#and they are so awesome i love their writings!!! one of them is my mutual HIII waves
cerise-on-top · 5 months
I'm curious, do you have any specific projects that you really want to work on? I'd love to hear what you want to write/what ideas you have, if you're willing to share 🫶
SPOOKIE! YOU'RE TO SWEET THANK YOU!!! There are a few things I've been meaning to write, among them a small fic series! These are the things on my to-write list:
TF141 with a Dragon-Prince!Reader (I actually have the prologue written already, it's completely finished, I just have no idea where to go with it! I'm gonna brainstorm a few ideas for it so I can make this my fic series! I'm really excited to continue writing on this haha!)
Singing Price a Lullaby (I'm such a sucker for putting someone's head in my lap and singing them a lullaby! I can actually sing myself sleepy whenever I sing to myself! So I like to imagine that I could make other characters feel at ease with my voice as well!)
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O (Listen, I'm a trans man and barely any character has ever brought me as much comfort as Ghost, therefore I'm gonna write this! It was just a matter of time until I'd write this!)
Celebrating König's Birthday (My birthday is still far off, but I'm gonna write this anyway because I couldn't really celebrate my birthday last year! If I can't be happy then I will project onto König and make him happy!!)
König Teasing His S/O in His Dialect (I headcanon König to speak the same dialect as me, therefore he'll speak his dialect to his S/O if he wants to tease them! Not every German can understand my dialect either! So naturally, König would tease you about it, especially if you do know German!)
Reader Finds out Cast is Ticklish (Listen, at the risk of sounding stupid, I just wanna be an idiot with those guys and gals! Sometimes all you need is to be an idiot and goof around with your favorite characters! Plus you can get them to laugh a bit, and the Gods know someone like Ghost could need it! Plus I wanna write about getting back at Soap! Also, it has been a while since I got to write about Alex, so there's that too!)
These are the things that I've been meaning to write for a while now! I'm sure there will be more things that I'll be writing! But that's all I've written down on my list! Thank you for asking, it makes me really happy that you care :D I hope you have a lovely day! May work become a bit less draining for you and that you may take a good nap at home afterwards!!
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cryptidghostgirl · 8 months
-Alastor x spouse!gn!reader:
Alastor and his Spouse had been together ever since they were alive and his spouse had always been his right hand in life and death. Just giving a helping hand if Alastor needed it, watching proudly as he became a powerful overlord. But then Alastor disappeared and no one knew where he had gone to, not even his beloved spouse. After a year or so of searching and waiting for their husband to come back, they accepted that he was gone and went on to become an overlord themselves, getting some tips from Rosie here and there. After a while they became isolated, only ever going out to gossip with Rosie or attend meetings with the other overlords. And they were never really a fan of the media or technology either. Only ever listening to their husbands radio, sometimes even joining in. So they weren’t aware of their husbands return, only seeing him for the first time in 7 years at one of the meetings with the other overlords. And they were pissed.
Sorry, that was really long.. my bad :[
Also, no pressure if you don’t want to go write this <3
A/N okay one, don’t apologize. Two, this ask is awesome. Three, I hope what I’ve done with it makes you happy :)
Wrath (Alastor x Overlord!Spouse!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Tame as heck for the most part, ngl.
Word Count: 1,820
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n had never known life without Alastor. They had grown up together, shared a wild childhood in the back streets of New Orleans. Nothing can ever beat that type of love and so, when they were fifteen and terrified and he asked them on their first date, how could they say no?
One date turned into two and before either really had time to sit back and take stock of their lives, they were twenty and married. Alastor had a budding career as a radio host and Y/n found a simple joy in the life of a house-partner. Things had been happy, they had been good.
The pair had always been inseparable, attached at the hip. That first night Alastor had come home, eyes wide and suit soaked in blood? Y/n had handed him a damp towel. Even their entrance into death had been together, shot by a hunter while burying a body.
It had been a joy to watch him grow and change, to witness the way their husband built a life for them in the world of the living and nothing changed that when they entered Hell. They were his right hand, his everything. That was why it hurt so much when he disappeared one day without a trace.
Alastor had never done that before, not tell them what was going on. He'd been gone for days, weeks at a time on rare occasions, tracking some demon he was intent on killing or the like. This was different. They always talked before hand, he always made sure Y/n was safe and set up with their mutual friend Rosie for their protection. This time, there hadn't even been a note.
In tears, Y/n had wandered their way into Cannibal Town. Rosie's smile had slipped from her face upon welcoming them into the little shop she ran, quickly ushering the demon into the back room. Y/n, while they had been a right hand in their first life and this one, had never been an active part in Alastor's work. Sure, they leant a hand if he needed one, but the occasion he did was rare and most of them helping him was through making sure he had a hot meal to come home to and a loving environment to exist in. They had never had a life without him in it and refused to believe they were entering into one now.
The first weeks were rough. Y/n stayed with Rosie, in the same guest room they always did but, they barley left it. When Rosie suggested they start looking for her lost partner, Y/n had jumped up. It was a shred of hope, something to hold onto.
A year of searching went by. Rosie tried, did everything in her power to keep Y/n happy and hopeful, to keep her safe. Time is the cruelest master of all and not even Rosie could stop the doubt it brought to her friend.
"I can't do this anymore, Rose." Y/n admitted one day as they drank their coffee, "I... He's not coming back."
"You don't know that!" Rosie had insisted, grasping Y/n's hands across the table.
"We've been looking for a year. There hasn't been the slightest bit of evidence. I... I can't do it anymore. I have to move on."
And move on they did. With their husband gone, there were empty shoes to be filled among the overlords of Hell and who better to fill them than Y/n? They worked hard, training. They grew strong and it payed off at last when two and a half years after their husband's disappearance, Y/n managed to take down an overlord, officially indoctrinating them into their ranks.
The more time went on, the more feared of a figure they became. Y/n had hoped it would have been a distraction, carrying on Alastor's legacy. The loneliness ate away at them. He had always been there, and now he was suddenly gone. The more powerful they became, the more they retreated into themselves. They became a rumor, a name whispered behind closed doors.
Y/n still held out a spark of hope that one day, Alastor would return. As they hit the seven year line since his disappearance, that too fizzled out. Things were getting bad in Hell, the last extermination had been the most brutal in history. Just the other day, word had come in that Heaven wasn't even going to wait their normal year before the next one, only a meager six months. Even with Y/n's aversion to all things media, they were only a painful reminder of what they had lost, after all, they managed to hear about it. It was a big deal, and a terrifying one too.
Of course, in response to this, Carmilla had called a meeting. When Carmilla Carmine called a meeting, there wasn't an overlord in all of Hell who wasn't going to show up. It was serious, she meant buisness.
Y/n had dragged themselves out of the place that had become their home over the past seven years. One of the first things they had taught themselves how to do was to travel through shadows, the way their husband had. With a snap of their fingers, the shadows took them, spitting them back out in the waiting room of Carmilla's offices.
Looking around, Y/n caught sight of Rosie and approached their oldest friend.
"Hey, Rose." they hummed placidly.
"Oh! Y/n! What a pleasure to see you here." she smiled back, turning to face them, "I half expected you wouldn't show."
"You know me." Y/n shrugged, "I come when it's important."
"I'm worried about you." Rosie admitted after a moment, her smile faltering slightly, "You've been spotted out and about less and less."
"I'm fine, I promise." Y/n weakly reassured, "I'm drinking water and touching grass or whatever. I just... socializing isn't super my thing anymore."
"Yes but, you're putting a target on your back doing that." Rosie insisted, "People are going to start wondering, start questioning your power and authority. You should at least go rough someone up, or start a business! Establish your presence."
"Don't worry, Rose." Y/n smiled, their mouth full of razor sharp fangs, "Let 'em come. I can take care of myself now."
"That you can." she relented.
Y/n turned, surveying the room which held a handful of Hell's other top overlords. They recognized a couple, but there were a few they didn't know. They let out a sigh, eyes turning to the elevator doors as they slid open to reveal Zestial.
Y/n raised their hand, intending to wave a greeting to the oldest and most respected of their group as he entered the room, but froze. Their hand at chest level, their eyes went wide as they caught sight of a familiar shock of red hair.
"Fucking... Al?" they whispered, their arm falling to their side as they took half a step forward.
"What did you say?" Rosie asked.
It sounded like her voice was coming from somewhere underwater, the world was spinning.
"What's the matter?" Rosie asked, following the path of Y/n's gaze.
As her eyes landed on Alastor, standing clear as day at the other end of the room and casually conversing with Zestial, she gasped lightly.
"Oh my."
"I'll be back in a second, Rose." Y/n hissed through clenched teeth, their hands balled into tight fists.
With fluid, silent footfalls, they stormed across the room and came to a stop beside Alastor. The room fell silent at the sight. They all knew of the pair's story, had heard from Rosie about how long and how hard Y/n had searched for their husband. Hearing the silence, Alastor turned, his eyes locking with Y/n's.
"Ah!" he exclaimed, placing a hand gently on the top of their head, "How have you been, darling? Zestial was just telling me about what great strides you-"
Y/n harshly took his hand from their head, the strength with which they held his wrist cutting Alastor off. They took a step forward, now just an inch away from Alastor as they glared up at him. Fury coursed through their veins as he watched them in mild confusion.
"Seven years." Y/n scoffed.
Alastor made no reply, simply continuing to watch his spouse as they practically frothed at the mouth.
"Seven fucking years." they repeated, releasing the grip on his wrist.
"I'm here now."
The slap echoed through the silence like the crack of a whip. Alastor stumbled back to slightest bit, his hand raised to his cheek.
"You..." Y/n took a deep breath, trying to calm themselves, "Al, where the fuck were you? How... how long have you been back?"
"A few days." he admitted.
Y/n's eyes widened as they processed the information.
"A... a few days?" they scoffed, "A few days? You know what? You didn't tell me when you left, why should I have expected you'd tell me you were back."
Y/n turned away from him, rubbing their forehead in irritation. Alastor hesitated before taking a step forward, placing a hand gently on their shoulder.
"What?" Y/n spat, spinning back around to face him.
Their teeth were sharp, elongated and dripping. Tears welled in their eyes. Alastor's breath caught in his chest.
"Fucking what?!"
"Please, let me make it up to you." his voice was soft and gentle, the same one he used when they were alone together.
"I..." Y/n took another deep breath, "I don't know if you can."
Tears were streaming down their cheeks now, falling thick and fast. Their body glitched, half transformed into their full demon state and half staying as their more human public face. It pained him to see. If he had had any other choice, he would have done something different. He had never wanted to hurt them. Alastor reached out, grabbing their hands in his.
"Please, let me try."
"Why should I!" Y/n screamed back at him, pulling their hands out of his reach, "Seven years! Seven fucking years! You promised me. You promised me we'd stick together."
The grief seemed to be winning in its battle over the anger as the glitches slowed. Their teeth shrunk back to normal and their voice faded, becoming softer, weaker.
"I'll explain everything just please, please give me a chance."
Y/n sighed. Lifting their hands to their face, they pressed their palms into their eyes. They stood like that for a moment, unmoving and silent. Alastor waited, tense with anticipation. At last, they looked up at him once again, their arms falling loosely to their sides.
"Fine." they sharply stated and Alastor's smile grew, "After the meeting. You get as much time as it takes me to drink a cup of coffee. Deal?"
A/N ngl I wasn't super sure how to end this fic but I really like it and this was such a fun request to write. I love and angry reader.
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Another Dead Boy Detectives Fic Rec List
Netflix sucks and I'm sad, but the Dead Boy Detectives fandom continues to be awesome, so here are some more very quick fic recs!*
Tonight's the Night You Fight Your Best Mate's Dad by Opossum_Subatomic
Everyone's Alive College/University 5+1 things fic featuring Charles bringing Edwin coffee and slowburn payneland. Also Family/Wedding Drama involving Everyone Thinks They're Dating so acute is verges on Fake Dating. This author is seriously fantastic, everything they write is gold.
You should also check out Kissing Lessons, which is a high school AU that does what it says on the tin while also giving non-binary Monty and polyamory.
Ornithology by Rosie447
Monty gets a job working at Tragic Mick's. This one's not actually payneland, being gen and Monty-centric. I know, gasp. It's a fantastic and very sweet exploration of Monty discovering his sense of self post canon and works as a great metaphor for recovery from toxic family/relationships. Also, the ex-animal solidarity and bonding with Mick is lovely.
what some circumstance stole by Chrome
The Sandman crossover featuring Edwin and Hob being kidnapped and tortured together. Their friendship is really wholesome with eventual Father Figure and Found Family Feels for the whole agency and background Dreamling.
dandelion wine (life and death in summertime) by world_wanderer
Payneland Right Person Wrong Time AU in which neither of them die but they still meet and become friends. The May/December friendship is sweet but tragic, with a bittersweet ending. Superb.
Mirror Image by Anonymous
Charles' afterlife gets taken over my an evil shape-shifting doppelganger, leaving him with plenty of time to regret never talking to Edwin about his feelings. Angsty but with Feelings Realisation and the Power of Love and Friendship vibes.
my healing needed more than time by babyseraphim
Case fic with de-aged Charles! Baby Charles is precious but be prepared for discussions of childhood trauma/abuse.
The same author has also written I'm So Aces at Babysitting, which is a really cute two-chaptered AU featuring Charles and Edwin babysitting the kid versions of each other, with bonus Crystal and Niko doing the same. It's very wholesome and the author writes little kids really well.
