#and so they are psychologically sound and psychologically healthy
atomic-sludge · 5 months
Flipping violently back and forth between "Imposter is overrated and gets too much fandom content. I dont want to contribute to that" and "Imposter is such an intriguing and interesting villain I'd love to explore that."
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unholyeverything · 6 months
I just realised tomorrow marks the 7ths week of me being sick and feeling like garbage lol It's some ups and downs but generally it's been a while since I've been healthy and none knows whats up which is nice.
#been to the doctor so many times#and at least my general doc is trying but she cant figure out what's wrong#and the throat specialist I've been to twice in one month got a very helpful “sounds like stress and you imagine all” for me#like thanks i keep having my ear throat and nose inflamed constantly and nothing i tried so far helped but surely its stress#my doc suspected a virus but we also didnt find any active anti bodies#so i was just told to rest and was off work for two weeks that also did nothing#so i worked again even tho my doc was like maybe not but i got psychological issues being home with nothing to do#gotta go to my dentist tomorrow to see if the source is there#but im sure its my ears but I'll never go back to that doc#i was there twice a month cuz it kept getting worse and got a stress stamp#stress i didnt even have lately cuz i got a healthy fuck you all work motivation now#and now I'll lose all chance for promotion cuz i cant do my usual 200% and my bosses translate that with: she broken now bye#going great#also don't really have motivation to draw anymore#I started to build model sets but idk if anyone would wanna see those#I also got a cyst on my ovaries and got an appointment in july#that gives me serious pms like i never had it before but ok#someone knows a doc that'll remove the whole uterus i don't need that shit anymore#anyways in case anyone's been wondering where i am lately or if anyone even read this my asks are open if anyone wants to ask smth#or ask my OCs they live rent free in my head and are very precious to me#even my new car is named Michael#he's cute and my record so far been 190km/h#one day I'll do the 225 he can do#just get off the road that day pls#that car was the onyl thing i worked for so idk what to do with my life now#save for car repairs maybe#anyone wants a pic of my child#he's orange#I'm very proud of myself i managed to save up for him quiet fast#these tags are wild but I'm feeling a bit more energetic thanks to some plant supplements my uncle gave me
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equalperson · 11 months
waiting for someone makes me fucking furious as a narcissist with ADHD. not only does ADHD impatience make me feel like i'm about to explode, but you keep me, a god among men, waiting?? absolutely appalling.
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brucewaynehater101 · 14 days
Warning: Dark, Suicidal Tim, etc. Also small spoilers for the Injustice movie
Had a random thought, slightly inspired by the Injustice movie: what if Tim, in a mental health slump, decided to teach the bats a final lesson? Every time he defends himself against Damian’s attacks, he’s criticized for it. So one day, he just doesn’t.
Damian gets angry and decides to take it out on the person he won’t be criticized for attacking. After Tim doesn’t respond to his taunts, he gets physical, and throws a knife or slashes his sword, expecting Tim to get out of the out of the way or block the blow, and Tim doesn’t. The sound of a blade parting flesh and a body falling to the ground gets the other bats attention, and they turn to see Damian standing there with blood on his blade and Tim’s body on the ground.
(Inspired by the scene in the Injustice movie where Damian kills Dick by throwing a baton (escrima stick? IDK) at him, expecting him to catch it (which, earlier in the movie, he did), and Dick, being distracted, doesn’t, and it hits him directly on the temple. Accident, sure, but caused by recklessness)
Basically Damian needs to learn that attacking other people because you are angry is NOT OKAY. Seriously, if you’re pissed, go beat up a training dummy or scream into a pillow.
Does Damian learn the lesson? Or not? What about B and Dick and the others? How do they react?
[Thank you for the TWs! WARNING: This is bad batfam. I love them, but we're chucking them under the angst crack bus for this]
Tw: Dark/Suicidal Tim, domestic abuse, psychological warfare, manipulation, mentions of suicide attempt
Tim is tired of constantly fighting back and defending himself. He's tired of Damian and Jason attacking him. He's tired of Dick and Bruce pushing his boundaries.
If Tim just allows Damian to stab him, *he'll* be the one to get lectured for not dodging. It will become Tim's fault, as a trained vigilante, for not preventing himself from being injured.
What does he decide to do?
Resist with extreme psychological warfare no matter the damage to himself.
He starts small.
He curates cases/stories of sibling abuse and starts to leave them in places Dick will find (hacking/messing with Dick's fyp, newspapers around the Manor, files on the batcomputer, a case Babs is informed about, etc). They aren't reflective of Tim's experiences, not yet, but they show common patterns: adult figures not stepping in, siblings being pushed to compete, escalation, negative behaviors transferring to people/things outside of the siblings, etc.
For Bruce, Tim tricks the man into reading an intimate relationships psychology textbook by stating it was necessary for a case. He then keeps tricking the man into reading gentle parenting, boundaries, and other such information.
Jason is much easier. Tim just leaves books of various siblings relationships within the man's safehouses (healthy ones, distant, cruel, enemies, abusive, recent siblings [like adoption], etc). Jason doesn't know Tim is the one leaving those books, but he is intrigued by the "recommendations." A lot of them have other lessons Tim has prepared mixed in as well [which, if Jason finds out Tim is the one who recommended the books after he starts getting along with him, then they can have book clubs ^^].
Tim sends a ton of empathy animal related movies/shows Dick's way so that the older one ropes Damian into watching them.
