#and if i have another coffee now i'll be awake too late
butchfaith · 11 months
they should invent coffee that doesnt keep you awake but that isnt decaf
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whousestypewriters · 2 months
moments with you - g.h x reader
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: none! (my 12am writing skills)
a/n: heheh enjoy some gray fluff my lovelies <33 (another grayson fics coming tomorrow hehe)
taglist: @nqds, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ecliphttlunar, @ravenclawdirectioner,
@tornqdowarnings, @catapparently, @zenikswaffleshop, @off-to-th-r4aces, @emila07, [if your url is white it means i couldn't tag you]
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sunlight seeped through the curtains of your room - well technically it isn't your room, but you did just wake up in it, feeling safe and cozy. courtesy of the warm body pressed against yours. the peace of the room broken by a loud alarm that you're quick to hit snooze on.
the warm body that usually is already up and into the day by now. his blond hair resting atop his pillow and his arm wrapped firmly around your waist. its rare that you wake up and grayson is still in bed with you, let alone still asleep. you've both missed each other this past week not spending much time together, aside from when grayson slipped into bed late and you left early for work.
so seizing this moment you snuggle deeper into his hold feeling his grip tighten ever so slightly. you know you have a job to get to in and hour but you couldn't be bothered to ruin this moment. who cares if a bunch of entitled adults miss out on coffee for the first time in their life?
just as you close your eyes again you hear the loud blaring of your alarm set off. come on. your eyes open and you twist around trying to find your phone to throw it across the room. which in retrospect doesn't sound like the best idea but its the one you went with - the loud crash waking grayson up unbeknownst to you.
sighing you move to stand up knowing you should start to get ready for work but a tug on your waist is all it takes to have you sprawling back into the arms of a now awake grayson hawthorne.
"oh hello you," you giggle.
"stay," he mumbles.
"i have work in an hour gray," you inform him.
"i don't care, stay."
"i'll get fired," you laugh - ignoring the fact that about ten minutes earlier you were fully prepared to stay.
"i'll buy the damn cafe for you, just stay a while with me," gray's soft voice says as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
sighing you relent, "good morning gray."
"good morning sweetheart."
you both lie there for a moment just enjoying the peacefulness of the sunlight room, holding one another.
"these are my favorite moments of the week," grayson whispers.
"what, having me fired?" you joke.
"no, this right now, us. moments with you just lying here together are my favorite." you melt slightly at his sleepy timbre.
"me too," you sigh. "i'll tell you what, clear your schedule for tomorrow, you and i are having a date day."
that brings a smile to grayson's face - and grayson is devastatingly handsome normally, he's heart stoppingly beautiful when he smiles. joy washing over his features, almost childlike. you love that you bring it out in him, the only one who brings it out in him.
"sounds perfect," he says pressing an achingly tender kiss to your forehead. "can't wait sweetheart."
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Edelgard, Dimitri, and Mercedes with a s/o who is always tried thought the day, either half asleep or taking a nap somewhere.
Doesn't help that when it's 3am s/o is doing literally anything but sleeping.
(FE3H) Edelgard, Dimitri, and Mercedes with a perpetually tired S/O
just like me fr
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Oh lovely, now there was another person who is eternally sleepy in the Black Eagles.
But, at least this time they weren't skipping out on lectures.
Edelgard at first tries not to be overbearing and just gently nudge them in the right direction of trying to get more sleep in the night.
Of course, that does not last very long.
(Edelgard) "I somehow knew you would be in the library, S/O."
(S/O) yawn "Edelgard? Oh, hey. Has the lecture already started?"
Edelgard sighs as her expression softens a little, gently putting a hand on their shoulder.
(Edelgard) "It's nearly time for bed. If you are going to rest, you can at the very least do so in your own room."
She doesn't want to sound like a nag, but she can't help but fret over S/O, at least in private.
Sometimes, she knocks on their door when she suspects they're still not asleep on the nights she can't either.
Those sleepless nights usually result in the two having a heart to heart, and being extremely tired come morning.
But Edelgard would not trade those moments with them for anything in the world.
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Dimitri can't help but chuckle at seeing S/O yawn in the morning. The sight was honestly quite cute to him.
If not a little worrying. This was the fourth day in a row they looked ready to drop dead.
(Dimitri) "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a ghost with how ghastly you look."
(S/O) "Ugh, I feel like one..."
(Dimitri) "Then perhaps you'd like something to wake you up? I could ask Mercedes to bake you something, or have Sylvain annoy you to awakening."
(S/O) "Goddess, please don't. It is way too early to be dealing with him...I might take you up on asking Mercedes, though."
He usually brings coffee or some kind of tea to help keep S/O up, or something to let them sleep late at night.
Dimitri trusts them enough to be responsible enough to know when it was time to sleep or not, but he has on occasion found them still awake at midnight.
(Dimitri) "S/O? What is that racket!?"
(S/O) "I needed to clean my room up, it's a little too messy in here."
(Dimitri) "In the dead of night?"
(S/O) "...It's not that late is it?"
(Dimitri) "Late enough that someone else other than me might come and make a noise complaint..."
(S/O) "Well, while you're here, can you lift my bed real quick? I need to grab something, and then I promise to sleep."
S/O was still full of energy, that was either a lie, or they'd sleep during lecture after trying and failing.
(Dimitri) sigh "Alright, please move aside."
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Mercedes is probably the best solution for S/O's sleepy tendencies.
That, or she might accidentally make it worse.
Due to her usually calming demanour, S/O feels ten times as sleepy whenever they're together.
Mercedes doesn't particularly mind, since Annette feels the same way too.
In the morning, Mercedes has some sweets that she baked for them to help wake them up.
And if they needed to sleep? She'd happily let them rest their head on her lap.
(Mercedes) "Oh, I know! What if I tell you some of the ghost stories I know to keep you up?"
(S/O) "I-I think I'll pass on that one. The last story you told me, I couldn't keep my eyes closed for hours..."
(Mercedes) "Hm...Well, I'm glad I do such a good job of telling them at least! But I wish that didn't come at a cost of your sleep schedule."
(S/O) "I mean, it wasn't exactly great to begin with."
(Mercedes) "And it's too late to bake any sweets...Oh, I could make you something spicy!"
(S/O) "...Y-You mean you're going to cook?"
(Mercedes) "I'm still trying to learn from Ashe, but I think I could make something great for the both of us!"
Suddenly, S/O became far more alert.
(S/O) "I-I think I'm full for right now, Mercedes! And I'm feeling really awake talking to you too!"
Mercedes looked slightly disappointed before S/O sighed internally.
(S/O) The things I do for love... "...But I wouldn't mind trying at least little!"
Her expression brightened at their response.
(Mercedes) "Really? Okay, let's head to the mess hall!"
(S/O) Goddess be with me...
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Hello! I’m sure you’re busy with a million other things, but I absolutely love the IT XJK story that unintentionally happened. I love all your other works as well.
Could we get a short of IT oc getting asked by a superior at the company to talk to her about something and JK sees and misunderstands thinking she’s getting in trouble because of him?
Sending over love and good vibes always
First part: here Second part: here
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You and Jungkook try hard to keep things professional at work, no matter the circumstances. No one seems to guess that just last night, you'd almost slept over at his place because it had gotten so late that you almost fell asleep on his couch after watching a movie together- only his hand shaking you awake and a cup of coffee able to somehow bring you back home.
Even though he asked multiple times for you to stay.
You're currently busy trying to identify a problem with the recording software on one of the pc's used to monitor the cameras filming, when someone Jungkook recognizes as a pretty high ranking manager taps your shoulder, and gains your attention. He can't hear what he's saying, but he also spots other staff behind the man looking rather serious- as you're led away by them, into a different room, away from everyone else.
His blood runs cold. Nothing happened between the two of you yet- but have they already found out? How so?
Maybe they monitored your phone, have found images he'd sent to you. Nothing too scandalous- simple mirror selfies he'd taken after working out, mostly dressed even, no big deal in his eyes. But now in hindsight, it could pretty much serve as damning evidence for something going on between the two of you, even if in reality you're just walking babysteps towards one another.
Or maybe they read your chats? He's been pretty heavy with the flirting lately, has been reaching out to you whenever he can, almost constantly checking in with you. He wants to have you around after all, all the time, but he also understands that down the line you've got a job to do, and can't just jump around to the tune of his demands whenever he wants you to. Have they read the rather suggestive messages he'd been sending you? He can think of a few.
God, he really fucked up.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asks from the side. "You're really pale." He worries, garnering the attention of Seokjin and Namjoon close by, who also now notice the rather spooked expression on the maknae's face.
"Y-yeah.." Jungkook mumbles a bit uneasy, standing up. He can't let you be fired- he's promised you he'd fix things if he screwed it up, and he plans on keeping his word. He doesn't know how they would even monitor yours or his phone, but it doesn't matter- he has to at least try and protect you somehow. "I'll be right back." He tells his bandmates, before he gets up to walk towards the room you've disappeared into with the others. He can glance inside between the halfway opened blinds, can see you sit down on a chair, while the other three men are standing, two with crossed arms while one talks to you. You look confused if anything, not scared, just bewildered, occasionally giving answers.
He can't have you fight this alone.
Two men leave the room, are surprised to see Jungkook on the other side of the door, and bow politely to the idol. "Jungkook-ssi?" The manager asks from inside, your eyes on him as well as you watch Jungkook enter the room, closing the door behind him. "Is everything alright?" He asks, and Jungkook nods.
"Yeah- just.." He starts, unsure. Especially when he looks at you and finds a look of sudden realization. "It's not her fault. I promise, I'm not just saying that to protect her or anything." He starts, and your eyes widen, the manager leaning his head to the side a little in question.
"What do you mean?" He asks, and at that, Jungkook becomes a bit uneasy.
"Is.. wait, what's.." He starts, and you just sigh, putting your face into your hand to hide yourself as you slide lower into your chair. Jungkook himself swallows hard, realizing that he might've misunderstood the situation, suddenly feeling like a cornered animal.
The manager looks between you and Jungkook for a moment, before his eyes sharpen. "Is there something I should know?" He asks, and you both stay silent at that, not daring to make eye contact. "I honestly though you were more professional than this." The manager sighs towards you, and you clearly want to just disappear.
"No, fuck, it's-" Jungkook tries to rescue this desperately. "-Aish.." He curses to himself, crossing his own arms. "It's my fault. I reached out to her first. I take full responsibility for whatever might happen." He says.
"It doesn't matter who reached out to who first." The manager declines. "What matters is that apparently, something inappropriate has been going on between the two of you, am I correct?" He demands to know.
"Nothing happened-" You start, but you're cut off.
"I'd be very careful with your actions and words right now, considering the situation you're in." The manager scolds you.
"She's right, nothing happened-"
"Yet!" The manager cuts him off, too. "Jungkook-ssi, imagine the scandal! World-renowned Idol has an affair with a staff member! Just imagine the chaos!" The man rants, running his hands over his face. "I don't care what you've been up to. I'll be setting up an NDA right now, and you better not leave this room until it is signed!" He barks at you, and you want to just cry.
You knew this was a bad idea.
"Consider your contract terminated. I'm sure we can find someone else to do your job who won't try and fuck-" He begins, but Jungkook is the one to talk suddenly, voice awfully serious.
"She didn't do any of that.!" He explains, arms crossed. "I reached out to her, she wanted to stay professional, I convinced her anyways because I genuinely feel a good connection to her." He says. "I don't care if you fire her, or have her sign an NDA- but I will neither let you talk like this about her, nor will I cut contact with her and before you ask, I know that that's what you'll be demanding of me." He says, and you look at him with concern, silently observing the two men staring at each other like wolves ready to fight.
"Does the rest of your bandmembers know how you're acting?" The manager demands to know. "I don't care if she's good entertainment, you're first and foremost an Idol, a brand, and if this spills out to the public, you'll taint the entire band and label with it!" He argues, but Jungkook shakes his head.
"Have her sign the NDA. Then she'll have no reason to talk." He explains calmly. "Or are you more worried that someone else might talk? That you might be tempted by the money this could make you if you were to sell that info?" He asks, and it clearly makes the man in front of him nervous. "I want you to sign one as well. Secured under the same amount of money as hers." He says, blocking the door.
"I won't be doing that." The manager declines. "I already signed one when I started to work here."
"So did she, I have to imagine." Jungkook responds.
"You're really protecting her? She will want money eventually." The manager says. "And your little adventure into the adult world isn't worth everyone's good reputation." He sneers.
"We have been seeing each other for months." Jungkook says. "And yet no one noticed. Curious. If I didn't say anything, you would've never known." Jungkook says.
"That's not the point-" The manager argues, but Jungkook won't have it.
"It is exactly the point." He argues against him. "Seokjin's relationship of what, five years now? Yoongi dating the hair stylist that joined two years ago. None of it has ever come out, has it?" He threatens. "Why is it suddenly so scandalous when it's me, I wonder?"
"That doesn't matter!" The manager scoffs.
"It does!" Jungkook says, angrily now. "It does to me! I'm not a child, and I believe it's time to make that clear!" He says, pulling out his phone.
"What are you doing?" The manager asks, and you're equally as confused.
"Calling a lawyer." Jungkook says, lowly so, like a threat, holding out his hand towards you, helping you out of your chair to pull you close to him as he opens the door, and turns around once to make one last comment to the man pale and frozen in place.
"I won't let you take this from me."
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lollipencil · 3 days
ITPM: What If... Same-Age Robins?
Saw a few bits of things using this concept, and got inspired. I'd recommend reading/re-reading Chapter 1 of the main fic to avoid confusion. @harleyification, here it is as requested.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
It was halfway to their intended destination, when a soft thump from his right had Steven startle hard enough to almost summon the suit once more. "Howdy," another, darker clad Robin drawled, his hood almost highlighting his grin. "Heya Hood, we're getting burgers. You coming with?" the original Robin smiled calmly. "Yeah, alright."
Their walk from there was silent. Only once inside did Steven speak: "Um, yes, hello. We would like three burgers. Uh, please?" "And one black coffee," a voice added. For the second time that night, Steven jolted at the sudden arrival of a Robin. "Ah, no," Hood promptly stated to the shorter teen. "You've been up since yesterday night Red," Robin pointed out with his hands on his hips.
Red Robin's face soured. "Fine. One decaff black coffee then." "Would you like fries with that?" the cashier drawled. "Um, yes, please," Steven answered to a bunch of nods from the round of Robins.
"How many of these guys are there?" Marc asked incredulously as they claimed a table. "So," Robin chirped, "Powers?" "Yeah," Steven admitted, "In a way." "What's that mean?" Hood asked as the plates were set before them. Red said nothing, just pulled out a tablet and started tapping away. "...What do you lads know about the Egyptian gods?"
