#and i just happened to have a tiny tree on my desk!!! so it works out!!!!!
🎁🎄Christmas Elf - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2512>
You'd been at McLaren for two weeks, so that meant unfortunately (or not so much) that you were unable to participate in secret santa with them this year. Everyone had gathered in the break room, leaving you at your desk to carry on working. 
You didn't really mind, since it would have been hard for you or whoever got you if you had taken part. As you stared at you screen, you mindlessly fiddled with the charms on your bracelet. No one else was working, so you didn't feel bad that you weren't. 
It would've been nice to celebrate some of the Christmas cheer, but it was fine. "Hey Y/N?" someone called. You looked up, seeing your boss stood in the doorway. "Yeah?"
"Someone left this under the tree for you," he smiled, bringing the small bag and setting it down on your desk. "But my name wasn't pulled?" 
"I know, but someone was feeling the Christmas spirit," he lightly chuckled, disappearing back into the break room. You looked at it for a moment, pulling it closer to you so that you could peer inside. All you could see was a small white box, and you were curious, to say the least. 
Reading the tag attached, it only made you more curious. 'Dear Y/N, I know you weren't included in secret santa this year, but I figured you deserved a gift as well. I saw this, and thought it would fit perfectly with your collection. Merry Christmas, X'
Reaching your hand in, you pulled the box out and placed it in front of you, trying to figure out what it was before you opened it. You gave in pretty quickly, lifting the lid of the box. You couldn't help but smile as you saw the tiny race car charm for your bracelet. 
You failed to notice the pair of eyes watching you as you grinned, holding it between your fingers. It was absolutely lovely, even the tiniest details were perfectly etched onto it. It was like a like-for-like replica of the cars that were in the show room downstairs, and you loved it. 
You quickly clipped it to your bracelet, and it was instantly one of your favourites that you had. As the whole day went by, you found your eyes wandering down to the charm on your wrist, and you couldn't help but smile at it every time. 
You wanted to know who to thank for the overwhelmingly thoughtful gift, since no one had signed off the card, or left any indication as to who they were. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to figure it out, since someone was bound to have seen the gift be put under the tree. 
Throughout the day, you were still being watched by the person, and he felt that the look on your face was absolutely priceless. His note was just a little white lie, as well. Yes, he had wanted you to be included in secret santa, but that was simply a front. 
He would have gotten the charm for you regardless, but the gift giving in the office provided the perfect way for him to secretly gift it to you. He had been brainstorming the present ever since you stepped foot in the office, and it was not something that was on the every day market. He had to use some connections, but the smile of pure joy on your face was worth it. 
Meanwhile, you had been asking around the office, seeing if anyone had seen the gift when they put theirs down. It took a while, but you eventually located the first person who had put their present down. "Hey Jim, are you free for a minute?" you asked, approaching Jim in the breakroom. 
"Sure Y/N, what's up?" he replied, turning to face you. 
"Were you the first person to put down your secret santa gift?"
"No, there was already one under the tree. They must've been in early," he told you.
"Did it happen to look like this?" you asked, placing the bag that your charm was in down on the table in front of him. "Yeah, that was the only thing under the tree when I went,"
"Did you see anyone else around? Do you know who else was there?" you pressed, desperate to know who had bought you the present. "Sorry, I didn't see anyone else. The first person that I saw was Lando, but that was just after one of the meetings downstairs." Jim explained. 
"But there weren't any meetings today, well, none that Lando had to be in," you eyed him skeptically. "That was just what he said,"
"OK, thanks Jim. Merry Christmas," you smiled as you walked away. Why would Lando lie? He must've had his reasons, but you couldn't think of any point in it. He was Lando Norris, if he wanted to be here, then he was allowed to be. 
He was the star of the show in this place, he didn't need a reason to hang around, he just could. Anyway, your search that had lead to Jim had proven fruitless, so you headed back to your desk after your lunch break had been spent on a wild goose chase. 
After finally engrossing yourself in your work, you noticed someone stood in front of your desk. "Hey Lando," you said, without even looking up from your computer. He had probably just come to ask if you could cancel his meetings for tomorrow or something. 
"Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" he smiled, leaning over your desk with his arms propping him up. You found the grin on his face slightly suspicious, but Lando always had a hidden agenda. He was always up to something. 
"Not bad thanks, you?"
"Yeah, I'm good, I'm good." you replied, bring your hand to your face to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.  "Nice bracelet. I like the car, very apt," he said, grabbing your hand to inspect your wrist. His hands were warm, his fingertips gentle on the skin of your wrist.
"Oh yeah, it's really pretty, isn't it? I'm trying to figure out who gave it to me, you have any ideas?" you asked, failing to see the glint of mischief in his eye. You were completely oblivious, and he was thoroughly enjoying it. 
"No, sorry, not a clue. But I'm sure they'll reveal themselves at some point. See you later, good luck on your quest," he grinned, pushing himself away from the desk and walking away from you. 
"Bye Lando," you replied, and he was gone as quickly as he had gotten to you. You found the nature of his visit slightly odd, but you didn't think anything of it. 
The rest of your day was spent without knowing a single thing about the mystery sweetheart who had given you your gift, and you desperately wanted to thank them for their efforts. You'd spend time just staring at it, as if you were hoping it would reveal its previous owner. 
You were still being watched, the person having a smug smirk plastered on his face. He could see the cogs turning in your head, confusion written all over your features. He'd let the scepticism simmer for a while, and then he'd tell you. 
Or maybe not. He'd see. 
The next morning, you walked into the office to see your desk was different. The best kind of different. Your computer had a string of multi-coloured Christmas lights draped over the monitor, and there was a mini Christmas tree sat to the side of it. 
It was decorated with mini baubles, and had an adorable little star on the top. On the surface of your desk, fake snow had been sprinkled around and it looked like a small winter wonderland right on your desk. 
Placed on your keyboard was another note: 'Dear Y/N, the whole office is decorated, so I thought that your desk could be too. I hope you like it, X'. You put the note in your desk drawer along with the other, hoping you could use them to find out who had given you the gift and decorated your desk.
"Jim? Did you see?" you called out to Jim, who was sat at his desk, typing away at something.
"It was like that when I got here," he said with a smile, quickly turning his attention back to his computer. Nobody arrived to work before Jim, absolutely nobody. And even if someone had, he surely would have seen them near your desk and mentioned it to you. 
"Nice decorations, Y/N," Lando said, appearing at your side, and scanning his eyes over your desk. "Was it the mystery Christmas elf again?"
"Yeah, and it is so cute. I love it," you beamed, "I don't know who they are, and I need to thank them for this. It's just so lovely," you rambled, your eyes shining with delight. 
"Still not close to figuring it out?" 
"No, my best guess is Jim at the moment, but I don't know," you shook your head, Jim being the only logical person. "Jim?!" Lando spluttered, his eyes widening in shock. Out of all the people in the office, you came to the conclusion it was Jim.
"He's the only one who is here when stuff happens. He was here when my gift was put under the tree, and he was here when my desk was decorated," you explained your conclusion to deciding Jim was your mystery Christmas elf.
"He doesn't seem like the type to me, if I'm being honest," Lando diverted his shock and slight worry away from Jim.
"Why not? You know something I don't, Norris?" you teased, nudging him.
"I, uhm, no. I just don't want you getting the wrong idea, that's all," he said, trying to hide the panic in his voice. He didn't want you to know just yet. He liked seeing you all frazzled, confused, unknowing. He was proud of himself for having pulled it off. 
"Don't worry Lando, I know you would've told me if you knew," you smirked, turning your attention back to the people around the office. Not a single on of them looked like the people who could be your mystery Christmas elf, and you were at a loss. 
"Yeah, I would've," he nodded, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself of the fact instead of genuinely believing it. "You're coming to the party tonight, right? The end of year thing?" Lando asked, changing the subject. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there," you nodded, looking forward to your first McLaren Christmas party, hopefully, of many. "You coming?"
"I sure will be," he smiled, "I'll see you later,"
The festive spirit enveloped the office as twinkling lights adorned the words and tinsel sparkled around every corner. Your first of many annual Christmas parties was now in full swing, and your office suddenly didn't seem so bad as your colleagues filled the air with laughter. 
"Lando, you'll never guess what," you said, leaving out any sort of greeting when you approached Lando after finding him in the middle of the party. He had to do a double take when he saw you, for once the lack of papaya bringing him pure joy. 
He couldn't put a word to your appearance in his mind that quite did it justice, but the closest he could find was perfect. Just... everything about you was simply perfect, and the beaming smile plastered on your face was more dazzling than the star atop the Christmas tree. "What?"
"I got a package in the mail from my Christmas elf the minute I arrived home," you excitedly told him.
"Oh really? What did they send you this time?" he asked, glad the plan had been pulled off to perfection. He was very proud of himself, he had been doing a great job over the past couple of days to get everything that he needed to be done, done. 
"Aren't they the prettiest?" you giggled, pulling your hair back to show off the dangling, golden Christmas tree earrings that had arrived at your door. 
"They really are," he nodded, thoroughly satisfied with the results of his Christmas escapade. While Lando's brain was being smug, you couldn't help but stare at him. Yes, he always looked good, that was a given, but he was looking extra snazzy tonight.
Something about that man in suit just hit different. A very good different indeed.  "This person must really like you then, huh?"
"Yeah, and I'd really like to know who they are," you grinned, wanting to know who this mystery person was. They had brought so much light and joy to you in the past couple days, and you wanted to be able to thank them.
"I mean, decorating your desk, sending stuff in the post, making sure yours was the first gift under the tree. That's dedication," he nodded, hoping you'd take the bait and talk about how amazing he- sorry, I mean your Christmas elf was. 
"How'd you know it was the first under the tree? I never told you it was," you said, the pieces clicking together in your head. 
"Did you not? Huh, lucky guess," Lando nervously chuckled, trying to dig himself out of the suddenly deep hole he had found himself in. 
"You didn't have a meeting yesterday morning, did you Lando?" you pressed, finally settling on the idea that it was indeed not Jim, but Lando Norris himself. 
"So why were you in the office early?" you further poked, wanting to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. 
"To put your present under the tree," he admitted, looking right into your eyes. Surely you wouldn't change your mind on the graciousness of your Christmas elf just because it was Lando, right? He just loved bringing joy to you, and seeing you so happy made him joyous beyond belief. 
With a beaming smile, you couldn't stop yourself as you leant in, closing the distance between the two of you. Time seemed to slow as your lips met, a gentle kiss that carried the spirit of Christmas, the joy of the season, and perhaps the hint of something more. 
Your surrounding co-workers pointed and were shocked, but they didn't find it unusual. Lando had been sneaking around the place a lot recently, and they all clocked on a lot quicker than you did. 
As you pulled away, your eyes were locked together, and you couldn't help but share a knowing smile. Looking to your left, you saw Jim stood there, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. Over your heads, he held a sprig of mistletoe. "Really Jim?" you laughed. 
"Merry Christmas," he chuckled back, leaving you and Lando stood there. The party continued around you, but it might as well have just been you and Lando in the room. 
"Thank you, so much," you breathlessly said.
"What else is a Christmas elf for?" he softly chuckled, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
"Merry Christmas," you smiled, kissing him on the cheek. This was, without a doubt, the best secret santa gift you had ever gotten, and would probably ever get. 
A/N - Merry Christmas part 2! I have so many Christmas ideas, but there is only one joyful season per year, and I have a lot of other stuff that needs writing, so it may be saved until next year... We'll see. Would you guys mind getting Christmas stuff in the middle of the year? Lmk! Requests are open, love you loads 💖
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honeypotdrops · 7 months
✿Note from Honey: this is just some crumbs i have to sprinkle for you on a new OC i’m working on, i’ll post more about her background and story soon if it’s wanted but i had to get this one outta the box first- consider this a light snack from me to you <3
✿side note: I REALLY hope you enjoy this- being new to this game, i was so hesitant to post this because i don’t feel as though my writing is to the quality to do so just yet but i just thought WHAT’S THE WORST THAT’S GONNA HAPPEN :) anyway, enjoy!
Disclaimer: literally nothing i don’t think? the slightest mentions of alcohol, soft soft, cute times of people reminiscing about home!<3
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♡ 𝒮𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝒟𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 ♡
OC Calico X Task Force 141
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Missing home was a part of calicos’ daily routine.
During the spare hours of the day she’d be thinking of the next time she’d get to cram onto a busy tube from Victoria Station.
She’d dream of the first time after a long time of standing in the cold and shielding from the rain with her friends outside an overpriced bar in Central London, sipping Prosecco, even though she’s always hated it, but never had the heart to tell them..
She missed the way home made her feel- Some days, more than others.
This was in fact, one of them days.
She was swamped head to toe in paperwork, deadlines, mission reports, “that person’s injured”, “this person wants to arrange a meeting” and the list unfortunately went on..
She huffed and moved away from her desk, throwing her head back and feeling tears form in her eyes and stress taking over her body.
her thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door- 
“Come in!” She called half heartedly.
Gaz struggled as he entered the room, holding a large box, covered in brown paper with small tiny illustrations of christmas trees and Santa hats all over it.
“this, my darling was left, for you” he smiled brightly, dropping the heavy package on the desk making a loud thump as it left his hands.
Calico furrowed her brows, inspecting the parcel on her desk.
“For me?” she replied in disbelief “What for?”
All Gaz responded with was a shrug “No idea, was just labelled as ‘special delivery’ and addressed to you” he smiled softly at her, turning to leave the room.
She forcefully ripped off the paper, the amount of sellotape on this thing was criminal.
with one last pull of the plastic, the box was finally open.
she delved inside, rummaging through layers of red and green tissue paper.
She found a small card, written on it was “To our Frankie”
she flopped back down on her chair, opened the envelope, and pulled out the card. 
There was a picture on the front of two penguins in hats and scarves ice skating around a Christmas tree. She smiled to herself and read the inside;
Home feels strange without you here, we spend everyday missing you and thinking about you, we hope that this helps you in the same troubled times, and we hope it helps you remember the feeling of home..
P.s don’t eat them all at once, and remember to share, we know what you’re like!
All our love,
Mum, Dad and Freddie 
x x x
the tears that were looming over her began to fall, she smiled and held her hand to her chest, the warmth of love radiating inside her, like a glowing orb where her heart once was- 
she wiped her tears on the back of her hand, placing the card upright on her desk beside a picture of her, her parents and her younger brother. 
she got up and dove into the parcel without a second thought, she found all sorts of her favourite goodies and treats she loved from back home that filled the box to the brim.
Dairy milk bars, tonnes of them, so many she’s sure she could start her own trade here on base, wine gums,  boxes of Yorkshire tea bags, biscuits, the absolute lot.
as she dug deeper to the bottom, she found a small printed picture of her and her two friends, Shelly and Kate- it was one of the last pictures they had taken while she was on leave.
The three of them outside her childhood home, arms wrapped round one another, smiles and sunburned cheeks, all with glasses of whatever concoctions they were drinking that night.
she turned the photo over to another message, neatly written in bright pink and purple gel pen with small doodles of hearts and stars around it,
 X O X O
Calico shook her head and huffed out a laugh, she peered into the box where there was two mini bottle of Prosecco and a tacky picture frame that looked like it fell and stumbled out of the nineties, the words “best friends” around the pink and green frame.
she slid the picture in and placed it next to her other ones that scattered across her desk, smiling at the reminders of the people who wished her a safe return home.
She placed the items back in the box and slid it under her desk, taking one of the chocolate bars out and happily munching away while returning to the work ahead of her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Calicos’ day was now slowing coming to an end, she had made a cup of tea with the goodies sent from her Mum and sat herself down behind her computer, shoving another piece of chocolate in her mouth before tackling the last piece of work ahead of her.
Another knock at the door appeared causing her to almost choke on the mouthful of chocolate she had crammed in.
“Yeah- uh..come in” she muffled out.
“Heard you had a delivery love?” Price poked his head round the door, smiling at her with intrigue in his eyes.
Calico squinted “yeah…maybe..” she replied cautiously while swallowing the evidence to try not to give herself away, her Mum wasn’t wrong- she did not like sharing.
“what’d ya get then?” Ghosts’ body moved in behind Price, his dark eyes making her break and her previous innocent look start to crumble slowly.
“Aye don’t be all secretive bonnie, let us av’ a look then” Soap tried shoving his way past both bodies standing in her doorway but failing and only his head appearing below the Captains.
Calico put her head in her hands and laughed at the sight.
“It’s like you lot get the most minuscule scent of a good cuppa and suddenly become like bloodhounds searching for it” she chuckled, shaking her head “is there more of you or-?”
“Yeah, i’m here too i just- i don’t think anymore of us can fit in this doorway” Gaz called out 
Calico rolled her eyes and smiled, motioning for them to come in and sit with her.
the placed themselves round her little space watching intensely, like small primary school children during show and tell, while she showcased the goods she had been sent.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 Tea’s had been made and shared out between the group, biscuits had been dunked and wine gums had been shared, much to Calicos’ disgust but, part of her didn’t mind so much after seeing the happy looks upon their faces.
They spent most of the night snacking away as the sky got darker and the base got quieter.
Calico turned to the box and dug out a chocolate bar she had been keeping for herself.
She peeled back the purple wrapper and snapped it bit by bit, she handed a strip of it to each of them, smiling as she did.
They all savoured it, the taste that was so familiar to them all, reminding them of their childhood, Christmases with loved ones or anytime there was a bowl full of treats on the family table. 
Calico smiled at the sight, she nibbled the last piece and sat back in her chair next to Price.
He sighed contently finishing his last square and taking a sip of tea before speaking.
“tastes’ like home” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Note from Honey: If you made it this far thank yewww for reading <3 i really hope you liked it, i feel like it’s not much but BARE WITH, i have so many ideas for this character.. at the moment they’re all kinda balled up and bundled in a box lmao
Love ya!
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thepouletgalactique · 11 months
Annular Eclipse Fairy / Kreslas Reference
I'm finally releasing a little project I've had in mind for a long time. @ayyy-imma-ninja's incredible universe inspired me, so I decided to make a crossover between our two universes.
I hope you like this little project, @ayyy-imma-ninja 🥺
For now, this is just the prologue. The plot will feature @ayyy-imma-ninja's 3 fairies as well as characters I've invented myself for the sequel. Please be patient~
Warning: this little story is not canon to @ayyy-imma-ninja's, please don't associate what I do to what Meg does. My work is less qualitative than what she produces, so please consider this plot as fanfiction. Respect her work.
Now good reading~✨
(Production dated 11/02/2023)
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-- Prologue Part 1 --
Kreslas : You're not in bed yet?
Gysper was leaning against what looked like a miniature handmade desk, lit by a firefly set against the wall of their den. 
He quickly turned his gaze to where the voice emanated from.
It was Kreslas, crouching at the edge of the entrance.
The two fairies lived in a tree cavity with other congeners of several different species. Fairies tended to live alone; nevertheless, over time, they had organized themselves into a community, like an isolated village in the middle of a forest. Each had its own den to live in, with the exception of the Rain Fairy, who had long since decided to take in the wild Eclipse Fairy, which was frowned upon in the village.
Gypser : And you're back late from your rounds.
Night had now fallen for several hours and darkness had blanketed the sleepy village. Only the gleaming pupils of Kreslas and his imposing silhouette stood out in the night.  
The Eclipse fairy went inside and answered.
Kreslas: The surveillance team and I were quite busy this evening... 
For Kreslas, strange things had happened today, but he preferred to avoid the subject, as Gypser was usually quite anxious. He turned the conversation to what was keeping his companion awake... He approached to look over his shoulder, placing one hand on the other, and asked.
Kreslas: What's keeping you up so late? 
Gypser hurriedly put away the parchments he'd been scribbling on a few moments ago. 
Gypser: Nothing special, I had things to do.
Kreslas raises an eyebrow with an amused smile, he wasn't fooled. In fact, he knew what the little fairy was up to. 
Kreslas: Ho "nothing special” ? Like how to organize food supplies for this winter? You know there's still 5 months to go.
Unmasked by his intentions, Gysper tried to justify himself by stammering. 
Gypser: Autumn is approaching soon, I can feel the seasons changing. Rainy, cold weather is just around the corner. We need to make sure all food stocks are full for the village. And also calculate the expiry of food; organize stocks by type of food; calculate rations; above all plan for emergency reasons; also plan for potential problems and...
Still smirk on face, the big fairy watched him explain himself, gesturing all the while. He straightened up, then crossed his arms, unconvinced by his answer.
Seeing that Kreslas didn't approve of his excuses, he stopped, sighed and placed his hands on the desk. His fingers tightened slightly in concern over the parchments on the desk. 
Gysper: I'm just forward-thinking... And worried... Especially after the thefts that took place there a while ago…
Kreslas: I know, I just don't like to see you so stressed... Don't worry, we'll find who did this.
He says, trying to reassure him. 
Gysper: I'm not so much worried about who did it, but about the repercussions it could have. I've got a bad feeling about this. I don't want the village to be endangered in any way.
Anxiety growing in his voice as well as in his being, he closed his eyes, calmed down for a moment and then smiled slightly. 
Gypser: But I don't doubt you, you've always been a good hunter.
In a burst of tenderness, he rose from his chair and embraced the waist of his partner. 
Feeling those tiny hands clasping me, his heart vibrated from within his chest. Teasingly, he continued.
Kreslas: On the other hand, when the prey come to me on their own, things simplify considerably.
Easily, he lifted him up and nibbled lightly on his neck with his sharp teeth, all the while making comical mouth noises that made Gypser burst out laughing. 
Their sizes were very significant. Kreslas usually towered over the other fairies by a head, measuring around 20 cm/7.9 inch, while Gypser was a head shorter than the others, measuring more like 13 cm/5.2 inch.
They enjoyed the moment embracing each other for a few seconds, before Gypser asked curiously.
Gypser: Tell me what happened, it's not often you're home this late...
Kreslas lifted his head from his shoulder to stare at him. Hesitant to answer, he put him down. 
Kreslas: The patrol and I found a trap... In the stock that was stolen a few weeks ago...
He tilted his head.
Gypser: Do you think it's the same fairy who came to steal? Could it have come from other villages in the area?
Kreslas: No, I don't think it was a fairy, the trap was far too... heavy and sophisticated to be a trap built by a fairy. I also found footprints. Footsteps from "bigger than us".
Gypser jumped.
Gypser: Could they be fairy hunters?! I thought there hadn't been any for a long time! 
Kreslas: It could be one of them. The "bigger than us" are evolving, but we're still desired creatures. The village has faced hunter attacks in the past, so we need to be on our guard. The theft last time may have been a way of knowing that this stock belonged to fairies or an animal, so I was stupid to suggest that the village ransom the entrance...
Gypser: You're not stupid, you wanted to do the right thing to keep the village safe. It's a good thing this stockpile isn't close to the village. We need to alert the other villages around here. 
Kreslas: I don't understand why they didn't warn of a potential intrusion earlier. The day shift hasn't heard from them for a while... They've sent signals again today, with no response.