This takes months, but at no point does Tim relate the lessons to Tim himself yet.
He then starts pouring in warnings. When Damian tries to hurt him again, Tim asks Dick, "What if I was too tired to dodge it?" This is the only time he asks. Dick waves it off cause Damian "knows better" now. I
Tim almost gave up the game right there and then to prove a point. He held back, though.
For Jason, Tim throws in shock-value trauma dump phrases when they meet up to prevent the older one from attacking.
Jason: *pulls out a gun*
Tim: "Damn. You'd think after threatening to kill myself to prevent my future from occurring that I'd be okay with guns. For some reason, they still make me nauseous."
Jason: *holsters gun* "What the fuck?"
Tim: *nods and then disappears*
It kind of trains Jason from attacking Tim unless he wants to hear really fucked up shit that will have his mind spiraling for days.
For Bruce, Tim just points out how and when the man crosses other people's boundaries (but doesn't point out Tim's). He doesn't put any expectation or remedy out. He just indicates it to start Bruce's thought process of "Did I just cross someone's boundary?"
Then Tim feels that it's ready. He won't get blamed for not dodging Damian's attack.
So, he lets himself be seriously stabbed.
This cues Damian into having a mental breakdown. Dick and Bruce oscillate between blaming everyone else and then themselves. Jason, after seeing the shitshow of these reactions, assigns himself (without telling the others) to suicide watch Tim [those trauma dump phrases are working against Tim here].
Once Tim awakens and realizes the mess he's created, he fucking regrets it all. He doesn't want to have to clean it all up and manipulate them into being better. He's also kind of pissed at Damian for not aiming for his heart or something. Damn.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Intimidation Ranking / Yan Sumeru Boys.
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Kaveh — 2/10
Like... he's writing your names next to one another in his notebook and drawing a heart around it. Kaveh isn't inspiring much fear in the traditional sense. You find him endearing more than anything. He visibly brightens up when you're around, stares off into the horizon and sighs when you're not. His more socially unacceptable tendencies are kept under lock and key (such as his innumerable blueprints for how he'll build your house when you get married, despite how you're both only friends). His romantic rivals don't have to fear for their lives as much as they would if put up against the others on this list. That being said, he still has his methods for dealing with them. It's more psychological in nature. Once he's cemented himself as an important figure in your life, he'll 'exaggerate the truth' (he thinks the word lying has a negative connotation), about any rivals' negative traits. He does this covertly over increments of time so as not to arouse any suspicion. You couldn't possibly look at Kaveh and suspect any wrongdoing on his part.
Alhaitham — 5/10
Alhaitham is weird because he has the potential to rank high, but he'd rather not go that route if it isn't necessary. Outsourcing to criminals would require extra work. He'd prefer to stay in the realm of legality for convenience's sake, perhaps pushing gray areas, but nothing that'll require a major coverup. Just a little good old-fashioned coercion if you're being stubborn about returning his affections. He's crafty, he needn't get his hands dirty to obtain the outcome he desires. Should you be of an academic inclination, he'll utilize his influence in those spheres to impede your progress. There's no physical evidence so you have no means of retaliation. Given his dispassionate demeanor, people will have a hard time believing you should you tell them about this. Alhaitham himself will utilize a similar tactic should you ever confront him. His sound logic and steady voice make you wonder if you really are imagining everything. It's maddening.
Cyno — 7.5/10
Cyno is a force of nature. Once he's set his sights on you, that's it. While it isn't you who needs to be frightened per se, the same cannot be said for those he deems as questionable influences in your life (basically anyone who isn't him that receives your attention). He has the authority and resources to comb through their entire bloodline for any potential wrongdoings. No one's lived a perfect life, he's bound to find something, even if it just ends with them having to pay a fine. Still, in a highly competitive area like Sumeru, having anything on their record is a death sentence. Rumors start circulating that anyone who hangs out around you is subject to meticulous background checks. No one knows why, but that doesn't matter, the risk alone serves as a sufficient deterrent. If they cheated on a test when they were ten, Cyno is going to find out. The man's nothing if not determined. Cyno genuinely thinks he's doing this in your best interest — his conscience is crystal clear. This adds another layer of formidability because there will be no convincing him to stop.
Wanderer — 9/10
As Scaramouche, it would've been a 10/10, but he's had some character development. Emphasis on the word some. Nahida considers his budding attachment to you a healthy development, especially since you're the first person he's taken an active interest in without her involvement. He's keen on maintaining this innocent, well-meaning façade since he's still under surveillance for his previous crimes. This unintentionally works wonders for him. While he still has a sharp tongue, the fact he actively chooses to be in your general vicinity proves you're special to him. You think he's harmless, if not a touch blunt. He's perpetually hanging around and offering to help with whatever you're up to. You're happy, Nahida's happy, and surprisingly enough, he's happy. This cannot be said for anyone else in your friend group. He increases his unpleasantness when around them, never to an incriminating degree, but just enough to give them pause. They'd rather not deal with him and he's always around you, like a miserable little forcefield that repels any outside force. Wanderer may not be free to wreak havoc anymore, but all that means is that he has to get creative about it. Nahida's lack of omnipotence gives him enough room to slink around. Where there's a will, there's a way.
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freyaphoria · 3 months
maybe you could do something like the reader thinks they successfully poisoned/hurt [any ateez member] but they’re incredibly wrong?