Pouring into me by tragedy_machine
Love me some "Charles wants to date Edwin to figure out his feelings but gets turned down" fic. Feelings are hard, OK?
thank u, next by KiaraSayre
Edwin fucks and Charles seethes. It's very funny and also features some interesting worldbuilding with the Fae.
Like We've Never Known Hurt by dearheartdont
Just cute established relationship PWP and praise kink. So good.
all of these hollows by handwrittenhello
The boys are alive again but sans memories. Can they still find each other and prove their devotion to the Night Nurse?? While also evading heavenly and hellish forces trying to keep them apart??? Very interesting concept executed well.
Suo Gân by emryses
The agency takes on the case of a traumatised Edwardian ghost searching for her missing baby... Read it for Edwin family feels.
Where Primroses Bloom by PantryJesus
Reading aloud as a love language and Watership Down feels. Idk, I'm now convinced that Edwin is kind of rabbit-coded with the whole "if they catch you they'll kill you. But first they must catch you" thing. A lovely well written fic.
I'm so sick of online love by Hse11z5
College/University AU where the boys meet through a dating app. It's cute.
you can have the best of me, baby (and I will give you anything) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Again, it's the Friends with Benefits but with real feelings and mutual pining for me. Now has a Charles PoV companion fic.
True Love's Kiss by Asidian
In which Charles curses himself with a Sleeping Beauty enchantment in order to confirm his feelings for Edwin and Crystal is the real MVP. I love this one because the boys are both SO stupid but in very different in-character ways.
I also recommend Promised, in which they kind of play the Green card angle to keep Edwin out of Hell? Which honestly needs to be more of a trope. And Tight Quarters, starring the boys trapped in a magic circle, leading to Forced Proximity induced Feelings Realization (in more ways than one! 😉).
Something I Can Turn To by DontOffendTheBees
I love some domestic fluff, in this case as an Everyone's Alive/Childhood Friends AU in which the boys are poor but happy living together. I liked how they both survive their respective traumas, but Reality Ensues.
I also recommend Lived My Whole Life Before the First Light for a lovely but melancholy Soulmate AU that goes for the "seeing colours" trope for extra wistful angst.
Dining at the Ritz by TerresDeBrume
Meeting the Parents fic in which Edwin's parents are awful and Charles is Not Having It. This has Everyone Thinks They're Dating and autistic Edwin stimming representation, plus discussions of racism, classism and ableism. The fic is also part of a great Modern AU series in which the boys attended St Hilarion's at the same time and Charles saved Edwin from a non-supernatural but still almost deadly prank. Highly recommended!
The Case of the Couples Retreat by juliasfanart
Listen, I can't get enough of undercover fake dating/relationships at a couples retreat, OK? Some minor angst but overall very cute and fluffy.
acu (aysar cinematic universe) by ObsessedWithFandom
The agency is hired to solve the mystery of Charles' death and bring his killers to justice. I'm genuinely obsessed with this series; I love its OCs and Charles having an exboyfriend gives Edwin a fun crisis. Plus haunting Charles' killers is very satisfying and cathartic. Just imagine they're Netflix execs, y'all.
*Not actually quick, as it turns out. 😅
I love doing these lists because I always think I've only got a few recs and then I look back over my recent bookmarks and I've got a metric ton of great fics to rec. You guys are so talented. ❤️
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walpu · 7 months
I'm coming at you with the speed of thousand asteroids affectionately and hit you with a "your writing is awesome!"
Also, may I request an Aventurine x The Nameless!reader.
Thank you very much and have a nice day :D
Thank you so much for your kind words and for the request, it was so fun to write <З
Hope you'll enjoy it, have a good day as well 💛
Aventurine x The Nameless!reader
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characters - Aventurine
notes - gn!reader, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort. Once again, no beta. I'm so sorry.
Considering that the Astral Family and it's members are pretty well-known (everyone seems to know at least their names) he has probably heard something about you even before you first met him.
I can imagine your first meeting going like this: he casually approaches you, acting all buddy-buddy, and says something like "ah, mx , who knew I would meet you here of all places <З".
If your first meeting was during the Penacony quest get ready for him calling you "friend" in this sassy voice of his 💀 Yes Aven we all get it you don't have any actual friends calm down
Can imagine him trying to get closer to you by painting your potential partnership as something mutually beneficial. You could use a friend from the IPC, right? And he wouldn't mind having some connections with a "brave and honorable" Nameless. So why don't you join him for a glass of wine, hmmm?
When the two of you will eventually get closer this mf will get clingy af. Yeah I've mentioned it already in my previous post but you being one of the Nameless opens up so many new perspectives.
Visits you on the Express regularly. If he comes when you're not here, he'll wait for as long as he can for you to come back. Sadly, Aventurine is a busy, busy man. So he can't wait for long. Will leave small notes for you tho, to let you know that he was there but you didn't grace him with your presence
If you come back when he's waiting, Aven will play it off as if he himself just got there and didn't have to wait for you at all, saying somethin like "Oh look, here you're! And here I thought I would have to wait for you, haha. Seems like luck is on my side today~"
He doesn't want you to worry, after all. Also. He wants to save some face. Pom-Pom will rat him out anyway.
Speaking of Pom-Pom, they're probably sick of him at this point lol.
Would ask you about your adventures and listen very closely to every story you may want to tell. He can't help but smile softly while listening to you, he just loves seeing the passion in your eyes. Doesn't matter if the story is about you dragging the Trailblazer away from the trash cans in Belobog (or worse - admiring the trash cans with them), he will still look at you with the same adoring smile.
If you ask him what he's been up to during the time you where gone, Aven would simply laugh it off and say that his boring IPC stuff cannot compare with your bizarre adventures so it doesn't even worth mentioning. Reassure him that you don't care if it's boring, you just want to hear about his day regardless of how it went.
Sometimes he can't help but feel jealous. You're free to travel, to do whatever you want. You have this sparkle of excitement in your eyes every time you tell him about your travels. And he has nothing of it. Simply can't have.
He doesn't have any negative feelings towards you, of course. Mostly some bottled up bitterness toward his fate and himself.
He gets a bit lost in his own head every time he starts feeling this way. Please take his hand and invite him to join you during your next adventure. He will laugh softly and tell you "maybe next time, darling". Even if he doesn't know when this "next time" will come the thought of it, of you wanting to share your precious moment with him, fills him with hope.
Adores when you bring him small gifts from the places you've been. It doesn't have to be something big, really. Just the thought that you were thinking of him when the two of you were apart is enough.
Don't forget to send him pictures of yourself!!!! He wants to know how his dearest darling is doing even when they are freezing their ass off in Belobog.
Would sometimes surprise you by showing up on the planet/space ship you're currently staying on. Aventurine rarely can't stay for a long but he cherishes those short moments when he can just walk around and do nothing in particular with you.
Usually when he visits a planet it has something to do with the IPC's business so he only has time to do his job and. Well. Gamble. Maybe buy some new clothes too if he has enough time.
But with you he can actually explore the planet. You bring him to the local restaurants, small tea shops, seemingly small and insignificant places. But it’s places like these that reveal the real beauty of the planet. He slowly learns to appreciate it when you're by his side.
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servingrobin · 2 months
Luffy NSFW alphabet
Ahhh so I really enjoyed writing this one and I think my Luffy love is getting steamier??? Who knows maybe I’m converting to a Luffy gal
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Man is snoring before his head hits the pillow, however as time goes on if you let him know you’d like some aftercare he will make sure to clean you up, get you some water and give you a cuddle (read: octopus around you)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Luffy likes his whole body, it does awesome things and he’s never been plagued by much body insecurity
On you it’s either your breasts or your stomach - he adores sleeping on you with his head nestled into your tummy, squeezing your tits like a fidget toy
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
We all know Luffy is dirty! He will cum anywhere, loves to paint you in cum and get you absolutely filthy with it (and one time got you rubbing it all over your body for him)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
None - Luffy has no shame and by default no dirty secrets
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very - he’s got a lot to do becoming the pirate king - but makes up for lack of experience with pure enthusiasm
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Butter churner, he likes bending you and contorting you into different positions, finding the ones that make you moan the loudest
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Come on now. Goofiest man alive, and your sweet little giggles go straight to his cock in the moment
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Much like Zoro, it’s a jungle down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Super romantic but in the weirdest ways? Winds his stretched hand around your body to caress your cheek and stroke your hair, whispers the most gentle pet names while slamming into you with intense speed.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Whenever it takes his fancy, Luffy strongly believes it’s very normal and fully expects you have moments you do the same - no shame or expectations - though he obviously loves when it matches up with alone time with you
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Cockwarming - Luffy wants nothing more than you sat on his cock 24/7, lazily swirling your hips every so often and letting him thrust to his hearts content
And on that vein: free use - Luffy would love if you consented to being bent over and filled anytime he wanted, no matter the place or time
Cum - Luffy thinks a lot about painting you in cum, including in your underwear before you all head out somewhere
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Likes privacy so he can take his time, and being comfortable is a must - so the bedroom is the usual favourite. Not opposed to the odd change of scenery though
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you lick or suck on lollipops/icicles etc, watching the syrupy liquid running down your chin, droplets on your cleavage, Luffy just wants to lick you clean
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
BDSM or pain - he cannot hurt you, will not even try spanking or hair pulling, it’s just not who he is
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Man loves to eat, we know this. Will feast on you like he’s lost in the desert and your pussy is an oasis.
But also loves to rut into your mouth like he’s in heat, joyfully bruising the back of your throat and smearing the tears he’s created to leave you a glistening mess
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast but sensual, all about the mutual pleasure
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Necessary with the crews daily life but Luffy wants time to really wear himself out when possible
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Adores experimenting as long as it’s fun and safe, will try most things you suggest and very eager to try anything new he hears about on your travels
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Man cums quickly but will go for ROUNDS - you will be tapping out before he does
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Not against them at all but Luffy very proudly considers himself the best toy there is with his ability, so why bother?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Luffy is not a tease, would much rather get straight to pleasure and is a pushover when he hears you begging
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
You’ve heard him fighting, fucking is no different. He is loud and joyful and the crew have all invested in earplugs
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Really wants to bring food into the bedroom - lick whipped cream off your tits, cover you in chocolate sauce, eat a trail of strawberries from your mouth to pussy lips (if only he could get the damn stuff past Sanji)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Longgggg, average girth but a monster length, bright pink with purple veins
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Luffy wants you all the time and will usually make time to have his way
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
See aftercare - out like a light very quickly (as long as his balls are empty, or you’ll go until he’s satisfied
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octavinelle-oyster · 1 month
I saw that we're allowed to request dorms, so I was wondering if you could to Heartslabyul x Reader who adores the hedgehogs and is always volunteering to take care of them?
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Deuce Space, Ace Trappola
Type: Headcanon
Info: gn reader, mutual pining, could be read as either romantic or platonic
Let me sit here, on the threshold of two worlds. Lost in the eloquent of silence ~Jalalud’din Rumi
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first he was a tad hesitant with your excitement.
Oh, you really do love them? Then you wouldn't mind being on Hedgehog duty for a week, would you?
No, you wouldn't.
And after this little “test” of sorts to see where your interests truly lie he lets you take care of them whenever you’d like.
Just don't leave Heartslabyul with them.
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Trey Clover
He doesn't mind that you like the little guys.
Just as long as you don't do anything to anger Riddle regarding them then he’s happy to lend you a spare key into the garden to mess around with them.
Yes, you have not only volunteered multiple times to help feed and clean up after the little critters but eventually they just became so comfortable with you that Trey will allow you to give them baths.
(Literally, only him and Riddle and a few others are allowed to do this.)
Totally doesn't have a picture of you with the hedgehogs on his lock screen.
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Cater Diamond
Totally has multiple pictures of you with the hedgehogs all over his magicam profile.
You’re just so aesthetically pleasing with the small guys he HAS to snap a picture or two.
He's not the most adamant or uptight about the rules regarding Heartslabyul’s tiny companions but if you ask nicely he’ll mess around with them with you.
Will totally point out if one hedgehog seems to like you more than the most and then jokingly says something like “why don't you just take it home with you!” before immediately backtracking with a jk.
He would let you take one home if Riddle wouldn't have his head for it.
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Deuce Space
I feel like he was enamored by the hedgehogs when he first got to Heartslabyul.
(Much unlike Ace, who was obsessed with the silly flamingos.)
Definitely, volunteers to help you whenever you mention taking care of them under the guise that an honor student should help.
He would enjoy helping you bathe them the most.
Like, look at them pitter-patterning around in the tub with water up to their ankles, you can't tell me they aren't adorable.
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Ace Trappola
He didn't understand it at first.
Why would you want to be around the hedgehogs when you could be hanging out with your totally awesome and coolio best friend instead?
The only thing that gets him to change this mindset is to sit him down on the grass and plop one of the little things on his lap.
He’s quiet then.
But as soon as the moment is over he’s right back to recommending other things that you guys could be doing instead of hanging around Heartslabyul, playing with hedgehogs all day.
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Omg as I went to save this after writing everything I thought tumblr ate my draft
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walnutcookie · 4 months
fandom can be awful sometimes so heres a few reminders for my beloved mutuals:
- do whatever you want forever. if its not harming anyone or yourself you are amazing and you should continue doing it if it makes you happy
- ship wars/discourse suck ass. if its not a proship its fine, if someone has a different ship than you or interprets a ship differently you dont have to fight with them.
