#and instead regularly brought up lol
Friendly reminder that the Jeweler Richard manga (and assumedly the og light novel) regularly talk about aesthetic attraction in all but words + in general are much more verbally queer then the anime :)
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lesbiansanemi · 21 days
In a turn of shocking events absolutely stunning no one more than myself, I might actually enjoy cooking and not only that, be good at it
#it’s like a switch just flipped or something it’s crazy#cooking genuinely used to be in my top 10 most hated activities#but these past couple days I’ve been loving it?#I wonder if the secret is that I’m ACTUALLY cooking#as in like making things from scratch and not relying on premade frozen and stovetop meals#like on Saturday I made a ran of ribs#(made bbq sauce from scratch and everything!)#and then shredded the meat for tacos#they were delicious! and I loved the process of it!#they were so yummy I brought the leftovers to work for lunch the next day!!!!#I’ve *never* done that before#last night I made pasta#and while the pasta was premade (I don’t think I’ll ever reach a point where I’m making pasta from scratch regularly lol)#(I would like to give a shot eventually though)#I made the sauce myself and actually grated fresh Parmesan cheese instead of using the powdered shit#and it was so yummy!!!!#today a friend is coming over and I’m gonna make her fried rice with some of the leftover rib meat#I woke up this morning and first thing made French toast and bacon#not frozen French toast like I actually turned the stove on#tomorrow night I am planning on making Turkey meatloaf with glazed carrots and some peas#what is HAPPENING#this used to be HELL for me and now I’m enjoying it#and food tastes???? good????#this is insane who was gonna tell me food could taste good??????#I used to hate food and only ate when I needed to#is this what cooking from scratch does???? it makes it taste good?????#mannnnnnn#but anyways yes I’m loving it I’m loving the process and it’s tasting good#I haven’t had a horrible accident where something tastes awful yet#(I expect it will happen eventually haha but so far!!!)
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at-tensionseeker · 1 year
No Is A Full Sentence
Elizabeth Olsen x Y/N
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
Genre: Fluff, Funny (i think, based on my humor lol)
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44250676
This fanfic is inspired by Lizzie's Sam Jones' interview. I hope you enjoy!
It’s your first time going to this sushi place that one of your friends recommended. It isn’t far from your apartment, but you did have to walk for about ten minutes to get there. You wouldn’t have been if you weren’t craving those salmon nigiri take outs that your friend Jan brought to your apartment last week during your regularly scheduled movie nights. Instead, here you are standing in the back of the restaurant’s long ass line that reached their storefront because of so many people trying to buy their own food.
You put your hands in your coat’s pockets, just a failed attempt of trying to warm them. The memory of your gloves flashes in your eyes and the regret of not bringing them with you makes you want to kick yourself.
The December breeze in New York is definitely a killer. When you first moved in two years ago, you couldn’t even go outside for a full month without getting sick. The climate was new to you, especially having lived in sunny, warm weather all your life. It became a habit to buy long coats, jackets, winter gloves, and even earmuffs just so you don’t get hypothermia in the long run. Soon enough, you adjusted to the temperatures and learned how to adjust both your apartment’s and car’s heating system to help you during the winter season. It was fun.
The line moves slowly. Whatever the reason for that is, you really don’t know. Besides, you tell yourself, that you’re already in line and people behind you have come up so if you leave now you’ll just wake up in the middle of the night with those damn nigiris flooding your mind. So, you decided to stay.
You tip your toes to see if the people in front of you have moved since the last ten minutes you were there, but the sight of a short blonde hair and green eyes that met yours as she turns around for a split second stops you from breathing. 
You’ve seen that face before. Multiple times. 
In movies, in that Disney+ show, interviews, edits. You know it’s her.
You’ve been following her journey since her first appearance in Avengers Age of Ultron and has been on the ride up until her most recent successful film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. You weren’t a die-hard Marvel fan before and even now you wouldn’t dare to call yourself one, but you quickly found yourself latched on to the franchise ever since you saw her. There aren’t any posters in your room, and you certainly haven’t gone to any Comic-cons, but you loved how she portrayed such a powerful character and has been fascinated by her ever since.
Elizabeth Olsen is standing in line in front of you in the middle of the cold New York weather, her frame clad in black faux fur coat and beanie on top of her head that really barely covers her blonde hair.
You suddenly couldn’t breathe. The air is getting colder and thinner for your liking, and you fear you’ll pass out before you could even say hi to her. There’s sweat forming on your palms and you know you can feel it, but you’re also a little confused since you’re pretty sure normal people don’t sweat in the cold. You brush it profusely against the material of your coat just to get it off or to calm your nerves. That one you’re still debating on.
The line moves briefly and then stops, and you think to yourself that if you could just muster any amount of courage, you’d say hi to her. Maybe get a photo with her even.
Should you say hi to her? What will you tell her? Do you tap her first on the shoulder so she can look back at you? Or is that rude?
The line moves again and you curse inwardly. It was barely moving five minutes ago, and now that you see a Hollywood Star in front of you it suddenly budges?
How infuriatingly unlucky of you.
From what you’ve seen, Elizabeth seems nice to her fans during fan meets and interviews so you know she’s not rude. That’s one of the reasons why you fell in love with her personality.
But this isn’t a Comic-con, is it? This isn’t some staged interview wherein you get a free backstage pass to meet your idol, no. This is literally outside of the restaurant in the middle of a busy New York street and she’s just trying to grab some food just like everyone else.
You’re still conflicted, even when the both of you finally reach inside. There’s probably about 4 to 5 people in front of you now, and you’re not even thinking about the sushi at this point anymore. Your hands still shake and sweat no matter how many times you wipe it off, and your heart beats faster than normal when you realize you’re both going to part ways sooner than you like it. It gets even harder to convince yourself to just go for it because when will another opportunity like this be presented to you in the future? Chances are lower than zero itself. A negative number if you think of it.
So when the customer in front of her finally reaches the counter, your shaky hands poke her slightly on her left shoulder.
Okay, maybe a little harder?
You poke her again, and she whips her head back to you. Her brows furrowed at the sight of you and they raise up in question. It’s hard not to look like a fool in front of a famous person, isn’t it? You probably look like a deer in headlights, but you quickly found your voice after a few blinks.
“Uh- h-hi,” you stammer. “Are you- is it okay if- I’m a huge fan of your work. Is it okay if I ask for a photo?”
You’re pretty sure she didn’t hear that. You barely let out a whisper, or is that blood that’s rushing through your ears?
Realization dawns on her face on what you mean. She shakes her head.
There is a breaking sound somewhere. You’re not entirely sure if it’s one of the waiters who accidentally breaks some glass or if it is the sound of your heart breaking. You freeze in your place, embarrassed and hurt, but mostly embarrassed because of the dumb decision you made. Instead of letting that get to you, you give her a smile and nod to let her know that you get it.
“Forgive me,” you blurt out, still smiling at her to hide the tears burning in the back of your eyes. “I understand, of course. You’re not obliged to. I’m really-“ you pause to swallow the lump in your throat. It’s just really embarrassing. “I’m really glad to have seen you in person.”
Elizabeth only looks at you and gives you a warm smile and that eases out a little bit of your anxiety of probably offending her at some point. The customer in front of her left, you notice, so you usher her forward. She gives you one last smile and orders her food.
Few of the things you didn’t notice though. Her eyes are red and a little bit swollen, probably from crying and when she ordered her food, her hands are clasped together with fingers rubbing each other to ease her anxiety. Of course you would have, had you not been too busy cursing yourself at your stupidity.
Elizabeth grabs her takeout, gives you one last look and exits the restaurant.
You take the sushi you’re not craving anymore and replays the encounter as you go your way home. You can’t believe that the first celebrity you’ll meet in New York is the one person you adore. It was surreal, to say the least, and despite the rocky meeting with Elizabeth Olsen you are still happy to have seen her smile and look at you directly in person.
You swear to God you’ll attend the next Comic-con.
Sending the news to Jan, who doesn’t believe you therefore requested that you call him as soon as you arrive, you quickly pocket your phone and sprint your way outside of the busier streets of New York. You reach the more calm and quiet area where your apartment is and begin to walk slowly.
The unfortunate encounter with Elizabeth Olsen has been the only thing that’s replaying in your mind so when you spot a crouched figure with faux fur coat and beanie once again, you couldn’t help but squeak.