I love the idea, I was also inspired by something ahem manhwa ahem, can you guess what it is :3
Tw: yandere hongjoong, drugging, force feeding, food, vomiting
wc: 893
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Your hands were shaking as you rummaged through the medicines in the warehouse. Since you didn't know which medicine did what, you took a few of each medicine and put them in your pocket. You were careful not to make a sound, but because of adrenaline, you dropped some boxes and cursed under your breath.
You loved Hongjoong, you really did. At the beginning of your relationship, he made you feel like you were the only person in the world. You were in this state because he wanted to be the only person in your world too.
Maybe you were crazy like him. What mentally healthy person would want to get rid of their boyfriend by poisoning him? Did you want to kill him completely or did you want to give him enough medicine to hospitalize him? You didn't know what you wanted to do to him, either option would help you escape from here.
You heard the door to Hongjoong's room open and you ran to the kitchen, threw all the medicine you collected into the soup on the stove and stirred it. You were shaking so much it was impossible for him not to notice something was going on.
Humming a song, Hongjoong walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. “It smells delicious, what are you cooking darling?” He sat at the dining table behind you and started watching you cooking. You couldn't open your mouth to answer him because you were afraid your voice would shake. "Darling, I asked you a question." His tone had changed, and when you still did not answer, he stood up from the table and walked towards you. You panicked and turned towards him. "Soup. I'm cooking soup. Your favorite." Hongjoong smiled at you when your voice shook. "Why are you so nervous? Did you do something?" If you acted well, would he still suspect you? Most likely yes. Hongjoong knew everything. He knew your thoughts and actions before you did.
"I didn't do anything." you said as you tried to breathe and calm yourself down. Hongjoong stared at you with one eyebrow raised. "Okay then." Suddenly he sat at the dining table again and continued to watch you. You could feel his eyes on the back of your head, but you couldn't turn to look at him.
Once you finished cooking the soup, you turned to Hongjoong. "Do you want to eat now or-" "We will eat together. You can set the table." He said interrupting you. You couldn't eat together. With your heart pounding, you tried to make an excuse. "I ate before you came. I'm full now. You eat, then I'll eat later." This time he wasn't smiling. He would make this facial expression when you were in trouble. "I said eat."
You poured some soup for yourself too because you didn't know what to do. You put the plate in front of him and sat at the table.
"Darling, you eat first." You weren't surprised because you knew he was going to say this. You thought about not swallowing but just holding the soup in your mouth and waiting until he drank it. Your hands were shaking so much as you dipped the spoon into the soup that you spilled some into the bowl. Hongjoong was watching you carefully.
Of course, Hongjoong wasn't stupid. You had put detergent in his food before, but Hongjoong noticed it immediately because it smelled. Your excuse was that you spilled detergent because you thought it was sauce. How cute, he thought.
You kept the soup in your mouth, trying not to swallow it. You nodded for Hongjoong to eat, but Hongjoong was still looking at you with those scary eyes. If you looked at it any longer, you were afraid to swallow the soup. "Swallow it." he ordered. When he saw that you did not swallow, he suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted. "I told you to swallow!" You swallowed with fear. You didn't know if it was psychological or if the medicines started working immediately, but you were feeling nauseous right now.
Hongjoong got up from the table and walked over to you, taking the soup spoon in his hand and dipping it into the bowl. "Why don't you finish them all? You worked hard to make this. Let me help you." He held your arms with one hand while forcing you to drink all the soup. "That's it, was it that hard?"
When he let go of your arms, you ran towards the bathroom as he grabbed his own bowl and poured it into the sink. You emptied the contents of your stomach and flushed the toilet. You were out of breath and trying to regain your senses when you heard a voice behind you.
"All the drugs in the warehouse were vitamin supplements. As long as you don't take 100, you won't get poisoned. Do you think I would put heavy drugs where you can reach them when you try to poison me once?" He approached you and tied your hair behind you. You thought he was going to comfort you for vomiting, but suddenly he started pulling you by your hair and dragging you to the basement. "Hongjoong! I am sorry! I wasn't thinking! Please-" "Your tactics were good, but you need to improve your acting skills."
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a/n: Also thx for 200 followers! I love u all!♡♡ I'm a little sad these days, so I don't like what I write, but I hope you like it!
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AITA for asking my partner not to be around me when she has panic attacks?
Probably sounds bad, but please read first. I (28FTM) have been with my partner (25MTF) for just over two years. We’ve lived together just over a year. We both have significant mental health issues, although her symptoms have always been more severe/uncontrolled than mine.
I have always been extremely supportive of my partner’s mental health issues. About 6 months after we started dating she had a mental health crisis that resulted in her being hospitalized for severe suicidal ideation; I helped her get support with her college, find a psychiatrist, therapist, and an HRT provider (since she was extremely dysphoric at the time and hadn’t started).
Around 6 months ago she had another suicidal episode where she actually attempted in front of me. I helped her receive medical help again, supported her throughout and after the hospitalization process, helped her find accommodations for university classes, and find and start alternate treatment (ketamine). I’ve also been supporting her in between her crises by attending some of her therapy with her at her request so I can learn what grounding exercises and such her therapist recommends when she’s panicking or suicidal, since she often forgets her coping mechanisms when in a crisis, and just listening to her and being there when she wants help.
All that is to say, I believe I’ve been extremely supportive in helping her find ways to sustain a healthy life while having mental health issues. However, one of her diagnoses is tourette’s (which I’m aware is neurological and not necessarily psychological) and this results in her having compulsive verbal tics that worsen especially when she’s stressed.
