#and some are really just to make us giggle like poison being Great at animal tracking for hunting
cowboycatss · 2 months
do you have any danger days headcanons?
i do :3 off the top of my head
- party is an artist!! the girl loves learning from him. he draws roadrunners a lot bc he thinks they’re cool
- jet gets migraines a lot. it fucking SUCKS
- jet also hogs up all the shampoo and conditioner they’ve got, he will Not let those curls be ugly. the others can cope, im on her side
- the girl made them all bracelets and they refuse to ever take them off
- cherri wears cowboy boots, he gifted a pair to the girl
- kobra wakes up like UNGODLY early but so does the girl so they quietly hang out every morning
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frogs-are-pretty · 3 years
Demon Brother headcanons for trying to get their attention
You're trying to ask them on a date but they're ignoring you, then you figure out the best way to get their attention
Includes demon brothers, lord diavolo, barbatos, simeon, and solomon
No Luke cause that's your brother, tf??
He was outside of RAD talking to Lord Diavolo about something
You honestly didn't know what they were talking about but hoped it would end soon
Barbatos knew you were there but also knew where this was going
Lord Diavolo knew you were there too but thought it best not to say something since it was Lucifer you wanted
You were starting to get aggravated
Then you had an idea
You went and held his gloved hand
He was taken aback by the sudden weight on his hand
He turned and saw you and your hands intertwined with his
He would've been happier for the affection if it wasn't in the middle of his conversation with Lord Diavolo
He asked what were you doing with an intrigued yet confused tone
"Well I was trying to get your attention but you wouldn't pay attention to me. Anyway, there's a new place that opened up that sells different varieties of princess' poison apples. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me."
"Why you didn't ask Beel to go? He likes princess' poison apples."
Yes Lucifer liked them more than Beel does, but he didn't see why you had to interrupt the conversation to ask him
You ad to repeat the part where you wanted to go with him, only him
That's when he asked if you were asking him on a date
Once he figured that out he agreed and told you that your going as soon as be finishes talking to Lord Diavolo
Diavolo let him go since he knew how long you've been waiting to ask him
You two walked and he did not let go of your hand at all
He was trying to sell something to a demon
Or was he trying to get them involved in a new scheme?
You didn't know and couldn't care less
He kept talking while you tried to get his attention and you were getting fed up
Then you realized what you could do
There's two ways to do this
Route A- hug him from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He'll be flustered and all you have to do is let go but keep your arms draped over his shoulders and he's a cherry red tomato
Route B- hug his side and snuggle ino him
He'll still be flustered but just look up and he'll almost lose the ability to speak cause of how cute you look at his side
He'll ask what your doing in either case cause your getting in the way of money
"You weren't paying attention to me and I wanted to ask if you will to go to the human world with me. There's this new place I wanna go to and Lucifer said I could bring someone if I wanted and I kinda wanted to bring you."
"Of course you'd want to take the great Mammon!"
He didn't get that it was a date
You had to be more specific on why you wanted to go with him until he realized it was a date
It made him happy that his human wanted to go on a date with him
The demon was quickly forgotten about when he realized this
You two went to the house of lamentation with his arm around your waist
He's talking to someone about some game
Possibly an online mutual or someone with an interest in it
Either way you we're being ignored
You knew his rants can go on for hours
You were seriously having thoughts of kicking him, then a better idea came
While his head was still enough, you kissed his cheek
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at you
He flushed red and asked why you did that
Part of his redness was because this happened in an anime he saw once
But it was mostly because you kissed a yucky otaku
"Lucifer switched cooking shifts with me and I wanted to know if you wanted to make some of that food we saw in the anime we watched the other day. We're gonna need to shop for ingredients too."
Of course he agreed to make some anime food with you, but he was taken aback that you wanted to make it with him
He didn't know it was a date and you could tell by how calm he was compared to when you kissed him
You put emphasis on the fact you wanted to make it with him
That's when he realized it was supposed to be a cooking date
Leviathan.exe has stopped working
He lost the ability to speak but you knew he wanted to
You grabbed his hand while looking on your D.D.D for the ingredients
Once he calmed he built up the nerve to put his arm around your shoulder
He was over the moon when you leaned into him
He was talking to someone about some book
All you needed was 3 minutes of his attention and he couldn't spare that
He was getting into the conversation and so was the other demon
You were getting annoyed and wanted to punch one of them
But a thought overpowered that one
Right when he was still enough you grabbed his hand
He immediately stopped and looked over at you
He'll be greatful for the gesture and considered rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb but didn't
"What was that for?"
"I wanted to ask if you will go to this new bookstore that opened up. There's also a cat cafe near it too."
You lost him at bookstore
He was dragging you by the hand to go there
You had to physically stop him so you could tell him it was a date
That made him even happier to go
You both walked there hand in hand
He was telling Solomon about something
You didn't know cause you wanted to punch both of them
The conversation felt like it qould never end
You were considering actually punching them but then something better came to mind
You hugged Asmo from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He stops before giggling a bit and hugging you back
"Awww, what is this for?"
"I wanted to ask you if you would go to this store with me that just opened up."
He agreed and asked Solomon to come too
That's when you had to say that you wanted to go with just and only him
The dots connected immediately
He kissed your nose agreed
He held you with trying to speed up the conversation with Solomon so you two could go
You didn't care now cause you got what you had to say out
You were also happy that you were so close to Asmo right now and he was stroking your back
When their conversation finished, he walked with you there with his arm around your waist
He was talking his fangol coach
You didn't know what about exactly and you couldn't care less
All you wanted was to talk to Beel and apparently that was asking for too much
You were about to give up when you had an idea
You grabbed his arm, pulled him down and placed a kiss on his temple
He looked over at you curiously
"Mc, are you ok? What was the kiss for?"
Don't get him wrong, he loved the kiss. He just wonders if there was a reason
"There's a new restaurant that opened up and I wanted to go with you. And maybe also go to a movie."
His mouth was already salivating at the thought
He agreed but really wanted to finish talking to his coach first
His coach let him go cause Beel's been a better player since you arrived
Beel almost dragged you, but stopped when you called his name
You had to elaborate more on why you wanted to go with him
When he realized it was a date he was even more existing to go
You walked there holding onto his arm and he loved how small you looked next to him
He was talking to Beel and he didn't notice you cause he was sleepy
He was awake enough to hold a conversation with his brother but not enough to notice the obvious next to him
You were mad with him and wanted to stab him awake
You decided against it
Instead you held his hand
It was warm and soft so you could've fallen asleep to just at the touch
The sudden heaviness made him finally look at you
You figured he was awake enough tobhear what you needed to say
"Do you want to go to this stuffed animal store later today with me? I want to get you something from there, my treat."
The fact you added my treat made him curious
"Why did you say my treat? Usually people only say that if..... Mc, are you asking me on a date?"
Your silence answered everything for him
He pulled you close to him and buried his head in the crook of your neck
"Ok, but let me nap right here real quick."
You and Beel laughed a bit
You allowed him to use you as a pillow to sleep and talked to Beel
When he woke up you two went to the stuffed animal store
He had his arm around your shoulder cause you were so comfy earlier, why would he let go?
Lord Diavolo
He was talking to Barbatos about some royal thing or something
You knew you couldn't always have his attention but just this once for 2 minutes you wanted it
You were growing impatient
So you decided to hold onto his arm
He felt the weight and looked over at you
The way you were holding his arm had him worry a bit
"Mc, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a restaurant with me. Maybe not today, but someday soon."
He immediately asked if it was a date
When you confirmed he was so happy
He put a hand over one of yours
He tried to quickly finish his talk with Barbatos
When he did he asked him to make the reservations at the best restaurant he knew
He was excited to go on one with you
When you did go with him, he had you hold onto his arm again
He loved how your fragile human body looked against his
How you weren't scared in the slightest either, even in a world of demons
It was everything to him
He was talking to Diavolo about butler things or whatever
He knew you were there but couldn't talk
He also had a vague idea on what you were going to do
Seeing multiple different timelines mad eit hard to know exactly what was going to happen
The conversation with Diavolo was making you irritated
You decided the best way to get the butler's attention
You put a hand on one cheek and tried to pull him towards you for a kiss on the cheek
Then he turned his head so you ended up actually kissing him
He looked at Diavolo
"If you'll excuse me, my Lord." He turned to you "Is there something you need? Or did you already get what you need?"
"I wanted to ask if you'd go to the movies with me one day. There's a movie playing but it was released a while ago so the theater should be empty."
"Sounds like a date."
Diavolo told him to go and decided himself that what they were talking about could wait
Barbatos followed the orders and took you to the theater
He walked you there with his hand on your back
He did put his hand on your waist cause he knew you'd prefer that instead, and he'd do anything to make you happy
He was talking to Luke about the Celestial Realm
Or was he saying how angels aren't so drastically different from demons?
It didn't matter because the angel was ignoring you
All you knew is that Luke was too busy being in his "the devildom is evil and so are the brothers" mood to tell Simeon you were there
You wanted pull his hair out
But you thought of something better, better for both of you
When he was sighing from Luke's mood, you hugged his side
He put a hand on your back when he saw it was you
Luke was surprised himself to see you there
"Mc! What are you doing here? Did those demons scare you out?" Luke asked, still in his mood
"What are you doing here? Did you need something? Are you ok?" Simeon asked, now stroking your back
Damn, this angel knows how to make you feel loved
"I'm ok Simeon. I just wanted to know if you'd go to a restaurant with me. But not like, as friends."
He got the message with the last part and agreed
He was greatful, knowing that you liked him back
And enough that you asked him on a date before he asked you
Luke was excited that you two were going on a date
You spent the next thirty minutes talking to Luke and Simeon, with Simeon's hand still on your back
He was talking Asmo
Asmo was being Asmo so Solomom couldn't really pay attention to you
You wanted to hit Asmo at the moment
Then you wanted to do something else, so you did
You reached down and held his hand
He looked at you and held back a slight laugh
"Is there something you need?"
"I wanted if you'd go to the human world with me to go to a new store. Ya know, just us."
Immediately realized it was a date and said a flirty remark back
He was happy that you had feelings for him, the only other human in this world of demons
Asmo was upset that you didn't ask him for a date
You simply reached over a gave him a head pat and he liked the touch
You both went to Lucifer and he changed you using his magic into your human world clothes (the magic just immediately changes clothes, no nudity)
He walked with you hand in hand, planning on taking you to dinner there too
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twstedbeauty · 3 years
Just found your blog, and I love it! May i ask for headcannons of Riddle, Vil, Malleus and Idia watching their designated Disney movie with their s/o?(akin Vil, Snow White, Riddle Alice in Wonderland, Malleus, sleeping beauty)
I’m going to assume that they would have the movies in this world since they canonly have The Little Mermaid adaksdjaksdjas
Riddle Rosehearts 
Riddle is still getting used to relaxing and having fun, so watching movies is still rather new to him. 
He sits rather stiffly on the couch at first, not really sure how he should sit, but he’ll slowly relax once you join him. 
 On the whole, I think Riddle would actually really enjoy Alice in Wonderland. It’s very colorful and whimsical and there’s something about it that gives him an almost nostalgic feeling. 
He’d appreciate Alice as a protagonist, but I do think he’d find her a little annoying with how she thinks and does things at times. 
“Who in their right mind just chases after a rabbit into a hole in the ground?” You hear him mutter and you can’t help but smile to yourself. 
The Cheshire Cat immediately reminds him of Che’nya. 
Riddle is immediately impressed by the Queen of Hearts entrance. She comes on screen and has this air of intimidation and power. 
He points out some parts of the movie that reflect real life Heartslabyul rules! Like the rule about painting the roses, the rule about no cats at parties.
I think the part with the court scene he would find a little silly and quite exaggerated, however. 
"So, it was all just a dream?" Riddle watched the credits roll with a rather confused look. "That wasn't satisfying at all!" You couldn't help but giggle at that.
"It's explained at the beginning! She wanted a world of her own, so she made one up herself~" Riddle just blinks owlishly at you at that, which just makes you laugh again.
He'll have to go and have some time to himself, probably having a mental crisis over what is real and what isn't.
Vil Schoenheit 
Vil loves watching movies, so when you suggest watching a movie from your world, of course he’s all for it. 
Knowing him, he’s no doubt seen the movie already, but he’s not opposed to watching it with you. 
The Beautiful Queen summoning the spirit of the Dark Mirror scene makes a proud smirk come to Vil's face. He can't help but feel a bit of pride for his dorm watching it.
But immediately after, when Snow White comes on screen, his face drops into a scowl and he rolls his eyes.
Right off the bat, he comments about how annoying Snow White is. 
“I just don’t understand why they gave her such a grating voice...” He grumbles, shaking his head. “It’s so irritating.” 
Vil would point out how Snow White's dress and makeup, along with the Beautiful Queen's, is a reflection of the fashion from the period when the movie was made. (And if you pointed it out to him first, he'd be VERY pleased and impressed with you~)
"Oh, so THAT'S why they gave the Beautiful Queen pencil thin eyebrows?" You teased and Vil shoots you an unamused look.
"Of course. She's a product of her time, a staple for beauty and fashion from that era."
The dwarves do amuse him when they come on screen. He'd never tell you, but Dopey is his favorite.
He voices his admiration during the Queen's transformation scene.
"The lengths that she was willing to go is truly admirable..." He watches as she dips the apple into the poison. "But even the greats are capable of making mistakes. She should have ensured that Snow White could never be revived from the sleeping death."
He doesn't have much to say towards the ending, but he does look a little put out by Snow White being revived and getting a happily ever after.
"Such is the fate of villains..." He sighs. "Destined to die in the shadows while the heroes get their happy endings."
"Or is this case, getting struck by lightning and falling off a cliff." You remarked, grinning at the deadpan expression he gives you in response.
His rating for the movie is 9/10. The only reason it's not 10/10 is because of Snow White and the ending.
Idia Shroud 
(I apologize in advance, Idia is one of the characters I'm still trying to get a handle on writing ;v;)
I feel like Idia and Ortho watched the Hercules movie as children and it was Ortho's favorite movie.
So watching it again with you was something nostalgic for him, even if he remarks on it being a kids movie. (You can argue that some of the anime he watches is also for kids, but that will upset him and he'll go sulk under his covers and you'll never finish the movie.)
"Uwehehehe...what a clumsy idiot." He's got that sharp smile on his face as he watches Hercules swing the column around and basically destroy his entire village.
Honestly, he's not really interested in Hercules' tale and he's not really a fan of musicals. The only parts that interest him are when Hades comes on screen.
The only commentary that he gives is to make fun of Hercules.
"It's not possible for people to get THAT muscular in such a little amount of time..." He mutters as he watches the training montage with a bored expression. "It's not scientifically possible." You shrug in response.
"He's part god, so maybe that's part of it?" Idia just snickers with a sharp smile.
"He looks like a car test dummy in a toga."
Idia admires how confident Hades is and how fast he can negotiate things. I think he secretly wishes he had that confidence too.
How does he feel about Megara? Mmmm, I don't think he's interested in her character either. She's the main hero's girlfriend and a pawn to Hades, that's it.
If Ortho is watching with you guys, he's really the only one that enjoys it besides you. Idia goes right back to what he was doing before you suggested watching the movie as soon as the credits roll.
Malleus Draconia
Of course, Malleus knew that there was a movie made about the Thorn Witch. He and Lilia showed it to Silver and Sebek when they were children. (Lilia had thought it would be good for them to learn the history behind the tale!) So when you bring up watching it with him, of course he wants to. He loves spending time with you and the fact you want to learn a bit about his culture warms his heart.
He does like the aesthetic of this movie. He finds the music and the hand-painted backgrounds to be charming.
He can't say he understands how animation works, but it's nice to look at nonetheless.
Malleus likes the three good fairies. He finds their antics and the way Flora and Merryweather butt heads to be rather amusing.
"You know, I've always wondered what the third gift would have been if the Witch of Thorns hadn't come in when she did," He muses as Maleficent makes her entrance. You hum in thought.
"Some people theorize it would have been eternal happiness." You look over at him with a slight smile. "You know....never needing to feel blue?" That makes him chuckle.
"Eternal happines....Yes, I quite like that idea for a gift."
If you remark on Maleficent being petty for cursing an infant, Malleus is going to pout.
"Well, quite frankly, I understand how she feels. It's rather hurtful not being invited to events." You look over at him and raise an eyebrow.
"Fine! Then curse the people who didn't invite you. Don't curse the infant child who had nothing to do with whether or not she was invited." Malleus just hurumphs and crosses his arms.
"In a roundabout way, the king and queen DID suffer for their actions. Having their baby cursed to die." A slight smirk breaks across his face. "I'm sure they'll think twice next time."
He doesn't say it, but he quite likes Aurora as a character and he loves the sound of her singing. He finds it very enchanting and relaxing to listen to.
Flora and Merryweather fighting over the dress color reminds him a lot of Silver and Sebek. Fauna's baking strongly reminds him of Lilia's cooking.
During the part where Aurora is being hypnotized, you suddenly gasping and clamping your hand on his arm startles Malleus. "OH MY GOD. I JUST REALIZED THAT THE CREEPY NOISE IS ACTUALLY SAYING HER NAME."
You both pause and listen again as the eerie note that played in between the music stings creepily called "Auuuroooraaa~" in a beckoning manner. Malleus blinked in surprise.
"Oh my. That would explain her expression as she walks up the stairs." He mused, putting a finger to his chin. "How clever. I've watched this film plenty of times and I never noticed that."
The part where Maleficent casts the thorns around Stephen's castle and turns into a dragon are Malleus' favorite parts.
"None of the other members of the Great Seven can do what she can do." He says with a prideful smirk. "She is truly supreme in her ranking."
Watching Maleficent back Prince Phillip onto a cliff and trap him with no protection is VERY satisfying for Malleus. But once the fairies bless the Sword of Truth, he pouts again.
"If it weren't for them, he wouldn't have been able to defeat her." He says. "It wasn't a fair fight." You raise an eyebrow at him at that.
"She turned into a huge, fire-breathing dragon. You call THAT fair?" His little pout in response just makes you laugh.
Overall, Malleus enjoys watching the movie with you and he'll gladly watch it with you again whenever you want to.
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Dont think this has been requested yet so headcannons for the diasomnia members on a picnic date with mc? i can imagine lilia spying on his adoptive sons in the distance as either moral support or just to secretly take pics for their family album
Curiouser and  Curiouser...
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Malleus, being a prince, has never really gone through the motions of making his own meals before, so you’ve been tasked with the bulk of picnic preparations. He did offer to help cook using his dragonic flames, but you had to quickly shut the idea down to avoid a fire hazard (besides, most picnic foods can be served cold or at room temperature)!
Everything about Malleus is refined and regal, from the way he gracefully kneels upon the picnic blanket to the way he delicately brings food to his mouth and pats away the excess with a napkin. You really feel like you’re dining with a king, so you try to copy his elegance too--only for Malleus to reassure you that you can be at ease around him.
He has a fondness and an appreciation for nature. Malleus likes to drink in his surroundings, look within himself, and reflect as he partakes in his meal. He encourages you to do the same, too! 
Malleus tries (and I do mean tries) to take one a “selfie” with you to remember the occasion (and to later show to his Diasomnia family), but he somehow managed to set up the camera timer to go off at the worst time. Because of that, he now has a picture of you with fruit salad chipmunked in your cheeks (while a panicked Malleus clamors to shut the timer off).
When the sun has lowered in the sky, his firefly-like magic will lead the way home. The two of you stroll in a meaningful silence, huddled close in the darkness. Malleus thanks you for the fun picnic and wishes you sweet dreams with a kiss on the forehead.
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You had to beg (BEG) Lilia to not contribute to making and packing dishes for your picnic date. It had taken a TON of convincing to get him to agree, but ultimately he caved because you said you wanted to “treat him” this time (thank the Great Seven, you just managed to narrowly escape being poisoned by his heinous cooking for the umpteenth time).
You find the perfect picnic location in the shade of a tree. The moment you turn to put out your blanket, Lilia vanishes and reappears hanging upside down from a tree branch!
You feed him his share of food upside down, and Lilia swings back and forth to dust off excess crumbs and bits of food from himself. it’s such an odd sight, but it makes you giggle anyway.
He has some of the most interesting stories you’ve ever heard! One moment, Lilia will be telling you about an old tryst that occurred on the very hill you’re having this picnic on, and the next, he’ll be telling you some embarrassing tale about how baby Silver threw up in his lap from eating a bad applesauce!
The night settles in, and Lilia guides you home in the dark--well, to be more precise, his batty friends guide you home. A small cloud of bats trail ahead of you on a moonlit path, ensuring that you never stray. He sends you off to sleep with a kiss on the lips (claiming it is to “clean up stray crumbs).
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Silver is forever grateful that you gave him an excuse to avoid his dad’s terrible cooking, if only for a day. He joins you in the kitchen to lend his aid, although the extent of his assistance is chopping up fruits and veggies. Silver’s very skilled with both the sword and a knife!
As you’re setting up your romantic little picnic with your boyfriend, a small congregation of wild animals collects at his feet. You make a passing joke about having “a bunch of unexpected guests”, and ultimately you two decide to let them stay. You take turns feeding the woodland critters (only the foods that are safe for them to eat, of course)! At some point, the animals scamper off and return with flowers as tokens of thanks! Silver tucks one of the flowers behind your ear and mutters that he thinks it looks good on you.
After you’ve both had your fill, you lean against one another and watch the animals frolic around in a flowery field. It’s cute, almost picturesque... like something out of a fairy tale. Before long, the food in your stomachs and the mild weather lulls you both asleep.
You wake up before Silver does during and catch a glimpse of his sleepy face. You gentle rouse him awake with a peck on the cheek, and together, the two of you pack up the remains of your outing. Hand in hand, you stroll back home against the sunset.
As soon as Silver gets home, Lilia bombards him with questions on how the date went, demanding to know if Silver took any cute photographs--and if he did, Lilia wants to see them! Silver practically has to fend his old man off before properly retiring for the night--a small smile on his face from the memories of the picnic.
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Leave picnic preparations to Sebek! He loving spends a day (and a night) whipping up all sorts of delicious and nutritious dishes to share with his beloved! Why, he even spends several hours determining how to best optimize the space in his picnic basket (so he can store as many foods as possible) and what picnic cloth would be most appropriate for this occasion!
Sebek maintains a somewhat formal tone and even shows up in semi-casual business attire for your date. He greets you with a bow and presents you his picnic set up with a flourish, treating the ordeal like a servant showing off a feast to a royal.
He proudly announces each item he made and asks for your thoughts and feedback once you’ve sampled it. You can visibly see his eyes light up whenever you compliment him or his cooking. Like a puppy, Sebek is very eager to please!
If you make a bit of a mess while eating, Sebek leaps at the opportunity to lend a helping hand! He has several moistened towelettes ready in case you need them--and if those are not sufficient, he also prepared these handkerchiefs!
Sebek clutches onto your hand (and the picnic basket) very tightly on the walk home (he nearly snaps the handle on the basket). He wants to tell you that he had a fun time, but all that comes out instead is stilted laughter (which you silence with a kiss). Sebek practically melts when he’s home alone and shouts into his pillow out of sheer happiness.
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
The Sisma
A/N: This is an original work that I am testing out, so please be brutally honest with me, give me all the opinions if you choose to read, I would really appreciate it! This began as an Anthropology assignment to create a new religion and out of it came this...
Summary: In the beginning there was darkness, chaos and evil. But all of that was ancient history, right?
TW: Witchcraft
In the beginning there was darkness, chaos and evil. The Craz roamed the darkness in their true form with greed and mischief and ate away at the very essence of potential life that might have emerged otherwise. This was the before times, before a new humanity, water, fire, air and earth.
Then, the stars fell. Four stars, to be exact, four stars that were four beautiful sisters; Alora, Rakisha, Nori and Beila. They fell right down to the darkness. It was pure chaos. The fallen stars still had their fading lights with them, and a desire to make something whole and pure out of a fallen world, one that had once been a home of goodness and peace and acceptance. So together, they used their light and their unique ways to push away the darkness and create a world of their own. The four sisters came to be known as the Bringers; the Sisma.
Alora, the first to fall and the first to awaken in the darkness, danced the grass into existence, creating a soft place to land for her following sisters, whom she knew were yet to come. She brought forth from the ground, trees and mountains, flowers and soil. Alora was henceforth known as the Bringer of Earth.
Beila, the most heartbroken of the four by the essence of darkness that now surrounded her, cried from her own sad eyes, the swelling seas, the rivers and the rain from the stars above. Beila was then and forever will be the Bringer of Water.
Rakisha found the world still dark and dreary as she fell into it, so she whispered light into the world, sending a ball of fire up to the skies to keep the world warm, bright, and wild, though her creation was found to be unpredictable and hungry, just as she was. Rakisha, wild and free, came to be known as the Bringer of Fire.