"That there's a lot of them?" Robin sheepishly replied. "Which one's relevant right now?" Red asked without looking up. "Khonshu," his name was punctuated by mouthfuls of fries. "Hey, hey, careful," Hood urged gently, "Try to not eat too much right now."
Steven paused and breathed. "Wound up in a... situation," he admited, trying to not think about the full story, "Managed to call to him by accident." "And now?" "I help him protect others who travel by night, as he protected u- me," Steven stumbled over the pronoun. Thankfully, none of them seemed to notice. A hum spread between the round, just as the door opened.
The last Robin had finally arrived. "So, this is where you all vanished to," he drawled blandly. "Put down your hackles," Hood snarked, "Can't some guys have a late-patrol snack with a new friend?" "You-!" "The fries are cooked in sunflower oil," Robin offered, burger halfway to his mouth. Crested Robin sighed through his nose before sitting next to Red Robin. Red moaned but said nothing and shuffled over, handing off the tablet to Crest as he took a big sip of his drink. It was a few minutes later that the Bat himself appeared.
The door was near silent as he entered. But the shadow he cast was obvious. Instantly, Marc and Jake who'd been about to go to sleep, were wide awake. "Mierda," Jake cursed quietly. If Batman noticed them, he said nothing. Just tiredly watched the Robins eating and turned to the cashier: "Thank you for taking care of them. I'll have a white Americano."
From there, a suprisingly comfortable silence settled. Steven managed about half of his burger before he had to stop. At Hood's look, Steven nodded, and he promptly transferred Steven's remaining fries Crest's way. Crest looked up at him and nodded in thanks.
Once the plates were more or less cleared, everyone got up and staggered out. The Batmobile was parked right outside. Before Steven could consider how to get back to their usual warehouse, a gentle hand on his back guided him into the Batmobile. All four Robins blinked as the door closed with Steven inside.
Then Hood snorted. As he covered his growing giggles, Red sighed and Robin just leaned into Steven's shoulder. "Not again," Crest lamented quietly. A deep echoing laugh followed them as they drove off.
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morganacorp · 4 months
How about..... some of this 👀
"Oh, Kara you're still awake." Lena said dropping her bag on the kitchen island.
"You didn't let me come and get you home." She smiled at her, opening her arms for Lena to snuggle into her. 
"You had a rough day today. I wanted you to rest." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around Kara's frame and kissing her jaw gently.
"I can't sleep when you're not home." She said softly. "And you've been working so much lately that I barely see you anymore."
"I know, I know... I’m sorry about that." Lena sighed, sitting up and caressing Kara's hands with love. "I just... I'm working on something huge that-"
"Huge and secret."
"For now... I'm so close to finishing- Kara... I think this will be one of the biggest L-Corp projects in recent years." She smiled proudly. "You will be the very first person I show the final product, but-"
"You can't tell me yet... Yeah." She pouted and Lena smiled brightly at her, cupping her face gently.
"I'm sorry, darling... I promise that as soon as I'm done with this then we'll go on vacation just you and me, okay?"
"Sounds too good to be true." Kara mumbled. "But if there's one thing I'll never lose, that's hope." She sighed and Lena rewarded her with a quick kiss.
"Let's get to bed." She said softly and guided Kara back to her bedroom, stripping off their clothes and getting under the covers eager to feel Kara's warm skin against hers.
The next morning Kara woke up and tried not to move too much, noticing that Lena was still peacefully asleep by her side, her calm breathing and gentle heartbeat reminding her of how much she needed to rest. She waited until the very last moment she could, knowing that if she didn’t start moving they’d be late for work, so she carefully slipped out of bed and grabbed her discarded t-shirt and shorts on her way out of Lena’s bedroom, making her way to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
She prepared some toast and fruit for Lena along with her coffee, and then some eggs and bacon for herself since she needed the calories to start the day right. As soon as everything was ready, she went to wake Lena up, smiling when she saw her snuggled into her side of the bed that was still warm, hugging her pillow.
“Hey, baby…” she whispered, sitting on the bed next to her, a hand gently caressing her head. “Time to wake up.”
“What time is it?” Lena mumbled without opening her eyes. Kara knew she was exhausted, it was evident with the dark circles around her eyes, and the fact that she hadn’t woken up as soon as she heard her in the kitchen.
 “It’s 7:30… breakfast is ready.” She insisted, moving to lay down by her side. “Fresh fruit I got yesterday.” She smiled, her finger tracing Lena’s facial features with a featherlight touch that had been well rehearsed in her years of controlling her strength.
“Five more minutes.” She croaked out in a groggy voice, scooting closer until she was snuggled into Kara.
“Okay.” She kissed her hair, closing her eyes and enjoying her warmth.
She wouldn’t dare to recognize it out loud, but she sometimes missed the early days of their relationship when they’d spend lazy mornings tangled in the sheets, kissing and talking until Lena remembered she’s no longer Kara’s boss and she needed to make it to work. She understood why Lena’s work was important, why her obsession with her projects is necessary for her to achieve her own perfectionist standards and help the world in her own way, but she still missed her girlfriend and the time they spent together.
“I have to meet Alex at the DEO later today.” Lena said after a few minutes, a little more alert.
“I’ll stop by your office for lunch.” She smiled, knowing that if Lena had to leave her lab during the day it would only mean another late night making up for the time she lost. “And then I’ll bring you dinner at work.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to… I miss you.” She confessed and Lena looked up at her with so much love in her eyes that Kara felt bad for even saying anything. “I know work is important, but-”
“Let’s take the weekend off.” Lena proposed, her hand resting over Kara’s heart. “No phones, no calls or texts, no emails… just you and me at the lake house.”
“What about your project?”
“It can wait… I’ll focus on that today and tomorrow and it can wait until Monday. You’re my girlfriend, and I love you- I’ve been too absent.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you sure? That you want to take the weekend off.”
“I am.” She smiled, leaning up to kiss her gently. “Good morning, love.”
“Good morning.” She smiled, pecking her lips. “Let’s go grab some breakfast.”
They got off the bed and headed to the kitchen, with Kara helping Lena into her silky robe since she wasn’t wearing anything other than her sleepy smile. She poured her the perfect black coffee she knew Lena loved, and then sat down across from her to eat her breakfast, using that quiet moment to catch up and talk about everything that wasn’t work related.
Once they were done with that they moved to the shower, keeping business strictly to themselves since they had no time to waste. Lena picked a nice dark gray dress and black heels she knew Kara loved, and was happy to see her girlfriend would wear a beautiful soft pink dress that showed off her shoulders and arms as well as her figure, her abs pressed against the front of the dress in a way Lena always found tempting.
“I’ll see you for lunch.” Kara smiled when they got out of the elevator and walked to the front of Lena’s building where her driver was waiting for her.
“I’ll ask Jess to send you some menu options.” Lena smiled back at her and leaned to peck her gently, careful to not leave her soft lips stained with her deep burgundy lipstick. “Love you.”
“Love you back… have a great day.” She said with warmth, holding the door for Lena and then closing it gently.
Later that morning Kara received a call from Alex asking if she had time to help her out moving some inventory items from the desert facility to a secure warehouse, since they suffered some damage from a particularly angry alien that broke out of his containment cell, so she made up an excuse at work saying she’d be following a source and headed straight there. They talked for a moment and soon enough Kara started helping everyone out carrying some boxes and other stuff out of the old room, needing only a couple hours to be done with the whole process.
She headed back to CatCo and saw a text from Lena telling her she couldn’t make it to lunch due to an emergency situation with a production center, which made Kara feel angry. She almost slammed her phone down against the desk, getting a few confused looks in return, and focused on work until Andrea came looking for her.
“Kara, is your article about the mayor’s-”
“It’ll be on your desk as soon as it’s ready.” She interrupted her without looking up from her screen.
“You’re aware that the deadline for that article was at 11 this morning, right?” she frowned, slightly annoyed by her attitude.
“I know, and I will give you the article as soon as it’s ready.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “Now, if you let me work, I’d be done even sooner.”
“Careful, Danvers.” Andrea said and walked away from her desk. “You have one hour.” She said loudly, startling everyone.
“Whatever.” She scoffed under her breath.
“Kara, is everything okay?” Nia asked as she approached her, sensing that something was going on with her friend since she seemed tense and she wouldn’t normally confront Andrea like that.
“Everything’s perfect, I’m just finishing this tyrant’s article.”
“Kara!” she said and looked around to make sure no one heard her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I said I’m fine. Don’t you have a nap to take or something? Get off my back.” She said dismissively, making Nia look at her in shock for a second longer before she went back to her desk.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Werewolf Children Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: The first time Eddie spent the night with Evil Woman, it was kind of an accident… Contains: Lunar insomnia, mentions of supernatural creatures... is napping together a love language? Words: 1.6k
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"Another rough one, Werewolf Child?"
You grumble into your cereal as your mom enters the kitchen and pours herself a cup of coffee.
"Last night should've been the worst of it, maybe you'll get some sleep tonight."
"A girl can dream… or maybe she can't," you giggle. You're in the 'I'm Funny' stage of sleep deprivation now. School should be fun.
You've had trouble sleeping during the full moon - and sometimes, a few days before - since you could remember. When you were little, you used to escape your crib and explore your room. Now, you mostly listen to music on your headphones or lie there and overthink. Your eyes are usually too tired to read by the time the moon is actually full.
But as your mother said, last night should've been the worst of it. You were looking forward to going to bed tonight… you just have to get through a full day of school first.
Eddie was a little late picking you up. He greeted you with a wave and a yawn when you slid into the passenger seat of his van.
"Werewolf problems?" you asked as he backed out of the driveway.
"Is the full moon keeping you awake?"
"Is it a full moon?"
"Maybe? Is that a thing?"
"Yeah. They call it lunar insomnia. Mom calls it lycanthropy. Says I'm a Werewolf Child."
"I always thought of you as more of a vampire," he smirks, looking over at you with half-lidded eyes.
"Either way, I'm gonna bite you if you don't keep your eyes on the damn road."
"Don't threaten me with a good time," he mumbles, looking forward and taking a swig of his Mello Yello.
Despite his lateness, you still have a few minutes to loiter in the parking lot before you have to go inside the fluorescent halls of Hawkins High.
You stand in a circle with the other Hellfire members who have gathered there at Eddie's usual parking spot, vaguely aware that they're discussing something nerdy that happened on TV last night. You're too tired to care. Eddie places his hands on your hips and moves you a few steps to the side, then pulls you back against him, sandwiching himself between you and the van. He rests his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your middle. You lean your head against his and place your hands over his, feeling your eyes grow heavier…
And then the fucking bell rings, making you both jump. The jolt gives you enough energy to get to your first class, but you feel yourself fading again as soon as you sit down. You're used to this; you can make it. Or at least fake it. Eddie is not so skilled in the art of functioning on very little sleep.
He props his elbows on the table and puts his head in his hands. You look at the clock, then at his bloodshot eyes. You suspect he hasn't blinked since the first bell rang.
"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when the announcements are over."
"Can't sleep here. Not around these fuckers," he grumbles.
"Nobody's gonna fuck with you while I'm here. Go ahead, you've got," you look at the clock again, "13 minutes."
He scoots closer to you, crosses his arms on top of the table, and drops his head into them. His hair covers his face. You lean your elbow on the table and prop up your head, looking down at him. Your free hand instinctively disappears into Eddie's hair and begins lightly scratching his scalp. He moans and scoots closer, and you watch him with a smile as you ignore the drone of the morning announcements.
"Alright, lovebirds, it's time for learning!"
You heave a sigh at the teacher's teasing and extract your hand from Eddie's hair, giving him a light double-tap on the back as a sign to get up. He pulls himself upright and stares ahead, eyes unfocused.
Somehow, you made it through 'til lunch. You sat at the designated freak table and watched Eddie walk into four different people on his way to you. He looks like a zombie.
You don't even let him sit. "Come on," you order, standing up and turning him around and pushing him toward the door. He doesn't even have the strength to argue. When you exit the cafeteria doors, you head toward the van.
"Is this a lunch time quickie?" he asks, a little perkier.
"It's a 20 minute nap, dweeb."
"That works," he yawns, "too."
He opens the van's back door, shoves some junk (sorry, "necessary band equipment") out of the way, and waits for you to crawl in. You lie on your back with a balled up sweatshirt for a pillow. Eddie claims his favorite pillow: you. With his head on your chest, you reach up to set the alarm on your watch.
"Alright Munson, we have 21 minutes to sleep, then 3 minutes to cram food in our faces on our way back to class."
"Kay," he mumbles into your chest. In less than a minute, he's snoring lightly. You allow yourself to close your eyes for a few seconds too... well, it felt like seconds. The beeping of your watch jolted you awake.
"Nooo," he whines, nuzzling closer.
"Come on, two more classes, then we're free." You'd love nothing more than to just go back to sleep, but you have a quiz next period, and Eddie doesn't need to be missing any classes either. "Move it, Munson." He gets up with a grumble, and you both wolf down a sandwich and chug a can of pop on your way back inside.
You part ways with a "see you at three" and wait for the caffeine to kick in. Two more classes. You can do this.
Somehow, you did. You might have even gotten a decent grade on that quiz. But Eddie's so dead when he stumbles over to his locker, you're amazed he's still standing.
"Give me your keys. Zombies don't drive."
"You sure you can handle her?"
"She'll behave for me, if she knows what's good for her." You smirk at each other, he shoves a few things into his locker, and you return to the parking lot.
"You guys okay?" your brother asks, already there waiting.
"We're fine."
"You sure? I can drive if you want."
"No!" you both shout. He holds up his hands in defeat and gets in the back with a grumble.
You get in, maneuver the massive hunk of metal out of the parking lot and onto the road, and miraculously make it home without incident. Eddie's leaning his face against the window when you park. You reach over and give his leg a tap, and he jumps.
"C'mon," you order. You stuff his keys in his jacket pocket, and he follows you inside.
"If we're not awake by time for Mom to get home, come yell," you instruct your brother, who salutes sarcastically before ducking his head into the fridge to hunt for a snack.
When you get to your room, you grab two pairs of sweats from a drawer and throw one at Eddie. He misses, and bends to pick them up. You're out of your jeans and jackets in seconds. You lose your bra, set the alarm on your watch, crawl into bed, and wait for him to join you. Ignoring your pillow, he settles his head on your chest again. Not that you mind. You pull the covers over him, kiss the top of his head, and let it all fade to black.
When you wake, it takes a moment to realize where you are. The first sleep after the full moon is always the deepest. Once you remember what day it is, and why Eddie's laying on top of you, you stretch a little. You'd been in this same position for hours, and your body was not happy about it.
