#and ill only ever tell if you leave me...
allykatsart · 18 hours
(In your mortal radi au) Does pk miss the white lady, did he go to the garden to see/serch her ?
I know that she isn't the most important character but still....
Does he even love her anymore ?
Mortal Radiance AU
These are some good questions, and they actually got me thinking a lot. I didn't really include the White Lady in my story or touch on her much. I did have one comic idea with her but it got cut to keep the story from veering off track.
Now that I'm done, though.... This is a very fascinating question.
(5 days later)
Slams paper on table
I am ill for weeks after I am pulled back into reality. Something about all my pieces not quite being together means I take longer to recover than She did. She tells me that it is fine, that I need to recover my strength so I can work. We still have many graves yet to dig. She will shoulder the burden for this little while.
I am told my children are informed of my new existence, though none have visited. And I do not leave to visit them. Two of them terrify me, though for vastly different reasons, and the thought of meeting again with my daughter troubles me.
When I can finally get out of bed without assistance, I do not go see her, however. I go see my Lady.
It is hard navigating without being everywhere at once. I know the path to my Lady's garden intimately, but the path is far more difficult than I recall. Greenpath, surely, has had no caretakers, so runs rampant with overgrowth. The thorns catch on my robe and tear at my skin.
I bleed something dark and smokey.
I try not to think about it too much.
My Lady's branches spill out above the entrance to her hideaway. The corpse of brave Dryya. Once a friend, now only a carcass decorating my Lady's garden. Old blood coats her blade and shell. Even in death, she seems stalwart.
I am stalling.
The White Lady stirs as I enter her chamber. Her eyes, once the purest blue eyes I have ever seen, are clouded now. She wears age like a shawl, it weighs on her shoulders and bunches up around her neck. Her face, once pale and youthful, now is tired and wrinkled. Yet, there is a beauty there of which I could never seem to word. A thousand poets could never do her justice. I should know, I have had them try.
"Child? Is that you again?" Her voice is as I recalled, and a sharp pain creases my soul. I will never again be able to call back to her.
She has bound herself, so I move forward until I am right under her. Still, her cloudy eyes do not recognize me at first, and I cannot blame her for it. Not for the first time, I wish the vessel had left me my voice. There are so many things I could say to her, so many words that now I will never be able to reach.
My Lady's eyes finally find my hollow sockets, and she gasps. It is a small thing, barely audible, but in the silence of our meeting I know to look for it. There is a moment between us of unspeakable agony.
"You." The Pale Queen finally breathes the world, and it breaks the aching quiet.
I put a hand on her bindings, 'Me' I wish I could say.
There are so many words I wish I could say. There is so much between us. Good and bad in equal measure. It has been years since we have been face to face, and I thought it would never again happen. I find myself unprepared for this moment.
She does not need my reply. My Lady knows me better than I know myself sometimes. She smiles, though it never quite reaches her eyes.
"You are smaller than I remember."
I laugh, as best I can laugh anyways. I point to her, and gesture that it is perhaps she who has grown taller. It takes her a moment to understand, but the chuckle I earn fills what is left of my soul with joy.
"Perhaps." She concedes, "I have grown much, and still have much to grow still."
Her eyes dim suddenly at that, and she looks around.
"Where is our child?" She asks at last, voice soft and weathered.
I tell her, as best I can, that I do not know. That I came to see her. I expect this to lift her spirits. It does not.
"Did you see this outcome?" She asks.
I pause for a moment. There is much to that question that I do not know. In part, it is hard to remember what it was like. How did I describe it to my daughter? Like a great root that I scuttled across, observing paths unseen to most.
I shake my head. It is too slow and uncertain for my own liking. But it is as much of the truth as I can muster.
There is a long silence that follows. I have gotten used to those, especially with Her. She rarely talks to me at all. So I wait for my Lady's response with all the patience that I have learned.
"Was it worth it?"
Her voice is so soft when she speaks, like it could crack under the gentlest of touches. Delicate, and heartbroken. With four words I can feel what little ground we shared start to shatter.
"Was any of this worth it, I wonder?" She continues, "I do not think I know anymore."
And there is a gap between us. An aching maw of a chasm that threatens to swallow us whole. I want to cross it. I want to reassure her that we had done our best, that we were not to blame.
Yet the words I was once so masterful with are gone now. The voice I would use to soothe and heal her pain now is no more. So there is silence.
Anything I would say to her would be a lie, anyways.
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Onset - Chapter Two.
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Rating: Explicit Media: Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK Pairing: Geto Suguru x Original Female Character Characters: Geto Suguru, Valerie (OC) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Established Friendship, Geto and OC are roommates, Self-Insert, Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Creampie, Brief mention of an inability to get pregnant, Unprotected Sex, Cunnilingus, if I tagged everything we’d be here all day, This is part of a series
Part 3 of Sundane
Previous Part: Egg Fried Rice
Previous Chapter: One
He isn’t expecting her to throw his earlier words back at him that way, and it catches him off-guard. “Why do you always remember the dumb shit I say?”
“Was it dumb?”
“It wasn’t absolute,” he mumbles. He pauses, knowing that if he says what he wants to say next, he’ll kick himself for it.
He says it anyway. “Sometimes one slips through the cracks, you know,” he adds softly. “Sometimes, there’s one that really is special.”
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Read on AO3
“I’m sorry about what I said.”
She’s started to doze off when he says it, and it takes her sluggish, sated brain a few seconds to catch up with her ears. “What?” 
Shit. He’s torn between two feelings. The first is annoyance that she hasn’t somehow magically read his mind and figured out what he’s apologizing for. He doesn’t want to have to explain himself. He wants her to know why he’s sorry, so they can move past it and forget it happened.
The second, more prominent feeling is that pang of guilt that’s resurfaced, sticking in his side and reminding him that he actually does owe her an apology for what he said earlier. He once again pushes that pang of guilt back into the abyss, but the residual feelings that linger leave him wanting to clear the air. “What I said earlier,” he sighs. “About you not being able to get pregnant. I know it’s a sore spot for you.”
“It doesn’t matter,” she says with a shrug. “It’s not like you to feel sympathy for something like that, and it isn’t something other people care about either.”
He lifts his head from her stomach to look up at her. She’s smiling, but he gets the feeling it’s because she thinks she should be. “You wanna talk about it?”
Her fingers pause in their movement in his hair as she considers his face. His expression is open, non-judgmental, as if meant to make her feel like she can continue talking about this if she wants to. Part of her wants to spill everything - to tell him these feelings that she’s never shared with anyone else. But part of her feels like talking about this with Suguru would be like opening a door she won’t ever be able to close again. 
She is still contemplating opening that door when she feels the soft warmth of Suguru’s lips against her skin. It’s a gentle kiss on her hip, and she thinks it feels a little like encouragement.
“Well,” she starts softly, resuming her gentle strokes through his hair. “You’re right, it’s a sore spot. The thing itself is something that I know I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life, and I can deal with it. But whenever people find out, they only ever acknowledge the thing itself. They don’t acknowledge all the complicated feelings that come with it. 
“It isn’t a choice I wanted to make,” she goes on. “And if I’d had the ability to choose otherwise, I would have. People who have gotten to choose - and who still can - don’t seem to understand that. So when they say things like ‘you’re not missing anything’ and ‘you’re lucky you still have your freedom,’ it just ends up feeling like… like they’re invalidating how I really feel and telling me how they think I should feel instead.” She pauses. “Enjoying the life that I have now and feeling like I’m missing out on that thing I can’t have aren’t mutually exclusive, you know?”
