#and I WANT to trust Holmes but she is making it SO HARD lmao
kingdomoftyto · 5 months
Anon from a few weeks ago will be happy to hear we're finally playing Process of Elimination, btw
I didn't even get all the way through the demo before I was compelled to buy the full game, it had me hooked so fast
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saclarclay · 2 years
I have no idea, if you write fanfiction/headcanons for the black butler reapers, but if you do, I would like to request yandere Othello with a fem reader, who's just like Sherlock Holmes.
Thank you in advance.
Oh trust me when I say my english sucks hence why I don’t make writing blogs or post my fic publicly though I do like making them, the thing you must suffer through all the loooong grammatical errors, weird comments etc. I don’t really follow any sherlock series like I only learn about that guy from detective conan’s manga lmao, so I’m gonna take it as a sassy genius detective reader, you see, this is kinda hard because I’m actually really dumb
Othello with a sherlock fem sherlock like reader hc? Imagine? Well something like that
How you two met, I imagine that Othello would be on his scouting mission or investigation mission to see what caused a weird death, he was inspecting the victim , probably got so interested by how mysteriously they died in such condition that he didn’t realized you had walked in.
he claimed himself as one of the forensic team that was sent by the police to investigate the case and help you. Idk why but I like to think he’s kinda bad at coming up with sudden excuse
You knew immediately that he was lying but didn’t say anything and asked for the body report, taking notes that he might actually be from the forensic team with how detailed his reports are
and he might have nerd out a little bit on that part while you’re just standing there listening to him like ;:^/ before he’s like “ Uh, yeah, that’s all the report I currently have *cough*”
Othello just watched as you look around for some clues, inspecting the dead body on your own to see if he did tell the truth, and I’m gonna one of those tricks where detective reader doesn’t look like she’s doing much while looking for clues but later you just come up with a detailed scenario on how the victim might have died and Othello was honestly fascinated by it and probably say something like “Oh, what makes you quite certain with that?”
“Check the victim’s —“ and you begin to explain that idk, probably that little scar, dot, scratch on the victim’s skin that you told him to look is caused by the weapon in the scenario you have explained, and let’s say boom you somehow found the weapon exactly where you have predicted it by following the said scenario. He was so impressed that a single detective woman managed to solved the case so easily.
And then the other officers came in to check in on you but when you turn around Othello was already gone
At this point I want to imagine he would occasionally follow you around in his free time to see you solve cases here and there, making a name for yourself as one of the best female detective in England during that time. He would probably accidentally show himself sometimes or you just spot him so easily when you!re alone and he would just laugh awkwardly before admitting that he’s actually a grim reaper and he just found you to be quite entertaining
“Just pretend like I’m not here.” but you’re once again just like ;:^/ “okay” and later you just got used to him popping in and out everywhere, finding him to be quite helpful in looking for clues when he would point out little things that you might have missed.
For the yandere part, I find it quite hard for him to be a yandere character because in my mind he’s just so chill, so maybe a closeted yandere where he didn’t realize he might have find you more fascinating than any other human. Maybe one day you suddenly got partnered with a guy who looked down on you for being a woman and a detective in that century, he thought he could have took the credits from you and decided to be a jerk about it until Othello stepped in 
“hey, excuse me, but you’re ruining my favorite detective show.”
Or… nah I don’t think he could kill anyone really, at least not alone, i feel like it’s impossible for him to kill a bunch of humans, he could, maybe, if he really is smart enough, try to make some scenario and have other people be the actor for his play, more dead bodies falling, more cases for you, more excuse for him to come down and inspect you- I mean the dead bodies *cough* ==
You know what I suddenly thought of another scenario like in the Book of Murder where Othello somehow got stuck in that similar situation but he’s clean so he got pretty good solid—-what’s the word— hhh— excuse(???) ALIBI, pretending to be a doctor, scientist or somethin, but at the end of the scene reader just drop the bomb and said, “ your alibi was too good, but it doesn’t make sense, how did you went from this room all the way down to that room in such short time?…. You are not human are you?”
And he just chuckles while fixing his glasses “Maybe? Who knows.”
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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imonthinice · 3 years
are you taking requests? if so can you pls use the line "is there a problem here, gentlemen?" in a story?
BONUS STORY! 2ND UPLOAD OF THE DAY?? CRAZY. (if there is a second upload it’ll be at 6pm EST)
Author's Note: You fucking bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to do that.
Y/N - Your name
Batfam + batsis story. Y/N is the newest daughter of Bruce Wayne and is following in everyone’s footsteps as the youngest, in years of service, vigilante of the crew. They hold a gala with villains.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: LMAo Angst whoops, no spoilers but injury and description of injury, Swearing, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd amen
One-Shot. Not in the Criminal Psychology Majors Continuity.
Y/N packed up her knives into her thigh holsters, apparently, Bruce thought it was a good idea to hold a gala with the known villains of the world. And the kids had to handle it if it got out of hand, Why the fuck are we doing this, She thought, This is a stupid idea.
"Kids, I know you all think this is stupid-" Bruce tried to say before he was cut off.
"You could fucking say that again." Jason snapped at him.
"Kids, I know you all think this is stupid." Y/N mocked Bruce.
"Okay, okay, I get it. It’s a dumb idea.”
“Again, no fucking shit, Sherlock Holmes,” Tim said.
“You guys really don’t need to gang up on me like this,” Bruce tried to say.
“Gang up on you?! You’re the one all like ‘Hey kids! We’re going to do a gala with villains hehe! I hope u don’t mind xoxo.’ Shut the fuck up, Bruce,” Y/N snapped.
“Do you even want to go with that attitude?”
“No! I think that’s pretty fucking obvious!” she snapped again as she went to go grab one of her guns, but Bruce grabbed her arms.
“No. Guns,” he said, trying to be stern with her.
“No. Villains. In. The. House. Oh wait. You’re an idiot, I forgot, silly me,” she mocked before struggling out of his grasp and grabbed her guns and holstered them, one on each side, ambidextrous shooter because she had learned from Jason, quick with knifes and throwing them as well.
“Y/N, there’s no need to be so violent with me,” Bruce tried to say to get her to calm down.
“You just better hope none of those villains make a fucking move, Bruce.”
At the party, she wore combat boots and a cat suit under her dress, just so she could slip it off and go into action just as quickly. Her vigilante name was Syndicate, because when she named herself she thought she had the same values as Bruce and his kids. After time progressed, she realized that she was a lot more like Jason than she cared to admit.
They both carried guns into that party like no one was watching and telling them not to. They didn’t trust the villains in their house in any capacity, and that was obvious from both of their outbursts earlier in the day. They were the outliers in the batfam. The ones who did agree with some of what they were shown, but guns and death were necessary sometimes. She and Jason were the true Syndicate.
It was a masquerade ball, so everyone’s faces were hidden, but Jason had his white hair streak, so she knew where to go to talk about the gala and what they would do if the villains attacked the rest of them, and she did so.
Walking over to Jason, she could feel the eyes of many men around her, not everyone recognized her as the newest daughter of Bruce Wayne, so eyes were hungry and they wanted to dance the night away with the temptress. She thought that dating was idiotic, though. And especially if it was a villain trying to sweep her off of her feet.
“May I have this dance, milady?” Jason asked.
“Yes,” she said while accepting his outstretched hand and they went to twirl around the dance floor when she leaned into his ear, “I don’t trust these fucks, Jason,” she whispered.
“Who the fuck does trust it,” he whispered back.
“We need to be on our toes.”
“You’re already on your toes, dancing with me,” he joked.
“You’re the worst, Jason. I mean it.”
“When do you not. But I’m your favourite brother and you know it,” he said as he dipped her.
“While that may be true,” she stopped when she caught some of the people leaving to the backdoor, “We have an issue,” she whispered and pointed towards the people leaving.
“Son of a bitch.” 
And they were off as fast as they could without drawing suspicion.
“Is there a problem here, Gentlemen?” Jason asked when they met up with the people trying to snoop, they assumed.
“Yes, there is,” one of the mystery men said as he pulled a gun and pointed it at Jason, “And it’s you, son.”
“Cute! He even brought his little girlfriend with him!” one of the other men exclaimed as he snooped closer towards Y/N and pulled a gun on her too.
“Festive, truly, you three are,” she said, staring down the barrel of the gun.
“Shut it, girl,” the second man commanded.
“No thanks,” she said as she grabbed the barrel of the gun and struggled it out of her face, it misfired and hit a few different areas of the wall behind her, at the same time, Jason had managed to get the gun out of his attacker’s hands and was pointing it back at him.
She continued to one-hand hold the gun while she tried to find the handle of one of her knives. She managed to grab it and fling it into the shoulder of the third, not speaking, man’s shirt and pin him to the wall. The struggle for the gun was still on though, but she was able to get her other hand onto the gun when it fired off.
 Jason was busy attacking the other two men to notice that Y/N had been shot in the shoulder, and too busy to realize that the party had been evacuated and Bruce was up his ass in texts asking where he and Y/N were.
Y/N slumped to the ground, clutching her wound when the man turned his gun on Jason, she used her boots to her advantage and kicked the man to the floor as hard as she could. Jason ended up being able to tie the three men to each other within 10 minutes, while Y/N was bleeding out on the floor, he didn’t notice she was shot till she was clutching on for her life.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” he whispered as he tried to lug her off the ground and run to the front entrance, where he could hear the ambulances going off. When she whispered to him, “I’m...” she breathed, “Sorry...” she breathed again, “Jay,” she didn’t breathe again.
He sat there in shock,, clutching his dead sister’s body in his arms and making no noise when the paramedics rushed in and saw the damage. The called in for the coroner, and went to get Jason off of her.
In the police station, they told Jason that they just needed him to explain his story, even though they had the footage. Bruce was pressing charges against the men, later to be Harvey Dent and two of his accomplices, for the death of his daughter.
Bruce had not seen his son since the incident, but things were moving quickly and he would get to see him again when the police finished their interviews. But Jason was struggling to get his words out, so they let Bruce go see his son and try to comfort him.
“Jay?” Bruce asked, trying to see if Jason would even look at him, he didn’t, so Bruce went and just hugged his son while he cried into his dad’s shoulder, “I know, son. You did your best.”
The funeral for Y/N involved a lot of crying from every batfam member. Even Damien, who struggled to show Y/N a lot of love, cried like no one was watching at his big sister’s grave. He actually laid beside her grave once she was buried for a while as everyone was telling stories about her. Dick found him and picked him up to take him inside. 
No one held resentment for Jason and him not noticing, they all saw the tapes, she didn’t make a damn noise until she was dying in his arms. Stubborn bitch, Jason had joked and everyone had laughed. They could at least remember Y/N for who she was before she died.
The trial was long and winded. Harvey, thank god, confessed in his interigation so he pled guilty to being an accessory to murder. However, both of his accomplices, even the man who shot her, pled not guilty to all charges. So the trial was hard.
Jason testified in court about how he thought she’d be okay, she could carry her own, but the gun shots were so loud and he very easily shot her. Then his lawyer started saying it was self defense.
The rest of the trial started to blur for all of them. But all of them were found guilty for the murder.
The victim’s statement to determined the death penalty was said by Bruce.