"Time'sit?" Eddie mumbles into your chest.
You bring up your watch arm and squint at the tiny glowing numbers.
"Shit, it's almost six, Mom'll be home any minute!"
You both fly out of bed and back into your jeans.
"You wanna stay for dinner?" you ask, trying to smooth your hair in the mirror.
"Nah, your mom's probably sick of me, I'm good to drive." He shrugs his jacket back on. "Look okay?"
"Always," you grin, pulling him in for a quick kiss. "Alright, look innocent."
You approach your bedroom door… and find a note taped to the back of it. Hadn't you left it open when you came in?
You two were so cute, I couldn't bear to wake you.
Eddie, I called your uncle and told him you were out cold. If you happen to see this before dawn, you're welcome to stay the rest of the night.
There's meatloaf in the fridge, and a deer carcass from last month's hunt in the freezer if you little monsters are hungry.
Sweet dreams, Werewolf Children.
You look from the note to Eddie… and then at your watch… and then you rush to the window. It's pitch black outside. You chuckle darkly.
"Eddie, it's six o'clock in the fucking morning."
You're both hit by a fit of giggles, and cover your mouths to try and quiet them.
"No wonder I feel so rested," he grins after he's recovered.
"Well… you wanna stay for breakfast?"
"Might as well," he laughs, taking his jacket back off.
Your mother and brother were very relieved to find that the Werewolf Children had chosen pancakes and sausage over the deer carcass.
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125 notes · View notes
winniemaywebber · 4 months
Honeysuckle Rose • Part 5
part one part two part three part four
masterlist olive's playlist
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @hephaestn @manonsmanicmind @derry-rain @bobparkhurst @bloodynereid @archival-hogwash
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“Whatcha readin’?”
John Brady stands a few meters away from where Olive is sat, deep in her crumpled and aged copy of her favorite Shakespeare play. She quickly snaps it shut, expecting to be left alone for a little while longer after tiptoeing out of the Red Cross Hut, rising earlier than she anticipated. The gray morning sky had a tint of yellow to it, the sunrise surprisingly warm on her face. It was a sense of warmth and calm belonging she hadn't felt in years and she wanted to savor the moment. Creeping into the Officer’s Club with her book, curling up in one of the large armchairs on offer, she had hoped for a few more moments of peace before the day began. Sensing Brady was having a similar issue, standing there, packing his pipe, she blinks up at him and smiles. 
“The Tempest. In my opinion, the best Shakespeare ever wrote. You know his work?”
“Boy, do I!” He replies gleefully, lighting the pipe that's now in his mouth and shaking the match to extinguish it. “It's my girl's favorite, too!”
“No way! Get outta here. That's amazing.”
“She sure is,” he puffs at the pipe, his eyes glazing over at the wistful mention of her. “She's a schoolteacher. Teaches English to high school kids and she gets so excited at the time of year when the curriculum allows her to share her love of William.” 
“I like the sound of her already. What's her name?”
He smiles, a plume of smoke leaving his lips. “Jules. Juliet.”
“Juliet?” Olive replies, smiling softly at the  apparent coincidence. “As in ‘of the sun’?” 
“The very same,” he responds as he begins to turn on his heel. 
“You'd better tell her about this in your next letter to her, Brady,” she jokingly scolds. “I need someone to read my Shakespeare essays and reviews. She sounds perfect for the job.”
“Oh, she'd love that,” he laughs. 
“No need to be sarky now, John,” she says sullenly, eyes now back on the page she left off from.
“Never!” He holds up his hands in surrender. “I'm being serious. She'd love that. Give me whatever you want her to read.” 
“I'll pass some good passages on to Dougie, see if he'll give it a try.” 
“John,” she smiles, eyes twinkling. “Please try.”
Tattie rushes in an hour later, her eyes widened with stress as she applies her red lipstick on the move, somehow managing to get the shape perfect without a mirror. “I'm so late,” she moans, walking around the club like a headless chicken. “And so hungover. Olive, be a doll and go start setting up the–”
“Already did, Tat. Coffee hot and ready for our boys.”
“The donuts are in–”
“Yep. Got those too. Sitting pretty on their trays, napkins right next to them. Don't worry, I got it covered.”
“You're a darling. I'll buy you a drink at the club tonight to say thanks.”
Today being a non-mission day did not mean the girls weren't busy. Right as Val and Helen got to the truck, surprised to see Olive so bright eyed and awake - “it'll be the four coffees I've gulped in the past two hours” - the boys came to the truck thick and fast. First was Brady and his crew, M'lle Zig Zig, all wanting their second breakfast of coffee and donuts, Olive and Brady giving one another a knowing nod as she passed him his cup. Next were Bucky and the Mugwump crew, Bucky somehow even more amped for the morning than Olive was, his loud voice booming across base so far that the girls were almost sure the loud noise would have the inhabitants of the local village out of bed thinking it was some type of foghorn pulling them out of their slumber. Not far behind were Buck and Demarco, the crew of Our Baby. 
“Hi, Ol,” Benny says, softly. “Good morning.”
“Benny,” she smiles, handing him a coffee before he's even asked. “And where is the most special guy of all?” A single bark comes from next to Benny, Meatball panting at his side. Olive exits the truck to greet him, knowing that if she invited him up, that would be it for the donuts - nobody was a fan of dog hair sprinkle variety.
“You mind watching him? I know it's only a practice, but I still don't wanna risk it.”
“Sure, Benny. We'll hang out, terrorize Kenny at some point, get him good and tired.”
“Yeah, Kenny needs that,” Benny smirks. 
“You know what I mean,” shoving him playfully. “Be safe, okay?” 
“Yeah, Ol. Always.” 
Meatball was getting restless as a few stragglers made their way to the hardstand after visiting the Clubmobile. Despite being tied up, he was trying his best to run, his little face all sad when he realized he wasn't able to roam. 
“You got it from here, Val? That dog is chomping at the bit for a run around.”
“Absolutely, Ollie,” she nods, opening her copy of Screen Stories at the page she'd left off from yesterday. “Anything to make sure those donuts stay Meatball hair free.”
“Thanks, chicken. Be right back. Helen?” She turns to Helen, her beautiful dark hair pulled expertly under a headscarf. “You wanna come too?”
The two begin making their own way over to the hardstand, Meatball pulling keenly at the lead to hurry his companions along, seemingly excited for some carefree recreation time. 
“Morning, ladies!” Ev Blakely comes towards them, brown leather jacket and aviators. Olive giggles, knowing exactly how weak at the knees Val was about to be at the sight of her man in his gear. Dragging behind was the man that had the very same effect on Olive, his hair perfectly slicked back, his sheepskin jacket perfectly fitted on his broad shoulders.
“Helen,” he greets. 
“Dougie,” she replies, a slight wink to Olive as she takes her cue to depart. 
Looking around to make sure nobody is watching, he takes Olive in his arms. “Hi, pretty.”
“Hi, Dougie. Good morning.”
“Good morning indeed,” he winks, kissing the corner of her mouth. “You look beautiful as always.” 
“Stop,” she giggles. “You're looking pretty good yourself.”
“Don't we make a fine pair, doll?”
“We sure do, darling.”
A screech interrupts the moment, Meatball taking off like a shot the second he spots Kenny, sending Helen flying through the air. 
“I'd better go rescue my girl, there.”
“But I wanna stay with my girl here,” he murmurs, winking.
“Your girl, huh?” she says, narrowing her eyes at him. “Very presumptuous. You haven't even asked me.”
“D'you want me to?”
The answer burns up in her body, the yes wanting to spill out so fast that it almost makes her nauseous. She isn't one to be so forthright, forcing the agreeable answer down as fast as it tries to escape her lips. 
“Maybe,” she instead teases, looking up at him flirtatiously through her lashes. “Please be safe, Dougie.”
“It's only a practice, doll.”
“Nevertheless,” she murmurs, her hand stroking his cheek. “I need you to come back to me.”
A familiar rumble distracts Meatball, the ball flying past his face as Kenny throws it across the airfield. 
“Meatball!” He yells, trying to get the dog's attention. “Get it, boy!” He stands, stuck to the spot, waiting for Kenny to throw the ball that's already been chucked meters away. 
“I don't got it, dummy! I threw it thatta way. You weren't lookin’!” 
“Aw, leave my pal alone,” Olive pouts, scritching Meatball under the chin. “Here, look,” she says, standing up again. She balls her hand into an almost-fist, an invisible spherical shape in the palm of it. “Go get it,” she yells as she throws the ‘ball’, Meatball taking off like a shot in the direction in which Kenny had thrown the real ball previously.
“Jeez, that darn dog.”
Olive laughs, before turning to the landscape, the sky a cloudless blue with fields rolling along underneath it. The rumble getting louder, Olive shields her eyes with her hand as Meatball brings the ball back to Helen, who instantly screams at the sight miles from them. 
A plane comes hurtling out of the sky, the trees catching fire instantly, a loud BANG heard over the noise of the Land Girls screaming in horror. 
“Holy shit,” Olive gasps, her heart caught in her throat, her body suddenly clammy all over. Helen walks over and grips her hand, her breathing equally as shaky. 
“Get outta here, girls,” Kenny urges, throwing himself into a Jeep.
“No way, Lemmons.”
“I'll come find ya if–” 
“Don't say it.”
“Olive. I'll come find ya, kay?” She simply nods, somehow not able to formulate a coherent thought. With Helen by her side, she feels her hand being tugged on. 
“We'd better get back to the truck,” she says, ushering Olive along. “It'll be okay, doll. Promise. Now, one foot in front of the other please.” Taking Meatball's leash, Olive lets Helen lead her.
Both breaking into a sprint with Meatball running slightly ahead as they approached the Clubmobile, unopened boxes all around it, they manage to catch up with Val and Tattie who had sped back in Tattie’s Jeep. 
“What the hell happened out there?” Olive yells over the sound of the running engine. 
“Baynard, he uh… him and his crew they…”
“Fuck sake! That was them?”
“Yea, it was them.” Val steps out of the jeep, leaning against it with a heavy sigh. Olive begins to walk towards her, gesturing for Meatball to stay put. 
“We just saw them this morning…” Helen remembers, head on the Clubmobile in sadness. 
Val can only nod, not quite able to speak yet due to the shock. A moment of silence is shared between them, Olive trying her best to breathe and calm down. Tears prick at her eyes and threaten to spill out onto her face, and she blinks them back with all her might. “Be a tough girl,” she whispers to herself. “Tough girls don't cry.” 
Helen removes herself from the side of the Clubmobile and walks towards Val, who, still leaning on the Jeep, remains in shock and unblinking until Helen's words bring her back to them. 
“Val? You alright?”
“Yea… just, scared shitless if I’m being honest.”
“Oh honey, I know…”
“Could have been either of them, Helen,” she says sadly, talking of Ev and Curt. "And I’m not keen on being alone.”
“Oh chicken, you’ll never be alone. You’ve got us.” Olive says, joining the two girls, taking Val’s free hand in hers, offering the same comfort as Helen.
“I need to get used to being called chicken as a term of endearment.” Val laughs as her head weakly drops to Olive's shoulder.
“There we go,” she grins. “Feeling better?”
Val nods reluctantly, as she pushes herself up off Jeep to finally stand, walking towards the abandoned boxes. Gesturing for the other girls to give her a hand, she suddenly freezes, that all too familiar scowl appearing between those perfectly outlined eyebrows.
“Meatbal! No!” The three girls look over to where the yell came from and see Tattie, hands on her hips in frustration, the scowl on her face almost rivaling Val’s as Meatball rips into one of the boxes, bouncing on his paws with excitement to try and hold it down as the cardboard escapes from him at every bite.
“I’m gonna kill DeMarco,” Tattie sighs, arms crossed. “Olive, tell your man to train his damn dog!”
“Not my man, Tat,” she replies, feeling Tattie’s pointed look burning into her as her back is turned. 
“Either way,” she sighs, her expression suddenly softer. “Someone needs to tell him.”
After a long day, the girls showered and got ready for an evening at the club. Finally taking some lessons from Val and Helen, Olive had, for the first time, managed to set her hair into soft curls with minimal help. While they had set, the girls had insisted on doing her makeup, transforming her into the soft, pink-cheeked girl she was beginning to fall in love with. Val insisted on filling in Olive’s brows and Helen had taken over the lashes, carefully daubing the ink on them with painstaking concentration, her tongue sticking out as she did so. 
“There,” Helen had sighed, closing the mascara box with a soft snap. “Absolutely perfect.” After getting herself ready first, Helen had arranged to meet her other girls at the club later on, keen to soothe the woes of a long day with Tattie as soon as she possibly could. 
Exiting the hut half an hour after Helen, Val and Olive found themselves surprised to see Curt waiting for them, leaning on the building ever so cooly. He had a playful grin about his face, Val rolling her eyes and groaning the second she saw his expression. Olive giggled as he approached them, Curt giving her a wink.
“Can I walk ya to the club, Val?”
“You can; I’m hard pressed to ask what you want, Curt.”
“Honest to God, I just wanna walk ya.”
“Helen told me you were a bit rattled after today, and I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
Val stops walking, and gives her friend a soft smile. Taking Olive’s hand for a second, she gives her the same smile. “Olive, I’ll catch up.”
“Okay,” she nods, still smiling. “I’ll save your seat!”
Olive begins the short walk to the club from where they had been standing, and sees Benny outside with Meatball, beaming as he sees her.
“Good evening,” he says, loosening his grip on Meatball’s leash as she approaches. 
“Hey, Benny,” she replies, bending down to greet Meatball too. “Hi, buddy, what’s up? Ready for a dance? You owe me one for tearing up all those boxes this morning.”
“Oh, shit. He did what?”
“Tore up a whole box of paper cups. Tattie went ballistic and had a sour face for the rest of the day. You should probably buy her a drink to soften her up a little.”
“Y-yeah, probably a good idea,” he responds, holding the door open for her. “After you, Miss Olive.”
“Thanks, doll.” 
As she walks into the warm, welcoming atmosphere of the club, she spots Dougie right away, standing at the bar with Everett. He’s so handsome that it takes her breath away, feeling herself get a little lightheaded as he senses her eyes on him, smiling sweetly at her as he stubs out his cigarette. 
“Uhm, excuse me for a second, Benny,” she says as she begins to make her way towards the direction of the ladies room.
“Sure. What’ll it be this evening?”
“The usual. Thanks, Benny,” she smiles, his kindness causing a pang of guilt to build up in her stomach, her eyes suddenly pricking with tears as she walks away. 
