#and confusing as hell
Am I really on the aroace spectrum or am I just so deeply entrenched in and traumatized by purity culture and a history of intrusive thoughts that it has become an instinct, a reflex, to automatically reject and view with disgust and discomfort every inkling of attraction I feel towards other people
Like idk if this is a case of "two things can be true", but I can't tell which one is my true nature and which one is a conditioned response: the attraction or the repulsion
Do I mistake some other sort of feelings for attraction bc it's the norm or do I only think I'm not attracted to people bc I feel like I'm not allowed to be
Is the attraction intrusive or is it real? Is my response to it natural or a coping mechanism? Am I actually disgusted by the thought of having sex with someone or do I just think I'm supposed to be? And why the fuck does it make me upset to think I might have feelings for someone? Is it distressing because I inherently don't belong in a romantic relationship or because of negative past experiences and anxiety?
These are questions which plague my existence
(Just to be clear this is absolutely NOT an aroace invalidating post, it does not reflect my views on the aroace community at large, just my own personal struggle with figuring out my identity)
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FNAF Glitchtrap really HATES Mike specifically
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littleskrib · 6 months
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It's alright | 26122023
Based on a scene of @asterbae's story "Perfect Slaughter". I already did some simple character art before, but this particular scene in chapter 10 just hit differently and I wanted to bring this to paper since the first time I read it. reader discretion is advised, pls read the tags before checking it out
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von-leg · 10 months
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Local doctor tries to comprehend wtf just happened to him
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gingiekittycat · 8 months
"There must be something I can do for you."
OK so I have been trying for the longest time to make sense of why the fuck they KEPT GOING WITH THE MAGIC ACT when they realized they couldn't do miracles. And I think I've got it.
Once again, it boils down to misunderstanding and miscommunication (surprise surprise):
I fully believe Aziraphale thought he was doing Crowley a favor by offering to do his magic act. Crowley’s in trouble with the theater, the alcohol he was going to sell is ruined because of Aziraphale’s shenanigans at the church. To take some of the pressure off Crowley, he offers to perform.
Here's the thing, though. Aziraphale DOESN'T think he's a very good magician. Just look at how nervous he is! He has zero confidence. Even the coin trick he does for Crowley, he's shocked and delighted when it actually works because he doesn't think it's going to. He's pretending for Crowley's sake because he's trying to get Crowley out of the hot seat with the theater.
That's also why he chooses such a dramatic and dangerous trick for the stage: he has to make it good for Crowley.
Crowley sees Aziraphale's offer to do the magic act purely as another one of Aziraphale’s whimsies. Which of course he is going to indulge, because he's a lovesick fool. He goes into FULL SUPPORTIVE HUSBAND mode, builds up Aziraphale's confidence, agrees to do the highly dangerous trick because Aziraphale wants to, because he thinks Aziraphale thinks he's good at magic, because he thinks Aziraphale really wants to get up on stage and perform, and he just doesn't want to see Aziraphale embarrassed... (Sound familiar???)
So. We get to the stage. Aziraphale doesn’t actually want to be there, but he's doing it for Crowley; Crowley doesn't actually want to be there, but he's doing it for Aziraphale. BOTH of them are complete idiots, because they're so enamored with each other and so fucking COMMITTED that neither of them wants to back down when they find out they can't do miracles. They just really want to make their husband happy--so badly that they're willing to risk discorporation for it.
In conclusion: they are idiots and I love them but THEY NEED TO COMMUNICATE JESUS CHRIST
It's no wonder the season ended like it did...
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astrobolical · 1 year
As much as I love feral Satan, who lets his instincts run wild and growls, bites and everything else… his soft side is so fuckin’ cute.
The Satan that stares at you in confusion as you tend to a small cut on his hand he’d received on one of his rampages, unbothered by the mess around the two of you and concerned solely with him. How he doesn’t quite know why his chest feels so warm and tight as he looks at your gentle, concerned expression.
Satan, who doesn’t understand why he feels so weightless with you, why his heart flutters and why he wants to hold you so gently, as if cradling something precious.
Satan, whose anger fades just from your presence alone, overtaken with feelings he’s never experienced, that baffle him entirely but he can’t get enough.
Satan, who desperately throws himself into research just to understand you a little more, to put a name on how he feels about you— who’s just as afraid of his own feelings as he is elated by them.
Satan, who worries you’ll be frightened of him if his temper rises, but you never are, even when he tells you that you should be.
Satan, who lays beside you, watching your sleeping face and utterly baffled that you trust him so completely to allow him to see you in such a vulnerable state… who knows deep down he’ll protect you forever.
Satan, who fumbles each time he tries to explain any of this to you, whose face becomes adorably reddened with each failed attempt.
Satan, who realizes that you’ve accepted him entirely, his every fault, his everything, before he had even come close to accepting himself. Who loves you more than he could ever put to words, or that he could ever really comprehend.
Just him. You know? Ahh, just helping him come to terms with everything he doesn’t know, to grow and understand. Helping him, in the end, to love.