Nori, the youngest and shiest of all the sisters, sang the air from her lips so quietly so that every creation could then breathe in life and know of her presence though they may not see her. From the song came the breeze and the wind. From then on, Nori was named the Bringer of Air.
For the first time in centuries, there was new hope on a fallen world, the light of four Bringers creating something brand new from the dark ashes. This, however, was something the Craz were anything but grateful for. Craz thrived on darkness and chaos, surviving off of the mess of a world it had once won in a great war. The Craz fought back, sending a dangerous darkness back out over this new world, poisoning the green trees, the oceans, the wind and the sun, creating the night and the dark moon so it could use it to harness the light and send it far away from them.
Fearing they would lose their new creation, the Bringers brought forth an army to defend it; the animals. Nori made birds of the breeze and let them fly over the darkness and shed their light onto it. Fish, sharks and seals grew from the bubbles of the rain, rivers and sea purifying the waters so that they may live there. From the burning fires of the world grew lions, tigers and bears, fierce creatures to let out mighty roars to scare the darkness back into the light. Finally, from the flowers and trees grew creatures unlike any other; humans.
The humans were meant to be an army of light against the Craz, fighters and protectors of the sacred land that was created for them. This, however, did not last as, instead of protecting the Bringers gifts and lights, they began to harvest the gifts for themselves, trying to steal the lights away from the world and claim it as their own. The Bringers then decided to leave the humans to fight the Craz without their light, promising to come back when they were worthy enough to have a purified world, when the light could reach their eyes.
At least, that’s how the story went.
All of that was ancient history now. Still the story was as sacred as ever, told on the first of each season and followed by the Relation to the Bringer of the season. It was winter now, the season belonging to the Bringer of Water, Beila, the saddest of all the Bringers, so the Gingri had each cleansed themselves in the river that ran beside their village, just as they would do the whisper of fire on the first of summer, or the dance of earth to welcome in spring, or the song of the air for fall. But now, it was only winter. The season of Bringer Beila. Some believed that Beila held the weakest light of all the Bringers and that the Craz could easily infiltrate Gingri with the darkness that winter brought. Maybe those folks were right.
Penn stared straight ahead, watching the river run through the trees. This was a peaceful place, a place where she could sit and listen to the gifts of the Bringers when she felt lost or afraid. She always thought the gifts spoke to her, guided her. She could feel them, sense them. It always felt surreal.
“Penn!” someone called from behind her. The girl jumped, whirling around, her heavy hair falling behind her as her green eyes searched frantically for the voice calling out. “Penn! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
“Oh?” Penn asked, a smirk falling onto her face easily, as though there was nothing in the least that was special about this day.
Another girl came rushing up to her, giggling as they lightly collided. Penn caught her friend easily, holding her by the shoulders as the other smiled. “Everyone has been searching for you! You are popular, Penn, a real life celebrity who is missing her own birthday party!”
Jeen, a girl like no other in the eyes of Penn, had the best smile in the universe as far as she was concerned. Something about it made her feel all gooey inside. “Well, I was quite comfortable here until someone disrupted my meditations—“
“Oh, meditations are for the old! We’re coming in with the new.” This girl always had a way of trying to make ridiculous, nonsensical things sound profound. It never really worked, but it did make Penn laugh. “It’s your Jequan today!” Jeen insisted. “You should be excited.” Clearly, the other girl was disappointed in Penn for not being quite as bubbly as she was.
It was Penn’s Jequan. It was a ceremony that had been done for generations, a test for every child of seventeen years of age. It was a big deal in Gingri, a great tradition that welcomed a child from their young life to the life of an adult. It cleansed them of the darkness that may be planted inside every young Gingrinian at birth, the darkness of a fallen world.
With a small, dramatic sigh, Penn reached up for a tree branch that hung above her. With slight difficulty, the young girl pulled herself up and hooked her knees around the sturdy tree, letting herself hang upside down. Her thick hair hung beneath her as she tilted her head at her friend. “The world is more interesting from this angle,” she stated with a cheesy, sarcastic grin. “You have very pretty eyes.”
Jeen did not seem very amused to the average person, but Penn was no average person and could see that look in her deep brown eyes, the one that said she was doing her very best to keep from smiling. After all, Penn had known Jeen for what felt like a lifetime. Well, since they were six. See, when Penn was young, she was a quiet, reserved young girl. She hardly spoke to anyone back then, except for the Bringers. Penn always wished she could see the Bringers. They were always so beautiful in her head. Being taught Sismarna by the Seekers, the belief of the four Bringers, she was taught that the Bringers were unlike any being she’d seen.
Growing up, Penn had spent so much time wondering, she had forgotten to live a little. Jeen reminded her that there was still a world here. They vowed to explore it together, take in every blessing the Bringers had given them.
Still, they had heard this Sismarna story thousands of times. The Bringers created the world. The Bringers were the light. The Craz were the darkness.
Yet, Penn and Jeen knew very little about the Craz. All they knew were the stories they’d heard that only might be true. There were rumors of course, of a Craz that had been captured and studied a few decades ago, but there was no proof that even that had ever happened. It was curious.
Now, the story of Penn and Jeen sneaking off into the woods behind the hunters was a completely, totally and entirely classified secret. Only the hunters were allowed deep into the forest. If what the Seekers preached was true, Craz inhabited that forest. Sometimes, hunters would come back looking spooked, eyes wide open and some kind of voice in their head. It always wore off eventually. The Seekers said it must only be a warning.
When they were fourteen, Penn and Jeen had stuck out on a hunting trip. They had only been joking at first, asking each other what would happen if they went off into that dark forest and wondered alone. So they each covered the other in brown dust and drew on their chests the symbol of the Bringers for protection, just as the hunters did for every quest they went on. An ancient Listener had once heard from the Bringers that this was the best way to keep the Gingri people safe when in a Craz infested forest. So no one questioned it. After all, one had to be blessed with the gift of the Connection to be a Listener, just as the Seeker had to be blessed with the gift of Knowledge to preach and the Healer with the gift of Warmth to heal.
Out on that hunting trip, to this day, Jeen swears she saw a Craz. They got separated for one moment and Jeen came back with a scraped wrist claiming that a Craz had stolen her blood, a Taker, teachers of witchcraft and history of the Craz, and will wait till the opportune moment to use it to control her. Penn was still trying to convince her that myth was not real. Jeen would not have it.
“Okay! Come on, come on!” Jeen insisted, tugging lightly at Penn’s hair. “You’re gonna be late for your own ceremony! Your brother will have your head if you’re late!”
With a dramatic sigh, Penn looked to the ground and let herself fall, landing gracefully on her feet. “My brother needs to learn patience. He’s not a proper Seeker yet, there to fore,” she emphasized, flipping her hair back. “He ain’t in charge yet,” she shrugged easily, smirking at her own improperness. Sometimes it was just more fun to be improper. Then that snarky smile left her face as she became serious. “Now quick, help me fix my hair before he sees me.”
So maybe Penn knew her brother was very much in charge. Well, of her at least. See, her brother, Kye, was all she truly had growing up. He was only five years older than her, but he had taught her all she knew now, about the Bringers and the wild world they lived in. He had braided her hair for her and tucked her into bed at night. Penn’s mother had died when Penn was young and her father was a Seeker, busy with other families a lot of the time. And being a Seeker’s daughter brought much too many expectations onto Penn, like her being on time for her Jequan, her hair up, back and tamed, and her clothes ready to come off so she could show her full, true self to the Bringers.
Jeen only snorted and took four straight fingers to her forehead on one hand, before moving them in a U like motion towards the skies. “Sisma, help us,” she asked the Bringers with a small laugh, calling the Bringers by their official collective name; The Sisma.
With a small laugh, Penn began the short trek back. “Yeah… Kye’s gonna kill me,” she stated, rushing into the small tent, stripping out of her clothes as Jeen tip-toed behind her awkwardly, trying to tame her hair into a bun on top of her head. Penn was in her underclothes by the time she got to the center of the tent. Jeen quickly tied her off before rushing away, knowing she should not be there. Kye was waiting with his arms crossed, as if knowing that his little sister would choose that exact moment to enter the room.
“You’re late,” he stated. “Have you even chosen your ruins yet?”
Raising her eyebrows at her brother, Penn put her hands on her hips. “Oh ye of very little faith,” she scolded playfully. “Of course I’ve picked my ruins! I…” Then she stopped, because her brother was right. Penn was too excited to sit down and be a proper seventeen year old who actually sat still and chose her ruins for herself. It was her birthday after all. Today, she went from girl to woman. It was her Jequan. It was much too exciting to sit and look through some ancient book.
With a very heavy sigh, Kye, who believed himself to be an old of some kind when Penn was around, stood up and grabbed the paint made from berries and grass, dipping his fingers in it. “I thought so,” he sighed, with a small shake of his head. Still, Penn prided herself with the small smile she had gotten out of him. She stood patiently as her brother drew on her forehead. “The ruin of Hope, to bless your stubborn head,” he began, moving to her shoulder. “The ruin of Perseverance, to help you if you struggle.” He moved to her hip. “The ruin of Guidance, to help you connect with the Bringers,” he said, before standing. And then he began to draw right in the middle of her back, a large symbol, bigger and more important than every other. “Lastly, the ruin of the Light,” he sighed. “This will protect you when I cannot.”
Turning around with a smile. “Aw,” Penn smirked. “I knew you loved me.”
Kye sighed and brought four fingers to his head, lifting them up to the sky. “Sisma, help my clueless little sister—“
“Okay, I get it,” Penn stated. “I’m done joking. This is a very important day and my brother is helping me,” she smiled. “Just don’t worry about me too much. After all, I am a Seeker’s daughter,” she said confidently, mockingly strutting around the tent and moving her head like she was trying to flip her hair back, only her hair was tied in a tight bun and would not move.
“Oh, baby sister, what will I do with you?” Kye asked.
Penn let herself give him a big, cheesy grin, like she might have when she was a small child, her eyes squeezed shut as her teeth nearly took over her whole face. “Give me a kiss, wish me the luck of Sisma and watch me crush my Jequan in a very good way?” she asked.
Looking at her with those bored looking eyes, Kye kissed his little sister’s cheek. “May the Sismas bless you,” he said. “Now go out there and crush your Jequan in a very good way,” he instructed, pushing her a bit towards the exit of the Preparatory Tent towards where her ceremony would begin.
This was it. The last moment of her childhood, standing here, at the doors of a white tent, covered in berries and wearing very little clothing and she did not know how to feel. This was the day she would be cleansed of the darkness the Craz had cursed all mankind with.
It was odd, in a moment she felt conflicted, almost like she would lose a part of herself. Quickly shaking herself out of that mind set, Penn smiled and took a very deep breath, walking out, into the open, where many people stood in a large circular formation.
In the middle of it all was a man Penn always strived to please. “Come closer, my child,” he smiled. It was her father. She smiled and did as he said, kneeling before him slowly, a small excitement for making the man proud rising up in her. “Recite the way of the Sismarna,” he instructed gently with a fond smile on his face.
Raising her four fingers up to her forehead and pushing her hand up towards the stars, Penn began slowly, “Sisma saved this world. We are not but Refugees, borrowers of a land created for creatures more worthy than us. We must remain true and steadfast towards the light over darkness, Sisma over Craz and honor over witchcraft tricks,” she stated. “We must rely on the Bringers to save us and bring us light, we must make ourselves worthy to receive such light again, therefore, I, Penn Nightingale, surrender myself to them, asking Sisma to cleanse me of the darkness of this world.”
Her father smiled down on her. “Very good, Penn,” he whispered, motioning for her to stand. So the girl did, following her father obediently towards the box in the middle of the small crowd. Three Seekers helped lay her down in the open square. She was surrounded by four wooden boards, hand carved with intricate designs lining the sides, separating her from the rest of the world as one of the Seekers leaned over her with a smile.
An ancient prayer was sung over Penn’s head as her body was slowly and gently buried in pure soil, given to Gingri by Bringer Alora. The girl closed her eyes and breathed in deeply through her nose as the soil was poured over her. “May the Bringer Alora grant you a piece of her light,” one Seeker said. After only a few moments, Penn was completely immersed in the soil. “Penn Nightingale, please stand and present the dance of the earth,” the same man called above her.
So Penn slowly lifted herself from the soil and began the dance of the earth in complete silence. The eyes on her made her want to stop. Her heart was running wild and a nervous smile made its way to her face as she forced herself to keep her shy gaze on the ground. She was used to doing this dance in a group at the start of spring. Her feet moved and stomped the ground in a pattern she’d known since she was a child and as her dance came to a close people applauded her. The first of the four challenges was complete.
Next came the cleansing. A barrel of water from the river was dragged close to her. Her father helped her lay back down. “We will now be cleansing you in the water of the river,” he explained as a wave of water was poured over her. She gasped and shivered a little bit at the cool feeling, holding her breath as she was submerged. She was shivering already, listening for the sobs of Bringer Beila who some believed they could hear during this part of the ceremony.
Only, Penn didn’t hear any sobs. She heard a whisper, inaudible at first, but growing louder and louder by the second. For a long moment, Penn forgot the fact that she couldn’t breathe, intent on knowing what this Bringer was trying to tell her, if Bringer Beila was trying to communicate something to her. It was growing louder and louder by the moment until finally a strained and tired voice was able to meet her ear. “Neligra!” it nearly screamed before hands pulled Penn out of the water. That’s when she heard the worried murmurs.
“Child, are you alright?” her father called.
Reaching up to wipe at her eyes as the cold water dripped down her face. “I’m alright!” she smiled, trying not to think too much about what had just happened. Neligra. She had never heard that word before. It must’ve been in her head, the lack of oxygen. She did not know how long she had been under the water, but she knew she had to catch her breath.. “I apologize, I got lost under there,” she tried to laugh off.
The Seekers only smiled at her, helping her stand from the box. “You gave us quite a fright there, young one,” one of them chuckled. “No one ever stays beneath the water for that long. You have quite the lungs on you,” he stated. “May Bringer Beila bless you with a portion of her light.”  
It had only felt like a small moment to Penn.
And now suddenly she was standing in front of hot coals, a small pathway lined with fire. “While performing the whisper of fire, you will walk across these coals to the other side where a healer will be waiting if you need her,” her father instructor. “Don’t worry, my love, they aren’t too hot,” he assured, and Penn managed a smile, only becoming slightly intimidated by this part of the ceremony. Watching others do it always made her feel giddy, like she couldn’t wait to conquer this challenge, still that did not mean the idea of letting her own feet trail across those stones seem any less painful.
Still, taking a deep breath and hesitating for a long moment, Penn managed to hiss as her first toe touched the coal. “Bin ein jent cur,” she began whispering. “Mon grea lo pondru kin il lee…” It was nearly a chant. Maybe it was. Penn had never thought to ask. All she knew was the flames around her seemed to grow and her words echoed in her head. It only made her wonder more what the words actually meant. A Seeker must know, her father must know. She would have to ask soon.
The path was long in Penn’s head, and when she stepped into the cool grass again she sighed in relief. Everyone else was quiet. Penn looked around, the smile gone from her face as she saw that the eyes watching her had widened. She looked through the crowd, searching and searching for an answer for why everyone was looking at her like she had two heads until she found Jeen standing with Kye. Jeen offered her a stunned shrug as the Seekers surrounded her.
“May the Bringer Rakisha bless you with a piece of her light,” one of them said, almost suspiciously. “You have one last challenge, Penn Nightingale. Are you ready?”  he asked genuinely. Penn looked to her father. He looked worried.
“I am,” Penn breathed, unsure of what was happening to her. She must just be imagining things.
The last challenge was to honor Bringer Nori. It was done while singing the song of the air. Penn was supposed to let the Seekers lift her body up towards the stars while she sang, before they let her sink back to the ground. It was supposed to be a simple one, the last challenge, the last point.
And yet, as Penn began to sing this song, something began to happen right before her very eyes.
The world around her grew dark. The faces of her friends and family morphed into something new, faces with black paintings on them, ruins of darkness and danger drawn across their skin as they danced to the song around her, chanting their own language at her, one that she listened to and began to translate in her head. “Naligra!” the group screamed before she blinked and was suddenly back in reality.
The song falling gracefully from her lips stopped immediately. “Neligra…” she breathed to herself, her eyes suddenly void of any emotion or thought as her feet moved slowly and silently without her consent. She began to speak in a language she had never spoken before, walking aimlessly towards the forest she had been forbidden to go into since she was a child.
“Penn?” Jeen called, trying to follow after her, but Kye stopped her, unsure if going after his sister was safe.
The crowd didn’t dare stand in her way as an unfamiliar song began to spill from her lips in a way nothing ever had before. Penn was walking willingly towards the forbidden forest, a dazed look on her face as though she’d never seen those trees before.
“Penn,” her father called as well, following after her.
That was when Penn turned around, her eyes still very much entranced. “Neligra,” was all she said again, speaking clearly and definitively this time before her hand raised over her head. The motions the invisible people in her mind had been doing in that large circle came to her easily. Penn was not even thinking about them, Penn was hardly thinking about anything. Some instinct deep inside her knew exactly what to do. She let it take full control as she snapped her hands down towards the ground and a black smoke engulfed her.
And just like that, Penn Nightingale was gone.
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
Not Your Queer-Coded Disney Villain: Annabelle & Web!Jon Ficlet
Got bored again today and forced myself to write something that wasn’t gratuitously long. Set in the same universe (or, one of the universes) as The Convention on Chronographer Lane, but it’s completely unnecessary to have read that one before this. 
Content warning for (apparent and fake) predation of a student by a teacher, body horror, and spiders. REVERSE content warning for A PSYCH 101 LECTURE WRITTEN BY SOMEONE WHO WAS A TA FOR PSYCH 101. ACCURATE SCIENCE, BITCHES. 
“What am I turning into?” Annabelle asked, after a half-second of rapid thought. “Who are you? And what do spiders have to do with any of this?”
Jon smiled again broadly, grey eyes dancing with a barely hidden delight. “You’re fully aware that these are all the same question.”
“Then answer them. You said you’re here to help me. Then help me.” Annabelle narrowed her eyes. “We’ll negotiate a price later.”
“This one is a freebie,” Jon said. He leaned back, face fading into the shadow of the dim yellow light of the hanging light. “You’re turning into something much akin to myself.”
In the darkness, Annabelle saw Jon open his eyes. And his eyes. And his eyes. And his eyes…
Annabelle was sleeping through Psych again.
In her defense, she was really tired. The nightmares had been getting worse every day, and yesterday she hadn’t gotten more than forty minutes of sleep without jolting up in the middle of the night. She had flipped on the light five times during the night, hysterically convinced that bugs were crawling over her and earning the eternal ire of her roommate. Whatever - Irene would forgive her once she bought her an iced coffee from that campus shop she liked. If Annabelle gave it to her later at night, she’d stay up later and would be less likely to bitch when Annabelle inevitably made a stink at three am again.
It didn’t matter. Psych was tediously easy anyway. Not that everything wasn’t tedious, but there were few things more boring than listening to the drone of Mr. Sims’ voice. She had no idea how that guy had a fanclub. Emmanuela Odugawa had asked her if she thought that he recited Piaget’s developmental stages in bed. Barf. 
Thankfully, Annabelle had mastered the art of sleeping with her eyes open in class and barely aware enough to recognize when somebody called her name a decade ago, and she ruthlessly used this skill now. She dropped into a half-doze, and was only startled into awareness when she heard the word that had been running in a nonstop track loop through her mind for the past month. 
“Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.” Mr. Sims adjusted his glasses, pressing a button on his laptop that advanced the slides. “It’s an interesting definition, in my opinion. Like many things in Psychology, it is almost infuriatingly vague. How do you define ‘extreme’? How do you define ‘irrational’? Oftentimes, that label is determined by society, science, and our therapists. However, I believe you can argue that phobias are the most rational thing of all.”
Annabelle rubbed her arms, suddenly cold. These auditorium classrooms were always freezing. 
“The concept of aversion is heavily rooted in evolution and biology. Anyone here ever eat any bad shrimp?” He didn’t wait for a response. “The smell of seafood probably made you sick for weeks afterwards. Our bodies are primed to detect poison, just as they are to detect danger. Phobias rooted in modern, abstract concepts - clowns, elevators, airplanes - are easy to extinguish. But phobias rooted in real, present, perpetual dangers, the sort of dangers that threatened the lives of cavemen, are far more difficult to ignore.” 
Despite herself, Annabelle found herself awake. She found herself listening. 
“Snakes. Heights. The Dark. Dogs, bears, large animals. Storms, driving, insects.” Mr. Sims’ looked up at the auditorium, and Annabelle could have sworn that he was looking right at her, he was looking at her. Annabelle’s breath caught, her heart thumping in her chest - a little differently than it used to. “Spiders.” 
A horrible clicking echoed in Annabell’s ears. She was afraid that it was her. 
Then he looked away, and the spell was broken. “Phobias are one of the most powerful and motivational forces in human evolution. Like mental illnesses, pack bonds, and emotional needs, the perceived weaknesses of the human mind can frequently be some of the most powerful forces that allow the survival of the human species. It isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. I find that a useful way to think of humanity, and of ourselves: that our weaknesses can make us very strong indeed. Next slide…”
If Mr. Sims said anything after that, Annabelle didn’t hear it.
She didn’t pay any attention to anything he said until the end of class, when she shrugged on her cute little silver backpack and merged into the stream of students filtering out of the classroom. A few students had stayed behind to talk to Mr. Sims, and he appeared wrapped in conversation with the giggling girls, but somehow he picked her out of the thick crowd. 
“Annabelle?” Mr. Sims asked. “Stay after, please.”
So she leaned against the long sweep of desks, left with nothing to do but squint at Mr. Sims as he spoke with another student about the requirements for the upcoming paper, wondering why he looked so familiar. 
All of the other students had assumed he was in his late twenties - “total DILF”, they all inanely assured her - but Annabelle wasn’t so sure. Despite the already graying hair, small glasses, and severe expression, she really wouldn’t put him any older than 23.
Maybe his greying temples were hair dye. Or stress did that to you, right? Annabelle squinted. But when Annabelle looked closer, if she really focused, then she really wasn’t sure it was his hair color at all. 
So she looked closer. Her eyes had been itching for the past week. She had caught her skin flaking and peeling, and instead of pink raw skin underneath there was hard and scratchy black necrosis. Her eyes itched now, as if they were striving to split apart, and if Annabelle only let them then they would burst. And as her eyes itched in a horrible, visceral pain, she thought that maybe the white at Mr. Sims’ temples was the thin, sticky webs of spider-silk. 
“Annabelle? Are you alright?”
She snapped back to attention, fairly embarrassed. She had been zoning out more in the past month than she had her entire life. Her older siblings had said that college would be rough, but she hadn’t known it would be this rough. This wasn’t like her. None of this was like her. 
“I’m great,” Annabelle said reflexively. All of the other students were gone, and Mr. Sims was staring at her over his glasses. “Sorry. Is this about my test…?”
“No. You did quite well on your test. Best in the class, actually.” Mr. Sims smiled at her, as if this was a compliment or important. “Is that why you’ve been so bored in class?”
Ah. Busted. A rare thing for Annabelle. She affected a faux-abashed posture and expression. “Sorry, Mr. Sims. I’ve been staying up ‘til two every morning trying to get my homework done on time. If I’m ever going to go to med school…”
“I thought you were a poli sci major,” Mr. Sims said cheerfully. Annabelle fought a shudder - how did he know so much about her? This class had 200 students.
“Double major,” Annabelle said blithely. “I’m sorry about sleeping in class, I’ll manage my time better. It won’t happen again.”
“Yes, yes.” Mr. Sims waved her apology away, as if that wasn’t what he had been looking for. Then what had he been looking for? “I’m afraid I had somewhat of an ulterior motive for speaking to you today.” He leaned in a little, pulling his glasses down, and his foggy grey eyes - same color as the grey at his temples - focused solely on her. Annabelle made her eyes bigger, and she leaned in too, adjusting her posture so she looked smaller. “You’ve been doing very well in class. I actually wanted to invite you to a meeting. About...oh, your potential for med school. I’m excited to see you succeed. I think you could do quite well in whatever field you choose, and I’d like to help. It would be just us, of course.”
Ding ding ding. Annabelle affected a giggle. “I could totally use the help! Like, in your office? Or, like...lunch, or…?”
“I was thinking dinner, actually,” Mr. Sims smiled. “How’s Bombay Bicycle Club?”
Restaurant and bar, with a casual yet dignified atmosphere. Not formal enough to put up anybody’s guard, but nice enough that a freshman girl could feel treated and be impressed. Most importantly, it was popular among the businessman crowd and almost nobody on campus visited it. Annabelle used it herself to meet up with her sugar daddies all the time. 