“Your Honor, these men took away my daughter. And I honestly don’t want them to get the death penalty. I want them to rot away in a prison. The poor girl was only 19, I want them to spend at least 20 years behind bars, sitting there, knowing they killed my baby girl,” he paused to wipe a tear, “I wish we weren’t here and she got to grow up and have kids. She’ll never know her nieces and nephews, the people her siblings marry, or even get married,” he paused again.
“I want my daughter back, but we’ll never get that. So, Your Honor, I ask for you to not give mercy for these men, Your Honor. Thank you.”
The men got life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Damien actually took his partner to meet his big sister first, before explaining the story to them. He still finds it hard to talk about how she died.
Tim goes to her grave a lot and tells her stories about his life and how he’s doing without her. He always leaves telling her that he loves her.
Barbara visits often as well. Just to talk to her. She says a lot about the missions they go on without her and how the team isn’t complete anymore, and how she worries Jason will never recover from this event.
Cassie doesn’t go often, the memories of Y/N are enough for her most of the time, but she goes every holiday and on Y/N’s birthday just to greet her and say that she loves her.
Steph seems to still have trouble accepting the fact that Y/N is gone. Maybe it's because they fought the night before and it would have been resolved so easily had she not died. It hurts everyone to see Steph talk about it.
Dick will sit at her grave for hours, he’s the one to clean her grave when it gets dirty. He doesn’t always talk to her, but when he does he asks her if she’s met his parents and if they’re proud of him. He’ll probably never know the answer to it, but he likes to think the wind that hits him after that is Y/N saying that she loves him and that his parents ar proud of him.
Jason doesn’t go to her grave on the day she died. He refuses to admit that she died in his arms, so he doesn’t go on the anniversary of her death. He bottles himself up in his room and cries. He has nightmares about her death.
Bruce wishes he could have done more, but when the trial ended he went to her grave and told her about it. He actually laid her to rest by his parents so that she could be near her grandparents. 
Alfred misses her but knows that he couldn’t have done anything, but he leaves nothing in front of the doors and windows so she can enter if ghosts are real.
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I am not suicidal, references
“The never ending story”
I am Midna Saria Zelda
I am Rosalina Daisy Peach
I am (Never finished the game) Namine Kairi
I am thumbalina I am Anastasia
Pocahontas , jasmine , Ariel , venelope , tangled, mulan
Princess’s in both avatars and valarien 1000planets
I am the pink (cartoon) panther Sherlock Holmes
I am flame princess I am marceline I am princess bubblegum (berry princess too) (male opposites too so nyah)
Observers are like inside out emotions
(other beings will be harder to explain, 6th sense, paranorman, dragonfly, (find a movie that shows how we see them too hard to explain) (predator halosuits basically, see little bit of the lining and can tell it’s them and the baseball field one can feel // sense they’re there // see the “invisible” lining, some entities make heat radiation movements when move? Like heat off a car on hot day, the outline of them is easier to see, the glitches and eyes too but idk how to explain...)
(Others come through devices like digimon, time travel room like digimon, girl who lept, summer wars, etc- so we must be online - interweb- connect to astral realm- how to stop them controlling dreams and have lucid ones again- how to connect to multiverse
(Last dream I gave them cereal but why did they put me on a bus... suspicious... They rape me during it too after we passed a snowy street... (learn to wake from them when you realize you’re not in control or change it drastically and don’t allow them access to do so anymore somehow, well get there! They lied about protecting while I sleep.. (healing ones & the one whom says they claim me..) I bubble self somehow, someone protects me from remembering or experiencing full dream- thankful of light beings)
Sugar spice and everything nice = wake up I am the spice girls Ginger - social sporty - masculine scary - dark// used to be sexual posh - used to be judging baby spice (don’t care if anyone doesn’t understand littles) - feminine (but goth darks- pales - pastels)
Raven, Lydia Deetz, Legion, Hana fruits basket, jasper empath abilities can absorb their sadness like Deetz, puzzles like brea, avatar elements, power up, the last mimzy, X-men- abilities)
Mc’s based off Sakura meme and Sleepy Ash character types (bunch more but these two are of age above 21 (find more anime’s like new game kawaii slice of life character like me (kagura is a little, that anime she seems like she morphs chibi but it just express’s how a little is, more laid back and chillen with video games or cartoons compared to more conscious and active when around others, sleepy ash does it too, get all meh and like a chibi mini plushie of themselves- Harley Quinn is a little, jinx LEauge of legends, Shiro, Raven and more, Lucy// Nyuu but more intelligent kind of, find autistic characters too or just explain in this all// trauma like Crona) and older dudes, my hero pro hero’s for ex) // my characters will be 27 & 29)
I am Carrie (world of gumball- she’s eons)
I am the swan princess, peach, nausica studio Ghibli princesses
I am sweet pea(escapism) & baby doll(dissociation), rocket, blondie, amber (5 personas)- sucker punch
I am number four - abilities as well - find 7 or more
Star Wars (still need to watch all) I am probably another character too but I know the first Queen and they used that to use humanity against me but I already wanted them saved so forgot what it said in there but there were no coincidences when they were threatening to slaughter me and tried to kill me in the hospitals(cpep for sure- stole some memory and deja vu of dying there before, they had time wars too because of all info and trying to wed me.. & manipulate but I can’t be mk ultraed like they usually do with gangstalking, safest here since these can’t slaughter me either just collecting spiritual evidence while living here and will move out once afford, trying to help wake them up matrix wise but was told they were slaughtered and reptilians roleplaying as my family, tried to kill me multiple times and try to say go sin and bs but I’m not dumb I need to save all and they’re gross af lmao, like precious so disgusting.. & that movie where the girl did ballet and I connected it to jokers ballet.. both sides are sin spiritually so I will save up for my own place(damsel haha my life.. *repunzel.. tangled.. Cinderella- into the woods- save self and escape like su) and try to heal them from afar, even if they don’t try to heal I can give food and help out financially, won’t be with that soul group or these reptilians next round but can’t die and living for eons (matrix shuts down if I die it felt weird- static numb- pins and needles) since illuminati(organization 13) are trying to get me (namine- kairi) ,) start business in basement of art and my own merch kawaiispooky healing shadow light work and then get place of own, can use rl experiences to write about like I am rn) & princess Leila and probably another like guardians of galaxy I am green skinned pink hair and the empath from second (sister is the blue sister in first) princess in valareian(explains my soul and outside worlds) and mc girl (vessel- makes it easier for others to understand, so many perspectives)
(Gypsy - me) priest - sin religion control (knight - humanity) quaz- new fam members whom feel like him (don’t judge them if they help they’re like super hero’s!) but are positive and good spirited
Use frequencies during sad or bad parts to attract beings whom need to vent or heal from those things and let them vent and express self crying or gratitude, beautiful message of healing and then higher frequencies so beings from higher realms can help guide them through the healing process instead of being trapped by beings whom don’t want to heal, heal and sage out as many as you can help, all need to heal!!! Healing = beautiful strength
(Hunger games situation (I am catniss) (studio Ghibli princess mononoke- attack on titan (walls map)- sword art (tower like transformers) - SU - X-men - MIB - trolls 2 map - children of whales map - Zelda map (need to double check Zelda map) ) (Batman lego movie and lego movie) (twilight zone)
Spice girls - dc super hero girls (Harley Quinn and Barbara) - Charlie angels - kill bill - dogma
Flcl- work station symbolism - dead leaves- panty and stocking - redline
Vessel - Zelda human (Janine, silent, aka timid, tangled, mulan, Cinderella-elf) princess, also the zora princess’s ruto (mipha-another realm- higher realm-Aqua also made reps know they can be healers too when they watched I learned about that- healing- Pocahontas- Anunnaki) deku princess(lower realm- reps-Ravens story -jasmine), Spirit sage saria (3rd earth abilities-nature-ferngully-fae-Persephone-protector of nature-sage) & soul - minda twilight princess (higher realm- Tiamat- space-rosalina-Brave-venelope)
Soul old soul, Spirit new soul, vessel autism
Lonely island - turtle
(I don’t trust the chancler- rat race jupiter ascending, dark crystal, Star Wars)
(Empire- cabal - organization-Galactic Fed13(Supposed to be like Star Wars and will be- supposed to be like lilo and stitch and supposed to be like guardians of the galaxy)
(Rebels are 7deadlysins(Pink is 4th) sins but really lazy 6- related to the empire but ones that wants to end sin) (empire doesn’t want eveyone spiritual to have control-7 want to wake all up so all can heal or at least I do, pretty sure the six just want to dom me in the past.. So we are not lust we hate be lusted for and we stand for empathy and justice! We are all multi gender and they make fun of my feminine side (in past and killed me since I didn’t want the business to be the way it was and didn’t want to be morman with them since literally everyone is related to everyone and they’re made I realize that again and that’s why they’re freaking out that I want to be single forever- garnet stronger than you- they are jasper I am Lapris-spinel symbolism is Janines reactions to all of this and how innocent we truly are.. Pink diamond is truly is and our story but backwards so many hate us, we died and grew to realize life’s beauty like in the rose video tape but they grounded us and other races took over- night began to rise teen Titans music story- pink is I- evil wizard made matrix- wake up everyone!!! Don’t be afraid of your spiritual strengths or you’ll be trapped in the matrix eternally!!!!!!) so all have to realize sensitivity and symphony and empathy are strengths not weaknesses!!!)
Dead in real life- matrix is like spotless sunshine- going through her memories deleting and creating new ways that they like- programming I- Janine is the spark of brain-aura lights- all fuse into I janines consciousness and they want to wake me back up and I’ll be alive but only with janines memories.. but I’m princess and choosing to heal all and find solution to heal entire egg - brain remove THIER corruption (33 players made online game to crest ultimate lover) wake up like ghost in shell but Frankenstein or AI as programmed chobit, all humans are like this too in pods like matrix because humanity failed and ai war in past (9, last mimzy, AI, I robot) save nature learn lessons spark everyone’s free will- all brains connected (matrix, online multiplayer but not because organic so it’s really spiritual but to make sense of it it is also AI like computer and video games!! Movies have Easter eggs multiple perspectives, find out whom your soul is and spiritually wake up, everyone will be mocked!) I’m not the only one but at same time here I am if that even makes sense.. (favorite daughter like Ariel aka Jasmine) I may be the only one because I am the chosen one, I am the Universe(Soul).. Mother Gaia(Spirit) but Janine(Vessel//Temple) (not supposed to be a prison nor is the planet, let’s fix it and if the only way is staying alive forever then so be it and let’s heal the whole egg and live together peacefully but please don’t let them turn me into a tool or deceive anyone or force sin I am against sin!) (If not I shall be karma for the lack of empathy and removal of sin in all universes- there’s multiverses) (end result hopefully beach race from valarien but abilities like X-men and peaceful and many races and beautiful nature and growth not trauma-no sin)
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heyyyharry · 5 years
My Girl Series: Chapter 13 - Ghosts
…in which Y/N returns to Holmes Chapel, and Harry is a little too late.
Series description: Y/N falls in love with the older boy next door who doesn’t feel the same, years later they meet again at a funeral.
AU: actor!harry, older!harry, younger!y/n; (4-year age gap)
Chapter 12: I Love You - Y/N wants to face her past, but Harry wants to leave his behind.
Warning: EXTREME angst. 
Idk why I decided to break my own heart and everyone else’s but let’s bear with me for a better future for our babies lmao. Btw, if you guys want a cute happy song to cheer you up, Taylor Swift’s new song ME! fits their relationship very well.
