#and he may have 'pleaded' but he didn't even struggle. he just gave in. he just accepted it. and it was so different to au!michael
ryker-writes · 1 year
Your angst fic had made me go into angst creative mood. Twisted wonderland Character/s of your choosing of younger sibling that have chronic illness but hide it from their family. Often when to the toilet to cough out blood to avoid suspicious. Even went as far as asking the dr to keep it a secret because they don't want to burden their family and wanted them to enjoy their life because they already suffer so much and the distance actually help. Until sibling collapse and went into coma and the Dr had to break the news that they don't have much time left.
If it not to much- I'm feeling very angsty-
Oh my the heavy angst. This is so sad tho but I love it. These actually ended up longer than I thought they would be. I just had too many thoughts and it hurt my soul to write this because it's so sad but I enjoyed it
sorry not sorry if anyone cries <3
Characters: Leona, Idia, and Malleus
warnings: Mentions of blood, implied reader death, angst, no happy ending
Request rules and Masterlists
you knew you should tell Leona about your condition
he was your older brother and he should know
but Leona was pretty protective and would drive himself mad demanding that somebody find something to help you
and he would spend all of his time worrying and fussing over you
so you didn't tell him
you wanted him to enjoy things and be happy
he's already struggled so much growing up and you don't want to burden him more
also you wanted to peacefully enjoy the time you had with everyone without a lingering sadness in the air
so you pleaded with the doctor to keep it a secret
and thankfully they did
all you had to do was hide the blood that you may cough out
so your bathroom trips became more frequent
Leona even joked that you should see the doctor about how much you have to go to the bathroom
but he didn't know the truth, and he was happy
that's all you wanted
until one day you woke up feeling weaker
you tried to fight it and carry on as you normally would
but for some reason you just couldn't
it was when you were walking in botanical garden towards Leona
black spots started to cloud your vision and you felt like you lost control of your body
the last thing you heard was Leona shouting
Leona was very worried when he saw you collapse
and you weren't responding to him either
he rushed you to the infirmary as quickly as he could and demanded that the doctor sees you immediately
when the doctor tells him that you're in a coma and don't have much time left, he's angry
how could you not tell him about your illness
he would've tried to help you if you just told him
Leona will spend most of his time by your side, waiting for you to wake up
he's not going to waste a moment somewhere else
he doesn't know what to do with himself
he's so angry with himself for not knowing sooner and not being able to do anything
you have to wake up, you just have to
the Shroud family was a strange one
most of the family were shut-in's that were pretty isolated and lonely
your big brother Idia was a prime example of this
he spent most of his time behind the screens and barely interacted with other people
and he didn't really have friends either
both you and Ortho wanted him to be happy
and that's why you didn't tell him about your illness
if he knew he would isolate himself further and bury himself in trying to help
he would sacrifice his own health for the sake of you
and you couldn't let that happen
though you did hope that somehow he would be able to be happy and have a friend before your illness took over
it was difficult to keep it hidden
Ortho regularly does scans on you and Idia's health so he knows if something is wrong
so he knew, but you had to convince him not to tell Idia
it was a long process and filled with tears but he gave in eventually
and so when you would spend time with Idia, Ortho would be a little sad but hide it well
when you made and excuse of going to the bathroom Ortho knew what was happening and would make up some excuse to Idia about you drinking a lot of water or something
but then one day you were walking through the school halls with Ortho and Idia's tablet
it hit you so suddenly that you didn't even have time to react
as you coughed you could feel the blood sputter out and onto your chin
this coughing fit seemed worse than the rest and you couldn't stop
it hurt and even brought you down to the ground, and after a bit you passed out
Ortho was quick to help stabilize your condition and take you to the infirmary
all that came from the tablet was panicked noises and frantic questions
once the doctor checked up on your condition, he gave them the bad news
you had been sick for a long time and it's led you to a coma
with the way your condition was progressing, you didn't have much time left
Idia was so confused
how could both he and Ortho not notice especially when Ortho did health scans
but Ortho didn't answer and Idia could just tell that Ortho already knew
Night Raven College was buzzing with gossip that day
some were saying they saw Idia Shroud himself quickly walking through the halls and others denied that it couldn't be true
the notorious shut-in would never even leave his room or go outside Ignihyde
but the rumors were true
Idia Shroud had left his room and walked through the halls to the infirmary
and he stayed there all day constantly checking up on every little change in your condition
and when he wasn't checking on your condition he would sit there quietly and think
why did this have to happen?
why did it have to be you?
it wasn't fair
Idia was making the stressful trek through the halls every day so he could stay by your side in case you woke up
as he sat there he would play some of his video games and tell you all about it like he normally would, but this time you weren't able to respond
Malleus didn't have a lot of people he treasured in his life
those in Diasomnia were like his family, but you were actually his family so he treasured you dearly
he was always looking out for you and doing everything he could to make sure you were happy, and you wanted the same for him
so when the doctor had informed you of your illness and what would happen, you didn't want to tell him
Malleus would be crushed at the news
He had always been someone who was lonely
and you were like the one person he had that wasn't required to be around him
if he were to learn that you would soon be taken away from him, he wouldn't be able to cope
and you wanted to see him happy as long as you would be here
you couldn't tell him and instead kept it hidden from everyone
Malleus never questioned it much when you ran off to the bathroom
he would just ask if you were alright and once you said you were, he wouldn't ask past that
and so many days and even weeks past as you spent time with Malleus
he seemed happy and you were happy to see him like that
but it was when you were going on one of his gargoyle walks when the world started to spin
you wanted to ignore it and act natural before Malleus could notice, but it was all to much
your legs seemed more tired than usual and you fell to the ground
you could hear Malleus ask you repeatedly what was wrong but you couldn't answer
then the world faded to black
The great Malleus Draconia was terrified
you weren't responding to him and he didn't know what was wrong
his healing magic was amazing, but he couldn't heal injuries he didn't know about
so he picked you up and teleported the two of you to the infirmary
the doctor had to stop whatever they were already doing when the fae prince himself demanded his assistance
and the doctor checks up on you and tells Malleus everything
you were sick, now in a coma, and you were running out of time
the room was quiet for a minute as Malleus processed what the doctor said
and then, thunder
the worst thunderstorm Night Raven College has ever seen has been summoned
lightning was striking all around the campus and many students were taking shelter while terrified
but the infirmary was the safest place from the storm
Malleus sat by your side quietly pondering his thoughts
he was angry
not at you but at your illness for doing this to you, life for cursing you this way, and mostly at himself
he should've been able to see the signs before it got to this point
he should've been there for you
he should've helped you
how ironic it is that one of the most powerful mages was so helpless to save the one person they treasured most of all
Lilia, Silver, and Sebek came to find him after the storm started
and when they did, they didn't even say anything, but felt the heavy atmosphere
Lilia tried providing some comfort, but Malleus just stayed silent
for days after that, his three guards stood outside the infirmary and prevented anyone from disturbing the two of you
the storm persisted and Malleus never left your side
he would sit there for hours silently wishing for you to wake and be okay
even though he knew that was unlikely
but he wouldn't leave and possibly miss you waking up
that was simply one event he wouldn't miss
Malleus was never good at noticing how quickly time passed
but as he sat by your side, he was painfully aware of every passing second that you lie there
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patheticdarling · 1 year
Mad With Grief
Summary: Queen Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon swore to avenge their son, Prince Lucerys. An eye for an eye. A son for a son. And now Prince Aemond and his sister-wife had to make the preparations for their eldest son's funeral.
Warnings: death/blood & cheese/mourning/death of a child/funeral/crying/depression/incest (Targaryen)/oc children of aemond & reader/suicidal undertones/possible hotd season 2 spoilers!
Word Count: 1861
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You could not begin to describe the feelings that lingered throughout your body. It seemed as if your soul was detached from your physical being and now you were just a shell of a woman.
"There we are, Princess," your handmaiden finished applying your makeup. You struggled to move your eyes to the mirror in front of you. She had applied a generous amount to brighten up your colorless face, "As beautiful as ever."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, "Thank you," it was barely audible. "That'll be all for now."
She gave you a quick curtsy before gathering the mess and leaving the room. As soon as the door shut, you could no longer hold back the tears as they came pouring down. The sobs followed soon after and you had no care to conceal them.
It was said the night your son was slain that your cries of anguish shook the very walls of the Red Keep.
"Who are you?" you demanded. You didn't recognize the two men before you, instinctively shielding your children with your own body.
"Debt collectors," the smaller of the two men spoke up. "An eye for an eye, a son for a son. We only want the one, t’ square things. Won’t hurt the rest o’ you fine folks, not one lil’ hair. Which one you want t’ lose, Princess?"
All of the hairs on your body stood on end when you realized just what the men meant. Your husband had killed Lucerys and now, a debt was owed.
"No," you shook your head profusely as you pushed your eldest son behind you, your two younger children bundled in your arms, "Kill me instead. Please. I beg you. Don't hurt my children."
"A wife's not a son," the bigger man grunted, "It has to be a boy."
"Please," you continued to plead, your older son weeping as he clutched the skirts of your dress, "Not my boys. Rhaenyra would not want this. She has always been merciful, please."
"Your sister, the Queen, has lost far too much. Her father, her baby, and now her son. By your husband's hand, might I add. I don't think mercy is an option any longer." the smaller man explained.
"It was an accident," you muttered, "A horrible, regrettable accident. My husband may be guilty, yes. But my children are innocent. Please."
"We don't want to hurt you, Princess. But a debt is owed. Besides, you'll still have two more when it's done," the man used his blade to elude to your children, "So, I suggest you make your choice before we kill all three of them."
You fell to your knees, there was no way out of this. One of your boys had to die or you'd lose all three of your children. You looked at each of your sons, caressing their silver locks. You would never forgive yourself for this. "Mummy loves you."
You kissed the head of your youngest son before shakily handing him over to the men, sobbing as you watched him mockingly rock the year old babe.
"You hear that, little boy? the small man whispered to your son, "Your momma wants you dead."
And before you could register the evil grin he exchanged with the larger man, his blade had already murdered your elder son. You felt your heart stop beating before the most Earth-shattering sob left your lips.
Everything after that shifted into a gut-wrenching blur. You could not manage to feel anything other than pure and utter grief, like a dagger was constantly being driven through your heart with every breath you took. You could not bring yourself to eat, drink, or even bathe. Your mother, the Dowager Queen, urged you to stay strong for your remaining son and only daughter. But how could you even bear to look at him? You had named your year old son to die.
You had not seen your husband since. Part of you wanted what every woman wanted from their husband in times of grieving, a shoulder to cry on and a place to feel safe. And part of you couldn't even stomach the idea of seeing him, of knowing that he was partially to blame for the loss of your son.
A soft knock came to the door, "Y/N?" your mother's soft voice called into the room, she let out a heavy sigh at your sobbing figure, rushing over and wrapping her arms around you.
You fell into her touch. You never had the best relationship with your mother growing up but she loved your children nearly as much as you and Aemond did. It was her who looked in on your babies everyday since.
