#and i said ''oh i'm sure! you're welcome to check my schedule if you don't believe me :)''
hearts-hunger · 1 year
i'm deep frying my boss with my mind btw
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soraviie · 2 years
asking them for space.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ masterlist
━ about: fluff, angst ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: so because I'm rusty af writing here's some headcanons and crack to ease into things. In my free time, I've been sitting down and writing original cosmic horror/despair/no hope story so you can imagine what mood shift it is to go from that to feel good crack about these guys lmaooo
━ note: reader asks for space for personal reasons not because of an argument. This was requested by someone and I hope you don't mind it turned out this way
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no doubt, no doubt, no doubt
"This is not personal, Namjoon," he tells himself. "It's just a thing one needs to do."
but it sort of feels personal
and that feeling gnaws and festers like an infection, filling the cracks of his day to the brim
so he seeks out the medicine
maybe a bit pettily, perhaps a lot combative
but as he sits down in the studio, during those fleeting, rushing moments of silence and inaction, his fingers hover over the contact info and without much thinking he's speaking into the phone; pleasantly, gleefully surprised you answered this quick
it's all casual, oh, so casual, however, the coursing insecurity manages to break through the veil of distant politeness and he asks in that accusing, grumbling tone
"When are you coming home?"
and, yeah, he kind of hates himself for it but it needs to be said
it needs to be released from the confines of his tremoring inside
whatever answer you give, he accepts gracefully
how can he not
he needs to be a perfectly reasonable understanding boyfriend
because what if you decide to leave him if he's not
...there's that insecurity again...
but either way, he is actually understanding, he's just a bit scared...
what if...what if...what if upon and more if's
it's carving a you sized hole in his heart every time he comes to the stillness and quiet of his home, bed empty, couch - emtpy
all of it - empty
for the lack of the better word it makes him empty
but once the space is over, he welcomes you back with wide open arms
asks you 1000 questions per second and then stares adoringly as you update him on what happened since you met last and what has your thought process been
lol definitely pesters you sweetly to answer what was going through your mind during that "space" period
it's the ever present dichotomy of his to be simultaneously petty and kind about the same thing
so yes he's a bit defensive, bit offended but he still loves you and love equals respect
there's a long, stretching moment of a pregnant pause and then a single question:
"Would you mind telling the reason?"
if you say it or even if you don't, it doesn't really matter
he gives a short nod, a comforting smile and says that he understands but makes you promise you don't try to move mountains all by yourself
he's okay, if he knows you're okay then you're both okay
he does keep himself busy
fills up his schedule so there's no moment to dwell on anything...untoward
he makes sure you're okay thrice a week by either actively checking your socials or sending a quick, straightforward message
if you call, he picks up in an instant
doesn't pressure you in the slightest
our gentle prince :(
he trusts you implicitly so if you say you're fine and you got this covered, all you need is to think on your lonesome, he's not the type to discern hidden meanings in the undercurrents of your tone
he just accepts what you say at face value
at times, he misses you bit more
but Yoongi is perfectly capable of handling himself
and if he happens to call and then proceed to ask nonsensical, off the topic questions just to stretch the conversation a bit longer then that's none of anyone's business >:(
once the space is over he welcomes you back with a good home cooked meal and a ready ear should you need one
he won't ever hold this against you, won't ever even pry if you're uncomfortable by it
all around he's a safe space that has no selfish desires or inhibitions to be the only space you heal in :')
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lmaoo but it's literally him
while twiddling with his thumbs, Jin asks, voice small : "is it something that I did?"
he's so wholly convinced he's at fault lmao
so you may need to dedicate an hour (or three) to convince him this is not breaking up, he's not at fault and no one has done anything wrong, it's just a thing that you feel the need to happen
you have to find briefly a different place to stay at 'cause if you're anywhere near his periphery there's no way he won't bother you
like he's not physically capable
I just have a theory that he doesn't like for arguments or any kind of conflicts to drag out so he faces them head on, occasionally cracking a joke in between to lighten up the mood
(and now I'm sad thinking about Jin)
so, yes, it sort of goes against everything he believes is logical
but he's our golden manner superstar :( so, of course, he'll do as you ask
keeps in touch though
if you don't want to talk to him at all, then negotiates that must at least send him a thumbs up every two days
if you're with your parents will swallow the risign terror and call them to know how you're doing hehe
goes out drinking with his friends more because the silence of the apartment is just too damn overwhelming
and, yes, this might just be Hoseok who now gets pestered with 103% increase to go out drinking lmao
as more time passes he begins developing this...habit
"They've got this in a purple."
"______________ likes purple."
"The notepad is in that room."
"_______________ used to like that room."
Namjoon glares at him
"Yeah, maybe because it's both of your bedroom, genius"
With glazed eyes, Jin recounts to himself as though still half suspended in a dream
"Sometimes I still hear their voice."
"Their not fucking dead, Jin" T-T
some people have definitely shit themselves when they see you again because the way Jin speaks made them think he's a young widower T-T
tries to act so cool once you come back home T-T
deadass tries to seduce you again
unsuccessfully of course because either he manages to slip, burn his finger or drop the food he made onto the floor
perhaps he does all three
either way God decides to embarass him in a very personal way
then pouts
needs a lot of affirmation afterwards so he knows both of you are okay
(why does he need to go to the military he's been serving for years (¬_¬)
has a very firm, insightful conversation about why you need space
not because he's disapproving of it, or he's personally upset, no, it more so stems from the need to know you're okay and whether or not someone has done some evil upon you
once you're both on equal footing what this "space" entails and why there is a need for it, he lets you have all the space you want with no grudges or resentments
open communication is important for him so he merely makes sure you're both perfectly clear with each other before the brief parting
keeps himself busy but still thinks about you a lot
doesn't call or text that often if he knows where you're at and that you're okay
whenever he misses you, buys a gift for you or anything that makes him think of you
amasses a lot of trinkets
probably makes you some kind of jewelry in the meantime
he trusts you so he doesn't question your thought process but he's still human and needs someone to talk to
I feel like he'd go to Namjoon for advice and perhaps just to relieve the tension rising in the background of his mind
definitely makes sure that the things back at home are in prime condition
like say you've got a winter coat that you never gave a proper wash and left hanging on the coat rack
one day he's walking past it and he thinks: "this needs some cleaning"
and then does the laundry :(
if you update your socials, he likes all of the posts
sometimes pulls out his phone and stares at a picture of two of you
that's when he misses you the most :(
he doesn't say any of this in great detail once you return, always feeling the need to be The Caregiver not the one being cared for
he just says he missed you a lot and kisses the top of your head :'(
gives you all the bought presents over a period of time with an excuse "just because"
(they can't just take Hobi away like that I swear)
yeah, so...it's not ideal
Jimin's not great with...space
he doesn't like it when people bottle their feelings up, he doesn't like it when they cry alone when they lose all hope and hide themselves away
so when you say that you want space
his mind just leaps and bounds to conclusions
he's making this whole ass conspiracy board in his head, thinking that something awful happened to you, that he'd done something so wrong that now you hate him forever
so one needs to go on a long and detailed explanation with him
still being a caring partner he does as you ask, he gives you space, essentially putting your needs above his
though he might ask you to stay home
so at least he knows you're safe and sound
I feel like if his partner would be gone his anxiety would rocket to insurmountable heights
though it's not like seeing you withdrawn and quiet doesn't unnerve him in a way
probably still tries to initiate a conversation quite frequently whether in person or over text
just small domestic things
"do you want some of this pizza?" "you're going to shower?" "is that jacket...new?"
just craves interaction, it's jut a bit unnatural for him to not hug you or talk to you for hours to end considering that you're not in a fight and he's not mad at you
it's just odd to him that...this is what you want
but as much as he struggles he tries just as hard to be respectful of your wishes
offending or making you mad at him will simply not happen
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he will fight anyone who dares to make you unhappy and that does absolutely include himself
talks about this space to few of his friends (I'm thinking Hoseok for emotional release and Yoongi for advice and insight)
sulks a lot
is the happiest, energized puppy prince once the space is over :')
tell you the truth he hated every second of it though he keeps this to himself
I'd still wager his face told it clear and loud enough
so maybe some of you be surprised but he takes the request rather well
I theorize he might be prone to getting into sulky moods and so he might understand where you're coming from in terms of wanting to be alone
so he nods, gives a polite agreement and affirms that he'll be here once you feel like returning back
though similarly to Jimin I think he would still insist you don't stay at a hotel or with a friend
but he'd go out of his way to make sure he doesn't crowd you
e.g. leaving before you wake up, coming home once you're asleep
he soaks up your company with the simple fact of seeing you resting in the bed, that's enough
be that as it may, his melancholic big heart misses you to the point his throat is choking up with emotions
he listens to love songs while on long drives
watches videos you've made before and photos taken in the past
grows a bit sullen and expresses that turmoil on late night talks, most likely, with Jimin
after drawing a prolonged, suffering sigh, he'd simply shake his head and say: "it's whatever. It's what they want and I'm not going to argue with that."
leaves small indirect gestures of affection
like fresh flowers in the vase
your favourite candy that just happens to be laying around
if he overhears you wanting to go somewhere, you'll wake up with all the laundry magically done with exactly the type of clothes you'd prefer to wear
he's fully capable of not speaking at all if you're in the same room, allowing you to fully do your own thing
he just needs you around as I've said it's enough for now
unlike Namjoon he doesn't want to pry you out of your head and examine every single line of thought running through your cranium (srry Joon)
he's often lost in his own world so he understands that if you say you're okay, it's fine to leave you there for a bit
when the space is over, he calmly and quietly accepts you back, treating this period like nothing at all had happened
and in a way nothing had
he's just in love with you as he was and he will be after you need the next space again T-T
he's a bit...he's a bit hard to read
he's a more than a tad confused about request
I imagine him blinking in silence for a solid minute after the phrase was uttered
probably inquires whether or not you're mad at him like million times
for some reason his first instinct when you say you'd like to stay somewhere else is to ask whether you'll visit Bam somedays lmaoo
he's honestly a bit too confused to form strong reactions be it positive or negative
but awkwardly he obliges your request
probably takes him a lot of getting used to the change
fishes out his phone to text you the most dumbest, menial thing that just happened and then he remembers "space" and just goes: "guess not..." proceeding to stand like a sim whose action has been interrupted
you know that meme of someone cutting off all of the sleeves of their shirt because they're partner left taking all of the impulse control with them?
yeah, that's JK
inexplicably some things are just changed with zero explanation
you swing by in order to, yes, see Bam and the rest of the doggies and for some reason you find there is just a leg chair in the middle of the kitchen?? like the rolling one??
drunk dials in the middle of the night
while heavily slurring the world: "oh I forgot I'm not supposed to talk to you."
"I never said that."
"Hmmmmmm yeah you did."
okay so he might be just a tiny, imperceptible bit sulky about it but it doesn't stem from a place of intended maliciousness
or even an unintended one
he's just bratty like that
treating it up a silent competition in a way whose more chill about staying away
sleep evades him as he's thinking when will this end though doesn't bother you a lot
(so whose really losing this non-existent competition ey ;))
to put it plainly he hovers awkwardly over you like a anxiety ridden helicopter waiting for this whole thing to blow over
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 © soraviie, 2023
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lamelycool · 2 years
Annoy Me
Spock x Reader
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A/n: this is my first fanfic so go easy on me. Just thought there needed to be more Spock fics out there! Also this isn't a specific version of Spock I just liked this gif. Also the reader is a wee bit bratty and of a southern persuasion just a warning.
Summary: You can't help but to love hitting on Spock. Much to his annoyance. Anyday now he'll airlock you. And if not him then space hr would surely. But he comes to realize he looks forward to your teasing and even encourages it. The only thing is that it takes you dying for him to realize :(
Warnings: fem reader, angst, fluff, flirting, character death?, blood, injury, drowning, throwing up.
"Whats up hot stuff, what do ya need?" You say laying your pad down with an easy going grin. After all you can't help but to smile, it is a pleasant surprise that is Spock standing in your doorway.
Spock quirks a brow up, "I am neither an item nor is my temperature high." Crossing the threashold he stops about five feet in front of you. Even that is too n close brings butterflies to your belly, jitters to your hands and makes your cheeks feel flush.
"Of course of course. Anyways what's up?" You respond quickly to distract from your flustered feelings.
"I am here to remind you of the away mission scheduled today." He says stoicly, hands pressed firmly behind his back.
"Away mission? Today? I don't remember being told about this..."
"You were messaged about this an hour and fifteen minutes ago." Spock furrows his brow slightly. Had you really been so careless as to not see the message? Or had you read it and forgotten. Spock isn't sure which is more irresponsible. He finds it odd for you to do so. You are normally very hardworking and punctual.
"Oh... I must have over looked it. Not that I'm complaining. I got an excuse to see you." Your eyes scan him from head to toe suggestive yet filled with jest. "After all your company is always more than welcome. Anyways could you summarize the mission for me? Since you're already here and all?"
"It is a standard mission. Simply a small away team to the surface of the planet to gather samples and scout the area."
"Nothings simple or standard when it comes to away missions on the Enterprise... Oh also, who all is on the away team? And more importantly will I have the pleasure of you accompanying?" Oddly enough finding yourself hoping he will be. When had your teases and jokes turned into genuine feelings? You can't help but to wonder...
"Yes I will be on the away team. There will also be two other science officers, three security officers, Dr. McCoy, and yourself. Does that satisfy all of your inquiries?" Spock states with the slightest hint of exasperation.
"Yes it does, thank you very much! You're a lifesaver." You beam at Spock.
"I fail to see how my summarizing of an away mission is saving lives." He dead pans.
He finds himself thinking, ' Why am I dragging this conversation out further? She obviously did not mean her statement in a literal sense. I'm only encouraging her teasing. I must meditate on this later.'
"I look forward to seeing you then." You say genuinely. The only statement you've said so far that wasn't paired with a joke, jest or tease.