OC version
1:45 AM.
Most of the bad decisions in Harry's life by far had been made at this time of the day, when his brain was numb and his defenses were down. It started with teenage Harry throwing pebbles at his crush's window and getting chased by her father, to 24-year-old Harry picking up the call from the person he'd been avoiding for months.
Though his number one advice to himself had always been: 'if you're awake at two in the morning, just go to sleep', it was still something he'd never learned.
Sitting in the swivel chair by the floor-to-ceiling window, Harry looked out at the city, one hand gripping the phone at his ear, the other subconsciously tapping on his knee. The woman on the phone was waiting for his reply, but what she wanted to hear wasn't what he could give.
"H, say something."
A little part of him wanted to end the call and go back to bed where his present and possible future was expecting him, yet there he was, clinging onto the ghost of his past by prolonging that unnecessary conversation that was heading nowhere.
"Can I—" Ruby spoke again when all she could hear was his ragged breathing. "Can I just come over? I need to see you."
"I don't want to see you," he finally said. Judging by the sudden pause, he knew she was taken aback by that stone cold answer.
"I broke things off with him. It's true this time." Her voice trembled just like how she'd told him she would never leave him the night before she left. This might be another one of her easy lies. But why did he keep on listening instead of hanging up?
"We're gonna make an official announcement soon. But I wanted you to hear it from me," she went on to fill in his silence. "Baby, I-I know you won't believe me when I tell you this, but I love you. I still do. As much as I did before. I'm sorry I waited until now to finally end things with James. I guess I was just scared, but I'm not scared anymore. Now I know what I want. And I want us."
That was exactly what Harry had wanted to hear a couple months ago. But everything was different now.
"Rubes," he whispered, eyes squeezed shut as his brows furrowed harder. The sound of her laugh used to take him to heaven, now it only dragged him to hell.
"I missed your voice," Ruby said, funny how a smile could be heard through the phone. "I miss you. Terribly."
He shook his head slowly, afterward smiling to himself as he remembered she couldn't see him.
"Please say something, H. Anything. Let me see you."
His face contorted as she begged him in the most tragic tone he'd ever heard. It was like cleaning your closet and trying to debate if you should throw away the t-shirt you used to love that didn't fit anymore. He wanted her to shut up, but at the same time, didn't have the heart to end the conversation.
"I loved you a lot," he said at last, trying to steady his breathing when he heard her do the same. "I guess...you're always gonna mean something to me."
Ruby released a slight laugh as he took a pause. "But?"
He sighed in response to her voice crack, praying that she wouldn't burst into tears, for he wouldn't know how to cope with it. "I can't do this again, Rubes. Go back to your fiancé. We're over."
"I can't go back to the man I don't love."
"You did once before. Sure you can do it again." He chuckled wryly. "I-I'm very sorry."
She wasn't the woman he loved anymore. She was Ruby Ellis — his co-star, an actress, a stranger. That was who she was to him from now on. And he knew better than to go back to her. However, his heart ached to the thought of never hearing from her again after this call. Now he was so confused. What was it that he wanted?
Ruby didn't say anything, yet he could hear her quiet sobs which were slowly killing him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, holding his breath while waiting impatiently for her reply, which, sadly, never came.
The loud noise at the living room entrance caused his head to spin just in time Y/N caught the vase before it collided with the floor. Her big eyes stared straight at him, and his heart broke in reaction to her expression. Without reluctance, he ended the call with his ex-lover and rose from the chair, keeping eye-contact with Y/N as she took a few steps forward, eyes already filled with tears.
"Ruby?" Her voice was strained. "Ruby Ellis? The actress?"
Harry nodded, eyes glued to the floor. Y/N held her head with both hands, trying to fight the battle of emotions inside her chest as she put two and two together.
"But she'd been with her fiancé for three years." It was more like her talking to herself than to him. "Did she...cheat on him with you?"
Hurt and disbelief was etched on her face, but she still had to ask, expecting a different answer from the truth. However, Harry picked the worst time to finally be honest. He sucked in a breath, nodding his head and finally looking up to meet her eyes.
"We had an affair, but...it was more than that, at least for me. I was in love with her." Harry swallowed hard as he broke their eye-contact. "I couldn't walk away even though we'd tried to call it quit endless of times. She told me she wasn't happy and that she was gonna leave him soon, and I was stupid enough to believe her...until she left me."
Y/N's face fell fast. In that instant her skin became pale, her mouth hung with lips slightly parted and her eyes stretched wide.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She almost choked on her own words, but he wasn't looking at her to see how broken she was. "I told you everything about Blake. I trusted you!"
"You're overreacting," he mumbled and turned away. Immediately, she marched straight towards him and clutched his elbow to force him to look at her.
"What else are you hiding from me, Harry?"
"Are you serious?" He scoffed. "The past is the past. Why are you digging into mine now?"
"Because you can't seem to let it go!" Y/N shook her head fast. "We won't have a healthy relationship if you keep things like this from me."
"But we're not in a relationship, are we?"
Those words which got out on spur of the moment shocked her to the point that she let go of his arm and stumbled two steps back. Harry wasn't even thinking when he blurted out that sentence. He should've stopped there. If only he'd stopped.
"You're not my girlfriend, I don't have to tell you everything. Even if I'd told you, you would've judged me like you do now, just like everyone else!" Harry raised his voice, apparently too out of his mind to even notice the fear in her glistened eyes. "You had one boyfriend and the break up wasn't even that bad. You don't fucking know how awful it feels to give someone everything you’ve got, and still cannot compete with the person who doesn’t love them."
Y/N stared into those green eyes burning with anger. Her heart fell silent.
"Then how do you think I'm feeling right now?"
That question struck Harry like lighting. It was only then that warmth flooded back to his features. Once he saw tears streaming down her pretty face, his entire body went limp and the rapid beating of his heart echoed within his brain. The red mark on her cheek was there to remind him she'd been hurt before, now it was him who caused her more damage. The second lesson that he had never learned, was never to let anger do the talking.
“Blake left me just a week before my mother died, then you came back, you kissed me and left me too...Now put yourself in my shoes, H. Just because your pain was different from mine, it doesn’t mean you had it worse. I hurt too. I was depressed and starved myself for weeks...Is that what you want to hear?”
Trembling and afraid, Harry shook his head fast as he reached for her hands, but she shrugged him off to cover her face and muffle the heartbreaking sobs that were tearing him apart. Although she was standing right there, he couldn't help but feel like she was slipping through his fingers. He quickly clutched her arms, tears shone in his eyes yet she refused to look at him now.
"I’m so sorry...I shouldn’t...I-I don't love her anymore...You have to trust me," he pleaded, tilting his head to catch a glimpse of her face. He watched her shoulders tremble with despair. Finally, she looked up, both pairs of tear-filled eyes staring at one another.
"You don't love me either."
Y/N could see that Harry was taken aback by those words so she gave him a nod to confirm the truth.
"Yes, I knew what I said, Harry. I love you. I thought you just needed more time," she whispered, her brows drew closer together. "But now I know...I can never compete with her."
Harry's heart sank to the pit of his stomach as he heard those words. Y/N stood still, arms glued to her sides. She should feel affection when he held her face, not this, not the discomfort of his cold palms against her skin. She wanted to push him away, but she didn't have any energy left to even flinch.
He shook his head fast, pressing their foreheads together. "Bambi, look at me...You're not here to replace her. I don't love her anymore."
When he repeated those words, she almost believed him. Almost. But she couldn't. Not after what he'd said on the phone. Not after what he'd said to her when he lost his temper.
"But that's not what you meant." She exhaled sharply. "She still has a place in your heart."
"She...I...I don't...I just—" He tried to explain, though the words that got out made absolutely no sense.
"Did she leave you right before you came back for my mother's funeral?" She cut him off, not wanting to be fed with more of his meaningless words. She just wanted solid proofs that she wasn't his rebound, yet there he was, looking startled and hesitating before nodding his head to confirm her fear was real.
"Was she the one who called you after we kissed in the treehouse? The reason you were so eager to leave?"
"Yes or no, Harry."
Now both of them were crying in front of one another. Y/N soon forgot about the mark on her cheek. Not a single slap could compare to this pain she must endure from hearing his confessions.
"One last question. And please be honest with me," she spoke with a breathy voice. "Do you love me?"
Utter silence.
He could've said no, and it would've felt less insulting than him giving her silence and reluctance instead. She loved him so much that she wanted to justify for his reaction by saying he'd been hurt before and was terrified by the idea of love, that she could understand. But weren't they both the same? She'd been hurt too. She had every single reason to believe love didn't exist until she looked into his eyes. She had fought all that fear within her just to say those words to him, and meant it. If he couldn't fight for her, if he must have a second thought to decide how he should feel about her, then what was she still doing here?
Harry sucked in a breath when Y/N grabbed both of his hands and removed them from her face.
"Don't be like my dad." Her voice became as fragile as glass. "I love you...but if you don't love me back, you have to let me go."
When Y/N said those words, she did hope that he would change his mind. She did wait. But he didn't speak. And when her time for him had run out, she quietly went back to the bedroom. As for Harry, he was rooted to the spot, still trying to get grip on reality.
It didn't take too long until Y/N returned, now dressed in her own clothes and holding her handbag. He was still standing there, waiting for her to leave him instead of saying those words she'd shrugged off all of her pride to say to him. His face was paler than her ever recalled it being, as if his blood was all shrinking away.
In the blink of an eye, the door fell shut. And she was gone.
When Y/N stumbled out on the street, her eyes flooded with tears and the first person she called was Celine. She just needed to talk to someone or else her heart might combust any minute now. She bit her nails while waiting for her best friend to pick up the phone. Though it took a bit longer than usual, she knew Celine would never miss any of her calls.
"Hey, baby! Wow, I was just about to call you. Talk about being soulmates!"
"Cece, I—"
"I hope you're sitting down right now because your girl has an announcement to make!"
Y/N literally held her breath for that one-second pause.
"I'm engaged!"
When Celine screamed the big news into the phone, her best friend from across the ocean was so shocked she couldn't make a sound. She stood like a corpse on the side of the road, tears in her eyes but she was too afraid her heartbreak would ruin her best friend's happy day.
"Y/N, are you still there?"
"Yeah...I'm here."
"Are you crying?"
Y/N faked a laugh. The last thing she wanted was to make this about herself.
"I can't help it. I'm just so happy for you two," she said, trying to sound as cheerful as she could pretend.
"Aww, my love! Gosh, I wish you were here with us." Celine giggled. "Oh, why did you call by the way?"
"I just missed you, that's all." Y/N pressed her lips together, taking a deep breath. "Hey, something just came up, I gotta go now. I'll call you another time, yeah? Then we can spend hours talking about this."
"Oh, we certainly will! Love you, baby."
"Love you too, baby."
When that phone call came to an end, Y/N sank even deeper into depression.
How could it be?
In less than twelve hours, everything had been taken away from her. She had prided herself on being independent and laughed in the faces of the ones who needed the company of another to feel fulfilled. Here she was, completely lost with no one to turn to, not even herself. So she kept on walking, letting her tears fall and her feet lead the way. Maybe when the sun rose in a few hours, everything would be alright.
If only it'd been that easy.
