#and thinking about how I’m probably gonna have to wear a natural colored wig when I work shifts at my secondary job
ravenatural · 2 years
just ‘cause I’m thinking about it, but your place of employment should not get to control aspects of your appearance that bleed into your personal life
dress code for things like clothing and shoes? understandable, you can just change into and out of them for the work environment—ergo, it’s a solely work based change that you can separate from your personal life
controlling what color or style for your hair, what kinds of piercings you have, and visible tattoos? things that are a personal life choice that aren’t so easy to change, that your place of employment is encroaching upon by saying you can’t have it? That’s a no go, and quite frankly I think it sets some alarming precedents for them to be able to have a say in things like that
maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s not even on purpose, but it seems to me like it’s a way to blur the line between personal and work life just enough to be socially acceptable and to be seen as more a source of aggravation than something setting some concerning work / life balance expectations
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wickedghastly · 4 years
Where can I find info on princess nokia blackfishing? I thought she was Afro latina, im not saying she isn't blackfishing I just want to find more info on it
I have no idea how long ago you sent this but:
Literally if you just look at images of her you can physically see her morphing herself over the years into looking Black.
I had to research/come to the conclusions and look for this all myself. Some keywords that might help is that she used to go by themermaidgirl and wavyspice with the word tumblr on google (those were the names she went by before she switched to princess nokia.)
On her Blackfishing:
I basically found out through google after seeing what she looked like in her infamous “so juicy so fertile” Vogue video that she Blackfishes because I noticed she obviously uses tanner (Face lighter than body with different tones). I started googling her old pictures and social media names and...yeah here we are.
She deadass darkens her skin artificially, wears fake Afro wigs, and gets lip injections to make herself look Black, and is lying about being AfroPuerto Rican, she’s been lying about being Indigenous as well.
How you go from this: 
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To this: 
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Her own ex-friends have said she’s not Black and called her out for it. Actual Taino Indigenous people have repeatedly called her out for lying about being Taino.
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If you look at pictures shes posted of her family literally none of them are Black. They’re more than likely white or majority white/mestize. None of them in Puerto Rico would be considered Black. None of them. Like my mother’s family is literally all very much white Puertoricans who come from white European colonialists in PR, and that side of my family look JUST LIKE the people in these pictures. She’s not ambigious mixed Black, she’s straight up Blackfishing and pretending to be Black.
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She is literally mestiza/white Latina cosplaying Afro-Indigenous Latinidad. Like straight up fucking cosplaying being mixed and cosplaying being spiritual/in Afroreligions. 
Like who tf sits there for instagram smoking cigars with a golden headwrap showing the viewers a Yemaya oracle card like she’s really doing something except for people who are using ATRs and shit for social media clout liiikkeeee.......She can smoke all the cigars she wants, that’s not gonna make her AfroPuertorican or Afrotaino for shit. It’s fucking embarassing.
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I swear the reason she’s always going on about being mixed Afro-Indigenous is because in Latino culture, including PR culture, there’s this incorrect idea that we’re all European/African/Indigenous, therefore any Latino can claim Afrolatinidad. Obviously that’s not true. But I’ve even heard this stupid shit in progressive/activist circles. 
And with ATR/ADRs and Brujeria becoming more visible and popular in recent years, why wouldn’t she jump on it to capitalize off the craze, considering that’s what made her popular? So I deadass wouldn’t be surprised if this is why she tries saying she’s Black when clearly neither she nor either sides of her family are any sort of Black Puertorican. But she’s been called out for this shit so many times, nobody can say she’s just ignorant, at this point she’s been telling people straight up lies.  
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She wears Afro styled wigs and then lies about it being her real hair. And people have apparently called her out before but she was adamant that its her real hair. You can tell that its not her real hair, and that her actual texture is wavy, not curly.
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Those are all wigs. All 3 of them in the images. You can literally tell they’re wigs. Esp in the middle/second pic, look at those roots. You can see the braids underneath and how the curls aren’t actually connecting to her scalp. Bc those are fucking wigs. Even in the bruja video, she was wearing a fucking wig.
Why do you think she goes from a light tan, to a much darker warm almost orange shade, to a neutral medium shade, back to a super dark but more olive/green toned shade? Because that’s not what her actual color is. 
Have you noticed how in a lot of photos of her, her skin is sort of patchy with random spots, or her face is super pale without makeup compared to a much darker body, her body most times being a much darker color than her hands? Why sometimes her nails look dirty?
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It’s literally because she uses artificial tanners/spray tan on her skin. She’s always a different shade because it goes between being fresh and faded or she switches up the brands/colors/products she’s using.
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Like look at her fucking hand compared to her face (and check out the injections) like wow:
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She gets mad fucking CCs of injections into her lips to make them look fuller than they actually are. And she’s been getting it done for ages. In recent moments she’s been doing.......alot.
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She’s 100% A Blackfisher like it’s fucking crazy because I didnt know that wasnt what she naturally looked like. honest to god this had me so fucked up and I’m still so fucking mad over this. I had heard people repeatedly saying she wasn’t Black and figured it out through just searching up on google. She’s absolutely fucking wild for profitting off of the idea that she’s AfropuertoRican and acting like shes supposed to be some sort of representation for us when she’s been fucking lyinggggg. Faux-spiritual and faux-Black as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkk and making money off of it.
I even saw that she apparently tried to argue with a visibly Black woman who was calling her out, that the Black woman’s skin looked fake and orange and was probably a tan on twitter. Like. GIRL GET AWAY FROM THE MIRROR BECAUSE....
She’s fucking WILD.
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gureishi · 4 years
12 with Seven and a female MC, NSFW please ^^
Thank you for the wonderful request! And oh boy do I apologize if this wasn’t what you wanted. O_O My imagination was positively THRILLED by this prompt and this...is where it went.
I sincerely hope you DO enjoy this, because god knows I enjoyed writing about it. But seriously if you want a...tamer...NSFW Saeyoung story for this prompt, tell me and I’ll write that one too?? For real??
twelve: born to be together
Saeyoung X Reader; E (M/F sex, roleplaying, light dom/sub, assplay), words: 2941
If it wasn’t already abundantly clear (lol): smut warning, proceed with caution~ <3
You stand in the walk-in closet, in a forest of brightly-colored and bedazzled fabrics. They’re not organized by any discernible method, but they’re all hung neatly, some in plastic dry-cleaning bags and others draped multiple times over their hangers so they don’t touch the floor. You run a hand down the line of costumes, feeling lace and fur and taffeta. There are some here that are familiar: a maid outfit you’ve seen numerous times and a fuzzy full-body cat suit you find particularly charming. There are others that you’re sure you’ve never seen before.
“Saeyoung?” you call, and he hums in response: he’s sprawled across the bed, playing a game on his phone. “Why haven’t I ever seen you wear most of these?”
He laughs. “There are literally hundreds of outfits in there, babe. You’ve lived here for what, three months? When was I gonna wear them all? You want me to do a fashion show for you?”
You perk up, lifting a sequined tutu to the light so you can see it shimmer. “Yes, please!”
“Just say the word, baaaby,” he sings, drawing out the syllables. He’s teasing, but you’re serious: there is not one thing in this huge, chaotic closet that wouldn’t suit him. You comb through the racks, pushing past a denim mini dress, a full-on space suit, and what looks like a…sexy penguin costume? Okay, maybe not that one.
Toward the back of the closet, in a corner (you’ve got to help him organize all this stuff, you think), there’s a floor-length zip-up bag garment bag. You squish it—there’s something very fluffy in there.
“Hey, what’s in the fancy bag?” you call over your shoulder. You hear a soft flop as he tosses his game aside and the ruffling of the covers as he leaps off the bed. He appears behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Ohhh, this one?” He sounds pleased; he nuzzles the back of your neck with his nose and you squirm, ticklish. “Unzip it and see,” he offers.
You do, and your mouth falls open: in the bag is what you can only describe as a literal princess gown. It’s ballet slipper pink, with layers and layers of chiffon trailing all the way to the ground. The bodice is fitted and embellished with thousands of tiny gemstones.
“What mission was this for?” you gasp, fingering the gauzy, frothy top layer of the skirt.
“Not a mission,” he murmurs into your neck. “Just wanted it.”
Saeyoung skims his hands down your sides, sliding them into both of the front pockets of your jeans.
“I don’t want to know what this cost, do I?” you ask. He cackles.
“You probably don’t.”
Hands in your pockets, he pulls you flush against his body. Maybe it’s the luxurious feeling of the skirt on your fingertips and maybe it’s the insistent way he’s pressing against you, but you have an idea—a revelation.
“I want you to wear it for me,” you say. You slip out of his grasp, spinning to face him—you watch his eyes widen and his cheeks flush as he takes in your serious expression.
“Ohhhh?” he lilts, cocking his head to the side. “So when you say you want me to wear it, you mean…?” He’s teasing you, his hands on your skin again, dancing over your hips, up your sides.
“I mean exactly what you think I mean,” you tell him, and you reach out and stroke his cheek with your fingertips, delighted to feel that, in spite of his posturing, his skin is so warm—he’s flustered, and he melts a little under your intense gaze, his eyes roaming over your body.
He pauses, and for a split second, in spite of his apparent eagerness, you think he might say no. But then he springs into action, grabbing the hanger off the rack, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, and sprinting out of the closet.
“Gimme twenty minutes—no, ten!” he calls to you, already disappearing around the corner, through the bedroom, into the en suite bathroom. You grin, patting your own flushed cheeks with both hands. This, you think, will be worth waiting for.
In spite of his promises, it’s actually closer to thirty minutes before he emerges again. You lay on your stomach on the unmade bed, half-heartedly scrolling on your phone. The anticipation coils in your stomach. In spite of yourself, you keep glancing up at the closed bathroom door—picturing him there, half-dressed, penciling in his eyebrows with those nimble fingers of his. Knowing that he’s doing this for you—it makes you clench your thighs together, squirming against the bunched-up comforter. Come on, you think.
And just then, as if he’s heard your silent plea, he pushes the door open a crack—just enough for you to catch the tiniest glimpse of an ankle peeking out under perfectly-arranged layers of pink gauze.
“Baby,” he calls, his voice soft, and you sit up straight. “Are you ready for me?”
You’ve never been readier for anything.
“I’m waiting,” you tell him.
So he flings open the bathroom door, and for a moment even you—you, the one who looks at him all day and sleeps beside him every night—are floored. There is a stunningly, jaw-droopingly beautiful woman in your bedroom, long red hair trailing effortlessly over her bare shoulders, thin waist accented delightfully by the tight bodice, toned legs just barely visible through the layers and layers of translucent fabric. Her features are soft, her golden eyes gaze just slightly downward, and one hand rests on her chest, thin fingers hovering just above the dress’s glittering neckline.
“Hi,” Saeyoung murmurs coyly. You feel like your head is going to explode.
“Come here, princess,” you call, and it takes all your willpower to keep your voice level. He obliges you, stepping delicately over the rug, holding up his billowing skirt with one dainty hand. He perches on the edge of the bed, flips a lock of hair over his shoulder. The wig matches his natural hair color and cascades voluminously down his back. He’s perfectly in character: he keeps his eyes lowered and his cheeks are flushed a dusty pink.
“Like this?” he asks, and he leans back the tiniest bit, letting the light catch his semi-translucent skirt, highlighting the silhouette of his thighs through the glistening fabric.
“Just like that,” you whisper. It’s not the first time you’ve taken the lead, but it’s not the norm, either—being in charge feels frightening and exhilarating. “May I touch you, princess?”
He nods, and the flush on the tips of his ears is real, not makeup—and even through the countless layers of fabric that make up his skirt, it’s evident that he’s already starting to get excited.
You sit up on your knees behind him and run a hand over his bare shoulders, part the soft hair that covers his back, wrap them around the back of his neck. He shudders.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby?” you whisper in his ear, and you feel the way his shoulders quiver eagerly. You grip his neck just a little tighter.
“I’ll be good,” he murmurs sweetly, and it’s already almost too much for you. You squeeze your legs together, impatient to touch him, eager to see his perfect demeanor shattered.
One hand still on his neck, you snake your other arm around his waist, which is dramatically cinched by the tight bodice. You stroke up his torso, curious, and feel the curve of what are quiet obviously breasts straining against the ruched fabric, peeking out over the tauntingly low neckline.
“I like these,” you whisper, and he arches his back, leaning into your touch. He laughs a soft, bubbling laugh—and it’s an act, a character, but there is some of Saeyoung’s delightful giggle in it too. Your hand roams across his chest and you slip one finger into the impeccable cleavage he’s created (you’ll have to ask him how, later).
Then you slip your other hand from his throat and explore lower, lower, across his hip, his thigh. You dip your head and take the soft skin of his shoulder between your teeth, biting hard enough to leave a small, half-moon-shaped mark. He whimpers, and you move your hand down his thigh, pointedly avoiding the erection that you can now see very clearly through the layers of chiffon. You taunt him, nipping his neck again, sliding the skirt up so you can drag your fingernails across his leg. He’s trying so hard to stay still, but his hips give him away, rocking forward the tiniest bit, seeking relief against the silky fabric.
“Are you going to let me fuck you, princess?” you hiss against his skin—and it’s a tease, but it’s a genuine question, too. 
A moan tears from his throat, quiet yet desperate. He keeps his hands neatly folded in his lap but his eyes flutter shut and his hips wriggle as you pinch the skin of his thigh.
“P-please,” he whines, and he leans his head back, eyelids fluttering shut. “Please, I want you to…”
“Don’t move,” you tell him, and he obeys, sits perfectly still on the edge of the bed, his skirt splayed out artfully around him. He makes a perfect picture, you think—head reclined, yearning evident in every tense muscle of his body.
You go to the bedside cabinet and pull out the things you need: the little pink bottle of lube and a toy—a thin, smooth dildo, light-colored and fairly unobtrusive. You slip it out of its harness, deciding to use it in your hand today—and you return to him, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. He’s opened his eyes and he’s taking you in, standing over him, the toy in your hand—his beautiful eyes are huge and desperate.
“On your hands and knees, honey,” you purr, and he complies eagerly, climbing gracefully onto the bed and arching his back for you. “Don’t tease me,” you say, and he trembles. The skirt billows out around him and you set down the toy so you can slip a hand under his dress, over his silky-smooth thighs (did he shave his legs?). You’re delighted to find that he’s not wearing anything under the gown.
You run your hand up his thigh; he’s sticking his ass in the air, practically begging for you, and you slap it, face breaking into a smile as he whimpers.
“How bad do you want me right now, beautiful?” you ask him, and he moans softly, his legs shaking.
“I need you,” he hisses, and he sounds a little less like a princess and a little more like Saeyoung. You suck your index finger, wetting it, and then you slip it up and under his skirt and inside him. He reacts immediately, thighs shaking as he struggles to hold himself up, gasping for air. You slide your finger a little bit deeper inside him and you can’t help but grind your hips against the edge of the bed as you do, hopelessly turned on by the noises he’s making. He adjusts, widening his hips for you, and you curl your finger inside him, gently increasing the pressure and watching him come apart before your eyes.
“I’m r-ready,” he pants, “please,” and you pull your finger out of him, warming the toy with both hands as you liberally smear it with lube.
“I’m going to fuck you now,” you tell him, and you can barely keep your voice from shaking. “I don’t want you to make a sound till I say so, princess.”
He quivers in anticipation but doesn’t say a word. Almost without thinking, you unbutton and unzip your jeans, slip one hand down, down, over your underwear. The need you feel is overwhelming.
With one finger pressed against your clit, over your underwear, you take the dildo in your other hand and slide it over his ass, down, and finally inside him. His legs shake uncontrollably and for a moment you think he’ll fall—but he doesn’t, he stays on his hands and knees, back bent for you, and though his pleasure is evident in the way he throws his head back, hair falling everywhere, he’s quiet—just like you asked him to be.
You gasp, impossibly aroused by the sight of him like this, the delicate skirt falling every which way. You wish you could see his face, the ruined look in his eyes, but you settle for the sight of his ass and thighs shaking, framed seductively by layers of pink gauze. You slide the dildo deeper inside him and he twitches, gasping. At the same time, you move your finger over your swollen clit, moaning softly as you give yourself the stimulation you’ve been craving.
He’s so good, so obedient, so quiet, trembling as you fuck him with the toy and fuck yourself with your finger. He pushes back against you and his arms give out; he bends forward, face pressed into the bed. Your own legs are shaking like they don’t want to hold you up anymore but both your hands are occupied, so you lean harder against the bed, hissing as you move your finger in tight circles against yourself and angle the toy upward, questing for his p spot.
You’re going to come, you think—you’re going to come so fast, from your own hand, as you watch your boyfriend clad in this extravagant gown falling to pieces before you.
“I want you to come with me,” you hiss, moving your finger quicker and more frantically against yourself, “and I want to hear you.”
He moans immediately as if he’s been fighting to hold it back all this time, rocking his hips back into the toy. You can tell he’s close and you are too, driven half-mad by the sight of him. You rub your faster, faster, and you slide the toy in and up, penetrating him deeper. He groans, and there is still some of the pretty, modest princess in his voice, because god this boy knows how to stay in character, but the unbidden desperation is there too. He’s on the edge, you can tell, and you feel the telltale sensation of your toes curling, your thighs clenching…
And you throw your head back, continuing the pressure with your finger as the pleasure crests, thrusting into him more roughly, begging him to come with you…
And he does come, from the toy alone, his cock untouched—yelping as he rocks forward, his face buried deep in the pile of blankets on the bed and his whole body shaking…
And you feel tears in your eyes as you let yourself be taken over by the sensations, overwhelmed by the pleasure gripping you…
And he’s moaning, high-pitched and beautiful, crying for you to keep going…
And stars burst beneath your eyelids and you can’t see, thrusting into him one more time, knowing you’re hitting just the right spot as he sobs out your name.
And it slows, slows, and he’s panting, and you catch your breath and slip your hand out of your pants, pulling out of him with a trembling hand. He’s still shaking too, a quivering, beautiful mess gauze and tulle.
“You okay, babe?” you gasp, crawling up onto the bed beside him. He turns his head and you catch your first glimpse of his face—deliciously wrecked, mascara under his eyes and bright pink spots on his cheeks. 
“I…I…wow,” he manages, finally sitting back on his heels. He’s in disarray, his hair in his eyes, his skirt sticking to his legs. “That was new,” he says quietly, his eyes shining as he tucks the long, fake hair behind his ears. “I never came like that before, just from…”
“I know.”
“The dress…” He laughs, pulling apart the unkempt layers of gaze.
“I guarantee I can figure it out,” you say, giggling, collapsing onto the pile of pillows. “I’ll just google ‘how to get cum out of ball gown.’”
“Oh god.” He grimaces, twisting and falling onto his back beside you. The skirt still manages to billow out splendidly around his legs. “Maybe…don’t google that.”
You turn and kiss him on the lips, sighing contentedly as he responds with enthusiasm, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Thanks for doing that for me,” you say. “That was…a fantasy I didn’t know I had, till today."
He grins against your lips.
“Oh, I knew I had that fantasy,” he says, skating his hand up your leg, around your waist. “But you…you…”
“Hmmmm?” You curl into him, finding that the fake breasts make a surprisingly comfortable pillow.
“I never thought I’d be loved the way you love me,” he says, kissing your cheek, your eyebrow, your forehead. “I didn’t think a person like you existed.”
“Course I do,” you tell him, flipping the skirt over his hip so you can rest your hand against his thigh. His skin really is amazingly soft. “We were always going to find each other.”
“Next time,” he says, melting into your touch, kissing your earlobe. “Dress up as a sexy prince for me, babe?”
You tuck his wig behind his ear and kiss his beautiful, smudged, wrecked, perfect face. “Anything for you, princess.” 
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini @cro0kedme @otomefoxystar @dawn-skies06​ @nad-zeta @hunterelys
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter Two
Your finally about to film your first scene for a teaser and things have just became real but how are you going to get through make up along side Henry for hours without fangirling? especially when he keeps staring at you like that?
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
A/n: so got a few people that like this idea which really shocked me. I'm trying really hard to make y/n one of us fangirls I really want you to be able to put yourself in this one. Like seriously if I had the chance to meet him I'd just fucking freeze on the spot go red scream and melt into a puddle of goo... I'd be way to anxious to approach him or ask for a photo..Any who enjoy this next chapter xxx
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99​ @thummbelina​ @sofiebstar​
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You yawned loudly as you trudged out of your new comfy trailer: which was actually one of those fancy ass tour buses. You grabbed your bag with a few bits in it...Phone, snacks, purse, snacks, script, snacks....more snacks. What?You got hungry!You opened the door wrapping your cardigan around you tightly as you ventured out into the dark it was freezing the cold air making you shiver. A four am start was always a shock to the system and today was your fifth, your alarms on your phone had gone of again and again and again, blaring and screaming at you. Since the whole becoming and actress and Lauren pulling a contract seemingly out of her ass thing had happened a few days ago, you hadn't seen much of Henry and Joey they had been busy filming and training.
You were slightly smaller then 'she who shall not be named coughDickcough' so some of the fight scenes had to be reworked...Yes at some point you and 'Geralt' were going to come to blows in a fight scene and you were bricking it. For more then one reason;
One. I mean come on the huge hunk of a man; the star of every single late night fantasy you've pretty much ever had!, tossing you around and possibly pinning you down? Grunting and growling the entire time? and your supposed to look angry? Hahaha no...
And two. Well Henry is a large imposing man and Geralt is supposed to be frightening in those scenes so...How the fuck are you gonna stay in character and fight him when your simultaneously scared shitless , remembering choreography and creaming your panties....Like fuck that's gonna be some crazy self control needed right there. If you get through it with out fangirling; which would be a miracle in itself you deserve a fucking Oscar. But that's a problem for another day...Tomorrow in fact. The point is you felt a little bad because he had worked so hard before and now he has to relearn it all and he has been working super hard on it..you don't want to mess up.
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But that’s not to say you have been idle oh no! You'd been hard at work learning lines and undergoing your transformation from y/n into Keira which was completely insane. Once fully kitted out you would be....Well not you...But it was you, a super weird experience you were sure but you was looking forward to it all coming together. You had to wear a wig, your hair was just a little to short naturally skimming your shoulders. You were glad really you loved your lilac hair it took a lot of work to keep up with it!.
The wig was a bright blonde not as bright as Freya's hair for Ciri but still quite light, more golden then pale it was a strange color, hard to describe. The wig itself fell down to just past your shoulders in large loose silky waves and even though you had green eyes you were still going to get contacts, it had been mentioned that they want your eyes to be an impossible bright green, all the mages seemed to have bright eyes and you were no different. You were dreading it , you'd never wore them and have a thing about eyes...You don't like touching them or other people touching them eyes aren't meant to be fiddled with you know? ...You need them to see kind of?
Apart from that things had gone well the dresses just needed to be taken up a few inches and the rest of the transformation was mostly attitude , props and make up thankfully the make up was mostly highlights and color correcting that sort of thing. You walked across the set following the light emitting from the hair and make up trailer, you could see from here a few people were up and about inside. Within a few moments you were inside standing off to the side unsure where to put yourself or your bag ,it was just you and a few of the make up artists there. Holly was in charge of you, you got on well with her helping her out a lot before all this and was glad to have her as your artist she put you at ease which is definitely what you needed ,she came over smiling and directed you to your seat.
"So! Todays the day huh? Your first shoot you excited?" You gave a nervous laugh.
"Terrified more like, Its not long apparently they need a teaser for the character to go out and to stick in the trailer....I'm so fucking out of my depth it is unreal! Each day has been a whirlwind and I still don't know if I can pull this off...I'm not an actress" she stood behind you combing your hair back looking at you in the mirror fixing you with a look and struck your crown with the flat of the comb.