“I get it,” Suguru muses. “Kinda like somebody who insinuates you should be relieved that your chronically ill parent has finally died. Like, yeah, taking care of them and being worried all the time while they’re alive and sick is stressful and emotionally draining. But it doesn’t mean you want them to die, and it doesn’t mean you don’t miss them when they do.”
Stunned, she stares down at him. “Huh. Actually, yeah. That’s a pretty accurate comparison.”
Suguru is quiet for a long time. When he finally speaks, it isn’t to tease her or to make fun of what she’s told him. “Now that I know how you really feel about it,” he starts quietly, “I don’t think it’s something I could ever joke about. And I’m doubly sorry for making light of it before.”
She hates that there’s a lump in her throat, and so she speaks before that lump can manifest itself in tears. “Why are you being so sweet to me?”
“I told you I was giving you the princess treatment today.”
“Right,” she recalls. “It doesn’t hurt to make them feel special, even if they’re not. That’s what you said.” 
He isn’t expecting her to throw his earlier words back at him that way, and it catches him off-guard. “Why do you always remember the dumb shit I say?”
“Was it dumb?”
“It wasn’t absolute,” he mumbles. He pauses, knowing that if he says what he wants to say next, he’ll kick himself for it. 
He says it anyway. “Sometimes one slips through the cracks, you know,” he adds softly. “Sometimes, there’s one that really is special.”
His words hit her right in her chest, hard enough to make her take a deep breath. It’s on the tip of her tongue to ask - am I special? She bites the words back, unsure if she’d even want to know the answer. 
“Come on,” Suguru says, when it’s clear she isn’t going to speak. He sits up, taking hold of her hands.
“Where are we going?”
“You’re gonna wait for me in the shower while I change your sheets,” he tells her, pulling her up into a sitting position. “Unless you wanna sleep in a bed full of my sweat and cum,” he adds with a smirk. “Some people have a thing for that.”
“Wait for you?” She repeats, choosing to ignore the latter part of what he’s said. She lets him pull her off of the bed, lets him maneuver his rumpled shirt over her head so she can have something to give her a bit of warmth and some semblance of decency. 
Suguru himself doesn’t seem to care about warmth or decency as he begins stripping the bed of its sheets in only his skin. “Mmhm,” he murmurs patiently, pausing to push her in the direction of the bathroom on the other side of her bedroom. “I won’t be long. Run the water, yeah? Make sure it’s warm, and I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Stop reading into it, she scolds herself. This is all routine for him. “Right,” she laughs. “It always takes at least ten minutes for it to get hot.”
He makes an affirming noise and turns his attention back to the bed. She stands there for a moment longer - enjoying the view, she would say if anyone asks her - before turning away. 
He finds her in the bathroom a few minutes later. “Is it hot?” He nods in the direction of the shower. 
“Yeah.” She’s feeling suddenly awkward, ridiculously bashful. “Do you want to go first, or should I?”
Puzzled, Suguru looks back at her. “If I wanted separate showers, I would’ve just showered in my own bathroom,” he points out. “I told you to wait for me so we could go in together,” he adds, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for the two of them to co-shower. 
“I know how to bathe myself,” she retorts. “I’m not a kid.”
“Good, because I don’t fuck kids,” he snickers. “What I do do, however, is make sure the adults I fuck are well-taken care of. Both in bed and outside of it,” he adds, tilting his head and leaning close so he can look her directly in the eye. “So you can either climb into the shower yourself, or I can lift you up and put you there. Whatever you like.”
She stays where she is long enough to say, “You said doodoo.” 
His palm just misses her ass as she scurries away. 
Showering is a functional thing; she knows that it’s meant to serve the purpose of getting a body clean. Even though she’s taken showers with lovers before (should she think of Suguru as a lover? While it’s true that they’ve had sex, she is hesitant to bestow that title on him just yet), she has never viewed anything about the act of showering in itself as sexy.
But she would be hard-pressed to deny that there is something incredibly erotic about the way her roommate-turned-bedfellow handles her in the shower. His touch is gentle, her washcloth an extension of his hands as he bathes her. Nothing that he does is designed to arouse her, but she finds herself marveling at how the way he’s touching her feels almost more intimate than what they’ve just done in her bed.
“You’re good at this,” she tells him, raising her voice slightly to be heard over the steady stream of water coming out of both showerheads. 
“I know,” he asserts, a smug expression on his face. “Aren’t you glad you waited for me?”
She leans forward, sinking her teeth into one of his pectorals. It isn’t meant to hurt, just to shut him up, and he yelps. Satisfied, she leans back to look at the faint little bite marks left behind.
“Haven’t you marked me up enough?” He grouses.
“I could say the same about you,” she shoots back. “It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on wearing anything low-cut to work tomorrow.” 
“Dummy,” he laughs, reaching for the washcloth he’d brought in for himself. “You work from home. Who would see you anyway?”
She shrugs. “Zooms are still a thing, you know.” She watches him pour her peony-scented body wash onto his washcloth. “You’re gonna smell like me,” she warns.
“Where am I going that anybody would care? You like it enough to have it, and you’re the only one who’s gonna smell me.”
“Good point.” She watches him lather himself up for a few minutes longer. Then, “Let me help.”
He obliges her. When she gets to his back, she pauses. The scratches weren’t enough to draw blood, but she can see that she did end up breaking the skin in a few places. She’s careful when washing those spots, trying to emulate the gentle way he’d cleaned her. 
Suguru goes quiet for the duration of the time they’re in the shower, and she wonders what he’s thinking about.
“I don’t need that,” he protests, keeping his elbow raised to block her approach. 
“It takes six seconds for your skin to dry out once you’ve washed your face.” She’s brandishing one of her high-end skincare products like a weapon. “You should at least moisturize it.” 
“I don’t need it,” he repeats stubbornly.
“I beg to differ,” she sighs. “You may not see the difference right now, but you will in five or ten years.” 
He rolls his eyes at her but says nothing. Nor does he lower his arm.
“Suguru,” she huffs, exasperated. “You can’t expect to pamper me and not let me do the same for you.”
He looks down at her. “Is that what this is?” He motions to the bottle of moisturizer in her hand. “Is this your version of aftercare?”
“If I say yes, will you let me put it on you?”
She thinks he’s going to say no again. To her mild shock and utter delight, he lowers his defense arm and sits obediently on the closed toilet lid. “Fine,” he assents. “But just this once.”
“That’s what they all say,” she grins. “I’ll have you hooked on Dermalogica in no time.”
She treats his skin exactly the way she’s treated her own post-cleanse: toner, moisturizer, eye cream, and serum. She applies each product carefully, her touch gentle as she uses the pads of her fingers to massage the liquids and creams into his skin. 
“You do this every night?” He asks when she’s done, watching her line the bottles back up in the organizer on her vanity.
“Yep,” she tells him, her attention focused on what she’s doing. “Morning has a slightly different routine.”
He’s still sitting on the closed toilet lid. She’s within reach, straightening the other bottles and tubes in her organizer. It would be so easy to wrap his arm around her waist and bring her nearer to him, to pull her down into his lap. To cradle her close so he can breathe in the smell of her hair and feel her soft skin against his once more. So he can register her heart beating against his chest and put one hand against her back to feel her breathing.
His hand actually twitches with the urge. Shit, he thinks, as he balls the hand into a fist. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Valerie finds it curious, the way they’ve picked right back up where they left off, like slipping on a pair of well-worn pants. Suguru takes out the leftover fried rice that they’d had the presence of mind to put in the fridge and dumps it into a pan for reheating while she scrolls through their shared streaming apps to find something they can watch while they eat.
She’s been sure that it would feel awkward to spend time together the way they normally do after what’s transpired between them. If it weren’t for the soreness in her legs and the burgeoning love bites on her neck and chest, she would wonder if what they did was simply a figment of her imagination. Just further proof you are not one of the special ones, her brain reminds her, unsolicited. You never are, remember?