You almost tripped on her actually. She’s just by the sidewalk, both of her hands are covering her ears and her eyes are tightly closed. There’s a frown and a thin line of sweat on her face and you didn’t think twice before fully sitting down in front of her to check.
“Hey,” you prod slowly. “Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
Flashes of hands clasped together back at the restaurant flood your brain and it didn’t take you another minute to realize that she’s currently having a panic attack.
“Uhm… Elizabeth- Lizzie? Can I call you that? I’ll call you that, okay?” You stammer. “I’m here to help you. Can you breathe slowly please?”
Elizabeth does as you tell her. You continue to tell her to breathe and that everything is fine around you. “It’s scary, I know. But it will pass, okay? You need to be in the present, Lizzie. Just listen to my voice. I’ll be right here and you’re not alone.”
Albeit her eyes are still shut, her breathing sounds less worse than before. And when she finally looks up to you, you see the green eyes you have admired for a long time swimming in pain and anxiety. It makes you want to pull her for a hug since she may need one, but you obviously don’t want to overstep your boundaries even if that means comforting her to help.
“Concentrate on my breathing,” you nod at her to encourage her to copy the rhythm you set for her.  “That’s it. You’re doing really good, Lizzie.”
Eventually after what seems like hours of doing breathing exercises with her capped with a lot of reassuring words, the hands cupping her ears drop down to her lap and are slowly rubbing her palms in another attempt to calm herself. You slowly stand up from the ground and hold out a hand for her to take.
“Are you okay now? Can you stand?” You offer. She takes it and stands up rather wobbly.
“Thank you,” she murmurs. “I feel better.”
“Right,” you smile at her. Noticing that you’re still holding her also glove-less hand, your cheeks flush as you pull it back while taking two steps backwards. You don’t want to overcrowd her after having an anxiety attack.
“Um so, are you from around here? I could walk you to your place if you want,” you tell her, not really wanting to risk letting her go alone after an episode. You know how it feels to be trapped by anxiety like that, and to break down in public places without backup is definitely one of the worst experiences ever. 
“I’m not trying to stalk you or something,” you clarify after not getting an answer from her. “I’m Y/N. I live there in that building,” you point towards your apartment. “If you want, I can jog really quickly and get my car and I can drive you home. Or not, of course I don’t want to overstep. I understand completely.
“It’s just, I don’t want you to go on your own after experiencing that,” you add. “I know how it feels and I honestly just want to help you.”
Elizabeth contemplates for a moment and answers. “That’s very kind of you, Y/N. But, I think I need to decline the offer. Being in this business, I’m not a very trusting person-“
“Of course,” you cut her off quickly. “I understand, Ms. Olsen.”
“However,” she smiles a little bit at your rambling once again. “Can I please borrow your phone? Mine died down and I need to call my sister so she can pick me up from here. And I guess don’t mind the company while waiting?”
You quickly fish out your phone and hand it over to her. You also ignore the amused chuckle from her as soon as she sees your lock screen is that of Wanda Maximoff.
“The phone’s locked. Do you want to type in your password?” She smiles, the look of amusement still twinkling in her eyes. You don’t mind though. You’d prefer her teasing eyes over the sad ones you witnessed a while ago.
“Oh, okay. Here let me just,” you move forward to type in 0216 in your phone and the blush creeps back in your face once again when you feel her eyes watching you.
Elizabeth calls one of her twin sisters. Apparently, they’re here in New York for a fashion event and Elizabeth thought it’d be nice to come with them. While waiting for one of the Olsen twins, you both sat on one of the stairs and talked for a bit.
“I want to say that I’m sorry for refusing to take a photo a while ago,” she looks at you a little apologetically. Her posture seems calmer now and you’re really glad that she’s doing better every passing minute. “I was out on my own, and a few people have recognized me on the streets and I was just trying to have a nice time for myself.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” you reply. “I wasn’t lying when I said I completely understand and that you’re not obliged to. I'm just glad to meet you.
“I should be the one to apologize,” you bite your lip nervously. It didn’t cross your mind that you could’ve been the trigger to her already bubbling up anxiety but hearing her say that crowds have already recognized her, you asking for a photo was the last straw. “I was contemplating whether or not to ask you and I did, but I know I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
The actress waves it off. “No, honestly you were the most polite one. You were just the first and only person I said ‘no’ to who didn’t insist on getting a photo, and that set me off. Others just didn’t care and they still took their flashing phones out and pointed it at me.”
“One thing I learned from you is that ‘no is a full sentence’ so,” you acknowledge with a smile, distinctly remembering that one interview of hers with Sam Jones.
“Yes, exactly,” she laughs.
“We can take a photo now if you want to?” The actress offers after a moment of silence. “You helped me through a tough time. It’s one of the ways I can repay you.”
“It’s okay, really. You don’t have to repay me or anything. Kindness is free,” you reply, to which her small smile widens a lot more. “You’ve had a long day. I’m just the stranger who wants to help a fellow anxiety sufferer,” you joke to which she laughs lightly.
“At this point you’re not a stranger anymore,” Elizabeth says, her fingers still fiddling with each other. “I know your name is Y/N, and where you live,” she points to your building to prove it. “Those two plus the fact that your wallpaper is Wanda and your passcode is my birthday.”
She smirks at you, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks flush for the nth time that day. “Okay, you win. Yes, I’m your fan and all that. You can make fun of me now.”
“Don’t be like that,” Elizabeth laughs at your silly eye roll but waves it off. “I’m always honored to meet my fans.”
A black car pulls up from out of nowhere and Elizabeth stands up to leave. “This was really great. Minus the anxiety part,” she turns back to you and flashes that award winning smile yet again. “I’m grateful that it was you who found me cowering in the streets, Y/N. I’m hoping to see you again some other time when neither of us is either breaking down or a complete and total stranger,” you note the hopeful tone in her voice, and that makes you wonder if there’s another universe out there wherein she’ll still remember you after tonight because you’re pretty sure she wouldn’t.
If you’re lucky, this might be that universe but who knows?
“I’m glad you’re safe,” you smile at her. “See you around, Ms. Olsen.”
“That is such a formal way to address me,” She calls out, opening the door to the front seat.
“Elizabeth, then?” You suggest to which she grimaces.
“Just Lizzie is fine. I distinctly remember you calling me that a while ago during… you know,” she trails off. “And only my mom calls me by my full name and that only happens when I’m in trouble.”
“Okay, Lizzie,” you chuckle. Waving a hand up to a goodbye, the car finally speeds off to the opposite direction of your apartment. You let out a sigh and smile at the events as you walk back home.
Even when you are in bed, the memory of her voice and her smile makes you giddy. This definitely goes on the top of your list of  most memorable things that have happened to you while staying in New York. You still couldn’t believe your chances. Granted your first meeting was terrible in all ways, Elizabeth was nothing short of amazing to you. You really aren’t wrong to follow her throughout her career because of her personality. The personal encounter made you want to support her more in the future.
The morning after that, the wild array of flowers on your doorstep have kind of taken you by surprise. To add to that, you see the simple note on one of the bouquets that says 
“To my biggest fan, 
Thank you.
Wanda Maximoff”
and your heart melts at the sentiment.
You aren’t expecting yourself to be at the receiving end of this, but it’s definitely not unwanted. It most definitely isn’t, especially when you check your phone and see a text from an unknown number asking whether or not you got the package.
You replied to Elizabeth, saving her number under “Lizzie” with a huge grin on your face. She must’ve gotten the number from her sister when she borrowed your phone to call her. Who would’ve thought that asking for a photo with Elizabeth Olsen and getting rejected will lead you to this?
Y/N: Are you my stalker now? Did our roles change?
Lizzie: Ha-ha. Very funny. I just want to say thank you again for yesterday.
Y/N: And you already have. The flowers are unnecessary.
Lizzie: Did you not like them?
Y/N: I love them. They’re beautiful, Lizzie. Thank you.
Lizzie: Would you say, they’re beautiful enough for us to talk about them over coffee?
You almost choke on the bread you made for breakfast this morning. That is definitely upfront and honest. You convince yourself that it’s probably just another way to thank you for the good deed yesterday, but there’s also a teeny tiny voice in your head saying she’s asking you out. 