"My dearest girl," she sniffled as she stroked your hair, "Shhh, it's alright. I'm here."
"I cannot do this, Mother," you cried, "I-I cannot say goodbye to him so soon."
"He's in a better place, Y/N," she tried to soothe me, "Somewhere safe, where no one can ever harm him."
"They already harmed him. And I could not protect him. My husband was not here! I was alone-"
It was as if your words held magical intent within them. Your breath hitched in your throat as your husband walked into the room. Your mother helping you both to your feet.
She took in a deep breath, "I'll go see if the carriage is ready. Ring the bell if you need me," she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before moving to greet Aemond with a quick kiss on the cheek.
Your eyes remained locked with his until the minute the door clicked shut and suddenly you lacked the strength to stand once again. Your knees hit the floor as you broke back into sobs.
Aemond dropped everything and rushed over to hold you, "I am so sorry, I am so sorry," he muttered over and over again.
You couldn't help but cling to him, the contempt you held falling as you grieved your child together, "My sweet boy. My first baby boy."
"I will avenge him, I swear this to you, my love-"
"Avenge him?!" you nearly pushed him back and onto his ass as the blame you placed on your husband returned, "Your vengeance is the reason why Rhaenyra wanted one of our sons dead in the first place!"
Both of you now rose to your feet, "I told you it was an accident. I lost control of Vhagar and-"
"And now our son is dead," you concluded. Aemond's jaw clenched at your words. "Did they tell you what they made me do?"
"Y/N, we don't have to discuss this."
"Did they tell you, Aemond?" you reiterated, Aemond softly shook his head at your question, "They made me choose. Choose which of our sons to die. They said there was a debt to be paid. I begged them to kill me instead. But Rhaenyra wanted a son. Said they would kill all three of them if I didn't choose." Tears fell from Aemond's remaining eye as you continued to speak shakily, "And I named Jaehaerys. Our sweet baby. I thought perhaps he was too young to understand. And Viserys-" your voice caught in your throat at the mention of your late son, "He is our first son and the only heir until Helaena gives Aegon a son. And they butchered him like a sheep for slaughter."
"I never meant for any of this to happen, Y/N. And I will never forgive myself for letting them hurt you or our children."
"I have not been to the nursery since," you ignored his apologies, "How can I mother a child that I was willing to sacrifice? I shouldn't even be allowed to call myself a mother after what I've done."
"Y/N, you are the best mother and our children, they need you. Nobody else could raise them as admirably as you have."
You just shook your head as the bells of King's Landing rang in the background, "We must go. The funeral is starting."
Aemond tried to reach for your hand, "My love, we do not-"
You simply pulled away, not saying another word as you gathered yourself, ringing the bell for your mother and maids to return.
"Are we ready?" your mother asked, you simply nodded before taking her arm.
"Y/N, please," Aemond tried yet again to pull you back to him.
"Aemond," your mother cut him off, "That is enough. We must all be going now."
You could not recall the events of your son's funeral. Not the precession, the burial, the speeches, or even how you returned to the castle after. It felt as if it all took too much effort. Your children were your only reasons for living and yet you couldn't even bear to mother them as you wished. Because wanting was too much. You felt you didn't deserve to want any longer. Living was too much effort.
"Y/N!" your husband's horrified tone rang in your ears. Your mind finally registering what your body had done.
As you looked down at the perilous fall to the spikes that decorated the fall from the Red Keep. Your toes basically hanging off as you stood on the ledge.
"Please, darling," Aemond quietly begged, "We need you. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, they need you. I need you."
Matching streams of tears ran down both you and Aemond's cheeks. This is what it was to be mad with grief. To be so heartbroken that you cared so little about living.
You were sure the rest of your family was grieving your son as well. But not like this. None of them could even begin to fathom the thoughts or feelings you had, or did not have any longer.
"Y/N, please come down from the ledge," Aemond sobbed and begged. You had never seen him so broken, so fearful. And it might've been at that moment that you realized that Aemond might have been the only person in the whole of the Seven Kingdoms who shared in your despair. Strangely, that relieved you. To know you were not alone in your mourning.
Slowly and with Aemond's muttered encouragement, you stepped down and back onto the floor of your bedchamber. Aemond did not rush to put his arms around you or even rush over to you at all. He took quiet and calculated strides, the anguish that had built in his body at the thought of losing you, seemed to melt away with each step.
Though the tears still poured from both of you as he gently cupped your face in his hands, "I'm sorry, Aemond. Truly, I-"
"Shhh," his voice shook under the softness of his tone. Aemond softly pulled you into his embrace. His sobs muffled in your silver locks and yours muffled in his dark-green clad chest. The two of you gradually sinking to the floor, never loosening your grip on the other. The two of you quietly afraid of what might happen if you let the other go.
That maddening grief settled for a moment.
"We will avenge him."
Before taking over once again.
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slutfactory · 1 year
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HAKKAI SHIBA DRABBLE — gn!reader ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ [not requested]
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌warnings,, car sex(?), handjob (giving), pet names (baby/doll), edging, implied voyeurism.
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ author's note,, THE KING HAS RETURNED. also hakkai is my sweet bby boy i love him sm it's unreal.
<65O words.
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“geez. couldn't even wait until we got home.” you whispered to your boyfriend, making him shudder a little, feeling your warm breath tickle his ear. “naughty boy. what if the chauffeur notices? the partition may be rolled up, but i'm sure he can hear you moaning like a little whore.” hakkai whimpered in response, bucking his hips into your fist. he didn't know why, but the thought of being caught turned him on even more—that combined with your hands on him; he could lose himself–
“shiba-san? are you alright back there?”
hakkai snapped out of his momentary trance, now making eye contact with the driver in the rearview mirror through the now halfway lowered partition. there wasn't enough light passing through the tinted windows to see his expression in the mirror, but you could. his face was beet red, probably wondering if he had gotten caught. even if that were the case, hakkai would try to lie his way out of it. as he did. “i'm okay. i just uh.. have a bit of a stomach ache. r-roll up the partition, would ya?”
“if you say so.” the chauffeur replied, rolling the partition up as he was told.
you chuckled. “that little act of yours was adorable, doll.” you began pumping your boyfriend's cock in time with his pathetic thrusts. he slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the startled cry that threatened to slip past his lips. “let's see how long you can keep it up.”
with how you were spoiling him with your hands, he probably wouldn't last much longer. you knew this, but teasing hakkai was too entertaining. it was cute how he tried not to cum, despite his body betraying him, begging for release. you slowed your pace to a stop and released your grip on his shaft, knowing full well that he was close. he gave you a pleading look, which you pretended not to notice.
“y/n, please—” hakkai whined between ragged breaths. he leaned against you. “i want more.. please let me cum– nh-.." as much as you wanted to play with him, you couldn't resist him in this state; you often wondered if he knew that and acted accordingly. but he wasn't the best liar so that perished the thought—after all, he was a model, not an actor.
you sighed softly. “well since you were a good boy and begged without being told—” your hand once again held hakkai's twitching length in a firm, but gentle grip. hearing him gasp softly at the sudden touch, you smirked, but only for a second. “i guess i should reward you, hm?” continuing at your pace from earlier, you began stroking him again. he probably got sensitive after being edged, since he was squirming around more than he was before, biting his lip to hold back his voice. “mm.. ‘kai. kiss me.”
without a moment's hesitation, hakkai did as he was told. he immediately melted into it, moaning into your mouth, feeling your tongue dance against his. as it was he could already barely breathe, but now you were stealing it from him, making him drool and pant like a dog for the few short seconds you allowed him to take a breath. “mgh– ‘m cumming–.. ” he mumbled into the kiss before he once again started thrusting into your fist.
it wasn't long before he came, his body lightly spasming as he shot thick ropes of cum onto the back of the driver's seat and his own body. his vision faded in and out and he struggled to steady his breathing. you always thought hakkai looked beautiful—a broken mess after an orgasm.
“you've made such a mess, baby.” your eyes shifted toward the slightly lowered partition. you could just barely see the driver's flushed face in the mirror—and how only his left hand rested on the steering wheel. “but maybe you weren't the only one.”
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luv you lol thx for reading <3 also this was pretty long for a drabble lol
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Canon that jihyun is insecure and doesn't like showing his body at all and the current heat wave has me grieving over the thought of jihyun wearing layers in an effort to hide his body despite it being like 98 degrees and him just suffering through it 😭 I wanna hug him so bad like noo please ur beautiful
I actually one-thousand percent believe that Jihyun has burn scars from the house fire that took his mother's life. We don't know how long he was in the building or how long it took his mother to get him out of the building, there are a lot of specifics we're not aware of from both the game and bonus content, so that leaves us with a lot of real wiggle room to guess what happened.
According to information from Rika's diary, the fire went on for over an hour and using information from Jihyun's Route on Day 8, we get insight from what happened. Jihyun was the only one left inside after the maids and his mother got out of the building. It's a large building, and it makes sense that not everyone would be able to get out and be accounted for all at once.
By that point, Jihyun was struggling to stay awake in the smoke. He's laying in the middle of the flames as he pleads for anyone to help him from the fire and he doesn't realize what's happening because of the lack of oxygen to his brain.
It doesn't take a lot of smoke to leave you disoriented, and it didn't take much for his mother to struggle to catch her breath. That tells me she was stumbling around in the fire trying to find him. Jihyun's mother pushed herself through smoke and fire to carry her son out of the building, too. We don't know if she made it there or if she made it close enough for the fire crews to save him, but what we do know is that she lost consciousness in that fire and never woke up.
That leads me to assume that even though she did her best to get the two of them out of there, being subjected to the flames and all that smoke did no good for either of them. The reason why I think Jihyun's back has scars is because he was crawling on the floor to escape the fire and the flames kept inching lower and lower toward him. It's good to crawl, smoke covers the ceiling first and then that spreads downwards, but if the fire is already blazing, even crawling isn't going to do much.
Jihyun was stumbling through the fire, disoriented, the heat began to get to him, and he ended up crawling to find his way out, and that's how his mother found him. The longer you don't get help with some fire injuries, the worse the scarring can be, in some cases, not all of them, and that's... that's why I feel like Jihyun has scars.
He holds on to the grief of losing his mother in many ways some are more obvious than others, and I think trying to hide his full body is another way of avoiding the shame he holds in his heart for not "living up" to his mother's sacrifice. She gave his life for his and he's been trying to "prove" that her sacrifice was worth for so long, he doesn't even realize that he doesn't have to "prove" anything. She died saving him, not to teach him to sacrifice everything to do the same, but to make sure he had a life to live and experience however he wanted to.
Seeing his scars is a reminder of his mother's passing. It's no wonder he wants to hide his scars. He already can't cope with the grief he has as it is, any reminder of that just makes it harder on him. Sure, it may not be "canon", but it's how I write Jihyun and it makes me bawl when I write VAE content because... well...