Spock responds only with a curtious yet stiff nod. And with arms tucked behind his back he leaves. Leaving only the whoosh of the door behind him.
You breathe easy now that he's gone. Its not that he intimidates you. Well... At least not in a bad way. You just don't know how to behave around him. He makes you forget how to act. Around him you feel like a young dumb girl again.
'Snap out of it, we got a job to do!' You think with a sigh and check your messages. You must prepare for the impromptu away mission.
"How much longer are we going to be scanning this area?" You ask Spock. You guys had been walking around and scanning for hours now. And you were quickly losing patience. How many unique plants could possibly be on this ice chunk of a planet?
"As I said two times previously only a moment longer." Spock sighs out continuing to scan the evergreen plant in front of him. He had long given up on acting like your whining was anything but annoying.
"Pphff it's too cold! Please hurry up before I lose my limbs to frostbite." You plead to him while shivering.
"I assure you that you still have at least 2.34 hours until serious frostbite would be a concern. As well as the fact complaining will not change that you are cold." Spock barely spares you a glance as he continues moving from plant to plant and scanning some rocks.
"Mr. Spockk I know you are a hotty, but how are you not even the least bit cold right now? The temperature on this planet is ridiculous!" You whine arms crossed like a petulant child.
"I never said I was not cold. I simply have control of my body and can handle it. It is an issue of the mind over matter." Spock calmy states and stands brushing the snow off his pants.
"Now come on, let us begin to our rendezvous point." Spock orders you already walking ahead.
"Hey wait up! Not everybody has pretty long legs like you do you know!" You scurry to catch up to him and luckily he is kind enough to slow his gait for you.
"My legs are not long they are proportional to my body." He says ears flush a twinge of green.
After that comment a silence falls between you two. Only the sound of crunching snow and howling wind can be heard. Said wind is whats responsible for the low visability. You have to be careful to watch your step. Because it's nearly impossible to see much further than a couple feet ahead of you. 'This is going to be a long trek back,' you think with a sigh.
You finally reach the point where snow meets ice and sigh out a puff of air. Definitely not looking forward to crossing the frozen sea again. Just looking at it gives you the creeps. Despite the fact the ice is thick you can still see the murky black nothingness of the waters below. There's no telling what lurks beneath either.
You and Spock just began to cross when suddenly, "Hey wait Spock! Look out!" A massive beast akin to apolar bear with a set of knarly horns charges towards Spock. There's no time to grasp for your phaser. So you quickly push Spock out of the way. So that the beast collides with you instead. Once it makes contact it rams its horns deep into your abdomen and whips its head side to side painting the ice red with your blood.
Spock in a daze scrambles to pick up your phaser that had fallen. Fumbling with the settings he changes it from stun to kill. Not sparing a moment he locks on to the beast in a burning rage and pulls the trigger twice. The beams hit the beast and it collapses dead.
"Ensign? Ensign?!" Spock looks around frantically. A chill runs down his spine once he sees a hole in the ice. He rushes to the hole and hits his com badge.
Urgently he speaks, "Bones! There has been an accident. My partner has been hurt and is under the ice we will need immediate medical attention." Spock commands urgently.
"What!? Shes hurt? What do you mean under the ice? Whats going on Spock, what happened?! You green blooded hobgoblin expl-" Spock cuts off his com. He rips off his jacket and dives in the water hoping to find you before it is too late.
He swims down quickly and begins feeling around blindly for you. He searches frantically until his lungs begin to burn begging for air. Only then is when he finally latches on to an arm. Without a second to spare he drags you to the surface with him and heaves you guys back onto the ice.
"Ensign? Can you hear me? Stay with me!" Spock begs brushing your hair out from in front of your face. He lays his head against your chest to hear for a heartbeat. He listens closely for any sign of life. Spock begins to feel sick to his stomach when cannot find any and begins to panic.
"I implore you to please breathe. Please..." He begins cpr while his thoughts race. He cannot simply let you die like this. He cannot.
"Please do not do this. I do not give you permission to die. You should have never been so reckless as to do this! You are human and fragile. It was stupid! I could have taken the damage much easier-" he cuts himself off by giving you mouth to mouth resuscitation.
Not long after he started to try and breathe life into you do you jolt up and twist to the side to spew out dark water. The slightly acid water burns n hurts bout as much as it did when you first gulped it in.
Spock rubs your back through all of it while speaking to you. You can only make out bit and pieces of what he says. Mummurs of reassurance and comfort. And whether it's more for you or him is debatable.
When you are done gagging up water you cough out to him, "if you wwantedd tto kiss mme you coulve jus saidd so." Shivering violently you let out a breathless laugh you say, "II'd ddrown more offten if I knew II'd gget a kiss ffrom yyou. Mmakes it worthh iit."
Spock allows a small laugh of suprise to slip from his lips as he wraps you in his jacket. He begins to massage feeling back into your frozen hands. "No please refrain from doing such a reckless thing. I will kiss you as much as you wish without such an action." He begins to apply pressure to your wound with his unoccupied hand. You wouldn't die today and he'd still have to listen to your teasing and deal with your flirting. But he's grateful and he would have it no other way.
A/n: hope you enjoyed the fic! If you have any suggestions or criticism feel free to leave a comment. I'm very much a noob to fanfic writing especially on tumblr. Thanks for reading!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: I'd like to check out, please.
Jade: Oh. Is it time already? *smiles* I was hoping that you would stay for at least a few days.
MC: Your accommodation is quite expensive, you see. *chuckles*
Jade: Was that a problem? I thought it would be cheap for you so Azul had to increase the price.
MC: Not at all. And I would willingly to pay nonetheless. Everything is worth the money.
Jade: Please do come again if you find yourself missing our extravagant services.
MC: *chuckles* I will.
Floyd: *approaches them* Hey, leaving already?
Jade: They've just checked out.
Floyd: *pouts* But we haven't played a lot yet.
MC: You can visit me in the Ramshackle dorm. I've heard that the renovations were finished.
Jade: As expected of the headmage.
Floyd: Why stay in that place again when you're welcome here in Octavinelle? *putting an arm around their shoulder*
MC: Like I said, I need a place for my self-improvement.
Floyd: What's there to improve? You want to be a lot scarier?
Jade: *chuckles* I don't think it's that, Floyd. Don't you remember? Their next movie is something way different from the previous ones.
Floyd: Ah, right. There's going to be a bit of romance, yeah?
MC: Not romance, Floyd. It's tension that the viewers will mistake for a romance.
Jade: How fascinating. Just by hearing it, I could tell that it would be one of your best again.
MC: Thank you, Jade. *smiles*
Floyd: By the way, Azul's still not up?
Jade: *chuckles* He wouldn't be for the next hour.
MC: Please say my apologies to him.
Jade: Oh, it's alright. It was my fault for forgetting to warn him not to enter your room during your short rehearsal.
The students: *whispering to each other* *thinking when to approach MC*
Ace: Hey, Deuce. I think everyone wants to have their autograph. How about you? Aren't you their fan?
Deuce: Yeah. But I don't have to because I've already met them earlier.
Ace: Whoa! Really?
Deuce: Hm. *smiles* They asked me I could take a stroll with them while they wait for their schedule to be finalized.
Ace: Oh. So they're really good off-cam, huh?
Ace: Man, wish I have guts to approach them too.
MC: *happens to look at them and sees Deuce*
MC: Deuce! There you are! *waves at him then runs to his direction*
Deuce: Ah, MC! Do you know your schedule now?
MC: Yes.
Ace: *looks starstruck*
MC: *turns their head at him* *smiles* Hello. Are you Deuce's friend?
Deuce: Ah, yes. He's Ace Trappola. My dormmate.
Ace: N-Nice meeting you! I have watched all your movies!
MC: Oh. Okay then... What movie I was in where I played the role of a tyrant?
Ace: Subdue!
MC: *chuckles* Yes. And since you got it right, you can have this. *takes off their earring and gives it to him*
Ace: ...Huh? W-Wait. But this is yours.
MC: You better accept that one. *winks*
Ace: ...
Ace: *quickly tries it on*
Deuce: Wow. It looks good on you.
Ace: Really? I'm going to brag this to my brother!
MC: *chuckles*
Vil: *who's been observing them from a distance*
Vil: Those baby potatoes are fools.
Rook: Why do you say that, Vil?
Vil: A stranger who gives off gifts and is overly friendly. I'm sure there's a hidden motive to that.
Rook: *frowns* Vil, no offense. Fleur tordue isn't that kind of person.
Vil: Oh, right. I forgot that you're their fan.
Rook: It's not just me being a fan. But meeting Fleur tordue, I can assure you, they wouldn't take advantage of everyone's admiration on them.
Vil: ...
Vil: *talking to his manager* What do you think?
His manager: I'm not sure about this, Vil. In fact, even if Neige LeBlance was rejected, the people still wants to see him as their protagonist.
Vil: I see...
His manager: You would've a great chance if you can convince them to—
Vil: No. I won't beg for the role. But I would like for them to beg for me instead. *smirks*
Vil: *feeling a bit annoyed*
Vil: Why they're noticing everyone except me?
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machifuwa · 2 years
- IDOL STORY - Idol Talk
Hiyori Tomoe Idol story with Kohaku and Rinne
Season: Autumn
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Hiyori: ...Oh my, oh my? That person over thereーif it isn't Kohaku-kun!
What are you doing standing in front of our room?
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Kohaku: Hiyori-han?
Aah, you're in the same room as Rinne-han, aint'cha? Hey, do ya know where he went?
Yesterday I was told that he would be at the Seisoukan today. I looked all over the buildin', but he was nowhere to be found, and no one answered when I knocked.
Hiyori: Well, just because we're roommates doesn't mean we share the same schedule, so I don't know where he is now.
Have you tried contacting him?
Kohaku: I sent him a message, but he didn't reply. I don't even know if he read it. I wonder where he is.
Hiyori: Pachinko maybe? I wonder if he went to a place like that again.[1]
Since we're talking about 'senpai' here, I'm sure he's not going to be home and sleep while I'm out getting drinks...seems very unlikely to happen.
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But anyway, we should go inside for the time being.
I'm just here to make you feel welcome...♪
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Kohaku: ...I asked him if I could come in, but he's not even here. I was plannin' on wakin' him up if he's just sleepin' on the bed.
I'm so done. Can't he at least send me a replyーah.
Hiyori: Hm? Did you get a reply?
Kohaku: Yeah. He said he was goin' to the convenience store for a bit. He also said he'll be right back...
Hiyori: If that's the case, why don't you just wait here? I'm sure 'senpai' will come back to this room anyway.
Kohaku: I'll take your word for it and wait here. You have my thanks, Hiyori-han.
Hiyori: You're very welcome. You can sit on the couch or on the rug or wherever you want.
However, I can't entertain you because I have other things to do as well. I hope you won't give me a hard time while you're here.
Kohaku: It's enough for me to be here. Don't mind me...
By the way, you have quite the stuff in your bed. Are the "things to do" work by any chance?
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Hiyori: Well, yeah. I have a program to record at a TV station this evening, so I wanted to get a few things done before then.
You've been looking over the script you received yesterday, right? I also have the hobby of wanting to check the photos and videos, and to read the magazine I was featured in.
And then... Filling out magazine surveys? Anyway, there's a lot to do!
Kohaku: Well, then, why dont'cha just leave me here? If you're goin' to work, you should concentrate.
Hiyori: Ahaha. Don't worry about it. You don't make a lot of noise, do you? Then I have nothing to worry about.
Kohaku: That's true...oh? Is it possible that all those printouts in the file are surveys to be filled out?
Hiyori: Well, of course ♪ I think this amount is the same as usual and won't take too long, though?
Kohaku: Is that so? We received a similar survey, but I really don't know how to answer it.
I spend a lot of time worryin' about what to write, or if this is the right word, every time I'm asked.
HiMERU-han is amazingly fast at this kind of thing. I wish I could answer it as quickly as he does...
Hiyori: Fufu. He's not so much a rookie idol in that respect, but you're also old enough to know.
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Kohaku: Earlier, you said it wouldn't take too long. Doesn't Hiyori-san worry about it?
Hiyori: Well... When I answer the questions, I've decided to stick to my idol image, "Hiyori Tomoe". All I have to do is express myself properly, so worrying is not really needed!
Kohaku: Hoh..?
Hiyori: I've been thinking about what you said. Well it seems like you're simply struggling with how to make the answers you have in mind look good for your fans.
But, what is the point of using words that are different from your true feelings, and misrepresenting what used to be your honest feelings?
And I think it would be worse to change what you put in them so that it would look presentable and then your true feelings won't be conveyed properly.
Above all! I've always wanted to be honest as an idol to my fans, without pretending.
The same goes for answering surveys. But of course, I'm still careful with my words...
Words to convey my purest thoughts and feelings can only come from my own mouth.
I wouldn't want to change a thing if possible.
Kohaku: ...I don't really understand what ya mean. But not everyone can do that.
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Hiyori: ーAhaha. In other words, it's best to not think about it this way or that way, but try to answer in simple, honest terms.
A few mischievous answers are part of your idol personality, aren't they?
Perhaps some of the people may even become interested in the idol "Kohaku Oukawa" through your honest words.
Kohaku: Hmm... I still don't know much about idols, but I guess I should listen to other people's advice.
You said you couldn't offer hospitality, but it seems you listened to me anyways and even gave me some advice.
Hiyori: Fufu. It's up to you to make the most of it, though ♪
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Rinne: ーI'm hooome~♪
Hey everyone, it's Rinne-kun's return! Sorry to keep you waiting, Kohaku-chan, I'm finally here to talk ♪
Kohaku: Aah, welcome back, Rinne-han. About that, I'll have put it off.
Rinne: Put it off...?
Kohaku: You know that magazine survey we were told to submit? I'm goin' to write it now. Sorry, but we'll have to talk about work later.
Rinne: Ehh, Kohaku-chan!?
Kohaku: Hiyori-han, thank you again.