Gypser: That's really strange... I hope nothing's happened to them. 
A few seconds of thought passed before the Eclipse fairy spoke again.
Kreslas: Tomorrow I'll go and check on you, flying high in the foliage so as not to attract attention. You, spread the word in our village and try to get out as little as possible. We have to be careful.
His heart raced at the idea of Kreslas moving away from the village; he'd done it to parts before, but not in such an urgent situation. 
Gypser: Please, be careful... 
Seeing Gypser's anxiety grow in his eyes, he smiled slightly and stroked one of his petals.
Kreslas: I promise. 
Gysper remained tense all the same. Staring into space, he was already thinking the worst, biting his thumbnail in stress. Kreslas took his hands, slipping his fingers between his own. 
Kreslas: But now it's time to rest.
Trying to dodge Kreslas' directions, he turned back to his desk. 
Gysper: But first I just have a couple of things to finish-
He let out a small gasp of surprise before finishing his sentence. Kreslas had already caught him before he could reach his chair, pinning him down with his arms and lifting him off the floor. A teasing smile played across his face. 
Kreslas: Where are you going? No more excuses now. At ease! 
The little fairy jiggled as she tried to shake him off. 
Gysper: Hey, it'll only take a few minutes!
Kreslas: You always say the same thing and end up falling asleep with your nose on your desk! You can continue tomorrow with a clear mind. 
A small chuckle came from Gypser's mouth, then he sighed, defeated. 
Gysper: Okay, okay, but I need you to put me down so I can change. 
He chuckled before putting it down gently and setting up his extinguisher. Gysper looked for something to change into for the night. 
Krelas, for his part, didn't have any specific clothes to rest in, so he contented himself with watching his partner frantically rummaging through his belongings.
But his attention was suddenly drawn to something outside, far away in the gloom. He began to stare intently at the outside of the den.
An unexplained shiver ran down his spine.
Something was bothering him, the wind was blowing abnormally for him, but he couldn't explain it. Krelas was very familiar with the sounds of foliage from his wilderness days, before he met Gysper. The sound of nature was no longer a secret to him. 
He continued to examine the void, unable to look away. A bad feeling was slowly creeping up on him. Was it paranoia?
Gypser had chosen his outfit and was about to put it on when he watched Kreslas furtively scan the entrance. Curious and concerned, he asked. 
Gypser: Is everything all right? Did you see anything? 
His companion's voice roused him from his torpor, and he shook his head to regain his composure. 
Kreslas: No, everything's fine. I'm just a little tired. Let's get some sleep...
He didn't want to worry any further with unfounded premonitions. 
Yet Gypser's anxiety had not subsided. Kreslas still had some wild attitudes, including his sensitivity to the dangers and things around him.
Just as he was about to ask the same question, a rumbling sounded behind the trees. Something was approaching at high speed, a creature looming up in front of them. The two fairies had never seen anything like it before. 
The creature before them was black with spinning wings, linked on either side by metal rods, producing a deafening din. It also had a sturdy, smooth black frame. A silver logo representing two Laurel branches, a crown and a pistol bullet were visible on its sides. Finally, an intense red light resembling a eye seemed to be watching them intently with lifeless and emotionless.
The creature was facing them. Blocking the only exit, pointing something at them.
Taken by surprise, both were frozen, time seemed to stand still for a moment. Gypser's eyes widened. Petrified on the spot, he clutched his clothes tightly. For Kreslas, the only priority was to protect Gypser. Instinctively, he rushed towards Gypser, hoping to reach him in time. 
Kreslas: Gypser! Get down!
In his rush, the metal monster fired. An explosion followed by a dazzling flash then a thick cloud of nauseating smoke gradually filled the room. 
Kreslas was thrown against the wall of their lair and lost sight of Gypser.
Other vermin of the same type arrived on either side of the village and fired into the other dens. Taken by surprise, few fairies managed to escape. Those who did were either captured by nets and dragged to the ground, or crushed by the flying things hurtling at them.
Disoriented, Krelas got to his feet despite the pain. His head was spinning and nausea was rising in his throat, the shock had weakened him. He groped the walls for his companion. His vision was blurred by the thick smoke and the wounds inflicted by the explosion. 
After a few minutes of fruitless searching, his strength suddenly left him due to the cloud of gas.
Sore and feeling his body getting heavier and heavier, he collapsed to the ground while, outside, the cries of other fairies echoed under the explosions. 
The cold ground kept him slightly awake.
Powerless, he used the last of his strength to concentrate on the surrounding noises, the cries and explosions continuing for a few minutes until silence returned. Then the ground began to tremble, as something climbed the tree where he was standing. A white light blinded him and swept across their now messy dens. Unknown voices broke the silence.
??? : There are still some here. 
??? : They are completely stunned? 
??? : Yep! The drones did their job well, I see.
Kreslas felt his body leave the ground as a large, warm hand reached out to examine him. He barely had time to make out the man's silhouette before he lost consciousness. 
This was the beginning of the end...
-------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Part 1 - Prologue Part 2 (Soon) - Chapter 1 (Soon)
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corvidcircus · 2 years
If you're still taking requests maybe how vergil and dante's s/os react to them coming back from hell eventually after the end of 5? :) I don't know how long they spend there but I know I'd go crazy if it was more than a few months... Love your writing! ❤
The Return
(post-DMC5, by roughly ten months)
Vergil's S/O-
you've been outwardly calm, and internally screaming
you were actually V's S/O
V told you about the whole situation just after he told Trish
the qliphoth was the first time you met Vergil, but he looked at you adoringly, just like V did
he softly assured you they'd be back, and leapt into the underworld within seconds of ending his bout with nero, leaving you scrambling to understand what was happening
you've been working to distract yourself from the fact that he's gone, and the fear he may not come back
you never really got to meet him, and he might be gone for good
it hurts
you hate it
the crew have noticed
you dont sleep well, you wont eat much, you're irritable and distracted
10 months later you are very close to giving up hope
youre on a job and suddenly both twins are just... there?
it throws you off balance and if it weren't for them covering you, things would've gone very poorly
you finish destroying the portal and the stragglers
you stop and actually see him for the first time
you don't remember moving, but you blink and you're across the room, crying, face shoved into his chest, clinging to him for dear life
he stiffens and then slowly returns the embrace
it takes a minute for you to get your breath back
you recognize pieces of the poet you knew, enough to gently tease him
"You're late, and in a lot of trouble," he winces apologetically
"but goddamn did I miss you."
that earns a small smile
("And I, you, my dove.")
Dante's S/O-
you're pissed, at first. mainly because before the Vergil fight you told him not to do anything ridiculously stupid.
mans had 1 job: he failed
after about 5 weeks, you start getting a little worried
the tree is mostly gone, so they must have succeeded in taking out the roots
the longer that goes by the more you think about something Nero said when he told the crew what happened
that they never said they had a plan to get back, in fact he seemed to think they may not be able to get back out of the underworld
the whole arcane research thing is not typically your go to for dealing with demons
why bother when hitting them with a sword is more effective
but without yamato, portals are hard to create, and even harder to control
you spend months running down any option you can think of to at least get to or from the demon world
it takes another 8 1/2 months to finally find something that you think might work
it doesn't
then after passing out, upset and exhausted, you startle awake at the sounds of the doors flying open
you must still be dreaming, because that looks like your devil
who's trapped in hell
cue a dante patented stupid joke to diffuse tension
you quite literally vault over the desk into his arms and just feel that hes back
*hug*"I'm so happy you're back!"
and exactly 4 seconds later
*hitting him repeatedly* "Never fucking do that again!"
Bonus Nero's Reaction-
he's super fucking pissed off
ah yes lets leave the kid (with severe familial abandonment issues) suddenly without his family
remains fairly angry when the topic of either twin is brought up
but the longer that goes by, the more anger becomes distress, and eventually resignation
concerned, but unsure how to help Vergil's S/O
very bothered by the 'empty look' when he does jobs with VS/O
confused, exasperated, but not surprised at Dante's S/O's actions
a little tiny bit scared of the non-stop manic energy DS/O is embodying
first time seeing the twins back, he has way to many emotions to deal with so defaults to anger
likely throws down with either/both
the rage burns hot and fast this time, so the fight is messy and short
basically ends in him storming off and giving them the cold shoulder until someone makes the first move
(probably nero or dante lets be honest here)
*this is the headcannon version, there may end up being fully written one shots later
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readercognito · 7 months
Where in the World is the Real Professor Avalon?
Palladium x Reader
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I had been keeping an eye on Avalon ever since he came to the school, especially due to his entrance. I mean really he could have just talked with Faragonda, or at least cleared the methods with her! While this had made Faragonda and the other professors wary in the beginning they had all warmed up to him rather quickly. Almost too quickly... 
But no matter how much I talked to him there was always something… off about him. Something I couldn’t quite place, and I didn’t like how close Bloom was getting to him. I understand why she wanted to talk to him, she was desperate to understand herself and her powers. Something Avalon had promised to provide answers too. I would be the same in her place, but that didn’t give me any comfort when Bloom would spend time alone with him. So I had been spying on them, I know it wasn’t really the most appealing method. But after Bloom was spelled the first time (recently coming out of Avalons office I might add) I had to make sure that wouldn’t happen again. So I had been keeping an eye on her using an enchantment all of my own creation. Any dark magic that made itself known around bloom would make my ring buzz. Naturally her tight knit group of friends have done their best to keep her safe. But that isn’t enough, plus they’re teenagers. Easily trusting, and easily distractible...
Then a gentle voice pulled me from my musings.
“What are you still doing here?” Asked Athos, leaning against my desk.
The last class had just let out, but I hadn’t gotten around to leaving my classroom just yet. At least I thought the last period had let out, until I glanced at the clock. Just how long had I been sitting here lost in thought?
“Sorry Athos, I guess I just lost track of time...” I said, looking into the amber eyes of Professor Palladium.
We had known each other since I started work here a year or two after my graduation from Alfea. He ran into me during one of the faculty gatherings, spilled tea all over my skirt. But I couldn't hold a grudge, or even be angry really. Especially since he had bought me a replacement only the day after. We became fast friends after that. He asked me out my second year at the school, (after his confidence boosting change in appearance) and we had been happily dating since. Which only Stella and Flora had figured out, Flora because she often stays back to talk with Athos about nature related topics. Stella found out because she is a drama and relationship bloodhound. Thankfully Faragonda (L/n)sn't seem to know of (or mind really) our relationship.
Athos smiled knowingly, "don't worry too much about it. Let's just head out, I want to show you something in the glade." 
That brought a grin to my face, the glade. Correction, our glade. Something Athos and I had found while looking for a plant for one of his classes. It's a beautiful place, a ring of ancient willows surrounding a sparkling blue lake. The grass is covered with clovers and bushy wild flowers. I still keep the four leaf clover he found for me when we found the glade. I spelled into a tiny glass pendant with a gold chain to hang around my neck.
"This isn't another 'surprise' is it?" I asked playfully.
Palladium flushed, "it was one time! I knew I shouldn't have asked that blasted pixie for help." He grumbled.
I let out a laugh, not able to witness Athos' face soften and a gentle blush return to his cheeks.
We are walking through the woods outside the school, nearly to the glade when Athos goes behind me and covers my eyes. Carefully guiding me into the glade.
"Oh, so it is a surprise~" I chortled.
"Oh hush," he said, with a chuckle.
Then with a flourish of his strong yet delicate hand, he revealed the most magical thing I had seen.
Little glowing orbs were dancing around the trees and above the flowers, clearly enchanted to glow and swaying softly to the tune being played by an unmanned harp at the waters' glittering edge. In the middle of it all was a picnic set up on a beautifully embroidered quilt. A dainty tea set with intricate china plates lay on a short wooden tray of sorts.
The gasp of awe was involuntary, Athos grabbed my hand and gently led my frozen feet to the blanket, then swiftly pulled me into him. I was ripped out of my stupor and fell with a shout.
After regaining my senses, looking a flushed Palladium in the eye. He was so adorably red, I couldn't help but laugh. He seemed as shocked by my fall as I did! Athos joined me with a chuckle of his own, then stilled.
Athos fixed me with those amber eyes, brimming with a yet unknown emotion. Those deep, warm, gentle, eyes. Just as I was about to lean in, my ring buzzed.
"Bloom!" I stood with a shout.
"What? What are you talking about?" Athos asked, confused, moving to stand.
"There's no time! Bloom's in danger!" I shouted before quickly teleporting to her location.
I looked around the room I had popped into, seeing Bloom in a yellow bubble. Avalon standing menacingly behind her, face and body glowing with red marks.
"Bloom look out!" I shouted and quickly shot a spell at Avalon. 
But it bounced off the bubble they were in, Avalon letting out a wicked bark of  laughter. Throwing a dark orb of magic at me and everything went black.
Palladium was frantic, what did you sense? How were you able to teleport so quickly to Bloom? How did you know that she was even in danger? These questions and many like it flooded his thoughts as he ran back to Alfea as fast his long legs could carry him.
Athos Palladium returned to an all too silent campus… What horrible thing had (Y/n) been trying to prevent? Was Bloom alright? He only just registered his surroundings before storming into Faragonda, so consumed by his own spiraling thoughts.
"You're looking for (Y/n) aren't you?" She said solemn but matter of fact.
How had she known? But before he could say anything Faragonda beckoned him to her office. Closing the door behind her and walking gracefully to her desk.
"I know about you and (Y/n)." Faragonda started.
Athos' eyes widened with shock, but he remained silent awaiting what Faragonda was going to say next.
"But I believe Professor (L/n) has been kidnapped along with Bloom. That both of them have been taken to Shadow Haunt, I'm not sure what Lord Darkar wants with (Y/n), but I am certain he has every intention to use Bloom's dragonfire to get to the Realix realm."
That answers some of Palladiums questions, replacing his mild panic with a deep sense of dread.
"What do we do now?" Athos' mind was too bogged down with worry to think.
"There isn't much we can do I'm afraid, but the Winx Club is putting together a rescue party with some of the red fountain boys. The same ones that helped when Stella and Bloom went to save the pixies." Said Faragonda almost conspiratorially.
“What? You’re letting them storm Shadow Haunt all by themselves!?” Athos said incredulous, he knew the girls were capable but facing Darkar all by themselves? 
“They certainly won’t be, the red fountain boys will be helping them. Apparently one of them has a connection with the underworlders there… But we are ready to step in if anything were to happen that our girls cannot handle.”
So that’s what they did, Palladium bid the students adieu. Then went to watch them on a scrying spell in Faragonda’s office, with the other headmasters on standby. Which honestly Athos was a little surprised at, he didn’t know that Faragonda had such a long history with them. They were talking with a familiarity only very old friends would have. 
The Winx Club was doing surprisingly well against the Shadow Haunt monsters, the girls even undoing the gloomix enchantment on them. But things got serious when a particularly large monster cornered Stella and Aisha (Layla). That’s when things really got into motion.
With the headmasters distracting Darkars lackey, Athos escorts the girls with the pixie elders. They gather the shards required to create a secondary portal to the Realix realm, but before the girls are able to make their way through, another fairy comes through the portal. A very familiar fairy.
It was (Y/n), but there was something off about her, there was a darkness in her aura. Even her clothes and hair seemed darker, and more jagged than her usual appearance. Then with a growl, she launched a plasma sphere at Aisha, who was only just able to dodge it.
“Professor (L/n)?! What happened to you?” Stella exclaimed in shock. Dodging yet another bolt of magic from the corrupted fairy.
“She must have been affected by Darkar’s magic! He most likely used a similar enchantment on bloom! Hurry girls, through the portal! I’ll hold her off…” Palladium shouted, his hands sparking to life with magic, throwing a sphere at (Y/n). Which she deflected, but the attack served its purpose, the girls were able to sneak through the portal and with (Y/n) preoccupied by Athos she didn’t even notice the portal closing. That was until it was too late…
“YOU SIMPLETON! You think those prissy fairies will be able to stop Lord Darkar and Bloom!? They’ll be destroyed!” (Y/n) screeched, then let out a wicked cackle.
Then Athos and (Y/n) went hand to hand for what felt like ages. Each landing a hit and then returning the favor, it got to the point where both of them were panting, and disheveled. Athos took a good long look at (Y/n). Her (h/c) hair was messy and almost entirely pulled from it’s usual style, giving her a deranged edge to her already twisted appearance. Her skin had a sheen of sweat, and there were several burn marks in her clothes, he was sure his appearance matched. But behind those glaring (e/c) eyes, a familiar spark was seen, one he missed so dearly in the moment. And before he could stop himself he said,
“What did Darkar do to the woman I love?” 
“What?” Said (Y/n) the venom only just receding from her voice. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Athos.
Ignoring (Y/n)’s question Athos asked another question with thinly veiled hope.
“Do you love me?”
“Do I what?!” She nearly shouted, the wickedness in her voice starting to fade.
He could do nothing but smile softly, seeing that familiar spark start to grow.
“Do you love me?” He asked again, a glint of knowing twinkling in his eye.
“You’re a fool!” (Y/n) seethed, but once again the anger seemed more fabricated than the last.
Athos let out a tired laugh, “I know, but do you love me?” Then he continued, “Because, though I haven’t said it before. I’m sure of it now, however strange that may seem. That without a doubt I love you. I love your kindness, and patience. I love just how confident you are, you get along with the students so well! But they all respect you, I can see it. They admire you, and how capable you are. I love you, all of you. Do. you. love. me?”
At those words (Y/n) was bathed in a bright light, making Athos close his eyes due to its intensity. Then as quickly as it came, the light faded and before he could even blink the black spots out of his eyes he felt a soft and warm body envelop him in a hug. Feeling warm and wet tears fall on his exposed shoulder,
“I’m so sorry,” (Y/n) sobbed into his shoulder “I saw- I felt what I was doing, but-but I couldn’t stop! I’m so, so sorry Athos…”
Athos returned the embrace full force, rubbing calming circles in (Y/n)’s back, “Don’t worry about that, I knew it wasn’t really you. I’m just glad I’ve got you back now.” He said soothingly.
“Did you mean what you said?” (Y/n) asked hesitantly.
Athos paused for a moment, a blush rushing to his pale face. He just now realizes that was the first time either of them had said those life changing three words. Just then his blasted nerves decided to get the best of him, his carefully cultivated confidence flying right out the window.
“E-eh, We-well of c-cor-course I did-d” He said, face getting even redder and cursing his blasted nerves.
Not that (Y/n) seemed to mind, letting out a cute chortle and kissing him on the cheek.
“You are wonderful Athos, I love you too.” She said.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I wrote my first full Geraskefer (Geralt x Yen x Jaskier poly) fic! It's a..."it's not really unrequited, Jaskier is just a dumdum" fic. It has a POV chapter for each character.
It is below AND on Ao3 (5k words)
I wrote it as part of a fandom event with @witcherficwriters for @demeter918
When Jaskier fell in love with Geralt, it hit him hard and fast--like an arrow straight to the heart. Yen was different. Falling for her had worked like a poison, like droplets in his wine, building up in his body unnoticed, year after year until he was weak and unsteady.
That was the truth of the matter. But it all sounded so cliche.
His metaphors needed work.
Jaskier leaned against a large oak tree and picked at his lute. Every few notes, he stopped to scratch lyrics on his parchment. 
He needed something that rhymed with venom.
Jaskier was in a forest, by himself, half drunk. His heart ached in the empty place where his friends used to be. Once upon a time, this had all been easier. Simpler. He had known his role and had played it well. 
In the first several decades of his relationship with Geralt, Jaskier was the one who picked up the pieces. The witcher and the witch were always at each other’s throats, always scratching each other’s eyes out. When the fights were over and the dust had settled, Jaskier was always there with a pint and a friendly ear.
Then, after Voleth Meir, things changed. It had felt so odd, drifting away from Geralt, and being there for Yennefer during that cold, brutal phase when Geralt wanted nothing to do with her. Jaskier was the only one left in Kaer Morhen who provided her with any warmth. He was the only one who she could turn to.
If you asked an average member of the public to describe the famous troubadour Jaskier, you would be hard pressed to find someone who would use the terms reliable or constant. And yet? That was what he had been for them--his witcher and his witch. Jaskier had always been their port in the storm. 
And while it had certainly troubled him over the years to see his friends hurting, he found comfort in helping. And, if he were honest, he may possibly have felt a tiny bit smug. A little, itty bit superior. While they fought, he patiently counseled. While they scratched and hissed, he embraced and listened.
The childish, fickle poet got to play the hero.
It had taken the sting out of the unrequited yearning. 
But then the worst thing possible happened. Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg made up. And not just temporarily. 
They grew. 
They matured. 
Parenting Ciri together eventually brought them closer than ever. And about six months ago, Geralt and Yen had purchased a lovely home by the sea. 
Jaskier’s face screwed up like he’d sucked a lemon. He spat on the ground next to him. 
What rhymed with betrayal?
He had always understood that he was the friend, not the lover. It was true that both Geralt and Yen had kissed him at different points in their sordid histories. Each moment was burned into his memories for good. He was convinced that on his deathbed, the phantom caress of their lips would carry him back to the soil. 
But every kiss, every touch that strayed from the bounds of friendship, had always felt furtive. Stolen. They had never spoken of it, and Geralt and Yen had always returned to one another. 
Up until about six months ago, he thought he was fine with that. 
But this new home by the sea changed everything. It was physical, conclusive evidence that they would be settling down together. Making a life. A future. Without him.
After about a month, the dinner invitations began to arrive for him at Oxenfurt. He would sit at his desk in silence and stare at the curled up parchment, picturing sitting around the table with Yen and Geralt. His heart ached with yearning for them. But he would only get as far as imagining what it would feel like to see their clothing hanging together, to sit on the furniture they picked out as a couple, and to witness their contented smiles, before he grew sullen and resentful.
Dinner in the home he was not a part of. 
But he couldn’t say no. There was no rational reason to say no to generous invitations from cherished friends. So he decided to pretend he hadn’t received the invitations. He fled Oxenfurt for some conveniently timed walkabouts. They, however, knew he liked to hang around Posada, so an invitation had arrived for him there. So, Jaskier took off again. And again. And again. That was how he’d arrived where he was, on the outskirts of bum fuck nowhere, drunken and writing shitty ballads. 
He tried to play another stanza, but the notes slipped from underneath his fingers, and dropped like bricks, making a discordant sound. 
It was twilight. He looked at the empty wine flask at his knee. Shit. He may as well stop for the evening and stagger to an inn. Maybe the solution was to get more drunk. Yes Jaskier, he said to himself, that was a wise choice indeed.
“Master Jaskier!” A messenger boy popped out from the bushes.
Jaskier shrieked in surprise. The messenger boy was startled by his outburst, and shrieked in return. He was young, barely out of adolescence, wearing a hat pulled down to his prominent ears. 