Saeran and Jihyun both have survival scars now and that's a hell of a conversation.
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vampiremillk · 2 years
Oh my freakin gosh u are so pretty and mommy material first of all. Secondly can I request some nsfw headcanons of a dom Michael Myers? Can be any version and I'm so bad at coming up with scenarios so forgive me 😭😭😭
╰┈➤ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 : michael myers &&. bratty female reader
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚(𝘀) : MINORS AND BLANK BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT , spanking , teasing , rough handling
𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥'𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 : jsbdnsn thank you so much !!! and don't worry, i got this >:) i personally couldn't choose between, so you can either interpret this as the original, rob zombie's or both ! there are times where i like to contribute aspects from both and write it into one michael because it's easier, so i do hope that's okay with you ! congrats on being the first on my blog to request for mike, by the way ! 🎃🔪
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• it was the third time that night that you raised your voice at him or gave him one of your feisty, little attitudes. he was essentially lenient, but now you were beginning to cross over an already thinning line. it was time that he'd have to remind you of who he was—more so, what he's capable of doing.
• you didn't notice the darkening flare in his eyes when you turned to walk away. not only were you idiotic enough to turn your back on a killer, let alone him, but in the middle of an argument? nah, lady. right when you opened the entryway to exit, his large hand was a bullet that grazed just above your shoulder and slammed the door shut again. even if he didn't speak at all, you could clearly hear a 'you aren't going fucking anywhere' radiating just from his actions.
• with the use of his other hand, your head was then yanked aback roughly by the hair only for your eyes to greet his own, and though his expression seemingly presented itself as calm and emotionless behind that mask, the firmness of his grip presented otherwise. you were quite literally dragged away from the door, letting a yelp claw against your throat as your scalp began to burn.
• you suddenly find your stomach swung across his thighs, your breasts pushed up against the arm of a couch and your pants pooled around your ankles. his finger then curiously hooks underneath the string of your thong and pulls, letting go to view the fabric snap back against your skin. you hissed and struggled, and his hand pushed down upon the center of your back after your attempt to rise from his lap.
• you huffed. "michael! what the fuck are you—?!"
• before you could process much else, you felt a sharp sting that collided with your left asscheek. your body jerked forward and your loud shriek of pain echoed back at you within the empty expanse.
SMACK ! another.
• you wailed again, and it was followed by his signature head tilt and a harsher grip within your hair. he was thinking—plotting. he desired to feed his curiosity for the rest of the way; he wanted to see exactly how loud your vocals allow you to be, or maybe how many of his swats you can endure until you're pleading him to stop. you had just better be grateful your mouth had only gotten you a spanking and not wrapped around his cock. he isn't the most merciful when it comes to fucking your face.
• he loves watching how your ass jiggles after each slap, the ripples that his hand is able to conjure. he isn't concerned that he may just be using all of his strength; you got on his final nerve and he was going to show you how much you did.
• trying to hold back your moans or yelps will only make him hit harder, if such a thing is possible.
• occasionally, he will softly caress the sore, plush flesh of your ass for a few moments . . before another vile smack suddenly comes again. he likes you to feel that he has finally stopped before crushing that hope to pieces. it's for his own, secretive entertainment.
• if he's feeling up to it, he won't miss a chance to tease you, stopping to reach and press a finger against your clothed womb. it was instinctive that your hips pressed back against it, desperately craving to somehow have it inside of you, but he would always quickly pull his hand away. remember, darling, it's punishment. not a reward.
• it may seem like he hates when you give him attitude, but quite the contrary, he actually has some sort of thing for women that have a bit of spice to their personality. giving him a difficult time can be enthralling on his end, and it gives him all the more reason to punish and take his frustrations out on you, especially in the bedroom.
• when he's done, he lets you sit properly in his lap, if you can even sit. with how harsh he was being, it's possible that you were going to have troubles with putting your butt in a chair for several days. but perhaps it taught you not to pull that brattish stunt with him ever again.
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abbofff · 4 months
I'll help my brother or may lightning strike me down
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I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag for what felt like a eternity. My head and guts feels like they were going to explode, I was feeling even worse than last night. So after a while of more suffering, I decided to go to the bathroom to avoid the possibility of vomiting on the child next to me.
The storm raged in the sky like yesterday so maybe Zeus is having some terrible nights himself.
Just a few steps outside the cabin I began to feel the strong gusts of wind hitting me but it were a few more steps away that I began to hear whispers. No one was around, so I gathered that there were voices brought by the wind. They sound alarmed, in danger, so I closed my eyes to tried to focus on from where they came.
My heart dropped when I could herd him clearly.
I started running towards Thalia's tree. I no longer feel pain; the moment the adrenaline kicked in, the only thing I could feel was the hair clip attached to the belt loop of my jeans and the anger which I would lash out at anyone who dared to hurt my brother. I couldn't afford to scream for help or I'd lose track of the voices, so I just ran.
I reached the hill and could see the scene happening below: Percy on the Minotaur's back with Grover barely conscious a few meters away from him.
Percy stabbed the monster with it's own horn and fell unconscious on the ground. I ran to his side to check his pulse and thanked the Gods that he was still breathing. Then, I lifted my head to look at Grover, who was struggling to get on his... no, those where not feet. Grover failed to get on his hooves and fell on the ground.
I put Percy on my back and approached Grover. I secured Percy with one hand and held out the other to my friend. He looked at me as he grabbed my hand and I saw the tiredness and sorrow in his eyes. I helped him stand up, which he did with difficulty so I hugged him around the waist to prevent him from falling.
— In my right pocket there is some of ambrosia, grab some. — I commanded, which he obeyed.
Grover's cuts and limp dissappeared with just a piece of ambrosia but he was still tired and not on his full mental capacity as he seemed very shocked.
I couldn't imagine what they have gone through, but the only thing that I could do right now was get them to safety.
— Grov, it's okay, breath. You are here now. — I reassured him.
I gave a few deep breaths myself as I stared at him. He focused on me and did what I said.
— Atta boy. Let's get you both to the infirmary. Follow me, ok?. — I said.
Grover walked ahead of me, so I focused on making sure he didn't trip and that Percy didn't fall off my back. We walked until we were close to the borders and only stopped when I felt a spear stabbing me in the left calf.
I screamed in pain and knelt on my good leg. I set Percy gently on the floor and looked over my shoulder at a happy couple walking their dog.
I mentally thanked Annabeth for the quick monster guide. I recognized that the monsters were a Scythian Dracaenae, a Laistrygonian Giant and a hellhound.
I stood up to look over Grover's shoulder, we were close to the tree, but not close enough to make a run for it.
— Take him, run to the border and call for help. — I commanded the satyr.
— NO! I'll distract them, you are faster. — Grover shouted.
He was panicking so I grabbed him firmly from his shoulders.
— Take him, please. I cannot lose any of you. I'll be fine, do it.— I pleaded.
Any doubt in him disappeared as I pulled the spear from my calf and ran down the hill.
— THALIA! — He cried out.
I briefly watched over my shoulder as he clumsily grabbed Percy and dragged him to the edge of the barrier.
— Aw, how cute. The little hero wants to help her friends. — The woman hissed.
— No, I just have to buy enough time for an army of demigods can come to whipe you out. — I growled as my sword transformed on my hands.
The couple let out a amused laugh.
— Then just you will have to be enough. — He said, and then he whistled sharp.
The dog was the first to jump at me and the first to disappear as I rolled forward and slashed its stomach with the tip of my sword.
Now I was face to face with the Dracanae who pulled out another spear from nowhere.
I remembered Clarisse's movements, those of this monster were similar but rougher and not as fast, so I could predict them easily. The Dracanae was playing with me, she believed I was inferior, leaving many weak points exposed.
The hard part was the Laistrygonian. It was obvious these two worked together often because he was strategically behind me, so I had to dodge a spear and a pair of powerful fists at the same time with bleeding leg.
Wonderful saturday so far.
She tried to drive her spear into my stomach very roughly, so it was easy for me to sidestep her and land a good gash on her side, making her turn into dust.
I quickly turned to him and I threatened to cut him in his side so that he could protect himself with his arms and give me a chance to cut his knee, which he did. His guard faltered so I took the chance and stabbed him in the neck.
The Laistrygonian had not finished turning into dust when I felt claws dig into my back. I fell face first onto the ground, my sword slipping from my hands and landing a meter away from me.
I turned my head and saw a fury above me and another circulating in the air.
— I didn't know that Alecto had turned soft. — She laughed as she dug her claws deeper.
The other Fury landed where my sword was and she kicked it even further behind her. Then the monster on my back spoke again.
— You live and choose to steal from our master. Your retaliation is way long overdue. Tell me where you have hidden it and I'll try to make this quick. — She slowly dug her claws even more, amused by my pained screams.
I couldn't make sense of what she was saying. The pain and the storm flooded my senses. The only thing that I wanted was to get rid of them and go to check on Percy and Grover. I needed and wanted to kill these monsters.
I began to feel the same thing that corsed trought me the day I met my brother: the air vibrating from the electrical charges between the clouds and the earth and the electrifying rush of adrenaline tingling in my palms.
Then I felt a small tug in my gut and a powerful bolt of lightning struck the Fury and me.
She disintegrated and I got up quickly thanks to the fact that nothing hurt anymore.
In a matter of seconds, the Fury that was circulating in the air a few moments ago was now less than a meter away from me. I dodged her, but my sword was still far from me. She propelled herself towards me with a flap of her wings, and I tried to run towards my sword. I wouldn't arrive in time but the wind favored me and pushed the sword into my hand. The Fury didn't expected this and I took advantage of it to cut her head off.
I didn't even wait for her to fully turn into dust before I started running to camp. I crossed the border and started down the hill. At the foot of it I found Grover along with Clarisse, Annabeth, Luke and other demigods in pajamas. Grover ran to me and hugged me tight.
— Ada! You are alive! — I felt his tears on my shoulder. It didn't bother me, after all, my shirt was already ruined by the scratches and blood.
— I thought you were... — His voice broke.
I hugged him back even tighter and whispered reassurments in his ear for a few seconds, then I moved him a little bit away by his face.
— I'm okay, are you? — I asked.
— Yes, yes, we are. Percy is okay but he passed out. — He said, cleaning away his tears.
Chiron turned to the other demigods and spoke again.
— Thank you all for coming, but your help in no longer needed. Go back to your cabins and rest. — Chiron commanded.
I looked at Clarisse. She was wearing a black "Arizona Wildcats" hoddie, crimson red shorts and some adidas slippers. She was frowning and looking at me funny, as if she didn't understand how I was still breathing. A blush run up my cheeks and I smiled a little with my lips pursed. She looked me up and down, twirled her spear between her fingers and gave me a sharp smirk.
Then I looked at Annabeth and Luke. They still had a tight grip on their weapons and were standing tense. Their eyes switched repeatedly from Chiron to me.
— Grover, take her to the infirmary. — Chiron added.
Luke was the first to snap out of it, sheathing his sword.