“Shut up,” she mutters back at it.
“What was that?” Suguru calls from the kitchen. “Couldn’t hear you.”
“I was just asking what you’re in the mood to watch,” she calls back.
“Pick whatever you want. All that stuff in the community queues is stuff we both wanted to watch, so it doesn’t really matter to me.”
She finally settles on a lighthearted comedy they’ve both watched before. It’s an old favorite and one that doesn’t require their full attention to follow. He seems pleased with what she’s chosen when he finally joins her, handing her a bowl and a spoon and settling next to her with his own food. 
Halfway through the third episode, she mutters, “I usually put on my headphones, you know.” 
Suguru turns to look at her, amused. “Is this a conversation I’m invited to join, or should I leave the room and let you continue?” He asks, pausing the show.
“I was talking to you,” she sighs. “You asked me - earlier - if I was gonna pretend I’ve never heard you jerking off.” She shrugs, fiddling with the blanket in her lap. “I have, but whenever I know you are, I just put my noise cancelers on for a while.”
She stares at him. “Because that’s private. It’s not something I should listen to.” 
“Maybe not.” He laughs. “But are you saying you wanted to?”
“What? It’s a fair question, isn’t it?” He shifts on the sofa, turning to face her full-on. 
“Actually, it isn’t,” she huffs with a laugh. 
“Can’t be that you’re embarrassed,” he goes on. He leans forward, a teasing smirk on his face and his eyes trained on hers. “You let me put a part of my body inside yours. Actually,” he amends thoughtfully, “I’ve had several parts of my body inside yours.” 
“You get on my damn nerves.” She snatches both bowls up and gets up to carry them into the kitchen. 
Of course he follows her. “You still didn’t say yes or no,” he insists. 
Valerie turns to him, offering him her sweetest smile. “It will be a cold day in hell before I do that, Suguru.” 
“Hmm.” He leans back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, watching her load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. “I think the fact that you refuse to answer me is probably an answer within itself.”
“Fuck off.”
It only makes him laugh. “Fine,” he says finally. “You don’t have to tell me. But until you say otherwise, I’m just gonna assume the answer is yes.” 
Once again there are words threatening to escape her; she wants to tell him that he’s right, that she does want to hear him jerking himself off. But more than that, she wants it to be her he’s thinking of when he wraps his hand around himself and thrusts into his fist. She wants it to be her face he’s seeing when he closes his eyes, when he’s putting himself in danger of going lightheaded because it feels so good he’s forgetting to breathe. 
She says none of those things. “Keep dreaming,” she says, flashing him another sweet smile. “Let’s go - the tv’s probably timed out on us.” 
Something unreadable passes across his face, too quick for her to identify it. After the split second that she sees it, he smiles casually back at her, and whatever was beneath the mask he now wears is lost forever. “Yeah.”
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icycoldninja · 1 day
I’m feeling angsty today so I came up with the idea.
Can you write the DMC men when they’ve been in a relationship with the reader for a relatively long time and they thought that they’ve been truthful to one and another and understand their flaws and uniqueness but one night, while in bed, the reader mutter under her breath:
“ You’re too good for me, how? And why? To be loved and desired…is one’s closest feeling to being immortal in this vast universe yet…why me? Of all those out there?”
She muttered as she thought they were still sleeping, but in fact they’re listening very carefully what she says, the quiver in her voice and the cracked tone of one’s suspension of crying
Then they turned to ask her why she thought she didn’t deserve to be loved, she kinda replies that it feels wrong to be loved and feels wrong to love someone knowing you can’t return the gesture how you want due to wither their financial limitations or emotional limitations, even though one should never be deprived of such feelings disregard of race, gender and class
Then she muttered that:
“If anything were to happen to me, you need to move on, forget about me, fall in love with others and treat them like how you treated me and start a family with them, okay?”
“You should not bind yourself in the past for my sake…even though it pains me to see you with others…but to not let you move on would be my biggest guilt”
How would they initially react?
This one's gonna be a bit different since they're more like reaction headcannons than anything else. Enjoy.
Sparda boys + V reactions headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante cannot believe you just said that. He's shocked, genuinely, undeniably shocked.
-He loves you because you're an awesome, sweet person who dared to get close to him despite all his issues and emotional baggage; someone who stuck with him through his crazy highs and depressed lows, and he'll forever be grateful for that.
-Then he hears you yammering on about how you want him to move on if something happened to you, and wonders if you've gotten amnesia.
-What kind of monster do you think he is?! He could never get over you even if he tried, and besides, with him around, nothing bad could possibly happen to you.
-That's it, Dante can't stay silent any longer. He decides to wake from his pretend slumber like Dracula and tell you all this straight to your face.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil, the ever alert insomniac, heard every word you said and was quite upset about it.
-He chose you because you had the strength to stand before a son of Sparda and not quaver in your boots. You accepted him for what he was, and loved all of him equally, from Urizen to V.
-He was insulted by the next string of blasphemous words that left your mouth. How dare you suggest that he, the King of Motivation, would allow you to get hurt? Did you really have such little faith in him?
-He would not let you die--he would sooner kick the bucket than let you meet your demise, and even if you did pass away by some unfortunate turn of events, Vergil would never get over it.
-He could see it even now, how he'd lay his remaining human half to rest alongside your corpse, fully embracing the demon within him and going on to conquer the world, disregarding his brother and all that you'd built together.
-Vergil probably should have told you this, since the only reason you were saying such depressing words was because you needed comfort, but decided to keep silent. After all, he wasn't supposed to hear what you said, so he'll pretend he didn't. However, he will snuggle up to you so you can at least feel the comforting warmth of his presence.
□ Nero □
-Nero was awakened by your mumbling and managed to catch most of what you said. It took him some time to process everything since his brain was foggy, but once he understood what you meant, his heart broke.
-Why is that even a question? Why do you sound like you're about to cry? Are you considering leaving him? Are you terminally ill? What would make you say such a thing?
-Nero loves you because you're sweet and you care for him in ways no one else can. You're ready to die to protect him, and so is he--no one else could replace you.
-How dare you ask him to move on if something happened to you? He loved you, and only you! If you died, Nero would be inconsolable, he'd probably fall into a deep, deep depression and overdose on painkillers or something, but this is all speculation.
-Nero would sacrifice anything and everything if it meant keeping you safe, do you should have nothing to fear.
-Nero knew the only reason you were mumbling such things was because you thought he was asleep, meaning you intended for these words to be kept private. As much as he wanted to keep that illusion alive for your sake, he couldn't let you say these things and go to sleep thinking so negatively. Thus, he arose from slumber and pulled you into his arms, repeatedly reminding you of how much he loved and needed you until you fell asleep.
● V ●
-V happened to flutter awake at the exact moment you began your nocturnal lament, mumbling about how you didn't deserve him, or something like that.
-V was taken aback, wondering why you would even think that when it was clear he was the one who didn't deserve you.
-Then you started muttering about how you wished he would move on, forget about you, and start a new life if anything was to happen to you. This made V's heart shatter.
-He could believe you would say that; you were the love of his life, the one woman who cared enough to stay with such a weak, physically pathetic, borderline invalid for so long and enjoy the experience. You'd left a lasting imprint on him, one that he wouldn't forget anytime soon.
-The very fact that you'd suggest such a thing was not only heartbreaking but also insulting. V wouldn't let you continue thinking like this any longer.
-He got up and immediately wrapped you in the tightest hug he could muster, whispering sweet words of affirmation into your ear until you broke down in tears, then covering you with kisses till you calm down.