“Get a fucking grip, Ollie,” she says to herself as she hides in a cubicle for a few moments, centering herself the way her drama teacher had taught her. Filling her lungs with air and feeling them deflate, the built up anxiety drifting out of her with each breath. The panic, however, is still there, and the guilt is practically choking her, as two large tears drop onto her lap, taking her by surprise. Benny being such a kind, sweet man, being so genuine - any girl would be lucky to have a man like that. Her thoughts, however, quickly turn back to Dougie; the way the world practically stops turning whenever he looks at her, the way he makes her belly laugh at every opportunity. How he makes her weak at the knees, how he touches her subtly as if it’s their little secret. Realizing she had been in the bathroom a lot longer than anticipated, she washes her hands hurriedly and makes her exit. 
Just outside the door stands Dougie, two glasses in his hand. 
“You sure took your time.”
“God forbid a woman take some time alone,” she giggles, looking down at his hands. “That one for me?” She asks hopefully, the liquid within the glass looking familiar. He nods, handing it to her. 
“It is. Bought it as I came in. And luckily, that wasn’t long before you strolled in with our friend DeMarco.”
“Oh, it’s like that is it?”
“Maybe.” He takes the steps that are separating them and wraps his free arm around her waist. “I really wanna fucking kiss you right now,” he murmurs near her ear. “Can I?” 
Wanting nothing more than to finally feel his mouth on hers, the way she knows it would make her toes curl in delight and give her goosebumps over her entire body, she eyes up their surroundings and shakes her head.
“Not in front of the bathroom, James. Pick a better spot.” He sighs, resting his head on her shoulder. She nuzzles into him, her free hand tickling the back of his neck. “We’d better go,” she whispers sadly, not wanting to let go of him. 
“Don’t wanna,” he purrs into her, nuzzling into her neck now. 
“Dougie,” she pleads, reluctantly moving her shoulder. 
“Fine,” he sighs, his hand now on her face. “You better dance with me later.”
“Deal.” He walks away, leaving her there alone, which she is grateful for. Finding a lone spot right by the bathroom, she downs the drink given to her, the feeling of the alcohol rushing through her veins catching her by surprise. With one more deep breath, she makes her way back to the club where she knows her friends are waiting on her, stopping at the bar to drop off her empty glass.
Stopping is a mistake - within a moment, Olive feels herself accosted by not just Benny and Dougie, but Curt, too. Feeling incredibly overwhelmed, Olive looks around to find her friends gathered around their usual table, Val and Ev gazing into one another’s eyes as if nobody in the room - nor the world - exists. 
It’s Helen that catches Olive’s eye first, Olive’s panicked gaze causing her to stand from her seat suddenly. Murmuring something to Val, she breaks her gaze from her man to stand up, pushing her chair back as she does so. 
“Okay, boys, that’s enough,” she scolds as she pushes through the small crowd to get to Olive’s side. Olive, thankful for the rescue, clings to Val’s hand without a second thought, Val rubbing the back of her friend’s hand in comfort. “I have two very thirsty friends,” she says, referring to Helen and Tattie while staring right at Curt, “waiting on you at the table.”
“I was just–”
“Helen and Tattie are waiting,” she reinstates, a furrow fixed on him that makes him look like he’s about to jump out of his skin. It works, of course, as he hurriedly gets the barkeep’s attention, ordering two rum and cokes and a whiskey for himself. 
“You two,” She turns to Douglass and DeMarco, that furrow still fixed between her brows. “If you’d like to talk to Olive, come and sit with us.” Olive feels her hand being squeezed in comfort  as she remains silent, the panic attack still swelling within her chest. 
“Oh, uh…” Dougie stutters, struggling to come up with an excuse.
“The table, Dougie,” she grins, the smile relaxing the furrow and showing her beautiful teeth. “Benny,” she turns to him now, who is bent down, petting Meatball, trying to avoid the confrontation. “You and Meatball are welcome to join us.”
Taking Olive by the arm, Val gets them back to the table in a flash. Olive smiles, shaking her head and finally able to formulate a coherent sentence.
“You could rule the world, Valencia DiRosano.”
“No,” she laughs, her eyes slightly wrinkling at the edges with glee. “But I could certainly whip these fellas into shape.” 
They all crowded around the table, snagging extra chairs from other groups with a pretty smile to make room for them all. Four Red Cross girls, three pilots, a bombardier and a dog, all sat around a small table, looking every part a hodgepodge group. Val had got up from her chair and sat in Ev’s lap as he’d patted his knee with a twinkle in his eye, Meatball instantly jumping into the empty chair the very second she had stood up from it. That got a laugh from the whole group, as he perched on the chair with his paws on the table, quite the distinguished gentleman; the most gentlemanly at the table, Olive thought, as Curt regaled a tale loudly of an event from old times that of course included Val and a blonde that she described as “practically garbage.” Everett holding her in his lap as he laughed, Curt’s voice getting more animated and louder to keep the attention on him.
“I ain’t never seen anything like it,” he reiterates, his arms flopping as he does so. “One minute she’s across the room, and the next, she’s got this girl by the elbow, hauling her out like–”
“Trash, Curt. Because, she was trash,” she sniggers, her words overlapping his in a rushed frenzy. Olive hears Benny chuckling to the right of her. 
“So, we know who to call when we need a quick exit, then, is that it?”
“Call Tattie,” Val laughs, taking a sip of her drink. “She’s just as good as I am!”
“Oh, please!” Tattie replies from across the table. “You’re the muscle. You managed to tame Kidd of that God awful scowl he’s been wearing for weeks.”
“That’s Egan’s fault,” Helen says with a sigh. “Went and got himself demoted,” she says, mostly to Olive who has a confused look on her face. 
“How exactly do you get demoted from Air Exec?” Dougie ponders to Olive’s left as he lights himself another cigarette. Olive stares at him as he does so, the first small breath of smoke leaving his mouth as he talks. Without thinking, Olive reaches over and plucks it from pretty fingers, grinning all the while before placing it in her mouth and taking a drag. “Hey!” he teases, hand going to her lips to grab it back. She hands it back after only one inhale, feeling Benny’s sad eyes on her back as it all takes place. 
“You lot up for a group shot?” A man, stood with a camera around his neck walks up to the gang.
“Absolutely!” Tattie grins, having everyone get into place so they fit. She has Benny place Meatball up front, already doing his best pose with his tongue hanging out in happiness. Val stays put on Blakely’s lap, her arm around his neck and his on her waist. In a swift movement, Dougie pulls Olive onto his lap, looking like the cat that got the cream.
“Hi,” she giggles, trying to sit pretty, his blue eyes following her every movement. Curt had somehow squeezed himself in too, between Helen and Tattie with Benny close by.
“Alright, you guys. On three!”
To Olive’s surprise, Curt holds a hand out to Helen. “Humor a poor sap with a dance?”
Not hearing what else is said, Olive sees Helen take his hand as he guides her from her chair to the dancefloor. Olive sees a nod pass between Val and Tattie as Tattie stands, tugging at Dougie’s hand. “Come on, you. Let’s stretch our legs, hmm?”
“Sure, Tattie…” his eyes quickly glazing over as Benny offers Olive his hand. 
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
The music swells all around them, Olive and Dougie making eye contact as they dance with their respective partners.
“You know,” she begins, Benny swaying with her gently. “We’re spending this time together and I still know so little about you. Tell me about yourself.”
“Well,” he starts, his expression full of thought. “I lived in Chicago before I enlisted. I decided to enlist in 1940.”
“Wow,” Olive replies, taken aback. “Earlier than a lot of these boys.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nods. “I was just determined to serve my country. I knew something was coming even before Pearl Harbor, and I wanted to make sure I could be a part of it.”
“That’s very brave, Benny. Stuff like that doesn’t go unnoticed.”
“Just doing my job, Olive,” he says with a shrug. “It’s what we’re all doing.”
At that moment, Olive feels herself being softly pushed into another partner, Tattie signaling Benny to dance with her. 
“Oh, I see what she’s up to.”
“It was my idea.”
“Yeah, no shit, Dougie. Color me surprised.” Nevertheless, she feels herself smile at him, both of their eyes softening as they look at one another. She suddenly realizes what happens between Val and Everett. At this moment, nobody else in this room - nor the world - exists. It’s just her and James, swaying to a slow love song, his hand in hers and the other on her waist. She closes her eyes for a second, a slow breath leaving her pursed lips. 
“You okay?” Dougie asks, his voice etched with concern.
“Yes, doll,” she replies, her hands going around his neck. 
“You’re lookin’ at me like I’ve hung the moon in the sky or somethin’,” he grins.
“Because I think, maybe you have.” She lets her head fall to his shoulder, him planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
“Is this a better spot?” he asks, his lips brushing against her nose as he leans his neck down slightly. Coming back up to face him, a worried expression on her face, she shakes her head once again.
“I’d love nothing more than to have you kiss me, Dougie–”
“Then let me.”
“Not in front of Benny, darling. That’s not fair.” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says, his eyes downcast. “But you want me to, right?”
“I do. I absolutely do. It’s killing me to have to deny myself that. But I’m not here to hurt people, nor make them upset. Can you understand that?”
“I can,” he smiles, sadly. “You’re so fucking sweet, Ol. Just adorable.”
“Sweet on you,” she replies, her lips pressed to his cheek. 
“Ah, shit,” he murmurs, his eyes focused on something above the door. Benny walks over, patting him on the shoulder. “Gotta go, buddy.”
“Yeah, Benny. Be right there.”
Olive turns and sees the familiar red light beaming over the club, the band finishing suddenly in the middle of their song. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” She says, her voice suddenly tightening. 
“I know. I can hardly wait.” Clearing his throat, he leans in again and finds her ear. “Goodnight, goodnight. Parting is such sweet sorrow.” Olive pulls away, brows furrowed in amazement and confusion.
“You’ve been talking to Brady, huh?”
“Come on, Ol. He said his girl likes this one, so I thought I’d try it, too. Finish it.” Olive laughs at the sudden seriousness on his face, his blue eyes suddenly resembling Meatball’s. She breathes, trying to compose herself.
“That I shall say goodnight till it be morrow. There. Happy now?”
“See, wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“You’re insufferable, James Douglass.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s why you like me.” 
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
mingyu - airport
word count : 511
"here's your coffee," mingyu said as he stopped in front of you, handing you the hot, caffeinated beverage. he took his sunglasses off that he still had on top of his head from when you left this morning and hooked them to the collar of his shirt.
"thanks," you replied, holding the cup with both hands. "it's so early," you whined again, probably for the fifteenth time that morning. you took a sip of coffee and happily sighed.
"and it's your fault that you chose such an early flight," mingyu said to you before sitting next to you. "but with the other layover, we'll still have enough time to relax for a bit before the next flight," he said to you and started scrolling through his phone. "want to take a nap? we still have time."
"i'll sleep on the plane. i'm just gonna try to stay awake for as long as possible right now," you said to him and took another sip of your coffee.
he chuckled, "watch you not be able to sleep later. that's gonna be so funny," he said to you. you smacked his arm in response, making him squirm. "that hurt, babe."
"if i don't sleep, i'm blaming you," you said to him.
"i'll be sleeping myself, so you won't be able to blame me," he said to you and lifted his backpack up from between his legs. "need a charger?" he asked as he pulled out one of the chargers that he had packed in his backpack.
"sure, it wouldn't hurt," you answered. he gave you the charger that was in his hand before fishing for another one.
you plugged your phone into a charging port while mingyu pulled out another cable. he plugging in the charger and started charging his phone as well.
"wanna be in my weverse post?" he suddenly asked you once he was back on his phone.
"huh? oh, sure," you replied.
mingyu held up his phone and took a picture of the two of you. afterwards, he started typing a message on weverse and you looked at his screen as he typed.
"me and y/n are going on vacation. she looks so cute right now because she's tired. hahaha."
"can you leave the "hahaha" part out please?" you asked him.
"i swear to god, mingyu, i'll hit you again," you said to him.
he started laughing, "too late." on cue, you hit him, making him whine again, "ow..." he started typing again, and you watched him post something before turning his screen off.
you went on your phone and went on weverse to see what he posted.
"y/n hit me because i kept the "hahaha" part in. she's glad i love her."
"really?" you said to him, showing your screen to him.
"yes," he said and sipped his coffee. "you hurt my feelings," he dramatically said with a sigh.
"if i kiss you, will that make it up to you?" you asked him.
"okay, no kisses then."
"wait wait wait. i forgive you. come here, pretty."
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Man Next Door - A Sneak Peek
Note: I don't know when I'll be posting this short series but I do keep getting asks about it. This was an idea sent to me by @jdfan4life and while I do intend to finish it, I clearly have a bunch of other stuff I'm currently writing so it's not a priority. BUT I WILL FINISH IT! So, to tide you over here is a bit of a sneak peek below the pic. Enjoy! xoxo
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Summary: Harry's your father's friend but he's also your best friend's dad so things are complicated.
Sorry guys, I don't even know if this is good. I wasn't sure what to pull for a sneak peek but this seems to tell a bit of the story without giving too much away. And as I've said before, I've only written about 10k words of the whole series so there's not a lot to share. Your feedback is welcome as always.
"Stop the elderly abuse. I'm fragile," Harry scoffs, his dimples making an appearance.
You both laugh as Harry keeps his hand over your wrist, holding your arm down by your side. Soon, your laughter dies down and you're both just sitting and staring at one another. This has happened before with you two but it's only happened a handful of times. And like every other time it's happened, you are interrupted.
"Morning..." you hear Robby's voice as he enters the kitchen. Harry releases your hand immediately and stands up to get a mug from the cupboard for his son.
Robby looks at you with squinty eyes and then at his dad. You shrug and continue to eat the last bit off your plate. Robby saw you two. He knew something was happening. He saw how you two were facing one another in silence. He saw how Harry was holding your arm down. He'd heard laughter as he left his bedroom so he knew that just before he saw the scene that there was something to laugh about. But by the time he got to you, you were both silent and staring at one another.
"How'd you sleep?" Harry asked Robby as he started the stove back up to make eggs for Robby.
"Fine. I'm not the one who drank too much last night. Surprised you're already awake in fact." Robby looked at you and sat down on the stool on the other side of you.
"I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. You on the other hand were up late flirting with Raul through text message." You laughed as you spoke.
Robby rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean you need to be jealous of me. I think we're gonna go out tonight actually."
You and Harry both stopped what you were doing and looked at Robby, speaking nearly simultaneously, "Really!?"
Robby looked at you and then at his dad with a furrowed brow, "What's with you two? I just saw you flirting and now you're speaking in synch with one another? Yes. I'm going on a date."
You looked at Harry and he gazed at you for a moment before clearing his throat, "Think you're seeing things, kid. I'm glad you're going on a date, though. It's good for you."
Robby sipped his coffee and shook his head, "I know. You should probably think about going on a date too, dad. You too." He looked at you and raised his brows.