— I think she good clothes first, Chiron. I'll go get some. — Luke said.
I looked at my clothes. They were worse than I thought. My left leg was stained with blood from the knee down and I don't think my shirt is any better because I could feel the cold air, raindrops and dried blood all over my back. The good thing is that all the wounds disappeared and not even a scar remained.
— That would be amazing, Luke. Thank you. — I said.
He nodded and got on his way with the other demigods following him. Clarisse and Annabeth where the last to go. Annabeth's grip on her dager didn't falter until Clarisse touched her shoulder and pointed the way to the cabins with her head.
After they left, it was just Chiron, Grover and me. Chiron accompanied us to the door of the infirmary.
— I need to talk with you tomorrow, Ada, so please try to rest now. — He said.
— Belive me, Chiron, that's all I want. — I joked.
Eight monsters in 24 hours were tiring as fuck.
— Goodnight to you two. — Chiron said before he left.
Grover and I entered the infirmary and I hurried to Percy's side.
He was sleeping peacefully, drooling even. I began to caress his hair and saw how there was not a single scratch on him. I smiled and sighed deeply as I felt a giant weight get off of me.
— Are you sure that he's okay? Did Will saw him? — I asked Grover.
— No, one of his older brothers did. He gave Percy some nectar and said that he would be most likely awake tomorrow. —
Grover grabbed two chairs and placed one by my side and the other across the bed.
— Thank you for getting help. How are you? Did the ambrosia helped you? —
— Why do you worry about me? — Grover asked.
I don't understand his question but I know he means it. I struggled with my words, trying to say something that he can understand.
— Grover, you are my friend, of course I'll always care for you. You know this. —
I was the first to approach Grover in Yancy. Nancy was mocking for his weird walk and I stand up to him. Percy had to stop me from punching her, tho. That was the first time we had lunch together.
— Even after all of this? —
— Especially after all of this. I get what you had to do to protect us and you even brought Percy here by yourself. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for that. —
I reached for his hand but he looked down.
— Sally drove us here. I couldn't protect her neither, and I left you alone with those monsters. You shouldn't thank me for anything. — He didn't looked at me but I realized for his voice that he was crying.
It was then that I remembered the car lights when I saw them.
— Sally is... — I couldn't end my sentence because my voice broke.
I moved away and put my back against the back of the chair. I looked at Percy's face trought my tears. Maybe if I had heard their voices sooner she would be still here. Sally welcomed me to her house countless of times, she was there for my mom and me in though times but I wasn't there for her today. It was me who had failed them.
— I'm sorry. — Grover spoke.
I couldn't respond for much that I wanted to. The sobbing took over my breathing and the tears didn't stop. I couldn't even make up my mind on what I would say to Percy tomorrow.
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It was a while until my breaths calmed down. I wipped away the tears off my face although they kept falling.
I looked up to Grover. His gaze was lost in the nothingness with some of my clothes neatly folded in his lap. I didn't even noticed Luke came here, much less that Grover had gotten up from his seat.
— Grover? — I called.
He snapped out of it and looked at me.
— Here are your clothes. — He said as he walked to me.
He placed the clothes at Percy's feet and walked to the stretcher next to us. He moved it closer, a few centimeters away from Percy's.
He didn't looked at my or even said goodbye as we was reaching for the door exit.
— Grover. – I called out louder.
He hesitantly turned at me, his eyes red and puffy.
— It's not your fault. — I stated looking deeply into his eyes.
His eyes glistened again and his lips curled out.
— I'll see you around. — It was the last thing he said before he left.
I looked over to Percy. His drool had reached the pillow and he didnt even noticed. I smiled to myself a little bit before I went to the bathroom to I change my clothes.
When I came back I searched some blankets and covered Percy with one.
My eyelids felt like they weighted a thousand kilos and the burning eyes didn't helped, so I laid down facing Percy on the stretcher next to him. I wanted to reach for his hand, but the eating guilt didn't allowed me to, so just I covered myself with my blanket, hugged my body and closed my eyes.
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bestpartofbe-lie-ve · 2 years
I love the Avatar era on tik tok, the edits r amazing and I literally enjoy all the fuss, but, yk what I'm rlly not enjoying? the amount of people, no, the amount of ADULTS throwing hate and death wishes to Spider.
Putting stupid and messed up captions like "it should've been Spider" or "I wish Lo'ak kills him" and even "Lo'ak is entering his Anakin era, Spider is so done", as if all the hate would, in some way, bring Neteyam back in the next movie.
And my whole problem with all this is the lack of empathy people have over Spider's backstory and EVERYTHING he went through. He was an outsider, an outcast, not only with the Sullys but with the humans back on the lab as well. He had no real family, and even tho he tried to fit in with Jake and his family, they never really cared about him. Not the enough. Quaritch literally took him, abducted him, and even though Kiri was worried, crying for him, all that Jake said was "he's gonna be alright" and then, ofc, he forgot entirely about him. He was more worried about him spilling out the beans about their operations and base rather than his safety. (and, btw, he was tortured and still never gave a single piece of information). Not to mention how Neytiri ignored Kiri telling her that Spider had fallen off the tree.
And the whole "he belongs with his own kind" thing Neytiri had going on was so out of pocket, specially, since his own very husband, Toruk Makto himself, was a human first. And Spider was a little kid atm, a kid playing and trying to fit.
Now, imagine how surprised Spider was when suddenly, out of no fucking where, the man whom he had been told all his childhood was evil, treated him decently. Stopping the scientists of keeping hurting him and melting his brain, respecting his decision to go by Spider even tho human Quaritch wouldn't have given a fuck about his preferences, listening to what he had to say (like the na'vi lessons); even listening to his pleadings on not to hurt, or kill, the clans. And, ofc, the cherry on top: Quaritch saving him from Neytiri, losing his chance over Jake (his WHOLE motivation and goal) even though Spider only cared for Kiri's well being all the time.
And yes, Quaritch may have been manipulating him, I don't doubt that, but Spider is a noble kid. He's noble, kind, caring and would never leave anyone to die not mattering if they're good or bad. Something that makes him entirely different from his dad. He didn't wanted to save him, we literally see him struggling with taking a decision, but deep down he can't just leave him to die. Not when, after all, he's someway his dad, and the one that saved him from Neytiri moments ago. It's a debt, and if you struggle with at least just an inch of daddy issues y'all may be familiar with that sensation of "maybe he's changing, he's not a lost cause. He cares about me".
He's not a fucking traitor. With, or without Quaritch, they would've kept hunting the Sullys. The military lady said it herself, that with Jake being "the leader" they were on disadvantage, bc Jake knew how to strike them. He was already a target, Quaritch had been just the scapegoat to catch him faster.
It was dumb to save him? Yes, definitely. But it's understandable, and wishing that Lo'ak, his literally childhood best friend, kills him after finding out, or Neytiri, it's just messed up.
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
"Prisoner @oboetemasuka ! Milgramblrgram has judged you guilty for your crimes! It is time to meet your judgement. As the wardens' fang, I take that responsibility upon myself!" (Hits you with some good ole OOA angst 👊) TW for Amane's cult mindset and brief descriptions of the injuries.
“Amane, you must – please – !” Shidou’s voice changed from pleading to an icy calmness. “Kazui, hold her still.” 
Amane struggled from his grasp, but there was no hope of success. Even if her little form stood a chance against Kazui’s strength, even if her uniform wasn’t locking her arms in place, she knew she would not manage to draw up any power with all this pain rocking through her body. Her chest stung so that she could hardly breathe. The throbbing from her right eye made her dizzy.
Through her spinning vision, she could see Fuuta nearby. She was struck with the selfish thought that she wished she couldn't. He looked awful. Shidou had rolled him over so he wasn’t lying facedown in blood, but it still clumped in his hair and over his eyes. His arm was stuck at an odd angle. 
“No,” she gasped. “Stop…” 
It was unclear who she was commanding. Shidou? Fuuta? God? Maybe all at once. 
The room wobbled as a wave of pain washed over her. Shidou’s hands were around her face. Though seeking her eye, he may as well have been covering her mouth with how suffocating it felt. Amane shook her head violently back and forth in an attempt to stop him.
There was the ceiling – then Shidou’s face, far too close – a blood-spattered wall – Fuuta’s ginger hair caked in blood – the ceiling – intense gray eyes – the wall – a broken arm – ceiling – scowling lips – wall – ginger fur caked in blood – ceiling – a screaming mouth – blood-spattered floor – a paw bent the wrong way – ceiling – green eyes filled with fire – 
A hand clamped down on her head to keep her still. Her vision swam. She released a cry of anguish. The others probably thought it was from the pain, but she knew how to bite her tongue through pain. No, this was utter frustration.
Then came a glimmer of hope. An angel.
Mahiru stood over her. Amane only had so many people left in this world who treated her kindly, didn't lead her towards sinfulness... and weren’t beaten to death. With the recent turn of events, Mahiru may be the only one left. 
There was some arguing as Mahiru was told to leave, but she convinced the others to let her stay by Amane’s side. She smiled, though tears streaked down both her cheeks.
“It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
That was it. Mahiru had been sent to save her. Everything would be alright.
Shidou’s tone was as cold as the disinfectant he was applying. “Tell her to hold still.”
Mahiru gave her a gentle nod. “Please, you have to listen to him.”
And just like that, the breath was knocked from her lungs. As quickly as her savior had come, she disappeared. Mahiru had turned against her, for the sake of that damned doctor.
Now Amane had nobody left in the world.
She lashed out one last time before her injuries overtook her completely. Her adrenaline was receding.
“This is for your own good.”
It wasn’t. 
She’d experienced things for her own good. When her mother punished her, she’d repeat the reason for it over and over. When her father brought down his wrath, Amane knew exactly why he was doing so. Her teachers would ask her, when they’d finished giving out their discipline, if she’d learned her lesson. It made sense. It was fair.
There was no lesson here. 
One must work towards holiness. Amane had been working her whole life. She’d fought to learn from each punishment. She tried so hard to be good. But now, there was nothing to learn, nothing to strive for. There was nothing at all. Yuzuriha Kotoko was killing her, Kajiyama Fuuta was leaving her, Kirisaki Shidou was dooming her, Shiina Mahiru was betraying her, and there was absolutely nothing she could do. 
Hopelessness was a trial all on its own.
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Something I find funny is that some people/fans say and actually think that Kishimoto didn't know what to do with Kakashi's character after the Pain arc (as if everything that comes after that arc was a last minute invention). It seems strange to me since at no point does the character make you feel that he's in the way or that he's unnecessary in the story. Literally, without him, Obito's revelation would have no weight..