For a brief, strange moment, Annabelle felt as if he did - but of course he didn’t. But it wasn’t impossible. But if he knew, then why wasn’t he blackmailing her? Was the blackmail for later, once he got her alone? This was probably a power play, getting her off balance by insinuating that he knows but not being explicit about it. He’d probably pull out the blackmail, ‘I’ll ruin your reputation you slut etc’, once they actually got there. Not that he could - Annabelle had contingency plans - but she would have to be careful to actually record him propositioning her anyway. Worst case scenario they had a MAD situation, best case she could squeeze him. Probably not for very much money, since grad students were poor as dirt, and she didn’t exactly need him to boost her grades...get him to slip her the test key and sell the test key? That could work. She could probably get him to strategically cut grades, which was a service that Annabelle could probably sell to students with a grudge…
But then Mr. Sims smiled at her, as if he knew what she was thinking, and Annabelle realized that she had been silent too long. She wanted to come off as panicked, maybe desperate, definitely flattered. 
“Sure!” Annabelle said, barely having to feign the anxious creak in her voice. “What time? I have night classes, so…”
“Next Friday at six,” Mr. Sims said instantly. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.” Annabelle affected Smile #35 - shy virgin. Mr. Sims’ grin widened. Annabelle silently put aside the ‘Catholic schoolgirl’ outfit for Friday. “See you then!”
She turned around, gave him a shy smile, and bounced off. She had just opened the heavy door out of the room when she heard him speak again, freezing her in her tracks. 
“Oh, Annabelle - how is the study with Dr. Bates going?”
And his question panicked her so much, made her heart change rhythm and made her skin itch as if something was straining to come out of it, made her eyes itch and crawl and burst, that every calculated move went out the window. She didn’t answer his question, didn’t even give an excuse - she just ran out the door, bright purple vintage boots thumping against the linoleum, breath catching in a chest where she was no longer sure she even had ribs. 
Most of her was already calculating. She was already two months into uni, she had to start establishing her power base. The minute her sorority accepted her she’d have greater access to money, popularity, and influence, but she needed reach with the administration too.  Mr. Sims was her in. This was a good thing. 
But part of her was disappointed, because she had liked him, and she felt a little used. Feelings of disgust, as strong and vivid as in her nightmares, rose in her chest. She squished far down in her chest, familiar with the feeling and effortlessly repressing it.  
Annabelle was good with disgusting things. 
She had another session with the Arachnophobia study on Monday. Which went fine. It was fine! She didn’t wake up that morning so sick with nerves that she almost threw up. She didn’t stare at her email inbox for thirty minutes, begging herself to cancel and drop out of the study. Nope. 
She distracted herself by befriending all of her roommate’s friends and dropping faux-concerned gossip about how cranky and anxious Irene’s been lately, have you noticed she’s been blaming me for how badly she’s sleeping? It was really super sad, frowny face, how do you think I can help, frowny face frowny face frowny face? 
So Annabelle went to the Arachnophobia study (it was fine), had increasingly realistic and vivid nightmares about her chest caving in and a nest of spiders crawling out of her chest and eating her eyes, and slept through class. It was all fine. 
She should have gone to Oxford. It still made her a little bitter. She had been smart enough to get in, but she hadn’t been smart enough to get the full scholarship. She couldn’t afford it, so instead she was stuck in University of Surrey, where dreams went to die. Future politicians should go to Oxford. Yeah, Surrey had some peers and Parliament members, whatever. She needed better, Oxford and awards and money. From there, from some swotty school or another, it was easy street. Annabelle deserved easy street, and she deserved Oxford, and it just wasn’t fair -
After another three am nightmare, Annabelle blearily scrolled through her sibling groupchat. Barney was doing great in med school. Tricia had posted her maternity photos. Wow, look at that, Robin had gotten a commendation at his law firm. Whatever. 
No hope of distinguishing herself in the world. No hope of distinguishing herself in her stupid family. She was smarter than any of her siblings, brighter and better than those doctors and lawyers and accountants, but nobody cared. Mum and Dad were living their retirement in comfort and cooing over their grandchildren, finally rewarded in old age for all their hard work. 
If Annabelle dropped off the face of the earth, nobody would even notice. 
It should have been a depressing thought. The idea that nobody cared about her, not really, that nobody knew the real her. But somehow it just made her heart beat faster in excitement. 
The idea of disappearing from all of this, of cutting herself free from a thousand threads that brought her plummeting down to earth...in the cold hours of that dark morning, to an eighteen year old terrified and alone in uni, it was a siren song. 
It was a siren song that sounded, oddly, like the chittering and scuttling of a thousand tiny bodies, but Annabelle was learning to look beyond that. 
By the time next Friday rolled around, Annabelle was considering breaking her self-imposed rule against drugs and popping a Xanax. But that wouldn’t help her exhaustion, the persistent bone-deep frazzled sensation of going a week on almost no sleep whatsoever, so she settled for an espresso as she wriggled herself into a tight, slinky plaid dress paired with a puffy olive green windbreaker. She wasn’t sure if she owned any clothing that was made after 1990 - a habit born from a childhood of shopping from thirst stores, and continued voluntarily into high school when she started making her own money online fleecing suckers. It was her, so much as anything was. 
“Hot date?” Irene asked, bending over her Physics textbook without looking up. She glanced at her vibrating phone, scowling. Poor baby - her friends were staging an intervention. “New guy or old guy?”
“New guy,” Annabelle said vaguely, carefully picking out a bold red lipstick - or did that seem too forward? Should she go for a natural look? “If I’m not back by midnight call the police. I’ll text you a picture of his car.”
“Roger.” Irene flipped a page of her textbook, oblivious to the fact that she was one of the few people Annabelle genuinely liked. Not enough not to screw with her, but she liked her. “He’s not good enough for you, something something.”
“Darling,” Annabelle said, winking into the mirror, “nobody is.”
She hoped Irene believed it. She didn’t. 
It wasn’t a frequent occurrence that Annabelle wished she was stupid, but today she wished she was stupid enough to take a power nap during her ten minute Uber ride. Her mind felt frazzled and frayed, as if it had been taken out of her scalp and spread out with a rolling pin onto a floured countertop. She felt as if she was melting, her vision spiralling into fractals or blurring out. She wanted to sleep. God, she’d do anything for some sleep -
So she blared Bad Romance in her frayed earbuds instead, clutching her iPod Touch tightly, pulling herself together. Gaga, give her strength. 
By the time that she tipped her driver, effortlessly found Mr. Sims’ car in the parking lot of Bombay Bicycle Club and texted Irene the license plate (Volkswagen, obviously), she had dragged herself into focus. She stapled on her confident posture and walk - no, we’re going with ingenue today, make it shy and hesitant - and slipped inside the restaurant, making a show of holding her clutch tight to her chest and looking around with big eyes. 
She saw him instantly. He was sitting in a corner booth, head down and texting on his phone with a half-smile. The corner booth was poorly lit, light dampened by the wood panelling and soft leather seats, and half of his face was draped in shadow. 
Great. She had even arrived ten minutes early just so she could pick a brightly lit, intimate little table in the center of the room. This guy - he was almost like her. He was almost like her, but he was better. 
Annabelle fought the urge to grind her teeth. She smiled instead, waving cheerfully until he raised his head. He smiled back at her, wriggling his fingers, and Annabelle wove around the tables until she could slide into the seat across from him. 
“This is cozy!” She said brightly. “Thank you so much for inviting me out, Mr. Sims. It’s been ages since I got away from my books -”
“Oh, cut that shit out,” Mr. Sims said, bored. “I’m not going to sleep with you.”
Annabelle’s mind shut down. Error 404, blue screen of death. 
“I’m sorry,” she said pleasantly, smile frozen on her face. “What?”
But Mr. Sims just shrugged listlessly, slumping against the cushioned wall. His expression was no longer fond, indulgent, haughty. He just looked bored now, as if he was too tired and underpaid to deal with eighteen year olds. “I don’t want to sit through this entire dinner fending off flirting. We have actual business to talk about, and I am uninterested in beating around the bush when there’s no point. You aren’t even subtle.”
“Excuse me -” Annabelle started, enraged, but Mr. Sims put up a hand and cut her off. 
The change was instant. On a dime, Mr. Sims straightened his posture, swept a finger through his hair to transform it from slicked back professor type to windswept, adopted a friendly and casual expression, and leaned in as if he was happy and excited to be sitting with Annabelle. In a moment he dropped ten years. Barely a second after his transformation the waiter approached them, holding a notepad, and Annabelle realized with a start that he had noticed the waiter coming before she did. 
“How are you two doing tonight?” the waiter asked politely, smiling at the both of them in a rote routine that Annabelle remembered from her own days waitressing. 
“Doing great!” Mr. Sims said, and even his accent was different, closely matching her own. He glanced back at Annabelle, nothing but open and friendly. “Mum says get whatever you want, dork. It’s on her bill, so let’s run her out of house and home.”
Instinctually, Annabelle shot back, “Aren’t you old enough to take me out to eat with your own money, loser?”
“Not with your stomach!” Mr. Sims laughed, and the waiter chuckled along too. Mr. Sims effortlessly rapped out an order for the waiter, before Annabelle even got a chance to look at the menu, and when she floundered Mr. Sims just rolled his eyes and ordered for her too. It was, somehow, her favorite food. 
He waited for the waiter to move onto the next table, eyeing him carefully, before he let the persona drop. Mr. Sims sagged again, dropping the friendly act, sizing her up from half-lidded eyes. 
“How did he even believe that,” Annabelle said flatly. “We don’t look anything alike.”
“White people will believe anything,” Mr. Sims said, rolling his eyes. “I have the Belgian government convinced I’m an Iraqi scientist and most high profile Australian celebrities think I’m Egyptian royalty.”
“...does Egypt have -”
Annabelle was beginning to feel a little like the star actress in the school play who got upstaged in every way by the villain’s performance. Nobody did what she did. Nobody did what she did, but better. 
“Don’t feel insecure,” Mr. Sims said, as if he could read her mind. “I’m a good actor, and I’m excellent at reading people. But I can’t plan or plot like you do. I’m shit at thinking three steps ahead, much less thirty. You can keep plots and schemes going for years - decades, even, if I were to guess. I’m not sure how someone as competent as you can have self-esteem issues.”
Annabelle bristled. “You try having nobody care about you for - how do you even know that shit about me?” Something terrible occurred to her. “Are you some kind of stalker, Mr. Sims?”
Mr. Sims shuddered in real disgust. “It’s Jon. And no, of course not. You just aren’t as subtle as you think you are.”
Yes, she was. She was subtle to everyone on the planet - everyone save, maybe, Jon. Annabelle narrowed her eyes. “What do you want?”
“Absolutely nothing,” Jon said immediately. 
“Liar. Everybody wants something.”
“I’m here altruistically,” Jon said, the perfect picture of innocence. “Really. I’m here to help you, Annabelle.”
“You are stalking me.” Annabelle leaned forward, but Sims didn’t move. “Are you even a real graduate student?”
“Absolutely not. I’m twenty three, I got my Psych degree last year and I’ve been bouncing odd jobs since.” Jon shrugged, as Annabelle felt silently vindicated. Nothing about this man acted like a twenty three year old - she remembered her siblings at twenty-three, there was nothing adult about them - but it was probably just another persona. She wondered how far she’d have to scratch to get to the real Jon Sims. 
“So you were just at Surrey to spy on me,” Annabelle said slowly. “I don’t know what country you’re from, but in England that’s definitely stalking.”
“I’d call it scouting,” Jon said. The waiter dropped by to place their drinks on the table - Jon had gotten a mule for himself, and he had ordered water for Annabelle in a move uncharacteristic for a sketchy guy. He waited until the waiter left to continue. “Call me a recruiter.”
“For who? What kind of job recruiter teaches a class for two months just to get to me?”
“How’s your study with Dr. Blake going, Annabelle?” Jon said, almost randomly, and Annabelle shut up. He must have seen something in her eyes, because a sharp little grin stretched in the corner of his narrow and sharp face. “Thought so. What do you dream of, Annabelle? In the cold corners of night, what fears come to life in the dark recesses of your mind?”
Maybe, Annabelle thought inanely, this was a dream too. Just an extended nightmare, one she hadn’t woken up from. It felt like that: distant and strange, hyper-real and unreal. This strange man sitting in front of her, who swapped faces so easily even Annabelle couldn’t keep up, was far too out of place to truly exist. 
Or maybe he was the first real person she had met in a very long time. 
Jon continued talking, as if she had responded. Maybe she had. “I am not a hero in this story. If I was, I would have come earlier. I would have deleted your name from the pool of subjects, and I would have made it so that you never got that call.” Jon looked away from her for the first time, letting a little sadness show on his face. “I couldn’t. No - no, I could have, I simply chose not to. You’re important, Annabelle. And I didn’t want to rob you of something that you may grow to treasure. I’m afraid that the choice you make now may not be much of a choice at all - but, perhaps, there is still a chance. At the very least, I would like to make this transition a little easier for you. It is a terrible thing, to have to do it alone.”
“That was so vague it was completely meaningless.”
Jon barked a laugh, strangely delighted. “It’s not fair to speak in circles to somebody who’s gone a week without sleep!”
“But you’re doing it on purpose,” Annabelle said, too dead inside to feel mad.
“Oh, absolutely. I am not taking the risk of taking you on at full power.” Jon smiled at her, as if they were friends sharing a joke. “I saw what you did to that Walker boy in secondary.”
Despite herself, Annabelle smiled. “Hear he gets out on parole in five.” Something else occurred to her, a bit belatedly. “You are stalking me!”
“Does a spider stalk the fly that strikes a string on its web?” Jon asked cheerfully. “Or is it simply investigating an encroachment into its territory?”
“Does that mean that you’re going to eat me?” Annabelle said archly. “Thought you said you didn’t want to fuck me. Rude, by the way.”
Almost hilariously, Jon wrinkled his nose. “Sex is a waste of time, resources, and my attention. Can’t imagine why people are so obsessed.”
“I know, right!” Annabelle burst out, before she could help herself. “Do you have any idea how much money I get a month from guys just to talk to me? It’s like they’re aliens! Why do people fuck or date if it’s not to manipulate someone?”
“Right! It’s ridiculous.”
It was the first time anybody had ever agreed with her on that. It was the first time she had even told anybody she felt that way. For a brief second, Annabelle felt connected to Jon. It was the first time that happened in...a very long time. 
Jon was the first person Annabelle had ever met who was like her. Everybody in Annabelle’s life had always been either useful or useless. Jon seemed above that, somehow. To be beyond utility, to exist on your own power...what did that look like? To be the powerful, instead of the powerless?
No matter how hard she tried, no matter how many puppet strings Annabelle tied around her fingers, she was never powerful. Not really. She was eighteen, from a nothing family, and no matter how many molehills she made herself queen of she would never rule the mountain. She couldn’t get as far as she wanted with what she had. The only reason she had even volunteered for the stupid Arachnophobia experiment was because she needed to crush out weakness in herself, erase the hidden flaws in her mind.
But Jon said her flaws were strengths. What made her weak could be turned into power. 
Annabelle needed more, more, more. She needed everything, if she was to have anything. She needed what Jon had. 
Everything Annabelle said had a purpose. Every word she used was chosen carefully, every little gesture or body language was calculated. She said nothing without thinking, and she could do it so quickly nobody even noticed. Jon would notice, a con man as perfect as she was.
Let him. Give her two straight days to sleep, and they’d have a real battle of wits. In the meantime, she just had to pick her questions strategically.
“What am I turning into?” Annabelle asked, after a half-second of rapid thought. “Who are you? And what do spiders have to do with any of this?”
Jon smiled again broadly, grey eyes dancing with a barely hidden delight. “You’re fully aware that these are all the same question.”
“Then answer them. You said you’re here to help me. Then help me.” Annabelle narrowed her eyes. “We’ll negotiate a price later.”
“This one is a freebie,” Jon said. He leaned back, face fading into the shadow of the dim yellow light of the hanging light. “You’re turning into something much akin to myself.”
In the darkness, Annabelle saw Jon open his eyes. And his eyes. And his eyes…
All eight of Jon’s glittering black eyes shone in the darkness, straining her own and making her head thump. It was wrong, outside of humanity or reality, and it felt as if the very sight was straining the fabric of her delicately maintained life so tight it would tear. It felt as if it was tearing her, right in two, ruining her forever. Her eyes felt like they were going to burst out of her head. 
She didn’t want to know what would replace them. But she had the feeling that she already did. 
“Then what,” Annabelle gritted out, “are you?”
“I am the eldest and most treasured Son of the Mother of Spiders,” Jon said. He smiled at her, just a little, almost apologetic. “Sorry about that. I know you’ve always wanted to be an only child.”
Ah. Duh. Obviously. She should have known.
“...do I want to know who the Mother of Spiders is?”
“Your mother, should you choose to accept her,” Jon said cheerfully, leaning back into the light, and his face was normal again. Human as ever. Strange and foreign as ever - possibly everything, possibly nothing. “I know you aren’t strictly in the market for adoption, but you may not have much of a choice. You’ve felt her scratching beneath her skin. She’s going to tear out of you, and soon. Did you know some species of wasp lay their eggs in the body of spiders to provide food for the grubs?”
“During the next experiment,” Annabelle said dully, already filtering out Jon’s useless tidbits of information. That was a guy who spoke for the sake of hearing himself talk. “That’s when it’s happening. When I’ll...change.”
“Yes. It’s a painful process,” Jon said, and it was almost apologetic. “My own happened when I was fifteen - quite young, all things considered. I still remember the sound of my bones snapping as -”
“Of course! Anyway, I thought I’d make sure you had...to use the psych term, informed consent, before you entered the crucible. Our - my, sorry - Mother often foregoes true consent in our operations. The beauty of nature!” Jon laughed, as Annabelle felt sick. “Agnes wanted to put together a pamphlet, but then we let Gerry go wild on the clipart and...well, it’s better if I just explain. I can’t give you the full story now, but I’ll tell you as much as your mind can comprehend.”
Annabelle wasn’t sure she could even comprehend this. It was so much, and she was so tired. She had just heard that her body was going to rupture like a cocoon and give birth to a giant spider that may or may not also be her, and all she could think about was the fact that she wanted to go back to bed. Somehow, all she could ask was -
“Why?” She asked, so stupid and pointless, as if she was stupid, as if she wasn’t her at all. “Why are you doing this?”
“It’s like I said.” In the dim yellow lighting, Jon’s eyes glittered pure black, and in that brief and stupid second Annabelle felt as if they were the same in that way. “Nobody should have to go through this alone and ignorant.” Then the moment was over, and his eyes were a human grey again, just left of normal. “Besides. Siblings stick together, right?”
“I hardly need more siblings,” Annabelle snapped. 
“You’re about to lose seven of them real soon,” Jon promised, extremely worryingly, “so I’d take what you can get right now, Annabelle.”
“Are you going to kill -”
“Unfortunately, you may have to fake your own death!”
Then their food came, and Annabelle received her first lesson in the class of hard knocks. 
They talked for hours. It took hours, to even just get a picture of the story. Jon was patient, answering every question, and Annabelle strained so hard trying to fight through her exhaustion, trying to understand the answer, Jon’s motivation in answering it or what he could be leaving out, that by the end of it she felt as if she had run a marathon. She had never felt so tired in her life, in the most dangerous situation in her life, with the most dangerous person she had ever met. 
By the end of it, Irene was texting her to ask if she was dead, and Annabelle was falling asleep at her chair. Jon cut an end to their conversation when he slid out his wallet, covered the bill with a black Amex card, and slid a business card against the table. Annabelle squinted down at it. 
The text in the center just said [FREELANCERS]. That was it. She stared at it.
Underneath the vague word, she saw a phone number [555-555] and an email [[email protected]]. Annabelle looked up to stare at Jon. “Are you for real?”
“Almost never,” Jon said cheerfully, “but the card will make sense when it needs to. Let me take you back to your dorm, alright? You can get some sleep in the car.”
If he was a creep, she was dead anyway. Annabelle didn’t bother arguing. She grabbed her jacket and got in the passenger seat of his car, and true to his word Annabelle drifted asleep almost immediately. She even felt as if the ride took longer than ten minutes, as if he drove in circles just waiting for her.
For the first time in a week, Annabelle slept uninterrupted, and had no dreams.
Annabelle wanted what Jon had. 
And a week later, she took it. 
Shivering in an alley, clothing ripped to shreds, her own skin hanging off her triple jointed limbs, she dug out a creased and torn business card. She had been worrying at it intensely over the weekend, staring and it and clenching it tightly as if it was her only lifeline. It was, of course. But Jon had known that.
The card looked different now. The text now looked handwritten, but with a beautiful and old-timey slanted handwriting. It now just read: 
‘To Annabelle, with love. From your new friends Gerry, Jon, and Agnes’. There was a number underneath, and Annabelle frantically dug in her tattered leather jacket pocket to draw out her cracked phone. 
Annabelle hated taking favors from people. Everything she had, she had fought for herself. She would scrape, borrow, beg, and steal whatever she had to. But, when it came to siblings...maybe, then, it was okay.
Dizzily, as Annabelle let the phone ring, she thought: this is my supervillain origin story. 
The thought sent a slow smile crawling across her inhuman and warped face. 
Sounds like fun. 
122 notes · View notes
@noblelightfighter asked: "How did you come up with the town scenarios? Like Wild trying to bargain and Sky being one of the links who was eager to try bomb-chu bowling?"
I’m really glad you asked this! I love talking about my thought process and inspirations when it comes to my writing, especially with Oops! All Links. There are a lot of sequences in the Selggog arc, so I may as well go through them chapter by chapter. More below the cut!
I'll start off by saying that around the time I wrote “Musings and Memories,” I read James Baldwin's short story “Sonny’s Blue’s.” Baldwin does a really good job keeping dialogue-heavy scenes interesting by describing the characters' poses and mundane actions. I thought, "damn, I want to do that too." So if you noticed another layer of detail in my writing at that point, that was why.
Chapter 15: Inn or Out... Maybe Just Inn.
Hyrule is by far the hardest Link to write for. He has hardly any source material, so all I really have to go off of is Jojo’s comic and other fan content. That's why I accidentally ignored him for the first 14 chapters. So I decided to give him much more of a spotlight in this arc, and one of the few concrete things that we know about him is that he has had to deal with vendors with wildly different prices. I figure, yeah, he probably got good at haggling.
I put Sky, Wild, and Hyrule together because they all have different experiences with vendors in their own games. I decided that I could add Baldwin-esque detail by describing the minutia of them undressing and eating supper. Damn, did I consult the original LU character concepts a ton for this segment. I also used this scene to add my headcanon/self-projection of Sky being vegetarian.
The Links also went through what could be a traumatic experience in the burning town. I had already written some fallout of Time using Darmani's Mask, where the others are mad at him, Wild flips shit, and Time describes how painful it is to use the masks. But Time only wore the mask to save Hyrule. Wouldn't Hyrule feel guilty about that? And who better to soothe that guilt than Wild, who must have felt incredible survivor guilt after the Calamity?
Chapter 16: Panacea
Scene 1: I wasn't sure why I made Twilight wake in a cold sweat, but it could be because of recalling his past experience in "Stars and Stories." Aside from giving Twi and Wars some 1-on-1 dialogue, this scene lets Twi have some pleasant memories of home after the awful ones in "Fire." It also shows his soft side when he lets Time oversleep.
Scene 2: This is mostly just setup for the rest of the arc, but eating breakfast and getting dressed is another Baldwin opportunity. The group also gets some downtime to decompress and act off of each other.
The title and Hyrule's line "And enjoying breakfast together in a warm and cozy inn is probably the panacea for that poison” is a reference to the Flobots song "Panacea for the Poison."
Chapters 17 & 18: To Sell a Butterfly (Necklace); A Sailor and a Ranch Hand Walk into a Store.
Bro, I love writing Twi and Wind together. All the Links consider each other sort of brothers, Twi acts like a big brother to his friends in Ordon, and Wind is the youngest Link. Perfect. These chapters let their relationship shine and give Wind a chance to use his own experience with treasure tellers for what I think were great character moments. Madame Viliafore wasn't really inspired by anything, she just kinda came into existence.
Twilight's line “Uh, I’m pretty sure most shops won’t buy off strangers. They’re trying to sell their junk, not buy yours. Think how fast they’d go bankrupt.” is a reference to the Snowdin shopkeeper in Undertale.
This is probably pretty obvious but the titles are references to To Kill a Mockingbird and that one joke (you know the one).