But why would she, right?
Deciding to not listen to any of your demons, you turn your attention back to her text. Upon rereading the text she sent for the third time now, it’s dawning on you that you’ve yet to reply. Elizabeth follows that up with another text and it makes you feel really silly because of how much your cheeks ache from smiling.
Lizzie: Maybe about Wanda also? If you want?
Lizzie: Or… anxiety issues?
Y/N: You already have me on board with coffee. Wanda talk, too. The anxiety issues, I think we should both stick to our therapists.
Lizzie: I can’t say I don’t agree on the last one.
Lizzie: So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow then? 3PM?
Y/N: Works for me, Lizzie.
Y/N: Or I can pick you up instead. I wouldn’t mind.
Lizzie: It’s okay, Y/N. Besides, I know where you live. *winky face*
You laugh at that one. She should definitely be a star of another comedy film. Elizabeth is funny by nature even though there are countless interviews of her saying that she’s not.
Y/N: Of course you’ll throw that.
Y/N: I feel unsafe now. This is unfair. I feel like I should also know where you live.
Lizzie: You will.
Lizzie: On the second date.
Lizzie: When you take me home.
Elizabeth leaves no room for questions. Your demons shut their mouths when you read that it most definitely will be a date. You want to play it cool, like coyly and shy, but what’s more to hide? She already knows you’re a fan, so you stick to that and pray that maybe… someday maybe, who knows, right? You’ll like each other.
Y/N: You’re smooth, Olsen. Got two dates in one day.
Lizzie: I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.
Y/N: Can’t wait.
You’re late. And you forgot your gloves again.
It’s another cold, almost snowy day in New York city. You love living here despite the busy times and countless people just trying to go through with their respective lives. It’s loud and lively and you used to hate that but there’s nowhere else you’d rather be but here.
You check your bag for the passes, but the memory of the glossy paper beside your gloves on your messy bed makes you internally groan. The first time you attend a Comic-con, and you leave your backstage passes. How else are you going to meet her?
Cursing inwardly, you send her a text to let her know of your situation even though you know that the event started an hour ago and she won’t see it because she’s definitely not holding her phone in the middle of answering questions. You blame your boss for sending that last minute spreadsheet, but this is your idea right? You have to suffer the consequences.
Being in line isn’t something foreign to you. In fact, it’s so familiar that you chuckle as kids, teens, and grown ups join you from the entrance. The line is moving rapidly as most people with passes (which could have been you if you weren’t so careless) have already gone inside. When you enter the place, it’s no surprise to see it packed as the recent MCU film has made tabloids and charts because of its success. You easily spot her even though you’re rows away from the front line. She’s sitting in the middle with her face scrunched up in annoyance and teeth biting her lower lip so hard you swear she wants to draw blood.
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You grimace as you helplessly stand in the back with no way to even come forward to be close to her. The situation is laughable, but the frown on Elizabeth’s forehead is enough to make you worry and act fast. You find a spot with a lot of light so you move towards that, passing a lot of people in the process, with the hopes of her green eyes spotting you even for a distance.
It’s effective apparently, because she spots you at the same time a question is asked towards her. The frown eases, she scrunches up her nose adorably towards you and you nod back both in confirmation and reassurance that you made it there, and she lets out a full on grin you know is solely reserved for you. The interviewer interrupts and you laugh at her confused state.
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“Elizabeth? The question?” The interviewer supplies.
“Right! I’m so sorry,” she laughs gleefully, head thrown back and hand covering her mouth and you’ve seen that look a thousand times before but it still gives you the same butterfly effect in your stomach. “I- uh. I saw my wife in the crowd and I got distracted. I’m sorry. What was the question again?”
“How romantic!” the interviewer swoons. “Everyone, that’s Elizabeth’s wife Y/N. Can we say hello to her?”
Your face turns red as people look at your direction and send cheers and hoots. You wave back to the fans shyly, stealing another glance at your wife on the stage as you do so. Standing in front of the light definitely has some good and bad results. You can’t believe she did that in front of everybody, but you’re not one to complain. Her PA also runs from the front to you upon hearing this and she ushers you through security. You chuckle as they bring you in, blowing Elizabeth a kiss before you disappear backstage.
“Hey,” your wife greets you after the event is finished. She skips towards your direction and plants a chaste kiss on your lips to which you happily sigh into. “I was worried you weren’t here.”
“Forgive me, my love,” you apologize while engulfing her in a hug. “You know commuting in New York is insane.”
“I repeatedly told you to get your license so we can buy you a new car.”
You smile at the worry in her voice. “I like it when you drive us to places you’re familiar with, Ms. Stuyvesant Street. And the boss left me with some last minute work.”
She pulls back to look at you. “And what were you doing in the back? Didn’t I leave the passes in our apartment?”
“I left them,” you sheepishly reply. Elizabeth narrows her eyes at you and shakes her head. 
“And your gloves too. Am I right, my love?”
The cheeky smile you gave her is enough to confirm her suspicions. “I was really late and I wanted to see you as soon as I could. I miss you this morning.”
“Charming,” she laughs and rummages through her bag for something. Curious as you are, you lean forward to look at it. “Here.”
She hands you a pair of gloves.
“I keep one in case you forget yours during winter,” she grins, proud of what she did. “And I was right.”
You want to wipe off that cocky smirk off of her lips. There are a lot of people around you but she did announce you to everyone, so really what else is stopping you? After she said goodbye to everyone, you pull her hand so she moves closer to your side.
Elizabeth lets out a squeal when you grab both of her waist. You smell her perfume that invades your nostrils and your head swims at the fact that there’s nothing better than having her close again. She’s everywhere and the background fades away like a cliche movie scene, but you don’t care about any of those. She’s here in front of you and you’re incredibly happy to know that she loves you as much as you love her.
“I love you,” you whisper against her mouth.
“I love you, too.”
It’s insane how one kiss from her makes you feel giddy. And that’s saying something after being married to her for a year now.
“You need to wear the gloves, my love,” she chuckles when both of you pull away. Elizabeth leads you to the back exit that leads to the parking lot. The breeze picks up a little bit and snowflakes fall on your heads, but your face is still hot from kissing her. 
“Why do I need the gloves when I could just hold your hand and let you warm me up?” You bob your eyebrows at her and kiss her temple as the both of you walk towards her car.
You’re lucky. There’s no doubt about that now. Being with such an incredible woman who supports you in everything that you do and loves you through it all is a bliss. You couldn’t have asked for more.
“And they say I’m the romantic one.”
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Not me making an entire au up in my head of Jason becoming a Talon and meeting up with Dick and the bittersweetness of that. Like Dick is a mix of grieving and overjoyed because “omg his little wings back! But he’s like me now nooo” but eventually after a lot of adjusting and jogging Jason’s memory they settle down into a new normal (hurt/comfort w a happy ending my beloved)
Notes on this:
Jason and Dick regularly have conversations in their silly little bird speak, it’s gotten to the point where the others had to start learning parts of it to keep up
Due to newly acquired Bird Instincts(tm), Jason now has owlet tendencies around Dick. That’s actually how they got Jason to calm down when they found him after being talonized, Dick threw himself at him and Jason was like “oh. This is an older Talon, he’s protecting me” and bb little bb boi instincts kicked in and he immediately relaxed against Dicks chest. Owlet instincts also include making littl bb peeps when tired and cuddling w Dick and everyone finds it incredibly adorable
Well the original Court of Owls was destroyed, a few Owls managed to survive and formed a new branch. They found a comatose Jason and made him a Talon along the same lines as Dick
This is the one time that I’m making Cass younger than Jason because I like the idea of talons Dick and Jay being overprotective older siblings to everyone. Cass bonds with the two over being turned into living weapons, they’re really close
Every time a new kid is brought into the fold, they gotta be explained why Dick and Jason are Like This(tm), and then get a crash course on silly bird sounds
Jason calls his new vigilante persona “owlet” and patrols with Dick instead of Bruce
…this became ridiculously long. At this point I wonder if I should just write this. If anyone else wants to feel free lol
Aweeee, talon brothers 🥺 Jay’s baby owl instincts sound so darn cute 🥺🥺🥺💚
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bioethicists · 3 months
Why do you use '+' and '/' instead of words? Not to be rude, I am curious
LOL thank you for being polite about this. i've gotten some pretty rude/condescending comments or tags about it (one person just tagged a post of mine "you can just type out 'and' babes, it's fine" which like... fuck off?). one person tagged a post of mine 'for further study' specifically of my syntax which my friends + family had a FIELD DAY with
there's a few reasons- partly bcuz i communicate via textspeak quite regularly + my texting is actually so much more atrocious bcuz i do not make an attempt to correct most typos. i keep pretty intense hybrid academic/field note/personal journals + i already used '+' in those for brevity's sake so that i could write faster. additionally, i have a compulsion which sometimes makes me feel the need to write words 3x before moving on but symbols/numbers are not usually affected by this + i suppose that on the flip side, my liberal use of / is related to the compulsive need to be as thorough as possible (as well as put things in 3s) + a fear that i will miss information + 'spoil' my point. i do very genuinely worry that my points will be 'wrong'/'contaminated'/'bad' if i don't put certain things in 3s.