Jaskier clasped his chest. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!” He shouted, affronted. “You rogue! You snot nosed, uhhhh,” his brain was foggy, so his voice trailed off, not able to come up with any better insult than uhhhh.
“I apologize sir!” the messenger pleaded, “but I’ve been tracking you for ages. You’re a tough man to catch.”
Jaskier swore under his breath. He thought he’d lost the little bugger. What happened to standards? What happened to work ethic? The messengers were rapidly gaining both, and it troubled him. You could barely escape a legal summons anymore, nor messages from your dearest friends.
“I have another message from Lady Yennefer of Vengerberg and Sir Geralt of Rivia.” He held out a cream colored square of paper. It was a lush envelope this time, affixed with a black and white seal.
Geralt and Yen had designed their own seal to affix to the envelopes and parchments that they sent as a couple. 
It was so very...
Jaskier eyed his lute, instead of the messenger boy. He just needed a word that rhymed with cloying.
The boy waved the envelope impatiently in front of his nose. The slight scent of lilac and gooseberries wafted towards him. Scent was a funny thing. A funny and powerful thing. This particular scent brought very specific memories roaring back to life. It brought back Kaer Morhen, in the wreckage of Voleth Meir, when his arms cradled the petite frame of one raven haired sorceress as she quietly pretended not to cry.
Suddenly, Jaskier felt like a complete ass.
He swiped the envelope, and sent the boy away with free advice to never ever fall in love. He sat back hard against the rock and opened the envelope, reading it against the dying of the light.
It was raining.
Yennefer had not planned for rain.
She straightened the silverware again and smoothed out the napkin. Damnit. She was turning into Tissaia.
“Why is he avoiding us?” she demanded. “We’ve sent him ten invitations by now. He’s gotten at least one, there’s no way he hasn’t.”
Yennefer couldn’t bring herself to speak her real fear aloud. Does he not want us? No. Of course he wants Geralt. Is it me? Does he not want me? A warm hand covered her own. She raised her eyes. 
“He’ll be here,” Geralt assured her.
They sat together, on either side of a table for four. There was one more place setting immaculately staged in front of the empty chair. Geralt and Yen sat in silence, listening to the rain tap on the roof.
“It is so rude not of him not to answer. He should at least say yes or no.”
“He’s an ass,” hummed Geralt. “But he’ll be here.”
Yennefer nodded. He would be here. He would. He would come and she would show him the house that they bought and decorated with care and love, and she would feed him the food that she and Geralt had made with their own hands. She would tell him about the town, how lovely and vibrant it was and how well he would fit in. And when he had seen everything this particular life had to offer him, they would make him a proposition. They would extend him an invitation.
“And what if he does come?” Yennefer blurted out. “What if he does come, and when we make our offer, he thinks we’re some kind of degenerates? What if he laughs, what if he--”
Geralt snorted. “Jaskier?” He laughed. “He’s the worst degenerate I have ever met.”
Yennefer swatted his arm softly. “Well, we aren’t. Not really.”
Geralt leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek. “You’re nervous. Don’t be nervous. And don’t read his thoughts when he gets here. He hates that. If the answer is no, then it’s no.”
Yennefer leaned into his kiss and sighed. The fireplace crackled. The wind ripped through the branches of the olive tree by the window, and it sent leaves flicking against the window. She turned and pressed her lips softly into his. Her eyes closed and she inhaled his warmth, his scent. 
Her dear witcher. Her Geralt. Finally they were getting the chance to rest together. To build a life. She let out a trembling breath as she pulled away and opened her eyes. She gazed at him fondly.
“This is all your fault, Geralt. I blame you entirely.” 
Geralt grimaced and gave her The Look.
“It is,” she insisted. “If you hadn’t brought that beastly little man into my life, if you hadn’t introduced us, if you hadn’t made him marginally more tolerable by your association with him, I would never have taken him more seriously than I ever should have.”
“Yen.” Geralt leaned towards her, looking patient and understanding. 
“He’s a bastard and I don’t even care,” she protested. “And what is more, I never should have.”
“Yen,” Geralt said again, like he was comforting a cranky child. 
It made her feel like a cranky child and her voice grew louder. “And I don’t! I don’t care! I haven’t. And what’s more, I don’t even care if he comes tonight. If he knocked right now, I don’t know if I’d even answer it, I’d leave him outside to drown, and catch cold, and it would serve him right--”
Her tirade was suddenly muffled by the sound of a bang on the door.
Yennefer and Geralt leapt to their feet, rattling the dishes. They stood, facing each other in the candlelight, the moment hanging in the air. Geralt smiled in that way that said I told you so. Yennefer grinned back at him.
The sorceress tore open the door.
There he was, ragged and sopping wet, dripping water onto her landing. The sight of his face after so long was overwhelming. 
“Hello?” he said, though he said it like a question. “You summoned a bard?” He laughed weakly.
“Well it’s about time. Come in,” Yen said. “You look like a wet alley cat, and you smell like it too.”
Jaskier stepped inside, water dripping onto the rug. He looked at her, and his eyes seemed to have gotten even more blue, if that were possible. They stared at one another for a tense moment. This was normally the moment in which he would either compliment or insult her lavishly. 
But he didn’t. He smiled tentatively and he seemed, well, Yennefer wasn’t sure how he seemed. Apprehensive? Nervous? She began to reach out with her mind out of habit. Geralt preferred for her to read his mind rather than to be forced to speak his, so she’d gotten into the habit.
But she felt Geralt’s urgent hand on the small of her back and she yanked her mind back like she had touched a hot stove. 
Jaskier opened his arms, and with a voice that sounded cheerful and forced, said “Well. Don’t just stand there, rejoice! The famous bard Jaskier graces your humble home.”
“Yes, and you look ridiculous.” Yennefer touched the sad soaking feather drooping from his hat. “I think it’s dead, bard.” She tugged on the top of his boots. “And what the fuck are you doing wearing these in this downpour? Are they rainwater collection devices?”
Jaskier yanked her into an embrace. It was cold and wet and jarring. It also made her heart leap with joy and her eyes prickle with tears. Geralt wrapped his arms around the two of them, and didn’t let them go until he heard Jaskier’s teeth begin to chatter.
Sometimes, when Geralt found himself in awkward social situations, he pretended that he was on a hunt. He would gather data with his senses instead of worrying about what he would say next.
This was one of those moments. Instead of letting the uncertain tension in the room seep into him, he looked around and gathered data. 
Geralt sat in his own dining room, at a teak table he had made with his own hands. The table settings had been done by a servant girl called Fiona who came over for a few hours on odd days. She had folded the napkins into birds. They were lined up like little soldiers, ready to absorb the detritus of dinner.
Yen sat to his right. She had on one of those soft gowns that she often wore around the house.  It was a crushed velvet green that made her look like she glowed from within. Whenever she wore it, he had to be careful how he touched her if he wanted to get anything productive done that day. The fabric was warm and flimsy and it drove him insane the way it slid under his fingers. It was a vulnerable, gossamer barrier between his desire and her bare body that felt like it could be removed with just one tug. Whenever she wore it, it was all he could do to keep the wolf in check and his hands to himself.
“I can’t believe you like these old things,” she would sniff. 
But she knew. She loved to provoke him, then trap him between her thighs. He loved that too.
He inhaled, and she smelled as she always did. The scent of lilac and gooseberries had grown to become the scent of home, calming him on contact. Beneath that scent was her beauty potions. She had spent twice as long on her face and hair that morning, though he’d known better than to call attention to it. It was her armor. Her arsenal. It was all in preparation for this; this battle with her fear of being rejected.
That was another thing he wasn’t allowed to speak, but he knew it to be true. Geralt always assumed rejection was imminent, so he was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t receive it. But Yen had more pride than he did. In some ways, she was more vulnerable, though if he said that aloud he’d lose his nuts. He understood though. He looked at her softly, as she faced off with his oldest, dearest friend, her fingers clenching her knees under the table.
Geralt had been trying to avoid really looking at Jaskier, but now he did. He had to gather data, after all.
His gaze settled on Jaskier, and he tried to empty his mind.
The bard had been soaked to the bone, so Yen had offered him a fresh change of dry clothes. It was perfectly logical. But now Jaskier sat directly across from Geralt, wearing the witcher’s clothes. 
The fireplace was directly behind the bard, which was a problem. Geralt’s tunic hung half off one of his shoulders, so the loose fabric was made transparent by the back lighting. The shape of Jaskier’s strong shoulders and the thick pelt he called chest hair was entirely too visible for the witcher’s comfort. The light from behind made his half wet hair look like a bedraggled halo, which, unfortunately, Geralt also found very charming. But most distracting of all was the scent. Jaskier had dried himself, but the subtle scent of fresh rain clung to his skin, mixing with the scent of Geralt. 
It provoked a territorial instinct in the witcher that he was trying to tamp down on. This was a delicate situation, and he didn’t need to add flame to the fire. But it was no use. When he looked at Jaskier in his clothes, a voice within him growled.
Mine. Fucking Mine.
Back in the day, Geralt had never gotten enough of Jaskier to sate him. They’d kissed and groped in the cover of darkness, but things had been so chaotic then. 
Everything then had been about Ciri. About survival. They were on the run from every power hungry bastard on the continent. There had been nothing left for what he wanted. When the dust cleared, he and Yen had made their way back to each other first. They were both focused on Ciri, after all. They had built their bridges. But he hadn’t meant to leave Jaskier behind.
Geralt looked at his friend now, and all he could think about was all the things he had never gotten to do. He’d kissed him. But had he kissed him properly? Tenderly? Like he meant it? Had he even paid attention? And what about all the places on Jaskier’s body that he had yet to touch or see in the beauty of daylight? 
“Don’t you think, Geralt?” Yen asked, voice sounding tense.
Geralt startled. “What, dear?” 
Shit. What had he missed? 
Yen smiled, tight lipped. “Don’t you think this is a lovely area, Geralt? A great place to live? Doesn’t it have a thriving artistic community with plenty of bards and craftsmen and artists around?”
Geralt smiled too. “Yes. Yes. Definitely.” He wanted Jaskier to want to live here, and it seemed like just the thing to say. “Lots of bards.”
But Jaskier looked pained. “Other bards, you say?”
“No.” Geralt blurted out. “No. None. No other bards anywhere.”
Yennefer sighed. There was an awkward pause and he could see the gears turning. She was changing tactics. “How about a tour of the house?”
Again, Jaskier smiled but looked pained. Geralt felt like they were torturing the man, but he wasn’t sure how. He understood Yen’s impulse towards mind reading sometimes. “Yes,” Geralt answered. “A tour.”
“No! No thank you!” Jaskier said, a little too loudly. “I can see it from here!”
Yen and Geralt had already pushed away their plates and begun to stand. They plopped back down again. 
Jaskier coughed and fiddled with his napkin. The little bird had long since unfolded into a shapeless mass, yet his napkin was still clean. Geralt looked at his plate. He and Yen had eaten their entire meals, but Jaskier hadn’t taken a bite.
“What’s the matter?” Geralt leaned forward and instinctively put his hand on the table, reaching towards his friend. Jaskier glanced at it and his face fell.
“I saw the room. When I was changing.”
“Your room?” asked Yen, her voice tight. “You don’t like it.”
Jaskier looked down at his napkin again, as he pinched and twisted it. “I do, it’s lovely. I saw that you put a lithograph up for each of my favorite bawdy houses in each of my favorite cities.” He smiled, and his eyes looked like they were growing wet. “And you put dried buttercups and music sheets.” He finally looked up at them. “It is so thoughtful and kind. You are the best friends anyone could hope to have.”
Yen leaned forward now too. She held Jaskier’s hand until his fingers stopped fluttering. Their eyes met. “Then what is wrong?”
Jaskier looked at Geralt and then back at Yen. “I wish the two of you weren’t so fucking kind. Because that means I must be honest with you.”
“Honest?” Geralt asked. “About what?”
Jaskier slipped his hand free of Yen and sat back in his chair. She returned her hands to her lap, so Geralt reached under the table and laced his fingers together with hers. They were clammy and nervous.
Jaskier looked at the ceiling. “I’m a selfish cunt.” He looked back at them, more confident now. “Alright?”
“Yes,” Yen agreed. “We know that.”
Jaskier continued as though she hadn’t said anything. “I am not worthy of your friendship. Because,” He drew in a slow breath, then released it, “I want more.”
“More?” asked Geralt.
Jaskier swallowed. “Geralt, I have all of these feelings. I tried to deny them. I tried to change them. I don’t want to feel this way.” He was speaking so fast now, Geralt was having trouble keeping up. “But I do. So I am not going to be able to come and stay here just yet, in this beautiful room, not until I can calm this beast in my heart, and can accept the love of your friendship without wanting more. It’s why I avoided your invitations. Instead of answering honestly, I avoided you, and now I must decline your hospitality for the foreseeable future. Because,” he tapped the table a few times, “I am a selfish cunt.”
There was a moment of silence between them, though the fire crackled away noisily.
Yen cleared her throat. “You want more? From who? Which one of us are you talking about? Me, or Geralt?”
Jaskier’s shoulders drooped. “Yes,” he said. “Yes.”
There was a longer moment of silence. It was a delicate, brittle silence, as they all sat, trying to grasp for their next words. Geralt finally broke the silence.
“Why don’t we take that tour of the house.” He slipped his hands around Yen’s waist. “Let’s show him the bedroom.”
Jaskier squeaked a protest. “Geralt, you weren’t listening, please don’t do this to me--”
But Yennefer was up in a flash, tugging him by the hand. 
Jaskier allowed himself to be pulled along because he didn’t want to fight with Yen. But when he stepped into the bedroom, his heart sank, exactly as he was expecting it to.
It was a lovely room. It reflected the elegance and taste of Yen, but it was unfussy in a way that felt like Geralt. The bed was large enough to accommodate a small army. They must have had it made special so they could be as acrobatic as Yen wanted to be.
Jaskier swallowed down the lump in his throat. They could both be so kind, and yet so cruel. He’d said he didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to see where they carried on without him.
Yen was still holding his hand. He focused on her, and immediately regretted it. He felt vulnerable. His eyes were prickling, his throat constricting. And despite his emotional turmoil, he still felt that old attraction to her.
How could he not?
Look at her.
Those incomparable, violet, doe eyes. The softness of her hands. The shameless grace of her low swooping neckline which, from his higher perspective, revealed most of her lovely breasts. They’d been in his mouth once, on his lips.
He cleared his throat and corrected his wandering gaze. “Yes?”
She stepped close. Too close. He became aware of his quickening pulse. He glanced nervously at Geralt. Geralt sat on the bed, leaning back on his hands. He didn’t seem concerned that the love of his life was a bit too close to his best friend.
Yen cradled his face, forcing him to look at her once more.
“Yes?” he repeated doubtfully, his voice cracking like an adolescent.
Yen pushed up onto her toes and gently tugged him down, just as she pressed her lips to his. They were pliant and petal soft, and before he could think, he moaned and clasped her slight waist, clenching her tight.
Yen, lovely Yen, pressed into his lips with her tongue. There was no mistaking this kiss for anything friendly.
Panic came roaring back, and Jaskier dropped her waist and stumbled backwards, covering his mouth. He was too ashamed to look at Geralt. “Geralt,” he croaked. “No. I mean. I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
His back hit the wall. Yen was looking at him like she did sometimes. Like she thought he was a fool, but she was resigned to it. She shook her head as though regretting all of her life choices. “Geralt?” she asked.
Geralt stood up from the bed, almost lazily. He stretched, giving Jaskier a moment to admire him too. He wore a tunic much like the one Jaskier had on. When he stretched, he revealed a sliver of belly. He’d been eating better, and he looked thicker than Jaskier remembered. He looked absolutely divine.
While Jaskier was busy admiring him, the witcher took three long steps towards him. The witcher was so large and broad, but he moved so gracefully that it made Jaskier’s head spin. 
Jaskier tensed. He wasn’t sure why. What would Geralt do to him? He lifted his arms in defeat.
But Geralt was not angry. He did not push him, or anything else Jaskier feared. Instead, the witcher looped his arms around Jaskier’s waist and spun him.
Jaskier felt the room spin and his body drop. Geralt was dipping him. 
He managed to relax and let himself be thrown backwards into Geralt’s arms. Then Geralt leaned down and their foreheads touched, their lips were so close together. 
Jaskier smiled tentatively and touched Geralt’s cheek.
Then, Geralt kissed him, fiery and passionate. It was just like some romance novel. Jaskier let himself go. He sunk into Geralt’s arms and pressed into his kiss. Some part of Jaskier’s mind was vaguely aware that Yen was watching them. 
When Geralt returned him to his feet, Jaskier was dizzy. He was giggling like a schoolgirl, and he was dizzy.
“Do you understand now, bard?” teased Geralt.
Jaskier touched his own lips and looked from Geralt to Yen. “Oh.”
It was all he could say. He was a poet, damnit. A poet.
Yen giggled too. She did that so rarely. It was a fucking gorgeous sound. A girlish, carefree sound that she so rarely made. “Moron,” she said, as she threw herself into his arms. 
Jaskier nodded, in a daze, stroking the small of her back and pressing a kiss to her hair. “I think I get it,” he said, his voice rough.
“There are three pillows on the bed, Jaskier,” said Geralt. He pointed at the bed. And yes, it was true. “There are three hooks by the door,” Geralt continued, “for robes and things--” his voice trailed off.
“We made you a room,” said Yen, voice muffled by being pressed into Jaskier’s chest, “just so you could have your own space if you want it. But we want you to live in this one, with us.”
Geralt draped his arms around them, encircling both of them. “You only need to use your room when you want privacy or need a break.” He kissed the top of Yen’s head. Then he kissed Jaskier’s temple.
Jaskier was never speechless. He always had something to say. But he could not quite believe that life would give him this blessing. After everything they had been through. After the pain, and torture, after the imprisonment, the loss.
He was really going to get to have this.
“Well,” Yen asked. “What do you say, bard? Cat got your tongue?”
Jaskier let his head drop onto Geralt’s impossibly round, impossibly solid shoulder.  ‘I accept,” he said. “I accept.”
Jaskier had, of course, had sex with multiple people at once. When he could afford to, or he was on someone else’s dime, he paid for multiple people to attend to him at the brothels. There were also those nights when he had several fans who wanted him after a performance, and weren’t averse to sharing. He loved the attention, that was no secret.
But this.
This was something new.
He had never made love to two people at once, not people that he would lay down his life for. And while he was aware that some people had more than two individuals in their relationships, he supposed it hadn’t occurred to him that Yen and Geralt might be like that, and for him of all people.
He was nervous at first. But when he saw that touching Geralt made Yen smile, and that touching Yen made Geralt’s eyes darken with lust, he relaxed. 
When Geralt and Yen asked him what he wanted, he was in such shock that he fell back into old habits. He grasped Yen’s thighs and ate her out like she was his last meal, though he had never done that with Geralt fucking him from behind. It was unspeakably sexy. It also made him feel important that two people like Geralt and Yen wanted him like that.
They learned how to move together, they touched one another, kissed one another, and rolled around together on the bed big enough for an army.
When they lay in the afterglow, Jaskier asked if he’d died and gone to heaven. It was truly difficult to fathom that he could have both. Choosing anything was the bane of his existence and it seemed too good to be true that it would not be required of him.
Geralt assured him that when Yen began to use his legs to warm her feet, he would change his tune.
“That’s the main reason you’re here, bard,” Geralt had said. “I was tired of being the foot warmer.”
That night, Jaskier fell asleep with a contented sigh on his lips. 
He was with Yen. He was with Geralt. He was home. Home at the house on the sea.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
In The Dark
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Description: Roach works a relatively calm job as a Park Ranger. At least calm until a series of odd events begin occurring during his shifts, all starting with a murder on one of the back roads and a pair of glowing eyes watching him from the trees.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Horror elements, gore, monsters/cryptids
Pairings: ghostroach (potential for ghostroachsoap later)
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"There he is," Roach huffed, waving off Logan and Jackson as they laughed at him. "Late as usual."
"Oh fuck off," he walked around to the little computer system at the desk to clock in, "I'm like a minute after my time." He gave another huff but finished checking all of his information in, "Alright, you're free Logan."
"A minute after is still late," Jackson teased, leaning against his security desk with a bright grin, "Thats a minute when anything could have happened."
Roach rolled his eyes and turned away from his friend in favor of nodding to a grinning Logan, "Anything important?"
Logan shook his head, "Few cars in the park for stargazing and drive through, they've all been given the rules of no hiking or exiting their vehicles." He shrugged, "Everything looks calm currently."
"Well, let's hope it stays that way." Roach nodded to his friend and, with a quick goodbye Logan was heading out for the night, leaving Jackson and Roach alone. Roach took the time to pack his "lunch" away in one of the coolers from the kitchen as well as grab himself a few waters, chatting idly with Jackson as he did.
"Shit looks creepy tonight," Jackson flicked through a few of the cameras around the park, "You're a braver man than me."
"You're just a scaredy cat," Roach teased. He leaned over his shoulder to look at the various trail cameras that Jackson was monitoring. They'd set them up alongside the roads to better monitor things, which had worked out for Jackson who hated doing the nightly drive throughs. "Its just dark, you dork."
"Dark and creepy," Jackson shot back, "You can't see shit through there."
Roach gave a low chuckle and pushed himself away from his friend, "Well, lucky you get to stay here and monitor the cameras."
"This place is kinda creepy too," Jackson muttered. "I just want you to know," Jackson called as he grabbed his cooler and radio and headed for the door, "If I see some creepy shit on these cameras heading toward here? I'm gone. You're on your own bud."
"You tell me that every night," Roach pushed his way out of the front door.
As it closed behind him, he could hear Jackson call, "I just have to remind you so you don't haunt me if you die!"
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Roach had never been afraid of the forrest. Not when he was a child, running out into the pitch darkness of the trees behind his house with only a tiny flashlight to guide his way. Not when he was a teenager and had to trek through the trails to try and find where one of his families chickens had gotten off to. Not now, when he was an adult and had focused his entire career around the forrest. Perhaps that was what made him such a good park ranger.
He knew the land well. He knew the forrest well. He'd never been scared of the almost overwhelming darkness of the night in the forrest like others did. He'd found a sort of beauty and peace in it. There was something calming about driving through the darkness down the winding roads of the park, watching out for people or animals or anything that needed his attention. The park felt like his home.
That was one of the reasons why he could tell immediately that something was off when he pulled onto one of the small side roads. The particular one that he was on rarely ever got used. Since it just went through the tree's rather than by any particular landmarks, most people avoided it. Roach always checked it though, he knew that because of how little it was used and the easy access to the woods, it would be a frequent place for poachers to try and use. He'd caught five different poachers over the current season, so he knew better than to skip it.
This night he knew that something was different. He could see the tire tracks on the ground from a truck that had driven in before him. And he could see broken branches along the road from where someone had pulled off when they weren't meant to. It spelled trouble for him and he was quick to grab at his radio.