One of these tics is her saying “I’m going to kill myself” repeatedly when distressed (along with other severely hateful statements toward herself). This has always been extremely distressing for me to hear, even when I talk to her to make sure it’s a tic moment and not actual suicidal ideation.
I have been working with my personal therapist so that I don’t immediately go into my own damage-control type crisis when I hear her ticcing. However it’s still been extremely anxiety inducing for me to deal with this, to the point where I’m starting to either dissociate or panic when I even notice that she’s having a panic attack, because I expect to start hearing her say really awful things again. It’s even to the point where I think it’s affecting my overall mental health because I’ve been hearing these distressing tics so often I feel like I’ve started to internalize them (like, me more often having intrusive suicidal thoughts when depressed) although I certainly don’t blame her for how I’ve been feeling or my own thoughts that I’m having when depressed.
I talked to her about this recently and explained how I think it’s been effecting my mental health, especially as I work from home and her panicking often interrupts my work when she comes into our shared office to talk to me while panicking - which then makes me get behind on my work, since I feel like I can’t ignore her and want to help when she’s having a panic attack.
My mental health has also been extremely poor lately as I’m dealing with a lot of work and a sudden diagnosis of (benign) kidney adrenal tumors that I’m starting treatment for. I’ve been doing things to try to improve how I’m feeling but I’m still in a very difficult place right now.
Even though I feel extremely bad for asking I asked her to please try grounding herself at least to the point she’s not loudly saying that she wants to kill her self and hates herself when she’s panicking and wants to talk to me. I emphasized that she should always come talk to me if she is actually feeling like she’s going to do something harmful. But I’m seriously starting to feel like these verbal tics are affecting my functioning day to day, and I don’t know what else to do. And of course I still love her and want to be with her, I don’t even feel like that needs to be said but I want to emphasize it. I just feel like I need to make sure that I am safe and taking care of my basic mental health needs, like not having extreme panic attacks when she’s panicking, to even begin to try and help her out when she’s struggling.
So AITA for asking my partner to stop coming to me when she’s having these extreme panic attacks?
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vryfmi · 2 months
silent boy theory
bringing this theory back because ive been rotating it nonstop
[mild book spoilers!]
skull is characterised by his voice and snarky comments that Lucy has to put up with during their conversations, as well as the whispering tone which is heavily emphasised throughout the series. so when Dulac references to Bickerstaff's servant boy (aka skull) as "that silent Boy" in her confessions it really clashes with skull's personality as we know it.
TL;DR: my theory is that skull was mute or on a verge of losing his voice due to sickness, caused by working conditions and Bickerstaff's abandonment. thus, his ghost can't recall his healthy voice and can only whisper.
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[id from alt text: a photo of the passage from the book with line "that silent Boy" being emphasised by image's dimensions./end id]
firstly, it's the whispering skull. not quietly talking skull, not its-voice-sounds-far-away skull. whispering.
‘Because you sure as hell look it.’ It was the lowest, throatiest of whispers; alien, but familiar. I’d heard it once before. (TWS) The hoarse whisper came from somewhere close behind my ear. ‘I say stab them first, ask questions later! That’s your only sensible option.’ (THB)
argument could be made, that silver-glass muffles the voice and it becomes quieter. but here's a thing - whisper is a voice alteration, not a sound quality. when whispering, vocal cords don't vibrate, and produced speech has a different phonation. so whisper and quiet speech are technically two different things.
secondly, skull's work field and conditions. as a young servant, skull was able to see visitors and ward them off Bickerstaff and his master's friends, while they were robbing graves for potential sources. ghosts radiate cold, temperature can drop down to 5 degrees centigrade, that much we know from books, that's why agents are wearing jackets and gloves during ghost hunting cases. and skull's ghost was described as wearing only a shirt and ill fitting trousers, while also being barefooted.
It was the first time I’d ever really looked at him, at the spirit that he truly was. He wore a white shirt and gray trousers that were slightly too short for his bony legs. His feet were bare. He’d still been young when he died. (TEG)
with Bickerstaff's obsession and apparent blindness to anything else that wasn't his device, it's safe to say that he would neglect skull's needs and didn't bother to get his servant any proper clothes, not to mention shoes, which at the time were expensive, since children constantly need shoes as they grow up, and it wasn't uncommon for children from lower class to not have shoes at all and walk barefooted.
that said, my theory is that skull came down with sickness while grave robbing, and Bickerstaff ignored it (mainly because he was a psych doctor, not a medical one), skull's condition worsened and turned into laryngitis. without treatment, his vocal cords got damaged, resulting in loss of voice.
[now, im in no way educated to diagnose a fictional character and there can be mistakes in my logic (like how skull could have lost his voice prior to Bickerstaff), but i went down a rabbit hole and need to share this.]
there's a condition that fits the description of person losing their voice or only be able to talk in whisper, it's called aphonia. there are multiple common causations for this condition, namely psychological, but organic aphonia is caused by damage on vocal cords or throat, that could have happened due to disease or physical trauma. (source)
it's also worth pointing out that any voice disorders in children and teenagers affects the way they socialise and behave. gestures and facial expressions become alternative to communication when voice is too weak for speech or it is painful to talk.