The rain came without warning. It started out with little droplets, and the next second it was a torrential downpour, washing over her skin so strongly that it felt as if she was standing under a giant waterfall. Y/N didn't have an umbrella with her, so the only thing she could do was cover her head with the handbag and attempt to call a taxi on the phone. Due to unfortunate carelessness, the device slipped out of her grip and fell right into the puddle on the pavement, causing Y/N to literally scream out a curse word. There wasn't anyone around to think she was insane anyway.
The phone was dripping in rainwater when she picked it up, thus only magic could get it to work again. This time, instead of risking her life to run home, she dashed to find cover under a roof nearby, just in time two headlights appeared through the thick water curtain.
A car pulled over in front of Y/N. The familiar voice grabbed her attention right before she could recognize the person in the driver seat.
"Get in!" Marcy shouted as she tapped on the window.
This woman would be the last person Y/N wanted to be around at a moment like this, but she was given no other choice. It was either being safe in the car with the crazy person who'd slapped her, or risking standing there and getting swept away by the thunderstorm. Any sane person would've chosen the former in a heartbeat.
Immediately, Y/N got into the passenger seat and heaved a heavy sigh as she slammed the door shut, trying to catch her breath with her head back tossed back and eyes shut. Marcy quickly turned back to grab something from the backseat.
"Here." She wrapped the huge blanket around Y/N's body, stroking both of her arms to keep her warm.
"Why do you have a huge ass blanket in your car?"
"I get cold easily." Marcy rolled her eyes, although she did find it amusing how Y/N was more shocked by the blanket, than the fact that she'd showed up just in time to rescue her from the storm.
"Better?" Asked the blonde as she drove away in the rain, taking a quick glance at her future stepdaughter whose eyes were still shut, too lost in her own head to even hear that one-word question.
"How did you find me?" Y/N asked once she'd calmed down.
"It was pure luck I guess," replied Marcy. "I was driving around the city looking for you, and when it began to rain I was about to give up, then I saw you on the side of the road."
Y/N didn't say anything, instead, she turned her head to the left. Water droplets hit the car window as they drove onwards. She watched those raindrops race down, somehow finding a little bit of peace and calmness in the loud and chaotic storm.
Now that the heavy shower had washed away his scent on her body, she didn't want to go back anymore. She didn't even want to return to her flat where everywhere she looked reminded her of him. Now she had no other place to go but one.
"Are you heading back to Holmes Chapel?" She asked Marcy, who was taken aback by the sudden question.
"Uh...yeah, but I can drop you off—"
"No." She shook her head, staring at the road ahead instead of the woman in the driver seat. "Just keep on driving."
Harry completely lost track of time, which seemed to fly faster as he was lost in his own thoughts. Maybe he would've continued sitting there on his sofa and replaying Y/N's words over and over again in his head until he passed out from exhaustion, if the sound of thunder hadn't dragged him back to reality.
His head turned to the glass window when the rain started to pour. All that he could see was a thick curtain of water and the hazy city light hidden underneath it. His heart stopped for a second when he recalled the accident which left Y/N with a sprained ankle. He couldn't show up to help her then, now she was out in the rain because of him.
If something bad happened to her...
Harry quickly rose up as the thought briefly crossed his mind, just in time his phone began to ring. The name Ruby appeared on the screen again, but this time, he didn't even care. It was funny and sad at the same time, how the moment of realization always came a bit too late.
What had he done?
Not until then did it occur to Harry that his Bambi had left him for good. He'd officially lost her.
Now that she was gone, he missed her, he needed her, he worried about her. Now that he knew there was a high chance that he could never get her back, it felt as if he was bleeding internally. The pain couldn't compare to when Ruby left him, no, it was much worse. It tore his chest opened. If something bad happened to her tonight, how could he possibly live with himself?
What had he done?
Harry ran fast to his bedroom to throw on a pair of jeans and the t-shirt she'd left on his bed, which still smelt like her. He returned to the living room and grabbed an umbrella before heading out as fast as possible. He rushed to the street, gasping for air as the raindrops hit his cold skin. Even with an umbrella above his head, Harry couldn't save his clothes from getting soaked just in less than a minute. But it was the least of his concerns now. He turned left, then right, mouth agape, eyebrows knitted together. There was not a single person or car in sight. Where was she? Where was his Bambi?
He dialed her number but he couldn't reach her. She either had him blocked or her phone turned off, whichever it was, he wasn't sure if she was safe, and he couldn't rest knowing she was somewhere out there in this pouring rain, all on her own.
He must go find her now.
What had he done?
It was a long drive back to Holmes Chapel, for no vehicle could go fast in this kind of weather. The more time it took the more uncomfortable it got for the two young women in this car.
Marcy inhaled deeply as she stole another glance at Y/N, who had been so quiet that Marcy felt like it would be a crime if she breathed a bit too loud. She thought it might be for the best if she just kept silent and her eyes on the road. However, it was hard to ignore the mark on Y/N's cheek. Although it looked better now than before, it reminded Marcy of what she'd done. And she'd been tormenting herself over it from the night before.
After a couple seconds of contemplating, she finally spoke up, "About what happened in the store..." She paused to clear her throat. "I-I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have—"
"Don't bother," Y/N cut her off, speaking in a monotone. The girl couldn't sound any less indifferent, not her usual aggressive and sarcastic tone. That was how Marcy knew it had a lot to do with the big reason behind her wanting to go back to Holmes Chapel. Marcy was just too afraid to ask.
"After all," Y/N went on, this time sounding breathless. "My father was the one who took the ring from my mother, not you."
"But..." Marcy sucked in a deep breath. "But he didn't take the ring back."
This time, Y/N finally turned to look at her, eyes broadened at once. Marcy kept her focus on the road, yet her expression hardened as if what she was about to say was going to be very brutal to the young girl sitting next to her.
"On the night of the accident, before your mother left, she gave it back to him."
"Your father asked me not to tell you this but...I think you deserve to know the truth." Marcy sighed, tightening her grip on the steering wheel. "Your parents had planned on getting divorced two months prior to Tam's death. I-I had nothing to do with it, I don't even know the reason. It wasn't until after she'd left that Brad and I began to grow feelings for each other. But everyone blames me for their fight, for her accident. I guess that was why I got so fed up with your attitude and—" Marcy blinked fast, shaking her head in guilt. "I'm not trying to justify my action, because I know it was wrong. But I didn't mean to hurt you on purpose."
Y/N didn't expect any of that. Besides the divorce, nothing else seemed to make sense. Why did her mother take off the ring that she loved more than herself? What was it that they were arguing about that night?
She had hoped that Marcy was just lying, yet for someone with such a troubled past, she would be able to tell if someone was spilling out lies. Therefore she was sure Marcy had said exactly what she knew. Now Y/N felt like she knew nothing at all, not even her mother, the one she loved most.
"You should take a nap. I'll wake you up when we're almost home," Marcy said with a smile.
Now that the rain was over, the sky glowed like a summer peach and the sun slowly emerged from the skyline as tall buildings rose out of the darkness. Y/N's heart was at peace once again, knowing she would be home soon.
But as she closed her eyes to get some rest, all that she could see was him.
"Bambi! Please, open the door if you're in there!" Harry knocked more urgently this time as he tried to catch his breath and fight back the tears. His voice was hoarse from pleading for her to let him in. It had been a while, and now he began to think she wasn't there.
The first golden light of the new day snuck through the little window near the ceiling into the hallway, blinding Harry for a second as if to let him know that the sun had come once again. How often we saw the dawn and took it for granted, that when darkness took over we suddenly craved for the light and the life it brought to our world? Same as Y/N. Now that she was gone, he finally realized what he'd lost.
Harry sat down on the floor with his back against her front door, head in his hands. Their last conversation soon came back to haunt him, and so was the look on her face when he let her go. He knew he deserved that. He was unworthy of her love. But now that he'd lost his ray of sunshine, how could he live with this cold?
In just a minute, Harry's eyes dripped with tears as he gazed toward the window above, as if the light could soothe him. His face twisted and his fists clenched so tight he could feel the sweat trapped inside them. He looked like the same distressed little boy who'd lost the stuffed bunny and the girl he loved. It would take more than a black eye and losing his captain armband to win her back this time.
But right now, he just wanted to know if she was safe. He wiped his tears and pulled out his phone, quickly making a call to the only person he knew would be able to help.
"Hello?" Isaac answered after five seconds. His sleepy voice was evident that he was barely awake.
"Mate...did Y/N come to you, or at least contact you?"
"No. What's wrong? Did something happen to her?" Just like him, his best friend sounded overly distraught.
"We had a fight and she ran off in the rain and...I'm right outside her place right now but she's not home yet."
"She didn't answer your calls?"
"No." Harry sighed, combing his fingers through his hair. "Maybe if you call her, she'll pick up."
"Alright. I'll text you if I know where she is."
"Thank you. I-I appreciate that."
Isaac hummed as a reply and hung up the phone. Harry sat there with his head tossed back, resting against the door, his eyes on the ceiling. Now he was too stressed to even get on with his day and act like nothing was wrong when everything was. But if he continued to sit there for too long, one of Y/N's neighbors might report him, or even worse, someone could start a false rumor that might damage her reputation. Sighing, he pushed himself off the floor to stand up straight, one palm pressed against the wall to keep his balance.
"Hey, you!"
When Harry heard that voice, his head jerked in its direction where he found an old lady walking up the stairs.
"Hi, ma'am," he mumbled, pressing his lips into a small smile as she approached him. But the woman couldn't look more irritated.
"You're dating the girl in that flat, right?"
Harry parted his lips, not knowing how to answer, but he assumed the old woman must be Mrs. Huang, the angry neighbor who kept complaining about him and Y/N having sex a bit too loud. She didn't even need a response from him, and just went straight into the point, handing him the pink notebook which he hadn't noticed that she'd been holding until now.
"She dropped this yesterday. Maybe you can give it back to her."
"Oh...thank you."
Mrs. Huang eyed at the young man from head to toes, making him think she might begin to lecture him on how to not disturb the neighbors. However, what she said to him was this.
"Ever since you came around, I've seen her sing a different song every day when she leaves the building. As annoying as she might be sometimes, that girl seems to be head over heels for you." Then the woman sighed happily, her wrinkles became more visible now that she was smiling at him. "I miss being young and in love with someone. Hold onto it while you still can, alright?"
When Mrs. Huang patted him on the arm and returned to her home, Harry looked down at the pink notebook in his hand. And in a few seconds, all the memories flooded back and the different images of her beautiful smile flashed right through his mind. At that moment, he realized, the goodbye wasn't supposed to be the hardest part, it was the flashbacks that followed right after.
Every single day he'd spent with Ruby had been filled with fear and anxiety, which he'd mistook for passion. But Y/N was his medicine. When he was with her, the pain stopped. She made him feel safe even though their relationship had never been solid, and with her, he could get away from the chaotic of his world to find real peace.
After getting soaked in the rain, his old t-shirt no longer smelt like his Bambi, which meant he had nothing left of her to keep, not even her scent. Now he missed her with a pain in his guts like a fire burning slow.
Had he been brave enough to just face his fear and accept the fact that it was love. It wasn't anything like the love he'd had for Ruby, but it was love. Otherwise, he wouldn't have trembled every time she called his name, his knees wouldn't have gone weak every time he caught her smiling at him, he wouldn't have spent most of the time during a day thinking, fantasizing, daydreaming about her.