"Hey enough of that, you got this just go out there and give it your best. Joey was actually stunned when you did your reading he said he has never seen an actress like you before" you frowned looking around at her slightly twisting in your seat.
"Probably hasn't seen one like me cos I'm not and actress but okay I will bite..What exactly did he say?" She blinked at you leaning back waving the comb about shocked looking for words.
"You-hah? I don't even, you really don't even know how big a deal this is do you?" You blinked shaking your head as she was caught up in her own shock.
"Err no duh? Not an actress remember" you huffed she pointed the lethal comb to your face and make a circle motion she chuckled when you flinched and spun round twisting to face the mirror again.
"Talent. He and Henry were talking about you the other day, they couldn't believe that someone with talent like yours hadn't been picked up on. Apparently the way you just...Turned off your own personality shut down your personal feelings like that and became Keira so effortlessly is rare... Said it was like flipping a switch. A complete personality change like that with no prior training or mentoring is the holy grail. Untapped talent I think was the term used. Henry said he has only seen it twice before and that is saying something with everything he has under his belt... So trust me when I say your going to do great" you flushed they thought it was that good? Henry though you had talent.. you smiled feeling giddy blushing a little.You watched as she moved getting some leave in conditioner to make your hair behave itself.
"It's...It can't be that rare it just comes from having to hide anxiety...Can't let people know your having a meltdown...That’s all I was doing hiding a fucking anxiety attack!" She scoffed running a comb through your hair making sure the product was evenly spread through the strands preparing to split it into two plaits to hide under the wig.
"Babe I saw the video there was more going on there..Perhaps you should watch it and see for yourself It really was like watching someone flip a switch" You shook your head slightly resulting in having the comb waked across it again making you flinch
"Stay still! Its bad enough that you fucking washed it! I can't plait it if your moving!" You sat straight
"SoRrY MoThEr-ouch fuck not with the brush!!" She smirked and carried on plaiting the strands neatly.
"Did you bring your lines to practice?" You went to nod but stopped when she sighed tugging on your hair a little keeping the plait tight to your head.
"Yes I did thought I could get some last minute reading...I think I've got them all down tho" she nodded
"That’s good because your wig is a little late, they are dying it again...Apparently yellow blonde isn't right for your skin so your getting a white silvery ash blond now...A muted tone they said. Think its basically going to be a super light blonde with a lilac or blue tint, fucking wish they would hurry up and choose I need to settle on your face tones! Any who it should be here in about an hour" you whined
"I could have had an extra hour in bed?! Why wasn't I told!? You know your job would be a lot easier if I had beauty sleep!" She laughed loudly tying your first plait off with an elastic before starting the other one.
"I'm sure it would but you do know this is like a late start? Some of the scenes your booked in here for one and two o'clock in the morning~" she through her head back laughing at your pout.You stayed in the make up trailer for a while and Holly had called over to wardrobe about the delay so,thankfully your costume was going to be delivered over here which was less running about for you. So here you were in hot seat waiting ,there wasn't much you or Holly could do at this point but wait.  She couldn't work on your face until she had the the wig on you for color reference. She had left a few moments ago promising a coffee on her return.
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You hummed scrolling through your phone messaging your eldest brother and Mother who you had let slip to about your new drastic career change. they were trying to calm you down, knowing you well enough that you was getting yourself into wound up ball of anxiety and panic. You were so engrossed in your phone you didn't notice a certain bear trot in to the room until you had a huge snoot wedged under your phone trying to nudge your hands for some love. You jumped so on edge you yelled out as you was touched.
"OH FUCK WHAT IS-OOOH well hello there~" you looked around quickly then seeing you was still alone you decided to indulge and immediately placed your phone on the table in front of you and leaned back looking between your legs going gaga over the handsome boy. Kal was sitting looking up at you smiling panting away as you petted him on auto pilot. You blinked it took everything you had not to squee out loud somehow managing to keep it inside 'OH MY FUCK KAL! I'm like petting THE Bear... Wow he is so fucking fluffy!...Okay girl stop he is looking at you weird...That’s it chill don't scare him away...Good remember dogs can smell psycho....Cool and calm yeah he is just a dog...BUT HE FUCKING ISN’T THIS IS THE BEAR!' you leaned down cooing at him making baby talk as he lapped up the love moving his head to make you hit the right spots around his ears and chin. You managed to get over the fangirling and enjoy scratching the good boys ears digging your fingers in the thick fur enjoying the softness.
"Oh look at you!? So sweet huh?.....Are you a good boy?....Yesh you are! Cute baby! Getting your chin scratches such a fluffy good boy!" You giggled as he seemed to take your compliments to heart thumping his tail a few beats then stood up you followed rubbing down his back as he moved.
He must have liked your attention because before you know it he was climbing onto his hind legs leaning over your lap with his front paws. From there Kal had sneakily gone the whole nine yards, the happy Akita had some how clambered up into the chair with you making it squeak under the strain as he engulfed your lap still receiving his well earned scratches. You giggled at him moving your arms around him letting him do as he pleased rubbing his belly and chest he sat content leaning his weight on your chest pinning you to the back of the seat.
You grinned wrapping him in a big hug still twisting his fur in your fingers diligently showering him with the attention the good handsome boy deserved.
"Wow look at you such a handsome boy!... OH kisses to? Well aren't I a lucky lady" you moved at he tilted his head back licking at your face being a right soppy little pup, out for all the love he could get.
"Wow your lucky Holly hasn't done my face yet, she won't like you ruining all her hard work!" He pulled away and just panted happily then rested his head on your shoulder huffing. You smiled still hugging him rubbing you face into his fur. Then out of the blue his tail began thumping your leg in excitement. You pulled back from the hug and brushed your fingers through his coat seeing Holly and Henry arrive.
"Oh haha. Looks like Kal made a friend!" Holly giggled Henry sighed looking for him then gasped doing a double take when he saw the Akita draped across you sitting on your lap leaning his head on one shoulder as you petted him. His heart clenched a smug sort of 'that’s my boy!' he enjoyed seeing you snuggling the bear, it was something he could get used to seeing. He snapped out of it and made his way to you both.
"KAL! You what are you doing boy? Come on down!...Tin-I err Y/n I am so sorry... He doesn't usually do this... Come on Kal you big lump! Your probably crushing her!" Kal eyed Henry from the corner of his eye pretending not to here him huffing loudly past your ear. You smiled and waved Henry off trying to be casual as your inner fangirl raged pretty much foaming at the mouth. You was thankful that Kal was ignoring his dad as his big frame hid your creeping blush giving you the confidence to speak as you tucked your face further into him as you spoke quietly.
"I-its fine really...I...Y-yeah was kind of worrying about today he I... I think he sensed my anxiety...His cuddle is helping a lot..." Henry stopped his approach eyeing the two of you. He meant what he said Kal was well behaved and gentle but he never cuddled on a stranger's lap, not like he did with him anyway. But he knew Kal picked up on anxiety attack's and it was entirely possible he had wandered in here and wanted to comfort you. Henry blushed a little and took his seat next to you nodding trying to take in the scene before him as much as possible.
"Okay...W-well don't let him guilt trip you, that boy gets so many cuddles its unbelievable... Just..I-if he gets to much get him down...He knows he isn’t allowed on the chairs..hehe not that you can tell... Its best not to spoil him too much" you flushed smooshing your face in to the Akita’s neck trying to hide from the man who seemed to be staring yet again. He moved forward placing two coffees before you then placed his in front of him. You rose a brow at the two cups.
"I-I...ahem I wasn't sure how you'd want it-fuck haha... Shit.... I meant the drink....you-your coffee...Fuck... I didn't know how you liked your coffee" you blinked at him as he got a little flustered you groaned as you reached forward peeking at the cup as Holly moved about behind you moving her equipment around.
"Henry was already picking you up a coffee insisted on getting it treated me to~" you smiled and reached over popping the lids the first black the other with milk.
"T-thank you ...you didn't have to" his face split into a grin as he mentally pat himself on the back.
"No no your welcome! These four am starts are pretty brutal for anyone to get used to..." he chuckled as you moved over sipping the coffee slowly, you tried not to pull a face it was a little to bitter for your taste needing one more sugar but you didn't want to seem rude. An awkward silence fell over the two of you and he sat there staring, you kept taking small sips trying to hide more in Kals shadow.
"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"
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Henry was kicking himself as the silence grew, great fucking brilliant the first time he gets you alone and he says something like that!? scolding himself and his own fucking stupidity. 'How you'd want it? What the fuck Cavill?! Smooth why not just come out and say how should I fuck you? Yeah wait a go!' He sighed leaning back in the chair eyeing you as you sat clearly uncomfortable with him there 'yeah and now be a creeper and stare that will fucking help...Still staring mate stiilll staring....SAY SOMETHING FOR GOD SAKE!' That did the trick he could see you were trying to hide your distaste over the coffee. 'There apologize for shit coffee!' That was his opportunity!"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"  he watched with baited breath shivering as you licked at a small loose drip off your bottom lip and gulped. Definitely nervous... Or maybe you just didn't like him? That could be it! you did run from him and you flirted with Joey not him. Henry could feel a lump in his throat and felt a weight on his chest...Was that it you just didn't like him?...He hummed trying to ease the heavy feelings around him, his own anxiety starting to creep over him he clenched his jaw. No you had no reason to dislike him...You didn't know him he would just have to interact with you thats all...Make him self known then? And then? Maybe let you know he was interested...Drop hints?. He straightened up in his seat a wave of determination washed over him he tilted his head looking at Kal trying not to be creepy as shit.
"I err no thank you...I-its fine... Ive got a huge sweet tooth anyway..." he smiled you were talking, albeit quietly and stuttering but it was a start! He could work with that.
"I will have to...Err remember that for next time." He watched you spin the cup and frown slightly seeing the scribbled name on it. Shit you must think he was an ass! It wasn't your name it was his and Joeys nickname for you....Wow how could he think that was a good idea! You must think he'd forgot your actual name!
"I err me and-well that’s....Fuck" you looked at him a little sad. Yep definitely thought he'd forgot...Tinks had just stuck.
"Me err me and Joey ...well joey gave you a nick name so...it stuck I'm sorry you must think I'm a dick" you shook your head taking a deep breath closing your eyes then placed a false smile. For a self proclaimed 'non-actress' you did so effortlessly and supposedly without even knowing bottling up you feelings and slapping on a smile... He wasn't sure he liked it, faking a smile when he could tell he had upset you.
"It's fine...I don't think your a-a dick...H-how can I expect you to remember silly details like that... We did only meet once and you've got more things to worry about" 'and award to the biggest prick on set goes to drum roll...you ,you fucking ass! Fix it! Fix it now Henry! Look even Kal isn't impressed!' He quickly lent forward wanting to fix his fuck up like right fucking now!
"No! No nothing like...I mean its not a silly detail! Your name it's- y/n I know it! I know your name! Me and Joey have seen you around for a while he called you Tink's..Its after Tinkerbell!..A-a nickname just a nickname nothing meant by it!.....We called you it for so long it just stuck when we spoke about you and ....Well I thought it suited you so just sort of...Yeah.." you blinked at him then looked back to the cup.
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'Holy shit! They gave you a nickname oh my god! that’s crazy....Right focus girl see he didn't forget either he knows you knows your name!...Fuck me! life got weird quick' You bite your lip looking at him confused then glanced to the cup Tink's scribbled across it haphazardly. You smiled at it trying to fight down the building squeal of excitment, it was so sweet you it made you feel...welcome? You'd been worried that you being on the job now had put a strain on everyone. It seems as if everyone has had to work harder because of you and you felt almost...guilty like an inconvenience. Kal sat up pulling away from you then tucked his snout under your chin snorting into your chest. You moved ruffling the base of his ears lightly.
"T-Tinkerbell?" He smiled softly as you pampered Kal you must have started getting upset as Kal moved digging into you comforting you. He loved how Kal was helping you when he himself couldn't. He hissed through his teeth nervously and moved his head around slightly.
"Well...Yes Joey had seen you...And you reminded him of a fairy he just sort of started calling you Tink's you know? after Tinkerbell....It fits....Small and cute" you pressed your face back to Kal tucking your glowing cheeks. He called you cute 'aaaaahhhhhhhgggggg! Cute he. Henry-Mother-Fucking- Cavill called you cute! He thinks your fucking cute fuckingohmygod! Yes girl GET IT!...Right okay and chill woooo! Right yep done? done!'
"I...We will stop if you don't like it ...Its probably weird right?" You shook your head pulling away from his dog when you were sure you could pass the blush off as a chill or something.
"No its...Its fine...I-I just didn't think...You know cos of me you-everyone has a shit tonne more work now...Just feel like well..I don't know burden I suppose" his face dropped.
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'you what? You thought you were a burden?' He blinked forgetting all his anxieties and nerves overcome with a need to help you, you got it wrong so so wrong he is ecstatic you were now his costar! He cant wait to get going! That’s why he is here nearly forty five minutes early! So he can get to know you he gathered you must be nervous and well...He wanted to be your knight in shinning amour....Or witcher in leather doublet a it were. Everyone who was 'in the know' was just so happy that you’d decided to do this, your saving The Witcher for Christ sake! But you didn't see it like that? He moved over grasping your hand without thinking,it was only when he felt you tense he realized he was touching you but by some act of god he managed to beat down a full blown fucking melt down trying not to dwell on how soft your skin was. 'Why it is so soft?....what does she do?...Moisturizer?.....Wonder if she'd let you watch?- WOAH OKAY THERE BOY SLOW DOWN!.....But she even smells ugh fuck could just eat this woman....Henry! Stop fucking sniffing her...Shes upset and your just here being so..FUCKING ...CRINGE! Seriously!?...Now would be the time to speak cavill...I mean you are just rubbing her wrist staring ...Again.' he swallowed managing to hopefully shake away his thought before you got too creeped out by him.
"No! No don't Please don't ever feel like that...Your not a burden to me or-or Joey or anyone here! Your keeping this going if it wasn't for you we'd all be out of work...I-I am really grateful for you choosing to help...I Love this role-this project and your the one who has saved it!...I know it must be hard trying to navigate all this but please if you ever need help or anything you can come to me ....Even if its just to talk ....Promise me if you ever start thinking or ever made to feel like that come talk to me...Okay I mean that y/n you can come talk to me anytime" Henry watched seeing an array of emotions cross your eyes you were still unsure but he would help. He would be there for you if it was the last thing he did, he wanted to be a colleague, friend, someone you could come to and confide in!
He wanted you to come to him if you got overwhelmed of upset he had already been speaking about the press tour after he was trying to make sure you were never going to be  alone in interviews he wanted to protect you form the more public side that was going to be the real shock. Filming was easy you knew what you were in for but tv? Journalists and critics? Yes that was going to be... A wake up call luckily for you Henry was going to be all over you by then he hoped. When it boiled down to it he wanted to be so much more then a mentor and friend but for now he would work towards friendship and try to get one conversation over with out fucking up stuttering or blushing. You blinked and nodded slowly.
"Th-thank you for saying that-" he shook his head you didn't believe him and smiled what he hoped was sincerely.
"Its not just words I do truly mean it Tink’s...I'm here for you and so is Kal apparently" he smiled when he got you to giggled the moment of doubt truly passed as you snuggled the bear again. 'And breath...Well that went well...Fuck she is so cute with him, I should get a picture...you know to commemorate her first proper day...Would that be weird of him? Hey can I have a photo of you to keep on my phone please?..Yeah okay maybe not like that' it was sweet watching as kal quickly become your teddy bear. The pup seemed not to mind in the slightest just happy to be getting away with blue murder and get cuddles for it!. He had moved and was now resting his head on your other shoulder sitting up with his back to Henry, Kal was basically hugging you tucking your neck and shoulder under his chin to his chest.
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Henry smiled nodding cutely seemingly pleased with himself as he pulled back then. He blinked quickly as if remembering something and sat up getting his phone out he was about to speak but was cut off by the sound of the door as it opened again it was then that Holly made an appearance, you didn't even notice she had left. You smiled happy feeling better in yourself Henry's words meant something you actually believed that he meant it. It was nice to know he didn't hold anything against you for all the extra work your arrival had dumped on him.
"Haha! Here they are one wig for you sir! And for the lady!" She placed two wigs on the table in front of your respective chairs, both of which were pinned on two wig mannequin's. You placed you feet on the bar sitting up getting a groan for one Kal who was comfy.
"Oh shush you" Henry huffed a laugh as you scolded the bear. 
"Wow that’s... How'd they even do that?" Henry looked over to yours and whistled. It was sleek and very very light ah blonde you could just see a hint on lilac from the toner used giving the hair an almost ethereal look yet still a believable tone. Holly gushed
"I know right! They said they took into account your hair color now because of how it complimented your skin....Honestly it mean you wont need as much color correcting as before with the gold! And along side this these came to!" She moved producing a small pile of contact lenses boxes. You looked to her uneasy making some weird unconvincing sound.
"Oh hush love~ contacts aren't that bad! You just pop 'em in" you blinked and gave her a look.
"Yeah...pop em in your fucking eyes! That you need to see!...God they can't like slip back can they?" Henry and Holly chuckled and shaking their heads.
"No...They can't your lris is slightly bulged they sit on that bulge! I can categorical attest they do not slide back or get stuck...I promise trust me?" He tilted his head at you and you eyed the contacts 'well he has used them for a while..so he would know' you gave a slight nod
"Good I promise I won't stear you wrong! I normally wait until the hair and stuff is done and put them in just before make up, sometimes the hair on the wig can get catch them when styling and that is a bit uncomfortable especially if they move" you snapped your gaze to him
"M-Move!? B-but you- You just said they don’t!" He chuckled rubbing his hand over his neck.
"I-I well yes I did just say that...W-What I meant is they can't go to the back of your eye...But if you touch them once in they can slip just...Once their in don't touch them until you want to take them out and you will be fine" you eyed him carefully and nodded.
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Holly moved about the room quickly switching make up pallets and the woman in charge of Henry's hair and make up came in with her kit opening it ready to get started. You couldn't help but be relieved in a way to have him turn and stat a conversation with her taking the heat off you. 'AANNDD BREATH...well that wasn't to bad? Sure you used kal as a hiding spot but the good boy didn't mind' you looked to the content dog still rubbing his tummy absent minded. 'Yeah the bear was happy, soo your first real conversation with the stunningly handsome Mr Cavill wasn't to bad....But fuck he thought you were cute? Oh boy that is just fucking mind blown! There you go girl you could die right now and be one very happy woman!... And he wants to help you! And you know I do think he meant that....He is very sweet, and he got you coffee! AAAHHHGGG! Like not dinner but the man got you food...Well food it was a coffee...Still he got it for you babe! You go girl!' Your thoughts were interrupted when a cheerful Joey made an appearance at the door
"Good morning! How are we all today?" You smiled at how happy he was. He got a series of replies from grunts to 'fine how are you?' He spotted you and laughed.
"Shit Kal? Pulling the moves already? You know she's twice your age a tleast?" The dog huffed and you petted him giggling.
"Don’t listen to him boy~ you be you...such a good little pup huh? Yesh you are...And your keeping me warm huh? Little hot water bottle....Yesh you are...You an sit on my lap any time good baby~" Henry chuckled out of the side of his mouth trying not to move as his make up artist began to comb through his hair readying him for the wig.
"God don't tell him that, he would never get off if he could help it, he love his cuddles...And snout kisses its why he is holding his head like that by the way...He wants kisses" you giggled and looked at Kal who was sitting still holding his cheek near your face.
"Oh baby~ you want kisses?" You quickly moved in peppering kisses on his cheek. When you stopped you laughed as he turned to you giving kisses back. Henry smiled your laugh becoming something he was determined to hear at least once a day!
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Joey watched slyly. It seemed Henry was going to have Kal be a wing man...dog? In his journey of wooing you. He smirked he would help to! It was clear that you liked Henry ...Henry certainly liked you so it won't take to much pushing.
"So Henry...What are you doing here? Your early not meant to be here until five. " Henry froze and looked panicked and met Joeys eyes in the mirror. Joey smirked knowing full well You had heard Henry squinted at the singer giving him a 'what the fuck?' Look
."I-I wanted to make sure Tinks was okay...It is her first day...Dont want her to be in here going through the motions alone we are a team" Joey smirked 'well okay if that how you want to play'
"Thats very sweet of you!, Oh! Yes we need pictures! It is your first day Tinks!" He turned to Henry's artist who had just got the wig on. Leaning down he grasped the witchers shoulders squeezing.
"Can I brorrow him?" She smiled nodding with a chuckle Joey smiled and ushered Henry up swiping the mans phone from the side and handed it to Holly, who took it and stepped back as joey spun your chair around to face her.
"Do you mind? We need to document this, The day the witcher was saved!" You blushed as both Joey and Henry stood either side of you ,They each crouched a little placing their faces next to yours and smiled, Henry had tucked kal's head to the side so he could get a good view of you. Once the photos were snapped Joey looked at them excited.
"Wow! Henry you have to send these to me so I can tweet them!" You blushed as Henry nodded grinning then looked you his screen then to you. He could kiss Joey! Henry now had a reason to get your number, whatsapp ,face book fuck everything!
"I will send these to you...You know if you want, I mean you don't have to if Joey is tweeting them... But I could send them....Only if you want... No pressure!" Joey sighed watching the great white wolf fumble over his words still rambling. Even the other women were watching fascinated as the unshakable Henry got himself all flustered.
"You know make memories... A-along the way...You never know Tink’s could be the start of a completely new career!haha..." An awkward silence fell over the room as henry eventually trailed of with a nervous laugh. Joeys eyes fell to you, you sat dead still shocked then finally blinked snapping out of what ever thoughts were going on you were slowly blushing. You were definitely interested.
"I-I err sure you can send them to me... Here I'll give to my number..." Joey smiled nodding pleased with himself. That worked beautifully if he did say so himself. Henry sent him a thankful glance as you exchanged numbers. He turned as he had a tap on his shoulder.
"Oh god its time already? I hoped to get to know our Tink's...Oh well we can chat on set" he moved around you sitting on the other side of Henry and sat down letting his own artist begin.
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You had sat in the chair for another hour or so getting tweaked then had been ushered to change in a sectioned off little changing room. You came back out ready to see Keira for the first time. Henry and Joey stole glances at you
"Wow...Fuck you look...Wow" you smiled at Henry shyly as he kept sweeping his eyes over you seemingly awed at the final look. If you were honest it made you a little self conscious. How could it not! he was; if you squinted, kind of checking you out..In a way? you avoided eye contact willing yourself to calm down as your heart pounded away at top speed.
"What he means is you look fantastic!" You smiled unsure and pulled at the skirt of the dress, your first scene with them was a party so it was very elegant it was designed to be seductive with a swooping neckline and swirling delicate detailing over the collar  it was heavy to being made out of a heavy velvet material you were happy there wasn't any running you'd collapse in minuets.
"Th-thanks...Its heavier then I remember..." Joey smiled admiring the look."You look brilliant! Look Henry is speechless!" Henry swallowed  dryly. Fuck you looked quickly then turned away... Wow... His fantasy was nothing compared to you here in full costume... Henry shook his head remembering every detail to recall later.
"Y-you look...Better then I imagined! It-she....Your..." you flushed a little and moved past him to your seat wanting to sit down and calm yourself being in costume had brought it home you were doing this...You were going to actually be in witcher as a cast member!. You sat down taking a deep breath. You could feel the anxiety .Shit. Kal popped his head out from under Henry and glanced up at you he was still sulking.
"What puppy?! I'm sorry...I know Holly is so mean huh? making you jump down like that" He huffed again ears twitching then he heaved himself up again and sat before you tapping you with a large paw, you smoothed your hands across him somehow just petting the gentle boy was calming you down. Henry and Joey exchanged looks Kal must be picking up on your nerves.
"Yes oh I know... But don't worry we can have cuddles after okay?" You said calming considerably as you spoke to him. Henry chuckled at the exchange and Joey piped up.