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nevercured · 11 months
How liberating must it be to confess all your dirtiest secrets to me? I promise I won't think you're a bad person, darling. We both know I've thought far worse things.
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natjennie · 1 year
god my sister can be so fucking frustrating because all I ever god damn do is try to help her and give her options and solutions and give things up for her and let her do shit instead of me and get passed over for fucking everything in service of her and she sobs and screams and yells at me and makes herself sick crying and when I have the confidence to say "well fuck me I guess, I was just trying to help" she spirals even further accusing me of making her feel bad and sobbing herself into a panic attack and I know it's her brain chemistry and she's not doing it on purpose but holy shit it is so infuriating to never be able to have an emotional response myself because it'll send her off. like I'm not ever allowed to be annoyed or frustrated without making her feel guilty and it's honestly rage inducing sometimes. and the fact that my response is irrational makes it even worse because now I feel like a piece of shit for having the audacity to be upset. I fucking hate it here.
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scottstiles · 2 years
my hot take is FUCK prev tags. FUCK IT. i absoluteLY HATE having to wade through a bazillion tags saying fukinfidgjkf PREV befor i can see what the PREV you were godtdam PREVING ABOUT
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snekdood · 2 years
if you’re so convinced you know what happened, then kill me.
#im not gonna be the one to do it.i might self harm but yall aregonna hafta kill me bc unfortunately i cant kill myself over a lie.#nor can i kill myself to appease assholes who are short sighted and are only out for bloodl#and will only ever actually question if they were wrong when im dead.#like go fuck yourselves.#since you're so intuitive and just *know*. how aboutyou kill me with that confidence#if you just know so well#i mean you would just know so well random personwho literally wasnt in the room when it happened#oh but you can just *tell* based on my vibes huh?? right? is that your metric?#yall are horrible people. please try to see your behavior from the point of view as you being a nazi doing this to trans ppl#how in tf is your behavior literally any different when you treat ppl like this in your own fucking community.#none of yall can coalition build for shit.#have fun with your hyper left friend group of 5 who agree on everything and god forbid one guy doesnt#gotta kill him or whatever yall wanna do to people#gulags the wall etc etc#freaks#im gonna continue to hate everyone i think because im still being given 0 reasons to trust and like humans#dont worry abt me 'leaving the left' im leaving humanity#fuck yall imma go swing from trees.#infact i can feel the politics leaving my body as we speak#i think ill listen to some kid cudi and smoke weed and not think about anything for 5 hours#just do nothing at all not even speak my truth or spread awareness of things#nah its cool#whatever dawg.#nothing matters after all.#oh the worlds gonna end? sorry iwas too busy becoming dependant on marijuana and watching dumb shit on tv to notice#oh well who cares#itd be cool to do something about it. but well. you see.#not much i can do to helpanyone or the world when the worlds letting me sink in mud#idk so uhm... bye.#fuck yall.
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gavis-bettel · 6 days
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see id be less reluctant to go back to obey me if the events and especially the event outfits didnt consistently suck absolute dog shit
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sleeperagentclone · 4 months
I am too socially inept to deal with all the weird people my dad has collected over the years
#Like no my dad is not here right now because come back when he is#The old people who seem like they did too many drugs in the 70s/80s are more annoying#But like he'll set up a precedent of buying shit from homeless guys because “maybe they'll have something good someday”#And he'll just give them money which is all well and good (if I ever donate money to anything or give change to anyone I've been scammed)#But then he expects me (5'1 teenage girl looking ass) to refuse to give them money when he cuts them off#Like he is 65+ and over 6 feet tall I AM NOT#And like telling people who are seemingly unstable that you can't give them money and that no only the owner buys things and no you can't#Leave a pile of junk for him to look at later and no I can't give you any money over and over is fucking scary!#I am for sure speaking from a place of privilege because I would probably just be dead if not for my support network#I could very easily be on the other side of this I'm not fucking stable I can't hold down a real job#But I am just not equipped to be having these interactions and honestly I shouldn't be having them anyway#He keeps pretty regular hours and answers his phone so I don't understand why people are always looking for him when I'm here#I will say the homeless guys he buys from have gotten a lot better about coming in when he's actually here#And one of them Chris is perfectly nice he's a great artist but he also smells bad and is visiblely dirty sometimes and that sets off my ocd#and also makes me feel like a really shitty person for 'judging' him when I know that he doesn't have stable access to a shower#When I'm actually just suffering from my mental illness and that can also trigger the intrusive thought side of the ocd#Where I get stuck in a loop of thinking I'm a terrible person#And also I just feel bad not giving him money#And like we sell his art in the store but people rarely buy it which is annoying because it's pretty fucking sick
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chososlilprincess · 6 months
pt. 2 of Virgin Choso!! if you havent read the first part read it here and part 3
Virgin Choso who looks at your abandoned bag in the corner of his small living room. Standing in the little apartment he moved into recently, chewing on his lip anxiously. Should he text you? you’d realize it was gone eventually, and when you give him a call to tell him, he could pretend he hadn’t seen it. It’s not because he doesn’t want to talk to you, the opposite really, but hes scared. He’d probably be weird and act awkward if you two were ever alone, if you came to retrieve your bag from his home.
You and Yuji had been at his apartment earlier that day to help him move his furniture around. He’d heard the doorbell ring and when you had finally ascended to the top floor were he resided, Yuji had given him a brotherly hug, patting his back. And you,
it’s the second time he sees you after he realised what he felt for you, and it’s getting increasingly hard to be around you. Especially when you keep putting on those adorable little outfits. He can’t focus, he can hardly breathe. Yuji, that idiot, knows that fact better than even Choso himself, seeing right through his brother. Which is why the boy had invited you today to help him. To torture Choso, to make him crack.
But Choso wasn’t weak. He could hold his composure. Even when Yuji walks past him and whispers, trying to hold his laugh, “maybe cut back on the staring a little today, she might actually notice this time,”
And now he’s here, all his furniture in the right places, but your bag in the wrong. You’d went to the gym he remembers, which is why you had it with you.
When his phone rings a minute later, his heart starts beating faster, already? he calms down a little when he sees it’s Yuji who’s calling, but his ease is cut short when he answers.
“hi Choso, it’s me,” its you. He can hear people talking and laughing in the background, probably you and Yuji’s new friends from your Jujutsu College. “my phone went out so i borrowed Yuji’s to call you,” you say sweetly, and before you can continue, a voice way louder than yours comes through the line, “she forgot her bag on purpose!!” Yuji shouts from next to you, before someone in the group can shut him up,
“not true…” you say awkwardly and laugh “but uh, is it okay if i come and get it tomorrow after my shift? it’s gonna be a little late though, sorry for the trouble,” he can feel that tugging in his heart, he’s excited to see you again, even if it’s only because of your forgetfulness. “it uh…it is no trouble,” he says quickly,
“thank you Choso…ill see you tomorrow,” and with that you hang up, and Choso is left with the silence of his apartment and the bustle outside of tokyo city.
He’s sitting on the couch with your bag propped up next to him, did you really leave your bag here on purpose? why would you have done that? did you want to see him too? he sighs, wishful thinking.
He stands up from the couch and the movement makes your unzipped bag fall to the floor with a thud.
He looks to the floor, bends down to put the bag back when-
oh. fuck.
Laying on the ground is your used gym clothes, a big hoodie, some shorts, a top and also…
a pair of your used panties.
he freezes, his dick jumping at the sight alone. Theyre baby blue, with a little white bow on the waistband. fuck. no. don’t.
he picks them up.