"Hey, Jackson, I'm on Mammoth pull-off right now and I'm worried I may have another poacher through here. Do you have anything on the cams?"
There was a long moment of silence before the radio crackled in, "Camera 40 looks like its blinded," Jackson sounded concerned, "Headlights I think, but looking back it seems like the camera's been blinded for an hour or so at least. Thats a lot time to sit with your headlights on in one place."
"Right," Roach sped up a little bit, moving toward the back half of the road where he knew the camera was located, "I'll proceed with caution. Stay on radio in case I need back up."
He continued around the road, trying to move quickly in hopes of catching whoever was on the road in the middle of the night. He would hope to get them prior to them hurting any of the park animals, but if what Jackson had said was true, he was potentially too late for that.
He sped around the corner to a straight stretch of road only to be forced to slam on his breaks. The tires screeched with their attempt to stop, the sound echoing around the quiet truck.
In front of Roach on the road was a truck. They were facing him, sat sompletely still in the middle of the road. Their headlights were on, the bright light nearly blinding Roach. There was only one thing that he could see clearly with the bright lights shining in his eyes.
The outline of a human figure stood in front of the trucks headlights, silhouetted by the shine. They stood almost perfectly still and, though Roach couldn't see which way they were facing, a tickle at the back of his mind said that they were watching him. That they were staring at him. They didn't move.
Roach slowly reached for his radio, never taking his eyes off of the figure. Something told him not to. "Jackson, I'm at the truck. There's someone here."
"None. They're standing in front of the truck. Headlights are blocking my sight." He paused for a moment, just watching the figure. They were still frozen, completely still. Unnaturally still. He clicked his tongue after a moment, "I'm going to get out and talk to the guy. Stand by."
Roach grabbed his radio and slipped it onto his belt. His flashlight went into his hands as he pushed the door to his truck open and slowly pulled himself out. The figure still didn't move. He shut the door behind him.
"Hi there!" He kept his voice chirpy and friendly, "How are you?"
There was no answer. Roach listened carefully and he noted, with a bit of worry, that the sounds of the forrest around him were silent. No crickets. No frogs. Nothing. Just silence.
He took a slow step toward the figure, "I don't know if you know, but we have a rule of no exiting your vehicle after ten on park grounds." He took another few slow steps toward the man. No answer, when he was about halfway between his truck and the other vehicle, he asked, "Sorry, can you hear me? It's a safety thing, you know? We don't want anyone getting lost and," he hesitated for a moment before adding, "we don't want any poachers out here trying to get to the animals."
He took another step forward, but found himself shocked into a frozen state when the figure suddenly moved. There was still no noise outside of Roach's own breathing and the two trucks running. Roach couldn't even hear as the figure walked along the gravel road.
It circled around the side of the truck and, for a moment, Roach thought it was going to get in. It didn't, it just kept walking. "Hey!" Roach sped up his steps, "I'm serious you need to get back in your truck. He rushed up to the front of the vehicle and, as he turned the side of it, he flicked on his flashlight, shining it after the figure.
The light didn't offer him much outside of the the fact that the figure was tall and broad. There was something else though. Something wrong. It looked like a person. Everything about it was right, all of the proportions and everything. But something about the tall figure with shining golden hair had dread pooling in Roach's gut. It didn't turn back to him, it just kept walking forward before taking a sharp left turn and starting toward the woods.
"Hey," Roach hurried forward, concern quickly replacing the dread in his gut, "Don't go into the forrest! You'll get lost! Can you-" he rushed past the side of the truck and did his best to catch up with the man. By the time he reached the area of the road the man, he'd already disappeared fully into the thick brush of trees. Roach stepped off of the road and up to the edge of the trees, shining his flashlight through them desperately, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man.
"Sir," he called out, "Listen just follow my voice back to the road, okay? You aren't in trouble, I just want to make sure that you're okay!" There was no response. Roach bit at his lip, his eyes following the shine of his flashlight through the woods. Suddenly the light caught on to something, he stopped it suddenly, finding his eyes locked on to two glowing dots through the trees.
He stared for a long moment, almost locking gazes with whatever it was that he was looking at. It was likely an animal, but...it imdidn't move. Just like the man from earlier, it was completely still. Usually an animal would have looked away or tilted its head or something. The eyes never changed positions. They never moved away from Roach.
Roach stared back. He knew he should have looked away. He knew he needed to look for the man who'd disappeared into the woods. Something in his mind told him to keep looking, though. To keep his gaze locked firmly with whatever he was looking at. So he stared.
He nearly jumped out of his skin at a sudden sound from his radio, his eyes shooting down to the little box as his hands scrambled for it, "Roach? How are you looking?"
Roach gave a deep sigh and brought the radio up to his lips. His eyes traced back up to the woods and he realized suddenly that the eyes were gone. It was just the darkness of the woods now. He moved his flashlight around a bit, noting with confusion that the normal noises of the woods were echoing around him again. It was like with the disappearance of the eyes, the silence had gone too. "The guy walked into the woods."
"He walked into the woods," Roach turned back toward the man's still running truck and started toward it. "Left his truck and everything. Still running. I tried to stop him, but he just kept moving." He gave a deep groan as he marched up to the side of the truck and started toward the drivers side door. "I'll check the interior for ID, we'll need to put him in the database as missing in the park. I didn't get a good look, but he was about six foot-"
Roach stopped in his tracks, a cold feeling of horror dousing him. "Roach?" Jackson questioned.
Roach paused for a long moment, just staring. Finally, shakily, he brought the radio back up to his mouth, "Jackson, call local law enforcement out to Mammoth." He paused for a moment, "Tell them to bring the coroner."
"Roach? What is it?" Roach didn't answer. A shiver pulled down his spine. This was not good.
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"Hey guys, any news from the police?" Roach pushed his way into the main office of the building, gaining the attention of the three men inside.
"Roach? Dude you're supposed to be off," Jackson gave him a stern look but Roach was quick to wave him off.
"I don't need time off."
"You found a mutilated corpse in the park last night," Logan raised an eyebrow at him and leaned back against the counter behind him. "I would argue that you need like a week off for that."
"It's part of the job description," Roach moved further into the room, settling in the little group with Logan, Jackson, and Ramirez. "Its not the first time I've found a body, probably won't be the last."
"Yeah," Ramirez narrowed his eyes at him, "but nothing like this. We saw the report. This wasn't a hiking accident or an animal incident. This was cold blooded murder and you likely saw the guy who did it."
Roach shivered a bit, images of a face frozen in horror and pain, jawbone hanging on by only a slight bit of flesh. Throat exposed, spine and esophagus hanging out. Flesh torn. Pieces missing. Not a drop of blood to be found.
He shook his head quickly, brushing off the memories, "The guy disappeared into the woods in pitch black to get away," he shoved his hands in his pockets, "Nature will take care of him. You guys know that just as well as I do."
"Doesn't mean that this shit wasn't crazy," Logan shook his head, "Boss wants us to double up on night shifts for the next few weeks."
"So," Ramirez shrugged, "Even if you're staying, we are too."
Roach gave a huff, but didn't argue. "Well, one of you guys is gonna have to stay here with Jackson, he's probably passing his pants with this whole situation."
"Fuck off," Jackson flipped him his middle finger with a roll of his eyes. "Sorry that I don't want to get murdered like you and Logan."
Roach and Logan shot each other an amused look, "Guess that means Jackson expects you to stay behind." Roach turned to Ramirez with a grin and the man was quick to return in.
"Well, I can't say I'm too upset with that choice. I'd much rather sit in the safety of the office then drive around like you and Walker ranger over here."
"Hey," Jackson flicked clicked something on his computer, "Whichever of you guys takes the south road, I need you to stop at the Rainbow Lake picnic area, the camera there is down."
"I'll take it," Roach nodded, "I've changed them out before, so I should be able to do it without you trying to give me your shitty instructions."
He accepted the camera handed to him by Ramirez as Jackson gasped in mock offense, "Is this just bully Paul day? I'll have you know I give only the best instructions."
"Sure," Roach snorted and slung the camera over his shoulder. He grabbed the cooler he'd brought in with him as well, already fully stocked. "Logan, you leaving with?"
"Yeah," Logan grabbed his own cooler, "following you out."
They said a few quick goodbyes to Jackson and Ramirez before starting outside to their trucks. Roach was loading his up when Logan called out to him, "Hey, before you leave." Roach turned to face the man, raising an eyebrow at him when he noticed his serious face. Logan looked hesitant for a moment before stepped closer to him in a few quick strides. "We weren't supposed to tell you," he whispered hesitantly, "but the guy you found yesterday. Police said he was a poacher, they found guns and equipment in the back of his truck. No animals that they could see."
As much as Roach hated to admit it, the words brought a sick sense of satisfaction to him. At least the man hadn't been able to harm any of the animals in the park. He felt bad, but one less poacher in the world was one less problem to him.
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"Jackson," Roach radioed in as he hopped out of his truck and started toward the little picnic area, "I'm about to change the camera out, I'll radio when finished so you can tell me how it looks."
"Copy, keep aware of your surroundings." Roach snorted a bit at the words, but didn't respond.
His flashlight lit the dark path down to the picnic area. It was a short little hike from his truck made slightly more difficult by the overwhelming darkness that surrounded him. The picnic area was one of the more popular ones for guests at the park, so he wasn't too surprised that something had gone wrong with the camera. They often had to switch it out because some nosy kid had tried to tear it from the tree while their parents just watched.
The picnic area was quiet so Roach took to humming to himself as he made his way toward the camera to start slowly unscrewing it from its stand. When he was finally able to pull it down from the tree and shine his light on it, he was met with immediate confusion.
The camera wasn't just broken. It was completely shattered. Pieces of it hung out and splintered off as though a heavy creature had walked by and stepped on it. That or someone had come through and slammed it with a baseball bat several times. He twisted it around in his hands, concern written across his face.
A sense of something came over him again and, similar to the night before, he noticed suddenly the complete silence around him. Not a sound. No crickets. No frogs. Not even the sound of the trees rustling in the wind. Only his own breathing could be heard.
Hesitantly, he picked up his radio. "Jackson, send Logan around to the lake. I think there's something-"
He yelped suddenly and span around as quick as he could. His feet got caught together with the speed in which he moved and he found himself tumbling to the ground, his breathing heavy. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He was sure that he'd felt something brush up behind him. Sure that he'd felt a hand brush softly against the back of his neck.
There was nothing. Not a person. Not even the outline of footprints in the gravel he'd fallen into. He took several deep breaths from his place on the ground, moving his flashlight across the area in front of him in long sweeps. There was nothing.
He slowly pushed himself from the ground, listening to the crackle of Jackson calling his name through the radio. "I'm fine," he called over the radio, "Sorry I just," his flashlight caught the glint of something shiny on one of the picnic tables and he started toward it carefully. It hadn't been there moments ago. "I'm fine," he confirmed, "just took a tumble."
"Thank fuck," Jackson gave a sigh of relief over the line, "Scared the shit out of me, Sanderson. Logan's on his way to you now."
"Good, good." Roach stepped up to the picnic and looked down at the little item sitting neatly on the table. He blinked at it for several moments before reaching out to hesitantly pick it up.
His fingers felt over the smoothness of the little crystal. Amethyst. It was a sizeable chunk, about the size of Roach's hand, and overwhelmingly shiny. Almost like it had been painstakingly polished. He turned it in his hands, feeling a bit of awe blossoming in his chest at the offshoots of purple, grey, and white.
There was a snap of a twig in the woods in front of him and Roach was quick to look up, his heart beating faster in his chest. The noise had ricocheted through the silence like a gunshot, immediately gaining his attention. He moved to shine his flashlight through the woods where the sound came from and he found himself pausing as he met the gaze of two flashing eyes.
They didn't move. They just watched. Just like the night before. Roach didn't move either, he just locked gazes with the creature. It was much closer now than it had been the night before, and yet Roach didn't feel any fear. He just paused, watching the creatures unmoving form. He could see its outline now. Similar to a wolf, but much much larger.
There was a long moment where nothing happened. Roach wasn't quite sure what to do. The creature seemed to understand his hesitation and Roach could see as it began to slowly stalk forward. It moved carefully and, even through the darkness, Roach could see how powerful it clearly was. It drew closer, then stopped suddenly, still hidden in the woods.
It tilted its head at him before giving a quick nod downward. Roach followed the motion, his eyes trailing down to the crystal in his hand. He stared at it for another long moment before looking back up at the creature. It was watching him carefully and something suddenly snapped into place for him.
"Is this," he started hesitantly, "for me?" He felt a bit silly asking the random creature in the woods if the crystal was for him. The creature wouldn't answer, it was just an animal. It couldn't understand him.
And yet, the creature gave a jerk of its head, similar to a nod, and Roach felt like it had understood him. Like whatever was looking at him through the woods was able to communicate with him. Was able to talk and was telling him that the crystal in his hands was meant for him.
Roach looked back down at the crystal before back up to the creature, "Thank you." He gripped tighter to the crystal and felt embarrassment run through him when he realized that he was flushed red at the percieved gift, "It's beautiful."
There was another long moment, the creature and Roach just watched one another. It moved again, starting forward slowly.
"Roach?" Roach turned his head suddenly to the pathway, spotting Logan watching him with concerned eyes, "Jackson said you needed help?"
Roach could hear suddenly the noises of the forrest return. The silence was gone and, when he turned to look back into the woods, the creature was gone with it. He hesitated for a moment, looking in the woods again to try and find the creature. He felt almost disappointed when his search came up with nothing. He brushed it off and turned toward Logan, "Yeah." He started forward, tucking the piece of amethyst into his pocket as he moved toward the man. No one but him needed to know about it.
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asyastudieskorean · 1 year
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9/20/2023 — Hello, studying world. Today I start my journey of learning Korean with my first university Korean class (online). We didn't have any work on the first day, so all I did was read the syllabus (the most basic, non-informative syllabus I've ever read, ha), set up my new desk space, and updated my student bio on Canvas. I haven't been a college student for about 3 years, so it felt like I accomplished a lot. When the readings and assignments start coming in, I'm sure reality will hit.
I've always wanted to learn Korean, and my goal is to reach a near-fluent level, but I know it'll be hard, especially with my full-time work priorities. Eventually, being able to teach and work in translation is my goal. FYI, Chinese, Thai, and Japanese are on my list, too, but I'll be realistic and focus on one language for the foreseeable future.
Last week, as it so happens, I had to move from my family and childhood home, and I am lacking in the positivity department rn, so I think having a place to chronicle my studies and the progress I make will be good for me. I tend to start a new blog on here when I'm having a hard time, and it helps.
So, the plan is to take two full academic years of Korean (that's 3 quarters per year at my university). That's just how much Korean the school offers. I graduated in 2020 from this same university with a BA in English with a focus on professional and creative writing, and I really enjoyed the overall experience studying here.
I spent a whole lot of time obsessing over grammar, reading new and old literature, trying to understand poetry, and just enjoying the inner peace I felt when writing fiction. It was maybe my most happy time because I had no other real responsibilities or worries besides school. All I did was read and write.
Anyhow, fast forward to now, after pondering different language learning options (which are limited in my area), I decided to take my Korean classes at the university level because the classes will show up on my official university transcripts, and I imagine that will be best when I apply for future Korean-related jobs. I am also hoping that by taking university-level language classes, they will have some sort of superior level of... intensity? accuracy? efficiency? Something like that. Granted, this route isn't the best for my finances, as there is no aid for non-matriculated post-grads, and the cost of a single class is quite ridiculous. But alas, here I am, with an empty wallet and hope in my eyes.
Upon reading the syllabus today, which could basically be summarized as "TBD," I realized the textbook I bought, the textbook I waited over a week for, the one listed on the online course materials list, is, in fact, not the correct textbook.
And, icing on the bitter cake, the correct textbook appears to be a rare Pokémon that isn't available anywhere except the dark corners of eBay, where shipping will take at least 2 weeks. Like how did other students get this? Did they order it two months in advance? Meanwhile, I have my first assignments and readings due Monday.
I quite literally just sent an email to my professor and asked what I should do, so we'll see what she says, but I really wasn't hoping to be that one student, emailing the professor about an issue on day 1.
Since this is my first post here, here also is a tiny bit about me:
My name is Asya ("Asia"), and I'm a 24-year-old English grad based in Washington; no, not the one followed by DC, but the state with a lot of rain and trees. Twilight? Starbucks? Amazon? Yes, that one.
Since graduating in 2020, I've been a freelance editor and writer. I'm taking Korean both for passion and for work purposes, and I really should have started sooner. But I guess we're all on our own timelines.
I've been on Tumblr for a long, long time, but I've never been part of the studyblr sector. I'm glad to be here. :)
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Fi! I just discovered a place called Caboose Village, where they took a bunch of different old train cars and converted them into tiny homes/hotel rooms! I get the feeling the twins would love that place and would always want to go there! Maybe s/o surprises them by taking them there.
omg i looked it up and it seems so
emmet piece since i feel like i have been ignoring my boy as of late, may do a separate ingo piece later
cw: fluff
Emmet was a busy person at times.
His work would seemingly pile up at inopportune times, annoying both you and him. A date planned that both of you had been looking forward to for weeks suddenly would be impossible due to an emergency at the station, a long weekend you had scheduled was needing to be moved around because Ingo was injured and Emmet could no longer take off.
So, when you saw the train-themed retreat out near Lentimas, it was an instant book, but then you grew paranoid. Could Emmet get time off for your trip? You asked him about, and he said he should have been able to, yet you know everything always came with an asterisk and a shining 'subject to change' beside it. Still, you wanted to go. Badly.
Emmet's eyes had lit up when you showed him where you booked a trip to. His mouth opened is a gasp while he stared at your phone screen eagerly. Its placement out near the mountains also allowed for a good area to train his team and explore with you. Everything about this trip seemed perfect. Which is why you grew more and more worried about something to happen as the day to depart moved closer. You knew it was paranoia, yet it would not go, no matter how many times Emmet reassured you.
“Brother said even if his foot was broken, he'd still let me go,” the younger twin said with his usual smile, “He is a biiiit envious of our trip, though.”
When the day finally came, nothing horrible or life-threatening occurred, so the trip was still a-go.
You hugged Emmet tightly enough to likely cause injury, though.
Having never been in the area of Lentimas, you felt a bit stunned by the natural beauty of the mountainous area. Sure, most of the trees were without greenery and there was a blistering heat in the air, but the vibrant colours of the brick-toned mountain were hypnotising. Emmet took long strides in front of you as you both headed to the area where the retreat was located. You watched as Camerupt stood carefully guarding Numels and Trapinchs burrowing in and out of the earth with excitement.
Seeing pokemon not native to the region in Unova was always an invigorating thing. You grabbed Emmet's hand as you walked with your arms intertwined. He tilted his head at you and gave a wide smile. “Haha, sorry that we are having to walk so far, but our lines don't really go to Lentimas...” he apologised, “Thankfully Skyla agreed to fly us.” The fly in had been a bit unexpected, yet not necessarily unpleasant. Elesa's friendship with a fellow gym leader had come in quite handy.
“It's nice,” you shook your head, “I know you would have been hassled by fans and trainers on a ride here.”
“Mmm… Probably,” he nodded.
The sun was beginning to fade behind Reversal Mountain as you both finally arrived at the retreat. Emmet perked up instantly at the sight alongside you. The check-in area was a caboose, where the man at the front desk was dressed in a mock Depot Agent uniform. Emmet looked a bit shocked for a moment. You snickered. Speaking to him, you quickly confirmed your details and received the key to your car. Just as you were both going to leave, the man called out to you.
“Ah, hey, you wouldn't be from Anville, would you?” he asked with a gruff voice, “You look just like a guy I used to have trains worked on by when I was a Depot Agent.”
“That was my dad,” Emmet responded easily, “He's verrrry old now. Mom made him retire.”
“… Ah, I wondered what happened to him,” he scratched his cheek, “Actually… Aren't you a professional battler or something? I swear I saw your face on the news.” Emmet's grin told you that you needed to step in before he started a battle. He was not keeping you away from a nice bath in an air-conditioned room.
“Emmy,” you tugged his hand, “Resist.” He pouted at you, then waved a polite farewell to the man with the answer that he was Subway Boss. The guy's eyes shot wide while you walked away to your car.
You could see Emmet's intrigue as the door opened to reveal a normal room inside. “Awww,” he whined and entered, “I was hoping it would be modelled after an overnight passenger train… There's not many of those left.” Still, you watched as he admired the walls and windows. “To see a caboose like this… I may need to see about a new home…” You could tell he was enjoying himself despite the comment. The door was shut and locked behind you. Your bags were sat near the bed as you gazed around yourself.
It was roomier than you expected. Emmet suddenly was back at your side as he brought you into a hug. It was tight and a bit suffocating, but the feeling of him peppering a few kisses to your cheeks was a wonderful one. “Thank you, darling!” he cooed, “I know we are going to have a wonderful vacation.”
“I'm glad, Em,” you pecked a quick kiss of your own to his lips, “As soon as I saw this place, I thought of you.” An excited giggle came from him as he moved you towards the bed.
“Verrrry good,” Emmet's voice was a rumble, “Lets enjoy our first night.”
You sighed as he pinned you to the bed.
An Emmet move.
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gaeasun · 1 year
Bit late but HAPPY BORTHDAY TO REMEDY @kkrazy256
( @lost-on-kamino I borrowed your boy Rhythm!)
“Psst! Twitch!”
Twitch paused before the exit of the Guard Headquarters. A clone skidded to a halt behind him and grinned with eyes almost hidden by his curly mop of hair. “Hey! Glad I caught you!” Rhythm rubbed his hands together conspiratorially and a bit of excitement grew in Twitch. The communications officer was always up for a bit of fun so this was going to be good.
“So,” Rhythm began. “Did you know that it’s Remedy’s decant day next week?”
“Oh it is?!” Twitch hadn’t known, but he wasn’t entirely surprised. Remedy almost never gave up personal details about himself. Either Twitch had to pry them out of Remedy or learn from someone else separately. 
Rhythm nodded excitedly. “Yep! I heard it from Olly who heard it from Fox who actually somehow learned it from Remedy himself. Also Fox knows everything. Or, almost everything.” A shadow crossed his face for just a second before he forcefully grinned. “I figured you’d want to know, so now you can do something for Remedy! After dealing with all of us he totally deserves it.” Twitch wholeheartedly agreed. And as it happened, he’d already been working on a gift for Remedy, so now was the perfect time to finish and gift it. 
After thanking Rhythm he quickly headed back to the barracks. 
He had a small gift to finish. 
“Knock knock!” Twitch said aloud as he rapped on the door to Remedy’s office. He’d asked around and Remedy was off shift right now. And hopefully not sleeping. 
Remedy opened the door with a confused look on his face. “Twitch? I thought you said you weren’t coming back today.”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on it until somebody told me your decant day was coming up.” Twitch gave a few exaggerated sad blinks. “And we’ll be back on duty by then so I wanted to come by today.”