"Is he being a grumpy boy?" Henry tilted his head.
"No a needy boy I think... he has got a new favorite snuggle buddy" you blushed at that and soon Kal laid down out of petting distance. All three of you were nearly done...Well you were done, you hadn't until now seen the whole get up together wardrobe and hair and make up had been separate until now. You quickly glanced up and froze wow...This new wig was definitely better now, you felt... you didn't know it was completely strange seeing someone different staring back at you in the mirror.
"Wow....Thats-this is crazy..." you leaned in turning your head this way and that moving your hand slowly to your face, Henry smiled at you.
"Yes...It's always strange the first time in character..." you nodded to him dumbly still inspecting yourself moving to run your fingers threw you 'hair'
"So fucking weird"
"And about to get a whole lot weirder! time for these bad boys~" you whined at Holly as you watched her wave the slim box holing your contacts.
"Oh? please tell me she isn't getting blue? I love the green!"Joey protest was flattering as he and Henry came closer wanting to see, you stood awkwardly twisting your hands in the sleeves of your costume. Henry smiled opening your box peeking at the color
"Hey...They're going to look amazing! Tink’s you get green look!" Joey leaned over and smiled
"Yeah and they have that nice dark ring around the outside to! really going to pop...Well come on girl get them in we have what ten minuets?" he directed his question to Holly who giggled nodding. You gulped looking at the small colored discs warily...
"How? I've never...They're safe right? wont get stuck of something?" Henry seeing another opportunity to bond with you jumped up collecting his own contacts box Joey took a step back so you could et closer and watch Henry's lesson smirking knowingly as a stupid uncharacteristic grin spread across 'Geralt's' face.
"Here look its fine...Just hold it like this...And pinch it if it folds like this..see? Like that...Then its okay if it curls out and has a lip then its inside out." You watched as he gave you a quick glance.
"I-Inside out? wh-what happens if that happens?" Henry quickly tried reassuring you.
"No! its not-it will just be uncomfortable...Nothing bad will happen or anything its just irritable....Right pick yours up like I’m doing...That's it!...See...Then hold open your eye and....Just try and pop it in...You can do it looking down or up which ever is comfy, I'm used to it so can do it standing up right....And if it moved like mine just has...Typical! just look around and....There see! easy!" Henry explained his contacts lesson well, it did seem simple he let you watch as he placed in the other contact explaining once again how to put them in as he did. You watched intently blushing each time he moved in closer so you could see.
"O-okay...So just press it and it will stick?" he nodded and you bit your lip 'come on girl...that's it just like when you do liquid eyeliner stab your eyeball with it!' you looked to you mirror and began to poke your eyes with Henry and joey watching closely commenting as you did so. One Joey pep-talk and eighteen tries later you finally got them in with a tiny round of applause ,It was actually pretty cool, your eyes popped a really bright and had a dark ring that made your iris a little larger adding to the ethereal atheistic.
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The three of you made your way out of the trailer as Geralt ,Jaskier and keira. You took a deep breath when you saw the cameras and lighting as you walked onto set.
"Fuck...shit, shit, shit" Henry and Joey slowed walking beside you patting your back. Henry wrapped an arm around you making sure you didn't bolt which you looked ready to any second, had you not been so panicked you would have clammed up under his heavy arm but it wasn’t on the top of your list of things to worry about right now. Joey followed suit holding you around your back squishing you between them and smiled down at you directing you to the frightening amount of people milling about doing various jobs.
you’d seen it all before but being behind the scenes was completely different to being in front of the camera you slowed until you was barley moving at all.
"Come on Tink’s" with his prompting Joey had in fact sped you up a little, he was stronger then he looked. You took deep breaths trying not to freak out as everyone turned looking at the new comer.
"Th-thats a lot of people.." Joey and Henry hummed in agreement
"Well its a big deal...you've been cherry picked from the assistants Tink's word has got around but everyone wants a peek.." Joey cheerful as ever chuckled into your hair as they got closer to Tomasz who was waiting for you all.
It  was when you saw the director that you really freaked trying to turn around but they two men grunted
"Oh no you don't...Come on your fine"
"I forgot my lines" Henry scoffed
"That fine we memorized them for you to, besides why do you think Tomasz made you do improv?"
"O-okay....I need the bathroom" Joey giggled still helping guide you into the huge makeshift banquet hall
"No you don't its nerves" you shook as they continued ushering you out in front of the crew
"I'm going to be sick" Henry chuckled as bad as it was he couldn't help thinking you looked pretty cute panicking like this trying desperately to find a way to run off and hide.
"Again that’s nerves just breath...We wont let anything happen okay? just take a deep breath...Good now out your going to be fine" you did as he had said to focused on the upcoming filming to even squeal about him looking out for you.
Finally you stopped in front of Tomasz who smiled at you kindly.
"Wow...Look at you! perfect! absolutely perfect! Ready?" You shook your head looking around it felt like everyone involved in the projects was hear to see the stand in.
"No...Not really" he laughed and shook his head at you...You were serious....didn't he think you were serious you fucking was! You didn't know whether you needed to be sick, panic ,cry or use the bathroom.
"...Why are there so many people?" He eyed the crowd
"Well you did pull this whole production from the brink of collapse...They are bound to want to see to woman who has stepped up...I'm sure everyone has told you already but this is a big deal...I don't think I have heard of someone completely untrained taking a role like this. Any way enough chit chat lets get to work shall we?" you were shaking in Keira's boots but...By way the two men still had you stuck firmly between them he knew you'd have all the support you needed, once you started it would be fine.
"Trust me you’ll do fine" he turned with a huge grin
"Places everyone! Remember camera four you start now from the top a sweeping motion left you right? good!" You gulped stomach dropping soon Henry and Joey are moving to their cue's leaving you with one final squeeze and your left on your own wondering. How the fuck did this happen again?.
You took a breath closing your eyes tight looking down collecting yourself pulling a more confident catty seductive woman from within. Unbeknown to you a hush fell over the scene as you did everyone holding their breath waiting to see if you could pull this off.
Joey smiled from beside Henry and said something but Henry didn't even hear what the man had to say, he just smirked entranced as he watched you transform before everyone about to prove to yourself and everyone in the room you could do this. Its what you did last time you closed your eyes and when you opened them you wasn't there anymore.
For anyone who understood what it was, it was incredible to watch everything changed your posture , your aura, your presence felt heavy and playful he could feel it from way over here. When your eyes opened you was a completely different person you could feel it here and now there was no y/n; you was Keira through and through. then with a slow count down the scene began.
"ACTION" you smirked holding your head high. Here we go!
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game: Daveed Diggs x Reader. Chapter 2.
Reminder: this is gonna be a long fic! please be patient :)
You are finally ending an excruciating first week of dance rehearsals.
You’re gearing up finishing Act I finally, your brain feeling completely fried from all of the material given, especially the vocal parts. You were so used to singing the melody line of all the songs and being given the alto part was a challenge in itself, let alone applying singing while doing the choreography. The dancing was second nature but you didn’t realize how much stamina you’d actually need to getting the notes out without sounding breathy, pitchy or exhausted. You did NOT want to embarrass yourself in front of the OBC when it came time to integrate.
You had only worked with the ensemble closely so far and were getting close with Stephanie, the universal dance captain of the show. She had mentioned to you that the principals and ensemble members would be having a little hang out session at her brother’s penthouse apartment downtown after rehearsals ended tonight.
“Brilliant work today everyone. I know it’s been tough. But take the weekend to really review the material and let everything sink in.” Stephanie’s eyes were lit up. The way she was so attentive to detail and every backstory of every movement was so inspiring and eye opening.
You wiped the sweat off of your face as you partner, aka M3, aka George Eaker, aka Cedric, gave you a wink and a thumbs up. You were way too lucky to be matched with Cedric. If you jumped across the stage, somehow you’d trust him to catch you with seconds to spare before landing.
The ensemble cheered together and began to pan out to the house to grab their things and head up to their dressing rooms to get ready for the party.
“Is everyone coming tonight?” Stephanie yelled excitedly.
You heard a cannon of yeses and hell yeahs around the group.
“The wolfpack’s coming too!” That was her nickname for the OBC crew. “It’s gonna be a raaaaaager!” She started gyrating her hips. Everyone erupted with laughter.
“A safe one at that, of course. Be on your best behavior around Lin… just kidding he’s an absolute child.
Alright now go, get out. Go get hot.”
You followed the ensemble up the stairs backstage to end up at your dressing room which you shared with W4, Michelle.
“Girl... what’re ya wearing tonight? I can’t decide.” Michelle asked while anxiously rummaging through her back full of scribbled on legal pads, muscle rollers, and random items of clothing.
You had packed your favorite black jeans that made your legs look flawless, your signature suede boots, and a Kith hoodie. You wanted to look put together but also casual and cool. Most importantly, you wanted to impress all of your idols. This was your only chance to give them the best first impression of you.
You thought about grabbing your Oakland sweatshirt that your parents got you as a gag gift for Christmas, in honor of your celebrity crush’s hometown. You immediately regretted even thinking of wearing it, as Daveed would definitely find it way too weird. You were from Massachusetts... not California. The Bay Area would be embarrassed for you.
“I just brought these little guys. All black, of course. Feel like it does the job. Also, the sweatshirt will let me eat alllllll of the pizza guilt free.”
Michelle stared longingly at your suede boots. “These are fuckin fancy!”
“They’re only Steve Madden!!” You were proud of your ability to find luxury looking goods for a cheap price. You don’t think that will ever change, even when you saw your first broadway check hit your checking account.
You were happy you could share a safe and fun dressing room space with Michelle and knew the two of you would become close friends.
You both ran into the shower room across the hallway, and quickly washed off. You decided you were going to straighten your long light brown hair. You loved your hair, but it got so curly and tangled when you sweat. Thankfully they were going to put you in a wig for the show instead of using your natural locks. Being a head sweat-er was the worst. Your makeup was minimal, as you looked best with a nice dewy makeup glow, with highlighted cheekbones. You wore a nude matte lipstick, which matched the natural color of your lips, and lightly liquid lined a cat eye over your big (insert eye color) eyes.
You saw your reflection. You didn’t know if it was the confidence of finally reaching your goal or if you just were having a good hair/makeup day... but you were stunning.
“Damn mama!” Michelle gasped as she saw your finished look. “Whose mans are you about to steal at this gig? Better not be Cedric, he’s mine.”
You laughed. You couldn’t help to think about who you already had your heart set on.
“Definitely not Cedric.”
Michelle opened her iPhone 11 plus and immediately opted for a mirror selfie. She quickly opened Instagram and posted it to her story.
You opened the app yourself to go check if it looked good.
Posted 32 secs ago
#MamaHam and #TheBullet hit the town 🎉
“Ready?” Michelle asked, putting the final touches of her gold Fenty highlight on her cheeks. “We should grab a quick bite before hitting the place. I plan on drinking my weight in Truly seltzers tonight.”
“Let’s get it.” You smiled. “I’ll call the uber.”
You called the uber, hopped in, and began driving downtown. You felt your anxiety creeping up on you.
“Trulys? Really? I’m gonna need to be doing shots of Jager in order to be able to speak a single word to any of these principals.”
“What are you... nervous? You already got the role. You’re equals with these guys.”
She wasn’t wrong.
“Guess I’ll just have to act as chill as possible. That’s the plan anyways... also Michelle, wanna know something ridiculous?”
“I’ve had a middle school full fledged crush on Daveed since I can remember.”
She blurted out with laughter.
“Well girl he is on the market now. Shoot ya shot.”
You already knew this. Daveed was recently single and focusing on rebuilding himself up. His breakup with his last girlfriend wasn’t bad. It was mature and mutual. You knew he was taking time to himself, so you didn’t want to be overbearingly flirtatious when you first met him.
You also couldn’t stop thinking about your ex, whom you left last year around this time. His goals just weren’t lining up with your future. He hated musicals, he hated almost everything you liked... but you couldn’t stand the fact you shattered his heart.
“I’ll see what happens... after 5 shots.” You responded, winking at Michelle.
You arrived at the cutest little Italian place downtown in TriBeCa. You knew carbs and wine were the perfect pregame for this shindig.
After loads of pasta and splitting a bottle of wine, you began to feel the confidence needed to shake the nerves from you. You hit the bathroom to give yourself a double check before walking to your final destination.
As you walked up to the massive high rise residence, you couldn’t believe this was your lifestyle now. As you approached, you noticed an extremely familiar face exit the revolving door.
Holy shit, that’s Rafa.
Rafael Casal. Daveed Diggs’ best friend.
You stopped in your tracks stunned.
He turned his head immediately in your and Michelle’s direction.
“Y/N?! What’s going on?!”
“Shut up shut up shut up...” you whispered through your teeth. “Just keep walking.”
As he passed you both, he smiled, and turned into the Duane Reade on the corner. Probably picking up something he forgot.
You realized you would be on edge all night not being able to keep your cool. Rafa wasn’t even in the damn OBC and here you were, freaking out entirely on the freaking sidewalk.
Through the doors you went, passing the crystal clear marble floors, giant chandeliers, and up to the doorman.
“Can I help you beautiful ladies?”
Michelle blushed. The doorman was actually attractive.
“We’re here for Klemons? Penthouse 2?”
“Oh yeah! Hamilton!!! Love that show. Have fun!”
You hit the elevator as you looked down at your phone.
Perfect timing. Almost 20 mins late. Fashionably late, of course.
“Oh shit shit shit.”
You realized you haven’t changed your wallpaper from Daveed grabbing his crotch.
Michelle laughed as you fumbled to change your wallpaper to a pic of you and your family from when you were younger. Perfect. A conversation starter. Your overthinking was killing you softly.
Your teeth were legit chattering. You felt anxiety waves rush through your nervous system. The pit in your stomach grew. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. This was it. Your chance at something greater than you ever thought was possible to achieve.
The elevator doors opened to the open concept apartment. Voices were clashing over the blaring hip hop music in the dimly lit room. A full bar in the corner, Joe’s pizza scattered over the island in the kitchen. Beer pong set up on the dining room table.
There they were. Every single one of em. Scattered across the flat. Starstruck wasn’t even the beginning of what you felt.
Your eyes scanned quickly around.
There he was. Curly headed locks and all. Leaning up against the floor to ceiling windows that circled the place, holding a cocktail in his strong, large right hand accessorized with a few rings. Simply staring at the sights of the city. He looked like a million bucks and he was in a simple casual outfit. Light washed jeans, black boots, with his left hand in his black hoodie pocket.
Wait. You guys were wearing the same hoodie.
The same fucking hoodie.
Of course this would happen.
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chessiesystem · 4 years
StEx Appreciation Month, Day 31: Nitpicks
SO, I have a LOT of nitpicks about literally every aspect of the show, like I could go on and on, but then this post would be the embodiment of this gif:
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So for today I’m just going to focus on costume nitpicks! Like with everything in the show I have an ideal version of everyone’s costume/wig/makeup, so today I’ll just go over my main nitpicks with the various costumes and post my favorite versions!
Obligatory JapanAus picture because those tours overall had the BEST costume aesthetics.
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Let’s get started:
(Also just to go ahead and get this out of the way, this post is almost completely ignoring the 2018 redesigns, like. Those don’t live in my head. I’ll just be focusing on the Broadway/Bochum/tour designs.)
Okay so with Rusty my main nitpick is!!! That stupid empty black space that’s above his chest plate in SO many of the costumes!! Like WHY is that there?! Here’s a good picture of it:
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It drives me absolutely insane aljsldf. Luckily Bochum eventually corrected this but that it was ever there drives me up a wall.
Another nitpick is his headband… I can tolerate it when it’s paired with the hat, but I can’t stand it on its own, it just looks ugly to me. And speaking of his hat, I love most versions of it, EXCEPT for the New Starlight Express one where it was styled after a baseball cap. That bothers me on a level I don’t even fully understand alsjflds.
Anyway, I think overall my favorite version of Rusty’s costume is the 2018 version… I think the silhouette looks strange, especially from the side, like kind of too baggy? But overall it’s really cute, I love the colors and the new chest plate design, and the HAT. Also really like the new makeup!! It was looking rough for a minute lmao.
This is Peak Performance (not the Pearl…definitely not the Pearl):
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Being as I’m in love with most of Pearl’s costumes I actually don’t have a ton of nitpicks. I think my main one is that I’m not a fan of the salmon/gold tones that were sometimes used for the bodice. For example:
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I think moreso than the costumes I’m critical of Pearl’s wigs. I HATE when she has straight wigs… the only exception to this rule is Stephanie Lawrence’s and Nikki Belsher’s because those wigs were also big and fluffy. But that lanky thing Bochum had in the early 2000s? Terrible. Pearl should have big, dramatic curls. Also, this should go without saying but her hair should be PINK. Blonde Pearl actually gives me acid reflux.
Also I don’t think much attention is given to her headpiece, but I really love when they’re big and princess-y. Like, this headpiece with these earrings? I love:
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As far as a favorite Pearl costume, that’s really hard because I love so many of them, but I’ll say this one. I think it’s a nice balance of pink and white:
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I don’t have a ton of nitpicks about Greaseball’s costume… like, it fucks pretty hard? I moreso have beef with his makeup. NONE of these men know how to blend and it looks terrible. I get that it might be a stage makeup thing that looks better under stage lights but I still don’t even really buy that because every other character blends?? Also, I don’t like how the makeup is just contouring… I get that it’s to make the actors look more masculine, which does suit Greaseball’s character, but PLEASE give that diesel some character makeup!!
I really stan the Broadway makeup for this reason. Look at this Jareth-looking bitch, he looks amazing! And it’s just SO cool:
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Idk even this London makeup is pretty okay imo… anything to make him more visually interesting 😭:
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My main gripe with Dinah’s costume will forever and always be the apron lmao. I’m very, very picky about it because it’s SO easy to make look tacky as hell. The 2018 apron is the ugliest its ever been, I’m sorry:
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LIKE WHY IS IT SO BIG AND LONG. Also the silver strap around her chest is WAY too high now. I swear they tried to make the 2018 coaches more modest in the ugliest ways possible. But anyway.
I prefer for the apron to only be beneath the belt, but if it also has to be above the belt I can tolerate it if its small, like the Broadway design or the earlier Bochum designs. I also prefer when her leggings are on the more silver/metallic side than just straight up blue. Broadway and Japan-Australia had the right idea with how metallic they made everyone look.
As far as Bochum goes, I feel like the costume’s peak was from like 1997 to 2007:
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PERSONALLY, though, my ideal Dinah costume would be Debbie Wake’s from the Japan tours. The color, the leggings, the wig, it’s all so… Peak! I also really love how the top of her skirt is divided into sections?? It’s really cute. The only thing I’d change is I’d remove the part of the apron that reaches above the belt and adjust the color of her wig. But otherwise I love this one so much 🥺🥺🥺:
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I have a lot of very disjointed thoughts on Electra’s costume, but bottom line is I’m rarely content with it… but my MAIN nitpick is definitely the color scheme. I know that it’s intended to be blue/red/silver but instead it often looks blue/red/white to me and I just CANNOT dissociate that from the American flag/overzealous patriotism alsjdlf, it kind of gives me heartburn. I’ve seen some fan redesigns of the costume that incorporate a blue/red/gold color scheme instead and I think that could REALLY fuck, though I don’t know how it’d translate to the stage/irl. Or just?? Design his palette after the bi flag colors??
Another nitpick is how boxy and bulky his chest box often is. I feel like I can’t criticize this TOO harshly because, in my opinion, this musical should be FIRMLY 80s, and that’s probably what counted as “futuristic” in the 80s, but it’s just a personal preference of mine that I wish his chest piece was more slender and streamlined. I think it’d make the silhouette better and just?? Look better??
I also don’t like most of the mohawk wigs… they just look… VERY cheap and fake to me most of the time. I prefer the looser/wilder wigs because they look softer and more natural.
ANYWAY I’ve found that the costume that actually sates most of these complaints for me is the Japan-Australia costume. The palette actually looks blue, red, and SILVER to me, and the body suit is just?? Sooo shiny and metallic and sparkly?? It’s so pretty. The wig is a perfect balance of the looser/wilder London wigs and the early mohawk wigs, and the MAKEUP is so good, it’s the only time I’ve seen a silvery/metallic base on Electra work and NOT whitewash the fuck out of the actor. Not to mention the base in JapanAus matched the body suit REALLY well and aaaah idk I could wax poetic about this costume all night aljsfld it’s really good and I appreciate it for being the, like, one (1) Electra costume I vibe with 😭.
Again, I’d streamline the chest box if I could but overall? This is peak performance:
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Off the bat I’ll say I hate how big his shoulder boxes have gotten over the years. Like they are just ridiculously massive, it looks kind of awkward when the actors can’t even rest their arms by their sides due to it. They look like little kids wearing arm floats. Also not a fan of how much lower the neckline has gotten, and how much smaller the bandana has gotten?? His chest and neck are SO exposed now when they use to be completely covered and it irks the hell out of me.
Funnily, this one picture pretty clearly displays all three of these nitpicks:
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Compare this to back when the neckline was higher/the bandana larger, he’s completely covered. He also isn’t fucking DROWNING in his shoulder boxes:
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Also not a fan of the hair piece Bochum has used in recent years. Like it was just so much cuter when the actors used their real hair :^//. And I just Do Not Vibe with how straight and neat the hair piece is, CB has wild, curly hair and I’ll die on that hill.
ALSO, and this is more specific to just one actor, but I kind of hate Dan Ellison’s makeup aljsldf. Like it’s well done but it just has far too much going on. All what CB needs done is his cheeks, his eyes, and his lips— all that extra that Dan does on his jawline and with the laugh lines around his mouth and eyes is just… too much. And it frustrates me so much because he would be SO much cuter if he went with a simpler makeup!! Ugh. But anyway.
This was 100% the makeup at its best, like. Absolutely peak, thank you Thierry Gondet:
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And my favorite costume comes from the 1990 Japan tour. I ADORE how this chest box is fitted and designed, and it just looks so shiny and red? Like it was freshly washed and painted 😭. Not to mention the red contour on his temples is kind of a Look:
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The only thing I’d adjust is I’d give him the suspenders present in most of his costumes, because they’re honestly adorable. And, of course, he needs his Chessie System sticker. But otherwise? This is Peak Performance.
Okay I was gonna do more but this thing is fuckoff long as it is, so I’ll just stick to the Big Six. If you made it this far you’re a trooper, thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings aljsldfs.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
A Vampire in Paris: Part 2 (Gigi x Crystal) - Chae
A/N: gosh this took longer to write than i thought! y'all thought i’d tease with a slow-burn? absolutely not. i not only have a romance to write, i have a conspiracy that needs to unfold (and boy do i have some drama planned for you guys heehee) anyways! enjoy part 2!
Between the brunch meetings, lunch meetings, coffee meetings, dinner meetings, and bar “meetings” that consisted of nothing but drinking, Gigi was more than happy to begin her first actual fitting.
It would be her first time in the business wing, and boy was she excited about that. Her destination was only supposed to be the third door on the second floor, but she was hoping to ‘get lost’ and possibly uncover some answers to what the hell was going on in this place.
The model awoke early, putting her hair up into her classic ponytail and dawning some basic clothes she could change out of quickly. She would probably go out after the fitting, so she put on just enough makeup to look presentable. She nearly forgot her key as she dashed out the door, heading to the mysterious wing of headquarters.
The wooden doors she was supposed to open taunted the girl as she found it almost difficult to walk through. She was supposed to be there, but it nearly felt like she wasn’t. However, Gigi was the last person to let fear and emotion get the best of her, so she pushed it all down and stepped into the next room. She was met with a hallway; plain and simple, with hardwood floors and glass doors, little nooks with couches and potted plants lining the walls. She sauntered down the stretch of building, eyeing prints on the wall of famous Fatelle models. She spotted Adore in a more recent shoot, but still, she couldn’t wrap her head around why she hadn’t seemed to have aged. Gigi also admired a photo of Violet Chachki, the world’s first ‘supermodel.’ She would’ve given anything to meet her in real life. 