Chapter 19: Swords, Shields, Arrows
Wild is a knight and knows exactly what he is doing when it comes to weapons. The pose he ends his sword test with is a reference to the BotW Memory "Shelter from the Storm." He tries to haggle with the shop owner precisely because he just saw Hyrule do it, and they talked about it the previous night. He fails miserably because he has absolutely no idea how to do it. I also give Four and Wild some character interaction that stresses how much Wild's past messed with his head.
There's no particular reason the shopkeeper said they were scaring his customers when there weren't any customers in the shop, I just thought it would be funny.
Chapter 20: Mind the Tea
Hyrule got some comfort from Wild and Sky, but I felt he really needed to hear it from Time. Besides wrapping up all the plot threads from the previous chapters, I got to sprinkle in a bit more Time angst and humorously conclude the wallet side plot. I just thought it would be funny to make the events of two whole chapters entirely unnecessary.
This chapter and the opening to the next are inspired by the time I went to a British tearoom in New York City called Tea and Sympathy. It's a bit pricy but if you're ever in New York, you should check it out.
Rolling with the British theme, the title is a reference to the warning all over the London Underground saying "Mind the Gap."
Chapter 21: Me and the Boys
The Links needed some fun after everything, so I figured, what minigame from one of the Zelda games could all of them enjoy? Time said it himself, they all like explosions. Sky is the most enthusiastic to play (besides Wind) because he's generally one of the more positive Links, and one of his own minigames was that circus-themed diving game. I figured that this would remind him of that.
The girl at the counter is indeed the younger sister of the Bombchu girl in Ocarina of Time. The "heroic sideburns" line is a reference to Tri Force Heroes, which otherwise doesn't really come up in LU.
In my opinion, this is my funniest chapter by far. I really laid into the comedy here, because I knew that after this chapter, I was going into an arc centered around intense combat. I absolutely love Twilight's increasing concern over the Cucco, and Sky's line about animal welfare laws is a reference to the "Wait. That's illegal" meme from Red vs Blue.
My favorite jokes I've ever written are in this chapter:
“Games?” Hyrule replied. “You mean like chess?” Wind gaped at his friend in disbelief. “No, games are fun.”
And this entire bit here
The girl giggled from behind the counter. Legend shot daggers at her. She sobered up. Warriors snatched up a bombchu in one hand and patted Legend on the shoulder with the other. “Please, I’ll show you how it’s done,” he said with a wink to the shopkeeper. Warriors’ bombchu was as good as dead on arrival; it was blocked by the very first barrier. His shoulders slumped. “I don’t remember him asking for the quickest way to lose,” Wild teased. “Shut it, you don’t remember a lot of things,” Warriors shot back. “I—… okay, that’s fair.”
To finish up, I'll explain where this town's came from. Back in middle school, I ran a Minecraft server for my friends and me. We built a town and my friend decided to name it Selggog. Where did he get the name? We had just watched the "Lab Safety Song" in our science class, and it mentioned safety goggles. He wrote down "goggles" backward and, what do you know, he got "Selggog."
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fireheartfaery · 3 years
Day 5: "Would you like to stay?"
masterlist; my links
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Cassian is exhausted. He can feel it in the very tendrils of his wings, like poison, or smoke. The streets of Caraverre are quiet as the people settle in for the night but he still has some ways to go before he is due for his shower and his bed.
If only the guards in the north tower would hurry up and sort out whatever problem they were having. They had warned him it would take at least two hours, but he was an impatient man, and forty minutes later the pacing had started burning holes in the grass patch.
The warehouse gates behind him rattle but when he turns to see what it is, there is nothing there but murky darkness and a swinging chain. He waves it off as the wind and goes back to pacing, feeling that time is being especially cruel as it crawls towards the lighter hours.
He just wants to go home, and lie on his bed, and forget about the world. And maybe he'll be able to avoid his friends who although he loves, he doesn't have the energy for. He doesn't have..... what? He just doesn't have.
There's a thud to his left. He doesn't have the patience to deal with this.
"Whoever you are," He sighs, "You're not fooling anyone."
A shadow slinks by, nothing but a black patch against the dim light of the warehouse walls.
"Oh just an animal," He pouts, feeling a little foolish for assuming.
Something growls in response, and before he can react he is being thrown to the ground and a cat, as black as space, and strong as most of his guards put together, lands on his chest.
Its eyes are green, bright forest green. And they hold a world of mischief in their slits.
"Didn’t like that huh?" He stares at it. He's a little afraid to look away in case it takes it as a sign to gauge his heart out or something.
He doesn't really know much about animals.
It purrs soflty, as if to say "Well I did something about it didn't I?" There is arrogance in its gaze that he cannot help but feel is entirely too human.
The cat is larger than a normal housecat, but smaller than what he'd expect you see in the wild. It seemed however, no matter it's species it was all fierce.
He is still, barely even breathing. His wings are uncomfortable as they try to support his body weight, and that of the cats without being crushed. After their extensive shredding, they had been more sensitive than ever. Fun, if he was using them for fun bedroom activities. Not so fun, when they are pinned down against his will. Still he dares not move; the claws look sharp enough to ribbon his bones.
"Apologies for offending you," He takes a split second to look at the surroundings, trying to give him leverage to escape the situation without hurting either of them. The animal is a nuisance but it is not harming him. "But please could you get off me, my wings are being crushed."
He is fully prepared for it to ignore him, hands already reaching for its body. But with one final snap of its jaw, it pounces off and lands on the ground in two feet.
He is up, and then he is falling to the ground again. Shock racing through every nerve in his body like electric wires.
"What the f—"
"Don't you know it's rude to swear in front of the lady who's land you stand on?" She raises a black brow, sculpted with as much care as their temples.
"My Lady," He scrambles to his knee, bowing his head, "I uh, apologize for...uh everything." She does not usually appear as a cat but he should have known when he saw those emerald green eyes, ever unchanging no matter her form.
"I haven't known you to be so penitent Cassian," She grins.
He can't help his face from twisting into a look of disapproval. "I'm on the job Your Grace and I'd like to keep it that way."
"So very proper all of a sudden."
He chooses to brush past her little smirk, no matter how much it makes his heart pound. "Is there anything I can help you with My Lady?"
"I'm just taking a tour, making sure everything and everyone is well."
"With someone like you as leader it's impossible not to be."
"Ah there's the charmer," Her laugh is like temple bells. Musical. Holy.
He can hear the guards making their way back, clattering into everything they possibly can by the sounds of it. He's grateful he supposes, because at least it warns him.
"My Lady," He bows his head again, "My guards are coming back, I must—" He gestures behind him trailing off.
She nods, but there is something like disappointment flashing in her eyes. It crashes into him like a tidal wave. Drowns his logic.
"Unless..." His voice is softer now, more gentle. "Would you like to stay?"
"Are you suggesting a workplace sneak off?" Her face is the portrait of outrage. "Oh Cassian darling you do know in the grand scheme of things I’m your boss?"
"In the grand scheme of things you're also my—"
"Cassian who are you talking to?" One of the guards pushes past the gate, frowning at him.
He glances to the side to see a cat slinking into the darkness. "Oh uh, just myself. Gets a little lonely waiting outside."
They laugh, slapping him on the back. "Alright mate."
"Everything run smoothly in there?"
"Yea it was just a....." They fade out as he peers into the darkness, trying to catch a glimpse of the sleek coat of a midnight feline. He sees nothing but the spurting trees and the fading moonlight.
"That's great man," He smiles distractedly, "Listen i’m going to head home for the night, if that's cool?"
"Yea, yea go ahead you old man. We'll see you in the morning."
Before they can change their minds, or another problem can crop up he is unfurling his wings and racing through the skies.
He lands on the roof of his apartment building with a soft thud, and there sitting on the edge, licking her paw with the air of royalty is the cat.
"My Lady," He bows again.
She transforms into her human body, one he know doesn't alter form but he finds more beautiful with every passing day, minute, second.
"Snuck away from work?"
"Excused myself," He smirks.
"Someone should tell your boss you're slacking."
"Write a letter, Your Grace,"
Her eyes twinkle with cheek, "I'll stamp it with my favourite lipstick."
"Can I get a matching stamp?"
Every nerve in his body lights itself on fire. "Everywhere."
She giggles, wraps her arms around his neck, let's her fingers brush his veined wings. He shudders out of existence.
"How about I start here?" Soft lips press to the sensitive skin behind his ear.
He holds in a groan that swallows his politeness. Hands wrap around her waist, pressing their bodies together like they can become one.
He walks them backwards, stumbles into the rooftop door, pushes it open with an awkward hand. "Would you like to stay, my lady?"
"Forever." Lysandra whispers.
He can't help but agree. He let's his girlfriend in.
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know. all my channels of communication are open):
@nishlicious-01, @simping4bookboisngrls​
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rainingjewel · 4 years
Sweet Nothings - An Ochre prompt
Something simple for @teirrart
As far as Pigment was concerned, it was a beautiful day. The breeze felt wonderful against his skull and the scent of the wide variety of plants that thrived on Sandy’s mountain was soothing. It was a little cloudy, but that just meant he didn’t have to worry about his bones getting burned in the bright sun here! Despite how empty the mountain was, it was a very beautiful place and it kind of reminded him of where he grew up. Just without the beach part.
 Sandy, however, was looking up at the sky, noticing the cloud patterns. Rain was going to be upon them, and what was worse, a storm was brewing in the east. He would have to take Pigment up the mountain, into his old home for shelter… or they’d have to leave. That was not going to be an easy case to make. The smile Pigment wore warmed his soul… he hated to break the news to him that his perfect calm day of learning was going to be put on hold.
 “Minty,” Sandy called out to the daydreaming skeleton. “Come now, we should get moving.”
 “Why? We have all day! You’re always telling me to slow down, why the rush?” Pigment tilted his head in confusion, innocent eyes filled with orange and yellow shapes.
 “A storm is coming later. We won’t be able to do as much field work as we originally planned.”
 “Huh? But it’s such a nice day!” Pigment declared as he protested Sandy’s assessment.
 “For now it is. Come on, you grew up on the beach. Don’t you remember how the weather would suddenly turn?”
 “I guess…” Pigment pouted.
 Sandy sighed at the disappointed look on the younger skeleton’s face. He couldn’t help it, what emotions he did have, Pigment wore on his sleeve. It was endearing, and one of the reasons he had fallen in love with him. Seeing his boyfriend upset in any form twisted his soul, but weather was one thing he could not help with.
 He gently leaned in, kissing the top of the smaller skeleton’s skull. “There’s still time before it all. And while we wait out the storm, I’ll let you use my supplies. You can start your own potion, on your own. I’ll just keep back and watch, okay?”
 Pigment’s pout turned into a gentle smile at the alchemist’s promise. He hadn’t really been able to use any of Sandy’s tools without his extensive oversight. It wasn’t unwarranted either. Pigment had attempted to mix several dangerous things together with his powders in the past. But that had been some time ago, he was better now, not just grabbing random things because they were a certain color.
 “I wouldn’t mind you being close and observing either,” Pigment snuggled into Sandy’s chest, embracing the taller skeleton with an unintentional flirt.
 Intentional or not, it always got to Sandy when Pigment would be forward like that. A light golden dusting appeared on his cheekbones as he felt the tip of his boyfriend’s nasal cavity scratch him lightly through his clothes. “Heh… I suppose I can arrange that.”
 Pigment laughed a little as Sandy fluttered kisses down his jawline, a bit of a rainbow hue brightening his cheeks. Despite them being skeletons, Sandy’s kisses tickled and he knew he was sensitive, especially along the side with his mark! He barely pulled away, giggling for a brief moment, before their teeth met together.
 Pigment, despite being kissed many times before, was always slightly overloaded with the emotions that flowed through him whenever Sandy got this close. It was surreal and addicting. He could never pick one emotion that was prominent when it happened, which was what he tried to do when he overdosed. This wasn’t like that. His cheeks burned, his head felt light and dizzy, part of his chest felt like it was inflating with… something, he didn’t know. It took him a moment or two to recover, just holding onto his boyfriend’s arms as his head continued to swirl.
 Once Pigment was back together mentally, the two would walk around the mountain, doing some field work. The apprentice was quizzed by the master on a variety of things, allowing him to take his samples and ingredients for later.
 While collecting some thistle, Pigment heard a faint sound further into the plants. He slowly moved through the thistle and tall grass, stopping when he saw some stinging nettle… his old enemy. He glared at it, his round face rather humorous to look at from the outside. Carefully, he went around it, trying to find the source of the sound…
 Laying at the edge of the nettle was a black and white cat with longer fur. The sounds were its pitiful mews of discomfort. Instinctively, Pigment went to reach for it, but he felt himself yanked back by his jumper.
 “What are you doing?”
 The quick, harsher tone of the alchemist startled the smaller skeleton, and Pigment’s hands went to his chest, pulling himself closer together.
 “It’s hurt,” Pigment said innocently, looking down at the cat.
 Sandy glanced down at the cat. It had been stung by the nettle… how did it get sick enough by the amount it had walked in, he wondered… it was at the edge of it.
 “Sandy, please! I know how painful that is! Don’t you have more of your medicine for it?”
 “I do but—”
 Pigment started digging through Sandy’s satchels, looking for the right ointment. “It’s in this one right?”
 The smaller skeleton jolted back up, looking uneasy at the tone his boyfriend had just used. It wasn’t often he did something to warrant the tone, and he couldn’t comprehend why Sandy would use it now. He only used it when it was serious…
Sandy had been trying to push the smaller painter away from the cat since he saw it, but Pigment was having none of it. He felt for him, and the cat. It wasn’t as if Sandy wanted the creature to suffer…
 “It’s a human pet, Mint,” Sandy emphasized, leading Pigment way.
 The younger skeleton felt his fight leave for a moment, letting himself be moved away from the small, suffering creature. As he moved further away, tears started lining his eyes. He remembered very clearly what the warnings were… humans were toxic, especially to monsters in this world… anything domesticated was to be avoided too… tainted…
 “I-it’s not… it’s a cat, Sandy… it’s not a human…”
 “If the pets aren’t toxic themselves, they can still poison you if it scratches or bites. You don’t have a soul to ward it off, I can’t treat you the way I have the other monsters that have been exposed. I won’t risk you for a cat, Mint.”
 “Please…” he pleaded. “C-can’t you check it or something? I…”
 Sandy’s soul twisted in his chest as Pigment looked up at him with those pleading eyes. Watery, innocent eyes… it was hard enough to not want to help it. It was just a cat, and Sandy had grown very fond of the species thanks to a mutual friend of theirs…
 With a heavy sigh, he relented. “Fine… but you have to stand back,” and he pointed to a tree across a clearing, a good distance away.
 Pigment wasn’t thrilled with that idea. He wanted to help but he understood why. “Be careful…”
 As the smaller skeleton walked over to the designated waiting spot, the alchemist turned his attention back to where the cat had been laying. This poison was something he was used to, but it caused serious damage… it always got his nerves up…
 Carefully, Sandy walked toward the cat, his bare feet softly crunching the brush beneath them. He looked at the cat as its chest heaved, as if not getting enough air or it was hard for it to breathe. His own soul felt tight as he fell into his old role…
 “Sorry, kitty…” he whispered as his hand started to glow with a gentle yellow. The weakened feline’s soul was surrounded by the same light and brought to the foreground…
 Much to Sandy’s surprise, the taint of the humans of his world was barely upon this cat. A small amount, but not nearly enough to suggest it lived amongst them. That alone was strange… did the animals start to move into the forest? That could be dangerous… he would have to investigate…
 But that was later. Now, he had a patient… he still couldn’t risk Pigment being bit, even with this low level of taint, but at least if he was bit, it wouldn’t be serious. He had been around this type of poison for far too long and had grown resistant… but it was something that was forever with him, and it would give him nightmares if he could sleep…
 He had medicine for the taint… he had medicine for the nettle… but something else wasn’t sitting right with him about this whole thing. How did this cat end up being so badly poisoned from the stinging nettle if it was so close to the edge of the patch?
 As he attempted to treat the cat, forcing medicine into its mouth a lot easier than he thought, given how weak it was, he found his answer… talon marks… a bird had scooped this cat up and dropped it into the nettle. How many internal injuries did this poor cat have?
 Pigment fidgeted as he watched Sandy barely move. Sitting still was not his forte, he wanted to move around. He wanted to help. He was getting better at medicine. If nothing else, a second pair of hands couldn’t hurt, right?
 But he also understood Sandy’s concern. Monsters were incredibly susceptible to the toxins human souls produced in this world… and without a soul to combat it, he was uniquely compromised… but after minutes upon minutes standing there, and not being able to tell if the cat was okay, Pigment couldn’t take it any longer.
 He tried to mimic Sandy’s quiet steps, but his shoes always gave him away in the brush. Despite his best efforts, he just… couldn’t be quiet.
 “I told you to stay back.”
 “I want to help,” he quietly declared. “You’re in danger too if it’s tainted… I won’t risk you for this either!”
 Golden eyes met watery blue and green and Sandy couldn’t help himself. “Oh, Minty…” he sighed with a gentle smile.
 Pigment moved in with Sandy’s gentle coaxing and he sat down beside his beloved. The sight of the cat still struggling to breathe worried him.
 “What’s wrong with it?”
 “Between human toxins, the nettle, and being dropped from a great height… there’s a lot, Minty… I don’t know if I can help it…”
 “But… you have to! You’re a doctor!” he began to plead.
 It was times like this Sandy deeply regretted never being able to follow in his father’s footsteps, never inheriting his gift for healing…  “Minty, I don’t… I’m not…”
 Sandy felt arms wrap around his middle, squeezing him tightly. “You’re the best doctor ever, Sandy! You can do things no one else can, you see things that everyone else misses. I know you want to instantly make someone better, but your healing is better than that. I know it’s not easy but I know you can do it. And I’ll do whatever you need me to, to help!”
 The alchemist glanced back at his partner before resting his forehead against the other’s. Sandy’s success rate of critically injured patients wasn’t the greatest… that instant healing would be really handy to get them out of the woods… but it did generally lead to complications down the road. Things went overlooked or missed in the rush to close a wound, poisons got left in, infections would spread… neither method was superior but his was all he had at the moment.
 With a little help from Pigment, Sandy did what he could for the cat. He tried to ease its breathing, treating symptoms as well as the overall problems. Medicine took some time to work so it was a waiting game… but all in all… it was a good experience for Pigment. He got to really apply what he had learned so far, and perhaps learn a little more… not to mention he did what he did best… Sandy was always humbled by how quickly Pigment would cheer him on, how he always supported him.
 As he was stabilizing the cat, a faint rumble was heard above them.
 “What?” Pigment started to fret. “It was sunny a second ago!”
 This was what he was worried about. Sandy ripped off his half-cloak and very carefully used it to pick up the cat. Luckily it was too weak to really fight.
 “We need to get inside, Mint,” he spoke up, snapping the other back to reality.
 Running up the mountain to the old, abandoned village, the sky ripped open and started letting out its torrent. Pigment cried out a little as he tried to cover his head from the freezing cold water while Sandy just tried to lean over the cat more.
 It felt like it took far longer than it should have before they finally made it to his old home. It was a modest cabin, made of logs and stone with some straw for insulation on the roof. It was fairly dry inside despite the pounding weather outside. Sandy went and gently placed the cat down on the floor, still wrapped in his cloak. As he tried to start a fire in the middle of the living area, Pigment began to whimper. He didn’t handle the cold well…
 Sandy glanced back at him, managing to get a small fire going. It wasn’t as if he kept a lot of firewood here… he didn’t stay in this house too often, preferring to camp out… too many memories. But what he had left… it would hold them for now.
 “Jeez, Mint,” Sandy went over, beginning to tease, “I think you took in enough water to fill a lake.”
 “Sandy…” he whined.
 “All right, all right,” the elder chuckled before leaning in, gently kissing his boyfriend’s cheek. “Take off those wet clothes and hang them by the fire to dry. I’ll go scrounging around for something for you to wear in the meantime.”
 A rainbow tint came across Pigment’s face. “U-um…”
 “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before, Mint,” Sandy smirked a little at his lover’s embarrassment. “Or are you wanting to do it in my old house?”
 “N-No, I-I…!”
 “Though, I suppose it would be a good way to warm you up.”
 A high-pitched whine escaped Pigment as his entire skull erupted in his rainbow-hued blush, hands covering his face.
 A soft chuckle and another peck to his flushed cheek, Sandy gently caressed Pigment’s skull. “I’m merely teasing, Mint,” he whispered with nothing but love coating his words. “But I am serious about getting you out of these wet clothes before you get sick. Can you do that for me? Once we’re in dry clothes we can cuddle by the fire and keep an eye on our new friend.”
 The blush didn’t fade, but Pigment nodded. He understood the why, but emotions were still… difficult for him to process and it wasn’t always sure when Sandy was serious or teasing. It made for some awkward moments, despite Sandy’s patient and nurturing nature. Pigment was glad he was so sweet and understanding with him…
 After finding a spare set of clothes for them both, Pigment swimming in the taller skeleton’s already baggy clothes, Sandy had also found a blanket for them to wrap up in. The cat was wrapped in a blanket as well, the cloak hanging to dry with the rest of their clothes.
 Despite it being early in the afternoon, Pigment managed to fall asleep against Sandy near the fire. It was a cozy little scene after all… a nap with his boyfriend sounded like the best thing in the world right now… it was too bad he couldn’t sleep…
 As he debated about laying down and just pretending for a bit, he heard a sound coming from the other blanket. Hating to abandon his cozy love bug of a boyfriend, but needing to check on his patient, Sandy reluctantly laid Pigment down on his own, wrapped in the blanket. He scooted over to open the blanket. He was greeted by a weak hiss. He should have expected that… Cats were the most dangerous when they were vulnerable.
 “Easy there…” he spoke softly, gently extending a finger for the cat to sniff.
 A low growl, but after a moment, the cat began to sniff his skeletal finger. Then, as if recognizing the scent, maybe realizing it was Sandy who had helped it, the cat put its head down. He took a chance and went to gently stroke the feline’s head. It didn’t seem to mind, or perhaps was too weak. What did surprise him was the soft purr that emanated from the ball of fluff.
 It was something to focus on as the storm raged outside, and as Pigment slept. As the hours passed and the storm settled, however… Sandy began realizing that they had no way to truly care for this cat… sure, he could medically take care of it… to a point. But there was no food and he wasn’t qualified to care for a cat… but he knew someone who could.
 Pigment awoke to find himself alone on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. He whined a little. This always happened! He couldn’t blame Sandy, things needed to be done while he slept… but just once he’d like to wake up with him…
 As he sat up to look for him, he realized that he wasn’t far this time, holding something wrapped in a blanket…
 Right! The cat! He was embarrassed that he had forgotten. He shot up, forgetting that he wasn’t in his own clothes as well, and tripping over the baggy pants he insisted he wore, despite the fact that Sandy’s spare shirts were almost down to his knees…
 “Mornin’ sunshine,” Sandy smiled at Pigment as he blushed.
 “Is the cat all right?” he tried to distract from his own embarrassment.
 “Better than I hoped… not truly tainted… and friendly, despite that…”
 “But..?” he pressed, knowing that tone.
 “I don’t think I can keep taking care of it. I’ve never really taken care of a pet before… I mean, Muffet had a pet chicken I would look at once in a while but…”
 “Muffet… had a…” Pigment had to shake his head to get himself back on track. “But you did so well, Sandy! I’m sure you can do it!”
 “I could probably fumble my way through… but that’s not fair to this little one… not when we know someone who could do much better than I could.”
 Pigment blinked, then smacked his forehead. “Ccino!”
 Sandy couldn’t help but chuckle softly. He had the cutest reactions. “So get dressed, we should probably go and take it to someone who actually knows cats.”
 “Yeah, could probably tell us if it’s a boy or girl too so we can stop calling it “it”.”
 The alchemist snickered and held his tongue so his boyfriend would focus on getting dressed. He had already gotten back into his classic clothes, not that his clothes were much different from one another.
 Pigment cut open a portal with his giant pallet knife into the fabric of reality itself. It was still as strange to Sandy as he first saw it, the concept of it all anyway… however, he was well versed by now and knew well of what the multiverse could offer… this was just one of those things you had to learn to accept.
 As they crossed into the portal and appeared on the other side, they were welcomed by a familiar, friendly voice.
 “Pigment, Sandy! Welcome back!” he said enthusiastically.
 Ccino was always glad to see his friends. They were good for business too, as Sandy spent so much gold on coffee and coffee beans for the road. He missed them when they traveled the multiverse…
 His attention was quickly grabbed by the blanket in Sandy’s arms, however. He knew that shape better than anyone. In a moment, the coffee in his hands were put down and he ran over.
 “What’s this?” he had to ask, curiously.
 “We found a cat!” Pigment exclaimed.
 Ccino’s eyes lit up for a moment, before he was sobered by Sandy’s explanation of the situation, “It’s pretty badly hurt… I can only do so much medically…”
 “I’m not a vet,” Ccino quickly fretted, catching onto Sandy’s inflection.