He’s only just learned about sex, about relationships and about…pleasuring himself. And he’s already a massive pervert.
what would you think of him if you knew? if you could see him right now? desperately jerking himself off on the couch, whines and groans spilling from his lips, drool sliding down his mouth. your perfect little panties wrapped around his hard cock.
He watches as his pre cum makes a mess in them. he wants to make a mess with you. He wants to see you wearing nothing else than those same panties around him,
he takes them away from his dick and brings them to his nose. And when he breathes in the scent of your pussy, He cums so hard his mind turns blank.
And it hits him when he comes down, that hes disgusting. And your panties are ruined.
how can you make him feel like this. Without any cursed energy. without beating him into the ground. youre just existing, And that fact alone makes him feel so…weak? why does he feel weak?
He decides then that he needs to tell you, Its been building up in his chest for months. He needs to tell you that hes in love with you and that he would do anything for you.
he needs to tell you he wants to bury his face in your little cunt.
thx to everyone whos been leaving notes<33 part 3 coming!!
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wishful-seeker · 9 months
Tips on how to avoid being unintentionally ableist
1. When a disabled person says they cannot do something, and you wish to offer solutions, do not make a solution that involves them powering through pain, or something thats not accessible to the disabled.
Disabled person: "washing dishes hurts too much and i cannot do it."
Abled person: "what if you did one dish at a time throughout the day?"
This statement is not respecting that this disabled person just said they "can't". Always respect that. No matter how simple the task would be for you.
Disabled person:" i think ill use plastic silverware so i don't make dishes."
Abled person: "plastic is bad for the environment!"
This statement shuts down the most accessible and disabled friendly option that this disabled person can actually do because of the abled persons personal beliefs. This is not helpful, and ableist.
Better yet, instead of offering solutions, ask them directly "is there anything you need that you do not have that would help you do this?" This allows the disabled person to think about what would work, and they will always have a better idea of what would work than you do.
To add on to this, when we say we have no more energy to solve a problem or do a task, or change our lifestyle, we mean it.
2. If you feel discomfort when a disabled person is talking about their health, good and bad, that is ableist. Your discomfort is coming from a place that deams disabled peoples very existence as a bad thing and you need to fix that.
For example:
Disabled person:" this week has been rough pain wise, ive been through a lot, felt like my body was on fire. Lucky i got new meds though and i think they're helping!"
Abled person: "can we talk about something else, this is a bummer."
Disabled people should be able to exist freely without worrying about your personal comfort. Do you really think its appropriate to tell someone in constant pain that their life is making YOU uncomfortable?
3. Do not treat disabled people as tragedies, do not romanticize their old life or put their current one down.
For example:
Disabled person: "yeah my life is pretty difficult sometimes, ive lost a lot but i still have happy moments."
Abled person: "it makes me so sad to see what disabled people go through :(. You used to love rock climbing and running, i would love to see you move around more again."
This statement is putting more value on the disabled persons abled past, and ignoring their life as a whole.
4. Do not avoid speaking to disabled people because it hurts to see your loved one disabled.
For example: my grandmother avoids conversations with me because it hurts her to see me in pain. While she has good intentions it leaves me being unable to be close to her. This is very isolating to the disabled.
5. Do not stop inviting your disabled friend/loved one out even if they are never well enough to attend. Unless we specifically ask you to stop asking if we can go out, good chances are we want to know you still care because again, disability is very isolating.
6. When a disabled person says certain things in their health have gotten better or worse, do not challenge this because you don't see a difference.
For example:
Disabled person: "yeah things are getting a little better"
Abled person sees disabled person using their wheelchair like usual: "i thought you said you were getting better?"
Better and worse are usually small changes only the disabled experience, its not like abled people healing from a broken arm. Better to a disabled person could mean they can stand for 10 more minutes.
7. Do not expect disabled people to ever be abled again, and again, do not put more value on an abled life.
For example:
Disabled person:"I have been using a wheelchair for 2 years."
Abled person: "oh you're young, im sure you'll be walking around in no time!"
This statement invalidates and ignores the disabled persons current life by hoping they get a more abled bodied life. Its fine to hope disabled people get better, but you don't get to decide what better looks like.
Hope this helps, stay punk.
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propertyofwicked · 16 days
f1 grid x platonic!reader (implied landoxreader) smau
based on this request! (this may need a pt 2 honestly)
warnings: none, just men having the audacity
masterlist the playlist
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
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yourusername made a new post!
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 21,223 others
yourusername what the fuck is a DRS?
view all 9,211 comments
danielricciardo what he say fuck me for?
⤷ yourusername hi! im free may 28 if you want to hangout may 28 lmk im not doing anything may 28 please msg me if ur available may 28 so we could maybe hangout or do something may 28 !!
⤷ danielricciardo ill clear my schedule - what day did u say u were free?
⤷ username1 mad about being labelled as a fake f1 fan only to turn around and flirt with the drivers? is she fr?
⤷ yourusername get a job, touch grass?
username2 how does she know them im so confused
⤷ username3 she went to school with oscar i think?
logansargeant will you stop posting the worst pictures of me?
⤷ yourusername say please?
⤷ logansargeant please y/n im begging
⤷ yourusername start using the metric system and i'll consider it.
lilymhe come back to williams i miss u
⤷ yourusername can i bring lilyzneimer? 🥺
⤷ lilymhe omg yes!! lily-ception
⤷ oscarpiastri @/yourusername dont take my girlfriend to enemy territory tf?
⤷ logansargeant enemy? ☹️
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by lilyzneimer, oscarpiastri, and 34,502 others
yourusername congrats on driving fast bestie
tagged: oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer, jensonbutton
view all 7,210 comments
username4 jenson button? what are you doing here?
⤷ yourusername forming a danica patrick hate club
⤷ yourusername we're discussing gentle parenting tactics for logan <3
⤷ logansargeant is this why jenson keeps telling me that sharing is caring??
⤷ jensonbutton in my defence i told her it wouldn't work 🤷
⤷ yourusername we'll see about that - alex_albon do you feel cared for?
⤷ alex_albon im staying out of this.
oscarpiastri thank you y/n!
⤷ yourusername so proud of u bestie
⤷ oscarpiastri i already paid for dinner you can stop pretending to be nice now
⤷ yourusername brb faking an interest in our friendship rn
⤷ username10 she's never letting that comment go fr
username7 their friendship confuses me but im so here for it
username8 oscar paid? who's shocked
⤷ username9 not me!
⤷ username10 not me!
⤷ yourusername me tbf he usually forgets his wallet
⤷ oscarpiastri i leave it on purpose, actually
⤷ yourusername gold digger 🫵
username8 she literally only goes to the races so that she can post about it on ig and pretend she knows what's going on
logansargeant you never congratulate me :(
⤷ yourusername tf u want me to congratulate u for? brushing your teeth?
⤷ logansargeant no one else will :(
username6 where did u find that picture of oscar?
⤷ yourusername wdym find? i took it loool
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe and 7,893 others
yourusername glorified uber drivers
tagged: logansargeant, alex_albon
view all 1,235 comments
logansargeant best biscuits ever
⤷ username5 biscuits?? that wasn't very wtf is a kilometer of you
⤷ yourusername one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ landonorris one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ alex_albon one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ logansargeant oh! so this is hell!
landonorris cute! don't do it again!
⤷ yourusername i snapped the head off yours hoping it was a voodoo doll.
⤷ username3 do they hate each other or..?
⤷ yourusername yes.
⤷ landonorris cancelling our lunch plans
⤷ yourusername i was kidding pls dont im so hungry
⤷ username4 lunch plans? y'all seeing this???
username6 the picture of logan im dead
⤷ yourusername he was modelling for his cookie design
lilymhe i want the alex one
⤷ yourusername boxed it up just for u <3
⤷ yourusername alex said he'd give it to u later
⤷ alex_albon i lied. i ate it. no regrets.