Gigi was scanning a print of a gorgeous blonde model she recognized from the nineties, Pearl Liaison, when she heard a door open and shut behind her. She whipped her head around to stare face to face with Aquaria, who glared at her as she wiped something red off her lips. Gigi was immediately intimidated, even with the multiple inches she had over the other model. Naturally Aquaria was platinum blonde, but today she was wearing a long black wig with thick bangs—which didn’t really help settle Gigi’s nerves. The older model’s gaze reminded her of Raven’s cold stare, which prompted her to smile awkwardly and walk off. Unfortunately, before she had the chance to do so, Aquaria sucked in her lips and spoke.
“What are you doing back here?”
Gigi hadn’t actually realized how far down the dimly lit hall she’d strayed, only a hundred feet or so from the end. It’s only the first floor… is the crazy shit Adore was talking about here?!
“I have a fitting, and I got a bit lost,” the younger girl responded. 
“Uh huh. So, like…  you need help?”
“Mm, I think I’ll find it.”
“Liar. You’re new. I’ll show you where to go,” she sighed, rolling her eyes and walking back in the direction Gigi’d come from. She reluctantly followed Aquaria down the hall and up a flight of stairs in silence.
“These are the fitting rooms,” the supermodel finally mentioned. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Gigi nodded. Aquaria turned to walk away, but scanned Gigi’s figure before doing so.
“Do you want to go out tomorrow? With my friends and I.”
Gigi blinked in shock. “What?”
“Well, if you’re gonna be pressed about it-”
“No, no, sorry. Sounds good.”
“Nice. I’ll text you.”
“Sure. Wait, uh-” 
And before Gigi could mention that Aquaria didn’t have her number, she was gone. People were really good at disappearing in this place.
The second floor was significantly more active than the first, fitting rooms with open doors lining both ends of the hall as assistants filed in and out and in between the photo studios. Gigi found the third door, finding the rest of her team getting started. Thankfully because she’d set out so early, she was only a few minutes late. 
“Gi!” Crystal called, immediately noticing the girl’s presence. “Just the person I was waiting for!”
“Really?” Gigi blushed with a smile, dropping off her bag and walking over to Crystal. Her heart fluttered as they greeted each other with air kisses, a feeling in the pit of her stomach that she wanted to actually kiss her. 
“Duh! I have a couple things to try on you, I picked out some of my favorite pieces.”
Gigi looked at the rack of clothes, gently touching one on the end. “This is gorgeous, are you sure you want me to wear it?”
“Absolutely. I want to get you into the statement piece of the night, actually.”
“Seriously?!” Gigi’s eyes widened and she looked at the designer with a grin. She couldn’t believe Crystal was asking her to wear the biggest and most extravagant garment. She couldn’t stop herself from wrapping the older girl in a quick hug, leaving both of them flustered and hot. “Thank you! Thank you so, so much!.. and sorry, I’m not usually a hugger.”
“That’s fine, I am,” Crystal winked. “Ready to try it on?”
Gigi nodded, not really thinking as she stripped her sweater and jeans off. She’d fitted for many shoots before, and it was customary to change in front of the designers and crew to save time. The rest of the models were already at it, as well. Crystal was also accustomed to these procedures for her small shows in the past.
What they’d both forgotten is that they 110% had a thing for each other, and the realization seemed to hit the pair as Gigi stood in nothing but underwear and skin-colored pasties (bras weren’t really a thing in model-land), staring at Crystal as Crystal stared at her body. Oh, the things the designer had to do to keep herself from taking her clothes off and making out with Gigi right then and there.
“Right. Piece de resistance,” the brunette finally managed to say, grabbing her garment off the hanger. “Let’s get you dressed.”
Crystal’s fingers brushed lightly over Gigi’s skin as they worked to put the huge dress on. The theme of Crystal’s collection relied heavily on patchwork and dark, unsaturated color schemes. Gigi admired the clever work in the mirror in front of her, smiling at Crystal’s focused expression. To the model, it looked perfect, but Crystal bit her lip as she scanned the way it fit. 
“I’ll have to put some pins in and ask the seamstresses to fix it,” she mumbled, grabbing a pincushion off a nearby table. She kneeled behind Gigi and took in the waist, safety pinning it closed as Gigi realized the intended silhouette of the dress. The older girl would often make high pitched noises as she worked, uttering the words “yeah yeah yeah” every time something went her way. Gigi couldn’t ignore the feeling in the pit of her stomach as Crystal touched her through the fabric, looking down so the designer wouldn’t see her reddened cheeks. 
“Ah! Looks so good now!” Crystal squealed, admiring the look. 
Gigi glanced up in the mirror with a huge grin. “Holy shit, it’s so beautiful!”
Not as beautiful as you, Crystal smirked, putting her hands on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, do a walk for me!”
The ginger laughed, grabbing her stilettos and doing a simple walk and turn, giving Crystal a wink. The designer couldn’t tell whether the jump in her chest was because of her vision coming together or because of the vision in front of her. 
For another two hours, the same procedure ensued with a few more looks. Looking at Gigi nearly ass-naked did not become any easier for Crystal, and having Crystal’s hands touch her all over did not become any easier for Gigi. A couple times, Crystal had to stray away and help with other models, leaving both her and Gigi sad without each other’s presence. Finally, the long day was over when Crystal wrapped up the last look to send to the seamstress and Gigi put her clothes on again.
“Jeez, you must be tired, Gi,” Crystal walked up to the other girl as she grabbed her bag.
“Yeah, a little worn out, but I’ll be okay,” the model smiled. 
“Bye lovebirds!” Jaida called, leaving the studio with Nicky and Jackie at her side. 
“What?” Gigi raised her eyebrows with a smirk. 
“Chile, don’t think we didn’t see y’all rubbing up on each other back there.”
“Rub up on yourself!” Crystal joked.
“Where are you guys headed?” Gigi asked, walking towards the group. Crystal bounced up behind her. 
“Out,” Nicky smiled. “Jaida and I are showing Jackie the best club in Paris.”
“Wanna come?” Jackie asked.
Gigi looked at Crystal, then at Jaida, who was giving her a look. 
“I’m in!” the designer agreed. Gigi nodded and followed her new friends, walking in step with Jackie and Nicky as Jaida teased Crystal. 
“So,” Nicky raised an eyebrow.
“So?” Gigi raised one back.
“Don’t bullshit me, Goode,” the Frenchwoman coaxed. “You and Crystal?”
“No! I mean-” Gigi glanced back at her crush. “I—”
“You totally like her, oh my gosh,” Jackie rolled her eyes. 
“I don’t know!” Gigi blushed. “I don’t not like her.”
“This is too cute,” Nicky nudged Jackie as she opened the doors to the lobby. At this time of day the room was busy and active, the people living and working at Fatelle getting together to prepare to go out.
Gigi spotted Plastique and Brooke talking to a large group of girls that she didn’t recognize. 
“Oh, those are the West girls!” Crystal waved at who Gigi presumed to be ‘West.’ “Nina joined Fatelle last year, and Plastique and Brooke worked for them earlier this year,” Crystal explained to Gigi and Jackie. “She was a huge mentor when I got here earlier.”
Gigi looked at the group again, admiring the pretty and diverse models. She noticed Aquaria and her friends nearby, making an effort to avoid eye contact with any of them. Trixie was near Adore at the desk, laughing with a beautiful blonde with bright red lipstick, who seemed to be wheezing at one of the smart manager’s jokes. Jan and Rock were talking near the entrance to the apartment complex. Raven was nowhere to be found, of course.
Jackie waved at Jan, whose expression lightened and she bounded over to air-kiss the five girls. Rock followed soon after with a grin. 
“What’s this gaggle of ladies up to?” the platinum blonde asked coyly. 
“You know very well we’re going drinking, Jan,” Jackie replied.
“Hm, maybe I do,” she smirked cutely. “Rock and I are coming, y’know.”
“We are?” Rock asked,
“The more the merrier,” Nicky shrugged. “If I’m not wasted by the end of the night, I blame it on all of you.”
“Hey, we have work tomorrow! And I’m like, supposed to be you guyses boss or something,” Crystal laughed, not taking herself seriously. 
The group left the building and walked a few blocks to a nearby club, led by Nicky and Jaida. There was a small line outside, and it seemed to be a gay-friendly but not-quite-a-gay bar. To the American girls’ surprise, Nicky led them to the front of the line.
“VIP!” Jan said softly to Gigi.
“Just where I belong!” the redhead joked. 
It was apparent that Jaida was blocking the group’s view from Nicky, but there was absolutely no reason why she would have to while Nicky was talking to the bouncer. Well, Gigi thought Nicky was talking to the bouncer, but she didn’t hear any actual words exchanged. Damn, were her friends acting strange now, too?!
They all made their way into the club, the music pumping loud as the dance floor was already starting to fill up. It was the evening, but not late enough that the ravers would show up. The friends decided to grab a booth to order drinks, Gigi ending up squished between Jan and Crystal. 
“Do you drink?” Gigi asked the brunette.
Crystal shrugged. “I’m not sober or anything, I just don’t drink in excess.” 
“Fuck, cause’ I have no clue what to get.”
“Just order what you normally get!”
“I don’t wanna drink a manhattan at a club, though!”
“I mean, if you wanna go for shots this early on…”
“No, no, you’re right. Oh my god, what if I ordered a beer?”
“Now that’s pretty gay,” Crystal laughed, before her face fell. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean-”
Gigi blushed, happy to get confirmation that her love interest was in fact, not straight. “Girl, even if I look like-a zis, I’m queer as fuck. I’m allowed to act like a stereotypical lesbian for tonight.” 
“I’ll have to join you on that one,” the designer grinned. “I’m paying for the first round!” She announced to the table, garnering a whoop from the females. “But you’re on your own after that!”
A server came around and took the girls orders. Beers for Crystal and Gigi, a White Russian for Jan, a Daquiri for Rock, a Whiskey Sour for Jaida, a Martini for Jackie, and something called a ‘number 8’ for Nicky. Gigi tried to find the mystery drink on the menu above the bar, but it was absent from the list.
“What’s a ‘number 8,’ Nicky?” the girl asked across the table.
“Secret menu item, do not try it, baby.”
“You intrigue me…”
“Seriously, chile, don’t get one,” Jaida reinforced. “Unless you wanna throw up in the club bathroom, be my guest.”
“Oh, I see!” Gigi raised an eyebrow at the French model. “Miss Nicky-I-have-a-liver-of-steel-Doll.”
“It’s called alcoholism,” Nicky stated bluntly, causing the table to laugh in unison. The drinks arrived promptly, and Gigi saw that the Number 8 seemed to be a red wine type of drink. How could it possibly be as strong as the older girls said?
Crystal clinked her beer glass against Gigi’s. “To being gay!”
“To being gay,” the model laughed, taking a quick sip. She wasn’t the biggest fan of lager, but it was a tame drink for the time being.
The night went on with Gigi and Crystal making their way to the dance floor, jumping along to the music. Neither were the best dancers but they did illicit cheers when they did a duet in a dance circle. The two spent the whole night together, joining their friend group on-and-off to have their own adventures exploring the two-level club. The two went back and forth to the bar, chasing down shots with more shots whenever they got thirsty, as if the liquor would do much to quench their thirst.
They found themselves in a quiet corner of the club next to a potted plant, behind a booth. They were drunkenly chatting about who-knows-what, the normal filter they put on their words gone. Both were hyper and happy drunks, so the crackheadedness that radiated from their little area was almost palpable.
“Wait, so you woke up where?!” Gigi slurred, lightly slapping the other girls arm.
“I woke up-” Crystals speech was interrupted with a bout of giggles. “I woke up on the toilet…”
Both hollered in laugher, and Crystal, catching her breath, continued. “And my arm was elbow deep in the bowl cause’ I was hunched over it cause’ I was throwing up!”
“You put your arm in vomit?!”
“No no no no, I threw up in the sink!”
The two continued to laugh, Gigi wheezing so much she had to hang onto the shorter girl. 
“Oh em gee, lemme tell you about this one story,” Gigi started. “I was at, like, a party…  in high school and this dude went up to me like this,” she imitated a burly man walking, causing the older girl to snort. The redhead placed her hands behind her head and playfully ground her hips on Crystals, making strange grunting noises. What Gigi didn’t know was that Crystal was totally into it—minus the man-impression.
“So yeah, he did that, and he was like ‘wanna come to my place?’ And I said no, I’m into chicks!” Gigi went back to her normal self, albeit significantly closer to Crystal. “And then he— he GRABBED another random girl and said— threesome?!?!” The two cackled at the straight male stupidity, holding onto each other’s hands.
When their laughter died down, neither one of them spoke. The girls realized they were holding each other, looking each other straight in the face. In their drunken states, they were too comfortable to leave their position. 
And then Crystal did something stupid.
Or was it absolute genius?
Because Crystal smashed her face on Gigi’s, catching her lips in a passionate and alcohol fueled kiss. Gigi leaned back into it, more than satisfied to be making out with the girl she liked. Their mouths tasted like vodka and lime and they wasted no time sucking on each other’s tongues, moving their jaws sloppily and widely. Gigi buried her hands in the older girl’s curls, while Crystal snaked hers around the models waist and onto her backside. 
Gigi gently backed the other girl onto the nearby wall, leaving her lips to gently suck on her jawline, sparkly lipgloss all over each other’s mouths. Crystal lightly whimpered as the younger girl moved to her neck and collarbone, marking her so that she’d have to use makeup to cover it up in the morning. Then, Gigi returned to Crystal’s lips, the designer holding the model’s face in her hands as she bit Gigi’s lower lip. Their teeth crashed together as they lost sight of the club around them, continuing to make out in their little corner until they heard a distinct French accent shouting at them that it was 2 AM and they had to go.
They held hands all the way back to Fatelle, and they knew they’d sobered up when they gave each other a good-bye peck.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (11/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 1.9k exact :)
      A headache greeted me in the morning and I internally scolded myself for trying to keep up with the boys. As the memories of last night came back to me, one in particular made a smile freeze onto my face… the kiss. Sitting up I grabbed the note I scrawled myself reminding me to plan the hang out, just like I said. I chuckled at how well I knew myself before grabbing my phone. All the smiles dissipated the moment I spotted the time. Shit, I’m gonna be late for class! Ignoring the throbbing in my skull, I rushed to grab an outfit before running to the bathroom to go through my morning routine. After throwing on my clothes I checked the time and cursed, this is one of my major classes and the teacher is strict on attendance so I can’t miss it! Struggling to pull on my sneakers,  I grabbed my backpack and ran to class. As I reached the door I spotted the professor down the hall, a glare settling onto me, before ducking into the classroom and taking my normal seat. 
      Now secured at my desk I could finally take the time to dwell on this weird vibe I’ve been getting from people since I arrived on campus. There were so many eyes on me it felt as if the whole class was looking at me, why did I have to sit in the front? I looked over my clothes and shoes and nothing seemed oddly matched or out of place so what was it? The professor entered and did roll, once he called my name and I replied I heard a series of gasps around me… okay seriously what was going on? Once roll call was over, my mind was able to slow down, taking out my textbooks, and that’s when I saw it. My hair had fallen into my face as I moved about and before I caught the chance to move it the light hit my locks revealing its silver shine rather than the raven black of my wig. Shit. There was no point in hiding now, they heard me during roll call, so I turned the panic out and focused on class. Once class was over I swiftly packed my things and was one of the first people to duck out of class. I immediately called Seunghee as I tried to keep my head down and find somewhere quiet to talk.
“What’s up? Don’t you have a full day of classes today, why are you calling?”
“Seunghee I messed up…”
“What?! What did you do? I swear Jieun-”
“I didn’t mean to, I swear! I went out without my wig and didn’t realize until I was in class. Everyone heard me during roll call and I’m one thousand percent sure I won’t be coming back to the apartment until late. I’ll be ordered home before lunch I’m sure of it,” I sighed.
“God Jieun, why would you drink when you know you have class?”
“I don’t know Seunghee- jeez. What do I do?”
“Well the damage is already done, even if you put the wig on now a handful of people already saw and who knows how many took a picture. Just take this as God’s sign that it’s time to come clean.”
“Ugh this is such a headache. I can already hear the impending argument.”
“Just stay calm and stand your ground. At the end of the day this is your life and you are the one in control. These things make you happy, remember that.”
“Thanks for the support Seunghee.”
“I’ll see you on the other side,” she joked.
“For sure.”
      I responded with a small chuckle before hanging up the phone. As if he had sensed something wrong, not even a few moments later I received a text from Chan checking up on me.
To: Princess
How’s my girl? Did you make it to class on time?
To: Chan 🖤
Definitely made it to class on time but at the price of my sanity (:
To: Princess
Why, is it the hangover? Sorry, I should’ve stopped you sooner
To: Chan 🖤
Don’t worry about it, the hangover is the least of my problems
To: Princess
What happened? Are you okay?
      The concern in his texts made my heart swell, what did I do to deserve someone like him? Rather than trying to explain it fully, I took a quick picture and sent it to him before I answered back.
To: Chan 🖤
Forgot my wig so that cat’s out of the bag. Definitely gonna get scolded by my parents today.
To: Princess
Will you be okay?
To: Chan 🖤
This was bound to happen so I’ll be fine. Plus Seunghee gave me a pep talk already.
To: Princess
That’s gonna be harsh, call me when it’s over?
To: Chan 🖤
      I continued through my classes with the whispers following me everywhere I went. It wasn’t until after my third class that I got a text from my mother ordering me to come home immediately. The news spread slower than I expected. I simply replied that I will once classes are over and left my phone to buzz at my mother’s outraged messages. Once my classes were finished I went back to my apartment to grab my car keys and left a note for Seunghee to do me a favor. The drive home was oddly peaceful, no anxiety or worries just… calm. When my foot entered the threshold my mother went at me, dragging me to father’s study and sending the maids away. 
“How dare you ruin your father’s campaign like this?!”
“Dying my hair is hardly going to ruin father’s campaign,” I rolled my eyes.
“We are campaigning a modest family yet instead you not only went out and dyed your hair that atrocious color you’ve been out fraternizing with boys and wearing ungodly clothes.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do you think we wouldn’t know what you’ve been up to? I’m sure it's the boy you’ve been seeing, he’s corrupting you.”
“He’s doing nothing of the sort, how do you even know all that… have you been having people watching me?!”
“Well it was the right move to do, seeing as though you were waiting for a critical time during my campaign to act out like this.”
      It was the first time father spoke this whole argument and of course it’s about his stupid campaign. Again they are disregarding my privacy and my choices, typical. My fingers curled into fists as I tried to control my temper but the fire was already beyond control and the flames spilled into my words.
“I’m sorry to disappoint your expectations but Chan has nothing to do with my hair. I’ve been dying my hair since my first year at college, oh I got a tattoo too if your spies didn’t already tell you that. I’ve been keeping up appearances for your sake but I’m tired of it. The wigs are itchy and the clothes you have me wear can barely be called fashionable.”
“Then you will dye your hair back to its natural color and you will not see this “Chan” boy anymore because obviously your tastes have changed because of this trouble,” the venom that dripped from Father’s voice as he spoke about Chan made my blood boil.
“You’re not listening! Chan has nothing to do with this, I’ve had my hair like this for years and had those other clothes far longer. I’m tired of living like your doll, me! Why are you trying to blame someone else?”
“It’s already too late, she isn’t in her right mind right now.”
“Kyunghoon is such a good boy, better than this other one. You were barely at the gala before this other boy whisked you off to god knows where. Obviously, you're not thinking clearly. I should talk to Kyunghoon’s parents and-” Mother mused.
“You will most certainly not. Kyunghoon is a sleaze bag. For your sake I’ve been polite to him but I will not have him around me any more than the occasional passing during functions,” I shot back instantly, my skin crawling as flashes of that night flew through my mind once again.
“You will not speak about President Jeon’s son in such a way! If you do not adhere to what I have told you do not think that boy will be safe from harm's way?”
“I won’t. Before I am your daughter, I am my own person. I’ve allowed you to control too much of my life that you are forgetting that this life is my own. If you want to keep your “beloved” daughter and your image of this “perfect” family, then you will let me live my life as I choose because I will not allow you to control me anymore. I am actually happy for once and I will do everything within my power to protect it. I won’t let you guys ruin it again.”
      I made direct eye contact with my father as I spoke, challenging him to test the truth behind my words. My father sputtered at my response, his face going red with anger, as I stood there calmly with my head held high. My mother shrieked at me with threats and insults, telling me to leave immediately. I gave a polite bow of my head before turning on my heel and walking out. Sitting in my car, I rested my head on the steering wheel as I let the conversation sink into my mind. Will this probably blow up in my face? Yes, but I’m not alone in this. Things will work out… I’ll make sure of it. I lifted my head and started the car, allowing the drive to calm my nerves. Before I got out of the car to go home I dialled Chan, I wanted to hear his voice.
“So what do I owe the honor of your call tonight?”
“I’m pretty sure we agreed I would call Chan,” I chuckled at his greeting.
“That we did… how was it? On a scale of one to ten, how bad?”
“I would say it was a solid eleven on my parents side but for me, hmm… a good four?”
“You took them for a few rounds didn’t you princess? Finally showing your bad apple I see.”
“I learned from the best didn’t I?”
      We both laugh quietly as a silence settles between us, comfortable and warming. His voice wraps around my heart and calms the anxiety that was chewing away at me. That feeling was sadly unavoidable when this was the first occurrence where I stood up to my parents. Before I could really go into a spiral his voice pulls me from my thoughts.
“So did you make it home safe?”
“I am safely in my car at the apartment parking lot. I didn’t want to wait so I called you once I turned the car off.”
“You should go in now, it’s already really late and it’s not safe to lurk in your car at this time of night.”
      His voice softened as he urged me to go inside causing a faint smile to grace my face. After a bit more coaxing on his side I reluctantly left the car and made my way up to the apartment where we said our good nights before I slipped in.
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N7 Challenge 26 - Purple
Summary: Well... someone was going to catch him eventually. But did it have to be Garrus?
Man... he was getting way too good at this whole undercover cross-dressing thing.
Alistair carefully – dare he say it, daintily – stepped over the unconscious man he had just knocked out. His armor said he was Blood Pack, his head said he probably had a concussion. That tended to happen when a biotic whipped something at you, but hey. What did he know?
The other person left was also human, and looking at him as though he was a living nightmare. That was fine by him. It made interrogation easier. So with a spring in his step, he directed himself over to where they were staying.
Naturally, they tried to shoot him but that's what biotics were for.
“That was a little rude. All I wanted to know was where your hideout is.”
They spat blood before they spoke. “Fuck off, I saw what you did to Ban over there. I ain't telling you-”
And then they stopped talking, eyes wide. Alistair cocked an eyebrow, but then he heard the footsteps. They were taloned. His blood ran cold as he prepared his barrier, but no shot came. Instead, he hear the aiming of a gun.
The red dot appeared on the other man's forehead.
“Now, is that a nice way to treat someone? All we want is some information.”
A smooth, translated voice sent a shiver down Alistair's spine for all the wrong reasons as sweat began to trickle down his neck. He immediately began to curse his luck as he resisted the urge to look over his shoulder. He was supposed to be working as though they worked together.
Instead of the reality that Garrus had shown up on his own.
The conscious Blood Pack merc was sweating now as he backed up further against the wall, eyes wide as dinner plates. “Shit, it's Archangel! I thought you died!”
Oh, so he had been on Omega. Must have been one of the lucky ones who wasn't put in the charge against the bridge or the chaos that followed.
“I'm tough like that. “Garrus approached, still aiming. At least he didn't say anything to his partner as he did. “So... information?”