Someone had knocked the cloth off the ghost-jar, and the face had re-materialized. It pulled extravagant expressions of horror and disgust whenever I passed by. (TWS)
‘You know the rules: minimal manifestations, no rude faces, and absolutely no talking.’ The ghost looked wounded. ‘I wasn’t talking, was I? Do you call this talking? Or this?’ It pulled a rapid series of grotesque expressions, each one worse than the last. (THB)
and finally, Lucy. she almost undeniably plays a role of interpretor that passes down what skull says, since others have no way of communicating with him or, more specifically, no way of hearing him. it all does seem to fit perfectly together (at least to me) so i can't stop wondering of how intentional any of that was on Stroud's behalf. then yet again, Stroud did say that that he had a draft for skull's backstory but scraped it in favour of keeping his character as mysterious as possible. some elements could've stayed in the final version of the books, who knows.
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patchiko · 8 months
You’ve been given AK Jason so much love thx ☺️ if it’s not too much… what are some of AK Jason’s comforts? Does he have comfort foods? 🥘 Does he like the sound of the rain? 🌧️ Naps on the couch ? 🛋️
Thx 🥰
ill give this man love anytime💟
and its never too much anon, i love writing for him and yall!
Comforting Ak!Jay
(ngl this also just turned into my character analysis of Ak!Jay’s psychological gymnastics from Comics ((AK Genesis & Batman: AK)) and games) (still wrote the comfort shit tho)
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hc, but i dont think any jason todds like the rain. it reminds them too much of the time he was a kid, didnt have a place to stay and went to sleep cold and wet
or when he was still young and with his family, his apartment would get flooded.
alone, i dont think jason can comfort himself very well.
beats himself for it when its over, drops him back into a spiral
just very much not healthy
HOWEVEER with someone is very different ,,
I Ramble Abt Jason Todd
post writing this, i feel like that one tweet thats like, ‘i never realized she was holding a plate of corn in this scene.’
Ak!Jays spirals or episodes come from two things, his self-esteem or self-worth, along with his lack of self-identity
Ak!Jason (Post/During AK) has a very hard time with his self worth, it solely stems from wanting to prove people wrong about himself. he obviously doesn’t like being perceived in the wrong way.
Ak!Jason (Post/During AK) says he’s move pasts his traumas, yet his identity and reasoning is constantly rooted in them, leading to so much contradictory dialogue and mental FUCKING GYMNASTICS.
ak!jay juggling if he wants to be loved by batman/batfam or wants to end it
i think he often ponders if he was better off being killed by the joker, or if he can really be redeemed from his actions as Arkham Knight by helping Gotham as Red Hood.
and if it’s enough for the people around him or someone to accept him.
if he can truly ever be loved
he has a lot of crisises about his identity and purpose more often then not b/c he cant find a reason for either besides his own anger and approval addiction.
, his biggest fear is losing, being worthless, and unwanted.
his constant drive is winning and proving himself as the best.
it causes his always feeling the need to prove himself, just so that hes wanted.
full pic is him on hid knees begging alfred for help,, my baby—-
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the first introduction of his internalized self-deprecation is with his father, other then the Arkham Knight Annual
though he rejects this “truth” in the Annual, showing his determination to prove himself more then what Bruce and the Joker idealizes him to be, I think its a good mirror into Jasons mind and what really makes him start cracking
Ex. , his biological father canonically telling him he was a loser growing up, and his mom seems to personify/objectify Jason as gothams gravitation keeping them in gotham.
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another example is the way he is talked to throughout scarecrows psychotropic
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throughout the comic and game he goes between or showing a desire for a connection with bruce and praising joker for his upbringing, then chastising them.
its very clear jason has an identity issue, with him isolating himself because he believes he is too broken (game dialogues), his need for validation stemming from his childhood, his fear of abandonment, and overall internal dilemmas of wanting a connection or not. obviously hes not good with working out his emotions on his own without doing considerably impulsive things.
jason wanting to be his own person v jason wanting to be a better person for the people in his life
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He see’s the place he was tortured as a rebirth for him, along with his plan to destroy Gotham and Bruce.(AK: Genesis)
This only comes from his desire to want his own separate identity, by ending these cycles of Bruces actions and Gothams nightmares he also believes that he will be truly free.
his only true identification with himself is anger and resentment, being built, gravitated, and broken by anger. feeling like hes always losing or lost, and his desire to just win something and therefore be wanted
okay to stop a fuckton of more rambling jason todd, abandoment issues, jealousy/obsession issues, need for connection, validation, relationships, self-destructive isolation, brainwashing induced perception issue, intense mood swings which also cause perception issues.
i guess it could try to be argued that Jason doesn’t actually want validation bc he got over the psychotropic; but i disagree with the way he constantly talks about being underestimated and feeling like he has to prove himself throughout the comics and his dialogue with Barbra in game.
i also want to make it clear that throughout the ak!comics he does help civilians so it does really have morality for other people. He does separate Gothams Gravity from the people, and claims the worst of the worst (villains and such) are the people who succumb to gotham.