 “But you do know cats!” Pigment pipped up.
 “A lot more than I do,” Sandy smiled softly at their friend. “I was hoping you’d help us nurse them back?”
 The sweater-clad skeleton looked up at the other two. “So you… wanna stay and work together?”
 “Absolutely!” Pigment grinned. “And then we can keep it!”
 “Aw, please, Sandy? With minty leaves on top?”
 “We don’t have a place for a cat.”
 “Your house?” he tilted his head.
 “We travel too much.”
 “You can always bring it back here, I’ll cat-sit,” Ccino offered with a grin.
 Sandy glanced between the two, before letting out a defeated sigh. “I’ll think about it…”
 “Yay!!” Pigment wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, barely missing the cat.
 “Well,” Ccino chuckled, “How about we check out this little fluffball, huh?”
 “Careful, it still has some taint on it.”
“What?” Ccino blinked.
 “We’ll explain as we go through,” Pigment smiled as the three walked into the back.
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Ieyasu and Chilli
This is a touch of madness that came from the wonder that is Discord, my 2am brain and a lot of supportive encouragement from a bunch of friendly enablers. 
@umbralaperture​ @tsundere-mitsuhide​ @silver-fox-of-azuchi​ @jennacat84​
I hope you all enjoy it.
Ieyasu and Chilli
Imagine if you will a tiny timid little creature. No this is not a height joke aimed at our fluffy contrarian. 
For those of you unaware of what a Dik-dik is they are tiny antelopes (30-40cm in height and 50-70cm in length.) So a baby one is well, smaller. 
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Image is not mine it was from a newpaper article and all credit goes to the photographer for capturing such cuteness. *link for article is here
This is also the creature that Mai came into the castle carrying in her arms after somehow liberating it from a merchant.
“What have you got now?” Ieyasu stops in his tracks on his way out of the castle gate as she tries to slip past unnoticed. 
“Oh! Ieyasu. I found this and wanted your advice on how to take care of it.” Mai’s shoulders jumped at being called but she quickly plastered a rather overly happy smile on her face and faked acting like everything was totally normal. 
Yes, nothing to see here people just Mai carrying a rather small animal in her arms like a doll or a child. What do you mean she didn’t have that when she left earlier?
“Put it back.” His voice was firm and commanding. His green eyes flicked briefly to the creature before holding a very stone-cold glare at his girlfriend.
“What?”Her eyes went wide. For some reason, she never thought he would tell her that. I mean this is Ieyasu. Her Ieyasu. The one that has a deer living in his garden at his mansion to prevent Masamune tuning it into venison burgers.  
“Go and put that thing back wherever you found it. You don’t know where it’s been and there is more than enough work around here for both of us without adding caring for a rodent.” 
“He isn’t a rodent! He’s a... deer-like something.” Actually, Mai had no idea as to the true name of the animal cradled in her arms. Sasuke was going to get paid a visit at some point so she could ask him if he knew.
“You don’t even know what it is and you are saying you want to look after it?” Ieyasu scoffed his tone was still cold but he was coming closer to her now so he could judge for himself if this thing was really not a threat.
“Look I found him. The guys at the dock caught him running around and put him in a cage. They were talking about roasting him.” Mai was pleading with her big eyes that seemed to be mirrored in the same way by the little creature in her arms. Great two sets of puppy eyes.
“I’m sure he’d make a very nice snack.” Ieyasu quipped remembering his own first encounter with Wasabi except he now seemed to have switched places with Masa. Not an idea he liked very much at all.
*GASP!* “Don’t listen to the nasty man Chilli you are no more a snack than Wasabi is rations.” Mai acted dramatically covering the ears of the little creature with her fingers. 
She knew. Of course, she did she was his girlfriend and knew all about Wasabi and how he came to care for the deer. Curses.
“Don’t bring up Wasabi... and don’t name the thing you’ll get attached to it.” Ieyasu began trying to solidify how he was putting his foot down only to be brushed past by Mai as she continued into the castle. “Hey, you listening to me?!”
Regardless of his ever-constant protests, Ieyasu ends up watching the little creature even more closely than Mai. He can’t believe she brought him back to his manor with her and let him loose in his room.
“It that thing gets into my medicinal herbs you are getting the blame.”He grumbled but made sure to move anything that might be poisonous to the small deer creature out of reach.
“Oh, he’s fine. Look, he isn’t after herbs at all he’s more interested in your scarf.” Mai giggled.
“What!?” Her laughter was welcome but the sight of the small animal tugging on his clothing that had been placed nearby was not. “Oh no, you don’t.”Ieyasu rushed to take back the scarf that was being gently tugged. “Bad little deer thing. My scarf, not yours.” 
He grabbed the fabric and yanked it a little harder than he realised the little animal made a noise as it rolled and then scampered under a chair to hide.
“Aww look what you did now it looks so frighted.” Mai crawled over and scooped up the trembling animal back into her arms. he watched it still at the sound of her heartbeat and then without saying a word he left the room feeling wretched for his own actions.
Later that evening Mai had managed to fall asleep. Chilli was near the brazier curled up like a cat with a small bowl for water and one that had some vegetables from the kitchen nearby.
He put down his book and decided to go to bed himself. blowing out the candle and getting changed he heard something pining. Chilli had moved to the futon and was trying to nudge Mai’s hand. He was only a baby after all so he was probably looking for comfort.
“You are hopeless.” Ieyasu huffed in a half-whisper. Taking his scarf and curling it up at the edge of the futon near Mai for Chilli. “Happy now?”
That night was probably the first time Ieyasu ended up wondering if this is what it was like to be a father. 
When Mai is busy around the castle the little creature tries to keep up by very quickly tires out. It is rather like watching a duckling following its mother which is endearing but almost gave Ieyasu a heart attack when someone ran up to the Princess and nearly kicked the little thing, unaware of its existence.
“Have a care!” Ieyasu called out as he swiftly bent down to pick up Chilli before he could be kicked in the head.
“My lord?” The vassel was confused as they genuinely didn’t know what they had done to earn Ieyasu’s ire. 
“Tell me is it part of basic training now that we simply blunder about without taking note of our surroundings or is it that something that is unique to you?” Ieyasu shot the man a pointed glare and turned swiftly walking away from both Mai and the stunned soldier carrying Chilli.
When Mai is in the castle now unless she is working on commissions Chilli is with Ieyasu. 
Each has a bed for him in their rooms that are little more than a small round basket and some handmade bedding. 
Mai originally only intended to make one for her room in the castle but after Ieyasu stopped by to bring her something from Nobunaga he noticed it.
“What? You think it’s dumb?” Mai asked noticing Ieyasu was lingering in her room longer than it took to just deliver missives. Realising his eyes were on the pet bed she had fashioned.
“I think it’s very you.” Aware he had been caught staring Ieyasu attempted to make it sound as if he thought her actions were childish. 
“Well, luckily Chilli here seems to like my work.” Mai reached out and stroked the animal that he could have sworn developed a very smug look on its face after receiving her attention. 
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
“Did you want one for your room too?” Mai asked partly as a joke. She could see his ears were a little red and whatever unspoken misunderstanding she had over the pet bed was suddenly gone. 
“Whatever.” Ieyasu left her room and returned to his mansion muttering to himself. He wasn’t going to be jealous of Chilli. Just because he got to be near Mai all the time. No that was ridiculous. 
When Mai returned at night with a replica bed with bedding in different coloured fabric Ieyasu avoided looking at it until she was asleep. He ended up with the softest smile on his face as he stroked the curled up Chilli in the basket. Not that he would ever admit that to anyone.
Wasabi is a big fan of new friends. Unlike Ieyasu, she is much more open to new people and animal friends. That is after she has gotten over the timid part of her nature as a deer.
Chilli is practically the animal equivalent of a heart eyes emoji. As far as he is concerned Wasabi is a Deity and adores her. When she lays down and is much more ‘his level’ he popcorns around in little jumps and hops on, off and over her. Wasabi doesn’t mind in the slightest. 
Their first encounter had Ieyasu more nervous than Mai. Chilli was put down on the ground near Wasabi as she was enjoying some food and there was a moment where Ieyasu looked like he was about ready to jump in and scoop up the tiny addition if Wasabi was in the slightest bit aggressive. 
Think eagle watching a bunny as it hovered over it. Hideyoshi clearly passed some helicopter parenting skills down to the resident contrarian. 
It didn’t happen. What did happen was Wasabi bent down and touched noses with Chilli, both wagged their tails at the other and then in a very welcome to the family gesture Wasabi took a small leaf from the bowl in Mai’s hand and gave it to Chilli. 
“Looks like you were worried for nothing then huh?” Mai laughed happily seeing the two getting along.
“I wasn’t worried.” Ieyasu said visibly relaxing slightly even if he was still observing like a hawk.
“Well, he can come outside and play at the manor now at least.” Mai smiled watching as Chilli investigated some of the flowers and rocks. A whole new world.
“Not without supervision.” Ieyasu stated flatly.
“You don’t think Wasabi will still hurt him?” Mai tilted her head at him.
“No, but it’s going to be a pain if he falls somewhere and gets stuck. You would never let me hear the end of it.”
Masamune came to visit the manor on Mai’s day off carrying something in his arms that was apparently a new dish he wanted her opinion on. Ieyasu was reading next to her as she put down her own book and tried the dish.
“It’s wonderful Masa. Maybe a little too sweet though.” Mai’s verdict was as honest as she was which didn’t insult the chef at all. He kept smiling and made a mental note so he could amend his recipe later.
“You’ve been hanging out with this one too long Lass next you’ll be telling me it’s not spicy enough and telling me to put more chilli in my curries.” Masa was as friendly as ever. Ieyasu had given up trying to prevent him from attempting to be near Mai and settled on being the chaperone to their friendship. The scarf around Ieyasu’s neck moved the little head of Chilli popped out from the fabric like a chick in an egg. Masa noticed the movement and his eye went wide.“What on earth?”
“Oh! right I guess you didn’t meet. Masa this is Chilli.” Mai reached out and peeled back some of the scarf that had pooled near Ieyasu revealing more of the little animal. 
“Interesting. Deciding to grow your own herd now are ya? I’ll put in an order now shall I?” Masa reached out towards Chilli who darted back under the scarf and pressed itself as close as possible against Ieyasu.
“Don’t be ridiculous there isn’t enough of him to make any kind of a meal.” Ieyasu slapped Masa’s hand away.
“Yeah wanna bet on that one Lad cos I’m sure I could whip up something that-”
“You upset him and it upsets her. I don’t care what really happens to him but you upset Mai and I’ll relieve you of your other eye.” Ieyasu cut off Masa’s little joke with a warning as he stood up and carried both his book and Chilli away with him.
The laughter and teasing that happened in the castle at Ieyasu’s expense after that lasted for weeks. Every time Chilli appeared from under his scarf or was seen in his arms where he had picked them up because they had become too tired to carry on the teasing restarted. 
As much as it annoyed him Ieyasu wouldn’t give up the little creature now if you paid him. He will say it is because of Mai. He doesn’t want her to be upset and that is true. What he won’t say is that he adores the small deer just as much as she does. 
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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Midnight Academy- Yeosang
You were born with magic, and because of that, you went to Midnight Academy. Yeosang caught your eye the first time you met him.
Magic Au, loosely based off of Harry Potter.
Life as someone with magical powers can be fun if you knew how to use them. The wrong wrist motion could injure someone and the wrong pronunciation could turn someone into a frog and not a cat. Risks are a casual thing in the world of magic. There are many types of magic that each child will learn in Midnight Academy. It was a simple and quaint little school that was restored regularly. Not a crack lay in the foundation nor a chip of paint peeling from the wall at the start of the year. Throughout the year, typically, newer students blow up potions and cause the loaned rats to explode. Nasty business that is. The poor caretaker has to scrape the bits off the wall before scrubbing it clean.
You could see why he hated new students and trouble makers, they made his job impossible sometimes. If students were bad, their punishments consist of helping Mr.Darty with his job. Mr.Darty was an older elf gentleman with balding grey hair. More often than not, he was cranky as most of the staff were. He was always found accompanied by his favorite Sphynx cat, Chabiel. The two were inseparable as if the cat was his life support. Mr. Darty was not the only teacher who seemed to have an animal attached to them. Although he was by far, the one with the ugliest. Often, you’d see a mixture of miniature dragons, owls, cats, dogs, and even an occasional Harpy Eagle or Peregrine Falcon. They typically roamed the halls to deliver notes and packages to and fro their owners that the mailroom was too lazy to deliver or be bothered.
This year was a special one. It’s your first year at the Midnight Academy. Time to get away from the non-magical creatures. Muggles as they are called. You loathe your brothers whom you live with. Silence is scarce in that household and luckily, you were the only one who had inherited your mom’s recessive trait of witchcraft. She herself had not had any magic rather, she made up for it by being a very successful business tycoon. Often, you helped her manage some of her gaming companies and you tested them too. Hex Gaming Co. was the creator of some of the world’s most famous games such as Utopia, Weapons of Deception, Deception 2, Undying, and more. All of which were some magical role-playing game that was super addicting and had kids playing it everywhere. If you ever told anyone who your mom was then instant fame. Your dad, on the other hand, was not as famous but he was still a famous musician.
Aside from your brothers, the only person to know about your wealth and parents’ true jobs was your best friend, San. He had inherited magic but he’s also part incubus. You met him when he appeared on your block five summers ago. Fourteen was your current age now and you guys practically live with each other and do everything together. When most people hear that San is part incubus, they stay away because they are afraid of having their dreams visited. But what people didn’t stay to find out that San didn’t find the need to go into people’s dreams. Besides, he only found you slightly attractive, everyone else wasn’t even on the radar. Deep down you know that he might be bi but he will not let you have the satisfaction of being right.
𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲
San and you entered into the school that is more intimidating the closer you get. The seeming mile-high doorway made you feel small enough already. All the new students were being crowded together to get handed their classes and dorms they were going to stay in. Of course, you will miss your brothers but you got San! You’d prefer that any day. “I hope we get the same dorms. I don’t think I’d be able to live without you.” “Me too, San. Me too.” To say that you weren’t scared for your life was an understatement. Anymore worrying and you’d be dead. Finally, your turn came around to get your scroll. The teacher administering them was undeniably short and part goblin. He had a snaggle tooth that stuck out of the bottom of his mouth and long Yoda like ears that stuck out of his head. Little hairs covered the face, they were minuscule but visible.
“Name.” The voice was gravely and harsh but you still gave him your name. “Here you go.” You took the parchment with shaky hands. San waited for you at the door. “I got Sapphire dorm!” As soon as your face fell, so did his. “I got Emerald dorm.” Emerald dorm has the reputation of some really mean and uptight people. They are usually the richest ones. “No escaping from my money now.” You groaned out. San placed a quick kiss to your cheek. “You got this.” He ignored the stares but you didn’t. Blood rushed towards your cheeks. A slender figure appeared in front of you. You recognized it as the teacher most often seen by the headmaster. Her voice was strong and dominant, perfect for teaching. She was aged like the expensive cheese your mom was forced to eat at business meetings. “ATTENTION! You are to go in and find the table corresponding with the dorm name you got. The headmaster will address you soon.” As you walked in, hand in hand with San, you were taken aback by the busy chatter. Almost immediately, you were pulled away from San and torn to the table decorated in different hues of green.
You know nobody so where to sit was nerve-wracking for you. “You can sit by me.” A hand waved in the air and you saw a boy giving you a cute smile. “Me?” He could be talking to anyone so you wanted to make sure. “Yeah! I’m new too.” With nowhere better to sit, you sat down next to the blond boy. “Hi! I’m Wooyoung and I hope we can be friends!” “I’m ________.” You smiled at him. A voice sounded through the room getting everyone’s attention. “Students. Most of you are coming back from a great year last year and I wish you a welcome. For the new students coming here this year, we all give you a warm welcome and wish you well in the following days to come. Make good friends, learn new things, and most importantly, do great things. I hope that I do not need to interfere with any problems as our teachers will deal with it accordingly. Just know, we will be paying attention.” Wooyoung and you shared a nervous look.
“For now, we feast!” Little fairies delivered the food to the table. Immediately, you recognized them as brownies. They are house fairies that live to clean as love dishes of cream. You loved the brownie that resides at your grandparents’ house. His name was Hayelam and he was the nicest creature you had ever met. At night when everyone was supposed to be asleep, you’d sneak out and leave a bowl of warm cream on the counter. It was a ritual and you couldn’t go to sleep without doing it. Maybe you could sneak some for them. Without thinking, you grabbed some cream. “Are you going to make whipped cream for this delicious pecan pie?” Wooyoung asked, causing you to look at him. “Ah no, habit. I’m going to heat it up somehow for the brownies.” “Brownies? Where?” You giggled at Wooyoung looking for actual brownies. “The house-elves silly. They love warm cream.”
Taking out your wand, you attempted to do a simple heat spell but it didn’t work. Neither did the next six tries. “Let me try.” How would he be able to do it? You watched in amazement as the metal bowl in his hands turned a soft red causing the cream to simmer a little. “Woah!” The cream was still hot when he set it down onto the table. “I’m a descendent of a fire fairy.” “I guess you could say that you’re hot.” Normally, San would give you a dirty look for your puns but Wooyoung loved it. Although he was laughing, he was dying inside from embarrassment. “Let’s dig in!” You exclaimed, grabbing a turkey leg and taking a bite. San laughed at you from afar glad that you found someone to talk to. Don’t forget about me. Get out of my head, San. Looking up, you caught him pouting but after you gave him a smile, he cheered up.
“Mr.Song, would you be so kind as to answer this question on the board?” Your red-haired classmate stayed visibly slumped in his seat. He wasn’t the only one confused, you watched as Wooyoung got confused as well. Discreetly, you waved your wand and watched as the answer appeared on your seatmate’s notebook. Thank god that he saw it appear and reworded it. “In a sense, if you added blisterwort instead of chorus eggs then you would essentially get a toxic hair remover. Extremely dangerous if taken in as it acts as a poison as well. The victim would be dead within minutes.” “Very good, Mingi.” The teacher turned and continued on with her endless lecture. “Thank you,” Mingi whispered. “You’re welcome!” Your hushed voices caught the teacher’s attention and she was now standing in front of you. “What are you saying you’re welcome for?” Once again, Mingi froze up, you, on the other hand, were used to this pressure.
Thinking quickly of a lie, you responded calmly. “My seatmate asked me to help him with the things he doesn’t understand.” “Hmmm, all right. No more talking in my class.” The bell rang and the hallway became overfilled. “Wait up!” A hand on your shoulder made you jump. You turned and saw Mingi. He was taller than you thought, around 6’0. “Can you actually tutor me in alchemy?” “Sure. The defense room is empty around six.” He smiled and nodded. A different, smaller hand appeared on your shoulder except for this time, you recognized this hand. “San!” You were quick to hug him tight. “We have the next class together so I wanted to see if you wanted to walk with me and meet my new friend.” Playfully, you pinched him and pouted. “You’ve already replaced me?” “YOU REPLACED ME FIRST,” he whined. Mingi, who was still there, cleared his throat. “Oh yeah, San, this is Mingi, my classmate and friend. Mingi, this is San, my bestest friend in the entire world.
“What about me? I thought I was your bestest friend in the entire world and he was your BFF.” You giggled as you watched Wooyoung walk up still whining and complaining about your rejection. “Woo, of course, I love you. You two are my bestest friends in the whole wide world.” Once you introduced the two, Mingi went on his way while you, San, Wooyoung, and San’s friend whom you later learned was named Seonghwa, walked towards class. You watched as San waved bye to his newfound friend before walking into class with him and Wooyoung. In the middle of class, you watched as a 2nd-year student came in to get the teacher to break up a fight. “MR.OIEK! YEOSANG AND TJUM ARE FIGHTING RIGHT NOW.” “Lead the way, Hongjoong.” The class rushed towards the windows where there was a clear view of the courtyard.
Unfortunately, you got pushed out of the door during the madness and fell right into one of the boys. For a moment, the boys stopped and stared at you which let the teacher neutralize them. “Why are you out here Miss.____?” “I-I got pushed. Sorry, sir.” You hung your head in shame, not wanting to look into his intimidating eyes. Ignoring the pain in your wrist or the odd warm feeling on your lip, you stood up. “Yeosang, I trust that as a 2nd year you can show her to the nurse’s office.” “Yes sir.” When you started to protest, the boy gave you a look, the one your brothers gave you when you should shut up. Sighing, both of you started trekking towards the nurse’s office well aware of the fact that you’ll be missing the next class too. With Yeosang leading the way, you couldn’t help but take in his figure from behind.
“Right in here.” “I’m fine, I really don’t know why you are taking me to the nurse.” The look on Yeosang’s face made you question if you were losing your mind. “You are bleeding from a cut on your face and your wrist is sprained.” If that wasn’t convincing enough, the nurse told you the same thing. There wasn’t much she could do quickly so she gave you a concoction of herbs to help heal you. “Wait here for a few minutes so it can start working.” You nodded and watched as the old woman sauntered away, mahogany robes swishing with each step. As soon as the door shut, you turned to Yeosang who was forced to stay with you. He was entranced by something outside of the window, a bird perhaps. His features were vague but what stood out to you was a birthmark adorning his left eye. Your gaze traveled down his body, crossing over his arms and his black robe with a sapphire blue trim and down further. Underneath the undone robe, you caught sight of the pressed button-up with the top two undone showing the perfect amount of collarbone.
His gaze flickered towards you and you looked at your feet, avoiding the blush of the fact that he caught you when you were checking him out. “I saw that, you just checked me out.” A meek sorry was all that you could manage, your face ten times redder now that he called you out. Luck was on your side, the nurse returned and assessed the healing. She warned you not to strain your wrist too much until tomorrow. You agreed and followed Yeosang back to where lunch was being held. All through lunch, you couldn’t take your eyes off of the older boy and you completely ignored what Wooyoung was saying. It wasn’t until Yeosang caught your eye that you looked away, nodding to whatever Wooyoung was saying. You still threw him glances and at one point, you swore you saw him smile. Or smirk. Either way, you finally focused on Wooyoung and whatever he was saying.
Lunch ended and it was time for the next lesson. Fighting. For some reason, the school decided to do second years and first years together, something about the experience. The teacher, short and balding, partnering you up with a short boy, definitely a second year, about two inches taller. His casual laid back posture made him look superior despite the fact that you won every sparing round. “Petrificus Totalus!” You flicked your wand before he could blink and once again, he found himself bound, unable to move. “Very good work, Miss._____!” The boy, whom you later learned was named Hongjoong, congratulated you on doing well while pouting. You thought it was absolutely cute. The bell rang and you stayed behind. There was still a few hours before dinner and Mingi was supposed to meet you. A tall figure emerged behind you and then another.
“I hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend.” “Do they need tutoring too?” Mingi shook his head. “Great work at fighting today, Hongjoong couldn’t even raise his wand.” Mingi’s friend, who was as tall as him if not taller, sported black robes with an emerald green trim. Same as yours and you can’t fathom how you missed someone as tall as him roaming around the dorm. “I’m Yunho by the way.” His cute smile gave you puppy vibes and you forced the instinct to cuddle him away. Mingi introduced you quickly to move on through to alchemy. You couldn’t help but giggle when his potion failed and he screamed at it. “I DID YOU RIGHT! YOU JUST DON'T LIKE ME, DO YOU?” Eventually, you found yourself rolling on the floor laughing when Yunho had put a silencing hex on Mingi. Mingi continued to scream but nothing came out. “You only get your voice returned when you get a kiss on the cheek.” Mingi sheepishly looked at you and leaned closer. “Yunho…” He laughed and ended the hex. Mingi was taken aback at first but ultimately ended up laughing along. Maybe this year wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Year two
Grey clouds rolled overhead signaling the start of another gloomy season. You, San, Wooyoung, Seonghwa, Mingi, Yunho, and Hongjoong trudged towards the train car that was to take you back to the academy. Surprisingly enough, you realized that the boys didn’t live that far from you. As summer rolled along, you and the six boys grew closer and of course, your brothers liked them too. Yeosang, you found, should’ve been in the emerald dorm but something got screwed up in the housing situation. The rumor got around that he was being switched back to the correct dorm though only time will tell. Although, it would be quite awkward. The seven of you were confused to find someone in your car already. A boy of a stronger build and brown hair sat by the window staring out of it. “Hello?” His head snapped towards you. “I’m sorry, am I in your area?” He was new, you could feel it, the newbie energy radiating off of him. You knew the others could too. “It’s okay! You can sit with us. I mean you’re new aren’t you?” Gosh, you love how kind Wooyoung is. He’s so sweet, you are surprised you don’t have a cavity. “Y-Yeah.” As you all settled in, the boy introduced himself as Jongho.