There was a brief tremble, and then... “We're in an abandoned warehouse two blocks from here. You're gonna get killed if you try to start shit, we're-”
And then he was out cold thanks to a fist to the head. Garrus pulled back, looking less than amused. Then he holstered his gun and started tapping into his omni-tool. No doubt he was putting in the same call Alistair was – come pick these assholes up.
Would've been a normal mission except he was wearing a dress and petticoat.
“We should head over t-” Garrus finally gave him the once-over. Had he had eyebrows, they would've been in the stratosphere. “Uh... maybe we should do that after you get changed into something more appropriate for a fire fight.”
No shit.
Alistair felt his cheeks color as he started walking. “I was undercover.”
“I figured from the fact you're wearing something that looks like it came from the 19th century.”
His face got even redder, but the Spectre kept walking. This time, he had thought ahead and found a place to change without going back to the Normandy. It saved him time, and he didn't have to worry about messing up the dress by going in to a fight. After all, he eventually needed to return the thing... eventually.
He still hadn't gotten around to that.
“It's called lolita, and it's more the 20th and 21st.”
Garrus didn't exactly look convinced as they walked. “Right. And you're wearing it because...”
Alistair kept his head high. “It's an effective disguise. Nobody is going to believe somebody dressed like this is going to have a gun in their bag. Besides, it makes it easier to get information out of these guys when they think they're going to get me into bed.”
Which they weren't. He was gay, yes, but he had fucking standards thank you very much.
“Wouldn't think many guys would really be into this look, but I guess I don't really understand humans.”
The turian clearly wasn't a fan. It shouldn't have bothered Alistair – he wasn't exactly a fan either, after all most of the time he did this under someone else's needs – but something about it still rubbed him the wrong way as they walked through the quiet streets.
Like... people liked this style. They were helping him get info, he practically had to defend them for their valuable aid.
“It has its followers. Truth be told, I'll be happy when I can get back into my regular clothes.”
Garrus nodded as they approached the building Alistair had rented a room in for changing. Unsurprisingly, the clerk gave no fucks as a human and turian combo made their way through. Then it  was up the stairs, second door on the right.
The turian took the bed as he started to get changed. “I'm not even sure how you can walk in those shoes.”
“They're a lot better than heels, actually.” When the turian gave him a look, he rolled his eyes and added, “It's a long story, it involves high school and before I came out.”
Garrus at least had the sense to look embarrassed at his assumption. “I didn't... ok, fair. Sometimes I forget you didn't just pop out of the ground as Commander Shepard.”
Him and the Alliance both. It was a blessing some days.
Anyway, he had clothing to change out of. Soon both the shoes, socks, and his wig were off. Then it was the process of getting out of the dress and petticoat, both which proved daunting. He grumbled as he tried to reach for a button behind his back... it wasn't working.
“You alright there, Shepard?”
Alistair sighed as he shook his head. “I can't reach the damn button. Bo was the one who fixed it before I went out.”
Much to his surprise, the turian stood. Soon his talons were carefully picking the button apart and releasing him from his fabric prison. He was finally able to get out of the rest of his disguise which... left him in his underwear.
In front of a very hot turian.
He uh... didn't think this one through.
“Huh. So you really do have N7 tattooed there.”
The Spectre did his best to keep his tone even as he hid said tattoo with the waistband of his pants. “It was Bo's idea.”
“I have no doubt about that.” Garrus went back to sitting on the bed, looking for the most part awkward as fuck when Alistair glanced him in the mirror. That was probably due to the fact he was suited up and packed for a firefight. In a small room like that,it stuck out. “Anyway... what's with the dress anyway? Doesn't seem like something you'd buy on your own. Did Shepard get it for you?”
No... if Bo had bought it, it probably would've been pink. Pink wasn't really his color, what with him being a ginger and all. Well, some people could pull it off – he couldn't. He did better in darker cool tones.
Not that he had been dress shopping. Not exactly much time or interest there.
“No, it was a friend of hers. I originally got it to help them out. They were being harassed.” He pulled his shirt down, and then slid into his boots. After that, it was time to get back into his armor. This he started into with a practiced hand, almost on muscle memory.
He could probably do it with his eyes closed.
“And you kept it because...”
Alistair shrugged as he belted on his gauntlets. “She needed my help busting a red sand ring on the Citadel.”
Garrus sounded impressed the next time he spoke. “That was you? I heard about it from someone in C-SEC, but they hadn't mentioned their contact was someone in a frilly green dress.”
Guess they left that part out. Seemed like a C-SEC thing to do.
The Spectre finished putting his armor on after a few more seconds of work. Then he reached into his borrowed purse to retrieve his gun. The look on the turian's face was priceless as he holstered it at his side again.
It got even better when he grabbed the rest of his gear.
“You know, now I understand why women carry purses.”
That made Alistair chuckle as he switched out the band on his omni-tool to his heavy duty one that added a little extra wrist protection. “Honestly, same. I'm almost going to miss it, but at least I have my cargo pants.”
“But they hide your...”
Garrus had mostly been muttering under his breath at that point. Still, he had been close enough that it had been easy to pick up. Alistair was left pretty much mute, staring at the turian with wide eyes as he tried to figure out what he meant.
If he hadn't known better... well... no, he definitely knew better.  He must have been tired or something.
The turian's mandibles twitched as he got up from the bed. “Nothing. Anyway, if you're going to keep doing this maybe you should return this dress and get your own.”
Now that made the Spectre laugh as they left the room behind. “Got any suggestions for me, Mr. Fashion Master? I'll let Bo know next time we're out and I just have to get a new coord.”
Shit, he was picking up the lingo. It was getting serious now.
Garrus didn't answer him immediately. Instead, it was pretty quiet as they exited back onto the street to follow up on their information. Alistair was starting to feel the familiar buzz under his skin as his biotics built up. He had been needing a release.
“I don't know, purple maybe?”
The turian's tone sounded not too sure. Regardless, it still stopped the Spectre in his tracks. He almost broke his neck whipping it around to get an eyeful of his mission partner. No doubt if Garrus could have blushed, he would have been doing it. His body language was embarrassment x 100.
“Purple... might work. Or dark blue. Green wasn't really your color. And maybe not so... much.” He made a vague hand gesture. “You know?”
He was not having this conversation.
“Yeah, I guess OTT isn't my thing...” he shook his head. “Can we just go do the thing we're good at? This is a conversation neither of us probably want to have.”
Given how much Garrus relaxed at his words, it was the right decision. At least now both could relax as they headed into a potential brawl with a bunch of mercs that had no idea what was about to come after them. Talk about stress relief.
But damn if he wasn't going to be kicking himself about this later. Maybe knocking a few heads around would help.
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elle-eedee · 5 years
dcom daddies: ranked
whats up sluts i’m here to give you the content you did NOT know you needed: a foolproof algorithmic ranking of a mild selection of disney channel dads!
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beast (descendants)
hotness scale: extremely tall (over a foot taller than me! this is Very Important to the scale) and he seems to be a mere thread’s width away from Unhinged at all times, which i love. i also think it’s very sexy of him to still have such a monstrous way about himself (what with the roaring and the growling) 20something years post-curse.... makes me wonder very vividly if such energies carry to the b*droom........ *clears throat* 10/10
quality of character scale: it eternally amuses me that beast seems to learn almost Nothing over the course of this trilogy. he’s literally pro-isle the ENTIRE time jsjdndjdjd..... not great considering it puts him directly at odds with his son (and, like, with social progress) but he Does seem to act the way he does with the kingdom’s safety in mind! plus when he’s not accidentally supporting magical fascism he’s super dorky. i love his goofy dance moves 7.5/10
total score: 17.5/20...... with this score alone you can tell this system isnt rigged bc if i had it my way he’d be winning
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hades (descendants)
hotness scale: i hate his party city clown wig but i’m a total sucker for guys in makeup (EVEN THOUGH A DECENT SHADE OF LIPSTICK WOULD HAVE BROUGHT HIS ENSEMBLE TOGETHER. WHY DID THEY PROPOSE IT ON THE CHARACTER DESIGN WALL IF THEY WERENT GONNA FOLLOW THROUGH!!!) and i think the fact that hes Very Sleepy and doesnt own a dog makes him my dream guy 9.5/10
quality of character scale: he literally sings a song about how cool he thinks it is that he’s a shitty dad............ but he DOES come through when his kid needs him, so that’s nice i guess. i would have liked to see more of him but i’ll settle for reading and writing intricate fan works that delve into a hypothetical personality for him that’s mainly conjecture 7.25/10
total score: 16.75/20 i wanna see him in some preppy auradon clothes
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jafar (descendants)
hotness scale: i wish i had nicer things to say about this man. he just....... bears so little resemblance to the original jafar it makes me :( maybe if he was more gangly, or if he carried himself w the same potent gay energy that og jafar has? itd also help it he wasnt a racist caricature. 4.5/10
quality of character scale: again, very much a racist caricature. jafar doesnt steal!!! why would This be what he chose to do with himself! but he does seem to be, perhaps, the least bad of the core four’s parents, which counts for something i suppose. 3/10
total score: 7.5/20 sorry bud
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dr facilier (descendants)
hotness scale: listen. it’s dr facilier. what am i supposed to do, NOT give him a perfect score on the sexy scale? 10/10
quality of character scale: he just loves his daughter and wants to make sure she’s getting what’s hers!!!!! his dynamic with celia makes me really happy they seem so fun! though i guess you could argue it sucks that he’d send his darling babey dohter to do errands for big mean scary hades considering that Everyone on the isle seems to quake at the sight of him. but im sure facilier only does that to ensure that celia can hold her own! 8/10
total score: 18/20 and it’d probably be higher if we’d seen more of him
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mr smee (descendants)
hotness scale: not only does this man fuck, judging by the ages of his kids he fucked RECENTLY. get it baby live your truth 7/10
quality of character scale: he seems to be SO kind and sweet to his baby sons..... holding their little hands and such!!! and judging by how nervous the kids are i’d imagine it was primarily smee’s idea for them to go to auradon. extremely noble sacrifice for their benefit even though he’ll miss them 10/10!!!!!
total score: 17/20 i want to kiss his hand, if he’ll have me
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zevon necrodopolous (zombies)
hotness scale: every time i look at this man i think of this post. he’s the perfect amount of frumpy for my tastes and his voice is so unique!!!!! i’d let his z-band malfunction so he could *** ** ***** * ******* **** 9/10
quality of character scale: really really cares about his kids and wants them to be safe!! he raises his voice once which im not a huge fan of but i suppose it was justified given the circumstances. also that shot of him goofing about with d*le in the end scene shows remarkable capacity for forgiveness after decades of trauma and discrimination! what a guy. 9/10
total score: 18/20 an absolute dilf!!!!!
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dale (zombies)
hotness scale: looks like an uncrustable. 0/10
quality of character scale: a fucking cop. die bitch! 0/10
total score: 0/20 get in since you wanna act clown
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coach jack bolton (high school musical)
hotness scale: honestly pretty young for my tastes. and i literally Always swipe left on athletes, so..... fine looking, but not for me. 5/10
quality of character scale: obviously he grows as the series progresses but i feel like jack is Always in the way of troy getting what he wants, which sucks. i like that he’s kinda goofy on his off hours with his family exactly as much as i Hate how much he yells when hes on the job. i do wish we lived in the timeline where he and miss darbus actually had that duet about their disagreements, though. 5/10
total score: 10/20 truly an Average dcom daddy
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vance evans (high school musical)
hotness scale: due to personal reasons i will be having bad taste. however, this man’s fashion sense in IMPECCABLE. i mean, the colors??? the unbuttoned collar???? come on now. there is also the gratuitous use of the d-word to consider......................... anyways 7.5/10
quality of character scale: it’s hard to tell how much of his interest in furthering troy’s career is out of sincerity and how much of it is sharpay nudging him. but either way the result is a man who supports his daughter unconditionally! he could be nicer to ryan, though (plus he’s an evil capitalist) 6/10
total score: 13.5/20 i feel like he and fulton have had Relations
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mr gifford (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: listen, i’m a simple guy. i see a basic-looking man pursuing age gap romance in the midst of a mid-life crisis, i support him unconditionally. also i am just Really vibing with that oversized denim shirt on him!!! there’s an egregious amount of arm hair poking out that just works. good for him! and this is a small moment but i’m very flustered over his natural Touchy Feely instinct after wen pokes out his eye... however: man has no eyebrows. 8.5/10
quality of character scale: i’m not a child of divorce so i don’t know how this stuff works, but i feel like he springs a lot of major decisions on wen? not ideal. on the other hand, we DO stan that he has sydney move in before they’re married. this is not a christian home!!!! 6/10
total score: 14.5/20 probably my favorite lemonade mouth dad, but mostly because he’s like the only one paid any attention by the narrative
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mr banjaree (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: men really have beautifully sculpted noses and we just let them, huh. i’m definitely overusing the word Handsome in this list, but in this case? i’m justified. mr banjaree’s beard suits him SO well and his hair looks so soft...... and we love the implicit cleanliness of a man who wears socks in the house! 8/10
quality of character scale: i super SUPER dont agree with this man’s Smothering-Adjacent Methods (and also i know firsthand that strict parentage just drives kids to be more rebellious, lmao) but all things considered he really just wants the best for his family PLUS he’s willing to meet mo halfway at the end! :’) 6/10
total score: 14/20 the way i feel about him is the way i feel when i get crushes on pastors in that You Are Complicit In My Trauma But We’re Gonna Kiss About It way
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mr delgado (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: OOOOH GLASSES! 5/10
quality of character scale: it’s sort of implied that the Wacko Energies of charlie’s family are mostly the fault of his mom so it’s cool of this man to distance himself from that. he is, of course, still complicit in Whatever The Hell Her Deal Is unless he is constantly fighting with her offscreen 6/10
total score: 11/20 would have loved to see more of him
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mr yamada (lemonade mouth)
hotness scale: another chapter in the saga of unbuttoned collars! doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to show off his strengths but i appreciate that he is not the thinnest dad in town 6.5/10
quality of character scale: WOW fuck this guy. very dismissive of stella’s aspirations!!!!! i don’t like that he feels the need to talk Over her to her mom when he’s asking about her vegetarianism. dude she is right there.... however it’s a lil touching when he holds her guitar up at the end, so... 4/10?
total score: 10.5/20 *thinks about his slightly protruding tummy in his last scene* *thinks about his slightly protruding tummy in his last scene* *thi
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bob duncan (good luck charlie: it’s christmas!)
hotness scale: in keeping this Specific to the feature-length xmas special, i will say that bob duncan is QUITE handsome! disappointed that he was wearing a shirt in the scene at the pool.... ill bet if this movie came out post-workout/makeover he’d have been shirtless >:/ i feel robbed... spare tummy, sir? spare tummy? additionally i love a man who rolls up his sleeves AND a man who stans kaiju movies!! also i love that he, quite literally, canonically fucks 8.5/10
quality of character scale: he’s about as charmingly incompetent as he is in the show, but the difference here is that he literally did not do a damn thing wrong! all he wanted to do was be civil with his inlaws and he frankly deserves MUCH better. its clear from his banter with the kids that he loves them very much (also i love how frequently he feels the need to jump/dive for things in this movie. silly slapstick icon) 8.75/10
total score: 17.25/20 this man’s mere presence oozes nostalgia
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jerry russo (wizards of waverly place: the movie)
hotness scale: this man was MADE for me. the bottomless collection of hawaiian shirts....... the TWO tummy out scenes..........the fucked up evil thing his voice does when the kids try to steal the spellbook!!! he really has it all. also i love that he is truly just trying to have some beach intercourse 9/10
quality of character scale: i love that even when he doesn’t remember the kids he still maintains a little dadly rapport with them? the instincts...... it’s also incredibly good of him to relive his decision to give up his magic without hesitation once he realizes the severity of the situation :’0 10/10
total score: 19/20 i’ve never seen an episode of the show but im really about to start
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neil morris (dadnapped)
hotness scale: handsome....... mr morris makes me feel simultaneously like a sapiosexual AND a morosexual because although he completed enough schooling to become a dentist, he also threw it away for a writing career like an absolute champ. also i find it unbelievably charming how Along For The Ride he is about the idea of being kidnapped. a man after my own heart 8.25/10
quality of character scale: this is a tricky one...... neil DOES show active concern for his daughter’s safety when push comes to shove, but he also has my least favorite type of redemption arc: “you THOUGHT i was neglecting you, but actually i was thinking about you the whole time and just never expressed it! we good?” so like. bleh. but he’s pretty mild mannered which i deeply appreciate in a man! 6.5/10
total score: 14.75/20 maybe talk to your daughter instead of writing a macgyver ripoff, dumbass
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major joe mason (princess protection program)
hotness scale: prime dad bod, very believable for his line of work. also he has such a Gentle Way about himself when he’s around princesses....... i love all the hand holding when he’s escorting rosie. absolutely my type 8.75/10
quality of character scale: gosh.... where do i even BEGIN!!! his whole dynamic with carter is so ideal... i was apprehensive at first because his job would require him to be Absent a lot of the time, but upon reflection it’s clear that he’s raised carter well enough that he can totally trust her to be on her own, and also she’s only sad to see him go because she sincerely enjoys his company. everything about his profession is so noble and i love the way he can carry himself as casually or as politely as a given situation calls for. worst thing he does is say “i might have to stop calling you ‘pal’” because his daughter is wearing a pretty dress. i wish he was my dad but i’ll settle for him being my husband 9.75/10
total score: 18.5/20 i almost made a ppp self insert this morning specifically for Him
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ted thompson (zapped)
hotness scale: athletes arent sexy!! this guy’s face screams The Only Websites I Know How To Use Are Facebook And Reddit and also he’s a dog person BUT he is sporting quite the tumbey if i do say so myself and for that i shall let him live. 4/10
quality of character scale: ok i know the whole point of this movie is Boys Bad but i hate men who are loud and i hate dads who get Weird about the inherent femininity of their daughters. when he calls zoey “sport” and then cringes like he’s made a mistake? dumb and unnecessary. HOWEVER all of his efforts to bond with zoey are really really sincere. like when he fixes her music box? that has NOTHING to do with the app he just Does It!!!! the movey mightve rubbed off on me a little too much but there are multiple ways to show love and just bc im not used to his way doesnt mean it has no worth! 6/10
total score: 10/20 mr thompson sir im sorry i doubted you at the start of the film
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rob adams (radio rebel)
hotness scale: this man dresses 5-10 years younger than he looks and i respect that for him. but i was expecting him to be a bit more of a slimeball considering how tara talks about him in the opening scene... and you guys know how much i love slimeballs. regardless, pretty handsome! 6.5/10
quality of character scale: it’s nice that he goes to such a Public and Corporate effort to connect to his stepdaughter! even if it’s in a way that financially benefits him, it’s pretty clear that he cares about this family and wants to do right by them. nothing exceptional, though 7/10
total score: 13.5/20 i GUESS i’d be down to smash if he asked
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ralph bartlett (read it and weep)
hotness scale: ok i was gonna say something mean about the fact that he’s balding but honestly he has really nice arms........ in addition he’s really quirky and optimistic which i am going to admire into my grave!! when he gets excited about having customers during the finale his voice quirks with an almost charlie day-esque charm. handsome. ALSO he calls jamie “princess” which is!!!!!!! something 7.5/10
quality of character scale: the way ralph parents his kids is Very 2000s in that he kinda babies his daughter but gets to pal around with his son, but i guess both dynamics come from a place of love and he could be doing much worse. plus he’s an honest hardworking small business owner! i support him 7/10
total score: 14.5/20 i would definitely go out for pizza with him
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dr james hartley (how to build a better boy)
hotness scale: THIS. THIS IS WHAT DCOM DADDIES ARE ALL ABOUT. gosh..... this is truly the Most dad ive ever seen in my life. i love how his hair is always mussed..... how he’s so Desperate to relax that he falls asleep after Fifteen Seconds of smooth jazz..... and also. like. hes a scientist?? hello??? pretty sexy of him. i want to give this man the relaxation he deserves 10/10
quality of character scale: ok so,,,...,, kinda fucked up that he lied to his whole family (with the possible exception of his wife—sidenote, WHY did they make dr hartley married? his wife never comes up except when bart says she’s out of town. let him be single so i can slide into those dms) and EXTRA kinda fucked up that he works for the government? what a scab. BUT it’s very very clear that he cares about his kids (and gabby) and prioritizes their safety above all else! also, did you SEE how happy he was when mae won homecoming queen....... he loves her so so so much! :’0 8.5/10
total score: 18.5/20 i thirst tweeted about this man and roger bart replied ‘Aw, thanks!’ so i dont know where to go from here
11 notes · View notes
session 11 notes (i’ll fix them one day but i’m agro this was tea hate this)
Two minute one shot while dom pees
Adam has a floaty tube
Asyna can't turn into a hippo
Giant seahorse
Jane austen
Elizabethh and darcy my hands are shaking
Dom has 4e books
Dom was pretty out of it last session
It's afternoon
Dom is toasty
In jacob's other campaign a goat bit off his penis so the goat's name is richard byter
"at first the goat was reluctant"
"what a goat"
Last week on dragon heist
We were meandering through the city
"one of you met with an old friend, briefly"
Zoo time
Aerana knows where the zoo is in the sea ward
Raised brick gate w high walls; on top are intricate metal railing spiked stuff
Entrance is v wide, not too many people going in bc it's raining a lot
Apparently the weather is super important and I still don't know why the weather is so important
It is currently raining
Ticket booth in the front
Gold piece per person
Botanic repository
We walk up to the booth covering ourselves w the hoods we have
Velvet rope line but we just navigate through it like in shrek
Adam goes first
Walks in and see smiling figure, human male middle-aged, heavyset, festive outfit, "thank you for visiting - oH how's it going?!" it's volo
He's doing research for his newest obok
Hi jacob's dad
Jacob's gonna go fishing
Volo under impression he would be one of zoological experts but no
They brought monsters in from the isle of chault
Points us off to the exhibit to go
Originally zoo was not a zoo as we think of but like throwing them in a pit and being like look at them think httyd
Now it's closer to what we'd consider a modern day zoo
Lots of foliage
It's a big zoo
Like the San diego zoo
Or disneyland
Dom talks abt his brother's haircut
We can run through it
Can asyna just sprint
Aerana and asyna r gonna run
Adam cel and theo r gonna not run
Most of the zoo taken up by exhibits devoted to the island
Looking in the entryway a lot of ppl r carrying pamphlets n papers and speaking in foreign tongues like tourists or smth ig
Adam casts disguise self to make him look as fancy as everyone else
Has feathered cloak
Three major pathways
Chault exhibits for weird stuff r left
Marine stuff and some chault r forward
To the right r monsters from the interior continent
Adam cel and theo (?) go to the right
Most ppl r in pairs
A lot of biologist-type ppl; ppl who look like they're used to handling animals
First real exhibit on the right is a human woman inside the exhibit throwing down pieces of meat to lions
Is asyna a moon druid ? Yes
How did the human woman get there ? But she doesn’t notice
"does this zoo have dippin dots" - lillian 2020
Perception check, 15
There r ppl selling stuff, sees dejected gnome sitting under a pedal cart w a dingy umbrella and he's grumpy n angry
Adam walks over to him
Selling diff snacks n refreshments
He's mostly selling a fizzle pop
Strawberry flavor, blueberry, butterfly flavor
"are ur fizzle pops made w organic butterflies ? Bc I'm kinda on a diet rn"
Adam says it's disgusting
"I'll have a blueberry thank you"
Cel is gonna try the butterfly one
It's sweet; doesn't taste like blood but does taste almost nutty
So like what I would think pistachio tastes like
Fun size popsicle
Theo gets strawberry
They go to the next exhibit
A really vertical exhibit
Cel is gonna try and ride seahorse asyna but rolls a nat 1 for acrobatics and then a nat 1 for dex save
Smashes head on rim of the pool, bleeding out and unconscious
Healing words from adam
Climbs out of the pool
The water is now red
Three children on the other side of the pool
One of them gets really excited and pees when adam tells them that there's a chemical that turns pool water red
Asyna left the pool when the kid peed
Asyna leads everyone over to the hospital
Adam is gonna try and healing words fix cel
Cel is back to full health
One of the kids is crying scared when she finds out the water is blood
Theo is gonna go get the kids ?