Hiyori: Sure. Good luck, Kohaku-kun ♪
Rinne: ...Hey, hey, I just got dumped unilaterally, didn't I? Hiyori-chan, what did you do to Kohaku-chan?
Hiyori: Nothing special? I just idol-talked him.
Pachinko (パチンコ) is a mechanical game originating in Japan that is used as an arcade game, and much more frequently for gambling.
Translated by machi
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bellysoupset · 2 years
Bella was cold, almost too cold. She tugged at the blankets, then rolled on the bed in hopes of snuggling close to Luke, only to find out that the spot next to her was empty.
Groaning, she opened her eyes and blinked to situate herself. She was still in his room and the grey light filtering from the window told her it was still fairly early. The temperature had dropped overnight, so she could hear the wind blowing outside.
"Luke?" she called out, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. The bathroom door was open and the place was empty. She got up and washed her face, brushed her teeth before walking outside of the bedroom, in search of her boyfriend.
Lucas was sitting outside, in the balcony that was connected to his living room, bundled up in a blanket and looking out to the grey sky. It was an uncanny behavior from him and she frowned, opening the glass door that separated them and touching his shoulder.
"Lucas? What are you doing out here?"
"Uhm?" he turned his head to look at her, then tried to bring up a smile, but failed quite miserably at that. Instead he just grimaced and looked out once more, "just needed to think, that's all."
"Okay..." she shivered from the cold and circled him, sitting on his lap so she could steal some of his warmth. He was welcoming, wrapping the blanket around them both and hugging her closer, planting his lips to her temple, "think about what?"
He shrugged, "just... Just my mom, I guess."
It made her heart sink. He rarely talked about his family and when he did, it was about his absent dad. Never about his mom.
"Oh baby," Bella sighed, hugging him a little tighter, "...Do you want to tell me about her?"
She waited for him to say something, anything, a good memory... But instead Lucas shook his head, "...My father called."
Alright, Bella thought, readjusting herself so she could look at him. She had no sympathy for Kit, the man could drop dead for all she cared, but she knew that Lucas' feelings about his father were complicated, to put it mildly.
"What for?" She reached in, pushing his hair back and he closed his eyes, leaning into her touch.
"My yearly check-up," Lucas' voice fractured and suddenly Bella couldn't even breathe.
"Your... Luke? What about your yearly check up?" her heart started racing and he sighed.
"It's Monday."
Oh. She swallowed a hysterical chuckle. It was yet to come, not that it had happened and the results were bad. Bella sighed in relief, leaning in to press a kiss to his brow, "hey..." her heart was still trying to regain its normal pace. She cupped Lucas' face, "babe, you're the healthiest person I know, there's nothing to fear..." she said with feigned calm.
He nodded, squeezing her a little tighter, "I know, I just... You know I don't like doctors and stuff, that's all."
Bella nodded, covering his face with kisses, "I'm going to go with you, okay? I'll be there the entire time."
True to her word, she called in sick at work next Monday and seeing as winter break had just arrived, neither of them had classes to skip either.
The exam was scheduled for 10 AM, so she let him sleep in, double checking if they had all the necessary documents, calling the clinic just to make sure the appointment was still up.
"Luke," Bella whispered as the clock hit nine and she knew he'd want to shower and be a little sleepy before leaving, "Luuuke," she repeated, getting on top of him on the bed and kissing him awake. His lips curled under hers.
"Hey," he smiled and Bella wrinkled her nose, pulling back with an even bigger smile.
"You have to get up, babe, so we're not late."
His lips turned down and he paled, "Bella..."
"It'll be quick," she promised, kissing him again, "remember last year?"
"When I puked on your shoes?" he raised a skeptical eyebrow and she cringed. She had forgotten that part.
"Well, yeah, but I meant it was quick, wasn't it? It wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be..."
"I guess," he scoffed, rolling them on the bed, "don't wear any shoes you're particularly fond of though."
"You can always get me new ones, captain," she teased, kissing him again, "go wash up."
He had blood exams first, so he was in fasting and it was definitely playing a part on how cranky he was. She hadn't told him, but her purse was filled with snacks, for as soon as the exams were done.
"Alright, I'm ready," Lucas said, ten minutes later. His hair was still damp from the shower and darker, green eyes looking brighter than normal in contrast with his pale skin. He had hidden his hands in his jacket's pockets, but she knew they were shaking "...you drive."
"I gotcha," she dangled the keys before his eyes, "let's go."
It wasn't a long drive, his health insurance was the best in the country, they went out of their way to make Lucas' life easy. Still, as soon as she pulled onto the parking lot, he let out a groan and grimaced so much that she wondered if he was carsick.
"Luke? Are you gonna be sick...?"
"What?" his voice wasn't nauseated, just pissed off, "No. He's fucking here."
Bella wracked her brain, trying to figure who he meant. There was only one person who elicited such a vicious reaction from her normally loving boyfriend, "...your dad is here?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, a frown on and Bella looked ahead, scanning the parking lot. Sure enough there was a silver bentley parked right ahead of them. Bella squeezed the steering wheel, suddenly angry.
"What is he doing here?"
"Fuck me if I know," Lucas grumbled, the remaining of his good mood completely out of the window, "let's just get this over with."
It seemed to have slipped his mind that this meant it was Bella's first time meeting his family. Or he simply didn't care. Regardless, she was nervous and angry in his behalf as she parked the car and jumped off.
The Bentley's door opened and a man in his early sixties walked off.
She had googled Kit Howard before, but he was taller than she had expected him to be. His hair was fully gray, perfectly styled, with the same flick of hair that fell over his forehead that Lucas had. He had the same green eyes, except his were framed by wrinkles, neat wrinkles that Bella was aware a dermatologist had kept in order to make his botox look more natural. He was wearing social trousers and t-shirt, under a blazer.
It was too early for this, Bella thought sourly, eyeing him up and down with displeasure.
"Luke," his voice was smooth velvet, friendly and warm, "how are you?" he stepped in, pulling his son for a hug and Lucas was stiff in it, but he didn't push the man back.
He cut the hug short quickly, though, putting an arm around Bella's shoulder, "dad, this is my girlfriend-"
"Bella," Kit interrupted him, all smiles, "I know. Nice to meet you, Bella, I'm Kit."
She was 90% sure that Lucas had not told his father her name, considering they only spoke four times a year. Bella squinted at him.
"Nice to meet you too, sir" she shook his hand a little too hard, then turned to Lucas, "let's go? Or we'll be late."
"What are you doing here, dad?" Lucas asked, guiding the way for them. With his arm still wrapped around her shoulder and her head hitting his chest, Bella could tell his heart was racing away.
"I was in the area, you sounded a little nervous last we spoke. I thought it'd be best to come check on you."
"Lovely," Lucas' voice was dripping with sarcasm, "well, I'm fine."
"Clearly," Kit nodded, "but I'm already here, how about I stick around and we have lunch together?"
Bella felt Lucas sigh, more than she heard him, "whatever you want, dad," and then his whole body stiffened as the front desk lady recognized him and called him forward.
He was instructed to head to the room at the end of the hallway for the blood test and immediately he was turning around, eyes filled with panic.
"Hey," Bella ignored Kit's uncomfortable face, stepping forward and cupping Luke's face, "I'm here, alright? It'll be just a prickle, it won't hurt..." she stroked his cheek, "c'mon, babe, it'll be just a second."
Much to her displeasure, Kit happily sat down in the waiting room, legs crossed. Bella wasn't sure if she was more pissed he was making zero effort to calm his son down or because he was sitting there, as if this was his version of a walk in the park.
Lucas wasn't paying his father any mind, much more concerned about the exam room ahead, "Bella, I don't want to..."
"Shhh," she pressed her lips to his bicep, over the hoodie he was wearing, "it'll be over before you know it."
"I'm going to throw up," he groaned as she lightly pushed him inside the sterile room. The nurse - Gina - clearly knew him from other appointments.
"Hi Lucas," she gestured for him to sit down, "how are you holding up today?"
He groaned, white as milk, "not well," then to Bella, gulping down, "please, Bell-"
"You have to, baby," she cupped his face, pressing her forehead to his, "I promise it won't hurt at all, you don't even have to look."
"You won't even feel it, Lucas," nurse Gina agreed, moving closer on her rolling chair, utensils in hand. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a whimper and it broke Bella's heart in a million pieces.
It wasn't right for him to be this scared, it didn't fit him. Lucas was the type to take life by the horns, this was completely out of character.
Bella hugged him with one arm, standing next to his chair, and combed his hair as the nurse wrapped the elastic band around his arm in order to force the blood flow. He audibly groaned.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-" Lucas chanted, turning his head and hiding it against Bella's stomach, panting. She looked worriedly at the nurse, watching as she did her job as quickly as possibly.
Once the needle was in, Bella was so nervous because of how Lucas was feeling, that she felt woozy herself seeing the blood. She faltered a little, closing her eyes too and gripping him tightly, "almost done," she lied cheerfully through her teeth.
It was fast, at least, and less than a minute or two later the nurse had several flasks of Lucas' blood pocketed away and out of sight, a bandage over his arm, "there you go, Lucas. All done, breathe in."
He pulled back from Bella slowly, shaky as a newborn cat and pupils blown wide in his eyes. She let out a sigh herself, knowing a bruise would form where he had squeezed her wrist, "you did it," Bella whispered, planting a kiss on top of his head, "I'm so proud."
"Ugh, don't be," he leaned forward, head in his hands, "I feel dizzy as hell."
"He just needs a moment," the nurse winked at Bella, reassuring her, "and a cookie."
Lucas let out a weak, exhausted snort, "not really feeling like I can handle a cookie right now..."
Suddenly Bella remembered that had been exactly how she had gotten puked on last year. She rubbed his back, it was damp with cold sweat, "maybe in a bit."
He took long, deep breaths for a minute, until the world felt more steady, and then used her for support to get up. The fact that she had seen him concussed but with more stability made her even more nervous.
"End of the hallway for the MRI and then you're free to go, darling," nurse Gina told them and Lucas flinched as if he had been slapped. Once they stepped outside the room, he stopped in the middle of the hallway, refusing to move further in the clinic.
"I can't, I won't," he said adamantly, jaw clenched. He hadn't gotten the MRI check up the past year, had been sent home after hurling all over her shoes and simply not returned after. Bella bit down on her lip.
"Babe, it's important-"
"I'm not going-" he shook his head vehemently, but then a cheery voice interrupted him.
"Ah, there you are," Kit said happily, hands in his pockets, unable to read the room, "all done?"
Bella threw him an incredulous look. He couldn't see his son was seconds away from a panic attack?
Lucas licked his dry lips, eyes darting from his father to his girlfriend, "I don't want to do this..."
Then Kit took notice of the situation and frowned, crisping his lips, "you haven't gotten the MRI done yet?" he sounded frustrated and impatient, "frankly, Lucas, you're an adult."
"Sir, you're really not helping," Bella snapped, planting a hand in the middle of Luke's chest, "baby, can you take a deep breath for me?"
"Lucas, you know how important this is. We don't want to be taken by surprise like it was with your m-"
Luke gagged, unable to stop and bent forward, hands on his knees. Bella jumped out of the way just in time to salvage her shoes this time, avoiding as he vomited up nothing but water and bright yellow bile, all over his father's fancy and shiny shoes.
Kit shouted and scrambled back but no one paid him any mind. Luke too worried panicking, Bella too busy handling him to give a shit about the other man.
"Shh-shh, you're okay, you're okay-" she rubbed his back with one hand, the other planted firmly in the center of his chest, "it's alright, we don't have to go in."
"I'm sorry," his voice was shot, completely hoarse and choked up, "I just can't, I can't, please-"
"I know, I know, Lu," she pressed her lips to his temple, chest squeezing, "we're not going in, okay? We're going home."
He was too out of it to understand her, but it was his father's strong voice that centered him. Kit had seemingly gotten over being puked on and he stepped closer, holding his son strongly by the shoulder.
"Lucas," he said and Bella glared at him, but the next words surprised her, "sweetheart, please breathe."
She was shocked when Lucas did take in a shaky breath, inhaling through his nose and letting it out through his mouth. He closed his eyes, doing it again, just as his father told him to once more.
Bella's cheeks burned when she looked past Lucas' head and caught Kit staring at her. He opened a reassuring, million dollar smile, "he's okay," he said calmly, "right, Lucas?"
"Y-yeah," he nodded, straightening up, "I'm okay."
"Alright..." Bella stared between the two, more weirded out than ever, "let's go home...?"
"No," Kit interrupted before Lucas' agreed with her, "he still has to do the MRI."
"It's okay, Bell," Lucas reassured her, although his hands were shaking bloody murder, "I can do it."
She scoffed, "we can come back tomorrow and do it-"
"He's alright, Bella," Kit interrupted her a little harshly, squeezing his son's nape and guiding him in, "this way, Lucas."
And easy like that she was left behind, worried and pissed.
Nurse Gina stepped forward, arms crossed, carefully avoiding the mess on the floor and watched as they disappeared inside a new set of doors, "first time meeting the big guy?" she guessed and gone was the softness she had used with Lucas.
Bella nodded and the woman smiled at her in a cynical way, but not without sympathy, "you get used to him."
"He's been here before?" Bella felt anger increase inside of her, bubbling up.
"Not in a while," Gina shrugged, "back when it was Lucas' first year, I think, he came in twice. Then the big quarterback started coming with him and now you."
Vince, Bella guessed. She picked at her nails, biting the inside of her cheek, "I guess I'll wait in the car..."
"You do that, honey," Nurse Gina sounded almost as pissed off as Bella felt. Without any other option, Bella stepped out of the hallway and back outside.
It was the end of the year and the sky was grey, clouds filled with snow threatening to fall. She hugged herself and sat down on a bench in the parking lot, refusing to go back to the car out of simple spite.
Kit Howard had some nerve showing up and commanding everyone and everybody. Treating his son like that. The worst part was that Lucas let him.
"Fucking hell," Bella grumbled, glaring ahead. The minutes dragged, but finally, nearly twenty minutes later, both men walked out of the clinic.