"Why do I need to go on a date?" Harry turned around and brought a plate of eggs to Robby.
Robby sighed and looked at you before looking at his dad, "Cause I've literally never seen you go on a date, Dad. Her neither to be honest. You both should get out there, and find someone."
You breathe a laugh through your nose, "Oh, now you get one date, that you haven’t even gone on might I add, and you suddenly are the guru on love and relationships?"
"So?! Yeah, I haven't gone on the date yet, but it's still not bad advice, for you to go on a date. You and my dad should probably go together. It's obvious you both have the hots for each other. At least I know you like my dad and you’re fun to be around."
Tags: @michellekstyles @ssaama @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @dancinsunflowerkiwi @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @theroosterswife24 @0oolookitsme
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foolstower · 2 years
Accidental confessions
Akihiko Sanada x reader
A/n:I haven't wrote anything in 5 years but got inspired by all the fics I keep seeing. I noticed a lack of fics for persona 3 so I thought I'd try to contribute. Thank you whoever reads this I hope you enjoy!
At first it was just a tinge in you're heart. A small poke you felt everytime you were around him. But before you knew it, months passed and now you can't even look him in the eyes properly.
Akihiko Sanada. Why did it have to be him?
You sit in the silence of your room listening to the white noise of the fan. You're desk was littered with a couple a sheets of homework that you couldn't concentrate on, and a half empty cup of coffee. This time you couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like if you didn't have your persona. You wouldn't be in this dorm. You wouldn't know about the dark hour. And you wouldn't have to see him everyday. Maybe if you only saw him at school this crush of yours would wear off on its own but at this rate? This feeling is going to consume you.
At what point does holding in your feelings start becoming unhealthy? Everytime he tries and talk to you it's like a rose bush full of thorns squeezes tighter and tighter around your heart until you can't breathe. This is no good. You can't have a crush when your trying to save humanity. Isn't that inappropriate?
You let out a deep sigh before standing up from your spot. Maybe going to the kitchen for some water will help you calm down. You grab your now ice cold coffee and head to the kitchen. Your shoes softly tap on the stairs as you make your way down. Upon reaching the lounge area you see Koromaru still wide awake on the couch with Ken watching tv. They're so encapsulated in the show that they don't notice you walk into the kitchen to dump your coffee and get a fresh glass of water.
Upon heading over to the couch Koromaru looks your way and starts wagging his tail, alerting Ken to you presence as well.
"Oh hey y/n! What're you doing up so late?" He asked as you sat down next to Koromaru. You let out a soft laugh.
"It's only 11 it's not too late yet." You said taking a drink of your water. The liquid instantly made you feel more awake. "But we do have school tomorrow, shouldn't you be heading to bed soon?" You ask. He opens his mouth to say something but hesitates before shaking his head and saying what he wanted to.
"I... haven't really been sleeping lately." He says finally. You give him a questioning look and he continues. "I've just been thinking about my mom again nothing new." He lets out a sad laugh. You pat his shoulder. It's a discussion you've already had with him before.
"We're all here for you Ken. Whenever you need to talk about anything we'll be here for you. Take as much time as you need." You said softly and let go of his shoulder. He give you a small smile.
"Thank you, y/n. You're always saying nice things to me." He looks away a bit embarrassed. "If you're ever going through anything... You can tell me too! I want you to talk to me too!" He said with a bit of determination in his eyes before yawning. You couldn't help but smile.
"I'll keep that in mind. But if you're too tired you won't be able to listen to my boring ramblings without falling asleep!" You laughed. "But seriously Ken, thank you. I do have some things that I could get off my chest but we'll save that for after you get some sleep." You said. He goes to protest before another yawn slips out of his mouth and he gives up.
"Alright y/n, I'll see you tomorrow goodnight!" He says as he gets off the couch you wave him off as he makes his way up the stairs. You let out another deep sigh and look a Koromaru who stares up at you with a kind look in his eyes. The sounds of super heroes and villains can still faintly be heard on the TV screen.
"What? Would you like to hear what I have to say koro?" You say jokingly but he gives you a bark in confirmation. You freeze. "Really? It's really nothing interesting it's more bothersome really." He barks again. You debate in your head if it's a good idea to discuss this with a dog but what the heck? He won't judge you and it's not like he can rat you out either. You shrug, might as well. Maybe it'll help alleviate some of constant pressure you feel on your chest.
"Well....I like someone...a little too much." The sentence barely made it past you lips. Koromaru tilts his head a bit in a bid to urge you to keep talking. Red starts to dust your cheeks. Why is this so embarrassing to talk about? Why is your heart racing already? "He's so...I don't even know how to explain it. Nice? Strong? Caring? He's all those things... There's even sometimes that he flusters himself and I think its the cutest thing ever." You giggle to yourself. "The other day I was on my way back to class and he invited me out to a cafe because I told him I liked sweets a few weeks ago. I mean that's the nicest thing I think anyone has done for me sadly." You explained. "That's not all though...even in battle he's always looking out for me. I think he's starting to develop a habit of it actually." You paused. "Koro? Is it bad that I feel this way right now? I mean I'm not expecting you to have a full grasp on human emotions. But even you can see this isn't the time right? Like we're going to Tartarus almost twice a week. Every full moon we're one step closer to uncovering the Truth. Then school mixed in with all of that? Tell me I shouldn't be feeling like this right now." Frustrated tear starts to prick at your eyes before you catch yourself and rub them away. Koromaru whines before laying on your lap. You smile and pet his back. You lean against the couch and relax still petting Koro. "Thank you I feel a little bit better now. But I should go back upstairs I still have homework to finish." You lamented as Koro got up and moved back to his spot on the couch. You turned off the TV and grabbed a nearby blanket, covered him up and gave him one last pat before heading back up to your room. The taps of your feet on the steps was the only thing you heard until you reached the top.
"Hey y/n." A familiar voice sounded as you got to the top of the stairs. A silver haired man was sitting on the couch on the second floor with two boxing gloves in his lap and a towel that you could only assume was for cleaning them. You froze in your tracks. Your heart started racing a million miles per second, your mind blanked out and your face couldn't help but flush a deep scarlet from ear to ear.
"...what all did you hear?" A dumb question but maybe if you were lucky this would be one of those times where they actually didn't hear anything important.
".....I heard enough." He muttered looking at the gloves in his lap. He definitely heard something important. Your soul was ready to leave your body. What do you say to that? Sorry? Yeah that's right? Runaway? All these options began to swirl around in your brain clouding any train of thought you tried to form. "You should come sit down, we need to talk." He said as he started putting his equipment on the table in front of him. You slowly walked over this situation is just getting worse by the minute. We need to talk? That never sounded good. You finally sat down on the couch and placed your water on the table so you could put your hands in your lap. You desperately tried to muster up the courage for what you were about to say.
"Listen akihiko I'm sorry. I don't even know what to say right n-"
"Who were you talking about?" He cut you off.
"What?" You couldn't hide the shock in your voice. Who was I talking about? Who else took me out to a cafe a couple days ago? "I'm sorry, what do you mean?" The look of confusion on his face mirrored yours when you said that. He has to be joking right?
"There's someone you like right? Who is it?" He said softly. Oh you get it. You're about to get scolded for having feelings and how it's going to get in the way of the fight. Stuff you already knew and were trying to work out already. But why did he want you to admit your feelings to his face? Isn't that a bit cruel? You sighed trying to exhale some of the anxiety that was eating you alive.
"I know what you're going to say. It's stupid to let these feelings get in the way of our task right now. I know. I promise I'm working on it." You stared at your lap you felt like tears could slip out at any second now. "I didn't want you to hear my confession that way, but that really is how I feel about you." You voice cracked. "You're just so you I can't take it anymore. Whenever you're around I feel like my heart's going to burst or I'm going to throw up butterflies." You looked up at him ashamed and embarrassed that you're in this situation. But when you see his face his expression isn't what you expected.
His eyes were wide in shock and his cheeks were dusted a light pink. His mouth opened like he wanted to say something but quickly shut it and looked away from you. Why was he so flustered? He's the one that wanted to hear you say it. The room is quiet for a few seconds before he finally says something.
"M-me?" He stuttered. At this point you were fed up. Did he not hear you talking about him?
"Yes you! Why are you doing this to me?" You plead the embarrassment was almost too much to bear now. Where was this conversation going? Why is he acting like he didn't hear you? You bury your face in your hands in a last ditch effort to hide.
Akihiko was stunned. He had no idea you felt the same way he did, you hid it so well. He had overheard your conversation with Ken and Koromaru but walked away right after you admitted you liked someone. He couldn't bear to hear you fond over someone else and decided to wait on the second floor for you. While waiting he thought maybe it'd be best if you just tell him who your liked without all the extra bits. That way he could finally move on and stop feeling this way. But as it turns out thing aren't going that way. He finally turns to face your direction and gently pulls your hands away from your face and holds onto one. He stared at your interlocked hands before speaking.
"I like you too.... At this point... I think I can say Im falling in love with you." He says gripping your hand a little tighter. You almost choke on the sudden turn in circumstances. What is happening right now? "When we first met and were hanging out I thought I just wanted to know you since we were fighting together.... Then later on I thought I was seeing my sister in you. I was always have this urge to protect you and give you what you want. But just a little while ago I realized that's not it at all." He finally looks you in the eyes. "When I heard you just now, about to confess your feelings about someone I couldn't bring myself to hear it. I didn't want to hear you talk about someone like that and that's when I realized... I like you more than just as my friend." The pink hue on his cheeks got darker but he refused to look away from you now. It's now or never.
"I don't want you to work on it, I want you to be mine." He said sternly. He gaze was unwavering and made you want to melt on the spot. Did he really reciprocate your feelings? All this was a little too much. You were ready for rejection! no where in your mind did you think he felt the same.
"....won't I just be a burden? Won't I just cause problems for you?" You ask genuinely. These internalized fears make their way out into the open. "Akihiko... I don't want to be the reason you get hurt." You finished. He just gives you a kind smile.
"You've never been a burden to me y/n. You won't ever be a burden. If I get hurt it's my own fault it's nothing to do with you." He claims. "It's not wrong to want to protect the people you're close to right? Even if I didn't have these feelings I still wouldn't hesitate to put my life out there on the line as your friend." He says truthfully. The atmosphere is a bit lighter now the only thing left is your answer. Is this really ok? You don't think you care anymore.
"Then... If its ok. I want to be by your side. I want to protect you like you do me. I've never felt this way for anyone before... I honestly don't know what I'm doing but if you'll have patience I'd be delighted to be yours." You softly said to him. He smiled widely and suddenly embraced you. You head rested on his right shoulder you could hear his heart racing. You shyly wrapped your arms around his waist and relaxed into him.
"I'm glad I can finally hold you like this I've been wanting to for a while now." He confessed. He let out a content sigh before you both pulled away. He brushed some of the hair out of your face before standing up and offering his hand. "It's getting pretty late, can I walk you to your room?" He asks. You look up at him and take his hand. This is like a dream come true. Was this a dream? It sure does feel like it.
"I would love that." You say as he pulls you up from the couch. You both make your way up the stairs and down the hall to your room hands glued together. There's a pep in your step now and a permanent smile plastered to your face. Upon reaching the door to your room you turn to face him. He looks like a whole different person. He has a soft smile on his face, his eyes are looking at you with so much affection. Like you just lifted a massive weight from his shoulders.
"Goodnight aki I'll see you in the morning." You said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. You snapped him out of his thoughts and he lets go of your hand.
"O-okay I'll see you in the morning!" He said he was blushing harder then he has so far. "Can you call me aki more often? I... I like how it sounds coming from you" he stuttered out.
How can someone be so wholesome? How could someone like this possibly like you? All these thoughts plague your mind but deep down you know this is real. You love him and you're gonna do whatever it takes to make him happy. That's the vow you decided to make.
"Yeah that's all I'll call you from now on." You laughed.
"Come on don't tease me!" He laughed as well. Both infatuated in with how it feels to be unapologetically together. You finally turned around and twisted the door knob. You walked inside you room and turned to look at him through the doorway.
"I'll see you tomorrow Aki..... I love you." You almost hesitated to say it.
"I love you too y/n.... I'll see you when you come down to the lounge tomorrow. If you don't sleep in again we can walk to school together." He teased with a laugh. You protested with a hey! But laughed with him, it was infectious. With one last goodnight you waved him off and shut the door.
A relieved sigh escapes your lips this time. A content sound. You look at the homework still scattered across your desk and think about doing it, but choose to lay down instead. You remember you left your water on the second floor but decided you'll get it and clean it tomorrow. The fan in your room isn't so loud anymore and you can finally feel the breeze it's providing.
You can't believe it. Your stomach starts to twist up in knots from the aftermath of it all. All the things that could've just happened and it turns out he felt the same way. You'll have to thank Koromaru tomorrow for letting you talk to him. You stared at the ceiling a little while longer replaying what just happened in your head over and over again before getting ready for bed.
You're ready face whatever tomorrow brings. And anything after that.
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jackofallages · 1 month
Happy birthday to me
Part three:
As I keep pounding her cumming pussy I put my hand on the back of her neck, forcing her to look into my eyes. Her eyes are wandering and she's having trouble focusing on me. "Look at me. I want you to look at me each time you cum. I want you to equate pleasure with me."
I release her neck and she continue to stare almost blankly into my eyes. Her mouth hangs open and I can see drool leaking from the corners. "Good girl. Now don't look away. If you do I'll have to punish you."
She whimper as another orgasm threatens to force her eyes closed from the sheer pleasure of it. I take one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking hard as I flick my tongue over it. "please...... cum........ please..... cum" becomes her mantra. As the pleasure becomes too much.
"Such a good girl. Wanting me to cum in you." I say as I go all out. I'm hitting her cervix hard enough now that there will be some bruising.
She nod at my words, not really hearing them, until suddenly her eyes open wide. "Noooo. No please take it out.... Take it out... Don't cum in me. I don't want to get pregnant." She cries. She suddenly finds some strength left and begin struggling, but it's too late now. There's nowhere to go. Her fate is sealed and she is about to be bred.
She begins to kick her feet, trying to dislodge me. So I hook my arms under her knees and push them forward, folding them into the breeding press. And redouble my efforts to pound her into submission.
"Trying to deny me what I want just got you some more punishment. "She's having trouble breathing now as my weight presses her diaphragm restricting how deeply she can take a breath. "You are mine now. If I want to breed you I will. You didn't get a choice anymore."
Tears are flowing freely now and rolling down her cheeks onto the bed. Her head shakes back and forth "please....nooooo..."she whines as I push in deep, holding my cock firmly pressed against her cervix.