Ok back to the zoo
There's a hippo exhibit
We go check it out
On the way there run into different typical zoo stuff
The younger ppl r around these exhibits
A lot of closed sections bc of weather like "don't worry next winter this animal will be back"
Ringtails that r lemurs ringtail lemurs
Carefully curated trees that r uber high
Hawks and giant eagles
Oops my phone froze
Tap on the glass to say hi to the what now
Theo wants it to come say hi to her
Animal handling check, 10
Can't attract their attention but
The hippos
Asyna has speak with animals LMAO
Basically can't talk to worms
No more tapeworm talk :/
"Theo says hi . This is theo"
"everybody gangsta until they find out jacob thinks barney is a hippo" - dom 2020
Colombian drug lord one time built private zoos and the hippos broke out but now there's a hippo problem in colombia
Pablo escovar
Speak with animals is ten minutes
We're also probably fighting later
We're gonna talk to the hippos
Theo waves
One of them paddles over and tries to sniff
"hm . Can you eat it ?"
"pleaes don't"
 I just remembered seaweed is not a plant it's an algae
This hippo does not have a name
Calls sister sister
"ask about juicy hippo gossip" - adam
"no but if I did I would share it"
Originally zoo was place for research
Anything else to ask hippos before we check out rare animals ?
The hippo floats away and we say bye
To the chault exhibits
Getting late but there r a lot more researchers
First exhibit has a lot of strange, unfamiliar trees
Monkeys w really big fluffy sideburns clustering around overhanging branches bc it's raining
Some of them r taking leaves and using them to keep the rain off
One of the monkeys hops off the branch
The sideburns actually extend into wings and it goes to another branch
"it's like the wizard of oz"
"adam what's the wizard of oz"
Flying monkeys
Adam walks over to a researcher and asks the most must-see
Woman who is probably from chault bc wearing strange woven beret w branches n stuff
Alien to anything they've seen
"I would point you in the direction of the behemoths"
"what are behemoths"
Adam rolls nature check
9, he doesn't know what a behemoth is
She is from chault
Behemoths r considered friends there
Asyna and aerana know where chault is
Everyone else just knows chault is v far away, almost like a nightmare story told to children
Described as a hellscape
"I'd sooner go to chault than-"
Asyna and aerana know chault is a massive island to the sw of the sword coast, home to v tropical, intensely humid climate w lots of rain + some invasions in the past but now things r opening up
We're gonna check out the behemoths
From a distance, this exhibit much larger than others, much more heavily excavated
Not so much walls as railing looking into a deep cavern
All manner of plant life brought in to accommodate the creatures
Huge lizard of some kind
Huge size category
Irl a horse is large
Humans and dwarves are medium
Exhibit says it's a macetail behemoth
Ground trembles w each step of the behemoth
Slow, ponderous
Gigantic armored lizard w tough plating on its back and spikes on the sides of its head w bony, protective coverings all over it
Massive swinging tail protruding bone swinging back and forth as it walks
Looks like that one dinosaur
We would call it an ankylosaurus
Things that go over my head : see description bullet points before this
Tail end of speak with animals
Asyna can turn into dinosaurs
"you look really cool do you have a name"
One of them looks up but doesn't really respond
Doesn't answer
Look for velociraptors
Gonna look at all the exhibits
Spirehorn behemoths
Faces almost look like shields
Alien to us tho
I can't believe that like as dom's explaining these everyone else can like ,, imagine it
Like that's crazy they see pictures inside their heads
Feathered behemoths
Occasionally jump around
Claws and walk around on two legs
Bloodspike behemoth
Stegosaurus, baby and two parents
Asyna can turn into a deinonychus
We have enough time for one more exhibit
We see a creature alone in its pen save for two researchers dropping treats in front of it, other has a pickaxe and is tapping the ground and scooping smth up trailing the creature and brushing it into a bin
Creature reflects rainbow of colors ? I think
Huge snail, has three eyestalks but they kind of droop down and have heavy spikes off each individual one
Cel reads description
Flail snail?
It's a big boi
Described not as a beast but as something that comes from a realm of earth
As it moves it excretes glass
Generally docile but if prodded r really dangerous bc the things it has r more weapons than eyes
Adam asks if it's a petting exhibit
The flail snail is just as slow as a regular snail
"that is the most disgusting magic resistance I've ever seen in my entire life" - jacob 2020
Everything starting to shut down
We realize we should probs skedaddle
Time to find loser boy
Rain has not stopped but has kinda calmed down
Heading straight to the wig shop
Lamps in the trades ward r lit
Brighter than what we've seen recently
Adam peers into the shop
Perception check
6, tries to get water off the window, looks empty
Theo's gonna pick the lock
25, it's a simple lock and theo gets it open easily
Shop is empty
Somewhat eerie for those without darkvision bc the mannequins
Cel will go and investigate the back room, door is locked
Theo tries opening again
23, opens easily
Immediately smells weird powder
A lot of the perfumes for preserving dyes n stuff kept back here
Cel makes a perception check
V organized, neat and tidy
Manhole cover in the back
Sewer system v advanced in waterdeep but also means there's a lot of it
A lot of ppl will build over sewer openings bc cheaper real estate
"sewer access authorized city officials only"
Adam rolls nat20 for boxes
Looking for anything necromancy related, licking things, doing all manners of investigation
Feels a small leather sack, pulls it out, kinda heavy
Opens it up, sees coins that are kind of heavier and thicker; not silver, 5 platinum pieces
Platinum is 10 gp each
Could take the platinums
Scry the money and sack
There are cupboards at the front desk
Necromancy considered suspicious, looked down upon
"ah . It's like watching anime ." - jacob 2020
"no, it's not like watching anime" - dom 2020
The art itself is not a crime but the things that occur in tandem w it r usually crimes
Discussing what to do in character
Cel insight check, 16
Earlier dom mentioned we're aware many ppl in waterdeep use the sewers to traverse unseen in the city; kinda suss the building was built on top of a sewer
Adam is borrowing aerana's warhammer
Adam hits the floor, leaves big dent and a v loud sound
Cel makes strength check w advantage w crowbar
Rolls a 12, can't get it open
Can sort of shift it up
Adam smashes a jar over the floor
Dex check, 5
Cloud of neon yellow sprays out like a cloud of dust and smoke, just the color
Covered in bright yellow dye
Theo tries lockpicking
23, lock is more difficult and takes a little longer, but eventually it opens
Once it's opened, the chains undo themselves and snake out on their own accord
It's just a dark hole
Can see a short drop that leads to a staircase
Adam holds lantern
Cel's just gonna go w adam at the front, pitch dark
Darkvision lets us see to some extent; everything is in grayscale
Lantern beam does help us see a little
Asyna closer to front as well
Leads to a room, 10' x 20'
Descending down short flight of stairs, room totally bare save for a barred door that u can see out of, also locked
Hear faintly some water
Theo rolls 23 for lockpicking
Door opens
Adam investigating room for secret door, tunnel, anything
Investigation check, 10 and 5 for investigation checks
Look around but room is barren
Nothing stashed anywhere, nothing to indicate a secret door or anything
Adam and cel step out, to immediate right extends for 10ish feet before merging into wall
Directly in front is water and like a sewer river flowing to the right
"are there any rats" "make a perception check" "nat 1"
To left, passage curves so hard to see but for at least 40 or so feet the pathway continues
Adam rolls another 5 for investigation check
We eventually get to a small stone bridge
I FORGOT I RESEARCHED THE SEWER SYSTEMS idk if I should bring it up I brought it up
A 15 intelligence check
Waterdeep's sewers are a subject of fascination for the city
You know the passageway like the one ur in often has arteries or iron doors set in them leading to different areas
Also know sometimes due to poor planning or smth some areas without walkways also have access tunnels
There's a bridge ? Nasty water under it
Over the bridge we go
Cel rolls a 22, plenty of damp areas around ,, no light in the passage, walking for a minute or so and w each step just hear a wet squelching noise; we're leaving behind wet, muddy footprints
No sign of recent mud in front of us
10 minutes go by and every once in a while pass side arteries w more sewage flowing in
This part seems relatively well planned
Can only go straight ? No other curvature in the path
Traveling south
"I'm gonna try and get that rat" - adam 2020
Adam picks up the rat for sleight of hand check
"you're able to grab up that rat pretty good" - dom 2020
Adam holds rat out to asyna and tells her to do her thing
"hey buddy"
"uh you have to cast your spell first"
"hey pal how's it going"
"let me go"
"uh we'll let you go if you answer some of our questions"
"don't even"
"no he's saying don't eat him"
"my friend here holding you is gonna take a big chomp of you if you don't answer our questions"
"have you seen anyone"
"don't know"
"I open my mouth"
"I kind of want to squeak" - marguerite 2020
Rat points north
Adam wants a piece of string to tie onto the rat like a leash
Adam is starting to feel short of breath after 10 minutes of walking
"that's either from the powder . Or the key"
Adam doesn't feel indigestion right now just that it's difficult to get air
Adam tries to tie a leash to the rat
Dex check
Rat runs away
We go back the way we came, another 10 minutes, we pass three of those stone bridges
Cel investigation checks the dead end again, adam will give bardic inspiration
"Open sesame" - song
18, nothing there
It's a maze, we'll try naya
Adam takes out sack of platinum
Naya appears, looks around and shudders and bounds away
Following the deer
Naya is guiding back to where we originally where
Moving south again
Looks at passage back again passage then vanishes
Naya was standing on one of the bridges
First artery
It's a passage
We gotta wade through the sewer
Aerana readies weapon
Wading through, halflings get disgusting smth in their boots
Passage goes 20 ft before turning on a diagonal, turn onto passageway then it extends v far into distance
"adam's adding to the sewage right now probably" - jacob 2020
Adam's feeling lightheaded
Cel makes medicine check on adam
Rolls a 6, don't know what's wrong bud
Adam rolls around in the sewer water to get the powder off ??
I guess he is
Adam makes a constitution save, a 3
The yellow stuff is off but adam is smeared in shit
Did I make a good or bad decision
We keep going but adam feels better like fine like nothing's wrong
Oh no adam's gonna die it's like hypothermia where u feel super hot at first then u die
Passageway stretches on for awhile until coming across a rusty ironed door raised so that we'd have to step up to access it
Aerana makes perception check on the door, 20 not a nat
Hears people shouting and what appears to be a cat
Can't tell if the shouting is bad or not
Theo wrings out cape
Go up to the door, realize there's no lock; the entire lock has fallen out bc the door is so rusty
Adam checks door for traps, 12 investigation
Does not appear to be trapped, looks p old
Adam is in middle, cel towards back, aerana at front
About 25' ahead is a wider chamber and a door set into the wall, the areas are lit
We already walked through the rusty door
Massive screeching sound that came from the door when u opened it
Gotta b stealthy
Door to the right is unlocked
Adam opens the door open, looks like a storage room w different crates and sacks; bland
Some water barrels, adam pours it on himself; the rest of us also do it
Moving into room adjacent to passageway; triangle things in the wall has arrow stuff to make it easier to fire from but the room looks abandoned
Deeper in we go
Don't go that far but hit a wider room extending out 40'
Center of the room; at one point looks like there was a wall covering the room but has since collapsed; several ppl looking at us
Far corner opposite to us is an old halfling man in dark robes, clutching wound at chest, long gray braid down back staring at us as if he heard we were coming
In front of him are two smiling skeletons
It's the necromancer
The skeletons r also looking at us
They appear to be guarding him
In front of skeletons are three kenku looking at us
Bingbong is not one of the kenku
"I can explain" - adam
"we came down here and I was covered in shit and" adam casts pyrotechnics centered in between skeletons and kenku
Aerana, 19
Cel, 17
Asyna, 15
Adam, 15
Theo, 9
Holds attack, if kenku move within 5 ft of her she'll attack
Skeletons have bows and shortswords
Kenkus have shortswords
Will hold an action if attacked
Appear to b human skeletons, medium size
Lash out at kenku
One kenku able to parry away an attack, other skeleton slashes another kenku
Attacks kenku closest to her, the one not hit
15, "what are you attacking with" "iiiiiiiii don't knowwwwwwwwwww"
Asyna turns into ape
Runs up to terrified kenku
Swings both times but it gets out of the way and hisses like a cat
Casts pyrotechnics on kenku
One passes, one fails
Failed one is blinded for next turn
Cutting words on the kenku by asyna
Tries to escape, skeleton misses and kenku staggers away and starts feeling way along wall and runs into room west of where we are
Other one
Makes attack on skeleton, half of ribcage slashed but it's still standing
Other other one
Tries to attack ape, misses
Stands up, tries to flee
Hits kenku that tried to get asyna, 5 damage
Has sneak attack, deals 12 damage
Arrow shot into neck, still alive but not for long
13 damage to other kenku
"how do you want to do this"
Kenku drops dead
Skeleton turns smiling to aerana
15 to hit, 6 damage, dead
"how do you want to do this"
Pulls arrow back as far as she can "and I don't know if it's bingbong, but I'm gonna pretend it's bingbong and shoot it right through his eye socket"
"I want to keep bingbong as a pet" - jacob 2020
"kenku are sentient beings, that would be slavery" - dom 2020
Looking around we see the bodies of three other kenku and remains of two other skeletons
The skeletons attack aerana
One hits, 3 damage
Goes into the room to follow the halfling and the kenku
Some kind of exit around
The blinded kenku is in here
Can reach halfling or kenku
Marguerite wants to hug the halfling
Athletics check to do it
Old man screams but asyna can hold him, unable to escape
Kenku still feeling around on the floor
Follows asyna
Gonna cast sleep
Kenku falls asleep
Yells over at the halfling
"can you call off your skeletons please"
Loser boy's turn
I don't remember how to spell losser unless it's losser
Tries to escape asyna's grasp
"he does not escape your grasp"
Asyna rolls another athletics check
17, he does not escape
14 to hit, 16 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Arrow to the skull just goes really far in and the skull falls off as do misc bones
Misses hit
Tries to thrust forward w sword but it drops and contracts, sword slipping through ribcage
19 to hit
8 damage, hits shoulder and arm falls off
Waddles the halfling over to adam
Gives him a little squeeze
baned halfling
And cutting words
No cutting words nvm
Asyna rolls a 25
Can't squirm out
"unhand me there are more of them there are more kenku"
"ok. Bye bye skeleton boy"
22 to hit
12 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Hits him in the smile; teeth knocked out and all of it collapses like a xylophone type noise as the bones hit the floor
Out of combat
Aerana ties up sleeping kenku
Adam casts charm person
Cel is gonna loot
Investigation check, 7
10 gold combined on the kenku; takes
Halfling is charmed to consider adam a dear old friend
Says he just finished work on his new purse; his fanny pack (basically)
Not sure we recognize the material
Adam says he knows who sent the kenku
"you have the stone"
"they stole it from me"
Says he randomly found a nice stone from a rat
Adam puts his hand on loser boy's shoulder and asks if he wants to work from home
Trying to convince loser boy to come with us
The purse is made out of elf skin
Bc it's supple
Adam trying to get a magical weapon out of loser boy
Has a potion that protects from necromancers
Persuasion check, 24
Goes into side closet
Damage resist potion
Aerana kills him
Wow are you ?? Desensitized ?? Are you desensitized or does it help not being able to see anything ever
Adam rummages through loser boy's desk
Investigation check, 15
False bottom to one of the desk drawers w 100 gold inside
Cel investigation checks loser boy, 13
Finds a little wand w a skull tip
Adam is gonna look at the purse
This bag is a faint gold
Adam shakes the kenku awake, wisdom 13 saving throw
Charm person
Making dog noises
"you want to take us to your friends"
"I don't know where they are"
"then let's just go back to your base"
"get back to base ? No one knows where that is"
Adam introduces himself, mentions bingbong
Gets theo and cel's names, mimics sound of a hammer hitting metal when asked his name
His name is bonk now
Asks asyna's name, asyna is still an ape
Big hairy git
Aerana says she'll trade information for her name
Adam swings warhammer into ground to threaten kinda
Adam makes 12 insight check
We don't recognize any of the voices he uses
Asks if we live in a hole
Asks if the house is nice
Copies adam's voice for the house boom
Adam asks if he knows about the puppet
"couldn't tell you if I knew"
Nat20 adam runs insight check across entire conversation
He's lying abt not knowing where his friends are
Adam asks him why he was lying
Hear a voice we've never heard before
But this one in particular is bizarre and warped as if it's through some filter
"do you know what happens when you lie to me"
Anyone w passive perception over 9 hears a bottle break and a door slam in one of the rooms to the south
Cel hits his brain basically
Some of you starting to piece together that smth strange is happening
Pattering of footsteps from room to the south
Session over for the night
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty-Five: Crystal Ball ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Boredly scrolling through his usual online forums, Sasuke’s eyes flicker to the side of his screen when a notification pops up. He’s got an IM, it seems. Opening Discord, he deflates slightly when he sees it’s from none other than Naruto. Now what does he want…?
Hey the carnival’s in town, you wanna go?
A dark brow perks. Carnival…? Isn’t that for kids? Giving his monitor a deadpan stare, he replies, Isn’t that something for 12 year olds?
Nah man, there’s some sick rides and junk food! C’mon just go with me for one night and get outta your house, dude!
Okay, now he’s full-on scowling. Get out of his house? What, like he’s a recluse or something? He just...likes his privacy! And all his hobbies are at home: his video games, guitar, computer...and their town is just...boring. Going out to do anything costs money, and he doesn’t have a job yet. He gets an allowance, sure, but not that much.
How much are tix?
There’s a pause as Naruto seems to look it up. Uhhh 15 I think? Not that bad!
Sasuke just rolls his eyes. Okay fine, I’ll go. But if it’s boring I’m coming home.
Yeahhh, okay! I promise you won’t get bored, it’s gonna be awesome! :D We’ll go tomorrow, okay?
Snorting, Sasuke sends a one word agreement and closes the window, trying to find his place back on his other window. A carnival...well, he supposes there are worse ways to spend a Summer Friday night.
They arrange to just meet at the gate, and as usual...Naruto is late. Leaning nearby and trying not to look lame, Sasuke keeps hands in his pockets, looking over the crowds idly. It does seem pretty busy...maybe Naruto’s right about it being at least somewhat interesting. He can hear talking and screaming from some of the more intense rides. And of course the smells of sugar, fried food, and crowds of people fill the air. He can’t remember the last time he went to something like this. Probably back in elementary school, if he had to guess.
It’s a bit nostalgic.
“Hey, Sasuke!”
Dragging his eyes from the gate, he spies the blond at last. “About time you got here.”
“Sorry, was texting Sakura - she’s gonna meet us later!”
There’s an involuntary groan. Sakura is Naruto’s girlfriend...but up until they started dating a few months ago, she’d spent their entire lives chasing after Sasuke. And her affections were the last thing he wanted. Girls are just...obnoxious.
“Aw, c’mon - don’t be like that!”
“She’s gonna annoy the hell out of me.”
“Look, she’ll be so busy talkin’ to me, she won’t have any time to bug you! Can’t I just spend a little time with my best friend and my girlfriend?” Naruto scowls, folding his arms. “You gotta put all that behind you, Sasuke.”
“I will as soon as she does,” the Uchiha mutters in reply.
Making their way into the line, they pay the fee and get their wristbands, allowed through the turnstiles and into the carnival grounds.
...it seems a bit...bigger than when he was a kid. No longer is it just some kiddy rides, a petting zoo, and some food stands.
This is massive…!
Noting Sasuke’s gawking look, Naruto snickers. “Told ya it’s awesome!”
“...wow. Sure has changed.”
“I know, right? Whatcha wanna do first? Food, games, rides…?”
“Uh...games, I guess.” He skips the food and rides options for now - he’ll go on something crazy before he eats...otherwise he just might puke. Best to save that for later. For now, they’ll peruse the booths and see what’s worth playing...then they can hit up some rides.
They first have a head to head on a squirt gun course, Sasuke winning handily and earning a prize. He picks a blow-up hammer, amusing himself by whacking Naruto with it and grinning.
“This is the treatment losers get,” Sasuke taunts, holding the thing away as Naruto makes to pop it.
“Stupid Sasuke and his stupid hammer...ooh!” Immediately distracted, the Uzumaki trots to a strange...tent? “Yooo, check this OUT! It’s a fortune teller booth!”
Sasuke doesn’t bother to censor a scoff. “What, you believe in that crap?”
“I dunno...but sometimes that stuff is like...creepy accurate, man! You wanna go in?”
“Uh...no thanks. You take a turn, and I’ll wait out here.”
“Aww...you’re no fun.” Sticking out his tongue, Naruto then lifts the flap and heads inside.
Shaking his head, Sasuke people-watches for a time. At least Sakura hasn’t shown up yet...he can have a bit more peace. Hopefully whoever’s telling those shoddy fortunes doesn’t mention a breakup in Naruto’s future…
Five minutes pass, and then ten...and then Sasuke starts to get annoyed. How long is this supposed to take? He’s just about ready to stick his head in and demand they go when Naruto emerges. He seems a bit...dazed.
“...you okay?”
“Dude...that lady knows her stuff.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, man...she knew, like...everything,” Naruto hushes. “It was spooky…!”
Sasuke rolls his eyes, then jolts as Naruto takes his shirt front. “Whoa, hey -!”
“You gotta try it, dude!”
“What? I’m not gonna -”
“Just try! Trust me, she’ll freak you out!”
Scoffing, Sasuke jerks out of Naruto’s grip. “All right, fine! Just...don’t go wandering off, okay? Be right back…” Scowling, he hands the blond his hammer and brushes aside the tent flap, heading inside.
It’s dark, lit only by a few candles, and...a glowing crystal ball in the center of a table. Huh...nice atmosphere. No wonder Naruto got so spooked - the kid’s terrified of ghosts, of course he’d believe in this kind of crap.
Looking up from the ball, he spies a woman emerging from the shadows at the edge of the ‘room’. She’s...not what he expects. She looks young, no more than his brother’s age, with white hair he’s going to assume is a wig. Big earrings dangle from her ears, grey eyes shining with some kind of mischief that matches her smile. “Please...sit.”
After a pause...he does as asked.
“So...what will you have me reveal? The fate of your career? The path of your heart? Where your luck lies?”
He almost rolls his eyes at her spiel. “What’d my friend pick?”
“I can’t reveal another’s fortune: that’s for them to decide to share.”
Ugh… “...all right, fine. Uh…” He has no idea about...any of those things, really. On a whim, he says, “...romance.” Sure, why not? Anything she tells him he’ll know is a crock that way.
...not that he’d believe anything else.
Rather than sit, she remains standing, planting a hand atop the ball. Mist swirls inside, the color shifting from a teal to a pale pink. The fortune teller’s head tilts as she considers it.
“...you shy from love. Unwanted affections have embittered you to the notion of true feelings. You find the opposite sex shallow and whimsical...where you crave stability and certainty.”
...huh. Okay. Well that’s...interesting. He doesn’t react, not wanting to give her anything to go off of.
“And yet...part of you craves someone to explore this part of yourself with...but not just anyone. You refuse to waste your time in fruitless ventures, but also know nothing is guaranteed. This duality frustrates you.”
His brow furrows just a hair.
“The eccentric clash with your down-to-earth nature. You wish for someone calm, yet sweet...soft, yet eager.”