- your ocs are the best thing on this planet and you should share them
- your oc x canon is so wonderful and lovely and you should share it
- the ocs you created to be family members of other characters are awesome and you should share them
- your headcanons and interpretations of characters are awesome and you should share them
- hit that character with the beam. you know you want to. make them trans, make them gay, make them poc, make them disabled, make them fat, whatever makes you happy
- if someone is mean to you blow them up (hit the block button)
- be nice to others. support their art, their stories, their ocs and headcanons and ships, even if you arent very interested in them. stay curious!! ask about peoples ideas, because most of the time they want to share just as much as you do
- if other people have different interpretations or ideas, you dont have to agree or disagree with them. its okay to appreciate others opinions without telling them that theyre wrong
- if anyones ships/ideas/etc make you too uncomfortable, block them.
- if someone is too annoying to see in the tags, block them.
- if anyone is mean to you, block them. especially hate anons
- write whatever you want always. draw whatever you want always. draw those girls kissing draw that enby covered in blood write about that man going to see the dentist
- draw them as furries, as dragons, as humans, as objects, whatever your heart desires
- your selfship partner loves you always
- people arent always right about characters. sometimes theyre way far from canon, and its not really your place to correct them. if it makes you too uncomfortable block them.
- some people choose to not follow canon. do what you want forever, you are always right about your blorbo. you are not limited to canon or what the fandom depicts the character as
- dont be the one to send anon hate
- its okay to be a hater and a lover. you can hatepost on your blog just as much as you lovepost. just dont main tag it (thats mean) and dont add it onto other peoples posts who like what youre hating on (thats also mean)
- if someone is hating on something you like, its best not to engage with it.
feel free to add anything i missed :] i love u mutuals you should tell me everything about your ocs and ships and headcanons forever. pls
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jq37 · 3 months
Would it be possible for you to briefly outline the gist of the Bad Kid’s relationships to each other in terms of individual pairs (i.e. Fig and Kristen, Riz and Fabian, Adaine and Gorgug, etc)? And if that’s too much, maybe specifically the Fig ones (I’m trying to get a sense of her friendships because they are so important to her).
This is SOOOOO late but I didn't have the time to write it when you sent it and then I figured I might as well wait till the end of the season to get a full picture and give the best answer. Hope it was worth the wait!
Fig and Fabian: Fig and Fabian are the two that most closely fit the classic "cool kid" archetype (though obviously we know Fig is mainly a big sweetheart and Fabian is a loser no matter how high he rolls). As far back as S1 they were playing the party faces and schmoozing Penelope together. I think their friendship now is exemplified by the fact that when Fabian wanted to threaten his banker, Fig was there as his first mate to help out, no questions asked and no payment required. They're each others, "I can count on you to do this bullshit with me," friends.
Fig and Riz: I think Fig knows she doesn't necessarily have as much in common with Riz naturally as she does with some of her other friends but she obviously respects and deeply cares for him. The main reason she started taking her classes seriously Junior Year is because the whole party passing together was really stressing him out and she spent some of her very limited downtime sending Riz a, "Thinking of you" not to lift his spirits (though she signed it from Gorgug because she can't help being chaotic). Similarly, I think Riz obviously cares a ton for Fig even though he finds 70% of what she does crazy. Think about him following behind her to clean things up as she pretended to be a doctor and had to do surgery in Freshman Year. But I think she's helped him lean into his chaotic side a bit more as well--I always think about their side mission to hell in Soph year and her going, "Hiss at her litigator!" And at the end of Junior Year, he comes to the conclusion of, "I gotta let her do her own thing and not pressure her to live by my standards." So lots of mutual respect.
Fig and Gorgug: Fig and Gorgug have been besties and bandmates since Freshman Year. I've always had the sense that Fig has some big sister style protective feelings towards Gorgug since he's often the gentle giant of the group and this season, she hyped him up a ton with his Barbificer stuff. I would argue that, besides his parents, Fig is Gorgug's biggest cheerleader.
Fig and Adaine: Fig ALSO has sister energy with Adaine but it's less "protective older sister" and more "odd couple playfully clashing". Think them burning spellslots to fight for the best rooms in Mordred in Soph year and Adaine foaming at the mouth to get info about her crush on Ayda. They're living under the same roof so we have to assume they have a lot more interactions that we don't see and I feel like Adaine probably really enjoys that she gets to have closer to a normal sibling relationship with Fig since her blood sister is Aelwyn and that relationship is intense and meaningful but nothing approaching normal. The teasing is there but so is the genuine love--remember how devastated Fig was when Adaine was taken to Falinel in Soph year despite their best efforts? And her long hug during the Baron fight this season even though they were VERY MUCH on the clock. And Fig was Wingwomaning hard (along with the rest of the Bad Kids) to help her notice Oisin. Also think about Fig having a whole crisis of self during The Last Stand and turning to Adaine for reassurance and Adaine just going, what? Girl, no you're awesome and painting an arcane bullseye on her target so she could smite like crazy. Despite the playful ribbing, they have very supportive sister energy. "Absolutely my king, whatever you want."
Fig and Kristen: I think Fig and Kristen have two big things is common. One is they're both very chaotic people and the other is they have both gone through kind of intense rebellious periods spurred by or resulting in family trauma. Because of that, I think they likely get each other a bit better than the others might (and we can see that Fig followed in Kristen's footsteps a ton this season god-wise). Fig also decided to take on the protective, German Shepherd role over Kristen this past season which I think is partially for the bit, partially about personal development, and partially about just how much she genuinely wants to help protect Kristen.
Fabian and Riz: Classic jock/nerd friendship. The original Bardy Boys. The kind of friendship that is made special by the absolute lack of obvious commonality between the two parties. "The Ball" is a friendly nickname now. Oh how the turns have tabled.
Fabian and Gorgug: Fabian started out the series by attacking Gorgug for no good reason while he was being gifted a tin flower and midway through this season he was like Gorgug, you're quitting Bloodrush? I'm gonna miss you :(((((( even though they're still fully in a party together and spend so much time together. The bro energy has completely solidified. It's also funny that Fabian texted Gorgug like, "Congrats on making it with Mary Ann!" and Gorgug was like, "You do know I've had sex before, right? I come from an extremely sex positive household and I had a steady girlfriend for two years who also came from an extremely sex positive household." Fabian has all the aesthetics of a cool kid but Gorgug is actually about that life, lol.
Fabian and Adaine: This is another pair that I think has serious sibling energy (and not just bc they both have posh high elf backgrounds). I'm thinking about Fabian yelling for Adaine's help during The Last Stand (even though she was like why am I the one you're calling for help right now???). I'm also thinking about Adaine being like Fabian hit me :( during the Baron encounter and Fabian being outraged at the thought that he would ever hit her. I think if you asked Fabian, he'd say his best friends are Riz and Adaine (which is really funny considering they're the nerds of the group).
Fabian and Kristen: Bad decision buddies with no game who are still somehow getting their kisses in.
Riz and Gorgug: I think that Riz was one of the Bad Kids who realized how smart Gorgug really is the fastest. He's always like, "Nice one Gorgug," when he offhandedly comes up with a connection that helps solve the mystery and I feel like they have to work on gear and gadgets together. I think the fact that Riz believed Fig's lie that Gorgug wrote him the encouraging note says a lot and the fact that Gorgug immediately made him a real present (the Medal of Wit) also says a lot.
Riz and Adaine: Party nerds, investigation buddies, voices of reason with specific things that get them unreasonably angry. They are the only ones who were excited that there was an academic portion of The Last Stand. Riz made Adaine a folder with nothing in it at the beginning of Junior Year to say, "I'm not worried about you but I want you to be included anyway." Adaine in a conversation to I don't remember who said that she knows that at the very least she and Riz are going to college together. When everyone was wasting questions questioning Bakur, Riz told everyone to shut up except for Adaine and himself. They are the braincells of the operation and they have party nerd solidarity.
Riz and Kristen: I think Riz has a similar relationship to Kristen that he does to Fig. This season he was her right hand man with campaign stuff but ended the season like hey, do you. I don't want to put pressure on you. And Kristen in turn I think appreciated his efforts a bit more by the end of the season. I feel like it's easy to feel like their relationship is unbalanced but I think Riz is a lot like his dad and he not only feels weird when he's not working but also shows his love by working so it's more symbiotic than it may seem at surface level.
Gorgug and Adaine: Gorgug and Adaine don't interact the most, but I feel in my heart that they have a lot of chill, lo-fi study time together. This is me extrapolating a bit but I think they kind of inherently balance each other out. Gorgug being mechanically big and full of rage but really sweet. Adaine being small and polite but full of so much rage. In-universe you know she spends a ton of time standing directly behind him and casting spells while he soaks damage. That's gotta give you a special kind of camaraderie.
Gorgug and Kristen: Whenever I think about Gorgug and Kristen, I always picture them in Sophomore Year, Going Through It with their girlfriends at the same time, lol.
Adaine and Kristen: I think Adaine and Kristen's whole relationship is best summed up by three actions. (1) Adaine casting Friends on her to make her go to school so she won't fail and then Kristen giving her the Help action to be charmed. (2) Kristen making the effort to be mean-nice to Aelwyn because presumably Adaine told her she likes that better. (3) K2 being sent way and Kristen being like, "I did enjoy having a sister" and Adaine immediately going, "I'm your sister." (Which, from her history, you know isn't something she'd say lightly). I think Adaine is often exasperated by the insane shit Kristen does (see eg: ribbon dancing) but she was also right there hyping her up and helping her cover during the "Passed the test to give me new spells" fiasco at the food trucks. At the end of the day, Kristen respects the hell out of Adaine and Adaine is ride or die for Kristen.
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jojo-schmo · 7 months
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Here we have two little creatures of unknown origin.
Their appearances are deceptively innocent, but they are not from this world. They seem to not remember everything about themselves, but their past hides some profound secrets. Perhaps even some powers of cosmic proportions....?
Their arrival to the world was sudden and mysterious. Meta Knight would call it suspicious. King Dedede just wants to make sure they're safe because they remind him of his own Waddle Dee subjects.
And so they have been accepted and cared for by the heroes of Dreamland. But these beings will always recognize that they are outsiders and it causes them some internal turmoil.
They share the ability of mimicry. They recall voices and sounds from their past, and communicate this way when words fail them. They specifically focus on sounding like a Waddle Dee, parroting their cries and mutters of "Wanyas."
But what will the future hold for these curious life forms, the land they now call home, and the unknown forces they are connected to......??! >:O
Roleswap Elfilis by me, Starstruck Dee by @starflungwaddledee
More thoughts below:
So for a while now, as Starflung has slowly revealed lore, the coincidental similarities between Roleswap Elfilis and Starstruck Dee have not been lost on me! ;D But I LOVE IT!!
I think it's actually super duper awesome how two characters written by different people and created at different times can have so much in common, but have very different stories and personal developments and obstacles! :D
So during my lunch break today, I thought that if Elfilis and Starstruck met, one of the first things that could happen is their mutual mimicry turning into a face-to-face echo chamber. Each one would point at the other in surprise and confusion, because this being is not a Waddle Dee, yet they sound just like one?! And why does physical contact with her make Elfilis feel strange and dizzy??!
After the initial shock, Elfilis would probably find her intriguing and curious. As he learns more about her, he'd find it comforting to be around someone in a similar situation as his. Plus I think he'd really enjoy exploring the wonder and whimsy of the world with someone like her. :3
Just a little something for fun and to show my admiration and respect for Starflung's art and writing, teehee. Hopefully I didn't get any of your lore too wrong! tell me if I did tho :0
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kittykibbl · 1 month
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my fav smg4 artists of all time!
@libbytwq, @tiredsmashbros, @its-a-me-mango, @f-mxnsen and @bluestrawberrybunny!!!
crops and special personalised notes (in order of tags) under cut :3
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i ABSOLUTELY LOVE your artwork, and your drawings of the typewriter and van are incredibly scrumptious. thank you so much for drawing them by the way. ALSO, it's so cool being your mutual!!! i know i already brought that up in that one ask i sent you, but still,, i just cannot get over it. keep up the awesomeness dude!
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your artwork gives me life bro. it's so GOOD!!! gotta do my obligatory thank you for drawing van. i kept that as my pfp for a while! :3 i absolutely love how well thought out tsb's lore is, and it's so awesome to see how in-depth it all goes. i've gotta find the time to listen to that playlist too!! can't wait to see what's to come for this silly guy.
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the drawings you make are so so silly and cool, but also so so creepy and dark at times (looking at you lobotomy smg4 art). drawing mango was so fun too! thank you for drawing the typewriter, the amount of detail blew me away when i first saw it. drawing this silly dude also taught me how to draw (and spell 😭) stethoscopes, so that was fun too!! keep being a mango :D
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I did NOT want to write that shirt's words they're diabolical... thank you for drawing the typewriter and cyber!4 bro they look SO good in your style i went properly bananas seeing those. your sona is really silly by the way :3 thkanks for begning mutauls with meeeee
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i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE the apprenticeship and the schmigadoon aus, they're so so so cool you're so cool too dude!! awesome awesome art and writing,, i wish to know your ways how in the world were you getting out apprenticeship updates nearly every day???!! it's been months since i got to upload a boopkins' smg34 fanfiction chapter because of writer's block! how does one overcome it! oh shoot got off track. thank you so much for drawing wendigo and being my first artfight attack ever!! :3
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wisteriagoesvroom · 8 months
📚 10 f1 fics i've loved lately 🏎️
been thinking a lot about how to organise fic recs into some sort of sensible post, 'cus there are so many (great!) pairings and (delicious!) driver combinations, not to mention so many varying styles of fic and SUPER TALENTED WRITERS!!111!!
just gonna list a bunch in no particular order, with accompanying pics, so you can get a sense of the vibes.