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 24,789 others
yourusername lando norris fakes an interest in the menu
tagged: landonorris, oscarpiastri
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username5 y/n out here living our dream </3
⤷ username6 god i have seen what you've done for others 🙏
⤷ yourusername lando eats chicken nuggets with a fork you can have him
⤷ landonorris this is defamation, my lawyers will be in contact.
landonorris in my defence, that place was FANCY and i wanted to pretend i wasn’t about to order chicken nuggets and chips
⤷ yourusername fancy?? oscar literally ordered a cheeseburger??
⤷ oscarpiastri dont expose me like that y/n
⤷ logansargeant one of us! 🇺🇸🦅 one of us! 🇺🇸🦅
⤷ yourusername it's not funny when u do it <3
logansargeant you never want to go to lunch with me :(
⤷ username7 logan try not to get jealous challenge - hard
⤷ yourusername i literally had brunch with you like yesterday?
⤷ logansargeant ok and?
username11 she is never gonna let that comment go is she. we get it, you know f1.
⤷ yourusername why should i?
⤷ username11 it wasnt that deep
⤷ yourusername why should i give david coulthard the platform to perpetuate negative commentary on women in motorsport?
⤷ yourusername why do we keep allowing men to talk down to women with genuine interests instead of providing them with opportunities to excel in the field?
⤷ username2 say it louder for the people in the back queen
username1 lando looks so fineeeee
⤷ yourusername too bad he sucks at chess
⤷ landonorris you cheated!
lilymhe u look so sexy let me take u out 🫢
⤷ yourusername only if ur paying 🫢
⤷ lilymhe we’ll put it on alex’s card
⤷ yourusername sounds good
⤷ alex_albon do i have a say in this?
⤷ lilymhe no.
⤷ yourusername no.
⤷ landonorris no.
⤷ oscarpiastri no.
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by lilymhe, logansargeant and 31,245 others
yourusername y/n l/n fakes an interest in getting her degree 🍾🥂
tagged: ybfusername, youruniversity
view all 2,103 comments
landonorris that caption isn't even a lie 🤐
⤷ yourusername sorry cant hear you over the sound of me being a graduate
⤷ landonorris did you not literally spend the last year asking if you’d “finish this degree or if it would finish you” ??
⤷ yourusername i literally have a piece of paper that says i finished it
⤷ landonorris talk to me when you get a trophy
⤷ yourusername ok mr won one race now thinks hes the shit
⤷ username4 gagged.
landonorris but fr, congratulations y/n! proud of you always!
⤷ username4 always huh? im smelling soft launch
⤷ username9 go back to bed grandma
oscarpiastri congrats on reading and writing stuff bestie!
⤷ yourusername thanks king! <3
username6 intelligent queen we loveee
username6 suck on that david coulthard.
⤷ yourusername he better be sleeping with one eye open
⤷ username11 got a degree and now thinks she's better than a literal racing legend
⤷ yourusername dude do u like need a hug or something? if i didn't know any better id think you were in love with me
username2 shes so unserious i love her
lilyzneimer congratulations gorgeous!
⤷ yourusername congratulations to you too lil <3
⤷ username3 hot girls get degrees 🤷 i don't make the rules
⤷ lilyzneimer still cant believe the girl that used to sleep in biology graduated university
⤷ yourusername me neither tbf
⤷ oscarpiastri same.
⤷ yourusername no one asked u vroom vroom
username13 what was your dissertation on?
⤷ yourusername net-zero carbon development in race mechanisms and engineering !
⤷ username13 oh you SMART smart
⤷ landonorris debatable
logansargeant well done! does this mean no more highlighters abandoned on the floor of williams hospitality?
⤷ alex_albon please say yes 🙏
⤷ yourusername but watching you trip over them was so funny 😟
ybfusername those 3am library trips finally paid off! 🙏
⤷ yourusername jet lagged delirium and caffeine i will miss u
⤷ ybfusername im so proud of us
lilymhe graduate, baker, sexiest woman alive - is there anything you cant do?
⤷ yourusername have a genuine interest in motorsport 🤷
⤷ lilymhe wait till they find out you fake an interest in golf too 💀
⤷ yourusername im only there to see u bbygirl
yourusername made a new post!
Tumblr media
liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 24,789 others
yourusername here to watch my friends drive fast cars.
tagged: lilymhe, landonorris
view all 703 comments
landonorris well, some of us drive fast cars
⤷ alex_albon what are you trying to say?
⤷ landonorris speak up a bit i cant hear you from the podium
username8 lando? yn?
⤷ username8 i feel like im interupting something
⤷ username4 can we let them just be friends and not ruin this pls
lilymhe oh we are so back
⤷ yourusername and we’re never leaving! <3
⤷ alex_albon oh god
⤷ logansargeant please no
⤷ yourusername fine, ill leave 😟
mclaren hope to see you in our garage soon y/n!
⤷ yourusername i have always looked good in papaya
⤷ username8 admin how much did lando pay u to say that?
⤷ mclaren 🤫
oscarpiastri williams take her back she keeps slapping my hat across the room
logansargeant you literally told me you're only here to get max’s autograph and sell it on ebay?
⤷ yourusername ok and?
⤷ maxverstappen1 poster or hat?
⤷ yourusername both please 🫶
⤷ maxverstappen1 bring a pen
⤷ username7 what have i just read?
⤷ maxverstappen1 im supporting y/n's financial endeavours?
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gh0stsp1d3r · 15 days
Season one rafe will do crazy shit just to get his get back.
Routledge!reader, MDNI, p in v, virgin reader, revenge sex
Part 2
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“What do you want with me, rafe?” You asked him, he had been following you the whole way back to your house and the cut
“C’mon, just one night. That’s all i fuckin’ want. One night in your pants and ill… I’ll leave your brother and his fuckin’ friends alone.” He shrugged. Lies.
That’s why he wanted you, to get back at your brother. But you didn’t have to know that.
John B and his friends had done it again, managed to piss Rafe off. But Rafe had the perfect revenge now, when he set his eyes on you in the store you worked at, and quickly recognized you as his younger, snappy sister. It was just a perk that you were hot.
“You’re so fucking weird.” You scoffed at Rafe, trying to pick up your pace. But his car was faster.
“I got 2000 dollars in my back pocket.” He offered, raising his eyebrows.
“Im not a prostitute.”
“Really? Cause you dress like one. C’mon. One night.“
You sighed, looking at him finally. “If i do, will you shut the fuck up and stop following me from work like a weirdo?”
“Yes.” No.
“Fuck. Do not tell John B about this.” You mumbled, getting into his passenger seat.
“You got it, princess.”
“This is just for the money, and because you won’t leave me the fuck alone, got it? I don’t like you or anything. Shit.” You told him.
“Feelings mutual.” He retorted, staring at the road ahead. “Would never get with a pogue girl in the first place.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him and looking outside. This is un fucking believable.
The second you stepped into Tannyhill, his mouth was on yours, not even letting your breathe for a moment. He pushed you against the wall, and took you straight to the table.
He had you bent over the edge of the table, it cutting into your skin. But Rafe could care less as he pulled his cock out, top red and angry, as he ripped your panties off.
“I’ll buy you new ones.” He mumbled when you opened your mouth to complain. He slid in, and you let out a gasp. He was big, and you weren’t even sure if you could take all of him.
He had a devilish smile on his face as he grabbed his phone, your moans and the sound of skin slapping the only sound behind heard as he bottomed out, recording the audio of the whole thing.
“Goddamn. You’re so tight, you a virgin or somethin’?” He asked you, grunting out.