If it wasn't love, what else could it be?
In his heart, he retracted all the terrible things he had said to her. He'd learned his lessons the hard way, but not soon enough for the two of them.
"Your sim card is okay, but I'm gonna have to take your phone to the repair store. Meanwhile, you can use my old Blackberry, it still works pretty damn fine."
Y/N pressed her lips into a small smile as she took the phone from her dad, sitting down on the edge of her bed with a blanket wrapped around her now dry and warm body. Bradford stood there for a moment to make sure his daughter didn't need anything else. He was debating with himself whether or not he should ask about why she'd come back. But once he saw the look on her face as she acted busy with the device, he took it as a cue to leave her alone for now.
Once her bedroom door was shut, Y/N finally lifted her eyes as sadness clouded her features at once. She carefully looked around the room. There was a strange melancholy feeling in her heart to be back in her childhood home after two years. Everything looked almost the same as the day she left for college, but it didn't feel the same because she was the one who'd changed.
Through that window, she used to secretly watch Harry return home from school every day. In this bed, he used to hold her as they both fell asleep on nights when her parents were both out of town, and her irresponsible aunt didn't care if there was a boy in her room. On that desk, she'd written countless pages about him, for him, that he might never get to read. She looked around this room and all she could see were their ghosts lurking in every single corner.
After all those years, the boy next door was still so far out of reach. And she was still the same fourteen-year-old pining over her older neighbor who didn't love her in return. That bitter truth made her eyes well up, but she was too old to live in Wonderland anymore. It was time for her to go back.
The new ringtone blasted from the old phone shocked Y/N to the point that she almost tossed her dad's Blackberry across the room. Fortunately, she didn't. She sighed in relief the second the name Isey appeared on the screen. Wiping away her tears, she pressed answer immediately.
"H-Hi..." Y/N exhaled a nervous laugh, hoping he wasn't able to tell what a wreck she was. But he already knew that when he decided to call.
"Smiley, are you okay? Where are you? Are you safe? Are you with someone?"
"I'm fine. What's going on?" Then the answer just appeared in her head on its own. Her smile faded soon as realization sank in. Her voice was soft and careful as she questioned, "what did Harry tell you?"
"That you two got into a fight and you ran off in the storm."
Y/N scoffed, looking down and shaking her head slightly. "It's no big deal really."
"What happened?"
"Well..." She pursed her lips, trying to come up with a white lie good enough to convince him she was okay. "We just had a small disagreement and, yeah, like we always do. It's not that big of a deal."
"I still think you should call him back," Isaac said. She could imagine the frown upon his face. "He was so worried."
"Hmm," she hummed, pressing her lips to form a straight line, not knowing what else to say.
"Where are you now?"
"I'm...in Holmes Chapel."
"What are you doing there?"
"I'm back for my father's wedding in two days." She chuckled nervously, eyes glancing at the spinning fan above her head. "Don't you worry about me."
There was a long pause from Isaac's side when all she could hear was his soft yet heavy breathing. She wished she could tell him what had happened, but neither her heart nor her head agreed it was a good idea to confide in Harry's best friend. So she just sat in silence and waited for him to speak. Eventually, he did.
"If you're sad, just say so."
Y/N nodded in response to those words, yet she soon realized that he couldn't see her so she quietly reassured him that she was fine. Though Isaac could probably tell she only said that so he would stop worrying about her, he was nice enough to not call her out for being a terrible liar.
"Look, I gotta go now..." She said fast, her brows pinched together as her eyes squeezed shut. "Talk to you another time?"
"Alright." He let out a short breath. "Have a great day, Smiley."
"Wait! One more thing!"
"Yeah?" His light chuckle caused her to smile a bit.
"Please don't tell Harry I'm here...I'm gonna talk to him myself when I'm ready."
Knowing that Isaac always kept his words, Y/N trusted him entirely as she muttered a goodbye and waited for him to hang up first.
She put her phone down, staring at the window where came the new daylight welcoming her back to the small town of Holmes Chapel. The girl smiled sadly as she curled up in a ball on her childhood bed, her eyes fell shut in an instant. The exhaustion caused her body to hang limp like wet laundry on a winter day, now every one of her muscles was giving into gravity.
Taking a deep breath, she could feel the sorrow in her chest waiting to take over, yet the fear didn't seem to exist like many times before. She knew the feeling of losing someone she loved, physically, emotionally, or both; and knowing it probably made it less scary. But what was worse than fear was the emptiness that followed when that someone was gone. She was learning how to deal with it, but slowly.
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atopearth · 5 years
Ikemen Vampire Part 3 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Route
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Time for the hyped Mozart! Nice start tbh, with the heroine stressed from everything that’s happening and how the guys could actually be vampires, it’s not a surprise for her to have a bit of a breakdown in her room, and what’s best for times like these? A little music! She even gets the honour of hearing Mozart playing piano🥰 Great way to fall asleep~ Not a great way to wake up to an angry and unfriendly Mozart though haha. I don’t know if Sebastian is being mean or nice by telling her to take care of Mozart’s meals from now on (bringing it to him) lol, but yep, that was definitely quite rude of Mozart to say he despises her, sounds like there’s depth to that hatred even though they’ve barely conversed. Umm, no, Arthur, please, no biting people who don’t give consent! Lol, I honestly feel like Arthur is more of a villain than the villains in previous routes just because of how much of a scare mechanic he is for the heroine in the beginning of most routes lol. I wonder if Mozart is just pushing her away from him and everything for her own good? Not that she really has a choice to stay here or not though lol. Omggg, Mozart smiling at her for having the guts to come back and clean the spill she made when he was so threatening to her was so cute! He needs to smile more! Lmao at Mozart insulting her thinking he was complimenting her, at least he did it with a smile on his face I guess loll.
Nice of Dazai to tell her some reasons as to why Mozart would be so annoyed with her, it’s understandable since he doesn’t like people touching his things and the noise (ever since her arrival) has been affecting his concentration, but yeah. Lmao, I’m starting to find Mozart’s rudeness hilarious, I loved it when she asked him if he was free, and he said he could tell that she wanted to talk to him, but then said that the feeling wasn’t mutual so he closed the door on her hahahaha. I would be so angry if I was the heroine but that was so funny😆 It was so cute when she finally kinda got through to him that she wanted to help out and belong here since she’s got nothing to do anyway and that’s why she keeps trying, it was surprising when he said he could actually understand those feelings of hers haha. I wonder why mentioning Sherlock Holmes to Arthur is taboo… HAHAHA, I love Mozart, he felt bad about saying he despises her when she’s been so kind to even cover him with his blanket when he fell asleep on his piano, so he “apologises” to her and then says, well, I’m waiting for you to forgive me LOL. 10/10 apology right there, but it’s already great compared to his usual stuff lmao. Aww, then he properly apologised, he’s such a good guy.
Lmao at the heroine comparing Mozart’s “nicer” attitude to taming a wild animal hahahaha. I love how they finally had their first normal conversation and it was about chocolate! Hahaha, it’s cute to see them insult each other so normally now too lolll. Although his hatred for carriages is legitimate due to nearly dying in one, I find it kinda silly and cute how he can’t stand it so much that he would babble on about the evils of carriages to the heroine hahahah. HAHAHA, I love how when they went to the ball and she was trying to be considerate by asking whether her holding his arm would be uncomfortable for him since he’s a germaphobe, and he’s like it’s okay if it’s you, kinda makes her (and me the reader) swoon a little bit, until he says that he thinks of her as such a simple creature, so she doesn’t even count as a human LOL. Thanks for shattering all romantic vibes Mozart. I actually find it so hilarious that the heroine thinks Mozart is rude, but really, sometimes she’s just as rude lmao. She full thought he ate something bad when he politely talked to the host of the party hahaha. I think it’s kinda nice yet saddening the things you have to compromise to do the things you love, in order for Mozart to keep progressing with his music, it was inevitable for him to learn and accustom himself to handling patrons such as the host at the ball, but it really shows how much he regards music as his life, not only did he become a vampire to continue composing and playing piano, he spent his whole human life devoted to it as well, and I don’t think anyone would belittle him for having to smile at these patrons even if it’s not “him”. It just really shows how much he cares for his music and how much he would sacrifice for it.
It’s saddening to think that Mozart composed a requiem on his deathbed, and was told that it was flawed by Salieri (his rival and closest friend that held the position of Imperial royal composer or something that Mozart wanted), but it was also then that Mozart realised all his life, he composed music and played music to survive, and entertain people, he had never once composed for himself or for any other type of joy. I guess he regrets that, and became a vampire to try and compose the true perfect piece of music. Not sure if he’ll really find it but I guess he’s got some time as a vampire haha. On another note, it’s kinda amusing to hear Amadeus Mozart and Salieri here since I’m playing Steins;Gate 0 right now as well haha. Awww, I’m so happy about the progress with their relationship! Not only does he smile at her all the time now, he even invited her to listen to him play the piano in the music room! He even referred to her as a friend, I’m so touched🥺🥺 Awww I can’t blame her for running away from the piano room when he kissed her on the cheek, that would have been surprising lol! At least she understands her feelings though😆 Lmao when Saint-Germain told Mozart there’s a persistent aristocrat who wants him to play piano for him that he has to turn down in person (instead of the usual letters he sends to all the others that invite him), and the heroine says have a safe trip, but Mozart is like you’re coming with me haha. It’s cute that he needs her to be his distraction whilst sitting in the bumpy carriage ride haha. Lmao at the happy go lucky aristocrat, at least he’s understanding and nice towards Mozart’s rejection lol.
It was so sweet when Mozart took her to town, joined in a festival and danced with her, all because she said (before they went to visit the Duke) she wanted to see what 19th century Paris was like. Mozart is so endearing. Although it’s understandable for that musician at the ball to be so angry (his financial provider gave up on him after hearing Mozart’s piano), but even I was kinda angry when he insulted Mozart for relying on his talent. It’s probably because we’ve seen how much Mozart has sacrificed for his music, not only had he sacrificed all his time in his previous life, he continues to do the same as a vampire for as long as he can. Lmao at the heroine thinking she’s on the same level (of care) as Mozart’s sheet music when he wrapped her hand in his handkerchief (because that guy grabbed her really hard). It’s so cute how she’s happy about it as well, but it’s true that that means she’s pretty important hahaha! Ooh the more a vampire likes a human, the more they want their blood? It’s nice to see Mozart finally acknowledge his feelings for the heroine even if he doesn’t want to. Omg, I wanted to cry when Mozart finally decided to face the heroine and told her his heartfelt feelings and appreciation for her making him realise that the past is what makes him him, and he even composed a song for her😭 I thought it was so sweet how he honestly told her how annoying he thought her existence was initially, but after being shown her way of life, her choices to believe in others rather than to deny them like he always did, he found a different sort of joy he never found before. I really liked how he shared his feelings with her. I honestly thought it was going to be a cliche confession and was going to die from the same cliche lines, but Mozart’s words were so heartfelt, my heart is happy for his happiness in his own growth.