Remedy winced. “Yes, I wasn’t really thinking about it. I just don’t really celebrate it anyways so I don’t tell people… sorry?”
Twitch relented on the sad face and grinned. “It’s alright. We don’t have to do anything, but I did bring something for you.” He presented the small box that Rhythm had found for him, the precious gift within. Remedy’s eyes went wide as he took it carefully. 
A tiny tree was nestled inside. Not alive, but with bark and leaves of carefully twisted wires and other metal scrap painted to look like one. Remedy thumbed his glasses to his forehead as he brought it almost to his nose to see the small details.
“Oh,” he breathed. “This is. This is really nice.” Remedy’s voice was watery, eyes, almost teary?! 
Twitch hopped from side to side with the itch to give Remedy a hug. “Can I?”
Remedy cleared a little spot on his desk and sat the tree down. Hands free, he stepped towards Twitch with open arms. “Yeah, kih’vod, of course- oof.” 
Twitch tried to be gentle, especially considering Remedy’s knee, but still dove right into Remedy’s arms. “I’m glad you like it,” he said into Remedy’s shoulder. 
“I, I love it,” Remedy choked out. “Thank you so much Twitch, I don’t even know why you’d do that-” “Ehem,” Twitch immediately pulled his face back to interrupt that incorrect train of thought. “I did it because you are my ori’vod and you love me, and I am your kih'vod and I love you.”
That did not make Remedy look any less like he wanted to cry, but he did stop that self-deprecating talk and squeezed Twitch close.
“You’re… right Twitch.” 
“As usual.” Twitch smiled cheekily.
Remedy chuckled and pulled Twitch close again to give him a light kiss right below his hairline. “Sometimes. This time. I do love you kih’vod.” 
“Happy decanting day Remedy.”
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bugbearstew · 2 years
This year has been an absolute wild ride. I've done so many things and so many things have happened that I wanted to write up something to kind of put it all into perspective for myself mostly.
So 2022 started a panicked scramble to move across the country from Oklahoma to Pittsburgh, PA to live with my partner. This was a big step for me because I had lived in the same house my ENTIRE life! So this was the first time I was moving. It was a pain in the ass, incredibly stressful, but so worth it. I love pittsburgh and I love being here with Meg.
I got a second tattoo! An homage to Van Gogh's sunflowers. I plan on slowly working up to a full sleeve.
We visited a lot of really amazing places like Phipps, the carnegie art museum, the aviary, the frick museum, a bunch of art shows, but my favorite was seeing Hadestown in person in an absolutely astoundingly gorgeous theatre.
This year I started to dig into a lot of different kinds of art. I finished a (small) traditional painting that I still really love. I made some traditional art for Art Fight that I'm really happy with and some lovely gift art for friends. I've also dug a bit back into my own game designing and art for fun. My taste and skill for cooking has EXPLODED since I moved here and I have 4 cook books on my desk alone right now! We also have 4 plants that we take care of and I'm very happy with how they're doing. (yes cooking and plants count as art!!!)
I started reading a LOT more this year! I read... -Small Gods by Terry Pratchett -The Crossroads at Midnight by Abby Howard -The Trees by Percival Everett -Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt -Shiver by Junji Ito God there might be more but I didn't keep a list... I'll keep a list next year
Theres SO many theatres in Pittsburgh! Meg and I saw a couple movies this year. Nope was amazing! Belle was a gorgeous anime movie. But it was Everything Everywhere All at Once that really blew us away. I don't know what I could say that would do that movie justice. I just remember walking home from the movie and getting choked up just discussing it.
Played a ton of games this year. I'm really happy about it because I played a bunch of weird and older games that really expanded how I feel about video games. Between Morrowind, Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, System Shock 2, and Prey 2019 I feel like I've grow a lot in the games I consume and how I look at them.
I didn't get around to playing as many tabletop games this year as I would have liked but my game of Root TTRPG has been going strong! A year now and its so much fun each time! Plus, a weekly game of Gloomhaven has been great. Gloomhaven is a very fun time but also can be draining with how much thinking I have to do.
While moving was the biggest thing for me this year, Art was up there. I left my position working on Sun Haven in September. There were a good handful of reasons that I don't really need to get into but the main thing was I just wasn't happy. After leaving I've felt rejuvenated and excited about art. Working on a bunch of different things and excited to work on more. I have so much planned for 2023 and I can't wait to hit the ground running with projects I'm working on, starting, or planning.
In 2017 my twin sister passed away. That started a big chain reaction that, somehow, led me to here. It was a terrible thing that happened and I still feel the echoes of the pain today. But because of that I have grown into a much stronger person. When I sat in the audience of Hadestown, knowing how much my sister loved musicals, knowing how much she would have loved this one specifically, I fidgeted with my necklace. It's a small silver container of some of her ashes. I turned 30 this year. All of these things coming together, getting out of oklahoma, being in the big city, seeing hadestown, all of the tiny, daily things combined feel like I have closed a chapter in my life. 2022 wasn't an easy year, it had it's ups and downs as any year would. But it was the best year I've had in the past 5. I am so excited to see where I go from here. I don't know what 2023 will bring but I'm expecting big things for all of us.
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neoninky · 1 year
TWST Fanfic "Her Lost Voice" Chapter 8
Here are some links cuz I'm in a short hand mood rn and I left y'all on a cliffhanger lol
Inky's AO3, Masterlist, and SC Poll (3 more days~)
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Chapter 8: Storms at Sea
The slam of his father's doors rang in Seven's ears. The angry sound stabbed into his brain that was already working overtime to maintain every detail he had planned and now needed at the ready. Don Muraeni was furious. Seven knew this would be the case. Every second of what happened next would count so the injured eel sat half crumpled up on the floor in front of his father's desk, heavily breathing from exhaustion but still in the expected silence.
His father circled him slowly like a vulture. He was stewing over the next words that would exit his tensely clenched teeth. Just when Seven's breath started to even out, his father snarled and grabbed him by the back of his hair, yanking him up. 
"What the hell happened tonight, Seven? Speak now."
"Proteus sent some sharks after Cowrie...they chased her onto Leech territory until they cornered her on Don Leech's property. I tried to get her back before they could tear her apart but...I was too late."
Seven winched but made no sound as his father grip tightened and pulled his head back so hard he thought his neck would snap, "You followed after them onto Leech's turf? You're lucky you're still in one piece, boy..." Don Muraeni's word dripped with the same venom that flooded his gaze. 
"I wanted to save my sister."
Seven felt a stinging heat flood his face as his father's claws left a deep gash across his nose but once again didn't cry out from the pain. Doing so would only anger his father more. 
"Seven, you pushed me to do this with your foolishness. You know how I hate my goods to be damaged, especially you," the Don hissed as he grabbed a piece of fabric from his desk to wipe his son's blood off of his claws, "you're stronger and more cunning than your brothers. Even Ventuno. I need you in top form or else you'll just be another useless hunk of flesh taking up too much space. I won't suffer any fools in this house."
"Yes Father..."
The truth was something Seven and his brothers knew but never talked about, rather it was a silent dark shadow that just hovered in every corner of their home and would continue to do so as long as their father was in power. And what was the truth? 
"A pity that Cowrie was undone by the sharks. There was a time she had potential but...well, her mother could have given me a stronger child instead of one tiny, unruly brat. One less pathetic welp taking up space in my empire. Her bones are probably being used to decorate Leech's hovel instead of fertilizing our grounds outside...hmph. If it was one of my boys' bones, I'd be more insulted."
Seven hadn't always been the second eldest. Cowrie hadn't always been his only sister. Ventuno wasn't always the 'heir', it was really just that their father chose him because he survived and was easy to manipulate. Ventuno was just too proud and stupid to see it that way.
The Muraeni family tree was as large as it was twisted. His father had never taken a mate for love but instead out of necessity, business, a means to an end. He wanted and needed a strong brood that he could raise into either attack dogs to do his bidding without question or daughters to lure in strong and valuable blood for future offspring that would fall into the same two categories. Luna and Cowrie had been the exceptions simply because of their siren qualities. As long as the child obeyed and they were useful, they got to stick around. Once that changed...well...to say that the ground of the Muraeni home was secretly a vast graveyard wouldn't be an exaggeration. Seven had known this to be true for as long as he could remember. His father didn't exactly hide it from him, from his brothers, or Cowrie, or even Luna. This is why Seven knew he could only move forward with his plans for the girls' sake if nothing else.
"Father...please allow me a second chance," Seven specifically lowered himself closer to the floor to appeal to both the Don's temper and superiority. This behavior had been ground into him for so long it barely felt like an act at all. 
His father circled him once more in silence with a steel-cold look in his eyes before he finally settled once again behind his large desk, his temper seemingly tamed for the moment, "Alright, Seven...I think you've learned your lesson. So you understand what will happen if you decide to go rogue again?"
"Yes, Father."
"There's a good lad. Now then..." the Don paused to casually flip through some paperwork on his desk from various accounts with his clients that needed settling, "I do have some more complicated clients that need to be dealt with."
Seven delicately rose his head to meet his father's gaze, "Actually Father, I want to take over at the Cove."
Don Muraeni gave his son a look that was both curious and silently warning him to proceed with caution. Seven did just that, "The Cove and its sirens have been under Proteus' watch for some time and while the girls have performed as expected, I feel like they could bring in a greater profit if they had someone supervising them that wasn't so...threatening. Luna especially has voiced her concerns about his harassment towards her. I know it's not just Luna herself either."
The icy mob boss was fully aware of Proteus' indulgent habits with the mermaids he had carefully curated and collected for the Cove and in most cases, he didn't even bother with correcting him. In Luna's case, she was one of the youngest and most rare sirens in his possession. While the others were classic sirens portrayed in myth and legends, poor young women who either found themselves stuck in squalor before being plucked up by the greedy eel or those who were simply discovered and bought by the monstrous eel, Luna was an eel siren. She was exotic and had a more wild beauty to her than the others. Not to mention, she was the spitting image of her mother who was quite popular in her time at the Cove as well. In other words, Luna Cerith was her stepfather's golden lure. If there was one thing Don Muraeni couldn't abide by, it was non-paying customers or his enemies touching his things. Especially his most prized possessions. It didn't matter that Proteus worked directly for him: Luna had always been specified as off-limits. Seven knew this was his father's Achilles' Heel and banked on this information tipping the scale in his favor. He saw the exact moment when he got inside the Don's head in his father's narrowed eyes. 
"You have always been the sharpest out of my progeny, Seven. I was considering handing the keys over to Ventuno. However, I also cannot trust him with my sirens...his reckless entitlement fans his arrogance too hard," the father snorted dryly as if amused by his heir's poor attitude, "Very well, Seven. With you, at least, I won't have to worry about Luna being ruined." 
Seven felt his guts turn sour at his father's words. Luna wasn't technically his kin but even as his step-sister, Seven knew that Luna's beauty and allure were undeniable. He also knew that Proteus wasn't the only one within the Muraeni House that took notice. All the more reason for Seven to go through with his plan.
He rose up off the ground, "Thank you for the opportunity, Father-"
"Listen, boy," the Don snapped, "I was willing to give you a few more chances but since you're so eager to prove yourself by taking on the biggest task on the table, this is your last chance. Got it?" Seven nodded in silence, "Good. I've already sent Proteus over to the Cove. You can take over first thing in the morning."
"Why waste time when I can easily get things in alignment right away, Father?" Seven kept his voice steady even though he felt his pulse race.
Don Muraeni looked his son up and down with a faint look of pride in his eyes. If you blinked, you'd miss it, "Taking initiative, you're already off to a good start, Seven...fine. Send Proteus back here when you see him." 
Proteus entered the Siren's Cove without so much as a glance at the bouncers at the door or the waiting staff inside. It was late and the club was still full. Proteus took a seat in Don Muraeni's private box just in time for Luna's main number of the night. Tonight would be a test drive of sorts, a preview to whet the appetites of their patrons and hopefully bring them back in for the event in two days. 
Behind dewy veiled curtains, Luna sat on a giant cushioned shell, poised and dripping in multiple strands of black and white pearls that hung from her neck and shoulders. She took a deep breath and thought to herself the one thing that kept her going through all of this.
Just one more song...
It was always 'one more' night after night. One more. One more until something else. Luna didn't know what that something was but just the thought was the only bit of hope she had left. She hadn't seen her sister in days, though it felt like months at this point. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she saw Elise. Her phone had been left in Cowrie's care back home so really Luna had no idea if Elise was still underwater or not. And Floyd...just thinking of his name, his face made Luna's heart ache with bittersweet pain. She knew she'd never see him again. It was probably for the best. He'd survive without her. He could be perfectly happy with someone who could be with him freely. He'd move on eventually...
None of these thoughts took the feeling away but Luna still clung to them, trying desperately to convince herself. She took another breath as she heard the club's emcee begin to announce her. Just one more song.
The curtain rose and revealed the bejeweled siren to the eager audience of male patrons ready to indulge in her beauty. As the music began, Luna adorned her well-trained mask. She was coy, enticing, enchanting. That's what her audience wanted and that's what they would get. No one came to see the real Luna, who was clinging onto false hope that maybe she'd wake up tomorrow and be somewhere safe and happy with everyone she was currently missing. The song that left her lips soared over the crowd in smooth, full-bodied notes like a fine wine. Luna made sure to give the gentlemen closest to the stage their due moments of her attention. She knew she had them the moment her golden eyes locked onto theirs. She could see their senses cloud over as her voice sank into their ears and hearts. Luna was getting the desired result with ease. The more important or wealthy patrons that sat comfortably in the private boxes further away were her next targets. 
The siren gracefully swam away from the stage and made her way through the audience to the marked box. This particular gentleman was picked specifically for her to entertain during her song for one reason or another. There was always at least one that the Don wanted her to give extra attention to. It was probably because he was the highest bidder or her stepfather owed him a favor. Luna was never told the details, not that it really mattered, so she never questioned it and just did her job. This sort of thing used to be so much easier for her...that is before she met Floyd. Now that someone had a hold on her heartstrings, acting the part called for a bit more gumption. Luna, however, was a master in the making. This was just business after all.
Luna continued to sing as she reached the VIP patron's box. It was an older half-human merman from the other side of the kingdom. He was joined by a younger merman of the same type that could, frankly, be his son or nephew for all Luna knew. She cozied up to the merman, singing just to him in her dulcet voice, leaving little flirtatious touches here and there over his skin. She imagined that this man, in particular, requested her specifically due to a 'special interest' in her variety of mermaid. Luna was used to it. She had a lot of gentlemen buy her attention for the same reason. The man's eyes were half-lidded and intoxicated as his lips formed into a dreamy grin. The younger man seated across from him watched the scene with an almost nervous longing. Luna threw him a bone in the form of a playful wink and a blown kiss as she made her way back to the stage for the end of the song. The audience gave her enthusiastic applause and bursts of praise as the curtain fell. The preview was a success. 
Luna made her way back to her room without stopping to speak to anyone on the way. When she found her door was open, Luna felt her blood freeze. Inside Proteus was casually counting the portal keys he held between his fingers, "My, my...what a busy little minx you have been, Luna." 
She felt her head spin as venom boiled in her throat, "What the hell are you doing in my room, Proteus?"
The electric ray clinched the keys in his palm with a sly smirk on his face, "It is my duty to look after my boss' treasured beauties, is it not? It would no doubt distress him greatly to know that his prized pearl had been sneaking out to who knows where with who knows whom...or perhaps, I've found a clue."
Proteus held up a small photo in his other hand and Luna felt her stomach drop. He turned so she could see her and Floyd's smiling faces clear as day, "Luna...poor little siren...flirting with disaster are we? This is one of the Leech boys, isn't it?" 
Luna held fast to her cool demeanor, "What of it? I met him at school. He seemed like a fair bit of target practice away from home." 
"Interesting that you would commemorate something as bland as 'target practice' with such an adorable photograph..." the ray's eyes pierced into her, waiting for even an inch of incriminating evidence. 
Luna just gave him a teasing grin, "It's not very often I find prey with such a handsome face. Are you jealous, Proteus? I don't imagine many women harboring your picture in their intimate hideaways."
Her grin widened as she saw Proteus' eyebrow twitch. She had struck a nerve but he recovered with little effort. A dark chuckle left the ray merman's lips as he crumpled up the photo in one hand and broke the keys in his other. 
"Don't flatter yourself, you haughty little tramp..." his copper-red eyes seemed to burn into the shade of blood, "You girls think you're so clever. Running around behind the boss's back. Teasing me, mocking me to my face." 
Luna's eyes narrowed as she bolstered up her resolve, "Get out of my room, Proteus. You've ruined my personal things, invaded my space, and polluted the air with your sleazy stink-"
Luna couldn't move fast enough. She let out a weak shriek as Proteus' clawed fingers tightened around her throat, forcing her back against the wall. His sinister gaze burned into hers, "You're lucky you're so beautiful and so valuable, my dear...but that wicked tongue of yours could use some discipline." 
A sharp and brief shock of electricity shot from Proteus' palm and scorched through Luna's entire system. She clenched her teeth, refusing to let him hear her scream. This only made the sadistic bastard chuckle, "Goodness, you are a stubborn one. I'm glad...I like my prey nice and spirited."
Luna braced herself. She knew Proteus couldn't leave any marks on her or hurt her enough to keep her from performing or else the Don would have his head. She just had to tough it out until Proteus was satisfied and then he'd go. If she retaliated, it could lead to even graver punishments not just for her but for her sister too. At least, that's what she originally planned. Proteus saw the resolve in the siren's eyes and grinned, his eyes becoming half-lidded as he leaned in. He knew exactly what or rather who was holding Luna back.
"It's such a shame...you and your sister are such fun little toys. But now I'm only down to one." 
Luna's breath hitched in her throat as her shock went straight to her widening eyes. He couldn't mean...the ray chuckled, "Oh that's right! You haven't heard. Poor little Cowrie. The wild little thing just couldn't help but get herself into more trouble than she could handle this time. And her big sister wasn't there to protect her from the hungry sharks...or the hungry Leechs who are no doubt chewing on her teeny little bones as we speak." 
He was lying. 
He was lying. 
He was LYING! Jade and Floyd would never let their family hurt Cowrie!
Luna thrashed against Proteus's iron grip and shrieked, "You sick, lying bastard! Tell me where she really is!!"
The ray just tilted his head curiously, "Oh? Well doubt me if you must but this 'lie' came straight from Seven's own mouth as he lay beaten to a pulp from the Leech family's own hands with what was left of those poor dumb sharks torn to absolute shreds. His exact words: 'Cowrie is gone.' There you have it." 
Luna froze. Seven was probably the most honest member of the Muraeni clan. He always had been. She fell to the floor, limp as a broken doll, as Proteus released her and cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone as he lightly grasped a lock of her sleek hair, "I am absolutely devastated to be one to tell you this, Luna...perhaps, I can lend you my company to help you grieve." 
Had they been on land, Luna would have spat right in his smug face. She swatted his clawed hands away, trying to back away from his looming form, "Get away from me!!" 
The door slammed open seconds before Proteus felt a hard and fast blow knock him backward into Luna's vanity, scattering its contents all over the floor. Seven hovered between him and the huddled-up siren on the floor. The brother's eyes seared with anger.
"You're done here, Proteus. Don Muraeni has turned control of the Cove and its sirens over to me." 
Proteus frowned as he dusted himself off, "Ah. Young Master Seven...I wasn't notified of this."
"This is your notice. Turn room keys over to me and return back home immediately or I will have you personally escorted out," Seven was curt and serious to a fault. 
Proteus took his time removing the copies of the sirens' room keys he had made, making both Seven and Luna fume. As he did so, his whip-like tail stabbed its point into the crumpled-up picture of Luna and Floyd before showing it to Seven, "By the way...I found our proud diva's little secret stash. She's been collecting portal keys and among them was this. Were you aware of this little tryst, Master Seven?"
Seven took the picture and gave Luna a sharp look as he growled, "I was not...were the keys destroyed?"
"But of course. I was very thorough," Proteus sneered down at Luna who was shaking with a mix of anger and shock. Seven's expression froze back into its usual stoicism.
"Good. I'll handle the rest," he addressed the sadistic ray with his hand open, waiting for the requested room keys. Proteus set them all into the eel's open palm and left the room with a sour look on his face. A pity that now all of his little dolls were taken from him, he thought to himself as he left the club. 
Seven snarled as he glared down at Luna. Any anger she felt quickly turned into genuine fear. 
"Luna, what the hell were you thinking?!" Seven yelled making her shiver. Her stepbrother slammed the door shut and leaned down to look her right in the face. He paused a moment before his face softened and he whispered to her...
"I'm sorry that I have to do this. It's the only way." 
Luna let out a shocked scream as Seven suddenly grabbed the table behind her and smashed it with his fist. He continued to yell. She continued to cry out defenses to his angry accusations. Anyone and everyone in the connected hallway heard the commotion from their cracked doors or from behind corners. The guards that had been stationed at either end of the hall remained still as statues. The show staff looked at each other nervously, knowing that the audience was still waiting for Luna to return to the stage but also not wanting to get in the middle of whatever was happening inside her dressing room. When the fight suddenly fell silent, Luna's door flew open and Seven stuck his angry face out, scaring the jumpy staff.
"I'm pulling Luna from the stage. She's done for the night," he said gruffly before slamming the door shut once again. He sighed, giving up the act as he turned to a very shaken Luna still curled up in the corner. 
"Luna..." his voice was quiet and soft, "I'm sorry. It was a farce. I'm not angry." He slowly approached her and got down on the same level as her. She could only whimper out the one thing blazing in her brain in a weak whisper.
"Where is Cowrie?" 
Seven gently wrapped his scarred arms around his step-sister and pulled her close to him. He placed one of his large hands on her head he leaned down to whisper into her ear, "She's alright. She's with the Leech Family. She's safe. No one else knows but me."
Luna's whole body finally released all of the anxious energy that had built up into a shakey sob as she wrapped her arms around Seven's neck. He felt absolutely terrible for a multitude of reasons, the first being that he had to further traumatize his poor step-sister just to keep these secrets and her safe. 
"It's going to be alright, Luna. I just need you to hold on a little bit longer," Seven spoke in hushed comforting tones as he pressed his face into her dark hair, letting her sob into him, "Just until the VIP night. Then we're getting you out of here for good..."
Luna pulled back and looked into his honest ice blue eyes, "...w-what? But how? Even with you in charge now, there's no way I can just leave."
"Don't worry about the details, Luna. All I need from you is to make one more key."
Seven revealed a tiny pouch he had hidden in his other clenched fist, "All you need is right here." 
Luna opened the pouch and gasped, "Where did you get these?"
Her brother snorted dryly, "I had a little help from your...what do surface dwellers call them? 'boyfriend?' "
Inside the pouch was a chunk of coral from Madam Leech's garden and the gold necklace that Floyd had given her. Normally Luna's portal keys worked best if the fragment came from a place she was familiar with but this would have to do. It was a shot in the dark at best. Wait...did Seven just say boyfriend?