“mhhmm..” you managed to mumble out.
“Fuck.” His pace quickened, glad that he was the one to pop your cherry.
You screamed his name, making him let out a groan. Rafe made sure to record every sound you made. He stopped the recording, still thrusting deep into you as he typed out your brothers number.
“This your lil sis?” He sent with the audio, setting his phone down as he relished in sweet revenge.
You cried out, having the best orgasm you think you’ve ever had and the best you will ever have.
You breathed heavily, your head against the table now. He slapped your ass as he pulled out, jerking his cock over your back and releasing it all over, a small smirk on his lips at your ruined state.
“Well, you should probably get home shouldn’t you, kid? Wouldn’t wanna worry your brother.”
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yumeboshi · 30 days
𝜗𝜚。..❛ #03. CORPSE BRIDE
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𐙚 topic。.when you turn down yandere hsr men’s proposals.
.。𝜗𝜚 cw。general yandere themes, suggestive content, MINORS DNI
.。𝜗𝜚 a/n。aven, sunday, and boothill. sunday and aven are regular additions to my posts lol, wrote boothills less intense bc he’s too silly to imagine
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#AྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིVENTURINE ⇢ ‘convinces’ you
。he will actually try to coax you into it. he doesn’t want to just force things onto you, that isn’t really what he wants 。“ill make you the happiest pretty bride, doll, just believe in me, hm?” 。continues to sweet talk you, telling you what he can do- buy you pretty dresses, give you anything you want, and he lists luxury after luxury. 。and he follows through his promises. even if you are being really disobedient, he’d still buy you more luxury than you could ever ask for. you will start questioning if you really don’t want this marriage- which is exactly what he wants you to do, to make you doubt yourself. 。his list goes on and on- a vip ticket to the Reverie, first row tickets to robin’s concerts, only the finest things that only his class of people could ever get their hands on. 。but in that list, he conveniently puts out ‘freedom.’ 。if you disagree, he’d pout, asking you why- and when you tell him you want to be free from him, he’d laugh, calling you a silly girl. 。“i already gave you a choice when we met. it was your choice to pick a card from an unknown pile.” 。he’d have the wedding commence in some really luxurious property of the ipc, and he will, invite your family over- he’s merciful. but is it mercy when you know you won’t see them ever again? 。“it would be a shame if they don’t see the happiest moment of your life.”
STANDING there with the most beautiful dress you could humanly ask for, your expression is nothing but a shell as Aventurine smiles at you through those shades. Your eyes are everywhere but on his eyes, when you stare at them, you feel like you’re losing yourself.
you are glad your gown came with a veil over your head, nobody can see your dead eyes, except him.
As the officiant goes on with the questions, you grip your bouquet a little harder to the point you feel their stems crumple, just like your shriveling heart.
You snap out of it after hearing silence- you see his expecting eyes on you and you nod blankly. “I do.”
And your husband smiles even wider, and he steps closer and slowly, while staring at you with uncomfortable adoration through those tantalizing purple eyes, he kisses you. You are expecting a tender kiss in a ceremony; but his gloved hand sneaks onto the back of your head, pulling you in hastily.
“I love you so fucking much, princess—” he breathes into you, brushing aside the saliva that trickles down your chin after his intrusion. “It took quite a while, but you’re finally all mine.” He pulls up your hand that has your forced vow on it, he chuckles and softly kisses your fingers.
“‘m gonna make you so happy, so ecstatic, that you’re gonna thank me for it, love. you will thank me that I restrained you from everything else.” he whispers, and the people clap, cheering; your family too, who smiles, knowing nothing that it would be your last reunion.
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#SྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིUNDAY ⇢ breaks you
。he just takes it on another level (and does not find your struggles entertaining unlike the former) 。he will be, really heartbroken at first. the head of the oak family asking you to be his lifelong sweetheart is almost like him giving you his life. you are his entire world- and the world has rejected him. 。“…I see. was I not good enough for you, angel?” 。although his emotions will be very hard to control, he’s very used to commencing plans. he’d tell you that he could ‘talk this out’ with you. unfortunately, it’s not a choice, but rather, an order. 。sunday is a ‘the end justifies the means’ kind of person. he will do any means to make you eventually accept your fate. that will include imprisoning you in some faraway place and leaving you abandoned for so long, you will be broken, wishing for any interaction. food is only given to you through a remote device, with no human interaction. 。sunday itches to be with you- he is compassionate for you, his heart will ache to see you sob into an endless cacophony. a part of him will be tempted to go to you and be with you physically, not watching you from a screen. 。he will repeat it- he will visit once a blue moon, comforting you, asking you if you changed your mind. when you ask him when he’d release you, his expression will harden. 。“it seems you haven’t learned anything, sweetheart.” 。if you are still stubborn, he will be a little impatient. he will speed up the process by adding new things in- maybe making you dream of a lovely, free life and when you wake up, you’re just alone. he will not resort to anything violent, he cares too much about you to hurt you. although, ‘hurt’ in his dictionary doesn’t apply to mentally hurting you. 。you will sob and show your most dramatic, fragile sides to a descent of madness, thinking you are truly alone until sunday comes to visit. you are wrong, though- sunday has always been with you, just not physically. 。he has always been watching you cry into the void through a screen. always.
MAYBE you have finally lost your mind, because when Sunday comes to visit you and your dull prison, you collapse to your knees and immediately plead him.
“Please,” you sob, clutching his legs desperately- he doesn’t crouch, but looks down- almost like a god addressing its follower. Sunday is no god for you, but you beg like he is.
“Please what?” He looks at you, fingers brushing over your hands, tilting his head just the slightest. His golden eyes glitter in the dim light. He is waiting for only one answer, there is only one correct answer to his question.
But you do not give him the right one. “Please just let me go,” you break down. Your heart is throbbing from all the crying, vision blurry and your head is light with no energy to talk anymore.
His gentle, serene smile immediately warps into that of a cold one. “Try again?” His fingers grip your hands hard, warning you that his patience is running thin.
When you remain silent except for your sobs, he crouches down to stare at you on eye-level, boring holes into your fearful expression. Unlike his deadly gaze, his words are soft and flow out quickly like a river- albeit with a sigh of exasperation. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to stop this just because you beg.” His hand pushes yours against the floor to knock you down, figure towering over you as he leans in to whisper- “—although, they’re very pleasant to listen to.”
“Honestly, I don’t get why you are struggling right now. It’s so easier to accept your eventual fate. Unless, you do like to seek pain.”
His other hand goes over your stomach, then slides tantalizingly slow up your body- you shiver and tremble at each touch that is too foreign to you. Cold fingers cage your neck and you choke on your breath.
“I’m not planning on hurting you, angel.” His voice is still gentle, but his eyes are telling another story, they seem keen to hurt you again and again. “But I did say I’ll resort to other… methods. Since none of them seem to work, I suppose the only solution would be caging you with a baby.” When your eyes widen, he laughs dryly. “The look on your face tells me that you didn’t expect it. But you will be my loving wife, dear. You will not be able to run or reject me, not when your own child is at stake. It makes only more sense to… make you bear children. My children.”
As he watches you struggle under him, trying to breathe, he feels like he has entered ascension. Soon, one of your pretty fingers will have his ring, and very very soon, he will have his first child- the very thought of him makes him lose his mind. He so wishes to make you his, claim you inside, watch your pretty pussy gush out his cum while he’s pressing deep into your womb- but he also wishes to see a mini version of him, or you. He finds it too adorable to withstand. He will vow that his children will grow up pure and innocent.
“We will be the happiest family in the world,” he purrs. “And I’ll make sure of it.”