Lucas looked even more washed out than before and although he had washed his face, she could clearly see he had been crying. He opened a painful, reassuring smile and she couldn't bring herself to smile back.
Mr. Howard had his shoes once more all shiny and clean. Perfect plastic smile on.
"You're here," Luke's voice sounded relieved as he pulled her in a hug, but Bella couldn't stop glaring at his father to hug him back. Still she wrapped her arms around him protectively.
"Everything's alright?"
"All fine, they'll send all results next week," the older man said cheerfully, causing her to raise an unimpressed eyebrow.
"Great," Bella said coldly, turning away from him and getting on her tip toes to cup Lucas' face, "are you okay?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," his voice was much clearer and stronger, but his smile was... Too bright. All Kit Howard™.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, eye rolling her worry, "I'm fine, Bella, don't worry"
Kit Howard was a fucking bodysnatcher, she thought, squeezing Lucas' cheeks under her fingers, even though he was giving her that soulless reassuring smile.
"Alright," she turned away from him, "it was nice meeting you, sir, but I think we have to go home now."
"I thought we'd have lunch?" Kit frowned, glancing between the two, "of course, I understand if you two had plans..."
"No," Lucas shook his head and Bella gaped at him, watching as he said strongly, "no, let's have lunch, I'm starving."
She sighed, she was in for a long, long day.
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 2, Scene 4 of Twisted Veronaville: Love Flying Through the Air
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As Antonio was setting up his master plan, Kent had received a surprise visit from aliens, where he had spent the entire night.
Bianca: Welcome home, Kent! How are you feeling?
Ginger: Gavin, come on! We don't even know if he's pregnant!
Gabriella: I don't want another sibling!
Kent: I'm not pregnant! And even if they did impregnate me like they did to that guy from Strangetown, I'd just get an abortion! We don't have much room for any new siblings!
Gavin: True.
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Kent: Hello?
Aktu: Heydoyouwanttogooutonanotherdate?
Kent: Sorry?
Aktu: I said, um...
Ripp: You can do it, Aktu!
Ripp/Mercutio/Sita: Aktu! Aktu!
Tybalt: Guys, cut it out! He won't hear what he's saying if you're all chanting. Let the man speak!
Kent: (Is that Tybalt?...and was that Mercutio's voice, too?)
Aktu: ...Alright. So, someone gave me a coupon for two free date night meals at Monty's, so I was thinking we could turn it into an actual date. I had a great time with you despite us never getting food, so...I want to see what a perfect date with you would look like.
Kent: I'd love to, but I'm going to be scheduling a check-up and potentially an abortion today. Got abducted by aliens last night.
Aktu: Oh! Are you okay? The aliens can be pretty rough.
Kent: Yeah, I'm fine. It would've been cool if I could even remember anything...anyway, maybe we can do it tomorrow?
Aktu: Of course! I'll see you in a bit. Love you-er, see you later! Goodbye!
Kent: (Antonio definitely did something here).
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On the other side of the river, Miranda had snuck out of the house once more to pay a quick visit to the Montys. With Albany occupied with her siblings, sneaking out had become exponentially easier.
Miranda: (This is it, Miranda! You can finally ask him!)
Romeo: Mercutio's out hanging with some people at Monty's. But I'm here, if you want to talk!
Miranda: (I mean, I guess Romeo's a good option too. Whatever gives me a reason to leave the house more.) Okay! You want to go out on a date, Romeo?
Romeo: Like, what kind?
Miranda: Nothing serious. I just want to chill out and have fun, you know?
Romeo: Neither am I!...wow, we have so much in common! Where were you at the Summerdream party?
Miranda: At home looking after my siblings because Goneril was at work and Albany was out grocery shopping.
Romeo: That late at night?
Miranda: He specifically did it so I couldn't go.
Romeo: Damn, that's shitty.
Miranda: Yeah. But I don't have to worry about it anymore, since he can barely find me on most days. All he thinks about now is Pascal and I've been paying Desdemona money to distract him whenever I need to leave the house.
Romeo: Damn, girl! That's epic.
Miranda: Thanks! Anyway, you wanna like, make out or something?
Romeo: Sure!
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As we return to the other side of the river, Albany and Cornwall were discussing important affairs in the latter's newly installed hot tub.
Albany: And he hasn't contacted me since!
Cornwall: Hmph. You deserve better, Albany.
Albany: Thank you. All my children are mad at me as if it's my fault that he seduced me. The little devils are teaming up together to make MY life more miserable.
Pascal: Wow, okay. You beg for my love in my DMs and now you're talking trash about me to other people?
Albany: AH! Pascal! Where did you come from?
Cornwall: Wait, THIS is the guy you've been cheating on her with? Pascal! I thought what we had was special!
Albany: He's been seeing you too?
Pascal: I already told you I was cheating on my husband with you. You never thought to consider that maybe I was cheating on you with other people?
Albany: Pascal...
Pascal: I have a nice idea. Maybe you can help Cornwall cheat on his wife instead of using me...anyway, I'm going to go. If I'm lucky, this will be the last time we see each other.
Cornwall: ...He does have a point. What was it that we were planning to do after we got the money?
Albany: I don't think we ever got that fair.
Cornwall: ...Want to plan it together?
Albany: Eh, sure.
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And as the day began to close, Mercutio and Tybalt returned to the Monty house after their group hangout with Hermia, Puck and Ripp.
Tybalt: Thanks for letting me relax in your family's hot tub for a bit, Mercutio. Grandpa has been acting unreasonable. He acts as though I've been possessed just because I have friends now.
Mercutio: (Hermia said the same thing when it was just her, Puck and I.) Yeah, I get it.
Tybalt: And...sorry for beating you up all those times. Fighting you was often the highlight of my day, but I like these moments too.
Mercutio: Aw, don't get sappy with me. And it's all in the past, right? So let's just...not worry about it.
Mercutio: Trying to fight you was pretty fun, though. The idea of beating you one day did keep me going during tough times...but anyway, there was something I've been wanting to ask you, now that nobody else is around us...
Tybalt: Sure. Spit it out.
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Romeo: (...Bruh.)
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 12:23 PM WST]
Rowena, Queen Mother: Are you sure they said the Yellow Drawing Room? It looks dark down there?
Alfred Culpepper [Estate Manager]: That's what Her Majesty said, ma'am.
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Alfred [E.M.]: I'll check to make sure this is the correct location.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Thank you, Alfred. I'll just turn the lights on and wait in here.
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[ALL]: (excited) Surprise!!
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Rowena, Queen Mother: (gasps) Oh my goodness! What are you all doing in here? (laughs)
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Queen Katherine: We know how tough things have been for you the last few weeks so the kids wanted to surprise you with a 'Grandma Appreciation Day'.
Rowena, Queen Mother: What a lovely surprise!
Queen Katherine: Phillip desperately wanted to see again you before going back to Cheaves.
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Princess Grace: Welcome to our party, grandma!
Prince Phillip: (scoffs) It's not our party, Grace. It's grandma's party.
Queen Katherine: Phillip, don't be mean to your sister.
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Rowena, Queen Mother: Samuel! Look how big you've gotten in two weeks! Oh, Kate, this is just what I needed. We didn't get to spend much time together in Henford for the memorial.
Queen Katherine: I'm so glad Granny Niema is finally at rest, and that you were able to be with her.
Rowena, Queen Mother: So do I.
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Queen Katherine: I can't believe they're already five months old.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Time flies, darling.
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Rainier, Prince consort: Michael said he wants a kiss from grandma too!
Rowena, Queen Mother: [to Michael] Hi, sweet face! Grandma's big boy!
Rainier, Prince consort: They both have a busy schedule of eating, napping and pooping.
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Rowena, Queen Mother: Twins! It still blows my mind. George would be so tickled. (sighs) So much has changed over the past year.
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Prince Phillip: This was my idea, grandma! I want you to be happy.
Rowena, Queen Mother: You've made me very happy. I bet that big slice of cake is about to make you happy also!
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Queen Katherine: He wanted to do something to cheer you up. Babies always put a smile on my face. I knew grand babies would do the same for you!
Rowena, Queen Mother: It truly did!
Queen Katherine: There is something I'd like to talk with you about, though. Let's take a walk.
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Queen Katherine: Royal Lodge needs more repairs than expected. I know you feel displaced right now but I have a solution.
Rowena, Queen Mother: What is that?
Queen Katherine: Granny has chosen not to move to Griffin Park. She'd like to remain here at the palace, and I agree. She'd be more comfortable staying here. As such, Griffin Park is now an option for you!
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Rowena, Queen Mother: Being on the mall, it's closer to the palace also!
Queen Katherine: It makes more sense. Griffin's been vacant for quite some time, but I'm sure it requires far less updating than Hardy Manor would have. Being a royal property, the duchy will cover repairs and updates.
Rowena, Queen Mother: (gasp) This is the best news ever! Now, I can keep the money your father left me!
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Rowena, Queen Mother: (hug) You're my favorite granddaughter, you know that?
Princess Grace: (laughs) I'm your only granddaughter!
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Rowena, Queen Mother: I'm so glad you're enjoying Cheaves.
Prince Phillip: Yes. Mommy said it's the same school grandpa went to.
Rowena, Queen Mother: It sure is!
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Rowena, Queen Mother: (hug) You be a good boy, now. Grandma will try to visit you at Cheaves in a few weeks, okay?
Prince Phillip: Okay.
Rowena, Queen Mother: When you're home for the summer, I'll take you to Brindleton Bay. I know how much you love the boat shows there.
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
gasp, here i go. 5
oh boy oh boy
5. A Reunion Kiss
Donatello's leg kept bouncing up and down, fingers tapping the back of the cards in his hand. While he tried to focus on the pictures and numbers--a deck of lou jitsu themed cards of course--his gaze kept moving to the side to the digital clock in the kitchen.
3:04 PM. The plane should have landed four minutes ago, if one assumed that everything at the airport went as scheduled which it never did.
And from there one needed to calculate the driving time from the airport to their apartment complex. Roughly forty five minutes with typical traffic, over an hour with bad traffic, and just a measly twenty minutes if somehow the roads were magically clear. But how would he go about calculating the amount of traffic on the road? He could open a search but he was--
"Donnie!" Leo's shout finally register in his brain.
Donatello glanced up from his cards to everyone else sitting at the table. Leo, Mikey, and April all sat in the other chairs, cards in hand.
Just the four of them tonight, not surprising. Cassandra and Raph often had their hands full and their father retired early for a nap on the sofa.
"Hey, are you even in there right now?" Leo waved at him. "Your turn."
"Sorry." Donatello mumbled, glancing at the clock once more. 3:07.
April snorted and put her cards face down on the table. "I'd just give it up Leo. Today's the day Jase gets back from Chicago, right?"
Donatello held the aged playing cards closer to his face to hide his expression. "Indeed. His plane might have just landed."
"Huh? That's today." Leo tilted his head. "Then what are you doing here?"
"Yeah." Mikey chimed. "Why aren't you at your apartment waiting for him? Oooh with some relaxing tea? Or music?" Then he snickered. "Maybe some candles and rose petals?"
Donatello shot him a glare as Leo and April snickered at the idea. "Hilarious, but if I tried doing that today I would have just been pacing around for eight hours waiting for him to get there. Playing some games with you guys seemed like a better use of my time."
"Okay, sure." April shrugged. "Appreciated, but if he's on his way to your apartment now you should..."
"Right." Donatello dropped his cards as he stood. "Apologies for bailing out."
"Nah," Leo waved a hand. "Get home to the boyfriend. Speaking of, when's the wedding proposal already?"
"Yeah." Mikey grinned. "I'm already thinking of a catering menu."
"Wedding proposal is happening at Nunya." He stuck out his tongue and headed for the door.
"You don't want a portal back?" Leo asked.
"Nah, killing the time would do me some good." He gave them one more wave before heading out.
Once outside, Donatello activated his shell, flying through the city at a casual pace. He checked his gauntlet as he moved, looking to see if the plane had indeed landed--it had--and the amount of traffic reported. Normal levels, so forty five minutes. He checked the clock again. 3:25.
Donatello landed on the roof of his apartment complex by 3:31. He slipped inside from the roof door. He only needed to walk down the one set of stairs, living on the top floor gave him easy roof access which he liked. The downside was the long trip to the basement to get to the Hidden City door.
As he entered the hallway he saw Hypno and Warren heading out, just locking their door.
"Evening." Donatello said.
Hypno's ears moved up before he turned, Warren perched on his shoulder like always. "Ah, good evening Donnie. Jase is finally getting back tonight, right?"
"Soon, actually, figured I should be home when he did."
"Hah, good thing we're going out then." Warren winked at him.
Donatello curled his lip. "Scoff. Even if that was in the plan you know how much sound proofing I did to these units when I had this place built. You're welcome."
"Eh, we'll leave you to it." Hypno said and moved his hand up to stop Warren from making another comment. "We'll just say hi to him later tonight. You guys have dinner plans? Warren and I could bring something from our favorite Chinese place."
"That sounds good." Donatello smiled as he opened the door. "But I'll have to ask him. Text you?"
"Sure thing." Both the magician and the anchorman gave him a wave before heading to the stairway.
Donatello stepped into the apartment and shut the door. Quiet, so quiet, too quiet, part of the reason he hated hanging around here when Jase wasn't home. His boyfriend--now in charge of running the surface branch of VHHB--sometimes went out of town for big tech conventions with a handful of staff. Donatello was glad for it, knew their tech sales never would have gotten off the ground otherwise without it but...
It was so quiet.
Donatello at least took some of Mikey's advice and flipped on the TV so it could start playing music from his and Jase's shared playlist. The ambience helped, but he still found himself pacing. Nothing to clean or put away. He didn't bother making any tea but did decide to put together a light mixed drink.
He moved to check the clock again, didn't get the chance. The door clicked.
Donatello scrambled out of the kitchen and stared, watching the door open.
Jase stood there, suitcase behind him. He looked tired--always did after flying--but at least his eyes lit up when he saw Donatello.