I release her legs, both hands going behind her head, holding her eyes looking into mine, her fear resisting off of her. I kiss her hard, bruising our lips. "You're...... Mine....... Baby." Each word punctuated with the pulse of my cock, my sperm flooding her cunt. "I'll..... take.... care of.... you.... Now!" My cock gives it's last spurt as I growl out the last word.
She nods as she peppers my face with small kisses,"Yes Master." And that's when I notice that, even though I released her legs, they are firmly locked around my waist, holding to her.
I brush stray strands of hair from her face and see the brightest smile ever. A shock settles over me as I realize that this is what she wants, someone to take care of her. To take away the worries of making life decisions.
My cock finally falls out of her, drawing an unhappy sound from her, almost as if she didn't want it to leave. Finally giving into to the inevitable, her legs relax their death grip on me and fall to the bed. He face shines with a satisfied, happy smile. "Thank you Master."
I roll over onto my side, my hands reaching up to unfasten her wrists from the head board. I pull the sleeping bag over us like a blanket as her arms go around my neck, her wrists still bound. She pulls my head to her chest as she makes small noises that fade into black.
I wake slowly the next morning, my mind playing over the events of the day before, when I notice that it is just me in the bed.
I sit up quickly only to see her by the stove making breakfast and humming softly to herself. The creaking of the bed springs alert her that I am awake, and a million watt smile greets me as she looks my way.
"I made you some breakfast...." Her eyes drop to the floor. "I hope that's ok Master." She looks up at me with a questioning, hopeful look."
Smiling I swing my legs out of bed and walk over to her, taking the mug of coffee from her outstretched hands. "Very ok princess." She nuzzles my hand as I tenderly caress her cheek. "Now get on the bed face down and wait for me there." I take a sip of my coffee and grimace discovering one thing I'll have to train her.
I finish up the oatmeal and dish it into my bowl. I only had utensils for one person so we would have to share. Walking to the bed I set down the bowl and grab a tube of cream from my packs first aid kit and begin applying it to her welts and other minor scratches.
She sighs and I swear I hear a soft purr come from her as I tend to her. I gently poke her in the ribs, eliciting a giggle from her, "Sit up slave. It's time for breakfast." I take a small taste of the oatmeal and am pleasantly surprised to find fresh blueberries in the mix. *She must have found some outside.* I remember a bush just at the edge of the range of her collar.
Leaving her wrists bound in the restraints, I spoon some of the cereal into her mouth. "Eat up little one. You're going to need your strength if you're going to keep up with me." I help myself to alternating bites. We still have a few days out here before my birthday weekend is over."
At the word birthday her eyes light up and she smiles, "Happy Birthday Master." She leans in kissing me, the sweetness of the blueberries flavoring the kiss.
After we finish eating she takes the dishes over to the sink and washes them. I unlock her restraints then proceed to pack up the rest of my gear. Seeing the pack by the door, I walk up behind her at the sink and slipping my hands around her waist. I slide them up over her ribcage to cup her breasts, tweaking her nipples and drawing a moan from her.
"Finish up. It's time to go. When you get dressed, leave your panties off. Better yet, give them to me." I hold out my hand as I watch the color ride in her cheeks. "From now on you won't be wearing any except during that time of the month."
Her face looked like a strawberry it was so red. "I want 24/7 access to your tasty.... tight... Snatch" I take the panties out of her hand as she looks down in aroused embarrassment.
As we headed to the door I walked up behind her, and grabbing her hips, stopping her long enough to roll the waist band up. Now the skirt was short enough to show an inch and a half swell of her ass.
I pointed to a spot just to the right and slightly behind me. "You will walk behind me in that spot unless I say otherwise. And believe me when I say there will be times that I want you right in front of me so I can watch the sway of your ass."
We walk for several hours, stopping from time to time as we snack on some trail mix. During these breaks I made sure to bed her over with her hands on the tree in front of her. I would either caress every bit of her exposed flesh, or flip her skirt up to pound her needy dripping pussy from behind. At true hours before sunset I had us stop for the night, building a primitive shelter for us to sleep in. She was tasked with preparing dinner, supplemented with some Chicken of the Forest I had found on our hike.
Each night I would take her on a bed of pine bows and leave her full of my cum. By the end of the week she was my loving devoted slave. I didn't want to, but I had to thank her father for priming her for me to claim.
When we left the forest to head back to civilization I had her call her mom to let her know that she was ok. I had her move in with me, but I made sure that she kept going to class and get her degree.
And the classmates that left her behind for me to find had a series of unfortunate bad luck. I have no respect for people callous enough to leave an intoxicated girl lost in the woods. But it worked out for us both. She is expecting out first child in June.
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ownedbythescribe · 2 years
Wanderer/Scaramouche | Vanilla Coffee
ıllı Synopsis: As sweet as vanilla coffee? Yes, that's how you would describe your boyfriend. Why? Because all dark thoughts disappear with just a single word from him.
ıllı Genre: Fluff, Modern AU
ıllı Notes: Use of his first name ‘Kunikuzushi’, Gender Neutral Reader, Engineering Student Reader
ıllı A/N: I had been thinking of trying out modern AU lately, and I ended up with Scara. I’m not sure if I did good here, but I’m happy with it. When will I get myself a guy like this? *sob sob*
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It was officially the 28th hour that you had been wide awake for the week, sleep thrown out of the window. The cherry on top, it was just Wednesday. The glare from your laptop's screen started to irritate your eyes, so you opted to lean back and close your eyes for a moment. Exhaustion blanketed your body, and the stiffness of your neck was another fact of the number of hours you had been doing your project. Turning to the side, you saw your roommate still sleeping. There was a 7 AM class waiting for her later, though, while yours decided to use the time to let the groups finish the design project for finals week.
'What a great time to run into problems. Just fantastic.' If anyone were to talk to you right now, they would be barraged with sarcastic comments. It was not something you wished for others to receive so early in the morning. Still, the lack of sleep and fatigue from researching sample calculations for the dryer section of paper production depleted your patience.
After 30 minutes of rest, you heard a notification sound from your phone. It was your partner messaging you about a plausible sample they found online. You hastily opened the document and noticed the similarities to the equipment you had been designing for a couple of days. Sending a happy sticker, you asked if they could do the final touches to the chapters prior to the computation section. You informed them that you would take the calculations part and send it to them for rechecking. You planned to have the paper assessed by the professor before the presentation.
“Are you sure? I can help out a bit. We can meet up later by City Cafe.” They suggested, eager to help, considering that you had been stressing over the matter for hours.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry. Plus, this is a good way to release some tension from all that research we did last night. Be back in a few hours!” You chimed.
With renewed energy, you stood up and sauntered toward your roommate, who was happily snoring away. You nudged her awake, but she entirely turned around and mumbled words of "five more minutes." By then, you knew she meant another hour. You called for her name again, and as if annoyed, she smacked you square in the face. It was neither light nor heavy.
"If you don't wake up this second, I'll throw your cinnamonroll plushie in the toilet." You threatened, having enough of her antics. She bolted up from her bed and then noticed the redness on your face. Knowing her sleeping habits, she quickly apologized. It was almost comical, but you were too weary to entertain it. Sighing, you ordered her to get ready for class before grabbing cereal for breakfast.
While munching on it, you started solving the design for the dryer. The document made it easy to follow, but you needed additional data to complete it, so you re-read another article you used as a basis. Suddenly, your phone buzzed. Plastered on the screen was your boyfriend's name, "Kuni <3". People know him as Scaramouche, but you prefer to call him Kuni. He was skeptical at first, but it grew on it. Although, it was only you who was allowed to do so.
“Hey, do you have classes today?” Scaramouche asked. You squinted your eyes at the camera. It looked like he was walking by the gardens near the pharmacy building. Honestly, you envied how the school's budget was poured into that place. They had a scenic park outside, and the laboratories were top-notch.
"Luckily, no, because this project is killing me." You groaned, scratching away at the paper on your desk. Another data was missing, so you checked the excel file for it. You did not notice your boyfriend staring at your face. He could see how stressed and tired you had been. Sleep forgotten in the midst of accomplishing the project.
"Is it due this week?" He asked. You took in a deep breath before shaking your head. He let out a sigh, but before he could berate you, you let him know that it was because of the schedule proposed to finish the paper. He was still conflicted but accepted it nonetheless. Pausing for a moment, you watched him walk to his building. It was slightly covetous how relaxed the indigo-head was compared to you.
Scaramouche tapped his ID in the scanner before looking back at you. He caught your stare. In the pit of his stomach, he hated that you neglected yourself again. He clicked his tongue instinctively before telling you to get at least a power nap after doing the computation.
"All right, but this might take a while. Oh, you're going in already? See you by the end of the week for our date?" You asked, hope evident in your tone. He could not say no to your puppy face.
"Yeah. Don't collapse on me, all right, doofus? Love you." He teased. You grinned, shaking your head at his mean nickname. He repeated his goodbye before ending the call. You missed him already.
"Stop with the long face. Here, I cooked some eggs and ham. Got you some rice too." Your roommate nudged. You took it from her hands and thanked her.
She went to the closet while scolding you for staying up all night considering that you have a weak immune system. You assured her that you had been taking vitamins every day. She was not convinced.
"That's not enough. Scaramouche is right. Take a power nap after that whatnot you're doing. I'll get going now, or the professor will kill me this time. Don't forget to lock the door before you sleep!" She reminded, dashing out of the dorm. You shook your head at her strange chirpiness.
Once again alone in your own world, you continued with your endeavors. You moved from determining the drying properties of the conveyor dryer to its design parameters. The good thing about the latter portion was it was based on heuristics alone, so you could simply pull out a handbook and search for the formula there. It was the computation for the cylinders' length and number that was lengthy.
"All right. That should do it. If my partner approves this, the next part would be to render the 3D model in SolidWorks." You murmured, exhaustion catching up to your body.
The document was immediately sent. You stoop up to stretch, only to collapse on your side of the bed. Your eyes felt hot and heavy, breathing unsteady. It felt like the world crashed on your body, so you closed your eyes. A hushed promise to wake up after an hour or two slipped from your lips.
“Hey, I’m coming over after class. Don’t forget to lock the door. I know you have a security guard downstairs, but you can never be too careful.
After what seemed like hours, you blearily opened your eyes to the sigh of familiar indigo hair by your bedside. Scaramouche was taking out medicine bottles and fruits. It seemed like an illusion, probably a dream even. He did not have any reason to come to your dormitory.
Unable to help yourself, you reached to brush off his hair. He was startled by the action, but when he glanced at your dazed look, he sighed. He touched your forehead, the coldness of his hand enticing you. A chuckle left his lips at the sight of you trying to nuzzle into his hand.
"Good to see you awake, sleepyhead. Here, eat this. Drink your medicine after." He instructed. A little bit of clarity reached your mind, so you sat up and tilted your head in confusion. What was the medicine for? Catching sight of it, he replied.
"You had a small fever by the time I got here. I assume you were not able to read my text and simply fell asleep. Not to mention, you left the door unlocked. What am I going to do with you?" He scolded. You stared owlishly, a bit apologetic but dazed. Then, you saw a coffee by the kitchen table.
"Vanilla latte?" He nodded. You were about to ask for it when he glared at you, clearly compelling you to eat first and drink the medicine. The coffee could wait, but your fever would not.
Succumbing to his orders, you finished the food he prepared for you. It was chazuke, his specialty. You were unsure if it was because you were sick, but it tasted better than before. Subsequently, you downed the bitter medicine. It was a bit difficult to swallow, but you held it in. When you showed him that you were done, he gave you the coffee with a headpat in tow.
"Don't stay up late tonight. You finished your task for the day, right?" There was a concerned glimmer in his eyes. It seemed like you worried your boyfriend again. Not like he was not used to it, but it was better to remind you to take care of yourself. He loved you too much to get tired of it anyway.
"I won't. Let me check my phone first to see if they approve of it. Hmm? Oh, I made a mistake in the last part. I'll fix it tomorrow, then have the model rendered. 'Thanks! Let's rest for tonight', and send." You grinned. It was nice to be ahead of your schedule. Scaramouche nodded, putting away the bowl and medicine. Deep inside, he was proud of you and wanted to smother you with kisses, but that would be out of character for him. He knew being an engineering student was tough, but you held on to it because it was your dream.
"Kuni, are you going home early after this?" You asked. He was washing the dishes but said he might because his roommate passed him the task of making dinner tonight. It was infuriating how irresponsible the guy was sometimes, but he let it slide today.
Hearing his answer saddened you. There was a part of you that wanted him to stay and cuddle up, but it might be too selfish to ask. A dejected hum left you, which did not sit well with him.
"Don't worry. I can stay for a bit longer. I'm sure Heizou can hold himself for hours of no food." He finished putting the plates away and joined you in bed. You leaned on him as he smoothened your hair. His warmth was comforting, pushing away the fatigue that crept up your spine. It made you feel fuzzy. Sometimes, you thought having him by your side was too good to be true, but he scoffed at it. His words still rang in your ears.
"I chose you. You are mine, as I am yours."
All dark thoughts were blown away. You did not want to let go, and he would not let you do so.
"Thank you." He held you closer, then kissed your forehead.
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Please don’t copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
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yellowsugarwords · 1 month
Could you write Haley with Female Farmer and what romantic things she would do for them? Also could you do the same but with Abigail?
OOOO THIS IS SO CUTE okay okay I'm gonna make these headcanons. I'll split it into two for both of them.
enjoy!!! 💛✨
Haley was terrible at cooking,
But she was a little good at making simple things,
Like salad or coffee.
Even then, she often burnt the coffee,
And the salad didn't have anything other than lettuce in it,
But she was always so proud, Y/N loved it all the same.
The one thing she was good at was creating.
She spent her days on the beach and near the park,
Picking flowers, shells, leaves and trinkets,
All to make Y/N bouquets and displays.
"I made it for your workshop!" She said proudly,
Handing a new one to them at least once a week.
"This one is mermaid-themed," she said excitedly,
Her eyes, starry.
She always themed them.
Despite having at least 26 by now, Y/N loved every single one.
"I love it." They always said.
Haley knew they always meant it too.
On days when it was colder,
Haley would stay indoors,
Trying to master smaller hobbies around the house.
Stitching up torn fabrics,
Organizing their clothing and mine finds,
And displaying their bouquets and purchases from festivals and events.
At least once a day, Haley would admire their Stardew Hero Trophy,
Stunned that she was the one that they chose.
Still, despite all of their successes,
They showered Haley with gifts and love daily.
Haley never thought she would ever find a love like this.
Yet, here she was.
Some mornings, when the weather was nice, Haley would stand on the front porch,
A blanket wrapped around her shoulders,
Watching as Y/N worked.
From time to time, Y/N would look up and smile,
Surprised she was still watching.