'cus what is f1 rpf but all about the ✨ vibes?! 🏁
p.s. people are in this community making amazing stuff for freeee!! if you liked these please leave a kudos or a comment, it makes a writer's day 🫡 
let's gooooo--
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objects in the mirror by linearity (@drivestraight) charles/max. 87k words (series), rated t then e
listen. LISTEN! charles to rbr is one of the best premises ever and i will read it in like a thousand iterations. but this fic. this fic series in particular cleared my skin, made me want to cut my hair into a bob out of sheer emotion. i would be remiss not to start with this one because its impact on my f1 rpf trajectory should be studied by science. you know when a story just jumps off the page and it's so real that it becomes your canon. a kind of meteoric inevitability. plus, i almost never cry at fics. but by the time the third act of this one hit, i just went -- damn, am i rly about to tear up at a f1 rpf fanfiction rn? (yes.)
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sawtooth by nottonyharrison (@nottonyharrison) charles/max. 40k words, rated e
max as a f1 engineer? for CARLOS at FERRARI? sign me the fuckkk up. first off, awesome premise. there's always going to be something so heartwrenching about "what ifs", especially in any universe where max isn't a racer. despite the change of circumstances, just... the sheer poetry of two characters who just inexplicably find their way to each other in any universe... 🤧 also this story nails racing scenes in a way that's so visceral, i feel like a fly on the damn halo with them. and, aside from the gourmet lestappen, carlos's whole thing in this fic is joyous! spicy! he's so unapologetic and vaguely annoying! hilarious! + the swimming pool scene lives rent-free in my head.
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salt skin by peachbellini (@strawberry-daiquiris) oscar/lando. 12k words, rated e
this fic is magic. literally and figuratively. (MERMAID LANDO???? MERMAID LANDO.) the kind of story that makes you gasp and melt a little bit. and made me want to throw my phone at the writer, 'cause it's really that good. the yearning, the metaphor for all that's monstrous, a boy who is lost (and the boy who he finds, is equally so). this is just beautifully written and a little quirky and so well executed. i think i put it in my bookmarks as "what if lando was a mermaid and it was filmed by a24" or something. pearl of a story.
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hockey!! shrimp colors :) by leafmeal0ne (@ocontraire) oscar/lando. 13k words, rated t
leaf meal one. i have only known you a week but if anything were to happen to you i would wreck everyone in the room including myself. in all seriousness, anything that leaf writes is brilliant. they're one of these writers who could do a throwaway line on the label of a ketchup bottle and i will probably scream about it. the precision, the way they switch up sentence structures, the freaking darcy-level regency yearning transposed onto a contemporary sports setting. i'd rec all of leaf's sports AUs and i'll probably talk about more in a future fic rec post. BUT. the hockeyyy one my GOD. the barely restrained violence, their mutual desire, the theme of finding your place... *wails uncontrollably*
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you almost unearthly thing by anonymous max/daniel, 3.7k words, rated g
max is a governess(govern..lad?) and daniel is the mystery man at the manor. this was a response to a request i made in the kinkmeme! (if you haven't read those fics go check 'em out, there are so many great ones, and not necessarily all rated e). this is a criminally underrated little story that has my favourite repressed feelings + people dancing around each other + gothic vibes + "what the hell is wrong with y'all in this tale" combo that i really adore. it's really well written and captures the atmosphere so well.
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the so-called narrative by antimonyandthyme (@antimonyandthyme) oscar/carlos, 10k words, rated e
i'm once again asking why there are only 7 carlos/oscar works in the tag. I'M ONCE AGAIN ASKING-- *is sedated*. *jolts awake* okay but for real this is a great story. hot, fake-friendship-to-situationship which so happens is one of my favourite places to be. also hello miscommunication/they're so weird about it/they both want each other but can't express themselves for shit/insane racer boys energy.
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and silver, and samarium by pink_mink (@on-softs) george/toto, 5.2k words, rated e
i profess i am not usually the biggest fan of A/B/O (altho!! this fandom has made me go BUT ACTUALLY HM at least a few times). and this fic freaking nails it, along with the twisted power dynamics between TPs and drivers, as seen through the lens of omegaverse. this story rattles around my head like a stubborn ghoul just from the style and prose and sheer audacity alone. george kneeling at toto's knees while he's working..... ohhhhhhhhh i was this close to calling my lawyers.
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algorithm by anney (@badboy-george) charles/max, 16k words, rated e
i LOVE, LOOOOVE a sci fi concept alright. love that shit, will inhale it like moon dust with zero regrets. and what a fantastic one this one is!! the premise is that the FIA can now statistically show the compatibility of drivers on the grid and it's very pacific rim-y drift compatible, mixed with the surreal vibes of eternal sunshine or HER or some such. it should be outrageous, but it really works. that's the beauty of a great fic right there.
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trajectory of trojan asteroids by redpaint (@redpaint) nico/lewis, 3.3k words, rated g
also one of the fics i first read when i hopped on board the f1 rpf train. the pain and poignancy just gets worse the more i learn about brocedes. you know when you're like "there's no way this was reallll" and then you're like "fuck, it was so real". then you get a fic like this that just encapsulates all that rage and loss and grief and upset, set against the starry vista of endless space. *clutches tablecloth* god.
p.s please bear in mind that these recs are entirely subjective! i enjoy loads of f1 stories but these are the ones that have especially stuck with me for some inexplicable reason.
p.p.s if your fic is on here and you want it taken off for whatever reason, i'm happy to, no questions asked 💛
BYE for now / until part 2. (i also love talking to ppl about fics so pls feel free to send an ask or hit me up in DMs or whatever.)
xoxo, -- wizz
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xomakara · 1 year
Inked By You
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SUMMARY |  You're best friends with Johnny and have had feelings for him for awhile. You think he's only attracted to you because of your tattoos but it's so much more. PAIRINGS | Johnny/Fem!Reader GENRE |  non-idol au, college au, friends to lovers, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, dirty talk, fluff towards the end RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  10,114 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | This turned out longer than I expected LOL. So in this one, all the members I mentioned are the same age lolol. I hope it makes sense. Does it make sense?? I feel like my writing style has been wonky lately.
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“Those are real, aren’t they?” Johnny asked you as he leaned against your bedroom wall. Taeyong and Yuta were lounging on your bed before joining the party that was going on in your living room. Johnny was looking at the various tattoos that were on your left arm.
You and Johnny have been best friends since your freshman year of college. Although you both have very different personalities and interests, there was one thing that kept you close together: partying. It's your last year of college and despite all the stress from studying and taking exams, you still got together every now and again to do what you all did best.
Drink, dance, and make memories.
Johnny is wearing a silk button-down shirt and black slacks. And then there was you in a tight mini skirt and a one-shouldered top that accentuated your figure and showed off your tattoo sleeve.
You looked good.
Even though it wasn’t what most people would consider a typical Friday night out, you, Johnny and other mutual friends seemed happy enough as you stood in front of the mirror checking out each other.
That was until you caught Johnny staring at your body with an expression that suggested he wanted more than just a quick look. The silence between you both grew awkward and uncomfortable until you finally broke it by saying, “What? Are my tits distracting you or something?”
He snapped out of his trance with a surprised look on his face, causing you to smile. He quickly apologized for staring, but said that he was genuinely interested in your ink. You nodded in response, knowing exactly what he meant by that. There was no denying the amount of attention you always got when wearing a low-cut top or a revealing dress. Your tattoo sleeve was another story though. People either loved them or hated them.
Despite the interest from many men, you never really considered getting any more tattoos after you finished your sleeves because, frankly, your current ones turned heads even if you wore a burlap sack. It wasn't uncommon for you to get double takes from people you knew as well as complete strangers when walking around town. On top of that, you didn't want to mess up the awesome artwork that had already been drawn onto your skin. Your current sleeves represented some of your favorite memories, which you didn't ever want to lose. So while others spent thousands of dollars on inked bodies, you got yourself beautiful pieces of art that couldn't be taken away.
Still, you couldn't help but notice how excited Johnny appeared whenever he saw you in your sexy outfits. As far as you could tell, he never missed an opportunity to stare at your tattoos, or check you out whenever you walked by him. Sometimes you would catch him ogling you in such a way that you felt like he wanted to rip off your clothes right there in public. Of course, there was no way he'd actually do anything like that. He wasn't that kind of guy.
Besides, you knew for a fact that he had a girlfriend who also attended the same college as you. They had been dating for about a few months, so she was obviously important to him. Still, whenever he caught you wearing something tight or sexy, he couldn't help but show off those sinful eyes of his.
With everyone gathered in yours and Ten's living room, you tried to ignore the eye candy standing across from you as you and your friends continued to talk about meaningless things, like where you should go for dinner later tonight. You weren't even sure why you brought it up. Maybe you were bored, maybe you were drunk, or maybe you just needed something to keep your mind occupied. But whatever the reason, somehow the conversation ended up on the topic of sexual partners. When it comes to sexual encounters, your friends tend to live by the motto: if you haven't had sex with anyone, then you're not having fun.
You hadn't given much thought to that phrase until Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows at you. "We all know that Y/N has fun doesn't she?"
You rolled your eyes, a smirk on your lips. "I've been told I have a knack for keeping people entertained."
"She can entertain me anytime!" Ten shouted. "Have you seen her ass in that red dress she wears?"
You couldn't help but laugh. That comment got everybody else laughing too.
"Anyways," You muttered before clearing your throat and turning towards Taeyong, "How many women have you slept with?"
Taeyong glanced over at Yuta and grinned, "Four, but it's probably more. Do you need me to give you a count?"
Ten let out a small laugh before replying, "Four isn't bad. Don't think I'll ever get that high, although the number would probably increase if Yuta would stop trying to fuck everything that moves. Especially anything that moves."
You burst out laughing, followed by Yuta who laughed even harder. Eventually Ten joined in, as did Jaehyun, and everyone else that was listening.
“But back to the question at hand,” Taeyong spoke up once he was able to calm down. He looked over at you, “how many men have you slept with?”
Johnny grabbed a bottle of beer from the kitchen counter and took a swig of it. He looked at you curiously.
"Well...if we include Jaehyun, Doyoung, Mark, Hendery and Renjun..." You counted, the men you called out looking at you for a brief moment before going back to whatever they were doing. "Five. But hey, who's counting? Sex is sex."
That answer seemed to satisfy Johnny, although he continued to watch you carefully. You noticed that he was taking an interest in your tattoos again. You shrugged it off as you and your friends continued talking, however your heart began to beat faster when you realized that he was no longer looking at your tattoos. His eyes were locked on yours.
"Hey guys,” Jungwoo called out to the rest of your group, waving a hand in front of their faces. “Who wants to get more beer and food with me?"
Thank you Jungwoo, for your timely interruption. You weren't sure how long you could last with Johnny staring at you. In fact, your knees started to feel a little weak when he cleared his throat to gain your attention. It was almost like he was daring you to say something. Something inappropriate, to be exact. But you had to be strong. After all, he was with his girlfriend.
"Uh, yeah," You replied, forcing a smile onto your face. “Let's go get some food and drinks."
You turned around, ready to follow Jungwoo into the kitchen. You paused for a second to take one last look at Johnny, and saw him watching you intently. You smiled sheepishly before stepping inside the kitchen to join your friends.
You turned around to see Johnny coming towards you. He didn't speak for a minute, so you waited patiently. "So, have you had fun yet?"
Your brows furrowed. You expected him to ask you if you were enjoying yourself. Instead he was asking you a completely different question. You wondered what this was all about, so you replied, "Of course I'm having fun! Why wouldn't I be?"
Before he could respond, Xiaojun called out. "Yo, Johnny! Jieun is here."
Fuck. Johnny's girlfriend.
You sighed inwardly as you watched him walk away with Xiaojun to greet her. If only he wasn't dating someone you actually knew. Then maybe he'd pay you the proper amount of attention. 
Oh well. No use thinking about it. 
You shook your head and focused on your friends. You hadn't seen them in awhile, so you welcomed the chance to hang out with them again. Plus, the alcohol helped to loosen your tongue, which allowed you to ask some of the questions you had been wondering about for quite some time.
"So, guys," you said, pouring some vodka into a glass. "Is it true that Renjun hooked up with someone last week?"
Renjun choked on his beer. You covered your mouth to hide your laughter. Kun let out a loud groan. Haechan let out a loud chuckle. Even Taeyong chuckled quietly.
You couldn't believe that they were being so open with you. It was like you were part of the group, and you liked it. You weren't sure if they realized that, but you were grateful nonetheless.
As soon as you saw Renjun regaining his composure, you spoke up again. "So, how many girls have you banged so far?"
Mark snorted. "Including you? Like eight or nine."
Kun guffawed. "More like twenty."
A shocked expression formed on your face. It was funny to hear their numbers compared to yours, but even funnier was hearing their reactions. Their reactions made you realize just how ridiculous their answers were. For example, Kun's claim that he had fucked more than twenty women in his lifetime was preposterous. However, you didn't dare bring it up.
Renjun shrugged. "I dunno. A lot."
Mark nodded. "At least ten."
Jungwoo scoffed. "No fucking way. Five tops."
"Bet none of those girls were as good as Y/N." Jaehyun reminded them, giving you a look. You rolled your eyes as he continued to talk. "And to everyone at this party that had sex with her, admit that she was good."
"I admit, I'm a good fuck." You shrugged, a small smirk on your lips. You nudged Jaehyun's shoulder. "Now shut up."