We introduced ourselves and soon got lost in laughter and conversation. “Did you see the new Deception: End Of Time game is coming out tomorrow?” Wooyoung asked. An abundance of yeahs and can’t waits filled the car in agreement. “You’ll love it. I did.” The boys looked at you in confusion. San laughed and nudged you. These people didn’t know you were one of the testers of the game let alone the daughter of the creator. “My mom runs that company and created those games. I test them out.” “You have to convince her to let us test some out too.” You giggled at Jongho’s enthusiasm. “Maybe during spring break. I know mom is working on a big game.” They cheered quietly. San a little more considering he’s done it before and knows the excitement of giving suggestions. It was also a bonus when the character he creates in the test is a character that gets added to the game and is already situated to his stats.
The ride to the school felt short. Jongho proved to be a perfect fit for your friend group. He sank back at the intensity of the school but you and your friends ushered him forwards. “Don’t worry! You’re only alone until they give you a dorm and there is at least one of us in each dorm.” The first year smiled and watched as you guys sat at your respected tables. It wasn’t that long of a wait considering his surname was a C. He quickly found that he got ruby dorm. It turns out for you that Yeosang and Yunho got mixed up therefore Yunho was with San and Yeosang got transferred into his rightful dorm. The headmaster made his welcoming speech before launching into an apology. “I’d like to wish a formal apology towards two-third years. I humbly ask for you to see this as a way to make new friends.”
You glanced over at Yeosang getting surrounded by a bunch of people welcoming him into the emerald dorm. His face looked panicked, clear that he was not used to all this attention. Wooyoung seemed to notice it too and felt for his hyung. “Yeosang, hyung! You can sit with us if you want.” He looked at the two of you, happy, ecstatic to see two faces he knew. A year ago, if someone would’ve told you that you’d be sitting with Kang Yeosang, you’d have laughed in their face. But here you are now, sitting face to face with the boy. His eyes met yours and you fell into a trance. “Earth to ______!” “Sorry, what were you saying?” Wooyoung repeated his words once again, not even bothered that you had zoned out once more. The bell rang and you jumped up, ready to head to the dorms, forgetting the tradition you and Wooyoung did every day last year. “Are we not going to heat up some cream for the brownies?” You turned and nodded sheepishly while grabbing a bowl of cream someone had left. Yeosang watched in amazement as Wooyoung's hands caused the liquid to bubble.
The following weeks of school consisted of review and having awkward run-ins with Yeosang. It wasn’t until your professor introduced teleportation to you that things got started. All second years had to learn how to use their magic and teleport from one place to another. And with most people, you initially aren’t the greatest when you start to learn something. For the next few days, you’ve practiced and practiced, only teleporting to the common room and back to your room. Unfortunately, the following day, you were going to be tested on your skills, and frankly, you could barely even make it out of your bedroom. This is how you found yourself at two in the morning on the roof of the mailroom trying to teleport from one end to the other.
You closed your eyes and imagined the other side and muttered some hopeful words that this would actually work. A quiet pop sounded and you opened your eyes to complete darkness. Trying to find your way out of wherever you were, you blindly walked around only stopping when you hit your ankle on something metal. The surface you fell on was a mix between hard and soft. A pained groan emitted from behind you causing you to let out a few choice words. In the midst of the rant, a light turned on and you caught Yeosang’s brown eyes boring into yours. “Well, this is most definitely not where I wanted to teleport, sorry for appearing in your bed at 2 in the morning.” The words lingered in the air and neither one of you moved. Maybe you should just give up and fail the test.
A sigh left Yeosang’s lips and he grabbed his wand. You watched curiously as he stood up and took a place beside you. “Hold my hand.” “H-Hold your what?” His hand grabbed yours and you felt the familiar swirly feeling that you got when you teleported. A cold breeze brushed your cheeks and you shivered realizing that you were back outside. “Why did you bring me here?” This was the first time, you actually went into the gym despite this being your second year. “I’ve been hearing from Wooyoung that you have a test tomorrow and I…I wanted to help you learn to teleport.” You wanted to hold Yeosang and treasure him forever but that would be quite awkward. “Okay then. What are we waiting for?”
Turns out that either you’re a great teleporter or Yeosang is a great teacher. You opted for Yeosang though because without him, you would’ve failed. In fact, you actually aced your test. The first one since the best friend test that you did with San in first grade. When the students were to return to the dorm, you waited excitedly with the little slip of paper in your hand. For the first time, Yeosang was late back to the dorm. He found you asleep on the couch beside Wooyoung who was doing his homework. “Hey, hyung!” “Hi, Wooyoung. Why is she asleep?” He asked, pointing to your form. “She wanted to show you that she aced her test and she waited and waited for you. I came out to keep her company but she fell asleep.” Yeosang carried you to your room and tucked you into your bed. He left a note with one of the post-its that he found on your desk along with your unfinished homework. He’ll apologize tomorrow for leaving you waiting for so long.
The knock on your door woke you up. When you opened your eyes, you saw the sunlight peeping in through the cloudy windows. “Rise and shine, angel. It’s almost time for class.” Shoot. Class. You rushed to get dressed only stopping momentarily to read the note attached to your now finished homework. ‘I’m sorry I kept you waiting, I had some things I had to do. Meet me on the rooftop tonight at midnight so we can celebrate your success. -Yeosang’ You shoved the paper and the note in your bag before running out to the common room. “Come on Woo! We’re going to be late for class.” You two rushed to the Alchemy classroom and took your assigned seats. A smile formed on your face as you saw your seatmate had already made it there. “Good morning, Sannie!” “Morning, Sunshine.” He smiled at your chirpiness and returned his attention to the homework he was rushing to finish.
The day buzzed by and midnight arrived quickly. Quietly, you teleported to the roof and saw Yeosang already sitting on the edge. “Such a pretty moon, isn’t it?” His question caught you off guard. Had he heard you arriving. “Yes, I suppose so.” “So I heard you aced your test for the first time. Glad I could help.” You took a seat next to him and sighed, watching your breath form a cloud in the chilly air. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me.” “I want to make a deal. For each test you ace, I’ll tell you something about me.” Yeosang is a mysterious person and plus you had so many questions about him. Why is he in the Emerald dorm? Favourite food? Cats or dogs? Why go to the academy? Why teach you? “For your first test, I’ll tell you what everyone wants to know. How am I in the ‘rich’ people dorm?”
He told you how his dad was a very famous doctor and his mother was a famous chef. His deal made you ace all your tests-with help from him of course- for the rest of the school year. By the time summer rolled around, you practically knew his entire life story, like how he loves the colors red and black or how much he treasures his drones. You knew that he vents by riding a skate board and he loves to play your mom’s videogames. His reaction was just like the other’s when you told him who your mom was. Yeosang demanded -more like pleaded but he won’t admit that- to meet your mom and praise her for her games. When you introduced him to the guys, they all welcomed him with open arms aside from Hongjoong and Seonghwa who were previously friends with him already.
You walked around blindly, only stopping when you hit your ankle on something metal. The surface you fell on was a mix between hard and soft. A pained groan emitted from behind you causing you to let out a few choice words. In the midst of the rant, a light turned on and you caught Yeosang’s brown eyes boring into yours. “Well, this is most definitely not where I wanted to teleport, sorry for appearing in your bed at 2 in the morning.” The words lingered in the air and neither one of you moved. Maybe you should just give up and fail the test.
A sigh left Yeosang’s lips and he grabbed his wand. You watched curiously as he stood up and took a place beside you. “Hold my hand.” “H-Hold your what?” His hand grabbed yours and you felt the familiar swirly feeling that you got when you teleported. A cold breeze brushed your cheeks and you shivered realizing that you were back outside. “Why did you bring me here?” This was the first time, you actually went into the gym despite this being your second year. “I’ve been hearing from Wooyoung that you have a test tomorrow and I…I wanted to help you learn to teleport.” You wanted to hold Yeosang and treasure him forever but that would be quite awkward. “Okay then. What are we waiting for?”
Turns out that either you’re a great teleporter or Yeosang is a great teacher. You opted for Yeosang though because without him, you would’ve failed. In fact, you actually aced your test. The first one since the best friend test that you did with San in first grade. When the students were to return to the dorm, you waited excitedly with the little slip of paper in your hand. For the first time, Yeosang was late back to the dorm. He found you asleep on the couch beside Wooyoung who was doing his homework. “Hey, hyung!” “Hi, Wooyoung. Why is she asleep?” He asked, pointing to your form. “She wanted to show you that she aced her test and she waited and waited for you. I came out to keep her company but she fell asleep.” Yeosang carried you to your room and tucked you into your bed. He left a note with one of the post-its that he found on your desk along with your unfinished homework. He’ll apologize tomorrow for leaving you waiting for so long.
The knock on your door woke you up. When you opened your eyes, you saw the sunlight peeping in through the cloudy windows. “Rise and shine, angel. It’s almost time for class.” Shoot. Class. You rushed to get dressed only stopping momentarily to read the note attached to your now finished homework. ‘I’m sorry I kept you waiting, I had some things I had to do. Meet me on the rooftop tonight at midnight so we can celebrate your success. -Yeosang’ You shoved the paper and the note in your bag before running out to the common room. “Come on Woo! We’re going to be late for class.” You two rushed to the Alchemy classroom and took your assigned seats. A smile formed on your face as you saw your seatmate had already made it there. “Good morning, Sannie!” “Morning, Sunshine.” He smiled at your chirpiness and returned his attention to the homework he was rushing to finish.
The day buzzed by and midnight arrived quickly. Quietly, you teleported to the roof and saw Yeosang already sitting on the edge. “Such a pretty moon, isn’t it?” His question caught you off guard. Had he heard you arriving. “Yes, I suppose so.” “So I heard you aced your test for the first time. Glad I could help.” You took a seat next to him and sighed, watching your breath form a cloud in the chilly air. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me.” “I want to make a deal. For each test you ace, I’ll tell you something about me.” Yeosang is a mysterious person and plus you had so many questions about him. Why is he in the Emerald dorm? Favourite food? Cats or dogs? Why go to the academy? Why teach you? “For your first test, I’ll tell you what everyone wants to know. How am I in the ‘rich’ people dorm?”
He told you how his dad was a very famous doctor and his mother was a famous chef. His deal made you ace all your tests-with help from him of course- for the rest of the school year. By the time summer rolled around, you practically knew his entire life story, like how he loves the colors red and black or how much he treasures his drones. You knew that he vents by riding a skate board and he loves to play your mom’s videogames. His reaction was just like the other’s when you told him who your mom was. Yeosang demanded -more like pleaded but he won’t admit that- to meet your mom and praise her for her games. When you introduced him to the guys, they all welcomed him with open arms aside from Hongjoong and Seonghwa who were previously friends with him already.
𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
Everything was the same as last summer except this time, Yeosang was involved. The same playful banters and video games nights proceeded as normal. The adventures and park dates continued. To them, Yeosang was just another family member, not an outsider. Everything was the same down to a T. The ten of you gathered on the train once again to head to yet another year at the academy. For you, it was the third year of your life but for the older three, it was the beginning of their last year at the academy. Four years is the total amount of schooling needed to be deemed okay enough to use magic on the streets. Although, some students head onto university to further their magic education or regular education depending on who you ask. If you asked your mom, she’d say something along the lines of it’s not her place but four years is way too short.
The dorm rooms were the same as usual, clean and tiny. It almost feels like home. You sighed and sat your bags on the bed and headed to the common room to spend some time with Wooyoung. When you got downstairs, he was sitting there staring at the fire. “Hey, Woo! Long time no see.” You joked around. He smiled and tackled you in a hug. “You saw me thirty minutes ago but it does feel like forever.” He squeezed you extra tight before letting go and returning to his original seat. He patted the seat indicating that he wanted you to sit so you did. The seat was slightly warmed by the heat of the fire. It was cozy and swallowed you into the cushion. “Wooyoung?” He hummed and turned his head towards, signaling that you had his attention. “What’s going to happen to the friend group now? I mean it’s Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho and Yeosang’s last year. Next year Mingi, San, you and I are graduating. And, Jongho will be last. I’m scared, Woo. I don’t want to lose us.”
His eyes softened and he ran his fingers through his hair which showcased his sad eyes. It was evident, he didn’t want to lose you and the guys either. Unbeknownst to you, from the staircase, Yeosang was heartbroken and his eyes threatening to spill tears. Before he came to this school, he was a nobody. A quiet kid who was good at school and had anxiety. He couldn’t make friends, it was impossible. Yeosang couldn’t stop embarrassing himself in front of his classmates. He had told you all this already after you aced your transformation test at the very end of the year. Your words on that night will forever play in his head as a way of remembering that he could make friends who loved him. “Yeosang-ah. I want you to know that if you ever need a friend, just call me and I’ll be there.” No way could he let you guys go. Back in reality, you cried silently into Wooyoung’s sweater. Yeosang had to control his own emotions before helping you, besides, Wooyoung looked like he was doing a good job.
You hated Yeosang. You hated that he had you putty in his hands but was completely oblivious to it. Either you were going to confess or you were going to die. Those are your only two options until you told San and he suggested using a love potion. It seemed like a good idea at first but it soon became a fiasco. Neither one of you knew how to make a love potion, that was advanced stuff. Something Yunho would know. This is how you found yourself in the kitchen baking a ‘Love Cupcake” as the boys called it. “I don’t know if I’d be scared or honoured if a girl slipped me a love potion.” San pondered out loud to no one in particular. “I’d be scared.” “Yunho, you aren’t helping my mind.” He smiled and let out a quick ah as if he was going to say something. “This is the perfect thing for Yeosang. I’m tired of seeing you go for an oblivious idiot.”
The cupcake turned out messy and San ended up wearing more than half the icing due to a wrong cut to the tip of the bag. But all in all, you were pretty impressed with the look of the sweet pastry. The yellow cake topped with the light red icing was placed on a paper plate. You carefully held it and met up with the rest of the boys in the courtyard. “Yeosang! I have this for you. As a thank you.” Yeosang grabbed the cupcake and took a bite. He hummed in delight and watched you throw away the plate. “This is delicious. Thank you.” According to Yunho, once the item containing the potion is consumed, it will take up to twenty-four hours for it to set in. You mustered up the most innocent smile you could form. Now, you wait.
𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 passed and Yeosang was still acting the same as usual. No compliments, no flirting, no heart eyes. Maybe the potion was incorrect. Not possible, Yunho aced that class. Maybe, it didn’t work. It doesn’t hurt to ask the ‘Potion Master’ if something went wrong. “Three days passed and he’s still acting the same. Is it possible that it failed?” “No way. I’ve seen this work before. There’s no chance for it to go wrong.” Now you were forced to confess. Well, eventually. You turned to go back to your dorm to vent to your diary. “Hey, _____!” That smooth, deep voice set you off. You turned towards Yeosang and stomped up to him. “You-“ you forcefully poked him in the chest. “I slipped you a love potion but what the hell? You’re not even acting different.” You threw your hands up in the air in defeat at his confused look.
“Maybe, if you used your brain, you would’ve noticed a lot sooner that I like you.” Yeosang towered over you and watched as you stood in place dumbfounded. “Close your mouth princess, you’ll catch bugs.” “Y-You like me? Like, like like?” At this point, Yeosang was fed up with your obliviousness as hypocritical as it seems. “If it weren’t against the rules, I’d kiss you.” “Screw the rules!” The boys were cheering as you and Yeosang snuck a quick kiss. “Meet me on the roof tonight for our first date.” A smile appeared on your face and suddenly, you couldn’t wait for midnight to roll around. As excited you were for the night, it seems like mother time had other plans. The seconds seemed to pass by slow, almost as if each tick was an hour itself. Finally, midnight rolled around and you teleported to the roof to find Yeosang sitting on a blanket surrounded by a bunch of food. What a perfect first date for you.
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years
Somersault (Kirishima x Reader)
Kirishima Eijiro x F!Reader
Part of my MHA AU established previously.
Synopsis: Glimpses into you and Kiri’s relationship.
Warnings: Implied drug use, Implied smut
A/N:  I don’t really do songfics, but I will tell you Somersault by Zero 7 inspired this chapter. Recommend listening to it, cuz it gives Kiri feels.
 Does anyone else think of Kiri when they talk to jock villagers on Animal Crossing?
|  Give Love To Me |
“I thought we talked about this hmm?” Kirishima gently dabbed at your nose, eyes trained to spot any more blood.
You focused on the taste of poison that congregated at the back of your throat, the pipes that hadn’t stopped protesting since Kirishima had forced them to draw water, and the cracked window letting in chilly night air around the towel stuffed in it. Anything other than your boyfriend’s disappointed sighs and poorly hidden worry.
“Sorry Eiji….I..” you weren’t used to apologizing, or being ashamed, but Kirishima could bring emotions out of you, you didn’t know existed.
“You just made a mistake.” he kissed your forehead, and cradled you to his chest. “That’s why you get tomorrow. So you can try again.”
You sunk lower into the luke-warm water, eyes roaming up to the water stained ceiling. At the time, doing a line had sounded like the only good idea you’d ever heard, and you’d indulged, going against the promise you’d made to your boyfriend. It got you through two sets and made the packed, dingy lounge so much prettier. So much glitter. So much laughter, and it was easier to give real smiles. Why had that seemed like enough in value to disappoint Kiri?
“Hey,” he gently tapped your collarbone. “You ok? You with me?”
“Yeah.” You said hoarsely. “I won’t do it again Eiji...I won’t.” You grasped the arm slung around your torso, dragging your thumbs across the skin as fast as the water and your come down would allow.
“I know you won’t. Not my best girl.” He kissed the back of your head for a long moment, and brought you closer to his chest, caging you in his arms.
And you wondered where he got that bottomless trust from. Why was he so good, and where had he learned to be? He lived in the same streets you did, how did you catch the eye of a saint? Your eyes burned with unshed tears. How could you ever hope to be the woman he deserved?
Kirishima shushed you, rocking you gently. “You wanna tell me who gave it to you?”
Somewhere in the fog of your thoughts, you knew no matter how gently Kiri was asking, it wasn’t simply out of curiosity. “Noooo Eiji.” you slurred. “Don’t worry about it.”
He laughed. “Ok, ok.”
He hid his burning questions behind one of his lopsided grins when you turned to look back at him, trying to see if he meant it. He pressed a purposely sloppy kiss to your forehead until you giggled and squirmed to turn back around. Only then did he let his grin drop.
| The Sticks and Stones |
You were achy, you were chilly, and your stomach kept threatening to make you vomit if you didn’t keep focused on not doing so. You were ready to consider it penance for breaking your promise to your boyfriend, but he’d said “no way!” and saddled you with your favorite warm drink. All-in-all, it wasn’t the best day to be a mover, even if that was the only price for four weeks free crashing.
“So you’re just going to sit there?” Robbie, a friend of Kirishima’s and fellow freelance bouncer, stood in front of you.
You gave him a look that said you thought he was worth less than the effort it took to do so, before pushing your shades up, and severing eye contact.
“Look Primadonna, you’re crashing with us. The least you could do is pitch in.”
You crossed your legs and continued to nurse your latte. Robbie didn’t know it, but the bigger fit he threw, the less likely you’d be to help. And you weren’t planning on it in the first place.
Robbie growled in frustration, and kicked the trunk you were sitting on.
“Hey,” Kirishima grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away, wearing his signature grin, though it was strained. “Lot of stuff still in the truck, let’s finish up.”
“That’s just what I was telling HRH over here.” Robbie jammed his thumb in your direction.
“Don’t worry about her.” Kirishima gave him another grin, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m doing the bulk of the work anyways. I’m working for both of us.”
Robbie threw his hands up in frustration and walked over to the moving truck. His girlfriend had been glaring at you, wanting you to wilt under her stare. You lowered your shades, made eye contact, and maintained it while you lit a cigarette.
“Hey, come on.” Kirishima kneeled in front of you. “We gotta be here for a while. Try to get along.”
You exhaled a white cloud into the cold air, aiming it at Robbie’s girlfriend who was in the process of whining about how “trash” you were.
“I like it when it’s just us Kiri.”
“I know.” he sighed, palms rubbing your chilled kneecaps attempting to bring them warmth. “But this is where we’re at for a while. Remember I told you Bakugo, Midoriya, and I are working on a place-”
“They hate me,” you cut him off, pushing your shades back up. “Especially their girlfriends.”
“They don’t hate you baby,” Kirishima nuzzled your cheek, using that tone he did when he thought you might be hurt. “They just don’t really know you that well.”
Kirishima gave you a grin, this one real, in an attempt to reassure you. He was beautiful, always using his energy to make sure you were secure. It made you feel selfish and ungrateful, and something ugly roared to life within you. It made you want to say something, someone’s name, you knew would hurt him.
“If you would’ve sold what I had left over we’d be better off, but you’re so fucking opposed and moral when it suits you. Pfft.” you took a long drag. “Take care of me my ass. I should’ve gone to Dabi or Hawks.”
Kirishima looked like a kicked puppy, and your entire being clenched in response. That ugly thing inside had gone dormant and left you in the grip of guilt and self-resentment.
You stubbed out your cigarette, and carelessly placed your latte aside. “Oh Kiri,” you gripped his cheeks. “I can be such a bitch...I didn’t mean any of it, I’m sorry.”
He didn’t say anything, and that twisted your insides more. Your desperation made you babble almost uncontrollably.
With shaky hands you shoved your shades onto your head, and pressed your lips to his. “I’m sorry. You’re doing great Kiri, you’re doing great for me. I need you to believe me..don’t listen to me when I’m..”
“I know that’s not really you (Y/N),” he kissed both of your knees, making you go quiet. “Not the real you. She’s still a work in progress, but she’s beautiful.”
You bit your lip hard to fight spouting another word stream. More apologies danced with words of self-criticism on your tongue, begging to be spoken. You wanted him to call you out. You wanted him to find something ugly in himself and take revenge. He would never though. That wasn’t your Kiri, and that revelation only made your hands ache to pull your shades back over your eyes.
“She’s a coffee addict, she takes her showers cold, and she always eats off my plate, even when hers is right there.”
A small smile surfaced at his words, but you could still feel anxiety and regret twisting your insides.
As always, Kiri was in tune with you, and took your hands. “But I love her, and I don’t let anyone call her a bitch. Not even herself.”
| The Unknown and Home |
Kirishima liked bouncing well enough. He’d always been able to take a punch, he was great in a fight, and he liked defending people. It didn’t pay the best in the world, and he saw ugly parts of the city he wished he hadn’t, but he liked it.
Then he met you, and he loved it. The nights where the two of you worked the same club or lounge were his favorite. He often got chewed out by his bosses for being distracted, but that was ok. Kirishima thought you had to be blind or deaf not to be when you took the stage.
Soft songs where you skillfully played your voice up to crack at certain parts, fast songs where Kirishima would have to continuously adjust himself because of your hip movements. He loved it all when it came to your singing.
His enthralled expression slowly changed to one of rage. You were skillfully dodging the hands of an admirer in the crowd, while continuing your song, and the roll of your hips. He wasn’t the only one to appreciate your musical talent and the person it came from. Some were more enthusiastic in their appreciation than others, and that’s when Kirishima took on a vastly different character.
You wore a shimmery gold slip dress like it was made for you, and not stolen from a store across town. Yes, he would admit, under the changing lights you looked ethereal. The problem was, like a porchlight, you were attracting pests, and he couldn’t have that.
The greasy hand that had been reaching for you hung at an awkward angle only seconds later. Kirishima only faintly heard the crunch and your distressed “Eiji!” as he assumed a fighting stance. He’d known creepy patrons to be able to fight through almost anything.
Somehow, the creep had friends, and they were loyal. He was in too deep by that point, and treated them all like they were their friend.
Two bouncers, three barflys, a bartender, and an angry interrupted singer swinging the mic stand made quite the mess. The kind of mess that gets the singer and her boyfriend fired without pay and banned from the establishment.
You huffed your exasperation as you accepted half of his adrenaline-drained weight on the walk home. You could feel how proud of himself Kirishima was, and it made you feel like starting another fight.
“That was so manly the way you decked that guy with the bottom of the mic stand babe.” he murmured.
You could hear Kiri falling in love with you all over again, and as endearing as you found it, you were missing a shoe and a job now.
“I swear only you could eat that many hits and stay up to deal them back. You must be made of rock or some shit.” you huffed again, and tightened your hold around his waist.
“Not quite.” he chuckled and it was then you noticed him grasping his side. What you thought had possibly been bruised ribs could be worse.
“Oh shit,” you stopped abruptly, catching more of his weight at the sudden stop, and almost falling. “Did you get stabbed?!”
“Nooo.” he waved you off, and sighed painfully at the action. “Just scratched, deeply.”