but also, when i was hospitalized in 2022 i got very attached to my concepts related to dialectics + multiplicity + i got a tattoo of the '+' sign to represent this. with language, my goal is usually to tear it up (forgive me but that beckett quote rules my life) rather than string it together. using things like '+', '/', '|', liberal use of '()', etc (i've also felt quite compelled to make use of the assignment operator, '< -', but i'm probably going to confine that to poetry for the time being) lets me feel like i'm seeding my language with a sense of multiplicity while remaining (more) concise (than i could have been)
also also, i do a lot of programming for my job (like statistics/data analysis programming in R) + i've gained a great appreciation for the brevity/precision/elegance offered by programming. similarly, i do a lot of translation (well not so much anymore due to The Tasks) which similarly has brought me to a much more antagonistic relationship with the limitations of language + a desire to capture the thing in between it which is perhaps a really silly thing to claim i could do by replacing my '+' signs but. someday.
needless to say, my formal academic writing is NOT like this but my hope is to someday gain the resources i need from academic in such a way that i can dedicate 100% of my time to writing which aligns with these values.
if this seems excessive, it is because i am insane. hope that helps.
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kitzatara · 19 days
Do you think Zatanna should have her own city?
Not necessarily but I have dreamt of Zatanna becoming the protector of the hidden city of her people (the Homo Magi), it’s funny to me that she falls into the same category as Wonder Woman or Aquaman where she has a secret civilization she’s a part of but unlike them it’s just… never brought up or touched on. So in my mind I want her to be slightly different where she’s not a leader or long lost princess, (even though I wouldn’t complain if DC did go that direction) but maybe a chosen one where it’s her destiny to protect them.
The Homo Magi were canonically capable of manipulating magic at will, stated to live for centuries but had to remain hidden because they’d be struck with instant attraction to Homo Sapiens if they ever saw one. Which is exactly what happened to Sindella and Zatara. Making Zatanna the only known living hybrid between the two species. Pretty much every other magic user who is categorized as a Homo Magi it’s because of their genetics. That they’re descended from Homo Magi who lived centuries ago. But Zatanna got a jump start to her genes and is a direct descendant.
So I love the idea of DC revamping the Homo Magi story where she discovers her mother is alive, and from the hidden city, she goes to find them and learn about her past and her medulla jewel. The villaious Highlord can return and show that their society has become corrupt. Those with the most power hoarding it for themselves and dictating over the weak. With Zatanna’s arrival she can face off against the highlord and his followers, free her mother and her people and usher in a new era. (As the prophecy foretoldtm)
Doing so maybe results in the city being exposed, and lots of greedy, power hungry dark magic users want to pillage the hidden city and its inhabitants for their incredible power. People like Felix Faust, Wotan, Wizard, Allura, Tannarak, Brother Night, etc. Queue saga of Zatanna regularly stopping them and thwarting schemes while learning about her heritage and the magic of her people. Whoch again we can explore themes I mentioned in previous asks about Zatanna being magically privileged in a sense. How these people are so desperate to acquire more power and more arcane secrets, the way it’s all handed to Zatanna.
I like the idea of her opening the city to the good magic community, those who wouldn’t abuse its secrets, maybe creating a portal there in the oblivion bar, maybe having a personal one in her home of Shadowcrest so she can visit whenever she likes. These portals creating a protective spell to keep that “instant attraction” thing from causing problems. Although there is lots of potential for wacky hijinks. I love the idea of her taking Zachary with her as they learn more about this place even if he isn’t half Homo Magi like she is. (At least we don’t think so because we still don’t know who his parents are). Zatanna asking Diana and Arthur (technically her cousin) about how to balance normal life, hero life, and the responsibilities of a secret nation lol.
The hidden city has sooo much potential for storytelling and fun and asding depth to her lore. And every year that passes that we don’t return to it and instead rehash her father’s death or how she learned she had magic instead, I die a little. So yeah.
thanks for the ask!
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Heyo! It's piggyback anon again! In which you can already guess why I'm here LOL
So, I remember in Step 4 Cove does offer you a piggyback ride without you asking. And yet I also remember you can decide to get one or not from him??? Maybe???
And just overall, are there any other variations in this scene you can get (aka can you give him a piggyback ride again in Step 4)?
Hi hi~! Nice to see you again~
I know the scene that you're talking about and it depends on a few diffrent factors (one of which you won't like the answer of, unfortunately), but the potential variations of that scene are:
(if Cove's initiative is set to high)
Cove holding the MC's hand (if you chose that piggybacks were a "special occasion" for them during the Step 3 intro)
Cove giving the MC a piggyback ride (if you chose that piggybacks were just a normal thing in their relationship during the Step 3 intro)
(if Cove's initiative is set to low/middle; these are all choices in a menu. so it's not automatic and you can choose whatever)
The player choosing to have Cove take the MC's hand/the MC can take Cove's hand
The MC can link arms with Cove
The MC can ask for a piggyback ride
The MC can offer a piggyback ride to Cove
The MC can simply continue to walk side by side with Cove
In the case of number 4 specifically - that the MC offers Cove the piggyback ride - a variable needs to be met, but there's an issue.
See, when the moment to offer the piggyback comes up, either Cove will apologize and say he's too big if you haven't met the requirement, which then brings you back to the menu to pick something else, or if you do meet the requirement, you'll get a new menu to pick whether the MC regularly gives Cove rides or if it's a spontaneous suggestions.
You'll get way more narration and dialog by choosing the spontaneous option, so that would be the one I recommend if you care about that.
However, the problem comes from the fact that I believe the variables that would allow you to give Cove a piggyback go entirely unused?
Essentially, how it's supposed to work is that if your MC is tall and buff or toned (not shapely), or average/short and buff (not toned or shapely) then they can lift Cove.
Being buff/toned/shapely is decided in Step 3's Hang (either version). Saying that the MC has "noticeable muscles" makes them buff, "a little muscle definition" makes them toned, and either "soft" or "delicate" makes them shapely.
The issue that arises that the height variable checked is for Step 4 specifically and there isn't any part of the game that sets your height for Step 4.
Baxter's Step 4, for example, properly takes the MC's height from Step 3 into account (so if you're short/average/tall in Step 3, that carries over), but Cove's Step 4 does not even though it grabs the correct variables for the MC's body type (which is set in Step 3's Hang).
I actually opened my game and checked for my MC's "Step 4" height (short/average/tall), but no variable was set since at no point do you set a change in height during Step 4.
You can actually see this for yourself during a playthrough of Step 4, as there are three different moments (you can't get all three in the same playthrough though) where the MC's Step 4 height is supposed to be brought up, but will be skipped due to no variable being set.
First is if the MC confesses to Cove. After he starts crying and you get two separate multiple choice menus to react, you're supposed to get one of these:
(if tall/very tall)
Cove brought his face forward to rest his forehead against your own. He was shaking slightly, and like this you could feel every tremble.
(if average)
Cove bent down to rest his forehead against your own. He was shaking slightly, and like this you could feel every tremble.
(if short/very short)
Cove crumbled down low enough to rest his forehead against your own. He was shaking slightly, and like this you could feel every tremble.
But instead, it will cut to:
Cove drew a deep breath, his eyes closed as he tried to pull himself together, at least a little.