(im only stopping bc im on mobile and couldn’t put anymore pictures)
im so upset.
theres so much i didnt get to talk abt
Ok Actually Comforting
so its pretty god damn hard to comfort this dude, he’s a chronic over analyzer, could probably turn anything and everything you say against himself or you, and yet would crave validation and intimacy.
which makes him a bit of a trip,, but i love him. so.
a lot of the time you’ll have to go with his flow
if its really bad he’ll isolate himself, he feels like he’s letting you down by breaking in front of you. He can’t let you see him as weak because to him its a liability for your relationship.
as well as the fact that his perception becomes very extreme/warped when very emotional. he’ll can range from believe your lying to him, to he’s not worth that kind of comfort and he’s wasting your time.
it takes a lot of patience for him to accept that he isnt an inconvenience to you and you do actually care
overtime, a lot of fucking time, he’ll slowly come around to this. instead of leaving for days or weeks at a time, Jason will leave for at most a day or two, but around midnight he’ll be home craving your presence.
he cant be alone again, he really doesn’t wanna be alone again, he needs to make sure you don’t wanna leave him.
probably just goes to sleep facing you, or holding your hand if hes feeling especially mushy.
he’d be so quiet, having the internal battle of leaving you or letting him feed into his desire of just having you around him.
In his words, needing a home. feeling safe, and warm. (I LIED I DELETED TWO PICS TO SHOW THIS)
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jason thinking of alfred as home>>
Jason needs that in a partner! Someone who is warm to him! someone who makes him feel wanted or needed! Someone who makes him feel safe!
I think if you catch him just as he gets triggered/begins to spiral, you can help him not crash out.
Being over the top mushy with him isnt gonna work, he needs someone to ground him and be 100% with him.
sometimes he doesn’t need to talk or just doesn’t want to, again presence.
but acknowledging him every now and then to make sure he knows your not brushing him off or forgot about him.
when you’re in a closer relationship he definitely just wants you in his arms, needs to hold you close.
Home-cooked meals with him, justing going about your life with him, making him feel wanted, making him feel acknowledged.
i think he’d open up every now and then, but i think he’s also still a self-assured person who needs guidance at the right time. to just be sure he’s on the right path and youre with him.
one of his triggers is his own jealousy, accidentally making him feel like he’s replaceable or him believing you’ll get tired of him.
he needs so much reassurance.
just be there with him, guide him, love him, make sure he’s on the right path.
he needs a lot of things, sometimes its naps, sometimes its food, sometimes just to be in your arms, sometimes to help you cook, sometimes watching you work, sometimes he’ll have you lay your back on his chest and read with him, sometimes he just wants to fall asleep with you, sometimes he wants to cry in your arms, JUSDHRIDJDJDISO JASON TODD COME HOME WE MISS YOUUUU
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this was so satisfying to write i <3 jason todd
rq/inbox is open !! if you just wanna yap or wanna request somethin’ go ahead!
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northgazaupdates · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Let’s help Laila, Bassam, and their children get to safety!
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strike-another-match · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Of course I will share and donate. I hope you reach your goal so that you and your family cab be safe soon.
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yourjughead · 7 months
Begin Again
Sweet Pea X Reader Oneshot
Synopsis: Sweet Pea is longing to have you be his again after a drunken mistake he made a few years ago.
A/N: Short-ish, fluffy.
“Pea, do we have to do this every day?”
“Only until you say yes YNN” the tall Serpent practically towered over you as he leaned across the Whyte Wyrm bar top where you polished glasses.
“SP, give it a break, you're sounding desperate” Fangs smirked at his best friends daily ritual, sliding onto a barstool next to him.
“I'm just looking for another chance is all”
“Pea one of these days I'm gonna roll my eyes so hard at you I'm gonna go blind” you gently patted his shoulder smilingly before moving down the bar to take another Serpents drink order. Jugheads birthday party getting into the full swing of things.
“You've worked so hard to get back to this place SP, are you sure you want to risk losing it all again”
“Fangs, I just know we're supposed to be more but maybe it's time to just call it” Sweet Pea watched your outline drift into the sea of Serpents as you moved from behind the bar with a tray of drinks. You had known one another for over two decades, raised in the shadow of this very bar. Partners in crime with a healthy dose of one-sided outwards pining but mutual feelings. The two of you had dated before, it crashing and burning almost two years ago.
Sweet Pea scanned the room, his gaze landing on Veronica Lodge, laughing with her Riverdale counterparts.
“Ugh I know that look” Fangs followed his glance before taking a swig from his drink.
“That's the, let me jump on the next thing that moves and pretend it's yn because that's who I really want but can't have, look”
“Sounds like it needs a rebrand” Sweet Pea chuckled in return before pushing off the bar and strolling over to reacquaint himself with the raven haired girl boss. He squished into the booth alongside the Northsiders and began to work his magic on Veronica as you rejoined Fangs at the bar, apron and drink in hand.
“Finished for the night YNN?”
“Yeah, right on time to watch that trainwreck” you plastered a smile across your face that didn't quite reach your eyes as you took a deep drink from your glass and threw the apron around the other side of the bar.
“I know you want him back and you're scared what happened…will happen again”
“Woah Dr. Fogarty when's the daytime advice show airing?” you laughed as Fangs joined you. Fangs passed his drink from his hand to yours, taking your empty glass. You tore your eyes from the booth and landed them on Archie Andrews, back fresh from active duty. He moved through the crowd heading back to his friends from the bathroom.
“Oh god, not that look”
“That's the, let me jump on the next thing that moves and distract myself from the deep unresolved feelings I have towards Sweet Pea, look”
“A rebrand should be considered” he laughed at you and your similarities to Sweet Pea. He considered a career in behavioural psychology as you sprung from your chair with a fresh drink and swanned over to Archie.
The night took a very drunk turn from there, for all parties involved. Dancing and drinking and shameless flirting were heavy themes of the night. You felt Archie's hands trace your hips as you both swayed to the music growing in volume. Throwing your head back laughing at whatever Archie said, his mouth quickly attached to your neck. Your surprise turned to rising pleasure and then very quickly to shock as the red head was suddenly pulled back from you.
