#and Nopes is just wtf
randomnameless · 2 years
It's funny that the “dead siblings” aspect of Edelgard's backstory manages to, in spite of how under-developed and under-written it is, be so wildly contradictory that the only way for it to make any sense with the rest of what we know about her past is to assume that she made all that up in order to gain sympathy points from Byleth; it's almost certainly not what the writers intended, and i don't doubt for a second that Hopes contradicts that theory somewhere, but whatever makes Fódlan make more sense.
Apparently in Nopes they don't know they died or it's just a "rumour"?
Then what, they were all hiding or partying very far away, when their sister became Emperor, over Hans 2's claim? Seriously?
I don't really understand the obsession the devs had with making Adrestia a muddled mumbo jumbo -
we are told Ionius tried to centralise power on itself, the lolcalisation tried to erase it but we're in 2023 : Ionius wanted to get rid of the consort kin system, women feel like they can't inherit a thing, the Emperor (at least the one during the Southern Church incident) takes very badly any "revolts" and get rid heirs he doesn't like, personally appoints people, Ionius erased Hyrm (to the last blood descendant!) and sent his army and funky mages to Ordelia - outside of Adrestia!
Some nobles like to hear young women "sing" and if they can't pay for "singing lessons" they will pay for young men instead.
Adrestian Nobles, unlike their northern barbarian counterparts, stay holed up in their capital, and rarely return to their duchies/lands/territories.
The devs, from this, tried to paint a land where corruption is rampant, a sort of epitome of decadence complete with ASOIAF's "if you need to say you're the king chances are no one thinks you are the king" with Ionius's bids to centralise power on himself, in a nutshell : this Adrestia is rotten, the decadent version of the one sang about in praises or mentionned in old legends.
And yet, even if they describe the land as completely bonkers and everyone more or less is in for their own hide... Adrestian Nobles, the very same ones we're told hired Doro to hear her song, cannot be depicted too badly, because, hey, we're working with them.
Sure, we don't hear Leopold and Waldemar went to the brothel - i mean to the Opera - to hear popular young songstresses sing. But Leopold'n'Waldemar were depicted as corrupt nobles, only in for their money or own gain as the reason why they sided with Aegir to get rid of Ionius, and from what we know of Leopold, he wasn't picking roses and daisies in Brigid too.
And yet, because they magically became allies of Supreme Leader, all the issues that could be laid at the feet of Imperial Nobles, especially theirs as the most important nobles of them all, are... absent.
No one ever asks Leopold'n'Waldemar were are the other imperial children, or why they betrayed Ionius. No mention of Leopold, the Minister of War and a seasoned fighter, having personally trained Hans 2 or maybe acknowledging his talents as a warrior - or lack of compared to Supreme Leader's, no, nothing.
Asking Leopold why Caspar isn't his heir, even if he doesn't have a crest, since he shown great abilities to fight? No, never.
In the end, we see those crap nobles, but we never tell anything or do anything with them. Ionius was yeeted away in Nopes (maybe because including Ionius in the story, who was betrayed by Leopold'n'Waldemar, wouldn't have worked with the idea of making them Supreme Leader's allies) and Aegir is never given any voice to the chapter, or when he is, it's to be a living retcon - he wanted to take part, just like Leopold'n'Waldemar, in Supreme Leader's MAGA war, when he rebelled against Ionius who centralised power on himself? To MAGA? - because nothing should "taint" our vision of the heroine.
FE16 already teased Supreme Leader's version of the Insurrection being horse dung when Hanneman told Hubert he doesn't know what Vestra Sr rebelled, and how Vestra Sr rebelled because there was something, rather, someone, more important to him than eons of loyalty to the Hresvelg family.
Is it the same "reason" that made Arundel, when he was still Volkhard, put his niece to safety - in the kingdom !!! - with her mother, before being Slithered.
Those clues, complete with the Ferdie paralogue in SS - of course unavailable in CF - reveal that while Ludwig is a piece of slime, he isn't the piece of slime depicted by Supreme Leader (that'd be her Uncle) ; hell, all of Ludwig's actions (both in that paralogue and the experiments on the Hresvelg kids) were done by Thales, with Ludwig as his scapegoat.
So why? What is the truth behind the Insurrection, and behind Ludwig's role?
Is Adrestia deliberately "opaque" to make "the world look deeper" than it is, or because it's supposed to imply Mole People slithering around made the thing "way too complicated"?
Or is it because the more we learn about Adrestia - and what led to Ionius being deposed - the more we realise Supreme Leader's words are, at best, misguided, at worst, straight out lies?
But in the process of "muddling" everything, coherence and consistency was sacrificed, Hans 2 disappeared and the plot dgaf - heck people don't know what happened to the other imperial children, and no one every bats an eye at this, especially since the Emperor was not the first, nor the second in line (and Supreme Leader isn't supposed to be like Ashnard who might fed people who ask those questions to Rajaion, or just straight out tell them the truth before laughing).
I still believe they exist, but since Jugdral, the FE series had issues writing "missing royal siblings" having any signification to the plot - bar being a late hour "Falchion with legs" - even if I HC that Julia isn't killed when her unit dies in the 2nd gen because the Imperial Army recognises her and captures her to return her to Arvis (they rescue her from those Isaachian barbarians!)
And yet, again, compared to Glen, Hans 2's absence stings, and it's, again, an example of coherence and logic being sacrificed for the sake of parasocial relationships.