"You met Floyd?" She couldn't keep her eyes from lighting up as she said his name.
"Oh yeah. He's...definitely...something else. I don't see why you like him but that's not really my business," Seven grumbled. Luna sniffled and let out a tired laugh.
"That's a good way to describe him."
Seven saw the warmth return to Luna's eyes and tiny grin as she held the necklace in her hands as if it was the world's most precious treasure. He realized that he had never seen Luna look this way about any guy since...well ever. It was a true rarity. Now he felt like a jerk for knocking Floyd around, even though he technically asked for it, but Luna didn't need to hear about that. 
"Stay in here for the rest of the night. I bought you some time by pulling you from the stage. I'll make sure that Proteus is actually gone and no one else should bother you. If they do, call for me immediately," Seven was back to his business-first tone as he helped Luna off the floor. She quickly leaned forward to hug him and rested her head against his chest with a sigh.
"You deserve the world, Seven...thank you."
He suddenly felt oddly bashful hearing this. Affection or actual praise was definitely not something he was accustomed to, certainly not from his father or even his mother when she was still around. He had known Luna since she was about two years old and he knew the difference in her voice when she was just flirting to get something out of a target versus when she was being sincere. She meant every word she just said and all Seven could do was continue to hug her to him.
The next morning came and Elise had kept her word. She waited for Azul to arrive as she sat in the dining hall with the Leech family and Cowrie. It was a very interesting scene and probably the most entertaining meal she had in quite a while. At the head of the table sat Don Leech looking like he could use a couple more hours of sleep simply mumbling something to Jade in between bites of food. Jade seemed to be in high spirits as he multitasked between talking with his father and holding Cowrie's tiny hand in his to help her feel safe. Cowrie sat on the other side of Jade and was being doted on by Madam Leech who sat across from her, clearly thrilled to finally have another girl in the house. It took some coaxing to get Cowrie to leave the safety of the twins' room but once she did, she joined everyone for breakfast and seemed to relax. Madam Leech took to her future daughter-in-law like a duck to water and did what any overly caring mother would do: shove food into the small female eel's mouth as if she were a baby chick.
"Cowrie sweetie, you are so tiny and skinny! Goodness did that brute of a father ever feed you?!" 
"Well actually-" and she was cut off by another spoon full of breakfast. Eventually, Cowrie just gave up and chewed the food in content silence. It felt nice to have a mother of sorts again, even if Madam Leech was a tad aggressive with her affection.
Across from Jade sat Floyd who just hummed with a happy grin on his face as he played with his food before eating it. If his mother asked him about his plans for finding a mate, and boy did she ever, Floyd would just grin and give some cryptic answer like "Eh it'll happen soon enough." Elise was sworn to secrecy about the plans they had brewing. Which turns out, not having a voice? This was the easiest thing in the world for her.  The princess just ate her meal and enjoyed the morning chaos that being in the Leech household brought. 
Three days, Elise reminded herself. It was now a countdown within another countdown: including today, it was now three days until school started and two nights until the VIP event at the Siren's Cove. In other words, only two more nights until Jade and Floyd snuck into the club to rescue Luna with Seven's help. Neither one of the twins seemed to be worried so the princess knew she shouldn't feel so worried about the whole thing. There was a pleasant smile on her face but she could feel her far more honest octopus legs twisting into themselves like pairs of hands wringing together anxiously. That and today was also the day she was to meet Azul's grandmother a second time to find a way to break this supposed curse on her. With so many impending things, it was hard for Elise to feel completely calm. Just seconds after she finished off her plate, one of Madam Leech's maids entered the room.
"Mr. Azul Ashengrotto is here, ma'am. He's already specified that he cannot stay for breakfast, unfortunately." 
Madam Leech gave a disappointed hum as she fed Cowrie another piece of shrimp, "A pity. Elise dearest, be sure to invite Azul back for dinner!" 
Elise nodded with an amused smile as she waved goodbye to everyone else in the room before leaving. The maid escorted her to the entry hall where Elise nearly choked on her own ink. Azul was there waiting for her, looking quite anxious himself...
...in his octopus form. 
One of his purple and black tentacles tapped on the floor like a nervous foot waiting to catch a train while two others were doing the same nervous, wringing motion that Elise's had been doing earlier. He wasn't wearing his glasses leaving his eyes unguarded and even more of an intense stormy blue against his grey skin. When he suddenly noticed her staring at him, his entire body froze. He cleared his throat and tried to greet her with as much confidence as he could. Which wasn't much honestly.
"G..Good morning, Your Highness."
Elise blinked a couple of times as she looked him up and down in this new exotic form. He was just like her now...well not just like her but Elise's octopus form seem to recognize that a male was present. Frankly, it was a very weird, instinctual feeling. This had to be one of those 'changes' the eels had mentioned before. She ignored it for now and finally made her way over to him with a curious smile on her face. She giggled to herself as she playfully poked one of his front tentacles with one of her own much like she did back in the grotto when he had his human legs. Azul hiccuped in surprise when the poked tentacle suddenly wrapped itself around Elise's with no restraint whatsoever. Elise would have squeaked if she had a voice to do so. The feeling of the two tentacles intertwining felt weirdly intimate and affectionate. Somewhere between a handshake and a kiss. He quickly yanked his away from hers, his embarrassed face turning a bright purple. She held a hand up to her mouth to hide the amused smile but the shake in her shoulders as she laughed gave her away. 
"I-I am so sorry, Your Highness! This form is admittedly easier to move around in but these things," Azul glared at his own octopus legs as if they were misbehaving children, "they can have a mind of their own at times..." Elise didn't seem too bothered by it but Azul himself felt like he could drop dead from embarrassment any second now, "A-A-Anyway, we should get going. I don't want to keep Grandmother waiting." 
Elise linked her arm with his, her eyes practically twinkling at how awkward and bashful this version of Azul seemed to be. It was a refreshing and downright adorable change. She swore she heard Jade and Floyd snickered from around the corner but didn't bother looking back to check. 
Madam Lorelei Ashengrotto was seated at the exact same table within the Leviathan Club true to her word. She was pouring over some notes she had spread before her on various pieces of parchments. When she looked up to see her grandson and the princess, her eyes smiled along with her lips, "Come here, darlings. We have much to discuss." 
The sea witch decided not to comment on Azul's natural appearance for two reasons: the first being that she never liked wasting time and the second being that the poor boy already looked like he might collapse from overexposure. Instead, she gestured for the two to take a seat before diving right in.
"Well then, angelfish," she addressed Elise directly, "I have some good news and some bad news for you, my dear. The good news is that your current condition is not permanent. Not yet anyway. So we still have time to reverse it. The bad news, however, is that in order to reverse this curse, you need to make a choice. In order to become human again, your prince on the surface either needs to fall in love with you or become a merman once again. It isn't simply reversing the magic as it is taking it back for yourself." 
Elise felt like a boulder had rolled onto her chest. If she understood what the sea witch was saying then that would mean taking Rielle's very real desires and happiness away from him in one way or another. Rielle loved Emily and gave up his life under the sea to be with her and now he actually was. Elise just got caught in the crossfire of it all. Either option seemed impossible.
"Yes, well that first option isn't an option. Not organically anyway. So how would we do the second, Grandmother? I doubt it's as simple as convincing Rielle to return to the sea..." Azul had a pensive look on his face as he crossed his arms, mulling over every word. 
"You are correct, precious. You will need something much more powerful than that. Fortunately, you have me to guide you," Madam Lorelei gave the younger octopuses a confident smile before reaching into the bag at her feet for a long box, "It took a couple of favors to get what we needed but voila, here we are..." 
Elise looked at the box as the sea witch placed it on the table between them and opened it for her. Her eyes widened at its contents while Azul's narrowed into a serious icy stare, "You are sure about this, Grandmother?" 
Inside the box was a sharpened dagger that looked like it could cut even the toughest metal. Madam Lorelei nodded with a serious look, "This isn't a mere accident, Azul. Your magic is both brilliant and complicated. So much so that a counterspell or breaking of the contract won't do the trick. I couldn't have been blessed with a more talented grandson to carry on my magical prowess." 
Azul would have been extremely flattered in any other occasion hearing his grandmother's praise, but right now it just felt like he just made it near impossible for Elise to get back home with her hands clean. His grandmother once again spoke directly to the princess.
"Let me make this as clear as possible, angelfish. When Prince Rielle completed the contract, the magic that bound him to Azul's deal was pulled apart because of your sudden broken heart. He gained the love of Princess Coralette as stated in the terms but...he rejected you which in turn nulled his portion of agreement in a way," she paused to take another sip of her tea and to let that information sink in, "The magic lingering from the incomplete contract then had nowhere else to go so it latched onto you, dear Elise. It bound you into a secondary oath that left no physical artifact behind such as another contract." 
Elise felt like the entire room had turned upside down. She understood the complicated logic behind the witch's explanation but how was a dagger going to help...? Madam Lorelei read the confusion on the girl's face loud and clear as she took a final sip of her tea.
"As I said before, my dear. You have a choice to make. There are two ways to change you back into a human: either fulfill the contract in reverse by getting Rielle to fall in love with you and give you the coveted kiss of True Love or sever Rielle's half of the magic, the half that turned him human completely. To do that, you need to pierce this dagger into his human feet. It has magic nulling properties that make it an oath breaker of sorts. Once you do that, he will return to being a merman and you will return to being a human. All will be as it should."
'True Love's Kiss'...Azul wanted to roll his eyes at such an old-fashioned trope. The fact that it had any authority in the realms of magic was laughable. The look in the sea witch's eyes was still a sympathetic one. Azul had filled her in on the princess' personal feelings towards Rielle and vice versa. Even though her heart was broken by this boy, it was clear that the princess was less than eager to take back the life Rielle had gambled his own voice and left everything behind to get. She remembered reading the letter he had written so sincerely. It made her heart squeeze in sharp pain as she recalled the way he sounded so desperate and so ready to finally come out of hiding so he could be with Emily. More guilt washed over Azul as he watched the distress spread over Elise's face. He wanted to say something to make this all easier for her but did those words actually exist?
"I can tell you have a kind heart, angelfish. All the more reason to be honest with you. Both Azul and my daughter have told me what occurred on the Leech Family property just yesterday...you were there to witness it firsthand, were you not?"
Elise felt her throat tighten as she looked into the sea witch's deep blue eyes that shone with wisdom. Her gaze wasn't unkind but it was most definitely shrewd. 
"The Coral Sea is not a place for kind-hearted, unguarded souls, Princess. Especially on this side of the reef. You have seen how deadly and cruel life down here can be. So for your sake, I ask you to be objective in your reasoning and don't let your emotions blind you. You belong on the surface in your palaces and under the sun. Not down here in the dark and cold, constantly wondering if you're to be hunted or not. It's a simple fact." 
Elise knew she spoke the truth and she did so because it was for Elise's own good. But even so...was the sea witch right? She was definitely not prepared or given the same constitution the Cerith sisters, the twins or even cunning Azul had growing up in her cozy surface life. At the same time, when was the last time she had a solid home or a present family on the surface? If that was where she belonged then why weren't those she left behind trying to bring her back? Or perhaps they were and she just had no idea? ...there was only one way to truly find out. 
The princess nodded in thanks to the sea witch before taking the box in her hands. She still wasn't sure if she really wanted to use it but either way, Elise knew she had to go home at least once more before returning to Sacred Crown. Madam Lorelei took one last sip before giving the young ones a final warning, "One more thing, my dears. From what Azul has told me and judging from your appearance, I would say you only have until the next full moon to complete this task...after that, well, you will be stuck as a mermaid forever, dear princess. You may use magic to give yourself a human form but ultimately, you'll never be able to stay away from the water for so long. A mermaid of any sort can never truly be parted from the sea." 
Time was so hard to track down here that Elise had no idea how long that actually was. She was glad that Azul had accompanied her every step of the way through this. His cool head and foresight came in handy for exact occasions like this. 
"The next full moon is roughly a month from now. Around the same time as the next festival between Night Raven and Sacred Crown. How convenient," Azul sighed, "And you're saying that the only options we have are to hope that Rielle will suddenly decide that he loves her and not Princess Emily...or to literally stab the magic right out of him."
The sea witch chuckled, "Magic concerning the heart is rarely a straight path, my boy. No one said this was going to be easy."
Another countdown. Everything seemed to be converging in on her at once in a myriad of questions, thoughts, and feelings. Three days. Two nights. One month. Two 'homes'...two forms...
Two Elise Coralettes...?
"I have one more gift for you. It's a temporary fix but it should help at the very least." 
Elise came out of her daze as Azul handed his grandmother the empty nautilus shell he had previously stored Rielle's voice in. Somehow she didn't even notice that he had been wearing it around his neck this entire time. Madam Lorelei rose from her seat and gestured for the two teenagers to follow her, "More good news, dear princess. Though the magic itself bound you to the contract's terms, you never actually consented to give up your voice as the prince did. So instead of your voice taking Rielle's place in Azul's possession, it simply locked itself away. This we can work with but I'll need a proper workspace for this next part. Follow me, my dears." 
His grandmother's home wasn't too far away but the terrain changed drastically. Azul was quite used to it but Elise was a bit shellshocked. One thing she had noticed was that this entire area of the Coral Sea wasn't as bright as the more southern regions where Rielle's home was located. The water was colder as well but there were still bits of reef life here and there. Traveling just outside of the city, however, it grew even darker and the reef seemed to halt and give way to dark stones and fuming underwater geysers. Had Elise not met the sea witch before seeing where she lived, the princess would have feared more for her actual soul. Especially when she saw the large set of bones at the entrance. 
"I assure you the inside is far cozier than the outside, angelfish," Madam Lorelei chuckled, "Come in, come in~"
The interior of her home was as stylish as she was even if it was furnished with very avant guard, if not macabre, furniture that looked like it was made from bones just like her jewelry. Azul made himself at home as Lorelei guided Elise over to an open area surrounding a cauldron. The princess looked around to see the walls lined with very organized rows of bottles. Some were labeled, some were just holding strange contents inside that Elise had never seen on land. She swore some of the bottles held living, moving creatures inside them. 
"Alright, my sweet. This will be quick and painless I assure you. All I need for you to do is to sing." 
Elise looked beyond confused. How could she sing when she couldn't even speak?! Then again who was she to argue with an all-powerful sea witch? She took a breath and opened her mouth to sing and felt incredibly foolish trying to do so. She felt like her mouth was just uselessly flapping open and shut like a carp.
"Not like that, dear," Madam Lorelei said bluntly, "You're a mermaid now and a mermaid's song it very much like magic itself. It's not something you just breathe out of your mouth or words that you simply put sound to. Hear the song, feel it warm, and build up inside of you. One that resonates. This is the only way we can unlock your voice." 
There was only one song like that Elise knew. She took another deep breath and let it out as she listened to the soft notes in her mind like it was her own personal music box. It began as a silent hum in her chest. Soon she opened her mouth and let the words form on her lips even though she couldn't make a sound. 
"Much better, yes. Keep going." 
Azul watched as his grandmother threw ingredients into her cauldron while Elise focused on the unheard song. He had seen his grandmother do spell work all of his life and yet he never lost his wonder for it. Once everything came together, the sea witch raised the shell towards Elise's mouth. A tiny light started to grow from the princess' throat until a soft sound echoed from it. Both the light and Elise's song grew until both flew from her open mouth and into the shell. The princess grasped her throat not because it hurt but because for the first time since she became mute, it felt...empty. 
"This will not return your voice to normal but it has freed it so it can be used in this form at least," the sea witch placed the shell necklace around Elise's neck and she felt its warmth against her skin, "as long as you wear this, you can speak, but only if the shell is worn and intact. So be very careful with it. Go on, try it."
The princess cleared her throat, feeling hopeful when she heard a small squeak come from her, "...Th...ank...you...thank you!"
Elise's face burst into a bright smile. This was a far cry from the last time Azul heard her voice as she tore into him...and he made a mental note to keep that from happening a second time at all costs.
 The princess threw her arms around the sea witch with a joyful cheer, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Ashengrotto!" 
Madam Lorelei just chuckled and patted the excited princess on the head, "Madam Lorelei will do. And it was no trouble at all. Just remember what I said before, sweet child," she paused as she looked over at Azul but still spoke to the princess, "you have a difficult road ahead of you and not a whole lot of time. So weigh your options wisely." 
Elise's tentacles that had been holding the box placed it back into her hands and somehow it felt even heavier, "Yes, of course." 
Azul and Elise swam back to the Leech family home with the box and a few other items in a satchel Madam Lorelei had lent them to assist the twins. Elise felt like a mess: she was thrilled to be able to speak again but wasn't used to hearing her voice at all anymore. Azul had said something that made her laugh and she nearly jumped out of her suction cups hearing the loud noise come from her mouth. It was very different from her usual trained, demure giggle that she had curated for years. The mystique was shattered in a matter of seconds. Azul couldn't help but tease her with a sly grin.
"My goodness, I never realized how boisterous you were under all that regal poise, Your Highness..."
"Well, I never realized that you were such a terrible liar, Mr. Ashengrotto..." when his face pulled an abashed expression, a mischievous smile spread across Elise's face, "You told me you were an ugly, gross octopus. How dare you lie to me to cover up how cute and shy you actually are!" Cute wasn't actually her first word choice when she saw him earlier that day. But her nerves got the better of her and that's what came out of her mouth. 
Cute?! Shy?! He huffed as if the princess had spilled ink all over his contracts, "You make me sound like some skittish little guppy!" Azul folded his arms in with a frown as they continued to swim. Elise wasn't sure if he was scowling because she had hit a nerve or because he was trying to keep his face from flushing again. 
"I never said it was bad!" She laughed, "You've just surprised me. That's all." 
Azul watched the princess swim ahead of him with a much more spirited smile on her face, taking his time before catching up with her. She was definitely not what he expected either. That was one thing Azul was sure about in this whole confusing mess. Even with the brighter expression on her face, the boy still noticed a bit of apprehension hiding in her eyes. 
"You have the ingredients you need, right? Do you need any help? I'm quite good at potion-making myself," Elise let a bit of smugness shine through that last statement as she quickly changed the subject.
Azul took great pride in his potion-making skills and rarely did he ever need help. However, that didn't stop him from admiring the princess' confidence, "I don't believe so, Your Highness. But if that changes, I know who to call on...if anything I may need your help in keeping Floyd from drinking the wrong potion on purpose."
The princess snorted, "I will do my best. I do have one request though."
"Is it another 'favor'?" Azul teased sarcastically.
"Yes. Call me Elise instead of 'Your Highness' or 'princess'. Or even 'Ellie' like Cowrie does. I really don't mind at all."  
Azul came to a halt mid swim, "Is that really...ok? Doesn't it seem kind of rude? I mean...you are a princess." 
Elise turned and hovered in front of him with a sort of melancholy look in her eyes that didn't match the grin on her face, "I am a princess, yes. But in title only. I have no actual power nor am I going to take the throne like Reine will one day. It's just...it doesn't seem to matter that much. Especially down here. Plus you're the only one who refers to me as 'Your Highness'." 
Now that she mentioned it, none of their eel companions did address Elise that way. Azul did it because...because of formality he supposed? He had never really thought about it too much to be honest. Referring to her as anything less than her royal title felt inappropriate. Then again, she really didn't feel like a princess. Not that Azul knew that many princesses to begin with. Elise felt like....like...Azul didn't even know. He still found himself at the crossroads with this unique girl: he knew she was established as one thing but she seemed like something different entirely. Ok, he was definitely overthinking such a simple request...and now he was just floating there like an idiot while she stared at him-
Azul cleared his throat to reset his brain because it spiraled into a tizzy, "Alright. Elise....'Ellie' seems a bit too common. Elise is a perfectly good name all on its own." 
Elise smiled with her eyes, "So is Azul. May I call you Azul since we're going to be spending even more time together in the coming weeks? ....or would you prefer 'Azuzu'?"
"Azul is fine," the boy octopus mumbled as his tentacles cringed at the cutesy nickname. It just didn't sound right coming from her. Especially now that she had her voice back. He'd rather listen to her say a world of other, less embarrassing things. Besides, though he didn't mind this wall of formality coming down between them, his mind was itching with a myriad of other questions and curiosities. The anxious glimmer was still there in her eyes. Not that he had been trying to stare but Azul was very observant in most cases. Something was wrong and he had an idea but...prying into her personal feelings seemed uncouth. So instead, he tried something else.
"Elise, what song were you thinking of before?"
Her eyes became distant as they entered the city once again, "...my mother's lullaby. It's always the first song that comes to mind so I guess it did the trick. Did your mother sing to you when you were young?"
Azul had many fond memories surrounding his mother. Some were downright embarrassing but he did in fact have a wealth of good ones. He almost felt bad for sharing even a hint of them simply because it felt like he was rubbing in the fact that his mother was still with him. When he hesitated, the princess playfully nudged him with one of her legs, "No? Not a one?"
"O-Oh no, no my mother used to sing to me every night when I was very young...she never missed a night," Azul averted his eyes away from Elise, feeling guilt start to pick at him again. 
"I like your mother. She seems so lovely and warm. Jade and Floyd's mother is very sweet too...I don't think I'd want to make either one of your mothers angry though," Elise giggled.
"I definitely do not recommend it..." Azul grumbled, "not unless you want a barrage of wooden spoons unleashed on you." 
Her laugh rang out like musical notes. If she was bothered at all by the conversation, it didn't show in the least. Azul continued to share more stories - leaving out all of the painfully embarrassing ones - of his childhood as they finished their journey back. If nothing else, her laugh seemed to make the waters brighter. He had a feeling that Elise still felt unsure about what to do about Rielle and he didn't want to push her to decide especially when she was probably still hurting from the heartache and...well...he was definitely no stranger to heavy feelings. Another time, he silently told himself. They had more important matters to deal with first. He just hoped that the twins could pull this off. Azul had never been one to be afraid of a gamble every now and again but this just seemed horribly, terribly reckless even for Floyd. But he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't impressed with the motivation the moody eel had gained within the last day or so since gaining inside help to bail Luna out of her miserable situation. 
Azul had known Jade and Floyd since they were all children and he couldn't remember a time when Floyd had ever latched onto another, especially a female, like he has Luna. It was nothing less than bizarre. For a while, Azul had assumed that Luna used her siren charms on him but when he asked Floyd about it, the eel denied everything. Luna never sang to him, used magic on him. Luna was just Luna: beautiful, full of feminine charm naturally even without her being a siren. She was also very clever just from the skill set Azul had discovered she had even if it was just through word of mouth. She was just...
"...beautiful and nice. And she never gets mad at me for doing things my own way and..." 