“Hey yourself Andrews!” Sweet Pea stepped between the both of you, pushing Archie backwards by the chest.
“Sweet Pea leave it” you tried to pull him by the shoulder back only to have him shrug you off and whip around back to you.
“You're being stupid YN” you scoffed at him as Archie began to give out again. Sweet Pea whirled around, his bare fist meeting the side of Archie's jaw. Fangs launched himself from the bar, Jughead following suit, attempting to separate the two of them as they began to brawl. Your head started to swirl from the alcohol, fed up with the boys in front of you, you separated from them, and out the door.
You made it a little way along the road up from the bar as Sweet Peas drunken gait met you.
“YN, where are you going!?”
“Away from you!” You shouted back, matching his tone. He reached you quickly, catching your wrist and turning you to face him.
“Let go of me!”
“YN when are we going to stop pretending you don't still have feelings for me!” His wild eyes searched yours for answers, wishing to not hear what you said next.
“When are you going to stop pretending you didn't hurt me!” You snatched back your wrist and stomped in the direction of home again.
“YN, that was a mistake, a stupid, drunken mistake, she didn't mean anything to me-”
“-then why'd you do it?” You suddenly turned again, bumping into his chest. The street lights cut through the night as you bite back alcohol induced tears.
“I… I don't have any excuses. I've said I'm sorry but I'll say it again, I'll never stop saying it. I made out with that girl. I did and I have never not regretted it, I'm sorry” you looked into his genuine eyes as they dampened with tears. He caught hold of your shoulders and stepped in closer.
“YN, I am sorry. I'm so sorry. I know I said I'd be happy to have you in my life even just as a friend, that I'd make peace with whatever scraps you'd give me but….I need you. I need you to be mine again and I need you to need me” he gulped at the end of his confession and then leaned in to meet your lips. A flush of memories enveloped both of you, warm and comforting, familiar and pure. You separated again, dismay painting your face but not as much as Sweet Pea’s when the palm of your hand sailed across his face.
“That…That was for drunkenly kissing that girl the first night we went long distance” you then shoved him backwards, tears now streaming down your face as you gritted out “That…that was for once again getting behind the walls I built to keep you away” you grabbed the collar of his shirt then, hauling him back to you again. He went willingly, too dumbfounded to put up a fight. You pulled him down to meet your lips again prior to pushing him back, still holding his collar.
“And that…that was for making me want to try again” he gently lowered down your hands, keeping them in his. You rested your head off his chest, he dropped your hands and draped his arms over you, pulling you in. You both stood there for a long time in the glow of the street lights above you.
“Fangs owes me 100$”
“Why?” you laughed into him, reaching for his hand and pulling him into a walk again, not really sure what direction you were heading in.
“He said I'd never wear you down again, bet 100$ two years ago when we started being friends again”
“You owe me half of that” you smiled.
“I owe you everything
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
this fundraiser has been vetted by ibtisams fairuzfan and fallahifag!
they've only raised €4,187 out of their €45,000 target, please donate!
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Review: Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic
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If there's one book I would always go back to or always look back to or recommend to others it is this book! Seriously, that's how good this book is. To start with, this book is the best because it is direct, to the point, and only 100ish pages. I honestly have to put the following "warning" that the author himself puts in the start of the book:
Because some of these things sound simple and interesting, don't get an idea to “do a variation.” When you try to work “magic” using only your own enthusiasm you are treading in dangerous waters.
How do I sell you on this book? that's a funny way of me saying that this is the best book you will have in your library as a starting beginner. First let me mention some stuff from the book, which is evil eye being the first chapter and get dealt with so swiftly with a beer bath and there's no extra mystification or complicated procedure being given. As this whole book the procedures are simple but application of them consistently will proves their benefits. In the Arbatel itself we find the following:
God and Nature have ordained all things to a certain and appointed end: so that for examples sake, they who perform cures with the most simple herbs and roots, do cure the most happily of all. And in this manner, in Constellations, Words and Characters, Stones, and such like, do lie hid the greatest influences or vertues in deed, which are in stead of a miracle.
Protection while asleep, psychic, attacks, and stuff related to sleep and protecting your loved ones can be seen here where you can help someone who can't help themselves like a child or someone who's too weak to protect themselves at night.
My Favorite Chapter(4) is the bath/spiritual baths chapter. Every part of the bath from beginning to end is filled with gems and wisdom that you will not regret. 4 Cleansing baths, 12 herbal bath, 6 household items baths, 2 love baths, and 4 nut baths, like what's MORE I can say except mention the bath he got the most testimony out of! To add ¼ cup bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to the regular bath water is an amazing cleansing bath both physically and spiritually :) of course praying, doing it with the instructions and so on is the best you can do!
Special mentions go to chapter 6 for teaching how to cleanse with an egg and not making it some tiktokized or 30 seconds or 2 minutes version of it. What can I say more is that it is a VERY amazing chapter, for all kind of cleansing emotional or spiritual, for eyestrain, for protection while asleep, cleansing your home, cleansing the sick, and cleansing your pet!
I will jump over chapter 7 and 8 despite them being EXTREMELY good and mention that chapter 9 is a MUST READ. Mainly these methods of washing the head or feeding the head are used to work with the non-physical part of the human mentation, not exactly a replacement for psychology or psychiatry or medical treatment of mental illnesses but it is an AMAZING addition to anyone who's healthy but feel slightly "off".