It sucks.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 36
John summons the ghost king Danny. Needs helps makes a deal offering his soul. Danny being the troll he is accepts. He would of helped regardless of the deal. Instead of johns soul. He steals johns shoe. Just rips the sole out of the shoe and vanishes.
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senseearly · 3 months
So, I just realized something...
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The demon eats away the 'smaller desires' (also 'desires' that allow the dungeon lord to see through the demon's true intent, most likely) of its dungeon lord before consuming the 'bigger' desires as its main course.
But we don't really see how the goat ate Mithrun's 'smaller' desires. As a Canary, he probably knows this, and has every right to be wary of the goat in some way, even if the goat appeared harmless, innocent, and trust-worthy to him.
Then I realized:
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The demon was eating Mithrun through the lamia
Because why would he suspect his lover who's a monster? Who else has stayed close enough to Mithrun besides the monster who bears his beloved's skin? Not even his own squad, who he housed in his dungeon, came close to him. Mithrun maintains some degree of physical distance from the goat even if he trusted the goat with everything.
The demon has the ability to control and communicate the monsters in the dungeon. Why would it not use the monsters to also feed from its dungeon lords?
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sam reading the script with the lesmand scenes in 2×03 for the 1st time:
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graynide · 2 months
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sorry not sorry anon 🤷
i had this idea in my head all week ever since that anon sent me that ask but i had a HORRIBLE time trying to figure out how to color these guys on digital. i need to draw more of these birbs
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Do you sleep with socks on
this is such a random ask that I feel like i’m morally required to answer it lol
and the answer is- this ✨mysterious✨ museum curator obviously never sleeps soooo that answers your question :)
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my-name-is-apollo · 25 days
You don't know how good it feels that another Indian like me is actually interested in greek mythology and not just pjo- but like actual Greek mythology
(Also I love your posts)
My cousin brother is a big fan of Hades game and I tried to get him into Greek mythology but it just didn't work. I'm glad I have at least one person on this site <3
(And thanks, that's sweet of you <3)
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we need more runs with damian and his friends. and don’t say teen titans- not team, his actual friends. all the other batbros have gotten HUNDREDS of comics featured around them and their friends- why can’t we let damian have his friends back and let them interact? just have fun adventures and live like in the other batbros’ stories?? i just think it would be such a fun concept and that the writers r missing out by giving damian angst and forcing him into relationships and forcing him to make friends all over again. i would just like a run were damian has fun with his pre-established friends. is that so much to ask for?
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I have time to write, i have the free time to write for once.....why doesn't my brain want to write words right now?
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Roku: *has multiple opportunities to confess to Ta Min but never FUCKING TAKES IT*
Me: If I was Kyoshi I would've ripped through the walls of the Spirit World and just fucking suplexed you until you stopped breathing.
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astro-inthestars · 5 months
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momentarysilence · 1 year
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I wanted to have a go at the memory game that Petra made!
no Krisis boys tho because I wanna draw them properly first before doing silly little doodles like this lol
it was fun trying to remember what everyone's designs look like, I definitely forgot / messed up a lot of details but overall I'm pretty happy with how well I was able to remember things!
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kittykatkatelol · 14 days
istg fnaf music either makes me super happy or extremely sad
there is 0 in between wtf
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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the far zenith launch facility (view from a 'wing)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
Big is older than Kim so now he accidentally has a little brother. Someone send this child to bed and make him eat his vegetables. He’s not concerned, he just needs Kim in top shape for bitching and murder!!
I don't see that personally? Kim does have ultimate little brother energy. he is THE baby of the family. Porsche sees him and goes "oooh new brother" in 2 seconds flat while Kim sputters confusedly in the back. I have a group of college seniors and peers who adopted the shy lonely angry kid in mind for Kim always, and Tortoise and I once came up with a whole roster of old/older neighbors on Kim's floor who dote on him. he just has that vibe 🤏
but Big doesn't have a caretaker bone in his whole body. not even caretaker cartilage. he's one of the best protectors! but he doesn't read as a caretaker to me.
I do think that of all the bodyguards, Big's the only one who doesn't mind Kim duty (he sat through like two sittings of Kim grilling him on Kinn's security before he realized Kim just wants Kinn safe and hey, he wants that too!). I think he does also want Kim safe, but that's mostly rationalized as wanting Kinn's-little-brother-whom-Kinn-deeply-cares-for safe vs any specific feelings he himself holds for Kim, and it doesn't really come out in the form of Big looking out for Kim's personal or day-to-day well-being, but rather Big helping Kim scheme and snoop. and I think of all the guards, Big is the only one Kim can stand (except for maybe, maybe Arm too, only on account that Khun really likes him and he's a decent enough informant) (Porsche doesn't count as a guard, obvs, which is something Big agrees with him on though their reasonings are different). I think that shoving them together has lots of fun opportunities for them to realize they actually respect and even kinda like the other, I just like even more when they don't have the faintest clue what to do with it. talk to each other? increased interaction? admit it? fuck no.
also it's just really funny to me if these two (emotionally repressed idiots) are in their weird limbo of not being able to label their feelings on That-Guy-I-Definitely-Don't-Care-About-But-Kinda-Respect-And-At-Least-Don't-Want-Dead (a high compliment considering their lifestyle tbh, not that they mean it that way either), then someone (read: Khun) drops the bomb "awww you made a friend!" on Kim.
Kim: what the fuck?! no I didn't! hold on, I'm texting Big this bullshit right now
(Big: what the fuck you are not my friend???
Kim shoving his phone in Khun's face: SEE!!!)
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looseinthecatroom · 2 years
I- I just...
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(Link to the article >.>)
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