Do people just read/watch with their eyes closed??? Kishi had so many things he had Kakashi doing
Kakashi was the leader of the tactical division in the war with Gai as his second in command
Kakashi was the reason Obito’s big reveal held any real weight. Without him Obito’s reveal would mean little and would have just been better to stay as ‘Madara’
Kakashi was the narrative foil to Obito. Kakashi was the one who lost so much but never gave up, where Obito turned his back to the world upon seeing how broken the system was and what that broken system cost him
Kakashi is the reason Obito got up to fight again, except on the side of the alliance
Without Kakashi Obito’s heart se all would never be destroyed. Chidori is the perfect move for that because it cuts and slices through the body. Naruto’s rasangan cannot do that and a one V One fight between Obito and Naruto wouldn’t have been nearly as meaningful/epic.
Without Kakashi, sasuke and Naruto loss to Kaguya. They were losing. They kept losing. It was Kakashi’s plan that finally allowed them to win.
Without Kakashi, Naruto approaches Danzo about Sasuke and probably gets thrown into a prison cell where he either has to sit his ass down or go rouge to save Sasuke. Kakashi took him out of the village against rules. Kakashi took him to the Raikage. It is because of Kakashi that Naruto got to plead for Sasuke’s life directly to the raikage
If Kakashi had not taken Naruto out of the village Naruto may never have learned the truth of the massacre and subsequently told Sasuke he was willing to ‘bear the burden of his hatred and die with him’
Sakura would have died. Multiple times but most importantly against Sasuke. It was Kakashi who saved her first. Even if Naruto saved her from that, Kakashi saved her from the ten tails attack that killed Neji, the lava dimension, kaguya curb stomping her. Without Kakashi, Sakura is dead.
Without Kakashi, Gai never would have hit his mark when he opened the eigth gate. It was Kakashi who kamuied away a piece of Madara’s shield so Gai could land his kick.
Without Kakashi Danzo becomes Hokage unchallenged, and Konoha is scrambling for a new leader after Danzo’s death.
Speaking of, Kakashi is the only Hokage (before Naruto) who is officially choices not just by those who would follow him (shikaku) but the other Kage’s who would work with him. Kakashi was suggested by Gaara and unanimously agreed upon by every single Sage as someone they could work alongside shortly after Danzo’s Bs was revealed.
Kakashi was made to do so much. Without him the story would be incredibly different. I know some whinners want him to be ‘irrelevant’ or ‘useless’ but he’s not
The story needs him
If Kishi actually struggled to figure out what to do with him, he would have made him a POW like he did with Yamato. He would have simply removed him from the story in some way, rather than giving him a meaningful important role throughout the war arc
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Mayor Buckman x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You have a little crush on the mayor, so you let him teach you how to ride horseback 🐴🐴🐴.
Warnings: Ehhh, unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow and @masqueradeball . Yes an Englund character that is not Jim or Inkubus!, here we goooo. ^^
When you learnt, while you were 'gathering intel' about him (Just chatting with him), that Mayor Buckman preferred to ride horseback then to sit in the back of a carriage, your first thought was to how much a him thing, that seemed to you. Old fashioned and hands on- and you were sure that he had been a cowboy or a ranger in another life so this was perfect.
Then, secondly you realised- that you could use this.
And oh, he was so easy to convince to spend a day with you (Or maybe more if you're really hopeless. Really lucky, more like), teaching you how to ride. You were hopeless at it, after all- which wasn't all-together a lie (you truly hadn't ridden since you were a child and your father took you out for the day. Honest-to-god, you hadn't even touched a horse since then) but it didn't hurt that you bat your eyelashes at him and pleaded your ineptitude a little bit. The Mayor's ego got inflated as expected and he was more then happy to set up a time and a place to meet with you the next day, excited to flex a skill he enjoyed and telling you to dress comfy- you don't wanna get a rash. The rubbin' can be hell, trust me.
For a moment you weren't sure if you were allowed to laugh at that, after all most men think a woman who laughs at dirty jokes is untoward- and did he really mean for it to sound the way it did??- but he seemed to wait a moment for you to 'catch up', an intrigued grin on his face, so you cracked a grin and that earned you a shoulder squeeze that gave you butterflies before he bid you goodbye. For the rest of your day all you could think was God, you liked him.
The next day, Buckman met you in the centre of town looking pleased as punch to see you and offered you his arm. You would walk to the stables together from there, and while you strolled together you got a chance to get a look at what he was wearing. And you were confused.
"I thought we were supposed to dress sensible, Mr Mayor??" You ask, fingers slipping into the nook of his arm.
He was just wearing his usual yellow and green clothes, just with the new addition of a cattleman hat to protect him from the sun (Perpetuating your belief that he's a cowboy in some universe somewhere), which seem heavy and restrictive to you for an activity such as horse riding. Was he?.. not?... going to ride?... Shrugging his broad shoulders, Buckman flashes you a charismatic grin. "Aw, it doesn't bother me none anymore! I could ride in anything, I was only worried about you- those dresses a yer's sure are becoming," Here he pats your hand peering out from the crook of his arm and your heart damn near flies up into your throat. "-but I don't think you'd have a good time on the back of a horse wearin' them. Which reminds me- " He turns his head fully to you, your faces closer then every before due to your linked arms. His one-good-eye flickers so obviously up and down your body, and yet- you don't feel uncomfortable. "You look absolutely lovely today, too. Its not often ya see a girl in pants- but I'm sure you know ya make 'em look better then any man."
... You swear. If this man truly does not know what he is doing to you then he is the densest son of a- "... sure, of course I know. "You shrug, a playful smirk playing at your lips despite the hurricane of butterflies raging around inside you at his words. "But it doesn't hurt to hear it."
"Well- I'm happy to take the responsibility." He winks.
"Alright, now- I gotcha some stairs so you can get up on Annabelle here nice and easy, how's that sound?"
"Very thoughtful." That was a concern of yours- how you might look struggling to push yourself up onto the horse today. Of course, you imagined that Buckman may have to put his hands on your waist in order to help you, which wouldn't be such a bad thing- but this is better. With the little stairs by Annabelle the sweet saddle horse, you don't make a fool of yourself at all! Which is definitely preferable.
Besides, he still holds you hand as you step up. He doesn't let go a few moments after he needn't have been touching you anymore, also, and that makes you grin to yourself as you take up the reigns.
"I thought so. Now!" Buckman gives a clap of his hands, as if to say lets get to it. You take in a deep breath, tightening your grip on the reigns. Here we go... "Annabelle here is one of our nicest beasts, real friendly. Mostly wants t' spend her days grazin- not a big racer. So I thought she might be perfect for you today, hm? Don't be afraid to pull on those reigns though darlin; if she decides to stop and have a munch; you ain't gonna hurt her I promise."
"Mhmm... " You hum, leaning carefully over Annabelle's beautiful, thick auburn neck to give her a pet. Oh, she's so lovely! "Still seems rude... how old is she?"
"Hmm," Buckman screws up his nose in thought and lord you cant help but think he is equally as lovely. "I think Bella has gotta have been with us for uh... maybe around 25-30 years?"
"And what's the lifespan for a sweet thing like her?"
"Probably about 35 years, I think. Whydoya ask, darlin'?"
"Well then I think she's earned some grazin' time, dontcha think? Pretty girl's on the homerun, and this grass looks delicious." Eyes shifting from Annabelle's pointed ear and her big eye and her long, long eyelashes to Buckman; you straighten up again and flash a grin. "I guess if she stops to take a munch, we'll just have to stop too and entertain eachother!.. Can ya handle that, sir?"
Theirs a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a grin slips across his ridiculously handsome features and you feel its a good thing you're on a horse- otherwise you might've lost feeling in your knees seeing it. "Oh I sure can, don't you worry."
Your interactions with the mayor went on much like that for the rest of the day; you would make a hint towards this being a little more then a riding lesson and he would give you that grin and agree- but nothing was every actually said. No admittance was uttered, by either of you. He was being frustratingly opaque and keeping his thoughts on you to himself.
You were being driven mad. The day was lovely, and you felt butterflies basically the whole time (Especially whenever he would touch you- which he seemed to take every opportunity to do. Reaching over from his horse to balance you on yours or help you lead Annabelle in a certain direction, guiding your hands to hold the reigns properly, and giving you those good job shoulder squeezes. Those even turned into hand squeezes the later in the day that it became and the bolder he became)- but you were being driven mad, all the same.
When finally it was time to get off of the horses, Buckman jumped off of his - Thomas, - first and quickly tied him up while keeping up conversation with you. Then he tied up Annabelle and then rounded the horse to where your legs were hanging.
He looked up at you and held out arms. "Well? Come on, off ya hop. Lets go. I'm gonna buy ya dinner, for doin' so well today."
Ordinarily you would be thrilled that he wants to take you to dinner now, but- is he suggesting you literally jump off?? A 14-15 hand-tall horse?? "You want me to- what about the steps??"
He shrugs, and you can tell he's enjoying this- there's an evil twinkle in his eye now. Almost a matching smirk on his mouth, too. "Dunno where they went. C'mon, I promise you'll be fine."
"I'm gonna break my legs springing from a horse like this." You exclaim incredulously, trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness. "You sur, are gonna get my legs broken." All day he's been messing with you like you're a fun toy and and now he's going to get you broken.
This man!! He's so lucky he's cute.
"I'm not tellin' ya to spring off the horse, darlin'. No, no, no... Slide, like a banister."
"A living, banister."
"Exactly. C'mon- I promise, ya wont be hurt."
He is not budging. Oh lord- he's serious.
Chewing on your bottom lip, hands on the saddle on either side of you, you peer down at how far away the ground is and analyse the distance. The chances that you'll misstep and twist your ankle. How you can use this man to break your fall-
Finally after a few moments, and a reassuring look from Buckman, you take a deep breath and release your bottom lip- you don't want to accidentally bite it off when you land. "Alright... but if I trip, I'm taking you down with me. I don't care if you are the Mayor."
"Of course. Wouldn't think any less of ya."
Giving a little, concerned whimper, you carefully pushing yourself off the side of Annabelle. The fall is swift and before you even land, he's caught you; hands on your waist and easing you carefully the rest of the way to the ground so your feet make contact with the dirt softly. Huffing from the short exhilaration of that experience, you drop your hands on his shoulders and, after momentarily gathering yourself, give him a half-amused, half-perturbed look. "... well, thank you."
Under the shade of his cattleman you can see his face clearly despite the glare of the late-day sun, and the 'innocent' look he has pasted there. He gives a shrug and a sigh, and doesn't move his hands off your waist. "Oh, I wouldn't let a lady like yourself get hurt Y/N, come on now. Gimmie some credit, here."
Rolling your eyes, you don't move to step away from him at all either, like you maybe should have. If you were a respectable lady. Standing this close to a man might get you pregnant, after all- depending on the man- "Hm. You're right, I-... " Realising that this is the perfect moment, alone and relaxed, you stop talking. Should you?... should you ask?... "Buckman?" You ask, looking down and chewing on the inside of your cheek.
"Darlin, you can call me George."
"Alright, George... " You take a deep breath, and drag your bottom lip through your teeth before looking up at straight at him; tilting your head to the side. "... look, are you ever going to admit you like me?" Immediately he opens his mouth, but you hold up a finger to stop him. "As more, then a friend."
