#and their double standard
nancylou444 · 6 months
It fascinates me that the "proof" of Dean's bi-ness THEY always point to, are offensive stereotypes that THEY wouldn't like used to prove their gay/bi-ness.
Meanwhile Dean LITERALLY saying that he doesn't play for that team and doesn't swing that way gets "interpreted" as him hiding his true self FROM HIMSELF.
And yet Charlie's sexuality has to be respected and accepted AS IS without interpretation or seeing it as her hiding being straight from herself.
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oifaaa · 5 months
Annabeth is so much stronger then me I'm just saying if my mum got pissed and punished me for something my field trip partner did after i was nothing but the perfect child for the last 5 years meanwhile the guy who actually did the thing got nothing but praise from his dad yeah no Luke wouldn't even have time to ask me if I wanted to fight against the gods I'd already be starting my own revolution
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Peaceful anti war/pro Palestine protestors are being beaten and attacked by police with snipers on rooftops. Hundreds of Jewish students and faculty members being arrested.
Actual Nazis on the columbia university campus protesting.
If you’re Jewish in America this should be pretty terrifying. America protects its fascist that includes Zionists.
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odinsblog · 7 months
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When the daughter of THE Martin Luther King Jr. tells you not to spread propaganda in his name, we think it’s best to just stop.
It’s time to cancel the Hollywood experiment that was Amy Schumer.
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dayinadream · 6 months
The world's double standards towards Gaza are utterly repulsive!
- An Israeli child is killed, and the world uproars, yet over 10,000 Palestinian children are killed, and there's deafening silence!
- Israel mistakenly executes three of its soldiers, and the world demands an immediate investigation. Meanwhile, the same army executes dozens of Palestinians daily without a word from this unjust world!
- Hamas has dozens of captives, mostly soldiers, and the world everyday demands their release. Yet thousands of Palestinians have been imprisoned for years, and there are no calls.
- The world supplies Israel with hundreds of weapon trucks while denying entry for water and milk to Gaza, letting two million Palestinians suffer in silence!
- Israel kills two Palestinian Christian women in a church, and call for investigations pour in from Washington and Europe. Conversely, Israel destroys dozens of mosques with worshippers inside and burns hospitals, and Europe remains silent!
This is a brutal, unjust world devoid of values and principles. I am ashamed to speak of the illusion of human rights !
- Ramy Abdu
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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queer-geordie-nerd · 29 days
"Criticizing the Israeli government/military for their war crimes isn't antisemitic" - No, it isn't and there *is* much to criticize. But show me ANY other country on earth with a questionable government and a less than stellar human rights record where their civilians are subjected to anywhere near the level of hatred and abject dehumanisation as Israeli people are.
So forgive me if I find the denials of antisemitism in doing this to the citizens of the world's *only* Jewish state to be entirely disingenuous.
I say this as a British citizen - a country with a truly rancid history of war crimes and human rights abuses that continue to this day. Yet *no one* denies my or my country's right to even exist.
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lawbreaker13 · 2 months
It’s actually insane how some of you justify your antisemitism. And yes, this time I’m specifically talking about being anti-Israel.
When Israel is attacked by Hamas, it’s their fault for retaliating. When is Israel is attacked by Iran, it’s ok because it’s retaliation. When Israel calls out the UN for being unhelpful, they’re getting what they deserve. When Israel asks the UN to step up, it’s a sad cry for help.
It is no coincidence that Israel can’t do anything right and that it houses 7 million Jewish refugees. It’s the oldest excuse in the book. “It’s just the zionists!” Israeli children are children, too. They have no better of a concept of Zionism than you, and yours is scarce. Zionism IS LITERALLY ABOUT JEWS.
Just say you won’t be happy until half the world’s Jews are dead. It’s a lot better to be an antisemite when you’re comfortable with your identity.
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copypastus · 2 months
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@nestaarcheronweek Day 3 - Self Care
Self care is calling your sister's bluff and moving away from the Night Court instead of to the House of Wind.
Listen, I fully believe if Nesta and Tamlin got to compare notes on how the NC treats them they could have bonded. And it would be hilarious.
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Bonus twitchy Tamlin reaction picture free to use.
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Second one too. I'm generous like that.
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Principles that so-called "leftists" have abandoned since October 7th
Being against religious fundamentalism: You guys used to think that fundamentalism was a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, you still believe that OTHER religions that are fundamentalist are bad, but Muslim right wing religious fundamentalism is very much okay with you. When you express support for religious fundamentalist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Islamic Republic, you are supporting suppression against women, LGBT people, and Jews (though the latter doesn't bother you at all). These are not resistance groups, they are terror groups.