Second is the alternative: if Cove confesses to the MC and the MC accepts. After he gets over his initial shock, you get this (if he's at high initiative or if the MC accepts when he asks if he can hold them on middle/low initiative):
Cove swept you up in his arms, lifting you off your feet to bring you closer.
The game checks the MC's Step 4 height and you would've gotten one of these if such a variable was set:
(if tall/very tall)
You nuzzled up against his bare chest, your cheek brushing against his as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
(if average)
You nuzzled up against his bare chest, resting your head upon his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
(if short/very short)
You nuzzled up against his bare chest and wrapped your arms around his neck. With your head pressed against him, you could hear the rapid beating of his heart.
Instead, it will skip them entirely.
Third is a minor one at the ending when meandering back to the neighborhood with Cove. After the MC hears Cove's voice calling their name, you're meant to get one of the following:
(if short/average)
You smiled up at him, tucking away the past in order to savor the present.
(if tall)
You smiled over at him, tucking away the past in order to savor the present.
But the game will proceed without either of them.
If you don't want to do a playthrough but are certain you've played through these scenes, you can alternatively seek out the "OurLife.txt" file that's in the same spot as the OurLife.exe and Ctrl+F it to search for the specific dialog.
So yeah, I don't actually think it's possible to get Cove to accept a piggyback ride. I don't know if this was an issue in past versions of the game, but I have version 1.7.1 (the current build) and this is what happens for me and what it says in the code.
If you could give Cove a piggyback ride in Step 4, this is what would've happened:
You regularly gave Cove rides.
You enjoyed being able to do this for him; it was easily one of your favorite parts of your relationship.
You were being kind of spontaneous with this offer.
And Cove was nervous about it by how he chewed at his bottom lip. You tried giving him a reassuring look, but you didn't feel very convincing. Cove: "I'm really tall- fully grown, adult tall. You know? Are you sure about this?"
(if Nervous)
Pressing your mouth into a fine line, you studied him from his head down to his feet, and back up again. You crossed your arms with resolve and nodded.
(if Relaxed)
MC: "Very." You gave him a once over, and Cove raised an unconvinced eyebrow. Smirking, you motioned for him to come closer. MC: "Yeah, let's do this. I promise not to drop you."
(if Direct)
MC: "Yeah!" Cove took a step, but stopped when you gave him a quick once over. He gave you a questioning stare. MC: "Sometimes I look at you, and I still see the Cove I met as a kid. You got tall." You wrinkled your nose, teasing him. Cove let out an exasperated sigh. MC: "Luckily, I grew strong arms to keep up."
Cove: "Alright, alright." Cove raised his hands in defeat. Pleased with your efforts, you crouched down low to the ground for him to climb on.
(if the MC wears a headscarf)
He did his best to get securely situated, but a high-pitched squeak flew from his mouth the moment you began to move. By the time you were fully standing, Cove was muffling his laughter in your scarf.
(if the MC does not wear a headscarf)
He did his best to get securely situated, but a high-pitched squeak flew from his mouth the moment you began to move. By the time you were fully standing, Cove was muffling his laughter in your hair.
You hadn't even taken a step yet, and Cove was already having fun. This was exactly why you made the offer in the first place. His happiness made your heart soar.
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bonefall · 11 months
Could anything be done if a younger, orphaned kit was brought to camp, but there were no currently nursing queens at the time? I’m asking because I’m revamping an old oc story I made when I was like 10, and this type of situation happens in it. In the og story I just made up a magic milk herb that the kit could eat instead, but that’s insane and I’m trying to be a TAD more realistic about plant life this time around lol. I love your au and you’ve clearly done a LOT of cat biology research so I was just wondering if you had any ideas. Thanks in advance!
I have heard stories of cats who had not given birth starting to spontaneously lactate for an adopted kitten, especially if they had kittens in the past, but I wasn't able to find any studies on it to tell you exactly how it happens.
BUT I do know a good bit about how humans induce lactation, I'll give you two options and you can adjust it to what fits your story best. First is inducing lactation, and the second is a shoddy formula recipe.
This is going to work best on a cat who has previously given birth, but anyone who has mammary glands is going to be able to do this.
But, this is going to take some time. As soon as that kitten is discovered, someone's gotta volunteer and get ready. In humans, we start about 2 months before a baby's expected to give it time to come in, but every second counts in this situation.
In humans we use a mix of estrogen and progesterone, and stimulate the teats regularly with a breast pump. The stimulation makes the body release prolactin.
The hardest part of this is finding progesterone naturally. The best source of it is a type of yam that grows wild in Mexico, but my guides are based off England... so, we'll need to find something to help the body increase production naturally.
So, as soon as possible, give the warrior a controlled mix of Fennel (for estrogen), and start putting fish and strawberries into their diet. The pump won't be needed if there's a kitten actively trying to suckle; that's more than enough stimulation.
The hardest part of this is going to be the fact that Clan cats have no access to milk. In SkyClan, they might make a special mission to try and acquire some from humans. Or, since they're so smart, they may even recognize that they could target unflavored yogurt.
But anyway, the best thing you can get instead is eggs. Crack them, mix them up, and add just a couple drops of flax oil (if the kitten becomes constipated.) Ideally, the milk/yogurt would be added to this poultice.
But, in conclusion... it's difficult. There's a lot in this process. The best thing that could happen is that someone has milk to spare, or the kitten's a little older and could start being weaned.
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suneeater · 1 year
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the haikyuu guys + their icks
➳ushijima, oikawa, iwaizumi, daichi, asahi, sugawara, hinata, kageyama, semi, bokuto, kenma, kuroo, shirabu, terushima, tsukkishima, tanaka, nishinoya
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✎a/n: this is supposed to be silly, we need things to post until we get some requests rolling in and this was fun to write so!
✰warnings: n/a
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he is completely socially unaware and cannot tell when people are flirting with him so he just lets it continue and accidentally leads people on, REGULARLY
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he still follows instagram models and regularly likes all of their photos. he also responds with "why" when someone asks if he's single instead of just saying no
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he has a man complex. im obsessed with this man but he is rude to strangers in public bc he thinks you'll think it's hot when really he's just embarrassing you. he also manspreads severely.
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he has a weird amount of back hair which isn't a problem itself because it's just the human body except he tries to shave it by himself so now his back is just weird uneven patches of hair and he insists he doesn't need help. he also mansplains really bad
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gives unprovoked and backhanded compliments all the time for literally no reason, also uses large amounts of your nice soaps
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i genuinely cant think of any icks for him i love him so much he's perfect sorry. his ick is that he cannot make a mistake ever
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he moans like a fucking blobfish. he also always has a tummy ache because he's a grown man who consumes too much dairy, and he gets indigestion and is always BURPING. watches family guy at full volume and cackles at it
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can only fall asleep if bluey is on
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he leads you on and then rejects you, then after a few months hits you up again acting like nothing happened
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constantly tells people 'actually, that's DR to you'
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he talks down to you like a child sometimes and insists on doing tasks for you not out of the goodness of his heart but because he's convinced you'll do it wrong by his standards
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he only listens to rap music and thinks you don't know who tupac is. every gift he gets you is stolen from the dollar store
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does the 'he ain't got no money' hold
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he captions all of his instagram posts with emo quotes because it's not a phase, y/n. it could literally be your wedding photos and it would say 'ILL BURN YOUR NAME INTO MY THROAT I'LL BE THE FIRE THAT WILL CATCH YOU' and just ruin everything
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he has skid marks lol, he at least has no personality icks if that helps. idk this one's pretty bad but at least it can be fixed. he'd sob if you brought it to his attention though
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he does not regularly shower and it's noticeable. he also stockpiles dirty dishes, like deadass never brings them back to the kitchen. he'd also just throw the rest of his food away instead of putting it up because 'he doesn't like leftovers'
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throws basement shows at his grandmas house and doesn't stop if there's a fight in the audience
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
hi! question!! ok so like. I've been in hbowar fandom for awhile but I must admit I haven't followed MOTA news quite as religiously so I'm sorry if this has been answered before but like...... can I ask why there was such an emphasis on austin butler and callum turner's characters? is it because they're the "leaders" of a sort? (and if so, in like a dick winters way? in that they're the leaders of their unit? or is it in a sledge, basilone, leckie way? in that the narratives of the shows are based on their memoirs of the war?) or is it because they're the actors you're bound to recognize at first glance and therefore are pandering to the audience?