You all stared at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing. The alcohol was definitely starting to hit you hard, making you forget all about Johnny and his girlfriend. All that mattered was that you were surrounded by friends, having a good time, and drinking.
It wasn't long before Ten, Mark, Kun, Haechan, Taeyong and you were sitting on the floor, passing around beers and shots as you waited for Jungwoo and Yuta to return with the food. And even though you were tipsy, you managed to hold your liquor fairly well. Until you drank the tequila shot you took right before going to get more drinks.
“So, Y/N.” Haechan drawled out, looking at you intently. You glanced at the tequila in your hands, your vision getting hazy. How much have you actually drunk so far?
“What?” you asked, shrugging. “What are you talking about?”
Haechan frowned. "You okay? You look wasted."
"Yeah, you look wasted Y/N." Taeyong said, as he put his drink down.
Your vision was getting worse. You felt dizzy. Your body was hot, then cold, then hot again. Fuck, you were going to pass out if you kept this up. You reached for the bottle of water next to you, holding it tightly against your chest. You closed your eyes for a second, concentrating on slowing your breathing. You managed to slow it down a bit, but you still felt lightheaded. Before you knew it, your vision blurred again. When you opened your eyes, you found everyone staring at you. Except for Taeyong. He was standing in front of you, looking very concerned.
"Taeyong." You whispered, unable to form any words. He held out his arms, inviting you to step into them.
"Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you to bed." He said gently.
"Y/N." Johnny stepped forward, his face showing concern. His girlfriend laid a hand on his arm, suggesting that he stay put. "Are you okay?"
You nodded and stumbled, reaching for the couch, only to find it further away than you remembered. Without thinking, you leaned against Haechan instead. As you dozed off, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
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"Johnny, what's wrong?" The pretty girl next to him muttered. "Is everything alright?"
Johnny watched from the corner of his eyes as his friends helped Y/N up from her drunken stupor. Was she okay? "It's nothing, Jieun."
"I hope she's alright." Jieun muttered, arms still clinging to him. "She seems so drunk."
"Don't worry about her, babe." Johnny assured her. "Just relax and enjoy yourself."
"Why are you always protecting her?" Jieun released a soft sigh.
"Because she's special to me." Johnny answered simply. 
He gave her a small smile before turning his attention back to his friends. He really missed the opportunity to spend time with his friends and Y/N.
He sighed. Of course he missed her. Even though he hadn't been able to spend much time with her lately, whenever they were together, they always had fun. She was kind and caring. Whenever they hung out, he felt a sense of comfort wash over him. It wasn't until tonight that he realized how lucky he was to have her in his life.
In the beginning, it was all easy. They met at a party thrown by their classmates. Since Johnny had recently moved to Seoul, most of his friends struggled to communicate with him. So when his friend Jaehyun told him about the event being held by another foreign exchange student, he figured that it would be a good chance to meet new people. Little did he know that meeting Y/N would change his life forever.
They hit it off instantly, flirting shamelessly. They had no problem joking around and teasing each other. At first, it had been innocent, simple conversations, whether it was about the weather or their favorite movies. They stayed as friends since Y/N was currently in a relationship, but every once in a while, they still got together to hang out. On those occasions, they spent their time watching movies, going to karaoke bars, eating out, and shopping. They had mutual friends who always seemed to drag them along to the hottest clubs and parties.
Those times together were always memorable. He remembered the time when he helped Ten and Y/N find an apartment together since they were going to be roommates. There were nights where Y/N had gotten sick from drinking too much, falling asleep on Johnny's chest. Or times when he found himself helplessly straddling Y/N as they snuck into his apartment. He never questioned the level of their intimacy; after all, Y/N was a beautiful, smart, and sweet girl. In return, Johnny was respectful of her relationships with other men.
But the thought of Y/N with anyone else made him physically ill.
For several months, things continued this way. Eventually, they both became more serious with their respective partners. When that happened, they had trouble finding time to see each other. The good news was that they'd grown closer, becoming each other's best friends. During those moments when they saw each other, they'd always make sure to give the other person plenty of affection. It was obvious that neither one of them wanted to lose their friendship. Still, it was difficult not to get hurt every now and again.
Johnny would often ask himself why he didn't act sooner.
What stopped him from telling Y/N how he truly felt? He knew that he was attracted to her, especially after seeing how they interacted together. She made him laugh, genuinely enjoying his humor. It was impossible not to notice how sexy she looked when she was laughing at his jokes. Plus, she smelled amazing. When he breathed in her scent, it reminded him of chocolate. Or strawberry ice cream. Something sweet and fruity that melted his heart every time he inhaled it. But still, he kept his feelings bottled up inside.
Today was no exception.
Seeing Y/N dress in that mini skirt and that top that accentuated her figure, he had to try hard to stop himself from kissing her senseless. Heck, he knew she had tattoos but at the time, there were only a few. Now she had a whole sleeve of them. All over her left arm. Most of them seemed quite intricate and detailed, depicting nature scenes, symbols, even people. She had an incredible eye for detail and, based on her art, Johnny guessed that she had a lot of patience. It was one of the many reasons why he loved hanging out with her. They could talk for hours, even if they had absolutely nothing in common. There was always an instant connection between them, almost as if they were two halves of a whole.
Johnny glanced over at Jieun, his current girlfriend.
Just the girl that he’s currently just sleeping with.
Jieun was pretty, don't get him wrong. She had short hair and bright brown eyes, delicate features and a slender frame. But when compared to Y/N, she didn't stand a chance. Compared to her, Y/N seemed like a goddess. Y/N was tall, slender, toned in all the right places. She was tan, and had long, black hair that she often ran her fingers through. Not only did she possess all of the qualities that Johnny desired, but she also had a personality that stole his heart. For years, he had been silently pining for her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't deny the fact that she was perfect for him.
But no matter how much he liked Jieun, he could never forget Y/N. The truth was that Y/N was just so different from everyone else. She never hesitated to show her true self, whatever that meant. Whether she was crying over a sad movie or dancing ecstatically at a club, he knew that she wouldn't lie to him or hold anything back. Her honesty made her extremely endearing. She was funny and carefree, and unlike some girls, she had a positive outlook on life. If it wasn't for Y/N, Johnny doubted that he would've made it through all the crap he went through during college.
No doubt, Johnny had fallen for her. But he refused to act on those feelings. To do so would be unfair to Jieun, despite them not really dating. More importantly, Y/N deserved someone better than him. Someone who actually appreciated her beauty and unique traits. She deserved someone who loved her unconditionally and showed it in every aspect of their relationship.
Johnny watched as Jieun struck up a conversation with the other party-goers. His attention went back to Y/N and how drunk she looked earlier. He wished that he could've done something to prevent her from embarrassing herself. Y/N was the last person he wanted to hurt.
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The next thing you remember was waking up on the couch, your head resting on someone’s lap. Haechan was still sleeping soundly, and so were all of your friends except for Yuta. He was leaning against the wall, eyes closed. Everyone looked so peaceful.
"Ugh, my head." You moaned as you sat up. "This hangover is going to kill me."
"Can I get you anything?" Ten asked, coming out of his bedroom. He looked around the living room, noticing that the people who didn't make it home last night, were all passed out on the floor or on the couch.
You rubbed your forehead, getting up and padding towards the kitchen. “Coffee, please.”
He handed you the mug and a pack of Advil. "Are you feeling better?"
"Just peachy." You replied sarcastically. "Not at all.”
Ten laughed. "Don't worry, you'll feel better tomorrow."
As soon as he walked back into the living room to wake everyone up, you finished your mug of coffee and padded into your bedroom to freshen up. You went through your closet, trying to figure out what to wear. You needed to dress casual, since you planned on spending most of the day lounging around the house, drinking coffee and playing games. Unfortunately, you couldn't decide between wearing sweatpants or shorts. Finally, after much deliberation, you chose to pair leggings with a gray tank top. Once you were done, you wandered back into the living room to wait for everyone else to wake up.
You didn't need to wait too long. Before you knew it, Taeyong and Renjun joined you at the kitchen table with cups of coffee. Mark rubbed at his eyes, sitting up from the couch, Haechan stirred next to him.
“Where did you two sleep?” You asked Taeyong and Renjun, curious.
Taeyong gave you a pointed look. “Like on the floor. At least Yuta was against the wall.”
You grinned. "I'm surprised no one took over my bed."
"I'm surprised no one put you to bed," Yuta muttered as he joined the group.
"Haechan was hogging her on the couch." Mark sleepily muttered.
"I was going to help her to her room but then I got sleepy and she was sleepy," Haechan yawned. "So we both passed out on the couch."
"Who didn't go home last night?" You asked Ten .
"Mark, Haechan, Renjun, Taeyong, and Yuta." Taeil replied. "Oh. Kun passed out on my bedroom floor."
“Haha. Let's go get breakfast once they wake up. What should we do today?” You asked the group of hungover men.
“Eat breakfast. Drink more coffee. Play video games. Whatever you want.” Kun shrugged, coming from Ten's bedroom. He stretched and yawned loudly. “Today is a free day. We can do whatever you want."
“Okay, sounds good. Can I shower first?” You asked, rubbing your eyes.
“Of course. Don't take too long. We're waiting.” Taeyong smirked.
“Whatever.” You replied. You slowly trudged upstairs to your bedroom. Once you were inside, you stripped off your clothes, letting them fall to the floor. You slid under the warm spray of water and scrubbed your hair vigorously. Soon, you stepped out of the shower, toweling off your hair and wrapping the towel around your body. Then you pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and an old, faded red t-shirt. Once you were ready, you padded downstairs to grab your purse and keys.
Once you returned to the living room, you found everyone waiting for you. They all sat around the living room, sipping on their morning coffees.
"Alright, let's go get breakfast." You declared happily.
"Good idea." Yuta agreed, getting up from the couch. "Let's not waste another minute here."
"We don't need another minute." Mark commented, looking around the room.
When you arrived at your favorite restaurant, everyone piled out of the car, stretching and yawning. The restaurant was fairly empty, save for the employees. So, when the owner came up to greet you all, you smiled.
"Morning! Glad to see my favorite group of hungover college kids." She beamed, her arms wide opened.
You stepped into her arms. "Morning mom. Can you feed us now?"
"Anything for my favorite daughter." Your mom kissed your cheek, ignoring your comment that you were her only child. Your mom looked at the rest of the group. “Now what can I get for you hungover kids?”
“Your egg sandwiches, auntie.” Ten muttered.
“Coffee.” Mark yawned. “Lots and lots of coffee.”
“Can I get toast, bacon, and fries, auntie?” Renjun asked.
"Oh, god, come on." Taeyong groaned, sitting down at a nearby table. "Just give me some coffee and bacon, I'll be fine. Please auntie."
After you placed your order, you settled down at the table, joining your friends.
"Why are we meeting here every morning?" Yuta yawned, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Because it's close to campus, you get free food and you know my mom loves you all." You shook your head, helping the staff pour everyone coffee or orange juice into their mugs and cups. You made your thanks, the staff smiling.
"One of the perks of being Y/N's friends," Kun laughed. "Free food from her mom's restaurant. Lucky us."
"True that." Ten nodded, finishing off his egg sandwich. "Man, I love her mom's sandwiches."
"She makes the best ones." You agreed, stealing a fry from Renjun's plate.
A few minutes later, the rest of the food was delivered.
"Can I have your bacon and eggs?" Ten asked, pointing at your plate.
You raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think you deserve to eat someone else's bacon?"
"Doesn't hurt to ask." He grinned, grabbing your plate. "But you can always share."
Everyone chuckled as you shoved a fry into Ten's mouth.
"So where did Johnny end up going last night?" You asked suddenly. “I really didn’t see him last night. I mean I saw him before I passed out.”
"He didn't stay long." Mark answered. "Around midnight, he left with Jieun."
"Ah." You frowned. "Makes sense. They never stay long whenever I'm around."
"They probably just wanted to spend time together." Kun explained. "Jieun and Johnny were really cute together. She followed him everywhere he went."
"Did you ever tell him that you liked him?" Yuta asked you suddenly.
"What?" You blinked. How did Yuta know about that?
"You did flirt with him a little." Renjun reminded you. "At least, that's what I saw."
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. "It was barely any flirting."
"Come on Y/N," Mark shook his head. "Johnny was staring at you the whole night before Jieun came."
"It's the tatts, Mark." You replied. "He was asking me about them earlier."
"Seriously though." Yuta continued. "If you like him, why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I thought he'd never notice me." You sighed, knowing that there was no way to escape the converstation. "I'm not the type of girl that guys usually like."
"Really?" Mark raised an eyebrow. "There's nothing wrong with you."
"It's the tatts, huh?" Taeyong muttered, looking at your tattooed arm. "I mean, I love a girl that has tatts."
"Guys will always find something to complain about." You nodded your head. “But thanks for that Taeyong.”
"Well," Renjun interrupted, chuckling slightly. "There's nothing wrong with your tattoos."
"Yeah." Haechan agreed. "They're pretty cool."
"I agree." Ten smiled. "And sexy as hell."
You blushed, ignoring everyone's laughter. But it wasn't long before you were in a conversation about your tattoos again. About how pretty you thought they were and about how unique each tattoo was. It felt good, having such amazing friends that were willing to talk about your ink. You knew it would probably never happen with other groups of guys you hung out with. Not because they didn't care, but because they were afraid to offend you. Which is why you weren't surprised when the subject turned to sex.
It was always sex with these guys.
Why were you friends with these sex-crazed guys?
