1dlibrary, @writerscornercafe, and the larrie hangout discords!!)), so please be patient with me but rest assured i am doing my absolute best to make this fest fun and run as smoothly as possible :')
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