Bringing up her other hand, the woman’s eyes close, appearing to concentrate. “...the one you seek is small of stature, simple of looks...but undeniably charming. Curves to your edges, soft spoken and yet...with a fiery heart when fed the proper coals. Eyes like the moon, hair like the night just before dawn. Just as one has sought you, she has sought another...your affections creating a whirling pool, a circular path where none are satisfied...until they look in the last place they expect: behind them…”
The tent seems to grow smaller, until the pair of them are pressed to the table. Shadows appear to loom from the edges, the only light the ball between them. A terrible weight settles in Sasuke’s chest. Something’s...something’s not right...
Her tone fades, and then eyes flutter open. “...she is nearer than you think,” she whispers, and then lets her hands retreat. Suddenly, the space expands, the light returns, and Sasuke finds he can breathe again.
What the hell was that…?!
That same cat-like, coy expression pulls at her features. “...that’s all I can see for now. Do with your knowing what you will...but be careful who you tell. The truth is a heavy burden…”
Watching her almost warily, Sasuke rises from his seat and slides out, walking backwards several paces as though expecting her to follow and drag him back inside.
Nearly jumping out of his skin, Sasuke spins around to find Naruto...and Sakura, too. They both perk a brow at him.
“So? What’d she tell ya?” Naruto demands. “You look awfully spooked, Sasuke!”
“Tch...yeah right. She’s just creepy,” he retorts, arms folding...and trying to ward off a clammy feeling in his skin.
“Aww, you’re no fun…”
“You didn’t tell me yours.”
“Cuz she told me not to!”
“She told me that, too!”
“Uh...guys?” Sakura cocks a hip, hand on her waist. “...are you done…?”
“Oh, er...yeah, sorry,” Naruto quickly quips, redirecting his attention to his girlfriend. “What were you saying?”
“I was trying to introduce you to my friend,” the rosette sighs. “I dunno if you remember her: her dad pulled her out to be homeschooled, like...ten years ago. Apparently she’s coming back for our senior year!” A hand then gestures to a girl Sasuke hardly even noticed, her form is so unassuming.
But once he does realize her presence...he stiffens. She...she looks like…?
A bit shorter than Sakura, wearing baggy clothes despite the summer evening heat, her dark hair is up in a bun, a fringe and a few shorter lengths framing her heart-shaped face. Pale eyes are sheepish to match her smile, giving a shy wave. “Hi…”
“This is Hinata - you guys remember her?” Sakura offers.
“Uh...maybe…?” Naruto offers, itching his neck. “It’s been a while…”
Sasuke can’t place her...then again, she’s clearly a wallflower. He probably just never noticed her...especially with louder, more evident girls like Sakura and her friend Ino around. And what he’s far more concerned about now is that the more he looks...the more he sees that lines up with that weird woman’s fortune.
“...she is nearer than you think…”
“...Sasuke? Hellooo? Earth to Sasuke!”
Jolting, he looks up. “...huh?”
Arms folding, Sakura frowns at him. “...are you feeling okay?”
“Maybe he needs to eat something! We haven’t gotten any food yet. Whatcha think, girls?”
“Yeah, sure...as long as it’s not too much. I’m watching my diet.”
Hinata just nods, going with the group’s flow as they meander toward the food stalls. Watching her from the corner of his eyes, Sasuke doesn’t know what to think. He doesn’t believe in the occult - he doesn’t! But this is...this is weird…
“Sasuke, right…?”
Stiffening as she addresses him, he nods.
“Sorry...I don’t, um - I don’t really remember you, either,” she offers with a soft laugh. “But Sakura talks about you a lot.”
“Yeah, she...she does that. Seems she should talk about Naruto more than me, though.”
At that, Hinata seems to...wilt. Almost as though disappointed…? “Yeah...she does…”
“Just as one has sought you, she has sought another...your affections creating a whirling pool, a circular path where none are satisfied...until they look in the last place they expect: behind them…”
...she likes Naruto, doesn’t she…? And he likes Sakura, who liked Sasuke, until she...turned around…
Okay, this is freaking him out…!
“Are you...sure you’re all right?” Concern knits her brow. “...you look awfully pale…”
“Just, uh...need some food in me,” he replies evasively. “I’ll be fine.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but nor does she argue, following as Naruto and Sakura get in line for some burgers.
Heart pounding, Sasuke takes a shaking breath. Okay...he’s letting this get to his head. It’s just...nonsense. It doesn’t mean anything. He’s reading into things too much, and making connections that aren’t really there!
...isn’t he?
...he’ll feel better after some food. He’ll be fine.
...so long as Naruto doesn’t put him on any rides after this.
     Ohmygosh it's late OTL      Thankfully this prompt was easy, I just...didn't get to it until late. And then it ended up longer than usual! Which is good, but I need sleep xD Poor Sasuke...he's gonna be paranoid now! But maybe there IS something to that lady's words...only time will tell!      Anywho, with that, I'ma shove off - thanks for reading!
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iminyourhandskara · 5 years
A Second Schott At Love - Chapter 2.
It seemed like Friday night couldn’t come soon enough, for both the couples: Kara and Mon-El had a really good feeling about it, while Eve and Winn were a bundle of nerves. Winn kept texting his friend asking for an opinion on which flannel shirt he was supposed to wear, meanwhile Eve begged Kara to go shopping with her, she wanted to look her best, even if Kara repeatedly told her that her usual style would be perfect for the date, she didn’t need new clothes. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me anything about Winn?” “I want you to find out yourself at the date, directly. And I don’t want you to run out of questions, you’re welcome.” “I hate you for being so right.” Kara smirked, as they walked to another shop, looking for a blouse that matched her pencil skirt: Eve was lucky that her style was so similar to her friend’s.
“Can you tell me more about Eve?” “I really don’t know what to tell you, since our only date was ruined by yours truly by talking only about..” “About?” “Uhm, listen, I need to tell you something, but promise me you won’t tell anyone yet.” “Of course, I promise.” “Well..Kara and I are dating.” Winn gasped, “Since when?” “Valentine’s day, more or less.” “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “What?” Mon-El cringed thinking he had hurt his friend’s feelings in some way. “I owe Alex 30 dollars, I told her you would get together after Valentine’s day. She bet that you would get together on Valentine’s day..” “Okay, wow. But Kara hasn’t told Alex yet, so you can spend that money on the date first.” “So..you blew your date with Eve because you couldn’t stop talking about Kara? How does she not hate you both?” Mon-El chuckled, “I don’t know, but that surely means that she has a big heart and doesn’t hold grudges, she’s very supportive.” “I feel a little less nervous now..If she met the me from last year, things would’ve gone in the exact same way. Don’t worry, I’m over her! Anyway, I’m really happy for you both, truly.” Winn put his hands on Mon-El’s shoulders, then he hugged him. “Thank you so much, I hope you find the same happiness I have found with Kara.” “Fingers crossed.”
 It was finally time to go at the restaurant, Kara and Mike planned to go a little earlier than Winn and Eve, but obviously, they couldn’t let themselves be recognized by their friends: they “borrowed” a short red wig and fake moustaches from the DEO and prayed they looked somewhat believable. Winn arrived perfectly on time, he seemed pretty nervous for this date; Eve got there just a few minutes later: “It’s showtime!” Kara whispered to Mon-El from the nearby table.
“Hey, I’m Winn, you must be Eve, right?” ‘Why am I even saying this, I know it is her!’ he thought. ”It’s great to finally meet you, Winn.” They shook hands. “You look really, really pretty.” “Oh, thank you so much.” Eve blushed so hard, as if she’d never gotten a compliment before. Winn walked her to the table and moved her chair to let her sit, “Thank you.”
“So, have you ever eaten here?” “No, no, it’s my first time here..in a place like this.” Winn confessed. “I read the food is delicious: you know, I always try to check reviews before I go somewhere new, not that I don’t trust Kara—“ “No, I totally get it, I do the same thing with books and movies.” “That’s nice, I really enjoy books and movies as well. Especially books, since I also studied literature.” “Right! I forgot you attended Yale, that must’ve been incredible.” Winn’s eyes lit up, he could feel the conversation flowing naturally.
The waiter arrived to take their ordination, but then they picked up right where they left. “Yeah, I’ll admit that was a really challenging part of my life, but I’m really proud of all the amazing things I’ve learned. What about you?”
“Eh, I didn’t have the best family growing up, I was pretty lonely until I moved here from Newark, five years ago. Then you know, I met Kara and James and.. CatCo was pretty fun: I’ve had great moments there, even if Cat didn’t get my name right once.” “Typical Cat Grant.” They laughed together. “I came up with the theory that if she gets a name wrong, it means she actually likes you: she always knew my name perfectly, but she always called Kara “Keira”, and you?..” “Will, I think?” “..so she definitely liked you more than she ever liked me.” “That actually makes a lot of sense, wow. You’re smart. Also in a non-academic-cool kind of way.” “Well..” She tucked a hair strand behind her ear.
Besides them, Kara smiled widely with pride at the match she’d created, “I think they’re getting along really well..” “I think so too..but we’ve finished eating like five minutes ago, shouldn’t we go?” Mon-El feared being caught. “Ugh, just ten more minutes!” “Okay..okay.”
 “You mentioned books earlier, and I’m really dying to ask you a question, it’s kind of a deal breaker for me.” “Shoot.” The blonde was curious. “You’ve read Harry Potter, right?” “Oh my gosh, of course! That’s actually where I got this passion for literature.” Winn made an exaggerated sigh of relief, “Good, that’s good. What’s your house?” “If it wasn’t already obvious, Hufflepuff, but with a hint of Slytherin. You?” “Gryffindor! Should I be worried about that ‘hint’?” Eve chuckled, “I don’t think so, but let’s just say you don’t want an enemy like me.” She raised her eyebrow and smirked. “Do you have a favorite Disney movie?” She continued changing the subject. “That’s a terribly difficult question to answer, I think I’m gonna say Aladdin, though.” “Why?” “I don’t know, orphan that has nothing and then has everything, great friendship and love stories, amazing songs I’ll admit I still know by heart..” “Oh, don’t worry I know every Disney song by heart. Everyone.” “And what’s yours?” “Beauty and the Beast: I’ve always seen a little bit of myself in Belle, and God knows how many Gastons I have met in my life..I was also in love with her yellow dress. I hate to say it but I was kinda disappointed by the live action trailer. I still love Emma Watson, though.” “Yeah, same for me..What was your first job? Did Disney or Harry Potter influence you there as well?” “Ha, not at all. I don’t know if you’d count it as a job, but I got my first money from my roommate in college.” “What? How?” “Let’s just say, she’s made a bunch of bad decisions in high school and she’d pay me to cover her Ryan Seacrest tattoo when she had to go out with her boyfriend.” “Wow, and I thought that my Hot Topic experience was odd..” “Yeah, my experience is definitely unique..I really like your shirt, by the way: blue is one of my favorite colors.” “Seriously? Well then, I’m your perfect guy, since 90% of my wardrobe is blue.” Winn didn’t even have the time to cringe at what he said because their food had arrived, so they started eating in a comfortable silence and Eve didn’t seem shaken by his sentence: truth was, Winn and Eve had a lot of spontaneous chemistry and their date was slowly climbing up to be on top of their charts.
“Do you want a dessert?” He asked shyly. “I have a better idea..the food here is delicious, but the portions are kind of..” “Small? Agreed.” “Oh, good. I thought you were gonna think I was an insatiable monster.” Winn chuckled at Eve, “Not at all! So what’s your idea?” “Big Belly Burger?” “Yes, yes-yes-yes-yes! I haven’t been there in a while, actually. Let me go pay.” “No, we can split.” “Nuh-uh. But you can buy me chicken nuggets later.” “..Okay, deal.” Eve finally gave up with a sweet smile.
 “Okay, I think we can go now, they’re leaving too.” Kara whispered to Mon-El, “I think they had a nice time.” He replied. “Yeah, I think so too: I can’t wait to hear their point of view tomorrow.” She let out a little squeal and Mon-El shook his head at the adorable dork that he was lucky enough to call girlfriend. A few minutes apart, the two couples left the restaurant; one was headed home, the other wasn’t.
Winn sneaked a few looks at Eve as she looked outside her window, observing the life around them, the atmosphere of a Friday night in National City: she was really beautiful, her smile was so contagious and she made him feel good like he hadn’t felt in years. Suddenly, Eve turned around and caught Winn staring, but he immediately looked back at the road, embarrassed, though it was too late now to be unnoticed: however, she didn’t seem to mind at all, on the contrary, she smiled at him before looking outside again. Now, they knew they both felt happy with how the night was proceeding; “we’re here.” Winn parked in the almost deserted lot: they were lucky that the Big Belly Burger was open 24 hours. They took two burgers, fries, the aforementioned chicken nuggets and two milkshakes: apparently, they both loved junk food and they had a lot of appetite, even if it was almost midnight. Eve talked a lot, yet he loved listening to her opinions and thoughts on a lot of things, Winn was absolutely fascinated by this tiny but mighty woman. On the other hand, he made her laugh a lot: she felt like she didn’t have to keep her guards up and she was free to be herself, it was like she had known Winn for years and truthfully, Eve already cared about him very much.
“I have to say it, this has been the most fun date I have ever had, so..thank you.” Winn confessed, as he finished his chocolate milkshake. “Definitely. Even if my stomach will probably hate me for all this food, I had a great night with you.” “I gotta thank Kara and Mike, because they totally made up for the crappy date I’ve had the past weekend.” “Agreed.” All the bad experiences they’ve had in the past were just a blur now, it was just them now, sharing a happy moment that would’ve hopefully turned into something more. “I almost forgot to ask..can I have your number? I..I would really like to hang out again.” He scratched his cheek. “I was just gonna say the same thing, of course.” As Eve typed her number on his phone, Winn had a really wide grin on his face, but he didn’t care at all: he did the same thing and then they walked outside the door.
They almost dreaded the ride back to her place, they didn’t want this night to end, even if it was just the beginning: he turned on the radio, at a low volume, but both of them found themselves humming to the songs. “That’s my building.” Eve pointed, Winn stopped the engine. “Again, thank you so much for everything. You’re a really great guy, Winn.” He wasn’t used to compliments, so he remained speechless for a couple of seconds: “Thank you, Eve. By the way, you’re incredible, I don’t know how anyone could ever screw up a date with you.” There it was, another joke that wasn’t even a joke but made her laugh, always so effortlessly: Eve grabbed Winn’s coat and pulled him to her, catching him by surprise, but in a positive way; he gladly returned the kiss. “Wow.” Was the only thing he managed to say after that. “I..I couldn’t help it.” She tucked her hair behind her ears, before opening the door, “goodnight Winn.” “Goodnight Eve.”
He watched her walk away, and still dumb folded Winn muttered to himself. “Damn, that girl really knows how to make an exit.”
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Dearly Beloved
Summary: Here comes the grooms...grooms? Grooooooms??
Notes: The wedding! FINALLY the wedding. Everything is going just about how Red expected it would. 
Also on AO3
By Any Other Name masterlist
The town hall was the first public building that had been put up in New New Home. At first, it had been necessary for meetings, discussions that were important for their very lives, but gradually it had turned into more of a community building for all kinds of get togethers. Dances, parties, and yeah, weddings.
The decorations were carefully done, not that Red knew much about that but eh, he figured it had been done right. His brother had very specific tastes and that was fine. The kid that had grown up in the garbage dumps was still beneath that and just because he didn’t need to be that kid anymore didn’t mean he’d forgotten how.
Red made sure of that. 
And what of it, anyway? They all had dings in their souls, metaphorically speaking, even Papyrus, who came off as cheerful and maybe a little vacant, until you dug a deeper to see beneath it. They all had dents, wounds that had healed over. Point of fact, Stretch’s soul had been pretty close to broken when they got here. Red had noticed that when they first met; he was pretty good at that, noticing things, and once he’d gotten to know him a little, Asgore had put that knack to good use.
King Fluffybuns came off as a good guy, but he had more than just a way with flowers going for him.
Speaking of, the entire hall was decorated liberally with plenty of flowers in shades of autumn, orange and yellow and deep red. He guessed the flowers were top notch, his bro wouldn’t have accepted anything less. Buncha weeds as far as Red was concerned.
What was really concerning was the hour, ten minutes past the appointed time and so far, they had guests and an officiant, Sans, since Stretch and Edge had both wanted their brothers to stand with them, and Stretch would probably rather get married by an Elvis impersonator than let Asgore do it as he had for Undyne and Alphys.
Sans was keeping the guests entertained with some decently clean jokes, but he caught Red’s eye lights and gestured discreetly. what’s up?
Red signed back, give me five.
If he’d know he was going on a fucking quest today, he would have worn more comfortable shoes. Out past the double doors in the foyer, Antwan was standing, hands in his pockets and looking a lot like he wished he smoked at least something. A little weed right now would probably be helpful, but it was too late for that.
“hey,” Red nodded to him, “so, i can’t help but notice we have a room full of people in fancy clothes in there, sans is up front ready to officiate, and we are shy two grooms.”
“You noticed that, too?” Antwan always had a bone-dry sense of humor. “Where’s Edge?”
Red picked at his gold tooth with a sharp fingertip, “puking in the john.”
Antwan nodded. “Always thought it was weird how you guys can do that.”
“yeah, it's real chuckilicious,” Red agreed. “he’ll be fine, just needs a minute. i tell ya, give him a fight? he’ll step right up. something like this, it’s hurlsville. kid has issues.”
“I can’t imagine why,” Antwan said dryly. Red shrugged; everything couldn’t be his fault.
“welp, that’s one. where’s stretch?”
Antwan jerked a thumb at the outer door. “Outside having a panic attack.”
“uh huh. so it’s going pretty much how we expected,” Red sighed. Why was it always on him to get these fucksticks in line? “tell ya what, you go on in and see if you can keep my bro from yakking up his shoes, and i’ll have a look at the honey bun, sound good?”
“Yeah, go ahead,” Antwan agreed, because at least he knew Red got shit done. He called back over his shoulder. “Good luck.”
“good luck,” Red muttered under his breath and shook his head. In his experience, you made your own fucking luck.
Stretch was sitting on the concrete stairs and he probably looked damn fine in his tuxedo, but it was hard to tell with the way he was hunched over with his skull between his knees. Blue was standing in front of him, both hands on his brother’s shoulders, murmuring to him softly.
“Just breathe, brother, you’re fine,” he crooned. “Everything will be fine, keep breathing slow and easy.”
Slow and easy didn’t seem to be on the agenda because Stretch took a hitching breath and gasped out, “i can’t do this.”
“Of course you can,” Blue said with some asperity, although he stroked his brother’s skull gently.  “You love him.”
That didn’t seem to be the right thing to say. Stretch jerked away from him and glared at his brother. “it’s not about me! of course i fucking love him! so if i love him how can i do this to him?” He let out a slow, shuddery breath and almost staggered to his feet, pacing in a tight circle. “don’t you get it? i’ve been waiting for three years for him to wake up and realize i’m not worth it.”
And there it was, kids, today’s special issue. He knew Edge had bullied Stretch into going to the head shrinker like Sans had, not a bad idea if you knew those two assholes, but seriously, was this the bullshit that had him wigging out the last few weeks?
Stretch wasn’t done with his particular brand of word vomit, still pacing and gesturing wildly. “so now he’s going to stick himself with me forever and i’m supposed to let him? you think i’m dedicated to a promise? how seriously do you think he’s going to take till death do us part?” Stretch slumped down to the stairs again, his head in his hands, and confessed softly, “it was okay before, he could still leave, but this?”
“Brother,” Blue sighed then looked up and caught sight of Red. “Red? you’re supposed to be with your brother.”
“yeah, i was but i could smell the insecurity from inside,” Red shook his head. There wasn’t enough weed in the world to deal with this, so he was going to have to try it cold. He crouched down next to Stretch, careful of his suit pants so he didn’t get Edge bitching at him for wrecking the pictures. “hey, listen up, honey bun. it don’t matter what you think of yourself, what matters is what my brother thinks and he thinks you’re the world. it would probably just about kill him if you pussy out now and you’d hate yourself besides.”
Stretch lifted his head enough to look at him, which was at least a start. Red shifted back on his heels and stood, gesturing down at his clothes. “and let me tell you something, i didn’t put on this getup for you to back out. so, you are gonna get up and get your ass inside where all the flowers and shit are, and you are gonna say ‘i do’ in all the right places and make my bro happy, got me?”
“he deserves better,” Stretch whispered, hoarsely. His sockets were swimming with tears.
“maybe,” Red said ruthlessly, ignoring Blue’s sound of outrage. It would take too long to explain that it wasn’t about who deserved what, it was about what was needed. And what Edge needed was running close to 6’5”, lanky and loud and stinking of cigarettes. He didn’t have the time to make Stretch believe that. It was okay, though, Red was used to taking shortcuts. “but he wants you. and believe you me, i am all about making sure he gets what he wants, you get me?”
The tears were starting to flow and Red sighed, pulling out a handkerchief and roughly wiped them away before they could stain his shirt.
“it’s gonna be fine, bro,” he said softly and Stretch took a slow, shuddery breath and nodded.
As motivational speeches went, the boss would have his ass if he ever heard about it, but fuck it, Stretch would probably keep it zippered and if Blue had an issue, he had his own subtle ways of getting revenge. Red had some respect for that.
Besides, what worked, worked. Stretch was on his feet and walking in, with Blue and Red at his heels. Made it all the way inside and only then did he hesitate, stiffening. The altar was empty except for Sans, who was chatting amicably with the crowd. Red caught Stretch before he could take more than a step back, propelling him forward. “calm your tits, honey bun,” he murmured, “he’s coming.”
By then it was too late; Sans caught sight of Stretch and made a ‘come hither’ gesture with his finger, pointing to a spot in front of him.
At that moment, the door opened on the opposite side and Edge walked in. Red had to admit, his bro cleaned up pretty well and from the stunned expression on Stretch’s face, he was thinking something close to the same thing.
His suit was similar to Stretch’s, same colors and all, but where Stretch’s was simple and straightforward, Edge was wearing a cape, because of course he was, fucking drama queen, the silk lining of it matching his vest and hey, if you were one of the rare people out there who could wear a cape, you should always wear one. His bro could lay claim to the cape-bearing title. No tie, his collar was high like a priest, and across his collarbone was a chain holding the cape in place.
Edge was carrying a single white rose and Red had no idea if Stretch was supposed to have one or not. If so, Edge didn’t seem to care. He didn’t need Sans’s direction, he stepped right up to the front, cape swirling as if he’d spent a year practicing it like the world’s most pretentious Batman, only on Edge it looked natural, like he’d been born with it. There were worse talents, Red supposed.
They probably weren’t supposed to talk and his brother, who’d planned this to death, who probably had fucking excel worksheets and shit, who liked arranging things, who liked order, looked right at Stretch and whispered, “You’re beautiful.”
Orange touched his cheekbones and a quiet murmur of appreciation came from the peanut gallery, along with a few sniffles. Yeah, okay, Red was gonna go stand by his brother now because he’d already given his handkerchief to Stretch. This was gonna get ugly and he wanted a front row seat.
There was a pulpit but if Sans stood behind it, no one was going to see him. Instead, he pulled out a step stool, which had been painted white and liberally decorated with flowers like every other damn thing.
Anyone who didn’t think his bro had a sense of humor wasn’t paying attention.
Sans climbed up it amicably enough, and it put him as high as their shoulders. “well, hey, two grooms” Sans said easily. “good of you two to join us.” A titter of laughter went through the crowd. “now, edge gave me a speech for all this and it’s pretty nice, folks, you’re gonna love it. but before all that, i’d like to say something.” 
“i think almost everyone knows how you all ended up here and i don’t mind saying it was rough going at first. this wasn’t where any of us expected to be,” Sans said, with rare sincerity, his hands clasped loosely in front of him. “i’ve been watching both of you since you got here. it’s kinda what i do. watched you both grow, watched you change. i got to watch you heal, here on the surface with your friends.”