Azul could still hear Floyd go on and on about the siren with that goofy smile on his face. It was nauseating how smitten he was and how little he tried to hide it. Of course, now that Azul thought about it, Jade too was smitten. Now that was weird to think about it. Jade Leech, the poker-faced and elusive Vice Dorm Leader of Octavinelle that was obsessed with his terrariums. The same Jade Leech that was always calculating something or causing mischief with his wild twin was now wrapped around the tiny little finger of a blunt, sassy little siren that led her life like a stray cat, going wherever and living however she pleased. Saying whatever was on her mind with no hint of deception. They were a very interesting and very different pair...wait a second. 
Azul's brain came to a sudden halt. His two companions, his childhood friends, his partners in business and in crime so to speak: they were in love. Jade had already chosen Cowrie as his proper mate. Surely Floyd couldn't be that far behind with Luna. Then again this was Floyd we were talking about. Still, just the thought somehow threw the octopus boy for a loop. He was happy for them, of course, but where did that leave Azul? It wasn't that he was afraid their plans of opening a Mostro Lounge permanently after graduation were now ruined that the twins were choosing their mates just that it made Azul really stop and think where he also was in his life. Leave it to his doting mother to remind him that he too was eighteen now and coming upon the point in every octopus merman's life where he started desiring to mate, to settle with a female of his choosing, etc. It was, for a lack of better words, absolutely terrifying and made Azul's guts tie themselves in knots. 
Sure, he was clever and had the compacity to find tactics to charm and lure girls into buying something he was selling but actual courtship? The genuine article?! Fortunately for Azul, his mother - unlike Madam Leech - never forced him to meet girls or go on dates. She told him from the very beginning that he needed to find his soulmate organically and in his own time. He was extremely grateful for this but still...the subject matter is something he'd rather avoid completely. Just thinking about it already had his mind reeling, spiraling through the anxiety-fueled fog and-
Elise quickly swam back to Azul moments after she heard a loud clang and saw him holding his frustrated and embarrassed face. Amidst being lost in thought, he swam straight into a light pole, and now here he was nursing a bruised ego.
"Azul, are you alright?!"
He tried to insist that he was but that didn't stop the princess from pulling his hands away from his face and gasped. A bruised ego and a bloody nose, apparently.
"Ooh that looks like it smarts...come on, your mother's restaurant is just around the corner from here. I'm sure she had some sort of first aid available. Let's get you fixed up," Elise grabbed his hand started to pull the poor boy down the street, ignoring all his fuss about how he was actually fine. 
Mama Ashengrotto didn't make as much of a scene as Azul thought she would. Instead, the mother just shook her head at her son's unusual clumsiness and left Elise to nurse yet another Octavinelle boy's injuries in her large comfy office. She returned not too long afterward with some snacks and a message for Elise. Mama Ashengrotto paused in the doorway and watched the girl gently tend to her son as he fussed. He sounded like he was being belligerent but really, Mama knew he was just embarrassed. It was still cute all these years later. 
"Honestly, Elise, it's just a small scrape. You're acting like I'm going to bleed out any second," he huffed as she softly dabbed around his nose. 
"Hush. I'm almost done," She just pouted at him as she focused on what she was doing. 
"Not to interrupt, my sweeties, but there was a message left for you, Elise," Mama Ashengrotto set the trey of refreshments down before handing a folded piece of parchment to the girl. 
She didn't recognize the scratchy handwriting at first but the name signed at the bottom flipped a switch as soon as she saw it.
It was directions about when and where Jade and Floyd needed to be on the night of the Cove's VIP event and all the details everyone involved needed to know. And at the bottom of the paper was a simple signature...
Azul ended up extending his stay in the Leech home until the VIP evening had come. He actually did tell his mother where he was this time...just not every single detail about the why's and what for's. When it was time for the group of teenagers to execute their plan, they acted as nonchalantly as possible during the evening meal and turned into their rooms as expected at the end of the night....until the whole house was quiet enough for them to sneak into the garden, one by one. 
Floyd was the most fidgety and irritated of the small band of rebels, surprising no one. Azul held two potions before the brothers, one in each hand, one blue and the other red. 
"Pay attention, Floyd. This is important," Azul said sharply, "Jade, the red one is for you. The blue one is for Floyd. They both will only last about three or four hours so do NOT drink them until you're about to cross the border, understand? The rest is up to you two and Seven." 
Cowrie held out what looked like earplugs to Jade with a pouty expression on her face, "You'll need these, Jay Jay, so you don't get all...ya know...love stupid because of the siren songs." 
"Ooh? Are you worried that I'll stray, my Cowrie?" Jade was incorrigible when it came to his smug teasing. Even with his mate, he couldn't help himself whenever she showed even a hint of territorial or jealous behavior, no matter how small. He silently reveled in it. Cowrie scoffed, trying to ignore the amused twitch in her mate's long tail.
"I just know how things work in that place and I'm trying to keep you from getting robbed down to your bones, Jay Jay!" Cowrie huffed with her cheek puffed up like a grumpy blowfish. This only made Jade internally gush over how cute she was. The younger Cerith sister turned to her impatient brother-in-law-to-be and gave him a serious look.
"Floyd," the tiny eelmaid grabbed onto Floyd's black strand of hair and gently pulled him down to look her in the eyes and used his proper name to show she meant business, "Trust Sevy and don't do anything besides what he told you to do, ok? My sister will be heartbroken if you get yourself killed and I'll kill you myself if you get her or Jay Jay killed, got it?"
Floyd's tail kicked up some sand in irritation but he didn't look away from Cowrie's sharp stare either as if doing so would be stepping down from a challenge, "Yeah. I get it." 
"Good. And no fighting unless you absolutely have to!"
Floyd just huffed and gave Cowrie a pout to rival her own. Azul crossed his arms and sighed, "For the record, I think you're both absolutely mad for even attempting this...however, it would be a crime to leave Luna trapped in that horrible place. So get in, get her out, and get out of there before the Muraeni's even realize what happened."
Azul flashed the portal key to the Octavinelle dorm that Jade had passed onto him, just in case things went south way quicker than they anticipated. Everyone knew their roles. Everything was prepared. Azul and Elise waited in the coral garden with Cowrie while the twins snuck off the property under a spot in the tall fence they had dug out months during their last visit home. Cowrie sat curled up in Elise's arms, trying not to show how anxious she was really feeling as she watched the twins disappear into the night.
The Siren's Cove was packed. Seven had his hands full keeping the guest list check-ins tight but flowing smoothly. There were, of course, the non-elite patrons that spent most of their nights at the Cove's usual open events but they were soon turned away at the door and informed that tonight was a private event for only those who were personally invited by the owner, Don Muraeni himself. Those who didn't comply were swiftly met with shark and ray mermen bouncers who didn't waste time with verbal explanations. His father and oldest brother were already seated in the Don's private box, comfortable and ready to enjoy the night's coming entertainment. Seven's younger brothers, however, were left outside to watch the perimeter for anyone who looked shady. 
Seven's calm eyes roamed over the line of patrons as they showed their printed invitations to the doormen and entered the club to greet him where he stood watch. They knew who he was and he knew them but he held fast to the rule of silence and merely bowed his head graciously to each of them as they entered. Some came armed with gifts for their favored sirens. Seven accepted each one without question and had the staff take each gift to the girls' rooms in rotation. Any gift that came for Luna was simply left outside her door, lining the hallway so as not to disturb her as she prepared herself. 
Seven's eye spotted another Don of a smaller clan that was indebted to his father enter the venue with a group of his own associates in tow. He was a Zebra moray with a small family and a slowly declining ring of muscle but under Don Muraeni's umbrella, he was able to keep his own household afloat.  The Don nodded to Seven out of respect and motioned for one of his lackeys to present a vase of flowers to Seven to give to Luna.
"To celebrate the young mistress' debut," he grinned with a rough dry voice. 
Seven was about to accept the vase when a suddenly clanging noise was heard from the ceiling. Everyone who heard it looked up to see a series of ventilation port-like openings in the stone ceiling. It seemed to be coming from one of the openings...like something was crawling or skittering around inside.
Seven snapped his fingers and signaled to two manta ray mermen on standby that floated into the main entryway from the shadowed corners. They nodded just before one of them went to investigate the vents while the other took the vase from the visiting Don. 
"Probably just a lost crab or some other small intruder, I'm sure...they seem to swarm this time of year," Seven reassured the Don and his crew motioning for them to enter the main hall.  The manta ray that took the vase was then given his instructions from Seven.
"Take this to Luna's door and knock. She always prefers flowers to be delivered personally." 
The mantra ray gave him a courteous grin before swimming towards the backstage corridor without any questions. 
Luna sat before her mirror, adorning the elaborately strung pearls she was given to wear specifically for her performance tonight. Her face was a cold mask of calm but inside, each nerve was on fire. Seven hadn't elaborated on what exactly to expect tonight, just that she should be 'ready' and to act as if everything was normal. Meaning that Luna kept up the facade of a scolded diva put in her place by her angry step-brother and now supervisor, keeping her mouth shut and her head down. Obedient and silent when she wasn't on stage. Other than that...Luna held the freshly made coral key in her hands, not sure exactly where it would take her when the moment came. She hid it inside her jewelry box along with the gold necklace Floyd had given her moments before hearing a knock at her door. She opened it to find one of the manta ray staff holding a vase of flowers addressed to her.
"Oh thank you. These are gorgeous," Luna took the vase in her arms and admired the blooms as the mantra ray smiled down at her. She swore that one of his eyes was darker than the other and his smile though...she had seen it somewhere before. The manta ray said nothing before bowing to her and swimming back towards the main entrance, leaving Luna to wonder if she was just imagining things. She set the vase on her table, that Seven had replaced for her, and finished getting ready, knowing that they would call for her any moment. Perhaps it was just Luna's nerves getting the better of her but as soon as she turned around to look at herself one more time in her mirror, she thought she saw the vase move in the reflection. Of course, when Luna turned around...it was perfectly still. She took a deep breath and let it and her paranoia out. Clearly, she was just getting a bit stir crazy. Luna left her room as soon as the stagehands called out for her. 
The main hall was filled to the brim. All the guests had been seated and were being served by the eager wait staff who knew tonight would be the best time to rake in some heavy tips for themselves. Seven saw that the security closed and locked all of the exits and entrances until the performances were over per his father's orders. Once everything was in place, he took his seat in his own box. He was one step above his younger siblings who were locked outside but still below his father and eldest brother. Therefore, he sat in a different box, separate from them. He was soon joined by the same manta ray that had delivered Luna's flowers for him. The eel gestured for the ray to sit in the seat next to him.
"You might as well get comfortable. It's going to be an interesting night." 
The manta joined him with a grin as he took a seat next to the eel. Jade Leech's voice left his lips in a sly chuckle, "I imagine so, big brother."
Seven grunted, "Shut up and plug up your ears already. The show's about to start."
Luna's first song ended with the sound of vigorous applause. She peeked out from behind the curtains and found where her stepfather and brother sat. They looked as satisfied as either could possibly bear to show. Her eyes wandered across the upper level until she found the box she knew was Seven's. It was empty. He was already on the move, it would seem. This only gave Luna more reason to follow the next direction that he had given her earlier.
'After your first song, return to your room and stay there until it's time for your second and final song.'
Luna did exactly that. What was waiting for her there nearly made her jump out of her speckles. Fortunately, Luna was smart enough to clamp her hand over her mouth as she quickly shut the door behind her. The vase from before had been tipped over and the flowers scattered all over the floor and laying on top of her pillows on her bed was a miniature version of a very familiar face that could very well fit in her palm, just napping away. Her gasp seemed to make the tiny thing stir awake and beam up at her as soon as he was fully awake. She wasn't sure if he was even real but there he was...smiling up at her as he always did whenever they have reunited again.
oop another cliffhanger
Tagging: @nuitthegoddess @wysteriadelights @1ndigowitch @honey-milk-depresso @foxwitchaine @victoria1676 @aiimee9 @iscarlettappel @marcepanna @feldya @zstargalaxy @evieyouknow @espada188
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inherstars · 23 days
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Yadda yadda organizing...
The #1 cause of murderous stress in my life is typically clutter / dirt. With as many cats as we have, it's sometimes unavoidable, but at least a couple times a year I have massive purges of unnecessary stuff that has somehow accumulated over time. I don't know where the hell it all comes from.
My office is unavoidably cluttered. I work from home, but a LOT of what I do requires a tremendous amount of "stuff" on hand (without getting to specific, it's a lot of printed material that is either waiting to be shipped or waiting to be archived, envelopes and samples of previous jobs, shipping materials for projects that are current or on hold, sometimes for months, product samples, etc.)
Plus my office is the defacto "cat room", in part by design, and in part because Greta essentially lives in it. So there's also book shelves, a couple cat trees, art supplies.
It's A LOT.
I sit at this desk for 8+ hours a day, and finally it was just getting to be too much for me. For one thing, the walls are a little janky (thanks to some shitty drywall patching done before we bought it, damage from push pins and things like that) and for another the laminate from my desk had gotten flaky and started to peel since we bought it a few years ago.
Last December I bought some marbleized contact paper and covered the whole desk, which looked nice! For a bit. Then it started to peel and get janky as well, and the whole thing was stressing me out. The room really needs to be patched up and repainted (some day I'll describe the nightmare that is every painted wall of our house peeling over and over again for some reason no one can explain or remedy), and I need a new desk, but I don't have the cash to fix either of those things right now. I was going to do my cooking / baking today, but since Jim wanted to go to the lake I decided to fix up the office instead.
I peeled off all old contact paper, and had enough left over from last time to recover the whole thing. I reinforced the edges with some decorative gold duct tape because the contact paper doesn't hold up well at the edges of the desk, and I'm hoping this will give it a longer lifespan. I also did a faux backsplash with some DIY wallpaper from Walmart.
I fucking hate adhesives of any kind. Tape is my goddamned mortal enemy, and I was literally almost in tears trying to put this together in a way that didn't look shitty.
It's.... okay. It looks better, so long as you don't look at it for too long, and it should at least hold me for a few more months. It still looks a bit junky, purely because otherwise I'll be staring at fucked up paint, and that's even worse for my mental health.
I took a huge carload of stuff to the thrift shop, vacuumed and reorganized and moved a few things around, and the room overall feels much better. All the pertinent exercise stuff is in my office for right now, because working out with hand weights around a bunch of tiny, tiny kittens is just not happening.
The kittens mostly continue to gain weight. Charlie was down a tiny bit today -- less than an ounce -- but we'll see where he is tomorrow. His appetite is great, his head is in the food bowl as soon as you put it down, so I don't understand why he's not gaining at the same rate as the other three. We just started their second round of Panacur, which can leave to some tummy upset, so hopefully today was just a tiny setback, and tomorrow he'll be back on track.
Ivy continues to be stubborn. I would really like to get her separated from the other three in a one-on-one foster situation, but as it is I can't even get people to inquire about adopting them, let alone fostering. This is the most frustrating part, apart from just making sure they're all healthy: the uncertainty of, "What the fuck am I going to do with these kittens?"
0 notes
smuttyaf · 7 months
You Can Be My Daddy
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𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰; 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭.
wc: 5.1k
implied age gap! don’t read if it makes you uncomfy!!
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Phillips Academy
Victorian sculpted pillars lift the aging bricks that roams for acres over the land. Trees scatter along the property with pathways of cobblestone leading steps into the historic school. It holds years of academic success, painting itself in the many trophies set in tall cases throughout the building.
It’s one of the reasons Harry accepted the offer at working at such a prestigious boarding school; not only it’s astounding history but also the fact it promotes community leadership and engagement. They challenge students to develop what is finest in themselves and others, making their accomplishments influence pupils on campus to remain in their values especially when it comes to education.
Well, if their parents are paying 40-60 grand every year it would be in their best interest to really care about their studies.
The academy is one of the most expensive boarding schools worldwide. Filled with rich kids going about their days either roaming amongst the grounds in large groups, or supporting the lacrosse team in raging cheers. The ambiance of the school oozes dark academia, this high class atmosphere radiating once stepping onto the property.
The aura travels its way through the spacious hallways and into in Mr. Bennett’s office; past principals roam along the walls illuminating the room, birch desk craved in intricate swirls sit with tiny trinkets littering the space with some papers.
It’s where Harry finds himself sitting opposite of the desk, arms resting along the chair handles listening intently to his boss.
“Mr. Styles your presence is always appreciated, especially in times like this; I commend you for being able to accept an additional student with your chaotic schedule.” He nods his head in understanding, pleasant smile stretching his lips.
“Of course sir, I’m always here to offer a helping hand.” The grey hair man acknowledges his employee, serious look combing over his face as he straightens his back.
“There is however information that needs to be disclosed before she makes her exchange over here.” There’s strain silence in the air with the older man thinking about the choice of his words. “There has been gossip, and even though it’s very frowned upon in our community they still need to be addressed. This new student, Y/N. It’s been rumoured that she… well… I mean let’s just she say has a very corrupt mind, attempting apparently to seduce her peers.”
The news has his feet fidgeting across the floor, back shuffling around in the chair with his throat clearing.
Harry heard of teachers catching students kissing in the library or witnessing the occasional love note; so if this student was allegedly seducing teachers it makes this new found information haunting. There hasn’t been this kind of promiscuous activity on the school grounds before, and quite frankly Harry wants no parts. He has a reputation to uphold.
“If I may speak?” He interjects, fingers raising slightly as Mr. Bennett nods in approval for his thoughts. “And I’m sorry if I speak out of turn sir but… if these rumours have some truth to them then why is she still in the system?”
It’s a fair question. These specific allegations should be investigated deeply, maybe even having law enforcement in this very room just for this conversation to happen.
The words make the beer belly principal sigh in frustration. Fingers running over each other as he twists around in his chair shaking his head slowly.
“They are only allegations and without proper evidence to uphold them we can’t do anything but keep close eye on her.” Brown eyes connect with green, serious exchange between their gaze.
“Which doesn’t go without saying, it’s in our best interest that we do routinely check ups with staff members who have her in their classes.”
Harry nods his head in agreement completely understanding the velocity of the arrangement.
“I recognize the gravity of the matter sir, believe me, I won’t jeopardize my position.” Harry reassures. It makes the older man smile, happy with the response.
“I always trust you Styles, I’m sure you won’t let me down.” Standing he offers his hand out, Harry obliges smiling at Mr. Bennett appreciating his words.
Once exiting the heavy doors of his office, Harry makes the mental note to not fall into whatever tricks you have up your sleeve. Whether the gossip was true or not he still needs to remain focus on his job. He can’t fail to lose it, the pay and pension was too good for him to slip up. It would be stupid to get himself caught up in something scandalous.
So, he kept doing his usual routine throughout the week: teaching, conversing with co-workers, assisting the boys with lacrosse practice, and doing any extra help with his students.
Everything was going how it normally is, for example right now; he’s on his familiar route from the staff lounge heading towards his history class.
The tall wooden door peels open from the grip Harry has on the handle, and because the school is so old and lacks updated renovations, he doesn’t see someone losing their balance on the other side of the door until they slip into the space that it reveals.
Textbooks and papers fall across the floor, her repetto heels squeak against the polish wood with body barely catching her balance on the door.
“Oh my —I’m so sorry!” Harry rushes, holding the side of her waist as her arm slams against the wooden panel.
“Ow…” The sweet voice below him whimpers as she begins to rub her elbow.
It’s the tiny melodic harmony that makes his sight float down to her small frame. Feathery eyebrows crease together in her forehead, plump lips shining with gloss that push out in a pout, and her eyes… Harry so caught on the vivid colour of them and how they’re so doe and soft, like a bunny. His bunny.
Harry can feel his heart stirring. Feverish blood flow that begins to spread through his once relax body. He know this school like the back of his hand, from all his co-workers to the familiar faces of students from different grades, but you.
You’re new, pure sight for sore eyes and the grip he has on your waist rubbing over the skin in sincere comfort. He wants to relish in it forever.
“I’m so sorry dear these doors aren’t the most practical,” He confides gaze watching over her irritated expression.
“Tell me about it.” She grumbles, that causes him to break into a small smile.
“You’re new right? I haven’t seen you around before.” Harry questions, while releasing the grip he has.
He bends his knees picking up the papers and textbooks shuffling them along in his palms. It’s when he’s drawing up to stand does he realize the white thigh highs sitting neatly across your skin.
Your skirt was obviously rolled twice over to the point that it accentuates your shapely legs, a daring choice that adds an element of allure to the uniform; and as his gaze continues to float up, it makes him swallow hesitantly when seeing your button up with two undone to display your bouncy breast.
“Yes. I’m Y/N, the new exchange student.”
Your choice in clothing resembles the rumours floating around. The uniform still holds its sophisticated aspect but the revealing skin boarders on being called out for the altered apparel.
You’re a tease. It’s written all over you. From the way your socks press tightly into your inner thighs to the glimmer shining in your gaze; your aura radiates the many stories that Harry has read about. Pirates being lured in by beautiful siren mermaids, making them jeopardize their own ships just to be in their presence.
He never understood those telltales about the men falling so easily from the near appearance of them, but now he understands.
“I’m Mr. Styles, History teacher.” Harry states, his body going to hold the door open as he places the books back into your hold.
“Oh! So you’re my last period teacher,” Crinkle brows relax as pearly white teeth shine, eyes flickering down his suited trousers and basic blazer frame.
“So it seems,” Harry nods, deciding to not pay attention to your lingering stare, but instead widening the door at the chime of the bell. “I will see you in class then.”
He bows his head while stepping around you. The padding of feet with chatter fills the space as students litter into the hall. It sends waves of relief through Harry that he doesn’t need to be around your presence, though this tinge of desire wants to feel you beneath his touch again, especially with the way you begin to bat those eyes at him.
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Harry tries — believe him — he tries to refrain every glare he makes towards your direction as you sit in the middle of the classroom. He tries to not look at your questioning appearance consuming his words, or when your elbows press together in your chest only adding more definition to your breasts.
He wants to believe that his bunny is at least modest especially with the rumours floating around, and with the first couple weeks you are.
Cheery voice greeting him when stepping through the door frame. Eager demeanour ready to learn with shining eyes. Hand rising in the air to answer questions or being next to him to ask about the recent assigned work needing help.
He starts to think to himself that everything was a lie. The seducing teachers and provocative actions, probably just spread because of her appearance. The student that he’s been teaching for three weeks didn’t show any signs of flirtatious energy and he was extremely grateful for that.
The weekly reports he’s been sending Mr. Bennett is filled with nothing but nice things about bunny. Discussing how she’s on time and already doing good so far with her studies. He thinks it will be an easy year, sure he’ll have eye candy for the remainder and it might be difficult due to her tempting wardrobe choices, but he has self-control.
Or at least that’s what he thought.
Harry didn’t know what happened, but it was as if a flip switched in you. Soon, the once soft voice that entered his class was tinged with an enticing tone to it. Gaze now glimmers with playfulness every time they would drop in a wink when you say the correct answer; or even when asking for help, leaning in dangerously close to the point he would see your soft tits just begging to be touched through the tight fabric.