"So..." Taeyong started, shooting a pointed glance at you. "Are there any guys here you want to bang?"
"Hear me out. I know he has a girl and I know someone's going to beat me up for saying it or even thinking of it," You decided to just tell the truth. You looked around biting your lip, making sure your mom didn’t hear you. "Johnny. He seems like a good fuck."
"Damn," Haechan raised his eyebrows. "Y/N and Johnny would be hot, to be honest."
"No shit." Renjun nodded. "They'd be the hottest couple on campus."
You rolled your eyes and laughed with the others. You and Johnny? If only that was possible.
He still has a girlfriend after all.
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The days passed quickly. After hanging out with the group for breakfast, you usually went off on your own, doing homework or just spending time alone in your room. But one day, after lunch, you decided to join your friends again. This time you met up with Taeyong, Doyoung, Winwin, Xiaojun, and Jaemin.
You sat at the table, eating as everyone told you stories about who they hooked up with last night. You rolled your eyes when Taeyong started telling you about his drunken hookup with a girl named Minah.
"Drunk sex?" You scoffed, giving him a look. "Really?"
"Don't act like you haven't done that." Taeyong narrowed his eyes. "With as many times as you had drunken sex with Doyoung."
"Please don't bring that up. Every time you guys mention it, I feel bad." You groaned as Doyoung sputtered on his food. You reached out and patted his back. “But admit it Doyoung, the sex was good.”
"We don't mention it!" Taeyong responded to you, rolling his eyes at Doyoung’s reaction. "It's not our fault you're always horny!"
"Shut up. Just shut up." You threw your napkin at him, the others laughing.
You were surprised when the next person you noticed looking at you wasn't Xiaojun or Doyoung or Jaemin or even Winwin. Instead, it was your very handsome friend, Johnny. You didn't even know he would be here. He was out with others that were in his classes.
His dark brown eyes met yours across the room. There was something about the way he stared at you that made you blush. Your cheeks were hot. Even your ears felt hot. Why was this guy looking at you so intensely? And so much?
“Is there a reason why you’re staring at Johnny so much?” Xiaojun asked, leaning back in his chair.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. “Um…”
"She wants to fuck him." Jaemin muttered. "Renjun told me the other day."
"But then again, what girl doesn't want to fuck, Johnny?" You asked, shrugging your shoulders. "Jieun is one lucky bitch."
You tried not to look at him anymore. Because whenever you looked at him, your stomach would flip. He was just too beautiful. Too sexy. Too perfect. It didn't help that he was already famous for dating the popular girl. Not that you weren't popular.
No wonder every single girl kept trying to hit on him. You included. You've been fighting the urge to kiss him since you met him at that event you hosted with Mark for the foreign exchange students. But he still had a girlfriend. A serious girlfriend.
Yet, here you were, constantly looking at Johnny like he was a piece of candy that you desperately wanted. Or maybe like you were salivating at the sight of him. Yes, that sounded more appropriate.
Like you wanted to eat him alive.
You wanted to suck on his lips. Suck on his tongue. Slap his hard cock against your naked pussy.
God, you wish you could touch him. Touch his face. His arms. His chest. Hell, just touch his skin. To see if it was as soft as it looked.
Or if it was rough.
Maybe Johnny likes rougher sex than the girls he normally slept with. What do you know about him, huh? Nothing. And yet, you keep imagining yourself with him. Imagining how it would feel to lay beneath him, letting him fuck you from behind. Thinking about how incredible it would feel to take his load all over your face. Or maybe deep inside you. The possibilities were endless. You just couldn't seem to stop thinking about him.
Your friends didn't know about the way you fantasized about him.
At least, they hadn't said anything. Yet.
"Ah, fuck." You let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Doyoung gave you a concerned look. “You okay, Y/N?”
You nodded in reply.
You were seriously losing control. That was a first. For as long as you could remember, you had been able to hold yourself back from acting on your urges. The fact that you had no self-control around him should've made you realize you shouldn't be with him. It should make you run away. But instead, your heart yearned to feel his body pressed against yours.
Why? You wondered. Why did you keep wanting him?
You took another bite of your salad, listening to your friends talking amongst themselves. And once again, Johnny’s name was brought up.
“Yeah, I heard he spent most of the weekend with Jieun.” Xiaojun said casually.
You sighed softly, hoping that he wouldn’t ask any questions about it.
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The next week was rather uneventful. Since it was your last year of college, you have stayed late almost every night studying or doing homework. Sometimes, if your apartment was occupied, you would go to Hendery’s, Jeno’s or Yangyang’s rooms and study there since they often partied, playing sports or going to the gym. So you were surprised when Wednesday afternoon found you walking back to your apartment alone.
As you approached your building, you noticed Johnny standing near the front doors. Of course he was there. No doubt he had been waiting for you.
His posture screamed 'alpha male'. All six feet one inch of him stood rigidly, like he was prepared to strike at any moment. And the muscles in his arms and chest were clearly defined under his tight black shirt. Damn. You wanted to get closer to him, to see if those bulging biceps were real.
You swallowed nervously. How does a girl like you even get a chance to meet the guy that every other girl wants? What makes you different from all the rest? You were one of his best friends that's for sure.
You watched as he began talking to someone. A girl. And she seemed to respond well to his attention. She smiled as he leaned down to speak to her. She giggled. She touched his arm lightly. She probably thinks she's special. Probably thinks that he's interested in her. As if.
But he looks happy. Smiling. Even talking to her. Ah, this must be Jieun, the girlfriend. She was actually really cute. Much prettier than you expected her to be. Short hair cut in a layered style. Brown eyes. And a small nose.
The way his gaze lingered on her for a few moments longer than necessary, she seemed to be flattered. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing him tightly. Her head resting on his shoulder as she gazed at him with longing. It was then that you realized that he was completely oblivious to your presence.
What was wrong with you? Why are you watching them like that? Why can't you turn away? God damn it! Stop acting like some sort of pervert.
You cleared your throat. Maybe he won't notice you if you ignore him. It worked the last time. Didn't it?
But to your dismay, he did.
"Hi Y/N!" He said cheerfully, looking up and meeting your gaze. "I've been waiting for you."
Oh god.
"Hey Johnny," You forced yourself to say. Your voice came out low and shaky. You struggled to find your words. Suddenly, you felt like an awkward teenager again. Like your face was on fire.
Johnny nodded towards Jieun, causing her to frown slightly. Then he shot you a mischievous smile. "Let's go up."
It took everything you had to push past him and enter your building. Thankfully, Jieun left before you reached your apartment door. You were grateful. You didn't need her prying questions right now.
Inside your home, you stood in the living room, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Ten wasn’t home yet, so you felt a bit nervous that you were left alone with Johnny. This had never before. Why all of a sudden were you feeling nervous in front of your best friend?
"Do you want a drink?" You offered nervously. "A soda or water? Wine?"
"A glass of red wine sounds nice." He replied without hesitation.
Relief flooded you as you hurried to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Thankfully, you had stocked the fridge earlier that day.
When you returned to the living room, Johnny was sitting on the couch, sipping his wine and watching TV.
He's so gorgeous. Why does he have to be so goddamn beautiful?
"So..." You started awkwardly. "How have you been?"
"Same old, same old." He shrugged. "What about you?"
You frowned. "Nothing new. Apart from hanging with the guys.”
He glanced at you quickly. Something passed between the two of you. Something strange. Something exciting. You squirmed in your seat, trying to focus on anything else besides the way his eyes smoldered at you. You felt like your whole world was going crazy. Everything around you became fuzzy. The way his voice sounded. The way his muscles flexed underneath his clothes. The way he gazed at you. Oh god.
Stop it. You chided yourself. This isn’t happening. Don’t give in to him. This is bad. Really bad.
“I’m glad we finally got to hang out tonight.” He said after a few moments of silence.
“Me too.” You replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “I mean, I guess I haven’t seen you since you’ve been busy with Jieun.”
Johnny nodded thoughtfully. “True.”
"You never talked about her." You pointed out quietly.
He grimaced. "We don't really talk about her that often."
"Do you like her?"
You exhaled sharply. "Jieun. Do you like her?"
Johnny furrowed his brows. "Why do you ask?"
You hesitated, wishing you hadn't brought it up. "Well...you look pretty happy when you're with her."
He smiled briefly. "It's complicated."
"Are you two together?" You questioned. "Is that why you always sit with her during class?"
"Well, we're definitely close." He said simply.
And then, he was silent.
“Isn’t she your girlfriend?” You blurted out. “Shouldn’t you spend time with her instead of me?”
He cocked his head to the side. “No, we’re not together.”
“Really?” You felt relieved. Thank god.
Johnny laughed. “Of course. We aren’t dating. We’ve slept together a few times but we’re not dating.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. Good. At least he was being honest. You tried not to think about what kind of relationship they had. What kind of relationship they had had. But you couldn’t help but notice how they interacted with each other. The way they looked at each other. How they held hands.
“Was my best friend jealous?” Johnny peered at your face, a smile on his lips. “Because I could swear that you were staring at us.”
“I was not!” You denied. “There was nothing to stare at.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t try and deny it.”
“No, I’m telling the truth. There was nothing to stare at.” You insisted.
“Sure there was.” He grinned, taking another sip of his wine.
“Trust me. There was nothing.” You responded forcefully. “There was no reason for me to watch you and Jieun together. You weren’t kissing or anything.”
“Really?” His expression grew serious. “What if I asked you to kiss me right now? Would you?”
“Fuck, Suh.” You burst out. “That’s impossible. You know that, right?”
“But would you want to?” He persisted. “Would you kiss me right now if I asked you?”
“I…” You stopped.
How the hell was you supposed to answer that question?
This conversation was turning into something you never expected it to be. Was it really just a friendly request or something more?
And what would your friends say if they saw you two making out in the middle of the living room? If they saw you grinding against him on the couch?
“God dammit.” You groaned, slumping back onto the couch. “Johnny, what the fuck are you doing to me?”
“Hmmm?” He peered at you curiously.
“Why does this have to happen?” You groaned, trying hard not to panic. “What are you trying to do to me?”
He gave you a playful smile. “I'm not doing anything to you.”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat. “Then why am I feeling this way?”
“Because you want me.” He replied simply. “Because you’re attracted to me. Because you can’t resist me. Because you feel something when I look at you.”
His confession sent shockwaves through your body. You sat motionless on the couch. Unable to comprehend what he just told you. Unable to believe him.
“Are you attracted to me too?” You whispered. “Is that why you keep looking at me?”
Johnny stared at you silently for several seconds. Then he grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” He confirmed.
You gaped at him.
“Really?” You repeated hesitantly.
“I'm not lying to you.” He assured you. “I want you. I want you so badly that I can barely breathe sometimes. But if I tell you that, will you run away? Will you break our friendship because of this?”
“No.” You answered instantly. “No. I’d never do that. I wouldn’t even be able to think straight. Not to mention the fact that the guys would kill me.”
He chuckled. “Why’s that?”
“They know that I have a thing for you.” You admitted. “They see the way I look at you. They tease me about it all the time. I guess it’s easier for them to accept it if they knew that I’m attracted to someone who likes me back. Someone who I can be myself around. That’s why they won’t mind if we date. As long as I’m with someone who accepts me.”
He grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“So…what should we do?” You asked tentatively.
He raised his eyebrows. “About what?”
“Um…this.” You gestured towards yourself. “This attraction between us. It seems like we both want it. So…is it possible that maybe we could…I don’t know…do something about it? Maybe meet up somewhere private? Or at least have sex. In my bed? On your couch?”
Johnny’s eyes lit up. “You want to have sex with me?”
“Fuck, Johnny.” You ran your hand through your hair, noticing his eyes on your tatted arm. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” He murmured huskily. “Like I'm going to take you upstairs and rip your clothes off? Like I'm going to shove my cock inside you and fuck you until you scream?”
You moaned. Fuck yes. That's exactly what you want.
“Don’t you want to?” He pressed. “Don’t you want me to make love to you? To touch every inch of your skin? To lick your nipples and suck on your breasts?”
You bit your lip.
“Fuck. Please stop talking. Just fucking fuck me already.” You moaned, unable to contain your arousal any longer.
He smirked. “All right. All right. But just to warn you. I plan on treating you like the goddess that you are. Every part of your body is going to feel good to me. I’ll make sure you come over and over again.”
A fire ignited within you. This is exactly what you needed. Exactly what you wanted. The idea of getting fucked by him sent a thrill throughout your body. You loved hearing him say those words to you. Words that only a man like him could utter. And knowing that you wanted to have sex with him didn’t hurt either. It made you feel incredibly desirable.
“Tell me. Tell me what you want me to do.” Johnny said softly.
“Do whatever you want.” You replied breathlessly. “Just please. Make me cum.”
He chuckled. “If that’s what you want.”
You nodded eagerly. A devilish grin formed on his lips.
He stood up from the couch. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you up from the sofa. With one swift move, he tossed you over his shoulder.
He strode quickly towards the staircase. You shrieked, clutching at his shirt tightly. You kicked your legs wildly, desperately trying to escape from his grip.
Johnny was much stronger than you realized. Within seconds, he had thrown you down onto your bed. With one quick movement, he jumped on top of you. Your heart thundered against your chest.
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. Kissing you fiercely.
Your body responded instinctively. Your pussy throbbed, begging for attention. Your nipples hardened beneath your shirt, yearning for a hard squeeze.
As his tongue probed into your mouth, his hands slid underneath your shirt. Pushing it up and off your shoulders.