The last chapter and appendix is about finding spiritual practitioner to help you, and what Draja describe as "Recommended System of Treatment for General Therapy", I am honestly just going to say good read the book, it isn't that long and the weight of it is in gold with how much jam-packed it is with technique you would pick up from here or there. Go buy it, pirate it, I don't know just get it and see for yourself!
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gothhabiba · 1 year
White people are allowed to use appeals to 'trauma' to defend and explain their (and other white people's) behaviour—including racist behaviour—in ways that people of colour are not. 'Trauma' in this formulation (that is, a mitigating circumstance that can be appealed to—not just to explain and excuse whatever behaviour—but to make that behaviour appear healthful and beneficial on an individual or societal level)—this kind of 'trauma' is something that only white people can possess.
People of colour—in a usamerican context we ought to be talking primarily about Indigenous & African americans—are not subjects or people who can be traumatised. True, they're not thought of as people whose trauma matters—but, more than this, they're not thought of as having the kind of mind that can be traumatised in the first place.
They don't have the kind of mind that can suffer and then 'heal' from 'trauma'—a mind at its core healthy and sanitary, but corruptible—a mind flexible enough to rejuvenate or regenerate itself. Regenerating potential, complex individual psychology, a 'clean' state prior to trauma that can be corrupted and ought to be protected from corruption—these things belong to whiteness alone.
These are the aspects of whiteness that make an appeal to corrupted white childhood especially powerful for reactionary and progressive people alike. The white child is in the ultimate state of innocent, fragile purity and simultaneous elastic rigour. The white child's purity must not be challenged or complicated (thus ideas such as 'white children ought to be shielded from the realities of racism which their peers of colour are presumably already dealing with')—but white people can, once corrupted, still become productive citizens of a healthy national body politic, given sufficient attention to the 'recovery' of that previous un-traumatised state.
This 'recovery' employs discourses of medicine and psychology as sanitation and the (white) mind both as originally pure and robust, and as recoverable and regenerative enough to re-attain that original state. These discourses also posit that white psychological recovery serves a national function. The converse is also true; marginalised white people's attempts to address their marginalisation frequently invoke nationalist imagery and nationalist myth-making (in shoring up a sense of personal identity as a white member of the nation; in claiming the 'right' as a white member of the nation not to be marginalised or oppressed).
So Indigenous & African americans cannot be traumatised. they can be foreign (yeah, foreign, however counterintuitive it sounds) antagonists and villains, collective hoards, drains on resources, sources of labour, the tragic dead, or tragic victims, but even in the more apparently sympathetic of these formulations they are not psychologically individual or complex enough to be traumatised as people. They especially cannot be thought of as traumatisable or regenerative as populations, since that would entail an acknowledgement of usamerican colonial wrongdoing and the admission of a possible future not predicated on white hegemony.
If they are 'traumatised' populations it is a kind of trauma that is tragic but irrecoverable, or else self-imposed and self-perpetuated; they don't have a mind, an individual, psychologically complex mind, the kind of mind whose individual experiences matter and ought all to be taken into account and sympathised with in understanding behaviour, the kind of mind that justifies and necessitates any action taken in order to maintain its hygiene. Their minds are neither originally 'pure' (such that they must be protected from trauma) nor robust and elastic enough to recover (such that they can ever really be healthy members of the us national / political body).
An appeal to white trauma, and especially to white childhood trauma, is just sort of a sympathy magic bullet that the stars rarely align enough to allow a person of colour to discursively counter ime. "Colonialism, slavery, and encountering racism traumatise people" is not admissible evidence to these people. The white person engaging in racist behaviour can be excused and pitied—even have their behaviour be thought of as healthful and beneficial—on the basis of their trauma. To the extent that people of colour are harmed by this behaviour, it simply doesn't matter.
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girlbloggercher · 10 months
new year, new you: how to be your best self
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every year, we say that we'll do this, we'll stop doing that, etc. but do we ever do it? no. and if we do, it's only temporary. you can't lose weight, be nicer, study more, etc., if you wait and wait and wait until next year and procrastinate again. so, how can you be your best self?
1. stop procrastinating
a few months ago, i watched a video on how to stop procrastinating. and long story short, you can't wait until you're ready, you have to make yourself do it. there is no such thing as feeling 'ready.' you have to be ready, you have to tell yourself "i'm ready." that's the only way to achieve your goals.
2. make your goals realistic
if you have a goal to lose weight, don't set your goal as 'lose 300 pounds by march.' that doesn't even sound right. first of all, that means you're losing more than 3 pounds a day, which is not healthy. second, you're going to kill yourself. i'm serious. both the physical and psychological stress will kill you.
3. stop doubting yourself
if you make your goals realistic like i told you to, then there literally should be no reason to doubt yourself. what the hell are you scared of? failing? failure is apart of success. have you ever heard the term 'opposites attract?' it references dating, but it also applies to life. if you only have good things happen, you won't be prepared for failure and you won't know how to deal with it. but if you fail, you'll know how to get back up again.
4. make vision boards
you can either make one vision board for the whole year. or, you can make one for each month, like me. i like to go on pinterest for pics, and i find a few on tumblr, but mainly pinterest. vision boards are a good way to help you visualize what you want your life to look like.
5. make it a habit
if you want to, make january your time to practice. make your goals habits first. it only takes 30 days to develop a habit.
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