Haley loved to watch them work.
It was amazing to watch them do what they do best.
Occasionally, Haley would leave little notes around the house,
Tucked under dishes or wrapped into clothes.
They all said something sweet,
Like 'I love you,' or 'Have a great day!'
All just to make them smile.
It was a little way she could always make them smile,
Even during the moments when Y/N found them alone,
And Haley didn't even realize she was doing it.
Abigail had two major forms of love language:
Gifts, and acts of service.
Luckily for Y/N, Abigail expressed this daily,
For better or worse.
Even when she was grumpy, she still did the work.
One morning, Y/N was wandering out from one of the barns,
Spotting the violet hair in the field,
Rubbing sleepily at one of her eyes.
Y/N approached and Abigail groaned.
"It's the Stardew Valley Fair today. I know you're gonna be busy,"
She paused to yawn,
"I figured I'd water your flower patches to make your life easier."
Y/N smiled, cheeks warm,
And dipped in to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Suddenly, Abigail felt more awake.
Y/N and Abigail were great at passing off duties to one another.
Y/N would make Abigail breakfast,
Later that evening, Abigail would make dinner.
One night, Y/N would come back late,
The next morning, Abigail made them coffee bright and early.
"Go get 'em," she would say on those mornings,
Wrapped in a cozy robe,
Seeing Y/N out the door.
Often, Abigail's gifts consisted of the craziest things he could finding the minds,
From as simple as a cool rock,
To as insane as a cave bug that seems 'oddly friendly.'
"Check this out!"
That was always how she entered the house after a successful day,
And every
Y/N was stunned at what she had found.
Abigail found odd, little ways to show Y/N she cared.
She would polish their weapons for the mines,
Refluff the dust off of the curtains,
Even organize their rings in the closet for easier access and use.
"I organized the chicken's feeding spots by alphabetical order."
Y/N raised a brow. "Why?"
"Why not?"
Y/N couldn't help but grin.
That was a classic Abigail-ism.
Some mornings, while Y/N was in the field,
Abigail would suddenly pop up behind them.
"It's supposed to get hot out today. I'm gonna help you finish early."
Abigail was observant,
And often stepped in before, or without, anyone asking her to.
It was one of the things Y/N admired so much about her.
It showed just how much she always cared.
━━━━━━ 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜!! ₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫   ♡   𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
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cheesy09 · 10 months
[CN] Kiro's Frank Date Prologue + Event
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This has been translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
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I turned off the alarm clock on my phone and was about to quietly get up, but the next second a hand pulled me back into bed.
Kiro: So early... where are you going...
MC: I want to make some breakfast first. You can sleep for a while longer~
I lifted the quilt and tried to slip away from Kiro's arms, but he hugged me tighter.
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Kiro: But compared to having breakfast, I want to stay with you for a while longer.
Kiro: After all, after today, I won’t see MC for half a month...
Seeing him trying to fight sleep to talk to me, I couldn't help but reach out and touch the fluffy top of his head.
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MC: It's up to you. I'll stay by your side and won't go anywhere. We'll have something to eat at the airport later.
MC: You can sleep for another half hour...
Kiro: I'm not sleepy anymore. Let's talk. I'm already awake.
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Kiro said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes and deliberately opened them wide. He wanted to prove the "fact" that he had woken up, but all it did was make me see his tired and bloodshot eyes more clearly.
MC: Liar.
MC: You didn't get home from work until 2 a.m. and only slept for more than 4 hours. How could you possibly be awake?
Kiro: It doesn't matter, there's plenty of time on the plane anyway. 12 hours is enough for me to sleep for a long time.
Kiro: But there's no Miss Chips on the plane...
Kiro held up my face and pinched my cheek gently.
Kiro: But after I've wrapped up this show, I can rest with you for a few more days.
MC: Actually, if you ask Savin to schedule your work so tightly, you are squeezing yourself in advance.
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He smiled, hiding his little thoughts that I had revealed.
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Kiro: By then, we'll be having fun in France~ Let me stay with you, and you can stay with me.
Kiro: It's time for you to relax. Although I didn't finish work until 2 o'clock, who was still revising her plan when I came back?
MC: I just drank too much coffee during the day and couldn't sleep...
I looked away with a guilty conscience, but he gripped my chin and half-"forced" me to look into his eyes.
Kiro: What about the day before yesterday, the day before that... and last week?
MC: Hehe, don't worry, I can take a breather after handing in the documents today.
MC: But you should pay attention to your rest during rehearsals. I've heard from Savin that you've been working really hard on set these few days and have overused your voice.
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MC: I made some lozenges yesterday. They should be cooling by now.
MC: I'll help you pack it into your suitcase later, so be careful with your voice during rehearsals!
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Kiro: They must be way more delicious than the ones got outside.
Kiro: With Miss Chips' loving throat lozenges, I'll be full of energy during the rehearsals~
The cell phone alarm went off again, announcing that we had to get up.
Although I've become accustomed to the normalcy of his work, I still felt a little bit reluctant every time we were separated.
While Kiro was washing up, I left him a small note in the bag containing the throat lozenges.
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Remember to take the throat lozenges prepared by MC
Try not to stay up late
Pay attention to the temperature difference between morning and evening
Share interesting daily life
Plan a special tour itinerary
I hope you can gain a little surprise and warmth when you see it.
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[Day 1: Dream Route]
Because I woke up too early to see off the plane, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier on the way back, and I uncontrollably started to doze off.
MC: No, now is not the time to sleep... You still need to familiarize yourself with the meeting materials.
My remaining sense of reason woke me up and I managed to dig out the information from my bag. However, unexpectedly, I found a bear-shaped velvet bag at the bottom of my bag.
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MC: Looks like it's a secret treasure left by Mr. Kiro Bear~
After opening the velvet bag, there sat a small bag of apple candies and a short list left by Kiro.
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Take Apple Box out for a walk
Water the catnip
Log in to my game account to receive daily rewards
Attend the award ceremony for me
~\(≧▽≦)/~ Come and meet meet me on the day the closed rehearsal ends
From: Kiro
The joy of discovering this secret treasure dispelled the worries caused by my sleepiness.
The fresh taste of apple candy in my mouth brought a hint of sweetness to my longing.
Memory Diary:
The apple candy flavor is sweet and a bit sour. Although we have just separated, I already feel a little bit missed when I look at the list he left behind. This is probably the chain reaction that opens the secret treasure.
[Day 2: Heart-warming Walk]
The park was fresh and pleasant after the rain, with green grass and crystal water droplets.
The setting sun reflected the happy smiling face of Apple Box. He loved his newly bought bone toy very much.
I took a lot of photos of him playing, picked the cutest one and sent it to Kiro.
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MC: I had a lot of fun with Apple Box~
Kiro: I'm so jealous of Apple Box! His eyes are filled with happiness!
Kiro: Not only does he have a new toy, but he also has Miss Chips to accompany him. He's now the happiest puppy in the world!
MC: Judging from your tone, you don't seem jealous of Apple Box~
Kiro: Hmph, even though he's the happiest puppy in the world, I'm also about to be the happiest person in the world.
Kiro: When I see you, I'll definitely make up for the happiness that I've missed during this period of time.
Memory Diary:
Apple Box was really well-behaved. When we were in the park, many children wanted to play with him, and many young ladies took the initiative to take photos with him. It is said that dogs will become similar to their owners after being raised for a long time. In terms of attractiveness, seems like that they are indeed similar.
[Day 3: Sunshine Mint]
The weather was exceptionally sunny over the weekend. Cello spread herself out on the floor, lazily basking in the sun.
She didn't want to move a step after she was full, and no matter how much I tried to tempt her with cat teasing sticks and cat toys, she remained indifferent.
While it was normal for her to be reluctant to move in such hot weather, she has been tending to be overweight recently
MC: Little lazy cat, it look's like I'll have to bring out the secret weapon!
For the sake of Cello's health, I turned to the balcony and prepared to pick some catnip that Kiro had planted before.
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Note: "Cello's pot of catnip, I'll leave it to Miss Chips to take care of it~"
Signed: (★ ω ★) Kiro & Cello /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
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MC: Then I'll water the catnip first and then play with Cello~
Memory Diary:
After pouring a lot of water and enjoying the beautiful sunshine on the balcony, Catnip is also in good spirits today! In addition, it quietly announced: Kiro = my human mint.
[Day 4: Limited Surprise]
In the blink of an eye, the queue at the door of the handicraft store had already stretched outside the mall.
While I was glad I came early, keeping my feet to one side, I counted the number of people in the line in front of me.
After all, for this sale, some styles didn't limit the maximum purchase quantity for each person.
MC: I hope that all the styles are available when my turn comes and that they're not sold out... let me buy the whole set!
The queue moved slowly, and when it was finally my turn, there weren't many figures left on the shelves, but fortunately I got a complete set.
MC: Wrap one of each for me. Let's go with this yellow gift box~
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Memory Diary:
I had the foresight to get up early and queue up! This set of Kiro figurines has been in my heart for a long time. It would be a pity if I didn't buy them... As his cutest girlfriend, of course I have to give him a surprise~
[Day 5: Stage Focus]
Courier: Hello, please sign for the express delivery.
MC: Okay, thank you.
I carefully opened the outer packaging till a delicate silk box was revealed in front of me--
Inside, was a performance costume specially customized for Kiro, which took a full three months to complete.
Kiro designed the outfit himself and hired famous tailors to make it. It was the first time they collaborated, but they had a tacit understanding.
MC: It looks better than expected.
The metallic threads he specially selected had hidden secrets, and their true charm could only be revealed under the stage lights.
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MC: When Kiro comes back and sees it with his own eyes, he'll definitely be very happy~
I hope the next concert will come soon so that I can see him in his costume earlier.
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Memory Diary:
I can't wait to see Kiro wearing this suit~ I'll be sure to take lots of photos of him and appreciate the most dazzling star on stage!
[Day 6: Have Fun]
I turned on the computer and connected the game controller.
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Note: (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ Help me get the daily rewards. The password is Miss Chips' birthday~
Signed: Kiro
MC: Hehe, with such a simple numeric password, aren't you afraid that your account will be hacked?
MC: ( ̄▽ ̄)" Oh yes, why would he be afraid of that...
I entered my password effortlessly and after a successful login--
Appeared a full set of equipment, a full set of skins, a full set of characters, all maps open--
MC: Hehe, today I can also experience the fun of a game master's account~
Memory Diary:
Turns out that the game is more enjoyable when two people play it. Compared to the fun brought by clearing levels, his company is the source of my real happiness.
[Day 7: Care Bear]
I downed my third cup of coffee and took a few bites of cold instant noodles.
I've been working overtime for three days. Looking at the night sky outside the window, I can't help but sigh - quarterly reports were really life's enemies.
Every time I had to compare data and business conditions vertically and horizontally, I felt overwhelmed.
It was so late. Could it be that the business partner was urging me? I opened the new email that popped up in the lower right corner.
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Title: Sweet reminder from Little Bear
Sender: Kiro
Recipient: MC
If Miss Chips didn't reply to my message, she must have been working overtime in front of the computer and lost track of time...
I hope the program in the attachment can help you solve some minor problems. And I ordered a delicious late-night snack - finish it before working!
The little bear figure in the attachment was jumping around, guiding me to upload the report step by step, and quickly started the comparison calculation.
Little Bear: Sweet tip: The calculation time is the standard time to finish a bowl of hot rice dumplings.
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Memory Diary:
It seems that no matter how far apart we are, he will always give me the warmest help and support when I encounter difficulties. Thank you, Mr. Bear!
[Day 8: Childlike Innocence]
Clerk: Small fries~~Fries~~Small burgers~~Hamburgers.
MC: Big fries~~Fries fries! Big burger~~Hamburger!
Although I was a little shy, I still shouted the slogan firmly.
Clerk: Congratulations on your correct answer. What would you like to eat?
MC: Take away children's set meal for 10 people, and gift giveaways of a Super Burger Man toy, a Burger Man water bottle, and a Burger Man musical instrument set!
With the envious looks from the children, I sent Kiro a "family picture".
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MC: Reporting to Mr. Burger! Miss Chips has successfully completed the task! Now enjoying the free fries~
Kiro: Wow! It's a Burger Man set!! Miss Chips is the best in the world~
Kiro: But there are so many... Are you going to eat hamburgers all day long?
MC: Hehe~ Of course not~ I will take the rest to the company's pantry and divide it up!
Memory Diary:
I got excited while I was eating the children's set meal~ I've collected a complete set of Burger Man toys. Kiro will definitely be very happy when he sees them!
[Day 9: Heart Song Composition]
After a lot of twists and turns, I finally found the stationary store hidden deep in the alley of the shopping street.
When I accidentally visited here before, I felt that the hand-made stationary was very interesting. I even made several music score books and planned to give them to Kiro.
Unexpectedly, when it was time to pick up the goods, I forgot the route while I was looking for it and wasted half a day.
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MC: Boss, please give me your business card. I'm afraid I'll forget how to get here when I want to come here again.
I took the business card, took a photo and archived it, and then put the paper business card in my bag.
MC: Double insurance, so I don't have to worry next time~
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Memory Diary:
Although it took a little effort, the customized hand-made notebook may be more conducive to his creation~ I'm looking forward to him writing a music score on it.
[Day 10: Fruit and Vegetable Companion]
Apples, lemons, bananas, kale, beets...
Supplementing multiple vitamins was for good for one's health, and some special combinations are said to be effective for relieving fatigue.
I followed the recently popular recipes on the internet and combined them with Kiro's preference in taste to make fruit and vegetable juices.
MC: Mm! This ratio is not sour or astringent, but it's still a bit lacking in sweetness. Seems like I'll have to add more apples.
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MC: When the superstar comes home, he'll definitely like MC's healthy fruit and vegetable juice~
Memory Diary:
When Kiro is filming, he's most likely to have a single diet, and he often eats irregularly... Making several different fruit and vegetable juices should also help him replenish his energy.
[Day 11: Proud of You]
With the announcement of the nominations for the "Most Popular Award of the Year", the atmosphere at the awards ceremony reached its pinnacle.
Host: Now I announce that the winner of the "Most Popular Award of the Year" is--
I stared closely at the big screen, filled with countless expectations and tensions.
Kiro was unable to come to the scene due to rehearsals, so as his partner, I was entrusted to receive the award.
The variety show I collaborated with him on just won the "Best Variety Show of the Year" award. If he won the "The Most Popular Award of the Year" again, we would be wining the two most valuable awards at this year's Variety Awards.
Host: Kiro! Congratulations to this double crowned king!
The host made an inviting gesture, and I stood up and followed the usher's guidance to the stage.
MC: Hello everyone, I'm MC, head of [MC's Company Name] Company.