piggy back riding on that question..... do you think mota would follow a band of brothers kinda story telling where the povs sorta change almost every episode? and there's an emphasis on the group as a whole? or is it gonna be like the pacific? where it centers on 3 pov characters, as i said before, based off the irl guys' memoirs of the war?
thank you for running this blog, btw. it's good to have all the news in one place instead of having to go hunting for it!! have you tried to appeal to tumblr staff about getting the blog unshadowbanned? maybe they could help?
i think this website gives a very helpful overview of who the "main players" are (it's a bit dated tho, last updated in 2019!) lots could've changed by then, and even the author admits that it's all speculation. but by 2019, there were 5 confirmed "main characters": john "bucky" egan, gale "bucky" cleven, rosie rosenthal, harry crosby, and ken lemmons. they're palyed by austin butler, callum turner, nate mann, anthony boyle, and raff law, in that order.
the focus is on the 100th bombardment group ("the blood hundredth"), with likely a narrower focus on the 418th and 350th squadrons, with probably some focus on the 349th. cleven's part of the 350th, egan and cruikshank (also important) are part of the 418th, and major william veal's part of the 349th (which is likely less important, but i'm adding it bc i saw his name among egan and cleven's name in this behind the scenes photo almost 2 years ago, but not much on veal otherwise).
so, this is one group and (more or less) two different squadrons. the narrowed focus is meant to lean more "band of brothers" and less "the pacific".
to answer your first question, the focus on butler and turner is probably 1) better for promo (they're more well known to the public) and 2) cleven and egan were both the commanding officers of their respective units. the leaders, for sure. also known as "the two buckys", as they both had the same nickname and were very close friends (as the above article puts it, they "were roommates throughout flight school…[they were] roommates during training, but they would eventually become roommates in a POW camp as well.")
i like that you brought up leckie and sledge tho, bc while the bulk of the show is based around donald miller's book, it seems like they'll also be leaning on harry crosby's memoir- a wing and a prayer. he was a group navigator in the 418th. also, the smithsonian has a little scrapbook that you can read here.
i'm thinking that, yeah, the povs may change depending on the episode (given how it seems they want to follow the "band of brothers" playbook, to a point). there's definitely gonna be time devoted to the ground crew (lemmons was a mechanic in the ground crew and stayed in england for the duration of the war) and rosie rosenthal, especially (his crew was called "rosie's riveters"). then, there's the inclusion of black soldiers in the 332d fighter group, part of the tuskegee airmen (hence the casting of ncuti gatwa, branden cross, josiah cross, among others).
keep in mind that these are all just my guesstimations! i don't want to predict what's gonna happen, given that i still want to be surprised lol
and i'm happy you enjoy the blog! it's fun keeping it regularly updated (despite tumblr hiccups, like thinking i'm a spam bot apparently?? but i think it's been sorted out for now *fingers crossed*)
(also, i recommend everyone to go play around in this website, bc it's stuffed with all the 100th bg information you could ever want!)
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So I got a comment on my latest fic about how usually those types of fics are about feral Beel and they liked seeing feral Mammon for a change given how rarely Mammon is the one who loses control in canon as well
And I ended up explaining my thought process behind the choice to use Mammon (yes yes surprise it was a choice! And yes there is a thought process behind my fics!) And realised the answer to that comment sounded like a tumblr post...so here we are! ;
I actually shut my Mammon-Brain off for once and considered if I should make this ambiguous? Take out MC calling Mammon's name and instead just say MC called the demon in the fic by his name. Change some of the identifying emotions, reactions and such around - leave it up to the reader to decide who the demon in the fic was. And that kind of small mystery was very appealing but in the end I decided against it because;
• MC really does have a bias when it comes to Mammon and whether or not he's dangerous to their continued well-being (in that even when he believes he's dangerous MC laughs it off or is actually into it)
a.) When Mammon tried to get them to run away from him during the first Paws Event because he was scared he'd attack them and they said 'lol no'
b.) During Mammon's Vampire Devilgram where they basically begged him to drink their blood, even after he said he wouldn't be able to stop himself once he started and that he may end up killing them, and how absolutely turned on they were
c.) During the 2021 Masked Halloween event where they were very much turned on by Mammon (and the rest of the brothers) trying to kill them
d.) In S1, before they were friends when Mammon talks about eating humans or threatens MC, they dismiss the whole thing either by telling him they don't care, talking back to him or just straight up not listening. They were also regularly sharing a bedroom in S1 after like 1-2 weeks of knowing each other, before they became proper friends. And despite how they acted towards Mammon in S1, they were a lot more reserved and careful around the other Sins in S1, which Beel points out to Mammon - saying that MC seems to like him and seek him out.
• MC & Mammon are canonically very ride or die - with Mammon calling MC his "partner in crime" and saying if they were ever to become evil he'd follow them because his place is by their side. And with how much MC follows along with his schemes, to the point that there's one devilgram where MC, despite being present, doesn't say a word as they follow Mammon while he does something very stupid
• Mammon rarely loses his shit. But we have twice seen him get so pissed off he transformed - both times in Devilgrams - once when he thinks MC & Levi had sex & once when he hears his younger brothers insulting Lucifer via insulting Mammon. He also gets genuinely pissed off when he thinks Michael is the one behind whatever was hurting Simeon in S4. So he does get angry (rare as it is) but it's almost always for the sake of one of the others rather than for himself. While (as much as I love the others) they tend to get pissed off by some of the stupidest and most inconsequential shit. So I figured if Mammon got angry in this scenario it'd put emphasis on how dire the circumstances were and how it justified risking the tentative peace treaty held between the three realms - or at least that's what's supposed to be implied
• I'm a monsterfucker & a Mammon × MC shipper.... In the end, I couldn't not y'know?
Also here's the fic that spawned this post
Unname GN! MC × Mammon
Under the Gentle Rains
For the first time, his human sees what he truly is.
A creature of the night, of bared fangs dripping with the blood of the slain, of endless death and cosmic evil.
A creature finally brought to the light to face their judgment.
A creature that wishes to wail and weep at the realistic thought of finally losing them.
Tags: Blood & Gore ; Violence ; Cannibalism ; Established Relationship ; Fluff
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ryuichirou · 6 months
I'm back with my GloMas ask. By the way I love the word GloMas: it's like Christmas but more theatrical and angsty, and at the end of all the celebration, instead of getting presents, you end up with less stuff than before (no need to check Ruggie's luggage, officer. I can assure there's nothing interesting there).
On to the question, which is partially about Ruggie. This event has brought to light a new interesting dynamic that I hadn't really considered before, with the Ruggie/Jamil team up. It's nice to see Jamil be himself (i.e. a menace) more unapologetically than usual. I don't really ship them as a "couple", but I definetely see their appeal as potential "acquaintances-with-benefits". And I bet Ruggie would be happy to hear less grumbling when he decides to pay a visit to the rich boys Scarabia dorm. Basically, I'm curious to know if you guys have any thoughts about these two, both related to the event and in general!
Anon!! Sorry for the late reply, and let me go grab that loud mic I used a couple of days ago once again and tell you.
YES. These two. These two are very good together.
For the most part I want to just yell YES at everything you’ve said because you’ve honestly nailed it. Glorious Masquerade (with its Christmas-like Glomas glory..) was the first event we’d seen (even before we watched the main story), so Jamil and Ruggie’s unexpected chemistry is something that we have in mind at all times lol
It really feels like they can be themselves around each other, which is exactly what they said, and honestly these two out of the entire cast really deserved it. What they also deserved is to have someone to complain about the harsh realities of serving to capricious princes (Kalim isn’t a prince but) who are unreasonable and frankly stupid at times. Just imagine THE LEVELS OF PETTY AND TIRED VENTING, their venting sessions could be the best.
I don’t know if you wanted any headcanons with them, but since we’re at it, might as well drop some. These are mostly sfw, but the last one kind of isn’t lol
They knew that they might be a good match even before the Glorious Masquerade but never really had a chance to hang out before that. And during the event, to them it felt like they’ve been having telepathic dialogues for ages, and now finally they get to actually chat. They’re on the same page TO SUCH A DEGREE it’s actually stupid.