"Hey Don--"
He didn't get to finish that statement. Donatello rushed forward, picking him up off the ground, almost taking the bag with him if Jase hadn't let go of it.
"Wh--hey." Jase glared at him. "Come on, I just got home and you're already--"
"Yes." Donatello kissed him on the cheek. "I missed you."
Jase sighed, not protesting as his face was peppered with more kisses. "Yeah, I missed you too. I also miss my feet staying on the floor."
"If you missed me then where's my 'I missed you' kiss?" Donatello pressed their foreheads together, smirking.
Jase rolled his eyes, but smiled before he grabbed Donatello's face and tugged him into a firm kiss.
Donatello sighed, ignoring the urge to adjust his grip and dip Jase toward the floor.
"So good to be back." Jase sighed. "Now seriously, I've already been high in the air today I would like to come down."
Donatello set him on the floor, but snatched up the luggage before his boyfriend could do it. "Go sit down. Made you a drink in the kitchen if you want it. Movie night? Reading night?"
"Reading. Movie won't help my incoming headache." He sighed. "What's dinner?"
"Hypno offered to grab Chinese, if you're up for socializing with them for a bit."
"Yeah, that's fine." Jase stretched his back. "But they better not stay late." He reached up, finger tapping against the top of Donatello's plastron before trailing down the sleeve of his jacket. Then it paused. He tilted his head before his fingers slid under the hem and snatched out a playing card.
He raised an eyebrow. "What is this?"
"Oh, woops." Donatello bit his lip. "Was trying to beat Leo at his own game."
"Donnie." Jase tapped the card against Donatello's nose. "Were you cheating?"
He glanced to the side. "Maybe."
Jase hummed. "Okay, get down here and kiss me again."
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 3
Warnings: talks of car accident, hospital, injuries, etc. Will eventually contain smut, just not yet!
Here’s part 2
I’ve never written a fic before so please feel free to leave feedback and ideas! Love u!
"You know what? I'm so sorry, please don't feel pressured to tell me" I said quickly to deflect from what I thought was major stalker vibes.
Here I am. Always putting my foot in my damn mouth.
He gave me a smirk and lightly shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. I'm here on a short break. I'll have about two weeks at home before it's back to a full schedule."  He seemed a little more comfortable now, his body language was softer. And I took that as a sign that I didn't completely creep him out. Thank god.
"So you're from LA, but you're just visiting?" He asked me, seemingly with a genuine curiosity. Like he wasn't just making small talk to be kind.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long I'll be in town. But I moved to New York City about 6 months ago for work. It's really different but I kind of love how wild it is." I tried to not sound as silly as I felt. Surely he's traveled everywhere and New York was not the wildest place he's been.
"And what do you do for work?" He asked, once again so genuinely that I felt like I could tell him anything. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. I wondered if my simple life seemed interesting to him because of his stardom. He probably doesn't get to do mundane things often. I wondered if he misses the simple things in life or if he was used to it now after being in the throws of acting for so long.
"Oh, um. I do marketing for a publishing house. Get the book titles out there, get people excited. It's a lot of fun actually" I smiled thinking about how achieved I felt to land a job in one of the bigger publishing houses in New York fresh out of college. "Are you excited to be taking a break, or do you love working?" I asked, once again trying not to seem like I was prying in to anything he didn't want to share.
His tongue lightly hit his bottom lip before he slowly drew part of his bottom lip in. It seemed that was something he did when he was nervous. Biting his lip. And I really hoped I wasn't making him that nervous with my questions.
Wow he really is just a regular human. Down to earth. So nice. SO cute.
"Both actually." He said with a chuckle. "I love what I do, but sometimes I get really in my head and it's nice to take a step back and breathe. If that makes any sense?"
It made perfect sense. When you love to do something so much that you start to overthink it. I get that way too sometimes. Even in my much more mundane life.
"Yeah that makes a lot of sense. You seem to really put a lot of care and hard work in to everything you do. It shows. I'm glad you're getting some breathing room though." I said. His eyes lit up. With the most genuine smile he said "thank you, Stella. That means a lot."
Why did that make me melt a little bit? Thank god I sat next to someone that helps me feel this calm when all I want to do is scream.
"You're welcome." I whispered with a smile.
We sat in a pretty comfortable silence. It couldn't have been more than a minute or two. I didn't want to bother him if he wanted to fly in peace like he mentioned. I was about to lean down to my bag to grab my headphones again when the attendant came back to see if we wanted any breakfast.
"Oh, I didn't realize you had breakfast" I said to him, checking his name tag. "Do you have a fruit bowl, Tony?"
"Yes ma'am. Anything else?
"No, thank you though" I smiled.
"And for you sir?" Tony said, making eye contact with Austin.
"Coffee cake for me please. And one coffee. Three cream, one sugar please Tony." Austin said in a way that made me feel like he truly saw anyone and everyone for their humanity. Tony wasn't just a flight attendant to him. I was amazed by his level of respect and compassion. "Thank you." He said as Tony went to take other people's orders.
"Oh you're a dessert for breakfast kind of guy are you?" I asked playfully.
"Well yeah, I like to start my day off with something I love. Sometimes it's an omelette and sometimes it's coffee cake. My mom and I used to make coffee cake together. It's always been a favorite" he trailed off a little. A hint of nostalgia and sadness in his voice. But there was also a lot of joy in there too; Remembering such a precious memory. I had heard that his mom had passed and I felt thankful that he shared such a sweet core memory with me. A stranger.
"Mmmmm. I'll have to remember that next time order breakfast. You've made a good point" I nudged his arm , letting him win this whole 'dessert for breakfast' thing. I thought it was really sweet.
Tony quickly brought our breakfasts over to us. My fruit was in a glass bowl. First class really was something else. I couldn't believe that people do this regularly. The chairs were so comfortable.
I realized once Tony set down my food that I had absolutely no appetite. How could I eat in a time like this? The wifi on the plane never actually turned on. The pilot came on the speaker to tell us that it was out of commission. I couldn't even check to see how dad or Jude were doing. Or my mom. And although I was happy to have this really sweet and genuine distraction for the long flight, I couldn't help but feel guilty for enjoying it. But if I sat and thought about it, I would probably have a panic attack. And god, I would have been so embarrassed.
"Are you okay?" Austin asked, snapping me back in to reality. I must have zoned out. I wondered for how long. He was about halfway through his coffee cake.
"Oh, yeah. I just realized I'm not even hungry yet. Do you want any of the fruit?" I picked up the bowl and offered it to him.
Who the hell offers someone their entire bowl of food the first time they meet. Jesus Stella. Keep it together.
"Maybe in a while if you really aren't hungry. I don't want to take your breakfast." He let a little laugh slip out when he answered. He definitely thought I was as weird as I am. No doubt about it. "So," he said, looking right at me. "What is bringing you home indefinitely? You said you don't know how long you'll be in town"
I was surprised that he even remembered that I said that.
So not only is he so genuine, but he's also a great listener.
Then I realized I had to answer his question. He was still looking right at me. And he must have saw the sudden shift in the way I was feeling.
"It's okay if you don't want to share. I know you don't like to fly so I was hoping to distract you the whole time by forcing you to talk to me" he said with a small laugh and a wink.
I'm soup. Literal soup. HE WINKED AT ME.
"Funny" I laughed probably a little harder than I should have. I was so nervous now. I didn't want to emotionally dump something so heavy on this man who was just trying to relax on a flight. So I had to phrase it as lightly as I could. Which was a joke. There was no light way to put it. "Um, my dad and brother were in a pretty bad car accident last night. So I'm on my way to see them" I nearly whispered, trying not to cry as I remembered the panic in my mom's voice on the phone this morning.
He scanned my face, and I could tell he was thinking of what the hell to say to  a stranger that just told him something so big. So hard.
I shouldn't have said anything at all. This whole flight. And we have 2 hours left.
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howl-fantasies · 3 years
A/N - Ed learnt something today: Never ask Zsasz if you're not 100% sure you want to know something and can stomach it.
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------ 1 New Message ------
It's The Riddler, Y/N gave me your number. I need the help of a professional.
Victor Zsasz
Just to be clear, I am no doctor.
I KNOW THAT. You're the last person I'd go if I needed medical help.
Victor Zsasz
You want to put a contract on Penguin's head then?
No, I will be the one to defeat Oswald. But for that, I need some advices from the best stalker in town.
Victor Zsasz
Oh. You want me to teach you how to stalk a prey?
That's unexpected.
I'm a self-taught kind of man. I just need to know if you think I'm going in the right direction.
*1 File attached*
Victor Zsasz
Cute. You put pictures on your walls, drawings and red strings connecting them to a map. Aren't you an adorable little dork?
Don't make fun of me! I am asking for guidance not mockery!
Victor Zsasz
Where did you put his tracker?
Victor Zsasz
Under the skin is the best place, so you're sure it can't be lost. Ideally, put it in the back so your mark never see it but you'll need them asleep for that.
Um... Well that... Would be impossible now. Since Oswald and I aren't close anymore.
Did you do that on Y/N? Does she KNOW?!
Victor Zsasz
I think she highly suspect it.
Anyway, where did you put your snitches? Cameras? Do you already know how long Penguin stays in the bathroom, how many times a day he has to pee, how many bites it takes him to eat his food? His entire schedule from when he's opening his eyes to when he falls asleep?
That's a bit too much don't you think?
Victor Zsasz
You asked stalker advices, take it or leave.
Ok! Fine. I'll work on that. Thanks I guess.
Victor Zsasz
You're welcome.
----- 1 New Message -----
Isn't it "watch your back" when you want to make a threat Ed dear?
Of course it is, you IMBECILE! Nevermind! It's your problem.
Go check your back in a mirror.
----- 1 New Message -----
Mrs Sweetness Zsasz
Did you just make the "put a tracker under the skin of your mark" joke to Ed?
Victor Zsasz
Mrs Sweetness Zsasz
Oh god, that one is pure gold! Thanks for the laugh.
Victor Zsasz
Always a pleasure sweetness.
Don't go check your back.
I won't if you won't, dearest
Victor Zsasz
My, you're good
That's what he said.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Yes, sir! | Niki Lauda
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Professor Lauda AU! 👨‍🏫
Gender neutral reader
Dedicated to @lieutenantn and @scuttle-buttle
I'm using the first names of people I know in real life for the friends, so I apologise if you share the same name 😅
And thank you @scuttle-buttle for letting me make references to your fic 'The interpretation of dreams'
Some of my German translations may be wrong, I'm still learning 🥺
[Next chapter]
Part 1
You sat outside on campus. Your classes didn't start until tomorrow, but your friends started today. You agreed to meet them for lunch. You hadn't been sat outside for too long when they came out. Upon seeing you, they rush over, smiling.
"Lucky you with your extra day off," Katie says, grinning. She was studying music. This girl and her guitar were a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure.
"It's only one day," you laugh.
"One day more than we got," Michael added. When it came to computers, you knew no one better.
"Still, must be exciting not that you've started your classes. I'm not scheduled until tomorrow."
"Speaking of, what did you even pick? You never actually told us," Michael asks, sitting down next to you.
"Literature and languages."
"Ooo, look at you with your 2 subjects," Katie laughs.
"Just wait until I can tell you fuck off in other languages, then we'll see who's laughing," you grin.
"Funny. Can we go eat now?"
You nod and the lot of you go to the nearest cafe for lunch. The Red Wing is a nice little place to meet with friends and catch up, and it was really close to the university.
You grab a table near the window while Michael goes to order for everyone.
"Do you want to know who your Professors are going to be?" Katie asks, pulling out her phone.
"You know?"
"You can see the teachers on the website, I can check for you," she says, already signing into the website.
You say nothing and try to peek at the screen as she searches for the right page.
Michael returns and takes a seat.
"Uh oh," Katie says, looking at her phone strangely.
"Uh oh? Why uh oh?"
She looks at you with a bitter expression.
"Your language professor... you have Professor Lauda," she tells you.
"Professor Lauda? Why is that uh oh?"
Michael and Katie share a look.
"He's, uh... he's a bit of a perfectionist. Kind of strict. He has thrown students out of his class if they haven't kept up with assignments or he thinks they're just wasting time," Michael tells you.
"Oh, I see. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm taking languages because I want to."
Katie shrugs, "well, your funeral."
You narrow your eyes at her. They were making it out as if he was some demon teacher who worked here. You were sure it would be fine.
"What about my other professor?"
"Professor Barnes? He's alright. Cute. People like him," Katie sighs.
"There we go then. I'll be fine!"
Michael and Katie share a look again. You roll your eyes and ignore them as your food arrives.
You're back at your apartment early, in time for an early night so you can be refreshed for your classes tomorrow.
You weren't worried about what your friends had said. You were sure you could handle what ever this Professor Lauda would throw at you.
You arrive to your literature class early. Professor Barnes is friendly and welcomes you into his class. You take a seat near the front and wait for the other students to arrive.
When everyone has settled, the class starts.
Barnes introduces himself, introduces you the schedule for the term, and spends a bit of time getting to know his class. He makes a joke here and there. He's definitely going to be a favourite yours, you just knew you would enjoy his classes.
He dismisses you all with a gentle smile.
You have some time before your languages class. For some reason a lite bit of dread settles in. You really wanted to do well here, but what if you didn't? Would he actually kick you off the course?
Michael was able to meet up with you as you made your way to your next class. He had just left his class cor the day when he saw you on the way to yours.
You stop and let him catch up with you.
"On your way to Lauda's class?"
"I think it's very brave of you to take this risk," he says, placing his hand on your shoulder.
You roll your eyes.
"You're over exaggerating! He's just a Professor!"
"Y/N, there are only two professors in this university that scare me, and Lauda is one of them."
"Who's the other?"
"Professor Kreizler, but you're not taking his class, so you don't have to worry about him."
You chuckle softly.
"I'll be fine. I have to go! See you later."
Michael watches you go.