Anti-racism: Mocking Israeli accents is suddenly funny to you. Jews aren't oppressed any more and antisemitism isn't as important as other forms of ethnic hate. It's okay to discriminate against people based on where they're from (the treatment of twenty year old Eden Golan is a particularly disgusting example). Indigeneity expires if you're Jewish. You support land back efforts for everyone but Jews. You employ the noble savage stereotype against Palestinians, because "That's just their way!" Holocaust inversion and even denial? NBD. Jews are trying to take over the world and are bloodthirsty monsters who support genocide. And the blatant tokenization is horrific. Some of you have even used the expression "Good Jews".
Being against ethnic cleansing: You bleat about the non-existent "genocide" in Palestine (and it is NOT a genocide according the the actual definition of the word), but your only solution is to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East instead of supporting the two state solution.
Anti-nationalism: Jewish nationalism is bad. Arab nationalism is good. There are 22 Arab states and over fifty Muslim states, but even the two state solution in which there would be 22 Arab states, over fifty Muslim states and one Jewish state isn't enough, because Jews bad. Arab and Muslim conquest and imperialism? It's a good thing, ackchuyally!
Belief in science: Genetic studies prove that all ethnic Jews (yes, that includes Ashkenazi Jews) are indigenous to the Levant, but you guys seem to believe that we fell out of the sky. Archaeology proves that Jews were there first, but those findings are "fake" according to you.
Once again, I am asking why are you guys willing to sacrifice your principles for Palestine?
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Chase the Jews out of every country so they flee to Israel, and then vilify them for living in Israel.
Put Israel under constant threat of annihilation, making mandatory conscription a necessity, and then use that as an excuse to declare that “there are no civilians in Israel,” that the entire population is guilty, their lives and human rights forfeit, for being “complicit” in their own survival.
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tuttle-did-it · 2 months
“We’re trained to be like, ‘If I’m not exceptional, I won’t be loved.’ Certainly, I think that was my thing,” Gatwa shared. “So, yeah, I think I’m just learning now like, ‘Oh, you are allowed to be loved.’ You don’t have to be excellent or aspire to that term, ‘Black excellence’. What the hell?”
He continued, “There’s so much white mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black people, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No shit. You deserve love just for existing.’ And that has taught me to be a lot more loving as well, in a weird way.”
No lies detected
edit - adding link to original article here.
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Around tumblr lately I’ve seen people with the opinion that not only are free roaming cats bad (correct) but also supervised cats in catios or on leashes (????). I assume it must stem from that “ecology of fear” post from a few months ago, but to me the sudden appearance of these kinds of posts just strikes me as odd. I’ve seen multiple posts like the below one in just this week.
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If your cat is contained to your yard/catio/the sidewalk, then it still allows for predator-free safe places in your neighbourhood for wildlife, and creates predictability for them too. That’s one of the reasons why hiking trails ask people to stay on the trail— so you (and your dog, horse, cat, etc) can safely enjoy nature while still giving it space. It is possible to exist outdoors in natural spaces like that while maintaining wildlife comfort. If it wasn’t possible to do that, dog-friendly or (even just hiking trails in general, since humans are predators too) simply wouldn’t exist.
The problem with free roaming cats is that they break boundaries between human area (ie. trail, back porch) and wildlife area (foliage, etc) and there is nowhere the wildlife can go to exist that is safe from predators.
Idk, this is just my opinion but I just think there can be more nuance to the outdoor/free roaming cat issue than “never let your cat step outside under any circumstance”.
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odinsblog · 5 months
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“Freedom from the river to the sea for me, but not for thee.” The blatant hypocrisy is blatant
#It’s another variant of white supremacy. Netanyahu and the Likud Israeli government are nearly indistinguishable from Trump and the Republican Party — Netanyahu is a racist rightwing authoritarian who WANTS TRUMP TO WIN
Netanyahu is on his way to making Israel a pariah state, and he is an unpopular authoritarian who has always opposed an equitable two state solution. In fact, over his career Netanyahu has worked tirelessly to prop up Hamas, in order to sow division and play the West Bank against Gaza (source)
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i-am-aprl · 2 months
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
My favorite thing about Hopper acting as Steve’s parent is him looking at Steve and going: this is my son, he’s a angel, he can do no wrong (knowing full well that he broke up over 2 dozen parties at Steve’s house when he was younger than 16 and found him black out drunk/stoned many times)
Then he looks at Steve’s boyfriend, notorious drug dealer nerd, Eddie Munson and goes: horrible, stinky stinky man, terrible influence (when Eddie was caught AT those Harrington parties)
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