MC: Because Kiro is currently involved in closed rehearsals abroad, he is unable to be here in person today.
MC: I'm very happy to receive this award for Kiro, and I would like to thank everyone who supports him on his behalf.
MC: We will work together on more and better programs in the future. Thank you all!
I took the trophy from the presenter and returned to my seat, eager to share the good news with Kiro.
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MC: Congratulations! Our big star won the "Most Popular Award of the Year"~~
Kiro: Hehe, this is an honor shared between Miss Chips and I! Our program is the best!
Kiro: ( ̄︶ ̄*\)) Miss Chips looked so confident and good-looking when she spoke! Today's dress is so cute!
MC: Huh? Are you watching the live broadcast?!
Kiro: Of course~ I specifically asked the director for 10 minutes of leave!
Kiro: Just to see MC standing on the podium for the first time~
Memory Diary:
When I accepted the award for Kiro, why did I seem more nervous than when I won the award? The trophy was heavy in hand, and he was also heavy in my heart.
[Day 12: Sweet and Refreshing]
MC: Please send it to this address for me.
Courier: Okay, but the cost of cross-border express delivery may be more expensive than the candy you sent. Are you sure...
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MC: It doesn't matter, just send me the fastest one. Also, please add more shock-absorbing cushions. I'm worried it will break if transported over a long distance.
Courier: Okay, please fill in the details here.
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Memory Diary:
He finished the throat lozenges I made so quickly. I hope he can receive the ones I sent today soon. Even if he was rehearsing, he would do his best. This was the time when his voice was most taxed.
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Kiro's Frank Date has been translated by Bai7_Journey on youtube and can be read here :>
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roxyteal · 5 months
Honestly Idk what the point of this is, just belted this out over the course of a day. Also I know I've been slacking on the 🦈DENIED PROPAGANDA🦈 lately but hopefully I'll have more to share. Soon. Eventually. Gah. God I hope so.
It takes place between WTTW's ch 9 and 10 - Billy did get his ass kicked by Aldurra, but the Dave Gathering hasn't happened yet, stuff like that.
Billy’s eyes opened, adjusting to the morning light. When he was able to focus, he saw Dave’s arm, streaking over him, trying to reach the alarm clock. And he couldn’t.
Just as planned. A method of helping him wake in the mornings. As well as, opting for the annoying, droning sounds as opposed to music, which just lulled him back to sleep more often than not.
After watching him struggle for half a minute (and deep down, was entertained by it, though Billy knew better than to admit as such), he finally heard his partner groan, “Ugh, Billy, I can’t-… Could you please…”
“Mm, sure, I got it.” Effortlessly, he shut it off. Almost immediately, he felt Dave’s arm fall across his chest, sighing.
“That’s better…” Oh no. Billy just realized - he gave in. He wasn’t supposed to. He had to salvage this.
“It is 6:31 AM,” He informed him, “We should get up.” He went to exit the bed, only to be encased in Dave’s arms. Somehow, despite the drowsiness, his grip was nearly unbreakable.
“Already…?” Came another groan, “Five more minutes?” He shouldn’t. He won’t allow it. It’s not going to happen
“Five minutes.” And yet, he gave in again. Billy was doing a terrible job at this.
But Dave just grinned sleepily and cuddled him. And within moments, drifted off.
6:36 AM. “Dave. We should get up,” He said again, having to lightly shake him, “It’s been five minutes.” Dave’s eyes snapped open, instinctively.
“I’m awake!” No he wasn’t, but the well-made robot played along, sitting up.
“Good. I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” He replied at first, but still couldn’t escape. It was nice to know that his cooler body temperature wasn’t a deterrent when it came to affection, but right now, it wasn’t helpful. Gently, he tried to pry Dave off of him. “Please, um. Let me go. … I would like some space.” He felt a bit guilty having to say that, for while it was true, it wasn’t for the expected reason.
But it worked. Dave released him immediately. “Ah, sorry, sorry. Okay. I’ll see you there.” 
To show no harm done, Billy gave him a soft peck, of which Dave quickly returned. He saw his partner remain upright as he left to freshen up.
6:55 AM. The well-made robot, now prepared for the day, made it to the kitchen. Dia was already there, attempting to pour a cup of coffee from the pot. While appearing just as lethargic as his former teacher, the young gem still managed to drag himself this far. Admirable.
“Good morning, Dia.” He greeted, lightly. Dia stiffened, almost losing his grip on the handle. It didn’t seem to matter what approach Billy used, the poor kid was always jumpy.
“Uh, morning.” He quietly acknowledged. Then, his attention went back to his task. Should he even be drinking that?
“How old are you, again?”
“… Fourteen?” The question sounded strange to Dia, and his response showed it.
“Then you are too young for coffee,” The well-made robot asserted, then adding to soften the blow, “Maybe when you’re a bit older.”
“W-Wait! I lied!” Frantically, Dia tried to say, “I’m a-actually sixteen! Sixteen!”
There were multiple flaws to that logic, but Billy didn’t bring up any of them. “No you’re not. You cannot fool me.”
“Dammit…” Dia didn’t argue further, admitting defeat, “How will I ever get the strength to deal with today…”
Billy didn’t fold to the dramatic tone he used. “A good breakfast?”
“I guess…” Dia peered over at the sliding glass door behind them, noticing something. “Oh shit. The sun’s out.”
“So it is.” Billy nodded. He watched Dia leave the kitchen, to the backyard. By the time Billy followed him, the reflections of the young gem’s head were so abundant, he had to squint to see him. He had pulled down his hood, taking in the light.
“Whoa. Bright…” He couldn’t help but muse aloud, but in a low mutter.
“I feel like a solar panel.” Dia spoke when Billy was next to him. A solar panel…? Oh!
“I see… It charges you,” Though, he didn’t quite understand why; as far as he knew, Dia wasn’t an inorganic in the same sense as him, in fact, were minerals inorganic at all? And didn’t they thrive in caves, where it’s dark? How was this possible? No matter. “So that’s why you prefer sunny days.”
“Yeah…” There was a pause. Then, the young gem faced him, demeanor completely changed. Energized. “Okay! I can face anything life wants to throw at me! I’m ready!”
Billy smiled from his confidence. “You should probably still eat something.”
“Oh, right…” As the two headed back inside the empty kitchen, he asked, “Is Dave up yet?”
Oh God. Billy forgot about Dave. He marched out of the room. “I’ll check on him.”
“‘Kay.” Was all Dia said back.
7:11 AM. Please be up, please be up, please be up. This was the only thought that looped in his mind, as he reached the master bedroom. If Dave wasn’t in there, it would be a good sign. Billy opened the door, and…
Dave had fallen asleep. Again. This time, he lay on his front, upside-down from where the pillows were.
Billy covered his face in both hands, growing exasperated as he drug them down. But, he too was to blame - he knew better than to leave Dave alone on mornings like these. Mornings where getting out of bed felt impossible, compelled only to remain under the blanket and sheets and ignore the world around him for a while longer. Or mornings where he felt too depressed to see a point in rousing himself to begin with.
And in the past, having such days would’ve been more than acceptable. But now, the two had Dia. The two had responsibilities. And Dave couldn’t afford letting himself falter like this. Not anymore.
Collecting himself, Billy went to him, lifting him up by the shoulders and tapping his cheek. He had to be more firm. It was imperative. “Dave,” He called to him, “Come on. You must get up. Didn’t you want to take Dia to school today? You have…” His voice went tense as he calculated it, “Nine minutes.”
To all this, Dave fluttered his eyes open, half-lidded, staring through him blankly. “Buh… Wha…?” Then, to the well-made robot’s horror, he slumped over, onto his shoulder, emitting a quiet, breathy snore.
This was hopeless. For the third time, he gave in. Setting Dave back down, he told him, “Okay, you know what? Fine. I’ll do it.”
He hoped he didn’t come off as rude or snippy, but then again, he wasn’t sure if he was heard at all, judging by the lack of response from his partner.
Be strong, Billy. Be strong. He had thought, as he pulled himself together and returned to Dia. Meanwhile, the young gem had heeded his advice, sitting at the kitchen table and taking another bite of what appeared to be an egg in a basket, accompanied by a glass of juice. And… The coffee pot was still full.
Good, he didn’t try to sneak some of it while Billy wasn’t looking. But on the other hand, the sun gave Dia the energy he craved, so he wouldn’t need the caffeine anymore to begin with.
“Whoa. Amazing…” Back to the point, once more did his surprise show, but still low in volume.
“Any luck?” Dia asked, muffled from his mouthful of breakfast.
Billy allowed a sigh. “Unfortunately, no. I’ll be taking you today. Dave…” He struggled to find a way to word it. “Can’t seem to get out of bed.”
“Hm. Yeah, sorry. He’s just like that,” Unfazed whatsoever. “We used to try and get him to, like, back in the day. He’d. Uh. Y-You know.” He sounded like he was about to launch into something, before realizing it himself and stopping short. The well-made robot joined him at the table.
“I don’t.” Unless he did, but if so, it wouldn’t be making Dia nervous. Concerning.
Dia inhaled, a bit uncomfortably. “Well… He tended to. Growl. And hiss. A-And swat us away. So eventually we just… Just gave up. Then, he’d be mad at us for n-not trying. And also when we did try. It’s… Um. It’s just the way it is.”
More accurately, frustrating. He couldn’t imagine being in such an unbearable circumstance. Yes, issues between him and Dave have come up before. There was the occasional disagreement, fight, or anger - but that was par for the course. What mattered was if they could work things out, and there’d always been some kind of methodology, that was a healthy compromise for them both.
Such as, the alarm clock situation: placed where Dave has to work hard to reach it. Sounding wretched and annoying so he’d want to get to it. And Billy didn’t mind having to bear the noise or be in Dave’s direct path (again, it actually proved to be humorous).
Just don’t shut it off for him, no matter how much he asks (failed). Just don’t give him “five more minutes” (failed). Just don’t fall for him saying “I’m awake!” when he clearly isn’t (failed). And just don’t leave him to his own devices if he can’t even move to his wheelchair (failed).
The two agreed on this. Hammered out these details. And for a short while, it had worked. Until today, when Billy gave in to every one of the things he absolutely shouldn’t do. A stunning grade of zero. Zero.
But even then, even now, the events of just earlier were nothing like what Dia described. And it’s never happened before, either. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that. However… He did no such thing to me. Perhaps he’s gotten better?”
Dia looked at him for a minute. Then, muffled again, he mused, “That’s. So not like him…”
But, maybe, that wasn’t a bad thing.
Dave stirred, lifting his head to find the absurd position he was in. How in the world had he ended up like this? And how would’ve Billy even allowed something like that? Oh… He wasn’t here. How odd. What time was it? Memories were a blur at the moment. The alarm went off, Billy made it stop, and he thinks he gave him five more minutes, then…
Checking internally, the timekeeper of the Webspace told him.
11:42 AM. No. That… That couldn’t be right. Right?
Dave sat up, stretched, then glanced at the alarm clock. The time was the same.
Oh God. Oh God. OH GOD
In panic, Dave let out a yell, practically throwing himself off the bed, but forgot which direction he was facing, hitting the floor. “Ow…” But he bore the pain as he scurried over to his wheelchair, getting in and bolting out of the room as quickly as possible.
“BILLY!” He yelled again, “DIA IS LATE FOR SCHOOL WHERE IS HE I HAVE TO-” He cut himself off, when all he saw in the living room was Billy curled up on his sofa. A rerun of that one sitcom they watch together was playing on the TV. They’d decided to watch it ironically as nothing else was on that day, only to somehow get sucked into it, unironically. Some programs were powerful like that.
“Oh, good morning, Dave,” His partner looked over at him and replied, adding quietly, “Wow, it’s still morning.” Then, back to a normal volume, “I took him. Don’t worry about it.”
Dave tried to process the scene in front of him. Then, at last, put his head in his hands in relief. “Thank goodness. Thank you, Billy…”
“Of course,” After Dave recomposed himself, the well-made robot asked, “Do you need anything?” Dave looked away, heading to the kitchen, waving it off, almost defiantly.
“No no. I can- I can do it myself,” He’s already bothered him enough as it is. He couldn’t help his grumbling, as more pieces fell into place. “God, I… It’s all coming back to me. That must’ve been annoying. I’m sorry.”
“A little, but it’s fine.” It wasn’t. Dave blew it today. He’d been doing so well. What a waste.
So you made a mistake, chimed in his inner voice. Beating yourself up about it isn’t going to make things better. Just try again.
Yeah, but what about Billy? Remember how disappointed he sounded? “Okay fine, I’ll do it”?
That was hours ago. He said it was only “a little”. If he says it’s fine, then it’s fine.
Dave stared blankly at the microwave, which was currently heating up a pizza hot pocket, spinning. Spinning. Just like his mental state. He sighed. If that’s what his conscience believes, then… Okay.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Remove carefully, it’s hot.
He returned to the living room, moving over and sitting next to Billy on the sofa. Then, he heard him randomly say, “I’m sorry too.”
“I gave in at every turn. And, I was rude.” Oh.
“Well, yes, but…” Dave paused to collect his thoughts. “It’s not just you, you know? You can’t solely be responsible for me. I have to try, too. And I didn’t, not even once…” He tried to take a bite of the hot pocket, but stopped immediately. Dear God, it hasn’t nearly cooled down enough yet.
“I see. So, we’re really only upset with ourselves, and not so much with each other?”
“I wasn’t upset at you at all. You just had an off day. It happens,” He tried the corner instead. Just breading, but it didn’t burn him. “And you’re sure it’s fine?”
“Yes. In fact, actually, I could say the same to you,” Dave stopped. Oh darn it. He fell right into that one, didn’t he. “You also just had an off day. It happens.” He had a small smile on his face. It was hard to think suddenly.
He’s forgiven you, his internal voice spoke again, reinforcing it. Everything is going to be okay. There’s always next time.
“… If you say so,” He finally replied. He went to lean against the well-made robot, but stopped. “Do you still want space?”
“No,” The answer came easily. “Also, I only really said that so I could get out of bed. Sorry about that.”
“No no, that’s fine. That makes sense. In that case, may I…?” He saw Billy lift his arm.
“Sure.” As Dave moved in closer and rested against him, his partner’s arm draped around him. Dave exhaled, more content this time. Observing the episode of the sitcom, he saw the two dating leads have some dramatic argument about the third character in the love triangle.
“Think they’ll finally break up?” Dave asked. Every moment in the season thus far was pointing to it.
“I hope so. I don't think they’ve ever worked together. Even before now. It’s like they never wanted to be serious.”
“Boy, you can say that again.” Without thinking, Dave took another bite. Ah, it didn’t hurt. Finally, he could enjoy it.
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