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luyo-mi · 6 months
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atalana · 9 months
so the good place is widely lauded on this site for its takes on morality and capitalism, which i totally agree with
but i think it should get more recognition for the line "all humans are aware of death. so we're all a little bit sad all the time. that's just the deal. we don't get offered any better ones. and if you try and ignore your sadness, it just ends up leaking out of you anyway. i've been there, and everybody's been there. so don't fight it. in the words of a very wise bed bath and beyond employee i once knew - go ahead and cry all you want. but you're gonna have to pay for that toilet plunger."
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spotsupstuff · 3 months
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day 6
all love to Martini and Procyon (the blue)
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revvethasmythh · 25 days
essek: as a wise man once told me, it's not pain that makes people. it's love that makes people
imogen: well...as a wise man once told me, 'make every day a smiley day'
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juniper-clan · 3 months
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MOON 18: Oh Shit She’s Feeling It (pt. 1)
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skeleton-squid-boy · 8 days
ever think about twelve being so sick of losing people, especially losing people because of their belief in him as a hero, like amy. so he strips off that mask and shows how cold and calculating he is willing to be with lives and he chooses a face that shows his age and stops hiding his danger behind a charming smile or a bow tie. he does it as a kindness, so Clara knows what she's getting into. and she does. and she gets into it anyway. and it makes him even more desperate not to lose her. so he breaks all of his own rules, everything he stood for because just once he didn't want to have to lose someone. he went to the end of space and time the long way round, he beat death and he betrayed the home he spent his life searching for to try save her. for once he chose what he wanted, her, over the universe.
and after all that, all he managed to do was make it so she lost him instead.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 36
John summons the ghost king Danny. Needs helps makes a deal offering his soul. Danny being the troll he is accepts. He would of helped regardless of the deal. Instead of johns soul. He steals johns shoe. Just rips the sole out of the shoe and vanishes.
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A few months before Danny gets his powers, while on a trip to Gotham with his family (maybe there was a ghost convention or something). While in Gotham Danny some how figures out that Bruce Wayne is Batman. I don’t know how he figures it out, but he does. When they get back to Amity Danny jokingly makes a power point presentation for his parents about why they should put in their will that if something ever happened to them Bruce Wayne would get custody of him (and Jazz if she’s still underage at the time).
A couple of his points are:
He’s a billionaire so you know he’ll be able to afford to take care of me and Jazz
He has a mansion so lots of space and big rooms
He’s got a butler
He’s already well known for adopting black haired blue eyed children so he probs wouldn’t be opposed to taking me in
He’s got kids of his own already so me and Jazz would get more siblings!!
He’s Batman
Danny did the whole power point as a joke but his parents actually took it kind of seriously. Cause up to this point neither one of them had thought about what would happen to Danny and Jazz if the both of them where to die. So they make a will and put in it that if they both die then Bruce Wayne gets custody of their kids. And then they all promptly forget about it.
Two years later Bruce Wayne gets a call from a man claiming to be the executor of the Fenton will and that Bruce’s presence is requested in Amity Park for the reading of the Fenton will. Bruce is wracking his brain trying to remember who the Fenton’s are and if how he knows them. But the man is coming up blank (cause he’s never actually met them before). He goes to the will reading and is shocked to hear that the Fenton’s, two people he’s never met before, have left custody of their 16yo son to him.
Danny is just as shocked because holy shit that power point was a joke. He didn’t mean for his parents to actually take it seriously and do that!!! And Vlad is pissed. He was sure he was gonna get custody of Danny after killing off the Fenton parents! Bruce is trying to figure out why these two strangers left their son to him. He’s watching Danny with eagle eyes trying to figure the kid out. And he sees the way Danny flinches whenever Vlad gets close or puts his hand on Danny’s shoulder.
Vlad tries to convince Bruce it would be better for Danny if Bruce gave up custody to him(Vlad). He’s know the boy for two years after all and he was actually a family friend. Danny meanwhile is silently shaking his head and giving Bruce pleading eyes silently begging him not to let Vlad take him. Bruce just tells Vlad that the Fenton’s must have had a good reason for giving him(Bruce) custody instead of giving it to Vlad, and he’s going to abide by the Fenton’s wishes.
Bruce leaves with Danny and once in the limo he asks Danny if he’s ever met him or his parents before. Poor Danny has to explain how he jokingly made a power point about why his parents should leave custody of him to Bruce in the event of their deaths, and how he never thought his parents would actually take it seriously. But hey at least he doesn’t have to go live with Vlad now!
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braceletofteeth · 6 months
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Evilive (1x03) || Strangers From Hell (1x08)
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in-my-loki-feels · 4 months
I can't stop thinking about pairing this guy:
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with this guy:
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Just something about the absolute goofball energy of the first, running into the megalomaniac energy of the second. I feel like President Loki would be all "I am here to rule and nothing's going to stop me!" and the Mobius variant would be confused but on board and also distracted by a dish on another table: "Oh yeah? Cool, cool, tell me more. Hey, are you going to eat that?"
ETA: I ended up writing a short thing for this idea. Adding a link here in case the one in the reblogs isn't obvious.
There is now a 4+1 expanded version up on AO3!
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