He waved a hand out at the gathered crowd. Monsters, yeah, Undyne and Alphys were sitting with Papyrus, who’d been playing the part of usher while everyone else worked through the issues. Asgore was in the back, alongside Frisk and Toriel, Monsters from the embassy, all their friends and neighbors. There were Humans too, Antwan had slipped into his seat after Edge came out, next to Andy, and with them was a woman Red didn’t know. What he did know was that Edge had fought to get her emergency clearance for the wedding, and that meant Red had spent half a day investigating her.
Why the fuck it was so important that a lady who owned a coffee shop be here, he didn’t know, but his brother had wanted her there, and there she was, wiping her eyes already with a Kleenex. Good mascara.
“they got to watch, too,” Sans went on. “and i watched you find each other, make a bond together, and we are all here today to watch you make that bond a little more permanent. not that I think either of you needed words for that.”
Sans smiled a little, rocking on his feet, and his stepladder creaked. “anyway, what i wanted to tell you two is, while you’re bonding your families together in marriage, i’d be happy to call both of you my brothers, too. we make our own families and you two are part of mine.”
“And mine,” Papyrus chimed in from the chairs, his smile brighter than the flowers sitting next to him.
“That means you’d have to accept my brother, too,” Edge murmured.
Another titter went through the crowd and Stretch grinned outright. Red only shrugged. Yeah, take your laughs, comedians. He’d allow it, today only.
 Sans slanted him a look and an unsubtle wink. Pervert. 
“yeah, well, for better or for worse ain’t just for marriages. so!” He clapped his hands together. “now that we got the opening act out of the way, let’s get this show on the road.” With a flourish, he pulled out a stack of notecards and then promptly tossed them over his shoulder to land behind the pulpit. “don’t worry, i got this. dearly beloved…”
Outside the town hall, someone had set up a discreet little smoking area. Not too far off the beaten path, probably since everyone knew that one of the grooms was the most likely to be using it. Stretch pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the inside pocket of his jacket, flicked his lighter, and inhaled pale smoke, relaxing as the nicotine incorporated itself into his magic.
He looked at his hand, a cigarette held between his first two fingers and the weight of the ring on his third finger unfamiliar and heavy. True to his word, he hadn’t seen it until Edge had slipped it on his finger, nor the one he’d been handed to put on Edge’s. It was a fairly plain band, lacking gemstones but there was an intricate design on the platinum surface. Not too surprising; Edge liked the pretties but Stretch was a plain sort of guy, so it looked like he’d compromised. There was some sort of plastic sleeve on the underside, too, holding it in place. Made sense, didn't want it rattling against his bones all the time. He couldn't wear it in the lab, anyway, not around moving parts or chemicals, it was a good way to lose a finger.
With this ring, I thee wed
A door opened behind him, shaking him from the memory, but when Stretch turned to look, it was Red. He stepped up to the ashtray and pulled out one of those nasty little cigars he favored, lighting it with a match and inhaling much the same way Stretch had a minute earlier.
Stretch crushed the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray and lit another, before he said softly, “red?”
“yeah?” Red exhaled a cloud of smoke with the word.
“no problem, bro.” The door opened again, and this time Edge came out. From the swirl of his cape to the shine on the tips of his shoes, he was gorgeous. And from now on Stretch got to say, ‘my husband, Edge’. From now until forever, whenever that was.
“he’s all yours, honey bun,” red muttered and walked away, still puffing, heedless of no smoking signs.
Edge smiled at him. His own ring caught the light with a mellow gleam. “Are you ready to head to the reception?”
“in a minute.” Stretch tamped out his cigarette only half-smoked and dropped it into the ashtray. Soon they’d be surrounded by people again and likely would the rest of the night, and he had a few things to say first. “i’m sorry i’ve been kinda an asshole the past few weeks.”
“You weren’t…” Edge began. Stretch held up a hand and he subsided, his brow bone furrowed in confusion.
“let me talk for a minute, babe,” Stretch said softly.
“All right.”
His confusion only grew more obvious when Stretch took his hand gently in his own, a mimicry of the ceremony they’d just gone through. He stroked Edge’s ring with his thumb, cool metal on bone.
“you deserve better than this, than me,” Stretch said bluntly. “but as it turns out, i'm too selfish to let you go.”
 "hush," he said sternly. Tuxedos sort of demanded standing up straight and that meant he was actually looking down at Edge. Looking into his eye lights, deep crimson gazing back up at him. Edge probably thought he knew what Stretch saw when he looked into him, what he saw, probably had no idea of the purity of soul that lay beneath his exterior.
Stretch knew. He knew Edge so very well. 
"so you know something?” Stretch leaned in to whisper, like it was a secret, “i think i'm just going to try to love you the very best that i can for the rest of our lives.”
Edge smiled, a little, the softness in it hinting at deeper secrets, but Stretch already knew them. He knew them all. "I'd like that."
Stretch nodded. That felt better than any other vows he'd said today. "okay. so how about we party?" 
“Oh, before we go in, I do have one more thing for you.” Edge reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jeweler’s box, dropping it into Stretch’s hands. Curiously, he opened it. It was a ring made out of soft, flexible silicon, colored as bright as any rainbow and with a heart imprinted in it.
“I know you can’t wear metal in the lab, so I thought—" 
Stretch was kissing him before he could finish, breathing words into him, “i love you. i love you so, so much.”
Gentle hands cupped his face and Edge kissed him back, catching his words and repeating them back to him. Stretch could smell flowers and cigarettes and Edge, everything mixed together alongside words of love, and he’d never been happier in his life.
“till death do us part, right?” Stretch murmured.
“Not for a long, long time,” Edge assured him.
“yeah, i liked the dearly beloved part better,” Stretch pressed a last kiss to his mouth, his cheek bone, his forehead, “but i didn’t need a ring to know that. okay, time to dance.”
Edge sighed and took Stretch’s hand. “I didn’t forget. Let’s go.”
He could feel Edge’s ring against his own fingers, warmed from his body temperature, and Stretch let his husband lead him inside where their friends and family were waiting.
His husband. Yeah.
He could get used to that.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Okay before we start: CD I first saw this submission through my mobile browser and therefore had no idea that you sent it and was gonna message you to BEG you to hold it for me. I love them so much holy shit. And I have some ideas.
Alternia, Beforus, or AU: Alternia
Themes/Story: Corday is nb and uses he/they/she interchangeably. He’s basically Theater Kid taken to its logical extreme. They’re a master of the art of disguise and utilize this skill to aid the rebellion. And also do some assassinations. So there’s her themes; theater, disguise, assassination. 
Thank you for giving this offering to me, an Adjacent to Theater Kid. I am planning a murder mystery party for my birthday. My birthday was three months ago. Corday is invited.
Name: Corday Nopper
Corday is a reference to Charlotte Corday, Marat’s assassin. Nopper references Noppera-bō, a mythical creature that disguises itself as human and can wipe off its face like a chalkboard. 
I…I never knew about Charlotte Corady before I read this holy shit.
Age: 9 sweeps,19.5 human years
Strife Specibus: Knifekind
I wanted to keep it simple and discrete for him. It’s also just subtly, just a little bit a reference to the assassination of Julius Caesar.  
I think you could also maybe get away with Staffkind if he’s into musical theater because of the pun.
Fetch Modus: Monologue Modus. They have to monologue for a minute about an object without saying the name of the object and their modus has to guess which item he’s talking about.
My main concern with this modus is that it doesn’t seem like Corday would use this one because it would require too much noise if they were sneaking around. Maybe a CHARADES MODUS? It plays into the acting without them needing to speak, and it lends itself to comedy when they need to retrieve, for example, a Perfectly Generic Object.
Blood Color: Indigo
They’re described as the enthusiasts of the spectrum and I thought that fit well for the level of Passion she brings to her job. 
Special Abilities: Nothing aside from the usual blueblood strength. 
Symbol and Meaning: I’ve been split between Sagio and Sagirius. I’m leaning Sagirius though since it’s called “the Bardic.” 
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I can see either one working for her tbh, but I LOVE Hope players so I side very strongly with Sagirius.
Trolltag: zealousDeathspian. Zealous references their enthusiasm, Deathspian is a portmanteau of Death and Thespian. 
DEATHSPIAN IS SO GOOD. What about dramaticMurd–I’m kidding I’m kidding. If you wanna go even harder on the theme maybe Deathspion to include “espion” in the title?
Quirk: As neutral as they can possibly make it. Outside of their acts, they like to project a relatively neutral image to make them harder to pin down. They are partial to (~: emojis, though. Their one identifying marker. 
Ex: Just as normal as can be. Definitely not a fun assassin or anything. (~: 
They change the quirk up between disguises, though! 
Lusus: Probably a big raccoon with many faces. As a reference to shapeshifting racoons in Japanese mythology.
Personality: Have you ever met a method actor? He buys into roles with all the enthusiasm possible. If you have any question about her disguises’ lives or personalities or likes or dislikes, she has a thorough answer. If she has a long mission playing a character with a broken arm, she will Break Her Arm. 
They’re committed to this because they thoroughly believe in the good of the cause and that if everyone just works hard enough, they’ll succeed, and succeed Soon. They’re definitely an optimist to a somewhat critical degree. They expect most things to go right simply because they believe in it. 
He also has a tendency towards the ruthless. When he’s got a mark, the mark will die. He’ll do anything to accomplish his goal. He has a strict moral sense, but that moral sense includes Never Fail To Follow Through On A Promise. 
She’s predisposed to drama and acting over the top when hanging out with friends, but can actually be a very serious and competent person when she needs to be. Dedicated and focused and responsive and passionate. 
Interests: Theater, Musicals, Costumes, Makeup, Sculpting, Glassblowing, Jewelry Making- Basically anything to do with costume making. Soap Operas, Trashy Dramatic Tabloid Magazines, A Good Knife. 
Title: Witch of Hope
Hope seems to fit her because of her strong convictions and optimism as well as her willingness to do anything to reach her goal. He has a strong personality, so an active class makes sense. But the Witch comes in in the active change, the need to shape and mold the nature of all that potential and optimism that he holds into a usable form. 
Land: Land of Drapes and Pinion 
Dream Planet: Derse
Design party…: 
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Leftmost: Their True Appearance/how they dress in front of friends. They hacked off their horns so they could put fakes in their place because they’re just that hardcore. And he also designed a new symbol to do a little more anonymity preservation. The shoes are from fan-troll. 
Blue: This is what she wears if she wants to walk around discretely. The goal is to be as generic as possible. The shoes are John’s! 
Purple: He disguises himself as a Bartender/Candy Vendor and runs in highblood circles to get Intel. The symbol is meant to look a bit like a lollipop. There’s sopor candies stuck in his hair. And I couldn’t decide on a good makeup so I did like… paint that looks like drool and a black eye. The suit and pants are both from fan-troll. 
Violet: Her most recent disguise, she assassinated a violet Career Adviser and took on her role. And uses this as a way to meet people she can convince to join the rebellion.  
Listen…I love him so so much my redesign is the MOST minimal thank you for this joy. I especially love that you kept visual continuity with the eyes without compromising your vision for him as a master of disguise.
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Okay SO. Minimal minimal changes idk if I’d even go top to bottom. Let’s go left to right?
True Self
I liked how you gave Corday’s casual duds this very “hanging out backstage before curtain call” vibe so I pinned their hair back the way one might if they were gonna wear a wig over it.
I also figured like. Breaking her horns its badass and all but it may be difficult to fit a prosthetic horn over that? So I gave her slightly shaved down horns (she could even do this with her knife!) that could potentially fit a prosthetic over them.
For his mouth I really liked the look of his teeth but I figured if they stuck out too much then they would difficult to conceal when he was undercover so I colored their outline in grey to keep the definition while visually implying that they’re set further back from his gums.
For their shirt, I gave them their real symbol. If we’re gonna push that this is how they are with their friends then that’s them at their messiest and most relaxed, which would include aspects of their True Self.
Other than that just a few outline changed but all in all it’s a real good look.
So I edited the symbol you originally gave to her true self and shifted it over, mostly so it could feasibly comply with multiple sign languages? I also edited the horns so they’re just pointy and not so arrowlike.
For their disguise, I wanna explain my reasoning. So we know that hemoanonymity is effective in that people genuinely can’t tell what your blood color is, but that it’s also see as childish and immaturely rebellious, so doing so may bring you attention in a way that simply wearing a shirt with a blood colored symbol may not.
A really, really effective disguise makes the onlooker draw their own conclusions and feel much smarter than you are. So, fine! Let his symbol be hemonanon! Deck him out in grey-colored clothing that’s indistinguishable from others’ fashion choices.
If you look closely you’ll see that they’re wearing bronze ankle socks. They’re very small! Barely noticeable! Almost like something they’d worn them by mistake.
Someone speaking to her would obviously roll their eyes at her greyed-out sign and cast about for hints of her “real” blood color and see the socks. Aha, they’d think, she’s slipped up. Forgot to leave those at home, huh? And now that they think of it, it’s obvious she’s a bronzeblood. It’s not just the circle in her sign either; she may not be dressed to the nines, but look at the touch of mascara around her lower lashes! The slight gleam of her lip gloss. Typical bronzebloods. They can try to hide their blood color all they want, but their desire for creature comforts will always give them away.
Once again, not much to change here. Made the white threads in their suit yellow for that little pop, and swapped out the tie for a loud bow tie for the whimsy. I also adjusted a few stands of hair that felt like they were laying oddly.
For the face paint, between the candy association and the single sharp snaggletooth, he’s already halfway to being a jack-o-lantern, so that’s what I used for his makeup! Other than that he was perfect.
Career Advisor
I lengthened her jacket collar and her sideburns to more deliberately cover up the space where there would be a line between her face and her fin; we don’t really know how far practical makeup can take us in this instance. Aside from that though I really didn’t have any fixes and tbh that was more because I felt like I had to futz with the sprite a little bit.
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My Reaction to “Batman and Robin”
Oh God here we go.  Just in time for the holidays...
*externally screaming*
*deep breath then continues screaming*
What’s with these opening credits?
Do they really have to put creases everywhere on the Batsuit?
Is Robin wearing eyeshadow?!?
Hot Wheels:  The Movie
“This is why Superman works alone.”  Oh God, Superman’s in this universe?
My sister:  It’s the Nicholas Cage version.
You gotta have this big elaborate light show to reveal Dick’s motorcycle
Is that Pat Hingle [as Commissioner Gordon]?  God, just go away.
Not gonna lie, I like the makeup they did for Mr. Freeze’s face
“Hi Freeze, I’m Batman!”
The hole left in the wall when Dick crashes through it is the Robin symbol.  SUBTLE!
“It’s the hockey team from hell!”  I mean, yeah.
Random close ups!
Ice skates!
Freeze just threw that guy straight up in the air.
This whole movie looks like it took place in a rave.  Like, what’s with all the neon lighting in an art museum?
I like the bottom of Mr. Freeze’s boots.  At least he’ll get traction
[Mr. Freeze rockets out of the museum] *sings*  If you want to view paradise...
So where does Freeze find all this time to make these contraptions in the first place?
George Clooney’s acting is like a stick:  it’s wooden
If Dick yells “Cowabunga!,” I swear to God...
“Cowabunga!”  Oh my God no
There is no way Batman can catch up to Mr. Freeze in free fall.  10 ft per second, assholes!
The colors in this movie would legit make a pretty awesome commission color palette
Robin was just frozen mid-air?!?!?
*sing songs*  Shaky cam!
Chuck him [the frozen Robin] at the wall!
Matte painting!
What did she (Dr. Isley) just say?
AN:  We’re only 15 minutes in?!?
Is she [Dr. Isley] speaking into a tube of lipstick?
Antonio Diego?
This whole scene with the introduction to Bane looks like something out of Rocky Horror for some reason.  You got a couple weird people in suits watching the whole thing up on a balcony and you got a wacky-ass scientist with crazy hair
That’s.... gross...
Pointing... more pointing!
So dumping a whole bunch of toxins on Dr. Isley is gonna turn her into a psycho plant seductress?  OK...
I like how the security camera zooms in on Victor becoming Mr. Freeze
George Clooney looks way too smug to be Bruce Wayne for some reason.  Grow some hair!
AN:  Oh my God, we’re only 23 minutes in... *whines* this is a two hour movie!
Dutch Angle!
I do like the purple lighting in the lab
*Poison Ivy appears in the middle of the lab from underground*  How?
“My [Ivy] blood has been replace with aloe, my skin with chlorophyll.”
My sister:  Moisturize your skin with my blood!
Chlorophyll is a pigment.  If her [Ivy’s] skin is now made up of chlorophyll, shouldn’t she be green?
Is Woodrue’s tongue turning green?
“Hell, I am Mother Nature!”  That’s like probably one of the only good lines in this movie.
*starts singing “Mr. Snow Miser”*
I like Freeze’s polar bear slippers!
This mofo [Freeze] is blue!
Why does Mr. Freeze have a cigar?
This whole movie plot is ripped from an episode of “Batman:  The Animated Series.”  Seriously, the episode’s called “Cold Comfort.”
The actress playing Nora Fries looks waaaay too young for some reason.
George Clooney is wearing a turtleneck... for the love of God, wear something else!
“I’m not used to this type of luxury...”  You [Barbara] go to a boarding school.  Shut up!
This looks like one of the streets used in the Batman TV show in the 60s.
That wig Ivy just put on has the Pulp Fiction bangs
Who’s the lady in the pink suit?
Julie Madison?  Why don’t we see more of her besides being a one-off girlfriend?
OK, I like the trench coat Ivy has on
They used the word “primordial” in the script.  I’m impressed.
“... warm-blooded opressors...” Aren’t you [Ivy] warm-blooded though?  You’re human...
Holy crap the makeup on Mr. Freeze without the costume is great
*The costume ball starts*  This is “The Mask” all over again
This is literally the same set they used for the art museum in the beginning of the movie
There’s a dude in the background wearing a leopard-print tuxedo
*mutters*  The hell is this music?
I actually like the eye makeup on Ivy
“I’ll bring everything you see here and everything you don’t.”  Mic drop.
Was that a banana peel sound effect?
My sister:  Yes it was.
“Good night.”  OK, that was funny.
Where is Ivy still there after Freeze left?
*The camera pans up a giant statue*  HANDSSSSS.... TOUCHING HANDSSSS...
Oh my gosh the CGI
*The Batmobile gets frozen and crashes*  Oh no, not the merchandise!
“We have very little time.”  For what?
Michael Gough:  MVP of the movie
Did they just use a lightsaber sound effect to indicate the end of the flashback?
Ominous green lighting!
They [the Arkham guards] put him [Freeze] in an ice box...
The tile son the floor in Victor’s cell line up to make a snowflake
*Radioactive ghetto people show up*  I would legit go as one of them for Halloween
This movie is just one big sound stage
Where’d she [Ivy] get the seeds from?
George Clooney legit sounds like Mel Gibson’s John Smith from “Pocahontas”
There’s a floating face!
I think that’s actually Coolio
AN:  Yes it is
What is the point of this whole motorcycle race thing?  There’s literally no point to this scene.
My sister:  Did they just really wanna show off the set?
Me:  Well this movie is literally one giant toy commercial so...
That green screen was terrible
“Alfred’s not sick.  He’s dying.”  Well way to whip that out, movie!
You can tell that they put some effort into the characterization of Freeze in this movie.  It’s just surrounded by a bunch of campy, stupid stuff.
“Men are the most absurd of God’s creations.”  Man was one of the first ones, bitch...
I have the Poison Ivy gif of “Not good!”  saved on my laptop
Sorry Freeze, only one person looks good in chrome
*Freeze freezes the pipes to make them explode*  Well that was quick
Liking the statues of the absolutely ripped dudes on the fireplace mantle in Wayne Manor.  Schumacher, I see you.
*Batman opens up the secret bookcase in Freeze’s old lair to find Nora*  IT’S MISTER WHITE CHRISTMAS, IT’S MISTER SNOW!
I like that there’s a convenient lever from “Heat” to “Freeze”
*Bane beats Robin*  I was wondering what would break first:  your spirit... or your body!
“Why are all the gorgeous ones homicidal maniacs?”  Point!
Oh there you go.  Commissioner Gordon actually did something in this movie.
Is that slime?
“I’m [Dick] going solo!”  But not Han Solo.  He’s not cool enough to be Han Solo
My sister:  He’s whiny enough to be Ben Solo
Me:  Except Ben Solo was written better.
Oh, Ivy’s green boots are awesome
Freeze’s eyes look orange in this scene
“First...” Gotham!
“Gotham!”  Then the world!
“And then... the world!”  Haha!
“Adam... and Evil!”  BOO...
OH MY GOD- oh, that’s Bruce.  OK.
*Bruce and Dick argue over Ivy’s influence over them*  It’s called pheromones, guys.  Everyone has them.
What the... heck was that transition?
Oh I like that dress Ivy’s wearing...
Slow... motion...
Ellie Macpherson (Julie Madison) kinda looks like Jennifer Garner
Oh just smash it [the Bat-signal] in!  You don’t need to actually lift it up!
I just realized what’s wrong with George Clooney in this movie:  it always looks like he has a five o’clock shadow above his top lip
*Bruce hugs Alfred*  Aaawww!
The signature on the portrait wasn’t there a second ago!
*cracks up at the computer saying “Access Granted”*
Why is a telescope powered on crystals?
“... will you trust me now?”  *in best angsty teenage impression*  No, because he’s [Dick] got his eyeshadow on!
OK. Arnold’s evil laugh is getting there.  A little more work then he’s got it
*Barbara puts on her Batsuit*  Eeewww... eeww!
How the hell did Ivy set up her evil lair?
“Hi there.”  *in best George Clooney voice*  Hi Robin, I’m Ivy!
“How about ‘Slippery When Wet?’“ 
*actually has to collapse backwards on floor to laugh*
My sister:  Her eyeshadow’s awesome
Me:  She [Ivy] looks like a drag queen!
My sister:  It’s the eyebrows!
*Robin peels off his rubber lips*  WHAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?
Oh my God, look at her [Ivy’s] bangles!
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait!  They rewound the tape when Robin resurfaces from the pool!
My sister:  *sings*  My name’s Blurryface and I care what you think...
*Ivy’s plants suddenly eat her*  ...Why?
Oh she’s not dead.  OK...
*Camera pans up giant statue*  Aaaabbsss... Schumacher loves them...
*Random person in telephone booth gets frozen*  NO, NOT THE TARDIS!
He was frozen mid-pee though.  Youch.
Why do all the Batsuits have silver accents now?  Unless the silver bits are just snap-on attachments...
*sing songs*  Free-zing... freezing the city!
My sister:  Now I just want the planetarium fight from “The Great Game” to happen
Me:  Oh my God... we should watch that instead!
My sister:  Right?!?!?
You seriously could take any shot from this movie and all the colors in them would make up an awesome color palette
*Dick unleashes the grappling hook at the last minute and successfully latches onto something*  I CALL BULL!
Where the hell did he [Bane] come from?!?
AN:  Oh God we’re almost done with this movie YAAAAYY!
*Bane literally deflates*  Eeeewwww!
Oh my gosh, that 1997 CGI though
[Some of the ice in the city proceeds to melt]  *sings*  Here comes the sun...
*Mr. Freeze lets out an evil chuckle*  What a story, Mark!
Oh my God, that green screen though!
*The Bat gang manages to get rid of all the ice covering the city*  This... is bull... shit.
The ice actually wiggles on the cop car door!
I call bullshit on this whole movie!
Oh, and he [Freeze] just had the cure [to Nora and Alfred] on him the whole time?
OK, I actually liked the music for that scene.  What the heck?
OK, for being a man-hater, Ivy, you’re pretty obsessed about one.
“Winter has come at last.”  Game of Thrones did it better.
The official catchphrase for this movie:  Hi [insert name], I’m [insert other name]
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