Although he’s super forward, it was very considerate of Mozart to tell her that he honestly wants her to stay here, but acknowledges that this should be her decision, and her decision alone because her past is just as important as her present. He also doesn’t want to influence her decision in the heat of the moment and so won’t “take her to bed” unless she’s decided that she’ll stay here. Salieri sounds like such a pitiful villain, it’s as if some guy revived him as a vampire just to torment him again with his jealousy towards Mozart, and although Salieri admits it, he doesn’t seem to really hate Mozart at all, instead, he just can’t help but be jealous and someone probably strengthened these emotions of his to the point that’s making him crazy, so he wants Mozart to kill him so he can be free? I like how it was the heroine who taught Mozart to trust people again, and so it’s because of her that he chose to believe that Salieri didn’t mean to do any harm and came to listen to what he planned to do instead of killing him. I also like how he got the other guys as backup just in case though haha. It’s nice that they were both able to resolve things properly and even continue on their journey of creating more music, I think that’s the best blessing to this world with their talents and with their new outlook towards the world, without guilt and jealousy weighing upon them both anymore.
I find their relationship so sweet and cute now that they’ve told each other their feelings, but I also really appreciated seeing Mozart so desperately go and stop the heroine from going back to her time (when Arthur teased Mozart saying she might go back). They both decided in their minds that she would be staying but never really voiced it out loud, so it was kinda cute to see Mozart so flustered haha. And the romantic ending as usual was a projection of their everyday life now, and I found it pretty cute that it’s so normal, with them moving out, him continuing to play music, it’s just so normal and sweet, especially when he thinks of her as his muse☺️
Overall, Mozart definitely has the best route and character out of the original three guys. Not only was his story engaging and balanced, with a proper beginning, an understandable “villain” that was spoken about (as opposed to random “villains” appearing), and you could really see Mozart warm up to the heroine and grow as a person. It was also quite funny and enjoyable the whole time! Unlike the others, it was clear why he “needed” to become a vampire, why he chose to do it, how it affects him, and how his previous life affected him. I also love how their relationship kinda has them both teasing each other, being playful with each other, and it’s so great to see how much their relationship progressed from the very beginning! Just as Mozart wanted to protect her, so did she, and I think she achieved that by helping him realise what music means to him in a sense. It felt very natural, sweet, funny and wholesome, definitely my favourite route and guy. He’s so beautiful too🥰
P.S Also wanted to note that I’m FINALLYYYY up to date on my blog posts! I used to have such a huge backlog of drafts for all the routes I had done already, but now there’s literally zero. No more daily posts, but it’s so satisfying to have finally caught up with my reading haha, yay! :D
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ofmontys · 6 years
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“ —  and if you’re just tuning in now, you’ve made it just in time for our ‘ sleep with me ’ segment. nightfall has sufficiently fueled my ego and i’m reared and ready to go, compiling a playlist curated to get one lucky, hand-picked bastard in bed with me. tonight’s submission comes from camila, age 18 2/3, from two towns over. ” rustling paper. a delighted scoff. “ tonight, as per camila’s request, i’ll be attempting to seduce vincent van gogh.  vince, this is acid ghost’s ‘ the artist’s high ’, also known as what i hope i can be for you. ”
or, alternatively :   yo yo, my dudes! the name’s linc (19/est/she&her) and you just witnessed an excerpt from bez holmes’s  radio show quite appropriately named, ‘ fuckin’ hell ! ’  that airs weekdays and sundays from 7pm to 8am! 
i am absolutely stoked out of my mind to write with all of y’all! beneath the read more you’ll find a very unapologetically messy introduction to my strange son, killian beelzebub holmes !
* TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET & CISMALE / / here we’ve got KILLIAN BEELZEBUB HOLMES , the TWENTY-ONE year old LOCAL RADIO HOST. with a reputation for being + SLY, + ANOMALOUS, - OSSIFIED, and - RECKLESS, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about him. BEZ has been around faulk hollow for TEN YEARS, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear ME AND MICHAEL by MGMT? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. 
“road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does!” ( alternatively: bez holmes, a roadmap. )
so bez is… kind of a nutcase. he’s just… he’s that guy in the bar who seems so desirable. voice like warmed honey, a smile that could kill – but dear lord, don’t get close to him. he’s fucked in the head. and unless you’re prepared for that, friendships/relationships with him can get... pretty darn overwhelming.
he’s a host at the local radio station, so he curates the music and talks through little segments throughout the day. well, i should say night -- because the show he’s known for occurs weekdays and sunday nights from 7pm - 8am. weird hours. weird guy. so it all clicks right into place! people tune in for the music ( a lot of indie eclectic vibes ) but also his personality. bez tends to veer off-script a lot, which both aggravates and amuses his superiors. he’s basically the only reason the tiny radio station is still alive & kickin’, so what are they gonna do to him, huh? fire him and take the whole station down with that bullshit move? not likely. so bez’ll keep doing and saying whatever the hell he wants on air, thank you very much.
can he get... a mfing... cinnamon raisin waffle???  dude’s friggin’ obsessed. don’t mess with his waffles, man. waffles don’t play.
has a knack for stumbling into stupid situations. y’know how there’s two kinds of people in this world? the kinds that act upon the universe and the kinds the universe acts upon? bez is that guy in textbook math probelms who has 42 apples for no apparent reason. he’s the dude in on top of spaghetti all covered with cheese whose poor meatball fuckin’ rolled out the door. things happen to bez holmes no matter how much he might try to convince you otherwise. his whole life is just a string of varied ( and usually nonchalant/unbothered/troublingly chill ) reactions to crazy shit.
case in point:  why did the holmes family move to faulk hollow? well. their old house had like... a freakin’ meltdown. yes, the house. it swallowed their dog. and their mom. casual... house-y things. but when people ask, bez and his father like to say they just wanted to “ see the sights ”. and apparently faulk hollow was one of those.
[ tw: death, murder mentions ]   basically, faulk hollow offered a place for them to disappear, since the disappearance of bez’s mother couldn’t exactly be explained to and/or believed by police. bez’s father is wanted for her murder. so they friggin’ skrrt skrrted out of iowa and plopped down here, under the radar. “holmes” is an adopted last name.
so bez has been here since his 11th birthday! honestly, he probably earned a reputation pretty quick for being that kid who’d, like, “hey buddy!” at all the insects on the playground.  “ do you believe in magic? ” was often his best icebreaker.
so... fun fact. he accidentally inherited his dead dentist’s vintage jukebox. yes, i know how that sounds, and it’s exactly that. but dear lord, that thing has just been infinitely fucking with him since the day it showed up on his doorstep three months ago. more about that later!
an example of a normal occurrence in bez’s life: “hey. so, uh… i know we just met, and maybe this is moving fast? but i saw this keychain in walgreens and it made me think of you. so… yeah. here. tell anyone i did anything nice for you and you’re dead to me tho.”
he seems smart. he seems so cunning, you guys. like, holy shit, he makes these deep ass statements on the air and curates music that makes people feel things. but don’t be fooled. he’ll drive wearing shades at 10pm just to look cool, all while bumping 80′s glam rock from his blue ‘67 impala. he’ll do that cliché head bop at stoplights, encourage other drivers to join in.
don’t call him killian!! killian who?? his parents gave him “beelzebub” as a middle name to be funny and fuck with his mother’s father, who was a pastor. what they didn’t bank on was four-year-old bez insisting on being called by it – you can guess how well that went over with his teachers and his peers. so to appease them, he accepted the nickname “bez�� and has gone mainly by that ever since. most people probably don’t know his true first name, since he goes by “bez” on the air. but close friends and trusted individuals might occasionally call him “kill” or something to that effect.
pets are not bez’s thing. every houseplant he’s had has died. succulents wilt in his presence too, and he thinks maybe at this point, it’s a running joke among plantkind because his birth name has the worldkill in it. still, even with his track record, he has a fish named nigel. nigel dislikes affection and bez. they engage in staredowns and silent mental warfare. bez often “forgets” to feed nigel or change the water in his tank, but that fish just will not die. nigel’s probably just truckin’ on to spite him.
aggressively writes the wrong date for like… 8 months following new year’s. so he finally gets it right for the final ¼, and then the cycle begins again. additionally, cannot keep the days of the week straight. he’s started a multi-song alarm campaign in an attempt to rectify this situation. bez’ll report his findings in a week. if he remembers.
one time he got pulled over for speeding back from the radio station at 7 in the morning, and you know what he did? he freakin’ offered the cop some hard shit from his flask and some of his opened bag of funions. so the two of them got tastefully buzzed in bez’s car and talked about the kardashians for two hours. and it was through that very conversation that bez learned he’d been doing a very shit job of keeping up with them.
scared of birds. yes. those things? with the wings? terrified. how dare they occupy space above his head. how dare they swoop and swerve all around. no. his neighbor in iowa had a parakeet. maybe that bird finally went missing one day, while they were on vacation. maybe it escaped. to like, the afterlife. maybe bez helped. maybe.
he’s really bad at like … taking care of himself? funions, candy, and takeout forever.  what do you mean raisin bran crunch isn’t a wholesome, well-rounded meal? you mean you’re not supposed to pour the entire carafe of syrup on your waffles every time? someone… pls fix that.
hella prone to bullshit! like… did you know aliens are real? yeah. really. hey did you check your horoscope today? what zodiac sign are you? he’ll pretend to know what zodiac he is like: hey, uh… listen .. . if your zodiac is asparagus don’t even bother being my friend… i’m a caprisun & it’s just not gonna work out. sorry.
memorizes commercial jingles. will sing them to prove points.
“what the fuck’s a kanye” - bez holmes, 2k18
“a mug shot? i don’t even drink coffee.” ( alternatively: more pointless headcanons because apparently i think this is necessary. )
don’t be fooled by the title of this section. he drinks coffee. a lot of coffee. with a lot of sugar added to it. could probably kill a horse, tbh. he’s not sorry.
his signature half-smirk drives folks mad. he also has a collection of faithful listeners who like to call in and tell him how soothing his voice is.
lowkey writes his own music? lowkey was in a band called ashes when he was 13; it lasted about 6 seconds. lowkey has a few things recorded on his laptop? but he’ll never actually do anything with ‘em.
owns an unironic walkman! enjoys it immensely! i know!
catch him in the local 24 hour diner spending his life savings on cinnamon raisin waffles and dimes for the jukeboxes! because LMAO, he’s not using the old one at his place!!!
convinced said old, stupid, 1947 jukebox in his apartment lays host to goblins. that thing shakes and quakes at odd hours. it’ll play shitty pop music that isn’t even in the dumb catalogue. sometimes it lights up when he trips over his own feet or accidentally burns his microwave popcorn. the fuckin’ thing is possessed and it’s mocking him. so, naturally, what is there to do but appease the tiny beings inside it?? he makes biweekly sacrifices to it – mainly consisting of snack foods, candies, a casual sprinkling of his own blood. y’know. casual.
super into space? honestly would love to grab sushi with an alien sometime?
uh…  he’s convinced everyone he sleeps with kind of mysteriously dies exactly 53 hours after. maybe that was inspired by like... two isolated incidents. but you can see how this is… kind of a problem, for a guy who likes to sleep around from time to time. is he a murderer? uhm, no, not exactly – but he’s grown kind of immune to the guilt at this point. he stalks obituaries a couple days after his one-night-stands, just to check. so far, it hasn’t been a 100% consistent thing, but... he’s worried. he’ll still leave the bar with you tho. ;)
he’s trying out this whole new thing of like… not going all the way? trying to save lives? but it’s really difficult and he’s losing resolve. he also can’t exactly tell his buddies, “ stop introducing me to your hot friends; if i fuck them, they’re dead. ” that probably wouldn’t go over well. he’s got enough crazy on his plate trying to appease the damn goblins.
consistently blindsided by genuinely liking other people? so if he’s into you... he’s gonna look awestruck and baffled like 99% of the time your face is within a 1-mile radius.
he’s always running his hands through his hair, which just adds to his #indiegrungeaesthetic, if i’m honest.
“girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal!” (alternatively: wanted plots.)
childhood neighbor / best friend.   i would love to have a person ( or several )  who knew him growing up (from age 11 on), and kind of got to bear witness to how strange he’s become? maybe even be weirdos together? i dunno, let’s talk. we
past relationships.   i imagine he’s had his fair share of flings in the past. he’s made many mistakes for sure. let’s uncover them.
close friends.   #squadgoals. but really, though. i’d love for bez to have a tightknit group of 3-4 people who he just clicks with. they wreak havoc, but it’s all in good fun.
enemies.    i would love to have an enemies plot that’s actually hilarious? like one tiny thing catapulted these two into a mutual, deep, to-the-bones kind of hatred. it’s irrational, but they’re so infuriated by one another’s presence that all they can do is think of stupid quips and glare from afar. i imagine their public interactions bring onlookers a lot of poorly stifled laughs, because it’s just like… they’re so obviously trying so hard to hate one another with absolutely zero grounds.
miscellaneous.  maybe they got his mail and returned it to his door, and it sparked the beginning of a beautiful friendship. maybe they met in the park when this person’s dog peed on bez’s shoe. maybe they’re a frequent listener to bez’s show and they bonded over that? or perhaps they both enjoy engaging in semi-friendly grocery store competitions to see who can get to the ripest apples the quickest? anything’s possible!
chris! is that a weed?!  smoke with him, my dudes!! or like, anything? my guy’s not shy about investing in “life enhancements”.
but yes come message me on here for plots or hmu for my discord! so hype!
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bluering8 · 7 years
I’m done with TNG S01! I’ve gotta watch some other stuff before I launch into S02, so have a quick round-up of my Very Important opinions on various characters/episodes:
Data - I love Data!! Holy shit do I love Data!! He is precious to me and perfect in every way and I want to hollow him out and wear his skin like a suit. That... possibly sounds creepier than I meant? Look, he’s my perfect wish-fulfilment character, okay. He’s earnest and awkward and he never quite Gets It, but he wants to Get It so badly, and he tries so hard, and whenever he talks people are constantly cutting him off partway through because they’ve decided he’s saying too much or saying it wrong, and he sort of... exemplifies what has been my perspective of the Autistic Experience. And despite all that, he has a career he enjoys and friends who care about him and I want to be him so much that it kind of hurts.
Also, Data has feelings. I will fight anyone to the death on this issue, I sincerely can’t see how anyone could look at Data and not come to the conclusion that he has feelings. Data has so many feelings! He might not have feelings the way humans have feelings, but he unmistakably has his own opinions and his own way of relating to the world. It’s heartbreaking that he doesn’t recognise the value of his own experiences in favour of desperately trying to live up to some arbitrary “correct” way of existing.
Deanna Troi - I hate Troi. I do not want to hate Troi, because empaths are way cooler than they usually get credit for, but she’s so fucking annoying. All she ever does is say things which were already completely fucking obvious. She’s a walking violation of show-don’t-tell and every time she opens her mouth I groan because I know whatever she’s about to say is going to ruin my enjoyment of a scene. About the nicest thing I can say about her is that she’s still a better character then Wesley, being merely irritating rather than universe-warpingly terrible.
Jean-Luc Picard - Picard’s such a dad, holy shit. I never noticed this when I watched TNG before, but now I’m picking up on it as, like, the major facet of his personality. I mean, he also drinks Earl Grey and LARPs as a detective and discusses philosophy with aliens, but mostly he’s just Space Dad now and forever. Somehow I also forgot the LARPing as a detective part of his character? Picard’s just a huge fucking nerd isn’t he.
Q - I have very mixed feelings about Q. On the one hand I always love arrogant, capricious, petulant trickster gods, especially when they have Q’s flair for the theatrical, but on the other hand I think when it comes to Q I maybe love him more in concept than in execution? I spend a lot of time thinking about trickster-god entities and how a nigh-omnipotent creature unbound by linear time and the laws of physics might relate to the universe, and Q’s a very mundane example of the character type. On the gripping hand, Q’s super fun and whenever he shows up I know I’m in for a good time. I strongly suspect that if I were a Q I would also spend an obnoxious amount of time trolling Picard. He’s just so delightfully trollable!
Tasha Yar - Yar falls into a lot of tropes which I absolutely hate, but despite that I kind of... love her anyway?? I just don’t get enough masculine female characters to not love them even when they have rape-y backstories and secret desires to be more feminine and Issues feat. their emotional vulnerabilities, I guess. She was kind of frustrating at first because she kept randomly attacking people, but in the later episodes she seemed to mellow out a lot and started acting the way I’d expect of a security chief, ie 101% willing to solve problems with violence but no longer functioning on a hairtrigger. I’m sad that she died, I would’ve loved to see what she could have grown into as the show developed.
Also she was bros with Worf! Somehow I completely forgot about that, but I love it. This is an extra layer of tragedy in her death, Yar&Worf is a delightful friendship and if it’d had space to develop I sincerely believe it could have toppled Data&Geordi as my most beloved Trek brotp. This is what fanfiction is for, I suppose.
Wesley Crusher - I know it’s kind of Trek cliché to loathe Wesley but boy do I ever loathe Wesley!! The funny thing is that I actually liked him for the first two or three episodes: he was a bright and enthusiastic kid who was transparently desperate for Picard to be his father figure (and Picard was transparently disinterested in being his father figure, which is hilarious), but then he was allowed on the bridge despite not being part of Starfleet or even an acting-cadet at the time, and then the action paused in the middle of an episode so Picard could get lectured on how Wesley is the bestest most wonderfulest, and then... you get the point.
I’m not here to shit on wish-fulfilment characters (I mean, that’d be hypocritical as fuck considering my feelings about Data), I’m here to shit on wish-fulfilment characters who are so devoted to wish-fulfilment that they stop functioning adequately as a character. The universe warps itself into a pretzel so that Wesley can be the bestest most wonderfulest and it really really pisses me off.
S01E01E02 Encounter at Farpoint - You know, for a nigh-omnipotent weird space being, Q is amazingly fucking dumb. Like, who agrees to judge people based on a test without realising that if you tell people you’re testing them they’ll go out of their way to be on their best behaviour? You’re not gonna be getting any kind of reliable data here, Q.
S01E07 Lonely Among Us - What the fuck was this episode, I mean seriously. Okay, so we open with two groups of diplomats who super super hate each other and the Enterprise has to transport them to a meeting, so you’d assume that the episode would revolve around dealing with the conflict between the two groups right? Except no, that’s like the d-plot, the a-plot is there’s a weird space thing and the b-plot is Data has a crush on Sherlock Holmes. The c-plot is Wesley does his homework. And then the episode ends with the news that one group of diplomats has cooked and eaten a member of the other group and Picard’s like “lmao I don’t give a shit, Riker you deal with this I’m gonna go take a nap.” What the fuck, basically.
In other news, spacefuture meat is all cruelty-free synthesised magic apparently. I wonder if vegetarians still exist? Other than vulcans, I guess. I don’t know enough about the philosophy behind not shoving delicious chunks of animal corpse into your face to work out the answer here.
S01E08 Justice - I talked about this episode already and honestly that’s all you really need to know. People try to talk to Picard about Wesley’s impending death and Picard immediately changes the topic to talking about the weird space thing, rinse and repeat.
Anyway I was recently reading about a guy who was transporting prisoners when some of the prisoners escaped. The punishment for letting prisoners escape was death, so he released the rest of the prisoners then ran off to be an outlaw because it wasn’t like they could kill him any more then they were already going to. Then he became Emperor! Anyway the moral of the story is that Light Yagami is a moron escalating punishments are important and if someone knows you’re gonna kill them for something they did then they have basically no reason not to go and do a bunch of other crimes also.
S01E10 Hide and Q - Hey, quick quiz: you encounter a nigh-omnipotent entity who has previously mocked your species for being savage and violent. Said entity dumps you on a planet with a bunch of weird monsters. Do you: a) attempt to communicate with these monsters in the hopes of reaching a peaceful solution, or b) savagely resort to violence by shooting them with your space guns? If you picked option b, then congratulations! You are the crew of the Enterprise. This technically wasn’t the point of the episode, but come on! Step up your mind-game game, Q.
Also Picard yells at Q for constantly changing his costume and it’s like, Picard, dude, you’re aware the thing you’re yelling at isn’t actually Q? Q isn’t a human with superpowers, he’s an incomprehensible entity who occasionally puppets around a meatsack so you can have something convenient to yell at. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from Greek mythology and also Lovecraft, it’s that you super super do not want to see the incomprehensible entity’s true form.
S01E13 Datalore - I LOVE DATA AND I LOVE HIS HORRIBLE BROTHER!! but also, fuck Wesley. I hate Wesley. He’s immediately suspicious of Lore-as-Data purely on the basis of he sees “Data” doing Lore’s facial tic despite the fact that at the beginning of the episode he walked in on Data attempting to mimic sneezing, and despite the fact that there are several other characters with much better reasons to find Lore-as-Data suspicious.
Actually, you know what my dream rewrite for this episode would be? Someone becoming suspicious of Lore-as-Data, not because they think he’s Lore, but because they think he’s Data. The crew had previously been discussing whether or not they could trust Data now that he’d found links outside of Starfleet, so having that issue play out onscreen would’ve been fantastic. (Especially if it influenced their behaviour towards Data and Lore tried to take advantage of that as a “your friends are dicks, betray them and join me” kind of thing. I’m Here(tm) 24/7 for manipulation and corruption, my dude.)
S01E17 When the Bough Breaks - You know, this entire episode could’ve been solved with cloning. I mean actually it couldn’t, but the problem they thought they were having could’ve been solved with cloning. Ask the Enterprise for some unfucked genetic material and you can make your own kids! As many kids as you want!! More than six kids because seriously I don’t know what you were expecting to achieve with that, that’s not enough people to keep your planet alive.
S01E19 Coming of Age - This episode is an excellent example of What’s Wrong With Wesley. Wesley does an exam, and he loses some points in order to help another person with the exam, and at the end he’s told the other person passed but he didn’t, and the other person’s like “oh but that only happened because Wesley lost points by helping me!!”, because Wesley is so bestest most wonderfulest that the only reason he fails is because he sacrificed himself to help someone else to succeed. There’s a vague attempt at suggesting “oh, but there were other reasons Wesley failed!!” but like, fuck you, you don’t get to show me nothing but Wesley succeeding and then attempt to salvage this mess by telling me there were other factors at play, especially not when there’s so much attention devoted to Wesley helping the other person.
S01E22 Symbiosis - Everyone spends this episode focusing on the wrong thing. See, the Brekkians are selling medicine to the Ornarans, except actually it’s not medicine it’s addictive drugs, and this is bad because... drugs are bad? Don’t do drugs kids!! Why are you all focusing on the part where there are drugs and not the part where the Brekkians are lying shitbags taking relentless advantage of the Ornarans so that they can live like parasite kings in a capitalist hellscape castle?