... for a few moments then he doesn't say anything. And you think for a split second that he's still not going to admit it, and you're wondering why the hell- When a grin spreads across his face.
"Well, I was plannin' to see if you'd like me to court ya at dinner tonight, but- I suppose this moment's as good as any."
"You- what??" Immediately your eyes fall open wide. He was what?? He was going to- He had plans??
"Should I take this as a yes, then, sweetheart?? Hm?... "
"I-... I... " You cant believe it. Yes, he should, but- words. God, words!! They're gone-
Suddenly your close proximity is more comfortable then before, Buckman - George!! - letting go of your waist in order to touch your face, instead. Curling most of his fingers back behind your neck but touching his thumbs to your cheeks; holding you close to him so the brim of that cattleman nearly brushes your forehead. "You are adorable, sweet pea. You take your time takin' this in; I can wait. I'll be right here. But remember," he takes on of his hands off your skin, in order to boop your nose, and winks. "Granny's place closes in a couple a' hours, hm? So if you're hungry... yamight wanna think fast."
Your lips part, still racking your brain for the right words to top him after this- but coming up empty. "... for gods sake." Giving up on words, finally, you take his wrists in your hands and get up on your tip-toes; closing your eyes and kissing him for the first time.
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 18 - Appendicitis
TW: organised crime, (backgrond) character death, poisoning, fever, faining, vomit
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Jonas was a punctual person. Or at least he tried to be. Working as a consigliere he had to be. Any imperfection could be seen as a sign of weakness, and any sign of weakness could be seen as an invitation to attack, and any attack posed a threat to his livelyhood.
So when he woke up with a fever one morning, he couldn't just simply call in sick. He had to show up and show everyone that everything was still in perfect working order.
"Jonas, you're late, that's so unlike you!"
Tito dabbed at his mouth with his napkin, having just finished his breakfast when Jonas walked in. Usually he was already there before he even started eating, briefing him on his schedule and any important news from his organisation.
"I apologise," Jonas said, "traffic was abysmal, more so than usual."
"Oh thank goodness," Tito said, "I was beginning to worry the feds had finally gotten to you."
"I would've sent them straight to you, sir," Jonas said, booting up his tablet and opening Tito's schedule.
"That's my boy," Tito said, "we can do the usual ritual while we climb to my office."
Tito's office was located on the highest floor of his manor, the many stairs acting as a deterrent for any intruders, and a way to exhaust visitors so they would think twice before trying anything to harm the head of their organisation.
Having worked for Tito for years, Jonas wasn't usually too bothered by the stairs, not to mention he could always take it easy while Tito huffed and puffed his way to the top, not having the same stamina as pretty much all of his staff.
Today, however, he found himself out of breath too, struggling to keep up with Tito of all people, while climbing the stairs and talking at the same time. Tito noticed right away. Normally Jonas was only one step behind him, but today he was about two or three steps behind and dropping a lot of pauses in his sentences to catch his breath.
"Jonas, are you alright?"
Tito stopped walking, turning back to face his assistant. Jonas simply pulled a hand through his hair before clearing his throat.
"I'm fine," he insisted, "where was I? Oh right, after the meeting with the chiefs, your wife scheduled the rest of your afternoon for family time— For your daughter's cello recital."
"Oh yes, I'm sure she'll play wonderfully," Tito said, continuing up the stairs. Jonas followed, beginning to notice a stinging pain in his lower abdomen, but he could see the guard by Tito's office leering at them, so he put on a strong face and kept up with Tito as he always did.
It was even more important to keep it together during the meeting with the chiefs. They could be considered upper management, important cogs in the machine that kept their organisation running. Important, yet not irreplacable.
Jonas doubted any of the chiefs would have the guts or even the ambition to make a move if he was only a little bit feverish for once, but today's meeting wasn't anything standard, no. Tito had called a meeting to keep them in line, revealing right off the bat that one of them had betrayed him. He gave them the usual speech about trust and disappointment, before ordering the loyal chiefs to restrain the soon-to-be ex-chief.
That was Jonas' cue to open the terrarium behind Tito's desk, catching one of the small, colourful frogs with a pair of tongs and holding it up for everyone to see while Tito explained in gruesome detail what the frog's neurotoxin would do to the traitor.
The older chiefs knew what to expect and what to do, using the traitor's own belt and necktie to tie him to his chair, cutting the buttons off his shirt and pulling it open before taking a safe distance as Jonas placed the frog on the traitor's knee.
He pleaded, apologised, begged for another chance, but Tito didn't even respond. He simply discussed the options for his replacement with the other chiefs, while the frog slowly crawled around on the traitor's leg before it suddenly hopped onto his bare chest.
Jonas retrieved the frog when the man began choking, indicating that the poison was doing its work. He put it back in its terrarium, throwing in a handfull of extra ants as a treat for the frog to hunt after. He was glad his back was facing the room when the pain in his lower abdomen suddenly came with a strong wave of nausea.
He briefly lost track of the conversation, but composed himself in time to pick it back up. Tito instructed the remaining chiefs to get rid of the body, before asking Jonas for a suggestion on what to do with him.
"We could send him to his family so they can bury him," Tito mused, "unless you have a better idea, Jonas?"
"...send him to his successor," Jonas said, "let the way he handles this be his first test."
"Or hers," Tito chimed in.
"Whatever you say, sir."
He watched the remaining chiefs drag out the corpse, waiting for the door to close behind them before loosening his tie a bit and taking a deeper breath than normal.
"What's next on the agenda?" Tito asked obliviously.
"Lunch," Jonas said, "you insisted to go downstairs for lunch, for your health."
"Me and my good ideas," Tito sighed, before getting up from his desk.
Jonas held the door open for him, and closed it behind them, turning to follow Tito down the stairs, but the motion dizzied him, and he had to pause before he would fall down the steps. Maybe while Tito was having lunch he could find someplace private and lay down for a moment, but for now he had to endure the pain and vertigo and make it down the stairs in one piece without falling behind too far.
Which was easier said than done.
Tito noticed Jonas was falling behind again, turning back to check on him, only to see him clutching his stomach and leaning on the railing more than usual.
"Jonas? Are you alright— Good grief!"
He gasped as his assistant suddenly collapsed and rolled down the stairs, and the next one, and the next one... Each guard in the vicinity was alerted by Tito's reaction and the noise and rushed to his aid. Tito didn't hesitate as he quickly and carefully hurried down as well.
"Don't move him!" he said, "call an ambulance! Check if he's breathing, only move him if necessary!"
He had his frogs in the back of his mind. Jonas knew how to handle them, but was there a chance he had accidentally been exposed to their poison? One of the guards carefully checked Jonas without moving him, only for Jonas to start moving himself, convulsing once or twice before coughing up a handful of bile.
"I have to clear the airway, sir," one of the guards said, before rolling Jonas on his side, "he's burning up too— Is this an assassination attempt?!"
"I'm afraid I don't know," Tito said, "just make sure he keeps breathing while we wait for the ambulance— You had a first-aid class, right?"
"Yes, sir," the guard said, "and you're right, it's the best we can do until help gets here."
"Good, good— Oh goodness!" Tito said, turning away as Jonas threw up again. At least that confirmed it wasn't the frogs...hopefully. He just had to trust they'd be able to figure it out at the hospital.
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Taking a lil break from the dynamic duo to bully their nemesis instead :3
Masterlist Main account
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doevademe · 2 years
So I know you're already doing a prompt from me But heroichalfblood gave me an idea (always giving good prompts this one). This one is normal prompt sized though
The whole person A gets injured and person B goes ballistic and causes chaos except reverse UNO. Percy is the one getting injured and Nico is the one doing the massacring.
Now with a twist! Percy doesn't know that Nico likes him yet. Maybe it's happening in HoO timeframe. Maybe they're in Tartarus instead of percabeth. Percy looks kinda dead but actually is kinda paralyzed and sees and hears everything. Which means he hears Nico crying and whatever he says . Adding the aftermath and how Percy takes Nico caring about him so much and witnessing Nico's badassery and Nico's reaction to Percy being alive and having heard him would be great but is optional
Nico saw it happen almost in slow motion.
The manticore launched its spines, spreading it wide so neither of them could escape. In a split second, Percy jumped in front of him, using his body as a shield.
The dracanae behind it cheered as Percy fell down, eyes wide open.
"Percy!" Nico shouted, desperate, but the son of Poseidon didn't even blink. "No, no, no! You'll be okay, you have to be okay! You have to... you are one of the Seven! You have to survive this, please!"
Percy didn't respond, just stayed still.
"Don't leave, Percy," he pleaded crying. "I... you mean the world to me, you can't just... just..."
"What a sshame," a dracaena said mockingly. "Demigodsss are better when they are sstill sstruggling to live."
Nico stood up. The earth shook as he brandished his sword and monster skeletons started rising.
"It'll be your struggle I'll feast on."
He had already lost his most important person. The world was already bleak enough.
It didn't need those vermin blemishing it further.
All in all, Percy's journey through Tartarus had been going as well as he could have expected.
Maybe a bit better, since Nico had already been through this and had been guiding him and keeping him alive, though he could not dodge every single peril, things had been going okay, aside from having to drink the gasoline-like waters of Styx or die to the noxious gas that passed as air in Tartarus.
And now a manticore had hit him with its poisonous spines.
The manticore seemed quite young, however, and instead of dying, he had become paralyzed.
He couldn't move and even his breathing had slowed to a crawl. He still had his senses intact, which meant he still felt the pain of the spines on his chest, the roughness of the soil of Tartarus, and the warm tears that came from Nico as he begged him not to die.
"He... cares for me?" The thought was almost alien, wrong, and yet it made his chest swell with warmth.
It was a known fact that Nico seemed to hate his guts, even when they were on good terms. The fact that he had chosen to rescue Annabeth and not him was proof enough.
But then... that didn't explain why he had chosen to fall with him to Tartarus, why he had been protecting him so fiercely, and why he was going feral on the monsters who attacked him.
It was both terrifying and, dare he say it, beautiful. Nico was elegant and deadly as his sword slashed away at the monsters while the bony remains of monsters mixed and matched to attack the rest (from his somewhat crappy point of view, he had spied the body of a cyclops, the head of the Nemean Lion, and the arms, legs and tails of hellhounds, Laistrygonians and even the chimera).
The monsters cowered in fear as Nico massacred them, leaving only the manticore.
"You," he said coldly. "Your fate will be crueler for what you did to Percy."
"G-get away!" The manticore shrieked, shooting at him, but the bones gathered around Nico like an armor, deflecting the spines.
"May you never reform," Nico said. Percy felt as if it was half a curse, half a judgement, as Nico raised his arm and the monster started turning into dust on its own.
The bones fell and Nico fell to his knees with them, and started sobbing.
"P-Percy!" He said between sniffles. "I... I never told you how I..."
He continued mumbling. Percy wanted to shake off, to tell Nico he was fine, maybe even to hug and reassure him, but he stayed frozen in place.