His warm fingers trailed over your skin. Sending chills throughout your entire body. His lips trailed down your neck, licking and sucking at your sensitive flesh. Every single movement was driving you wild.
Every stroke of his tongue and caress of his fingertips set you on fire. You were soaking wet, longing for him to take you. For him to fill you with his cock. To give you the pleasure you deserve.
The moment his fingers brushed against your nipple, you let out a moan.
You arched your back, thrusting your breast towards him.
He chuckled. “God, Y/N. Are you trying to kill me?”
He grasped your bra, tearing it apart with ease. Your nipples sprang free. He rubbed his thumb over them, sending shocks of pleasure coursing through your body.
“Oooohhhh, Johnny.” You moaned.
He grinned wickedly. “Does that feel good, baby? Do you like it when I play with your tits? When I suck on your nipples?”
“Yessss.” You gasped. “More. More. Fuck.”
“Oh god.” He groaned, biting down gently on your nipple.
He continued to flick his tongue across your other nipple, flicking harder each time. Your cries became louder. You felt like you were going to explode. It took everything in you not to reach down and unzip his pants.
Instead, you threw your head back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Tugging at his hair as he teased your nipples. Moaning loudly whenever he touched your skin.
Johnny smiled. He licked his lips hungrily, giving your breasts one last slow suck before letting go.
Leaving you panting for air.
“I've got to be honest with you, baby.” He breathed, pushing himself up onto his knees. “You taste amazing. Better than anything I've ever tasted before. And there's nothing else I'd rather do right now than to spend hours tasting every inch of your gorgeous body. Touching you. Kissing you. Licking you. And slowly entering you. Until I fill you with my cum.”
“Mmmmm. Fuck yes.” You whimpered, your voice sounding like an echo in the empty bedroom.
“Now where were we?” He asked slyly. “Ahh yes, your tits. Did you want me to suck on them some more? Maybe eat you out while I played with your tits?”
“Yes.” You breathed. “Please. Oh god, yes. Please.”
He chuckled. “Anything for you, baby. Anything.”
Slowly standing up, he began to strip off his shirt. Each piece of clothing was removed with great care. His tattoos were displayed prominently. They looked beautiful as always. The sight of them caused you to sigh in appreciation.
Once his shirt was completely gone, he leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on your stomach.
“That's better.” He whispered. “Now you're ready for me.”
His hands sliding your pants off. His lips kissing the insides of your thighs. Caressing your inner thigh with every kiss. Leaving you quivering with desire.
“Fuck!” You cried out. “Stop teasing me. Please. Just fuck me. Now!”
“Shhh.” He whispered. “Not yet. Not yet. There's still so much left to do first. Don't worry. You'll get what you need soon enough.”
Your hands dug into his hair, pulling his face closer to your pussy. You moaned loudly. The sounds of your pleasuring filling the room. His hot breath tickling your inner thighs. Your panties drenched with your juices.
Johnny looked up at you, his dark eyes darkened with lust.
“Look at me. Look how beautiful you are.” He said huskily. “Watch me taste you. Watch as I rub my tongue over your clit. See how good it feels. Know that I'm doing it to you. That I want to eat you out so badly.”
He gripped your hips, tugging you upwards. Opening his mouth wide. Licking your entire pussy, slowly spreading your juices.
Lapping at you slowly, teasingly. Going lower and lower until his tongue found your swollen clit. Pressing hard against it, rubbing his tongue in circles.
“Fuuuck.” You cried out. “Johnny! Johnny!”
“Such dirty talk, baby.” He said with a laugh. “Let me hear it. Let me hear you beg for me to make you cum. I want to hear you screaming for me.”
You clawed at his back, trying to pull his face deeper into your pussy. Screaming obscenities. Making animalistic sounds. Biting down on your pillow as he gave you all the pleasure you deserved.
Finally, his tongue plunged deep inside your pussy. Flicking over your clit in rapid succession. Sucking on it and flicking it. Pulling away occasionally to tease you. Tasting your juices. Giving you an extra burst of pleasure every time.
His pace increased rapidly. Pulling away for brief moments only to return immediately. Giving you even more pleasure than you expected. Soon you were trembling, nearing the point of no return.
It took everything you had not to lose control. Your entire body was consumed by ecstasy. Your pussy contracting rhythmically around his mouth. Pumping his tongue inside you, trying to keep yourself from coming. From exploding with orgasmic bliss.
But you couldn't hold it anymore. You began to cry out. Your body shuddered.
Sensing your impending climax, Johnny stopped sucking on your clit. He withdrew his tongue, but kept his lips firmly pressed against it. Keeping your orgasm contained.
His hands remained firmly on your hips. Tugging at your hips, forcing your body further upwards. You cried out as you tried to pull his face back into your pussy. Trying to force yourself to cum.
You came with a loud scream, your entire body tensing. Johnny followed your lead, groaning loudly as you pushed your pussy back into his face. Your thighs squeezing tight around his head, pulling him tighter against your clit. Your entire body trembling violently. Spasms racking your body. Bringing forth the most intense sensation you had ever experienced.
Suddenly, he stopped. Letting go of your hips. Sliding off your sweaty body. Standing up from the bed. Looking down at you.
“Baby, I know you came, but I'm not done yet.” He said quietly.
Looking down at your spread thighs, he smirked. He began to undo his pants.
You panted, waiting impatiently for him to reveal his erection. You knew what was coming next. You knew this would be the moment of truth. Would he be able to satisfy you? Would he actually be able to give you the satisfaction you were craving?
With one swift motion, his erect cock sprung free. Your eyes widened, almost as if you were surprised to see it. You hadn't been expecting it to be that big.
And you weren't wrong. His cock was absolutely enormous. Longer than any penis you had ever seen. Bulging with potential. You wondered if he could possibly fit inside you.
If he would hurt you.
But you know he wouldn't.
You stared at his cock hungrily, staring at it in disbelief. In awe. You reached out tentatively, touching it lightly. Fingers shaking slightly. Shaking as they traced their way along its length.
You felt the weight of it in your hand. Thicker than any cock you had ever felt. Fuller than any dick you had ever seen.
Before you could fully appreciate his massive erection, he grabbed hold of your wrist. Moving your hand to the tip of his cock.
“Just think about it.” He said quietly. “Imagine how amazing it will feel. Just imagine the sensations running through your body. Imagine how incredible it will feel to have this inside of you. How much more powerful it will be than any dick you've ever had before.”
Thinking about how large his dick would feel stretching your pussy open. Knowing that once he penetrated you, he would never leave. He would be inside you forever. Bringing you so much pleasure.
Giving you such pleasure. Satisfying you so deeply. Giving you what you needed. Allowing you to finally release all your pent up sexual tension. Giving you the ultimate sexual experience.
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, you placed your lips against the head of his cock. Your tongue darting out. Drawing the warm liquid from his shaft. Overwhelmingly delicious.
Moving down, your lips parted. Your tongue sliding out of your mouth. Stretching out towards his cock. Swirling around it like a tiny tornado. Slickly coating his member with saliva. Getting him nice and wet. Allowing you to slide it further inside your mouth. Gently sucking on it, making sure to take it all in.
“Fuck.” He growled. “Oh fuck. You are so fucking sexy. So beautiful.”
Smiling brightly, you returned his compliment. Leaning forward, your tongue moved further into his crotch. Taking him even deeper inside your mouth. Tongue twirling around his thick base. Up and down the full length of his shaft. Playing with his balls. Feeling the resistance of his perineum.
Slowly moving back up to his tip. Taking him deeper inside your mouth again. Working your way down, taking him all the way to the bottom. Running your tongue along the underside of his shaft. As you slid back up to the tip, you sucked on it gently.
He groaned loudly, reaching out to grab hold of your head. Pushing you downwards so he could sink even deeper into your throat. Your nose pressed against his pubes, inhaling the musky scent. Sucking on his cock like it was a popsicle. Gagging a little bit. His thick length hitting the back of your throat with each movement.
Panting heavily, he held your head firmly in place. Gasping for air as he let out another moan. His dick pulsating wildly inside your mouth. Fluid seeping out of the end of his cock. Massaging your throat. Causing it to tingle pleasantly.
As he released his grip, you released his cock from your mouth. Pausing for a moment to catch your breath. Smiling happily at him. Proud of yourself for being able to handle his huge cock.
He smiled back at you. Reaching down, his fingers wrapping around your chin. Pulling you close to him. He kissed you passionately. Wrapping his arms around you. Holding you tightly. He tasted wonderful. His scent intoxicating. His warmth reassuring.
Gripping your ass tightly, he pulled you onto his lap. Sitting you down onto his hard cock. Watching as it filled your pussy. Slowly slipping inside of you.
Stopping halfway inside you, he gently lifted you up. Removing his erection from your pussy. Grinning as he laid you down on the bed. Positioning himself between your legs. His hard cock positioned at your entrance.
Pulling back slightly, he looked down at you. Seeing the desire in your eyes. Waiting for him to thrust his thick cock inside of you.
Taking a deep breath, he gripped your waist tightly. Slowly pushing forward. Delving inside of you. Feeling you wrap your legs around him. Tightening them around his body. Moaning loudly as he filled you completely.
Releasing his grip on your waist, he grabbed hold of your wrists. Placing them above your head. Hanging limply as he slowly fucked you. Gently pumping his cock into you.
Grinding your hips against him. Panting as you struggled to breathe properly. Wanting desperately to touch his cock, to stroke it. To watch it twitch in your hand. But he didn't allow you to do anything. He continued to thrust into you. Stroking his dick as fast as he could.
“Please.” You begged. “I need you to come inside of me. Please.”
Chuckling, he responded. “Not yet, sweetheart. Not just yet.”
His words spurred you on. Suddenly wanting nothing more than to feel his load splatter inside of you. Needing to feel his seed filling your pussy. Pouring into your body. And you would love every minute of it. Every single second.
He suddenly pulled out of you. Rolling over onto his back. “Climb on top of me. Put your tits in my face. I want to suck on them while you ride me.”
Lifting your ass, you quickly straddled his naked body. Hooking your fingers behind his neck. Settling yourself down onto his hard cock. You moaned loudly as you impaled yourself on him. Your hips bucking back and forth.
Johnny gripped your breasts, tugging on your nipples as you rode him. Squeezing your nipples hard. Twisting them as you slammed your pussy down on his dick. Slowly increasing the speed. Riding him faster and harder until he felt the familiar pressure building up inside of him.
“Hang on baby. Hang on. I'm going to come. Oh god.”
Moaning loudly, you brought yourself closer to climax. Johnny's dick pounding your walls relentlessly. Your whole body shuddering uncontrollably.
Feeling his climax building, Johnny wrapped his arms around you. Holding you tightly. Ensuring that you remain steady. Bringing you closer to release. Kneading your breasts, milking them roughly. Pleasuring them until you were completely overcome by pleasure.
Your orgasm ripping through your body. Crashing down upon you with relentless force. Sweeping you away into an ocean of pure bliss.
He moaned loudly, holding you tight. Panting heavily as he came inside of you. Your pussy gripping him tightly. Keep his semen within you. Silencing his lustful thoughts. Pushing them away, allowing him to rest peacefully.
Holding you closely, he watched as your climax slowly faded away. You lay on his chest, your breathing still erratic.
“So good.” You breathed softly.
“So fucking good.” He agreed. “That was the best. The absolute best."
"The best sex I've had in a long time." You let out a small laugh. You heard the front door of your apartment opening and closing, hearing voices talking about Johnny's coat and shoes. Someone, sounded like Taeyong, laughing at how you and Johnny finally fucked.
"I can hear you guys!" You yelled.
Johnny chuckled. "So I guess the guys are right outside, and they know exactly what happened."
Groaning, you buried your face into Johnny's shoulder. "I can hear Renjun and Haechan asking me all sorts of questions."
Smirking, Johnny spoke. "We can just tell them that the hot tattooed people are finally a couple."
"A couple?" You asked, lifting your head up. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Well, I originally came to see you tonight because I was on a mission." He laughed. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
Laughing loudly, you hugged him tightly. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Johnny."
Letting out a sigh of relief, he relaxed against you. "Thank god."
He mumbled, resting his head against yours. Breathing in your lovely scent, he listened to the sound of your heart beating. "This is the first time I've been with someone I really care about. So I don't want to mess it up. It has to work."
Snuggling against him, you smiled. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out together."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Yes." You answered, curious to hear what he was going to say.
"I love you." He told you. "And you need to know that."
"I love you too." You mumbled, running your fingers through his messy hair. "Forever."
He closed his eyes, biting his lower lip. A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. He looked down at your tattooed sleeve, running his finger over a sunflower one. "I really love this design. What does it mean?"
You chuckled. "Sunflowers remind me of you."
Johnny froze, looking down at your tattoo.
You were shocked to see tears forming in his eyes. But you didn't have time to worry about it because he immediately placed a tender kiss on your lips.
Your heart fluttered wildly at his actions. Never had you felt so alive.
So happy.
So loved.
You hugged him tightly.
"Remember when you used to tease me about getting tattoos?" He asked you, giving you a sheepish smile. He caressed your cheek. "Remember when I told you I wouldn't get another one unless you joined me?"
"Yup." You nodded. "What happened to getting one with me?"
"I eventually got it with Taeyong and Yuta since I wasn't sure whether you wanted one with me or not." Johnny explained. "I'm still waiting to get one with you."
"What if I gave you the tattoo?" You offered, tracing his shoulder tattoo. "One of my designs so it's like you're taking me with you anywhere you go."