He tries to refrain himself, ignoring fluttering lashes, or the glistening smirk of your plump lips. At times he needs to sink his palm in his growing erection when he watches your hips swing when returning to your desk. The curve of your ass cheeks poking where the material of the navy blue skirt ends. He licks his lips and tries to draw in his thoughts.
Harry has values to uphold, hell, even a moral compass, but with you, it was like you’re asking for it.
You know you’re beautiful, always using it to your advantage to get away with showing up to class late with flirty smile, or catching small glimpses of you on the school grounds chatting to boys thrilled they have the prettiest girl on campus giving them attention.
It was little things like that, that would bother him even though he knows it shouldn’t. All these little boys having his bunny attention.
It was crystal clear where it needs to be. It’s the reason why you’re at this boarding school, the reason why you dress the way you do, and it’s the reason why everyone across school boards is talking about you.
It’s just like right now; you’re looking over at Luca, winking at him as he smirks in your direction, both clearly ignoring the class speaker informing everyone about the history of Marie Antoinette.
The exchange practically has him fuming, Harry was now months into your teasing ways. Actions now more prominent when drawing your hand down his shoulder asking about certain questions, even a couple weeks ago, it escalated to the point he thought he distinctly heard you whisper wanting to do something to him, and when asked what you said you opted to giggle and play stupid.
In the moment he wanted so badly to grab you by your beautiful locks and leave your pussy an abused mess, but instead he abstained himself, going to the nearest bathroom and emptying himself in his hand at the images crossing his mind.
Harry would be lying if he said he wasn’t pissed off that your eyes are on someone else but his. As Florence continues speaking he stands, writing three questions pertaining to the chapters they’ve read on the chalk board.
He allows the mineral to fall back to its original place while turning around smiling to his students as she concludes her speech. “The story of Marie Antoinette still leaves people interested to this very day. Her beauty, brave-spirit, and misfortunes that ultimately lead to her tragic death shows that even in those ages compared to now it still holds peculiar, life-like reality to the sad tale.”
Harry’s sight gazes over the uninterested and intrigued faces of his students, feet moving across the floor as he gathers his thoughts about the assigned passages.
“The three questions I have written on the board, who would like to answer?” Sight crossing over hands that raise with urgency as he retreats back to his desk.
Of course his bunny was glad to answer, familiar happy glint in your eye as you let your back curve deliciously in your desk to catch his attention. He let his gaze run over the many faces, purposely ignoring you.
“Hailey, Austin, and… Y/N”
The three stand and head towards the board, footsteps sounding against polish floorboards as they begin filling out the answers to the questions he wrote. He notices the way you pick the chalk closest to his chair, and is basically by his side as you wait your turn.
Harry couldn’t help but bite down on his lip, back ruffling against his leather chair as he looked over the board before turning towards his daily planner.
“I need everyone to read chapters five through ten and finish the remaining questions on both sides of the page.”
He hears some groans in the space with the rumbling of students turning their textbooks open to the assigned work. At the same time, Hailey and Austin find their way back to their original seats.
His attention goes towards you fixing the lettering at the end of your sentence, and of course his bunny was correct.
You stepped away, smiling charmingly at him while turning around making your way towards your desk until realizing the chalk still in hand; and with the sudden realization your fingers fumble over it causing it to fall to the floor.
The echo of your heels halt, spine dipping down to expose your perky backside and display your pussy covered in your lacy pink thong. Oh bunny.
The display of skin that he’s been wanting to bury himself in since seeing you in that fucking skirt has blood rushing to his cock. He’s biting down on his knuckle as he watches you hurry to the board to place it back and settling into your chair, expression as if you didn’t just flash him; as if you didn’t even know.
Harry inhales deeply, hand moving from his mouth to smile bashfully towards his students. “I have such an exceptional class this year. Good job to the three.”
Sitting up he looks over his schedule for the next couple of weeks, there was only five minutes left of class and he needs to dilute his thoughts of wanting to fuck his student into his desk.
He allows the chatter in the room to increase as time seems to drag on, his hand relieving the blood flowing through his crotch until the usual bell chimes across the school.
In the shrill sound it makes students flood out of the classroom, causing him to swiftly stand when seeing you pass through the space.
“Actually Y/N, may I speak to you for a moment.” Catching you before leaving, the once lively atmosphere quiets down as the door clicks shut. He steps back gesturing towards the desks in front of the classroom.
The cute confused expression over your face makes him chew on the inside of his cheek. Harry clears his throat as he watches you sit, straight teeth nibbling into the flesh of your lip as you give him that doe stare.
“Is there something wrong sir?” Mascara coated lashes batting innocently.
“Yes actually dear… you see, I’ve grown quite fond of you in my classroom,” A sincere smile beams, subtle blush spreading along your cheeks as you nod your head in acknowledgement. “You have been passing all your assignments and tests amazingly, I haven’t met a new student who excels so greatly.”
“Thank you sir, I really do try my best.” The words flowing out of your mouth meet with your finger tips gently gliding over Harry’s stance. One hand situated on the desk while the other is on the back of your chair, his tall frame cornering you into the wall.
Harry knows he should pull away from the touch, but he pretends it’s not happening.
“However I have some serious concerns to discuss with you.” Once again, those big bunny eyes completely puzzled at his words.
“I have to ask do you have any parental guidance in your life?” Your face stretches into more confusion.
“Um… my mom doesn’t care much about me, been sending me away once she got the chance.” You say with teeth going back to nimble the fat flesh.
“And your father?”
“He left when I was five, I’ve never met him or have much memories.”
“Why the question sir?” You ask, gentle voice sounding through the space.
Another deep sigh trails out from him. “Your uniform Y/N. Do you find it appropriate?”
It makes you rake over your appearance, brows creasing even further at the question.
“Well, yes, I haven’t been in trouble about it before?”
Harry nods his head. “It was never really a problem for me and I’m sure your other peers, but today… when you dropped the chalk I did see your um…”
Still there’s this look in your eyes just begging for Harry to crack, especially with the tug at the end of your lips as they connect the dots of this conversation.
“Yes, it’s extremely inappropriate and part of me believes that with certain… alterations to your uniform maybe this mishap wouldn’t have happen.” Your hair shifts with every nod of your head.
He knows you’re pretending to understand, knows that you really don’t care about what he has to say. You only care about continuing your devious plan.
“Okay sir…” Lashes batting slowly until head knocks over to the side, fake expression appears once again. “So the question about ‘parental guidance’ what’s that about?”
Harry clears his throat, chest leaning away from you as he rest along the desk parallel to your body. He drinks in your sight; the teasing smirk and luring gaze drawing him in with your prominent chest ready to be in his hold.
“I think… you need a father figure.” Eye connection not wavering as your legs uncross themselves and sit up higher in the wooden chair.
“Is that so?” Sultry tone making the pumping nerves in his veins begin to spread where he wants your touch the most.
“Yes… it’s just so obvious with your skirt, why do you wear it so short?” Harry questions. His bushy brows rise as you clearly pretend to think over your answer.
“I have to be honest sir, I never thought it was that short.” Voice filled with such sarcasm that Harry’s nails are scratching into the desk. His patience wearing thin.
“Which is why I think you need some guidance.” He watches you lick over your bottom lip before you’re standing. Body so tiny compared to his as he swallows your frame despite his posture.
“Like a father figure?” Almond nails dancing along the waistband of his pants as you stare up at him with that same devious look.
“Y —Yes like a mentor maybe.” His hands leave the desk going to tear yours away from his skin.
He so desperately wants nothing more than to feel you all around him but, he has to be the adult in this situation.
“Please bunny, I want you to respect me as I respect you.”
The sentence has you stepping back. Pearly white teeth shining as you poke your hip out, breasts moving slightly from the motion that it causes Harry to swallow shallowly.
His fingers contract around air looking over your satisfied expression. He fucked up. Deeply fucked up, and with the innocent disguise finally dropping he succumbs to your plan. The one that has him a fidgeting hot mess in his own classroom.
“Bunny?” Your eyes twinkle as your heels echo going back to their previous place. Tongue gliding over your glossy lips with fingers running over his stomach.
“M —My apologies miss I —I”
“—Is that the nickname you gave me, bunny. Why?” Plucked eyebrow perch itself high as you still hold your devilish expression.
“W —Well… I… um… I think it’s in both of our favours to just pretend this never happened. I won’t even report it to Mr. Bennett—“
“—Now Mr. Styles.”
His name rolling off your tongue in a long drawl that it nearly sends him floating into your body. He’s becoming pray to your toxic ways. He should draw away immediately from your touch, he should be turned off quite frankly, but it’s his bunny.
His bunny who he’s been dying to feel under again and burrow in your floral fragrance. Your swollen lips look like they’re begging to be sucked on, luscious locks just dying to be in his grip. He wants to ruin you, just as bad as you want to ruin him.
“I know you stare at me in class.” Palms gliding down the expanse of his obvious erection.
“I feel it even in the halls when we pass by each other, your eyes on my tits and ass. Don’t you like them Mr. Styles?” Pressure applying to his dick that it makes him groan lowly in his throat.
“I bet you think about the way my pussy feels… or how my sweet mouth would wrap around your cock.” Eyes batting up at him so enticingly that he’s back to restraining himself against the desk, teeth biting into his bottom lip allowing you to touch him like the many times he’s dreamt about.
“Maybe I do need a father figure.” Digits now beginning to undo the heavy metal of his belt buckle. “Need someone to put me in my place…”
God he’s fucked, he’s totally ruined.
He can pull away now and keep this exchange just between them, act as if it never even happen. Save both of them the embarrassment. But… his bunny.
You’re so eager to please, so eager to get what you’ve been wanting, just so happy to accomplish having your way with a man half your age. It’s written all over your face.
“Maybe… you can be my daddy.”
The warmth of your hand dips between the denim of his pants and the material of his boxers. Small fingers curling around his cock gently stoking him with that fucking smirk.
“Would you like that Mr. Styles?” Wrist twisting with hand tightening. It has him moaning lowly in his throat, eyes fluttering at the change in your motions. “Hmm?” Antagonizing hum met with another flick of your hand as you rise up his shaft.
“N —No…”
“No?” Dreamy eyes glazing over in arousal as your bottom lip juts out in fake disappointment.
“We can’t be doing this… i —it’s wrong.” The hold he has on the desk releases its grip as he falls pray to the movements that have his toes curling in his loafers.
“It’s wrong… but your hard cock is in my hand right now.” Deep sigh leaving Harry chest. His sight flicks between your lips and eyes, the fact his bunny is looking up at him like the last time they were this close is sending him up the wall.
“It’s wrong but you want to fuck me every time you look at me?” Head knocking to the side in your devious tone.
“It’s wrong but you think about me enough to have a lil’ nickname for me?” Thumb spreading his pre-cum amongst him.
Harry wants to grip your throat and push you into the wall, stop the words of torment from trailing out of your mouth like it isn’t the truth.
“Come on Mr. Styles,” Eyes rolling amused at his flustered appearance. “Let me taste you. It’ll be just between us, okay?”
He swallows, shifting his gaze completely avoiding the question. The slight tremble in your voice, and the way your hands run down him so smoothly has his hips stuttering in your palm.
“Don’t you want to be my daddy?” Harry witnesses the way your pupils dilate like you want this to happen so desperately. How your lashes flutter up so beautifully… maybe this isn’t so bad… maybe this isn’t that scandalous.
“And I can be your bunny.”
Oh… how he’s been dying to hear those words float from your mouth. It’s why he ultimately subsides in tension, his hands that found safety curled into the desk now run along your neck.
One hand holding you there while the other scoops your jaw, thumb rubbing off the sticky gloss covering your lips.
“You are my bunny.”
Harry sees the way your expression glimmers with happiness. The stroking you have over him continues to twist and tug in your hand now slick with pre-cum.
“Always been mine.” Head tilting down to capture your lips in his. The taste of your peach lip gloss doesn’t over power the sweetness of the way you flow all along his tongue.
Muscles lap over each other with urgency, basking in the flavour you expel along his tastebuds. So savoury and delicious. Harry can’t stop the growl that trails between rushed lips.
All his daydreams and thoughts about the way you taste can’t compare to the real thing. Saliva drips from your mouth with tongues dancing along each other in pure erotic fashion. And when you break the kiss with such an high pitch moan, it has his nerves railing up his spine.
“Want to make my daddy feel good, can I?” The breathless draw of your voice sends shockwaves of arousal through Harry, the hold you have around him shifts as you begin to lower yourself mischievously looking up at him.
“Yes, fuck yes.”
As you fall to your knees Harry lets his hands glide into your hair. Capturing the unruly strands as you tug the remains of his trousers down his thighs.
He appreciates that you don’t waste time and suck the head of his cock into your mouth. Spit oozing out of your lips as you glide down from his crown and let your tongue escape to roam all along his shaft. Your muscle ventures down the underside of him, licking every surface expose that has him groaning loudly.
Harry has dreamt of this moment more times then he can count; your cherry slick mouth sucking him in so heavenly, gaze sparkling up at him with pleasure, hands running up his thighs to balance your moving position.
The warmth of your tongue is delectable to him. The walls of your mouth coating him in salvia as you slide him down your throat with ease. Each descend has Harry breath rushing out with urgency.
Two bodies in the one room greedy for each other in the wickedness of their actions. A teacher falling for the game that the student below him plays who simply loves the end result of her actions.
The constant vibrations of your moans add to the excitement of this moment. Your eyes wide watching Harry relish in the grip you have over him. It’s a tantalizing connection with flexing tongue and throat that accepts the length of his cock as if it’s nothing.
His bunny is so talented, showing him all her tricks. Massaging his balls softly while the other strokes down the expanse of him, your mouth dangerously slurping him up to the point your nose brushes against his pelvis. You’re so good at this, too good at this.
As you raise up from his shaft with tongue circling around his crown before descending down again, the fingers in your hair hold your head against him. Your throat quivers around his thickness accepting the hold he has over you.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Harry groans as you stare up at him so innocently just accepting the force.
Of course his bunny is very good to him. So smart, so pretty, so perfect just for him.
His grip releases allowing you to rise up and catch your breath, but even within that time it takes you to inhale you’re back to swallowing him down. Forehead nestling against his stomach as he rocks into the depths of your throat.
Harry keeps going, the same motions of letting you up only for you to wrap your sweet mouth around him and have him stifle your airways over and over again, just letting him ruin your throat.
“Fuck bunny,” Harry groans, fingers curling around your locks as he sucks his bottom lip between his teeth.
Lashes flutter up at him dreamy and teary eye, he knows your throat is burning, and he knows you like it because he sees the happy glint in your eye like when you say the correct answer.
The nickname makes you peel away from his cock and smile at him, string of saliva connecting between your lips and the head of his dick as he looks down at you in adoration.
“Don’t you like this daddy?” Raspy voice met with hands gliding down leisurely from all the spit coating him.
“Yes… so good for me.” He moans, eyes blinking lowly at the tickling feeling of his climax peaking through.
Redness creeps across Harry cheeks, nails scratching your scalp with bruised lip sucking back into his mouth every few moments. The feel of your small hands twisting and jerking him off gracefully has another moan flowing out of him.
“Bunny,” Harry groans at the feeling of your mouth beginning to suck his balls.
Big bold eyes stare up at him while you continue to stroke and tug at his dick. The sight of your saliva masking him in all its clear fluid is a moment he wants framed, especially when there’s so much it drips down your knuckles nearly running into the sleeve of your button up.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum… keep doing that.” The view of you so needy and pleased has the sparks raking through his stomach and jerking his hips forward in your hand.
The fingers in your hair peel your head away from their position and let them reach the crown of his cock. Your mouth already open and batting your lashes up at him in pure happiness as you continue to stroke him until he’s painting your tongue in long creamy squirts.
White lines that once draw down the length of your tongue blur together as he watches you stand, tongue still out and displaying the mess he just made.
The grip Harry has in your hair falls back to their original position, one on your neck and the other going to your jaw and letting your mouth close. His eyes watching you closely as you swallow his seed and open your mouth to display your tongue clean of his mess.
“So perfect for me bunny.” He utters, thumb gliding over the flesh of your lips at the same time you continue to tug him off.
And just as Harry is about to inch forward and taste the mixture of you and himself on his tongue, he hears plummeting knocks that break the moment.
“Mr. Styles.” The voice of Mr. Bennett.
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epitomees · 1 year
Sumire was so incredibly kind and honest about her feelings. Shy, introverted, yet brave and ambitious. Those were qualities Akira admired so much about her. He remembered the card she had sent him and how his heart fluttered for a second. He loved that about her appreciation towards him, and the feeling was mutual.
Naturally, he knew what kind of day this was. A day to return the favor by purchasing a box of chocolates and a white tulip. Milk or dark was the tough option. Many people completely ignored white chocolate, including himself. It tasted weird. It probably would've been best if he asked her first, but no, that would ruin the surprise. In the end, he got both milk and dark just in case in a single box. The florist with whom he worked gave him a smile as if to say 'good luck' and let him end his shift early.
He thanked with a bow of his head and set out to Shibuya's Central Street, next to the famous Hachiko statue. Not many people were there, so that was as good of a meeting place as any, albeit somewhere more private would be more ideal.
Nonetheless, he had his gifts ready and shot her a text, telling her to meet him there whenever she was free from training. He waited for her patiently, idly scrolling on his phone every now and then and when he finally caught wind of that scarlet ponytail, he waved at her. "Over here!"
Once she walked over to him, seemingly excited, he couldn't help the smile on his face as his hands move to present her gifts. "It's good to see you, Sumire. Happy White Day for my favorite gymnast and kouhai.~" He winked at her in a playful manner.
March began the season of change, where nature once sunken into a deep slumber started blooming, slowly but surely. Already many of the barren trees lining Central Street's walkways showed signs of life peaking out from its branches. Small, tiny brownish-green buds meant in time, pink and white flower petals would decorate the scenery.
Spring brought with it new beginnings for many others as well. While winter brought its own beauty, it held its own sorrow and melancholic disposition. It wasn't the best time for someone like Sumire, patiently yet painstakingly await for sunnier days. Warm weather yielded more outdoor activities available for Sumire's liking. More time for training in the fresh air too. She looked forward to those future plans, but first...a little more waiting. Sumire didn't mind...too much.
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March not only meant the incoming start of spring, but her birthday wasn't too far off as well. And, of course, the inevitable White Day celebrated by many school students and teenagers. The day where boys, mostly, returned the favor given to them from crushes on Valentine's Day. It's silly, but fun for many. Sumire never expected gifts or anything awaiting inside her locker, or by her desk, or directly shoved into her hands from Shujin's schoolboys. Hardly anyone knew her well...
...except a select few...
...which, to her surprise, said one of them happened to message her just then for a small meetup. Of course, Akira wouldn't forget when someone showed him their gratitude or appreciation. He always remembered, and never forgot. Her response was short, and...maybe she shouldn't have used so many heart emojis, but it already sent! No taking it back now.
The subway took her towards Central Street, and after taking the staircase two at a time she found herself in the entrance square. No sign of Akira just yet. No one could miss the frizzy hair among a crowd of brown and black trenchcoats. She didn't wait too long, however, for his arrival near the dedication statue. Did he take the next train after her? Or did he...arrive early to gather together his thoughtful spread of presents?
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"Oh...wow, this is...more than I was thinking you'd bring!" Nonetheless, his thoughtful gestures brought out a classic, genuine Sumire smile. One of fondness, pleasure, giddiness. "The flowers are so colorful, and you have a box of chocolates just for me..." It's a little too much to take in all at once. A little overwhelming, but in an appreciative manner. Akira didn't need to splurge so much and yet...he must have no qualms in the matter.
What did matter boiled down to Sumire's happiness.
"I don't know if I have a large enough vase at home to let these flowers soak, unless you also happened to have bought a vase along with the bouquet.~"
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sf-nightngale · 2 years
Nep Academy for aspiring performers was at the cross streets of Oakwood drive and St. Michael’s St. just a short walk from it’s counterpart in education Volts Performance Academy. Surrounded by the houses of the most prominent students in the cast, anyone who moved into the neighborhood, or attended Volts was sure to have a passing chance at a role in the school drama. Nep was it’s junior and the source of most of it’s attendees, and any hoping to pursue a career in front of the screen endeavor to attend. Iniko and Ilori did so as well, despite failing their entrance performance they had aced every test and were proposed for advancement in all classes but the one they most coveted. Barred from additional auditions for the semester, the fast approaching summer provided the window they needed to prepare a new audition tape for the drama council to review.
Iniko and Ilori were determined as ever to make their camera plan work. As the recess bell rang flooding the playground with children who wanted to climb the jungle gym or slide or swing it also released Iniko and Ilori who took their place in the corner of the playground with Iniko’s pacing and Ilori’s notebook to work.
I can not believe him. We all know the importance of landing a producer in this genre. But no, because he doesn’t want to live up to his potential as a hero, we have to live in obscurity forever. I’m a born star. And that says nothing of your own talents, which surely rival my own.
Ilori blinked at her and then followed her gaze as it shifted from him to the street beyond the gate. Kaiden was there, her camera tracking first the street then the sky and trees. She did it again with the next camera she carried, pausing to make notes in her journal.
Who do you think she is?
She looks good.
Ilori was already making notes of Kaiden’s height and appearance. Iniko looked over his shoulder and sighed, pulling out the tiny spy camera she carried to snap a picture. After that Kaiden moved on, running down the street with her fleet of cameras.
Do you think she was really good? Or just pretending?
She could have been a student. There are lots of talentless people who work background or in production.
Either way we’ll have to find her again.
Yeah but we can do it! We’re the stars!
It was on that note the school bell rang and they along with all the other children in the yard returned to class.
(Location change chimes)
As this was happening at the school Eko and Okena were returning to the kitchen of # 13 Mountain’s Way. Eko opened the fridge to find the bento untouched. He straightened, finding Okena staring at the empty cookie jar. He removed the bento from the fridge.
Okena, could you do me a favor and wash out the cookie jar. I’m going to make a new batch.
Sure, where are you going?
To wake up my father.
0 was in his study on the second floor where he usually slept after his hours of work put him to sleep. It was a quiet room lit now only by the light of the sun's rays through the window. Despite it’s proximity to Iniko and Ilori’s room they rarely disterbed it. This was not the case with Eko, whose swift kick knocked the door back into the wall and shook the adjacent bookcases.
Eko- shouting
Wake up!
The startled 0 was indeed awake now his babbling and scrambling lost on Eko’s stern demeanor. 
Earthquake, earthquake again. Everybody get down. It’ll pass in a minute, just under your desks now.
There’s no earthquake.
Are you sure, the seismograph registered. And, what happened to my door?
I kicked it.
But why?
It wasn’t open.
Well I know that, you expect me to work with an open door.
Eko didn’t respond, stepping up to his father’s desk he dropped the bento on it. 0 peered out from beneath, observing the neatly wrapped package. He emerged from his hiding space and pulled up the chair to eat. Eko left him with his door still stuck in the wall.
0 notes