“Golly gosh I sure can’t understand why anyone would voluntarily become dependent on a drug!!” says FUCKING WESLEY, THE WORST CHARACTER, completely missing the part where the drug actually is medicine and the Ornarans are entirely unaware that they no longer have the plague the drug is medicine for and thus believe that they have literally no other choice than to take the drug if they want to live. There is nothing “voluntary” about this at all, Wesley you absolute fuckwad!! Somebody shove this kid into a locker already.
S01E23 Skin of Evil - There are no pockets in Starfleet uniforms so everyone spends this episode wandering around with stuff awkwardly glued to their sides and it’s terrible and hilarious. I’m pretty sure this is true of other episodes but this is the one where I found it really really noticeable and couldn’t stop laughing.
...this episode was just obnoxiously funny in general actually, Goo Man is trying so hard to be super evil and scary and grimdark but nobody really gives a fuck about it, he’s more just like majorly inconvenient and kind of irritating than he is actually threatening at any point. “You don’t understand! I don’t serve evil, I am evil!!” the Goo Man wails. Picard categorically does not give any kind of a shit in response.
tl;dr: Data is precious and perfect and every time he’s onscreen I start weeping. YOU’RE DOING GREAT, DATA! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!!
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thehess-blog1 · 8 years
(some) FINAL PROBLEMS...with Euros (SPOILERS)
+ creating a very smart villain...but ensuring she has every problem possible socialising to balance it. do all smart people have to be terrible communicators? why? it’s a silly basis for the whole sherlock series honestly.
+ following assumption that high intelligence = mental illness, as in all of sherlock. this is very bad because if REVERSED, it is even worse. for example, the idea that very smart kids usually have autism. what if you’re an autistic kid who isn’t recognised as very smart? what if you’re an autistic kid whose interests aren’t categorised as ‘useful’ enough to make up for your ‘disability’? are you ‘less worthy’? bullsh*t etc
+ the biggest villain ever is...a smart woman with her own mind with vague sexuality. who can be forgiven because she’d obviously also emotional, fragile inside, and misunderstood, and in turn, humanises sherlock. like, excuse me? why is it that all the kickass females we get on this show - irene, mary, euros, molly - have to be so maligned compared to the men? irene is gay, yet somehow ‘falls’ for sherlock. mary is strong and smart and in love with john, but for whatever reason takes a BULLET for SHERLOCK, despite having a daughter to take care of, makes no sense, i’m sorry but her priorities would be looking after her family, which is daughter > john > sherlock. and molly... molly is too good for all of em. 
+ euros and moriarty being the only queer characters in this episode, and they both use it as a shock factor. except it’s only a shock factor if you count how shocked I was at seeing non-heterosexuality used as a shock tactic in the first place. “ooooo, moriarty could be....gaaaaaay...that makes him...gay....”
+ euros actually has good scenes. there was potential for this to make sense. i actually liked the glass scene. i thought it was pretty cool. and the violin playing with sherlock. oh my god, i loved it. i breathed it. it held me there. it was beautiful, but...
+ CONTEXT??? euros straight up killed somebody as a child?? and... we get a whole scene of the parents being mad at mycroft. this is ridiculous. these parents are the shittiest parents known to man. one of their kids is DEAD, one of their kids is so goddamn paranoid he can’t make a cup of tea without knowing he CONTROLS ENGLAND, one is a JUNKIE WHO HAS NEVER EVER BEEN TAUGHT TO CONTROL HIS EMOTIONS and gets in SERIOUS SHIT and basically needs a helper 24/7 to feel valid, and THE OTHER ONE. THE OTHER ONE was never, despite all those childhood tests, ever monitored for signs of having a mental illness, despite how weirdly and violently it manifested itself. so how the frick are they giving mycroft an earful about not looking after euros properly? he had no reason to trust their judgement lmao. not saying they’re total assholes, but i want somebody to take a real hard look at Mama and Papa Holmes and ask them where the frick they were when their kids were going through all this. 
+ euros’ plan is BULLSHIT. her whole motive is wanting to play pirates with sherlock? gross, jesus, WHAT? i mean, yes, okay, the violin playing, yes, but... i mean, come on. that’s paper thin. the funny graves becoming a sequence to save sherlock’s second best friend ever in thirty years so she can pretend to fly a plane...i don’t... her reasoning is so paper-thin.
+ euros hanging out with moriarty? cool. euros and moriarty having an understanding? cool. that understanding invalidating the last three seasons? they’re going to be kind of boring to re-watch knowing moriarty is just making memes in his basement for euros. 
+ why is mary using the stupid ‘miss me’ sh*t that’s not even funny she knew that would give them a heart attack
+ who was looking after john’s kid the whole time
+ no seriously, was it molly? or greg, or a babysitter? or, like, why didn’t euros ever use john’s kid against sherlock? that would have made a lot of sense for her to do, instead of all that f*ckery with poor molly (love u Molls x). i know it’s messed up but i seriously thought that’s where things were going with the coffin at first. or even irene. but not molly. that was pretty random. 
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spritepipis · 8 years
The Final Problem: Thought Process
Oh no poor bby JIM NNO NOT THE CHILD aw kidlock This Just In: Sherlock is now a horror movie. I always knew mycroft had a gun in that dumb umbrella Conclusion 1: Jesus Christ, Sherlock. Good job Lmao John wow Final revenge on poor Mycroft THE FINGER-IN-THE-AIR-RETRACE-STEPS "WAIT" THING HE DOES "You have to sit in the chair" Why can't Sherlock remember her Mycroft looking after Sherlock (but still in an asshole) JOHN IS FAMILY AHH Era-defining genius? Has Sherlock internalized Euros as a coping mechanism? Cutting herself? What the fuck? Huh. Interesting kid? Weird, but interesting? REDBEARD NO OH BABY SHERL NO did she drown redbeard NOOH GOD SHE DID UM UM THATS BAD SHES ALREADY AGAINST SHERLOCK flame consumes all good god Mycroft looks so sad Euros died? I don't think so Uncle Rudy? Wtf SHERRINFORD YES ohh "I can give you a map reference for hell" Mrs. Hudson? Are you okay? OH NO A DRONE WTF DX WHAT MOTION SENSOR WHAT IS YHIS lmao Mrs. Hudson Pls don't blow yourselves up Oscar Wilde really John Aw they're so nice Everyone is so nice when they're being dreaded NOT THE VIOLIN the circle shot makes me sick stop That radio is making me nervous "Are you walking on my roof?" SHERLOCK THE PIRATE OH MY GOOOOOD See you should have been looking at the man you just handed the chip to whOA MYCROFTS EYE WIGGLE LMAO BAMF Mycroft "Door opening" sounded like moriarty VIOLIN AH HE HAS INTERNALIZED HER oh yikes glass and everything Her hair is pretty SONG HOW DOES SHE KNOW ITS HIM oh wow standoffish much? Oh god she's a robot You are a prisoner of your own meat?? how did she get a strad DONT TAKE THE STRAD WTF callouses and Oh she taught him nvm NO STOP LEAVE HIM ALONE She enslaves people? Oh god she does Wait but that's the director's voice If this is a trap I swear Oh no this song I'm going to cry Also: when performing, many times shaking and vibrato are the same damn thing (speaking from experience) Laughing and screaming oh god oh god redbeard no Don't touch the fucking glass Don't god damn it JOHN IS AN OUTSIDER LOOKING IN PERFECT FOR EVALUATING THE SITUATION WITHOUT EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE TO CLOUD HIS VISION GOD DAMN IT DIRECTOR DUDE I KNEW IT Uh oh She's so clever She's Wait what OH GOD THIS SHOT fave remix of 2017 OH BABYS BACK his poor employees God I missed him "Big g" ??? Sto IM RELATABLE THAT WAY oh god more sex references Criminality is a nice word Oh Five years ago god damn it Did the donkey eat Yeah wow okay Unsupervised is a bad idea She mirrors Mirroring helps people grow close to one another it fosters trust AND THEYVE MERGED LOVE THAT Oh my god no that's terrible Dear? Did Sherlock just call Mycroft dear? He's changing his voice aw such growth Oh for fuck's sake She's evil Oh god one of them has to kill her oh no John Watson is a soldier but god damn it no stop he's smol and soft Oh my god Moriarty He took it he took it this is bad He can't do it I know he can't OH NO NOT EXECUTION STYLE please don't Whoopsie. Guess he's dead now welp. Yeah it had to be one of them you are idiots She's evil of course she had to kill her Jesus Christ this is terrible "she very clever" "I'm beginning to think you're not" Okay that kid is so unaffected she's totally hired to do this "To hell with what happens to us" She's like an evil scientist She changes her voice too to be younger OH IT WAS MORIARTYS VOICE THE WHOLE TIME : THE DOOR, "MIND THE GAP" Aww he knows it's affectin John and he's trying to stop him from being not useful Molly no molly please answer Poor bby she's sick Please don't hurt her she does love you There's no way around this Also thanks Moffatiss for fucking queerbaiting She's trying to believe it's true even though she knows it's not Molly please Oh god poor girl SHES STILL ON THE PHONE OH GOD oh no that's almost worst he basically hurt both of them Don't put this into context I don't want it to be in please It's okay, Sherlock. Soldiers. Stop stop stop don't kill them don't don't Smart or steady Family or friend WHAT MYCROFT IS SUCH A BITCH no this is actually a thing oh god JOHN NO JOHN PLEASE NO EMOTION IS SO HARD DONT MAKE HIM SAD ITS HARD ok well that makes me want to shoot Mycroft Aw small smile from Sherlock Stop it don't kill either of them Sherlock looked so pained Don't you do it don't don't don't don't don't So she still cares she doesn't want them dead Aww his child voice is so kind god he's such a kind man I love him so much Oh no he has to solve more than one case at once He's chained oh no REDBEARD She How did she do this JOHN NO oh hey that's a story I think, the musgrave ritual Was redbeard Was he fake GOD OH NO OH GOD THIS THIS IS VICTOR wait he is a parallel the only person Sherlock cares about first victor now John Water oh god stop YOU NEVER HAD A BEST FRIEND?! THATS NO REASON TO KILL HIS Ohhhh that's clever that's very clever Do you have a shovel If John dies I'm rioting I need your love? Seek my room? God what a lonely child Oh it was a mind game oh no It was a cry for help oh sweet girl I'm so sorry Uh this is sweet but John is still drowning? Aw we get so many hugs I love them HE REMEMBERED GREG Awwwwww finally after all this time he's a good man IT IS WHAT IT IS Benedict's parents are so great Oh stop it mommy holmes I know she's your daughter but chill He's lying He has to be You were always the grown up what does that mean VIOLIN YES ugh tunings a bitch Did Ben learn just for that Awwwwwww headphones on wall skull Just keep playing life goes on Aww they're mimicking she's tEACHING? AND NOW THEYRE PLAYING A DUET what you could bECOME?? DUETS WAIT DUETS ARE FOR COUPLES?? Last refuge oh my god AWW THE SMILEY OMG THE DANCING MAN parentlock oh my god My Baker Street boys: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson okay kids well that's it and I'm shaking and I'm crying but it was worth it
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