Even after the event, even though both Ruggie and Jamil went back to being super busy, they kept in touch. Sometimes they text each other, sometimes they meet simply to VENT. Having another person who is done of everyone’s bullshit in this stupid school is a blessing. They also talk about other stuff, like cooking and hobbies and even scheming and such, but their main topic is still “wow I hate these people”.
What they find the most comforting about each other is the fact that they know they are not really friends, but they also don’t have much to gain from each other, so it’s not like they should expect a backstab at any point. It’s actually pretty rare for Jamil to be this relaxed like he is when he is around Ruggie.
They don’t have sex regularly, but they did it once during the Masquerade event and at least once when they came back to the NRC. Both of them aren’t too into sex, otherwise it probably would have happened more often. Ruggie is actually a much better option to have this “acquaintances-with-benefits” deal than Azul, because with Ruggie Jamil can be sure there won’t be any feelings attached to it: they’ll help each other out and will be on their merry way…
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satancopilotsmytardis · 3 months
Chapter 3! Chapter 3!
Ohhh, Stain's message is interesting! He didn't call out the League by name, but he did give a reminder to make sure your goals align! (I wonder if that was also a warning to Tomura? To make his mind up about what he wants, really wants, instead of what AfO wants of him?)
Are Dabi's senses heightened in his human form too? Like, not by a lot, but a little bit?
Dabi last chapter: "surely this won't become a habit" Dabi this chapter: "oops?"
It's interesting that Shigaraki has to help out the Doctor and from it sounds like, he does so regularly. You'd think that as AfO's student he'd be over the Doctor in rank but no, the Doctor orders him around just like AfO does.
Dabi wants to be allowed to go out while Shigaraki is away and Tomura thinks Onigiri wants to leave again. I kind of understand the assumption, since Dabi hasn't asked for the window since he came back, but ouch. He's so scared that he will loose Onigiri again.
Dabi finally has a home where someone pays him attention and wants him around and worries that he might leave. They are so, so sweet together.
Dabi is patrolling because he wants to keep Shigaraki safe. That's so cute. On another note, imagine you're a squatter and suddenly there's this pretty cat, which immediately turns into a very naked man and burns you to death. What a way to go.
Toga smiling at the cat, trying not to startle him, to reassure him, despite clearly panicking herself is so sweet. I like how you write her a lot.
Dabi immediately adopts her, because he is much more stable than in canon. He has a home, and someone who loves him, and he lived on the street for the while. He worries for her and they're both shapeshifters (though in a different way) and I really like their interaction here. Him being an absolute menace to get her to follow him is nice, too.
Dabi is such a menace. He's trying to butter Shigaraki up to the reveal that he brought a kid home. Also, Shigaraki isn't even mad. Dabi is weird, he has come to accept that. It's still very funny (and shows a lot of character development. He's really really calm in handling it, despite the scare in the morning and spending all day with the Doctor for the third day in a row. That's a lot of stress and he's not letting it out on everyone around him!)
The way they annoy each other is so cute.
Dabi and Shigaraki's disagreement over Stain will never not be funny. Like, seriously. Imagine fighting with your cat cause he's a fanboy. Still, Dabi would choose Shigaraki over Stain again and again if given the chance. Ah, Dabi is such a smug bastard.
Toga joins the gang! Shigaraki has now adopted/accepted into his villain organization: a cat and a teenager
Dabi and Toga have so much sibling energy. Dabi is so chaotic, too. Immediately steals the drugs, lol.
"His human. The only person he has ever even considered letting own him." Oh my God. Dabi trusts Shigaraki so much!! Like, not enough to reveal what he is because of some underlying issues with being told to always hide, but enough to stay! I honestly can't wait for when Dabi hangs around as a human and just, accidentally rubs his head against Shigaraki by force of habit.
I never thought about the fact that this would be problem for Toga but you're right, she constantly changes forms and when she can't go shopping as herself, trying things on would be difficult. It would be better with Twice, since he knows everyone's measurements, but still. Good that Shigaraki's clothes are big on her.
Toga, too, knows more aboit cats than Shigaraki does. Not enough to recognize his smartness as suspicious, even thought it is strange, but still. Dabi hasn't died yet and seems quite lively, so surely there won't be any problems.
Ah, Keiro. Who very much knows that becoming a service animal is a very long process. Surely nothing bad could happen here. Lol.
Toga has the most people skills out of all of them and it shows so, so much. Shigaraki, on the other hand, doesn't like to talk to strangers outside of small-talk or work. Especially not when he is in disguise.
I did not expect Keiro to have a crush on Shigaraki! Not that anything would come out of it. Now that he's an established villain, he can't have random hook-ups with civillians, not outside of neutral ground.
Okay, but Shigaraki looking up training programs for Toga is really sweet. She wants to see change and he decides to keep her, even when she has no training so far. Ah, I love this.
Dabi training as soon as Toga starts training too is actually pretty sweet too. He wants to be able to help them (and also kill his father).
Shigaraki is a good trainer now that he has learned what to look out for in other people. He keeps their needs in mind and tries to adjust around that. I don't think canon Shigaraki would have been able to do that at this point.
Him thinking Spinner is gray is another time where Dabi's cat-induced colour-blindness is fun.
Spinner! Nice to meet you! It's a bit earlier than when he joined in in canon, I think? And Stain isn't in prison. I'm glad to see him.
Lol, he send Toga and Spinner bonding. Another one moves in! And they don't live in the bar this time, either. Nice.
Ah yes, an important addition: no cat allergies. Giran knows better than to question it once he sees Dabi.
Team building! It's nice that Shigaraki has a human friend now. Magne! Ohhh, it's nice to see that they train with different combat styles. Shigaraki needs to be quick and Toga does too, but Spinner is more strength focused. All of them living next to each other is really nice too. Ah, I'm enjoying this.
(also, the fact that Shigaraki immediately likes Magne based on the fact that she likes Onigiri is sweet)
Oh my god, if Dabi were a regular cat he would have died a houndred times over. But they're bonding so much quicker than they did in canon! Shigaraki is calmer and, thanks to Dabi, puts more effort into team building and morale, which is really cool.
They're complete! Nice!
God I hate AfO. Good on Shigaraki for defending the League and getting them more time, but interrupting AfO must have taken a lot of guts for him. He really is growing as a person now that he has so many other people around who trust him and are there because of him, not because of AfO, just Shigaraki.
Seeing how much Shigaraki has developed when compared with canon, as well as how their every-day life goes is really nice! It's great to see all of them together, training and studying and doing their best to make a good team. They don't have Dabi yet, but they do have Onigiri. I hope that means they won't lose Magne this time around.
On a different note, don't think I didn't see Dabi's thoughts during training. He's smart, he can recognize if people are useful or good to keep around early on, he's smart and resourceful and he doesn't think of any of these things. Sure, he apreciates how smart the others are, but when they train, he only thinks of his own shortcomings. He thinks about how his quirk hurts him and that he isn't as strong or fast as the others and he puts himself down for it. For all that Dabi isn't as angry as he was in canon, for all that he cares more and has more to live for than revenge, he doesn't see how much he can do, how much he already does despite being a cat.
Both Dabi and Shigaraki have made progress, and they will continue to heal together. But for all that Dabi is learning to trust, he was never told that his smarts are something to be proud of. Endeavour wanted strength, so when Dabi is lacking that, it's what he focuses on. Shigaraki is calming down and getting more confident, but he's still dependant on AfO and while he no longer lashes out, the thought of disappointing him scares him.
Both of them are desperate to be good, to be enough, for the people around them.
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Stain is definitely calling out Shig in that video alongside anyone else who thinks they want to do what he does
Dabi doesn't have any particularly heightened senses while he's a human, his two forms are pretty separate as far as abilities go, hence why he can't use his quirk as a cat
Shigaraki and Dabi being cute and domestic makes my heart explode and they're trying so hard to be the person (pet) they think the other deserves!!!!
Dabi sympathizing with and helping to guide Toga is so fun and sweet and they have sibling energy even when he's a cat! She also absolutely has the best social skills outside of Compress and is going to make these weirdos more tolerable to be around even if it kills them
Shigaraki is definitely looking at all the data and resources available to him and getting things put in order as efficiently as possible. He's not going to come up short again!
The whole gang gets here and gets to be happy for a little while!!