You arrive to the class just in time. The class isn't as full as the other class. Just a few students scattered about. Absolutely no one was sitting on the front row. The professor has his back to the class as he organised papers on his desk.
You headed to the front and sat down, taking out the things you would need.
The professor turned around.
Never has anyone made such an impact on you before just from their presence. Your mind ceases functioning as you get a good look at your Professor.
Soft brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, not too tall, not too short, toned, but not buff. Gosh, did he look good in that turtleneck sweater.
His eyes scan the students. The room was only about half full, not that he cared much. He knew he had a reputation in the university. People couldn't deal with him, but it didn't matter because he wouldn't be able to deal with them either.
His eyes land on the only student brave enough to sit up front. He would be able to see you working from there, but that wasn't what made him stop to look at you. No, it was the fact you were probably the best looking person to ever walk into his classroom.
He flickered his gaze away before it could be read into too much by anyone.
You hadn't seemed to notice he was staring.
Still, he was a professional and he would remain so. Nothing wrong with having good looking students in a class.
"Hallo, willkommen. I am Professor Lauda, your languages teacher. This class is for German. Please, if you had no intention of being here, leave now."
No one shifts.
"Very well then. I have written the schedule for the term on the board, copy it down if you must, I will not be repeating it after today."
You note it down, using all your will power not to just look at your Professor.
"I must ask, does anyone here have any basic knowledge of German?" He asks, eyes scanning the class.
A few hands go up. Better than his last class where barely anyone had any former knowledge. Your hand is up too.
"Gut. You," he nods at you, "introduce yourself auf Deutsch."
You hesitate for a second, not expecting he would pick you. Though, you are sat up front. You're an easy target.
"Hallo, ich bin Y/N."
Y/N. Wunderbar. He had your name. He moves onto the next student who put their hand up, and then the next. You were none the wiser to his little trick of just wanting to know who you were.
"Now, listen here," he says, gaining everyone's attention after introductions, "if you so as waste my time, you are off this course. I only want students who mean to learn. If you fail my tests, you can walk tight out. If you fail to hand in an essay, you can leave."
He scans the faces of his students.
"Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir!" The class all spoke together.
"Gut. Now, pay attention."
He begins the introduction for the course. Though you are paying attention, you're slightly distracted by his voice. English or German, you could listen to him talk all day.
You write down notes as he speaks, not wanting to miss anything. You almost miss some details because you just wanted to sit and listen to him talk.
Class is over before you know it. Time had passed far too quickly for your liking.
"Dismissed. Don't be late."
Everyone gathers their things before they go. You close your notebook and glances up at your professor. He once again has his back to the class.
"Danke, herr Lauda."
Lauda glances over his shoulder to see you standing there. He looks you up and down quickly with his dark eyes. He turns back around without saying anything.
You leave, feeling a little awkward.
Michael is waiting outside for you.
"How was class?" He asks, falling into step with you.
"Not that bad. Professor Lauda isn't that bad!"
"You're lying! He's so intimidating!" Michael exclaims.
"He's fine. Maybe I should I meet this Professor Kreizler for reference."
"He's intimidating too."
"Do you actually like any Professors here?" You ask.
"....not really!"
You chuckle softly and keep on walking. Michael has to jog a little as you pick up the pace.
"I dare you! Though he might be OK if his assistant is there."
"His assistant?" You look at him curiously.
"Yeah, pretty sure they're together."
"Hmm. Cute."
"If you say so, Y/N. Right, I have to leave, there's a computer with my name on it," he grins.
"Yeah, whatever. See you!" You laugh as he walks away.
You head back to your apartment, done for the day. You would go over your notes and have some dinner before turning in for the night.
Tomorrow was another day, and you were eager to return to your languages class.
@lieutenantn @scuttle-buttle @rumblelibrary @zemosimp05 @hb8301 @celtic-witch-bitch @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lorna-d-m @anteroom-of-death @belle82devart @vverliebt @alltimebandsexual666 @charistory @mischief-siriusly-managed @thatoneartgalsstuff @mssennimatilda
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sheloooveswomen · 3 years
some of our firsts pt.1 - vikki hiller x reader
pt.2 3 4
summary: first day / first meeting. this doesn't align with the time period (aside from her house/clothes) or the plot of 'down with love'. reader starts as an intern at the publishing company vikki works at.
includes: vikki x fem!reader, thoughts are italicized, all in reader’s POV.
warnings: vikki has no filter.
inspired by Dangerous ASMR’s audio on youtube
3,546 words
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I look up when I hear a knock at the door, "Hey, just checking in. You doing okay in here?"
I stand up, "Yeah I'm doing alright, thanks."
She crosses her arms and leans on the door frame, "This is your friendly reminder that I'll be right down the hall if you need anything."
I brush the dust off my pants before responding, "Thank you, Mrs.Hiller."
"Oh I'm not married and please, Vikki is just fine."
"Well thank you, Vikki. I appreciate it."
She smiles politely, letting her eyes follow me as I move more boxes, "Alright then. Everything seems fine so...good. I know lifting things up and putting them down probably wasn't what you had in mind when you applied here but they sort of just dropped you on me without a heads up, so I don't have anything else for you right now."
"That's alright, I don't mind filing. Plus I'm still getting paid so." I return her smile.
"Someone has to clean the archives, sort the files and so on. For now it's gonna have to be the new intern... thats you!" she feigns excitement, "Sorry."
"It's really okay" I grab a chair to use to reach the higher shelves.
She sighs, somewhat unconvinced, "Well I'm glad you don't mind. We'll have something more substantial for you to do by tomorrow though, I promise."
The chair tips a bit when I reach for the top shelf.
"It's just I didn't have time to- wai- hey, careful!" her hands find my waist, pulling me towards her before I hit the filing cabinet.
Instead I come falling down along with the box of binders I was trying to get.
Vikki loosens her hold on me, "Fuck that was close" she laughs before helping me up, "you almost got filed there yourself. You were dropboxed?"
I laugh despite my embarrassment.
"Sorry, that's not funny. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she asks.
"No I'm fine actually. Would've been much worse if you didn't catch me." I look up at her as I pick up the binders, "Really, thank you."
"Oh? Um yeah sure. You're welcome." she wrings her hands unsure of what to do as she looks around the room, "Speaking of dropbox, I honestly have no idea why we haven't just gone all digital yet. Gotten rid of this."
I flip through some of the books, "You could probably fit all of it onto a flash drive and turn this place into a break room or something."
"God knows we could all use some R&R now and then. And the best part: a USB stick won't leave you with a concussion when it bonks you on the head."
I smile at her teasing, now sorting the fallen binders.
"But big boss man is old fashioned so there’s nothing we can do about it- he's just so absolutely infuriating to deal with. Yes sir. Right away sir. Fuck you and the horse you rode in, sir." she sighs, "Sorry. Luckily it's nothing that you need to worry about, yet. Anyways, like I said: I'll be down the hall if—"
She freezes when she checks her watch, why was that so attractive?
"Uhh actually it's about time I take lunch. Come with? I can give you a tour of the cafeteria."
"Am I allowed to?"
She chuckles, "Yes you get a lunch break just like the rest of us. Besides you seem to be way ahead of schedule here anyway. I'm gonna have to think of something else to keep you busy or else you'll have nothing to do for the rest of the day."
"You sure it's no bother? I don't wanna waste your time—" I put the sorted box on the table.
"No no no, it's not a bother! It's okay, honestly. Just consider it part of your orientation. I insist."
I look around the room, taking note of my progress, "Well if you insist, then sure." I grab my phone and wallet.
"Awe, good little bean." she grins.
I shake my head smiling as she leads me down the hall.
A few heads turn as we make our way, the sound of her heals and her- well, her everything drawing everyone's attention.
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(( time skip / post cafeteria tour ))
Vikki goes off to get coffee so I look for anything appealing to eat. Luckily this place has relatively good food. Having had a big breakfast, I settle for a yogurt, some granola, fruit, and an iced tea. People are mostly sat in groups I don't want to be a part of so I'll sit in the back.
When I'm halfway done with my yogurt the seat in front of me is filled, "Wow, you picked the most remote table you could find, huh?" Vikki chuckles, "If you're on the lookout for rogue staplers or murderous binders I can promise you're safe here." She sets down her sandwich, a couple bread rolls, and a mug of coffee before taking a seat, "Wait...oh- did you wanna eat by yourself? Because I can sit somewhere else—"
"No, please stay. I don't mind the company" I gesture to the chair, "please, sit."
She smiles, "Great.” she smooths the back of her skirt before sitting and crossing her legs, “I was actually hoping we'd have a chance to talk. Did you finish your food already?"
"This is all I grabbed."
"Mmm..." she unwraps her sandwich, "you know its buffet rules right?"
"Yeah, just not that hungry, is all." I take a sip of my iced tea.
She covers her mouth after taking a bite, "Is this like one of those public eating anxiety things? I get it, honest I do, had it all throughout high school but I can't have you doing manual labor if you're not eating. That'd just be wildly irresponsible. Here, take my bread roll."
I look at the napkin wrapped roll in her hand.
"Go on"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, just bread." she shrugs, "fast carbs to fight off dangerous office furniture. I might not be there to save you the next time. I do have work of my own to do you know." she smiles waving the roll around.
I look to the table, smiling.
"I'm not trying to be boss bitch here or your mom, but again, I insist."
"If you insist."
She smiles when I take it, "There you go!"
"For some reason I'm compelled to listen to you." I confess.
Her smile widens, "I've been told I'm incredibly persuasive."
This bread is pretty damn good.
Vikki finishes another bite of her sandwich, "The humble bun is so under appreciated, don't ya think? To most people bread is a vessel to slap shit on, but when it's fresh and there's actual effort? You don't need any of that. All it is is flour, water and yeast, the rest is love and science!"
She breaks off a piece of her own roll.
"Bread, right? Amazing. See there's this guy, works in the kitchen, shows up every morning at 5am and makes a fresh batch. That's one mans passion and dedication you're nibbling on, good shit. I mean look at this" she gestures to the flower shaped bread, "great with his hands too- or so I've heard. I should know, apparently."
Of course I'm doomed to crush the straight woman.
"If that's something you'd be interested in?" she raises her brow awaiting a response.
A cough breaks through as I choke on my bread and what she's inferring. I shake my head as I down some more iced tea.
"No? Don't swing that way?" the corners of her mouth turn up slightly.
Am I crazy or did I hear a 'good to know'
Vikki’s about to say something when she's interrupted by loud laughter, "See that obnoxiously loud gaggle of hags a few tables over? Or hear them, rather." she nods her head in their direction.
I move to look over her shoulder.
"Wait no, don't look!" she grabs my hand that's on the table.
“You asked if I could see and I couldn’t!” I laugh.
"Don’t flat out look, act like you’re looking for a garbage and throw out your napkin or something."
I quickly glance at our joined hands before doing as she suggested, "The ones with the excessive eyeshadow?"
She drops her head as she laughs, "Yeah them. You'll wanna watch your mouth around them because anything they catch, the rest of the office will know by tomorrow."
She pats my hand twice before picking her sandwich back up.
"Though if you wanna be all psyops (psychological operation) about it" she laughs, "you can feed them any bullshit line you can think of to keep them busy because if they can't find anything to gab about, trust me... they'll just make it up."
I note her heavy sigh, "Has that happened to you?"
Vikki nods as she swallows, "I've been told that I've had a tryst with baker boy." she holds up her roll before ripping off a piece and popping it in her mouth, "No idea how or why that came about. No longer into that kind of thing..."
Please tell me that kind of thing = men. I tilt my head in confusion, taking a sip of my drink.
"You know... a stranger fumbling around your privates like they're looking for the light? That's just an awkward time for everyone involved."
I once again find myself choking from her bluntness, this time with a laugh.
"Anyhow, I asked dough puncher about it and he was just as confused as I was. One of us must've pissed someone off I guess. Like he's nice enough, at least, but I barely even know the guy. All I do know is that he's excellent with handling buns—" she scrunches her nose in distaste, "the bread I mean."
"Did the rumor not bother you?" I ask.
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"Well I mean I don't really care. They can talk about me all they want as long as they don't get me fired. But I'm not the only one they've done this too and not everyone handles the rumor mill as well as I do. You wanna know what the weirdest thing about it is?"
I may or may not have zoned out just staring at her face.
"They don't even work here! Everybody's paychecks pass by my desk so I'd know. They are not employees of Banner House Publishing and I doubt they’re from another company in the building. All they ever do is hover around the office looking for something juicy to sink their teeth into."
"How is that allowed?"
"We think boss man keeps them around to spy on us, at least that's the prevailing theory. They're his eyes and ears like some white collar whisper ring or something." she clears her throat and softens her tone, "Not to spook you or anything, it's a nice enough place. I think you'd like it here. I'm just saying not everybody's gonna be your friend, is all."
I nod in understanding.
She groans, "Oh god, I've been talking your ear off haven't I? I was gonna ask you about your day before I got way sidetracked. So. How are things? How's your first day going?"
"Well I haven't really done much" I chuckle.
"Right, and you haven't really had the time to get acclimated yet, huh? Meet the crew and what not. You will, and I think you'll fit right in. So don't you worry your pretty little head, you'll be fine."
I give a shy smile, "Well you've been great so far so I'm not too worried."
She stares at me for a moment before smiling back, "You're very welcome."
"What about you? How do you like it here?" I ask.
"Oh? You wanna know about me?" she cocks her head.
I nod, taking a bite of the amazing bread.
"What's there to tell...I've been here four years and some change now. Publishing is in my job title, though I have other qualifications so I help out in other departments at times. But honestly most days I feel like a glorified assistant. I'm the person all the menial shit I'm way overqualified for gets delegated to."
"Seniority rules?"
She sighs, "Indeed. The pay is nice. The people aren't bad so don't be afraid to chat anyone up if you have questions, they won't bite. Well except for gossip girls over there and Captain Queeg upstairs will straight chomp your head off."
"He can't be that bad!" I laugh.
"Yeah, no I'm serious. Big boss man- have you had the misfortune of meeting him yet?"