You hobbled in uneven height around him, mind racing to think of a street doctor that owed you a favor in case he was lying. Fortunately he wasn’t.
“I’ll be ok. I heal pretty great, remember?” he grinned a proud, boyish grin, and you felt like you might be falling in love with him all over again too. But you were still pissed.
“You better. I might feel like beating your ass too.” You let him lean into you again as you began your awkward walk back to a borrowed home.
“I’d let you.” he chirped, laying his head on your own.
Patching Kiri up always seemed so useless by the time you got around to it. He stopped feeling pain faster than anyone you’d ever seen, high or sober. By morning his bruises would be a memory he’d barely remember. The only thing to keep an eye on was the cut, which you would, even if it wouldn’t be obvious to anyone but Kiri. He brought out something nurturing in you that was so powerful and foreign, it frightened you, but you were powerless against it.
Kirishima had fought you the whole time, wanting to focus on your minor nicks and scrapes, but you won out like always. You wanted to be homebase to him for a change, whether he felt he deserved that or not.
He was too tired to efficiently put up a fight, and by the time you were done, he’d crashed heavily right there in the corner of the couch.
“I wanted to cuss at you some more.” you murmured mirthfully, brushing drooping red strands from his forehead.
Checking him once more, and realizing you’d done about as well as you could, you fell onto the other side of the couch. Kiri would find his way to you eventually after you both found sleep. For the moment you were going to try to find a comfortable spot on the lumpy nightmare couch, and mourn your lost income.
You spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to assure yourself the opposite of what you knew to be the truth. You were temporarily burned on the nightclub circuit for that evening’s antics. Several hushed phone calls were made, each ending when your pride forced it. You wouldn’t beg when that had never gotten you anywhere before.
Your higher mind cursed you now that you’d be relying primarily on Kiri’s other job for income. It didn’t matter how many times Kirishima said you could rely on him, you hadn’t raised yourself that way, and you couldn’t afford to slack.
No one would call Bakugou divine, except maybe his airhead girlfriend, but he turned out to be the answer to your prayers that evening. He arrived with a pound to the door that you swore sounded like an explosion, his signature knock, and you quickly tried to mitigate any chance of him waking Kirishima.
You slid across yellowed linoleum on socked feet, and cracked the door.
“Come back tomorrow, he’s sleeping and you’re not waking him up.”
You caught his brow twitching in irritation at being told what to do. “Where do you think I’m gonna store this shit?”
He shook a worn duffle bag full of what you knew to be stolen goods.
“I don’t car-”
“Stop being a bitch and get out of the way.” he shoved the door, and you had no hope of stopping him from coming in, but you still grasped his bicep defiantly.
“Don’t.Wake.Him.” you dug your nails into hard muscle and narrowed your eyes.
“He’s gotta move quickly on some of this. Kirishima may have told you the sun rises out of your ass, but it doesn’t, and the rest of us have to survive too.” he stalked over to your sleeping boyfriend, fully prepared to punch him awake.
“Wait don’t!” you barely contained your voice to a loud whisper. “He’s tired, leave him alone.”
He growled low in his throat. “I already told yo-”
“I’ll do it.”
“What?” he snorted, but his face was blank. “You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re liable to get us all burned or worse, go to that shitty patchwork quilt fuck you used to run with.”
“I’ve been on the streets long enough jackass, and I’ve seen Kiri do it a million times. I know what’s worth what and who wants it.” you bristled at him throwing your past connections back in your face. “And not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t deal with him anymore.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, not interested, and you regretted even answering that. He studied you for a moment, and the flexing of his hand let you know he was mulling it over.
You decided not to wait, grabbing the bag and beginning to drag it into the kitchen. As expected, Bakugo rushed you for his ill-gotten goods.
You jutted your chin up at him. “I can do it. Just let him rest, it’s been a long night.”
He glared at you, judging you in a way that no longer made you want to punch him, before speaking. “Fine, but we’re staying to make sure you don’t fuck it up.”
“We’re?” your face crumpled in confusion, then realized he meant his girlfriend and grimaced. ‘For Kiri.’ you thought.
On any other day Bakugou would loudly and proudly admit he couldn’t stand you. You were convinced he and the gang hated you, that they thought you were cold and you were mostly correct. They loved Kirisihima and he’d made it clear you two were a package deal. He could remember the one and only time Kirishima got violent with him, and it was because he’d called you several nasty names in one fell swoop when he’d been drinking. He remembered laying in his car that night wondering what the fuck about you had his best friend so gone.
That night he thought he’d finally gotten a glimpse. Beaten up, and clearly tired yourself, you were forcing yourself to carefully build an inventory out of the stolen goods he and Midoriya had acquired the previous three nights. You told him what happened at the lounge, and he knew you probably wanted to crash right next to Kirishima, but you wouldn’t. You wanted to take care of him. Watching you squinting your tired eyes in the dim light of that shitty closet kitchen, he decided his friend may not be such a dumbass after all.
| Somersault In Sand With Me |
“Eiji…no, I’m still sore.” you murmured sleepily, curling into a ball under the thin quilt.
Kirishima poked your side again, muffling a laugh. “That’s not what I want babe. Well..yeah I always want that-”
“I know.” you gently kicked back at him, hiding a tiny grin in your pillow.
“I want you to come somewhere with me, it’s important.”
He sounded so uncharacteristically serious, that you allowed yourself to be fully pulled from sleep. You sat up, reaching for your phone charging on top of your bag by the couch.
Exactly 3 a.m.
“Eijiro I swear to god…”
“It’s important, fence’s honor. Now get your cute ass out of bed.” he tackled you in a warm embrace, spread kisses across your cheeks, and released you to get up from the couch bed.
You dropped your phone back into your bag with a groan. It was amazing how out of character this man could make you.
Kirishima helped you get dressed, smirking every time he noticed your slight limp. For every smirk you bit him, and he kissed you. It went against every independent bone in your body, but Kiri dressing you felt like heaven. His soft kisses on your thighs when he helped you slide into your leggings, the soft coos and admissions of love as he slipped you into one of his sweatshirts, and the gentle cradling of your feet as he slipped your feet into your shoes. You couldn’t even be grumpy, not when your personal sunbeam was looking at you like he received his life from you.
Kirishima led you out of the apartment, and before you knew it, he’d scooped you onto his back, threatening to drop you if you didn’t hold on. He took off at full speed with your surprised blend of laughter and shouts behind him.
You barely had any time to work out where he might be taking you that wasn’t planned at that hour before he arrived at the destination. An elementary school playground.
He stooped, allowing you to slide off his back, which you did with confusion. “What’s here Eiji?”
“Everything!” he chirped like it was so simple to see.
You blinked up at him trying to gauge whether he had the signs of having something in his system.
“Come on, we would’ve killed for this as kids. We get the whole place to ourselves, what do you wanna do first?”
“Crack your head open and examine the insides.” you scowled. “I was sleeping, and you want to do what exactly?”
“You’re so adorable when you’re cranky, you’re adorable anytime bu-”
“Kiri…” you narrowed your eyes, contemplating following through on your threat.
Kirishima’s face went blank, but his expression soon returned as a wide grin. “Oh I get it babe, that’s your pride talking. If you’re too afraid of looking uncool….”
“Pfft!” you shot him an incredulous look. “Nice try. Here’s where I try to prove you wrong, thus falling into the trap right?”
“No, my woman’s much too smart for that.” his grin curled into a smirk. “Here’s where I snatch your precious beret and make you chase me for it.”
Before you could register what he said, he followed through and yanked the hat from your head. He took off across the grass laughing almost manically with genuine joy. He was so adorable, it almost made you forget how long you saved for that beret. Almost.
You launched after him, shouting vulgar threats the whole way.
“Come on babe, we do kinkier stuff than that all time, really make me feel it!” he laughed, taking the steps to the pirate ship playhouse two at a time.
“Well, remember it fondly, because that’s over now hammerhead!” you leapt at him only to have him dodge you.
“Then what do I have to live for?” his face contorted into a mock pout. “I should just walk the plank now.”
Eiji doged another lunge from you and jumped from the toy plank that barely hung above the ground. You landed after him shortly and continued to chase him while he waxed poetic about his life being over if he could ‘never take you again’. Between laughter at his silly proclamations and failed lunge attempts, your lungs were on fire. That didn’t stop you from giving the chase your all. Around the merry-go-round, an almost win in the sandbox, an attempted cut off under the jungle gym. You eventually thought of a way to end it by fighting dirty.
Eijiro was headed for the animal-shaped spring riders, and right as he got close you shouted. “Time out Eiji my shirt tore off!”
“Wha-” he looked back at the right time to hit a pink seal and flip over it, landing on his back.
You jogged over, smirking at your win, no matter how ill-gotten.
“Not manly babe,” he groaned, sitting up to rub his back. “Not at all.”
“I caught you!” you laughed, straddling his waist to prevent any escape attempts.
“You did.” he said softly, gazing at you with a look that took your breath away.
It said everything he couldn’t say. Not because he was afraid to, never Eijiro, but because he couldn't always find the words to. That he couldn’t believe he found you, and would die if he lost you. That he was so yours, he felt like he always had been, even before he knew life. That you were his world and you were more than enough for him. You were everything to him.
“Always catch me...yeah?” he placed the beret on your head gently, before he placed a hand to your cheek.
“Always.” you got out around the lump in your throat. Instinct made you hold back your tears, Eijiro’s love made them fall.
End Note:
If you want to let me know what you think should happen in the Midoriya chapter, my inbox is open (with anon on). The established AU is (here).
Dabi is next.
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brainsdivided · 4 years
Uncommon Questions for OC’s and Their Creators (1/2)
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(Art by Yesjejunus!)
I saw @bloody-fists-beating-hearts and @socksual-innuendos​ doing it so I’m answering all of them cause I can and I love my boys. Original by @cassandrapentayaaaaas​
So I don’t take up someone’s entire dash, peep under cut for it :) 
ps. some warning: read tags for any mentions of triggers or things you find uncomfortable, Isaac and Ezekiel have had tough lives and since a lot of that occurs during childhood it may cause some distress for readers.
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Ezekiel? Never. If it looks like he’s doing nothing, he’s actually daydreaming or bouncing his leg or fiddling with pieces of his clothes. Isaac also cannot sit still. This starts to change as he gets older, but when he moves to Zion he needs to be keeping his mind active on a physical thing, like studying.How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Ezekiel will laugh at just about anything. He’s a child at heart and will crack a giggle and the smallest of things. Even when he’s in combat, you might hear a devilish chuckle. Isaac is different, because of his teenage years, he doesn’t feel as much happiness as he once did. Genuine laughs are rare and at most, he’ll give a weak light-hearted laugh, especially when recalling a good story. For kids, he’ll feign a belly laugh.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Ezekiel never puts himself to bed. It will always be Joshua or Isaac that reads or talks him to sleep just as Courier Six once did. If Ezekiel is alone, he will think himself to sleep. If Joshua is available and not willing to put Ezekiel to bed and depriving him of comfort items, he will scream and cry himself to exhaustion.  Isaac has cried and screamed himself to exhaustion on more than one occasion but will never admit it. he does his best to fall asleep to music on the radio or on a holotape.
How easy is it to earn their trust?
It’s not very easy to gain either brothers’ trust. Ezekiel follows the ‘If you’re a friend of theirs, you’re a friend of mine’ phrase. Isaac doesn’t trust anyone completely until he spends enough time around them. He believes everyone has good in them and will give them the benefit of the doubt, BUT he won’t be caught off guard if someone happens to turn on him. 
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
For either brother, the second you turn on one of them or their family and friends, it’s game over. Ezekiel won’t take verbal or physical acts lightly, but if it’s verbal, Isaac will offer a second chance. He won’t give out a third.
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Ezekiel will follow laws that he feels he doesn’t need to break at the time. If he can justify it, including ‘Cause I can, there’s no one to stop me’ he will break it. Isaac follows all laws, even the ones he doesn’t want to. For the ones he doesn’t want to, he’ll find ways to bend them, especially if they’re immoral/unreasonable in his eyes. Best example I can give is in the Legion, not sure if it’s actually a law, but, women are treated as breeding stock and that’s it. Isaac had slaves but would only treat them as such around the other legionaries. Behind closed doors, he cooks for them and looks after them personally. Never once did he use them as breeding stock.  
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Ezekiel is in almost a complete state of nostalgia constantly as he unconsciously tries to live his old life in Goodsprings in Zion. Good food, sleeping in a quiet camp, hunting, learning from Joshua/father-figure, etc. helps keep him grounded in his world. Isaac often receives nostalgia from intrusive memories, but as a physical thing, probably his appearance. In a fit of fear and rage, he destroyed his mirror and where the river runs next to his home he added extra rocks to help disfigure his reflection when he’s near the water. It brings him great pain to see his own face and body due to the scars he received from the Legion. 
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Pre-story... Ezekiel was probably told to stop beating up kids for minor offenses and Isaac was probably told to not worry so much about Ezekiel doing dangerous things.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Both swear and neither remember when they first did.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Isaac’s most common lie is the typical “I’m fine.” a lie that isn’t spoken about except when before the story takes place, is that the Courier was very sick, but Isaac, Courier, and Cass made Ezekiel believe otherwise so that Ezekiel could continue to dream of the amazing man his dad once was. Which that in itself would be haunting, because he’s holding up a dam of terrible things. While Ezekiel would constantly say “No.” to the question, “Did you eat anything you weren’t supposed to?” 9/10, he ate something he wasn’t supposed to. That doesn’t haunt him, but he’ll regret lying when he ends up with intestinal obstruction or food poisoning. 
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
As soon as the confusion hits, depending on the scenario and how he’s feeling he might interrupt the conversation to ask for clarification or he’ll tune out what’s being said so that he can think on his thoughts. Isaac will pretend he understands if the conversation isn’t relating to something dire. 
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
Isaac will ask his brother or a friend for help but if he’s alone, he’ll use a stick or his wall. Ezekiel will go up to anyone and ask, but if not, he’ll turn into a yao gui and rub his back on anything. GOTTA GET THAT ITCH.
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Ezekiel likes orange and Isaac likes white. I think they could both pull off black. Anyone can, black is a flattering color but who would want to wear that in the desert sun?
What animal do they fear most?
Ezekiel doesn’t have a lot of fear towards any creature, but I’d say feral ghouls or Deathclaws and Isaac fears spore carriers.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Ezekiel will always say what comes to mind. Isaac will think before he speaks.
What makes their stomach turn?
I’ve got nothing for Ezekiel, but Isaac would barf if he smelled or saw a rotting corpse. 
Are they easily embarrassed?
Ezekiel is fine being quirky but there are some situations that makes him a radstag in flashlight. Isaac feels more shame than embarrassment. 
What embarrasses them?
Ezekiel has been known to wet the bed even into early adulthood. Also, while he is fine playing with kid-oriented items, depending on his current emotion and he’s made fun of, he’ll either respond with embarrassment or anger. Isaac gets second-hand embarrassment from Ezekiel’s behaviors sometimes. He once wet the bed and was caught by Daniel when doing laundry but it was agreed to never be brought up or mentioned again. He mostly feels embarrassment/shame when doing or caught using chems.
What is their favorite number?
Ezekiel’s is the number 6 because Courier Six was his dad. Isaac does not have a favorite number.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Oh boy. Ezekiel might not be able to tell the difference. He might just say that romantic love makes ‘funny things happen’ so to speak even as an adult. All three might overlap for him. Though I guess it would depend on the person reading since my RP partner did not like when I had Ezekiel be affectionate towards Joshua (Hugging and asking to share a bed) as ‘boys don’t always ask their dads for hugs or to sleep with them, it’s inappropriate’ but if daughters can do that with their mothers, who cares? 
Isaac would go on a long shpeel about the psychology of romantic, platonic, and familial love, I’m too tired to write how he’d explain it.
Why do they get up in the morning?
Ezekiel gets up because it’s a new day and the second he opens his eyes, he’s a ball of energy! Breakfast. Also breakfast. Isaac gets up for the people he loves and for the people who need him.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Ezekiel gets vocal. He’ll make sure you know that you’re spending too much of his time around his brother or Joshua. Isaac will get quiet. 
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
Ezekiel will take what he wants/intervene. Isaac might get bitter about it, but he’ll remind himself that there are others that are more important or who need it more.
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Their thoughts on this is pretty similar regardless of age, but speaking from age ranges 18-23, Ezekiel doesn’t really understand it, so he’ll talk to anyone about it. When he does, he’s blunt about it, too which makes for some comedic relief when Joshua is involved in the conversation. Isaac won’t really talk about it if he’s involved. If he does, it’s with Daniel or with whoever he ends up sleeping with. If it’s in a medical context, it doesn’t matter the person. 
What are their thoughts on marriage?
Ezekiel doesn’t have an opinion on marriage, but his brother and godfather would feel as though he isn’t ready for a relationship, yet. Isaac likes when others get married, but he himself does not feel worthy of a steady relationship.
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
What causes them to feel dread?
When Ezekiel gets caught doing something he shouldn’t by Joshua. Isaac - when it’s night, his generator dies, and when his radio stops working simultaneously or when Daniel forbade him that one time from studying and working because he nearly worked himself to death.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Both would want the truth, but Ezekiel believes in a lie that his brother and mother once told.
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
Ezekiel believes he’s the best at almost everything and Isaac knows he could do better, but it’s too late.
Who do they most regret meeting?
Who are they the most glad to have met?
locating Joshua was Ezekiel’s primary goal when running from Goodsprings so I’d imagine that he’d be glad to have found him. Isaac’s could be either Daniel or an unnamed Legion girl.
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Ezekiel would try to talk casually about his parents’ death and of the crimes he’s committed. Isaac doesn’t have a go-to.
Could they be considered lazy?
Yes and no. To others, they’d be lazy, but Isaac has depression and insomnia, and Ezekiel’s behavior is similar to a child so he may just be stubborn.
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
If the guilt was brought on by Joshua, Ezekiel would need some reassurance directly from him to fix it. Isaac is constantly ridden with guilt.
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Both are supportive!
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Neither seeks romance. Isaac might look for partners for one night stands, but that’s it.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
Both are very good at matching names to faces, but Ezekiel uses his fingers to count and sometimes uses melodies. Isaac likes to file things.
What memory do they revisit the most often?
So far that’s been thought of, Ezekiel revisits the death of his parents most often and Isaac revisits the possible events that led up to him becoming a decanus. 
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Ezekiel is willing to forget them if they didn’t directly wrong him. Isaac never forgets, he just chooses to overlook them but still keeping them in mind.
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Ezekiel never really recognizes his flaws until they’re pointed out. As he gets older though he does start to acknowledge them more. A scene I’ve thought of is when he’s 22 and still playing with children’s toy soldiers. He plays with them with little enthusiasm, abandoning his amusements not by choice. Isaac is aware of his flaws but doesn’t try to better them, but instead tries to better others. 
How do they feel about children?
Ezekiel at times believes he is a child, and will try to engage with other children. Some find it creepy but those that know him are fine with it because they know he has good intentions. Isaac is passionate about children and will protect them with his life. While escaping the legion, he had recruits younger than him that he helped escape, some ending up being adopted out to Dead Horse, Sorrows, and New Canaanite families. Even in the Legion, Isaac showed all children he came across respect and kindness.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
Neither truly has an end goal. Isaac wants to see the Legion end in a way where it’s people can recover as quickly as possible, so by working with the Followers of the Apocalypse, he can help out stragglers. Ezekiel just wants to become someone Joshua can be proud of. Be the son he never had and never expected to have.
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
Isaac would say that he used to be attracted to women, but because he spent so much time around women who loved and cherished him for his kindness, he’d find it wrong to date someone who only loved that he was kind to them. He still finds women attractive, just not enough to act on it. As for men, he could tell you who is handsome, but in a platonic way. 
Ezekiel couldn’t tell for the longest time what he was attracted to, but in an alternative story line, when he thought it was women, he ended up finding himself feeling more for a man.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
An Unexpected Adventure Ch 3: Nature
Ch 3:Nature 
  Ch 1: Booked   Ch 2: Teatime, Ch 4: Waterfalls
Tags:@rainbowmoosie, @melodys4029​, @loomiz​, @eliza123sworld​, @super-pink-a-palouza​, @bskarsgardlove92​, @dragsraksllib​ ,@0cean-witch​, @grandpa-sweaters​, @katieskrsgard​,  @sugiseto​, @badccaptain​,  @wikiss21​  @skrsgardspam​ @skarsgardsslut​  
Notes: fluff, shock, an ode to no cellphones
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Genna tossed and turned all night having nightmares about not making her deadline. Losing every bit of the credibility and trust her first book brought to her career. Losing her friend and publisher to someone that obviously wanted it more than she did. All these thoughts did nothing to help her creativity level. When she woke, she was a void of any ideas what to really focus on in her writing as she had been since she got there. It was time to do something drastic. Just walk away for a while.  
The best way to clear her head was to take Istvan up on his morning walk offer. The fire had burned out over night, but her appreciation for him only burned stronger. She was determined to make up for how she had treated him when they first met. Put all the book writing thoughts in the back of her mind just for a few hours. Being in nature was bound to get ideas flowing once she got back to work. 
Genna put a pot of coffee in a large thermos and a zip lock of crackers in her backpack purse. She dressed in layers since it was cooler now but once the sun was high in the sky the forecaster called for an unusual swing back to the 70s.  She decided on her athletic shoes over her boots because they were more comfortable. The boots she wore there were made for fashion more than hiking.  
She took a deep cleansing breath as she walked out of the cabin. The air was fresh. Genna could smell wildflowers that had not given up their life to the overnight frost yet. She looked around for her guide. Istavan waved with a great big dopey smile on his face. She trotted over to him.
“Good morning, Istvan.”
“Good morning, Genna.” He had a backpack flung over his shoulder. “I’m glad you decided to join me. There is so much beauty here you cannot see from the small windows in the cabin.”
“Show me everything.” Genna adjusted her pack as she walked with him. “I brought coffee and snacks. And my cellphone to take some pictures. I am looking for inspiration.”
“I hope you find what you want.” He helped her up a particularly steep hill. “Just relax and take it all in without sharing with the world for once in your life. It is perfectly fine not to share every experience you have.”
“That is crazy talk.” She giggled joking.  
He smirked.  
Once they arrived at a paved trail it was easier to walk. “At the end of this trail there is a nice clearing to stop for a break. I have a blanket, coffee, water, and baloney sandwiches in my pack.”
“Between us we have quite a feast.” She did her best to keep up with him but two of her steps equaled one of his..
He nodded. “Stop right here.” Istvan put his hand up stopping on the trail. “Listen to what surrounds us.”
“What is it?” She was a little frightened by his tone.
“Shhhh.” He put a finger to his plump kissable lips. “Don’t be scared. Close your eyes.” Istvan walked around behind her. “Relax. Take a breath and just listen to nature.”
His voice gave her chills. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath of the fresh air around her. It smelled nothing like the big city. It felt nothing like the city. There was a light breeze. The sun kissed her face. Some squirrels squealed at each other in the trees. Birds were chirping not quite ready to leave for the south.  She opened her eyes as she grabbed for her cellphone to snap a memory.
He took her wrist lightly. “Don’t do it Genna. Just enjoy our surrounding. Let it just be ours.”
She looked at him like he was insane. “But shouldn’t everyone know the beauty here so they will come, Istvan? I am sure you have posted pictures on your accounts to help your business.”  
“I don’t have any social media accounts.” He admitted. “There is one website that does have professional photos of the cabins and the hiking trail. I like it here because it is free from all that. No one, especial strangers need to like what you are doing for you to enjoy it yourself. Just take it in.” He took a deep exaggerated breath in and let it out. “Stay here with me in this moment. Don’t disappear into technology, Genna.”
“All right.” She slid the phone back into the side of her pack.  
“Now really look at everything you could have missed with a phone in front of your face.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “Is this okay?”
She nodded yes.
“The squirrels we hear are right there chasing each other in that tree.” He pointed.
His beard tickled her cheek and she laughed. “Your beard tickles.”
“I���m sorry,.” He stood up straighter. Istvan had not really been close to anyone in months. It had been years since he felt like being as close to someone as he did her.  
“It’s all good.” She smiled and he smiled back. “What other things can you point out that I might not be catching?” She was trying to get fully immersed in the moment as he suggested.  
“Did you hear the rustling in the tall brush over there?” He gets closer again but tries not to let his beard touch her.
“I happen to know that a family of bunnies live there.” He gentle rubbed her arms. “If we are still and quiet maybe one will hop over towards the glen or many of them will. The younger ones seem to take chances like that even if I am here.”  
They waited. She leaned into him more, so he held her more securely. She did not giggle again when his beard brushed against her cheek. The bushes started rustling more in several spots. Then a little nose poked out sniffing. A few pairs of long grey ears with pink centers poked up. It was quick when they moved. Three curious baby bunnies made their way across the path right in front of Istvan and Genna.