"I would love to be inked by you." Johnny whispered, turning his gaze towards you. "Anywhere you want."
Your breath hitched. This is exactly what you wanted.
You could only imagine the gorgeous tattoos you would create together. They would be so incredibly beautiful. A masterpiece. You would cherish them forever.
It would also make you feel special. Knowing that no matter where you went, Johnny would always carry part of you with him. Always be thinking of you. Remembering you. Cherishing your creations.
You didn't know how you could express how grateful you were for his words. Or for him choosing you. Loving you. Being with you.
All you knew was that you were going to treasure these feelings for as long as possible.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Heyy, van I get a suguru geto x reader based on this playlist pls? Creative freedom, I just enjoy the playlist and your writing
tell me that you love me, love me till my lips turn blue
summary: for the first time in what feels like forever, you're paired with suguru on a mission. he gets...distracted.
wc: 1.13k
cw/tags: best friends to lovers, some language, canon-typical violence, mutual pining, suguru is the #1 lovesick idiot when you're not around, a little suggestive toward the end but nothing explicit
note: HIII you always have the best requests!! this is short and sweet but i was listening to the playlist nonstop while i was writing and oh MAN was it an experience. like ok powerful reader and powerful bf duo with doja playing in the background?? and then a good ol' makeout session at the end? delicious. hope you like this, thank you for your ask!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :)
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“They’re practically lining up, hmm?”
“Guess they’re excited,” you smile contemptuously at the Curse syndicate in front of you, all seven of the most wanted Jujutsu defectors this side of the prime meridian. Your partner on the mission huffs out an incredulous breath and you see him scowl out of the corner of your eye. “Do you need a–”
“Yeah,” he mutters and you wordlessly hand him the black hair tie from your wrist. You always kept extras when you were working together because he was sure to lose the one he brought; it was basically tradition, at this point. “You wanna take this round while I fix my hair?” 
“Sure, be right back,” you say carefreely as you shoot him a wink over your shoulder. He rolls his eyes lightheartedly at your antics and you decide to show off a little bit. Let’s gamble…25%. You stretch your limbs from side to side before raising a hand, sharply pulling it into a fist when you latch onto the energy signatures of the group in front of you. With such a low gamble, the effect of the additional energy is instantaneous; a quarter of the energy for every enemy in front of you basically over-replenished your own reserve. With the supplemental energy and your opponents temporarily stunned from the energy-theft, you send a single arc across the entire group and render them on the verge of unconsciousness. You mentally kick your technique up to 80% and absorb the remaining Cursed energy, leaving the syndicate groaning and incapacitated. After texting the higher-ups to dispatch a cleaning crew, you check on Suguru’s progress with taming his unruly hair. “You good?”
“Mmm, yeah. Just gimme a little longer,” he says absentmindedly, pulling his hair back over and over again until he’s satisfied with it. “I don’t know why I’m bothering with this, since the mission’s basically over. On paper, at least.” 
“Any idea where that last defector went?”
“I sent out a few Curses to go find him, but chances are he’s long gone by now. Satoru will probably end up catching him.”
“Oh, he’s gonna be so mad that he has to, you know, do his job,” you joke and he chuckles softly under his breath. It sounds like sunshine. “Any hard feelings that you didn’t get to save the day?”
“The opposite, actually,” he corrects and the look he gives you has your face burning. “I’m happy I got to see you in action. It’s not often that we’re paired together.”
“I know, and I’m sure you miss your awesome, amazing, gorgeous, talented best friend.” Your elbow knocks against his bicep and he shoulder bumps yours in response.   
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he drawls, waving a dismissive hand and your jaw drops in fake displeasure. “Just admit you missed me, already.”
“Not if you won’t admit it first,” you reply nonchalantly, in stark contrast to the increasing rhythm of your heartbeat. You were walking the ledge of that dangerous cliffside again, on the verge of completely falling for your best friend without knowing shit about his own feelings. It was selfish, allowing yourself to love him, but you couldn’t find the motivation to stop. “Let’s get out of this shithole; I’m craving some of that taiyaki we saw earlier on the–” 
Your words are abruptly cut short by Suguru’s hand gently but firmly covering your mouth while the other hand tugs you into a dark nook of the cave. He quietly shushes you and glances in the direction of the footsteps approaching from around the corner. You don’t focus on anything he’s trying to tell you, though, because your mind is short-circuiting from his proximity and the fact that he hasn’t taken his hand away from your arm. In fact, whether consciously or not, his fingers rub little circles onto your skin and your vision becomes a little starry. You weren’t sure if the affection was to relieve his anxiety or yours, but you sure weren’t complaining.
“Stay here, yeah?” He briefly takes his hand away from your mouth but doesn’t go far, repositioning it beside your head due to the cramped space he’d pulled you into. He’s close enough that you can feel his breath, minty from the gum he stole from you in the car. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Gonna take care of that last asshat out there and then come back and,” he inhales, eyes flicking down to your lips for a nearly imperceptible moment, “probably do something stupid.” Before you have the chance to ask what he means, he slips away and you hear the sound of faint rumblings. Chunks of rock crumble on the floor, the thuds mixing with distant pleads for mercy. The iridescent scales of Suguru’s dragon cast rainbows on the walls in the dim light and, before you know it, he’s back in the corner with you, slightly more flushed but just as handsome as minutes prior. “Miss me?”
“Cocky asshole,” you mutter half-heartedly, absolutely sure that he could hear your blood pounding in your ears from sheer adrenaline. He looked intoxicating, staring at you so intensely that your knees were buckling against the wall. The tension was suffocating in the stuffy, dusty atmosphere and your impatience reared its ugly head. “Well?”
“Well,” he breathes, unable to tear his eyes away from your face. 
“You gonna do that stupid thing yet or not?”
“I’m thinking about it,” he admits quietly, one hand brushing the side of your cheek tenderly. “Can I–”
“Stop thinking and just do it, Suguru. I’m not getting any younger–oh,” you murmur, melting into him when he grabs your chin and kisses you with pure devotion. His hand against the wall next to your head turns into his forearm when you pull him as close to you as humanly possible, the other finding your hip and drawing more of those infuriatingly loving circles. When you finally break away long enough to catch your breath, his lips stay on your skin, pressing feather-light kisses to your cheek, neck, and anywhere he could reach. When he finds your ear, he whispers the sweetest little promises that make your head spin. 
“I would die for you, you know,” he says in a low tone that you want to bottle up and inject into your veins. “I miss you so much when you’re out on missions; it drives me out of my mind.”
“I gotcha,” you grin and he raises a sharp eyebrow in question. “I got you to admit you miss me.” 
“Time for you to keep up your end of the deal, sweetheart.” His forehead rests against yours and he lets you greedily pull him even closer, humming when you pull the tie loose and card your fingers through his hair. “Say you missed me too.”
“Mmm. I missed you too, you love sick fool.”
“Takes one to know one, pretty.”
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hear that? yeah that's me barking
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idk if this counts as request but i imagined a secret (true/j) ending where crowe and sol fought for the mc (like, hit eachother and stuff or just discussed), and as a last choice went to ask the mc who did they like more JUST TO FIND THE MC KISSING GEO 😭 Idk what i was thinking when i got that idea but i wanted to share it to the geo appreciation cult 🗣️‼️‼️‼️
(sorry for any mispelling, english is not my first language + im eepy ☹️)
Dern Moira (Geo x MC/Reader)
I cackled when I read this, probably will be part of the crackfic Imma eventually write (if you're on the Discord server, you'll know what I'm referring to). ;]
Enjoy anonnie, have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you, and I'm sorry for the lateness of this.
Anyway, I had fun with this one. The ending is also a pisstake, so don't take it too seriously.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Dern: hidden, secret.
Moira: translates to "destiny," "share," or "fate". 
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Sol and Crowe were livid with each other.
They'd had enough, if tearing each others' hair out, punching the shit out of each other and almost killing each other wasn't enough to come to a decision; they decided to go to their mutual last resort: you.
They marched together, side-eyeing and glaring at each other, walking to your locker when they both halted, astounded.
You, the love of their lives, were kissing Geo(de)-fucking-Oogami.
The stoic ice king.
The most nonchalant and secretive person they knew.
And he pulled you.
As he should look at him he's majestic.
His hands were firmly cupping your face, your ones around his slutty waist (his hair's too precious guys I'm sorry).
They were shooketh.
They were mortified.
Distressed, even.
They had not expected this at all.
Especially when Geo pulled away and gave them the most bombastic side-eye ever fucking seen.
Crowe was honestly shocked that Geo was even there in the first place, Sol was just angry.
They both are kindly told to fuck off (Crowe's just told to leave because Geode's a nice person) and, knowing Geo will throw hands, Sol asks Crowe to forge an alliance to get you and Geo apart. Crowe denies, because he's a respectable person.
It also fails because Geo's superiority and overall amazingness surpasses it all, and you love him.
Plus Geo is the one who has dirt on Sol, so he'll tell you that Sol's in your house each night (will be too disgusted to mention the jerking-off part), so you agree that you'll shoot him and Geo'll hide the body. <3
Crowe eventually gets over it, and moves on, seeing how happy you and Geo were.
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invinciblerodent · 1 year
So, uh.... my boy has finally got a boyfriend, I finally got Gale's second romance scene, and... man. I have a LOT of thoughts and feelings, and woefully few words to describe them. (But I'll try to keep it vague, lol.)
I honestly love how the writers didn't shy away from writing this to be something so earnestly, unapologetically STRANGE, but so heartfelt and romantic. That Weave scene, while it sounds weird on paper, I honestly don't think I've seen a romance scene that was more representative of a character before. I already felt like I related to Gale quite a bit, but now, I feel like I see him on almost a whole new level. Now, he showed just how deeply INTENSE a man he is.
Yeah, there is a bit of showboating in him (though I've always kinda seen that as less of a "look how awesome I am" and more a "look how useful I can be, please like me"), and overall he presented a pretty restrained image- but now, with that recolored by this, I feel like it all goes to show how he really just YEARNS for someone to know him. It most shows in how after telling him that you love him too, he immediately throws all his doors open, invites you in, whisks you away to the part of the world that feels most meaningful to him, shows you all that he feels important- the Weave included.
He wants to show you everything, to share all that he feels is himself with you, be DEEPLY, INTIMATELY KNOWN by you... and he just wants to GIVE you so much, show you so much love, so much pleasure, so much OF HIMSELF, that just one set of limbs, just one of him isn't even enough! He wants to melt into you, hold you with more limbs than a human could ever possess, become one with you and give you all that he is while taking in all that you are...!!!!
And all he wants in return is that you accept him, with a his... unusual, eager, awkward, kind, smart-mouthed, somewhat melodramatic, loving, silly, deeply DEVOTED self, and his love that feels so vast, he wouldn't be able to fully express it even if there were three of him. This man is so full of love for you, he's all but bursting at the seams.
I feel... emotional. I don't think I've ever been THIS moved by a video game love scene (I can't even bring myself to call it a sex scene, these mfs didn't just have sex, they made love), like I know that feeling!!!! I've FELT that before!!!!! And I, as myself, a person, not as someone roleplaying a character, felt weirdly SEEN just now!!!!
I'm just overall very impressed.
.... Oh, and the way he drops on one knee to kiss his new, dwarfy boyfriend? Just adorable. I know all companions do that when they touch a shorter player character (I still love the way Karlach crumpled into my boy's arms in the hug scene), but it still feels kinda special.
(You just know these two assholes are going to be so deeply OBNOXIOUS about being in love. Like yes, they already were, but now that they know their feelings are mutual, they'll be like... fkin holding hands while traveling, and cuddling by the fire, and all that cutesy shit. God, I'm so endeared.)
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seumyo · 1 month
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scrapbook (noun.) a book of blank pages for sticking clippings, drawings, or pictures in.
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☆ミ MESSAGE. A little note for everyone ♡
It’s crazy how we’re already one thousand and counting on this blog ! For that, I offer you a simple event that everyone (following or not) can participate in. Thank you so much to each and every one of you for getting us to this big milestone <33 You guys are super awesome, mwah mwah !
Mutuals get two, while everyone else only gets one entry. Please take your time in formulating your request.
This would go on from August 22 to August 31!
For anonymous entries, please leave at least a two-emoji combination so your entry doesn’t get mixed up with someone else’s.
All entries would be under #‹ 📓 ⸝⸝
@angeliicheartt @cashmoneyyysstuff @heartkaji @iheartduckie @ii2ko @izufeels @kazuhaiku @kyoghurts @lauffey @miyamoratsumuu @miyamoratsumuu @omitea @poetlus @rueclfer @rinne-mio @seafumes @sepptember @sweetheartsaku @satorisoup @seneon @togacaffe
To my wonderful mutuals who made this all possible. Their ever-lasting support and love is what truly got us to this wonderful milestone <33
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Send in the needed information, and I’ll give you a messy scrapbook layout of your favorite character + how your relationship is with them. Please see my prior works below the cut for reference.
Your Alias (or OC—of course OCs are welcome) + Character (from Avatar, Haikyuu!! My Hero Academia, Twisted Wonderland).
Your personality, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, and nationality (OPTIONAL). This would help me get to know you a little better!
Description from the very beginning (ex. how they met, their dynamics, how they got together, how they would argue)—I READ THESE WITH A PASSION SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME IN WRITING THEM <33
A color (or three) + A song that describes your relationship with the character.
An aesthetic (ex. junocore, cottagecore, dark academia).
Any more information that you think would be relevant. THE MORE DETAILED, THE BETTER
Teehee, these references are from my selfships:
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