I shake my head, "His assistant handled my hiring."
"You'll know him by his overbearing aura of contempt for all human life. If you come across him in the hallway, here's what you do: you don't make eye contact, keep your head down, make yourself small- prostrate yourself, submit and you just might walk away intact."
I wouldn't mind submitting to you. Stop it Y/n!
"What? What's so funny?" she asks.
"Huh? Oh nothing" I shrug, reaching for my iced tea to appear nonchalant.
She tilts her head to the side, squinting at me playfully, "I'm here trying to teach you survival and you're all smiles." she leans closer, "Would you like to share with the rest of the class?"
She is very pretty and very close, stop smiling Y/n. "Nope. Nothing to share."
"There definitely is. You've got something on your mind, tell me." she taps my forearm that's resting on the table.
I shrug again, "Nothing to share."
"Alright, alright, if you say so. As I was saying...legend has it that at midnight you can hear the tortured screams of all the helpless little interns he's verbally curb stomped after they didn't heed my warnings. They echo through the office." she holds in a laugh trying to maintain her eery tone.
"You're full of it." I grin.
"It's true, I swear! Ask anyone. He's awful. That's why I have big plans for this place, you know? Climbing the ladder. In a year or two I'll have a bigger office and in ten I'll be sitting on that decrepit old prick's throne of an office chair. You watch me. I'm going all the way to the top and he'll be long gone- and by gone I mean to a nice retirement home of course."
"You really don't like him?"
"I really don't. Nobody here does. There's not much to like about the guy. The only thing he's good for is absolutely crushing morale. The job itself is great but it'll be so much better when we get rid of him. There is hope though, we don't know for sure but the dude has to be in his late sixties by now. He's been here forever so he's got to be about ready to retire, right?"
"Unless he has some eternal dotage or something." I suggest.
"More like a virgin blood ritual for eternal youth."
I have to cover my mouth to quiet my laughter.
"Well if he doesn't step down sometime soon, we may have to stage a coup before people start going off the deep end. A little bit of violent revolution never hurt anyone, right? You know how it is: three lefts make a right and revenge is a dish best served with cold steel."
"I don't think that's how it goes."
Vikki smiles, purposefully ignoring me, "Maybe that's how I'll ascend my thrown. Sure I may not be next in line right now but we can fix that, together" she winks, "you're with me, right?"
"You seem qualified and very passionate about it. It'd be nice to have a woman in charge."
"Yeah!" she smiles, "Yeah. Queen of the office universe. That's me. Let them eat baker boy buns. Hell yeah. People would love me- or they'd hate me but they'd be too scared shitless to do anything about it. If only." she sighs wistfully, "Maybe we just have to give patience and hard work a try first though as boring as that option is. But hey, at least I have you to boss around in the meantime."
Anytime. Any place.
"You're doing it again..." she laughs, "That grin! Ear to ear!"
I look towards the table to hide my blush from her stare.
Vikki leans closer again, "Look at me" she sings.
Keep it together Y/n.
"Hey!" she giggles, "Look at- are you blushing?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I shrug, taking a sip of my drink to cool me down.
"You are. You're blushing!" she clasps her hands and rests her chin on them with a smirk, "Oouu, I think I see what's happening here..."
My stomach is like a fucking butterfly museum right now.
"You're one of those people aren't you? Interesting."
"One of those people?" I laugh.
"Don't pretend you don't know exactly what I mean"
Does she mean a fruit because I thought we established that.
"The whips and blindfolds and handcuffs?" she fakes a pout when my blush increases, "Oh no? It's not like that? You'd be more convincing if you weren't all flustered and biting your lip."
So she was looking at my mouth... that's suspicious Ms.Hiller.
"How bout you tell me how it is then, yeah? Because I'm getting all sorts of ideas."
"What kind of ideas?" I ask
She sits back in her chair, recrossing one leg over the other.
Don't look- dammit!
"See I'm here thinking I'm face to face with a bonafide deviant" she flashes a sly smile, "the type that likes to get tied up, right?"
"Pinned down?"
You had me at tied up, keep talking.
Yep, gay panic activated.
She looks around as if she just remembered where we are, I certainly forgot.
Vikki mindlessly fixes her hair, sitting up straight, "And...I'm...being incredibly inappropriate and unprofessional right now, aren't I? I'm so sorry, I didn't—" she clears her throat, "I got a little carried away. Could we maybe just pretend I didn't say any of that? I just- you know. Rewind the last few minutes because I can behave, I swear- I can be nice even! So let's not mention this to HR yeah? Because the redhead in that department is a bit scary and that's coming from me. Harassing the young, new, intern is not a strong career move."
Unless you're a man working in the U.S. government apparently. "Vikki there's no need to worry. I won't say anything, promise. Conversation forgotten." Conversation will be replayed in my mind forever and ever.
She exhales in relief, "Thank you. I appreciate that..." she anxiously taps her nails along her coffee cup, still looking at the table.
"So that never happened! It's in the bin. Gone forever." I smile trying to brighten her mood again.
She smiles to herself, taking a sip of her coffee before sighing, "Damn it's cold now" she clears her throat, "um- we should probably get ready to head back."
"Are you all done?"
"Yeah I'm not as hungry as I thought, and you finished yours." she checks her watch after tossing her trash.
Why is that so hot? Someone tell my mommy issues to calm down.
"I need to get back to work anyway- unless you wanna grab something else? Hotdog to go? Or pizza might be more to your liking?" she smiles, "Oh my god, there you go again with that little grin! You are hopeless!"
She laughs as we make our way back to the elevator.
"I would love to see what's going on in that head of yours right now. Take a peek inside, I bet it's not safe for work." she bumps my shoulder with hers before walking out. Vikki walks past the archives towards her office, waving at me over her shoulder.
I wave back, probably with a dopey smile still on my face.
(( time skip / 4 hours later ))
"Knock knock!"
"I think I'm having deja vu" I respond without looking up.
"It's getting late, time to go."
"Already?" I glance up at her, she's now clad in a long feminine coat.
"5 on the dot" she smiles.
"I'm almost done—"
"Nuh uh, you worked hard all day, come on. Time to go."
After a moment I cave and put the final box back on the shelf, "Okay. I'm ready."
"You're good at taking orders, huh?" she asks when we enter the elevator.
"I’d say it depends..."
She just smirks before pressing the button.
Are we talking about the same thing???
"We'll have something to talk about during lunch, then." she smiles.
I turn my head to look her but she still looks straight ahead, "We're having lunch again?"
Vikki laughs to herself when the elevator open, "Of course, you'll find that I'm a creature of habit" she waves to the security guard, taking his place to hold the exit door open for me.
"Thank you" I reply politely, "Lunch sounds nice!"
"You and that smile" she shakes her head.
Her hand grazes my lower back as she passes me.
"So I'll see you tomorrow then?" she asks.
"See you" I wave.
"Bye little bean" she waves.
I think I might like it here. Good first day.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Mammon: Ugh... Class is so boring...
Levi: You're right... School classes suck...
Satan: Can you stop that? You're ruining my mood.
Asmo: Hmm? Satan? Is our teacher late?
Satan: She said there's an urgent matter but she will come back before the next period.
Belphie: I hope she runs out of time.
The teacher: *entering the class in a hurry*
The teacher: Good! I still have time to introduce our new student!
The students: *murmurs* New student? What's going on?
The teacher: Class, you need to settle down.
The teacher: *waves her hand in a welcoming manner*
The brothers and their classmates: *mouths wide open when they saw who it was*
MC: *entering the class with their red RAD uniform that is a match to Diavolo's*
The teacher: Everyone! Please welcome our new and youngest student— Their Highness, MC!
The whole class: No way! It's the cute broccoli child!
MC: *hears it* Who said that?! *pouts*
*all of them cheering*
The teacher: *surprised to see that everyone is familiar of them*
The teacher: Oh, looks like I don't need to introduce now.
MC: But teacher—
Someone from the class: We know your name and your age! You're 1000 years old!
The rest of the class except the brothers: Hello, Eight! *laughs*
Satan: What is Lord Diavolo thinking?
Mammon: I don't know... But hey, does that mean we're free to bring them anywhere?
Levi: If you're planning to bring them again to casino, you better don't.
Asmo: *waves his hand* MC~ Sweetheart~ Your favorite brother Asmo is here~!
MC: Ah! Asmo! *runs to him but a succubus snatches them*
Asmo: Hey!
The succubus: MC~ Darling~ Do you still remember onee-san?
MC: Ah! The one who gave me rainbow candies!
The succubus: That's right~
Asmo: Hey, you daughter of a bitch! You can't just snatch someone else's kid!
The succubus: Well, for sure this is not your kid.
Asmo: What did you say?
Satan: *snatching MC away from the succubus* We need to leave this classroom.
MC: Eh? But the class!
Satan: MC, look at these demons.
*them about to start a riot*
MC: ...
Satan: We can attend the next class. But for now, I need to ask Lord Diavolo why you're here.
MC: *frowns a little* You don't need to ask him because he had given me permission to study.
Satan: What? Here in RAD?
MC: Yes! *grins*
Satan: No. He needs to reconsider.
MC: "Reconsider"? For what?!
MC: *pouting* *feel betrayed by Satan*
Diavolo: I didn't expect that MC would be that well-known.
Satan: Well, you can ask Barbatos to check the past and you will see MC fighting with the vendors when it comes to the prices of food. That's why almost all of the demons here are familiar with them.
Diavolo: ...
Barbatos: So that's why you had more grimm change than expected.
MC: *quickly looks away*
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: Satan, I can't let my child be unhappy because I'm being overprotective of them.
Satan: ...
Satan: Let me guess. MC bribed you.
Diavolo: *clears throat* Of course not.
MC: Catan! You told me yourself that schools are fun so let me study here!
Satan: *sigh* It's not like I can stop you anyway.
Barbatos: About their schedule, MC will stay here for 4 hours. Two hours of studying and another two hours for lunch break and nap time.
Satan: Hmm... I see. I don't have problems with that.
MC: *mumbles* Why you're the one deciding when I'm the student here...
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sofreddie · 3 years
High School Reunion 2
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Summary: Someone at the reunion has a big mouth.
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 2,087
A/N: Inspiration struck out of nowhere and this piece was born. I have a very rough outline for a small series, maybe about 6 parts? We'll see. It's gonna happen randomly, no planned schedule for this one.
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Y/N bit her lip in excitement and saw a message from Lana. She immediately opened Skype to call her best friend…and thank her.
"Hey you! How was the reunion?" Lana smiled as her face appeared on screen.
"Oh my fucking God I can't believe you!" Y/N screamed, though it was mostly excitement as she blushed profusely.
"So…I take it you had a good night then?" Lana grinned cheekily.
"How could you not tell me you met Jensen Freaking Ackles?! I thought we were friends?" Y/N pouted dramatically as she plopped back on her couch, phone still in hand.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep it from you?" Lana screeched in response, "You remember my last night at the convention, I went to that place for dinner that had the amazing burger?"
"Yeah, I remember. You said you loved the place, that it was a perfect ending to the trip," Y/N remembered, "Now I get why."
"Ok, yeah, so I'm sat at the bar with my burger and a beer and he comes in and sits with a chair between us. I instantly recognized him, but was trying to keep my cool, you know. But he remember me! From the photo op! So we just got to talking and you had just split with Chase and I was so worried about you-"
"Oh Lana, you didn't," Y/N groaned.
"I was just venting about how much I hated that douchebag and what he did to you and what you were going through and how I was so worried about the reunion but thought it could be a good thing for you after Chase-" she rambled on, her words quickly tumbling forth as she pleaded her case to her best friend.
"You're not mad, right?" Lana asked timidly.
"How can I be?" Y/N shouted, "He walked in there all suave and shut down my high school bullies - who were trying to start some shit let me tell you-"
"No!" Lana gasped, "Amanda?"
"And the others," Y/N sighed, "And they were trying to cut in on me and I was gonna run, I'm not gonna lie," Y/N chuckled lightly, "But then he was just there. And she introduced himself as my boyfriend….Oh my god, Lana! What if that gets out?" Y/N sat bolt upright on her couch in a panic.
"Whoa, Y/N, calm down," Lana insisted, "More important than that…he introduced himself as your boyfriend?!"
"I'm just sayin'-"
Y/N sighed dreamily, "Then we danced. Then he took me for a drive and we parked up at the spot and ate burgers while chatting and watching stars," she sighed again, as if it were a scene from a romantic film she had just watched.
"That sounds like a date," Lana helpfully noted.
"I thought that too!" Y/N squealed, "But that's just the fangirl right? I mean, there's no way."
"How many times I gotta tell you you're a catch, woman?" Lana laughed, "I'm not surprised at all. In fact, I'm taking credit. You're welcome," Y/N groaned once more and Lana chuckled.
"Did I mention we exchanged numbers?" Y/N added with a grin.
"And now I hate you," Lana huffed.
"Yeah, love you too you meddler."
Y/N sighed happily to herself once more as they ended the call. She tossed her phone on the coffee table as she relaxed back into the couch. Her eyes fluttered closed as she replayed the evenings events in her mind.
She had to be dreaming. There was no way this was real, right?
Too tired and content to carry herself off to the bedroom, Y/N laid down on the couch, settling into the plush cushions and dragging the throw from the back of the couch to cover herself, falling asleep quickly and dreaming of shimmering green eyes.
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Jensen groaned as he slowly came awake to the incessant ringing and chimes of his phone. He opened his eyes, grabbing for the phone and peeking at the time.
He and Y/N were out past midnight. After he made it back to the hotel, he had spent the better part of an hour sipping on a beer as he thought over the night he had with her.
He wasn't sure what compelled him to talk to Lana in the bar that night. He could tell she was a nervous fan, and he remembered her from the photo op, just as nervous and shy. But after a beer or two with her dinner, she relaxed and their conversation flowed. It was nice, to be chatting away with someone new, different.