The earth shook as a new being came rushing down. Percy wanted to scream at Nico, as he seemed not to react.
His mind went to dark places. Was Nico planning on... 'following' him? Did he not care for his own life.
"Why is friend Nico crying?" The man asked. Nico turned, eyes wide.
"Bob!" Nico wailed, hugging him. Percy's memory jogged at the name. "It's Percy, he... he's not with us anymore!"
Iapetus. Nico had kept in contact with Iapetus.
The titan looked curiously around until his silver eyes rested on him.
"But Friend Percy is right there," he said, confused.
"No, he's... alive?" Nico got closer and put his head on his chest. If Percy wasn't paralyzed, he was sure he would be blushing. "It's faint, but his heart... it's beating!"
Bob got closer and with two fingers took all the spines and plucked them out in one go.
"Olympus above that hurts!" He shouted as he sat up, almost tossing Nico aside. The only thing stopping him was the son of Hades jumping back, flustered.
"That monster was very young," Bob said simply. "Hello friend Percy!"
"Hi... Bob, long time no see," he said awkwardly. He turned back to Nico, who was facing away from him. "Sorry for worrying you."
"Did you hear it?" he asked, voice cracking. "Everything I said?"
Percy debated with himself for a second before shrugging.
"Just bits and pieces," he lied. Nico relaxed. "But now I know you actually like me~"
Nico tensed up even further and looked at him, scared.
"W-well, obviously, you're... my friend, right?"
"It's always nice to hear it."
"Bob, do you know of a place where we can rest? I think both me and Percy need it."
The titan seemed to think it over for a few seconds before nodding.
"Bob remembers a place."
Percy decided to file this conversation for later, when they weren't in literal hell.
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rosietrace · 2 years
My beautiful rose
Event: [ Rosie's 2023 Valentines Specials 💌 ]
Oc(s): Frisk De La Rose, Freyah De La Rose(brief appearance)
Characters: Rollo Flamme, Ace Trapolla(brief appearance), Deuce Spade(brief appearance), Cater Diamond(mentioned), Riddle Rosehearts (mentioned)
Ship: Rollo Flamme x Frisk De La Rose
Warning(s): Takes place after "Glorious Masquerade", Rollo is potentially ooc(out of character)
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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Frisk was nervous. Freyah knew that. But for whatever reason, she appeared more anxious than she usually does.
Hell, it seemed like she'd pass out any minute based on her expression.
Worried for her older sister, Freyah scooted closer to her and gently poked her."Um…. Frisk?" She called.
Yelping, Frisk felt her face flush in embarrassment while looking into the eyes of her little sister. She laughed awkwardly, "I'm fine, Freyah…"
The indigo-eyed girl didn't buy her bluff. But suddenly, she came to a quick realization that could be the reason for Frisk's anxious state.
It had been quite some time since they attended the symposium of noble bell college, and ever since then, Freyah noticed the connection between her sister and the student council president of the academy.
Rollo Flamme.
Freyah thought of him to be an interesting individual. He had his good and bad traits, but the way he treated Frisk never wavered. And it wasn't negative in the slightest.
He actually treated her kindly. She'd even argue that there was some favoritism in the works when it came to Frisk and Rollo.
When they were about to leave the city of flowers, Freyah saw the two of them speaking to one another. Although she couldn't make out what they were saying, she saw the pleasant look in Rollo's eyes as he gazed upon her older sister.
As nosy as she may be, Freyah still respects her sister's boundaries and decided it wasn't important to ask her about it.
Until now, that is.
"Is this about Mr. Rollo "I can turn into fire" Flamme?"
Just from hearing his name, Frisk felt her face go warmer than before. And in an attempt to cover it up, she covered her face with her red hair.
Giggling, Freyah gently patted the back of her sister's head."Frisk, it's fine, trust me." She assured.
Blushing profusely, Frisk sighed."I know but…. I'm nervous for today, cause…" she gripped the hem of her skirt tightly.
Freyah waited patiently."Cause?"
"C-Cause…. He's coming t-today.." It was adorable to see her struggle to even have the words escape her lips.
Freyah grinned."That's great! When's he coming?" She asked, clasping her hands together. Frisk could've sworn she saw legitimate sparkles in Freyah's eyes.
She scratched the back of her head sheepishly."N-Not sure, actually…" she answered shyly, turning away from her sister with a slight frown.
Which triggered Freyah's instinct that told her: "Something's wrong". An instinct she's always had when it comes to her sister.
Forming a frown, Freyah tilted her head."There's something wrong with your lily head, isn't there?"
Frisk stiffened, realizing that she may have triggered Freyah's little instinct."I-Its nothing…" she muttered, standing up from the couch.
Freyah didn't let that slide. She gently took Frisk's hand and gave her pleading eyes."Frisk, please… I know something's amiss." She begged, desperate to help her sister with anything.
Frisk's lips trembled, anticipating for the words to vomit themselves out of her mouth. When she reached her breaking point after a long-term staring contest with her sister, Frisk huffed.
"...... What if he doesn't show up?"
Freyah fell even more silent than earlier.
".... Why would you think that?"
"I-I don't know, it's stupid…"
"No! Frisk, your feelings aren't convoluted and unheard of!"
Freyah's eyes softened from its intense stare."Your feelings are important. As important as adding the necessary drops of milk and sugar into one's tea.." she had her sister sit down as she held her hands tightly.
"You're my beloved sister, Frisk. And I wish for you to speak of your feelings like they're the most important rule in the queen of hearts' rule book."
Frisk pursed her lips, her head hung low. She was hesitant. Hesitant to tell her sister about how she felt.
She trusted Freyah, yes. More than anyone else in heartslabyul.
But she couldn't help but feel anxious at the idea that she had to talk to her about her feelings.
After some time, Frisk inhaled. Deeply. And allowed the words she had been worried about saying, to escape her lips.
"I'm… Worried. I asked him to show up if he wanted to spend some time together if he was free…. But I didn't receive a very detailed response."
"What do you mean?"
"Well- His response… I-It was 'It depends on my schedule, but I can try'. And he didn't elaborate any further…"
Freyah let out a silent 'Oh'."Frisk…. I'm sure he'll arrive. I'm sure of it."
Frisk gave her sister a worried look in her eyes."But what if he doesn't show up?" She questioned.
Freyah let go of her hands and crossed her arms, pouting."That's his loss, then. If he can't see why you're the most beautiful girl in heartslabyul, then off with his head!" She exclaimed, earning a chuckle out of Frisk.
"I wouldn't say I'm that pretty, Freyah…"
"Absolute nonsense, dearest sister! You're as beautiful as the delicate marble chess pieces of the white queen, as radiant as the roses in the queen of hearts' rose maze, as graceful as any type of tea the mad hatter poured out of his tea kettle!"
Hearing Freyah ramble about her gave Frisk a bit of confidence in herself. Not a lot, but enough to be happy about herself to some degree.
She stood up again, a soft, beautiful smile on her porcelain face. One that Freyah, Cater and Riddle adored.
"Thanks, my red queen sister."
Rollo walked down the halls of the night raven campus, patiently awaiting the arrival of the person he came for.
That was until he ran into Ace and Deuce. He knew of Deuce, but not of Ace. And he'd rather not want to try and figure out how troublesome the latter is.
"Ah- Rollo-senpai!"
"Hah? Is this guy from the symposium?"
Ace crossed his arms, feeling skeptical of the surprisingly tall young man in front of him and Deuce.
Deuce bowed awkwardly, trying to show a form of respect compared to Ace."I haven't seen you since the symposium…." Rollo hummed in response, his composure unwavering.
Ace rolled his eyes, choosing to ditch Deuce and walk past Rollo since their conversation wasn't his business to begin with.
"W-What brings you here? Has the headmaster requested your presence??"
"No. I've come here to visit someone."
Deuce was rather taken aback. But that did explain the black box with purple ribbons he was holding."Ah- I see…."
"Rollo-senpai, for-forgive me for trying to pry but who are you here to se-"
Deuce cut himself off, noticing the stunned look on Rollo's face as he seemingly looked behind him.
When he turned around to see what he was looking at, he was taken aback at the sight of Frisk in a dress that had a color scheme that resembled Rollo's uniform. She even went as far as to wear a smaller-sized version of his hat.
After connecting the dots, Deuce's face flushed before he quickly excused himself and ran after Ace.
Rollo didn't bat an eye at Deuce, as he made his way to Frisk, who was smiling sheepishly. And he couldn't help but find her adorable for that.
He bowed."It's a pleasure to see you again, Frisk-san." He greeted, a polite yet gentle smile etching his face.
The smile that made Frisk blush profusely at any given interaction they had together.
In response, Frisk curtsied, her sheepish smile still plastered on her porcelain face."It's a pleasure to see you again as well, Rollo-san." She replied quietly, feeling her cheeks flush a little.
Rollo chuckled a little as he and Frisk began walking into night raven college's main street near the exit.
"I wished it had been you who visited noble bell college. Not that I'm complaining about visiting you in night raven college, of course."
She giggled."I see…. I'm sure the city of flowers remains beautiful as ever." She commented, her smile slowly becoming less sheepish and more gentle.
Rollo nodded."Indeed. I'd wish for you to see it, but I'm not sure if you'd be okay with a relatively long journey."
Feeling bold, Frisk quickly responded."I'm sure it'd be worth it to spend more time with you." At the sight of Rollo's raised eyebrows, Frisk suddenly realized what she just said, and stopped walking. Covering her face in utter shame.
Rollo hummed, feeling rather hesitant about what to do in order to assure her that what she had just said was fine. But he decided to simply pat her on the head with a light tint of pink across his cheeks.
"It's alright…"
"I feel…. Awkward after saying t-that…"
Rollo sighed and invoked eye contact with the red-headed girl."You shouldn't be the awkward one any longer. Especially after what I'm going to do."
Frisk arched a brow, feeling bewildered by Rollo's words.
"What do you-"
She audibly gasped when Rollo sheepishly handed her the box. And she couldn't help but gasp again when she opened it.
Chocolates. A simple yet classic gift for anyone. And not only that, but they were shaped like roses.
Frisk felt her face heat up. And Rollo did as well.
"T-These…. These are for m-me?"
Rollo shut his eyes, anticipating rejection when suddenly- Frisk hugged him. Tightly. He didn't know how to properly respond. Only standing there, stunned, while she hugged him like her life depended on it.
When she eventually pulled away, he finally saw the flushed cheeks she had tried so hard on hiding from him. The way the light radiated against her, the way the wind blew against her long red hair.
She looked enchanting. And Rollo couldn't deny that at all.
She was radiant. In more ways than he could ever imagine. And Rollo felt something in his chest, as if Frisk had enchanted him to the point that she's completely bewitched him.
It was an unfamiliar feeling.
And yet, he didn't seem to hate it. Not in the slightest.
Frisk smiled softly. Gently. Beautifully.
"T-Thank you, Rollo…. Shall we leave for the city of flowers?"