Genna covered her mouth so she did not squeal in delight while the bunnies crossed. One stopped to look at them for just a split second before running off after its sibling. “They are so precious.”  
“Yeah, come on.” He led her down the trail more. “The clearing is right in the direction they went hopping.”
She stayed close to him. “Are there any dangerous animals around here?”
“Black bear, coyote, and a few different kinds of poisonous snakes in the wetlands.” They came to the clearing and walked a few feet in where Istvan laid out the blanket holding it down with his pack and hers. “I have a kit with anti-venom. Bears and Coyote are mostly afraid of people unless you leave food out at night.”
“I will hold you to that.” She takes her jacket and hoodie off to get more comfortable. The sun has made it warmer. She took out her coffee thermos and crackers.
He took out what he brought and takes off his hoodie also. “Sandwich?”
“Thank you.” She took one. “You can have some of these crackers with your sandwich.”
“Thanks.” He took a few from the baggy. After they ate taking in the nature around them instead of talking, Istvan laid back on the blanket closing his eyes. “It is nice to just listen to nature with eyes closed and your heart open.”
“I guess.” She glanced around at what seemed to be empty space. “Have you always lived like this, Istvan. Grown to be a Mountain man?”
He chuckled as he opened his eyes and held his strong upper body up on his elbows. “I grew up as a spoiled kid in New York City. My Dad was a Soap actor and my Mom a lawyer. We started coming out to the woods to camp when I was around ten. My Father built the family cabin himself. After I graduated high school my gift was building my own cabin.”
“Hard labor does not sound like a gift.” Genna interceded.  
“Yeah, I thought that at the time.” He continued. “It was the last time I really spent any time with him. He and my sister built the cabin you are staying in for her before she went off to college. She worked hard from the beginning as she always did in school. I did what I always did at NYU. I got in some trouble for fighting. Partied so much I can barely remember most of my time there. Still I managed to get passing grades in business school. When my parents got in a car accident driving here from the city in the dead of winter to set up for a family Christmas, they left the cabins to me and my sister.”
“That is …" She put her hand to her heart. “It is just so tragic. I’m sorry you lost them right before the holiday.”
“It was a lot to handle but helped me grow up.” He sighed. “My sister can barely deal with being here. I took over the cabins turning them into a business. That was five years ago. I ended up loving this place after a year. At this point I can’t even imagine going back to living in the city.”
“I do enjoy the silence when I work.” She laid down beside him.  
Istvan put his arm under her head lying back down with his eyes closed. “Now close your eyes, Genna. Take a deep breath and listen.”  
They laid there for a minute just silent and still. “This is maybe the best thing I ever felt.”
He leaned on his side. “Now that is a tragedy.”  
She opened her eyes to his inches away. Her heart seemed to skip at the weight of his stare. Then he glanced above her head before looking at her again.
“On the count of three I need you to get up as quick as possible.” He reached for the machete attached to the side of his pack. “One...”
“What?” And then she heard it. A rattle and hiss.
“Two, three.” Istvan pulled her up with one hand as he cut the head off the striking timber rattlesnake.  
She was in shock as he held up the body of the snake that was half his length. “It's okay now. It’s dead.” After dropping the carcass to the grown he put the machete away. “Are you alright, Genna?”
She nodded yes slowly even though she was still disturbed.  
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
The Fall of Rome CH 2 (Final) [REUPLOAD]
I tweaked and fixed the inconsistencies in this one as well as a couple minor things in CH1, so hopefully it’s a bit more coherent now. 
Read on AO3
Chapter 2
It was risky. She knew it was. Plus, there was no guarantee that he’d actually say yes. Revenge wasn’t really her style, but after everything Lila had done…she had to try.
“No, no, I said without nuts, Mr. Stone is very- hang on, oh, Marinette, hi,” Penny said, lowering her phone onto her shoulder. “What can I help you with?”
“Um, I have a school project, and I have to interview someone who inspires me, and I was hoping Jagged would be willing,” Marinette said, holding up a blue folder with a smile.
“Yes, confirm the hair appointment- uh, Marinette, Jagged is kind of booked up today. When do you need to interview him by?” She asked then into her phone said, “be sure the M&Ms don’t have nuts this time.”
“I have to present it by tomorrow,” she said, and Penny tapped her pen on her lip. “3rd period. It’s around 11.”
“Can you do it live? Jagged has a little free time from 11 to 12 tomorrow,” Penny said, and Marinette pressed her lips together to hide her smirk.
“That would be great. Thanks, Penny!” Marinette said with a smile and a wave, but before she headed back up the hall, she paused to retrieve a folded note from her purse. “Um, one more thing…Can you give this to him for me?”
Penny eyed the letter as her phone rang, leaving little time for questions. She snatched the note and offered Marinette a parting smile and nod before shutting the suite door. Marinette clasped her hands behind her back, heading for the elevator with a triumphant smile.  
Step one of her plan was in motion. Now she just needed to focus on not going to far with step two. A lot of her friends were really angry with Lila, and she understood their feelings more than anyone. But it wouldn’t do them any good to humiliate Lila and harden her heart even more. If they wanted to get through to her, they needed to be smart about this.
The following day, Marinette went about business as usual, but as 3rd period drew closer, her nerves flared up with vigor. What if this all went horribly wrong? What if Lila managed to spin it back on her somehow? What if Jagged didn’t show, and she failed her project? She wasn’t sure which question scared her more.
“Yo, Marinette!” Well, she supposed she didn’t have to worry about one of those fears as Jagged approached her in the courtyard. He draped an arm over her shoulders with a wide grin, mussing her hair affectionately. “Inspired by your ol’ Uncle Jagged, are ya? Are you sure I shouldn’t be the one interviewing you?”
“You’re not getting a grade on it,” she giggled. “Thank you for coming. I know you’re busy.”
“I’m never too busy for my favorite little lady. We can rock out anytime,” he said, leaning down to her level and glancing around. “Now, which one is the troublemaker?”
“Oh, you’ll know her when you see her. She lies with every breath, and she threatened to turn everyone against me,” Marinette said and crossed her arms over her chest. “But she won’t be lying for long. A majority of the class has learned her little secret, and I’m sure once she sees you, she’ll know her little reign is over.” She paused for a moment, pursing her lips before asking, “You don’t think I’m being too mean with all of this, do you?”
“Not in the slightest. If it were me, I’d have called me up to expose her ages ago, and I’d have a crate of snakes delivered to her door. I did that once to a bloke who used me to get into the VIP section at an awards show once, so if you’re in the market, I know a guy,” Jagged said with a shrug. “Some people need to be called out or else they’ll never stop using others.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she said as the bell rang, and she took a deep breath. “Well, let’s go hunt the fox, shall we?”
“Lead the way.”
Not wanting to cause a commotion, Marinette instructed Jagged to wait in the hall until it was time for her to present, and she locked eyes with Alya who quirked a brow the moment she entered the room. She gave an affirming nod that brought a smirk to her best friend’s lips as she sat down.
“Okay, class. Today we are presenting our important figures interviews, so who would like to go first?” Mlle. Bustier asked.
“I will.” Marinette’s hand shot up, and Mlle. Bustier’s eyes widened in surprise before a delighted smile curled on her lips.
“Wonderful! Go ahead, Marinette.”
Marinette moved to the front of the room, shooting a pointed glare at Lila as her classmates in the loop leaned in expectantly.
“Well, the person I picked to interview has a very busy schedule, so I didn’t actually find time to interview him outside of class, but he graciously agreed to come today so I could conduct the interview right here,” she said, and several of her classmates grinned in unison as she opened the door to reveal Jagged Stone on the other side.
The room erupted with chatter as Jagged joined her at the front of the room, and Lila slipped down into her seat. Mlle. Bustier clapped her hands to regain order and nodded for Marinette to continue.
“Thank you for coming today, Jagged,” she said with a sweet smile.
“No sweat, Marinette. You’re part of the Stone family now,” he said, and Marinette flicked her gaze over to Lila who glared daggers at her before proceeding.
“Okay, so when did you first decide that you wanted to do music?” Marinette started, focusing on the interview since it was part of her grade. The real show didn’t start until afterward, so she may as well relax and get a good grade.
Jagged was, no doubt, a big hit with the rest of the class. He was such an animated character that Marinette almost forgot why she’d invited him here. Almost.
“One last question,” she said at the end, doing her best not to look up at Lila. “What advice can you give to someone like me?”
“Well, any artistic industry is going to come with challenges, and if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to be careful who you trust. There are a lot of people in the world who are going to feed you pretty stories to make you trust them, but you should never believe people so easily,” he said. “Because a lot of the time, they just want to use you. I’ve been burned many times by record companies, assistants, and even friends. Your support system is vital when you’re starting out and have nothing because those people are going to be the ones cheering you on from the beginning, so be sure that the people in it are truly people with your best interests at heart.”
The class applauded, and Marinette stretched up to hug Jagged. It was showtime.
“Hey, Jagged, can I get a picture with you for my blog?” Alya asked, holding up her phone.
“Yeah, can I get an autograph!”
“Me too!”
Her classmates crowded around him, that is, all save but one. Jagged flicked his gaze to Marinette who gave him a nod.
“I’ve really got to be off, so why don’t we do a group photo?” He said, glancing over everyone until his eyes found Lila still sitting at the back of the room. “Oy, you, what’s your name? Don’t you want to be in the picture?”
“What? You mean you don’t recognize her?” Kim asked with a laugh, and when Lila stiffened, Marinette felt her stomach do a somersault.
“Should I?” He placed his hands on his hips, squinting a little for show. “Wait, have I had you thrown out of my suite before?”
“Lila saved your precious kitten when it got lost on an airport runway before you found out you were allergic, that is. Surely, such a heroic deed wouldn’t be so easily forgotten,” Max said, and Jagged rubbed the back of his head.
“Uh, right, except, ya see, I’ve had Fang a long time. Longer than any of you have been alive. He was my first fan, and he’s been my best friend most of my life,” Jagged said. “I’ve never even owned a kitten. I’m more of a reptile guy.”
Lila’s jaw clenched at everyone’s collective gasp, her shoulders curling when every eye in the room trained on her.
“So then, there’s no way Lila could have saved your kitten,” Alix said with mocking disbelief, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Which means that Lila lied?” Nathaniel frowned, and the girl in question glared through Marinette before standing up and racing from the room.
“See what I mean? This happens all the time when you’re famous. People make up all kinds of stories to impress people, but most of them aren’t even true,” Jagged sighed as if it couldn’t be helped. “If there’s any young lady out there who’s saved me, it’s Marinette who kept my image from being ruined by the likes of Bob Roth. She’s my true hero.”
Her cheeks flushed as Jagged wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gestured for everyone to gather around.
“Say Jagged!”
The news of Lila’s farce spread fast, and by lunch everyone suddenly remembered how the internet worked and her lies had all been debunked. Marinette should have been happy, especially when all of her friends apologized for doubting her, but she couldn’t shake the pit in her stomach as she pushed food around on her tray.
The whole school knew Lila was a liar now which is what she’d always wanted, but for some reason, she couldn’t quite bring herself to celebrate. She shouldn’t feel guilty because Lila did it to herself. The truth was bound to come out in the end, so why then did Marinette feel so uneasy?
Maybe it was an early phase of food poisoning. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Adrien hadn’t met her eye all day because despite giving his permission, he hadn’t been immensely impressed with the whole debacle they’d arranged. Or maybe in some grand stretch of the imagination, she actually felt sorry for Lila. As horrible as she was, everyone deserved a chance to change, right? To make amends? Of course, she could argue that she’d given Lila that chance on many occasions, but it was different this time. This time, Rome had actually fallen, and Lila had gotten crushed under the bricks.
Sometimes Marinette hated her conscience.
“Adrien,” she said, shrinking a little as he paused rearranging his books in his locker to look over his shoulder. When he saw it was her, he lowered his gaze and turned back.
“Hey, Marinette,” he said, and her heart splintered at his dismissive tone. It was distant and curt. Cold, almost.
“I know you’re probably mad at me for exposing her like that,” she said, and Adrien shook his head.
“I’m not mad,” he said, finally flicking those green eyes up to meet her gaze. “After all, I left the choice in your hands, but I guess in a way I’m just…disappointed.” When she lowered her head, he continued, “I just thought that…if anyone could get through to her and help her, it’d be you, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s best if we just let her live with the consequences.”
“Or maybe we still can,” she said, taking a breath. “I have an idea, but I’ll need your help.”
 An hour later, Marinette rang Lila’s doorbell, her shoulders tense, but this was the right thing to do. At least, she hoped.
“Hello, Mme. Rossi,” she said when Lila’s mother answered the door.
“Oh, goodness, you must be Lila’s school friends,” she said, taking in the large group standing behind Marinette.
“That’s right. We were hoping to have a movie night with Lila,” Marinette explained, and Kim held up their selections.
“How fun! I was just on my way out, so this is perfect timing. Lila gets lonely while I’m at work, and I know she’s very shy and has trouble fitting in. It’s so sweet that you all came to help her feel welcome.” Mme. Rossi placed a hand over her heart. It seemed as though they weren’t the only people Lila lied to, but Marinette wasn’t about to correct her. “Lila! Your friends from school are here, and I’m heading out.”
The girl in question crept out of her room with narrow, skeptical eyes that flicked between each face as if bracing herself for the inevitable ridicule. But it never came.
“Kim brought the movies, and Nino and Ivan got snacks,” Marinette said, but Lila just crossed her arms over her chest.
“Why are you all here?” She asked, leaning against the doorway.
“Because we’re your friends, Lila,” Nino said, and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah right, you guys just came here to rub it in,” she said with a huff, and Marinette glanced at Adrien who gave her an encouraging nod.
“Lila, we came here because we want you to know that you don’t have to lie to us to get us to like you. We want to be friends with you – the real you, if you want,” Marinette said, and her friends all gave nods of agreement. “So, what do you say?”
Lila held her gaze for a long time, searching it for any hint of deceit, but each face only reflected the same warmth. A warmth that, if Marinette had to guess, she wasn’t used to seeing because after a moment, she averted her gaze.
“I don’t get it,” she said, shaking her head. “You should all hate me.”
“Oh, trust me,” Alya said with a laugh. “We did.”
“But Marinette convinced us to give you a second chance because someone who tries so hard to get attention from others must be missing it in their life,” Nino said, draping an arm over Marinette’s shoulders. “Marinette is the glue that holds us all together, and she can always bring out the good in others if you let her.”
“It’s true. She’s even made Chloe a bit less unsufferable at times this year,” Nathaniel said.
“We’ll be your friends,” Mylene started.
“On one condition,” Alix said, holding up her index finger.
“No more lies.” It was Adrien who spoke, and he gave her a chiding look.
Lila pursed her lips and shifted her weight. She was quiet for a long time, and Marinette almost expected her to kick them out. But when she flicked those green eyes that had once been so guarded and hostile back at Marinette, they now carried a sense of insecurity and fear as if she wanted to reach out but forgot how to move her arms.
“Fine,” she said, and Marinette’s lips broke into a smile as the class crowded around Lila, piling into an awkward embrace.
Of course, it took a long time for Lila to fully build their trust again, and they took everything she said with a grain of salt for a while. It was to be expected, but over time, Lila relaxed and so did they. Her smiles came more freely. Her laughs were less forced, and as Marinette watched her chatting with Mylene and Alya across the locker room, she couldn’t help but smile. And that was before Adrien approached her.
“You really are a hero, Marinette,” he said, and her spine stiffened.
“I- what? I’m what? You- I’m not a- no.” At his laugh, she realized what he’d meant and that her cover was safe, and she laughed too.
“I don’t suppose you could change Chloe?” He quirked a brow, and Marinette made a face.
“One self-absorbed girl at a time, please,” she said, and Adrien smirked.
“Yeah, I know. She’s gonna take a lot of work, but I bet between the two of us, we can get through to her,” he said, nudging her with his elbow. “I’m really glad you decided to help her. You really are amazing.”
He patted her shoulder before retreating back up the aisle, and Marinette bit her lip hard to ensure she wasn’t dreaming. She wasn’t.
Lila had come a long way since she came to their school. She’d learned the hard way that kingdoms built on lies would only crumble, but like any fallen empire, it can be reborn, this time with truth and the help of new friends. Lila found that damage could be mended brick-by-brick if she was just willing to open herself up, and Marinette, for one, was glad to have a new friend instead of an enemy.
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simptasia · 4 years
lost characters based solely on how i portray them in my text post memes
jack: constantly crying and/or screaming. no emotional stability. no social skills. terrible bedside manner. endearingly bland. into powerful women. loves the red sox... a lot. daddy issues. doesn’t believe in himself. has shitty tattoos. being crushed under the weight of everybody’s expectations. more or less hot. he is not cool at all. repressed attraction to guys. chronic hero syndrome. adorably embarrassing as a dad. passionately and violently overreacts to the mere concept of people believing in things. mansplains but in a non malicious way because he is literally that oblivious. gets into fights a lot. dissociates in mirrors. gets injured a lot but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. thinking about caves
kate: desperate need to protect women. bi. is frustrated by jack and sawyer’s personalities but wants to fuck them oh so much. rowdy. feminist. biceps. will call you out. is love with claire and jack and sun and- she has a lot of love to give. she can be ur angel or ur devil. exasperated. doesn’t understand astrology but she’s trying. she’s the slytherin friend every hufflepuff needs. uses guns. doesn’t know how to cook. go to relationship advice is “dump him” or “suck his dick”.  just because you put things in her vagina doesn’t mean you know her. gemini
hurley: sad clown. haha laughter! hiding real pain! has debilitating mental illness. he’s doing his best to stay positive. virgin. genuinely kind soul. overwhelmed by food. awkward around girls he likes. much smarter and wiser than anybody thinks, including himself. a special boy who we all love. says dude a lot. the only valid rich person ever. doesn’t like himself. sees dead people. kinda silly. also he’s fat (but i don’t joke about it in a cruel way)
sawyer: compulsive need to nickname people. from the south. bewildered by charlie’s english slang. covering up vulnerability with jokes and being mean. loves juliet. is an asshole but a loveable asshole (this varies, mostly he’s an asshole). conventionally attractive to the point of boring. got a Thing going on with miles. can’t stand daniel being smart around him. babies freak him out. treats animals poorly
locke: very supportive and new agey type. i’ve made two jokes about him encouraging people to jack off, that wasn’t on purpose but Okay. he doesn’t know what its like to have friends. he says Deep Sounding but odd things. he’s super duper into nature. he suffers. he’s very forgiving of ben to the point of absurdity and he desperately wants ben to love and fuck him. or maybe they are fucking. Who Knows. he loves knifes
sayid: sexy, suffering shannon fucker. he doesn’t respect boone. his life is an endless parade of misery culminating in going on autopilot. respects women
jin: he has no idea what’s going on and his life revolves around sun
sun: beautiful. perfect. very passionate about gardening
claire: bi. frequently ignored. cutesy and sweet. super into astrology and new age stuff. her cheery demeanour can only hold on so long before she loses it. kinda dumb. has baby. vanilla, at least for now. loves charlie but is kinda frustrated by him. goes feral and “kitten thinks of murder all day” sums it up
charlie: that he needs attention and validation to survive would be a gross understatement. bi. trans. punk. stupid. english. really horny and slutty. adores music more than anything. drug addict (again, i refuse to be cruel). severe jealousy issues. inferiority superiority complex. hates himself but will get offended if you hate him. can’t take any form of criticism. is bewildered by sawyer’s american-isms. bit of a madonna whore complex. smol but will go the fuck off like a terrier nipping at ya heels. catholic and riddled with catholic guilt. goofy and obnoxious and he knows it. passive aggressive. terrified of bees. nice ass. mood swings. did i mention he’s short? anyway here’s wonderwall
ben: ugly. just plain terrible. beaten and bruised. seething with rage and pain on the inside. virgin. liar. just causes problems on purpose. resembles a lemur or rat, rodents in general. loves bunnies. doesn’t think sex is real. just a really bad idea for him to be around juliet. has no friends. doesn’t care about other people. says creepy shit just because. he knows he’s a terrible person. killed people. the friend nobody likes and a general nuisance to the other characters
(also my literal first text post meme about ben was a joke about him eating his parents??? 2014 sapphire, i wanna talk...)
juliet: mom friend. seems very calm but she’s screaming on the inside. basically she’s the This Is Fine meme. depressed. has big tits. low-key kinky. feminist in a very gentle way. has no ill will towards kate and will only fight her for fun. concerned for daniel’s well being. has no chemistry with jack. loves sawyer. flat measured calm way of speaking. she’s breaking apart at the seams but will offer you a nice glass of water :)))
michael: has a son..... uh...... enjoys minecraft?
(i’m sorry)
desmond: scottish. drinks. easily and constantly confused. magic psychic time powers, like visions and electromagnetic dimensional stuff. easily angered. fucked off by the concept of time and destiny in general. hhhhhhhot
smokey: Hello Fellow Humans I Promise This Is My Own Skin Haha
miles: bi. aro. loves money (trying to fill the hole in his heart with money and things). emo/punk. pretends not to care but he really does care. thinks emotions and romance are dumb but of course is emotional... and kinda wants love. but not that he LIKES you or anything. exasperated. thinks everybody else is weird. kinda slutty or at least trying to be. masochist and into BDSM. mean to daniel for no reason. daddy issues. resting bitch face. jaded, bitter and salty. responds to romantic things dan or char say with vulgar or mocking comments. grew up poor. can hear dead people. trying too hard to be edgy. deadpan snarker. Fuck Off I’m Not Sad Don’t Look At Me [cries only around the audience and his mom]
walt: becoming older than 10 was when things went downhill for him
shannon: seems vapid but is more than that. deeply insecure. feels she can’t do anything right. constantly put down as worthless by other people. yeah she’s sad but she Looks Great. wants sayid to pound her (mood)
(gee, that was dark)
richard: very old and ageless. sees ben as a son figure. really not holding it together. seems smart but he has no fucking idea whats going on. cult mindset. quips curtly back at miles’ vulgar jokes. in love with miles based on very little interaction. misses his dead wife. has a cute giggle. is also hot. overwhelmed and just wants to go into the jungle and scream
frank: doesn’t understand what anybody is talking about. the only normal person here. doesn’t understand these kids today with their weird kinks. just wants to sleep. pilot. bit of a conspiracy theorist
boone: bi. stupid. soaked in blood a lot.  (L I T E R A L L Y all of my boone jokes are about him being dumb and bi and horribly injured and combos of those. i haven’t even made any incest jokes! what the actual fuck)
ana lucia: “[with tears in her eyes] DO U WANNA FIGHT??”. highly volatile. lesbian. bros with jack but will roast him. angery, sad and underloved
daniel: bi, agender, neurodivergent, just, just especially brain weird. The Scientist trope but kind of a shitty scientist. smart. in love with charlotte. in love with desmond. likes rats a lot. talks weird and soft spoken. withdrawn and polite but with bursts of bitterness. his mom won’t let him live the live he wants to live. time travel weirdness. loves music. gifted kid burn out. has a mental and emotional collapse. thinks a hydrogen bomb will solve all his problems. skinny. touches people a lot. he’s not okay. romantic. overwhelmed. memory problems. his lack of life experience and softness is used to contrast miles. takes some statements literally. pretty vanilla (for now) and doesn’t know what certain kinks are. likes that charlotte is Tough & Rowdy. doesn’t swear much. bad hair. was unhinged in college. has radiation poisoning
libby: neurodivergent and in love with hurley
eko: yeah... i’ve legit only used him for jokes where charlie says something EXTREMELY vulgar and eko says “go to church”
charlotte: bi, loud, passionate, beautiful, angery, knows All The Languages, huge nerd, loves daniel and thinks he’s a Snack, outspoken feminist, archaeologist/anthropologist and wants to explore some fucking ruins, The Lost Lenore trope, loves chocolate, exasperated, great smile, subtly insecure, doesn’t get that she could just tell daniel how she feels, has had many indiana jones like adventures (off screen, of course), for example: crashing her dirtbike into all 7 wonders of the world
danielle: french and unhinged, has seen some shit
alex: just a young lady with no chill
jacob: suffers from terminal apathy. has little understand of human behaviour. doesn’t care about people. he just plain sucks. has no endearing qualities. causes many problems. beats the shit outta richard. doesn’t like technology. so removed from humanity that he’s a touch uncanny valley
christian, eloise, charles and anthony jokes each have their own kind of flavours but fuck it, i’ll sum them all up as: contemptuous cunts who deserve to die
aaron: just a baby boy. does baby things. has like 5 parents
vincent: a dog. a good boy. does he know more than he lets on? is he mysterious? no, he is just a dog
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