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#BྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིྀིOOTHILL ⇢ will try to prove himself
。maybe a little similar to aven. but while the latter will materialistically give you things and spoil you around to convince you, boothill will more likely show himself off instead. 。“i can fudgin’ shoot an ipc lackey in the head from miles away, sugar- ya can’t see that ‘n any other guy.” 。he’ll try to show you his capability to protect you- which will likely end up in multiple people dying but as a galaxy ranger, he has morals, so he will probably use the ipc as his shooting dummies 。overall he’s sweet even if you reject his proposal- he will likely be furious, just not at you. 。oh lord but during the day you rejected him, be prepared for multiple news flashes of dead people across the street. the amount of emotion will be too much for his consciousness to restrain 。when you confront him, he’d apologize, albeit a little too nonchalant. 。“‘m sorry sweetie, got a lil outta hand last night.” 。per your wish, he won’t kill anyone who’s unrelated and innocent- but he’d still go on a killing spree in the ipc headquarters to the point you are blacklisted on their list because he would shout your name and rant why you didn’t accept him while he shoots his gun all around the place.
“BOOTHILL, what the hell are you doing?” You frown when he returns- even after rejecting his proposal, he drifts around you like a lost stray dog. And he is always covered in blood, looking furious- but when you talk, his expression simply melts away like butter to a grin that shows his sharp teeth.
“What do ya mean what I’m doin’? Makin’ sure nobody hurts you.” He snickers. He smells like metal, like he always does, but this time it’s overpowering, which lets you know what he’s been doing.
“I don’t need protection, Boothill. You can just leave me alone.”
You’re beyond annoyed at his clinginess. No matter how many times you reject him, he’d always come back, showing something new off to you, and half the time it wasn’t anything pleasant, but rather his list of crimes.
“Aww, don’t be so uptight, sugar.” He chuckles and flashes a grin and his other metal hand spontaneously pulls you into his embrace— you jump. When did his hand get there? “All I wanna do is to make sure my future wife is safe and sound. Nothin’ wrong with that, hm?”
“I told you, I’m not going to accept-“
“Ah ah! Wait and see, you will be, I promise. But don’t drag the chase a lil too long. Even I get impatient.” Something cold pressed against your forehead and you realize it’s his gun. When your expression turns aghast with fear, he barks an amused laugh.
“You scared of this? Nah, I’d never hurt ya. Won’t wanna turn your body into metal like mine.” Although he says this with a dark smirk, he doesn’t remove the gun. “The sooner you agree to it, the merciful I become. Ya don’t wanna see innocent guys die because of your stupidity, hm?”
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jakesangel · 23 days
sick jake ><
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what jake wants jake gets but sick jake ? it will be the end for you. either that he pretends to be unable to do anything or is hyper, he would give you the time of your life.
when he gets his mouth ulcer, he knows the medecine will hurt him more so he wouldn't stop moving making it hard for the members of the staff to heal him. they even had to tie him up. but once you're in his life ? ? he would do it on purpose just to get you to heal him. he would whine out loud not caring of the situation or the place he is. he would jump around not wanting to be tied up again. he just doesn't want anyone else to heal him. he is all yours, why would him ? so when sunghoon had the idea to call you over, he was so happy. the happiest, he would grin so hard, making everyone in the room realized of his true intentions. but even if he didn't, he was suddenly patently waiting for you, sitting on the dance practice couch, a contrast from few seconds ago.
once you arrive w the members telling you what's happening and giving you the médecine, you would see a jake already looking at you, sitting w his legs moving around, his body buzzing of excitement. his smile would get bigger when he sees you approching with the medecine. he knows it will hurt, but knowing you'd be the one healing him, eases him. hi would he says w the biggest grin, you know you didn't have time come here, not even hiding the biggest lie he ever told you. he would grab your hands, leading you on his lap and then, put them on your thighs, lovingly strocking them, while you'd open the medecine. could you hold my face while you'll do it, princess ? he would expendantly ask, his face held high, eyes round to look at you only. please ?
but when jake is having a cold, he will act like a baby. he would either come over or beg u through text for you to come to him. he wouldn't even open the front door, pretending that he can't get out of his bed. he'd prepare himself : once you open the door he will cough n pretend his voice is roak, but it never works. once he his the door opens, he knows he won. he knows you are going to baby him and that he has you, all for himself, and maybe you'd even stay for the night. so every single time, he would smile so big once he sees you. and it is an endearing sight to see : he had himself wrapped up in his blanket, his head the only thing that can be seen. my princess finally came to save me, he'd dramatically say. kiss me i'm literally to die !, if he is contagious you'll obviously try to protest making him only whine louder so that's it. that's how i'm going ? without even a kiss from my princess. oh life hates me, or just negotiate with you please, baby ? i promise you ill take such good care of you if you do get sick. please ?
sick jake will not use hands. he would keep them under the blanket waiting for you to feed him, either food or the medicine. so when you're so close to him, on his bed, feeding him, he keeps it cool finally getting what he wants.he'd stop trying to kiss you but only opening and closing his mouth only when the spoon is approaching or leaving his face. jake would only move when he knows you guys will cuddle. so when you come back from the kitchen, his dishes on the sink, he'd have the blanket open for you. babe, could you touch my hair while we watch a movie, please ? he'd confide you. and that's only then he will fall asleep, your chest is pressed by his back, your hand on his hair.
notes : jake politely asking is making me insane but he is the cutest puppy he would so do this :(
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @heeseungswifefr @stwrjvke @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring
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wolvesandshine · 4 months
“You know I had always assumed dear cousin Bella would be the first one to go to Azkaban.”
Great. One week in and he was already hearing the voices of people who have been dead for 2 years.
“Oh come on Sirius don’t tell me Azkaban broke your brain in less than a week.”
Sirius had almost forgotten how insulting Regulus could be when he put his mind to it. Sometime after his death he had forgotten - can’t speak ill of the dead and all but Azkaban really seemed intent on not letting him sulk in peace
“And you called me the soft one.” Sirius opens his eyes, annoyed, prepared to roll his eyes at thin air when he actually laid eyes on Regulus. He looked older, finally having grown into his regal features yet he also looked more cut up and bruised, hair longer and wilder than would ever be appropriate for the most noble and ancient house of Black.
Great. He was visually hallucinating too. “Serves me right that I can only properly remember how you look like in literal hell.”
Not- Regulus snorts. “Oh this is pathetic. Are you really so far gone you can’t tell I’m real?”
Sirius raises an eyebrow. “Fuck off. You’ve been dead for almost 2 years.”
“Aw. You do care about me.”
Sirius bristles, the familiar annoyance raising up in him. “Fine then if you’re so real prove it.”
At that Regulus laughs, loudly. “Sirius, you can literally turn into a fucking dog. Your mind might be lying to you but your animagus? It’s impossible.”
Sirius stares shocked. Regulus shouldn’t have known that. Only three people did. “How the fuck do you know that?”
Regulus stares at him, expression unreadable. “I kept tabs on you too you know.” He swallows and looks away.
Sirius blinks the sudden tears away. Regulus had always been too smart for his own good.
He didn’t need to turn into padfoot - Regulus had always been the only person who could make him feel this way.
Sirius blinks. “Well what?”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Turn into your animagus form so that we can leave this place. I don’t know about you but this isn’t my type of vacation.”
Regulus just stares at him incredulously. “You’re telling me you haven’t tried?”
Sirius feels chastised. “Well the war is over -“
Regulus cuts in. “So you fancied staying in Azkaban? When we have things to do?”
Sirius feels very unprepared for the conversation. “What things?”
Regulus ‘s smile is all teeth. “Killing Dumbledore and Voldemort for good.”
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