When she went on about her best friend Y/N, Jensen felt something. Apparently the way if affected her friend was severe enough to have Lana in real turmoil over it. Jensen knew what that was like. He'd worried over Jared a time or two just the same.
When Lana gave him a picture, however, his heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful, with a charming smile. But he could see her eyes were sad and guarded.
When he realized the reunion was a few hours drive and a few days ahead of his schedule to be at another convention, he decided to make the stop to see Y/N at the reunion. At the very least he could chalk it up to a memorable fan moment.
Jensen rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he reluctantly sat against the headboard, checking to see why his phone was blowing up.
It took only a quick glance through the various calls and text and emails from various persons all talking about the same thing. Jensen opened the text thread from Jared, scrolling through the messages and clicking on a picture that was include.
It was him and Y/N dancing together at the reunion the night before. She looked as amazing as he remembered. Her smile was bright and genuine, but so was his. Apparently word had spread from the reunion that he and Y/N were together. That's when he remembered introducing himself to those girls as Y/N's boyfriend.
He wasn't so bothered by the turn of events, which surprised him. He had decided the night before that he wanted to ask her out on a date. Their chemistry was too intense to not pursue.
What bothered him was how she'd react. They'd literally just met and had a friendly, albeit great, evening and now she was possibly going to be bombarded with paparazzi and everyone in her business.
So much for that date.
He knew it was early, but he wanted Y/N to hear from him first. He opened the new message thread between them, seeing her text from the night before and smiling once more, before typing out his message.
Hey, Y/N. Hope you slept well. Was hoping to talk to you about something.
He sent the message, noting the time, and figured he'd give it some time. He didn't know her schedule, or anything about her really. With a groan, Jensen hit the green button to return one of Jared's missed calls.
"Dude!" Jared exclaimed as he answered after one ring, "I've been trying to get ahold of you for two hours!"
"Yes, Mom, I'm aware," Jensen said with a yawn.
"Did you see the picture?"
"And?" Jared pressed for more, "Why aren't you freaking out about this?" Jared scoffed. Since his last major relationship ended, Jensen hadn't been with anyone really. An occasional date here and there for an event. But he hadn't seemed interested in anyone at all, and was quick to shut down any insuinuations to the contrary.
"I guess I should of seen it coming," Jensen shrugged, "I did introduce myself as her boyfriend after all."
"You what?" Jared was shocked, trying to wrap his head around it, "Why would you do that? Is there something you aren't telling me? Have you been dating her for a while? Who is she anyway?"
Jared fired off the questions in rapid succession like an excited puppy.
"I gotta talk to her first," Jensen said, "I'll see you at the convention in a couple days. You can interrogate me then."
"I want all the details."
"Don't you always?"
Jensen ended the call, taking a deep breath. He felt so stupid for what he did. He wasn't sure why he did that other than to shut those girls down. He really hated bullies.
He decided to get dressed and grab a couple of coffees on his way to Y/N's house. A quick look at his social media had told him that picture was blowing up. She was bound to find out sooner rather than later. He had to tell her first.
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Y/N slowly roused from her deep sleep on the comfy couch, hearing an incessant rapping coming from her front door. She stretched, reaching for her phone on the coffee table and finding it dead.
She rolled her eyes as she threw off the throw, climbing from the couch and shuffling to the door and she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
She flung open the door, the morning's cresting light just bright enough to assault her eyes. It took her a second to focus, but then she saw Jensen, a small smile on his face and two tall coffees in hand.
"Jensen?" she asked, so very confused and wondering if she was still asleep.
"Hey, uh, I know it's early. But I really needed to see you this morning."
The smile he gave was sweet, but she could tell something was up. Was he worried that maybe she'd go blabbing about their night together? She'd never do that. But she guessed he didn't know that.
"Sure, come in," she smiled warmly, stepping aside and gesturing him into her home. She accepted the coffee as Jensen passed it to her on his way in. She shut the door behind him, taking a whiff of her drink before taking a long gulp, closing her eyes and sighing at the flavor.
"So, what's up?" she asked, shuffling on her feet, "Thanks for the coffee, by the way."
"You're welcome," he smiled, now genuine and inviting and Y/N's heart stuttered slightly at the sight, "I was hoping to talk to you, about last night."
She shook her head, "I won't talk about it with anyone, I promise. Well, other then Lana. I had to call her last night. Yell at her a little," she blushed.
He laughed, nodding his head, "No, I get it. But I wasn't worried about that or anything," he was quick to correct, "Actually, someone else already did."
"Did what?"
"Someone got a picture of us on the dance floor last night and might have said I mentioned I was your boyfriend," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh," she responded, clearly shocked and not sure what to say.
"I just wanted you to hear it from me first, you know? Before seeing it online or whatever."
"Online-" she echoed, her eyes going wide, "So, you can just post a Tweet or something that it's a mistake."
"Okay, well, to be fair, I did introduce myself as your boyfriend to those other women last night."
"Yeah…why'd you do that again?" Y/N smirked despite herself.
He shrugged, "Seemed like the right thing to do. Shut 'em up didn't it?" he grinned, "Besides," he chanced, stepping closer to her," Feels like we had a date last night."
She blushed hard, ducking her head before meeting his eyes once again, "Yeah, it did."
"And I was hoping you'd like to do it again."
"Really?" she asked. She couldn't help the dreamy look in her eye. She still couldn't believe this was happening.
"Yeah. So if you say yes, then we'd be dating, which is practically boyfriend and girlfriend," he explained casually, "So I think we should just keep doing what we're doing and let it ride. What do you think?"
"I think you might be a little bit crazy," she nervously laughed, "Let's start with a second date," she grinned, seeing him brighten up, "And go from there."
"And the press?" Jensen chanced.
"Let them think what they wanna think," she shrugged.
"You're freakin' perfect," he chuckled, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, even though she still had bedhead. He smiled at the cuteness of it.
"I should go freshen up!" she realized, seeing him look over her disheveled state, "Uh…be right back." she rushed off down the hall and Jensen laughed to himself.
He had a good feeling about this.
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is-nini · 3 years
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 1
Title: Being sucked in
A/n: I'm not sure how long this.. story will take but i will try my best to keep it entertaining.. this story is about you, being sucked into genshin world, this is part 1.. please enjoy. Leave a comment or suggestion.. possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
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Today is another normal day, nothing is really out of the ordinary, the sky is a little bit cloudy but you don't mind, you think that the wind blowing against your hair is very nice as you walk towards your school. You walked inside, stopping Infront of the locker to the entrance to fix your stuff and take your schedule until you felt a presence beside you.
"oh, hello sidia".
You greets one of your sleepy friend, she just let's out a 'hmm' and a nod while looking through her locker, not even giving you an eye contact. sidia has always been like this, she never really made an eye contact towards you but she still shows that she has some of her attention towards you.
"good morning".
Your other friend, Chelz Lee, let's out a mutter to the both of you, Chelz is more talkative then Sidia, you met them maybe a couple of years ago. they're a very talented artist and are a very interesting friends to be around with.
"what's up guys".
You too greet them without looking at their eye, you take your books out and proceed to take a peak at Sidia's schedule.
"oh? Mathematics on the first hour? Goodluck".
You snicker and slap her shoulder a little bit, she stares at you uninterestedly with her sleepy eye and started to walk away, letting you stare at her black low ponytail hair.
You giggle and take a peak at Chelz's schedule. Art. her first lesson for today seems fun you thought sighing at the sight of your first schedule that reads 'science'.
Chelz already went half way to catching up to Sidia before she looks back at you as if asking you to join them and you did. You jog towards her, taking her hand and started to jog towards Sidia either.
"how are you both?".
You ask them both while fixing the books on your hand and looking at your shoes to check the lace.
Sidia answered, you make a 'uhuh' sound feeling used to her answers. Chelz stroke her short wavy black bangs out of her eyes and use her black glasses and start to read her novel. Her black short hair blows a little because of the wind.
She answered you, yawning and stretching her arms out beside her. You and the rest of your friend said goodbye to eachother and proceed to go to your different ways.
You went inside your class. As usual people are in teams, some are in teams for fun, some are in teams for checking today's lesson.
You take a one seat beside the window and wait for the teacher to come inside the classroom.
The lesson went on as usual, smoothly even, you did your homework andd the score that you got on yesterday's test is not bad, B is not a bad grade. You take out your binder and put the paper's that you got in to the binder.
Going home is the best thing about the day. You and Chelz are chatting away about until you guys cane across a gaming store.
"ou? A gaming store".
Sidia said, catching yours and Chelz attention. Chelz look at that place very seriously, squinting her eye.
"...since when is there a gaming store here- y/n!".
She was very suspicious of this place, she doesn't remember any gaming store around here... And if there is one opening soon it should be the talk of the school. in short Chelz was suspicious but you, being a gaming enthusiast decided to check it out, thinking maybe they have a good and cheap open world game.
"... She's crazy".
Sidia chuckled. She took Chelz arm, snapping her out of her suspicious state and drag her towards the gaming store.
"yo- sidia i don't wanna die".
"well i do. So let's go".
And with that the both of them followed you in.
The store looks very cool.. it's like you're in a different world. The ceiling's wallpaper is made out of galaxy like drawing and the light bulb was covered with another ball that is drawn to match with the different planets on the solar system.
"welcome to the store how may i help you".
A girl that looks like in her mid 20 greets the both of you, she have short black hair and a green uniform and a little pin on the breast part of her uniform spell out 'katheryne'. Which you assume was her name.
"hello! I was wondering do you have any open world game?".
You instantly ask her, not caring about the suspicious store, you don't even care about the insides of the place. You just wanted to play a open world game that's full of interesting stuff. The girl name katheryne hums in understanding and goes behind the table to look for a game you requested. Chelz grabs your hand and shout whisper to you.
"this place is creepy y/n. Let's get out of here".
Chelz scold you, you sigh and looks at her calmly shaking your head no.
"it's fine, were fine, what's the worst thing that could happen?".
You whisper back with a lighter tone. Really you don't care if this place comes out of nowhere you just want your game, you're smiling stupidly while waiting for the girl.
"anywayyy if anything happened, Sidia is here, she'll be able to protect us using her fighting style knowledge thingy".
Sidia scoffed and fold her arms, looking at you as if you're crazy.
"i will leave you alone and save myself".
You laugh and was about to slap her back when she holds your hand and rolls her eyes at you.
"such a tsun tsun".
You laugh out, she slowly and gently let your hand away. From the corner of your eye you can see katheryne walking towards the counter. You immediately jump and went towards her.
"this is the only open world game that i found".
She said, you look at the weird japanese like word, assuming it was the title you try to read what is said.. you don't understand it but the design was cool though.
"this is a open world game called genshin impact. I will not spoil the story but i think this game might be the game you're looking for".
Her confidence is seeping in on your game needy state so you decided to purchase it, not thinking twice. Sidia face palm while Chelz just sigh, feeling tired of your hot headed act.
"it will be 2$".
You felt giddy, you can't help it. It's cheap and is a open world game, that is a steal. After taking your stuff, the both of your friend immediately pull you away from the store.
"okay y/n. You got what you need, that place is sus i tell ya".
Sidia said, Chelz nods her head and fix her black glasses, she stare at you while furrowing her eyebrows.
"you gotta stop doing reckless thing. Who knows what that place is".
You sigh and nod, rolling your eye. You giggle anyway and put the game in front of you.
"i know.. but were safe! I wanna try and play it when i get home".
Sidia and Chelz just sigh, what can they do anyway. On the way home you and your friends goes on your own separate way as usual, you jog towards your home, feeling giddy to play the new game.
You take a bath, and goes straight to your computer, opening the plastic wrapper on the game. You insert the disc and started to wait for the loading screen.
And oh gosh.. isn't it pretty, the cutscene the art. Everything. So the game basically tells you about the story of two traveller, who was travelling from world to world until suddenly a mysterious god appears, took one of the twins and take away the other twins power, and now you're playing as the twin who was looking for their missing sister.
You look at the wishing button, tempted to wish for a character, you decided to pull. Expecting a cool banner of the current character instead, you're greets by a white screen.
"hm.. should i restart it?".
You mumble to yourself, nodding in agreement at your words, you close the disc and pulls out the game from your computer. You take a nearby wipe and wipe the back disc gently and then put it back in on the computer.
The game is launching when suddenly you felt a huge and sudden headache comes over you.
You groan, gosh.. maybe it's because you have been staring at the screen for too long.. you thinks as a bumping headache keeps going at you.
While waiting for the game you decided to lay back a bit, rest your eyes and head.. this headache is not going away anytime soon if you keep waiting and staring at the screen.
Before you reach the bed, your body stumble forward and fall on to the floor, cannot control any part of your body you close your eyes and your mind went blank.
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A darkness is all that you see.. a darkness is all that you're in.. you remember that the last time you are in your bedroom, playing genshin until a huge headache wave over you. Now that you're sense's is back something felt wrong.. you can tell you are laying on something.. it's not comfy but it's still felt quite nice.
You opened your eye slowly and look around the place, groaning as you stare at the half blue and half white wall. You look at your bed and this bed looks like one of the hospital bed..... Wait hospital bed?! You instantly look around frantically where the heck are you?!
"oh you're awake!".
A gentle calm voice echoed throughout the room. That voice sounds familiar.. you turn around and saw a girl with a nurse hat and a white dress, her cream coloured hair is put in a ponytail... Barbara?!.
You stare at her unbelievably. Act cool.. act like.. like a human.. yeah!. You think to yourself. You know this girl.. this girl is the free 4 star character that you'll get once you reach a certain level. Okay y/n.. play it cool.. just act like you don't know this place.
"why.. am i here?".
You look at the girl, she seems nervous to be around you ... Which is normal maybe. She walked beside you and take a cup of empty glass beside you and pour a pitcher full of water inside the glass half full and then take them, offering the glass to you.
"you're in Mondstat.. the land of freedom.."
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A/n; GOD I'm so sorry it took a long time, i hope the 'cliffhanger' makes sense...? But! Thankyou for reading! I am working on part 2 so more will be incoming!!!
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