A smile graced Rollo's usually stoic face. One that enchanted Frisk just as much as her smile enchanted him.
"Yes. We shall, my beautiful rose."
@starry-night-rose @authoruio @sakuramidnight15 @fumikomiyasaki @oseathepebble @windbornearchon @geminiiviolets @nem0-nee @twsted-princess
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
Burn For Me - Chapter 11a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Conner Carmichael
I can't believe he attacked me.
I sat in bed, the lights were off and I was staring at the ceiling.
It was well in the middle of the night, the whole house was quiet but I couldn't seem to sleep.
I just kept playing what happened earlier today over and over in my head.
I had felt the heat when it hit me but it didn't hurt.
It should have since it burned a hole in my shirt.
I remembered when we reached the house Cyrus was waiting for us.
Teagan must have already went by because Cyrus rushed towards me, his brows drawn in concern.
"What happened?" he demanded his eyes taking in the damage of Teagan's attack.
"Nothing," I muttered brushing his inquisitive hands off me and continued in the house.
"Connor," he called but I just kept towards my room and closed the door behind me.
The moonlight shone brightly through my window as I lay there motionless in bed.
The snow outside was falling, making shadows dance on the walls.
I could hear the breathing of everyone in the house but my focus was on just one but he was too far away to pinpoint.
Cyrus may have let him free but he was still locked in the basement for precautious reasons.
I honestly for the life of me couldn't think of anything that could make him the way he was.
Something terrible... but what?
'You weren't there. You can't help me.'
Were his exact words to me before he hit me.
"Uhh," I sighed rolling over pulling the covers up to my ears.
This was so frustrating, to have a mate that you would do anything for all because of your genetic makeup, only to have that one person want nothing to do with you.
Not even talk to you.
It hurts your insides, literally.
My wolf was howling in grief and abandonment constantly, over and over in my head.
It was making me mad. When it was too much I sunk into a deep sleep hoping to escape this torment just to be thrown in another.
A boy sat in the corner of a dark room, the only sound were the consisting dripping of the leaky ceilings and his own breathing.
He didn't dare move, which would just cause excruciating pain to serge through his already battered little body.
His skin was raw from the whips and punches and his bones ached from the fractures riddled in all sorts of places.
The screech of the heavy door opened, letting what little light the boy had seen in months.
A huge body blocked it as it stood in the door way.
The light illuminated the boy's dingy living situations, which was just a dirty old cellar with a grimy bed with brown sheets that use to be white once upon a time.
The boy watched as the shadow man throw something in the middle of the room.
The thing gave a whimpering yelp as it landed hard on the ground.
The man threw the door open fully so the boy could see the thing on the floor moving.
A tiny, little wolf-pup struggled blindly, his eyes stilled closed from it's birth days before, on the ground swaying this way and that to get on its paws.
Something else came flying at the boy but this time it made a clattering sound at his feet.
"No," he screamed at the top of his lungs, his throat raw from lack of use and sudden overuse.
"Do it, boy," the deep voice held no fluctuation, just a flat tone.
It was a voice he was all too familiar with now.
The puppy began whimpering, looking for it's mother probably.
"Please. No," the boy pleaded.
"Pick it up."
It was all ways the same.
'Do it, boy.'
'Pick it up.'
Never anything different.
For months now, every day, the same two sentences.
Even though he cried for pity hoping one day the man would get an ounce of humanity back into him but that was wishing for too much.
"Do it, boy."
"I can't," his words wavering from the lump in his throat.
"I'm begging you."
There was a tense silence between the two as the pup continued to cry in the middle of the floor.
It somehow wandered blindly towards the boy in hopes of comfort.
"God please, take it away," the boy exclaimed tears threatening to spill as he shot to his feet, pain shooting through his body as he did so.
He scooted along the walls trying to distance himself from the pitiful creature.
"Pick it up," the man said again as if nothing was happening.
When the boy made no move to obey the man walked in the room picking the animal up, his hand caressed the top of the pups head as if it was the most precious thing in the world, his gaze drifted up towards him.
"Take him," the two words the boy dread more than anything else.
He snapped his head up in anxiety as two more men walked in from outside the room and took his arms each and dragged him from the room.
"No. Please no," he screamed from down the hall as they took him to the place they always did when he refused.
It got worse and worse every day. 
"Do it, boy," the man said as he performed the ritual it seem to become as the wolf-pup was thrown in the middle of the floor.
The clattering of the second object next.
The pup yelp as normal, it jumped to its feet, its wide yellow eyes taking in everything curiously.
It was on a leash now so not to wander off to far.
It scampered around sniffing things inquisitively.
It spotted the quiet, still boy in the corner and trotted towards him in familiarity.
It's cold black nose brushed the boy's cheek as it sniffed him like it always did.
It's wet tongue slipped out and gave the boys nose a bit of a kiss.
The boy stared at the dirty wall giving no acknowledgment of what was happening.
He could barely move from his curled position in the corner, his body radiating agony all over.
He was starting to understand now... it would never end.
The poor creature so ignorant of what was around him, the boy unable to escape his fate.
Even though his body screamed at him he reached over and picked it up.  
It was time to end it and set them both free.
With that he quickly jammed the knife into the weak, fragile rib cage of the creature.
The wolf-pup screeched out the loudest yelp the boy had ever heard from it.
He watched its eyes widen, staring up at him in surprise and pain before they went completely blank as the life drifted from the tiny body and it collapsed to the ground limply.
The boy was shaking all over, every shiver causing white hot pain to travel in his every cell as he sat there watching the dark pool of blood leave the poor animal and on his hand.
'For such a small thing it had so much blood,' he thought.
The man came forward picked up the dead animal from the ground.
The man caressed the top of its limp head like he always did, so precious.
The man's eyes found his as the boy glanced up at him waiting.
He finally did what he asked so what was he going to do?
"Good," the man's deep voice still flat.
With that he turned and left closing the heavy cell door behind him.
The boy stared at the door, his dead eyes unmoving from the metal in the again dark room.
'He did it,' was all the boy could think as silent tears trailed down his dirty pale cheeks.
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mastermojo98 · 2 years
Zhane & Vitani Chapter 5 Gang War
Zhane came home and flopped down on his bed after a long day from school and overheard his mom talking to Vitani about the incident at the mall.
"Poor Vee. She may be annoying sometimes but there is no way she's a thief. I gotta help somehow."
Zhane's cell phone rang, and he saw his friend Tommy calling.
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"Dude tell me it isn't true. Please tell me you did not join Roman's gang", pleaded Tommy.
"Where did you here that", asked Zhane.
"It's all over the school Z, just about everyone knows."
"I'm not in Roman's gang. Not exactly. He didn't give me much of a choice."
"Ugh, Zhane. Your dad died because of gang violence."
"I know that, Tommy. But I'd be in stitches right now if wasn't for Roman. I have serious Trayquel problem remember?"
"Yeah? Well, you're gonna have two thugs on you back if you don't back out of this."
"Okay, okay I'll squash this right now. Maybe I could just be a banger cheerleader or something".
Zhane received another phone call.
"Hold on Tommy someone else calling me".
"Yo, Zhane a big party at the construction lot. We're taking care your problem now", said Roman.
"Wait Roman I have to--".
Roman hung up.
"What did I get myself into", Zhane asked himself.
Zhane walked to the construction lot and saw Roman and his gang scoping the area.
"What's going on", asked Zhane.
"There's gonna be a major throwdown tonight between all the crews in Miami Zhane", said Roman.
"Hmm interesting party. But Rome we have to talk".
"Shh take a look".
Roman handed Zhane his binoculars and saw a rival gang led by Trayquel running towards the center of the lot.
"Trayquel. This isn't gonna be pretty".
"In more ways than one Zhane. Here you'll need this".
Roman gave Zhane something wrapped in cloth.
"It's showtime little bro. This way".
Zhane unwrapped the cloth and his jaw dropped when a pistol was revealed.
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Zhane ran to the riverbank and threw away the gun.
Zhane tried to run home but he got caught in the middle of a huge brawl between Roman and Trayquel's gang.
Trayquel knocked out one of Roman's thugs and saw a terrified Zhane.
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Zhane backed away and struggled to figure out what he was going to do next. Then a light flashed in front of everyone.
"This is a restricted area, all of you are under arrest", yelled a police trooper.
"Dang MPD", someone screamed.
Everyone scattered as Miami cops stormed the construction area.
"Oh man, oh man. I gotta get out of here", said Zhane.
Zhane saw police officers tackle and arrest gang bangers one by one. Some were being tazed and pepper sprayed. He even heard a gunshot that made him trip.
"If I live through this, I will never deal with gangs again".
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"You! Stay where you are", a cop yelled.
Zhane didn't turn around because the police would learn and remember his face if he did. Instead, he ran through the heavy machinery with the cops in hot pursuit until he made to the riverbank.
"I didn't plan on going for a swim, but if I stop here, I'll be in the back of a police car."
Zhane took a deep breath and jumped in the water before the cops saw him.
"Did anyone see where he went", asked one cop.
"Nope look around he's hiding somewhere", said another cop.
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Zhane struggled to catch his breath and thought out loud.
"Man, that was close. That's it I'm dealing with gangs ever again! Forget Roman and forget Trayquel. I'll just have to figure out how to make Bull back off myself."
Zhane ran home in his wet clothes and sighed in relief when the house was quiet.
"Phew. I escaped thugs, cops and made it home in one piece", he thought himself.
"What do you mean you escaped thugs and cops?"
Zhane eyes stretched and turned around to see Vitani smugly staring at him with her arms folded.
"Oh Vitani. Well let's just say that I'm not cut out to be a gang banger".
"What?! You joined a gang? And you got in trouble with the cops", asked Vitani.
"Shh not so loud. No, I almost got maimed by Trayquel Thomas and the cops never saw my face. I was lucky to make it out safely. So, I'm not in trouble or anything".
"Well, you're gonna be. You know mama hates gangs. That's what killed daddy."
"Don't you do that to me Vitani. I don't know I even thought about it, but I'm done with gangs".
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't", she asked.
Zhane paused for a minute.
"I'll help you clear your name at the mall. Remember mom is already crossed with you about that. Do you really think she wants to hear the gang incident too."
Vitani thought to herself.
"You really don't think I stole from Forever 21", she asked.
"Vee you may be annoying sometimes but I know you're not a thief."
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"Fine. If you can prove I'm innocent of stealing from the mall. I won't say a word about you being in a gang war".
"Deal", said Zhane.
The two of them shook hands sealing their deal.
"By the way bro. Take a shower you smell like fish".
Zhane frowned at his sister as she walked upstairs giggling.
"She always has to have the last laugh".
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adammilligan · 2 years
michael did not even fight BACK. do you UNDERSTAND all he wanted to do was live a peaceful little life with adam and when that was ripped from him he resigned himself to his fate and when he died he didn't even fight BACK. he didn't even STRUGGLE he didn't even MOVE
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