And Shig knows better now, he's seen his shortcomings, the failures his teacher said he could have as many of as he wanted and understands now those failures do still have consequences. He can't just rush into a job without being adequately prepared now. Not when Onigiri won't understand what happened to him if he doesn't come home.
They're both growing rapidly into being relatively mature adults because sometimes you just gotta be the person your friends believe you are
Thank you so much for commenting!!!
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brasideios · 7 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thank you for thinking of me my dears @krankittoeleven & @ainulindaelynn
Lemme see. This is long, sorry about that. I’m in a rambling mood. These are just the characters that came wandering into my noodle in no order - at least, that was intended.
1. Dorothea from Middlemarch (by George Eliot). She’s probably my fave character ever. I think in a mostly abstract way, she’s come nearest to mapping out how I perceive the feminine part of myself. She starts out so so idealistic - wanting to do something to change the world, to matter, but society has its own rules that eventually beats her down, but she’s so stoic, enduring, and self-denying, that her happy ending is earned… but then the epilogue is so melancholy so was it happy? and… I don’t know. There’s something in it all that I’ve never found a better version of.
2. My brain is on D names now lol so Daphnae from AC Odyssey. The more I think about her story, as little as we’re given of it, the more I find something tragic and fated in it, and then there’s the possibility of changing that fate, or embracing it. Something, something doomed by the narrative, unless…?
3. Demosthenes from my pdfs lol listen - ancient history RPF is a fandom (apparently) so this is valid. I have been down some serious rabbit holes with this man of late - I won’t even start on why or this will be an essay. I could also have put Thucydides in this position - but I’m on D names.
4. Daria. No seriously. I loved this show when I was a teen, and she’s honestly my spirit animal. It was my nickname because I was unfortunately very much like that. I adore her deadpan, acerbic remarks and many of them will live on in my brain forevermore. I wasn’t as witty btw - but the vibes were the same.
5. Hedwyn from the vg Pyre (woot! My brain releases me from the letter D!). I’ve played it several times now, and he’s my fave. Just a sweet guy - so sweet, you always want to free him first, but then you also very much wanna keep him with you - and sometimes I’ve been selfish enough to send everyone else instead. I also like Volfred a lot but that has everything up do with the VA 🙈
6. Alfie from Peaky Blinders. I have no excuses - the character is an unhinged maniac but Tom Hardy just brought something (a twinkling eye) to the role that makes him a very likeable, back-stabbing psychopath.
7. Caesar from HBO Rome. Ciaran Hinds has been a fave of mine since Persuasion - and I liked how he acted this part / how he was written. That’s all I’ll ever say about Caesar - character or historical figure. There are at least another half a dozen characters in this series I might’ve mentioned too. I must rewatch it one of these days.
8. Gannicus from Starz Spartacus. Dustin Clare is an old time favourite from waaaay back when I was persuaded to watch McLeod’s Daughters - really bingeable but quite trashy Aussie TV - sorry to any fans - but it really is. I so enjoyed his vibes and he brings all of that to Gannicus and it just works so well for the character. Pure cheekiness, and when he does this face 🥺 chefs kiss. Side note - I will pretty regularly say some variation of ‘my cock rages on’ about the most random stuff so - thanks to this character for that gem lol.
9. Johnny Spit from the movie Gettin Square. Yeah this is left field and I seriously doubt there’s a fandom for it - but what a character - quintessentially Australian deadbeat, (played by David Wenham). There’s a courtroom scene that kills me every time. I hope he got square, for good this time.
10. Kenny from Mad Men. I don’t even know how to explain it, I just want to protect him and he doesn’t even deserve it, and he wouldn’t have thanked me for it - maybe it was just the way everyone else was just an asshole about his writing. I want to know more about the short story about the egg. I could’ve picked almost any other character from this show though. They’re all so good/bad for their own reasons.
I made it! Haha! I have no idea who to tag - I think the only people who usually join in have already been tagged - so I’ll just add a few and call it ten. Sorry for any double ups.
No pressure at all - @nemo-of-house-frye @theinkandthesea @liminalspacecowboah @cyrus-the-younger @myriath
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iamacolor · 6 months
2023 sewing projects - part 2 details at the end of the post (click here for part 1)
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Note: I work for a fabric shop so I get most of my fabrics fabric for free as well as some patterns as I have to be wearing our products at work (I definitely consider it a perk). Without this job I would not be sewing as much and I'd probably be buying most of my fabric second hand or on sale as I used to do before. I also sometimes sew during work hours so keep that in mind if you're also a sewist, go at your own rythm 💜 Although I have basic training in pattern drafting I prefer to sew from pre-existing patterns to save on time (as i have to regularly make myself some new clothes for work) and discover new techniques and styles - but I often change stuffs to adapt the designs to my style.
1 - same pants as in part 1 but this time in a double wool crepe from italy (i found it in a charity shop and the border says so in italian - it's absolutely gorgeous, i found 3 pieces of it at once for like 10 € each. I made a dress in the first piece, then these pants in the second)
2 - dream dress in a coton double gauze - the gingham is sized differently on each side of the fabric so i had fun deciding where to put which but i had less fun gathering all of that fabric (the nice thing is it's super light and i get a lot of compliments on it) - the pattern has a short sleeves version that i'd like to make for this summer
3 - a simple tee made in ribbing fabric (usually used for the collar and wrist pieces on sweater) - the pants were made last year but they're the same pattern as the pink ones in part 1, just the slim leg version!
4 - another super quick make in a modal fabric (it's so soft and nice to work with), the last one i made in june before my tendinitis stopped me from touching my machine for a couple of months (and tbh i maybe shouldn't have made this one lol)
5 - first project back on the sewing machine during the summer holidays, very quick one in the remnants of the linen-viscose blend i used to make the matching set in part 1 (can you tell i love this fabric and this colour?)
6 - a mini retro skirt in coton gabardine - the skirt was made to be short and as i'm taller than the average height used in patterns i lengthened it but almost not enough as i ended up having to do a single fold of 1cm to hem the bottom instead of the usual 1 + 2/3 lol
7 - ok so this one...i went in with no pattern and not much thoughts tbh i took this striped fabric and decided to turn thop of the piece into a plain colour by folding it repeatedly so that the folds would reveal the secondary colour by opening - it was super long to make especially because i just cut straight on the side instead of taking into account the fact that I am very much not straight from the waist down to the hips so i had to do a little fixing on the side seams once all the folding and assembling was done before i could put in the zipper. I was very proud of this skirt when I finished it but I've only worn it twice since then (september lol) because it's absolutely awful to iron it (and although i stitched every single fold on one side i still have to press them all one by one)
8 - these curtains are made in a wax fabric given to me by my grandmother who got it from a church friend who brought it from her homecountry in Africa (can't remember where that is, sorry) - they're lined in a dark navy coton so they can be more occulting (the same used at the bottom for the ruffles as the piece of fabric was too small for my curtains to go all the way down). I did this project in an evening so the inside finishes are very rough and i didn't even iron them but i was hellbent on finishing them on the day I started (after months of just having the fabric draped over the window as a makeshift curtain) - it doesn't show too well on the pictures but the darker yellow is actually gold!
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nayruwu · 5 months
I salute you & your dedication to gureshin (especially shinya) because back then I was so into them but later when I learned about how kagami is so biased against shinya & how he wrote guren forgiving all mahiru's doing I really stepped back. Even after year or something I look back to it & story still haven't brought any improvement to their relationship instead guren is getting harder to like while shinya seems to be forgotten. Idrc about mik//uu so whatever with them but even their writing got so bad. I heard kagami finally acknowledged he messed up is it true? If so I hope he knows his terrible writing choices really broke dedication & wasted time of readers.
thank you at this point i think something is seriously wrong with my brain💕
i think he said something about reading books to get better at writing, which is real funny considering how long he's been an author. and it really does feel like he used to be better. i can't comprehend how we went from regularly seeing pretty much every character to whatever the fuck happened in that flashback arc but i'm just glad shinoa squad is back at least.
the feedback to this chapter really shows how most of the readers that care about things other than mika and yuu have left and it's honestly sad, but i absolutely understand it. there's no reason for me to stay here, but i'm stuck, lol. so you guys are gonna keep getting dumb shinya posts whether you like it or not <3
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